irclog2html for #t42 on 20060403

00:26.41*** mode/#t42 [+o uso] by ChanServ
03:25.37*** join/#t42 SC (
03:26.47*** mode/#t42 [+o SportChick] by ChanServ
14:51.45*** join/#t42 tokimi (
14:51.45*** mode/#t42 [+o tokimi] by ChanServ
15:15.02*** part/#t42 tokimi (
15:26.43*** join/#t42 tokimi (
15:26.43*** mode/#t42 [+o tokimi] by ChanServ
17:30.52*** part/#t42 tokimi (
19:26.25SportChick~seen birdie
19:26.34jbotbirdie is currently on #essy (4h 36m 57s) #bzflag (4h 36m 57s) #kierra (4h 36m 57s) #bzleague (4h 36m 57s) #dub (4h 36m 57s) #silvercat (4h 36m 57s) #bz-inc (4h 36m 57s) #guleague (4h 36m 57s) #icf (4h 36m 57s). Has said a total of 88 messages. Is idling for 48m 42s, last said: 'catay needs mates to ...
19:31.04SportChick~seen SportChick
19:31.07jbotsportchick is currently on #essy #bzflag #kierra #bzleague #dub #silvercat #bz-inc #guleague #icf #t42. Has said a total of 58 messages. Is idling for 3s, last said: '~seen SportChick'.
19:37.42*** join/#t42 CBG (
19:37.55CBGheh :)
19:38.05*** part/#t42 CBG (
19:43.48*** join/#t42 SC (
19:45.54*** mode/#t42 [+o SportChick] by ChanServ
20:13.20*** join/#t42 tokimi (
20:13.20*** mode/#t42 [+o tokimi] by ChanServ
20:29.07*** part/#t42 tokimi (
22:15.48*** join/#t42 SC (
22:16.43*** mode/#t42 [+o SportChick] by ChanServ
23:05.58*** join/#t42 SportChick (
23:05.58*** mode/#t42 [+o SportChick] by ChanServ

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.