IRC log for #sc2mapster on 20120924

00:09.43Skizotman this is gonna be bad,.....
00:09.57SkizotI stopped believing this morning... journey is gonna be PISSED.
00:11.38BountyWanna play the feature ready version of Ling Ling Rocket, Taintedwisp?
00:11.46*** join/#sc2mapster tordy (627449b7@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
00:11.47tordygood evening
00:11.48*** join/#sc2mapster RipperRoo (
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00:17.26TaintedwispYOu still there Bounty?
00:17.30TaintedwispSure if you are
00:18.39Bountylobby is up
00:18.41Bountyjoin up
00:21.27Bountyyou coming or what
00:22.20BountyOnly 1 spot left Taintedwisp
00:45.58*** join/#sc2mapster Taintedwisp (adbccbfb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
00:46.16TaintedwispAww bounty left/..
00:46.29TaintedwispI had some of my Worthless Ideas to tell him :P\
00:55.35TaintedwispThings he shold do for Ling line thats all haha
00:56.10*** join/#sc2mapster Torhal (
00:56.20TaintedwispLIke a blocker, so if their are 3 arrows around a base , the 4th one that owuld block the last entrance  when an arrow is placed their ir Removes one of the other 3 randomly.
01:00.15*** join/#sc2mapster Daara (62a8da84@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
01:20.23*** join/#sc2mapster Torhal (
01:33.44*** join/#sc2mapster XenoX101 (
01:48.06*** join/#sc2mapster Bounty (442ccc3b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
01:48.09BountyPew Pew
01:49.47*** join/#sc2mapster Torhal (
02:49.10*** join/#sc2mapster soulcarver (636fdec1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
03:14.45*** join/#sc2mapster Taintedwisp (adbccbfb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
03:14.56TaintedwispHey bounty you there?
03:15.48Taintedwisphey for your ling ling, you should make it where if 3 sides of the base are covered up, and someone puts something on the 4th one of the other 3 sides randomly dissapear
03:15.59TaintedwispThat way people cant troll like I was doing earlier
03:16.13BountyOnly thing i might do is add the mechanic from the original
03:16.19TaintedwispBut on that one map, i can make it impossible for you to win
03:16.21BountyWhich was, the Colossi eat arrows
03:16.23Taintedwispwell on 2 of those maps
03:16.28TaintedwispYeah you could do that
03:16.49BountyBut it would not solve anything
03:16.49TaintedwispThat would might work, but i could still troll the hell outta you
03:16.55BountyIf someone wants to do that then w/e
03:17.01BountyThats a very rare breed of douche
03:17.21TaintedwispThe TainiusWispus?
03:17.26Taintedwispthat rare of a breed
03:17.38TaintedwispI raged on that post haha
03:17.42TaintedwispIt is getting annoying though
03:18.02TaintedwispThat HoTS Multiplayer is crap... It really needs some improvements, it doesnt feel like an expansion at all
03:18.06BountySo, i think i know what i want to do if i ever return to mapping
03:18.08TaintedwispTHe units are bland, and the gameplay is mostly unchanged
03:18.51TaintedwispAll the major stratagies are unchanged and Not very fun anymore, they are overused and boring in HoTS
03:19.12BountyA Competitive Team and Dynamic Event Based Shooter RPG where the entire game world looks like a computer simulation
03:19.14TaintedwispI dont see any of the new units besides the Mothership core, being used too much, and MAYBE the battle hellion
03:19.19BountySo if i ever return to map making
03:19.23BountyThats what you can look forward to
03:19.46BountyThe ultimate blend of pvp and pve
03:20.04TaintedwispBut yeah, HoTS is gunna suck... I still will get it I think, but if things continue down the path they have been, then I wont even worry about picking it up
03:20.27BountyI'm not buying it
03:20.31BountyBlizz can give it to me if they want
03:20.36BountyI think i deserve it
03:20.45TaintedwispThey need to really Scrap all the new multiplayer units, Re-attach the mothership core to the nexus, and maybe, just maybe keep the battlehellion, and just scrap the rest
03:20.46BountyI would only want the assets anyway
03:21.08TaintedwispIt is just crap
03:21.22TaintedwispThe Devourer ripoffs suck
03:21.29TaintedwispWell Ill brb
03:21.32TaintedwispSwitching rooms
04:52.01*** join/#sc2mapster shintah (
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10:22.25G0Ahmm how can I make footprint so it cant be placed buildings (with using shift build...) on it but units can past it?
10:27.11G0Aok, figured it out:D
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11:42.53Deadzerglinghello, any devs or anyone alive at this hour? lol
11:49.02Deadzerglingguess not, I'll try back tommorrow at a more reasonable hour
11:50.11*** part/#sc2mapster Deadzergling (322e8dd1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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14:07.32*** join/#sc2mapster zenxu (d918696b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
14:11.21A1winimproved my algorithm a bit, now it can make routes through buildings so that some of them can somtimes be only accessible by going through another building
14:12.20A1winnot sure if that has examples of that situation though...
14:14.13A1winthose maps are generated by galaxy script :x
14:16.03A1windamn still a bit buggy
14:18.33ousniushuh galaxy script can save html files?
14:18.56A1win:P no, I didn't say the file is generated by it
14:19.25A1winthe script just outputs the map as characters into the debugger, I copy them to a txt file and run a script that converts it into html
14:59.02ousniusshould I finish this for Bibendus' map?
15:01.30zenxuyou make music?
15:01.33zenxumake some for me too :D
15:01.50zenxumy project is better than anyone elses anyway :D
15:02.19*** join/#sc2mapster Tomura (
15:02.29zenxutoo bad my internetz not loading that
15:02.32zenxuso cannot listen to it :(
15:03.25ousniusit shouldn't be more than 1 mb
15:03.46ousnius1,7 <.<
15:05.09*** join/#sc2mapster Bommes (
15:05.52ousniusA few years ago, a Valve hire who had worked in special effects in Hollywood balked at wheeling his desk. The news reached Mr. Newell, who promptly picked up the desk himself and carried it to the new location, to the new employee’s embarrassment.
15:15.21zenxufinally got it loaded
15:15.40zenxupretty interesting sound to it, I personally not sure if it fits to hive keeper thou
15:15.58zenxusounds more like horror/dark dungeon theme
15:16.22zenxuwhile I think hive keeper is more like adventure dungeon
15:16.25ousniushe said it's exactly what he needs
15:16.33zenxuyes if thats what he thinks
15:16.42zenxuI dont agree with all his design choises anyway :D
15:18.37*** join/#sc2mapster ckSynergy (
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15:19.13zenxuyou do make pretty good music
15:21.08ousnius another classic piece and some dubstep xDD
15:21.35Net_Creatorousnius: +1 about that short story comment.
15:22.04zenxuI feel like some of those musics could fit my RPG
15:22.16ousniusI feel like NO I'M GOING
15:22.29zenxubut Im currently takeing a break from mapping so I guess music is not that important atm
15:23.19ckSynergyousnius: You made these tracks?
15:23.38ousniusstill practicing and buying stuff
15:23.56ckSynergywhat software do you use
15:24.03ousniusfl studio producer edition
15:24.31ousniusnative instruments massive, beyerdynamic dt-770 pro 250 ohm headphones and a midi keyboard
15:24.41ousniusedirol orchestral
15:24.44ckSynergyI see
15:25.15ckSynergyProud of your headphones I see lol
15:25.50ckSynergyI dont blame you. I'm the same way
15:25.57ckSynergyNot that I ever use em >.>
15:26.23ousniusI need a good mic for random recording/ sound fx
15:26.31ousniusbut holy mother of god they're expensive
15:26.41Tomurawhat mics are pretty cheap
15:26.46ckSynergymics arent cheap lol
15:26.49ousniuscondenser mics?...
15:26.53Tomurain comparison to instruments
15:26.59ckSynergyNot a good mic
15:27.06ousniusmy e-guitar was 80$
15:27.10ousniusand it's not bad
15:27.11ckSynergyGood mics run thousands
15:27.21Tomuraoh yeah
15:27.28Tomurathere also are mics like that
15:27.43ckSynergyI mean, yea I suppose you could always buy a $10 walmart mic lol
15:27.44Tomurahmm for vocals something like a shure sm58 would be sufficient
15:27.53ousniusyea I can't sing for shit tho
15:27.54Tomuraat least for live performances
15:28.03Tomuraor home studio quality recordings
15:28.55Tomurabut yeah, you're right condenser mics are expensive
15:29.06Tomuraif you want something decent
15:31.01ousniusrecording footsteps with a mic? I use a synthesizer! XD
15:31.07*** join/#sc2mapster Blizz-Deletarius (d8940048@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
15:31.25ckSynergyhey hey!
15:31.27ckSynergyyoure back
15:31.35ckSynergyI thought Iiris ran yall off for good lol
15:31.41Bommeshello :)
15:32.03Blizz-DeletariusI told Iiris what to do for the animation stuff, it's up to him/her to do with that what they will
15:32.32ckSynergyyea. I think he got the hint when he got banned lol
15:32.39Blizz-Deletariushe did?
15:32.46ckSynergyoh yea
15:32.47Blizz-Deletariusfrom the forums or here?
15:33.06ckSynergyyea, I dont know what you guys do on the forums lol
15:33.10Blizz-Deletariuswhat reasoning?
15:34.23ckSynergyHe wouldnt stop asking the same thing. He harassed everyone here, then started spamming the same thing over and over "Still needs an animator"
15:35.13ckSynergybasically, he was trolling, whether intentional or not
15:45.05ckSynergyoh, Blizz-Deletarius, I've been meaning to ask, do you what approach Blizz DOTA uses for hero revive? Trigger or data-based?
15:45.15ckSynergyyo yo yo helral!
15:45.17ckSynergyhow goes it
15:46.35Helralhmmm meowish ;p
15:47.38ckSynergyyou really like cats dont you? lol
15:47.53ousniushe is one
15:47.57Helralhmmmm mayb ;p or mayb I'm just one ;p
15:47.57*** join/#sc2mapster Telshin (~textual@
15:48.11Helralask purl, he knows if I'm a cat. ;p
15:48.14Blizz-DeletariusDogs > Cats, that is all
15:48.25Blizz-Deletariuswhat's a Blizz DOTA?
15:48.43zenxuare you trollin or just uneducated?
15:49.13Blizz-Deletariusabout what?
15:49.21HelralBlizz-Deletarius: ;p
15:49.23Blizz-Deletarius <-why dogs are better than cats
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15:49.49tordygood morning friends and co-mappers!
15:50.05HelralI see only 1 reference about dogs in that picture and a dozen of cats :) so cats are better.
15:52.17Blizz-Deletariusanyway, am I trolling or uneducated about what?
15:52.22zenxublizz dota
15:52.26zenxuyou asked about it before
15:52.30Bommesits called blizzard allstars
15:52.38Blizz-Deletariusno I'm saying there's no such thing as a blizzard dota
15:52.40Bommesnot blizzard dota(tm)
15:52.52zenxuit was called that before so what does it matter
15:52.57Blizz-Deletariusthere's a Blizzard AllStars
15:53.07Helralow wait dutch link ;p
15:53.24Blizz-Deletariusit does matter
15:53.53zenxuIm gona sue you if you mention blizzard dota
15:53.56zenxuyou cannot use the word
15:54.00zenxuit was a trap
15:54.29Bommesbeware the lightbulblings
15:55.08HelralBommes: sniping practise, shoot the lightbulbs and enjoy the fireworks.
15:56.15Bommesuse the fireworks as a death animation
15:58.13*** join/#sc2mapster slarti (
16:00.00ckSynergyLet me rephrase
16:00.16ckSynergyoh, Blizz-Deletarius, I've been meaning to ask, do you what approach Blizzard "All-Stars"(tm) uses for hero revive? Trigger or data-based?
16:00.27ckSynergy*do you know
16:01.02ckSynergyoh, wait, damn, I added a hyphen. There is no Blizzard "All-Stars".
16:01.10ckSynergyI meant "Blizzard AllStars"
16:01.12ckSynergyis that right? lol
16:02.22ckSynergybut really, thats such a technicality (and BS). DOTA has become a coined term like "photoshopping".
16:02.49ckSynergyI cant believe valve tried(did?) copyright it
16:04.46ousniusthey did
16:04.47ckSynergytrying to copyright technology concepts is an all around bad idea. Want proof? Look at TiVo. They've only survived this long due to lawsuits for patent infringement. Their software, from what I understand, is incredibly outdated.
16:05.23ckSynergyI dont see how you can copyright a "fast-forward" button, but somehow they did it
16:06.53Bommesstill you won't see for example a "Microsoft Photoshop"
16:07.32Bommeseven if photoshopping is widely accepted term for modifying images
16:07.37ckSynergyNo, but if you need to edit an image, are you gonna say "hold on, Im gonna MS Paint this real quick"
16:08.11BommesI mean thats just a reason for Valve to copyright the term Dota
16:08.25ckSynergyOh, that makes me think
16:08.27BommesI don't see dota as such an accepted term though
16:08.49ckSynergyIf valve copyrighted it, isnt blizzard infringing on that copyright by allowing map makers to post "DOTA" on their maps?
16:09.17*** join/#sc2mapster mille25 (5b052c3a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
16:09.44ckSynergywoulda been better with "hey"
16:09.59ousniuswe gonna punch anyone who doesn't say hi now
16:10.05mille25Blizz-Deletarius: take a look at this thread:
16:10.27mille25yeah sorry... usually i always say "hey"
16:10.37mille25but i was like... why not try smth different today? :D
16:11.24Blizz-Deletariushave him submit a bug to the forums
16:11.26Blizz-Deletariusthat way we'll have our QA team take a look at it
16:11.36mille25Blizz-Deletarius: yeah thats what i did haha
16:11.44Blizz-Deletariussaw that, thanks :)
16:12.01mille25just wanted to make sure you guys notice it
16:12.05mille25since its a pretty serious issue
16:12.49Blizz-DeletariusI really need to make an account for me w/the deletarius name...cause I can't post under my normal name there as a "Blizzard" representative/employee
16:13.19mille25you are not allowed to post on mapster?
16:13.38Blizz-Deletariusno, sorry, I meant that I have a normal account on mapster
16:13.46Blizz-Deletariusbut it isn't named Deletarius
16:14.05ckSynergyYou can request a name change
16:14.08Blizz-Deletariusit's my account from before I even started at Blizzard
16:14.12Blizz-Deletariuspost history
16:14.32Blizz-Deletariusand I'd like to keep that account anyway to maintain some level of anonymity
16:14.41ckSynergyDont blame you
16:14.53Blizz-DeletariusI have my own custom maps you know ;)
16:15.03ckSynergyNo wai O.o
16:15.25mille25yeah for some reason most people think that people at blizzard must know each single detail about the editor and can fix all problems instantly :P
16:15.39ckSynergyyea, most people arent as dedicated as me ;) lol j/k
16:15.55*** join/#sc2mapster zenxu (d918696b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
16:16.06Vailrethsigh i got into borderlands a little late for mutiplayer i guess...
16:16.17mille25so, are you guys at blizzard excited for the mop launch tonight?
16:16.22ousniusborderlands 1? don't play it with strangers
16:16.45Blizz-Deletariusyep :) unfortunately I won't be attending the launch, but, wish I could be
16:16.52mille25i will
16:16.58mille25its just 5:45 hours for EU left :D
16:17.00Blizz-Deletariuscool - enjoy :)
16:17.17Vailrethlaunch what launch?
16:17.23zenxuStill havent played Wow
16:17.23Blizz-DeletariusI already looked through the CE book and watched the behind the scenes videos as well
16:17.23mille25played wow since release date (classic), but had alot of breaks between
16:17.29*** join/#sc2mapster Kueken (
16:17.37Vailrethoh Mists right
16:17.41VindicatorI have every collector's edition ;)
16:17.52Blizz-DeletariusI have all but the original
16:18.04Vailrethi was invited into the Mists Beta but i dont like wow..
16:18.06Kuekenso, I played the SC2 campaign yesterday
16:18.18mille25hi kueken
16:18.26Vailrethhey Kueken
16:18.29Kuekenanyone remember the mission, where tychus wrecks some bases?
16:18.37Kuekenit seems to be bugged currently
16:18.49Vailrethhow so?
16:18.51Kuekenhe doesn't launhc his nuke on the last base anymore
16:19.01Blizz-Deletariusmaybe he got a change of heart
16:19.08Kuekenand just stops attacking, so you have to clean it manually
16:19.17Vailrethmaybe the latest patch broke his brain
16:19.31Kuekenyeah, happens, right? ;)
16:19.32mille25you know what just went through my mind?
16:19.44Kuekendo I want to know? ;)
16:19.45mille25im sorry for the guy that needs to play the whole campaign before each patch
16:19.48mille25to make sure it still works :D
16:20.10Kuekenwell, probably, there is no such guy :D
16:20.15mille25seems like
16:20.19mille25but there should be :D
16:20.30Bommesso you could pity him?
16:20.32Kuekenyeah, thought about that myself once
16:20.33Bommesor why? :D
16:20.39Helralmille25: you got it wrong they have 1 person per mission ;p
16:20.45Vindicatori'd say worst case scenario they have a few people on a QA team each play one level
16:21.08ousnius"hey you, play through the campaign to make sure it does still work" "ok"
16:21.14ousnius*plays borderlands 2 instead*
16:21.27Kuekenalso in the "A Sinister Turn" mission, the hybrid occasionally gets stuck
16:21.28mille25"fuck... a new patch."
16:21.36Blizz-DeletariusI didn't get borderlands2 cause I was kinda bored with BL1
16:21.40Kuekenthen he stands on one spot for a couple of minutes
16:21.52Helralmille25: no not a new patch.... a new nightly build ;p
16:21.54Blizz-DeletariusI got mad moxxie's, played about 1 hour or so, and stopped playing
16:21.57Vailrethi got borderlands 1 because i want borerlands 2
16:21.57mille25i also feel sorry for dogmai
16:22.05mille25seems like tofu ALWAYS breaks
16:22.12KuekenBlizz-Deletarius: Should I write a post about this?
16:22.19Blizz-Deletariusgo ahead :)
16:22.32Kuekenor do you just pass it along ;)
16:22.37Kueken<- lazy
16:22.47VindicatorDeletarius: Is there a way to make dialogs update more than once every 0.0625 seconds?  I noticed that if you attach a dialog to a unit it'll move at 60fps with a unit soo I was wondering if there's something I might be missing to do other things at 60fps
16:22.57ousnius this is me, except for mapping :D
16:23.22mille25Vindicator: no. max is 32fps for triggers.
16:23.23Blizz-Deletariusas in update the position of a unit more than 1x each 0.0625 seconds?
16:23.39Blizz-Deletariusthere you go
16:23.41*** join/#sc2mapster Taintedwisp (adbccbfb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
16:23.58ousniusyou can't update anything more often than 0.0625 sec :P
16:24.05mille25Vindicator: you can achieve 32 fps by using a while loop with a zero second wait
16:24.18TaintedwispMy Blizz Dance worked!!!!!!!
16:24.21mille25min wait is 0.0325
16:24.28mille25oh no
16:24.53Kuekenbut note, that a 0.03125 wait is only achieved by waiting 0 seconds
16:25.09Kuekenand value higher than 0 will result in a 0.0625 wait
16:25.13Vindicatoru sure? it used to be 18fps or 0.0625 i thought, even when waiting 0 seconds
16:25.16mille25what?! really? WTF :D
16:25.28mille25i constantly use < 0.0625 waits
16:25.29mille25fuck! :D
16:25.52TaintedwispThats cause you suck..
16:25.54ousniuslolz I'm smarter than you
16:26.02Kuekenalso, for most practical purposes, you won't be able to notice a difference between 0.0625 and 0.03125
16:26.07TaintedwispHey Vailreth, hows Borderlands goin?
16:26.07Vindicatorbs lol
16:26.17Vindicator18fps vs 32 fps is a big difference
16:26.32Helral0.03125 = trigger speed, 0.0625 = UI update moments.
16:26.35Vailrethpretty good, but i got the map back from soulcarverr lastnight
16:26.37Kuekenmany game functions only update at 0.0625 themselves
16:26.49Kuekenso you will end up updating 2 times within 1 game update
16:26.58Kuekenso 1 of your own updates is just skipped
16:26.59ousnius^ smarter than me
16:27.11Vailreththough i do wish i knew some people with the steam version of borderlands and who were willing to coop
16:27.21Kuekentry alternating the position of a unit between 2 points at 0.03125
16:27.28ousniusI would but I lost control of my life and have to map
16:27.32Kuekenyou will see it at one position the entire time
16:27.32Blizz-Deletariuswell here's a question then, would you say that being able to attach a dialog to a unit would be beneficial?
16:27.34ousniussorry Vailreth
16:27.35TaintedwispWait... you got the map back? AWESOME
16:27.36TaintedwispCan you throw a copy in the question
16:27.48A1winalmost everything in SC2 happens on 0.0625 sec intervals, there's some faster stuff like something related to missiles...
16:27.50TaintedwispYes Blizz-Deletarius very much so
16:27.56Blizz-Deletariusfair enough
16:27.58TaintedwispFor Heroes and Bosses
16:28.02Blizz-DeletariusI'll write down the suggestion
16:28.05Taintedwispand other Event type units
16:28.09Vindicatordeletarius: you can already do it
16:28.19TaintedwispPlus Then I could make a Board game :D
16:28.30Vindicatorit was added in 1.5
16:28.44ousniusthat moment
16:28.57Blizz-Deletariusahh, right
16:29.00Blizz-Deletariusattach dialog to unit
16:29.14Blizz-Deletariusattach dialog to dialog (yo dawg)
16:29.22ousniuswell write a suggestion for "attach unit to dialog" o_O
16:29.30KuekenI believe, he just said, that attach dialog to unit updates at a faster rate already, it seems, and he would like that for normal dialogs ^^
16:29.53Blizz-Deletariusafk - meeting
16:29.53TaintedwispHey Deletarius, I know this is very stupid, But something else that would be great(people can already ban others so not for that -_- i hate banning), But I would like it if I could Type it so that if a User with a certain name enters the game then I can do actions
16:29.59TaintedwispAh okie have a good meeting
16:30.02mille25kueken was right :D
16:30.05mille25just testd it
16:30.06Kuekenafaik attaching dialogs to units causes the engine to interpolate the position, instead of causing a higher update rate
16:30.08mille25thats weird...
16:30.12Vindicatorbecause when you move your unit around, the dialog moves with the unit super smooth, so it's like why can't we do other things that smooth
16:30.18Kuekenmille25: another funny thing
16:30.25Kuekentest another unit attacking the unit
16:30.50Kuekenit will always shoot the 2nd position
16:30.54VindicatorKueken - you're saying the video card "blends" and inserts frames in between?
16:31.06KuekenVindicator: you could say that
16:31.50Kuekenwe could probably need a "move dialog blend" function or something
16:31.53TaintedwispBut yeah Vailreth, update the DropBox folder if you would :D
16:31.54BommesKueken: You mean the position where the unit is not?
16:32.05Vailreththe file is on its way
16:32.10Kuekenits not that the unit is never in that spot
16:32.24Kuekenin fact, it alternates the position every 0.03125 as expected
16:32.32A1winI think it works now... hopefully
16:32.43Kuekenthe visuals are only updated every other frame
16:32.55Kuekenand the data stuff as well, but with 1 frame difference
16:33.02Bommesbut apparently the attack orders are getting updated at the alternated time
16:33.04Bommesto the actors
16:33.13Bommesotherwise it would make no sense to always attack the 2nd position
16:33.16Bommesit would attack the 1st one too
16:33.27Kuekenso for the attack target, its always at one of the positions, but for the actor, its always at the other
16:33.55BommesI think the weirdest part about that is
16:33.58Bommesthat you can use a 0 second wait
16:34.04Bommesto wait 0.03125 seconds
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16:34.16Bommesdidnt know that
16:34.20Kuekenyes, and a 003125 wait waits 0.0625 seconds _D
16:34.30mille25quick meeting, Blizz-Deletarius
16:34.40Vailreththat taco was haunting our dropbox folder...
16:34.41Kuekenhi, your fired, bye
16:35.05ousnius"alright let's start this meeting. u guys still alive?" "ye." "ye." "ye." "ok bai"
16:35.09A1winKueken, it seems like it waits for 0.0625 because game time only updates every 0.0625 sec
16:35.21mille25i bet it was one of those meetings where dustin wears a hat
16:35.32mille25and there is beer
16:35.42KuekenA1win: what do you meaǹ?
16:35.45zenxuI guess they show something about mop there
16:36.11mille25great thing is
16:36.14mille25i still got holidays atm
16:36.17mille25so i can play all night :D
16:36.20*** join/#sc2mapster cryptrat (440a8b94@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
16:36.23cryptratIs it not possible for a structure to power itself?
16:36.34Kuekenif you run a 0 wait and a 0.03125 wait parallel to each other, you can clearly see the 0 wait waiting half the amount of time
16:36.49mille25yeah just tested it, Kueken is right.
16:36.53mille25but i think its kinda weird
16:36.56A1winyeah I was talking about 0 sec wait (which is actually 0.03125)
16:36.57Kuekenit is
16:37.06mille25especially that you cant wait 0.05 secs for example
16:37.07Bommesmille25: you think? :D
16:37.08mille25thats confusing
16:37.17Bommesthats probably because it is
16:37.20mille25i use 0.05 sec waits sometimes
16:37.21mille25that sucks.
16:37.32Helral*meeting starts* "welcome to the meeting, but I didn't have time to prepare so we'll postpone it to tomorrow." *meeting ends*
16:37.36Helralmeows innocently
16:37.42BommesI do too but only because I'm too lazy to type in 0.0625
16:37.42Kuekencryptrat: what do you mean? You want the building to generate power and to use power?
16:38.01Kuekenwhy does it need to use power then? just make it generate, and function at all times
16:38.15cryptratI want a unit to be underpowered unless a specific unit type comes in range.
16:38.32Kuekenmake that unit type generate power? ;)
16:38.36cryptratI'm currently trying to apply Power Source to the unit with the Power requriement with a behavior
16:38.49Helralcryptrat: just use a validator to check units in range.
16:38.57ousniusany sc2 model I could use to put under pickups and change the colors to make them more visible?
16:39.02Helralah well *off to watch anime*
16:39.04TaintedwispTACO JPG!!!! NOOOO
16:39.20Kuekenousnius: protoss decal?
16:39.40Vindicatorthe way i understand it is that triggers update as often as game ticks, a tick being 0.0625 seconds.  this means that the engine can't really tell anything to happen in increments other than this and that all waits are rounded to the nearest 0.0625 increment.  also this leads me to believe that your triggers all have 0.0625 seconds to process something in a tick before lag will occur from too many triggers.
16:39.54TaintedwispVailreth... you Son a bitch... you killed the Taco.JPG!!!!!
16:39.56cryptratI guess I'm just worried about changing power things too much and not being able to get the depower animation.
16:39.56Bommesousnius: Omnilights, Selection Actors, decals
16:39.59ousniusomnilight only shows for higher graphics settings
16:40.06BommesOmnilights are pretty heavy for performance though
16:40.08Bommesand only visible on high
16:40.33Kuekenthe campaign marker bracket thingies
16:40.40BommesI would use selection actors
16:40.55Kuekenor as I like o call them, the "put siegetank here-squares"
16:41.15TaintedwispHey Deletarius, are you here right now?
16:41.21Vindicatorhe's in a meeting
16:41.30Kuekenhighlight him properly, maybe he answers
16:41.56A1win  could use a bit less groovy tunnels maybe :P not really sure how to make it so efficiently enough
16:42.06TaintedwispNah its not that important Kueken
16:42.18A1winI guess I'll just use smaller maps and not care D: you highlight me instead :D
16:42.22Vindicatoranyone know how to use dialog item rotate or is that a question for Deletarius when he gets back?
16:42.32Taintedwispyeah he said he got back from the meeting already haha
16:42.36ousniusno he's already back I think
16:42.37KuekenHow to use it?
16:42.49Kuekenit was pretty straightforward when I used it
16:42.53mille25Vindicator: i believe it just works for images.
16:42.58ousniushiw are the selection actors called?
16:43.00Kuekenhowever, it doesn't work on all dialog items
16:43.13Vindicatori think i've tried images and i see nothing happen to them =/ for years lol
16:43.17TaintedwispBlizz-Deletarius, Any ideas why My map wont load directly from the file?  It opens a blank editor then I have to manually open it from there
16:43.25Bommesousnius: Actors of type selection
16:43.31Bommesthey are no models, they are built into the game
16:43.33Kuekenuses dialog item rotation
16:43.34TaintedwispThis has been happening since patch 2 of HoTS i think
16:43.43TaintedwispWell since around that time
16:43.44ousniusoh k
16:43.44Bommesthey are the circles that show up when you select a unit, you can make custom ones
16:43.49Vindicatortaintedwisp - this happens to me on non HotS too
16:44.01TaintedwispYeah its on WoL editor
16:44.04TaintedwispBut its been since that patch
16:44.06mille25i just drag and drop my maps
16:44.10mille25that always works
16:44.15mille25and i dont need to click through all folders
16:44.34Bommesyou can either make them crescent and fading or you can make them a circle where you can specify the size, the rotation speed, the number of parts and how much of the circle is used
16:44.52Vindicatorwhen i open the editor it shows the most recently opened maps when you click "file" so thats how i go about things
16:45.03cryptratSo I want the power/depower animations to remain the same, but need a unit (regardless of owner) to "turn the structure on" when near it.
16:45.06Kuekenthis only happened to me with maps that used mods
16:45.15Kuekenespecially when the mod was missing
16:45.32cryptratI'm basically trying to make the Photon cannon work like the Xel'Naga watchtower minus the ownership change
16:45.59Kuekencryptrat: you can handle the animation in the actors and the "turn on" with behaviors
16:46.02Blizz-Deletariusas in make a photon cannon give vision?
16:46.13Kuekenyou don't necessarily need the power
16:46.37KuekenTaintedwisp: hes here ;)
16:46.48Blizz-Deletariusalso, I don't know about that
16:46.52Blizz-Deletariusre: the map thing
16:47.47cryptratNo, as in a photon cannon be unpowered until a marine comes into range.
16:47.55TaintedwispYO VAILRETH!!!, you should really make a video of that Hero Select the Newest version... I love it!!!!.
16:48.20TaintedwispI would make a version but low graphic settings and Close up units make it look like shit haha
16:48.23Vailrethi will when we get the heros completed
16:48.26cryptratUnfortunately, Power Source behavior isn't really working for me. I'll have more time to mess around later today.
16:48.28TaintedwispVideo - not version
16:48.31TaintedwispOkay sounds Great
16:50.56TaintedwispOh yeah Blizz-Deletarius I am sure that someone has already told you this, But just in case, Is that stuff about the Editor having to be online at all times real, or just a bug? because my internet goes out Frequently and I edit to pass the time when I have nothing better to do, but now I cant do that
16:51.29VindicatorDeletarius: Do you know how the trigger action "Set dialog item rotation" works?  I haven't been able to get it to work for literally years and would like to know if i'm doing something wrong.
16:52.24mille25Vindicator: it works but just for images.
16:52.31Vindicatorjust tried, it doesn't
16:52.36Vindicatorif u know how i'm all ears tho
16:52.51mille25for sure it works
16:52.54mille25i use it all the time
16:53.05mille25you select the dialog item and specify the angle
16:53.18mille25not sure where the problem is?
16:53.39Vindicatorok so i have a dialog item image, i set it's rotation to 90, nothing happens (specified via a variable this image is set as).  i also try hiding the image and showing it after rotating and that doesn't work either
16:53.50Vailrethwow he really improved on my idea ..
16:53.59Kuekenthen I blame your code ;)
16:54.09Kuekenupload an example map of it not working
16:54.32Kuekenas I posted some lines before:
16:54.39Kuekenuses the set rotation
16:54.46Kuekenand as you can see, it works well
16:54.53TaintedwispVailreth did you just not look at it?
16:54.59Vindicatorya i remember seeing that a long time ago actually and was wondering how u got that to work
16:55.03Taintedwispnot not
16:55.12Vailrethyeah i just now had the chance
16:56.57ducky_vindicator, you're using image of normal type or border/endcap/other type? :O
16:57.24Vindicatorit's a horizontal border actually i think that i'm trying today.. is that the problem!?
16:57.42Vindicatorit is isn't it
16:57.45ducky_I think you can rotate only normal images
16:57.57Vindicatoro m g if that's it i'm gonna lose it!
16:58.32ducky_:3 don't lose it, remake borders into normal and then rotate them
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16:59.40TaintedwispHey SoulCarver, Just got the map and looked, Great work looks really good
16:59.47TaintedwispYou and Vailreth did amazing on it
17:03.35ckSynergyif you remake the borders, wouldnt you just rotate them manually? lol
17:06.07Vindicatoryou were right ducky o m g thanks so much.  i've been trying to rotate things foorrreeeevvverrrr to no avail and i guess my attempts were always on non-normal image types x.x
17:07.43TaintedwispAnyone else tired of Hearing about how the Middle Class have it sooo bad?, Why has there never been a president or any government official who has said, You know what, The rich need to shut up, the middle class needs to quit living outside their means, Hey lets help The Lower class who have to struggle to pay the pwer bill and still put food on the table... BAH it really is annoying
17:10.29TaintedwispOh well, It happens, Just gotta keep moving forward and try to break into the middleclass by the time Im 30, Then I will live like I was poor, and never have to worry about anything haah
17:10.46ousniusHOLY CRAP
17:10.57ousniuslinkin park released their acapellas of the new album
17:11.07TaintedwispLinkin Park...
17:11.35TaintedwispArent they dead yet...
17:11.39TaintedwispSame with Greenday
17:11.47ousniusnot really
17:11.49TaintedwispGeneric music, BLEH
17:11.50ousniusnot metal anymore tho
17:11.57TaintedwispTHEY WERE NEVER METAL
17:12.02TaintedwispThey were Punk Rock at best..
17:12.03ousniusnu metal ffs
17:12.08TaintedwispNo not Nu metal
17:12.16ousniusthey called themselves nu metal
17:12.24TaintedwispThey call themselves Rappers too.... at one time
17:12.27TaintedwispDoesnt make it true
17:12.33TaintedwispI call myself A king...
17:12.36ousniuswell nu metal includes rap :3
17:12.41Taintedwispno it doesnt
17:12.45ousniusI hate you
17:13.11TaintedwispIt includes a little bit of Hip Hop, but mostly Heavy metal
17:13.27TaintedwispThey were more of soft rock, mixed with Idiocracy
17:13.40TaintedwispGreenday calls themselves metal too... but they are not really....
17:15.05TaintedwispThe point is...
17:15.09Vindicatoralright so how about this: you know some of the large images that have lots of little images for like acid animations etc?  does anyone know how to utilize those images as animations?
17:15.13TaintedwispLinkin park sucks!!!
17:15.27Taintedwispnah, actualyl they had a decent song or 2 back in the day
17:15.40TaintedwispBut their stuff got worse and worse and I quit listening to them the more they added rap into it
17:16.52TaintedwispI hate this generic music that comes out now, its really bland....
17:17.00TaintedwispAll sounds like 2006 Greenday
17:17.14TaintedwispTerrible terrible, Boy band who calls themselve rock music sound alike.
17:17.27TaintedwispThey sound like Justin Beiber hit puberty... that is all
17:17.43TaintedwispDamn EcoHippies ruining the greatest Genre of music to ever be formed
17:18.08Kuekenlatest LP album has some decent tracks again imo
17:18.16Kuekensome pretty crappy ones as well, though
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17:24.23TaintedwispEh im tired of "Decent", Why not something GREAT... Whens the last time you heard a song, and had to listen to it, over and over because it was sooo good
17:24.49Vailrethjust about every time i go to The Fump
17:25.17TaintedwispThats all Genres too, remember when rappers weren't trash? I didnt like their music,  But i could atleast acknowledge it as music....
17:25.31Taintedwisplol Vailreth, I mean REAL music, not Funny remakes of songs, those are always good
17:26.12Vailreththere is more to the fump than parody
17:26.26TaintedwispoI thought thats all it was
17:26.48Vailreththere is a lot of parody music but there is also alot of orginal stuff..
17:27.07Vailrethjust they like to tear pop songs new ones
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17:27.24Taintedwispewww pop songs...
17:27.32TaintedwispWho let all these terrible Genres form?
17:27.36Vailrethif you liked rap i would suggest Mario Vs Luigi
17:28.00Vailretha battle rap feature the mario brothers and wario
17:28.06TaintedwispRap, Punk Rock, Pop...
17:28.10TaintedwispYeah I saw it
17:28.20Taintedwispepic Rap battles of history right?
17:28.23TaintedwispIt wasnt that funny
17:28.33TheSkunk__heh.. I find some songs where I went and listened to them over an over
17:28.34TaintedwispThe last one I thought was funny was the Stephen Hawking one
17:28.39TheSkunk__but I have weird tastes in music..
17:28.49Vailreththat was Doom Vs Wesker i think, thats the only one of those ive seen
17:28.49TaintedwispAll the songs that I have liked to re-listen to are made pre 2005....
17:29.28TheSkunk__Good portion of the ones I like have no lyrics =]
17:29.40TaintedwispNo lyrics?
17:29.44TaintedwispThats pointless...
17:29.49TaintedwispWel I guess not.
17:29.51Taintedwispbut at the same time
17:29.57TheSkunk__Not if its good
17:30.15TheSkunk__Some even come from movies :P
17:30.27TheSkunk__But like I said, I have unusual taste in music >_>
17:30.30TaintedwispThats a REAL song
17:31.03TaintedwispI have a Different taste in music, I hate all mainstream crap, dunno why, Some bands I will like, but I have learned that once they become Mainstream they loose quality
17:31.20TaintedwispIts like they dont work as hard on their music, and start just pumping out crap for a doller
17:31.48TaintedwispThe most corrupting thing their is, it used to be gold that corrupted like that
17:32.16Taintedwispanyone find it funny, they people trade their gold, for Money that is essentially, a promise of that gold?
17:32.18TheSkunk__I woke up with a song stuck in my head recently -- and I liked it ever after that, even though I didn't think it was that great before
17:33.44TaintedwispThats a Great song too
17:33.57Taintedwispof course if you dont like SOAD then their is something wrong with you
17:35.57ousnius>not liking all genres
17:37.20TaintedwispThis is the type of music I enjoy, the type that talks about the Problems of the world, and adds awareness to them.
17:38.27Taintedwispgreat song, though dont let the name scare you away
17:38.42Taintedwispit talks about how the media keeps putting this crap on your TV.
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17:39.33TaintedwispOusnius, that sounds like something that would be behind Dubstep video
17:39.43ousniusit's dubstep
17:39.52TheSkunk__I'm playing music on spotify right now, music from Pirates of the Caribbean just came on.. shows how odd I am
17:40.34TaintedwispI am really feelin some System of a Down right now
17:40.41Taintedwispmass amounts too
17:40.43ousniusThis video is not available in your country. We're sorry.
17:40.49ousniusholy mother of god I love Germany
17:40.54TaintedwispYour country is a bitchass
17:41.04ousniustoo lazy to use proxies
17:41.09TaintedwispGermany blocks anything that talks bad about their nation...
17:41.18ousniusnot true
17:41.21ousniusit's cause of copyright
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17:41.45ousniusthey only ban things about hitler xD
17:41.55TaintedwispActually that video was from the actual official channel of roadrunnerRecords...
17:42.00TaintedwispThey used copyright as a front
17:42.11Taintedwispnvm, I thought it was
17:42.15ousniuswe can't even view VEVO channels here
17:43.13Taintedwispyeah, those are official channels
17:43.25TaintedwispThats why I say no to all copyrights...
17:43.38TaintedwispI think copyrighting is the stupidest thing ever created....
17:43.49TaintedwispWithout it, people would have to make better and better products to sale them
17:43.58TaintedwispCopyrights make it so they have less competition
17:44.10Taintedwispwe loose quality, and the prices go up
17:46.11Taintedwisp  really has a Nice sound
17:46.18Taintedwisphas former members from SOAD in it
17:47.38TaintedwispWow just realized
17:47.46ousnius lol
17:47.48Taintedwispthat song allowed the word "Fuck" a rarity for Vevo
17:47.50ousnius>buying acapellas
17:48.54TaintedwispScars on Broadway, A nice band... HELL ITS ABOUT FUKN TIME!!!
17:48.59Taintedwisp3 songs I like already...
17:49.01TaintedwispITS FUKN AMAZING
17:50.15TaintedwispSweet, it took 5 years... but there is 1 new band that I like...
17:50.17TaintedwispITS FUKN AMAZING
17:50.38TaintedwispGuess my standards for music is a tad bit higher
17:51.29Bommesor you just don't know a lot of different music...
17:51.46Vailrethliving near rednecks once can appreciate that link
17:52.30Taintedwispyee haw? what thats hillbillies sir, not rednecks
17:52.43TaintedwispThese people need some REAL redneck education... on what a redneck is...
17:52.54Vailreththey say that here
17:52.58TaintedwispPaps beer? still hillbilles
17:53.15Vailrethhillbilles are redneck or the mountains
17:53.29TaintedwispA redneck is way different
17:54.05TaintedwispA hillbille Marries his cousin, and is stupid due to generations of Imbreeding
17:54.19TaintedwispA redneck, Is stupid due to years of Alcohol and sometimes pot
17:54.34Taintedwispand they drink Milwalkees beast
17:54.41Taintedwispor ICEHOUSE
17:54.42Vailrethyouve never met the rednecks around jere
17:54.43Taintedwispor Bush
17:54.50TaintedwispI grew up around rednecks...
17:55.08Vailrethnot the kinds here
17:55.10TaintedwispSOUTHERN REAL REDNECKS, Talking bout hating blacks, and honestly thinking that the south would rise agaijn
17:55.38Vailrethtrue but they marry their cousins and are stupid
17:55.51Taintedwispbut it mixes the real definitions of hillbillies...
17:56.26TaintedwispAlso you cant be a redneck unless you have a broken car on the front lawn of your Trailer park....
17:56.32Vailrethin texas its legal to marry your second cousin
17:56.33TaintedwispThats a given
17:56.48TaintedwispWell thats texas... I feel bad for them,,
17:56.53TaintedwispThats gross...
17:57.17Vailrethit has to be '
17:57.32Vailrethevery one is related to every one else un less you are from out of state
17:57.56Vailrethfortunately im from california
17:58.03TaintedwispThats even worse
17:58.17Taintedwispnext your going to pull a bounty and say NJ
17:59.17TaintedwispI dunno there are a few states I dont ever wanna live in, Honestly Cali is one of them, so is Texas, NY, Pen, and NJ... Ill stay out of those thank you...
17:59.27Vailreth disclaimer: i love america the land of the free and the home of the brave but i dont like the states that make it up
17:59.30Taintedwispbut maybe cali one day
18:00.27TaintedwispNY was fine... but then they legalized Child porn, and called NC backwards the next week -_-
18:00.46TaintedwispTexas its too damn hot
18:00.53Taintedwispand NJ is the butthole of america
18:00.56TaintedwispIm just too poor for cali
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18:01.12Vailrethyeah ..
18:01.28TaintedwispI think I wanna move north.. WAY NORTH, Past canada....
18:01.34TaintedwispDont wanna be around the french
18:01.50Vailrethyes id like to to freeze my ass of in the artic circle too
18:01.52TaintedwispI want Bitter Cold, and LOTS of night time
18:02.06TaintedwispBut I also want atleast T1 internet
18:02.27TaintedwispWindstream better get on that shit, heres one customer ready...
18:02.50Triceronthey have T1 at the artic pole.  Foodstamps too.  You should move
18:02.55TaintedwispI do wanna move out of the states... but I dont want to move to any of the other countries...
18:03.05TaintedwispI wonder if thepiratebay island will take me in
18:03.55Taintedwispjust think of a land with NO GOVERNMENT..... if someone steals or Kills, the Society gets to handle them
18:04.07TaintedwispThe judge is Mr Winchester
18:04.16ousniusholy mother of god
18:04.23TaintedwispThe Executioner, is a Rimmington 12 gauge
18:05.10TaintedwispOusnius you didnt paste the ling..
18:05.28ousnius>doesn't know about file type meme
18:05.30Taintedwisphah Nah im kidding though, really what I want, if for this country to straitin its shit out
18:05.32ousniusdo you even lift?
18:05.35Taintedwispits the best, but its declining quickly
18:05.50A1winis it possible to limite the auto acquire distance of weapons and still have their range longer than that?
18:05.51ousniusxD nvm
18:05.55TaintedwispI dont follow lame memes
18:06.00TaintedwispI think they are stupid
18:06.13ousniusis there one thing on earth you actually like except SOAD? :D
18:06.14TaintedwispI dont have to steal everything I say from a movie or something else
18:06.17A1winhmm maybe by using two weapons where one can shoot far without auto acquire...
18:06.24TaintedwispLots of cool things
18:06.29TaintedwispITS GOJIRA!!!!
18:06.41TaintedwispGodzilla Final Wars... where the hell is Number 2...
18:06.51TaintedwispFinal Wars 2... well he already killed all the monsters... now what
18:07.05Triceronthere's a new godzilla hollywood movie being made
18:07.14Triceronyou should like that
18:07.29Vailrethsay it aint so
18:07.30Taintedwispthe Ny one was Okay
18:07.35TaintedwispThe story was good
18:07.39Taintedwispbut godzilla looked like shit
18:07.50TaintedwispHe looked like Diablo in D3...
18:07.55Vailreththey wanted to go "more real"
18:08.04Vailrethand it faild
18:08.06A1winI'm making a dungeon crawler that has infinite length... wish me luck D:
18:08.10TaintedwispMore real? it looked gay...
18:08.19TaintedwispThey could have done more real... without that supidity
18:08.31ousniusyou need infinite luck for an infinite dungeon crawler
18:08.39Vailrethi actually liked it but eeh
18:08.40TaintedwispNot hard A1win... hahah, you just need Dynamic walls and no exit lalaw
18:08.43A1winwell obviously not literally invinite
18:08.47TaintedwispI liked the Movie, it was good
18:08.54A1winI don't mean infinite area :P
18:08.54Taintedwispbut godzilla looked stupid
18:09.03A1winbut infinite progress
18:09.08TaintedwispThe fish thing? Meh...
18:09.12Vailrethi mean the design of the Godzillia ... but i dont think it fit the movie you know
18:09.14TriceronI wonder if you could do that, make a seamless infinite dungeon by making a dungeon loop around itself
18:09.14A1winI'm going to pace it well
18:09.24Triceronsorta like pacman, cept bigger
18:09.39A1winTriceron, I did that by making the environment move around the player but it was a bit too meh :P
18:09.56TaintedwispNo It was exactly what I expected from a Godzilla Hollywood movie, a movie with a Great storyline, but it failed on the aspect of making godzilla look even close to decent
18:10.10TaintedwispHe looked like Diablo in D3 mixed with Jayleno
18:10.18TaintedwispWhy did he have Deathwings Chin?
18:10.46A1winlook at the coordinates
18:10.50Taintedwisp    Thats Concept art
18:10.54TaintedwispThat would have looked better
18:11.41Vailrethi see
18:11.58TaintedwispThats from the First Version of the 2014 film
18:12.06TaintedwispBut i think that look was scrapped...
18:12.07Taintedwispdunno wh
18:12.13Taintedwispit looks great
18:12.53Vailrethit may be too dragon like for the sci fi theme
18:13.05TaintedwispIf they say so.
18:13.20TaintedwispI dunno, Ill check it out, eventually when it comes out
18:13.36TaintedwispDunno everytime I see a project thats been delayed 100 times like this one, they usually suck
18:13.45TaintedwispOh yeah Ousnius I like Kung Fu Hustle too
18:17.09TaintedwispPLEASE DONT DO THIS!!!!
18:17.22TaintedwispNow there will be no reason... not to troll
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18:17.44ousniusdo it
18:17.57ousniusand do it for custom maps too
18:18.19Taintedwispnoo dont do it, I dont want every map that I play to be filled with bots and little kids...
18:18.22TaintedwispHELL NO
18:18.34ousniusDON'T DO IT
18:18.57TaintedwispNOW that being said They could do this, and I would even support it
18:19.12Taintedwispif a player owns WoW and D3, then they get get the multiplayer for free...
18:19.19TaintedwispThat would be different
18:19.28Taintedwispthat would be fine, because then they still wouldnt want to be banned
18:19.34Taintedwispand it wouldnt be completely free to play
18:19.45Bommeswow sc2 f2p would be amazing
18:19.47ousniusand diablo 3 is pegi 18 I think
18:19.49ousnius>no kids
18:19.55ousnius>only cool kids
18:20.31TaintedwispThats the whole point though, takes stupid kids, and bots out of the equation
18:21.14TaintedwispBlizz-deletarius i was just wondering, dont know if its actually happening, or anyhting haha, How much have you guys been discussing this one?
18:22.16ousniushe's a dev not a designer
18:22.36TaintedwispThats right
18:22.51Taintedwisplol I dont even wanan know if its coming out, I was just wandering how split people were over it lol
18:22.58Tricerontbh F2P SC2 makes a lot of sense
18:23.09Triceronbut they really have to be careful how they'd monetize it
18:23.14TaintedwispNot really, It defeates the purpose of always online....
18:23.36Triceronhow is that relative?
18:23.37Blizz-Deletariuscan't talk about it
18:23.46Taintedwispone of the major reasons they said it was always online, was due to botting in the old game
18:23.49Taintedwispokie gotcha
18:24.05TaintedwispIf you can just create a new account, then you can hack, and bot all day
18:24.24Taintedwispif it does come out, I hope that mappers are given an option to hide their maps from F2P people
18:24.39TaintedwispBecause I dont want that crap in my maps, little kids, and Hackers...
18:24.42TaintedwispBLEH i hate em
18:24.58Triceronwell, what limitations are there with starter edition right now and multiplayer?
18:25.17TaintedwispI dont think they can play all the custom maps
18:25.21Taintedwispjust the ones blizz puts out
18:25.56TaintedwispWhich is fine by me... I dont feel like dealing with trolls... every game, of any game that I play
18:26.40TaintedwispAnd this was a just announced feature, you see how long the long Debated 50/50 marketplace takes to get out, I wouldnt think of this coming any time soon if it was decided upon
18:26.49Taintedwispand not even really announced
18:28.40Triceronwait so botting you're worried about custom maps, not the regular multiplayer?  or both
18:29.06TaintedwispI dont want bots trying to sale stuff on the channels, In my maps or in Quick match games ...
18:29.16Taintedwispsame with little kids...
18:29.25Taintedwispcept instead of trying to sale stuff, they just suck really bad..
18:29.33Taintedwispand then cry and talk junk
18:29.55TaintedwispIf kids get on there, I wont come online starcraft until after 1 am on a school night every day
18:30.21TaintedwispThere are ways to make it free 2 play, but it doesnt need to be totally free 2 player
18:31.28Taintedwispreally all it is, in my opinion what it feels like, is that they are wanting to throw away the community who bought the game, and get a new community who will be willing to pay for their marketplace maps.... thats just what it feels like... I know SEVERAL people who bought the game just for the multiplayer, and then its free?
18:32.10TaintedwispThat would be a huge slap in the face, Thats why I bought it mostly, I wanted the campaign too, but mostly it was for the custom maps
18:32.12Triceronworked with TF2
18:32.19TaintedwispNot really
18:32.23TaintedwispIts full of bots and little kdis
18:32.32Triceronand players who still like TF2
18:32.42TaintedwispThats why I dont play it, there is always some little kid who hasnt hit puberty running his mouth...
18:32.42Triceronthe difference is who you play with
18:33.03TaintedwispThe players who sitll like TF2, are a NEW community, you will find that when they did that MANY people left the game...
18:33.09Taintedwispthey were thrown away by valve in a way
18:33.09Triceronwtih SC2 it may be more towards what you're talking about, full of kids and whatnot
18:33.16Triceronbut with the ladder system in place, what's the difference?
18:33.29TaintedwispThe ladder system doesnt apply to customs...
18:33.38TaintedwispAnd I dont want a little kid in my placement matches
18:33.42Triceronin customs you still have kids playing SC2
18:33.48TaintedwispI get stuck in bronze 2v2s because of kids...
18:33.59TaintedwispYeah but they bought the game, so there are less of them
18:34.24TaintedwispF2P works, but it has a worse, less loyal community.
18:34.36TaintedwispIts a quick dollar, which is fine, but its not the same
18:34.48Triceronwell community loyalty is disputable
18:34.55TaintedwispI guess I am just Old Schoolish you could say, I would rather have better people, then more people
18:35.01Triceronyou'll have the fanboys and the haters and whatnot no matter what happens
18:35.13TaintedwispFanboys and haters dont make up the community
18:35.14Triceronfree 2 play may shift the lines, but it doesn't outright change because of this
18:35.16TaintedwispIts the average gamer that doews
18:35.55TriceronI don't think this would be such a big drastic change that the average gamer will render the game unplayable by this change at any rate
18:36.07TriceronI mean there will always be things to hate on
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18:36.32Triceronbut I can't imagine it doing something like destroying the meta game because more 'kids' are playing
18:36.43TheSkunk___if you actually read what he said
18:36.56TheSkunk___He didn't really say they were currently thinking about it
18:37.03TheSkunk___and he even expressed doubts it would work himself
18:37.08TheSkunk___so I'm not too worried :D
18:37.18Triceronthey're amusing the idea
18:37.33TaintedwispI dunno, This is the 2nd thing from Blizzard that has made me really annoyed.... The first is the marketplace that I am leaving if it comes out and the F2p if it comes out, I will probably leave, but I might check it for a second to see how it works
18:37.36Triceronbut still, it's a topic worth discussing
18:38.05Taintedwispyeah same here
18:38.20TaintedwispBut skunk its either this or talking about homosexuals? haha
18:38.36TriceronI mean league of legends was a pay game when it started wasn't it?
18:38.39TheSkunk___Yeah, its just that
18:39.09Taintedwispno league wasnt
18:39.11TheSkunk___what he said was in response to a question about if they WOULD consider it, not if they currently are, and I think his reply was as such: his own thoughts off the bat
18:39.11TaintedwispHoN was
18:39.25TheSkunk___and a lot of people are acting like its some sort of annoucement that they are seriously looking at it
18:39.27TaintedwispYeha I know, but still its a thought
18:39.35TheSkunk___It is interesting to think about though =]
18:39.48Triceronwell i'm not too familiar with HON or the success of their business model
18:39.48Taintedwispand a thought can grow, so its best to talk about it now so that they can hear the communities response before they start working on it
18:39.54TaintedwispI think IT COULD WORK
18:40.02Taintedwispbut I dont think Full F2P would work
18:40.08Triceronbut I would figure they went F2P the same reason many MMO's do, to bring in a bigger player base
18:40.13TaintedwispLIke I said they need to either own WoW, D3 or Both
18:40.16Taintedwispthen they get it for free
18:40.18TaintedwispThat would be perfect
18:40.25TaintedwispIt would Combine their player bases
18:40.41Triceronwell what about a premium thing?
18:40.42TaintedwispEwww F2P MMOs have all sucked
18:40.46Triceronwhere F2P is always limited
18:40.50TaintedwispI hate "Premium"
18:40.52Taintedwispits stupid
18:41.07TaintedwispWAIT THERE IT IS
18:41.10TaintedwispTHERES THE IDEA
18:41.11Triceronwell by premium I mean everyone who bought the game has premium
18:41.13Taintedwispokay how about this
18:41.23TaintedwispIt goes full F2P, they create the market place
18:41.29TaintedwispAnd whoever bought the game gets premium
18:41.35Taintedwispwhich means they dont pay for ANY maps
18:41.36Triceronthat's what I'm talking about you ass
18:41.50Taintedwispthough that meansthe community still gets fucked by greed
18:41.52Triceronhmm, not pay for maps?
18:41.59TheSkunk___As long as it doesn't effect gameplay and doesn't stiff currently paid users, I'd be fine with it.. but I do have some concerns about hackers being able to re-create accounts without having to purchase a new game
18:41.59Triceronso if you do starter you have to pay for maps?
18:42.01Triceronthat makes no sesne
18:42.09Triceronbecause the idea is the money goes to the map developers
18:42.21Triceronif you paid premium (for SC2) then the map developers get nothing
18:42.22Taintedwisppretty much
18:42.23TaintedwispYeah the Money from the starter players
18:42.25Triceronwhich kinda screws the idea
18:42.51Triceronwhy release maps on marketplace if you're only getting cut of the sales from starter edition people?
18:42.55TaintedwispWell I still dont like it
18:42.59Taintedwispand as I say it I see faults in it
18:43.02Taintedwispand it still fails
18:43.17TaintedwispIt still causes mass greed in the community
18:43.17Taintedwispand people will be less willing to help each other
18:43.26Triceronthat's gonna be a small percentage considering anyone who's a SC2 fan already bought the game, and the ones on F2P obviously don't have the money to buy more custom maps
18:43.28TaintedwispI see that there are Pros and Cons to the marketplace...
18:43.41TaintedwispF2p, they get quickmatch for free
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18:44.46Taintedwisp_14:43] <Taintedwisp> I see that there are Pros and Cons to the marketplace... [14:43] == Zolden [d557822e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] [14:43] <Taintedwisp> F2p, they get quickmatch for free [14:43] <Taintedwisp> So they owuld just be paying for customs [14:43] <Taintedwisp> See what I am saying
18:44.49Taintedwisp_It had broke
18:44.56Taintedwisp_what did you say after that?
18:45.07Taintedwisp_So if you were just paying for customs and got the quickmatch for free
18:45.14Taintedwisp_Then it would REALLY be like TF2
18:45.23Taintedwisp_You get the main game free, and you pay for fan made extras
18:45.24TheSkunk___07[14:43] <Taintedwisp> 02F2p, they get quickmatch for free01
18:45.32TheSkunk___last thing I saw before you left
18:45.47Taintedwisp_so year Trice that killed your TF2 arguement :P
18:45.50TheSkunk___but zolden isn't back in the channel yet
18:45.55Taintedwisp_Any other Holes i can think of?
18:45.59Taintedwisp_tyou can think of?
18:46.03*** join/#sc2mapster Triceron_ (1854e5d2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
18:46.08Triceron_bah, IRC hung
18:46.10TheSkunk___there we go
18:46.15TheSkunk___yeah happened to me earlier
18:46.20TheSkunk___just before I started talking
18:46.22Triceron_anyways, was gonna reiterate
18:46.29Taintedwisp_[14:45] <Taintedwisp_> So if you were just paying for customs and got the quickmatch for free [14:45] <Taintedwisp_> Then it would REALLY be like TF2 [14:45] <Taintedwisp_> You get the main game free, and you pay for fan made extras [14:45] <TheSkunk___> [14:43] <Taintedwisp> F2p, they get quickmatch for free [14:45] <TheSkunk___> last thing I saw before you left
18:46.38Triceron_F2P would be good for people who have shied away from SC2 because of the image it gets of being a hardcore RTS
18:46.50Taintedwisp_But like I was saying
18:46.53Triceron_open up to the casuals, who are ideally your custom map players
18:46.55Taintedwisp_what if they did it EXACTLY like TF2
18:47.02Taintedwisp_Where they get the main quickmatch for free
18:47.10Taintedwisp_and they pay for fan made extras
18:47.18Taintedwisp_Its combines 2 crappy broken ideas, into something that might work
18:47.35Taintedwisp_plus it keeps bots and idiots out of my maps
18:47.39Taintedwisp_Bout to crash agian..
18:47.42TheSkunk___lol ><
18:47.44Taintedwisp_You still there Trice..
18:47.48Taintedwisp_oh nbm haha
18:47.53Triceron_that's pretty much the idea I've been shootin for forever for map marketplace, that I hope they can figure out and get working
18:48.04Taintedwisp_That might work though
18:48.13Taintedwisp_I just hate the part where the Mapping Community gets overrun by 2 types
18:48.20Taintedwisp_1 the Greedy idiots.
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18:48.35Taintedwisp_2. the Greedy Smart people
18:48.35Triceron_of course that's gonna be very difficult to standardize
18:48.35Tolkfanso much talk about one small comment about possible F2P :P
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18:48.52Taintedwisp_The Greedy idiots will be asking for help non stop... and you wont be able to come here anymore because there will be sooo damn many of thhem
18:49.00Taintedwisp_the Greedy smart people, wont share their knowledge anymore
18:49.07Triceron_well F2P changes things
18:49.19Taintedwisp_So the people like myself, who dont care about money, gets boned...
18:49.34Triceron_I mean for HOTS and LOTV possibly being F2P multiplayer?
18:49.43Taintedwisp_Its a Concept that could work
18:49.44Triceron_it's a pretty big deal
18:49.53Taintedwisp_But its up to blizzard to make the RIGHT DECISIONS!!
18:49.54TheSkunk___Thats what I was saying, Tolk.. :P
18:50.01Taintedwisp_They have madea  few terrible ones in the past...
18:50.05Taintedwisp_the past few years
18:50.25Triceron_but again, we have no idea what Blizzard has plans for.  I do think they're looking closely at models that do work, and like i've said forever, there ARE systems out there that work
18:50.32Taintedwisp_Real money Auction House, dumbing down their games, Battle tag, etc
18:50.34TheSkunk___But really, I think F2P would be great\cool because it would expand the size of the player base and such, I just have fears about the implementation
18:50.36Taintedwisp_yeah thats true
18:50.40TheSkunk___Which is pretty much what Dustin said..
18:50.49Taintedwisp_yeah it could be cool, but it would have to be done RIGHT
18:50.54Taintedwisp_and thats the problem...
18:50.58Triceron_yeah, implementation is what will matter
18:51.11Triceron_there are so many factors to it
18:51.12Taintedwisp_I love blizzard... but They have gotten Terrible at doing things good the first time
18:51.24Taintedwisp_They have gotten their new standard of , we will fix it later...
18:51.26Triceron_and bottom line is they have to viably make money
18:51.32TheSkunk___Oh neat, Dax confirmed that is a bug Battle Hellions enter into bunkers
18:51.32Taintedwisp_D3, Pop system, etc
18:51.45Triceron_yeh, it should have been a bug
18:51.59Taintedwisp_why dont they remove the battle hellion button, and the upgrade...
18:52.00TheSkunk___It didn't even work correctly ._.
18:52.01Taintedwisp_its stupid..
18:52.08Taintedwisp_the battle hellion is coolsih
18:52.09Triceron_kinda ridic they were able to in the first place
18:52.23Taintedwisp_but we dont need 2 hellions on the factory
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18:52.31Triceron_tainted you have beta?
18:52.38Taintedwisp_Terran even more OP
18:52.49Triceron_how'd you get one?
18:52.52Triceron_random chance?
18:53.01Taintedwisp_I think the 1.5 Contest, dunno though
18:53.15TheSkunk___What wave did you get in?
18:53.20Taintedwisp_2nd wave
18:53.24Triceron_is the battle hellion big?
18:53.30TheSkunk___First wave included all of the 1.5 contest winners I'm pretty sure
18:53.33Taintedwisp_Bout the size of a goliath
18:53.35Triceron_I hear it's bigger than marauder.  how big compard to landed viking?
18:53.46Taintedwisp_ahh, then i dunno, I think the 2nd wave was random mappers
18:53.46TheSkunk___Its not any bigger then the hellion, just taller and not as long :P
18:54.02Triceron_smaller than viking then?
18:54.06Taintedwisp_I think its stupid to make it a biological
18:54.09Taintedwisp_It should just be a firebat then...
18:54.19Triceron_it looks cool though
18:54.21Taintedwisp_I hate how nearly all the new units are just recycled BW units reskinned
18:54.21Triceron_transformers are cool!
18:54.23Taintedwisp_yeah it looks cool
18:54.28Taintedwisp_But its just a firebat
18:54.29TheSkunk___Ah, for wave 2 he just said "07This wave include mostly individuals who opted in via the Account Management system. "01
18:54.31Triceron_but I don't like that it's its own unit in the factory
18:54.35TheSkunk___07So probably that is how you got it
18:54.41Taintedwisp_so random chance
18:54.51Taintedwisp_Yeah same here
18:55.25TheSkunk___Yeah, me too
18:55.31Taintedwisp_yeah Trice if It was on a different B.Net account then my own, then I would let you borrow it and try, but my B. net account contains every Blizzard game that they allow to be put on there haha
18:56.03Triceron_no worries, I have friends who got it too
18:56.09Triceron_btu I'm still more interested in the campaign stuff
18:56.09Taintedwisp_Hey Anyone here Play the Old Mechwarrior games?
18:56.26Taintedwisp_Same the multiplayerlooks worse and worse...
18:56.29Triceron_I've got a few friends working on the new one
18:56.44TheSkunk___I played a bit of one of the older ones
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18:56.53Triceron_Pirahna Games is located in a mall near where I used to work
18:56.53TheSkunk___forget which.. 2, maybe?
18:56.53Taintedwisp_I got athe beta, but I dont have a computer working haha
18:56.53Triceron_it was so weird seeing a company in a mall
18:56.58Triceron_but that mall  is sorta dead anyways
18:57.01Taintedwisp_Did you like it Skunk?
18:57.02Triceron_prolly cheap rent
18:57.07TheSkunk___believe it was the last one before they made some wierd RTS-style one
18:57.19Taintedwisp_You wanna try the beta? my computer wont handle it?
18:57.37Taintedwisp_ill just change the pass on it to theskunk real quick if you do
18:58.02TheSkunk___Idc really
18:58.07Taintedwisp_lol nvm then
18:58.13TheSkunk___Not that excited for it, if someone else is a bigger fan
18:58.15TheSkunk___give it to them :D
18:58.28Taintedwisp_I might just borrow my older bros computer then for it haha
18:58.28TheSkunk___Mildly interested, but not enough to seize someones beta key :P
18:58.38TheSkunk___thanks for offering though
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19:04.19TaintedwispLame ass Freenode
19:04.31TaintedwispLooks like it Disconnected Deletarius too
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19:05.20TaintedwispSkunk survived...
19:05.22Taintedwispbut I didnt
19:07.29TheSkunk___heh, I've been dropped once so far
19:07.37TheSkunk___so I haven't gone entirely unscathed
19:07.40TaintedwispFreenode sucks..
19:07.52TaintedwispBut I never can figure out how to set up a client... haha
19:07.59Taintedwispnever tried too hard either
19:08.22TaintedwispHey Vailreth, is the version in teh DropBox folder the latest edition?
19:08.42*** join/#sc2mapster Vailreth|2 (~kvirc@
19:09.37Triceron_so many people droppin
19:10.27TaintedwispWHO DID IT!!! KILL THEM NOW
19:10.44TaintedwispDeletarius would stay in this channel, if it didnt drop him every 10 minutes...
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19:18.16TaintedwispWait what?
19:18.22TaintedwispVailreth got dropped too?
19:18.30Triceron_yeah, he was dropped a while ago
19:18.33TaintedwispThat doesnt make any sense, he doesnt use freenode
19:18.46Taintedwispatleast I dont think
19:19.27TheSkunk___? what do you mean?
19:19.37TheSkunk___I'm using a client
19:19.41TheSkunk___and getting dropped
19:20.22TaintedwispI didnt think people using a client got dropped  the same
19:21.08TaintedwispI wonder how much hate I will recieve because I told that I got the idea from WoW
19:21.17ckSynergyMothership core really irks me
19:21.29TaintedwispYeah I hate that they Unattached it from the Nexus
19:21.36ckSynergyderp what? lol
19:21.45TaintedwispI wish it was still attached to the nexus
19:21.52TaintedwispNow its just an early mothership pretty much
19:21.54ckSynergywhy? it looks gay as hell
19:22.00ckSynergyits a lack of creativity
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19:22.28ckSynergyits a "well shit, I like the mothership and dont wanna scrap the model, and toss needs something, so hell, lets just root the mothership at the nxus and call it done"
19:23.04TaintedwispSupport taht Ck haha
19:23.07Triceron_I woulda liked to see Toss get something that changes up the 4 gate
19:23.09TaintedwispI still like the idea of the Tunneler
19:23.25TheSkunk___Actually, it was created because they wanted to give protoss something more interesting then chrono boost
19:23.26TaintedwispI would like every race to get something that added to the game..
19:23.31TheSkunk___but having recall on every nexus
19:23.32ckSynergyI mean honestly, give the nexus an upgraded model or something, but dont try to pawn off a simple actor attachement as "something new and unique"
19:23.33TheSkunk___is too OP
19:23.37TaintedwispInstead they picked bland units that dont change anything relaly
19:23.56TaintedwispHoTS feels like Recycled BW crap
19:24.22ckSynergyI still woulda perfered the lurker over the swarm host
19:24.26Triceron_I really like the zerg units
19:24.26TaintedwispYeah same here
19:24.33TaintedwispThe swarm host is stronger then the DT...
19:24.33ckSynergyZerg needs a siege unit
19:24.34Taintedwispits stupid
19:24.38ckSynergyand banelings are not siege
19:24.45TaintedwispBanelins are totally Siege
19:24.50Triceron_swarm host doesn't replace the lurker of BW
19:24.53ckSynergynot unless you let me launch them out of nydus like a cannon at a range of 20
19:24.55Triceron_it does crap for territory control
19:24.57TaintedwispBaneling + overlord drop = win
19:25.13ckSynergynever did get ovie drop to work
19:25.26ckSynergyI tried, but it just wouldnt do bombing runs
19:25.43TheSkunk___what do you mean by that?
19:25.56TheSkunk___there is a micro trick to get it to unload while moving
19:25.57TheSkunk___if thats what you mean
19:25.59ckSynergyyea, couldnt get that to work
19:26.12TaintedwispAND DAMMIT
19:26.16ckSynergynot that I tried that hard
19:26.24TheSkunk___Well, I see pros do it often enough :P
19:26.32ckSynergyI prefer not to blow up my resources and time lol
19:26.46TheSkunk___its a hard\risky thing to do
19:26.56KuekenwasNt that just use the unload ability on the overlord itself?
19:26.57Triceron_viper looks like a lot of fun though
19:27.08ckSynergyviper looks good
19:27.18TheSkunk___viper dies in 1 hit T_T
19:27.40ckSynergynot all that impressed by blindling cloud (cheap knock off of dark swarm), but its better than nothing
19:29.56KuekenI have yet to see vipers used efficiently
19:30.38Kuekenabduct and cloud are no bad abilities, but they usually end up in dead vipers
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19:31.24TaintedwispI have a serious question, how do all these people stay in this channel 24/7 and never actaully come here?
19:31.28Taintedwispdont they get dropped?
19:31.45TheSkunk___maybe once =[
19:31.48Taintedwisphmm i need to do hatever they do...
19:31.55TaintedwispSHUT UP ZENX!!!
19:31.58Taintedwispwhats up[
19:32.06TheSkunk___in net splits they sure do..
19:33.44Triceron_if they remade Brood War 100% as an expansion, would you buy it?
19:33.46TaintedwispThe thing I hate about HoTS Beta, is that none of the webcasters are sharing their opinions on it at all
19:33.50TaintedwispNo i wouldnt
19:33.53TaintedwispI already played BW
19:34.11TaintedwispIf they remade the Campaign in Sc2, with Portraits and everything I would
19:34.15Taintedwispfor 10$
19:34.24Taintedwispbut that would just be dlc
19:34.47TaintedwispIf I wanted BW back, i would be screaming for my favorite unit the Dark Archon
19:34.50Triceron_I was thinking more like $20, but 10 could be feasible
19:35.06TaintedwispBut it would need Achievements and portraits
19:35.13TaintedwispAnd 10 MAYBE 15 would be it
19:35.15Triceron_I was thinking new cinematics and all too
19:35.22TaintedwispThats what Full HD remakes of old games go for on console
19:35.30TheSkunk___They probably are sharing their opinions on the pro-feedback forum
19:35.30Taintedwispand the old cinematics in there
19:35.31zenxttI think husky was like "meh" about the new units
19:35.36zenxtthe said that before the beta thou
19:35.58Triceron_aren't msot casters generally subtle on their opnions?
19:36.12Taintedwispyeah I just hate that they are supposed to be the voice of teh ladder community, yet they dont speak their opinions about any of the units
19:36.22TheSkunk___Well, they don't want to get public flack
19:36.32TheSkunk___thats why blizzard set up a private forum for them :P
19:36.43TaintedwispStill, though I think MVPs should speak their opinions too :P
19:36.45zenxttyou say that yet you havent even watched the video he talked about that
19:36.45Triceron_i might have to check out State of the Game again
19:36.52zenxttso its nice to assume what they say and what not
19:37.11TheSkunk___hah, half the MVPs don't play anymore :P
19:37.35Taintedwispyeah I figured that, Tell them to elect some new MVPS... ill be a LVP!!!! gimme my Red color...
19:37.37TheSkunk___The ones that do, have been posting their opinion..
19:37.42TaintedwispLVP LVP LVP
19:37.53zenxttI think Iv changed my mind around 50 times wheter I buy Hots or not. currently im in the state that I wont buy it
19:37.55TaintedwispLeast Valueable Poster
19:38.22Taintedwispyeah same here Zenx, though when I dont buy a blizzard game, that will mean the end of me buying ANY blizzard games
19:38.23Triceron_if it's $40 expansion price I'll prolly get it
19:38.58TaintedwispBecause in the end,of it all, I am a huge fan of the blizzard that made warcraft rts, and starcraft and diablo, But WoW, D3 and Sc2.. a lot of bad decisions have been going in
19:39.07TheSkunk___Eh... I'm expecting SC2 will be the last Blizzard game I'll like, so I'm enjoying it for all I can =D
19:39.11Triceron_but now with that whole free to play thing being said, I'm tempted to wait and see myself
19:39.11TaintedwispAnd my faith in the company has been declineing
19:39.29Taintedwispsame here skunk... they are starting to care more about money then their fans it seems
19:39.34zenxttoveral would be nice if they somehow added free2play
19:39.35Triceron_WoW's evolved
19:39.42Triceron_I can't blame them for going more casual
19:39.52Triceron_11m players and most of em are casual
19:39.52Taintedwispno not evolved, evolved insinuates it got better..
19:40.12TheSkunk___Well, I've only really liked their RTS games
19:40.26Triceron_difference of perspective
19:40.26Triceron_evolve = survival
19:40.28Triceron_economic survival in this case
19:40.29Triceron_look around and you see other mmo's struggling to make a dollar
19:40.32TheSkunk___By the time the next RTS game comes around, I might not even be playing games anymore =P
19:40.49Taintedwispno 11m plkayers and half of them are child molestors on MoonGuard...
19:40.55TaintedwispI feel that the old blizzard the one I trusted would have killed that server a long time ago and banned anyone talking about Child rape
19:40.59TheSkunk___And I don't think they are going to make a non-RTS game that I'd like anytime soon...
19:40.59Triceron_WoW's not built for keeping the hardcore
19:41.05Triceron_it's built to maintain the existing playerbase
19:41.13TheSkunk___SC Ghost was closer to a game I'd like.. but a new MMO? No thanks
19:41.14TaintedwispBut its soo dumbed down
19:41.20TaintedwispYeh I know
19:41.35Triceron_have you guys seen the gameplay of Warcraft Adventures?
19:41.36Taintedwispnot even kidding
19:42.18Triceron_gameplay videos
19:42.24TaintedwispI use 3 spells no addons, or macros, and I am revered as the god of tanks...
19:42.25Taintedwispwhat is it?
19:42.25Triceron_Warcraft Adventures?
19:42.25Triceron_their adventure game?
19:42.28Taintedwispi had forgotten
19:42.32TaintedwispYeah WoW... they game blizzard sold their soul on
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19:43.04zenxxxxaaaaaaaaaa freenodeeeeeeeeee
19:43.13zenxxxxso how much did that sc2 even sell?
19:43.28Taintedwisp7 million i think
19:43.35Triceron_was there a numbers release?
19:43.46Triceron_I think the numbers get real fudgey if it's global
19:43.53Triceron_cuz asia doesn't use the same business model
19:43.54Taintedwispoi know 4.5 for the United states I think
19:43.58TheSkunk___They released numbers once, a long time ago
19:44.02Triceron_its all net cafes there
19:44.04TheSkunk___but they are realllly out of date
19:44.07Triceron_and liscences
19:44.13TheSkunk___don't think they released *recent* numbers
19:44.16Triceron_it's technically free too I think
19:44.37zenxxxxwoot so many :O
19:44.43zenxxxxwhat did d3 sell?
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19:44.54Taintedwisp4.5 was in dec 2010
19:45.05Taintedwispthat was before starter and patching and much more
19:45.06Triceron_D3 broke sales records at releast, that's all I followed
19:45.09Triceron_I don't know current numbers
19:45.10Taintedwispso its prob closer to 7
19:45.22Taintedwispno D3 broke record for Pre order sales I thought
19:45.31Triceron_was it preorder?
19:45.35TaintedwispI think
19:45.39TaintedwispI think wow has the most sales
19:45.46TaintedwispWiht like 15-20 million
19:46.09zenxxxxwow so many
19:46.15Taintedwispi stand corrected
19:46.17Triceron_yeah, I'm right you're wrong HA!
19:46.21TaintedwispSUCK IT MODERN SHITFARE 3
19:46.31Triceron_it's the same damn company :P
19:46.52TaintedwispNot trice...
19:46.53zenxxxx'I wonder if blizzard can do somekind of hypetrain with hots
19:46.57TaintedwispYour wrong, well Im wrong too
19:47.08TaintedwispIt has the largest day 1 sales
19:47.12Taintedwispthats 3.5 million sales
19:47.18Taintedwispnot 35 as I read in teh link
19:47.25Triceron_I said at release
19:47.28TaintedwispIm sure WoW sitll beat it
19:47.30Triceron_which is day 1 :P
19:47.38TaintedwispI thought you ment total sales
19:47.42TaintedwispI was gunna be like... no
19:47.43Triceron_no no
19:47.49Triceron_I have no clue what their total is
19:47.59Triceron_I think they didn't even mention in the last earning call
19:47.59TaintedwispIm sure once people played it those numbers DROPPED
19:48.12Triceron_well, yeah...
19:48.20TaintedwispI wonder if it fell short of WoL
19:48.34Triceron_what matters is they got the sales I figure
19:48.43TaintedwispI really hope that D3 is a 3 part game, and part 1 was like LoTR where it was the WORST part
19:48.45Triceron_make back the dev time spent on D3
19:48.50Triceron_how many years was it?  Too many :/
19:49.02TaintedwispWell Warcraft 4, will be waiting for 20 years..
19:49.06Taintedwispif it comes out
19:49.20Taintedwispmaybe only 17 haah
19:49.24Taintedwispits already been 10..
19:49.24zenxxxxI would like if it continued from tft
19:49.25Triceron_I'd figure 10
19:49.30TaintedwispSame here
19:49.34Triceron_4 or so yrs after LOTV
19:49.38TaintedwispWoW shouldnt be considered part of the actual story
19:49.47zenxxxxtft was like THATS HOW YOU MAKE ENDING
19:49.47TaintedwispI doubt it Trice
19:49.50zenxxxxcompare to sc2 ending
19:49.52Taintedwispyour not accounting for how blizz is now
19:49.54Triceron_and it's enough that they would have run through most of the content of WoW
19:49.58TaintedwispThey no longer let their games breath
19:50.31Vindicatoryears later: "To commemorate the 15th anniversary of WoW, we're releasing the 9th expansion including a built in Warcraft 4 minigame!"
19:50.32Triceron_it's not letting them breathe though
19:50.34TaintedwispWoW's story is stupid... lol
19:50.45Triceron_it'd be after LOTV because it's likely the same dev team who will be making WC4
19:51.01Taintedwispyeah that was already told
19:51.03Triceron_and 4 years is a rough estimate of RnD and development required to get the game going
19:51.14TaintedwispPlus they let it slip that Warcraft 4 would use the same engine as Sc2
19:51.18Taintedwispa modified version of it anyways
19:51.33Taintedwisppeople keep saying they ment Cataclysm but I doubt it
19:51.46TaintedwispIf they ment cataclysm, then WHERE THE FUK IS OUT LAGLASS WASD!!!
19:51.48Triceron_SC2 engine would be ollllllllddd
19:51.56Triceron_even by LOTV standards
19:52.06TaintedwispNot if they keep upgrading it as they go
19:52.12TaintedwispThey upgraded it for HoTS
19:52.15Triceron_hell, even now there are more powerful RTS engines available
19:52.23Triceron_seen Company of Heroes 2 screens?
19:52.30TaintedwispI hate modern day RTS
19:52.31Triceron_the unit models are like FPS quality
19:52.40Triceron_slightly less, but still really good
19:52.49Vindicatorwell company of heroes doesn't have to consider 800 zerglings
19:52.53TaintedwispFPS quality? thats crappy quality
19:52.54Vindicatoras a possibility
19:53.00TaintedwispFPS for whatever reason look like turds
19:53.03Triceron_true enough, but neither will WC3
19:53.03TaintedwispCept Killzone 3
19:53.06TaintedwispThat game was amazing
19:53.36TaintedwispI dont want heroes In Wc4.... or if they do then they need to re- make the formula
19:53.46TaintedwispHeroes shouldnt be an all in stratagy
19:53.56TaintedwispHeroes in Wc3, were an auto win if you leveled them up
19:53.59Triceron_well you're likely not gonna get SC/2 gameplay out of WC4
19:54.07TaintedwispThere shouldnt be ANY autowin stratagy in any game
19:54.18TaintedwispIf thats teh plan, then its pointless to even make Wc4...
19:54.35TaintedwispPersonally Trice, heres what I want for their next project, they would never listen to me though
19:54.38Triceron_well, leveling up your hero WAS the strategy :P
19:54.41TaintedwispThe WHOLE game, is nothing but an editor..
19:54.52Taintedwispand a standalone map marketplace
19:54.58Triceron_that's way too hopeful wishing
19:55.00TaintedwispWith All assets from Sc2, WoW, and D3...
19:55.02Taintedwispi know
19:55.10Triceron_even Valve doesn't do that
19:55.11TaintedwispThen I would think a marketplace would be a good idea
19:55.14Triceron_and they're the closest ones who would
19:55.23Taintedwispi know... sadly
19:55.26TaintedwispWould be really cool though
19:55.29Vindicatorthey could do both tainted
19:55.35Triceron_but I love DOTA2's model right now
19:55.45Triceron_where you can make stuff for characters
19:55.46TaintedwispI dont want a marketplace inside of my actual game though...
19:55.46Vindicatormake the game and make the marketplace standalone where the game isn't a prerequisite for the marketplace
19:55.48TaintedwispThats stupid
19:56.04TaintedwispInstead of Opening Wc4, why not be able to open Blizzard Arcade
19:56.06TaintedwispOr something like that
19:56.11TaintedwispMore people would flock to it
19:56.23Triceron_what's the difference of that and right now?
19:56.29Triceron_I don't get what you mean
19:56.29Vindicatorsc2 is a prerequisite
19:56.39TaintedwispSc2 is a Game... it shouldnt be a market...
19:56.43TaintedwispA market is a market..
19:57.09Triceron_but if they made SC2 f2p?
19:57.12TaintedwispPlus all the resources that go to making the actual game...
19:57.20Taintedwispthen go to Improving a powerful editor
19:57.22Triceron_is the requisite still a bad thing?
19:57.29TaintedwispYES IT IS
19:57.34Vindicatorall they'd need to do at this point though is give the starter edition more capabilities
19:57.39TaintedwispThis community wasnt built for a marketplace
19:57.41Vindicatoror "access"
19:57.44TaintedwispIt was built for sc2 fans
19:57.54Taintedwispno... thats terrible... still terrible
19:57.57Triceron_I don't know about that
19:58.09Triceron_marketplace was mentioned from the very start
19:58.13Triceron_before SC2
19:58.22Taintedwispyeah and people hated a market in their game since the very beginning
19:58.31TaintedwispWhy do you think it hasnt been put in yet
19:58.35Triceron_there's a part of the community that is anxiously waiting for the marketplace and haven't released any maps for the exact reason
19:58.48TaintedwispAnd the part thats waiting, is the greedy...
19:58.52Taintedwispthey just want money
19:59.03Triceron_well, they're also big projects
19:59.04TaintedwispThey odnt see it as improving the game itself, as improving their pockets
19:59.15Vindicatori'm 15K in debt tainted.  is that greedy?
19:59.18TaintedwispThis way it would be a standalone, no strings attached, no bullshit
19:59.38Taintedwispwell dont look at video games to get you out of debt... go get a job
19:59.41Triceron_I think if they don't make a marketplace
19:59.48Triceron_it will hurt the community more
19:59.51TaintedwispNo it wont...
19:59.52Triceron_the current community
20:00.02TaintedwispWc3 community thrived without it..
20:00.07TaintedwispWe can too...
20:00.11Triceron_but a marketplace was never inteded for WC3
20:00.14Vindicatoryou realize that marketplace = better games because people can spend more time making them right?
20:00.18Triceron_there are people who are waiting on it right now
20:00.18Taintedwispthe only reason we havent been is because we havent had a way to deliver our projects
20:00.22Triceron_who are devving maps
20:00.44Triceron_and it's an expectation at this point unless Blizzard says otherwise (ie. 'We're canning the Marketplace)
20:00.50TaintedwispVinicator... you just sounded like an old woman   More Money does NOT = More quality always, actually its the opposite more money = less quality.
20:00.59TaintedwispPeople spend 100$ a cup for Brewed cat shit...
20:01.18TaintedwispThe rich have worse doctors then the poor
20:01.25Vindicatoru just told me to go get a job.  that job takes time away from mapping, therefore yes, money = better quality due to more time spent making maps
20:01.27Taintedwispthere is NO evidence that more money means better
20:01.38TaintedwispSooo, dont put yourself in debt over a game...
20:01.39Triceron_yeah, I would agree with Vindicator
20:01.40Taintedwispthats your stupidity
20:01.45Triceron_every time i've worked a job
20:01.51Triceron_I've never found time to mod
20:01.52A1winwhy does my head hurt when I try to read conversations here
20:02.00Triceron_I only mod between contracts
20:02.15TaintedwispWell,Thats fine trice... this is a hobby not a buisness
20:02.25Vindicatorso blizzard isn't a business?
20:02.26Triceron_it can be both
20:02.31TaintedwispIts like if I made RC Boats, I wouldnt sale them, i would do that for my own fun
20:02.40TaintedwispBlizzard yes, Modding HELL NO
20:02.51TaintedwispNot it cant Trice... there is not room for both
20:02.53Triceron_but that doesn't stop someone who has a RC boath hobby form selling right?
20:02.59A1winif I got money for my maps, it'd certainly motivate me to spend more time on them
20:03.04Vindicatorcounterstrike = modding
20:03.10Triceron_just because you don't want to doesn't mean no one wants to
20:03.12Triceron_that's the difference
20:03.13Vindicatordota = modding
20:03.15TaintedwispHonestly More money isnt going to improve my mapping skills...
20:03.25Taintedwispif anyhting I would just push out projects to meet the minium
20:03.26Triceron_if you're coming at me from a personal opinion perspective, then I sure
20:03.30A1winit's not about skills, it's about effort you put in it
20:03.33Vindicatordo you live on your own taintedwisp?
20:03.37Triceron_but you can't make the argument that because you don't want to, no one should
20:03.49TaintedwispNo I live with my brother Vind...
20:03.52Taintedwispspliting rent
20:04.07Vindicatordo u have a job?
20:04.19TaintedwispNo i dont... i am currently unemplyed looking for work
20:04.34TaintedwispI look for a job 6-9 hours a day and map a  bit after
20:04.45TaintedwispIts called being Responsible
20:05.09Vindicatorso if you made enough money mapping to where you didn't have to look for a job or have one, don't you think you'd learn more from spending a chunk of that time working on mapping?
20:05.21TaintedwispNo Iw ouldnt... thats stupid
20:05.43TaintedwispRelying on a failing community to sale a product is plain idiocracy...
20:05.53TaintedwispThere is absolutely no Security in that
20:06.06TaintedwispHell if I was going to do that, I would just go Mow lawns...
20:06.18Vindicatorok well i'm not trying to argue so i'm just going to stop now lol
20:06.34A1winmeh I'll watch some TV series instead of watch this trolling D:
20:07.04Triceron_yet Tainted will settle on donation system
20:07.11TaintedwispYes I will..
20:07.13Triceron_which is still, making money :P
20:07.29TaintedwispNot really....
20:07.33Triceron_it's just a feasibly moral approach
20:07.40TaintedwispIts nota  mandatory, or "lame ass Premium" service
20:07.45Triceron_you gonna argue that kickstarters don't make money either?
20:07.57TaintedwispThats a donation system...
20:08.09TaintedwispThey offer a place for people to gather donations... and they get their cut
20:08.21Taintedwispthe donations go into improving products
20:08.28Triceron_and they offer premiums as well for higher donations
20:08.35TaintedwispBuying products go into the makers pockets, and offer no encouragement whatsoever
20:08.46Triceron_any excess of cash is still kept
20:09.10TaintedwispYou know what.. I forgot to not talk about this with you..
20:09.14Taintedwispbecause soon you will get... butthurt
20:09.28Triceron_only when you start pulling facts out of your ass
20:09.38Triceron_and trying to present them as reality
20:09.49Triceron_otherwise I'm fine with regular discussion
20:09.50Taintedwispfacts? I have given you plenty...
20:10.02Triceron_you were arguing things Blizzard never said
20:10.07Triceron_the last time we talked
20:10.48Triceron_and trying to pass it off as things they actually were gonna act on
20:10.54Triceron_which was bullshit
20:11.26TaintedwispNo I just look at patterns and say what I see, Usually a pattern will continue..
20:11.41Triceron_I can agree on that
20:11.42TaintedwispNot hard to do, if you dont have your head up your ass over greed
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20:13.12zenxxxxtainted likes to talk lots of shit
20:13.16zenxxxxI wouldnt take him too seriosly
20:13.28Triceron_my pet peeve
20:13.32Triceron_I can't stand it
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20:18.00TaintedwispDAMN DISCONNECTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
20:18.06TaintedwispDAMMIT, thats the 5th one today...
20:18.19Triceron_no need for excuses
20:20.23TaintedwispStill think the marketplace is stupid...
20:20.42TheSkunk___"just the idea that it's even a remote possibility of free to play has turned me completely off ---   This just does it for me and Blizz. They've been heading away from community centered game design and towards corporate game design."
20:21.05TaintedwispWho said that Skunk?
20:21.10TaintedwispThey arre right though.
20:21.14TheSkunk___random forum nub
20:21.21Taintedwisphmm, they have a good point
20:21.31TaintedwispBlizz has become more and more money hungry.
20:21.36TheSkunk___Maybe so, but I'm not sure how free to play = corporate game design o.0
20:21.49TaintedwispBecause it goes hand in hand with the marketplace for customs
20:21.52TaintedwispThas why
20:22.07TheSkunk___hah, he wasn't even thinking of the marketplace
20:22.17TaintedwispThen he was correct on accident haha
20:22.40Triceron_That sounds like a hater's gonna hate response really
20:23.04TaintedwispI treat chess like life, So I guess thats why my opinions seem hateful.... because I think past just the general idea, i think of what It will affect...
20:23.12TaintedwispI treat Life like chess*
20:23.23Triceron_well for the marketplace
20:23.33TaintedwispOkay trice heres the idea,
20:23.35Triceron_it seems like you're mostly against the division of the community
20:23.48Triceron_and it's not about making money
20:23.48TaintedwispI think this will be A LOT BETTER THEN me and you argueing on  it randomly
20:23.54Triceron_but the way it will be earned
20:23.56Taintedwispyeah that too
20:24.08TaintedwispLets go make a bubble chart? i think is what they are called
20:24.09Triceron_I'm trying to break down your argument
20:24.12Taintedwispwith pros Cons and middle grounds
20:24.16Taintedwispand then compare them
20:24.19TheSkunk___oh, gosh.. what have I done
20:24.28TaintedwispThat way no need to argue
20:24.34Triceron_to make sure you don't bring in some random tangent to suggest otherwise
20:26.24TaintedwispThis will take me about 20 minutes, I am actually thinking out everything I put on it
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20:27.26DeadzerglingHello, any devs on, or at least people experienced with solving de-syncing issues?
20:37.01TaintedwispOkay Triceron I am done. uploading now
20:38.26Vailreth|2i die too much
20:39.01Vailreth|2i just lost over 20000 cash in border lands reviving
20:39.19TaintedwispVailreth Did I forget anything?
20:39.34Taintedwispmade in MS paint
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20:39.52TaintedwispWell the...
20:39.56DeadzerglingThat's where I ended up making a lot of icons for my project
20:40.00*** join/#sc2mapster Zolden (d557821b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
20:40.01Deadzerglingpaint, lol
20:40.18Deadzerglingadjusted them to look right using GIMP of course before importing them
20:40.25Deadzerglingbut still, the base drawings were often done there
20:40.41Vailreth|2nope i think that covers it
20:40.58TaintedwispSorry TRICE!!!
20:41.00TaintedwispI ment Venn Diagram
20:41.04TaintedwispNot bubble chart...
20:41.56ZoldenFockeWulf: how's your modelling process doing?  abything new to show?
20:42.33TaintedwispI hope he makes the right thing hahaha
20:42.38TaintedwispI do wanna see it though
20:42.46ZoldenKueken: do you plan to implement some kind of AI for the monsters in your map?
20:42.47TaintedwispI can understand peopels points better this way
20:43.57Deadzerglingso recently got to experience the joy of alpha testing, found 2 game breaking bugs in one weekend, lol
20:47.09TaintedwispAplha testing what?
20:47.10KuekenZolden: nothing serious, just running towards the heroes and using abilities on occasion
20:47.14Deadzerglingmy project
20:47.21Taintedwispyour project sucks..
20:47.22Taintedwispwhat is it?
20:47.37Deadzerglingan RPG, put 8 months into it so far
20:48.06Zoldenfels like i never saw any AI in any map
20:48.13Taintedwispmy project has 10 months into it
20:48.20Taintedwispwell actually 11
20:48.34DeadzerglingAI is a bit stupid typically anyways
20:48.38Taintedwispbut I am lazy and my team keeps qutitting
20:48.44TaintedwispBut this newest team, they are great
20:48.45Deadzerglingyou can only make the monsters appear smart
20:48.54Deadzerglingthey never are, lol
20:49.18Deadzerglingweren't you doing some wolf map or something?
20:49.38*** part/#sc2mapster Ahli (
20:49.47TaintedwispWolf map?
20:49.52TaintedwispDont think so
20:49.58TaintedwispI helped someone Test that map
20:49.59Deadzerglingmaybe i mixed you up w/ somebody
20:50.05TaintedwispIn very early alpha stages
20:50.11Zoldentug of wars or td's maps could be made to play vs smart AI, which wuold counter units like ass
20:50.32TaintedwispSpeaking of which Vailreth|2, Hows your Campaign going? you write your story for it yet?
20:50.54Deadzerglingteam huh, I'm not that cruel
20:51.01Deadzerglingno way I'd make someone else stare at my data/triggers
20:51.44DeadzerglingWell okay, I might if it means resolving my de-syncing issue
20:51.55Vailreth|2i have been working on it off and on
20:54.39Deadzerglingwhich map are you currently working on anyways Tainted, see a few connected to you
20:56.53A1winhmm I wonder what I should do next... might be a good idea to figure out combat a bit
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20:57.49ZoldenA1win: make everyone to be able to dodge the projectiles
20:57.50A1winand figure out scale between tiles and units
20:57.59TaintedwispCurrently MAINLY evolution Frenzy with vailreth and soulcarverr
20:58.00A1winwhat projectiles?
20:58.05Zoldenso they would fly further and destroy walls
20:58.10TaintedwispBut I have been tweaking Mini Chop Farms
20:59.10Zoldenany projectiles, missiles for examples which are not autaiming, just fly until collide
20:59.36A1winwell I don't want every wall to be destructible, would make the map kinda boring if you could just shoot your way through
20:59.36A1winyeah something like that would be nice
21:02.29A1winI have auto aim for players but the bullets hit anything in the way so you can't just shoot at enemies behind corners or other enemies
21:02.46A1wincan't make it completely like diablo controls because of the 0.5 sec lag, auto attack helps a lot with that
21:02.51A1winso I'm sticking with SC2 controls but with some additions like collisions
21:02.51Zoldenwhat if missiles will cost something? Or be rare? Or walls will blust hard and deal damage to everything around?
21:02.57TaintedwispDid Triceron_ go offline?
21:02.57A1winyeah I think I'll mostly allow blowing up walls with something that is not unlimited
21:03.18TaintedwispTHIS IS FUCKING PISSING ME OFF!!!
21:03.18Zoldenwill the game be multiplayer and players will spawn in different dungeon points?
21:03.18A1winalso my idea is that each map is a "challenge" where you can't just go back to start and heal etc like you can do in diablo, if you die, you are punished by taking you backwards to the previous map (but you keep all your items and stuff)
21:03.18A1winno, 1-4 player co-op
21:03.18Taintedwispall closed beta.s..
21:03.18Zoldenwill there be rpg elements and/or artifacts?
21:03.18TaintedwispWhats with the closed betas..
21:03.19ZoldenTaintedwisp: if you wantto ask Triceron about modelling, ask me
21:03.31A1winbut yeah, a lot of rpg elements
21:03.33Deadzerglingdunno, I am using a closed alpha though
21:03.37TaintedwispI aske dhim to make a Chart showing the pros and cons of the map marketplace and was wondering if he made one lol
21:03.42TaintedwispThats mine
21:03.52Zoldenso, they spawn in the same room as heroes and go clear the dungeon?
21:04.00*** join/#sc2mapster sShintah (
21:04.06TaintedwispNot taht important :P
21:04.21A1winyeah, start in one place, and go to the exit pretty much
21:04.37A1winlike in roguelikes
21:04.50A1winnot exactly a roguelike though, no permanent death
21:05.37*** join/#sc2mapster NickG365 (
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21:06.02A1winI'm also considering not having the kind of item system as most multiplayer rpgs do, more like something like mass effect where you just unlock items and then choose which ones to use
21:06.27A1winand instead of giving away items to your friends, you can copy your items by using some crafting materials
21:08.23A1wincurrently I'm thinking that there's just one crafting material, some metal, and you find better quality of it the deeper in the game you go (pretty much like different tiers of crafing materials in mmos)
21:08.54A1winand the deeper in the game you get, the higher level versions of items you can unlock
21:09.21A1winbut when you copy an item, its level is capped at the level of that crafting material, or at the level of item you have unlocked yourself
21:09.46A1winso when some players get far in the game, they can slowly start duplicating the items they've acquired to other players
21:10.03*** join/#sc2mapster Bounty (442ccc3b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
21:10.07BountyHay Guyz
21:10.12A1winat some point, everyone's got so good gear that more people get even further in the game, and start spreadin gtheir gear to everyone else
21:10.26TaintedwispBounty... you suck...
21:10.36BountyThats hurt bro
21:10.47Taintedwispfelt good to me though
21:10.48BountyThat hit me where i live
21:11.04TaintedwispYour in favor of the map marketplace right ?
21:11.18A1windon't start again ;[
21:11.25BountyYeah, why?
21:11.28TaintedwispOkay heres what I am doing from now on, Lol, I am only looking at charts, So make a chart, and there will be no more angry discussion
21:11.35*** join/#sc2mapster Zolden (d557821b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
21:11.42TaintedwispThats just what I see in it
21:12.04*** join/#sc2mapster Thels (
21:12.33TaintedwispDAMN I FORGOT A HUGE CON!!!
21:12.34A1winyou're very pessimistic about it
21:12.48BountyBlizzard would not take a cut from donations lol
21:12.50TaintedwispAlready Free maps will go Premium, so you will have to pay for maps that you used to get for free
21:12.50A1win"it could be bad so it has to be"
21:12.59TaintedwispYeah they would.
21:13.09BountyNope, thats why they're called donations
21:13.09TaintedwispIf it was their button, they would take a cut
21:13.21BountyNobody would use it then
21:13.23TaintedwispYeah but you have to donate to blizzard due to it being their assets lol
21:13.40Taintedwispwait waht/?
21:13.49BountyAs long as they put in a trial period for premium maps everything would be fine
21:13.50Taintedwispif 10-15% went to blizz
21:14.01BountyLike, you can play a map for free for X amount of times
21:14.04Vindicator_slaps Taintedwisp with a 4r8a9i11n13b17o26w trout
21:14.16Taintedwispmake a chart bounty...
21:14.28BountyI got a call coming son
21:14.30TaintedwispAll new arguements must  be int he form of a ms_paint, chart
21:14.35Bountyin an hour and 15 mins
21:14.40Bountyhe responded
21:14.55Vindicator_You know what taintedwisp. you're exactly right. congrats, i don't know why i didn't see things the way you've made so perfectly clear now.  here, have a cookie.
21:15.01Zoldenwhy do you need this chart? wanna start a flaim on forum?
21:15.16Vindicator_you're too kind
21:15.25Taintedwispits just easier to read a chart, then to hear peoples less thought out opinions
21:15.26Deadzerglinghrrrmm, still ranting about map marketplace huh
21:15.35TaintedwispIf you make a chart you take a second to think on each of your opinions
21:15.38Zoldeni think alot of effects are unpredictable, we must try the marketplace to feel what it realy means
21:15.44TaintedwispI personally Discarded a few of my own stupid ones when I made that one
21:15.48A1wininstead you can look at a less thought out chart
21:16.02*** join/#sc2mapster prencher^ (~prencher@unaffiliated/prencher)
21:16.11TaintedwispThe thing is zolden... When you give something they wont be able to take it away, it iwl be like the pop system, it wont be soo easy to remove it
21:16.31TaintedwispThat would mean admitting failure and can blizz really do that?
21:16.49BountyThey can
21:16.59BountyBut they admit failure without actually admitting it
21:17.05BountyBlizzard Speak
21:17.09Taintedwispso they can just throw away 100s of hours of work.....
21:17.24TaintedwispYeah isnt perfect... so they arent admitting anything... they still think it is great
21:17.38Vindicator_you aren't ever satisfied are u
21:17.57Taintedwispsatisfied? with what a concept that hasnt come out yet?
21:18.10TaintedwispI just learned a long time ago, that waiting till its in place is the wrong time to start bitching haha
21:18.16Vindicator_slaps Taintedwisp with a big red brick
21:18.24Deadzerglingsorry, a little new here, where is the facepalm icon?
21:18.30BountyJust prooved my point about what i said
21:18.33Deadzerglingtaintedwisp is making me need to use one
21:18.37Bountyabout how blizz admits fault without actually admitting it
21:18.46Bounty"Diablo 3 is not perfect and we know that"
21:18.53Bountyit should have gone
21:19.03Bounty"Diablo 3 sucks ass and we know it"
21:19.11TaintedwispNo they dont... ever.. they change things... and VERY slowly... but they never remove it and when it has done its damage it will be too late
21:19.13TaintedwispLike the Pop system
21:19.14A1winDeadzergling, nevermind him D:
21:19.37Taintedwispthe new Arcade is great, but it still has the now unused Popularity syste
21:19.48A1winyou're going to have your face all red from all the facepalming otherwise
21:20.24Deadzerglingmaybe, in some ways I'm too tired to care, got very little sleep trying to resolve map breaking bugs on my project over the weekend, lol
21:20.36TaintedwispWhat were the bugs?
21:20.46Deadzerglingfirst bug was a case of dissapearing items
21:21.04*** join/#sc2mapster Skizot_ (~skizot@
21:21.07TaintedwispHmm okay, I forget where, but someone on the forums had that exact same problem
21:21.08Deadzerglingwas just a small communication glitch between triggers/data
21:21.16A1winI've spent four days porting some c++ code into SC2 and then figuring out what I ported wrong :P now it's working o//
21:21.25Deadzerglingi set the triggers to look for the correct behavior again
21:21.28Deadzerglingand all was well
21:21.39TaintedwispWiat A1win did you shit justt randomly break and then fix itself?
21:21.40*** join/#sc2mapster Tolkfan (
21:21.51Deadzerglingthe second bug I haven't fixed yet
21:21.59Taintedwispoh nvm
21:22.07A1winno, I figured it out and it's working because of that :P
21:22.08DeadzerglingWhenever I play the map with 3 + players, it de-syncs players until there is only 2 players
21:22.20Bountynow THATS a bug
21:22.24TaintedwispDamn, I cant find anyone else whos shit randomly breaks...
21:22.38TaintedwispEvoFrenzy Randomly breaks and Fixes itself...
21:22.53A1winwell I had to use some trial & error because I had forgotten how exactly my generator worked
21:22.55Deadzerglingyes it is, I'm trying to figure out if it is me
21:23.00Deadzerglingor if it is blizzard
21:23.07A1winthen I made it a bit simpler after I understood it again
21:23.24Deadzerglingrestructuring code is great isn't it a1win? lol
21:23.38A1winI had players using Macs drop out from CraftCraft before 1.5 but haven't had any complaints after that
21:23.43ZoldenA1win: compliceted algorithms always require some facepalmable bug fixes, even if you port instead of create them
21:23.52TaintedwispI have 2 weird bugs with Evo Frenzy, 1 Shit randomly breaks, and 2. it doesnt load if I double click the file, I have to manually load it inside the eidtor, it launches the editor but doesnt load the map
21:24.13*** join/#sc2mapster Reactorex (~Net_Creat@unaffiliated/reactorex)
21:24.18A1winI used wrong variables in several places, should probably not have done the porting at 5 in the morning
21:24.32Deadzerglingoh, lol, yea a1win
21:24.38Deadzerglingthings that should make sense and be easy
21:24.41Deadzerglingrandomly don't
21:24.44Deadzerglinglate at night
21:25.18A1winI'll just show this again because it's so cool :o
21:25.32Zoldenit's just a dangerous to the mental health to do programming later then 10 hours after you awake
21:25.42Deadzerglingassume im staring at a map
21:26.03Deadzerglingis this randomly generated or something?
21:26.08Zoldenyeahm it's motherfucking cool, no shit
21:26.17Deadzerglingwhat is the diff between clear space and dotted space?
21:26.29A1winnothing really, they're both floors
21:26.30Zoldeni;d be proud of this too
21:26.35A1windotted is "tunnels" and white is indoors
21:27.00Deadzerglingi see, i take it your project randomly does this every map?
21:27.17A1winit can do it multiple times per game
21:28.13Deadzerglingnifty, very diabloesque
21:28.13A1wintakes about 30 seconds to generate a map that big, but I'll probably use smaller maps anyway
21:30.15A1winit also dynamically updates walls around players so that there are only 19x19 walls at a time per player (and less if they are near each other)
21:30.15A1win*at most 19x19
21:30.15A1win(minus empty space)
21:30.15A1winso it's fine on performance

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