IRC log for #sc2mapster on 20130627

00:00.18ThunderLordim thinking i could do somthing like....
00:01.47ThunderLordin my first 5 games. i beat 3 players in the 25th %, 1 player in the 40th % and lost to 1 player in the 35% and 4 players in the 46%. So my estimated % is somewhere around 30%
00:02.04A1winyou can't do percentages
00:02.16ThunderLordnot with accuracy i cant
00:02.21ThunderLordbut i can estimate
00:02.34A1winno you can't
00:02.38ThunderLordthats the idea
00:02.40ThunderLordY not?
00:03.34ThunderLordits basically just another way to calculate your skill relative to other players, only im throwing a percentage on it instead
00:03.36A1winerrm I guess you can if you base it only on the data that the players share with each o ther
00:04.11ThunderLordit will not be accurate... again it  would just be guessing
00:04.15A1winso yeah, first of all you need to keep track of a score value
00:04.50A1winlike start at 0 points, add when you win, subtract when you lose (modify based on the current score value of others)
00:05.14A1winand then you also need to keep track of the number of players at each score value range
00:05.41ThunderLordehhhh, thats where u get O(n)
00:06.03A1winlike "players with -10 score, players with -9 score, ... , players with 0 score, players with 1 score, ... players with 10 score" (where -10 and 10 are the minimum and maximum scores you can get during let's say last 30 games you play)
00:06.30A1winlike if you win every time against a player with as high score as possible, that's the absolute maximum, and if you lose every time against a player with minimum score, that's the absolute minimum
00:06.51A1winyou can keep an approximated list of the number of players
00:07.09ThunderLordhow can i keep an approximated list?
00:07.11A1winlike you can combine the number of players with 1 score and number of players with 0.9 or 1.15 score etc.
00:07.35A1winso you have an array of numbers of players, like let's say 20 indexes
00:07.49A1win0 is players with minimum possible score, and 19 is players with maximum possible score
00:07.54A1winerr that doesn't work
00:08.00A1winyou can't keep the lists up to date
00:08.09A1winsince you can't know who moves on the list
00:08.31A1winI have a feeling it's not possible at all
00:09.09A1winall you can do is keep track of an absolute value as a score for each player on their own
00:09.25ThunderLordbut i can do assumptions, i could keep a list of the players i lose and win against, and their rating at the moment when i won/lost against them. and calculate a score based on that
00:09.27A1winyou can't store the bnet ID of every player who ever plays your map into the bank file
00:09.40ThunderLordthat would be too much
00:10.10A1winah, I see
00:10.52ThunderLordagain, totally not accurate, but its a guess.
00:10.54A1winso you'd just keep a list of let's say 100 players and their score
00:11.09A1winand drop the oldest one when you add a new one
00:11.13ThunderLordwell, the last like 100 players that i have won/;pst against
00:11.14A1winand update if someone's already on the list
00:11.43ThunderLordi wouldent even have to worry about if i see the same player more than once
00:12.05sarahhey  how do u make something drop something?
00:12.51ThunderLordi could just purely store the ratings of the players that i won/lost against each game, do some algorithm to get my approximate score from that. and each time i add a new game i will drop the oldest one... After i have reached say like 30 games or somthing
00:13.04ThunderLordright click the item in ur inventory
00:13.08ThunderLordleft click the ground
00:13.32sarahi mean have a enmy drop something
00:13.40A1winThunderLord, what do you mean approximate score
00:14.17ThunderLordwell i can guess my true score based on the scores of the players i have won/lost against in the past 30 games
00:14.22A1winyou don't need to approximate the score, you can just modify that after each game... the only thing you're approximating is the data base of numbers since it doesn't include every player
00:14.39Kuekensarah: easiest way would be a trigger, event: unit dies, action: create unit (the item)
00:14.40A1winjust update the score every time a game ends
00:14.41ThunderLordi suppose thats true
00:14.58A1winand use that database as a reference to show how high you are on the "ladder"
00:15.04Kuekenthere is also a "loot" data type, which is probably related, but I haven't tried it yet
00:15.05ThunderLordbut from these scores i will be converting that to a % of players you are better than
00:15.08ThunderLordyeah exactly
00:15.11ThunderLordand in that sense
00:15.21A1winbut that's just a display value
00:15.25ThunderLordit is not a true number, but just an estimation
00:15.33A1winit's not an estimation :P
00:15.37A1winit's a calculation
00:15.46A1wincomputation, whatever
00:16.02ThunderLordwell the display value is designed to "estimate" your skill relative to all the other players
00:16.03A1winvalue of a function
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00:16.17A1winwhy are you talking about estimating
00:17.07A1winwell I guess in a sense it estimates your *skill*, but as a rank value it isn't an estimation
00:17.25ThunderLordwell the point of this whole thing is to guess the players score relative to all other players because we cannot decide with complete certanty without keeping a record of all players
00:17.43ThunderLordso in that sense, its an estimation
00:17.57A1winyeah but that's just a limit of the database, there isn't any actual estimation happening in the calculations
00:18.12ThunderLordi suppose thats true...
00:18.17ThunderLordcome to think of it
00:18.26ThunderLordwhen would estimation actually be used in calculations?
00:19.04ThunderLordwould that just be like... ignoreing smaller details for efficiency?
00:19.09A1winwhen you can't get the precise value of something in reasonable amount of time
00:19.13sarahshit i just saved over my map
00:19.41sarahi acidently dident load then i saved
00:19.53A1wintake backups D:
00:20.19sarahnow i have to remake all that
00:20.33ThunderLordits always easier the second time :D
00:20.42Kuekenyou can setup your editor to make backups automatically
00:20.44ThunderLordbut still sucks that u have to D:
00:22.01A1winwhy is it so hot in here x___x
00:22.10A1win+23 C in shadow at 3 in the morning
00:22.22A1winor should I say shade
00:26.25sarahthis is realy gona suck
00:26.48sarahmaby i wont make a rpg
00:27.16A1winrpgs are usually large projects
00:27.31sarahand i saved over mine
00:27.45sarahand i dont wana redo all i did
00:27.56sarahthat was alot of work
00:28.54A1winyeah, better get to the habit of taking backups as soon as possible D:
00:29.21sarahmaking another inventory making up to level 100 agin
00:30.36sarahfunny thing i did it in less than 2 days i did it in 1 and 1/2 days
00:33.50sarahgona go talk to moon eater on sc2
00:34.44sarahi saved over my map
00:35.19MoonEater_mobileDo what I do and use drop box to store your maps
00:35.42MoonEater_mobileThe editor also has auto backups
00:36.47sarahhow do u get to it?
00:37.04MoonEater_mobileTo which?
00:37.22sarahto the auto backup
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00:39.27*** join/#sc2mapster MoonEater (6c586101@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
00:39.36MoonEateri seem to be having conneciton issues today
00:40.40sarahso how do u get to the backup?
00:41.38sarahhow do u open the backup?
00:42.05MoonEaterno that turns on backups
00:42.41sarahwell then its settled im not making a rpg
00:42.52MoonEaterwell now u can make it better
00:43.06MoonEaterit will take u atleast 2x faster to remake what u lost
00:43.08MoonEatersince ur new
00:43.13MoonEaterprobably 100x
00:43.31sarahsay that to waiting for level
00:43.58sarahi have to wait for 100 levels to pile up about 1 level per 2 secons
00:45.41MoonEaterso 3 min
00:46.00sarahand 20 secons
00:46.02MoonEaterfor a first map an rpg is probably the hardest
00:46.40sarahui know ow to make things drop things without triggers
00:48.04sarahim gona make my map better this time i make it
00:48.17sarahif i decide to make the same thing
00:48.53sarahnow to make my heros revive
00:49.32MoonEateri would think it would be an effect or ability
00:49.38MoonEateru would have to ask the others
00:49.46MoonEaterim not very strong with data :(
00:50.05sarahim using triggers to make my hero revive
00:50.54MoonEateri was talking about item drops
00:51.04MoonEateru go
00:51.16MoonEaterevent unit dies
00:51.16sarahits in loot thing
00:51.25MoonEateraction revive triggering unit
00:51.35sarahik how to make the hero revive using triggers
00:53.55sarahwait forgot how to set a spot where they revive
00:56.11MoonEaterposition of triggering unit
01:00.12sarahhhow do u make it so u can select a unit>
01:02.49sarahlike lets  u put down a unit
01:02.58sarahthen u wana select a unit
01:15.54sarahi cant select the zealots because it wants me to place a forge instid
01:16.03sarahbecause i was placing forges
01:16.22sarahhow do i get rid of the placing forges thing to select the zealots
01:16.29Ahli in case you want to show us a screenshot of the problem
01:16.47Ahlispace button?
01:16.52sarahits in editor
01:17.01sarahim pretty sure u cant screen shot
01:17.18RepoNew map: Dungeon Explorer -
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01:20.25TarqansaszAhli, mein liebling
01:20.48Ahlihi lajla
01:21.27TarqansaszAhli, ich will deinen Arsch
01:28.15sarahwell i have revival for enmys and a revival for my heros
01:28.37sarahlets hope my heros dont revive twice
01:30.24sarahi dont even have healing area complete
01:34.14sarahwill my heris revive twice?
01:35.07sarahi mean if i have 2 revival systems
01:35.33sarahi have revival systems for heros alone
01:36.02MoonEateryes u can
01:36.22sarahthen i have one thats sposed to be for hostile
01:36.50sarahbut  can i set it so its for hostile units only?
01:38.12MoonEaterthe most computer efficent way is to add a "if then else" action
01:39.31sarahwhat does it do?
01:40.41MoonEaterasks a question to the system and processes it
01:40.47MoonEateralso known as a algorithm
01:41.14sarahso it makes my heros not be revived by that system?
01:41.43MoonEaterits kinda like an event
01:41.49MoonEateri say
01:41.55sarahwhat does it do?
01:42.01MoonEaterIF triggering unit is owned by player 15
01:42.04MoonEaterthen do this
01:42.09MoonEaterthen under that
01:42.10MoonEateru do
01:42.20MoonEaterif triggering player is owned by not 15
01:42.21MoonEaterdo this
01:43.11sarahso how do i make it work
01:44.38AndChat|453921Add a if action  the. Move or existing to a then
01:45.22*** join/#sc2mapster Repo (~repo@
01:46.25sarahstill confused
01:47.24AndChat|453921OK listen up
01:47.25sarahis there a simpler way?
01:48.38AndChat|453921IF owner of triggering unit == 15 THEN revive
01:50.06sarahbur what i dont understand is how to put that
01:52.20sarahthis is my 2nd day using editor
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01:55.52sarahwhat i dont understand is how to put it in
02:16.47MoonEatermy father called
02:16.51MoonEaterhes demanding
02:17.10MoonEaterwhat u need
02:17.37sarahi dont understand how to put it in
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02:20.36sarahi dont understand how to put it in
02:21.25MoonEaterin actions
02:21.33MoonEateru have an if section and a then section
02:21.35MoonEaterand a else section
02:22.07MoonEateru add the action IF then Else
02:22.10MoonEaterthen fill it out
02:22.35sarahwhat do i fill it out with?
02:23.16sarahix know but what triggers
02:23.59MoonEaterim confused?
02:24.03MoonEateropen triggers module
02:24.10MoonEaterthen make a trigger
02:24.16MoonEaterunti dies
02:24.22MoonEaterif then else
02:24.36MoonEaterfor the if section add a "action"
02:24.44MoonEatertriggering player == 15
02:24.59MoonEaterfor the then  section put what u want to happen to player's 15 deaths
02:25.30sarahhow do u do the triggering player thing tho?
02:27.05MoonEateru add another action
02:27.17MoonEaterselect if and hit ctrl + w
02:28.06sarahi wana know what action u add
02:28.37MoonEateron the left side of it there is a clickable (
02:28.47MoonEaterclick it and change it to triggering player
02:29.09MoonEaterif u highlight the trigger
02:29.16MoonEaterand hit ctrl+ shift+ c
02:29.26MoonEaterthen click here in the chat and hit vtrl + v
02:29.29MoonEateru can show me
02:29.31MoonEaterwhat ur doing
02:30.00sarahim still trying to figure out what action to put in if
02:31.04MoonEaterdo u have skype or team viewer
02:31.22MoonEaterwell i need to see what ur doing
02:31.28MoonEaterhighlight ur trigger
02:31.30MoonEaterall the comes
02:31.40MoonEaterand hit ctrl +shift +c
02:31.46MoonEaterand then hit ctrl + v here
02:31.48MoonEaterlet me look
02:35.42MoonEaterselect if
02:35.50MoonEaterthen hit ctrl +w
02:37.03sarahevent player?
02:38.44MoonEaterhere 1 sec
02:39.09sarahgot it
02:39.13sarahi think
02:40.07sarahthat after if right
02:40.14MoonEaterlook at that
02:40.24MoonEaterfor then, just act like regular actions
02:40.43MoonEateri got to go do some electrical for dad ill be on bobile
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02:42.22sarahtheres no triggering unit thing
02:42.28sarahonly a event unit
02:48.26*** join/#sc2mapster MoonEater_mobile (
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02:56.29sarahmy game has a item that gives me zerglings weapon which i renamed bite
02:57.03sarahanyway i couldent figure out why zerglings were 1 hitting me
02:59.51*** join/#sc2mapster MoonEater_mobile (
03:28.30sarahtime to wait for levels
03:34.09sarahtime to test my game
03:37.39sarahwell my marines are changelings i should fix that
03:40.28sarahi dident get the ifthenelse thing to work
04:29.01sarahhey i cant figure out the ifthenelse
04:29.10sarahi cant find the ownerof
04:29.14MoonEaterdid u look at my example?
04:29.16sarahor triggeredunit
04:30.01sarahicant find the (ownerof
04:30.21MoonEaterclick if and hit ctrl +w
04:31.35sarahok event player its event player
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04:31.48sarahlook at ur page
04:33.18sarahis what it is
04:33.30sarahbut look at ur page
04:33.54MoonEaterhit ctrl +D
04:34.00MoonEaterdoes that make it look right?
04:42.26sarahhow do u unpublish?
04:42.47ThunderLordyou publish again but select private when you have the opportunity
04:43.03ThunderLordor i think u can do managed published in the editor somewhere too and actually remove it
04:43.29ThunderLordAnyone here know anything about statistics?
04:44.56sarahright under publish lol
04:45.10sarahjust tried to figure it out
04:47.15sarahnow i have a public map yay
04:50.35sarahits being idotic and wont let me find it in the arcade
04:51.10DogmaiI am so sore today
05:00.43sarahwhy isnt my map in arcade
05:03.36sarahhey does anyone know why my map isnt in  the arcade its published its public
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05:11.02sarahwhy no beeping
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05:45.54ThunderLordI need statistics help D:
05:45.59ThunderLordanyone know any stats?
05:46.46unclesatanWhat do you mean?
05:46.50unclesatanStatistic of?
05:47.02ThunderLordprobability stuff
05:47.12ThunderLordfor a modified ELO system
05:47.41unclesatanSo basically you want to calculate games and add a random value based on the calculated figures?
05:47.48unclesatanTo their "ELO"
05:47.58ThunderLordokay here is my issue
05:48.27ThunderLordEvery player has a "Skill Rating" this is a number between 0 and 100 and it is an estimate of what % of players they are better than
05:48.28unclesatanOr what do you mean?  There isn't very much probability in ELO, it's all based on whether you basically win or lose, not very many conditions for it
05:48.38unclesatanOh I see what you mean
05:48.49ThunderLordthe function P(C, X) gives the probability that a player with skill C will win vs a player of skill X
05:49.13ThunderLordif  i have a list of the skill ratings of the players i have won against, and of the players i have lost against
05:49.45ThunderLorduseing that, how can i find the most likely value of my current skill rating?
05:50.09unclesatanProbably by using a separate function that calculates your list
05:50.18unclesatanIf your list is in an Array
05:50.42ThunderLordits 2 lists of skill ratings i have won vs and players i have lost vs
05:50.46unclesatanPick a couple values for the function to calculate, like CS or Champ Kills
05:50.59unclesatanthen use a function to calculate everyone on the lists's CS/ Champ Kills
05:51.19unclesatanThen make your own equation using the player's current skill level maybe?
05:51.27unclesatancombined with all the data from the 2 lists
05:51.37unclesatanIt sounds like it could be done in one func
05:51.59ThunderLordim reverse engineering basically a bunch of boolians in to a probability
05:52.18unclesatanSo the list only calculates whether you've won or lost?
05:52.59unclesatanThe only way you'd be able to get a proper system like you're talking about is if you had each person who you won and lost against's statistics too, or am I missing something?
05:53.19ThunderLordeach person has a single number
05:53.19unclesatanTurns out I might need more info to help you Q-Q
05:53.31unclesatanWhich is their skill level yes?
05:53.46unclesatanoh i guess not C
05:53.49unclesatanbut yes
05:53.49ThunderLord'and it will only track their ratings  for the past 30 games
05:53.51unclesatanskill level
05:54.16unclesatanAnd what you want is a way to determine the % chance that you will win against a person on your list
05:54.26unclesatanAnd show it to the playing player yes?
05:54.45ThunderLord1 sec
05:54.53ThunderLordlemme think of the best way to explain
05:55.03unclesatanSorry let me reread what you told me thus far
05:56.36unclesatanSkill Rating is the estimate
05:57.09unclesatanand the list contains
05:57.17unclesatanA player name + skill rating
05:57.27ThunderLordonly skill ratings
05:57.37ThunderLordi could include name, but there is no point
05:58.04ThunderLordim only concerned with their rating at the game where i beat them
05:58.34unclesatanAlright, so the list is something the players can't see right?
05:58.52unclesatanOk that part I think gave me the wrong mental image
05:58.57unclesatankk now
05:59.03unclesatanThe most likely value of your current skill rating
05:59.06ThunderLordthe only thing players will see is the skill rating
05:59.20unclesatanHow do you get the skill rating to begin with?
05:59.23unclesatanI suppose I should ask that first
05:59.31unclesatanLike, you win a game and?
05:59.37ThunderLordfirst match
05:59.48ThunderLordim putting in artificial numbers that will place players at the 50% rating
05:59.50ThunderLordright in the mid
06:00.02ThunderLordso like 1 win and 1 loss vs a 50% skill rating players
06:00.06ThunderLordso they will start at 50%
06:00.26unclesatanSo from there they will go up or down based on performance or just losing?
06:00.41ThunderLordi have a formula
06:00.43unclesatanOk and you calculate that
06:00.58ThunderLordP(X, C) the chance that a player will skill C wins vs a player of skill X
06:01.09ThunderLordi want to find the most probable C for me
06:01.26ThunderLordbased on a list of X values of players i have lost against, and that i have won against
06:01.39unclesatanOk and you are player X then?
06:01.45ThunderLordno i am C
06:01.51unclesatanAlright so your skill
06:02.03ThunderLordis some C that i want to find the most likely value for
06:02.29unclesatanSo performance is the calculation that determines how many points you raise, while C is your skill level X is your list of values
06:02.35ThunderLordlike my list of X wins could be like, i beat a player of rating 67, 73, and 90 and lost against players of skill 20 and 55
06:02.41JademusSregExplaining TrueSkill?
06:02.58unclesatanK so
06:02.59ThunderLordi have a formula
06:03.08ThunderLordP(X, C) only compares 2 players
06:03.13unclesatanA good way to get your own skill level which starts at 50% right?
06:03.16ThunderLordthe chance for player with skill C will beat skill X
06:03.17unclesatanOh ok
06:03.31unclesatanSo C, on the first game, is 50 right?
06:03.45ThunderLordbut like
06:04.01ThunderLordit is recalculated based on the list of skill ratings of the players i have won/llost against
06:04.09unclesatanThrough P
06:04.09ThunderLordif my skill is 50
06:04.30ThunderLordwell i dont know my skill
06:04.37ThunderLordbut if i beat a player of skill 90
06:04.40unclesatanIt's only determined at the end of the game
06:04.59ThunderLordthen based on the P formula its likely that my skill will be at about 90
06:05.04ThunderLordi have the formula
06:05.11ThunderLordi just need to translate it in to a rating
06:05.15unclesatanAlright, and so your problem now is that it gives you too many points or puts you at too high of a skill level?
06:05.19ThunderLordbased on who i win and lose vs
06:05.52unclesatanSo P is calculated, then used in conjunction with something that you are needing now to get the player's skill level
06:06.28ThunderLordI have no idea what my C is
06:06.33ThunderLordno freaking idea
06:06.35unclesatanYou need to get it
06:06.38unclesatanJust C
06:06.42ThunderLordbut i have a list of Xs that i have won vs
06:06.46ThunderLordand Xs that i have lost vs
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06:07.17ThunderLordand based on those i get the most likely value of my C that fits in to the P formula with all those Xs
06:07.39unclesatanP is calculated one time for every player on your list
06:07.44unclesatanBut you need C first
06:08.07unclesatanP is calculated to find the win rate of you and a person of your choose
06:08.11ThunderLordi cant plug in to the P formula exactly
06:08.23ThunderLordi need to reverse that formula somehow
06:08.37ThunderLordto solve for a likely C value
06:08.51unclesatanI think a good way to do that would be to replace C with P
06:09.01unclesatanC is your skill level based on your performance compared to other player's skill levels
06:09.15ThunderLordyeah i need to find C
06:09.35unclesatanSo at the end of the game I think you could calculate performance
06:09.38ThunderLordor a likely C
06:09.52ThunderLordat the end of every game i will update my C
06:10.36unclesatanOk so at the end of the game you might want C(P, X) instead perhaps?
06:10.52ThunderLordit will be
06:10.58ThunderLordC(X1, X2)
06:11.06ThunderLordwhere X1 is a list of values i have won against
06:11.15ThunderLordand X2 is the list of values i have lost against
06:11.49unclesatanAlright.  And you want to find a value based on the X1/X2 values, but don't know the best way to go about it?
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06:12.06ThunderLordits a most likely C value
06:12.17unclesatanSo C() is a function yes
06:12.27unclesatanlike C(x1, x1) {}
06:12.53unclesatanAnd you want a calculation inside the function
06:12.54ThunderLordjust like, idk how to go about it
06:13.11unclesatanSo X1, X2 can't be arrays because arrays can't be passed to functions sadly
06:13.26unclesatanthat would be an easy way to do it
06:13.27ThunderLordI could just make it a trigger that
06:13.31unclesatanto do an array loop
06:13.33ThunderLordwill look at some globals
06:13.39ThunderLordthats not a big deal
06:14.25unclesatanSo my suggestion would be to make it so player that you win/lose against with significant skill rating differences will affect your skill rating less
06:14.42ThunderLordthats already taken in to account
06:14.45ThunderLordin the P(X, C)
06:15.24unclesatanSo you basically need an equation for looking at X1/X2
06:15.33unclesatanWhat type of variable are they?
06:15.50ThunderLordyeah that is derived from P(X, C)
06:15.53ThunderLordyeah int
06:15.55ThunderLordbetween 0 and 100
06:15.57unclesatanHaha I just realized you can use Fixed numbers for a pseudo array
06:16.15unclesatan1.1, 1.2,1.3 etc.
06:16.59unclesatanLemme think
06:17.30unclesatanSo X1 contains multiple different players?
06:17.35unclesatanor just values
06:17.43unclesatanor will be changed in a loop that you already have
06:18.16unclesatanTrying to understand the structure of what you already have going
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06:20.11unclesatanC(x1, x2){if((x1 < (100 - P))) {}}
06:20.16unclesatanwould that, in theory, work?
06:20.43unclesatanTo use the P value
06:20.46unclesatanin a calculation
06:20.58unclesatanYou may have to make P a global
06:21.01ThunderLordit would be for every X value
06:21.10ThunderLordcuz X is a list of values
06:21.17ThunderLordlists of wins and lists of loses
06:21.31unclesatanAlright so x1 could be like 25, 45, 90 and 60
06:22.04unclesatanMan this is a tough one for sure
06:22.22unclesatanI would
06:22.26unclesatanGet the value of x1
06:22.33unclesatanand add 1 point per 10 value
06:22.52unclesatanthen eventually you'd have this big number, which would be perhaps performance
06:23.21ThunderLordwriting a python script atm to RNG this thing then maybe i can reverse engineer that in to a good formula
06:23.32unclesatanPerformance is the combination of all players you've lost and won against, making your end skill rating
06:23.50unclesatanOr is C the end skill rating you'll see
06:23.52ThunderLordonly 1 rating
06:23.56ThunderLordC is the only rating u see
06:23.58ThunderLordanyone sees
06:24.00ThunderLordanyone uses
06:24.04ThunderLordC is my Skill
06:24.09ThunderLordX is the other people's skill
06:33.22unclesatanWell the way I would do that would be to make 2 threshold numbers than when breached by adding together enemies skill ratings, they raise or lower C by one point.  I'm not sure how you want to do it though, this sounds like a pretty complex system you're workin on
06:34.37unclesatanI might not even entirely understand it thoroughly though, which would be probably my own fault.
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08:12.14JademusSregAnyone call for a Wizzard?
08:13.29JademusSregmust be a wizzard, as his majestic fedora spells this out clearly.
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08:52.57Dogmaiyou are too good looking
08:52.59Dogmaigo away
08:53.04Dogmaimy missus is home o_O
08:58.42JademusSregWorry not; IRC doesn't display my devastating features.
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10:14.01TarqansaszAhli, bist du phallisch?
11:03.18JademusSregRead about it last night, Ahli.
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11:42.25Leptonhey guys how can I make corruptor spawn with corruption cooldown not active?
11:42.36Leptonaka it spawns and can cast a corruption right away
11:47.49JademusSregAbility data : Cost + : TimeStart or TimeInitial or whatever it's called.
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13:18.55LeptonJademusSreg, you gotta ping me!
13:19.00Leptontks for the tip ill try it
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16:18.54ThunderLordHey if i need to do alot of multiplication with alot of really small numbers very accurately, how could i do that? just using regular reals does not give me nearly enough precision
16:19.36JademusSregIt's doable.
16:19.58JademusSregFirst, a question: how much work do you want to put into it?
16:20.14ThunderLordas much as i need to, its pretty important
16:20.22ThunderLordneeds to be able to handle like
16:20.36ThunderLordup to 1E-80
16:20.36JademusSregAlright. I'll enumerate a few approaches.
16:21.05ThunderLordactually there might be a better way to do it
16:21.10ThunderLordcuz i only need it for one thing
16:21.24ThunderLordi basically have 100 sets of 300 reals, each real is a number between 0 and 1
16:21.36JademusSregThe most straight forward approach (and the basis for all the other approaches) is to employ integers instead of Reals/fixed.
16:22.01ThunderLordi want to find the set such that the product of the 300 reals is maximal
16:22.34ThunderLordi get 32 bits there right?
16:22.37ThunderLordout of an int?
16:22.37JademusSregThen cast to int.
16:22.57JademusSregYes, all galaxy values and references are 32 bits.
16:23.06ThunderLordi dont think that will be eough
16:23.09ThunderLord\ :
16:23.28JademusSregBrings us to approach 2.
16:24.11JademusSregYou use 2 or more ints, treat them as a single value.
16:24.24ThunderLordthat could work
16:24.30ThunderLordbut ehhh
16:24.44ThunderLordwouldent i be better off trying to implement a floating point system?
16:25.16Kueken1 int for precision, 1 int for dimension?
16:25.17JademusSregApproach 3 gives you the most control, arbitrary precision, but worse resource efficiency. Strings.
16:25.42ThunderLordwell, the cauculations should be constant time
16:26.05JademusSregO(1) for approaches 1 and 2.
16:26.05ThunderLordits 3000 multiplication operations per player at initialization
16:26.10ThunderLordthats not to much right?
16:26.19JademusSregNaw, that'll be fine.
16:26.39ThunderLordis there a better way where i can do some simplifying assumptions?
16:26.57ThunderLordi have 100 sets of 300 numbers per player
16:27.21ThunderLordand i want to find the set such that the product of all 300 numbers is maximal over all other sets
16:27.30ThunderLordand every number is between 0 and 1 in the sets
16:27.47JademusSregWhen an approach is problematic, that's usually because the design is at fault.
16:29.07ThunderLordthere may in fact be a better way to calculate this, but i have been unsuccessful at finding it.
16:29.15ThunderLordthis is for the true skill rating Jade
16:29.37ThunderLordits actually quite cool, once i get this last part down im going to make it in to a library
16:29.40JademusSregI've not caught all the details, but it sounds like you want to implement TrueSkill but... without an upward bound?
16:29.55ThunderLordthere is an upward bound
16:30.02ThunderLordi have an equation
16:30.11JademusSregBecause I can't think of any other reason to attempt estimating a percentile group./
16:30.30ThunderLordP(X, C) = the probability that a player of skill C will beat a player of skill X where skill is a number between 1 and 100
16:30.50ThunderLordfor every player i keep the skill ratings of the last 300 players i have won/lost against
16:30.55ThunderLordand at initialization
16:31.07ThunderLordi create 100 sets of numbers
16:31.36ThunderLordeach set is P(X, C) where X is the skill ratings of each player i have won/lost against and C is the set number
16:31.53JademusSregOf course, I'm well acquainted with TrueSkill, but I think perhaps what you're attempting is unnecessary.
16:31.59ThunderLordif it is a player i won against the number is P(X, C) if i lost is is 1-P(X, C)
16:32.16ThunderLordthe point is to find the most likely C value 1-100 for your player
16:32.33JademusSregThe bounds are the constants that provide a sense of scale, and being effectively global, all other considerations are local.
16:33.01ThunderLordwait, what do you mean by that?
16:33.42JademusSregThere shouldn't be any need to estimate or calculate the player's match history or such.
16:34.13JademusSregUnless one desires other features not essential to TrueSkill itself.
16:34.24ThunderLordwell there are a few advantages to this system
16:34.40ThunderLordlike it gives you an approximate % of all players who play the game
16:34.46pirateis there a string word count function
16:34.57JademusSregYes, pir.
16:35.08ThunderLordalso it allows your score to kinda update over more recent games
16:35.18ThunderLordi have looked in to ELO but... i like this system better
16:35.28JademusSregBetter off making that a separate system, Thund.
16:35.37ThunderLordalso there is alot i have to take in to account the game is 2v2v2v2
16:35.49ThunderLordim confident that the current system is the right one to go with
16:36.07ThunderLordjust having a bit of trouble implementing it in the SC2 engine
16:36.18ThunderLordi already ran simulations with a python script
16:36.30ThunderLordim happy with the numbers and the runtime
16:36.31JademusSregBy which I mean you shouldn't embed these features into your TrueSkill implementation, and will be able to solve both quite effectively if they are not coupled.
16:37.05JademusSregViral banks would solve the percentile problem more effectively.
16:37.05pirateI can't find word count :(
16:37.22ThunderLordCiral banks are O(n)
16:37.49ThunderLordand, there are other issues with that
16:38.09JademusSregpir, I mean I've got a function for it.
16:38.49JademusSregActually, I'll pastee all my string utils.
16:40.04piratelet that be a lesson:
16:40.13piratedude coulda raised 1500
16:51.40JademusSregI'm just formatting this code to be more readable.
16:52.48Dustin|WorkAltJademusSreg, have you used bitwise operators before?
16:56.49JademusSregWhich is coincidentally demonstrated in those utils.
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16:58.46Dustin|WorkAltIm learning wtf they are all about cause Im doing some DB writing for storing a hardware LED Matrix Grid Values, the SQL call was too damn slow and messing up my code. So I'm converting it to a single Binary entry and am going to use that with bitwise operators to speed things up
16:58.54JademusSregpir, I should point out that some functions in that paste may be untested, and many are less than fully optimized, but the principle if fairly straight forward.
16:59.10Dustin|WorkAlt(Doing this in Python)
17:00.25JademusSregLet's assume Python doesn't have quirks with bitwise operators, and that the python implementation doesn't either, since that shit is pretty fundamental.
17:00.46JademusSregWhat specifically is the problem?
17:02.13ThunderLordYAY PYTHON!
17:03.40JademusSreg(I like Python's founding principles more than I enjoy how Python has been developed, but that's irrelevant.)
17:04.23ThunderLordu can code so much stuff
17:04.24ThunderLordso fast
17:05.10Dustin|WorkAltOh the only problem is me wrapping my head around how I want to setup the process and everything
17:05.30JademusSreg(Most distressing is the gradual decline of the "One Correct Solution" principle.)
17:05.30Dustin|WorkAltGoing from Int/real math to binary is a brain twister for me
17:06.10Dustin|WorkAltI've got the basics down, just need to investigate and play around
17:06.24JademusSregFirst, start by writing (by-hand on paper preferably but a text editor will suffice) a binary representation of any arbitrary value.
17:06.49JademusSregPreferably a value that will not give you a hand cramp.
17:08.15JademusSregNext, attempt to work out manually the result of any given bitwise operation involving a simpler value of the same length.
17:08.48JademusSregAnd for a very convenient reference written in simple language with plenty of examples, see Deaod's resource.
17:09.33JademusSregI proof-read it, so it should be optimal.
17:13.03JademusSregYou'll also want to know the technical specs for the real-number implementation. Probably fine to assume the usual number of bits for control, base, exp, but best to be certain.
17:13.50JademusSregA decade or two ago that would have been far more problematic, but standardization has its benefits.
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17:18.06Dustin|WorkAltCool, thanks for the link Ill read that over lunch
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17:19.43JademusSregArithmetic operations can be expressed as bitwise operations, so it's rather like understanding what's happening at the memory/CPU level, or if you like it's the results from a set of simple logic gates, or if you're Minenerd, it's a very elaborate redstone contraption.
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17:31.00ThunderLordis there a normal distribution function in the trigger editor?
17:31.05ThunderLordor do i have to make that myself
17:33.32Kuekenoption 2
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17:36.49sarah___the ifthenelse for some reason dident work
17:37.18sarah___well im gona go play my game
17:39.01JademusSregPrivate or public?
17:39.33JademusSregDuring the inital document creation, did you select Arcade map?
17:41.02JademusSregAlso, it will demand you configure a bunch of properties if you haven't already.
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18:05.20Ahli page 38, bottom center :D
18:06.55JademusSregEr, unfamiliar site, not going to enable js. Screenshot or something?
18:08.25AhliI'm mentioned in the glhf magazine
18:08.53JademusSregI'd like to see it. Hm.
18:11.43JademusSregAwww, how sweet.
18:15.43Kuekenimagines Jade petting Ahli on his back, saying "Good boy"
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18:41.57LeptonJademusSreg, would you know how to disable concussive shell splash?
18:42.07Leptonits on by default on the editor and its sooo annoying
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18:59.03Kuekenwhat is concussive shell splash?
18:59.22Kuekenyou mean the marauder attack splash slow?
19:00.22Kuekenwell, you could easily remove the search effect from the set and just link directly to the apply
19:00.54Kuekenor, if applicable for your map, you can use the Multi dependencies
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19:06.27Leptonkueken, yes i mean the slow effect
19:06.35Leptonin melee theres no splash
19:06.41Leptonwhy does editor put splash by default
19:06.43Leptonso annoying
19:06.50Leptonthere has to be a simple way to get rid of it
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19:08.40Leptonbtw kueken you have to ping me!~!
19:08.47Leptonor i might not see it
19:10.07Kuekenwell, I gave you 2 easy ways to get rid of it :)
19:12.31Leptoni think it has to do with the marauder-slow aoe effect
19:13.06Leptoni think i fixed it
19:18.10Leptonany way to make default chat to [all]>
19:18.29Leptoni have a ffa map and when you press enter it chats to allies by default
19:18.41Leptonmost ppl dont know and speak to no one
19:19.52Leptonwithout putting eevryone in different teams in lobby...
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19:26.03elijahsaurusrexany of you here?
19:26.31elijahsaurusrexi need help making maps
19:27.16TroubledBearI think you need to ask a specifig question to be able to get competent help
19:27.39elijahsaurusrexhow do i make maps
19:27.58elijahsaurusrexhow do i make maps?
19:28.58Dustin|WorkAltWould you walk into NASA and ask HOW DO YOU MOON?
19:29.18elijahsaurusrexoh shut up i just need help
19:29.55Dustin|WorkAltThen don't come in here and just ask 'how do I make maps' repeatidly
19:30.12elijahsaurusrexvampire sended me here
19:30.43A1winthe answer is: by using the SC2 editor
19:31.13JademusSregEli, what is your native language / country?
19:32.04JademusSregAlright. So besides learning editor and community terminology, there shouldn't be any language difficulties.
19:32.24JademusSregFirst, what is it you want to do?
19:32.39elijahsaurusrexi want make a awesome map just like my friend vampire made
19:32.44elijahsaurusrexit was called vampire RPG
19:33.06elijahsaurusrexbut besides -_- why did he called it that?
19:33.28JademusSregAnd do you know how to start the editor?
19:34.00elijahsaurusrexi used it before when i tried to make a map it was failure
19:34.52JademusSregThat happens. Given time, patience, and experience, you'll be capable of realizing anything the editor can support.
19:35.03A1winI think I'll continue my planet map, been getting so many new game ideas I want to do with unity that I haven't actually gotten started with any
19:35.05elijahsaurusrexk i built a large beacon and setted its scale.
19:35.12elijahsaurusrexhow do i
19:35.17elijahsaurusrexmake it heal units
19:35.41JademusSregWell, there are a number of ways. But first, need to be more clear aobut the design.
19:36.01elijahsaurusrexhow would i do that?
19:36.09JademusSregHeal any units? Allied units? Bio units? Is it like a Fountain of Healing, Medic, or Moonwell?
19:36.29elijahsaurusrexoh wait i dont need a beacon
19:36.41elijahsaurusrexim just wondering how do i make creep come out?
19:36.54A1winI need to figure out how I want respawning to work and where are players allowed to switch their weapon loadout D:
19:36.57JademusSregThe way we solve problems here is to begin with the design. Once you can explain how it should work, finding an approach is easy.
19:37.09A1winI'm turning it into deathmatch instead of team vs team
19:37.38JademusSregYou'll need to put a Creep Gen behavior on a unit, if that's what the design requires.
19:37.52JademusSregIf the unit isn't needed, you can paint creep directly with the terrain tools.
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19:39.38elijahsaurusrexhow do i select the creep?
19:40.36JademusSregPress T to switch to the Terrain palette, notice the purple goop button, use the tools in there to paint creep on the terrain.
19:42.33elijahsaurusrexnothing happened
19:45.36elijahsaurusrexthis isnt the great help. -_- im out
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19:47.49A1winmmh I wonder how I should score deathmatch, is it enough to just record killing blows...
19:48.23JademusSregA1, people may not be stimulated sufficiently by kills alone.
19:49.00A1winin what sense?
19:50.09JademusSregPretty much any game can do deathmatch. Players would enjoy more (assuming it is well designed and implemented) a mode of play which offers novelty.
19:50.27TroubledBearso Jade, I took a look at your movement logic with the operator stuff. do you think it would make sense if I just order the unit to go to the very edge of the map matching the input angle
19:50.41TroubledBearthe camera cannot be turned by the player
19:50.47A1winI still think it should be FFA
19:50.48JademusSregBear, nope.
19:51.13JademusSregBecause that can cause undesirable pathing for the movement.
19:51.23TroubledBearidd it can
19:51.33TroubledBearit's impossible to disable that, right?
19:51.47Dustin|WorkAltI knew that elijahsaurusrex was a douchebag the moment he talked
19:52.55JademusSregBear, the point of using movement orders over the alternative is that it accounts for pathing, so you avoid coding your own collision system from scratch.
19:53.13JademusSregSo disabling it would undermine the purpose. =D
19:53.50TroubledBearI actually just meant disabling the pathing in such a way that it just takes the direct line
19:54.13JademusSregOne in the same.
19:54.39JademusSregThere's no reason not to use an offset that corresponds to the unit's movement.
19:55.38TroubledBearokay, I thought it could be better for performance, but as they say; don't guess, measure
19:56.20JademusSregOne should only worry about that level of optimization if one encounters performance bottlenecks, or has some post-release spare time.
19:56.24Dustin|WorkAltAdding things that the system already does is bad for performance :)
20:01.11JademusSregAlso, the performance of my system is close to the theoretical performance limit, so that's a non-issue anyway.
20:02.52JademusSregActually, the users' connection is more a liability to the responsiveness than the system, so that's reassuring/annoying.
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20:09.25JademusSreg(The latency imposed by bnet is at least 150ms or so, and tolerance is at least 500ms iirc. The system's responsiveness is around 1/16 game time seconds, 22.4 updates per real second on Faster game speed, which gives it a -worst-case- inherent latency of around 44ms. Hahaha)
20:10.41TroubledBearI c
20:14.19JademusSregInterestingly, it is possible to increase responsiveness simply by increasing gamespeed, but it's not doable on bnet. You can try it yourself by using the debug command  speed  in a test game.
20:15.52TroubledBearis that so because more ticks are rendered per second?
20:15.55JademusSregspeed 2 is a good choice.
20:16.14JademusSregWell, basically, more updates, more responsiveness, with diminishing returns, of course.
20:17.08TroubledBearas is for single player my ultralisk is happily flailing around and it feels quite responsive
20:17.17*** join/#sc2mapster MindWorX` (
20:19.55JademusSregGamespeed applies a factor to the updates-per-game-second. And at ~44ms, which is what you experience in a test game on Faster with the Jademus' Delicious Controllifier, that pushes the limits of conditioned reflexes in the highest levels of play. =D
20:20.16JademusSregGotta test on bnet to experience how well it plays for multiplayer.
20:20.32JademusSregWhich will impose a minimum latency.
20:22.01TroubledBearare they doing that on purpose for consitency?
20:23.33*** part/#sc2mapster G0A (
20:23.41JademusSregIt's an unfortunate consequence of how they sync clients. FPS and MMOs, for example, will get updates from the client as it can, and push updates back to the client if the client state exceeds certain bounds.
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20:24.34JademusSregRTS games, instead, tend to sync All The Data, and will slow shit down to ensure a good connection doesn't gain an "unfair" advantage.
20:27.14JademusSregSo the 150ms bnet imposes is a sort of buffer. It sucks if you want responsive gameplay, but it better suits RTS.
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20:28.41TroubledBearyeah would be nice if there was a way to relax this behaviour for certain maps, but it's probably quite central to the engine
20:31.35Dustin|WorkAltyeah that would be a major engine we-write :P
20:31.49JademusSreg"we-write" indeed.
20:32.00Dustin|WorkAltDamn my typing today
20:32.46JademusSregInsofar as we'd need to code our own networks to accomplish it, sounds accurate.
20:35.48JademusSregDustin, make good use of the reference material?
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20:43.35Dustin|WorkAltHaven't had a lot of time to play with it, soon as work is over in an hour or so I'm gonna start making some functions to test
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21:41.54TroubledBearis there any way to link some meta info to a dialog item, or how else to efficiently create dialogs? say I have a dialog with n items portraying units and I want to create a corresponding unit when clicked (without storing each item into a variable and creating individual events for each)?
21:46.30A1winby storing each item into a variable
21:48.01TroubledBearuh oh, I saw there was Set Unit Link for dialog item, what does that do?
21:48.11TroubledBearI can't seem to retrieve the unit
21:48.19A1winnot what you want
21:48.33TroubledBearokay :[
21:48.34A1winstoring each item into a variable is the most sensible way of doing it
21:48.37A1winthat's what variables are for
21:48.59A1winuse Records to keep them organized, considering we don't have actual objects in galaxy
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22:30.26JademusSregWell, there's The Right Way(s), and there's The Hacky Way, Bear. Which would you like to hear first?
22:31.25TroubledBeartell me about the right  way : )
22:32.56JademusSregThere's a few approaches. If the set of dialogs/dialog controls are a finite or otherwise known quantity, one should use Records/structs (GUI/galaxy term respectively).
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22:34.52JademusSregIf one cannot be certain about the number of dialogs/dialog controls, or one just wants an O(1) get/set for the data, instead one would use DataTables to dynamically allocate the memory.
22:36.26JademusSregIn the former case, it's O(n) lookups, iterating through the indexes of a Record/struct array until one finds the data.
22:37.17JademusSregIn the latter, it's O(1), using the dialog/dialog control int reference as part of the string keys to get/set values in the DataTable.
22:38.50TroubledBearinteresting, anywhere I can read up on that?
22:39.04JademusSregAnd the third option, if you are a purist who prefers to separate content from program logic, is to use the user data type API. =D
22:39.55JademusSregThere are probably tutorials or something. I prefer to just read the native functions, personally.
22:41.18JademusSregIf you'd like, I can link you to the API reference I use.
22:41.52TroubledBearyes, please
22:44.18JademusSregI'll archive a fresh batch.
22:55.36JademusSregAlso included a galaxy userDefineLang.xml file for notepad++ highlighting/code completion.
22:55.45TroubledBearah nice
22:56.03JademusSregAnd the compilation files handy for a quick search.
22:56.21TroubledBearthank you!
22:57.59Gluonyour trick to make corruptors spawn with corruption not on cooldown failed
22:58.06Gluonit just removed tthe corruption vbutton
23:00.44A1winsounds like you made something else than what he suggested then :P
23:01.33Gluoni put timestart at 0
23:01.56A1winprobably in the wrong place then
23:02.07A1winscreenshot would help
23:02.17A1winor make it easier to notice what's wrong, rather
23:05.28Gluoncost>index 0>cooldown>timestart
23:06.24A1winare you sure that's the only thing you changed?
23:06.30A1winif you change it back, does the button reappear?
23:07.55Gluonill try 1 sec
23:09.26Gluonsooo i changed it back
23:09.29Gluonthen changed ita gain
23:09.31Gluonand now it works
23:09.36GluonI guess i did something wrong first time
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