IRC log for #sc2mapster on 20140405

00:26.55*** join/#sc2mapster Nytemare3701 (
00:27.19Nytemare3701Quick question: Why is my unit invisible on low settings?
00:27.26Nytemare3701Not having this problem with any other units.
00:30.29piratewhich unit
00:30.38piratedefinitely an actor issue
00:31.21piratedoing anything weird with it's color/opacity/HDR?
00:32.06Nytemare3701Nope. It's a 1:1 copy of a changeling, with new stats and a name.
00:32.32Nytemare3701shares the changeling model
00:32.35pirateare you 100% certain it shows up on regular settings?
00:32.47Nytemare3701yes. I have been testing it regularly, and just tested it with 2 others
00:32.51Nytemare3701one of them was on low
00:32.53Nytemare3701couldn't see it.
00:32.59Nytemare3701testing locally on low reproduced it.
00:33.54Nytemare3701even more interesting, the boss monster that uses the same model works.
00:33.56Simca_if you play around with the sliders you can figure out if it is shaders on low, textures on low, physics on low, etc that causes it
00:35.09Nytemare3701Also: It seems that certain triggers I have slow the game to the crawl on low settings, but not on medium.
00:35.12Nytemare3701Why would that be?
00:35.13pirateif you look at the changeling actor, on birth it swaps models
00:44.39Nytemare3701Fixed it. It missing that event.
01:04.04*** join/#sc2mapster Otixa (
01:17.44pirateso I understand how A* algorithms work to find the shortest/best path between nodes
01:18.48piratehow can I use it to find all pathable nodes within a given distance
01:21.02pirateand does anyone have any idea what I'm talking about
01:59.21*** join/#sc2mapster DeltaVelocity (~DeltaVelo@unaffiliated/deltavelocity)
02:01.57DustinWell considering A* is only about finding pathable nodes, you jsut have to give it a distance to check
02:02.08Dustinlet me see if I can find my old A* pathing code
02:06.49DustinHmm this code probably wont do you any good, it's so abstracted for use with my wc3 vjass system
03:20.49pirateI think I've pieced together a solution
03:50.20pirateblah I need to look at this again when I'm caffeinated
05:23.23*** join/#sc2mapster EntityEnigma (629696b2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
05:29.21*** join/#sc2mapster Raziel (~Raziel@
05:31.27EntityEnigmacan anyone help me get a hammer security to fire from both arms?
05:31.42EntityEnigmai just need to know how to set up the launch attatchment quarry
05:36.13EntityEnigmanvm i just set it to 'PatternMarauder'
05:57.05*** join/#sc2mapster DeltaVelocity_ (~DeltaVelo@unaffiliated/deltavelocity)
06:06.59*** join/#sc2mapster Goa_ (~hookah604@
06:14.08*** join/#sc2mapster sc2println (~flo@2a02:810d:16c0:2074:f66d:4ff:fe93:2e29)
06:14.17*** join/#sc2mapster Simca__ (~Simca@
06:14.52*** join/#sc2mapster Repo` (~repo@
06:59.07*** join/#sc2mapster TwoDie (
07:14.37TwoDiewtf is this chrome cant open twitch tv in english it always uses my native language...
07:39.04Goa_Seems like blizz really moving to unity
07:54.40*** join/#sc2mapster scrimer (~scrimer@
07:56.03*** join/#sc2mapster Zolden (~a@
08:01.01Zoldenhappy boar roar
08:03.57Zoldenblizz loves unity
08:08.15*** join/#sc2mapster shintah (
08:11.38*** join/#sc2mapster Moorhsum (
08:15.08*** join/#sc2mapster rublik (~rublik@
08:51.45Zoldenepic scv kill
09:01.39ZoldenOtixa why "text mesh" suck so bad?
09:02.39Zoldenoh, nvm
09:04.17*** join/#sc2mapster Tolkfan (
09:14.17*** join/#sc2mapster hobbidude (481df9f1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
09:14.43hobbidudewhats the best way to contruct dialogs now in regards to dealing with aspect ratios?
09:24.54EntityEnigmawhats the difference between generic atttack and generic attack base when making an action actor
09:31.34*** join/#sc2mapster Simca__ (~Simca@
10:02.48*** join/#sc2mapster Bibendus (
10:23.23*** join/#sc2mapster Ahli (~asdaaaaa@2a02:908:fd5c:9f80:7187:5067:a731:4f03)
10:50.58Merchah, I am a massive moron
10:51.10Mercset up bones for my orc peon to carry a sack of gold
10:51.14Mercor so I thought
10:51.22Mercnow he's carrying a sack of gold in all the frames
10:51.25Merclooks hilarious
11:01.23Mercapparently I should have used the auto key thingy
11:16.08*** join/#sc2mapster kritzikratzi (
12:14.03*** join/#sc2mapster sc2println (~flo@2a02:810d:1680:12c0:f66d:4ff:fe93:2e29)
12:16.15*** join/#sc2mapster Zolden (~a@
12:51.29Mercmr Zolden, is it better to hide objects in the 3ds max model, or by hiding the texture with events in-game?
12:52.02Zoldenwhy do you need to hide them?
12:52.53MercI have made an orc peon
12:53.04Merche switches between carrying gold bag, lumber, and an axe
12:53.22Mercbeen messing around with rigging bones today, kinda fun
12:54.21Zoldenattaching models to unit usually performed with actors
12:54.50Mercso, ingame?
12:55.14Zoldenanother possibility is to use global loop anims and switch between them in actors
12:55.18Merchere's my boy btw
12:55.36Zoldenlooks good
12:55.56Mercwanna add specular maps to make him all sweaty
12:56.40Mercbut right now, I have an animation for carrying lumber, attacking/harvesting with a hatchet, and carrying that bag of gold
12:57.02MercI was thinking I would "hide" the texture of the bag/hatchet/lumber when they werent needed
12:57.38Mercsaw Daara do that in some thread, thought I might try it
12:57.49Zoldenok, try
12:57.54Mercbut I guess it might be better to add and remove models like you said
12:58.07Merccause then I can use the same models for humans etc as well
12:58.18Zoldenare you making warcraft?
12:58.38Zoldenit's like 5th or 4th wc project
12:58.44MercI know :p
12:58.47Mercprobably 10th
12:59.00Mercmostly just a simple project to learn
12:59.05Zolden5 or 6 amonst alive ones
12:59.56Mercgoal is to reskin sc2 to warcraft-ish units
13:00.04Mercmultiplayer focused
13:00.22Mercno campaigns or whatnot
13:00.32Mercshould be fairly easy
13:01.03Mercsame mechanics as sc2 as well, nothing like warcraft 3 where you had heroes with experience and whatnot
13:31.43Mercarpf, sc2mapster riddled with tutorials that have broken image links
13:46.16*** join/#sc2mapster turtles1 (
13:58.09*** join/#sc2mapster kritzikratzi (~kritzikra@
14:00.54*** join/#sc2mapster Thenarden (
14:01.09*** join/#sc2mapster Thenarden (
14:09.12*** join/#sc2mapster kritzikratzi (~kritzikra@
14:20.27*** join/#sc2mapster hobbidude (60338f8c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
14:27.31hobbidudeanyone work recently with dialogs?
14:28.15hobbidudewhats the situation in regards to setting up dialogs in respects to peoples difference aspect ratios?
14:28.57turtles1There is no native way to tell what a players resolutions are
14:29.41hobbidudei thought i remember during the updates in 1/5 and hots that size and position now scale properly
14:29.51hobbidude1.5 srry
14:30.10turtles1"scale properly"?
14:30.36turtles1as in, you can set an item to take up 20% width of screen etc?
14:32.01Ahliwell, that kind of is possible, but with UI xml
14:32.48Ahliyou don't know the width, but you can use the center of a frame as an anchor which allows you to cut frames into half, quarters, ....
14:33.57hobbidudei thought it had changes so that full screen dialogs were "considered" 1920 regardless of your actually screen size
14:34.05hobbidudeor was that with loading screens only?
14:34.10Ahlino idea
14:34.22turtles1you can set a dialog to be full screen
14:34.59turtles1and it will take up their whole screen
14:35.27turtles1but using "dialog width" or "dialog height" will not give you the screen size
14:35.58turtles1it will just give you whatever size it was set to last
14:36.15Ahliwhich is why you would need to follow my approach and create a field with a certain percentage resolution. Then you would anchor your stuff to these new frames
14:38.13hobbidudeeven with anchors to like the center for example some offset by 500 left on a 1000 screen would be half offscreen while on a 2000 would only be halfway?
14:38.32Ahlithe point is to not use offsets anymore
14:38.36Ahliand to not use widths anymore
14:38.38Ahlijust anchors
14:39.24hobbidudeyou have too tho since anchors are only in the centers and corners
14:39.37hobbidudeyour will percentage take care of that?
14:39.52Ahlistarts paint
14:40.59hobbidudecodes percentage of resolution work per player?
14:41.02hobbidudedoes srry
14:41.04hobbidudenot codes
14:49.08Ahli oh god, it's tiny, but with zoom you should be able to read it
14:49.51*** join/#sc2mapster kritzikratzi (~kritzikra@
14:50.18hobbidudekk so still do percentages instead work on a per player basis?
14:50.59hobbidudeso like 10% for a players with 1000 would be 100 while on 2000 would be 200 correct?
14:51.02Ahlior wait, what do you try to do?
14:51.11Ahliit is percentage of the screen
14:51.24Ahliyou don't know how wide the screen of the player is
14:51.54hobbidudeno just was an example
14:51.56Ahliif he has a small width, the width of the frame will be smaller, too... if he has a widescreen monitor, the width will be bigger
14:52.08hobbidudeso it is per player
14:52.29Ahliit's just anchoring things to the percentage of another frame (like the size of the screen)
14:53.14hobbidudesure but each players full screen is different
14:54.00Ahliyes, that's why it's percentages instead of real values
14:54.10hobbidudeso using a percentage of the players screen which players does it use? each players?
14:54.24Ahliyou don't get it, do you?
14:55.00hobbidudewell you have to set it to a percentage of the screen right?
14:55.16hobbidudewhich player's screen?
14:55.19hobbidudeeach ones?
14:55.49Ahlithe viewer's screen of course...
14:56.30hobbidudeso each?
14:56.35Ahliyou don't know anything about the size of the screen of a player since sc2 doesn't share that information
14:57.08hobbidudeexactly so what res are offsets based off?
14:57.25*** join/#sc2mapster herolief (
14:58.23hobbidudelong story short using percentage of total screen and the dialog items will scale correctly
14:58.49Ahliwell, scale...
14:58.58Ahliscale needs width and height and those are different
14:59.08hobbidudescale is percentage
14:59.19hobbidudenot static
14:59.32Ahlithe resolution of the virtual screen seems to be 1600*1200
15:01.09Mercalways in fucking april
15:01.14Mercyou think spring is here
15:01.16Mercand then
15:02.17hobbidudedialog item panels are just basically regular dialog items that other items can then be connected inside right?
15:02.44hobbidudeie they can have their own image etc
15:03.03Ahlipanels are containsers of dialog items...
15:03.21hobbidudeyes it, itself is a dialog item too?
15:04.41hobbidudeso it can have its own size and image?
15:05.47hobbidudeor is it simply a container?
15:05.52Ahlipanel is like a dialog
15:06.40hobbidudeyes but dialog only show dialog items are are within the size/border of the dialog
15:06.48hobbidudedoes it apply to panels?
15:07.20Ahli(unless you rotate because that just ignores that image cutoff thing)
15:08.22hobbidudeso did 1.5 and hots provide no change to the exsisting way of doing dialogs?
15:09.01hobbidudeno change correct?
15:10.17AhliI think the only thing they altered were mouse coordinates
15:12.20hobbidudeso the percentage is based off which?
15:12.34hobbidudethe master dialog size?
15:13.19AhliI would use GameUI as a base
15:14.19hobbidudethere isn't an action that returns gameui
15:14.43hobbidudethere's one that returns dialog width/height
15:14.45hobbidudethat it?
15:15.02hobbidudeas long as you set the master dialog to full screen
15:25.28hobbidudeso if you set a dialog to fullscreen and then asked for its size it would be different for each player?
15:28.22*** join/#sc2mapster kritzikratzi (
15:34.07turtles1OK, finished writting 800 lines of code with no testing. Time to see how big a disaster it is :P
16:07.59turtles1not bad actually :) a good start on the creation of a starcraft AI
16:08.16turtles1time to call it a night. Gnight everyone
16:08.19*** part/#sc2mapster turtles1 (
16:56.26Goa_Zolden McDonald?s soon to be banned in Russia, nice.D
16:57.38Mercnot really a huge loss :p
17:07.57*** part/#sc2mapster Goa_ (~hookah604@
17:14.13*** join/#sc2mapster hobbidude (60338f8c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
17:14.43hobbidudewhats the best way to export mass amounts of images assets from the editor?
17:15.47Ahliimages from a map or out of the sc2 archives?
17:16.26Ahliopen the archives with an mpq editor
17:16.49hobbidudesounds hard lol
17:17.59Ahligoogle it, download, use
17:18.09AhliI skipped install, damned
17:18.25Ahligoogle it, download, installl/export, use
17:18.59Ahlidon't worry, it's easier than the sc2 editor :)
17:20.14AhliI'm using winmpq, but just because I've always used it. Ladik's mpq editor might be the one that is easiest to use
17:21.02Mercyep, it's pretty handy
17:36.56*** join/#sc2mapster MoonEater916 (a2e889dc@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
17:37.11*** join/#sc2mapster TwoDie (
17:37.35*** join/#sc2mapster Tomura (
17:37.36TwoDiehmm so yeah.. pink screens and black screens still appearing
17:39.27Ahlidead gfx card?
17:39.53MoonEater916u mean on textures?
17:40.00Ahlinew/beta driver issues? (amd's catalyst beta3 driver gave me a bluescreen)
17:40.02OtixaSmelly niggers you are
17:40.49MoonEater916someone explains splat to me
17:41.01MoonEater916in relation to how a splat treats a model
17:41.19TwoDieidk, some what seems like gpu problems, but
17:41.35TwoDiewhat what in the butt
17:46.07*** join/#sc2mapster pirate (6ca17bfb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
17:47.56Otixayour face is a splat :D
17:48.01pirateahli I made my own A* variant :D
17:49.48MercZolden: with normals and speculars for you
17:50.45Otixahits Merc with a brick
17:51.11OtixaSmoothing groups, motherfucker
17:51.21MercI suck at those motherfucker
17:51.26Mercteach me the ways
17:51.45MercI selected faces, applied smoothing group, still shitty
17:51.49OtixaWhat am I, gamedev university? >:C
17:52.14Mercbut yeah those edges are goddamn annoying
17:52.43Otixaselect all faces, clear smoothing groups
17:52.48Otixaand adjust each manually
17:53.22Mercbtw these wow models are all split up into different meshes
17:53.23Otixaat least move the breaks so they're on the bottom facing side of the model
17:53.30Mercwould it be a good idea to merge them somehow?
17:53.40Otixaprolly, yea
17:53.56OtixaA better idea would be to not import models from age old games into modern engines ;p
17:54.25Mercurp urp yea
17:54.36Mercjust a learning thing for me though
17:54.45Mercgonna make warcraft mod #23
17:58.52Otixateenage mutant nigger turtles
18:03.50pirateneed to tweak unit radii, search areas, and graphics
18:04.03piratebut I am far too pleased with myself
18:12.42Mercwhat's going on in those screenshots
18:14.12piratea handmade pathfinding algorithm that returns all reachable squares within a distance of a unit
18:14.54Mercah, is this turn based?
18:15.58piratecouldn't use blizzard's pathing cost functions since they ignore units
18:16.17Mercyou're talking to a massive noob
18:16.39Merc"pathing cost functions" are words I know seperately
18:16.43Mercbut they made no sense to me now
18:17.54pirateyou can get how long it takes for a unit to get from point A to point B including twists and turns in terrain and walking around buildings using a native function
18:18.55Mercyeah, figures
18:19.00piratewhich I would have loved to use, but said function ignores bumping into other units along the way (because it would vastly complicate calculations with hundreds of units constantly moving around)
18:19.02Mercbut that wasnt enough for you I take it
18:19.12Mercah ofc
18:19.25Otixa^ this
18:19.59Mercman, modding just sucked the life out of you people didnt it
18:20.21Mercangry old bitter men furiously trying to finish a way too large project
18:20.33Mercout of spite and bitterness
18:20.36OtixaI don't do mods ;p
18:21.08Mercyou're just here to harass me for not knowing about smoothing groups? :(
18:21.38OtixaYes :D
18:22.00OtixaWell, I used to do some graphics for SC2 mods and ran a show
18:22.09OtixaBut now I'm just heve for the giggles
18:22.58OtixaTrying to find a job in this shit industry
19:02.54*** join/#sc2mapster TwoDie (
19:03.08TwoDiefucking shit cant access files :/
19:05.53Mercguessing that's harsh
19:22.47ZoldenTwoDie please, get yourself a new computer, don't make me sad
19:23.38Zoldenjust become someone's sex slave for a month
19:23.51Zoldenand you will get a nice machine
19:25.25TwoDiemmm u touched my trallalalalalla, my ding ding dong!
19:26.56*** join/#sc2mapster Dustin (
19:27.53TwoDienot hi enough
19:28.19ZoldenTwoDie saw my little nurret?
19:31.38TwoDieThis XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.
19:38.08*** join/#sc2mapster MoonEater (a2e889dc@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
20:33.18*** join/#sc2mapster Nytemare3701 (
20:33.33Nytemare3701Hey, isn't it supposed to be map night right now?
20:33.38Nytemare3701The event room is deserted.
20:38.01TwoDieyeah NA map nights quite dead in general
20:38.23Nytemare3701I was told to not ask for testers outside of map night, because there would be tons of people
20:39.33Nytemare3701that T-T was for another chat
20:39.43Nytemare3701Lots of QQ going around
20:44.08piratemore pew pew
20:44.31MoonEatermost alot of us NA go to EU for mapnight
20:49.01TwoDiethere only EU people on NA and come to play at leasst in previous times. lately the NA map nights gone dead
20:49.18Nytemare3701damn, this is my first map night too.
20:50.33TwoDiesince i get my pc frozen quite often i dont even bother
20:51.08MoonEaterim too busy
20:52.48pirateI've got a fun bug
20:53.18piratephysics deaths move my grid actors
20:53.29piratehow can I make this stop
20:57.28TwoDieu will find the way!
20:59.35piratewhatchu working on twodie
21:02.29TwoDiespider solitare
21:03.23*** join/#sc2mapster kritzikratzi (
21:05.29*** join/#sc2mapster MoonEater916 (a2e889dc@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
21:05.37MoonEater916who knows about splats?
21:07.23TwoDiewhat u want to know about them?
21:08.23piratethey are special, special actors
21:10.22MoonEater916no they seem to be special models also
21:10.30MoonEater916u can see thier models in previewer
21:10.50MoonEater916which and i wanted to convert a splat to a unit
21:16.00Nytemare3701We got NA map night going
21:16.02Nytemare3701about 7 people
21:16.07TwoDiegl hf
21:16.22Nytemare3701I'm doing a quick bugfix iteration and republishing
21:21.24TwoDieits a essential part of map nights for some people
21:23.08Nytemare3701What is?
21:26.56TwoDieupdating maps while playing maps
21:30.13*** join/#sc2mapster Tolkfan (
21:50.03RepoNew experimental map: God's Universe -
22:19.20*** join/#sc2mapster tigger0jk (

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