irclog2html for #tacobeam on 20050523

00:25.32purple_cowso my sister told me something that tickled the hell outta me
00:25.46purple_cowapparently on the MIT campus, there's about 10x as much advertising for the new dr. who as there was for episode 3
00:26.45CIA-6galago: 03chipx86 * r1851 10libgalago/ (ChangeLog libgalago/galago-person.c): Get rid of UnsetProperty. We have RemoveProperty. Silly me.
00:37.20kergothpurple_cow: hah, cool
00:37.47CIA-6BZFlag: 03davidtrowbridge * 10bzflag/plugins/python/binding-thoughts: events are done, so i can remove that from here
00:53.39*** join/#tacobeam lalo (~lalo@
01:00.18CIA-6galago: 03chipx86 * r1852 10galago-daemon/ (ChangeLog src/person.c): Implement UnsetPhoto.
01:03.56CIA-6navi-misc: 03evan 07fyre-canvas * r8340 10/src/ (CanvasElement.cs ElementList.cs Layout.cs):
01:03.56CIA-6navi-misc: Undo some changes I made last time. Just leave the rectangle in Fyre.Canvas.Element public.
01:03.56CIA-6navi-misc: Got rid of the ElementRoot object, since it's not really a primitive and moved that code
01:03.56CIA-6navi-misc: into Fyre.Canvas.Element.
01:03.58lurgyuh oh, i think david fell off the game?
01:06.26purple_cowooh, this episode has a great title
01:06.29purple_cow"planet of the slave girls"
01:09.12darth_mallguest starring Capt. James T. Kirk as Billy Shatner?
01:13.35CIA-6BZFlag: 03davidtrowbridge * 10bzflag/plugins/python/ (PyBZFlag.cpp PyBZFlag.h): well, it's adding players properly...
01:20.01CIA-6navi-misc: 03evan 07fyre-canvas * r8341 10/src/CanvasElement.cs: Yay segfaults!
01:28.06purple_cowwow! jack palance is in this episode
01:28.31purple_cowlurgy: where'd ya go?
01:32.07lurgypurple_cow: makin' dinner
01:32.59lurgyegad i have a navy now
01:33.42purple_cowand probably less money
01:33.47CIA-6galago: 03chipx86 * r1853 10galago-daemon/ (ChangeLog src/account.c): Emit AvatarSet and AvatarUnset signals.
01:36.47purple_cowlooks like CIA is fully recovered :)
01:36.55purple_cowI/O rate is now less than I/O refill
02:14.00CIA-6navi-misc: 03evan 07fyre-canvas * r8342 10/src/ (CanvasElement.cs ElementList.cs): Fixed the segfault and the h and w of 0 in the Element.
02:15.45darth_mallgod I hate this dvdrom
02:25.23lurgywe should go rent "what's up tiger lily" :)
02:31.31CIA-6BZFlag: 03davidtrowbridge * 10bzflag/plugins/python/ (PyBZFlag.cpp PyBZFlag.h): maintain players array when the plugin gets join/part events
02:38.25darth_mallhmm... it's tempting to order the Hellsing box set
02:39.08laodamasyay home
02:40.25laodamasand attacking class III rapids in an innertube
02:44.20purple_cowdarth_mall: the voting thingy
02:45.11darth_mallit frightens me that Love Hina is 27
02:45.17darth_malland above FLCL
02:46.20purple_cowa lot of people don't get FLCL
02:46.59darth_mallit's also above such wonderful shows as ROD
02:48.58darth_mallhmm... kinda tempting to wander over to the video station...
03:02.18*** join/#tacobeam jbot (
03:02.18*** topic/#tacobeam is And if that doesn't work, I got you a six-pack of champagne and a funnel!
03:02.53CIA-6navi-misc: 03evan 07fyre-canvas * r8343 10/src/CanvasPrimitives.cs: Deleted the ElementRoot.
03:18.10CIA-6galago: 03chipx86 * r1854 10galago-daemon/ (ChangeLog src/person.c): Added PhotoUnset, PhotoSet, and PropertyRemoved signals.
03:20.53darth_mallI just stumbled on an ad for Gundam Wing on Toonami on this dvd
03:20.56darth_mallman, that brings back memories
03:21.08darth_mallfirst anime series I ever watched
03:22.10ChipX86yay, WoW locked up windows
03:29.41hardwireI fail to be impressed.
03:30.06ChipX86good. More bandwidth for us :)
03:31.27*** join/#tacobeam sbahra (~sbahra@
03:33.59CIA-6galago: 03chipx86 * r1855 10galago-daemon/ (ChangeLog src/account.c src/person.c): Pass the new objects in the PhotoSet, AvatarSet, and PresenceSet signals.
03:40.48CIA-6galago: 03chipx86 * r1856 10libgalago/ (ChangeLog libgalago/galago-core.c): Set or unset the presence, avatar, or photo when receiving the appropriate signals.
03:43.45CIA-6galago: 03chipx86 * r1857 10libgalago/ (ChangeLog libgalago/galago-core.c): Support the PropertyRemoved signal.
03:46.10purple_cowstupid freeciv, sucking away my ENTIRE FREAKING DAY
03:46.12darth_mallheh... I didn't remember this anime being so poorly animated
03:47.07darth_mallCrest of the Stars
03:51.40kergothChipX86: i really hate it when i disarm a guy in wow, and he starts punching me for more damage than he did with his weapon.
03:51.53ChipX86that's really funny and sad
03:52.06numistthats hilarious
03:54.25CIA-6galago: 03chipx86 * r1858 10libgalago/NEWS: Fix up the NEWS a bit to rearrange things and mention D-BUS 0.30+ support.
04:08.00CIA-6galago: 03chipx86 * r1859 10gaim-galago/ (ChangeLog NEWS src/gaim-galago.c): Avatars are no longer automatically sent every time a status update occurs. They're now sent only if the avatar has changed.
04:09.53CIA-6galago: 03chipx86 * r1860 10libgalago/ (ChangeLog libgalago/galago-account.c): Don't attempt to remove an account from a person if that person was already destroyed. This has been noticed during the galago-daemon feed unregistration process.
04:24.48darth_mallI set gmail to archive my e-mail when I pull it down through POP
04:25.04darth_malland when the mail-notification checked my account, it archived it so that evo couldn't get to it
04:39.52CIA-6galago: 03chipx86 * r1861 10galago-daemon/ (ChangeLog src/account.c): "AvatarSet" != "PresenceSet". I cannot stress enough how important the distinction is.
04:53.01kergothChipX86: i've decided that i need a wow addon that monitors for whenever i leave a reagent vendor without buying flash powder so i can Vanish, reaches out of the computer and smacks me in the head
04:53.31purple_cowkergoth: GET A LIFE
04:53.45kergothi'm heading to MN tomorrow
04:54.00ChipX86kergoth: haha
05:00.55wca*: GET A LIFE
05:01.33ChipX86says the guy lurking on IRC
05:01.47wcai'm talking to a girl on aim too!  :P
05:02.09kergothoh thats _so_ much better
05:02.17wcahence the :P
05:02.30ChipX86I'm about to talk to my girlfriend over the phone, and tomorrow I'm going to my high-paying job at whatever time I damn well please. I've got a life :)
05:02.38wcai hate you.
05:02.43ChipX86and she's coming Saturday! :D
05:02.48wcai really hate you.
05:02.49ChipX86I get her all to myself for a week
05:02.56kergothi had a life like that too for a while
05:03.10ChipX86kergoth: :/
05:03.39wcai've never had a life like that :(
05:03.42kergothmaybe i should sell magazine subscriptions and pretend i used to be on crack
05:03.53ChipX86kergoth: that usually works
05:04.22kergotheverythign i need to know i learned from Office Space
05:04.36numistfuck you chippy
05:04.41ChipX86we've been playing with the idea of having a group viewing of Office Space at work one of these days
05:04.52kergoththats an excellent idea
05:05.04wcalike any of you have never seen Office Space?
05:05.16ChipX86wca: we just really like it
05:05.49wcamake sure mgmt watches too
05:05.56ChipX86it was partially their idea
05:06.05ChipX86our manager is as big a geek as us :)
05:06.20kergothmy boss at ti was an office space fan too
05:06.45kergothhe tought me about a bunch of scotches i'd never tried before
05:06.52kergothmm, scotch
05:09.31darth_mallyou're all troublemakers!
05:14.38lurgynight darth_mall
05:18.56CIA-6galago: 03chipx86 * r1862 10gaim-galago/ (ChangeLog src/gaim-galago.c): Update the avatar on idle change, since we currently have no reliable way of knowing when it is updated.
05:56.08*** join/#tacobeam laodamas (
06:01.46*** topic/#tacobeam by laodamas -> And if that doesn't work, I have a buffalo with an aqualung.
06:05.00*** join/#tacobeam rioter (
06:07.33*** topic/#tacobeam by laodamas -> And if that doesn't work, I got you a buffalo with an aqualung.
06:38.18ChipX86ok, figured out why the lights and stuff have been all screwy here
06:38.23ChipX86the circuit breaker is completely screwed up
06:38.31ChipX86in fact now, if I turn it on, it makes "bzbzzzzz" sounds
06:38.35ChipX86and starts to smell
06:38.39ChipX86which is really not good
06:38.53ChipX86so I need to get someone in here to work on that
06:39.05ChipX86it's staying off for a while
06:39.25ChipX86what's also scary is that I can now move the switch to any position I want
06:39.44ChipX86rather than off and on
06:42.41ChipX86aw, damn.. the fridge is plugged into that circuit too
06:42.45ChipX86got to keep it closed
06:43.22ChipX86might as well e-mail work now and say I have to deal with tihs tomorrow
07:21.27CIA-6: 03kergoth 07 * r1.2843.407.1 10jonslug/packages/genext2fs/ (3 files): No longer apply the bytes per inode patch to genext2fs cvs, since it was applied upstream, and switch from cvs to the first prerelease of 1.4.
07:21.50kergothwow, that commit was like days ago
07:23.32purple_cowkergoth: that script is broken
07:23.40purple_cowit's not giving a program name
07:23.58kergothits been working just fine for weeks
07:24.02kergothjonslug isnt correct either
07:24.05kergoththat wasnt my commit
07:24.10purple_cowkergoth: the script, not you
07:24.12kergothsomeone did a push from a completely different repo
07:24.18purple_cowwhatever client script it is is kerbroke
07:24.36kergothno way to know who's repo that was
07:24.44kergothpeer to peer
07:24.47kergothcoudl be anyone's
07:24.56kergoththe username 'kergoth' is who did the change, not who pushed it
07:26.12purple_cowmaybe i can get micah to blackhole commits that have an empty project name
07:26.15purple_cow'cuz that's just annoying
07:26.38kergothyeah, good idea
07:26.39ChipX86it'd be so neat if I was able to power my fridge
07:26.50ChipX86I guess I can do that now, but I don't want to wake up in a fire
07:26.57purple_cowChipX86: =/
07:27.08purple_cowdoesn't your apartment complex have someone to, yknow, fix those sorts of things?
07:27.30ChipX86but I didn't realize what the cause was until today
07:29.24purple_cowseems like powering your refridgerator is important
07:29.27ChipX86it is
07:29.39ChipX86which is why I already contacted work saying I won't be in tomorrow as I need to get this repaired
07:29.56ChipX86but there's nothing I can really do about it right now
07:30.29ChipX86as long as I keep the fridge shut until tomorrow it should generally be okay, and I need to toss half the stuff in there anyway
07:37.31ChipX86oh hey, I have that mini fridge. I should just put the meat and stuff into there
07:41.54ChipX86mini fridge saves the day! Everything I care about is in there now
07:42.33ChipX86yep :)
07:42.41ChipX86they should air it on TV though :(
07:42.57ChipX86I can't figure out how it managed to get canceled
07:43.11purple_cowfox has a long record of cancelling great shows
07:43.38ChipX86yeah :/
07:45.50purple_cowhey look, there's ChipX86's head
07:47.11purple_cowi don't have python 2.4 on bhaskara
07:48.24ChipX86uh oh, I want to do some cool coding before I go to bed
08:02.37purple_cowapparently doctor who has a mauve alert :)
08:06.18CIA-6galago: 03chipx86 * r1863 10galago-daemon/ (ChangeLog src/person.c): Make the error reply to the message, not to itself.
08:10.20CIA-6galago: 03chipx86 * r1864 10libgalago/ (3 files in 2 dirs): Properly check for the INVALID_PROPERTY error.
08:15.44purple_cowhehe, this is a cool episode so far
08:17.52ChipX86that's of course going to be scaled later
08:18.07ChipX86and it'll have contact info and a list of accounts with presences
08:23.03ChipX86yay, scaled
08:23.27ChipX86more tomorrow
08:42.35purple_cowvery cool episode
09:43.36CIA-6BZFlag: 03davidtrowbridge * 10bzflag/plugins/python/ (PyPlayer.cpp PyPlayer.h PyBZFlag.cpp PyBZFlag.h): start work on creating a real Python class for players
09:54.33purple_cowi can see why lurgy liked this, this is an awesome movie :)
09:57.46purple_cowi think a couple of these people were in shaolin soccer
10:12.45CIA-6BZFlag: 03davidtrowbridge * 10bzflag/plugins/python/ (PyPlayer.cpp SConstruct): make it compile...CVS: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
10:55.49CIA-6BZFlag: 03davidtrowbridge * 10bzflag/plugins/python/PyPlayer.cpp: implement the guts of the getattr method for the Player class. just gotta fill in data now
12:33.23*** join/#tacobeam merlin262 (
12:58.04TDhi guys, any idea what day scanline is back?
13:55.19darth_mallTD[gone]: I think sometime this week, but I don't know when
15:18.46*** join/#tacobeam Samy (~samy@
15:39.15CIA-6BZFlag: 03jeffm2501 * 10bzflag/ (7 files in 2 dirs): hooks for plugin to overide perms sent to clients on playerInfo
16:04.28*** join/#tacobeam JeffM2501 (
16:41.02CIA-6galago: 03chipx86 * r1866 10gaim-galago/ (ChangeLog Bump to version
16:44.52ChipX86I had a good dream last night!!
16:44.57ChipX86first in about 3 or 4 weeks :D
16:45.05numistI woke up sore...  I must have been very busy when I was asleep
16:45.27kergothChipX86: nice
16:46.03kergothso i'm planning on leaving for MN today.  gonna stop for the night at a hotel on the way instead of going straight through the way i usually do.  no point in rushing it and driving half asleep
16:46.31ChipX86will we see you again soon?
16:46.48kergothyeah, probalby tomorrow when i get there
16:46.55darth_malldon't hurt yourself
16:47.27nullpuppysafe travels and all that stuff..
16:48.02kergothwonder if google maps can show me hotels along the route from tx to mn yet.  thatd be cool
16:49.40darth_mallgoogle maps can do anything
16:49.43darth_malleven bake a cake
16:50.29numisthave fun kergoth
17:00.11CIA-6g2bridge: 03evan * r167 10/src/test/ (test-errlog.cpp test-opto.cpp test.cpp):
17:00.11CIA-6g2bridge: Found I can get the output I want just by setting up the test suite manually. This will
17:00.11CIA-6g2bridge: save me the trouble of implementing my unit testing framework, which makes me happy
17:00.12CIA-6g2bridge: because I hate reinventing the wheel.
17:02.47ChipX86guess I'm losing power soon
17:02.57darth_malloh no
17:04.39darth_malloh no!
17:06.53numistoh noes
17:16.00fileChipX86 makes me sad
17:16.17ChipX86boardwalk pics
17:18.34ChipX86hmm, my connection to vmware is really slow
17:19.23ChipX86eep, I'm in the pics!
17:19.29ChipX86I do not photograph well
17:19.44numistgood way to dispose of cameras...  take a picture of chippy
17:19.58ChipX86I should save these and show you guys pics of my team :D
17:20.16fileso we know who to go after?
17:20.28filegreat idea
17:44.45ChipX86yay done
17:49.37CIA-6g2bridge: 03evan * r168 10/src/test/ (test.cpp util.cpp util.h):
17:49.37CIA-6g2bridge: Set up my outputter and listener with output styles I'm fairly happy with.
17:49.37CIA-6g2bridge: There's still a lot of ws between the progress and the failures, but it's
17:49.37CIA-6g2bridge: not the end of the world.
17:57.08CIA-6g2bridge: 03evan * r169 10/src/test/util.cpp: Fixed the ws a little bit in the output.
18:09.48CIA-6g2bridge: 03evan * r170 10/src/test/ ( test-errlog.cpp test-opto.cpp test.cpp util.cpp): Added a command line switch for specifying a single test.
18:09.56darth_mallI think it might be about lunch time...
18:15.34lurgyjames should put me in charge of coming up with a slogan for cx
18:15.50*** join/#tacobeam rioter (
18:16.20lurgy"cx: maybe someday not a black hole of work and money"
19:05.31kergothhey Samy
19:10.13darth_malllurgy: it's got my vote
19:10.56darth_mall"Cx: The correct acronym is CE, but Microsoft owns that already"
19:26.31kergothwhew. clothes packed, now to clean the car and start figuring out what will fit
19:27.23kergothbit of a problem, when i was finishing cleaning the closet i found a small uhaul box half full of books
19:27.32kergothwas wondering where my cryptonomicon went
19:28.05kergothno way thatll fit, probably need to ship it
19:33.53CIA-6g2bridge: 03evan * r171 10/src/test/util.cpp: Helps to initialize the booleans.
19:35.31TDChipX86: hola
19:36.34numistthe bosses daughter is so funny...  Im the only person at the office (everyone else is out of town), so she's telling me "Im heading to to x, be back in a few hours" as if Im the one in charge around here :P
19:36.49numisthilarious since she's as old as my gf..  so weird
19:51.46ChipX86my phone confuses me
19:51.50darth_mallme too
19:51.54ChipX86you would never know I wrote software if you saw me try to operate my phone
19:51.58darth_mallChipX86: your phone makes my brain hurt
19:52.25darth_mallis it a cell?
19:52.30darth_mallif so, we can toss it in the toilet
19:52.31ChipX86my office phone
19:52.36fileI got platform access at work... this system is complex...
19:52.38darth_mallwe can probably fit tht in the toilet
19:52.40fileChipX86: is it a Cisco?
19:52.56fileI thought maybe VMware would be cool and have Cisco phones
19:52.58darth_mallgo see if it fits in the toilet
19:53.12ChipX86file: the other building has them
19:53.29fileooh I'm psychic
19:53.38ChipX86unless they're something other than Cisco
19:56.26fileyeekz I can do anything in this thing...
19:57.59CIA-6BZFlag: 03davidtrowbridge * 10bzflag/plugins/python/PyPlayer.cpp: implement most of getattr
19:58.55fileChipX86: you make me happy!
19:59.08ChipX86ooh bug fix
19:59.19ChipX86fix for a bug I caused while fixing a bug
19:59.21fileit's time to add this service to my account and see if my stuff suddenly is accessible from Canada
20:00.14filethis should be interesting
20:01.22numistyay collateral damage
20:01.33ChipX86I hate bug reports with way too much information
20:01.42ChipX86"Select this particular guest OS to reproduce the bug"
20:01.46ChipX86ANY guest reproduces it
20:02.32lurgydarth_mall: teehee
20:02.40lurgydarth_mall: true, that
20:03.12darth_malltrue what? toilet?
20:06.59CIA-6BZFlag: 03davidtrowbridge * 10bzflag/plugins/python/PyEvent.cpp: add new event ID
20:15.04lurgydarth_mall: the bit about CE vs CX
20:15.09lurgyyay, i have just what the world needed
20:15.15CIA-6BZFlag: 03davidtrowbridge * 10bzflag/plugins/python/PyPlayer.cpp: finish getattr. time for some real work
20:15.15lurgya text messaging protocol
20:15.52darth_malllurgy: glad I could be of assistance
20:15.56darth_mallhave you found a slogan yet?
20:20.36fileoh I see... negative is good, positive is bad
20:25.23SamySamy wac: The folks at have "spreadfs" as well, which is Python-based.
20:25.27Samywac Samy: yeah spread is interesting... coworker has been fiddling with it for some stuff.
20:26.05darth_mallugh... why?
20:26.42TDChipX86: is libgaim an actual shared library, with docs and headers and stuff?
20:26.42SamyDon't ask me :)
20:26.54ChipX86TD: yeah, but it doesn't exist in any official area
20:27.07ChipX86it's just in projects' SVN/CVS trees
20:27.11TDah ok
20:27.14TDwhere can i see it?
20:27.20ChipX86Adium SVN
20:27.25ChipX86I don't maintain a copy anymore
20:31.31lurgydarth_mall: not yet
20:31.43lurgydarth_mall: i also haven't talked to james yet ;)
20:31.48darth_malloooh I know!
20:31.51lurgycuz when i do
20:32.01darth_mall"Cx: more educational than a barrel for of monkeys"
20:32.10lurgyi want to have a schedule ready saying when i think i can have a slogan
20:32.31darth_mallyou can't rush this kind of stuff
20:32.34lurgyslogands take some serious time
20:32.37darth_mallI mean, if you launch with a half-assed slogan...
20:32.39lurgyer, slogans
20:32.49darth_mallI shudder to think
20:33.00lurgy"A cx in the hand is worth 2 in the bush"
20:33.35darth_mall"Cx: Don't count your satellites before they're launched"?
20:34.04lurgy"don't put all your satellites in one basket"
20:34.28darth_mall"Cx: it's your store"
20:35.17lurgy"Cx: where don't you want to go today"
20:35.37lurgy"Curiosity killed Cx"
20:36.23lurgy"Cx: Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow, we die"
20:37.05lurgy"Cx: here today, here tomorrow"
20:37.27darth_mallI liked the third one
20:37.31lurgy"Cx: Let bygones be bygones"
20:37.50darth_mall"Cx: Just be glad it's not nuclear powered"?
20:38.04lurgy"Cx: Like a rock"
20:38.20darth_mall"Tonka tough"?
20:39.04lurgy"Cx: Batteries not included"
20:39.21darth_mallI still really like "Like a rock"
20:40.01darth_mall"Cx: Not recommended for children under 3"?
20:40.52lurgy"Cx: Fair and balanced"
20:41.46lurgy"Cx: Keeps going and going.."
20:41.53darth_mallstill haven't beaten "Like a rock" though
20:42.08lurgy"You've got questions, we've got answers"
20:43.11lurgy"Maybe she's born with it - maybe it's Cx"
20:43.25ChipX86Cx: And you thought you had a firm grasp on things
20:43.39lurgy"Don't leave home without it"
20:44.03ChipX86"What happens here stays here"
20:44.16lurgy"Cx money can't buy.  For everything else, there's MasterCard"
20:44.34numistlurgy: never thought of a Cx <-> sex parallel :P
20:44.49ChipX86Cx == ?
20:45.22numistdarth_mall: too bad 'like a rock' is definitely trademarked
20:45.24darth_malla satellite
20:45.27ChipX86thought so
20:45.38darth_mallChipX86: the one that scanline, slimspace|away, and I were working on last spring
20:45.40ChipX86"Cx: Now that's what I call a close encounter"
20:45.44darth_malland that lurgy has now been cursed with
20:45.52lurgy"Cx: Once you pop, the fun doesn't stop!"
20:45.57numist*you* guys made a satellite?
20:46.04darth_mallnumist: it's not like anyone's ever gonna see this thing
20:46.09lurgy"Cx: The freshmaker!"
20:46.10ChipX86numist: the coolest thing is the lasers
20:46.15darth_mallnumist: we've worked on 2
20:46.20darth_mallDINO and Cx
20:46.26lurgy"Cx: Where's the cream filling?"
20:46.34darth_malllurgy: I like "The freshmaker"
20:46.38numistdear lord
20:46.40ChipX86I made a satellite once. It was made out of a coffee can
20:46.46ChipX86but I couldn't throw that far
20:46.47darth_mall"Cx: Not your parents' satellite"
20:46.49ChipX86so I gave up
20:46.50lurgy"Cx: Kid tested, mother approved"
20:47.03ChipX86"Cx: I can't believe it's not a satellite"
20:47.09darth_mallI can
20:47.09numistCx: rabbit tested, scientist approved
20:47.56lurgy"Cx: have you had your break today?"
20:48.26ChipX86"The best part of waking up is Cx in your cup"
20:48.42lurgy"Cx: Australian for beer"
20:49.06numistaustralian for satellite, maybe
20:50.05ChipX86"How many licks *does* it take to get to the tootsie roll center of a Cx satellite. The world may never know."
20:51.13lurgy"This is Cx.  This is Cx on drugs.  Any questions?"
20:54.56ChipX86time to code
20:55.00ChipX86oh, I've been doing that
20:55.01ChipX86time to code more
20:55.34CIA-6g2bridge: 03evan * r172 10/src/test/test-errlog.cpp:
20:55.34CIA-6g2bridge: Trying to come up with a reasonable way to test the error logging, but I guess this
20:55.34CIA-6g2bridge: isn't as important to have an automated test case for.
20:56.46ChipX86so they added *one* of my linux screenshots to the screenshots page
20:56.49ChipX86and made it gif..
20:56.59ChipX86and scaled
20:57.29ChipX86at least it has my name on it still
20:59.17darth_mallewww... that gif is ugly
20:59.19ChipX86they bastardized it :(
20:59.24ChipX86it was so pretty before
20:59.30TDChipX86: <sigh> i don't understand why it's not possible to render a gtk widget tree to a pixbugf
20:59.38TDyou'd _think_ it'd be easy. the api can do so much else
21:00.58TDso many cool effects would be possible if you could do that
21:01.02kergoth`bbli own an ice cream scoop?
21:01.03kergoth`bbli had no idea
21:01.05kergoth`bblyay cleaning
21:01.07ChipX86kergoth`bbl: yay!
21:01.17ChipX86ice cream > bad, ice cream == good!
21:01.41kergoth`bbli like this fatboy slim song.  wonderful night
21:05.18darth_mallawesome, someone on mxtabs has already tabbed B.Y.O.B
21:20.22ChipX86so horribly confused
21:20.35purple_cowyay, finally got the login info from qwest
21:20.44filebut does it work?
21:20.50numistdoubt it
21:24.34TDpurple_cow: any idea which day micah is back?
21:26.19ChipX86I hate mondays.
21:26.30numistdestroy mondays
21:26.42ChipX86I'm having a severe "wtf is going on?!" problem
21:27.17numistwell..  wtf is going on?
21:27.29ChipX86I'm violating a one-of constraint and that cannot be happening!
21:28.01ChipX86it's an internal thing. Basically, this node in a tree can be A or B. I set it to A. It says I can't do that.
21:28.17numistdoes it give a decent reason why?
21:28.26ChipX86I am so confused
21:29.51purple_cowso this thing is just an order confirmation sheet, and doesn't actually have the login on it
21:32.13filelack of support
21:33.09purple_cowit's working surprisingly well actually
21:33.16purple_cowi had to wait about a minute, but i'm talking to a guy right now
21:34.35purple_cowwelp, he just referred me to a phone number, but that's quicker than i would have gotten the number if i had called them
21:35.29darth_mallpurple_cow: you should use the phrase, "upside your head" once or twice with these people, that'll get through to e'm
21:35.48purple_cowdon't make me go upside your head!
21:36.09fileyou could play it out as though you are an old man and they're youngins
21:36.44TDpurple_cow: where is filterlib installed to on navi?
21:37.14CIA-6BZFlag: 03jeffm2501 * 10bzflag/plugins/api_notes: notes on what needs to be done still
21:37.16CIA-6BZFlag: 03davidtrowbridge * 10bzflag/plugins/python/PyBZFlag.cpp: yep, getting lots of paid work done today. stub out bindings for the wait time funcs
21:37.43TDpurple_cow: for cia
21:37.54TDthe wine CIA filter has from filterlib import CommitFilter
21:38.29purple_cowTD: same directory -
21:39.25TDoh yeah. i'm an idiot, sorry
21:40.03purple_cowyay, rain and thunder
21:42.52kergoth`bblmy luggage is full of dishes, pots, pans, and alcohol.
21:42.58kergoth`bblclothes will act as packing material for the car
21:43.33filekergoth`bbl: you're very creative ... uh huh
21:43.40kergoth`bblits much more efficient
21:44.29ChipX86kergoth`bbl: a one-of constraint has been violated :(
21:44.35ChipX86and this is going to haunt my dreams for days
21:44.56ChipX86it cannot generate this error under this condition, and yet here it is!
21:45.17ChipX86and my whole team is in a completely empty room
21:45.38ChipX86I'm starting to wonder if I ate something I shouldn't have
21:46.19kergoth`bblhave you entered the twilight zone?
21:46.50ChipX86I think I might have on the way to work :(
21:46.51purple_cowor the scary door?
21:47.03CIA-6BZFlag: 03davidtrowbridge * 10bzflag/plugins/python/ (PyBZFlag.cpp add implementation for wait time functions
21:47.04purple_cowwow, look at that weird mirror
21:47.04ChipX86rebfe6718dcd3f4389ef9b125fd83f91c69978227 <-- that is not an okay revision number
21:47.17purple_cowgotta love monotone :P
21:47.42filethat reminds me of an MD5 hash for a SIP proxy-authorization digest header
21:47.59purple_cowit shouldn't, it's too long for MD5
21:48.03purple_cowlooks like SHA-1 to me
21:48.10kergoth`bblyep, it is
21:48.30purple_cowshould i feel bad that i can recognize hash formats?
21:49.58CIA-6BZFlag: 03davidtrowbridge * 10bzflag/plugins/python/ printing 'tick' every half a second is annoying
21:57.29darth_mallbad purple_cow, more ticks!
22:00.19CIA-6g2bridge: 03evan * r173 10/src/ (6 files in 2 dirs): Store pointers in the scheduler instead.
22:15.35CIA-6BZFlag: 03davidtrowbridge * 10bzflag/plugins/python/python.cpp: tracebacks are good
22:27.25CIA-6g2bridge: 03evan * r174 10/src/ (opto.cpp opto.h rpc.cpp):
22:27.25CIA-6g2bridge: As longs as the Scheduler works with pointers, we might as well have
22:27.26CIA-6g2bridge: the controller take pointers as well. Need to figure out the argument positions
22:27.26CIA-6g2bridge: in the set rpc.
22:42.41fileI love evading work
22:42.52filewe're bored so we are making our conference bot aware of each of our timezones...
22:43.08CIA-6BZFlag: 03davidtrowbridge * 10bzflag/plugins/python/python.cpp: add a bunch of import garbage to try to get this working
22:46.55CIA-6g2bridge: 03evan * r175 10/src/ (gsi_var.cpp opto.cpp rpc.cpp): Couple of changes I missed because of the change to GSI_Var*
22:47.14CIA-6g2bridge: 03evan * r176 10/AUTHORS: Apparently the e-mail change didn't get committed earlier.
22:48.20CIA-6BZFlag: 03davidtrowbridge * 10bzflag/plugins/python/ ( add the twisted stuff. looks like all my problems are in fact a messed up setup. guess i'll try this on the laptop in a few
22:48.51CIA-6BZFlag: 03davidtrowbridge * 10bzflag/plugins/python/.cvsignore: quiet!
22:49.07darth_mallit's nice having CIA playing well with us again
22:52.50kergoth`bblgod i have a lot of little crap i forgot about
22:54.18kergoth`bbl<kergoth`bbl> ~yow
22:54.18kergoth`bbl<jbot> Kids, the seven basic food groups are GUM, PUFF PASTRY, PIZZA, PESTICIDES, ANTIBIOTICS, NUTRA-SWEET and MILK DUDS!!
22:54.54darth_mallI know -I'm- going to feed -my- kids bowls of aspertame for breakfast
22:56.28lurgymmmm, aspartame
22:56.33lurgyfull of nutra goodness
22:57.27darth_malland I imagine eating a bowlful every morning would be quite good for you
22:57.52darth_mallyay! I get to come home soon
22:58.50darth_mallwhoa... a remix of a U2 song by Trent Reznor
22:59.46*** join/#tacobeam sbahra (~sbahra@
23:09.40kergoth`bbldarth_mall: weird
23:10.15darth_mallyeah, it wasn't very good
23:10.22darth_mallbut I think that has more to do with U2 than Trent Reznor
23:11.28CIA-6g2bridge: 03evan * r177 10/src/ (gsi_var.h rpc.cpp):
23:11.28CIA-6g2bridge: Keeping track of the registered variables in a map for the rpc set function, but it's
23:11.28CIA-6g2bridge: not working all the way. I'll fix it tomorrow.
23:17.39ChipX86meetings where we laugh a lot are good
23:18.12ChipX86it's freezing in my office
23:18.37ChipX86thanks, but adjusting the thermostat is the preferred solution
23:18.45fileblankets are comfy though
23:18.51ChipX86hard to code with though
23:19.01filethat's a lie!
23:20.28ChipX86so the M&M drawer no longer says "M&Ms" on it :(
23:20.35ChipX86since it now contains all kinds of candy
23:20.56ChipX86but there's still the sign above it saying, "Put M&Ms in the drawer below. If they're put above this sign, they might melt. Yucky!"
23:24.20ChipX86my manager uses gvim on windows for notes :)
23:24.26ChipX86I was amused by that
23:32.07file[mac]lurgy: are you in a microwave?
23:32.15purple_cowhah, wow
23:32.21ChipX86wow, it's 4:30 already.. I have to home home soon :/
23:32.22purple_cowthis episode of buck rogers has jamie lee curtis
23:36.44lurgypurple_cow: ooh
23:36.49lurgypurple_cow: i gotta see that ^_^
23:37.21lurgypurple_cow: which one?
23:40.17lurgyteehee, the lyrics in the intro sequence are so ELPish ^_^
23:41.19purple_coware you watching the first one?
23:41.46purple_cowif you wanted to do so here, i have no qualms about rewatching them
23:42.07lurgywell, i'm waiting for my dinner to finish cooking
23:42.11lurgyhow 'bout after this one
23:43.20*** join/#tacobeam file[mac] (

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