irclog2html for #teleconf on 20031201

18:58.11*** join/#teleconf jamey (~jamey@3ffe:4015:ffff:11:2e0:63ff:fe81:cc92)
18:58.11*** mode/#teleconf [+o jamey] by ChanServ
19:04.47*** join/#teleconf pb_ (
19:05.01jameyhi pb_
19:05.05pb_hi jamey
19:05.16jameyso far just you and I and jg
19:05.34pb_okay.  I'm dialling in now.
19:07.34*** join/#teleconf nelson (
19:07.44nelsonHi, ibot!
19:12.09jamey0.7.2: installation instructions need h5xxx augmentation
19:13.07jameyxserver is missing mit screensaver extension
19:13.36jameyipaq-sleep really should not dump reams of log data if it can't use mit screensaver extension
19:13.44jameynewer extension has a more serious bug
19:14.08jameynewer xserver, that is, possibly related to damage ext
19:14.45jameypb_ may have to unwind to previous version of xserver with a fix to configuration script
19:16.14jameyold xserver tiny ipaq works except it gives colored squares on resume on h5xxx
19:16.38jameyother bad bug is that usb networking is hopelessly broken: locks up ipaq when docked in cradle
19:21.12jameyregarding 0.7.3: biggest headache is updating the html pages for the new releases
19:23.53jameymight be easier to make an upgrade kit for ipaqs lacking networking, but it's another documentation problem
19:27.11jameynelson says: upgrade packages in the feed to fix bugs, tell people to do update;upgrade.  then we'll make a cumulative upgrade tarball for networkless ipaqs
19:28.09nelsonPhil says "but first we have to fix the bugs."  Russ guffaws in appreciation
19:29.52jameyruss has seen cardmgr quit -- need to keep an eye on it
19:30.41jameyPhil observes that it is strange that we have so many new problems
19:30.52jameymaybe it is just that expectations are going up?
19:31.57jameymight be gcc related: ipaqpxa built with 3.3.2, ipaqsa built with 3.2.3
19:32.52jameyopie has a bunch of h5xxx problems that are supposed to be fixed in 1.0.3
19:34.28jameyh5xxx touchscreen does not work after resume
19:34.40jameywlan-ng modules are empty
19:34.50jameystill no clear winners among the wlan drivers
19:35.22jameynot clear anyone really has to use wlan-ng any more, but some still use it out of habit
19:40.07*** join/#teleconf joshua_ (
19:40.14jameylab: joshua working on nand and a lab image for h5xxx
19:40.22jameyjoshua_: you want to give us a lab update?
19:40.44joshua_lab boots properly and can mount root fs on h3900 (and boot a kernel)
19:40.53joshua_at least, it worked last time I checked
19:41.02joshua_once I get h1900 all going, I will re-connect jtag to the h3900
19:41.34jameyvery good!
19:41.35joshua_on h1900, a capacitor on the board exploded so I have no screen, but jtag, USB, and nand (the three key things for now) work right
19:42.01joshua_h1900 nand, I'm not certain how to go about tackling nand jffs2 stuff
19:42.07joshua_jffs2 is just really bloated
19:42.18joshua_there's support in the kernel, however I've been having issues getting it to work.
19:42.25joshua_I'll take a look at it later today, I suppose.
19:42.40nelsonjoshua_: lean on dwmw2 if necessary.
19:42.44joshua_h5400, I've been meaning to poke pb_ or jamey to test an image on it.
19:42.56joshua_nelson: I was planning on doing that, although he's around at all the wrong hours.
19:43.05nelsonjoshua_: getting nand working is on his agenda, so if you need his help, he needs yours.
19:43.18joshua_tglx is I suppose the more correct person to prod, I think he wrote most of the nand code
19:43.21joshua_nelson: ah, spiffy
19:44.00nelsonMy point remains: don't try to fix this all on your own, there are others you can work with.
19:44.11joshua_I posted something to linux-mtd, have not heard back yet
19:44.35jamey2.6 kernel is coming along nicely
19:45.00joshua_yeah, 2.6 looks like it should be ready for unstable soon. what are the big things that are left in 2.6?
19:45.27pb_power management, strongarm support, sleeve are the big ones I can think of
19:45.31joshua_things that come to mind include: userland stuff for frontlight, LED control, buttonpad
19:45.33joshua_ah, right
19:45.57pb_obviously we could ship pxa kernels without strongarm initially, but lack of PM and sleeve are serious issues.
19:46.09pb_you can control frontlight through /sys, and it wouldn't be hard to add something for LED.
19:46.18joshua_ah, there's /sys control for frontlight
19:46.45joshua_LED is not a really major thing, although buttonpad would be nice.
19:46.57joshua_oh, and that's the other thing that I wanted to mention for LAB...
19:47.04pb_buttonpad shouldn't be that big a deal.
19:47.12jameythere is sys control for frontlight/backlight/lcd/brightness/contrast
19:47.40joshua_I'd like to have LAB be a replacement for bootblaster. I'd like it to detect that wince is on the machine, then detect that it booted from RAM.
19:48.07joshua_if both of those conditions are met, I'd like it to prompt the user to install itself onto bootldr flash.
19:48.15jameyjoshua_: that would be excellent -- I would like that also
19:48.31jameyjoshua_: we need linexec to run on all the platforms
19:48.41joshua_it'll then ask you to hit center, at which point it'll reset. if you hit center while you reset and WinCE's on the device, it'll install a root image.
19:48.43joshua_jamey: yes.
19:48.49joshua_jamey: that should not be too difficult, though.
19:49.05joshua_jamey: pigeon is making good progress with linexec on StrongARM.
19:49.18jameyvery good
19:55.41joshua_remaining in h1900 support is: initializing the LCD without smoking it, various other GPIO support, sdio support, pm support.
19:55.52joshua_also a big thing that we're waiting for in LAB is PM support.
20:10.18jameyand modprobe python and then it will be complete
20:13.26joshua_nelson: power management
21:37.25joshua_will anyone else be needing me here, or should I /parT?
21:39.36pb_I think you can safely /parT for now.  we know where to find you, after all.
21:41.46*** part/#teleconf nelson (
22:02.19*** join/#teleconf jamey (~jamey@3ffe:4015:ffff:11:2e0:63ff:fe81:cc92) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
22:02.19*** mode/#teleconf [+o jamey] by
22:21.59*** join/#teleconf jamey (~jamey@3ffe:4015:ffff:11:2e0:63ff:fe81:cc92) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
22:21.59*** mode/#teleconf [+o jamey] by
23:59.12*** part/#teleconf joshua_ (

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