IRC log for #sc2mapster on 20140210

00:11.25*** join/#sc2mapster RipperRooX (
00:11.49MoonEater916hail furer
00:12.53MoonEater916some of the kickstarters seem pretty dumb
00:12.58MoonEater916like a concert in antartica
00:13.51BountySober tonight MoonEater916, no fuhrer tonight :)
00:14.08MoonEater916lolz right
00:16.56*** join/#sc2mapster Zandose (
00:24.22MoonEater916lol its weird i preloaded the image but occasionaly my loading screen isnt there
00:24.25MoonEater916its all... purple
00:26.51Zandosei dont like purple
00:28.02MoonEater916ya but it seems to be happening at random
00:28.05MoonEater916like 1 in 10
00:56.44MoonEater916Bounty, KingTD is there a "complete" list of text fonts
00:56.47MoonEater916i see only partial lists
00:59.07*** join/#sc2mapster chare (322f51ac@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
00:59.17charegod damn it starcraft 2 is dying
00:59.24charewe need replacement
00:59.39charesince even though starcraft 2 sucks its still better than the other rts gamse
01:00.19ArcanePariahgrabs popcorn
01:00.27ArcanePariahJademusSreg, you bring the beer?
01:01.35Zandoseall i have is this for text fonts
01:03.05MoonEater916Zandose thats a partial list
01:03.08MoonEater916doesnt have them all
01:03.11MoonEater916i found the full list
01:03.22MoonEater916last post
01:03.25MoonEater916has it attached
01:03.28MoonEater916puts urs to shame
01:04.09MoonEater916chare, alright peace out then
01:04.24Zandosethats some list...
01:04.34MoonEater916ya right?
01:04.42MoonEater916i was like... SCORE!
01:05.20MoonEater916i think i pissed off chare
01:05.43Zandosei think they may be the same lists
01:06.22MoonEater916your list doesnt have the mod fonts
01:06.34MoonEater916i usaly use those
01:06.37MoonEater916for the formating
01:06.37Zandoseyou win
01:06.47MoonEater916XD not trying to win
01:06.54MoonEater916im just happy i found a complete list
01:09.56Ahli can be ignored, you can just create a new style and use and edit that :D
01:10.49MoonEater916i assume u would import a replacement into textures
01:11.07MoonEater916got a link to a tutorial
01:14.50*** join/#sc2mapster chare (322f51ac@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
01:15.01chareyou guys know I'm right
01:15.09Zandoseof course you are
01:15.56charewe need to create a successor rts game
01:15.58charethat doesn't suck
01:17.17MoonEater916ill get right on that
01:17.42MoonEater916with my team of 100 full time programs in a 2 year project
01:17.47MoonEater916we got THIS
01:17.51MoonEater916Zandose is with me also
01:17.52charewhy is everyone so resistant to the idea
01:18.06MoonEater916its one thing if the idea was feasable
01:18.12MoonEater916but its not
01:18.22MoonEater916not enough time money man power
01:18.47MoonEater916if u dont like the galaxy platform you can always go to unity or what not
01:18.59MoonEater916but making an engine like unity or anything close
01:19.24MoonEater916ok well 80k isnt enough
01:19.28chareMoonEater916 we aren't trying to make a super fancy 3d rts game
01:19.34MoonEater916and ur makeing a dev platform
01:19.36charewe are going for gameplay over graphics
01:19.40MoonEater916not a gmae
01:19.40charethat should make it feasible
01:19.53MoonEater916then use unity
01:20.02chareok so then you agree its feasiable
01:20.24MoonEater916if u have a good gameplay idea
01:20.26MoonEater916then do it
01:20.37MoonEater916but makign the engine is hard work
01:20.42MoonEater916and all the assets
01:20.49charewe already agreed on unity so we aren't making an engine
01:20.53MoonEater916look at indie games out there
01:20.59charethe assets we just crowdsource them to the starcraft community
01:21.00MoonEater916they either use an existing platform
01:21.22MoonEater916then go make ur game
01:21.26MoonEater916u dont need funds
01:21.39chareyou gonna help me?
01:21.45charewe're gonna use Haskell
01:22.03MoonEater916go ask jade
01:22.07MoonEater916he was using unity
01:22.27chareso wtf game are you working on if you're not going to help
01:22.53MoonEater916Im doing rock the cabnet
01:23.40chareso your girlfriend dumped you and you have nothing to do so you just smoke pot
01:24.20Zandoseanyone here a story writer for maps?
01:24.43MoonEater916a story writer
01:24.59Zandosewas Stewox banned or an i thinking of someone else?
01:25.16MoonEater916Chare, u got me im a lonly loser who smokes pot all day long and jacks off to hentia
01:25.23MoonEater916the secret it out!
01:25.34chareso stop doing nothing and help with game
01:25.43MoonEater916Zandose, ya but hes all about conspiricies
01:25.52MoonEater916he was banned from talking too much about it
01:25.59Zandosei remember
01:26.11MoonEater916Chare, i would consider it more if i ever saw u around the forums or on irc
01:26.26MoonEater916if you were jade, bounty, Zandose, or anyone reputable
01:26.35MoonEater916i would give you more of an ear
01:26.48chareso you're saying if I get zandose to help then you will help?
01:27.00*** join/#sc2mapster JademusSreg (
01:27.07MoonEater916but u come into the sc2 mapmaker comunity who are all sc2 fans and tell us that sc2 is dead that we should leave it and make a game with you on unity or a different platform
01:27.26MoonEater916i said i would give u an ear
01:27.34MoonEater916you dont have my attention right now
01:27.59Zandosei believe if you want to create something (and you dont have money) you need to lay a large chunk of the groundwork yourself
01:28.22charestarcraft 2 is dying, for example:
01:28.49MoonEater916chare, how dumb do i look, u send me a link by idra about sc2 dying
01:29.02MoonEater916idra is far far from reputable
01:29.32charehey its well known that viewership in sc2 isn't sky rocketing like in league of legends
01:29.36charethats a well known fact
01:29.44Zandosehas finished most basic systems for rpg map but now needs to think of a story
01:29.46MoonEater916Leage of legends has been in decline
01:29.58MoonEater916alot of the major turnaments r dead for leage
01:30.02MoonEater916unlike starcraftr
01:30.06MoonEater916so double wrong
01:30.24charenow you're just making shity up
01:30.39MoonEater916go look it up
01:30.48MoonEater916alot of the anual turnaments for leage are cancled
01:30.50MoonEater916unlike sc2
01:34.07Zandosecan i make a local/unsynced beam from my unit to the direction of my mouse?
01:34.35BountyEveryone has known Starcraft is fading lol
01:34.40BountyHence the shift to the Arcade
01:34.48MoonEater916not as fast as leage
01:34.59MoonEater916alot of turnaments in leage have been cancled
01:35.12MoonEater916while sc2 hasnt done that yet
01:35.50MoonEater916but ya bounty, i kinda think thats why blizzard did rock the cabnet
01:36.07MoonEater916i think they hope to strengthen the arcade
01:36.11BountyOf course, that and they made the Arcade free to prep for the marketplace
01:36.23BountyNo other reason to make your product free unless you have plans on monetizing it
01:36.49MoonEater916well then its perfect, blizzard is playing into your cammunist ways
01:37.12BountyWhenever someone buys a map, we all get a cut
01:37.14MoonEater916speaking of which bounty, ever seen this chare dude?
01:37.26MoonEater916thought so
01:37.40BountyDoes not instantly make him wrong though
01:37.50MoonEater916no it doesnt
01:38.34MoonEater916i got soo much shit to draw
01:38.36BountyWhenever I see new faces I have a more "shocked" reaction lol
01:38.37MoonEater916its rediculous
01:38.45MoonEater916ur a cynic
01:38.45BountyIn that I am shocked that we are seeing new faces
01:38.48AhliBlizz didn't look intot he marketplace stuff, yet, but they will do that after heroes ships
01:38.54Ahliaccording to blizzcon
01:39.10MoonEater916i have hope for sc2, i think blizzard messed up early on and didnt support it that well unlike warcraft
01:39.12BountyYeah but they did make the Arcade free to prep for marketplace
01:39.22MoonEater916i really hold a grudge against blizzard for warcraft
01:39.26chareso bounty you believe starcraft 2 is dead?
01:39.36BountyIt is...
01:40.01BountyI also don't pay attention to E-Sports whatsoever so I could be wrong
01:40.05MoonEater916really, u think the user and game stats in the top right on login are a lie?
01:40.17BountySo basically, I am just talking out of my ass with no data behind my statements
01:40.38BountyThose are pretty low numbers IMO
01:40.58MoonEater916then they been always low
01:41.00Ahliwell, in the long run, yes... also, I assume to prepare people for the delay of heroes as it is working different than lol or dota2, afaIk.
01:41.20MoonEater916blizzard fucked up with dota
01:41.28MoonEater916when a game is good, u patent it
01:41.40MoonEater916and copyright the name
01:41.43AhliI assume everyone is aware of that
01:42.07Bountydota is better served as a genre name neways
01:42.10Bountylike TD
01:42.12MoonEater916some dude in some cubicle in some corner of the office is like
01:42.28BountyNaming your game Dota 2 is like naming your game Tower Defense 3
01:42.48MoonEater916u and ur communist ways
01:42.55MoonEater916names are free for all to use
01:43.06MoonEater916starcraft 3 by bounty
01:43.16BountyPretty sure I did not say that
01:44.05MoonEater916heros of storms isnt called dota cause of fking valve
01:44.08Ahlilegal system to avoid that problem in most markets?
01:44.11MoonEater916how did that happen
01:44.35BountyHeroes of the Storm is a better name....
01:44.35charehearthstone another stupid fuckikng game
01:45.02MoonEater916im sure valve tried to fuck them also by trying to have dota on wc3 removed due to copyright
01:45.15BountyHearthstone is a good game, just a shame that yet again people are trying to turn it into a damn sport
01:45.16Ahlivalve and blizzard made an agreement... (which basically means Blizzard lost ;D or didn't want to create a big sh*tstorm)
01:45.35MoonEater916i bet
01:45.40MoonEater916i mean
01:45.48MoonEater916blizzard should ahve fought for dota
01:45.56MoonEater916valve pulled a bitch move
01:46.18Ahliwell, I don't know when that was started, but at the time it was settled, dota2 was already very, very established
01:47.13MoonEater916blizzard... those dolts... should have cornered the dota market
01:47.42Zandosethey dont have prior art?
01:48.26MoonEater916prior art?
01:48.33chareblizzard is just completely about money now, notice how they didn't get into the MOBA space until league of legends had skyrocketed
01:48.55charethey didn't see a reason to make a game in moba space because NO MONEY until legaue of legends got big
01:49.00Zandosedota was created in wc3 right?
01:49.13MoonEater916valve make dota2
01:49.15Zandoseblizzard controls rights.
01:49.17MoonEater916and copyrighted dota
01:49.27MoonEater916valve owns the rights to dota
01:49.52Zandosecant blizz challange it says dota was made in wc3
01:50.07MoonEater916i guess
01:50.11MoonEater916but messy
01:50.53charewho cares about name, name doesn't make game good
01:50.56charegameplay makes the game good
01:51.32MoonEater916esablished names like dota draws in crowds
01:52.29Zandosei know i saw local beams before. reene i think
01:53.13MoonEater916speaking of which
01:53.23MoonEater916i see reene come around and do updates
01:53.32MoonEater916like patch release notes n such
01:53.36Zandosehave noticed shes been here more
01:53.47MoonEater916but i dont see her do much else?
01:53.50MoonEater916no games?
01:53.56chareok here is what we need, we need dota2 to kill heores of the storm, WoW to collapse in players, starcraft 2 to die, and hearthstone to get crushed by other card games, then we need starcraft replacement
01:54.01Zandoseshe aint a map maker i think
01:55.48MoonEater916Chare, if ur looking to create that next big game better get started
01:56.01MoonEater916gona take atleast months to complete
01:56.03MoonEater916if not years
01:56.17chareMoonEater916 its a game for the community, so its a community project, that means we accept artwork from outside people
01:56.19MoonEater916look at minecraft.... still not done
01:56.25MoonEater916after all these years
01:56.33MoonEater916made in java from scratch
01:56.44chareJava is a crap language
01:56.46MoonEater916going to shower
01:57.37MoonEater916cant belive u just said that
01:57.49MoonEater916alright peace
01:57.50chareit is
01:57.58chareyou don't know Java's history?
01:58.04MoonEater916well considering its the most used and learned language
01:58.26chareit was created for Joe Schmoe programmer, James Gosling has said they dumbed down the language intentionally
01:58.55charethats why there are no unsigned integer
01:59.00chareno lambdas or function types
02:03.29MoonEater916Char, Have you tried downloading more ram?
02:03.35MoonEater916might fix alot of your issues
02:03.45MoonEater916improved game play
02:04.30chareif we aren't gonna work on rts game then YOU PICK THE GAME WE ARE GOING TO WORK ON
02:04.48MoonEater916im working on Sprite's Quest
02:05.40MoonEater916you make that game, maybe in may ill come help
02:06.35charewtf is sprite's quest
02:06.40charelink to demo
02:06.47MoonEater916its arcade
02:07.07charewhy are you sticking with arcade, you have the limitations of starcraft 2 engine
02:07.15chareyou can't do anything outside of the engine's ability
02:07.46Ahlidistribution platform and multiplayer service
02:11.23charewe need to all switch from arcade to steam
02:11.35charebecause steam is compatible with linux
02:11.38charei want microsoft windows dead
02:12.47Ahliwhy do you want it dead?
02:12.55chareLONG LIVE LINUX
02:13.41MoonEater916linux was dead since day one
02:13.47MoonEater916lets all make linux game
02:13.54MoonEater916to not get distrubuted ever
02:14.04MoonEater916arcade has assets
02:14.08MoonEater916lots of them
02:14.13MoonEater916which steam doesnt
02:15.04chareandroid is linux based
02:19.04chareso ahli what are you doing?
02:22.11Ahlilearning for an exam?
02:22.33chareso you haven't failed out of university yet?
02:23.50AhliI've my degree and I hope I will be accepted for the masters program at my university... if not, I've another masters place that I can take.
02:27.54AhliI'm good at cloning existing things and improving these while I'm at it...
02:32.08charewhy is channel dead now
02:32.45MoonEater916its not dead we just ingorning you
02:33.26Ahliit's dead after 5 minutes? lol
02:33.50MoonEater916ah thats why u think sc2 is dead
02:34.02MoonEater916broodwar still has quite afew players
02:34.17*** join/#sc2mapster Dustin|Work (
02:36.49MoonEater916jade, u still making arcade maps... bully
02:37.30MoonEater916which part confused u?
02:47.10charelets talk about a group project
02:47.15charethat we can work together
02:47.19charein cooperation
02:54.12ArcanePariahAhh JademusSreg, welcome back to the peanut gallery, I brought popcorn
02:58.23charewhy are you guys so resistent to help
02:58.59ArcanePariahBecause we feel you vastly underestimate the resources and expertise involved?
02:59.41ArcanePariahAs it stands, in this channel right now, there are maybe 5 people qualified to start writing a game engine, and that is after some study probably or at least getting up to speed a bit
03:05.38MoonEater916i second that
03:07.17MoonEater916jade so ur not working on an arcade game?
03:07.42MoonEater916giant bully....
03:08.31chareArcanePariah thats why we work as a group because its too much for any one individual
03:10.52MoonEater916Chare Blizzard, has thousands of employees across all thier games
03:10.56MoonEater916working full time
03:11.52MoonEater916they just layed off 600 employees that were mannaging world of warcraft
03:13.06chareworld of warcraft is a shity game
03:13.11MoonEater916your asking 5 ish people to make a kick ass game with 0 concept, design, assets, ideas, or anythign
03:13.23MoonEater916with 0 ground work laid
03:13.26MoonEater916with 0 funding
03:13.33MoonEater916with no ideas
03:14.12charecrowdsourcing assets
03:14.20MoonEater916WITH NO CROWD
03:14.33MoonEater916Go get them then
03:14.34MoonEater916SHOW ME
03:16.51*** join/#sc2mapster yttrium (
03:17.08MoonEater916like i said, you want to rally people
03:17.15MoonEater916u need somthing to rally people with
03:18.39MoonEater916snails slugs and puppy dog tails
03:20.03*** join/#sc2mapster herolief (
03:20.04JademusSregchare, the logs show you've been repeating yourself for the past 3 years, on various irc channels, clojure, bitbucket, linux communities, googlecode, et cetera. Would expect you to be more capable, given the time invested.
03:21.10MoonEater916and JademusSreg puts the smack down
03:21.15chareJademusSreg you gotta stop investigating my private life
03:25.45MoonEater916if only jade would answer my question
03:25.48MoonEater916dat bully
03:28.17MoonEater916anyways, Chare you have any works?
03:28.29MoonEater916have u ever produced any game or any code?
03:28.56Zandosei go sleep now
03:30.57chareCODE YES
03:30.58chareGAME NO
03:31.24MoonEater916can i see?
03:32.50*** join/#sc2mapster SCMothership (17f0423b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
03:32.52MoonEater916Jade, why did u gotta go ban stewox. I miss talking to him :(
03:33.33BountyI don't
03:34.24MoonEater916i do actually
03:34.38MoonEater916he was nice, i mean the conpsiriacy thing was narly
03:34.49MoonEater916but nice
03:35.50MoonEater916So bounty u doing rock the cabnet since jade is cold sholdering me like the big bully he is
03:36.25BountyYes I am. I will be submitting 3 games, possibly 4 if I have time.
03:36.48JademusSregMoon, your question is defective.
03:36.59MoonEater916They simple games, or just alot of games that you left on the bus with ahli?
03:37.17BountyWhat do you mean by simple? Simple to play or simple to make?
03:37.22MoonEater916JademusSreg>, question seems pretty good to me, you sure your not defective?
03:38.25MoonEater916Bounty, simple to make, im just wondering cause 3-4 is alot and im wondering if ur no life-ing or what
03:38.47BountyNot simple to make
03:39.05Ahlibounty has a time machine
03:39.18Ahlibut only backwards in time
03:39.20Bountyand if spending a lot of time on a project that will get you 7k is no life-ing it.... so be it
03:39.31MoonEater916so like a bus that goes backwards?
03:42.15MoonEater916Ahli ur submitting your gravity game to rock the cabnet?
03:46.01MoonEater916my bad XD
03:46.11MoonEater916what r u working on then?
03:49.20*** join/#sc2mapster Repo (~repo@
04:06.16*** join/#sc2mapster Ahli_ (
04:06.19Ahli_Diablo map as I'm currently motivated due to 2 people discussing it and asking questions and making suggestions... and I've started a minigame map last week for the contest. In the next days, I will start to produce UIs again for rtschutter, too... (as I've vacations before I need to study like a slave in april.) In case my university accepts me, I don't need to look for a new apartment. else, I need to find one in whatever city
04:06.20Ahli_continue my study in information systems. One university already replied and accepts me, so... I sense that I won't make it into my university. Damned interview didn't went well. If I had passed that goddamned exam last semester, I wouldn't have had all the problems (and possibly completly burned out by now). =/
04:06.56MoonEater916sounds good n bad
04:07.17MoonEater916im working on a shop
04:12.19Ahliwell, I've options... if no university would have taken me I would need to find other options... but half a year ago, every university wanted me and now I'm only 0.1 worse, so it was unlikely :D
04:14.08BountyPeople are still arguing about "Fun" being a judging factor in the contest... really???????????
04:14.46MoonEater916Bounty what do u mena
04:15.07BountyPeople are mad that games are being judged on Fun
04:15.16Bountynuff said
04:16.53MoonEater916i think he was complaining about fan base
04:17.10MoonEater916games with fan base have better chances
04:17.25MoonEater916or makers with fan base
04:17.31BountyBlizzard selects the batch of games to be voted on by the community
04:17.42BountyIf Blizzard DOES end up selecting popular games made before the competition....
04:17.44Ahliwell, obviously fan bases are part of the community, lol :D
04:17.51BountyI will be out
04:17.56BountyGo learn Unity or something
04:18.55MoonEater916blizzaed never said there would be a vote?
04:19.06MoonEater916i thought blizzard picked on what they liked?
04:19.20BountyI wish
04:19.21BountyIt goes
04:19.24BountyBlizzard picks
04:19.28BountyCommunity votes on the top 5
04:19.38BountyBlizzard picks the top 3 from that
04:19.58Ahlifirst Blizzard preselects stuff... (I assume only to make a list of valid entries), then the communtiy votes and Blizzard picks 1st, 2nd and third out of the 5 most voted maps
04:20.04MoonEater916were do u see this/
04:20.20Ahliin its rules?
04:21.05MoonEater916fond it
04:21.10MoonEater916kinda vuage
04:21.22Ahli"After a thorough review, we?ll pick the semi-finalists from the pool of entries and ask the community to help us decide on the winners. That?s right, the players themselves will narrow it down to the final five from which we will select first, second, and third place winners."
04:21.23MoonEater916thats kinda lame
04:21.36MoonEater916i think blizzard should play each map submited
04:21.41MoonEater916atleast once
04:21.52Ahliwell, they avoid picking maps that everyone hates except for Blizzard
04:21.54MoonEater916hear community feed back
04:21.58MoonEater916and make a decision
04:22.21Ahliso unpopular maps have no real chance to win.
04:22.37Ahlithey might do that, not sure
04:22.50AhliI guess it depends on the amount of entries
04:23.17Ahlimaybe I add diablo to the contest, too, lol
04:23.28MoonEater916lol they feature games that the comunity hates all the time
04:23.58Ahlithat's what they will try to avoid. people need to like it to win... in the end, people play it and not Blizzard
04:24.36MoonEater916like factory ships and chu chu madness are way low on the ranking
04:24.39MoonEater916they arnt bad games
04:24.41MoonEater916they r fun
04:24.49MoonEater916but they are not widly popular
04:25.44MoonEater916i duno lolz...
04:26.07AhliI've played chu chu madness once, I defenden 9 attackers on my own and had like 40+% left... when the defender only needs to spam some buttons all the time, it's weak design...
04:27.25MoonEater916rafiel liked it
04:29.08*** join/#sc2mapster MoonEater916_ (a2e889dc@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
04:29.56MoonEater916_Chare is gone
04:31.28SCMothershipman, the only reason im here is cus i wanted to watch the troll...
04:32.20MoonEater916_jade cleaned his clock
04:32.50MoonEater916_with out chare, ill have to troll bounty
04:33.05MoonEater916_HAIL MUH FURER!!!
04:34.28MoonEater916_Were is dead zergling
04:34.59Ahlioh SCMothership was here :D didn't notice that
04:37.47*** join/#sc2mapster SCMothership (17f0423b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
04:37.57SCMothershipback by popular demand!
04:38.00MoonEater916_he missed me
04:39.38MoonEater916_~seen Chare
04:39.38purlchare <322f51ac@gateway/web/freenode/ip.> was last seen on IRC in channel #sc2mapster, 1h 8m 10s ago, saying: 'no'.
04:40.02MoonEater916_~seen deadzergling
04:40.02purldeadzergling <836bc076@gateway/web/freenode/ip.> was last seen on IRC in channel #sc2mapster, 2d 40m 9s ago, saying: 'probably appear again when I'm having stupid camera issues, lol'.
04:43.03MoonEater916_Ok, why is starbow in arcade?
04:52.40*** join/#sc2mapster Parthon (
04:53.03*** join/#sc2mapster RazielZ (Raziel@2a01:388:201:4190:7591:bb9a:cadb:233e)
05:05.48JademusSregFun times. Realized there was a critical flaw in my Scalar script while rewriting my Vector script for typical functionality.
05:07.44JademusSregFlaw is comically obvious in retrospect, but didn't notice until coding the normalize function for producing Unit vectors.
05:11.25AhliI really need to start managing my exam preparations instead of being the god of procrastinating
05:12.51JademusSregBasically, to permit a broader range of galaxy operators to be used with vectors and matrices (no purpose beyond versatility in principle), typedef'd scalar from int, which necessitated functions for users to convert between int scalars and fixed. However, clever as it all may have been, it completely shits the bed when arithmetic division is involved.
05:13.13Ahliwhat's scalars?
05:17.03JademusSregConverting between int and fixed is a cute trick, must say.
05:17.20*** join/#sc2mapster Raziel (Raziel@2a01:388:201:4190:7591:bb9a:cadb:233e)
05:19.45JademusSregBy which I mean bitwise conversion, retaining the information while changing its context, so to speak.
05:21.15JademusSregSomething like this.  int FixedInt (fixed a) { int trunc = TruncI(a); int sign = trunc&Pow2I(31); int whole = (trunc&524287)<<12; int fract = FixedToInt((a-trunc)*4096.0); return sign|whole|fract; }
05:27.50*** join/#sc2mapster Parthon (
05:50.45JademusSregThar we go. Relabeled the old script shit.
05:51.22JademusSregint-color conversions are neato.
06:48.08*** join/#sc2mapster kingTD (
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07:05.23*** join/#sc2mapster Bounty (45f8f26f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
07:06.34BountySo, JademusSreg
07:06.37BountyDebating on something here
07:07.05BountyMovement... standard movement like in Photon Discs or move water ski like?
07:07.51JademusSregI have only the vaguest idea of how water skis move.
07:08.26BountySeems like a good idea though, unless everyone hates it
07:08.55JademusSregInvolves some intense balance, which makes me think it would be like playing Tony Hawk Extreme Brutal Board Skullgrind Deathmatch.
07:09.23BountySounds kinda fun
07:10.20BountyPhoton Discs : Water World
07:10.35JademusSreg"Photon Skis" haha
07:11.45JademusSregI still like the Naga idea. Remember a clever map from wc3 that had a surface and underwater layer? =D
07:13.08BountyWhat Naga idea? All you said was "SEEEEA GIAAANTS..... NAGAAA!"
07:13.34Bountyand if I do underwater that means 3D....
07:13.44JademusSregHell yeah.
07:14.20BountyPretty sure 3D shooting does not perform well in bnet lol
07:14.59JademusSregHow so?
07:15.32BountyFrom what I saw everytime someone tried to do it, it failed
07:15.57BountyReal 3D shooting with dodge-able projectiles...
07:16.01Bountythat bounce
07:16.09JademusSregProbably because their approach was terrible, and they should feel terrible.
07:16.37BountyWell I don't know how to do it, that is beyond my capabilities lol
07:16.56*** join/#sc2mapster Kueken (
07:17.13KuekenWhat up, moonpie?
07:18.52JademusSregSure ya do, Bounty. Just gotta let your mind play, find solutions.
07:19.38Bounty3D moving projectiles that bounce, yeah ok
07:19.48BountyThat means I have to make shit bounce off the ceiling
07:19.53JademusSregJust math.
07:20.00BountyWhich I do not know >.<
07:20.22BountyI've tried to do this before
07:20.29BountyYou need Traclines apparenly
07:22.08JademusSregDon't trip on the fears and mistakes of others. If it's what you want, you'll figure it out.
07:22.34BountyI don't really want 3D projectiles though lol
07:22.50BountyMaybe for something else
07:23.40JademusSregFor instance, I'm coding a physics system in galaxy script. It's rather like a fun nightmare, riding a party train to hell, receiving a lapdance in a straightjacket.
07:24.18BountyI have enough planned for this game that I will be in that situation
07:24.55JademusSregBut yeah, I don't mean to push you to 3d whatever, just that if you should want to, don't avoid potential difficulty. =D
07:25.10BountyOh I know
07:25.21BountyI just don't think 3D is good for a shooter like Photon Discs
07:25.34BountyBad enough you gotta worry about shit bouncing behind you
07:25.52*** join/#sc2mapster rts (
07:25.55JademusSregPhoton Chakram: Warrior Princess
07:26.25BountyYou know what was how Photon Discs came to be right?
07:26.38Bountythat was*
07:26.44BountyIt was a Chakram like ability
07:26.57Bountylike a boomerang disc
07:29.33*** part/#sc2mapster Goa (
07:29.51*** join/#sc2mapster Goa (
07:35.37JademusSregWell, I should point out that switching to water or such just sounds like an aesthetic change.
07:40.40BountyI could see why you would think that
07:41.00BountyJust think of the benefits of having water as the ground for a game like Photon Discs though :)
07:41.04Bountymechanics wise
07:45.21BountyI'm not starting anything for another 3 weeks anyways so who knows
07:45.27Bountymaybe I'll think of something better lol
07:50.33JademusSregAlmost certainly will think of something better than a paint job.
08:07.07BountyI still think the splashing thing was cool lol
08:07.21BountySprint at an enemy and hit the break so you splash water in their face
08:12.30JademusSregSuppose that same mechanic could be done in other games. A ruthless, roguish brawler could pull that off, easily.
08:12.53JademusSregInstead of water, dust or sand or whatever.
08:15.38BountyNo I mean
08:15.45Bountyits a movement + offensive based mechanic
08:16.24JademusSregYep, it's good. However, it's not a pillar strong enough to hold aloft the entire game. =D
08:16.39BountyOf course
08:21.43*** join/#sc2mapster Bommes (
08:25.35Bommesgood morning beautiful people
08:29.46kingTD~seen SCMothership
08:29.49purlscmothership <17f0423b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.> was last seen on IRC in channel #sc2mapster, 3h 51m 52s ago, saying: 'back by popular demand!'.
08:31.46kingTDcuba :DDDDD
08:46.56JademusSregHere's my latest abomination:
08:48.18kingTDseems like vector to me
08:48.59JademusSregWould be less hideous with some polymorphism and perhaps operator overloading.
08:51.18Kuekenuh, cute
08:51.35KuekenI wonder if she is free tonight
08:52.01Kuekenthose sexy scalarTernaryOperations turn me on
08:52.25JademusSreg♥ ♥ ♥
08:53.03Kuekenthank god there is no polymorphism and operator overloading, or I couldn't restrain myself
08:53.09Bommescan you operator overload in galaxy?
08:53.37Kuekencan you "insert decent scripting feature" in galaxy?
08:53.41Kuekenyou know the answer
08:53.44Bommeswhat does the "Operator" option (or whatever it is called) for Action Definitions do?
08:54.07Bommesoh nevermind
08:54.09Bommesit says it right there
08:54.20JademusSregAllows its custom script to be used as an operator, I'd expect.
08:54.37JademusSreg[insert + here] and such
08:56.24JademusSregNext, recoding Matrix and adding Quaternions.
09:01.05KuekenQuarterneos for the matrix?
09:01.11Kuekensounds about right
09:01.23Kueken"collect 4 to free Zion"
09:17.54JademusSregGalaxy is a weird environment. As I recall, a number of virtual machines self-optimize to reduce execution time for frequently accessed variables, functions, et cetera. Galaxy, by comparison, apparently gets worse. =D
09:30.35BountyI think I'm taking Win the Crowd out of the 3 JademusSreg lol
09:30.47BountyDon't think it can win.
09:30.52BountyI'm thinking... racing game
09:31.05BountyNaga Racing
09:47.20*** join/#sc2mapster Ahli (
09:48.57Bountyand what?
09:49.15BountyThis is how all of my games start out
09:49.25Bountypick a starting point, and figure it out later
09:50.06BountyI do plan to be more of a "write things down" type of developer for the contest though
09:50.18BountyJust in case I come up with some amazing concept while I'm shit faced
09:52.14JademusSregWriting is good for records, and for sharing information with a dev team when it exceeds the possibility of direct social interaction.
09:53.14BountyThat to, so you don't have to keep retyping the same shit over and over
09:53.22BountyBut I'm really only doing it for the reason I just gave
09:53.45BountyI don't even have to be shit faced, I'll still probably forget it >.<
10:00.40BountyYou know what though JademusSreg
10:00.55BountyI could have both above and below water, and still keep it 2D
10:01.17BountyWould be more of an "upstairs and downstairs" thing
10:03.17JademusSregExactly like the wc3 map.
10:03.48BountyI did want to do something like this
10:03.49Bountyjust not underwater
10:03.57Bountysince I am using water...
10:04.04Bountymakes more sense lol
10:04.38BountyEasier to make an underwater field than a platform of water in the sky
10:06.45BountyGetting exciting now....
10:08.01BountyMan, now I'm never going to be able to fall the fuck asleep
10:08.07Bountywith all these ideas in my head now
10:08.17Bountythanks JademusSreg.. gosh!
10:08.24JademusSregJust do what I do.
10:08.43BountyBut really, thanks for that. It is definitely more logical to go underwater than above
10:08.56BountyShould smack myself for coming up with splashing water in players face before that
10:09.44BountyI was going to have waterslides
10:09.49Bountythat take you to the upper platform
10:12.20JademusSregSaved you from not making any sense.
10:12.56BountyMy games are not supposed to abide by the laws of physics
10:13.13BountyYou should know, you've seen my vehicle collision systems
10:14.24JademusSregI'm aiming for entertaining physics. Which is what I've been coding for SC2 lately.
10:14.39BountySo its not a realism based physics engine?
10:14.54BountyThats good, sounds interesting in that case
10:15.08JademusSregHah, realism.
10:15.16Bommeswhy call it physics then, just call it fun simulation
10:15.42BountyYou entering the contest Bommes?
10:16.07BountyDecide on a project yet?
10:16.21Bommessingleplayer top down shooter stuff
10:16.46BountyLots of people going that route it seems
10:16.50BountySmash TV type stuff
10:17.03Bommessimply because it's what I'm already working on for so long and it's the only slim chance I have of doing something that might get past the community vote
10:17.28BountyYeah, I predict lots of shooters
10:17.31BountyPew Pew
10:17.50BommesKueken, you like figuring out Texture Select By ID problems, right?
10:17.50JademusSregA bunch of simulated motorcycles drive around in a virtual abstract landscape shaped like current and circuits, ostensibly destroying one another with walls of light. If I were aiming for realism, the physics would be electro-magnetism.
10:17.55BountyIf a TD or a Tug of War gets beyond community vote I might just end my life
10:18.12KuekenBommes: I dare say, its my specialty :p
10:18.27BountyAh so you're going for REAL tron like JademusSreg
10:18.38Bountydriving on pipes
10:18.43Bommesso I can change the texture of a roach with selecting the correct substring/prefix
10:18.56Bommesbut I can't change the Roach Ragdoll which uses the same texture
10:19.11JademusSregNaw, not pipes.
10:19.47BountyIs it flat or can you do loops and shit
10:19.47Kuekenalright, how do you apply the textures to the ragdoll?
10:19.56BountyThat would be cool, drive on a wall or something
10:20.13Bommeson actor creation of the death model actor
10:20.15JademusSregMore abstract and virtual aesthetic, luminous, soothing in its tones but threatening in its uncertainty.
10:20.25Bommeswhich I created a new one for that unit
10:20.35KuekenI assume it works for non-ragdoll deaths?
10:21.01Bountyinteresting description
10:21.08Bommesoh hold on a minute
10:21.10BommesI might have made a mistake
10:21.12Kuekenif I recall correctly, ragdoll deaths use separate death actors
10:21.30Bommesyeah I might have forgot to change the actor it uses ^^ my bad
10:21.39Bommeson the custom death I mean
10:21.41Kuekenor that
10:22.09Bommesbut I have to load up the editor again so it will take a couple of minutes to check
10:22.12Kuekenif its that, I am disappointed in the problem
10:22.59JademusSregHazard Circuit is the race gameplay mode in the design. Circuit refers both to the racing and the layout of the track, like that of a circuit flow diagram.
10:23.47BountyI will probably only understand this circuit system once I see it when the map is done
10:29.14BommesKueken, yeah nevermind, I'm just an asshole :/ Forgot to change the custom death actor
10:29.38Bommesbut I still have a question that you maybe know the answer for, why does the texture change work for "roach_" in prefix and "diffuse" in substring
10:29.45Bommesbut not for "roach_diffuse" in substring?
10:29.50Bommesa little disappointing
10:29.50JademusSregImagine the flow of electricity through a circuit diagram, tiles raising / materializing as the bounds for the section of track recede behind and surge forward, the amplitude of the electrical pulses lighting up the track's tiles in a cool soothing blue like intersecting waves, the light from the tiles fades at the edges, glows with each crest of the aplitude wave, until the pulse moves
10:29.50JademusSregon, the tiles go dark and fall away.
10:30.13Bommesa lot of the time I have problems changing textures because I'm not sure what to put into prefix and what to put into substring and; the prefix that matches both of these is Bommes, substring for the first should at least be _Silly, for the second it should be Shitty.
10:31.55JademusSregGot it?
10:32.44A1winyou can just put the full texture file name in both prefix and substring
10:32.47BountySo its a shifting terrain layout JademusSreg?
10:33.47A1winand don't put prefix in the Texture data entry
10:33.59JademusSregA1, yes, and then you've got an adaptation per texture, woo. Doesn't matter either way, but know how the shit works is more helpful than not.
10:34.15A1winif only it worked
10:34.48A1winerr nvm, I had that other thing messing up my stuff
10:34.57JademusSregBounty, yes, not randomly, just responsively. In most cases, it'd be well contrained.
10:35.19BountySounds strategic >.<
10:36.35BommesJademusSreg: I mean I know what a prefix is, but sometimes it just doesn't work
10:37.02Bommesit's probably just me doing an error but dunno
10:37.20JademusSregOther game modes behave differently, but similar in essence of the dynamism.
10:37.40Bommesand my point is, sometimes it works to put the whole texture string into the substring box
10:37.42Bommesand sometimes it doesn't
10:37.49A1winmake sure your Texture data entries don't have a name that is also the name of a texture file that you use in some other Texture, there's a bug with it
10:38.10A1win*don't have an ID that is
10:39.33JademusSregI've not had trouble with texture swaps. Even swapped textures for particles emitted by the dark shrine.
10:40.07A1winwoo I have money again and no overdue bills, should relieve some stress 8o
10:40.16JademusSregOh, and since the map won't depend on Liberty or any such, should always load quite rapidly.
10:46.05BommesJademusSreg: Well I could even retexture all the blood slats and blood particles and shit coming out of a death model, so I'm not saying it's impossible
10:46.26BommesI'm just saying it's super inconsistent and it always needs different methods of using prefix/substring combinations
10:47.08JademusSregBlame those who names the textures. =D
10:47.19Bommeslike sometimes it requires to transfer the Upper Case letters into the Prefix, sometimes it doesn't work when you transfer the Upper Case letters from the Cutscene editor into the texture declaration
10:47.32Bommessometimes you need a prefix, sometimes you don't
10:47.49Bommesmaybe I'm just always making small errors and I'm the idiot
10:48.24JademusSregBut no worries, that's the first step toward wisdom.
10:49.03BommesI'm not convinced yet though
10:49.08BommesI mean I make a lot of shitty errors, don't get me wrong
10:49.19Bommesbut the amount of trouble I have with texture declarations is absurd
10:49.45Bommesfor example that's the texture declaration I was talking about with changing the blood textures
10:49.48JademusSregTry doing it in the XML view instead. Less bullshit to distract.
10:49.58A1winjust do what I do, use full texture name in prefix and substring, only one declaration per definition, and no prefix in the Texture, seems to work every time
10:50.02Bommesthere's like no consistency, and I remember spending 2 hours on that
10:50.09Bommesbecause it never worked
10:50.13Bommesin any other way
10:50.24JademusSregA1, but that's a tad silly.
10:50.24A1winand use subslots like main.diffuse, main.emissive etc.
10:50.39A1winJademusSreg, at least it works ;p
10:51.21JademusSregSo bom, any of those in the paste not working?
10:51.28Bommesno, now they work
10:51.31Bommesbecause I spent 2 hours on that
10:51.33A1winthe whole system is silly, don't really care to use a silly approach
10:51.38Bommeslook at the substrings and prefixes
10:52.06JademusSregYep, they are strings. Definitely strings of text and stuff, Bom.
10:52.10Bommesthey make no fucking sense
10:52.34JademusSregWhat doesn't make sense about it?
10:52.53Bommeswhy does BloodTerran need a prefix
10:52.58Bommesbut HeatWave doesnt
10:53.05Bommeswhy do I have to write one Diffuse in Upper Case
10:53.08Bommesand the other in lower case
10:53.13Bommeswhen both are upper case in the cutscene editor
10:53.33JademusSregCan't say without seeing the assets.
10:54.24A1winnow to figure out how to display the proportion of each team's influence over the capturable area...
10:55.07A1winnot going to use team colored plantes this time
10:55.26A1winrather keep those with static looks
10:56.18A1winI think I'll use a range actor to display capture range
10:56.30A1winand only use circular areas
10:56.34Bommesokay the diffuse was actually a bad example in this case because the one lower case is actually lower case as well
10:56.39Bommesin the cutscene editor
10:56.45Bommesbut I had problems with that for other textures
10:56.57Bommesbut the Bloodsquirt thing is super weird
10:57.03Bommeswhere I wanted to change the normal texture
10:57.42A1winnew episodes of True Detective and The Walking Dead ;O~~
10:57.42Bommes"BloodSquirtRandom_R1Sculpted" is the name for the diffuse, "BloodSquirtRandom_R1SculptedNormals" is the name for the normal
10:58.20Bommesyou would think you need some sort of prefix for these 2, but nope
10:59.15A1winthere is no single correct solution to them
10:59.22A1winyou could probably set it up to work with a prefix  too
10:59.30Bommesthen do it
10:59.53BommesI mean I would think so too
10:59.54A1winI probably suck at it as much as you do, no thanks :P
10:59.57Bommesthat's why it took me fucking 2 hours
11:00.10Bommesbecause I'm only guessing and it doesn't work when I think it should
11:10.55A1winhmm... I could do like 5 "LEDs" over capturable areas that light up with team color, and the area will give score based on how many of them the team has, so that it's easier to grasp than if it was entirely linear
11:11.00Kuekenprefix + substring works usually, but there are models, where it leads to errors
11:11.02A1winerr, continuous
11:11.04Kuekenfor example thor
11:11.19Kuekenhas thor_diffuse and thor_cannon_diffuse
11:11.33Kuekenif you use thor prefix and _diffuse substring, it will malfunction
11:11.51Kuekenbecause it may reference both thor_diffuse and thor_cannon_diffuse
11:12.17Kuekenin this case to make sure it references the correct texture, I would use the full texture in both prefix and substring
11:12.30Kuekenwhich "always" works
11:12.39Kuekenif you don't run into another rare bug
11:15.06Kuekenalso usually you need to add a prefix for everything, since some patch
11:15.25Kuekenit used to work without prefix and I happily used only the substring field for everything
11:16.08Kuekenbut now you need the prefix (and if you have a model that doesn't use it at all, consider me interested :D)
11:54.47A1win2 hour tvz going on
11:56.45Kuekensingle game? or bosomething
11:57.13A1winsingle game
11:57.41A1winbecause you know, swarmhosts
11:58.30A1winseems like they're calling the first stalemate in SC2 ever D:
11:58.38A1winat least they paused it
12:00.06A1winor not
12:02.26A1winyeah they just continued it :P
12:04.08*** join/#sc2mapster Torhal (Torhal@2600:3c00::f03c:91ff:fedb:9160)
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12:11.09*** join/#sc2mapster Torhal (Torhal@2600:3c00::f03c:91ff:fedb:9160)
12:12.05KenoliWhat a match.
12:12.08A1win2h 19min now :P
12:12.44A1winthe zerg can't win but he's not willing to call it a stalemate
12:14.27kingTDthey both cant win
12:14.49A1winwell the terran is slowly getting some units down, but would probably take hours to do it
12:16.03Bommesif soulkey runs away there's no way the terran can do anything
12:16.12BommesI think
12:16.17Bommessince there are too many spore crawlers
12:16.26A1winmm maybe
12:17.11Bommesso he will lose all his ground force to locusts since he doesn't have enough tanks
12:17.29Bommesand then it's like 1 BC and a couple of ravens against a lot of queens and spore crawlers
12:17.38Bommesthe zerg can't win at all
12:17.44Bommesbut it would be risky for the terran to try
12:17.48Bommesmaybe 50:50
12:18.01A1winyeah that's what the casters said too, that the terran could win but it'd be a big risk
12:18.02Bommesthe zerg can only win when the terran lets him
12:18.31KenoliSeems like terran could slowly push zerg with enough energy
12:18.48A1winI wonder what will happen to swarm hosts ;p
12:18.49KenoliWinning safely, eventually
12:29.35*** join/#sc2mapster Blub\w (~wry@
12:44.46kingTDgimme gimme zolden after midnight ffs!
12:46.33*** join/#sc2mapster Ahli (
12:52.44KenoliHaving over 10k minerals and 10k should be like autowin
12:52.55Kenoliand gas*
12:53.17Goawtf is going on anyway, did sc2 become a turtle game?
12:55.05Kenoli15k minerals now.
12:55.09KenoliSo crazy
12:55.49Ahlitunes into proleague
12:56.50KenoliReality is just broke
12:57.27JademusSregmisread that as "Ahli turns into proleague" and wondered what Kafka-fueled living nightmare we just entered.
13:03.41A1winwoo, True Detective just keeps getting more and more interesting
13:03.58Ahlichecks into liquibet to check which team I have to cheer for
13:04.28Ahligo SK
13:04.43JademusSregWat is this Trudective?
13:04.54Ahlibut this season I'm doing everything wrong, so samsung khan will win >_>
13:06.43KenoliSo I was playing mortal shroud
13:06.48GoaJademusSreg awesome series by hbo (far better than the other crappy hbo shows)
13:07.36JademusSregGuess I'll look into it.
13:07.43kingTDstill no rick and morty? wtf is this jew holiday :/
13:07.44Goait has a nice dark feeling to it and awesome acting and nice solution on narrating the story.
13:07.51Ahliso, feedback?
13:08.17KenoliI didn't realize you were still working on it
13:08.24JademusSregFeedback on wat?
13:08.37Ahliyes, I'm still working on it :D
13:08.44KenoliSo interesting.
13:08.52KenoliI did have some ideas though
13:08.53GoakingTD yeah still no new Morty.(
13:08.57Ahlibecause, the gameplay of D1, well... sucks :D
13:09.37A1wintrue detective reminds me of cthulhu mythos style detective stories, just without supernatural stuff
13:09.40Ahlijust being able to attack is a bit boring :D
13:09.41Goawhat a fast game now:)
13:10.08KenoliThe visibility of walls in dungeons seems awkward
13:10.17Ahliyeah, because they are units
13:10.46GoaA1win did you see the new episode, just watched it and like wtf did just happen...
13:11.02Ahliand that's how the vision works then... I could try to use doodads in addition to units, though... but that would cost performance, but might look better
13:11.29GoaA1win more stuff happened than in the last 3 episode
13:11.40A1winmm I liked it
13:12.11Ahliits unit aspect is required for projectile collisions and dynamic footprint stuff (which doodads can't do, afaIk)
13:12.13kingTDI would say the problem is not units but the way the model is shown, its just pops up and dont have sweet coverage of the fog on it to transition, in
13:13.34KenoliMaybe you could use a revealer to give vision into corners and such
13:13.41KenoliOr reveal a region per room
13:14.55KenoliOr reveal everything and just hide them on the minimap until you get near them
13:16.11Ahliwell, I want to use the vision blocking stuff (like pillars) and my rooms aren't simple rectangles anymore, entrances can now eradicate the whole wall side now. that prevents a region that reveals the walls
13:19.19Ahlibut the wall appearance aspect was something totalbiscuit pointed out, too.
13:20.51kingTDit engine fault
13:21.39Ahliyeah, but doodads can properly appear partially out of the fog, so it might be doable, if you unlink the actor from the unit or something :D
13:22.56KenoliI think I'll try implementing a solution
13:23.10KenoliIs there anything special about the wall units?
13:24.41Ahlithey are just structures with a 1x1 footprint
13:25.16JademusSregInscrutable: looking over some code (not SC2), I see a const float for the single precision machine epsilon value. Which is comically incorrect, but fine. Worse is the const float following it, epsilonSquared. =\
13:25.29Ahliso, requirement: needs to be completely removable and recreatable :D
13:26.00Kenolippftthh nevermind! ;p
13:28.37JademusSregExactly. Squaring the machine epsilon for a given base & precision doesn't make sense, would need to move it to a larger bitwidth (rather, more precision bits) to get anything meaningful from the operation. =\
13:30.43JademusSregYeah, pretty much like that.
13:31.49JademusSregWhatever possible purpose there could be for such an expression (without using a double for the float's epsilon) is impenetrable. =D
13:33.19JademusSregI must assume either ignorance on my part, or some pernicious code convention on their part.
13:40.50*** join/#sc2mapster turtles1 (
14:07.18JademusSregSure is.
14:10.27KenoliSo I was wondering if epsilonsquared was even a thing
14:10.31KenoliIt doesn't seem like it is
14:13.00Kuekenepsilonsquared is a lie
14:13.04JademusSregYeah, I concur, it's just so damn unintelligible and simultaneously so obscure. Almost but not quite like seeing a hacky snippet of code and the first impression is that it can't possibly do anything/
14:13.09KuekenI was more fond of cake
14:17.17KenoliThe usage of "epsilon" in code tends to be "a pretty small value, lol", rather than "machine epsilon"
14:17.49JademusSregThe comment to the right suggest the intent was otherwise.
14:17.57KenoliIf you wanted machine epsilon in c++ you could use numeric_limits<float>::epsilon()
14:18.06Kuekenlike in SC2, where Epsilon equals 0.0625 or 0.03125 depending on context :D
14:18.06JademusSregThough in practice, that const is wrong anyway, haha.
14:18.32Kuekenyet another context
14:19.34Kuekenwell, compared to mathematic epsilon its ginormous
14:19.58KenoliThere are so many epsilons
14:20.02JademusSregThat's the fixed epsilon, so to speak. It's insightful and amusing.
14:20.05KenoliBut epsilonsquared isn't one of them.
14:21.00JademusSregEvery SC2 world cell can be thought to have 4096^2 distinct points.
14:22.21JademusSregThe lowest movement speed is 2/4096 (cell length/sync time)
14:22.52JademusSregSo unit movement speed values 32/4096 or higher are valid.
14:24.03JademusSregUnit move speed [16..31]/4096 don't disable move, but prevent moving anyway, likely because the position updates aren't permited in 1/4096 increments.
14:25.30KenoliThat seems strange
14:25.32JademusSregOr how the fixed type is effectively the int type divided by 4096, which permits conversion between the two without losing the bits.
14:27.32GoaSwarmhost OP
14:27.46JademusSregKen, not so strange if one assumes every other position step is perhaps asynchronous, so it can't complete a full movement step before the next update.
14:28.22JademusSregThe unit can be issued the move order, but it cancels roughly one tick later, haha.
14:37.11Ahlithat bastard protoss :D
14:38.20Goayay cannon rush and I miss the start of the game:(
14:45.49JademusSregWat's the matchup?
14:51.10Goaanother long game:D
14:51.20Dustin|WorkWhatcha watching?
14:52.31JademusSregAre the players well-known or no?
14:52.54JademusSregHi thar Dustin.
14:53.18Dustin|WorkHelllo Jade
14:56.09JademusSregDetermined last night I had to take a different approach to scalars, and in turn recorded my vectors and matrices and such. All very wip. Here's the old scalar script, relabeled Integer Utils; should be easier to understand.
14:56.33*** join/#sc2mapster Edogaa (
14:57.03JademusSregAnd here's new scalar and vector shit, better suited to my purposes.
14:57.10*** join/#sc2mapster ArcanePariah (
14:57.44JademusSregThe new code isn't at all interesting, but the integer utils show off some neat conversions.
14:58.28ArcanePariahMorning :D
14:58.45ArcanePariahAnother week begins
14:58.52JademusSregHallo, Arc. Did you catch my link to relabeled Integer Utils?
15:00.09ArcanePariahNow let me ask, are these GUI function for low level operations, that Blizzard does not provide?
15:00.13JademusSregSince I had to recode my scalar stuff, just renamed the old code. Would be a shame to discard such ingenuity entirely.
15:00.23JademusSregArc, clarify?
15:00.59ArcanePariahWhat is the purpose of these functions, their functionality is already present? Are these just covenient wrapper functions?
15:02.48ArcanePariahLike having a function to do A & B (bitwise) seems like a level of abstraction so that people don't need to know the syntax of bitwise operations, and nothing else
15:03.05JademusSregThe top half, the various ops, they are convenient for passing the functions via funcref parameters or such to execute the operations on data structure elements without writing repeat code, operationally similar functions, and generally making a mess and cluttering the global namespace.
15:04.10JademusSregSo if you have, say, a function that takes two vectors and a binaryop funcref, you don't need a separate function for every supported operation.
15:04.19JademusSregInstead, you pass it the op, it calls it.
15:05.52JademusSregI mean, do you really want a separate function for every explicitly supported operation? Dreadful. =D
15:06.38JademusSregHere's some WIP code, which shows both approaches in one script, pretty gross.
15:07.54JademusSregSo calling Vector3_Binary(Add,vecA,vecB,vecOut) would accomplish the same thing as calling Vector3_Add.
15:08.17JademusSregExcept the former can accept any function that matches the funcref's signature.
15:08.57JademusSregMakes it far more extensible with less overall clutter.
15:09.49JademusSregMake sense?
15:10.05ArcanePariahSo basically, instead of operator overload, you used a function pointers to accomplish polymorphism in a way
15:10.39JademusSregCertainly an apt description. =D
15:11.02ArcanePariahI had a good CS prof in AP CS in high school
15:11.46JademusSreginitially misread it as "a god CS proof".
15:11.53ArcanePariahWell, that too
15:12.26ArcanePariahHe managed to get nearly everyone to pass the AP CS A exam, and EVERYONE (30 some people) passed the AP CS AB exam
15:12.47ArcanePariahIn my year when I took APCS AB
15:13.10ArcanePariahFairly hard class, but worth it
15:13.58ArcanePariahNow, you aren't really doing polymorphism because it isn't different behavior at compile vs run time, more like templates/generics, but with function pointers
15:15.38ArcanePariahSo.. any further work on Factions, or did you place that on hold to work on Discs 2.0 for the contest?
15:15.55JademusSregYou confuse me with Bounty? =D
15:16.25ArcanePariahlol, sure? I dunno, is it Bounty who is constantly switching projects?
15:16.48ArcanePariahOr are you doing both projects in paralell?
15:17.03JademusSregAnyway, PCVD is my current priority, as it's best suited to the competition time frame.
15:17.37JademusSregPlus, I have the pleasure of tediously implementing 3d physics code in galaxy environment.
15:18.24ArcanePariahYeah... oddly enough, physics for actors (async) is incredibly powerful and relatively straightforward (if not tedious), but sync is... uggh
15:18.44ArcanePariahGood evening A1win
15:18.48A1winstill some cheese pasta left, having a hard time stuffing it in
15:19.06JademusSregYes, as A1 said, it's hurbl.
15:19.19ArcanePariahIt's what? 5 in th evening for you A1win ?
15:19.54ArcanePariahWell... save the rest for a late night snack as you map, gives you a mental boost later
15:20.49A1winfiguring out the art tools this week
15:21.03A1wingot a model artist doing some ships and planets for me
15:21.05kingTDwtf where is zolden? :/
15:21.25ArcanePariahHe is in Russia
15:21.28ArcanePariahI would assume
15:22.34kingTDwell not connected to the rest of the world for sure :/
15:23.09A1winfinished my food, now I'm ready to morph into a baneling
15:24.38kingTDnot enough gassssssssss
15:25.16JademusSregEat more Vesbeans.
15:27.59kingTDseems like phoenix flys around the base, dont expect to supply for it either
15:29.44turtles1Trying to turn a map into an extension mod. Do the new extension mods work if your mod has a dependency?
15:30.06turtles1IE I have all my trigger work in one mod
15:30.39turtles1and all my data work in another mod. and previously the map had the triggers as a dependency, and the triggers had the data as a dependency
15:32.06turtles1or will I have to merge both into a single mod file for it to work as an extension mod on any map
15:35.41Goaomg, this whole flappy bird thing
15:35.56Goaactually I should make a clone fast
15:36.05Dustin|WorkHmm I think im going to try some RTT stuff for aesthetics in this map
15:37.46JademusSregGoa, flappy zerg?
15:38.29Goaflappy muta
15:38.30A1winhow is this SC2 art tools preview thing supposed to work if I use an external texture for the model?
15:38.53Goaactually I gona make it right now on SC2. (I was thinking making a html5 clone though)
15:39.24A1win"... does not reference a file in an archive and cannot be loaded."
15:46.41A1winkingTD, how do I use the art tools preview thing with custom textures D:
15:50.44Dustin|WorkGoa, call it Flappy Phoenix
15:50.55Dustin|WorkAnd make some cool animation where the pheonix flapsi t's wings
15:50.58GoaMuta works better
15:51.09Goathat would be way too much work
15:51.13*** join/#sc2mapster maltenp (
15:51.15Dustin|Workya :P
15:51.19Dustin|WorkBut itd be funny
15:53.51A1winwait what, how can this model have textures visible in the editor even though I didn't import any textures?
15:57.15Goafucking ragnaros in HS arena
16:01.01*** join/#sc2mapster maltenp (
16:10.04kingTDa1win u set textures, materials, assign materials to mesh models and press preview and it should show.
16:10.25A1winkingTD, it gives that error I just said
16:10.32kingTDu imported only model or u talking about preview ting
16:11.13A1winwhen I import the model only, it works perfectly... so is the texture included in the model somehow?
16:11.19A1winhow do I make them separate
16:11.49kingTDwell there is option in export window to use MPQ texture paths, then if textures are in opened map will be displayed
16:12.10kingTDpreview =! export
16:13.25kingTDplus if u use export model without MPQ Paths checked it will use local, ur PC paths to locate textures
16:13.35kingTDand wont show for other people ingame
16:15.44A1winumm I don't see any options in export window
16:16.51kingTDthe window with the buttons in top side preview, export, then looking in the middle there are preferences for exporting
16:16.52A1winnvm, found the menu
16:20.38A1winyeah now the preview works too when I used it from that window instead from the menu, or maybe because I enabled use MPQ paths
16:25.57Bommescan you use Quad actors without them being linked to abilities?
16:26.12Bommeslinked to abilities in terms of how the Psi Dash or whatever it is called works I mean
16:26.26Bommeswhere the Quad actor is locked to the mouse and shows the direction of the ability
16:29.42*** join/#sc2mapster Tomura (
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16:31.13turtles1Do any of you guys have a way to keep a log of activity you can use to track down non reproducable bugs in your games?
16:31.35turtles1Previously I would reserve player 14 and send that player a message when things happen
16:32.43turtles1then, if a user emails me saying that there was a bug in the game I can get him/her to email me the replay file and look through player 14s vission to get a summary of important variables/functions/errors etc
16:32.55turtles1but with extension mods I cannot do that any longer
16:33.48turtles1because I don't have control of how many players there are and what player slots they are sitting in
16:34.10kingTDwell, i guess ur best chance is to not make the bugs that would require to make such things happen in the first place
16:34.52turtles1I've thought of using banks, but often they will be over written or get too large if I keep adding to them over multiple games
16:35.03*** part/#sc2mapster Parthon (
16:35.05kingTDand i doubt that if there any bugs that would require such indepth hidden player variables debugging stuff
16:36.48turtles1KingTD - I have had players email me saying they were playing my game for several hours before a bug appeared. Hard to know what caused it
16:37.12turtles1esp. when neither of us can reproduce the error
16:37.47kingTDwhat project u made that would use such advanced debugging?
16:38.26turtles1Save/Load tool
16:38.48turtles1play a game of starcraft multiplayer but you can save and load the game at any point
16:38.56turtles1without exiting the map
16:39.16turtles1with inbuilt build order excecution/displays/tracking
16:40.02turtles1so I have had clans practicing a build order
16:40.39turtles1with several spectators and players taking control of different sides to try and find kinks in a build order
16:40.54kingTDyeah sounds not bad at all
16:40.56turtles1and after a few hours it just stops working properly
16:41.23turtles1they will go to load and the game state will not be correct
16:41.42turtles1I'm not even sure if it loads incorrectly or if the saved game state is corrupted
16:43.16turtles1only happens once a blue moon but it can be frustrating and I would like to figure out what is happening. But I also have people requesting I make it a mod instead of a few individual maps
16:43.40turtles1so.... there goes my origional attempt at debugging
16:44.00JademusSregWat's up, turt?
16:44.00turtles1Someone out there must have done this before and I can steal/borrow their implementation
16:45.03turtles1Hi JademusSreg, just wondering if anyone has their own logging/debugging tool they created that I can steal
16:45.13turtles1and stick in my map
16:45.31JademusSregBased on the limited information you provided, sounds interesting.
16:47.27JademusSregCan you explain what the project is, how it should behave, and the problem in as much detail as possible. =D
16:49.13turtles1VERY OLD VERSION
16:49.31turtles1but it is a good way to describe the save/load functionality
16:50.01turtles1I have since made it a lot better and started adding in build order support as you can see here
16:50.15*** join/#sc2mapster Moorhsum (
16:50.25JademusSregHusky does not make efficient use of my time.
16:50.59turtles1skip tpo 1:54
16:51.06turtles1to 1:54*
16:51.30turtles1and keep in mind that it is a 2 year old video
16:51.39turtles1a lot has been improved since then
16:52.47JademusSregAn Achron approach would be even more badass, but still neat.
16:54.10JademusSregHm. I'd need to see the system to determine what may cause the issue.
16:56.27JademusSregI have a few suspicions, though.
16:59.01turtles1well, so do I
16:59.32turtles1there must be some bogus unit that I am saving/loading which is throwing everything off
16:59.56turtles1but I haven't yet figured out where
17:00.20turtles1cause I can never get it to happen by myself in a controlled environment
17:00.42turtles1all I have is some replays from multiplayer games
17:01.38turtles1and I know that for every time the bug happens and someone emails me their replay file, it happened 20 times where they didn't
17:02.06turtles1at least 20
17:03.22JademusSregIf you send me the code and custom data, I'll see if my suspicions are correct. Since I don't know anything about how your system operates, I have only my manifold speculation. =D
17:03.24*** join/#sc2mapster Thenarden (
17:05.00JademusSreg(Enumerating and explaining the possible problem sources would be more time and work than investigating myself, haha.)
17:07.02turtles1uhhhh that might take a while. My more recent code is well planned out. The code for the menu systems and the build orders is a thing of great beauty and clarity
17:07.21turtles1I wrote that backend save/load stuff before I knew how to do a lot of things in the editor
17:07.43turtles1and before I had any practical experience writting a large code base from scratch
17:08.11turtles1imagine the worst code you've ever seen from a hack university student with no idea what he's doing
17:08.17turtles1it's that kind of code
17:08.46turtles1I've learned since then, i promise. I'm writting better stuff now.
17:10.36JademusSregDid you compose it in GUI or galaxy script?
17:10.50turtles1(don't hurt me)
17:11.13turtles1didn't know you could import code at the time
17:11.20JademusSregGood. GUI-generated script is terrible, but it at least has the benefit of consistency, predictibility.
17:12.39JademusSregSend the entire mapscript.galaxy file via irc, irc query + dropbox link, attach it to a PM on mapster, whichever.
17:14.37turtles1I really appreciate you offering to help out here man. But I don't think spending an hour pouring over badly written computer generated code is anyones idea of a good time. But hey, your funeral...
17:16.34JademusSregWon't take an hour. =D
17:17.31JademusSregFirst I'll see how it works, then regex search for what I suspect could cause trouble.
17:17.33turtles1how do you get hold of the file?
17:18.37JademusSregSeveral ways. From inside the editor, Import module, Show Reserved Files, find MApSCript.galaxy in the root, extract/export file.
17:19.08*** join/#sc2mapster shintah (
17:19.40turtles1found it
17:19.47turtles1just as you said it
17:22.30turtles1hmmm extracting it isn't doing anything
17:22.53turtles1not creating a file, just hitting "ok" then nothing happens
17:24.39*** join/#sc2mapster Moorhsum^ (
17:25.46A1winmeh my dropbox is constantly uploading something but the files it's syncing never finish, they aren't even that big
17:26.38A1winstarted at 450 files or so, got stuck constantly but restarting updated the progress, and now it's stuck at "57 files remaining", my upstream is completely stuck, and nothing happens
17:26.56JademusSregturt, what does the direct file transfer say on your end?
17:27.12turtles1sending via IRC
17:27.57JademusSregPerhaps I need to configure something. One moment.
17:27.58turtles1using pidgin
17:27.58turtles1"waiting for transfer to begin"
17:28.09turtles1I'll try sending again? I think it times out
17:30.56turtles1too big for pastebin
17:31.23JademusSregThis is the script, right? Not trigger XML?
17:31.27turtles1actually I could chop it up
17:31.41turtles1it's 550 KB, max pastebin is 500KB
17:31.50JademusSregTry that.
17:31.57turtles1I'll just chop off something unimportant
17:32.36JademusSregComplete awareness is needed, otherwise something seemingly innocuous could be overlooked.
17:33.15turtles1problem is with "save" or "load" function
17:33.41turtles1and the subfunctions they call
17:33.53turtles1each is a massive blob of text
17:34.03turtles1Told you I used to write bad code
17:36.45JademusSregNeed symptoms.
17:36.52JademusSregIn what way does it break?
17:37.00turtles1player saves the game
17:37.12turtles1keeps playing... everythings good
17:37.32turtles1loads the game and some of the units are not doing what they previously were
17:37.46turtles1workers are on move commands to the middle of the map
17:37.55turtles1queens are running in circles
17:38.05turtles1ghost units are trying to snipe rocks
17:38.35turtles1units are going apeshit and not doing what they should be doing
17:38.46turtles1loading from a different save point still works fine
17:38.59turtles1but that save slot will be unrecoverable
17:39.43turtles1it has happened after 15 minutes of gameplay
17:40.06turtles1and it has happened after two and a half hours of constant saving/loading with no problem
17:40.30turtles1and other people report heavy usage but they have never encountered the problem before
17:41.08turtles1so I'm not even sure how common it is. Maybe it's rare but I only hear about it when it happens
17:41.38turtles1or maybe it is common for some people but other people are immune due to whatever reason
17:42.59turtles1Also in my defense, when I worte all that save/load stuff Blizzard banks had that absurdly tiny file size restriction
17:43.26turtles1and I tried every single dodgy trick I could to miniminze the footprint of the save state
17:43.35JademusSregHaha, swap players function.
17:45.20JademusSregMay not be important, just imagine it's something that could easy screw things up. Are the save/load slots player dependent or shared?
17:45.39turtles1shared pool of save/load slots
17:46.04turtles1player 3 can save the game, player 5 can load from that slot then player 2 can over write it
17:46.43turtles1yeah, thought about the possiblity of left over data from a previous save
17:47.03turtles1definitely a candidate for the problem
17:47.44JademusSregCan multiple people access the dialog to load?
17:49.21JademusSregWhat prevents it?
17:49.21turtles1all dialogs pause the gameplay
17:49.57turtles1all players can see the dialog but all the dialog items are disabled except for the player who initiated it
17:51.15turtles1and there is a critical section around the usage of dialog items
17:51.34turtles1so only one dialog item click is processed at once
17:52.15turtles1so it is not likely to be caused by them trying to hit the load button twice quickly and lag fucking things up
17:52.55turtles1Pretty cool that Blizzard included mutual exclussion primitives in the trigger editor
17:57.34JademusSregCurious. Do you store the unit's order queue?
17:58.32turtles1only the first order in the queue
17:58.50turtles1wait, i think?
17:59.08turtles1only the first order in the queue
17:59.32turtles1So far no one has complained about that limitation
17:59.37JademusSregAnd units are all removed and recreated without exception for each load?
17:59.40turtles1doubt anyone has really noticed
18:00.26turtles1I use an inbuilt function to remove units
18:00.44turtles1"remove (all) units in region (whole map)"
18:00.47JademusSregSo they are removed, never reused.
18:01.19JademusSregI refer to the unit instance, just want to be certain.
18:01.43turtles1I remove the units from game using the "remove units" function
18:01.59*** join/#sc2mapster Zolden (~a@
18:02.02turtles1and recreate them using the "create unit (zealot) at location (x,y)"
18:02.46turtles1then start to build on it from there setting it's orders, hitpoints, mana, cooldowns, etcetc from scratch to be a replica of the previous unit
18:03.03turtles1so it would have a different unit ID, yes
18:03.38kingTDZolden where did u masturbate so long?
18:04.13turtles1the save/load function IS the masturbation
18:04.39turtles1I jizzed on the keyboard and it landed on the keys which produced those functions
18:04.49turtles1that is why they are poorly written
18:05.33Kuekensounds like the way to go
18:05.35ZoldenkingTD I decided to not have chat open at day, to have less disturbance souces
18:05.46Zoldenand it worked
18:05.50Kuekenpenis-written script
18:06.02Zoldenwas concentrated as hitler was when planned his war plans
18:06.14Kuekenpenis - check. hitler - check
18:06.19Zoldenwe all are penis written
18:06.24Kuekendone for the day
18:06.31Zoldenhitler was penis written
18:08.10Dustin|WorkDo you have that Initial RTT model to display a camera on a billboard style setup?
18:08.20Dustin|WorkI seem to have misplaced my copy of the map
18:08.47ZoldenDustin|Work why don't I have attack abil in your smash tcv?
18:09.14Dustin|WorkWith your scientist?
18:09.33Dustin|WorkYou have to take him to the left beacons to upgrade him into a combat unit
18:09.55ZoldenDustin|Work u mean this?
18:10.16Dustin|Workthe one with the ingame model
18:10.29ZoldenDustin|Work I saw nothing, that would give me that idea
18:10.42Dustin|WorkI wanted to setup that model as a big screen ingame and have a bunch of civilians watching it
18:11.09Dustin|Workand have it show various cameras throughout the map
18:11.17Dustin|WorkJust for aesthetics
18:11.21Zoldendo you want the billboard to be static relaticvely to terrain or to player camera?
18:12.36Dustin|WorkStatic to terrain, was thinking about switching between them
18:12.45Dustin|WorkBased on whatever room the person is in
18:13.11Dustin|WorkIf that's even possible, but I figured if it was just an invisible unit I could move around, that'd work
18:16.41JademusSregI strongly suspect an asymmetry.
18:16.56Zoldenand where the camera will be?
18:17.05Zoldeni can make you the billboard
18:17.11Zoldenand the camera
18:17.33Dustin|WorkIs it possible to move the camera around Zolden?
18:17.34Zoldenjust tell me camera's height and angle
18:17.46Zoldencamera should be unit
18:17.48Zoldenso yes
18:17.52Dustin|Workkk one sec
18:19.06kingTDokay, 7-0 paladin
18:19.50Dustin|WorkSomething like this zolden,
18:21.19turtles1JademusSreg, was that message for me?
18:21.58turtles1what do you mean by that?
18:22.36turtles1obviously when the bug occurs what gets loaded is no longer a good representation of what was saved
18:22.49turtles1but you mean you don't think it is a corruption issue?
18:23.18ZoldenDustin|Work those angles look like a shit
18:23.52Dustin|WorkWell the walls are not that high
18:24.00Dustin|WorkIt's supposed to look like a camera on the wall
18:25.46Zoldenok, i'll use 82'
18:26.12Zolden27' of field of vie will see nothing
18:26.24Dustin|Workkk :D
18:26.34Zoldenhow about 70?
18:28.04Dustin|WorkWhatever you think looks best
18:30.11JademusSregturt, since many slot references are literals, for example, gf_save(0) or gf_load(5), the potential for mismatch is there.
18:30.32ZoldenDustin|Work remember: aspect ratio should be 1.333
18:30.50*** join/#sc2mapster mille25 (5de6f9ae@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
18:31.02Dustin|WorkOn the camera?
18:31.07Dustin|Worksup mille
18:31.08JademusSregIf a function called on and then the other with different arguments, it could save/load undesirably.
18:31.12JademusSregHi thar mille.
18:31.55ZoldenDustin|Work the action that sets rtt channel for a camera has aspect ratio parameter
18:32.39Dustin|Workahh gotcha
18:32.57Dustin|WorkIm gonna finish up this balance bass through then work on setting up the billboard cam
18:33.48JademusSregturt, alsohe possibility of overflow. While arrays are strinctly bounded and would throw an error, iteration could "overflow" if the increment variable is initialized to an unexpected value.
18:35.22mille25Man  I hope Blizzard fixes the trigger debug window in multiplayer soon... Got some very rare and hard to find bugs which are almost impossible to find without some sort of debugging. :(
18:36.54mille25Is anybody else experiencing the issue that it just doesnt display trigger errors in multiplayer, even though they are turned on?
18:38.11JademusSregOuch, moving the irc client to this monitor somehow impacted my spelling.
18:38.53kingTD9 - 0 paladin
18:39.12mille25Talking of monitors... since i got my new graphics card i cant plugin mz old VGA monitor any longer because it uses DVI-D which doesnt support analog output unless you buy an adapter for fucking $35 ...
18:39.48mille25There are soo many display output formats, its confusing as hell. :D
18:39.59turtles1JademusSreg thanks for taking a look. the save/load stuff is pretty hairy. take a look at the build order stuff or the menu system if you want to see something that was actually planned out and better written.
18:40.04kingTDsome olds cards like from 2006 would supply even 2 addaptors
18:40.26turtles1I need to go to bed. happy to talk about it later if you like :)
18:40.35turtles1in the mean time you deserve this
18:40.40JademusSregturt, yeah, unfortunately, my suspicions weren't confirmed.
18:42.39mille25kingTD: I even have an adaptor, but even though it physically fits it doesnt work, because it turns out that you need an ACTIVE adaptor :(
18:43.03Dustin|Workmille, i had a similiar problem
18:43.12Dustin|WorkBought a passive adapter first on accident, was sad
18:45.09turtles1night peeps :)
18:45.11*** part/#sc2mapster turtles1 (
18:52.01ZoldenkingTD it's becaseu beta is open and noobs filled the searver
18:56.37kingTDor the player, people base is noobs in general
19:03.04*** join/#sc2mapster Kueken1 (
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19:13.42GoaZolden Colossus upgrade still says its 7 range when its 5
19:19.53Zoldenwill fox
19:20.37Zoldenwall fox
19:24.04Goait seems like I lost all my bookmarks on EU
19:24.36Goaor at least I have no access to it
19:25.03kingTD11 - 2, do i will be able to get that dream?
19:25.25kingTDmore like loading times is shits
19:26.18ZoldenGoa eu server acts alike shit again, maybe temporal problem
19:26.29Goahow the fuck you make that high kingTD again
19:26.40kingTDpaladins op :D
19:26.56Goawhat cards you have mostly?
19:27.06Goathat stupid weapon?
19:27.27Goaand that 5-6
19:27.34kingTD2 weapons, and quite late game stuff
19:27.42kingTDonly silver stuff
19:28.45Dustin|WorkZolden, I set my units model to dustin_camera.m3 right?
19:29.32Dustin|Workthought so, thanks
19:34.11kingTDwtf this druid... 2 8x8 taunts. 3 x5 dmg + draw card
19:34.56kingTDand 9 cards in his hand while im with 2
19:35.43JademusSregOh, niiice. Simple test yielded useful results.
19:37.50JademusSregFirst to figure out what it's doing gets Bonus Points.
19:41.35JademusSregIt's a very useful feature, unfortunate GUI users don't have access.
19:41.56kingTDffs all the fatest cards :/
19:43.05kingTD435 g
19:43.08kingTD11 - 3
19:44.18ZoldenJademusSreg waht's new in usiong arrayref as function parameter? wasn't it always a well known feature?
19:44.36JademusSregZol, that's only half of what it's doing.
19:44.55Zoldenwhat is the other half?
19:46.25JademusSregWouldn't be worth bonus points if I told you. =D
19:46.45Zoldenis it something i don't see in your code or it's not shown there?
19:47.31JademusSregOf course not. Notice there are two? Recall galaxy doesn't permit forward declaration.
19:48.53JademusSreg(Which means the function order of execution starts with DoubleFuckShit.)
19:51.21Zoldenand how to interpret this information?
19:52.04*** join/#sc2mapster pirate (4b77fc7e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
19:52.51kingTDZolden so, models? mb Max files even if u create them?
19:53.09Dustin|WorkIs this thing supoposed to follow my camera around like a scprite? the billboard model?
19:53.50kingTDcan build the models without the textures if i will really require it, since there are wow models textures pack saved to search for
19:54.31JademusSregHah, fine, I'll explain the paste.
19:56.18ZoldenDustin|Work you said you wanted it be relative to the ground... maybe you meant the camera?
19:56.27JademusSregtypedef int[4][4] doublefuck and int[4] fuck. DoubleFuckShit takes a doublefuck arrayref, FuckPoo takes a fuck arrayref. Ah, but see where DoubleFuckShit calls FuckPoo?
19:57.12ZoldenDustin|Work first link I gave contains map link that has the model that will make picture from camera follow the player camera
19:57.19ZoldenkingTD ok
19:57.39Zoldenjust in some time, i made some organic matter to consume
19:58.23Dustin|WorkI need it like a Telivison
19:58.36Dustin|WorkWhere if I move the camera, the screen doesnt rotate to follow
19:58.40JademusSregHm, that looks odd, doesn't it? DoubleFuckShit's arrayref parameter argument has two dimensions, yes when it calls FuckPoo it's only using 1 dimension.
19:59.04Dustin|WorkI mean this could work, it's just a littllittle weird the way it is
19:59.06JademusSregFairly obvious what it's doing.
19:59.16kingTDwell still havent made entrys to fill them with models.. still planing stage with the units, structures
20:00.07ZoldenJademusSreg ok, but still all looks ok for me
20:00.14Dustin|WorkActually Zolden
20:00.18Dustin|Workthese will work
20:00.23Zoldeneach call happens after the stuff the call using is declared
20:01.34JademusSregIt demonstrates multidimensional arrays can be unpacked into individual references. =D
20:01.47Zoldenyea, why is it strange?
20:02.19Zoldenwell, i see a point from which it's strange, but it wasn't for me, because after you revealed arrayref and funcref, i think that galaxy is ok
20:03.36JademusSregHaha, not strange. Unexpectedly pleasant that arrays can be taken apart and used in such a way.
20:13.58Goayay EU Aracde now totally unusable again
20:27.25GoaHS too
20:27.40A1winHS was fine, just problems with login server
20:28.26Goacant start it
20:28.29Goaso I am fucked
20:28.39*** join/#sc2mapster Bounty (45f8f26f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
20:28.43A1win8-3 paladin with 1/3 of cards 4 cost
20:29.26Goa5th time managed to log in
20:29.36Goaseems like open beta is going welll
20:29.54A1winI should implement area capture
20:30.08A1win*works hard on twisting that "should" into a "will"*
20:30.36Goawarrior, hunter, rogue, which should I choose?
20:30.54A1winwarrior or rogue probably
20:31.04A1winlow chance to draw good beasts for hunter
20:31.36Goafucking hunters always own me in arena
20:31.54Goalike all the cards they draw is beast
20:31.58A1winyou're thinking of it the wrong way again ;>
20:32.13A1winthe hunters who *happen* to get good cards own you on arena
20:32.24Goafuck em
20:32.55A1windoge unleash
20:34.02Goamountain giant or molten giant, hmm and I have no card draw cards yet
20:34.12Goawarrior 5th card
20:34.24A1wingo go one-shot deck
20:34.29Goaor blood kinght
20:34.30A1winoh right it doesn't work anymore
20:34.39A1winblood knight can be good
20:34.46Goaor useless
20:35.04A1winso can the giants if you never get to play them
20:35.08kingTDname says nothing to me :s
20:35.18GoaI go for molten
20:35.22A1winblood knight is the epic 3/3 that eats bubbles for +3/+3
20:36.06kingTDohhh, that may sometimes work in constructed more tahn in arena imo
20:36.19A1winit's nice with argent squire too :P
20:36.41A1winfirst turn squire, 2nd turn blood knight with coin
20:38.03Goapff I am drawing so bad cards
20:39.04kingTDur so badddd
20:41.48A1winmurloc <.<
20:42.53A1winwoo I opened the editor
20:43.07Goabad ass
20:43.35Bountycongrats A1win
20:44.23Ahlifinished nap... now it's 10pm
20:45.50A1winanyone know how to create a range actor without using a unit? last time I spent quite some time trying to figure it out but didn't
20:45.58A1winended up using a dummy unit
20:46.23GoaI use dummy units too if I am right
20:52.55KenoliAhli, I made a vision thing that performs pretty well
20:58.01*** join/#sc2mapster maltenp (
20:59.56Ahlikenoli that allows you to look around edges :D
21:00.14KenoliThat's kind of the idea
21:01.29BountyAm I the only one that would be horrible in the "Dev Jam Session" part of winning first place
21:05.29KenoliIs there a way to get a pathfinding value that isn't an integer?
21:05.56KenoliThat would probably make it much more accurate
21:10.06Ahlino :D
21:13.17Bommesthat dev jam session sounds like the best reward of all of that
21:13.28Bommestoo bad it's just for the winner and not all of top 3
21:14.39KenoliI wonder why that function is like that
21:16.15GoaBommes I want my dev jam session here on irc with all the trolls:)
21:16.24A1wingah I have no idea how to show capture zone team influence on the UI
21:17.15A1winif it's just one zone, it could be shown at a fixed spot on UI... though I'll probably have to show it for all zones at a fixed spot anyway, but also need to display it in the world somehow
21:17.36A1winso that players can instantly see they are making progress for that particular capture zone
21:19.14A1winmaybe I could just put it in the middle of the zone as a UI frame anchored to the dummy unit :E
21:19.27ZoldenkingTD lol, wtf is that
21:19.28A1winthough it'd have to be transparent...
21:20.17A1winhnn hnn hnn
21:21.59A1winhmm could do it with additive blend mode
21:22.52A1windecals would probably look nicer
21:22.58A1winhow difficult it is to make those?
21:24.43A1winerr... except they'd disappear inside planets if they were at 0z
21:24.49Ahlikenoli, I've put your code into my map and it results in revealing a lot :D
21:25.01BountyI dont know Bommes, what the hell do you even talk about?
21:25.07BountyMaybe its just me
21:25.12BountyLike do you just ask them questions?
21:25.23BountyOr will they be asking you stuff
21:25.29KenoliA good lot?
21:25.52Ahliit is always showing everything of the next room if you are just anywhere near the entrance...
21:26.27A1winBounty, could be interesting either way, or even if they'd just talk with each other, like a brainstorming session or whatever
21:26.30kingTDZolden ur russian friend cant wait for u to fix ur Homm map so he started making hes own shit
21:26.58BountyThat sounds more like a NSA simulation A1win
21:27.02BountyJust listening to them talk
21:27.20ZoldenkingTD finally
21:27.31A1winI meant even if you wouldn't have anything to say, it could still be interesting
21:27.39BountyIf I win I'll most likely just get a list of questions from you guys
21:27.53BountyAssuming I can share their answers
21:28.14A1winyeah start planning that instead of your map ;>
21:28.33BountyMy map is already planned out lol
21:28.35Bountythe first one at least
21:29.20BountyI have not had any liquid brainstorming sessions regarding the other two yet
21:29.42Ahliliquid meaning alcohol?
21:30.16BountyHello Ahli, nice to meet you, my name is Bounty
21:30.26A1winasdf why am I focusing on UI again, haven't even implemented the mechanics yet
21:30.55BountyEasy fix A1win
21:31.02BountyStop working on the damn UI
21:31.09Bountyand work on the mechanics
21:31.21A1winnoo... that can't be right
21:31.48BountyI can see how it may not sound like the best option in theory, but trust me
21:31.52Ahliworking on gameplay? madness
21:32.13BountyThat sounds like a lot of people in the contest thread Ahli
21:32.28Bounty"Our games will be judged on fun and gameplay? WTF!"
21:33.34JademusSregHow dare they judge our ideas on the basis of their implementation instead of how good and special they make us feel>
21:34.50BountyIf fun was not a factor then we would just end up with the most polished turd
21:35.17BountyWhich may still happen because of the community vote lol
21:35.19Bommeseveryone gets a participation trophy and then we just shoot up a lottery to determine who wins
21:35.35Bommessounds solid
21:35.47BountyThat is pretty much what the community vote is
21:36.11Bommesbtw Bounty do you already have information on submitting multiple maps?
21:36.15Bommessince you talk about that in the thread
21:36.22BountyHe has not responded yet
21:36.36BountyWhich is why I am focusing on the game I think will be the standout first
21:36.58BountyI mean technically, it is the standout game because I have no concepts for the other two yet
21:36.59Bommeswhy not work on that for the full 3 months?
21:37.01Bountybut w/e
21:37.09BountyBecause I don't think it will take 3 months
21:37.11Bommessince I mean in the end that polish could determine whether you make it top 3 or not
21:37.20Bommesonly top 5 is community vote
21:37.21BountyEven going all out polish and features
21:37.26BountyShould not take 3 months
21:37.31Bountyfor me at least
21:37.44Bommesand after that is blizzard where you probably need a lot of polish to make them happy
21:37.53BountyOf course, I'm not going to stop developing a game just to move on to the next if it is not done
21:37.59BountyNot when there is money on the line at least
21:38.30BountyBlizzard loves all of my games already though, and they only took a few weeks
21:39.32BountyThey just don't like the whole "copyrighted music" thing
21:41.41*** join/#sc2mapster DeadZergling (836bc076@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
21:41.59DeadZerglinghaving fun on the boards I see Bounty
21:42.09*** join/#sc2mapster ArcanePariah (
21:42.15BountyJust replying to a question someone asked from everyone
21:42.34JademusSregStep 1: Binge on all the independent music you can find. Step 2: Finds songs among these that are appropriate. Step 3: Contact the musicians, get permission to use them in a map.
21:43.01DeadZerglingI spent the weekend playing way too much Smash TV
21:43.10BountyStep 3 is easier than that JademusSreg
21:43.28BountyMost royalty free artists only want credit
21:43.33BountyWhich is what I will be using
21:43.34DeadZerglingBounty, you have dealt with this issue a lot, how bad would it be to straight take all the music/SFX from Smash TV? lol
21:44.01BountyIf it slips by Blizzard and you get into the contest
21:44.09Bountyand the copyright owner finds out
21:44.16BountyYou are liable, its in the contest rules
21:44.39DeadZerglingbummer, as I found out the sound/music menu code
21:44.40BountyNot worth the risk when you're actually liable
21:44.54DeadZerglingcan play the music/sfx at a wh im, lol
21:44.57Bommesyou aren't liable for maps outside the contest?
21:45.13BountyOutside the contest it will just be removed
21:45.21Ahliblizzard owns those maps^^
21:45.22BountyBut, there is money involved in this so....
21:45.41BountyYou would be profiting off of their copyrighted material
21:45.45BountyBeen saying this forever lol
21:45.46Bommesyeah but from what i've heard maps entered into the contest belong to blizzard even more
21:45.53Bommesthat's what confused me a bit
21:46.03Bommeshmm yeah
21:46.07BountyYeah but you are liable for the contents
21:46.08Bommesmakes sense I guess
21:46.10BountyWhich you always are
21:46.17Bountyprofit is involved now so..
21:46.24BountyThat will get them even more mad lol
21:46.26Bommesyeah so technically you are liable for generic custom maps
21:46.28A1winhow are you even discussing this
21:46.28Bommesbut no ones cares
21:46.30Ahliit's just the special deal with Blizz,. Make them a game, if it would cost them money, you pay it... perfect deal, blizz ;D
21:46.49BountyOf course not Bommes
21:47.07Bountywhen you're not profiting
21:47.11Bountythey usually don't care
21:47.18Bommesyeah but that's what I mean
21:47.20DeadZerglingwas just curious
21:47.30DeadZerglingThanks Bounty :)
21:47.36BountyBlizzard will NOT feature a map with copyrighted music
21:47.39KenoliTheir contest rules call for you to assign them any and all right, title and interest in submitted works
21:47.53BountyLike 3-4 of my games were to be featured if I would have removed the music
21:48.11KenoliOf course you have to own those in order to be able to do that
21:48.31A1winthe contest rules also specifically mention copyright stuff
21:48.43BountyYeah, I said that A1win
21:48.49A1winbut that's obvious anyway since it's the law
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21:49.03Bommesdo they check for 3dsmax watermarks in 3d models?
21:49.26Ahliyou are talking about blizzard
21:49.31Ahliobviously not
21:49.40A1winwhat kind of watermark does it leave?
21:50.11Bommesnothing visible from the outside, it's just an internal watermark for using the student version I think
21:50.23Bommeswhich really anyone cna just download from their website
21:50.33Bommesso I don't even think it's a student version really
21:51.57A1winerr... the models are .m3 anyway, do those too get the watermark then? :P
21:52.15Bommessure, I'd imagine
21:52.39Ahlithere are no official tools to re-import m3 into 3dsmax
21:52.58Bommesotherwise Autodesk has a pretty shitty watermark when you can just circumvent it like that
21:53.34BountyI'll be going the WoW model route
21:54.53DeadZerglingdamned Smash TV, every time I make a wrong move, I can hear the crowd as if I just died in that game again
21:55.32JademusSregHaha, another amusing discovery, fuck yes.
21:55.40JademusSregAlso useful.
21:56.19JademusSregI'd screenshot it, but it wouldn't be an improvement over text.
21:56.40JademusSregSo instead: int[2][2][2][2][2]
21:56.42BountyIs it one of your "script" discoveries or something visually iseful
21:57.13ArcanePariahSo... you can create 5 dimensional arrays
21:57.18ArcanePariahAlso, Yoink
21:57.29JademusSreg-I- can.
21:57.53JademusSregArc, you'll enjoy this.
21:58.06ArcanePariahSounds like some witchcraft at work here
21:58.06JademusSregOr rather, you would if you used script.
21:58.14ArcanePariahPfft, I will, eventually
21:58.47ArcanePariahThen again, already spend plenty of time in Java/XML/SQL stuff as is
21:58.47Kenoli5 dimensional arrays sure are
21:59.30BountyI don't see the use, then again I'm not making a physics engine lol
21:59.43DeadZerglingI dunno, have yet to go past 4 dimensionals myself in terms of actually needing them
22:00.07DeadZerglingbut given what a weirdo JademusSreg is, I'm sure he needs 8 dimensional stuff
22:00.44JademusSregThose two features together are useful.
22:01.14DeadZerglingJade has lots of fudge, apparently
22:01.17KenoliThere's something wrong with your brain
22:01.21ArcanePariahlol... so the gui only permits 4, but recursive typedefs.... lol
22:01.49DeadZerglingtypedef, that is just a record in gui terms right?
22:02.12ArcanePariahit is not found in GUI at all, typedef is a compile time alias
22:02.21*** join/#sc2mapster sandyravage (d8940048@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
22:02.23JademusSregLove to break shit, moreso if it yields utility.
22:02.33ArcanePariahand a lot of shit
22:02.42DeadZerglingyea, Jade gonna be having chocolate dreams tonight
22:03.09JademusSregAnyway, that should make working with matrices and other such easier for my physics system.
22:03.23JademusSregAlso, gonna post the paste for the forums.
22:03.43ArcanePariahWhat is the result if you directly create a 5 or higher dimension array?
22:03.51ArcanePariahCompile error?
22:03.58Dustin|WorkZolden, is there a way I can increae the Farclip on that model cam?
22:04.24BountyOmega Fudge would be a good name for a candy bar
22:04.31JademusSregHm, nope, script allowed me 5 dimensions.
22:04.32sandyravageI see that an arm magzine ability doesn't incorporate a command card, is there an intended way to use it with another ability? I may just be thinking about it wrong
22:04.52JademusSregint[2][2][2][2][2][2][2][2][2][2] compiles
22:05.33ArcanePariahsandyravage, clarify?
22:06.37ArcanePariahCommand card is purely on a unit.
22:07.02sandyravageuhh I ment
22:07.02JademusSregNo compile error for 32 dimensions.
22:07.08sandyravageAbility: Commands+
22:07.59ArcanePariahfor Arm Magazine and other abilites like it, each index in the Info field is the equilvalent, where you define the default button, command flags, among others
22:08.29ArcanePariahThis allows 1 ability slot be taken for a host of related abilites
22:08.35ArcanePariahUnits are limited to 32 abilites
22:09.27DeadZerglingno compile error is good, but the real question is
22:09.31ArcanePariahA major example of this is the Specialize ability. It is effectively an array of effect - instant abilites. However it will only take 1 slot, but can not be leveled
22:09.35DeadZerglingwhat does battlenet think of your sorcery?
22:09.42sandyravagehmm so I'd essentially have 2 abilities, and my summon ability that contains the issue order, would be placed in the Ability:Info+
22:09.50sandyravageof the magazine ability
22:10.18ArcanePariahEach info index is effectively a separate ability
22:10.26sandyravageAh ok
22:10.31ArcanePariahA better example to study would be Train abilites
22:10.49ArcanePariahYou will see there is only 1 train ability per structure, that trains ALL the units, like for Barracks
22:11.13Dustin|WorkWoot, new smash tv version uploaded
22:13.04ArcanePariahJademusSreg, which abilites are like that by the way? I know Arm Magazine, Build, Train, Specialize are, any others?
22:13.08BountyThat is the calm before the storm Dustin
22:13.14BountyThat is a scout
22:13.18BountyMore will follow
22:13.30JademusSreg(That 32-dimensional 2-length array would attempt to allocate 16GiB of memory.)
22:13.37JademusSregQueuable class.
22:13.41Dustin|WorkWhat is Bounty?
22:13.51ArcanePariahYeah, and also Learn, Research
22:14.02Bountya new smash tv being uploaded
22:14.08BountyFirst of many
22:14.27Dustin|WorkBut mine is awesome so far
22:14.32Dustin|WorkI have TV's in it and shit
22:14.57ArcanePariahSmash TV, with MORE BLING!
22:15.13Dustin|Workbling bling!
22:15.41DeadZerglingthose are good, but in a game of life and death, what prizes you really need are:
22:15.46DeadZerglingA Brand New Toaster
22:15.52DeadZerglingand a Fabulous Riding Mower
22:16.35sandyravageOh I wouldn't need an issue order effect, I'd need a use magazine instead, yeah?
22:16.57ArcanePariahNo, just arming the magazine will create a unit
22:17.25BommesJademusSreg: I think you should stop writing your own vector and matrix functionalities and stuff
22:17.29BommesI think you are losing your sanity
22:17.43JademusSregHow so?
22:18.02Bommeswasting time to find out how many dimensions arrays support
22:18.18JademusSregDoesn't matter.
22:18.19ZoldenDustin|Work yea, by telling my how far you want it
22:18.19Bommesafter the 3rd dimension there's literally no use for any of that
22:18.58BountySo, apparently Stephen Hawking proposed that Black Holes do not exist lol
22:19.07BountyRandom I know, thought I would share
22:19.12Bommesand if it's not literally then I will write it down so it becomes literal
22:19.34JademusSregSure. Except for what calculating interactions between 3-dimensional objects.
22:20.33*** part/#sc2mapster Goa (
22:20.43DeadZerglingyou do the standard 5 stages like the old school Smash TV Dustin|Work ?
22:25.01Ahlihttp:// flappy bird mmo
22:27.32Ahlihighest score 4... f*ck it
22:29.29DeadZerglingit is like silver surfer, with extra gay controls
22:29.42dooplecaneJademusSreg, I've been banned from a channel again
22:29.42dooplecaneeveryone hates me. =(
22:30.26Ahlithat guy again
22:32.35dooplecaneAhli, I wish everyone didn't hat eme.
22:33.35DeadZerglingeveryone wishes you weren't such an attention whore too, but that isn't happening either, so is tough for everybody
22:36.36sandyravageSo do I still need the create unit, or is the arm magazine already going to do that?
22:38.24ArcanePariaharm magazine will do it
22:45.16BountyIs there a way to make an edit box only accept numbers?
22:45.38DeadZerglingseems I broke flappy bird on my comp, won't load any more
22:46.24ArcanePariahDirectly? No. Indirectly? Yes
22:46.33Ahliit has all of your credit card information now, no need to allow you to load it again
22:47.50DeadZerglingyea yea yea
22:49.02DeadZerglinghas no issue loading the silly flight of the valkyries though
22:49.38BountyCan I return a number value entered in a chat box as a real?
22:49.44Bountynot chat box
22:49.45Bountyedit box
22:49.48*** join/#sc2mapster Zandose (
22:50.43ArcanePariahWell, what you can do is have a trigger that runs evertime a edit box is edited and do input validation. If it is wrong, set the edit box to blank
22:50.44JademusSregWith a conversion function, sure.
22:52.30BountyVariable - Set Test = (Integer((Edit value of UI Variables.PlayerID for 1)))
22:52.32BountySo something like that?
22:53.23A1winurgh, somehow I can't figure out this capture zone algorithm, usually that's the easy part
22:53.34ArcanePariahBounty, sure
22:53.44Bountydoes not work
22:53.48Bountyreturns as 0
22:54.21mille25As far as I remember, conversion functions return 0 if the value could not be converted, or if the input was actually 0.
22:54.37mille25Check the trigger debug window for script errors.
22:54.53Ahlialways use debugger, enjoy
22:55.08Zandosewith model variations does -1 or 0 means random variation?
22:55.21Zandose^debugger lol
22:55.42mille25Zandose: -1
22:56.01Zandosek. cant seem to use -1 for trigger model swap
22:56.19mille25Hm no idea, i always use 0 but we dont have model variations anyways.
22:56.55Zandoseguess i need to rewrite some code
22:56.55mille25What the actual fuck is wrong with mapster... Server seems to take a crap.
22:57.50BountyI don't see how you can convert a string to an integer though lol
22:57.58BountyJust did it and I entered 1 and it returned 0
22:58.21mille25It should work, Bounty. I use it quite frequently.
22:58.33mille25The String needs to be a valid integer number though.
22:58.46BountyIts an edit box
22:59.38mille25JademusSreg: Poor MasterWrath is confused now because you forgot to rename the function call. :D
23:00.48BountyI was using the wrong variable
23:00.56BountyLook away!
23:05.11JademusSregI fixed it, but the site is spectacularly succeeding at failing to update it.
23:05.23mille25Mapster seems to have server problems right now.
23:06.17JademusSregAnyway, workaround fix.
23:08.33JademusSregmille, I expect you grasp the utility of unpacking arrays?
23:12.03mille25Are you talking about your FuckPoo shit?
23:15.35JademusSregPaste 9322.
23:17.15Fate_hey guys i have some strange bug with one of ghostnovas models: it turns darker or lighter depending on the absolute angel of the unit in the map
23:18.08JademusSregLrn to use dropbox public links.
23:19.23BountyBlizzard responded
23:19.31BountyHe suggested I stick to one game to play it safe
23:19.34mille25JademusSreg: So whats the practical usage of that? Passing vector arrays or smth? :D
23:23.00Ahlifate_ I would just ask ghostnova about that. I think corbo had the same problem in his wall models, too. Something had to be rotated before calculating some stuff, I believe
23:24.26Fate_well i posted this here some time ago: but he did not react to it.
23:25.08Ahlipm him, he answers fairly quick
23:25.21Fate_okey letzs see
23:29.56JademusSregC'mon mille. =D
23:31.15mille25Enlighten me :D
23:31.43BountyLooks like its all out on Photon Skis JademusSreg
23:32.01BountyBlizz might forbid multiple entries lol
23:32.06Bountyin the future
23:32.25mille25Oh did you plan to submit multiple projects, Bounty ?
23:32.42BountySo, gonna have to play it safe
23:32.55Bountyand go with a game that people have heard the name before
23:33.22*** join/#sc2mapster Repo (~repo@
23:33.25Bounty3 months on a Bounty game....
23:33.35BountyI expect nothing less than AAA quality
23:34.15mille25I hope so!
23:34.47JademusSregFor one thing, promotes more functional programming, passing what the function uses to it. For my purposes specifically, may be quite useful for Matrix.
23:35.35mille25You mean for passing specific rows/cols of the matrix?
23:36.21mille25Why cant they just give us void* >:D
23:37.23mille25It really frustrated me that i had to implement sorting algorythms multiple times and i couldnt find a way to make it more elegant without sacrificing too much performance.
23:37.47mille25There are points in development where the limits of Galaxy really shine through
23:39.32JademusSregHelps when not limited to GUI. </playfulantagonism>
23:39.41mille25Heh. :D
23:40.12JademusSregAnd I'm quite surprised the script allows arbitrary dimensions.
23:40.22mille25Talking about GUI.
23:40.46mille25Yesterday i found out that its pretty problematic to change a library ID of a library which already gets used by several maps.
23:41.20mille25I guess the only way to make it work is via manual editing of the .xml and .galaxy file of the map, before opening it with the editor.
23:41.30ArcanePariahIt is how the map does function definitions, they are stored in XML and the root node is the library ID
23:41.44ArcanePariahAnd the external maps reference by that id
23:41.53mille25Its pretty risky to edit this stuff though, not sure yet if i want to do it.
23:42.10JademusSregBackups. =D
23:42.11mille25Wanted to change SCUs mod lib id from hexadezimal to "libSCUE"
23:42.26ArcanePariahWell, it works as long as you understand what I said above, you should be fine
23:42.29mille25Right now the entire code is cluttered with "lib564sd6f5sd" shit.
23:42.46mille25Yeah, might attempt it tomorrow.
23:42.52ArcanePariahWell yeah, because by being hex, it assures all identifieds are 4 bytes in size
23:43.17ArcanePariahEffectively creates a ceiling. Also, it is possible those are used as memory references?
23:43.29ArcanePariahWouldn't suprise me
23:44.41mille25Uh what? As far as I know the default lib ID is a random hex number to minimize the chance of equal IDs from multiple external libs.
23:44.49mille25You can also change it to 4 char plain text.
23:45.45Ahlimille25, do you use cutscene stuff in SCU?
23:46.07ArcanePariahYes, but I doubt it is coincendence that all the ID's in the trigger definition XML are 4 bytes in size
23:46.10mille25Ryan is responsible for cutscenes, but I think he creates them the traditional way using triggers.
23:46.38Ahlioh ok, because I've a problem with rotating cutscenes
23:47.28mille25Ah sorry, no experience with that Ahli.
23:47.29Ahlimy diablo falls over to the north every time instead of on his back =/
23:47.53ArcanePariahmille, all you reall need to do is take each codebase that uses ad libary and do a search/replace on the triggers file, you will have to export and reimport probably
23:48.07Ahliif that would rotate properly, cutscenes would be powerful to make special actor stuff
23:48.07ArcanePariahusing an MPQ editor
23:48.15mille25Yeah, that was my plan ArcanePariah.
23:48.51mille25Not sure if im gonna go through the pain though... Would have to reupload Chronicles of Fate then, too.
23:49.00BountyI just thought of something that would make me laugh if it happened
23:49.10BountyWhat if both Jade and I lost the community vote >.<
23:49.25BountyPhoton Discs and Photon Cycles eliminated :(
23:49.31ArcanePariahFunny enough, I've been having to do more raw XML stuff and I sometimes wonder if Blizzard made the mistake of using XML instead of some other data storage format. XML is nice and all, but it does feel like it is overkill in some places
23:49.35BountyPhoton Pwned
23:49.50Ahlijust buy votes or whatever
23:50.08BountyYou know what sucks about that Ahli?
23:50.12BountyYou can do that :(
23:50.13ArcanePariahlike every comment translates into 5 lines of XML
23:50.27mille25The contest might get very frustrating. As far as I know Blizzard will choose 5 maps to vote on using their criteria, but if you are not amongst the lucky ones you will probably never know why. :D
23:50.50ArcanePariahWell, would be nice if Blizzard gave explainations and feedback
23:50.57ArcanePariahThat would probably help a bit
23:51.07BountyBlizzard will choose the first pool that the community votes. After that the top 5 go to Blizzard and they select the top 3
23:51.08mille25In general i like that they went for XML, but for triggers it might be slightly overkill, yes.
23:51.22BountyI think choosing the top 3 out of the top 5 will be easy
23:51.22Ahliwhat bounty said
23:51.43BountyWe should have a friendly pool on the top 5
23:52.05BountyEveryone selects who they think will be the top 3
23:52.11BountyOnce the top 5 are known
23:52.22JademusSregNot concerned.
23:52.38BountyI'm saying, once the time comes... for fun
23:52.50BountyYou know fun?
23:53.13ArcanePariahAs a rule, I don't gamble
23:53.45ArcanePariahEspecially since most gambling is either A) Rigged or B) totally RNG
23:54.03BountyWe can bet bitcoins, they will probably be worthless by the time the final 5 are chosen
23:54.05ArcanePariahPoker and Blackjack being exceptions
23:54.12mille25Subsequent votes in excess of stated maximum per voting day by a single Site visitor may be disqualified. The use of any automated launching or entry software or any other mechanical or electronic means that permits visitors to vote repeatedly is prohibited.
23:54.14mille25... =D
23:54.32ArcanePariahAka, don't bot, don't ddos :D
23:54.34BountyIs SCU being entered mille? :)
23:54.54mille25We will try to get something ready for the contest, Bounty.
23:55.18mille25But 4 months is kinda short for SCU terms D:
23:57.00BountyThe only thing I want to know is what the pool size for the community vote will be
23:57.03Bounty10? etc
23:57.07ArcanePariahTo be honest, I wish Blizzard does this as a regular thing, and permit teams to do long term projects
23:57.33BountyCould make a living if they did this often enough :)
23:57.39Bountyand you were me
23:58.23ArcanePariahYeah, the key thing they need to do is simply exclude winning maps from subsequent contests, and it should be golden
23:58.42BountyThat and maps created before the start date

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