IRC log for #sc2mapster on 20120818

00:20.26*** join/#sc2mapster nM|Bibendus (
00:26.46Iiris_Frostwhat file types does SC2 support? or is it only dds?
00:31.25Iiris_Frostmeaning i need Photoshop :(
00:31.32Iiris_Frostwhich i can't afford
00:33.10Exakenor gimp with the dds plugin
00:33.49Exakenor search "Aorta" on mapster, it's a converter
00:35.03Iiris_FrostI hate gimp
00:35.46Iiris_FrostI already know photoshop from school, i just can't afford $600 for a program
00:37.47*** join/#sc2mapster tordy (627449b7@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
00:48.20*** join/#sc2mapster Parthon (
00:51.59Xaptiwhat don't you like about GIMP? I wasn't a fan of it's default controls, but I think it's customizable
00:53.13Iiris_Frostbiggest problem with gimp is each panel in a separate window instead of one single program window (like most programs)
00:53.15tordythey released it!
00:53.31Iiris_Frostreleased what?
00:55.50tordyzelda publicized his pokemon-like game
00:56.00*** join/#sc2mapster Taintedwisp (adbc8ba2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
00:56.08TaintedwispThis sucks...
00:56.08tordyzelda publicized his pokemon-style game
00:56.12tordyhello Taintedwisp
00:56.18Taintedwisphey tardy
00:56.25tordyim tryin make a pokemon-style game myself
00:56.29tordybut it's gonna be much diff
00:56.44TaintedwispIs it going to be more similar to Sc1  pokemon game?
00:56.51tordywhat's that like?
00:56.54tordyi dont even remember
00:57.00tordydoubt it tho
00:57.02TaintedwispI forget]
00:57.26tordyi mean the only main similarities to the original pokemon are the types of stats (HP/atk/def/spd, etc) and creature collection idea
00:57.38tordybut the battle system and world encounters will be diff
00:58.03tordyi dont want to make it too similar since these guys already making it
00:58.11tordyso i might as well go ahead with my idea
00:58.38Taintedwispthats good
00:59.08tordyahhh man
00:59.13tordythey're using a global PP pool too
00:59.18tordyi myself am using that
00:59.29tordyin addition to charges  which're reserved for super powerful moves
00:59.54TaintedwispIt doesnt matter...
01:00.03TaintedwispCause my Evolution frenzy will beat it...
01:00.04Taintedwispany day
01:00.09Taintedwispjust not today
01:00.22tordyanyway i dont evenk now if the battle system can work
01:00.27tordyit's a lil experimental
01:00.28Taintedwispactually I currently have an evolution system
01:00.32tordyprob gonna be unbalanced as heck
01:00.33tordybut whatever
01:00.34Taintedwispthat works and is fully tested
01:00.35tordyworth a try
01:01.37TaintedwispHow many pokemon do you have?
01:02.07tordydidnt even think about types of creatures yet
01:02.31TaintedwispMy map consist of 30 spawners, 30 units, 12 heroes, 12 Mercs, and around 32 upgrades... oh and 8 base defense buildings..
01:02.35Taintedwispwhen its inished
01:02.38tordytoo focused on battle system because that's most important
01:02.41tordyand most experimental
01:02.53tordythat'll what set it apart from other pokemon-style games
01:02.56Taintedwispmy evolution system works :P
01:03.41Taintedwispyou should also try to think up another pokemon Capture system, maybe actually make the player throw the pokeball like a spell
01:03.43Taintedwispthat would be cool
01:03.53tordyheh that's exactly what im doing
01:03.56tordythe trainer is a spell caster
01:04.05tordywith a bunch  of spells he can use to support hsi creatures
01:04.08tordyhe can also join in the fight
01:04.11tordybut he's kinda weak
01:04.14tordyand if he dies , it's game over
01:04.19tordyso only a last resort would u send him in
01:04.48Taintedwispthe question is....
01:04.58Taintedwispwill it beat Mini Chop Farms?
01:05.04tordyiunno what's mini chop farms
01:05.06TaintedwispI know thats one hell of a target ..
01:05.15Taintedwispan unpopular NA map
01:05.20tordywhat's the gameplay like
01:05.23TaintedwispThat one day I should get online and promote
01:05.28Taintedwispone sec tordy
01:05.29Taintedwispits got decent gameplay
01:06.04TaintedwispCept Its SC2
01:06.23TaintedwispTHouh the music is the same
01:06.45*** part/#sc2mapster Blizz-Deletarius (d8940048@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
01:07.00TaintedwispDELETERIUS!!!! WHYYY!!!!
01:08.05*** join/#sc2mapster tordy_ (627449b7@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
01:08.27TaintedwispNow there are two of you... WHY LORD WHY!!!!!
01:10.32Taintedwispoh thank god
01:10.36TaintedwispNow the world may have peace once again
01:10.49TaintedwispDamn I thought the Rapture was here
01:12.01tordy_6 primary stats
01:12.04tordy_and 6 secondary stats
01:12.16tordy_6 primary stats are the usual : HP, ATK, DEF, SATK, SDEF, SPD
01:12.25tordy_those 6 secondary stats are somethin i added
01:12.41tordy_and those do not grow with level
01:12.49TaintedwispWhat about the greatest stat Tordy
01:12.56tordy_use items or passives to increase them
01:13.12tordy_and the usual
01:13.13TaintedwispTaintedWisp Is Awesome..
01:13.15Taintedwispits a needed stat
01:13.16tordy_IVs and EVs i guess
01:13.22tordy_but i'll rework them so they're a lil less grindy
01:13.24TaintedwispWhat are IV and EVs?
01:13.37tordy_Individual Values and Effort values
01:13.57tordy_IVs are "genetics", something that can't be changed in a creature
01:14.06tordy_EVs are stat bonuses you train the creature
01:14.22tordy_whatever you get the idea if you played pokemon
01:14.34tordy_i only played RB
01:14.44tordy_so i use Bulbapedia as a huge reference
01:14.51tordy_for any mechanics that look good
01:17.58tordy_does TheAlmaity goto this irc
01:18.17Taintedwisphe was here earlier
01:18.24tordy_what's his username
01:19.20Taintedwisphes rarely to never on at this time of the night
01:40.41ckSynergyhey vailreth you on?
01:45.58Vailrethi am
01:48.28VailrethckSynergy what do you need
01:48.45tordy_i forgot
01:59.30BibendusI like how people says "there are some bugs" in reviews without saying what bugs
02:00.05Vailrethwe hold this bug to be self evident
02:00.29Bibenduspeople reads beta
02:00.34Bibendusand thinks that everything is a bug
02:01.08Bibendusmy map is fucking polished
02:01.12Bibendusthere are no bugs!!!!
02:01.18Bibendusstop saying there are bugs ashsufsduifhsduifhsidfhusd
02:01.26Bibendusok now I can go to sleep
02:01.43Vailrethnight or morning or what ever
02:01.58BibendusI think morning now :P
02:11.20*** join/#sc2mapster Net_Creator (
02:40.39ckSynergyoh snap you responded
02:41.04ckSynergydid you have any luck in your missile tests?
02:41.13*** join/#sc2mapster Xapti (
02:44.11Totservishow can i save current camera configuration of the first player to be able to set it for the second one?
02:44.47Totservisso the second player can "watch by eyes of the first one"?
02:47.36Totservisis there a function which returns current camera from a player? =\
02:50.31*** join/#sc2mapster Maish (627daae2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
02:52.44MaishHey, does anyone have any idea as to why one player's upgrade would enable things for both players?
02:53.16ckSynergyTot: I dont think there is a way. If youre talking about ingame replay cameras, not possible.
02:53.23*** join/#sc2mapster Stranger (~whois@
02:53.54ckSynergyif you want to do it while a game is running, you have to set the camera of player X to the camera of player Y, which is about 10 camera functions
02:54.04ckSynergyMaish: no idea
02:54.25ckSynergyunless both players are technically the same player
02:54.32ckSynergyhow is your data/trigger run?
02:54.41MaishBasic upgrade from a unit
02:54.50tordy_what happeend
02:54.57Maishunit construction has a requirement attached
02:55.01Maishfor having that upgrade
02:55.33MaishI dont know how they would be considered the same player
02:56.22ckSynergyMaish: Im saying is if both units belong to player X, but player Y and Z have control
02:57.50MaishThank you
02:57.57ckSynergylol is that it?
02:57.59Maishthe buildings do spawn neutral
02:58.06Maishand have to be taken over with an ability
02:58.08ckSynergylemme guess, team shops?
02:58.25Maishit's a strategy game
02:58.31Maishwhere players have to control cities
02:58.38ckSynergyDo you actually change the owner, or do you just have them gain control?
02:58.44Maishjust gain control
02:58.54ckSynergyah yea, theres youre problem :P
02:58.58Maishit was based off of the mind control ability
02:59.09ckSynergyyea uhhhh
02:59.14ckSynergythat wont transfer ownership
02:59.27MaishSo, how would you suggest I fix it?
02:59.42ckSynergyHold on, I actually have a unit that transfers ownership
03:00.17ckSynergyI was/am pretty proud of it.
03:00.25ckSynergyIt's a capturable xel'naga with a timer :P
03:01.32ckSynergyok, pm me. Ill guide you through a capturable buff
03:01.44Maishon sc2mapster?
03:38.32JademusSregIiris == Frostwind, so yeah, Eiviyn correctly identified the whiner.
03:42.22*** join/#sc2mapster Fate (55b34fcc@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
03:47.59ckSynergyhes been whining for days lol
03:48.14ckSynergyhey Jadmus, you have much experience with missile effects?
04:17.46TaintedwispAll you are Whiners... SPECIALLiAly VAILRETH!!!
04:17.51Taintedwisplawl jk
04:19.20Taintedwispits funny cause it beeped him
04:19.32TaintedwispVailreth, Vailreth, Vailreth
04:21.48TaintedwispWhat time is it in Germany I wonder
04:26.40JademusSregI don't mod SC2 anymore.
04:27.03JademusSreg(I'm on freenode server to chat with other dev buddies.)
04:36.35TaintedwispJademus secretly mods.... but he wants to e a ninja about it... his next project is "Photon Planes" HE TOLD ME HIMSELF
04:36.45TaintedwispIsnt that right JademusSreg
04:37.04JademusSregInternet facts are more true than regular facts.
04:37.13Taintedwispyou heard it here...
04:37.28TaintedwispGlad you are coming to atleast talk here agian though Jademus :P
04:38.28TaintedwispDAMMIT I WANT My TRIGGERER TO COME ONLINE!!!!!!! lol. So that way we can talk a few minutes before I go to bed... He works when I sleep, and goes to sleep when I wake up... its weird
04:38.33TaintedwispHe does good work though
04:38.35Taintedwispand quickly
04:40.14*** join/#sc2mapster Mexa (~Mexaling@
04:41.28MexaDNA as potential storage medium, really :o?
04:46.27TaintedwispMexa... i know I am veiwed as a religious nut of sorts...
04:46.32Taintedwispbut DNA... sounds like Revelations..
04:46.43TaintedwispTHey are talking about making a tatoo to store data...
04:46.50TaintedwispDoesnt that sound like Hand or forehead type deal..
04:46.53TaintedwispJust saying
04:47.15MexaNo idea:p
04:47.16TaintedwispDna storage*
04:47.19TaintedwispNot just DNA..
04:47.23Taintedwispim not that dumb lawl
04:47.29MexaAnd aƶsp
04:47.42MexaI'm just forwarding links I read today
04:48.40MexaTainted, I was rather thinking it does sound cool that they are biologically being able to store computer data
04:48.59Taintedwispyeahhhh im good
04:48.59MexaIt would work great for backuping large amounts of data too.
04:49.13Taintedwispthat really makes me ancy.. I dont want my body being hacked...
04:49.25TaintedwispOr me getting a virus..
04:49.31MexaAs long as you don't have that thing on your head :>
04:49.32TaintedwispIm not Re loading this OS
04:50.01TaintedwispThis is a unique linux.... cant do it... cant reload took 20 years to make
04:50.08Taintedwispexpectancy is another 50 years
04:50.19MexaOh, your brain is a Linux huh?
04:50.27Taintedwispof course, Its open sourc
04:50.36TaintedwispIts changed all the time
04:50.43Taintedwispsure as fuck aint windows lawl
04:50.57TaintedwispI dont want the blue screen of death in my head... that would suck
04:51.11MexaCould I have your open source repository please, I'd love to check it out, maybe build a branch from it myself
04:51.54MexaOpen source means you need to share it as well :>
04:54.00TaintedwispIt is being shared... just listen and believe the bullshit I spout daily.. you will get a good health dose
04:54.20*** join/#sc2mapster Exaken (
04:56.23Mexaoh yeah
04:56.33MexaMaybe your OS isn't that good after all ;)
04:56.41Taintedwispyou know i just noticed, and I mean no offense, but I think the Overlay that surrounds your mini Map, CC, and portrait is the ugliest of the Bliz RTS games in sc2...
04:57.08Taintedwispno my OS is amazing, It runs of 8 bit software, and 4byte internet..
04:57.12MexaAll of the ones?
04:57.17Taintedwispyeah all 3
04:57.36MexaI guess I think they're just fine
04:57.37TaintedwispThink all 3 layouts in Sc2 are uglier then Wc3 and Wc2 and Sc BW
04:57.41TaintedwispI mean they are okay
04:57.49Taintedwispbut the other ones were actually great
04:58.14MexaMaybe it's just a bit of nostalgia to say the other ones are better, from your perspective?
04:58.44Taintedwispmight be
04:58.57TaintedwispCould be just because I am soo used to the SC2 ones they are starting to bore me a bit
05:08.52ckSynergyalright tainted, im hijacking your brain
05:09.31ckSynergyapparently 159 IQ isnt enough, so I figure with your 1 IQ itll push me over genius
05:10.02Taintedwispbut ive been tested at 162...
05:10.46Taintedwispis it bad if I talk to myself, argue with myself, and consult to myself as if there was another person inside me...
05:11.01ckSynergycant have genius without insanity
05:11.06Taintedwispk good
05:11.07ckSynergyanyway, help me figure this out.
05:11.13ckSynergySame missile problem
05:11.56ckSynergyI have a persistant that fires at the target area
05:11.58Taintedwispwhats the problem
05:12.40ckSynergynow, in the target area, I have a persistant that determines 5 random X values from -2 to 2
05:12.54ckSynergythat triggers a persistant with a random Y for the same values
05:13.17ckSynergythen I launch the missile. Now, how do I make the missile fire in a straight line
05:13.51ckSynergyalways forward from the direction of the caster/casting point
05:14.41ckSynergyand Ill get you a picture in a second
05:18.39Taintedwispjust a thought but shouldnt it determine 5 Y values...
05:18.43Taintedwisphavent done missles but once
05:19.06ckSynergythe X and Y is fine
05:19.13ckSynergyits the launch/impact location thats the issue
05:19.26ckSynergyone second
05:19.53ckSynergythats assuming the casting point is north of the caster
05:20.10ckSynergyif the casting point was east, the missiles would all be firing east
05:20.35Taintedwispheah i know what you want..
05:20.43TaintedwispHonestly I dont know
05:21.29TaintedwispWait till tomorrow when im more awake
05:21.32Taintedwispim about to go to bed
05:21.56Taintedwispwell im going ot go to bed,
05:21.58Taintedwisppeace everyone
05:38.16Khalintoye i need to rebuild my auto attack system
05:38.25Khalintgetting too many animation errors ><
05:57.15*** join/#sc2mapster Exaken (
05:57.28Khalinti get stuff like if i switch to stealth and then attack when stealth breaks me out the animation switches to firiing a gun for some reason
05:57.52Khalinti think its how i layer the animations
05:58.05Khalintbut if i use a trigger driven auto attack system i think itll be easier
06:00.23*** join/#sc2mapster MaskedPoptart (
06:05.30*** join/#sc2mapster Exaken_android (
06:28.27ckSynergyI finally got my missile figured out
06:28.36Khalintnice grats
06:28.38ckSynergy... of course, when I added the mover it fired in reverse, but still
06:28.49Khalinti just finished most of my new weapons data entry ><
06:28.57ckSynergythere we go. not its working perfect
06:29.05ckSynergysweet :) grats to u 2
06:29.23Khalinti can now more easily assign icons and models with user data
06:29.26Khalintwhich helps a lot
06:29.50Khalinti jsut have to change the triggers to use user data rather than global data table
06:30.23Khalinti cant wait till this is more playable
06:30.28Khalinti have some fun classes
06:56.32*** join/#sc2mapster RazielZ (~Raziel@
06:57.43*** join/#sc2mapster Iiris_Frost (
07:40.32*** join/#sc2mapster XenoX101 (
07:41.46*** join/#sc2mapster Exaken (
07:42.06*** join/#sc2mapster RazielZ (~Raziel@
07:47.57*** join/#sc2mapster Blub\w (~wry@
07:55.18*** join/#sc2mapster Raziel__ (~Raziel@
08:27.27*** join/#sc2mapster Hobrow (
08:29.23*** join/#sc2mapster MGC-Eimtr (4f7c3a21@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
08:29.52MGC-Eimtrhey can any1 tell me what prefixes and substrng do you add to Texture Select Id to make it work since 1.5
08:37.21MGC-Eimtrcan someone tell me, to make Texture select by Id work, in Texture Data do you put anything in the Prefix field and the in the Model>Textures tab> Declarations what di you type in Slot and Trigger on Substring and Prefix to work for 1.5
08:44.06ckSynergyI think they funked up texture selects in 1.5, not sure.
09:02.08*** join/#sc2mapster peq (
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09:16.35*** join/#sc2mapster equinox1911 (
09:21.18*** join/#sc2mapster tordy (627449b7@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
09:21.23tordyyou think the concept of cloning is forbidden ?
09:57.29*** join/#sc2mapster goaaaa (
10:15.33*** join/#sc2mapster RazielZ (~Raziel@
10:48.37*** join/#sc2mapster RazielZ (~Raziel@
11:08.35*** join/#sc2mapster Totservis (25902d19@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
11:09.23Totservisno captcha copy-paste today.
11:10.34Totservisbecause of i am sad by saying that what i want to do is impossible (set ingame replay camera as a camera for some player)
11:11.49*** join/#sc2mapster Hati1 (
11:42.01XenoX101how do you view attachment points in this new cutscene editor?
11:43.09XenoX101ok I have the attachment points but it doesnt tell me what t ehy are called
11:44.30XenoX101window > model data
11:44.33XenoX101why is this so tedious now
11:49.04*** join/#sc2mapster Fate (55b34fcc@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
12:05.06Fateit would be cool to see how many ppl are in the lobby
12:05.14Fatebefore i jion the map
12:19.26*** join/#sc2mapster TheSkunk__ (~TheSkunk_@
12:19.56*** join/#sc2mapster Exaken (
12:35.05*** join/#sc2mapster Bibendus (
12:48.53*** join/#sc2mapster Par3 (
13:03.00*** join/#sc2mapster Exaken|2 (
13:07.17*** join/#sc2mapster Tomura (
13:37.01*** join/#sc2mapster MGC-Eimtr (4f7c3a21@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
13:37.27MGC-Eimtr[8/18/2012 3:24:18 PM] Warning: Texture set 'StoryMode' has no light entry defined. Minimap may be black! Herp derp... where can I change this Light to be defined?
13:50.26*** join/#sc2mapster ducky (53f1057d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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13:51.44*** join/#sc2mapster TheSkunk__ (~TheSkunk_@
14:00.28*** join/#sc2mapster MGC-Eimtr (4f7c3a21@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
14:00.52MGC-Eimtrin the Cutscene editor how can I see the model details e.g which textures it sues etcf?
14:06.49Hobrowselect it and hit enter
14:06.51Hobrowi think
14:10.21MGC-Eimtryes it's Show model data'
14:11.23Hobrowmodel data is shift-d
14:11.58MGC-Eimtryes found the options thjx
14:17.06*** join/#sc2mapster Swordman (5d807115@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
14:17.12Swordmangood ,morning guys
14:18.37Swordmanis there a block model in starcraft 2?
14:20.17Swordmani saw this minecraft map, and he used blocks. are these imported or included in starcraft 2?
14:25.02duckythere are various shape models
14:25.07duckycube included
14:26.08Swordmanthank you ducky, that's what i was searching for. love your maps btw.
14:26.38Fatedoes duck have more maps than bomberbot?^^
14:27.02duckyI don't think so.. Though I'm hosting HeavenBesieged on EU
14:28.41Fatewell thats to bad^^
14:28.57Fatedo u work on an other projekt so far?
14:29.34duckyI'm slowly working on a co-op hero map
14:30.07duckyThere were plenty of those in BW, but almost none in WoL :(
14:31.12TheSkunk__Thats my plan for my next project =]
14:32.01Swordmanwell, and i'm trying to rebuild minecraft.... i'm sure it is possible, but the shapecube model doesn't look that good :(
14:45.24duckyyou can try changing it's textures to something more minecrafty to see if it statisfies your need
14:48.44*** join/#sc2mapster Sevenix (
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14:59.19*** join/#sc2mapster MasterReY (
14:59.25MasterReYhello guys
14:59.58MasterReYone quick question: is there a way to check for the state of the watch tower
15:00.05MasterReYif its activated right now or not?
15:00.48MasterReYi know there is the ability called tower capture but thats only used once right?
15:00.52Bibendushallo guyz
15:01.36TheSkunk__Might have to keep periodically checking after the initial cast or something.. =/
15:01.53TheSkunk__Not sure exactly how that ability workos
15:02.10TheSkunk__Might be possible to set it up to add a dummy behavior which you can use instead
15:02.44TheSkunk__ie it adds invible behavior when activated, and the trigger just checks to see it still has the behavior
15:02.55MasterReYperiodically checking for WHAT is the question :D
15:02.58TheSkunk__but I don't know off the bat, no
15:03.10TheSkunk__Well, I was just explaining that part :P
15:03.15MasterReYbehavior sounds great aswell, but WHEN to remove it? :D
15:03.27TheSkunk__No, I mean built into the data side
15:03.30TheSkunk__not using triggers
15:03.40TheSkunk__so it would autoomatically be removed when the spell isn't being cast
15:03.44TheSkunk__just an idea
15:03.48TheSkunk__Dunno if it'd work
15:03.57MasterReYi tried to understand the watchtoer data but i didnt suceed lol
15:04.36MasterReYi didnt find where the actors/command/etc are which put the WT back to its unactivated state
15:04.51MasterReYtbh i didnt even find the activated tower model t-t
15:07.04TheSkunk__uuh, what do you mean?
15:07.11TheSkunk__thats under the actor events for the main actor
15:07.26TheSkunk__Abil.TowerCapture.SourceStart and SourceStop
15:08.03Bibendushi skunk
15:08.12TheSkunk__Hi Bibendus :D
15:09.42*** join/#sc2mapster Exaken|2 (
15:10.09TheSkunk__hmm hmm, not sure how you'd be able to do that TBH masterrey
15:10.22TheSkunk__but you can always use triggers to check if there is a unit within range of the tower
15:10.28TheSkunk__and no enemy units in range with it
15:10.37MasterReYthats what im doing
15:11.05TheSkunk__But besides that.. there might be another way but I can't help you with it, sorry
15:11.08MasterReYbut my problem is that the tower GETS activiated in a radius of 3 but it STAYS activated til a range of 3.5 !
15:11.15MasterReYso there is this 0.5 wherre my triggers fail
15:12.06MasterReYwell i can use a bit more triggers to fix it but i thought there is an easier way
15:12.09MasterReYbut thanks anyways
15:13.39*** join/#sc2mapster equinox1911 (
15:14.54Swordmanhey, ducky, these cube's are glowing. can i delete the glowing?
15:17.16Bibenduswhat cubes
15:22.04*** join/#sc2mapster Stewox (~chatzilla@
15:22.13Tivechmm, if I have a map I've been working with and added some custom data to it, can I export the data from it somehow to make it a mod?
15:22.37Swordmanah fuck, starcraft 2 can't handle 2 million units -.-
15:23.32Vailreththere is a way to convert a map to a mod, and no SC2 Cant handle that many
15:24.17TivecVailreth: it'd be handy with something like "export data" ^^ but I suppose it's a more involved method?
15:25.42Vailreththe easist method i know of is to save the map out as a components folder, edit that to get rid of terrain and trigger data and then rename it as a mod and open the folder again in the editor and saving it as a mod file
15:26.04StewoxSpecial Report: Everyone Listen Closely: This could be a historic event - EA may be sold to private equity firm, if you want the IPs to end up in capable hands vote on this petition now - this is a big opportunity and win for consumers from whole gaming industry!...
15:26.05Stewox...The reason I post this here because this is a RTS community and the petition also includes C&C, unrelated to SC2 but still a worth mentioning as many of SC2 players are most probably familiar with the C&C franchise.
15:27.23TivecVailreth: ok, i'll see if I can do that :) just want to put some of my data separate from the map
15:27.24Stewoxto clear everyone's mind here, the petition was started by me so thanks for votes guys that know me im a regular in this chat
15:28.49Vailrethits a bit more invlovlved than my simple expination but that the basic idea of it
15:29.12ckSynergyYes lol
15:29.15TivecVailreth: haha, just exported and went "wut" over the amount of stuff in the folder..
15:29.21ckSynergyyou can convert map<->mod
15:29.22Tivecso a bit more involved, indeed.
15:29.34Bibenduswuts that
15:29.49Bibendusand what s a private equity firm
15:30.22Stewoxwell google it damn it ...
15:30.27ckSynergyI dont know lol
15:30.33ckSynergybut I doubt that EA may be sold
15:31.06Stewoxhere's the news piece:
15:31.30ckSynergyEA will do like its games. Fragment into 10,000 smaller companies and slowly self-destruct piece by piece until theyre finally bankrupt as a whole and theres no salvation.
15:31.33*** join/#sc2mapster Lilianna (
15:31.57StewoxWell, salvation is in Providence Equity Partners
15:32.19StewoxEA shareholders will agree to a sale if they know it's going to fail
15:33.01ckSynergyStewox: Is this because you liked the C&C franchise?
15:33.10ckSynergywere there any other games by EA you liked?
15:33.13Stewoxthat's part of the story
15:33.20Stewoxthe whole thing is totally objective
15:33.31ckSynergyyou do realize EA completely bastardized that game right?
15:33.45ckSynergyWestwood sold out on us
15:34.01Vailrethwestwood was tricked
15:34.03Stewoxyou better read the whole petition text
15:34.19Stewoxi've described all that what your saying now, it's good
15:34.42*** join/#sc2mapster MGC-Eimtr (4f7c3a21@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
15:34.45ckSynergytricked, sold out, doesnt matter. Westwood saw a quick buck and abandoned ship
15:35.09Stewoxi will provide actual links to stories to back me up on those
15:36.12Stewoxthose links are at the bottom of the petition in the news section
15:36.33MGC-EimtrDoes any1 how to set lighting of a model? I see this model dropdown for Lighting but it does nothing. I thought the lighting of the model would change the same way it does if you change the whole Terrain set's ;ighing
15:36.40ckSynergyLMFAO OMG holy crap. They seriously pulled a stun like renaming generals 2 and all that crap?
15:37.31ckSynergyand whats this free-to-play crap? C&C has always been free to play. I read "free-to-play" and that instantly translates to "if I want to full game expeience I have to shell out more money every month"
15:37.33ExakenGenerals 2 will also be f2p, which will probably be pay2win
15:38.20Stewoxexaken, i've mentioned that in the petition as well, i keep good eye on stuff and remember a lot, played C&C since 1997
15:38.54MGC-EimtrAnd since Lighting of a model doesn't bring the effect you would get if you changed the whoel Terrain Set lighting, is there a way to change the lighting for a region the way you change for the entire map from terrain set?
15:38.55Stewoxdon't remember exact date but i started even sooner, yeah it's 97 when i was 7 years old my dad got first PC and it was all Dune 200
15:38.59StewoxDune 2000*
15:39.07Stewoxthen it just went up
15:42.19ckSynergyStewox, this really isnt the area for discussing signing a petition. You might get a few signatures, but honestly, 100 votes isnt going to make EA do anything, and the older gamers are aware of this (We've tried many times to convince WW/EA to go a different directly but they never listened)
15:42.41Stewoxthe votes needed have not been selected by me
15:42.58Stewoxthat seems to be just the first milestone made automatically
15:45.22ckSynergyeither way, its not going to do anything
15:46.32*** join/#sc2mapster RazielZ (~Raziel@
15:47.00ckSynergyYou want them to change, theres only one way to do it. Dont buy their games
15:48.10Stewoxi don't buy anything ea
15:48.30Stewoxand thanks for sign
15:48.59*** join/#sc2mapster MGC-Eimtr (4f7c3a21@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
15:50.09MGC-EimtrEY, is there any other way to start a Map OFFLINE except 'Test Map' from the editor? Dragging doesn't work anymore thx to launcher?
15:50.22MGC-Eimtrother ways?
15:51.43*** join/#sc2mapster Stewox (~chatzilla@
15:52.37*** join/#sc2mapster Raziel_ (~Raziel@
15:53.18Fiskerban stewox for being a fucktard
15:53.26MGC-Eimtris there any way to load/play a map offline in other ways besides hitting Test Map from the editor?
15:53.33MGC-Eimtrsince dragging doesnt work
15:54.00MGC-Eimtri just want to know, cause.. I dont like opening the editor every time i wanna start a map offline
15:54.13Stewoxyou're sitting in this chat as 50% of others who never say anything just keep AFKing you may just leave this place
15:54.18MGC-Eimtrso is there?
15:54.43*** join/#sc2mapster zeldarules28 (4777e1b6@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
15:54.45Fiskeri don't give a fuck
15:54.52Fiskerdon't spam people in queries
15:55.07zeldarules28Sounds like you guys are having fun ^.^
15:55.35Stewoxnobody spams nothing
15:55.38Stewoxit was just one message
15:55.48Stewoxwhining baby
15:55.52Fiskerunsolicited communication = spam
15:55.59Fiskermultiple messages = flood
15:56.05Fiskerlearn the difference
15:56.29Stewoxwell what are you doing here, AFKing all day, just as many others
15:56.46Stewoxi've never saw you say anything and im 2 years here
15:56.58UloseTheGameBtw, anyone following the caster decemberscalm?
15:57.00Fiskerwell if i'm afk why did you message me?
15:57.13Fiskerif i'm afk i can't read your message silly!
15:57.29Stewoxdoesn't matter
15:58.00Stewoxyou're one of the guys who sits in this chat and does noting that's just what i would said anyways,
15:58.44Fiskerso it's ok for you to spam people because they may miss your "glorious" statement?
15:59.09UloseTheGameTHIS is an amazing game
15:59.24Stewoxman i sent everyone because i know most of them are AFK and will not see the discussion the present guys had
15:59.26Stewoxthats it
15:59.53Stewoxif it wasnt the case of 60% of peoole AFKing all day for 2 years then i wouldnt do that
16:00.56Fiskeris it less ok if 59% of people AFK all day?
16:01.02Stewoxi know most of these, they were here since the SC2 beta even before SC2 was released
16:01.25Stewoxwell I don't know why on earth would they do that
16:01.31Stewoxand when somebody says something it's already spam
16:01.35Stewoxthat's ridicolous
16:01.39ckSynergyStewox: No one cares. Im sorry man but give it up and end it at that
16:01.42Stewoxi don't know what logic is this
16:01.55Stewoxit doesn't matter what the content is
16:02.01Stewoxit was one message
16:02.22ckSynergyStewox: Its fine. Dont do it again, and stop flooding the chanell before you do get banned
16:02.24Stewoxthat's just classic american bullcrap
16:04.13*** join/#sc2mapster zenx1 (d918696b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
16:04.23ckSynergySo, I have an ability with a target facing of 0. Right now I cant cast my ability even though my unit has a turret. I know there was a post about this on sc2mapster but I cant find it. Does anyone have a link?
16:04.52*** join/#sc2mapster TheSkunk__ (~TheSkunk_@
16:05.54Vailrethi think abilities work on unit facing not turret facing but i could be wrong
16:09.04ckSynergyyea, thats an issue when its a structure lol
16:09.19TheSkunk__Hmm, I can helpful reviews on my own map
16:09.29TheSkunk__*helpfuls ones that rate it high*
16:09.33TheSkunk__Seems a bit fishy
16:11.18TheSkunk__Are people supposed to be able to review maps that are published privately? :P
16:12.58*** join/#sc2mapster Raziel__ (~Raziel@
16:15.23TheSkunk__Now (I think) players can see they have reviewed my map on their profile
16:15.38TheSkunk__and thus anyone can see my map.. desipute being "private"
16:15.47TheSkunk__Will have to look in to it more to know for sure, though
16:17.17*** join/#sc2mapster RazielZ (~Raziel@
16:18.00Bibenduswhere is sixen
16:18.13Bibendusis there any news from gamescom?
16:18.13TheSkunk__He's flying somewhere
16:18.19TheSkunk__climbing moutn everest or something
16:18.22Bibendusbout sc2
16:18.34TheSkunk__only a little, not hardly any though
16:19.00Tivechrm.. is there a tutorial somewhere that teaches you how to make a hero unit from scratch? that is, without copying another and working from there?
16:19.13TheSkunk__"Poasting from 30000ft because I'm dedicated, :)." -- Sixen Yesterday
16:19.18TheSkunk__I have no idea what that means
16:19.51TheSkunk__But evidently, he's flying
16:22.00Bibendushe probably went to gamescom
16:22.15Bibendusor everest
16:23.58*** join/#sc2mapster Net_Creator (
16:40.37*** join/#sc2mapster Taintedwisp (adbd34fc@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
16:41.50zenx1I baked delicious pizza today
16:42.36zenx1now I should have enough energy for mapping, but im lacking ideas for spells :/
16:46.37Taintedwispmake a spell that kills all players named "zenx1"
16:46.42Taintedwispis fun spelll... really is
16:47.43TaintedwispWhy so quiet in here?
16:48.15TaintedwispI WIN AS ALWAYS
16:49.24zenx1everyone is playing mini chop chop warms, let us concentrate
16:50.24Taintedwispchop chop Farms.
16:50.37Taintedwisp   How is it that america is the fattest...
16:50.44Taintedwispdamn asians and their 2 stomachs...
16:53.24TaintedwispIs there a way to change 1 field on a bunch of units at once
16:54.34TheSkunk__oh, hey Tainted
16:54.36TheSkunk__I was watching a replay of people testing my map
16:55.20zenx1fastest way is probly just to copy paste the values
16:55.22zenx1you can copy some
16:55.55zenx1you can also use "copy from unit" but that will most likely fuck up the actors and such
16:56.17zenx1and it would copy multiple values anyway
16:56.23TaintedwispNah its just actor model size
16:56.31TaintedwispI can type it just as fast
17:02.03TaintedwispTheres that, That was bugging the hell outta me..
17:02.28TaintedwispWhen I made the spawners, I made them all WAy too big
17:02.34Taintedwisplike a 1.35 Leviathen...
17:02.39Taintedwispor a 2.5 mutalisk..
17:02.47TaintedwispI thought it would look good.. i was wrong
17:02.51TaintedwispSo now they are like 1.3 for muta
17:02.55Taintedwisp.5 for leviathen
17:11.44RepoUpdated wiki entry: Galaxy / Map / Game Variants -
17:14.26zenx1somehow I never found sc2wiki usefull
17:14.34zenx1it lacks examples and such :/
17:15.58TheSkunk__Its good for looking up obscure things sometimes
17:27.10TaintedwispHey Vailreth do you have a minute?
17:27.47TaintedwispOne of my spawners, I dont really remember which one, Refuses to move, I checked the flags and they are all identical,any idea what could be the problem?
17:28.14Vailrethmovement speed perhaps?
17:28.22Vailrethor acceleration ?
17:28.22Taintedwispwell its not just that
17:28.28TaintedwispIt wont let me select it either when it comes up
17:28.37Taintedwispi noticed it during an evolution system test
17:29.27TaintedwispThats why I had thought flags
17:29.37Taintedwispthe evolution system is done by triggers
17:29.43Vailrethis it a custom model?
17:29.48TaintedwispI wonder if it is somehow only getting the actor and not the actual unit
17:29.53Taintedwispno its a standard model
17:30.01TaintedwispWait it couldnt be just the actor though
17:30.10TaintedwispBecause the Behavior to spawn units was still working
17:32.22Taintedwispgive me 2 minutes
17:32.24Taintedwispimma runa  test
17:32.32TaintedwispImma place all spawners and make sure its not a trigger problem
17:35.29Taintedwispimma try preplacing all the spawners to see which ones move :P
17:36.08*** mode/#sc2mapster [+v Hati] by ChanServ
17:36.20*** join/#sc2mapster Stewox (~chatzilla@
17:36.57Taintedwispif it is a Spawner problem I really dont know what to do lawl
17:38.02Stewox~seen mkmisfit
17:38.09purlmkmisfit <4cd015c6@gateway/web/freenode/ip.> was last seen on IRC in channel #sc2mapster, 3d 8m 56s ago, saying: '2.6 megabytes?'.
17:38.55Vailrethi can take a look at the map if you like
17:40.26TaintedwispYeah if oyu wouldnt mind
17:40.34TaintedwispI know its evolution 6 - terran
17:40.37Vailrethnot a problem
17:40.51TaintedwispBut there was one more, and there might be one on the other races that I dont know about.
17:41.36TaintedwispPlus I think there was another one on the terran race, but I only had 6 hero portraits.
17:41.41StewoxĀølol cannot be logged in bnet while in editor ?
17:41.47Stewoxcan't login both
17:41.57Stewoxdropped me out of game :(
17:42.45TaintedwispTry that
17:43.11Taintedwispif that doenst work ill have to copy it to my public folder
17:43.52Vailrethive got it  
17:43.59Vailrethopening it now
17:47.31Stewoxguys need help
17:47.39Stewoxim trying to update map description
17:47.49Stewoxand it wants me to republish with 1.1 version
17:47.57Stewoxdo i really need to do this ?
17:48.10Stewoxis there a way to test it before messing up the versions
17:48.43Stewoxbecause if i didn't do something fine it'll have to to another change until it get past 1.2 and not really anything changed in the actual gameplay
17:48.46Taintedwispjust the description
17:49.01TheSkunk__Publish under a different name
17:49.06Stewoxmap info and that stuff
17:49.08Taintedwispyou can hit the test map button to see your changes
17:49.19Taintedwispthey should appear on the loading screen
17:49.23TheSkunk__Map description you might be able to test a different way though
17:49.26Taintedwispor are you talking about arcade descript
17:49.58TaintedwispDont worrie, when it hits version 1.9, the next is actually 1.01
17:50.12Taintedwispi mean 1.10
17:50.15Taintedwispthen 1.11
17:50.27Taintedwispmeans 1 major revision, 11 minor revisions
17:53.19*** join/#sc2mapster Totservis (25902d19@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
17:53.22Totservisand ituagran
17:53.29Totserviscaptcha still rocks as usual
17:55.38Vailrethhow do you evolve?
17:55.50Taintedwispthrough triggers
17:56.01TaintedwispIt removes the current fromt he game, and Creates a new one
17:56.19TaintedwispIts something to do with data, I preplaced the spawners and 6 was still unselectable
17:57.18TaintedwispIt completely Bypasses my morph abilities that were useless and are now removed
18:01.15TaintedwispIn my triggerers defence I never tested the spawners like this before lol, so theres no telling how long its been
18:05.40TaintedwispVailreth, I tested it, and he is moveable, via triggers....
18:05.45Taintedwisphow his data is there
18:05.53Taintedwispbut I cant select him..
18:06.36TaintedwispIt is really confusing me...
18:11.20Stewoxokay just so it doesn't jump to 2.0
18:11.34Stewoxmap description is in lobby
18:12.10TaintedwispHey Vailreth, what is subgorup Alias? I noticed that he is the only one with none in that field
18:12.50*** join/#sc2mapster Hobrow^disc (
18:12.52Vailrethworth testsing
18:13.04Vailrethim doing so now
18:13.31Vailrethyes thats it
18:14.07TaintedwispI wonder what it does...
18:14.20TaintedwispSee thats the kind of things I ment by WE NEED THE REST OF THOSE TOOLTIPS
18:14.27Taintedwisp30 minutes of time would have been spared
18:14.30Taintedwispthanks vail
18:15.36Vailrethby the way did you account for players killing their own units?
18:16.18TaintedwispMy triggerer fixed that
18:16.37TaintedwispThis new guy is doing great, but I only get to talk to him for like 1 hour a day because he maps while I sleep
18:16.48Taintedwispeverything is stored in a shared Dropbox folder
18:17.26Vailrethi see
18:19.29TaintedwispThanks for your help Vail
18:28.40Totservisi just think in replay mode we can switch between cameras of every player
18:28.54Totservisso cameras are being saved during game somewhere
18:29.11Totservisthat's why i don't need to save them myself
18:30.02Totservisi just got to find out where are cameras saved and gain access making it possible to load for one or another player a camera which is currently in use by a third player
18:31.04Taintedwispthis for Photon Cycles Tot?
18:31.17Taintedwispif so you could Set poin to their unit, and set the camera to the point
18:31.19Totservisand for Robostrike too
18:31.25TaintedwispMove point* to their unit
18:31.39TaintedwispIf what your trying to do is make a Death cam
18:31.46Taintedwispwhere you can watch the poeple who are alive from their cameras
18:31.51*** join/#sc2mapster zenx1 (d918696b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
18:32.07Totserviscamera is rotating by mouse - that's the problem
18:32.18Totservisnot by a cycle being turned
18:34.27*** join/#sc2mapster peq (
18:36.13TheSkunk__Argh, things randomly disappearing off of command card and detector behavior not detecting.. sometimes seems like the editor randomly does things to work against you
18:48.09Taintedwispof course skunk... DUHHH
18:48.17TaintedwispIt hates your guts... what you expect
18:48.35TheSkunk__But why me? :( I've been so kind to it
18:49.54TheSkunk__fetal error and closed out when i tried to undo deleting an ability from a unit
18:49.58*** join/#sc2mapster Scorp_ (5e91107b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
18:49.59TheSkunk__yeaaa.. just hates me
18:50.20Scorp_artestru is here?
18:50.50TheSkunk__Think he just left it up on his computer or something o.0
18:51.52TheSkunk__editor is evil
18:51.56TheSkunk__ragin', ragin'
18:52.47Scorp_nah its cool, just buggy
18:53.14TheSkunk__Well it has only pure hatred for me
18:55.25TaintedwispArtestru and deletarius, have only been on Mon-Fri
18:55.46TaintedwispBu tthere is no Gauerentee that they will continue so keep that in mind.
18:56.09TheSkunk__Awe, man
18:56.25TheSkunk__Didn't lose too much of my work, but it undid some notes I wrote in a comment
18:56.33TheSkunk__and I forgot them :X
18:57.11TaintedwispIm pretty sure... 90% of them
18:57.23TaintedwispSaid "Taintedwisp is the most awesome person ever!!!!"
18:57.27TaintedwispIm pretty sure
18:57.41TheSkunk__but 10% of them were important
18:58.14TheSkunk__Nah, it isn't really a big deal but I'm getting tired of this
18:59.03*** join/#sc2mapster Exaken|2 (
18:59.35TaintedwispThis is what Happens skunk... people screw up.. when I am being Productive
18:59.40Taintedwispand I am being VERY VERY productive today
18:59.43TaintedwispI am getting tons done
19:00.22TaintedwispYou know, I think my map could be tested now... :D
19:00.32Taintedwispthough Its going to need some major balancing
19:00.44TaintedwispMAJOR BALANCINg
19:00.52Taintedwisp30 units to balance...
19:00.57Taintedwisp3 for each teir
19:01.06TaintedwispNot going to be an easy task
19:02.12Taintedwisphmm also I am thinking about making all the units a Rock Paper Scissors type deal, each will be 1 of the 3 armor and attack types
19:09.19*** join/#sc2mapster Exaken (
19:18.12TaintedwispAhh I love having 2 brothers...
19:18.17TaintedwispSlave labor testors
19:18.33TaintedwispAnd my brothers GF plays sc2... shitty, but plays it, so she helps test too
19:18.52TaintedwispGuess ill get on WoW for a bit
19:19.01*** join/#sc2mapster Iiris_Frost (
19:20.03Iiris_FrostCould someone link me to the photoshop plugin for dds. its not in the assets section
19:21.13JademusSregNvidia's site.
19:21.24JademusSregAlso, you are Frostwind. Haha
19:21.54Iiris_FrostI'm talking about the dds export plugin for photoshop that is for SC2
19:22.23JademusSregN v i d i a
19:22.36Iiris_Frostits fan made
19:23.03JademusSregI wonder where you may have read such a thing.
19:23.05Iiris_FrostBlizzard never released one
19:23.25Iiris_Frostdds is blizzard new image type after blp
19:23.47JademusSregGo to the Nvidia site and get the dds plugin.
19:25.20Iiris_Frostnvidia won't have it. its a blizzard file type
19:25.26JademusSregIt's not.
19:25.29Iiris_Frostthe plugin is fan made
19:25.33JademusSregIt's not.
19:25.43Iiris_Frostjust like the M# one for 3DS
19:25.46JademusSregDouble-wrong combo. -500 points.
19:26.16JademusSregM3 is proprietary; DDS is not.
19:26.27JademusSregAnd the photoshop plugin was made by Nvidia.
19:27.59Iiris_FrostI clearly saw it on mapster
19:28.05Iiris_Frostand it was fan made
19:28.13*** join/#sc2mapster Eiviyn (586f97b6@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
19:28.19Iiris_Frostnever made by nvidia
19:29.14JademusSregIf you want to believe the Nvidia photoshop dds plugin is not made by Nvidia, and if you want to believe dds is a Blizzard format, I won't stop you from being wrong. So by all means, keep searching.
19:29.32EiviynIgnore Iiris, he's pretty stupid
19:29.52EiviynDon't actually put him on ignore though, the things he says are still worth reading for comedic value
19:31.13Iiris_FrostCould someone link me to the photoshop plugin for dds. its not in the assets section
19:32.38JademusSregIiris used to be known as Frostwind, before everyone became exhausted by its constant whining and *sigh* emotes.
19:33.13Iiris_FrostWho the fuck is frost wind
19:33.25EiviynHe still does that
19:33.29EiviynOnly now it's sad faces
19:34.38EiviynWhy does "lock alliances" sometimes not lock alliances
19:34.58EiviynLock Teams even
19:35.20EiviynRarely I get a 4v2 match instead of a 3v3
19:36.05JademusSregbbl, shit to do
19:36.08zenx1cant you disable that? not sure thou
19:36.30EiviynSeems not
19:36.42EiviynI assign teams using "pick each player on team[a]"
19:37.04EiviynThe action that picks out your lobby team
19:37.07zenx1pretty weird, I havent had any problems
19:38.08EiviynDamn sure it's related to people changing teams in the lobby
19:38.56zenx1pretty hard to believe it would be a bug, since I havent encountered those bugs in any other game
19:38.58zenx1but dunno
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19:58.29RepoUpdated wiki entry: Galaxy / Map / Game Variants -
19:59.05zenx1for publish
19:59.52TheSkunk__Thats what I always think, too
19:59.56TheSkunk__Always turns out to be one more thing
20:00.37zenx1well ofc 1st publish will be a bit buggy
20:00.55zenx1but Im almsot ready ^^ (might take 1 week or 1-2 days)
20:01.42zenx1once I get it out I will probly just switch to new project
20:02.19zenx1mainly cause making RPG is too time consuming :/
20:03.01muzzydoes anyone here know any details about the "legal issue" that forced Mafia author to remove donor benefits?
20:03.20zenx1lol never heard of anything like that
20:03.24zenx1any thread about it?
20:03.41muzzyhappened back in march, it seems
20:03.58zenx1wow that really sux imo
20:04.08zenx1I think they should allow it...
20:04.15muzzyi'm interested in the issue of maps selling in-game rewards for real money, and this case seems to be the only action blizzard has taken.  there are no official policies whatsoever (or i cant find any)
20:04.41muzzyso, i was wondering if anyone knew any details.  i.e. what exactly was the legal issue
20:05.25*** join/#sc2mapster Exaken (
20:05.47muzzyi mean, they still allowed to keep donor recognition and donors were given points to compensate, so they basically got to keep the donor benefits they had purchased
20:06.07zenx1well I would assume it would be mentioned in terms of use...we could ask blizzard staff too if they know anything once they come here again
20:06.10muzzybut i cant find any details anywhere regarding this fine line of what's okay and what isn't
20:06.23zenx1but if darkreveant says so I would assume its not allowed....
20:06.25muzzyoh, blizzard staff visits this channel sometimes?
20:06.38zenx1but they only know about the editor most likely
20:06.49zenx1no the legal issues
20:07.06muzzywell, this is partially related to GetPlayerHandle() api and its use
20:07.31muzzyi dont think i ever saw documentation about why exactly the api was added and what it's supposed to be used for
20:08.12muzzyit enables player blacklists and other unequal treatment of players, so i would've expected there to be some kind of policy of what is okay and what isn't
20:08.30EiviynI don't get the legal junk
20:08.36EiviynThey never cared with WC3
20:09.11muzzywell, i never played custom maps in WC3, but i understand they weren't in control of the distribution channel back then
20:09.27EiviynThey were
20:09.33EiviynWC3 was the distribution channel
20:09.47zenx1Still pretty weird why you arent allowed to do such things...
20:09.56muzzyright now, if map author adds someone to a blacklist, that person can never play the map again, even private games.  was it like this in WC3 too?
20:10.04muzzyi thought in wc3 people downloaded the maps themselves :o
20:10.22EiviynThey did download them, but they can't play them without wc3
20:10.35muzzyyes, obviously, but could they still play older versions of the map?
20:10.53EiviynDon't see why that's relevent
20:11.15EiviynWasn't until Garena was released that Blizzard lost control of WC3 maps
20:11.25EiviynBut even before then
20:11.35EiviynI can't recall anyone being "contacted for legal reasons"
20:11.38muzzywell, let's say version 1 is free for everyone, and version 2 bans player X.  Can X still download version 1 and keep playing it or not?
20:11.49EiviynAnd there were some pretty offensive maps
20:11.52muzzyin sc2, you cant play the older versions, so map author holds incredible power over players
20:12.16EiviynYes you could, but again, I don't see how that's relevent
20:12.34EiviynBanning players from maps is such a minor point that I doubt anyone would care
20:13.01muzzyit goes with the in-game rewards ... everyone is forced to play the version of the map that map author chooses to make them play
20:13.08Totservisthx to Scorp, now i got an idea how to switch between players' cameras ^^
20:13.21muzzythe player base can't stop playing a version they deem unfair
20:13.37zenx1well  think its also authors right as he has made the map to take it out or update it or whatever
20:13.52Eiviyn99% of the time people would host the most recent version anyway
20:14.05EiviynBesides as a mapper I wouldn't want you playing old versions
20:14.19muzzythe banned people would play the older versions where they aren't banned :)
20:14.28JademusSregThe most secure ban one can manage is by updating the map so it identifies the player account handle. Would take a player handle spoofer to circumvent, and that would likely get one disconnected or banned from bnet, anyway.
20:14.46EiviynIs there any other way to ban a player even?
20:15.08JademusSregNot really; bank-based ban systems are so easily circumvented.
20:15.21zenx1check name of player :E
20:15.30JademusSregCan't compare text.
20:15.39JademusSregOR rather, can't compare text content.
20:15.48muzzybans are just one side of the coin though, i'm more interested in the issue regarding sale of in-game things... which is kinda connected to this
20:15.49JademusSregText comparisons compare references.
20:15.52EiviynCan't convert text to string which is needed to ban by name
20:16.26muzzybasically, i dont want to play with people who buy in-game advantages.  but do i have a choice?  do i have right?
20:16.26JademusSregmuz, you can't sell in-map things. Ask DarkRev.
20:16.53zenx1didnt you give admin rights to some people on cycles?
20:16.57zenx1is it just trough chat code then
20:16.59muzzyJademusSreg: that's exactly what i want to know about.  people are still selling in-map things
20:17.08EiviynLike who
20:17.24zenx1Wow sc2 actually has a black market xD
20:17.30EiviynI don't understand the vehemence behind curbstomping people trying to make a profit off their maps
20:17.35EiviynI mean
20:17.39muzzyrecently, MineralZ Evolution (EU) started selling level 91 and final archons
20:17.39EiviynIt promotes competition
20:17.51EiviynResulting in better maps for players
20:17.59muzzythe other US version of MineralZ Evolution apparently sold stuff too before
20:18.13EiviynAnd I'm pretty sure Blizzard benefits from having more people play sc2, somehow, probably, maybe
20:18.22EiviynI mean
20:18.24muzzyprofit is okay, but treating players differently based on it is not
20:18.40EiviynWell whatever that's subjective
20:18.51EiviynSquad TD had an advert on the loading screen and was told to remove it
20:19.01muzzydo you know all the free2play MMOs out there?  they're designed to be really annoying and painful to play unless you pay a little bit of money
20:19.16muzzyi dont want to see something like that in sc2
20:19.20EiviynYes that's because MMOs don't make themselves
20:19.30muzzymaps that are designed to require hundreds of hours of play until you can match people who paid 5 euros
20:19.34Khalintnor do they fund their bandwidth and storage with magic
20:19.52zenx1I actually think DLC is best way for marketplace to work
20:19.55zenx1if there was a system for that
20:20.00XenoX101does anyone here know how I can properly localize my map?
20:20.04XenoX101Blizzard's awful system doesn't work
20:20.06EiviynDon't need to
20:20.07EiviynIt does
20:20.10muzzyif blizzard authorizes it, it's a different thing
20:20.20XenoX101then why are people complaining about descriptions being missing
20:20.27TotservisJade, i am just curious, who is Hoboleader? :D
20:20.29EiviynYou messed up
20:20.30EiviynUnmess up
20:20.36EiviynIt localizes by default
20:20.41JademusSregHoboleader is a troll I punished.
20:20.47XenoX101I messed up? how?
20:20.56XenoX101what could I possibly have done to mess it up
20:20.56JademusSregThat's why his in-game name is Trolled From Above, and he can't chat.
20:21.05zenx1eiviyn is just trolling, look forums for a fix
20:21.14zenx1there are threads of localization
20:21.24XenoX101I'm looking, cant find anything
20:21.27zenx1my local went haywire after transferring from beta to 1.5
20:21.28XenoX101everything applies to pre-1.5
20:21.31EiviynPress Ctrl + `
20:21.35muzzyso ... does DarkRevenant visit this place often?
20:21.37EiviynYou altered something in that menu
20:22.10XenoX101should I set it to have seperate text or not
20:22.16Totservisdid he tell you his account handler or you catched him ingame somehow so you received in your bank his handle? =)
20:22.18XenoX101pre-1.5 if I set it to not have seperate text
20:22.24XenoX101then none of the other locales would have anything
20:22.33XenoX101it'd be blank tooltips everywhere
20:22.40XenoX101so I have all of them checked now
20:22.46EiviynMap -> Locale
20:22.54XenoX101yes thats what I'm talking about
20:23.08EiviynDoes it just say "English (US)"?
20:23.11EiviynAnd only that?
20:23.16XenoX101did you read what I just wrote
20:23.31XenoX101I have them all checked
20:23.41muzzytot, the account handles can be retrieved from any replay file
20:23.42EiviynThat's why
20:23.42ckSynergyanyone know of a way to order a unit, thats been created by an effect, to turn to face the origin target?
20:23.47EiviynI told you that you messed something up
20:23.48XenoX101but pre-1.5
20:23.51EiviynUntick them all
20:23.53XenoX101when they were not checked
20:23.59XenoX101there were no tooltips for the other locales
20:24.01XenoX101only for US
20:24.09EiviynAnd now it's changed
20:24.14JademusSregTot, you can get a person's account handle from their bnet profile url, for one thing.
20:24.15XenoX101so are you sure that's correct?
20:24.15EiviynAlso read the header on that locale selection
20:24.26JademusSregSo you can ban people you've never seen.
20:24.26XenoX101well then
20:24.36XenoX101I'll probably be back here in 10 minutes
20:24.40XenoX101telling you you're wrong
20:24.42XenoX101but okay
20:24.43XenoX101we'll see
20:24.46JademusSregAdditionally, I have moderators with a command to get handle, and a list of people they report.
20:24.53XenoX101for now
20:25.09JademusSregWell, had, past tense, since I'm not working on that shit anymore, haha.
20:25.19EiviynThere's already spinoffs
20:25.27JademusSregCool. Glad to hear.
20:25.31EiviynWith just the name changed
20:25.43EiviynAre you still mapping?
20:25.58JademusSregNope. Working on my own shit now.
20:26.44EiviynBut back to the sponsor thing
20:26.52EiviynSTD banned for having an advert
20:26.58EiviynOn the loading screen
20:27.05EiviynBut those melee maps
20:27.12EiviynWith out-of-game sponsors like Steelseries
20:27.20JademusSregThe short version is that Photon Cycles got me into the 1.5 previews and tests, chat with the devs, the devs refered me to the global talent acquisition, and they asked if I was interested in applying for the technical assistant position. Didn't get it, but the experience overall I found motivating.
20:27.36EiviynAlso have Steelseries logos on their screen and even in description
20:28.10EiviynWho got it?
20:28.12EiviynDid you find out?
20:28.28EiviynThey seemed to be scouting talent from mappers at least
20:28.34JademusSregDunno. I'm confident whoever did probably deserved it. And lived closer to California.
20:29.00EiviynHope it's the guy who made Desert Strike
20:29.02EiviynWhat a hero
20:29.16*** join/#sc2mapster TheAlmaity (5d8b17d2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
20:29.23Eiviyn"global talent acquisition"
20:29.32Eiviyn"And lived closer to California."
20:29.59TheAlmaityEiviyn is talking about something that at first glance seems like a rant. What did I miss?
20:30.13JademusSregDesert strike is like a macromanagement-oriented dota. Or castle wars.
20:30.22EiviynNah it's a card game
20:30.26EiviynYou play your cards
20:30.38EiviynYour opponent plays their cards
20:30.47EiviynYou throw your arms up in the air and spam lurkers
20:30.53JademusSregAnd those cards run across the battlefield and kill other cards.
20:31.05JademusSregIt's basically Alice In Wonderland like that.
20:31.08TheAlmaityEiviyn's description is closer
20:31.08EiviynIf you played better cards, you win
20:31.14TheAlmaityIts more Turn Based than Real Time
20:31.22JademusSregAnyway, bbl
20:31.42TheAlmaityShit happens in real time, but players only have a "turn" in which they can do their own actions.
20:32.03muzzysooo ... there's another topic i wanted to discuss:  bank file editing :)
20:32.33muzzyi hear blizzard has never taken any action whatsoever against people who edit their stats in custom maps, or even against people who encourage doing so?
20:32.44Khalinti would imagine so
20:32.49Khalinthow could you even prove it
20:32.52TheAlmaityDon't see how they could
20:32.54muzzyit'd be a support nightmare for them, yes
20:33.05Khalintthey just need server side banks
20:33.05EiviynThey added signatures to bank files
20:33.10EiviynBut signatures are pretty useless
20:33.15EiviynAlready cracked
20:33.19muzzyserver side banks aren't enough, if the code is still executed on client side
20:33.20TheAlmaitythey keep out your average idiot
20:33.30Khalintand you can simply have x amount of space on your account for it and you can delete them from a menu
20:33.42Khalinttheres only so much you can do
20:33.47Totservis"you can get a person's account handle from their bnet profile url" - Oh, God! Someone could ban me in these two years of SC2 O_O
20:33.50Khalintserver side banks would help alot
20:34.00Eiviyn1 WoW char stores like, hundreds of integers
20:34.02muzzyTheAlmaity: yes, indeed ... i was surprised to learn how effective they are against average players, i had completely overestimated what an average player can do
20:34.15EiviynYou can have 50 chars
20:34.45EiviynAnd the server upkeep for a WoW player is like, $2.5/month, including averaged tech support staff saleries
20:34.46TheAlmaityall banks up to now are under 8 KB big (because the limit was only increased recently). How many banks can you put into half of your bank space?
20:35.00TotservisEiviyn, what spinoffs? O_o
20:35.27EiviynSo for server space it's probably practically 0
20:35.35muzzyif the servers also executed all the map scripts to make sure the banks got updated correctly, then we'd have a solution
20:35.44EiviynI doubt server space is the reason behind not having server side banks
20:35.48muzzybut i dont think blizzard is willing to shell out the cpu time required to do that
20:36.21Khalintthey could create a server client instance for maps
20:36.29TheAlmaityDont servers already execute map script? I always understood that was the reason why the delay affected WASD move
20:36.31Khalintwhere map makers could designate server/client stuff
20:36.41Khalintyeah it is authoritative
20:36.42muzzyserver side banks would be pretty pointless if clients could write to them anyway.  it'd just bring on another wave of map cache replacement attacks to make the clients execute different map
20:37.04TheAlmaityservers are in control of map script
20:37.09muzzysince when?
20:37.10Khalintthe delay in maps from wasd and such is cause there is a server compnent
20:37.12EiviynNonsense, my Ā£100 harddrive could store 100,000,000 maxed bank files
20:37.15TheAlmaityotherwise WASD move wouldn't seem as laggy as it is
20:37.16Khalintsince always
20:37.38muzzythat's not possible, unless they simply ignored banks ...
20:37.56muzzybefore the bank signature was cracked, it was attacked by replacing the map file in cache when starting a game
20:37.57EiviynIt's probably something to do with writing to the server mid-game or something
20:38.12EiviynThat's the standard way of breaking banks
20:38.16EiviynCrack the map
20:38.18EiviynRun it
20:38.28EiviynCreate your own bank without even looking at how the code is set up
20:38.47EiviynAdd some basic trigger like "+1000 Mafia points"
20:38.57EiviynThen have the map save your new bank file for you
20:39.03muzzywell, it's a little different now, because cache replacement isn't needed
20:39.10EiviynCircumventing whatever encryption you use
20:39.23muzzyyou can download map, run, then recreate just the signature
20:39.25TheSkunk__Uhh.. I somehow have two units magically linked
20:39.34TheSkunk__Changing the name of one unit changes the name of the other one o.0
20:39.40muzzybefore, when the signature couldn't be generated, you had to make the client believe it had the correct version of the map when playing on bnet
20:39.42TheSkunk__Changing armor stat on one changes it on the other
20:39.43EiviynThere's little point encrypting bank files beyond detering casual hackers
20:39.47muzzyand the client would actually run the incorrect one
20:39.49TheAlmaitydoesn't bank signature take in consideration author and map it came from? I heard it does, but I dont know whether it was true
20:39.50TheSkunk__Any idea how?
20:40.10TheAlmaitymaybe you based one on the other
20:40.16muzzyTheAlmaity: yes, it considers author handler, player handle and bank name
20:40.18TheAlmaityweird duplication issues or something
20:40.37TheAlmaityyea, so if it considers author handle, you cant use the crack-the-map method anymore
20:40.41muzzybasically it concatenates all strings from the xml file in addition to those 3 things and takes sha1 hash of it
20:40.46TheAlmaitybecause it wouldn't be the same author, and the key would return invalid
20:41.12EiviynOf course not TheAlmaity
20:41.18muzzycrack-the-map works if the bankfile is proper in all other ways except signature
20:41.20EiviynCreate a map in the editor
20:41.30EiviynMake some generic bank file trigger
20:41.32EiviynWith signature
20:41.33muzzyit took me 2 hours to write the signature generator in javascript today :)
20:41.35EiviynSave your map
20:41.38EiviynRename it
20:41.44EiviynPut it onto a second PC
20:42.02EiviynLog onto someone else's editor or whatever you feel like
20:42.03EiviynRun it
20:42.18EiviynIt only checks player handles afaik
20:42.24*** join/#sc2mapster tordy (627449b7@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
20:42.27tordyhello friends and good evening
20:42.39zenx1I wonder if bank safety is really that big of a deal...most maps only use stats recording anyway...
20:42.40TheAlmaityhe aint here
20:42.45TheAlmaityhe'll be back soonish
20:42.55zenx1I dont even care that much for my RPG, if they want to skip the experience...well then they do
20:43.03muzzyzenx1, and that's a good thing.  yet many maps give in-game benefits based on bank file contents
20:43.11tordywhat are ewe talkin bout?
20:43.15TheSkunk__Not sure what to do; resetting units to defualts didn't fix anything..
20:43.16TheAlmaityzenx1: it would matter in my and Zelda's rule, since... well.. pokemon
20:43.36EiviynOne unit is set as the other's parent
20:43.38tordyTheAlmaity i read the topic
20:43.39EiviynJust delete one unit
20:43.42zenx1still...I personally want to actualyl play the game
20:43.43tordywas plannin to make my own pokemon-like map as well
20:43.44muzzyi suppose i'll link my little toy since i'm a little bit proud of it, even though you might not approve:
20:43.54zenx1I think they mostly miss out themselves if they hack banks
20:43.55muzzyfull javascript-only bankfile signature generator :)
20:43.57Totservistordy, yeah, we plan a bank robbery
20:43.58tordywhen jmanv stopped continuing his
20:44.07muzzyfor a specific map only
20:44.30muzzyso, basically, what happened was that the map author started selling the stats for real money
20:44.37tordyaltho it'll be much different
20:44.47tordysince you guys are already making a closer pokemon-like map
20:44.54EiviynSo a guy who spent hundreds of hours making something entertaining for other people
20:44.55muzzyi criticized his plan on his forums, he responded by deleting my posts.  i continued discussing it in private, and he responded by deleting my whole account
20:44.58EiviynIn his free time
20:45.02tordyonly shared ideas it'll have is really the types of stats  and unit collection
20:45.14EiviynAnd you feel morally obligated to stop him from getting a return on his time investment
20:45.30muzzyEiviyn: i'm perfectly OK him asking for donations
20:45.32EiviynI mean really
20:45.37EiviynIf I mow your lawn
20:45.46muzzyhowever, it takes like hundreds of hours, literally hundreds of hours to earn those things in-game
20:45.50tordywhat other maps have donator benefits?
20:45.51EiviynOut of the goodness of my heart, or shear boredom
20:45.56muzzyand he sells them for 5 euros
20:46.03EiviynAnd repeat that for hundreds of hours worth of mowing
20:46.15EiviynThen say "Hey, can I have Ā£5 for a beer?"
20:46.27EiviynGiven I spent hundreds of my free time mowing your shit
20:46.32TheAlmaityI'd say that's one fucking expensive beer.
20:46.33EiviynIs that wrong?
20:47.00muzzyEiviyn: that's different.  he wasn't just asking for donations, go look:
20:47.02TheAlmaityI could buy a pizza and 3l of nestea for that money.
20:47.09muzzyhe made entire subforum called "Buy levels, skins or contents"
20:47.13zenx1if someone wants to buy stuff for minerals let them fucking buy it :D
20:47.35TheAlmaitygenius idea: I'll just sell rare/unobtainable pokemon!
20:47.38muzzythe game is severely hostile towards new players with low stats
20:47.47TheAlmaityand then everyone will hate me!
20:47.48EiviynAs is everything in life
20:47.51muzzyso hostile, that many experienced players immediately quit when they see people with low stats
20:48.12EiviynName one thing in life that isn't hostile towards inexperience
20:48.18EiviynBar school
20:48.31muzzythis isn't about inexperience
20:48.38muzzypeople with low stats need to use different strategies
20:48.39zenx1yes and it just applies to everyone
20:48.49zenx1in wc3 you would get kicked since you could actually kick
20:48.51muzzypeople with high stats have special attacks that can kill 5 bosses in a single shot
20:48.54TheAlmaityalso, tordy, not ignoring you, just dont really know what to comment :p good luck with your map, if you have questions about ours (Even if they're technical, like "How did you make that attack look that way"), feel free to ask
20:48.55zenx1which would be better
20:49.04zenx1so you dont have to fucking start the game to see people suck
20:49.21zenx1Im still waiting for my "get bank stats to lobby" feature
20:49.34zenx1that would be so goooooood
20:49.45TheAlmaitysuggest it on the bnet forums
20:49.52muzzyanyway, this is why i was asking about the Mafia case
20:49.55zenx1they wont read EU forums anyway
20:50.01TheAlmaitythey do.
20:50.08muzzyI'd like to know what exactly is the legal issue that prevented the donor rewards, how would it apply here
20:50.12TheAlmaitysince... well... around the same time Deletarius andArtestru came here
20:50.12tordyaltho global and server-side banks will be #1
20:50.28zenx1and even more amazing would be then have game variants where only certain level people could join
20:50.36Eiviynnfi what was said to DR
20:50.36zenx1that has been my dream for long...
20:50.55tordyELO rating based matchmaking
20:51.00tordythat would be the bomb
20:51.06muzzyzenx, that's interesting too
20:51.14EiviynUnless your map is in the top 4
20:51.15muzzythat'd solve part of the problem certainly
20:51.21EiviynELO rated matches wouldn't work
20:51.27EiviynThe wait would be insane
20:51.28*** join/#sc2mapster tordy (627449b7@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
20:51.38zeldarules28somebody called me :P
20:51.44TheAlmaitythey would work *if* people were willing to queue for 10 hours
20:52.04TheSkunk__Zelda, 07tordy01 is the guilty party
20:52.21tordyit really only works if your map is really popular
20:52.22zeldarules28Not gunna read this entire thing :P What's going on?
20:52.26tordyand has a lot of players matchmaking
20:52.29EiviynI don't care about donations and all that
20:52.37EiviynWhat bothers me is the stranglehold over maps
20:52.53EiviynNobody cared during WC3
20:52.59EiviynIt's a new feature of SC2
20:53.09zeldarules28Mafia was taken down temporarily, not because of the donations though. At least officially.
20:53.19tordywhat they say
20:53.23tordywhat DR say
20:53.30muzzythe recent jew thing?  i dont talk about that, i want to know about the thing back earlier
20:53.40EiviynYeah the jew thing was fucking stupid
20:53.44zeldarules28The 'die like a jew' and tons of other stuff like that
20:53.45EiviynGlad it got removed for that
20:53.49zeldarules28That was just dumb of him
20:53.53zeldarules28It'll be back though
20:53.59muzzyzeldarules28: huh?
20:54.06zeldarules28Its not permabanned
20:54.08tordyisnt it already back on the front page?
20:54.24zeldarules28I dont know if it's back yet. Its  either back now or will be
20:54.26muzzyoh, the map will be back, yea
20:54.27muzzynot the jew feature :D
20:54.29muzzyanyway ....
20:54.32zeldarules28no, yeah, thasts gone
20:54.37muzzyi want to know about the event that happened back in march
20:54.41TheAlmaitybe back in a few
20:54.44muzzywhen blizzard forced DR to remove donor rewards
20:54.47tordyshared energy pool, im usin that too :[
20:54.48muzzydo you know anything about that?
20:54.54zenx1I wonder if they would even allow "escape from gay heaven" the most amazing map of wc3
20:55.00tordybecause having so much PP doesnt seem to work well in multiplayer
20:55.07muzzywhat exactly was the legal issue there?
20:55.13zeldarules28Basically he was taking donations and offering in-game benefits
20:55.20zeldarules28Nothing unfair, but custom skins for donors
20:55.20tordyso having something to prevent spam of skills and encourage swapping
20:55.21tordyis good
20:55.28zeldarules28So you just look cooler if you donated
20:55.49tordyso donation benefits are allowed?
20:55.52muzzyyep, but ... the donation page now says blizzard brought a legal issue to his attention
20:55.52zeldarules28Blizzard contacted him and told him that, while they had no issue with donations being accepted, he could not reward donors with stuff in game
20:55.55tordyif they dont affect gameplay?
20:56.11tordyso donations are allowed
20:56.13muzzyi.e. why he cannot reward donors, and if there is some policy about this
20:56.14tordyfinally a confirmation!
20:56.29*** join/#sc2mapster peq (
20:56.37tordydonations with no benefits, which im all for
20:56.43muzzyi mean, there is still some donor recognition in place i believe?
20:56.44zenx1its most likely ANY reward wheter it gives benefit or not
20:56.47zeldarules28Donations with no effects at ALL
20:56.54zeldarules28Even if they are cosmetic, still not okay
20:57.03zeldarules28Now technically, donations might be entirely illegal
20:57.06zenx1stupid, but nothign you can do about it
20:57.16zeldarules28But the lawyer that contacted DR said that they did not have issue with em
20:57.24zeldarules28just the in-game stuff
20:57.33zeldarules28Lv 99 Probichus, 50 bucks each
20:57.36muzzyso, donations must not be rewarded any way whatsoever.  i wish there was a blue post about this
20:57.47zeldarules28The problem is that tons of stuff is illegal, technically
20:58.00zeldarules28For example- the reason nobody has said "Yes, wow models are totally legit"
20:58.13zeldarules28Theyre never gunna give you that clear-cut 'thats okay' answer
20:58.27zeldarules28Because they, like any company, need bullets in the chamber just in case they go to court about something
20:59.12muzzyso, um, who are you btw?  like, i want to know how reliable this information is that donations must not have even cosmetic effects :)
20:59.26Khalintffs i keep typing cooper ingots instead of copper ingots ><
20:59.41zeldarules28The same zeldarule28 as on mapster
21:00.00muzzyunfortunately i'm not really a mapster user, i only came here looking for some answers :D
21:00.12zeldarules28Ah, right
21:00.17zeldarules28Well I'm one of the staff members there
21:00.27zeldarules28Dont work for blizzard, of course, so nothing I say is "offical"
21:00.35muzzyah, i see, okay
21:00.50zeldarules28Im also awesome ^.^
21:00.54muzzythat's good enough for me :)
21:00.55zeldarules28Just so you know
21:01.21muzzynow i just have to think about how to make my next move ... i want to make fredxor stop selling in-game rewards for MineralZ Evolution :/
21:01.53zeldarules28Heres the thing though, It depends on the map, I think
21:02.08muzzyin case you missed the story, i already tried to discuss it with him and now he's banned me from his forums, ignored me on battlenet, removed my name from "thanks to" list on his map, etc...
21:02.09zeldarules28They cant send lawyers to every single map, so don't go pushing for maps to get banned >.>
21:02.19zeldarules28Really :P
21:02.27zeldarules28We want to be able to sell cosmetics ^.^
21:02.49muzzyso far my latest move has been this:
21:03.09muzzyto give the same archons and stats for everyone that he's selling
21:03.18muzzybut that's obviously an asshole move :p
21:03.23zeldarules28yeah no kidding >.>
21:03.29zeldarules28Thats not the way to go about it :/
21:03.37muzzythen again, they aren't worth anything if players can edit the bankfiles themselves
21:03.49zeldarules28Regardless, how'd you hack it?
21:04.05muzzyuh ... i just regen the signature
21:04.21zeldarules28Im building my own security for my map, that's all
21:04.32zeldarules28So its useful to know how people get around stuff
21:04.37muzzythe signature of bankfile is calculated by concatenating author id, user id, bank name, and then all strings from the bank
21:04.37zeldarules28He didn't encrypt it at all? O.o
21:04.38zenx1why do you even care? you scared of mineralz getting banned?
21:04.56muzzyi care because until recently, MineralZ Evolution was the ONLY map i played
21:05.04muzzyactually, the only GAME i played at all
21:05.31muzzyi quit wow because it was depressing, same for diablo3, and yaddayadda ... i'd just play that map whenever i had free time i had to waste
21:05.35zenx1I still think its pretty lost cause to do anything about it. Blizzard will do it if they feel like it
21:05.36muzzyand now he's ruining it
21:05.46zeldarules28I think its good to see people make money off thier maps
21:05.54zeldarules28Legally, of course
21:06.02muzzymaking money is okay, but treating players equally is not
21:06.11zeldarules28"treating players equally is not"
21:06.15zenx1it happends in other games too
21:06.19muzzyit takes a really boring coordinated 5+ hour game to get the ultimate archon reward, for example
21:06.23muzzyand he's asking 2 euros for it
21:06.31zeldarules28So you can get it in-game
21:06.31muzzythe 5+h game isn't even fun
21:06.40muzzyit requires 4 people to just gather requires and send to the 5th one
21:07.05muzzyyea, it can be earned in-game .. i already had it ages ago
21:07.15muzzyback when it required an 8 hour game to unlock
21:07.21zenx1I dont really like demands when you just play game other people made for free
21:07.31zenx1wheter its fair or not
21:07.42TheSkunk__Err...? Lots of *actual* games using free to play models have things that can be gained in-game but can also be paid for
21:07.46zeldarules28This is my perspective, legality aside
21:07.53zeldarules28Your getting our games for fre
21:07.57muzzyTheSkunk__: yes, free2play scheme
21:08.03muzzyhowever, i see this more as pay2win scheme
21:08.04zeldarules28I have no objection to microtransactions
21:08.14zeldarules28Again, its wierd because theyre sc2 mods and not stand alone
21:08.16TheSkunk__Play2win? I thought it was cosmetic, sorry
21:08.24TheSkunk__like an achievement or something
21:08.31TheSkunk__Either way, there are play2win games out there too :P
21:08.36muzzythis isn't cosmetic, this is like ... -0.2 seconds off from harvest time
21:08.50muzzyand a special attack that kills everything in large area
21:08.58zeldarules28Im against p2w games but that's a bit hard to  define w/o playing the game
21:09.20Khalintif frogster makes it its pay2win
21:09.25Khalintthat much i can assure you
21:09.27muzzyanyway, recently there's been a trend that whenever there's someone with level 0 (new player), people just quit the game
21:09.40muzzybecause no matter how good that 0 stat player is, he cannot perform good
21:09.42TheSkunk__Well, thats a scumbag thing to do IMO, but I don't really know if it is\should be illegal or not :P
21:09.59Khalintpeople are scumbags
21:10.04Khalintsuch is life
21:10.05zeldarules28I hate censorship when it's not absolutely needed
21:10.14muzzyit usually takes around 5 games to get the game actually started
21:10.23zeldarules28Like I get that it's necessary for some stuff, of course, but too many restrictions is... meh
21:10.33zenx1btw I wonder if there is a difference between offering "donate to get stuff earlier than others"
21:10.36zenx1like pay2win
21:10.43zeldarules28yeah, lol
21:10.47zenx1mafia did some exclusive rewards right?
21:11.04zeldarules28But they changed it to be based on progression now
21:11.12zeldarules28but the old donators got bonus 'xp' or whatever
21:11.19zeldarules28so they didnt have to unlock anything, they still kepot it
21:11.28zenx1that could be pretty fair if they allowed donating like that
21:11.42zenx1haha ;:D
21:11.45zeldarules28Its cosmetic
21:11.49zeldarules28It doesnt matter
21:11.58muzzywell, cosmetic things dont really annoy me
21:12.08zeldarules28LoL built an empire with skins O.o
21:12.14zeldarules28Regardless of anything else, there really should be a 'donate' button on the map
21:12.18muzzybut if i've invested, say, 20 hours into learning some game, and then i learn i need to pay to perform properly ... oh, or alternatively waste 100 hours
21:12.32Khalintthen dont play?
21:12.37zenx1I cant even believe how peopel still continue to play those same maps...
21:12.38Khalinti mean its about value to you
21:12.59muzzyKhalint: yes, but i'd want to know about it beforehand when i make a choice to play or not to play
21:13.12muzzyif a map i've already played a lot turns into pay2win scam, i'm pissed
21:13.29Khalintwell if you enjoyed your time
21:13.35Khalintdid you really lose anything
21:13.43Khalintif its that bad make a clone that isnt pay2win
21:13.59muzzyi've actually been thinking of making a clone of it >_<
21:14.04Khalintdo eet
21:14.15Khalintif it bothers you so much youre willing to go to the lengths youre talking about
21:14.20Khalintclone it and make it not pay2win
21:14.23Khalintpeople will like yours more
21:14.27Khalintand play yours
21:14.50muzzyhaven't ever made maps though, but it cant be that hard.  i just dont want to make identical clone, if i make one i want something a little bit original, and that's difficult too
21:15.17Khalintmapping is pretty easy
21:15.20muzzyalso, the MineralZ genre suffers heavily from the dynamic pathing issues and there's no way around it
21:15.22Khalintjust takes time
21:15.47muzzysince the destructible rocks are dynamic bockers and a lot of them are needed...
21:15.58Khalintmy map i may never finish but im having fun with it
21:16.17Khalintjust finished importing my old item creation triggers into the user data
21:16.21Hobrow"cant be that hard" haha good one
21:16.42Khalintif you have a mind for coding/scripting mapping is easy
21:16.44Khalintjust time consuming
21:18.12muzzyyea, i'm willing to go quite the lenghts for things i believe in... *sigh*
21:18.14zeldarules28Im terrible at data
21:18.29zeldarules28But triggers are so much better for me, they're more logical
21:18.40zeldarules28Like, if something is not working, I did something wrong, and I can fix it
21:18.46zeldarules28With data, it's just a mess for me ^.^
21:19.04zeldarules28Plus they're so similar to other languages
21:19.05Hobrowcreating a good map is not easy
21:19.06muzzyfor example, this whole issue of unfairness in maps etc ... i actually wrote a decompiler for galaxy script to analyze some map sources to see wtf they're doing
21:19.23Hobrowotherwise there wouldnt be so much shit maps on bnet
21:19.42zeldarules28And yeah, you're not going to just make a popular map right off the bat with no prior experience
21:20.15muzzycomplete galaxy-galaxy compiler that first breaks the source into basic blocks and flow graph and then rewrites the entire source, unmangling obfuscated variable names and yaddayadda ... but i didn't get to the juice parts with it
21:20.45zeldarules28you're a terrible person :D
21:20.56zeldarules28We spend so much time trying to prevent people from doing that to our maps >.>
21:21.14muzzyi didn't want all the effort go to waste so i published that on some sc2 hacking forums too, but nobody knew how to use it
21:21.22zeldarules28How bout you dont do that
21:21.31zeldarules28Because it screws over legitimate maps :P
21:21.48muzzywell, if it does screw over legitimate maps, the maps are probably doing something they shouldn't :(
21:21.58zeldarules28Allowing people to hack thier bank files
21:22.06zeldarules28So using bank files is something bad?
21:22.08muzzyrelying on bank files for anything important
21:22.21zeldarules28There's *nothing else to reply on*
21:22.25zeldarules28Thats the problem
21:22.30muzzythe bank files aren't secure mechanism, and imo they should only be used for configuration and things that dont affect actual gameplay
21:22.37zeldarules28Our only option is use banks and then encrypt the hell out of them
21:22.47muzzyyes, it's an arms race
21:22.53zeldarules28Right, so how do you make a rpg
21:22.57zeldarules28without using banks
21:23.06muzzysingleplayer or multiplayer?
21:23.18muzzysingleplayer: doesn't matter, those who cheat will cheat
21:23.19zeldarules28It's not possible to do either without bank files
21:23.28zeldarules28Yes, that's true for SP
21:23.30muzzymultiplayer: it's not possible to do securely with bankfiles no matter what
21:23.47zeldarules28The only thing we can do
21:23.53zeldarules28is stop the 99% from hacking
21:24.05zeldarules28Wheres people likeyourself who actually know what they're doing will always be able to get around
21:24.07muzzymainly, my work is targeted towards maps having secrets
21:24.25muzzyfor example, the map author might include some functionality in the map that's not supposed to be found by others
21:24.33muzzysomething they can use themselves to do funny things
21:24.38zeldarules28The problem is that you publishing stuff to let others do the same is letting them do it too. And frankly, most people with your "skillset" don't do nice things :P
21:24.48zeldarules28What could they possibly do
21:24.53zeldarules28Thats bad or harfulk
21:25.04zeldarules28other than in-game rewards or something
21:25.05muzzyi believe it'll be a learning experience for them either way if they manage to use anything i release
21:25.18zeldarules28We dont want them to learn >.>
21:25.27zeldarules28But really, maps cant do anything illegitimate
21:25.31zeldarules28They cant ever harm your cpu
21:25.36zeldarules28They cant ever steal your info
21:25.41muzzyi dont think of them as "sc2 cheaters", i think of them as people.  and everyone deserves to learn
21:26.12zeldarules28Thats like saying we should teach people to rob banks  for the sake of knowledge >.>
21:26.30muzzywhy not?
21:26.36Hobrowi wonder what would happen if you teach random people on the street how to kill others with 1 hit with your hand
21:26.42zeldarules28Because it cant lead to anything good
21:26.55muzzyif would improve security of the banks
21:27.10muzzyif banks could be easily robbed by knowing some secret information, it means there's something to be fixed
21:27.11Khalintjustifying ruining other peoples fun with a lame excuse like "its for the sake of learning" is pretty weak
21:27.14zeldarules28They dont need improved security if people cant break in the first place
21:27.19Khalintit doesnt help anyone
21:27.58Khalinti knew a kid when i was in highschool who did that with peoples important information via an AOL scam
21:28.03muzzyzeld, that's where our views differ.  many times the security could use improvements even if there aren't likely attacks currently
21:28.05Khalintgot their CC info etc
21:28.09Khalinthe ended up in prison
21:28.12Khalintso GG
21:28.13muzzyespecially computer security
21:28.22zeldarules28Case and point: The general public is stupid. The general public doesn't know anything about anything. So giving them tools that let them get into places they shouldn't is bad. We teach our navy seals to kill and murder easily- thats fine an dandy, but it wouldn't be if EVERYBODY knew how to kill/murder easily
21:28.43zeldarules28Whatever :P
21:29.16zeldarules28My current goal is to make my map so frigging difficult to hack that people give up
21:29.17muzzyKhalint: mmmm CC info and such are 'secrets' in the sense that they can be changed if they leak, attacking secrets like that is a different deal
21:29.31Khalintsame principle
21:29.35muzzyzeld, want some tips? :P
21:29.50zeldarules28Yeah, actually, thats why I started talking to you :D
21:29.57zeldarules28It's an RPG, it uses banks
21:30.01zeldarules28that wont be changing >.>
21:30.08muzzyso, there are several things that i haven't seen in the wild, but which bugged me like hell when writing my code
21:30.15zeldarules28I plan on obfuscating the hack out of it
21:30.17muzzytriggers can be created with just string of the function name
21:30.25muzzythose strings can be generated dynamically
21:30.31muzzyhell, the strings could even be stored to bank files
21:30.52zeldarules28You cant change trigger/function names on the fly
21:31.01Khalinti defly tried that
21:31.02muzzyand triggers executed based on the strings on bank - not a lookup table type of approach, but execution indirection so that there's NO hint in code about what trigger could get executed
21:31.25muzzyif my decompiler sees something like that, it's game over, nothing i can do
21:31.34Khalintobfuscation is our only option
21:31.38muzzyanother thing is using game mechanics to drive the code logic
21:31.41zeldarules28^ that
21:31.48zeldarules28^ no, above that
21:32.06zeldarules28There is no way
21:32.06muzzylet's say your code spawns bunch of units and makes them fight
21:32.14muzzyand you know the outcome is always that X side wins
21:32.20zeldarules28to  run functions with specific names
21:32.23muzzyhowever, the attacker reading the code cannot know that
21:32.31muzzyzeld, isn't?
21:32.42muzzyit takes string as parameter, no?
21:32.51zeldarules28You cant create triggers on-the-fly
21:32.56Khalintif you find a functioning way to make it work let me know
21:33.02zeldarules28Nor can you say "Run the trigger mathcing this string"
21:33.04zeldarules28No, you cant
21:33.11Khalintyeah i wanted to do that
21:33.12muzzyhmm.  so the function call fails?
21:33.13Khalintbut i couldnt
21:33.19zeldarules28There is no "create trigger" function
21:33.41Khalintyou can enable/disable triggers but not create them
21:33.45zeldarules28You create everything from within the editor, map code is done behind-the-scenes
21:33.50zeldarules28You can turn triggers on or off
21:33.54zeldarules28but the map is as-is
21:34.01zeldarules28And you can not dynamically change ANYTHING
21:34.07zeldarules28in your code
21:34.08muzzylet me grab the nearest damn galaxy file
21:34.15Khalinthave at it
21:34.20zeldarules28please do, because if you're right, I'd love to hear it
21:34.21Khalintif you find a way lemme know ill gladly do that
21:34.27zeldarules28yeah seriously ^.^
21:34.35muzzyvoid InitMap ... calls InitTriggers ... calls bunch of stuff like ....
21:34.43muzzygt_PlayerList = TriggerCreate("gt_PlayerList_Func");
21:34.48muzzyTriggerAddEventChatMessage(gt_PlayerList, c_playerAny, "-playerlist", true);
21:35.00zeldarules28Right, thats done in the galaxy file
21:35.01muzzyit creates new trigger, based on a string
21:35.11muzzyit assigns to a variable, then it binds it
21:35.12zeldarules28Its creating the trigger we already set up
21:35.34zeldarules28The editor doesnt let us touch the galaxy file
21:35.40zeldarules28Anything done to that is done kind hacky
21:35.41muzzythen add an include
21:35.49zeldarules28No includes within sc2 >.>
21:35.51muzzyand write the code in another galaxy file
21:35.54muzzysure tehre is
21:36.00zeldarules28Well, there's dependencies
21:36.01muzzythere was library system
21:36.04zeldarules28Which is a viable stra
21:36.08muzzythat could be used to include .galaxy files
21:36.10zeldarules28Yeah, you can split code into multiple libraries
21:36.15zeldarules28Because that tricks hackers
21:36.24zeldarules28And it's something that we're aware of ^.^
21:36.25Khalinti plan on doing that
21:36.34muzzyalso, iirc the function definitions in map editor were a bit too verbatim too
21:36.35zeldarules28Obfuscate EVERYTHING, and then divide the code into a crazy amount of libraries
21:36.38muzzylike, if you made a custom script
21:36.48Khalintill have a library for the combat system item crafting
21:36.53muzzyand ended it with } ... you could write another raw galaxy function definition
21:37.01Khalinteach map will have its own spawn thing too
21:37.24muzzyanyway, i haven't actually created any maps myself so i haven't actually tested any of this, i'd need to try out stuff i suppose
21:37.39zeldarules28You are aware the editor is done via triggers, right?
21:37.42muzzybut iirc i saw someone creating triggers based on strings somewhere
21:37.44Khalintgogo on veZpene evolution
21:37.46zeldarules28Very few people actually code in galaxy
21:37.53muzzyyes, i've seen it
21:37.57muzzyit's painful
21:38.07zeldarules28It's got it's advantages
21:38.14zeldarules28And then it's disadvantages >.>
21:38.23muzzywell, yes, you can find functions by browsing silly lists
21:38.28zeldarules28Of course it's done to keep things simple for newer editrors
21:38.30muzzybut there's no way i'm using that if i make a map
21:38.37zeldarules28Good luck learning galaxy
21:38.39Khalinti find it so much more organized
21:38.39zeldarules28theres NO documentation
21:38.42zeldarules28at all
21:38.44muzzyor if i do, i only do it to reverse engineer :)
21:38.45zenx1did you say you cannot run trigger matching string? what you mean
21:38.48Khalintplus it auto changes stuff for you
21:38.56muzzythere "kind of" is documentation
21:38.57zeldarules28Trust me when I say I'd prefer to right in galaxy
21:39.03muzzythe core files have all the .galaxy headers
21:39.06zeldarules28No, your just looking at the mapscript files :P
21:39.08muzzythe function prototypes are available
21:39.10zenx1you typed too much cant read all this stuff
21:39.13zeldarules28That doesnt count as documentation
21:39.20muzzysome of it contains comments
21:39.24muzzydescribing what the functions do
21:39.32muzzynot all though
21:39.39muzzyand hey, then i have sc2mapster
21:39.48muzzyi've seen it has plenty of documentation
21:39.55zeldarules28Theres like 2 people there who know galaxy, and thus, no galaxy documentation
21:39.58muzzyvery very useful stuff such as the fixed point integer format etc <3
21:40.11zeldarules28There are NO PEOPLE who understand galaxy,  except I think 1, MAYBE 2 on the site
21:40.19Hobrowkuken and? :D
21:40.19zeldarules28And afaik there's nobody anywhere else
21:40.27zeldarules28Kueken and galaxy++ guy
21:40.32zeldarules28forgot his name
21:40.39muzzyi got a little silly feeling now
21:40.41Hobrowme too
21:40.53zeldarules28and you :D
21:40.54muzzyi mean, i've been reading the MapScript.galaxy sources for dozens of maps and have a somewhat okay grasp of how the language works
21:41.01zeldarules28Of course, how could we forgot
21:41.10muzzygood enough that i've written a functioning lexer, parser, optimizer etc for it
21:41.15zeldarules28Try making a map in galaxy :P
21:41.18zeldarules28With no prior experience :P
21:41.30muzzyyea, i figure it'll be pretty rough
21:41.31zeldarules28The thing is that it's not worth it for most people to learn
21:41.58zeldarules28Theres 0 documentation for that, where as theres a very nice, GUI-driven, totally documented trigger editor that does almost all the same stuff
21:42.04zeldarules28The biggest disadvantage for me is speed
21:42.19zeldarules28Whereas in C# or something I can just pop back and forth and type, you need to deal with a much slower GUI
21:42.35zeldarules28also, you're holding me back from my homework
21:42.35Khalinta lexer is the thing that lets you create like a string with operators in it right?
21:42.38zeldarules28I hope you know that :P
21:42.45zeldarules28er...I'm not sure
21:42.47muzzykhalint, yeah
21:42.51Khalinti need one of those
21:42.59Khalinti have a crappy parser
21:43.03muzzyfor galaxy?  uhh, i'm not sure you want mine
21:43.09muzzymine is kinda ... kludgy
21:43.09Khalinttho i need to make it able to nest
21:43.24Khalintheh well maybe ill try making one
21:43.29Khalinti dont know how well itll work
21:43.43Khalinti need it for my item process and bonus effects
21:43.57Khalintlike id like to be able to define an items bonus with a kind of miniscript
21:44.05Khalintthat says bonus is equal to such and such
21:44.27zeldarules28Im not great with programming outside sc2 :/ I know a bit of C++ and a bit more of C#, lots of gml (useless) from when I was little
21:44.34zeldarules28and then a bit of php
21:44.39zeldarules28But nothing too crazy
21:44.45Khalintright now ive made a function call in my parser so i can call a function by an id and pass it a value
21:44.57Khalintbut it seems kind of wasteful
21:45.07zeldarules28Im going afk because you're both too interesting for me to do homework ^.^
21:45.44muzzyoh my, my source tree is a mess.  let me upload this one file somewhere so you can see why i dont want you to see it ...
21:45.50Hobrowhomework on a saturday?
21:46.01Khalint"Increases the %C's strength by %F 501 , +%K1/2/3/4/5/%."
21:46.10Khalint%f is a function and the value after it is the value
21:46.14Khalintto pass
21:46.17Khalintits pretty weak
21:46.21muzzyso, python code
21:46.28Khalintuhm yeah sure
21:46.32Khalinti dont know what that is lol
21:46.35Khalinti just made that up
21:46.42Khalintbut if thats what it is then yeah
21:46.51Khalint%k converts the rank into one of the foloowing values
21:46.58muzzylexer is around lines 483+
21:47.14muzzyline 510 is what you want
21:47.18muzzyor rather, what you DONT WANT
21:47.27muzzythat's my tokenizer as a single horrible regex
21:47.58muzzydon't bother trying to run it btw
21:47.59Khalintwell maybe ill look into making my own
21:48.13Khalinti really need one
21:48.13muzzythe current sc2 data files changed compression format and mpyq cannot extract them
21:48.23muzzyand the code NEEDS function prototypes for all used functions
21:48.37muzzyso it parses the galaxy headers from sc2 installation too when parsing a script
21:48.41Khalintim thinking something like %F{} and everything in {} gets converted to a formula or something
21:48.51Khalintyoure beyond me on that
21:48.56Khalint<- coding dummy
21:49.05Khalinti understand the concepts but the details im blind to
21:49.27Khalinti only just found out what a void was
21:49.31Khalinti knew what it did
21:49.38Khalintbut i knew it as a GUI "action"
21:49.57muzzyso yea .. i tried to offer this source to a bunch of sc2 hackers elsewhere, and turned out nobody of them could do shit with it :(
21:50.11Khalintwell if you get a better one made lemme know
21:50.14Khalintid love to have one
21:50.18Khalintfor now ill try to make my own
21:50.26Khalinti just dont know quite how to go about it
21:50.34muzzywell, this one's made for my own needs, of deobfuscating map scripts
21:50.35Khalinti also need to make my parser better
21:51.01muzzyit can deobfuscate constant expressions and all those silly things the better obfuscators are using :)
21:51.11muzzyand it also works with bunch of methods that nobody has figured out to use yet
21:51.17Khalintagain im not even sure what you mean
21:51.49muzzyif you've looked at obfuscated maps, you'll see all numbers are changed into stuff like 3526+0x236357-036372
21:52.11Khalintyeah i havent
21:52.11muzzythose are constant expressions, expressions that dont depend on any external data
21:52.20muzzyand can be evaluated to a constant value
21:52.34Khalintmy "obfuscation" is really just renaming everything lol
21:52.39Khalintsince my map isnt close to finished yet
21:52.44Khalinti hadnt thought about anything further
21:54.09muzzyso, what'd you need the lexer for? obfuscation purposes? :o
21:54.21Khalintno just to insert formulas into item procs etc
21:54.24muzzyor wait, i think you said something but i didn't read
21:54.32Khalintlike "Increases the %C's strength by %F 501 , +%K1/2/3/4/5/%."
21:54.37muzzyi see
21:54.38Khalint%f calls a formula
21:54.43Khalintbut its a predefined one
21:54.51Khalintid like to run the formula within the string so to speak
21:54.57muzzyso you'd really want macros of some kind
21:55.00Khalintwithout going to predefined ones
21:55.03Khalintyeah basically
21:55.28Khalintid like to be able to put liie %f[ str *8 + agi +10 / 10}
21:55.31muzzybut hmm
21:55.38Khalintthings like that
21:55.40muzzywait wait wait, you want to run these on runtime!
21:55.46Khalinton read
21:55.46muzzyor compiletime?
21:55.54Khalintwhen an items proc happens
21:56.04Khalintif its even possible
21:56.24Khalintim guessing thats runtime?
21:56.27muzzyif you want runtime string templates, then it's something completely different from what my code is for :D
21:56.34Khalintyeah possibly
21:56.36Hobrowslaps Eiviyn around a bit with a large trout
21:56.49Khalintlike i said i looked up what a lexer was when you mentioned it
21:56.58Khalintand its something along the lines of what i need lol
21:57.21Khalinteven if it didnt work it may have been enough to get me on the right track haha
21:57.25muzzysorry, i thought you knew you wanted a galaxyscript lexer.  lol
21:57.34Khalintoh no no need for that
21:57.46Khalintbut again concept helps
21:57.47muzzywell, lexing the string templates isn't a bad idea
21:58.01muzzybut i'm not sure i'd do it like that in galaxyscript
21:58.01Khalintitd make item creation and traits etc easier
21:58.07Khalintplus my tooltips could have interactive values
21:58.29Khalintright now what i have works
21:58.41Khalintbut i have to define each functions operations in a single trigger
21:59.02Khalintlike formula 1 is x + b /y = return
21:59.10Khalintand call that formula with values to plug in
21:59.17Khalintbut i have to do that for every formula
21:59.23Khalintwhich ,ales me a sad panda
21:59.33Khalintbut thats the only thing i know how to do
21:59.52muzzythis sounds like something that would need a closer look
22:00.03Khalintwell if you feel so inclined lemme know
22:00.08Khalintfor now im going to improve my parser
22:00.19muzzybut it's 1am ... i should go sleep at some point too :)
22:00.27Khalintoh hell its 5pm here lol
22:00.32Khalintmiddle of the day!
22:00.45Khalintand my day off
22:00.51Khalintlove days off
22:01.23*** join/#sc2mapster tordy (627449b7@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
22:04.56muzzydamn, this place turned out to be more fun than i expected
22:05.24*** join/#sc2mapster Iiris_Frost (
22:05.24muzzyfrankly, i thought i'd get kickbanned for admitting to developing deobfuscators and bank file editors ;D
22:05.44Khalinttheres only like 1 op
22:05.46Iiris_FrostI wish photoshop had a free edition
22:05.47Khalintand theyre afk lol
22:05.52muzzyi see :)
22:06.05Khalintbut really those  things are going to be created
22:06.15Khalintif not you someone else
22:06.18muzzyIiris_Frost: depending on what you need to do, there are free tools that might work for you :)
22:06.34tordyi dont like the way people focus so much on visuals so early in a project
22:06.38tordysc2mapster for example
22:06.52Iiris_FrostNeed photoshop for graphic editing and exporting into dds
22:07.11tordylots of comments on like pre-alpha projects say things like "i dont like the way the UI looks" or "i dont like the effects or terrain"
22:07.13Khalintin my map i use a lot of wow assets simply caue theyre easy to get into the map and look better
22:07.17Khalintbut i do plan to make my own
22:07.24Iiris_Frostbut photoshop is like $600/year
22:07.26Khalintyep my map has those!
22:07.28muzzyiiris:  for example ... ... or gimp (especially the project seashore version), etc ... oh, dds export, hmm
22:07.39muzzyi'm pretty sure there are free convertors
22:07.40Iiris_Frosti hate gimp
22:07.56muzzyand can't you use .tga too?
22:07.59tordymost important thing imo is just getting the gameplay system working
22:08.00Iiris_Frostplus I already know photoshop
22:08.02tordycould focus on visuals later
22:08.16Iiris_FrostSC2 only supports dds for images
22:08.29tordyif you have to sacrifice visuals to get a much wider range of feedback (like publishing to public) then so be it
22:08.53Khalintit supports TGA as well
22:08.58Khalintbut dds is very nicely compressed
22:09.12muzzyi've seen plenty TGA inside map files, it should work at least temporarily :)
22:09.39tordymuzzy buzzy fuzzy
22:10.34Iiris_FrostI was told by ppl in the channel that the only image type supported by SC2 is dds
22:10.58Iiris_Frostbut without Photoshop I'm screwed
22:11.02muzzyoh man
22:11.12muzzyi was about to go turn lights off from the kitchen
22:11.23muzzybut somehow i ended up pouring myself a glass of cola
22:11.38muzzyi suppose i wont be going to sleep yet afterall
22:12.35muzzyso, haha, now i'm all "man, i'll make a map!" but i dont want to clone MineralZ and i dont really have any good ideas atm >_<
22:12.58Iiris_Frostmuzzy, you can just help me instead. (best idea ever)
22:13.08muzzyIiris_Frost: fantastic!
22:13.14muzzyso umm ... what'd you need?
22:13.26Iiris_FrostStep 1: need photoshop
22:13.42Iiris_FrostStep 2: Need dds plugin for photoshop
22:13.53muzzywell, i happen to have photoshop, but i don't have a copy for you.  no dds plugin tho :O
22:14.41Iiris_Frostneed to make some graphics
22:14.52muzzybut i'm sure there are some commandline dds converters out there :O
22:15.00muzzyor, again, use TGA :>
22:15.28Iiris_Frostthe images are in png
22:17.01muzzy  ... should support saving to tga
22:17.13muzzyit also supports .dds apparently
22:17.38muzzysince 2007
22:18.39muzzyso if you only need to convert stuff, you should be fine with that
22:19.27tordyive always been a kinda guy
22:19.28Iiris_FrostI might need to merge some images together
22:20.05muzzyi believe can do all the basic stuff just fine
22:20.07tordyaltho you might need some plugins to get some common functionality from photoshop
22:20.48tordyi'd use photoshop but i just make really basic stuff and dont really need the power of photoshop
22:20.57tordyplus it's a lot quicker to load
22:21.00tordyont his comp at least
22:21.18muzzymmyea, photoshop is too huge so it takes longer to load it all from the disk :)
22:21.30muzzyi hear with fast SSD disks photoshop loads up in seconds :O
22:22.02EiviynNearly every image editor allows .dds
22:22.10Eiviyn"OH I HATE IT"
22:22.32EiviynWell get a job and buy photoshop or suck it up and learn the free software
22:22.57muzzyback when i was windows used, i'd use the mspaint really much ... but in win7 they completely destroyed mspaint :(
22:23.07muzzymspaint used to be enough for everything
22:24.06tordyi dont have money for an SSD
22:24.13tordyeven tho they are getting much cheaper these days
22:24.20tordylike ive seen some $1 per GB
22:24.26tordywhen last year it was liek $2
22:26.47Iiris_FrostI'd prefer just using software I already know, as in photoshop
22:28.11muzzyaaaand that's why software piracy benefits software companies
22:28.56Iiris_Frostif only good torrents still exist
22:29.11zeldarules28|AFKjust poped back in for a second
22:29.16zeldarules28|AFKsaw that message by muzzy
22:29.23zeldarules28|AFKalmost had a rage fit, decided to go back afk >.>
22:29.29muzzylol :)
22:29.45muzzyno, i really had a point: piracy means the competition isn't getting usage or money
22:29.54muzzyi'd really love it if nobody pirated photoshop
22:30.30muzzyit'd be THAT MANY new users for opensource software, and the speed of its development would surely improve as a result
22:30.33tordynot gonna happen
22:30.40Iiris_FrostI wish adobe would give a free edition of photoshop
22:30.44muzzybut everyone always warez0rs themselves the photoshop
22:30.52zeldarules28|AFKI payed for it legit
22:31.02zeldarules28|AFKoverpriced and barely affordable
22:31.22zeldarules28|AFKstill cant get my hands on the adobe  programs I very much need
22:31.36zeldarules28|AFKbecause I refuse to pirate them
22:31.50zeldarules28|AFKafter effects, really need it for a lot of trailers/intro videos
22:31.56zeldarules28|AFKdreamwaver for my web development
22:32.05zeldarules28|AFKFlash for game development
22:32.20zeldarules28|AFKAnd illustrator for illustration and logo design
22:32.49muzzyi stayed off warez a long long time too, until i realized the quality of my life had suffered significantly.  so, i got myself photoshop... if i made any money with it i'd buy it for sure, but i can barely afford to buy myself furniture etc
22:33.06muzzyand the recent advances in copyright law don't really impress me either
22:33.17zeldarules28|AFKThe law is not up to date with technology
22:33.25Khalintpatents are scary
22:33.40zeldarules28|AFKThat said, It would really annoy me if I put my heart and soul into a game and had people steal (or hack 8cough cough*) it
22:33.53muzzydisclaimer: i've also lost a criminal copyright infringement case in court ... my crime was: publishing a parody of "save the children"'s internet censorship stupidity
22:34.16muzzyi lost the case because of new changes to criminal law that were introduced to punish warez
22:34.27zeldarules28|AFKat least sopa is dead ^.^
22:34.33muzzycopyright infringement using the internet without need to financially benefit from it
22:34.53muzzy... turns out, twisting "save the children"'s slogan a little counts as copyright infringement
22:35.12muzzyand it's not just a civil case because of the new law here
22:35.34muzzyit was a criminal case, and i got, uh, wait ... 20kEUR total in legal bills to pay now?
22:35.42muzzyyea, something like that
22:36.04muzzynot kidding, for real
22:36.32muzzy... i'm currently complaining about it to the european court of human rights though, the case has already gone through all courts of finland
22:37.22muzzyalso ... back when new copyright laws were drafted, i was active in campaigning against DRM provisions of it etc, and discussed the law with the lawmakers
22:37.51muzzyand they basically said that even though independent research will be illegal and a crime, it doesn't matter because nobody's coming to your living room to check if you're analyzing a DRM system
22:38.11muzzypeople who write copyright laws believe that it's okay to break them if you dont get caught
22:38.22muzzyi heard this in person from the guy who wrote the goddamn laws
22:38.28muzzyand who has been chairman of WIPO etc
22:38.33muzzyor hmm, was it chairman?
22:38.39muzzysome fscking high position anyway
22:39.28muzzyso yea, you can have a rage fit over my opinions about copyright law, but i have zero respect for the law or for the people who write these laws
22:39.30*** join/#sc2mapster tigger0jk (
22:39.42ckSynergy$250 is close enough to free
22:40.05muzzyoh?  hey then, i got a proposal for you, and it's close enough to free ... would you like to hear it? ;D
22:40.37ckSynergylol, probably moot considering I already own the Master Suite lol
22:41.31Iiris_Frostwithout photoshop doesn't look like I can do the images myself for my map :(
22:41.34*** join/#sc2mapster Hobrow^disc (
22:41.55muzzyi dont even have a bed in my apartment, just a mattress on the floor, cant afford to buy furniture i dont absolutely need :)
22:42.03*** join/#sc2mapster Lilianna (
22:42.43ckSynergyit took me 15 years of saving to buy photoshop. Finally got it and the next version was a major overhaul to the entire core. That ended that dream of "owning" it lol
22:43.50ckSynergyNot to mention, I bought it at a student discount of $900. The following year, I found out they had a coupon (at the time I bought it) to bring it down to $250. For the master suite. Not only that but the next release was $800 and to upgrade it was $525
22:44.00ckSynergyneedless to say, I dont support adobes pricing structure
22:44.06Iiris_Frostphotoshop is like $500/year
22:44.19ckSynergyfor the creative cloud, yea
22:44.43Iiris_Frostno for the software
22:44.51muzzyget photoshop elements, then ;)
22:45.00ckSynergyonly if you want to keep it at the latest version
22:45.07ckSynergyAye elements is like what? $100?
22:45.18muzzyold versions of photoshop are pretty useful too
22:45.21ckSynergyIf youre a student you get a massive discount
22:45.27muzzyi think i'd be happy with photoshop 5.5
22:45.34ckSynergyI have 5.5
22:45.39ckSynergyCS6 was a slap in my face
22:45.43muzzy5.5 was awesome version
22:45.50ckSynergyit was ok
22:45.54ckSynergynot awesome
22:46.22muzzywell, i didn't really like that much anything that came after it ...
22:46.42Khalinti use cs5
22:46.55muzzyme too, because it's available on warez sites ;)
22:47.01Khalintpretty much
22:47.07Khalinti used to have cs3 in school
22:47.08Iiris_Frostsad I'm gonna need to find someone to do the images for my map even though i know how since I can't get photoshop
22:47.33muzzyIiris_Frost: awwww... wait, what images? do i get any artistic freedom?
22:47.52muzzy*goes find photos of bears to add to iiris's images*
22:48.02Iiris_Frostusing WoW images for the time being.
22:48.23Iiris_Frostbut still need someone to merge various images and what not
22:48.35Iiris_Frostlater I'd have custom ones made
22:48.43muzzywhat kind of images are we talking about?
22:48.54muzzyi could draw you some awesome colored stick figures
22:50.20Iiris_FrostI could do it all fine myself if i had photoshop
22:51.03muzzyah, yes, but you dont have photoshop ... so how about i draw some bears for your needs
22:55.11muzzydont be shy! some custom drawn bears, isn't that great? i dont offer to draw bears to just anyone!
23:04.10muzzyhmm, 2am ... yea, i should go sleep soon
23:04.34JademusSregHold out for two more hours.
23:09.02muzzymmmm, why? :P
23:09.24JademusSreg4 am is a good time.
23:10.04*** join/#sc2mapster JademusSreg (
23:14.15muzzybah, i'm off to sleep now ->
23:21.28Khalinthmm i wonder if i even can make a lexer in the trigger editor
23:50.38*** join/#sc2mapster Zandose (18f64fea@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
23:51.14ZandoseDoes anyone know how to turn off the annoying messages in the trigger editor whenever I change a variable to something else?
23:51.30Zandoseversion 1.5.1
23:56.25TheAlmaitynot entirely sure what messages you mean
23:57.57ZandoseiI version 1.5.1. I have a function and within the function I copy, paste, and edit the parameters variable type. Each time i try to change it i get a message.
23:58.45TheAlmaitythose could be error messages if your functions are already in use somewhere else
23:59.02*** join/#sc2mapster Sprocks (
23:59.04TheAlmaityeasiest way would be to remove the functions, dont know if theres any other way to prevent error emssages
23:59.58Zandoseits not a error message. its saying the variable are in use in the code but they arent

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