IRC log for #sc2mapster on 20130215

00:02.40Dustin|HomeYour hydralisk's first ability makes you target a unit for an aoe attack
00:10.51TaintedwispWhich ability?
00:10.59Taintedwispyou played it dustin?
00:11.32TaintedwispQueenG imma take a break, and Then when I come back Imma do some MAJOR upgrades to it.
00:11.52TaintedwispDarth Swarm I am going to work on, and the rest of the heroes are going to get a major buff to their veterency
00:11.54nooblarki missed the horrible test?
00:12.11TaintedwispTHe map is fun :P its just underbalanced
00:12.27ZoldenTriceron: I have neither 3d printer nor working robot-soldier model, nor earth conquering plans
00:12.31TaintedwispGotta balance it. problem Is I suck at balancing :P
00:12.38TaintedwispI do radical changes until it seems right haah
00:13.53nooblarkmath 101.
00:15.21*** join/#sc2mapster Vindicator (
00:15.55nooblarki really didn't think logic was so complicated
00:16.42Zoldencomplicated logic is when 1 banging 0 into infinity
00:17.02nooblarki make fully functional triggers, with a video explaining how they work, and how to upload in it your map, and yet they never work, shit is rearranged, broke, missing, taking shits, eating food, and saving the world. i didn't even know all my triggers were capable of that stuff
00:17.25nooblarkwhat do you mean "banging" it?
00:18.12Vailreth|2copy pasting triggers in the sc2 editor can break them fairly badly
00:18.13Zoldenmultiplying it you know
00:18.22Zoldencalculating it's integral
00:18.29nooblarkno vail
00:18.40Zoldendoing it
00:18.41Taintedwispthats data that breaks with copy and pasting :P
00:18.46nooblarkall you need to do is create local variables of same type/name/value
00:18.49nooblarki mean
00:18.58nooblarkyou don't even need that
00:19.01nooblarkit fucking has them in it!
00:20.01nooblarkcombining old triggers with copy paste ones, can break the.
00:25.49Taintedwispnooblark, go fix my fucking triggers.
00:26.01Vailreth|2fixem your damn self
00:26.26*** join/#sc2mapster equinox1911_ (
00:27.35nooblarkwhats wrong with them
00:27.40nooblarkim trying to fix taz's shit too
00:27.44nooblarkhe fucked this so bad
00:28.06QueenGHey, is there anyone here good at the data editor besides just modifying values? In my map, I need someone to have the raynor marine be able to build structures like an scv and other data stuff.
00:29.12Vailreth|2I can help there
00:30.04Vailreth|2now what kind of contrcution did you want?
00:30.53Vailreth|2i can do drop pod builds, warp in builds  modified standard construction types for the three races and more
00:32.21Vailreth|2i can created tired contructions so that as the hero learns the ability he can "build" higher tiers of the same structure
00:32.39Vailreth|2or diffrent structures
00:33.22Vailreth|2can create tiered **
00:34.25*** join/#sc2mapster Princess_Lun (
00:34.46Vailreth|2there is also the possibility of having raynor switch between railsniper and marine models
00:35.15Zoldenswap model
00:35.41Vailreth|2and a bit of scale manipulation
00:36.11KubiHow do I generate the minimap again
00:36.33nooblark-Generate Minimap
00:36.46Zoldenanother possibility is to swap all models to a huge panis models for 2 second, and never do it again
00:37.10Zoldenyea, i have to do it
00:37.19Zoldenand store it in players' baks
00:37.31Zoldeneach player should witness penis switch only once
00:37.54Zoldenand it would be very rare, like he will have to play 10 games to see it
00:38.35Zoldenit will be easter penis egg
00:38.35KubiHow do I generate the minimap again
00:39.05Zoldenwhat do u mean under generate minimap?
00:39.35KubiThe editor minimap shows red tileset as red
00:39.39Kubihowever in game they're brown
00:40.07Zoldenso, u want to change tileset color, right?
00:40.37Kubiits fixed
00:40.40KubiI guess it generated
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01:40.03*** join/#sc2mapster Triceron (1854e5d2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
01:40.16Triceronhey anyone here know much about the cutscene editor?
01:40.26TriceronI'm trying to figure out how to move the 'Director' cam
01:42.35JademusSregI've not touched the cutscene editor. =D
01:42.54JademusSregOr rather not for anything besides checking animations.
01:44.20JademusSregAlso, Dear Esther + To The Moon with shades of Inception.
01:48.08Vailreth|2what are you trying to do?
01:48.26Triceronmake a video of my unit in the cutscene editor
01:48.47Triceronusing the directors cam cuz it's the only window that fullscreens and allows animations to be played
01:49.34Vailreth|2the director view dosent display in game i believe you will need to create either a game or target camera
01:49.43TriceronI can look through the directors cam, but I can't manipulate it.
01:50.19Vailreth|2if i am not mistaken you will need a target camera
01:50.45Vailreth|2and then link the target camera to the director node inside of the director node
01:52.46Vailreth|2it has been awhile since i played with the cutscene editor because it cant do what i need
01:53.07nooblarki was doing so good progressing to fix taz's fuck ups
01:53.13nooblarkand now i hit a wall in my own trigger :O
01:53.17Triceronblah, too much of a hassle.  I'll just turn off all the other panes in the cutscene editor
01:55.32nooblarkbooleans are awesome.
02:03.31*** join/#sc2mapster Grum (
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02:13.11nooblarkjade, you here?
02:13.27motiveJademusSreg isn't here, can I take a message for you?
02:13.44nooblarktell him i said, "Motive needs to suck a big chode"
02:13.50motiveWill do, thanks!
02:14.02nooblarkdustin, you here?
02:14.39nooblarki need a non newb with triggers, specifically dialogs.
02:14.51equinox1911_what you wanna do ?
02:15.26nooblarkjust need to know if there is anything wrong with using the same dialog for all players if there's no interaction that needs to be player specific
02:15.35motiveNope, you're fine
02:15.44equinox1911_no you are totally fine
02:15.45motiveJust make sure to use TriggeringPlayer.
02:15.45nooblarki know now, it's a bad habit, but i'm trying to avoid a lot of extra work.
02:15.56motiveIt's fine, Blizzard actually designed dialogs to be used this way if you want.
02:16.11nooblarkwell motive, the list dialog didn't work :P
02:16.16motiveI separate them for added protection but Blizzard doesn't.
02:16.24nooblarkif a player selects an item, it changes it for everyone..
02:16.31motiveThen you sir, are fucked.
02:16.52nooblarkbutons and shit are fine, because you can do triggering player for dialog used.
02:16.52motiveBut, on the bright side, I've never had anything like that happen.
02:16.54motiveTherefore, magic.
02:17.28nooblarkbut for lists, you need to actually use a trigger to find what one was selected, and apparently ( i havent tested it myself) if two people see the same dialog and change values, it changes for everyone.
02:17.35equinox1911_nooblark, if ou don't want to change the selected items for other playres you need to tell the dialog that
02:17.52nooblarkeither way i need more work.
02:18.18nooblarkright now it's just a dialog, there is nothing to tell it one way or the other.
02:18.41equinox1911_i never touched lists, but i always like to set up my dialog functionality seperate anyways since there is some weird stuff goin on ;)
02:19.37JademusSregPew pew.
02:19.50nooblarkit's fine, my shit is so dynamic, all i need to do is change all the variables to arrays and it will be fixed.
02:20.21nooblarkbut i have a custom progress bar too, i'm concerned it will have a similar problem
02:20.33nooblarkbut i made sure when it changes the size of the fill, it's player specific.
02:21.01equinox1911_then you should be safe
02:21.31nooblarkfor that one :P
02:21.36nooblarkstill need to change my lists one.
02:24.29motiveMy shit is so dynamic I didn't use the keyword 'static' in my code and it became a mess.
02:25.18JademusSregAll dialog control properties are player instanced, so I'm not certain where there is a problem.
02:25.32JademusSregAlso, haha.
02:25.55nooblarkjade, according to someone else (i guess i should self test), if a dialog is a list, and one person selects an item in the list, it was changing it for everyone else..
02:26.06JademusSreg*dialog control
02:26.11JademusSregImportant to make the distinction.
02:26.23nooblarkyou mean a button or something?
02:26.42JademusSregAll the things that are created inside a dialog are dialog controls.
02:26.53nooblarklist box is not..
02:26.58JademusSregIt is.
02:27.06JademusSregconst int c_triggerControlTypeListBox                   = 5;
02:27.21JademusSregThere are 21 dialog control types.
02:27.34JademusSregFrom Label to UnitStatusDurationBar.
02:27.37motiveLadies and gentlemen, I present the most awesome use of Galaxy dialogs ever.
02:27.40motiveYou're welcome.
02:28.14nooblarkmotive, you know galaxy? :O
02:28.31motiveI think I've done more work in Galaxy than anyone else in SC2Mapster, tbh
02:28.32JademusSregIt's not a difficult language. =D
02:28.33nooblarkbut you went to school in camden..
02:28.41motiveI didn't learn shit in Camden
02:28.56motiveI was programming well before college
02:29.06nooblarkw/e fuck you guys
02:29.09nooblarki need GUI help.
02:29.11nooblarknot galaxy
02:29.16motiveIt makes a WoW-like action bar for units in SC2
02:29.20motivewe has a youtube vid
02:29.23JademusSregGalaxy and GUI do the same shit.
02:29.32motiveGalaxy is better :D
02:29.35nooblarki'm pretty sure i just broke my whole dialog now.
02:29.41JademusSregSince GUI is just parsed to galaxy in the mapscript.
02:31.06nooblarkis not right.
02:31.11JademusSregGalaxy is better than GUI in the sense that a bike without training wheels is better than one with them.
02:31.15motivefyi, I don't recommend infinite loops.
02:31.31motiveThey create threads in Galaxy, which, while they aren't real threads, the idea of making a thread to just sleep for 2 seconds in a loop sucks.
02:31.34motiveUse Periodic Events instead.
02:32.07nooblarkmotive, i don't think anyone who uses the GUI understands what the hell that means.
02:32.14motivetl;dr: use periodic events and don't ask me why
02:32.29nooblarki like my loops :O
02:32.35motiveare they made out of fruit?
02:32.44JademusSregI will continue to use my indefinite loops. =D
02:32.53motiveJademusSreg: That's the spirit!
02:33.00motiveI wish I had done more with libPhantom
02:33.08nooblarkthat's the code for the dialog.
02:33.13nooblarkit makes 3 identical lists
02:33.25motiveI haven't worked on any of my projects in months
02:33.38JademusSregwhile (!killThread) { DoStuff(; }
02:33.38iMisuHey nooblark.
02:33.53nooblarkif you go through it, and say that each player choosing something in a list, will NOT AFFECT other players, i'll take your word for it.
02:33.57motiveJademusSreg: I do that in real programming, because it's easier. But SC2 makes it so easy to avoid!
02:33.59nooblarkstfu misu.
02:34.04JademusSregMy keyboard fucks up parantheses if typed too quickly in succession. =\
02:34.09nooblarki hate you so much right now
02:34.11nooblarkyou have no idea.
02:34.28motiveJademusSreg: Behold, the infinite loop.
02:35.40motiveI was working on an awesome LUA-scripted IRC bot for a while.
02:35.40JademusSregnoobl, it shouldn't.
02:35.43motiveI got bored. :(
02:35.53nooblarkok, so now i hate misu x2
02:36.02nooblarkis murder still illegal?
02:36.12motivewell nooblark, let me analyze that question using the logic of the NRA
02:36.14JademusSregnative int      DialogControlGetSelectedItem (int control, int player);
02:36.17motiveonly the criminals will ever follow the law
02:36.22motivetherefore murder should be legal
02:36.32motivewe're almost there, but not quite yet.
02:36.34motivesupport us
02:36.39nooblarkokay motive, so threading is basic instructions for computation, ya?
02:36.45motivenooblark: not quite.
02:36.47JademusSregThis native tells us that getting the selected list item is player specific.
02:36.54motivethreading is running multiply things at once
02:36.58motiveone way to do it, anyways
02:37.12motivein real programming you can always use multiple processes (fork)
02:37.37nooblarkhow is having a trigger on a periodic not a thread, when a loop is?
02:37.49motivea loop isn't a thread, it just runs on one
02:37.59motivean infinite loop necessitates a separate thread if the game wants to do anything else at the same time.
02:38.08nooblarki see
02:38.08motiveexcept Galaxy doesn't use real threads so it's a little more fuzzy, but that's the basic idea
02:38.37nooblarkbasically if a loop were to stop (periodic only fires once timer is hit), it can do other shit in that time..
02:38.56motivebasically yeah
02:39.18motiveit's funny because Galaxy has stuff to make it "threadsafe" via locking but Galaxy is already threadsafe without it
02:39.54nooblarkso what happens if you have a forever loop, sometimes things can try and cross into it, then it gets fuckered up?
02:40.26motiveGalaxy just puts the forever loop in it's own virtual thread, ensures it runs for however many times it needs to given the games 0.16 second resolution, and does anything else it can on a separate thread in the Galaxy threadpool
02:40.42JademusSregLike I said, noobl, all the dialog control properties are player instanced; you don't need to worry about it fucking up. Most errors are user errors, anyway.
02:40.51nooblarkthanks jade
02:40.58nooblarki'm not listening to misu anymore
02:41.04nooblarkdumb mother fucker
02:41.15nooblarki'm totally plotting to kill him atm.
02:41.33motivea few letters short
02:41.50motiveDONT WORRY I GOT THIS
02:42.13JademusSregLog on via another client?
02:42.24secretservicenooblark, please come with me.
02:42.26Taintedwispyall need a live
02:42.38motiveTaintedwisp: I have one =P
02:42.38nooblarkmotive, is periodic still better, if the time was like, .1 or less?
02:42.43motivenooblark: yes
02:42.50nooblarkda fuk.
02:42.52Taintedwispdont lie motive :DD
02:42.59motiveperiodics with .1 or less get rounded to a multiple of 0.16s and executed that many times per resolution
02:43.16nooblarkpeople told me early in my learning of this stupid GUI that more triggers = fail.
02:43.22motivethey are fail.
02:43.35motiveWhat if I told you Cortex only had < 6 triggers?
02:43.39JademusSregSC2 time is, for nearly all purposes, in increments of 1/16 game time.
02:44.09motiveyeah I got my numbers mixed up
02:44.13motive1/16th of a second is right
02:44.16motivebut the rest is correct
02:44.21nooblarkwhat if i said, mine generally have like 3
02:44.24nooblarkor less.
02:44.31motivethat's fine
02:44.51nooblarkso there's no hurt in having 50 triggers?
02:44.54A1winyou only need a trigger when you need an event
02:44.54JademusSregAnd while you can get a thread to execute 32 times per game second, there is no good reason to do so.
02:45.08motivenooblark: if I can do Cortex in < 6 triggers, you can do less than 50!
02:45.17motiveI strive to use as few triggers as humanly possible
02:45.18JademusSregSince anything it could operate on is still only updated in 1/16 gt steps.
02:45.24nooblarksee, a1win, that was my mindset.
02:45.41nooblarkand why use a trigger for periodic, when i can make action def with forever loop :P
02:45.46A1winthen the rest you do in custom actions/functions
02:45.53motivenooblark: either way it's still 1 trigger
02:46.08JademusSregThat is effectively the same thing.
02:46.10motivetrigger calls action def, action def is an infinite loop so the trigger runs forever.
02:46.33nooblarkyou just blew my mind.
02:46.50A1winJademusSreg, yeah, but just a good habit not to create a new trigger whenever you're grouping something up, since a trigger always creates a new thread
02:47.01motiveExcept threads are a lie so newbs can still map. :D
02:47.05motiveBut it's still bad practice
02:47.11A1win;p well yeah
02:47.18nooblarki always combine things with similar events all into one.
02:47.20JademusSregYeah, which is why almost all my code is static initialization before the map initialization event.
02:47.23nooblarkwith a bunch of ifs :P
02:47.27motiveYou can still save a few processor context switches!
02:47.30motiveDo it for the CPUs!
02:47.45motivenooblark: use ifs + action definitions
02:47.53nooblarkwoah wait, you can
02:47.57A1winI don't know enough about scripting with galaxy to comment on that :X
02:48.05nooblarkinitalize variables before map initialization?
02:48.08motiveOf course :)
02:48.12motiveMap Initialization is... an event
02:48.26JademusSregmotive, to be fair, it's a convenient abstraction, the same way anything above direct memory operation is a convenient abstraction.
02:48.31motiveI agree
02:48.35motiveIt's convenient, makes the barrier to mapping much lower
02:48.39motivewhich results in more diverse maps.
02:48.43JademusSregThe difference being that some abstractions are better representative of reality than others.
02:48.45motiveI just like to be a perfectionist.
02:48.52nooblarkso how do i ini stuff pre map ini?
02:48.57motiveLike that
02:48.58motiveThat's all pre-Init
02:49.12nooblarkvia GUi :P
02:49.24motiveCreate a variable and set it in the variable's definition thing
02:49.28motivein the GUI
02:49.30motivenot in a trigger
02:49.35motiveor anything called from a trigger
02:49.38motiveGUI doesn't have a nice way to do it
02:49.43motiveGUI is a liar and a slut.
02:49.48nooblarkwell let's say i have an array of 50
02:49.53motivelet me stop you right there
02:49.57motivecan't initialize an array pre-init in GUI
02:49.58motiveyou're fucked
02:50.00nooblarki guess i can't do that easily in GUI without a trigger :O
02:50.16nooblarksince you guys know so much about galaxy
02:50.40nooblarkthis was the VERY first question, that got me in the mapstser community.
02:51.19motivemy copyright headers are out of date
02:51.21motivehate those things
02:51.24motivealways needing to be updated with new years
02:51.26motive// Copyright (C) 2009-2011 <>
02:51.29motivehas it really been so long?
02:51.34JademusSregMake a bot for that.
02:51.35nooblarkday 1 of mapping, i wanted to: Set Variable - Regions[i] = ("Regions"+i)
02:51.38motiveI usually just use sed
02:51.40nooblarkis there a way to do that in this?
02:51.53motiveIs there a GetRegionByName?
02:51.55motiveProbably, in Galaxy
02:52.02nooblarkso if i make a region on map, called Region1
02:52.09nooblarki can set it to my array[1]
02:52.28nooblarkdeleteruis said somethign about it one time to someone esle
02:52.34JademusSregYou want to use a string to retrieve a value?
02:52.38nooblarkand it made me think maybe there is a way to do it..
02:52.49motivenative region RegionFromId (int id);
02:52.50nooblarkbasically jade, yes
02:52.52motiveYou'd have to do it by region ID
02:52.59JademusSregThat's a Data Table.
02:53.13JademusSregData Tables store values by name.
02:53.14motiveGalaxy natives as of a year ago or something
02:53.15nooblarkcan i use a variable in a loop to use for the ID?
02:53.22motiveAn integer, yes
02:53.37nooblarkhow the hell do i find the IDs of my regions placed on the map?
02:53.43motiveFuck if I Know
02:53.46nooblarkor is name == id?
02:53.48motiveI dynamically create all my regions
02:54.03motiveInteger means number, so name can't be ID.
02:54.20motiveIn Galaxy an integer is a signed 32-bit integer.
02:54.30*** part/#sc2mapster equinox1911_ (
02:54.38JademusSregYou can just use string names with a number and issue them in sequence.
02:54.55nooblarkwhat's the GUI for RegionByID?
02:55.07motiveSo the range of values for an integer is [-2^31..2^31)
02:55.29JademusSregData Tables are dynamically sized, contrasted with arrays which are statically sized.
02:55.44motivenooblark: Not sure there is one. That might be a wrapper for the "Region - Preset" thing.
02:55.48nooblarkso i should use data tables over arrays? :O
02:55.48motiveie. what you've been doing
02:55.58JademusSregHardly ever.
02:56.02motiveNo. Data tables are slower because they operate based on hashes or GUIDs.
02:56.05motiveCan't be sure but they are slower.
02:56.15motiveAnd they are automatically globally scoped, among other  things.
02:56.18JademusSregData Tables are slow as shit, not that you'd notice without a huge number of operations.
02:56.54motiveI actually wouldn't be surprised if data tables were just a map<uint32,void*> at the C++ level.
02:57.00motiveWhere uint32 = GUID for any in-game object
02:57.03motiveThat wouldn't even be too slow.
02:57.25motiveOh wait, I forgot the fact they're named
02:57.26motiveI'm a dumbass.
02:57.29motiveYeah ignore that.
02:57.38motiveI'm thinking of hash maps.
02:57.41JademusSregLast time I checked, data tables were 12 times slower than baseline, surpassed only by catalog lookups.
02:58.02motiveTL;DR: Numbers are faster than strings
02:58.10nooblarkdon't start me on catalogs :O
02:58.15motiveI love catalogs
02:58.17motiveThey're my bff
02:58.19nooblarkfind me
02:58.25nooblarkDeath Effect TYPE
02:58.44nooblarkDeathArray[] houses it, but how do i call the TYPE
02:59.01nooblarki can get the animations, models, but not the 'named' TYPE.
02:59.49motiveI spent about a week figuring out how to read catalogs without having exceptions fly out my ass.
02:59.51motiveLook at libActionBar
03:00.50nooblarkare you saying that is where it is?
03:01.00motiveNope but I'm saying Catalogs are a bitch to read
03:01.08motiveI've never had to look for Death effect
03:01.11motiveBut reading arrays and stuff can be annoying
03:01.22motiveif( CatalogFieldIsArray( CatalogEntryScope(c_gameCatalogAbil, ability), "Cost" ) ) {
03:01.22motiver = CatalogFieldValueGet(c_gameCatalogAbil, ability, "Cost[0].Vital[" + field + "]", player);
03:01.22motive} else {
03:01.22motiver = CatalogFieldValueGet(c_gameCatalogAbil, ability, "Cost.Vital[" + field + "]", player);
03:01.23nooblarki just make loops that iterate through them
03:01.33nooblarkand go in game, write down the values
03:01.56JademusSregIt's all there in the XML. =D
03:02.13nooblarkhow do i see XML of catalog? :O
03:02.17JademusSregCtrl 3
03:02.20motiveMPQ Editor
03:02.22motive...or that
03:02.25motiveapparently things have gotten easier
03:02.44JademusSregMPQ editor or save as SC2Components was pre 1.5 solution. =D
03:03.04motiveMan Jademus, you're like the new kid who can do everything I can before I finish explaining what I'm doing.
03:03.05motiveDAMN YOU
03:03.16motiveis out of practice.
03:03.16JademusSregHah. Only I'm not new.
03:03.20motiveAnd that.
03:03.44nooblarkmotive, no offense, my money is on Jade
03:03.51motiveIt's ok
03:03.55motiveI haven't actually mapped in over a year.
03:03.57nooblarkhe runs circles around you, and you run laps around me.
03:04.15motiveI know everything pre-1.5, the changes get me though
03:06.03motiveAlso, Photon Cycles is awesome.
03:06.07motiveWhy isn't it page 1? :(
03:07.02JademusSregIt was a good premiere. Nothing I made before then got (or deserved) much attention.
03:07.08motiveWell Jademus, I may be out of date but, somehow, my Cortex maps have survived!
03:07.37JademusSregOf course; they offer better options than the competition, I expect.
03:07.39motiveThe only problem is I'd rather play Photon Cycles...
03:07.58motiveSuch dilemmas.
03:08.48JademusSregI'm an impulsive, self-gratifying person, so I would advise doing whatever you feel you want more. =D
03:08.58motiveWell I would but nobody plays Photon Cycles.
03:09.01motiveFucking popularity system.
03:09.07motiveOnly the cool kids like Nexus Wars get played. :(
03:09.15motiveIt's like high school all over again.
03:09.16ckSynergyHas anyone tried the UI layout editor recently?
03:09.17JademusSregSolution: Make a new iteration of the concept. =D
03:09.48ckSynergyWondering if it still crashes like a crack addict at a rehab house. lol
03:09.54JademusSregck, besides looking at it, I haven't tried it.
03:10.00motiveSolution: Give up
03:10.01motivetoo lazy
03:10.29motiveI like Desert Strikes. My opponents usually lag out.
03:10.29ckSynergyId probably use the layout editor more if I could hook-up blizzards built in functions
03:10.39motiveWorks out w onderfully.
03:11.04motiveAlso Risk. If you make a large enough deathball, again, opponent lags out.
03:11.07motiveThis is how I win games.
03:11.11ckSynergyfor example: make my own separate inventory UI, and then hoolup the tooltips, icons etc inside my inventory, instead of just overwriting blizzards
03:11.57JademusSregI once considered making a tug from the premise of two computers attempting to crack one another.
03:11.59TaintedwispFUCK YOU!!!!
03:12.04Taintedwispjust to hate
03:12.19motiveI should make a RL game called CPU wars. The CPU that can spin the fastest wins.
03:12.22motiveThe one that doesn't, overheats.
03:12.32nooblarklast known problem to me with this map im working on
03:12.32motiveMaybe throw in OpenCL, use the GPU too.
03:12.36nooblarkcustom rally.
03:12.44motivePut in a few fancy graphics of two computers beating the shit out of each other
03:12.45motiveBOOM, game.
03:12.47nooblarki get errors when the units are created.
03:13.08JademusSregHow so?
03:13.28nooblarksomething with the second action, gives error in game
03:13.42JademusSregThat's from iM's map.
03:13.50nooblarksaying could not get Point
03:13.55nooblarkit is.
03:13.59motiveWhat if it has no rally point?
03:14.01motiveEDGE CASE BOOM
03:14.01nooblarki made all the triggers for it.
03:14.15motiveedge cases will be the death of you
03:14.18nooblarkno rally, it says that.
03:14.21JademusSregThat's why it was in an if then block.
03:14.25motivewell then
03:14.33motiveI'll go back to lagging everyone out of the game
03:14.35JademusSregThe very one you told iM to remove. =D
03:15.36JademusSregThe approach iM implemented was one suggested by Zolden, apparently copied verbatim.
03:15.52nooblarkthat's his problem
03:16.14nooblarkverbaitim, never uses his own thoughts to change stuff, so things break easily and don't mix well
03:16.44nooblarkis there supposed to be some if no rally?
03:16.47motiveWould anyone be interested in an instance system for SC2? So players can take actions independent of one another in the exact same place without seeing it?
03:16.53motiveI just thought of it, and it'd be sooo fun to make
03:17.00nooblarkor can i change the unit rally, to accept rally to itself
03:17.45JademusSregDunno motive. Why develop what you won't use? =D
03:17.58motiveBecause, haha.
03:18.01motiveI like to develop.
03:18.04motiveIt's my weakness.
03:18.05nooblarkmotive, make WoW the SC2 mod. and you can do that... so people can raid as 10 mans, 5 mans, or 2 mans. lol
03:18.37JademusSregnoobl, if (rally != null) {give the order}
03:18.55motiveso in GUI null = No Rally Point
03:20.00nooblarkyah motive :O
03:20.04JademusSregI much prefer developing shit I will use, and making available the more useful shit.
03:20.30JademusSregAlso, !=
03:20.38JademusSregNot Equal.
03:20.45nooblarkwow, who would have knew?
03:20.56nooblarki really hope you guys aren't being serious.
03:21.10JademusSregCould just as well have been Startled Equal. Or Yelling Equal.
03:21.35nooblarki may be ignorant to galaxy.. but i think i have a good base for the triggering now, except what i learned wrong :P
03:22.47JademusSregAh, sounds rather like the US public education system. Learn a passable amount, then unlearn the misinformation.
03:22.49nooblarklook good?
03:23.24JademusSregLooks correct.
03:24.01nooblarkcan you explain the 1 and 1 in that? i tried to find them in the data editor, couldn't pinpoint to what they are referencing
03:24.18nooblarkfor point 1 with target 1
03:24.19JademusSregGo to the ability for the rally point.
03:24.25JademusSregClick on the info array.
03:25.10nooblarkRally 1, Rally 2, ...... 4?
03:25.14JademusSregThe generic Rally ability has 4 rally points, yes.
03:25.37nooblarkyah, i was looking at these earlier
03:25.53nooblarkbut i couldn't find what the points were being set to, and why there was a need for 4 of them :P
03:26.57nooblarki suppose i should make this rally, self targetable, so if you rally the ground, you can unset it back to the unit that they spawn at?
03:29.04nooblarksweet, enabled self cast, looking good :O
03:29.08nooblarkand no errors
03:30.15nooblarkactualyl, self cast changed nothing. lol
03:30.29JademusSregYou may try this. if (rally point targeting point != null) { issue order targeting point } else if (rally point targeting unit != null) { issue order targeting unit }
03:30.46JademusSregIf you want it to be able to rally follow units.
03:31.39JademusSregAnyway, back to work. bbl
03:35.47BommesMan, my sleeping schedule is just off.
03:37.04nooblarkmine is set. sleep @ 10-12, wake at 6:30-8:30
03:37.31nooblarkmeh, probably 11-12:30
03:38.08nooblarkand then there is a 1-3 hour nap randomly throughout the week. generally every 3rd day
03:39.18nooblarki think i'm going to watch walking dead, since i missed it sunday, and Taz is a douche
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04:33.47QueenGhonestly if nooblark doesnt want to help someone he shouldnt be passive-aggressive about it; he should go do something else.
04:44.17iMisuI'm not a douche
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05:49.43Triceronparticles are fun :D
05:55.42ZombieZaszever figure out the avi thing?
06:03.30Triceronnot yet
06:03.43Triceronthe option is greyed out, haven't found out what toggles it on yet
06:04.20Otixared pants
06:16.04*** join/#sc2mapster iMisu2 (
06:17.06ZombieZasziMisu2: the revenge
06:18.30Triceronpretty pretty princess
06:19.32iMisu2Got into a fucking car accident on my way home
06:19.38OtixaI got so wasted last night ;c
06:20.42ZombieZaszto both: how?
06:20.56iMisu2some guy in front of me and some guy on the back of me
06:21.00iMisu2sandwitch my fucking car
06:21.14iMisu2my fucking car is fucked
06:21.28Otixainsurance hurr
06:21.53Otixaalso, bottle of scotch and a whole bunch of fancy italian meats
06:22.47ZombieZaszif your getting wasted off italians meats they may be past their prime
06:25.41nooblarkhow the hell did that happen
06:25.52iMisu2I think it was a setup
06:26.03iMisu2my car is sitting about 6 blocks from my house right now
06:26.21nooblarkpoor bmw.
06:26.24iMisu2some guy was going hella slow in front of me for like 2 blocks and this guy came up from be hind me
06:26.28iMisu2HELLA FAST
06:26.32iMisu2its not misus car
06:26.34iMisu2its my car
06:26.39iMisu2My FRS
06:26.42nooblarksmashed you so hard from behind
06:26.49nooblarkthat you smashed the dude in front of you?
06:26.58iMisu2the guy in front slammed the fuck out of his breaks the instant i got hit
06:27.10iMisu2it was timed almost perfectly
06:27.13nooblarkgj tailgating :P
06:27.19iMisu2i wasnt tailgating
06:27.23iMisu2the force of the guy behind me
06:27.28nooblarkthis sucks.
06:27.28iMisu2shoved me into the back of the other guy
06:27.44nooblarkdon't forget to take pics.
06:28.00iMisu2i cant get pics till morning
06:28.04iMisu2my GS3 got destroyed
06:28.13iMisu2my only camera
06:28.27iMisu2and misu is in Washington right now
06:29.44iMisu2fucking 45 grand out the fucking window
06:30.13iMisu2the guy behind me hawled ass away
06:30.17iMisu2in his huge ass truck
06:30.26iMisu2and the guy infront of me was acting like he was injured...
06:30.34iMisu2fucking faggot didnt have a scratch on him
06:30.38iMisu2my neck hurts like fucking hell
06:32.37iMisu2needless to say my life gets fucking put on hold
06:34.40nooblarkyou live in a great country
06:37.25iMisu2i put so much FUCKING work into my car.... :(((((((((((((
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06:39.24iMisu2I had an aes -45 boxer dropped into my fucking car 6 months ago...
06:39.26iMisu2and now this.
06:40.04nooblarkcars are one of the worst investments we make.
06:42.26iMisu2its going to take me 1-2 years before im spanking 350z's and g35's again.
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06:44.20nooblarkwell im not waiting for you
06:44.22iMisu2cant get the battery out of my gs3
06:44.35nooblarkfor you to get home.
06:44.50iMisu2yeah be like 3 hours before im home
06:45.03iMisu2upload the map to the repository
06:45.05nooblarkdon't stay up any longer than you need to
06:45.08iMisu2ill get to it tomorrow
06:45.12nooblarkand we'll work on it tomorrow.
06:45.24nooblarki'll be up before you, i'm certain
06:45.40iMisu2im going to go to nissian and lease a car for temp use
06:45.58iMisu2wont be home tomorrow at all
06:46.00iMisu2till late
06:52.43Otixabutt cheeks trembling with fury
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07:28.04dcukhey G0A
07:42.51dcukG0A, go polish **** out of random slide
07:43.07dcukmake it the best map ever, so that I can nag blues to feature it :D
07:43.38G0ABlues should feature my ass.)
07:43.46G0Abut not Random Slide
07:44.03G0Aseems like NSS stucked:(
07:44.16dcukbut I want to play some random slide and I could care less about your ... that  >;/
07:45.30dcukanyway, I've recieved some silly mail from blue and I want to nag him about something, maybe recomend a map, but nothing comes to mind :|
07:45.46G0Awhat silly mail?
07:46.07G0ARecommend him to check final frontier. (so they could shit their pants)
07:47.56dcukthey fancy " Wednesday Night Sprites" and are wondering if mappers would like to have their maps played there, with author guiding player through map.
07:48.28dcukdunno if he sent that mail to only those who were featured or more people
07:49.15JademusSreg"Here's how you play, because it's not designed well enough for you to learn yourself." =D
07:50.39dcukI wonder if that means that starbattle will be next feature
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10:50.11twodie~seen Traysent
10:50.17purltwodie: i haven't seen 'traysent'
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10:51.21twodieZolden seems like blizzard interested to spot light the AoK
10:52.16Zoldenwoud be great
10:53.00twodieif i would made some progress in fixing bugs and improving gameplay :/
10:53.18twodieAge of Knights
10:53.46JademusSregNice acronym.
10:53.53Zoldentwodie: improving gameplay is something I'd like you to do, and have the ideas (based on ron and a bit on mages)
10:54.33twodieall my screen now in my saliva
10:54.58Zoldensalvia divinorum?
10:55.32JademusSregThat shit is more unsettling than lsd and for a short duration.
10:56.15JademusSregOr rather, a whole lot of crazy in the span of minutes.
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10:58.29KomischOoZolden: Good morning :D
10:59.04Zoldenyea, senses got fucked by it
10:59.08ZoldenKomischOo: hi
10:59.20KomischOodid you get over your lazyness? :(
10:59.33Zoldeni can do it now
10:59.44KomischOoThat would be awesome
10:59.50JademusSregWell, shit, looks like I must behave responsibly for a couple hours.
11:00.09KomischOowell dat sucks
11:15.10Zoldenthis should work
11:15.32KomischOothx ill try
11:15.34twodiewhat is taht?> a snow effect?
11:15.42Zoldensplat of snow
11:18.04Zoldensnow effect is easy too, particles are sumbissive bitches now
11:18.25KomischOoid like to be that familiar with the ediotor
11:20.05KomischOowhy is hat snowbrighter than mine?
11:20.12Zoldenu will one day if u're an obsessive nerd like we are
11:20.37Zoldeni think it's different, because it uses different normal/specular
11:20.55KomischOois there a way to fix this?
11:21.16Zoldenyea, set tint color with lower hpc
11:21.25Zoldenwow, a meteorite fallen today in russia
11:21.43KomischOovia trigger?
11:21.48Zolden300 builfings -> no glasses in windows
11:22.03ZoldenKomischOo: in the splat's actor, fiel events+
11:23.02KomischOobut its not listed under tab actors
11:23.51KomischOobrb brekfast
11:24.35Zoldenmeteorite ruined a building
11:25.55ZoldenKomischOo: just add actors tab
11:28.00G0Amore videos about that meteorite*
11:29.57Zoldenwow, cool
11:30.14JademusSregQuite impressive.
11:31.36KomischOoZolden: I''ve had it anyways
11:31.51KomischOobut but no hits when I type in snow
11:32.50Zoldenso, go to events, create event, set it to ActorCreation, and change what happens under it to SetTingColor, and there set white color and hdc to 0.9
11:33.38KomischOoI dont even find the snow splat Oo
11:33.41Zoldenbut u won't make it absolutely similar, because it uses different shader and different maps
11:34.13Zoldeni belisesve you replaced marine's model
11:34.20Zoldenso, use Marine actor
11:37.14KomischOoI cant find SetTingt.. in "Source Name"
11:37.40ZoldenI liked the fear in the voice of the last guy on goa's video, it was full of understanding how defenceless and fragile we are in front of еру mighty nature
11:38.24KomischOojsut a typo still cant find it :D
11:39.33Zoldenif you can't find it, u search in the wrong place
11:39.43Zoldensearch on forum aobut SetTintColor
11:39.49KomischOoyes Sir
11:39.55Zoldenu need more information about basic things
11:40.02Zoldenread aobut events
11:40.07KomischOoi knoow..
11:42.57KomischOoI think im changing the wrong events
11:43.20KomischOoim changing (Basic) Event: Events +
11:43.22KomischOoof unit marine
11:43.31KomischOois that correct?
11:45.09KomischOonvm got  it *so proud*
11:47.32duckieshm, a fireball falling from the sky does look pretty in reall ife, that meteorite is cool stuff
11:47.51duckiesanother shot -
11:48.49KomischOoZolden: Doing this didnt change anything - btw what does HDR mean?
11:51.56KomischOobut settign the cpolour to pink doenst change anything too.. somethign wrogna gain *yeah*
11:53.00OtixaParty pants
11:54.18KomischOoim german and thats ho we roll
11:55.26Zolden"german-japan narco party"?
11:56.05KomischOowaaah zolden what did I do wrong again?
11:56.31Zoldendunno, spam screens
11:56.32KomischOoim wearing my sc2 mapster pants but still I cant even get this to working
11:56.36Zoldenhow do i know wht u did
11:57.34Otixamapster pants? ;p
11:58.16KomischOogerman got pants for everything
11:59.16Zoldenlook fine, now place a marine
11:59.20Zoldenon map
11:59.54Zoldenno idea what's wrong then
12:00.58KomischOoI cant even tint a Marine
12:01.00KomischOoi should quit
12:02.18Zoldeni'd recommend to go to mapster's tutorials subforums and read lots of them
12:02.47Zoldentutorials are much more useful for start
12:03.10Zoldenasking ppl is effective when u know all except few little things
12:06.10KomischOou damn right there but as I said. I've watched tutorials for the basic (I mean real basic) data editor stuff
12:06.19KomischOothats all I need exept in his case
12:06.25KomischOobtw units have the correct colour ingame
12:06.28KomischOojsut notin editor
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12:11.02KomischOothx Zolden. This is fine for me :) I'll be shopping brb
12:43.35G0Awth is this blizz #vengeance media campaign?
12:45.36duckiesI think someone in twitter linked to channel
12:45.55duckiesit has that vengence writing with hots background
12:46.12duckiessays something will happen on feb29th or so
12:48.40G0Aworld will finally end?:)
12:51.40duckiesI sure hope so =D
12:52.53JademusSregIt's going to be a backstory anime about Kerrigan, produced from the same group who made the Mass Effect anime.
12:54.15duckieslike that d3 anime shot before release?
12:54.41duckiesfree stuff, can't complain about that :D
12:55.22G0AAnybody has any idea how could I make my shity Nexus Wars map to the top 1 in popularity? its now stucked on 8th and thats not enough for my devilish world domination!
12:55.39JademusSregMake it not shitty.
12:55.51ZoldenI heard they will release a trigger tutorial about how to keep array indexing in bounds at feb 29
12:57.16duckiesyou should have added "tits" in it's name goa, it's kinda immature but given sc2 demography it would have been a major success
12:57.18ZoldenG0A: maybe leveling up players? like play 20 more games, get a new skin for you builder
12:57.42JademusSregYeah, metagame bullshit is popular.
12:58.11G0AZolden yeah achievements but I am lazy to do that
12:58.41G0Aduckies I should add zombies too the name.)
12:58.53JademusSregI intend to implement Disappointments instead, so everyone can see how shitty you were.
12:58.54G0Amaybe zombie single player mode.)
12:59.19G0AJademusSreg rofl thats actually sounds nice.)
12:59.31G0Abomberbot should have disappointments!
13:00.00duckiessome alternative/bonus mode which is imbalanced and exploitable and thus very fun. probably something with banelings, masses of banelings and explosions, people love that stuff ;/
13:00.22duckiesit's more than they could handle >.>
13:00.51duckiespeople already constantly dissapoint-leave when playing with me, that would just kill them off completely and irrevertably
13:01.13duckiesplaying bomber on NA is so lonely T_T
13:01.45G0Ayou should really make a campaign to get the map popular:)
13:02.01duckiesI should, but will I? :o
13:02.18JademusSregThe optimistic designer aspect of my personality insists great gameplay alone is sufficient to ensure success. Fortunately, compartmentalizing prevents the cognitive dissonance my cynical aspect would inflict on it.
13:04.27JademusSregGreat gameplay plus whatever other external bullshit happens to be fashionable is a fair compromise.
13:05.47G0AJademusSreg its enough if your map lack any complexity or skills you have to learn. (aka your map is simple shit:)
13:06.43G0Aotherwise 50% of people will stop playing after the first try when they totally get owned.
13:07.34G0A500 ehh
13:10.35JademusSregGood design can alleviate, say, the distress of the unknown, the "trashing" players will do when they don't have an idea of what to do next, or improve player focus, make incredible complexity understandable at an intuitive level.
13:11.24G0A"The site where the meteorite is believed to have fallen has been closed off by military units wearing special protective suits."  it must be a microscopic alien race's spaceship!
13:12.21G0AJademusSreg yeah and by that you kill the multiplayer meta game
13:14.19JademusSregI'm skeptical; though a "helper" feature can fuck up multiplayer, that doesn't mean helping players in multiplayer is categorically detrimental.
13:20.02G0Ayou might be bit right in this retarded bnet: Tycoon TD has an expert version which lack any of the help and story line and it much faster because that, but nobody plays that even though the author is the same guy.
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13:27.15JademusSregI mean to point out that features that help players can feel like shitty training wheels and fullbody padding when poorly done, or it can feel as natural as reflectors and margins on the road. Both are meant to help, but one encumbers you, the other guides you intuitively.
13:27.58JademusSregSo yeah, avoid training wheels and respect the player interest and intelligence (relatively speaking), and they will hate you less for it.
13:28.35JademusSregGoddamn do I hate UI clutter and popups and constant urgently inane alerts.
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13:31.08G0AJademusSreg thats why you need to make a campaign:)
13:33.22KomischOoZolden: As soon as I change the model of any unit to snow_splat its: Unselectable. And if Moved by trigger the movement is visible on minimap but the textures stays at its place :/
13:33.46OtixaSong of the now:
13:33.55JademusSregHaha. Fair point, though it can be done without a singleplayer. (Difficult, but doable.)
13:34.04OtixaI started work on my film noir scene :D
13:34.11OtixaFinally finished the shader for it
13:34.19JademusSregLove film noir.
13:34.45OtixaJademusSreg, it's gonna be contrasted black and white tho
13:34.48OtixaNot quite film noir
13:34.54OtixaBut close enuff
13:35.05Otixauploads a preview of the shader
13:35.56Otixakeep in mind that beta ;p
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13:36.40OtixaStarting work on the scene for it now :D
13:37.11ZoldenKomischOo: yea, i know
13:37.37OtixaAnyone wanna help me gather reference? ;p
13:38.05JademusSregI was refering more to the atmosphere and attitude of the genre. Where the weather forecasts are either Fog or Smoke, internal monologues are as natural and plentiful as dames and betrayal, and silence is a pointed knife. =D
13:38.24Otixagrins and nods
13:38.31KomischOoZolden: This kind of sucks :D
13:38.45KomischOoto I have to Fake a movement now by creating and removing them?
13:38.47JademusSregReminds me of MadWorld.
13:39.01OtixaJademusSreg, that's the idea :>
13:39.07OtixaBut more classy
13:39.17OtixaStill not sure what kinda scene I wanna do tho
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13:39.37JademusSregBlade Runner.
13:39.37OtixaWas thinking like an 80s-ish street corner
13:39.44OtixaWith a bunch of shops and stuff
13:39.45OtixaAnd a bar
13:40.06OtixaLike you know those little shops they put on the 1st floor of large buildings
13:40.14OtixaAnd there's like 20 of them next to eachother
13:40.52JademusSregThe film certainly has a strong noir streak; one could just as well switch up the elements and retain the sense of the conflict.
13:41.27OtixaHaven't seen it in forever
13:41.31JademusSregActually, everything about the film could be done in a single setting, and only a few scenes.
13:41.55JademusSregEven one, if you want.
13:41.56OtixaBut it's too sci-fi
13:42.11JademusSregThus the need to change things a bit.
13:42.54JademusSregAnyway, a non-human is only as fantastical as one frames them.
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13:47.06JademusSregAnd a made-up but sinister sounding word or role would have a greater impact. Hunting a Replicant? Been there, done that. Tracking down a Mnemosyne? Oh shit, spooky, I wonder what they are, what they can do, et cetera. The lack of familiarity, the unknown, makes it more interesting, draws curiosity.
13:47.38KomischOoZolden: Just 1 more question regarding this: How do I get rid of the texture again? Killing or removing the unit from the game diidtn change anything
13:48.58nooblarkso quiet..
13:48.58Zoldenunit selection mode in terrain editor, ctrl+a, delete
13:49.05nooblarklol never
13:49.11nooblarkmind. my screen was scrolled up
13:50.03KomischOoi mean ingame
13:50.09nooblarkjade, you make me wonder..
13:54.59JademusSregMust be a voluminous thought to take so long to wonder it.
13:56.20nooblarki was leaving it for you to wonder.
13:57.57KomischOoZolden: How can i get rid of the texture change ingame?
13:58.57Zoldeni think it should be removed since it's just units' model, and units' models disappear when units die
13:59.16*** part/#sc2mapster TheSkunk___ (
14:04.22nooblarkhey jade, i always wondered something else
14:04.37nooblarkhow to properly use a NOT in an if statement
14:05.41JademusSregWell, GUI sucks for boolean expressions, as it forces a comparison or whatever. But there's a way around that, haha.
14:06.12JademusSregif(not(someBool)) inverts the value of someBool.
14:06.32JademusSregIf someBool is true makes it false, and vice versa.
14:06.46nooblarklet me explain what i'm doing
14:07.19nooblarki made a trigger that has two loops, for x, y coords. i want to not make what's it's doing in the four corners of the map
14:07.46nooblarkso i was going to do if x,y =! coord,coord
14:07.53nooblarkbut i need 4x of those, since 4 corners
14:08.10nooblarkso then i started wondering if i could do not
14:08.51JademusSregif (not(p == a or p == b or p == c or p == d))
14:08.53KomischOoZolden: but infact it is not. if unit dies - remains, unit removed fromg ame - remains
14:09.19*** join/#sc2mapster motive|| (
14:09.58JademusSregWell, for gui that would be more like if(not(or(p == a, p == b, p == c, p == d)))
14:10.08nooblarklet's examine it
14:11.13nooblarklol do i need
14:11.18nooblarkthen and?
14:11.45nooblarkbecause it's referring to x,y. so x and y need to be within an AND
14:12.07JademusSregMust be "or", not "and", because the x and y of the point cannot logically be those values simultaneously, you see.
14:12.58nooblarklet's say they could be used same time, if increment was 1, instead of 12.
14:13.12*** join/#sc2mapster Kubi (4a247954@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
14:13.16JademusSregYou want it to terminate if it is any of those values, thus if phrased as a question, you're asking the point "Are you point A? Or point B? Or point C? Or point D?"
14:13.37Kubiwtf is this #vegence bullshit
14:14.03JademusSregHi thar.
14:14.09nooblarki guess the confusing part is : "If multiple conditions are listed under the "NOT" condition, those conditons will first be evaluated as if they were under an "Or" condition, and then the "Not" condition will invert the reselt"
14:14.24JademusSregThat's perfect.
14:14.39JademusSregYou don't even need the Or I specified, as it's default apparently.
14:14.51KubiZolden, ne huya sebe
14:14.53JademusSregSo just dump all those in the not without And or Or.
14:14.56nooblarkso mine should work?
14:15.10KubiIn recent reports it appears Zolden was hit by a meteor shower yesterday.
14:15.17KubiRip Zolden
14:15.24JademusSregIt will assuming your increments are correct, noobl.
14:15.41nooblarkmeh, let me retest, i swore it wasn't working
14:15.42JademusSregYeah, Kub, Zolden came on earlier to tell us he's totally dead.
14:18.08nooblarkyay it works
14:18.53nooblarki put two of the x values in wrong, in 2/4 things, and when i tested it, i saw an overlord in 1/4 locations and didn't notice 2/4 of them didn't have them :P
14:21.15Otixalol twodie :D
14:22.15KomischOoZolden: No idea how to remove it?
14:30.43nooblarki don't know if it was a better way, it seems like less work if i wanted to add more zones later that share coords.. not > X || X && Y || Y
14:32.50JademusSregWhy aren't you comparing the points directly? =D
14:33.06JademusSregPretty sure points are a reference type that compares value.
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14:33.48JademusSreg(Unlike text.)
14:35.47G0Alol twodie :)
14:36.19nooblarkit's for a checkerboard map
14:36.35nooblarkthat trigger makes points at the center of each square
14:36.39*** join/#sc2mapster Torhal (
14:36.48nooblarkand i made it make overlord there so i can test that they all worked.
14:37.48nooblarki'm trying to make it so each thing that would trigger this trigger can have an easier time finding what it was..
14:37.52JademusSregThere's nothing about that which makes points any less viable and convenient, but no matter.
14:38.33nooblarki know what you're saying..
14:39.03nooblarki have a gut feeling it won't work because of something
14:39.15ZoldenKubi: yea, meteorite witnesses comment it with "what the fuck" multiplied by a huge variety of russian obscene dictionary
14:40.18ZoldenI like this one the most
14:40.54Zoldencharismatic speaking, 90% of words are obscene
14:42.06G0AI bet record amount of Vodka will be bought in Russia today.)
14:44.32OtixaZolden, "Включите автоматические субтитры - там самый сок!)))"
14:44.34Otixado it
14:46.26Zoldenсолнце и будущее
14:47.13JademusSregAnyway, if you want to exclude more points, you should maintain a separate array of them and iterate through them, like: boolean IsPointValid (point tempPoint) { boolean isPointInvalid = false; for ( k = 0; k < exceptionPointsLength; k+=1 ) { isPointInvalid = isPointInvalid || tempPoint == exceptionPoints[k]; if (isPointInvalid) { return true; } } return false; }
14:48.06nooblarki'm less concerned about that atm, trying to figure out how to do what ou were sying
14:48.18JademusSregSorry, which part?
14:48.29nooblarkconvert circle to region is what i think you were saying
14:48.41nooblarkinstead of creating the points, since they are all present on the map..
14:48.49nooblarkhow about
14:48.51nooblarkwe start over.
14:48.57nooblarkif a unit enters a region
14:49.04nooblarkis teh trigger event
14:49.26nooblarkhow can i determine, if triggering unit was in a certain spot on the map?
14:49.38nooblarklocation of triggering unit?
14:49.52nooblarkso what is the event region?
14:49.55nooblarkany point?
14:50.10JademusSregEvent region is the region the unit entered.
14:50.18JademusSregErm, triggered, rather.
14:50.29JademusSregOr will trigger, as the case may be.
14:50.40JademusSregSome events accept null to mean Any, some don't.
14:50.41nooblarkso if a overlord is made at x,y (1,1)
14:50.53nooblarkbut i want it to do something if overlord is at 5,5
14:51.09nooblarkhow can i do a check as to his location?
14:51.36nooblarkbecause the unit enters region will fire, then he gets moved..
14:53.05nooblarklet's start over again
14:53.11nooblarki make overlord at 1,1
14:53.45nooblarkif i want to make a unit if he reaches (5,0), (0,5), (5,5)
14:54.07nooblarknormal trigger would be unit enters region (region here)
14:54.30nooblarkif triggering region == 5,0 || 0,5 || 5,5
14:55.00nooblarkhow would i make a trigger identical to that, without preplacing (or using a trigger to create) the regions?
14:56.27JademusSregAh, haha. That's a drawback of GUI; event initialization will occur before any trigger, so you'd create the regions in a custom Event Definition.
14:59.09nooblarkso that's what that other thing was.
14:59.20nooblarki was creating points in an action definition
15:00.11nooblarkhow can i make the trigger not have 100 events though?
15:00.21JademusSregWell, there is an event for in range of point, as well.
15:01.04JademusSregYou'll need an event per point/region that needs handling.
15:01.29nooblarkthis was a map i made first two days of using editor
15:01.50nooblarkand i apparently am failig miserably at optomizing the triggers to be more efficient.
15:02.05nooblarkbecause everything i have is, apparently, the 'right' way
15:02.07JademusSregOptimizing is overrated.
15:02.26nooblarki just want them to be more clean and dynamic
15:02.46nooblarkalso want to avoid making 100s of regions, but usig triggers with offsets.
15:02.57JademusSregNot that it isn't important, but there are specific circumstances where one optimizes.
15:03.17nooblarkwhich, i did already.. so i'm deleting them, and having a trigger make them
15:04.07JademusSregEasy enough to do that and build triggers via the loops you had.
15:04.11nooblarki am reading what i'm writing and just saying "what the fuck am i typing, he's not going to understand what i'm trying to say based off that text"
15:04.19nooblarkyah.. i am.
15:04.29JademusSregActually, I'm not certain if GUI allows users to dynamically build triggers.
15:04.41nooblarkto an extent..
15:04.59Dustin|HomeI think you have to make your own GUI functions ut of galaxy natives to do that
15:05.23JademusSregGalaxy allows event registration and all that, so what you want is easy if you script it.
15:05.42nooblarki mean, if i have everything basically a variable, and by changing variable, it changes everything.. i'd call that dynamic
15:05.47JademusSregOf course, learning a new language is not something you want to do while refactoring code.
15:06.24JademusSregEvent registration does not register for the reference/variable, it registers for the value.
15:06.39nooblarki'm not talking about the events :O
15:06.51nooblarkeverything besides though
15:08.12JademusSregI'd approach the problem using data, if possible. Making units that do what they should without being told saves on code.
15:08.25nooblarktriggers can make regions, or points, in case i need to convert one to another, right?
15:08.35JademusSregAnyway, what specifically is it you mean to prevent in the specific regions?
15:08.46JademusSregYes, of course. =D
15:09.05nooblarkit's a zone control map i made month ago
15:09.16JademusSregAnd the corners are the player bases?
15:09.20nooblarkvery first time i ever opened editor.. i made it in like 5 days
15:09.34nooblarki figured at this point, i know more, thus i can improve on it.
15:09.49nooblarkcheckerd map
15:10.20JademusSregYeah, taking a data oriented approach is viable.
15:10.30nooblarkthis is why i was referring to setRegionByName( )
15:10.55nooblarkwould have been easier to set my array of regions to the cooresopnding number
15:11.03nooblarkhow can data fix the issue?
15:12.01JademusSregBy making Zone units with the trigger instead of all the other mess, you can make data do all the lifting.
15:12.26nooblarkwhat do you mean zone units?
15:12.42nooblarkyou ever play a classic zone control from broodwar?
15:15.33JademusSregHaha, I mean units that occupy the zone, and handle the zone controlling for you. For instance, and autocast channel ability that can only target a unit that can capture zones with a channeled persistent with an initial buff to show a duration and an expiration buff to change ownership of the zone, or morph the Zone into a controlled zone, or require a controlled zone unit to be built on
15:15.33JademusSregtop of the zone unit... there are many possible solutions via data.
15:15.58JademusSregWhich is to say all the gameplay could be done via data.
15:16.32nooblarki will reask my previous question.. lol, have you ever played a classic zone control from broodwar?
15:16.55nooblarkthe name is misleading
15:18.09nooblarki don't see how data would be easier using a buff or whatever
15:18.36nooblarkif a zone is controlled, nothing else can take it over, until the controlling unit dies (which is not an easy feat)
15:20.16nooblarkmeh, this is why i'll never finish a map myself. i get so turned off on the thought there is a better way to do it.
15:22.02JademusSregNever mind the alternatives. If it works, isn't breaking, you don't need to change it.
15:22.20nooblarkbut i want it to be the best
15:22.50Dustin|HomeI like how when playing a Sound you can preview that sound, but God forbid you want to preview a sound track.
15:22.52nooblarkif it's going to function slightly better with lag, or responses to actions doing one method over another, i will always change my map to the better way
15:23.52nooblarki want all my players to have the best experience with the actual interations in the map. i can't control the other players, so that is a variable i know i have no control over.
15:24.27JademusSregI've never known a perfectionist to have accomplished anything; getting shit -done- is more important than doing it -right-. You learn to do it right with practice, until the best practices become intuitive, thoroughly conditioned.
15:25.54nooblarkyeah, well we learned last night that my practices became intuitive, but they were wrong from the start. so now i'm conditioned to think/create a certain way that is wrong
15:26.02nooblarki much rather learn it right from the start
15:28.19JademusSregIf you look at the code for most games, successful games in particular, they are trainwrecks (with notable exceptions like motherfucking Doom 3). Because optimizing around bottlenecks and making shit work is more important than coding it to an arbitrary degree of purity and cleanliness. Those qualities are important, but they are not something one can do by revising the same code over and
15:28.19JademusSregover. A breadth and depth of experience is more valuable to developing those qualities.
15:28.30JademusSregThat said, if the map isn't complete, you should finish it. =D
15:29.02nooblarkit was...
15:29.43nooblarki fucked it all up now, trying to make the regions from the triggers instead of preplacing them, broke it all
15:30.03JademusSregBest thing to do is to move on when one completes a project. =D
15:31.33JademusSregYour approach can work with either regions or points, you just need to register new events for the regions or points.
15:31.40KomischOoZolden: Zoldi Moldi :(
15:31.53JademusSregHopefully there's an action for that.
15:32.13nooblarkwell i had 2 regions per square
15:32.31nooblarkbecause when i first made it, i didn't realize i could make a point at (center of region) with radius
15:32.43nooblarkso i had a big region the size of the square, and a smaller one inside the middle.
15:35.12JademusSregSo is there an action for registering events? =D
15:36.12nooblarkyou mean an action that will iterate through the possible regions, rahter than having 30 regions in the events?
15:38.45nooblarkyou're a genius
15:38.51nooblarkif any unit enter entire map
15:38.58nooblarkif triggering unit == zone maker
15:39.12nooblarkwhile triggering unit is alive == true
15:39.28nooblarkif unit enters region (I CAN ITERATE HERE), do actions
15:39.37nooblarktriggering unit enters*
15:40.08nooblarksee, there is a better way to do it other than 54 events :P
15:52.33*** join/#sc2mapster XenoX101 (
15:55.26*** join/#sc2mapster ckSynergy (
16:07.56Dustin|HomeI just found out I could scale an image in a tooltip
16:08.02Dustin|HomeHow have I not fucking know this
16:10.28ckSynergyJademus: Do you know what causes a ProtossShieldFull actor message?
16:10.53Vailreth|2heyo map punks
16:11.59*** join/#sc2mapster Tolkfan (
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16:13.13JademusSregIf I remember correctly, I encountered it when I made units out of models without shield attachments or action actors that lacked a shield flash related actor for area damage.
16:13.49JademusSregIf you look at the actors related to full shield flash, I expect you'll see a similar trend.
16:17.31JademusSregSpecifically, I encountered it in my BossXelNagaAI demo, so if you like, I can link that and you can see how I dealt with it.
16:18.19ckSynergyThats alright.
16:25.54Dustin|HomeThis is perplexing
16:26.35Dustin|HomeAdding to this actors scale via an Upgrade Effect does not do anything.
16:27.04Dustin|HomeVery lol
16:27.08Dustin|HomeWell that sucks
16:27.20JademusSregIt has the event and shit?
16:28.02Dustin|HomeDoes it need an Event along side the upgrade effect?
16:28.07Dustin|HomeIn the actor?
16:28.14JademusSregI'd expect so.
16:28.44Vailreth|2the upgrade version only effects the actor when its redrawn or first created
16:28.45JademusSregThe actor event one is the only one that would matter, I imagine.
16:28.53*** join/#sc2mapster soulcarverr (4334174e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
16:28.56JademusSregMakes sense.
16:29.18soulcarverrcan anybody used to working with records take a look at this...
16:29.22Dustin|HomeVail, that would be fine
16:29.35Dustin|HomeIf it updated the scale one I casted again
16:29.47Vailreth|2plus you can only Set the scale with the upgrade its self upi cant add, subtract, multiply or divide
16:30.01Dustin|HomeThat's the problem then
16:30.07Dustin|HomeSuch bs
16:30.17Dustin|HomeI dont think I can add in this actor event either
16:44.56Dustin|HomeAnyone else having problems logging into NA?
16:45.25*** join/#sc2mapster Blub\w (~wry@
16:46.10nooblarki'm learning records :I
16:46.18Dustin|HomeI love records
16:46.21nooblarkcan't insert them anywhere? :(
16:46.23Dustin|HomeIf you need help, let me know
16:46.46nooblarkcan i do a loop, and make the increment value = a record variable?
16:46.48Dustin|Homeinsert them?
16:46.50nooblarki dont see how
16:47.06Vailreth|2soulcarverr i have had similar experinces copy pasting records and i find that the variable pointing to the record has to be rest even if it appeares to be point to the correct record, to reset it you need to point it to a diffrent record and then back to the correct one
16:47.07Dustin|HomeYa They are just like structs
16:48.01Dustin|HomeYou have to have a Record, and a Varaible of type Record
16:48.11Dustin|HomeThen set the variable reference to the record
16:48.15nooblarkthink i got it now
16:48.17Dustin|Homeand then you can reference it via triggers
16:48.22nooblarkdidnt have the local set to varible
16:49.23*** part/#sc2mapster G0A (
16:52.10JademusSregData is great for everything. Except arithmetic.
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16:59.19nooblarkhow does using records in expressions work ?
17:01.07JademusSregNo idea; GUI expressions are more, er, safeguarded than scripting, so you'll need a GUI person for that.
17:01.47nooblarki got it
17:01.58nooblarki wasnt allowed to choose member in the expression
17:02.07nooblarkbut after exiting it, you can change it
17:03.30nooblarkcan i add records to records?: O
17:06.00JademusSregIt can be done in galaxy, so probably.
17:06.42Vailreth|2seems so
17:07.44nooblarki feel as though this is so much more complicated than it needs to be.. lol
17:08.02nooblarkunles i plan on changing these values in the furture, i feel as though this is a total waste of time
17:12.35ckSynergyBy expressions I assume you mean the text editor
17:13.17ckSynergyand yes, there is a bug in there in which it likes to copy similar data from ~A~ to ~B~. But if you setup and initilize your variables, say by putting in placeholder text, then exit, you can adjust them to whatever you like
17:13.29ckSynergyregarding records, yes, you can next them, but there are restrictions
17:15.17nooblarkdis shit is broke.
17:16.24nooblarkRecord member has not been set (Unknown)
17:16.29nooblarki get that error
17:16.33ckSynergyhave you set your record?
17:16.41ckSynergyare your records in the correct order?
17:17.06ckSynergyyes, nested records have to be above their parent
17:17.13nooblarknot nested
17:17.15ckSynergyMap Details
17:17.19ckSynergyGeneral Maps
17:17.33ckSynergyand "Map Details" would be inside "General Maps"
17:17.35nooblarki was wondering if you can nest them, i didnt do it for this
17:17.55ckSynergydid you set your record to a variable?
17:18.10nooblarklocally, yes
17:18.47ckSynergyIm not positive, but record variables probably have to be in the same library as the containing record
17:18.57nooblarkthese are fuking dumb.
17:19.06ckSynergyno, theyre awesome once you get the hang of it
17:19.09nooblarki'm never going to change these values
17:19.16nooblarkthis is in fact, a waste of time.
17:19.29ckSynergyPerhaps your trying to till a garden with a sledge hammer?
17:19.51nooblarki figured it would be useful to learn it, and why not implement it while i'm making them
17:20.05ckSynergyRecords are incredibly useful
17:20.23ckSynergyalong with presets, it can be a life saver
17:20.43nooblarki can't even fathom presets yet.
17:20.54ckSynergyPresets are pretty simple
17:20.55nooblarki know boolean is an example, where 0 = false, 1 = ture
17:21.04nooblarkbut i can't imagine how they would be useful to me.
17:21.12ckSynergyWell, yea, you can use different sorts of presets, but let me give you an example
17:21.19ckSynergyThe typical preset is interger based
17:21.35ckSynergyand the list inside a preset is indexed, so its 0,1,2,3,4,5
17:21.47ckSynergy(or 1 based, I forget, in any case their sequential)
17:22.07ckSynergySo, in very basic terms, you can use this list to sort arrays
17:22.39ckSynergyUsed in conjunction with records, you can turn a list of 3,000 items down to 1 record, 5 variables (array), and presets
17:22.55nooblarkwell i thought of one use for it, but i see no point in using it.. maybe you can change my mind
17:23.07nooblarki have an array GetUnitType[52]
17:23.20ckSynergyOk, lets take your above example
17:23.28nooblarkyou're saying a preset made, where 1 = zealot, 2 = ling, 3 = marine
17:23.41ckSynergyI use it for races
17:23.46ckSynergybut yes
17:24.01ckSynergyand I can link to those presets, and it keeps it all ordered
17:24.05ckSynergythink of it like a filing cabinet
17:24.10nooblarkso when i set variable GetUnitType[Zealot]
17:24.20nooblarkit's using GetUnitType[1]
17:24.35nooblarki see how it can be easier to read..
17:25.04soulcarverrIts awesome till you start having problem pasting them into a new map and they lose the references
17:25.06nooblarki see no practical use
17:25.14ckSynergyFor me, its something like "Dialog.Panel-Subitem[VoteKick][(Picked Player)[Button] = Dialog item
17:25.20soulcarverrno use for what nooblark?
17:25.41nooblarkusing presets for the above example.
17:25.42soulcarverrIt makes it much easier to keep your variables sorted
17:25.56ckSynergyIn your above example, Id use 3 variables
17:26.14nooblarkin the preset, ya?
17:26.15ckSynergyMapStart, SquareSize, and Offset
17:26.23ckSynergythen I'd have a preset with X and Y
17:26.30ckSynergyand link that preset whenever I needed
17:26.49ckSynergyprobably a poor example, but you get the gist
17:27.05nooblarkbut what if x, y are local variables
17:27.11nooblarkdoes it still work?
17:27.26ckSynergyWell, you're saving it to the record, so yes
17:27.34ckSynergyMapStart[X] = variable X
17:27.42ckSynergyWhere [X] is a preset
17:27.43soulcarverrI think its a bad example to explain records...
17:27.48ckSynergyit is
17:27.49nooblarki agree
17:27.49nooblarkyou lost me.
17:27.55ckSynergyok, lets try this
17:28.02nooblarkheros seem to be the best examples.
17:28.05ckSynergyMapStart[OffsetX] = variable X
17:28.20soulcarverrall a record is a collection of variables
17:28.21soulcarverrnothing more
17:28.23soulcarverrnothing less
17:28.28nooblarkhang on CK, let's do this one line at a time
17:28.38nooblarkMapStart[] = record?
17:28.47ckSynergywell, lets try it the hero method
17:28.54ckSynergyI have records for my heros
17:28.55nooblarkby all means
17:29.01ckSynergyfor example
17:29.13ckSynergyvariable Heros = <HeroData>
17:29.19ckSynergy<HeroData> is my record
17:29.24ckSynergyinside it I have my different variables
17:29.31ckSynergysay, unit type, button links, etc
17:29.49soulcarverrso when
17:29.51ckSynergyNow the variable Heros is an array
17:30.02ckSynergySo, to access say, a zealot data
17:30.21ckSynergySet variable Heros[Zealot].Image = "myimagelink.tga"
17:30.34ckSynergyand I have a preset for every hero
17:30.40ckSynergyerm 1 perset with a list of every hero
17:31.07nooblarki got that..
17:31.22soulcarverrnooblark what is your question regarding records?
17:31.35nooblarki was just learning them, having problems with shit not working.
17:31.47ckSynergythats directly from my code
17:31.53soulcarverrwell you have to make two variables firstly
17:31.55soulcarverrto get started
17:32.05soulcarverryou need to create a record
17:32.50ckSynergynoob: I get the sense we keep losing you :)
17:32.59soulcarverrand then a variable with the record type pointing at the record you created
17:33.00nooblarkyou lost me with that one.
17:33.06nooblarkgame is record
17:33.07ckSynergyok, so let me ask this, what are your questions
17:33.10nooblarkheros is member
17:33.32ckSynergymember is another word for "record variable"
17:33.46nooblarki got the use of records
17:33.55nooblarkbut i don't see how adding presets to them makes them any easier to use
17:34.03ckSynergyIt makes it readable
17:34.28ckSynergyPresets are simply names tied onto intergers
17:34.40ckSynergyso instead of accessing arrays by 2 7 8 or whatever
17:34.53ckSynergyyou set it to your preset and it takes care of it
17:35.00soulcarverrck your confusing him with the preset stuff
17:35.07soulcarverrand to be honest Im not quite following you
17:35.10nooblarkno i understand that
17:35.17nooblarkbut let me give you guys an example
17:35.37ckSynergysoul: sorry if its confusing. I dont know how to exactly explain it, but presets are AMAZING and everyone should use them for arrays
17:35.39nooblarklet's say i have an array GetUnitType[], and i use presets to set the values to names
17:35.51nooblarkso Zealot = 1, Ling = 2, Marine = 3
17:36.02nooblarkhow does iterating through that array make it easier, using presets?
17:36.29ckSynergyok, well first off, you dont have to remember which variable = which hero
17:36.31nooblarkfor each int i with inc 1, do actions
17:36.44ckSynergyyou can still do that
17:36.44nooblarkactions: create 1 GetUnitType[i]
17:36.52ckSynergybut what if you were testing?
17:36.58ckSynergyHow would you grab a single unit?
17:37.11ckSynergyLets say you wanted to spawn just a marine hero
17:37.16nooblarki see
17:37.18ckSynergyYoud have to remember it was #3
17:37.32ckSynergyIn the preset case, You just put in "Marine"
17:37.52ckSynergyAlso, presets sort automatically, so if you want to add more units, you just add it to the preset
17:38.06nooblarkagain, i don't see how that is helpful. if i don't need to test, i have no need to waste time adding unit types to the preset
17:38.10ckSynergyand you can reorganize the preset all day long, and itll remember the unit #
17:38.41ckSynergyWell you said you have 52 unit types
17:38.47nooblarkyes, that is true.
17:38.50ckSynergyYou going to remember the index for every unit type?
17:39.01nooblarki don't need to though.. the loop handles that
17:39.15soulcarverrbasically your just resolving a unit type to an integer....
17:39.18ckSynergySo your loop automatically inputs all the data for the heros too?
17:39.26ckSynergyHow are you selecting your heros?
17:39.31nooblarkthere are no heros, we have too many examples going at once.
17:39.33soulcarverrany relevant information regarding the unit type is stored in array based on that integer
17:39.34ckSynergyor does every player get every hero at the start?
17:39.39ckSynergymy bad
17:39.44ckSynergythought your units were heros
17:39.50nooblarkjust plain ol units
17:39.59ckSynergyevery player starts with every unit?
17:40.15nooblarkokay, let's start from here ----
17:40.37nooblarki have a map that is working atm. it sets GetUnitType[52] = 52 different units
17:40.45nooblarkthen I have a dialog that appears, with 52 items in it.
17:41.07nooblarkthen a trigger gets the list index that was chosen
17:41.17nooblarkand creates the unit of index == list index
17:41.40soulcarverrand the unit type is based of that index... its the same concept ck it talking about
17:41.45nooblarkmy question from that, is how could presets be useful to me there?
17:42.03ckSynergyIn that situation, presets wouldnt be useful
17:42.10soulcarverrwell if you made your list index match your presets
17:42.25soulcarverrit would be the same
17:42.41nooblarkis that a better method, than using a preset style way?
17:42.42ckSynergyI think its best if I step back a bit on this one and just answer questions directly lol
17:43.04ckSynergynoob: In the circumstance you just presented, its not
17:43.25ckSynergyPresets come in handy when you want to access/store information to very specific array indexes
17:43.44soulcarverrif you had an array of button dialog items
17:43.57soulcarverrand the index of that array also represented a specific unit type
17:44.02soulcarverrit would be the same
17:44.43soulcarverrso you could say ......  button[i] = unit type[i]
17:45.03soulcarverrI personally dont use presets
17:45.22nooblarki never have, but after hearing ck say they are awesome, i'm intruiged
17:45.26soulcarverrim really not a fan of .... enumerated values
17:46.00Dustin|HomeEveryone on NA, get on and lets play my map
17:46.09nooblarkokay now that i have a much better understanding of how they work
17:46.10ckSynergywhat map?
17:46.17Dustin|HomeHybrid Assault
17:46.24nooblarklet's give a new example, and you can show me how they are useful.
17:46.30ckSynergyshoot n00b
17:46.31nooblarkbut we'll wait til afetr dustin's test
17:46.37soulcarverrhey ck.... can you find a screen shot of a preset being defined?
17:46.45ckSynergyI can do better
17:46.50nooblarki like his map, i'd like to see it improve
17:46.51ckSynergyI have loads of them in my map
17:47.00soulcarverrwell i cant load maps atm
17:47.04ckSynergyand its public, so youre free to open and learn from it
17:47.07soulcarverrkinda wanted to see a screen shot
17:47.14ckSynergyok one second
17:47.36nooblarki dabbled in them, it has a drop down box for type (only 3 choices, integer being default)
17:47.54soulcarverrgenerally I just write functions
17:47.56ckSynergyOne second gotta open photoshop lol
17:47.56nooblarkthen you just add things, and the name cooresponds to the spot it is in the list
17:48.04soulcarverrthat resolve the integer value from the unit type
17:48.24soulcarverrspose presets would save me that trouble
17:48.33nooblarkso if you make a list like: zealot, ling, marine
17:48.42nooblarkzealot would be assigned 1(maybe 0?)
17:48.48soulcarverrprolly 0
17:48.53nooblarkling would be the next one, so we'll say 1
17:48.54soulcarverrits more then likely 0 based
17:48.56nooblarkand marine would be 2
17:49.42RepoNew map: Space Wars -
17:50.00nooblarkminimizing to help dustin.
17:52.10ckSynergyBest example I got. Full on function for setting up my own custom "pick each" functions
17:53.21soulcarverryeah that would simplify the way I do a few things
17:53.29soulcarverrtoo late now though heh
17:53.46ckSynergyIts never too late lol
17:53.55ckSynergyand the time savings is amazing
17:54.08ckSynergyLet me put it this way
17:54.33ckSynergyI'm on a fairly old computer. If I had to remember array indexes and global variables, Id go insane with the amount of data needed
17:54.55ckSynergyWith presets and records, I can glance, see where and what I need to change, and change it in 2 seconds
17:55.06ckSynergyI can see if my array is pointing to the wrong index
17:55.19ckSynergyI can find units easily
17:55.39ckSynergyI have functions setup with records and presets to align my dialogs even
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17:56.04ckSynergysetting up a row of dialog buttons and adding flare like borders and images takes seconds instead of weeks
17:56.42ckSynergyI use 2 main dialogs
17:56.51ckSynergyeverything else is panels, which are stored to a global array
17:57.08ckSynergytrying remembering which array number a dialog item is
17:57.18ckSynergywhen you have buttons, 2-3 borders, icons, and names
17:58.39soulcarverryeah ive always used variables .... and with those I always need an action definition to initialize all the values in the array
17:58.54soulcarverrheh presets woulda been handy
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18:01.08ckSynergyonce you learn out to use it all together, its just... I dont know the word for it
18:01.14ckSynergyIt changes everything
18:02.46twodiebtw anyone knows where first 30 sec of this was remixed, used. I think i heard better usage of this part.
18:06.49Zoldentwodie: yea, it's from classic
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18:07.22Zoldenjsut lemme remember what exactly
18:11.56Zoldentwodie: i remembered this, not sure if it's what you meant
18:17.42*** join/#sc2mapster QueenG (cebc3c64@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
18:17.50QueenGhi guys
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18:19.18twodieZolden no but thanks
18:19.36QueenGhey mille25, i heard you and ryan are working on scu right now
18:19.50ZoldenQueenG: what's your favorite composer?
18:20.11QueenGJustin Bieber?
18:20.14QueenGI dont have one
18:20.24twodieanyone knows where first 30 sec of this was remixed, used. I think i heard better usage of this part.
18:20.43QueenGending of 1st matrix
18:21.14twodiesomehow still havent found good one version for listeing!
18:21.17mille25yep we are doing some final testing QueenG :)
18:21.28QueenGI would like to donate mille
18:21.40mille25sorry :(
18:21.52mille25we will try to get it fixed as soon as possible.
18:23.20mille25some perks are not working yet
18:23.30Zoldenwhat's scu about?
18:24.11QueenGits: World of Starcraft rpg map
18:24.23QueenGseries of maps I should say.
18:24.36Zoldenoh, interesting
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18:45.39TaintedwispYo QueenG, Soulcarverr is working on a new leaderboard atm :P, and fixing a few other things
18:45.49QueenGoh cool Tainted
18:46.36Taintedwispafter he does that I have a long list of things to do, so probably no testing any new versions today.
18:46.45JademusSregAlmost 24 hours again. =D
18:46.50QueenGoh okay Tainted
18:47.42TaintedwispHey is there a data way to Increase the cost of an upgrade everytime the player uses it?
18:48.55*** join/#sc2mapster EternalWraith (69e3fbe2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
18:50.53TriceronTainted, you see my deathknight particles?
18:50.54ZoldenTaintedwisp: yea
18:51.03TriceronI updated the vid with the shadow effects
18:51.06KubiIn Hots Why is there graphics of the mouse  in the command card?
18:51.08Zoldenmake multiple upgardes with different costs
18:51.32JademusSregBlizz liked what I did in my load screen, of course.
18:51.46KubiIn Hots Why is there graphics of the mouse  in the command card?
18:51.53TaintedwispZolden.... thats a LOT of work..
18:51.53ZoldenKubi: buttons like moce, attack, have text to show, you can unset simple flag or remove the text to get rif od that
18:52.02ZoldenTaintedwisp: then do it via triggers
18:52.06TaintedwispI have 7 upgrades each with 25 times.
18:52.08KubiHow do I get rid of it
18:52.24ZoldenKubi: button -> simple flag or something
18:52.41TaintedwispKubi In HOTS there will be a trigger to restrict simple command cards
18:52.54KubiWHERE IS IT
18:53.01TaintedwispNot in the beta
18:53.09Kubiso I cant map in beta
18:53.10TaintedwispA BLizzard Dev said HOTS
18:53.21Taintedwisphe said it wont be added until then
18:53.40KubiSo can't map in hotS eye
18:53.46KubiI'll use the beta editor though
18:53.50KubiWay faster
18:54.26KubiAdding beta hots dependencies is no bueno
18:54.27TaintedwispBLizzard has become the kind of doing fucking stupid shit by default :P
18:54.41TaintedwispNo lobby, Cant select enemy units, Simple command cards -_-
18:54.41KubiThey are just more focused on the game then editors
18:54.58TaintedwispNo... i am saying they give great options and pick the wrong one for default
18:54.59KubiCant select enemy units is a option in the settings
18:55.00Kubiin the game
18:55.15Taintedwispthats what I mean
18:55.25KubiZeurs Tileset
18:55.27Kubiwhat is this
18:56.18KubiI love the Data Navigator in hots editor
18:56.22KubiSo sexy.
18:58.56Kubioh hey
18:58.59KubiHots editor works again
19:01.27twodieHey it doenst~!\
19:02.37QueenGhey tainted
19:02.41QueenGwanna play your map?
19:02.59TaintedwispQueenG i have a few ideas to make my game last longer. For Example. Spawned units will only do half damage to heroes.
19:03.17Taintedwispat the main base there will be a healing aura on hereos.
19:03.35Taintedwispand that should be it haah
19:04.30TaintedwispAlso a new ability for Darth Swarm
19:04.35Triceronhalf damage to heroes would make them way less of a threat
19:04.37TaintedwispI am scrapping hypersensitivty
19:04.39QueenGI actually have several ideas for your map if your interested in hearing them
19:04.50TaintedwispTriceron right now spawned units MURDER heroes fast
19:04.54QueenGbut id like to discuss it while playing if your just waiting for soulcarver
19:04.57Taintedwispsure queen g
19:04.58Triceronas it should be!
19:05.12Taintedwisplol triceron 10 spawned units kill 1 hero no problem
19:05.12Triceronstupid heroes, think they're so great
19:05.38TaintedwispYeah queenG give me 10-15 minutes
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19:32.45OtixaParty pants
19:33.40Taintedwispa few more mins queeng
19:34.12QueenGtake ur time Taintedwisp, im playing with dusting and noob
19:40.12ZoldenTaintedwisp: do you have Zolden unit in your map?
19:40.29TaintedwispI havent added your creation.
19:40.44Zoldenjust add Zolden unit
19:40.52Zoldenlet it kick asses
19:44.02Taintedwispokay queenG im online whenever your ready
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19:53.12QueenGhey Taintedwisp thanks for waiting
19:53.18QueenGgo ahead and invite me
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19:53.22QueenGfun game Dustin, good luck,
19:53.35QueenGif youd like to hear more prefernces and random ideas, i love discussing them.
20:06.21TriceronJust finished modifying animations for my Death Knight, it looks aweeesssoomme now!
20:07.11Zoldenlemme see!
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20:11.05Dustin|HomeI will
20:14.38Tricerondid any of you guys preorder HOTS?
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20:25.02Shawn|RawrI've even got an extra beta key
20:35.56Dustin|HomeFuck Im downloading at 20mb/s
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20:39.41Dustin|Homeim on
20:45.34Taintedwispdang dustin we just go out of game :(
20:45.50TaintedwispI have a bit to do on the balance anyways
20:47.05ZoldenTriceron: looks like they miss tight test - why u can't drag-select em
20:47.32Triceronprolly cuz they're missing volumes and stuff
20:47.52TriceronI haven't added volumes, hit tests and attachments yet
20:48.07Zoldenand yea, particles do their job
20:48.52Triceronthe vids are a lot darker than in game though, the compression makes the black smoke look too dark
20:48.57Triceronit's a lot wispier in game
20:49.39Zoldendid you try to set positive gravity to particles and collision with the ground?
20:49.51Zoldenit looks like someone's spreading sand or snow
20:50.24TriceronI didn't add collision, I might tweak the gravity on the smoke trails
20:50.24Zoldenmay look cool for some kind of ice storm spells
20:50.51Tricerongood idea
20:51.09TriceronI'm thinking of doing some water splash effects next for the Water Elemental
20:51.21Zoldenyea, it's good for it too
20:53.10Zoldenanother interesting thing to experiment is ribbons as clothes
20:53.35Zoldenthey probably can be affected by gravity too
20:53.41Zoldenso gonna rape eyes
21:03.03TaintedwispOnly I have a little brother whos stupid enough to say "I could easily beat muhammad Ali when he was in his prime"....
21:03.12TaintedwispHe bites and kicks when he fights...
21:03.18Taintedwisphes 19 years old...
21:03.22motive||you're 20
21:03.22Taintedwispyeah -_-
21:03.38TaintedwispBut I dont try to claim I could whoop down muhammad Ali :P
21:03.48motive||how do we know that?
21:03.48TaintedwispFuck in his prime, he has parkisons, and would still whoop my ass
21:04.21TaintedwispBecause I suck at fighting :P I always hold back. :)), just dont have it in me to hit anyone with full force.
21:07.27TriceronI sweep the leg
21:10.09Taintedwisplol trice
21:10.27TaintedwispI just go in, take their little piddly shit hit, and hit them.. :P 99.5% of the time Mine hurts more :P
21:10.40TaintedwispI have a high tolerance for pain though :P
21:11.27TaintedwispI have only gotten into 4 or 5 fights my entire life :P
21:12.10TaintedwispThe last one, some little, half balck boy, tried to hit me, I grabbed him by the throat and put him up against the wall :P, that wasnt even really a fight, but he learned not to fuck with me anymore :__
21:12.34TaintedwispHe was the same age :P but he was like 5'3'' I
21:12.45Taintedwisp'I'm 6' 5'' :P So I had quite a bit more reach
21:13.33Taintedwisphe tried to hit me, because I called him stupid, when he tried to cheat off my paper in school :P I prefer to let the stupid people fail.
21:13.54TaintedwispI told him if hes too stupid to do it he should just drop out of school :P
21:14.04TaintedwispGuess what? 6 months later he dropped out haha
21:14.42TaintedwispThat being said if I saw anyone who was smart but was ACTING stupid, I would help them try to get through high school :P
21:14.57TaintedwispThey were only acting stupid because they
21:15.00Taintedwisp"wanted to fit in"
21:16.00Zoldenyea, bneat the motherfuckers down, tainted!
21:16.17Zoldenshit on their bodies
21:20.23Triceronsweep the leg
21:23.04twodieturururururu BATMAN!
21:32.15Otixa_Party pants
21:34.11Triceroncrams Otixa back into the ground
21:44.06OtixaParty pants
21:46.59JademusSregSleep time.
21:47.20Zoldenslap time
21:47.36JademusSregThat's how I like it,
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22:17.20equinox1911_good evening
22:17.51TaintedwispI am designing a few new heroes :P
22:17.59TaintedwispEvent hough I haven't balanced the one sI have
22:18.17equinox1911_thinking ahead, always good :D
22:18.57Triceronstill not done your heroes?
22:19.58TaintedwispI am..
22:20.04TaintedwispJust gotta balance them :P
22:20.11TaintedwispBut I have had a plethora of ideas lately
22:20.21TaintedwispSoo I have 2 heroes already designed to come into the game
22:20.33TaintedwispI want about 15-18 total heroes all in all
22:20.35TaintedwispRight now I have 9
22:20.37Triceronwhats your roster
22:20.39Daarathis is what i get for being nice
22:20.48Taintedwispwhat daara
22:20.48Daarathis guy wants me to do like 20 models for him, including dalaran
22:21.00Tricerondon't do it Daara
22:21.06KubiWhy do you put yourself to good use
22:21.09Daarai might do a few
22:21.10Kubimake buff models
22:21.16Daarabecaue i could use them
22:21.18Daarabut fuck dalaran
22:21.33Taintedwispdaara just say you have a lot of shit coming up and dunno if you can do them all
22:21.38TaintedwispThen just do the ones YOU WANT to do
22:21.44Triceronmake a cude
22:22.00Taintedwispand then Refer him to triceron or someone who will tell him no :P
22:22.05Triceronand put text on it that says "Daaran"
22:22.29TaintedwispTriceron can i have proper hero glow + a fire lion ice wolf acid snake mix?
22:22.37Triceronblah, *dalaran
22:22.41Taintedwispfor the ultimate most badass hero ever
22:22.49nooblarkhow do i get syntax errors with GUI
22:22.50Daaraholy crap
22:22.55Triceronalready made Tainted
22:22.55Daarai didn't notice how close dalaran was to my name
22:23.15Triceroni sent by fedex, should be there in a cpl days
22:24.11Daarai just applied for a job at paypal
22:24.18Daaraand i referred a guy that i know there
22:24.28Daaraif i get the job he gets a $750 bonus
22:24.39Daarahe will give me half if i get it
22:24.50nooblarkfwfwfqwfqwfqwfqwfqwf gay galaxy is so gay
22:25.00nooblarkevery day i have more and more issues with it
22:25.10Daaraevery day i'm hustlin
22:26.33nooblarkit won't accept a variable
22:27.16nooblarkthey have way more problems then they have EVER been helpful
22:27.52Triceronare you coding in dubstep?
22:29.45Dustin|HomeI love records
22:29.53Dustin|HomeWhat problems are you having
22:30.16nooblarksetting a record variable = a record variable
22:30.25nooblarkapparenly, is not allowed
22:33.19Dustin|HomeYou have to make it a varaible first
22:33.48Dustin|HomeYou dont even have to do that
22:33.55Dustin|HomeI just set a record varaible to a record variable
22:34.53nooblarkinside the same record?
22:34.56nooblarktry and compile.
22:36.27Dustin|HomeIt has to be the Variable Reference
22:37.09Dustin|HomeOf the Record
22:37.19nooblarki set start X,Y
22:37.27nooblarkthen i have a fancy equation
22:38.03nooblarkX+offset, y+offset, x+(offset + size), y+(offset+size)
22:38.16nooblarkbecause i have 12 block squares
22:38.20nooblarkso at 0,0 starting
22:38.44nooblarkit should make a rectangle starting at 5,5 and ending and 7,7
22:38.59Taintedwisp:P Hey I have an honest question, Why the fuck is it in the trigger editor the Y coordinate is inverted?
22:39.11Dustin|Homeits not?
22:39.12nooblarkit's not.
22:39.16nooblarkit's relative newb
22:39.24nooblark0,0 is bottom left
22:39.28Taintedwispif I wanna go up the screen I type a negative Y coordinate...
22:39.42Dustin|HomeDepends on your anchor Tainted
22:39.50nooblarkif you're referring to dialogs, it's relative to anchor
22:39.51Dustin|HomeAnd dialog parents and shit
22:40.01TaintedwispThats how my dialogs my trigger editor built, I dont understand it too well. I was just curious
22:40.05nooblarkremember that.
22:40.32TaintedwispI have it set to relative to top though -_- so shouldnt that put 0.0 at the top....
22:40.40Taintedwisptop center
22:40.48Taintedwispi dont understand Anchors at all
22:41.08TaintedwispI am just curious though :P I just wanna understand them better is all
22:41.41nooblarkif it's anchored to 0,0 of top left, right and down are positivr
22:41.50nooblarkleft and up, are negative
22:42.43Taintedwispohhhh kay? Yeah Nooblark I am not going to lie I Still dont understand it hahah.
22:42.57nooblarkill explain afte rpizza
22:43.08nooblarkor ill try while eating
22:43.17TaintedwispI think i dont understand what you mean when you say Anchored
22:43.26Taintedwispto me anchored means attached.
22:43.31nooblarkwhen you anchor, you set the furthest point to anchor
22:43.49Taintedwispyou cant use the word in the decription :P kinda defeats the purpose :P.
22:44.07nooblarkso a 50, 50 butoon anchored to top left means 0,0 of the button is at 0,0 of dialog
22:44.12TaintedwispBut why does that still invert the graph?
22:44.32nooblarkbecause it's easioer?
22:45.00Taintedwispi guess. I mean I am not having any real problems or anything, but it is something that has confused me a little bit
22:45.15nooblarkyoure not inverting it, you're just turning it, lol
22:45.42TaintedwispThanks for TRYING to explain though but i dont think imma get it haha
22:45.48nooblarkyou will
22:45.54TaintedwispLuckily its something I can figure out which way is up by trial and error
22:45.58nooblarki draw in paint after pizza
22:46.06Taintedwisphaa ok
22:46.16nooblarki can draw left handed
22:46.27nooblarkbut not with a right handed mouse
22:47.07Taintedwispdamn lefties
22:47.13TaintedwispThey say the left is the root of all evil...
22:47.17Taintedwispwomen are on the left :P
22:47.48Taintedwispleft of the Yin Yang*
22:48.10TaintedwispI forget sometimes that different people have different knowledge and experiences then myself :P.
22:48.25TaintedwispSo I leave out key peices of information that I would think would be obvious
22:49.08nooblarkbasically, the coordinates are positive in the opposite direction of the anchor
22:49.14nooblarkmaybe that explains it enough,
22:49.42Taintedwispokay I understand that, but my question is... WHY!!
22:49.51nooblarkanchored bottom left, offsetting 1,1 will move it 1 to the right, 1 up
22:50.07nooblarkbecause the point of anchor is determining how it moves
22:50.27TaintedwispWAIT I THINK I GOT IT!!>..
22:50.45TaintedwispSo when its anchored to Top Right, Left and Down are positive corect?
22:51.23TaintedwispOKay I think I understand if you look at it on a graph, depending on where its anchored you just have to think your inside a single Quadrent, and remove all negatives.
22:51.54nooblarkby anchoring it, you're setting it to a quadrent
22:52.00TaintedwispSo then.... if its anchored to the Left it would be the same as anchored to bottom left though ...
22:52.08nooblarkbut the negatives still exist.. you're turning the whole graph
22:52.24nooblarkhere i skype and draw
22:52.30TaintedwispYEah I think I get it, I dont like it... but I get it.
22:52.51TaintedwispThanks for explaining
22:53.04nooblarki guess then do it so anchors are easier
22:53.25nooblarkthe math is, at least, easier
22:54.29nooblarkif i have a 200,200 dialog, i can anchor 4 buttons in each corner (top left, top right, bottom left, bottom right). each are at 0,0. if they were 50,50 size buttons, they would have 50,50 space between each
22:55.02nooblarkhere's a better example
22:56.16nooblarkif i had a 100,100 and i wanted to make 2 50,50 buttons diagn from eachother, it's easier to have them at 0,0 (anchored to different spots) with size 50, then 0,0 and 50,50 at size 50
22:56.44nooblarkit is easier at least, for me to understand it that way :P
22:57.30nooblarkdustin, are you still here?
22:59.11Taintedwisphmmm makes sense
22:59.35TaintedwispAll I can say is, I hope the next editor removes triggers for data :DD
23:00.14TaintedwispAhhh early 00s music
23:01.19nooblarki still can't comprehende how a 12x12 block of terrain won't spawn a unit at the center of it if i'm creating a region at (MinX, MinY, MaxX, MaxY) of (5,5,7,7)
23:01.31Taintedwispi dunno :P
23:01.42TaintedwispLeast Data Offsets are easy...
23:01.49TaintedwispPOint of click is ALWAYS 0,0
23:02.09TaintedwispSomehow I made an icestorm ability that follows the unit that its casted on
23:02.13TaintedwispI think I wanna keep it like that too hah
23:03.01nooblarki know my math isn't wrong
23:03.07nooblarkand i know my variables are not wrong
23:03.11nooblarkso what the fuck is the problem?
23:03.50TaintedwispTHE PROBLEM IS YOUR FACE!!!
23:03.58nooblarkI GOT IT!
23:04.15nooblarkMinX, MaxX, MinY, MaxY
23:04.26nooblarkfucking thing should have the syntax somewhere
23:04.28nooblarkpeice of shit
23:04.50Taintedwispdont set the max X to the same as the Min x
23:04.59TaintedwispSet them 1 apart or .5 apart or hell .1 apart
23:05.38nooblarknow the question is
23:05.48nooblarkhow to set a record equal to a record
23:09.31nooblarkthat apprently, did not fix it
23:10.07Triceronmy mind is blown
23:10.17OtixaParty pants
23:11.30*** join/#sc2mapster Tolkfan (
23:12.23*** join/#sc2mapster Ahli (
23:12.54nooblarkreally triceron, you never knew that?
23:13.21TriceronI've ben using a spoon all this time
23:13.38Zoldenoh shit
23:13.41TriceronI didn't know you can open em wth your hands!
23:13.49Zoldenart tools ruined some of my anim ;/
23:14.04Triceronhowso Zolden?
23:14.17ZoldenI used "duplicate" in the snim prop floater
23:14.34Zoldeni thought that it will only copy the name
23:14.39Zoldenbut it copied keys
23:14.48Zoldenremoved they other keys
23:14.51Zoldenso fucky
23:15.11Zoldenhad to simply use "new" anim
23:15.37Triceronouch, that sucks :(
23:16.03Zoldenyea... not a big deal though, jsut 2 simple stands and 1 attack are ruined
23:16.44Zoldenmut the model look so motherfucking good
23:19.09Daaralol triceron, i found out that way too a few months ago, MIND BLOWN
23:19.59Zoldenmonkeys most be proud, ppl learn from them
23:22.57nooblarkid idn't know it my whole life
23:23.03nooblarkbut i definitely knew for awhile.
23:23.24nooblarki don't eat bananas, so idon't need to know that
23:23.51Triceroni haven't tried the bare hand apple splitting yet
23:23.57Triceronbut I don't like apples
23:25.26nooblarkallergic. :O
23:26.06nooblarkdid you guys hear Taz got murked last night?
23:26.27*** join/#sc2mapster soulcarverr (636fdec1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
23:26.42nooblarkso soul, ck converted you?
23:26.53nooblarkto presets
23:27.02Dustin|HomeFuck smartclicks
23:27.03KubiHold on
23:27.04Dustin|Homefuck them
23:27.05soulcarverri learned something new
23:27.07nooblarkwen i left to help taz
23:27.13KubiI am going to remake ckSynergys map and make Hero Attack X4
23:27.15Kubiohhh aw
23:27.16nooblarki saw you say something positive about them
23:27.23soulcarverri need help converting triggers into library
23:27.31soulcarverranybody think they could give me a couple min?
23:27.44nooblarki would, but i have no idea what that is :P
23:28.26nooblarkis that like adding custom actions/triggers to something that can be reclled in any map?
23:30.42soulcarverrhow do i move what i have in gui triggers into a library any ideas?
23:33.56Dustin|HomePress Ctrl+=
23:34.02Dustin|HomeTo focus The Library area
23:34.08Dustin|HomeRight click -> New Library
23:34.11Dustin|Homecopy pasta
23:35.38TaintedwispHey soulcarverr
23:35.40Zoldensmartclicks Dustin|Home
23:37.25TaintedwispYo I edited the mapster pvt message
23:37.25nooblarkdo libraries transfer between maps? :O
23:37.33TaintedwispWIth something else someone noticed
23:38.08nooblarkomg you can
23:38.17nooblarkwtf. where has this been my whole life.
23:39.40Dustin|Homelol nooblark
23:42.35nooblarkwell i make similar triggers in all my maps for setting things like players teams
23:42.56nooblarkwould be nice to save them as an action def and just call it :P
23:44.39*** part/#sc2mapster Ahli (
23:45.17TaintedwispMY DINGALING
23:48.45RepoNew map: Custom Hero Line War -
23:52.06Triceron"More Infos are comming"

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