IRC log for #sc2mapster on 20140710

01:08.32JademusSregSame way I play Bethesda games, haha.
01:08.58Dustin_HendricksJademusSreg, what you been up to lately
01:10.25JademusSregBeen contributing to Mesks's campaign and applying to Blizz, in addition to the usual.
01:19.47JademusSregOh, Mesk, got a solution to the AI system, shouldn't require gutting the standard melee scripts.
01:20.58JademusSregInstead, can simply use the same system used to designate melee AI strategies.
01:22.01IskatuMeskI think I need to re-convert this WoW model and re-rig all of the animations. God damnit.
01:22.15IskatuMeskwell, if I want the mutilate animation, at least.
01:26.26*** join/#sc2mapster Guest71234 (
01:26.35IskatuMeskNow I have to decide which model source I have will best suit drow
01:27.10IskatuMeskprobably will just wait for WoD updated models
01:32.36IskatuMeskjade, is it skin-melting hot where you are?
01:32.58BountyAnyone ever use these tutorials for Unity ?
01:33.37JademusSregWarm, humid, but I'm blasting AC.
01:34.05*** part/#sc2mapster Ahli (
01:34.11IskatuMesklucky bastard
01:34.21IskatuMeskto have AC... to live the dream...
01:51.52*** join/#sc2mapster ArcanePariah (
02:07.21Dustin_HendricksMesk's campaign? What's it called?
02:09.37JademusSregApex, informally.
02:13.35Dustin_HendricksInteresting, haven't heard anything about it yet
02:16.26JademusSregDefining characteristic is brutal difficulty.
02:16.33JademusSregWhich is putting it mildly.
02:18.09ArcanePariahHopefully balanced
02:20.09Dustin_HendricksFreenode's username length is too low
02:20.21Dustin_HendricksCan't fit my whole name >.<
02:26.16Dustin_HendricksDamn how'd you know my whole lastname
02:26.37JademusSregLucky guess, probably.
02:26.40IskatuMeskApex F
02:26.48IskatuMeskF being how many revision iterations it has had
02:26.49Dustin_Hendrickshehe I wish that was my last name
02:27.20IskatuMeskmy track record for balance has been quite decent, but I'm aiming for cave-style design
02:28.19IskatuMeskanyone who found the vanilla campaigns difficult won't be able to clear the tutorial I don't think
02:28.50*** join/#sc2mapster Bounty (45f8f26f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
02:28.51ArcanePariahlol well, WoL campaign could be beaten entirely with medic marine on brutal except the last level.
02:29.59IskatuMeskI'm getting into arcade titles and more difficult older games in my LP's. R-Type 3, Rondo of Blood, etc.
02:30.11IskatuMeskthat's the kind of difficulty I'm aiming for early into the campaign
02:30.42IskatuMeskof course, translating that into an RTS is difficult, but the mere fact the AI uses player-styled supply counts and defends itself is a big change alone
02:32.09IskatuMeskDustin, you won't hear much about the campaign because it's private
02:32.29IskatuMeskI'm not big on posting public information. The most I'll post is some stuff about graphics, and some dev videos on campaign creations in the future
02:33.07IskatuMeskfor example, I have a partly-completed audio-only monologue that talks about my approach to world building in terms of writing and applying that world to a project
02:33.17IskatuMeskbut that sort of stuff doesn't typically interest most people.
02:35.55JademusSregMeanwhile, I need to test my solution to the AI personality configuration issue.
02:38.45Dustin_HendricksI need to shift my focus and start working on my Physical/Digital boardgame
02:41.22Dustin_HendricksStuck on some electrical engineering descisions right now on how I want to design the tiles and heroes so that my RaspberryPi knows which tile and which hero is on which grid space
02:42.27IskatuMeskmy programming skills are limited to inserting random things and crashing games on contact, but couldn't a grid be an array? with a number corresponding to each tile?
02:43.05Dustin_HendricksYa but that's software side I can program the system all day but I need a physical way for my Computer to talk to the board persay
02:44.29Dustin_HendricksWas thinking about using contacts on each Tile/Hero and have pins setup on each grid, then have capacitors on each type. If i get a voltage of 1.0 back it'd be a Water tile, 2.0 it's a grass tile. then somehow make an algorithm to factor in hero voltages on the tile as well
02:45.03Dustin_HendricksRight now I have a 8x8 grid LED Matrix setup for controlling tile display for attacking/moving etc
02:46.36IskatuMeskelectrical engineering was something I wish I had the opportunity to get into
02:46.44IskatuMeskclosest I got was watching wires melt off of a transformer
02:47.08Dustin_HendricksYeah me too, I've been playing around with it a lot lately though to try to comeup with ways to make my idea work.
02:47.12JademusSregLinear sequence for non-overlapping values in the same set, each set offset by the size of the preceding set.
02:47.37ArcanePariahDustin, what you probably want is muxes
02:47.46ArcanePariahOne for each type of tile
02:47.56ArcanePariahOr even a single mux, with 4 states
02:48.05ArcanePariahOr however many types of tiles
02:48.26Dustin_HendricksHaven't heard of that before, what's a mux?
02:49.17ArcanePariahA muxer is a device that takes 2 inputs, and a 3rd one as a switch. If the switch is high, 1 input is passed through, if the switch is low, the other one is passed.
02:49.36ArcanePariahThough, now that I've said that, you don't really need that
02:49.55ArcanePariahJust need 1 or 2 pins to represent tile type
02:50.29Dustin_HendricksYa the tile type isn't too bad, it's when I try to tack on Hero type and tile type where it gets tricky
02:50.53ArcanePariahWell, in that case, that's where a mux comes in handy.
02:50.55Dustin_HendricksThe system has to know what hero is on which grid space as well as the tile under him
02:51.07Dustin_HendricksWonder if I can setup a matrix of Muxes
02:51.11ArcanePariahMux can signal that you passing tile type or hero on each clock
02:51.32Dustin_HendricksAnd if there are any supported by the Pi
02:51.49Dustin_HendricksI thought about weight sensors on each tile too
02:51.51ArcanePariahWell... a mux is simply something you set high or low
02:52.39ArcanePariahI would just make the communication of a given tile take 2 clock cycles, first one passes tile type, 2nd passes hero
02:54.06ArcanePariahOh, and I apologize for using the shorthand. Mux is the shorthand for multiplexer
02:55.16ArcanePariahAnd yes, you could have a network of muxes, or just have multiple muxes. Muxes allow you to control the datapath for an electrical system, so you can signal on different clock cycles for the control to do different things (read, load, store, etc.)
02:56.09ArcanePariahLike a mux is used in a typical cpu clock cycle to indicate whether the next instruction to be executed is a coming from a jump or from the program counter
02:56.34ArcanePariahSo it knows which input to read the memory location for the next instruction
02:57.02ArcanePariahI'm assuming you are using the GPIO pins on the PI for this.
03:03.38Teratronis there any code limit for triggers ?
03:03.43Teratronsize, number of actions, etc ?
03:04.17Teratronthe calculations are super simple and not all of them run at the same time (switch)
03:04.38ArcanePariahI believe you can have up to 2^24 global variables, but other then that... dunno
03:05.48Teratronbut there's about a thousand if-else statements with 12 thousand conditions
03:06.34IskatuMeskwhat exactly are you trying to calculate with all of that? the mass of my mom?
03:07.43Teratrona little sorting, old style
03:08.06Teratronthe trigger takes 5 seconds to load in UI
03:19.58*** join/#sc2mapster Caz (329ebbca@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
03:20.13CazBounty - where are you !?
03:23.26CazAnyone see that diablo remake game ?
03:23.40Cazpretty impressive
03:23.51BountyWhats up Caz?
03:24.02CazBounty !!!
03:24.16CazI totally just made my only opponent in tessera rage quit the game
03:24.23CazWTF !?
03:24.45CazIt left me to roam the game in limbo in search of non-existant enemy T___T
03:24.53Bountysorry >.<
03:24.56Teratronthat's totally todlier man!
03:25.45CazI'm kinda not mapping much anymore myself D:
03:25.59Dustin_HendricksCorrect Arcane, using the GPIO pins on the PI as well as a Backpack for my LED Matrix
03:26.13CazAlthough for a week or 2 i'll be programming in C++ to get/sort data from a serial device :3
03:26.24BountyI am personally done Caz and I will be moving to Unity. Hopefully with successful results.
03:26.53CazBounty sounds fun. The scripting for unity more resembles c++
03:27.20BountyYeah, I've watched a few tutorials. Looks intimidating at first but I'm sure once I get beyond that I will be fine.
03:28.42CazAt work i do grain inspection.. and the state told us we have to have a program to get data from the moisture/test-weight machines and move them onto the computer and sort them by which company they were for.
03:28.56CazSo i've decided to write one in c++ as a project
03:29.20ArcanePariahCaz, sounds interesting
03:30.10CazArcanePriah - aye its fun. Hooked upt he moisture machines to the computers with rs232 cable from the machine to usb adapter ont he pc side since it doesnt have rs232 ports
03:30.27Cazsettins all match so happy happy hardware.. just need software to work lol
03:31.48ArcanePariahNow just a matter of reading off the port. Libraries should already exist to help you handle that.
03:33.03Cazi'm going fairly masochistic on that one. Using WINAPI rather than wrapper or preexisting serialport class
03:33.16Cazi'd kinda need to understand the whole thing to use a premade class anyway.
03:33.24Cazlearning alot about serial communication
03:33.27ArcanePariahOh, you have to do this on windows? :/
03:33.39CazI've only ever used windows honestly. And both our machines are win8
03:34.42CazAlot of the documentation wants u to spawn an additional thread and use an event driven "wait" function to be signaled. Kinda rather just do polling in a single thread lol
03:35.53Cazwhether its you or the system.. somebody is gonna be polling to see if a state has changed lol
03:36.18Caz*waves Teratron*
03:36.21Teratronneed hhelp
03:36.33Cazdial 911
03:36.38Teratroni have a "did not finish" script that's not working fine
03:37.24Teratronbasically what i wanted to do is to check for player's units "if they not exist" for some period of time (like 5 seconds") but the script is not perfect it doesn't work well
03:37.39Teratronbecause the units teleport and disappear before new units spawn
03:38.11Teratroni did many delays before and after but it just didn't work so i have to scrap and start over the whole design of this "DNF Scanner" i call it
03:38.57Cazwhat do you mean by player's units ?
03:39.01Cazas in he does not have any units ?
03:39.53Cazso if he has no units for 5 seconds, what happens ?
03:40.02Teratronif the units get destroyed and the player didn't finish task, he won't be able to respawn
03:40.17Teratronnothing happens in the game, it's just dead end
03:40.33Cazso you want them to respawn?
03:40.35Teratronso i want to detect that and display some messages and other actions
03:41.25CazMhh i see
03:41.28Teratronthe system i used was basic and didn't work, because the script even tho it was every 15 seconds or every 10 second or every 5 seconds would have at least 10% chance landing on the moment when the units are teleporting
03:41.56Teratronno teleporting technically, old ones get destroyed before new ones spawn there's a delay at least 1 second
03:42.34CazYou could just keep count of the number of units the player has
03:42.42Cazand notify him with your message when the count is 0
03:43.12Teratronthe script needs to fire off when it detects no units in area, but then it has to count how many seconds there are no units for the player, as soon as the new units spawn the script must abort silently and not execute the "Failure" actions
03:43.57CazCheck all units in region .. and count how many are both owned by player1 and alive
03:44.03Cazif count = 0
03:44.06Cazdisplay message
03:44.24Teratronthat i know, what about the 5 second requirement ?
03:44.43Teratronif the count is 0 for 5 seconds
03:45.08Cazhmm you could
03:45.39Cazhave 2 checks
03:45.58Teratroni did that already
03:46.03Teratronstacked conditions
03:46.13Teratronwith a delay between
03:46.18Cazcheck1- if no units alive for player1 in region1 ---> launch 5s timer that sets off check2
03:46.22Teratronbelieve me i did all that
03:46.34Teratroni did exactly that
03:46.46Teratronwell i didn't use timer i used waits
03:47.22Cazcan i see it ?
03:47.29Teratronand i did it by unit ID not by count, so i'll change that right now
03:48.07Cazevery unit should be checked for owned by player1 and alive (snagging dead units would be bad)
03:49.39Cazcount =0;
03:49.41CazFor [units in region1] --> IF(unit is owner = player1 AND unit is alive) count = count+1
03:50.06Cazif count = 0 (zomg he has no units!)
03:50.28Cazwait 5s
03:50.59Cazcount =0
03:51.06CazFor [units in region1] --> IF(unit is owner = player1 AND unit is alive) count = count+1
03:51.22Cazif count = 0 --> activate special stuff
03:52.01CazI have a question though
03:52.04Cazwhen a unit dies
03:52.13Cazcan he get it back?
03:52.31Teratronall pre-defined pre-set
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03:52.42Teratroncount and type
03:52.45Cazthen why do you wait 5 seconds to check again
03:52.47Cazwhen ua lreayd know
03:52.51Cazhe cant have more than 0
03:52.53Cazonce he hits 0
03:53.22Cazif he has exactly 5 units
03:53.29Teratronthe game hits 0 also when destroying old ones and spawning new ones
03:53.43Cazwhat do you mean ?
03:53.53Teratronthat what i just said
03:54.04Cazdestroying old and spawning new
03:54.06Cazu said he cant get new ones
03:54.07Cazjust the 5
03:54.08Teratronthere is a period of zero units for the player
03:54.19Teratronthat period happens at spawning
03:54.23Cazjust at start ?
03:54.31Teratron10 times during the game
03:54.35Teratronfor 10 players
03:54.40Teratron10x10 is a lot of chances
03:54.50Teratronthe old script is unreliable
03:55.00Cazponder this a moment
03:55.20Teratronit executed the "failure" actions when the player was playing as designed
03:55.50Cazglobal int player1UnitCount =5;
03:56.05Teratroni never said there's 5 units
03:56.15Caz5 can be wahtever number u use
03:56.17Teratroni always talked about seconds
03:56.29Caz50 500 12345
03:56.33Cazhowever many u start them with
03:56.51Teratronyou mentioned a max of 5 previously
03:56.56Teratronfor some reason
03:57.42CazEventOnUnitDeath, If unitOwner(eventUnit) = player1 Then: subtract 1 from player1UnitCount .... if the count is now zero -> do special stuff
03:57.47Teratronthe number of units spawned is always different
03:57.57Cazstore how many they started with int he counts
03:58.19Teratronsounds interesting
03:58.23Cazreduction of count and check for special case
03:58.26Cazonly happens on unit death
03:58.30Cazso u only need to know starting amount
03:58.37Cazand it will run itself from there
03:59.49Teratronthat's just the count
03:59.57Teratronwhat about the 5 secs requirement
04:00.01Cazwhy do you need it
04:00.08Cazand if u do need it
04:00.22Cazwait for 5 seconds after that 0 count is detected on unit death
04:00.26Teratroni think because i was saying that since the beginning, didnt i ?
04:00.28Cazthen do whatever
04:00.44Teratrondoesn't work like that
04:00.59Teratronwaits don't help as they execute still
04:01.17Cazthey will pause the running of that event
04:01.17Teratronwhat if units have spawned inside those 5 seconds ?
04:01.37Cazu told me the player would not gain new units
04:01.38Teratronif the units have spawned it must break the script
04:01.41Caznow he can :O ?
04:01.55Teratroni told you the player gets new units 10 times over
04:02.02Teratrondo you have 5 minutes of memory or what ?
04:02.15Teratroni think i explained the whole thing 3 times over now
04:02.27Cazehhh ur wording is confusing when answering my questions and u dont like my answers :3
04:02.35Cazand u  dont provide any code soooo
04:02.39Caztake what u can get and appreciate
04:02.42Teratronnever said that
04:02.57Teratronthere's no code of any kind
04:03.08Teratronbarebone script now, i deleted everything and started from scratch
04:04.00Teratronthanks anyway
04:04.19Cazwhen u spawn new units for the player
04:04.23Cazthe counts have to be updated
04:04.37Teratronyes indeed
04:04.52Teratronthe count has to be constantly updated throughtout the game
04:05.25Cazmmh i could see why a timer would cause u issues too
04:05.35Cazcause if u spawned a unit.. that timer is not really necessary anymore
04:05.51CazI bet you could
04:05.57Teratronbecause this is the way i like it, it's already for 10 players so it'll be a lot of work making this for every spawn for every player, so i'll just run like a periodic event for the player, one trigger case for each player
04:06.13Cazi think u should look into timers
04:06.18Cazu could start your 5s timer
04:06.25Teratronwell im open on trying
04:06.27Cazwhen OnUnitDeath pushes unitcount to 0 for the player
04:06.32Cazthen if you spawn a unit
04:06.40Cazincrease unitcount by one and cancel/reset the timer
04:06.55Teratronsounds interesting
04:06.57*** join/#sc2mapster phil__ (475a5c79@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
04:07.00Cazif the timer ever does go off... do ur special stuff
04:07.07Cazand of course cancel any upcomng spawning
04:07.14Teratronoh actually i would have to stop the timer not just reset it ...
04:07.16Cazsince i dont know how ur doing the spawning process
04:07.28Cazaye i dont know if galaxy timers reset on stop or not
04:07.31Cazif they do.. super awesome
04:07.49Cazi work in c++ , always assume i must do 100% of the work lol
04:07.57Teratrondon't worry about the spawnings, they activate differently, i design my games separately, i don't clump up stuff
04:08.34Teratronthere's got to be a stop timer action, im sure 99%
04:08.43Cazu can stop a timer
04:08.55Cazcreate / start/ stop/ and i think reset
04:10.33CazWaits are tricky since they just pause a process. And you lose access to information not stored in local variables
04:10.49Cazsomething ilke "EventUnit()" returns the wrong unit after ur wait is over
04:10.52Cazfor example.
04:11.43Teratronnever used timers
04:11.51Teratronso i made a timer with a variable now ...
04:12.00Teratronand i can't do anything other than set "new timer"
04:12.09Teratronor what, how do i define it for 5 secs max
04:12.25Teratronor 10 secs whatever, just has to be above 3
04:12.32CazI'm sure the gui can help with that
04:14.20CazJust opening the gui i see
04:14.25Cazstart timer
04:14.27Cazreset timer
04:14.48Cazpause timer
04:14.59Teratronwell i use global variables unless specifically not needed
04:15.16Teratronmost of the game requires globals anyway
04:15.18Cazthere is an event for timers that have completed a count down
04:15.26Cazyou would have to script in your response handler
04:15.51Teratroni guess the new timer has to be set by an action first
04:16.18phil__have either of you guys worked with movers much?
04:16.24CazNope :(
04:16.31phil__I'm having issues trying to make an abilEffectInstant jump
04:16.37phil__not a problem
04:16.43phil__just more slaving away ><
04:16.47CazTeratron ya, Create -> Set -> Start (whenever count is zero)
04:16.54Cazthen the timer itself will set off the "Timer Expires" event
04:16.56Cazwhen its done
04:17.03Cazu would respond to the timer's event
04:17.50CazSpawn -> Pause/Reset timer -> add 1 to count
04:18.15CazDeath -> lower count by 1 -> Start timer if count 0
04:18.34CazTimer expired -> timer is player1timer -> do whatever for player 1
04:19.02CazI think this is closer to the design u were after ? lol
04:19.15Teratronsounds right ...
04:19.53CazDisplayScreenText(" Press Alt+F4 to acquire new skill " )
04:20.44Teratronthanks caz
04:20.53Teratroni'll go for a test
04:25.46TeratronOH JEEZ
04:25.58Teratronneed the big guns
04:26.04Teratrona1win here ?
04:26.41Caz_afkHm something go wrong already lol ?
04:27.05Teratronyou still here ok
04:27.10Teratroni did a bubu
04:27.33Caz_afkArcanePariah - did u abandon me when u heard i use windows ? lol
04:27.47Teratroni made some trigger with local variables accidentially, can i conver them to global without losing the editor script links, or will it update them automatically ?
04:28.14Caz_afkcover them to global ?
04:28.33Caz_afki'd imagine so.
04:28.59ArcanePariahIt will not update them, but you can use the search and replace functionality to do the conversion
04:29.03ArcanePariahCreate the new global
04:29.22phil__arcanePariah - are you familiar with movers much?
04:29.28Teratronsearch and replace ?
04:29.31ArcanePariahThen do replace -> Parameter
04:29.40ArcanePariahphil__, somewhat
04:29.41*** join/#sc2mapster Repo` (~repo@
04:29.42Teratrondidn't know this existed
04:29.48phil__how do I respond to pm's
04:30.08Caz_afkif ur using webchat
04:30.15phil__yeh on chrome
04:30.16Caz_afkclikc the guy's name ont he right list over there ---->
04:30.20Caz_afkand choose query
04:30.24Caz_afkcreates a new tab
04:30.31Caz_afkinside this window
04:31.13CazTeratron - idk what editor script links are sooo lol :3
04:31.35Cazbut u can usually move local variables to global
04:31.39Teratroneditor links are for UI
04:32.00Teratronwhen you choose a variable or action it creates a link with hash
04:32.12Teratronso when i move stuff even if it's the same name the hash will be different
04:32.29Cazthere in lies part of the confusion
04:32.34Cazbefore i stopped messing with editor
04:32.40Cazi was using galaxy script
04:32.45Cazinstead of teh gui
04:32.49Cazso this did not occur
04:33.07Teratronwell i didn't learn it so
04:33.16Cazits fine
04:33.17Teratroni used to script COD2
04:33.19Cazgui is easier lol
04:33.34Cazand every time u have a question in script... u go to the gui looking for the answer
04:33.37Teratronand it was pretty hard without the documentation, basic stuff
04:33.55Teratronno im not in script, i use gui only
04:37.20phil__Teratron - you may want to familiarize yourself with the xml
04:37.29phil__at some point you will find it very useful
04:37.48phil__and I may have spoken too soon - I assume you were talking about the gui for the data editor
04:38.20phil__eek - nvm heh
04:38.24Teratronim not doing much in dat
04:39.12Teratronalready did what i needed there, maps almost done :)
04:42.33phil__nice nice
04:45.13Caz_AOSgame tiimmee
05:05.32*** join/#sc2mapster herolief (~herolief@
05:50.02Teratronflappy bird takedown probably has to be one of the stupidiest things i have ever seen
05:50.33Teratronwhat a shit story for the morning
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06:47.05*** join/#sc2mapster decemberscalm (4ac0ae24@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
06:47.23decemberscalmoh snap, didn't know mapster had an irc
06:48.05decemberscalmI thought irc's went extinct man ahaha
06:48.50IskatuMeskirc is for nerds
06:49.51Teratronwelcome decemberscalm
06:50.46Teratronor maybe this kind of welcome-carpet
06:51.34Mercfirst pic could be arizona
06:51.55decemberscalmI live in texas. Everyone has a gun here in at least their closet.
06:52.19Mercoh you're the starbow fella arent you
06:52.35MercI was whining in tasteless/artosis chat to the guy named Starbow that you guys should get in here
06:52.58Mercbut he said you were basically the only guy who knew shit
06:53.14decemberscalmthats Xiphias, hes in charge of tournies, organization and general stuff. I do the heavy data work. Made the pathfinding, carrier micro, micro in general, and anything too trick for our other data guys.
06:53.33MercI havent done shit.
06:54.03Teratronthat won't be forever decemberscalm if you don't actually show them you have them  .. gun confiscation is hitting all the time, and they also want to make texas Blue
06:54.23decemberscalmwhy not start? ^^
06:54.27Teratronoh and by the way december did you saw the alamo speech ?
06:54.32Mercbut hey, now that you're here I can whine at you for stuff and give JademusSreg / Arcane|Work1 a break
06:54.47Teratronfirst alamo speech in a hundred years
06:54.49Mercoh I have started
06:55.05MercI am officially the 24th or 25th guy to start some stupid warcraft RTS I think
06:55.22decemberscalmI beleive that
06:55.45Mercmy proud achievement from last night:
06:56.12IskatuMeskgetting further than I am atm
06:56.13decemberscalmhey, you've at least got punchable trees unlike the most popular wc3 mod
06:56.29Mercyeah man, those guys are punching those trees hard
06:56.41Mercpunching them so hard they eventually disappear
06:57.02IskatuMeskpunching them into a black hole? this is some ttgl level shit
06:57.08decemberscalmI really love the idea of having destructible forests and terrain, but I never want them to eat into the unit count
06:57.20MercI'm not doing that
06:57.25Mercthese are just reskinned minerals
06:57.30Mercgas will be a gold mine
06:57.41Mercit will be warcraft that works just like sc2
06:57.57Merchopefully I can plagiarize your mining / pathing tech
06:57.58Merchur hur
06:58.14decemberscalmgo for it. Sbow has always been open
06:58.14Teratronso you didn't know about the alamo thing december ?
06:58.24decemberscalmdon't really care for politic stuff
06:58.31Mercbtw I should butter you up for that pathing stuff, it looks really good when a large mass of units walk around
06:58.43Teratronyou 15 years old ?
06:58.55decemberscalmfeel free to use it
06:59.05Mercty ty
06:59.13MercI'll do that whenever I figure out how :p
06:59.15Teratronwhy do you keep your guns in a closet if you don't care ?
06:59.41phil__december - are you familiar with movers?  I had ArcanePariah give me some direction on my issue but I don't think it was correct
06:59.51decemberscalmTeratron, I didn't come here to talk about politics, sorry mate but you'll have to have that convo with someone else not me
07:00.05decemberscalmmissile movers phil?
07:00.11phil__unfortunately yeah
07:00.13Teratrontoo bad, what a traitor to texas :p
07:00.20decemberscalmwhatcha trying to do?
07:00.34phil__so there was this old ass map "Missile arena deluxe" which featured a rocket jump
07:00.38*** join/#sc2mapster Goa_ (
07:00.38Mercthere's a bunch of tutorials on sc2mapster for that isnt there
07:00.46phil__you press spacebar and the guy leaps forward
07:00.50phil__no target specified by the mouse
07:00.52Mercoh right you wanted that gravity stuff
07:00.54phil__so abilEffectInstant
07:00.59phil__is what I assume I need
07:01.13phil__but every time I attach a missile launch effect with a mover, nothing happens
07:01.26phil__I know the effect is completing after attaching an alert
07:01.39phil__and I think my problem lies with the target
07:01.48phil__offset doesn't seem to be working as I would expect
07:02.14decemberscalmare you turning your unit into the missile?
07:02.28phil__and I get it to work fine with abilEffectTarget
07:02.40phil__with the help of info from:
07:03.14IskatuMeskwhat pathing tech?
07:03.29phil__pathing tech?
07:03.34IskatuMeskthat merc mentioned
07:03.41decemberscalma whole lot could be wrong. Did you say it worked whenever you use it on a unit rather than point?
07:03.49decemberscalmStarbow pathfinding for units I built he means
07:03.57IskatuMeskreplaces default?
07:04.17phil__I could get it to work when either targeting a unit or point
07:04.31Mercstand back and watch my first foray into that stuff:
07:04.36Mercbeautiful ain't it
07:04.38phil__but when targeting a point, I needed a helper effect "Set" which allowed for a point target
07:04.47decemberscalmnope. Behavior that constantly searches for units in front of him at a certain arc, then orders the units to move to the side somewhat. Basic idea
07:05.18decemberscalmwent through a whole lot of solutions before settling on that one
07:05.43Mercmakes the units move way more ... erratically, more like a horde
07:05.44decemberscalmsorry phil, simply haven't done an ability like that before
07:05.48Mercfeels more organic tbh
07:05.49phil__no problem
07:05.56decemberscalmgl though
07:06.09IskatuMeskI was going to say, if you replaced the default pathing and made it perform better, I'd be all over that
07:06.15decemberscalmsc2 pathfinding is so bad to look at every time I watch sc2 again after seeing sbow
07:06.28phil__is there a video with sbow path finding?
07:06.35phil__the horde-movement you mentioned
07:06.46Mercjust watch starbow in a twitch mod
07:06.48phil__haven't played sbow before
07:06.51phil__ah k
07:06.54IskatuMeskI don't even know what it is
07:07.08MercI assume it doesnt perform better, just looks better
07:07.19decemberscalmhas some gameplay ramifications
07:07.34decemberscalmunit blobs don't kill each other as instantly, because all the marines are not in range
07:07.48IskatuMeskI like that
07:07.55IskatuMeskis it a performance impact?
07:07.55decemberscalmsplash effects can be bigger because units are more spread by default
07:08.02Mercand you made them NOT spread out when they stop didnt you
07:08.03decemberscalmnope, not in 1v1 with 200 vs 200
07:08.17IskatuMeskmy unit collisions are larger than normal to begin with, so the blobs are reduced, but that would still be interesting to see with my unit counts
07:08.46decemberscalmI did it with another mod called Raze which has smaller armies. Still has a nice aesthetic touch to unit movement
07:08.55decemberscalmlarger unit sizes in that too
07:09.54IskatuMeskyou are talking so softly, I cannot hear you over my huge fan
07:09.57decemberscalm this is the other mod I made with the pathfinding in it
07:10.08decemberscalmsleeping gf while making a dev video for friends, watcha gonna do ^^
07:10.26phil__ha - pretty cool
07:10.31IskatuMeskdragoons look so weird being able to turn
07:10.35phil__but yeah the gameplay ramifications is what I first thought of
07:10.54phil__the randomness seems like it would be unbearable for higher level gameplay
07:11.02decemberscalmdragoons need to have a facing or they don't work with the pathfinding. They need a forward direction to search for units in front of them. It was unfortunate :(
07:11.38decemberscalmBW has waaaaay more erratic pathfinding and its historically the biggest esport in history
07:11.41IskatuMeskyeah I'd be a bit concerned about the control conflict potential there'd be, given my campaign will require absolute perfect micro..
07:11.48IskatuMeskbut I'd have to test it a lot
07:11.52IskatuMeskand yeah, bw's pathing is a lot more wonky
07:12.04decemberscalmadds to the feel of micro, more definition to it
07:12.18decemberscalmmore manual control over your units, while default SC2 its basically bad to micro your melee troops
07:13.42decemberscalmits funny, melee mods and arcade stuff are like two different worlds
07:13.47decemberscalmwe mainly were on teamliquid
07:14.13IskatuMeskI posted bw mod stuff on TL in the day but got very little reception
07:14.21IskatuMeskTL mostly seems to not care about custom content
07:14.22phil__yeah but do you remember how terrible svc and goon pathfinding were?
07:14.24phil__not to mention reaver
07:14.34IskatuMeskreaver scarabs were the best pathing what are you saying
07:14.49decemberscalmeveryone KNOWS about starbow and brings it up for examples, but noone plays it because its too hard for most people
07:14.50phil__I mean, sc2 is a step up
07:15.04decemberscalmyeah sbow did away with reaver random misfires
07:15.14decemberscalmwe gave a target indicator to the attacked unit, to compensate
07:15.16phil__I just never became bored with ladder, though I should give starbow a shot
07:15.38decemberscalmsmall community, but really passionate people
07:15.41IskatuMeskdefinitely going to check out that pathing in person
07:15.42phil__and personally I don't game much unless I'm at home with my brothers
07:15.49Mercyup, rts is too hard nowadays
07:15.58decemberscalmI made RTS for that reason
07:15.58Mercpeople prefer games that are easier to get into
07:16.01decemberscalmI mean Raze
07:16.06phil__I wish people enjoyed rts as much as they do fps
07:16.08IskatuMeskand here I am trying to make a cave-styled campaign
07:16.11decemberscalmbut it failed, its still too hard for people because it has macro
07:16.16MercI've been toying with the idea of making all macro automatic in my mod
07:16.23Merclike, you toggle "make grunt"
07:16.43decemberscalmsupreme commander loops are pretty good for people
07:16.55Mercbut with a penalty so it would be better if you did it on your own
07:16.57IskatuMesksupply is back to BW levels and there's 300 food cap, every map is 256x256  with expanding/defending enemies... you are expected to know your shit :3
07:16.57MercI dunno
07:17.02MercI probably wont do it
07:17.13MercI want it to be sc2 with a warcraft skin most of all
07:17.15decemberscalmcareful with 300 supply, sc2 engine hates too many units in a single control group
07:17.33IskatuMeskbut if you stuff everything into a single control group in this you'll have issues anyways
07:17.34decemberscalmBW scaled better with larger unit counts than sc2 does
07:17.48IskatuMeskmany specialized units that will need special positioning and can't be a-moved
07:17.52Mercprobably because of the shitty pathing :p
07:17.53IskatuMeskyeah, that's for sure
07:18.01IskatuMeskthe pathing and AI are absolute performance killers
07:18.08decemberscalmsc2 has better pathfinding and costs less
07:18.10decemberscalmits the models
07:18.18IskatuMesknah, models are no impact here
07:18.27IskatuMeskultra or lowest, my fps is always the same
07:18.35decemberscalmsc2's pathfinding is really efficient compared to A*
07:18.36MercI thought it would be the pathfinding that punished the cpu
07:18.46IskatuMeskcollision in the pathfinding butchers cpu
07:18.59IskatuMeskwhen units clump up, that will drop fps like a rock
07:19.06Mercwell I have no idea at least so I'll shut up
07:19.08IskatuMeskyour pathing engine will probably help that, actually
07:19.19IskatuMeskmight make the AI stacks a bit les hungry
07:19.49Teratronis it possible to show the lines of the pathfinding AI decemberscalm ?
07:19.50IskatuMeskthere are some shaders that tank fps pretty hard, though
07:19.54IskatuMeskthe allied cloaking shader, and the minerals
07:20.13Teratronlike where the pahtfinding is searching for possible locations
07:20.17decemberscalmby default you see them teratron, you have to set the ui: unit order que up to 3 to hide them
07:20.31decemberscalmoh, like SC2?
07:20.50Teratronweird, maybe i just never paid attention
07:21.05decemberscalmno no, I add in an aditional behavior on top of default sc2 pathfinding
07:21.12IskatuMeskwell I mean
07:21.16IskatuMesksince your pathing makes them split up
07:21.20IskatuMeskthey won't run into each other
07:21.29Teratronwell that was one part the other thing is, sc2 possible to do formations like in those medieval games ?
07:21.30IskatuMeskthat seems to be the biggest pathing performance hit
07:21.34decemberscalmyeah they can show lines if you hold shift while moving them
07:21.46decemberscalmits possible, would recquire fancy trigger work
07:22.10decemberscalmtriggers can do just about anything. Blew my mind how efficient they were in SC2 coming from BW editor
07:22.28IskatuMeskhaha, some people managed some pretty crazy shit with bw though
07:22.39IskatuMeskI was a modder so I never got into triggers myselfd
07:22.44decemberscalmah the good ole days of casting spells by building a zealot
07:22.52IskatuMeskbeacons everywhere
07:22.57decemberscalmyeah ahahaha
07:23.05decemberscalmUMS scene back then was dope
07:23.13IskatuMeskgod's land
07:23.15IskatuMeskthe beacons, the sea of beacons
07:23.41decemberscalmI made a pikmin map with a day and night cycle, where you actually built pikmin from your barracks (onion) and it could fly and move around
07:23.53decemberscalmhunted monsters for more pikmin instead of auto spawn
07:24.19decemberscalmI remember this shit man, if you build a marine it'd spawn 1 pikmin, a medic, 5 pikmin, a ghost, 15 pikmin
07:25.05decemberscalmoh god
07:25.18IskatuMeskonly bw shot I got on imgur apparently
07:25.21decemberscalmhave you seen those SC2 in BW mods?
07:25.30IskatuMeskI made graphics for someone from sc2
07:25.30decemberscalmnever understood the point
07:25.41IskatuMeskmost people who did sc2 stuff in BW copy pasted from jpegs
07:25.44IskatuMeskthey looked so awful
07:25.54IskatuMeskI did it the hard way and the graphics never got used :3
07:26.11IskatuMeskthat drake there, from WoW, he was a tremendous amount of work
07:26.11decemberscalmdo you model?
07:26.19IskatuMesknot very good, but I do
07:26.29decemberscalmI tried to add the zealot punching animation into sc2
07:26.44Merccome on show him your voice work
07:26.48decemberscalmmade the animation and everything, thought I put it in correctly for his attack. Never did get it to work
07:27.05IskatuMeskwhat is the animation name
07:27.15Mercdid you make an m3a or something
07:27.18decemberscalmcreated it from scratch
07:27.22decemberscalmthink so
07:27.24MercI've seen delphinium toy with that lately
07:27.27decemberscalmwas a while ago
07:27.41decemberscalmpretty good man
07:28.08IskatuMeskif you want to see the voice work merc mentioned
07:28.21Merche made some new animations for tassadar and the marines at least
07:28.49IskatuMeskanimations will need specific names and to be called by the actors (which I am sure you are aware of)
07:28.55IskatuMeskand I think m3a's need to be defined in the model data
07:29.14Mercshit dude even I know that
07:29.29IskatuMeskwell the animation name part may be a bit misleading
07:29.37IskatuMeskthe game flat out won't load anything that isn't in their naming style
07:29.42Mercyeah I actually discovered that by accident
07:29.56decemberscalmnice work on that
07:30.13decemberscalmit was a while ago so I don't remember where exactly I screwed up and couldn't get it working
07:30.28decemberscalmbut I do know I totally screwed up :D
07:30.34IskatuMeskwhen I tried to use m3a for some animations it caused the model's surface to turn into a huge mess
07:30.36Mercbefore art tools?
07:30.39IskatuMeskso I haven't done anything with them
07:32.24IskatuMeskI mostly am doing ports right now
07:32.57decemberscalmis there a playtest group btw?
07:33.15decemberscalmI joined a playtest night but it was for the rock the cabinet thingy
07:33.22decemberscalmmaps in general for guys who need testers
07:33.25IskatuMeskno idea
07:33.28MercI saw a lot of that stuff in the time befor RTC
07:33.42Merckind of a lull now
07:33.53decemberscalmah, the calm after the storm sorta deal
07:33.55Mercslight period where people are pissed they're not in top10 etc
07:34.15decemberscalmyou are pissed about blizzard not picking you. Think about that for a sec
07:34.17Merc"fuck this I'm going over to unity"
07:34.38IskatuMesklike I said, I always am amused when people build something for a reason other than themselves
07:34.43decemberscalmyeah its silly
07:34.57Mercwell I can understand it though, they put in a lot of work for the contest and it ends up fizzling
07:35.03Mercmust be frustrating
07:35.08decemberscalm99.9999 chance is, you are not going to be the next dota, especially in this day and age
07:35.13IskatuMeskyeah but you have to realize even in best case scenario it's a coin flip
07:35.22decemberscalmblizz handled the contest poorly, but its kinda expected of them by now
07:35.47MercI actually expected them to split it up into more categories, like the streamer contest
07:35.57Merc"technological achievement" and so on
07:36.12decemberscalmeh, but they have less and less resources lately
07:36.33Mercor well, they're using a lot of them on WCS
07:36.37decemberscalmfrom the contact I've had with some of their employers, they simply don't have the funds given for them to do cool stuff
07:36.54Mercthey are spending a looot of dough on WCS
07:36.56IskatuMesksounds close what I heard some years ago
07:36.58Mercfor basically no return
07:37.17Mercat least they got Heroes
07:37.20decemberscalmits why there is no chance of getting stuff like in client spectating big matches and stuff
07:37.24Mercsuits approve of Heroes I bet
07:37.29decemberscalmyou bet
07:37.40MercAnd whatever Heroes gets, SC2 might get
07:37.53MercI remain hopeful
07:38.08decemberscalmmy main interst is just experimenting and seeing if I can help evolve the twitch rts genre. Since I love micro
07:38.18Merceveryone loves micro
07:38.20decemberscalmget to test day9's game
07:38.30Mercthats kinda why I wanted to do an autocast macro thing
07:38.36Mercjust to let more people focus on micro
07:38.47decemberscalmyeah, but there is soooo many ways to build an arena style RTS. And it hasn't be done very well yet
07:39.06Mercwanted to combine it with a team game thing, where multiple guys are playing the same army if you know what I mean
07:39.12decemberscalmI declare my own last team project a failure for what we set out do do, learned a lot from it
07:39.16IskatuMeskteam melee
07:39.19IskatuMesknow that's some memories
07:39.22decemberscalmthat exists since bw :P
07:39.27Mercwould at the very least be hilarious
07:39.33decemberscalmoh it is
07:39.35Mercyeah probably not very unique :p
07:39.35decemberscalmit really is
07:40.07decemberscalmheres the way I see it. The fast paced RTS style game is basically just mobas and SC2 right now. Noone else is trying to make a fast paced micro rts
07:40.10decemberscalmexcept for like, day9
07:40.20Mercplan is to only make this a mod that you can apply to regular maps
07:40.23*** join/#sc2mapster Thenarden (
07:40.26decemberscalmbut everyone is just copying mobas. So only 1 hero, not multi units
07:40.41decemberscalmdid you see if anyone already made it?
07:40.55Mercyea, never been a fan of rts with heroes tbh
07:41.01Mercleveling up and such
07:41.07Mercso snowbally
07:41.14decemberscalmnah, depends on how you build it
07:41.23IskatuMeskI am having heroes in my campaign but they will be very different than any implementation I have seen yet
07:41.24Mercwell WC3 clearly did it well
07:41.31Mercstill doesnt make me a fan of it :P
07:41.44Merccompetetive PVE until you get to do PVP
07:41.54Mercrandom item drops
07:41.54decemberscalmI tried to make them work in a couple different formats. Built a prototype with lanes and wc3 style armies
07:42.03IskatuMeskno real leveling, upgrade-oriented progression, no items, very little in the way of cc
07:42.20IskatuMeskmostly to supplement an existing strong economic advantage
07:42.42IskatuMeskand add some more micro
07:42.54decemberscalmdoesn't necessarily add more micro with more spells
07:43.03IskatuMeskwill have to design the spells carefully
07:43.05Mercbut, I'm not doing this to make the new dota or whatever, I just need to get it out of my system
07:43.05decemberscalmpeople can only do so much
07:43.16MercI wanted to do this mod since wc2
07:43.27decemberscalmmore power to ya
07:43.45IskatuMesksc2 automates enough things that I have some leeway to add a few things to exploit in terms of control
07:43.59IskatuMeskjust need to find what feels right
07:44.24IskatuMeskthe campaign will have less active abilities overall though, will be more like BW where the unit strengths come from their handling and weapons and not an ability
07:44.52decemberscalmlet me give an example of my experience with heroes plus units. I have a hero called the praetor who can order a scout to bomb an area. So basically a skillshot aoe nuke. Instead of the fights focussing on micro between dragoons and x, it became overidden quite a bit by baiting out that spell, or using it.
07:44.54IskatuMeskthe exception being the boss races ofc
07:44.57decemberscalmyeh thats good
07:45.43decemberscalmwent through all this trouble to fine tune auto attacker micro, just to have it trampled over by heroes x.x
07:45.44IskatuMeskonce my artillery and everything is lined up and those missions are testable, I expect the gameplay dynamic to shift into really strange territory
07:46.22IskatuMeskI am having some artillery structures with long range that can blind shot at huge inaccuracy
07:46.27IskatuMeskand structures that can shoot down artillery shells
07:46.38IskatuMeskalso having nukes be more like supcom tactical missiles
07:47.09IskatuMeskthe AI system needs to support those before I can do anything  with them, though
07:47.21Mercfeeling a sudden urge to duck and cover
07:47.28decemberscalmbig fan of supreme commander and total annihilation
07:47.33decemberscalmfantastic games
07:47.36Mercah TA was awesome
07:47.41MercI still have the COMMANDER PACK
07:47.51IskatuMeskthere is mass fabs in this as well, but they are late in the tech and extremely expensive
07:47.52Mercgigantic box
07:47.54decemberscalmTA Spring and Zero K I think are my favorite
07:47.57Mercstill dont have the heart to throw it out
07:48.42decemberscalmhey, you guys wanna throw out some ideas on a tough issue I've been trying to brainstorm ways to fix?
07:48.46decemberscalmpure design stuff
07:48.49IskatuMeskit will be interesting to see how the lategame dynamic for my races turn out, as until the AI and units are built all I can do is speculate from my previous experiments
07:49.39IskatuMesksuper sleepy though
07:49.59Mercif you promise to be back and not use us!
07:50.39decemberscalmImagine a team vs team based game thats got streamlined macro, and its all about the micro and fights on the field. The problem when doing this is you remove all the typical depth of strategy that build orders and such provided. Dota has its own approach for strategy by having lanes and farm and ganking.
07:50.59decemberscalmI've been thinking up various ways to add strategy to this style of game, like having forts you can siege
07:51.12IskatuMeskstreamlined macro - how are you interacting with the macro
07:51.21decemberscalmnothing I've done has ever felt like it made up for loss of build orders and typical rts strategy
07:51.48IskatuMeskI built a conceptual AoS for warcraft 3 that was very different from traditional dota clones in the sense that your AI units had tech paths, called Divisions, that you could upgrade every X minutes
07:51.59IskatuMeskeach Division unlocked new units and upgraded units related to that division
07:52.09IskatuMeskwhile certain levels of certain tech mixes unlocked different hybrid units
07:52.15decemberscalmsomething simple like, you've got 40 minerals at the start to work with. You buy units of choice. When they die, you get their money back 30 seconds later
07:52.22decemberscalmvery streamlined
07:52.26IskatuMeskthe concept was that you added strategy by upgrading your minions over time to suit a certain playstyle or to counter enemy tech builds
07:52.37IskatuMeskalright, this wouldn't help at all in that case
07:52.43decemberscalmtried method like that already
07:53.01decemberscalmcomposition fighting already happens
07:53.04decemberscalmat the very start of the game
07:53.09decemberscalmeven put in a pick ban system
07:53.16Mercadding forts and NPCs and whatnot feels like it takes away from the PvP aspect if you ask me
07:53.17decemberscalmdoesn't make up for the maps lack of strategy
07:53.26Mercyou end up fighting the game and not the opponent
07:53.35decemberscalmnot necassarily
07:53.40IskatuMeskI think it will then come down to the unit interaction
07:53.50decemberscalmevery see bloodline champions?
07:54.01decemberscalmits like dota but purely a team vs team fighting game
07:54.04decemberscalmno lanes, no creeps
07:54.09decemberscalmlike street fighter, but moba style
07:54.20decemberscalmlacked that chess like strategy moba and rts have
07:54.32decemberscalmsee how tough of a nut this is to crack? :P
07:54.47IskatuMeskI play a bit of league of legends... as far as strategy in that game is concerned, any overarching strategy you may have can be instantly defeated by a single person getting caught out at any point
07:54.57IskatuMeskso, strategy in moba types is going to be a real challenge
07:55.00decemberscalmbut the strategy is indeed there
07:55.09IskatuMeskyou'll have to design your units and heroes and such very carefully
07:55.33decemberscalmI've played with ideas like, having caravans that come through and both teams could fight over them
07:55.39decemberscalmnot particularly strategic :P
07:55.39IskatuMeskif it's micro oriented, strategy won't weigh as much as just outplaying in a specific instance, but if you make it counter-oriented, micro will be very subdued
07:55.53IskatuMeskcontrol points is a possibility
07:56.06phil__decemberscalm - I'm taking a different approach to tackle why I believe dota is boring - and that's to allow people to play the unit style they enjoy.  I realised a ton of people enjoy controlling a single unit, but that's not for me.  So I'm attempting a moba map where lane units are controlled by one player, 2 normal heroes controlled by two other players, then a commander-type hero (purchases respawnable units) is played by anot
07:56.06IskatuMeskyou are talking about forts and such, these could function as control points
07:56.24*** join/#sc2mapster Teratron_ (563a22a6@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
07:56.27phil__not sure if it will work out
07:56.29phil__but I hope it does
07:56.48phil__and what I mean by "lane units are controlled by one player" - I simply mean the choice of what units to send
07:56.50decemberscalmactually building it phil? I'd love to see the results and playtest it. Seems a bit rough though
07:57.05phil__I have the lane triggers all figured
07:57.12phil__I want this leap thing to work
07:57.18decemberscalmMade a mod called raze with forts. They basically provided positional advantage you could capture. It did add SOME strategy which was cool
07:57.21phil__I think the hard part will be creating heroes that are "fun" to play as
07:57.32IskatuMeskyeah, I saw those in the video
07:57.36phil__hmm I'll have to take a look
07:57.38phil__what video?
07:57.57decemberscalmmy project
07:58.01decemberscalmwith some other modders
07:58.40decemberscalmI really dug squadron support in BW
07:58.50MercI had this idea of an "artifact" that they could be fighting over in the middle of the map. It would be a sort of side objective, but you can still win in the usual way. If you manage to pick up the artifact, the unit carrying it would become a sort of CTF flag carrier
07:58.56Mercand you bring it back to your base
07:58.56decemberscalmworked really well as a PvE experience, not sure if it would work for pvp
07:59.16IskatuMeskwhen I think of adding really strong stuff like artillery and mass fabs, I want them to be a risk in the campaign, or at least need you to take a risk with them, so they are large sizes, and with the way the terrain is laid out, they generally need you to have serious map control if you want to make a lot of them. Terrain is another major way you can add strategy
07:59.18MercGuess the artifact would have to be locked down under some destructible blockers
07:59.53IskatuMeskif you have units or heroes that really like to abuse certain kinds of terrain, the map can be built in a way where simply controlling regions is a form of strategy
08:00.01Mercand maybe you could only bring the artifact back with a specific Truck-unit
08:00.04IskatuMeskthis was a big deal in designing BW melee maps
08:00.05phil__ah that looks really cool december
08:00.11decemberscalmthanks phil
08:00.23Mercyeah Raze looked really well put together
08:00.25phil__I haven't been making maps long enough to understand the fundamental difference between mods and arcade
08:00.34decemberscalmit was a bitch and a half to make :D
08:00.44phil__like, how do you play raze
08:00.48phil__if it's not on arcade
08:00.49decemberscalmon the arcade
08:00.54IskatuMesksc2 only has arcade
08:00.59IskatuMeskmods don't exist for sc2 in the traditional sense
08:01.10Merchow do you play mods that are on the arcade, is the real question :p
08:01.14phil__so mod/custom map are synonymous?
08:01.15decemberscalmthe Raze MOD can be put onto maps designed for the mod
08:01.23IskatuMeskthat's why I prefer to just call them maps
08:01.25decemberscalmso you can play on a raze map, using the raze mod, in the arcade
08:01.32IskatuMeskblizzards "mods" in sc2 are basically wc3 campaign dependencies
08:01.36phil__I see
08:01.40decemberscalmI've got multiple maps though for single mods
08:01.45decemberscalmespecially for starbow
08:01.50decemberscalmso mod makes more sense
08:02.10IskatuMeskwhen I think of mod I think of firegraft and mpqdraft exes, sins/supcom checksum mod archive loaders, etc
08:02.12phil__are yall developers?
08:02.23phil__yeah - that's what my initial understanding was
08:02.31IskatuMeskthough my knowledge of sc2 is very limited
08:02.34phil__iskatu - where you from?
08:02.40IskatuMeskbrood war mostly
08:02.43phil__ah yeah
08:02.45IskatuMeskalso did a lot with sins of a solar empire
08:02.46phil__bw was incredible
08:03.00phil__aoe II was what got me into map making though
08:03.04decemberscalmIskatu's hardcore :p. I just do triggers and data
08:03.04IskatuMeskI made total conversions
08:03.07phil__and programming in general
08:03.30IskatuMeskdid a bit of triggering in wc3 but nothing noteworthy
08:03.42IskatuMeskjust understand enough of the basics for a simple campaign at least
08:03.56phil__yeah, I loved triggering in sc2 - there were some odd ways to get around fundamental limits
08:04.13decemberscalmmy biggest pain is that the stuff I wanna make all needs multiple players
08:04.17IskatuMeskonly now sort of dabbling with galaxy
08:04.18decemberscalmfor testing
08:04.30phil__that is unfortunate
08:04.43IskatuMeskany project I make basically demands computer AI support, so I always start with that first
08:04.54IskatuMeskmakes testing easier, but not very viable in something like sc2 where it entails huge work
08:05.20decemberscalmmy friend messes with AI in sc2
08:05.25decemberscalmhe says its a nightmare to work with
08:05.29IskatuMeskit is
08:05.53IskatuMeskthat's why I have to rely on jademussreg to get past where I am now, which is just very basic stuff
08:06.16MercWasn't turtles working on that too
08:06.22IskatuMeskI can change the build orders and do some very basic tactical AI stuff, but the melee AI has fundamental issues with its attack wave handling and that's incredibly complicated for me
08:06.36Merclike an AI that does popular all-ins on you or something
08:06.50IskatuMeskhe has some map on b.ent that has some basic harass style stuff
08:06.52IskatuMeskseems quite promising
08:07.01Mercpretty sick to practice with
08:07.18decemberscalmhes gotten AI to harass and be a lot smarter. Took him wayyyyy too long to do it through trial and errors, observing how the AI works. Hes a masochist
08:07.23Mercas long as you play the role of the passive defender, the AI wont really screw up
08:07.24IskatuMeskI looked at it but it's like triggers mixed with code and not pure galaxy like what I was looking at in melee so I couldn't understand the tiniest shred of it
08:07.26decemberscalmtechpsy on TL that is
08:07.48IskatuMeskI spent many months just analyzing the issues with their attack waves
08:07.57IskatuMeskso I know what's "wrong" but no clue how to fix it
08:08.09decemberscalmto be fair, stuff that should be simple with data isn't as well
08:08.14IskatuMeskonce those are sorted out my campaign's most major roadblock in terms of design is dealt with
08:08.17decemberscalmtook me SOOOO long to get a working moving shot for vulture
08:08.31IskatuMeskwouldn't that be backswing?
08:08.43decemberscalmno, and even that lacks the support wc3 had for it
08:08.54IskatuMeskoh boy
08:08.58decemberscalmbackswing is cancelable by default in sc2 and recquires a work around to make it non-cancelable
08:09.01IskatuMeskthat spells fun for when I get to fixing all of that then
08:09.14decemberscalmI can give you my work arounds
08:09.21IskatuMeskwould be nice to look at yeah
08:09.38decemberscalmor another example, siege tank turret not tracking targets while moving. THey do in BW. They don't in sc2 which looks stupid. Had to give them a dummy weapon
08:09.57IskatuMeskah yeah, I thought something was off about the tanks in sc2
08:10.00IskatuMeskcouldn't quite put my finger on it
08:10.14decemberscalmyou know how marines groups in sc2 when stutters shoot their allies?
08:10.19decemberscalmbut they stutter step so fast?
08:10.26decemberscalmand they keep muzzle flashing
08:10.29decemberscalmfixed that
08:10.35IskatuMeskyah the model will keep animating
08:10.50decemberscalmin BW, a marine finishes his attack animation before moving
08:10.57IskatuMeskI am going to redo all of the particles anyways so I may just end up changing the marine weapon entirely
08:11.00decemberscalmgives them more definenition to how they micro
08:11.32decemberscalmoh, I gave tracer fire to the Raze marines. Came out pretty nicely
08:11.52IskatuMesksome basic particles I made as I start experimenting with it
08:12.04IskatuMeskaiming for faster, but prettier, effects
08:12.08IskatuMeskmore concise
08:12.18decemberscalmwhatcha make it in?
08:12.25IskatuMeskthis uses the art tools, so in 3ds max
08:12.41IskatuMeskI used fumefx to make the texture sheets
08:12.50decemberscalmlot of effects in sc2 lack the clarity BW had
08:12.52IskatuMeskso these are probably using like 1/4-1/8 the particle counts of sc2's defaults
08:12.53decemberscalmtoo shiny
08:13.05IskatuMeskmy issue with sc2's particles is that they are really messy
08:13.12IskatuMeskthey all use the same textures and kind of overlap
08:13.23Teratron_maybe you decemberscalm know if it's possible to convert local variables to global without using editor ui cross-trigger link ?
08:13.34IskatuMeskI wanted something more asian in that it was sharp, flashy, and concise
08:14.01IskatuMeskthat is recorded in normal speed
08:14.07IskatuMeskso in faster speed they are quite quick
08:14.35decemberscalmnever tried
08:14.45decemberscalmlike that style for rts effects
08:15.18Merchmh, I thought SC2s particle effects were very good
08:15.21decemberscalmmy trigger experience is limited, relatively recently learned how to work with arrays and records.
08:15.35IskatuMeskthey are decent compared to other games but I know I can do a lot better with what I learned from sins
08:15.42Merconly spell effect I have a problem with is blinding cloud, EMP and fungal growth, too hard to see
08:16.00IskatuMeskonce I get enough revised I may make a demo video and post it in my thread
08:16.02decemberscalmtrickiest thing I did was looping through  array to keep track of carriers and which interceptors belonged to them, and make interceptors attack only their carriers target
08:16.31decemberscalmblinding cloud ugh
08:16.34decemberscalmhate that spell
08:16.38decemberscalmstorm is pretty good
08:16.46decemberscalmerr the model that is
08:16.54Mercstorm has great visuals
08:17.01IskatuMeskI am really tired, so I am going to pass out
08:17.06Mercblinding cloud is basically invisible
08:17.07IskatuMeskI already got plans to revise storm too
08:17.10decemberscalmnight night, nice chatting with ya mate
08:17.11IskatuMeskgot a bunch of nice textures for it
08:17.17IskatuMesksee you later
08:17.23IskatuMeskwill check out sbow tomorrow probably
08:17.28decemberscalmI'll be up all night tortuing myself trying to come up with ideas ahahah
08:17.50decemberscalmcan't sleep if I'm trying to think of game ideas, ah well
08:17.52decemberscalmnight man!
08:17.52Mercyou should get a proper irc client and hang around
08:17.58decemberscalmjust got one
08:18.02Mercnice bice
08:18.27Mercif you want to spur ideas you can probably check out #teamliquid on quakenet too
08:18.46Mercmight get lucky and they wont shout at you for not talking about BW
08:19.20decemberscalmteamliquid is probably the last place I'd ask about brainstorm ideas to test out
08:19.40decemberscalmno wait, thats definently
08:20.13decemberscalmI think I've got 10 things I'd like to try, just need to get around testing them. All my playtesters for raze are burnt out after getting it ready for RTC
08:22.07decemberscalmdo you know if people still use teamspeak?
08:22.26decemberscalmdunno how big the mapster community is
08:23.04*** join/#sc2mapster december (
08:23.49*** join/#sc2mapster december (
08:23.57MercI only "joined" 3 months ago
08:24.04Mercor, joined as in started talking here and never went away
08:24.10decemberahaha I see
08:24.32Mercquite a jaded bunch in here, they see a lot of fresh faces drop by, ask some incoherent question and leave to never be seen again
08:24.43MercBut I made them love me.
08:25.09Mercstares intensely.
08:25.11decemberI'd imagine thats the usual drill. Hey how do I do this? (poorly written out)
08:25.25december*drops off the face of the earth*
08:26.17Mercoddly quiet here today
08:26.29decemberscalI think I'd be cool with sticking around just to see if I could organize some playtest stuff
08:26.35Mercusually we got Bounty here around this time of day, and drunken rambling
08:27.14Mercoh daym here he is
08:27.41Merchave you cheered up yet?
08:27.48Mercor still focused on Unity
08:28.33BountyIronically, I will be cheered up once I get the hang of unity >.<
08:29.24Mercyou and zolden can doubleteam that shit once he's back from whatever summer vacationary stuff he's up to
08:30.02Mercbut yea I'll probably be up for some playtesting stuff decemberscal
08:30.11BountyI was hoping to have his assistance in the process but I will be using written tutorials and videos for now.
08:30.37decemberscaldo you use skype?
08:30.47MercI *have* skype
08:31.00decemberscalis it ever on ahahah
08:31.09Mercit's not on auto-start
08:31.16Mercbecause it's fucking skype :p
08:31.19decemberscallurk on irc a lot?
08:31.36decemberscalalright man, I'll hit you up here than
08:31.39Mercconnected 24/7 here through an irssi box in my basement
08:31.49decemberscalgotta at least TRY to sleep
08:31.52decemberscal3:30 am
08:31.55Mercplus twitch/azubu/quakenet
08:32.14phil__have a good night - sorry been away from this chat most of the time
08:32.19phil__trying to get this damned jump thing working
08:32.27Mercyup good night
08:32.28decemberscalnight, nice you meet you two
08:32.31MercI'll go back to work
08:32.33Mercstill morning here
08:47.03*** join/#sc2mapster Demalii (189b7549@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
08:47.29Demaliihello, is there a way to keep the editor from autocorrecting my edited assests? =(
08:47.56Demaliistarts downloading to fix them right when i try to open the editor
08:55.55Mercredownloading the original sc2 files?
08:56.09Mercsounds like you're editing the core files of sc2 then instead of making your own files
08:57.09DemaliiBase.SC2Assets yes =/
08:58.15Mercany particular reason you're editing those?
09:01.23phil__btw merc, not that you particularly care but I finally figured out the jump haha
09:01.40MercI know the importance of flexing
09:01.47Mercand I acknowledge your achievement
09:01.52Mercshow me the gif
09:01.54phil__are you a developer?
09:01.55Mercyou know you want to
09:02.07phil__and I'm not exactly sure how to take a gif of a portion of my screen
09:02.09Mercor well, not at all
09:02.11phil__got a tool I should be aware of?
09:02.18MercI saw someone use one once, hang on
09:02.20phil__how did you get into map making?
09:02.23Merclooked really good
09:02.31phil__cool cool
09:03.42DemaliiOk I will do my best to explain. Cliffside variances.. Some maps have cool manmade, but I needed it to be, not with variances on each cliffside, I wanted it to look all the same.
09:03.50Mercsomeone shared this here once to ask about an arrow going sideways:
09:03.54Mercthat website looks pretty neat
09:04.29phil__looks promising
09:04.48Mercsounds out of my league Demalii, but why dont you save your changes in the map file?
09:04.50DemaliiZhakul'Das Terrain (manmade cliff) is what I am talking about.
09:05.16Demaliibecause I am removing the textures from the asset so it cannot be loaded as a variance..
09:05.35DemaliiTherefore the few files I leave will be exactly as I want the cliffside to look, not varried.
09:05.46Mercdefinitely out of my league then :P
09:06.05DemaliiI don't know how to alter the variances of a cliffside otherwise.
09:06.36Demaliidunno wat to dur
09:06.54Mercsorry dude, I'm at the stage where I struggle to make new units, cheat by making duplications and have weird errors
09:07.20phil__I'm at that point myself
09:07.39Mercdamn, that was fast
09:07.41phil__so I have placement working, where the ultra won't leap into the middle of a building
09:07.47Demaliiyou guys ever seen "fractalisk"?
09:07.48phil__but I want to be able to jump on units
09:08.08Demaliihe made in like an hour or something, and it was timed on here haha
09:08.17Demaliijust search it, youtube will show
09:08.18MercI just copied my jump from the giant yeti
09:08.37Mercdid an aoe stun on the units it landed on
09:08.50Mercworked fine until I messed around with it too much and fucked it all u
09:09.09phil__any suggestions for effects upon takeoff and landing?
09:09.18phil__I never played the campaign
09:09.20Mercwhat the fuck
09:09.23Mercscary ultralisk
09:09.31phil__so I'm privy to all existing effects
09:09.52phil__that ultra is hilairous
09:10.02Merccheck through the animations to see if you can use anything as a jump animation?
09:10.12Mercother than that.. spawn dust cloud actor I guess :p
09:10.26phil__dust cloud actor hmm
09:11.07Mercloads of effects you can search up with the name "Impact" in the browser
09:11.11Mercmust be something you can use
09:22.25phil__holy shit - actors are complex
09:23.02Mercentire goddamn editor is complex if you ask me
09:23.31phil__yeah but "new actor" gives a list of subclasses bigger than units/effects/abilities/behaviors/and movers combined
09:25.19Mercyup, big old cardhouse
09:25.43Mercprobably very nice to work with if you know how it's built
09:30.17Demaliijust keep learning things day by day
09:30.27phil__Man, it's just so far removed from the last time I seriously sat down to make a map back in high school
09:30.37Demaliiwat.. on sc1?
09:30.44Demaliidamn, heard that
09:30.48phil__and even further back - aoe II
09:30.52Demaliidid ya'll ever bound?
09:31.01phil__oh no
09:31.03Demaliibound maps..
09:31.08phil__never got into those for some reason
09:31.09duckiesbound maps were awesome
09:31.23phil__there are some maps I would love to see ported over to sc2 though
09:31.25duckiestoo bad I never beaten any really difficult one
09:31.30phil__one of my favorite unique maps was mount impossible
09:31.41Demaliidunno it
09:31.43duckieswith the probe building pylons?
09:31.51phil__the ai was hilarious
09:31.56Demaliiduckies, have you played any bounds in sc2/
09:32.00duckiesa few
09:32.17Demaliiany chance you would want to view something and give me a little feed back?
09:32.19Mercwhat's a bound map
09:32.46Demaliilike an obstacle course?
09:33.32Mercdoesnt ring a bell
09:33.34duckiesyeah, that almost goes into a rythm domain where adjust your brain to a certain pattern and then reflectly click
09:33.48duckiesthat didn't make much sense
09:34.08duckiesanyway, demalii, the bounds on sc2 that I played were easy
09:34.09Demaliibetter than mine
09:34.17duckieshard bounds I failed and never looked back
09:34.17Demaliiyou remember blulit bound?
09:34.22Demaliifrom sc1?
09:34.26Demaliior.. heaven bound?
09:34.47Demaliiboth were easier
09:35.01duckiesI don't remember bound names unfortunately, just that I enjoyed bounding and nice pictures they usualy came with
09:35.13Demaliilol so true
09:35.47duckiesaand I'm also now at work, so if you want feedback you'd need to ping me ~6-7 hours later
09:36.04Demaliiall g
09:36.13duckiesbut if it's not hardcore, I'll check it
09:36.47phil__Merc - a bound map is basically an obstacle course
09:37.03Mercbut why the word "bound"
09:37.05phil__mostly timing a unit to go through patterns of moving units that will kill you
09:37.12phil__not sure actually
09:37.15Mercah like that
09:37.18Mercsort of a gauntlet
09:37.23phil__yeah yeah
09:37.24Mercor.. frogger?
09:37.29phil__basically haha
09:37.30duckiesmostly explosions in patterns tho
09:37.37phil__I didn't know how to explain that
09:37.45phil__locations to be specific haha
09:38.08phil__with animations associated
09:38.35duckiessome of the better bounds were damn awesome, I remember the one where a dozen lurkers constantly attacked invisible dt which ran around them clockwise. It looked so cool back in sc1
09:39.13duckiesand sound assets of constantly dying HTs and Overlors.. BLAARGH!~~!
09:41.03Demaliiyou should remember blulit =p
09:45.13duckiesno memory of the names, I even barely remember nameo of one of my favorite map types - impossible scenarios
09:46.20duckiesI remember some terrains and challenges, but not names :/
09:50.46duckiesheh, I even played defenses back then. Mario defense, World defense (with draft punk around the world loop), Even HGMA .. so good
09:51.07duckiesI definitely enjoyed way more stuff back then than I do now =/
09:52.09duckiesthe game just had that charm, with it's aestethics, visuals, audio and pathfinding >.>
09:53.17duckiesHigh and Dark templars had this aura of cool around them, while their sc2 counterparts are just cheesefaces with forgettable quotes and appearances
09:54.31duckiesok, enough of this nostalgia dive, what's gone is gone =/
09:55.00Mercyou'll never be young again
09:56.44duckiespfft, I'm forever young, in my heart I shall carry the memories of golden age with a dream to witness ressurection of joy once moar!
09:57.07Mercbetter chip off the layers of jade then :p
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12:13.25Goa_ohhh bnet launcher now has launch editor icon, surely that will generate more mappers...
12:14.25MercI still havent seen that
12:14.35Mercgonna keep calling you liars until I see it
12:14.46Goa_It bnet launcher about half hour ago
12:15.51Ahlion US, the launcher updated yesterday already :D
12:16.44Mercnice fake, liar
12:16.53Merchardly looks noticeable at all
12:17.01Mercbut maybe it will spark some interest
12:17.04Mercnot that I believe you
12:47.39Swordmansomeone wanna test my arcade game "Project Z"?
13:00.00Swordmani guess that means 'no' ?
13:00.11Merccurrently at work, so kinda impossible
13:33.36*** join/#sc2mapster pirate (175b8b30@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
13:46.42piratebleh, so many of these games use that ridiculous sc2 font
13:49.31Ahlisc2 has 4 fonts
13:49.54Ahli2 of those have funny vertical alignments for some of the letters like "t"
13:51.25piratehere on out it's custom fonts for me
13:53.23*** join/#sc2mapster Thenarden (
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14:07.10piratewelp, now that blizz has put a alt/updated version embargo on semi-finalists, now seems like a good time to work on the sublime text galaxy package
14:37.14Ahlidid they lock the versions?
14:38.25piratenah, they emailed us and said "please take down any non RTC versions for the voting period to minimize confusion and be fair"
14:49.44*** join/#sc2mapster Tomura (
14:55.05AhliI'm just noticing that I've a few more bugs in my map due to my last minute spell additions
14:57.53*** join/#sc2mapster Teratron (563a22a6@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
15:13.51Ahliwell, I got sick of the map after those 5 weeks... but now I feel like working a bit again :D
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15:14.59pirateI'm glad I have an excuse not to work on rogue star
15:15.18pirateJade, let's talk about galaxy.JSON-tmLanguage :D
15:16.51Ahlidid I miss something while working/playing heroes/D3?
15:17.18JademusSregJSON is a data serialization format, galaxy is a C-like scripting language, though it also bears some similarity to UnrealScript.
15:17.53Ahli-> json is no language
15:18.01Ahlilike xml is no language
15:18.15pirateer, right
15:18.18JademusSreg"JSON is a data serialization format"
15:18.26piratefollowing this:
15:18.49JademusSregBut it does have syntax, as it is a human-readable data serialization format.
15:18.59piratethe JSON version of tmLanguage files for Sublime Text is much easier to read than the XML version
15:21.02JademusSregThe numbers are the capture groups, match, begin fields are regex patterns (you'll want to know specifically what regex version is used here).
15:22.07pirateI should put this on git
15:22.35pirateI started with the C# package (there was no C..?)
15:23.05JademusSregPCRE is quite common (SC2/Herostorm have PCRE embedded in it), but will especially want to make sure it's not using a restricted subset of PCRE patterns, as it's also fairly common (notepad++ doesn't allow a number of expressions).
15:24.28JademusSregsingleQuotedString would be more accurately described as singleQuotedCharLiteral.
15:24.47JademusSregSince galaxy inexplicably supports the char type.
15:25.11piratealso unsure where to place  include, native, typedef
15:26.15JademusSregOnce you get this on github or dropbox, I could play a more direct role in developing it. =D
15:26.49pirateabsolutely sounds like the best course of action
15:27.52JademusSregToday is not quite so busy, so I intend to work on AI for Mesk's Apex F campaign, and could also tinker with sublimey.
15:29.21piratekk, gotta download some stuff to get git flowing proper
15:29.26pirate(bad pirate)
15:30.26JademusSregI haven't made any commits on my gitstuff in quite some time, need to do that when I get the cell surface prototype looking pretty.
15:41.30Goa_duckies Platform escape?:D
15:41.43duckiessure =D
15:41.55pirate..downloading .net 4
15:42.07duckieswe need to beat it without makers help =3
15:42.58Goa_btw he sent me the map I might add some stuff to it, like a toplist
15:43.37duckiesooh, cool
15:49.00Ahlihmm, the publishing window froze a bit for me
16:04.00JademusSregReboot time.
16:10.25piratesummons forth the rebooted jade
16:14.08duckiessry goa_ if I don't go mapmake now while I feel like it who knows when I will..
16:15.49*** part/#sc2mapster Ahli (
16:17.09Goa_duckies boring:D
16:18.11duckiesthat's cause you don't have emotional envestement in sc lore goa_, which was expected >.>
16:18.40*** join/#sc2mapster Ahli (
16:20.53Goa_I find most SC stories bad
16:23.59duckiesprobably, but I'm still captivated by the atmosphere of original games. And then sc2 just had to come stomp on my face and expectations.
16:24.40duckiesI didin't even read those sc short stories they put up pereodically, so I wouldn't know
16:34.15*** join/#sc2mapster JademusSreg (~jademus.s@
16:36.00JademusSreg=D Back.
16:36.08JademusSregWindows shit itself for a bit there.
16:36.23*** join/#sc2mapster IskatuMesk (4645ef99@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
16:36.40*** join/#sc2mapster Thenarden (
16:39.15piratewas gonna say if reboot normally takes 30 mins
16:39.30pirateunless jade is actually a highly complex AI/supercomputer
16:40.02JademusSregNot mutually exclusive.
16:41.02JademusSregThough that does remind me of some particularly silly people in the neurohacking scene who pretend to be advanced AI.
16:41.37Merchi I am 13 yr old ukranian boy
16:41.45Mercplz think of me as human
16:42.15Mercwho this Turing you speak of?
16:42.22Mercherp derp
16:44.10JademusSregAdvanced AI comes in two flavours: designed and evolved. Humans aren't currently capable of designing advanced AIs, and advanced AIs developed through evolutionary process would be so alien as to effectively be incapable of communication with humans in any fashion said humans would recognize.
16:46.09Mercare you not a belieber in the singularity
16:46.51JademusSregRidiculous. Belief in general, The Singularity in particular.
16:47.13Mercbut, what about the coolaid
16:48.10JademusSregWith all due respect, Kurzweil can eat a bag of genitals.
16:48.37Mercso is that more than just dicks
16:48.43Merclike, balls and vaginas as well?
16:49.17JademusSregWould be implicitly sexist to specify any set of genitals to the exclusion of others.
16:49.20piratelike a whole bag?
16:49.31Mercduffel bag, messenger bag?
16:49.33piratebigger or smaller than a breadbox
16:49.36Mercthis is so unspecific
16:49.38JademusSregA bakers dozen.
16:50.00Mercdepending on girth, that could be any size bag
16:50.18pirateare these mutilated genitals and if so, where did they come from?
16:50.31JademusSregFeel free to go Silicon Valley on this subject.
16:50.45Mercdon't even know what that means
16:50.51piratewhat poor 11 souls deserved to be scarred for life just to get justice for Kurzeil's crimes
16:51.13Mercyup, baker's dozen is one more isnt it
16:51.21Mercin case one was shit or something
16:51.31piratemy pirate's life is a lie
16:51.41Mercall that pastry
16:51.43JademusSregAt least you're not a baker.
16:51.45Mercfor nothing
16:52.01piratethis entire time I've been thinking bakers were cheap bastards
16:52.26Mercyou're thinking of fish salesmen
16:52.43pirateI must go out and apologize to a number of bakers
16:52.45Mercanyway, I kinda like the postive futurist approach
16:52.47Mercno harm in it
16:53.03JademusSregYelp review for thegreybaker: "Great pastries, masterful confections, but always shorts me exactly 2!!! when I order a bakers dozen. Would not pillage again."
16:53.06piratebut before I do, is there anything else I need to do with my mangled git repo?
16:53.49JademusSregDunno. If there's an issue, I'll bug you about it later.
16:57.30IskatuMeskI keep sacks
16:57.44IskatuMeskbags too small for my harvest
16:57.56Mercthat's good to know
16:58.57JademusSregThey make for a quite svelt purse.
17:13.59JademusSregAccidentally forked instead of cloned, fix'd.
17:14.44Mercabout to make the warlock
17:14.49Mercno clue how he should look
17:15.14Mercso many options
17:21.01A1winwhy am I suddenly getting ideas that'd work nicely on SC2 now that I thought I was done with it D:
17:22.57Arcane|Work1Because you have experience and thus it is easier of how to visualizze how it will work
17:23.20Arcane|Work1Also, good morning
17:23.26Arcane|Work1Also, Hai JademusSreg
17:23.50Arcane|Work1Nice wonderful references to gentailia
17:27.16Arcane|Work1So, editor now launchable from desktop app, yay
17:28.11pirate|StormySeawasnt this always...
17:28.15pirate|StormySeaoh with your virtual environment
17:28.50Arcane|Work1No, I refer to the Desktop App from Blizzard, it was not always thus, it was added with last patch to the Desktip App
17:29.18pirate|StormySeaI see yeah, little bitty green icon
17:29.30Arcane|Work1Before, you had to launch the editor standalone. Now there is the link in the desktop app
17:54.32*** join/#sc2mapster Bibendus (
17:55.12Mercthis changes EVERYTHING.
18:01.38Arcane|Work1What does?
18:01.53Arcane|Work1Me winning the lotto?
18:02.20Mercthe tiny little green icon that lets you open the map editor
18:11.38*** join/#sc2mapster kritzikratzi (
18:23.38*** join/#sc2mapster tuord (6c37dc98@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
18:23.55tuordwassup dudes and dudettes
18:31.54JademusSregHallo toa'uld.
18:37.29tuordhow y'all doin
18:50.22pirate|StormySeawow, r/gaming mods do NOT like me
18:51.48pirate|StormySeasubmitted rogue star release trailer to r/gaming - self promotion of free game and such
18:54.28pirate|StormySeadoesnt show up in the new section, pm r/gaming mods asking if I broke rules > "No personal websites or videos/channels. No referral or affiliate links."
18:54.36IskatuMeskhi cuties
18:54.54pirate|StormySeaask if kotaku write up is okay (kotaku is clearly not my personal website)
18:55.03pirate|StormySeano reply
18:55.08pirate|StormySeapost kotaku link
18:55.10pirate|StormySeagets hidden too
18:55.19IskatuMesk> posting on reddit
18:55.28*** join/#sc2mapster Thenarden (
18:56.39pirate|StormySeaworked well on r/starcraft >> even though they care more about pro gamer stuff than arcade stuff
18:57.07IskatuMeskI would just stay as far away from reddit as possible, try TL and, if you really like the smell of dog urine, the b.ent forums
18:57.15JademusSregdoesn't bother promoting.
18:57.19pirate|StormySeanah man, redditors are my people
18:57.37pirate|StormySeajade isn't trying to win a contest :P
18:58.02IskatuMeskthat's because jade IS the contest
19:03.14pirate|StormySea"We also dont allow Gawker Articles"
19:04.15JademusSregbtw, this is partly how the melee AIs get information about what the game host configured for AI build in the lobby. AIGetUserInt(player, c_currentBuildIndex);
19:05.26tuordkotaku used to be cool
19:05.47tuorduntil bunch of horrible writers & articles started poppin up
19:06.08JademusSregAISetUserInt called from the maps could be used to set which AI personality should be used, rather than the current approach employed by the Apex mod (player int and such).
19:06.23tuordim not an apex predator
19:08.27tuordreddit is hit or miss
19:08.32tuordhighly depends on subreddit
19:08.46pirate|StormySeaso I submit the PC gamer article
19:08.57tuordStormy what're you doin?
19:09.42JademusSregSelf promoting on reddit, haha.
19:10.06pirate|StormySeaI have a pretty good track record on that front
19:10.48tuordomg tactical rpg gmeplay like heroes?
19:10.53tuordthat's cool man
19:10.58tuordi actually thought about doing that a whileback
19:11.03pirate|StormySealol thanks, where did you see it?
19:11.26tuordi just searched your map name on sc2mapster lol
19:12.08tuordever since i saw someone implement the heroes tactical gameplay, i never someone actually create an entire RPG out of it
19:12.29tuordi was thinking about that but w/ pokemon style elements
19:12.50tuordthen i noticed somoene else was doing pokemon-ish RPG so i held off on that idea
19:13.29tuordand now it's too late cuz i lost motivation :[
19:15.21tuordhow does the dungeon crawling work? Is it like procedurally generated dungeons?
19:16.53pirate|StormySeanah, currently it's just a static level
19:17.08pirate|StormySeaprocedural generation is planned for someday, but we all know that story
19:17.44Goa_duckies one more try on escape?:D
19:18.28duckiesgao_ in 10 min is fine with ya?
19:18.37Goa_I start lobby until
19:20.17tuordrejoin feature in sc2........ that'd be nuts
19:20.26tuordnuts-tastically awesoe
19:21.21tuordif there was a way for random players to join-midgame, that'd be even more awesome. It could solve the problem for leavers ruining games.
19:22.03tuordvery very important for big long multiplayer RPG maps
19:22.20tuordnot like many exist to begin with but still!
19:22.24JademusSregCould happen.
19:22.41tuordyou can make a diablo-esque map work too
19:22.50tuordbasically sustainable sessions
19:22.51Goa_it shouldnt be hard to implement after all you can continue games from replay now, but I would bet it will never happen:D
19:22.53JademusSregBased on what's been data mined from Herostorm.
19:23.16tuordis heros of storm just rejoining or also randoms joining-midgame?
19:24.31tuordiunno what to call it, intrusion?
19:24.43A1winresume from replay has to fastforward the game before it can be resumed, it's different from rejoin
19:24.53Ahlirejoin does the same a1win
19:25.01JademusSregIntrusion? Congress? Penetration? Intercourse?
19:25.15A1winoh, well that sounds sucky :P
19:25.17tuordintrusion is my kind of thing then
19:25.34Ahliso, horrible computers might not be able to rejoin at all as the replay only slightly faster than normal speed
19:25.43tuorddo you think it would be too much work for blizzard tho?
19:25.51tuordbased on how the engine works
19:26.01Ahliyou would need to transfer all game data
19:26.18Ahliand then do the replay thing, too, to reach live
19:27.36*** join/#sc2mapster Moorhsum (
19:30.13tuordMoorhsum has returned!
19:30.16Moorhsumtuord, u said he can't you can.
19:31.03*** join/#sc2mapster phil (32c8f2e6@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
19:31.17tuorduncle phil wassup man
19:35.43tuordglobal & server-sided banks. In my dreams it'll happen
19:36.08Ahliglobal banks?
19:36.26Ahliso everyone can edit your game's bank?
19:37.05Ahlior do you mean one that is able to be read by each map?
19:37.57Ahliso, a single unique one that contains settings all match instances with your map can edit to save stats or something?
19:42.08tuordsuch a bank should be editable by the author at least
19:42.14tuordin case somethin goes wrong
19:42.22tuordwhich it will
19:42.58A1wincan also use versioning
19:43.07A1winif version < current version, rewrite bank
19:43.45tuordrewrite the entire bank?
19:43.52JademusSregBy hand.
19:43.53Ahlior patch the data, etc
19:43.54A1winwell whatever you need to be rewritten
19:43.56JademusSregWith a pencil.
19:44.29tuordwoah slowdown
19:44.52tuordblizz can only do so much at a time. We gotta take it slow. server-side first
19:45.25Ahliusing versions in your bank is something you do yourself
19:46.51tuordblizz would need to allow us to make our own bank management system instead of putting all the stuff in the map
19:47.11tuordAhli waddap dre, got your back
19:47.30tuordyou and me handin out naps. Chrome hydraulics.
19:48.03IskatuMeskbuttered butts
19:48.40tuordAhli what was that map u made called
19:48.56Ahliping test
19:49.01tuordthe one that got popular
19:49.34tuordcould've sworn u made something popular
19:49.43tuordor have i mistaken you for someone else
19:49.57AhliI made diablo mortal shroud, if you meant that map
19:50.26tuordnope, don't ring any cowbells
19:50.55tuordwhatever happened to rodrigo
19:51.10Swordmansomeone wanna test my map "Project Z"? it's a Freeroam Survival game, where you have to survive against zombies and other players, because they may attack or kill you to get your minerals.
19:51.59tuordGonna call that time period, the "Rodrigo era" - sc2mapster circa 2011
19:52.47tuordthe legend
19:53.27pirate|StormySeahahahahahaha rodrigo
19:54.30*** join/#sc2mapster Dustin_Hendricks (~Dustin_He@
19:54.37tuordlove how he put his youtube channel and nexus word wars on the list of projects
19:56.10Swordmanlove how nobody answers me
19:56.24JademusSregAh, my apologies, sword. No.
19:56.32tuordi'd love to test but i cant play sc2 here
19:57.39Ahlipschology o_0
19:58.13tuordhe understands the gamer's psyche
19:58.24*** join/#sc2mapster phil (475a5c79@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
19:58.51tuordwelcome back uncle phil
20:01.06tuordhi dustin browder
20:04.44tuordalright guys i got an idea: lets brainstorm a way to make some secure banks
20:04.52tuordas close as we can
20:06.23JademusSregEasy: wait for Blizzard to release the server side bank feature.
20:06.47Dustin_HendricksDamn a V....brilliant
20:06.54tuordim always ahead of the curve
20:06.56Swordmanthat'll probably never happen
20:07.08tuordso we must come up with our own solution
20:07.32A1winslightly harder: hack blizzard and implement server side banks for them
20:09.08tuordhere's what we know about banks: they're stored on the client and they're stupidly easy to find and edit
20:09.12tuordhere's what we don't know:
20:09.39IskatuMeskare the butts buttered
20:09.51JademusSregAnyway, can't be done. Anything you code into a map or mod, I can just as easily run to reverse or write new banks. Signature generation is cracked, too, just takes far more parameters, but trivial once those parameters are known.
20:10.12tuordis obfuscation the best we can do?
20:10.18JademusSregWon't work.
20:10.38Dustin_HendricksThere is already Bank Signatures
20:10.43tuordbank signatures are bad
20:10.47Swordmanit's so sad. i'm in the largest mapping community of Starcraft 2, but i still can't find anyone to play my map >.>
20:11.12JademusSregFeel free to compress and encrypt the bank content, obfuscate the script, and use a signature, it'll still get cracked.
20:11.13tuordSwordman, i'm going to be honest with you: the mapping community in sc2 is dying
20:11.18IskatuMesklargest sc2 community is still pretty tiny
20:11.24A1winSwordman, maybe you should be in the larger arcade game player community instead
20:12.35tuordSwordman you should advertise your map to players intead of map makers. They're usually more willing to test your map
20:13.01Swordmansadly, nobody is in the arcade-chat-channels in starcraft 2
20:13.11tuorddayum shame
20:13.45tuordwhat about the forums?
20:14.09A1winit's really difficult to find testers for random arcade maps, tried that myself too
20:14.22Swordmanactually if i wait 30 minutes, i get a full lobby
20:14.30Swordmanminus 3 players who always rage quit after they die
20:14.42Arcane|Work1Swordman: unfortunately there is the usual dichotomy at play here: Those most qualified to give you feedback are time constrained by their own projects or dabbling, and those with the most free time are often the least qualified.
20:14.43tuordyou get a full lobby of completely random players?
20:14.54tuordwithin 30 minutes?
20:15.02tuordlucky bastard!
20:15.16Swordmanwaiting for 5 minutes -> already 4 players
20:15.18A1winsmaller maps are easier to fill
20:15.23tuordvery impressive
20:15.24Swordmanand i usually get positive reviews
20:15.28Swordmanits a 10 players game
20:15.36tuordSwordman your map is going places, i can taste it
20:16.01tuordif you can get a 10p map full within 24 hours, people know u exist
20:16.09tuordand it's a huge step forward
20:16.19Swordmanthe arcade isn't that bad. i have to wait some time but it works
20:16.37tuordthe biggest hurdle is just going from 0 to full lobby of random players
20:16.39Arcane|Work1and tuord, modding beyond simple texture mods or simple mods of any kind, is dying, since if you have the skill to go beyond that, it is relatively easy to hop on the steam/mobile bandwagon (although I find it amusing people think they will be any more successful there then here, as the market has already is saturated, and 99% of people make jackall money from it)
20:17.14pirate|StormySeaoh good, theyve let me post
20:17.17Arcane|Work1To be more concise: If you expect any reasonable income from entertainment production of any kind, you are very much in for a shock
20:17.30Ahli"jackall" what does that mean?
20:17.41tuordpeople expect income from making sc2 maps? Whatever happened to makin maps for fun?
20:17.42Arcane|Work1jackall = nothing
20:17.57Ahliwhy don't you say "no"? :D
20:18.14IskatuMeskI would never disgrace my heritage by working on mobile stuff thankfully
20:18.23tuordaltho tbh, makin maps for fun is overrated
20:18.30Arcane|Work1tuord: people are expecting income from producing entertainment content, ignoring the very stark reality that if it is that easy to create, it is worth very little.
20:18.33tuordthere's gotta be incentive beyond just "fun:
20:18.44Swordmani may live stream my map now
20:18.53IskatuMeskfun is about it
20:19.02pirate|StormySeaI'm slowly attempting to monetize via mod making
20:19.05IskatuMeskif you are making something for other than fun in custom content you are in for a bad time
20:19.05Arcane|Work1Well, I did it purely out of interest/loyalty/fun (loyalty in that the map I worked  on I had played for 2.5 years)
20:19.26Arcane|Work1And the mapmaking, done for fun, along with my education, did land me a very nice internship.
20:19.35IskatuMeskdo you turn cranks?
20:19.45Arcane|Work1(Which I should be working :D, but who does that?)
20:19.47tuordis it wrong to find it fun to expect something in return?
20:19.50IskatuMeskI always envision interns turning cranks
20:19.58IskatuMeskyou should expect nothing
20:19.59tuordlike i'd love it when people enjoy my stuff
20:20.04IskatuMeskexpecting is the road to disappointment
20:20.06Arcane|Work1IskatuMesk: Thankfully, no, I do actual good stuff :D
20:20.32Arcane|Work1And as IskatuMesk has stated, yes, expecting monetary compensation without a contract is wishful thinking.
20:20.40pirate|StormySeatis true
20:21.23Arcane|Work1Historically, entertainment was financed by wealthy patronage as a display of wealth, or by the state, as a public good or glorying that state.
20:21.24IskatuMeskif you really want to make money in the same lines of custom content you should consider: tool development, asset monetization (turbosquid, commissions) or independent game development
20:21.32*** join/#sc2mapster Bounty (45f8f26f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
20:21.33IskatuMeskbut mapping/modding is certainly not the road for that
20:21.37A1winexpecting is passive, it doesn't do anything in itself
20:21.47A1winso why do it
20:21.50IskatuMeskexpecting sets you up psychologically for disappointment
20:21.52IskatuMeskre: the top 10 contest
20:22.06Arcane|Work1Correct, but expecting alters your mental state and thus affects all future actions.
20:22.49tuordi expect my pants will be very messy
20:22.56tuordif i see it rise in popularity
20:23.10IskatuMeskI like how "it" is super vague in this context
20:23.14IskatuMesklets my imagination go wild
20:23.22philthis is one of the funnier conversations I've seen in a while
20:23.25philwell, since quitting fb
20:23.33tuordthanks for the complement phil
20:23.58tuordim used to spell checks in my chat programs
20:24.00philwhat does the red mean
20:24.03philI thought those were pms
20:24.07IskatuMeskmeans you are hacking
20:24.20Arcane|Work1It occurs when you are highlighted, ie your name is mentioned
20:24.22philI'm hacking up a solution to this terrible code atm
20:24.32IskatuMeskone good hack deserves another
20:24.34Arcane|Work1so if do phil, this will appear red
20:24.51philI always assumed those were pms
20:25.03tuordsoooooo what is your favorite map to play in the arcade that isn't your own?
20:25.18Arcane|Work1You can (depending on client) configure highlight vs pm coloring and notification
20:25.19IskatuMeskI don't play :3
20:25.23philI'm pissed - I want MAD to come back
20:25.29philI googled the shit out of the map creator
20:25.37philgot ahold of him via youtube and he still never re-uploaded it
20:25.41JademusSregPhiledelphia Philharmonic Orchestra.
20:25.49Arcane|Work1tuord: does it count if it is map I've played extensively, worked on but is techincally not mine?
20:25.50tuorduncle phillip
20:25.55A1winI rather play proper games than arcade maps that are pretty much all garbage
20:26.09Arcane|Work1A1win: And proper games are any less garbage?
20:26.24A1winsome :P
20:26.27IskatuMeskproper games = activision classics, like tongue of the fat man
20:26.28IskatuMeskand Awesome Possum
20:26.30IskatuMeskso good
20:26.35Arcane|Work1Mechwarrior 2
20:27.42tuordproper games = nexus word wars
20:27.57Swordman i'll live stream my game now if you want to check it out
20:28.01Dustin_HendricksDivinity: Original Sin is an awesome fucking game so far
20:28.09Arcane|Work1Well, my favorite game is NOTD
20:28.16JademusSreg♥ じゃでちゃんさんさまくん ♥
20:28.18tuordNOTD the sc2 map?
20:28.20Dustin_HendricksIT's like a modern Baulders Gate free-form RPG
20:28.37Arcane|Work1But I'm massively biased :D
20:28.54IskatuMeskoriginal sin is the only game I've actually looked forward to in like... 8 years
20:28.59Arcane|Work1Played it for 2.5 years, spent last year working on it and working on sequel right now
20:29.05IskatuMeskwill be a while before I get to it, though
20:29.27Arcane|Work1Last 6 months on NOTD 2, it mostly works, adding content at the moment, then more UI stuff + some backend systems
20:29.30tuordi said not your own map! :[
20:29.41Arcane|Work1Well I asked.
20:29.56Arcane|Work1And it techincally is not mine
20:30.21Arcane|Work1I did not build/design NOTD, I spent most of my time refinining it
20:30.23tuordlooks like you had your fair share of work on the map, why is it at least not part of yours?
20:30.52JademusSregEngineers, haha.
20:31.09tuordok lemme reword the question: what is your fav map in the arcade that you had not worked on whatsoever?
20:31.47JademusSregDesigners feel they own what they create. Engineers feel they own their labor. =D
20:32.24tuorddesigners get too much credit. Without the engineer, map is nothing. A huge part of the creation is HOW it was implemented
20:32.58tuordi hope JademusSreg agrees with me
20:33.02Arcane|Work1Hmm... tricky, since I don't know as I've provided advice to many people in here, so my hand is in a few maps, but if I had to guess, my favorite would probably be... star battle?
20:33.03philI still don't understand how map engineers (trigger coders basically) lost their touch with creating simple fun maps
20:33.07philas were rampant on sc1
20:33.20philstar battle is a very simple game
20:33.35philwas super fun at first - I just need to control more than one unit
20:33.40Arcane|Work1phil: because triggers are a hammer, and people were given only nails back then, now they are given nails, screws, and joints.
20:33.40philI get boooored
20:33.47JademusSregI jest, because neither is an entirely accurate perspective, but are instead rather practical.
20:33.48philhaha true
20:34.01philarcane, have you ever made a map for little big planet?
20:34.06A1winspeaking of design, new idea for rpg/adventure control scheme: take The Sims with its "smart" menus that open on clicking, combine it with SC2 units, your character is unselected and is moved by AI, but you can give it orders by selecting objects (units) and clicking on abilities in *their* command card, like a door would have an ability that tells the character to open/close it (smart cast can be used for a default action for each object)
20:34.28philthat would be interesting
20:34.41philI played this game "majesty" back in the day
20:34.43JademusSregA1, that's doable in SC2, more doable in Herostorm.
20:34.45philyou don't actually control any units
20:34.50Arcane|Work1Anyone who went from sc1 to sc2 got lost fast, because triggers were cleaned up and limited to their true purpose, dynamic event based stuff, and everthing else was made into data. People attempted to avoid data, and ran headlong into performance issues.
20:34.54philyou just give perks for units to do certain things
20:34.59A1winyeah I know it's doable
20:35.24JademusSregHerostorm fork adds AI control over User players, which is nice.
20:35.30A1winalso, could have enemies mass selectable by giving the "enemy" units to the player himself
20:35.36Arcane|Work1ahh phil I played that as well, was quite fun
20:35.52A1winso you can cast aoe stuff on unit groups
20:35.55philsuper fun
20:37.10*** join/#sc2mapster qumanhawk (a2c90c31@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
20:37.39tuordi went from sc1 to sc2
20:37.50tuordi didnt even touch the wc3 editor because it looked so complicated :X
20:38.29Swordman if you want to take a look at my map
20:39.07A1winnice terrain
20:39.20A1windarkness always makes everything look better
20:40.33tuordi like my terrain dark like i like my meat
20:40.43A1winhaha, make those buildings smaller
20:40.55A1winlooks really out-of-place
20:41.02A1winthe turret and supply depot
20:41.59A1winseems like a nice map on the first glance but I'm sceptical of that kind of multiplayer games
20:42.07JademusSreg"i like my terrain like i like my meat" Dark, green and covered in dirt.
20:44.55JademusSregMy version: "i like my terrain like i like my meat" This is not a simile; I like meat terrain.
20:45.18A1winJademusSreg, what did you mean by it working better on herostorm? what does it add to controls?
20:45.29JademusSregHerostorm fork adds AI control over User players, which is nice.
20:45.45JademusSregAs in AI scripts can run for User slots.
20:46.04A1winoh, and are we able to make our own AI scripts?
20:46.12JademusSregIn tandeom with players or, as Herostorm employs it most obviously, when a player leaves.
20:47.05JademusSregWe can already make our own AI scripts, I just mean it's a new feature Herostorm supports; SC2 doesn't currently permit toggling AI script control of player-occupied USer slots.
20:47.06A1winthough in this concept the player's character could just as well be owned by a Computer player
20:47.44JademusSregHerostorm is more efficient in this regard, uses fewer player slots to the same purpose.
20:48.37A1winso errm I don't think I'm familiar at all with AI scripts, where are they located and what are they written in?
20:49.12JademusSregIf/when features in the Herostorm form get pulled back into SC2, there will be quite a lot of new cool shit.
20:49.51JademusSregA1, standard AI scripts are in TriggerLibs like most other galaxy stuff.
20:50.55JademusSregAnd since the files can be overridden like most others, I've got an AI test map for tinkering.
20:51.19A1winwhat do they do different from just scripting it in the traditional way?
20:51.51JademusSregAh, well, that'll take a few minutes of explanation. One moment.
20:52.56IskatuMeskso many conversions to keep track of
20:53.12philoh and arcane - here's the not-so refined final product of my jump:
20:53.30IskatuMeskmost of my maps are not that dark because the lighting between units and terrain in sc2 looks really out of sync when it's dark
20:53.33IskatuMeskmaybe when I recolor all of them
20:53.34A1winflea jump
20:53.54JademusSregAI scripts have a different entry point, and run from a mostly separate region of the galaxy standard library. The main map code enters with MapScript, which in turn accesses natives and some lib scripts, natives covers all game data constants and so forth.
20:54.01A1winit's a small bug that... jumps
20:54.07tuordbe nice
20:56.58JademusSregAI enters through the Computer script, though this is configured in GameData.xml AI field. Each AI runs its own separate instance, interestingly, which is one of the few places the static keyword makes much difference and the only place in standard galaxy which has made use of funcref, but that's trivia. Using the racial id as a token, it finds the functions it requires, like AIMain#raceId#
20:56.58JademusSreg(AIMainTerr AIMainProt AIMainZerg) and calls them repeatedly, forever, with each AI update step, as part of the AI finite state machine.
20:57.11tuordArcane|Work1 what parts did you do in NOTD?
20:57.17tuordplease tell me you worked on the banks
20:57.21tuordotherwise not interested
20:59.12JademusSregFunny thing, galaxy scripts don't actually need to be able to find the native prototypes to work properly, and can compile just fine without access to them, since they are hardcoded into the engine, but whatever.
20:59.40JademusSregThe error checker will likely complain, though.
20:59.56JademusSregThat covers most AI shit, except tactical AI.
21:00.12A1winnot quite sure what to take out of that :x
21:00.31A1win...but what does it mean?!?
21:01.08JademusSregA more specific question will yield a more specific answer.
21:01.28A1winwhat can you actually do with the AI scripts?
21:01.49JademusSregAnything you could do with any other script.
21:02.10A1winso why use them?
21:02.54JademusSregBecause they have hardcoded racial tokenized callbacks to main update functions as part of their purpose as a decision-making finite state machine.
21:03.58A1wincan they interact with the map script?
21:04.31JademusSregWould be bad if they did directly, but there are indirect means of doing so.
21:05.25JademusSregNote the static functions which conveniently have identifiers which are shared by other scripts but don't conflict.
21:05.26*** join/#sc2mapster paynis (c7f7ed29@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
21:05.36JademusSregAlso note every function ending with Terr.
21:05.57Arcane|Work1JademusSreg: that explains a lot, when I was figuring out the AI, when I was testing, it threw errors about being invalid mainstate when the race didn't match the unit
21:06.02paynishey guys
21:06.17payniswhy can't I click the RESULT button of the RTC poll?
21:06.43Dustin_HendricksOh shit, Herostorm needs to add an AFK AI takeover option
21:07.09Dustin_HendricksIf they dont issue any commands for a couple minutes auto take control with AI would be nice
21:07.12JademusSregIt already have leave-takeover, afk takeover would encourage bad player behavior.
21:08.05Arcane|Work1There is 2 new natives for that, one directs the AI to take control, another controls if take control is allowed for a player.
21:08.21paynis... anyone? :(
21:08.34Arcane|Work1paynis: The voting is not complete?
21:08.37JademusSregpayn, did you enable javascript?
21:08.47Arcane|Work1And thus won't be available until it is?
21:09.02JademusSreghasn't actually seen the page.
21:09.28payniswhy the hell would they pull out that tease on me then?
21:09.39paynisit would be 100% doable to let us monitor the -current- results of the poll
21:11.33A1winwhy would they want that
21:11.41payniswhy would they not?
21:11.55A1wineasier to manipulate results
21:12.04paynisaccording to the comments on the poll's page, it seems like StarParty is in for being part of the Top 3, but I ain't sure
21:12.32A1winit's only a week anyway
21:13.05paynison the 15th we get the Top 5, and then Blizzard waits a week to release the Top 3?
21:13.32Arcane|Work1Ermm, there is only a top 5
21:13.42Arcane|Work1Blizzard extended the prize pool to have a top 5
21:14.02JademusSregconsiders how best to parameterize AI as data.
21:15.04paynisare you serious, Arcane?
21:15.21paynisthat sounds wrong on many levels
21:15.26JademusSregWoo, love me some tortuous tension.
21:15.40A1win4th and 5th just gets some vanity thing, was it arcade icon or something
21:15.41JademusSregNot mine, of course.
21:15.49paynismostly because the submission contract precisely stated the Top 3 prizes
21:16.06payniswhere was that announced?
21:16.18A1winon :P
21:16.26A1winin some news post some time ago
21:17.51paynisfoudn nothing on
21:18.48Arcane|Work1That was the additions to the original prizes
21:20.16Arcane|Work1JademusSreg: what do you want to parametrize for AI data?
21:22.06JademusSregParameterizing AI for use in data structures would, among other things, allow me to create a data-based way of configuring AIs.
21:23.32Arcane|Work1I'm curious, beyond just setting the AI difficulty level and using validators for said difficulties, along with tactical AI and Cooldowns, what else do you need?
21:23.34JademusSregPeople shouldn't need to script or use that -awful- AI module.
21:23.48JademusSregArc, literally everything.
21:24.33Arcane|Work1So much useful info, also, how is the AI module awful? Certainly seems nice to preconfigure AI waves and their creation/running, without having to know the script.
21:25.16Arcane|Work1So, what else do we need from the AI?
21:25.30JademusSregGross limitations and narrow purpose. I'd be awfully surprised if anyone made a mlee-capable AI with that module.
21:25.52Arcane|Work1It isn't mean to be used to do full blown AI, it is used for doing waves and assault patterns
21:26.13JademusSregPrecisely. And the script it generates is awful.
21:26.37Arcane|Work1So you can easily say "Run waves 1-10" and then halfway through say "Use this other personaility, and do its waves 5-10"
21:27.12Arcane|Work1JademusSreg, you should know by now, awful but readable, and parseable >>>> efficient and nice looking.
21:27.32JademusSregPsh, I prefer both.
21:27.39IskatuMeskthe ai module is kind of useless when I was already familiar with attack wave triggers... since it doesn't have access to the melee functions, I don't even know why they made it to begin with
21:28.11IskatuMeskif it had the melee functions it would be handy in some cases
21:28.37Arcane|Work1Because it can make certain things way easier, like selecting which units to use for each wave for each difficulty. Or more importantly, reusing waves, since you can setup wave 1, then have wave 2 run a bunch of stuff and then in the middle say "run wave 1"
21:28.41JademusSregA sufficiently generic script framework and data-based means of defining its content, that'll please me.
21:28.45IskatuMesksince the campaign AI base can basically only *do* attack waves properly
21:29.02JademusSregSo I'm parameterizing AI for the purpose of defining data structures.
21:29.20IskatuMeskI don't know what jade is doing though, it sounds like !!science!! of the dwarfy kind
21:29.28Arcane|Work1And what are storing in this structures, that are not already defined for you?
21:29.32JademusSregAnd it's for your benefit, Mesk. =D
21:29.49IskatuMeskso it is definitely !!science!!
21:30.00IskatuMeskbut how does data come into it?
21:30.04Arcane|Work1Is this the AI controlling ability usage, is this AI controlling attack patterns and tactics, is this AI for infomation awareness, or AI for macro components?
21:30.21JademusSregGive ya a way of making your melee AI personalities without being forced to script them.
21:30.33IskatuMeskI know how to script them though
21:30.36JademusSregArc, literally everything.
21:30.48JademusSregBut mostly the broader strokes.
21:30.50Arcane|Work1IskatuMesk: Most of the tactical AI functions as well as other stuff were later made into data versions.
21:30.54IskatuMeskI mean, the build order stuff I can script
21:31.06JademusSregMacro, strategy, AI wave (not attackwave) coordination.
21:31.08IskatuMeskyeah and they became hugely more confusing... I cannot figure out the data tactical stuff
21:31.27Arcane|Work1Welp, that all can be done with Tactical AI with an insane number of validators
21:31.33Dustin_Hendricks<JademusSreg> It already have leave-takeover, afk takeover would encourage bad player behavior. <- I believe it would help with AFK Takeover casue right now if someone wants to grief they jsut sit back and afk to reduce exp gain
21:31.45IskatuMeskat least with the galaxy I kind of sort of know what stuff does judging by how its named, the tactical AI stuff being split up into a bunch of different tabs makes understanding them more troublesome
21:32.09Dustin_HendricksAt least with an AFK system, you get less problems with that, and even if not agaisnt griefers, Ive had plenty of games where a person afks forever and we lose
21:32.18IskatuMeskand the build order thing is totally trival in galaxy
21:32.19JademusSregThat's just silly, Arc. Hurry up and read the AI scripts, don't cling to what is merely convenient by virtue of it already being known.
21:32.35Arcane|Work1You said you didn't want scripts at all
21:32.54JademusSregI said people shouldn't have to script.
21:33.18JademusSregSame way people shouldn't need to touch a command line being the motive which drives one to create a GUI.
21:33.45Arcane|Work1In which case, it is simple imo, create a bunch of dummy units, and assign them tactical AI functions, each unit representing a function.
21:33.46IskatuMeskmy confusion is intensifying 42 fold
21:33.53JademusSregYou thought I meant -I- shouldn't need to script? Haha
21:34.12JademusSregArc, now you're being deliberately silly, haha.
21:34.33Arcane|Work1Well, you want a data only front end to AI, is this a correct understanding?
21:34.46JademusSregData-based in the sense of its interface, which is to say configured through the data editor.
21:35.06JademusSregUserType ahoy.
21:35.34Arcane|Work1Welp, the only parts of the data editor that interface/call trigger script is units tactical AI field. Now with User Types, you can specify trigger function names.
21:35.41Arcane|Work1But not sure how that avoids the user scripting
21:36.09Arcane|Work1Since User Types have meaning only within other user types or when recalled via scripting, at least to my knowledge.
21:36.22JademusSregTactical AI is least among my purposes here.
21:36.43JademusSregPut it this way.
21:40.36JademusSregI am parameterizing the melee AI scripts to define corresponding data structures. Then I create new UserType entries designed according to those data structures. I then write generic AI scripts, effectively the scripts with all the parameters abstracted out as those data structures. That way, users of this system (like Mesk) could just add unit types and set some flags and stuff from a user
21:40.36JademusSregdata instance, and have it work in game.
21:41.31JademusSregThe same way SC2/Herostorm is predominantly data-driven programming, so too should the AIs operate.
21:43.35paynis I like how most of their perks for first prize will be useless if StarParty wins it
21:43.55paynisI hope they don't discriminate SP just for that so that they ensure themselves to show off some art
21:43.59Arcane|Work1So... if I understand correctly, you are placing a data wrapper around the parameters off all melee scripts, replacing their arguments with function calls to retrieve the same fields but from a User Type instance.
21:44.14JademusSregArc, that, except not.
21:44.47Arcane|Work1Maybe because I have not looked at the melee scripts, I'm not understanding
21:45.23JademusSregDoesn't seem a little silly to attempt discussing something without knowledge of the subject? =D
21:45.26Arcane|Work1Are we referring to the various build order scripts, dictating how the melee AI performs?
21:45.35Arcane|Work1I have general knowledge, but not specifics
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21:46.57Arcane|Work1Because, if I'm not terribly mistaken, a melee AI, currently, is a combination of general behavior (mining, expanding, etc.) merged with build order scripts that alter how the Ai reacts to certain events, and the thresholds for certain actions (when to build, when to retreat, etc.)
21:49.25paynisWho voted for SP here? =D
21:49.36JademusSregWats that?
21:49.38Arcane|Work1What I'm hearing is you wan the user to, instead of going and writing out the script for build orders, attack waves and what not, instead just creates an instance of various User Types, and the game parses those to then construct said scripts or use the values within for the AI natives.
21:49.52paynisI'm wondering what are people's projections on the winners of the RTC contest
21:50.21Arcane|Work1Also, paynis, none of the prizes are useless
21:50.48Arcane|Work1You can just as easily take your existing work and get blizzard to complete do a workover of it, polishing it.
21:50.49paynisSP already has its own custom arts (soundtracks and loading screen)
21:50.55JademusSregSounds familiar, remember playing it a long time ago.
21:51.22Arcane|Work1Getting a professional for contract work for such assets is NOT cheap.
21:51.24paynisa long time ago? Can't be that long
21:51.34paynishow much would it cost? :o
21:51.49paynisI'd be curious to see in what way they would improve SP :)
21:51.52JademusSregEither it was a long time ago, or never, can't remember which.
21:52.07JademusSregAlso, don't much care either way.
21:52.12Arcane|Work1A pro, aka someone who is experienced, multi year with all the tools, is probably 25+/hr
21:52.36Arcane|Work1So getting a week of work out of a Blizzard person is easily worth a grand or 2
21:52.40Arcane|Work1if not more
21:53.00JademusSregDamn Adobe and its subscription model, haha.
21:53.01Arcane|Work1And that's just for the art assets, sounds same deal. The first prize is probably worth, all told, about 15 grand or more.
21:53.30paynisoh well, I g2g... nice chatting with yall. Cya! :)
21:53.39paynisinteresting clarifications there, arc :)
21:54.32Arcane|Work1I swear people routinely underestimate how much that stuff costs. People routinely ask  for Blizzard to make a full length cinematic, ignoring the fact that those 3 minute trailers probably cost million+
21:54.45IskatuMeskyeah assets are stupidly overpriced
21:55.01IskatuMeskall of the outsourcing and oversaturation and clueless project leads
21:55.12IskatuMesklooking at turbosquid is very lol-worthy
21:55.23Arcane|Work1IskatuMesk: that plus doing it WELL is pricey as hell
21:55.54IskatuMeskmost people who can do assets well can do them very fast, but charge a premium just because they can
21:56.04IskatuMeskjust like the movie industry
21:56.18Arcane|Work1Ermm... yes? Because they CAN do it fast. Good Fast Cheap, choose 2
21:56.20IskatuMeskso long as people are willing to pay inflated prices they'll keep charging it
21:56.31IskatuMeskwell you have a lot of options if you know where to look
21:56.44IskatuMeskthere's an amazing amount of really good artists out there that don't fly under a logo and charge insane amounts
21:56.50Arcane|Work1It is not inflated much, if going with someone cheaper takes longer, and thus costs you sales, or ends up costing you just as much if they bill by the hour.
21:57.14IskatuMeskif I was a project lead I wouldn't get someone who charges by the hour for starters
21:57.19IskatuMeskbecause that is just a sink waiting to leak
21:57.23Arcane|Work1400/hr seems expensive, until you find out the guy charing 50/hr takes 10x longer.
21:57.47IskatuMeskand generally projects that take more time will be more polished
21:57.58IskatuMeskbut polish and end result matters more to me than raw revenue so :3
21:58.03IskatuMeskmy business plan doesn't work in gaming
21:58.12Arcane|Work1Yes, but you have to decide if that polish is worth the opportunity cost
21:58.19Arcane|Work1Correct, something most gamers miss
21:58.25Arcane|Work1They want polish, but they will NOT pay for it
21:58.34IskatuMeskto me, polish means more than everything
21:58.35Arcane|Work1Thus they get rehashed games, and wonder why
21:58.52Arcane|Work1Software in generall is massively underpriced
21:58.57IskatuMeskI haven't seen a game I consider polished since like... the playstation 2
21:59.16Arcane|Work1Yes, and back then, they paid 80+ for a title, which would be over 100 today
21:59.18IskatuMeskbecause that's when the rehashing et all became super popular
21:59.29IskatuMeskbut you got your moneys worth in a lot of times
21:59.31Arcane|Work1You get what you pay for.
21:59.41IskatuMeskperfect dark? at 300+ game hours, yeah, that $60 was worth it
21:59.51Arcane|Work1People don't wnat to pay anymore, so they get less and less as inflation slowly eats the quality away.
22:00.46IskatuMeskhello insane lag
22:00.48IskatuMeskhow are you today
22:00.54Arcane|Work1Once heard a story about an interview of software dev working for a major software company, he was asked why software so buggy/unstable. He replied that, to have perfectly stable software, it would take 2-3x longer and cost anywhere from 10-100x more
22:01.12IskatuMeskdevelopers always buy the cheapestr
22:01.35IskatuMesklike I said, the money is in the marketing and the first sales
22:01.40IskatuMeskthat's all that really matters to most people
22:01.57IskatuMeskand hell, 90% of the current generation doesn't even see bugs right in front of them
22:03.37JademusSregEditor crashed. =D
22:03.42JademusSregWhat good timing.
22:03.58IskatuMeskI have that effect
22:07.36Dustin_HendricksIm excited to start making Heroes maps
22:08.54IskatuMeskmeh. I am at an impass. I don't really know how to proceed with work on the campaign. I could continue to convert graphics, but until I have any shred of an idea how to do data, I am totally at the mercy of someone else to do the actual hard work.
22:09.13IskatuMeskthe fan noise is too high to do any voice acting. Too stressed out to try to figure out any of the major complex things.
22:09.53IskatuMeskI could keep doing terrain, but I can't progress on most maps until I have a lot of custom doodad models, and I don't know how to quickly sort out a ripped game's assets for useful material.
22:12.17IskatuMeskI should probably just focus on graphics since it's a fairly braindead thing to set up base scenes I can do details on at a later point.
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22:34.23JademusSregDidn't lose anything in the crash, just amusing.
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22:50.58Dustin_HendricksGrim when the fuck are you releasing your physics engine for WC3!
22:57.43JademusSregI remember it; had fun with negative mass values.
22:58.56BountyI think you need to address 001 or 002 Dustin.
23:01.58Dustin_Hendricksgrim001, grim002 PING
23:02.34Dustin_HendricksHehe I've been giving him shit for not releasing it for forever now, jerk would always talk about it at WC3 and I'd play his demo map
23:03.32JademusSregwonders if he still has a copy.
23:06.01JademusSregApparently not.
23:06.07JademusSregBut I remember it well.
23:28.45IskatuMeskI encountered a new bug with the art tools, although reproducing it would require some special tomfoolery
23:29.30IskatuMeskif you remove some texture that max is reading and it throws you the error about it, but you reload, it will assign the texture but it won't preview properly. This also translates to the art tools, who then proceeds to fuck up the sc2 cache as well
23:29.45IskatuMeskand you can't get the new assigned texture to load
23:31.24IskatuMeskAnd this bug persist through reloading. Alright.
23:32.14Teratroncan i make multiple clipboard entries in sc2 editor
23:32.25Teratrontried some windows clipboard manager, doesn't look like it'll work
23:32.31Teratrontrying marco keys
23:32.47JademusSregPolo =D
23:33.23Teratronworks with SC2 editor
23:33.51Teratroncan't find anything on that word
23:34.42Teratronor i can fiddle with replace/find
23:34.58Teratroni have like 8 things i need to copy a lot, over and over
23:41.06philI would love to have a map making house - similar to south korea's sc2 gaming houses
23:41.13Teratronbecause it's so repetetive and disorienting it's such a pain the butt
23:41.26JademusSregThat would, I must admit, be rather badass.
23:41.53BountyI could see that being a hit TV show phil, the dramaz
23:42.14philhaha - maybe for the intensely nerdy crowd
23:42.19JademusSregStew, needs moar abstraction.
23:42.30philholy damn skatu
23:42.50philhow do I set myself as away
23:42.56IskatuMeskmay as well port the "simple" things
23:43.23JademusSregTry /nick FreshPrinceOfPhilly_away
23:44.22JademusSregMesk, nice jackalopes. =D
23:44.41Teratronis it possible to convert local variable to global without using editor ui sync link ?
23:45.57Teratronlol @ news - resolution filled to arrest Lois Lerner
23:46.16Teratronlois lerner = IRS boss
23:46.30IskatuMeskstuf like the shiny armor these guys have should have an environment map
23:46.43IskatuMeskbut I'll worrya bout that another day
23:46.52IskatuMeskonly doing basic setup - textures and animations

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