IRC log for #sc2mapster on 20130812

00:01.40*** join/#sc2mapster Otixa (Otixa@trill-laptop.Varna.Net)
00:20.47*** join/#sc2mapster Helral (
00:24.40*** join/#sc2mapster Repo (~repo@
00:54.01Ahliman... lotv might be closer than we imagine
00:55.03Ahlirobert clockworthy just told the world that a few cinematic are already done and they began voicing the campaign which is already completely written...
00:57.32Ahlithey play with 2 persons per player.... one mouse, one keyboard
01:19.39*** join/#sc2mapster Helral (
02:06.39*** join/#sc2mapster Dustin (
02:19.26*** join/#sc2mapster Helral (
02:26.31*** part/#sc2mapster Ahli (
02:31.53Vailrethbother an Auger Missile is hard to figure out
02:45.19Vailrethi am trying to develop a missile that bores through targets in a straight like and for each target it goes through it deals more damage to the next
02:45.36Vailrethstraight line*
02:46.07Vailrethi have a few concepts but impleneting them is proving time consuming and problematic
02:49.25*** join/#sc2mapster Necromoni (bec52b22@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
02:56.21JademusSregSo it increases in damage each hop.
02:56.51JademusSregAs though the auger is warming up, getting faster.
03:00.26JademusSregQuestion is, what is the curve on bonus damage?
03:19.46*** join/#sc2mapster Helral (
03:28.04Vailrethi was thinking + 100% base damage each pass through so 100 200 300 and so on
03:28.37Vailrethnot the real values just arbitrary numbers
03:30.24JademusSregDoes it use a projectile?
03:30.49Vailreththe easity projected implentation does yes
03:30.58Vailretheasist *
03:36.11JademusSregWell, using a projectile, one adds a counter (such as a buff or attribute behavior) to it for each successful hit. May be doable to deal additional damage from the effect by checking the behavior, or make each hit add another stack of the hit behavior so it simply runs multiple times.
03:37.42JademusSregAnd it may be doable to have the counter apply a damage bonus, if the projectile is the damage source.
03:39.16Vailrethi was thinking of something similar, basically two buffs but  getting the timing right may be an issue. the first buff slows the missile down while its passing through a unit, that while enabled stacks  the second behavior on to the missile as well as diables them. when the missile has passed through the target,
03:39.58Vailreththe second behavior becomes active and will deal damge and remove its self on impact with a new unit
03:40.19Vailrethor maybe not remove its self ...
03:41.23JademusSregReminds me a bit of something I was working on for Kubi, only instead of scaling up projectile damage, I was using behavior attribute count on a unit as an ability-boosting resource.
03:42.05JademusSregBut I only had to handle up to three stacks, so 4 variations.
03:42.23Vailrethi would like to designate the missile as the damage effect source that would simplyfy things i think
03:42.56JademusSregBehavior on the projectile accomplishes that well enough.
03:44.03Vailrethi have a behavior like that on the Fighter Missiles ...
03:44.22Vailrethfrom the Lost VIking minigame
03:47.13*** join/#sc2mapster egod (461eba16@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
03:47.36egodwhat you guys think now ?
03:50.48JademusSregI'll check it out in a bit, but may withhold what I think.
03:51.35egodstarcraft universe trying to :)
04:01.37JademusSregYes, that's an accurate observation.
04:03.04OtixaJademusSreg, you sneaky bastard!
04:03.12OtixaYou're in the unity channel!
04:03.14OtixaSo busted!
04:04.48Vailretheh well im done for the night i think
04:05.49JademusSregI lurk on the channel and absorb information there, yes.
04:06.01Otixasmacks JademusSreg with a stick
04:06.11Otixaso... hungry ;c
04:13.44JademusSregPerhaps you could gnaw on a stick? Or a sturdy trout?
04:20.39*** join/#sc2mapster Helral (
05:07.15*** join/#sc2mapster shintah (
05:21.23*** join/#sc2mapster Helral (
06:04.47*** join/#sc2mapster Wrath (6cd21f3f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
06:04.55WrathJademusSreg, you there?
06:05.12WrathDo you know if it's possible to change the width of a health bar segment?
06:05.25WrathAs in the divider
06:06.37JademusSregI expect the segment divider width is dynamic.
06:06.55Wrath:( Damn.
06:07.03WrathAh well.
06:07.05JademusSregUnitStatusBar supports the elements Segmented, SegmentValue, and MaxSegmentCount.
06:07.23WrathYeah, I didn't see anything else but was hoping maybe you knew.
06:09.17WrathWhat does BarInsetRect do?
06:09.52*** join/#sc2mapster duckies (50e88a7e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
06:10.56JademusSregDefines the border.
06:13.30*** join/#sc2mapster twodie (4e3c1a28@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
06:21.08*** join/#sc2mapster Helral (
06:50.08*** join/#sc2mapster ThunderLord (
07:00.16*** join/#sc2mapster sShintah (
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07:20.03*** join/#sc2mapster Helral (
07:46.53*** join/#sc2mapster Ahli (
07:47.45*** join/#sc2mapster G0A (
07:50.19*** join/#sc2mapster G0A (
08:00.34*** join/#sc2mapster Blub\w (~wry@unaffiliated/blubw/x-6625061)
08:21.02*** join/#sc2mapster Helral (
08:37.55*** join/#sc2mapster G0A (
09:08.20*** join/#sc2mapster Bibendus (
09:20.52*** join/#sc2mapster Moorhsum^ (
09:21.54*** join/#sc2mapster Helral (
10:21.33*** join/#sc2mapster Helral (
10:29.43*** join/#sc2mapster Quaaad (
10:31.00*** join/#sc2mapster Lajjla (~nevzets@unaffiliated/nevzets)
10:37.38*** join/#sc2mapster deathdrawsnear (4e3c1a28@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
10:45.13*** join/#sc2mapster Eagles_ (
10:47.10*** join/#sc2mapster Helral (
10:49.58*** join/#sc2mapster JademusSreg (
10:55.44*** join/#sc2mapster Tolkfan (
11:10.28*** join/#sc2mapster Ahli (
11:21.03*** join/#sc2mapster Helral (
11:26.10AhliI'm crashing the editor a lot when I'm just deleting things to revert my map to an empty map
11:30.19Ahlidelete gameplay data module's entity and then try to save -> crash
11:39.39*** join/#sc2mapster mille25 (54873323@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
11:40.36*** join/#sc2mapster G0A (
11:45.51Ahlisoldiers, cities, and something I that I can't figure out
11:48.21deathdrawsnearminimalist farm :]
11:51.54mille25wow... polt 4.0 jaedong? :O
11:51.57deathdrawsnearand here goes the map
11:58.23Ahlideleting stuff in the editor keeps the texts... :X
12:00.01deathdrawsnearmm? I just deleted all the graphics files of Age of Knights for new project... Need a name for it as "Rise of Civilization" is taken :(
12:21.35*** join/#sc2mapster Helral (
12:29.30*** join/#sc2mapster Kaelten (~Kaelten@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/WoWIFA/CurseStaff/kaelten)
12:29.30*** mode/#sc2mapster [+o Kaelten] by ChanServ
12:35.07duckiesnice UI death
12:42.08deathdrawsnearthank you,
12:48.25*** part/#sc2mapster Ahli (
12:52.52*** join/#sc2mapster Eimtr (3ef56778@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
12:54.39*** join/#sc2mapster RipperRoo (
12:54.44*** join/#sc2mapster Fate_ (
12:57.54*** join/#sc2mapster Ahli (
13:02.50*** part/#sc2mapster Ahli (
13:11.10Eimtris there a way to manipulate behavior's values through triggers?
13:17.42Fate_hm i dont think that but maybee u can modify the unit values
13:18.06Fate_or remove the old beh and give it a new beh
13:18.34Vail|Gonecatalog triggers should be able to
13:20.48*** join/#sc2mapster Helral (
13:21.38Eimtris there a behavior or effect for changing unit height?
13:22.23Vailreththere should be both if i recall correctly
13:23.06Fate_there should be a trigger for that
13:23.34Fate_change unit high or sth like that
13:23.41Eimtrthere is a trigger but i just thought of something, thanks
13:23.46Eimtrsomething else
13:23.58Fate_what do u wana do?
13:24.30Eimtrhard to say, i wanted to firstly change a unit's height to whatever value i want via keys
13:24.41Eimtrvia key pressed event
13:26.10*** join/#sc2mapster Ahli (
13:27.05Eimtris there a way to detect a unit's height at any given moment or not like in war3?
13:27.22Eimtrif you do a change unit's height from 1 to 10, will it detect when it goes to 2,3,4,5,6..
13:27.52Eimtrif you do it either via trigger or behavior
13:32.08Fate_you can save the units high as custom value
13:33.22Eimtractually what i want it is the behavior that will change unit's height to be manipulated via triggers, so that I can modify it at any given time to what the final height will be before applying ot to units also via trigger
13:33.49Eimtrso which behavior changes a unit height
13:34.27Eimtris omehow need a behavior where i can specify the height i want to change, this height will be different each time
13:35.57Fate_i am not sure if there is a beh that changes the high of a unit, my thought is: no
13:37.07Fate_you can manipulate a units high with triggers i dont understand why you would need a beh for that
13:37.54Eimtryes actually i need to set ae unit height based on key pressed events
13:38.49Fate_so if u press 5 the high is 5 ?
13:39.34Eimtri could do it like, oh well i know how, i will just use a variable where each key pressed will be some string then I will just set to the combination of strongs
13:43.49duckiesyeah, go with triggers
13:44.40duckiesin behavior it's one of modifications+ fields, units tab if I remember correctly, it sets and cancels units height overt time. And in effects it's in modify unit effect
13:45.09duckiesbut data = pain, so don't make your life harder :D
14:05.17*** join/#sc2mapster Ahli_ (
14:07.46RipperRooaeli ahli ahli_
14:08.02RipperRoohe has done it.. he s gonna replicate himself to take over the world
14:08.45Fate_he dublicated himselft with al his actors XD
14:09.29*** join/#sc2mapster Moorhsum^ (
14:13.00Ahliwhat? :D
14:15.08*** join/#sc2mapster AhIi (3ef56778@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
14:15.17*** join/#sc2mapster mille25 (5487233c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
14:19.37*** join/#sc2mapster Ahli_ (3ef56778@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
14:22.03*** join/#sc2mapster Dustin|Work (~Dustin@
14:22.41*** join/#sc2mapster Helral (
14:32.03*** join/#sc2mapster Eimtr (3ef56778@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
14:32.44Eimtrbtw can any1 say this - i wanna set an integer based on a combination of keys pressed
14:33.12Eimtrbut how do i remember separately if i press a key now, what jeys i pressed before
14:33.44Dustin|WorkYou'll need to setup some sort of temporary CAche of button presses
14:34.07Eimtrcache as in bank?
14:34.15Dustin|WorkFor instance, Have an array called Buttons_Pressed[6] this would store the last 6 button presses
14:34.57Eimtrerr how does this help it
14:35.09Dustin|WorkThen have a trigger that fires when a player enters the key command, and check to see if Buttons_Pressed[1] is set, if it is, move it to Buttons_Pressed[2] and set Buttons_Pressed[1] the current key and so forth
14:35.23Dustin|WorkThen you have a list of the last 6 buttons pressed
14:36.35Eimtrkay, gr8 idea and thx but what happens if at some later point i wanna use the combination again?
14:36.44Eimtrreset them/set them back to some initial value ?
14:37.25Dustin|WorkYeah you could have a timer that cleared the values every 1 second or so if you're trying to make something like a Fighting Game combo move system
14:44.00Eimtrcan numpad numbers be taken into account when converting the keys to integer?
14:53.32deathdrawsnearAnyone here maybe have time to join EU to play custom map? Dont have hots :(
14:58.01Eimtrfor example if i press num pad 5 under conversion would that be 5?
14:58.19Eimtrgues si will test oit via txt message
14:58.38Eimtrno to what
14:58.40Dustin|WorkMake the Array the type Preset
14:58.50Dustin|WorkAnd then you can store the actual Key value
14:58.57Dustin|WorkFrom the list of keys
14:59.11Dustin|WorkNo to <Eimtr> can numpad numbers be taken into account when converting the keys to integer?
14:59.27Eimtryeah the variable is Type: preset and Preset: Key
15:00.36Dustin|WorkYup that's what you want
15:01.10Dustin|WorkYou should be able to convert Preset to text to display it I think
15:01.52Eimtri need to combine values from 5 variables, so i will see how this goes
15:02.18Eimtrthe variables are the the preset vars
15:04.36Eimtrstring cannot be converted to key preset?
15:05.42Dustin|WorkNot normally no
15:05.54Dustin|WorkYou could make your own function that could if you really wanted
15:06.13Dustin|WorkBut why are you wanting to convert a string to a PReset?
15:11.31Eimtrbecause of this
15:12.11Eimtrwhere Preset is supposed to be the key pressed, the text of it converted to real if legal should achieve the resulty
15:14.06Eimtri want to set the height based on combination of keys
15:15.36*** join/#sc2mapster shintah (
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15:23.12*** join/#sc2mapster Helral (
15:23.36Dustin|WorkEimtr, you're gonna need to make your own function
15:24.05Dustin|WorkIt'll jsut be a big Switch Case, with the Switch Value being the Preset, then return whatever string you want for each preset
15:33.04Eimtrhavent used functions vbery much
15:33.53Eimtru mean defnition?
15:36.24*** join/#sc2mapster nooblark (
15:38.57Eimtrnow Preset can be replaced by a key variable
15:39.04Eimtrno need func
15:46.35Dustin|WorkTry it with Space or some text key
15:46.48Dustin|WorkDoes it convert to a Real properly?
15:47.13Dustin|WorkOr are you using only numbered keys for input?
15:50.04Eimtrtesting it, well my idea to use numpad is cause the normal numbers are used for control groups
15:50.30Eimtrplus i ve specified to set variables to key pressed only if the numpad numbers and decimal are used, as i will use these to get the real value of height
15:52.17Dustin|WorkThat should be alright then
15:52.51Ahliequipment panel can animate... I just broke it
15:52.55Eimtri dont think the triggers work :/
15:54.25Ahli equipmentpanel flickers different for different units :X
15:56.11*** join/#sc2mapster heinrich5991 (znc1@unaffiliated/heinrich5991)
15:58.19Eimtrworx not
16:16.47Dustin|WorkYou really should just make your own conversion function to be honest
16:16.52Dustin|WorkAnd really think about the logic flow
16:21.51*** join/#sc2mapster Helral (
16:22.50HelralEimtr: key pressed events work so far I can see it.
16:23.31Helraldidn't try to do what you wanted though, but I just output the key pressed in combination with alt, and I get the key number.
16:24.46Helraldo remember that the trigger event must be "UI - Player Any Player presses None key Down with shift Allow, control Allow, alt Allow"
16:25.15Fate_finaly translated into english
16:25.25Fate_but i bet there are many mistakes :)
16:25.47EimtrI use Player presses ANY
16:27.23Helralprobably is the same lemme test.
16:27.48HelralI'd be surprised if it wasn't
16:28.03Helralyup works with both Any and None :P
16:28.23Eimtri get the converted text to say -1-1-1-1-1-1-1
16:28.42Eimtrthat means the values i set are -1 instead of the key pressed
16:30.45Helralit means the value isn't set I think.
16:30.56Eimtrexactly, None = -1 i guess
16:31.08Eimtrin integer
16:31.21Helralkey 0 & 1 are ctrl and shift. (dunno the order)
16:32.07Eimtrwhat do yo mean
16:32.19Helralthe integer values of those keys.
16:32.35Eimtryou mean the variables?
16:32.43*** join/#sc2mapster Repo (~repo@
16:32.45Helralnumpad 0 through 9 are 41 through 50.
16:33.12Helralso if you'd have stored one of those key presses you'd see those numbers repeated.
16:33.18Eimtrisn't it NumPad 0 = 0, Numpad 1 = 1?
16:33.37Helralthe int value that represents the key is an unique internal value.
16:33.51Helralit doesn't represent the actual meaning of the key.
16:34.05Eimtrdidn't know that
16:34.20Eimtrwhere can i see that
16:34.24Eimtrwhat numbers they are
16:34.30Helraljust spit them out :P
16:34.55Eimtrokay but so far i get -1 for all, so something is wrong in those tirggers i have
16:35.47HelralI spit the value out using that bit of trigger.
16:37.10Vailrethany one know how to set a missile its self as the origin of the damage a behavior on the missile executes when the missile passes over a unit?
16:37.56Vailreththis maybe simple but its eluding me
16:39.01EimtrHelrar ur right it's 41-55 so how can I set Unit Height based on keys pressed?
16:39.09HelralVailreth, which options did you have again?
16:39.33Eimtri want a combination of keys to be the value to which a unit should change its height including decimal if i want e.g 3.75
16:40.42HelralI don't know what you want exactly, so you just have to figure out what works best for you. you can subtract keypad 0 from the pressed key to get the int representation of those numpad numbers at least.
16:41.07HelralI'm semi-here :P
16:42.52Dustin|WorkThis is why you should use your own conversion function Eimtr
16:43.07Dustin|WorkThen you can define your own height numbers for each number
16:43.18Vailrethwell i tried setting the damage launch  to caster unit and using a buff that buffs the missiles damage out put by x30
16:59.57Vailrethhmm further testing points that the point of failure may be my buff its self
17:03.27*** part/#sc2mapster Fate_afk (
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17:09.12*** join/#sc2mapster G0A (~hookah604@
17:14.19Vailrethyes it appears my buff will not affect anything
17:19.07*** join/#sc2mapster Helral_ (
17:21.27JademusSregIs the behavior the start of the effect tree containing the damage?
17:22.30Vailrethi believe so
17:22.52Vailrethbut the buff will not modify damage at all even when placed on the base unit firing the missile
17:26.38Vailrethok i now know the behavior works so there is some disconect somewhere
17:28.28Vailreththe ability works by using a persistent to fire a missile at a point  then the missile have a buff that will cause it to detonate on a unit and a second buff that multiplies its damage by 30
17:28.42Vailrethbut the second buff wont work
17:28.59Vailrethat least on the missile and the unit that launches it
17:48.41*** join/#sc2mapster Repo (~repo@
17:55.48Eimtrdoes any1 know... can the height of a unit be detected at any given moment? When you set a unit to change height from 1 to 10 via triggers, can you detect the height in transition?
17:57.05Fate_afkhow about high of unit ?
17:58.51Eimtras far as i know they detect the final one.. so was in war3 i think it's the same here, so if i use triggers to set it to 10, even before it hits height 10 it already detects it as 10, no?
17:59.53Fate_afkyou tryed it?
18:02.59Eimtri think so, a long time ago, i will try it now too
18:07.24Ahli found something on TL
18:10.19*** join/#sc2mapster Tolkfan (
18:12.01Eimtrit detects the current height m weeeee
18:12.41Eimtrthen i can use other ways and a behavior for land or take off, no need the complex bs triggers i used so far wasted me 4 hours : ((
18:13.52Dustin|WorkThe triggers are easy, you're just not understanding the basic logic behind them :P
18:15.16Helral_there are 10 kind of people in the world, those who know what I mean and those who don't.
18:15.47Dustin|WorkDon't make me bitshift that 10
18:15.53Dustin|WorkI'll fucking do it!
18:16.00Eimtrbut i get gaalxy error and the whole concept of using keys like that is wrong, my only idea was to modify height via triggers and behavior, that whole way to do it was needless headache
18:16.38Helral_there is 01 kind of people in the world, those who bitshift this and know what I mean and those who don't.
18:16.54G0AAhli "A free to play science fiction Multi-Player Online RPG played through on StarCraft II. (No StarCraft license required)" WTF?
18:16.59Eimtri had no idea the game can read current height, in war3 you couldnt, i can now use behaviors and stop the height by removing the height when it reaches the desired height
18:17.14Eimtrso we will see with behaviors later gtg
18:17.31Helral_G0A: roflol
18:17.48Helral_(No diablo license required) I think that should be.
18:18.00AhliG0A: they mean the demo I think
18:18.09AhliI'm concerned about that reward chart
18:18.28Helral_hey Ahli
18:18.54Ahlibecause of the money vs ingame stuff... isn't that conflicting with Blizzard's EULA?
18:19.07*** join/#sc2mapster Helral (
18:19.11Helraland I'm back.... long live my connection...
18:19.16Ahlihi Helral
18:20.06Helralat least I know when it breaks up.
18:20.50Ahliyou do?
18:21.11Helralyup 18 minutes past the hour.
18:21.28G0AAhli yeah those rewards conflict with EULA and there were maps which were banned for it...
18:21.56Helralyou can set a atom clock on it and when it hits 60 minutes after the previous dc. I'll dc again, unless I get lucky
18:22.25G0Aits wierd that they already got 5k in pledges
18:23.15A1winHelral, have you rebooted your PC? win7 at least has some weird connection problems that get fixed by rebooting (dunno what exactly it)
18:24.08Helralwould be weird if it was my pc, since it doesn't loose it's connection with the router.
18:24.55A1winyeah it is weird ;p but I had a similar problem once
18:25.20A1winmight have been a problem with the ISP *and* win7 somehow, but rebooting fixed it for a long time
18:25.44A1wineven just restarting the network adapter didn't help
18:26.23A1winbut of course, most such problems are caused by external stuff, but it's a possibility with easy solution/workaround
18:27.43*** join/#sc2mapster Tomura (
18:50.22Dustin|Work$80 Kickstarter for SCU?
18:50.58Dustin|WorkDaaaaamn, I thought most of it was done and all that was left was MP quests
18:55.32*** join/#sc2mapster pirate (4c0a9b40@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
18:56.50pirateSCU kickstarter
19:00.15*** join/#sc2mapster Antenae (
19:02.47Dustin|WorkYa I was just talking about it
19:04.16Ahli"Weight of 1 American Female is equivalent to 2606.4  Human Eyeball" hmmm
19:05.12*** join/#sc2mapster Zandose (
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19:09.11HelralAhli: how's diablo coming along?
19:10.31RipperRoodiablo mod is close to its release on kickstarter *ROFL*
19:11.50Ahlineed models for hell levels... hell dungeon layout and monsters are nearly done. quests are missing. I need to add a lot of unique items. I need to add more skills and skilltrees...
19:12.08Ahlicurrently you can already join the unfinished hell in 25% of the games...
19:12.25Helralquite a bit of work still to do I see, but it has gone quite far I guess.
19:13.53Helralseeing as last time I asked about it it was still in the first footsteps it has gone very far already. :)
19:13.56Ahliapart from skills, nearly done... then ^^
19:14.51Ahlieven if I actually didn't do too much in the last 1.5 years...
19:15.04Ahlior at least it didn't feel like much
19:15.21RipperRooyeah because a lot of fixing was involved due patches etc
19:15.33RipperRoostop pretend like u are not doing great on that :<
19:15.35Ahliactually not that much
19:15.50AhliI'm busy with other stuff. spawned 2 side projects while working on diablo...
19:16.30Ahliwell, I was always working in phases on the map...
19:17.00Helralplaying a bit with the EquipmentIcons atm. saw the thread.
19:17.01Ahlibut instead of playing a FPS game, I switched to working on different maps/interfaces, etc...
19:18.52Ahliyeah. I started to learn UI modification properly last November I think.
19:19.13*** join/#sc2mapster Helral_ (
19:19.58Helral_there we go, 18 minutes past the hour.
19:21.18*** join/#sc2mapster DeadZergling (836baeee@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
19:22.25DeadZerglinggreets mapster
19:23.56RepoNew experimental map: Survival Chaos -
19:24.07RepoNew map: New Established Order II -
19:24.07RepoNew asset: [Terrain] Rainy Jungle Map -
19:24.08RepoNew asset: [Terrain] Large Grassy Map -
19:39.26Vailrethany resources for learning it or were you going trial and error
19:39.59Vailrethhello Dead, whats going on?
19:41.44Helral_about the ui?
19:42.15Helral_toy about
19:42.24Vailrethi do not learn well that way
19:42.54DeadZerglingOh not too much, just procrastinating again
19:43.06Vailrethmy self as well there.
19:43.07Ahliprocrastination <3
19:44.06DeadZerglingso much easier to play other people's games over the weekend
19:44.08DeadZerglingthen work on my own
19:47.40DeadZerglingcould also be the fact none of what I have to do sounds difficult too, just repetitive non-sense
19:47.50DeadZerglingso not feeling real motivated, lol
19:48.12Vailrethi know how that can be
20:19.21*** join/#sc2mapster Helral (
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21:33.15*** join/#sc2mapster Zolden (d5578840@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
21:34.00Zoldengreetings noble mapmakermen
21:36.09DeadZerglingmust be about 3 am for Zolden huh?
21:39.50*** join/#sc2mapster Zolden (d55781ac@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
21:39.55DeadZerglingmust be about 3 am for Zolden huh?
21:40.45Dustin|WorkHi Zolden
21:40.47DeadZerglingah, just figured it would be late since that is the only time you log in while you are away
21:40.52DeadZerglingwhy are you away so much anyways
21:41.04Zoldentoday is maximum of meteorite stream
21:41.20Zoldenthey are falling like 1-5 per minute
21:41.51Zoldeni'm away because cities suck at summer
21:42.52DeadZerglingwhy do cities suck at summer?
21:42.54Zoldenso, i'm surrounded by rivers and forests and silence, and sky is dark at night, no gay city lights, and i can wonder, why is our world made of bright points
21:43.49Zoldencities suck at summers because of hot air, dust, smog, noise
21:45.56DeadZerglingah, they suck all the time that way
21:46.02Zoldenit's like a day at disney land for hitler - all that children happy laugh, pink candies, fat jews
21:47.19Zoldenwell, in russia cities aren't suck that much at winters - everything is covered by snow, white and clean, not that bad
21:47.39Zoldenat autumn even not cities are dark and rainy, all sucks
21:47.54Zoldenand at spring it's not suck, because nothing suck at spring
21:49.02Dustin|WorkI was gonna watch the meteor shower last night but it was too cloudy
21:49.05DeadZerglingdepends how many lady points you have I guess
21:52.49Zoldenwhat's lady points?
21:53.40ZoldenDustin|Work: you just need a good nuke, it cleans clouds
21:53.54Dustin|Worknuke kansas!
21:54.20Zoldenok, i'll call putin, hope he has the button with him
21:54.28*** part/#sc2mapster G0A (~hookah604@
21:54.51Dustin|WorkWe actually are a target if the US does get nuked, we have a bunch of underground salt mine vaults that hold info
21:55.01Dustin|WorkShit sucks
21:55.39Zoldencanadians are wiser, they grow weed in old mines
21:56.24Zoldenputin said he left the button home, his kids are playing war with it or something
21:57.28ZoldenDustin|Work: do you know kansas musical band?
21:57.29Zoldeni mean "kansas"
21:58.24Zoldenbtw, i just noticed, that scu kickstarted, checked it and: wtf, they have so much yet
21:58.37Dustin|WorkOf course, I'm fro mthe State :P
21:58.41Zoldenmost blizz have posted it
21:58.53Zoldenyea :)
21:59.41Zoldenif htat work, blizz shuld promote all arcade kickstarts
22:01.02Zoldenmille25: you know what
22:03.48Ahli... I told someone my race when he asked and he left :X
22:05.13Zoldenare you alien?
22:05.46Ahlihe was diamond league, I was placed in bronze :D
22:06.58Ahlior he didn't want to play tvt...
22:07.05Zoldeni thought you said like "i'm black", and he left
22:07.57mille25Zolden: ?
22:08.32Zoldenmille25: who's your modeller for scu?
22:08.54mille25for the ingame stuff?
22:09.09Zoldenyea, guess you use models
22:09.50mille25im not sure how hes called on mapster
22:09.59mille25his real name is kiefer traub
22:10.13Zoldenok, if you need more models, use me
22:10.31mille25why= dont you like his work?
22:11.05Zoldenguess he's ok, just in case you will need more than he can provide
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22:43.34DeadZerglinghi, anyone on US server who can do a really easy test for me, take 5-10 mins tops.  Just try to play 11032012833PMHoroRPG, which is located under custom maps.  If it loads, lets you pick a char, that's all I need to know.
22:47.04*** join/#sc2mapster Tolkfan (
22:48.23DeadZerglinganyone able to do that?  Just want to know if it is just one guy or if nobody is able to play it at this time
22:59.18*** join/#sc2mapster ArcanePariah (
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23:21.17DeadZerglingHrrrmm, no response, so I try again
23:21.26DeadZerglinghi, anyone on US server who can do a really easy test for me, take 5-10 mins tops.  Just try to play 11032012833PMHoroRPG, which is located under custom maps.  If it loads, lets you pick a char, that's all I need to know.
23:25.09Zoldenwhen i need a fast tester, i go to any chat and ask everyone
23:25.15Zoldensome test
23:25.29Zoldenthere are some chat rooms that can be accessed via a couple of clicks
23:27.18DeadZerglingyea, but I'm not home for another few hours is the problem
23:27.35DeadZerglingas far as I know it works, I ran it on bnet a couple weeks ago with my last update
23:27.41DeadZerglingbut another guy is unable to access it apparently
23:28.37Zoldendoes it mean your map is near complete?
23:28.52DeadZerglingI wish, lol
23:29.07Zoldenis it fun?
23:29.20DeadZerglingI think so, but my opinion is subjective
23:30.17DeadZerglingfigure if you can just play your own map for a few hours for no other reason then feeling like it
23:30.20DeadZerglingmust have done something right
23:30.35*** join/#sc2mapster MoonEater916 (6c586101@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
23:31.12MoonEater916has anyone used set next map?
23:37.04JademusSregNot since I tested it a while ago. Works from tested documents, doesn't work on bnet.
23:37.57MoonEater916well that sucks
23:41.52MoonEater916has anyone made a co-op comapain
23:45.13DeadZerglingnope, haven't been in a coma, let alone with someone else, and I definitely wasn't in pain
23:45.51MoonEater916its cool my gf wont leave my fuckign ear alone
23:45.56MoonEater916and about to join u in a coma
23:47.07DeadZerglingif she is such a problem, why you put up with it?  Not even sex is worth some things.
23:49.42JademusSregDeadz, conflating some terms. Enjoyment is an experience, not an opinion. Understanding what and how to illicit responses such as enjoyment from gameplay is the purpose of design theory. Identifying the subjectivity of the experience does not make unknowable the mechanics of the experience. Helps to be able articulate the design, haha.
23:51.28DeadZerglingThere goes Jade, with another confusing paragraph for all :P
23:52.29MoonEater916i agree
23:52.36MoonEater916that shit needs to stop XD

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