IRC log for #sc2mapster on 20130302

00:00.33BountySo Taintedwisp, do you think the concept i told you about is something that would make people install SC2 just to play? :)
00:00.46BountyThats really why i have not returned yet, waiting for that concept
00:00.48TaintedwispIt just sounds like a mechanic in a game
00:01.13BountyI explained the entire thing to you lol
00:01.21Taintedwispyeah, but its not a game on its own
00:01.24BountyIt would be like Photon Discs but with those things i listed
00:01.25TaintedwispIts just a single mechanic
00:01.32TaintedwispThen just install it into photon disk -_-
00:01.40TaintedwispIt didnt seem much more.
00:01.42BountyIt would be like Photon Discs in that you have projectiles that can bounce, thats about it
00:02.02BountyIts not designed to be an up close third person game like that
00:02.24BountyIts about using the environment to synergize shots
00:02.42TaintedwispThen make a space invaders type map with it
00:02.51Taintedwispor something new
00:02.56BountyWhy do i ever bother with you
00:03.59Taintedwispor hell make a skill shot pool like game
00:04.13Taintedwispthere are a hundred better things to do then remake your own game :P
00:16.26BountyNot really Taintedwisp
00:16.32BountyI also have an obligation to crush Stardodgeball
00:16.45BountySince it got more popular than Photon Discs and was inspired by it
00:20.13MasterReYquick question
00:20.27MasterReYArithmetic(Real):  int1 / int2  
00:20.36MasterReYdoes that give me an real or an int?
00:21.19MasterReYor do i have to convert every single int variable into a real before i calculate with them and i need a real as result?
00:21.29Ahliarithmetic real gives real
00:21.54Ahliat least it should...
00:22.44MasterReYi had: arith(real):  intvar1 / arith(int): intvar2 + intvar3
00:22.49MasterReYgave me an int :(
00:34.15ThunderLordreals and ints are way to confusing with division
00:38.08TaintedwispTHEN IMPROVE PHOTON DISC!!!:P
00:38.26TaintedwispI told you how to make it the greatest game of all time
00:38.30TaintedwispMake photon tournament
00:38.46TaintedwispHave photon disc, photon cycles, and photon planes in 1 big package
00:39.09Taintedwispphoton tourny == greater then 100% of
00:39.15TaintedwispEven evo-frenzy will have to admit defeat
00:40.03Taintedwispjademus released an open source version of his map, so you could get cycles in there with no problem
00:40.03BountyPhoton Planes? lol
00:40.13Taintedwispphoton planes, is  a concept I cant make :P
00:40.22BountyI dont have to steal jademus map to make cycles
00:40.23TaintedwispI made the concept but not good enough fo rth egame
00:44.40BountyI think ill have made my decision by 2morr
00:44.49BountyI'm only working for 5 hours for overtime
00:44.58Bountyso thats plenty of time left in the day :)
00:58.21*** join/#sc2mapster xXdRaGoNrIdDeRXx (~dillpickl@
00:59.29*** join/#sc2mapster Shawn|Sleepy (
00:59.47xXdRaGoNrIdDeRXxim learning more wuth startools
01:00.26Ahlinow make a goatman :D
01:01.01Taintedwispi wish I Would have made my heroes in a mod :(
01:01.32TaintedwispSo I could use them in other maps
01:02.14xXdRaGoNrIdDeRXxwhy dont you put them in one
01:02.29TaintedwispBecause copy/pasting data is near impossible
01:02.34AhliI hate putting things in mods :S
01:02.45AhliI always freak out when I need to alter data within a mod
01:02.57TaintedwispI have 9 heroes, that are very unique :P thats all
01:02.59xXdRaGoNrIdDeRXx^^ ya its annoying
01:03.06Taintedwispthe spells might not be, bu the heroes themselves are
01:03.27xXdRaGoNrIdDeRXxhmm my only suggestion is to sandboxie it and rewrite them in a mod
01:03.28Ahlicopy paste everything and delete the things that don't belong to anything?
01:03.42xXdRaGoNrIdDeRXxusing the map as reference
01:03.52TaintedwispMeh I could always delete all my triggers/terrain and have a blankish map with them :P
01:04.12xXdRaGoNrIdDeRXxis it possible to just rename the file to sc2mod
01:04.14Taintedwispthough my data would still be a bit messy haha
01:04.16Ahliopen tab in data, select everything, ctrl + c, open other map via window, paste everything into that map, repeat for other tab
01:04.22Taintedwisponly works the other way around
01:04.37Ahliyou might need to alter a few more things then
01:04.49AhliI think it will be possible somehow
01:05.11Ahliyou just need to find out what is inside a mod and a map that makes the main difference
01:05.14Taintedwispwell the more I think about it, the more I say fuck it
01:05.19TaintedwispBecause that means balancing will be a bitch
01:05.38Taintedwispthough mine are pretty balanced, re-uploading a 30 mb mod every 30 seconds would suck..
01:05.56Ahliput images, etc into mod, success
01:06.36xXdRaGoNrIdDeRXxi use a mod for sound images and models
01:06.40Taintedwispi need to go grab another unit picture :P
01:06.44xXdRaGoNrIdDeRXxmindya its 3 diff mods
01:06.48BountyE Cigs are the greatest thing since sliced tobacco
01:06.53TaintedwispYeah same here Dragon, I have btn icons, Models, textures, sounds, and more in my mod
01:07.13BountyJust sayin
01:07.17xXdRaGoNrIdDeRXxi find its more efficient as the map upload is quicker
01:07.26xXdRaGoNrIdDeRXxonly thing i have to put in map is loading screen
01:08.43xXdRaGoNrIdDeRXxhas blizz stated anywhere when retail startoools is available or is it gonna be bundled with hots
01:11.13Taintedwispfor everyone dragon
01:11.17TaintedwispYou dont even need WoL
01:11.26Taintedwispthough you cant publish or use the editor without wol :P
01:11.49xXdRaGoNrIdDeRXxno im wondering when its gonna be released
01:12.09xXdRaGoNrIdDeRXxbefore during or after hots launch
01:12.26*** join/#sc2mapster Tolkfan (
01:12.37TaintedwispDragon these are my heroes :P
01:13.26xXdRaGoNrIdDeRXxsweet i love that hydra skin
01:13.51Taintedwispthanks, made it myself along with all the other texture selected skinsx
01:14.18Taintedwispmy zealot wears sentries and hits people with observers, because he can
01:14.54xXdRaGoNrIdDeRXxi see that
01:15.23xXdRaGoNrIdDeRXxsounds lite some awesome sit actors
01:16.12Taintedwispactually its very simple site operations made using only base sc2 site ops
01:16.28xXdRaGoNrIdDeRXxive never played with them yet
01:17.04Taintedwispthe observer goes into his hand backwards by default I had made something else, with the observer thts even cooler :P but I didnt think the players would like it
01:17.25xXdRaGoNrIdDeRXxdo you have a sample i would like to see
01:17.30TaintedwispYou can make the observer go through his center, giving him an awesome Back, and an observer head through his chest
01:17.34xXdRaGoNrIdDeRXxquestion does he throw the obs
01:17.41xXdRaGoNrIdDeRXxor use him as sword
01:17.47TaintedwispNo he doesnt, but I could easily make an ability where he throws him
01:17.49TaintedwispHe does hit people with it
01:17.58TaintedwispThe observer acts as his sword
01:18.38xXdRaGoNrIdDeRXxit would be cool to leave the ob attach spot and have him throw it then the obs flys normally to a target like heat seeking then explode on impact
01:19.10TaintedwispI could do that no problem
01:19.21Taintedwispjust destroy the attach actor
01:19.25Taintedwispwhen the ability is used
01:19.43Taintedwispand I could even create a timer  so it comes back when the cooldown is done
01:19.50xXdRaGoNrIdDeRXxand create the observer and have it act as a bane
01:20.03Taintedwispnah the observer would be a missile unit
01:20.15TaintedwispI already have 4 good abilities for him though :(
01:20.23Taintedwispsoo not this time, though I do plan on using him again
01:20.46TaintedwispI am considering making an RPG, but I want a good partner to help on that
01:20.50Taintedwispsomeone who can write and such
01:20.54TaintedwispI would do the data
01:21.16xXdRaGoNrIdDeRXxi see
01:21.28TaintedwispI dont wanna handle triggers nor terrain nor writing :P
01:21.53TaintedwispTechnically I could make the majority of the map :P
01:21.56TaintedwispAnd pretty quickly
01:22.02TaintedwispHeroes dont take me too long to create anymore
01:22.08xXdRaGoNrIdDeRXxlol ironically i ecel in those excat areas
01:22.15TaintedwispWanna start on an RPG?
01:22.24xXdRaGoNrIdDeRXxsorry already got one
01:22.27Taintedwispdarn :P
01:22.41TaintedwispI am actually going to make a forum post :P
01:22.46Taintedwispsee if anyone wanys to
01:22.57xXdRaGoNrIdDeRXxim sure people would
01:22.58TaintedwispWhy all the diablos being made :(
01:23.10xXdRaGoNrIdDeRXxive been working on this for 2 years
01:23.12TaintedwispNo one plays the ones that exist :/
01:23.25xXdRaGoNrIdDeRXxmight change it to not be diablo
01:23.41xXdRaGoNrIdDeRXxand have it a normal rpg with a diablo feel
01:23.48Taintedwisplooks nice though
01:24.04xXdRaGoNrIdDeRXxthose are old images
01:24.06Taintedwispthat would be cool
01:24.08xXdRaGoNrIdDeRXxlooks even better now
01:24.24xXdRaGoNrIdDeRXxmy new ui is kinda the cream of the crop
01:25.14Taintedwispthats right you did the animated d3 correct?
01:25.34xXdRaGoNrIdDeRXxquite difficult until i figured it out
01:25.44Taintedwispit take 100 pictures?
01:25.57xXdRaGoNrIdDeRXxanimated model super fast
01:25.59xXdRaGoNrIdDeRXxand small
01:26.16xXdRaGoNrIdDeRXxlow impact on map scripts
01:26.34xXdRaGoNrIdDeRXxtried to make as enhance and effiecient as possible
01:26.51xXdRaGoNrIdDeRXxi dont even use timers
01:26.57TaintedwispWell hey if you switch it from diablo and decide you wanna revamp your heroes, I would love to create the heroes for you :P. if you allow me to do silly tthings like king zhakul and his observer grenade :P
01:27.18xXdRaGoNrIdDeRXxi will think about it down the road
01:27.24Taintedwisp:P okie
01:27.26xXdRaGoNrIdDeRXxive been so busy lately
01:27.40TaintedwispUntil then I think I am going to start on an RPG of my own.
01:27.50xXdRaGoNrIdDeRXxim also trying to increase my learning palklet
01:27.58xXdRaGoNrIdDeRXxthats sounds great
01:28.09Taintedwispyeah I know a map I want to KIND Of remake but not really, Not sure if I can remake that aweomse thing
01:28.16Taintedwispeverplay element rpg?
01:28.18Taintedwispon warcraft 3
01:28.19xXdRaGoNrIdDeRXxi wish starcraft could calculate the pibg of a player
01:28.32xXdRaGoNrIdDeRXxno never played rpgs on war3 only mauls and td
01:28.42TaintedwispIt was sooo awesome you started out as like fire, or water, then when you hit lvl 20 you and another player could breed and create for example steam,
01:29.14Taintedwispso you had a new stronger race but had to level it up
01:29.42Taintedwispthey was the end of that though, if I remake it you will be able to breen hybrids between each other and all kinds of crazy things until you start making shit like airplanes :P
01:30.10TaintedwispSo you can be fire lvl 50, or you can have a lvl 1 jet :))
01:30.17Taintedwispthe jet would win
01:30.27Taintedwispbecause that would take like 10-15 breeds
01:30.32Taintedwispit would be INSANE though
01:30.36sharf224bout ready to say fuck it to this hero tavern thing
01:30.40Taintedwispbut the sheer amount of data that would be needed :(
01:30.51TaintedwispWhat are you trying to do shart
01:30.57xXdRaGoNrIdDeRXxdata was so easing in war3
01:31.10sharf224a building that is shared between all players, and they can build their hero from it to select it
01:31.29sharf224I can't make it build it for the player who pushed the button without using an interac ability
01:31.35sharf224which requires the player to already have a unit
01:31.52xXdRaGoNrIdDeRXxsounds like what special forces do
01:32.04sharf224it's how a lot of maps start out
01:32.06xXdRaGoNrIdDeRXxone building for everyone
01:32.25TaintedwispJust create a dummy unit when teh player clicks the building
01:32.29TaintedwispDo it in triggers
01:32.36TaintedwispSo technically there will be an invisible unit near it
01:32.46Taintedwispand when they dont have it selected kill the unit
01:32.55Taintedwispthats the way I would cheat it
01:32.56sharf224wait what?
01:33.12sharf224kill the unit?
01:33.14TaintedwispIn triggers, make a click event, or unit selected event, when unit selected create unit
01:33.27TaintedwispWhen unit deselected kill unit
01:33.34TaintedwispSo you would kill the dummy unit you just created
01:33.45TaintedwispSo he would gain control over it when he clicks it
01:33.59sharf224that is far from what I want
01:34.12sharf224and I'd rather user the beacon system
01:34.24sharf224what I want is what I get from the interact ability
01:34.28sharf224jsut without having units
01:35.11Taintedwispdunno then
01:35.26TaintedwispI skipped hero taverns :O
01:35.37TaintedwispWent strait to that
01:36.00sharf224I'm thinking I can make an invisible unit for the players...
01:36.46Taintedwispthat literally what i just said...
01:37.04TaintedwispMake a trigger so when the building is selected it creates a dummy unit(invisible unit)
01:37.14sharf224ah alright
01:37.22sharf224don't even need the create on click part
01:41.59QueenGtainted, please remove the techno zerg music from your map, it sounds out of place lol
01:42.11QueenGor electro or whatever you want to call it
01:43.43TaintedwispI did
01:43.45TaintedwispI removed it
01:43.56TaintedwispI removed it 2 patches ago
01:44.06TaintedwispThe For the hive?
01:44.28Ahliradio free zerg?
01:44.40QueenGyes okay thanks tainted ;)
01:44.59QueenGlets play tainted?
01:48.09QueenGi hosted a minute ago and now I have 7 players here
01:48.25QueenGsorry i mean 12
01:48.27QueenGgonna start now
01:48.59QueenGits empty
01:49.00QueenGcome help
01:49.05Taintedwispwhat you playing?
01:49.54QueenGi want to play your map
01:50.07TaintedwispOkay gimme 2 minutes
01:51.40TaintedwispAnyone rip off someone elses terrain to make a quick and dirty one?
01:51.50Taintedwisplike convert a Warcraft 3 RPG map :P
01:52.00Taintedwispworked pretty well I got good cliff levels, thats about it
01:52.50Ahlican we apply a template on a dialog item?
01:53.15Ahlibah only create.... so we can't alter options for a label on the fly like nowrapping
01:53.20TaintedwispStarcraft broke my mouses image again...
01:56.55TaintedwispMan I got those stupid dragons stuck in my head
01:57.03Taintedwisp*the man who broke a dragons heart.
02:00.22*** part/#sc2mapster sharf224 (
02:05.03BountyIn case anyone is interested, i have started a group on battlenet titled "Bounty's Arcade Games"
02:12.11Ahlibahhh, setting the style for the namelabel of a unit in the UI does not work...
02:12.33Ahliwell, selecting another unit overrides it
02:25.50Dogmaifu Taintedwisp
02:37.05TaintedwispWhat for?
02:37.14TaintedwispWhy the hate doggy dogmai
02:38.58Dogmaifor what u said to bounty
02:39.36Taintedwispwhat? ohhh you mean what I told you every time....
02:41.45TaintedwispIt is boring though :( its highly polished by there is very little gameplay really and no excitement :P, you need to add something, dunno what but something, maybe add some events to deathmatch, like electrify the cliff levels, or Empower the weakest person for 1 minute or something to keep it interesting
02:41.59TaintedwispAfter that first round(and sometimes before it) it gets very stale
02:42.08TaintedwispThe items dont make you feel any stronger then you were before
02:42.43MasterReYcan someone explain this:
02:42.45Taintedwispyo masterrey wanna play evofrenzy?
02:42.49MasterReYi cant
02:42.50MasterReYneed to go off
02:42.58MasterReYbut one thing is bugging me
02:43.00MasterReYi cant sleep
02:43.03*** join/#sc2mapster JademusSreg (
02:45.05MasterReYarith(real): [ convertToReal(int1) / ( arithReal: convertToReal(int1) + convertToReal(int2) ) ]
02:45.14MasterReYint1 = 3
02:45.18MasterReYint2 = 2
02:45.33MasterReYeverything is converted to real and only real arith is used
02:45.41MasterReY2 / (2+3)
02:45.51MasterReY3 / (3+2) *
02:45.55MasterReYshould be 0.6
02:46.03MasterReYits calculation of winrate
02:46.15MasterReYbut its 0.598
02:46.33MasterReYcan anyone explain that to me and tell me how to avoid it?
02:47.06JademusSregWhat's the topic?
02:47.31MasterReYi have a map where you micro units in certain matchups and i track wins/losses in a bank
02:48.02MasterReYi want to display winratio of a certain matchup by calculating wins/totalgames
02:48.08MasterReY*100 ofc
02:48.47JademusSregWhat is the nature of your medical emergency? =D
02:49.00JademusSreg</ST:V reference>
02:51.12JademusSregAlso, are you calculating winrate or winloss ratio?
02:51.52JademusSregAlso++, SC2's real number type is fixed-point, not float, so it represents reals with much less precision.
02:52.43JademusSregIts fractional precision is limited to multiples of 0.000244140625.
02:53.44JademusSregSo in practice, you should avoid using SC2 reals for anything requiring much in the way precision.
02:56.37MasterReYso how can i do this?
02:57.00MasterReYi mean its 3/5
02:57.15MasterReYshouldnt that be very close to 0.6 anyways?
02:57.22MasterReYand not 0.598 which is quite huge?
02:57.31MasterReYhuge differance that is
02:58.08MasterReYfor example when i have 48 wins and 19 losses
02:58.27MasterReYi calculate 48 / (48+19)
02:58.38MasterReYwhich makes 0.71641791044
02:58.50MasterReYso i want it to disply 71.64%
02:59.00MasterReYand not 70.8 or so^^
02:59.23JademusSregYou might be able to avoid so many precision problems by scaling the number up before you operate on it.
02:59.49JademusSregThen the whole number portion won't suffer precision problems.
03:00.16*** join/#sc2mapster Taintedwisp (4bb5414b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
03:00.28TaintedwispAnyone else accidentally type in their pass word when they open the IRC?
03:01.01JademusSregYou're printing as a percent, so it serves your needs sufficiently.
03:01.06MasterReYi guess multiplying everything with by 1000 then calculating and then dividing it by 1000 again would work but thats just so stupid lol
03:01.12JademusSregYes, it is.
03:01.25JademusSregBut a stupid solution is better than no solution.
03:01.31MasterReYyeah i gues
03:01.38MasterReYokay then
03:01.43MasterReYthanks for the help once again
03:01.48MasterReYim off to bed
03:01.51JademusSregNo problem.
03:07.09*** join/#sc2mapster ZombieZasz (8e8891bf@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
03:11.19TaintedwispWell If I am going to make an RPG I suppose I should start the concept....
03:11.34JademusSregProto the type.
03:11.44TaintedwispI am thinking Hell RPG.
03:11.48Taintedwispbut that means a LOT of fire
03:12.15JademusSregI figured that meant a lot of time spent on the highway in a grid-locked telecommute.
03:12.27JademusSregCommute? Whichever.
03:12.49Taintedwisphmm is there a way to control the ragdoll physics of a unit?
03:13.01Taintedwispso the body HAS to sat in 1 region?
03:13.05Taintedwispif so I can make some hellish things
03:13.12JademusSregI haven't messed with it yet.
03:13.21Taintedwispjust getting shot with a siege tank over, and over and over and over
03:14.02Taintedwispmeh.. its 1 idea atleast
03:14.26TaintedwispI could do an Evo rpg just to screw with dogmai :P
03:14.55nooblarkyour rpg would suck tainted
03:15.25nooblarkjade, i'm going to throw a party in a few minutes, and you're the honorary guest
03:16.37JademusSregMy attendence will similarly be honorary.
03:17.03Taintedwispnooblark I could make an rpg in like 2 days :/
03:17.12Taintedwispit just would suck terribly
03:17.21Taintedwispwould still be better than many rpgs out there today
03:17.28Taintedwispactually... I could make dbz tribute
03:17.44Taintedwispif I can get a good terrainer and triggerer Ill do the data for that
03:17.53Taintedwispthats a lot of data, but to me it would be worth it
03:18.35JademusSregHow To DBZ Terrain: Start with all the grass. Add all the rocks.
03:18.57TaintedwispIt would need to have a terrain similar to the wc3 DBZ tribute ultra 9.4
03:19.12TaintedwispSo it would need a forest...
03:19.15Taintedwispand a city
03:19.17Taintedwispand a desert
03:19.19Lajjla-Taintedwisp, they thought I was you.
03:19.23Lajjla-did they not, JademusSreg?
03:19.37Taintedwispdont think that faggot to be I jademus
03:19.46Lajjla-to be me*
03:19.57Taintedwispdont care go crawl in a hole
03:20.02Lajjla-Exception to the nominative complement rule
03:22.18Lajjla-JademusSreg, he's being mean to me.
03:23.11JademusSregdoesn't have much interest in the interpersonal relationships of others.
03:24.51nooblarkunless it's with me? <3
03:25.19JademusSregNo. <3
03:25.32Lajjla-JademusSreg, but he called me a lesbian feminazi
03:25.43Ahlio0 equipmentpanel is not using its own frame and altering it makes it move around the unit's info label ...
03:26.04JademusSregI remember. The appropriate response to ridiculous bullshit is to laugh. =D
03:26.27Ahlioh, no... the problem is the tired guy in front of the screen
03:26.29Taintedwispli will remember that next time stupid bitch runs her lips jademus :P
03:26.40Ahlican't see the forst behind the trees
03:28.02Ahlibut forst seems alright, too
03:28.28nooblarktainted, do you like being friendless?
03:28.56Taintedwispyup its quite nice, its peaceful
03:33.49nooblarkare you drunk?
03:34.25Ahliwhat's the energy cheat in sc2?
03:34.43Taintedwispask real questions
03:34.48TaintedwispJade, are you sober?
03:35.15nooblarkhe's so drunk he passed out
03:36.36*** join/#sc2mapster tigger0jk (
03:38.18Ahli has no more password and works on opera
03:40.06Taintedwispahli you should sum up each message log...
03:40.12TaintedwispToo much crap to read :P
03:40.24Taintedwispgimme a couple sentences :P
03:41.32Ahlididn't read...
03:44.31Taintedwisp:P :))))
03:46.30*** join/#sc2mapster duckies (53f1057d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
03:46.32TaintedwispCampaign time
03:46.44TaintedwispI put up a recruitment thread for SCZ Tribute :P  
03:58.43nooblarkjade, no party.
04:00.46iMisuThunderlord you on
04:05.55*** join/#sc2mapster Kubi (4a247954@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
04:07.12Ahlihmm, units have no image of themself
04:07.33Ahliand training doesn't give me the used ability command...
04:09.07JademusSregNot sober, no.
04:10.40JademusSregI was preparing a BTT, a bacon-turkey-tomato, seasoned with peppercorn and whipped cream cheese spread.
04:26.18*** join/#sc2mapster ZombieZasz_ (8e8891bf@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
04:28.41*** join/#sc2mapster xXdRaGoNrIdDeRXx (~dillpickl@
04:29.02xXdRaGoNrIdDeRXxis it possible to get the current animation that is playing using triggers
04:29.25xXdRaGoNrIdDeRXxfor example i have stand unpowered playing and i want to check to see if it is playing to set a variable to unpowered
04:32.53xXdRaGoNrIdDeRXxif there is something like animation is playing
04:32.59xXdRaGoNrIdDeRXxthat would be great
04:34.21JademusSregAnimations are played on the actors, and actors are asynchronous.
04:35.14xXdRaGoNrIdDeRXxis there a way for me to send a message to a trigger when the animation is created to set a variable then
04:35.17JademusSregYou could tag a unit with a behavior, have the behavior fire an actor event to animate, and detect the behavior via trigger.
04:35.35JademusSregNope, again, actors are asynchronous.
04:35.42xXdRaGoNrIdDeRXxcurrently i have the animation change by using the actor message unit click
04:35.58xXdRaGoNrIdDeRXxi could change that to behavior easily
04:36.03*** join/#sc2mapster Stranger (
04:36.12xXdRaGoNrIdDeRXxbut would require a unit click trigger
04:36.36xXdRaGoNrIdDeRXxwas trying to reduce amount of triggers needed
04:36.58xXdRaGoNrIdDeRXxwell thanks jade
04:37.13JademusSregNo problem.
04:42.31JademusSregWell, there is a behavior for click response, but oh well.
04:43.11LajjlaJademusSreg, Taintedwisp hates me. =(
04:45.05JademusSregIt is of no consequence to me how people treat one another. However, if it's persistent harrassment, then I guess I'd need to moderate, assuming a report is filed on the site.
04:47.34LajjlaJademusSreg, hmm
04:47.44LajjlaI think he hyates me because I sort of 'harassed' him
04:47.54LajjlaAs I, I wanted to discuss his political views a bit too much.
04:47.58LajjlaI am at fault. =(
04:48.17JademusSregNo worries, casual trolling is pretty common here.
04:48.28LajjlaI can but beg of you to forgive me, I kneel myself before thy merciful feet.
04:48.37LajjlaWell, that was easy.
04:56.33JademusSregSleep time.
05:01.14*** join/#sc2mapster tigger0jk (
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05:08.55TaintedwispOn the steal the odin mission the odin became immortal -_-... and didnt use the fucking nuke
05:09.23*** join/#sc2mapster Lajjla- (
05:18.30TaintedwispWtf was that...
05:18.32Taintedwispbroken ass shit
05:18.53Taintedwisp50 minutes -_-
05:21.33TaintedwispQuite the challenge though kill 1 planetary surrounded by Starports and barracks making constant units, surrounded by mass amount of turrets with just pure wraiths
05:22.19Taintedwispdid get an achivement though for not letting the odin drop below 30% health, but he went invincible at the part where he was supposed to use the nuke anyway -_-.... sooo i would have gotten it either way
05:22.32Taintedwispeasier to get that achieve then I would have though
05:22.46Taintedwispall you have to do is keep a constant 3 scvs on him at all time
05:23.01Taintedwispdo that and build pure wraiths
05:23.10Taintedwispback your scvs off when siege tanks atack
05:29.31LajjlaTaintedwisp, hey baby
05:30.01*** join/#sc2mapster Torhal|work (~torhal_wo@
05:48.13Taintedwisp Check and mate. Now king me
05:51.19Taintedwispeasier then writing 2 paragraphs on why the previous poster is stupid.
05:52.13TaintedwispHey JademusSreg, check out this article
05:57.02sharf224ok....I have two...issues you might be able to help me with
05:57.08Taintedwispokie ill try
05:57.11sharf224the hero building thing
05:57.20sharf224lol shut up
05:57.40sharf224if I don't have au nit within range (isn't a real problem because i have the range set to 500)
05:57.57sharf224I can still build the units, but it builds them for the building's owner not the person, not sure why
05:58.01sharf224again, not a huge problem
05:58.08sharf224the second thing is
05:58.37sharf224what is the req I'm going to need to keep players from training more than 1 hero? because the "unit count equals" req is for the building owner, not the player pushing the button
06:00.17Taintedwispcheck the mother ships requirement.?
06:00.28sharf224what do you mean?
06:00.31Taintedwispso whats the other problem?
06:00.35Taintedwispoh wait that was bot :P
06:00.53Taintedwispgimme a sec lemme look
06:00.58sharf224ok thanks
06:01.20Taintedwisplike I said never used taverns :\ I went strait to a hero select
06:02.00sharf224well...I don't NEED the tavern, I just thought it was a good fit for this particular map
06:02.04TaintedwispHow many players will be using the tavern at once, is there any instance where more then 1 player might be using them?
06:02.04sharf224how involved is your method?
06:02.11sharf224the idea is
06:02.26sharf224all players (up to 6) will choose there hero from the building
06:02.30TaintedwispAlways happy to gloat :P
06:02.42sharf224ys I know
06:02.47sharf224but how hard is that to make?
06:02.54Taintedwisp<------ Didnt make it
06:03.00Taintedwispyou would have to ask vail
06:03.10sharf224it needs UI work
06:03.14Taintedwispthe triggers I have are pretty simple
06:03.17sharf224stuff a bit advanced for me lol :P
06:03.19Taintedwispits just a hide UI :P
06:03.25Taintedwispthe hide ui is in triggers
06:03.30Taintedwispits all triggers and a small cutscene
06:03.38sharf224the buttons?
06:03.47Taintedwispthose are dialog buttons :P
06:03.50Taintedwispagain triggers
06:04.01sharf224dialogue buttons....
06:04.03Taintedwispthe cutscene is just the cameras
06:04.06sharf224alright that's new to me lol
06:04.09Taintedwispthey are triggered :P
06:04.18Taintedwispcreate dialog item(button) :P
06:04.18sharf224I may look into that :P
06:04.28TaintedwispAlrighty so for your hero selce
06:04.35Taintedwispyou said multiple players WILL click it at the same time?
06:04.55sharf224have you played uhm
06:05.02sharf224island something
06:05.05sharf224it's a cat and mosue type game
06:05.21sharf224or...footman frenzy on wc3?
06:05.51Taintedwispyes I have played footman frenzy quite a bit
06:06.03Taintedwispthats Evo-Frenzy :P
06:06.07sharf224yes yes
06:06.10sharf224in wc3
06:06.14sharf224the hero select process
06:06.19Taintedwispyeah i know
06:06.20sharf224for footman fenzy is what I want
06:07.04sharf224hang on
06:07.57sharf224reqs apply to a specific player
06:08.04sharf224you can't use a req to check other players?
06:08.07sharf224or all units?
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06:14.02TaintedwispDunno tbh, just try to replicate the Mothership requirement but for your unit and test that\
06:14.16sharf224what's the mothership req?
06:15.13Taintedwispits requires that you have 0 motherships to purchase
06:15.20sharf224yeah ok i see that
06:15.23sharf224I HAVE that now
06:15.40sharf224and it works (when the units are being trained by the player who owns the building)
06:15.49sharf224when they are created for the players though, it doesn't count
06:16.03sharf224because the req is for player 7, but player 1 is pushing the button and getting the unit
06:16.09sharf224so he can still push other buttons
06:16.23Taintedwispwhy player 7?
06:16.31Taintedwispyour tavern should ALWAYS be neutral 0
06:16.40sharf224because player 7 happened to be the one I picked
06:16.52sharf224I kind of need it not to be 0
06:17.07hobbidudethen change it to the player that selects it
06:17.10Taintedwispinteract abilities used to mess up when it wasnt player 0...
06:17.20Taintedwispdunno if they still do
06:17.21sharf224well it's been fine so far
06:17.33Taintedwispit messes up with things like count...
06:17.51sharf224changed it to 0
06:18.08sharf224no difference
06:18.24Taintedwispfor future refrance in all maps player 0 = nuetral player 15= hostile :P
06:18.30sharf224yes I know
06:18.44Taintedwispif you want it to be colored color it with actors :P
06:18.52sharf224the bulding being used to select heroes is an actual USED structure
06:18.56sharf224I set it to player 7
06:19.16sharf224I see so many problems with this
06:19.25sharf224and any solutions make more problems
06:19.34sharf224might just go back to beacons for now
06:21.11Taintedwispyou could always trigger the count :P worst comes to worst
06:21.36sharf224what do you mean?
06:22.13Taintedwispunit enters region entire map, conditions, unit filter == heroic, if then if then if then if then
06:22.40Taintedwispif unit type of unit == hero 1 then something for player(Triggering player)
06:22.45Taintedwisp<------ not a triggerer
06:23.02hobbidudei am
06:23.08hobbidudesharf what are you looking to do
06:23.11Taintedwispyeah hobbidude is a decent to good triggerer :P
06:23.18sharf224hero tavern
06:23.45hobbidudeyou just need a selection trigger that changes the owner
06:23.51sharf224well that didn't work...
06:23.54hobbidudeand keeps it while a unit is in range
06:23.58sharf224...yeah but
06:24.10sharf224there will be SIX players all using it at once
06:24.11hobbidudewhat did your trigger look like
06:24.19sharf224didn't have one
06:24.42hobbidudeand whats the issue your having?
06:25.03sharf224well, the best method so far is using an interact ability
06:25.04hobbidudeare you having issues spawning to the right player?
06:25.07sharf224and having dummy units
06:25.13sharf224dependso n the method
06:25.22sharf224the interact method no, but the requirements wont work
06:25.29sharf224so one player can spawn all 6 heroes
06:25.42sharf224if I just share control of the building
06:25.48sharf224I can't track which player pushes the button
06:25.55sharf224so I can't then give the unit to the right player
06:26.00hobbidudeof course not
06:26.17hobbidudedata works on a per player basis
06:26.26hobbidudei would recommend...
06:26.41hobbidudedo a trigger that works off blank abilities
06:27.08sharf224I tired that
06:27.28sharf224and I had the same issue, it gives the unit to the owner of the building (player 7/0) not the player pushing the button
06:27.47hobbidudethen change it from owner to triggering
06:28.27sharf224i did
06:28.39hobbidudepretty basic; any player uses ability; create unit for triggering player
06:28.42sharf224and it was the owner of the building triggering it, not the player
06:28.50sharf224and it created it for player 7
06:29.26sharf224Event: Environment - Player Any Player uses Effect Train Z Hero
06:29.38sharf224Action: Unit - Create 1 Zealot for player (Triggering player) at spawn lings using default facing (No Options)
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06:31.54hobbidudewhy is the building neutral?
06:31.58hobbidudeisn't srry
06:32.23sharf224because it would be impractical for it to be neutral, but I tested it with a neutral building and the same thing happened
06:32.50hobbidudeit still spawned for player 7?
06:33.04sharf224no then it spawned for player 0
06:33.05hobbidudewhy would it be impractical
06:34.03sharf224because during gameplay, this structure needs to belong to player 7, and if it belongs to play 0, I have to give it to player 7 later, which would then disable the ability to select a hero, if someone is say, afk
06:34.17hobbidudewhy not try changing the owner for a sec then back
06:34.32sharf224what do you mean?
06:34.52hobbidudewhen the ability is used change the owner of the building, spawn, then revert
06:35.36sharf224how would I change the owner? I don't know who the person who clicked the button is
06:35.52hobbidudeif you're worried about it not working with multiple players add in a wait till
06:36.03hobbidudeit called triggering?
06:36.03sharf224that's not the issue
06:36.19hobbidudei don't think you know how to trigger
06:36.27sharf224:/ you're not understanding me
06:36.41taint|ducingsharf make another trigger
06:36.47taint|ducingButton Pressed
06:37.00taint|ducingchoose your heroes button
06:37.07taint|ducingthen triggering player would be the one who pressed the button
06:37.23sharf224I've been trying to get that information all day lol
06:38.30sharf224pretty sure I can make it work from there...
06:38.53sharf224sharing is only shared with allies right?
06:39.04sharf224GOD DAMMIT!
06:39.12sharf224player presses button
06:39.24hobbidudeunless overwritten in triggers
06:39.26sharf224it still counts as player 7/0 (the building owner)
06:39.42sharf224triggering player
06:39.45sharf224is player 7
06:39.46sharf224not me
06:40.01hobbidudehave you tried running a debugger to check triggering player?
06:41.25sharf224doing that now
06:41.32taint|ducingfuck corbo..
06:41.37taint|ducingthis time I talked my shit in private though
06:41.52hobbidudealso try changing the owner upon selection
06:41.54sharf224corbo...why does that sound familiar
06:42.02hobbidudei know most maps go that route
06:42.03taint|ducingmapster moderator
06:42.36taint|ducingTrying to start shit because I locked a thread 2 hours ago -_-. something I locked to stop people from flaming after the last poster insulted the community...
06:42.42sharf224ok so no debug message came up
06:43.03hobbidudeso your trigger isn;t working properly
06:43.42sharf224well NOW I feel retarded...
06:43.45sharf224forgot I did that
06:44.01sharf224hang on
06:44.07hobbidudejust need another set of eyes
06:44.25sharf224it's also 2 am, running on 4 hours of sleep, and drove like 8 hours lol
06:44.38hobbidudeeven still its hard to see your own mistakes
06:44.42sharf224now how the hell did I break the button...
06:44.44sharf224yeah lol
06:44.49hobbidudecarefull about data working too with trigger
06:45.21sharf224how the hell did it get changed to undefined...
06:46.04sharf224no debug but
06:46.10sharf224the unit spawned right... lol
06:47.32sharf224what is a good effect type to use as a dummy effect?
06:47.41taint|ducingmodify unit
06:47.45taint|ducingor apply behavior
06:47.57taint|ducingeffect != ability :P
06:48.01hobbidudethe other way to do it would be to change owner of the spawned unit
06:48.11sharf224fantastic that's working
06:48.13sharf224but now
06:48.23sharf224how do I disable the buttons for that player when they have a hero...
06:48.35sharf224also disable that button for other players
06:48.39sharf224if that hero is already chosen
06:49.14sharf224also, you mentioned controlling sharing with triggers, can I disable a building's share wit ha specific player?
06:49.49hobbidudei would do it based on playegroup
06:50.17sharf224disable the sharing with conditions?
06:50.38hobbidudedid your doing everything in triggers yes
06:50.48hobbidudeif srry
06:51.07sharf224I have the building shared via the sharing flag in the data editor
06:51.20sharf224if I can do that in triggers, fine
06:51.36hobbidudeif everything working through data right now?
06:51.47sharf224no lol
06:51.50sharf224the building is shared
06:51.58sharf224the button command card is in data
06:52.00sharf224those work
06:52.04sharf224the unit creation is a trigger
06:52.34taint|ducingWHOA I JUST HAD A COOL MAP IDEA...
06:52.39taint|ducingCustom melee type
06:52.57sharf224I have had a map idea since sc2 that has custom races
06:53.10sharf224I might actually make it now that it's possible
06:53.12taint|ducingNo listen
06:53.37sharf224how do I share a building via triggers? lol
06:53.41taint|ducingA Drakken laser drill for each team 2 teams of 4 players The drakkon laster drill is held back by team 2s drill
06:53.55hobbidudewell depending on the way you want to go; you can do a unit count validator on the button or disable the button per player i believe through trigger after the unit is created
06:54.02taint|ducingSo the lasers are clashing the whole time... and i lost the idea
06:54.19taint|ducingthe point was, in themiddle Random Zerg would spawn
06:54.21hobbidudeset alliance in trigger
06:54.36sharf224the sharing still needs to be ticked?
06:54.40taint|ducingand they would be overwhelming amounts so you would have to use the drill to attack
06:54.53taint|ducingbut when you use it, the other teams drill can hit your teams drill
06:55.00taint|ducingwhoevers drill dies first loses
06:55.06taint|ducingthis whole time playing a regular melee game
06:55.16sharf224so....Im assuming you don't want terr to be able to repair it :P
06:55.19taint|ducingWhere theres only 1 race and that 1 race can build ANY BUILDING
06:55.30taint|ducingyeah terran cant repair and its invaulnerable
06:55.36taint|ducingNo creep nor power source crap either
06:55.45sharf224then how does it die
06:55.48sharf224if it'si nvulnerable?
06:55.53taint|ducingteam 2s drill attacks it only
06:55.54RipperRoo(07:53:52) (taint|ducing) So the lasers are clashing the whole time... and i lost the idea
06:55.56RipperRoosmoke less weed
06:56.19taint|ducingalso if the zerg kill your base you loose
06:56.20sharf224hobbidude, how would I disable a button via trigges?
06:56.50hobbidudei believe it would be ability rather
06:57.31sharf224well reqs are out...would I need to use a validator?
06:58.09hobbidudelike the mothership
06:58.30sharf224ok what I want:
06:58.40sharf2246 heroes, each hero can only be chosen once, and each player can only choose one
06:58.58hobbidudeya sounds perfect
06:59.37hobbidudewould be something like equals; constant 0, unit type count
06:59.58sharf224as a req?
07:01.46hobbidudethers req and validators and one works inside the other
07:01.52sharf224my problem with that has been that the req checks the unit count for that player, and the player is not the one pushing the buttons
07:02.54hobbidudeits this a one time restriction or do these need to become available again later?
07:03.03sharf224one time
07:03.06sharf224at the start of the map
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07:03.28hobbidudefuck it then trigger it to disable after the unit is created
07:03.54sharf224disable the ability?
07:04.03sharf224how do I do that?
07:05.02sharf224who me?
07:05.11sharf224you bet your ass lol
07:05.13sharf224if this works
07:05.18sharf224I'm kissing you, then sleeping lol
07:05.42sharf224I think
07:05.45sharf224triggering unit
07:05.48sharf224does not work hang on
07:06.02hobbidudenot triggering unit
07:06.09hobbidudethe shop unit
07:06.27sharf224was doing that before you said it
07:06.29hobbiduderun a return if you want
07:06.30sharf224and yes it works
07:06.38sharf224thank fucking god
07:06.52sharf224ok so
07:06.56sharf224the button greys out
07:06.59sharf224disabled right?
07:07.06sharf224I can still CLICK it and make the unit...
07:07.28hobbidudecheck if enable
07:07.30sharf224it's always something lol
07:07.55hobbidudelol im sure there smoother ways of doing everything but it hard to see without a map and editor before you
07:08.38hobbidudecurious did you not want to do a selection screen?
07:08.41sharf224smooth isn't worth the effort lol
07:08.52sharf224a dialoug thing?
07:09.10sharf224I could
07:09.18sharf224but I already had a working beacon selection system
07:09.27sharf224this particular system made the most sense for the game
07:09.34sharf224but on that note
07:09.46sharf224I oculdn't get dialog buttons to show up >.> but I only spent 5 minutes on it
07:09.52sharf224it's working now
07:09.59hobbidudethey don't show up be default
07:10.04sharf224thank you you beautiful bastard
07:10.16sharf224don't show up by default?
07:10.20sharf224I just did
07:10.22sharf224create dialog
07:10.26sharf224then create item
07:10.32sharf224I was looking for a "turn on" thing
07:10.34sharf224but didn't find it
07:10.42hobbidudeshow/hide dialog
07:10.49hobbidudeits off by default
07:11.27sharf224its things like that
07:11.32sharf224that makes me want to shoot myself
07:11.40hobbidudetry learning data
07:11.54hobbidudeim like 80% through
07:11.57sharf224I'm trying lol
07:11.59hobbidudeim mainly and davanced trigger
07:12.13hobbidudeadvanced srry
07:13.11sharf224dialog gave me an error....
07:13.13sharf224FUCK IT
07:13.16sharf224don't care anymore
07:13.20sharf224it's too late for this
07:13.29hobbidudeyou got everything atm
07:13.30sharf224it's not important
07:13.32hobbidudenext dy
07:13.33sharf224just cool to know :P
07:13.47sharf224I have a bunch of pieces "working" in different test maps
07:13.53sharf224so I'm trying to start building the real map
07:14.06sharf224my biggest snag right now is data
07:14.09sharf224need some abilities
07:14.16sharf224and they are giving me headaches lol
07:14.40hobbidudesame. i found noboby knew enough about data to do what i needed so i had to learn
07:14.47hobbidudeabout 80% through
07:14.54hobbidudemainly projectiles
07:15.02sharf224I'd like to learn, so I've been doing tutorials and stuff
07:15.16hobbidudei learn through concepts
07:15.21sharf224I learn by doing
07:15.30hobbidudebuffs are handy as hell
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07:15.53sharf224most of my abilities that I don't have yet
07:15.59sharf224are physics/search ones
07:16.09sharf224and one of them is driving me nuts and I think it's a mover issue
07:17.16sharf224one of the abilities I want is just the hurricane missiles from the battlecruiser
07:17.28sharf224and I've gotten it to "work" as in it will hurt ground units
07:17.34sharf224but the missiles still fly into the sky and explode
07:17.43sharf224I want them to fly into the ground, or at least level and explode
07:18.01sharf224and I can't figure out exactly what I need to change to fix that
07:18.12hobbidudecheck unit ui height or mover ground hieght
07:18.18hobbidudeor actor launch
07:18.36sharf224I think I
07:18.45sharf224cause rgith now (without any tweaking)
07:18.52sharf224it starts at the unit (the ground)
07:18.54sharf224and flys up
07:19.21hobbidudelook at persistent
07:19.44ThunderLordanybody down to do a beta test of Starcraft Frenzy? just need one more
07:19.44sharf224of what exactly?
07:20.17hobbidudetypicall the search is tied typicall to a persistent
07:20.36hobbidudethat chooses it orgin of the search area
07:21.03sharf224there is LM(launch missile) which is a launch missile effect
07:21.18sharf224then the dummy missile, searc harea, and then the missile itself, which is create persistant
07:21.22sharf224search area*
07:21.51*** join/#sc2mapster twodie (4e3c1a28@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
07:22.41hobbidudeis there not a persistent "before" the search?
07:23.19sharf224there is damage delay and damage persistents
07:23.43hobbidudetypically the order is persistent/search, launch missile, persistent, serach in that order
07:23.44sharf224ther eis
07:23.49sharf224a missile burst persistent
07:24.15sharf224the starter is burst persistent
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07:24.27hobbidudecheck of the offset
07:24.29sharf224it the ncreates the launch missile effects
07:24.31hobbidudez value
07:24.35QueenGsorry thunderlord i got disconnected
07:24.40QueenGu can invite me again
07:24.41hobbidudesounds right
07:24.51sharf224they all have a 0 z value
07:24.58sharf224only x/y changes
07:25.41sharf224I'm convinced it's in the mover at this point...but I could be wron
07:25.46hobbidudeoh what mover
07:25.49sharf224I don't know it enough to say
07:25.49hobbidudeguidance or driver?
07:26.02hobbidudethrow rather
07:26.03sharf224mover type missile
07:26.17sharf224then it has....
07:26.20sharf2243 phases
07:26.32sharf2241 throw
07:26.34sharf2241 guidence
07:26.35sharf224then a none
07:26.43hobbidudecheck the throw
07:26.47hobbidudeat the bottom
07:27.01sharf224throw vector
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07:27.09sharf224x: 0 y:-1 z:0
07:27.54hobbidudewell im now limited without see it
07:28.18hobbidudebut looks like you need to keep and eye out for z differences
07:28.29sharf224it's the default hurricane missiles lol
07:28.33sharf224yeah I've been looking
07:28.38sharf224I'll look some more tomorro
07:28.43hobbidudeill see tomorrow too
07:29.05hobbidudeonce im infront a decent comp
07:29.41sharf224lol alright thanks
07:29.51sharf224I definitely need to stop now XD
07:30.21hobbidudei bet it will all click in the mornign
07:30.22sharf224thanks a ton
07:30.29hobbidudegl hf
07:30.29sharf224hopefully lol
07:30.33sharf224thanks you too
07:30.37*** part/#sc2mapster sharf224 (
07:52.12*** join/#sc2mapster Shawn|Sleepy (
08:11.13G0AI have to say Apple is kickass in copying stuff:
08:17.37*** join/#sc2mapster Spoolofwhool (42b76fd1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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09:46.38twodieSo how is morning going for you peeps?
09:47.43duckiesbetter than ever, the sun is shining and snow is glittering =D
09:48.05twodieit really does
09:48.37Zoldensame, but without sun and with cold and more snow falling
09:49.01duckiesalso, I needed to go to sleep, but I wanted to map, so I decided to "f*ck it, I'll map" and skipped sleep today. F*ck, designing stuff is great :D
09:50.15twodiebtw seems like will have to remove all the sounds from AoK
09:50.39Zoldengiving up sleep in sake of mapping is a heroism, you have to include this fact to the map's description, so ppl know what you did
09:50.54Zoldentwodie: remove them with a fart sound
09:51.14twodieremove or replace?
09:51.15Zoldenor just ask blizazrd to create the new sounds for you
09:51.30twodiei guessing they wont bother doing that
09:51.40Zoldenthey bother to create images
09:51.49Zoldenfor the featured panel
09:51.52twodiethey more likely suggest to dig in wow and wc3 game files to find those sounds
09:52.23Zoldenwow sounds should be fine
09:52.49Zoldenbtw, I have improfed most of wow models I use for homm, now they look pretty with nomrl/specular maps
09:52.51twodiedont have space to download full wow and expansion packs
09:52.54G0Aduckies how the fuck did you become so motivated about maping recently?
09:53.11ZoldenG0A: I think he's on drugs
09:53.13duckiesZolden: I'm not giving up anything, I'm just doing what is right for me at this particular time :3
09:53.25duckiesG0A it's random :D
09:53.39G0Ayeah its drugs then:)
09:54.03duckiesriiight.. >.>
09:54.04Zoldenit's jsut spring, it affects people, gives something motivationall
09:57.04G0Ait gave none to me, fucking seasons.
09:58.44Zoldencombination of drugs and spring would obviously work better
10:05.42twodieZolden add some images to your maps
10:05.50Zoldenyea, I was going to
10:05.58Zoldenafter I finish fixing models
10:06.03Zolden5 more to fix
10:06.36twodiewhy removed the map?
10:07.03Zoldenthere was a strange situation, ppl with different locales saw diffrent names
10:07.21Zoldensome saw ...magic, and others ... mag!c
10:08.00ZoldenI decided to fix it, changed the name, and found out that the map has a new version
10:08.11Zoldenso, i deleted the map before publishing
10:08.17Zoldenand then it refused to publish
10:08.25Zoldensaid "map name is blank"
10:08.56Zoldenall locales has the same non-blank name
10:09.04Zoldenand it refused to upload
10:09.12Zoldenso, I published with a new name
10:09.35Zoldenand new name is Heroes of Might and Magiс
10:09.50Zoldenwhere the last "c" is russian "с"
10:10.34Zoldentenarsis said they'll fix this blank name bug in 2.0.6 patch
10:11.17Zoldencc <-- boobs
10:11.29Zolden3  <- boobs from top view
10:14.05G0A"2.0.6 patch" when will that come out? 2020?
10:14.45Zoldenhis post in your thread "This may be related to an issue with publishing maps that will be addressed in the 2.0.6 patch shortly after HotS launches. You can work around it by publishing the map with the exact same names for the exact same locales that it was last published with."
10:15.35Zolden"shortly" may mean a couple of weeks i guess
10:17.02*** join/#sc2mapster RazielZ (Raziel@2a01:388:201:4190:bd4d:505a:2a80:ac32)
10:25.59taint|ducingzolden, herrrrooooo groooowwwwww
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11:12.25purlblizz-deletarius <d8940048@gateway/web/freenode/ip.> was last seen on IRC in channel #sc2mapster, 7d 19h 14s ago, saying: 'I believe it is possible, but I'm not exactly sure which actor message it is'.
11:12.42Kubia week?
11:12.46Kubidat nigga is dead
11:13.17KubiI've been playing War Thunder
11:13.19Kubilike a total badass
11:14.06G0Awhat is war thunder?
11:14.25G0A(I am lazy to google)
11:14.25KubiMMO WW2 Flying game
11:14.33G0Asounds nice
11:14.36Kubibig arieal battle
11:14.41Kubiway better than wolrd of planes i hear
11:14.43G0Alove WW2 fly games
11:14.57Kubimakers of wings of prey
11:16.35KubiThis one has land/and see
11:16.38Kubilike AA cannons shoot you
11:18.34KubiFUEL LEAK
11:19.06*** join/#sc2mapster TBO_ (b2198e82@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
11:21.53KubiIs it good if my prop goes out in mid air?
11:23.32*** part/#sc2mapster G0A (
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11:24.45taint|ducingkubi :O hes working on a game that ships in less then 10 day s:))
11:24.49taint|ducingHes VERY busy i am sure
11:25.00taint|ducingRemember just because the disc ships doesnt mean the game itself will
11:25.06taint|ducingwait bad phrasing
11:25.16taint|ducingJust because the disc ships doesnt mean its finished
11:25.28taint|ducingthere will still be a patch, atleast I think
11:25.39KubiI know
11:25.56taint|ducingyes I am going to have sushi tonight how did you know :P
11:26.14taint|ducingHey kubi if you get some time check out evo-frenzy :P
11:26.26taint|ducingImma tell you 100x till you do it
11:27.40Kubiyesterday was my bierfday
11:29.52G0Ahey Zolden classic scifi story in short with nice cgi
11:33.27*** join/#sc2mapster Ahli (
11:41.37rtschutterdoes anyone know if there is a hotkey to make old chat messages show up?
11:42.19G0Aehh my sc2 folder is 32 gb and I dont store any of the mapping stuff there
11:43.22G0Adoes campaign has De and fr translations?:)
11:43.30G0Aeach of them take 1 gb
11:43.38G0Afucking audios
11:44.04ZoldenG0A: ty
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13:33.35twodieanyone home?
13:36.51Vailim awake
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13:40.19*** join/#sc2mapster Ortund (Ortund@
13:41.37OrtundHey everybody! Can anyone help me with installing a map pack? I'm talking about the SC1 maps at
13:42.07OrtundI followed the install guide word for word, but I keep getting "unable to open map" regardless of which map file I try to open
13:45.38twodieso lazy to do that!
13:46.41Ortundlol to do what?
13:47.40zenxutoo lazy
13:49.38twodieto try to help you...
13:49.49twodieit would take a lot of effort
14:04.34Ortundlol well if there's anything I can tell you that'd make it easier, then please feel free to tell me :)
14:18.19Ahliwhat is "Dialog Observed type"?
14:40.32Ortundguess nobody knows...
14:41.32Ahlihmm, how do I get the actor ID of an actor?
14:49.28DustinSup noobs :D
14:55.36twodienot much nerd
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15:51.18evilyim making a splash effect for my DT, and it works, but for some reason, sometimes, the DT damages itself. Anyone know where i can switch this off?
15:52.01Ahliexclude self
15:53.51evilyexclude value -> origin unit or source? or somewhere else
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16:20.41xXdRaGoNrIdDeRXxchat seems dead :P
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16:37.18ThunderLordim alive XD
16:37.32xXdRaGoNrIdDeRXxi see
16:41.08G0AI am zombie.
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16:44.28ThunderLordhey  G0A, sorry i had to run yesterday right as that game was ending, but i wanted to ask what u thought of it?
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16:59.41*** join/#sc2mapster Kubi (4a247954@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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17:04.53G0AThunderLord lol I thought I left before you:)
17:05.28G0Aits was nice, though heros felt imba.)
17:05.54ThunderLordyeah for sure
17:06.01G0Aalso abilities tooltips could be worded better way, was hard to figure out what do they do
17:06.01ThunderLordi just have to keep ballance testing
17:06.11ThunderLordokay that is good to know
17:06.19ThunderLordill go through and re-write them all
17:06.39iMisumy dick is so hard for you
17:06.48ThunderLordXD Y?
17:06.59G0Aalso its not clear where you can buy items for your heros and if the items dont stack than you should say that loud:D (you should have a text tag where you can shop)
17:08.22ThunderLordwhen u played where was the shop button
17:08.29ThunderLordat the top or by the inventory?
17:08.30G0AAlso iMisu had the least kills and he won, that was weird:)
17:08.48iMisucause im no scrub
17:09.01ThunderLordlest minion kills or hero kills?
17:09.09G0Ait was bottom of the inventory but I didnt know at start where can I use it
17:09.10iMisuleast minion kills
17:09.18KubilETS PLAY YO MAP
17:09.24iMisufuck up
17:09.25ThunderLordi see
17:09.27iMisuwere gonna play mine
17:09.28ThunderLordwait really?
17:09.37ThunderLordlets play both (:
17:09.48iMisuwe are waiting on you nub
17:09.59KubiI'm already way ahead of you
17:10.01Kubii'm on line
17:10.07KubiYour not
17:10.09Kubiwhat now
17:10.13Kubiwhere is your GOD NOW
17:10.22G0Aalso hero stats item stats and items should be placed somewhere else.)
17:10.30iMisuyou may be online
17:10.37iMisubut your not in the TitanX lobby
17:10.39G0AI mean the UI
17:10.47ThunderLordgetting on
17:10.49iMisucomeplay TitanX
17:10.52KubiI'm not in TitanX lobby
17:10.55KubiI'm waiting for you
17:10.56Kubito invite me
17:11.04ThunderLordhow else do you think i can make it more obvious?
17:11.05iMisujust go to titanx game
17:11.14iMisutype TitanX in find
17:11.23KubiWay ahead of you
17:11.30G0AThunderLord obvious of what?
17:11.34iMisuand thunder
17:11.36iMisulets gooooo
17:11.38ThunderLordlike where the inventory is
17:11.41ThunderLordim online
17:12.02G0AI am not coming, I am doing some mapping
17:12.03ThunderLordhow the levels work
17:12.14iMisuwe need one more for teams
17:12.59ThunderLordill try and grab my friend
17:13.49G0Ahow levels work was pretty clear. You should have text tag where you can use the item shop and list of items your hero have should may be placed over center of the UI.
17:14.14ThunderLordoh, good idea
17:14.34G0AThunderLord if you select multiple units the items UI feel very bad.D
17:25.41DustinWhat are you guys doing
17:26.26Kubileft imisus game
17:27.33iMisurage quit so hard lol
17:27.50Kubinot rage
17:27.59Kubilaggy 90% of the time
17:28.04Kubiobserver is annoying as fuck
17:28.16iMisuobserver is very easy to use
17:28.24Kubiyeah but its slow
17:28.28Kubiand you need it with you 100% of the time
17:28.31iMisuso speed it up
17:28.41Kubiatatch a detector to selendris
17:28.44Kubior get rid of invis
17:28.57iMisuyou can use other units as detectors.. dur
17:29.04Kubilike? that I haven't picked
17:29.16iMisuyou can repick units
17:29.37Kubiwhats the requirement for that
17:29.46iMisu~2 upgrades
17:30.16Kubithats like 5
17:30.59iMisuif you dont upgrade the entire game yah
17:31.14KubiI did
17:32.28iMisunice 1 upgrade on those units i see
17:34.01ThunderLorddatz rite!
17:34.37iMisukubi is a rager
17:34.38iMisuthats all
17:34.40ThunderLordwhere was ur obs?
17:34.40iMisuits okayh
17:34.45iMisuat your selendria
17:35.01iMisui was counting on the broodlings to block the dts
17:35.03ThunderLordi DT sniped his Selendria
17:35.36DustinHow the crap do I preview a units animation in this new cutscene thing
17:36.24iMisujust do what kubi does and rage on it
17:36.26iMisuand leave it
17:36.49iMisuacts like he doesnt know whats goin on
17:36.55ThunderLordwe are all friends here!
17:37.10iMisui thought it was hilarious
17:37.21iMisu"Kubi has left the game."
17:37.26Dustinfound it
17:38.10ThunderLordwana play a round of SC2 Frenzy? so i can check my latest ballance changes
17:38.23iMisuyes but no observer raging
17:38.39ThunderLorddont worry. there are no cloaked units in my map XD
17:38.40*** join/#sc2mapster rtschutter (
17:38.58ThunderLordi hate fucking cloaked units, and u know what the great part about being a map editor is?
17:39.15ThunderLordi can clo whatever i want, so if i dont want
17:39.17iMisumake it the way you fucking want it
17:41.49DustinIf this works...
17:41.59DustinGonna be happy
17:42.21ThunderLordhey Kubi, u down to test SC2 Frenzy?
17:42.27ThunderLordi hope it works for you (:
17:42.36iMisuno cloaked units!
17:42.39iMisuno nerd rage!
17:43.08ThunderLorddont know why ur so happy XD i owned u with cloaked units that game
17:43.29iMisuolol why cant i be happy
17:43.49ThunderLordbecause i feed on your suffering
17:44.16iMisuthat totally fucks the bromosphere
17:44.39ThunderLordWhen i DT snipe u
17:44.59DustinI wish we could make comments in the Actor Events area
17:45.07DustinSo i could organize this shit
17:45.08ThunderLordu and me both...
17:45.15ThunderLordi hate actors...
17:45.27iMisujim carry is hilarious
17:45.50ThunderLordi would ask the MA dev team to help us test, but its 5 AM in australia so XD
17:45.52DustinIm starting to really get a feel for them as of late
17:46.13DustinLike for instance, I just had a problem and the first thing I thought of trying worked to fix it
17:46.16ThunderLordwhats ur secret?
17:46.34DustinIt use to be, it'd take me 3 days to find the source and 6 days more to fix it lol
17:46.49ThunderLordthats progress!!!
17:46.54ThunderLordur a trigger guy rite?
17:47.31ThunderLordwho needs data anyway
17:47.40DustinGotta make it look pretty :(
17:47.55ThunderLordits true ):
17:48.58ThunderLordi do use alot of triggers to run a bunch of the actor events and effects in my game tho XD
17:51.39Dustinnot a bad idea :P
17:52.29ThunderLordThose are some trigger work rite there!@
17:52.34ThunderLordno data in that ability
17:52.40ThunderLordcept the dummy ability
17:52.50ThunderLordi used the "Enviornment Create explosion"
17:53.33DustinYa I miss the days of wc3 vJass where I made super sweet shit easily while writing code
17:54.27ThunderLordthe good old days XD
17:54.40ThunderLordi actually never had the chance to delve to deeply in to Jass
17:54.58DustinJass sucked, vJass was awesome
17:55.26ThunderLordi wouldent know ): i was 16 when SC2 Came out
17:55.39Dustinoh daaamn
17:55.40ThunderLord15 when i got the beta
17:56.09ThunderLordso i didnt even know that coding was a thing until like 6 months before starcraft came out
17:56.38Dustinthats crazy
17:57.03DustinIm 27 and its like we're from completely different worlds lol
17:57.13*** join/#sc2mapster Monkalizer (53b4b5a1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
17:58.20MonkalizerI made a custom unit from scratch, using the huge crystal model. My target is a unit that the drakken lazer drill is going to cut through (like the campaign map) However, when I try to target this unit, it says: can not be targeted by ground forces
17:58.36Monkalizerwhere do I change a units/actors target status?
17:59.27Monkalizeris it a flag somewhere or some ability I have to add?
17:59.53ThunderLordseems like that would be a unit flag somewhere
18:00.09ThunderLordbut i dont know for sure
18:00.54ThunderLordHey could a few of you guys help me do a test run of my game? im trying to get a full house so i can record a demo of the game
18:04.36ThunderLordu will?
18:05.30Monkalizeri think im going to help myself to a beer :)
18:05.42Dustinmonk, thats a goood idea.
18:09.05Monkalizerlets see how my old planetarium is holding uup
18:14.28Monkalizerargh! now I remember
18:14.36Monkalizeri had no stars only background
18:14.58Monkalizerall the skyboxes have planets or dust in them
18:19.05Monkalizeris it possible to create a transparent terrain pattern?
18:19.35ThunderLordnot sure, u should try it, and let me know though :D
18:19.43Monkalizerid like to create a green grid in my planetarium, marking the ground floor of the planetary system
18:25.23Zoldenmaybe terrain texture's alpha channel can make it transparent?
18:26.03DustinI can testn ow
18:26.11ThunderLordi just gotta find 1 more
18:26.23DustinCome play
18:26.29DustinThen we'll play your castle d
18:27.08*** join/#sc2mapster Tolkfan1 (
18:27.12Zoldenactually I'm uploading, and have to test, because the update may ruin everything, so i have to know immediately
18:27.28*** join/#sc2mapster Tolkfan2 (
18:27.45Zoldenit's that feature when bnet time for trigger to finish is lower then singleplayer modes
18:27.53Zoldenand i'm near the edge
18:28.26Zoldenbut if i'm lucky i'll test fast
18:28.37Zoldenand then ask u if u started or not
18:29.03ZoldenDustin: and i'm not testing castle, i'm texting homm these days
18:29.30DustinI saw that it was on the list now
18:31.40ThunderLordiMisu, we are ready
18:33.06iMisuinvite me
18:33.22*** join/#sc2mapster Monkalizer (53b4b5a1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
18:33.52MonkalizerZolden: where do I set the terrains alpha?
18:34.02Monkalizeris it a image thing or a checkbox somewhere?
18:34.16Zoldenit's image alpha channel
18:34.24Monkalizerhm, ok
18:34.35Zoldenu need to export terrain texture, edit its alpha, import, replace
18:36.56Monkalizerk thx
18:53.26taint|ducingHELLO WORLD
18:53.30taint|ducinggo fuck yourself :P
18:53.43iMisuthe hell is ducing ?
18:54.01Taintedwispbailing, Leaving abruptly
18:54.15iMisuduce ?
18:54.18Monkalizeru high?
18:54.27iMisuare we just fucking making words up today
18:54.44TaintedwispNo I was helping someone and wanted to go to bed so I duced, or left with little to no notice
18:54.53ThunderLordhey we need 1 more to help test Starcraft Frenzy, we are all set and ready to go online, and one of our testers bailed on us
18:55.07Taintedwispits skater language :P
18:55.16TaintedwispThunderlord can you wait for me?
18:55.22Dustinim a sakter
18:55.28ThunderLordhow long?
18:55.32Taintedwispim omw now
18:55.38Taintedwisp1-2 minutes
18:55.38ThunderLordthen yes
18:56.33Taintedwispthen dustin you should have heard the phrase before
18:57.42DustinThrow duces all up in that bitch
18:58.24Taintedwispno thats not the meaning in skater, duces for punk rock means dookie
18:58.39iMisuwhat the fuck are we 12?
18:59.24Dustinthats the plurar of duce
18:59.29Dustinbut I wasnt talking about that
19:07.09Kubiyou testing it
19:08.26*** join/#sc2mapster Thenarden (
19:26.19JademusSregPew pew.
19:30.44Ahliyay, made working tags for production and upgrades on units
19:32.51Monkalizerany tips on how to speed up the data editor? i have an ssd but every time i click something the computer has to think for about 5-10s
19:33.13Ahliproblem was receiving icon from unit type
19:33.56Ahlinow I'm scanning the catalog for train and trainwarp abilities and look for their unit types. if one matches, I check for a valid image in the button
19:34.02JademusSregMonk, are you in table view?
19:34.58JademusSregAhli, the catalog now recognizes custom tags added to the xml?
19:35.00Ahlidouble production works, too :D but it looks terrible on zergling eggs
19:36.18MonkalizerJademusSreg: no
19:36.23Ahlididnt see that
19:36.24*** join/#sc2mapster MasterReY (
19:36.39Ahlibut I don't know what "reference" in the triggers did for catalog
19:37.04Ahlimore interesting is: what is "Dialog Observed type"?
19:37.56JademusSregI attempted to add custom tags to the xml back in the day, pre-1.5, and while it didn't throw errors the catalog didn't recognize them. I was curious if this was to what you were refering.
19:43.19MasterReYI want to give any player 50% more income when they just normally mine mineralz and gas
19:43.25MasterReYis this the best way to do it?:
19:44.05JademusSregNormally mine compared to what other option?
19:44.09MasterReYevents are player 1 minerals changed, p2 minerals, p3 minerals ,....., p1 gas, p2 gas,....
19:44.23MasterReYno other option
19:44.32MasterReYworkers just mine minerals for example
19:44.46MasterReYand instead of giving the player 5 minerals, i want to give him 7.5
19:44.50JademusSregIf there is no other option, why not increase the value of the resources mined directly?
19:45.08MasterReYhow? :o
19:45.28JademusSregFrom the data, of course. =D
19:45.32MasterReYit has a condition to be a certain player
19:45.45MasterReYim a data newb so i dont know that haha
19:45.58JademusSregSo only a specific player gets more?
19:46.00MasterReYits basically for a phantom map
19:46.03MasterReYone is the phantom
19:46.07MasterReYhe gets 50% more income
19:46.21MasterReYis that possible via data?
19:47.50JademusSregFirst solution is to change the unit property Carried Minerals.
19:48.22MasterReYyou mean
19:48.38MasterReYevent : player carried minerals change
19:48.53MasterReYaction : set carried minerals to 5*1.5
19:49.21MasterReYor you mean collected?
19:49.44JademusSregUnit property change via trigger, yeah. Not sure about which event, though I'd expect it should fire when the Carry Minerals behavior is applied to the unit.
19:50.52*** join/#sc2mapster Stranger (
19:52.24JademusSregAlso, you can simply change for the player the Resource Amount Multiplier on the harvest abilities via Upgrade or catalog.
19:52.37JademusSregThat is more elegant solution than the first.
19:53.42JademusSregFor instance, SCV - Gather: Stats: Resource Amount Multiplier set them all to 1.5.
19:54.27JademusSregSince you only want to do it for a single player, an Upgrade or catalog change would be needed.
19:55.02MasterReYnever did upgrades or so^^
19:55.05MasterReYbut ill try
19:56.19JademusSregAaaand lastly there is Buff behavior modification in the Resource category.
19:57.38JademusSregThe multipliers are additive, so 0.5 in the Buff's Resource Harvest Amount Multiplier fields should increase harvesting by 50%.
19:58.28JademusSreg(I assume they are additive as they default to 0 rather than 1, as 1 is typical of factor defaults.)
19:59.21MasterReYi started the upgrade variant now
19:59.31MasterReYi made a new upgrade
19:59.41Ahlican't you just catalog change that for the player?
19:59.47MasterReYset "SCV - Gather" Minerals Multiplier to 1.5
20:00.10MasterReYi do have to make an upgrade for each race i guess
20:00.19MasterReYwhats a catalog?
20:00.37JademusSregCatalogs are like upgrades, but entirely done via triggers.
20:01.14Ahliall the data things belong to the matrix... uhm catalog. and your triggers are the chosen one and can alter parts of the matrix... uhm the catalog
20:01.22JademusSregIf you can learn the path syntax, it's easy to use.
20:01.47JademusSregThe string needed to get or set a value mirrors the xml structure.
20:02.40MasterReYill learn about catalogs next time then
20:02.50MasterReYright now i've set up the upgrades
20:02.59MasterReYprobe,drone,scv gather 1.5 multiplier at mins and gas
20:03.07JademusSregYeah, I didn't want to push catalogs if you didn't feel prepared to deal with it, thus the multiplicity of options.
20:03.17JademusSregYeah, that should work.
20:03.22JademusSregDon't forget mule.
20:03.24MasterReYso now ill just check race by trigger and research the correct upgrade
20:03.25Ahliyeah, got an idea how it might be possible to alter F11's message log dynamically
20:03.37JademusSregOrly, Ahli?
20:03.55Ahlior hmm no
20:04.05AhliI can't just alter text in the text editor via triggers
20:04.43JademusSregNull keys are often displayed instead, though.
20:05.04JademusSregSo if you set the key value to the content, then it should display the key and thus the content.
20:05.47JademusSreg("Null key" intended to mean a text key that fails to point to a string in the localized string file.)
20:06.52JademusSregIn that sense, you don't need to alter text editor text, you can just set the key to the value you want displayed.
20:09.10MasterReYerm btw with the ups
20:09.25JademusSregIt's an old trick from the SC2 beta, before the editor was released. Units added via XML were given null keys for their names. =D
20:09.27MasterReYcan i just set the upgrade level of EVERY upgrade to 1 for the phantom
20:09.36MasterReYevery = scv,drone AND probe mining up?
20:09.54MasterReYor will that give errors?
20:10.40JademusSregMas, I assumed you made one upgrade that did that. Or did you make 4 separate upgrades?
20:11.02MasterReY4 sep :D
20:11.09MasterReYwell okay ill combine
20:11.15JademusSregAh. I'd suggest doing it all from one, yeah.
20:14.18Ahlino, that can't work neither... problem is that I can't alter the referenced text nor the key used in the label
20:20.06Ahliif I zoom far enough out, the terrain rendering window crashes
20:20.45Ahliturns gray as... it disappears
20:21.08JademusSregAnd upon zomming back in? Still busted?
20:21.11Monkalizersigh... cant develop my project any further until I understand the data section better :(
20:21.18Ahlineed to restart the editor to bring it back
20:21.23JademusSregMonk, what's the issue?
20:21.48JademusSregAhli, haha. Shame, for a moment there I thought there might be an application for it.
20:22.16JademusSregWell, I suppose if you wanted to kick someone without kicking them...
20:22.36Monkalizerwell, Im only used to work with triggers and textures. Not the data editor. I've been trying to stay away from it ^^
20:22.39Monkalizerbut now... I have to
20:22.40Bommeshas anyone tried starting WoL and whether or not the HotS Editor still works after starting WoL?
20:22.55Bommessince beta is down
20:23.18JademusSregMonk, the data editor is nothing to fear.
20:23.52Monkalizerno, maybe not
20:24.36JademusSregIf you approach it with patience and curiosity and a willingness to tinker and test, it's easy. The only thing that makes using new tools a terrible experience is the "must get it done now" mentality.
20:26.17BommesAhli, do you know? Can I still use the HotS Beta Editor after I start WoL? Or do I have to login to HotS with the client like before the beta servers went down and there is no way to reconnect to the HotS Editor after I started WoL once?
20:27.32JademusSregWhenever you want to do something, first you look at how things similar to it have been done, and the standard data is there to provide plenty of examples. You look at the fields, follow the links, get a sense of how things fit together.
20:27.45DustinWhat you doin?
20:28.12Monkalizerhe is pepptalking me?
20:28.13JademusSregI'm not terribly busy, atm.
20:28.23JademusSregWat's up Dustin?
20:28.54Ahlido you use hots assets?
20:28.58DustinDo you like Turn Based games like FFtactics?
20:29.01Ahlior because of physics?
20:29.11Bommesassets mainly
20:29.29Bommesthe physics stuff should be in the wol editor too, right?
20:29.31JademusSregFFT is my most beloved game, it is my mistress, our affair spanning the totality of time and space.
20:29.33Bommesjust no assets to support it
20:29.36Ahliwell, no idea :D you could try and make a mod out of the archives
20:30.00Bommeswell I can use the HotS editor right now, all I have to know is whether or not I'm unable to use it once I open WoL
20:30.10DustinSweet, I want to get some people to play my WC3 map that is very based on fftactics, just getting a pole of people who liek that kinda game
20:30.11Bommesbecause I can't log into the beta servers anymore or something
20:30.16Ahlilet me check
20:30.26Bommesthought you might already know  thats why I asked you :)
20:30.31JademusSregIs it an imminent test?
20:31.04AhliI was able to create a new hots map
20:31.10DustinProb not, cause we gotta use wc3 v 1.21b, cause the patch after that broke the way they handeled game cache
20:31.16DustinBut I have it all zipped up with the map
20:31.21Bommeswith hots dependencies on?
20:31.33DustinOn my FTP, so everyone would justh ave to DL it and then we could paly over LAN with like Garena
20:31.55Ahliwhen I place a swarmhost in the editor , I see a gray rectangle, jade :D
20:32.16MasterReYis there no "total game time" for a condition?
20:32.22MasterReYim just blind right now i guess
20:32.24DustinKind of a pain, but its fun :P
20:32.50JademusSregDustin, if you can get me a time, I can schedule it. =D
20:33.08MonkalizerI'm making a map in outer space, but im facing the farting mutalisk problem: should I use mutalisks or should I just stick with corruptors? Brood lords (attacking air units) is also stupid
20:33.11Monkalizerwhat to do?
20:34.20JademusSregI'll be busy soon, so I'll need a time in advance of the gathering itself.
20:35.25DustinIm really thinking about stoppping my current sc2 map and work on porting this one over
20:36.22AhliI can see the rectangle ingame
20:36.26JademusSregMonk, Zerg adapt to challenges, so feel free to make changes.
20:37.17JademusSregAhli, haha, and it only works with the swarm host?
20:38.17Ahli rectangle
20:39.00Ahliappears with 2 mutalisks too
20:39.03JademusSregDustin, that could be nice, but I think you could do better in SC2. =D
20:39.32JademusSregYep, that's what I've been seeing, Ahli.
20:41.45DustinOH ya it would be alot better!
20:42.06JademusSregMostly it's the nostalgia for cells that bugs me about tactical games.
20:42.53DustinSo you dont like cell based?
20:43.07DustinOr you dont like tactical games that dont use cells
20:44.15JademusSregI like FFT, I take inspiration from it, but I wouldn't want to emulate it too closely, otherwise I compromise my function as a designer.
20:45.02JademusSregI, personally, am more interested in exploring tactical gameplay free of the antiquated restrictions of cells.
20:46.02JademusSregWhich is not to say you should be similarly interested, but rather should explore whichever design questions interest you.
20:47.23*** join/#sc2mapster Taintedwisp (4bb5414b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
20:47.24TaintedwispI HATE NINJAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
20:47.37Taintedwispstill mad they failed me.
20:49.51Taintedwispyou know I have EVERY mission cept that last one finished oh hard in campaign and I am doing a replay on hard haha
20:51.08DustinJade, have I shown you this video?
20:51.47JademusSregYes. I remember suggesting displaying movement range with splats.
20:53.31Dustinkk lol
20:56.44*** join/#sc2mapster Tolkfan (
20:58.38G0Apff you can save up to 15 gb space by deleting useless languages in sc2 folder...
21:01.08*** join/#sc2mapster nooblark|work (
21:01.51nooblark|workI head thunder is a newb.
21:03.13Taintedwispyou give thunder head?
21:03.17Taintedwispthats fucked up noob
21:03.32nooblark|workyou jelly?
21:03.55DustinFuck it
21:04.00nooblark|work"yo, i'm going.. a mouth is a mouth man"
21:04.00DustinIm using Unity
21:04.34nooblark|workanyone who knows that reference is cool in my book
21:04.58*** join/#sc2mapster Monkalizer (53b4b5a1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
21:05.08Monkalizerwould this go for a space-zerg?
21:05.30JademusSregSure, why not? =D
21:05.39Monkalizerhm, have to make a smaller one too
21:05.40nooblark|workwhat the hell is it?
21:05.48*** part/#sc2mapster G0A (
21:05.50Monkalizerim making a space-map with planets
21:05.58Monkalizerit needs a zerg fleet
21:06.18Monkalizerbut mutas, overlords and broodlords require air
21:06.22nooblark|workit's too dark, confusing to its real contours
21:06.31Monkalizeri need to invent new zerg flyers
21:06.49Ahliawwww, adding hots data to 2.0.4 editor crashes it... I got that opiton in new map... :D
21:09.35nooblark|workjade I thought I found the flaw in the while loops yesterday, hence party
21:09.42nooblark|workbut I was wrong
21:09.59nooblark|workit was an issue, but not THE issue.
21:10.24*** join/#sc2mapster Tolkfan (
21:22.57*** join/#sc2mapster QueenG (cebc3c64@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
21:23.12Monkalizerhave you seen the map template doodad
21:23.28Monkalizerthats pretty nice of them to include such a thing from start
21:23.32QueenGis there an api that can toggle the start game lobby button?
21:23.48JademusSregNot of which I am aware.
21:23.51Monkalizeryou can import a sketch of a map and then replace the texture...
21:24.16Monkalizerand then you will have a map-sized sketch
21:25.17QueenGIm planning in the future of making a simple base assault map, inspired by Utter Darkness campaign level where all protoss hero armies battle against the hybrids. On game lobby I want players to select their hero. 1 hero-type per player. At the lobby when its full, I want players to still switch heroes. Do you guys understand?
21:26.03JademusSregPretty sure you can set game attributes such that options are limited.
21:28.56ZoldenAhli: I had that option too, but didn't try
21:41.58MasterReYi finished my phantom map
21:42.06MasterReYeverything is working fine
21:42.09MasterReYbut now i realised
21:42.14MasterReYthe upgrade was a big mistake
21:42.31MasterReYbecause now the phantom will actually mine out his bases alot quicker so its not really an advantage t-t
21:42.46MasterReYhe needs to get extra income without mining his bases out faster lol
21:42.51JademusSregSpeed is always an advantage. =D
21:42.57JademusSregBut it would be rather obvious.
21:43.12MasterReYplayers could just click min blocks
21:43.16MasterReYand check how much he mines t-t
21:47.47*** join/#sc2mapster tigger0jk (
21:49.09JademusSregIn that case, in inelegant trigger should accomplish it.
21:53.14Monkalizer(custom space-ships made out of doodads)
21:59.12Taintedwispyo nooblark its still broken :( and even with the full 5 second some people are still gettting the bug where the hero select stays
22:01.50*** join/#sc2mapster sharf224 (
22:03.42sharf224Im so confused
22:04.53sharf2241 out of 3 actions go off
22:05.00sharf224and I can't see why the others don't
22:09.03A1winuse debug messages
22:09.22A1winwith them, you can see the matrix!
22:09.25sharf224how do I run a debug for a camera pan and an alliance setter?
22:10.11Kubimake me a cool leaderboard ui
22:10.17Kubiin gotoshop
22:10.18A1winyou don't run it for them, you run it for their parameters etc.
22:10.25JademusSregMake it print messages for the relevant values. If it doesn't print at all, the action isn't being called or the event isn't firing.
22:10.40sharf224the even is firing, one of the actions is running
22:10.52sharf224create unit runs, but pan isnt and alliance isnt
22:11.09A1winall the actions "run", it's just a matter of what they do
22:11.34sharf224well they're not doing the right thing lol
22:11.34A1winif you know that the code went to them and there were no errors, you know they ran
22:11.49A1winthat's why you use debug messages to print their parameters and such ;p
22:11.56A1winso that you can see why they are not doing what you want
22:12.21A1winor just show the code to us ;p
22:12.36sharf224the parameters are....triggering player...which works because the create unit works
22:13.19A1winare there waits in the trigger?
22:14.45A1winwhat's Selector_Spawn
22:14.56sharf224a point
22:15.06JademusSregPerhaps the point variable isn't initialized?
22:15.29A1winwell, if the unit is spawned there...
22:15.39sharf224its not a variable
22:15.40A1winare there any other triggers that might interfere?
22:15.57sharf224not that i know
22:16.16sharf224there i also the same pan action in another trigger and it works
22:16.17*** join/#sc2mapster twodie (4e3c1a28@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
22:17.05A1windunno, it looks it should work, so it's either something else, or your editor has broken the generated code somehow ;p
22:17.23A1winremake the actions if you want to be sure they are not broken (haven't really seen it happen often but it could be a possibility)
22:17.33JademusSregI wonder if Select Warrior has been initialized.
22:18.15JademusSregThe event.
22:18.16A1winJademusSreg, the last action of that trigger works (spawns the unit)
22:18.21A1winor that's what he says :x
22:18.31sharf224that is correct
22:18.42motiveslaps nooblark around a bit with a large trout
22:18.44A1winI'd still make it pring a debug message before every action
22:18.52A1winor at least once
22:19.04A1winso that you can be sure it's *that* trigger that runs and does the stuff
22:19.06JademusSregHi thar motive.
22:19.14motiveslaps JademusSreg around a bit with a large trout
22:19.16motiveHi thar.
22:19.44JademusSregWhat brings you to this internet backwater today? =D
22:19.48motiveIs it just me or has been sucking lately?
22:19.50motiveDropping all the players.
22:19.53sharf224I disabled the trigger to confirm that it is what is making the unit
22:20.04sharf224it corrupted them :/
22:20.15motiveMostly boredom, JademusSreg.
22:20.32JademusSregSharf, is any of the camera pan action parameters red? keeps dropping me out of every game I join. :|
22:21.31JademusSregBnet is probably preparing for HotS.
22:21.44sharf224recreated the pan camera action, it works
22:21.48sharf224the alliance one still doesn't
22:22.04motiveJademusSreg: I look forward to our launch day outages.
22:22.22motiveI'm debating putting in for PTO
22:22.47A1winsharf224, it probably meant it was corrupt to begin with, then, and it just displayed it to you at that point
22:23.07A1winor what do you mean by corrupted
22:23.18sharf224what ever you said before lol
22:23.22JademusSregI avoid launch days. =D
22:23.31A1winI thought you meant disabling the trigger corrupted them ;p
22:23.35JademusSregNot like it's a race.
22:23.53sharf224so why does neutral make them an ally?
22:24.15A1winare you sure the other player is player 7?
22:24.41sharf224it starts out as an ally
22:24.47sharf224then it changes them to an enemy
22:24.52sharf224even though I say neutral
22:25.26A1winthey show as red on minimap if you turn on ally color display?
22:25.27JademusSregUse the mutual alliance set action.
22:26.12motiveJademusSreg: I hate that action so much
22:26.27JademusSregYeah, that code is garbage.
22:26.28motiveSo stupid they put it in libNtve
22:27.55JademusSregremoves the standard libraries to prevent their garbage from running.
22:28.32sharf224yes it turns red
22:28.43A1winweird :I
22:29.15A1winJademusSreg, and that is the mutual alliance set action he's using
22:29.35motiveJademusSreg: I think I actually did that in Cortex.
22:29.37motiveNot 100% sure.
22:30.32sharf224why the hell....
22:30.58sharf224changing it from neutral with shared vision to neutral with vision and pushable
22:31.04sharf224fixed it, now it's not an enemy
22:31.05sharf224and is neutral
22:33.06JademusSregIt is outrageous all the useless junk the standard GUI libraries add. iirc, using only Core dependency prevents it, but then you lose access to all the assets.
22:33.17KubiLOL JK
22:33.22KubiSEX TIEM
22:35.27JademusSregGlad they added a Preload Info menu.
22:42.22TaintedwispJademusSreg lemme ask you a question, why is it, that Matts, Tosh and Hansons final missions are SOOOOO EASY
22:42.40Taintedwispfor hansons I built 2 bunkers, and massed wraiths :P
22:42.48TaintedwispIf you have that wraith that mission is NOTHING
22:43.02JademusSregSo people never feel bad about anything ever.
22:43.04Taintedwispthat mission would only be hard if I used ground units or maybe vikings
22:43.15TaintedwispIts okay to fail me once on something..
22:43.25sharf224how do I check if a player has a unit?
22:43.44TaintedwispThey should do like Mortal kombat does, When you loose dont lower the difficulty but stealthly dumb down the AI just a tad.
22:44.08TaintedwispSo if your very very persistant you can win, but its still hard that first time
22:45.10JademusSregUnit or unit type?
22:45.25sharf224either or I suppose
22:45.34sharf224I want to know when each player has chosen their hero
22:45.56JademusSregIf they pressed the button, it stands to reason they chose their heroes.
22:46.17sharf224your point?
22:46.35sharf224this is a seperate trigger
22:46.38sharf224for something else
22:47.44JademusSregI'd be concerned if it was a separate trigger for the same thing. Anyway, if you want to know if they selected the hero, you could check a number of ways.
22:48.21sharf224I suppose I could add to a variable in the previous trigger
22:48.24JademusSregSet a bool on selection, go a unitgroup count for unit type or by filter for the player.
22:50.19JademusSregPlayerHasAccessTo (int inPlayer, string inEntityName); looks intriguing, but I've not tested it, so can't be certain how it behaves.
22:52.29JademusSregUnitCount (string type, int player, region r, unitfilter filter, int maxCount) > 0 or UnitGroupCount (unitgroup inGroup, int inType) or UnitGroupHasUnit (unitgroup inGroup, unit inUnit), any of which could be useful if you want to check without resorting to a bool.
22:53.29sharf224How do I make a run once trigger, when it is turned on?
22:54.32A1winturn if off when it runs ;p
22:54.33JademusSregDepends on your needs. If it has an event, disable it initially and enable when it is needed. If no event, Run Trigger directly.
22:55.12JademusSregIf it's always running, you can destroy it when it is no longer needed.
22:55.47sharf224hmm ok thanks
22:56.12JademusSregYou could also leave it enabled, and have it disable itself.
22:56.37sharf224if I just run it though
22:56.41sharf224it runs once right?
22:57.02sharf224ok cool
23:01.46RepoNew map: SCII RS CAMPAIGN: "An Umojan's job" (working title) -
23:01.46RepoNew map: Star Breaker -
23:04.06sharf224am I wrong in assuming the unit selection actor actually selects it for the player so they can control it?
23:06.01JademusSregActors are the mediators between gameplay and representations thereof, they control the visuals and sound, but do not affect gameplay shit directly as they are asynchronous.
23:06.21sharf224idk why I said actor
23:06.23sharf224I meant action*
23:06.56JademusSregUnit selection action can add units to the selection, but that does not necessarily mean the player can control it.
23:07.35sharf224I want the unit that was just created to automatically be selected by the player who built it
23:08.44sharf224got it
23:08.52sharf224had to deselect the building
23:11.39*** join/#sc2mapster Shawn|Sleepy (
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23:17.03sharf224is it tacky to use camera bounds for each region you're in?
23:17.16JademusSregZelda did it.
23:17.30sharf224well like
23:17.40sharf224was gonna use it to neaten up the minimap mostly
23:19.17ZoldenAhli, a guy asked me is diablo still under development
23:20.55Ahliyes, very slowly :D
23:21.47Zoldenwhy slowly?
23:22.55*** join/#sc2mapster PrettyAwesome (ada87443@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
23:23.49Ahlibecause I am not motivated to work on it right now. I'm not sure what I will do for skills... but he might have noticed that the version on WoL received a few item graphics, cave levels, new game mechanics formulas and with it the whole balance... so I pretty much changed quite a lot recently
23:24.50Zoldenyea, sounds alot
23:24.56AhliI'm always working on it in phases and not constantly.
23:38.22*** join/#sc2mapster tordy (627449d9@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
23:38.23tordywassup dudes long time no see!
23:38.38JademusSregPew pew.
23:43.14Zoldenhi tordy
23:43.25Zoldenwhere have you been
23:43.28Zoldeni thought you died
23:55.16*** join/#sc2mapster Tolkfan (

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