IRC log for #sc2mapster on 20150506

00:01.14*** join/#sc2mapster electricprism (
00:01.14*** join/#sc2mapster electricprism (~electricp@unaffiliated/electricprism)
00:01.14A1winIf your players are like me, they'll probably explode themselves at the first "Your inventory is full" error.
00:02.04DeadZerglingwell, the inventory full error is in their favor atm
00:02.38DeadZerglingknight with full inventory can pick weapons off the ground to sextuple wield
00:02.43A1winI mean it is the indication of the fact that the game has an inventory that can be full.
00:03.53A1winAt the very least, the game should tell the player the inventory is full before they even try to pick up an item. For example, by showing a tooltip when hovering over the item that shows how much space there is left in the inventory.
00:04.13DeadZerglingor, I could not do that
00:04.14A1win(No game does that, but they should)
00:04.47Dustin|WorkYou can add a validator to make sure they can't pick up the item if their inventory is full I thought
00:05.12DeadZerglingyea, sorry man, not gonna program in tooltip overwriting for 400 items based on a minor convenience
00:05.14Dustin|WorkWorks the same way as the you cant pickup health powerups if you're at 100% life
00:05.18DeadZerglingmaybe if my game worked a different way
00:05.21A1winI was jut talking about design.
00:05.34DeadZerglingwell, here is how the weapon slots work Dustin
00:06.04DeadZerglingyou got 3 slots, 1 is 3her, 2her, or 1her, 1 is 2her, 1her, or shield, last is 1her or shield
00:06.15DeadZerglingso if you have a 3her, the other 2 slots should be empty
00:06.46DeadZerglingthis isn't a problem, in fact it properly unequips weapons and drops them on the ground
00:06.57DeadZerglingbut the weapon behavior is persisting
00:07.16DeadZerglingI can paste you the logic I'm using if youw ant to see it
00:07.18DeadZerglingit is ugly though
00:11.30DeadZerglinghrrrmm, need to check a thought, need to confirm this only happens when inventory is full
00:14.00DeadZerglingyep, only happens when full...
00:20.10DeadZerglingall right, well think I've confirmed the logic is fucked up a bit period, not just from that, meaning, time for a do over!
00:31.56Dustin|WorkUgh javascript only has 1d arrays lol
00:33.26DeadZerglingtime to abuse records/structs?
00:34.01A1winarrays inside arrays
00:34.43Dustin|WorkYeah, so fucking hacky
00:34.48Dustin|WorkThis is why I hate Javascript
00:35.07A1winOnly that?
00:35.30A1winsleep time
00:40.36Dustin|WorkOne of the many reasons :P
00:46.39DeadZerglingfuck my life, I have like no desire to fix this issue
00:46.51DeadZerglingbut it is such a bad one...
00:49.07DeadZerglingcan't I just add a confirmation box to make people agree not to use this bug to hack the game and not have to deal with this?
00:49.53Dustin|Worklol you wish :P
00:51.07DeadZerglingthis one is rather bad, done properly, people can equip like 15-20 weapons at once
00:51.27DeadZerglingjust run around and be explosion man, as in, everything near him explodes in death instantly
00:56.29DeadZerglingneeds to be a table flipping room in here
00:56.34DeadZerglingI need to break some shit
01:07.43DeadZerglingnot even gonna be clever with this shit
01:08.11DeadZerglinggot 48 possible setups I could encounter, just gonna crap out whatever code is needed for each situation
01:08.23DeadZerglingcan take 5000 lines of code, I don't care
01:08.55DeadZerglingbut before that... just an important comment about this particular situation.....
01:08.58DeadZerglingFUCK FUCK FUCK
03:26.52*** join/#sc2mapster ArcanePariah (
03:58.48*** join/#sc2mapster Fisker (
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05:05.04*** join/#sc2mapster tigger0jk (~tigger0jk@
05:05.58*** join/#sc2mapster Goa (
06:23.35*** join/#sc2mapster DeadZergling (322e866d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
06:31.30MercI'm here DeadZergling
06:32.20DeadZerglinghey Merc, was wondering you had the old files for the title screen/hotkey screen for Death TV, they asked about those for having the map featured
06:32.26DeadZergling*if you had
06:32.37Mercpretty sure they are on my pc at home
06:32.39*** join/#sc2mapster duckies (c30db52e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
06:32.41MercI'll check after work
06:33.19DeadZerglingokay cool, was a list of suggested fixes to do, so got a little while anyways
06:33.25DeadZerglingsome of them will take more than a night or tow
06:35.12DeadZerglingalso have to fill out the interview thing, I suck at interviews
06:38.26duckieswut interview?
06:38.34Mercjust answer more than just "yes" and "no" and you'll do fine
06:38.35duckiesoh DTV interview?
06:38.38DeadZerglingthe map featured one
06:38.55duckiesdon't they just send you a word.doc with questions?
06:39.10DeadZerglingyea, gives me more time to overthink it
06:39.34duckieswith you having all the time in the world to provide a thoughtfull and compelling answer only for them to edit the **** out of it :D
06:41.41DeadZerglingin other news, I am really beginning to HATE working on the logic behind the Knight Weapon Equipper
06:42.05DeadZerglingI keep doing what I think is correct, only to be told no, you really aren't.
06:44.02DeadZerglingbut something must be done....  as things stand now, you can bug the system to allow you to equip 15-20 weaps at once.
06:45.43duckiesthat's some anime logic right there..
06:49.24DeadZerglingyea, I need to find a place to flip tables with many things on top of them to break
06:49.42DeadZerglingthis is getting me pissed off in a very bad way
06:56.48Goa_you should all move to Unity
06:56.53Goa_its life of a dream:D
06:57.16Goa_my TD already looks awesome after 5 days of work on it
07:00.51DeadZerglingnightmares are dreams too....
07:02.02duckiesso when your life is a nightmare - you're living a dream? :D
07:03.19Goa_well played
07:05.48DeadZerglingwelcome to die, I have had just about enough of this logic
07:08.05duckieswhen world weightens down on you, just duck it all and go take a deep refreshing sleep.
07:08.35duckiessrsly, full sleep is so good, it makes you uberhuman
07:08.41DeadZerglinghow can one sleep with fuckery of this magnitude going on
07:09.31duckiesdoes the fuckery make user uninstall his operating system? if not - it can wait
07:10.07duckiesunless you're  really excited about simulating real life gamedev crunchtimes
07:10.32duckiesbut crunchtimes can go fcuk themselfes :|
07:11.43DeadZerglingno, but it does piss me off to no end that it isn't right
07:14.44duckiesof course it pisses you off, you care about it, wouldn't be any other way
07:15.00duckiesoh man, I am not looking forward to parenthood..
07:16.29DeadZerglingit kind of blows
07:16.55DeadZerglinghaving to be responsible for someone or many someones infinitely stupider than you, not a fun task
07:18.56duckiesbut the again you get a fun opportunity to indoctrinate someone into your worldview =D
07:19.06duckiesbecause if you don't, someone esle will :<
07:22.32DeadZerglingall right, what the FUN
07:22.59DeadZerglingwhy is this sherbert doing this FUN sherbert
07:26.11DeadZerglingit makes not one bit of damn sense
07:27.37*** join/#sc2mapster NickG365 (
07:50.30DeadZerglingmay have actual progress
08:04.02Goa_Format: /C solves it all
08:18.19DeadZerglinggod funning dag nabit
08:42.14DeadZerglingyou know, I came into doing this with a plan
08:42.18DeadZerglingnow im shooting at the dark
08:48.33duckiesmaybe the solution will come to you in a dream!
08:48.44duckiesworth a shot, no? :0
08:49.03DeadZerglingwell, I'm making progress
08:49.16DeadZerglingbut I don't like this kind, where I just hope it works this time, lol
08:51.35DeadZerglingthe good news is, I might be nearly done, and the bug that made me start doing this hasn't returned
08:52.15DeadZergling(for the last 30 minutes...)
08:56.47*** join/#sc2mapster TwoDie (
09:30.17DeadZerglingwell that is an interesting bug, it not only doesn't do what I want, but it also somehow warps an item into a slot it should never be in...
09:30.59DeadZerglinglike, hard coded wise, it should never be able to go in there
09:42.23Goa_bugs are full of protein, its good for you!
09:55.28DeadZerglingwell, a weird fix for a weird bug, suits me okay, lol
10:20.27DeadZerglingokay, made some solid progress, still a little more to go, but I can figure that out tomorrow
10:20.36DeadZerglingfinally going to sleep duckies :)
10:41.47*** join/#sc2mapster RipperRoo (
15:43.56*** join/#sc2mapster duckies (4d26cd7a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
16:15.06Goa_A1win bahh unity will stick to monodevelop :(  (check comments).
16:18.46A1win"stick to"?
16:19.58A1winYou can already use VS in Unity. Or what do you mean?
16:20.02Goa_"No, we have no plans now to switch away from Mono. We are still on track to upgrade to a newer version of Mono,"
16:20.18Goa_yeah you can use VS but its not perfect
16:20.37Tomuramono is the C# runtime
16:21.21A1winMono is not the same as MonoDevelop
16:21.24TomuraBTW is unity still using the old one?
16:22.08Goa_yes and yes
16:22.32Goa_A1win but while they will stick to mono they will also stick to Monodevelop...
16:22.48A1winWhat does that matter? I've been using VS with no problems.
16:23.30Goa_A1qin f you get error, you can get to VS to the exact line just by clicking on the error?
16:24.04Goa_I read pretty much that nobody really managed to solve that perfectly
16:24.10A1winEverything works like with MonoDevelop, except better.
16:24.24Goa_I guess I should move to VS
16:25.15A1winI'm using VS Ultimate 2012, dunno if it's different for the free version they have
16:26.22A1win(This was free for me too, got it from that program they had with universities)
16:26.24Goa_fuck free
16:26.27Goa_I pirate it
16:26.46A1winWhy? They give it for free anyway, haha
16:27.12TomuraVS community is basically VS Professional
16:27.14Goa_last time I checked it wasnt free
16:27.17Tomuraso no need to pirate
16:27.48A1winThey made it free around the same time Unity and Unreal went free.
16:29.37Goa_btw managed to make today a global object pooling for my TD with even pooling particle systems and gained lots of FPS on mobile.D
16:30.33Goa_Dictionaries are quite useful for making multiple pools:D
16:30.59Goa_going to make A* pathing next day
16:36.45Reponotd-2: 03ArcaneDurandel 04v0.1 * 37d03c1 /: [new tag] Version 0.1 Tag
16:39.30Goa_btw what the shit can people do with Microsoft Azure?
16:50.12Goa_hmm it seems, you could make a multiplayer online game with unity using Microsoft Azure pretty easily...
17:00.23*** join/#sc2mapster ArcanePariah (
17:04.10*** join/#sc2mapster TwoDie (
17:14.22*** join/#sc2mapster Moorhsum^ (
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19:00.42*** join/#sc2mapster DeadZergling (836bae47@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
19:19.12*** join/#sc2mapster Moorhsum^ (
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19:19.12*** join/#sc2mapster heinrich5991 (~hein5991@unaffiliated/heinrich5991)
19:27.25*** join/#sc2mapster Dustin_Hendricks (~Dustin_He@
19:34.07DeadZerglinghey Dustin_Hendricks , you ever get a chance to edit any more?
19:35.01Dustin_HendricksEvery once in a while
19:35.40DeadZerglingI managed to find a screw loose with Blizzard's code last night
19:35.52DeadZerglingitem got moved to a slot it shouldn't even be able to go in
19:50.36*** join/#sc2mapster electricprism (
19:50.36*** join/#sc2mapster electricprism (~electricp@unaffiliated/electricprism)
20:39.10*** join/#sc2mapster Ashamed (d811e669@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
21:03.38DeadZerglingwould anyone mind explaining how the top rated system for bnet even works
21:03.45DeadZerglinggot 23 ratings and I'm not even on the list, lol
21:07.37A1winthere's a minimun requirement of votes needed to get there
21:08.12DeadZerglingknow the count?
21:08.38A1winmaybe like 25 or 50 or something
21:08.42DeadZerglinggreater than 22, less than 90-100....
21:08.52DeadZerglingis all I can gather from what I see on there, lol
21:11.01AshamedDeadzergling your first mistake... expecting a blizzard system to make sense
21:11.26DeadZerglingwhere did I assume that?
21:19.05Ashamedin hell?
21:28.41Reponotd-2: 03ArcaneDurandel 07main * v0.1-1-g79b27ba  (17 files in 1 directory): [new, +1 commit] Demo Sprint
21:29.33Reponotd-2: 03ArcaneDurandel 07mainline * v0.1-1-g79b27ba NOTD 2 Classes.SC2Mod: [+1 commit] Demo Sprint
21:46.27Reponotd-2: 03ArcaneDurandel 07mainline * v0.1-2-g9f8433a Dependency Test Map One.SC2Map: [+1 commit] Removed extraneous file
21:49.48Reponotd-2: 03ArcaneDurandel 07mainline *  /: [deleted]
21:52.23Reponotd-2: 03ArcaneDurandel 07Main_Branch * v0.1-2-g9f8433a  (16 files in 1 directory): [new, +1 commit] Removed extraneous file
22:06.35*** join/#sc2mapster Torhal (Torhal@2600:3c00::f03c:91ff:fedb:9160)
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22:47.26*** join/#sc2mapster Ashamed (d811e669@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
22:47.27Ashamedaww awww awwww
22:49.17Reponotd-2: 03ArcaneDurandel 07Main_Branch * v0.1-3-gf36ea07 NOTD 2 Classes.SC2Mod: [+1 commit] Refined Bulwark Mechanics
23:08.04*** join/#sc2mapster Dustin_Hendricks (
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23:27.35*** join/#sc2mapster Dustin_Hendricks (~Dustin_He@
23:39.43*** join/#sc2mapster Dustin_Hendricks (~Dustin_He@

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