IRC log for #sc2mapster on 20140508

00:00.56Cazshould i have a source name for the "Animation Done" ?
00:01.11DeadZerglingyes, you want to match those up
00:01.20DeadZerglingit isn't honestly necessary here, but is a good habit
00:01.36DeadZerglingin case you get into a situation where you are playing different animations and need to keep track of them
00:02.02egodohhhh its attaching points...
00:02.06egodi got it
00:03.13CazOk i think this is turning out better... last thing on this particular animation --- it leaves behind a grahpic on the ground
00:03.36Cazif the target is moving.. the animation bubble stays on one the unit
00:03.49Cazwhile some green circle is left on the ground.. that dissapates shortly after the bubble does
00:05.15DeadZerglingall righty then, I'm not really sure what you are trying to tell me with that caz, lol
00:05.34Cazmaybe footprint is the right word ?
00:05.53DeadZerglingwell you don't indicate what you want to have happen at all
00:06.14Cazah .. im not trying to make something happenl ol
00:06.17Cazim trying to find out why
00:06.24Cazthere is this extra bit to the model that i didnt expect
00:06.36Cazi expected a green orb around the target as it showed in the model
00:06.55Cazthere is also a green circle that goes around the target where the orb touches the ground
00:07.14Cazonce i move the target unit -- the orb follows the unit while this green cirlce is left behind sitting where the cast point was
00:07.18Cazi have no idea what it is or why its there lol
00:07.34Cazits part of the model/actor i used .. but didnt know that could happen
00:07.58Cazwas an unintended thing
00:08.27Cazidk why the extra graphic exists on teh ground
00:08.38Cazor why it is stationary
00:08.43Cazwhile theo orb part follows the unit
00:09.05Cazis somehow inherent to the animation *shrugs*
00:09.23Cazall i do is play it and end it like ya said lol
00:09.33Cazno fancy footwork from me
00:09.48DeadZerglingwell, if you don't like some of the residual effects
00:10.00DeadZerglingset opacity to 0 after that animation is done playing
00:10.03DeadZerglingmight be for you
00:11.16Cazit goes away on its own at same tim as the orb
00:11.31Cazits annoying what it does while the animation is playing since it doesnt show up in the cutscene editor lol
00:11.37Cazthe model is ChallengeShield
00:15.28Cazeithe way i can just use a less annoying model lol
00:15.40CazYou've helped me quite a bit with playing an animation
00:20.04DeadZerglingyou seeing this JademusSreg , this is why ou need to come back
00:20.13DeadZerglingme of all people giving actor event advice
00:20.24Dustin|omg and hell didnt freeze over?
00:20.39DeadZerglingwell, it may have
00:20.54CazLol -- if levels of knowledge are 10%, 60%, 90% ... 60 cans till teach 10 :P
00:21.15Cazshit rolls downhill, but so does knowledge !
00:28.03CazI can't specify At term for an abilty message to set creation location to target?
00:28.09Caz"At" isnt in list
00:28.57CazWas going for Abil.MyAbility.SourcePrep -> Create (Term: At Target)
00:36.52CazDeadZergling: YES ! ... Lol i got a decent effect close to what i wanted from the very beginning lol.  Had to use an "actor" cheat on the Create specifying ::HoverTarget
00:37.10Caz::HoverTarget  <--- Caz likes this *thumbs up *
00:37.20DeadZerglingaye, is rare it happens precisely as you imagined, but close is good
00:37.57Cazi read through the " :: " stuff after someone briefly mentioned them in here. Didnt know id need/get to use one so soon lol
00:40.11Caz*dance party* .. i is excited lol.
00:40.23Caz*raises the noob banner of 4 day battle victorious*
00:41.06ObsceneCaz, I need a good nickname for you....
00:41.16ObsceneCatz is not sticking as well as I hoped
00:42.00Cazthe problem with choosing Catz
00:42.03Cazin your case
00:42.11Cazis everyone just assumes u retardedly misspelled my name :P
00:42.27ObsceneEveryone always assumes omething :(
00:42.40Cazi have no assumptions
00:42.43Cazim having dance party
00:42.44Cazover victory
00:42.58Cazits the little things in life
00:43.04Obsceneyeah? well we have cake... made of tears T_T
00:43.18Caz*places straw at your tear duct*
00:43.19CazBRING IT
00:45.31Cazspeaking of Jademus... he's one of the many names on that side list i never see talking anymore
00:46.40ObsceneJademusSreg why you no luv us anymore?
00:47.03DeadZerglingscared to touch the image editor again
00:47.36DeadZerglingborder i'm trying to make could fail, and hard, lol
00:48.07piratesince when have dialog control labels been vertically centered aligned?
00:48.38pirateand how do I make it stop that?
00:48.42CazDeadZergling: I want to watch u work on specific resolution settings :p
00:49.01DeadZerglingtoo late on that caz, Bounty set my thinking right about that
00:49.16DeadZerglingcome this saturday, gonna have a playable game with level picking
00:56.37CazDeadZergling wewt wewt.. i'll be here
00:56.47Bountywell I did it DeadZergling
00:56.58DeadZerglingmade a poopie in the potty?
00:57.00BountyI forgot that you can alter collision with upgrades
00:57.06Bountycollision flags
00:57.14DeadZerglingisn't that what I suggested earlier?
00:57.19CazBounty: did you end up changing your jump code to the gravity example turtles was talking about ?
00:57.27Bountyyou said something about morphing?
00:57.37DeadZergling[16:26] <DeadZergling> could you adjust the collide flags based on their height? [16:26] <DeadZergling> for that player using upgrades, they will only ever have the 1 unit, correct?
00:58.10DeadZerglingi said morphing could be used if upgrades didn't work, lol
00:58.21BountyI don't think I was even here?
00:58.30Bounty[17:11] == Bounty [45f8f26f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #sc2mapster
00:58.48DeadZergling[16:25] <Bounty> Wall Collision depending on height [16:25] <Bounty> otherwise [16:25] <Bounty> Walls will all be the same layout [16:25] <Bounty> for each floor [16:26] <DeadZergling> could you adjust the collide flags based on their height? [16:26] <DeadZergling> for that player using upgrades, they will only ever have the 1 unit, correct?
00:59.09DeadZerglingjust how drunk are you, lol
00:59.40DeadZerglingin any case, grats on making it work :)
01:02.24BountyI am sober tonight
01:02.31Bountybecause I am actually trying to get shit done
01:03.28ObsceneBounty, I think you should let the liquor do the thinking!
01:09.20DeadZerglingJust happy my solution was correct, even if Bounty completely missed it and spent an hour finding it on his own, lol
01:10.44egodonly crap attaching a armor model on a unit is a pain
01:12.06Bountyonly thing that sucks is that footprints can't be set to those collide flags DeadZergling
01:12.11Bountyso I have to use model collision :(
01:13.24CazNOOOOOOOOOOOOO... why does the gf want me to go out to eat when there is so much to be done !?
01:13.34CazAnd at the height of my latest victory >:O !
01:13.43ObsceneI could make a sex joke here, but I am refraining....
01:14.05*** join/#sc2mapster Thenarden (
01:14.09CazBJ under the desk would be less of a hinderance
01:14.12Caz*nod, nod*
01:14.33ObsceneI was going to say "She could mean that shes wants you to eat HER out"
01:25.54ObsceneI forgot how to do this in photoshop..
01:26.09ObsceneHow do you reduce the outside edge of a shape?
01:43.27Cazplacing a validator on an ability doesn't seem
01:43.32Cazto make it unable to target the unit
01:43.38Cazbased on the validator's criteria
01:43.42Cazappears to do nothing at all
01:44.27CazValidator: Live < 1/2
01:44.39CazFull hp target still being casted on
01:44.45Cazherp derp
01:44.51CazLife *
01:54.45Bountyvideo time DeadZergling
01:54.57DeadZerglingnot gonna withdraw again are ya?
01:55.03Bountyall done
02:00.08DeadZerglingah macros, how would I stay sane without you
02:03.43Bountyoh man
02:03.49Bountythis is such a technical achievement
02:06.26BountyUnless some bug presents itself I am done with the systems
02:06.33Bountynow I can just do level design and the actual game
02:09.48BountyHere it is DeadZergling
02:11.45Vindicatordid you accomplish the ability to stand on the models in 3ds max or data?
02:12.46Vindicatorthen where?
02:13.52Bountyjust detecting the units height
02:14.00Bountyand adjusting things as needed
02:14.58Vindicatorlooks promising :)
02:15.34Bountyonly took about a week, or less?
02:15.37Bountyfun time now
02:18.05DeadZerglingdesigning a level is fun time?  would think getting that to go be a lot funner
02:18.44Bountyits more fun than getting this system to work was
02:21.54DeadZerglingmatter of how you think about it
02:22.12DeadZerglinggetting that to work would be pretty awesome, but designing a level would be as much fun as getting a hole drilled in my head
02:22.27DeadZerglinganyways, have fun with the levels, lol
02:26.18DeadZerglingsystem is looking really good if hit detection is working like you say it is
02:26.29Bountyhit detection was the first thing I did
02:26.31Bountyand yes it is
02:26.36Bountyas you can see lol
02:33.04DeadZerglingit is hitting walls, not peoples
02:35.38Bountywhen you don't click on peoples it hits walls yes
02:35.40Bountyor floors
02:35.47Bountywhatever you actually clicked on
02:37.51BountyI should just name the game "Photon Blast" DeadZergling
02:53.45DeadZerglingnice you can make achievements anyways, know what I'm doing?  trying to make fucking circles on a box symmetrical, lol
02:58.52*** join/#sc2mapster castironpi (~castironp@unaffiliated/castironpi)
03:01.29BountyI think I might also keep it third person DeadZergling
03:01.40Bountybut just make it so you can't aim directly down
03:01.54DeadZerglingyes, that little dude in my way sounds fantastic
03:04.34Bountyfps view
03:05.15DeadZerglingmuch nicer view, just get a gun to appear in that view
03:05.23DeadZerglingand it is solid
03:05.29Bountywhy bother?
03:05.33Bountywith a gun
03:05.45Bountyyou don't need to see the gun since its a 1 weapon system
03:06.01DeadZerglingI'd still want to see it :P
03:07.31Vindicatorstreaming arcade games
03:07.45Bountyyeah, the same 3 games
03:07.47Bountyevery week
03:07.49Bountyfor the last year
03:13.12DeadZerglingfinally, you just have no clue how frustrating making this happen was:
03:13.24DeadZerglingand all i wanted was happy symmetrical circles :P
03:16.33*** join/#sc2mapster tigger0jk (
03:17.20DeadZerglingneed to head home nayways, stayed at work wayyyy too long to finish that bs
04:08.09*** join/#sc2mapster turtles1 (
04:08.39Caz*wave* turtles1
04:08.57turtles1oh hai!
04:10.10CazBounty: what are you and deadzergling making the maps for ? He asked if u were going to drop out of something ?
04:10.21Bountyfor the contest
04:10.34Bountybehold my latest progress
04:10.38Bountyactually im done
04:10.41Bountysystem wise
04:10.49Bountycan finally work in the game >.<
04:12.21Cazlooks good
04:12.35Cazbonking head under platform fully operational
04:12.39Cazcollision detected !
04:13.56turtles1looks really good
04:14.25turtles1the video is a bit jumpy but I'm guessing that's just the video. does it run smooth?
04:15.16Bounty120 fps
04:15.34Bountyits A LOT less visually demanding than Photon Discs
04:15.37Bountybecause of the floor
04:15.53turtles1yeah, I can imagine.
04:16.18turtles1I liked the floor in photon discs. It made it look like you were skating on ice though
04:17.31Bountyif you had it on low settings it looked like water
04:23.25BountyThere is ONE issue turtles but I'm designing levels to avoid it
04:23.42Bounty2 elevated platforms cannot be right next to each other on the grid
04:23.50Bountywhich is fine imo
04:23.56Bountydon't want a cramped map anyways
04:25.06turtles1cool. I look forward to seing the finished product then
04:27.06Bountyalready almost done the first map
04:27.15Bountymight be able to playtest tonight
04:28.22*** join/#sc2mapster DeadZergling (322e815f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
04:44.04*** join/#sc2mapster Kaelten (Kaelten@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/WoWIFA/CurseStaff/kaelten)
04:44.04*** mode/#sc2mapster [+o Kaelten] by ChanServ
04:53.25BountyDeadZergling and Turtles1
04:53.31Bountyfirst map so far
04:53.33Bountywatcha think?
04:53.50DeadZerglingPhoton Blaster Indeed
04:54.49DeadZerglinglayout is interesting, although being able to differentiate between walls and floor some be nice
04:55.07Vindicatorlooks good
04:56.53Bountyits crazy how quick I can do this with the system I have
04:57.00Bountyits as easy as making it if it was 2D
05:03.06turtles1cool. Going to add different weapons? capture the flag? team or FFA?
05:08.22Bounty1 weapon
05:08.26Bountywill be abilities though
05:08.28Bountyand yes, multiple modes
05:11.54DeadZerglingquestion, if I place a unit in the map, then mark it as not initially created, how do I trigger it being created?
05:16.14turtles1I didn't know you could do that. Is there a reason you would want to do it that way as opposed to simply creating it when needed?
05:16.28DeadZerglingto avoid making use of 500 some points
05:16.33DeadZerglingeasier to just plop them down then hidem
05:16.58turtles1500 you say...
05:17.09turtles1randomly positioned or in some formation
05:17.13DeadZerglingwas just an example
05:17.20DeadZerglingformation, on some levels
05:17.28DeadZerglingis very specific formations that occur
05:17.34BountyI wonder, keep shadows it get rid of them?
05:18.24*** join/#sc2mapster Bato (4b2490cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
05:18.31turtles1Bounty - keep, adds an extra element of play if you can see a shadow. ditch it if performence is effected
05:18.37BatoIs there any way to hide terrain on the minimap via triggers?
05:19.16DeadZerglingif it were just random positioning, I'd just throw in a grid of points and let that do all my spawning for me
05:19.20turtles1DeadZergling - I would still be inclined to create via triggers
05:19.48turtles1ie set up a region and then create the units inside the region via triggers
05:19.58DeadZerglingI don't think they should hurt performance too bad if they hidden until needed
05:20.02turtles1and then you can just move the region around, make it bigger/smaller etc
05:20.24DeadZerglingyea, as I was saying, I'd rather not play with said region for 300 unique placements
05:22.23BatoAnyone know about not showing terrain on the minimap?
05:23.07turtles1Bato do you mean like blacking out the minimap to make it like it was never explored?
05:23.25turtles1or do you mean such as making certain features not show up at all
05:23.47BatoI don't want the terrain to show up at all, for any player on the minimap
05:24.03BatoI have a large minimap icon for the primary structures
05:25.32BatoOther than making another prop unit with a black minimap icon to hide it... but I'm hoping there is a better way
05:29.51DeadZerglingfound a nice little option, don't load model when created
05:30.57turtles1Still have to make them unselectable, imune to damage, un commandable, unable to move if a unit comes within range etc
05:31.18DeadZerglinghidden takes care of all that
05:31.44*** join/#sc2mapster shintah (
05:32.47turtles1units in bunkers are hidden but you can still command them. must be some complicated stuff going on there then
05:34.17BatoThat Lego Hyperion is siiiiiiiiick
05:36.23DeadZerglinghidden does some weird stuff all right, lol
05:36.32DeadZerglingthey can't move, but can attack within range
05:37.10turtles1they move when in transport units though.
05:37.29DeadZerglingoh well, guess I have to do this the god-awful points everywhere way
05:37.37turtles1you can still querry their location and it will return the location of the transport unit
05:38.18Bountywho would want to playtest my map tonight?
05:38.25Bountyjust so I know how many players to add
05:38.34turtles1DeadZergling - you could create dummy units
05:39.16Cazhey guys
05:39.36DeadZerglingI know, but that would be even more work than using points
05:39.58CazThis seems strange to me
05:40.09Cazmaking a region variable in the trigger editor
05:40.12Cazdeclared as constant
05:40.24Cazbut im still able to combine other regions into it, while it's declared constant
05:40.42Cazwouldnt that be altering a constant variable?
05:41.24turtles1Bounty I should be able to spare a few minutes later today
05:41.48DeadZerglingthat is my huge concern turtles1, not causing untold amounts of work for myself
05:43.02Cazturtles1: any chance u know why we can alter constant region lol ?
05:44.00turtles1My guess would be because constants are a nice feature that Blizz added. But are simplistic and not set up fully
05:44.05turtles1for example...
05:44.20DeadZerglingaha, I found some point functionality I never knew existed
05:44.24DeadZerglingthis makes my life a little easier
05:44.29turtles1if an integer is constant then you cannot change the variable
05:44.42turtles1however when referencing more complicated data types like regions
05:44.51castironpisomeone want to help me test my map?  or tell me how to play it 1v1AI?
05:45.01turtles1the variable is actually a reference to a data structure
05:45.10Caz^- i was wondering about that
05:45.23turtles1so even if you modify the underlying structure of the variable it references
05:45.34turtles1it is still referencing the same variable
05:45.35Cazso the reference remains constant, while the data it references gets fuddled around
05:45.50turtles1that would be my guess
05:46.00Cazi had a few yrs of c++, i'm no stranger to pointers
05:46.35turtles1ok, I was worried I might sound like I was talking gibberish if you didn't know about pointers or references
05:47.00Caznah i was thinking along similar lines but wanted a second opinion in case i was misusing editor
05:47.16Cazi'm using g_RgnLava to merge all the lava regions and do a single Entry and Exit trigger
05:47.32Cazto be used g_RgnLava must be constant.. but also needs all regions merged into it
05:48.20turtles1well, having constants is a nice handy feature. but I can forgive Blizz for implementing it on a simplistic level
05:49.28Cazwhat i need to do would still be allowed under the c++ rules for constants... just that the combining would have to be allowed int he initial_value
05:49.37Cazor rather needed*
05:49.39turtles1I'm just pulling speculation out of my butt though based on your observations. I'd have to investigate to have a better idea of what was going on
05:50.42Cazi think its safe to keep the assumption.
05:50.53turtles1in C++ constants are just something the compiler looks out for
05:51.18turtles1the compiler makes sure you don't do things which would mess up a constant and refuses to compile if you are
05:51.24Caza tool to keep programmers from fking themselves
05:51.59Cazbut in c++ u would need 2 constant declarations with a pointer
05:52.09turtles1once it is compiled the actual program has no idea of the significance of "consts"
05:52.12Cazone before and after the pointer name or some jazz .. its been a while
05:52.22Cazone declares the pointer constant, the other declares the data it points to constant
05:52.24turtles1lol, been a while for me two
05:52.27Cazu can use 1, or both
05:52.39Caz99% of the time its just the pointer
05:52.43Cazlike editor is doing
05:53.05turtles1exactly, so I'm guessing that the SC2 editor is considering the pointer to be const... not the pointer being a pointer to a const data structure
05:53.38Cazagreed... well that was a fun conversation lol :#
05:53.39Caz:3 *
05:54.39castironpihi, how do you test a map you made with 1v1 AI?
05:54.44turtles1let's see if we can use the word const even more times in a sentance "the const pointer to const referenced a const class with both const and unconst members pointing to consts"
05:54.53turtles1const const constly consting
05:55.13turtles1^ what writing in C++ feels like
05:57.06turtles1castironpi - there is a "test map" item in the menus
05:57.37turtles1but you will need to edit the players in the map and set one of them to be "computer controlled"
05:58.29Cazit was interesting to me
05:58.36Cazthat the region variable
05:58.41Cazdidnt actually merge the regions
05:58.44castironpiturtles1: computer control or computer AI?
05:58.45Cazits more complex than that
05:58.55Cazit actually holds all the regions somehow
05:59.19Cazit doesnt just find the biggest possible "some shape" that encompasses all regions
05:59.50Cazseems to hold the exact regions that have been combined into it
05:59.56Cazso collision testing is pretty perfect
06:00.02turtles1yeah, probably some kind of tree structure
06:00.17turtles1or list of regions
06:00.46Cazreally good when ur terrain maker makes squiggly annoying lava trails and u have tons of overlapping regions trying to fit it decently lol
06:00.47turtles1whatever it is it's more complex than simply a shape like a square or circle
06:01.20castironpiturtles1: tried both, thanks got it started, i'll let you know.
06:01.30turtles1ok, no worries
06:02.45castironpiworkers: 9/72.  bahaha.
06:03.08Caz*At caz's house* - workers:0/2
06:03.15Cazslackers: 2/2
06:03.40Cazalmost bed time
06:04.19castironpihere's what i'm gunna test.  if anyone wants to inspect it.  or play later.
06:09.47castironpianyone up?
06:10.26castironpii tested it once.  the AI was not good.  can you set the difficulty?  or does someone want to play?
06:10.30castironpii'm diamond on 2v2 ladder
06:11.38castironpido you want to play 2v2 AI ?
06:11.52castironpii have never done that actually.  i'm happy to meet someone on freenode.
06:12.54Bountywanna test turtles and/or deadzergling?
06:13.14castironpiare you asking them or me?
06:13.17DeadZerglingcan in awhile, want to finish my points up first
06:14.27DeadZerglingjust need to make up 2 more sets and I'm good
06:14.30castironpican you set the difficult of the AI?
06:17.21castironpiwe could play 2v4 AI... ?
06:18.12DeadZerglingOkay, done laying points down
06:18.20DeadZerglingwhat channel should I meet you in Bounty ?
06:18.26Bountymy channel
06:18.30Bountybounty's arcade maps or w/e
06:18.45castironpiwhat?  i thought i was testing.
06:19.01castironpiyou both get -1 for courtesy.
06:21.18DeadZerglingnot seeing you in bounty's arcade maps, not that I know what your channel is anyways
06:21.40Bountygetting on now
06:21.43turtles1Bounty, yeah ok
06:21.48turtles1what channel?
06:21.54turtles1on NA region?
06:21.57BountyBounty's Arcade Games
06:22.00Bountyjust search bounty
06:22.01Bountyyes NA
06:22.51BountyI'm on DeadZergling and turtles1
06:23.33DeadZerglingwell im in both channels you said, but no you, too lazy to find the search button
06:23.43Bountyactually ill brb deadzergling and turtles1
06:23.45BountyI gotta upload again
06:23.49BountyI only had it set up for 2 =P
06:24.39Bountywhat both channels DeadZErgling?
06:24.40Bountythere is one
06:25.08DeadZerglingi'm wondering if my UI is WoL
06:25.18DeadZerglingand it is an easier feature to find in hots
06:25.58BountyJust friggin add me
06:28.26castironpiyou want a pizza, me boy?
06:28.38turtles1had other stuff going on
06:28.42turtles1give me 5 min?
06:30.48DeadZergling , Bounty
06:31.25turtles1sorry, women problems
06:31.30turtles1load SC2 now
06:31.32DeadZerglingIma grab some ice cream, brb in a few
06:31.40DeadZerglingI started outside the map turtles1 , lol
06:31.46Bountyfixing now
06:32.58Bountywas a dumbass mistake
06:32.59Bountyas usual
06:33.01Bountygetting on
06:33.09castironpi.. needs gas.
06:34.42DeadZerglingam back, reloading sc
06:35.07DeadZerglingi have a seriously bad habit of hitting alt f4 ALL the time
06:35.21Bountythat would be my auth code
06:37.26BountyI'm online deadzergling and turtles1 PM me
06:48.53castironpiyou don't want to test my map?
06:48.57castironpii tried the AI, it's Ok.
06:52.28castironpithe AI is bad, the map is Ok.  can you set difficulty?
07:03.56*** join/#sc2mapster Goa_ (
07:07.51BountyI think it'll be pretty much perfect if I increase movement speed, increase hitbox and increase CD on the weapon
07:08.34DeadZerglingwell it'd be better
07:08.45DeadZerglingperfect is going too far with the lag I felt from bnet
07:09.08Bountyit has the same delay photon discs does
07:09.11Bountyand haunted forest
07:09.29DeadZerglingfancy that, I had the EXACT same negative comments about haunted forest too :)
07:09.51Bountyyou crazy then
07:10.06castironpiyou gunna try mine?
07:10.08DeadZerglingnaw, just picky
07:11.00turtles1castironpi - you might want to try and explain what it is first
07:11.08castironpilet me make a screenshot.
07:14.06castironpivery straightforward.
07:15.33DeadZerglingbleh, anyone know how to reference an array of points made using the merge point feature in triggers...
07:15.59Bountywhat did you think turtles1?
07:16.17turtles1what is "merge points"?
07:17.10DeadZerglingcan do it by placing a lot of points in map
07:17.22DeadZerglingthen selecting all, clicking edit, then clicking merge
07:17.28DeadZerglingmakes them into a point group
07:19.02DeadZerglingwell FML, it seems I get to manually populate some arrays now
07:19.03castironpiturtles1: what did you have in mind for an explanation?
07:19.12castironpiBTW i'm 32.  don't know about you guys.
07:19.18castironpii get the impression you're <25.
07:19.26castironpino job but i have moved out.   ..
07:19.31DeadZerglingnot necessarily, just incredibly immature
07:20.50castironpiso whoever gets a majority of the space, has an advantage.
07:22.02castironpiare there enough to try it 2v2 ?
07:23.38castironpi.. plz refresh screenshot to remove gridlines.
07:25.51turtles1castironpi - is it a mod? or just a map?
07:26.13turtles1if it's just a map then step 1) play zerg. step 2) win
07:27.23turtles1"whoever gets a majority of the space, has an advantage." < there is no terrain though, just a flat empty map. So there is no concept of map control
07:27.47turtles1it might make a fun FFA map with map vision granted to all players
07:27.49*** join/#sc2mapster Raziel (~Raziel@2a01:388:201:4190:4d93:ddb8:d3c:38cb)
07:29.10turtles1btw age: 28
07:29.59turtles1Bounty: fun! worth it for playing a game in the arcade that is quick and easy to join
07:30.23turtles1but it could obviously never compete with a standalone FPS
07:31.26turtles1but if you have a group of people online and are trying different arcade maps then it would be a good one to try out
07:32.15turtles1I don't really play arcade at all though, so I'm not a useful test subject
07:34.43castironpiturtles1: terrain does offer opportunities for strategy.  but blank/plain tests raw strength.
07:35.51DeadZerglingcastironpi, I understand you want to try the concept out, but this is possibly one of the worst places to get playtesting from for that
07:36.07DeadZerglinghave much more luck in one of the primary Bnet channels
07:36.45castironpiwhat?  you tested a map an hour ago.
07:36.56DeadZerglingyes, a heavily modified, custom map
07:37.14DeadZerglingI have 0 skill at melee, so I would never agree to test the balance of a melee map out
07:37.46castironpidoes the zerg rush (necessarily) win with no choke points/ramps ?
07:37.52castironpi8 pool?
07:38.21turtles1castironpi - if there is a map with an extra wide ramp that is enough to make the game imbalenced
07:38.44turtles1on this map there is exactly 0 choke points
07:38.51turtles1zerg winds every game hands down
07:39.42DeadZerglingseems my life as a map maker is manually populating arrays lately..
07:40.36castironpiturtles1: so blizz balanced the races to assume choke points.
07:41.14DeadZerglinghas terran ever been good out in the open, even in sc1?
07:41.37castironpiIDK.  there was always something "bitchy" you could do.
07:42.14turtles1castirompi, map design and balance are dependent on each other
07:42.15Bountyalright heres the new hitbox DeadZergling and turtles1
07:42.29turtles1it is meaningless to talk about one without the other
07:42.34Bounty+ the spinner which was already a hitbox
07:43.00turtles1if a map is smaller it favours terran
07:43.07turtles1if a map is bigger it favours zerg
07:43.16turtles1if a map has more airspace it favours zerg
07:43.28turtles1if it has narrower pathways it favours Protoss
07:43.38turtles1if it has islands it favours terran
07:43.48DeadZerglingnice Bounty , back to populating arrays...
07:43.57turtles1if the epansions are spread far apart it is OP for zerg
07:44.13turtles1but if the main and natural are TOO far apart it is UP for zerg instead
07:44.52castironpihm, not sure i'm following your language.
07:45.07turtles1but yes, to answer your question: a map without any terrain features = a 100% win rate for zerg
07:46.53castironpiwhat is your skill level?  can someone corroborate that statement?
07:47.16turtles1and Blizzard themselves can corroborate that statement
07:47.34turtles1they were conserned that protoss blink all ins were too powerfull...
07:47.59turtles1their solution: do nothing to change the races, focus on changes to map pool to fix the racial imbalance
07:48.28turtles1So they changed the map pool up a bit to counter the imbalance of Protoss
07:48.47turtles1THAT is how tightly linked the two are
07:49.41turtles1there is a simple way to test it to prove it to yourself
07:50.17turtles1step 1) create a roughly equal force of Protoss and Zerg
07:50.30turtles1step 2) let them battle on the open plane like your map
07:50.53turtles1step 3) create two cliffs making a coridoor between the armies
07:51.07turtles1step 2) Zerg wins by a large margin
07:51.16turtles1step 3) Protoss wins by a large margin
07:52.18castironpiyour statement is plausible.
07:54.57castironpilet's look at something like this.  same thing, with elevation and choke.
07:55.01castironpi(refresh plz.)
07:58.16turtles1zerg still win 100% of the time. It's all about surface area vs volume.
07:58.26turtles1Say we talk TvZ
07:58.48turtles1there is no room to build buildings in base so terran is forced to build them on low ground
07:59.24turtles1as Terran builds buildings the surface area vulnerable to attack increases exponentially as the number of buildings
07:59.40turtles1which is completely different to the way the races were designed
08:00.04turtles1think about a normal ladder map. the surface area vulnerable to attack is the width of the ramp
08:00.22turtles1as T builds more buildings that surface area remains constant
08:01.38turtles1or think about P
08:01.50turtles1P depends on forcefield as protection right?
08:02.02turtles1in this map forcefield is completely useless
08:02.24turtles1you may as well remove FF from the game
08:03.26turtles1If you want to discuss melee map concepts then I recomend team liquid. There are real experts on the topic there
08:04.12castironpiyes but what they will tell you is that the only maps that will ever be popular are the ones that already are, popular.
08:04.30turtles1This is a community dedicated to changes to the game itself, not maps for SC. So this discussion is rather off topic here
08:05.02castironpioh that's interesting given the topic, channel name, and ACL.  but i have no problem waiting for lulls.
08:05.05turtles1go here
08:05.18turtles1and look at posts with [M] in the title
08:05.30turtles1that means they are a forum thread for maps
08:05.49turtles1On the front page you will see at least 20 new maps of a high quality
08:06.04turtles1as well as a link to competitions for new maps
08:06.37turtles1previous entrants of which have been included in the Blizzard map pool and many of which have been selected for pro tournaments
08:06.52turtles1I would recomend starting a discussion there
08:07.02castironpiyou're getting defensive.  have you designed some maps that have been rejected by someone you think is important?
08:07.40castironpii'm not sure what you think i'm a threat *TO*, but you obviously do so.
08:08.15castironpithere are 8 people on the ACL for the channel so i'll just ask them where you fit in around here.
08:08.31turtles1ummmm... ok?
08:08.35castironpior unless, are you one of them in disguise?
08:09.17turtles1at first I was a little flabbergasted that you couldn't see the faults in your work
08:09.33turtles1But I tried to explain to you and then decided to help you
08:09.36castironpibelieve me, you don't know your own faults, until you make friends and they tell you.
08:10.05turtles1and provide you with links and references for where you could find information and communities to help you which are more on topic
08:10.57turtles1As someone else here said, this is not really the place to be discussing maps
08:11.13turtles1I was trying to tell you about places you could go for help
08:11.17turtles1not to get rid of you
08:11.29turtles1and then you think I am the one being defensive?
08:11.49castironpior you're just naturally energetic.
08:12.34castironpiin theory, no one would be defensive about being defensive.
08:12.58castironpiso if they are then someone is wounded.
08:14.22castironpi... ... ... ...
08:14.34castironpiso anyway, this was my first map, not yours.
08:14.43turtles1castironpi: throwing it out there is just the same as a "you mad bro?" mid conversation
08:14.50castironpiyou seem to say that there are certain properties of maps which might make the races unbalanced.
08:14.57turtles1it does nothing but try and derail conversation
08:15.01castironpithis is a new idea for me, but you aren't giving me time to react to it.
08:15.54DeadZerglingarrays finally done, what a nightmare that was
08:16.02DeadZerglingyou fix your respawn issues yet Bounty ?
08:16.18Bountymaking the death more bloody now
08:16.36Bountynever to early for polish
08:16.37DeadZerglingcool, I'm still trying to make this thing properly load 1 damned stage
08:17.17castironpiturtles1: anyway, if the "map ster" channel isn't "about maps" then you should definitely put that in the title.
08:17.31castironpiit would be really easy for a newcomer to think it was.
08:18.06castironpier... in the topic.
08:22.20DeadZerglingsigh, no one is trying to discourage you from learning to map castironpi, we are trying to direct you towards where the right crowd for pure melee maps would be
08:23.28castironpino, no one denied it, i was making assumptions based on the channel name.
08:23.45castironpii was just saying that someone else might make the same assumption.
08:23.55castironpiand then everyone was like, "oh dear, god forbid".
08:24.20DeadZerglingthis channel is better if you having issues while mapping
08:24.33DeadZerglinglike say you make a corner of your map just perfect, but can't figure out how to properly duplicate it
08:25.02castironpilook man, most of the time "mapping" means the "mmap" module in a language called "python" where i come from so... that might not always be assumed.
08:25.06DeadZerglingor you want to have dancing zerglings on some rocks as decoration, we could probably help there too
08:26.02castironpiyeah honestly if you can't face some fundamental differences, then you might not want your channel to be public.
08:26.51castironpilike i said this turtles1 guy was really energetic but a lot of people could think that.
08:27.42castironpii'm a nice guy usually but other people might feel entitled to their assumptions, IYKWIM.
08:28.25castironpiyou heard it here first.  "feel entitled to their assumptions".
08:29.00turtles1Sorry if it sounded like I was blowing up at you. I tend to post many small comments instead of trying to write an essay and deliver it in one big go. That way there can be feedback/discussion.
08:30.00castironpino, you just sounded like you were trying to organize your statement, but letting me watch the process.
08:30.05turtles1I enjoy analyzing maps as well and would not mind if the scope of discussion on SC2mapster was broadened
08:30.19castironpiyour statement was, that there are certain properties of maps which might make the races unbalanced.
08:30.32castironpibut you let me watch you attempt to say it like 5-10 different times.
08:30.47*** join/#sc2mapster shintahW (
08:31.06turtles1You said you were diamond
08:31.38castironpii said i was and i am.  what's the question?
08:31.43*** join/#sc2mapster Mexa (c10bb9e2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
08:31.55turtles1simply saying "maps effect balance" with no further explanation would not have done much if that concept had not occured to you already
08:32.26turtles1So I rattled off a bunch of reasons *why* the map would not work out
08:32.36turtles1which is a lot more informative
08:32.48castironpino but if you add a little redundancy it could keep the communication open, and inspire some realizations.
08:33.54castironpihow do you view your account page on  my nick is the same.
08:34.10castironpiit should just be    .. or something.
08:34.30castironpianyway that will show you i'm diamond.  though i'm not sure i should be, i was having plenty of fun in platinum.
08:38.32castironpii guarantee i'm the nicest diamond you've met in the past month.
08:38.51castironpimaybe next time we can drop that name a little more.  then shall we?
08:39.53castironpiand you can tell me exactly how much i'm allowed to talk about "map theory", since the number isn't large but obviously isn't quite zero.
08:42.18turtles1I'm here to ask questions of the people here far wiser than I and occasionally help out in areas that I know. As well as to discuss peoples projects. It does not sound to me like you want help *or* discussion. It sounds more like you seek only validation for your work. I'm not interested in looking into your back history. You are free to ask others about me or to google my name or ask ACL about me (whoever ACL are, I have no clue
08:42.53turtles1But I don't really see this discussion going anywhere productive from here on out.
08:43.13castironpithe ACL is the access control list for a channel.  every channel has one.  you can look at it with: /msg chanserv access list #sc2mapster
08:43.27turtles1don't feel like I'm trying to talk on behalf of others or shut down conversation, just don't expect me to continue it
08:43.44DeadZerglingno need for access control here, except maybe to keep stewox out
08:43.48castironpisorry just the "dancing zerglings" from DeadZergling was more trifling than.. i expected from a public freenode IRC channel.
08:44.11DeadZerglingthis is a channel for dedicated masochists, errrmmm modders
08:44.32castironpibut regarding the "discussion", i do want discussion, but there are certain things i can only learn if i see for myself.
08:45.15DeadZerglingyou were bothered by me saying dancing zerglings? holy shit
08:45.29castironpinot bothered.  dismayed.
08:45.36castironpi.. as a newcomer.
08:48.23castironpi.. plus the pitch was overall slightly more "shrill" than i would guess.
08:50.19*** join/#sc2mapster Zolden (~a@
08:50.39Zoldenhey niggs
08:50.47DeadZerglingHi Z
08:50.58turtles1lol, pefect timing Zolden as always
08:51.36Zoldensomeone confessed he's a nigg in a short time b4 I came?
08:52.15DeadZerglingoh no, his style of comments is what I need after listening to that
08:53.09DeadZerglingBounty did his first playtest tonight Zolden
08:53.48Zoldenwas it fun? or bnet latency ruined the fun as usual?
08:53.54DeadZerglingthe latter
08:54.14DeadZerglingit was a reminder of the horror that was my 56 kbp modem connection in the past with doom and quake...
08:54.52turtles1can I chime in and say "both"
08:54.52BountyZolden, were you able to enjoy Photon Discs and Haunted Forest?
08:54.55Bountylatency wise?
08:55.11turtles1as in it both had terrible latency AND was fun?
08:55.22DeadZerglingso kind turtles1 :)
08:55.59DeadZergling(it's okay, my insults are secretly inspiring Bounty )
08:56.06DeadZerglingas he gets off on weird kinds of motivation
08:56.17Bountynot with latency complaining
08:56.21turtles1such a masoch... err I mean modder
08:56.24Bountyturtles1 is diff because hes in aussie
08:56.33Bountyand I get that a lot from aussie folk
08:56.35Bountylike dogmai
08:56.49DeadZerglingdogmai would complain about anything non-tofu though...
08:57.18ZoldenBounty latency ruined photon discs, and haunted forest was just begged for me, because F key didn't do nothnig
08:57.54ZoldenBounty just let's be fair, sc2 is not ofr action games, it's strategy and this kind of stuff
08:58.12Zoldenaction requires fast response or it feels not cool
08:58.47Zoldenyou like to create actions? go unity, u'll be god there with your skills!
08:59.16DeadZerglingyea Zolden, the worst part was, the aim was super off if you were moving
08:59.22DeadZerglingbut not bad at all if you were still
08:59.32DeadZerglingso is a camper game :)
08:59.56Bountythe aim is not off
09:00.33Bountythe hitbox was to small and since you're strafing its hard to aim if you suck at that =P
09:00.56DeadZerglingsure do at that kind of latency
09:01.21Bountyyou have no idea how that event works
09:01.37Bountyits player side in terms of registering
09:01.40DeadZerglingI know what I felt in game
09:01.52Bountyjust go work on your smash thing
09:02.17DeadZerglingsure thing, I'd rather have a buffalo take a diarrhea dump in my ear than relive my 56kbp modem days!
09:02.55DeadZergling(but seriously, if you need help playtesting and I'm about, just ask :P)
09:04.22Bountywould like to playtest the new hitboxes
09:05.02DeadZerglingyou want to give it a go Zolden ?
09:05.19DeadZerglingI'm still working on a certain long part of my masochism session here..
09:05.44DeadZerglingI'll be available in about 20-30 mins anyways B
09:05.48DeadZerglingif you can't find anyone
09:06.45Zoldendon't ask me to run sc2
09:07.46turtles1give me 1 hour and I'm game. Need to pick up supplies, no food around :(
09:08.03turtles1Also wife has the car currently
09:13.33DeadZerglingBounty, you still there?
09:13.40Bountytrying to fix shit
09:13.52DeadZerglingcool, you ready now, or should I start on something else
09:13.57DeadZerglingjust finished that task
09:14.02Bountywill be rdy in 10 minutes
09:14.08*** join/#sc2mapster Delphinium (~Delphiniu@
09:14.16DeadZerglinghi Delphinium
09:15.08*** join/#sc2mapster Ahli (~asdaaaaa@2a02:908:fd53:6700:4802:d315:cbd3:de7f)
09:15.57DeadZerglinghow goes your forever RPG? :)
09:18.33DelphiniumStill nothing new~
09:20.14DelphiniumNanakey is now working on the terrain part, 1 done 9 to go...
09:21.43DeadZerglinghaving 9 planets?
09:21.47DelphiniumAnd tonight we will try to finish a character
09:22.10DelphiniumOnly one, the earth~
09:22.35Bountyready when you are DeadZergling
09:22.42Bountythis version has all of the changes + new sfx
09:22.54Bountyon beam impact and player death
09:22.54Bountyso you can tell when someone is shooting at you
09:22.59Bountythat and it sounds kewl
09:23.50DeadZerglingokay, logging in shortly
09:23.54DeadZerglingjust gotta save what I was doing
09:25.22DelphiniumI am working on fake files and chronicles which says that marauder is there hundreds years ago.
09:26.12DeadZerglingdustin browder is that old?
09:26.33DeadZerglinglogging in now, Bounty
09:37.07*** join/#sc2mapster UnReached (
09:42.33DeadZerglingBounty, while you are at it, an increase in jump speed
09:42.35DeadZerglingwould be good
09:42.50Bounty1 thing at a time >.<
09:43.19DeadZerglinghrrrmm, now what else to do on smash my head against a wall
09:43.22DeadZerglingI mean smash tv...
09:43.43*** join/#sc2mapster shintahW2 (
09:48.36*** join/#sc2mapster Delphinium (~Delphiniu@
09:49.54DeadZerglingnice fake scroll, Delphinium
09:52.31*** join/#sc2mapster Zolden (~a@
10:00.34*** join/#sc2mapster JademusSreg (
10:35.22DeadZerglingheh, well one of my new enemies death fails exceptionally bad
10:35.46DeadZerglingis a civ model, dies as a zergling most the time, or as a civilian inmate in completely different clothes...
10:38.59*** join/#sc2mapster hobbidude (60338f8c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
10:39.06hobbidudeany trigger experts alive?
10:42.11DeadZerglingprobably, but depends what you got questions on as usual :)
10:44.25hobbidudewell the dilemma is i usually use action definitions to create templates for repeats actions such as well dealing with dialogs; however sometimes there is an additional action or two outside of the definition that requires info from within it
10:44.35hobbidudeis it best to instead run custom functions?
10:44.53Goa_A1win are you here? Found clues to what is wrong with objective panel
10:45.12DeadZerglingreally depends how customized it has to be
10:45.27DeadZerglingsometimes it is faster to just make special ones for each, while others it is better to make a template
10:46.39hobbidudewell since you can't run functions without it being run inside of an action im wondering if its ok to run for normal circumtances something like show/hide dialog item (function)
10:46.55DeadZerglingdon't see why not
10:47.06hobbidudeand if i have additional actions i would instead just run the function inside of those instead
10:47.08DeadZerglingand technically, you can run functions if you use custom script
10:47.31hobbidudeno but you can;t run functions like a normal action
10:47.49hobbidudeand custom action definition have no way of return info from within
10:48.00hobbidudelike grabbing last created
10:49.29DeadZerglingis hard to really say without more specific examples
10:49.36DeadZerglingon what the best course of action is
10:49.53hobbidudewell for instances
10:50.03hobbidudefor dialog templates you always run like the same 4 actions
10:50.13hobbidudebut sometime you need to save it to a variable
10:50.27hobbidudeso you could create a function
10:50.37hobbidudeand if its normal use the show/hide action to init it
10:50.37DeadZerglingright, done that many a time
10:50.46hobbidudeor put it inside the save
10:50.48DeadZerglingyes, very normal
10:50.58DeadZerglingto have show/hide right inside the function
10:51.06hobbidudeoutside rather
10:51.08DeadZerglingI always save any dialogs I make to variables
10:51.10hobbidudenot inside
10:51.17hobbidudei don't always need to save tho
10:51.29DeadZerglingsure, but I prefer to so I never lose track of them
10:51.41hobbidudethey are purely visual tho
10:51.44DeadZerglingand can show/hide as I please
10:51.50hobbidudethat will never be refered to
10:52.01Goa_FUCK YEAH it works now A1win, the correct path to objective panel UI is: GameUI/UIContainer/ConsoleUIContainer/ObjectivePanel cause hots Game UI :)
10:52.19hobbidudethat would be too many wasted variables too
10:53.29hobbidudelike only 30% of my create dialog item actually need to be saved
10:54.10hobbidudeis it normal to do a show/hide dialog item outside of the function creating them?
10:55.03DeadZerglingyes, especially in the case of menus
10:55.38hobbidudeperfect, it is sort of a large menu
10:56.34hobbidudeso to confirm there is no way to have a custom definition that can return something but also be created by instead without needing to be instead of another action
11:04.04*** join/#sc2mapster Motive________ (
11:13.07turtles1I've got probably 15-ish menu screens each with many buttons (some have as many as 100 buttons)
11:13.26hobbidudeya yours is easiler tho with buttons
11:13.34hobbidudei have little buttons and more visuals
11:13.49turtles1and plenty of pretty graphics stuff too
11:13.53hobbidudeya i was gonna just go with functions for a template but i wasn't sure about always calling the functions within a show/hide action
11:14.12*** join/#sc2mapster Tomura (
11:14.20hobbiduderegretfull there is no way of just call the function straight out
11:14.33hobbidudeor getting a regular action definition to return something
11:15.18hobbidudejust seemed to me like calling the function inside of an show/hide functions to be redundant
11:15.56turtles1I have a create and destroy menu function
11:16.09turtles1which takes the name of the menu refered to
11:16.37turtles1and does all the common things... but also calls functions specific to the menu
11:16.44hobbidudehow are you calling the function tho?
11:17.07turtles1with a string as only parameter
11:17.32turtles1it then checks the string and passes control to init and destroy functions specific to that case
11:17.46turtles1as well as doing the stuff that it does for every dialog
11:18.11hobbidudeso can i call a function without having it inside of an action?
11:19.27turtles1I'm having a hard time understanding what you mean. What do you mean by this -> "ust seemed to me like calling the function inside of an show/hide functions to be redundant"
11:20.12hobbidudekk so like i have a function that includes actions like create item, set size, size offset, etc
11:20.23hobbidudeand i want to call this functions lots
11:20.32hobbidudesometimes i need to add in actions actions
11:20.35hobbidudelike saving
11:21.07hobbidudeso i can either run the function for normal circumstance inside of a show/hide dialog item actions or inside of a save
11:21.13hobbidudeto variable
11:21.31hobbidudei only save tho like 30% of the time
11:21.37hobbidudeso its not a main repeated action
11:22.17turtles1"run the function for normal circumstance inside of a show/hide dialog item actions" wait, so you are doing something like "show myfunction() dialog"
11:22.34hobbidudeya basically
11:22.35turtles1so you can call it as a function without saving the return value to a variable?
11:22.37hobbidudeor dialog item rather
11:22.45turtles1dialog item*
11:23.27turtles1first let me tell you of a dodgy way I used to solve the problem
11:23.43turtles1that might be slightly more straightforward
11:24.03turtles1Before I knew about action dialogs I thought there were only functions
11:24.13turtles1so I created a few global variables
11:24.26turtles1dontcare_int, dontcare_real, dontcare_str
11:24.53turtles1and then whenever I didn't care about the return value I could just assign it to the global
11:25.20turtles1That might be something you could do
11:25.31hobbidudeoh i see
11:25.39hobbidudeso always assign it to a varialbe instead
11:25.58hobbidudeand rather just put all the non saving ones to the same useless variable
11:26.29turtles1but the proper way would be to try and restructure your code to minimize things like that if you could. But obviously I can't know everything about what you're doing over irc
11:26.38turtles1yeah, you might try doing that
11:27.09turtles1exactly like you said, just save the return value to a global variable which is never checked
11:27.11hobbidudethat sounds basically the same as running it inside of a show/hide dialog item
11:28.06turtles1except that it is not doing anything, where as the way you are doing it would be less efficient because it is calling inbuilt functions to manipulate the dialog item
11:28.25turtles1as opposed to just assigning a variable
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11:28.56hobbidudewhat do you mean by " calling inbuilt functions to manipulate the dialog item""
11:29.12hobbidudeyou mean the show/hide dialog item actions would be less efficient?
11:29.33hobbidudebecause it has to do an extra step
11:30.01turtles1the action "show hide dialog" calls a function which probably does a whole bunch of things. It's not so much an extra step as it would be many extra steps
11:30.27turtles1But I don't know how complex the "show/hide dialog item" function is
11:32.10turtles1probably does a bunch of graphical related calculations, making sure items are clickable/not clickable, figuring out what to render over the top of other things etc
11:34.36turtles1But there might be a way you could restructure the programs logic. Like having an array of items that get saved to when the function is run
11:35.14turtles1and then you can make it an action definition and still have access to the dialog items which were created which you want
11:35.54hobbidudei guess know how intensive the show/hide action is what i was really after
11:36.41turtles1OR I just thought of a better way
11:37.20turtles1say the function is "MyCreateDialogItemFunc()" which returns a dialog item
11:37.59turtles1you can then create an action definition called "MyCreateDialogItemAction()"
11:38.13turtles1which has a local variable called returnvalue
11:38.29turtles1and the only actions are returnvalue = "MyCreateDialogItemFunc()"
11:38.55turtles1that way you can do the same thing but not have to have a return value
11:38.59hobbidudeis that not that same as just saving it to the same useless varaible?
11:39.27turtles1essentially, but cleaner and easier
11:40.02hobbidudeyou would have to pass all the parameters for the function forwards too
11:40.34turtles1yes, but you only have to create it once and then you don't have to worry about having stray global variables around
11:41.00turtles1and calling the action defenition is easier
11:41.07hobbidudetrue i guess
11:41.27hobbidudegranted i wouldn't want threading but i wonder if that would work too
11:41.50hobbidudea function inside a threaded action
11:42.18turtles1yeah, it would work if you wanted to take it that way
11:42.23hobbidudeunfortunately these things have to be layered properly
11:42.28turtles1whereas you couldn't if you only called the function
11:42.45hobbidudethats a very interesting thought
11:43.03turtles1because the thread would not be able to continue until the function returned.
11:43.40DeadZerglinggetting close, my stupid thing is almost like a real game, lol
11:44.04hobbidudekinda of sillly i didn't think of that but its a more elegant solution than what i was looking for
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13:27.33Dustin|I can't decide how i want to do the Capture The Flag melee mod
13:27.57Dustin|Thinking about giving all workers a 1 slot inventory and making the flag a normal item
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13:52.28A1winZolden, can I use different materials for different parts of a model or do I need to use just one?
13:52.48A1winI guess it's time to learn UV mapping properly ;p
13:53.00Dustin|lol good luck with that :P
13:53.04ZoldenA1win you can
13:53.25Zoldenif it's one mesh, you can create a composite material and combine different materials
13:53.40Zoldenif it's different meshes, you just use different materials
13:53.55Zoldentravel to russia, there are many beautiful places
13:54.19A1winI have a sphere and a torus, somehow it replaces it for both when I try to drag & drop a material on one
13:54.46Zoldenchange material name of one of the maaterials
13:54.50Zoldenthey probably the same
13:55.41A1winwhat's the easiest way to delete the inside half of a torus?
13:56.14A1winhotkey for select edge ring?
13:56.14Zoldenprobably you can switch to circular selection
13:56.22Zoldeni don't know
13:56.25Zoldennever used it
13:57.46A1winshift-click apparently but it selects the ring that goes around the torus and not the ring that goes along it ;p
13:59.05A1winah, loop selection
13:59.56A1winhow can I hide an object from the scene?
14:00.23A1winfound it
14:01.37A1winoh nice, grow ring button
14:01.54A1winso I can select the innermost loop and then click grow ring a few times and I end up having all the edges of the inner half selected
14:02.15A1winso pro
14:05.33A1winfresnel is a nice effect to smoothen spheres
14:06.17A1winZolden, next up is attachment points D:
14:08.17Zoldenafk for 15 minutes
14:08.31A1winthis seems rather straightforward anyway
14:34.20A1winwoo learned how to use soft selection
14:39.19A1winnot very well though ;p
14:44.30Zoldenwhen I select my cat, it's always soft selection
14:45.21Goa_A1win did you read what was the problem with objective UI?
14:45.36Goa_fucking hots:D
14:47.37A1winZolden, can I export objects as separate .m3's from one scene?
14:48.14A1winhmm there's Source: Scene, Objects
14:48.31A1winmmh though will that export all of them separately...
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14:49.46Zoldendunno, maybe
14:49.50Zoldennever tried
14:50.13Zoldenif u hide some objects, theyr won't be exported
14:50.17Zoldeni guess
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15:03.37A1winwish there was a "re-import" button in import module
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