IRC log for #sc2mapster on 20111012

00:00.16DustinTo much of the screen is taken up by the cliffs
00:00.17A1winexcept that the new stuff will require a bit more of the terrain.. it's gonna have depth
00:01.02A1winyou'll be able to jump north and south as well, even on cliffs of equal level
00:01.17A1winbut not "walk" north and south
00:01.41A1winthat'd make it too much not like a sidescroller :P
00:01.58A1winand would probably not even work for gameplay
00:09.42*** join/#sc2mapster Daara (62a8c8e2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
00:12.19DaaraGetting a (No "findItem" function for undefined) error when trying to import a model into 3ds max
00:12.31Daaraanyone know how to get around this?
00:13.49*** join/#sc2mapster tigger0jk (
00:19.08*** join/#sc2mapster Omni (63bd417a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
00:21.38Omni*pokes nose in*
00:22.30OmniIt's quiet. ...too quiet.
00:23.02OmniIT'S ALIVE.
00:24.20Omni*hides under table*
00:25.41OmniComedy aside, I did actually come here for a reason, though I have little hope for it.
00:27.26Aelieoh ye of little faith
00:27.48OmniFaith is for sillies. I prefer SCIENCE.
00:28.08DaaraFaith flies you into bulidings.
00:28.12DaaraScience flies you to the moon.
00:28.27OmniSo faith science will get me to a building on the moon?
00:28.37Daarayou may crash into it
00:29.05OmniIs there any way to test a Starcraft 2 map over LAN? Or just over with someone with a Starter Account? I don't think there is, but I thought it was worth asking.
00:29.17Daaranot that i know of
00:29.35Daarayou work with 3ds max right omni?
00:29.58Aeliethere isnt
00:30.02OmniI do, actually, but only sometimes. Why do you ask?
00:30.13Daarai'm getting an error trying to import a model in
00:30.23Daarano "findItem" function for undefined
00:30.47OmniNot sure I can help you with that one. Any luck with Google?
00:30.51Daaranope lol
00:31.05Daarait's a wow model
00:31.09Daaraa gate
00:31.18Daaraand it happens with every door etc.
00:31.25Daarathat and i guess items
00:31.35Daarabut i don't import items as .m3s
00:32.22OmniDon't think I can help you, good sir. My apologies. ;__;
00:32.36Daarai don't get why it does it
00:33.08OmniTry reimporting the model and leaving out different parts, like animations or bones or meshes, or exporting with parts left out.
00:33.18OmniIf excluding one fixes the error, you know what the error relates to.
00:33.27Daarai'll try that
00:33.59Daarai haven't tried animating in 3ds max yet
00:34.12Daarait looks al ittle more complex than maya
00:34.16OmniOh I love animating.
00:34.58OmniCAT rigs are my friends.
00:35.03Daarait's similar to maya but i haven't really dove into much yet
00:35.39Daarado you know how to add Attachment points to models?
00:36.03Daaracause i put them in but they don't show up in sc2 editor -_-
00:36.04OmniIsn't there an attachment point helper object?
00:36.48OmniHaven't messed with them much. Might try playing with the settings, like choosing different types of attachment points or giving them names. I seem to remember a drop down thing for type.
00:37.02Daarayea i've seen it
00:37.48OmniSo yeah, I was pretty sure that coming on here asking for what is essentially the holy grail of Starcraft 2 wouldn't give me much, but I thought it was worth a shot. lol
00:38.28Daarasome of my friends were pissed
00:38.32Daarawhen they couldn't play sc2 offline
00:38.44Daaraespecially when they were in Iraq/Afghanistan
00:39.19Daarait's something they should add though
00:40.19OmniI don't see much point in mapping for Starcraft 2 if I can't test my maps with friends, and I'm not going to give Blizzard any more money to have a second account just so they can join me.
00:40.43Daaratell them to go mow some old ladies lawn a few times
00:40.47OmniBlizzard... they used to be such a good company. But I assume you get enough rage on that topic already, so I won't go into it. >w>
00:41.10DaaraMy grandma just paid me $50 to mow her lawn and clean her gutters.
00:41.25OmniIt's not so much a matter of money as a matter of principle.
00:41.25Daarathen again some other guys insurance is paying for it
00:42.01DaaraI think activision puts a lot of pressure on them.
00:42.18OmniProbably. Quite sad really. ;__;
01:10.49OmniSo I guess I'm screwed, eh? I either have to wait or buy another copy of Starcraft 2?
01:11.42OmniI'd give up internet play just to be able to play LAN with friends on custom maps. It's one of my favorite things. x__x
01:20.43*** join/#sc2mapster Agouti (
01:21.28DaaraInternet play for sc2 isn't that good atm anyway.
01:21.55DaaraThere's like 2 good custom maps.
01:21.55OmniThe custom map system is screwed. I'd easily give it up for LAN support.
01:22.12DaaraI talked with some devs last year about it.
01:22.22DaaraIn fact I talked with the lead dev.
01:22.31OmniWhat did he have to say?
01:23.01DaaraI talked to him about how the popularity system was not that good.
01:23.08DaaraAnd this was before chat rooms etc.
01:23.21DaaraI got them to implement them.
01:23.57OmniIf someone got them to allow Starter Edition accounts to be invited to custom games, they'd be my hero.
01:24.08DaaraI also asked them to change the popularity from "Times played" to "Amount of Time played"
01:24.11Daaraand they did
01:24.33Daarabecause they were intent with sticking with this system
01:25.15OmniSad. ;__;
01:25.43OmniI find it so disheartening when I have to rely on the community to provide the things developers refuse to include.
01:25.59DaaraI wish I had more than one night to talk with them.
01:26.24OmniHeh, I bet.
01:26.27DaaraThey really took my ideas and put them to action.
01:26.37OmniAwesome! ^__^
01:26.42OmniDo they do this often? lol
01:26.47*** join/#sc2mapster Mephs (
01:26.56Daarathis was a benefit dinner last year during blizzcon week
01:27.14DaaraI'll be applying for a summer internship this year.
01:27.28OmniSo you're pretty serious about this stuff?
01:28.00DaaraFinishing my game design degree, working on a business degree so I can start my own company here in omaha.
01:28.13OmniGame modding and development is the one thing I care about more than anything else. It's what I do all day every day.
01:28.39OmniMan after my own heart.
01:30.51OmniSo why'd you ask if I work with 3ds max? I never mentioned using it.
01:31.07DaaraI thought I heard you mention it before?
01:31.36OmniI never mentioned it.
01:35.19*** join/#sc2mapster Omni_ (63bd4129@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
01:35.37Omni_Woah, client went weird after I said "I never mentioned it."
01:36.53*** join/#sc2mapster Daara (62a8c8e2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
01:37.00Daarathere we go
01:37.16Daarabut yea it was just a lucky guess then
01:37.45Omni_lol, heheh.
01:38.24*** join/#sc2mapster Xapti (
01:39.45OmniI was working in Warcraft 3 today and yesterday. After working with Starcraft 2, the loss of capability is painful. x__x
01:40.50DaaraI miss some of the triggers from WC3 though.
01:41.04DaaraTerrain-Type triggers is one of them.
01:41.28DaaraI don't know why it wasn't added in for SC2.
01:41.39OmniWhat's with the butchered cliff system in Starcraft 2?
01:41.47DaaraI hate it.
01:41.51Daaraonly 3 cliff levels....
01:42.02OmniI have no idea why they decided to do that.
01:42.08Daarayea i dunno
01:42.20Daarathe water system is annoying too
01:42.26Daarai guess in the long run it is better
01:42.47DaaraSo I found out why it won't import the model.
01:42.57DaaraApparently there's something wrong with the animations.
01:42.58OmniI'm actually okay with the water system, though I wish it didn't have to be those big squares.
01:43.02OmniOh ho!
01:43.10DaaraThe one thing I wanted.
01:43.16DaaraWas the damn animations.
01:43.53DaaraI specifically wanted a wc3 style gate.
01:44.00Daarato go with the rest of my WoW models.
01:44.04OmniAhh, heheh.
01:44.43OmniWhen you try compiling it and it has the error, is there any useful information in the error, or does the MaxScript popup window give you some idea of what part of the script it stops at?
01:44.45DaaraI suppose if i really have to I could add attachment points to another model and attach the gate to it.
01:45.11OmniAnimating a gate isn't exactly rocket science, unless you need the destruction animation.
01:45.20Daaradestruction model
01:46.05Daarait pops up with "Import Failed no ""findItem"" function for undefined".
01:46.20OmniOn import, not on export?
01:47.55Daarasauce bauce
01:48.02OmniI think I remember running into a problem importing the citizen models, and realized the animations were stored in a different model. I've no idea if this is the same issue, especially since that was an m3, but you might check to see if there's a separate animation file.
01:48.07JademusSregDemo took longer than I had anticipated, but it it functional.
01:48.20JademusSreg(For A1win, not A1 steak sauce.)
01:48.40OmniCould I get a demo of the A1 steak sauce?
01:48.52JademusSregOpen up the editor.
01:49.02JademusSregGo to the Grocery Store menu.
01:49.13Daarayea what is with those citizen models anyway?
01:49.13JademusSregBuy it -> Your own damn self
01:49.22Daarastupid things
01:49.40OmniI can't remember if I had much luck with the citizen models, lol
01:49.51OmniWas a while ago.
01:50.14DaaraI don't know where i would find this "animation model" if it existed.
01:50.27JademusSregIt does exist.
01:50.36DaaraI'm talking about a WoW model.
01:50.39Daaranot the citizen :P
01:50.45JademusSregYou can go to the Previewer tool and see as much.
01:50.49JademusSregOh, haha.
01:51.09Daarabecause in the wowmodelviewer the one i exported has the animations
01:51.17JademusSregPardon, I don't really teack the conversation. =D
01:51.25Daarathe citizen actually has no animations when you preview it.
01:52.00Daarai'm trying to import some stupid WoW gate into 3ds max and the animations give the import an error.
01:52.29Daarathe same thing happens when you try to import items as .m3's
01:52.33OmniWhat the model viewer shows you may not be the same as what it exports, if I remember correctly.
01:56.27Daarai'm just not seeing a file that would go with it
01:56.34Daarabecause no WMO's have animations
01:56.39Daaraso it would be in the .m2's
01:57.33OmniNo idea, then.
01:59.43*** join/#sc2mapster ThunderLord (ad3972f0@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
02:00.42ThunderLordJust updated/posted a tutorial on how to balance maps with math formulas, if anyone wants to check it out and let me know what they think
02:03.09DaaraMY EYES
02:06.47OmniDo you have any specific goal for all the WoW models you're converting?
02:12.15JademusSregCool stuff Thunder.
02:13.19OmniThat tutorial looks quite useful, though a bit intimidating.
02:13.22DaaraYea i do.
02:13.32DaaraI'm working on a map atm.
02:13.41DaaraI'm thinking kinda like risk
02:13.48OmniAh, nice! :3
02:13.54Daarathough you actually build a base
02:14.11JademusSregHardly intimidating; it is a tidy and useful (over) simplification.
02:14.49DaaraIt's intimidating because it's math.
02:14.51DaaraI hate math.
02:15.15DaaraI still have yet to take a math class since high school.
02:15.21OmniPackage that in a neat little program and people won't have the "AHHH MATH" reaction that they often have. As Daara demonstrated.
02:15.32*** join/#sc2mapster Thels (
02:15.40DaaraPretty much.
02:15.59JademusSregAnyway, I'd like it more if it could handle range.
02:16.05DaaraMath turns people off quicker than a fat chick with HIV.
02:16.15JademusSregIt would be very easy to make a program for that.
02:16.17OmniWhat if you're into that sort of thing, Daara?
02:16.50DaaraWell then expect your body to be broken and squished when your HIV progresses into Aids.
02:17.06OmniCan we include that into the math analogy?
02:17.46JademusSregThing is, do you want it to be multiplatform? You'd need to do a browser-based or Java solution if that's what you want.
02:18.02ThunderLordim making a java one
02:18.05OmniLike, "Those who won't be turned off and will take advantage of that tutorial won't be around long due to AIDS."
02:18.07JademusSregDas goot.
02:18.08OmniAh, very nice!
02:19.39AelieOmni: no offense but i think youre overreacting to the amount of math were talking about
02:19.48JademusSregLooks like I could whip up a C# version in a few minutes, but since I've not worked in Java, I can't speak to the work involved. =D
02:19.49ThunderLordas a temortariy think i might just upload an excell document
02:20.00Aeliei mean
02:20.39Aeliethis is firmly in the territory of "complicated enough to need a graphic to represent it but still within the realm of simple algebra"
02:20.56JademusSregYeah, haha.
02:21.10Aeliestick in the values and its just a few multiplications from complete
02:21.24JademusSregI was expecting calc when I clicked the page, actually.
02:21.28Aelieme too
02:21.34ThunderLordim cookin up some pretty complex stuf tho =D should be awesome
02:21.39DaaraSimple and Algebra
02:21.45Daaracan't be used in the same sentence
02:21.47Daaratry again
02:21.48Aelieyou really need to get into integrals and shit
02:22.00AelieDaara: if x = 2, what does 2x = ?
02:22.05OmniI dunno, I like Algebra. But I'm weird like that.
02:22.08ThunderLordIm in HS and i havent finished calculas yet
02:22.13ThunderLordso waiting on that
02:22.14Aeliethere you go
02:22.17Aeliesimple algebra
02:22.23ThunderLordthen should be able to get some awesome stuf in there
02:22.25Daarathat's not algebra
02:22.29Aelieit sure is
02:22.32Daarayou'd be retarded not to understand that
02:22.41ThunderLordi have some ideas for ways to ballance AOE abilities and heros
02:22.44Aeliehow about 3x + 4?
02:22.56Daarawhat if it was 3x - 4!
02:23.01Aelieit would be 2
02:23.19Daarai hate math but i'm good at it
02:23.31Vailreth|2i love math but i suck at it
02:23.33Aeliethis is low on the math meter
02:23.55Aeliethe real question is
02:24.05Aeliedoes this equation take into account a mixed group?
02:24.11Aelieor can it only handle one type on each side
02:24.59ThunderLordone tyoe
02:25.14Aelieso 2 zealots vs 4 zerglings
02:25.38ThunderLordcuz then i get in to stuf like a zealot vs a ling and a marine, does the zealot atk the link or the rine first?
02:25.50Aeliewhichever keeps him alive
02:25.53ThunderLord2 zealots 4 lings = 1 zealot 2 lings x2
02:26.04Aelienot necessarily ;)
02:26.07ThunderLordyeah that would require some java stuf and If then kind of thing
02:26.33JademusSregThunder, depends on their initial positions, weapon target sorts, and orders. =D
02:26.33ThunderLordwhen you get in to more complex stuf like that, i need like....If/then type stuf
02:26.40ThunderLordso many things
02:26.48AelieJademusSreg: and the micro abilities of their owner
02:27.01Aelieor are we assuming no miceo
02:27.05OmniFrom what I know of units fighting each other, a small advantage quickly snowballs to a huge advantage.
02:27.13JademusSregTrying to calaculate for micro is suicide.
02:27.25JademusSregBecause then you have a huge set of options to work out.
02:27.30Aeliethat is what simulation is all about
02:27.39JademusSregBut there is a limit, at least.
02:27.50JademusSreg16 meaningful actions per game second.
02:28.37JademusSregSome actor shit, like missile mover visuals for instance, are updated 32 times per game second.
02:29.01JademusSregBut most everything is updated 16 times per game second, or 2 engine ticks.
02:31.19JademusSregSo the order set attempting to account for (implausibly) high micro would have a massive number of options every 1/16 game second.
02:31.51JademusSregFortunately, it's not difficult to work out all the possible options. =D
02:32.18OmniAfter staring at "engine ticks" for a few moments, I got an image of some motor-driven parasites. I need to get more sleep.
02:32.29Aeliei dont think the option set is that high
02:32.36Aelie1) disengage
02:32.40Aelie2) reengage
02:32.44Aelie3) change target
02:33.18Vailreth|2i need to do some ability brainstorming if any one is interested..
02:33.43JademusSregFor a 1*1 cell space alone you have a significant number of options. The fixed type value specs are helpful here. =D
02:34.03JademusSregWhere do you move your unit while microing?
02:34.12Aelieim simplifying it a bit here
02:34.33Aeliewhen talking about micro, those are the 3 significant actions
02:35.03Aeliegod why is youtube being shitt
02:35.08JademusSregSimplifying comes later. First you wanna define what are all the possible states. From there, you can weed out incoherent and pointless states.
02:35.09Aeliethat song is good by the way jade
02:35.20JademusSregI agree.
02:35.27Aelieif you have a line of zerglings
02:35.37Aelietheres onyl so many escape vectors
02:35.47Aeliemost of them start by going straight back for a distance
02:36.22JademusSregYeah, but I said order states, not unit states. =D
02:36.38JademusSregYou have millions of nonsensical options.
02:36.40Aeliebut for the units
02:36.53Aelie99% of all move orders are effectively the samer
02:36.57Aeliethey disengage the unit
02:37.29Aelieunfortunately the group that did that song doesnt do a lot of jass
02:37.40Aeliesad, since therye so good at it
02:37.59JademusSregIt's alright; brevity is the source of appreciation.
02:38.03DaaraTwo Steps from Hell > all
02:38.16DaaraWatch a movie hear Two Steps from Hell
02:38.23Daarawatch a commercial hear Two Steps from Hell
02:39.39JademusSregAnyway, you're right about focusing on the unit states which correspond to the orders. All orders issued in one tick can be reduced to unit states in the next tick, so it's pointless to track the former for the purposes of this hypothetical program.
02:49.53Aelieof course
02:49.59Aeliewhy would i be wrong~ :D
02:52.52ThunderLordWell actually for micro, i was thinking i was going to simplify it a ton, and just come up with the "Absolutely perfect micro set" where all units basicly die at the same time, and then reduce the total damage they get to do by somthing like the differance between the range of the units (how far a unit has to run to get out of attack range) and the speed of a unit
02:53.09ThunderLordnever thought of going on to unit states
02:53.29JademusSregReminds me of strategy versus tactics. In this case, tactics wins out. So your approach seemed more efficient, Ael. =D
02:55.08JademusSregOr to express it differently, plan versus response. Responding to the constantly changing state of the battle is better than going in and sticking to an overarching plan.
03:04.23JademusSregI do not understand that expression.
03:04.40*** join/#sc2mapster pirate_ (1834f442@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
03:04.46Aelieits the sticking out tongue face
03:04.50Aeliecome on jade
03:05.07JademusSregYes. I don't understand what that means, though.
03:05.24Aelieit means :p
03:05.29Aeliethats all it means
03:05.52JademusSregI am not in the habit of sticking my tongue out, so I don't have much of a reference.
03:06.01Aelieyou need to watch more anime
03:06.28JademusSregI understand =D is used to provide a tone of levity. =D
03:06.47JademusSregWell, in that case, you need ;_ P
03:07.03JademusSregTo indicate the eyelid is being pulled.
03:07.52JademusSregBut if that is the desired expression, I still don't quite grasp the meaning. It always perplexes me when people use it.
03:08.18*** join/#sc2mapster Alevice (~alevice@
03:08.26JademusSregHey Levi.
03:09.17Aeliesee now ;_P just looks like someone clocked them and now their nose is an inch or two off center
03:10.47Daaralike owen wilson
03:10.57Daaraonly slightly less fucked up
03:11.47pirate_we didn't use to talk about emoticons..
03:12.19JademusSregAbout which many shits were given.
03:12.53Aelienew topic
03:13.41Aeliewhat abotu it
03:14.05pirate_thats where I saw it
03:14.15Aeliei saw it in another chnnel
03:17.52Vailreth|2hey would an air strike be an offensive or support ability?
03:18.30JademusSregDoes it require vision?
03:18.38JademusSregDoes it target point or unit?
03:19.11JademusSregWhat are the damage and cooldown, or alternately, how often do you expect it to be used and are there opportunity costs?
03:19.36Vailreth|2vision yes and target point but yit would be based out of a structure not a hero. as for those i  dont know yet
03:20.22JademusSregGlobal or unit local? Unlimited range?
03:20.43Vailreth|2yes unlimited range.
03:21.57JademusSregIt could be used offensively or defensively, though depending on if it is like a C&C superweapon (global).
03:22.22JademusSregTerran nukes, for example, can be used defensively in melee to cover a retreat or stop an advance.
03:22.56JademusSregIt's a question of how many you have available at any given time, how hard they hit, attribute mods, and so forth.
03:23.48JademusSregSince it only targets visible areas, you'll see it being used defensively more than offensively, since you'd need to pin the enemy to make it an effective offensive weapon.
03:24.29Vailreth|2i think it will be a support ability then.
03:26.14Daaradef support
03:26.16Daarait can be either
03:26.21Daaraoffense or defense
03:30.28Vailreth|2for offense i could use some thing like unit drops, attack satalitesm supresive artilerry bombardments..
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03:43.13*** join/#sc2mapster Omni (63bd4129@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
03:43.41Vailreth|2well im out
03:43.58OmniAnd I've come to take his place.
03:44.05OmniNow where were we?
03:47.23pirate_we're about to start phase 2, my friend
03:47.58JademusSreg"The Associated Press is reporting injuries to 16 actors on the Toronto set of Resident Evil: Retribution after a platform collapsed. Paramedics found it difficult to assess the actors' injuries because of the zombie costumes and make-up they were wearing."
03:48.05OmniOoo! I like things with phases.
03:48.17Omnilol Jade
03:48.31pirate_unfortunately, it's all a big secret until phase 3
03:48.50JademusSregI don't use reddit, so dunno what you mean.
03:49.32pirate_basically, I need less free time
03:50.17JademusSregProcreate, repeat until no time to administer to procreation is available.
03:50.29OmniDoes it involve Starcraft 2 server emulation? Because that would be incredibly convenient and well-timed.
03:50.56pirate_procreation seems like a terrible waste of time and resources
03:51.08pirate_what do you want server emulation for?
03:51.12pirate_where's the profit in that?
03:51.33OmniWho cares about profit? I just want to enjoy myself and make the best games I can.
03:52.12pirate_but no, I wouldn't know where to begin working on server emulation
03:52.16JademusSregEverything is a waste without some existential purpose imposed on our actions in a blind and apathetic cosmos.
03:52.44JademusSregSo, I guess what you mean to say is you don't value procreation.
03:52.53OmniHey, someone else who shares my viewpoint on the universe.
03:53.31pirate_I'm concerned about overpopulation
03:54.05JademusSregThat would be a more accurate statement about yourself, pir, rather than making an assertion about things external to yourself about something that is, at root, personal.
03:54.31pirate_and small people sound like a lot of responsibility
03:54.44JademusSregIt's the different between saying "X is good" and "I enjoy X".
03:54.44AelieJademusSreg: morbid curiosity requires me to try this game now
03:54.46Aeliewhat have you done
03:54.58JademusSregAel, haha
03:55.00JademusSregGopher it.
03:55.47OmniI can understand not liking the raising kids part, but I assure you the acts that lead to procreation are well worth the time.
03:56.00AelieThe Lady Popular team is not responsible for misinterpretation of the options that the game offers.
03:56.00AelieLady Popular is a virtual game and although it is close to real life, it remains a virtual copy of it. Plastic surgery in real life is a serious operation, which must be approached carefully and after extensive research. The law prohibits cosmetic operations on people under 18 years of age. Before taking this step you should seek advice from friends, family or an expert, or if you have any
03:56.00Aelieconcerns or issues resulting from the game and the Lady Popular options available in the game.
03:56.10Aeliethis is awesome
03:57.11DaaraWait so its a game on getting plastic surgery?
03:57.33OmniBecause that's definitely what young girls in our culture need to be exposed to....
03:57.38Aelieapparently you CAN get plastic surgery
03:57.39DaaraYea really...
03:57.56DaaraNeed less women thinking they need boob jobs.
03:58.09OmniI could ramble on about that topic all day.
03:58.34DaaraDate girl with fake tits, date girl with real boobs, never date girl with fake tits again.
03:58.38OmniOn a more relevant note, does anyone understand how to export particles with NiN's m3 tools?
03:58.39Aelieoh god all these lips are atrocious
03:58.58DaaraI haven't got to that part yet Omni.
03:59.16DaaraHow do you add animations to the m3 sequence without getting a goddamn error.
03:59.41OmniI've been able to export animated m3's without errors.
04:00.02DaaraCustom animations?
04:00.12OmniActually yes.
04:00.23DaaraSo what am I doing wrong? :<
04:00.39OmniNot sure. Let me refresh my memory here....
04:01.07OmniIs the error the same as before?
04:01.32JademusSregAel, those are some great quotes, haha.
04:02.07*** join/#sc2mapster ekcolnovkol (
04:02.10OmniWhat's the new error?
04:02.12DaaraI imported the model as a wavefront object and added my own animations.
04:02.25Aeliethe fact that they actually have a disclaimer about someone playing this and t hen getting plastic surgery is amazing
04:02.56Daara0-500 is will be stand, 550-1550 will be open, 1600-2100 will be stand open, 2150-3150 will be close
04:03.10Daarait's not letting me add them to the m3 sequence though
04:04.05Daaraoh wait...
04:04.09Daarai reloaded it
04:04.11Daaraand they are on it
04:04.21OmniI was actually just about to tell you to do that.
04:04.28Omni*high fives*
04:04.36DaaraI'd make a new death animation but i'm too lazy to do that atm
04:04.46Daarai just want some base models in my map so i can work on it more
04:04.48OmniYeah, can't blame you for wanting to save that one for later.
04:05.00Daarai need to do it for every building D:
04:05.04Daaradamn WMO's
04:05.56Daaraor i could be lazy and just have them disappear but ...these models will be for everyone to use
04:07.28OmniI tend to feel like 90% of my time working on these things is spent doing menial labor, while only 10% is spent actually doing the complex work.
04:08.44AelieJademusSreg: did you know
04:08.54Aeliedrinking soda is a -1 to your intelligence
04:09.00Aeliebut playing online minigames is a +1
04:09.00DaaraI go into most things not knowing what the hell I'm doing.
04:09.12JademusSregHah, wut?
04:09.18OmniSo if I drink soda and play online minigames I get a net intelligence effect of 0?
04:09.27OmniAlso, same Daara.
04:09.45DaaraIn which case your head explodes and you die.
04:09.48Aeliedont ask me
04:09.50Aeliei didnt make the game
04:11.53DaaraI should add a Defend Walk like the footman had in WC3
04:12.01OmniGood idea. :3
04:12.14Daarashould be easy
04:12.22Daarajust copy the run animation
04:12.24Daararaise his arm
04:13.19Daarathat would be the easy route atleast
04:14.37OmniI see a video on YouTube with particles in an m3 model and the uploader is one "SkizotEnigma". I also see a Skizot in the chatroom. I imagine these two things may be related.
04:15.46Aeliei dont have enough monies to get surgery jade :<
04:16.02Aelieit would give me 1500 points and +20 happiness
04:16.08Daarai would like to add particles to some of my models
04:16.20Aeliei get -20 happiness later
04:16.20JademusSregThat's fucked.
04:16.26Aeliewhen i decide i dont like my bigger chest
04:16.28OmniBahaha, awesome.
04:16.37Aelieand its another 11,000 to undo the surgery
04:16.44OmniOh jeez....
04:16.47Daaramy female shaman would look much better with some glowing T5 Fist Weapons
04:16.47Aeliebut if you do it too many times they disfigure you by accident
04:17.00Aeliethis game is awesome
04:17.01Daaralike MJ?
04:17.51JademusSregIt sounds like Willy Wanka made a Misogynistic Stereotype Factory. =D
04:18.16OmniSo true.
04:18.38OmniI like the way you think. :3
04:18.40Aeliethis is the best boyfriend
04:19.00OmniThis game is so wrong on so many levels.
04:19.12Daaralol wow
04:19.20Daaragold diggin huh?
04:19.39OmniIt's what all young girls should aspire to.
04:19.59Daarai think it's made by some disgruntled nerds who never get any
04:20.45JademusSregI would be surprised if any of the people working on the game were women, or even men who had unsolicited consensual relations with women.
04:21.14OmniTwo very different ways of saying roughly the same thing.
04:21.20DaaraHe used big words.
04:21.30OmniI like a man with big... words.
04:21.50OmniOr woman, for that matter. I suppose I shouldn't assume. :3
04:22.17DaaraWell, it can be assumed.
04:22.22JademusSregThe way I see it, so long as I can make meaningful contributions to a discussion, I can be as fucking crass and abrasive as I want. =D
04:23.16DaaraI just assume everyone is a guy on the internet.
04:23.41DaaraGirls will either quickly correct you or never tell you.
04:23.54OmniI suppose I should assume that in game communities, but I've been in places on the internet where the majority of users were women.
04:23.56pirate_is there a way to not have to preload and synchronize banks with GUI?
04:24.24JademusSregCool meme, Daar; did you find it at a second hand store? =D
04:24.38JademusSregBecause it looks vintage.
04:24.46Aelieive had enough
04:24.52DaaraWhat meme?
04:25.15OmniThe no girls on the internet one?
04:25.26DaaraI never said that.
04:25.34Aelieand in my experiences
04:25.42DaaraIf you call a girl a guy they will either correct you or just let you think they are guys.
04:25.42Aeliethe ones that quickly correct you are the traps
04:25.53DaaraNot really.
04:26.03Aelieand in my experiences <<---
04:26.06DaaraThey may be crazy but you can definitely get one in the sack.
04:26.33Aeliehonestly you can usually tell
04:26.39DaaraYea generally.
04:26.40Aeliejust from how they talk
04:26.50JademusSregSpeaking of which:
04:26.50OmniI'm afraid the "get one in the sack" mentality may move you toward the "disgruntled nerd who never gets any" category.
04:27.18DaaraThere's nothing wrong with sleeping with a girl on the side you met from WoW.
04:27.28Daaraor 3
04:28.23JademusSregNo doubt, but boasting about it sounds creepy.
04:29.23DaaraHell, I kind of keep them as trophies.  How many people can say they've slept with half of the girls on the sever?
04:29.40DaaraNo fat chicks...ofcourse.
04:29.44OmniPretty much anyone, but none of them would be telling the truth.
04:29.57JademusSregThe gallant braves searched the kingdom, nary a shit to be found.
04:30.21OmniIf WoW is where you go to find women, I feel sorry for you.
04:30.40Aeliethis is the best lonely island
04:30.48Daaraboombox :D
04:30.51JademusSregAel, <3
04:30.59DaaraI just had sex.
04:31.02Daarais the best
04:31.07OmniI love Like a Boss. I approve.
04:31.12pirate_on a boat is nice
04:31.21DaaraJack Sparrow is good too.
04:31.28OmniOn a boat is overrated, IMO.
04:31.36pirate_but Jack Sparrow is my favorite
04:32.27Aeliei have a soft spot to this one tho too
04:32.36OmniIs there any good way to make Skizot appear? Do you just have to say his name like Betelgeuse/Beetlejuice?
04:32.40pirate_goddamn no phase 2 tonight
04:32.43Daara3 times
04:32.52JademusSregOmni, nice reference.
04:32.52OmniSkizot Skizot Skizot!
04:32.57OmniWhy thank you. :3
04:33.07pirate_too tired to fix bugs
04:33.13DaaraThat movie was creepy.
04:33.31OmniLove the dinner dance scene.
04:33.35DaaraI was just a wee lad when it came out.
04:33.39JademusSregI'm On A Boat is okay, has some goot lines, mostly baseline for me.
04:34.10DaaraI just had sex has the best lines.
04:34.15Aelieon a boat has the best lines
04:34.31DaaraI dunno...
04:34.47JademusSregI like Motherlovers.
04:35.09Daaradoes dick in a box count?
04:35.24Omni(Look it up.)
04:35.31JademusSregI watched it on Mother's Day, coincidentally, and showed it to my wife.
04:35.39JademusSregBest Mother's Day evah.
04:37.31Aelieabridged series is amazing
04:37.47DaaraDBZ Abridged is boss.
04:37.56Aelieits ok
04:38.04Aeliebut ygo abridged is funnier
04:38.18DaaraI never watched yugioh.
04:38.29Daaraso it wouldn't be as funny
04:38.32JademusSregProbably because they didn't hit their stride until after DBZ.
04:38.55Daarayea and i was out of my cartoon phase about that time
04:38.57Aelieif you didnt watch the actual show
04:39.08Aelieygo abridged loses a lot of its value
04:39.12Daaraexcept for south park, family guy, futurama etc.
04:40.13Daarabest dbz abridged episodes are when they are on earth fighting napa and vegeta
04:40.30Aelieand besides that
04:40.38Aelielittlekuriboh is an incredible voice artist
04:40.53Aeliehe does all of the voices in the whole show in real time
04:42.15Daarahe doesn't edit in with sony vegas? O.o
04:42.24Aeliehe does it all real time
04:42.30Aelieits quite amazing
04:43.03Daarareminds me of the juggernaught
04:43.37Aeliehe did the one episode just standing out on the street
04:44.20Aelie4kids kept getting it taken down
04:44.22Aelieso hes like
04:44.23Aeliefuck it
04:44.27Aelieim doing it out on the street
04:45.16Daarathat the company that did the english version of the show?
04:45.56Aeliehe screws up a few lines but
04:49.44Aelieeither way
04:49.57Aelieif i were 4 kids
04:50.00Aeliei would hire him
04:50.09Aelieand fire the whole rest of the voice acting cast of the show
04:51.24JademusSregI watched the show a few times, the vanilla, and it was, to be polite, fucking terrible.
04:52.07JademusSregSatirizing it is a improvement.
04:53.00Aelieits either something you like or you dont
04:53.13Aelieif youre watching it for the story youre wasting your time
04:53.36Aeliei like it because its far more entertaining to watch them play the card game in the anime than it is to play it in real life
04:54.34JademusSregI'd probably watch a show based on MtG, provided they didn't fuck it up and make it fuzzy cuddleland for the kiddies.
04:54.55Aelieim fairly obsessed with yugioh
04:54.58JademusSregPhyrexian cuddles.
04:59.17JademusSregYugioh is too much of a soap opera, and the kid's voice doesn't match him, it's crazy. Wonder how it sounds in japanese.
04:59.37Aelieits far more serious in japanes
04:59.55Aeliethey really changed it quite a bit for english
05:00.09Aeliein the japanese version theres a whole bunch of death threats going around
05:00.09DaaraI'm sure it wouldn't be fun to watch two white life gain decks fighting.
05:00.34AelieDaara: maybe, if they both had yugi's topdecking abilities
05:00.44Daarawell, until when gets a 128/128 white avatar creature out with a spirit shroud
05:00.50Daarauntil one*
05:00.58Aelieeven if you got one out
05:01.11Aeliethe other guy would draw the only card in his deck that could counter it the next turn
05:01.40Daaranot if i have a umbra priest out!
05:02.00Daarawell unless he made me sac it
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12:30.38Ashamedgood morning
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13:07.26Helral|remotegood afternoon
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13:22.58Ashamedno HELRAL
13:23.00AshamedNO NO NO
13:23.05AshamedYOu are simply wrong
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13:41.37Ashamedits soooooo hard walking a computer n00b through checking internet connections
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13:50.25AshamedOMG this lady is going to make me SHOOT MY FUCKING BRAINS OUT
13:50.47Ashamedi can't believe there are people out there that still dont understand FUCKING INTERNET
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13:52.01egodahhh Zelda time
13:54.34Ashamedlike i shouldn't need to ever explain what a fucking ethernet is
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14:07.25Helral|remoteAshamed: my grandmother doesn t know what the internet is. she only knows that she can't reach the bank, when her internet connection is down.
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14:12.43Daarabanks are going to start charging you to send you a statement in the mail...rofl
14:13.02Daaragreedy fucks
14:14.26Ashamedso i kept trying to find out if this user had a network connection that was actually connected and if it was a dns issue or something
14:14.40Ashamedat the end of the call i was like what ever try to go to google...
14:14.41Ashamedadn it worked
14:14.53Ashamedturns out she did in fact have another connection connected
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14:41.51A1winJademusSreg, the terrain looks nice, but it'd be a pain in the ass to get it working with the jumps without having to construct specific jump spots everywhere I want him to jump
14:42.25A1winwith cliffs, I can just create an algorithm that checks if jump is allowed based on pathing and terrain heights (and I already did that)
14:42.48A1winand I don't need to add any pathing blockers or modify pathing in any way
14:43.21A1winI'll try to get it look nice with cliffs by adding doodads though
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15:14.47DaaraSad that nintox's m3 import/export still doesn't support particles :<
15:32.34egodDustin you making HOMM3 or what?
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16:12.24Frall^Schoolawesome new dreamhack arena!
16:13.10egodteamliquid are retarded nerdz
16:33.24Skizotwtf omni
16:35.38Daarahe was trying to call you
16:36.18Daarawanted to know if you knew how to import/export particles with m3's
16:40.39Ashamedman 3 calls on no network connectivies
16:40.44Ashamedwhat is my luck today :(
16:47.07Daaraif i gave a model two walk animations
16:47.17Daaracould i switch from one to the other via events?
16:47.26Daaralike say on casting a spell
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17:36.17Ashamedsetting up router over remote = hard task
17:37.59OmniI successfully created a (crappy) snow weather effect, and figured out the basics of particles. Now to move on to some other random task.
18:01.41*** join/#sc2mapster Fenix (461ab477@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
18:02.52FenixHey, How can I do to create a random units for a specific race but that is not already created. That every random units created are unique.
18:03.30Daarauhm you mean like
18:03.31Daarafor terran
18:03.36Daarait can build anything
18:03.39Daaraat first
18:03.42Daarabut as soon as it has a marine
18:03.48Daarait won't build another?
18:03.52Fenixa yeah
18:03.54Fenixwith triggers
18:04.20Daaraim sure theres a more simple way
18:04.27Daarabut i'd make a bunch of boolean triggers
18:04.35Daaraset them to true or false if they have that unit type
18:05.22Fenixill try, thx for the idea
18:05.26Ashamedwoot almost done with this router setup
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18:13.53FenixDaara, I got a boolean for every units but I'm still stuck at "how to create a random units through these"?
18:19.55Daaraim thinking maybe make another boolean condition for the creation trigger
18:20.05Daarathat checks to see if you have already made a unit
18:20.33Daaraof any type
18:21.01Daarayou might be able to do the randomization through switches
18:21.20Daarai've never really done anything with random creation
18:21.56Daarayou could have it pick a random number and set a certain unit to each number maybe?
18:22.53JademusSregWhat's up?
18:23.58JademusSregRandom unit creation?
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18:25.41A1winwoot my scripted reaper jump is nearly working, just missing the temp smoke models and sound and stuff
18:25.53JademusSregSee my demo A1?
18:26.00A1winyeah, I commented on it earlier
18:26.59JademusSregThere are a lot of different approaches to the pathing. I was simply illustrating the use of walkable planes to make terrain more interesting.
18:27.41A1winmm... well I'll keep it in mind
18:27.55A1winmight do some parts of the map using them
18:28.33A1winhumm... if an actor event creates the actor in response to a behavior, is the actor created on the unit or at the position of the unit or what D:
18:29.20JademusSregiirc, position unless you also attach it.
18:29.37A1winfor some reason the reaper jump smoke actor isn't showing even though I create it
18:30.20A1winerr... and now I'm getting a trigger error saying I can't create the reaper jump sound
18:32.44FenixDaara (write my name so it says 'activity' and i know you wrote something to me) I took a look to this post: Which use a Unit type array
18:33.01A1winmaybe it should be attached after all...
18:33.02Fenixthen you set all units in the array via Set Varaible
18:33.13A1winoh, there is a site op in them...
18:33.14Fenixand then you can use it in create unit trigegr
18:33.22JademusSregA1, yup.
18:33.52Fenixbut, this will create it randomly but there might be two marine created or things like that. It will not be every units unique
18:34.12A1winbut they still aren't showing even though I create them attached to the reaper :<
18:34.19A1winthe sound plays
18:34.23A1winbut the smoke doesn't show
18:34.25DaaraFenix, thats why you do the boolean.
18:35.08DaaraMake it repick if it picks a boolean that is true.
18:35.41Fenixbut how to do the trigger "pick a boolean and create it unit"
18:35.48JademusSregstruct unitSpawn { string unitType; bool enabled; };
18:36.05A1winany ideas how to properly create the "Reaper Jump Launch Model" with triggers's an actor
18:36.19JademusSreg(But that is not an ideal approach.)
18:36.52JademusSregA1, I wonder where it is being created.
18:37.15JademusSregChange the model to something huge.
18:37.20A1winthe event for Create is Behavior.ReaperJump.Launch
18:37.43JademusSregIf it doesn't show, it's not being created at all and you can trace from there.
18:38.10A1winoh it does create it
18:38.24A1winmaybe my graphics settings are too low D:
18:38.37JademusSregCrank it up to max. =D
18:38.42Kuekenor the model uses unusual animations
18:38.55Kuekena default actor plays birth stand or death animations
18:39.04Kuekenmaybe the model uses something like jump
18:39.06JademusSregTrue dat, though most models have a stand animation to which they default.
18:39.10A1winyeah, that was it
18:39.13A1wineffects were on low
18:39.27A1winso now it works \o/
18:39.33A1winnext up... movement system
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18:41.33Daarayou don't pick a boolean fenix
18:42.09Daarayou set it to true if it creates a certain unit
18:42.32Daaraand before you create a unit you make the conditions require it to be false in order to create it
18:42.34Fenixbut how to create a units randomly through all the false boolean?
18:42.51Daaraswitches maybe?
18:42.56JademusSregIf you're hard up for booleans, make a record with unit type and bool members, and make an array for the record.
18:43.10JademusSregBut really, it's not optimal.
18:43.29Daarajade could probably help you more
18:43.36Daarai don't know the editor like the back of my hand
18:43.38Daaralike he does
18:44.04Fenixwhat you suggest Jade then? I just want to create a random unique unit
18:44.23JademusSregAlright. Give me more information. What's the context here?
18:45.30Fenixi have 10 points where I want to create different units. I don't want to have 2 same units for 2 points. I want 1 unique unit for eatch point.
18:45.52JademusSregI can think of a few approaches.
18:46.09Fenixthey will be seperated between races.
18:46.38JademusSregIdeally, you'd have a unit pool. Trouble is, there's no native support for pools like that.
18:47.00JademusSregSo there are two ways to go about making a pool.
18:47.14Fenixunite type array?
18:47.51JademusSregFirst is to use an array, get random index, spawn, remove the info at that index, and move the last index value to fill the gap, reduce the index counter.
18:48.30Fenixehh... what are index? >.<
18:48.39Fenixnever worked with that
18:48.49JademusSregThe second is to spawn all the units before hand, hide them so they don't exist on the board, add them to a unitgroup, and get random unit from unitgroup, and remove it.
18:49.10JademusSreg*remove it from the unitgroup.
18:49.19A1winand third is to use a data table like an array so the memory is reserved dynamically
18:49.20JademusSregArrays are indexed.
18:49.44JademusSregWhich means you use an integer to refer to a value in the array.
18:50.27JademusSregDo you follow?
18:50.48Fenixum seriously, not really. =S
18:50.58Fenixi think i see the unitgroup one
18:51.03Fenixbut the others not really
18:51.34Fenixi would prefer real example than description about how to do... >.<
18:52.12JademusSregI handwave in the direction of solutions, I don't do the leg work.
18:52.26DaaraCould he just add 1 of each to a unit group
18:52.30Daaralike hidden
18:52.35Daaraand then just randomly select one?
18:52.40Daaraand remove it from the group
18:52.43JademusSregDaara, nice recap of solution two.
18:52.50Daaraoh lol
18:53.11A1winUnitTypeArray[0] = Zergling, UnitTypeArray[1] = Baneling, UnitTypeArray[2] = Ultralisk, LastIndex = 2 ... spawn UnitTypeArray[random(0,2)] (let's say we picked 1) ... (now we need to move the last unit to index 1 so there aren't gaps in the array:) UnitTypeArray[1] = UnitTypeArray[2] ... UnitTypeArray[2] = No Game Link ... LastIndex = 1
18:53.16A1winFenix, there's an example
18:54.10A1winoh and: random(0,LastIndex) instead of (0,2)
18:54.14Fenixum um
18:54.54A1winso basically you keep track of how many units you still have in the array in LastIndex variable (an integer)
18:55.12A1winand as long as it's >= 0, you can pick a random unit to spawn from the array
18:55.38A1winand whenever you spawn a unit, you fill the gap by moving the last unit to it, and decrease LastIndex by one
18:55.55Fenixum um
18:56.50FenixOk well, I'll work on that and see ya soon xDDD
18:57.16Fenixum just a question
18:58.05Daarawill this work?
18:58.12Daaraim not actually working on my events yet
18:58.24DaaraIf i Animation Clear Construction End
18:58.58Daarathen Animation Play (Random name) Stand Spell, Walk Spell
18:59.03FenixCreate 1 Units (this is the Unit type array) [(what do i put here)(Random integer between 1 and 15 (my max... but there is not the LastIndex) for player... blablabla
18:59.14Daarawill it switch from my 1st stand and walk to the 2nd without issue?
18:59.46Kuekenyou play stand spell and walk spell in the same animation?
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19:00.07*** mode/#sc2mapster [+o nicoli_s] by ChanServ
19:00.30A1winFenix, LastIndex is a variable you need to create
19:00.53A1winFenix, and you also should store the random number before using it so that you can then fill the gap
19:01.08A1winset Random = Random integer between 0 and LastIndex
19:01.29A1wincreate 1 ... unit type: Array[Random]
19:01.40A1winset Array[Random] = Array[LastIndex]
19:01.58A1winModify LastIndex: -1
19:02.20A1winyou don't actually need to clear the Array[LastIndex] since it will just not be used anymore
19:02.49A1winand remember to do if ( LastIndex >= 0 ) { all the stuff above } else { can't spawn unit }
19:03.24Fenixit shouldn't happend since the index will be bigger than 10 and there is only 10 units to be create
19:03.52A1winyou should do it anyway in case you change something later D:
19:04.02A1winyou might forget to do it then
19:04.28A1winotherwise you'll get a trigger error saying that you can't access an array index -1
19:04.56A1winit's a good habit to make a check for such things ;p
19:05.04Fenixyeah i know
19:05.28Daarano kueken
19:05.34A1winremember that the first array index is 0, so if you have 10 units, create an array of size 9
19:05.38A1winand set LastIndex to 9
19:05.40Fenixbut i think i will keep t this way (without) so i can automaticly know. If i really need to have it, I'll add it later
19:05.47Daarai want my stand (spell), walk (spell) animations to play
19:05.56Daararather than the stand and walk animations
19:06.00Daarawhen i use an ability
19:06.20Kuekenso you want to replace stand and walk with stand spell and walk spell=?
19:06.30Daarawhen i use cloak
19:06.35Kuekenuse Apply Animation Group
19:06.45Kuekenand apply Spell
19:06.58Daarathey will just override the others?
19:07.08Daaraor will i need to turn them off too?
19:07.20Kuekenthe applied animation name will be added to every other used animation
19:07.30Kuekenso you apply spell
19:07.37Kuekenand whenever the unit uses stand
19:07.44Kuekenit will use stand spell instead
19:07.51Kuekenuntil you remove the animation group
19:08.10Daaraok i'll try it out once i finish my rogue model :D
19:11.59*** join/#sc2mapster Daara_ (62a8c8e2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
19:12.03*** join/#sc2mapster Fenix_ (461ab477@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
19:17.05*** join/#sc2mapster Dekar- (
19:18.44*** join/#sc2mapster Petoj (
19:21.52*** join/#sc2mapster UloseTheGame (d15e6655@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
19:24.19UloseTheGameI'm looking for a man
19:24.39UloseTheGameby the name of Bashar. Anyone know 'im?
19:24.55JademusSregBasharTeg, creator of Malum Ruina?
19:25.31UloseTheGameYe, can't get on sc2 atm
19:25.41JademusSregSorry, never heard of him.
19:25.42UloseTheGameso I wanna talk to him about some stuff
19:26.00UloseTheGamecan someone tell him to come to irc?
19:26.05JademusSregPMed him on mapster?
19:26.18JademusSregHe doesn't frequent this channel.
19:26.23*** join/#sc2mapster HeyRevolver (
19:26.26UloseTheGameI wanna talk to him in realtime, and it would be nice if i had him now
19:26.30JademusSreg~seen BasharTeg
19:26.40purlbasharteg <47729956@gateway/web/freenode/ip.> was last seen on IRC in channel #sc2mapster, 87d 15h 9m 19s ago, saying: '._.'.
19:26.40UloseTheGame~seen BasharTeg
19:26.40purlbasharteg <47729956@gateway/web/freenode/ip.> was last seen on IRC in channel #sc2mapster, 87d 15h 9m 19s ago, saying: '._.'.
19:26.59UloseTheGame~seen Miles
19:26.59purli haven't seen 'miles', UloseTheGame
19:27.21UloseTheGametruedat purl, he only goes by that name on sc2 ^_^
19:39.50Fenix_A1win, I finally got it working. Thanx =)
19:41.50JademusSregNo problem.
19:42.34Fenix_now I'll try to redo it with the 10 points on the map. Trying to add a randomizing spawn and making them unable to spawn if there is already a unit. XD
19:42.39Fenix_pratice ;)
19:43.26Daara_you still here Kueken?
19:43.32Fenix_Jade, how you know everything you know? XD
19:44.24Daara_you learn a lot making maps
19:44.25Daara_and trying shit
19:44.52Fenix_yeah, thats why I'm trying things harder than what i know
19:45.21Fenix_sometimes it makes me stop makign the map, but when it goes fine, i want to continute
19:45.35Fenix_juste really long >.<
19:45.40Fenix_for stupid things
19:48.26JademusSregPatience and persistence matter more than talent; a talented person without persistence may be capable of skillful creation, but is unlikely to finish its projects.
19:49.17Fenix_yes jade...
19:49.58Daara_why did kueken have to leave!!! NOOOO
19:50.20Daara_and why did my stupid irc have to crash!
19:50.35Daara_can either of you scoll up and see what he told me to do ?
19:51.26Fenix_the father i can go to find kueven is:
19:51.27Fenix_Kueken [] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
19:54.32Fenix_*why do totally LOVE the person who created the "Copy and Paste" thing on computer? XD
19:57.51Daara_~seen Kueken
19:57.58purlkueken <> was last seen on IRC in channel #sc2mapster, 50m 7s ago, saying: 'until you remove the animation group'.
20:02.03*** join/#sc2mapster Mexa (~Mexa@
20:03.29Daara_Ok, kueken said that when I add an animation group "Spell" it should add spell to all of my animations?
20:03.37Daara_so my Walk will become Walk Spell
20:03.45Daara_is that correct?
20:03.55*** join/#sc2mapster Shadow_Killer (~tekoppar@
20:06.38Daara_got it working
20:07.10Daara_my rogue now uses stealth walk and attack when cloaked :D
20:07.26Daara_now i just need stealth to break when he does damage and add a damage multiplier
20:08.20*** join/#sc2mapster Ashamed (43874626@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
20:15.45*** join/#sc2mapster Omni (6361d728@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
20:24.53Daara_just need cloak to break when i attack now :D
20:41.44A1win00:00:11.88 Trigger Error in 'auto_gf_Jump_TriggerFunc': Could not create actor: Name[ReaperJumpLaunchSound] Content1[] Content2[]
20:41.48A1win00:00:11.88 WARNING: [   f    1] CActorSite[SiteHosted][Center] Cannot host off oneself.  Culprit is ::Host.
20:42.18A1winthat only happens sometime when I jump multiple times in a row
20:43.08Daara_you got any idea how to add a damage buff everytime my unit leaves cloak?
20:44.24A1winwell I suppose you need to be able to start an effect chain when it decloaks... what causes it to decloak?
20:44.44Daara_whenever it attacks or is in combat
20:45.10A1winthe cloak is a behavior?
20:45.22Daara_and a validator sees if its attacking or in combat
20:45.24A1winthen start an effect when the behavior is removed
20:45.28A1winthere should be a field for that
20:45.46A1winand make that effect apply the damage buff behavior
20:46.30Daara_cool thanks
20:46.32Daara_should do it
20:46.38Daara_if it doesn't its retarded
20:46.47A1winhmm I wonder if this bugs when it tries to create more than one of these actors.. maybe I should store them and destroy them when a new jump begins
20:55.43*** join/#sc2mapster iMisu (ada6e606@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
20:56.24iMisuanyone else alive here?
20:56.34iMisuSixen... ?
21:04.47Daara_i haven't seen sixen talk all week
21:05.05Daara_~seen sixen
21:05.15purlsixen is currently on #sc2mapster (17h 22m 25s) #wowuidev (17h 22m 25s) #diablofans (17h 22m 25s), last said: 'should be done soon'.
21:06.38A1winwooo this works
21:07.03Daara_so if i only wanted the buff to last one attack
21:07.14iMisu~seen Helral|remote
21:07.16purlhelral|remote is currently on #sc2mapster. Has said a total of 2 messages. Is idling for 6h 59m 51s, last said: 'Ashamed: my grandmother doesn t know what the internet is. she only knows that she can't reach the bank, when her internet connection is down.'.
21:07.39Daara_i have to remove the behavior after one attack
21:07.44Daara_how would i go about doing that lol
21:08.00iMisudrink more vodka
21:08.01Daara_set the NotAttacking value to 1?
21:08.05iMisuthe trigger seems to fix itself
21:33.17Fenix_A1win i got my arrays working well. I did it for points, and the 3 races. Now I want that, if you want to try with different units, that you can press a button, it blow up the units and you select again what you want and they recreat. Actually, I get a trigger error even if I try to Set the arrays again and set LastIndex to the biggest number. How do i get them working multiple times?
21:35.58A1winumm... what's the error?
21:36.19Fenix_its from the Create unit trigger
21:36.53A1winyeah but what does it say ;p
21:37.12A1winbecause there shouldn't be anything to not allow you to do what you just said
21:37.58Fenix_Trigger error in 'gt_UnitCreationSetg...
21:38.17A1winis that supposed to help me?
21:38.26Fenix_it doesn't help me much
21:38.32A1winturn on your trigger debug window
21:38.40A1winand run the map in windowed mode
21:38.42A1winfrom editor settings
21:38.46A1winthen you'll see the whole error
21:39.01A1winin the debug window
21:40.47Fenix_debug windows from the editor settings?
21:40.55A1winno :P
21:41.05A1winyou can turn the trigger debug window on from the editor settings
21:42.35*** join/#sc2mapster Stewox (~chatzilla@
21:42.56Fenix_i dont find any debug windows trigger xD Anyway i have to go eat. Will you be there in like, an hour?
21:44.17*** join/#sc2mapster ThunderLord (ad3972f0@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
21:44.26A1winit's not a trigger
21:44.36A1winopen the editor settings in File - Preferences
21:45.07A1winTest Document: Run Game In A Window, Show Trigger Debug Window
21:45.14*** join/#sc2mapster Telshin (~textual@
21:46.09Daara_where the hell is the passive flag for when i enter cloak lol
21:50.33Daara_ah there we are
22:06.29*** join/#sc2mapster Skiz_brok (
22:07.53Daara_max file size is only 21mb ?
22:07.53A1winreaper jumps!
22:08.58Daara_i'm either ganna need to reduce file sizes or only have 2 races in my map q_q
22:09.13A1winJademusSreg, look look o:
22:12.52Daara_i'll have a preview of my map up soon :D
22:12.57Daara_maybe next week
22:13.23Daara_kinda like risk in that you need to control territories for income
22:13.36Daara_but you also need to have control of a gold mine
22:13.43Daara_and build a base
22:29.37*** join/#sc2mapster Daara (62a8c8e2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
22:33.20*** join/#sc2mapster tigger0jk (
22:38.01Fenix_A1win im back. Here is what i got: Trigger Error in 'gt_UnitCreationsetgamesetting_Func': Negative Array indexes not supported.
22:38.55MexaYou are trying to access an array with a negative index.
22:39.04Aeliehow are you using all 21 mb
22:40.50Fenix_i dont use 21 mb?
22:41.58Fenix_i just have arrays which are units (ex: 10 units) and it randomly spawn them 1 time. But if I redo the operation it doesn't create the units and give that error
22:42.40A1winhow are you recreating them?
22:43.02A1winare you sure you aren't trying to spawn a unit from the array before you have recreated it?
22:43.06*** join/#sc2mapster Mexa_ (~Mexa@
22:43.52Fenix_yes i'm sure since they don,t create before i press a button and this button appear when a press another one that this one activate the refresh xD
22:44.30A1winso how are you refreshing the thing?
22:45.51Fenix_i set the variable like the first time and i set the LastIndex to it maximum value. (so it will allow to randomly select again through all possibilities) but its like if the arrays dont want to reset xD
22:46.26A1winyou need to be more detailed :p paste the trigger to or something
22:47.08*** part/#sc2mapster Petoj (
22:47.12Fenix_k sec
22:50.13Fenix_here is my map,... just find the button to download >.<
22:50.44Fenix_the name of the file
22:50.51Fenix_with the map extension
22:51.38Fenix_if you have a better site where i could upload and easily share the map, i would like to know xD
22:52.22A1winwhere's the part that's supposed to reset the arrays?
22:52.25A1winRepick trigger?
22:53.01Fenix_it sais to run the other trigger "Arrays Initialization/restoration"
22:53.01A1winit's not doing that
22:53.07A1winyou need to set each array index separately
22:53.36A1winyou're already running the initialization again
22:53.53Fenix_but... to reset it correctly
22:54.06A1winit does reset it correctly
22:54.11A1winyour error comes from something else
22:56.37A1winuff... can't really say
22:56.54Fenix_have you tried it?
22:57.04A1winno, just looking through the triggers
22:57.12Fenix_you might see a part of button over the timer windows if you test it
22:57.13A1winthey're too messy to understand quickly ;p
22:57.27Fenix_i dont have much trigger
22:58.02Fenix_i followed the way you said
22:58.47A1winthat was just the algorithm to pick something from the array
22:58.57A1winyou have lots of other stuff there too, don't feel like going through it all
22:59.36Fenix_the trigger UnitCreation / set game setting is just a big copy and paste
22:59.46A1winthat's why it's so messy ;p
22:59.55Fenix_it is split into 3 huge if then else
22:59.59Fenix_1 for eatch race
23:00.25Fenix_and every part refer to an option in the beginning
23:00.35A1winit's a good idea to always make sure you know which triggers can be running at which time
23:00.36Fenix_where you can choose to spawn 3-4-5-6-7-8-9 or 10 units
23:00.57*** join/#sc2mapster lime (
23:01.13Fenix_and Timing and PeriodicEvent 1sec are just... unusfull atm
23:01.19Fenix_forget them xD
23:01.29A1winI closed the editor already ;p
23:02.00A1winit's one thing helping with a problem and another thing to go through someone else's triggers :P
23:03.51Fenix_if you set the arrays to a certain unit they way you wanted, they will always be there, just not in the same order after doing the trigger ?
23:04.50Fenix_so, technically, i could dont change the Arrays..?
23:04.53A1winarrays are variables just like any other variable, they just have multiple ones stored in one
23:04.55Fenix_since their order is not important
23:05.30A1winso if you change one of the values, it stays that until you change it again
23:12.17*** join/#sc2mapster Ashamed_ (4c19ca79@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
23:14.47Ashamed_tsk tsk idiots....
23:15.30Ashamed_i wish i was born in the time of the robots... and that i was one.
23:17.41Mexa_I like how Expression Blend has stopped working upon starting the program...
23:25.20Fenix_A1win, when you set the value of the Unit Type array (lets say to 10) this mean you can set 11 choices via set variable etc... But can that number be changed? If so, how to set it to 10 again? I have a feeling about that value goes down and then it makes the error you wanted me to avoid...
23:26.52A1winno, you can only set an array's size once
23:27.09A1winand it won't go down
23:27.42Fenix_then what means: Negative Array indexes not supported.
23:27.58Aeliewhat does it sound lik
23:28.44A1winFenix_, it means you are trying to access an array index that's less than 0 :p
23:29.05A1winsome other trigger might be trying to do that before you have properly reset the array, or something
23:29.13Fenix_yeah I've notice... but why is it happening xD Why am i lowering the arrays to 0?
23:29.19A1winlook up all places where you access the array
23:29.59A1winyou are accessing smaller and smaller array indexes because you wanted a shuffle system
23:30.06A1winand once it reaches -1, you should stop checking
23:30.22A1winwhy don't you just add the if LastIndex >= 0 check like I said D:
23:30.52Fenix_it will do the same thing, just, it wont create the units and make no error
23:30.59Fenix_this way i know something is going wrong
23:41.14*** join/#sc2mapster Currydevil (
23:52.39*** join/#sc2mapster Currydevil (
23:53.27Fenix_aw man.... I'm confuse. Can't find the solution >.<

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