IRC log for #sc2mapster on 20130526

00:01.16draktokany pizza hut pizza 9$ online order only
00:06.38draktokfigured out the animation thing
00:07.00draktokapparantly the "slow" animation is the walk slow
00:07.14draktokso i just have to set it to "slow" when he uses defend
00:14.21Bountyda fuck
00:16.00BountyThat should get removed, they're giving in game incentives
00:17.48Vailrethi am trying to create a unit that has multiple actors  a main actor, and several dummy actors that mimic the main but i cant see away to animate the behavior created dummy actoris with out actor signals
00:18.30Vailretha way*
00:19.49TolkfanSomeone get Artestru here and make him implement creep display into the cutscene editor ;[
00:19.56Tolkfanby tomorrow
00:21.38Fatehow do i open a sc2map with the mpq editor?
00:22.10draktoki don't really care bounty
00:22.13draktokit own't be funded
00:22.26draktokmineralz hasn't changed in like the last year and a half and hasn't maintained their popularity
00:23.03draktoknot to mention the game is the most boring grindfest anyways, if someone wants to pay them to maintain a boring game who cares :p
00:23.04Bountyand what if by some miracle it does get funded lol
00:23.15draktokit's almost interesting to see if blizzard would take action if it does get funded
00:23.20BountyNever assume something won't succeed :)
00:23.20draktokcause i'm not sure if it's legal tbh
00:23.27Bountyits not
00:23.31BountyWe've talked to Blizz about this
00:23.47BountyThey said you can in fact do a kickstarter, but you cannot offer any in game incentives for donating
00:23.48draktokmaybe if he was a registered nonprofit
00:24.09draktokdo you think the map marketplace
00:24.12draktokwill ever reach light of day?
00:24.19draktokalso i think if it does i'll quit playing sc2 customs
00:24.34draktokstop playing sc2 rather
00:24.34BountyBecause that is a shit attitude
00:24.40draktokcustoms is the only thing i do
00:25.00draktokthere is so many games with so many free mods
00:25.09BountyIf you dont want to pay for games that are worthy of being charged for, then play free ones
00:25.19draktokit seems silly if i was to log onto a game like sc2, and the top 10 most played are all paid games
00:25.31draktoki don't put hundreds of hours into my map to make money :p
00:25.31BountyThat people worked hard on
00:26.00draktokmaybe if i didn't have to put 60$ out for sc2
00:26.03*** join/#sc2mapster Thunderzak (5d607d46@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
00:26.04draktoki would pay for customs
00:26.14Thunderzakhello everybody
00:26.20draktokbut to have to pay for each expansion and then pay for the most popular maps i don't think it is right
00:26.28BountyYou know i'll never understand this mentality of people who only play SC2 for the customs, everyone is so willing to throw their money at Blizzard... but to the people who provide them all of their content content
00:26.45Bountyscrew them right?
00:27.00draktoklike i say, perhaps if i did not have to pay blizzard
00:27.08draktokbut i wouldn't want to get double boned on the paycheck
00:27.17BountyI can get behind that
00:27.26draktoki mean i put a ton of time into editing and modding around various games but i don't do it for a profit, i just enjoy doing it
00:27.32BountyI do think access to SC2 arcade if it becomes a marketplace should be free
00:27.46draktoki understand some people put enough time TO get paid, but perhaps they should be making a real game, not a mod
00:27.51draktokbut thats just my head i guess
00:28.08BountyThere is a fine line between a "real game" and a "mod"
00:28.27BountyIts funny because that fine line is assets
00:28.28draktoklets take something that has been had a lot of time put into
00:28.30BountyThats it
00:28.35draktokwhat do you think something like Warcraft: a new dawn
00:28.37draktokis considered?
00:28.39BountyThats all that makes something a mod, is its assets
00:28.39draktoka mod, or a new game?
00:28.49Bountya new game imo
00:29.05BountyWhat do you define a game and a mod as?
00:29.14draktokit depends
00:29.23draktokfor example if you take natural selection - a half life mod
00:29.26BountyI define a game as... a game lol
00:29.27draktoki consider that a new game
00:29.35Bountya mod to ME is a slight modification
00:29.35draktokbut something like squad defense
00:29.38draktokthat's not a new game that's a mod
00:29.57draktokwhen you start uplling in custom assets not given to you is when you start to define a new game, not a mod, i guess
00:30.17BountyYeah so its all assets
00:30.27BountyWhich is funny because what does that have to do with being a game?
00:30.45draktokwhat would you consider photon discs?
00:30.47draktokalso idk
00:30.55draktoki think i am just talking hypothetical i suppose
00:30.58BountyI consider Photon Discs a new game
00:31.02BountyNot worth charging for though
00:31.06BountyNot enough content
00:31.25draktoki think i would be more okay with blizzard doing something like
00:31.35draktoka seperate game entirely - lets say Starcraft Arcade
00:31.45BountyThats what i think they should do
00:31.47draktokand people who publish maps that reach X plays recieve money similar to youtube views
00:31.49BountyBeen saying that forever :)
00:31.56Bountynow THAT i dont know about
00:31.56draktokbut paying per map
00:32.01BountyI would like that
00:32.04Bountybut Blizz would not do that
00:32.12BountyGod forbid they give back to the people who give them their content
00:32.16BountyLike Valve does
00:32.27draktoki appreciate someone like ARMA
00:32.35draktokthey make a ton of sales due to the zombie mod
00:32.44draktokthey hire the guy who made the mod and are making a new game for the mod
00:32.58draktokblizzard just says "well that stuff is ours good work" and then pushes out a new triple A game and charges 60$ again
00:33.21BountyPretty much
00:33.22draktokOh well
00:33.27BountyThey will get whats coming to them in the end
00:33.44draktokI think games like minecraft are a step in the right direction
00:33.59BountyGames made by a single developer?
00:34.12draktokno, rather, games that are totally modable, and the modding community is supported
00:34.21draktoksmaller dev teams help i guess
00:34.28draktokvalve has it right in a lot of ways, although sometimes i hate s team
00:34.39BountyI love steam
00:34.51draktoki just dislike that when i used to live with my brother
00:34.58draktokhe could not play one of my games when i was playing another
00:35.02draktokif it was online
00:35.25draktokfor ex i would play civ 4 but he could not play modern warfare
00:35.27draktokon my other computere
00:35.40BountyThat is just logic
00:35.44BountyIf they allowed that
00:35.51BountySo many problems would be caused lol
00:36.00draktokwell yeah, due to what steam is
00:36.14draktokback in the day he could play diablo 2 when i played wc3 even though i purchased both :p
00:36.14BountyIts just another situation where you have to say "This is why we can't have nice things"
00:36.19BountyBecause people would abuse it
00:36.23Bountyand ruin it for us
00:36.28draktokit's yes true
00:36.39draktokman i forgot how much i love pizza hut
00:36.51BountyPizza Hut is expensive as hell
00:36.55Bountybut they are good
00:36.58draktoklarge anyway 9$
00:36.59Bountyvery filling
00:37.06draktokif you order online
00:37.14Bountyis that a new sale?
00:37.23Bountyall my pizzas were always like 20 dollars lol
00:37.41draktokat the last screen where it says submit for pickup there is a coupon code box
00:37.53draktoki just entered 3J and it totally made my pizza 9$ lol
00:38.11draktokhas pepp, beef italian sausage extra cheese and bacon >
00:39.14draktokdoesn't include stuffed crust though
00:40.21draktoki still like pan
00:40.35draktokbut anyways pizza hut for 9$ you can't beat since it's usually expensive
00:40.44draktokmy pizza was 14.95$ until coupon thing
00:41.17draktokhey wasn't photon discs on sc2 mapster?
00:41.22draktokdid you remove it or was it never there?
00:43.30Bountyits there
00:44.23draktoki suck at searching i guess, oh well
00:44.34draktokhey if i get a few friends on tonight that haven't played photon discs, do you want to join?
00:44.57BountyIf i'm not doing anything sure lol
00:45.13BountyBut thats a slim chance :)
00:45.26Bountywhy dont you play Photon Synergy?
00:45.39Tolkfanare there only 2 skyboxes in the game? All I can see is belshir and marsara... well, and char, but I need a nice cloudy sky.
00:46.11draktokwhat file extention are skyboxes?
00:46.18draktokalso i didn't even know about it bounty
00:46.20draktokis there a youtube video
00:46.29Bountyjust type in photon synergy
00:46.41draktokfound it
00:46.42draktoklooks neat
00:47.19draktoki'm sure you could find a quite a few sky boxes otherwise to import
00:47.20Vailrethwell this is a problem how do you communicate bewteen models additions and the base unit model?
00:48.33draktoklol i can't figure out why i can't select my archers in a group
00:48.48draktokanyways now i can't figure out how to make my footmen use the cover attack
00:48.56draktokhe stands with the Defend animation, he walks with it
00:49.01draktokbut now i can't get him to attack with it
00:54.34draktokgot it
00:54.50draktokbam i got a fully functional defend animated footman
00:55.00draktoknow all i need is the upgrade and i'll be on my way >:D
01:09.19draktokwhats a good upgrade name for increasing rifle range
01:18.07BountyIncrease Rifle Range
01:18.43BountyKeep it simple
01:20.00*** join/#sc2mapster egod (b89198cf@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
01:20.29egodhey bounty
01:20.47egodso, what is your next BIG HIT !
01:20.51egodTrifaction 2 ?
01:21.43Bountyi have no next big hit planned
01:22.07egodguyus check this
01:22.51Bountyyeah we were just talking about that abit ago
01:23.05egodhes close to 18 000$ dont you think?
01:23.35draktoksigh :p
01:23.41draktokalso bounty i have the tooltip to make sense
01:23.43draktokas well as the icon
01:23.54draktoki think i'm just gonna name in Rifle Long Barrels or something
01:24.16BountyDo not underestimate the stupidity of your playerbase
01:24.23draktokhey also guys on that kickstarter, check out the ice planet song
01:24.44egodice planet song?
01:25.00draktoki listend to it like 3 times now, good song. Also that's true bounty, but since it's a economy - focusedish game, i expect a ton of negative reviews from people who don't know how to play anything but nexus wars, so that's okay
01:25.45draktoknow bounty, on the topic of paying for things, i would be inclined to purchase their in game track since  that's something indepently developed outside of the mod :p
01:26.36egodBy treating custom game making as a full-time job since then he has become one of the most competent users of the editor in the community
01:26.49egodMost competent users of the editor
01:26.57BountyThat is quite possibly one of the most stupid things ever said in this ircs history
01:27.07draktoki do purchase sound tracks a lot
01:27.22BountyYou would pay for a song, but not the effort of making the actual game
01:27.28draktokwell the song isn't the game :D
01:27.41BountyExactly the problem
01:27.42draktokalso it's a mod >:D
01:27.52draktokon a serious note though
01:27.56draktokdoes anyone know who makes his
01:27.58draktoksound tracks
01:28.12BountyYes, lets just refer to all games made within a games engine as mods and enslave all the people who work hard on them
01:28.34draktokwait did
01:28.36draktokthe mineralz guy make
01:28.39draktoksquadron td?
01:29.23draktokdidn't know tha
01:29.48egodwill kickstrart my map to, in 2 month!
01:29.51draktoki feel like the guys who had maps out relatively quickly in 2010 (near launch) kind of secured the most played maps
01:29.53egodbut will release it first
01:29.55draktokdue to the popularity thing
01:30.11draktokliek i don't think i could ever put out a map at this point and take someones place
01:31.02draktokalso bounty you said he offered in game something, which is what we are not allowed to do - do you mean the planet and unit naming?
01:31.04egodhey bounty , wanna try my map ? i need to test the ladderboard in like 20 minute
01:34.50egodthx, its great stuff
01:35.04egodi polsihing the multiplayer
01:35.10egodso much buggg :(
01:35.39draktokhow much of that is placeholder models
01:36.23egodplaceholder models?
01:36.32draktoki mean is any of that subject to change model wise
01:36.36draktokor is that all final
01:37.15egodits Hack and Slash Starcraft in Diablo2 World
01:37.25egodEvil awaits :)
01:37.26draktokthat's kickass
01:39.11draktokhow would i make an effect that takes 30% less damage from ranged attacks
01:39.22draktokwould that be an effect, or would i just edit the unit ?
01:39.45egoddata question is not for me my friend
01:40.15draktokmy map is like 95% data
01:42.23egodmy map is 95% triggers
01:42.40egod5% for ...unit...model...projectile..sound
01:43.08egodoh and i thnk, 2 or 3 behaviors
01:43.13draktokI'm importing and using custom models from WoW / wc3 and sounds
01:43.24draktoki even did the text tag for mineral generation through event driven actors
01:43.28draktokeven though i could have done that as a trigger
01:50.53draktokwould anyone know why my archer won't be selected in a group like my other units are
01:53.27*** join/#sc2mapster SunMonkey (4ca8ffc5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
01:54.35draktokhello again sunmonkey
01:55.04SunMonkeyhi ! :)
01:55.30SunMonkeyquick question: probably easy solution: I can't seem to select 'entire map' when trying to remove creep from map
01:57.57draktokif it'sanything like water you have to just
01:58.01draktokmake a big size and do it manually
01:58.08draktokbut i don't know because i've never laid creep o.O
01:58.58SunMonkeytrying to do it with a chat command to remove all creep from entire map
02:01.18draktokas a trigger xD
02:09.51SunMonkeyso you know how!!?
02:13.37draktokwouldn't that be a relatively easy trigger? the action at least?
02:13.45SunMonkeyI would think so
02:13.48SunMonkeyI can't seem to do it!
02:14.04draktoklike creep modify
02:15.11draktoklike remove normal creep region center entire map
02:15.43SunMonkeyI have it removed from Start location 1 and Location 2 with a radius 9999
02:16.24draktoklike that
02:18.29SunMonkeyworks thanks
02:18.33draktokbut this might too
02:18.44draktokthat was easy
02:20.08SunMonkeyah now I'm having trouble generating proper creep spread for hatchery
02:20.12SunMonkeyit's not 12 and it's not 11 radius
02:21.01draktokwait what are you trying to do
02:21.30SunMonkeybuild order tester
02:23.41draktoki wish i knew more about triggers to know, i am sadly more of a (learning) data guy :p
02:24.03SunMonkeyi am learning too !
02:24.06SunMonkeyso hard
02:25.35draktokthats why i decided to do a map that avoids triggers
02:25.38draktokand relies more on data
02:25.48SunMonkeylike what?
02:25.50draktokthere were a few moments that i could have used triggers, but  i just did it in the data
02:26.11draktokwell i'm doing an econ game. Since every part of the game can be accomplished through data, the only triggers i have are set starting minerals, and victory defeat conditions
02:26.18draktokthings like floating text tags i did through actor events
02:26.24draktokinstead of a trigger
02:27.25draktokI am (sort of) close to publishing a large update for my map, perhaps it is something you would like to try just to see what some other beginner editors are doing :D
02:27.38draktoki just trying to fix this defend upgrade
02:27.40draktokit's broked
02:28.04SunMonkeymine is broken too
02:28.07SunMonkeyin so many ways
02:28.16draktokit is what it is
02:28.19draktokdon't burn yourself out on it
02:28.26SunMonkeyi did that 3 months ago
02:28.30draktokwhen i get stuck i just do something else related to that map xP
02:28.36SunMonkeybut still nobody has released a fracking build order tester for HotS
02:28.38draktokif i get stuck on a data part i just go terrain for a while
02:28.57SunMonkeyyeah i would do that but i'm working purely with triggers!
02:29.10SunMonkeytaking standard 1v1 maps and adding the ability to quickly restart the game
02:33.19SunMonkeyso hard though
02:33.33SunMonkeywish some veteran map maker would help me with it
02:33.37SunMonkeyand by help i mean do it for me
02:35.36SunMonkeydraktok do you know how to make regions snap to a grid?
02:37.05draktokyou know i don't
02:37.16draktoki know you can right click the region and modify and just kind of edit the value to make it exact
02:37.36draktokbut i'm not sure how to snap it
02:37.39draktok: (
02:38.23SunMonkeyI'm trying to replace rocks on ramps and at chokes when player restart
02:38.25draktokview - show grid and
02:38.29draktoktools - snap to grid
02:38.35draktokthat makes regions you can place snap
02:38.37draktokif that's what you mean
02:39.05SunMonkeyI dont understand why blizz has released so little information/guides on their map editor
02:39.33draktokdid the tools snap to grid work or did you need something else? also i don't know blizz is silly i guess, but then again most games that allow moding dont' give a whole lot of info
02:39.37draktoktry to make a map in spark or hammer
02:39.39draktokyuck xP
02:39.53SunMonkeyspark or hammer?
02:40.02SunMonkeyguessing that's a hacked version of the editor?
02:41.49draktoknah just other editing tools (for source games and natural selection) - they are just as bad if not worse for making maps as sc2 editor
02:42.01draktoki just mean to say sc2 editor is rough but realistically so is just about all the editors out there
02:42.18draktoki don't think any game has a perfect easy way to make maps
02:42.22draktokor mods
02:42.43SunMonkeyi see
02:42.51SunMonkeyits like stareditor for bw?
02:43.17SunMonkeycuz sc2 and bw editors are both open source, right?
02:44.41draktokim not sure if they are or not tbh
02:44.49draktokspark and hammer are for other games entirely though
02:44.54SunMonkeywell bw map editor def was
02:45.00SunMonkeyohh i see
02:45.07draktoki think the staredit was open source because i remember using mods on it
02:45.12draktokbut i don't know if galaxy tools is
02:45.52SunMonkeyI will pay somebody here $20 if they can make this work the way I want it to
02:45.57SunMonkeyvia paypal
02:46.28SunMonkeywilll probably only take about 10 mins
02:46.34SunMonkeyI just have no idea how to do it
02:47.21draktoksorry i can't help
02:47.38draktoki wonder if you can make an ability turn off a behavior?
02:47.59draktokfor example i have a Defend ability (Footman defend) that gives him the defend behavior
02:48.09draktokand he walks and attacks and has the right animations
02:48.12draktokbut i can't get it to turn off
02:48.19draktoki have the ability with a turn off command and button
02:48.23draktokbut it isn't ever visible
02:48.24draktoknot sure why
02:54.48SunMonkeyI just found a thread on reddit wherein a redditor suggested my crappy map for build order testing
02:55.01draktokha really
02:55.01SunMonkey(but it's so broken :()
02:55.11SunMonkey4 real
02:56.17SunMonkeyhi jademus
02:56.25draktokfix my ability pls
02:57.21SunMonkeyjademus, how much would you charge to build a trigger for me?
02:58.03draktokthere is some people who would do it for free
02:58.07draktokif you are patient
02:58.17draktokbut a lot  of people i learned script things
02:58.24draktokping bounty maybe he knows, i think he does a lot with triggers
02:58.45SunMonkeyhow to ping?
02:58.50draktoki just did
02:58.55draktoktyping their name
02:59.28SunMonkeybounty, I hear you're good with triggers. How much would you charge to build a trigger for me?
03:01.24draktoki -think- he is xP
03:05.03BountyI've never made something for someone else so we would have to discuss that
03:05.06BountyWhat do you need?
03:05.18draktokhe's gonna give you 20 bucks
03:06.34draktokCome give away money or w.e
03:10.10draktokI guess he gave up
03:10.13draktokrage quit maybe
03:10.18draktokoh well
03:10.18JademusSregI've only got two screens, can't expect me to see everything while I work.
03:10.20BountySo apparently, Beer and Cranberry juice is delicious
03:10.27draktoki will have to take your word for it
03:10.31draktokI'm not a big beer guy tbh
03:10.37Bountyme either
03:10.38draktokCourse i don't really drink anything but water
03:10.42BountyHence the cranberry juice
03:10.59BountyI have invented the perfect drink though
03:11.05draktokBounty how do you make an ability turn off a behavior?
03:11.27Bounty50% Four Loko Coconut, 50% Water + Crystal Light Peach Mango Energy
03:11.40Bountyyou shut it off via triggers or give it a duration
03:11.57draktokwell i mean for this defend ability
03:12.02draktoki just want it to be toggable.
03:12.05draktoktoggable a word? idk
03:12.08Bountydo it via triggers
03:12.20draktoktheres got to be a way to do it data v.v
03:12.21Bountyi dont think its a word but i know what you're saying
03:12.29Bountywell then you have fun with that
03:12.35draktoki will figure it out
03:12.37Bountyive done 90% of my work with triggers
03:12.40Bountyruns fine
03:12.44draktoki'm doing it the opposite
03:12.55BountyI thought we were out of this age of illusion that data > triggers?
03:12.56draktoki have two triggers
03:12.59draktokvictory / defeat
03:13.25draktokit seems to be whatever people are better at that they like more
03:13.30SunMonkeyhi bounty
03:13.33draktoki'll ask someone else who is great at data and they say they do it all in data xD
03:13.34SunMonkeySorry I was in game
03:13.42SunMonkeyI don't know what's fair
03:13.43BountyHello SunMonkey
03:13.46SunMonkeyand i don't want to lowball you
03:13.52draktok20 bucks man
03:13.52BountyDepends on what you want lol
03:13.56draktokhe could get two pizza hut pizzas
03:14.05SunMonkeycan you invite me to private chat?
03:14.09Bountylol draktok
03:14.12draktokassuming tax in your state is less than 10%
03:14.21draktokif you live in AR i feel bad for your 11% xD
03:16.01egodi want 100 000$
03:17.12draktoki will give you 100 000$ if i win the lottery egod
03:17.57Bountyegod deserves 100k
03:18.02Bountybeen working on the same map for like 10 years
03:18.19draktokhey bounty
03:18.20draktoki figured it out
03:18.35draktoksimple effect flag + toggle
03:18.41draktokdon't need your silly triggers
03:19.54Bountythats fine
03:20.10Bountyi would have had that solved via triggers 200% earlier than it took you to solve it via data
03:20.19Bountytime = efficient
03:23.14draktokbut it doesn't help i suck at all parts of the editor
03:23.20draktokconsidering it actually was -really- easy
03:30.03draktokso bounty what do you use the data editor for?
03:35.04egoddata is only usefull for Setting Unit, Model, Projectile, Sound and some Behaviors
03:36.20draktokso you don't play with actor events much huh
03:36.24draktokalso Dustin yo uare so random
03:36.34DustinFuck ya I am
03:36.49egodwhy you want to play with actor events?
03:37.00egoduse triggers
03:37.13egodactor/unit/model   its all linked
03:37.35draktokfor something like attaching a behavior to a unit
03:37.41draktokfor ex the defend behavior
03:37.48draktoki want him to make the defend pose walking around
03:37.51*** join/#sc2mapster nooblark (
03:38.05draktokso actor event abil behavior defend on play animation
03:38.13nooblarkmuhaha, i figured out how to join 2 servers
03:38.30nooblarknot that i'm mapping at this time, but at least i can talk to people i used to map with :P
03:38.33egodyou can order a unit to play a animation
03:38.39egodwith triggers
03:39.53nooblarkhi jade <#
03:40.09draktokbut what's the difference between doing it
03:40.13draktokthrough a trigger, and through data?
03:40.29draktokit would seem data manipulation would effect performance and load the least over all wouldn't it?
03:40.38JademusSregData is more efficient. Trigger/script allows for more detailed logic.
03:40.59draktokso for something like an animation swap due to a behavior being added
03:41.02JademusSregHi noobl. <3
03:41.08draktokis there any reason i should do it as a trigger over a actor event
03:41.57JademusSregIf you have detailed logic dictating when and how something should be done, you'd want to use trigger/script.
03:42.15nooblarki finially figured out how to connect on two servers on mirc, not like i was trying before.. but now i can chill here again :)
03:42.26nooblarkbut i'm not mapping atm. might get back into it soon
03:42.32JademusSregWhich is to say use data whenever feasible, otherwise use triggers.
03:42.37nooblarkanyway, wanted to say hi before going to bed
03:42.37draktokim simly creating the defend ability from wc3
03:42.39draktokis all
03:43.57Dustinnooblark you noob!
04:04.48egod100xRank of PLayer 1 Compared to 100xRank of Player 2 in a new total of 100xRank = Updated Ladder board, brain gonna explode
04:07.18draktoki wonder how difficult it will be to make a tower upgrade to shoot 3 targets
04:07.20draktoknot very hopefully
04:07.59egodwith triggers, i can explain, but you will not use it anyway
04:08.46JademusSregDrak, depends on how you want it to behave.
04:08.59egodPut every (Target ennemy) in a group, Order your (Tower) to shoot 3xRandom in this group in a specific region
04:09.07draktoki just want the tower to be able to shoot 3 targets
04:09.12draktokand that sounds feasible
04:09.36DustinJust enable 3 targets on the weapon
04:09.39egodoh nevermind, YOU DONT USE TRIGGERS
04:10.12JademusSregAlways fire 3 shots distributed among targets, shoot up to 3 targets simultaneously, shoot up to 3 targets sequentially, et cetera.
04:10.38draktokegod if i have to make hte upgrade through data, why wouldn't i edit the weapon through data xD
04:11.52egodyou can do the same with triggers, just you control every aspect like Damage, Range and Stuff, its just different
04:11.53JademusSreg(Upgrades provide the same functionality available to the trigger Catalog API.)
04:13.01draktokThat's interesting
04:13.04draktokis there anything else that overlaps?
04:13.43egodthe real question is
04:13.49JademusSregBut yeah, there's no grounds for an argument here. Data is more efficient, triggers allow for more detailed logic, and one should use the tool appropriate to the task. Banging on about "data/triggers for everything", that's silly.
04:13.53egodWHERE IS TRIFACTION 2 ?
04:14.48JademusSregDrak, most data shit can be done via triggers/script, but not all. Enumerating where they overlap or the exceptions would be a poor use of time.
04:15.39draktokwhat is trifaction?
04:15.53egodask Bounty
04:16.03JademusSregOne of Bounty's numerous maps.
04:16.12Bountytrifaction is no more
04:16.16draktokidk bounty hates me because i buy soundtracks and not mods >:D
04:16.17Bountyi had to delete it
04:16.20draktokalso i still don't know what trifaction is
04:16.42Bountythats what it was though
04:18.24egodyes that is right, he delete his best map concept with most potenciel
04:19.55*** join/#sc2mapster XenoX101 (
04:19.56draktokwhy did you delete it?
04:21.30egodbecause the UI was terrible
04:22.43draktokwait so
04:22.46draktokhe deleted an entire map
04:22.48draktokdue to bad ui?
04:24.07draktokJademusSreg would you know how to make my unit take less damage from ranged units while he has this Defend behavior on?
04:24.49BountyI deleted the map bc nobody wanted to help test and/or play it
04:24.53Bountyso, sorry about that?
04:25.25JademusSregBuff behavior, field Modifications+, subfield Combat Response, subfield Damage Taken Fraction, index Ranged.
04:26.12JademusSregThe tab is Combat, the subsection is around Damage Response.
04:27.09draktokyeah i had that point but
04:27.14draktokso does fraction mean it's reducing it by that fraction or
04:27.17draktokby that amount?
04:27.22draktokex if i select ranged / 5
04:27.30egodby trifaction!
04:27.34draktokis that 1/5 of ranged damage?
04:27.41draktokalso that's too bad bounty, it seemed neat
04:27.55Bountyit was neat
04:27.57draktokso if i just want to reduce it by 30%
04:27.59draktokit'd be
04:28.06Bountybut there is only so much you can do with zero support
04:28.11draktokokay jademus
04:28.17draktokalso i think it's easier now bounty
04:28.18draktokwith the open games
04:28.33draktoki hosted my terrible map an it filled up in the middle of the night in a few minutes
04:28.35draktokcourse everyone hated it
04:28.37draktokbut still
04:28.48BountyYes, we now have open games, but we also have about 1/10th the playerbase
04:28.57draktokyou think it's that bad?
04:29.10BountyI take it you were not here during early SC2?
04:29.11egodi need a test bounty are you online?
04:29.24Bountyim busy brah
04:29.32egodDustin are you online?
04:29.45draktoki was bounty
04:29.55draktokbut i mean i just played normal games
04:30.06draktokand the queue for that hasn't changed
04:30.08draktokit's still pretty near instant
04:30.22JademusSregNormal games?
04:30.35draktokas in i just queued 1v1
04:30.38draktokand got stuck in plat
04:30.40draktokbefore i gave up
04:30.42draktokmelee yes
04:31.00draktokbut the melee queue is just as fast or slow
04:31.04draktokas before so xD
04:32.36draktokhas anyone played the new arcade highlight yet
04:34.23draktokclownz glardiatior arena
04:34.35draktokI think i'm gonna go giveit a shot now, looks cool enough to try
04:34.52draktoki appreciate these games that are pretty high quality to get new guys into the game since you can play them on starter addition
04:34.54draktokthat's pretty cool
04:34.58egodwill try it
04:35.07egoduploading my map, and i come
04:35.23draktokit says it's fun with a group of friends, would you guys like to do a private game of sc2mapsters?
04:35.39egodwill go on sc2mapster
04:36.16JademusSregSo it's a boss battles map. Neato.
04:36.23draktokI like boss battle maps >:D
04:36.32draktokWant to try it out with us jademus?
04:36.43JademusSregnudges Bounty antagonistically.
04:36.57JademusSregAh, no. Busy setting up a compiler.
04:37.32draktokBounty want to give this a try? Also egod i'm in sc2mapster group whenver you're online
04:37.45egodwill be on soon
04:38.11draktokanyone else? Vailreth SunMonkey Dustin
04:38.25draktoki think that's all the people that aren't always afk
04:41.16SunMonkeydraktok sorry i cant help tonight i g2g goodnight! pm me tomorrow if you see me on!
04:41.45JademusSregJust noticed the tutorial Sun used. Dreadful.
04:44.35JademusSregBut then the site has never had much in the way of quality control. It's essentially a dilapidated carnival, come one, come all, enjoy our creepy clowns and corroding amusements.
04:56.55draktokwhat do you mean
04:56.58draktokwhat tutorial did he use xD
05:03.06zeldarules28You still there?
05:03.09zeldarules28What's up
05:03.47draktokah i was just seeing who wanted to try some new arcade highlight with me and egod
05:03.53draktokno one did and we played so meh :p cool game, though
05:03.57draktokgladiator game
05:03.59draktokboss survival, w/e
05:04.10zeldarules28Sorry, I was gone :P
05:09.04Bountysong of the night
05:28.46draktokman bounty
05:28.53draktokdo you want to hear what i listen to when i map
05:30.17Bountynope, but i know you're going to link it
05:30.30Bountyand out of curiousity i am going to click it
05:32.03draktok this is the best music to map too
05:32.54egodtext item bug omg lol
05:32.58egodhave to fix this shit
05:35.32draktokgood luck with that egod
05:43.00draktokhey bounty
05:43.15draktokRecommendation for converting sounds for a map?
05:43.21draktoki know mp3s work, file too big though.
05:52.27draktokJademusSreg I just went and looked for buff behavior, field modifications+ but i don't see a combat response or a damage taken field
05:52.30draktokam i looking in the wrong area?
05:52.40draktokI'm under the behavior, set to buff, looking under behavior modifcations
05:57.56JademusSregWhat view options are enabled?
05:58.53JademusSregAlso, see the Guardian Shield and DamageTakenNone behaviors for reference.
05:59.00draktokwill do
06:01.36JademusSregBut yes, view options are often a source of trouble for inexperienced users. For instance, a recent patch enabled by default an option to move modified fields to the top, which is bewildering if you're familiar with the position of the fields in Table View. Redundant, too, since modified fields appear in green.
06:02.48JademusSregThese are the view options I use.
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06:04.51draktoki use table view personally
06:05.45JademusSregI usually use Table View, and switch to XML View when editing the text directly is more efficient.
06:06.20draktoklet me show what i got that isn't working
06:06.23draktokso i can know where to go
06:09.14JademusSregUnrelated, here's some other fun data shit:   https://dl.dropboxuserc
06:09.30draktokthere's two relevant screen shots to where i'm stuck i guess
06:09.37JademusSregOops, forgot
06:10.05draktokfirst one 404'd
06:10.25JademusSregYeah, I meant to post the headlamps, not the dark cave shot.
06:10.34JademusSregThus the "Oops".
06:10.40draktokhey can i use the second one
06:11.08JademusSregUse in what sense?
06:11.42draktokloading screen
06:11.55draktokit would be a good loading screen
06:12.07draktokand i don't have one right now :D
06:12.16draktoki'll throw your name in the corner
06:13.12draktokdo you know a good software or website for converting pictures out of dds to jpeg
06:13.16JademusSregAh, I see. I didn't remember correctly. See Combat: Damage Response.
06:13.38JademusSregGIMP can do it, Photoshop with the Nvidia plugin works, too.
06:13.42JademusSregOr I can do it, hell.
06:14.14draktokwanna make it dds for me ;D
06:14.28draktokalso i set the combat damage reponse , i thought, to .7
06:14.31draktokbut it doesn't wokr?
06:14.42JademusSregChance 1
06:15.23draktokso simple, yet so obscure
06:15.41JademusSreg(Or you could do the inverse, set chance to 0.3 and set it to reduce all Ranged damage to nothing, haha.)
06:16.08draktoki would but i i do want the ranged units to be semi viable
06:16.41draktokokay so i replaced a bunch of  icons such as move, attack ect
06:16.46draktokto wc3 icons
06:16.52draktokand it worked, but they are all green
06:17.38draktokcool that works though jademus
06:17.43draktoki have offically implemented defend
06:17.47draktokanimations and sound and all
06:17.50draktokand icons >:D
06:19.25JademusSregI'm gonna take a better screenshot. That one lacks perfect dimensions.
06:20.07draktokDo you know why these icons are coming up green?
06:20.23JademusSregAlignment: Positive
06:20.42JademusSregIf you mean the buff icon.
06:21.00JademusSregIf the command card, Button data, Tint Racial field or some such.
06:23.09JademusSregI imagine a Heroic version of Defend would always reduce ranged damage to 0.7, with a chance to reduce it to none, via 2 buff behaviors.
06:23.29draktokthat's a good idea, but i haven't made it that far with units yet
06:23.33draktokthat and i'm out of high quality models
06:23.44draktokthere's quite a few others models i can use, but none with speculars / normals
06:23.56draktokzolden uploaded a few but they don't represent the same art style
06:24.29draktokso i'm kind of stagnating at this point and may look at a new map to make once i get tier 1 of my map complete, and complete tier 2 when there is new model assetts for me to use, or a new drive for me to want to create the models myself.
06:26.10draktoki mean the command card icons are tinted green
06:26.14draktokbut i'm not seeing tint racial field
06:26.57JademusSregUI: Tint By Race
06:27.10JademusSregIt's in the Button data.
06:27.16draktoki just changed tent by race off
06:27.18draktokas you typed that
06:27.20draktokthat might do it
06:27.21draktoktesting now
06:27.35draktok this is a funny song
06:27.35draktokyou might enjoy
06:28.55JademusSregAlso, UI: Universal; disable your icon is monochrome.
06:29.13JademusSreg*if your icon
06:30.43draktoki don't think it is
06:31.04draktokno none of them are
06:31.05draktokso we're good
06:35.43draktok5 would be a good loading screen
06:35.47draktokmight make me reterrain again but meh
06:36.10JademusSregSnowy Rocks?
06:36.27draktokyeah i think it looks good
06:36.32draktokmy terrain is 1000% subject to change
06:36.39draktokso i can just kind of change it whenver
06:38.18draktoknow i need to test my map to make sure none of these sounds are playing globally again lol
06:39.05draktokokay so basically i have all the sounds implemented from wc3
06:39.17draktok3 units (archer footman rifle man) with various upgrades for each, attack animations for each
06:39.26draktoka working arrow missile model on the archer and guard tower
06:39.51draktoki need to make a new upgrade for the guard tower to allow it to hit 3 targets at once
06:40.03JademusSregYes, I remember.
06:40.12draktoki think i can manage that one
06:40.14draktokseems easy enough
06:40.19draktokneed to go dig an icon out for it though brb
06:40.22JademusSregThere are a number of approaches.
06:40.23draktokalso thanks for dds
06:42.34JademusSregOptimal solution would probably be Weapon : Effect > Search Area effect (Search filters matching the weapon) : Area (max count 3) : Effect > Launch Missile effect.
06:43.26draktokoh hey i did run into one weird issue with my missile
06:43.33draktoka screen shot will be best to show you, sec
06:45.15JademusSregIf the weapon should limit itself to the arc of the attack (default is like 11.25), then the Search area effect would need to be applied by a persistent effect to help with the target and source offset positions. If the weapon is omnidirectional and unconcerned with arc, then the Search Area would be centered on the source unit.
06:45.38draktok its sort of hard to see cause i can snap a shot of it but
06:45.45draktokif you look under neat that archer on the bottons foot
06:45.48draktoktheres the arrow model
06:46.03draktokso eveyr time they shoot a static arrow appears at their feet for half a second then disappears
06:46.27draktokalso the arc is 360, it's a tower, so that's of no concern
06:46.28JademusSregActors, likely.
06:46.38JademusSregSpecifically, the action actor.
06:46.56JademusSregI expect the missile field has not been set.
06:47.12JademusSregVery, very common problem.
06:47.28draktokit is there
06:47.40draktokFieldwarcraft Archer Arrow Attack Art: MissileArcherArrowMissile
06:47.42draktokso i have that
06:48.15draktokit's shooting the arrow and all just fine, it's just creating a second arrow that's static
06:48.26JademusSregThen it's time to send me data. Either pastee the XML data, or send the map.
06:48.45JademusSregSpecifically, the XML data for the actors, models, and units.
06:48.52draktokwhats that site that you can post xml on
06:48.54JademusSregAnd effects.
06:50.23draktokyeesh would you prefer just the map lol
06:50.31JademusSregEither way.
06:50.33draktoki have drop box
06:53.29draktokuploading to drop box and will post
06:54.07draktokthere u go
06:54.46draktokeverything i use as a reference or in the map has prefix or suffix warcraft
06:54.47draktokjust fyi
06:56.13JademusSregRather unnecessary, since the data editor has a filter by source.
06:56.33draktoki know
06:56.44draktokjust something i do
06:57.13draktoksometimes i don't want to touch anything on a reference and if i just set the prefix or suffix i can just search warcraft
06:57.17draktokand it will pull everything up
06:57.50JademusSregAgain, filter by source. If I only want to see Core data, I use the pulldown and click Core.SC2Mod.
06:58.16draktokfilter won't pull up a that i suffixed just for reference :D
06:58.23draktokbut either way, just something i do
06:59.04JademusSregHaha, not attempting to persuade either way, but that is not a rigorous defense of a position.
07:00.03draktokyeah yeah ;p
07:00.08draktokdo you see what i did wrong, though?
07:12.22JademusSregMany assets, slow to save, slow to test.
07:12.45draktoki'm on a solid state drive i suppose maybe i don't notice how slow it is on most peoples computers
07:12.51draktokhow do i remove some of the assetts?
07:17.14*** join/#sc2mapster Blub\w (~wry@unaffiliated/blubw/x-6625061)
07:18.24draktokif i just went on a rampage deleting spree of a ton of things
07:18.27draktokwould that help lol
07:18.48draktokhow do i reduce it then?
07:18.53draktokseems weird
07:19.11JademusSregNo worries. Though you'd do well to move all your assets to a mod.
07:20.35draktokyeah idk how to do that either
07:20.45draktokhey is editing the UI as terrible as it was in 2010?
07:21.04draktokI played around and created a WASD library and changed around the UI a few years ago, but i remember it was tedious and not worth the time
07:21.08draktokis it easier to do now, or meh
07:21.18JademusSregAh, seems I may have found it.
07:21.26draktokhuzzah if you did
07:21.36draktokthat bug plagues the guard tower and the archer
07:21.39JademusSregMost WASD implementations are terribly inefficient.
07:21.57draktokyou can't see the guard towers unless you change the launch to top instead of center
07:22.00JademusSregShould have mentioned it affected both; would have solved it sooner.
07:22.12draktokwell they are different actors
07:22.14draktokbut yeah they do, sorry
07:22.40draktokgoing through my actors is it obvious i'm a noob map maker or meh
07:25.54JademusSregThe warcraft prefix is both pointless and unbearable. Not that it answers your question.
07:27.29draktoki like it shh
07:29.32draktokoh man hots added ice i forgot
07:29.36draktoki can make the loading screen match the terrain
07:31.26JademusSregAfter fixing various other annoying things (never set Tokens to none, and remember to revert your actor events for the action actors), I notice your missile actors use the same unit token.
07:31.50draktokif i don't set them to none what do i set them to?
07:32.06JademusSregSince they share a unit, each time the missile unit is created, it creates the correct missile actor and the wronf one.
07:32.23JademusSregLeave the value as Bogus if it's not used.
07:32.58draktokthats the issue i ran into
07:33.02JademusSregRather, don't modify tokens you don't use in the first place.
07:33.03draktoki changed it then i couldn't get it back to none
07:33.10draktokto bogus rather
07:33.11draktokso i just put none
07:33.15JademusSregI switch to XML view and delete the attribute.
07:33.40JademusSregBut that's just an irksome detail.
07:34.27JademusSregTo solve the arrow issue, either don't use separate Missile actors or use separate missile units.
07:34.59JademusSregFor those arrows specifically.
07:35.29draktokdon't use seperate missile actors
07:35.35draktoklet me think how to do that
07:35.43JademusSregDelete one of them. Done.
07:35.48draktokfor the action
07:35.50draktokor the missile
07:36.07JademusSregMissile. Actors. You have two registered for the same unit, you see.
07:36.09*** join/#sc2mapster google_ (4e3c1a28@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
07:36.23JademusSregSo either split the units or remove the extra missile actor.
07:36.24draktokso i do
07:36.25draktokwhy did i do that
07:36.43draktoklet me test see if that fixed
07:36.46draktokcause if it did, lol.
07:46.32*** join/#sc2mapster G0A (
07:51.24Tolkfan opinions?
07:51.44JademusSregAlso, giving data entries ids that match the fields using them will help with the implicit linking, less manual defining.
07:52.53JademusSregTolk, that's adorable.
07:53.57draktoki like it tolk
07:54.00google_Well I would say it missing more details, ground textures, doodads
07:54.04JademusSregWould benefit from more stuff, more activity. And the zerg didn't get enough love.
07:54.08draktokthe bases look
07:55.12Tolkfanyeah, but what would units do? stand like idiots inside the bases? run in circles? ;(
07:55.26draktokwell pick defining units
07:55.28Tolkfanand the zerg dont get love because they got shit build animations :P
07:55.30draktokmarines loading into a bunker
07:55.33draktoksiege tanks setting up
07:55.39draktokStalkers blinking to positions
07:55.42JademusSregThors activating cannons.
07:55.51JademusSregZerg unburrowing.
07:55.55draktokI mean there's a few units with cool enough animations to stand out
07:56.00draktokDark templars fading out of cloeak
07:56.07JademusSregCreep tumors reproducing.
07:56.16JademusSregNo, Drak, DTs never do that, haha.
07:56.22draktokWell you get what i mean though
07:56.25draktokunits doing something
07:56.26JademusSregGhosts and banshees do.
07:56.30draktokThat's true
07:56.46draktokbut i do like it
07:56.49draktokthe over views were slick
07:56.55draktokzerg got poop like he said but meh
07:57.27Tolkfanzerg didn't even get poop, since there's no creep in the cutscene editor :P
07:57.39Tolkfanthanks for the unit ideas, ill try to use them
07:57.53draktoki don't know much else about protoss though
07:57.56draktokwarping in of course
07:57.58draktokis always cool
07:58.01JademusSregIt was well paced, just needs more content. Enough to make a person say "wow" rather than "neat". The initial part is "wow", though.
07:58.22draktokyou could do terran drop pods
07:58.24draktokprotoss warping
07:58.27draktokand zerg drop pods
07:58.34JademusSregZerg "plop" pods.
07:58.40draktokzerg poop pods yes
07:58.44JademusSregDrop sacs.
07:58.53draktokwell really
07:59.00JademusSregTheir testicalings descending.
07:59.01draktoksince protoss are warping and terran are coming from the sky
07:59.07draktokmaybe it would be cooler if zerg came from the ground
07:59.09draktokbut idk
07:59.16JademusSregBut yeah, plenty of content to leverage.
07:59.24draktokbut it looks great so far tolkfan
07:59.27draktoki like it
08:00.43JademusSregOnce enriched, it would make a badass intro to a map, one imagines.
08:00.55JademusSregAlso looks like something Blizzard would mention.
08:01.02draktokJademusSreg how do i make an arrow shoot from the top of the guard tower?
08:01.37JademusSregSiteOperation offsets.
08:02.16draktoklaunch site ops?
08:03.02JademusSregI mean you'll need make a custom site op actor to offset it.
08:03.42draktokmeh not worth the time
08:04.50draktokone thing that broke when i deleted the archer arrow missile
08:04.58draktokfor some reason it doesn't play the impact sound anymore
08:05.00draktoknot sure why
08:05.33JademusSregI expected you to delete the tower arrow missile, haha.
08:05.54draktokno i kept the simple name "arrowmissile"
08:06.20draktokalso i fixed it already
08:06.31draktokforgot to change the missile to "arrowmissile" from archer arrow missile
08:06.46draktokso the only thing that's kind of wonky at this point is the arrow appears above the tower head for quarter of a second now
08:06.47draktokbut meh
08:08.42draktokokay so the game is in mostly perfect working order
08:08.59draktokfinal piece of business before i publish is to pretty up terrain sort of
08:09.10draktokloading screen sort of
08:09.14draktokand then music
08:09.18draktoki need music to play
08:12.06draktokoh yeah JademusSreg i remember the other reason i tagged warcraft
08:12.18draktokwhenever i'm looking for an element in the dropdown box i can just type W and there is all my stuff
08:12.19draktokunder warcraft
08:12.34draktokso looking for a sound or building or actor, just type W
08:12.37draktokboom warcraft
08:12.44JademusSregStill hate it.
08:13.29draktokis there a generic explosion that would make a good building death
08:13.35JademusSregReduces readability, takes more mental effort to parse it.
08:13.52JademusSregWhen in doubt, use the asset browser.
08:14.14JademusSregOpen the console, browse, Search filter .m3
08:16.28draktokterran large explosion w/e works
08:17.28draktokeverytime i think i'm close to publishing i remember something else i should do
08:17.31google_draktok if u using WC3 sounds there is some fire, Destruction
08:17.46draktoki found the humanbuildingdeath sound from wc3
08:17.52draktoki'll check out the fire sound
08:18.46JademusSregSeems Google decided to drop by.
08:18.59draktokis google_ important :D
08:19.33JademusSregUnless you use Bing without embarrassment.
08:19.39draktokhey so check this out
08:19.43draktokyou might get a kick out of this
08:19.49draktoki live near the mall of america
08:19.59draktokand there is a microsoft store inside, and they were doing the google challenge
08:20.26draktokgoogle vs bing challenge, rather, where you search something, and pick the anonomysed browser that provided the most relevant result
08:20.59draktokand if you did the challenge, they gave you 25$ in store credit - regardless of who won (google or bing)
08:21.17draktokso my roommate and i won a couple hundred dollars worth of xbox live points just for taking that silly test every day on my way to work
08:21.26draktokon that note google won 8/11 times incase you are curious
08:22.30JademusSregFirst, I'd attempt to break whatever bounds they imposed. Would be more entertaining.
08:23.22draktokyou just had to take it and then they would give you their spheal about why bing provides better results
08:23.23draktokeven if google won
08:23.30draktoklike i mostly asked questions on it
08:23.39draktoklike "where is gas the most expensive"
08:23.42draktoksomewhat vague
08:23.57draktokand they typically told me bing is better at pulling up direct results, like "Gas Prices"
08:24.08draktokbut 90% of what i search on the internet is questions, so meh
08:24.12JademusSregSecond, after breaking shit, I'd leave to avoid having words made at me.
08:24.35draktokyou don't want your free microsoft points!?
08:24.58JademusSregI don't even own a console, much less an xbox.
08:29.19google_Soon time will come to own PS4 just to hate xboxADIN
08:31.51draktokoh i don't care that much
08:31.57draktoki think 360 was my last console purchase
08:32.18draktokmaybe i will buy a wiiu, i like super smash brothers quite a bit
08:35.02*** join/#sc2mapster Zolden (Zolden@
08:35.29draktoksup zolden
08:36.01draktoksup with you man
08:36.49Zoldenjust woke up
08:36.59Zoldenunderstand nothing yet
08:37.24Zoldengave food to the cat
08:37.31Zoldennow it's licking balls
08:37.33draktokgood work good work
08:38.23google_Zolden wizard model on his hat missing mesh faces, or transperancy
08:38.59Zoldengoogle_ they were flipped... I've unflipped some of them, but there were more i guess
08:39.19Zoldenor I forgot to unflip them on that particular model
08:39.25Zoldeninverted normals, you know
08:41.08draktoki wish paint would open up dds files
08:41.28Zoldenmaybe it's better to use blender's m3 tools to import models in art tools, because max importer is fucked
08:42.12google_Zolden why so not clean textures folder of your models?
08:42.19google_so much structures textures
08:42.49Zoldendraktok it's like saying I wish my bike could teleport me to emma stone's vagina
08:42.57Zoldengoogle_ jsut remove em
08:43.02draktokthat would probably kill her
08:43.08google_draktok GIMP 2.0 is free and have tools, plugins for import the images
08:43.10Zoldeni had them all there and forgot they are for buildings too
08:43.21ZoldenPS is free on torrents
08:43.24draktokyeah i know it's just a matter of i wish i could do everything with base microsoft tools
08:43.35google_fuck MS
08:43.35draktoki have ps on the laptop i forgot about that
08:44.26Zoldenyea, fuck ms, go ps
08:44.39draktokhey google_
08:44.50draktokdo you know what the "I cant build there" sound is under in wc3
08:44.53draktokor what it would be called
08:44.54draktokcan't find it
08:45.04google_search for peasant
08:45.26draktoki did
08:45.59draktokoh under warning
08:47.06JademusSregZol, impressive cat training if it performs on you for its food.
08:47.18draktokwhy is all the music files in wc3 mp3s
08:47.25draktokcan i make a mod full of just mp3s
08:47.27draktokdoes that work
08:48.11JademusSregI convert to .ogg, but you're welcome to try.
08:48.42draktokdo you have a program you'd recommend for converting mp3s -.-
08:49.12JademusSregI use Adobe Audition for that and other sound modifications.
08:49.20draktoktoo many programs
08:49.23draktoki'll just leave it lol
08:50.09ZoldenJademusSreg i think it would be rather a torture, maybe hitler has ss-cats that licked captive's balls to acknowledge their secrets
08:51.09draktokhow big are .ogg files
08:51.23JademusSregDepends on the bitrate.
08:51.42draktok128 5mb mp3?
08:52.53google_Total Audio MP3 converter works just fine. For converting thousands of sound files
08:52.57google_at the sime time
08:52.59google_same time
08:53.18google_if legal one no clue if it would work fine in that case
08:53.43draktokoh hey jademussreg i just ran into a bug i remembered
08:54.15draktokhow do i get my buildings to require "farm" OR "bigger farm"? They work fine for the farm, but then i upgrade my farm to bigger farm, and my buildings want a new farm
08:54.43draktokI thought requirement as Use: Or: Count unit farm complete / count unit bigger farm complete would work
08:54.46draktokbut it doesn't
08:55.57JademusSregSee also:
08:56.40JademusSreg'"Vorbis" is named after a Discworld character, Exquisitor Vorbis in Small Gods by Terry Pratchett. The Ogg format, however, is not named after Nanny Ogg, another Discworld character; the name is in fact derived from ogging, jargon that arose in the computer game Netrek.'
08:56.43JademusSregLove it.
08:57.21draktoktrivia day
08:59.18draktokgot the requirement thing to work, nvm
09:01.13draktoki think for that tower upgrade thing i'm gonna create two upgrades
09:01.25draktokone allows the tower to shoot 3 targets, but deal 10 dmg a shot (down from 15)
09:01.32draktokand the other increase tower attack damage
09:01.41draktokbut you can only upgrade one
09:01.50draktokthat is, you upgrade one, the other will no longer be available
09:01.55draktoki like customization like that
09:07.48*** join/#sc2mapster Crash (4e3c1a28@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
09:08.06Crashwhere to see crash, and other pc stuff logs?
09:24.37draktokis UI editing easier now
09:24.39draktokor still hard
09:30.13thenickUI editing easier since when?
09:30.51thenickif you talk about half year ago how it aws yes, if a month ago how it changed, quite same thing
09:32.02draktoki have no touched the UI since 2010
09:32.09draktokis it easier to edit since then is the real question :p
09:32.21draktokand the better question would be how difficult would it be to implement wc3 ui :p
09:33.10JademusSregNever been all that difficult.
09:33.28thenickYes its easier since then. Much easier, since every change can be applied faster than at that time
09:33.42JademusSregIt's been made less tedious.
09:34.42draktokThat's what i mean, mostly
09:34.47draktokAh right so
09:34.55draktoknow how to tackle getting wc3 ui into sc2
09:37.29thenickCustom images as UI parts used
09:37.55draktokthat's super nice
09:37.58draktokalso i don't know what you mean
09:38.10thenickat some point sad that dont know how really to bring back the hidden Potrait panel to appear
09:46.28draktokman what the heck
09:46.32draktoknow my footmen won't play his ready sound
09:46.40draktokbut it's set up exactly the same as everyone else
09:46.42draktokwhat the heck yo
09:55.26*** join/#sc2mapster Thunderzak (5d607d46@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
10:02.11draktokJademusSreg are you back?
10:11.41*** join/#sc2mapster eimtr (54f25592@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
10:12.17eimtrcan any1 answer this, when playing on -1 cliff level and the units are there, when you click, the cursor remains above and that's confusing
10:12.20eimtrhow to fix that?
10:12.56eimtrthe plane where you click with the cursor remains higher than the actual ground on which the units are walking
10:13.28thenicknext question
10:13.55draktoki havenever attempted to play on -1 cliff level :D
10:14.56*** join/#sc2mapster RipperRoo (
10:15.35*** join/#sc2mapster Zolden (Zolden@
10:16.01draktokhey how do i make a unit considered flesh
10:16.11draktokfor x my arrow makes blood splat on scv but not my custom models what gives
10:16.13draktokalso yes he did
10:17.04draktokthis is old news
10:17.21thenickyes noone new cames here
10:17.26thenickold faces only
10:17.28Zoldeneating a hot cheesburger
10:17.45thenickthrow that shit food at the wall!
10:17.48Zoldenfood from haven
10:18.18Zoldenit has more power upon me then you and cancelled your order
10:21.10Zoldenactually mapster is super alive and full of new people, if we compare it with russian mapmaking community, where new posts emerge once in 1-2 weeks
10:22.44thenickwell the new peeps arent hardcore coders :( not really much I think we will see in mapster, only hidden peeps somewhere in the bushes are making the job
10:22.58draktoki think mapping will see a resurgance
10:23.08draktokas more people realize the arcade is more or less fixed now
10:23.13draktoki mean, you can host games and have people join
10:23.17draktokthat's a big step
10:23.26draktokand after 2 years some people are actually tired of nexus wars, lol
10:23.28Zoldenif blizz make arcade available for all-stars players, it will be revived
10:23.33thenicknot big but some foot forward
10:23.48thenickthe arccdade needs more models..
10:23.56thenicknow its just same SC2...
10:23.59Zoldenthey fixed nexus wars because they were afraid of G0A's map pushing
10:25.02Zoldenyea, nss, nexus war's competitor
10:25.24draktokhey if i lay a snow doodad down
10:25.27draktokdoes it make it snow on the whole map
10:26.17thenickon the specific place
10:26.22Zoldenthenick models aren't the main shit, the lack of new concepts is the main problem
10:26.23thenickaround certain radius
10:26.30Zoldengood game is good with any models
10:26.43thenickwell its partly true
10:26.47Zoldenwe play for interesting stuff, not for visual crap
10:26.56*** join/#sc2mapster Ahli (
10:27.34draktokthat's partially true zolden
10:27.44Zoldenyes, because models do matter
10:27.45draktokgo play civilization sapphire
10:27.55draktokfun game and all but i don't get why he would name all the units like
10:28.00draktoka hydra "Long bowman"
10:28.01draktokbut it's a hydra
10:28.06draktokstuff like that breaks immersion
10:28.48thenicktime to make some settlers shit
10:29.14draktokon that same note
10:29.20draktokif i was just using sc2 models for my map
10:29.25draktoki would have finished 50 hours ago
10:29.32draktokwell i don't think i've worked on it for 50 hours
10:29.45draktokbut some maps take the easy way out not taking the time to implement new models
10:29.49Zoldenbut how will you make settlers if you had som many troubles with simple custom gathering? settlers are all about custom gathering behaving. Or you have worked everything out?
10:30.38thenickZolden I think you forgot about this:
10:30.46thenickso already have some starting point
10:31.12draktokyeah twodie is the shit
10:31.22Zoldendeep eco rapes
10:31.51Zolden:(    )
10:32.07Zolden:(  8::::::D    )
10:32.11thenick( .  ) ( .  )
10:32.19*** join/#sc2mapster eimtr (54f25592@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
10:34.30thenickneed to think a way to make Constrution work. Like you place building construction site, Builders come and Servants bring the resources to construct it and determens the construction progress by amount of resources given and the time to consume the resource to make that building happen
10:34.41eimtrso if you lower cliff level and  click on the lowered ground, cursor plane where you click remains above.... way to fix this? any1
10:35.17draktokgood luck thenick
10:35.29Zoldenthenick sounds easy
10:36.03Zoldenmaybe even with pure data
10:36.03thenickGood for you Zolden that it sounds that way
10:36.34draktokalways data!
10:36.37draktoknever triggers! haha!
10:36.46Zoldenthen ick it's also good for you, because it's not just easy for me, it's objectively easy, and you can make it work, and it will be fun to create
10:37.34thenickyeah most of the time i will be in the internet and not making that to happen :(
10:37.41Zoldenthendick you accidently missed a letter in your nickname
10:37.42draktoki just put on music
10:37.47draktokhelps me focus at the task at hand
10:37.59draktokthedick you misspelled your nickname
10:38.33Zoldeninteresting... if you ask me, i'll tell you that i turn music off to conventrate
10:38.51draktokto each his own, huh!
10:38.55Zoldenit consumes too much brain activity to percept it
10:39.01Zoldenit's why i call it a legal drug
10:39.10thenickyeah music donest seam like working
10:39.11draktokif i don't keep it on i get frustrated and sit on irc or other internet things
10:39.36Zoldenu're nothing but lame procrastinators
10:39.51draktokanyone want to help me test my map
10:40.02Zoldenif hitler were like you he'd never become famous
10:40.10*** join/#sc2mapster RipperRooX (
10:42.10draktokno one wants to play huh :D
10:42.11draktokoh well
10:43.58thenickfastest period in triggers 0.065?
10:47.14draktokneed 1 more ahhh
10:48.04Zolden1/16 is 0.0625
10:49.35Zoldenbut ppl say if you set 0 as period, it will work every 1/32
10:49.57Ahligame only updates every 1/16th, so you won't notice a difference
10:52.05Zoldenbut trigger threads will do all 1/1000000000 things properly, it's jsut a matter of updating the game condition
10:52.56Ahliwell, or it's a way to even the CPU stress more evenly
10:56.20Zoldenyea, even the modern pc's can hardly handle 1G of simple math operations per second
11:05.07*** join/#sc2mapster eimtr (54f25592@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
11:05.56eimtrcan i change footprint based on rotation of a unit? cause i need one for vertical and one for horizontal and if i can switch them for the same unit than making a new unit
11:07.33thenickyou will require to make new unit
11:07.56thenickmorphing for that footprint change is only way
11:08.33eimtrok, thanks
11:17.29*** part/#sc2mapster G0A (
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11:28.31JademusSregAhli is correct; the only shit that updates in periods not limited to 1/16 game time seconds is asynchronous, such as actors. Running a thread in 1/32 doesn't provide any more precision because the values you'd get and set won't be updated on the off-ticks.
11:30.11*** join/#sc2mapster shintah (
11:33.44draktokhey JademusSreg
11:34.00draktokI just tested my map with another player, and the archer attack sound is playing globally
11:34.06draktokDo you know why it would be doing that?
11:34.25thenickbecause it set to be global?
11:34.26JademusSregThe exception noted above is important to certain applications with actors. Persistent effects can use the period 0.03125 to create beam effects at the periodic offsets, for example.
11:34.38thenickor its not 3D its 2D set
11:34.55JademusSregThenIck is correct.
11:35.16thenickduplicate other units attack sounds before making it happen in your map
11:35.45draktoki don't think it's global
11:35.47draktokbut let me look
11:35.52draktoki thought i did duplicate LOl
11:36.09thenickstop thinking and start looking what you really doing!
11:36.13thenickor already did
11:36.15draktokis 3d world relative
11:36.24JademusSregEw. Duplicate.
11:42.34JademusSregHm. I wonder if anyone has made a to-scale mod.
11:43.48draktokof what
11:43.51draktokin general
11:49.37thenickI would say that Mothership wouldnt fit in 256x256 map
11:50.27thenickor if make Mommaship as largest map possible and scale everything to it. then there is no space for anything actually to happen
11:50.52draktokhow do you figure
11:50.55draktokthat's the too scale
11:51.22thenickhe didnt
11:51.27thenickfor him people did
11:53.08JademusSregYes, never pass on an opportunity to have other people save you some trouble.
11:54.18draktokyeah but how does anyone come to that conclusion
11:54.47JademusSregAt least two perspectives and some trigonometry.
11:55.21draktokit makes me wonder how protoss ever loss anything ever
11:55.48thenickbecause the game would be imbalanced
11:56.04*** join/#sc2mapster rift (
11:56.34JademusSregI agree with the sentiment, but then Blizzard is not in the business of verisimilitude.
11:56.43thenicksince Protoss campaign is last so we may expect some winning in SC universe
11:57.14draktokfor the love of god hopefully
11:58.49JademusSregLotV has been hinted as a somewhat more open campaign concerned with reuniting the scattered protoss tribes to rally in the coming battle with Darkvoice Von Villainboss.
11:59.27draktokfuck video games
11:59.52draktokwhat the heck do i set a requirement as to make it so you can only have 5 of X building?
11:59.56JademusSregI wasn't aware people still used the term "video games".
12:00.14JademusSregAh, that's simple.
12:00.18draktokless than count unit X constant 5 seems to work but you can queue up like 10
12:00.28draktokit just stops letting me build them after the queue has 5
12:00.30draktokso what the heck
12:00.36JademusSregSee the Mothership shit for reference.
12:01.07draktokdoesn't that just hide it after 5 is built
12:01.12draktoki guess i could hide it
12:01.18draktokerm, after 1
12:01.22draktokactually it doesn't hide it
12:01.28draktokbut i could still hide mine that would work too
12:01.29JademusSregNote there are two fields.
12:01.37JademusSregShow and Use.
12:01.43draktokyeah im using use but
12:01.51thenickhow to use SC2editor console?
12:01.51draktoki can't get it to work, like upgrades are easier
12:02.04draktokcause it's queued or better
12:02.05JademusSregAlt ` (tilde/grave)
12:02.06draktokbut for buildings
12:02.08draktokwhat is it ?
12:02.20draktokin progress or better didn't stop me from queueing more than 5
12:02.26JademusSregUse command browse; it's lovely.
12:02.41draktokand queued or better didn't stop me from building more than 5
12:03.16JademusSregWhere is the requirement used in your data?
12:03.44JademusSregSomething needs to use it for it to have any effect.
12:04.10draktokthe farm ability
12:04.17draktokthe build farm ability
12:04.28JademusSregEr, you can only have 5 farms?
12:04.42draktokwell im just testing around but yes that is what im trying to do
12:05.03JademusSregAlso, concerning wcs stream, holy shit, Lucifron's nexus sniping is beautiful.
12:05.07draktok(i ran a play test just now and everyone had thousands of minerals sitting on 15 or so farms)
12:05.35JademusSregOkay, so you want to limit it to 5 farms, and instead require players upgrade them, yes?
12:06.59draktokyes, also it seemed to have worked just setting the count unit to total ... you can still queue more than 5, but after 5 he will say he can't
12:07.01draktokso, sweet
12:07.08draktokidk what the heck buildings are considered but total works
12:07.40JademusSregAmusing texture swap.
12:08.44thenickno its original texture
12:08.53JademusSregWow, haha.
12:09.07thenickim saying that its SC1 build left over
12:09.30JademusSregI was about to say it lookedl ike the first build frame of the SC1 Academy.
12:10.12thenickits named terranbuildbirth
12:10.50JademusSregOld Zerg structure births/upgrades are available as well.
12:11.22JademusSregThey look better than that mess, but not by much,
12:12.25JademusSregOh, and there are some models that will crash the editor. So avoid those.
12:13.05thenicki dont have hots?
12:13.10draktokwhy not
12:13.24JademusSregOh, then you'll be fine.
12:13.41JademusSregThough it is likely you do.
12:13.49JademusSregIn a sense.
12:14.35draktokso what i decided with some guys i was talking
12:14.42draktokdue to lack of high quality wc3 models
12:14.55draktokis that i can just make a million upgrades
12:14.58draktokfor the 4 units in the game
12:15.04draktokbut make them all this or that upgrades
12:15.11JademusSregFind the Starcraft II program directory, check the Mods subdirectory.
12:15.12draktokIncreased range or increased health
12:15.29JademusSregWhy in the nine hells would one make so many upgrades?
12:16.09thenickdraktok so you will make Upgrades spam game? Like Eras Zombie Invasion and other great games?
12:16.15JademusSregAlso, do you mean Upgrades (the data type) or upgrades (in the sense of improvement)?
12:16.40draktokidk i don't play that game nick
12:16.50draktokthe data type
12:17.05draktoknot a million ofc i was being overzealous with that number
12:17.12draktokbut i mean like
12:17.23draktokFootmen can research more health, or defend
12:17.30JademusSregThe more granularity you need, the less practical using Upgrades becomes.
12:17.33draktokthen they can research stronger attacks, or faster move speed
12:17.52JademusSregWait, wat?
12:18.09JademusSregUpgrades are global, why would the unit itself be the researcher?
12:18.23draktoksorry i mean a blacksmith can upgrade that -for- the footmen
12:18.30*** join/#sc2mapster Kueken (
12:18.34draktokso the player will have two choices
12:18.45draktokwith his upgrades towards his units
12:19.23draktokI don't know how many i'll do though
12:19.24JademusSregAlso, if you intend to have reversible upgrades, you'd need an upgrade for both increases and decreases. =D
12:19.34draktoki don't think i want them to be reversible
12:19.36JademusSregOr otherwise use the Catalog API.
12:19.50draktokjust want the player to make X choices
12:19.59draktoki am think 8 upgrades per unit, for a total of 4 choices
12:20.41JademusSregReminds me of the design dilemma of "fail states".
12:20.45draktokso frost or fire arrow, long bows or arrows at the ready, ect
12:20.54draktoki don't know how it will go in practice yet
12:20.56draktokbut it seems somewhat okay in my head
12:22.19JademusSregWhen the player's choices deadend them with no possibility of victory, it's a fail state.
12:23.00JademusSregIn RTS, it's easy to fall into a fail state, only to not realize it until 10 - 20 minutes later when you're finally overpowered.
12:23.14JademusSregAnd that's not even with irreversible tech options.
12:24.01draktokwouldn't that only occur when the upgrades were too easily biased in one way or another?
12:24.32draktokfor ex if flaming arrows were simply superior to cold arrows, due to archer move speed, the player going for cold arrows anyways could lead them to a fail state
12:24.41KuekenJademusSreg: Most upgrades are reversible, if you make them "add" stuff for fields and not "set"
12:24.42draktokbut if cold arrows were not terrible
12:24.54JademusSregKueken, ah, good point.
12:24.54draktokthen it wouldn't head that direction, so we hope
12:26.02JademusSregIf they don't provide a decisive advantage, then they are meaningless. If the advantage cannot be countered, they will facilitate fail states.
12:26.44JademusSregThat's probably why irreversible tech choices are uncommon in competitive RTS.
12:26.46draktokI hope that the upgrades provide a decisive advantage depending on how you want to build your army
12:26.47Kuekensee Caduceus Reactor :D
12:27.23draktokan archer with cold arrows has a ton of uses against melee, less so against ranged for ex
12:27.30JademusSregHope is no substitute for design.
12:28.13JademusSregJust pointing out the potential issues you are likely to encounter.
12:28.15draktokbut if there is an upgrade that gives the archer increased range later, that would help facilitate the use over ranged for ex
12:28.24draktoki guess the real question is
12:29.04draktokshould the choices generate the same responses? As in, if you choose flame or cold arrows, you have A and B to choose from. Or should going Flame give you choice A and C, and then going cold gives you choice B and D
12:31.12draktokI think giving different choices based on different upgrades that would help generate more diverse choices, even if it leads to a failstate, at least you feel like you are customizing your army or unit in a more meaningful way, and perhaps would reduce the chances of cookie cutter build being the only build
12:31.18draktokbut maybe it wouldn't, idk
12:31.40JademusSregI could understand these options available to individual units, but as a global tech option, it's a problematic design.
12:32.18draktokas in, you build the unit, and you can give him cold or fire, instead of making a global all get fire or all get cold, you mean?
12:32.45draktokthat would be a feasible option if my game was more unit focused and less army focused
12:32.48JademusSregI mean use the Specialize ability class.
12:33.02draktokas it stands you end up with too many units to want to "specialize" some of them
12:33.08draktokit'seasier to global upgradeand send them to their death
12:33.17JademusSregIt was used in the campaign to increase the Vulture spider mine charges.
12:33.41draktoki'd have to play it again to take a look tbh
12:33.47JademusSregIt's a production style ability that applies a behavior or effect to the producing unit.
12:34.11draktokas in the barracks can produce fire archers or cold archers?
12:34.26JademusSregWhich makes it a perfect ability type for imitating Dawn Of War style squad/unit specializations.
12:34.55draktoki do like dawn of war
12:35.15JademusSregNaw, as in the unit itself has the production queue for the specialization.
12:36.02draktokthats a good thing to consider
12:36.12draktokthe more i think about it the less i want to take my map in that direction tbh though
12:36.17JademusSregSimilar to how you'd specialize your Imperial Guard with Heavy Bolters or grenades to allow to goddamn adapt to the strategic context.
12:37.55draktokhey offtopic question quick
12:38.13draktokis it possible to attach one of the various fire models to my arrow model?
12:38.46draktokhow do i do that? i have a flaming arrow upgrade, that increases biological damage - but it would be nice to have the art to match it
12:40.42JademusSregAssuming a fork in the effect tree (separate effects, missile unit, missile actor, action), we can focus on the actor. The missile actor just needs an actor event ActorCreation > AttachModel
12:41.42draktokso i need to recreate all new missile unit and actor
12:41.45JademusSregMethod Center and/or SOpAttachCenter(Though that also assumes the arrow has attachment points.)
12:42.01draktok(i don't know if it does ;) )
12:42.05draktokbrb bathroom
12:42.18JademusSregOtherwise, you'd use the same missile actor and add a term with a player validator to check the requirement.
12:43.28draktoki haven't even got into validators so
12:43.31draktokthat's over my head
12:43.47draktoki think using the same missile actor makes the most sense though
12:43.51draktokhonestly that seems the most feasible way to do this
12:46.02*** join/#sc2mapster G0A (
12:48.59*** join/#sc2mapster singitback (4e3c1a28@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
12:50.22singitbackSo need to create model with buidling animation stuff
12:52.38draktoki should probably do that too
12:56.20draktokyou're doing better than  me
12:56.26draktoki don't even have a jpg picture to show off
12:58.22singitbacklol its not mine
12:58.33singitbackcurrently having a box
12:58.51singitbacksearching for ideas what I might want to achieve
13:03.02draktoki have no advice
13:03.07draktoki'm stuck trying to get fire on a stick
13:03.15draktokweird how i'm on a computer and i can't get fire to attach to a stick
13:03.17draktokdumb game
13:09.00draktokwhere do you edit the sound a building makes when it's complete?
13:09.11draktoklike completed building
13:16.53singitbackin actor somewhere
13:17.59draktokyeah... ill just add random sounds to things till it works
13:21.10draktoki see no where in the weapon values where i can
13:21.21draktokchange number of targets
13:21.57singitbackwhat targets?
13:22.12singitbackthe targets it can attack at the same time?
13:23.13draktokyeah i want my tower to be able to shoot 3 people at once
13:23.17draktoki might have found it in effects
13:23.29draktoknope that wasn't it
13:29.44singitbackwell then you need to have search effect and apply to maximum of 3 targets the damage
13:30.12singitbackother way is to make, add to unit 3 weapons
13:30.20singitbackno clue how that one works
13:30.28draktoki thought about the latter
13:30.36draktoki'll explore your suggestion later, i'm tired
13:30.40draktokbeen mapping for like 10 hours
13:31.56draktokand i accomplished nothing really :D
13:32.32draktokthose look nice
13:33.16singitbacklike boxes!
13:33.22draktokokay i think i have a working published map out now
13:33.26draktoknot finished but it's published
13:33.27draktokso that's good
13:33.47draktoki would totally use those though sing
13:33.55draktokwould be good building in progress models
13:34.00draktokright now i don't have any so it's just the building
13:34.05draktokwhile it's being built
13:34.11draktokso there isn't any real "building" phase
13:36.00singitbackyeah, currently im using place holders something like this shit box
13:36.25singitbacknow trying at least to make something like in phases of orginal Build animations
13:36.28singitbacka b c d
13:40.38*** join/#sc2mapster Eimtr (54f25592@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
13:40.57singitbackEimtr so what problem brings you here?
13:43.48Eimtrcan any1 do like a small modification one one of the items
13:45.21Eimtrit's not on the 0,0 X and Y axis and appears off, I wanna use this model for a door with footprint but the model is way off
13:45.39Eimtrand i need it centered on its X,Y,Z axis so it matches the selection circle and pathing
13:48.00singitbackwell not seems like anyone here for that
13:48.44*** join/#sc2mapster Ahli (
13:48.55singitbackplus if model have animations it may be a bit tricky
14:02.55*** join/#sc2mapster RazielZ (~Raziel@
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14:22.24singitbackohhh. okay ^^
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14:45.14*** join/#sc2mapster Zolden (Zolden@
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14:57.07singitbackZolden how to hide splats in animation? fade out over time, so that at the end of animation it would be transperant and in the begining it would be visible.
14:57.42singitbackcurrently managed to make the starting animation to be fading in and other setion of anitions splat would be always visible
14:57.53singitbackits for Build anitiona
15:00.50singitbackmanaged to make shit ahppen
15:01.53Vailrethits nice to know our hard work in helping others is appreicated
15:02.36Zoldenyes, it feels good when u're useful
15:05.58Vailrethmy sefl i need a bit of help getting model additions to animate when the base model does
15:07.24ZoldenI heard they do it by default
15:08.10Zoldenotherwise, you need to add things like ::main.event->animplay
15:08.55Vailrethive tried that
15:09.30Vailrethi was likely doing it wrong
15:10.45Zoldenright way of doing it is to ask Kueken1
15:11.34Zoldenbut if you ask me, i'd recommend simply copy the even your main actor use to plaay animnation to the attached actor, and try different scopes until it work
15:28.02singitback construction site with all the progrions ABCD
15:28.43Ahliis singitback twodie?
15:29.02Zoldenwhat makes you think this?
15:29.07singitbackwho else :D
15:29.16Ahlithe picture
15:30.45Zoldeninteresting, can we use terrain material for splats?
15:31.04singitbackwhy do you would need that?
15:31.17Zoldenjsut curious
15:31.24Zoldeni like when absurd things are possible
15:31.33Zoldenit makes the world a better place
15:43.42*** join/#sc2mapster Zandose (c654d26a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
15:46.30ZandoseIs there any way, would prefer triggers, to add actor attachment points to another actor and if the "main" actor were to move the other attachment points would also move with it?
15:52.06ZandoseOr to put that another way. If I have a unit, could I create/attach a actor with some offset to the unit and when the unit moved the actor would also move.
15:56.36Kueken1no to question 1, yes to question 2
15:59.42ZandoseThen my first question pertaining to question 2, how do I make a actor offset itself from the unit?
16:04.03*** join/#sc2mapster halides_ (
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16:08.41Zandosetoo hard to explain?
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16:10.35Eimtrsite operations, you have to play around and test ingame until you get the actor as away from the unit asyou want
16:13.41ZandoseI see.
16:14.47Vailrethwell this sucks
16:14.59Vailrethyou can not use upgrades to show or hide weapons
16:16.09Tolkfan any suggestions how to improve the cutscene before I release it? Already adding units to liven up the shots.
16:19.39Zandosemake the constructions start before the camera gets there and slow down the constructions.
16:19.43Vailrethis that captured via the record function of the cutscene editor or are you playing it on a map and recording the map output with fraps or something
16:21.46Tolkfanrecord function, I don't think there's a machine that can render those kind of distances at even 30fps :P
16:21.57Tolkfanthe build animations are too fast?
16:23.29Zandoseim just thinking of the tv show and it seems like the citys developed a little slower over time.
16:25.26Zandosepeople need to time see, understand whats going on, and imagine the greatness of these citys rising.
16:25.40Zandosepeople need time to see, understand whats going on, and imagine the greatness of these citys rising.
16:25.57Zandosevast kingdoms
16:27.54AhliTolkfan:  looool niiiiceeee :D
16:28.07Zandosealso the areas for each city isnt defined enough. I know their slopes and the terrain is different but its hard to tell were it begins. theirs no creeping in the cities (roads, landscape being changed by construction of cities), no walls or natural barriers.
16:28.25Tolkfanyeah, but the cities had just one, super complex structure (red keep, winterfell tree, ladder at the wall) that slowly built itself up. Here's there's a lot of small buildings. I'll see about slowing some down, but I'm kinda restricted because I have to keep up with the music
16:29.03Tolkfanwell, they're not cities, they're bases. But I'm adding units to all of them, should make it look more defensible
16:30.09Ahlithe only thing I didn't like in the camera thing was the jump from left to right
16:30.32Ahlinear the end over the zerg base
16:31.04Tolkfanthe jump itself or the big zoom out after it?
16:31.15*** join/#sc2mapster CryptRat (440a8b94@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
16:31.38Tolkfanbecause the jump is taken from the original intro, you're not allowed not to like it :O
16:32.10CryptRatI take it Upgrade purchasing from Shared structures still doesn't work?
16:34.13ZandoseInstead of showing 3 camera angle sof each city just show one with everything happening?
16:36.26Zandosethat way to can linger longer on one city and show everything happening slower
16:41.49Vailrethis there a way to set the orgin of the cutscene to the middle of the map?
16:48.39*** join/#sc2mapster Blub\w (~wry@unaffiliated/blubw/x-6625061)
17:24.41Eimtrdoes any1 know if Highlight Start or Highlight End are recognizable animation names?
17:26.56singitbackits should
17:37.42Eimtri use custom model with model of the Hyperion MedLab Door and it wont run the animation when i use action                         Animation - Play Highlight Start animation for (Actor for Door [1.00, 129.00]) as Default, using Non Looping ..
17:50.22*** join/#sc2mapster Tolkfan (
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18:55.11JademusSregOi, any good SC2 streams available?
18:57.57singitbackyou know where to find it!
18:58.17singitback100k viewers
19:01.24*** join/#sc2mapster Stranger (
19:12.47JademusSregDamn chuggy stream.
19:13.01Zoldendoes fatty play?
19:13.07Zoldendoes scarlett play?
19:13.18JademusSregMVP vs Stephano, atm.
19:13.34Zoldenfatty will rape em
19:14.18ZoldenAhli waht was fatty's nick?
19:19.50*** join/#sc2mapster Triceron (1854e5d2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
19:22.41DustinDo they have Fantasy SC2 Leagues? I could get down on that shit.
19:23.39DustinCause im here screaming at my monitor
19:23.44Dustinlike my dad does with football
19:24.11*** join/#sc2mapster jackthearcher (4a678fe2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
19:25.46JademusSregWiiU commercial. Comical. Here's a gimmicky controller. What? No, you can't all use it!
19:26.36DustinYa the wiiu is pretty lame
19:28.33*** join/#sc2mapster Eagles (
19:28.52Tolkfanwell, I'm pretty sure I'll never do a cutscene with a battle sequence.... animating units is damn annoying...
19:30.35JademusSregThis stream is dreadfully choppy.
19:30.50jackthearcherMCE 9
19:31.18jackthearcherthe battle sequence in that is god awful...
19:31.54JademusSregWtf NSEW dialog buttons. =\
19:32.48JademusSregNorth South East West dialog buttons to move.
19:33.13jackthearcherThe original idea was to be like a text adventure
19:33.29jackthearcherbut then that got complicated
19:33.47jackthearcherhell making sure you don't try and path through the walls was damn complicated
19:35.11jackthearcherand believe me I can't trigger for my life
19:36.51Vailrethim just disapointed that show/hide weapon with upgrades doesnt work
19:37.49JademusSregI figured Goliaths in the WoL campaign used the story upgrade to that effect.
19:38.30Vailrethi never notices
19:40.10JademusSregDamn, just can't watch that stream. The hangs are disruptive.
19:40.36DustinJade, the stream is playing fine for me
19:40.53JademusSregThat is fortunate.
19:41.04singitbackthere will always a guy who have problem with stream :]
19:41.36JademusSregYes, only guys have toruble with their streams.
19:41.41JademusSregAlso, trouble
19:42.56Vailrethwell strange it works for blizzard stuff but not custom stuff.
19:46.43Vailrethi bet the actor data dosent support hidding and showingthe change while the actor is in play
19:51.02Vailrethyeah the actors cant show the change after being created
19:52.13VailrethJademusSreg do you know of a way to reinitialize an actor after creation ingame?
19:55.18*** join/#sc2mapster Gooose (5489e4f7@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
19:55.36Gooose~hail gooose
19:55.36purlACTION bows down to gooose and chants, "I'M NOT WORTHY!!"
19:55.38JademusSregClarify "reinitialize".
19:56.16Vailrethi suppose i mean recreate, reset, or restart an actor
19:57.30JademusSregReset an existing actor to its initial state, with the intent of repealing any changes made to it?
19:57.37Gooose~hail the allmighty Gooose
19:57.38purlACTION bows down to the allmighty Gooose and chants, "I'M NOT WORTHY!!"
19:58.03Zoldenmvp's micro so badass
19:58.48Vailrethmy issue is that the weapon display is created with the actor and is static for the most part and will not relfect show/hide changes made by an uprade during the lifetime of the actor. what i want to do is recreate the actor or something else after the upgrade to reflect the changes
19:59.27JademusSregSo it's all about the weapon display.
20:00.54JademusSregCurious, have you tried using a behavior's weapon modification capability and, rather than using the upgrade to fiddle with the weapons, having the behavior require the upgrade?
20:01.35Vailrethi suppose it could be a viable work around
20:01.41Vailrethif it works.
20:02.29Vailrethi simply added a hidden and disabled weapon to my custom unit and was trying to use the ugrade to show and enable it while disabling and hiding the original weapon
20:03.46JademusSregI expect it should. I can imagine an upgrade not working quite correctly if only because upgrades have a broad range of fields they can modify, whereas the behavior weapon modification is an explicitly defined feature.
20:04.48JademusSregEasy to overlook one among many, more difficult to overlook a feature so explicit.
20:08.01JademusSregUnrelated: I've not messed much with melee-style maps. I take it any data or trigger or such changes make the map "not melee"?
20:09.33Vailrethi think so but i am uncertain
20:09.34singitbackhow to make with trigger that it would direct to player from unit build command. Like choosing the build location of structure. while not pressing on Command panel buttons
20:10.07JademusSregIssue order at target point.
20:13.45singitbackbut it will place building and order for unit to do?
20:14.12JademusSregThat is rather the point of issuing an order via trigger, yes.
20:14.39singitbackI want to have control and vision of what and where im placing
20:15.20JademusSregOh, you mean like what wc3 could do.
20:15.38JademusSregForcing UI interactions, such as command buttons.
20:16.07singitbackSounds like it
20:17.01JademusSregSuch as the Flare vJass spell which used multiple target points, and accomplished it by chaining together target selection and forcing ability targeting.
20:17.22JademusSregYou want to force the command card to build to be open or some such?
20:18.50singitbackI want to get effect like clicking on build supply depot and then i get structure placement model and that it follows the ground.
20:19.05*** join/#sc2mapster Thenarden (
20:19.06singitbackwhen moving the cursor
20:19.55singitbackif not possible will try to live with it :(
20:22.06JademusSregIt's not doable, but you can either get player attention or fake it through some convoluted hacky workarounds.
20:22.18JademusSregTo make em flash in the UI, you'd use:
20:22.26JademusSregUISetButtonHighlighted (playergroup inPlayers, abilcmd inAbilCmd, bool inHighlight);
20:22.26JademusSregUISetButtonFaceHighlighted (playergroup inPlayers, string face, bool inHighlight);
20:23.17singitbackno I want to make building always available, no matter what unit you clicked and stuff
20:24.07singitbackKorea wins, who may guessed that!
20:27.31JademusSregOught to work on communicating more clearly.
20:32.38*** join/#sc2mapster tigger0jk (
20:35.02*** join/#sc2mapster Stewox (~chatzilla@
20:35.24Stewoxjademussreg how's smart targeting going ?
20:35.34Stewoxneed help ?
20:36.48JademusSregBusy rebuilding the SC2 Map Analyzer.
20:37.11JademusSregAlso, twod, why do you repeatedly change your handle?
20:37.51Stewoxso you did anything at all ?
20:38.58JademusSregStew, I did all the things, none yet concerned with your specific fetish.
20:39.22JademusSregtwod, irc handle, the name you adopt in the channel.
20:39.41JademusSregYou've been changing it often lately, with no discernable purpose.
20:40.18singitbackwell since i have to enter it every time i come here so any word is come to mind at that moment i just type it :]
20:40.48JademusSregAh, so a festive randomness.
20:41.43Stewoxwhat ?
20:41.58Stewoxwhat all the things ?
20:42.02JademusSregGuess I'll just need to remember the ip.
20:43.12JademusSregStew, I mean to say I do many things, and there's nothing about it that makes it a higher priority than my work and other projects.
20:43.30Stewoxbut you said days ago you were close
20:43.34Stewoxor whatever
21:02.36*** join/#sc2mapster Unclesatan (187197d6@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
21:02.42UnclesatanOk so this makes no sense at all
21:03.03UnclesatanI've been saving my scripts into the SC2components folder instead of importing them through the editor like Jademus told me
21:03.27UnclesatanThat was working fine, I'd save in Notepad++, save in the editor and it would update the scripts.
21:03.37UnclesatanAs of my last test, the only thing that changed was Data
21:03.47UnclesatanAnd now the editor won't update the scripts
21:03.58UnclesatanNo matter how much I save on either end
21:05.05UnclesatanRestarting editor to see if that's the issue but, all of a sudden the editor stopped updating the scripts and I changed literally one value on a data and commented out a faulty line of script.
21:05.09UnclesatanNothing else different was done
21:06.12JademusSregHave you been closing the game client between tests?
21:06.36UnclesatanIt took me about 20 minutes to figure out that my script wasn't just "not working", the editor wasn't adding the lines I'd write
21:06.37Unclesatanand no
21:06.49JademusSregOr could you clarify what you mean by "stopped updating".
21:06.55UnclesatanOk so you know how
21:07.05UnclesatanWhen you save your script in notepad ++
21:07.09UnclesatanThen save the editor
21:07.21UnclesatanIt willt ell you in notepad ++ that something else is changing or handling the script
21:07.49UnclesatanThat's the editor taking the new script you saved in notepad++ and using it rather than the previous one from the last save
21:07.57UnclesatanThe editor
21:08.00UnclesatanIsn't doing that
21:08.01JademusSregAlright. First, if you add something via SC2Components unpacked directory, you don't even need to save the map.
21:08.10JademusSregIt's already in there.
21:08.14UnclesatanThen even better
21:08.19UnclesatanThere should be even less reason for this to happen
21:08.41UnclesatanI changed nothing about where my files were saved or anything
21:08.52UnclesatanI just been scripting like I have been for weeks now
21:09.04UnclesatanSince you told me that I could save in the directory without having to use the editor's import function
21:09.11JademusSregSecond, if you have the Trigger editor module open, it will probably remove any changes you make to the map script. If you're scripting like this, close the Trigger editor.
21:09.21UnclesatanNow the only way I can get the new script is by importing it manually
21:09.31Unclesatanand I'm scripting in 100% galaxy I'm not using the trigger editor
21:09.36JademusSregThird, close the game client between tests so you can be certain it is only loading the newest data.
21:10.01JademusSregFourth, ensure you're opening the SC2Components and not the map of the same name.
21:14.45UnclesatanAlright so I was opening the SC2 components file
21:15.07Unclesatanbut I saved the map as a new SC2 components file in a different folder, and now it's updating my scripts
21:16.46UnclesatanWhat a weird thing
21:25.23*** join/#sc2mapster Goose_ (5489e4f7@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
21:25.26Goose_~hail Goose_
21:25.27purlACTION bows down to Goose_ and chants, "I'M NOT WORTHY!!"
21:26.06ZoldenJademusSreg why a guy said "waht had you did" instead of "what have you done"? is it a joke or it's a proper way of talking a banal thing a different way?
21:29.40JademusSregIt was an error on his part, which I highlighted in my response.
21:29.42Zoldenit was a serious question, i'm trying to understand what's goining on
21:31.38JademusSregThe more serious the question, or rather the more serious the person asking seems to regard the question, the more playful my response.
21:34.01JademusSregA month or two ago, Stew talked about this idea he felt would change everything forever, and I suggested some approaches to accomplishing it. I figured I'd prototype it, but the frequent browbeating strongly motivated me to do otherwise.
21:47.33*** join/#sc2mapster Bounty (45f8f26f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
21:47.44JademusSregHallo Bounty.
21:47.51BountyHowdy JademusSreg
21:47.59BountyI made 20 bucks last night
21:48.19BountyFirst time ive made profit for map related stuff
21:48.26JademusSregDid they tuck it in the front or back of the gstring?
21:48.38BountyThe back, just how i like it
21:49.01JademusSregMake some cool shit or act as an instructor?
21:49.13BountyJust did a basic trigger
21:49.25BountyOnly took about 10 minutes
21:49.55JademusSregThat's a $120/hr wage, nicely done.
21:50.03BountyYeah lol
21:50.05BountyI was thinking about that
21:50.18BountyIf only this community was more active, people like you and I would be rich
21:50.49JademusSregConsidering I don't sleep, I concur with that observation.
21:50.49BountyMaybe rich is to strong of a word, but we would be doing well.
21:51.16BountyIt felt nice helping someone for once
21:51.43JademusSregAnd without me there to deride your approach, either. Double-nice.
21:51.43Bountyand being called a genius several times and being referred to as a programmer
21:52.00BountyWhat he wanted was very basic
21:52.15BountySo yes my method would be viewed as not efficient but for something so simple, it does not matter
21:52.26JademusSregNo worries then.
21:53.10BountyI just realized there is a topic ive been discussing with friends recently and i would very much so like your opinion on it JademusSreg
21:53.30BountyWhat do you think about "ratting" someone out at your job who does absolutely no work and takes about 12 breaks a day.
21:54.04JademusSregI avoid opinions; I provide observations.
21:54.24BountyOk so what is your observation on what i just said
21:54.30BountyYou silly goose
21:56.02zeldarules28Would be nice if we could earn some money off this stuff :P
21:56.05JademusSregIf the slacker provides you more personal enjoyment than the trouble it causes from its laziness, it would be a net loss. There is much to be said for the value of morale, and an entertaining idiot can be preferable to a productive but unpleasant replacement. Or worse, no replacement.
21:56.33zeldarules28Who knows, maybe the marketplace will launch soon.
21:56.44BountyAll he causes is stress for everyone around him
21:56.48BountyNot entertainment
21:57.30JademusSregIf the slacker is of no personal value to you, is harmful to morale and/or physical well-being ("oops, tipped the forklift"), or is a superior you can depose for direct gain, there's no good reason not to do so.
21:58.50motiveI'm going to play the devil's advocate.
21:59.03JademusSregThen there is the matter of tact and subtlety. No one wants to be labeled as that sort of person, one that turns in ones coworkers.
21:59.06motiveI slack off all the time, but no one else has the expertise to do what I do when shit hits the fan. :)
21:59.45motiveMeans I get to take longer lunch breaks, take off days without using PTO, leave work at 4PM, come in at 10, but when things blow up at 3AM in the morning I'm on the bridge line getting things fixed.
22:00.29JademusSregmotive, I expect this is a different sort of slacker, though I appreciate your well-timed braggadocio.
22:00.47motiveI heard the phrase turning in slacker at work and decided to randomly butt in because I'm bored.
22:00.53motiveBACK TO YOUR NORMALLY SCHEDULED #sc2mapster now
22:02.55JademusSregOne benefits most from guiding events inobtrusively.
22:03.30motiveI'm mostly bored and thinking of how to expand this terrain now.
22:05.09JademusSregCortex terrain?
22:08.49JademusSregUnrelated, for all the time and effort that goes into making code libraries, it's sad to see so little consideration given to sourceforge projects' web design.
22:15.21motiveSo true
22:18.45JademusSregShitty sites sound a mental alarm, and only when dealing with programmers' sites (any lineage of GNU -especially-) is it necessary to ignore it. =D
22:29.50Tolkfanugh... where was the mothership built in WoL? Above the nexus? Because that's the only "warp in" model she has...
22:30.42TolkfanI haven't played sc2 for so long, I though immortals get warped in through the gateways :<
22:31.37Ahliwell, there was a hack that did that at one point in the game
22:32.15Ahlimothership was warped in by the nexus, yes
22:32.24Tolkfangood, I'll keep it in then :P
22:33.18Ahliin hots the mothership core which produced by a nexus is morphing into a mothership, but it's only used for cloak in hots... mothership core is often more useful because of the teleport back to base
22:40.19Zoldenwhere's fathership?
22:40.29zeldarules28He left the picture a while ago
22:40.36zeldarules28It was the terratron :P
22:41.11Zoldeni wish to see a porn with them
22:42.17Ahlifathership went to buy some cigarettes
22:42.28BountyI love how the occupy wallstreet movement turned into a borderline communist movement overnight
22:43.59Zoldenamerica must treat socialist with cruelty
22:44.20BountySocialism/Communism is the future :)
22:44.29Tolkfan looking for more feedback on cutscene. Shots are final, units are being added right now.
22:47.39Kuekenvery nice camera movement, terrain looks a little... boring, empty
22:47.59KuekenI assume you will add some scvs building that terran base?
22:48.11Kuekenalso the water looks strange
22:48.53ZoldenTolkfan waht is it about?
22:49.17Kuekenespecially the terran base terrain could use some improvement
22:49.38Kuekensome texture play, maybe some tiles under the buildings
22:49.45Zoldenyea, make it happen in a forest
22:50.20Zoldeni remember C&C cutscenes
22:50.30Zoldenthat was badass
22:50.42Ahliwith real actors and stuff
22:50.44BountyCan anyone explain to me why the Eastern Front is not mentioned in our history books (America)
22:50.46Zoldenunits close-ups
22:51.04BountyI was just thinking about this since memorial day is 2morrow
22:51.16ZoldenBounty jewish secret goverment scrapped it
22:51.34BountyRussia invites us to march in the red square on victory day, and we as americans completely ignore the fact that Russia technically won the war
22:51.46Bounty26 million people dead
22:51.48Bountyand we ignore it
22:52.12Kuekentoo bad
22:52.22BountyWe would have been destroyed if we fought the amount of german forces that Russia did
22:53.01BountyThat doesnt bother anyone else? lol
22:53.07Zoldeni guess us history books are more about pacific fighting
22:53.12Kuekennot me, I'm german :D
22:53.39BountyYou live in germany or you are just categorized as german?
22:53.44TolkfanKueken: tiles under buildings? You means splats, the shadow/crack things? Those don't work in the cinematic editor :(
22:53.46ZoldenBounty US would have been destroyed if USSR and Germany allied
22:53.58KuekenBounty: both
22:54.10BountyUS would have been destroyed is USSR fell aswell Zolden
22:54.19KuekenTolkfan: then change the terrain where the buildings are
22:54.22Bountyif USSR*
22:54.40BountyOk Kueken, just making sure because i identify as German/Italian
22:55.09BountyRegardless, i would think as a german you would give credit where credit is due to your most formidable foe in history
22:55.28Kuekento be honest
22:55.33KuekenI don't really care
22:56.06BountyNot a good attitude considering how the EU currency is going lol
22:57.00BountyAren't they stealing money from peoples bank accounts to bailout countries?
22:57.44Zoldensad, terratron has no fuck animation
22:57.54Bountylol zolden
22:58.01Zoldenand consits of 27 materials, which makes impossible for me to import it in max
22:58.01Bountyda fuck
22:58.20Ahlijust use a model that kueken puts together out of 500 actors
22:58.21BountyWhy would you need a terratron hump animation
22:58.23Zoldeni just wanted to make a porn scene of terratron making love to mothership
22:58.45BountyWhat in the....
22:58.47Ahlididn't kueken make the Protoss terratron
22:59.02Zoldenhe made it in data
22:59.04*** join/#sc2mapster draktok (4b48180a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
22:59.07Kuekenwell, it doesn't do much besides walking...
22:59.17BountyFrom what i saw of that video Ahli, that thing walked like Forest Gump with the knee braces
22:59.17Kuekenand has no arms
22:59.32BountyIt barely walks
22:59.44Kuekendid you see DSE's walker?
22:59.45BountyNot saying i dont give you credit, i cuold not have pieced that together lol
23:00.42KuekenI don't believe he made a video
23:00.55Kuekenbut that thing is something I could not put together in data
23:01.11KuekenI don't even understand half of it, after he explained it to me :D
23:01.14BountyToo lazy to open editor atm
23:01.21BountyI'll take your word for it though :)
23:01.38Zoldenoh, nice, mothership has 3 cunts
23:02.00Bountylol dafuq
23:02.01Zoldenand can accept 3 terratrons simultaneously
23:02.15Kuekennah, use prototron and zergatron for the other 2 slots
23:02.39Zoldenoh yeah, like a peacemaking ritual between the races
23:02.55Kuekenimpregnating a mothership
23:03.02KuekenI don't want to see the offspring...
23:04.20Zoldenhybrids i guess
23:09.25Zoldenok, it will be zealot
23:09.37Zoldenlittle zealot will bang big mothership
23:10.11Zoldenhope youtube won't ban it
23:17.46*** join/#sc2mapster Exaken (
23:18.45BountyGod i want to visit Red Square so bad lol
23:48.24*** join/#sc2mapster Ahli (
23:49.34draktokwhy Bounty?
23:51.40BountyWhy not?
23:51.50BountySo much history, and its a gorgeous landmark
23:53.00draktokI would like to visit italy, rome personally
23:54.11BountyPlus like i stated earlier, makind owes much respect to Russia
23:55.45TolkfanCome over here to Poland and say that :]
23:57.47draktoki think he means pre-20th century?

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