IRC log for #sc2mapster on 20110930

00:02.52*** join/#sc2mapster merlinludwig (
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00:13.14*** join/#sc2mapster superdoug (
00:19.39superdougcan sc1 custom maps be converted to play in sc2?
00:20.00superdougwith all the triggers and unit stats?
00:20.12SoulTaker916_i belive so
00:20.20SoulTaker916_theres a option
00:20.57superdougit keeps data from the sc1 map?
00:23.11Aeliei dont know why youd want to though
00:23.14superdougwith convert legacy map it looks like it transfers the terrain
00:23.40Mexa_As far as I know, it will not keep triggers and unit stats
00:23.41superdougsays start locations but no units
00:23.46*** mode/#sc2mapster [+v Hati] by ChanServ
00:23.55Mexa_Hey Hati
00:24.42superdougthat was a good game on sc1 i remember it had full house when it hosted
00:24.56HatiMexa_: hey
00:25.06superdougthen it took 3 hours to finish most of the time we couldnt beat it
00:25.42DustinThe Legacy Map thing is shit
00:26.13superdoughow do u convert the triggers from a sc1 map to sc2?
00:27.00superdougits a .scx file
00:27.14JademusSregYou don't.
00:27.29superdougopens in sc1 editor with everything terrain, units, triggers, unit data
00:27.43superdougin sc2 editor its only terrain
00:28.29superdougdo u have to remake it manually?
00:28.35Aelieyou recreate it
00:28.40Mexa_fairly obvious that it wont work just like that, as sc1 and sc2 is completely different
00:29.29superdougeven if i want it to be the same game?
00:29.51superdougit needs to be started from scratch
00:31.02Aeliesuperdoug: m aybe youve noticed but sc2 is way more powerful than sc1
00:31.23*** join/#sc2mapster Agouti (
00:31.56superdougyea but for easy triggers from sc1 its a different trigger in sc2?
00:32.37Agoutidepends on how easy
00:32.50Agoutif.e. x=x+1 not going to be much different
00:32.56Aeliewhat map are we talking about here
00:33.03DustinTriggers in SC1 and SC2 is like comparing Rhinos and Ants
00:33.31JademusSregSC1 didn't have vars. Haha
00:33.32superdougcreate unit then issue order
00:33.46Agoutishush you
00:33.49superdougtheres a list of it
00:33.52egodthe WC3 editor was better, to bad there was no Dialog UI trigger interface :(
00:34.13Aeliedepends on your definition of better
00:34.16VailrethHOW was the Wc3 editor better?
00:34.17Aelieeasier to use? sure
00:34.24Aeliemore powerful? not so much
00:34.25egodyeah easier, sorry sorry
00:34.49DustinI remember when we found out we could use Custom Deaths as a type of variable
00:34.50Vailreththe only way i would go back to editing wc3 is iff they made the editors like sc2s
00:34.54DustinShit was insane
00:35.07DustinAnd even with all that crap limitations I still made a sweet Turn Based abttle system
00:35.56egodwhy you dont release as a tutorial dustin?
00:36.12egodcause the guys who made the horrible HOMM should check this :P
00:36.20DustinBecause I dont have the map anymore, and it was SC1 :P
00:36.47superdougwhat happend to legacy map reader?
00:36.47egoddont you show me something in sc2 last week
00:36.51egodwith pathing
00:37.06DustinIm still fleshing that idea out
00:37.15superdougits supposed to convert old maps for newer games
00:37.26DustinIt doesnt work
00:39.45JademusSregIt's shallow. Just does terrain.
00:39.50egodwell, i succesfully import my WC3 in SC2 with the option in the sc2 editor, but it only import my Terrain and it was horrible
00:39.57DustinDoesnt even do terrain well
00:40.09egodits shitty
00:40.13Aeliesuperdoug: bottom line, youre gonna have to do some work if you want the map to be revived in sc2
00:40.19JademusSregTrue dat.
00:40.25Aeliedepending on the map
00:40.26DustinALOT of work
00:40.28Aeliecould be a lot of wotk
00:41.55superdougblizzard should of included a whole map converter
00:42.55superdougthey might in a expansion huh?
00:43.31Aeliedoubt it
00:43.46Aeliea straight conversion from a sc1 map
00:43.52Aeliewould probably suck and be no fun
00:44.04Aeliegameplay has advanced since those days
00:45.24superdougit can be an old game with better graphics ppl still play it
00:46.49superdouga lot of the zombie maps and rpgs or vs ai are not in sc2 custom maps
00:47.14*** join/#sc2mapster Aelie (
00:48.39superdougit could be on there but no one notices to join
00:48.46superdougsince theyre not on the most popular list
00:49.11egodthere is way to much zombies map my friend, way to much
00:49.59superdougi only seen 1 in sc2 thats the hotd one
00:51.03superdougno zombie hotel or night of living dead
00:51.34superdougthe original authors for those maps should come back and remake it for sc2
00:51.57superdougother maps too
00:53.11Aelienot every map deserves a remake
00:53.53Aelieevery time i click fun or not
00:53.58Aeliei get something bad
00:54.03superdougfor sc2 theres a outbreak map
00:54.06Aeliei played a game called "zombie defense"
00:54.17Aeliebut all it did was give you 6 minutes to build, melee style
00:54.24Aeliethen unleash about 200 zerglings at you
00:54.34egodwhat a joke Aelie!
00:54.39Aelieit wasnt even zombies
00:54.47Aeliemajor negative points there
00:54.58superdougyea those waves are cool
00:55.20JademusSregTech air, make banshees, lift off.
00:55.23superdougthey give u a timer to prepare for next wave theres none like that now
00:55.30JademusSregOr rather, bg
00:55.37Aelieair costs 10 supply each
00:55.38egodits like the HOMM map on sc2mapster frontpage, a nice joke
00:55.47JademusSregYou only need one. =D
00:55.53Aelieand you can only make vikings
00:56.05superdougplus its kill for minerals or gas
00:56.21superdougthats not on sc2
00:57.12superdouga good map for sc2 was god vs satan but its gone for some reason
00:58.12Aeliei liked this one open rpg map
00:58.35Aelieit wasnt one of those save load games
00:58.45egodopen rpg means? RP style?
00:58.48Aelieeveryone starts at level 1 every round
00:58.58Aelieand the first to level 21 wins
00:59.15Aeliethey get a wand that lets them blink anywhere
00:59.17superdougfor wc2?
00:59.25Aelieso they basically can gank anyone
00:59.38superdouga lot of sc1 maps were ported from wc2
00:59.51Aeliewhy are you living in the 90s
01:00.08superdougtheres no good games now
01:00.34Aeliewc3 had loads of good maps
01:00.38Aeliefar more than sc2 has
01:00.46egodhey, no hate for 90s, im making Zelda so lol
01:01.46egodif there a way to Export some 007 GOldeneye from N64 in SC2, will do this
01:01.56superdouglink to the past was good didnt play four swords yet
01:02.44egodsuperdoug, are you talking about this?
01:02.53Aeliefour swords was like
01:02.56Aelie10 years ago
01:03.10Aeliehave you played anything that came out in the last 10 years?
01:03.53Aeliemaybe hes a time traveler
01:03.59Aeliedo you know what the date is?
01:04.02Aelieits 2011
01:04.05egodhe probably stopped at: Gamecube
01:04.18Aelieor n64
01:04.28egodn64 is 1998?
01:04.49superdougstill is i guess
01:05.33Aeliemy vote is for ps2
01:06.12egod1996 = n64, google it
01:06.31egodso he probably play n64 games
01:07.00egodsuperdoug, are you from 90s-95s or 95s-00
01:07.11egodcause you sound like 90s-95s
01:07.37Aeliemy map is already on page 2 of tower defense
01:07.40Aeliethats depressing
01:07.54*** join/#sc2mapster JademusSreg (
01:07.57egodwill go play it
01:08.39Aelieill play with you if you want
01:08.49egodsc2  patch...hmm
01:08.57Aelieits like 5 megs
01:09.38egodwow you kidding me, they fixed my dialog edit box crash in my other map LOL
01:09.46egodnice joke
01:13.55egodoh wow
01:14.16egodthere fruit in sc2 editor
01:14.27egodonly cow
01:14.43egodthere lot of stupid thing
01:14.47egodbaseball bat really
01:20.12*** join/#sc2mapster XenoX101 (
01:25.34Mexa_egod, what happend to your diablo rpg?
01:26.01egodi reached the limit of the script to large editor, cant write 1 more line of trigger so i decide to made zelda
01:26.33Mexa_how did you even manage hitting that limit:p?
01:26.52Aeliei have no idea
01:27.02Aeliehe wouldnt let anyone help him so
01:27.36Mexa_ohnoes, patch is stuck at 69%
01:27.47egodi mean
01:28.33egodits a very very big project with lot of thing, like my Ladder board have only 10xrank because of this limit, and my hardcore board only 3 rank, its horrible, and i can only playw ith 2xplayer at same time
01:28.47egodeditor script way to low
01:30.01egodand its nbot the fact its bad coded, its teh fact you ahve to run x thing at same time, and the editor dont want to
01:30.02Mexa_Then you don't utilize it properly
01:30.19Mexa_the script limit has nothing to do with the editor.
01:30.37egodi know what is it
01:31.17Mexa_So I guess it's not the global memory which is your problem then
01:31.17egodits the *execution*
01:31.35Mexa_Also known as local memory stack
01:32.11Mexa_You could easily get rid of it to not "do all these things" at the same time
01:32.30egodi cant
01:32.31Mexa_And fyi, galaxy is not even multithreaded
01:32.56Mexa_So, there can't be "too much at the same time" unless it's some giant code snippet you have which manages to eat up everything
01:33.10egodits a giant code snippet
01:33.29egodpretty much  (Skill tree and Ladderboard)
01:33.40egodUI didnt help
01:33.56egodits Skilltree and Ladder board the main problem
01:34.15Mexa_Then the workaround is to use the datatable
01:35.02Mexa_Or as you don'tsay, inefficient coding:P
01:35.52egodnah my code is good, script to small i promise
01:36.07Aelieegod: let me look at the code sometime
01:36.32egodyou will cry
01:36.54Mexa_Or maybe you don't take into consideration that the custom triggerlib blizzard created is heavy enough, depending on how you use it.'
01:36.56Aeliei thought it was good?
01:37.07egodits complex
01:37.19egodyou will understand nothing
01:37.59Mexa_reusability on local variables is another way of optimizing.
01:38.54Aeliei think you underestimate me
01:39.08Aelielook what i whipped out in 2 weeks
01:40.07egodk will you show you something
01:40.16egodyou will see
01:41.42egodconnect to this
01:41.51egodand check how many fuking line of trigger i got lol
01:42.02egodthe map is loading
01:43.08superdougwindows 7
01:43.13Aeliejust screenshot
01:43.19Aeliebut honestly
01:43.31egodit take 3-4 mins to load
01:43.33Aeliei wouldnt be able to read something on your stream
01:43.33superdougthats a lot of triggers
01:43.37superdoughow long did that take to make?
01:43.43egod1 year
01:43.56superdougalmost done?
01:44.00egodhell no
01:44.02egodits shitty
01:44.31egod1 year but i take a break somewhere
01:44.34superdougits a diablo game?
01:44.48egodits diablo2 control
01:44.51Mexa_If you have this many triggers, then you must be doing something wrong
01:44.58egodcustom UI
01:45.03egodsmart click diasble
01:45.06Mexa_See, I had this warcraft 3 project once... it had about 300 triggers
01:45.07egod= tons of shit
01:45.19Mexa_And guess what, it was later optimized to about 50
01:45.26Mexa_Yeah exactly, tons of shit:P
01:45.31egodyou will see
01:45.42Aeliesend me diablo
01:45.44Aeliei want to see
01:45.56egodsec i just want to show you how many thing there is lol
01:46.02egodyou will said: nvm
01:47.13egodits so much men
01:47.19Mexa_how many duplicates are there due to player triggers?
01:47.44Aeliei find that hard to believe
01:47.59egodhm yeah there is some
01:48.04egodbut its very needed
01:48.06Aeliesend me your map
01:48.16Mexa_As well as regions and points and stuff
01:48.35Aelieyou know i didnt have to make a single duplicate trigger for different players or regions
01:48.43egodi know
01:49.02egodthe worst is ladder board
01:49.04egodand skill
01:49.30Aeliejust send it
01:49.33Aelieso i can see how bad it is
01:49.55Aeliewhat are you afraid of
01:50.10*** join/#sc2mapster MaxMode (
01:50.15Mexa_We're rather trying to assist you here, not to compromize it.
01:50.21egodidk, i give with this
01:50.25egodits to much
01:50.35egodlot of error with patch i see
01:50.48egodthe save/load take lot of trigger script execution
01:50.49Aelieim not gonna beg anymore
01:50.54Aelieif you dont want help
01:51.33Aelieyou say "its just that big" but just based on my blurry view, it seems like theres a lot of dupe triggers
01:51.34Mexa_You have many periodic trigegrs, have you not?
01:51.44Aeliebut really
01:51.54Aeliei cant say much from a 360p stream
01:51.57egodnah i dont
01:52.16Aeliethen show me what you have
01:52.19Mexa_Then how come there's constantly trigger errors even when you aren't doing anything?
01:52.32egodnew patch lol
01:52.35egodidk what is this
01:52.42Aeliejust send me your map >_>
01:52.44egodits probably boss text bar
01:54.14egodi transfer pretty much all my work of this map in my zelda map, its more smooth
01:54.20egodso its ok
01:54.45egodno skill tree, no ladder board, no item coding formula
01:54.59egodim saving lot of time
01:55.03Aelieare you just ignoring what im saying
01:55.11Mexa_And hopefully memory, then
01:55.25egodyeah memory
01:55.32Aelieyep, im ignored
01:55.34egodwell, like a exemple
01:55.47egodwhen i save my char
01:56.01egodit take every little stats, its insane
01:56.08egodif i add 1 more line in this execution
01:56.14egodscript to large bang
01:56.15Aelieless talking, more sending
01:56.57egodnah i give up
01:57.07Aelieif you give up
01:57.11Aeliejust let me take a look
01:57.16Aeliei wont do anything to it
01:57.42egodwell, there is no point to give it to ya if i already give up with this map :P
01:57.53Aeliei just want to see
01:57.59Aeliethis map that hit the trigger limit
01:58.44egodits chaotic, you miss nothing
01:58.50Aelieim bored
01:58.59Aeliestop makign excuses
02:02.08*** join/#sc2mapster Mexa_ (~Mexa@
02:12.02egodsleeeeep time woot
02:14.15*** join/#sc2mapster SlugSalt (4445541f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
02:14.38SlugSalthi guys
02:17.50Mexa_sweet, the new season of mythbusters have started :D
02:54.05*** join/#sc2mapster ________________ (630a7b35@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
03:05.32Aelieim already on page 1 of tds
03:05.51JademusSregI wonder, which sounds better? Subversion Tower Defense or Veneria Defense? They both result in good acronyms, so I'm a bit ambivalent.
03:05.51Aeliewhich doesnt say much because the bottom one only had 15 hours played
03:05.57JademusSregCongrats. =D
03:06.13JademusSregWhich TD is top?
03:06.19Aeliesquadron td
03:06.24Aelie13500 hours played
03:06.27JademusSregAh, that crapy map.
03:06.55Aeliei realize i may be biased but
03:07.04Aeliemy map is so much better than most of the other tds out there
03:12.00*** join/#sc2mapster Thunder (60e2f012@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
03:12.30*** join/#sc2mapster ThunderLord (60e2f012@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
03:13.18ThunderLordhey would someone who is smart take a kwik look at this for me?
03:29.48FockeWulfFyi thats better done with a behavior
03:30.07FockeWulfjust make it have like 99 stack or something and just have it do modify fraction 0.99
03:30.34FockeWulfand thats in the "combat damage response" field
03:32.16ThunderLordDoesnt work
03:32.21ThunderLordit says in there
03:32.31ThunderLordsomthing with 50 stacks of modify fraction .99
03:32.35ThunderLordis not 50%
03:32.40ThunderLordits .99^50
03:33.04ThunderLordwitch winds up to be like 60.5%
03:33.12Aeliethats about right
03:33.24Aelietheres no real way to do it additively
03:33.40Aelieunless you want to make 99 different buffs
03:33.44Aelieand add and remove them with triggers
03:33.54ThunderLordwouldent be 99
03:33.58ThunderLordbe more like 1000
03:34.10ThunderLordattributes dont cap at 99 )=
03:34.17Aelieand.. just to warn you
03:34.28Aeliethe game doesnt handle stacks of thousand behaviors well
03:35.01ThunderLordyeah, witch is why i want it done throu triggers perferably
03:35.07ThunderLordand have the behaviors, do nothing
03:35.17ThunderLordalso cuz i dont wana make 1000 behaviors
03:36.11Aeliethats the problem
03:36.22Aeliei would just lower the number of attributes you give
03:36.26Aelieif it goes up to 1000 now
03:36.33Aeliemake each point worth 10 and make it go up to 100
03:37.15ThunderLordis there i way i could heal a unit in triggers? or reduce the amount of damage an effect deals BEFORE it actually kills the unit?
03:37.31Aeliedont know
03:37.37ThunderLordcuz i made the damage increase work great in triggers
03:37.49ThunderLordbut damage reduction is tricky
03:39.24Aelieits one thing that sc2 does not do well
03:40.39ThunderLordis there a way to make effects deal negitive damage?
03:48.50*** join/#sc2mapster SoulTaker916_ (
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04:11.53*** mode/#sc2mapster [+vo Grum Kaelten] by
04:12.49Vailreththunderlord you here?
04:18.32*** join/#sc2mapster Chainclaw (
04:25.54Mexa_Also, I woke up :(
04:29.15Vailrethhello Mexa
04:31.13Vailrethto bad ThunderLord isnt still here
04:41.28Mexa_he is here, Vail
04:42.12Mexa_oh, but idling, yeahyeah
04:55.34*** join/#sc2mapster Keyeszx (4c5f80de@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
04:55.49KeyeszxAnyone here good with computer hardware knowledge?
04:56.52KeyeszxIs this card better than this card
04:57.11KeyeszxThe first one is a 6870 but it's core clock speed is higher than the second which is a 6970
05:03.54Vailrethno clue
05:04.04*** join/#sc2mapster ________________ (630a7b35@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
05:04.09________________"<JademusSreg> Back."
05:16.13*** join/#sc2mapster Agouti|2 (
05:16.36KeyeszxiE4TM4PS do you know why a 6870's core clock is higher than a 6970?
05:22.15*** join/#sc2mapster Mephs (
05:23.19KeyeszxMephs when is your api for smashcraft coming out?
05:28.22Aelieim already half way up page 1 :O
05:28.30Aelie#7 in the td category
05:35.32*** join/#sc2mapster shintah (
05:38.25Mephs#7 in the td category is like #last in the "not a faggot" category
05:52.09CurrydevilIf I put an effect on a train ability rather than link an ability, could i make it train multiple units at once instead of 1 at a time? ie: I click Train Marine, can I make it spawn more than 1 when it completes?
05:52.19Currydevilrather than link a unit*
05:56.26JademusSregWhat's up underscore?
06:00.54*** join/#sc2mapster MaxMode (
06:13.03AelieMephs: :D
06:13.14Aeliemaybe my map is a faggot, you never know
06:14.00Aelieraise your hand if you think pretty terrain is more important than having a fun game
06:14.53Agouti|2I think it's as important, does that count?
06:15.43Aeliemaybe its just me then
06:15.54Aeliecause i couldnt care what the map looks like if its fun
06:16.13Aelielikewise, being pretty doesnt save a map thats boring/glitchy
06:19.44KeyeszxI rather have a decent terrain and amazing gameplay just as long as the terrain isn't complete crap
06:20.36KeyeszxAlso how do I explain to my friend even though his 3870 X2 isn't the same quality a 9850 just because the core clocks or memory clocks are similar
06:28.27Agoutibecause there is a hell of a lot more to a card then core clocks
06:28.40Agoutithe GPU itself is only a small part of the card
06:28.53Agoutialso, power usage
06:28.57Agoutialso, benchmarks
06:29.51KeyeszxWhat do you mean benchmarks? Those are formed from all parts of the card
06:30.15KeyeszxI don't know why he thinks the core clock matters so much
06:30.24KeyeszxIsn't stream process also important, probably more so
06:30.57KeyeszxHe wants a 6970 because it's higher core clock when a 6950 can be OC to the same clock at almost no effort
06:35.34KeyeszxWhich would you choose a 6970 or a GTX 570
06:49.29MotiveI need a name, needs to sound techy, sophisticated.
06:49.37Motivelike for a business
06:49.39JademusSregBe more specific.
06:49.52JademusSregIs this real or fictional?
06:49.59JademusSregWhat's the setting?
06:59.46*** join/#sc2mapster Skiz_brok (
07:02.31KeyeszxHey guys important question
07:03.01Keyeszxif I have a SATA 3gbps hard drive and I plug it into a SATA 6gbps mobo will it work like a SATA 3gbps mobo?
07:04.24KeyeszxAnyone before I make my purchase on this new mobo
07:07.06AgoutiSATA is backwards compatible.
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09:07.01Aelienow im up to 99% approved
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12:21.22Ashamedi think some of the shit on the a+ exam is fucking stupid
12:21.53AshamedI dont see how it test any IT tech... its just brute memory.. and then you forget 75% of it when you are done
12:58.06*** join/#sc2mapster Kueken (
13:06.13DustinGooooood morning
13:06.44Ashamedgood morning
13:10.54Mexa__Ashamed, ofcourse you will forget it, unless you maintain it by using what you have learned afterwards
13:10.54Ashamedmexa NO
13:10.57AshamedITs morning
13:11.09Ashamedmexa i am talking about stupid shit
13:11.22Mexa__like history?
13:11.43Mexa__Tho tbh, I found our history classes very interesting
13:11.46Ashamedlike how many pins is a parallel port
13:11.56Ashamedwhy the FUCK do i need to know that
13:12.07Ashamedbecause i may come accross someone that has an old ass system
13:12.11Ashamedwell who gives a flying fuck
13:12.14Ashamedi will research it then
13:12.34Ashamedits just like only 25% of the test is actually usefull
13:12.44Ashamedthe rest is litterally just asking you memory questions that dont matter if you know them
13:12.50Ashamedbecause you can still FIX someones computer without knowing them
13:13.17Mexa__perhaps not everything falls under the category, but many things which appear "who gives a fuck" is common knowledge.
13:13.34Ashamedits just stupid. I have been in the field for almost 4 years......  and i gotta go research shit that i dont even care about
13:13.37Ashamednor have ever used
13:14.02Mexa__I thought you were done with studies?
13:14.20Ashamedi jumped into the field before school ><
13:14.28Ashamedbut thats good because now i dont have to go to school :)
13:14.36Ashameda+ required 500 hours of expoerance or schooling
13:15.30Mexa__Is that why your english isn't as good either :>?
13:16.05Ashamedmy english isn't good because i am on the internets and i know you are not grading it ;)
13:16.25Ashamedmexa I finished highschool lol
13:16.46Ashamedyou dont need more then 12 years of a language lol
13:16.52Mexa__Alright alright
13:17.37Mexa__I gotta admit myseöf though, that swedish writing for me is getting less and less common.
13:18.32Mexa__Manypickles, coffee time.
13:21.48Mexa__that's some odd game
13:25.15Ashamedwho checked out bf3?
13:26.06Mexa__Dustin did
13:26.23Mexa__I have it, but haven't played it
13:26.29DustinThey have alot of bugs to workout before I play it again I think :P
13:26.31Mexa__My other friends have it.
13:26.55Mexa__That was not how you sounded last night ._.
13:27.43Mexa__What happend to all the pessimist Dustin?
13:27.57DustinI was to enraged by their shitty game menu/lobby system as a website and falling through the map and getting shot through cement blocks to give a good review
13:29.00Mexa__I gotta agreed though, I wonder why they made it a webbased menulobbyserver system..
13:31.32Dustinespecially when they had to do the ingamel obby for consoles
13:31.39DustinAnd it'd be one thing if it worked
13:31.42DustinBut shits so broken
13:32.03DustinI cant matchmake, or form working partys or join anything iwth partys or have a stable friends list
13:35.25Mexa__It will work
13:35.27Mexa__in time
13:46.11Ashamedyeah its stupid
13:46.21Ashamedit sucks because knights of the republic i think will use orgin too
13:46.28Ashamedbut at least its not fps
13:46.51Ashamedanother thing that pissed me off was that beta driver update for my video card
13:47.05Ashamedi had to spacificly look for it
13:47.06Ashamedi was like ERG
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16:37.31*** topic/#sc2mapster is | sc2mapster bnet2 channel | Themed Creature Contest: | Patch 1.3.X Undocumented Changes: | We want your broken maps! | Join #sc2replayed for SC2Replayed
16:39.26Agoutiwelcome back purl
16:39.43Agoutipurl: welcome back
16:39.44purlHey, back! Glad you could join us.
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17:12.44merlinludwighey, someone wanna do me a favor and put function overloading on the galaxy wishlist? lol
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17:15.07ThetubbygoatHey does anyone here know actionscript 3.0?
17:18.14merlinludwignvm, just figure out how to do function overloading using a string parameter and wordofstring in the function
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17:45.37JademusSregFunction overloading would be neat. I don't expect to see it happen though.
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18:09.25A1winwhee... got a nice enemy wave system now, more control than with the previous ones
18:11.31A1win(talking about this map )  it now randomizes the next "stop point" at which the view will stop scrolling, and only after the players have killed the enemies from all waves set for that "area", it randomizes the next stop point and continues scrolling
18:11.57A1winand each wave only spawns after the previous wave is killed, though I think I'll add a timeout
18:12.33A1winso now I have full control over what enemies the players are fighting at each time
18:14.51A1winthe attack system feels still a bit weird since giving the order happens the same way as in melee games, but it behaves in a different way... shoots towards a point instead of giving an attack move order
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18:54.05merlinludwigjademus, i can do function overloading easy, figure it out on my last break
18:56.31merlinludwigfunction(string "unit example"){dosomething with example from global datatable}
18:58.02merlinludwigfunction(string "unit example 3"){set randomproperty of example from global datatable to real(word 3 of string)}
18:58.35merlinludwigand somewhere in that function we have a switch statement analysing the string
18:59.18JademusSregHaha. Emulating function overloading, sure.
18:59.29JademusSregNot quite the same, but good enough if you need it.
18:59.42merlinludwiggranted, u might as well just make multiple functions, but i would so it just for fun cause i can :P
18:59.44SoulTaker916_im having a issue
18:59.51SoulTaker916_theres no world position for mouse down?
19:00.00SoulTaker916_im tring to set a point
19:00.15SoulTaker916_is there a way i can have a trigger cast a skill from no source?
19:01.49Kuekenyou could use a dummy caster, but why would you need something like that?
19:01.52merlinludwighow bout creating a dummy unit
19:02.01merlinludwigdamn, too slow
19:02.03SoulTaker916_its possible
19:02.16SoulTaker916_i just need to let the user select a position
19:05.05Kuekentrack the mouse position using the appropriate events and pick it at the mouse down event
19:05.13merlinludwigim having trouble picturing a spell that would not require a source. granted, if there is only an animation at point of impact, the invisible dummy caster could be placed randomly anywhere in range,cast spell on target, then be destroyed again
19:07.03DustinWhat is your spell
19:09.49SoulTaker916_i dotn have one
19:09.55SoulTaker916_i just need to select a point
19:10.28JademusSregGet the X and Y.
19:10.35JademusSregMake a poiint from them.
19:10.37SoulTaker916_i need
19:10.43SoulTaker916_world pos x y
19:10.48SoulTaker916_and it wont let me call on it
19:11.01SoulTaker916_i duno why
19:11.08SoulTaker916_it also needs the click event
19:11.44JademusSregLook at the GUI version of my Input script. It's in the trigger forum or something.
19:13.03SoulTaker916_like u can call
19:13.05SoulTaker916_mouse down
19:13.15SoulTaker916_and its suppose to set a get world position x
19:13.26SoulTaker916_but when i try to set it i cant find it
19:13.32SoulTaker916_i find gui position x
19:13.36SoulTaker916_and the other ones
19:15.17DustinGo to All
19:15.19Dustinand type in Mouse
19:15.28Dustinthere's Get mouse World Click Position X and Y
19:15.29DustinAnd Z
19:17.14AshamedFU DELL
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19:23.57AshamedAND Z
19:25.21A1winany idea how to make it so that I can use left mouse click to attack, but still retain the possibility of using targeted abilities that require left clicking to target D:
19:26.43merlinludwigif ability.selected==true use(ability) else attack
19:27.01A1winability.selected? ;p
19:27.21merlinludwigsry, thats just how i think...
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19:27.29A1winthe problem is that I don't know how to check if a player is targeting an ability
19:27.43A1winotherwise it'd be simple D:
19:27.46merlinludwigmake a boolean, set it to true if a ability is used
19:28.03lom4Rhey there
19:28.18lom4Rwhat do think
19:28.29A1winbut is there even a way to detect when a player *begins* to target an ability?
19:28.51A1windoes it even create an event
19:29.00merlinludwigthen when a person leftclicks, verify that all ability booleans are set to false before attacking, otherwise use whatever ability is set to true and reset boolean to false
19:29.12A1winI know logic :P
19:29.22A1winI just don't know how to detect the ability targeting
19:29.24Ashamed1:26:36 PM    Customer  Chad Koslovsky  Next Business Day Support QLX 6/15/2011 6/14/2013 624  1:26:40 PM    Customer  Chad Koslovsky  please explain to me what this means?  1:27:01 PM    Customer  Chad Koslovsky  I thought it meant next Business day.. but mby it means next 5?  1:27:08 PM    Agent  CLKsmb_ Cenen _216973  It is a next day servicer with onsite and parts replacement  1:27:19 PM    Customer  Chad Koslovs
19:29.37merlinludwigyes, i dont know without looking it up though
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19:31.55A1winexperiment time then I guess
19:34.27A1winthe generic ability stages are queue, execute, cancel, preempt and complete
19:34.34A1winwhat's preempt?
19:34.45A1winothers I know what they are, and they won't work...
19:35.20A1winand I have a feeling that ability targeting isn't even synced by the script engine, because it doesn't lag on bnet...
19:35.52A1winso I guess my only hope is somehow detecting when the player left clicks that whether or not it was a targeted ability and only after that allow it to shoot if it wasn't :S
19:36.58A1winexcept that... I just remembered my system doesn't even issue an attack order when a player uses the attack ability, it just sets the target point and starts the timer... o: so this might actually work... somehow
19:40.00A1winand now that the shoot ability is smart, I don't need to try to check if the player is left clicking on a unit since he can just right click to target a unit D:
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19:59.36A1winhack solutions ftw
20:00.47A1win1) event: player left clicks -> set target point to clicked point, Wait(0,0); if target point != no point, use shoot ability at target point 2) event: player uses a targeted ability (such as fungal growth) -> set target point = no point
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20:10.51AelieJademusSreg: halfway up page 3 now
20:11.19Aelie383 hours played since midnight last night
20:12.35Aeliebut i need 800 for page 2 and 2300 for page 1
20:13.57*** join/#sc2mapster Mexa_ (
20:14.37Mexa_Hey Dustin
20:14.45Mexa_I see your frustration on bf3 btw:P
20:15.24Mexa_Even if it's only due to my computer sucking, it comes with great complexity and time to even join a server
20:20.09Mexa_Oh well, the game freezes anyways, even on 720x480 on the lowest
20:29.19AelieJademusSreg: say i were to add some kind of leveling/cross game leaderboard
20:29.25Aeliewhat would the perks be
20:29.33DustinJust founda bug
20:29.44DustinA guy had 2 units lefti n his maze and it said 3 on the board
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20:32.26Aelieno leaks?
20:32.57Aeliedid he build close to someone else
20:33.01Aelieand they killed one?
20:33.23Aeliei think that might fuck it up
20:33.44superdougduke nukem theme
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21:13.53Aelieive noticed a potentially serious bug
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21:35.58Aeliehey jade
21:36.17Aeliei kind of disagree with everyone who says "its impossible to become popular" now...
21:36.25Aeliei feel like if you have a good map people will play it
21:36.28Aeliepage 1 or not
21:39.09A1wineveryone just thinks their map is good even if it isn't D:
21:39.20Aeliei guess
21:43.36lom4Rhmm when i revive a hero
21:43.43lom4Ri get a "scope error"
21:43.59lom4Rand another unit spawns
21:44.19lom4Rany idea?
21:44.21Ashamedguys have a good weekend
21:44.24Ashamedi am getting the fuck out ofhere
21:44.36A1windoes the hero have death time -1 or greater than 0?
21:46.17A1winhow are you trying to revive him?
21:47.05lom4Rwith trigger
21:47.14lom4Rbefore 1.4 heroes worked
21:47.19lom4Rnow 3 are bugged
21:47.20lom4R2 still work
21:47.29A1winis it a long trigger? D:
21:48.17lom4Rnot really
21:48.40A1winwanna show it then?
21:49.16lom4Ryes mom
21:49.23Aeliehey Dustin
21:49.25Aelieyou here?
21:50.25Aelieor jade
21:55.52Aeliemight need someone to help test
21:56.06Aelieis there a way for me to make a private version without pulling the public one?
21:56.16DustinRename it
21:56.22DustinAnd mark it private
21:58.00Aelieproblem being if you manage to steal a kill in race mode
21:58.12Aelieits going to break the game for the one person
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22:17.54AelieDustin: can you help me test something
22:18.40Dustinya real fast
22:18.47Aelieits gonna be
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22:27.04Aeliehey dustin
22:27.15Aeliesay i were to add in levels/cross game stats
22:27.19Aeliewhat should the perks be
22:27.20*** mode/#sc2mapster [+o nicoli_s] by ChanServ
22:28.56DustinId say just aesthetic things
22:29.09DustinLike Different builder models, or special tower models
22:30.01Aeliewell yeah
22:30.08Aelienothing gameplay affecting
22:30.15Aeliebut all i can think of is builder models
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23:25.21A1winwooo now my attack and wave systems are awesome xO//
23:25.44A1winjust need some more interesting abilities, then more variety to enemies and terrain
23:26.09A1winthen some boss encounters, more variety to mech upgrades... damn the list is long
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