IRC log for #storm on 20091029

00:01.26jkakarjdobrien: Are you getting an exception from storm/, in DateTimeVariable.parse_set?
00:34.25jdobrienjkakar, File "/usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/storm/" in parse_set
00:36.00jkakarjdobrien: So it looks like you might be missing a tzinfo=timezone("foo") keyword argument in the definition of your DateTime property.
00:36.21jkakarjdobrien: I think, if I understand this correctly, that Storm only allows one kind of timezone per DateTime field.
00:36.37jkakarjdobrien: In Landscape we store everything in UTC and then transform it into whatever timezone we need at runtime.
00:36.46jkakarjdobrien: I have to step away.  Good luck.
00:36.54jdobrienlast_login = DateTime(tzinfo=timezone("UTC"))
00:37.25jdobrienjkakar, the problem is django is updating my variable and I don't want it to
00:38.44jdobrienjkakar, is there anyway for me to put in a validator that converts it
00:39.22jdobrieni just don't know enough about converting this crap...since i always use UTC in my code
00:42.21jkakarjdobrien: You can define a validator function like this:
00:42.53jkakarjdobrien: I'm not sure if it'll do what you want though, and I need to leave now so I can't check it out further.  There's a docstring about it in storm/  Grep for validator.  Good luck!
00:43.07jdobrienjkakar, yeah
00:43.24jdobrienjkakar, i have a few...i just know diddly about converting the tz
00:43.45jdobrieni think there's a replace function, but i don't know if that converts it properly
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00:48.03jdobrienjkakar, i suspect this wont work:
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