IRC log for #sc2mapster on 20111005

00:07.47Ashamed_sad that kid prob died :(
00:08.12DustinQuiet, im rerooting my phone
00:08.59Ashamed_you sux at rerooting
00:09.02DustinYou broke it!
00:09.12Ashamed_you might as well refook it
00:09.31DustinFuck ya
00:09.33DustinWorked first time
00:10.06DustinTime to hook up a ps3 controller to my phone
00:10.40Ashamed_... what doesa that do?
00:10.58DustinLet me play my emulators with something other then the damn keyboard :D
00:11.33Ashamed_wow nice
00:11.35Ashamed_that is cool
00:11.52Ashamed_I have yet to buy these so called "smart phones"
00:12.04DustinWhat :O
00:12.09Dustinthey are cool
00:12.14Ashamed_I figure... i have a "smart computer"
00:12.31Ashamed_no need for a phone that can almost be my computer...
00:12.47DustinIf you dont ever leave your comp you dont need one :P
00:12.53Ashamed_and i have worked in the it field for like 3 years now
00:12.57Ashamed_so like i really dont need one
00:13.00DustinI have mine setup so I can do webdevelopment work off it
00:13.10DustinAnd I can teamviewer to my home computer if needed
00:13.14Ashamed_well duh
00:13.18Ashamed_i have seen that dustin
00:13.28Ashamed_thats the first thing any n3rd does with a smart phone
00:13.53Ashamed_you should come get an IT job in CO -.-
00:15.45DustinI would love to!
00:40.47JademusSregDon't have much use for a smart phone.
00:43.43JademusSregWhy did BasharTeg make a madness map? =\
01:02.21*** join/#sc2mapster Ingela (
01:11.24Aeliesomeone is complaining that extreme is hard
01:12.41*** join/#sc2mapster Reactorex (~Reactorex@
01:17.12*** join/#sc2mapster Reactorex (~Reactorex@
01:22.42Aelienow hes calling it the worst balanced map ever
01:22.52Aeliebecause he lost to air on his first try of extreme
01:35.21Vailreth"Boohoohoo this map is so terribly made and sucks because i cant instawin on the hard difficulties WHAA Mommy make the bad game go away"
01:37.32*** join/#sc2mapster Frall^ (
01:42.41Vailrethwhat is it with sissy gamers nowadays
01:43.33Vailrethsorry let me rephrase
01:44.12Vailrethplayers that expect easy wins and insta-complain when it doesnt come
01:55.17*** join/#sc2mapster egod (4c47a97d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
01:55.45egodahhh 2xNext days for mapping zelda, great
01:56.10egodwill polish for a 6xplayers test
02:12.12egodmy is not on front page of sc2mapster, im a sad monkey :(
02:21.11*** join/#sc2mapster MaxMode (
02:43.02*** join/#sc2mapster griff (4cad2e14@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
02:44.45griffhow do i get a melee map like metalop, and make it an obs map
02:44.52griffadd i want to play etc, and it keeps going
02:51.25Aelieit isnt trivial to make a 1v1 obs map
02:56.17*** join/#sc2mapster Keyeszx (4c5f80de@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
02:58.25KeyeszxCan you create godrays in sc2?
03:02.26*** join/#sc2mapster Sixen (
03:02.26*** mode/#sc2mapster [+o Sixen] by ChanServ
03:11.18*** join/#sc2mapster Nesetalis (
03:50.09timecathow do i allow players to give each other control
04:23.03*** join/#sc2mapster Mephs (
04:40.50*** join/#sc2mapster MaxMode (
04:48.48*** join/#sc2mapster MaxMode (
04:52.32*** join/#sc2mapster Keyeszx (4c5f80de@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
04:53.02Keyeszxsorry but my computer crashed, did anyone answer my question about godrays?
04:53.44Mephsfuck you
04:54.02KeyeszxDidn't know you rolled that way mephs
04:54.06Mephssometimes :3
04:54.12Mephsbut sometimes
04:54.22KeyeszxI don't judge based on orientation
05:23.06*** join/#sc2mapster shintah (
05:24.30*** join/#sc2mapster HeyRevolver (
05:36.48*** join/#sc2mapster soopadoug (
05:38.05soopadougdoes that guy with the nick AlphA_VsT still come in here?
05:39.40JademusSregNot lately.
05:41.05soopadoughe'll be back?
05:41.55Aeliedonno, should ask him yourself
05:42.17soopadouga map i was doing was sent to him to be worked on a half a year ago then i deleted it from my comp
05:42.47soopadougsaid to not quit working on it i didnt login this channel for awhile now hes gone
05:43.21soopadougi dunno if he still has the map half way done
05:43.29soopadougor got rid of it
05:44.15soopadougthe guy was guiding me thru to make that map too
05:54.00JademusSregI'm disappointed by the Portal 2 Challenge mode. It's the standard game, plus a portal counter and timer.
05:54.23JademusSregI was hoping for more challenging puzzles.
05:55.42soopadougis heavens last stand banned from sc2?
05:55.57JademusSregNever heard of it.
05:56.33soopadougfor jesus vs satan
05:56.45soopadougu cant use religious words/names right?
05:57.25JademusSregWut? Sounds lame. I mean, I'm all for referencing mythology like that, but unless people take the time to make the custom assets, it's gonna be lame.
05:57.55soopadougits like castle seige or heavens last defense
05:58.32soopadougbut not listed anymore in most popular
05:58.39soopadougnot in custom games
05:59.19soopadouga lot of good customs dont make it to top of featured list or what?
06:01.28soopadougnm its on there when u click search
06:01.46soopadougbut chances for players searching the map are slim to none
06:15.37*** join/#sc2mapster TheLaughingMan (
06:19.38*** join/#sc2mapster Dekar (
06:45.36Aelieevery game cant be on the front page though...
06:45.56Aelieill give it a shot tho
06:47.13Aeliefor it to stay on the front page it has to be something you can play over and over and not get bored of it
06:47.19Aeliea lot of good maps arent like that
06:48.13Aelieive played a few rpgs that i enjoyed a lot but i wouldnt play them more than once or twice
06:59.33*** join/#sc2mapster Ingela (
07:02.54*** join/#sc2mapster Mephs (
07:19.41*** join/#sc2mapster MaxMode (
07:27.50soopadougit might be 1 new unit per race in HoTs
07:29.54soopadougdouble air dash
07:30.02QualGarpI didn't see they saying there are only 1 new unit per race added
07:30.32QualGarpOnly that they previewed one of them, for the terran faction
07:30.36soopadougat this rate
07:31.04soopadougi think they need to make a major change
07:31.21soopadougnot just throw in a few units the multiplayer needs to be different than how it is now
07:33.07soopadougqualgarp i said might be
07:33.59soopadougtheres another expansion for protoss anyways
07:34.00QualGarpProbably in the lines of how they did on RoC->TFT
07:34.17QualGarpNot mentioning hopeful goodies for the mod community
07:34.42soopadougbrood war changed starcraft a lot
07:35.13soopadougwasnt just a few units but all stats were new
07:35.23soopadougwith new maps like big game hunters
07:36.03QualGarpOfcourse stats will be new
07:36.12QualGarpThere's balancing involved
07:37.27soopadoughow it is now they said its already balanced
07:37.52soopadougeach race gets an even 60% win/loss rate or something
07:38.20soopadougboring huh?
07:39.31QualGarpI don't know
07:40.24QualGarpIf all the races would have been identical, with corresponding units, then it would have been boring
07:58.00goomba_portal 2 dlc is fun
07:59.42Fiskerno goomba_
08:00.35Aeliehow do i make a unit have no model
08:03.15*** join/#sc2mapster ________________ (630a7b35@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
08:04.13Aeliei got it
08:04.17Aeliethanks for the help
08:06.38Currydevilyou found the invisible model did you?
08:07.39Aeliei did
08:10.30Currydevilrawr... bnet is trying my patience tonight.
08:10.52Currydevilwhy it can't just let me finish a game solo after dc'ing me is stupid
08:11.02CurrydevilI don't need everyone else to finish a round of gem td =P
08:12.43Currydevillol... 3 drops in 10 min.
08:12.49Currydevilthat time not even 10 sec into the game
08:14.30*** join/#sc2mapster Helral|Work (
08:16.56*** join/#sc2mapster Frall^School (
08:18.58*** part/#sc2mapster TheLaughingMan (
08:27.39soopadoughelral u seen alpha_vst ?
08:36.03*** join/#sc2mapster Skiz_brok (
08:36.18Helral|Worknot today
08:56.50Aelieis there a way to modify exp rate via a behavior?
09:01.28Currydevilmaybe not via behavior
09:01.33CurrydevilI think i had to do mine via trigger
09:01.51Currydevilanyways, Aelie, did you make thor targetable by air towers on purpose? or was that an oversight?
09:02.09Aeliei did
09:02.16Aeliei was trying to make it a bit easier
09:02.30Aeliei donno if ill keep it that way
09:02.30Currydevilah ok
09:02.38Aeliewhat do you think of thor
09:02.45CurrydevilHe's big, and mean. haha
09:02.51Currydevili'll tell you after i kill him
09:02.55Aeliea lot of people whine about him
09:06.29Currydevilnah he's cool
09:06.37Currydevilgot him to 4k from half on first run on normal.
09:06.46Currydevilbut i've been down on my gem luck
09:09.15CurrydevilI'd say take off the air attack (red crystal is ownage for air) and make him stunable. I loved getting my lucky china jade before the runner so I could stun him
09:09.36Currydevilin wc3 anyways
09:11.50Aeliedont want to remove the min speed
09:13.21Currydevilyou don't have to?
09:13.32Currydevilor is the min speed set so he can't be stunned?
09:13.34Aeliecant make him stunnable without doing that
09:13.41Currydevilsucks =P
09:13.42Aeliestuns are just .01 move speedx
09:13.47Currydevilah well...
09:13.52CurrydevilI liked being able to stun him
09:14.03Currydevilhah, btw <3 the fact i can build new gems straight from the rocks
09:14.18Currydevilonce i finish my maze i start replacing rocks..
09:14.19Aeliei love that
09:14.21Currydevilhated that in wc3
09:14.30Aelieannoying to remove and rebuild
09:14.37Aeliecause then you might misclick and fuck your maze
09:15.14Currydevildid that plenty
09:26.11Aeliemy unit gains experience function triggers itself
09:37.45CurrydevilAelie, do the 2 damage tests add their totals ?
09:37.58Currydevilor does the final one have so much dr that it really is that high?
09:38.21Currydevilcuz this guy has done about 300k to tassadar, but his damage shows near 900k
09:43.42Aelieyeah, the dr is 80% reduction
09:43.51Aelieif you kill him, you dealt 2.5 mil
09:44.21Aelieits the only way i could have a high effective health like that
09:45.49Currydevilah ok
09:47.09Currydevilinteresting prob. waves 46/47 i lost 1 life each wave and nothing got out of my maze
09:52.53Aelieprobably idle units
09:53.08Aeliei dont know why they lsoe their pathign sometimes
10:00.27Currydevilfinally finished a game. hah
10:00.53Aelieis there a "vital regeneration (fraction)"?
10:04.04*** join/#sc2mapster RndmObjcts (182195ed@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
10:16.16*** join/#sc2mapster ducky (53f1057d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
10:17.11duckyMaaapster, I neeed you!!!
10:17.27ducky:D anyone from EU are now on?
10:19.06*** join/#sc2mapster QualGarp (~QualGarp@
10:36.45*** join/#sc2mapster Kueken (
10:39.25Aeliegod i hate when this editor crashes doing the most basic things
10:40.20*** join/#sc2mapster Ingela (
10:47.36*** join/#sc2mapster Shadow_Killer (
11:03.01*** join/#sc2mapster JamesObscura_ (
11:10.28*** join/#sc2mapster RazielZ (~Raziel@
11:23.20*** join/#sc2mapster Sevenix (
11:47.52*** join/#sc2mapster Otixa[phone] (~Otixaphon@
11:48.14*** join/#sc2mapster MindWorX (MindWorX@
11:48.50Otixa[phone]Test lol :D
11:49.06Otixapokes Otixa[phone]
11:49.59*** join/#sc2mapster Otixa[phone] (~Otixaphon@
11:52.58Jum-JumAnybody here got Portal 2?
11:58.20*** join/#sc2mapster ducky (53f1057d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
12:08.20*** join/#sc2mapster goomba_ (
12:22.57Ashamedgood morning
13:03.25*** join/#sc2mapster Thels (
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13:30.22*** join/#sc2mapster egod (4618c7d6@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
13:37.07Ashamedi can't believe people still use 95
13:37.23Ashamedthis guys 95 machine powersupply broked and he wants me to send a tech out to fix it...
13:37.40Ashamedi am like one thats going to be very expensive... 2 that machine will just break again in a few months ><
13:38.18Ashamedand apperntly they have some software that only runs on 95.. and i am like well you better figure out how to VM 95 or get a newer version of the software becuase that machine aint going to last much longer lol
13:41.20Helral|WorkAshamed: lol.
13:43.24Ashamedits going to cost this guy like 300+ dollars to fix his 95 machine funny huh
13:44.13Helral|WorkAshamed: might be cheaper to get another machine and transfer over the hard-drive ;p
13:44.29Ashamedwe told him
13:44.40Ashamedi was like man i am just trying to save you money
13:44.48Ashamedand there is no reason to repair this POS
13:45.35Ashamedbut he gots the software that works just on 95... So i will replace it and just let him know i am certain that this computer wont be running much longer so he needs tof igure out some other way to run this software
13:46.41Helral|Workso it would still work, if you'd use the hd with the win95 installation, unless he ofcourse needs a certain ISA card for the application.
13:47.08Ashamedyeah but helral they are not smart :( They can't replace a hard drive
13:47.15Ashamedso then we would still need to send a tech out
13:47.54AshamedIts understandable if a mechanic told me he was getting me a new car and all i had to do is put my old engine in the new one
13:47.56Ashamedi would be like WTF
13:48.13Ashamedgranted engines are a bit larger then hard drives..
13:48.16Ashamedbut still,
13:48.44Helral|Workbad comparison but ....
13:48.56Ashamedits not
13:49.05Helral|Workengine = power, HD != power.
13:49.21AshamedI hate it when i am talking to dell support and they ask the user if they can swap something
13:49.24Helral|WorkCPU / PSU = power.
13:50.06Ashamedi am like um the entire reason i paid for your support is so you could do shit that i didn't understand
13:50.15AshamedSo many times i hear in the IT field if you could just do this
13:50.17Helral|Workbetter comparison would be buying a newer car, and then exchanging the gearbox. ;p
13:50.28Ashamedstill would be hard as shit
13:50.38Ashamedif you had no clue how to do it
13:51.15AshamedThe way i do it since i am remote... i just say i will be glad to send someone out, but if you are willing to try to do this it will save you about 300 dollars
13:51.22Ashamedand they normally are like ok what do i need to do
14:12.04*** join/#sc2mapster goomba__ (
14:14.51Ashamederg fucking virusis
14:20.14*** join/#sc2mapster Telshin (~textual@
14:21.08*** join/#sc2mapster nicoli_s (~test@
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14:30.03*** join/#sc2mapster Hjalte (
14:36.46Agoutianyone know if it is possible to disable under attack alerts for a particular unit?
14:37.04Agoutiyou can set, as part of the unit flags, whether it generates a town alert or unit alert
14:37.44Agoutiand likewise for a damage effect you can set whether it generates an alert or not
14:38.14Agoutibut there doesn't seem to be an option to disable alerts if a particular unit is under attack
14:51.06CurrydevilWell, I know there is the general 'under attack' alert for each race you can turn off. I don't think it goes into specific units though =(
14:56.58*** join/#sc2mapster Mephs (
14:57.22Currydevilnope doesn't seem to be anything for specific units.
15:05.44*** join/#sc2mapster Dustin (
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15:37.55*** join/#sc2mapster peeeq (
15:55.08*** join/#sc2mapster Petoj (
15:57.50Ashamedgoing to blackhawk this weekend
15:57.52Ashamedganna make me some moneyz
16:03.39*** join/#sc2mapster JademusSreg (
16:03.55JademusSregI awaken.
16:11.29*** join/#sc2mapster Vailreth|2 (~kvirc@
16:11.53Vailreth|2hello people
16:12.27AshamedEllo mate
16:15.01*** join/#sc2mapster Telshin (~textual@
16:15.59*** join/#sc2mapster Vailreth (~kvirc@
16:16.24Vailrethstupid internet
16:18.37Vailrethi need to figure out the abilities for my zerg hero named Legion
16:21.56*** join/#sc2mapster nicoli_s (~test@
16:28.51*** mode/#sc2mapster [+o nicoli_s] by ChanServ
16:50.31Ashamed ... appaerntly our offices are going to start a post it war...
16:50.45Ashamedwe are planning on doing the first level of old school 8bit mario -.-
16:53.04JademusSregNoteworthy advertisement.
16:59.42*** join/#sc2mapster MaxMode (
17:06.18*** join/#sc2mapster Telshin (~textual@
17:13.30*** join/#sc2mapster nicoli_s (~test@
17:13.33*** mode/#sc2mapster [+o nicoli_s] by ChanServ
17:41.33DustinI need to comeup with a new SC2 map idea
17:45.44egodRPG is always win
17:48.03*** join/#sc2mapster Frall (
17:48.32*** join/#sc2mapster ducky (53f1057d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
17:48.57JademusSregMost SC2 RPGs don't even get anywhere near completed, and those that do tend to be crap.
17:49.28egodthat is why someone have to lead
17:49.49JademusSregHow about, instead of making an RPG, make something fun.
17:50.10egodcause its only fun for (30 mins)
17:50.19duckyI made something i think is fun, now I want to make rpg D:
17:50.56*** join/#sc2mapster HP-X|Arthas (
17:50.59duckyBy the way, anyone from eu is on? i desperatly need 2 testers online
17:51.27HP-X|Arthaswhat kind of test ducky
17:51.55duckyi need to test if my antibug for cursed TextTags works
17:52.38HP-X|Arthasi assume its quick
17:52.42duckygo in game, toggle text tags and tell me what you see.. but need at least 2 testers (3 total ppl)
17:52.47duckyyeah, 5 min work
17:52.52HP-X|Arthasnvm, dont have sc2 installed on this comp :(
17:53.53DustinPsha eu
17:53.56egodDUstin, make a Turn BAsed SOmething with what you showed me last day
17:54.03egodyou got the engine, just do it
17:54.05HP-X|ArthasIn reply to blizzards shaded pic and their question what is this unit? "I don't know, but it needs to be nerfed."
17:54.23DustinYa I was thinking about doing that, I just dont know if people are patient enough for it
17:55.08egodYou can do something like me with 2D texttag unit with a TurnBased map
17:55.27egodor FF tactic style, or Ogrebattle
17:55.29duckythose who are patient will be rewarded with fun, thoose who aren't will play nexus wars >.> you can't please everyone :D
17:55.33DustinYa i dont want to fuck with 2d :P
17:55.40HP-X|ArthasI have a sample of a TBS somewhere
17:55.47HP-X|Arthasheroes style but i dont know where :p
17:56.02HP-X|Arthasalso, dustin stop peeking inside my head >: |
17:56.30egodHOMM3 is propably the best idea
17:56.34egodwith this system
17:56.50DustinIm thinking
17:56.56DustinLike my old WC3 map
17:57.01DustinRevisioned into SC2
17:57.34DustinBut instead of grid based
17:57.41Dustinitll be like my first video I linked
17:58.34egodyeah its good
17:58.36HP-X|Arthasgridbased > all
17:58.56DustinYa but alot tougher to get goin :P
17:59.10egoddid you ever play Ogrebattle?
17:59.11DustinSince id have to code my own A* alg again
17:59.14HP-X|ArthasDetails :D
17:59.56*** join/#sc2mapster MaxMode (
18:00.05DustinBut with the new system im gonna add in cover and shit
18:00.22DustinAnd maps will be alot more detailed
18:00.53DustinWith Arena vs people or AI, and an co-op rpg type mode
18:00.55egodyeah well, there is no (tactic online) map yet, its sure you will get spotted
18:01.29DustinIll probably start scratching down ideas today
18:02.02*** join/#sc2mapster HeyRevolver (
18:03.51egodi would love to do a real HOMM3 with your system
18:03.56egodi really like that game
18:04.13DustinYeah that'd be fun
18:04.26DustinI dont like recreating games very much I like to make my own
18:07.15egodin HOMM3 it take me like 2xDays to finish a Map lol, was insane
18:08.55egodmusic was epic
18:08.57egodand randomized was epic
18:23.29egodi cant use 90 Degress Perpective in my Zelda map, cause i use 3D stuff and everything look flat, it fixed the 2D angle but its not good in 3D
18:23.45Dustinthen make everything 2d
18:23.55DustinNo sense in having 3d bushes when everything else is 2d :P
18:24.15egodtext tag are moving dustin, when i put BUSH in 2D i feel im on crack
18:24.24egodthey all move with teh camera
18:24.34DustinThe camera shouldnt be moving
18:24.48DustinIts a 3d game, lock it in top down
18:24.49egodah i know what you mean
18:27.31egodits a lot of camera work idk
18:29.07egodlot of camera work for BUsh and Rock....nahh
18:29.46egod+ will have to redo the terrain and photoshop all the bush
18:32.58DustinLotaa camera work?
18:33.06DustinJust lock it at 90
18:33.14DustinAnd make 1 bush sprite
18:33.18egodthere a lot of zone
18:33.31egodyeah but i cant move the camera
18:33.33Dustinlot of zone?
18:33.40DustinYou're not making sense
18:34.02egodif i put a 2D bush, and my camera folowwing something in 90 Degress, the texttag auto-move
18:34.16egodits the editor
18:34.41DustinIf it's 90 degrees it'll always be facing up
18:34.58egodthey still moving
18:35.22egodi can fix it if i dont move the camera
18:35.31egodwith zone by zone
18:36.12DustinJust use splats then
18:36.22DustinAnd make the unit invisible
18:46.55DustinWHAT EVER
18:52.05egoddoes the Bank Signature made by blizzard work good or its shitty?
18:54.09JademusSregWorks as far as I know, though I've heard some folks cracked the code, but didn't make it public.
18:54.23egodcool than
18:56.10*** join/#sc2mapster Vailreth (~kvirc@
18:56.54egodhow do i remove the dman (Black rectangle) from the original Sc2 UI ?
18:58.40egodyeah you hide the UI but there is still a black rectangle on right side of the screen
18:59.48egodcheck on right side
18:59.50egodblack rectangle of nitmares
19:00.08Dustinthats the bnet friends backround
19:00.18Dustinyou cant hide it
19:00.19*** join/#sc2mapster merlinludwig (
19:01.22merlinludwigsixen: u there? i got a gripe about the website
19:01.44egoddustin, why in this its still there and im on Bnet?
19:01.49merlinludwigi want someone to vent to lol
19:02.57DustinThe BG didnt move to the bottom
19:03.06DustinTheres something with the UI shit to get it to move to the bottom
19:03.10DustinBut I dont remember
19:03.17DustinYou can also movei t with custom layout files I think
19:03.19egodi see
19:03.42DustinI moves it on mine
19:05.05egodyou used my Bush!
19:05.34egoddman how you made this mini-map
19:05.37egodpretty cool
19:06.28DustinJust madea black bg and scaled the minimap images up appropriatley
19:07.48egodyour bomberman look slow-mo XD
19:08.07DustinIts slow at first
19:08.13DustinBut as you get speed upgrades things get intense
19:08.42DustinI couldnt figure out a way to allow the bomb to be placed under the unit then un pathable after the unit leaves its area
19:08.56Dustinand I ran into some trigger errors or something with the WASD
19:09.10egodWASD meh
19:09.19Dustinso like players 2,3,4 couldnt hit lay a bomb when they presses space sometimes
19:09.21DustinDont know why
19:09.26DustinWASD is fine in it
19:09.36DustinBut the space key detection process I used is being lame
19:10.01Jum-Jumare you making bomberman?
19:10.08Ashameddustin made it
19:11.11DustinYeah made it a couple of months ago
19:14.07DustinLol I guess the last patch broke the fuck out of my Layout shit
19:17.58DustinOh god
19:18.08DustinLooking at my old top Down Shooter map lol
19:18.33egodi still use the collsion
19:19.31DustinI love it
19:19.36DustinBut it jsut wont work on bnet
19:19.52egodto much lag?
19:20.27Dustinyou wanna try it?
19:20.33egodi got TopDownFighters V 8.06
19:20.43AshamedDustin you would make a map that can't be played
19:21.32egodcant play right now busy with Zelda UI
19:21.32Dustinthis was the first thing i made
19:21.37DustinI didnt know Bnet was gonna be gay
19:21.41egodlast years
19:21.56egodhe made this in beta i think
19:22.23egodi have something very old:   CloudMaxs_MMORPG_v7.5
19:22.29egodi use his UI
19:46.44Vailrethi have no clue what to be working on
19:47.31Vailrethmaybe i should recreate that diablo 3 witchdoctor spell with the frogs...
19:49.58Vailrethi loved the broodlings in Sc1 Broodwar because they were valid targets for the spell that made them..
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20:49.41AelieDustin: want to help me
20:52.03egodhes busy making the best Starcraft2 map ever made
21:02.17Aelieit went down 4000 hours
21:04.41DustinIma go smoke a cig
21:04.43DustinThen ill be ready
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21:49.24Aelieyou quit dustin?
21:49.46DustinYa gott go do some stuff
21:50.01Aeliei see
21:50.06Aeliewhen am i getting my volcano
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21:51.54Ashamedtime to get the hell out of here...
22:14.03DustinSend me the new map
22:14.07Dustinso i can make the volcano
22:14.10Dustinand caves
22:14.44*** part/#sc2mapster Petoj (
22:19.29Aeliehow long is it gonna take?
22:20.06DustinI can work on it tonight and get it done probably
22:40.04Aelieso my modify unit ability when it kills something gives the credit to player 16
22:40.16Aeliehow do i give the credit to the casting unit?
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22:58.22Vailrethkills to caster behavior
22:59.06Aeliedidnt help
22:59.23Aeliei fixed it though... changed it to a damage effect
23:00.22Vailrethi think there are some bugs still with negative modify unit effects they do not trigger any death responses when the unit dies from the effect
23:01.02Vailrethand i wish blizz would fix the morph stats attribute bug
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23:17.18RndmObjctsyo yo yo. anyone around? i got a quick dialog item text conversion question
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23:18.08RndmObjctsanyone at all?
23:19.54RndmObjctsok well if anyone comes around and reads this, im trying to convert a dialog label's text to equal the time of a timer i've created. If this is possible at all would the conversion be a string?
23:20.04Aelie"vital fraction maximum"
23:21.14Aeliei have it set to .0024 but it still does like 1/4 of their life every hit
23:28.27Aeliefuck this effect
23:36.41Aeliefine, ill just take it out
23:36.44Aeliethis is pointless
23:38.45DustinWaht effect
23:39.06Aeliei set "vital fraction maximum" to .01
23:39.20Aelieit should do damage of 1% their max hp
23:39.26Aelieinstead it does 1/3 their max hp
23:39.33DustinThats weird as fuck
23:39.39Aelieor 1/3 their current hp
23:40.27Aeliefuck that zoen
23:40.32Aelieim just gonna delete it
23:50.57RndmObjctsAelie or Dustin do either of you know if its possible to make a dialog label's text the remaining time of a timer thats been started, and if not do either of you know if its possible to have just the text of a timer window be visible without the ui window of it?
23:51.10Aelierip steve jobs :<
23:51.23Aeliei do that on my dialog
23:51.34Aeliejust set the text to "remaining time on timer"
23:52.38RndmObjctswell i do that, and say the timer is a 10 minute timer, it simple shows up as 600.0 and never updates after that and i cant seem to figure out how to get the text, in this situation, to go to the 00:00:00 or 00:00 format
23:53.02Aelieyou have to keep updating it :p
23:53.15Aeliemake a "every 1s" trigger
23:53.21RndmObjctswell i tried it in a repeat forever aswell and it errors each time
23:53.54RndmObjctswell wouldnt a trigger that runs every second count up in the amount of triggers that can be ran in a single game?
23:56.00RndmObjctsgiven its something like 37 thousand or more, i dont quite know im just goin on hearsay but my game has a nice amount of options and can last a very long time with triggers running over and over, im trying to steer clear of any periodic 1 second triggers. but i appriciate the response and any more help you might offer.
23:57.05Aeliethen you might as well give up on dialog timers then
23:57.15Aeliethe problem isnt the 1s trigger
23:57.18Aelieits what you put in it
23:58.23RndmObjctswell i would just be updating a dialog label text, but i think its adds it because its a trigger being fired every second
23:59.00Aelieadds what
23:59.16Aelieyou do realize it can handle like a million ops a cycle
23:59.33RndmObjctsto the amount of triggers that can be used in a single match

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