IRC log for #sc2mapster on 20120713

00:26.56*** join/#sc2mapster tigger0jk (
00:37.15Creepywillyhmm a lil help is needed here. When Unit enter REGION END , Remove UNIT .... but at this moment its removing ITEM from heroes too ... and i dont want this.. which CONDITIONS should i do? thanks
00:39.20Creepywillyany idea?
00:56.01*** join/#sc2mapster ScytheBlade1 (
00:56.01*** join/#sc2mapster ScytheBlade1 (~Death@about/pxe/ScytheBlade1)
01:00.11*** join/#sc2mapster Bommes (89e26e46@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
01:04.38*** join/#sc2mapster Cheekything_ (
01:04.58*** join/#sc2mapster Lajla (~Lajla@2001:0:5ef5:79fb:c7f:3999:ae33:eb94)
01:09.11*** part/#sc2mapster Bommes (89e26e46@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
01:42.36*** join/#sc2mapster Net_Creator (
01:45.52*** join/#sc2mapster tordy (627449b7@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
01:46.02tordyis it against blizz's rules to put donation info in the map?
01:46.14tordylike paypal email
01:47.30Vailrethno clue you may have to check the TOS or contact them
01:49.04AhliI think it's ok... you don't force people to donate...
01:49.43*** join/#sc2mapster Reactorex (
01:50.09Ahliadding a link to a page in the arcades that generates income via advertisements on that page seems to be a bigger problem to me ;D
01:53.08tordyi did notice  a map on the front page that has a donation email on the loading page
02:05.21Ahliis "Triggering Effect used() == EffectThatYouChose" always correct?
02:07.45Ahlihmm, made a mistake
02:09.50*** join/#sc2mapster Net_Crea_ (
02:14.54*** join/#sc2mapster grim001 (
02:14.54*** join/#sc2mapster Sixen (
02:14.54*** join/#sc2mapster Xapti_ (
02:14.54*** join/#sc2mapster IcE^ (
02:14.54*** mode/#sc2mapster [+o Sixen] by
02:51.58*** join/#sc2mapster Lajla (~Lajla@2001:0:5ef5:79fb:c7f:3999:ae33:eb94)
03:19.43Creepywillygot a question if anyone is here, anyone tried the MARINE MERC with a knife on his gun and a shield on his shoulder ? Because it gives me an error about the shield model and remove it as soon as i attack :S
04:44.58*** join/#sc2mapster Lajla (~Lajla@2001:0:5ef5:79fb:c7f:3999:ae33:eb94)
05:07.27*** join/#sc2mapster shintah (
05:17.09RepoNew map: Arms of Faith -
05:35.49RepoNew announcement: The Professionals -
05:54.00*** join/#sc2mapster Lajla (~Lajla@2001:0:5ef5:79fb:c7f:3999:ae33:eb94)
06:52.07*** join/#sc2mapster RazielZ (~Raziel@
06:55.00*** join/#sc2mapster Lajla (~Lajla@2001:0:5ef5:79fb:c7f:3999:ae33:eb94)
07:01.21*** join/#sc2mapster Gluon (
07:01.47Gluonguys I lost the files from the map I made. Is there any way blizzard can send it to me?
07:01.54Gluonits protected so I cant just dl it from bnet
07:07.30SixenUnfortunately, no :(
07:08.55Gluonyou serious?
07:09.01Gluonhave you ever tried?
07:14.13Creepywillyhey anyone can help me with a small problem?
07:15.01GluonIve got a HUGE problem
07:15.05Gluonand noone could help
07:15.18Creepywillyjust asking :P
07:16.22CreepywillyAny unit enter region "END"  , Condition : HERO = FALSE, ACTION : REMOVE UNIT FROM THE MAP //// actually normal unit do what i need, for an exception ... my hero lose all their item from inventory when i pass threw the zone :S
07:17.00GluonI lost the files from the map I made. Is there any way blizzard can send it to me?
07:17.20Creepywillyask blizzard
07:17.47*** join/#sc2mapster Blub\w (~wry@
07:19.15Gluoni couldnt find their support
07:19.53Gluonis there a way you can email them?
07:19.54Creepywilly:S i dont know just try to find a support department on battle net
07:29.16Gluoni guess ill phnone them
07:29.19Gluonin the morning
07:31.32*** join/#sc2mapster Bommes (89e26e46@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
07:39.22*** join/#sc2mapster Lajla (~Lajla@2001:0:5ef5:79fd:341a:1fc1:ae33:eb94)
08:12.26Creepywillyenglish problem : as i say MELEE or RANGED ... Do i need to say Range caracter or RANGED caracter?
09:41.31*** join/#sc2mapster Goa (
10:39.42*** join/#sc2mapster Sevenix (
10:42.48grim001any galaxy++ users?
10:44.13*** join/#sc2mapster Kueken (
10:47.52*** join/#sc2mapster Eldrazor (5353a42b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
10:48.35*** join/#sc2mapster Bommes (89e26e46@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
11:15.47Eldrazorwhat does the "Time Start" field do in ability cooldowns and charges?
11:20.27*** join/#sc2mapster RazielZ (~Raziel@
11:21.27Eldrazornvm, i've found it out
11:33.56*** join/#sc2mapster Ahli (
11:37.01*** join/#sc2mapster RazielZ (~Raziel@
11:55.33RepoUpdated wiki entry: Galaxy / Data / Abilities -
11:56.08*** join/#sc2mapster XenoX101 (
11:59.23*** join/#sc2mapster RipperRoo (~RipperRoo@
12:01.54*** join/#sc2mapster Thenarden (
12:10.12BommesHas anyone experimented with Light actors in the arcade beta and found out if they are usable in any way?
12:24.21*** join/#sc2mapster Ingela (
12:35.49*** join/#sc2mapster Nesetalis (
12:39.55Eldrazori've found out that the lighting editor seems way too complicated for my brain
12:39.59Eldrazoreither that, or it's malfunctioning
12:40.47Eldrazorwhat's the best way to submit 1.5 beta bugs?
12:41.08AhliBlizzard's forum?
12:41.15EldrazorEU's one seems kind of... general
12:41.45AhliI've put everything I found there:
12:46.11*** join/#sc2mapster Tomura (
14:20.05*** join/#sc2mapster Telshin (~textual@
14:24.23GoaEU forum is useless, no one checks it from blizzard. (you can actually openly flame Blizz in the EU forum:D)
14:47.54*** join/#sc2mapster Lajla (~Lajla@2001:0:5ef5:79fd:1848:1fc1:ae33:eb94)
15:37.47GluonI lost the files from the map I made. Is there any way blizzard can send it to me?
15:38.00GluonI want to start working on it again
15:53.20*** join/#sc2mapster Bommes (89e26e46@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
16:04.54*** join/#sc2mapster ckSynergy (
16:34.56*** join/#sc2mapster tordy (627449b7@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
16:35.04tordywassup dudes and dudettes
16:49.57tordywhere do you guys get d3 models?
17:21.04*** join/#sc2mapster Bibendus (
17:43.20*** join/#sc2mapster Lajla (~Lajla@2001:0:5ef5:79fd:3880:1fc1:ae33:eb94)
17:45.13*** join/#sc2mapster Eimtr (4f7c3a21@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
17:45.36Eimtrhey can any1 tell me how to make if unit on creep to get some armor bonus etc is the On Creep behavior>?
18:10.25*** join/#sc2mapster SirDemon (
19:22.29*** join/#sc2mapster Creepywilly (4077d556@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
19:22.40Creepywillyhi everyone
19:31.23*** join/#sc2mapster SirDemon (
19:31.33CreepywillyVailreth you there? :)
19:31.38Vailrethi am here
19:32.25Creepywillynice :) do you know where i remove CLOACKED from Zeratul? :P
19:33.43CreepywillyFOUND IT :)
19:33.46Creepywillyflag i think
19:35.17Creepywillyoh yaeh i wanna ask you my last problem from yesterday :P
19:36.04CreepywillyAny unit enter "END REGION" /// Condition Hero = FALSE /// Action REMOVE UNIT and variable -1 ... all good but, my hero lose their item when i pass threw it
19:36.22Creepywillywhich condition i must use to avoid this
19:37.32Vailrethif there is no unit us item, which i doubt, make all items structures and use the condition Is structire False. that should do it
19:39.24Creepywillygood ill try it and normal unit = Waves01,02 etc... and the only unit the player can use are HEROES
19:39.39Creepywillyso only heroes use item
19:41.22Creepywillyheyoh :)
19:51.20Creepywillywhen i get an error like : marine death 03 is missing In game, is there a way to access the error fast in the data base?
19:52.55*** join/#sc2mapster RipperRooX (
19:58.44BommesHmm... my editor crashes if I use a Timer in an Actor Event Macro and save the map... But I've done that before and it was never a problem.
19:58.47Bommes1.5 bug?
20:01.04Ahlino, crashing applications is intended behavior ^^
20:06.03*** join/#sc2mapster ckSynergy (
20:06.04Creepywillyif i dont want Zeratul to be able to EVISCERATE his target, can i remove this?
20:06.27ckSynergyhey Vailreth you on?
20:06.52ckSynergyCreepywilly: yes
20:07.10CreepywillyDo you know how to?
20:07.29ckSynergyof the top of my head? not really. I assume you remove the ability :P
20:07.56Creepywillybecause atm i got a lot of problem with marine model since zeratul eviscarate people and it dont stop to spam error about eviscarate model which is ok
20:08.38ckSynergybroken english really isnt my first language :P
20:09.15ckSynergyif its giving you an error like that, check your marine actor events and see if zeratul is in there
20:09.45Creepywillyima check
20:12.42Vailrethim here
20:13.18Vailrethand now im not brb
20:13.20ckSynergyhey man quick question for you.
20:14.10ckSynergyI have my mod tied successfully to my test map, however when I test run the mod, game commands dont work. However, when I run the map directly, they do. Any idea?
20:14.40ckSynergyi.e. a simple "create unit" action doesnt work when I ctrl+f9 (test) from the mod.
20:15.02ckSynergybut if I open the map, and test (ctrl+f9), it works
20:15.08ckSynergykind of defeats the purpose
20:16.59Vailrethi dont understand what you mean
20:18.13Vailrethare you using triggers to create units?
20:23.15ckSynergytriggers in a library
20:23.37ckSynergysimple trigger. Any player types -spawn, spawn a marine for triggering player
20:24.24Vailrethsome or most triggers are diabled either by design or bug when you are testing a mod directly
20:24.56ckSynergyThen whats the point of linking a mod to a test document? lol
20:25.05Vailrethto test the mod
20:25.22ckSynergyYea well how can someone test it if you cant even spawn a bloody unit lol
20:25.52Vailrethby having a map with the units preplaced
20:26.01Vailrethbut i think this is a bug
20:26.38*** join/#sc2mapster Net_Creator (
20:27.30Vailrethi forget which editor version are you using
20:28.00ckSynergyI have both
20:28.08ckSynergywell, had, apparently 1.5 wants me to redownload now
20:28.23ckSynergybut ive been using 1.43
20:28.25ckSynergyerm 1.44 now
20:31.00Vailrethi am going to do some testing
20:31.27Vailrethbut quick question is the library that spawns the unit in the map or the mod?
20:37.56Vailrethit maybe be because the mod doesnt have the library constained with in it ... if it doent
20:38.25Vailrethwhat library are you using
20:40.44ckSynergycampaign and l2d
20:40.52ckSynergyand then my custom library
20:41.02ckSynergywith a generic spawn unit command
20:41.20ckSynergyI tried using map init and chat message for the event but neither worked
20:41.24ckSynergyunless i ran the map directly
20:42.18Vailrethcan you export the lirbary and try importing it into the mod?
20:44.03ckSynergythe testmap has the mod as a dependancy. The map works when tested directly (the unit spawns on command)
20:44.10ckSynergyso exporting it is redundant
20:44.14ckSynergybecause that method is already working
20:44.56Vailreththen what the issue?
20:46.05*** join/#sc2mapster Thenarden (
20:47.32ckSynergythere are 2 files
20:47.45ckSynergythe mod, and then the map with the mod as a dependancy
20:47.52ckSynergywhen I open the map and test, it works
20:47.58ckSynergy(ctrl+f9 testing)
20:48.07ckSynergynow, close that map
20:48.33ckSynergywhen I open the mod, and test (again, ctrl+f9) the map loads, but the simple commands dont work
20:48.34Vailrethi am testing now but i beilieve the mod will need the library in it
20:48.51ckSynergywhat library?
20:49.23Vailrethi t hought you said you had a custom library
20:49.26Vailrethin the map
20:49.34ckSynergyin the mod
20:49.43ckSynergythe map has nothing but the dependancies
20:50.00Vailreththen its likely a bug. hmm let me test
20:59.58ckSynergylooks like 1.5 doesnt allow it either
21:03.24Vailrethwould you mind if i take alook at your custom library
21:03.52Vailrethor better a map and dependecy with it
21:04.04ckSynergycant reproduce it?
21:04.10ckSynergycan I pm you?
21:04.15ckSynergyerm *may I
21:16.03*** join/#sc2mapster Archina (
22:49.10Xapti_Does anyone use mouse moved event in thier maps? (preferrably unresricted)
22:50.34Xapti_yeah I guess yours does
22:51.44Xapti_I'm kinda shocked that more people aren't using it
22:52.34Xapti_I hear the lag is mosty gnoe for it now, right
22:52.39Ahlibecause it feels laggy
22:53.54Xapti_like inaccurate?
22:54.53Ahliit's accurate, but there is a delay between player input and game reaction. ^^ that's why it feels laggy.
23:24.59*** join/#sc2mapster Gluon (
23:36.26Ahlihmm I have to load stuff in the arcade beta... third update?
23:37.37Bommesyeah mine is updating too
23:37.39Bommesnice :)
23:37.50Ahliwas the "open editor" button there before?
23:38.14Bommeshaven't loaded it yet
23:38.36Bommesdont think it was
23:39.51Bommeshope they fixed a lot of stuff
23:40.43Bommesthey fixed the bug about my lighting actors
23:41.59Bommeswhich means I wasted like 1 hour figuring out what was wrong and making a workaround and then they fix it some hours later
23:42.02Bommesgreat lol :D
23:43.06Bommesout of pure defiance I'll just continue to use my workaround
23:44.10Ahlithe lists aren't messed up anymore and back button brings you to the exact page you had before
23:44.11Bommesthe terrain menus (regions, pathing etc.) are orange now instead of blue, most important change ever
23:45.35AhliI wonder if they fixed the banks :D
23:46.37BommesI think
23:47.01Bommesthey actually fixed that you can see chat messages even if its another locale version
23:47.27Bommesor they just fixed it for the arcade beta because it had only US locale before? I don't know
23:47.32Bommesnot locale but region version I mean
23:47.34Bommeslike EU, US etc
23:52.50AhliI hate the delay of the mouse move event :S if I click, the hero moves there. If I hold the button the hero will turn around after a short time because the mouse move event was slower than the hero moving and made it think you turned around. :S
23:54.46BommesYeah I'm using that too for my Shooter and by now I just added a visual under it so its less confusing
23:54.57Bommesand just made the mouse cursor really small
23:55.22Ahliif you click and hold, does your mech keep walking into the direction on
23:55.30Ahliif you aren't moving the mouse
23:55.35Ahlithat's bugged for me :S
23:55.52Ahliin my system. I think I need to ignore the first mouse move event after clicking to fix that
23:55.54Bommeswell I'm not using it for movement
23:56.00Bommesif I WASD-walk into a direction
23:56.07Bommesand the camera moves
23:56.12Bommesit won't trigger the mouse moved event
23:56.20Bommesalthough the mouse relatively changes position on the map
23:56.42Bommeswell hard to explain
23:56.43AhliI think they had that for some time
23:56.45Bommesyou can try yourself if you like
23:56.46Ahliin 1.5
23:56.54Bommesyea was like that since I started
23:57.42Ahlithen I reported that in the forum and requested a method to differ between real mouse movement events and the other ones...
23:58.00Ahlibecause I only need the real ones.

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