IRC log for #sc2mapster on 20141015

00:13.53*** part/#sc2mapster Ahli (~asdaaaaa@2a02:908:fd50:2960:d8ca:2a8f:250b:83b)
00:32.48*** mode/#sc2mapster [+o Torhal] by ChanServ
00:52.27*** join/#sc2mapster Bounty (45f8f26f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
00:54.13*** join/#sc2mapster Necromoni (b32af31a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
01:06.01ArcanePariah|Schgreybeard, if I understand your question correctly, you have a multitude of searches from a persistent, that once they find a target, does aoe damage and concludes the persistent
01:06.45greybeardI have come up with a solution, using an area enumeration validator
01:07.46ArcanePariah|SchHehe, I was about to suggest just that. Have the persisten run the damage effect, but have an enumerate area validator for the damage effect and use the success flag for the persistent
01:10.49greybeardah, and the success flag removes the need for a destroy persistent effect?
01:12.37BountyAlright so what do you guys like better for a Kickstarter Trailer
01:12.52Bounty^ 1:39 onward
01:13.46ArcanePariah|Schgreybeard, correct, it should. Success flag, at least in my testing, destroys the persistent once a child effect succeeds in executing. I tested this with a persistent that ran the nuke damage, and executed it on a random spot in the world. Nothing happened, but once the validator passed, nuke detonated, but not before and not after.
01:14.24ArcanePariah|SchFailure likewise means the effect will continue until it fails. So I ran the nuke, and it kept detonating as long as the validator was passing, but stopped once it failed to pass
01:14.41ArcanePariah|SchAnd this is the validator on the child effect, not the persistent itself, nor the periodic validator
01:15.17ArcanePariah|SchWhich is one reason it can be so powerful, since it makes the execution dependent on the child effects, abstracting that part away
01:16.03ArcanePariah|SchOne possibility is have switch effects, so that the game will continue to execute if any of the switched effects succeed, but if none do, the persistent dies
01:16.53ArcanePariah|SchAnd since they are persistents, you could create a persistent in the world that does global environmental effects, say something that is chapter or game mode specific
01:18.12ArcanePariah|SchLike, have a singular persistent that checks for just one thing, like a player requirement, and use that persistent to do a mass of randomized persistents in offsets to do ambient spawns for a game
01:18.33ArcanePariah|SchChange the player thing (say an upgrade) to make the player req fail, and end the persistent
01:19.12ArcanePariah|SchAlso, the persistents with offsets would run other persistents with offsets to give a better distribution of randomzied spawns
01:19.49ArcanePariah|SchSince each nested persistent gives you 30 more offsets. So it would be 30^n offsets, n being the number of nested persistents
01:20.45ArcanePariah|SchOne could use recursion as well, having the persistent run itself, as part of a list of periodic effects that include the spawning, so some random persistents will create units, others would nest back and have further randomzied offsets
01:21.21ArcanePariah|SchNow that I think of it... that would be a rather effective way to populate a world....
01:26.44*** join/#sc2mapster Repo` (~repo@
01:31.30ArcanePariah|Schlawl, gotta be careful doing that though, jsut froze SC2 with too many nested itereations :D
01:32.26*** join/#sc2mapster eyamaz_ (sid40777@gateway/web/
01:33.23*** join/#sc2mapster Fisker (
01:40.36ArcanePariah|Schlol, works all too well, one run spawned 2 units, another spawned over a 1000
01:42.13*** join/#sc2mapster ScytheBl1de1 (~Death@about/pxe/ScytheBlade1)
01:43.02ArcanePariah|SchCould use to make effective randomized distributions of units over a map, say like trees and what not. I remember Nytemare/Kazimir having his map do something like that.
01:43.04*** join/#sc2mapster Fisker (
01:43.20ArcanePariah|SchCould mix it with a validator checking for food usage, and better spread of random offsets to get a more uniform arrangement
01:44.00ArcanePariah|SchProbably just have a master persistent that has failure as flag, running the spawner persistent, and have that one use a validator for player food.
01:58.02Dustin|WorkSomething Id much rather do with triggers :P
01:59.35ArcanePariah|SchTrue, for intital population. Might be useful for creating ambient spawns. I currently am using a hybrid approach in NOTD 2, populating the world intially with hidden/invisible buildings that have train abilties
02:31.24*** join/#sc2mapster tigger0jk (
02:33.03greybeardArcane, is there a way to reference a specific unit (such as a launched missile unit) within an effect tree?
02:35.11ArcanePariah|SchDirectly? No, but you can do a launch as part of a persistent, followed immediately by a search for said missile.
02:36.52Necromoniyea  that was a big problem
02:36.58Necromonifor me once
02:37.35greybeardmaybe I did my calculations wrong
02:52.21greybearda projectile that ricochets off walls at randomized angle of +/- 60 degrees is realistic enough, yeah?
02:56.27Dustin|WorkI would say so
03:02.24greybeardcool. Now I need to add some custom value magic to give breach missile a maximum number of ricochet (no narrow corridors of bouncing missile death)
04:47.40*** join/#sc2mapster shintah (
05:06.27*** join/#sc2mapster TwoDie (
05:34.20*** join/#sc2mapster Ahli (~asdaaaaa@2a02:908:fd50:2960:6d2a:5f88:138e:36f0)
07:03.29*** join/#sc2mapster Goa_ (
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07:33.59*** join/#sc2mapster Goa_ (
08:07.02*** join/#sc2mapster purl (
08:07.02*** topic/#sc2mapster is | | sc2mapster bnet2 channel | WCS Partnership for eSports g0g0! | We want your broken maps! | This channel is logged, via purl
08:55.30*** join/#sc2mapster Zolden (~a@
09:04.31GoaI have new simple game idea, that I gonna do
09:18.37Zoldenoh, when I woke up today, I thought something like the bear thought
09:19.16Zoldenwhen the super-intelligent creature evolve as the new god, what will it do except maintaining its existance
09:20.34Zoldenand then i calmed myself: it will understand what to do, its evolution will from his durpose making sub-systems
09:21.06Zoldenwhat's your simeple game idea about Goa
09:21.20Goadoodle jump like game
09:21.27Zoldenwhat's doodle?
09:22.04Zoldenit's your THE IDEA?
09:22.35Zoldenwhat attracted you to spread your limited resources on that?
09:22.50Goait will be simple similar game
09:23.10GoaI just want to pump out another simple game before making something complex
09:23.27Zoldengood idea
09:23.32Zoldengood idead
09:24.03Goawatch the video I linked
09:24.07Goaquite nice:D
09:24.26Zolden"idead" will be apple's machine to enlarge people's existance in virtual vorld, in memory of jobs
09:24.47ZoldenGoa didn't my first three sentences make it obvious that i watched it?
09:25.23GoaI guess I didnt woke up yet
09:25.23Zoldeni don't like the ending though, too cheap, like the author was out of ideas, but wanted a cherry on the top
09:26.38GoaI think all the squirrels answers were cheap
09:26.56Zoldeni need to fix the "eco strat is op" in mnm, then go back to unity
09:27.37Zoldenyea, too banal, he could just rape the fox in the mouth instead of even talking to it
09:30.58Zoldenalso, there should be a twod character too
09:31.11Zoldenthat is afraid of stop beine lazy
09:31.19Zoldenthat should be raped in the mouth as well
09:39.37*** join/#sc2mapster shintahW2 (
09:53.04*** join/#sc2mapster Tomura (
09:53.57*** join/#sc2mapster Goa_ (
09:56.08GoaHeartstone uninstalled, time to focus on making games:D
09:57.41Goathats quite nice campaign
10:01.32Zoldenyea :)
10:39.41*** join/#sc2mapster Raziel (
11:34.09*** join/#sc2mapster Goa_ (
11:35.32*** join/#sc2mapster Rommper (bc241652@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
11:39.31Goakibaszott invitel
11:39.55Rommpermi történt?
11:40.04Goaszarakszik a net
11:47.08*** join/#sc2mapster Goa_ (
12:13.25*** join/#sc2mapster Goa_ (
12:28.47*** join/#sc2mapster TwoDie (
12:34.52Goabtw Zolden, useful site:
12:46.18*** join/#sc2mapster Ahli (~asdaaaaa@2a02:908:fd50:2960:f08d:3444:8b34:b361)
12:57.23*** join/#sc2mapster Ahli (~asdaaaaa@2a02:908:fd50:2960:f08d:3444:8b34:b361)
13:07.20*** join/#sc2mapster Ahli (~asdaaaaa@2a02:908:fd50:2960:f08d:3444:8b34:b361)
13:11.04Ahlidisables ssl 3.0 in opera as it is not secure anymore; brrowser crashes 2+ times within a few minutes :<
13:28.49*** join/#sc2mapster Goa_ (
13:29.52Goa_wonders why do people use Opera?!
13:36.27Ahlilikes Opera 12.17's irc, mail, browser, feed, sessions, tab grouping, click element to enable plugins...
13:37.18Ahlione program as my internet workstation on one screen, awesome!
13:37.44GoaAhli, you can do all that stuff in firefox with plugins without suffering from the 12.17 limitations as its not updated since decades
13:40.54Goathough I have my mail outside of firefox as there is no good mail plugin for firefox
13:41.33Goabut I am using irc plugin currently and there is a tab plugin for firefox that makes tabs better than opera has:D
13:47.40*** join/#sc2mapster Zolden (~a@
14:13.22*** join/#sc2mapster Souler (
14:32.54*** join/#sc2mapster Goa_ (
14:44.13*** join/#sc2mapster ArcanePariah|Sch (
15:30.18*** join/#sc2mapster Zolden (~a@
15:32.06*** join/#sc2mapster Raziel (
15:32.29TwoDieso what weather you enjoying there?
15:37.36Zoldenweather is great, something between fog and rain, but still rather warm, splendind autumn decay smell
15:50.25TwoDiewow so gay
15:50.29TwoDiecant use editor :(
15:50.43TwoDiethis gay friend wants me to login
16:01.19Zoldenwhy do you need editor?
16:10.41TwoDiecontinuing with the pigs
16:10.51Zoldenyea! go, pigs!
16:31.38*** join/#sc2mapster duckies (4d26cd7a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
16:40.27Zoldenquacks histerically to duckies
16:46.13*** join/#sc2mapster Goa_ (
16:46.35TwoDiegoa came and told us funny jk!
16:53.52*** join/#sc2mapster Ahli (~asdaaaaa@2a02:908:fd50:2960:f08d:3444:8b34:b361)
16:58.22*** join/#sc2mapster sc2println (~flo@2a02:810d:1680:242c:f66d:4ff:fe93:2e29)
17:00.27*** join/#sc2mapster ArcanePariah (
17:33.41*** join/#sc2mapster greybeard (46435739@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
17:51.23*** join/#sc2mapster Fisker (
18:02.38*** join/#sc2mapster Bibendus (
18:23.46*** join/#sc2mapster ArcanePariah (
18:24.45*** join/#sc2mapster Dustin|Home (
18:32.37*** join/#sc2mapster Zolden (~a@
18:36.27ZoldenTwoDie show me your twoday's pigs
18:39.25Zoldencrap, he doesn't answer
18:39.30Zoldenplaying dota
18:39.37Zoldenno pigs 4 me ;/
18:51.57TwoDieyou are correct
18:52.09TwoDietho changes isnt really noticable
18:52.18TwoDiemuch either
18:52.23TwoDieits related to animations and few tweaks to textures
18:53.27Zoldenfew twoads to twodxtures
18:54.40*** join/#sc2mapster RazielZ (
18:58.50*** join/#sc2mapster Rommper (bc241652@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
19:03.27A1winwtf, I have two identical materials in Unity, but one of them makes the sprite semi-transparent, and the other one doesn't
19:03.40A1winand I can't seem to be able to create a material that doesn't make it transparent anymore
19:08.12ZoldenA1win alpha/blend modes you need, and they use alpha layer as the source of transparency information
19:08.25A1winthey are the same for both
19:08.56A1winbut now I'm changing one object and another one changes, maybe my prefab references are messed up or something
19:09.40Zoldenu sure they both applied to the meshes correctly? you can try them fast with gui.drawtexture(rect, texture) function
19:10.14Zoldenyea, prefab references may be a little bit tricky, i remember something, but not super tricky
19:10.52greybeard ESL heroes tournament
19:11.36TwoDiehi who are you
19:11.46TwoDiewhy you visit this place
19:11.57TwoDieyou ahve to pay hidden fee to me
19:13.12Rommpergives 10$ to TwoDie
19:13.19Rommperits super effective
19:13.48Rommperi love roleplays TwoDie :D
19:14.29A1winapparently if I have only one sprite of a certain material, that material becomes transparent, otherwise not O_o
19:14.34TwoDieyou so gaaaaaaaaay :<
19:14.40A1winas soon as I add another sprite, they both lose the transparency
19:15.04ZoldenA1win sounds fun, keep experimenting
19:15.44A1wineven if I'm just dragging the object into the scene, the transparency goes away :x
19:16.35Rommperjust try to maintain the gay spirit of this chat TwoDie :<
19:17.59TwoDieu sooo cute it feels like i need to lick you up :>
19:18.32Zoldenthis is waht he payed twodden fee for?
19:18.54TwoDiei cant confirm that i recieved that fee yet
19:19.10A1winI think this is related to lighting...
19:19.13Rommperbought some nice talking instead of Commander borial's NO training!
19:19.44A1winor not
19:20.17Rommperis the pig business sucessfull? :)
19:23.30TwoDiesome tweaks
19:23.56TwoDiethinking of throwing more of a final version to you now
19:29.30A1winerr... even if during the game sprites go out of camera view so that there's only one sprite of a certain material left, it becomes transparent
19:34.04A1winchanging the texture format to truecolor fixed it
19:37.02*** join/#sc2mapster Dustin|Work (~Dustin_He@
19:41.02ZoldenA1win maybe 2+ sprites -> dynamic batching involved -> awkwardness
19:42.20A1winsomething like that
19:42.38A1winexcept it worked correctly when there was at least two, and incorrectly when there was only one
19:50.06TwoDieebola to you to dustin
20:00.59greybeardtribute spawn point is a methodical RNG
20:15.00TwoDiebitches be pregnent
20:17.45greybeardcursor effect for tychus' overkill is OverkillTargetedSearch (an arc search) but in game the cursor display is the ability max range (since you have to target a unit, I guess?)
20:34.18greybeardthis must be why theyre hiring HotS data interns
20:36.40*** join/#sc2mapster Fisker (
20:37.56ArcanePariahWelp, time for me to get off to class :P
20:40.55greybeardnooo, but I want to talk about collision missile abilities
20:41.25greybeardHeroes uses scan behaviors on the missile unit
20:41.44greybeardand overcome missile speed issues by having it search multiple offsets in each tick
20:42.31greybeardit pains me that I didnt think of this and instead used horrible persistent offset searches from the launch location and used math to approximate missile location
20:48.56Dustin|WorkI just have a behavior that searches in a 1 radius (or missle radius size) every tick and apply the dmg/kill its self
20:49.58greybeardthey do essentially the same thing, but each tick theres a persistent that performs such a search at 0.0, and 0.5 (and so on, depending on missile speed)
20:50.29greybeardand they get rectangle searches ಠ_ಠ
20:50.32Dustin|WorkThat sounds like a pain if you have anything that interacts with the missles
20:51.24greybeardhow so?
20:51.59greybeardI think it would make it easier
20:52.18greybeard(it actually solves the main issue with my missiles)
20:56.04Dustin|WorkBecause if a missle gets re-directed or slowed down the whole thing is off
20:56.21Dustin|WorkIt;s basing everything off a line from the initial launch point
20:56.54Dustin|WorkWhat's your main issue with missles?
20:57.37greybeardah, I think you misunderstood, the persistent is run off a behavior on the missile
20:58.15greybeardand each tick the missile searches at its position and 0.5 behind it
20:58.57greybeardwhat I'm currently using is what you thought I was describing
20:59.11Dustin|WorkGotcha, I thought you had 1 persistant that gets created, shoots the missle and increases it's search area offset by Missle Speed + offset
20:59.30Dustin|Workin the direction of the missle launch
20:59.46greybeardwhich I had working with my redirects, but there was some disconnect between the missile and persistent since the missile was just a dummy unit
21:00.23greybeardbut I will switch to heroes method for my longer range missiles once I finish this sandwhich
21:15.59*** join/#sc2mapster Zolden (~a@
21:21.17greybeardlol nvm, there is no standardization of projectiles in heroes
21:24.05Zoldeni want to mapmake something for heroes, gimme
21:24.55greybeardeh, Im just browsing through ability/effect xml
21:25.14greybeardfinding examples such as:
21:29.35Zoldenthey smoke weed
22:17.04A1winimplemented map generator, it has a pretty shitty algorithm atm though ;p
22:17.37A1winhexa tiles work perfectly for what I have in mind...
23:01.27Ahlimoe dots more dots
23:10.06ZoldenTORE TWODS
23:29.46*** join/#sc2mapster IskatuMesk (4645ef99@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
23:42.18*** join/#sc2mapster Ahli (~asdaaaaa@2a02:908:fd50:2960:f08d:3444:8b34:b361)
23:53.06*** join/#sc2mapster Lajjla (~nevzets@unaffiliated/nevzets)

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