IRC log for #sc2mapster on 20121018

00:01.00ckSynergynot too familiar with warps, but youd probably need to add a warpable ability to the immo, and create a warp tran ability for the robotics that lets you train immos
00:01.27riftoh i already have that
00:01.42riftit just warps in instantly instead of the 5 second animation
00:02.09Saerisit's probably something to do with the unit's actor
00:02.24Saerisi wouldn't know specifically what the problem is off the top of my head
00:02.35Saerisbut i'd compare the immortal with a warpgate unit
00:06.10ckSynergyah actually, your right
00:06.20ckSynergyI was looking at warp prism awhile back and I remember
00:06.54ckSynergybasically, you apply a behavior to the unit, which disables its movement for X seconds, and has a validator for "is warping" or something of the lik
00:07.05ckSynergyso, if its not warping in the behavior doesnt get applied
00:07.47ckSynergyand then the actor has an event along the lines of "warping create" : play animation
00:24.36*** join/#sc2mapster Taintedwisp (4bb541ee@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
00:25.25riftthere is a warpable ability and a warping in behavior
00:33.48riftthere are warp in models, but i can't find where the normal gateway units are being called that immortal isn't
00:35.40TaintedwispWhat are you looking for?
00:37.29riftto get the 5 second warpin animation when i warp immortals in from warp gates
00:41.59ckSynergyrift: most of the unit's that "warp in" have a custom animation
00:42.06ckSynergysomething I doubt the immortal has
00:42.12ckSynergyso youll have to build a custom animation
00:42.13riftit has one though
00:42.35riftModel: Immortal Warp In
00:42.52ckSynergycheck the other units of like, ex: zealot warp in
00:43.16riftlike i can view it in the cutscene editor, its a 5 second clip of exactly what i want
00:43.25riftall the other units have it as well
00:47.42TaintedwispActually ck, in the WoL beta, the Immortal DID warp in
00:47.48TaintedwispSo it probably does still have it
00:51.55ckSynergyi did not know that
00:51.56ckSynergybut anyway
01:33.01DeadZergling3lol, what a costume:
01:39.26*** join/#sc2mapster Triceron (1854e5d2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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03:44.25ckSynergyI can never remember how to do auras properly lol
03:58.33*** join/#sc2mapster Lilianna (
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04:39.12*** join/#sc2mapster Cheekything (
04:45.07rift:D xenox my hero
04:47.00Cheekythingo/ hows things going
04:47.58*** join/#sc2mapster Vindicator_ (
05:07.16Dustin_Fuck ya
05:07.30Dustin_This will work perfectly with some tweaking
05:18.58Cheekythingdid the video of the spazzy lookign zealot get posted btw?
05:21.11riftpretty funny
05:22.24riftif i want an upgrade to decrease unit build times, do i just hook it into a validator and then into switches linking to copies of the units with lower build times or is there a better way?
05:23.01Dustin_Use Ability Modify
05:23.11Dustin_And have that lower the unit build time
05:23.12riftthat makes no sense switches can only affect effects, my bad
05:23.18riftok ty
05:24.27Dustin_Damn that quality turned out bad
05:24.31Dustin_Oh well it was a quick test
05:24.32Dustin_bed time
05:24.37riftit works fine if they are looking different directions from where they are firing?
05:25.21Cheekythingthat is awesome
05:25.40Cheekythingtill you died xD
05:28.34Cheekythinganyone know why these links dont work?
05:32.31CheekythingAny luck on the top link as well?
05:32.51CheekythingI love heros and much as items xD
05:33.13CheekythingSorry thank you sixen
05:34.43Sixenfound it :)
05:34.48Cheekythingyay thank you
05:34.49Sixenbeware though, it was created in 2010
05:34.59Sixenso the editor he used was the WoL Beta editor
05:35.34CheekythingI remember xD last time I used it was in 2010
05:36.10Cheekythingnooo the hero bit is gone
05:36.52CheekythingI'm so brain lazy atm
05:45.10*** join/#sc2mapster DeadZergling (322e8dd1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
05:45.36DeadZerglingsometimes these random letter combinations seem a little less random.... just gave me "bare niketit"
05:45.49Cheekythingis there a way to add a behviour ever X amount of another behaviour?
05:46.44DeadZerglingprobably, do you mean add 1 for every 5 of one behavior or something?
05:47.17CheekythingWarcraft 3 armour system ftw (honest)
05:47.39DeadZerglingyea, that's doable, although it will involve triggers to avoid making it excessively complicated...
05:48.50Cheekythingtrying to do it via data as much as possible
05:49.51DeadZerglingdoable, but gets much more tedious doing it that way
05:50.20CheekythingIf I wanted simple I'd be using code xD
05:50.34Cheekythingbut I'm not doing this for myself
05:50.44DeadZerglingI assume the behavior count can go down and up?
05:50.47DeadZerglingof the x amount?
05:50.59Dogmai~seen Blizz-Deletarius
05:51.03purlblizz-deletarius <d8940048@gateway/web/freenode/ip.> was last seen on IRC in channel #sc2mapster, 13h 26m 42s ago, saying: 'anyway, afk'.
05:51.15DeadZerglingi didn't see deletarius today
05:51.37CheekythingI'm one of them people trying to remake WC3 in SC2
05:52.01Cheekythingwhich should of been built in *cough*Please add for HOTS *cough*
05:52.32DeadZerglinganyways, the simplest data only way I can think of right now
05:52.54DeadZerglingis every time your x buff is applied, another set of sets (is gonna get a little yuck) gets called
05:53.18Cheekythingoh an effect set
05:53.22DeadZerglingfirst of all removing all behaviors you want applied for every X behaviors
05:53.29DeadZerglingthen, going down a long list....
05:53.35DeadZerglingof validators and apply behaviors
05:53.52DeadZerglingvalidator does he have 5 of x, give him one
05:53.57DeadZergling10 of x, give him one
05:54.01DeadZergling500 of x
05:54.03DeadZerglinggive him one
05:54.08DeadZerglingsure you can't use triggers?
05:54.12DeadZerglingthis way is gonna suck, lol
05:54.36CheekythingI can but editing triggers inside a mod is not stupid friendly
05:55.16DeadZerglingI understand, just if you used triggers
05:55.23DeadZerglingany time you used the X behavior
05:55.37DeadZerglingcould have a dummy effect to get the triggers attention
05:55.45DeadZerglingcould do some simple math on that number
05:55.52DeadZerglingand set the behaviors accordingly
05:56.19CheekythingI could just divide the armour behavior by 5
05:56.47CheekythingI hope that will work
05:56.56DeadZerglingthen if he has less than that amount currently
05:57.06DeadZerglinggive him the extra behaviors he needs
05:57.14DeadZerglingif he has more then that amount, take away as necessary
05:58.41Cheekythingwell this is currently for the agi armour bonus
05:58.51Cheekythingno idea how I'm going to do it for items
05:59.40DeadZerglingdon't forget buffs w/ agi in them
06:02.34*** join/#sc2mapster Cheekything_ (
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06:03.33Cheekythingstupid router :/
06:03.53Cheekythingwhy do people go and unplugin it because have 1 minute of slow internet
06:08.20DeadZerglingto avoid that slow minute I guess?
06:08.31DeadZerglinganyways, don't forget about agi enhancing buffs either, lol
06:09.34CheekythingI think I have it covered
06:09.38Cheekything2 armour types
06:09.45Cheekything1 is 1/5 of the other
06:09.57Cheekythingso hopefully that will work
06:16.41DeadZerglinganyways, I'm just having fun trying to fix my sound drivers, lol
06:18.01Cheekythingcheers and good luck
06:18.59DeadZerglinghrrrrmm, guess my computer is a bit behind on updates
06:19.03DeadZergling47 behind, lol
06:27.07riftthank you for your help. i might be back tomorrow with more questions
06:28.41DeadZerglinglol, the japanese have come up with a way of shutting babies up by using wine
06:34.22DeadZerglingwtf, my baby calmed down by me playing a 100 second video about how to make babies shut up?
06:35.44DeadZerglingthought I was just lucky when she did it the first time, then she started up again, played it again, and once again she stopped crying right at that time...
06:36.05DeadZerglinghave to test this further.
06:39.11Cheekythingso not the samuel l jackson reading "go the fuck to sleep"?
06:41.20DeadZerglingsigh, i hate this child
06:41.33DeadZerglingI understand the other 2, able to get them calmed down
06:41.38DeadZerglingthis one is just a crap
06:45.42DeadZerglingmay have to take up drinking at this rate
06:54.48CheekythingI would of just got the snip :P
06:56.10Cheekythingdid they change vet?
07:12.04*** join/#sc2mapster ckSynergy (
07:15.41ckSynergyIm guessing the actor death events are new?
07:16.17Vindicator_i don't think so, but maybe i'm just getting them mixed up with "destroyed" stuff
07:17.45ckSynergyI mean playing a death animation on a unit without it actually dying
07:18.26ckSynergythere are some nifty commands.
07:19.14Vindicator_oh lol
07:19.46ckSynergyunfortunately there are some issues with it
07:23.58ckSynergysuch as it appears to unlink the actor and the unit in a sense
07:24.05ckSynergythe unit cant be selected after
07:24.07Saerisso much drama in the community this week
07:26.29Saerisover hots and the future of SC2
07:27.03Saerispeople acting incredibly entitled and complaining that things aren't happening fast enough and that they aren
07:27.06Saeris't being heard
07:27.23ckSynergywell, they do have a point
07:27.40ckSynergydont get me wrong, I entirely appreciate all the work blizz has done
07:28.00Saerisgetting kinda sick of the community continually getting more bitchy and not taking matters into their own hands
07:28.00ckSynergybut, they arent going to impress people with 2-3 new units and a DOTA clone
07:30.01Saerisblizzard is working as hard as they can. people forget they are a company with finite resources (read: TIME)
07:30.23ckSynergyyou and me both know this
07:30.37ckSynergybut then again, Im not a multimillion dollar company
07:31.11ckSynergyfreaking actors
07:32.03Saeriswish i knew enough about them to help
07:32.18Saerisjust haven't put in enough time trying to learn them
07:32.32ckSynergyno worries
07:32.34ckSynergyI think its new
07:32.44ckSynergyand this is what I live for. discovering new things
07:32.55ckSynergyIm hoping by the time I release the mod, itll help developers
07:33.18ckSynergyit uses SO MANY new features and effects :)
07:33.40Saeriscool, hope it has a lot of documentation to go along with it =)
07:33.57ckSynergyI have comments and stuff
07:34.12ckSynergymost of the behaviors are self explanitory if you take the time to actually understand whats going on
07:34.31ckSynergyby jove I think I got it
07:35.40ckSynergyhmmm nope
07:36.04ckSynergyim missing one puzzel piece
07:39.05Saerisi find it ironic
07:39.11Saeristhat i care a lot about the community
07:39.21Saerisyet i hardly fucking participate in it
07:40.17Saerisfeel a bit like an idiot for not knowing about despite being a map maker since BW
07:40.20ckSynergyreally need a backlit keyboard
07:40.57Saerisso, i'm only know learning that ahli is from there, derp
07:41.00Saerisgo me
07:44.45*** join/#sc2mapster RazielZ (Raziel@2a01:388:201:4190:515:25d3:8e8f:fb41)
07:52.10Cheekything:/ my computer just completely froze up
07:52.21Cheekythingso i took ti apart and de dusted everything
07:54.35Cheekythingwow go team autobackup
07:54.45Cheekythingsaved it just before it died
08:30.01*** join/#sc2mapster Blub\w (
09:01.14*** join/#sc2mapster DeadZergling (322e8dd1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
09:01.39DeadZerglingas I figured, getting the correct sound drivers was a pain in the ass and a half, lol
09:02.17DeadZerglingfinally got the right ones though so I can record audio properly on screen captures
09:02.26DeadZerglinganyone still awake in here?
09:02.46DeadZerglinghow goes your armorquest?
09:03.43Cheekythingsort of ok
09:03.59CheekythingI haven't got it to work with the agi levels
09:04.15Cheekythingit seems it doesnt like adding behaviours via attriubtes
09:04.25DeadZerglingno, it won't
09:04.28DeadZerglinghave to use buffs
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09:04.38DeadZerglingattributes are best when connected to veterancy
09:04.45Cheekythingsorry they are buffs
09:04.58Cheekythingthe agi one adds 1 buff each level
09:05.05Cheekythingor point of AGI
09:05.07DeadZerglingah, hrrrrmm, it should be working
09:05.15DeadZerglingI was using buffs for my stat buffs for awhile
09:05.25DeadZerglingswitched over to upgrades
09:05.38DeadZerglingI'm now thinking about just using setcatalogs, lol
09:06.10Cheekythingthats why
09:06.17DeadZerglingmain reason being, setcatalog allows for much more complex algorithms
09:06.24Cheekythingthe bloody behvaiours lost their data in the backup
09:06.31Cheekythingbut everything else saved
09:06.38DeadZerglingthat would do it :)
09:07.32DeadZerglingbleh, shirt is dirty as hell, discovered a herd of dustbunnies in my machine while I was finding the motherboard type, lol
09:07.48DeadZerglingcouldn't leave it dirty
09:09.58CheekythingI used a vacum cleaner for that reason :P
09:12.00DeadZerglingI remember back when I could look a driver up knowing the exact numbers, and it would just be there
09:12.02DeadZerglingcould use it
09:12.17DeadZerglingnot true now, got 5 companies trying to sell you their special driver finding tool
09:12.41DeadZerglingand even when you find the damned driver, is like 8 download links, only 1 is correct
09:13.00DeadZerglingthen some ass puts a malware inside the update :P
09:14.00DeadZerglingokay, complaining rant off, lol
09:16.06Cheekythingtis alright
09:16.44DeadZerglingsound drivers are my arch-nemesis
09:16.47Cheekythingso anyone know or remember where the flag is to make armour only show numbers and no longer stop damage?
09:16.53DeadZerglingnever seem to have issues with other ones, lol
09:17.04DeadZerglinghrrrrm, nope, lol
09:17.08DeadZerglingcould look though
09:17.39DeadZerglingit was my understanding for that you show the armor level
09:17.45DeadZerglingbut not adjust the life armor
09:17.53DeadZerglingor is there an option to make life armor useless too?
09:18.25Cheekythingsomewhere there is
09:19.03Cheekythingi rememebr it was a flag
09:19.22DeadZerglingwell, see a no armor while construting
09:19.33DeadZerglingcould just check that and have the unit always be constructing, lol
09:21.42Cheekythingits one of them silly and simple things
09:21.49Cheekythingthat you can never remember where it is
09:23.44DeadZerglingwell I can honestly say I didn't forget
09:23.50DeadZergling..... since I never knew
09:24.09Cheekythingah it's ok I'll find it
09:24.30CheekythingI was trying to test if the stacking matches up to this armour table I found
09:24.53Cheekythinghowever the behaviors aren't adding when the AGI goes up still :/
09:25.06Cheekythingtried adding it as an apply effect
09:25.09DeadZerglingstack count good?
09:26.18CheekythingI have an ability on the unit that will add and remove them
09:26.29Cheekythingbut the unit doesn't seem to be getting them from the AGI
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09:28.52DeadZerglingtarget type okay?
09:29.28Cheekythingshould be
09:30.47Cheekythingbuff works fine
09:31.07Cheekythingbut I dont think the attributes can give buffs per attribute point
09:36.32*** join/#sc2mapster Zolden (588704ca@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
09:36.42Zoldena little question
09:36.57*** join/#sc2mapster G0A (
09:37.05Zoldeni need a behavior to suppress movement for a unit
09:37.23Zoldenso unit could rotate and attack, but not moe
09:37.41Zoldenwhat should i check?
09:37.46Cheekythingsupress movement
09:38.01Zoldenoh :)
09:38.04Zoldenlet's see
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09:55.33Zoldenok, suppress movement worked
09:56.04Zoldennow I need a unit to be not command-clicked
09:56.42Zoldenwhen a player rightclickes or attack, the click to happen like it was an empty place
09:56.53Zoldenit was a flag on unit
09:56.56Zoldenbut what flag
09:59.47Cheekythingwait waht
10:00.21Zoldenwhen a player presses A and clicks on unit, click works like a attack-move
10:00.55Zoldenif a player rightclicks a unit, click works like it was click on terrain
10:01.05Zoldenso unit is invisible for commands
10:01.19Zoldenmaybe it was a behavior's checkbox too
10:01.26Zoldendon't remember
10:01.28Cheekythinguncomandable maybe?
10:01.35Zoldenyeah, maybe
10:01.40Zoldenwhere is this checkbox?
10:03.58Zoldenoh, found it
10:07.28*** join/#sc2mapster G0A (
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10:20.15ZoldenThere is a spider on my monitor
10:20.35ZoldenI thought it's some kind of helloween virus which paints spiders
10:20.41Zoldenbut it's the real fucking spider
10:31.38*** join/#sc2mapster hjfabre (~hjfabre@
10:33.39DeadZerglingwell that's dissapointing, get sound to work while recording, only to find it pixelates the crap out of everything, lol
10:39.34DeadZerglingthere we go, no more pixelating
10:39.48DeadZerglingand hello hjf, lol
10:39.59DeadZerglingsorry, been fighting camstudio all night
10:40.58*** join/#sc2mapster Lajjla (
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11:51.44DeadZerglingwell that's no good, 4 min 20 second video taking up 1.14 gigs, lol
12:00.40*** join/#sc2mapster Ahli (
12:14.37grim001I wonder whether anyone is left alive to appreciate my work if I continued it
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12:24.54Dustin_Im alive :)
12:25.10Dustin_And Im still waiting for your WC3 physics engine :)
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12:42.28Ahlinow I would like to have a button in the command card editor that moves a button to another page :S
13:04.24*** join/#sc2mapster Dustin|Work (
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13:23.43SiretuAnyone know a reason that might cause actor creation through triggers to fail _sometimes_
13:23.50Siretu00:01:12.06 Scri: Trigger Error in 'gt_CollisionDetection_Func': Could not create actor: Name[SoundExplosion] Content1[] Content2[]    Near line 797 in libNtve_gf_AttachActorToUnit() in TriggerLibs/NativeLib.galaxy
13:23.58Dustin|WorkNo idea
13:24.04SiretuIt works most of the time
13:25.19SiretuI'm using Attach Actor To Unit
13:26.33Siretuand it crashes inside the libNtve_gf_AttachActorToUnit function
13:26.50Dustin|WorkIs the unit no longer alive when it's tryign to be run?
13:27.17SiretuThe unit is still alive
13:27.27SiretuIt seems to happen if it is done a lot at the same time
13:27.44SiretuMaybe if there's already an actor of the same type in the same scope?
13:28.02Dustin|WorkAre you just using the actor to play a sound?
13:28.18Tolkfan what a complete moron...
13:28.47Dustin|WorkYou could just use the trigger function of playing a sound at point
13:28.59Dustin|WorkIf you can't figure out this weird bug
13:29.51SiretuI used to do that
13:29.58Siretubut it causes a LOT of network lag
13:30.16SiretuWhen you do it a lot with 12 players in the game
13:30.24SiretuThat's why I switched to actoes
13:30.38SiretuI will try creating it at a point instead of attaching it
13:31.12Dustin|WorkThat's a good idea
13:31.51Dustin|WorkGot a rough draft for Torso independant unit setup
13:37.01SiretuHmm, that looks interesting
13:37.17SiretuCreating the actor at a point instead of attaching it seems to work
13:41.11Dustin|WorkGood deal
13:41.29Dustin|WorkIt probably was just something with to many actors being createed at once in the scope or something like that
13:53.04*** join/#sc2mapster Sixen (
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13:54.58Dustin|WorkSup sixen
13:56.30Sixenmornin... off to class, /wave :P
14:06.48*** join/#sc2mapster TheSkunk__ (~TheSkunk_@
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14:33.39ckSynergyanyone around that can help with actors?
14:34.07TheSkunk__No.. no one can help you now
14:34.10TheSkunk__Give up!
14:34.28ckSynergyI about have. Most people say "derp whats an actor" lol
14:35.11TheSkunk__I know an eensy bit about actors, but not enough to help you
14:35.14ckSynergyFor example, did you know there are actor events to order the unit to swap & play its death animation now?
14:35.33ckSynergyand return to normal after playing
14:36.00TheSkunk__since when?
14:36.10ckSynergySince I dont know, but its in there now
14:36.19ckSynergyguess no one ever found it
14:36.24TheSkunk__Probably since 1.5 I'm guessing
14:36.51ckSynergythey probably needed it for All-Stars
14:36.59ckSynergyor it could have been in there before
14:37.08ckSynergyIts not a very descript event
14:37.21ducky_how it's caled?
14:37.24ckSynergy"Prepare" and "Execute"
14:37.32ckSynergyWhich, if you select it, turns into the full name
14:37.49ckSynergy"PrepareDeathSequence" and "ExecuteDeathSequence"
14:38.26ckSynergyin the prepare, you can select the death type/animation, and "NoKill", which keeps the actor from dying
14:38.44ckSynergyunfortunately, it seems the unit still gets unlinked from the actor somehow, and you lose clickability
14:39.24ckSynergyoh, and running execute without preparing it first will crash your game. fair warning.
14:40.49ckSynergythat being said, anyone know how to copy an actor IN DATA?
14:41.12ducky_:/.. too bad that as you say it unlinks.. I'll guess I'll still have to actorswap for dummy deaths
14:41.30ducky_I don't even know what you're asking :D
14:41.40ckSynergyyou can still box select, and hotkey it as normal
14:41.52ckSynergyeverything works except click on (kinda kills targeting though lol)
14:42.10ckSynergyCreateCopy actor event...
14:42.28ckSynergyor possibly modelHitTestAllow
14:42.52ckSynergyproblem is, neither work after calling the execute event (still unclickable)
14:43.16ckSynergyducky_ you could always help me find out the solution by testing ;)
14:43.29ckSynergyIt's in there, its just hidden
14:43.40*** join/#sc2mapster Blub\w (
14:44.05ducky_I should check them sometimes too, but not now, got a bunch of other things that need to be done :P
14:46.20Dustin|WorkYou guys see my test?
14:47.10ducky_spineless marine, yes. did you cut models yourself?
14:47.48ckSynergyis that all data?
14:47.52Dustin|WorkNo, Triceron cut them, I wanted to see if we could effectively create a turret type torso from 2 models
14:48.07Dustin|WorkThe only thing not data is the top spinning
14:48.13Dustin|WorkBut I think I can fix that
14:48.28Dustin|WorkI did that in about 10 minutes before bed, so I didnt have alot of time to tinker :P
14:48.39ckSynergyhaha speaking of tinker
14:48.44ckSynergythat would solve his problem
14:49.02ckSynergywell, the problem "he" is having
14:49.11ckSynergyit wont solve his intelligence problem
14:49.18Dustin|Worklol touche
14:49.18ducky_this would have been so usefull 2 years ago when everyone was making top down shooters :'/
14:49.34Dustin|WorkLike my top down shooter lol
14:49.51Dustin|WorkI might turn this into some sort of library or something
14:50.03Dustin|WorkThe easily manage and setup
14:50.50Dustin|Workbrb smoke
14:56.55ckSynergyok, so ...
14:57.05ckSynergywould either of you know about the targeting field for actors?
14:57.29ckSynergylike how to attach additional models, or at least refer to them?
14:57.30Dustin|WorkI don't think Ive messed with it
14:57.32Dustin|WorkWhich actor type?
14:57.41Dustin|WorkIm not sure
14:57.45ckSynergydoesn't matter. looking for generic information
14:57.55ckSynergy(its actually a custom actor)
14:58.13Dustin|WorkI think you can attach actors to other actors via messages
15:01.51TheSkunk__spineless marine = awesome
15:08.58ckSynergyright, but heres the thing, im cloning an actor
15:09.02ckSynergyand its gotta be generic
15:09.18ckSynergythus, need target message
15:09.40Dustin|WorkHmmm, not sure cK
15:09.48Dustin|WorkIf I wasnt at work I'd check it out
15:10.22ckSynergyno big. gonna check out the spine crawler. I think it might have some information
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15:54.27ckSynergyBAHAHAHAHAHA GOT IT!
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16:07.04ckSynergyannnndd perfected
16:11.32Ahli apple needs to make ads stating that they were wrong with samsung's infringement of patents.
16:25.34ckSynergyok, nevermind
16:25.40ckSynergywell, it works, for one unit
16:25.46ckSynergybut its not "global"
16:26.01ckSynergyuniformity is not a strong suit of sc2
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17:20.30ducky_g0a, does sc automatically pops up for you when map starts?
17:22.10AhliI know the answer, but I haven't been asked.
17:22.57ducky_get back into the game
17:28.31ducky_ahli, it restores back but not in "fullscreen(windowed)" mode?
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17:40.22Ahlioh wait... I only know that it pops up when you find a game in the queue. I thought it would pop up when the game starts...
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17:50.15ckSynergyhey ducky
17:50.53ckSynergyI got the actor death event semi working
17:51.36ckSynergystill having some issues, but getting close
17:56.39ducky_G0A... crash? :/
17:56.51ducky_issues? like what
17:57.05ckSynergyok, well for example
17:57.21ckSynergyUsing the baneling hero
17:57.48ckSynergyI have a event macro set up. It has events for prepare, and execute, and after execute it destroys the actor
17:58.07ckSynergythen on the baneling hero, I have "Execute" Create Banelinghero
17:58.17ckSynergynote, it has to be a specific create
17:58.31ckSynergyso the macro works fine and dandy for this hero
17:58.42ckSynergynow, applying the same thing to the marine
17:58.52ckSynergythe actor doesnt get recreated
17:59.00ckSynergysame events, but no actor
17:59.19ckSynergyso, trying to find what the difference is
18:00.39ducky_I'm too hungry to think, off to purchase some food
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18:10.48ducky_G0A, total shutdown?
18:11.02Dustin|WorkDid a quick test last night, with some tweaking I think itll work awesome
18:11.03TriceronOH SWEET
18:11.15TriceronHe's like a friggin turret
18:11.23Dustin|Workfuck ya
18:11.28G0Aducky_ yeah I had crash
18:11.51TriceronAhhh that looks awesome!
18:12.15Triceroncan it move while shooting?
18:12.35Dustin|WorkNot yet, but once I get it setup right it  will be able to
18:18.41ckSynergyhey Triceron, you familiar with actor events?
18:18.51Triceronnope :/
18:19.12ckSynergywhy is it I get the feeling im the only one who tries... lol
18:19.19TriceronI'm an editor noob
18:20.13ckSynergyyou just know modeling huh?
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18:21.22ckSynergymind if I ask your opinion of something?
18:21.37TriceronThat's mostly what I do
18:22.09ckSynergythats what I made after picking up modeling for a month
18:22.23Triceronvery nice :D
18:22.33ckSynergyon a scale of 1-10, how would you rate it?
18:22.44ckSynergyyou dont have to be nice about it either lol
18:23.06Triceronum, what am I rating it based on?
18:23.24ckSynergyyour personal opinion, given the time invested
18:23.37ckSynergyalso, I think I went over the tris limit by 3x
18:23.50ckSynergymodel for a rts game
18:27.11*** join/#sc2mapster DeadZergling (836bae1d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
18:27.56ckSynergyis that basically saying I have a talent for it? lol
18:28.52DeadZerglingso if anyone wants a good laugh,, nearly as bad as my tinkerballa video, lol
18:29.16TriceronI dunno, I don't usually rate things by numbers :P
18:29.44DeadZerglingonly took me several hours to get my stupid screen recorder to record sound as well
18:29.50ckSynergyhow do you normally rate things? lol
18:30.06*** join/#sc2mapster Cheekything (
18:30.32DeadZerglinghi cheeky
18:31.17Triceronbased on personal opinion and/or logic.  Like, hate, right, wrong
18:31.45ckSynergyok, so what do you like/hate about it and whats right/wrong? lol
18:32.59Triceronbut scales are very subjective.  I feel putting anything on a scale gives it a lack of objectivity.
18:33.43ckSynergyvalid point
18:33.57ckSynergyso tell me the good and the bad
18:33.58TriceronWell explain what your model is for first, what you're trying to create and what function it plays
18:34.10Tricerondo you have any pictures of reference?
18:35.31Tricerondo you plan on it having a lot of animations?  How will it move?  Knowing all this gives me an idea of how your model should be built.  ie- if it needs to strafe, then the legs should be built to allow strafing movements
18:39.28TriceronOkay, it looks good
18:39.49TriceronYou've got most of the form blocked out, and the proportions seem to work
18:39.57ckSynergyI designed the model with mechanics of movement in mind
18:39.59TriceronI think the barrels on the gun are a bit too long though
18:40.54Triceronjudging by the pictures, the barrels of the CnC Juggernaut are approx 2/3rds length of the base, and the base of the barrel is much thicker
18:41.00ckSynergythats the design it was based on
18:41.22Triceronif you're doing that one, then I feel your proportions should be more squat
18:41.28ckSynergyThe C&C juggernaut has been changed so many times throughout the game its nuts
18:41.31Triceronlower center of gravity, and model the back support
18:41.46Triceronright now this model looks too front-heavy
18:42.09ckSynergyyea, its a little high
18:42.30ckSynergythe legs should have been bent back smore
18:42.42ckSynergysame proportions, just more "squating"
18:42.58Tricerongranted the design is front heavy to begin with, the standard models in the google search show it usually has some sort of large coutnerbalance on the back as well,
18:43.30Triceronwell the one in the cinematic shot has a much larger 'pelvic' base as well
18:43.44Triceronand its legs are definitely shorter
18:44.29Triceronthe base of the turret is further back too, as you can see the barrels start extending from around the middle of the unit
18:45.03Triceronthe base platform is much larger, giving it the look of a low center of gravity
18:45.32ckSynergyhmmm, i think youre right
18:45.40Triceronfinding your reference is very important
18:45.45ckSynergyI probably should have added more to the center pelvic area
18:46.27Triceronyou should make sure you know what you're aiming to make, because that helps deal away with guess work, which is probably the most problematic part of modelling.
18:47.10ducky_deadzergling, have you tried scaling ground texture for your rpg?
18:47.16Triceronif you're working with multiple references like this, pick the definitive one and then use the others just as detail work.  Mixing too many concepts could lead to a confusing design sometimes
18:48.13TriceronI run into that issue a lot, so I tend to either redraw a new concept or collage it in some way
18:48.54Triceronbut I'd say a good chunk of modelling is all about the references you have.  The clearer the concept, the easier it will be to model
18:48.58ducky_know how to?
18:49.26DeadZerglingat this point I'd say no, lol
18:49.37DeadZerglingpicked my textures out a long time ago
18:49.56ckSynergywell, I wasn't really guessing there
18:50.16ducky_you can change " texture uv tiling values "
18:50.18ckSynergyI had a visual in my head of what I wanted it to look like, a mix between the old and newer versions, and I went with that
18:50.26ducky_which would make terrain less "in your face"
18:50.38Triceronwell that's sort of what I mean :P
18:50.46Dustin|WorkDeadZergling, you see my test of the marine model halves?
18:50.55ducky_open console, type help and note this "texuvset (scalex) (scaley) (offsetx = 0) (offsety = 0) - Change the texture uv tiling values for the current terrain"
18:51.31ducky_it's pretty damn usefull, and will make terrain textures fit to scale
18:51.32Triceronit's a lot different when you have an idea in your head, and when you're working off a picture that never changes.
18:51.42Dustin|WorkIll look at it as soon as Im off this support call
18:51.43ducky_might take some time to find right values though
18:52.33DeadZerglingI see, not a lot I can do atm ducky, at work for another 7 hours
18:52.34ducky_Window->Console tab, if you're wondering
18:52.49ducky_right, timezones , forgot xD
18:53.37DeadZerglingso is this a data edit or a trigger edit, ducky?
18:53.54ducky_it's a console :P
18:54.05ducky_a hidden little thing :P
18:54.27DeadZerglingwould this potentially cause more lag?
18:54.47ducky_I have not noticed any when I used it
18:56.33Ahlithey should add a window in the terrain editor for that setting
18:56.49Ahlitexuvset and texuvget...
18:58.41ducky_yeah. I think there was a field for tiling frequency in data, but it didn't work :x
18:59.22*** join/#sc2mapster tehbone (
18:59.58tehbonehi, I've got an error message even google can't solve :( CActorUnit[ZerglingKerriganActor] Cannot create a CActorUnit outside of an underlying CUnit's CActorScope.  Try creating the actor inside of a live unit's CActorScope or create a CActorModel instead.
19:00.13tehboneget this message when i rename a unit link
19:04.05*** join/#sc2mapster Bibendus (
19:05.41Ahliyou are creating a unit actor without I unit, I think
19:06.40AhliZerglingKerriganActor is the actor that is trying to be created
19:06.48Ahli*a unit
19:07.15tehbonebut the unit is created and has an actor
19:07.43Ahlibut it seems like some other actor tries to create it too
19:07.52Ahlior however that works :D
19:08.48Ahliyou could try to switch to xml and try to find where ZerglingKerriganActor appears
19:10.36tehbonethis is a good idea, lets look at the xml in notepad++
19:11.31Ahli+1 for xml view :D
19:14.20DeadZerglingxml view certainly helps me keep sane some days
19:14.32DeadZerglingsee my terrible video yet ahli?
19:14.51Ahlisaw it
19:15.00Ahliscrolling creates headache
19:15.15Ahliin the video
19:15.36DeadZerglingaye, could implement the cam follow mode for next one
19:15.43Ahliyou got a massive ability load on your unit.
19:15.45DeadZerglingI'm not a fan of it personally
19:15.55DeadZerglingbut understand how some might like it
19:15.59AhliI mean the video's quality
19:16.22DeadZerglingoh the bluriness that occurs when scrolling?
19:17.01Ahlithe low framerate of the video
19:17.32DeadZerglingah, yea I can improve it next time
19:17.41DeadZerglingtook me awhile to get it looking that good w/o being massive
19:17.47DeadZerglingwhat is a decent framerate to shoot for?
19:17.55AhliI don't know :S
19:18.08DeadZerglingwell, apparently 25 isn't it
19:18.29DeadZerglingcertainly don't want to give viewers a headache when they see my project...
19:18.57DeadZerglingand aye, I gave the imp 19 diffferent spells
19:19.14DeadZerglingnot including the standard inventory/potion belt abilities all classes have
19:20.37DeadZerglingwas a little difficult to show a few of the more subtle spells though
19:20.50DeadZerglinglike fire lash out, static electricity
19:21.58DeadZerglingfire lash out is kind of like a damage shield, only since you obviously don't want the imp to engage in melee, it lashes out w/ firebolts randomly at enemies nearby.
19:22.09DeadZerglingstatic electricity is about the same, only you apply it to an enemy unit :)
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19:36.33tehbone30 fps
19:37.24tehbone@Ahli I've removed the already placed unit from the map and the error is gone
19:37.45Triceronargh, tried watching your vid deadzergling
19:37.54Triceronthe framerate is killin my head thoguh >_<
19:38.05Ahlitehbone, can you create the unit with triggers or train it properly?
19:38.24tehboneI can even readd it now in the unit layer
19:38.32DeadZerglingyou aren't the first to say that triceron
19:38.39DeadZerglingI'll try making a better one later, lol
19:38.56tehboneeditor must have messed something up, when editing actors
19:39.08DeadZerglingapparently 25 FPS is bad, I'll try 60 next time
19:39.20tehbone[10/18/2012 9:34:19 PM] Warning: The placed object 'ZerglingKerrigan' was automatically converted to 'ZerglingKerrigan2'.
19:39.26tehbone60 is way to much
19:39.28tehbonetry 30
19:39.30Dustin|Work30 is fine
19:39.35Dustin|WorkUse a better encoding method
19:39.43Dustin|WorkSmall and looks good
19:39.43TriceronI think it's the encoding
19:39.51tehbonemp4 is not a codec, it is a container ;)
19:39.51Triceroncuz even film is 24 FPS
19:39.54DeadZerglingwas using the Xvid codec
19:39.56TriceronI think
19:40.08DeadZerglingMpeg 4 or something like that
19:40.21tehbonempeg4 is not xvid
19:40.38tehbonewhat is your source?
19:40.43Dustin|Workmpeg4 = mp4
19:41.05tehboneyou can put x264 vids into mp4 container
19:41.28tehboneor xvid, mpeg2 anything :)
19:41.39Dustin|WorkOh ya thats right
19:42.00DeadZerglingi'm not against criticism, just tell me what works better and I'll use it
19:42.17tehbonewhat codec did you use and what source do you have?
19:42.29DeadZerglingcamstudio might be part of the issue, but I refuse to pay 37 $ for fraps
19:42.56DeadZerglingthink I initially recorded using windows movie 1 or some crap, compressed it using xvid codec
19:43.02tehbonelink again please, will take a look at the result
19:43.19tehboneno try compressing modern mp4 or webm
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20:03.45tehbonedid it yourself?
20:04.27Ahlilol @ pony
20:07.28ckSynergymodels ok, textures sorely lacking
20:08.11Triceronyeah it's WIP
20:08.13TriceronI mean
20:08.25TriceronI'm changing my mod to Megabloks Warcraft
20:09.08Triceronopen up to the kiddy market
20:10.29DeadZerglingdid you just add that pony triceron?
20:10.35DeadZerglingdon't recall seeing that yesterday
20:10.40ckSynergyI love this town lol
20:11.35Triceronyeah, haha
20:11.56Triceronwhat is that thing?
20:12.29Ahlicigarette asher
20:12.59Ahliin front of a shop with a terribly placed label that you shouldn't smoke in there I believe
20:13.15ckSynergynot in, but outside
20:13.22ckSynergywe have the 20ft rule
20:13.26ckSynergyor whatever it is
20:13.53Ahlioh :D
20:14.10Ahlithen the pillar could be moved away :D
20:14.37Ahlior they walk 20 meter to that pillar, remove ash, walk 20 min back where they stood and keep smoking
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20:16.59SaltpeterGuys, I need help with something. D:
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20:18.04SaltpeterMy trigger editor is showing raw function calls and trigger names. How do I get back to showing grammar and pretty names?
20:18.38Ahlictrl + D
20:18.59SaltpeterThanks! ^___^\
20:19.00Ahlior View->View raw data
20:19.10Ahliyou can do that in data, too
20:19.24SaltpeterI accidentally pressed Ctrl D last night and it broke my heart.
20:19.33SaltpeterI use commas and dashes in my trigger names.
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20:19.53SaltpeterIt's easier in Data, there's a menu button for it.
20:25.14ckSynergyI suck at tutorials
20:25.34ckSynergyeww triggers
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20:31.59SaltpeterOh, you'd love working on my game, ck. A different trigger for every waypoint, 70+ waypoints.
20:32.17ckSynergythats rediculus
20:32.54SaltpeterAll necessary, too.
20:33.12ckSynergydoubt it
20:33.16ckSynergyhighly doubt it
20:33.35Ahlithank god that I only have 11 checkpoints ;D
20:33.36SaltpeterIt COULD be reworked
20:33.53ckSynergyI have 24, and I have one trigger, and one action definition
20:33.58ckSynergyand I could have up to 150 waypoints
20:34.04SaltpeterI COULD try to rework it.
20:34.17SaltpeterTechnically, there are 7 unique waypoint types.
20:34.28SaltpeterBut it'd be even more laborious to implement.
20:34.41ckSynergymind if I take a look?
20:35.02SaltpeterSure, I'll dropbox it.
20:36.37SaltpeterBasically it'd require establishing arrays of connections between adjacent waypoints, and making a universal trigger for each of the 7 unique cases.
20:36.57SaltpeterWhich would make me very sad, since it'd be a fairly large 3-dimensional array.
20:37.09ckSynergyarrays are my bread and butter lol
20:37.15ckSynergywell, as long as I can use presets
20:37.29ckSynergypresets are magicalllll
20:37.29SaltpeterI don't like the part where you hard-code the values into them at initialization.
20:38.12Saltpeter;>_> The waypoints won't stop being waypoints.
20:38.34ckSynergyyea but thats a snap to setup if you do it right
20:38.50SaltpeterEach waypoint has a unique waypoint above, below, and to each side, and each team goes to different above/below waypoints for a given waypoint.
20:39.12SaltpeterI've posted my path algorithm on my project workspace if you're interested.
20:40.04ckSynergysure, link me
20:40.09SaltpeterIt's easy to make these triggers now that I've covered 6 of the 7 unique cases.
20:40.25ckSynergyagain, with that many triggers, you're doing it wrong
20:41.37tehbonejust wont to emphasize what ck is saying
20:42.29SaltpeterWell hold on, lemme dropbox it, then you can tell me what you think I should do.
20:42.57ckSynergylemme put this in perspective for ya too
20:43.28ckSynergymy project is rewritting a mod. I've taken it down from 300-350 triggers, down to 20
20:43.42ckSynergyand I could probably get rid of a few of those as well
20:44.26SaltpeterI promise it wouldn't be easy to get down the triggers for this. ;>.> But I'm sure it can be done.
20:44.46SaltpeterQueried you with the db link.
20:44.51ckSynergyit hasnt been easy on my project
20:44.54ckSynergytaken me 8 months
20:44.56ckSynergybut I did it
20:45.07ckSynergyand I gained about 300% fps
20:45.29SaltpeterRegardless of trigger efficiency, I have various ideas for reducing load I intend to iplement.
20:45.46SaltpeterA dynamic limit to unit life based on how long it takes to get to its next waypoint.
20:45.58ckSynergythe #1 step you can do is code properly
20:46.24SaltpeterI know how to code properly in Java. ;>.> But this is my very first map in SC2. Improper code is inevitable.
20:46.43tehbonejava? hi
20:46.49SaltpeterHi. :D
20:46.54tehbonesc2code is a mess compared to this
20:47.15ckSynergydefine a mess
20:47.21ckSynergysc2code is decent
20:47.22SaltpeterSo looking at my triggers, how ambitious do you think my project is for a first timer? :D
20:47.33ckSynergydude, im on a ncient laptop
20:47.36tehbonemess was the wrong word
20:47.37ckSynergygive me an hour to boot lol
20:47.56tehboneif you come from java, you miss sooo much features
20:48.11ckSynergyfeatures like?
20:48.21SaltpeterA massive library.
20:48.43tehbonelists, objects, some conversion
20:48.49SaltpeterOh god lists.
20:48.53SaltpeterThat would make my project trivial.
20:49.22SaltpeterAlso, there's no decent IDE for SC2 editing. ;>.>
20:49.34SaltpeterEclipse is sex on a bun in program form.
20:49.58tehboneI mean, Ive no big problem in sc2, but I've started back in the days with basic and pascal
20:50.11SaltpeterQuickBASIC was my first language. :D
20:50.57Dustin|WorkMy first language was like darkbasic
20:50.59ckSynergyyou could probably get rid of all but 1 trigger
20:51.12ckSynergyregarding waypoints
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20:51.37SaltpeterHow would you handle telling which waypoint each unit to go to?
20:51.58Saerisi might be the only one here that doesn't know a programming language
20:52.24Dustin|WorkUse my Unit Indexing library and store properties associated with units using their index
20:52.34ckSynergyaction definitions
20:52.42ckSynergyand a table
20:52.54SaltpeterWhat would the table do
20:53.07ckSynergynot a bad start though
20:53.15ckSynergythe table would store pathing locations
20:53.18SaltpeterFiguring out the algorithm was the painful part.
20:53.36SaltpeterEach waypoint has 6 adjacencies.
20:53.36ckSynergytable/array, same thing
20:53.50ckSynergy6x6 table, use 0 to path, 1 to not path
20:53.51SaltpeterTeam 1 forward, team 1 up, team 1 down, team 2 forward, team 2 up, team 2 down.
20:54.01ckSynergyand setup different tables for each scenario
20:54.35ckSynergythen a simple switch ordering the unit to goto the next point
20:54.51ckSynergyand have the switch determine if overseer, and if so, set the table value for the unit to the alternate route
20:55.08tehbonehavn't seen any code, but waypoints in a mesh are not hard
20:55.11ckSynergyif I recall, you use the same method to build a "Snake" game in Basic
20:55.29SaltpeterThis isn't quite as simple as Snake. ;>.>
20:55.38ckSynergysame principal from the looks
20:55.41SaltpeterUnits cannot go backwards or turn around.
20:55.55tehboneyepmakes it easier
20:56.08SaltpeterBut it adds an arbitrary rule.
20:56.47SaltpeterAlso, what do you mean by "If Overseer"?
20:56.58ckSynergyyou're only reaffirming the point its a snake game
20:57.00SaltpeterOverseers have three settings.
20:57.05SaltpeterUp, Down, and Neither.
20:57.10ckSynergyi dunno. ur the one with the if overseer code
20:57.45DeadZerglingSaeris, Might i recommend you join the club then!
20:57.51SaltpeterAlso, why a 6x6 table?
20:57.52DeadZerglingregarding your language statement, lol
20:58.10Saerisdon't particularly want to, lol
20:58.29DeadZerglingthat's fine, but it won't hurt you to play with one some
20:58.35DeadZerglinguse java, its easy, lol
20:59.02Saerisi started modding in SC1, really got into triggers in WC3, learned html/css around that time, picked up a tiny bit of php before SC2, that's about it
20:59.23*** join/#sc2mapster Kueken (
20:59.29tehbonephp is almost programming ;)
21:00.03Triceronwow so much bad news surrounding SC2 lately :S
21:00.08SaltpeterYeah. D:
21:00.13SaltpeterFirst Stephano, then Slayers.
21:00.14TriceronSlayerS disbanded :(
21:00.23Triceronreally breaks my heart
21:00.25Dustin|WorkPhP is fine if you do it right
21:00.29Saerisnot to mention this #savehots bullshit
21:00.31Dustin|Work4 sucked
21:00.35Dustin|Workbut 5 is alright
21:00.44Triceronwhat's savehots?
21:01.40Saerissome reddit posts got a bunch of pro players and other people spamming blizzard with 'suggestions' on how to improve the game for when hots ships
21:01.47Saerisaka demanding features be added
21:02.01Saeristhe premise being that the game will die without them
21:02.09Saltpeterck, what did you mean by a 6x6 table? D: What does the other 6 represent?
21:02.20SaltpeterReddit is dumb.
21:03.02tehbonesome of what destiny said is true, sc2 is missing the millions of noobs
21:03.05Saerisreally it's just a bunch of really self-entitled brats blaming everything on blizzard
21:03.52DeadZerglingyou need the noobs to get more skilled players
21:03.57DeadZerglingeveryone starts as a noob somewhere
21:04.03Dustin|WorkHow can you compare SC2 to LoL?
21:04.24Dustin|WorkIs it just in terms of money?
21:04.26tehbonewe need the noobs as fuel to get big events and community
21:04.39Dustin|WorkPlayer base numbers?
21:04.40tehboneyes it is just in terms of money/ player numbers
21:04.44DeadZerglingwell not just that, some of the noobs will get better
21:04.45Dustin|WorkThat's stupid
21:04.49DeadZerglingand among those some will turn pro
21:05.12Dustin|WorkYou cant compare a $60 game with no reoccuring revenu to a F2P Game with micro transactions
21:05.38Saerisyea, that
21:05.42tehbonebut this is what the causal players want and this is why even blizz is considering f2p for the multiplayer part
21:06.34Saeriswell, SC2 sells for the campaign, hardly anyone wants to play the multiplayer
21:06.57Saerisa lot of that having to do with ladder anxiety, which HotS is addressing
21:07.04Dustin|WorkRIght now most people don't want to play either
21:07.05TriceronPlayer base, Esports support
21:07.05Saerisunranked play is the default in HotS
21:07.09SaltpeterckSynergy: Another thing to consider is that this mesh is not a rectangle.
21:07.28tehbonebut causals don't want to ladder (for long, because you get nothing in return) and the acarde system is still not good
21:07.49Dustin|WorkIll agree with that
21:08.05Dustin|WorkI want SC2 Custom maps, not an App Marketplace
21:08.15tehbonethey want fun maps, stuff we make, but it is hard to find, open lobbies and so on
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21:08.46Saeriswell, the system is half as shitty as it used to be, at least
21:08.53Ahli hots bug ;D
21:09.10Dustin|WorkA whole dead dog is still as dead as half a dead dog :P
21:09.20Dustin|WorkYou gotta fix the being dead part
21:09.25Triceronin that article
21:09.47Triceronit says 95% of the playerbase who aren't into esports.  Is that anywhere near accurate?
21:10.06TriceronI know a huge majority usually plays games singleplayer without touching multi
21:10.28tehbonebut causal multiplayer players arn't happy with sc2
21:10.56Saerisyea most people who buy SC2 never play multi
21:11.12TriceronI'm sure not.  I don't even play SC2 cuz I don't think it's fun.
21:11.19tehbonewc3 was great because there were ton of custom maps, easily accessible
21:11.27Triceronnot that the game isn't fun, but I hate the ladder system
21:11.50Triceronand yeah, custom maps.  90% of the reason why I got SC2.
21:12.28Saerisregardless of the UI issues that are present that we can't change
21:12.45Dustin|WorkThe main problem with SC2 custom map scene is it's just so damn tedious to make anything
21:13.01Saerislack of custom maps is something we can do a lot to change, and that doesn't nescessarily mean making more
21:13.13Dustin|WorkSure it's powerfull, but there's alot of steps that could have been taken to reduce tedious time
21:13.15TriceronLOL it cloaks units wow
21:13.24SaltpeterI'd be more motivated to work harder on my awesome custom map if I wasn't doing it alone, but I'm not willing to spend a cent on it. ;>.>
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21:13.45Dustin|WorkMy problem is finding some other people to work on y maps with me
21:14.04Dustin|WorkCause everyone wants to do their own thing or they dont know enough to actually help me
21:14.04Saerisyea, the pool of developers is tiny
21:14.08DeadZerglingI dunno, getting help might be more work than it is worth, lol
21:14.09ckSynergywe should group up
21:14.11ckSynergymake a team
21:14.14Saerisbut that's largely due to how steep the learning curve is
21:14.21ckSynergyand blast through maps
21:14.28Dustin|WorkI wish
21:14.32SaltpeterI'm down for it, but I have a day job. ;>.>
21:14.38Taintedwispyou aint black enough dustin...sorry
21:14.41Saerisand that's something we could all be working to improve
21:14.57Triceronyeah I talked to deletarius about a unit wizard
21:15.06Triceronand his response is pretty much that it's not gonna happen
21:15.22Saerisit's far too complex
21:15.27Saerisand it wouldn't help them at the office
21:15.36TriceronI think thats a major disappointment.  It's one reason why I don't touch the editor.  It's way to complex for a casual like me.
21:15.56SaltpeterOkay, I think I have an idea of what to do to fix my triggers.
21:16.21Triceronsure it's got potential, but it's meaningless if I want to do something simple and it takes 5-10 steps to do it
21:16.27SaltpeterIt's gonna be painful establishing the [70][6] array of waypoint adjacencies. ;>.>
21:17.13RiFTo.O ouch
21:17.41Saltpeter70 waypoints, each one has 6 different waypoints it might send a triggering unit to.
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21:19.28Saerisbut yea
21:19.32Saeristhe biggest problem
21:19.38Saerisis lack of documentation
21:20.14Saeristhe community would be able to put documentation together faster than blizz could release it
21:20.18Saerissimply due to localization
21:20.41SaltpeterBlizzard is no stranger to having crowdsourced official material. :o
21:20.52SaltpeterCloud Kingdom <-
21:20.53RiFTfor testing maps, do i just add a trigger that gives me unlimited resources and instant build times?  how can i control enemy units for testing combat interactions?
21:22.05Saerisadding custom maps to their pool is one thing
21:22.15Saeriscrowdsourcing documentation is another
21:22.22AhliI think you can adjust alliance properties for that...
21:22.23Saerisbecause a lot of what we come up with is through trial and error
21:22.32Ahlibut I'm not sure
21:22.34Saerisso often times it's in error
21:24.46Saerisanyways, brb
21:24.58SaltpeterI think...instead of one giant array for all the waypoints.
21:25.07SaltpeterOne array for each unique waypoint type.
21:33.06DeadZerglinglol, looking at this ffmpeg stuff is reminding me of my doom2 editing days, lol
21:33.34DeadZerglingsigh, need to quit using the same words in a single sentence...
21:37.22SaltpeterI wish I could make an abstract array whose indices are waypoints. Like a goddamn Hashmap.
21:37.28SaltpeterI need a Hashmap. ._.
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21:40.51tehboneover and out xya
21:42.06Saerisso question, can we all agree that the trigger editor is slow and clunky to use?
21:45.07RiFTi think you mean the entire editor
21:45.12Saltpeter^ ;>.>
21:45.24SaltpeterBut especially the Trigger one.
21:45.40RiFTi cant believe you people managed to make whole maps with 5 seconds to load every tab
21:45.40SaltpeterTriggers as especially slow, and Data is especially clunky.
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21:52.01Dustin|WorkWhat you talking about a hash table?
21:52.33SaltpeterWell, it'd be incredibly convenient to have an array where the indices of the array were points instead of integers. >.> So, key-value pairs. So, Hashmap.
21:53.02Dustin|WorkThere's DataTables isnt there
21:53.28Dustin|WorkOr you could use Banks
21:53.39Dustin|WorkAnd store the Region name
21:53.41Dustin|Workor something
21:54.14Ahliyes, global data table
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21:58.13SaltpeterHow do I make a global data table?
21:59.50Dustin|WorkI don't remember if it's just a variable type or what off the top of my head
22:00.16Ahliglobal data table exists. you do not make it
22:00.27SaltpeterHow doI edit it?
22:00.45Ahliyou use the trigger stuff in the data table category
22:01.03SaltpeterTrigger stuff i the data table category?
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22:03.00SaltpeterI found it.
22:03.41SaltpeterOr not
22:04.11SaltpeterI'll look into it on the weekend.
22:07.27SaltpeterIn the meantime, I can get something that works making all my triggers. ;>.>
22:22.00DeadZerglingZenx is so kind when he talks to egodabout about his project...
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22:31.54Ahlifollowing a unit with triggers in a camera has a small delay at start... anyone knows where to change that in the camera thing in data?
22:32.20Ahliholding space works excellent to follow the hero, but just tipping at it has no effect :S
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22:45.49equinox1911_strg+shit+f sets the camera to auto follow the selected unit until you click on the screen
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22:47.42equinox1911_not sure if that helps though
22:48.16equinox1911_its ytrg+altLEFT+f
22:48.23equinox1911_the other is framerate
22:49.52AhliI want to trigger that... If I just tab space I want it to center my hero with "follow unit group" immediatly.
22:50.20Ahliatm I need to wait approx 0.8 game seconds before my hero is on screen (it actually jumps there, so that is working).
22:50.57equinox1911_sry but i have no experience with camera stuff
22:51.11equinox1911_strg *
22:51.37Triceronwoop woop!
22:54.32ExakenDon't have that one on my keyboard.
22:55.06equinox1911_oh boy
23:00.52DeadZerglingmuch better than yesterday
23:01.01DeadZerglingseriously leaving MLP on there?
23:01.11Ahliis camera margin aspect adjustment new? when I made my diablo camera that field wasn't there I think
23:01.25Triceronhaha no
23:01.59TriceronI just need to draw up the unicorn design
23:03.26DeadZerglinggo great for a girl power WC remake I guess...
23:03.51DeadZerglingballista that shoots friendship and love
23:04.52Triceronand bronies
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23:27.29Saerisi really like that the balista arrow has team colors on it too
23:27.42Saeriscan see who the missile belongs to as it's flying through the air
23:58.16DeadZerglinglol, wtf is that supposed to be

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