IRC log for #sc2mapster on 20130617

00:00.13Zandosecorrect i believe
00:00.39Zandose"Unit Group - Pick each unit in (Last created units) and do (Actions)" will run a script for each unit in said group and "Picked Unit" refers to said unit
00:01.10Zandoseso instead of using "Triggering Unit" you'd use "Picked Unit"
00:01.29Zandoseare you using gui or galaxy?
00:03.26unclesatanit's throwing me errors
00:03.34unclesatani'm trying to write my own damage function
00:03.46unclesatanbecause i'm tired of writing new ones for each spell i make
00:03.56Zandoseeasiest way i know to see correct galaxy script is to make it in gui and view the script
00:04.20unclesatanyah that's a pain though cause the editor will overwrite my script until i restart it
00:04.41unclesatanGUI can't make functions though i don't think, can it?
00:06.16unclesatantriggers are different, because they use Events, functions don't use events i don't think
00:06.43unclesatanyeah that's really super laggy though
00:06.51unclesatanthere's a different way someone showed me to pick units
00:06.54unclesatanin a group
00:07.14unclesatani'm pretty sure it's PickEachUnit
00:09.16Zandosei never learned much galaxy so i dont know
00:10.36Zandosethis is all i found on a search
00:10.36ZandosePickEachUnitInGroup ( unitgroup group )
00:12.04unclesatanyeah :\ it's hard to find stuff for galaxy
00:12.17unclesatani found the same thing but it didn't explain the actions part of it
00:15.55unclesatanthanks for the help man
00:16.02unclesatanstill tryin to figure it out lol.
00:17.23JademusSregWat's up unc?
00:21.38unclesatansup jade!
00:21.44unclesatanhey man can yo check this for syntax
00:21.55unclesatantrying to write a damage function
00:22.29unclesatanUnit filters confuse me still so i just kinda have them copy/pasted from the ones that work xD
00:22.58JademusSregLooks like you're trying to define a function inside a function.
00:23.16JademusSregThat might be the native. I'll check.
00:24.05unclesatanwith PickEachUnitInGroup(group)?
00:24.23JademusSregYeah, that's improper usage.
00:24.33unclesatanyeah i looked on the wiki and i had no idea how to use it
00:24.53MoonEatermake it in the gui
00:24.55MoonEaterthen convert
00:25.00unclesatanthe gui one lags
00:25.03MoonEaterand see how its used
00:25.04JademusSregAnd that's not a native function.
00:25.07MoonEateras an example
00:25.41unclesatanPickEachUnitInGroup is not a native?
00:25.50MoonEaterno u can use it in gui
00:26.14unclesatanwhat is this then Q_Q
00:26.29MoonEateri duno
00:26.32MoonEaterits in gui
00:26.50JademusSregYeah, that's GUI junk.
00:26.52unclesatanvoid PickEachUnitInGroup ( unitgroup group )
00:27.00unclesatanis galaxy script
00:27.14unclesatanthen why does it say
00:27.32unclesatanthe wiki has set me further back than anything xD
00:27.40JademusSregBecause someone had the "brilliant" idea to make a misleading wiki page.
00:27.57MoonEaterit wa sme ^.^
00:28.02MoonEaterwas me*
00:28.19JademusSregYou are not avogatro.
00:28.22unclesatanI posted that the galaxy code I don't think it exist
00:28.35unclesatandoes the ForEachUnitInGroup one work?
00:28.54MoonEaterthats in gui also
00:29.02JademusSregYou mean the GUI junk or my function?
00:29.02unclesatani was wondering
00:29.25unclesatanthe GUI junk
00:29.36unclesatani know someone showed me a quicker way to pick a unit in a group
00:29.39MoonEaterjust make a function if u have 2
00:29.42unclesatanthan the GUI one
00:29.44MoonEaterand a new variable
00:30.01JademusSregI made a function that takes a unitgroup and a funcref.
00:30.01unclesatannew variable for what?
00:30.15unclesatanoh cool
00:30.25MoonEaterif u need a player group variable, then make it if not just make the player group function
00:30.27unclesatangetting work clothes on, continue though
00:30.59unclesatanit's not that i need the player group variable, i need it to damage all enemy units in a predefined region
00:31.06unclesatanmy map is ability based so
00:31.14unclesatani have attributes and things that I calculate into it
00:31.45MoonEaterso u make a funtion that acepts scripts with a predefined variable
00:31.50unclesatanwhat's this function you have jade?  i would like to examine it
00:32.52JademusSregLet's see if I can find where I put it...
00:33.07unclesatanmy function what it does is gets all the units in the player group, picks each one, detects if it's an enemy, then damages it.  it technically should work
00:33.28unclesatanbut the pick unit functions posted on the wiki are incorrect :(
00:33.50unclesatanis what i'm saying moon
00:34.03unclesatani kinda didn't really understand what you just said tho, so maybe reiterate?]
00:34.28unclesatanto get it clear i'm not using GUI at all
00:35.21JademusSregDidn't finish the UnitDoShit function, but it illustrates the point/.
00:35.30unclesatanso that just
00:35.36unclesatanpicks each index one by one
00:35.41unclesatanand does stuff
00:35.45MoonEateri dont know if galaxy can handle it but u could perhaps pass a script to a fuctions
00:35.45JademusSregSee UnitGroupIterate
00:35.54unclesatante iterate one
00:36.06MoonEaterunit loop (unit group, script)
00:36.10unclesatanyea i was lookin at it, that one uses the index to get the units, right?
00:36.16JademusSregMoon, GUI doesn't support function references, but galaxy script does.
00:36.27MoonEaterim talking galaxy
00:36.36unclesatanahh, see yeah i didn't think GUI did
00:36.39unclesatanthat would be cool tho
00:36.40JademusSregAnd I'm responding.
00:36.41MoonEaterand im talking about a string
00:36.48MoonEaterof script
00:37.05MoonEatersome languages can handle a script passed to a fuction like a string
00:37.29JademusSregUnitGroupIterate takes a unitgroup and a function with the signature  void UnitGroupIterate_Prototype (unitgroup units, int index, unit u).
00:37.56unclesatanso index being the max amount of index?
00:38.03unclesatanto loop for?
00:38.07JademusSregIndex is the current index.
00:38.45JademusSregSuppose you have a unitgroup with 3 units.
00:39.25Zandosehow do you find the difference in pitch between two units at two different heights?
00:39.30JademusSregWhen you call UnitGroupIterate, it calls the iterate function (the IUnitGroupIterate parameter).
00:40.25JademusSregThe first call would have index 3, second call index 2, and so on.
00:40.57JademusSregZan, clarify?
00:40.59MoonEaterthats tedious the function should just examine the ammount of units in unit group and do it
00:41.12JademusSregMoon, you miss the entire point.
00:41.25JademusSregIt prevents ever having to remake loop logic.
00:41.43JademusSregReduces it to a single function call forevah.
00:41.48unclesatanso i would call it one time per loop
00:41.55unclesatanadd to the local index per loop +1
00:42.06unclesatanlol that's so easy
00:42.16MoonEaterur kidding me u want to make a game without loops?
00:42.32JademusSregMoon, you need to improve your capacity for abstraction.
00:42.48MoonEateri understnad that i would need a loop and put that in the loop
00:43.43MoonEateru have to run that fuction once for each unit
00:44.19unclesatanthat's the way it work s anyways
00:44.47unclesatanthe engine will cause GUI to run the same thing anyone would right once for each unit, not everything at once unless you utiliezed multithreading i believe
00:44.52JademusSregThe point is to not waste lines of code by recreating the same program logic.
00:45.22unclesatani must head out though jade, nice to see you again, catch you later, thank you for your help!!
00:45.30unclesatani learn alot every time i talk to you lol..
00:46.18MoonEaterwell this script will almost always be used on entire unit groups
00:46.21JademusSregInstead of reproducing the same program logic for the loop, one would simply call UnitGroupIterate(someUnitGroup,UnitDoShit)
00:47.10MoonEaterwait wait theres seem to be a comunication issue
00:47.14MoonEater1 sec as i look at ur code
00:49.30MoonEatersee right here
00:50.16JademusSregThe example of basic unitgroup iteration.
00:50.49MoonEaterit should be included in the fuction because most of the time, the UnitDoShit method/fuction will almost always be in a lap and instead of encapsulating this one fuction in a loop it would be easyer just to call one line of code in the main code
00:51.11JademusSregSee: UnitGroupIterate
00:51.13MoonEaterwell carry on then
00:53.13JademusSregIt takes a unitgroup and a funcref, abstracts away the loop logic to a single line so you're not bloating the code repeating the same shit.
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02:19.11egodNeer on left hand, Mouse on right hand
02:19.40egodi mean...BEER!
02:33.14JademusSregBeer near left hand.
03:19.14egodwhy i have no sound when my unit die via trigger?!?! its fuk top
03:20.36JademusSregDeath type?
03:29.08egodim looking into this right now
03:31.17egodmy gosh
03:31.20egodi know
03:31.29egod3D WORLD RELATIVE
03:31.32egodwas not active
03:58.54egodLEgal question: If people DONATE for a Stracraft II project, and in return, i give them a (Map file) it considered as selling a map file? its all donation ?!?! :)
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05:46.17sharfcouple of questions, first, what exactly are hero abilities?
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07:20.20JademusSregHow I amuse myself:
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08:21.54*** join/#sc2mapster Zolden (Zolden@
08:43.02Zoldenthey turned cat to a robot
08:48.13JademusSregFairly efficient, but doesn't quite move with comparable form. Lacks spine, tail, head, all of which contribute to the fluidity and balance of movements.
08:48.56Zoldenyea, cats use spine alot
08:49.18JademusSregWhich is to say it is more efficient than cat movement, in a sense, but less similar.
08:50.16JademusSregMore efficient on an variably irregular surface but horizontal surface, that is.
08:52.27Zoldenmy only concern: have they written algorithms or they made them like nature do: by self organizing
08:53.11JademusSregSelf organizing automata existence is limited to computer simulations.
08:53.14Zoldeni think it's the main border which separates perfect smoothness and effectiveness of natural movement and coarse engineered monsters
08:53.56JademusSregWell, simulations and chemical activity.
08:54.06Zoldenwell, they could create a precise physics, so simulation results would be applicable to real world
08:54.37JademusSregThough human use of chemical activity is currently about as sophisticated as hitting rocks with sticks.
08:56.20Zoldeni think this is the way to create elegantly moving robots
08:57.31JademusSregStill limited to simulations currently. And I remember that footage ~7 or 8 years ago.
08:58.37Zoldenyea, alot of time passed, what could they do now
08:59.16Zoldenthose creatures required weeks of machine time to evolve
08:59.48ZoldenI wish they could do it almost in real time to watch them getting better like thorough aquarium
09:00.30JademusSregThe chemical composition of life is probably the most efficient solution to self-organizing automata for a given thermal/pressure range.
09:01.03JademusSregThat range being the one we inhabit, haha.
09:01.37Zoldenchemistry is just forced measure to imitate numbers
09:01.42Zoldennature had only that
09:02.36Zoldennow we can contemptuously shit on chemistry and work with pure numbers with our mighty calculatorrs
09:03.18Zoldenbut need to copy the algorithms first, though
09:05.51JademusSregChemicals are the substrate performing the calculations, yes.
09:06.22Zoldenyea, and still they represent measures, we don't need them enymore to work with measures
09:07.15Zoldenyes, they work parallelly, and calculate alot, but we don't need all their stuff, only the core, which allows to evolve from mouse to a human
09:07.51Zoldenor optimize monkey to walk on ground
09:08.31Zoldenif robots get that, they won't need humans anymore
09:08.50Zoldenmaybe only as a temporary slaves to keep electricity coming
09:10.15Zoldenbut yea, first self organizing calculations must be based on chemistry, on real genetical processes, nature is 4 billion years ahead in these things
09:11.02JademusSregTrouble with humans attempting to optimize over nature is how ignorance can inadvertedly design something perfectly reasonable for a set of assumptions and knowledge, but in practice less than optimal for the context. Thus the value of self-organizing, and over many iterations self-designing systems.
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09:13.54Zoldenyea, humans think they smart, then they realize, that they created shit, then they remake it a couple of times to reach minimally sufficient quality, they can't do billion remake attempts and try all variations, even those which look useless
09:18.15JademusSregAnd chemistry leads to proteins and enzymes, complex molecules to facilitate a range of functions, molecular economies of material and energy, which lead to autosynthesis of complex molecules, and here we arrive at the most exciting precipice, encoding information, the first layer of abstraction, and then to inheritence.
09:20.34Zoldenyea, that system where you change a couple of bytes of DNA and this gives you totally different functionality of a protein - is just amazing
09:21.51Zoldenif we could create a code system for, say, a factory, in which that little change would change the production from toster to a byke, that would solve all our problems
09:22.07JademusSregArguably the challenge isn't so much in designing physical self-organizing automata, but rather designing for the real-world variability of environmental context, which is to say making them -robust- enough to function in anything beyond ideal, perfect simulation-like parameters.
09:24.43ZoldenI think rough model with simple physics may provide 90% of optimization (during 10% of time) within ideal environment, and then robot makers would have to run real world optimization, that would give the robot last grades of precision, but would consume alot of time and money to create new and new little modified variations
09:24.51JademusSregThe second greatest challenge would probably be understanding the self-organizing automata sufficiently to employ them to any meaningful purpose. Humans have a difficult enough time solving how any given protein folds to determine how it functions, much less designing novel proteins and employing them to make a table or some shit.
09:26.04JademusSreg(Or rather, making proteins initialize in a cascade the genesis of all the intermediary components which would eventually result in a table)
09:27.07JademusSregNeedless to say, one would need advanced AIs before such technology is anywhere near possible.
09:30.03Zoldenas usual, here information means more then the matter that keep and calculate the information. Proteins are cool, but if we need to create a table, or generally generate a shape that fit our needs, like that cosmic antenna americans calculated using genetic algorithms, we can use, for example, recursive synthesis, it allows to have little information to define complex shape, and tiny change in that crecursive sunction's parameters, would greatly affect the
09:31.03Zoldenit's something similar to how proteins greatly change their function after a little change in dna
09:32.24Zoldeneaxample - ice patterns on windows at cold winter days, there is only 1 parapmeter, temperature, one real number, and different values adress many variations of the patterns
09:36.56G0A"there is only 1 parapmeter, temperature" thats very wrong
09:41.28JademusSregQuite, there are many parameters across the different scales of the system.
09:41.39Zoldenyea, you right, also humidity matters, and little cracks on the window glass, and there's also of randomness, but still if temperature is not changing, we get the same shapes of the patterns. You can believe me, because in russia we have this phenomen 50 times a year, and I've observed alot
09:43.40Zoldenthe angle between H-O connections in water is a function of temperature, also, speed of crystal growing is a function of temperature
09:43.57JademusSregTrue randomness exists only at the quantum scale, which is what makes quantum cryptography so intriguing; randomness at the classical scale is a misnomer, a catchall term to cover a range of unknown or chaotic (sensitive to initial conditions) parameters.
09:45.32Zoldengiveing a long look to sc2 random generator, it smiling back and guiltily shrugs
09:46.35JademusSregPseudorandom number generation depends entirely on good algorithms and sometimes "entropy collection".
09:47.19*** part/#sc2mapster G0A (
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09:47.49G0AAdobe flíash is more and more buggy by each update...
09:49.03ZoldenJademusSreg yea, I'll try one in my map to compensate sc2 generator's imbalance periods
09:49.08G0AZolden I run out of zerg and critter models for Random TD waves, Any idea what models should I add as waves?
09:49.32JademusSregI wasn't aware it had imbalances, but I wrote a PRNG script.
09:49.35ZoldenG0A some of the pretty wow I published?
09:49.43JademusSregOr rather, ported it from C.
09:50.02G0AZolden good idea, thanks:D More of your models to use:D
09:50.16JademusSregGoa, also make use of model attachments.
09:50.29ZoldenJademusSreg for sc2? is it cool? (actually, the sc2 one is ok, but sometimes it feels working so wrong)
09:50.31G0Athat doesnt make much difference
09:51.05G0AJademusSreg on what is your PRNG based?
09:51.26ZoldenG0A also, I can give you a mouse loocking fat ling, or robo ling
09:51.49JademusSregNote the headlamps on the civilians.,
09:52.04JademusSregZol, let me find the code and clean it up a bit.
09:53.17G0AJademusSreg will you make a map of it, or its just one of those demonstrations?
09:53.46G0AZolden the wow models will work perfectly
09:58.50G0AZolden, do you have icons for those models? If not I will make them.
10:06.56JademusSregI did make a map featuring it, in 2010.
10:07.08ZoldenG0A you mean the last set of models?
10:07.13Zoldenlast published?
10:07.34JademusSregIt's the SuperMapPOC.
10:08.17ZoldenJademusSreg looks cool
10:09.22Zoldenwould be interesting to compare expectation and dispersion of sc2 one and your one
10:09.34JademusSregShit, is dropbox down or is my internet shitting itself?
10:11.03ZoldenG0A you'll have to create them if you mean the last published set
10:11.34ZoldenI only have some icons for the monsters I used for homm, but those icons are gay loocking and have no alpha
10:12.02G0Ayeah I though of the last 8 one
10:12.21G0AI can make them fast so its not a trouble.D
10:12.31JademusSregThar we go.
10:12.40G0AI will send them once I do it, so you can attach it to your asset
10:13.03JademusSregIt's old, but should function correctly.
10:14.00JademusSregBasically, move Karass to the edge of the map, and it will generate the next cell in the supermap.
10:14.00ZoldenJademusSreg ok, i'll compare ti with sc2 generator
10:14.55JademusSregProbably the best approach to comparing the outputs would be to plot them.
10:18.20JademusSregIt's not crypto-strong, but it is fast and "good" in that it won't repeat in the scope of its use.
10:19.07JademusSregOr what I expect.
10:20.18ZoldenG0A now I'm doing opposite - turning sc2 button icons into models
10:20.45G0Awhat icons?
10:20.51Zoldenbuttons of abils
10:21.06Zoldenwhich of them better represent "rate of fire" buff?
10:21.47ZoldenI use them as a texture for little models that are placed overhead to reperesent a buff unit has
10:32.33JademusSregFor a moment, I misunderstood that as replacing command card buttons with models, which sounded like a smashing idea.
10:34.53Zoldenmisunderstanding is a kind of a random mutation of information, which is actually a main source of fresh new ideas
10:36.05Zoldenhitler has his idea of moustache design once at a sunny day in a park when he noticed that a kid has a square shadow under his nose
10:36.27Zoldenhiws like: wtf, moustached kid?
10:36.44Zoldenbut then he was like: wait a minute, it's a splendid moustache design!
10:44.06G0AI had to google it
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10:52.12Zoldengeneral: "fuhrer, people of the future will google your moustache!"
10:52.19Zoldenhitler: "they will do what?"
10:52.58Zoldenhitler: "let's conquer europe and fobid them to do it, whatever it is"
10:53.21Zoldengeneral: "but..."
10:53.33Zoldenhitler: "LET'S FUCKING DO IT!!!"
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11:32.59CloudWolfanyone know how to show the skybox in the editor? :P
11:33.36A1winincrease render distance with ctrl + mouse wheel
11:34.40CloudWolfperfect ;) cheers for that
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12:53.49egodahli you should link your mods there
12:59.52DustinHe wasnts mods FOR diablo 1, not mods OF diablo 1 :P
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13:26.12CloudWolfjust posted some enw screenshots for Fields of Glory if anyones interested :)
13:31.47egodCloudWolf what is the engine you using for this project?
13:32.06CloudWolfegod, the sc2 editor ofc :)
13:32.57egodpretty cool
13:34.42egodi really like at the end of the terrain video, the falling water clif part
13:34.50egodnicely done
13:36.43CloudWolfhopefully going to be a form of AoS, with mroe focus on units when complete :)
13:37.02twodieCloud some of the houses models seem like textures are wrongly looking, well at least in one screen near roof triangle not looking nicely as texture arent blending in with eachother of the faces
13:37.09CloudWolfJust need to find a modeller whos willing to help me put together a few animated units :P
13:37.25egodi see
13:37.33CloudWolftwodie, Have to agree with you, my doodad positioning could be better :P
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13:53.58egodfinaly...all 3D sound fixed :)
13:56.02JademusSregCould reduce your polycount with custom hardtiles instead of individual bricks.
13:56.53JademusSregFor example:
13:59.27egodis there a moment you can finaly said: Alright i fixed all bug :(
13:59.39egodBANG another
14:00.41JademusSregNope, never.
15:03.09egodi hate bank file
15:03.14egodits soo....
15:03.20egodannoying bad!?
15:12.47DustinWhat's wrong with the bank files egod?
15:15.04egodcause you have no idea what is wong in your bank file (loading or saving), you have to Disable each trigger line to figure out where is the bug (cause the editor auto-stop reading the bank file if there a error )
15:15.37DustinBetter bank debuging would be nice
15:16.59egodwhen using the Debuging tools from the editor, the game run super slow mode cause of all my Periodic time i cant really see where the bugs are
15:17.05Kuekenyou could also read the bank in notepad, that could potentially give you a clue whats going wrong
15:17.29egodi reading my bank, but its still very frustrating
15:20.38Dustindo you have all your banks functions spread out everywhere? Or are you organized with your triggers?
15:20.56egodim organized
15:21.07DustinEsp with banks, but organization of your code will help you debug better than using the debug tool
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15:22.34egodit take me 2xdays figureit out my bank stopped reading at 599 and my trigger saved for 600
15:23.42Dustinat 599 what?
15:24.14egodthe editor was looking for 601...find nothing...stop every next triggers...i know its my fault with bad coding this thing...but 2xDays to find this? Grrrr
15:24.30Ahli601 of what?
15:24.39Zolden600 of what?
15:25.02egodits my Ladderboard Loading Rank shared with 6xplayer, each 1 to 100 = 1xplayer
15:26.34egodeverything who is a error with Bank related, the editor stop running any other triggers on the way to be readed
15:27.00DustinYou have the top 600 people in your bank?
15:27.18egodonly top 100
15:27.44egodbut i take 600xStats and i make a new ranking of the 100xBest
15:27.58egodso it auto-uptade with more people you play
15:28.06egodmore your ladderboard is updated
15:28.14egodcause it auto-share information
15:49.53G0Ayeah thats where I seen it first too:)
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16:43.28BatomysIs there a list of which extended ASCII characters work with SC2?
16:43.51BatomysI'm trying to get a text 'block' but all of the codes seem to just bring up vowels with various diacriticals
16:44.00Batomys▐  alt 222, example
16:44.08BatomysJust looks like a letter with an umlaut
16:49.49BatomysYeah, but I just want a █
16:50.15BatomysWorked my way through about 150 codes by hand and it just looks like someone vomited an IKEA catalogue into the dialog
16:50.19halidesthere are many different eascii pages, dunno which one sc2 uses - probably something which supports as many natural languages as possible :-)
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16:50.43halidesand then again they might have a completely nonstandard page in there
16:50.45A1winthe fonts probably just don't have the special characters in them
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16:56.31sharfbesides doing ui editing, is there a good way to set up backgrounds to inventories? Or would I be better off making a trigger system?
17:34.55Ahliwow, what a game by sjow
17:35.21twodiewhat game?
17:36.11Ahlidreamhack right now
17:36.39Ahli (in case you are from Europe and twitch lags like crazy for you: )
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17:42.39Zandoseyellow mellow
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18:01.27hobbidudeanyone know how to apply force effects to projectiles?
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18:11.48JademusSregSo this is an odd bug. An enum area validator in the root effect of a weapon's effect tree will cause the unit to stop tracking a target once it becomes invalid, and will only reacquire it if the attacker moves/turns. =\
18:11.59JademusSregHobb, can't.
18:12.41JademusSregThey can be slowed or redirected, but they ignore force effects.
18:12.44hobbidudeyes you can
18:12.52JademusSregAlso, force effects suck.
18:13.10JademusSregTo put it simply, force effects are just plain shitty.
18:13.22KuekenI concur.
18:13.48hobbidudeso whats the next best way to redirect missiles with data only?
18:13.57JademusSregRedirect Missile effect?
18:14.15hobbidudedoes that even work now?
18:14.19JademusSregIn fact, Kueken has a demo.
18:14.25hobbidudelet me try
18:14.39Kuekenthe shield generator thingy?
18:15.49Kuekencannot find the map right now, and I need to go, remind me later
18:15.54hobbidudewill do
18:16.01JademusSregPretty sure I have a copy.
18:16.09hobbidudeis there a page
18:16.13hobbidudecuz then i can find it
18:16.24JademusSregDunno what that means.
18:17.39hobbidudelike theres a thread on mapster?
18:21.38hobbidudewell ty but that demo doesn't redirect it
18:21.41hobbidudeit just kills it
18:21.57JademusSregDid you look at the data?
18:22.21JademusSregOr assume that based on the gameplay?
18:22.49hobbidudei tested it out
18:23.30JademusSregYes, and the next logical step is to look at the data to see how it was done.
18:24.12hobbidudebut it doesn't even work
18:24.34hobbidudewhats the point of looking at the data if the data is wrong
18:24.52hobbidudethe redirect doesn't redirect
18:25.17JademusSregThe shield is a unit.
18:25.24JademusSregIt takes the damage.
18:25.38JademusSregBecause the missile is redirected to hit it.
18:27.40hobbiduderedirect is not the same as reflect
18:28.13JademusSregMy goodness.
18:29.40JademusSregWhen I have time, I'll demo reflection, but for now, I'll just hope you figure out that reflection is necessarily a form of redirection.
18:30.38hobbidudethe issue too is redirect can be used when trying to get the reflected angle
18:31.08hobbidudecan't rather
18:33.51JademusSregData can't perform arithmetic, sure, but I expect that reflection can be achieved.
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18:38.50sharfhmm does anybody have a pros and cons list for data inventories vs trigger ones?
18:39.48Ahlidata inventory can cast stuff directly like an ability
18:40.04JademusSregData inventory is resource efficient but limited and often counterintuitive.
18:40.12sharfyou can't really do drag and drop equipment stuff with triggers can you?
18:40.18egodi think...i reached...script to large!
18:40.31hobbidudekk so i got it to reflect back at an angle but it dies shortly after
18:40.33Ahlidata inventory isn't drag and drop neither
18:40.47hobbidudelet me check the missile range
18:40.50JademusSregTrigger inventory offers more control but is clumsy, clunky, and will never be as responsive as data.
18:40.53sharfit can be
18:41.04Ahlidata inventory is: right click, then point where to put... trigger can't detect right clicks on buttons :< so you need another way to move items
18:41.07JademusSregBecause of the need to sync player input.
18:41.31JademusSregNot true, Ahli. =D It can detect right click.
18:41.32A1winI'm pretty sure the data thingy supports drag and drop
18:41.32sharfI thought you could drag and drop within the same item container...
18:41.55AhliJademusSreg: but we can't differ right and left click on a button
18:41.55ZoldenI once made data inventory and was happy about
18:42.21Ahlimaybe it does now :S I think it didn't at release :S
18:42.26Ahlino idea
18:42.33sharfI want the simplicity of a data inventory and the customizable appearance of a trigger one lol
18:42.36AhliI'm triggering everything...
18:42.38A1winwas there even an inventory on release
18:42.42JademusSregEventDialogControlMouseButton ();
18:42.53A1winJademusSreg, I'm not sure if that works correctly
18:42.56Zoldensharf what exactly you want that you think data won't allow?
18:42.59AhliI don't even use veterancy
18:43.00A1winI had some trouble with it
18:43.21JademusSregRecent additions.
18:43.49JademusSregSupports Left, Middle, Right, and two extra mouse buttons.
18:43.52sharfthe problem with the data for me, is that customizing the background(model) and the positions of the buttons and labels of the buttons is all very limited from my understanding
18:44.41Zoldensharf so, you care about interface?
18:44.56Zoldeni thought there some functional restrictions
18:45.05JademusSregThe addition of c_triggerControlPropertyAllowedButtons was helpful in that regard, Ahli and A1.
18:45.11sharfideally I'd like to make a nice background for the equipment screen, and even add labels
18:45.19sharfthat could be done if I could set a background image or something
18:45.23AhliJademusSreg: wow, I didn't spot that when I tried that :S
18:45.24sharfbut to my knowledge all I can do is a model
18:45.51JademusSregGotta remember to read the infodumps I post, especially where new native functions are concerned.
18:46.47JademusSregThe property takes an int, which is a simple bitmask of the mouse button flags.
18:48.12JademusSregWhile the -event- doesn't register for specific buttons, you just check if the bit is flagged, easy.
18:49.06JademusSregOr rather, you compare the event response return value, the int of the button, Pow2, then bitwise comparison.
18:49.22sharfmy problem with the data item containers is that there is no way to really label what slot is for what kind of items....
18:49.39Ahlif*ck yeah, jade :D
18:51.26sharfso triggers are probably my best bet then?
18:51.45JademusSregDepends on how much control you need weighed against responsiveness.
18:52.07sharfI need the equipment screen to be...intuitive for the player
18:52.41sharflike...even the close button on the item containers is blank and has no style to it
18:52.47sharfhow are you supposed to know that closes it?
18:53.02Ahliyou can play my diablo map on bnet and try out the responsiveness yourself
18:53.09sharfI have
18:53.37sharfthe data way is much easier for me to set up and use...but it is not really intuitive enough
18:54.23sharfseveral fields in the item containers  don't even do anything...not sure why blizzard includes them
18:56.01Ahliplanned TODOs to be implemented someday ;)
18:56.06Ahlior not ^^
18:56.27sharfwhich ultimately means they're useless lol
18:58.10sharfI have the feeling blizzard didn't feel like putting any effort into the inventory system
18:58.57sharflooks like I'm going with triggers lol
19:00.43JademusSregHopefully you make good use of the information, dear Ahli.
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19:00.45Ahliright click to use, most likely
19:00.48Ahliinstead of shift+leftClick
19:01.14sharfjademus do you have a link to or an instruction  set for how to do the left vs right click button detection?
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19:01.48JademusSregI don't have a demo, as I've not yet had need to implement it.
19:02.31sharfthen I'll need to pick your brain when I come to that part :P
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19:06.39JademusSregBut basically, you'd make a trigger for dialog control click, set it to allow the buttons you want via the dialog control property action, then to figure out which button was used you'd either (simple, inefficient way) embed the logic directly into the trigger, get triggering dialog control mouse button and do an if-else, or (advance, efficient way) register the trigger for any dialog
19:06.39JademusSregcontrol, then you'd get the mouse button as before but then Pow2 and a bitwise comparison of the AllowButtons property.
19:07.32sharfIll get back to you
19:09.53JademusSregWhich reminds me, I haven't checked the most recent patch for additions, but I doubt it was significant.
19:22.38CloudWolfjust uploaded a video for Tech Wars 2 if anyone is interested :)
19:22.58JademusSregWill check in a bit.
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19:45.08JademusSregThere are natives for it, but I didn't get them to work when I tinkered with them during WoL beta.
19:46.21JademusSregApparently one calls the set pathing, and then engine reset.
19:47.38JademusSregPathingModify (region inArea, int inType, bool inAdd); followed by PathingUpdate ();
19:48.04JademusSregPathingReset (); will revert all trigger based modifications.
19:48.27JademusSregI expect there are GUI actions for it.
19:48.44JademusSregBut I wouldn't know what they are called.
19:53.56A1winthere at least used to be GUI actions for them, but maybe they've been removed since they don't work
19:54.36A1winI was trying to use them during WoL for something but they just didn't do anything
19:55.34A1winif they were fixed, they'd most likely have readded the GUI actions as well
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20:05.05Zoldengooose they are probably in terrain types
20:07.36twodiecliff models in m3 you should find
20:07.48LajjlaA1win, can we be friends again?
20:07.56LajjlaI promise not to use weird xample sentences
20:10.26Zoldentwodie may I express my curiosity?
20:11.54JademusSregOpen up the t3 terrain files, feel free to change the cliffs by modifying the xml directly.
20:16.05Zoldentwodie how can those guy make things funny in meaning interesting, but not funny in meaning of how jokes can be funny
20:16.22ZoldenAhli are there still online sc2 fights going on?
20:16.48*** join/#sc2mapster unclesatan (187197d6@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
20:17.19Zoldeni'm in a middle of creating an ability, and want to procrastinate
20:23.44Ahli2nd semi final is currently on
20:25.15ZoldenAhli gimme a link pls
20:25.20Zoldenis fatty playing?
20:25.26Zoldenis scarlett playing?
20:25.43Ahli no. sjow vs stardust... winner goes against jaedong in finals
20:25.44Zoldenwill final happen today?
20:26.18Zoldenis jaedong still strong? i remember he was raped in last events
20:26.39A1winhe seems a lot stronger than before
20:26.53unclesatanhey guys
20:27.02Zoldeni see unfocused picture and gay music
20:27.27Zoldenis it what it supposed to be?
20:28.02Ahlimusic isn't gay :S
20:28.11Ahliit's swedish tv
20:28.35Ahlidreamhack's twitch tv stream lags like hell :<
20:28.47Zoldenunfocused picture, nothing is going on, ppl talking, but i dopn't see em
20:29.13Ahlijust a logitech guy with marketing bleble
20:30.21Zoldenoh, now i see things on tl
20:40.27Zoldenso rapy
20:43.01unclesatantryin to examine your unit group functions
20:43.23unclesatani see there's some function used iterate(unit, int, unitgroup)
20:44.20A1winI guess that's "for each unit in unit group"
20:44.53A1winthough the GUI doesn't have the int variable for it
20:44.53unclesatanis that really a func native to galaxy?
20:45.27A1winsounds like something that would be
20:45.29unclesatanthat wouldn't make sense though, because then he would have a for loop inside a for loop
20:45.42unclesatanyou can't have nested for loops can you
20:45.46A1winmake a trigger with "for each unit in unit group" and check the script view what it is
20:45.49A1winyou can
20:46.00A1winjust not with the "pick each" functions
20:46.10A1win"for each" nests just fine
20:46.29unclesatani've already looked at the GUI script and i want something better
20:46.37unclesatanplus i need a function that is shorter
20:46.44unclesatanGUI script is long, klunky and laggy :(
20:46.56unclesatannot all of it
20:47.01unclesatanbut stuff like unit group loops
20:47.42unclesatanthe same unit group loop that i would use in GUI to get a unit in a region, deal damage to it etc.
20:48.10unclesatanall i would have to do is reduce all of that to a function, cut the GUI-made unit group looping thing and make my own
20:48.23unclesatanand the actual code to do it would be like 8-12 lines less
20:48.32unclesatanand the function is only one line long so
20:48.38unclesatani could use that over and over again, one line
20:48.48A1winno idea what you're talking about :P
20:49.06unclesatanwas just trying to give you an example of what i'm tryin to accomplish
20:49.16unclesatanGUI = long klunky
20:49.28unclesatangalaxyscript = 10 less lines of code i have to write, for each ability i make
20:49.47unclesatanas compared to the galaxyscript that GUI would give me
20:49.55A1winso all you're saying is that you want to use galaxyscript instead of GUI?
20:50.17unclesatani'm already using galaxy instead of GUI
20:50.18unclesatani'm saying
20:50.19unclesatanGUI writes code
20:50.26unclesatanthe code that GUI writes
20:50.54unclesatanis ugly and ineffecient sometimes, and jademus wrote a function that is basically a shorter better version of the unitgroup looping function
20:51.21A1winand why are you telling me this? D:
20:51.40unclesatanbecause you were trying to give me help and i had to explain some things before that's possible
20:52.03A1winI was telling you to check if the "for each unit in unit group" that GUI uses is the same as that "iterate" function you were talking about
20:52.26A1winbut if you already know it's not, then the "iterate" function probably isn't a native one
20:53.03unclesatanyah i understand, i thought you were talking about galaxy script for a minute, yeah i already know it's not and iterate was a weird function that i think jademus created somewhere else and used it in the unit group one
20:54.12unclesatanyou were sayin to check the for each unit and script view it, i was saying yeah i've already looked at it and was explaining that i want something better
20:54.33unclesatanthen you said no idea so i felt like i should explain further lol xD
20:55.10unclesatansorry i assume everyone knows galaxyscript and i forget that most everyone uses GUI for mapmaking
20:55.18unclesatanit was opposite for wc3 Q-Q
20:55.54unclesatannothing against GUI
20:56.02A1winI got used to the GUI and didn't want to relearn all the function names
20:56.12A1winif I'd start over, I'd learn galaxyscript instead
20:56.14Tomuraunlike wc3's script language  galaxy script is not that much better than gui
20:56.19AhliI think it was opposite because wc3 gui was less powerful?
20:56.27unclesatanyeah that's kinda was i was sayin
20:56.37unclesatanthere's not alot of reason to use galaxy script besides whether you like to click or type
20:57.00Tomuraif the editors custom script editor was better I'd be using it a lot more though
20:57.31A1winanyway I'm not sure if I'll even continue with SC2 now that I discovered how easy unity is to use
20:57.55A1winso many more options ;p
20:58.00Tomurawell the problem with unity/UDK/cry engine are the assets
20:58.05Tomuraso you will need a modeller
20:58.13Tomuraat least that's what my problem is
20:58.27A1winbut I don't care about how a game looks like while I'm developing it
20:58.30Tomurawhen I get towards something that could be a game
20:59.13A1winand if it's so bad that no one wants to make assets for it, better just start over :P
21:01.11Tomurawell you will most likely find some one who would make something for you
21:01.19Tomurabut when your games art looks like shit
21:01.45Tomurait will be perceived as a bad game
21:01.49A1winwell by no one I meant no one who meets my standards ;p
21:02.15Tomurahmm but whith unity you also have the store
21:02.33A1winyeah, might use it for placeholder stuff
21:03.30A1winnot going to make a game using assets that are available for just anyone :P that'd make the game look cheap
21:03.39A1win(even if it costs money to use those assets)
21:03.49Tomurabut  for a prototype it could still be a option
21:03.58A1winyeah, placeholders while prototyping
21:04.41A1winI meant to say "not going to release a game using assets ..."
21:05.58unclesatanwhat is iterate(unit,int,unitgroup) in those funcs you wrote
21:06.34A1windo you know what iterating means in programming? seems pretty obvious what it does :x
21:06.38JademusSregTom, looking like shit is relative to how effectively the aesthetic qualities communicate their state and affordances, and how coherent the individual aesthetic components are in context of one another.
21:07.04JademusSregUnc, notice the parameter with the "unusual" type?
21:07.43JademusSregI'll trim down the previous example so it's more clear.
21:07.57unclesatannope i see it now
21:08.02unclesatani thought that was the type itself
21:08.07unclesatani was mixing it up in my brain
21:08.12unclesatannice one
21:08.59unclesatanso to use this i would call the prototype
21:11.08unclesatanthank you
21:11.32unclesatanlol it took me a moment when i first started looking at the other ones, because when i copied it, it pasted without a set of brackets for some reason
21:11.37JademusSregSo any function reference passed as an argument to either WhateverGroupIterate must have the appropriate signature, consistent with the "interface".
21:11.37unclesatanwas like huh
21:15.19JademusSregSo if you had a function like DeadifyDisDude to kill a unit, you'd make a function with the signature void DeadifyDisDude (unitgroup units, int index, unit u). To make use of it, simply call UnitGroupIterate(someUnits,DeadifyDisDude);
21:17.29unclesatanyeah i was just examining how i would use that properly
21:18.05JademusSregNote this is intended to handle the most basic group iteration logic; it doesn't have additional parameters for passing information as one might like. That can be done either by passing via global, data table, or by writing your own variant with additional parameters and a pseudo-interface for taking passing the value.
21:18.39unclesatanit just picks all the units in it
21:18.46unclesatanby index
21:18.57unclesatanand does the function
21:18.58JademusSregWell, it's always by index.
21:19.01JademusSregBut yes.
21:19.12unclesatanit does the function once per for loop right?
21:19.33JademusSregAlways in the sense that whether it's a GUI pick each or a for each loop, it's O(n), invariably a linear process.
21:19.47JademusSregIt calls the function once for each member of the group, yes.
21:20.03unclesatannice i'm definitely getting it now
21:20.23unclesatansorry i've not investigated function writing yet
21:20.30unclesatanit's a new thing! :D
21:20.51JademusSregWell, so long as you avoid nesting your function definitions, you'll be on the right track.
21:21.12unclesatanhaha yea
21:21.36JademusSregUnlike some other languages (Java, C#), galaxy script doesn't permit lambda or anonymous functions/.
21:21.56unclesatanso you have to use funcrefs?
21:22.18unclesatani seee i seeeeee
21:22.26JademusSregOr rather, scripters have the freedom to do so, and it's the only way to pass functions; GUI users don't have access to this feature.
21:23.02JademusSregNor can GUI users make use of structrefs or arrayrefs.
21:23.19unclesatanvoid DamageArea(fixed radius, fixed damage, point location, int player, unit damager, unitgroup group)
21:23.35unclesatanso could i then use it like UnitGroupIterate(group,DamageArea);
21:23.53unclesatanif i wanted to damage an area around each unit
21:23.57unclesatanin a group
21:24.10JademusSregWell, if you do that you'll need your own Iterate function to provide the values to those parameters.
21:24.12unclesatanwould i need an index var in DamageArea?
21:24.22JademusSregRemember, the signature must match.
21:24.35unclesatanindeed i see
21:24.47unclesatanok awesome
21:26.45JademusSregSo either you'd trim down the parameters and pass the additional info via globals or such before calling the Iterate function, or you'd need your own Iterate function that can accept those parameters and in turn pass them to the iterate funcref.
21:27.52unclesatanalright, well i think it'll be easier to just trim down the parameters, i'll do that
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21:31.11unclesatani need to use all those paramaters and can't use them globally
21:31.24unclesatani don't suppose it's as easy as slapping them in with
21:31.43unclesatanUnitGroupIterate_Prototype(in here)
21:31.53unclesatanUnitGroupIterate_Prototype (unitgroup units, int index, unit u, point location, int player, unit damager, fixed radius, fixed damage);
21:31.55unclesatanlike that
21:32.35JademusSregWell, you should make your own function rather than modify the source, but yeah, and add the extra parameters to the Iterate function, too.
21:32.41unclesatanor would i do it in the iterate
21:32.57unclesatani will i'm just seeing what i can and can't do
21:33.06unclesatangalaxy is weird
21:33.31JademusSregGalaxy is neutered C (it's not JavaScript or Lua, haha).
21:34.08unclesatanthank you very much,
21:34.22unclesatanhave a good day, i'll probably be at work when you come back
21:41.03hobbidudeany luck on that reflection demo jade?
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22:23.21Ahliprobes OP... clearly
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22:44.06Ahlifinal game in the dreamhack finals
22:58.14Zoldenfatty would rape em all

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