IRC log for #sc2mapster on 20140829

00:30.58*** join/#sc2mapster IskatuMesk (4645ef99@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
01:00.55JademusSregBusy fuckin' day, phew.
01:06.13Dustin|WorkI hear that
01:12.59*** join/#sc2mapster turtles1 (
01:14.56IskatuMeskjust woke up
01:15.00IskatuMesktime for a night of being lazy
01:16.17IskatuMeskthough thinking of a proper intro for this thing is probably going to take all night
01:19.22IskatuMeskI find that is the hardest part of writing
01:19.34IskatuMesknext to descriptions because of my limited vocabulary
01:49.56*** join/#sc2mapster herolief (
02:05.03ArcanePariahSup JademusSreg, any other insights into the patch data?
02:06.38JademusSregAh, nope, but then I didn't look beyond new natives, new validator stuff.
02:18.00JademusSregHmmm, interesting/odd.
02:18.05JademusSregNot patch related.
02:18.21JademusSregRelates to Mesk's Apex campaign.
02:31.35turtles1new natives?
02:31.46turtles1anything good?
02:42.25BountyWho are the best 3D modelers in the community?
02:44.02Dustin|WorkActive ones? noone at the moment lol
02:44.08Dustin|WorkI like Tricerons stuff
02:46.06BountyI am debating on making a post on the forums
02:46.28BountyBecause themusic suggested we get a 3D modeler before the KS so we can also showcase their resume
02:46.33Bountywhich is a good idea
02:46.39BountySo we have to get one quick.
02:55.33JademusSregMesk, few things before I nap for a brief aeon.
02:59.55JademusSreg1) About to derpox my WIP version of 0x01, shows the state of my testing and tinkering. Especially Start Apex AI stuff.
03:01.10JademusSreg2) Noticed an absurd amount of shader compiles, but the editor/client apparently lacks sufficient tools to get detailed debug info from assets in-game.
03:02.42JademusSreg3) Dumped actors to logs, spotted some effect scopes without any apparent source, looked through the apex effect data, noticed the attack ground shoot me persistent is never destroyed, could potentially run amok.
03:03.38JademusSreg4) Crashed the editor while investigating #3, thus prime nap time.
03:12.31*** join/#sc2mapster tigger0jk (
03:12.43BountyWhat do you think Dustin, should I contact them all individually or just make a post
03:19.43IskatuMeskshader compiles? lol
03:22.54Dustin|WorkI've decided im bringing back Bangarang as a replacement for fucking awesome.
03:23.07Dustin|Work"Dude that pie was bangarang!"
03:26.25ArcanePariahNow we know Dustin|Work is bored or insane at work
03:31.17Dustin|WorkLittle bit of both lol
03:51.22BountyDustin is always at work ArcanePariah
03:51.50BountyI suspect he may not be human
03:52.16IskatuMeskarty isn't built in 0x01
03:54.49IskatuMeskso those effects should never spawn
04:20.36*** join/#sc2mapster tigger0jk (
06:03.21turtles1Apparently running the unit tag function on no unit gives you the result 65535
06:03.46turtles1kind of random
06:14.04*** join/#sc2mapster Fisker (~ballmer@2a01:4f8:d12:1104:d1e:d1e:d1e:d1e)
06:18.14*** join/#sc2mapster Bounty (45f8f26f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
06:42.36*** join/#sc2mapster Goa_ (
06:59.45IskatuMeskrunning the test map, jade. It does seem to perform a little better, particularly early on
07:00.13IskatuMeskeventually goes back to 9fps though
07:00.16IskatuMeskprobably the attack waves
07:09.56IskatuMeskif only there was a way I could do this without the editor overhead..
07:13.22*** join/#sc2mapster Zolden (Zolden@
07:22.12Goa_ohh Zolden, so early:D
07:28.26Zoldenbecause i'm in moscow, and this is my normal waking time
07:30.32ZoldenGoa_ propaganda on reddit failed ;/
07:30.59Zoldenonly one click per $2
07:31.06Goa_yeah, that was a very bad idea
07:34.48*** join/#sc2mapster tigger0jk (
07:47.47*** join/#sc2mapster tigger0jk (
08:00.09IskatuMesknap time
08:05.19*** join/#sc2mapster tigger0jk (
08:08.31Goa_A1win Blizz guy now indie unity developer:
08:10.48Zoldenpost it in my propaganda thread on mapster
08:11.22Goa_Zolden link?
08:19.58*** join/#sc2mapster tigger0jk (
08:36.46*** join/#sc2mapster tigger0jk (
09:08.12*** join/#sc2mapster Goa_ (
09:34.16*** join/#sc2mapster zolden (c2badc37@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
09:34.39zoldenGoa_ nice post
09:53.34*** join/#sc2mapster Earth--Fury (
09:56.37*** join/#sc2mapster mercm8 (
10:06.50*** join/#sc2mapster RazielZ (
10:07.27*** join/#sc2mapster KaeltenAway (Kaelten@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/WoWIFA/CurseStaff/kaelten)
10:07.27*** mode/#sc2mapster [+o KaeltenAway] by ChanServ
10:09.45*** join/#sc2mapster TwoDie (
10:49.40*** join/#sc2mapster Ahli (
10:51.07*** join/#sc2mapster yttrium (
10:53.16*** join/#sc2mapster Fisker- (~ballmer@2a01:4f8:d12:1104:d1e:d1e:d1e:d1e)
10:55.48*** join/#sc2mapster Grum_ (
10:57.06*** join/#sc2mapster A1win (a1win@
11:03.59IskatuMeskOh for fuck's sake... the capacitors in the monitor are going...
11:07.38Ahlidon't place a nerd outside for 2 days... sunburns hurt...
11:20.40*** join/#sc2mapster Zolden (Zolden@
11:23.13ZoldenGoa_ look, twod's here!
11:23.13ZoldenTwoDie what happened?
11:23.13Goa_he is really here
11:23.13ZoldenTwoDie what are your gamedev related activities these days?
11:23.41TwoDievery slow.. still making some triggering for other Custom mapping thing lalalal..
11:23.48TwoDieeverything is just in delay
11:23.51Zoldenat least something
11:23.55Zoldenunity maybe?
11:27.09Zoldendo you have android device btw?
11:27.09TwoDiecant complete simple shit.. I could complete major tasks related to that triggerling ages ago
11:27.09TwoDiebut no
15:51.03*** join/#sc2mapster purl (
15:51.03*** topic/#sc2mapster is | | sc2mapster bnet2 channel | WCS Partnership for eSports g0g0! | We want your broken maps! | This channel is logged, via purl
15:53.52*** join/#sc2mapster Zandose (
15:55.15Zandoseim trying to figure out how much the game scales models/units by from the camera
15:56.52zoldenproportionaly to the distance to camera
15:57.13*** join/#sc2mapster RipperRooX (
15:57.27Dustin|HomeYour game resolution fucks up on my phone, the left and right edges are like an overlap
15:57.49zoldenr1/d1 = r2/d2
15:57.58Zandoseif my camera is at x0y0z0 and my unit is at x100y100z0 whats the scale?
15:58.14Zandosegod math :(
15:58.54Zandosewhere did i put my link for r and d...
15:59.04*** join/#sc2mapster ArcanePariah (
15:59.07zoldendustin can u bring a screenshot?
16:00.01zoldendustin also, is it game or gui or both?
16:00.46Zandoseso... 0.5?
16:01.30zoldenzandose object size and distance to camera
16:02.36Zandosesize1/distance10=scale0.1 correct?
16:03.37zoldendustin wow, this is fun, cant even explain this
16:04.54zoldenanyone else has android device?
16:05.07Zandose....i do
16:05.30zoldenwhat resolution do u have zandose?
16:05.40Zandosedid I just become a guinea pig?
16:06.33Zandosewhere would said information be?
16:06.42zoldencheck this zandose pls
16:07.24Zandosegot to love android. press on computer and installs on device
16:07.25zoldenit's my game and i wanna know if it will scale properly on ur device
16:07.49Zandosei believe i have a samsung galaxy s3
16:08.10zoldenok, good, try it
16:09.34Zandosei died on purpose
16:09.41Zandoselooks good to me
16:09.58Zandosedont see any cutoffs
16:10.15zoldenok, now rate it 5 stars on google play
16:10.30zoldenthanks for test
16:10.30ZandoseSIR, YES SIR!
16:11.04zoldendustin can u check ur resolution somehow?
16:12.08zoldenmaybe it's because android interface buttons affect resolution being ncluded in screen space?
16:13.49Zandosei think im stupid. how do i rate it 5 stars? tried clicking the stars, nothing.
16:14.27zoldenzandose if your object at distance d0 has scale r0, scale r1 for distance d1 will be d1 * r0/d0
16:15.19*** join/#sc2mapster Ahli (
16:15.26zoldendunno, maybe leave a review, then rate
16:15.32Zandosecopied and pasted for later
16:16.27zoldendustin, u rate it too pls
16:16.34Dustin|Homegave it 5 stars
16:17.02zoldenok, got to go, cya dudes
16:23.47Zandoseyou are wise in the ways of the ratings, master Dustin.
16:32.24*** join/#sc2mapster Tomura (
16:38.16*** join/#sc2mapster Thenarden (
18:33.17*** join/#sc2mapster herolief (
18:47.22*** join/#sc2mapster Earths-Fury (
18:57.37*** join/#sc2mapster Bounty (45f8f26f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
19:24.27*** join/#sc2mapster Dustin|Work (
19:58.13ArcanePariahSo Dustin|Work, another day, another boring insanity inducing workday?
19:58.35ArcanePariah(jk, its tech, I sympathize and understand).
20:03.02TwoDieDustin how was your smashtv project gone?
20:29.38RepoNew map: tom -
20:29.39RepoNew asset: Baneling Cocoon Unit Icon -
20:29.39RepoNew asset: Waygate System Library  -
20:33.27Rommpernice the waygate will be realy useful :D
21:00.51*** join/#sc2mapster charys (32875ad0@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
21:04.07*** join/#sc2mapster Dustin_Hendricks (
21:07.58RepoNew announcement: RAZE -
21:09.52*** join/#sc2mapster herolief (
21:13.57Dustin_HendricksPretty much Arcane :P
21:40.54RepoUpdated wiki entry: Knowledge Base / Projects / File Statuses -
21:50.18*** join/#sc2mapster Zandose (
21:52.52*** join/#sc2mapster Grum (
21:52.52*** mode/#sc2mapster [+v Grum] by ChanServ
21:53.05Zandosecan i disable the automatic scaling of units/models from the camera?
21:55.23*** join/#sc2mapster Ahli_ (
21:57.58Zandosewhere can i view the log for this channel?
22:00.40Dustin|WorkDid you set your irc client to log channels?
22:01.45Zandosei did not :( and the purl log hasnt updated it seems. oh well
22:02.22Deaodhow far back is the line youre looking for?
22:02.24Zandosehave you looked at the first log ever for this channel?
22:02.41Zandosetoday but who knows what time. i'd be better off just asking again
22:02.53Zandosesince i didnt understand the first time
22:03.27Deaodi can give all i have of the last 24 hours or so
22:03.38Zandosenah forget it
22:03.55Zandoserereading it probably wont help me
22:04.37Zandosetrying to figure out what kind of number/factor the game uses for scaling models seen from a distance
22:06.53*** join/#sc2mapster Zandose1 (
22:07.07Zandose1lovely. routers acting up today
22:07.46Zandose1whats the last thing you saw me write? besides this line and the one above it...
23:11.41*** join/#sc2mapster Bounty (45f8f26f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
23:11.50BountyYou're unbelievable.

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