IRC log for #sc2mapster on 20151124

01:22.15Vailrethhuzzah i remembered
02:52.18*** join/#sc2mapster ArcanePariah (
03:37.01Vailrethhello ArcanePariah
03:41.50Vailrethwhats going on, how are the wizards coming?
05:20.46RepoNew asset: Protoss Interplanetary Ship -
05:47.48ArcanePariahComing along, but slowly, work does that. Hoping to have a bit of extra time this weekend to work on them.
05:47.58ArcanePariahHoping work gives us a half day on wednesday as wel
05:49.01ArcanePariahNeed to set aside some dedicated time to do the video for it
06:37.25*** join/#sc2mapster Goa (
14:14.27*** join/#sc2mapster Vailreth (~kvirc@
17:19.15*** join/#sc2mapster Goa (
18:33.46*** join/#sc2mapster Goa (

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