IRC log for #sc2mapster on 20150423

00:06.06DeadZerglingyea, big shocker there A1win , the textures are so detailed too
04:13.33*** join/#sc2mapster Ahli (6d5ae8fd@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
04:16.08Ahlisomeone on EU bnet willing to test a multiplayer FPS? I want to know how good/bad my hit registration system feels.
04:53.30*** join/#sc2mapster Goa (
06:04.20*** join/#sc2mapster duckies (c30db52e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
06:04.39Goa_Zolden somebody took my game from kongrate or armorgames and uploaded it here: nice:D
06:41.45*** join/#sc2mapster Earths-Fury (
07:12.30*** join/#sc2mapster Earth--Fury (
07:16.55*** join/#sc2mapster Earths-Fury (
08:02.18*** join/#sc2mapster Bibendus (
09:24.22*** join/#sc2mapster DeadZergling (322e866d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
09:24.35DeadZerglingbehold, the worst item icon I've ever made:
09:24.56DeadZerglingonly way I could make it worse is by adding wavy lines around the handle....
09:36.43Goa_did someone bite the right side of it
09:39.31DeadZerglingpossibly, is a little not so symmetrical.  But for a horrible wand with the power of heart....  Not gonna push too hard to perfect it, lol
09:40.38DeadZerglingthat is 800 % enlarged too, they'll be seeing it a lot smaller
09:44.23DeadZerglinganyways, yea, I'm embarrassed of how, looks like it should be in a sex store next to the dildos that one looks.  But the others aren't quite as bad.  Except the fire breathing unicorn flamethrower...
09:44.58Goa_dont be embarrased
09:45.09DeadZerglingGonna be adding 12 shop weapons for people who have shitty RNG, want to just buy the weapons.  However, I have made them look like they are made by nerf or the LGBT alliance
09:45.10Goa_I make much worse art
09:45.56DeadZerglingwell the icon style is pretty decent, is what it represents that embarasses me, lol
09:47.09DeadZerglingon the plus side, learned how to make my own gradients tonight too.  I needed the gradient scheme "God Awful Orange" for my nerf weapons
09:50.13Goa_Zolden its says x86 supported still it removed 4 device, hmmm
09:54.19Zoldenit removed devices?
09:54.26Zoldenfrom where
09:55.01ZoldenDeadZergling why the peniso f your item so thin
09:55.28DeadZerglingit is a heart wand zolden, lol
09:55.44Zoldennot a key? wow
09:56.16Goa_Zolden dont know what are those 4 devices, there is no way to see them
09:56.19Goa_pretty crappy
09:57.35DeadZerglinganyways, turned 12 perfectly reasonable items into toy/sex toy knock offs of the originals
09:57.48DeadZerglingshould be plenty of motivation to get the better items fighting monsters
09:59.36DeadZerglingis considerably different to be happy with items when the goal is to make them look awful
10:01.35*** join/#sc2mapster Ahli (6d5ae921@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
10:08.12ZoldenGoa_ I Played top TD games, almost vomited
10:08.22Zoldenwe must teach the world waht a good td is
10:09.34ZoldenGoa_ also, I recommend you to get a device, that would support dominations, and play it a little to see buttons design, interface, graphics, game flow, just every feature you'll have to deal with, they made everything on a very high level
10:14.24ZoldenDeadZergling do you want to run my evolution program while you sleep and then show me a screenshot of the graph?
10:14.36ZoldenI need to perform many tests, and they are too long
10:14.40Zoldenabout 8 hours
10:15.12DeadZerglingdon't think that'll be possible, I can't sleep with the comp on
10:15.46DeadZerglinghowever at work might be a different story, could have it running on 4 diff comps possibly if I don't have work coming in tomorrow
10:19.21DeadZerglingI could at least set up a spare machine to run it for you if nothing else
10:19.58Goa_Zolden all TD-s are crap
10:20.14A1wincan't sleep with the PC on or won't try to sleep with the PC on? ;I
10:20.19Goa_my TD is pretty much over any TD in re playability
10:21.17DeadZerglingwell A1win , when buying fans, I looked are pure cooling capacity, said the hell with the decibels
10:21.33ZoldenDeadZergling will you be able to tell me that you came to work, so I send the files?
10:21.36DeadZerglingturns out it is harder to sleep with a stationary aircraft running in the background
10:21.59DeadZerglingyea, I think I can do that Zolden
10:22.04A1winmaybe it's time to get some new fans
10:22.20DeadZerglingmaybe, I mean they work fine, but I can't even hear my own speakers over them lol
10:23.05ZoldenGoa_ most of them are crap indeed, some TD may be ok, but the ones on top of google play are incredible shit. Though, I mean not gameplay, rather interface, well and a few gameplay features, like how to build towers
10:23.09Goa_Zolden also I gave up on the idea to make a fighting game for my stick figure game, it would be just too hard to make interesting enemies, so it will be an infinite runner
10:23.36Goa_yeah like bloons td...
12:11.40anarchgood morning
12:13.33Zoldenanarch got mail?
12:15.23anarchzolden i got it.  i forgot to start it up at home and im at work now.  i can run it for the next 7.5 hours if you like on my work ocmp (also i7 quad)
12:15.51anarchif this turns out to be a botnet i will hunt you and murder you btw
12:16.57Zoldenyes, run the shit out of it!
12:17.16Zoldenit's a botnet of bunnies
12:17.56anarchit shouldnt affect anything if i reduce the resolution so i can hide it in the corner, right
12:18.05Zolden7.5 hours should give enough generations to decide if the shit good
12:18.07anarchjust scales everything down, but does not affect functionality
12:18.23Zoldenrun it fullscreen, then minimize
12:18.47Zoldenbecause resolution of graph is created at start and doesn't resize
12:19.17Zoldenand it consumes only one cpu core, so shouldn't interfere
12:19.57anarchi see they utilize their projectiles now
12:20.00anarchwhat did you change to make this happen?
12:20.40Zoldenit's only at start
12:20.51anarchi saw a wolf blast a bear with it
12:20.52Zoldenrandom genes do this
12:20.59Zoldenthen it's being removed
12:21.10Zoldenthough, they may start doing it later
12:21.29Zoldenthere's just a slight reward (fitness function and hp) for hitting someone
12:21.36Zoldenbut still it's not big
12:21.58Zoldenbecause bigger reward turn experiment into mess, best strategy is kill anything and die
12:22.10anarchi see
12:22.38Zoldenthough, if they learn to aim and shoot stuff, they can do realy good, but with the current genome configuration they can't
12:22.41anarchi wonder if part of this is that the wolf has limited ability to aim.  perhaps he sees a target at some distance ahead of him, but has no understanding of the trajectory of that object, so
12:22.43Zoldeni'm trying to fix it
12:22.48anarchmany times when they fire, it is almost random what they kill
12:22.50Zoldenmaybe in your configuration they can do it
12:23.00Zoldenyes, at start everything is random
12:23.18Zoldenfirst rational acting starts at 200-500 generation
12:23.51anarchbut are they physically capable of accurate aiming with the projectile?
12:24.50anarchlet me clarify
12:25.16anarchwhen a wolf shoots the projectile, it takes some time for the projectile to arrive at it's target.  call this (T)
12:25.30anarchduring this time, the target is likely to move
12:26.00anarchto make accurate shots, especially as (t) increases to larger and larger numbers (farther distances)
12:26.07anarchthe wolf would need some way to aim ahead of the target
12:26.09anarchnot directly at him
12:27.17anarchso to develope this capability, i would imagine wolves would need something other than detecting distance in their 8/12 directions
12:28.16anarchbecause basically the wolf needs to shoot before the target ever gets in to it's frontal raycast
12:28.32anarchbut how does the wolf know when a target is approaching the frontal raycast before it gets there?  
12:29.55anarchbasically i am thinking (correct me if i am wrong) that even if it is just 1 wolf and 1 bear, it is physically impossible for the wolf to learn to aim accurately at the bear at certain distance where (T) becomes long enouhg time for the bear to move out of the way
12:30.19anarchbecause the wolf is incapable of "leading the target" because
12:30.30anarchof the way it percieves and understands its environment
12:31.47anarchand if i am correct ( i may be wrong) then most of the shots that hit beyond a certain range are actually just hitting collateral damage and not the actual intended targets of the wolves
12:34.00anarchand this could be why it is not turning out to be successful from an evolutionary perspective
12:34.09anarch(the projectile weapon i mean)
12:34.22Zoldenyes, they are physicall y capcble of accurate aiming
12:35.05anarchagainst a moving target though?
12:35.32Zoldenthey can't predict where the target will be, only can aim the actual target
12:35.41Zoldenwhich is already a great achievement
12:35.55Zoldenwould guarantee up to 50% hits
12:37.11anarchyou may consider this a waste of time but i would be curious to see what happens if you increase the projectile speed by like x2 - x6
12:37.45anarchso they could more easily assassinate a victim
12:37.47Zoldencost of hit is 1/10 of the bonus (not including killing the bear who can kill the wolf)
12:38.17ZoldenI made projectile time slow enough to give them time to dodge it
12:38.19anarchi think sometimes they release bursts of many shots because it helps them hit the moving target
12:38.23anarchthey do a strafe type of attack
12:38.31anarchah i see
12:38.36anarchdo they sense the projectiles coming in?
12:38.45Zoldenthey sense every kind of object
12:39.05anarchok i see.  that changes how i view this a little bit
12:39.07Zoldenexcept rabbits don't feel meat and wolves don't feel cabbage
12:39.43anarchmight be interesting if rabbits did feel meat so they could avoid being hunted, and perhaps wolves who feel cabbage could use it to know where rabbits are likely to come
12:39.59anarchoh you mean dead meat
12:40.06anarchyea thats pointless obviously
12:40.17Zoldeni could add this if other things start working. I'm just a bit worried about the amount of senses
12:40.19anarchbut if wolves feel cabbage maybe they could use it strategically to hunt bunnies
12:40.34anarchthats fair
12:40.38anarchits on generation 110 now
12:41.41anarchdo the bears learn also
12:41.46anarchor did you say they were preprogrammed
12:42.31Zoldenpreprogrammed, don't learn
12:43.46anarchits a bloody battlefield of dead and dying animals :(
12:44.40anarchits interesting to watch
12:44.47anarchi saw a wolf go on a rampage
12:44.58Zoldenit's a dark humor of the universe: death brings beauty and complexity
12:45.27anarchdo the wolves develop methods to avoid the bears?
12:45.39anarchso far the bears eat them up pretty easily
12:45.42Zoldenyea, I should make a video of the process and post on reddit, to attract more computers to compute
12:45.53*** join/#sc2mapster TwoDie (
12:45.59Zoldenyes, wolves are pretty good at avoiding bears
12:46.08ZoldenTwoDie hey, got any computation?
12:46.31TwoDiein few minutes 2k
12:47.56TwoDiewhat graph really shows? as when i came back there was huge drop in the stat line
12:48.00Zoldenwhat's your cpu?
12:48.19Zoldenred lines - wolves fitness, green lines - rabbits fitness
12:48.33Zoldenit's a mix of survival time and rewards for picking food
12:48.45Zoldenshows best 20% of population
12:48.50Zoldenshow me a screen pls
12:48.54TwoDieintel i3-3220
12:49.14Zoldenwhat's frequency of a core?
12:49.44Zoldennext time i'll build it with faster timescale for you
12:49.54Zoldenif you want to have a next time
12:49.58Zoldeni need alot of experiment
12:50.08Zoldendes it interfere with gaming?
12:51.00TwoDiehavent really gaming
12:51.04TwoDieutubing mostly
12:51.15Zoldenanarch i'm at 3.5K generation here, wolves eat meat, avoid bears, pursue rabbits, rabbits eat cabbage, run from wolves... if only wolves attacked
12:51.16TwoDiestreams a bit questionable on
12:51.36anarchso they develop successully in all regards except projectiles
12:51.43Zoldenyes, it seems
12:51.55Zoldenthough, I'd say, not everythign is perfect
12:52.10Zoldensometimes they pick the food at some directions, and doesn't at others
12:52.14anarchdo the wolves have any other means to kill a bear?
12:52.44Zoldenkilling a bear means higher survival chance + reward bonuns of hp and fitness
12:52.58anarchyep and they can kill them with projectile
12:53.03anarchanything else like claws?
12:53.09anarchi guess a bears claws would win?
12:53.22Zoldenbear wins in 100% chance, no claws
12:53.33Mercsharks > bears
12:54.07ZoldenMerc you sould like you just watched jurassic park trailer
12:54.18ZoldenMerc what about you? want to run some evolution?
12:54.26Zoldeni need computational power!
12:54.40MercI've avoided the trailer
12:54.51Mercand I'm not sure what you mean about running evolution
12:56.12ZoldenTwoDie nice, thanks, this is what I was looking for, Now you can close it, it already gave me the idea of how good your configuration (not good, because of low frequency of good mutations)
12:56.43ZoldenMerc I'm working on genome system, that allows to evolve AI from scratch in simple objects in simple environment
12:57.03ZoldenMerc and I need to find optimal parameters of that genome system by running alot of eperiments
12:57.28Zoldenit's a first experiment
12:57.33Zoldennow I got second one
12:57.52ZoldenI ask people to run it for 8 hours on their computers and screenshot the graph
12:59.04Zoldennice, reddit comment on downvote spree
12:59.12Zoldenfeels trolly
13:03.55TwoDiefuck yeah like never before had been smashing peoples faces with rouge in HS
13:07.27anarchdownvotes zolden
13:11.18TwoDiereports zolden to nazi polize
13:17.14ZoldenTwoDie I had 25 wins in a row in DN
13:17.29ZoldenMerc so, you want to run it?
13:18.55TwoDieggood for u zoldejn
13:20.41Zoldengood for all of us
13:21.30TwoDiecool weather having here
13:21.34TwoDiebeen outside
13:21.46TwoDieand thought to myself what im looking there for?
13:21.50TwoDiecan u say zolden
13:25.49ZoldenTwoDie tits?
13:26.26Zoldenearlier today: <Zolden> lol
13:27.21Zoldenright now it's cold and raining, but getting (finally, bitch) warmer every day, will be +20 next week
13:27.23Goa_cats are overrated
13:27.32Zoldencats are overrabbit
13:28.03TwoDievery sorry boy, im so late came to reddit and here :/
13:31.06Zoldenu so late came to rabbit and here :/
13:40.01Zoldenthis simply gives better opportunities to indie gamedevs
13:54.16Goa_nice pic
13:56.14*** join/#sc2mapster Ahli (6d5ae9ab@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
14:04.16anarchon generation 555, i am noticing a trend.  the wolves shoot a lot in the beginning of the round (which anihilates a lot of other creatures (i guess this reduces their competitors) but then they dont rerally shoot much for the remainder of the round.  perhaps the creatures only believe it is worthwhile if they have about max energy
14:07.08Zoldenanarch yes, they feel their own hp, and can limit shoots if it's low
14:07.29Zoldenalso, your generations run pretty fast, means they rely alot on killing each other
14:07.49Zoldenit's a local optimum, that I hope they'll find ways to leave
14:13.59anarchsome of the wolves are triggerhappy
14:14.14anarchonly for the first 5 seconds of the round
14:17.33TwoDieOMG HYPE
14:19.07*** join/#sc2mapster RipperRoo (
14:19.57anarchi dont understand?
14:21.25Goa_thats really gta5?
14:22.35Ashamedi got gtav pc ><
14:22.59AshamedI got it like half off on some preorder deal was pretty good ha
14:39.46Zoldendry road is easy for unity 5 shader
14:39.49Zoldenposteffects too
14:39.54Zoldenpoo too
14:42.14Goa_yeah that image looks so realistic because all those post effects blur
14:42.20Goa_but still its pretty nice
14:44.14AshamedThey uncompressed the entire game for pc
14:44.22Ashamedit is a 60gb fucking game
15:02.16AshamedTwoDie that may be the best game ever
15:04.25TwoDieWELL FUCK U THEN
15:09.04AshamedBEST EVER
15:18.35ZoldenTwoDie wanna run one more experiment?
15:24.03Ashamedtwo more
15:24.06Ashamedhe wants two more!
15:29.58anarchZolden: generation 1010
15:30.18anarchcan a bunny be killed by a projectile?
15:30.27anarchi just saw one doing what i think was fancy evasive maneuvers to dodge
15:31.48AshamedBunny agent?
15:33.01Zoldenyes, bunnies can
15:35.11anarchsome bunnies are getting super good
15:35.17anarchvery fast and accurate and evasiver
15:35.25AshamedBUNNY AGENTS
15:35.27Ashamedi am telling you
15:35.50Ashamedthe matrix though mr. smith was too intimidating. Turned into a bunny
15:36.13anarchthe bears are more like the agents though
15:36.17anarchsince they hunt and kill the wolves
15:36.30Zoldenwhy does it make them agents?
15:36.32AshamedI dont even know what we are tlaking about
15:37.20Ashamedwhat is this generation 555 game you even speak of
15:43.55anarchits a simulation
15:44.20anarchwhere the bunnies, wolves, and bears have a behavior based on their genome, which is initially randomly generated
15:44.47anarchand via natural selection, the genome is optimized, thus the creatures behavior in more strategic ways as the generations increase
15:45.08Ashamedwhere can i see the simulation?
15:45.12Ashamedits a trap isn't it
15:45.55anarchits an executable running on my computer
15:46.05anarchzolden is the one who is making the simulation so he sent me the program
15:46.17anarchits done in unityt
15:46.55AshamedI want it
15:50.20Goa_Zolden you need to make a twitch fame from your genome:D
15:50.39Goa_fame, lol misstype
15:53.01Ashamedgraphics are awesome!
15:53.24Ashamedwolves = red
15:53.30Ashamedbears = brown
15:53.48Ashamedwhite = bunnies
15:53.52Ashamedgreen = aliens?
15:54.11anarchWOLVES = grey
15:54.12anarchbears are brown
15:54.32Ashamedwho da read?
15:55.07anarchrabbits are little white ones
15:55.15anarchgreen is cabage (rabbit food)
15:55.19anarchand red is dead animals (meat)
15:55.22anarchand yellow is bullets
15:55.53anarchwolves are the ones capable of shooting bullets
15:56.42Ashamedi must be going color blind.. that screen shot has red/brown/white/green  -.- lol
15:57.13Ashamedthe red ones have little dots in the center howevver
15:57.46AshamedSo what is this experiment for?
15:57.58anarchin the screenshot, all of the wolves are unfortunately deceased
15:58.18anarchand thus there would be no bullets visible in the shot either
15:58.33Ashamedomg so much wasted meat
15:58.39anarchyea :(
15:58.46anarchthere starts out with so many animals
15:58.49Ashamedbears just kill for fun
15:58.50anarchthe first 3 seconds is a blodbath
15:58.59anarchbullets raining down in every direction...
15:59.04anarchclearing fields of animals
15:59.11Zoldenanarch ok, show me the graph, I need to plan next series of experiments based on what you've got so far
15:59.23Zoldenthen you can let them evolve further
15:59.35Ashamedanarch just draw a wiener and say its the graph
16:00.37Ashamedyou think wolves with bullets would survive
16:02.24TwoDiezolden i coudl
16:04.03ZoldenTwoDie ok, will send in 15 minutes
16:04.41Zoldenanarch looks like bunnies recently found a way to run from woves more effectively
16:04.53Zoldenor wolves started to attack each other too much
16:05.34Zoldenok, keep simulating till about 2-3k generations
16:05.37Zoldenor till u go home
16:06.28*** join/#sc2mapster kritzikratzi (
16:06.29anarchalmost to the point where the wolves must get lucky to catch one
16:06.41anarchit looks like the bunny can outrun them easily
16:06.58Zoldenyes, max speed is higher for rabbits
16:06.59anarchand it perhaps leads to mass starvation of the wolves
16:07.06Zoldenand wolves are faster than bears
16:07.18Zoldenso, it's up to control system to handle dodging
16:07.20*** join/#sc2mapster ArcanePariah (
16:07.29*** join/#sc2mapster duckies (4d26cd7a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
16:07.37Zoldenthere's some meat as well, but wolves rarely eat it
16:07.46anarchoh yes
16:07.48anarchi wonder why not
16:09.07Zoldenmaybe I need to generate the meat more frequently, so it's better exposed, and genes that help to get meat would have more chances to stay
16:10.31anarchi wonder why this happens though.  sometimes wolves will be so close to the meat but thye ignore it to chase a rabbit
16:10.35anarchas if they prefer live prey
16:12.21Zoldenbecause there's no gene to connect the senses in meat direction and movement
16:12.49anarchah i see
16:13.03Zoldeni'll now try to increase the chance of adding new genes
16:22.35*** join/#sc2mapster Raziel (
16:27.24ZoldenTwoDie sent
16:33.55TwoDiezolden how much?
16:34.35Zoldenhow much u needed?
16:35.48*** join/#sc2mapster kritzikratzi (
16:35.59TwoDiea much
16:37.32Zoldenjust shut up and run, or I beat your butt
16:37.43Zoldenscreen at >1200 gens
16:37.48Zoldenhope they make it till u sleep
16:37.54TwoDiewhat a dick u are zolden
16:38.06TwoDieeven hitler wasnt that kind of dick
16:38.16TwoDiehe did nothing wrong ;<
16:38.17Zoldenbeats TwoDie butt
16:38.27ZoldenGoa_ updated?
16:38.29TwoDiegives zolden a rimjob
16:38.42Zoldeni'll try if visit mcdonalds, ur app too heavy
16:38.59ZoldenTwoDie the only rimjob I accept is a screen of 1200 generations
16:39.27Zoldenand there may be fun, because I raised add new gene during a mutation from 20 to 50%
16:39.35Zoldenthey may explode
16:39.43Zoldenor turn to chaos
16:48.31*** join/#sc2mapster Zolden (~a@
16:49.37anarchGENERATION 1380
16:49.49anarchwovles still having trouble not starving to death
16:50.10anarchthe last remaining wolves seem to be ones that just stand still in the middle and hope not to be shot or caught
16:50.25anarchi guess this conserves energy
16:50.42Zoldenactually moving doesn't consume energy
16:50.49Zoldenotherwise they don't move mosstly
16:50.50anarchoh i see
17:01.11*** join/#sc2mapster kritzikratzi_ (
17:02.09TwoDiec c c c c c c
17:16.07TwoDiebam, suddenly rabbit died...
17:26.01Zoldenlol, that photoshop
17:26.08Zoldenneed to participate ps battles again
17:50.26TwoDiein arcade swastikas and hitler
17:50.35TwoDiein map image
17:51.26Zoldenputin may ban bnet now
17:59.51Goa_No, he wouldnt ban shity thing:D
18:09.12TwoDiegen 433
18:11.22ZoldenTwoDie gj
18:13.57TwoDiestraight line in the bed
18:28.30Zoldenfuck shit, i'll sell my TD game
18:40.39anarchwhat condition triggers the start of a new round?  I have noticed sometimes all of the wolves are dead, and just about all bunnies are dead.  the round continues with just bears, dead animals, and cabbages which continue to grow and overpopulate the world
18:52.02Zoldenanarch both wolves and rabbits must go below their minimum pop size
18:52.10Zoldenthey can stack, so 10 looks like one
18:56.48anarchoh i see
19:09.38*** join/#sc2mapster pirate (288bf91e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
19:10.01*** join/#sc2mapster Pirate|AtSea (288bf91e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
19:13.13anarchi think perhaps i have noticed an anomoly
19:13.38anarchrabbits and wolves movement is restricted by the white border.  their centerpoint can not cross the line.
19:13.46anarchhowever, the bears seem to be able to move completely offscreen
19:13.56anarchand it allows them to swoop in from offscreen and kill wolves who are on the border
19:14.07duckieslol twodie, that looks lovely
19:14.42anarchi feel this perhaps gives an unfair advantage to the bears against the wolves
19:15.34*** join/#sc2mapster Dustin_Hendricks (~Dustin_He@
19:20.59Zoldenoh yeah
19:21.06Zoldenphotoshop battles entry
19:21.49Zoldenanarch actually bears can be felt by wolves while they still far outside, so it's up to them to react or not
19:25.19*** join/#sc2mapster DeadZergling (836b9349@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
19:32.16anarchZolden: oh i see
19:39.44TwoDierabbits should fuck more
19:42.50Zoldenoh, i see
19:42.54Zoldenpretty chaotic
19:42.56Zoldentoo much new genes
19:42.58Ashamedrabbits fuck sooo much
19:52.34TwoDiehmm getting a bit more crazy
19:53.52Ashamedthem rabbits fucking too much?
19:54.24Zoldenwhat mde you think so>?
19:56.04TwoDiebigger couple red lines
19:58.21Zoldena single lucky wolf may walk in a bunch of fat rabbits to get a huge advantage, that will look like a tall red line
19:58.45Zoldenbut the real sign of progress is when the bottom of the lines gets higher
19:58.48Ashamedlucky wolf!
19:59.05Zoldenmeans good mutation spreads along the population and improves chances of the majority
20:01.52TwoDieyeah in other areas not much possitve changes
20:01.57TwoDieall that chaos
20:03.10anarchalright im going home
20:03.16anarchzolden need any more info from this thing before i do?
20:03.21anarchits at 2055 generations
20:10.03Zoldenscreen pls
20:14.28anarchhere you go
20:14.31anarchgoing home now
20:14.33anarchsee ya
20:16.15DeadZerglinghaving fun trying to get everyone to run your program Zolden ?
20:16.44Zoldenand it helps alot
20:47.04Ashamedw00t found an apartment
21:02.32*** join/#sc2mapster sc2println (~flo@2a02:810d:16c0:960:1464:c358:3911:ea85)
21:03.15DeadZerglinggrats, no more hanging out in IRC on the library computer then Ashamed ?
21:03.48Ashamedi get paid to hang out on IRC
21:03.55Ashamed26 an hour to be exact -.-
22:02.47DeadZerglinghow do I keep convincing myself I need more UI crap.  Fortunately, this one is supposed to look bad:
22:03.44Zoldenregrets clicking the link
22:08.19DeadZerglingyes Zolden we know, you are an asshole
22:25.56Zoldenwhy you call yourself Zolden?
22:31.30*** join/#sc2mapster Zolden (~a@
23:16.50AhliI need some people to test my multiplayer FPS map... anyone here?
23:24.24DeadZerglingis real time response and being able to in fact do more than connect required?
23:24.36DeadZerglingI can join as a dummy player, but not really able to move/shoot well
23:29.04DeadZerglinglet me know anyways Ahli , can join, but not able to function too well if I join over a remote connection :)
23:30.24Ahliwell, moving and shooting is the reason to test... I need to know how hittable players are and I hope to get a game with 8 players someday to see how it behaves when everyone walks and shoots around, etc.
23:31.22DeadZerglingwell, could give you a very simple moving target
23:31.41DeadZerglingjust don't be expecting any 180 sniper head shots
23:32.14Ahliwell, let's just try it :D
23:32.31AhliEU or US bnet? US would require me to publish it there really quick
23:32.59DeadZerglingoh, this is SC2?  either way works, I assume ill lag horribly either way
23:33.31Ahliwhat else should it be?
23:33.50DeadZerglingfigured you had migrated to unity as well, lol
23:34.14AhliI have too much stuff in SC2 to do to learn unity
23:34.44Ahlichannel ahli on EU
23:35.12Ahliif anyone else wants to see/test it, just speak up :)
23:35.40DeadZerglingokay, hopefully it doesn't require me to patch, but heading over now
23:37.49DeadZerglingso you are in the same boat as me aren't you Ahli , lol
23:38.05Ahliwhich boat?
23:38.10DeadZerglingI know I should migrate to Unity, but I have things to finish in SC2 first
23:38.43Ahliwell, I don't think I have time to migrate to anything... I should finish university instead of learning something new.
23:39.12DeadZerglingon bnet in your channel now

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