IRC log for #sporewiki on 20131113

00:00.13GD12NeptoArmada : you there?
00:04.02GD12~beep NeptoArmada
00:04.02infobotACTION informs NeptoArmada that the beeper is no longer in service
00:04.43NeptoArmadayes im here
00:05.49NeptoHomeworkDont call for me unless absolutely neccicarry.. Ex: The world is ending
00:05.56GD12just a short thing
00:05.57GD12I'd just like to tell you that the technology you've put up for the Nepto Empire puts it in tier 5 as opposed to tier 3
00:06.09NeptoHomeworkoops, sorry
00:06.36GD12You can read about the power sources of each tier here
00:06.41NeptoHomeworkKeep thinking lower is worse >.<
00:06.55*** join/#sporewiki Mecharic (60e38c95@gateway/web/qwebirc/
00:07.16GD12lower is more advanced hur
00:07.28GD12though for fantasy higher is more advanced
00:11.26*** join/#sporewiki Angrydroid (
00:14.37NeptoHomeworkFor the technology tiers and stuff, is it rated on how much energy is out-put in energy production system (Like how effective it is) , or how advanced it is?
00:15.26GD12tiers is based on advancement
00:15.38GD12but they coorelate alot
00:18.09NeptoHomeworkIs the plural of super nova super novi?
00:18.41MecharicIs "TheClanden" Angrybirds?
00:21.44GD12~seen Cruallassar
00:21.49infobotcruallassar <d0739089@gateway/web/qwebirc/> was last seen on IRC in channel #sporewiki, 10h 33m 40s ago, saying: 'Greetings'.
00:21.56*** join/#sporewiki OluapPlayer (b1649b15@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
00:21.57*** mode/#sporewiki [+o OluapPlayer] by ChanServ
00:22.55MecharicGreetings, Mighty Player.
00:24.23GD12needs to do work
00:26.34NeptoHomeworkWhat GD said.
00:26.48NeptoHomeworkdont bother me >.<
00:27.02Mecharicbothers Nepto
00:27.34NeptoHomeworksends a barrage of nuclear bombs towards mecharic's house
00:28.43NeptoProcastinatDidnt fit it :I
00:28.45*** join/#sporewiki Angrybirds_droid (
00:37.36*** join/#sporewiki Patriot868 (44e35645@gateway/web/qwebirc/
00:39.42MecharicHi Patriot
01:01.56*** join/#sporewiki OfficerJackal (458b3b0d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
01:13.21Patriot868~seen AdmiralPanda
01:13.22infobotadmiralpanda <65a342bc@gateway/web/freenode/ip.> was last seen on IRC in channel #sporewiki, 11h 1m 5s ago, saying: 'since we're getting kinda close to starting and all'.
01:13.44*** join/#sporewiki Angrybirds (47ca15d9@gateway/web/qwebirc/
01:21.12DrodoEmpireI was done with Gmod a while ago. XD
01:22.54Patriot868hows it going?
01:26.24*** join/#sporewiki Angrydroid (
01:30.15Patriot868Anything new?
01:31.02DrodoEmpireNope, not really, on my end.
01:32.02DrodoEmpireWell, besides the fact that during my walk home from school, I was through, rain, snow, sleet, and sunshine.
01:32.26DrodoEmpireSo a pretty much a average Nova scotian day. XD
01:34.20TekDroidToday was the first snowfall of the year here.
01:34.54DrodoEmpireProbably the fifth here, but they all just melted to water, no real layer yet.
01:36.43TekDroidA bit of it stuck around for a while, but nothing lingeribg here either.
01:39.58TekDroidplays O Canada while pointing a laser rifle to anyone who dares make a Canada joke
01:40.22*** join/#sporewiki GD12 (43b41799@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
01:40.40DrodoEmpirejoins in with the singing and draws two revolvers
01:40.49DrodoEmpirepoints one at GD12
01:40.59DrodoEmpirewut did u just say?
01:41.01Patriot868hello gd
01:41.18GD12keeps spinning his words in a hello-copter moving at 500 greetings per minute
01:42.06*** join/#sporewiki NeptoArmada (6339f529@gateway/web/qwebirc/
01:43.05MecharicHi Nepto
01:43.10MecharicEver get that work done?
01:43.44GD12the IRC is a bastion of procrastinaion
01:43.54TekDroidYep. XD
01:44.00MecharicOh so much so.
01:44.16GD12If you ever think you'll get significant amounts of work done on the IRC
01:44.17GD12you are wrong
01:45.02GD12Even though most of the time on irc is just waiting for peeps to reply
01:45.30Mecharicis waiting right now for Birds
01:45.48TekDroidYep. Xd
01:45.48GD12I can't really do anything that requires thought while on IRC hur
01:46.28MecharicIf we had to tell 'God' our life story when we get to heaven... mine would be "I spent 10% of my time writing, 5% laughing, and 85% bored shitless waiting on stuff to happen.
01:50.42*** join/#sporewiki NeptoArmada (6339f529@gateway/web/qwebirc/
01:51.47MecharicNow write ur damn empire up!
01:51.56NeptoArmadaI am D:
01:52.22NeptoArmadaim currently writing the timeline :P
01:54.11NeptoArmadaAnyway, GD12, i fixed the technology, mind telling me what tier it would be? Pweese? <3
01:56.27*** join/#sporewiki Angrydroid (
01:57.20GD12Miniature supernovae implies that you create them yourself, which is a tier 1/2 power, so thats a no-no
01:57.35GD12I'd reccomend changing it to primitve stellar husbandry by dyson swarms
01:57.48GD12Which is a tier 3 thing
01:57.49NeptoArmadaOk, thanks
01:58.02GD12I don't know which tier you want to begin with thoug
01:58.34TekDroidI think there's rules about making Tier 2 and up.
01:59.14GD12The rule implicitly is that new users can't immediately make tier 2s/1s/and 0s
01:59.28GD12If you want to get there, you have to do it as fiction progresses
01:59.49GD12NeptoArmada : Power sources go like this
01:59.55GD12kinda like this at least
01:59.59GD12Tier 5s have nuclear fusion
02:00.02GD12Tier 4s have antimatter
02:00.09GD12Tier 3s are beginning to do stellar husbandry
02:00.44Patriot868wow tier 4s have antimatter?
02:00.51NeptoArmadaDoes tier 5 include nucluar fission too?
02:00.53GD12antimatter for generators yes
02:01.19GD12Nuclear Fission is tier 6
02:01.22GD12Humans can do that right now
02:01.24TekDroidYes, but I think it might be less efficient.
02:01.33Patriot868stellar husbandry?
02:01.40GD12By definition, more advanced tiers can have tech from lower tiers
02:01.49GD12Patriot868 : Harnessing a star's energy
02:02.28TekDroidBut by higher tiers the old methods will be increasingly less effective.
02:02.42GD12Numerically higher or higher in advacnement?
02:02.43NeptoArmadaOn a scale to 1 to could wipe out a whole species due to a small error how dangerous is solar husbandry? :P
02:02.53Patriot868Dont do anything involving quantum  mechanics until high tier 3
02:03.15GD12Patriot868 : Unless you know exactly how quantum mechanics works ;p
02:03.26Patriot868How many races no that?
02:03.29GD12Not very actually
02:03.34TekDroidNot necessarily Patriot. Our modern lasers were the result of quantum, for example.
02:03.47GD12Lasers and Semiconductors are a result of quantum mechanics
02:03.55GD12Also Quantum Computers are an emerging technology
02:03.56Patriot868But I mean for more advanced stuff
02:04.08Patriot868Also, fook off, I got a c in Physics
02:04.49GD12But stellar husbandry wouldn't be the main source of power, it would be an emerging source of power for a tier 3
02:05.24TekDroidQuantum Mechanic, by name, deals with things that are very tiny.
02:06.04GD12Then theres cosmology
02:06.06Patriot868What tier is he starting at?
02:06.07GD12which takes the exact opposite approach
02:06.11GD12and deals with fuckmassive things
02:06.14GD12I think hes still deciding
02:06.30NeptoArmadaFixed.. ish?
02:06.30GD12But I think 3 or 4 would be most convenient for interaction
02:06.33GD12Low 3 high 4?
02:06.44GD12for a starting tier would probs be the most convenient
02:07.03GD12I'd also reccomend starting in the Katar Sector
02:07.09GD12Which is mostly tier 3s and 4s
02:07.57NeptoArmadacould a tier 3 "Migrate" To a new galaxy?
02:08.13GD12NeptoArmada :  I tihnk it should be solar husbandry for systems, antimatter for spaceships and fusion for vehicles
02:08.23GD12NeptoArmada : It would be only expeditions
02:08.26GD12And only at high tier 3
02:08.29DrodoEmpireProbably not. Unless they where naturally a nomadic people.
02:08.32GD12Think voyages like Columbus's
02:08.40GD12It would be that monumental an undertaking
02:08.50GD12Probably much more so
02:09.02MecharicYou'll need to speak with AngryBirds if you want to join Katar though
02:09.16Patriot868Katar sector is a good place to start, quiet, plenty of other starters, no chance of a total blitzkreig rushdown by massive tier 2/1 empires.
02:09.20GD12That you do
02:09.51TekDroidBut for the most part even in Tier 3 travelling between sectors would be a serious undertaking
02:10.01MecharicDid anyone else get like 7 msgs in 08?
02:10.22GD12My species first did intergalactic travel when they were on the border between tier 3 and 2
02:10.32GD12and that was a massive undertaking fo them
02:10.43infobotextra, extra, read all about it, test is not funny
02:10.52Patriot868Oh, I never paid any attention to the rules about galactic travel.
02:11.24Patriot868Dont do what I did when I started. Which was, complain, rage, not really do a very good job fleshing out aspects of the empire
02:11.34Patriot868However, with time, comes skill.
02:11.45TekDroidConsider that the distance between galaxies is many times the size of a galaxy itself.
02:11.48NeptoArmadaWhat i am planning to had happened to my race was: They were at a high tier 3 - low tier 4, got attacked by another speices that had stronger, more advanced weapondry, almost wiped out of existance and were force to evacuate the original area they were living in (Basicly moving to another part of the galaxy) Would that be alright?
02:12.11Patriot868Quiet common, Ripping up and moving out.
02:12.45GD12The diameter of the Milky Way is 100k light years
02:12.52GD12The distance from Andromeda to the MW is 2.5 million light years
02:13.13NeptoArmada.-. i forgot how far it was
02:13.28Patriot868oh damm, probally should have checked that before I got involved in Great Deceiver all those years ago.
02:13.40Patriot868No matter, its canon now.
02:13.44GD12The other excuse for intergalactic travel is just wormholes
02:13.51GD12But thats umm
02:13.54GD12plot armor
02:14.15NeptoArmadaoh, and at what tier are wormhols possible :3
02:14.23GD12there are naturally occuring ones
02:14.35GD12making womrholes yourself is tier1/2
02:14.37GD12more tier 1
02:14.53Patriot868Using them is rather easy though.
02:15.01NeptoArmadai mean artifical creation, or atleast attempting and completely failing
02:15.13Patriot868Tier 4's used them in the Mineral Conflict
02:15.16GD12artificial creation is tier 1/2
02:15.20GD12thsoe were natural wormholes
02:15.25Angrybirds... Apparently we're watching the Matrix in Philosophy class tomorrow o.o
02:15.34GD12And is a significant undertaking
02:16.00Angrybirds"probally should have checked that before I got involved in Great Deceiver all those years ago." - I kind of agree, no offense meant.
02:16.21*** join/#sporewiki Lord_Raydon (4b6ac961@gateway/web/qwebirc/
02:16.26Patriot868Too late now. Hasnt been updated since 2012
02:16.32GD12The biggest violator is probably me
02:16.39GD12The Dominatus came from another galactic cluster
02:16.45GD12Drakodominatus at that time
02:18.20TekDroidAll things considered, with all the changes within Katar I personally consider many events of Great Deciever non-canon, and really only consider the overall plot canon nowadays.
02:18.53Patriot868A retcon is in serious need mostly because we had no idea what the hell we were doing at the time
02:18.58GD12Aye hur
02:19.03Patriot868But AD comes first
02:19.12GD12The end of that is pretty unambiogous
02:19.12Patriot868Then will do a great deceiver retcon
02:19.14GD12Dominatus ded
02:19.17TekDroidI'd say Tasan Crisis is where we really got things together.
02:19.31Patriot868I wasnt involved in that
02:19.32AngrybirdsAnd that was rather chaotic. xD
02:19.49Patriot868Hell I havent been involved in anything since Great Deceiver, besides AD
02:19.58AngrybirdsThe actual RELELVANT part of the Tasan Crisis we never even got to rp >.>
02:20.33AngrybirdsLike, where it got its name. I'll bet no one in Katar even remembers why its called the Tasan Crisis.
02:20.51Patriot868Ah, nostalgia, rembering the days when the dominatus were tier 3
02:20.53TekDroidThe Tasan mutineers from the Aegis incident.
02:21.06TekDroidOr something like that.
02:21.08Patriot868Thats what suprisued me, they went to tier 1 in like, 2 years max
02:21.11AngrybirdsYou don't count Tek. xD
02:21.13GD12or when they were Drakodominatus
02:21.37NeptoArmadaAngrybirds: Am i allowed to have my civilazation satrt in the katar sector? I was told to ask you.
02:21.37GD12That rate was purposely unsustainable
02:22.24AngrybirdsNeptoArmada : I'd absolutely be willing to consider your fiction. ^.^ I tend to look at them on a case-by-case basis to make sure that they fit, though. Could you shoot me a link?
02:22.38GD12You should flesh out your page more before you ask
02:22.43GD12You only have your infobox done
02:22.50GD12I reccomend doing at least a cursory outline
02:22.58AngrybirdsIt isn't a problem. I can wait. xD
02:23.20Patriot868ah, I rember when the katar sector didnt even have a name
02:23.37GD12I remember when it was just Eagula first
02:23.43GD12That was exactly one year ago
02:23.53NeptoArmadaGD12: like physicical discription of citizens and such?
02:24.03AngrybirdsNeptoArmada : If you want to snoop around our forum -
02:24.20NeptoArmadaPhysical description of race~
02:24.24NeptoArmadaand sure
02:25.12GD12outline that before you ask
02:25.14GD12also a creature page maybe
02:25.21GD12or a description of the species that make up the empire
02:25.31Patriot868At least descriptions
02:26.26*** join/#sporewiki Angrydroid (
02:27.06NeptoArmadaoh, and, if a ship were to get damaged and is powered by antimater, how big would the explosion be? ( Like the size to destroy a large city etc.. )
02:27.15NeptoArmadaand it crashed~
02:27.25MecharicYou'd only need a gram of anti-matter to wipe out a city
02:27.38NeptoArmadaim scared now
02:27.38Mecharicso basically anything that exposes the anti-matter to matter would do the trick
02:28.01MecharicThe Planet Buster could hold less then 1 ton of antimatter and probably still wipe out a planet
02:28.14MecharicDun worry, humans have only produced a few atoms of antimatter so far
02:28.20Mecharickey words; so far
02:28.24TekDroidOne gram of matter/anti-matter = 15 barrels of oil
02:29.26GD12matter antimatter colllisions will produce energy from total mass energy conversion
02:29.28Patriot868was that human-drodo hybrid guy retconed out of exsitence
02:29.30GD12so e =mc^2
02:29.37GD12where m is the mass of antimatter
02:29.58GD12or at least thats the release of energy
02:30.21Mecharicwhat the hell does IIRC mean?
02:30.30TekDroidIf I recall correctly
02:30.43DrodoEmpireMech, must you always be so impolite with your questioning?
02:32.07MecharicI'm not trying to be rude... I just swear a lot.
02:32.16NeptoFictionBad mech
02:32.32NeptoFictionsquirts mech with a water bottle
02:32.39NeptoFictiongo to your corner!
02:33.11Mecharicbacks off whining like a sad puppy
02:33.16Patriot868Dont worry, no thought police on this wiki. Just dont be an ass to people.
02:33.31Mecharicgoes to his corner while muttering foul words under his breath
02:34.00NeptoFictionDont make me put a muzzle on you mech! :P
02:34.06Mecharicapologizes fully even though he still isn't sure where he was an ass
02:34.11GD12Try not to get into arguments hurhur
02:34.21GD12I mean serious arguments
02:34.23GD12not joke arguments
02:34.44MecharicYes, I've learned that much at least
02:34.57MecharicEventually stuff gets through my thick skull.
02:35.21Mecharictakes at least 1 ban and 1 self-enforced banishement though lol
02:35.44NeptoFictionBut where does it go after it gets through your thick skull... it cant go nowhere :3
02:35.53Patriot868serious arguments include trolling, writing fiction that violates a ton of rules, and arguing about other peoples fiction
02:36.30GD12there are the really ugly arguments about personal philosophy
02:36.52Patriot868oh ya, seen quite a few of those
02:37.34MecharicYes, I've seen (and been part of) both fiction arguments and philosophy arguments.
02:38.00MecharicI do not intend to start any such arguments.
02:38.06GD12If you want to have an argument/debate or if you're in one its good to know how different users react to such things
02:38.09MecharicOr participate in them either.
02:38.10GD12Some are quite chill
02:38.13GD12such as myself
02:38.21GD12Though others might have a backlas
02:38.28MecharicI don't plan to risk it, period.
02:38.40Patriot868those philosphy ones alwasy piss me off becuase the two dudes doing it are usaully super nice, but then they start getting all ponpous and blowhardy
02:39.04MecharicThe only arguments I plan to have relating to fiction are if my ships should be able to blow up their ships ina collab.
02:39.08GD12What other wiki rules are there
02:39.35Patriot868no sporn
02:39.47GD12I think it's good to make a distinction between when you're joking and when you're not
02:40.06Patriot868Dont make X rated creatures or post spore erotica
02:40.32MecharicThen I will: I am ALWAYS joking
02:40.55Patriot868Not that spore has any erotica, were not the largest fan base anyways.
02:41.04GD12looks at Hachi
02:41.33Patriot868hachi is the PIONEER of that stuff (I kid)
02:41.54*** join/#sporewiki Angrydroid (
02:42.09Patriot868plus hes asleep
02:44.02*** join/#sporewiki Angrydroid (
02:44.05GD12Remember that everything you say on the #sporewiki channel can be viewed
02:44.18GD12There are irc logs
02:44.21MecharicHachi sleeps?
02:44.25GD12Where people can view whatever you say on this channel
02:44.27*** join/#sporewiki Imperios (
02:44.28GD12Whenever you say it
02:44.34MecharicIma be honest, I hate the logs
02:44.56MecharicThey are without a doubt the most annoying, rage inducing, paranoia creating feature I have ever seen
02:45.12Mecharicyou can't talk about anything without EVERYONE knowing
02:45.22MecharicWhich pisses me off, to say the least
02:45.57MecharicHonestly, why would someone read them except to see what people said about them or their fiction?
02:46.03MecharicAlso, hi Imperios :D
02:46.47MecharicDamnit dragon egg...
02:55.06*** join/#sporewiki Pulsarium (
02:55.11PulsariumHi there
02:56.25*** join/#sporewiki Angrydroid (
02:56.33MecharicHello Pulsarium
02:58.17PulsariumWhat is new
02:59.26MecharicNothing much I think. When were you last on?
03:02.50*** join/#sporewiki TekDroid (
03:04.07MecharicThen nothing has changed I think.
03:11.08AngrybirdsI know that this is late, but you'd need a gram of antimatter to destroy a gram of matter...
03:12.21TekDroidI wonder how many people actually know what e=mc^2 means.
03:14.18TekDroidEveryone knows the equation, but I bet 99% just see it as some apparently important equation.
03:14.46PulsariumEnergy = Mass * Speed of Light (squared)
03:15.27TekDroidI know that many of us know, but people in general probably don't.
03:16.44MecharicE=MC^2 is simple... Everyone = Mike * Clarrisa and her twin... :P
03:17.00MecharicCurtesy of my buddy who knows nothing about science
03:17.05Mecharicstupid art majors XD
03:25.05AngrybirdsTekDroid : I was about to type energy = mass x cesterity squared when I was like, WAIT.
03:26.26*** join/#sporewiki Angrydroid (
03:32.50*** join/#sporewiki DrodoSleep (8ea3856e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
03:34.07Angrybirds[19:12] <TekDroid> I wonder how many people actually know what e=mc^2 means.
03:34.15Angrybirds[19:25] <Angrybirds> TekDroid : I was about to type energy = mass x cesterity squared when I was like, WAIT.
03:34.23Angrybirds[19:25] <Angrybirds> NO
03:34.26Angrybirds[19:25] <Angrybirds> CELERITY
03:34.43DrodoSleepHAH XD
03:35.12DrodoSleepThat's pretty funny. XD
03:35.34NeptoArmadaE = Mc ^2 is einstiens theory of relativity... i think..
03:36.16AngrybirdsCompletely different concept =(
03:36.23TekDroidIt's the mass-ebergy equivalency.
03:37.07MecharicNeptoArmada: [[Fiction:Galactic Empire of Cyrannus]] - Use that for the layout of your fiction page if you can.
03:37.07morgothBotPyMecharic meant:
03:37.07NeptoArmadai failed completely xD
03:38.20TekDroidWhile a well done format, there are a variety in use, most sharing only the infobox and headers
03:38.37NeptoArmadaMecharic: How i add the different sections?
03:39.02AngrybirdsI just realized. Every single fiction I've written until France had some sort of autocratic government/
03:39.05TekDroidPut a title like this ==title==
03:39.48AngrybirdsSo I'm kind of treading in unfamiliar waters here. Those of you with republics, how do they work best in fiction?
03:40.08MecharicThey don't.... lol
03:40.28MecharicRepublics aren't very good at fast reactions, but can be very useful for political games
03:40.56Angrybirds*stares at Mecharic, assumes drill seargent voice* Well, son. I WILL MAKE IT WORK.
03:41.24TekDroidYour politicians will need to keep the support of the electorate. How corrupt/apathetic the system is is up to you.
03:41.33MecharicI honestly usually just smooth over the whole "politics" part because that just seems like a waste of enrgy lol
03:41.34infoboti guess test is not funny
03:42.07AngrybirdsTekDroid : *looks at Tekari*
03:42.22TekDroidWe got anything from the ideal republic all the way to most modern governments.
03:42.35AngrybirdsAAAAALL The way down there. xD
03:42.40TekDroidTekari isn't a politician.
03:42.57AngrybirdsHe's still kind of screwed. xD
03:43.48AngrybirdsNot that I actually take pleasure in his downfall, it'll just make for an interesting story.
03:44.27AngrybirdsI appreciate the prospect of a post-F.L.E.I.J.A. Tekari as much as I would a post-Sirga death Etzan.
03:44.59TekDroidNot ideal but it'll make some interesting plot.
03:45.44AngrybirdsEtzan - Kill them. Kill them all.
03:46.06AngrybirdsMauve shirt - WAIT, NO, WE SURRENDER.
03:46.16AngrybirdsEtzan - *jams his transmission*
03:47.19TekDroidMauve shirt - screw this, welcome back Tekari.
03:48.12Angrybirds*they are both killed as Tarkans board Tekari's flagship*
03:49.35TekDroidgoes nanohorde
03:49.48Mecharic11pm! Time for soda!
03:50.22Mecharicbounces off the walls and ceiling of the IRC. Boing Boing!
03:53.30Angrybirdspokes Mecharic with a needle.
03:53.54*** join/#sporewiki Imperios2 (
03:55.20TekDroidLol, this has got to be the least militaristic game of Civ 5 ever. XD Practically everyone is friends with one another and there's been maybe one war in the past millenia. XD
03:56.27*** join/#sporewiki Angrydroid (
04:02.55*** join/#sporewiki GD12 (43b41799@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
04:03.21*** join/#sporewiki Aeo (32503b21@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
04:04.17GD12~seen Cruallassar
04:04.20infobotcruallassar <d0739089@gateway/web/qwebirc/> was last seen on IRC in channel #sporewiki, 14h 16m 11s ago, saying: 'Greetings'.
04:09.59GD12I think i should tell crull that his ships are quite a bit big
04:10.40GD12that might sound hypocrtical coming from me, but dominatus are intentionally over the top to serve as enemies during AD to ultimately be exterminated
04:10.55NeptoArmadahow big would a " bit big " be?
04:11.21GD12I should also reveal that I'm fond of using understatements
04:11.31GD12for example 25km for a battleship
04:11.53GD12Thats longer than the Executor Class Star Dreadnaught from Starwars
04:12.11NeptoArmadahas no idea what that is.
04:12.21GD12did you watch star wars?
04:12.40NeptoArmadanot much, i didnt watch enough to memorize ship names
04:13.07GD12It's Darth Vader's flagship
04:13.13NeptoArmadaonly ones i reconize are AT - AT, Death star and X - Wing
04:13.22GD12It's the biggest ship there
04:13.55TekDroidPracticality wise, ships would be a few kilometers at most, at least for a few tiers.
04:14.19GD12The DCP's most advanced ship is only several kilometers long
04:14.36GD12(Obsidian Class)
04:14.39GD12The people who disregard the practicality rule are the following
04:14.57GD12Junction , Xeranbha(Catharsis) , Xhodocto Dominion, and DT
04:15.11GD12The last of which is being exterminated in AD
04:15.22TekDroidAnd most of those have reasons why IC.
04:15.27*** join/#sporewiki Angrybirds_Test (47ca15d9@gateway/web/qwebirc/
04:15.55Angrybirds_TestArgh... This web browser is lightning-fast and gorgeous... But it can only have one tab open at a time >.<
04:16.11GD12DT doesn't have the minaturization, wants tons of dakka and armor even at the expense of maneuverability and wants to intimidate
04:16.24GD12The other guys are on the border of tier 1 and 0
04:16.30TekDroidXhodocto are... Xhodocto.  XD
04:18.41GD12forgot what he was going to say
04:19.11GD12Angrybirds what browser was that
04:21.15AngrybirdsGoogle Search app for Windows 8.
04:21.31GD12o i c
04:21.33GD12windows 8
04:21.37AngrybirdsIt's epic. I'd use it as my main browser if it actually allowed you to have multiple tabs.
04:21.43AngrybirdsWindows 8 is epic =D
04:21.47GD12one tab
04:22.00AngrybirdsIt's LIGHTNING fast, though.
04:22.10AngrybirdsLike, fast-as-you-can-think fast.
04:22.13GD12way faster than chrome?
04:23.54GD12but one tab
04:25.04GD12two tabs would be alright
04:25.04GD12one tab for irc
04:25.09GD12other one for browsing
04:25.22GD12can't you have two browsers open though?
04:25.47AngrybirdsDefinitely, though I'm not sure all machines can hadle it. I'm on a fairly decent PC.
04:26.18GD12c i do
04:26.28*** join/#sporewiki Angrydroid (
04:29.33NeptoArmadaGD12 Would it be logical to have a transport ship thats ment replace a planet, store a whole species history, and hold about 10,000 living orgainism (each one being between 3 - 6 meters long) be 6km long?
04:29.54GD12So an archive ship?
04:30.34GD12y he quit
04:30.53*** join/#sporewiki NeptoArmada (6339f529@gateway/web/qwebirc/
04:31.50AngrybirdsIt's perfectly plausible if the civilization that ship originates from has the means and technology to build such a thing.
04:32.20GD12By replace a planet i think you imply self sufficient as well right?
04:32.33NeptoArmadayes, and a sense of gravity
04:33.09AngrybirdsIntertial dampeners are standard... But self-sufficiency is hard if you can't insta-deploy a dyson swarm on a whim.
04:33.20AngrybirdsOr replicate everything you need.
04:33.38Angrybirds(My answer to everything these days seems to be: DYSON SWARM)
04:33.52TekDroidWell the gravity at least can be easily done with a cylindrical ship rotating fast enough.
04:34.43AngrybirdsThat too. Centrifugal force. :(
04:35.11AngrybirdsWow. I actually spelled that correctly.
04:35.12TekDroidAnd once set in motion the energy requirements for that are negligible
04:35.12GD12Artificial Gravity from anti gravity would require lots of energy
04:35.16GD12and lots of tech!
04:35.26GD12But yes its plausible
04:35.29GD12and logical
04:38.05NeptoArmadaWhat tier would a civilation need to be to build somthing like that about 5 times over?
04:38.29GD12a 4 could probably do it
04:38.32GD12but that would be a very
04:38.37AngrybirdsI'd say tier 2...
04:38.40GD12significant project
04:39.18GD12I think high 3 or low 4 could do it
04:39.24GD12with a significant investment in resources
04:39.32AngrybirdsAs in, pyramids of Egypt-type significant. xD
04:42.53GD12These ships sound like things your people would use if things really went to shit and they needed t fleet
04:43.35NeptoArmadayes. thats exactually what happened xD
04:44.07GD12exactly or actually
04:44.40NeptoArmadathey had acciedentally turned their star into a black hole in a last attempt to defend their planet... so... yeah.
04:45.07GD12i c
04:45.17GD12though it would take time to manufacture these things
04:45.42AngrybirdsDecades, I'd say.
04:45.48GD12You can't just build them on the day it went black hole
04:46.23NeptoArmadathay had been manufacturing them decades before that happened, the ships were originally going to be war ships.
04:46.51NeptoArmadaonly thing they didnt have done was weapons :P
04:47.37GD12ahh i c
04:49.00GD12Battleships converted to arks then
04:50.12NeptoArmadayes, basicly
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04:55.07NeptoArmadaAt what teir are planets terraformable?
04:55.57TekDroidDepends on the extent.
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04:56.30GD12Tier 5 or 4 might ahve basic terraforming
04:56.35GD12The guys in aliens did
04:56.37GD12*humans in aliens did
04:57.00GD12its definitely possible
04:57.09NeptoArmadaTo the extent of making a earth like planet out of barren.
04:57.11GD12though again, it would be a significant endeavor.
04:57.23GD12It would be possible but take a long time
04:57.25GD12like decades
04:57.35GD12or years maybe (for thesake of fiction)
04:58.14GD12Large-scale geoengineering and terraforming is feasible in the lifespan of 1 or 2 generations.
04:58.15GD12Tier 4
04:58.21GD12I got that from Wormy's blog
04:58.40NeptoArmadaand about how long would it take to completely change a planets tempature? (Like from tropical to artic)
05:00.03GD12years to decades i would imagine
05:00.27TekDroidit would be extremely difficult if not impossible though.
05:00.38NeptoArmadaprobably sounds like a total noob asking all these questions
05:00.43GD12don't worry
05:00.59GD12It's better to ask now than be reprimanded for it (as sometimes occurs) later
05:01.08GD12Don't worry, people on this wiki are quite helpful
05:01.14GD12We were all new users once
05:01.17TekDroidKeep in mind one of the biggest factors in temperature is its orbit distance
05:01.37NeptoArmadayes i know,
05:01.38GD12You aren't going to make pluto as hot as mercury without changing it's orbit
05:02.17TekDroidAnd even minor changes in a planetary orbit would take an absurd amount of energy.
05:02.53Angrybirds^ You could increase the greenhouse effect, though.
05:02.54GD12With that energy you could just find another planet :p
05:04.29NeptoArmadaand, would it be okay if in the past, my species was around med tier 1 high tier 2  in the past, but has "Down-graded" to around tier 3 or 4 due to loss of history, and records of science?
05:04.43GD12I'd really advise against not doing that
05:05.02GD12Because then you'd have to change the Milky Way's history to accomodate such a prominent civilization
05:05.16GD12And the history of other galaxies as well since those civilizations are pretty much all intergalactic
05:05.39AngrybirdsTier 1 fictions tend to sit on Galaxies without noticing.
05:05.52Angrybirds"Oops, that was your galaxy I blew up?"
05:06.10GD12Thats an overstatement
05:06.18AngrybirdsPerhaps. xD
05:06.35AngrybirdsBut the fact remains that they're pretty darn powerful.
05:06.38GD12But having a tier 1, I can tell you that tier 1s cause massive disruptions
05:06.55GD12So it will be very hard to incorporate a new one with the wiki's history
05:06.58AngrybirdsAs in, *squashes everything*
05:07.26TekDroidExcept other Tier 1s.
05:08.01TekDroidThough they might have squashed any potential others along the way.
05:08.37GD12If you just want to have been a tier 1 before for relic tech to help you advance then trust me, theres already alot you can scavenge
05:09.19GD12Also, I think users prefer if people advance through ways other than just picking up artifacts
05:09.25GD12Wars can lead to lots of technology interchange
05:09.28GD12so do trade and diplomacy
05:09.35Angrybirds*looks to the GTE*
05:10.04AngrybirdsOr, heck, the FPC.xD
05:10.04NeptoArmadabasicly what i mean is, when i was talking about earlier about the ships, only 1 of them survived, leaving only about 5,000 of my species left, and on the other 4 were documents of scientific breakthroughs, which they lost,before they completely went to crap they were a very advanced species ,, would that be ok?
05:10.28GD12perhaps just advanced, not very advanced
05:10.37GD12Because then you'd have to make up who the other very advanced species was
05:10.58GD12Because if they were a tier 2 or 1, and this happened rather recently (as in not hundreds of thousands of years ago) people would notice them
05:11.12GD12Tier 2s or 1s just leave such a big footprint that it's hard to just pop them into existence
05:11.25TekDroidThey'd also have thousands if not millions of worlds.
05:11.43NeptoArmadatheese events took blace in about 2030... is that long ago?
05:11.52GD12no i mean
05:12.08GD12Many of the tier 1 civilizatons have been around for tens of thousands to hundreds of  thousands of years
05:12.35GD12High Tier 1s and 0s like the Junction, Xeranbha and Xhodocto have been around for time immemorial and are extrauniversal
05:12.42AngrybirdsSeven hundred years is a blip on that scale. xD
05:12.44GD12The High Tier 2 DI has been around for 200k years
05:13.02GD12The DCP has been around for 800 years, though it's member species have been spacefaring for 12k years
05:13.21NeptoArmadabefore their downfall they were testing on making man-made worm holes, what tier would that be?
05:13.29GD12Tier 2/1
05:13.41GD12High 2 or Low
05:13.42GD12Low 1
05:13.55GD12I know that because the DI and DT often do those things
05:14.15GD12CyraEmp also has wormhole drives on some of their bigger ships, which are tier 1 as well
05:14.26GD12but if you just mean tech demonstrators
05:14.30GD12then it could plausibly be tier 3
05:14.34Angrybirds*sits in a corner with France, still using hyperdrive*
05:14.39AngrybirdsFrance - YOU GUYS SUCK
05:14.53GD12Dominatus use hyperdrive as well hur
05:14.58AngrybirdsI know. x
05:15.05GD12Mostly because i'm obsessed with the mathematical and physical properties of hyperspace
05:15.22GD12Even Dominatus wormholes are hyperspatial wormholes, just cuz hyperspace is pr05killz
05:15.31GD12l33t tr4v3l
05:15.48GD12hides in a corner
05:16.01GD12But its plausible for a tier 3 to have startesd testing them
05:16.18NeptoArmadawell, they were just starting on reasearching on the worm - holes and had only tested it once ( Which was a complete failure and nearly led them to extinction ) Where would that scale?
05:16.41GD12That could be tier 3
05:16.54GD12A failed tech demonstrator could easily be tier 3
05:17.16AngrybirdsThough I'd require a lot of power... Dyson swarms anyone?
05:17.30GD12You have a dyson swarm drug addiction
05:18.07GD12puts Angrybirds in Dyson Swarm rehab
05:18.08GD12it would require alot of paper because bending spacetime works that
05:18.21Angrybirdspaper? xD
05:18.22GD12but yes, i imagine it's something like their manhattan project
05:18.30GD12anyway i gtg
05:18.32AngrybirdsCUT DOWN MORE TREES
05:18.44NeptoArmadanot the trees D;
05:18.53AngrybirdsUgh, I'm in such a strange mood. xD
05:19.15NeptoArmadaim in my procastination mood... need... to... start... homework Dx
05:19.58TekDroidAlso, by the time they'd even investigate wormhole tech they'd have expanded to thousands of systems.
05:21.26TekDroidAnd also 5,000 is hardly enough for much of a fiction.  Even by high Tier 4 you may be dealing in the trillions.
05:22.52NeptoArmadaAt the time, they only had around 100 - 150 planets.. (Which were all wiped out due to another empire which was stronger in military perspective)
05:24.10TekDroidSo their capital is destroyed in the black hole incident, then another empire comes in and just wipes them out?
05:24.25NeptoArmadaand each evacuation ship they were on had 10,000 each, there were 5 total, 4 were destroyed / ridden with disease and only 5,000 made it out alve due to fammine
05:25.12NeptoArmadathey had been warring with the empire for about  a century, hence the battle ships, they were planning on using the worm holes for weapondry purposes
05:26.18NeptoArmadawhen the empire had started wiping out essential farming, mining and research colonies they started to panic
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05:27.38NeptoArmadaand when the other empire eventually showed up at their homeplanet, they had decided try to use a worm hole as a last resort defence.
05:28.05NeptoArmadaand the worm hole had colapsed. turning it into a black hole.
05:28.09NeptoArmadathe end <3
05:30.47MecharicNight all
06:20.28*** join/#sporewiki GD12 (43b41799@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
06:20.43GD12Not going to sleep quite yet hur
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07:56.17Imperios2Hachi_: ...damn I just realised I barely get any sleep
08:09.17Imperios2Also I am ill now
08:10.15Hachi_Get well soon
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10:17.40Liquid_InkWhere is everybody?
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14:30.53TechnobliteratorOluapWorker: rejoice, I'm actually making a page
14:31.11OluapWorkeru lai
14:31.26Technobliteratori'm making my sephiroth character with Imperios
14:31.33Technobliteratorfor fantasyverse
14:33.06Technobliteratorlmao OluapWorker Imperios
14:37.37Technobliteratorhas anyone ever not wanted to keep playing a game because they just don't want to finish it?
14:38.14OluapWorkerYou mean stop playing a game because you don't feel like continuing? Yes
14:38.33Technobliteratorno, not like that
14:38.42Technobliteratorjust because you love a game so much you don't want it to end
14:39.12OluapWorkerI get it
14:39.20OluapWorkerThis is another Final Fantasy fangirl thing
14:39.28Technobliteratoryes hur
14:39.40Technobliteratoridk, I just don't want to fight the final boss because argh
14:59.09*** join/#sporewiki Imperios_ (b24254db@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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16:04.49OluapWorkerhai u
16:04.56OluapWorkerThere's a Nintendo Direct going on right now
16:05.40Hachi_Oh nice
16:05.48OluapWorker you can watch it here
16:08.41OluapWorkerAlso gheyllade
16:09.59OluapWorker and barkley
16:13.16*** join/#sporewiki Mecharic (c0f5323f@gateway/web/qwebirc/
16:13.21MecharicGreetings all
16:20.04*** join/#sporewiki Angrybirds (47ca15d9@gateway/web/qwebirc/
16:20.04OluapWorkerThey announced access to YouTube from the 3DS
16:21.04OluapWorkerAnd DLC for Pikmin 3
16:23.39Hachi_Ooh nice
16:24.18OluapWorkerOlimar and Louie are playable in this
16:27.36OluapWorkerIt feels weird to see Nintendo doing DLC for their games
16:32.52OluapWorkerAnd Rosalina confirmed as the 5th chararacter from Mario 3D World
16:33.18OluapWorkershe does that spin attack from Mario Galaxy
16:33.20Hachi_Yeah it is weird seeing Nintendo do DLC
16:33.26OluapWorkerAnd it's over
16:33.33OluapWorkerbaw no pokmen news
16:34.48OluapWorkerI imagine many nerds out there got mad because Rosalina wasn't shown using the cat suit in the video hur
16:37.35OluapWorkerHachi_: Also who dis Serpent
16:37.45Hachi_nu villain
16:37.59Hachi_Maybe a villain
16:38.04Hachi_He isn't always villainous
16:38.58OluapWorker Dalverat on his early days
16:45.28OluapWorkerI had a picture to show you involving an Espurr, a male Meowstic and a female Braixen. It was exactly what it sounds like but now I don't have the link to it anymore
16:46.02Hachi_ech dangit
16:46.05Hachi_y u do dis
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16:55.37Hachi_hai Imp
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17:00.04OluapWorkerYou greeted him so hard he disconnected
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17:09.02MecharicHi Angry
17:09.07MecharicAnd Tech
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17:22.18MecharicWB Ose
17:30.00Hachi_olol lovecraft
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17:31.59OluapWorker Kol Daren and Hachi
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17:35.22MecharicHi Xho, Imperios
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17:36.50TheBuilderDamn internet
17:37.52ImperiosHachi_: Hm, do you think Yosae Lagosi could have that?
17:38.04XhoTechnobliterator: "Social Experiment: Put Justin Bieber and Kanye West in the same room and watch the level of ego generate nuclear fusion."
17:38.17Hachi_Imperios: Yeah, definitely
17:38.42TechnobliteratorXho: lmao
17:38.42ImperiosThese are like
17:38.44ImperiosRocket launchers
17:38.50ImperiosBut more awesome
17:40.00ImperiosNot sure if rocket launchers would be out of place
17:40.03ImperiosIn the fatnasyverse
17:40.10ImperiosBut then again these are 1600-esque
17:40.30Hachi_I imagine they'd be something of a pinnacle in this setting
17:40.34ImperiosHwachas were used in th 1500s and the 1600s
17:40.42ImperiosAmong with the Klaxxa I guess
17:41.14OluapWorkerAren't these those cannons they used on the Female Titan? They sure look like it
17:42.45MecharicNo you mention it... never noticed that before.
17:42.46XhoLagosi use Hwachas on Female Titan -> Soldalatel - WAT U DOIN
17:43.08OluapWorkerSilly Soldalatel isn't a skinless human woman
17:43.26OluapWorkerI didn't know those cannons existed in real life
17:43.35OluapWorkerThe more you know
17:44.45ImperiosI didn't suspect Korea could produce something that badass hur]
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17:45.49XhoWaptor Woman
17:46.18MecharicHi Cyr
17:46.19Cyrannianu a waptor woman
17:46.22Imperios No, seriously
17:46.34ImperiosAt one hand, HWACHAS ARE AWESOME
17:46.36ImperiosBut are they fantasy enough?
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17:46.57OluapWorker_Xho Hachi_: You two feel like rping right now?
17:47.21Hachi_Imperios: I imagine they're fantasy enough
17:47.25Hachi_OluapWorker_: yes
17:47.28ImperiosIce Age?
17:47.32ImperiosOr Inferno?
17:48.06ImperiosPerhaps Lekren could appear
17:48.12OluapWorker_He can
17:48.30OluapWorker_~kick Xho
17:48.30infobotACTION kicks Xho
17:48.43Xhowat woman
17:48.54OluapWorker_u rp fantay stuph nao
17:48.58OluapWorker_fantasy even
17:48.58CyrannianOh, I'll have a look
17:49.01Xho“Still we remember the First War. This time, we shall not imprison you, no... we shall ANNIHILATE you.” - King Goldemar
17:49.12XhoCaligaduro - bro if u remember da first war den u just dum
17:49.49XhoHachi_: I had an idea for a weakness Yakshrapala could possess
17:50.15ImperiosActually wait
17:50.18OluapWorker#InfernosMonsStoof git
17:50.18ImperiosI have an idea\
17:50.42Hachi_Xho: Go ahead
17:51.08OluapWorkerCute kittens
17:51.17XhoDark source powers could be invisible to Yakshrapala unless any manifestation of it can visually witness it in use
17:51.31XhoSort of natural vs unnatural thing
17:52.19Hachi_Dark Source powers derive from Source ultimately and Yakshrapala is capable of visualizing and controlling all of them
17:52.44XhoVery well, Caligaduro's powers
17:53.01Hachi_Does Dark Source derive from Caligaduro?
17:53.11XhoCaligaduro is from a different realm entirely
17:53.51Hachi_The Zazanite's Eldritch serves as a sorta counter to the Source in general and so sorta acts as a weakness for Yakshrapala, Caligaduro's powers and energies could also do the same
17:54.15XhoCaligaduro - well hao u think i rule world for liek dat long
17:54.22OluapWorkerVargash - stahp callin me weak u fuker i once had da entire continent wrapped in tentacles
17:56.50CyrannianTheBuilder: Nice work
17:57.40morgothBotPyImperios meant:
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17:59.34OluapWorker_I blame Cyrannian
17:59.59MecharicPoor Oluap lol
18:00.09MecharicA storm in your area?
18:00.32XhoIt's nearly summer where he lives so hao dat maek sense
18:00.33OluapWorker_Bad internet
18:00.47MecharicOh right u live in Brazil right?
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20:06.18DrodoEmpireHey, everyone
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20:07.34MecharicHai all :P
20:16.35OluapWorker_Hachi_: oh neato
20:26.36Hachi_ workin on dis
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20:33.51Liquid_Ink~seen Wormy
20:33.58infobotwormy <5699f9ea@gateway/web/freenode/ip.> was last seen on IRC in channel #sporewiki, 2d 2h 56m 55s ago, saying: 'bye'.
20:35.08Liquid_Ink~seen Cyrannian
20:35.09infobotcyrannian <4e122d51@gateway/web/freenode/ip.> was last seen on IRC in channel #sporewiki, 2h 38m 19s ago, saying: 'TheBuilder: Nice work'.
20:40.17SpuI need to rework Caligaduro's page
20:40.33Imperios Page dun for now
20:40.42ImperiosTechnobliterator: That kinda concerns you
20:41.58ImperiosI wonder if Old English fits the Ordnung really
20:42.00ImperiosDoes it fit?
20:42.03SpuI think it does
20:42.22TekDroidWow... Toronto's mayor is making a joke of my region. Today he admitted to purchasing illegal drugs during his term.
20:42.24SpuI should probably mention that the Echdrarothrayu were destroyed 250,000 years before the Ordnung seemingly formed
20:42.41Technobliteratorwe could have hints of old english
20:42.43Technobliteratorbut not fully
20:42.58ImperiosOrdnung speech is represented by Old English
20:43.01ImperiosAs you can see
20:43.32Technobliteratoroh wow
20:43.35Technobliteratorthe poem on cobalt is awesome
20:44.16TechnobliteratorIs there a chance we could possibly get one of the stories done today in WLLM?
20:44.47ImperiosSpu: Dere fixed
20:45.00SpuWhen I am done redoing Caligaduro's page I will
20:45.00ImperiosTechnobliterator: Yours could come from Alareich
20:45.21Technobliteratoryeah urm
20:45.25Technobliteratory u no let me make alareich's page
20:46.19ImperiosI suppose you could
20:46.40Technobliteratorgimme links to his images
20:47.01Imperios[[file:Underlord Alareich.png]]
20:47.02morgothBotPyImperios meant:
20:47.45TechnobliteratorWhat should I name the page? Just Captain:Alareich?
20:51.29*** join/#sporewiki Imperios2 (
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21:08.10Hachi_wat u guise think of snakedood
21:11.08Imperios2>Katana-like blade
21:11.20Technobliteratorsephiroth inspired
21:11.21Imperios2Weeaboo midget Nazi goblin
21:11.35Hachi_Made me giggle
21:13.38Liquid_InkI like snake dude
21:15.27TechnobliteratorImperios2: What can we say for his early life?
21:19.21Spu dere
21:19.52Imperios2Probably a noble dunno
21:24.19Spudere quoted
21:47.11*** join/#sporewiki Monet (05974307@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
21:58.09Imperios2Take a look
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22:19.24*** join/#sporewiki Liquid_Ink (79d0badc@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
22:26.21NeptoArmadaAnd not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse...
22:30.43*** join/#sporewiki Angrybirds (99128801@gateway/web/qwebirc/
22:52.37NeptoArmadaIs there a way to make somthing collapseable?
22:54.46*** join/#sporewiki AKtheKing (0cb32fd5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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22:55.34*** mode/#sporewiki [+o OluapCollege] by ChanServ
22:55.42Hachi_hai u
22:55.56*** join/#sporewiki Angrybirds (99128801@gateway/web/qwebirc/
22:57.48OluapCollegeI hate this place and the people in it, i can't wait to get home nnnngh
22:58.02Hachi_Indeed, college is the worst
22:58.27OluapCollegeWaste of my time, money and patience
23:00.04Technobliteratoryou can use computers there?
23:00.05OluapCollegegotta go bai
23:00.33Hachi_liek u huehue
23:01.13Technobliteratorstfu fgt go maek sandwichs
23:01.26*** join/#sporewiki TekDroid (
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23:40.07DrodoEmpireHey, everyone.,
23:42.32NeptoArmadaThe silence has been broken! :D
23:52.37*** join/#sporewiki Wormyphone (5284e5e9@gateway/web/qwebirc/
23:53.40WormyphoneMy Japanese lecturer picked up my friends work aand screwed it up, throwing it on the floor
23:53.52Wormyphonedamn thsts strict
23:54.51WormyphoneThe student is 20 lol
23:56.19NeptoArmadaWhy does everybody seem to go silent when i say hello? >.<
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23:57.52Wormyphone_I think I would leave if she does it to me

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