IRC log for #sc2mapster on 20140826

02:07.12*** join/#sc2mapster turtles1 (
03:12.56BountyYou can have it so multiple games can use the same bank, right?
03:14.41*** join/#sc2mapster Kazimir (
03:14.58*** join/#sc2mapster Kazimir (
03:43.16*** join/#sc2mapster paynis (b8a04703@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
03:43.23paynishey guys
03:43.27payniswhy isn't my loading?
03:43.41paynis"Starting" indefinitely
03:44.27paynishelp? :(
03:44.33paynisit's been 30 minutes it has been loading
03:44.38paynisand it is still at 0%...
03:53.06Lajjlapaynis, hmm
03:53.11LajjlaI think I can be of service.
03:53.13LajjlaFirst though
03:53.24Lajjlado you promise to use the ancient knowledge I will teach you only for good, never for evil?
03:55.03*** join/#sc2mapster tigger0jk (
03:55.14paynisof course >:D
03:57.35payniskilled "Agent.exe" in the Task Manager
03:57.39paynisseems to have worked :)
03:58.35paynisonly unstuck it to up to 40%
03:58.39paynisnow it's back to being stuck there
03:58.49paynisand I can't kill Agent.exe : it comes back right after I destroy it
03:59.27IskatuMeskuse a stake to the heart
04:01.12ArcanePariahpaynis, it is not you. and a number of other gaming services are being DDOSed
04:04.40Lajjlapaynis, oh you use windows.
04:04.46LajjlaWhy didn't you say you were a total faggot noob.
04:04.54LajjlaEveryone here uses real operating systems like Plan 9
04:07.09payniswho the fuck is DDOSing
04:07.13payniswhy would someone do that? :o
04:07.27paynisexcept they have a reason at being pissed at Blizzard for their shitty bug fixes
04:07.38paynisthere bugs that were on since the very launch that are still not fixed...
04:11.44ArcanePariahSOme kids were pissed at some streamer, and decided to hit, and from there it just grew like crazy.
04:12.08LajjlaRandom assumption about the age of people you dislike.
04:13.00ArcanePariahWell, in this case, I'm assuming an adult wouldn't knowingly commit a felony and brag on twitter about it. Namely, they posted a bomb threat for the plane carrying SOE president
04:13.14ArcanePariahWhich, by US law, instant 10 year + jail time
04:14.23LajjlaArcanePariah, and that's ageism.
04:14.30LajjlaHave you forgotten that adults took down the trade towers?
04:14.52ArcanePariahYes, in which case, both point to lack of emotional or mental maturity.
04:14.54LajjlaAgeism is seriously the last tolerated form of biggotry.
04:14.58LajjlaNo it doesn't.
04:15.14LajjlaThere is _no_ evidence whatsoever that that has anything to do with "maturity"or even correlates with it.
04:15.23ArcanePariahYou poke me, I retailiate by stabbing you. What would call that behavior?
04:15.39LajjlaSomething adults have been found to do far more than children?
04:15.49LajjlaHow many murders are children?
04:16.05ArcanePariah... far beyond count, child soldiers are... well... common as fuck
04:16.09LajjlaThe majority of murders are still commited by adults.
04:16.35LajjlaThe vast majority of armed forces in the world are adults, children are vastly underrepraesented as soliders, but that has an obvious cause in that adults obviously are physically stronger.
04:16.59LajjlaIf say 20% of the humans in the world are children, I doubt more than 4% would be soldiers.
04:17.08LajjlaAnd you know that as well as I.
04:17.34Lajjla"maturity" is a meaningless buzzword used nowadays for "behaviour I disapprove of" when it commonly has absolutely nothing to do with age.
04:18.28paynislajjla, how old are you? :D
04:18.34Lajjlapaynis, 26
04:18.40paynisyou is 11.
04:18.46LajjlaWell, you got me there.
04:18.56paynisi'm that smart :3
04:18.56LajjlaDamn, I thought my acting was perfect.
04:19.07LajjlaI must admit, I have never seen a windows user quite as smart.
04:21.04BountyTry not to get too full of yourself there paynis
04:21.16BountyClaiming to be smart is probably the least smart thing you can do
04:23.23IskatuMeskI hope b.ent gets ddosed until it disappears
04:23.28paynisstop trying to sound so smart, Bounty
04:23.29IskatuMeskbut alas, a man can dream
04:23.34paynisI get 1337 at IQ tests.
04:23.52paynisi succesfully connected to
04:23.58paynisalso, StarParty is awesome :D
04:33.13BountyYou do realize that IQ tests have nothing to do with intelligence paynis? lol
04:33.31BountyIt is quite a broad term.
04:38.13paynisyou're just jelly that I have 1337 and not you.
04:40.54BountyI would tread carefully if I were you,
04:43.34IskatuMeskI have 69
04:51.22BountyLeave it to IskatuMesk to make a reference relating to butts
04:51.36BountyI think 69 counts
04:52.53BountyIskatu Seemore Butts
04:53.50grim001so I got this idea to use the brightness of the diffuse map as a pseudo specularity map
04:54.01grim001works surprisingly well for no extra work
05:25.50*** join/#sc2mapster tigger0jk (
06:00.47*** join/#sc2mapster shintah (
06:24.28*** join/#sc2mapster duckies (c30db52e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
07:16.49*** join/#sc2mapster Goa_ (
09:45.32*** join/#sc2mapster SWAT_ (57b90f65@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
09:56.34SWAT_Hey...anyone knows if the trigger event "Any Unit Picks Up Any Item" still exists...can't find it
09:58.35*** join/#sc2mapster Ahli (
10:01.41SWAT_nervemind...found it
10:06.20*** join/#sc2mapster Raziel (
10:36.04SWAT_anyone knows how to hide an inventory button?
10:37.11Ahlihook it up and hide it?
10:40.51SWAT_i've tried it... this my hookup for the button UIContainer/ConsoleUIContainer/InventoryPanel/InventoryPanelTemplate/InventoryButtons/Button02
10:41.56AhliInventoryPanelTemplate no
10:42.13SWAT_okay ...just without it
10:42.25Ahlitemplates only give their content, not their name :D
10:42.54Ahlisees a dog pooping into another dog's territory
10:44.35SWAT_this button is the third button to oben the third container, right?
10:45.23Ahlimight be the case
10:45.37Ahlialso, be aware that you can check stuff with ctrl+alt+F12 ingame
10:45.46SWAT_hmm...than it doesn't work
10:45.59SWAT_but i don't get the error anymore^^
10:46.12Ahliblizz made a _not_ fully functional UI editor ingame, so you should be able to check the path inside it, too
10:47.29SWAT_yeah i have it checked...but im not sure if it is the wrong button...or i must hide it everytime when i select the unit
10:50.05Ahliyou could try to move it offscreen... =/
10:50.27SWAT_yeah thats a nice idea the whole panel is away...haha...but i only hooked up button02...a there another way to create an invisible slot
11:11.09*** join/#sc2mapster zolfen (6deb1c61@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
11:11.43zoldenthat's better, bitch
11:12.18zoldenGoa_ how is it going?
11:12.30Goa_making level 2
11:12.59Goa_trying to figure out how to stop gravity from making objects fall fast
11:13.39Goa_probably will just clamp velocity y over certain value
11:14.55zoldenyou can change gravity force
11:15.24Goa_I know
11:15.34zoldenor create areas of opposite force to compensate
11:15.44Goa_the problem is that I dont want object reach terminal velocity....
11:17.23Goa_sadly there are no such thing in physics settings:(
11:19.53Goa_ohh there are such thing
11:20.08Goa_max translation speed in physics settings
11:25.34zoldenyea, unity dudes know all u need and have it added in functionality, get used to it
11:26.27zoldenand that no uv in sprites issue has reason: uv used already for sprite swapping
11:32.15Goa_what about it? I was only complaining about no tileing
11:33.29zoldenwhat's tiling??
11:36.34zoldenand where's twod?
11:36.42Goa_Found out why we dont see duckies these days:
11:37.49Goa_Zolden sprites cant be tiled when its rescaled...
11:38.34zoldeni payed 50 bucks for ad campaign on reddit to promote my shmup
11:39.24Goa_do people read reddit from mobile?
11:39.28zoldenyea, tiling is not uv shift
11:40.02zoldendunno, just made an attempt as experiment
11:41.08zoldenactually there are deep free possibilities for propaganda, i'll do them too when i'm back
11:42.16Goa_dont know how the fuck, but I managed to save my level 1 scene on level 2 scene
11:42.16zoldenso just keep learning, soon we'll make millions for our games
11:42.43zoldensoumds wrong
11:43.02zoldenso u lost level 1?
11:43.08Goa_I saved level 2 on my blank level
11:43.17Goa_I only lost my blank level
11:43.45zoldenate they scenes?
11:45.22zoldenoh, got to go, cya
12:36.31Goa_lol Heartstone
12:36.46Goa_stupid demons put lord jaraxxus on the table ....
12:37.09Goa_without triggering its battlecry.D
12:54.33*** join/#sc2mapster Thenarden (
13:13.43*** join/#sc2mapster Goa__ (
13:14.05Goa__crashing win 8.1 and loosing half hour + work in unity3d
13:18.37A1winmmh, interesting
13:20.07A1winhehe, I actually used binary space partitioning in an older dungeon generator that I made without knowing what binary space partitioning is
13:20.07A1winor that it's called that
13:28.29*** join/#sc2mapster Tomura (
13:30.37A1winquite specific to that particular game
13:41.12A1winalso they've spent a lot of time making it look pretty and not that much on making it complex
13:45.01A1winweird approach too, crawlers are much more intuitive and make nice dungeon layouts
13:55.45*** part/#sc2mapster turtles1 (
14:34.28*** join/#sc2mapster Rommper (bc241652@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
14:40.00*** join/#sc2mapster shintahW2 (
15:05.34*** join/#sc2mapster Thenarden (
16:05.02*** join/#sc2mapster ArcanePariah (
16:25.07ArcanePariahHey Rommper, I devised a solution for unloading at a distance.
16:25.26Rommperwhat is it?
16:25.44ArcanePariahBasically teleport the unit from the cargo hold to the location.
16:25.59ArcanePariahThere is an effect that runs an effect against a units cargo
16:26.21Rommperits only for unload?
16:26.29Rommperor can work for load too
16:26.40Rommperbecause then i wouldn't have to change the mover to fly
16:26.54Rommperwhich help the navigation of transport
16:27.07ArcanePariahWell, loading was working with normal transport ability, but possibly. Can experiment.
16:31.47Rommperjust because with the flying mover you could load the unit
16:32.04Rommperbut the transport tried to past through islands etc.
16:32.15Rommpertried to fly over them but couldn't ofc
16:33.07ArcanePariahUnderstandable. I will see if the reverse can work, teleporting a unit into transport. If that fails, what I will do instead (and this is somewhat hacky) is teleport the unit to the transport, then immediately order the transport to load the unit.
16:34.54Rommperthank you for all these works :D
16:35.07ArcanePariahNo problem. I hope you are learning from them and why they work
16:35.47ArcanePariahBecause as much as what I'm doing is helpful, I would prefer you learn from my examples and thus be able to extend and do your own.
16:36.30ArcanePariahFor instance, before I mentioned it now, were you aware that there is an effect for targeting units inside transports/
16:36.58Rommperi heard about it
16:37.28Rommperyou can make an "eat" ability for example with cargo+damage targeting the units inside
16:37.42Rommperlike the kodo beasts had in wc3
16:38.18ArcanePariahWell, in that instance, not entirely, that ability can be handled entirely by the transport ability.
16:38.32ArcanePariahIn the transport ability, there is a field for applying a behavior to any loaded unit
16:38.50ArcanePariahFor the kodo, it would apply a behavior, that would have a periodic damage effect
16:38.54Rommperyeah thats easier
16:39.48ArcanePariahAnd that is the key, knowing what you have and reducing the steps to achieve your goal. What we just did is the most crucial part, by looking at an analogy, but also looking at what we have and thinking "How can we do this better"?
16:43.56ArcanePariahFor the unload, the version I'm making will unload only the first unit in the cargo. You can adjust the Maximum Count of the Iterate Transport effect to vary this, or set it to 0 to unload all units.
16:45.39ArcanePariahJademusSreg, you around? Or are you lost in a land of dreams, larva and the intersections of planes of any kind?
16:47.54Rommperi'm thinking about another thing atm. Is there a way to revert create healing. So it damage instead of heal?
16:48.14ArcanePariahAhh yes indeed, just set the vital values to negative :D
16:49.58*** join/#sc2mapster Bounty (45f8f26f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
16:50.12ArcanePariahAhh, it does not permit that. But what you can do is set the impact unit to be the caster, and the launch unit to be the target.
16:50.30ArcanePariahWhich in effect does what you want, drain from the target.
16:50.53ArcanePariahMind you, this will NOT trigger damage responses or trigger events based on units taking damage.
16:52.06Rommperwell i still want the caster to loose energy
16:53.06Rommperi want to make exorcism from here
16:53.16Rommperwhich could work similar how i done death coil
16:53.27Rommperthere is a target ability with targeting a point
16:53.34Rommperit has a search effect
16:53.44Rommperand then here comes the difference
16:54.22Rommperbecause death coil needed a recycled search with a damage effect set to 1 damage
16:55.00ArcanePariahWhat you can do is the following
16:55.12ArcanePariahDo the exorcisim the same.
16:55.37ArcanePariahBut on the Paladin, place a behavior with a damage response. The damage response effect will modify the paladin energy by -1
16:55.52ArcanePariahAnd for the damage effect of exorcism, have a validator checking the caster energy
16:56.33ArcanePariahIn this way, each "tick" of damage by exorcism will drain the paladin energy by 1, and thus paladin energy = damage dealt
16:56.48ArcanePariahThat make sense/
16:58.14Rommperhmm yeah
16:58.35Rommperit will respond only to the damage of spell right?
16:59.25ArcanePariahIn the damage response, you can do 2 things. 1) You can have it only respond to spell damage. 2) This is better, set the Require array to the damage effect of Exorcism. This means it will only respond to that damage effect.
17:06.44Rommperi will try it out
17:39.05*** join/#sc2mapster Charys (32875ad0@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
19:27.24*** join/#sc2mapster Dustin|Work (
19:37.05Goa_Ehh blizz winning Unity game play award with Heartstone:
19:44.49Goa_actually they won the main award tooo
19:48.04A1winI wonder if those awards help them fix their bugs
19:48.18BountyHearthstone was made in Unity?
19:48.36Ahlido they still have bugs left in hearthstone?
19:48.52A1winsame bugs as they've always had, just with workarounds so that they don't break the game
19:48.55A1winstill annoying
19:48.55Ahlithe only one I know is the ready button :<
19:49.07Ahlibut I rarely play it
19:49.13A1wincards getting piled up wrong in your hand, shifting around at random
19:49.25A1winthey just added a fix that puts them back in the right place *afterwards*
19:49.36Goa_A1win I think they are lazy to fix them
19:49.57Goa_it would be so easy to fix that you cant cast shit on moving cards for example...
19:58.06*** part/#sc2mapster Ahli (
20:02.28*** join/#sc2mapster Ahli_ (
20:05.43*** join/#sc2mapster herolief (
20:10.31libquebec-devA1win, muistatko mut vieläkin?
20:47.39Dustin|Workmustachio von svdjfgsdf
21:20.21BountyMultiple maps can utilize a single bank, yes?
22:23.29*** join/#sc2mapster A1win_ (a1win@
22:25.52*** join/#sc2mapster Blub\w (~wry@unaffiliated/blubw/x-6625061)
22:32.45*** join/#sc2mapster shintahW2 (
22:37.08*** join/#sc2mapster RazielZ (
23:09.42*** part/#sc2mapster Ahli_ (

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