IRC log for #sc2mapster on 20120505

00:27.17TaintedwispWhere is everyone
00:27.31TaintedwispIts Friday at 8:30 PM EST this chat should be full right now
00:33.06MexaIt's also Saturday 2.30 AM GMT+1
00:33.37Mexaoh meh, it's actually GMT+2
00:33.41MexaBut yeah:P
00:34.22MexaYou're right, I should be off too:>
01:26.55*** part/#sc2mapster Ahli (
01:27.13TaintedwispLawl watching Johnny Bravo
02:22.03*** join/#sc2mapster Parthon (
02:30.31*** join/#sc2mapster Bounty (442ccc3b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
02:43.36*** join/#sc2mapster Skizot (~skizot@
04:14.26Bountyla de da
04:14.34Currydevilworking on it.
04:14.41*** join/#sc2mapster Net_Creator (
04:14.46BountyPhoton Discs is no longer beta :)
04:16.40BountyYep, i believe this is my first map that has made it out of Beta
04:16.59Currydevilthis one is going straight into release.
04:17.12CurrydevilI don't forsee adding much of anything to it after the 15th
04:17.25Currydevilnot like there is much to add to it.
04:17.27BountyYeah i'm done for abit with Photon Discs
04:17.35BountyI gave them 8 modes
04:17.40Bounty420 Levels of Progression
04:17.44BountyLifetime Stat Tracking
04:33.56CurrydevilI don't like text formatting in triggers.
04:44.47*** join/#sc2mapster Skizot (~skizot@
05:09.26CurrydevilWith a top-down camera view, the text tags get in the way of the units. I tried alligning it differently but it didn't change much.
05:23.51Dustinchange the y offset of the attach
05:24.10BountyAnyone here able to log onto EU servers?
05:24.49Currydevili wasn't using that attach before
05:25.01Currydevilbut i am now, and it doesn't seem that the offset is changing much anyways
05:25.45Currydevilthey're not moving.
05:28.04Dustinhow much are you moving it
05:28.20Currydeviltried 1,1 first
05:28.27Dustinya try like 5
05:28.29Currydevilnow i put 3,3
05:39.04Currydevilstill not moving. maybe a diff attachment point
05:40.50CurrydevilHmm, maybe it's my units. I had trouble attaching a dialog to units with custom units and now I am having trouble offsetting text tags.
05:41.10CurrydevilI must have missed something when I made the units?
06:08.15*** join/#sc2mapster Lilianna (
06:45.25*** join/#sc2mapster Skizot (~skizot@
06:47.22*** join/#sc2mapster Parthon (
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06:57.52*** join/#sc2mapster HeyRevolver (
07:32.47*** join/#sc2mapster Ingela (
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08:22.52Repo`New announcement: Genetic Lab Wars -
08:39.00*** join/#sc2mapster Talila_ (
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11:27.50*** join/#sc2mapster Kueken (
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13:16.18*** join/#sc2mapster Talila_ (
13:33.09*** join/#sc2mapster Bounty (442ccc3b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
13:33.15BountyHay Guyz
13:37.25*** join/#sc2mapster Lilianna (
13:50.39*** join/#sc2mapster harl (
14:13.56*** join/#sc2mapster MindWorX (MindWorX@
14:25.17*** join/#sc2mapster Lilianna (
14:26.48*** join/#sc2mapster Ahli (
14:28.39*** join/#sc2mapster ducky (53f1057d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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14:55.20*** join/#sc2mapster Scorp_ (5e91107b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
14:55.53Scorp_got an issue with banks :/
14:56.16Scorp_oh ducky is here :O
14:56.28duckywhat bothers you scorp?
14:57.16Scorp_whenever I store and save values to my bank, they are properly stored in the bank file, but they are all gone when I open the bank again using sc2
14:58.36duckyyou opened bank file after saving values and they were there, right?
14:58.45Scorp_yea I did
14:59.02Scorp_everything resets when I load up the map
14:59.10duckyand how are you opeing your banks?
14:59.55Kuekenalso, you checked the actual file, right?
15:00.08Kuekennot just tried to load from the bank ingame again
15:00.17Scorp_Open Bank; Set Bank Variable; Load integer from section
15:00.20Scorp_and yea I did open the file
15:00.44Scorp_I use to make my banks work perfectly fine for other maps
15:00.48duckyDon't you need to preload them?
15:01.03Kuekenpreload is necessary sometimes
15:01.16Scorp_I tried that too, even though I usually dont
15:01.16Kuekenalthough I don't know what exactly causes it to be
15:01.34Kuekenin one of my maps banks don't work without preload
15:01.42Kuekenin another it works perfectly fine
15:02.50Kuekensounds strange
15:02.57KuekenI would suspect a coding error
15:03.34Scorp_brb, just logging in on my other computer
15:03.59*** join/#sc2mapster Scorp_ (5e91107b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
15:04.45Scorp_oh, cant paste it like that
15:05.05duckyum.. "p" in player isn't variable, right?
15:05.24Scorp_it is
15:05.32duckycause I thing you can't use variables for players/bank names
15:05.43Ahlicant use variables in preload
15:05.56Ahlibecause preload is no real action in triggers
15:06.10Scorp_doesnt work without the preload either
15:06.25Scorp_shouldn't Open bank work with variables?
15:06.33Ahliu need to write preload with numbers
15:06.45Ahliopen bank, etc works with variables
15:06.58Ahlijust preload needs to be defined properly like events
15:06.59duckyhave you seen this scorp?
15:07.57Ahlibecause bank preload is executed before the map is initialized. I think that's done during loading screen...
15:08.29Scorp_yea, I didnt think of that
15:08.50duckyAlso, like that post says, back up your banks, I just got my bank wiped for no apperant reason and now I'm busy with implementing backuping D:
15:09.19Ahliducky, keep in mind that there is a size limit
15:09.49duckyyeah, thankfully my banks are not bigger than 1 kb
15:10.08Ahlialso, if you just differ between newly created banks and invalid banks and then just not save with invalid banks ingame, the banks can't be reset
15:10.37Ahlithat's how I set it up. The player needs to start my map in singleplayer to reset the bank manually
15:11.26duckywhat can make bank invalid?
15:11.42duckyinvalid signature?
15:11.55Ahliso saving can only be done when every bank is valid (or a new created bank, just check there is something inside the bank, if not -> new bank, then save something like a bank version)
15:12.08Ahliyou can protect the banks with the signature
15:12.43Ahliits other use is that it can detect screwed up bank loading...
15:12.47BountyPeeewwww Peewwwwww
15:15.05duckywell. It's just that I'm not sure what happened to me. There was no crash/disconnect, map acted as if there was no bank so it created a fresh bank.  Ahli, what do you mean by "invalid" bank?
15:16.12Ahliyou should enable the signature for banks
15:16.46Ahliif the signature is broken, there are 2 explanations
15:16.59Ahlifirst, it's a new player. the bank should be empty
15:17.09Ahlithat can be used savely
15:17.44Ahlion the other hand the bank loading or the bank itself are corrupt. So the data within the bank is broken, wrong, incomplete, etc...
15:18.05Scorp_that is the code
15:20.42duckyThat's pretty much how I did it, only I first check if there is something in bank and only then verify it.
15:21.10AhliI think if one player fills his bank with 1mb or useless code and plays in multiplayer, he can destroy all other players' banks when the map attempts to save banks again despite all players have valid banks on their harddisk.
15:22.04AhliI still need to test that one day, but I'm afraid that I can actually reset all player's banks on every map on page 1 with that ;D
15:22.47Scorp_sounds fun
15:23.32Ahliso if one bank isn't empty and invalid, stop bank saving and tell the players to remake ;D
15:24.03duckyWhat happens if you load bank for player that doesn't exist?
15:24.23duckythank god :D
15:24.24AhliI'm doing that every map start
15:25.40duckyScorp, have you tried simply opening all banks for all players without unig variables for player names?
15:26.54Scorp_but I could try
15:27.49duckyplease try =D
15:28.08Scorp_that worked :O
15:28.45Scorp_.. I am sure I used a loop for bank loading once :S
15:29.13duckyI'm .. not so sure about that =P
15:29.30AhliI think everything one needs to know is inside the tooltips
15:30.13AhliI'm loading my bank with a loop here
15:30.59Scorp_but seems like I cant
15:31.46duckyyou are?.. you're looping player names, right?
15:32.45duckyI ment IDs
15:40.26*** join/#sc2mapster Lilianna (
15:42.11Ahliyes I am :S
15:42.22Ahliand as far as I know it works
15:42.43Ahliat least it works offline. but I think it was working online, too
15:44.25duckyweird.. just tried using a loop to open my banks.. failed horribly
15:45.08Ahliwhat was the side to poaste code onto?
15:45.33Ahlioh, got it
15:50.27duckyIf I put it in while loop it doesn't work, but If I use for player loop it works :s
15:51.12Kuekenthen you probably messed up your loop
15:51.52Kuekensince a for each player should translate to a while loop in galaxy
15:52.12Kuekenor maybe a for loop, but I doubt that, since for loops got added later on with a patch
15:52.32KuekenI doubt, Blizzard would update working functions to use new features they implement
15:54.08duckydid I really mees that one up?
15:56.14*** join/#sc2mapster DarlD (
15:56.23DarlDHello ladies and gentlemen!
15:56.41DarlDI have a data question if I may?
15:57.34DarlDI would like to rotate a particular doodad up-side down and at a 45 degree angle while still facing upside down. I am trying to create a ceiling for a cave. The bottom textures from the rock doodads are streched out and it loooks like crap lol
16:06.57KuekenI assume you know about rotation site operations?
16:07.44Kuekenducky: unknown paste ID
16:07.50Kuekenso yes, you probably did :D
16:09.39duckyaaw, it expired :D
16:10.30duckyanyway, that's what there was
16:10.34Kuekenthey expire that fast?
16:10.43duckyI set it to 10 min
16:11.25KuekenI assume Cycle is an integer, which is initially one or zero?
16:11.39duckyyeah, cyccle is int, initially 1
16:12.19KuekenI wonder, what causes the discrepancy between those 2 then
16:12.43duckyscorp used regular for loop, and it didn't load too
16:13.22duckyyou'd thing it would work, but it doesn't :D
16:13.48KuekenI will have a look at the generated script code
16:17.55JK_TrollingKueken, you lied
16:18.01JK_Trollingand I succeeded where you had failed
16:20.44Kuekenwell, doesn't look like there should be a difference
16:22.17duckyI messed up my coding
16:23.04duckynow I feel just silly :l
16:24.14*** join/#sc2mapster Thenarden (
16:25.08DarlDSorry kueken
16:25.12DarlDI went afk for a bit
16:25.31DarlDUnfortunatly I am complete scrub when it comes to data. I know triggering inside out.
16:25.59DarlDI did do a couple of data tutorials but I find most of them don't explain the why. Like why a persistant into a search.
16:26.10DarlDLeaves me kinda confused when I try to make something of my own.
16:26.18KuekenI know the feeling
16:26.34DarlDYeah. So do you have skype kueken?
16:26.40KuekenI have
16:26.53DarlDI could maybe show you what I'm working on and we could maybe discuss in detail how to achieve a doodad rotation?
16:26.59DarlDIf that is alright with you of course.
16:27.09KuekenI am not really a talkative person
16:27.24DarlDLol. Yeah not over microphone
16:27.36DarlDIts just skype is more private and I can share my screen lol
16:28.08Kuekenshould probably have queried that ;)
16:28.12DarlDHell we could just use teamviewer
16:28.20DarlDExcuse me?
16:28.25DarlDQueried what?
16:28.52Kuekenthe skype nickname, so not everyone gets it :)
16:28.59Kuekenthat is, if you care
16:29.25DarlDOw I don't mind. I have my skype username on my signature on sc2mapster
16:29.32DarlDAdvertising for live trigger help add me
16:40.52*** join/#sc2mapster Mexa (504ed854@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
16:52.16*** join/#sc2mapster Skizot (~skizot@
17:32.11*** join/#sc2mapster Taintedwisp (adbc84d3@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
17:32.57Taintedwisphey anyone know what handles the Green semi transparent wireframe that appears when you land a barracks on an addon(tech lab or reactor)
17:34.01A1winit's the placement model of the barracks
17:34.22Taintedwisphmm okay, how would I make it so the placement model apears on a point when the ability is used
17:34.51Scorp_make an actor trigger when that ability is used
17:34.54Scorp_at the scope target
17:35.21Scorp_not sure how you get rid of it again though
17:36.16TaintedwispWAIT i cant used ability used for event...
17:36.26TaintedwispBecause the ability isnt used until the bunker is built
17:37.51Taintedwisphmmm this is a delimmah
17:38.02Taintedwispand thats terrible misspelled
17:38.04Scorp_if you're using a build ability, why not just set the placement model of the buliding to whatever you want
17:39.23TaintedwispThe problem is, I want the placement model to appear on a point.... lol
17:39.41Taintedwisplike a starport landing does for an addon
17:49.20Taintedwispdamn lol
17:49.40TaintedwispWAIT Couldnt I use Button clicked?
17:50.21Ahliwhat's the best way to detect that a unit is surrounded and move order is worse than staying and attack?
17:50.46Ahliif I order to move it tries to move and that sometimes takes a while before it loses the order
17:50.49TaintedwispValidatiors I would think
17:51.01Ahliwith triggers. so I can't use validators
17:51.14AhliI'm trying to improve my hero ai
17:52.15Taintedwispmy shit just crashed...
17:52.30TaintedwispDammit lol
17:52.35Taintedwisplost 10 minutes of work...
17:52.38Taintedwispoh well
17:52.56Ahlictrl + s is your friend
17:53.38Kuekenchecked your automated updates?
17:55.33TaintedwispNope no automated updates lol
17:56.42Scorp_Ahli, you can call an issue order effect with an attached validator through triggers
18:07.09*** join/#sc2mapster Net_Creator (
18:12.21Taintedwispgott make 36 point.... 12 down lawl
18:24.04Taintedwisphmmm... I am feeling kind of lazy...
18:40.29CurrydevilAnyone know why a custom unit might not work properly with attachments like 'attach dialog to unit' or 'attach text tag to unit with offset' ?
18:41.05Kuekencustom model as well?
18:43.59Kuekenwhich model?
18:44.05Kuekendid you try to change it?
18:45.01CurrydevilNova, Tosh, Raynor, Tychus, Merc marine, Utility Bot, Spider Mine, Korhal Flag, Ghost, Civilian, Reaper and um Zeratul
18:45.23Kuekenand none of these work?
18:45.24Currydevilno, but when I fixed the attach dialog problem, it worked when I changed the unit from a custom unit to a default marine.
18:45.40Currydevilnot with the text tag attachment.
18:45.57CurrydevilThen again, i read lastn ight that this action doesn't work. but that was a post from 2010? I think.
18:46.32Kuekenso attach test tag works for a default marine, but not for a bunch of custom units you created?
18:46.34Currydevilmaybe i'll just do an actor text teg
18:46.46Currydevilwell, the attach dialog worked for a marine
18:46.50Currydevilnot my custom.
18:47.02CurrydevilSo i'm assuming it's the same problem for the attach text tag.
18:47.07Kuekenin this case, I would try some things
18:47.16Scorp_Map Previews are .tga, right?
18:47.19Kuekenlike duplicating the marine without any changes
18:47.31KuekenScorp_:  or .dds
18:47.36Kuekenshould work as well
18:47.51Scorp_I'll go for .dds then, lower file size
18:47.56Currydevilthe normal 'Attach text tag to unit' works just fine.
18:48.06Currydevilbut that action that allows offset does not work.
18:48.25Kuekenthe offset had issues anyway, iirc
18:48.39Currydevilyes, but that action doesn't even anchor it to the unit at all
18:48.45Currydevilnot counting the offset.
18:49.04Currydevilanyways, I think I will use some actor events.
18:49.14CurrydevilOr just change the camera back to the normal.
18:49.22Currydevilnot a big fan of top-down right now
18:49.32CurrydevilI would have to change a few things for it to look right.
18:50.20Currydeviland then lock it in top-down. zooming breaks the adjustment. hah
18:52.49*** join/#sc2mapster Skizot (~skizot@
19:04.42*** join/#sc2mapster MindWorX` (MindWorX@
19:17.04Currydevilhrm, trying to validate player 1 or something like that.
19:17.13Currydevilbut I'm not sure of the validator to use.
19:17.20Currydevilplayer #*
19:18.10*** join/#sc2mapster MindWorX (MindWorX@
19:33.38Currydevilthis will cut down on some triggers too. using data. And this works =) except for finding the owning player and setting the text color
19:45.42*** part/#sc2mapster Ahli (
19:56.37*** join/#sc2mapster RazielZ (~Raziel@
20:00.05Repo`New map: SC1 Episode 5 - The Iron Fist -
20:09.59BountyPew Pew
20:13.40CurrydevilI don;t like the top-down camera Bounty =X
20:13.58BountyWell thats why i told you to give it a slight angle
20:15.55Currydevileh, it's either top-down or the 'slight' angle is too great to be called top-down anymore and you might as well use the default camera ;)
20:17.44CurrydevilHmmm, text actors don't respond to filters. Bugger.
20:20.47CurrydevilKueken, do you know if text actors can be per-player visible? filters don't work on them.
20:21.22Kuekenyou sure it doesn't inherit stuff?
20:21.36Kuekenother than that, you can try Renee's phasing method
20:21.55BountyAnyone on EU want to do me a quick favor? :)
20:22.13Currydevilit might inherit stuff, but the units themselves are already cloaked/buried so the enemy can't see. if they were inheriting, i would imagine they were invisible too =P
20:22.57Kuekenare you familiar with the phasing?
20:23.17Currydevilno, I don't think so
20:24.07Kuekenin this case, I would suggest you try to add the GAx3 mod to the map
20:24.27Kuekenit provides a trigger function to send an actor message to an actor for a specific player only
20:25.06CurrydevilOh no need. I fixed it. I told it to inherit visibility.
20:25.25Kuekenthats probably the easier way
20:25.37CurrydevilMost likely =P
20:26.35A1winI still have no clue how to fix mac users from getting dropped from craftcraft in like 10 minutes into the game ._x
20:27.47JademusSregWoke up around Pew in the morning // Do a line of coke, stretchin' and yawnin'
20:28.10CurrydevilOr maybe I didn't fix it. Lol.
20:28.14CurrydevilIt worked for one unit
20:28.22Kueken"a line of coke"
20:28.22Currydevilbut the rest are not working. -.-
20:28.31Kuekensounds addict to me
20:29.04JademusSregPerhaps it is, within the context of the song lyrics I paraphrased for the purposes of wedging in a "pew".
20:29.10CurrydevilOh yeah, i only added an actual Host actor on one unit.
20:29.18Kuekennext one to jump on the photon bandwagon o_0
20:29.41BountyHey JademusSreg, i finally finished a map lol
20:30.10BountyWent out of beta last night with the Prestige Update
20:30.22Scorp_btw, bounty
20:30.29Scorp_you should encrypt your bank file
20:30.36JademusSregI guess "Photon" is becoming a brand or something.
20:30.39Bountyi dont know how
20:30.52Bountyand the community for the map is so small, i easily catch hackers
20:31.04Kuekenscorp_ did anyone actually break the signature thing yet?
20:31.09JademusSregLong time ago,.
20:31.30KuekenI heard multiple times that it should be possible in theory
20:31.38BountyWhen someone hacks their ranks in Photon Discs, instead of banning them i just give them the title Hacker Scum with a permanent rank of 0
20:31.41Kuekenbut noone actually provided an example
20:31.57JademusSregBut the next patch will probably either change the signature generation function and, let's hope, use a server-generated key.
20:32.00Kuekenjade, did you try yourself?
20:32.09Scorp_I did modify the bank with no problems at all
20:32.19Kuekenand it worked ingame?
20:32.23JademusSregNaw, but I've got a link somewhere to the tool selling a tool for that purpose.
20:32.31BountyYou hacked Photon Discs bank?
20:32.37Scorp_but its some time ago
20:32.49Scorp_so you might have increased security since then
20:32.59BountyAre you on EU?
20:33.09Bountywell, sucks for u guys then
20:33.13Bountyi have no power in EU
20:33.34BountyI mean hey, if you wanna hack the progression system all ur doing is ruining it for urself
20:33.45Bountyand on US u get punished
20:33.50Scorp_nah, I'm not like that
20:34.00Scorp_I just wanted to see if you had secured it
20:34.14Bountyidk how honestly
20:34.26Scorp_theres a string library somewhere on mapster
20:34.34Scorp_that converts all variables into a string
20:34.51Scorp_makes it difficult to open up the file and change the values
20:35.04Scorp_that one
20:35.04JademusSregBy s3rius.
20:38.04Scorp_oh and bounty, you are making me look like a copycate :S
20:38.16Scorp_that prestige badge thing you added
20:38.24Scorp_exactly what I had in mind for my own project
20:38.41MexaKueken, I provided a legit example of some sourcecode creating signatures.
20:38.46MexaFor some time ago
20:39.00MexaI didn't break it, but I showed the link:p
20:39.22MexaHmm, sec
20:41.17MexaKueken, there you go... lol
20:44.21MexaBlizzard should totally generate signatures server-side.
20:47.24JademusSregOr at least use a server-generated key in the signature generation function.
20:49.11DustinYou get a proper key signature?
20:49.27DustinI tried to generate the right signature with my C# program but it wasnt coming out right
20:49.34MexaFrom that thing? I don't doubt.
20:49.59MexaAgain, it's not my code. The link was provided on d3scene
20:50.01DustinFrom my own
20:50.24DustinI found what was suppsoed to be the order for everything to generate the key
20:50.42Dustinbut was coming out wrong, it's the last thing I need to get working to release my Bank2SQL program
20:51.15MexaWell, I haven't tested anything myself, I only know that much that it's already broken
20:51.26MexaThere's a few ore bank signers on d3scene too.
20:52.03DustinI used the bank signature jsut to make shit easier and not have to write an encryption alg in the triggers and then in C#
20:52.11DustinWould be more of a pain then anything
20:54.18MexaPerhaps you're sorting it in the wrong order.
20:54.36DustinIt's alphabetical order based on section
20:54.40DustinFrom what I read
20:56.21Mexa"Append each section name (ordered by ASCII values, not dictionary-ordering)" is what the guy in that source are saying.
20:57.40MexaAlso, you're missing out to append "Value"
20:57.54*** join/#sc2mapster Hjalte (
20:58.13*** join/#sc2mapster Skizot (~skizot@
20:58.26MexaFrom the looks of your image, anyway.
21:05.59BountyWhat is Photon Discs popularity on EU? :)
21:06.14MexaLet me see..
21:06.29Bountybtw JademusSreg
21:06.43BountyI think you were right, about "Photon" being some sort of franchise now
21:06.47BountyPhoton Cycles
21:06.49BountyPhoton Discs
21:06.56Bountyand now, apparently... Photon Fighters
21:08.05BountyNice Curry
21:08.30CurrydevilI'm going to move those dialogs up though
21:08.33Currydevila little bit.
21:08.52*** join/#sc2mapster Lajla (~Lajla@2001:0:5ef5:79fd:4eb:16e2:ae33:eb94)
21:08.52BountyHave you considered removing the Move/Attack/Cancel dialog?
21:08.56Bountyand making it automated
21:09.12BountyWould be awesome if you could do that
21:09.28BountyLike chess craft
21:09.33Bountyselect a unit
21:09.41Bountyand it shows where you can move and where you can attack
21:09.44Bountyand u just go from there
21:09.46Currydeviland spend more time re-triggering the rules -.-
21:09.56MexaAlong with the duplicates on the list, your map is on page 6, 64hours played, 552 bookmarks.
21:09.56Currydevilyes, but you can only do 1 thing each turn.
21:09.57Bountydat scout
21:09.59Currydevilmore or attack.
21:10.11Currydevilno, it's not the scout.
21:10.11BountyNice Mexa
21:10.11Currydevilit's the whole thing if i did that.
21:10.16BountyThats pretty good considering EU has no moderation for hackers lol
21:10.29Currydevilyou can only move or attack in a turn.
21:10.38MexaNow if you'll excuse me, I'll continue some webdesign and a movie.
21:11.03Bountyyeah but you could just show the movement options
21:11.03Currydevili suppose.....
21:11.05Bountyand the attack options
21:11.14Bountyat the same time, just by clicking on a unit
21:11.20Currydevilyes yes. I know.
21:11.24Bountyjust a suggestion :)
21:11.36Currydeviland get rid of my fancy red dialog? how could you even suggest such a thing!
21:11.47Bountywell you would still have the one at the top
21:11.56Bountyyou know what you could do?
21:12.06Bountyget rid of the attack/move dialog
21:12.10Bountyand add a graveyard dialog
21:12.22BountySo you can see what has died for each player
21:12.22CurrydevilI was going to add that anyways.
21:12.47CurrydevilHowever...... there is a rule in the oringal where you can rescue up to 2 pieces per game. I am not going to add that.
21:13.02Currydevillike 'kinging' in checker.
21:14.03Currydevilwith that captured list, i think i will put one on either side of the screen.
21:14.15Currydevilwith minimize option.
21:14.47CurrydevilI will consider automating move/attack.
21:15.03CurrydevilAttacking already requires the presence of the targeting indicator.
21:15.13Currydevilso I could just do that with move also
21:15.25Currydevilyou know...
21:15.43Currydevilif I had set that part up in the beginning, the movements would be so much easier to do now.
21:16.03Currydevilinstead of having so much more code than is necessary. I think I will fix that too.
21:16.19CurrydevilHindsight is a bitch. =D
21:16.40CurrydevilAnyways, I have to get ready for work. If you're here when I get home, i'll show you the reveal.
21:16.58Currydevil@10:30 pst (roundabout there anyways)
21:17.30CurrydevilDamn, Bounty look what you done. Curry chat. -.-'
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22:29.58RipperRooX(00:21:21) (RipperRooX) do u know if it is possible to make an item usable in one container.. but not usable in another one ? :o
22:29.58RipperRooX(00:21:33) (RipperRooX) like u can use a potion in a potionslot but not in the general bag?
22:33.02Dustin[3:56pm] <Mexa> "Append each section name (ordered by ASCII values, not dictionary-ordering)" is what the guy in that source are saying.
22:33.02Dustin[3:58pm] <Mexa> Also, you're missing out to append "Value"
22:33.07DustinWhat do you mean there?
22:33.56MexaI was looking at the sourcecode I linked to, and drew a conclusion that you seem to miss a few things in the signature generator, based on what I saw in your image.
22:35.47MexaBu it looks like every key is appended with: + "Value" + key.type + key.value
22:37.55MexaAnd by sorting by ASCII value, I suppose that means that the compared name will check the chars one by one and sort it by lowest ascii-value.
22:39.10Dustinso maybe they need to be passed as different values other then strings
22:39.21MexaDustin, for instance, that say you have: Monkey, apple, Banana, the sorted list will be Banana, Monkey, apple
22:39.37MexaJust a guess though.
22:40.23DustinIll mess around with it somemore
22:42.31DustinWell hmm
22:42.40DustinIm storing all the values in a string
22:43.10Dustinand I mean it has to be a string when I pass it through SHA
22:43.16Dustinso that cant be the problem
22:43.26TaintedwispAnd another little kid pisses me off....
22:43.31TaintedwispI hate kids... bad
22:44.05Taintedwispbout broke my dads gun cabinet... now my gun cabinet
22:44.54TaintedwispI hate decided... i dont care whos kids they are anymore... little bastards break something in my house im whopping their ass weather their parents are too scared to or not....
22:44.59TaintedwispHave* not hate
22:45.36TaintedwispHe broke the 100$ gem on top of the cabinet, and he got put in the corner for 30 seconds....
22:45.51Taintedwispback when I was growing up that was a complete asswhooping and you would go home...
22:46.03*** join/#sc2mapster Raziel_ (~Raziel@
22:46.28MexaDustin, I was rather thinking you forgot to add something to the string.
22:46.50TaintedwispSorry for the rant, imma go map some, to let my self cool off some before i kill one of these little bastards...
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23:06.24Dustinmexa, can you pm a link to where you got that script initially?
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23:41.16DustinI have no idea why this wouldnt be working
23:41.29Kuekentoo bad
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