IRC log for #sc2mapster on 20120825

00:07.56TaintedwispNOYOU DIDNT I DID
00:08.02Taintedwisphow oyu do the loading bar
00:08.15TaintedwispkI demand a 10 page essay on how it was completed
00:09.14Bibendusa made a crazy function too!
00:09.18Bibendusto create and set its width
00:09.21BibendusI'm a geniuz
00:09.40Bibendusnow the map loaded into the map inception is shown by a cool loading bar
00:10.00TaintedwispBut I want a Snake firework as my loading bar :(
00:30.04Bibendusanyone wantz to test my vote system? :D
01:12.22*** join/#sc2mapster IcE^ (
01:26.19*** join/#sc2mapster Parthon (
01:27.57Vailrethi do hope Tainted comes back tonight
01:29.46VailrethHey Parthon, whats happening?
01:32.53Parthonhey Vailreth, not much
01:33.00ParthonI got a job though :D so I'm a working man again
01:36.57Vailrethwhat is the good work?
01:58.48Bibendushive keeper 0.19 released
04:26.29A1winwhee big craftcraft update xO I should probably sleep a bit too
04:40.54tordywaddap dudes
04:53.23*** join/#sc2mapster tigger0jk (
04:59.22*** join/#sc2mapster RazielZ (~Raziel@
05:25.51*** join/#sc2mapster sonicnite (
05:28.57sonicnitehow do u convert sc1 custom map triggers to sc2?
05:43.53Dogmaiwhy would you want to
05:46.11sonicnitea good map sc1 that should be remade
05:46.32sonicnitealso i could play it with some friends in sc2
05:48.24sonicnitea few maps like custom hero wars, 50k hydras, sunken d the original authors didnt remake them yet
05:51.04Dogmaibut there were no loops in sc1
05:51.07Dogmaionly switches
05:51.13Dogmaiits not how you would make a map in sc2
05:52.41*** join/#sc2mapster grim001 (
05:58.11sonicniteyea in sc2 editor theres no preserve trigger right?
06:06.24*** join/#sc2mapster G0A (
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06:22.36*** join/#sc2mapster Taintedwisp (adbcc430@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
06:23.31Taintedwisphmm 90% chance you wont see this lol, But hey Vailreth did Emberflame Add you to the group yet?
06:25.32Dogmaisonic here wants someone to make a map for him
06:25.34Dogmaiyou have free time
06:26.48TaintedwispDepends on what the map is.
06:26.57sonicnitecustom hero wars
06:27.10Taintedwispsorry man, dont have the time fo ra project like that
06:27.58Taintedwispill check it out tomorrow Sonic
06:28.10TaintedwispI might make it, if I like it. I made Mini Chop Farms on those reasons
06:28.21TaintedwispIll have to download and play it tomorrow
06:28.30Taintedwispbut its 2:30 am right npw
06:29.43Taintedwisplik3  i said if I take on a project like this, it will be another side solo project.
06:30.09TaintedwispBut atm a lot of my time is dedicated to job hunting, Evolution Frenzy, and League of Legends
06:30.42TaintedwispSpeaking of which I finnaly got an inerview for an 800$ a week job
06:31.08Taintedwispin dogmais country that aint shit, here its really good
06:31.35Taintedwispreally god for no experience, no hard labor, and no college
06:31.50sonicniteits a programming job?
06:33.19sonicnitemini chop farm isnt found in sc2 maps
06:36.40Taintedwispits there
06:36.42sonicnitehow about sunken d, u played that before?
06:36.52Taintedwispeh, yeah im not oging to make any defense maps
06:37.06TaintedwispI like them but there is already a Plethora of them
06:37.37TaintedwispHonestly if youare really passionate about this map I would suggest you learn the editor, any map for Sc1 or Wc2 is really easy to Remake. And you can learn it in a couple months
06:38.15sonicnitenm yea mini chop farms 1.9 has 4 ratings
06:48.59sonicniteoh he left
06:49.27sonicnitebut he said tomorrow guess he might still help
06:52.28*** join/#sc2mapster WhatUpBro (
06:52.34WhatUpBrogod dam
06:53.03WhatUpBroyo prodigy u in here?
06:57.44*** join/#sc2mapster ucky (53f1057d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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07:46.40Ashamedanyone here?
07:47.22Ashamedhey sonic you get csgo?
08:25.16*** join/#sc2mapster WhatUpBro (
08:25.30WhatUpBroslaps sonicnite around a bit with a large trout
08:25.37WhatUpBroslaps sonicnite around a bit with a large trout
08:30.50*** join/#sc2mapster shintah (
08:55.16*** join/#sc2mapster Ingela (
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11:08.05*** join/#sc2mapster Bibendus (
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11:41.29XenoX101if you change an icon in the command card
11:41.32XenoX101the text doesnt turn green
11:48.43*** join/#sc2mapster Exaken (
12:04.47*** join/#sc2mapster Ahli (
12:06.22*** join/#sc2mapster RipperRoo (
12:54.59*** join/#sc2mapster TheSkunk__ (~TheSkunk_@
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14:39.13*** join/#sc2mapster Dogmai_ (~Blizz-Dog@
14:56.01*** join/#sc2mapster RipperRooX (
15:42.06Fatehey i made a unit that has mineral costs of zero. Is it possible to give a player minerals for chanceling the training process???
15:42.35Fatewithout using triggers
15:45.27A1winI don't think so
15:45.41A1winpro tip: use triggers
15:45.57*** join/#sc2mapster caz (62df8c04@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
15:46.18Fateit doesnt work right with triggers -.-
15:47.13A1winshould be possible
15:47.52A1winbut yeah the ability cancel/failed events are a bit meh, lots of trickery needed to get them just right in some cases
15:48.15Ashamedi gotta make a csgo website >< i dont wanna
15:49.09A1winI'm still struggling with getting players to understand how craftcraft is meant to be played D:
15:49.54A1winwell, not struggling but still haven't quite gotten it to a state I'd want it to be in
15:50.12A1winthe power UI is still a bit of a mess I guess
15:50.29Fatecraft craft hm
15:51.01Fatei saw the name on the acrade i cound imagine what its about
15:54.01*** join/#sc2mapster Skizot (
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15:58.06*** join/#sc2mapster caz (62df8c04@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
15:58.57Vailrethany one know why an aura effect buff wouldnt  be placed on the aura caster when the search effect isnt set to exclude it?
15:59.29A1winFate, it's a kind of a starcraft/minecraft hybrid
15:59.58A1winturret defense, economy management, vehicle microing
16:00.13A1winmining rocks
16:00.36A1winit's very complicated D: which is why it's difficult to learn
16:00.47A1winor rather, difficult to make it easy to learn
16:03.06A1winI need to have the power/gas UI so that it makes more sense and is more intuitive
16:06.09*** join/#sc2mapster slarti (
16:08.27A1winany idea how to "highlight" a unit to a specific player (and not for other players) without using local actor messages?
16:10.18cazwhen a unit dies is it removed from memory or do i have to manually do something with it ?
16:10.38A1winit is by default
16:11.02A1winyou can make it not getting removed by changing its death time from 0 to something else
16:11.19cazi saw a flag "Prevent Destroy: Enabled" and worried it wouldnt be removed
16:11.31A1winthat's the melee victory condition
16:11.43A1winerr.. or something related to that
16:11.45cazwhere are u getting information like that .-. ... editor tells me nothing
16:12.15A1winerr... by looking at the values and wondering what they are
16:13.05A1winnot sure what the prevent destroy is
16:13.19A1winby Prevent Defeat is the melee victory condition (destroy all enemy structures)
16:13.38A1winand Prevent Reveal is the "no command centers, show all structures to enemies" thing in melee games
16:14.38A1winbut I'm sure it's *not* related to keeping the unit in memory since death time is for that
16:17.08Vailreththe issue with death stime how ever is that the the units colision remains after death somtimes to multiples of the units death time...
16:17.15*** part/#sc2mapster Ahli (
16:17.57A1winI've only used infinite death time so dunno about that
16:18.34A1wincould I make a player specific behavior that sends a local actor message only to that player, or something like that?
16:21.10Vailrethi think there is a mod on benet with a bult in trigger library that has triggers for sending player specififc actor messages to actors
16:24.53Vailreth the main thread about it
16:26.47A1winso much text :<
16:34.56A1winah I think I got the idea...
16:52.15*** join/#sc2mapster JademusSreg (
16:52.50A1winwell that's weird, the actor messages work but when I use Start Glow, the actor actually becomes darker x_X
16:53.44*** join/#sc2mapster ducky (53f1057d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
16:53.52A1winoh right because I have a long glow pulse in this map
16:55.12A1winlet's try halo...
16:55.58A1winthat could do :o
17:04.57*** join/#sc2mapster Thenarden (
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17:22.13*** mode/#sc2mapster [+v Hati] by ChanServ
17:23.59A1winwoo it works
17:24.23A1wincreates a halo on all structures that belong to the same power grid as any of a player's selected structures
17:27.42Bibendusdifferent colors halo?
17:27.52Bibendusor when you select
17:28.03Bibendusyou highlight all the affected structures
17:28.08A1winonly when selected
17:28.22Bibendusoh then ok :P
17:28.25Bibenduspretty clear
17:28.33Bibendusremember the halo is shown only on a certain graphical detail
17:28.44A1winyeah on low it highlights them in white
17:28.48A1winso it' still visible
17:28.53Bibendusgood ;)
17:29.10BibendusI have to do
17:29.26Bibendusthe zerg unconscius units
17:30.02Bibendusa SOP and animation freeze are requested
17:30.11Bibendusbut dunno if I need to do that by triggers or data
17:31.40*** join/#sc2mapster ginstbrneatly (62df8c04@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
17:39.40*** join/#sc2mapster taintedwisp (adbcc430@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
17:40.23taintedwispvailreth, he said he invited you, so you should now have access to the shared folder
17:42.40XenoX101I just deleted a map from the arcade
17:42.43XenoX101but its stll in the arcade
17:45.57taintedwispGo play mini chop farms
17:46.12XenoX101ok now it says map not found
17:48.11taintedwispyou know, I really like these blizz guys, they can see the immature things we are typing, and still dont leave :P. to me that means they want to say somthing, but you cant at work :D there my kinda guys lol
17:52.32SixenIt's Saturday, they aren't in the office :P
17:52.38taintedwisp:P i know
17:52.43taintedwispI was talkin g about the rest of the week haha
17:53.16taintedwispWe have talked about every subject that I can think of, that we usually talk about around here, and yet they dont seem to care hahah, I like their style.
17:53.25taintedwispThey realize that we are a bunch of trolls :P
17:54.26taintedwispAhh, Well for  the first time in 2 weeks im in a good mood, I finnaly got a damn Interview for a job
17:54.38taintedwispThat pays 3 times better then my last one
17:55.32BommesCan you spam IRC and forums in your new job too? :D
17:57.16Hatitaintedwisp: immature?
17:57.35taintedwispof course..
17:57.47taintedwisplol, All gamers in general are immature at least a little bit.
17:57.51taintedwispin my opinion
17:57.58taintedwispthat includes myself
17:58.30taintedwispNo I wont be able to spam the IRC
17:58.36taintedwispBut it will pay 800 a week...
17:58.40taintedwispso thats not too shabby
17:58.40HatiSixen: o/
17:58.44taintedwispnot for this shit town
17:59.45Bommes800 a week is pretty good indeed.
17:59.50BommesAny qualifications needed for that?
18:00.49taintedwispjust gotta be a friendly and talkitive person
18:01.21taintedwispPretty much I go up to poeple greet them, Wash their windsheild, check for cracks, dents or any other Damage, and if theres damage I report it.
18:01.27taintedwispIts at a Car Dealership
18:01.30taintedwispa major one lol
18:01.41taintedwispthey are hiring like 4 people for the position
18:01.45taintedwisp2 full time 2 part time
18:01.50taintedwispIm interviewing for the full time
18:03.08taintedwispOh and you have to have Customer Experience service experience, atleast 1 month, and Sales experience, atleast 1 month
18:03.18JademusSregReport more than the cracks on the windshield; profile them on the basis of the car's contents.
18:03.50taintedwispTHAT FUCKER HAD A CUP OF MCDONALDS IN HIS CAR... yes sir that car is totaled...
18:05.24BommesWell, good luck for the interview :)
18:05.26BommesHope you get it
18:06.00taintedwispYeha me too
18:06.04taintedwispAnd my birthday is tomorrow...
18:06.09taintedwispAnd I go on vacation next week
18:06.22taintedwispLuckily if I do get the job he told me I would start Sept 9th
18:07.03JademusSregFor example, if there's air freshener in the car, that tells you someone has something to hide; pet stuff or detritus means dogs, most likely; stains means vomitting, which likely means drinking or friends who drink heavily; otherwise, especially if the driver is college age, it indicates a smoker hiding it from parents.
18:08.36taintedwispYeah All I do is greet them, The licensed people will handle the rest lol, I just check and wash the windsheild
18:08.41taintedwispIts menial work... but hell its great pay
18:08.48JademusSregProfiling the driver helps you or your superiors manipulate, which is to say pitch a sale. So it's worth noting.
18:08.59taintedwispoh ok
18:09.03taintedwispthanks for the advice
18:10.02taintedwispOh also another one... Cofee beans in the car... means someone was drinking and they shit in their car...
18:10.16taintedwispI know a friend who did that lawl
18:10.29taintedwisphis GF left his stupid ass out in the car lol
18:10.31taintedwispan dhe shit in it
18:10.42taintedwispSo he cleaned it, and used coffee beans
18:14.09*** join/#sc2mapster Taintedwisp (adbcc430@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
18:24.11Motiveslaps JademusSreg around a bit with a large trout
18:24.14MotiveI SLAP THEE
18:24.38MotiveHI THERE
18:25.31TaintedwispMotive loves men... that is all
18:25.40JademusSregWat's up?
18:25.53MotiveI can neither confirm nor deny reports that Motive loves.
18:26.12MotiveI can however, confirm that today is not Tuesday.
18:30.43TaintedwispYou love men... its not a question... its a statement :P
18:31.18TaintedwispAlso Motive has a Clone named Motive|
18:35.56*** join/#sc2mapster Tomura (
18:41.58Bibendushow do I play animation death 03
18:42.04Bibendusby actor message?
18:43.26BibendusI tried
18:43.31Bibendusand then 3 (Three)
18:43.34Bibendusin the animations list
18:43.36Bibendusbut it's not working
18:43.38Bibendusif I just do Death
18:43.44Bibendusit works with one of the random deaths available
18:48.42Bibendusit was
18:48.44BibendusVariation 03
19:04.25Bibenduscan I attach a unit to another unit?
19:04.30Bibendusreal units not just actors
19:06.26*** join/#sc2mapster Skizot (
19:07.39*** join/#sc2mapster Blub\w (~wry@
19:11.09Taintedwispwhatcha need vail
19:11.23Vailrethgot the test map finished how should i get it to you
19:11.37TaintedwispStick it into the shared folder in the dropbox
19:11.38Taintedwispill get it
19:13.07TaintedwispI got it :D
19:13.24Vailrethfeel free to check it out
19:13.24Taintedwispill look at it after I get done playing Leageu of legends
19:13.47*** join/#sc2mapster G0A (
19:27.28*** join/#sc2mapster ckSynergy (
19:28.24ckSynergyok, I want to know the difference between behaviors and attributes. Theres gotta be more than it just showing up on UI in a different field
19:29.10ckSynergymakes no sense to add a new behavior type just for that one small change when a flag would have been just as adequate
19:31.09Vailrethatributes exist mainly for heros is my guess
19:31.38Vailrethsince they can be modfied by adding and removing points to and from them
19:32.38ckSynergyyea, but you can do the same thing with behavior stacks
19:33.52*** join/#sc2mapster Lilianna (
19:34.22Vailrethfrom what i understand there is a chance with a large stack of behaviors can effect performance
19:34.52ckSynergyso why not just add the "points
19:34.59ckSynergy"points" thing to behaviors
19:37.23ckSynergymaybe theres something im missing, but is there a way to make a behavior global for a player?
19:37.48Vailrethhow do you mean global?
19:37.57ckSynergyI was thinking maybe attribute behaviors have a method or default that makes them global to a player, so ponts added apply to all units with that attribute
19:38.20Vailrethnope they are instanced by unit
19:40.18*** part/#sc2mapster G0A (
19:43.20ckSynergywell then yea the system seems redundant
19:43.34ckSynergyI have to apply a behavior to apply a stat
19:46.49Vailrethwhat are you trying to do?
19:47.09Vailrethyou can just add points to attributes in a veterancy behavior
19:47.29Vailrethif you are making heros
19:58.04ckSynergyeh the points are added elsewhere
19:58.09ckSynergybut even then
19:58.15ckSynergyyoure using a behavior to apply a behavior
19:58.23ckSynergyfail to see how thats more efficient than just stacking behaviors
19:58.36Taintedwispso what all did you do to it Vailreth?
19:58.46Taintedwispim checking it right now :P
19:58.59ckSynergyoh that reminds me, did you finish your missile idea vail?
19:59.49Vailrethno yet.
20:00.00Vailrethhavent had the chance to work on it
20:02.56TaintedwispWhats your missle idea?
20:03.28TaintedwispThe abilities look great, though I think the Cows falling Last a bit long.
20:03.44TaintedwispThen agian, the time could be perfect if the damage is reduced
20:03.53TaintedwispEverything looks great though Vailreth
20:04.09Taintedwispcan you make the Damage for all the abilities hurt the enemies only?
20:04.37Taintedwispits all some great work
20:04.58TaintedwispAnd One other thing, If Its difficult in the least bit, then dont worrie about it, Is it possible to throw some sort of timer for the cow bomb?
20:05.11TaintedwispLike the Widow Mine in HoTS's timer
20:05.19Taintedwispor just some way of saying when it will explode
20:05.20Vailrethyeah there is one
20:05.29Vailrethbut i dont know why its not showing
20:05.34TaintedwispEverything is great though.
20:05.44Taintedwispi think hes going to be my favorite Hero lawl
20:07.20TaintedwispI still have to Design and creat the other 2 heroes that I already have thought up
20:07.37TaintedwispI am going to use either Texture by ID or Attachments to make them
20:07.55TaintedwispEither way, they should turn out great
20:09.46Vailrethok fixed the display
20:12.13TaintedwispSo what was your missile idea?
20:12.54Vailreththree units around the caster that fire missiles in the dirction the unit facing
20:13.36TaintedwispIt should be possible. sounds like it would require arm magazine
20:13.40Vailreththe catser cant move while they are active but it can turn
20:13.54Taintedwispsounds cool.
20:16.42TaintedwispI still have to think up 6 more heroes...
20:17.08TaintedwispAnd then Mercs, and then items ,and upgrade slol
20:17.18TaintedwispBut... least the Evolution System is completed
20:17.21Taintedwispthank god for that
20:21.27TaintedwispWell Hopefully the map will be a success, if not... MEH oh well, I learned tons about the editor while working on it, so no matter what its a WIN
20:32.28*** join/#sc2mapster grim001 (
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20:49.43TaintedwispI wonder if blizzard has thought out the idea of a map marketplace more then just... it will make money
21:13.40ckSynergyyou know, it surprises me blizzard didnt insta fix the combat attribute bonus/fraction bug
21:15.06ckSynergyI mean, even their units use that field, and right now you have units like, idk, thor's aa missile does 4x damage to light, and its just all around busted
21:15.15ckSynergyactually thats probably a bad example lol
21:15.43*** join/#sc2mapster tigger0jk (
21:28.16ckSynergywth sonic?
21:29.39ckSynergydont pm me without permission, and DEFINITELY dont send me a file without discussing first
21:30.10A1winO.o why does he need a permission to PM you
21:30.49ckSynergyits rude
21:30.49A1winit's not like he's forcing you to read the message
21:30.56ckSynergyand annoying
21:31.21A1winso he should ask publicly if he's allowed to send a PM? O_o doesn't make any sense
21:31.28ckSynergyA1: You're one of those people who enjoys getting spam in your email inbox because it makes you feel good about yourself, arent you?
21:31.43A1winyou weren't talking about spam
21:32.00ckSynergyits spam.
21:32.07A1winif you had said "don't PM me without a reason", I'd have understood
21:32.14sonicnitecan u remake an sc1 map to be playable on sc2?
21:33.07ckSynergyI'm sure a number of people here can sonic
21:33.12A1win(a good reason)
21:33.38ckSynergyA1: Either way, its bad IRC ettiquite to PM without asking first
21:33.57A1winno one's *ever* asked me first before PM'ing
21:34.03A1winand I've been using IRC for 13 years
21:34.11sonicnitei can play it with some friends in sc2
21:34.39A1winI mean sure it's rude if it's a bad reason
21:34.47A1winbut you were talking about PMing in general
21:35.08sonicnitealso that map hasnt been remade it was one custom a lot of ppl rejoined over and over in sc1
21:35.56A1winlike I wouldn't PM anyone I haven't talked to before
21:36.12A1winI guess that was the case this time?
21:36.27ckSynergyyes, it was the case
21:36.49A1winthat I understand then ;p just didn't get it from what you said
21:43.27*** join/#sc2mapster Quelor (
21:43.44*** part/#sc2mapster Quelor (
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22:41.07sonicnitecan someone remake this sc1 map to sc2?
22:46.33*** join/#sc2mapster peq (
22:51.51sonicniteit opens in scmdraft has 78 regions when triggers pasted in notepad its 28 pages
22:52.34sonicnitemost triggers are repeated
22:56.32*** join/#sc2mapster Taintedwisp (adbcc430@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
22:57.10sonicnitehey taintedwisp can u see if u want to make the map?
22:58.55TaintedwispJust looked at it
22:59.10TaintedwispSorry its a Trigger Based game, And I am terrible with triggers
22:59.29Taintedwispthere are over 900 triggers in it...
23:00.19sonicnitehow about this other game?
23:01.23sonicnitemost triggers are switches
23:04.41*** join/#sc2mapster nM|Bibendus (
23:05.21Taintedwispim good, on al those.
23:05.31TaintedwispI think my next map is going to be one of my ideas anyways
23:05.37TaintedwispI have about 3 original ideas that I want to make
23:06.59*** join/#sc2mapster Skizot (
23:10.03TaintedwispHey Vailreth, whats up
23:10.20Vailrethback to day job but otherwise not much
23:10.53Taintedwispah cool, Whats your day job? hookin on the corner?
23:11.07Vailrethi write
23:11.14Vailrethsci fi
23:11.23TaintedwispDamn, cool
23:21.15Vailreththere finished a three page short story first draft now to step back and give it a week or so before i start on the second
23:22.14TaintedwispA lot better then what most people mean when they say "Day job" lol
23:22.20Vailrethhope to add two to three more pages to finish
23:24.32TaintedwispWell Tomorrow, I wont be on much
23:24.41TaintedwispI have to go all over the place for my birthday..
23:27.22Vailrethah well Happy Birthday early then
23:27.29TaintedwispOh, thanks
23:28.03Vailreth* nods *
23:57.36TaintedwispAlrigth guys Ill be back later going to clean house

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