irclog2html for #t42 on 20060328

17:19.44*** join/#t42 jbot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
17:19.47TimRikerjbot: save
17:19.47jbotsaved user and chan files
17:21.34SportChickyay thanks
17:26.50*** part/#t42 TimRiker (n=timr@pdpc/supporter/bronze/TimRiker)
17:40.53*** topic/#t42 by SportChick -> Welcome to T42! || Notice, we now have bot privileges here ||
18:59.30*** mode/#t42 [+v jbot] by SportChick
21:55.19*** join/#t42 Berniebee (n=otti@
21:55.19*** mode/#t42 [+o Berniebee] by ChanServ
21:55.29Berniebeejbot !
21:55.30jbot! is, like, what my big sibling dpkg uses instead of ~, or not, or what dpkg uses dumbass
21:55.30SportChick~serve berniebee
21:55.33jbotACTION cooks up a 6 course meal, made from the very best ingredients and containing all the favorite foods of berniebee, and then serves it to berniebee on the best china & using the best crystal and silver
21:55.55SportChickyou like?
21:56.26Berniebeei like cooking bots :)
21:57.32SportChick~hug Berniebee
21:57.34jbotACTION hugs Berniebee
21:57.42SportChickBerniebee: join #essy

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.