IRC log for #sc2mapster on 20130407

00:02.42JademusSregForbidden Planet
00:03.56JademusSregEven has a character named Doctor Morbius.
00:04.02JademusSregDoesn't get better than that.
00:06.12ZoldenCrying Creep
00:06.14BatoFactory Ships now available in all regions - give it a try
00:06.17ZoldenDrying Drip
00:06.25ZoldenFlying Fleet
00:06.35ZoldenPraying Pirate
00:06.47ZoldenDieing Deep
00:07.05ZoldenBuying Beep
00:07.15ZoldenLying Leap
00:07.16JademusSregAntagonizing Alliteration
00:07.29ZoldenShying Sheep
00:07.43KubiGood work ckSynergy
00:09.13RooKzCave Conduit
00:09.35Ahliwhat am I doing wrong when the guardian shield model is playing its animation only once?
00:09.56RooKzThe Cave of Conduits
00:10.03RooKzI dont do data, sorry
00:10.06JademusSregThat's part of the asset.
00:10.08RooKzyou're my superior
00:10.24JademusSregThe actor can be made to force the animation to repeat infinitely, of course.
00:10.51JademusSregThere's a forum topic on this specific issue and an accompanying solution, iirc.
00:11.40JademusSregUnrelated. the TechPurchasePortraitCamera.m3 has 161 cameras in it, haha.
00:12.58Ahliwhy the heck was that added into the model? -.-
00:13.36Zolden161 cameras?
00:13.56Zoldenquentin tarantino would love it
00:14.58JademusSregAhli, yeah, it's pretty ridiculous.
00:15.34Ahlimust have been created in a very early alpha build
00:18.43*** join/#sc2mapster Torhal|work (~torhal_wo@
00:20.49RooKzhey A1win
00:20.56RooKzThe Cavern of Conduits
00:21.04A1winwhat the hell is a conduit
00:21.13RooKza wire
00:21.34RooKzwe english folk know what it is, lol
00:21.42RooKzor us geeks I should say
00:21.51RooKznerds, whatev
00:22.13A1winit still sounds like a porn movie, just not sure of which fetish
00:22.54RooKzits not my fault you think that way :P
00:23.17Stewoxhey jademus how would you rate blizzard's reaction to parts of copyrighted stuff on bnet aracde
00:23.34Stewoxbut in terms of not actually copycat
00:23.43Stewoxjust a remake or a "theme"
00:24.00Stewoxnot actual asset copying, but using just written references
00:24.11RooKzI might have another idea for a name later, but right now, I'm drained
00:24.17Stewoxin terms of if it's super strict or this would be okay ?
00:25.56JademusSregI'd say references are fine, using another ip not fine but probably not an issue, using  content not fine and if flagged will get your map banned.
00:26.21JademusSregBut people rarely flag maps for that stuff.
00:26.57JademusSregThough I recall a map getting banned for putting Darth Vader in the preview or some such.
00:27.31RooKzoh, I got one
00:27.36RooKz"Drills and Wrenches"
00:27.51RooKznow that it's typed out, I think it needs revising
00:28.55Stewoxokay allright
00:29.10Taintedwispyeah the problemw as my veterency, :P
00:29.11RooKzhey A1win, what are your scvs called?
00:29.14RooKzthis might help
00:29.21RooKzlol tainted
00:29.28TaintedwispIt was giving a fractional amount of extra damage to spell damage types
00:29.33A1winthey're called SCVs :P
00:29.37Taintedwispits one of those things I dont test
00:29.40RooKzage of scvs
00:30.20RooKzstarscvcraft or whatever title
00:30.39RooKzand have crossbonesbehind it, except 1 bone is a drill and 1 is a wrench
00:30.43A1winStarConstruction Vehicle
00:31.04RooKzI had a funny acronym to change that
00:31.10RooKzsmall construction vehicle
00:31.25RooKza map where you grow from a little weak scv to a strong big one
00:31.34RooKzI think
00:31.38RooKzhave a diagonal cross
00:31.41RooKz1 is a drill
00:31.44RooKz1 is a wrench
00:31.54RooKzsounds like a cool idea for artwork
00:32.03RooKzfor craftcraft
00:32.18RooKzlike a title
00:32.31RooKzthank you
00:33.03RooKzI keep coming back to "drakken drillers"
00:33.07purlhmm... yuka is someone who enjoys making a lot of words at people.
00:33.10RooKzit sucks, but there's something about it
00:33.18JademusSregpurl knows what's up.
00:33.35RooKzhey, I like to talk
00:35.45RooKzAlso, I only talk when I'm actively engaged in conversation, not all the time
00:36.06RooKzAnd I don't spam, or if I do, I don't mean to
00:36.43purlHowdy Bub
00:37.12purl42 (duh.)
00:37.28purl[baneling] a small ball of acid
00:37.38purlfrom memory, husky is Sharp Zaurus SL-C760 or a dog
00:37.58purlThe St. Arc Raft is the name of that boat that guy used to get off that island.
00:38.44Stewoxholy shit
00:39.48RooKzhmm...I'm looking back...
00:40.08RooKzI don't think yuka is a word...and I'm not currently called yuka
00:40.15RooKzyou programmed that
00:40.18RooKzyou cheater
00:51.18Toukwhere all the artists at :O
00:57.17Zoldenat aart galleries, at theaters, at museams, at art schools
00:57.30Zoldensome are at libraries
00:57.49Zoldenit's how this cruel world works
01:01.28RooKzI got it
01:01.37RooKzA breakthrough for me
01:01.44RooKzI don't know about you though
01:01.59RooKz"Utilitycraft" or "Utiliticraft"
01:06.07RooKzA1win ^^
01:09.31*** join/#sc2mapster ________________ (630a7b35@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
01:09.45________________wats the diff btwn the diff. image types for dialogs
01:09.54________________ie. tiled, end cap, horizontal border, etc.
01:10.13________________wait i mixed those
01:10.15________________i meant
01:10.22________________border, end cap, nine slice, etc.
01:10.28RooKzWhy is your name a massive blank line
01:10.53________________because I am no one important
01:10.53*** join/#sc2mapster Tolkfan (
01:15.30Ahliit defines how the image is cut and used
01:15.39Ahlidialogs use 9 slice for example
01:24.21JademusSreg___ <3
01:26.59*** join/#sc2mapster duckies (53f1057d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
01:29.00________________dialogs use 9slice?
01:29.12________________what is endcap?
01:30.05JademusSregDialogs are crappy, though. Better to use Panel dialog controls, as all their properties are player-instanced.
01:30.24________________panel dialog controls?
01:30.26________________wat do u mean
01:31.08JademusSregThe Panel "Dialog Item" type is a simple container, just like a Dialog.
01:32.30________________panel > button>
01:32.35JademusSregSo you can create dialog controls in a Dialog, or you can create them in a panel. (Or you can create them via hookup with the UI layout frames, but that's another wiggley bait bucket.)
01:32.37________________i meant
01:32.39________________panel > button?
01:33.10JademusSregDunno how you mean.
01:33.33________________the way u were explaining it sounded like they were paralells
01:33.34JademusSregIn GUI, they're called Dialog Items, in galaxy script they're called dialog controls.
01:33.57JademusSregDoesn't necessarily mean they accept input.
01:35.13________________oh ok, i looked into it a bit
01:35.20________________i c what you're talking about now
01:35.41JademusSregIn short, dialog properties are not player-instanced, with the exception of Visible.
01:35.50JademusSregAll dialog control properties are player-instanced.
01:36.12Kuekenand a panel is basically a player instanced dialog within a dialog
01:36.26JademusSregSo for most applications, one can simply make a single global dialog, and use panels to contain dialog controls instead.
01:37.31________________well then, good thing i didnt get too far into this dialog b4 u 2 told me this
01:37.36________________woulda had to rewrite everything
01:38.00Kuekenwell, depending on your application, it wouldn't be a big deal
01:38.20________________im trying to show diff things to each person depending on the unit they have selected
01:38.27________________so for me, woulda been a big deal =\
01:38.31StewoxLOL guys
01:38.45*** join/#sc2mapster Claymuffin (18351cc8@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
01:38.50JademusSregBeen talking with purl, Stew?
01:38.54ClaymuffinHello in there
01:38.59JademusSregHi Clay.
01:39.02purlit has been said that purl is arrogant
01:39.03Stewoxi was quite frantic trying to get Planetary Fortress to be like bunker to fire out
01:39.18Kuekenpurl is a liar
01:39.22JademusSregNoticed your messages Clay.
01:39.25purli heard keuken is a master crasher.
01:39.25Stewoxand mesing with lift and unload land stuff also
01:39.28Stewoxthen , hear this
01:39.33Stewoxwhat came out of it
01:39.40ClaymuffinI got some research to do
01:39.42________________hmm hmm
01:39.49JademusSregI was away during that time.
01:39.51Kuekenpurl doesn't like me
01:39.53Stewoxwhen you build command center, it's normal
01:39.57KuekenI called him a liar
01:40.01Stewoxyou lift it up , it's still command center
01:40.10JademusSregMorphs are like that.
01:40.15Stewoxwhen you land it again, it turns into planetary fortress :D
01:40.19TaintedwispHero completed
01:40.33TaintedwispI think hes my favorite hero so far :)
01:40.34Stewoxand when you lift it again
01:40.35Kuekena true hero is never completed!
01:40.38ClaymuffinAnybody know if it possible to set this evern to "any" ?
01:40.40Stewoxit stays as planetary fortreess
01:40.46Claymuffinany player supply changes
01:40.57purli guess zealot is a person like Error403, or a protos unit in StarCraft, both the original and the expansionpack Broodwar
01:41.17JademusSregTriggerAddEventPlayerPropChange (trigger inTrigger, int player, int inProp);
01:41.59JademusSregClay, if it's not available in the presets, try -1.
01:42.16JademusSregconst int c_playerAny = -1;
01:43.34purli heard sixen is our glorious overlord who without, we wouldn't have this cyberslum to fling our messy verbal diarrhea around.
01:45.31purlrookz is probably a Chess piece and will forever be a chess piece.
01:45.45________________smart girl purl
01:47.01purlextra, extra, read all about it, ________________ is made of lines and homosexuals
01:47.22*** join/#sc2mapster Daara (62a12b72@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
01:47.46________________thats better
01:47.56purlsomebody said mozared was a man with no yachts.  that sucks.
01:48.02________________~whereis Bounty
01:48.07________________~whois Bounty
01:48.07purlmethinks bounty is extremely absorbent, great for cleaning up spills, blood, and other bodily fluids.
01:48.17________________rofl, not what i meant
01:48.37purlwell, daara is the dad of Gaara
01:48.39Daara~seen Triceron
01:48.42purltriceron <1854e5d2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.> was last seen on IRC in channel #sc2mapster, 14d 19h 44m 17s ago, saying: 'dun do it, it's a trap!'.
01:48.42KubiAnyone know why when I show progress on a channeled ability, and when they cast the persistent its 0/12389593
01:49.09________________~seen Bounty
01:49.10purlbounty <de96ef33@gateway/web/freenode/ip.> was last seen on IRC in channel #sc2mapster, 3h 25m 10s ago, saying: 'still have to get back hhough'.
01:49.13JademusSregKub, does it increment? name is the name of a chartoon character?
01:49.27________________~Seen ________________
01:49.27purl________________ is currently on #sc2mapster (39m 56s). Has said a total of 44 messages. Is idling for 0s, last said: '~Seen ________________'.
01:49.51________________i wonder ~8ball
01:49.56Daara~seen otixa
01:49.56purlotixa <> was last seen on IRC in channel #sc2mapster, 41d 20h 41m 3s ago, saying: 'DUCKY OF AWESOME'.
01:49.58________________oic, only works at the beginning
01:50.02purlACTION rolls the eight ball and gets: You may rely on it
01:50.42________________is NOTD a good map? Blizz won't stop shoving it in my face
01:50.49________________ok ty
01:50.54Toukit not good
01:50.56Toukit AMAZING
01:50.56Daarait hasn't changed
01:50.58Daarain like
01:51.00Daara2 years
01:51.00Toukgods gift to maps
01:51.03Daarasame map
01:51.15Toukneither has footmen frenzy
01:51.19Toukwait sorry zealot frenzy
01:51.37Daarathe problem with NOTD
01:51.40Daarait has no replay value
01:51.46Daarawhat the point of replaying it?
01:52.29________________another quesion, has anyone brought back "Bound" maps? besides run ling run, there are no real bound maps i've seen
01:52.39purlit has been said that p is q and not q
01:52.42________________ie. Jailbreak
01:52.48Stewoxman that gam
01:53.03JademusSregWithin every game, there is a proposition, a question. I wonder what NotD is saying to its players.
01:53.07Stewoxgotta save that replay
01:53.21Daarathere are a lot of good custom maps out there
01:53.23Daarathat are fun
01:53.25Stewoxim going put it up if anyone wants to see hah!
01:53.26purlwell, jademussreg is living large with women and money
01:53.27Daaraand have lots of replay value
01:53.30JademusSreg___, I would play a Jailbreak map, provided it was inspired by the comic on MSPA.
01:53.35Daarabut they just aren't popular
01:53.50________________wait mspa
01:53.51Stewoxgreat stress test for new PC though!
01:54.28________________oh ms paint adventures
01:55.57________________lol @ grafting pumpkins to myself
01:55.59JademusSregYes, ___, that is essential reading.
01:56.20________________perfect timing @ your response, cuz grafting pumpkins is essential reading
01:56.33purl[bibendus] a man of many legs.
01:56.52purli heard ahli is always walking upside down with a hat on his ass
01:58.02purli guess dustin is a girl
01:58.28RooKzthis is fun
01:58.42purli guess motive is an evitom.
01:59.09purltorhal is probably some long-haired freak who re-writes all of Ackis' code.
01:59.45RooKzhow come you guys did my stuff but not for some of these guys?
02:00.08JademusSregAssumptions were found to be plentiful.
02:00.30RooKzSo I was easier to pick on
02:01.07A1winstill not working, setting up my usual "fill this with every word that sounds even remotely cool and form phrases of them that sound even remotely good" text file when stuck coming up with names:
02:01.50A1winnot enough words
02:02.04JademusSregI stand by Forbidden Planet. It's perfect in both its style and complete lack of helpful information.
02:02.57A1winthere's like 3 maps named forbidden planet already
02:03.12A1winor 6
02:03.55________________best image type if i want to create a fillable bar?
02:03.58RooKzhey a1win
02:04.00________________nine slice?
02:04.22JademusSregFillable bar for what purpose?
02:04.28TorhalRooKz: I was watching a show when you pinged me. :P
02:04.36A1winRooKz, that sounds like an accessory rather than a map
02:04.44________________to visualize 90/100
02:04.44A1winlike Unit Test Map
02:05.17RooKzsorry guys/girls (if ther are any) about the pings
02:05.17Ahliunit with suppressed turning + ability with 360 arc = can't cast ? =/
02:05.19Toukwhy there no arists :O
02:05.21RooKzwas having fun
02:05.22JademusSregWhat is the design? For what purpose is it being employed?
02:05.38________________it's comparing stats between units
02:05.46JademusSregAhli, that's odd.
02:05.57________________there are 6 units, the one with the highest of that stat (hp for example) is the entirety of the bar
02:06.12________________the selected unit's stat points fills to its comparison of the whole
02:06.21________________ie. 90 hp out of 100
02:07.38JademusSregIn that case, make a progressbar type.
02:08.27JademusSregThey should allow you to set the image.
02:08.35*** join/#sc2mapster Torhal|work (~torhal_wo@
02:11.33JademusSregThat way all you need do is set its value, rather than rescale shit.
02:11.54A1winblaarg I should sleep
02:13.20Ahliworks after removing the ID link between those abilities
02:14.28*** join/#sc2mapster herolief (
02:16.44Stewoxhowly ... man who would have thought winning like this :D
02:25.42Claymuffinanybody know it this will run properly?
02:26.13Claymuffinwill the convert real to integer get the player number?
02:26.27Claymuffinlike player 1,2,3.... 6?
02:27.10Claymuffinthe event related to this is any player supply changes
02:27.33JademusSregWhy would the value be a real in the first place?
02:28.09JademusSregEventPlayer(); returns the player.
02:28.25JademusSregaka TriggeringPlayer
02:49.56Ahlithe ingame UI editor makes anchor changes green, but I can't make it accept the change :S
02:50.40JademusSregYeah, it's a pain. What about forcing a refresh?
02:52.03JademusSregAll the pulldowns have that issue.
02:56.09TaintedwispAnyone bored and has fraps?
02:56.15Taintedwispalso with a good computer
02:56.20Taintedwisphigh settings minimum'
02:59.32Claymuffinis there any way to make the game consider resource value smaller than 1?
02:59.51ClaymuffinI got a periodic that set vespene, but I would like it to set smaller amount than 1
02:59.59Claymuffinlike 0.5 or 0.25
03:00.20Ahlidouble or quadriple all resource amounts in the map :D
03:00.25ClaymuffinEven if the game UI does not display fractions, I don't care
03:00.49ClaymuffinThing is, I made a lot of custom board game at home
03:01.08ClaymuffinOne thign I learned, keep the number small, it improve speed understanding
03:01.23Claymuffinthe speed at which you understand
03:02.02Claymuffinmight have to simply slow doen the periodic event
03:02.39Claymuffinfrom 1 sec to 5, I can keep all my numbers intact that way, but the slow refresh feels a bit unpolished
03:04.16ClaymuffinMight just make a gas upkeep per minute window, that will make it easy to understand
03:29.03TaintedwispUsing an array that deterimines how much Xp required for each tier setting each one manually, there has to be a way to do this through 2 forumals so only to use 2 actions rather then 50 [11:22:00 PM] Taintedwisp: i mean 1 action [11:24:54 PM] Taintedwisp: hey is there a way to use a variable for an integer and recall the array in the variable before the next integer so i can use something like "set variable XpRequired[i] = XpR
03:29.26TaintedwispWould that work?
03:32.05Taintedwisphey jademussreg you there?
03:32.23TaintedwispI just got a quick question unrealted from the pastebin mostly
03:40.40*** join/#sc2mapster Torhal|work (~torhal_wo@
03:41.42ClaymuffinI heard that subtracting a region to another does not work well, is it still the case?
03:42.03ClaymuffinI got some randomly generated stuff around the map, but I want it to avoid certain zones
03:42.57*** part/#sc2mapster Ahli (
03:46.10Claymuffinif anybody got even give an answer, send it through a query plz, I'll leave the IRC on but 'ill be off for the nigh
03:46.32*** join/#sc2mapster XenoX101 (
04:02.16Stewoxomfg what i have done
04:02.45Stewoxthat battlefortress is also duplicating every time i click LAND because landing costs lol
04:10.13*** join/#sc2mapster Torhal|work (~torhal_wo@
04:11.10*** join/#sc2mapster Torhal|work (~torhal_wo@
04:12.23*** join/#sc2mapster sharf_ (
04:44.28sharfcan I get a hand with animations?
04:48.26JademusSregI recall there was a paper rock scissors map with a hand.
04:48.50sharfhey jademus, do you know much about actor animations?
04:49.07JademusSregSpecific questions.
04:49.14JademusSregGeneral questions aren't much use/.
04:49.43sharfI want my zealot to have a cast animation on a few of hs abilities
04:49.47sharfbut the zealot's spell animation
04:49.49sharfis him running
04:49.56sharfso i wanted to use an attack animation
04:49.58JademusSregYeah, for Charge.
04:50.14sharfwhen I play it, it has a long period of motionlessness at the end
04:50.20sharfso he just slides around for a bit
04:50.53JademusSregWhat actor events are you using?
04:50.54sharfno idea how to make it work the way I want
04:51.30sharfand sourcecaststop
04:52.25JademusSregCast is just the casting before the effect, though. And if the cast time is long, it would wait quite some time.
04:52.38JademusSregAlso, the messages are important too.
04:52.58sharfwell it's just a click to activate and it runs kind of thing
04:52.59JademusSregEvent ; Terms > Message
04:53.07sharfone is a berserk type ability the other is a bash ability
04:53.28sharfI'm not sure what events and terms and messages to use :x
04:53.43sharfbut I've tried
04:53.46sharfanimation play
04:53.47JademusSregThat's why I'm asking about the those you're using now.
04:53.51sharfanimation bracket
04:54.04sharfanimation play causes the sliding
04:54.20sharfthe bracket part
04:54.31sharfdoes nothing
04:56.05JademusSregI'll clarify further. Actor event and ability data is needed to proceed.
04:56.58sharffor actor event, you mean the Abil.Bash.SourceCastStart part?
04:58.07JademusSregI mean all of it. Any of the its mentioned are all of what is meant here. All of the things.
04:58.32sharfsorry, I'm lost lol
04:58.40sharfshall I just pastebin the xml for the actor?
04:58.48JademusSregAnd ability.
05:02.38JademusSregFirst, remove the duration from the message. 1.5, as duration, is going to play the animation, then wastes time.
05:03.02JademusSregNice Ulrezaj.
05:03.34Taintedwispjust something about 7 Dts combining into a hero that was too cool to pass up :P
05:03.48Taintedwisphes got suped up versions of all the Archon abilities
05:04.00TaintedwispSuch as maelstrom, Feedback, disperse, and mind control
05:04.12TaintedwispI REALLY want to make a video for him :P
05:05.52sharfI'm not actually sure why that was there
05:05.53JademusSregNext, you're using the BSD identifier for animation stuff, which is not a good idea. Use Spell or make your own.
05:06.09sharfyeah well that name is just kind of...stuck
05:06.16sharfmy editor has been throwing it in
05:06.23sharfand wont let me change it
05:06.35JademusSregSure it will.
05:07.16JademusSregAlso, you don't need an AnimBracket here.
05:08.02JademusSregFor example AnimPlay SpellC Spell,C would be fine.
05:08.22sharfright but I don't want the spell animation
05:08.34JademusSregNotice the apparent repetition is actually the identifier followed by its content.
05:08.43JademusSregThen SpellC Attack
05:09.08JademusSregThe identifier is an arbitrary label used to reference shit.
05:09.27sharfso animation properties should be... C and attack?
05:10.16JademusSregSo later when you want to clear it you can use the identifier, or at the very least don't want shit just overriding each other with each new thing applied.
05:10.55JademusSregSee where you have BSD? It's an identifier. You could change it to DickWizard and it will be just as functional. Better even.
05:11.24sharfC Attack doesn't play anything
05:11.24JademusSregBetter in the sense that you wouldn't be potentially overriding standard animation sets.
05:11.44JademusSregYou're looking at the wrong thing entirely.
05:12.32JademusSregAnimPlay {Identifier/Name/Label} {Animation tags}
05:12.49JademusSregYou're looking at the tags. I'm talking about the identifier.
05:13.01sharfwhich right?
05:13.14JademusSregThe thing that defaults to BSD.
05:13.15sharfso the name should be SpellC Attack?
05:14.15sharfso it should just be Spell (or the name of the ability)?
05:14.20JademusSregName is an arbitrary identifier, so I call it such. It can be literally any valid string. It only functions as a reference.
05:14.57sharfso I changed it from BSD
05:15.01sharfto now be the name of the ability
05:15.51JademusSregAnimation Properties are constructed from preset tags. So if you want only Attack to play, you'd use tags Attack and that's it.
05:16.24sharfbut when I do that
05:16.28sharfit causes him to slide
05:16.33JademusSregThen it will choose at random any enumerated tags.
05:17.15JademusSregHold on.
05:17.32JademusSregExercise patience, there's much to convey and little time.
05:18.16sharfI just feel like we've been going in circles lol
05:18.20JademusSregNow unless this ability is channeled, no need to mess with any of that other shit.
05:18.52JademusSregBut you'll probably want it to have a cast time so the damage point matches the attack animation.
05:19.48sharfactually I guess the animation play would work, if I can stop the unit's movement while it animates
05:20.32JademusSregYou're going off the rails here. Keep hands and feet inside the ride.
05:21.13JademusSregI will assume you've got a cast time so the animation will match.
05:21.19JademusSregAnd then expect you to do so.
05:21.51sharfok lets pause here
05:21.59Taintedwisphmm i gotta make 9 more heroes :P
05:22.02JademusSregAdd event Abil.WarriorBash.SourceCastStop > AnimClear BashOrWhatever
05:22.18sharfbecause I know there are different stages to a spell
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05:22.42sharfthere is cast start
05:22.45sharfand cast finish
05:22.54sharfwhich would I use in this situation?
05:23.00JademusSregThe one I said above.
05:23.07JademusSregUp there.
05:23.28sharfall I see is cast time
05:23.32JademusSregAnd it followed a brief explanation of why you would need a cast time.
05:23.53sharf01But you'll probably want it to have a cast time so the damage point matches the attack animation.01
05:24.09JademusSregThe message following that.
05:24.34sharfthe one after that is er.
05:24.37sharf07[01:21 AM] <JademusSreg> 01I will assume you've got a cast time so the animation will match.07[01:21 AM] <JademusSreg> 01And then expect you to do so.01
05:24.51JademusSregLittle further./
05:25.07sharfthe last one is 07[01:21 AM] <JademusSreg> 01Add event Abil.WarriorBash.SourceCastStop > AnimClear BashOrWhatever01
05:25.38sharfthat...doesn't answer my question
05:25.41sharfor if it does
05:25.46sharfI'm not seeing how
05:27.29sharfon the ability, to give it a cast time, should I use cast start time or cast finish time?
05:27.43Taintedwispjademus why you no love sharf? i heard you talking about him :P
05:28.01sharfprobably cause I drive him nuts
05:30.15JademusSregI expect you'd use cast start time, sharf.
05:34.40sharfit works except that if I move it cancels it
05:35.16JademusSregYou're no longer casting it if you're moving.
05:35.47sharfright, so can I stop the unit from moving while casting?
05:36.17sharfhow? I was looking under pausable stages
05:36.20JademusSregOf course, players might hate that.
05:36.24sharfbut unchecking cast didn't work
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05:36.38sharfit's not even half a second :P
05:38.50JademusSregAbility: Uninterruptable is a good start.
05:40.28sharfwell...i can't move during the cost stage
05:40.35sharfif I try to move
05:40.38sharfit stops the animation
05:41.14JademusSregThat's amusing.
05:41.38JademusSregIs that after the damage has been dealt?
05:41.56sharfthis isn't for a damage one
05:42.01sharfit's for an activate one
05:42.14sharfsorry I changed that
05:42.22JademusSregIs it breaking the animation before the effect is applied?
05:42.57JademusSregSo which ability?>
05:43.26JademusSregYou know the drill. =D
05:43.39sharfit's supposed to do an attack animation as he enlarges etc.
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05:45.20JademusSregAnd actor.
05:48.06JademusSregSo the casting isn't interrupted, but the animation is?
05:50.09JademusSregI don't think Attack,One is valid.
05:50.27JademusSregPretty sure it's Attack,01
05:51.00sharfhow do I do 01?
05:51.12JademusSregIt's in the tags, I'd expect.
05:51.43sharfther is only 0(zero) 1(one)
05:52.42JademusSregVariation 01
05:52.51Stewoxcan I enable ability throuhg effect ?
05:53.04Stewoxfor example enabling some vehicle mode when in transport
05:53.07JademusSregIf you apply a behavior, yes.
05:53.07sharfah ok
05:53.19Stewoxbecause you can't select manually and press button
05:53.32Stewoxor do i have to do redirect like stimpack
05:53.50sharfyeah, that does it...I think
05:54.10JademusSregBehavior so a validator can check the behavior count, Stew.
05:54.16sharfit's so quick it's hard to tell lol
05:54.22StewoxI am already applying a behavior for loading into, but currently im just using it as range bonus and some other things, can i use this one ?
06:04.53sharfwell thanks Jademus, that's a start
06:04.54sharfnight all
06:05.08JademusSregMaybe, Stew.
06:09.02sharfok I don't want to dig into this now...but is there a known bug with publishing maps under the new patch?
06:09.22Stewoxallright i think what i forgot was to enable the actual ability to siege
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06:09.28Stewoxand to make another redirect
06:09.32Stewoxso it should work
06:11.09Stewoxyou guys probably haven't seen this story
06:11.24Stewoxbut somehow it's ... i just have to share it
06:11.48Stewoxit was kind of a miracle ...
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06:16.24qumanhawkHi, Question: I have a trigger that hides all the UI, however I want to keep the Timer UI (Countdown timers) shown, do you guys know what frame I need to Show? I can't seem to find the one for the Timer
06:18.19JademusSregThere's no syncFrame value for it directly.
06:18.29JademusSregSo you'd need to make visible the supporting frame.
06:18.42qumanhawkHow do I do that?
06:19.56JademusSregConsoleUIContainer is the supporting frame.
06:20.15qumanhawkOkay cool, testing it now
06:21.08qumanhawkHmm, console doesn't seem to be bringing it up
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06:23.35JademusSregYeah, there's no specific syncFrame for it, and its parent frame is inaccessible as well, it would seem.
06:24.53JademusSregEither try forcing it by setting it visible for the players again, in case that might work, or make your own timer display via dialog actions.
06:25.14qumanhawkOk, I'll probably have to just manually create a dialog with a timer
06:30.39tordywaddap dudes
06:31.11JademusSregStuff and things.
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06:34.07TaintedwispJademus how do I make an effect that deals 10000000000000000000000000000000000 dmg?
06:34.26Taintedwispjust i already know how :P
06:37.06tordyTaintedwisp good mornin
06:37.19Taintedwispits 2 am...
06:37.25Taintedwispin the only country that matters
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07:30.36Taintedwispyo jademus quit snitchin
07:30.58JademusSregBoondocks reference?
07:31.49Taintedwisplol watchin game of thrones and that boondocks line keeps poppin in my head lol
07:33.17Taintedwispits bad when i get tired of seeing titties and just fast foward past -_-....
07:33.19JademusSregEnjoyable start to a season.
07:33.33TaintedwispI just started watching the series 2 days ago
07:35.03Daarawhat you say bitch nigguh?
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08:07.18kubi_anyone on..
08:07.41JademusSregNo. Yes. I mean, I'm a duck.
08:10.20kubi_or drunk
08:10.26kubi_wheres my hero mui"
08:10.44JademusSregWorkng on it. Gotta make these layout frames do what I want.
08:11.05Taintedwispducks are dicks
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08:11.17JademusSregThey act like they don't want to, but I know they do.
08:11.44JademusSregThose UnitStatus frames will obey.
08:12.14TaintedwispWHen jademus says hes working on it, he means to say, is that hes working on his bottle of Jack Danials, while occasionally alt tabbing and typing 1 word into the text file for the layout.
08:12.28Taintedwispwhile playing solitaire
08:16.32HP-X|ArthasReal men play hearts
08:16.50JademusSregGood thing I'm imaginary, then.
08:16.56HP-X|ArthasWhilst listening to Jon St John reading 50 shades
08:17.20HP-X|ArthasAnd good morning to you
08:19.20TaintedwispArthas you a bitch, how does it feel 10 virgins whooped yo ass and threw you off your frozen throne?
08:19.42Daaramy friends mom was addicted to playing hearts
08:19.53Daarashe use to beat him because she was so addicted
08:20.01Daaradad kicked her ass to the curb
08:20.08Daarashe died of cancer a few months later
08:20.20HP-X|ArthasTaintedwisp: Degrading actually!
08:20.22DaaraTLDR, don't play hearts.
08:20.28HP-X|ArthasHow did I fuck that one up so bad
08:20.58HP-X|ArthasDaara shit goes down when you play hearts
08:21.02HP-X|ArthasThat's why you play it!
08:21.14Taintedwisphearts is for women and pussies
08:21.19Taintedwispmen play mindsweeper
08:21.39Daarathen what?
08:21.40Taintedwispand the occasional rodents revenge
08:21.49Daaranothing, you just really suck
08:22.26HP-X|Arthashmm, is that from minesweeper the movie
08:22.30Taintedwispif theres a 1 in the corner ITS A MINE
08:22.31Daarayea lol
08:22.47HP-X|ArthasYeah, today is hangover day and youtube video day
08:23.11Daaratoo bad the new duke nukem sucked
08:23.17HP-X|ArthasSo wrong
08:23.20HP-X|ArthasYet so riiiight
08:23.30HP-X|ArthasStill played through it
08:23.55Taintedwispdaara that was a year ago let it go
08:23.58Taintedwispi know it hurt
08:24.04TaintedwispBut duke was never that good anyways
08:24.20TaintedwispTychus was a better duke nuken them duke nukem
08:24.34HP-X|ArthasBURN HIM
08:24.37HP-X|Arthasor her
08:24.48JademusSregThere's no gender on the internet.
08:25.04Taintedwispi got a dick sir... and it happens to be poking your mother pretty hard
08:25.25Taintedwispill return the shovel when I am finished
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08:25.35Daarai guess the only way to prevent unit pathing is via footprints :c
08:25.41HP-X|Arthasenjoy your chlamydia
08:25.57TaintedwispTell your mother to enjoy the new pet...
08:26.04Daarai can't find a way to do it with the physics in 3ds :c
08:26.14Daaraunits just run through walls still q.q
08:26.41Daarai could make some really cool shit!
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08:26.56TaintedwispI can make cooler shit daara
08:27.18Taintedwispjust get me a potato some wire and a lightbulb, ill light that fucking bulb
08:27.39Daarai can't stop them from running strait through the wall up to the top though :c
08:27.57Daarafootprint editor is a bitch atm
08:28.01Daaracause it's bugged
08:28.09TaintedwispDarra you COULD put doodads that are invisible
08:28.13Daaraand i don't wanna leave permanent pathing
08:28.34TaintedwispThat way the doodads could act as a blocker
08:29.01Daarayes but look at the ramp going up
08:29.05Daarathey'll still run through that wall
08:29.20TaintedwispYou cant place invisible doodads there too?
08:29.23DaaraI'm a perfectionist!
08:29.47Daaraif a doodad is going to block pathing it'll have a footprint
08:29.56Daarawhich in turn would block the pathing of the ramp or the top
08:30.33Daarawhat i need is a fucking wall i can make in 3ds the says, fuck you walking through me
08:30.35Taintedwispalso I am not 100% sure but I think you can bake pathing blockers into the model
08:30.39TaintedwispI have been told anyways
08:30.54Daarai haven't seen a way to do it
08:31.05Daarai tried with physics boxes
08:31.12Daarathat are collidable
08:31.22Daaradoesn't stop units
08:35.54Daarai see a unit called Dynamic Pathing Block (No footprint, Radius 1)
08:37.51Taintedwisptry using that
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08:46.24Daaraso there has to be a way
08:47.28Daarathis dynamic one creats a like 1x1 sphere that blocks pathing
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08:49.14Ousniusdoes anyone know about alternatives to making a city go empty in a game story except nuclear radiation and a zombie virus?
08:49.50Daaraalien abduction
08:50.21Daarathey are all vampires and were out when the sun came out
08:50.22Daarapoof dust
08:50.39JademusSregIt was all a dream.
08:50.54HP-X|ArthasTaintedwisp: sorry for the slow response!
08:51.07HP-X|ArthasBut I did tell her
08:51.14HP-X|ArthasNao dota2
08:51.19Daaracan there be corpses left behind Ousnius?
08:51.28JademusSregThey awoke from a shared consensual delusion.
08:51.50Daarathey were all christians
08:51.52Daaraand the rapture came
08:51.56Daaragot beamed up to heaven
08:51.57Ousniusit has to feel like a metro 2033 g ame
08:52.04Ousniuswithout stealing metro
08:52.17Ousniusand better
08:52.34Daaraparasite mind controlled them
08:52.41Daarato leave the cities and walk to their deaths
08:53.20JademusSregThe player exists in a quantum potential reality where the exceedingly unlikely event of all the people ceasing to exist has occured.
08:54.41OusniusI made a deal with a 3D artist friend in switzerland
08:55.08JademusSregThe city is a fantasy of a tormented god and follows its decsent into madness.
08:55.12Ousniushe wants a complete game design document including story and he'll agree to starting to make a game together with me when UDK 4 gets released for free
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08:56.33Ousniussomehow I got down pretty much already. but somehow it's a stalker clone
08:56.38Ousniusas in story
08:57.37Ousniusthe previous thing I thought of was a Persona clone lol
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09:02.38OusniusI need more reasons for a city being empty of people all of a sudden ,-,
09:02.55Ousniusmentioned ones were good but a bit too cliché
09:04.15Daaraso this thing blocks pathing
09:04.16Daaraas a unit
09:04.18Daarano footprint
09:04.30Daarabut i can't find a way to resize it in the editor
09:04.43Daarait's also the shape of a sphere
09:05.32JademusSregNot aware of any game or story where a city is suddenly empty using any of my suggestions.
09:06.37OusniusJademusSreg my fellow's pretty picky
09:06.46Daarai'd stick with the rapture
09:06.59Ousniushe'd ask for a reason why there's a quantum potential reality
09:08.09JademusSregI'd introduce your fellow to the work of Hugh Everett.
09:08.26Ousniushe likes references :P
09:09.38JademusSregI mean, that's like asking why a spontaneous destruction of the entire universe occurred when its false vaccuum collapsed.
09:10.16Ousniusone last thing
09:10.44OusniusI need it to differentiate more from the Persona series <-<
09:10.58JademusSregNot familiar with Persona.
09:11.22JademusSregIt involves people transforming? And there's psychobabble or some such?
09:11.31Ousniusaka guy being in a "fantasy" city all of a sudden, RPG style
09:12.50OusniusThey later realize that their bodies can phase into the television set as a gateway to enter another world infested with Shadows. Thus begins an adventure to discover the connection between the Midnight Channel and the murders and kidnappings around town.
09:14.12JademusSregIs that your idea or the Persona games?
09:14.41Ousniusmine doesn't include a television set or kidnappings
09:18.29Ousnius XD
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09:34.12TaintedwispZolden you dirty bastard.
09:34.22Taintedwispthats fucked up
09:34.34Taintedwispcan you atleast return the paper bag ?
09:38.37EaglesCan someone guess what I'm making .. heh heh
09:39.28Ousniustower wars
09:39.29Taintedwispwhy remake squad td?
09:39.38Taintedwispyou should just make shit and piss.... td
09:40.06EaglesErr, squad td? It's clearly enfos... I agree, Squad TD is boring :p
09:40.31EaglesEnfos FTW!
09:40.35Taintedwispactually 95% of players say trhey would play shit and, if you have actuall pissy, and shitty models for ti
09:41.38Eaglesyeah ofcourse, because the standards of tds are crap
09:41.59Eaglesamong with pretty much all map genres
09:44.31Zolden95% players play with their penises
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09:49.08Daarahey zolden
09:49.14OusniusJademusSreg any ideas on how the mc is supposed to get into the quantum reality and out of it at the end of the game?
09:49.28Daarais it possible to make a Collidable physics "wall"
09:49.39Daaralike ones that units can't pass through
09:50.05Daaraunits seem to just pass through everything i've attempted
09:51.13ZoldenDaara: did you read art tools tutorial about physics?
09:51.35Daarawhat type of physics do units use though?
09:52.26Ahliwall that units can't pass through? footprint?
09:52.36Daarafootprint editor is bugged for me
09:52.46Ahliphysics won't do anything for pathing
09:52.49Zoldenask Bommes, he wanted to make walls like you said
09:52.52Zoldeni made him a model
09:53.02Zoldenbut i don't know if it work
09:53.43Daaraso physics can't stop a unit from pathing?
09:54.05Ahliphysics can't alter anything important to the game state
09:54.13Ahlias you can disable physics
09:54.18Zoldenbut do physics override pathing? Or yo had to remove footprints to make walls walkable?
09:54.41Daarathe wall i'm using has no footprint at the moment
09:55.08ZoldenDaara: try to add specular/normal maps, i think it will wix it
09:55.08Daaraif i could rotate and scale the unit as a guide
09:55.10Daarai could make one
09:55.17Daarabut i can't
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09:55.41Daaraplus footprints are limited
09:56.08Daaraor i'd have to make like 50 of them for different angles
09:57.02Ahlienjoy making 50
09:57.17Zoldenmake 500
09:57.20Zoldeneven better
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09:58.38Daarai could use tons of dynamic pathing blockers
09:59.59Zoldendo modifying pathing triggers work yet?
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10:14.05Zoldenguys, if someone says "it neds to fire missiles 3 times as fast", does he mean "missiles should be fired more frequently" or "missiles whould fly faster"?
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10:14.43ZoldenTaintedwisp: u know english, help me
10:15.36Taintedwispzolden it means that missiles should get to its target area 3x as fast..
10:16.00Zoldenhey Kueken
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10:30.09gooosei need interesting models/animations for special effects
10:33.28EaglesHow resource expensive is it to have an array of 100 Dialog Items (example)?
10:35.15JademusSreg(32*p)*n bits
10:35.28JademusSregAlso, why would you do that?
10:35.49AhliO(n) if you iterate over it once
10:39.30Ahliif you check everything with 100 if-then-else statements, you got O(1)
10:39.55Ahliwith unlimited code you can get everything down to O(1)...
10:40.20A1winI don't understand how the UI can use up more CPU than the actual game x_x
10:41.05JademusSregLots of sfw files.
10:41.21Ahlioh, BLizzard fixed ALT eating fps
10:41.37Ahliand they do strange things on mouse move I believe
10:41.58Ahliopen 2 channels, make them huge, swap to members tab, minimize both, move mouse
10:42.07Ahlithat used to kill all your frames while mouse is moving
10:44.07A1winit'd probably work better if they just loaded a map and did the whole bnet as scripted dialogs :|
10:44.49AhliI thought about that myself already :D
10:45.16AhliI somehow imagine that bnet UI is exactly that
10:46.48*** join/#sc2mapster Kueken1 ( UI is flash
10:47.18Ousniusas you can see in starcraft 2's MPQ files there are SWF in there
10:47.24EaglesI'm just trying to figure out how much room I can account for without creating performance issues, but I might have solved that now that I noticed you can set array sizes to constants :D
10:48.06Kueken1array size has basically nothing to do with performance, if we are talking about fps
10:48.21Ousniusonly RAM
10:48.24Kueken1it will just eat up some memory
10:48.32JademusSregGUI standard libraries waste so, so much more than that already.
10:48.34Kueken1and 100 is nothing
10:48.53Kueken1if we talk 500k it gets interesting ;)
10:49.11EaglesI noticed the max array size is 8192 :D
10:49.24Kuekenin gui
10:49.37Eaglesah, hehe
10:50.05KuekenI am pretty sure I cracked memory limit with a single array in galaxy
10:50.10Kuekenwhen testing it out
10:50.41A1winthe GUI needs to generate the array code so it'd give performance issues for the GUI if you made a huuge array
10:51.05Kuekenwell, it creates an initializer loop on map init
10:51.13Eaglesand max "Wait X Y seconds" real parameter is 524287.0 which is almost a year in seconds :P
10:51.16Kuekennothing to worry about either
10:51.43Kuekenwell, thats because of the variable type ;)
10:52.12Eaglesoh wait, its not close to a year, I fail
10:53.16Kuekenreal/fixed max value is 2^31/4096 -1 which happens to be 524287 :)
10:54.10Kuekenits more like 6 days
10:54.54ZoldenKueken: to be more precise I'd say 2^(32 - 13)
10:55.30Kuekenand I wanted to highlight the relation between integer and fixed
10:55.31Zoldenwhy -1?
10:55.39Kuekenbut well, does it matter? :)
10:56.13Kuekenbecause integers range from -2^31 to (2^31)-1
10:56.34JademusSreg-1, because 0/
10:57.03Kuekenand someone decided it would be cooler to have 1 more negative than positive number :D
10:57.21Kuekenor is there a logical reason for that?
10:57.30A1winahh a new day kickstarted by 0.5l energy drink, time to start coming up with more name ideas for craftcraft
10:57.55Kuekenstarting new kickstarter project
10:58.06Kuekenexpected funds: 0.5 l energy drink
10:58.28ZoldenI think marijuana work better then energy drink
10:58.29A1winper day
11:01.02Zoldenespecially if you need more ideas
11:01.33Zoldenonce i smoked some marijuana and it gave me an idea to smoke more marijuana
11:08.28KuekenI want to delete actor events with the delete key
11:08.49JademusSregSwitch to XML view.
11:08.54A1winbut it's called "Remove" and there's no "Remove" key on the keyboard :O
11:12.41KuekenJademusSreg: Well, its mostly for c&p or duplicated actors, and for these, the events I want to delete don't even show up in xml, if I use a custom parent :/
11:13.44JademusSregAh. <OnTerms index="0" remove="true" />
11:13.47JademusSregOr something like that.
11:14.12Kuekenbut if I don't want to remove everything I have to guess the indexes
11:14.23Kuekenor check back on the parent or something
11:14.28JademusSregIf figure if I gotta delete stuff, I need a new parent.
11:15.02Kuekendepends, usually the stuff I need to keep is a lot more than the stuff I want to delete
11:15.55KuekenI just want delete to work *ramble*
11:16.03JademusSregNot aware of what you're doing, but sounds a bit inefficient.
11:17.47Kuekenit probably is
11:17.56Kuekenbut w/e
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11:31.09Kuekenis there a native to get string word count?
11:31.17Kuekencannot seem to find it
11:31.26Kuekenor do I need to iterate the words?
11:32.17Zoldenwhat w/e means?
11:32.58JademusSregiirc, gotta iterate through the words until it returns a null string.
11:33.14Zoldenwhat iirc means?
11:33.22Kuekenif I recall correctly ;)
11:33.34Zoldenty :)
11:33.48Kueken" what does ty mean"?
11:34.46Kuekenthanks Jade, the could wouldn't have been a problem, though ;)
11:35.03JademusSregI know. You are competent.
11:36.07Kuekenwhy the additional check for null word?
11:36.10JademusSregThat's why you get a blue highlight. <3
11:36.43JademusSregIt's for returning the count.
11:36.53Kuekengot it
11:37.03Kuekensomehow looks... wrong to me
11:37.06JademusSregStringWord being 1-indexed for whatever silly reason.
11:37.35Kuekendont get me wrong, I am sure it works
11:37.46JademusSregYeah, it feels wrong. Feel free to find a more efficient solution, though. Would be appreciated.
11:38.02EaglesGah.. I'm so tired of this. I still can't get the inset shadow of my text tags to go away x_X
11:38.39JademusSregIsn't that defined in style?
11:39.14JademusSregOh, the third function uses my BoolExpression utility. Oops
11:39.54Eagleswell it's not defined in the font style, also I can't change the style of a text tag(atleast I haven't found a function for it in the UI)
11:39.59EaglesGUI* sorry
11:41.46EaglesI don't understand why they put the inset shadow there at all, feels like it's a bad default behavior for something so commonly used..
11:47.44Kuekenappears to work
11:50.10Kuekenbut I just noticed I wanted to use it as an array dimension, which does not work, because the function is not constant ;)
11:50.25Kuekenor can you define constant functions somehow?
11:50.53JademusSregI don't believe that is applicable in galaxy, but you're welcome to try.
11:52.00Kuekentried it for a couple of word counts and a "" string, works so far, or do you spot an error?
11:53.04A1winif the word count is 5, it returns "BANANAS" instead of 5 for some reason
11:53.05JademusSregI'm aware of the static keyword, which is the only visibility/access modifier, but it's invalid for trigger functions. For whatever reason, even if they are in the same script file, lookups via string, such as TriggerCreate, can't find it.
11:53.51JademusSregAlso, no errors on my side. Haha @ A1.
11:54.11Kuekenstatic sucks balls, it hides the function from other files, but it doesn't prefix them internally or something, so you cannot even reuse the name, which is about the only reason why I would even use it
11:54.37Kuekenneed a null string check
11:54.49Kuekenotherwise it goes into infinite loop it seems
11:55.14twodieZolden Do you know how to reset bones transformation, rotation and stuff to some time before how it was placed or something... I made mistake by editing bones while NOT in Auto Keys mode
11:55.28Kuekennot infinite loop, just trigger error
11:55.31Kuekenmy bad
11:55.39JademusSregLet's see if I can get this camera actor working.
11:56.02Zoldentwodie: ctrl Z helps
11:56.44twodieyeah when I started editing 30 mins ago, seems like no way back now :(
11:57.16Zoldenthen move em back manually
11:57.17Kuekenctrl z doesn't work in galaxy custom script files anymore :(
11:57.24Kuekenjust noticed
11:57.37Kuekensomehow they don't want us to use galaxy code at all, it seems
11:57.39JademusSregCommand keys. The menu option still works.
11:57.51ZoldenKueken: you need to click the cursor out of the script
11:57.59twodieZolden yeah it will take hours :/
11:58.06Zoldenwhen cursor is in the text, hotkeys doesn't wowrk
11:58.15Kuekenoh right
11:58.27Zoldenprobably because there were bugs like when you save by ctrl+s, the "s letter" appear in text
11:58.36Kuekenyes, had that :D
11:59.13Kuekenanyway, workflow when adding galaxy script direcly into the editor is abysmal
11:59.27Zoldenso, they removed hotkeys in text editing mode, which isn't cool
11:59.29JademusSregKueken, save as SC2Components?
12:00.13KuekenI don't mean adding from an external text editor ;)
12:00.31Kuekenit just seems like they try to force us into using an external editor
12:01.17JademusSregHaha. Naw, I doubt it. Rather, they don't have much need for it themselves, so it get's inadvertedly shafted.
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13:00.33gooosedoes playerstatus == playing return true if the player is an AI? it doesnt seem to (or i just messed my leaderboard up :P)
13:02.27Stewoxi edit something in XML
13:02.55Stewoxi make onfly buidling stuff
13:03.01Stewoxtraining and all that
13:03.17Stewoxand names were all similar or same across buttons and editor IDs
13:03.50Stewoxi get to PsiDisruptor and type it in, but oh, it's actually PsiDisrupter they're calling it in the game so i change that
13:04.03Bibenduswhere do I get the last sc2 layout files?
13:04.05Stewoxthen i compile XML and and find out that PsiDisrupter is unknown
13:04.43Stewoxthen i fix it with UI, and go look how it's called, and in the CODE they call it PsiDisruptor .... make up your mind blizzard xD
13:05.33Bibendusanyone? :D
13:05.45Stewoxfor some reason i think PsiDisruptor is more UKish and Disrupter is more USish
13:06.12Stewoxno idea on that ...
13:06.54Bibenduscuz I don't know wich file to search for
13:06.58Bibendusthe tutorial on the forum is quite old
13:07.02Bibenduspre hots
13:10.12JademusSregBib, clarify?
13:10.22Ahliwhy do you need the files?
13:10.39JademusSregI've got all of them extracted. And you can see them in the UI module, and in the Asset Browser.
13:11.51JademusSregI mean, if you needed the extracts, I could provide them, but there are other ways of getting what you want.
13:17.21Bibendusi m looking for the actual version of all standard sc2layout files
13:17.23Bibendusin hots
13:17.34Bibendusit seems that from hots they are no more added with patches
13:17.43Bibendusso I took them from the core mod
13:18.09JademusSregI've got em all.
13:18.13Bibendusit seems updated looking to its last update time
13:18.36Bibendusdid u take it from Core.SC2Mod ?
13:18.36Stewoxhmm do you guys know how to make a beam weapon fire go like projectile with collision on it's path so it hits and damages other units passing before it, also to make it pass-through the target so the beam continues for like 500 range until it collides with terrain or something
13:18.42JademusSregAnd the patching system has been changed a bit, but it's still additive.
13:19.03Bibendusbut it changed a lot in hots
13:19.13Bibendusand last additive patch I saw is
13:19.28JademusSregStew, basically, you want a tentacle-like effect, minus the return.
13:19.46Stewoxhow do i do that on an existing code
13:19.48JademusSregTentacles hitch a ride with missiles to get to their targets.
13:19.51Bibendus[Release] StarCraft 2 v1.4.3.21029 +19 - Starcraft 2 Hacks
13:19.53Bibendusand its 1.4.3
13:20.26Stewoxany possibility applyng that for an existing beam weapon
13:20.38JademusSregBib, dunno what you mean.
13:20.55JademusSregI've got Base24944.
13:21.07Bibendusye but it doesnt contain updated layout files
13:21.23JademusSregYeah, moved the patch stuff to Updates directory.
13:21.36JademusSregRight above Versions, haha.
13:21.41Bibenduswich file xD
13:21.42Stewoxi did some good research on updating system some 2 years ago, i doubt it still applies so ... not worth it
13:21.59Bibendusits not the last one
13:22.20Stewoxlet me have a look at it bibendus
13:22.28JademusSregDon't forget patches and hotfixes and shit. =D
13:22.38Bibendusdo I have
13:22.47Bibendusto add all the patches layout
13:22.48Bibendusin order?
13:22.49JademusSregAnyway, what need you with all the files?
13:22.59Bibendusi m starting to remake hive keeper UI
13:23.04Bibendusi wanted the last UI version
13:23.16BibendusI pratically have to redo every part of the UI
13:23.20Bibendusso I think I'll need them :D
13:23.20Stewoxfirst thing you need to know is that there are major patches and minor patches
13:23.28JademusSregI still don't see what that has to do with the UI files.
13:23.36Stewoxminor patches are hotfixes onto the same BaseXXXXX folder
13:23.37Ahlijust copy paste them out of the UI editor
13:23.47Bibendusdon't I need them to override default UI shit?
13:23.49Stewoxmajor patches make up a new BaseXXXXX folder
13:24.06JademusSregYeah, and all the shit you need to override/can override is in the UI editor.
13:24.12Ahlithe gray layouts in the UI editor are there for reference
13:24.16Stewoxthe highest base number is the latest patch if you have it updated
13:24.17Bibendusoh k
13:24.19JademusSregYou've noticed the UI editor, right?
13:24.24Bibendustought I needed them xD
13:24.27Ahliyou add your own and put all the old code into it
13:24.32Ahlimethod didn't change
13:24.41Ahliaiurchef override method is still the way to go
13:24.53Bibendushowever the guide is old
13:24.56Bibendusbefore the UI editor came out
13:25.01Stewoxthere is no way to uninstal minor hotfix patches because there is no need to, blizzard tests ofcourse, minor changes which won't affect compatability are the base hotfixes
13:25.03JademusSregEven HotS campaign overrides with file/desc path references.
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13:25.57JademusSregI mean, there's very, very little point to having all the layout files, which is why I asked initially.
13:26.11Bibendusi need a good custom UI tutorial
13:26.13Ahlithe only thing that changed is that we don't need to scavenge through the mpqs anymore and we only need to copy paste our code into the editor into a layout and compile+save it
13:26.18Stewoxmy research on that is probably burried somewhere in my archives it'll could take like an hour to find
13:26.19JademusSregThe only reason I did is for thorough data mining.
13:26.48Stewoxbibendus i know exactly what you mean
13:27.06BibendusI need a damn updated guide
13:27.08Stewoxi was trying to do that what is called total conversion, the editor system is so unfriendly for that
13:27.14Bibendusbecause I never worked on UI before
13:27.34Bibendusoh and how do you toggle
13:27.39Bibendusthe ingame ui editor?
13:27.45Bibendusalt fhit ctrl f11?
13:27.55Ahlictrl alt f12
13:28.02Ahlibut that editor sucks ;)
13:28.07JademusSregIt's not friendly.
13:28.13Bibendususeful to do coordinate changes :P
13:28.16JademusSregBut it provides some amusement.
13:28.32Ahliyeah, you can try out different offsets and check which elements are where
13:28.35JademusSregResizing the WorldPanel does funny things.
13:28.45Stewoxyo have to check on for the more unconventional modding stuff
13:28.48Bibendushow the fuck does it work lol
13:29.02Stewoxand yes for total conversion it is a good idea to get ALL of the UI like you said
13:29.05JademusSregFunny you should ask.
13:29.18JademusSregThe in-game UI editor is itself defined in the layouts.
13:29.19Bibendusis it?
13:29.32Bibenduscuz I ll never be able to get all the correct files
13:29.34Bibenduswith all these patches
13:30.08Stewoxi was trying to extract and merge all of the game's XML, but the patching, versioning, packaging and dependency system proved to be just so complicated to keep that XML always up to date and it was just a lot of work
13:30.26Stewoxnow i recalled bibendus
13:31.02Stewoxi have examples uploaded on sc2mapster, inside i have a FULL guide in readme.TXT
13:31.29JademusSregBut the sad part is that most of the functionally useful stuff in layouts has that functionality because their names/location in the frame structure are hardcoded references the engine uses to send and receive information.
13:31.32Stewoxsearch for something like "repository"
13:32.00StewoxI now think what you need to do, not 100% sure yet as it's been very long i forgot
13:32.08JademusSregWhich means even a "total conversion" must retain most of the structure.
13:33.03StewoxYou need to actually open and extract the original files first, then you have to copy over the contents from latest patch or something like that, there may be some curvebals in between, but i hope it'll work , i am not aware of any changes in patching system after that
13:33.12Bibendusactually i have to keep few things
13:33.21Bibendushide most of the normal stuff
13:33.27Bibendusand create new ui shit instead
13:33.44Stewoxthe original i mean the SHIPPING versions of them,  not in the Version , but in MODS folder
13:33.49JademusSregYou'll need to keep everything, anything you want to be functional. =D
13:33.50Bibendusi ll keep minimap, resources, unit info
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13:33.56Bibendusthen I ll remake the rest
13:34.14Bibendusmmm this fucking ingame ui editor
13:34.18Bibendusafter I change things
13:34.21Bibenduswhat should I do then? xD
13:34.30JademusSregChange the editor xml files.
13:34.46Bibenduscan I export my editing
13:34.46JademusSregMod the editor gogogog.
13:34.49Bibendusfrom the ingame ui editor?
13:34.57KuekenStewox, to your question earlier: It should definitely be possible, however I wouldn't start from an existing beam weapon. The concept is quite different, so I would rather start from scratch.
13:35.05JademusSregAt the very least, Ctrl C works.
13:35.11AlmaityEllo Zolden
13:35.16Kuekenhey Maity
13:35.23Bibendusctrl c where
13:35.26AlmaityEllo Kueken
13:35.29JademusSregKuek, it's half a tentacle. =D
13:35.53JademusSregBoth use the Attacher bone to do shit.
13:35.58Kuekenyou can probably realize it in a similar way
13:36.01ZoldenAlmaity: hey
13:36.08JademusSregYar, simpler even, since it doesn't need to return.
13:36.09Kuekenbut I would probably use the colossus method instead
13:36.25JademusSregAh, site mover.
13:37.12StewoxProblem is, you probably will not be able to use editor if you want to go full custom, I made an experimental XML extract that is actually loadable fine in editor (at the time) but I don't think it will pass publishing or whatever blizzard config internally is, i don't really know, but I think you could if you have custom dependency, like a MOD, problem is, there is size limits on bnet how...
13:37.12JademusSregIf it needs to be a constant/channeled beam, definitely site mover.
13:37.14Stewox...big can the mod be, the FULL extract is something like +200MB , i think that's over the limit for single file
13:37.57Kuekenwell, site mover or piggy-back on a missile, both should work just fine
13:38.08Bibendusfor example
13:38.10StewoxKueken; that probably looks like a lot of work ...
13:38.14Bibendushow do I hide the standard UI frames
13:38.16Stewoxion this case
13:38.17Bibendusall of them
13:38.27Bibenduszerg protoss terran shitz
13:39.28Kuekendepends on what your spell should actually do. For simple collision in a forward trajectory, it shouldn't be more complicated than a basic colliding missile with some added actors
13:39.30Stewoxbiggest problem for most of editing in manual is that editor link everying up with it's own  /Param/JD86F76G67DF stuff that is obviously not human readable
13:40.01Stewoxwell yeah just that
13:40.38Stewoxbut also going pass-through so when it fires it basically damages everyone who even touches the beam regardless of what the beam is targeting
13:41.43Stewoxis that even supported in some fasion ? or it would need a workaround of very fast periods to fire low amounts of damage effects or what
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13:42.51Kuekenwell, not even a colliding projectile is "supported" if you put it like that, its also a search effect executed in a fast period
13:43.20Kuekenso not a huge difference if the search is just performed at the tip or over the full distance
13:44.06Stewoxit's here:
13:44.18BibendusI dont need the full files
13:44.22Kuekenwould point more towards the site mover method though, the missile method would require the missile to leave a trail of persistents behind
13:44.27Bibendusthe UI editor already let me extract what I need thanks
13:45.19Stewoxit's not about the extract, it's about how system works
13:45.20KuekenI assume the beam should travel quite fast and have a narrow aoe?
13:45.26Stewoxif you were reading what im saying
13:45.48Stewoxsome of the terminology may be a bit weird since it's been quite some time
13:46.36Stewoxyes indeed
13:46.48Stewoxit's the drakken laser drill
13:47.17Kuekenand it should collide with terrain?
13:48.06Stewoxyes, why would it fire into ground anyway there's nothing there, and to make it more realistic, it wouldn't disintegrate ground, but it's too powerful for units ...
13:48.56Kuekenno not just collision with cliffs and unpathable terrain, but also with terrain deformations?
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13:49.02Kuekennot sure if that is possible
13:49.15JademusSregNot with terrain deformations.
13:49.26Stewoxdoesn't have to be that
13:49.26JademusSregNot unless you put markers all over the fucking place.
13:49.29Stewoxdeformations ?
13:49.34JademusSregThe mesh.
13:49.43JademusSregAnd deformations thereof.
13:49.45Stewoxso if i have a very big hill it will go through ?
13:49.54JademusSregOr up it, more likely.
13:50.08Kuekenyes, unless you either place markers or use cliffs/unpathable terrain
13:50.21Kuekenand make the beam collide with unpathable terrain
13:50.24Stewoxwell if it does work with clifs it's at least somewhat okay
13:50.51A1win"Power" could be a nice word for craftcraft's name if paired with something...
13:51.01Kuekenbut you are right, it will become somewhat complicated to realize :)
13:51.21KuekenA1win: gogo PowerCraft CraftPower
13:51.34SaVi"CraftCraft" is it the map with the power lines?
13:51.37Stewoxwell if it's firing into air units theres no problem
13:51.40A1winSaVi, yeah
13:51.47A1winI'm trying to rename it to someting better
13:52.01Stewoxi just want to avoid the ghost-plane effect
13:52.24Stewoxwhen the laser hits ground
13:53.22SaViarent they stranded on the planet and try to get off it with powering the, was it the xel'naga gates?
13:53.49A1winthere are three xel'naga vaults that you power up, which then activates the warp gate
13:54.11A1winwhich is a bit meaningless to gameplay, I should think of something to make it more apparent during the game
13:54.24A1winnow it's just an invulnerable structure that takes up space
13:54.46SaViits the final goal^^
13:54.59A1winmaybe it also needs to be powered in the end
13:55.11A1winwhat if there's only 2 vaults... nah
13:55.21A1winjust wondering if it's make the game too long
13:55.24SaVinever played it to the end^^
13:55.33SaVijust got out of vespine every time :D
13:56.33A1winthere's now a normal difficulty replacing hard, and an extended tutorial
13:57.10SaVimaybe something like "Lost" or "Stranded" ?^^
13:57.32A1winnah that's just a background story thing, not relevant to gameplay
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13:57.51SaVibut you arent also really crafting there, are you?
13:58.03A1winthat's why I want to rename it ;p
13:58.10A1winor one of the reasons
13:58.33A1winthe map started as something different where the name kind of still fit, now it doesn't
13:58.40JademusSregIf you don't like Forbidden Planet, then how about SCV Simulator 2504?
13:59.45SaVior explorer^^ xD
14:02.11SaViseems like you already have nice ideas :)
14:02.25A1winthe problem is that I don't like any of them :P
14:02.56A1winthey kind of fit and kind of sound alright but not quite
14:03.29SaViForbidden Planet sounds interesting because the zerg dont really welcome you
14:04.25JademusSregI'd link to the MC Frontalot song of the same name, but I didn't find it on youtube. So instead see the imdb entry for it.
14:05.22A1winAn Invisible Monster Approaches
14:08.26JademusSregAh, by chance, the song comes up on Spotify. <3
14:09.43A1winRobby Arranges Flowers, Zaps Monkey
14:09.52Ahlifinally uploading my map on NA again, this time on my acc
14:12.43JademusSregAnything you need tested or just informing us?
14:13.44Ahlijust informing
14:13.56Ahlithen I need to connect with another account to hide the old map
14:14.21A1winoh right should've done that too, republish as private instead of deleting
14:14.30A1wincan deleted maps be republished by the same author?
14:14.38Ahliyou can over-publish it again I believe
14:14.43Ahliand then delete it again
14:15.24A1winwhy would I delete it again?
14:15.46A1winoh right it wouldn't matter at that point so might just as well
14:15.55Ahlito free up the space
14:16.26JademusSregUnrelated, editor does not like EditorTextureMatches used in conjunction with model attachments.
14:21.11JademusSregGenerates a metric fucktonne of errors in the editor, none in game.
14:21.28Bibendushow do I reset an anchor
14:21.35Bibenduswith override
14:21.39Bibendusbecause it gives me error
14:21.46Bibendusif I use relative="$this"
14:22.27JademusSregInsufficient data.
14:23.12Bibenduswhy u no work
14:23.42Ahliignore errors
14:23.44Ahliit works
14:23.59Bibendusye but
14:24.02Bibendusthe error!
14:24.07AhliI know
14:24.09BibendusI see it works :(
14:24.22Bibendusno other way?
14:24.24Ahlibut it's not on bnet
14:24.30Ahlinot that I know
14:24.36Bibendusjust in local?
14:24.37JademusSregYou could try the full path.
14:24.40Bibendusand btw it appears only the first time
14:24.50JademusSregYeah, that's true of UI errors.
14:24.51Ahliwas online during hots beta I blieve, not sure anymore
14:25.03Ahlibut atm it's not shown
14:25.30Ahlimy temple siege UI throws 20-30 of those errors :D
14:27.25Bibendusonly in single player however?
14:27.26Bibendusor during test
14:27.50Ahlidocument test == shows errors
14:29.58Bibendusmaybe another parent parameter exists
14:30.00Bibenduslike $null
14:30.01Bibendusor something xD
14:30.54JademusSreg$root $parent $this
14:30.59JademusSregThat is all.
14:33.54Bibendusk I was able to move some shit
14:35.39Bibenduscan I disable the new buttons
14:35.42Bibendusseelct idle worker
14:35.49Bibendusand select army?
14:35.51A1winShow/Hide UI Frame
14:35.59Bibendusye I mean I can hide them but
14:36.04Bibenduswill he hotkeys still work?
14:36.10A1winthey won't
14:36.18JademusSregFeel free to add your own.
14:36.19A1winhotkeys only work if their UI element is visible
14:36.30Bibenduseven if I hide them
14:36.33Bibendusfrom custom UI?
14:36.44Bibendusk ill try
14:36.47JademusSregI mean you can add hotkeys.
14:37.24JademusSregBib, did you see my info dump regarding layout elements before?
14:37.48Bibenduscant find the root of this
14:37.59Bibendusjame as I todl you
14:38.04BibendusI think I won't need them
14:38.12BibendusI can just copy paste shit from the ui editor
14:38.20JademusSregI think you misunderstand.
14:38.27Bibendusthen whats it for
14:39.11BibendusI saw hit
14:39.15Bibendusbut I dont get what's for
14:39.21Bibendusif not to get the files from the mpq
14:39.35Bibendusoh another link
14:40.12BibendusI saw this link on the forum with search
14:40.35JademusSregThe paste is what matters.
14:40.56JademusSregSince you're adding UI shit, figured you might want to know what they can do.
14:42.20Bibendusfor new stuff yes
14:42.27Bibendusbut for now I have to hide the stuff
14:42.31Bibendusthen I'll add the new shit ;)
14:42.45Bibendusnow for example
14:42.52Bibendusthe idle worker and select army buttons
14:43.04Bibendushow the hell do I find the container xD
14:43.20JademusSregCtrl F
14:43.31Bibendusit searches only on the file names
14:43.35Bibendusnot inside the layouts
14:43.37JademusSregActually, you might find this useful.
14:43.59Bibendusall layouts!
14:44.13Bibendusit's searching random text
14:44.29Bibendusit's totally bugged!
14:45.23Bibenduslove :P
14:45.45JademusSregThis is what I compiled before rendering it down to the info in the pastes.
14:46.13JademusSregIn addition to the client string dumps to find shit not found in the layouts.
14:46.29Bibenduslook this search xD
14:46.41Bibendushow bugged it is
14:46.53JademusSregThat's glorious.
14:46.56A1winit's displaying a different file or version of the file than it's searching from
14:47.24Bibendusdid the blizz guys come back on this channel?
14:47.30Bibendusor they just disappeared
14:47.32A1winctrl-s might help
14:47.45Bibendusctrl s for what
14:47.46A1winhaven't seen them in a while
14:47.52JademusSregThey'll appear when a significant patch drops.
14:47.53A1winthe thing you have open
14:48.38Bibenduswhat do u mean?
14:48.47Bibenduswhat does it have to do with the fact that
14:48.53A1winI don't know if it'll help, I said "might"
14:48.54Bibendusthe search all layout thing is bugged
14:49.09A1winit might be searching from a saved version and be displaying an unsaved version of the file
14:49.13A1winbut dunno
14:49.22Bibendusi saved and it's the same
14:49.24A1winjust seen that happen like that sometimes
14:49.24Bibendusit works if u dont check the
14:49.26Bibendusall layouts
14:49.31A1winin some stuff
14:50.18JademusSregWhat are you doing to hide frames, Bib?
14:50.55Bibendus<Frame type="IdleButton" name="IdleButtonTemplate">
14:50.55Bibendus<Visible val="False" />
14:51.02Bibenduswas searching for the right path
14:51.27JademusSregI mean to ask if you're doing it from the GameUI instances.
14:51.41Bibenduswut do you mean? :|
14:51.50Bibendusi dont know a shit of what i m doing
14:51.53Bibendusso talk to a noob :P
14:51.57JademusSregSince going through each layout file to hide templates is ridiculous.
14:52.14Bibendusjust the containers
14:52.25Bibenduslike a couple of buttons for the minimap
14:52.29Bibendusthe 2 idle buttons
14:52.48Bibendusand whatever I find that must be removed
15:23.43Bibendusi can't hide the idle shit
15:24.22twodieDESTROY IT WITH FIRE!
15:24.33Bibendusi would like to burn it
15:30.56Bibendusis there a disabled shit
15:31.00Bibenduson UI
15:31.01Bibendusdisabled flag
15:31.35twodiemove it offscreen
15:31.41twodiebest solution from me
15:31.48Bibendusthe problem is that it has a hotkey
15:32.32twodiea lot of those visual to be vissible doesnt work, at least last time i wanted to force show/hide trade, alliance buttons, didnt worked
15:32.47twodiewhich one?
15:32.49Bibendusk fuck i ll disable them by trigger
15:32.51Bibendusthe new buttons
15:32.53Bibendusidle workers
15:32.58Bibendusand select army
15:33.10Bibendusi wanted to hide them forever
15:33.16Bibendusby layout
15:33.57Bibendushowever I cant hide the containing frame
15:34.04BibendusI have to hide all the inside frames
15:34.11Bibendusand still the hotkey works
15:34.43twodiedeselect workers in units flags, data
15:35.18Bibendusk done by trigger
15:35.19Bibendusfuck it :D
15:35.28Bibendusno I wanted to disable
15:35.30Bibendusthe button
15:35.45BibendusI need my worker flag
15:35.55Bibendusand I have to hide the select army button too
15:38.32Bibendusk now
15:38.35Bibendusi haz to hide the default UI
15:38.37Bibenduswhere is it :|
15:38.47Bibendusraces UI frames
15:39.57*** join/#sc2mapster sharf (
15:39.58twodiehalf way to the crossbowman unit model completion
15:40.51sharfany ideas why I can't publish my map? It starts to upload, then fails with an unkown error. They all do
15:41.00Stewoxanyone can tell me what does BUTTON STATE mean
15:41.10Stewoxwhen you have multiple button comamnds in the same SLOT
15:41.19StewoxAvailable is the active one right
15:41.26JademusSregOne doesn't have multiple buttons in the same slot.
15:41.28Stewoxwhat is RESTRICTED and SUPPRESED ?
15:41.39Stewoxyou have all over misions
15:41.40JademusSregThought you meant layouts.
15:41.53Stewoxautomated refinery ... psi diruptor stuff like that
15:42.01Stewoxand in melee
15:42.12Stewoxyou have bunker stimpack redirect
15:42.20StewoxMarine Stimpack is set to AVAILABLE
15:42.24JademusSregRestricted and suppressed refers to how it handles displaying buttons with regard to requirements and shit.
15:42.28StewoxMarauder Stimpack is set to RESTRICTED
15:42.32Bibendushow do I hide the default race UI frames
15:42.35KuekenI never have them see make a difference whatsoever
15:42.43Kuekenthe availability is set by requirements
15:42.49Stewoxrequirements is "Use Stimpack"
15:42.50Kuekenjade: sure?
15:42.59Kuekennever looked differently
15:43.13StewoxIm just trying to be sure RESTRICTED doesn't mean DISABLED ?
15:43.14KuekenI assumed it has something to do with tech tree or something
15:43.22JademusSregI figured Restricted would display the button in a disabled state, suppressed would not show it at all.
15:43.37JademusSregAgain, relative to requirements.
15:43.44KuekenI cannot confirm that
15:43.45Stewoxi though it the otherway around lol
15:43.53JademusSregIf it doesn't have requirements, it doesn't matter a goddamn bit anyway.
15:43.53Kuekenrequirements use show and use requirements
15:44.25Kuekenif show is false, button is hidden, if use is false but show is true, it shows up in disabled state
15:44.27Stewoxwell does it work in multiplayer or is this just Campaign thing to be able to use stimpack in bunker ?
15:44.39Kuekenindependent of restricted or suppressed option being selected
15:44.51JademusSregGuess I could look at the data.
15:45.06Stewoxwell i could yes
15:45.10Stewoxbut it was just btw
15:45.17sharfnice twodie
15:45.26Stewoxhave to renavigate all ways around
15:45.30Kuekenwilly wonka with a crossbow
15:45.38sharflol that's what I was thinking
15:45.42twodiethank you sharf!
15:45.44Stewoxanyways, i just didn't want it to get disabled or something
15:46.19JonestonKueken mit einem pimmelchen.
15:46.32Kuekenhey Lajla
15:46.33JonestonKueken, ist das wahr?
15:46.48JonestonDass deiner ein pimmelchen ist
15:46.59Stewoxah requirement is just about the upgrade ... i thought it was some kind of validator if it's not using it already
15:47.22JonestonMeiner ist der Kraft-kosmisch
15:47.33Kuekeninterestingly enough, Kuken and Pimmelchen sort of translate into the same thing in 2 different languages :D
15:47.45JonestonNach mir, mein Board
15:48.20JonestonIch war der Vorboter Galactus'
15:48.44sharfok well this is a problem...
15:48.46KuekenJademusSreg: Psi Storm button is supressed by default, yet it shows up as disabled if the requirement isn't met
15:48.47JonestonUnd jetzt ist meiner kein Pimmelchen mehr.
15:49.30JademusSregYeah, you're right. I have yet to find logical consistency between them.
15:49.46Bibendusis it the bottom part?
15:49.49Bibendusof the UI?
15:50.23KuekenI would assume they either just provide information for tech tree or help menu, or they had a functionality at some point, which got removed and/or implemented into the requirements
15:50.42Kuekenlike requirements didn't differentiate between show and use before
15:50.59Kuekenand when they did the command states became obsolete
15:52.00sharfok when publishing a map, and it goes to the file size and available space window, what does it mean if part of it is a dark blue?
15:52.15StewoxI just noticed EDITOR has different functions for COPY and DUPLICATE
15:52.27Stewox,,, using COPY is totally working wtf
15:53.04Stewoxfor some reason i noticed when i just used CTRL C
15:53.08JademusSregOne step closer to proficiency. *JRPG level up music*
15:53.09Kuekendon't take it for granted, though, there are situations where copy screws up more than duplicate does
15:53.14Kuekenand the other way around
15:53.39Stewoxwell i thought it wasn't going to that good to be true
15:54.59KuekenJademusSreg: I went back to the G++ editor for now, using it without the G++ syntax
15:55.17Kuekenthe autocompletion is just soo much smoother than the N++ mess
16:00.47Zoldentwodie: there are extra polygons on the cap's border
16:00.55*** join/#sc2mapster Blub\w (~wry@unaffiliated/blubw/x-6625061)
16:01.04twodieZolden, was
16:03.52sharfwell this is a problem
16:05.31KuekenNOOO, ZOLDEN
16:05.38KuekenDON'T DO THIS TO ME!
16:05.54Kuekenhes gone
16:06.00JademusSregThese Camera actors are fun. =D
16:06.03sharfany troubleshooting I can do for why my map wont publish?
16:06.47JademusSregDoes it exceed the size limit?
16:06.49Bibenduson the forums
16:06.54Bibendushow do u highlight xml code?
16:07.05sharfwhat is the size limit?
16:07.06JademusSregDepends on the markup.
16:07.19Bibendusrandomly found it
16:07.21JademusSregBut for most, code=xml or some variation.
16:07.25Bibendusfirst try
16:07.26BibendusI pwn
16:08.35JademusSregTwod, hiii-YAH.
16:08.49twodiehow high?
16:11.43BibendusI fixed it! yey
16:11.45Bibendusso pro
16:11.48BibendusUI editor
16:12.35sharfwhat is the max size of a map and how do I tell if my map exceeds it? could my map exceed it lol
16:14.48JademusSregWhat's the error message?
16:15.19sharfunkown [3250]
16:17.37Kuekenwow, so much information in that
16:18.01Kuekenlike Blizzard doesn't know how to type "unknown"
16:18.10sharfwoops lol
16:18.24Kuekenah, now its boring
16:18.24Ahliunknown 3252 I saw today I believe
16:18.42Ahlibut disappeared after picking locked/unlocked I believe
16:19.03sharfI have that picked
16:19.09sharfone thing it might be
16:19.25sharfon the window where it shows the size
16:19.36sharfwhat does it mean when part of the line is a dark blue?
16:20.15KuekenRepo was a bot, wasn't he?
16:20.49*** join/#sc2mapster Repo (~repo@
16:22.27sharfthink I found it
16:24.26*** join/#sc2mapster Zolden (58870015@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
16:24.53JademusSregYes and no.
16:25.09JademusSreg~seen Repo
16:25.15purlrepo is currently on #waruidev (4m 26s) #sc2mapster (4m 26s) #wowace (4m 26s) #curseforge (4m 26s). Has said a total of 12 messages. Is idling for 1m 5s, last said: 'Regalia of the Spiritbreaker'.
16:26.28sharffixed it
16:27.01sharfthe unknown [3250] has to do with locking race in game variants and setting the race in player properties
16:27.33*** join/#sc2mapster reaperguyver (43517711@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
16:27.51Ahlidid the last patch fix the race bug?
16:28.59reaperguyverRace bug?
16:29.55Ahliforcing a race in player properties gives you a wrong race on bnet
16:31.27reaperguyverI'm willing to pay someone a minor amount of money if they would remake my map for me. I broke it and I can't fix it so the only option is to remake it.
16:31.30Ahliterran in properties made you play as Zerg on bnet >_>
16:31.48Ahli"broke it and I can't fix it so the only option is to remake it." what?
16:33.01Ahliwhat did you do? what's the state of the map? what's the error? file size? file lost? published on bnet?
16:34.25sharfwhat the fuck
16:34.32sharfcolors are wrong too
16:34.59reaperguyverI don't know what I did
16:35.14reaperguyverfirst it was crashing before hosting the lobby on battle net giving me a blank error message
16:35.24reaperguyvernow it's crashing when I try to publish at the header file
16:35.33reaperguyvereerrr well failing to publish
16:36.34sharfso...any ideas why I cant set a player's color to white?
16:37.14Ahlitry to reset data until it works again... I would start with game variants and player properties
16:38.35reaperguyverYeah I've been trying to do that for a week and searching on forums and stuff I can't find an answer.
16:45.22sharfso the player who's color is set to red...becomes white...and the player who is set to white...becomes pink
16:46.07Stewoxguys need help with command card
16:46.18Stewoxcommand card asks you to choose icon button right
16:46.32Stewoxbut then again in the ability it self you have to choose icon button right
16:46.45Stewoxbut the command card doesn't let me choose other textures too
16:46.57Stewoxsome icons I want to add are missing from the listt
16:49.41SaViYou have to create a button with the Image you want before
16:52.07*** join/#sc2mapster gooose (5489f9f3@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
16:52.56gooosesomeone found a better solution to my problem than making a shitty terrain?
16:53.00SaVimhh I'm searching for a nice visuall effect i could give my hellion when activating a speed boost, someone a idea?
16:53.53Stewoxoh lol ofcourse thanks
16:54.28gooosefirebat merc atack launch
16:55.13Stewoxproblem ...
16:55.21Stewoxicon that i want is greyed all out
16:55.23Stewoxit's not green
16:55.34Stewoxcan it be tinted correctly ?
16:56.33SaViI never tried that.. sometimes there are two versions of a icon available (one colored; one grey) maybe you find it colored?
16:57.18SaViyou could also check the assets in sc2mapster. There are many Custom Icons
16:57.22Kuekenreaperguyver: create a new map, save both the old and the new map as component list and start copying files from the old to the new map until it breaks or the new map works like the old one :)
16:57.53reaperguyverHow do I copy the data then?
16:58.09reaperguyveror would I have to manually redo it?
16:58.16Kuekenwhen you save the map as a components list, they are files in a folder
16:59.13Stewoxit does not exist
16:59.16Kuekenjust save as component list and you will see
16:59.22sharfok would I make a player white in arcade? any ideas?
16:59.49reaperguyverokay I'll try that.
17:05.22StewoxTint by Race: Enabled fixes the problem
17:05.39SaVinice :)
17:06.53SaViuhh firebat merc attack launch looks sweet :D
17:09.46*** join/#sc2mapster Tivec_ (
17:12.08Stewoxfound bug in editor
17:12.14Stewoxstuff they had in there and removed
17:12.24StewoxDevastator Missiles
17:12.43Stewoxthe weapon functions and it's there but has some temporary random icon
17:13.11Stewoxwhen i make the button with the same name the name doesn't appear anywhere in editor
17:13.26*** join/#sc2mapster Jygga (jygga@unaffiliated/jygga)
17:13.29Stewoxit got spotted by a list view , not tree
17:13.32Stewoxand in xml it is
17:14.07Stewoxand funny thing is, the description and everything is still in the game code and it's linked in blue
17:14.11*** join/#sc2mapster Thels (
17:14.28StewoxSwitch to Devastator Missiles.<n/><n/>Devastator Missiles are much larger and slower than ordinary missiles, with a heavyweight warhead designed to inflict critical damage.
17:18.46JademusSregCamera Host Eyes be tricksy.
17:23.57SaVimhh I created a "Model Animation Style Continious" actor and added events called "Unit Movement Update" --> Walk to Create the Model and "Unit Movement Update" --> Stand to destroy it but nothing happend at all :O
17:25.19JademusSregWouldn't it make more sense to make a Model type, Parent BuffContinuous, with events Behavior.LudicrousSpeed.On > Create, Behavior.LudicrousSpeed.Off > Destroy?
17:25.27JademusSregThat's usually how such things are done.
17:25.46SaVii dont know^^ if you say that this is more usually I will try
17:25.48StewoxI need DROP POD icon, the pods that terrans have from hyperion for CALLDOWN
17:26.42JademusSregStew, Alt `, Console pops up, enter the command browse, enter drop or droppod in the Search filter.
17:27.05Stewoxbutton icon
17:27.13Stewoxit doesn't exist in game
17:27.30Stewoxso if someone made it i can find it
17:29.58*** part/#sc2mapster Ahli (
17:36.38Zoldentwodie: i think i just understood what you asked me earlier
17:37.13Zoldenyou wanted to animate the string, right?
17:37.28JademusSregSeems you're correct, Stew. You win a prize, then.
17:37.35twodieZolden yeah
17:37.45twodiethe xbow to be moveable
17:37.48twodiein animation
17:37.50Zoldentwodie: did you manage to animate it?
17:37.57twodieand would stay some where in the arm range
17:38.13twodieyeah, looked into wc3 elfs archer,
17:38.18*** join/#sc2mapster Tolkfan (
17:39.32Stewoxi got lazy so what :o
17:40.30twodiebut still dont have clue how to move xbow in his hand
17:40.48twodielike he would hold at time at the end of the xbow
17:40.52Stewoxjade you may not guess by mere chat, i am extremely DIY person, i will do it my self if i can't find anything already done, atleast try, it paid off many times thought people wouldn't go through the truble, what trobule, finding solution my self is actually fun
17:43.03Stewoxi just got new PC now, it was quite push these 2 weeks getting everything done, now that i tried it out a bit installed i got a bit over the awake limit so im kind of sluggish and sleepy but that's just this weekend :p
17:44.31SaViIs there a way to see which SiteOperation/Attachement Points a Unit has?
17:44.45Dustinopen the model in the cutscene editor and press A
17:49.32SaViAnd how do I know which name the Attachment point has?
17:50.01goooseok i made a leaderboard anything that might cause problems? (column 4 is diabled)
17:51.57Zoldentwodie: I think it's a question of ierarchy of the skeleton
17:52.19Zoldentwodie: you could benefit from watching some advanced rigging tuts
17:53.11twodiei really would
17:53.45SaViye.. it seems like its nothing you do just with trying ^^
17:58.43reaperguyvernot bad
18:09.06JademusSregHaha, yeah, totally remembered something that didn't exist. =D
18:14.57EaglesAnyone know the name of the action which creates an arrow highlighting an UI element?
18:24.14*** join/#sc2mapster Reaperguyver (43517711@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
18:43.38*** join/#sc2mapster Reaperguyver (43517711@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
18:44.45Reaperguyvergot it working thanks Kueken.
18:45.43goooseis there a way to set the leaderboard row height?
18:46.17Reaperguyverwell almost now I'm back to the original probablem >.< lol
18:49.14TaintedwispI think you just set the hight of the item within that row and it will expand goose.
18:52.41*** join/#sc2mapster Zolden (58870015@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
18:52.42goooseuhm i dont see a item height trigger
18:54.25goooseonly width
18:55.31*** join/#sc2mapster SaVi (54a3c2a6@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
18:56.30*** join/#sc2mapster ScytheBlade1 (
18:56.30*** join/#sc2mapster ScytheBlade1 (~Death@about/pxe/ScytheBlade1)
18:56.31SaVimähh I want my hellion to play the "Walk Start" Animation which I can select in the Cutscene editor but there is no field for it under "AnimPlay"
18:58.55SaViteach me master :O
19:00.53EaglesHow can I fix all the Trigger Messages I get when I open my map?
19:01.23*** join/#sc2mapster sharf (
19:03.57goooserevert to a backup
19:04.12goooseif everything is wokring just ignor it
19:05.06Eaglesbut but but I wan't to fix it! :(
19:08.41*** join/#sc2mapster Almaity (5d8866f6@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
19:10.47AlmaityHai Zolden
19:10.49Almaityand everyone else
19:11.35gooosesooo jade should i go with the guided mover or did you find a solution to launch a missile at a peristent and make it ignore terrain differences
19:21.11*** join/#sc2mapster tigger0jk (
19:28.39ReaperguyverI hate my map >.> lol. Back to it crashing when trying to load the lobby on
19:36.54JademusSregGoo, when I have time, I'll certainly cover the issue. =D
19:37.49ReaperguyverI'll pay someone 5$ to fix my map.
19:38.38JademusSregIs it crashing?
19:38.46ReaperguyverWon't load the lobby screen
19:38.52Reaperguyverjust gives out a blank error
19:39.07JademusSregSend it to me.
19:39.35JademusSregTo be clear, this occurs every time without exception?
19:39.39twodieand send to me 5$
19:41.26Reaperguyveruhh sure how?
19:41.34JademusSregFew more questions.
19:41.56ReaperguyverThe only fix I got on a forum was to change the players to all users because it's registering the game as single player or somehting funky
19:43.03JademusSregWhich region? Public or private? Locked or not locked? Map or mod? Arcade or not? When was the map created? Did it switch from WoL to HotS?
19:44.44ReaperguyverU.S. private locked uhh mod? arcade. originally created like 2 months after wol came out been updating it on and off over the last few weeks. yes from wol to hots.
19:45.31JademusSregMod's have assets, data, script, but not terrain or any gameplay; they're used for dependencies.
19:45.47JademusSregSo if it has terrain, it's a map.
19:46.27Reaperguyveroh then yes map
19:47.26JademusSregEither upload it to the mapster file attachment thing or use dropbox or some such.
19:50.18ReaperguyverI'll try to figure out how to use one of those and i'll let you know when I get it up.
19:50.28goooseis there a mover that impacts at a target point/unit that ignores terrain? does the new mover of the seeker missile in hots do that?
19:50.37*** join/#sc2mapster Fenix (ae5bf846@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
19:51.18FenixUnit Group - Pick each unit in (Any units within 1.0 of 5-Corner1 where player 15 matches filter Excluded: Missile, Dead, Hidden, with at most Any Amount) and do (Actions)      This should only pick player 15 units and do actions on only Player 15??
19:51.20JademusSreg(Ad-cluttered file upload sites are the disease-effusing prostitutes of the internet. =D )
19:52.25JademusSregFenix, could you paste the script?
19:54.05JademusSreg for example. Copy the relevant code from the mapscript and I'll take a look.
19:54.16Fenixwhat would you try to find? I mean, shouldn't the trigger pick eatch with the value of the player as 15, should only pick player 15 units?!
19:55.15JademusSregI can't read GUI; it's too messy and excessively verbose. </irony>
19:56.16EaglesHey, is it possible to make the Dialog Item Slider be vertical instead of horizontal?
19:56.45JademusSregEagle, yes, though it requires some fun stuff. =D
19:56.58Fenixrotate the dialog item?
19:57.01JademusSregFun, as in layout editing.
19:57.37Fenixi feel Jade, that you only see complicated solutions haha
19:57.58EaglesI don't think Rotation works Fenix :p
19:58.05Fenixwhy dont u try ;)
19:58.15ReaperguyverI think
19:58.15EaglesIt doesn't, I just did
19:58.22ReaperguyverAlso sorry in advance.
19:58.23JademusSregOnly the Image frame type supports Rotation element, so only the Image dialog control type supports Rotation property.
19:59.28JademusSregHere's the reference for the shit I'm laying down here:
19:59.50JademusSregLine 412, Slider.
20:00.20EaglesOh thanks, I've looked at that a few times JademusSreg, but it's a tough nut to break for me :P
20:00.28Reaperguyverbe back eventually
20:00.28JademusSregIt is an extention of the Control frame class, so it supports the elements from Frame and Control classes.
20:00.48JademusSregBut importantly, it has <Orientation val="Vertical"/>
20:00.50Eaglesah cool, I can just change the Orientation?
20:01.02JademusSregOr rather, it supports Horizontal or Vertical.
20:01.51JademusSregSo all you need to do is make a custom frame template, easy, and set its template as the trigger thingy (I'll find you the name in a bit, if you need). Then just add that line.
20:02.09JademusSregTo instantiate it, you use a fun little action/function.
20:02.35JademusSregDialogControlCreateFromTemplate (int dialog, int type, string inTemplate);
20:03.17JademusSregThe type would be Slider, of course, and the template string is the Desc path, which is just the layout file and the path to the frame definition.
20:03.35JademusSregMake sense?
20:05.03Eaglesit's weird though huh, since the orientation of the defualt dialog item slider goes sideways, shouldn't the default orientation be horizontal?
20:05.42JademusSregThis is a compilation of supported elements, no defaults.
20:06.20JademusSregI included that value rather than Horizontal to show it was an option.
20:06.29Eaglesgood man :p
20:07.37EaglesCool, I got as far as copying the template and removing the values, but had no idea wht to type for the Template value :p
20:07.45Eagleswonders why it's called FenixSlider :D
20:08.26EaglesI'll name mine... DerpSlider
20:08.36JademusSregBasically, you make a new layout in the UI editor, paste that in there, reference it with (assuming you named the layout FenixLayout) "FenixLayout//FenixSlider" in the GUI action's string template parameter.
20:09.54Eaglesunless you're using the panel function for that, GUI actually has a nice tree of all the UI Layout Frames :D
20:09.58JademusSregAh, mix up because your handles are similar in length as displayed in my irc client.
20:10.16JademusSregWell back in my day that goddamn well didn't, haha.
20:12.24Eagleshm, apparently [TriggerControlSliderTemplate] does not have a valid width.
20:13.04JademusSregHaha. Give it a width?
20:13.45JademusSregYou can add as many elements as it supports, if you want. Sure beats managing a whole bunch of actions to set them.
20:14.10Eaglesin the triggers? or the ui layout thingy?
20:14.46JademusSregWell, setting the width and height via layouts saves the trouble of calling actions to do it.
20:15.56gooosewell fuck it i m just gonna use a guided mover ... lets make some shitty terrain with height differences <1 lolz
20:16.03Eagles this is what I have in Triggers so far (Rawified it for you!) so Width should be set, (but I'll try set it with XML)
20:19.18Stewoxguys how do I unreveal area
20:19.23Stewoxwith Regions
20:19.32Stewoxwithout making it unexplored (black)
20:19.48Eaglesdestroy the revealer?
20:19.52JademusSregFirst, you may wanna commit it to a variable asap, rather than use last createver whatever functions. Second, _CreateHorizontalSlider/HorizontalSlider doesn't look like a valid string, so I guess it's GUI raw view.
20:19.58Stewoxthere is no revealer
20:20.04JademusSregStew, simple.
20:21.00Eaglesstewox: set the duration to 1, and it will unreveal after 1 second?
20:21.10Stewoxyeah i know now
20:21.21Stewoxtoo late i already made the disabling script
20:21.41Eaglestoo late to help a dude, its too late!
20:21.52Stewoxnot like that
20:21.58JademusSregExclamation marks.
20:22.16Stewoxin terms of reluctancy to delete and throw away work
20:23.08JademusSregNevar delete work, unless you have an eidetic memory.
20:23.40Stewoxokay guys Creating a revealer is proper in this case
20:23.49Stewoxit's for regions too so it's exactly what i neede
20:24.10JademusSregVisExploreArea(int player, region area, bool explored, bool checkCliffLevel);
20:24.23JademusSregfalse is mask, true is fog.
20:25.33Eaglesokay so I set the width in both the XML now and with trigger and following your tip to assign the dialog item to a variable. It still gives "does not have a valid width"
20:25.34Stewoxthat's probably it
20:25.55Stewoxbecause Destroy Revealer only has Last Created and Data Table i have no idea what's that
20:26.08Stewoxoh this is some clustermuck
20:26.11JademusSregEag, show me the mapscript and layout content.
20:26.51Eagles*wishes there was some way to get line number of GUI action*
20:27.45JademusSregCtrl F11, copy, paste, Ctrl F to find the relevant stuff.
20:27.52Stewoxjademussreg there is no such thing as mask or fog
20:27.56Stewoxin UI
20:27.58Stewoxat least
20:28.55JademusSregSorry, GUI usage and limitations are beyond my knowledge.
20:29.15JademusSregI've just got a native here that says it's doable.
20:29.54Eaglesctrl+f isn't working for me in derpscript editor for some reason, but i did use the search function :P anyways:
20:30.34JademusSregEr, I meant that you'd copy, paste in the pastebin of your choice, then use Ctrl F to trim it, not from the view script window.
20:31.29JademusSregI thought you wanted a vertical slider?
20:31.57Stewoxi don't see it inside your paste
20:32.01JademusSregAlso, what is the name of the layout file?
20:32.21EaglesYes, I fail, changing that now. It's called: "_CreateHorizontalSlider"
20:32.46JademusSregWhy did it let you make a layout file with a preceding underscore? =\
20:33.00*** join/#sc2mapster Fate (
20:33.23Fatedo u have time for a game?
20:33.37EaglesI know right, it makes me happy though cause now I get my layout files at the top :D
20:34.49JademusSregLet's try something dumb. Add Template to the name.
20:35.13*** join/#sc2mapster Ahli (
20:37.01*** join/#sc2mapster Tomura (
20:37.51JademusSregIf that doesn't work, I'll tinker with it eventually.
20:40.08JademusSregReap, how many player slots is your map using?
20:40.49EaglesIt seems to work (Yay), but the slider looks abit fugged:
20:41.15JademusSregBecause now you get to customize all the content! =D
20:41.34Eaglesshouldn't I be able to move the slider downwards though? I can't even do that
20:41.47JademusSregYou haven't set a value yet, rmemeber?
20:42.09JademusSregSliders slide between the min and max values.
20:42.45Eaglesoh right, fail!
20:42.46JademusSregAnd you'll need to use layouts to customize the buttony thing, and the bar image, and such.
20:52.22*** join/#sc2mapster Enexy (48c02a9e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
20:56.02EaglesI wish they would have put what type of image all the textures are.. hard to define in photoshop I suppose.. but still! :P
20:56.32JademusSregYou've got the 64-bit Nvidia DDS plugin?
20:57.45Eaglesno, dont even have photoshop right now. been using gimp
20:59.10JademusSregAssuming you do / are about to possess it: DXT3, ARGB, 8bpp, explicit alpha, no MIP maps, 2D Texture is a reliable setting.
21:00.34Enexyanyone want to test my 20+ player deefnse map later tonight?
21:00.42EnexyJust need to see if things update properly
21:01.00JademusSregIf I've not passed out by then, sure.
21:02.41*** join/#sc2mapster Fenix (ae5bf846@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
21:02.44Fenixis it possible to show a region in game?
21:03.15Fatei terrazin bugg since hots?
21:03.27JademusSreg(  TerrainShowRegion (region inArea, bool inShow);  )
21:04.39JademusSreg(Fate, see Game data tab. Find ResourceConvertArray. brb++ )
21:07.02Fatethanks Jademus that works now
21:08.57*** join/#sc2mapster Zandose (c654d26a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
21:10.49Zandosehello there
21:14.13JademusSregis totally afk.
21:14.47Eaglestries to believe
21:15.31ZandoseLies I tell ya! Lies!
21:17.07ZandoseWell i can seem to find this on the website so I'll ask here.
21:17.20ZandoseWell I can't seem to find this on the website so I'll ask here.
21:18.23TaintedwispHey if I use 2 events in a trigger that will be if either of them goes off correect?
21:18.25Eaglesis confused
21:18.34Eaglesyes Taintedwisp
21:18.50TaintedwispI am creating my own Player leveling system  :)
21:20.20EaglesWasn't Blizzards system pleasing enough?
21:20.48*** join/#sc2mapster Stranger (
21:21.25Taintedwispuhh no?
21:21.41Eagleshow come?
21:22.03Taintedwisp\hey would that work?
21:22.10TaintedwispI wanted to do it through variables for more control
21:23.03EaglesI'm not sure how Last opened bank works, but if it works like every other "Last.." does, then you have to open a bank in the same trigger.
21:23.17Taintedwispbesides that eagles :P
21:23.24ZandoseThe general idea is this: In the map their is my spaceship (and camera) and stars all around. Since stars are a long distance away I would like to move the stars and make them much smaller. For this I wanted to use something like the polar offset function but with a Z height too.
21:23.26TaintedwispI was talking about using the [r] for each of the players
21:23.45Taintedwispwill that save all the players variables individually?
21:23.55Taintedwispto their own banks
21:23.57Taintedwispor am I doing it wrong?
21:24.13Eagleshow does R reference to any player according to you?
21:24.22Eaglesit's only 0 right?
21:24.35Taintedwispr = 0 autoboxes it
21:24.52Taintedwispmeaning it will run through every array
21:25.10Taintedwispi am pretty sure anyway, from what my minor research on the subject yeilds
21:25.48zfectieEagles, did you know that Taintedwisp and I are gay lovers?
21:25.50Taintedwispi could get it to work, but saving a bank every kill would suck lol
21:26.03Eaglesyou will need to check what event triggered the trigger, and then if its every game time, pick each player and use Picked Player. If it's Any player Leaves the game: use Triggering Player
21:26.04Taintedwispthen I would just use killing player
21:26.48Eagleszfectie Sorry for asking.. but are you 12? ^______^
21:29.20zfectieEagles, indeed.
21:29.28zfectieIn the Netherlands it is iegal to be gay at the age of 12.
21:29.43zfectieYou can legally choose to become gay from 11 years old here.
21:29.46EaglesGreat- then I was correct in assuming so after your statement.
21:30.07zfectieIn exceptional circumstances courts have allowed children as young as 8 the autonomy to choose to be gay.
21:30.18Kuekenuuh, I know that voice
21:30.21Kuekenhey Lajla
21:30.30zfectieKueken, how did you know it was I?
21:31.10EaglesPerhaps there's not many other 12 year olds here? hurr hurr hurr
21:33.56Fenixcan u change the maximum hp a unit has without changing catalog?
21:34.25Kuekenor via set unit property, I believe
21:35.23Fenixyeah unit property
21:36.49*** join/#sc2mapster Tolkfan (
21:45.03zfectieKueken, but seriously
21:45.08zfectiehow did you know it was I?
21:45.15SaVii told him
21:45.34SaVinot :P
21:47.41KuekenLajla my dear, I would always recognize you :-*
21:50.48AhliI need to find a way for me to talk loud enough for video commentary... =/ currently uploading a video without commentary... preview of all skills I made
21:51.42Zoldenloud enough to record commentaries without a microphone?
21:51.53Ahlito talk loud enough
21:52.32Ahliwhen I talk into a microphone I'm talking very softly...almost like whispering
21:54.26Eaglesor just enhance the soundtrack of your video.. :p
21:56.02Zoldenjust check how it records next time before recording the whole thing
21:58.07Zoldenmaybe jump back in time to the Rome, live there a couple of years, drink wine, eat olives, learn rhetoric, become a tribune, develope a perfect voice, then jump back and record your video
21:59.44Zoldenbut try not to change history, because if you change it the way that time machine wasn't invented, it won't work
21:59.56Zoldenwait a minute! there is no time machine invented!!!
22:00.08Ahli it came out as low quality =/
22:00.22Zoldenoh cmon! you ruined it! you cahnged the future! how can we live without time machines
22:01.04Zoldenlow quality - because time machine isn't the only change you caused by changinge the future when you were in the Rome
22:01.40Eaglesahli you should go for the church loading image from D1 instead of "raising undead" and "loading dungeon level" :P
22:01.43Eaglesit'll be more epic!
22:01.54Reaperguyverwell I'm impressed lol
22:03.11Eaglesit's pretty freakin great
22:05.24EaglesWTB Apocalypse spell though! hehe
22:07.12purlfenix is, like, into furry porn
22:08.33Ahliapocalypse is OP
22:09.03Eaglesepicness have the permission to be op
22:10.11Enexywait wait wait
22:13.45Stewoxseems like Repair tool is missing since latest patches
22:13.46*** join/#sc2mapster herolief (
22:14.06EaglesIncluded in the launcher, is it not?
22:14.42Stewoxpatching system has indeed been changed a bit
22:14.55Stewoxold versions don't have DLL and Exe anymore
22:15.18StewoxRepair.exe is nonexistant
22:15.40StewoxI had an 1.0 installation, fresh, there was problems with errors opening file
22:16.12Stewoxbut it was Swarm Base.SC2Data, same error message but this is not HOTS product.sc2data issue
22:17.06Stewoxgame is working fine however the install has some temporary stuff leftover like mfil tfil and some update mpqs
22:18.01Stewoxlet me note that I wanted to try how it is to launch before everything was downloaded ... i just went into menu, and then decided to go back out, maybe this had an adverse effect
22:20.13*** join/#sc2mapster DarcZaFire_ (4c67996e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
22:20.18Enexywho called me?
22:20.30DarcZaFire_suxen r u here>?
22:20.44Stewoxthey removed the Repair tool what the FUCK
22:23.46*** join/#sc2mapster DarcZaFire_ (4c67996e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
22:31.23EaglesStewox: "The repair tool's functionality has been incorporated into the Launcher for the game."
22:33.10Ahliyou can delete most stuff in sc2 folder... you can then start and check if the launcher loads it again or requires that to function
22:34.01Ahliif your launcher fails, delete C:\ProgramData\
22:34.35Ahliif it still fails, try to reinstall (and maybe wipe registry and cache before) ;)
22:37.42Eaglesand if reinstalling fails, abandon ship!
22:50.04Kueken"frost charger"
22:50.13Kuekenbetween lava tiles
22:50.18Ahlioriginal name and occurences
22:50.23Ahliask diablo 1 designers ;D back
22:58.14Zandosesomeone help me
22:59.27Zandosewell that didn't go over too well
22:59.59Eaglesdidn't you ask for help before but then never asked a question? :P
23:00.31Zandosei did ask for help and said what i was trying to do but everyone ignored it.
23:00.50*** join/#sc2mapster Claymuffin (18351cc8@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
23:01.07Zandosechecked earlier post to make sure he's not lying.
23:01.32EaglesDon't think there's a question in there, but I missed that message, sorry
23:01.48Zandoseis done checking
23:01.50ClaymuffinAnybody knows if the math function round automatically round up, down or both?
23:01.57EaglesAnyways, you should just throw your questions into the pit and there's a higher chance someone will help you, rather than asking to ask :p
23:02.23Zandosetheir was a question but it may not have been easy to see or understand.
23:02.36Zandosei remember
23:04.33ZandoseI believe I need a function to calculate a polar offset taking into account a height (x, y, z) offset.
23:05.45Zandoseor in other words, I have a 3d space map and I need to move the "stars" to the edge of the seen while keeping their correct xyz angles.
23:06.29*** join/#sc2mapster Torhal|work (~torhal_wo@
23:06.50Zandoseand in other words again, using the angle from my ship to the star create a offset which is not greater then the map size (256).
23:09.03Zandoseand/or in other words, one last time, similar to moving the star by using a polar offset with a angel based on the angle from my ship to the star, except this does not take into account a height/Z/Pitch.
23:09.16ZandoseGOOD LUCK PIT!
23:09.29RepoNew experimental map: Echoes of War -
23:09.50RepoNew experimental map: klithmouth -
23:10.03Eaglesfjsmjc,jldjkcjkmiijmxvmejn xm
23:11.04Zandosei thought as much
23:13.05EaglesZandose, did you expect me to answer? :P
23:13.30Zandoseno. just commenting on your fjsmjc,jldjkcjkmiijmxvmejn xm
23:13.59Zandosei believe most peoples minds would go to fudge on that question
23:14.23KuekenI still don't get it
23:14.27Eagleshehe, that's the description of the latest experimental map.
23:14.44EaglesMy only comment towards your question would be... ELI5 ;D
23:14.45Zandoseprobably because I'm not explaining is good and have no idea how to explain it better
23:15.03Kuekenso you have a map with 3d movement
23:15.15Kuekenprobably some kind of flight/space simulator
23:15.35EaglesWhat function are you using right now, and what is that function lacking (param "string(16)")
23:15.40Kuekennow you want to place stars somewhere
23:16.00TaintedwispHey how do I         Variable - Set PlayerXPRequired[q] = (PlayerXPRequired[(q - 1)] + 200)  without letting it hit -1 the first time?
23:16.08Kuekenthese stars are purely visual, I assume?
23:16.13Zandoseplacing stars is easy. what i want to do afterwards is hard
23:16.13Kuekenand not reachable?
23:16.28Kuekenwhat do you want to do afterwards? ;)
23:16.46EaglesTaintedwisp: If then else => If Q > 1
23:17.00Zandosethey are reachable but are such a great distance away they are specs in the distance
23:17.05ClaymuffinAsking again, someone must know I'm sure
23:17.07ClaymuffinAnybody knows if the math function round automatically round up, down or both?
23:17.26Eagleswhy don't you try it? :P
23:17.39Taintedwispgotcha thanks
23:17.52Claymuffinya well... h-here I go!
23:17.56Kuekentrying is your best bet ;)
23:17.57*** join/#sc2mapster Zandose (c654d26a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
23:18.03Kuekenround 0.49 and 0.50
23:18.08Claymuffintryyyying is looooong :D
23:18.09Zandosesorry the window wasnt updating the scrolling
23:19.01Zandosenow where were we
23:19.14Kuekenyou were trying to explain what you need ;)
23:19.24Kuekenstars are not the problem
23:19.30Kuekenso what is the problem?
23:19.43Eaglesnorth korea
23:19.49Kuekenthat too
23:19.54TaintedwispOH GODZILLA!!
23:19.59*** part/#sc2mapster Ahli (
23:20.20Zandosebrb. need to take care of a kid for a moment
23:22.32Eaglesstarcraft 2, 4 years from now? custom maps will be called Games, and there will be an obvious GamesStore. You can play all kinds of genres. Excellent.
23:22.50Kuekenand noone plays or makes these Games
23:24.37EaglesTo think of it, Galaxy Editor is like GameMaker, but so much easier to use
23:25.10Eaglesif a store comes, sc2 could go f2p
23:25.31EaglesAnd don't tell me I'm delusional!
23:26.08Claymuffinrond make 0.49 = 0 and 0.5 = 1
23:26.11Taintedwispits not working at all :/
23:26.14Taintedwisphell with it
23:26.28Eagleswhat's wrong Taintedwisp?
23:26.33Zandosemake your own function
23:27.54TaintedwispPlayer leveling system is fucked lol
23:28.31Kuekenwell, Claymuffin, that was to be expected
23:28.55KuekenI would be surprised, if it did otherwise
23:28.58EaglesTaintedwisp, gotta start somewhere, there's nothing wrong with spending alot of time on refinement
23:29.06ZandoseI have a map of size 256x256x200(height). The stars are place all over the map with different heights. I alter the visual scale of the stars to show distance. The next thing I want to do is move the stars to the edge of the map to give the appearance of distance. so I need to find a way using the angle of the ship to the star and move the star to the edge of the map. The edge of the map should be 100 from the center (enter of ma
23:29.18TaintedwispI just dont care that much Ill work on it some more later
23:29.40Kuekenyou got cut off, Zandose
23:29.43TaintedwispI was creating a player leveling system to use as a base for my own project, as well to post on mapster as an asset, since there isnt any ont here -_-
23:30.01Taintedwispthere is the 1 "Leveling" system, but it sucks and is very unuseful
23:30.10Eagleswhich one?
23:30.23ZandoseKueken, I did?
23:30.33Eagles"enter of ma...."
23:30.43Kueken" The edge of the map should be 100 from the center (enter of ma"
23:30.56Taintedwispits just called leveling system eagles
23:31.02Taintedwispit uses boss bars and other stupid shit
23:31.07Taintedwispbecause the maker was a noob :P
23:31.12ZandoseI have a map of size 256x256x200(height). The stars are place all over the map with different heights. I alter the visual scale of the stars to show distance. The next thing I want to do is move the stars to the edge of the map to give the appearance of distance. so I need to find a way using the angle of the ship to the star and move the star to the edge of the map.
23:31.13ZandoseThe edge of the map should be 100 from the center (enter of map + 100).
23:31.16Taintedwispi COULD get one to work no problem with a veterency
23:31.20Taintedwispbut I dont want to use a veterecny
23:31.24Eagleswhy not?
23:31.29Eaglesoh right, variables
23:31.38Eagleshas perfect memory, don't tell me otherwise
23:32.01TaintedwispVeterency cant presiege nor go past level 99 without some tricky shit
23:32.24Taintedwispplus a few other things that can fuck up
23:32.29Taintedwispsuck as the invisible unit not spawning
23:32.32Taintedwispsuch as *
23:32.36Kuekenso you want a function placing the stars at exactly 100 3-dimensional distance from the center
23:33.04EaglesTaintedwisp, alright
23:33.56TaintedwispI use 6 dimensional arrays to do some crazy shit
23:33.59Taintedwisplol jk
23:34.15Taintedwispthat would be a shit load of data needed to be stored lawl
23:34.30KuekenZandose: sounds about right?
23:34.40Zandosesorry was helping a kid
23:34.50TaintedwispI know i could get this leveling system to work no problem, but dammit I dont want to sit here, and fill in the required XP manually for 50 levels
23:35.00Taintedwispits just my forumla thats fucked up
23:35.07Eaglesthen unfuck it brah
23:35.20TaintedwispThis is what replaces 50 actions to set manually
23:35.23Taintedwispand its fucked...
23:35.25ZandoseKueken, yes but the ship may of be in the center of the map
23:36.12EaglesDon't see how it's fucked
23:36.24ZandoseKueken, yes but the ship may not be in the center of the map
23:36.44Kuekenso 100 distance from ship or from map?
23:36.50Kuekenwell doesn't matter
23:37.52Kuekenyou can use the basic sphere coordinate calculations
23:38.15Eagleswhat the heck.. isn't there suppsed to be a function called something like "Unit Type of Unit"?
23:38.42Zandosenot sure. The map itself has a size limit of 200 across in all ways. The ship itself moves and the stars should be seen from the ships perspective, not the center of the map.
23:38.44Eaglesor.. Unit of Unit Type.. oh yeah, that can't work, DER
23:38.58ZandoseEagles, yes.
23:39.15Taintedwispit goes from level 1 to level 50 instantly -_-
23:39.19Taintedwispits not fixing itself...
23:39.42ZandoseTaintedwisp, paste code.
23:39.43EaglesCan you paste the whole trigger?
23:39.58EaglesOr relevant pieces
23:40.32TaintedwispTheres part of it
23:40.45KuekenI still don't quite get the problem. If all stars are within a sphere with radius 100 from the map center, you would see them from the ship
23:40.46TaintedwispInitialize PlayerLevelingSystem     Options: Action     Return Type: (None)     Parameters     Grammar Text: Initialize PlayerLevelingSystem()     Hint Text: (None)     Custom Script Code     Local Variables         q = 0 <Integer>     Actions         ------- Sets the required XP for each level through a formula.         General - If (Conditions) then do (Actions) else do (Actions)             If                 PlayerXPRequir
23:41.00Kuekenas long as the ship doesn't move out of the 100 radius sphere
23:41.01Taintedwispthats the rest
23:41.04Taintedwispthats pretty much it
23:41.10TaintedwispMap initilization runs the other part
23:41.31KuekenI deteck some serious chat pollution ;)
23:42.11Taintedwispfor anyone wanting to see the entire thing
23:42.50EaglesWhere's your For loop to set each of the experience levels?
23:43.09EaglesRight now you're only setting one experience level- PlayerXPRequired[0]
23:43.19Taintedwispfor loop?
23:43.54TaintedwispI was told that putting an integer that =s 0, would auto box it -_-
23:44.06Taintedwispand when I looked it upt hats what i was told hence why I used the forumal
23:44.23EaglesI have no idea what an autobox is and you probably should forget about it unless you grasp it completely
23:44.30Zoldenguys, what parameter defines that a unit runs away if he has no weapons and under attack? i'd ike to make it not run away
23:45.08Kuekenfirst thing I do in all my test maps
23:45.26*** join/#sc2mapster Torhal|work (~torhal_wo@
23:45.51KuekenBehavior: ResponseNo Response
23:45.51KuekenCombat: Default Acquire LevelNone
23:48.07Kuekenthe first one is what you need, the 2nd makes it not attack unless ordered
23:48.20Kuekenwhich is very useful in testmaps tbh
23:48.46EaglesIf you know how to work the Data Module at all ._. *depressed*
23:49.04Taintedwispthe data editor is easy?
23:49.13Taintedwispits triggers that are a pain in the ass
23:49.43Eaglesheh heh, I disagree :P
23:50.41Taintedwispi am hating this player leveling system more and more -_-
23:51.26*** join/#sc2mapster Ahli (
23:52.45ZoldenKueken: cool, ty
23:53.05EaglesTaintedWisp set levels: Pick Each Integer 1 to Sizeofplayerlevels: set Level[PickedInteger].Experience=PickedInteger*200
23:53.32Eagles^ crappy pseudo, but should give some path pointers
23:53.46RepoNew announcement: HasuCraft ep6 -
23:54.45Stewoxwhere does it say that ???
23:54.48Stewoxlol thank GOD
23:55.16EaglesOn Google.. ;)
23:56.21Stewoxlol probably old topic there
23:56.26Stewoxi found
23:57.01Stewoxalready ran it
23:57.14Stewoxdidn't report anything, it was done real fast though
23:57.27Stewoxfirst time i ran it in 1.0 it took about 3 minutes
23:58.14Stewoxso i think im fine but it didn't clean out Update folder, so those "temp" "part" files are necessary lol, maybe i'll test deleting them temporairly and re-repair to see what happens
23:59.53Stewoxbtw, repair speed like this is on a SSD, takes a lot longer on hdd

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