IRC log for #sc2mapster on 20160203

00:05.36*** join/#sc2mapster kritzikratzi (
00:49.34*** join/#sc2mapster electricprism (~electricp@2601:645:500:f40:21f:bcff:fe08:4160)
00:49.34*** join/#sc2mapster electricprism (~electricp@unaffiliated/electricprism)
03:14.03*** join/#sc2mapster Thels (
03:52.29*** join/#sc2mapster Comfromal (62d5123e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
03:53.18ComfromalSo... I'm planning on making a mod that changes multiplayer a bit.
03:53.46ComfromalWhat dependencies should I use?
03:53.55draktokDepends on what you need really
03:54.02draktokIf you want wc3 assets, renee's war3 mod has a lot of them
03:54.15draktokotherwise just use lotv as far as i'm concerned, if it's going under the arcade its '100% open to everyone anyways
03:54.21draktokafaik no reason not to use lotv at this point
03:55.18ComfromalPlanning on doing an extension mod, not the arcade.
03:59.56Comfromalas in, do i use the LotV dependancy without the actual campaign?
04:02.44draktokafaik the only differences are the campaign has more special effects / other garbage
04:02.49draktoki'd just stick with the lotv without the campaign
04:02.54draktokunless there's something from the campaign you want specifically
04:04.25Comfromaloh hey, it has the arbiter and scout and stuff, that'll speed things up.
04:04.35draktokcorsair too i think
04:04.59ComfromalPlanning on converting some of the sc2 stuff, like replacing hellions with vultures.
04:05.36ComfromalHeh, slayn elementals in melee.
04:05.57ComfromalRight then.
04:06.58ComfromalHm, it has a few stuff..
04:07.13ComfromalNut if i used the campaign, it would probably speed stuff up a fair bit.
04:09.10draktokmeh, it doesn't matter so much these days
04:09.15draktokthe map sizes and such you can have are so large
04:09.19draktokand since arcade is 100% unlocked
04:09.24draktoknot much reason to avoid using something if its helpful
04:09.27draktokoutside of map load times i think
04:09.34ComfromalAgain, I'm not using the arcade.
04:09.39ComfromalIt is an extansion mod.
04:09.48draktoki don't think it matters for customs though
04:09.52draktokpretty sure it's all open
04:09.54draktokfor anyone
04:09.55draktokisn't it ?
04:10.12ComfromalI think maybe..
04:10.19ComfromalEh, i'm going for LotV anyways.
04:10.22draktokdo it
04:10.24draktokwho cares
04:10.26draktokfuck the hots players
04:10.28draktokoh wait i am one xD
04:14.13ComfromalOne of the changes I'll be planning to have is to add more options for terrans to get later on without needing to harrass.
04:17.01ComfromalFor example, letting some terran units rebuild themselves.
04:18.30ComfromalAnd add in a few unique units for all of the races.
04:19.05ComfromalLike protoss effectively gets a karax with destroyable servitors, an attack by itself, and no other abilities.
04:19.49ComfromalThe servitors would actually be interceptors.
04:20.14Comfromalfor free.
04:20.32ComfromalAlso buff some units and add in some co-op specific stuff..
04:38.56ComfromalDunno sometime why they don't give you the co-op stuff.
04:39.10Comfromalor atleast only bits of it.
04:54.58*** join/#sc2mapster ArcanePariah (
05:03.08ComfromalI've decided to start an extension mor for sc2.
05:05.47draktoksorry comfromal
05:05.50draktokI was away from the computer
05:06.30draktokI'm not very good at the basic melee
05:06.35draktokSo i can't speak 100% to what you plan to add
05:06.46draktokbut i'm sure it will be nice, if for your balance mod :) it's a lovely thing of sc2
07:25.28*** join/#sc2mapster kritzikratzi (
11:52.55*** join/#sc2mapster kritzikratzi (
13:08.16*** join/#sc2mapster Comfromal (62d5123e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
15:55.01*** join/#sc2mapster ArcanePariah (~Thunderbi@
17:20.16*** join/#sc2mapster kritzikratzi (
22:44.21*** join/#sc2mapster kritzikratzi (
23:06.59*** join/#sc2mapster kritzikratzi (
23:37.04*** join/#sc2mapster Comfromal (62d5123e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.

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