IRC log for #sc2mapster on 20111024

15:43.12*** join/#sc2mapster purl (
15:43.12*** topic/#sc2mapster is | sc2mapster bnet2 channel | Themed Creature Contest: | Patch 1.3.X Undocumented Changes: | We want your broken maps! | Join #sc2replayed for SC2Replayed
15:45.16*** join/#sc2mapster Ingela (
15:48.26ClordWoW annual pass.. GW2 beta comes... you get invited..... noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! XD
15:48.50Clorddump account for someone else >_>
15:57.06*** join/#sc2mapster Kueken (
15:58.03*** join/#sc2mapster Chrono^ (Chrono@
16:10.12*** join/#sc2mapster Aelie (
16:10.48*** join/#sc2mapster RipperRoo (
16:25.05*** join/#sc2mapster Xaragoth (~name@
16:29.55*** join/#sc2mapster Frall (
16:40.27Ashamedi feel like blizzcon sucked this year
16:40.35Ashamedjust not enuff info on any of their games
16:48.29Ashamedthe silence of monday ><
16:50.42XaragothI was disappointed by WoW, hoped they'd pull some big moves... SC2 seems nice
16:50.46Xaragothand the D3 CE is a damn beast
16:50.58XaragothI might actually buy it just for the Diablo Skull :p
16:52.05JademusSregI awaken.
16:52.07XaragothSo. Fucking. Good.
16:52.32*** join/#sc2mapster PassivePicasso1 (
16:55.01Aeliaok.. i didnt realize that was live action for a second
16:55.09Aeliathen i was like "wow... that looks incredible"
16:56.08Xaragothit's still incredible
16:58.45XaragothI want dat Dragon.
17:00.39*** join/#sc2mapster Claymuffin (1835165f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
17:01.17ClaymuffinI are clueless... How do you run an action definition? How do you make it happen?
17:01.36JademusSregYou call it just like any other action.
17:02.11ClaymuffinDefine "call it"
17:02.35Xaragoth"Here defi, here defi defi"
17:03.11Claymuffini just don't know what it mean in english in that situation, I prolly did it, just don't know what you named
17:03.24ClaymuffinEnglish aint my first language
17:04.03JademusSregIn programmer paralance, calling a function means to use it. In GUI, you call actions from trigger action sets and from inside custom action and function definitions.
17:04.26Xaragothhe is talking in coder-gibberish to you
17:04.36JademusSreg"Paralance" sounds like a pretty cool weapon.
17:04.37Claymuffinty very much
17:04.57JademusSregNo problem.
17:05.19JademusSregWhat's your native language?
17:05.35Claymuffinfrench canadian
17:06.51Xaragothget a real language *cough*
17:07.03Xaragothlike mine! german! people can make fun of our english ALL THE TIME
17:07.19Xaragothfire zhe kanone ~
17:07.47JademusSregRomance languages aren't too difficult to read if you know at least one of them (understanding one spoken is another matter).
17:09.19ClaymuffinSo I guess you use the "run triger" action to call an action definition, right?
17:09.50Claymuffinor is there a specific function to call an AD?
17:10.00JademusSregNope. It should appear in the standard list of actions.
17:10.07Vailrethis it a parabolic llama canon?
17:10.42JademusSregI'm not familiar with the canonical status of parabolic llamas.
17:11.48Vailrethevery story needs a parabolic llama if they would have had one in starcraft  there would have been no brood war..
17:12.34Claymuffino god i found out
17:13.05Claymuffinwhen you don't get it... you don't get it!
17:13.37Vailrethi wonder if kerrigans infestation involved tentacles .... but then im may be eccentric
17:13.37Claymuffinhey vail
17:13.56Claymuffinare you intending to make your minecraft game into some sort of arcade?
17:14.03Claymuffina multi round game
17:14.05JademusSregThat's like calling the Japanese eccentric. They love tentacles. Or so the internet would have me believe.
17:14.17Vailrethim not the minecrafty one
17:14.37Claymuffinwho is it then?ç
17:14.49ClaymuffinI was sure it was you
17:14.50Vailrethi think its A1... but not sure
17:14.56ClaymuffinYa thats him
17:15.10JademusSregEven some of their ancient works depict octopi having amorous relations with women.
17:15.11Shawn|RawrJademus, that's gross
17:15.12Vailrethna i am doing the data for a mod called Unreal Foftress
17:15.45Vailrethbut Jademus is correct
17:16.18JademusSregAnyway, it's no surprise that under a prohibition against displaying male genitals that they would find a substitute in their visual media erotica.
17:18.35Vailrethi am probably going to wait for HotS and its UI editing to finish Unreal Fortress
17:18.43Vailretha mod years in the making
17:20.32Vailrethi just hope they give the ability to make footprints or some other data object hide terrain cells
17:21.17JademusSregTerrain objects, don't they do that automatically?
17:21.31Vailrethyes but they can not be created dynamicly
17:21.34*** join/#sc2mapster Ousnius (4e2aaba3@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
17:21.41JademusSregYeah, haha.
17:21.42Ousniuso hai
17:21.50JademusSregDon't much care for them, anyway.
17:21.52JademusSregHi thar.
17:23.24Ousniuswtf why is SC2 turning up my mics volume to 100% at launch?....
17:23.29Vailrethright now for a map with the Pufifier's Planet cracker i  have to use a trigger to create a region and hide terrain cells in that region when the blast mark unit is created
17:23.36Ousniusi have voicehcat disabled
17:23.56JademusSregNot so bad.
17:24.10JademusSregI wonder if there is a way to hide terrain cells via actor.
17:24.39JademusSregActors can modify terrain mesh, I don't see why they couldn't hide terrain cells.
17:25.05Claymuffinanybody know a blizz map that use some kind of grid system using points? I would have a look at that....
17:25.08Vailrethintersting idea i will check
17:47.35Vailrethnope dosent seem like there are any actors for that damn
17:54.11*** join/#sc2mapster Hjalte (
18:09.34*** join/#sc2mapster soulcarver (6334b114@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
18:09.59soulcarveranybody here?
18:10.21soulcarveri have a unit that is turning to attack someting
18:10.26soulcarverim using wasd to turn the unit
18:10.37soulcarverand dont want the unit turning to aim a weapon
18:10.38soulcarverhow do i stop this?
18:11.04JademusSregTo aim a weapon? What do you mean?
18:19.00*** join/#sc2mapster soulcarver (6334b114@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
18:19.05soulcarverhey jade
18:19.13soulcarverdid you have an answer?  I craseh
18:19.20soulcarverto my question before
18:19.23JademusSreg[14:11:09] <JademusSreg> To aim a weapon? What do you mean?
18:19.29soulcarverhow to stop a unit from auto turning to aim
18:20.04JademusSregSounds like an target acquisition problem.
18:20.27JademusSregIt acquires a target, and turns to fire toward it.Change how it acquires its targets.
18:21.42soulcarverwhere would i do that?
18:21.48soulcarverim not seeing anything on the unit
18:23.58JademusSregCheck the unit Combat fields and the weapon.
18:28.36Kuekenwhat do you want?
18:28.52Kuekena unit, which doesn't acquire targets on its own?
18:28.55soulcarverhow do you stop a unit from turning when attacking a target?
18:29.05Kuekenbut still attacks at right click?
18:29.09soulcarveryea... or well it does turn to do so
18:29.24soulcarveri just dont want my unit auto turning
18:29.44Kuekenit should still attack units, if they are in front of the unit?
18:30.03soulcarveror within the weapons arc of fire
18:30.16Kuekenbut the unit itself should be turnable?
18:30.26Kuekenif you manually order it to?
18:30.40soulcarverwell i wonder if the turn triggers work if its not turnable
18:30.58Kuekendont think so
18:31.13Kuekenwell, first thing I can think of would be
18:31.30Kuekendisable target acquirisation all together
18:31.38Kuekenand add a periodic search effect
18:31.51Kuekenwhich searches for targets in the weapons arc of fire
18:32.04Kuekenand orders your unit to attack, if it has no order
18:32.10soulcarverwell that works
18:32.18soulcarverjust made the unit un turnable
18:32.22Kuekenthere might be a better solution, though
18:32.54Kuekenand thats just like you need it?
18:33.23Kuekenso you dont need to turn it manually
18:33.38*** join/#sc2mapster RipperRooX (
18:45.45*** join/#sc2mapster Ashamed (43874626@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
18:54.19*** join/#sc2mapster Shadow_Killer (
18:54.44*** join/#sc2mapster Dekar- (
18:59.15*** join/#sc2mapster Shawn|Rawr (
19:12.10*** join/#sc2mapster Alevice (~alevice@
19:22.24*** join/#sc2mapster Skizot (
19:26.56Vailrethhey any one know the mapster link to modeling for sc2?
19:29.48Ashamedgross sub ><
19:47.47Vailrethi cant seem to get my unit to attack my custom forcefield
20:11.33Ashamedcuz your custom forcefield SUCKS
20:13.26Vailrethbut seriously any help would be apreciated
20:14.14JademusSregNeed more information.
20:14.48Vailrethi have created a structure with the model for its actor being the Forcefieldimpact model.
20:15.26JademusSregThe sentry forcefield has an untargetable flag or some such, iirc. But assume you're doing something unlike that.
20:15.31JademusSreg*I assume
20:15.55Vailrethi have removed all of the untargtabl and unselectable flags
20:16.02Vailrethbut it remains both
20:16.15Ashamedvail "USER ERROR"
20:16.21JademusSregThat's odd.
20:16.31VailrethAshamed i doubt that
20:16.43Ashamedoh cuz your God now?
20:16.45Ashamedyou can
20:16.51Ashamedcan't have user error
20:17.04Ashamedmy fingure was off kept pressing enter for ' ><
20:17.07Vailrethi make lots of mistakes
20:17.23Vailrethjust in this instance i dont think i am making one
20:17.51JademusSregAsh, you must have stupid fingers, like Fry.
20:18.02JademusSregI suggest getting some Robot Devil hands.
20:18.11AshamedI have stupid fingers yes :)
20:22.14Shawn|RawrI'm stuck. ^.^
20:22.23Shawn|RawrHello Jade
20:22.24JademusSregWiggle around.
20:23.17Shawn|RawrI'm at the point where I have multiple options on where to go in my mapping, but I don't know if any of them are worth doing
20:23.34ClordI love how various forums fake delete stuff.. including blizzard ones... search engine finds the thread and can pull out of words from it but selecting it tells that thread is deleted
20:23.56Clordthey can't just simply call them blocks
20:24.07Vailrethok the build
20:24.10JademusSregShawn, prototype simple version with barebones mechanics, play test them.
20:24.20Vailrether the build unit on mineral field dosent seem to work
20:25.09Shawn|RawrI am at that point with 2 of my older maps and 1 that I started last night. I guess I'll have to wait for my friend to get back so I can get his opinion
20:25.25Shawn|RawrBut that won't be for another 12 hours or so haha
20:25.49Clordbtw.... I found that upcoming in-built dialog editor as awesome idea
20:26.06Clordthey implement it smarter than expected
20:26.16JademusSregLooks pretty cool.
20:26.26JademusSregHopefully custom UIs will become more common place.
20:26.30Vailrethok i was right the Model has no interactin volume
20:26.49Clordwhat I mean by that implementing smarter than expected is that you can just right click the trigger where dialog is supposed to be made and then just it generates the end result there
20:27.48Clordalso idea that you can easily make good cutscenes for maps is also awesome... some intro stuff for example =)
20:29.07Clordanyways overall good thing that expansion is coming relatively soon(ish)
20:29.35Vailrethi say sometime between july and october next year
20:29.49Clordaaaaaw... you feel generous liek that
20:30.49ClordTHE Card Game: Survival: VS Edition
20:33.12*** join/#sc2mapster Sixen (
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20:36.36Vailrethi have no clue how to add a hit test area to the forcefield model
20:47.58*** join/#sc2mapster cplusplus (
20:48.08cplusplusHello all.
20:49.06cplusplusSo I'm looking back on wasd movement, and im wondering what the most efficient way to do it would be that supports holding a key down to move, or several keys for diaganol movement.
20:50.15cplusplusright now im doing it pretty poorly. im using a timer that tells a unit to move in a direction every .0625
20:50.42cplusplusbased on what keys have been pressed / released
20:50.59JademusSregI use a single thread with a Wait 0 gmae time, so it runs 32 times per game second, 48 times per real second on fastest speed.
20:51.39cplusplusim guessing a timer is not a thread?
20:51.42JademusSregIt's just a thread with a while(true) loop.
20:51.59JademusSregA timer event trigger starts a new thread each time the event fires.
20:52.06cplusplusoh i see
20:52.11cplusplusso you do it on like map init?
20:52.34JademusSregTo start my thread, I just call TriggerExecute during map init or at somepoint thereafter.
20:52.43cplusplusor better yet, how do i create an arbitrary thread?
20:52.54cplusplusOkay cool
20:53.34cpluspluswhat is the waituntildone parameter?
20:53.43cplusplusim guessing that should be false
20:53.49cplusplusif i have an infinite loop in the thread
20:53.58JademusSregProbably, yeah, haha.
20:54.54JademusSregI use my Input script for catching input, and an Action script for the polled handling of input.
20:55.52*** join/#sc2mapster Hjalte (
20:56.42Vailrethlooks like i will try the behavior route
20:57.52cplusplusjade i like your key array, lol
20:58.04JademusSregThanks, haha,
20:58.35cplusplusI was thinking about doing something similar a while ago but i was like, "an array of 99 keys for 8 players might be a bit overkill..."
20:58.46cplusplusand then i saw yours and laughed a little.
20:59.50JademusSregI made certain concessions with regards to the design to accomodate easy implementation; I know it could be done slightly more efficiently with regards to the triggers and their events, but I like giving users a choice. =D
21:00.22JademusSregI mean, I could cut the number of triggers in half if I toggled rather than set, such as var = !var
21:00.50JademusSregBut I prefer this design.
21:01.07cplusplusI just thought the array was pretty awesome
21:01.59JademusSregAs I recall, it uses around 4kb of memory. =D
21:02.43*** join/#sc2mapster Hjalte (
21:06.08cplusplusthe way im doing it for movement is it adds or subtracts to a point depending on if a key was pressed or released, then just tells the unit to move to a its location offset by that point.
21:07.11cplusplusHope this isnt spam but...
21:07.14cplusplusvoid updateKeys(int player, int key, int s) {
21:07.55cplusplusThat's what the code is, where s is the offset, im not sure if it's horribly inneficient or not
21:08.20cplusplusthat's called every time there is a key down or key release
21:09.27JademusSregHere's an old system I prototyped.
21:18.54Vailrethwoooowhoooo it works. i have replicated  the effect of the entomb mineral field ability from the hots preview videos
21:19.07Vailrethsmall victory i know but still a vitcory
21:20.38*** join/#sc2mapster Mexa (~Mexa@
21:25.05JademusSregHaha, congrats.
21:25.17MexaSweet, we got an A on our software architecture over a space probe =D
21:25.54MexaDid you just predict the future, or was there something I never saw when logging in;)?
21:26.06JademusSregBoth, perhaps.
21:26.21MexaSup Jademus?
21:26.22JademusSreg[17:19:00] <Vailreth> woooowhoooo it works. i have replicated  the effect of the entomb mineral field ability from the hots preview videos
21:26.43JademusSregNot much. Playing with the idea of a project.
21:27.03JademusSregSpent last night and this morning doing research into the idea.
21:27.43cpluspluswhats the project?
21:28.39JademusSregKoprulu Factions.
21:29.16MexaDeveloping factions for all planets?
21:29.41Mexa.. in the Korpulu Sector I suppose?
21:29.42JademusSregI only mention it here because it's a SC2 project; I've got plenty of other unrelated projects, of course.
21:30.17JademusSregNaw, I was doing research into the lore to find factions not bound by planet.
21:30.58JademusSregI mean, the Mar Sara Separatist movement is a faction, but why would it be concerned with fighting other factions outside its home terf?
21:31.44JademusSregAfter gathering up a long list of factions for each race, I culled them down to 10 factions for each race.
21:32.22JademusSregOf course, I just need one faction for an alpha.
21:32.59JademusSregFrom there I can unlock new factions as I develop them.
21:34.00JademusSregI'd like 1 faction available per race for a beta release, but I'm getting ahead of myself. I'm designing shit currently, then prototype the mechanics and play test.
21:35.06Mexasounds reasonable
21:35.29Mexaor logic, I mean, or so.
21:36.33JademusSregI rather enjoy the Warhammer 40k approach; no tech to research, no bases to build, just place your units and start fighting.
21:37.15MexaSo it's in similarity to red alert 4 and world in conflict?
21:37.42JademusSregDidn't play those. There's a Red Alrt 4?
21:37.54MexaOh well, no, my bad
21:38.05MexaI meant C&C 4, Tiberium Wars
21:38.27JademusSregOh hell no. That game was a piece of shit.
21:38.42MexaNot bad
21:38.49MexaAnd wtf just happend to my text?
21:39.02JademusSregMagical italics.
21:40.21Nash|327Mexa did you watch Luna Eclisped D:
21:40.28MexaNew ep?
21:40.46MexaPerhaps tomorrow
21:40.53Nash|327 NOW D:
21:41.18MexaI have an exam tomorrow, I'm either rechecking, or doing something else
21:41.43Nash|327I shall unless angry kittuns
21:42.09Shawn|RawrWhy are the kittuns on leashes?
21:42.14Nash|327Yes, my brain is broken
21:42.24Nash|327it's an expression
21:42.59Shawn|RawrAnd I'm a  metaphor
21:44.01Nash|327you're a face of smelly poopsicles
21:45.17Shawn|RawrI'm figuring that if I make the terrain for like 10 different maps, one of them is bound to be a good enough idea to work with
21:45.30JademusSregTerrain for what?
21:45.48Shawn|RawrJust doing a basic terrain for every map idea I can think of
21:46.10JademusSregSeems like a backward approach.
21:46.26Shawn|RawrWhat's the correct way?
21:47.20JademusSregTo design the gameplay mechanics and model the terrain to accomodate the gameplay.
21:47.33*** join/#sc2mapster ClayMuffin (1835165f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
21:47.47JademusSregI mean, making terrain first and designing the gameplay mechanics second just seems backwards.
21:47.48ClayMuffinStop me someone when I say something wrong
21:47.49Shawn|RawrAs long as 'design' doesn't include doing actual triggers, I'd be good with that
21:48.03ClayMuffinSince doodad can't be created via trigger
21:48.14ClayMuffinthats was fast
21:48.47ClayMuffinis there a function for that or it's same complicated manip?
21:48.55JademusSregDoodads are just actors. And you can create actors via trigger.
21:48.58ClayMuffinI really searched for it
21:49.03ClayMuffino gawd
21:49.27JademusSregIf you want them to have footprints, you're better off using units.
21:49.56JademusSregSince doodads created during runtime don't apply their footprints to the pathing map.
21:49.58ClayMuffinok, strange thing is that I made a unit with the dust storm model
21:50.09ClayMuffinand it give me a null model
21:50.22ClayMuffinI'm better with data than trigger, should be working fine
21:50.42JademusSregNull model as in insivisble, sphere, or an error?
21:50.44ClayMuffinimma just make it a trigger anyway
21:50.48JademusSregAnd was it in the editor or in game?
21:51.20JademusSregHm, bad model path.
21:51.37JademusSregThat's the most common cause.
21:51.55ClayMuffinimam cross check
21:52.27JademusSregThat can happen easily when one goes from using a model with variations to using one without, either by forgetting to change to path or variation count on the model data.
21:52.48ClayMuffin[10/24/2011 5:52:27 PM] Warning: [  6d    1] CActorUnit[DustStorm] Got NULL model when trying to set CModel[DustStormDummyUnit].
21:53.16JademusSregAlso, it's a good idea to create individual model data entries for each use, rather than trying to use doodad models for unit actors.
21:53.28ClayMuffintrue indeed
21:53.34*** join/#sc2mapster Spoofed (4ab37b90@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
21:53.41ClayMuffinimma rushing on this... should just do it the long right way
21:53.51JademusSregYes. =D
21:56.58A1winany ideas for a crafting UI? functionality is simply displaying recipes you know (or maybe only the ones you can currently craft) and choosing a recipe will bring a view that shows required resources and a craft button
21:57.19A1winso what would be the best way to represent the list... icons?
21:58.29A1wintext would be clearer when the player doesn't yet know what each icon represents though...
21:58.30JademusSregImages are parsed faster than words. Once people understand what does what, the icons will make it fast and easy to do shit.
21:59.39A1winthey also fit into less space
21:59.44JademusSreg"There's the intuitively-designed icon of stone on the end of a stick, ah, it makes a hammer. I need one of those. click"
22:00.28A1winit just might not be that intuitive if the crafted things are all kinds of machine parts and such
22:01.04JademusSregOn that point, I hope you intend to use custom icons.
22:01.06*** join/#sc2mapster Alevice (~alevice@
22:01.07Mexa[23:48] <JademusSreg> Doodads are just actors. And you can create actors via trigger. -Actually...
22:01.15A1winyeah, eventually
22:01.17MexaDoodads are not actors
22:01.36MexaA doodad have an actor however
22:01.49MexaThere's a galaxy type called doodad. And it's useless
22:02.36Mexaoh, or rather
22:02.43ClayMuffinit's working well via trigger
22:02.55MexaDoodads have extremely limited functionality
22:03.09Mexanative doodad DoodadFromId(int id)
22:03.23Mexaand actor ActorFromDoodad(doodad d)
22:03.27MexaThat's fucking it -.-
22:04.06JademusSregHaha. Regardless of the technical distinction, for practical purposes "doodads are just actors", because we can't do anything else with them, the extent of our interaction is limited to dealing with their actors.
22:04.34MexaAgreed on that:P
22:04.39A1winare doodad footprints tied to the doodad or the actor though?
22:05.02JademusSregTheir footprints are defined in the actor, but perhaps they are applied through the doodad object.
22:05.27A1winso if I create an actor, does it apply the footprint too?
22:05.57JademusSregI tested that during my prototypes for procedural terrain generation; no luck there.
22:06.34A1winyeah... so saying they are actors could be confusing
22:06.40JademusSregIf anyone finds a way, that would be neat.
22:07.48JademusSregNo more confusing than not being explicit about anything else.
22:09.49A1winis it possible to make a channeled ability's duration depend on something of the targeted unit?
22:10.31JademusSregPerhaps if you trigger it.
22:10.54A1winwell yeah with triggers I can fake the entire thing :x but not with data?
22:11.01JademusSregOr you can use some silly work around involving search area effect, validators, and effect chains.
22:11.18A1winnot worth the effor I suppose
22:20.03Kuekensomeone posted that you can add more than 4 command cards to a unit with raw xml editing
22:20.08Kuekenand it actually works
22:20.11JademusSregOf course.
22:20.15JademusSregWe did it back in beta.
22:20.21JademusSregThought everyone knew that by now.
22:20.25Kuekenwasnt aware o_0
22:20.30*** join/#sc2mapster Sevenix (
22:20.35Kuekenwheres the limit?
22:20.45JademusSregDidn't try to find it.
22:21.21Vailrethok recreated the swarm host to near perfection
22:22.24Shawn|RawrWhy are mappers obsessed with recreating anything that Blizz makes?
22:22.46Vailrethim bored, idealess and interested
22:23.46Clorddid someone went ahead and do Blizzard DOTA's interface
22:24.00Clordif you refer to guys like that
22:24.04ClordI'm sure not many try to do that
22:24.20Clordbefore map is out
22:24.57*** join/#sc2mapster IcE^^ (
22:26.10Shawn|RawrYes, progammer recreated blizz dota's interface the day they showcased it iirc
22:26.43Shawn|RawrHe was also in irc encouraging someone to make a better rainbow archon
22:36.34ClayMuffinseem i got some problem making an actor face a fixed random angle
22:36.54ClayMuffini made an integer be set randomly between 1 and 360 at game init
22:37.18ClayMuffinand made the actor creating facing angle behing that random integer
22:37.38ClayMuffinbut the actors are all facing the same direction everytime, west
22:37.40ClayMuffinidk why
22:46.33ClayMuffinI can't crean an actor via trigger, but i an't find how to destroy it
22:46.41ClayMuffinno remove, destroy, kill axtor
22:46.56ClayMuffinkill actor seem to only have an effect on actor with death animation
22:48.51Vailrethwell it works like it looks in the video
22:53.40Kuekensend a "destroy" message to the actor ;)
23:03.11Vailrethgot my own version of the swarm host and the oracle's mineral lockdown
23:03.19Vailrethnow im bored again
23:22.26Vailrethany one else have diablo III already on their battlenet account?
23:27.37Kuekenas in beta access?
23:28.14Vailrethno it shows that Diablo 3 is on my account list as coming soon
23:28.55Vailrethmaybe its a goof or an add or i dont know but its there
23:30.10Vailrethid love to be in the beta
23:40.39Vailrethso i guess not eh well
23:40.43*** join/#sc2mapster DonKalypso (
23:41.01Sevenixits probably just for the WoW offer
23:41.06SevenixI can try login
23:45.18Sevenixnope, cant login to D3
23:45.58Vailrethwell its just there i cant get it or anything and i dont have a premium WoW account or anything
23:54.06*** join/#sc2mapster Claymuffin (1835165f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.

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