IRC log for #sc2mapster on 20120904

00:16.13SaltpeterSo, there's a model I'm looking for, I'm not sure if it's part of Liberty or if it's a user-made and I need to download it. It's used in several popular custom games, and I can't find it in the editor(I only have vanilla resources). It looks like a pylon, but the frame is steel blue and the crystal is green, and it's larger than a standard pylon. Anyone know where I might find it?
00:16.50Vailrethits an unused model in the campaign dependencies i believe
00:17.26SaltpeterWhat's its name?
00:17.38Vailreththere is no reference for it so you would have to make a new Model in the models tab and i believe its DarkPylon
00:17.50Vailrethhold on let me fire up the editor to check for sure
00:20.20Vailrethyes it seems to be DarkPylon
00:20.28SaltpeterI found the dark pylon model. It's close, but not the one I had in mind. Are there any other fancy pylons that might be the one I'm thinking of?
00:20.59SaltpeterDoesn't look like it. I'll use this one, it's good enough for my needs. Thanks! ^_^
00:21.20Vailrethwait a sec if you can
00:21.36SaltpeterI'll be here all evening. :D
00:24.29Vailrethcould you point me to a sceen shot of this other pylon?
00:25.35Kuekenits not dark pylon, I know what he means
00:26.36Vailrethsorry i pointed you in an incorrect direction then.
00:26.57SaltpeterIt's the same one that Desert Strike 1 uses for Fade Initiates.
00:27.07SaltpeterI can go make a screen if you need.
00:27.32Vailreththats ok i think he has an answere
00:27.33SaltpeterI believe it's used in Mineralz as well, for the highest level Crystal wall.
00:27.53KuekenI might be messing things up, though
00:28.05Vailrethbut a screen shot would help
00:28.23Kuekenthere is a dark protoss pylon, which is basically the normal pylon in green
00:28.28Kuekenbut thats not a real model
00:28.36Kuekenjust the regular pylon texture-swapped
00:28.51Kuekenand there is a model called DarkPylon
00:28.53Vailrethyeahi was lookinag at that version
00:29.02Kuekenwhich looks distinctively different
00:29.09Vailreththe dark protoss skined pylon..
00:33.46Kuekenwell, the thing I had in mind was indeed the DarkPylon.m3 model
00:37.13Vailrethi believe the pylon in question is a retuexture of the normal pylon but scaled diffrently but id have to see it to be sure
00:47.45SaltpeterI'll have the screen for you shortly.
00:47.50SaltpeterIt's definitely not a dark pylon.
00:52.35Vailrethi see
01:05.20SaltpeterThere we go.
01:05.54SaltpeterI want that to be the kill-this-building-to-win thing of my game.
01:05.55ckSynergymonolyth crystal
01:07.04*** join/#sc2mapster Zandose (18f64fea@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
01:07.15SaltpeterWhere can I find this model?
01:07.32SaltpeterAh, found it. :D
01:07.45ckSynergyyoure welcome
01:08.25SaltpeterI found "Monlyth crystals", but they're just purple mineral-looking things.
01:08.39ckSynergysearch monolyth
01:09.15SaltpeterI see four items "Temple Monolyth Large".
01:09.24SaltpeterThey're just broken sandstone pillar looking things.
01:09.39ckSynergyhold on Ill find the exact term for you
01:09.57Zandosewhat did i miss?
01:10.00ckSynergythe unit name is monolyth but thats probably not the model name
01:10.14ckSynergynot much zandose
01:10.38ckSynergycomputer is screaming at me lol
01:10.47ckSynergytoo much taxation on it
01:11.06SaltpeterAh, so it IS a dark pylon I'm looking for.
01:11.19SaltpeterCould've sworn the dark pylon was different.
01:11.26SaltpeterThanks for clearing that up. :D
01:11.47SaltpeterI eve have a unit I can duplicate to make making this building easier.
01:13.05ckSynergyodd I cant even find it now
01:13.12Vailrethi created my own decal once, made it look like marios mustash
01:13.20ckSynergyI thought it was named monolyth at one point, but dark pylon isnt pulling up anything either
01:13.32SaltpeterThe correct spelling of the word. :P
01:13.49ckSynergyAH HA
01:13.56ckSynergysneaky little bastards. I knew I wasnt wrong
01:14.24SaltpeterMono lith, "one stone". :o
01:15.07ckSynergyok, so I have a unit that morphs... what controls the unit's morph speed (say for burrow)
01:15.55ckSynergyI thought it was under the unit's morph, but idk, not seeming to change anything
01:23.55RepoNew announcement: GameSpot Arcade Highlight -
01:25.34SaltpeterSo, I kinda need a lot of help figuring out what I need to do for the data. I've looked at several basic and intermediate tutorials, but I still have a lot of questions about what is probably basic stuff. Is there am easy or good way to enlist the help of others in the making of my game?
01:33.35Zandosejust keep bugging people until you get a answer¿
01:38.56*** join/#sc2mapster FockeWulf (48ae8da0@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
01:39.01SaltpeterThat tends to make people angry at me. :< I'll just continue on my own for now. :o The data module is a scary place.
01:40.03FockeWulfLol hence the reason my skype contact list keeps on growing :)
01:40.21Saltpeter>.> <.< skype: saltpetertaffy
01:40.39Saltpeter*cough* Okay, back to looking up tutorials!
01:41.09FockeWulfWell what do you need?
01:45.19SaltpeterI need to figure out how Whenever I duplicate a unit, it gives me options for what to duplicate or link, and I'm never sure what things I NEED to duplicate or NEED to link. For instance, the item that I'm using the dark pylon model for is called a Grid Core. It's the kill-this-to-win/lose-this-and-lose macguffin that each team gas, like the nexus in Nexus Wars. The item I duplicated for it is "Monlit
01:45.26Saltpeterabilities, movers, models, upgrades, etc.
01:45.46SaltpeterAll I need this item to do is animate and look pretty and maybe have a couple custom abilities.
01:45.50FockeWulfok to start
01:45.52FockeWulfyou need the unit
01:45.54FockeWulfand its actor
01:46.04FockeWulfactor being the graphical aspect of it thats ontop of the unit
01:46.18FockeWulfa unit is just a point
01:46.30FockeWulfthe actor gives it a visual appearance of some kind.
01:50.43SaltpeterSo, the actors of this item are "Monlith", "Monolith(Unnamed)", "Power", ad "PowerLow (Unnamed)". How do I know whethe ri want to duplicate or link these when duplicating the monolith?
01:56.21FockeWulfyou making items or units?
01:56.31FockeWulfOr doodads?
02:00.16SaltpeterBuildings. So, units.
02:06.11FockeWulfyou want to duplicated, from the unit, and check the actor as well. That should be it.
02:11.06SaltpeterAha! This looks to be exactly what I wanted. :D Now, there are two other actors in the duplicated item, "Power" and "PowerLow (Unnamed)". I'm assuming those have to do with pylon power. Is there any way to remove those actors from the duplicated item?
02:11.57FockeWulfumm its either in the actor events for the power actors or the actor you just duplicated creates them in its events.
02:13.06SaltpeterWhen I removed the power source behavior, that removed the two actors. :D
02:13.11SaltpeterProgress. ^_^
02:14.08SaltpeterI think I might even be good for now. Thanks for the help! :D
02:15.31FockeWulfnow back to this custom model im making
02:22.24*** join/#sc2mapster Taintedwisp (adbd366a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
02:22.42Taintedwisphey everyone back from New york.
02:22.46Taintedwispdamn yankees
02:23.21Taintedwisphey vailreth how did everyone go?
02:23.36SaltpeterI was gonna make my first post in that shiny religion topic, but decided better of it and introduced myself and my project instead. >.> <.<
02:24.01ckSynergyoh dear god hes back
02:24.07Taintedwispill get back to that topic tomorrow, I spent the past 5 days listening to a preacher...
02:24.09Vailrethbeen working on that Unit Leak how ever i have nearly completed two tech hero abilities as well
02:24.11TaintedwispMy grandpa
02:26.42Taintedwispwell I just wamtd to say hey
02:26.46TaintedwispIm getting off, I ma sleepy
02:27.02Vailrethsee you tomorrow
02:27.03Taintedwisp16 hours o f being in a car with 5 other people tend to do that to you
02:33.01*** join/#sc2mapster Xapti (
02:38.58Vailrethman this is baking my brain
02:42.14BommesIs there an EU "Call for tutorials" news?
02:42.21BommesAs always
02:42.42BommesI feel slightly discriminated by being european :-(
02:42.51VailrethPunches the editor Behave damn you
02:45.46BommesThe International completely screwed with my sleeping rhythm
02:46.35BommesI hate time zones
02:52.46Vailrethi hate conflicting triggers
02:53.10Vailrethor i dont think conflicting is the right world
02:53.25VailrethWORD DAMNIT
03:27.47ckSynergyyour word issue earlier
03:29.32Vailrethi still have an and its weird... when some units kill units in the map the counter remains fine, how ever when heroic or other units kill units in the map each kill is alloted to the killing players controlled units amount.
03:29.39Vailrethan issue *
03:30.08ckSynergythats rather vague
03:30.18ckSynergyyou know the routine lol. pm me the code and Ill take a look
03:30.42Vailrethi cant find any Code for why this is happening.
03:30.57ckSynergyits adding to a variable?
03:31.29ckSynergywell then find anythig with a "unit dies" or a "unit takes fatal damage" event and compile it for me
03:31.36Vailrethi will try to narrow it down father
03:31.58ckSynergyI'll be back in 5-10 though
03:32.18ckSynergyneed to step afk for a few miutes but Ill be back
03:36.00*** join/#sc2mapster cksmobile (
03:37.03cksmobileI wonder if they're ever going to update the topic. 1.3 was awhile back lol
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03:44.25Vailrethit seems to be when a player kills a unit belonging to the debug player and the create unit trigger for that event fires the created unit is alloted to the killing player and added to their variable...
03:44.37Vailrethas if the two triggers were connected some how..
03:47.05cksmobilePm my main nick the code lol
03:47.26Vailrethok give me a sec
03:48.12cksmobileTake your time. I'm still afk lol
03:57.30ckSynergygot something for me to look at?
04:00.02Vailrethpmed the paste..
04:08.34*** join/#sc2mapster Torhal (
04:09.28ckSynergyare you sure your leaderboard positions) are correct? (Im guessing your basing the information off that
04:11.55ckSynergynot sure whats going on if those are the only two triggers
04:12.04ckSynergypersonally Id change the function a little but thats just me
04:12.09Vailrethwhen a unit is spawned for the proper player the leaderboard updates correctly
04:12.51ckSynergyactually, ignore that paste
04:13.28ckSynergyand those are the only two functions?
04:13.53Vailreththose are the only related ones i have found so far, its Messy
04:14.02ckSynergyha I can relate
04:14.24ckSynergyhow many functions?
04:14.30ckSynergyerm triggers
04:15.00Vailrethalso it seems to be preplaced units that cause this bug but if the same unit types are created in play it happens Less but still happens
04:15.40ckSynergywell, you are using "unit enters map" as your event, so that can cause a lot to go wrong
04:16.09Vailrethi thought that was the case as well but with out a custom event i do not see an alternative
04:16.16ckSynergynot by default, but because it leaves a lot open to intrepretation
04:16.38ckSynergyUnit is created?
04:17.10Vailrethas near i can tell that requires a unit to be creating another
04:19.12ckSynergyHonestly though, Im guessing there are a lot of repeat events interfering
04:19.30ckSynergywhe honestly, there shouldnt be more than 10-20 triggers, each with a unique event
04:19.34*** join/#sc2mapster tigger0jk (
04:20.31Vailrethits not my work im just debugging the issue that creeped up recently
04:21.27ckSynergywell your created unit is set to player 5
04:21.31ckSynergythe zergling
04:21.36ckSynergyis that intentional?
04:21.52Vailrethyes five is the current debug player
04:22.10Vailrethi believe it was chosen at random though to be between 2 and 6
04:22.55ckSynergyso we have player X and player 5
04:23.52ckSynergyso youre saying its adding to player X
04:23.55ckSynergyis it adding to player 5?
04:23.58ckSynergyor just player X?
04:24.40Vailreththere is no debug counter for all players units so as far as i know just player x.
04:25.55ckSynergyso the counter only increments for player X and not player 5
04:26.51Vailreththere is a leaderboard and i would assume that its counting up for the player but not dispalying as that player has no base
04:26.58Vailrethand is not consdiered In Play
04:30.18ckSynergytheres gotta be some other event firing
04:30.42Vailrethlikely but i have no idea where.
04:31.04Vailrethif you didnt have your own project id ask out team leader if i could get you to look this one over.
04:31.21ckSynergyI can still look
04:31.40ckSynergyask him. You have my curosity sparked
04:31.53Vailrethvery well
04:37.44ckSynergybut anyway yea, I dont see anything inherently wrong with those triggers
04:37.59Vailrethyeah me neither.
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09:22.47tordywassup dudes and dudettes
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10:06.53KuekenHey :)
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11:10.11zenx1my 2 day spell looks still good even after good nights sleep
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11:30.45BommesIs there a "Post your tutorial" thread in the EU Blizzard forums too?
11:31.21zenx1why not just post on master
11:31.33BommesI feel like over half of the ones posted in the US one are really bad :/ and all the really good ones missing from Renee, Kueken etc
11:31.56zenx1if they are serious mapsters theyll find mapster
11:32.04zenx1that has the good tutorials
11:32.08Bommesyeah but that logic is flawed
11:32.13zenx1I dislike idea of splitting tutorials to another place
11:32.14Bommesthe whole purpose behind this is that good tutorials are in the spotlight
11:32.19Bommesso new mappers have an easier introduction
11:32.24Bommeswithout having to search for hours
11:32.33Bommesthey dont want to
11:32.38Bommesthey just want links to the good ones
11:33.06zenx1Well if they are starters then the tutorials should be really really basic
11:33.24BommesI disagree
11:33.30Bommesthe really basic ones are already up
11:33.31Bommesby blizzard
11:33.36Bommesand they are not bad
11:33.42Bommesabout basic actors, effects etc.
11:33.51Bommesbut after that many people probably have no idea where to go and what to do
11:34.07Bommesso having a more complicated tutorial that just says "do that" helps a lot to figure stuff out
11:34.24zenx1I wonder how many people are really like that
11:34.32zenx1I think editor will scare most people away anyway :D
11:34.40zenx1wc3 editor wasnt scary
11:34.43zenx1but this editor is
11:34.46Bommesdont know
11:34.47Bommesi mean
11:34.50Bommesit scared me away
11:34.53Bommesbut once you find the good tutorials
11:34.56Bommeshalf the work is done
11:35.03Bommesor more than that even
11:35.21Bommesbecause figuring the stuff out is the hard and annoying part
11:35.24zenx1Is it like you need to post tutorial on their forums or they just link it?
11:35.32Bommesthey just link it afaik
11:35.35Bommesand probably spotlight it on the mainpage
11:35.39Bommesif the tutorials are really good
11:35.43zenx1Ok I guess theny you dont miss out
11:36.34BommesI mean if you follow the Data Section of SC2M 90% of the questions are about really basic stuff that has been answered hundreds of times before in slight variations
11:36.48Bommesbut it can be pretty hard to find, even with the search bar
11:37.03zenx1well mapster search sure sucks
11:37.09Bommesactually the search bar just gives confusing results, i always use google :D
11:37.41*** join/#sc2mapster Almaity (5d887cd8@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
11:45.52Bommesproposal on gsl stage
11:46.56*** join/#sc2mapster FockeWulf (48ae8da0@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
11:48.31zenx1look at your plane, your plane is amazing
11:48.59Almaitysaw the thread, looks neat
11:49.50zenx1how are the pokemons doing
11:50.42Bommesidd looks nice
11:51.32Almaitybeen a bit slow lately, been playing too much LoL
11:53.36Almaityoh god, testing on bnet...
11:53.40Almaitythe delay... oh god...
11:54.15zenx1you would think you expect they delay by now
11:54.42AlmaityNever really used much that was affected by the delay >.>
11:56.46BommesYeah it is unbelievable
11:56.55BommesI really hope they introduce the option for Singleplayer maps on the Arcade
11:57.04Bommeswith no delay, just like testing documents on the editor
11:57.15Almaitythis is supposed to be multi though, so it wont help >.>
11:57.17Bommesso I can upload my map on the Arcade and use all the cool features :/
11:57.31Bommesbut would help me :D
11:57.33AlmaityI'll make Zelda put in some stuff to make the delay less noticeable
11:57.56Bommesbtw, do you get map size problems for that project?
11:58.14BommesI mean from what I read you got a lot of different monsters to catch etc
11:58.17Bommesseems like a lot of content
11:58.44Bommeslooks really cool :)
11:59.26Almaitycurrently at 20ish MB
11:59.29zenx1you should suggest that
11:59.29Almaitywe've got enough space
11:59.33zenx1and hope they will take notice
11:59.45zenx1I also think single player feature would be cool
11:59.47Almaityjust gonna stuff things into mods
11:59.53zenx1allthou not super useful, but still cool ^^
11:59.57AlmaityI've got roughly 33 WoW models in less than 17 MB
12:00.20Bommeswell while they are at it they could link the Singleplayer feature to a Campaign
12:00.28Bommeswould encourage a lot of projects I think
12:00.35Bommes*Campaign feature
12:00.46BommesI don't know how much work it would be though
12:01.07Bommes@Almaity I meant more in terms of map size
12:01.13BommesIsn't there some kind of cap for map size?
12:01.27Almaityoh, right, terrain size
12:01.27BommesI thought I've heard someone complain about that
12:01.32Almaityyea, that one is a bit problematic
12:01.38Almaitytexture limit is more annoying though
12:01.55Almaitybut looking at the one zone we have right now, the zones themselves shouldn't be much of a problem.
12:02.02Bommesah yeah :/ thats really problematic for this kind of map
12:02.26Almaitythe bigger problem is fitting all zones AND the seperate areas for battles into it...
12:02.32zenx1I use 50% of mapsize for just 2 "main areas" for my rpg :/
12:02.35Almaityright now 1 battle area takes up as much as a zone
12:02.56Almaityand I need one area per player, and wanna have many players...
12:03.35Bommesdidn't even think about the battle zones you need
12:03.45Bommesyeah I hope it doesn't get too problematic
12:03.54Almaitywe'll manage
12:03.58Bommesbut you have to see the bright sight
12:03.58Almaitymight have to cut the ocean zone though
12:04.01Bommeswith this amount of textures
12:04.12Bommesyou can't make too many different zonetypes anyway!
12:04.18Bommesso you won't need as many battle zones!
12:04.22AlmaityMoz spent 2 days setting up the perfect texture set
12:04.29Almaitywe'll just use one battle zone per player
12:04.39Almaityand use Texture select by ID and a flat model to change the texure :p
12:04.51Almaityand create/destroy doodads using triggers
12:05.06Bommesah kk
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13:47.48uxneZfixing mah bugs
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14:07.59taintedwispmmmmm soooper meal noodles
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14:52.53Bommesdoes anyone here already have a beta account / access to the beta client?
14:53.30TheSkunk__No accounts have yet been flagged for beta access, but anyone can download the
14:53.40TheSkunk__provided they have a link to it
14:53.57TheSkunk__I did download and successfully launch the client, but there is nothing you can really do right now
14:54.12TheSkunk__Only way you can even do anything offline is by editing MPQ files
14:54.13Bommesah ic
14:54.15Bommesfound it
14:54.31TheSkunk__And I decided it wasn't work it, just gonna wait for it to actually start :P
14:54.49TheSkunk__Sides, there are vidoes of just about everything I would want to do offline already uploaded... :P
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14:56.23Bommeswell I'd be interested if you can already start offline WoL maps with the HotS beta client
14:56.33Bommeswould be nice for testing purposes etc.
14:57.00TheSkunk__Yeah, you can.. ie, things like the new "select all idle war units" show up when you test map
14:57.06TheSkunk__Just none of the HotS units appear
14:57.26TheSkunk__Actually, I didn't try *opening* a current WoL map yet.. hmm
14:57.32TheSkunk__Think you should be able to, though
14:58.08Bommeswell I'd just like to know if stuff breaks / if you have to fix additional stuff for WoL maps before they work
14:58.22Bommesbut I guess there's enough time to figure that out
14:58.25Bommesat some point ;)
14:58.45TheSkunk__Yeah I actually got it working on a different computer, not the one I'm currently on..
14:58.56TheSkunk__So I can't go back and try anything atm
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15:05.16tordyare the hots units out?
15:05.29tordynoticed a couple vids of people getting them
15:05.32TheSkunk__Yea, sort of
15:05.42TheSkunk__Client is availible for download, but nobody can log on yet
15:05.50TheSkunk__They managed to do that by MPQ editing
15:05.52tordywhere's the client
15:06.15TheSkunk__You can find a prety good summary here: (includes client)
15:07.17tordyi wanna mess around with the new units
15:07.45tordyim guessing it's bad idea to publish the hots assets in WoL
15:07.45TheSkunk__Yeah, well, good luck :D
15:07.59Tolkfandoes the beta editor work?
15:08.13TheSkunk__Yeah, but it doesn't let you use HotS units
15:08.30TheSkunk__Like I said, only people who have managed to do that did it by editing MPQ files
15:09.28Tolkfani wonder if they added anything significant, like that interface editor they showed at blizzcon
15:09.53TheSkunk__Don't think so.. not yet, anyway
15:10.04TheSkunk__Might be patched in later though; who knows..
15:10.31TheSkunk__brb restarting
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15:15.48TheSkunk__Morning Delete :D
15:17.39tordyBlizz-Deletarius are we allowed to mess around with Hots stuff?
15:18.10Blizz-Deletariuswhat do you mean?
15:19.28tordythere's a client available for dl and was wondering if we can like login to dl then play around with the units despite not having a beta key
15:19.56TheSkunk__I don't really think thats within Delete's range to reply too, but I could be wrong
15:20.07Blizz-DeletariusI can't really speak on that
15:20.46TheSkunk__I don't really see how they can stop you, when they made the client availible for anyone to download, though =)
15:20.48Blizz-Deletariusobviously I'm not going to agree to or consent to you downloading and using the client prior to being allowed to do so
15:20.57TheSkunk__You'll just never be able to log on to
15:21.33ckSynergyDoes anyone know if theres a way to control the time-out duration for players? Right now my mod has a 60 second timeout and it takes forever.
15:21.44ckSynergyIs there a trigger or mod setting?
15:22.11A1winI haven't seen anything related to that anywhere
15:23.12TheSkunk__Morning Art
15:23.20ckSynergywell thats a bummer
15:23.23tordyi know you cant login to the actual hots online
15:23.28ckSynergy60 seconds is way to long to wait for someone to time out
15:23.41tordybut looks like you gotta login to dl the beta or something
15:23.46tordyuless there's a direct link
15:23.52TheSkunk__Oh.. I think there is a direct link
15:24.19BommesBut the direct link only works if you are logged in
15:24.25ckSynergyespecially if you have more than one person lagging out, or one person has the infamous "lag, timeout box, normal, lag, timeout box, normal, lag, timeout box, normal, etc etc" making a 60s countdown literally more like 5 minutes
15:24.26TheSkunk__Does it?
15:24.47TheSkunk__I've only seen people been linking too
15:24.48Bommessimilarly to the blizzard downloader
15:24.52Bommesthat only works if you are logged in
15:24.54TheSkunk__which is NOT a direct link
15:25.56tordywell worth a try i guess
15:26.05TheSkunk__direct link doesn't require log in
15:26.32tordycould just login to an alt
15:26.35tordyif worried about main
15:26.59TheSkunk__Either way; I don't think it does ban you just for downloading it without a key.. tons of people have already logged in to download it, and none of them are "officially" flagged yet :P
15:28.16tordyso anyone dl'd hots beta yet?
15:28.22tordyand tried testing new feautres/units?
15:28.44Tolkfandoes it re-download everything or does it copy stuff from the normal sc2 install?
15:28.58TheSkunk__Heck, I downloaded it and I'm not "technically" flagged yet, hasn't banned me from regular sc yet
15:29.07TheSkunk__Seems to redownload it all =|
15:29.12TheSkunk__Was big enough file size, anyway
15:30.08Tolkfan1.5 beta copied, was hoping the same for this beta :(
15:30.36TheSkunk__Well, thats the thing --- 1.5 didn't copy for me
15:30.41TheSkunk__So it might be case-by-case
15:30.46TheSkunk__You can always hope, I guess..
15:31.08Tolkfanno no, there was a bug at the start, it did copy once they fixed it
15:31.17TheSkunk__Oh, OK
15:31.21tordyhwat copy
15:31.43TolkfanI just hate downloading 10gb just to try out the editor and see whats new :[
15:32.33tordyeh ive wasted more bandwidth before
15:32.37tordy10gb is not that much to me
15:32.38TheSkunk__Well, I can't say for sure. I didn't check the filesize very carefully.
15:32.47TheSkunk__Coulda just been my interenet being extra sucky
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15:37.07TheSkunk__Installing worked fine on my computer that didn't have 1.5 on int
15:37.27TheSkunk__But the one that does, it borks up terribly, despite having deleted all old 1.5 files I could find..
15:38.15TheSkunk__Oh, odd. Can launch it using sc2switcher
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15:46.22tordydoes installing the beta break anything in the normal game?
15:46.27tordyi know it's a separate installation
15:46.31tordybut sometimes ther's funky things
15:46.37TheSkunk__Hasn't seemed too
15:56.09Vailrethhello folks
16:01.42SaltpeterOi. :D
16:02.25tordywhy does the launcher even have sound
16:02.35tordyit scared the heck out of me when it completed
16:02.40Vailrethno idea
16:03.09Vailrethbecause sound makes it more what ever i guess
16:03.33tordycan they at least tone the volume down
16:04.13Vailrethtone it done? why not Crank it up till 11
16:06.35Vailrethscare the whole neighborhood when its done Yeah!!
16:12.53*** join/#sc2mapster Taintedwisp (adbd366a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
16:12.55VailrethRock and Starcraft Whoooo
16:13.12TaintedwispYo Vailreth, did you put those 2 new Textures I adjusted in the latest version?
16:13.24Vailrethi believe so
16:13.31Taintedwispand if so, can you upload it to dropbox?
16:13.36TaintedwispHey Tardy
16:16.01Taintedwispso you said you started working on the tech hero? :P
16:16.03Vailrethuploading now
16:16.18TaintedwispI still  need to make the actor and everything for that one lawl
16:16.28TaintedwispIll start working on it later today, unless you wanted to do it
16:16.41Vailrethim using swan copy as a placeholder.
16:16.47TaintedwispAh okay
16:18.55Vailrethi have nearlly determined the cause of the Unit Leak from what i can tell units being spawned by your testing trigger are being attributed to the unit count of the player 1 when  the zerglings are killed by certain units
16:19.33TaintedwispGood then, Thats just for test and I can Disable that
16:20.01Vailrethalso for testing purposes i have added a Pause and Unpause Unit cheats ...
16:21.34TaintedwispOnce we can get all our heroes up, I will start working on Mercenaries. Which will each have 1 simple ability, Some an Aura, some a heal.
16:23.16Vailrethwe will need to figure out how to ballance the mini factor( though for the moment its still full size )
16:23.25TaintedwispAll the support units should be relativity easy to make I will use the medic for one, The observer for one, and such
16:23.48Taintedwispyeah the balancing of that factory will have difficult
16:24.14TaintedwispAdd 100 Health each level, and +3 Damage to teh units it spawns or something like that
16:24.16TaintedwispI dunno yet
16:24.28Taintedwisp100 health to the factory
16:24.35Taintedwisp10 health+ 3 damage to the units
16:24.42TaintedwispI dunno yet
16:25.03Vailrethright now its spawns the same units just more of them and spawns them slower
16:25.41Vailrethbut i only have three of the five teirs completed
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16:28.59Taintedwispkk awesome
16:29.29TaintedwispWith lash, do you want to retexture him, or do you want me to get the textures and Re-Color them like I did for Fenix?
16:29.46TaintedwispOr I could go and get the Psionic Hydra textures and we could use those
16:30.31Taintedwispif I recolor him in Photoshop then I will just make him a tad Reder and darker I guess
16:34.07Vailrethnot the psi hydra it wouldnt mant the tentacles but lets try some recolors for now i dont really have the time or patcience to retexture it atm
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16:34.23soulcarverranybody home?
16:34.39Vailrethi am home
16:35.24soulcarverrhey tainted... i think
16:35.33soulcarverryouve played my spacewar game before
16:35.59soulcarverrwell you posted on the topic a while ago
16:35.59TaintedwispI was going to, but then... i forgot
16:36.35soulcarverrwell give if a shot when you have 5 minutes to kill
16:37.00TaintedwispBut yeah vailreth, it doesnt have to be done any time soon, just be thinking about what you want
16:37.23Taintedwispif you dont want to retexture it, add mroe tenticles or something.
16:37.31TaintedwispJust something to look more... heroey
16:38.29Vailrethi will keep that in mind
16:38.50TaintedwispWell alright vailreth, imma start testing on my local verson some good looks for our tech hero
16:40.40Vailrethwe need to use my Mario Mustache  decak
16:40.42soulcarverrany body really good with beams around?
16:41.19TaintedwispYou have Creative control too, LOL, add it where its cool, I still have to create more bosses too lawl
16:41.57TaintedwispBosses, Mercs, Items, Heroes, Upgrades, Minor Triggers, and Balance, is whats left
16:42.39Taintedwispbosses, mercs, Items and upgrades i dont have any real Ideas for, I was just going to Wing them.. so if you have any ideas feel free to go with it as long as it can be balanced
16:42.57Taintedwispheroes feel free to create any hero you think can add to the game
16:43.52Vailrethwell upgrades will be easier to come up with once more of the other content is there
16:44.05TaintedwispYeah as of right now, OUr only boss is the rainbow archon lawl
16:44.27tordydouble rainbow
16:44.29TaintedwispI think Our Weapons and Armor Upgrades are going to work in a Rock Paper Scissors format.
16:44.45Vailrethhold on a sec
16:44.51TaintedwispZerg kills Protoss, Protoss kills terran, Terran kills zerg
16:45.13Taintedwispbio kills Psionic, Psionic kills Mech, Mech kills bio
16:46.17TaintedwispRainbowCon is the name of the Rainbow Archon
16:46.19TaintedwispHes cool
16:46.25tordyhow do you import assets again so they're in the correct asset folder
16:46.53Vailrethhmm thats a hard one because both mech and psi best bio
16:47.10soulcarverranybody good with beams around that knows how to create a simple dynamic beam from scratch?
16:47.25Vailrethsorry soul man i am no good with beams
16:47.35soulcarverrits cool you guys are busy from the sounds of it
16:47.47VailrethTainted do you watch Extra Creditz on Penny arcade?
16:47.59SaltpeterOoh! I do!
16:48.08SaltpeterThat series is magnificent. :D
16:48.25Taintedwispno but I have time to check it out lol
16:48.37SaltpeterYou're gonna ask him to watch the episode about perfect imbalance, aren't you? ;>.>
16:48.48VailrethThat and Power Creep
16:49.36Taintedwispkk ill watch both of them
16:51.00Vailreththey are around five minutes a piece to so so it wont take too long
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16:55.42TaintedwispSooo imbalance...
16:55.57TaintedwispOkay Think I understand... but this is a terrible terrible concept for someone like me to knwo MWHAHAHA
16:56.13TaintedwispBecause I will go in every week and change 1 or 2 points Vs something just to screw with people lawl
16:56.26TaintedwispPower creep time
16:59.11*** join/#sc2mapster Daara (62a8da84@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
17:03.58Taintedwispokay I think i understand powercreep
17:04.07TaintedwispSomething to really consider when Creating Items
17:04.14TaintedwispAnd somewhat to consider with the heroes
17:05.18TaintedwispThanks for the Info Vailrteh
17:25.57uxneZBlizz-Deletarius: any chance to give few hots beta keys to mappers btw?
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17:29.03uxneZ(you should give beta keys to everyone over 1000 posts on mapster)
17:29.48Vailrethor instead to the most helpfull people on the chat and forums >..>
17:30.14uxneZwell that is more hard to confirm
17:30.22Saltpeter>.> Or just the people who play a bajillion custom games every day. ;>.........>
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17:41.38Taintedwisphahaah Uxnez... I hope they do that without telling anyone..
17:41.46Taintedwispotherwise mapster would be spammed
17:42.49uxneZofc thats the way it shoul be
17:49.07TaintedwispHonestly they should observe it for a little bit, and weed out the actual mappers who are serious about mapping, and then Hand them a key.
17:49.18Taintedwispmost of the serious mappers from Mapster come here
17:49.25TaintedwispThough there are a few
17:50.57uxneZI dont think its super important from mappers point of view
17:51.02uxneZbut would be sort of nice anyway
17:51.11uxneZsince they only benefit from users creating content
17:51.37uxneZI like when they sorta "pay back" even if its just beta keys :E
17:52.07Saltpeter>.> <.< For what it's worth, while I am brand new to SC2 mapping, I am dead serious about it. :o I'm making leaderboard triggers as we speak.
17:52.13uxneZI sure dont want any stupid facebook contests for beta keys atleast
17:52.17uxneZwhich they will most likely do
17:52.34SaltpeterEww, facebook. D:
17:55.06Tolkfantwitter contests
17:55.40SaltpeterI may try to win one when HD starts giving them out. ;>.>
17:55.43TaintedwispKueken you there by chance?
17:56.01TaintedwispI have a Problem, Is there a way to stop a floating units Animation....
17:56.20Taintedwispand make it follow the units animation its attached to
18:02.18*** join/#sc2mapster Ice4smaster (56b7b4c7@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
18:02.46Ice4smasterGood afternoon!
18:03.29tordyare you guys a fan of seagate?
18:04.37Ice4smasterCould some one help me find a good tutorial to make a new victory condition for my map, it would be a resource gathering for a Team, so if team A collects collectively 1000 Minerals then they win
18:04.55Ice4smasterbeen searching, but so far couldnt find the one i looking for
18:05.07tordycant you just use the resource chance event
18:05.44SaltpeterI think I could help with that. :D Someone correct me if I'm wrong, though.
18:05.47ExakenYe, just use the "player property changed" event
18:05.57SaltpeterOr not.
18:06.56Ice4smasternot really a top with triggers, thus i looking for a tutorial, where i could go step by step through how to make this
18:08.50TaintedwispHey Vailreth That map you Uploaded a bit ago, have you done anything new since then?
18:09.32Vailrethyes i have completed an ability give me a sec to save and re upload?
18:09.59Taintedwispawesome, nah, dont worrie about it :P
18:10.17TaintedwispAfter re-looking imma try to improve my MechanoMaster Some
18:10.25TaintedwispI guess thats the name of the Tech Hero
18:10.42TaintedwispThe best I could think up, if you can think up anything that sounds better go for it
18:11.08Vailrethok i will work on that
18:11.44TaintedwispSo Blizz Devs you miss me?
18:11.59TaintedwispMan all the great actors are dying...
18:12.04TaintedwispWill Smith will be next...
18:12.16TaintedwispMicheal Duncan died...
18:14.15tordyseagate sucks i hate seagate i want to punch them
18:14.23tordyno offense
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18:15.38CryptRatIf I create a healer, does it destroy itself when the unit is no longer missing any of the vital?
18:16.20TaintedwispYou can create a healer that does that
18:16.31CryptRatI don't want it to.
18:16.38TaintedwispWith this editor anything is possible.. cepts 512 x 512 mapsize :P
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18:18.07Vailreth i found this on mapster..
18:18.32Vailrethso i took a screen shot maybe for a unit or something>
18:18.57CryptRatBut i'm trying to figure out what healers default behavior is.
18:19.01CryptRatDo they stay on indefinitely?
18:24.12uxneZnow the immortal is super green :D
18:24.31uxneZwell i guess its not that ugly dunno
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18:25.37Taintedwispits alright
18:25.47TaintedwispJust not completed for a hero
18:26.02Taintedwispi would just use tychus instead
18:26.40Vailrethyeah if for a hero, i was thinking more some kind of  non hero unit of some sort
18:26.51Taintedwisphmm yeah, Maybe a boss.
18:27.15Vailrethor a boss escort
18:27.36TaintedwispHmm Yeah didnt think about that
18:28.23TaintedwispThe immortal and the rest of the units look a lot better with shaders on..
18:28.30Taintedwispbut my computer sucks
18:28.53Vailrethyeah mine isnt so great either.
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18:29.25Taintedwispi can switch to shaders for screenshot purposes, but it lags sooo bad
18:37.27uxneZI might actually like the green color now
18:37.30uxneZI got used to it
18:37.50TaintedwispWith the shaders on it looks much better
18:38.10Taintedwispit hads a Thin Shine to it, and such, making it look a bit more matalic
18:39.11SaltpeterOoh, I just remembered another question I have.
18:39.42SaltpeterSo, in Vexal TD, players pick their roles in the race selection menu in the lobby. Does anyone here know a tutorial on that kind of function?
18:41.54TaintedwispThats on ultra
18:42.02TaintedwispSo as you can see the Green Immortal looks a tad better
18:49.52BommesI thought you scrapped the green immortal :D
18:50.07Bommesbecause you wanted to alter the team colors originally
18:51.03Blizz-Deletariusoh snaps, there's been activity in my absence!
18:53.55*** join/#sc2mapster Almaity (5d8871df@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
18:54.38tordywhere were you,
18:54.44tordylong breakfast?
18:54.53ExakenHe was probably playing HotS beta:D
18:55.06tordylucky jerk
18:55.48uxneZTHAT KEY
18:55.51uxneZgive us!
18:56.09uxneZdoes the beta have UI editor?
18:56.28mille25there is an editor in the beta
18:56.31mille25with build 23077
18:56.34mille25but didnt see any changes yet
18:56.41mille25just quickly checked trigger module though.
18:56.46Blizz-Deletariusno I was working on providing more documentation and field hints
18:56.54Blizz-Deletariusaka, tooltips
18:56.55Exakenthat editor instantly crashes when I'm trying to start up
18:57.02mille25it works fine for me.
18:57.05mille25i can even test games.
18:57.37uxneZmmm so there is nothing really worth checking I guess
18:57.46uxneZdoes it validate triggers faster t-t
18:57.51ExakenDoes it have the new models?
18:57.52mille25checked that
18:57.54mille25its same.
18:57.55tordycool, we could always use more documentation
18:58.40uxneZweird as it sounds Im pretty happy with the current editor
18:58.43mille25im still waiting for the "future patch" that pretty much fixes everything :D
18:58.46uxneZjust grown used to it :(
18:58.57BommesBecause you said we can use the editor I'm now downloading the Beta client too :O
18:58.59Bommeshope its worth it
18:59.05mille25like banks, trigger lag, trigger validation etc
18:59.14Blizz-DeletariusI didn't say anything of the sort?
18:59.15uxneZyes the trigger validation is ridiculous
18:59.18Bommesoh damn the Blizz servers are good :D 10 MB/s
19:01.18ducky__I already like hots just because It doesn't annoy me with raynors face in loading screen :D
19:01.32mille25all this is temp though
19:01.36AlmaityI got all the HotS units to work
19:01.39AlmaityViper pull is fun
19:02.09ExakenI'm just gonna reinstall my beta, maybe the editor will then work
19:02.09Bommeswith the assets too?
19:02.09tordymy loading screen is black
19:02.14mille25@dela all issues are fixed in a future patch according to blues :D
19:02.20AlmaityYea, with assets Bommes
19:02.25mille25at least the three :P
19:02.29AlmaitySwarm Host spawning animation looks awesome
19:02.51Bommeswould you mind pming it? would be awesome
19:02.56Bommeswant to see it too :)
19:03.01Almaitythose balls in its back just sort of bounce out, then blow up into locusts
19:03.06Almaitycant PM it
19:03.08Almaitytoo effing big
19:03.12Bommesah kk
19:03.16Almaitysince I had to convert all the stuff into a mod
19:03.27Bommesic :)
19:03.41Bommeswell we probably don't have to wait too long anymore anyway
19:03.49Almaityjust save a mod as .sc2components, then extract all the Swarm modsinto its folder hierarchy
19:04.11Almaityhad some problems with command cards though, most of em were still the WoL ones
19:04.15Almaityand AI wont work
19:04.34AlmaityI also really like the auto-harvest and auto-rally point at the start of he game
19:05.10Blizz-Deletariusas a zerg player, it's quite nice
19:05.36tordyalready see a bunch of people complaining
19:05.40tordythat it makes it "easier"
19:05.42Almaitythe new simplified command cards look neat and will probably help newbies7
19:05.48AlmaityI hate such people
19:05.49Blizz-Deletariusit's an option
19:05.57Blizz-Deletariusthat can be turned on or off
19:06.04Almaitythere's a difference between making the game harder and making the game a chore
19:06.37AlmaityAutocast on spawn larva for examply would be the wrong way of making the game easier
19:06.57Almaitycause that is pretty much the core of zerg macro (Im sure zergs would love it though :p )
19:07.13Almaityit'd be like giving warpgates autocast warp or something
19:07.35Almaitybut just making workers harvest at the start of the map, or displaying worker count... Thats just making the game less annoying
19:07.56tordyalso complaining about the "select all units" feature
19:08.12Almaitywhats the problem with that? You can just add everything to control group 1 anyway
19:08.21Almaityit will be useless for better players
19:08.33Almaitybecause it will also select observers and oracles and other units you dont want in your army
19:08.35tordyi dont even play melee so i cant comment much on these
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19:08.47tordyjust reading what im seeing on the forums
19:08.51Almaityyea, i just mean... All these complaints seem stupid >.>
19:09.00tordyi agree
19:09.20uxneZwohoo fixing problems greaters new problems
19:09.32uxneZgod I suck at english
19:09.54uxneZatleast I learn bit by bit when some people post my typos as feedback
19:09.56AlmaityIm having a terrible typo day as well
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19:10.07ducky__The only thing that bothers me is that I'm not sure how hiding hold position and patrol commands can help newbies.. Instructions right in the middle of command card feel wierd :/
19:10.10tordyi always miss a word here and there
19:10.34Almaityyea, it helps th most newbiest of the newbies
19:10.42Almaitybut anyone who knows how to play the game will find those useless
19:10.44Almaitycan be disabled
19:11.13tordyFRESH MEAT
19:11.34ducky__I can already see the newbiest of newbies being endlessly confused by having different command card.. because those folks don't usually check options :/
19:11.49ducky__"hold position?" what's that? :D
19:11.56ducky__oh team games rage :D
19:12.09Blizz-Deletariusafk - lunch
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19:12.42uxneZHow large is the large grid in terms of ingame units
19:12.47uxneZlike 4 or what
19:13.07uxneZ(is the xy coordinates in editor same as ingame units?)
19:13.36ducky__units have different sizes ..
19:13.39uxneZI wana mesure certain distance
19:13.55uxneZlike in the editor not ingame mode :E
19:14.03uxneZcause im lazy like that
19:14.27ducky__what exactly you want to mesure burne? :D
19:14.46uxneZarena size
19:15.01ducky__and for what purpose?
19:15.01Blizz-ArtestruThere's a measuring tool in the Terrain Editor
19:15.20Blizz-Artestruunder the Tools menu in the Terrain Editor.
19:15.30Blizz-ArtestruYou click two positions and it'll tell you the distance.
19:15.40uxneZwell what you know. thanks
19:15.52ducky__that's kinda cool
19:16.22ducky__it should be in one of editor tips that everyone always disables :s
19:16.25uxneZit is
19:16.44Blizz-ArtestruSo that nobody can read it?
19:17.35Almaityand yea, squares / coordinates are the same as ingame units (range/speed/radius/etc. values)
19:18.01Almaityyou can enable build grid btw (shift ctrl h if I remember right) to get the 1x1 grid
19:18.31tordyis there a way to change the mod folder?
19:18.44tordythe editor only checks starcraft 2 beta / mod directory for mods
19:18.53AlmaityBtw, my IRC froze the entire day so I didnt realise messages had been sent, did Deletarius/Artestru answer any "when is the beta" related questions?
19:19.03Almaitynop, just move your mods into that directory
19:19.17tordyi always use the documents folder for all my work
19:19.27Almaityhaving to use the mod folder is annoying
19:19.36Almaityeach of my projects uses a mod for the imported assets...
19:20.49ducky__whoa.. you can view diagonal grid.. :O
19:21.26ducky__a completely random discovery that I probably will never find a use to :D
19:21.43AlmaityI guess it might help with seeing terrain height differences?
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19:23.00ducky__maybe.. you know way too much about how to apply newfound knowledge :D
19:23.30TolkfanI didn't know about diagonal grid either :O
19:23.41Tolkfannow how about diagonal regions? :>
19:23.50SaltpeterThanks for the link, Ex. :D
19:23.52BommesBtw, is there a UI Editor tutorial out already?
19:23.56BommesOr being worked on by someone
19:24.01Almaitycheck Helral's stuff
19:24.14AlmaityI think the UI editor is simply a built in interface for the xml editing
19:24.26uxneZducky__: finally got around on working to fix dissapearing bosses :D
19:24.33Almaityand Helral already covered a lot of the xml stuff
19:24.46Almaityalso, who else here expects HotS to break Tofu?
19:24.54ducky__or, it appears that you can just hook up UI emements to dialog items and move them accordingly
19:25.11Bommesah ic :) thx
19:25.17Bommesnot going to use it right now, was just curious
19:25.25uxneZtofu is more of a myth? it has 10 years of development, its not starcraft but its made in starcraft 2 editor....
19:26.16ducky__I recently rewatched that trailer... no idead what they were thinking while making it :D
19:26.34uxneZyea :D
19:26.35AlmaityId laugh so hard if they released it and everybody hated it
19:27.24tordywhat're the new units again
19:28.04tordytempest, mothership core, oracle, battle hellion, swarm host, viper
19:28.04tordywhat esle
19:28.04AlmaityViper, Swarm Host, Oracle, Tempest, Warhound, battle hellion, Widow Mine, Mothership Core
19:28.19ducky__yes, widow mine
19:28.31tordyim missing widow mine and warhound hmm
19:28.42ducky__for some reason I'm thinking that if I'm gonna play melee in HOTS, I'm gonna play terran :P
19:28.43Almaityspeed for hydras, burrow charge for ultras, regen for reapers
19:28.56Vailreththis is strange textue select by id is not workin'
19:28.56tordyoh nvm i found warhound but as a merc
19:28.59tordywhere is widow mine?
19:29.02tordywhere does it come from?
19:29.10ducky__build in factory
19:29.11Almaitywidow mine is the widow mine
19:29.19Almaitythats what its called in data
19:29.28Almaityunless youre not talking about the HotS client
19:30.50*** join/#sc2mapster Stranger (
19:30.51TolkfanI think I asked already, but anyway.. does the hots editor have the full ui editor? The one with the live preview and stuff?
19:31.01Almaitybtw, just to put this out there: None of you is interested in joining the forum RPG; right?
19:31.09tordythe wha
19:31.28tordydid zelda finish his  bank proposal?
19:32.00Tolkfan this ui editor
19:32.14Almaityhe did, but he never released it
19:32.18Almaitybother him further about it
19:32.46Almaitycurrently its at 5 pages / 1749 words
19:33.55ducky__what bank proposal?
19:34.16Almaitya big post about the pros and cons about implementing MySQL support for triggers
19:34.22Almaityso that you can use MySQL databases instead of banks
19:34.32mille25wont happen
19:34.34mille25calling it now,
19:34.39Almaityyea, probably wont happen
19:34.46Almaitybut maybe Blizz will do something similar
19:34.57Almaityworth a shot at the very least
19:34.58mille25blizzard never really supported "third party" stuff
19:35.09Almaityyea, I meant if they make something similar, they are hosting it
19:35.33mille25id be happy with 1mb local banks and a small server bank
19:35.57Almaitymaps are supposed to be 1MB now, but I dont think anyone's confirmed it yet
19:36.09mille25you mean banks?
19:36.11uxneZI cant figure out what causes error
19:36.28Almaityyea, bank limit has been upped to 1 MB per player with 1.5
19:36.42Almaitybut no one managed to confirm that with tests yet
19:36.43mille25banks were stated to be 1mb, i tested it and it didnt work, about 2 weeks later blizzard officially said its bugged and will be fixed in - guess what - the mysterious "future patch"
19:36.55Almaitygreat >.>
19:37.09AlmaityI hope the mysterious future patch arrives before I and Zelda are done with our project
19:37.24AlmaityWe're still below the 8 KB limit, but we'd like to pass it
19:37.27uxneZpff bliz should cut some parts from that video
19:37.29mille25however, they promiced that it will "definatly" be in  the patch notes
19:37.32mille25whats pretty funny because
19:37.40uxneZseems like the how to use cutscene editor part could be useful now
19:37.40Bommes:D I love that 2011 blizzcon presentation
19:37.41Tolkfanugh... user types and server-side banks is as close to mysql as we'll get :P
19:37.42mille25the 1mb banks were NEVER called in the patch notes
19:37.47Bommesthe trolololo raynor
19:38.11mille25even though it was a huge change (if it would have worked)
19:38.15Almaitywell, maybe they'll allow server side user-type-banks-whatever
19:39.10*** join/#sc2mapster helral_mobile (~AndChat@
19:40.24helral_mobileWhat beta?
19:40.37ducky__oh, so no beta this week >.>
19:41.38Tolkfani wonder how they'll implement server banks... if we'll be allowed to write and read anytime we want, that would mean we could make mini mmo's, like those browser games (ogame and stuff)
19:41.41Kueken1Taintedwisp: Now i am here
19:41.55Kueken1did you solve your peoblem?
19:41.58mille25the main problem with server banks would be parallel access
19:42.05mille25there could be alot of instances running
19:42.07mille25at the same time
19:42.16mille25so what happens if two games wanna write/read the bank?
19:42.46mille25personally im happy with the 1mb per player already.
19:42.50mille25the server banks would be cool but
19:42.58mille25not really necessary for me.
19:43.11Almaitywell, server side is more necessary for me and Zelda
19:43.41Almaitycan easily duplicate powerful pokemon by backing up your bank, trading away a pokemon, then swapping your bank with the backup again
19:44.15mille25add a unique id to each pokemon
19:44.23mille25if its same it cant trade back or smth
19:44.40mille25or kick players
19:44.46mille25if the id is the same for both
19:44.56A1winyou don't need to get it back
19:45.36A1winalso, no way to create unique IDs because you don't know what IDs are already in use by all players
19:45.53mille25use player handle
19:45.58A1win...well you could add handle+id
19:45.59mille25if a player has a pokemon
19:46.03mille25thats not his handly
19:46.11tordywasnt the tempest supposed to have 20 range?
19:46.11A1winbut still, why'd you need to get it back
19:46.12tordyoor something
19:46.23A1winyou could just trade it to someone for something good and then get it back
19:47.29Almaityif I kicked a player that had a pokemon with a different handle, Id screw up ALL trades
19:47.35Almaitytempest has 22 range
19:47.43Almaitybut needs an upgrade for it (default is 10 range, upgrade adds 12)
19:48.09tordyoh ok
19:49.01mille25i think there could be a solution for the problem almaity.
19:49.08AlmaityIve got some ideas
19:49.13Almaitybut none are perfect
19:49.21Almaitylike logging trades in banks of both parties
19:49.33Almaityand locking pokemon that are where they shouldnt be
19:50.00mille25or just save the played games count
19:50.03mille25and trades count
19:50.30tordyAlmaity is your swarm host working?
19:50.40tordymy swarm host is making sphere model units
19:50.51Almaitymine worked fine
19:50.58Almaityeverything thats a races unit worked fine
19:51.04Almaityonly got spheres for critters and things
19:51.35tordyhow come the vid looks idff
19:51.41tordywidow mine shoots projectiles
19:52.41TheSkunk__If you're trying to get HotS stuff to work in editor this might help:
19:52.55tordyi got it to work
19:52.58tordyjust some kinks
19:59.14UloseTheGameYo amaity
19:59.18UloseTheGamedo you like league?
20:01.07VailrethTaintedwisp tell me what you think of this lash coloring?
20:03.32tordyAlmaity can you check what the unit actor is for swarm host - locust?
20:04.34Almaityill try tordy
20:04.46AlmaityUlosethegame, you mean LoL?
20:06.31Almaityor melee games?
20:07.18Almaity"LocustMP (Unnamed)" Tordy
20:07.32tordythat's weird im missing it
20:07.39AlmaityI dont actually have the text though for some reason
20:07.44Almaityso I'm missing the actual names
20:15.11tordyxml says
20:15.11tordy<CActorUnit id="LocustMP" parent="GenericBurrowerStandard" unitName="LocustMP">
20:15.20tordybut not showing up in the editor
20:16.49*** part/#sc2mapster G0A (
20:19.29SaltpeterSilly question, but what's the syntax for posting images in the sc2m forums?
20:19.43SaltpeterI tried [img] tags, and they didn't work. ;>.>
20:20.49tordyok i just created a new actor that's identical to locustmp
20:21.47tordyseems to work now
20:30.33SaltpeterAha. Thanks. :D
20:37.11tordyoracle OP
20:46.13SaltpeterExcept that it's made of paper and Elmer's glue.
20:48.32tordyelmer's glue is pretty good
20:49.24VailrethKueken1 I hope i am not disturbing you
20:49.59Kueken1I dont have much time right now
20:50.15Vailrethah very well it can wait them sorry to have disturbed you
20:50.18Kueken1well, none actually
20:50.27Kueken1gtg, might have time in an hour
20:51.01Bommeshow complicated can it be to restore a password for a forum
20:51.07Bommes3 fucking captchas
20:51.17Bommeseach and every one of them an adventure on its own
21:04.22TaintedwispSorry was playing a diff game
21:04.28TaintedwispLooks good Vailreth
21:09.54*** join/#sc2mapster FockeWulf (48ae8da0@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
21:12.32FockeWulfWonder if any of the Blizz devs are still around...
21:13.36TaintedwispThey are, but they go AFK for extended periods sometimes
21:13.47TaintedwispThey usually stay online from 11:00 AM- 9PM EST
21:13.52*** join/#sc2mapster yuizy (
21:14.23yuizyhi, does anyone have a 1v1 map with ai for sc2
21:14.38yuizyi can run a normal melee map from hots map editor but i don't know how to add an ai
21:14.57yuizyif i test the map, it just starts as 1v0
21:15.12FockeWulfYou just need to turn the melee AI on in triggers
21:15.31AlmaityDunno whether its like this for everyone, but AI is broken for me
21:15.38FockeWulfI'm just curious to see what they think of these.
21:16.04A1winyuizy, you need to make player 2 a Computer in map - player properties
21:16.16A1winassuming it works the same way as the WoL editor
21:16.22A1winwhich is likely ;p
21:16.35yuizyyeah it looks exactly the same
21:17.31yuizyis there a way to set the difficulty?
21:18.07A1winhmm I'm not really sure, haven't seen it anywhere
21:18.28A1winpossibly with a custom trigger action
21:18.42A1winor in game variants
21:18.50A1winbut that might only affect lobby
21:19.16A1winin map - game variants you could try setting the default difficulty for player 2
21:22.49A1winbut yeah that's where it's set for the lobby and I don't know if it affects editor tests
21:23.35A1winoh wait, there might be a setting in editor preferences
21:23.43A1winsince you can set game speed there as well
21:23.53A1winI'll take a look ;p
21:24.06yuizyi got an opponent
21:24.11yuizyhe's not building anything though
21:24.15yuizycould be very easy ai
21:24.24yuizybut i got a "ScriptError" at the start
21:24.53A1winis he moving his workers?
21:25.22A1winok so you can set it in editor preferences
21:25.36A1winFile - Preferences: Test Document
21:25.37Almaitythe AI is broken afaik
21:25.47Almaityit only auto-mines because that is a new function in sc2
21:26.10yuizyit defended my scout harrass succesfully
21:26.26Almaitythats probably tactical AI, independent of overall AI
21:26.31yuizymakes sense
21:26.36Almaityunits will do the logical thing
21:26.39Almaitybut the player doesnt exist
21:27.08yuizyany way to get rid of the error?
21:27.13yuizyi guess you'd have to do the whole ai
21:27.18Almaityif someone was bored enough, they could set up a custom AI
21:27.25yuizyisn't there one
21:27.30yuizygreentea or whatever it was called
21:27.35A1winit'd have to be remade for the new stuff
21:27.36Almaityyea, greentea was good
21:27.40Almaitynot exactly sure how it works
21:27.47A1winor re-edited rather
21:27.49yuizyA1win: you sure?
21:27.50Almaityand it wouldnt work perfectly due to the new units
21:27.58Almaitybut it would work
21:28.13yuizystupid me
21:28.13yuizy go me!!
21:28.42A1winthe image doesn't show o:
21:29.01Almaityits lings killing the p2 CC :p
21:29.04yuizyyeah works only with certain browsers
21:29.10yuizyno idea why
21:29.20Almaityuse imgur, its pretty neat
21:29.29yuizysnaggy is much neater
21:29.33yuizyprint screen -> ctrl+v
21:29.37Almaitysame on imgur
21:29.38yuizywith imgur you have to save the image
21:29.39A1winexcept it doesnt' work :P
21:29.45Almaitynop, you dont
21:29.52yuizythat's new then
21:29.52Almaityyou can ctrl v stuff into imgur
21:30.03yuizywhen was that added?
21:30.08Almaityno idea
21:30.15Almaityhavent been using it that long
21:30.40yuizybecause snaggy is really low on bandwidth
21:31.34yuizywhy is there a "(T) then [] to Attack Move" text
21:32.03yuizypatrol&stop&holdpos are no longer clickable?
21:32.11Almaitynot by default
21:32.17Almaitycan disable simple command card in options
21:32.20Almaityhotkeys still work though
21:32.25Bibendushow do I set 1 hp to a creature by data editing?
21:32.37BibendusI only found fixed damage or % damage
21:32.55Almaitycheck the "live" flag in the damage efect
21:32.59Almaitythen give it insane damage
21:33.19Bibendusand it gives damage keeping min 1 hp?
21:33.21Almaity*should* work, never tried
21:34.12Bibenduslet'z try it
21:35.05SaltpeterAnyone here not busy? Doesn't have to be someone who knows a bunch about editing.
21:35.17Almaitybusy-ish, can answer simple questions
21:36.00SaltpeterI don't have any questions right now, I just posted a project thread for the game I'm making and wanted input on the concept.
21:36.25Almaitysrry, dont have time to read anything right now >.> youll get feedback soon though, give ti a day
21:36.55uxneZWas the CC too hard to use btw? or whats up with that simple change :/
21:36.58SaltpeterWell, I COULD wait..., but I think I'll still ask periodically if anyone has time. :P
21:37.46*** part/#sc2mapster yuizy (
21:51.18Kueken1I got time now
21:51.29BibendusAlmaity it works :P
21:51.41Bibendusanother question for anyone
21:52.02Bibendusanyone knows how to remove the dead body dissipation effect?
21:52.34uxneZactors/death effects?
21:52.36uxneZnot sure thou
21:52.37Almaityremove the death model or keep the death model without it decaying?
21:52.46uxneZbut there are plenty of death options there :E
21:52.49Bibendusi m working
21:52.51Kueken1not sure, which model you are referring to
21:52.54Bibenduson keeping the corpses of units
21:53.00Bibendusthe animation doesn't contain the dissipation
21:53.06Bibendusso it's something in actor messages I suppose
21:53.20Bibenduswhat I'm doin is switching the model with the death model
21:53.36Bibendusif I do nothing the death model stays there without animating
21:53.45Bibendusif I play the death animation it dissolves after some seconds
21:53.53FockeWulfDevs back yet?
21:53.53*** join/#sc2mapster Taintedwisp (adbd32f0@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
21:54.10Bibendusmay it be in actor events macro?
21:54.35Kueken1possibly, at least there is a DeadAnimationMacro all unit actors share
21:54.53Bibendusi ll try to remove it
21:55.00Bibendusand btw the dissolve effect is nice
21:55.04Bibendusit seems an actor message
21:55.09Bibendusthat can be done to anything
21:55.23Kueken1I still have no idea, what effect that is :D
21:55.49Bibendusmmm it was not that
21:55.52AlmaityKueken, kill a unit (make sure you have models set to high), then watch the death model
21:55.54Bibendusthe corpse dissolves
21:56.00Almaityitll dissolve at some point
21:56.02Bibenduswhen the animation is complete
21:56.09Bibendusand it dissolves in particles
21:57.26BibendusI removed all the macros
21:57.31Bibendusand it still dissolves
22:00.42Kueken1the UnitDeathModel actor still uses the macro
22:00.52Bibendusbut i m using the model
22:00.53Bibendusnot the actor
22:00.58*** join/#sc2mapster deathnight114 (
22:01.03Bibendusswap model
22:01.06Bibendusswaps to a model or an actor?
22:01.38Bibendusso it should not happen
22:01.48Kueken1but every unit uses a death model actor
22:01.55Kueken1which gets created on death
22:02.07Kueken1the default one us UnitDeathModel
22:02.26Kueken1you can change that to use a custom one in the unit actor
22:03.06Bibendusi m using death prevention
22:03.09Bibendusand swapping manually
22:03.19Bibendusand the dissolve appears only when I play the death animation
22:03.25Bibenduselse the swapped model stays there
22:03.47Kueken1tried the ÃœlayForever flag? ;)
22:04.00Bibendusonly flag I tried
22:04.08Kueken1and pausing the animation manually?
22:04.30Bibendusand I tried with
22:04.34Bibendusanimation bracket start
22:04.36Bibendusand play animation
22:04.41Bibendusno sry "animation play" :D
22:04.54Bibendusnot pausing
22:05.09Bibendusit dissolves when the animation is complete I suppose
22:05.26Bibendusmay it be something inside the model?
22:05.40Bibendusstill I don't see it dissolving in the cinematic editor
22:06.11Kueken1no idea
22:06.21Bibendusthe only discussion I found is this
22:06.27Bibendusbut it wasn't solved
22:08.08TaintedwispAnyone who wouldnt normally vote... go vote... against obama... not because of his crappy presidency... but because I am tired of hearing him on Ignorant Hatespeech Commercials...
22:08.17Taintedwispand i'm from the south...
22:08.27Bibendusaaaand I don't care :D
22:08.31Taintedwispits that bad..., that I think someone else is spreading too much hate speech
22:10.41Bibendusnow the hell do I do
22:12.03*** join/#sc2mapster Sevenix (
22:12.04Bibendusmaybe Blizz-Artestru or Blizz-Deletarius know something about unist death dissolve :|
22:12.40Blizz-Deletariusunits death dissolve?
22:13.00tordyunits fading?
22:13.08Bibendushallo dele :P
22:13.10Bibenduswhen units die
22:13.16Bibendustheir body dissolves after few seconds
22:13.21BibendusI was wondering what's causing that
22:13.22Taintedwispinto puddin.
22:13.27Bibendusbecause I don't see anything in actor's events
22:13.28Blizz-Deletariusthat issssssssssssssssss
22:13.31tordypudding is gross
22:13.38Bibendusis it into the model animation?
22:13.41Blizz-Deletariusoh I think I know this...
22:13.44Blizz-Deletariushold on
22:13.45Bibenduswho ho
22:14.04TaintedwispIts located in BigFoots model
22:14.39Bibendusbtw I love how I get into a lot of unanswered questions :D
22:15.28Bibendusmmm using the model suggested in the thread
22:15.31Bibendusthe body stays there
22:15.39Bibendusso maybe it's something in model properties
22:16.38TaintedwispI see that Marine Acid Death is its own model..
22:16.51TaintedwispMarine Death Acid*
22:17.19Bibendusevery death type has his own model
22:17.44Bibendusthe model properties are THE SAME
22:17.59Bibendusnow I believe it's in the model animation
22:18.01Bibendusand I'm screwed
22:18.23TaintedwispMy best guess
22:18.52Blizz-Deletariusthere is a death animation
22:18.53Taintedwispthe attack effect triggers the death animation
22:18.57Blizz-Deletariusie Marine Death
22:18.58Bibendusbut it doesn't dissolve
22:19.00TaintedwispThats my guess
22:19.10Taintedwispie Roaches attack
22:19.11Blizz-DeletariusI know, I'm checking something else
22:19.12Bibendusi m taking like
22:19.14Bibenduszergling death
22:19.19Bibendusnormal death, not acid or whatever
22:19.25Bibendusand there is the model
22:19.30TaintedwispSo you want it to NOT have teh Acid right?
22:19.42Taintedwispit could be on the effect of the attack used
22:19.43Bibenduscruiserbikedeath something
22:19.48Bibendusthat doesn't dissolve on death
22:20.32TaintedwispJust go to Death Effects and remove disinergrate
22:20.35Taintedwispand change it to the defualt
22:20.41Bibendusi m actually
22:20.43Bibendusnot using normal death
22:20.51BibendusI'm just playing the death animation manually
22:20.56Bibendusso death event never happens
22:21.05TaintedwispStill you could try
22:21.06Bibendusand if I use another model
22:21.10TaintedwispGo to the Death effects and change it
22:21.13Kueken1also, there is no unit I know of, which actually uses the disintegrate death
22:21.26Bibendusyep I don't think there is any
22:21.30Taintedwispuhhh kueken a lot do
22:21.37Bibendusif i use zergling death
22:21.39TaintedwispIt is triggered by the effects of attacks
22:21.40Bibendusit dissolves
22:21.45Bibendusif I use CruiserQuadPhysicsDeath (Unnamed)
22:21.48Bibendusit's not dissolved
22:21.53Bibenduslike said here
22:22.03Kueken1oh, yes, got it mixed up >.<
22:22.12Kueken1disintegrate = die in acid
22:22.15Bibendusooooooh wait
22:22.19Kueken1well nvm then
22:22.20Bibendusit has a DEAD animation
22:22.21Bibendusafter death
22:22.27Bibendusmay it be the reason?
22:22.41Bibendusit auto goes from death to dead
22:22.43Blizz-Deletariuslook for Marine_Death and Marine Corpse actors
22:22.43Bibendusdunno how
22:22.58Blizz-Deletariusdeath is in libstory
22:23.03Blizz-Deletariuscorpse is in liberty
22:23.16Blizz-Deletariusnm, death is a sound
22:23.28Blizz-Deletariuscorpse is an env doodad
22:23.30Bibendusthe marine corpse has a lot of animations
22:23.36Bibendusthat do nothing :D
22:23.56Bibendusi m lookin in the cutscene editor now
22:23.56TaintedwispYeah... But if you go to the Marines Actor you should be able to remove the death effect... but I dont know in your particular case
22:24.07Bibendusit's just a play animation
22:24.10Bibendusi have the zergling actor
22:24.18BibendusI use a swap model into zergling death
22:24.29Bibendusif I play the animation death on it
22:24.33Bibendusit dissolves after a while
22:24.37Bibendusif I don't it won't dissolve
22:25.18TaintedwispI SEE
22:25.25TaintedwispI thought you ment the green acid death
22:25.30TaintedwispYou just want the corpse to stay forever
22:25.31Bibenduscan I see animation properties?
22:25.43Bibendusnormal death
22:26.06Taintedwispunder the Units data type there is a field Stats - Death Time this determines how long after unit death the unit remains to be revived before it is removed.
22:26.13TaintedwispIf set to -1 it is forever if set to 1 he will be unable to be revived after 1 second.
22:26.18TaintedwispTry setting it to -1
22:26.45Bibendusalready tried
22:26.48Bibendusit's not really dying
22:26.58Bibendusso actually it doesn't work :P
22:27.10TaintedwispSo you need it to be removed from the game... but you want the corpse to stay?
22:27.20TaintedwispYou want the Actor to stay right?
22:27.21Bibendusno actually
22:27.25Bibendusthe unit is still alive unconscious
22:27.28Bibendusso I'm keeping the model down
22:27.39Bibenduswhen the unit is revived I swap the animation back
22:27.48Bibendusthe issue only happens if I play the death animation
22:27.50Bibendusthen it dissolves
22:27.56Bibendusif I don't it's all fine
22:28.13TaintedwispI see what your saying
22:28.42Bibendusdamn it's all working like a charm
22:28.46Bibendusexcept this :|
22:28.53BibendusBlizz-Deletarius did you find something?
22:29.47BibendusI have an idea but I don't like it
22:30.42Blizz-Deletariusthe person that I could ask isn't at his desk atm
22:31.51BibendusI'm not so lucky with answers :D
22:32.37Bibendusand probably you can't say nothing but I would like to hear if something is happening on "attach dialog to units" front :P
22:33.52Blizz-Deletariusthere was some discussion about that but I can't remember what was said
22:34.17BibendusI REALLY need it :|
22:34.34Bibendusto decrease lag on my game
22:34.46BibendusI'm actually doin some weird math on camera angle
22:34.56Bibendusto detect if units are below UI or not
22:35.02Bibendusand the game engine doesn't like it :|
22:36.52RepoUpdated wiki entry: Galaxy / Data / Validators / Unit Compare Behavior Count -
22:37.49BibendusBlizz-Deletarius did you read my suggestions about input lag temporary client side solutions?
22:43.38tordyBibendus, lag compensation?
22:43.56Bibendusgiving us the ability of doing client side triggers
22:44.14Bibenduswould allow us to fix the lag thingy
22:44.25Bibenduscuz the user receives instant feedback
22:44.49Bibendusbut the actions are done with the normal server lag thing
22:44.50Bibenduslike any fps
22:44.54Bibendusyour client moves instantly
22:45.16Bibendusbut in reality you move a bit late when your commands are received by the server
22:46.42A1winthat would be extremely hard to add to the engine like that since it's built without it
22:46.55Bibendusyou already get things
22:46.57Bibendusclient side
22:47.04Bibenduslike ability targets
22:47.08RepoUpdated wiki entry: Galaxy / Data / Abilities / Queueable / Train -
22:47.10A1winclient side triggers would only speed it up a bit but we can't have client side movement for example
22:47.18Bibendusjust actors
22:47.22Bibendusand things client side
22:47.28Bibendusnothing that can unsync the game
22:47.47Bibendususing it to move something with your mouse cursor
22:47.49Bibendusjust client side
22:47.49tordyi'd expect things to skip around
22:47.54tordyif they implemetn this
22:47.56Bibendusmove the camera instantly in a fps
22:48.11tordybecause lag compensation is not gonna be perfect considering we always get like 100+ping to sc2 servers
22:48.13Bibenduseven if your unit moves later
22:48.32tordyanimations might be inconsistent
22:48.33Bibendusthat would be the only way
22:49.00tordyand inconsistency could give misinformation about what's really going on
22:49.04A1winI still think it'd be too much work for them that they'd even consider it
22:49.07Bibendusit always happens
22:49.08tordythat too
22:49.11Bibendusin any online game
22:49.17Bibendusin a fps you move instantly
22:49.26Bibendusbut in reality your character is moving later
22:49.30A1winSC2 is built with consistency in mind for the replays and all that
22:49.49A1winit affects too many systems
22:49.50Bibendusye that's why I was talking about the only use of actors
22:49.52Bibendusand cameras
22:49.54Bibendusand anything client side
22:50.44Bibendussure it can be done
22:50.51Bibenduscompared to the lag removal
22:50.53Bibendusit can't be done :D
22:52.00tordysc2 is known for meleee not custom maps so i dont know if they're gonna spend that much time implementing a difficult feature just for custom maps
22:52.25Bibendusit's a custom map feature
22:52.28Bibendusthat requires time
22:52.35Bibendusstll I think it can be done
22:52.38Bibenduswithout too many efforts
22:52.46Kueken1well, they certainly put a lot of time in creating the editor in the first place
22:52.46Bibendusbecause the client already works client side
22:52.54Kueken1and in updating it
22:52.54Bibendusfor a lot of things
22:53.05A1winfor a start, they'd need to do a client side part for the script engine
22:53.19Kueken1if they only cared about melee, the editor would be a lot more basic
22:53.23Bibendusyou can already send actors to only 1 client
22:53.32Bibendusit's a lot hard to do
22:53.34Bibendusbut it's doable
22:53.40A1win*actor messages
22:53.42Bibendusthen you need events fired client side
22:54.03A1winand it's not hard, just inconventional
22:54.24Bibenduswhat I mean is that the game already support client side actor thingy
22:54.42Bibendusthe only thing missing are client side events
22:54.45A1winactors are just graphics
22:54.52Bibenduslike player cam
22:55.30A1winI mean what would you exactly achieve by having client side triggers that only work for actors
22:55.49Bibendusgiving instant feedback to the player
22:55.57Kueken1oh, I could think of something :)
22:55.58Bibenduscheat him like any multiplayer game does
22:56.10tordyit's gonna be weird
22:56.12Kueken1trigger-simulated spell targeting without delay...
22:56.13Bibendusfollow mouse cursor with any actor
22:56.15A1winbut other multiplayer games have lag compensation too
22:56.20A1winthey predict the player's movement
22:56.22Bibendusmove fps camera instantly
22:56.23tordybecause you'll have instant feedback  of one thing but not instant feedback of others
22:56.33Bibendusbut let's start with basics
22:56.42Bibendusthen I think you can do lag compensation triggers too
22:56.47Bibendusthey are not mandatory btw
22:57.30Bibendusanother thing needed would be the possibility
22:57.35Bibendusto send variables or events
22:57.45Bibendusfrom client event to game event
22:57.51Bibendusso you can do like
22:58.00BibendusFPS game
22:58.06Bibendusaim, click mouse
22:58.18Bibendusif the target is in my crosshair client detects it's a hit
22:58.22A1winmm that would be the most useful thing to do
22:58.26Bibendussend message to all that I killed the dude
22:58.45Bibendusthen everyone receive the message and the unit is killed for everyone
22:59.01Bibendusmore or less what happens with hitbox weapons in FPSes
22:59.48BibendusI don't see it as something impossible
23:00.01A1winno one's saying it's impossible
23:00.10Bibendusnot even too hard
23:00.16tordymore like is it worth spending the time to implement it
23:00.17Bibendusthe engine already supports part of it
23:00.24Bibendusit would open a lot of doors
23:00.26Bibendusin custom games
23:00.33tordydid you post it in the suggestions topic?
23:00.36Bibendusthey invested a lot on remaking the arcade system
23:00.46tordyit might be more difficult to implement than you think
23:00.48Bibendusif they believe in their map market
23:00.50tordydeopending on how they did their engine
23:00.57Bibendusi m not saying it's easy
23:01.10Bibendusbut that some parts already are done
23:01.16Bibendusand the engine seems compatible
23:01.42Bibendusevents like
23:01.44Bibendusmouse movement
23:01.48Bibendusare already taken client side
23:02.01Bibendusbut before triggering they are sent to the server to sync with everything
23:02.07Bibenduswith everyone
23:02.20A1winthat's how everything else works too :P
23:02.20Bibendusjust add a flag on triggers that say client side
23:02.31Bibendusand they will skip this part
23:02.36A1winall UI acions are client side, silly you ;p
23:02.38Bibendusthen it's up to the map maker to now screw up
23:02.42Bibendusdoin something that may unsync
23:02.54BibendusUI, actors, cameras
23:03.10BibendusI remember doing something crazy like that
23:03.11A1win*everything* the user does goes through the User Interface
23:03.12Bibenduson wc3
23:03.23A1winthat's why it's called that
23:03.27Bibendusthat didn't allow customized UI for each player
23:03.36Bibenduseven on that editor
23:03.44Bibendusyou were allowed to store custom variables for EACH player
23:03.59Bibendusso you could send a different value to all players
23:04.01Bibenduson the same variable
23:04.12Bibendusfor me X = 5
23:04.14Bibendusfor you X = 11
23:04.29Bibendusthen saying to the UI to read the variable for each player
23:04.41Bibenduscaused to show the customized variable on the UI for each player
23:04.59Bibendusthat worked on wc3, I believe it may work on sc2 too
23:05.13BibendusI presue they are using the same engine improving it
23:05.17A1winkeeping track of camera position and mouse position client side would be awesome, so that when you send an action like "mouse clicked", it'd send the necessary data for the server along with it and not just the fact that the mouse was clicked
23:05.42Bibendusit would open a lot of possibilities
23:05.57A1winerr actually it already does that
23:05.59Bibendusif only Blizz-Deletarius or Blizz-Artestru were listening to me :P
23:06.10Bibendusbut the answer require the sync with other players
23:06.30Bibendusthe thing missing is the instant feedback to the player
23:06.41Bibendusand it fucks up any possibility of fast arcade/fps games
23:07.04RepoNew map: Hollow -
23:07.29A1winmm... which is sad since their marketplace is called arcade ;[
23:07.36Bibendusnot so arcady
23:07.38Bibenduswith that lag :P
23:07.44Bibendusand btw another option I proposed is
23:07.48Bibendus"flag map for single player"
23:07.58Bibenduswell ... mmm
23:08.06Bibendusthe engine already supports what I said!
23:08.14Bibendusin single player there is no communication with anyone :D
23:09.35Bibendusoh it would be so awesome to have this :|
23:09.43BibendusI think I should open a thread on sc2mapster :|
23:13.26BibendusI was able to pause the animation of the dying zergling
23:13.31Bibendusand it doesn't dissolve anymore
23:13.40*** join/#sc2mapster Taintedwisp (adbd32f0@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
23:14.03TaintedwispYeah Vailreth, I liked your Colors for lash, Did you change them any?
23:14.27TaintedwispSince that picture
23:15.30FockeWulfDevs back yet?
23:15.57BibendusAAAAAAA it works
23:16.09Bibendusunconscious creatures ftw!
23:17.13Bibendusi can even make the zergling bleed in loop
23:17.17Bibenduswhile he's unconscious
23:21.05Blizz-ArtestruWhat's up Focke?
23:21.14Bibendushallo art
23:21.26Blizz-ArtestruHey Bibendus... that sounds pretty cool.
23:21.32BibendusI made a wonderful discussion about client side triggers
23:21.35Bibendusdid you read it?
23:21.39Blizz-ArtestruI did :)
23:21.41Bibenduswhat sounds cool
23:21.44Bibendusoh the unconscious :P
23:21.50Blizz-ArtestruThe dying zergling sounds cool.
23:22.01BibendusI had to pause the animation
23:22.05Bibendusor the model auto fades away
23:22.09Bibendusdunno why
23:22.14Blizz-ArtestruIt's part of the animation, no?
23:22.19Bibendusthat's the weird thing
23:22.25Blizz-ArtestruThere must be an anim event then.
23:22.28Bibendusnothing in actor messages found
23:22.32Bibendusnothing in actor macros
23:22.39Blizz-ArtestruAnimations can send events to the engine to do specific tasks, such as playing a sound.
23:22.41Bibendusand if I swap the model with another one
23:22.41A1wincheck the model
23:22.50Blizz-ArtestruI'm guessing death may have a system like that?
23:22.55Bibendusprobably yes
23:22.56Bibendusand in fact
23:22.58Bibendusthere is a model
23:23.07Bibendusthat when I play death on it
23:23.18Bibenduswhen the death animation ends it automatically swap to the DEAD animation
23:23.25Bibendusso the corpse doesn't fade
23:23.46Blizz-ArtestruFockewulf, did you need me?
23:23.56Bibendusno he's just missing you guys
23:24.00Bibendusand wanted to know if you were back :P
23:24.43Blizz-ArtestruWe never truly leave.
23:25.08Bibendusbtw did you read the huge discussion I made about client side triggers?
23:25.23Blizz-ArtestruI did
23:25.31Bibendusdo you think it can be done?
23:25.41Bibendusdoes the engine support it?
23:25.56Bibendusthere is a lagless single player part
23:26.01A1win*can it be made to support it
23:26.10Bibendushe can't say that for sure :P
23:26.22Bibendusbut i'm asking anyway :D
23:26.37A1winit doesn't support it right now, singleplayer is the same as multiplayer except there is no latency
23:26.50Blizz-ArtestruWe've talked about similar things.  We 100% very much want to get to the ultimate goal of fast asynchronous response times.
23:27.10Bibendusuntil lightspeed is reached it can't be done
23:27.13Bibenduswithout client side tricks :P
23:27.27Bibendusoh asynch
23:27.29Bibendusyes :P
23:27.44Bibendusit would be my dream
23:27.51BibendusI could go back to work on my old projects
23:28.03BibendusAND add some cool functionalities I disabled on hive keeper due to the lag :|
23:28.36Bibendusand Blizz-Artestru what do you think about a simple checkbox to enable single player maps?
23:28.59Blizz-ArtestruIt's a neat idea.  I'll bring it up.
23:29.01BibendusI don't get why if I'm playing a map alone on bnet it lags
23:29.03A1winit'd inrease the number of possibilities by dozens of times, the current engine only supports a very small fraction of games that can be made
23:29.09Bibendusif I play it on localhost it doesn't
23:29.28Bibendusat least single player FPSes can be done without problem
23:29.37Bibendusor any arcade single player game
23:30.02A1winI have a neat third person map but I stopped working on it since it only works with no latency
23:30.03BibendusI could enable my cool triggers while playing hive keeper in single player!
23:30.13A1winnot that I'd continue that exact map but anyway
23:30.26Bibenduslike terrain highlight on mouse movement
23:31.45A1winI really want to make a game similar to Alien Swarm, played that kinds of games in the 1990s and now there aren't any good ones available (even alien swarm is kind of boring)
23:32.00Bibendusit's fun
23:32.01Bibendusbut short
23:32.06A1winbut wasd movement is pretty much a requirement, anything else feels worse
23:32.07Bibendusand yes, arcade movements with mouse shoting
23:32.09Bibendusit would be nice
23:32.12BibendusI tought to that too
23:32.20Bibendustop down love
23:32.33Bibendusit would be awesome
23:32.53Bibendusmmm I'm thinking
23:32.56Bibendusthat the single player thing
23:33.03Bibendusshould work everytime you are alone in a game
23:33.05Bibenduseven if a player drop
23:33.10Bibendusit would be nice if it's auto detected :P
23:33.11A1winthat was the best game ever at that time
23:33.21RepoNew asset: bubble Sort -
23:33.21A1winit even has multiplayer (on same keyboard)
23:33.24Bibendustough cannon fodder :P
23:33.56Bibendusoh nice
23:34.00Bibenduswe haz a sort
23:34.26SaltpeterWould implementing quicksort be, like, groundbreaking? ;>.>
23:34.27Bibenduswell I don't need it
23:34.35Bibendusquicksort better ye
23:34.41BibendusI don't like bubbles
23:35.05Bibendusi m really curious to see what will happen with next patch
23:35.16Bibendusafter all the discussions made directly with the devs
23:35.18Bibendusand the forum thread
23:35.20Bibendusand everything
23:35.36Bibendusthe problem is that blizz patches are LOOOOOOONG
23:37.08Blizz-ArtestruRemember that not every change goes into the most immediate patch.  They are prioritized and assessed for risk then assigned to different patches depending on schedule.
23:37.57Bibendusthe problem is that every patch comes after months :D
23:38.05Bibendusso if it misses 1 patch it goes like 6 months later
23:39.30Vailrethsorry i was next door
23:39.31Bibendusnice tentacles here
23:39.34Bibendusdid u add only that?
23:39.54Vailrethtentacls and a recolor
23:40.22Bibendusnew texture?
23:40.24Bibendusor just player color?
23:40.45Taintedwisplooks really good
23:40.45Bibendushow the hell is the default game variant taken
23:40.48Bibenduswhile playing localhost
23:41.01A1windoesn't it use the default?
23:41.06Taintedwispit looks heroish now AHAHAH
23:41.24Bibendusi tried changing order
23:41.26Bibendusand default
23:41.29Bibendusand it still uses the same
23:41.34A1winno idea
23:41.40Vailrethwe can save the blue for a boss or something maybe
23:41.46A1winthere is a "is test level" function though
23:41.46BibendusBlizz-Artestru do you have any idea on how game variants work in localhost?
23:41.54Bibendusand it's
23:42.26*** join/#sc2mapster harlicant (
23:43.20Vailrethi wanted to team color the tentacles if possible but i cant figure out how to texture swap a ribbon
23:43.30Bibendusyes it works
23:43.40Bibendusthanks A1win :P
23:43.49Bibendusstill I'm not able to do the thing manually but whatever
23:44.01Bibendusto choose the game variant
23:44.04Bibendusin localhost
23:44.12Taintedwispi dont know either
23:44.18TaintedwispYOu would have to ask someone who is good with models
23:44.51A1winyeah I just meant that you could make it check for that function instead of the game variant... though that won't help if the game variant actually defines some stuff that you can't change with triggers
23:46.13Bibendusbut whatever
23:47.34Bibendusnow let's try to make my zergling bleed
23:47.36Bibenduswhile unconscious
23:47.42BibendusI haz to get the correct animation time
23:48.11Bibendusoh yes
23:49.41BibendusWHY WHYYYYYY
23:49.49Bibenduswhy flash sucks soo much that it freezes my computer
23:50.55A1winit works fine on Opera 11, other browsers seem to have problems with it (even Opera 12), no idea why it's been like that for so long
23:51.08Bibendusit's not a browser thing
23:51.11Bibendusit's flash...
23:52.00A1winyeah, but it still works fine on Opera 11 :P so I'm using that until they fix it up
23:53.20Bibendusit works on other browsers too
23:53.24Bibendusthe problem is when you open too many windows
23:53.26Bibenduswith flash inside :D
23:53.50A1winah ;p
23:54.31Kueken1still need help?
23:56.02*** join/#sc2mapster Vetraeus (6219113f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
23:56.09Kueken1Blizz-Artestru: Out of curiosity: How many of you hang out in IRC channels and which ones?
23:56.20Kueken1mapping ircs that is
23:56.30Bibendusbtw guys did u check this?
23:56.36Bibendusfirst browser game
23:56.42Bibendusreal browser game
23:56.45Bibendusmade in html5
23:56.46Blizz-ArtestruPrimarily the two of us in this chatroom, but if you have suggestions for other chatrooms to hang out in, I'd love to hear it.
23:57.23Kueken1I don't know any other popular mapping channels, so no suggestion here
23:57.27tordywho was the other guy that went to this chatroom?
23:57.35tordyhe like came one day but never came back :[
23:57.41Kueken1besides a german-only I usually use
23:58.00Kueken1yes, you used to be 3 at some point
23:58.12Kueken1but only like a couple of hours
23:59.18Bibendusdamnit why does starcraft 2 heat up my computer so badly
23:59.33TaintedwispAppearently there is a channel for starcraft... but you must be invites
23:59.44tordydont tell em!

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