IRC log for #sc2mapster on 20131021

00:08.22*** join/#sc2mapster proprietarysucks (proprietar@
00:18.16*** join/#sc2mapster Triceron (
02:40.14*** join/#sc2mapster Thels (
05:09.08MoonEaterDID JADE JUST QUIT?!?
05:09.13MoonEaterwe r all doomed
05:09.17MoonEaterPANNIC NOA!
05:18.35*** join/#sc2mapster kingTD (4e3c1a28@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
05:44.51*** join/#sc2mapster Dzuke911 (86115533@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
05:47.27MoonEaterSince everyone is afk I HEREBY DEAM MYSELF KING OF AFKERS
05:50.39*** join/#sc2mapster Ownage (proprietar@
05:50.56Ownageanyone have that link that was posted about "sections"?
05:51.57MoonEaterif i remember its a new tutorial
05:58.34Ownagewhen you use built in functions throughout a trigger, is the game smart enough to cache the answer or does it run it each time
05:58.49Ownagewell maybe not smart enough but the question is, does it
05:59.00Ownagefor example (unit type of unit(triggering unit))
05:59.18Ownageif I use that 40 times in a trigger is that 'slower' than setting it to a variable at top and using that variable?
05:59.40Ownagein other words is it checking the unit type each time
06:00.05MoonEaterwhat ur asking Ownage
06:00.08MoonEateris variable scope
06:00.35MoonEaterya still variable scope kinda
06:00.37OwnageI'm saying does it literally check the unit type each time
06:01.04MoonEateri think it does if i remember correctly but using triggering unit in a fuction is bad coding
06:01.04Ownageor does it 'know' after the first time it checks what it is and not bother checking for the rest of the time
06:01.13MoonEateryou should set a fuction parameter
06:01.18MoonEaterthat recieves a unit
06:01.45MoonEateri not 100% sure but i do belive it takes variables from the parrent
06:02.00MoonEaterthe think is you limit the functionality
06:02.02OwnageI'm talking about a trigger with no parent
06:02.15Ownagewhen I say function I'm talking about the function 'unit type of unit'
06:02.16MoonEateri thought we talking about functions?
06:02.20Ownagethat is a function
06:02.25Ownagea built in function
06:02.42MoonEaterim abit confused
06:02.56MoonEaterwhats the event?
06:03.08MoonEaterWhats the function call
06:03.11*** join/#sc2mapster Bibendus (
06:03.23Ownageversion 1: new trigger: x = unit type of unit(triggering unit). print x. do something with x
06:03.51Ownageversion 2: new trigger: print (unit type of unit(triggering unit)). do something with (unit type of unit(triggering unit))
06:04.04MoonEaterthat works
06:04.05Ownageis version 2 technically 'slower' than version 1
06:04.10Ownagethat is the question ^
06:04.42OwnageI've always worked off that assumption but using those handy triggering suchandsuch is so much faster
06:04.47Ownageto write
06:04.47MoonEaternot sure why does it matter the time saves is negligable
06:05.13OwnageI guess I'm anal
06:05.24MoonEatermore anal than me and thats hard
06:05.36MoonEaterrule of thumb is less lines faster processing
06:05.52MoonEaterversion 1 should be slower
06:05.56MoonEateris my guess
06:06.12MoonEaterbut its neglale
06:06.17MoonEaterbe worried about loops
06:06.38OwnageI'm super anal about proper continues, breaks and skip remaining actions :0
06:06.56MoonEaterive seen people like you
06:07.17MoonEaterthey also make thier funtions with only 1-2 return statements
06:07.21MoonEaterwhich drives me nuts
06:07.59Ownagea typical function for me is like this: x=True; if something whatever set x=False; return x
06:08.20MoonEatersuper proper programing says that if possible your functions should have only 1 return statement
06:08.30Ownageyeah I always do that haha
06:08.42MoonEaterya i just plop returns all over the damn place
06:08.56MoonEateronly when its convient i make a single
06:09.00Ownagewell to be fair, I used to do that but it always makes you specify one any way
06:09.24MoonEaterwell then you have to do boolens throughout your code
06:09.33MoonEaterand do skip checks on it
06:09.39MoonEaterwhen a return would have worked up top
06:15.42Ownageit's 2:15pm here so good afterboon
06:24.33Stewox8:24 am
06:26.09MoonEaterur in australian stewox?
06:26.50Stewoxgmt +1
06:26.54Stewoxcentral eu
06:27.07MoonEaterso why r u talking so much about the US gov?
06:27.50Stewoxbecause they are the last chance to defeat the new world order unless other parts of the world wake up
06:28.01Stewoxand 2nd amendment
06:28.17Stewoxmaybe switzerland also has a 2nd amendment
06:28.30Stewoxbut switzerland is not large enough to defend it self
06:29.00Stewoxrussia has ben anti-nwo continually in these times now
06:29.18Stewoxbut we don't know what kind of mafia logic and what they think in the background
06:29.41Stewoxso, it's good what russia does, but they aren't completely to be trusted
06:30.16Stewoxwhy did you ask me this you know im not supposed to talk about this in chat anymore
06:31.53Stewoxswitzerland is sorrounded by EU, unless germany, france, and italy get cleaned out, also switzerland has a lot of banksters
06:32.56MoonEaterwhats that company that owns all of the uk nukes
06:33.11MoonEaterand owns gmt
06:33.21Stewoxthe banksters are using US as a tool, and destroying it inside out
06:33.22MoonEaterand does prissons and airports...
06:34.00Stewoxwhen they destroy it's name and usefullnes of military power, they will just let it to implode and leave for china
06:34.32Stewoxwho owns GMT ?
06:35.20MoonEatersome company
06:35.24MoonEaterim trying to find the video
06:35.32Stewoxi don't understand what do you mean with gmt
06:35.43MoonEaterfoudn it
06:40.48*** join/#sc2mapster G0A (
06:43.58*** join/#sc2mapster AndChat|271284 (
06:44.38StewoxUK youth is also as disintegrating
06:44.55Stewoxdidn't heard about that company but i guess ...
06:45.43MoonEater|mobileHence the title of the video
06:46.42Stewoxone of those companies
06:47.14Stewoxbut the video is kind of sensationally made, kind of looks too good
06:48.10Stewoxthe GMT thing is probably about daylight saving
06:48.16Stewoxto get more working hours out
06:49.06*** join/#sc2mapster Ahli (
06:50.16MoonEaterhey, they arnt in america
06:50.33MoonEaterso it looks like a larger flying ittalian bestro
06:53.14*** join/#sc2mapster G0A (
07:24.32*** join/#sc2mapster Bounty (45f8f26f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
07:36.58Stewoxim almost done
07:37.09Stewoxbut I really do need that array to make it work
07:37.14Ahliartisans... I love how they always tell you that they come between 8am and 5pm :S
07:37.21Stewoxim scrolling up to your text
07:37.46Stewoxone of the conditions that has last opened bank, won't work without what you said
07:37.49Ahlicreate variable, change type, check array flag, enter a 4 into the size
07:38.20Stewoxlook i never done this array thing, i don't really know but i'll figure it right now since it's all i need to do
07:38.24Stewoxi think
07:38.39Ahliyou know variables, right?
07:39.38Ahliinstead of 1 field, you have multiple fields within that variable. Then you need to know a number to access the separate fields
07:39.45Ahlithat's an array
07:40.30Ahliand then you can create arrays with multiple dimensions like integer[3][3]. That could be a tic tac toe field
07:42.34Stewoxi created the variable array
07:42.38Stewoxnow what
07:43.07Ahliyou can store the bank reference in it after opening it
07:43.21Ahliuse the player number as the index/key/offset
07:43.22Stewoxlet's say i know what it is, but how does it work in the background i really don't :p
07:43.35Stewoxokay how do I do that ?
07:43.52Stewoxi don't have much options from what i can see on the first look
07:43.55Ahlifirst, make the variable an array in its settings ^^
07:44.16Stewoxdidn't I already did that ?
07:44.45AhliI don't know, does it have something like a [4] already in the line where you defined it?
07:44.55Stewoxit says No Bank
07:45.06Ahlino bank is fine, that is the initial value
07:45.16Ahliopens editor
07:45.20Stewoxyes there's a 4
07:45.40Ahliok, so you've successfully created an array
07:46.25Ahliyou can now store the bank into the array using: Set Variable: bank[(Picked Player)] = Last Opened Bank()
07:47.21Ahlithat means that it will put a reference to a bank to the picked player's position. Picked player will be the player number, that's usually 1,2,3,4 in your map
07:47.27Ahlithat's an action
07:47.31Ahlido that after opening the bank
07:48.06Stewoxhow do i do that ?
07:48.14Ahli"Set Variable" action
07:48.24Ahlithen chose your array variable
07:48.36Stewoxafter I open the bank the first time in the init
07:49.23Stewoxstill says no bank
07:49.35Ahlion the left side?
07:49.46Ahlion the right side I mean, of the set variable action?
07:49.46Stewoxthe global variable
07:49.54Ahlithat is fine, that is the starting value
07:50.15Ahliall fields within that array will start with "no bank" when the map starts
07:50.25Stewoxah, okay
07:50.41Stewoxnow i selected the thing and it has 0 beside it
07:50.55Ahlithat is the index/key/offset or however you want to name it ^^
07:51.00Ahli(programmers say index)
07:51.20Stewoxoffset sounds weird in this context
07:51.28Ahliyou got your multiple fields in that array like a shelf. Now you need to know where to put it
07:51.48Stewoxwhat do I do with 0
07:52.02Ahliyou have entered a 4, that means that the 4 is the last valid array index
07:52.14Ahliyou replace it with (Picked Player)
07:52.26Stewoxah, indeed
07:52.44Ahlithen you can access the bank of a player, if you know the player
07:53.15Stewoxand then the right side
07:56.02StewoxLast Opened Bank
07:56.04Stewoxright ?
07:56.19Stewoxand i do this only once and it's good to go
07:57.20Stewoxnow whenever i have last opened bank, i need to replace it with BankID(Picked Player)
07:58.11Stewoxone other thing ahli, how do i know if a variable is global, i made it outside of any trigger that means it's global ?
07:58.16Stewoxjust to be sure
08:01.48Ownageif it's on the left side it's global
08:02.11Ownageview raw data will show you too
08:03.14Ahliyes, variables outside triggers are global, variables inside the trigger are only accessible within
08:05.00Stewoxbut from my tests before, it worked by opening bank multiple times
08:05.12Stewoxofcourse only that part worked, but not the whole thing
08:08.01Stewoxthanks for help
08:22.02*** join/#sc2mapster duckies (50e88a7e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
08:23.19*** join/#sc2mapster Blub\w (~wry@unaffiliated/blubw/x-6625061)
08:51.29*** join/#sc2mapster Zolden (~a@
09:03.41*** join/#sc2mapster duckies (50e88a7e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
09:07.56Zoldenties kingTD do duckies, scares the duck, so it flies
09:08.24kingTDand they both dies after few seconds of flying
09:14.57Zoldeni would say, that it's still possible to improve texturing techniques used for the face
09:20.28Zoldeni mean, first, the edges of the low poly chould be brighter (like on whose wow rocks)
09:21.19Zoldenalso, convert normal to different layers, like specular, cavity, diffuse, ao - and overlay it the way you think improves the textures
09:23.54Stewoxokay guys
09:24.14Stewoxwhat i need now is to make lower priority for other sound when my sound is playing
09:24.19Stewoxjust like in campaign
09:24.33Stewoxwhen Adjutant or Raynor is talking in voice 2D
09:24.46Stewoxsound, effect, music are all lower volume
09:26.15kingTDZolden yeah it really is highly amature work. But was interested before going to sleep to play a little with the Mudding
09:28.01Stewoxi can't see any volume settings in triggers
09:28.06Stewoxi opened campaign map
09:28.20kingTDStewox well thats made with triggers (imo), lowering sound and then playing those cutscenes ones
09:28.23StewoxkingTD, tell zolden to stop ignoring me
09:28.40kingTDthen look for sounds assets themselves
09:28.44Stewoxi did
09:28.53Stewoxthey have -6 dBFS
09:28.55kingTDlook deeper !!!
09:29.01Stewoxthere's nothing
09:29.07Stewoxi already set my to 0 and 0
09:29.22Stewoxand i will try setting mine to + 5
09:29.24kingTDthen cant help you if you are depended on our coopartive work
09:29.39Stewoxbut still, the sound effects are loud, selecting units, commanding, still
09:30.09Stewoxi don't want to amplify the sound file because it'll lose quality
09:30.44kingTDso there is other way!!! fucking look into triggers deeper
09:36.26Stewoxthere is nothing you idiot
09:36.38Stewoxthe only thing I can come up with is it's automatic
09:36.42Stewoxdone by Cinematic Mode
09:37.06Stewoxthere is no Sound tiggers other than Play Sound
09:38.00StewoxThis mode will also mute certain sound channels.
09:38.37Stewoxso my guess was correct
09:38.57Stewoxbut well, you were kind of right, this was the deeper look then
09:40.05Stewoxthat's how they do it, well, i'll do it manually , since idon't want to get rid of the UI completely, for intro im making custom Ui
09:48.35Zolden34/36  creeps are done
09:49.57Zoldenlooks like i did for last few days more than squad td author did for like a year
09:50.11Zoldenand he doesn't know what bomb is avaiting to explode under his map
09:53.36kingTDit will depend how it will successed overall. The terrain, units models :P
09:55.39Zoldeni'd say, the main source of addiction is balance
09:55.46Zoldenand it's a huge task to solve
10:12.57Zoldenwould something like this be considered as a cool boss battlecruiser or just another pieace of bullshit?
10:15.54Zoldeneven this
10:20.18kingTDridiculous on every 4 cliffs levels
10:20.18Ahliso, raynor stole a few carriers?
10:22.04ZoldenAhli yea, and attached them to each other with a hammer, like a man
10:24.21Zoldenalso, looks like I invented a way for a unit to have any amount of weapons, each of them can attack relatively to the model, like left side of a huge tank attacks left, rear weapon attacks back, and so on, so each carrier will attack his own area, so it will like a battlestation, rather like jsut a big ugly unit
10:26.31Zoldenoh crap
10:26.50Zoldenthe guy, who played Borat won't play Freddie Mercury :(
10:27.31Zoldenhe's so talented and great, should have been perfect
10:28.41Zoldenthey took a sweet gay nothing instead
10:29.00Zoldenfreddie would rape their asses to the garbage condition for this
10:29.53Ahli zolden, I read your name
10:31.19Zoldenyea, i helped the guy
10:38.50kingTDboxer zombie inc
10:46.03*** join/#sc2mapster Tolkfan (
11:04.41*** join/#sc2mapster Repo` (~repo@
11:14.01*** join/#sc2mapster JademusSreg (
11:39.25ZoldenkingTD I found your zombie's face
11:42.16*** join/#sc2mapster Moorhsum^ (
11:54.58halidesare those... boobs?
11:59.50Ownagewhat's an 'indirect type reference'?
12:00.22Zoldenwith pushed nipples?
12:05.37halidesmaybe it's so cold in the void?
12:11.03G0Awow ddint know that Jesus moved close to you Zolden
12:15.50Zoldenjesus like superman, can fly from jerusalem to syberia
12:19.07Zoldenthat's waht jesus likes
12:26.58G0Achildren.... like the vatican:D
13:02.55Zoldenhow about this motherfucker?
13:09.36Stewoxcan someone please tell me what SOUND CHANNEL the stupid UNIT SELECTION and COMMAND is on ?
13:09.41Stewoxi tried them all
13:10.51*** join/#sc2mapster Dustin (
13:21.15kingTDZolden yeah that fucker will work almost fine
13:36.46Zoldeni'd consider it finished on this stage
13:36.54ZoldenDustin hello
13:37.44kingTDyeah fine. Bunch of colors and details that says pretty much nothing about the Unit
13:37.55kingTDtextures wise
13:40.39Zoldenit's jsut abstract instance of badassness, i have nothing else to say about it
13:40.48kingTDpretty much final Boxer Zombie mesh
13:40.50Zoldenjsut need to add engine fire tails
13:41.12Zoldenaren't zombies too fragile to box?
13:41.48Zoldenor you mean it's mudboxer zombie?
13:41.58Zoldenwill you mudbox his to the body?
13:42.00kingTDboxer. he will have gloves :]
13:45.51Zoldendo you mean by this that professional boxers are zombies because they recieve too much punches to the head and their brain is damaged?
13:48.52kingTDZolden Yes.
13:49.24*** join/#sc2mapster Ahli (
13:52.52*** join/#sc2mapster Telshin (~textual@
15:00.29Ahliyay, interfaces can modify map's frames that are used in triggers and their stuff is updated, if you set the default spectator to "neutral".
15:09.21Stewoxcan somebody ask those guys if anyone knows what is the SELECTION SOUND and COMMAND channel
15:09.44Stewoxunit response doesn't lower in volume despite setting almost all sound channels to 30%
15:10.17Stewoxkingtd to the rescue
15:10.34Stewoxzolden and dustin can't se my msgs
15:10.39Stewoxmaybe they know
15:12.38*** join/#sc2mapster Zandose (
15:16.05Ahlisound entries seem all to state voice
15:17.13*** join/#sc2mapster Bommes (
15:17.16DustinWho are you
15:18.32Ahliwho who whoo whoo
15:18.54Zandoseis the Zandose and as the Zandose does not need to say more.
15:19.28kingTDIm a shadow of the night
15:20.41Zandosedoes not see shadows in the night and therefore you do not exist.
15:20.58DustinLithuanian huh
15:21.23Ahlithinks that Zandose is a sun and therefore he cannot see shadows
15:22.33Ahliwhy is twitter displayed so stupidly today?
15:22.47Ahlipage format and images aren't loading
15:23.17Zoldenbecause birds not only twit, but also shit
15:28.24DustinI need to do some UI work today
15:28.34DustinGet this inventory shit sorted
15:31.43DustinI think the legs should be verticle, I'm not a doctor, but I just have a feeling.
15:32.58ZoldenkingTD add a cap or make the material twodied
15:34.54Stewoxi have them almost all
15:35.00Stewoxexcept some Set Piece
15:35.37Stewoxi didn't had UI
15:35.43Stewoxwe'll i'll try this now
15:42.25*** join/#sc2mapster MoonEater (
15:46.53G0AkingTD that democracy games looks awesome
15:48.05G0AI just want to play it so I could legalize all drugs
15:48.19kingTDhow about guns?
15:49.09Zoldenlegalize twodies
15:49.42G0AkingTD dont care about guns, I just want to blow my janga
15:50.38G0Awonder how much can you mod it
16:00.35*** join/#sc2mapster Tomura (
16:02.26G0A :D
16:06.51G0Ahmm 20 hours and 1m views and 13% likes per view
16:07.30*** join/#sc2mapster Blizz-Deletarius (d8940048@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
16:08.01Blizz-DeletariusAhli, you there?
16:09.17Blizz-Deletariusalso, morning everyone :)
16:09.28AhliBlizz-Deletarius: wowowowo
16:09.38G0ABlizzard is still alive?
16:09.43Blizz-Deletariusand kicking
16:09.46Ahliyes, I'm here
16:10.00Blizz-Deletariusso was reading your post on the UI forums thing
16:10.18ZoldenBlizz-Deletarius oh, hey, why you blizz guys left us for so many months?
16:10.22Blizz-Deletariushave some questions
16:10.27Blizz-Deletariussuper busy with Heroes of the Storm
16:10.44DustinSup buddy
16:10.49Ahligreetings to tenarsis and artestru ;)
16:10.50Blizz-Deletariushey sir
16:11.00Blizz-DeletariusI'll relay the greetings :)
16:11.10Ahliso, what do you want to know?
16:11.26Blizz-Deletarius- alter the equipment panel's element's order - make the equipment panel's element's position static (like left aligned, right aligned, freely positionable, vertical alignments) - separate the wireframe labels (=> for example: put them next to each other instead of below each other) - rotate progress bars
16:11.41Blizz-Deletariusequipment panel order - ie the order of each of the upgrades?
16:11.50Ahliyes, with UI usage only
16:12.07Ahliso with the tools within the range of interface files
16:12.09G0Awondering what engine does Heroes of the Storm have....
16:12.23ZoldenBlizz-Deletarius so, will Heroes of the Storm be compartible with sc2, to use models from it for our mods, and to invite its players to arcade maps?
16:12.28Stewoxoh holy smokes
16:12.51Stewoxblizz-deletarius ... hello if you remember me, im that "unit specific mover" guy
16:13.27Blizz-Deletariuszolden - can't answer that, sorry man
16:13.32Ahlig0a, most likely sc2. they use the editor >_> I would guess another application with new bnet interface ;D
16:13.32Blizz-Deletariushey Stewox :)
16:13.41Stewoxhopefull you guys still have that in back of the mind
16:14.43AhliBlizz-Deletarius: someone asked me if I could reverse the armor and weapon upgrades in the InfoPanel because he liked to have them in the same order as the upgrade buttons
16:14.45Stewoxi realize you can't share much details but kind of a reminder, if you understand what I meant with that unit specific movers and more advanced options for unit movers (the stuff missles have minus guidance)
16:15.00AhliBlizz-Deletarius: that's why that is still in my mind...
16:15.10G0ABlizz-Deletarius tip: make carbot skin for each  Heroes of the Storm heroes. People will most likely buy it:D
16:16.03Blizz-DeletariusG0A, would love that
16:16.15AhliBlizz-Deletarius: but with my discovery/trick I can modify at least a few more things like placements of different info labels, detaching vital labels from the visible wireframe and move behavior bar elements around
16:16.27AhliI didn't test the behavior bar elements, though
16:16.35Ahlibut that should work
16:16.55Blizz-DeletariusI *think* equipment panel is driven by data
16:16.59Blizz-Deletariusie the order
16:17.17Blizz-DeletariusAhli, you can place elements anywhere you want
16:17.17Ahliarmor, shield, weapon array inorder
16:17.23Blizz-Deletariusanywhere on the screen
16:17.29G0AAhli will you show us an example UI layout sometime with ui layout file?
16:17.46Blizz-Deletariusyou just have to do 1 of 2 things to do so
16:17.52Stewoxwhat will also improve modding choices blizz-deletarius is, if you recall, the advanced mover option for units that could make them into JET Aircraft with CONTINIOUS engine, currently ALL engines for Air Units are HOVER ONLY   . hopefully in next expansion
16:17.59Ahliit's a workaround
16:18.12Ahliit's a dirty solution to achieve what I want
16:18.27Blizz-Deletarius1: Make the parent frames full screen and then position the child element anywhere you want
16:18.35Blizz-Deletarius2: use <Unclipped val="true"/>
16:18.41Ahlithat would be the straightforward way
16:18.48Blizz-Deletariusand place it anywhere you wish
16:18.54Ahlifor example the vital labels are always drawn below the wireframe
16:19.12Ahliin the one image you can see that they are detached from the visible wireframe
16:19.29AhliI've added a new wireframe on the screen... indirectly
16:19.39AhliI've created a new InfoPanel
16:19.53Ahliusing the template
16:20.18Blizz-Deletariusyea, you just need to over-ride the existing layout
16:20.28Ahlithat won't work
16:20.53Ahliyou can edit the horizontal position, but not the vertical one
16:21.06Ahli(except for maybe shield label with the start of the label stack)
16:21.29Ahliyou can try it, move the labels next to the wireframe... place a terran and a protoss unit as a test
16:22.25ZoldenBlizz-Deletarius check, I raped carrier model
16:22.27*** join/#sc2mapster herolief (~herolief@
16:23.10Blizz-DeletariusAhli, there's a tag <Frame type="InfoPanel" name="InfoPanelTemplate">         *****<Batch val="true"/>*****
16:23.25Blizz-Deletariustry in your override to turn batch val to false
16:23.52AhliWhat should that do?
16:23.54Blizz-Deletariuscool stuff zolden :)
16:24.15Blizz-Deletariusmake it so that it's not doing a batch operation on the layout of all of the child elements
16:25.37DustinZolden, that is awesome
16:28.40Ahliwhat should setting batch to false allow?
16:29.04Ahlieditor tests load other interfaces. :X
16:29.44*** join/#sc2mapster herolief (~herolief@
16:32.20AhliBlizz-Deletarius: you need to rework/fix the way interfaces are loaded in test documents. It's loading interfaces in other test documents...
16:36.47Blizz-DeletariusAhli, setting batch to false should allow you to make changes to individual child frames within that thing
16:36.58Blizz-Deletariusbatch to true does a bunch of batch operations on the child elements
16:38.52Ahlido I need to repeat that in every child element?
16:39.19Ahliit has no effect for the life labels
16:39.43Ahliprotoss shield stack is movable, life label stack is forced to be below the wireframe
16:39.51Ahlisingle labels are not movable
16:39.58Blizz-Deletariusshoot me a message of exactly what you have for the labels with how you're trying to modify them
16:43.46Ahli here is my quick test code for that. The anchors of the labels are identical. They should be placed in the same spot, correct? at least in theory.
16:45.44AhliI give you the screenshot, too. hang on
16:45.47Ahlifor the result
16:46.13AhliBlizz-Deletarius: and the text above this
16:48.15Blizz-DeletariusI'll have to look into it a bit later
16:48.22AhliRules for vital labels: If(unit has shields) then use shield label's frame position and append all other labels below that. Else: draw the life label below the wireframe using the life label's left and right anchor.
16:48.59Blizz-Deletariusyou're trying to vertically position something based on the left/right anchors?
16:49.10Ahlilol no
16:49.27Ahlithe horizontal position is modifyable
16:49.38Ahlithe vertical position is only modifyable for the shield label
16:50.17Ahliall other labels are placed vertically, directly below each other. If the unit has no shields, the wireframe is used
16:52.07Stewoxcan we expand on that unit specific movers when you're done ahli ?
16:52.20Stewoxi want to get others' input as well
16:52.43Stewoxi don't have  all the details what could be possible
16:53.29Stewoxand this won't be very hard to programm in for blizzard, it's basically there, just need to make it work
16:53.46Blizz-Deletariuss the unit specific mover thing again?
16:54.33Stewoxthe mover or engine that powers movement for the unit, could be unit-specific, so you could edit that mover without affecting any other unit
16:54.44Stewoxthis is just one part
16:54.50Stewoxsecondly... continuing ...
16:55.00Blizz-Deletariusgive me a quick example of what it would allow you to do that you currently can't do
16:55.07Blizz-Deletariuscause I'm a bit confused
16:55.35Stewoxthen, unit movers would have ADVANCED features, options, that MISSILE movers have, without guidance (because you don't need guidance for controllable units)
16:56.01Stewoxare you familiar with C&C Generals blizz-deletarius ?
16:56.24Blizz-DeletariusI bought it, played it once...maybe twice...and didn't play it after that
16:56.34Stewoxthen you must know what Raptors are ?
16:56.39Stewoxjet aircraft
16:56.40G0AI am not sure what Stewox wants, but disabling path finding or path finding update via triggeres would be nice. (or any control over the path finding)
16:57.11Stewoxplease i want to get to the bottom of this, since blizz might not be here for another half year
16:57.12Ahli(different collision sizes, so I can make all heroes allow to walk closer to each other)
16:57.32Stewoxso don't start new disucssion
16:57.48Stewoxblizz-deletarius, in sc2 all AIR units have only HOVER mode
16:57.58Stewoxwith SC2, modders cannot make JETS
16:58.17Stewoxthat would have Continious engine, and would have to circle in radius as IDLE
16:59.02Ahliso, minimum movespeed?
16:59.06StewoxMissile Movers have a ton of features about Mover Physics, but you can't use missile mover on ordinary units
16:59.29Stewoxnever noticed that
16:59.33Stewoxstill it's not real jet
16:59.38Stewoxwe need more options
16:59.49G0Ayou need more options:D
16:59.51StewoxYAW, PITCH, ROLL stuff
16:59.54G0Ajust use missile
17:00.21Stewoxplease top interfeering me, i have researched this for 2 years now
17:00.26Stewoxtalked about it at least
17:01.10DustinIf stewox is bitching about something Dele, I wouldn't even worry about it, 99% of the time he doesn't even understand what he types, let alone listening to people.
17:01.17Stewoxi waited you guys had your chance now let me explain him, or else this will never get in, and it's not even hard to do for them, they just need a pointer it would make sense for mods
17:01.25AhliBlizz-Deletarius: I forgot a </Frame> at the end of the code
17:01.32*** join/#sc2mapster Bibendus (
17:01.35Blizz-DeletariusAhhh, that sucks
17:01.55AhliI shortened the code that I copied into pastebin
17:02.08*** join/#sc2mapster Blub\w (~wry@unaffiliated/blubw/x-6625061)
17:02.10Blizz-DeletariusI use an external text editor which has code completion
17:02.17Ahlime 2
17:02.53Ahlibut I didn't want to shower you with a few extra frames that had nothing to do with what I tested (the other infopanel frames)
17:03.29Ahlibut the pictures are still correct and the important settings are displayed in the copied code
17:04.05Blizz-DeletariusAhli, the reason why we can't do any vertical positioning adjustment is due to it being REALLY old code
17:04.09Blizz-Deletariusit's all being done in code
17:04.37Ahliyes :D and you need to reposition the labels in it, else you would have a gap
17:04.57Ahliit would be cool, if we could move the labels freely around
17:05.06Blizz-DeletariusI agree
17:05.26AhliI would assume that HotStorm or however you called it internally is able to do that ;D
17:06.02Ahliand maybe directly adding bars for each stat would be nice, too. just hide them in the default sc2 UI
17:06.39Ahlithen the selection of units won't display lagging, triggered life/shield/energy bars.
17:09.23Stewoxokay i found it
17:09.26Stewoxall shall be clear
17:09.41StewoxBlizz-Deletarius, here it is
17:10.27Blizz-DeletariusStewox, just give me a quick example of what you want to do that isn't currently possible that this would allow you to do
17:10.37Blizz-DeletariusAhli, we're calling it Heroes internally :)
17:10.43Blizz-Deletariusand externally
17:10.52Stewoxwell you guys with ahli seem to be busy ... so
17:10.56Ahli here is what I'm currently working on ^^
17:11.08Blizz-Deletariuswell no, I'm just confused as to what you're trying to do
17:11.10Stewoxi didn't want to interrupt
17:11.46Ahlino, we agreed on that a few things are hardcoded. The reason was "old code". So, it might be updated someday to be more flexible
17:11.56BommesYou can't decide what it is called externally. I will go on your rooftops and shout it "HotS" if necessary. Just to make a point.
17:12.08Blizz-DeletariusBommes, that's fine
17:12.09Ahlipls note life labels next to the wireframe >_>
17:12.13Stewoxbut, even if i tell you, you would have to look at that file, you should save it, it's all there that will make sense later , i know you coders know, but my explanation might not be the best, if I forget something, that pastebin should help you
17:12.24Stewoxit's kind of a long explanation
17:12.35Blizz-DeletariusStewox, I'm not a data/trigger guy
17:12.39Stewoxso you have to look at my posts
17:12.48Blizz-Deletariusso all of that is mostly just a wall of text to me
17:12.50BommesI think HotS is a fine abbreviation though actually, since LotV will come out at some point in the next 1-2 years :) I don't think it will be that confusing.
17:13.06Stewoxwell okay, yes, the other guy is, well indeed, there was another blizz guy watching this chat
17:13.08Blizz-DeletariusWell I call them Wings, Swarm, and Void
17:13.11AhliI assume explaining unit behaviors that you wish to realize, but you currently can't do, would be the most effective way :D
17:13.30Ahlilike: I want a terran unit's life label appear next to the wireframe
17:13.51Blizz-DeletariusI don't say "WUL", "HOTS", or "LAHV"
17:14.39Stewoxwell then, unless you can forward to the programer guy it's not really a point explaining then ?
17:14.59Stewoxor maybe he is at work now, why not call him to join the chat for a few minutes, if possible
17:15.00Blizz-Deletariuswhat I'm saying though is
17:15.08Ahliwill I be able to see you guys with my virtual ticket that one of your employees bought me? :D
17:15.38Blizz-Deletariusit'd be good if you could give me a basic explanation of "here's this thing I can't do that I want to do"
17:16.07Stewoxwell, didn't I kind of explained that already, but you just went talking with ahli after that
17:16.12Blizz-Deletarius"I can't make a unit spin around in circles and have its head fly off whenever it takes critical damage"
17:16.21Stewoxi'll do it again, and better this time
17:16.35*** join/#sc2mapster ArcanePariah (
17:18.05Stewox1. Unit movers cannot use the physics features and options that missiles do
17:18.34Stewox2. AIR Movers are only HOVER
17:19.31Stewox3. I want Unit movers to have the physics options of what missiles have, certain ones that make sense, but not "tracking" stuff (parabola, ballistic, homing) because that does not make sense for controllable units
17:19.57Stewox4. I also want Air Movers to have more Movement modes, for example Continious (Jet)
17:20.02Blizz-Deletariushave you made a post about this on the forums?
17:20.13StewoxI believe i made it many times,
17:20.20Stewoxdidn't get much response
17:20.28Stewoxlike 3 to 4 threads
17:20.41Blizz-Deletariuscould you please paste the link here and I can relay the thread to the proper person?
17:20.54Stewoxone thread I made like a month ago
17:21.38Stewoxwell i would need to find it , give me a moment, however the most recent thread is only a small mention without explanation, if you want i would outline all and make a new forum thread
17:21.48Blizz-Deletariusthat works
17:21.50Blizz-Deletariuswhich forum?
17:21.57Stewoxit was on bnet mostly
17:22.01Blizz-Deletariusno I know
17:22.03Blizz-Deletariuswhich sub forum
17:22.10Blizz-Deletariusdata? actors? terrain? etc
17:22.42Stewoxbut Sc2mapster and other fans, well, most of the sc2 people are WC3 people, they don't see the point of this, i am a C&C guy, which came to SC2
17:22.53Stewoxit's data
17:23.18AhliI'm starving, I need to buy groceries, afk for approx half an hour.
17:23.39Stewoxhowever, if I link you the most recent thread, the programmer will have zero idea, I just mentioned it, without explanation "unit specific movers", it's pointless, i would need to find an older thread
17:24.00StewoxAhli, buy BPA-free :)
17:24.16Blizz-Deletariusafk myself
17:25.52Stewoxoh blizz, I actually got a response from blizz about this, but that was long long ago without the idea developed, it was just about unit specific movers, althouh without much pressure this was probably down there on the low priority list, i just want to point out that this is something trivial that it won't cost blizzard much effort and time
17:37.30kingTDsup with this crazy dude? is its in hots?
17:37.51kingTDor its a boss in campaign?
17:41.25ArcanePariahYes, it is a mini boss in the Supreme Mission in HotS
17:45.58ArcanePariahYeah, thats the misson name
17:47.07AhliBPA free? what is that?
17:48.45Ahlihmm ok, no idea if I bought that... it's nothing that was advertized :D
17:55.16*** join/#sc2mapster herolief (
17:56.55StewoxBPA is a very toxic kind of plastic that causes feminization of males and superfeminization of women
17:57.14Stewoxwhich means, males can be attracted to males
17:57.39Stewoxor in other words. males produce female odours and other sexual features
17:58.54StewoxBPA or longer Bisphenol A
17:59.04Stewoxestrogen mimicker
18:01.00Stewoxbut also ahli, you have to research stuff, because some products have a fake "BPA-free" sign, the companies don't really use BPA but they use a new even more dangerous BPB version
18:09.22*** join/#sc2mapster Lepton (~Lepton@unaffiliated/lepton)
18:14.27BommesDid giraffes eat too much BPA?
18:21.02DustinObviously, and little does everyone know, but it
18:22.13TolkfanDid someone ask Dele about Heroes being standalone or a mod for SC2? :(
18:22.24Dustinhe couldnt say even if we did
18:22.48Stewoxno tolkfan i don't think so
18:23.04DustinZolden asked something similiar
18:23.35Stewoxi was talking with blizzard guy shortly he came in and i don't see any chat
18:23.39Stewoxabout that
18:24.37Dustin[11:12] <Zolden> Blizz-Deletarius so, will Heroes of the Storm be compartible with sc2, to use models from it for our mods, and to invite its players to arcade maps?
18:24.37Dustin[11:13] <Blizz-Deletarius> zolden - can't answer that, sorry man
18:24.54TolkfanI was  just about to paste that in! :O
18:25.05Dustinhehe im a ninja
18:25.08Tolkfan"can't talk about it" usually means "no" :(
18:25.32Dustinya :(
18:25.55Bommesit means it's 2 more weeks to blizzcon and he won't answer questions about since its not officially announced what it is and what it looks like
18:26.09BommesI wouldn't try to read anything into it
18:26.27DustinOh ya I forgot blizzcon was so close
18:26.31Ahlieverything with that might change the closer they come to release...
18:29.11*** join/#sc2mapster Kueken (
18:44.12G0AkingTD this democracy 3 game is awesome, If I lead US I get assassinated, if I lead Germany I fucking rock:D
18:45.14kingTDgo create for SC2 !
18:46.32G0AI have 30%+ budget surplus and 75% voters with Germany:D
18:46.52AhliG0a the great leader
18:47.37Bommesour führer
18:47.44Bommesone could say
18:48.45G0Atoo bad I cant invade... I must remake it in sc2 so I could add invade and then I can become Hitler!
18:48.45kingTDor Hitler Junior
18:48.57Zoldenyea, do it
18:49.09Zoldeni want a game where you can become hitler
18:49.13G0Aepic gaming convention.... pff blizz
18:50.26kingTDwell its just waiting for news For SC2 shit and DotA B
18:55.55Zoldenyea, modify the motherfucker!
19:28.11Stewoxhello ppl
19:28.16Stewoxi've got a problem
19:28.35Stewoxthere is an audio clip, or part of it, that doesn't playback correctly in SC2
19:28.54Stewoxmost of these clips are edited, cut, pasted together, effects applied
19:29.42Stewoxall of them seem to work fine, one of them playbacks silence in the part where a repeat would occur, doesn't playback the slowmo and cuts before going to the next part, but keeps playing the next part from beginning ok
19:29.42kingTDStewox have a problem! seems something new...
19:30.11Stewoxthis file was made from 4 sources, 2 main talks, 2 for effects
19:30.29Stewoxexported as 24bit WAV
19:30.37Stewoxthen encoded to OGG
19:30.42Stewoxand then put into SC2
19:30.46Stewoxbut sc2 bugs it
19:31.09Stewoxbullshit editor bug, it's not my fault
19:31.53DustinLol all he does is call people "sheeple" and say their minds can't comprehend his level of information. Yet he turns around and asks sooo many questions to the people he just insulted. it's funny.
19:33.10kingTDno its not funny
19:35.17StewoxI think SC2 is not compatible with Tempo effect, that i used for slowdown
19:35.37Stewoxthe Sony Vegas kind of playbacks that weirdly
19:35.43Stewoxdoesn't change timeline
19:35.53*** join/#sc2mapster ElectricPrism (
19:35.54StewoxAudacity does it properly
19:35.59*** join/#sc2mapster ElectricPrism (~Loren@unaffiliated/electricprism)
19:36.01DustinSorry, I confuse funny and fucking repulsive all the time :(
19:36.44Stewoxkingtd, tell dustin to enjoy his healthy tap water and shut up
19:36.59kingTD"<Stewox> kingtd, tell dustin to enjoy his healthy tap water and shut up"
19:37.20Stewox"healthy" with HydroFluoroSilicic Acid , traces of Prozac ... nuclear waste
19:37.42DustinWhat a douchebag, he's probably going on about "why" the water is bad. lol
19:38.02Stewoxwell tell him the second statement too, i told him why
19:38.11Stewoxi'll be going fixing my map now ...
19:38.20DustinMaybe we'll get lucky and he'll get hit by a bus sometime soon.
19:39.08StewoxWichita had a tap water crisis recently
19:39.24Stewoxnow that was funny, right where dusin is
19:43.53*** join/#sc2mapster MoonEater (6c586101@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
19:44.46Stewoxkingtd, tell dustin to look up Hydrofluorosilicic Acid (NPFA Health Warning 4), and a simple google search for "Water Flouridation Poison" , i responded to this because he is questioning me and spreading false claims about me, i won't be bothering, he has what he needs to research this himself
19:44.59Stewoxthat's all, and  thanks, now im going back to my map
19:49.19MoonEaterBlizz came here?
19:50.27MoonEaterblizzard was here?
19:50.48MoonEateri always miss it
19:51.05Stewox~seen blizz-deletarius
19:51.06purlblizz-deletarius <d8940048@gateway/web/freenode/ip.> was last seen on IRC in channel #sc2mapster, 2h 26m 50s ago, saying: 'afk myself'.
19:51.22*** kick/#sc2mapster [Stewox!] by Torhal (Dude. Seriously. Next time is a month.)
19:53.55Ahlijust because of me :D
19:54.37MoonEaterTorhal, Seems to me that Stewox gets riled up by his peers in this channel, its almost bullying i think but maybe there should be a warning for the antagonizers
19:54.38Kuekenblizzguys were here?
19:54.44MoonEateri missed it
19:54.49Kuekensign of Half Life 3!
19:54.51BommesAhli actually uses #sc2mapster as the only channel of communication in his life
19:54.58Bommeseveryone who wants to communicate with him has to come here
19:55.33MoonEaterBommes, didnt u see Ahli's mom come in accouple min ago telling him dinner was ready?
19:56.05Ahlidinner were 2 mini pizzas
19:56.19MoonEateri cant eat dinner
19:56.27MoonEateri have a epic stomach flu right now
19:56.44MoonEaterive spend the entire night worshiping the pocelin god
19:56.54Ahlidont touch things mooneater touched
19:56.56MoonEateri wish i could spell better sometimes
19:57.05MoonEaterive been telling people that
19:57.34MoonEateri duno what i did i spend most of my time with ms. mooneater touching the same things shes touches and eating meals with her
19:57.38MoonEatershes fine
19:57.43MoonEaterstupid bitch...
19:58.54MoonEaterfucking hate the internet sometimes
19:59.09MoonEaterthe forums is advertising me not to vote for prop M
19:59.26MoonEaterwhich is a local law they r trying to pass for this town
19:59.36MoonEaterwhich has like 1000 people total in it
20:04.31Zoldencreated search area effect
20:21.11*** join/#sc2mapster unclesatan (ccc304e8@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
20:21.57Zoldenyou need to figure out, why it fucked every time
20:22.05Zoldenshould be perfect
20:26.07kingTDwhats fucked up? I made Diffuse from AO map,and those shadows on edges is just not a problem if you are blind.
20:30.14kingTDplus normal map if im correct have those edges too in this case. as pretty much the depth for the arms some what complete and other parts are triangles
20:38.12Zoldenok, keep doing it, i hope there won't be those edges
20:38.23Zoldenif it's normal map artifact, than it's fine
20:39.07Zolden35th wave is ready
20:39.15Zoldeni have only 1 wave to create
20:52.31Zandoseyawns. good nap
20:57.38unclesatannever been to a doctor in my life, always used homeopathic remedies and now I'm gonna have to pay for health insurance that I'll never use, or else get fined out my ass
20:57.41unclesatangotta love obamacare
20:57.55unclesatananyone's countries open for immigrants?
20:58.00unclesatancause i don't wanna live here anymore
20:58.51unclesatanyeah Canada is close but
20:59.08unclesatanthey're really strict about who they allow in the country
20:59.14unclesatani can see canada from my backyard
20:59.20Zandosewe are?
20:59.33unclesatani've tried to get into BC, victoria and such
21:00.06unclesatani have to practically be working on my masters or have some other exclusive wonderful academic thing to become a citizen
21:00.28unclesatanwhich is warrented
21:00.44unclesatani wouldn't want any stupid american kids wandering into canada and wanting citizenship
21:00.52unclesatanif i lived there
21:01.23Zandose....true lol
21:02.19unclesatani do hear norway is open
21:02.21unclesatanpretty open
21:02.27Zandoseisohunt closed down
21:02.36unclesatanaccepting all college students
21:02.43unclesatanreally?  we'll see how long that lasts
21:02.51unclesatanpiratebay's been shut down like 1010349813094813 times
21:03.25Zandoseisohunt and pirate bay are different things
21:03.34unclesatani know they are
21:03.47unclesatanbut they're the same in the fact that people upload massive amounts of pirated files to each website
21:04.04Zandoseisohunt is a centrel server (i think) while pirate bay has a pretty massive decentralized server
21:04.30unclesatanthey had to build it that way after getting shut down so often
21:04.44unclesatanisohunt isn't so smart
21:40.54*** join/#sc2mapster Repo^ (~repo@
21:41.29*** join/#sc2mapster Telshin_ (~textual@
21:44.30Zoldencute scene editor
21:45.49Ahlibah. nearly 0am and I'm totally tired :X
21:46.02MoonEatermy map is awsome
21:46.13Ahliwell, maybe I'm back in 6 hours, lol
22:15.34*** part/#sc2mapster G0A (
23:01.03*** join/#sc2mapster Princess_Lun (
23:13.58*** join/#sc2mapster Tolkfan (
23:45.16*** join/#sc2mapster AndChat|271284 (
23:54.33*** join/#sc2mapster Deathbringer (60fbc509@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
23:54.56DeathbringerCan someone explain what this does?
23:58.42Kuekenit checks, if a specific player typed the message, then makes his selection vulnerable
23:59.42DeathbringerJust like I want.

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