IRC log for #sc2mapster on 20121112

00:00.00BommesNGKrush: Well I got it to work but I'm not 100% sure what exactly I had to change
00:00.04Bommesso gimme a minute to restart it
00:00.07Bommesand do it again
00:00.33TaintedwispYour getting much better zolden to think 1 week ago it looked like legos haha
00:00.56ExakenIs there a function to suppress dialog buttons(greyed out)?
00:01.04Bommesbecause I changed like 12 things at once
00:01.08Bommesso I don't know what did the trick :D
00:01.28Zoldenthanks to Triceron, he tought me
00:01.57Bommesdelete the ability range field, you don't need it because the ability has no target
00:02.05Bommesalso change the impact location in the launch effect to target point
00:02.29Bommesand make sure you have the correct search filters in the target check effect, otherwise the search area detects the caster unit and detonates immediately
00:03.38NGKrushso turn player off?
00:03.53NGKrushbecause it should hit everything else
00:04.15Bommesyou can also turn player on in the damage effect search filters
00:04.19Bommesso the splash damage hits the players
00:04.41Bommesjust make sure missile doesn't detect the caster, otherwise its a little devastating ;)
00:04.45Bommes*the player
00:04.53monkalizerExaken: try enable/disable them. It works for me
00:04.54Bommesdoes it work now?
00:04.58NGKrushyes it does!
00:05.14NGKrushcan i change the speed?
00:05.28NGKrushthanks so much!
00:05.38Bommesyes the speed is in the mover in the launch effect
00:06.03Bommesyou can read the mover tutorial from blizzard to learn how movers work
00:06.05Bommesits really good
00:06.06Zoldenmonkalizer: now I can test your map if you still want
00:06.18NGKrushi'll do that
00:06.50monkalizersee you in the mapster forum in sc :)
00:13.42BountyDustin wanna test? new minimap :)
00:21.28NGKrushbommes, did ur sc also show a wrong model for the missile?
00:21.44NGKrushi liked the yamatogun to it, like in the tutorial, but i get a big grey ball
00:23.54Bommesit is not linked to the action actor
00:23.58Zoldenmonkalizer: so, jsut uncheck the shadow cast to that square model
00:24.19Bommesdid you set up the action actor?
00:24.27Zoldenor tey to retexture an existing decal model
00:24.30monkalizeryeah, I'm going to redo the models, i want two of them: one for bunker and one for the areas
00:24.55Zoldenwaht areas do? didn't realize
00:25.53monkalizerthere are two scores: cash and domination points. You win by holding those areas (klick-sound) That score is counted next to the skull
00:26.05monkalizerthe cash is just used to buy more stuff
00:26.38monkalizeridea is to have two things to optimize. If your team doing poorly in one score area, it should be easier in the other.--
00:26.57monkalizerbut right now there is no victory condition
00:27.18NGKrushI think I did, just tried it again but it doesnt change
00:27.33Bommesngkrush: don't forget to set the launch effect and impact effect tokens
00:27.40Bommesto your launch and impact effects
00:28.04Bommesthey are separate data fields (for my interface at the bottom)
00:28.12NGKrushaaah, the tokens!
00:28.34Bommesalso i think the missile actor also needs to be linked to the missile unit
00:30.13NGKrushhmm, tokens didnt help\
00:30.34NGKrushwow, this is such a spaghetti mess sometimes
00:32.48BommesJust tried it, for me it worked
00:32.53Bommeswhat tokens did you link?
00:32.53NGKrushno idea where to look
00:33.04Bommesits launch effect and impact effect tokens in the action actor
00:33.09NGKrushon the HDK action actor
00:33.13Bommesand unit token in the missile actor
00:34.10NGKrushah yes, forgot the missile actor token
00:34.17NGKrushthanks again
00:34.30NGKrushcould have never done it without your help
00:34.49Bommesalso make sure the animation you use exists
00:34.58Bommesin the marauder actor
00:35.31Bommesyou can view the model in the cutscene editor and show all the animations that are setup for that model
00:36.03Bommesbecause you want to play an animation that doesn't exist for a marauder, thats why no animation is playing
00:36.44NGKrushah, ofcourse
00:37.03NGKrushI'll check that out
00:38.13NGKrushit's time for bed here, thanks again!
00:38.23NGKrushsee you around :)
00:38.24Bommesnp, good night
00:42.47TaintedwispI gotta take a rest
00:42.53Taintedwispbeen mappin all day :P
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01:01.00TaintedwispI guess Ill create a terrain for Marine Arena :P
01:14.40zlefinhmm, colossus looks to be the fastest moving siege unit; unless i'm missing something
01:16.59zlefinhighest move parameters all around; move speed, tun speed (effectuve) and acceleration
01:21.17*** join/#sc2mapster Bounty (442ccc3b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
01:21.19BountyAny artists here? :)
01:22.02TaintedwispDepends on what needs creating bounty
01:22.13BountyLoading screen and some images
01:23.19TaintedwispSorry my loading screens are less then professional
01:33.33*** join/#sc2mapster Thenarden (
02:05.40Bountytest Dustin?
02:12.15*** join/#sc2mapster Cheekio (
02:29.27ckSynergyso, im wondering
02:41.54ThunderLordomg i hate terraining
02:43.28CheekioYeah I might never make a starcraft 2 map for that reason
02:44.29A1winI'm actually looking forward to terraining my next map, been working on projects that have dynamic map generation so terraining hasn't been a very big part before
02:45.25CheekioCan galaxy do that well?
02:47.38A1winjust spawning units as terrain
02:48.05A1winlooks ugly as hell, which is why I'm looking forward into proper terraining ;p
02:51.38ThunderLordTerrain in a symetrical map
02:51.42ThunderLordis so annoying
02:51.54ThunderLordExpecially the textures
02:51.59ThunderLordnot like WC3 textures
02:52.04ThunderLordwhere everything was nice and tiled
02:52.19*** part/#sc2mapster Ahli (
02:53.29A1winyou can copy them
02:53.57A1winselect half of map, paste, flip or rotate, accept
02:54.07A1winselect half of map, copy, paste, flip or rotate, accept
02:56.39A1winand there are options to copy terrain/textures/water in any combination
02:57.09ThunderLordu can flip rotate?
02:57.12ThunderLorddidnt know that
02:57.19ThunderLordbut still would not work for mine
02:57.25ThunderLordmine is symetrical but not...
02:57.36ThunderLordlike differant sides have differant themes
02:58.06ThunderLordbut the height and pathing have to match up
02:58.55A1winyeah you could just copy/paste the terrain without touching textures
02:59.46A1winyou can flip and rotate after you hit ctrl-v but before you click where to paste
03:02.01ThunderLordOh thats cool
03:02.05ThunderLordi did not know that
03:02.45ThunderLordbut still, Terraining is way to artistic for me... I am a programmer, not an artist
03:05.53A1winI'm a programmer and an artist n_ñ
03:06.21A1winnot a very experienced artist though but I can get some neat stuff done if I spend some time with it
03:08.23ckSynergyIs there a way to view the code in d3?
03:08.55A1winwhat code?
03:10.46ckSynergyi dunno, the xml?
03:11.00ckSynergyI want to crack it open and see how they did mirror aura lol
03:11.44A1winit's not an open source game ;p
03:12.25A1winand it has no editor or potential for it
03:13.10ckSynergyohhhh, thats dangerous territory lol
03:23.46ThunderLordHey A1win how exactly how do you rotate?
03:24.16A1winnumpad * is a hotkey, it should be under Edit menu if I remember correctly
03:29.50ThunderLordyeah worked, thanks
03:32.05ckSynergyman this sucks
03:32.21ckSynergyI had % based damage reflection working, and it just stopped
03:32.28ckSynergyI think blizz patched something in 1.5.3
03:36.43RepoUpdated wiki entry: Galaxy / Data / Effects / Damage -
03:47.39*** join/#sc2mapster Skizot_ (~skizot@
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04:28.15*** join/#sc2mapster Taintedwisp (4bb541ee@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
04:28.16TaintedwispHOLY FUCKING SHIT!!!!
04:28.33TaintedwispBad picture :P
04:40.24Taintedwispyo thunderlord you there?
04:41.04Taintedwisphey you have enay ideas why my planetaries that are spawned via triggers dont have mini map icons, but if I use makeunit to spawn them, they have their icons
04:41.14Taintedwispany* no enay
04:42.32Taintedwispoh also, CHeck this out  All my heroes have their final looks '
04:43.31ThunderLordPretty cool
04:43.34ThunderLordand no im not sure why
04:43.41ThunderLordmaybe its just a bug
04:43.56ThunderLordi havent ever created units via triggers with minimap icons
04:43.56*** join/#sc2mapster Lajjla- (
04:44.07ThunderLordi shouldent be hard to just command a dummy unit to train them tho
04:45.27Taintedwispmy triggere does them through triggers,. like EVERY unit on my map to decrease loading times
04:45.35Taintedwispotherwise my map would take a minute to load haha
04:47.43TaintedwispI guess ill wait and talk to dogmai about it
04:47.58TaintedwispHes got some experience with the icons not working correctly
05:43.54DeadZerglingbesides the whole people dying thing
05:43.58DeadZerglingthat is a pretty cool picture
05:58.33TaintedwispI was like WTF happend haha
05:58.38Taintedwispthen i read the article
05:58.44Taintedwispthen i felt bad
05:58.59TaintedwispHey deadzergling I finished 2 more heroes today :P
05:59.17Taintedwisp   It was up there but check it, all the heroes looks are finished tooo
05:59.48TaintedwispThe Infestor may get a texture swap too dunno yet
05:59.55TaintedwispI dont think its that unique personally
06:03.58DeadZerglingwtf is w/ the infestor
06:04.10TaintedwispIt has attachments, but they are not well pronounced
06:04.32DeadZerglinglooks like you crapped terran model in there w/ no adjustments, lol
06:09.24DeadZerglingnot to mention the infestor looks pretty cool on its own
06:09.30DeadZerglingI'd rather see a retextured version
06:21.44Cheekiohow do I change the cost of mutating a building?
06:21.55CheekioI did this yesterday but can't remember how today
06:22.04DeadZerglingshould be under the ability cost field
06:23.36CheekioDrone - Morph Unit (Drone -> Zerg Buildings) ?
06:23.47CheekioI can only find the morph time there
06:25.27CheekioNope, I'm retarded
06:25.36Cheekiothanks. It was under the abilities tab like you said.
06:26.14Cheekiohmm, maybe I jumped the gun and it's not there
06:27.40DeadZerglinghrrrmmm,is a little more hidden then usual it seems
06:29.57Cheekioit's under the units tab
06:30.00Cheekiofor the den itself
06:30.12CheekioI had a stray "H" in the a search field
06:30.20DeadZerglingah, good to know, I never do anything w/ melee/buildings, lol
06:32.30DeadZerglingsome really good curry I made this time
06:36.22*** join/#sc2mapster RazielZ (Raziel@2a01:388:201:4190:71a2:cab4:a2ca:70a0)
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07:36.05CheekioI nearly have enough data to make a convincing case
07:36.18CheekioI'm going to be stringing together a video that has tier 1 hydras and tier 2 roaches
07:36.56Cheekioshow blizz that both units can be fun to use and watch
07:37.22DeadZerglinghrrrrmmm, i don't get your case
07:37.28DeadZerglingi always had fun watching those, lol
07:37.52Cheekiotier 1 roaches is a food and cost inefficient unit
07:37.58Cheekioits abilities don't make sense
07:38.04Cheekioand it is obsolete in the late game.
07:38.16CheekioHydras just aren't used at all.
07:38.48CheekioBringing back tier 1 hydras, you have early game harass options against greedy few-unit wallins
07:38.59Cheekio1 food means you can mass them
07:39.23DeadZerglingyes, I know this one well
07:39.25Cheekioand they do awful vs splash so it makes for fun looking battles
07:39.35DeadZerglinghydras in the original SC were about the most cost efficient unit in the game
07:40.08DeadZerglingprobably why they nerfed them so bad
07:40.10Cheekiohaving a useful unit like that in the early game would nix all this BS like range 5 queens
07:40.29CheekioEven bringing BW hydras into HotS, they still don't stand a chance vs marines
07:40.57CheekioFood for food maybe, but nothing has the DPS/area ratio of marines
07:41.07Cheekioor straight cost effectiveness
07:41.16CheekioTier 2 roaches are fun
07:41.21Cheekio1.5x scale on the model
07:41.27Cheekio3 food
07:41.32Cheekio225 health
07:41.50Cheekioenough that when you're low, it's actually worth your while to burrow them and let them regen health
07:42.15Cheekiolooks really zergy having these giant hulking roaches next to tiny squirmy hydras
07:44.25Cheekioah well
07:44.48Cheekiohopefully I'll either be busy tomorrow getting things done, or I'll make a strong case in the forums and catch a dev's eye
07:45.04Cheekioeither way I need to quit this habit.
07:45.20DeadZerglingwhat habit would that be?
07:46.05Cheekiostaying up all night thinking about hots balance options
07:51.08DeadZerglingquestion, do they ever listen?
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07:52.20CheekioSurprisingly, yeah
07:52.38Cheekiothey're looking at putting SC1 leash micro back into the game because of a video explaining the difference a player posted
07:56.20DeadZerglingby the way, anyone know of a way to disable fidgeting or change how a unit fidgets through a behavior?
07:57.02DeadZerglingnevermind, found it
07:57.09DeadZerglingsuppress fidgeting
07:57.56Ahlimorning, yay, I managed to trap the mouse in the middle mouse button mode by moving the minimap in the center of the screen
08:01.19DeadZerglinglol, what ahli?
08:02.57Ahli1. place minimap in the middle of the screen
08:02.57Ahli2. put mouse over it, hold middle mouse button to scroll
08:02.57Ahli3. release middle mouse button -> oh snap, you can't leave that mode because the center of the screen has the minimap on it
08:04.02DeadZerglingI see now
08:32.33*** join/#sc2mapster Sevenix (
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09:22.47hobbidudearrg need a good data editor for my project
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10:45.19NGKrushhi everyone!
10:45.36NGKrushis programmers WASD system on the forums the best working one atm?
10:47.30NGKrushbecause a big con is that u cant hold down 2 buttons at once
10:48.42Zoldenthat's the problem with using someone's code, you can't usually understand how to fix little things
10:52.12duckiesI think it was a data approach, and you can't detect holding/spamming two buttons/abilities through data :/
10:53.24NGKrushyeah, exactly
10:53.49NGKrushso i'll need to do it with triggers so i can still use the abilities
10:53.53NGKrushcool, tnx
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11:13.57*** join/#sc2mapster RiFT (92972338@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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11:26.29RiFThi, making an attack ground ability on a void ray, but im having issues with the beam not showing up
11:34.57duckiesah bems, my knowledge concerning them is quite limited :D
11:35.20duckiesare you constantly applying damage to target point?
11:35.42duckies~seen kueken
11:35.45purlkueken <> was last seen on IRC in channel #sc2mapster, 19d 9h 56m 52s ago, saying: 'even via trigger'.
11:36.20*** join/#sc2mapster monkalizer (b044d0b1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
11:45.00RiFTwell it's applying a search that applies a behavior that does damage
11:46.35duckiesbut if search finds nothing then damage isn't applied thus beam has no anchor effect to connect to?
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11:48.31RiFTbut i have a site tied to the effect
11:48.51RiFTi want the beam to go from the void ray to the center of the effect
11:49.22RiFTno beams to affected units
11:52.36duckiesI've always only managed to link beams through damage effects :/
11:53.22RiFTbut i have a site? is that worth anything?
11:53.24duckiesyou can use damage effect as a dummy, apply it to target point..
11:54.02duckiesI don't know, beams are confusing D:
11:54.13RiFTD: i agree
11:54.43RiFTthey probably aren't that complicated, it's just that i have limited knowledge of them and so does everyone else i know
11:55.19RiFThow would i do it with a dummy damage effect?
11:56.11duckiesjust apply 0 damage at target point
11:56.44duckiesyou can specify damage impact to be a point too
11:58.51RiFTsince it is adapted from the void ray attack i can just use the existing damage effects, no?
11:59.15duckiesyou've made the ability, you know better
11:59.33RiFTD: i dont know better
12:00.35duckieswhat exactly is your ability?
12:00.46duckiesvoid ray attacks ground?
12:01.02duckiesany unit that enters impact zone gets damaged?
12:01.14RiFTchannels charges for 7.2 seconds then does channeled aoe at that point
12:01.45duckiesso it's persistent effect
12:02.03RiFTyes it uses an endless persistent
12:02.20duckiesyou can probably either have damage in the pereodic, ticking every second or so
12:02.35duckiesor in the initial, but then modify actor to replay beam animation
12:20.29RiFTso i've managed to get it to flicker for a tiny bit at the start
12:22.08G0Aanybody has problems with missile search filter in validators? If I set it to exclude than the validator wont work on my units. (and those units are not missiles...)
12:22.41RiFTthe issue is probably something other than the validator?
12:23.20G0Athe issue only happens if I set exclued missiles
12:24.28*** join/#sc2mapster monkalizer (4ddbbc75@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
12:30.43duckiesso, you exclude missiles from your search validator and it fails by not finding/validating anything ever?
12:31.18duckiesfirst time I've heard about something like that :D
12:31.59G0Ayeah, its pretty strange
12:51.30monkalizerwhat is the smalles screen size that sc2 allows to set (i'm designing dialogs)
12:53.20DeadZerglingwell night all, at least for a whole 5 hours of sleep
12:53.40monkalizernighty night!
12:53.52monkalizerhope all your family sleeps tight
13:11.37G0Adeleting the validator and remaking it fixed it (lol)
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13:58.03monkalizerargh! what to do! i'm procrastrinating really important stuff but the more angsiety I build the better my maps become!
14:04.32duckiesI think he ment anxiety
14:04.44monkalizerah yes
14:05.38*** join/#sc2mapster Exaken (
14:06.02RepoUpdated wiki entry: Galaxy / Tutorials -
14:07.59*** join/#sc2mapster Dustin|Work (
14:08.02RepoUpdated wiki entry: Galaxy / Tutorials -
14:08.15ckSynergyhey guys, anyone got some radical ideas for data only % based damage reflection?
14:08.42ckSynergyI know I had combat damage responses working for % based at one point, and now it looks like it got patched
14:09.08ckSynergyor like I accidentally deleted some critical field to make it work lol
14:09.20Bommesisn't there some kind of damage - fraction field in damage responses?
14:10.05ckSynergyyou can modify the fraction, yes
14:10.13ckSynergybut thats damage reduction, not reflection
14:23.16monkalizerabout 2:40 there is a good moment
14:30.24NGKrushi shortened the cooldown on an attack, now when the unit starts walking again, he slides because the animation hasnt finished playing
14:30.33NGKrushis there a way to set priorities?
14:35.51ckSynergypriorities for?
14:36.32ckSynergysounds like youll either want to adjust the weapon's period/backswing/etc, or the actor (more than likely the actor)
14:42.35BommesckSynergy: Have you figured out the damage reflection thing already?
14:42.59BommesElse I'll try to figure it out for a while
14:43.47ckSynergyIm still working on it
14:44.09ckSynergyI dont know what happened. I'm positive I did have it working via data only at one point, but I think that was patch 1.5.2
14:45.02ckSynergyBefore hand, I had a damage buff that dealt <= 1 damage on the damage response, and that related to a % of damage take on the combat response
14:45.44ckSynergybut now its just doing the static amount that everyone is accustom to
14:46.12ckSynergyAnd I know it was working because setting it to 10% would actually kill my test marines before. Now it takes a good 10 minutes lol
14:46.47Zoldenguys, check my new turret model:
14:47.10ckSynergynice? I think?
14:50.24monkalizerI like the orange ball
14:50.49monkalizerit will look nice when zoomed out. Also its nice to attach some electric/fire etc effect to it
14:51.31duckiesTesla Coil!!  I see you did well with that knowledge of glass boxes :D
14:52.03duckiesthough I wonder what are oranges going on top >.>
14:52.15Zoldenyea, they work fine
14:52.24Zoldenfuck, not the orange it is!
14:52.36duckieslemon coil?
14:52.38Zoldenbut I've fixed it with red specular
14:52.44Zoldenit's motherfucking gold
14:52.53monkalizeryou could perhaps make an attachment point on the top, so that its possible to attach stuff into it ingame, then you could manage the "specialization" of the turret with triggers
14:52.54duckieslooks like a fruit to me :3
14:52.54Zoldenit will shoot badass lightnings
14:53.10Zoldenyeah, I've fixed the frootiness yet
14:53.30duckiesit will shoot fruit juce :D
14:53.46Zoldenmonkalizer: sure, I use attachments and crap, but for specializations I just make different turrets
14:54.38Zoldenduckies: earlier I made the NOD tower, you may remember ti too:
14:54.48BommesckSynergy: Ok I'll try to figure it out
14:54.55duckiesyeah, I saw that too
14:55.06ExakenThat obelisk looks good!
14:55.07duckiesnod obelisk
14:55.26Zoldenwill shoot a red motherfucking laser in my new TD map
14:55.26duckiesthough it feels like something is missing
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14:55.53Zoldentexture details are missing, but it's ok, it's black and badass
14:56.44duckiesI think it's missing that charge up line that goes from bottom to top
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14:57.02BommesckSynergy: You can fire an effect in the damage response though, right?
14:57.18BommesSo it should be possible to just use a damage effect in the damage response I think
14:58.16Zoldenit won't be missing when creeps come closerr
14:58.23BommesShould it do damage based on % of life of the defender or of the attacker?
14:58.41Bommesor % of the damage?
14:58.48Bommes% of the damage dealt, right?
14:58.54Bommessry misunderstood that
14:59.14*** part/#sc2mapster G0A (
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15:09.58Bommesthe Location field seems not really right in my opinion
15:10.46Bommesas far as I remember it worked different some months ago, but I could be wrong
15:12.57ckSynergyyea % of the damage
15:13.14ckSynergyDefender is the unit being attacked, attacker is the unit attacking
15:13.50ckSynergyso, in this case, we leave it at defender and apply the behavior to the normal unit, then the damage response would be damage affecting the Target
15:17.25ckSynergynow I could probably work around it with a negative leech life behavior on the attacker, but I dont think that would trigger a damage response (which would be used to make the final damage applied by the defender)
15:17.47monkalizernew UI I'm working on: what do you think?
15:18.32ckSynergynot sure what im looking at monk
15:18.40Dustin|Workrough draft looks good
15:19.03ckSynergyeh id say its more of a rough outline lol
15:19.19monkalizeryeah, it is... everything is just placeholder
15:19.50monkalizerbut from a user perspective, do you think it would work with a tabbed interface?
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15:20.07ckSynergymight want to make the buttons a little taller
15:20.19ckSynergyon the left
15:20.23monkalizerthe tab-buttons?
15:20.38monkalizerthey should be standard 75 px size
15:20.59monkalizerits hard to design these interfaces because peoples screens are different
15:21.43Dustin|WorkDesign that shit, then go through it with every res you can :P
15:30.26ckSynergyoh psh
15:30.31ckSynergyyou dont have to worry about res like that
15:30.52ckSynergybasically, I think the minimum resolution is 1600x1200 on sc2
15:31.03ckSynergyand 75 is going to be very very narrow
15:31.09*** join/#sc2mapster Blub\w (
15:32.27ckSynergybut you can always test and see if its that you need
15:32.43Dustin|Workminnimum 1600x1200?
15:32.49Dustin|WorkMy res is 1600x900
15:33.05ckSynergyminimum res in sc2 is ~ 1600x1200
15:33.15Dustin|Workthat makes no sense
15:33.31ckSynergylol, hey I didnt design the system, im just telling you how it is
15:33.40Dustin|Workpeople have alot smaller resolutions then that
15:33.42monkalizermy minimum is 1024x768
15:33.57ckSynergyMy computer only runs 1280x768, but somehow sc2 manages to squeeze it into 1600x1200
15:34.00monkalizerthats my point, what if some people have 800x600?
15:34.12ckSynergyit squeezes it
15:34.19ckSynergylet me show you an example
15:35.05monkalizerThe distances you define in the dialog editing seems to be some kind of relative values, not pixels
15:35.32ckSynergyits not relative, its pixels
15:35.52monkalizer?? so a larger dialog will appear larger on a smaller screen?
15:36.28monkalizeryep it does
15:36.51monkalizerso the largest dialog that I can do is about 900x500 pixels
15:37.10monkalizerwhats that?
15:37.19ckSynergythats how a 300px by 75px box would render on my screen
15:38.08ckSynergyyoud set the size of the box to 300x75, but on my screen, it would render at 225x50
15:38.29ckSynergyand no, the largest dialog you can do is 1600x1200 :)
15:39.16ckSynergythat should help you
15:40.00ckSynergyits a bit dated, but generally accurate
15:42.35Dustin|WorkOhh nice little excel
15:42.41Dustin|WorkDo you have that posted on sc2 mapsteR?
15:50.58monkalizer the UI with some improved graphics
15:51.48ckSynergyits on sc2mapster somewhere
15:52.12ckSynergyits not originally mine lol
15:52.22ckSynergybut its a live saver :P
15:53.02*** join/#sc2mapster RipperRooX (
15:53.34Dustin|WorkYeah it's nice :)
15:54.28Dustin|WorkI wonder how the editor stores tooltips for the data fields and if we can overwrite them with a table that has more written by the community
16:00.15*** join/#sc2mapster Zandose (18f64fea@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
16:04.29Dustin|Worksup homie
16:06.17Zandosenothing. just looking to see if anyone knows how to make a pathing system. simply goings from point a to b without some randomish directions. looking on sc2 first
16:07.16monkalizerZandose: there are some pathing functions that came with 1.5. There is also a function that calculates cost of a path
16:07.43monkalizerbut they are a bit limited though...
16:08.57ckSynergywhat do you mean stores tooltips for data fields?
16:09.21ckSynergythe text is stored to a string link, and the string link is whats put into the actual data field
16:09.48ckSynergyEx. Button/Flavor/Text="This is some really cool text somewhere floating in space"
16:10.07ckSynergyand the data field would be "Tooltip=Button/Flavor/Text"
16:11.28ZandoseI don't believe the built-in pathing is what I'm looking for. I don't need the game to decide where a unit can move. I just created a bunch of doodads (forget the footprint) and now I need to destroy some of them along a random path going form point a to b. I think I got a idea now of how to do it.
16:11.29ckSynergynow if youre talking dynamic inputs, when you use something like <d ref="">, it simply grabs the value from the xml field it refers to
16:11.56ckSynergylike MineralZ? lol
16:12.08*** join/#sc2mapster Thenarden (~Miranda@
16:12.13ckSynergy*sigh* I miss the old mineralz
16:12.15Zandoseperhaps. not creating anything like that game though
16:24.26Zoldenmonkalizer: I thinkm you on't need to let bunker be destroyed, you only need to change its owner on death, there is a behavior to prevent edath
16:25.37monkalizerwill add it to my todo list
16:25.44monkalizerim working on a new dialog system now :)
16:27.43ckSynergynew dialog system?
16:28.06monkalizeryeah the pictures I showed you
16:29.46ckSynergythats a UI not a system lol
16:30.20monkalizerwell the system part is how it relates to my game content. I had one system before and now I have another :)
16:30.28ckSynergymmm k
16:53.31*** join/#sc2mapster G0A (
16:54.06G0Arofl my map jumped from popularity 100+ to 17th under one day and its keep growing
16:57.34duckieswgich one?
16:59.54*** join/#sc2mapster monkalizer (b044d5ed@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
17:23.25G0ANexus Squadron Strike
17:23.30G0Anow its 15th:D
17:24.02Dustin|WorkIs it just a modded nexus wars?
17:25.10Zoldenlol, it's yours G0A
17:25.34ZoldenI noticed it and considered as trolling
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17:26.21G0AZolden its a polished trolling:D
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17:26.37G0ADustin|Work kind of
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17:28.35G0Abut I started from scratch.
17:29.03G0A( not that it took more than 1-2 hours to implement the basics)
17:33.21ckSynergyOk, I think I have a long complicated work around to % damage lol
17:34.59G0ARofl since when can we click on people in reviews and see their profile?
17:37.03*** join/#sc2mapster Skaft (c10ba259@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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17:39.41SkaftHey guys, anyone who would like to test my map on the eu server?
17:41.57monkalizer3 min, have to close some stuf
17:42.07Skaftpreferably would need 1-2 more
17:42.26monkalizeri'l be waiting
17:49.33Skaftnot alot of people arround? :3
17:50.05monkalizernot in eu, most people are americn :)
17:50.24Skaftthat's a bummer : p
17:50.40Dustin|WorkCant wait for region unlocking
17:50.50SkaftThey are implementing that?
17:50.52Dustin|Workwill help so much for finding testers Id think
17:51.03Skaftthat's nice
17:51.28Skaftmy map is almost done I think, but there might be alot of bugs which i cant test myself :/
17:51.37Dustin|WorkIm sure there is :P
17:52.23monkalizerworking with unit groups instead of players worked for me. If I play locally I set all player groups manually, and if I play online I set them using data from the game lobby
17:52.40monkalizer*player groups of course, not unit grouås
17:52.55G0ASeems like when your map reaches 16th top played, than its removed from up and coming.
18:01.00ckSynergyok can I get some help testing something?
18:01.29ckSynergyor some thoughts on a concept
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18:03.16Skaftsure i guess
18:03.29monkalizerckSynergy: arent you in america=
18:03.36ckSynergyyea why?
18:04.01Skaftoh then i cant :3
18:04.03monkalizerso Skaft cant help you :(
18:04.41ckSynergywhy not? lol
18:04.51ckSynergyoh I didnt mean online testing
18:04.54ckSynergyalright, heres the deal
18:05.31ckSynergyI have a behavior on a unit, the behavior has a combat response of 1, and triggers a persistent effect which affects the target
18:05.39ckSynergythe persistent deals 1 damage to target
18:06.04ckSynergythe persistent has "persist until destroyed", and a periodic validator unit "weapon is firing" validating "target"
18:06.07*** join/#sc2mapster Dryeyece (4252a22d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
18:06.24ckSynergythe periods is set to 0.0625
18:07.32ckSynergySeems like it would work for damage reflection, but not too sure
18:07.47ckSynergyespecially if its fast high damage
18:10.02Skaftnot really following on what you want to do
18:10.41ckSynergyreturn a % of damage taken to the attacker
18:10.47ckSynergyvia data only
18:13.47ckSynergynvm. Looks like it's ~ right for a marine attack, lets see if changing the unit/weapon does anything
18:14.51ckSynergydamn looks like it works the opposite of whats wanted lol
18:18.15monkalizermy new UI (latest iteration)... its so f***ing hard to make graphics that are not tacky!
18:19.37ckSynergyits not that hard
18:20.11monkalizeri think so
18:20.39monkalizeri'm tasticapped
18:23.40Dryeyeceyou cant do that
18:23.49DryeyeceData cannot get current values for anything
18:23.57Dryeyecethe only way to get a current value with data is a validator
18:25.17ckSynergywho are you talking to dry?
18:29.30ckSynergyabout what? lol
18:29.46ckSynergywhat you just said doesnt really apply to what im doing
18:29.50Dryeyece] <ckSynergy> return a % of damage taken to the attacker [12:10] <ckSynergy> via data only
18:30.44ckSynergyok, and you know this for a fact? you built the sc2 engine? you've tried every possible combination of effects and validators to see?
18:31.30DryeyeceI didnt make the editor but I know this is impossible without triggers
18:31.41Dryeyecebecause there is absolutely no way to detect the amount of damage done
18:31.51Dryeyeceexcept viz a validator for every value
18:32.13Dryeyeceand since damage is a real value and not an integer that makes it technically gozillions of validators you would need
18:33.00Dryeyecebecause the only way the data part of the editor can get a current value for anything is with validators
18:33.09ckSynergyyou know, Im really glad you said something
18:33.30DryeyeceI have tried to do what you are doing in data onnly a long time ago and I hit the wall
18:33.48ckSynergyYour walls arent mine
18:34.04DryeyeceI will say GL then
18:34.25ckSynergyJust got it working
18:34.56Dryeyeceyour behavior is reflecting a % of the damage taken by the source?
18:35.35ckSynergyI set it to 100% currently, and a marine is taking 1 damage, and a ultralisk is taking 15
18:35.48ckSynergyfactoring in armor, its right on par
18:35.49Dryeyeceyou set what to 100%
18:35.55ckSynergythe reflect %
18:36.09Dryeyecewhere is there a field for reflect %?
18:36.38ckSynergyThere isnt a field. You have to build the chain. Gotta step out of the box everyone says you have to stay in. ;)
18:37.07Skaftany  european guys who want to test a map here? :)
18:37.20Dustin|WorkWhat exactly is this chain
18:37.23Net_CreatorJeez, this community was so much less cold and unwelcoming back in beta.
18:37.32DryeyeceSo how did you do it? I don't mind admitting I am wrong at all by any means, but I would really like to know how you managed to do it
18:37.57ckSynergyI'll tell you if you test it for me and confirm if it works as intended :) hows that?
18:38.10ckSynergyFrom what I can tell, it works
18:38.27ckSynergybut perhaps you can come up with unique scenarios to test
18:38.36DryeyeceI am dying to actually
18:39.31ckSynergyok, so in my test example, I use a ultralisk vs marine and ultra vs ultra
18:39.35*** join/#sc2mapster Taintedwisp (4bb541ee@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
18:39.36TaintedwispHEY EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
18:39.48TaintedwispHey Blizz-Deletarius, you there by chnace?
18:40.00Dryeyecedo you have the unit reflecting damage's weapon turned off?
18:40.01Taintedwisp\Dang dogmai isnt on
18:40.10ckSynergyNow, for MY ultra, I apply a behavior that gives a combat response of 1, and an effect handled is set to a persistent effect
18:40.28TaintedwispGuess im about 4 hours too late for dogmai support haha
18:40.32DryeyeceNothing abnormal about that
18:40.42ckSynergythe persistent is set to "persist until destroyed", the periods is set to 0.0002 (the smallest possible), and the period effect is a damage effect that deals 0.0002 damage
18:41.03ckSynergythe periodic validator is set to "caster weapon firing"
18:41.41ckSynergynot the validator is named a little odd, but its a default and actually applies to "target"
18:41.47ckSynergywhich works in our scenario
18:41.58Blizz-Deletariushi taintedwisp
18:42.02Blizz-Deletariushow can I help you?
18:42.03ckSynergyso, our unit gets attacked, the persistent runs on target unit, and keeps firing off the damage effect
18:42.18TaintedwispHey do you remember Dogmais Post about the Mini Map icons on the fourms?
18:42.35ckSynergysince weapons have a "period" for how long they take to fire, the 0.0002 damage keeps running until the weapon on the enemy stops
18:42.37Blizz-DeletariusI remember it
18:42.46TaintedwispI am having the same problems, I dont know the specifics about his, but SOME of the units I spawn via triggers Wont show their icons
18:42.50TaintedwispNor a power feild model
18:43.38TaintedwispIf I use makeunit on these same units, then the icons and everything shows fine
18:43.48TaintedwispWell I say units, but I mean building
18:44.18ckSynergySo, as far as I can tell it works as intended
18:44.36Taintedwispi was feeling jumpy yesterday, and did a TON of work on my map, one of which was minimap icons :P
18:45.35TaintedwispAlso everyone I finished my Heroes LOoks :P and i finished 2 heroes yesterday
18:45.48Taintedwispso only 2 more heroes togo
18:45.56Taintedwispthen 6 heroes will need to be made levelable
18:46.09ckSynergyunless Blizz-Deletarius wants to tell me that Im way off lol
18:46.49Skaftpretty cool models
18:46.58TaintedwispI woke up feeling Jumpy again today :P
18:47.09*** join/#sc2mapster Dryeyece (4252a22d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
18:47.10Taintedwispsoooo i suspect tons more work will be done today haha
18:47.16Dryeyeceuggh my client froze
18:47.28TaintedwispDryeyece check it
18:47.33TaintedwispI finished all my units looks
18:47.42TaintedwispWell I might go back and retecture the infestor
18:47.53DryeyeceCksynergy the last thing I saw from you was that the persistent has the validator cater weapon firing on it
18:48.17Dryeyeceno we didnt get minmap icons dixed yet
18:48.25Dryeyecebut it is localized to certain maps
18:48.39Taintedwispahh, well I have the same problem but I have isolated the problem
18:48.40DryeyeceI madea a new map to work on the RPG terrain with and the minimap icons work fine on that map for whatever reason
18:48.43ckSynergyBehavior w/ combat response 1->persistent that persistent until destroyed, period 0.0002, validate weapon firing->damage effect that deals  0.0002 damage on target
18:48.59TaintedwispFor me atleast its SOME units spawned by triggers
18:49.12Dryeyecesounds like that persistent effect will persist forever until the caster stops firing his weapon
18:49.33TaintedwispIF you think it would help, Tell dogmai,  or you can borrow my map so you could maybe compare and figure out exactly what in triggers causes it
18:49.58TaintedwispThen maybe we can get a legit bug report that can be recreated to blizz
18:50.09DryeyeceI will tell him but even when our minimap icons worked fine our heroes were still being created the same way they are now
18:50.20ckSynergyyes exactly
18:50.21TaintedwispYeah same here, for me its just buildings
18:50.30DryeyeceCk how is your behavior or persistent detecting the amount of damage recieved?
18:50.45ckSynergythe persistent is
18:51.07ckSynergyit runs frequently every period, a weapon runs frequently every period
18:51.08Dryeyecethen you must have some other validator on it other than caster weapon firing
18:51.27Dryeyeceyeah but what does a weapon firing have to do with the amount of damage recieved?
18:51.50ckSynergyhow does a unit recieve damage?
18:52.00Dryeyecefrom an effect
18:52.10ckSynergyand the effect is typically tied to...
18:52.20Dryeyeceeither an ability or a weapon
18:52.35Dryeyecebut the weapon firing doesnt have anything to do with the amount of damage the effect is doing
18:53.26Dryeyecethat is determined by the value in the amount field of the damage effect, a weapon can fire and do no damage or it can fire and do 100 damage, so I say again how does weapon firing have anything to do with the "amount" of damage being done
18:53.47TaintedwispBut yeah let him know dryeye, that would be great maybe we can both get our crap solved haha
18:53.50DryeyeceI am not saying your stuff isnt working i am just trying to understand if it is working how
18:54.11Dryeyece@Taintedwisp agreed lol
18:55.04TaintedwispNOW how should I go about this... HMM :P
18:55.38TaintedwispI want to make an ability that when the unit dies he explodes for High AOE damage
18:55.46Taintedwispwith the model of the nuke haha
18:55.49Dryeyecethats not an ability
18:55.51Dryeyecethats just a behavior
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18:56.17Dryeyececombat damage response chance 1, count max, start, use 1
18:56.36Dryeyececheck off fatal, and put the effect you want int he handled dropdown
18:57.31ckSynergyDry: I'll admit, its not tied to the actual damage but rather how long the weapon is firing
18:58.29duckiesck, is this all a theorycrafting or you've got it working on a map? :O
18:59.03ckSynergyworking on a map
18:59.20ckSynergyin a sense
18:59.27ckSynergyIm still testing it out
18:59.33ckSynergyhaving some mixed results
18:59.50duckiesand btw I thought that smallest possible period in data is 0.0625 :/
19:00.30Dryeyecethen I hate to tell you this but you are not reflecting a % of damage done, you are reflecting damage as long as the caster is firing its weapon
19:00.42Dryeyeceno in data a period can be 0
19:00.51Dryeyecein triggers the shortest wait you can do is a game loop
19:00.54ckSynergya marine takes ~1 damage with this method, an ultra takes ~ 15 damage. The unit recieving the damage has a armor value of 3.75. Marine deals 6 (*.5) damage, ultra deals 16
19:01.35Dryeyecemake the marine damage effect 1
19:02.30ckSynergyeh I tried a marauder and it was dealing no damage
19:02.38Dryeyecethen set to allied marines on the terrain, have one of them attack the other one, and have the one being attacked attack something else
19:02.44Dryeyeceand see if you reflect only 1 dmg
19:03.03Dryeyecetwo allied*
19:03.13ckSynergylooks like the validator is based on the damage point
19:03.35DryeyeceThe damage point on the weapon?
19:04.38ckSynergynot too sure
19:04.46ckSynergybut yes
19:04.56ckSynergyI'm trying to figure out a method for this
19:05.04ckSynergythere has GOT to be a way
19:05.07Dryeyeceit doesn't matter because for what you are trying to do whether or not anyone is firing a weapon is irrelevant
19:05.18Dryeyecethere isnt man
19:05.28Dryeyeceits not you or me its the editor and the way that data functions
19:05.54Blizz-Deletariuscheck your messages
19:05.55Dryeyeceit is incapable of getting a current value, it can only get preset values because that is all data is, predefined values
19:06.35Dryeyecety sir
19:07.25Dryeyecethere isnt even a validator for detecting amount of damage taken
19:07.31ckSynergyRight, I understand that
19:07.43Dryeyeceall a validator can do in respect to damage itself is detect how long its been sincce X unit took damage
19:07.52ckSynergybut as far as data, we have things like "leech life" which is based on point values for damage taken/delt
19:08.08Dryeyeceyeah but thats different
19:08.11Dryeyeceand built in
19:08.25ckSynergyright, and thats what Im looking for. the built in method
19:08.36Dryeyecethere isnt one
19:08.43Dryeyeceif there was trust me I would know about it
19:09.00ckSynergyhmmm ok then
19:09.07Dryeyecegood news is what you want to do is possible but you need a trigger
19:09.19DryeyeceWhy are you so adamant about not using a trigger to help?
19:09.39ckSynergyI dont like having a function run every time any unit takes damage
19:09.56Dryeyeceyou dont need one
19:10.20Dryeyecetake every effect off that persistent that your behavior produces and run your trigger off effect used
19:10.57Dryeyecethat way you have the effect there to attach art to and stuff and the trigger responds only to damage taken by unit with X behavior
19:11.10ckSynergystill, shame its not built in
19:11.18Dryeyeceumm wait no that wont work
19:11.27Dryeyeceyou would have to use the unit takes damage
19:11.35Dryeyecebecause you need to quantify the amount recieved and do some math with it
19:11.47Dryeyecejust make the condition unit has behavior X
19:12.10ckSynergyyea, "any unit" takes damage. not exactly the most desired result
19:12.20ckSynergyoh well
19:12.29DryeyeceFor me I just made my damage reflect behaviors reflect a predefined dmg amount
19:13.31ckSynergyafk a few
19:15.14*** join/#sc2mapster Dryeyece_ (4252a22d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
19:17.53Taintedwisp  I hear that doesnt have those pesky disconnect problems
19:18.00Dryeyece_Weird the top of my screen says Dryeyece has timed out lol
19:18.35Dryeyece_wtf is that on your zealots arm?
19:19.29Dryeyece_thats an observer ass isnt it
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19:19.59monkalizerlatest UI news (for those who care :))
19:22.14TaintedwispYO dryeyece what is it?
19:29.41TaintedwispDryeyece you there?
19:30.01Taintedwispyou were talking to me and I didnt respond haah
19:30.09TaintedwispHHAHAH yeah thats an observers ass :P
19:30.18TaintedwispLooks cool though haha
19:30.20ckSynergyI think I should make a statement real quick. It's not that Im out to disagree with everyone, and its not that I'm opposed to triggers. It's just I believe in trying to do things the most correct and efficient route. When it comes to the editor, there are a LOT of unknowns, and there have been a number of things people have told me were "not possible", and then I went on to do it. Not to
19:30.21ckSynergyprove them wrong, but to show that it can be done. A lot of people are too quick to dismiss something as impossible.
19:30.36TaintedwispI had it set up another way but it looked like some Kinda power rangers mega zord haha
19:31.16ckSynergyIt's like brilliance aura (% based regen). Entirely possible in the data editor alone
19:34.56Dryeyece_sorry yeah just a sec
19:35.18Dryeyece_I was making a post on the blizzard forums about some stuff I want O.o
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20:46.00*** topic/#sc2mapster is | sc2mapster bnet2 channel | HotS Beta has begun and 1.5 Arcade is FTW! | We want your broken maps! | Join #sc2replayed for SC2Replayed | This channel is logged, via purl
20:46.02monkalizerthe dialog/image system is cooperating with me today so I guess its good to continue working on it...
20:46.31monkalizerit was supposed to look like shade
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20:46.38monkalizerbut yeah they do
20:46.53DeadZerglingwhy is the top one so much bigger in top right ?
20:46.58DeadZerglingerr, top left
20:47.31monkalizerits tabs, the top left one has been selected
20:47.49monkalizerbut the overlap is somehow not blending in properly
20:48.54monkalizerthe button icons seemed cool when I made them... now they dont look so cool anymore. it was supposed to look like skull-helmets :)
20:49.25*** join/#sc2mapster MasterReY (~Goa@
20:49.30MasterReYHello guys
20:49.33DeadZerglingoh, I thought they were like the computer monitors I used at school to play oregon trail
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20:49.50MasterReYOne quick question: Are there any Text display effects in the sc2 editor?
20:49.56monkalizerI have this skull-theme on my maps you see
20:50.11MasterReYlike blinking or changing the size
20:50.14DeadZerglingand now you have 1970s computer monitor as a theme too
20:50.22Dustin|Workno master
20:50.26MasterReYkk :)
20:50.37Dustin|WorkYou can emulate those effect for dialogs
20:50.49Dustin|WorkBut not just for any text
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20:52.08DeadZergling_discoed you too eh monk?
20:52.21monkalizer_mhm :(
20:52.24MasterReYlook at this video
20:52.28monkalizer_i have no 70s computer theme
20:52.34MasterReYat the begining there is the word "top"
20:52.45monkalizer_internet got mad when you said that and disconnected me
20:52.52DeadZergling_those buttons remind me so much of green based colored monitors though, lol
20:52.55MasterReYit is very big in beginning and then "falls" to the ground
20:52.57MasterReYsomething like that
20:53.06MasterReYi want to to that with a single text
20:53.31MasterReYi guess thats too much right? :D
20:53.36MasterReYno way to emulate?
20:54.33monkalizer_MasterReY: you want to create an effect where the text is changing in size?
20:54.51MasterReYthats what it is basically i guess
20:55.04monkalizer_you can do it with dialogs and a while loop
20:55.07MasterReYit should look like its falling from the camera to the ground
20:55.12MasterReYdunno how to describe it better
20:56.13G0Awow, by now my map mover from 100th+ to 12th under a day.D
20:56.24monkalizer_create a dialog what covers the entire scree => create an image => create a handle to the image (a variable) => start a while loop and each 0.2 second or so make the size of the image slightly smaller. you can rotate it too if you wish :)
20:56.37MasterReYi looking for a "set dialog scale" action or so but didnt find one
20:57.02MasterReYya ok thats with an image
20:57.15MasterReYbut with normal text written in the editor its not possible right?
20:57.23monkalizer_no you have to set the size in exact numbers, and calculate that shrinking size with some functions
20:57.48monkalizer_yes you can do that too, but instead of recalculating the size of the image, you recalculate the size of the text
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20:58.42monkalizer_instead of the dialog variable you need a text variable
20:58.43MasterReYwell i know the "set dialog item size" but it only changes the borders of the dialog
20:58.46MasterReYdoesnt change the text
20:59.50MasterReYbasically io cant find a way to chnage the size of a text
21:00.41Dryeyecedont you have to use a style to do that?
21:00.47monkalizer_I'l put something together
21:00.57MasterReYexcept using something like <s val="ModLeftSize12">  -->  <s val="ModLeftSize16">  ---> <s val="ModLeftSize20">
21:01.02MasterReYbut thats not really nice haha
21:01.16MasterReYi know i can also have custom styles
21:01.20MasterReYand im using some already
21:01.38MasterReYso i could use <s val="ModLeftSize12"> --> <s val="ModLeftSize13"> --> <s val="ModLeftSize14"> to make it look more smooth
21:01.48MasterReYbut that just looks odd^^
21:02.31Dryeyecewell you could make an image in an image editor like gimp for example that has your text on it but that s only if what the text says never changes
21:02.39MasterReYyou know i want something like the "Achievement unlocked" splashes when you unlock an achievement in a melee game or so^^
21:03.19MasterReYyea Dry, i know that method, but i dont really wanna convert every text to an image^^
21:03.41Dryeyeceyeah if your text changes what it says then doing it that way wouldnt be very efficient lol
21:05.00DryeyeceSo yeah the only way I know to change anything about text other than its position, is with a style 8(
21:05.16Dryeyecewell with a text tag you can change the size
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21:06.48MasterReYoh ok, i didnt know text tags yet
21:07.12MasterReYbut yeah it only has 12,16,24,32^^
21:10.15SkaftWhat's your map called G0A?
21:10.21Dustin|WorkUgh Im over working today
21:10.35Dustin|WorkSomeone hire me to make maps for them all day :D
21:12.15monkalizer_so i made a solution based on text tags for you... lets se if it works :)
21:14.32monkalizer_MasterReY: I'l upload something on mapster. It scales a bit choppily but works fine :)
21:14.34MasterReYoh wow :D
21:15.16MasterReYdid you use an invisible unit and modify the height of the text tag of that unit in a while loop?
21:17.45monkalizer_no i used the camera position
21:17.48monkalizer_of a player
21:18.15monkalizer_you got some bonus stuff there that includes my new UI for a mod I'm making :P
21:18.27monkalizer_Your function is the first one in the trigger editor
21:18.31MasterReYnice, thanks
21:18.35MasterReYwill check it out now
21:20.23DeadZergling_lol that's funny, monk, bonus gift
21:20.38MasterReYwtf they all have the same name^^
21:20.58monkalizer_the functions?
21:21.02monkalizer_try press ctrl D
21:21.18MasterReYthank god lol
21:21.48monkalizer_I actually paniced the other day, sent in a bug report about that
21:22.03MasterReYlike 10 diff. functions with the same name and everyone had 3-4 parameters with the same name and local variables with the same name
21:22.34MasterReYand every action of the functions just had "Untitled Parameter" or "Untiteled Variable" in them like 10 times
21:23.01monkalizer_it has to do with localization. All functions have a name and a handle. Normally you only edit the handle. All fuctions and variabls have the same default name... stupid if you ask me :)
21:24.04monkalizer_DeadZergling_: you have the 70s computer button icon in there if you want it...
21:25.10monkalizer_yeah I know... I have learned the hard way to use records and functions to build them... helps A LOT
21:25.42DeadZergling_I use those as well
21:25.44DeadZergling_I just lack the patience
21:26.02monkalizer_but I think I figured it out today, how I should work with them... they are nice to me now :D
21:26.18DeadZergling_I'll  have to be patient with them soon to make a working quest system though
21:26.21monkalizer_Feels like taming a mad horse
21:26.30DeadZergling_may put in some shop dialogs too
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21:27.14monkalizer_Actually I think the logic of dialogs is the hardest part, as well as making things end up where they are supposed to
21:27.37G0ASkaft Nexus Squadron Strike.
21:27.39DeadZergling_I agree, the logic is a tricky one
21:27.51DeadZergling_trying again and again can get them to look nice enough
21:28.02DeadZergling_but logic is a diff story
21:29.12monkalizer_I made these check-functions that work pretty well, like checkPlayerCash, checkPlayerTechTree, checkPlayer... to see if I should enable a button
21:30.31DeadZergling_pity I can't translate C# dialog code into SC2, lol
21:30.38DeadZergling_could make dialogs all day at work if I could do that
21:31.12monkalizer_mhm :)
21:31.30monkalizer_you have to make an api that translates into sc editor script
21:31.56monkalizer_your job seems like a nice one
21:36.25DeadZergling_eh, kind of
21:36.36DeadZergling_lots of free time, but I never have anything to do during it
21:36.57monkalizer_I interpret that as a hesitant yes :)
21:37.09monkalizer_hm. peculiar
21:37.59DeadZergling_suppose I could go over Quest dialog logic
21:38.20DeadZergling_sc2 dialogs allow listboxes/drop down lists, right?
21:40.10monkalizer_i have not worked with drop-down things
21:40.41monkalizer_listboxes are really nice because they are dynamic, so you can push infinite amount of stuff to them and reference them
21:40.51EnexyNunutime to get free food again
21:40.54EnexyNunuveteran's day ftw...
21:40.56EnexyNunufree food everywhere!
21:41.08monkalizer_I think they start counting at 1 or something... not 0 as I was expecting.
21:41.10EnexyNunuThinking Friday's...
21:41.35DeadZergling_yea, gotta love how they can't stay consistent
21:41.40DeadZergling_either start at 0 or 1, lol
21:41.55Skaftif i publish a locked map, can i as the creator edit the map or is it locked for everyone?
21:42.18DeadZergling_can edit your local copy
21:42.25DeadZergling_but you won't be able to recover the map if your HD fails
21:42.47DeadZergling_so making backups is a very good idea
21:43.38Skaftwould you recomend uploading it as locked?
21:43.50DeadZergling_if you don't want anyone else editing it but you, then yes
21:44.36monkalizer_most people lock their work, but its stupid since you cant earn any money on it :)
21:45.17DeadZergling_is more to it than money
21:45.26DeadZergling_I just don't want anyone stealing my ideas out from under me
21:45.31Dustin|WorkIt also prevents people from just posting up a modified version of your map and stealing your playerbase
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21:45.57monkalizer_DeadZergling_: when you work with dialogs and custom images: save yourself some time and make record function as a middleman when giving paths to files. This way you can replace the files more ieasily, as well as commenting the images, when you make changes.
21:46.01Dustin|WorkIf you can look at my map and reproduce it without opening it up, you can have the idea hehe
21:46.20Dustin|WorkRecords are AMAZING for dialogs
21:47.29AhliI've just a few array variables per dialog... works good too
21:47.31Skaftwerent they supposed to give mnapmakers some sort of compensation?
21:47.34Dustin|WorkDoesnt matter for smaller dialogs, but when you have a huge dialog with a bunch of different frames and shit in it, then records are the bees knees
21:48.44monkalizer_Skaft: i think its really complicated to do that :) they talked about it in 2010 but I think thats a dead end. Its so easy to copy other peoples work that there would be very nasty fights about copyright and who-did-what...
21:48.57Dustin|WorkMainDialog[Player_Index].PlayerStats.Health is a much easier way to reference a nested dialog then the alternative.
21:49.34monkalizer_But a t-shirt for having your map being the map of the week would be nice!
21:50.05DeadZergling_think a t-shirt based off your map for being map of the week would be better
21:50.28monkalizer_Dustin|Work: Yes: that implies that you have as many record instances in a array as you have players -> which makes it a bit heavy memorywise but completely generic :D i do that all the time
21:50.54Dustin|WorkYour main record needs to be an array
21:51.15Dustin|WorkThen that's all you need
21:53.01DeadZergling_sounds like you making the same mistake I made at first dustin, you don't actually have to use different dialogs for different players
21:53.15DeadZergling_can alter the same dialog for that player only
21:53.25monkalizer_I made it the other way around in my stores - to keep different stores to nest into each other. I made each store "store" the current player selection.
21:54.29monkalizer_I have one dialog item for each store, the player screen and each scoreboard type. Then I edit them using playerGroupSingle(player)
21:54.44Dustin|WorkWhat deadzergling?
21:55.04DeadZergling_the whole player index thing, you don't have to make 8 different dialogs for 8 diff players
21:55.11monkalizer_But you will still need one record per player somewhere, it just does not have to include dialog variables
21:55.13A1winDustin|Work, you only need one dialog and dialog item, and then you can show different conent in them for each player
21:55.15DeadZergling_you can adjust the apperance for each player
21:55.46Dustin|WorkYou can hide/show for different players
21:55.54A1winyea, and everything else too
21:56.01A1winlike change dialog item text, color etc
21:56.25A1winall the values (except maybe position and size) can be changed for each player separately
21:56.44Dustin|WorkThat's weird
21:57.01monkalizer_a dialog item is shared with all players, its aform of container. Its look and content is specified using player groups
21:57.04A1winI did it the array way first too until I realized that
21:57.21DeadZergling_I'm still doing it that way, been too lazy to change it around slightly
21:57.30monkalizer_I have functions that apply turquise settings for playerGroupTeam1 and pink for playerGroupTeam2
21:57.32Dustin|WorkIll keep doing it this way incase I run into a situation where I need to have them seperate for wahtever reason
21:57.32monkalizer_with the same dialog
21:57.57monkalizer_yes its bad form to mix the strategies
21:58.12Dustin|WorkBut that's good to know
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21:58.32Dustin|WorkSUp OG Kush
21:58.37DeadZergling_change mine eventually, since I am a bit of a performance junky
21:58.42A1winI'd only use different dialogs for things that don't make sense to do with the same dialog
21:58.51NGKrushwhats the easiest way of copying a custom unit to a new map?
21:58.59DeadZergling_oh i know this one!
21:59.00NGKrushi'm not og yet dustin
21:59.03DeadZergling_ctrl + C
21:59.19Dustin|WorkThere is none
21:59.22NGKrushbut it doesnt copy all the links if you do that
21:59.29DeadZergling_so, copy them over too
21:59.33Dustin|WorkIt's not going to copy everything over and shit will break all over your face
21:59.44Dustin|WorkYou'll have to copy over piece by piece
21:59.55Dustin|WorkBecause, fuck consitincey ya know?
21:59.59NGKrushbut it keeps the links, so if i copy all of it, it'll be ok?
22:00.11Dustin|WorkIf you get everything copied ya
22:00.12DeadZergling_should be, may need some minor adjustment
22:00.19DeadZergling_but should be fine
22:00.21NGKrushok, thats a relief
22:00.28Ahliunless you have data entries with the same ID existing in the other map
22:00.51NGKrushthat wont be a prob
22:01.23NGKrushjust want to say, this community is really cool. i'm new to everythin, but everyones so helpful
22:01.27NGKrushreally appreciate it
22:01.50DeadZergling_we more prone to being helpful when it is stuff we know
22:01.55monkalizer_NGKrush: you should have a look at a depenency map. it will help you a lot
22:01.59DeadZergling_good luck when you get into the more complex stuff, lol
22:02.19DeadZergling_those questions are harder to find answers for
22:02.20Ahliif no one knows, nobody can answer...
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22:02.42DeadZergling_coudl just yell at ckSynergy though
22:02.51DeadZergling_he is all about making the impossible possible
22:03.00NGKrushmonk, yes that sounds like a good idea. my project is about to get a lot bigger, so I really need to get stuff organised
22:03.18monkalizer_NGKrush: check out that link... i think its updated. Found it in the wiki the other day
22:03.52NGKrushthanks, just sent a view request to the owner
22:04.57monkalizer_I was wondering why my text image did not fit into my panel item... I made it larger and larger... finally to realize that the size of the image is always the same as the panel - > so it just got more stretched!!
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22:10.41NGKrushcan everyone dl the hots beta?
22:11.18DeadZergling_only those selected by blizz/those who were actually interested, lol
22:11.56NGKrushi just requested a placement and looked at my account and could dl the installer
22:12.35NGKrushor do u still need a key after install?
22:12.53DeadZergling_dunno, sure someone in the beta would know
22:13.23Ahliyou need hots beta on your account to enter hots beta
22:14.05NGKrushdoes it mess up ur maps in the editor?
22:19.02SkaftJoin open game Race in Space on eu if you want to be the first to test my map! :3
22:22.40monkalizer_last update for today :) promise!
22:22.57DeadZergling_Believe you I won't, no errrmmm!
22:24.30DeadZergling_wtb button text that lines up on the left
22:24.51monkalizer_lines up?
22:25.01SkaftWhen i create my map, i cant get into the lobby it only says waiting for players, why is this?
22:25.02monkalizer_current squad
22:25.26DeadZergling_Yes, so the text starts at the same place for each button
22:26.26DeadZergling_it can get a        little
22:26.50monkalizer_are you pressing private game or play game? if you turned the "deactivate lobby" checkbox && you have defined you game to have more than one player, clicking play map will force the map to wait. Click Play private game instead, or deselect the disable checkbox that hides the game lobby
22:27.02Skaftplay game yeah
22:27.09monkalizer_haha, they are images I made in gimp
22:27.16monkalizer_so yeah they move around a little :)
22:27.17Skaftdeactivate lobby?
22:27.39Fenix_how can i make a unit shoot at point on A-Click command?
22:27.56A1winmake it an effect-target ability instead of attack
22:28.34Skaftah found it thanks
22:28.53DeadZergling_by the way, what characters does the editor find acceptable for banking, is there like an official list
22:29.05DeadZergling_I know 0-9, A-Z, a-z, what else though?
22:29.09monkalizer_uuuh I made this huge apple cake for this event, but very few showed up. now its in the kitchen... waiting for me to eat it...
22:29.27monkalizer_storing or using in filenames=
22:29.43DeadZergling_storing to bank files and loading from them
22:30.11DeadZergling_I know I went a little ¡¡Crazy¡¡ before on them
22:30.15DeadZergling_bank didn't appreciate that one bit
22:30.43monkalizer_banks are peculiar things
22:31.07monkalizer_the banks are read by sc which compiles them into somehing compressed that is shared between all computers on loadup
22:31.44monkalizer_are you encrypting?
22:31.54DeadZergling_aye, just decided my current system of storing data needs to be bigger, is vigicimal currently, could be Tretrigicimal using A-Z, but be nice to have it be a little bigger
22:32.11monkalizer_my guess is that it perhaps dont like to compress all kinds of letters
22:32.19DeadZergling_no compression
22:32.31DeadZergling_Simply changing the meaning of letters
22:33.40DeadZergling_Base 20 helps a lot w/ keeping banks small, but I want to upgrade to base 40, lol
22:34.02monkalizer_is your compression method doing this or do you think the sc engine does it?
22:34.11monkalizer_hehe nerdery
22:34.31DeadZergling_sc engine I assume, all the conversion is done by functions I made
22:34.47monkalizer_there was this post about the limitations of banks somewhere... either on the forums or at mapster
22:35.07DeadZergling_not sure it touches on the character subject, ill check though
22:36.01SkaftJoin game Race in Space @eu nao!
22:36.10Skaftyou wont regret! :D
22:36.56monkalizer_so its time for a game before bedtime then... :)
22:37.11monkalizer_Skaft, are you in the sc2mapster chat thread?
22:37.20Skaftno, should i?
22:37.33monkalizer_well if you want me to join
22:37.40monkalizer_i need to find you
22:37.56Skaftwell it's a public game
22:38.29Dustin|WorkRace in Space!
22:38.30DeadZergling_pity they fail to mention what chars are in fact useable, lol
22:38.35Dustin|Workthat's too close to my Base Race
22:38.49Dustin|WorkI am suing you over the name similiarities!
22:39.22Dustin|WorkNow, is anyone here a lawyer
22:40.40DeadZergling_obviously dustin works for apple
22:40.58monkalizer_Skaft: i just poked you in the game
22:41.43monkalizer_Hehe I have patented "Craft" and "Star" and I'm just waiting for the all the games to pile up before I will start to sue.
22:42.24Dustin|WorkLol, did you see that Apple lost their Suit against Samsung
22:42.51Dustin|WorkThe funny part is, Samsung is the manufacturer of all the chips Apple uses, so samsung hiked the price to apple by 20%
22:43.02SkaftYou dced monkalizer_!
22:49.04DeadZergling_nevermind, is a post further down w/ a long list of chars
22:55.49Blizz-Deletariusthe only good thing about samsung is their tv's :|
22:56.32monkalizer_and their ships! they make great ships :)
22:56.42monkalizer_not chips
22:56.49monkalizer_but ships that float on water
22:56.53monkalizer_boats :=
22:58.08monkalizer_gn everyone :)
22:58.29DeadZergling_i happen to own a samsung TV i think, lol
22:58.40DeadZergling_is a great  heater in the fall/winter
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23:20.09SkaftHow can i make a trigger that removes all the units that a player owns, if said player leaves the game?
23:20.29A1winevent: player quits
23:20.37Blizz-Deletariushave an event that if x player leaves, destroy all units belonging to player of player group X
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23:21.06A1winuse a "for each unit in unit group" loop (action)
23:24.39Skaftwith for each unit in unit.. i need some kind of variable
23:24.55A1wineach, make a unit type local variable
23:25.06A1winthen put a "remove unit from the game" action inside the loop
23:25.12A1winand set the removed unit as that variable
23:25.32A1winI mean, the unit that will be removed with that action, pick the variable as its value
23:25.50A1win"For each TempUnit in unit group: Remove TempUnit from the game"
23:26.06A1win(or kill if you prefer that)
23:26.23A1winremove just makes them disappear, kill makes them die
23:27.40Skaftthe problem is, there isnt a specific unit that needs to be removed
23:27.44A1winthe "Pick each unit in unit group" does the same thing, and uses the "picked unit" instead of a variable... but the variable version is more flexible as it can be nested (loops inside loops), so there's no real reason to use the "pick each unit" version
23:27.48A1winI know
23:27.53A1winthe loop goes through all units that player owns
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23:28.10A1winand sets the units into that TempUnit variable one at a time, removes it, and then picks the next unit and so on
23:28.25Skaftall the units that may exist?
23:28.38Skaftin the tempunit variable
23:28.48A1winall units in the unit group you specify for the loop
23:29.14A1win"For each unit in unit group", you need to then set that unit group as "Units owned by player" or something
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23:29.27UloseTheGameyo guys
23:29.38UloseTheGameI have come here in my need
23:29.42UloseTheGameneeding help
23:29.54UloseTheGameWho here can offer me the aid I so desire?
23:30.02Skafti'll try to fix it, thanks for the help A1win
23:30.13A1winSkaft, this might be helpful to understand how it works:
23:30.23Skaftyeah i know how a foorloop works
23:30.28UloseTheGameTrying to make a missile collision combat system
23:30.35A1winit's a for each loop
23:30.52Skafti know programming, im  just a bit retarded what to put in the trigger haha
23:31.01A1winwell.. it's programming ;p
23:31.03UloseTheGameYo a1win
23:31.10UloseTheGamecan you help meh?
23:31.28A1winwhat kind of missile collisions
23:31.28UloseTheGameer...can thy helpest meh
23:31.35UloseTheGameAs in
23:31.42UloseTheGamethe combat is missiles and avoidance
23:31.54UloseTheGameAnd here is what I have done so far
23:32.02UloseTheGamei've been at this for a few hours
23:32.14UloseTheGameAt first I was using weapons as the trigger
23:32.23UloseTheGamebut i switched to effect target
23:32.31UloseTheGameI want to be able to press a on a point
23:32.43UloseTheGameand the missile will shoot out from the unit
23:32.53UloseTheGameand deal damage when it collides with other units
23:33.08UloseTheGameso far it won't shoot when I target a point
23:33.10UloseTheGameonly a unit
23:33.10A1winI'd guess the missile unit needs a periodic search behavior to check collisions
23:33.26DeadZergling_yea, it does
23:33.30A1winset the effect-target effect's target type to point/unit (or just point)
23:33.34UloseTheGameWhy would it need a periodic search
23:33.43DeadZergling_collison detection
23:33.48A1winbecause it needs to do damage to units on its way
23:34.01UloseTheGameHmm, my effect chain looks like this deadzergling
23:34.18UloseTheGameeffect target->search area
23:34.59UloseTheGameeffect target -> search area -> launch missile -> set -> damage and slow(im just copying marauder stuff for now to make sure it works)
23:35.11A1winwhat's the search area for?
23:35.11UloseTheGameam I missing a create persistant or what?
23:35.20DeadZergling_indeed, that one is odd
23:35.23UloseTheGameit wont shoot at points otherwise
23:35.28UloseTheGamefor some wierd reason
23:35.32UloseTheGamemind you
23:35.41UloseTheGameit wont shoot at points WITH the search area
23:35.46UloseTheGameso its pretty useless atm
23:35.51A1winthat doesn't make much sense :P
23:35.57DeadZergling_well anyways
23:36.04A1winyou need an effect target ability that shoots a missile unit
23:36.09DeadZergling_what you want is for 2 missiles to explode when they hit each other, right?
23:36.09A1wincan't remember how exactly that works
23:36.22UloseTheGameI want a missile to deal damage
23:36.30UloseTheGamewhen it collides with a unit
23:36.44DeadZergling_sounds like fireball tutorial to me
23:36.48UloseTheGameIt might work
23:36.54A1winfor that, the missile should have a periodic search that finds units around it and damages them
23:37.06UloseTheGamewell my problem is solely that it won't shoot out at points
23:37.23UloseTheGamemaybe im not expressing what I want clear enough
23:37.25DeadZergling_hrrrrmm, second, I'll grab the tutorial you should see
23:37.29UloseTheGameI have two marines on the map
23:37.38UloseTheGameI want to say
23:37.50UloseTheGamea click a point in the line of sight of both marines
23:37.53A1winI don't remember how to configure it exactly
23:38.00UloseTheGamelet's say they are standing across from one another
23:38.10UloseTheGameand I want to a clikc on the ground
23:38.11DeadZergling_just follow that ulose
23:38.16DeadZergling_modify it to serve your purpose
23:38.25DeadZergling_that will tell you what you need to know
23:38.51DeadZergling_I do a whole lot of collision detection in my project
23:39.08DeadZergling_I know very well what you are wanting
23:39.31DeadZergling_that tutorial is a good starting point
23:39.37DeadZergling_you can customize it more from there
23:40.27BountyPew Pew
23:41.20DeadZergling_ if you curious what I've used it for a little, pay particular attention to the marine's spread attack after the initial minute
23:45.00SkaftI think i'll do that trigger after i've slept :p
23:49.07UloseTheGameThanks dead!
23:50.56DeadZergling_no probs, have fun with that
23:51.35UloseTheGamenew problem
23:51.44UloseTheGamethe missile completely bypasses the unit
23:51.52UloseTheGamewithout colliding
23:51.55UloseTheGamehow fix :\
23:52.06UloseTheGameif I shoot the missile
23:52.12UloseTheGameit goes right through the unit
23:52.16UloseTheGamedoesnt stop
23:52.31DeadZergling_sounds like it still doesn't have a behavior periodically searching attached to the missile
23:52.40UloseTheGameand deal any damage to the unit
23:52.42UloseTheGameoh no
23:52.50UloseTheGameHow do I set that up?
23:53.09DeadZergling_I use a launch effect
23:53.13DeadZergling_that applies the behavior
23:53.28UloseTheGamegood idea
23:53.39UloseTheGamewhat parameters should the behavior have?
23:53.50DeadZergling_period duration .0625
23:53.54DeadZergling_period effect search
23:54.02DeadZergling_period count -1
23:54.08DeadZergling_flags: hidden
23:54.10DeadZergling_that's about it
23:54.19DeadZergling_actually flags isn't necessary since you can't target missiles anyways
23:54.38BountyAny artists here?
23:55.01UloseTheGamehey bounty! for Trolls vs Gnolls?
23:55.04UloseTheGameThat game is lu-ulz
23:55.14Bountyjust added a big update today :)
23:55.17BountyAdded spawn immunity for 5 seconds unless u break it by attacking. You now spawn as the class u died as and i added tips that are displayed at the buttom of the screen
23:55.27UloseTheGameI swear your gonna be the only mapper blizzard features twice in a row
23:55.41Bountydoubt it
23:55.53Bountybesides, if i get featured i have to remove all my awesome music
23:56.01UloseTheGameso= y
23:56.08UloseTheGameso you dont WANT to be featured
23:56.19Bountyi do but it kinda sucks given my limited assets
23:56.23Bountyi cant hire a composer
23:56.36UloseTheGameI could compose for you as a favor
23:56.45UloseTheGameI write songs for my band
23:56.54UloseTheGameit cant be that much different
23:57.14BountyIt is for me
23:57.23BountyI'm very picky when it comes to music setting the atmosphere
23:57.25UloseTheGameHere let me do this
23:57.44UloseTheGameI'm gonna be online in a few minutes
23:58.05UloseTheGameLet me send you a soundclip of me humming a few melodies
23:58.13UloseTheGameI'll hear the music on your game
23:58.23UloseTheGameand try to write a few similar melodies
23:58.35UloseTheGameAnd I promise I'm doing this 100% as a favor
23:58.42Bountylet me know if you know of any artists
23:58.44UloseTheGameyou dont have to pay me nutin'
23:58.55Bountyi need someone who can draw cartoonish style artwork
23:59.07Bountyim not going to use it Ulose
23:59.12Bountyi already have the games soundtrack mapped out
23:59.12UloseTheGamelemme see if I can get you with capnkirk
23:59.18Bountybut if it by some miracle gets featured
23:59.20Bountythen yeah
23:59.29Bountywho is that?
23:59.32UloseTheGameAlright, you can short notice me
23:59.52UloseTheGamehe used to be the primary artist for TTG

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