IRC log for #sc2mapster on 20110712

00:02.51*** join/#sc2mapster Caz (0c12d4e4@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
00:03.02CazTo create an array of records do i need to use the record reference variable with the array property and create each record via trigger functions? Or can i just select [New Record] and make it an array of them ?
00:03.32CazIm not seeing an array option for a new record so im leaning towards the prior, but it's not my preferred scenario :x
00:08.19CazAnyone know how to declare an 'array' of records ?
00:08.25CazFrom within the gui
00:14.02*** join/#sc2mapster XenoX101 (
00:14.20XenoX101hey guys
00:14.28XenoX101does anyone know whats possible in terms of animating dialog items?
00:14.38XenoX101e.g.: moving, flickering, animating images & labels?
00:14.54XenoX101I know you can fade in/out..
00:14.58CazNo clue here, do you know how to make the gui create an array of records :p ?
00:15.20XenoX101that sounds more complicated than it needs to be
00:15.30XenoX101I use datatables for big heirarchies like that
00:15.44CazWas going to save player data in records
00:16.12XenoX101what are you trying to do
00:16.47CazIts just saving data when a dialog item is clicked atm.
00:17.29XenoX101you can pretty much ignore the dialog when triggering
00:17.36XenoX101its just a way of starting the code
00:18.04CazThe dialog button generates units for the players =P
00:18.16XenoX101yeah so work on generating units automatically
00:18.20XenoX101then implement it into a button
00:18.24CazThere are restrictions on unit count and such that are being saved.
00:19.01CazThis isnt to create a fantastic working map.. its to practice dialogs and records.. Im learning via tutorials
00:19.09CazIm new to map editing
00:19.45XenoX101oh right
00:19.58XenoX101well still
00:19.59CazIs there some benefit to using data tables over records ?
00:20.14XenoX101they can be called dynamically by their string
00:20.14Cazidk what they are
00:20.18XenoX101so if you have like 6 variables
00:20.35XenoX101and they all are like conditions for a value
00:20.42XenoX101like HealthArmorWeaponShield
00:21.03XenoX101ok thats confusing um
00:21.06XenoX101how to put it better
00:21.16XenoX101you can save any value as a string
00:21.23XenoX101and because its a string you can call it through
00:21.27XenoX101any number of variables
00:21.32XenoX101combined together
00:21.48XenoX101so if you have a big heirarchy where
00:21.58XenoX101one unit is determined by 6 conditions
00:22.01XenoX101you can save that unit as
00:22.07XenoX101Condition 1 + 2 + 3 + 4  + 5
00:22.30XenoX101and then in an action you can run through variables
00:22.37CazYa that sounds confusing to me.
00:22.44XenoX101and go "get value from Condition 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5
00:22.54XenoX101its probably not too necessary for you
00:22.58XenoX101but like for me I have a micro map
00:23.08XenoX101and I have each unit designated by 4 things
00:23.28XenoX101Matchup, Arena Size, Arena Map, Battle Number, Player Race & Batch
00:23.33XenoX101actually thats 5
00:23.35XenoX101er 6
00:23.42XenoX101but basically what I do is
00:23.55XenoX101I save each unit with their respective details ^
00:24.11XenoX101and when I call them, I can call them based on those details
00:24.29XenoX101so I can randomize the battle
00:24.37XenoX101use my player's race, the matchup between two variables
00:24.42XenoX101between two players*
00:24.57XenoX101and then I add all those variables together
00:25.04XenoX101MyMatchup + MyArenaSize + MyArenaMap etc
00:25.12XenoX101and out comes the unit that relates to it
00:25.14CazLong names lol
00:25.20XenoX101otherwise you have to go
00:25.25XenoX101"If ArenaSize = this"
00:25.29XenoX101"If ArenaMap = that"
00:25.37XenoX101a hundred thousand times
00:25.55XenoX101this way as long as the string you put in matches the string you originally saved
00:26.17XenoX101you can retrieve values based on a variety of variables
00:26.29CazFor me id probably store a unit record containing those variables with a custom function (assuming i can make one) to do all the comparisons as 1 action.
00:26.30XenoX101but yeah, probably more complicated than you need
00:26.32XenoX101its good to know though
00:26.58*** join/#sc2mapster Ashamed (43be33f7@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
00:27.02XenoX101yeah well it depends if its a heirarchy or not
00:27.05XenoX101if its linear like
00:27.20XenoX101the unit's health doesn't depend on 5 values
00:27.26XenoX101the unit's shield doesn't depend on 5 values etc
00:27.30XenoX101then its cool
00:27.47CazI'll definitely want to look at data tables, but right now i need to find the option to make this record an array lol
00:28.19Ashamedgot my new gaming set today
00:31.33CazGratz Ashamed
00:33.01CazStill, if anyone knows how to make a record array pls let me know lol.
00:33.16CazGoogle google google *heavy breathing*
00:35.58*** join/#sc2mapster Cintiq (
00:36.17CazEvery example has been in custom script :|
00:39.03CazOk well im gonna take a guess at it then.
00:39.10Caz1) Create a new record.
00:39.16Caz2) Supply record with variables.
00:39.24Ashamedthis new headset ... the sub vibrates too to add the effect of base ><
00:39.27Ashamedits crazy filling lol
00:39.45Caztalk when u can answer mah questions :P
00:39.52Cazbut i may have it figured out
00:40.34Caz3) Create reference to that record, set as an array. (assuming this creates 3 instances of the selected record)
00:41.56CazAre array sizes always pre-defined ?... Would be nice to base array sizes off variables like ActivePlayerCount
00:43.43*** join/#sc2mapster cintiq_ (
00:47.01CazSo many people, so much silence :x
00:47.44slightlyrandomSHUT UP!
00:48.07Cazthat was slightlyrandom
00:56.29*** join/#sc2mapster hawker (63e9c492@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
01:02.14*** join/#sc2mapster FireryRage (~FireryRag@
01:02.59*** join/#sc2mapster Dynast (
01:04.40*** join/#sc2mapster Vailreth (kvirc@
01:18.18XenoX101not too many people
01:18.23XenoX101we talk a lot for the few that we are
01:18.35XenoX101look at  teamliquid channel it has 1400 people
01:18.41XenoX101and right now nobody is talking
01:19.18slightlyrandomThose kinds of numbers make for shitty channels
01:19.25slightlyrandomCan't figure out who people are
01:19.34XenoX101ya smaller communities are better
01:19.46XenoX101you have more of a say and discussions don't go on tangents and up the wazoo
01:21.22slightlyrandomAnd anyway, between us, we know everything anyway
01:23.46XenoX101between JMan, ProzaicMuse, Helral, A1win & Sixen
01:26.25Vailrethid like to think i contibute a bit...
01:26.37slightlyrandomWe all do what we can ;)
01:27.06Vailrethbut yes those guys are like Elite  or Gods or Elite Gods or something
01:27.10Vailrethof the editor world
01:27.28Vailrethwell Prozaic is anyway >.>
01:27.34slightlyrandomThat guy is a freak
01:28.00Vailrethhmm the edtior has only been out three days and i already know enough to teach you a life time
01:28.30Vailrethbut then he is gone for months at a time with da real life
01:30.29Cazwhat's real life? *looks up youtube videos of what "outside" looks like*
01:32.11Vailrethheh. on an unrealted side note i have to get rid of my mustache its starting to look like a bad 70s pornstache ....
01:33.34Vailrethwhich is sad because when im clean shaven people mistake for me for a 18 19 year old...
01:33.47Vailrethand im 20 fricken 8 damnit
01:33.58slightlyrandom28 or almost 21 ?
01:34.07Vailreth28 sorry
01:34.16Vailrethwas typing to fast there,
01:34.51slightlyrandomYou need more beard, clearly
01:35.03Vailrethi know this because a 18 year old girl in one of my college class ( she was tacking dual credit courses at the college) thought i was her age
01:35.24Vailrethi twitches a few seconds hung my head and sniffled ...
01:35.47slightlyrandomCould be worse
01:35.57Vailrethoh yeah how worse?
01:36.09slightlyrandomShe could have thought you were younger
01:36.16Vailrethi get carded every time i buy compressed air or a m rated video game.... hm maybe
01:36.53slightlyrandomYeah, beard
01:36.57slightlyrandomMore beard
01:38.19Vailrethid love to but they are too damn itchy and hot as hell in these damn texas summers
01:38.39Vailrethi have this issue where my own hair makes me break out in hives
01:40.07slightlyrandomBeard doesn't have to be long to be effective
01:40.57Vailrethtrue but when it gets fully enough to be a reall beard its too hot too itchy for me
01:41.10slightlyrandomKeep it trimmed
01:41.17XenoX101being mistaken for being young
01:41.21XenoX101is never ever a bad thing
01:41.36slightlyrandomWell, it can be annoying if you can't get a beer if you haven't got your drivers license with you
01:41.48XenoX101nobody wants to be older
01:41.58XenoX101they might want to be more mature
01:42.02XenoX101but they don't want to age
01:42.18XenoX101they might want to be smarter, but not through consuming years
01:42.28XenoX101be glad that you look young :)
01:42.47Vailrethany way i earlier i mentioned i had an idea for a zerg merc hall thing. i am currently calling it a Brood exchange and the idea is that its a center where broods can loan out specialty zerg to other broods to help make ends meet
01:43.05slightlyrandomThe Gene Bank
01:44.06XenoX101I'd be careful with trusting players though
01:44.33XenoX101should make it very simple and quick
01:44.43XenoX101otherwise they'll spend forever deliberating over it
01:44.47XenoX101and never come to any agreement
01:45.00XenoX101and unless you give people incentive to donate to the bank
01:45.01XenoX101they won't do it
01:46.33Vailreththats true. but its not for a multiplayer map really
01:46.54Vailreth'just a ...wouldnt it be cool if   and a this is how that would work
01:47.41Vailrethi figure it would spawn its own larva and morph these larva into units when purchased ....
01:51.21XenoX101communist zerg, that'd be hilarious
01:51.33XenoX101all donate to the party! it will spawn larva for you!
01:51.34slightlyrandomZerg is the ultimate communists
01:51.55XenoX101thats true
01:52.15XenoX101the people have no say regardless ;p
01:53.13XenoX101man I posted my micro map thread on TL
01:53.20XenoX101and theres this guy that literally pesters me for updates every 4 days
01:53.28XenoX101he also pesters this other maker of another micro map
01:53.41slightlyrandomHe cares!
01:53.50XenoX101I dont think he does
01:54.00XenoX101he first msged me offering to upload the map to EU
01:54.02XenoX101for testing
01:54.02slightlyrandom...about the map
01:54.13XenoX101so I think he's just selfish
01:54.15XenoX101and wants to play the map
01:54.41XenoX101otherwise he wouldn't try and upload the map for me :/
01:55.09XenoX101I could be wrong but
01:56.55XenoX101unsurprisingly my map got no attention on the sc2mapster forum
01:57.00CazWill players always be numbered sequentially from 1-N ... Example: 2 people playing on a 4 player map. Those will be player1 and player2 ?
01:57.14Caznot 0 3 or 4 ?
01:57.26XenoX101yes if you go to player properties
01:57.29XenoX101player 0 is neutral
01:57.31XenoX101player 1 is 1
01:57.32XenoX1012 is 2
01:57.45XenoX101Map > Player Properties
01:58.12Cazsomeone was talking yesterday about people being able to be 0 2 or 4 or whatever so i was making sure... im going to use the player number as an array index and i cant have that jumping up to something weird lol
01:58.39XenoX101sure you can
01:58.58XenoX101I've avoided using 0 in arrays plenty of times
01:59.25CazAre our arrays stuck at predefined amounts or can we declare the size = activePlayeCount ?
01:59.33Ashamedomg it was so hard to design an integer xp bar
01:59.50XenoX101they are stuck
01:59.59Ashamed>< i finally got it working perfect :)
01:59.59XenoX101so just pick the biggest size
02:00.07XenoX101unless you are using 2-3 dimensional arrays
02:00.23XenoX101you shouldn't have any problem with
02:00.29XenoX101excess amount
02:00.51Cazsince im using records.. i wont need to use a 2d array.
02:00.51XenoX101it can take up to about 20,000 values I believe
02:01.38CazIm assuming that the "New Record" is a blueprint and the reference variable of "arraysize" actually allocates instances of it on the fly
02:02.10XenoX101yes the record variable initates the record
02:02.25XenoX101while the record itself has the stuff
02:02.31XenoX101make sure that your records are
02:02.37XenoX101above your record variables in the tree
02:02.41XenoX101otherwise it will error
02:02.45*** join/#sc2mapster FockeWulf (43e88ecd@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
02:02.55XenoX101in trying to initiate something that hasnt been set yet
02:02.57CazThat threw me off a bit since the dialog reference is different, where u actually create a new dialog for each index via triggers
02:03.16FockeWulfI've got a question about the modify unit effect
02:03.20XenoX101not sure about dialog reference
02:03.21Cazrather actions* not triggers
02:03.55FockeWulfI've got a case where I need the casting unit to search for an enemy unit in range and if it finds one, swap the casting unit's owner to the owner of the enemy unit.
02:04.01FockeWulfCan anyone help me here?
02:04.14slightlyrandomData or triggers ?
02:04.22slightlyrandomThat's fairly easily done with triggers
02:04.39FockeWulfwell im a data person and all i need to know is how the "logic" goes through
02:05.04slightlyrandomTry looking at Neural Parasite
02:05.13slightlyrandomThat has side changing tricks
02:05.19FockeWulfits not the same
02:05.22slightlyrandomI know
02:05.26FockeWulfyou can do it in a behavior
02:05.27FockeWulfor an effect
02:05.31FockeWulfi need the effect version
02:05.36FockeWulfotherwise the behaviors get too messy
02:05.40FockeWulfbecause its a perminate change
02:05.59slightlyrandomWell, you could give it a behaviour buff that stays on there
02:06.15FockeWulfwell ok its a diplomacy map im helping some guys with
02:06.18slightlyrandomDon't know much about this kind of data work though, sorry
02:06.27FockeWulfah ok
02:06.37FockeWulfcan anyone else help me with this?
02:13.45XenoX101you could copy neural parasite
02:13.51slightlyrandomHe left
02:13.51XenoX101and change "Behaviour - Acquire Player"
02:13.54XenoX101o nvm
02:14.00XenoX101what a cunt
02:14.07XenoX101I hate people that join just to ask a question
02:14.08XenoX101then leave
02:14.15slightlyrandomNot "hate"
02:14.19slightlyrandomBut I find them silly
02:14.24XenoX101its the same feeling I get when people come out from the blue
02:14.30XenoX101on MSN or whatever
02:14.34slightlyrandomTheir loss, though
02:14.37XenoX101just to ask me about a computer question or something
02:14.50XenoX101like "Hey man hows it going" (person never talks to me normally)
02:15.01XenoX101"Yeah so.. I got this problem with my computer"
02:15.42*** join/#sc2mapster Triceron (603128d3@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
02:27.48CazIs there a reason i cant use my Record members in comparison actions ?
02:28.17Cazthe editor doesnt list any variables for the record when comparing (==)
02:28.33CazThis a bug ?
02:30.53Caznevermind... the "Required Type" defaults to "Boolean" during a comparison.. thus it had to be changed to the type matching the variable i wanted before the variable would appear in the list. Thats quite a nuisance
02:30.55*** join/#sc2mapster synik4l (
02:32.27XenoX101hey does anyone know if I can put
02:32.30XenoX101a dialog on top of a dialog?
02:32.49XenoX101and have the bottom dialog show through?
02:36.39Cazwhat do you mean by show through ?
02:36.58Cazappear on top the other dialog ?
02:37.01XenoX101like have the front dialog with transparent bg
02:37.08XenoX101and then use the back dialog's background bg
02:37.10Cazoh.. not sure about that.. hm
02:37.11XenoX101for the front dialog
02:37.23XenoX101I know I can make backgrounds transparent
02:39.10CazHave you looked at Dialogs->Set Dialog Transparency
02:39.34XenoX101yeah I know how to do that
02:39.36XenoX101but like
02:39.42XenoX101having two backgrounds on top of eachother
02:39.46XenoX101not sure if thats possible
02:40.24XenoX101actually I dont even know if this background will work
02:40.31XenoX101seems to be being displayed funnily
02:40.45CazWhy do you want to do this btw ?
02:40.59Cazwhat was the point in making the first dialog if u want it to be  gone ?
02:48.09XenoX101well I want a background image that is tiled
02:48.13XenoX101across full screen
02:48.19XenoX101but then I want an image on top of that which is a frame
02:48.21XenoX101that is not tiled
02:48.27XenoX101and then on top of the frame I want the buttons
02:48.41XenoX101so background image > frame for buttons > buttons on top
02:48.52XenoX101with the background image being tiled
02:58.51*** join/#sc2mapster hawker (63e9c492@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
02:58.52mind_sparkanyone here good with actors?
02:59.24*** join/#sc2mapster SoulTaker916_ (
03:00.45slightlyrandommind_spark: Whats up?
03:01.09*** join/#sc2mapster tigger0jk (
03:03.51IDEATHsup, fuckers.
03:04.05IDEATHjk jk
03:05.22mind_sparkslightlyrandom, sorry was trying to figure it out
03:05.35mind_sparki've created a turret that pops up on a hellion
03:05.45mind_sparkproblem is that it wont rotate and such
03:05.59mind_sparkdisplays attack animation, but no rotation towards target nor when idle
03:06.13hawkerthe fact that the models from the main character races in wow cannot be used is quite irksome :/
03:09.52CazXeno u still around ?
03:10.00CazHave a dialog trigger question for you =P
03:10.01*** join/#sc2mapster tordy (ad44a44a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
03:10.02tordydid they update yet
03:12.04CazShow Dialog -- wont allow me to specify which player to show the dialog to with variables... it pretty much wants stuff like "All Players"... that seems silly.
03:12.21slightlyrandomYou choose player groups
03:12.30slightlyrandomAnd a player group can be PlayerGroup(Player 1)
03:12.32mind_sparkso got any idea what it could be slightly?
03:12.34XenoX101yep I am
03:12.53slightlyrandomCaz: Your variable has to be a player group
03:12.59slightlyrandommind_spark: Afraid not
03:13.18slightlyrandomNever was much in the graphics department
03:13.33slightlyrandomanimation, all that unimportant stuff
03:15.08CazBah i dont want to make player groups for individual people D:
03:15.13slightlyrandomYou dont have to
03:15.19slightlyrandomThey are premade for you
03:15.31slightlyrandomYou just have to get at em in a roundabout way
03:15.45CazI want the dialog display for the player who owns the unit that triggered the event.
03:16.08slightlyrandomWell, you can specify a player group made up of the player who owns the unit
03:16.28slightlyrandomKind of non-sensical, but that's how it's done
03:16.31Cazwhich is making player groups for individual ppl, no ?
03:16.45slightlyrandomYou dont have to make the group
03:16.58CazHow do i access this magical group then :p ?
03:17.05slightlyrandomLike i said
03:17.20slightlyrandomShow thing for PlayerGroup (Triggering Player)
03:17.25slightlyrandomOr somesuch thing
03:17.46Cazthat option doesnt exist or id have used it
03:17.58slightlyrandomYou're doing it wrong, then
03:18.06slightlyrandomIt exists, I've used it
03:18.36slightlyrandomIt only accepts player groups as input, but a player group can be a single player
03:18.40Cazoh, its worded quite weird i bet you mean this one.. one sec
03:18.54Caz'Convert Player to Player Group'
03:19.06slightlyrandomThat'd be it
03:19.22CazI was looking all over for the phrase "Triggering" lol
03:19.33slightlyrandomIt really doesn't make much sense
03:19.59slightlyrandomThose are the hardest triggering problems to solve for me, fighting against the Blizzard Logic
03:20.10CazI imagine its the curse of the paramater data type being a player group.
03:20.20CazFor convenience in majority of cases
03:20.30slightlyrandomIt crops up in other places as well
03:20.45slightlyrandomWith stuff only accepting Integers or Reals, for instance
03:21.33slightlyrandomThe easiest way to figure out what it expects is to try and input a value for it, see what kinda thing it wants
03:23.17Vailrethday9 is cook
03:23.23Vailrethor cool?
03:23.35slightlyrandomDefinately cool
03:23.49slightlyrandomWhat are you referring to?
03:24.46Vailrethi was watching funday monday live and wishing i had that kinda charisma
03:25.01slightlyrandomI just watched his episode 100
03:25.05slightlyrandomHis story with SC
03:25.14slightlyrandomHe is quite the fucking guy
03:25.24slightlyrandomAll-round awesome
03:25.32Vailrethyeah seems that way
03:26.16tordyis this possible?
03:26.29XenoX101actually it does make sense, players and player groups are very different
03:26.45tordyneed some help
03:26.45XenoX101one is an assortment of the other
03:26.48tordyis this possible?
03:27.14XenoX101a folder I should say
03:27.20XenoX101so you need to convert the player into a folder
03:27.26XenoX101to use in folder-based triggers
03:27.30slightlyrandomIt could do that for you
03:28.12XenoX101well perhaps
03:28.35XenoX101but that would be hard to code
03:28.53slightlyrandomNot awfully
03:29.45XenoX101it would be confusing because players are specific people
03:29.51XenoX101where player groups are just folders
03:30.05XenoX101if you could choose specific people or these folders
03:30.13*** join/#sc2mapster Frostwind (~fhbjsdbkj@
03:30.17Frostwindhi :(
03:30.42XenoX101it makes more sense that there is a function
03:30.46XenoX101"convert player to player group"
03:30.54slightlyrandomWell, when you're trying to display something to people, it makes sense to be able to show it to either a single person or a group of people
03:31.03slightlyrandomBoth are valid things to want to do
03:31.18slightlyrandomChoosing one as the "right" thing, and forcing you to convert to that
03:31.21XenoX101yes but programming wise
03:31.21slightlyrandomIs just sloppy
03:31.32XenoX101they are two distinct things\
03:31.39XenoX101its the difference between
03:31.43XenoX101an array and a variable
03:31.53XenoX101you cant choose an array where a variable is applicable
03:32.08XenoX101because an array isn't an actual value
03:32.11XenoX101its a set of values
03:32.23slightlyrandomYou're right logically
03:32.44slightlyrandomI'm arguing for human readable, though
03:32.56XenoX101well if that were the case
03:33.12XenoX101they would remove the difference between integers and reals
03:33.23slightlyrandomOh god, please yes
03:34.42tordyhow do you make an air unit make it so it can be damaged by a range 11+ weapon even if the weapon's target filter has ground required?
03:35.07tordywill i need a separate weapon for all range 11+ weapons?
03:35.07slightlyrandomSo splash hits it?
03:35.18tordynot just splash
03:35.20tordydirect hits too
03:35.24tordyso like a siege tank
03:35.27tordyin siege mode has 13 range
03:35.32tordyit can hit THAT particular air unit
03:35.38Frostwindis very sad
03:35.41slightlyrandomWhy not just allow those weapons to hit air?
03:35.48tordybecause i dont want them to hit all air units
03:35.56tordyjust certain air units
03:36.07slightlyrandomThere are multiple Air and Ground movers
03:36.15slightlyrandomDo these apply here?
03:36.34tordydont think the movers matter, just the air/ground plane
03:37.14XenoX101let the unit attack air but make the air a different weapon
03:37.21XenoX101and have that weapon use a validator
03:37.21Vailrethtordy you could create a second damage effect and give it a validator so it only applies to the specific units you want
03:37.28XenoX101"is a particular unit"
03:37.38XenoX101yep ^
03:37.46tordyso im gonna have to add separate effects for every range 11+ weapons?
03:38.01XenoX101every air weapon yes
03:38.03Vailrethwell no
03:38.07Vailrethmaybe not
03:38.24slightlyrandomCan't you hack it with the weapons target scan ?
03:38.42Vailrethyou could create a more complex combine validator tree so the one effect only effects ground and specific air units
03:38.58tordyno idea how i would do that
03:39.20Vailrethgive me a sec
03:40.25tordyhow do i make it so a unit targets the enemy with the highest health
03:40.35XenoX101thats easy
03:40.35tordya unit that's within its range
03:40.42slightlyrandomThats a toggle on the...
03:40.59tordywaht's it called
03:41.01slightlyrandomThere is basically a field that says, which target filter
03:41.03slightlyrandomSearch for it
03:41.07XenoX101one sec
03:41.15slightlyrandomToggle on advanced, and list em all
03:41.22tordyhighest current health
03:41.29slightlyrandomThen just type in something like that
03:41.33XenoX101oh wait
03:41.35slightlyrandomHealth, or range or whatever
03:41.52XenoX101acquire prioritization doesnt have health
03:42.16tordyleme see
03:42.34XenoX101I think target sorts
03:43.10XenoX101try Target Sort > TSLife
03:43.13*** join/#sc2mapster hawker (63e9c492@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
03:43.35XenoX101predefined target sort
03:43.46XenoX101for Acquire Target Sorts
03:44.19tordyhow do i prioritize air units?
03:44.33slightlyrandomThats on the air units themselves
03:44.38slightlyrandomIt has a value
03:44.42slightlyrandomOh, like that
03:44.53tordyi know about that but i rather put it on the weapon
03:45.18tordythis unit has a a ground only and a air only weapon
03:45.28tordyi put the air weapon above the ground weapon in the weapon array
03:45.41tordybut fo rsome reason it still prioritizes its ground weapon when air units are within range
03:45.56XenoX101you can put it on the weapon
03:46.06mind_sparkjust wondering what actually enables a turret?
03:46.19tordyi dont see a tsair
03:48.42XenoX101not sure
03:50.11CazDo testing conditions not work properly against integer values inside a record ?
03:50.56XenoX101record variables are just like normal variables
03:51.19XenoX101they are just sorted nicer and can have an array within an array
03:51.23Vailrethwell you can make a new Target Sort that tests for the mover of a unit
03:52.03XenoX101oh yeah and use TSLifeLargest
03:52.11Cazim having a weird lil bug then.. my condition says that the trigger wont run if the player has (PlayerData->UnitCount < 5)
03:52.24Cazyet when we smash the dialog button... sometimes we get 6 or 7
03:52.34tordyis there a way to add another limitation to that sort that it uses TSLifeLargest if life <= 1000?
03:54.25Vailrethi am not sure..
03:54.44Vailrethany one know what Tactical AI data is for or does?
03:54.47*** join/#sc2mapster Lilianna (
03:55.22CazI cant see how this trigger can be running when that condition is not met..
03:55.40CazOH SHIT
03:55.59Cazthrow me outside and brand me a noob *goes to fix the problem*
03:58.58Frostwindis very sad
03:59.20Vailrethstill havent found a solution Frostwind?
04:08.37*** join/#sc2mapster Hjalte (
04:09.32Vailrethany news on the next version of the Me imprt export scrips from NINTox
04:13.36Ashamed   <-- bomb song
04:23.31XenoX101Caz: welcome to 99% of your problems in triggering ;p
04:26.20CazWell apparently it was just that during an old edit of the trigger i had left a trailing "OR" validation.... had to remove that so they'd be bound by an "AND"
04:26.24CazWorks fine now ^^
04:26.48XenoX101most people never make critical triggering errors
04:27.00Vailrethhow do you upload an asset you have created to mapster? every time i try to upload my zipfile it fails..
04:27.10XenoX101and unfixable problems are quite rare
04:27.26XenoX101its the damned silly mistakes that get you
04:31.32XenoX101your repeated use of the word imba makes me twitch
04:31.39XenoX101but otherwise gj
04:32.03Cazmy friend that was helping me test it plays terran
04:33.12CazThe first thing he said about the map was: "I see you agree that marines are under powered"
04:33.32Cazdamn stim killing my protoss infantry
04:33.57Caz(Rax > Gate)
04:34.29XenoX101yeah its tough
04:34.33XenoX101you need perfect forcefields good micro
04:34.46XenoX101and make sure you open with a good few gates if you see them take gas
04:34.53XenoX101cause yeah early marauders are brutal
04:35.08XenoX101dont be afraid to go zealot heavy if they do that either
04:35.17XenoX101zealot + sentry > marauder
04:35.25CazForcefields just cause my speakers to blare zealot voices going "WHAT THE FUCK, HOW DO I GET THERE NOW... FUCK OW OW.. <dead>"
04:35.43XenoX101lol gotta be behind them
04:35.48XenoX101let them be trapped
04:36.07Cazive watched stim vaporize 16 zealots before they reached the army :x
04:36.23Cazi know i know stfu about charge !
04:36.26XenoX101yeah you need forcefield ;p
04:36.27Cazit was expensive ><
04:36.45XenoX101and if they kite too much
04:36.50CazFF really helps that much against the infantry? despite spending that much gas ?
04:36.50XenoX101you can keep stalkers shooting at them
04:36.56XenoX101yes definitely
04:37.07Cazman i need to watch some pro FF fights
04:37.21XenoX101get 1 zealot 1 stalker 1 sentry to start
04:37.30XenoX101then get 3 or so more sentry
04:37.34XenoX101then zealot and stalker
04:37.39XenoX101then maybe another sentry
04:37.52XenoX1014-5 sentry from the start is enough for
04:38.04XenoX101about 8-10 forcefields against an early push
04:38.08XenoX101guardian shield is your friend
04:38.14XenoX101never forget it against bio
04:38.31XenoX101only need one though
04:38.35Cazim thinking of trying an armor/shield double up with FF/GS zealot push
04:38.52Cazguardian shield
04:39.00Caztoo many characters x_x
04:39.16XenoX101it probably wouldn't be too worth it
04:39.25XenoX101because you have few units by then
04:39.36XenoX101and armor/shield upgrade really cut into both money and time
04:40.29XenoX101currently I do a zealot sentry templar mix for a mid-game push
04:40.44XenoX101with +1 armor on zealots
04:40.47XenoX101for zealots*
04:41.00XenoX101its from the pro player nightend
04:41.24XenoX101if I see them 1 rax expand I 1 gate expand then get two more gates + twilight
04:41.25CazRandom revert to old topic.. i need to swap the 2 conditions on that trigger.. should check to make sure its the right button BEFORE caring about the unit count. Minor difference but makes more sense.
04:41.58CazAnd templar are uber... its getting there thats tough :x
04:42.41XenoX101yeah thats why you check for 1 rax expand
04:42.47XenoX101the giveaway is
04:42.49XenoX101no gas
04:42.53XenoX101and 3 marines at 4:15
04:43.00XenoX101when you scout
04:43.01Cazso that means you expand and fast tech temps ?
04:43.09XenoX101it means they are going 1 rax expand
04:43.13XenoX101so yes thats my reaction
04:43.28Cazmakes sense since they are stuck on marines longer... storm eat taht shit up
04:43.45XenoX101but if you see 5 marines
04:43.50XenoX101they are going 2 rax
04:43.57XenoX101so be careful there
04:44.03XenoX101I get two more gates if I see 2 rax
04:44.11XenoX101if I know its 2 rax*
04:44.38XenoX101so see 3 marine at ramp > go 1 gate expand
04:44.48XenoX101see 5 marine at ramp > go 3 gate expand
04:45.07XenoX101see early gas > go 2 gate robo
04:45.11XenoX101in case of banshee
04:45.21XenoX101and early rauder push
04:45.51Cazdo u take a bit of a guess if you dont make it in time b4 the wall off ?
04:46.17XenoX101yeah but most people dont wall
04:46.21XenoX101its not good for them
04:46.26CazMy friend walls every game :x
04:46.41XenoX101if they wall you can go 3 gate robo
04:46.43XenoX101and push with an obs
04:46.47XenoX101kill his wall outside of marine range
04:47.08XenoX101pretty funny when it happens too
04:47.27Cazmostly stalkers i assume then?
04:47.29*** join/#sc2mapster Firery (~FireryRag@
04:47.39XenoX101but yeah dont always do that
04:47.42XenoX101wall isnt that bad
04:47.52XenoX101it generally means they are going a 1 base build as well
04:47.57XenoX101so that can help you too
04:48.20Cazhe likes this thing where he turtles then comes out with thors/marines/couple banshees/raven .... drops PDD or 2 to makes talkers ignorable and destroys ground
04:48.31XenoX101oh yeah the raven all in
04:48.50XenoX101yeah templar zealot rapes that
04:48.53XenoX101cause he has mass rines
04:48.59XenoX101and zealots pwn siege and thor
04:49.03XenoX101especially charge zealots
04:49.07XenoX101and you have charge by then
04:49.24Cazand hte banshees ?
04:49.33XenoX101yeah you get a robo for obs
04:49.35XenoX101in my build
04:50.01XenoX101the only problem with an all in like that is that it would normally delay my expo
04:50.02Cazzealot/temp doesnt shoot banshee
04:50.04XenoX101so the build is different
04:50.18XenoX101he would only have a few banshee
04:50.25Caz2  maybe 3
04:50.26XenoX101some stalks mainly zealot temp
04:50.33XenoX101be smart with stalkers
04:50.42XenoX101and warp in more stalks if you lose them
04:51.02XenoX101also if you go 3 gate robo
04:51.02Cazhe always just stomps the army.. but i dont think i had many templars with storm yet
04:51.07XenoX101you can hold that push off for a while
04:51.20XenoX101with forcefield
04:51.32Caznot with the thors
04:51.55XenoX101oh yeah
04:52.12XenoX101well the thing is
04:52.14Cazmarines are running aorund the bunch of thors feetsies.. immune to FFs that are close
04:52.17XenoX101if he turtles that much to get thors and ravens
04:52.28XenoX101you should be able to get an expo pretty confidently
04:53.36Cazim pretty stuck getting observer against him since the always wall
04:54.24Cazbut thats ok i guess.. 2gate robo / 3gate robo is my main choices with him i guess
04:55.17Cazas powerful as they are.. Col bore me.. and i dislike the AA vulnerability
04:55.35XenoX101ya they're fragile
04:57.51*** join/#sc2mapster Agouti (
05:01.51XenoX101I'm searching my reps a bit to see if I can find the ones I beat that all in
05:01.55XenoX101its not hard to beat once you know how
05:02.35Agoutire-read and it makes sense
05:02.39Agoutiwas worried for a second there
05:02.53Agoutiyes, all ins are easy to beat if you scout
05:02.55Agoutiand know what to do
05:03.14Agoutijust find someone who will do all ins and cheeses non stop for 30 games for you
05:03.27XenoX101yeah we're talking about the terran one base raven/thor/siege/marine/banshee bonanza thing
05:03.36XenoX101theres a number of variations of it
05:03.38Agoutiand as, I think it was day9 said? Anyway, you will end up hoping that they pull it on you
05:03.47Agoutias you will be that good at beating it
05:04.07Agoutier raven/thor/siege/marine/banshee?
05:04.16Agoutievery gas hungry unit terran has?
05:04.22Agoutisounds like a case of
05:04.24XenoX101yeah usually its not all of them
05:04.28Agouti"just go fucking kill him"?
05:04.28XenoX101its like a few of them
05:04.31XenoX101always with a raven
05:04.38XenoX101thats the thing though
05:04.39AgoutiI'm guessing marines as mineral sink
05:04.41XenoX101terran are very hard to push against
05:04.46Agoutibanshees as early harass
05:04.53Agoutisiegies and turtle
05:04.58XenoX101all in
05:05.00XenoX101goes for broke
05:05.06XenoX101no harass or anything
05:05.08Agoutioh, derp
05:05.18Agoutiwhen do they push?
05:05.42XenoX101I think its around 10 min
05:05.42XenoX101not sur
05:05.45Agoution 2 bases I presume?
05:05.46XenoX101checking reps where I beat it
05:05.50XenoX1011 base
05:05.54Agoutiseems a bit gas hungry for 1 base
05:06.08Agoutiunless it's mostly marines
05:06.19XenoX101its mostly marines
05:06.23XenoX1012 siege 1 raven 2 banshee
05:06.25XenoX101something like that
05:06.35Agoutiseems like an easy build for protoss to beat
05:06.42Agoutimass zealot sentry
05:06.48Agoutipref. chargelot
05:06.51XenoX101yeah thats what I was doing
05:06.56XenoX101and told him to d
05:07.06Agoutithough I guess banshees would screw that up a bit
05:07.09XenoX101wasn't sure on the specifics though
05:07.16XenoX101yeah just a few stalks for them
05:07.34Agoutiyou wouldn't be able to afford blink I wouldn't think
05:07.46Agoutibanshees are Light aren't they?
05:07.49XenoX101nah dont need it
05:08.03XenoX101yeah light
05:08.09Agoutibecause if so throwing gas towards some phoenixes is a good way to go
05:08.23Agoutithey aren't that expensive in the grand scheme of things
05:08.30Agoutiand worker harass is never a bad thing
05:08.41Agoutiplus lifting siege tanks is always hilarious
05:09.55Cazmy friend does not use the tanks.. it all goes into thor/marine/banshee/raven
05:10.40Cazu cannot use sentries on it
05:10.47Cazor rather not FF
05:11.28Cazthor denies FF, raven denies stalkers thor/marine/banshee stomp ground .. thats generally how my games go
05:12.36XenoX101ok Caz
05:12.40XenoX101the teller of the all in is
05:12.43XenoX101an early 2nd gas
05:12.50XenoX101it finishes at 3:30 so starts before your probe is killed
05:12.57XenoX101at least thats what I found
05:13.00Cazif u found the base before wal :p
05:13.12XenoX101you need to
05:13.17XenoX101if you don't you're scouting too late
05:13.28Cazu cant always  on multi-base maps... 9 pylon
05:13.29XenoX101its too valuable to know what gas geysers they have
05:13.31Caz-> scout
05:13.45XenoX101scout on 8 on tal darim
05:13.52XenoX101actually no
05:13.56XenoX101that map they cant wall
05:13.58XenoX101on typhon
05:14.06XenoX101and maybe shattered
05:14.14hawkerhow many wow models can one use before one goes over the limit?
05:14.24XenoX101one should know this
05:14.38Cazu can import models custom models :x ?
05:14.45Cazcustom models*
05:16.31XenoX101also Caz
05:16.38XenoX101you can probably even 1 gate expand into robo
05:16.44XenoX101knowing they won't be pushing until late
05:16.50XenoX101take advantage of their early-game passivity
05:17.06XenoX101they've invested so much in tech that
05:17.09XenoX101they won't have an army to push with
05:18.23hawkerlol caz, mmhm
05:18.36CazRandom: OMG trigger tutorial was 40 minutes of youtube .. took too long
05:19.01AgoutiI hate youtube tutorials
05:19.02Agoutiso much
05:19.11XenoX101yeah me too
05:19.13Cazi prefer it over paragraphs of text :x
05:19.16XenoX101so hard to navigate through
05:19.24XenoX101and most of the time you don't need
05:19.24AgoutiI'm always going over them for one particular snippet
05:19.27XenoX101a giant lecture
05:19.52XenoX101"Triggers first originated in the first game of StarCraft"
05:20.12XenoX101"They rather primitive then, only allowing certain actions and conditions and.."
05:20.16XenoX101they were*
05:20.23Cazgiant wads of text often are talking over my head with no visual reference .. which is very annoying. Like i know what the fuck the "Host actor" or w/e that shit is... i need to SEE the fields fool !
05:20.23XenoX1013 minutes later
05:20.31Agoutiwell, if someone wanted someone to practice against cheese with
05:20.33XenoX101"So then StarCraft 2 came out, and now we have a wide variety of triggers"
05:20.37AgoutiI wouldn't mind some SC2
05:20.46Agoutihaven't played melee in ages though
05:20.46XenoX101I can practice winning
05:20.57Agoutiyou could probably practice stomping me
05:21.07XenoX101thing is do you want to practice losing ;p
05:21.14AgoutiI used to be pretty reasonable back in beta etc
05:21.15XenoX101I stole a really good pvp build from socke
05:21.19AgoutiI don't care if I lose
05:21.22XenoX101pretty hard to stop when I don't fuck it up
05:21.30XenoX101I wish I never fucked it up ><
05:21.32AgoutiI'm not ultra competetive
05:21.46XenoX101nah just get a few builds
05:21.47XenoX101refine them
05:21.56XenoX101get more builds / make your own
05:21.58CazI was trying to get better at sc2... till i got introduced to a few custom maps and found this editor :x
05:22.03AgoutiI always liked to play random was a big problem for me
05:22.15Agoutibut I only ever had builds set out for protoss
05:22.17XenoX101yeah see the races are so different that
05:22.19XenoX101random is like blah
05:22.20Agoutijust MMM'd as terran
05:22.25XenoX101you cant even micro the same
05:22.32XenoX101I cant micro as Z or T
05:22.41XenoX101and protoss is like
05:22.42XenoX101uber natural to me
05:22.59AgoutiI always enjoyed zerg
05:22.59XenoX101its a great thing of SC2
05:23.03Agoutibut was never any good
05:23.03XenoX101yeah zerg is fun
05:23.11Agoutiused to play zerg back in SC:BW
05:23.18Agoutiyears and years ago
05:23.19XenoX101zvz was a cunt
05:23.24XenoX101yeah me too
05:23.26Agoutisomething like that
05:23.29Cazsome day a zerg armor will kill a planetary fortress ..but not this day.
05:23.31XenoX101mass hydra ftw
05:23.33Cazarmy *
05:23.45Agoutifuck PF's
05:23.51tordyAgouti magouti
05:23.55Agoutithe amount you have to invest to kill them
05:23.59Cazi can only kill them as protoss
05:24.02Agoutithough bumrush FTW
05:24.03Cazand never early on
05:24.18Agoutiif zergies get lurkers in HotS I will so pick them back up
05:24.22XenoX101caz kill the scvs
05:24.27XenoX101suddenly planetary isnt so strong
05:24.32Agoutiand be all *hug* whos a good little zergy wergy
05:24.43XenoX101yeah they will get lurkers
05:24.52XenoX101its the most suggested unit to want a return
05:24.54Agoutiactually, haven't played since the infestor changes
05:24.56Cazi dont have storm and the army is on its way to defend... no time to target 20 scv's
05:24.57XenoX101and it fits a perfect niche
05:25.13AgoutiI'd like to see it as an alternative to banelings
05:25.17Agoutinever got the hang of those
05:25.19XenoX101well if they have a planetary
05:25.22XenoX101-20 scvs
05:25.24Frostwindis very sad
05:25.30XenoX101thats worse than having no planetary
05:25.31XenoX101+ scvs
05:25.32Agoutidawwww ">
05:25.41Agoutiwhy is the cold breeze sad?
05:25.54Cazand losing ur army to PF and defending army is ok when they are about ot counter and laugh :p ?
05:25.54AgoutiI know the north wind is sad
05:26.02Agoutias I was told it in a song
05:26.27Agoutimy only tactic which worked for PF's was to bumrush with zerglings and hydras
05:26.43Agoutior roachies
05:26.43XenoX101also you can avoid the planetary altogether
05:26.43CazXenox101, yet they can do a stim drop and boom ... same effect for nearly no resources
05:26.45XenoX101kill the orbitals
05:26.58Agoutibut I wanted the expansions :<
05:27.02XenoX101nah stim drops hurt
05:27.07XenoX101if you can kill the medivacs
05:27.10Agoutithis is true
05:27.13Cazim talking about the first expand.. Orbital main into all PF expos
05:27.14tordyomg region linking
05:27.19tordyhow will the custom map names work
05:27.26AgoutiCaz, that has been my experience as well
05:27.32XenoX101they will form hybrids tordy
05:27.37XenoX101they will be supernatural custom maps
05:27.38*** join/#sc2mapster Lilianna (
05:27.40tordywhat if there's conflicting names, especially for popular maps, which one will they choose!?
05:27.45Agoutiwait what
05:27.52XenoX101only some regions
05:27.55XenoX101dont get execited
05:27.56tordyi know
05:28.00AgoutiNA & EU?
05:28.07XenoX101NA & LA
05:28.10XenoX101EU & RO
05:28.22XenoX101I'm glad they didn't merge NA & EU
05:28.26XenoX101or SEA & NA
05:28.28XenoX101that'd be retarded
05:28.33XenoX101we get enough lag as it is
05:28.44AgoutiSigh, still need to fuck around publishing to multiple regions
05:28.54XenoX101well that part is annoying yes
05:29.12XenoX101but the lag thing is a greatly overlooked issue
05:29.18tordywish they'd allow for publsihing once for all regions
05:29.22XenoX101people just go OH LULZ REMOVE REGION LOCKING
05:29.25tordybut now it's knda late
05:29.39tordysince they'd take too much time trying to verify the original author of the map
05:29.44tordyand we all know blizz is too lazy for that
05:29.49AgoutiSC2 does not cope well with lag
05:29.51Agoutithis is true
05:30.00XenoX101you cannot play NA server ladder from SEA
05:30.02XenoX101its too laggy
05:30.18XenoX101you get spikes and the delay is around 0.3 seconds
05:30.24Cazbrb, must toast bagel
05:30.27Agoutionly if you have shit internet
05:30.29XenoX101which means clutch forcefields suck
05:30.32AgoutiI always play on NA
05:30.35XenoX101I have internode
05:30.35Agoutifrom SEA
05:30.39tordyNo special action is required. All of your published maps will be retained during the region linking process.
05:30.40XenoX101and I used to have TPG
05:30.41hawkeranyone here have experience importing wow models? i'm having some troubles
05:30.43Agoutibecause I get 400ms to SEA
05:30.45tordyhow does tha towrk
05:30.54AgoutiI never have lag problems to NA
05:30.56XenoX101thats very odd Agouti
05:30.57Agoutimicropauses etc
05:31.02tordydo they link the same custom maps?
05:31.11Agoutibase ping to west ~220
05:31.20XenoX101can you have a dialog within a dialog
05:31.28XenoX101so you can have an image on top of an image?
05:31.42XenoX101I want this to happen
05:31.47XenoX101tiled background > frame around buttons > buttons
05:31.58Agoutican't you just
05:32.11Agoutiyou can link dialogs together
05:32.16XenoX101||| [  *   ]  [  *   ]  [  *   ]  [  *   ] |||
05:32.16Agoutiso that they move as one
05:32.20XenoX101||| = background
05:32.24XenoX101[ ] = frame
05:32.28XenoX101* = button
05:32.36Agoutilooks like a quad breasted hooker to me
05:32.37Agoutibut k
05:33.10Agoutiyou can anchor dialogs to other dialogs
05:33.19Agoutiand set the display order
05:33.24Agoutiwhich should do what you want
05:33.29Agoutibut it seems rather awkward
05:33.55Agoutiyou also may be able to set the border and background of a dialog item seperately
05:33.58XenoX101maybe I can put multiple images in a dialog
05:34.00XenoX101and stack them still
05:34.02XenoX101with X and Y
05:34.10XenoX101never tried that
05:34.10Agoutiif you want a border and a background
05:34.14Agoutithat may be possible
05:34.17Vailrethmoment of truth people im about to see if my ability a works and b if it lags the game
05:34.20Agoutia cleaner route
05:34.33Agoutimay be to just photoshop up the background & border as 1 image
05:34.42XenoX101background is tiled
05:34.43Agoutiit's not like they would take up much space
05:34.47XenoX101frame is not
05:35.07Agoutiwhy can't you then just have a dialog background
05:35.08XenoX101so if the game is widescreen the background extends to the edges
05:35.10Agoutiand image background
05:35.13*** join/#sc2mapster shintah (
05:35.19XenoX101image background?
05:35.42XenoX101the frame is unclickable
05:35.48XenoX101and extends around the buttons
05:36.10Agoutijust use separate dialog items
05:36.20Agoutihave an image item under a button item
05:36.35Agoutigl vailreth btw
05:36.59Vailreththanks but i seems i have an invalid validator some where...
05:37.05Agoutisteam is download so damn slow these days
05:38.33hawkergoing for run at 2AM, probably gon die
05:38.51XenoX101we have such smart people in this channel ;p
05:41.08hawkermeh, not so much stupid as somewhat foolish
05:41.18hawkerbut, just being paranoid in actuality
05:42.17FrostwindXenoX101: and yet no one can help me with my problem
05:42.51hawkerfrostwind, i think you've established by brute force trial-and-error that no one in the irc can help you
05:43.02hawkerno amount of frowney faces can change that
05:44.24Frostwindno one has really even tried
05:44.30AgoutiI'm not really smart, I can just fake it really well
05:49.24IDEATHhow do i make a building spawn push units out of the way in order to spawn instead of the building moving?
05:49.58Agoutithe building moves?
05:50.15Agoutispawn offset perhaps
05:50.22Agoutifailing that push priority
05:50.23IDEATHoff set?
05:50.37IDEATHin data right?
05:50.47hawkeralright, going to risk run
05:50.49hawkerwish me luck
05:50.54Agoutiactually if it's a train ability
05:51.00Agoutinot sure you get an offset
05:51.05Agoutianyway there will be something there
05:51.10Agoutihave a poke through the ability
05:51.53Vailrethgod i wish the editors debuging was better
05:51.56IDEATHno, no.
05:52.51IDEATHwhen I sestroy a building it spawns after time goes by. If something like a unit is blocking it then it spawns somwhere else untill the unit moves
05:53.48*** join/#sc2mapster Jum-Jum (
05:55.07*** join/#sc2mapster mapman_ (4c4059eb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
05:58.14AgoutiIDEATH, use the Ignore Placement flag
05:58.19Agoutisilly boy
05:58.49Agoutiyou should of poked around and found that easily in the Create Unit trigger
05:58.53Vailrethgrah after a week of making validators one is wrong
05:59.14Vailrethand all the debugger is telling is invalid validator %2
05:59.40Vailrethwhat the heck does %2 mean?
05:59.51Agoutinumber 2?
06:00.59AgoutiI have a dummy unit
06:01.06Agoutithat has no model
06:01.12Agoutiand it gives warnings that it has no model
06:01.20Agoutiand Suppress Creation Errors does NUSSINK
06:08.36CazIf i declare a constant variable inside of a record, will it be static by default?
06:08.46Cazi dont want 100 instances of a constant variable :x
06:10.48XenoX101hey with arithmetic multiple
06:10.51XenoX101and subtract
06:11.00XenoX101does it subtract each item by itself
06:11.06XenoX101or does it add the subtractions together
06:11.21XenoX101cause its
06:11.26XenoX101- (item 1, item 2, item 3)
06:11.28XenoX101so does it become
06:11.31XenoX101item 1 - item 2 - item 3
06:11.40XenoX101or -(item 1 + item 2 + item 3)
06:11.48Cazid guess the first ?
06:12.02XenoX101its just that that seems a bit weird
06:12.16Caznegating an addition operation would be weird of a "subtract" function
06:12.46Cazgonna look at it, im curious now
06:12.47XenoX101but subtracting multiple items can be pretty funny
06:13.20Agoutium xen
06:13.23Agoutiyou do realise
06:13.30Agouti-(1 + 2 + 3)
06:13.34Agoutiis exactly the same
06:13.36Agoutias -1 -2 -3
06:13.56XenoX101oh right it is too
06:14.02XenoX101I dont know what I'm thinking
06:14.11XenoX101ah I'm thinking combining them
06:14.17XenoX1013 - 4
06:14.19XenoX101vs 4 - 3
06:14.20XenoX101which is actually
06:14.22XenoX101+ and -
06:14.27XenoX101nvm then
06:15.32Vailrethmy grind ability works... now i just need to finish setting the values for the modify player effects
06:16.44*** join/#sc2mapster Bibendus (
06:22.09XenoX101oh fuck me
06:22.15Cazpsh.. debug dialog needs to stay on top of sc window
06:23.34XenoX101I hate integers so much
06:23.53XenoX101why did blizzard have to differentiate between reals and integers
06:24.10XenoX101just fucks you over when you want decimals
06:25.23Agoutiyou can't be serious
06:25.31XenoX101I am serious
06:25.39Agoutithen you need your head read
06:25.51XenoX101why is that
06:25.59Agoutievery single programming language for the last 30 years has had integers and reals seperate
06:26.17Agoutithey are different data types
06:26.18XenoX101so if you want to divide a value by 2
06:26.24XenoX101and it comes up as a decimal
06:26.27XenoX101you're fucked
06:26.36Agoutiif you need that decimal
06:26.37Agoutieither A
06:26.47Agoutistore it as a real
06:26.49Agoutior B
06:26.51XenoX101you cant input reals into X and Y
06:26.57XenoX101so you have to convert to real
06:26.59Agouticalled rounding son
06:27.00XenoX101do arithmetic
06:27.03XenoX101then convert back to integer
06:27.06XenoX101how stupid is that
06:27.07Agoutiyes you can
06:27.11Agoutiderp face
06:27.23Agoutiand the function is called, funnily enough
06:27.26Agouticonvert real to integer
06:27.41Agoutiintegers can represent a larger range of values
06:27.45Agoutiand use less space
06:27.46XenoX101lets use 500 functions just to do one simple task
06:28.00Agoutiif you are seriously complaining about having integers and reals
06:28.06Agoutiyou clearly have never done any real programming
06:28.14XenoX101nope and I dont plan to
06:28.16Agoutigo post that in a coders forum
06:28.17XenoX101if its that stupid
06:28.19Agoutiand be laughed at
06:28.26Agoutiit isn't stupid
06:28.30XenoX101literally the only thing I need
06:28.33XenoX101is one variable to be 0.5
06:28.35XenoX101and in order to do that
06:28.35Agoutiif you ahve a basic understanding of how data types works
06:28.42XenoX101I have to convert the variable to a real
06:28.43Agoutithen make it a freaking real
06:28.45XenoX101then divide it
06:28.49XenoX101then convert back to an integer
06:28.58Agoutiwhy would you convert it back to integer
06:28.59XenoX101and because it is used with other integers
06:29.07Agoutithen have them all real
06:29.13Agoutiif you need decimal places that badly
06:29.15XenoX101then how do I use them in X and Y
06:29.18Agoutior multiply everything by 10
06:29.20XenoX101convert to integer again? rofl?
06:29.39XenoX101do you see how inefficient this is
06:29.43AgoutiX and Y have to be integers
06:29.50Agoutibecause that is how the engine works
06:29.51XenoX101but do you see how inefficient
06:29.52XenoX101this is
06:30.00Agoutireal variables
06:30.02Agoutiare inefficient
06:30.04XenoX101I have to have all my variables as reals..
06:30.08Agoutithey consume twice the memory a int does
06:30.11Agoutior more
06:30.13XenoX101then I have to convert all my variables to integers
06:30.20Agoutia real is at least 6 bytes
06:30.24Agoutia int is usually 2
06:30.26Agoutithat is
06:30.29Agoutia third the space
06:30.36Agoutiand they can represent a larger range of numbers often
06:30.39Agoutisee the point now?
06:30.40XenoX101so like we're in the 21st century
06:30.44XenoX101and 5 character spaces is
06:30.48XenoX101pretty much nothing
06:30.56Agoutiwhen you ahve 50,000 variables
06:31.00Agoutiit tends to make a difference
06:31.00Vailrethman its like 70+ effects i have to go through and add values for
06:31.06XenoX101I really really doubt that
06:31.14XenoX101do you know how much data is in a 1080p video
06:31.18XenoX101in characters?
06:31.21Agoutiin addition
06:31.23AgoutiIN ADDITIOn
06:31.26XenoX101and we can stream that by the millisecond?
06:31.31Vailrethlater folks
06:31.34XenoX101like 60 fps?
06:31.35Agouticalculations on reals are a hell of a lot slower
06:31.55Agoutiint calcs can often be done in a couple of cycles
06:31.58Agoutireals need 20+
06:32.12XenoX101thats good to know for
06:32.17XenoX101when I want to make a fractal engine
06:32.28Agoutiso you are asking SC2 to take up more memory, and run slower, just to save you a little bit of coding?
06:32.39XenoX101or an enterprise-size spreadsheet system
06:32.48XenoX101but I'm making a fucking sc2 map
06:32.54XenoX101and I can guarantee you that nobody
06:33.02XenoX101will use enough values
06:33.06XenoX101to make any sort of differences
06:33.21Agoutigo have a look
06:33.27Agoutiat some of the really heavy coded maps
06:33.33Agoutiwhere people are running out of stack space
06:33.50XenoX101thats sc2's fault
06:33.52XenoX101look at wc3
06:33.54Agoutiif you want to use reals use reals
06:33.59Agoutiand stop being such a noob
06:34.02XenoX101wc3 never had these problems
06:34.12Agoutiwc3 didn't have proper code
06:34.21XenoX101it had w a s d
06:34.28Agoutioh dear
06:34.34XenoX101didn't it?
06:34.43XenoX101I dont remember that far, but it did shit that sc2 editor doesnt
06:34.47Agoutiit did not have proper code.
06:34.55Agoutiand not really
06:35.03XenoX101it was much faster
06:35.04Agoutisc2 engine is a whole different beast
06:35.05XenoX101thats for sure
06:35.08Agoutiwell of course it was
06:35.14Agoutiit was also a hell of a lot less powerful
06:35.50Agouti18<26XenoX101> I dont remember that far
06:35.55Agoutilets leave it at that shall we
06:36.27XenoX101what I do know is
06:36.33XenoX101people have said they've done things in WC3 smoothly
06:36.39XenoX101that they have all sorts of lag issues with in SC2
06:36.44XenoX101same things
06:36.56Agoutibecause it is a whole new engine
06:37.20XenoX101that doesnt justify anything
06:37.26XenoX101if anything that means it should be
06:37.28XenoX101MORE efficient
06:37.35XenoX101why create a new engine
06:37.36XenoX101that is slower?
06:37.38Agoutiefficiency and power are mutually exclusive
06:37.53XenoX101it is not more powerful in these respects
06:38.00Agoutimy 6.3L v8 is bigger than your hondas 1.6
06:38.04Agoutiit should be more efficient
06:38.13XenoX101sc2 from a technical perspective
06:38.16Agoutithere are a small range of things it can't do
06:38.16XenoX101is pretty much the same game
06:38.18XenoX101as WC3
06:38.20Agoutithere is a fuckload more it can
06:38.27Agoutilook, if you are that bad
06:38.29Agoutias to think that
06:38.36Agoutithere is clearly no point in argueing with you
06:38.49XenoX101think about it this way
06:38.55XenoX101real time strategy is not a
06:39.04XenoX101hyper complex mathematical game
06:39.13XenoX101not from the editor's point of view at least
06:39.15XenoX101its a series of units
06:39.23XenoX101its a series of cameras, terrains, etc
06:39.28XenoX101the modules we are dealing with now
06:39.35XenoX101are not much different to those we were using in wc3
06:39.42XenoX101sure they are prettier
06:39.44XenoX101more polygons
06:39.59XenoX101but most all of the things improved are not modifiable
06:40.27XenoX101we can't dynamically alter the 3d models
06:40.29XenoX101or even the terrain
06:41.01XenoX101all we can do is create units, create dialogs, modify their properities
06:41.15Agoutiall you know how to do*
06:41.16XenoX101we're not doing anything mathematically complex
06:41.26XenoX101tell me the most complicated thing in your map
06:41.35XenoX101I bet it comes down to
06:41.40XenoX101some reverse engineering of an ability
06:41.43AgoutiI don't have time to explain it to you
06:41.49Agoutias I said
06:42.03Agoutisomeone who really, really complains about ints and reals
06:42.11Agoutiis not worth the time to try and argue with
06:42.15Agoutiand sayign sc2 - wc3
06:42.18Agoutigood god
06:42.28XenoX101CANT CHANGE IT
06:42.52XenoX101I've already made my argument for why sc2 is different
06:43.03XenoX101or rts in general
06:43.06Agouti20 minutes has been more than long enough to throw down your endless chasm of ignorance
06:43.20XenoX101its easy to talk from an ivory tower
06:43.34XenoX101throwing blanket statements like
06:44.25*** join/#sc2mapster sShintah (
06:48.35IDEATHI need sex advise and i am COMPLETELY serious, if anyone wants to talk to me about it and see if they can help PM me...
06:48.53IDEATHIt's about my girlfriend...
06:49.22IDEATHI know thats no what this channel is for but i don't really care.
06:49.24XenoX101well thank heavens it isn't about your mother
06:49.34IDEATHheh, yeah
06:49.53IDEATHi mean, its kinda other things to.
06:50.08*** join/#sc2mapster Xapti (
06:53.05IDEATHXeno, are you "experienced"
06:54.39XenoX101I lack teh sexings
06:55.15XenoX101I think you'd be better to search the net for that kind of info though
06:55.32IDEATHhmm... thanks for being honest man.
06:55.39Agoutiit depends on exactly what you want to know
06:55.56Agoutiinternet not always the best source for knowledge of the intimate
06:56.13XenoX101I think its especially so
06:56.16XenoX101cause if its anonimity
07:01.22*** join/#sc2mapster Currydevil (4b8e1586@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
07:14.57XenoX101somehow I created an integer variable with value "(No Value)"
07:15.07XenoX101and it shows like a paramater without a default value
07:15.38XenoX101with no = something
07:26.25*** join/#sc2mapster hawker (63e9c492@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
07:34.08hawkerdidn't get killed on run
07:34.40Cazi get so sick of going into online games (sc2 or otherwise) and finding cheaters/hackers
07:35.28IDEATHget used to it man...
07:35.42IDEATHi mean really?
07:36.16IDEATHThats gamers for ya.
07:36.22IDEATHnot all but some
07:44.14Caz1 unfair player ruins an entire game of any player count
07:44.44mapman_hey agouti you know how to create a unit thats on the terrain but with the initially created box unchecked?
07:46.32mapman_not much hackers on sc2
07:46.43mapman_except the recent surge
07:47.05mapman_but blizz seemed concerned and banned tons of accounts
07:47.41mapman_sup tordy
07:47.55tordywaiting for someone to figure out how to bypass the admin verification in my map
07:48.50IDEATHwait you locked your self out of your map or are you messing with Caz?
07:49.01tordyyou talkin to me
07:49.25tordyi dont know what Caz's story is
07:49.28mapman_tordy you know how to displayed initially not created units?
07:50.04tordywhat do you mean initially not created units
07:50.16mapman_why would they give the option to not have it initially created and not give us a way to make it created
07:50.20IDEATHyou mean initially hidden?
07:50.30mapman_initially created box unchecked
07:51.00mapman_i should flip a table
07:51.05tordyyes you should
07:51.21tordythat emoticon was being spammed in nasl chat box
07:51.25tordywhere did it come from!?
07:51.28tordydid you start it!?
07:51.38IDEATH¯\_(ツ)_/¯ =D
07:51.41mapman_started in like
07:51.50tordysame with this ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
07:51.54mapman_theres the channel ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ on east
07:51.58mapman_which was rly cool at the start
07:52.14tordyi saw ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ a couple times
07:52.15mapman_then some streamers like dselect same on it while streaming
07:52.18tordywhile playing runling run and notd
07:52.19mapman_then all the nubs surged in
07:52.24IDEATHmy gashing wound is shiny now
07:52.26mapman_and it became a nub feast
07:55.01mapman_ok then you know how to rotate a camera around a point?
07:55.13IDEATHgaping instead of gashing is better
07:55.15mapman_with a constant tilt
07:55.46IDEATHbe specific
07:55.57hawker(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
07:58.41mapman_i think its specific
07:58.54mapman_just make a nice camera movement
07:59.03mapman_ive seen it in some maps
07:59.07mapman_i wonder how they do it
07:59.15*** join/#sc2mapster Nash|327 (
07:59.29mapman_it seems more than just aply camera
08:06.38Currydevilwalks by with a kittunbag
08:11.30hawkernash, add on skype ----> hawk3r_761
08:11.58*** join/#sc2mapster Cintiq (
08:13.58hawkerhopefull will actually work -____-
08:20.06*** join/#sc2mapster apwb (
08:21.04hawkershakes ye olde kittunbag
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08:24.16*** join/#sc2mapster Hobrow (
08:24.42hawkerthere we go
08:27.23*** join/#sc2mapster mind_spark (
08:32.08hawkerkicks tumbleweed
08:33.38IDEATHappears from the dust in the wind in front of hawker
08:34.09hawkerAin't enurf room in this here town fer the both of us, IDEATH
08:34.13*** join/#sc2mapster Thial (~kvirc@
08:34.24hawkerDRAW, YA VARMINT1
08:35.07IDEATHA'ight I'll draw boy...
08:35.16IDEATH*western music starts*
08:35.46hawkerLerks like we got erselves a Mexican standoff, boy
08:36.11AgoutiI guess I need to play the helpless maiden
08:36.16Agoutiswoons dramatically
08:36.47hawkerTake twelve paces, turn, and draw!
08:37.12IDEATHis distracted by the gorgeous lady that swoons
08:37.34hawkercallously shoots IDEATH
08:37.43hawkerTake that, ya Varmint
08:38.29IDEATHya... ya... got meh... i'll get you yet boy!
08:39.10hawkerHeh heh heh
08:39.15IDEATHcrawls toward the gun that flew out of my hand
08:39.16hawkerYur done, boy
08:39.28hawkerThis here is mah town
08:39.30IDEATHnot yet ima nert
08:40.07IDEATHgrabs the gun and shoots hawker in the stomach
08:40.45hawkerfires gun widly
08:40.57hawkerYeller varmint!
08:41.08IDEATHI gottchya didn't I, boy!
08:41.10Nash|327Gotta love it when people post feedback, which you don't agree with
08:41.17Nash|327then the post it again later
08:41.26Nash|327"you still haven't fixed this!!!"
08:41.50Agoutior it's something inherent and unfixable
08:41.58Agoutiand is in the patch notes as such
08:42.20IDEATHthat was fun...
08:42.30Nash|327Their opinion is more important then yours!
08:42.40Nash|327It's not your map, you're just a code monkey.
08:42.50hawkerlol ideath
08:42.52Nash|327If they say fix something you better fucking fix it!
08:42.53hawkerhaven't slept
08:43.13IDEATHoh... im sorry...
08:43.19Agoutisome things just can't be fixed :<
08:43.25IDEATHwalks away into the distant fog
08:43.35IDEATHis sad
08:43.42Agoutiplays eerie music on the bagpipes
08:45.15IDEATHhawker: me either man... me either...
08:45.23Nash|327I SLEPT 14 HOURS!?
08:45.32Agoutisounds unhealthy
08:45.38hawkerlike 5 am here
08:45.41hawkershould probably sleep
08:45.48IDEATH3am here
08:45.51Agoutithat sounds like a good idea to me
08:45.59IDEATHsame here lol
08:46.21Nash|32720:30 to 10:00
08:46.30Nash|327wtf D:
08:46.42IDEATHomg i had my scedule SO mixed up that I was going to sleep at like 4 or 5pm and waking up at 12am or so
08:47.02Agoutithat is me right now
08:47.19Nash|3277 am waking up in the morning...
08:47.26Agoutigotta be fresh
08:47.47Agoutisomething something which seat do I taaaaake
08:48.05IDEATHi just started going out to some BMX dirt hills at like 6 am after awhile
08:48.36Nash|327VOID RAYS VOID RAYS
08:51.38XenoX101the only problem with that song is that void rays suck ;/
08:51.53Nash|327Void rays suck?
08:52.28Nash|327Thor vs. Void Rays
08:52.45Nash|327Why Thor? D_D
08:53.08Nash|327Void Rays do extra damage vs. armored and massive D_D
08:53.21XenoX101and void rays clump
08:53.33XenoX101and suck against vikings
08:53.44XenoX101and get owned by mass rine
08:54.20Nash|327so they suck because they can be countered?
08:54.26XenoX101by everything yes
08:55.50Nash|327pewpew the battlecruisers etc
08:56.14XenoX101yeah I haven't seen bc's in ages
08:56.24XenoX101they had a brief resurge when the patch came out
08:56.42Nash|327maybe not in melee
08:57.39XenoX101I hope thats what we're talking about
08:58.09Nash|327Though I don't play melee.
08:58.19Nash|327So I can't really say what works there.
08:59.06Nash|327If nobody uses massive units in melee then no wonder Void Rays would suck.
08:59.34XenoX101well ya ultras arent the best in zvp
08:59.46XenoX101corruptors are so good though that void rays can still lose
08:59.48XenoX101even vs ultra
09:00.05hawkerpeople us thor in melee
09:00.42XenoX101ya they do sometimes
09:01.29Nash|327I play Tug of War stuff instead.
09:01.38Nash|327Void Rays can be very useful there.
09:01.50IDEATHi dont like tug of war and TD games are OLD
09:01.51Nash|327Especially when people are like LOL I MASS BC
09:01.59IDEATHand im getting sick of seeing them
09:02.21IDEATHi never liked TD games much anyway..
09:02.34Nash|327Well it's basically melee without MOAR APM
09:02.56Nash|327just the macro of picking what units you want
09:03.03Nash|327to counter other guy
09:03.10IDEATHehh. kinda
09:03.16Nash|327not having to click insanely
09:03.33Nash|327to manage your units, your buildings, your mining, scouting, whatever
09:04.01IDEATHyeah, haha. but umm... thats kindof half the gameplay of melee...
09:04.23Nash|327Well I don't like the WHOLE gameplay of melee.
09:04.32Nash|327Too much multi-tasking.
09:04.34IDEATHwhich can be boring
09:04.38hawkerback on latar
09:04.45IDEATHi dont either really
09:04.49hawkernash, pm me on skype for any of the terraining
09:04.50IDEATHok cya
09:04.51hawkergoing to bed nao
09:05.07Nash|327My brain isn't cut out for multi-tasking.
09:05.14IDEATHill cyou guys latah
09:05.54CurrydevilI keep them as pets..
09:06.34hawkerI must depart for the realm of dreams...
09:06.36Nash|327Why do you keep saying that?
09:06.44hawkerI don't know
09:06.49Nash|327Pizza nut.
09:06.53hawkerthrows magic dust
09:08.01IDEATHhows it been Currydevil?
09:08.36Currydevilnot too bad. just trying to figure out how to make some abilities.
09:11.01CurrydevilI hate actors some times.
09:16.09XenoX101why are these images so far out of position
09:16.11XenoX101in my dialog
09:16.29XenoX101I created an action definition
09:16.37XenoX101to create button & image
09:16.40XenoX101in the same place
09:16.47XenoX101and yet the images are like
09:16.54XenoX101300 pixels away
09:17.04Currydevilno idea
09:17.08XenoX101they use the same damn offset :(
09:18.23XenoX101ohhh wait
09:18.32XenoX101I'm a moron as usual
09:18.59Currydevilwhat was it?
09:19.25XenoX101I accidently set one of the anchors to "Top"
09:19.28XenoX101instead of "Top Left"
09:19.48XenoX101(which was actually meant to be "Anchor" due to the paramter)
09:19.57CurrydevilI was thinking it might have been left and right or something to that effect ;)
09:20.35XenoX101sc2 also makes it so difficult to offset centered objects
09:20.50XenoX101dont ever try anchor Top with X offset lol
09:21.09XenoX101you have to divide your lengths by 2
09:21.17XenoX101and subtract them for the left buttons
09:21.20XenoX101add them for the right buttons
09:21.26XenoX101because it treats the center as the origin
09:21.37XenoX101pain in the ass
09:25.25XenoX101man at this rate I think it'll take me like 3 weeks just to finish my dialogs
09:25.37XenoX101really tedious
09:33.17Currydeviltesting ability.. hopefully i got this part to work
09:33.41*** join/#sc2mapster Fisker (
09:34.43Currydevilwoot! that part works like a charm
09:35.20XenoX101ok hm
09:35.22XenoX101ponder me this
09:35.33XenoX101I have a button, an image, and a background image
09:35.42XenoX101all of these are width 260x260
09:35.51XenoX101the background image has 4 of these boxes, which I have carefully positioned
09:35.59XenoX101somehow, the 4 boxes
09:36.06XenoX101in the background are slightly bigger
09:36.13XenoX101than the dialog boxes
09:36.28XenoX101they extend about 1/16 outward left, right and down
09:36.36Currydevilhuh... well try scaling the bg down a couple pixels then?
09:36.48XenoX101but.. why?
09:36.51XenoX101and by how much?
09:36.56Currydevilguess and check
09:37.02XenoX101I can't see why it doesn't match up
09:37.04Currydevilbut the top looks ok?
09:37.06XenoX101and guess and check isn't good enough when
09:37.11XenoX101I am using 1 resolution
09:37.12XenoX101out of 15
09:37.15XenoX101I can't check all 15
09:37.19Currydevil>.< I dunno then.
09:37.20XenoX101top is ok because its aligned with top
09:37.29XenoX101any overspill will be left right and bottom
09:39.05*** join/#sc2mapster Griffenator (~IceChat7@
09:39.54XenoX101if images are scaled differently to dialogs with respect to resolution
09:40.01XenoX101thats pretty freaking retarded
09:48.19mapman_gotta custom make them at the pixel size you need ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
09:48.59XenoX101which I don't know what it is
09:49.02XenoX101because blizzard is retarded
09:49.40Currydevilthis is known.
09:52.03XenoX101ok so hiding the background image makes my images disappear except for one
09:55.47XenoX101alright so if I the image is behind the button
09:55.50XenoX101the image hides with the button
10:04.35Currydevilboo death model isn't working =(
10:05.29Currydevilah nvm was changing wrong field
10:14.23*** join/#sc2mapster Mexa|Zug (~MexaEU@
10:19.51Mexa|ZugAny C# people in here?
10:48.04Nash|327spawn additional supply depots
11:03.46Mexa|ZugI actually need help with regex
11:03.59Mexa|ZugAnyone knows about that theen?
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11:43.26Mexa|Zug@"^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z\d_]*[a-zA-Z\d]?$" it almost works \o/
11:49.45*** join/#sc2mapster Booom3 (4e6c32dc@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
11:50.23Booom3is it possible to change your map name after you've published it?
11:51.56Mexa|Zugby delete and reupload I guess
11:55.48Booom3But that kinda sucks
11:55.51Mexa|Zug@"(?(\A[a-zA-Z]\Z)\A[a-zA-Z]\Z|\A[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z\d_]*[a-zA-Z\d]\Z)" It works :D
11:56.04slightlyrandomBooom3: Only way I know of
11:56.07Mexa|ZugMy regex is now complete...
11:57.06Booom3I guess I'll just have to wait with this old name then
11:58.54Mexa|ZugDid everyone in the oprah audience just got themselves a car?
12:04.29Hobrowanyone with some decent AI knowlege here?
12:07.51Deaodwhats that regex for, Mexa?
12:16.44Mexa|Zugvariable name validation, Deaod.
12:17.03Mexa|Zugit's for the dialog toolkit
12:27.54Agoutioh derp
12:27.56Agoutinever mind
12:28.08Agoutibeen a while since I played with regex's
12:28.16Agoutiisnt there a \a or \A
12:28.23Agoutior \c
12:28.34Agoutinot like it makes any difference
12:28.35Deaodim sure theres something like this for alphabetical characters
12:28.44Deaodcant think of it though
12:29.06Deaodbtw, whats wrong with allowing underscores at the end?
12:29.20Deaodor at the start?
12:32.17Dustinlol oh Regex
12:33.03Mexa|ZugDeaod, in galaxy it is not allowed.
12:33.52Deaodlet me test real quick
12:33.57Deaodif forget this stuff
12:34.05Mexa|ZugIf you find a way to optimize what I have, do so;>
12:35.19Mexa|ZugGoing off for abit tho
12:35.22Deaodis this valid?
12:35.23Deaod[14:26:59] <Deaod> [a-zA-Z]|([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z\d_]*[a-zA-Z\d])
12:40.43*** join/#sc2mapster Ingela (
12:41.50Mexa|ZugI don't know, let me check in a moment
12:42.00Mexa|Zug;O I got busy as we spoke
12:56.40*** join/#sc2mapster Zoxc (
13:22.43Nash|327what's a \d D:
13:23.48Deaoda digit.
13:25.23Nash|327I tend to use A-z
13:25.48Nash|327might just be my editor that allows that
13:26.05Nash|327features for the lazy
13:36.12*** join/#sc2mapster Vestras (~Vestras@
13:38.02Mexa|ZugOhai yo
13:39.12Nash|327Did you bring me a kittun?
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13:42.24Vail|Awayhello and for my time good moring folks
13:46.12Nash|327People keep thinking they can just stumble in here without giving me kittuns.
13:46.20Nash|327I WILL HAVE ORDER D:!
13:47.16Vailrethyou have the stumbling in part right i just woke up
13:53.23Nash|327Now hand me the mandatory kittun entrance fee D:
13:53.37Agoutijust collect one from the box outside the door
13:55.20Nash|327There's a box of kittuns outside the door?
13:56.17Nash|327my neck be hurts
13:56.40*** join/#sc2mapster cintiq_ (
13:56.44Agoutithis may count as a kittun for entrance requirements
13:59.39*** join/#sc2mapster Cintiq (
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14:40.52burne-simple hero selection screen = done
14:41.49Agoutisounds pretty simple
14:44.47hawkerlzug zug
14:50.35Nash|327zug zug
14:51.03Nash|327it is not on skyep
14:52.10*** join/#sc2mapster LordAbyss (c0589ed3@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
14:52.53ClordS.978 = rape
14:52.59Clordplease USA don't rape
14:53.06Clordraping is bad... mmmoookay
14:53.16Clordyeah... too much south park
14:53.39LordAbyssrape is bad?
14:54.33Clordyour sarcasm cuts like dull knife.... I know you would not disagree with this
14:55.11LordAbyssno comment
14:56.15Clordaka you don't disagree
14:56.15Clordin fact
14:56.18Clordif you would not agree
14:56.22Clordyou would belong to jail XD
14:56.32LordAbyssso this business conduct and ethics class i have to take for work is dull
14:56.35ClordS.978 is that bill what rapes sites like youtube if it passes
14:56.36LordAbyssthis thing is online
14:57.27*** join/#sc2mapster Ashamed (20616e35@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
14:57.27hawkerZUG ZUG
14:57.37Nash|327fuckign over law abiding sites like youtube only makes it worse for them
14:57.38Clordif it passes.. it is criminal act to upload youtube videos etc lol
14:57.48Nash|327if people start using pirate sites instead...
14:57.57Clordunless you are interested to do dull videos like showing your nose
14:58.01Nash|327well, hello entire movies streamed etc
14:58.28Clordninja pirate mutant robots
14:58.33Ashamedwe talking about
14:58.52LordAbysswhat exactly does the law do>
14:59.10Clordno idea.... it started from how bill S.978 destroys great part of the internet
14:59.30Clordlet's say you sing karaoke
14:59.33Clorduploading video of that
14:59.39Clordmakes it sentensable
14:59.42Clordfor five years in jail
15:00.10Ashameddumb ass shit
15:00.18Ashamedclord i dont think its that bad
15:00.19Clordinternet is raging of it right now
15:00.26Clordyes it is
15:00.26LordAbyssbrb let me go private all my youtube videos
15:00.29LordAbyssjk lol
15:00.31Clordanything copyrighted happens in video
15:00.32Ashamedthey are talking about streaming actual copyrighted material
15:00.38Clordins sentensable
15:00.44Ashamedclord makign your own variation of someones art is your own art
15:00.54Nash|327hawker are you watching skype?
15:01.11Clordafter that law.. it does not matter
15:01.22AshamedThis will effect like putting music videos up
15:01.42burne-I love how clord is so late always
15:01.51burne-that "news" is like a month old?
15:01.57ClordI have knew from this rather long time XD
15:02.02ClordI have just not bothered to talk about it lol
15:02.07burne-and besides its not like they have acceted the law or whatever it is
15:02.11Ashamedthis will not effect singing someone elses song -.-
15:02.59LordAbyssi wonder if my few cinematics are at risk
15:02.59Clordit would mean that over 99% of against the law would fail in reading
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15:03.54Clordas those very popular youtube figures must be dumb right?
15:05.28burne-now I only needs items + balancing and my map is ready for mapnight
15:06.34Clordmy fortress fight is alive in EU..... somehow fun or not system made miracle like that
15:08.13burne-is it like fortress fight in wc3?
15:08.23Clordit was partly of map nights what made me push that map to be enough polished
15:08.26burne-or was it fortress defence
15:08.29burne-it was a great map
15:08.41ClordFortress Fight is 3v3v3v3
15:09.06Clordfour planetary or command centers during match (matter of voting)
15:09.17Clordfirst... forces try to defeat opposite base
15:09.29Clordaka base what is most far away
15:09.34burne-its not the map I thought it was
15:09.47Clordso basically.. defeating bases faster gives benefit to strike from weak spot :)
15:10.18Clordterran can build attachments but if they get disconnected from actual structure.. they die in few seconds
15:10.24Clordto prevent abusing of balance
15:11.34burne-is the card game still on page1?
15:11.46burne-you still working on it?
15:11.54Clordit is still alive and well
15:12.09Clordin fact
15:12.13Clordit is only card map alive in EU
15:12.38burne-you should join tofu since now im IMPRESSED
15:12.57LordAbyssspeaking of tofu
15:13.02LordAbyssdogmia is annoying
15:13.33Clordthat's not all... it is also very strong in USA side..
15:14.02Clordthere is that big difference between my and other maps of similar attempts...... I focus to fun
15:14.29Clordothers focus to mechanics like "if this survives x seconds, you get y resources and deal z damage to targeted unit"....
15:16.44Clordcard related game types in SCII
15:16.46Clordis quite niche thing
15:16.55Clordcard maps hardly has hope to really reach top of the list
15:17.20burne-ffs clord, Ill never ask you anything ever again
15:17.22burne-nobody careeeeees
15:17.35Clordthen you are rather stupid to ask
15:19.18burne-im jsut wondering how my question is related to how fun card game or other cards games are
15:19.41Clordwell... I didn't was really answering to any question as discussion was already ended
15:19.44ClordI just felt like to rant
15:19.48Clordeven if nobody actually reads it
15:20.03Clordmost people who can't rant turns out insane in real life
15:20.53burne-I wouldnt care if the ranting would be about pizzas or bacon or something else
15:20.54ClordI could talk to my finnish friends etc but they just pirate every damn game and never had interest to games like Starcraft II
15:21.00burne-but you almost sounded like dogmai
15:21.02burne-which is BAD
15:21.05Clordthey are all CoD and Wolfenstein Enemy Territory
15:21.42ClordI have heard that name before
15:22.21Clordoh I see XD
15:22.26*** join/#sc2mapster hawker (63e9c492@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
15:23.02Nash|327hawker le dropbox D:?
15:23.18hawkerwut u mean?
15:23.28Nash|327Do you have account?
15:23.44hawkeri'll le check
15:24.00Nash|327I need the e-mail you use for it
15:24.29ClordI was not sure why burne mentioned tofu so I used awesome search tool
15:25.01hawkeralso, dogmai is le tr0ll
15:25.39Clordwhy he hates global variables so much?
15:26.34burne-is eiviyn eu people?
15:26.50Clordthat guy would probably go crazy based on that thread if he saw how my maps are triggered XD
15:27.09ClordI wonder how amusing results would be from such "experiment" about how dogmai reacts
15:27.14LordAbyssi think he needs to be kicked in the balls
15:27.17LordAbyssbut that is just me
15:27.41burne-I sorta agree
15:27.50burne-I wish he would release the map before talking big
15:27.55burne-and he sure is taking his time
15:28.04burne-to release it after promoting like crazy
15:28.27LordAbysspsh my 2 videos that i had made for my map that is still in heavy development are better then the one they made
15:28.54Clordthere is one game project what was almost destroyed since their programmer was found out not to be real programmer
15:29.00Clordbut they survived and got real one
15:29.07Clordit was best trolling ever
15:29.16hawkeryes, eiviyn = eu
15:29.34hawkeralright nash, has dropbox
15:29.57Nash|327same mail as MSN?
15:30.00Clordwhen this game was first supposed to be released... they found out that their coder was troll and nothing was coded
15:30.06Clordbut nowadays it is awesome XD
15:30.31Clordthat troll posted fake screenshots over years etc
15:30.58Nash|327IT R INVITED
15:31.51LordAbyssto what?
15:31.53hawkerZUG ZUG
15:31.57LordAbyssmy little pony adventure rpg?
15:32.08hawkerbut dogmai was on mapcraft
15:32.16hawkerand said he trolled the entire forum
15:32.24hawkerto ensure TOFU still had le hype
15:32.43Clordso basically TOFU might be fake
15:32.53burne-he said it multiple times before
15:33.06burne-but I dont really care if he is troll or not, the video just made me plain angry
15:33.13LordAbyssHmmm maybe i should make a massive troll review of tofu when it comes out
15:33.19hawkeryou should
15:33.22hawkercall it derivative
15:33.24hawkerand generic
15:33.33hawkerCAUSE RAGE
15:33.43hawkersay sotis is better ------> umad?
15:33.49burne-I dont think dogmai is the type to care what people say
15:33.56LordAbyssPlaying this game makes me want to cut my balls off, grill them, and then eat them on a tofu salad
15:34.01burne-atleast from his posts...umm...he is like "its the best"
15:35.08LordAbysshmm what about that other guy
15:35.11LordAbyssi almost pity him
15:36.04Clordin internet.. it is easy to pretend to be multiple persons
15:36.27Clordor have multiple personality disorder
15:36.29LordAbyssIf that is the case
15:36.33LordAbyssI am Sixen
15:36.43*** join/#sc2mapster Jazz14456 (189e10a2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
15:37.11LordAbyssHello person that I can't see but I will see shortly
15:37.23ClordI have this problem lol.... when expansion comes... I want to play it with achievements but.... I don't want see chat messages etc from other users during it
15:37.45Clordit is like first campaign run in SCII
15:38.02Agoutiset status as busy
15:38.18Clordhehe probably
15:38.20ClordI have tried it
15:38.24Clordseems like it worked
15:38.33Agoutifirst world problems :P
15:38.43Clordhehe ^^
15:38.49Clordthe most awesome part of the earth ^^
15:38.49Jazz14456Does anyone know how to make a unit use an item on the ground, which say, boosts damage of meelee attack by 5 or creates a ranged attack?
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15:39.21Agoutihave a look at how the mineral/gas pickup items work
15:39.38Jazz14456k, thx!
15:39.39Agoutido it the same, except instead of the effect being Modify Player (add vespene)
15:39.47Agoutihave it has apply behaviour or w/e
15:39.49Clorditems has ability what they leep autocasting to be picked up when unit is nearby
15:40.20Jazz14456is there a way for the unit to drop, or destroy the item?
15:40.34Agoutiif they actually /carry/ the item
15:40.47Agoutithen it works different
15:40.57Agoutiyou have to give the unit a inventory ability
15:41.02Agoutiand set up item classes
15:41.07Agoutiit's a tad involved
15:41.15Jazz14456thank you
15:42.03*** join/#sc2mapster Javdani (~Jav@
15:43.06JavdaniWould this by any chance be the place to ask small stupid newbie map maker questions that don't warrent a new topic on the site? =)
15:43.31Nash|327Yes, but first you must hand me kittuns.
15:43.41Nash|327In bags, preferably.
15:45.44Clordthere is not stupid questions, only stupid answers
15:45.58Clorderrm "there is no stupid questions, only stupid answers"
15:46.11JavdaniI bet to differ!
15:46.18JavdaniHere's one: How do you open the editor
15:46.26Clordlol indeed
15:46.32Clordthat's the stupid question
15:46.37Clordjust go to folder/directory
15:46.40Clordwhere game is installed
15:46.44Clordand look for exe file
15:47.16*** join/#sc2mapster Rnuomer (
15:47.32JavdaniThat's like the one thing I do know how to do. :> Just wanted to point out that there are stupid questions. <3
15:48.12*** join/#sc2mapster Mexa|Zug (~MexaEU@
15:48.47Clordwell bluffed
15:49.30JavdaniOne thing I can't find though is where the info is about max amount of Larva at a hatch :S
15:49.39JavdaniWhere does it say 3 is max?
15:50.00ClordI think it should be in larva spawning behavior
15:50.03Clordassuming there is one
15:50.23burne-I dont remember how to make inventory :(
15:50.34burne-in wc3 you had it like standard
15:50.35burne-so nice
15:50.39Clordhonestly.. I like to think behaviors for units as "passive abilities"... because they are just that
15:51.01Clordmany of SCII units do that
15:51.10Clordicon is just visual thing for passive ability
15:51.13Clordaka behavior
15:51.44Nash|327passive ability can be almost anything
15:52.03Xanpassive behaviors
15:52.13JavdaniI see, I've spent a bunch of years with the WC3 editor, the SC2 one is just mildly confusing at times :o
15:53.09JavdaniI'm trying not to use the word brain rape on the irc
15:53.49Clordif you want to be really confusing... use extremely rare words or known words in extremely rare ways
15:53.51Nash|327spawn more larvae
15:53.59Clordwith.... in.. whatever ^^
15:54.21Nash|327cerebral violation?
15:54.38JavdaniThat sounds nicer
15:54.53JavdaniBut you should add "involentary" to make sure it sounds like it's rape
15:55.27Clordlike one guy once tried to correct my english with one rule but ended itself being wrong.... like in situations where you can use type "what" as meaning of "who"
15:56.15*** join/#sc2mapster cintiq_ (
15:56.30Nash|327larva limit is defined in the requirement
15:56.38Nash|327Hatchery spawn larva
15:56.57Clordthou shall not pass!
15:57.23Javdanihmm I'm not seeing it Nash :(
15:57.43Nash|327the requirement?
15:58.07JavdaniI'm kinda looking for the number 3 somewhere, what should I look for? :s
15:58.24Nash|327did you find the requirement?
15:58.48JavdaniI'm under hatchery -> behaviour -> hatchery spawn larva -> behaviour
15:58.54Javdani--> requirement
15:59.29Nash|327And you don't see a 3 anywhere?
15:59.48Nash|327Maybe you're not showing default or advanced entries
15:59.50Javdanithe closest thing I see is under "Offset", it has values
15:59.57Vail|awayAgainare you at the requiremnt tab...
16:00.11Vail|awayAgainor on the behaviors tab?
16:00.16Nash|327offset, that's the behavior you are looking at
16:00.23Nash|327not the requirement
16:00.36Javdanibehaviour, I'm not seeing a requirement tab
16:00.44Nash|327open one
16:01.47Javdanihow do I do that? :s
16:01.57Nash|327there's a drop down menu thingy
16:02.05Nash|327with craploads of data types
16:02.32Vailunder the save icon button
16:02.53Vailer save button
16:03.01Javdanidata type?
16:03.58Vailin chief
16:04.00hawkery u open so slow -_____
16:04.08Javdanioh god I think I found it
16:04.12Nash|327SLOW EDITOR IS SLOW
16:04.13Vailah because there si so much data ..
16:04.24JavdaniThanks =)
16:04.28Nash|327CountUnit blah blah < 3
16:04.39Javdaniyup, that's the one
16:04.51Nash|327enjoy your 1000 larva
16:05.12Vailomg Over 9000?!
16:05.21JavdaniJust slightly, but yes!
16:05.39Vailwhy would you need that man larva ?
16:05.47Nash|327Need shower, clothing and GTFOing D:
16:05.52hawkereditor: y u open every map on computar
16:05.56JavdaniI don't, just wanna edit it a bit. :P I'm trying to get a queen to spawn larva the same way a hatchery does
16:06.04Clordninethousand and one tales
16:06.15Clordreminds of some book kinda
16:06.35Nash|327That's 1001.
16:06.36Javdanihmm isn't that the thousand and one tales
16:06.41Mexa|Zugnou Nash, you took a potential referral from me :G
16:06.58Vailah i am giving t he queen an ability that when drones drag civilian females to the hatcher the queen cocoons them and then the pop and release  one larva each
16:07.20Javdanithat sounds freakin awesome Vail
16:07.21Nash|327that's sick
16:07.21Mexa|ZugI think? I thought hawker was referring to you and thus you gained space
16:07.48Nash|327I'm not sure he referred to anyone.
16:07.50burne-i forgot how bad the sc2 standard ventory was
16:07.50Vailbut first i have to finish my grinder ability
16:07.53Clordjavdani... yeah
16:07.58burne-i gotta make my own then :(
16:08.16hawkeranyone else have a problem where your editor, when opened, opens every map on your computer in sequence until it gets to the one you want?
16:08.54Nash|327set your editor to not open any map on startup
16:08.58Vaildid you have shift stuck down when you clicked the map you wanted to open....
16:09.07hawkeri'll try
16:09.09Agoutiew hand made inventory
16:09.11hawkerwhat nash said
16:09.20Agoutithat is going to blow with any sort of ping...
16:09.30hawkersooo much RAGE in general forum yesterday
16:09.50Agoutiwhat over?
16:11.12Agoutialso hawker
16:11.17Agoutiwith the editor
16:11.30Agoutiby default it will open all the maps that were open when it was last closed
16:11.37Agoutiyou can change that behaviour
16:11.41Agoutiin the options
16:11.47Agoutisimply close them all
16:11.50Agoutionce it has loaded
16:13.30Mexa|ZugI'm soon to be very very tired of it
16:13.51Agoutiand what is going on
16:14.28Agouti(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
16:15.23Rnuomeris Nash|327 still ignore me
16:16.04Mexa|ZugIt's a silly intepreter :v
16:16.17Mexa|ZugAnd the problem is recursion right now
16:16.51AgoutiI'll take a look if you can convince me it's worth having ;)
16:17.02Mexa|ZugIt's not
16:17.15Mexa|ZugNot worth the effort of convincing you either
16:17.31Agoutiwell then
16:17.33Mexa|ZugI'll just stay here and complain :>
16:18.15burne-my fridge is hizzing like a cat
16:18.20hawker╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ FLIP FLIP FLIP FLIPPIN' TABLES
16:19.13Rnuomer>╯°□°)╯︵ Я:=
16:19.20Clordthat is more like those japanese tables.... they hardly have any height.... kotatsu
16:20.06Agoutiit's my footstool
16:20.32Mexa|ZugAgouti, the debug right now probably isn't making any sense for anyone else right now either :p
16:21.31Agoutifunny thing about debug logs
16:21.45Mexa|Zugmm, it's errorenous too the further it goes I think
16:21.47Agoutithey mean very little when you don't even know exactly what the program is trying to do
16:21.58*** join/#sc2mapster Xaragoth (
16:22.19Mexa|ZugWell, it's taking a piece of mid-end code and interpretates it.
16:22.57Mexa|Zugbut I'll just zug/derp my way afk now.
16:23.39Ashamedi jsut created part of my dialog of my map
16:23.40Ashamedfrom remote :)
16:23.52Ashamedmexa i am almost all done with my dialogs :( you fail
16:26.01hawkerOPEN THE DOOR
16:26.04hawkerGET ON THE FLOOR
16:26.55Vailid rather DO the hot chick with the natruall double h cups but meh if dinos are your thing power to you ...
16:27.34Clordpervert XD
16:28.00Agoutieach to their own
16:28.04Clord"do the dinosaur" can mean for example dance move... not raping the dinosaur XD
16:28.19AgoutiI'd like to see someone try that
16:28.25Agoutiit would be impressive
16:28.28Agoution a number of levels
16:28.42Clordlol first one would need to be "made"
16:28.59Vaili know
16:29.11Mexa|ZugAshamed, well, pewdfdf
16:29.36Ashamedyou pew me
16:29.54Ashamedhows that coming along mexa?
16:30.01Clordscientists use silly measurement about body mass vs brain mass to determise how smart dinosaurs was
16:30.15Clordand their estimates are that they are way dumber than almost any animal nowadays
16:30.32Ashamedwell clord.. they did own the world pretty much
16:30.34Ashamedand still died off
16:30.36Agoutiit's incredibly rough
16:30.51Agoutias the way a brain is wired is just as important as the cell count
16:31.07Agoutif.e. crows which are smarter then people I know of
16:31.16Vailit doesnt matter how smart you are there are some things you just cant think your way safe from
16:31.41Clordactually.. in nature it is more related about fighting smarter etc
16:32.26Vaili didnt say many things  i just said some things.. like even Mcguyver couldnt think his way out of a global climate changing catastrophe
16:32.38Agoutibig brains are very expensive to grow
16:32.56Agoutiso animals are generally only as smart as they need to be
16:32.58Clordmammoth vs human scneario... yeah mammoth has strenght etc... if that thing was putted to stats it would look like sure winner... yet single human is able to take it down even back then
16:33.01Mexa|ZugAshamed, it's progressing.
16:33.13Ashamedwell mexa its too late for me now
16:33.17Ashamedi am pretty much a master at dialogs now
16:33.18Agoutidoubt that
16:33.19Ashamedi blame you
16:33.26Mexa|ZugOhnoes, I lost my one and only fan.
16:34.01Ashamedover the weekend i managed to create my own XP DIalog bar >< it was really hard to convert the amount of XP to the pixals of the bar
16:34.16Ashamedbut now that i got that done i am pretty sure there aint no dialog i can't conquor now
16:34.37Mexa|ZugBut I bet you would have done it much faster if my tool way around ;)
16:35.03Vailflursab gloorg niblot nargam....\
16:35.08Mexa|ZugOh wells.
16:35.24Mexa|Zugthree times developers.
16:35.32Ashamedwell i mean the look of the dialog was messed up until last night i finally got it fixed so your tool would of helped me there
16:35.34Ashamedbut.. the math part
16:35.35*** join/#sc2mapster Fisker (
16:35.40Ashamedthat was the hard part and i dont see your tool helping me at all
16:37.29XorioZAshamed. how goes figuring out the inventory stuff.
16:37.56XorioZflursab gloorg niblot nargam <- WTH?
16:39.20XorioZoh. and ashamed how did you go about getting max xp needed for next level?
16:40.55XorioZi have already solved that one by grabbing the data from the veterancy behavior but if your way uses less recurses it would be better for our map.
16:45.26burne-base for shop dialog = done
16:45.31burne-just need ideas for items
16:46.36JademusSregI awaken.
16:46.51XorioZyou do that alot Jade
16:47.42Ashamedi made mine all integer based zorioz
16:48.01Ashamedand Xorioz i am working on the inventory .... I have been working on just dialogs
16:48.03Ashamedtrying to learn em good
16:48.06AshamedI will have it soon
16:48.10Ashamedi am getting really good
16:48.35Ashamedi almost have a ability tree done
16:48.39burne-dialogs are rather simple when ytou get used to them
16:49.51burne-It motivates me that If I only did a bit more work I could start testing my map
16:50.00burne-but reality its quite a lot of work
16:52.02burne-the main problem with my dialog inventory is that people probly dont know how to drop items
16:52.12burne-since its gona be a bit more complex than normal inventory :(
16:54.21hawkeru r want cat
16:54.23Ashamedwhat is the file site?
16:54.28Ashamedto drop files
16:55.14hawkerthat's the one
16:56.45Vailthat was just a little gibberish because i was boredc
16:57.22VailXor i almost have the grind ability working and once it is i will make it multi level
17:03.52Mexa|ZugAshamed, can I invite you for it?
17:03.56Mexa|ZugIt would benefit
17:04.50XorioZVail. we have to figure out exactly how many levels each ability will have
17:05.20Vaileach hero will have five abilities ?
17:05.45XorioZthe standard is that you gain access to the ulti at lvl 6. and yes 5 abilities for each hero.
17:06.08Mexa|ZugAshamed, can you haz clickie?
17:07.08Agoutiyes, the dota setup with 4 abilities, 4 levels of each and ulti available at 6, 12 and 16 works rather well
17:07.37AgoutiI personally prefer 5 abilities with 3 of each
17:07.48Ashamedmexa i already created an account lol
17:07.50JademusSregI use dropbox like a motherfucker. Very handy.
17:08.00Vailwhat will the max level be?
17:08.31Ashamed100 vail
17:08.44Vailnice ...
17:09.05Ashamedi lied
17:09.07Ashamedi dunno
17:09.14Ashamedbut 100 will be bad ass
17:09.17Agouti16 or 25
17:09.18Ashamedtake way too long though
17:09.25Agoutiare good :)
17:09.50JademusSregDo it like Disgaea.
17:09.55JademusSregMax level 9999.
17:09.57Mexa|ZugAshamed, oh noes
17:10.01Vailhell no
17:10.29JademusSregI never bothered to play Disgaea.
17:10.31Vailsince i have to make diffrent vets for every hero ....and we plan on having many heros...
17:10.36hawkerpoor mexa
17:10.39JademusSregMAybe I should try it someday.
17:11.03Ashamedthat is what we are doing
17:11.05Ashamedcap 9999
17:11.08Ashamedif you dont do this
17:11.09hawkerthe only thing i can recollect about disgaea are the the penguisn
17:11.11Ashamedi will be extremly Pissed
17:11.21hawkerzug zug
17:11.22Vailthen you get to do the vet behaviors
17:11.27Ashamedum no
17:11.31Ashamedget your lazy ass to work
17:11.34Ashamedand get me 9999 cap
17:11.37Vailum no
17:11.43Agoutithat is easy
17:11.51Agoutidouble click le max level
17:11.58Agoutipress le enter
17:12.00Agoutiand done
17:12.13Vailyeah but i have to enter diffrent atribute gains ...
17:12.37AgoutiEvent: Any unit gains level
17:12.41Agoutipre rep
17:12.43Agoutipew pew*
17:12.52hawkerZUG ZUG
17:12.53Vailevery hero has diffrent stat gains
17:13.05Vailand their own vets...
17:13.11hawker(╬ ಠ益ಠ) ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
17:13.27AgoutiSelect Case (Type of Unit (triggering Unit))
17:13.33AgoutiCase Hero A
17:13.38Agoutido blah
17:13.38Vailany way..
17:31.21*** join/#sc2mapster Jazz14456 (470d2591@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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17:33.31Jazz14456Does anyone know how to make a item that can be picked up, and when picked up, could make the unit that picked it up have a diffrent damage?
17:33.56JavdaniHow do you make a unit a valid "object/location" to drop off resources? :S
17:34.41Jazz14456Like a weapon, basically.
17:34.54*** join/#sc2mapster Mexa|Zug (~MexaEU@
17:35.47Jazz144561Does anyone know how to make a weapon, an item that can be picked up, and change damage to the unit that picked it up?
17:37.20Vaili think there are tutoirals for that on mapster
17:37.35hawkerzug zug
17:37.45Mexa|Zugsmurf smurf
17:37.49Jazz14456fir me?
17:37.52Jazz14456for me?
17:38.38Jazz14456Wiieeerrddd..... if you have a query with yourself it echos
17:38.49Jazz14456Vail, are you talking to me?
17:42.55hawkerwork work
17:45.32Vailany one know if there is a file that tells the game what value to use for what text ?
17:46.14Clordyeah there is mpqeditor compatible file
17:46.17Clordit is like text file
17:46.21Mexa|ZugThe fontstyles.sc2styles file I think you referr to
17:46.26Clordit tells what those param values should show
17:46.39hawkeri r hungry
17:47.15Clordyou can actually change font size for dialog item labels? would be insanely useful lol
17:47.21*** join/#sc2mapster Lilianna (
17:49.15Vailbasically im trying to see if its possible to make diffrent Vet Behaviors use diffrent text for the level display
17:50.56JademusSregSo some of the server regions for bnet 2 are being combined.
17:52.44hawkerwould there be any reason why i would be unable to import .tga/.dds files?
17:52.49hawkeri'm attempting to
17:52.53hawkerbut they are greyed out
17:52.58hawkerand cannot be selected
17:53.24Vailare they open in another prgram?
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18:06.10JavdaniYou know that feeling when you're looking for something for like 30 minutes untill you then realise that Show Advanced Fields is disabled
18:08.03*** join/#sc2mapster mind_spark (
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18:24.21hawkerno vail, they aren't
18:25.39hawkerhere's what i mean
18:27.25Vaili have a pc my self so i dont know why a mac would behave like this
18:28.13hawkermacs: i dislike them
18:28.32hawkergetting up to shenanigans
18:29.17hawkersomewhere, steve jobs is in a turtleneck, laughing
18:30.09ClordMac? I don't want those hamburgers right now
18:30.13Vailnot for long with his health >..>
18:30.57hawker:( i want mah murlocs
18:32.07Vailare the assets read only?
18:32.21hawkeri would assume not
18:32.30hawkeron the asset thread
18:32.35hawkeri followed the instructions
18:34.20hawkerit's just when i go to import, this occurs
18:39.53*** join/#sc2mapster mind_spark (
18:43.48Mexa|ZugDeaod, you there?
18:44.25*** join/#sc2mapster mind_spark (
18:46.02Mexa|ZugDeaod, anyway, I tested your regex now, and it didn't work :)
18:46.46*** join/#sc2mapster Bibendus (
18:46.50Vailman i need a second monitor... dont know if i should go for a second monitor or a new video card
18:49.22*** join/#sc2mapster mind_spark (
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18:52.51Vailwell folks i will be gone for a bit Later.
19:01.49*** join/#sc2mapster Nash-327 (
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19:04.49hawker_someone is impersonating hawker...
19:05.06hawker_(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
19:07.10*** join/#sc2mapster hawker (63e9c492@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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19:11.55hawkerknow why this might be happening?
19:12.14hawkerif have a minute
19:12.57Zarakkoh hai
19:13.04hawkero hai thar
19:13.21hawkeru r want cat
19:13.51ZarakkI really have no clue about macs :p
19:16.54*** join/#sc2mapster jazz14456 (470d2591@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
19:17.16hawkerk, thanks anyway
19:17.19hawker:| damn macs
19:17.25hawkeri want mah murlocs
19:17.52jazz14456when u have a game that u are still making, and u want to test it with someone else how do u test it? i only understand how to test it by myself
19:21.46Currydevilyou publish it to bnet and play it with someone else
19:22.19jazz14456then can i remove it?
19:23.22jazz14456can i take it off of bnet once i am done playing it?
19:23.30Currydevilif you want to
19:28.54*** join/#sc2mapster synik4l (
19:42.16Xaragothoh great
19:42.18Xaragothwe get the russians
19:42.25Xaragoththere goes the ping of doom
19:44.08Stewox_Awayim in one of the rare semi-balkan , semi-eastern europe , but official in central europe (bottom south-east) , to have really good NET , and really reliable ping as well as stable connection, my country ranked 3rd in the FTTH penetration in EU , and 5th in worldwide
19:44.16Stewox_Awayi think this was some ... 2009 figures
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19:47.29Stewox_Awayah lol
19:47.32Stewox_AwayEU only with russia
19:47.53Stewox_Awayi thought they were letting us with Korea too
19:48.39Stewox_Awaywhyr they concerned about ping, it's a RTS it has more tolerance than FPS
19:48.57Stewox_Awaybut this is a hardcore RTS ,  i guess , miliseconds are game changing
19:51.19Xaragotheurope has people with horrible lagging habits already
19:51.26Xaragothi don't wanna know what the russians will do to the ping
19:54.04Stewox_Awayeurope's net is ofcourse not balanced
19:54.11Stewox_Awayeach country has it's own standards
19:54.15*** join/#sc2mapster hawker (63e9c492@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
19:54.40Stewox_Awaybalkan countries have poor NET , except for greece maybe
19:55.11Stewox_Awaythen there's poland, czechz, russia ... those are all avreage ...
19:55.49Stewox_Awaybut it really depends
19:56.09hawkeri hope my problem isn't just that mac can't import >.>
19:56.19hawkeralso nash, working on terrain atm
19:57.04Stewox_AwayEU is mostly more PC-ish , a lot of russians are modders , as well ac czecks/poland/slovaks , a lot of PC guys from these areas , sadly american markets never realize the customers in eastern europe
19:57.35Stewox_Awaythat's why ... many of them may have better NET just because people are more advanced then your avreage xbox american
19:58.14Stewox_Awaybut i can't know for sure, atleast here the net is better than USA standard
19:58.52IDEATHhow do you change map textures in a map
19:59.04hawkergo to the data editor
19:59.07IDEATHlet me refrase that
19:59.09hawkercategory: tilesets
19:59.16hawkergo to the one you are using
19:59.18IDEATHor not lol
19:59.26hawkerthere is a box called like
19:59.29hawker"textures blend"
19:59.33hawkeror something similar
19:59.37hawkera menu will come up
19:59.40IDEATHoh ok
19:59.43Stewox_Awaywhich in turn means wider audiences for mapmakers.
19:59.47hawkerswitch the textures you want for the ones you have
19:59.51Stewox_Awaymodding servers are linking too
19:59.57hawkergo to the top of you screen
20:00.02Stewox_Awayfinally we may see russian mods now !!!!!!!!!!!! yeah
20:00.11hawkerand go from there
20:00.23hawkerfinally, i can actually help someone lul
20:02.32Nash-327hawker: I return!
20:04.39Nash-327time for foods
20:06.59*** join/#sc2mapster Vailreth (kvirc@
20:07.40Vailreththere is only one true vailreth
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20:09.39Vailrethgreetings from the future!
20:11.41Vailrethhow doth the terraining go?
20:11.48*** part/#sc2mapster harl (
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20:13.21hawkerherro nash
20:14.29Nash-327Is that your real name on dropbox? :G
20:16.32Nash-327It's kind like entering Mickey Mouse as name :P
20:18.32Nash-327No offense if it is your real name.
20:18.42Nash-327Just wondering.
20:18.46Ashamedwho we making fun of
20:19.00Nash-327Not making fun of anyone.
20:20.31*** join/#sc2mapster Zarakk (
20:22.17Nash-327hawker is le afk
20:22.23Zarakkhow dare he!?
20:23.29Nash-327Just a brave guy I guess.
20:24.01Mexa|Zugbrave to expose your real name?
20:24.20Mexa|ZugOr what do you imply?
20:24.31Nash-327He dares to be AFK.
20:24.47Nash-327Very brave, clearly.
20:25.07Mexa|ZugYes, very... It's so common everyone does it nowadays
20:25.15Xanwho's real name is mickey mouse?
20:25.38Mexa|ZugMickey Mouse's, I think.
20:25.38Nash-327Someone who really likes Mickey Mouse?
20:26.35Nash-327Mickey Mouse = fake
20:26.58Nash-327So entering Mickey Mouse as name is to use a fake name.
20:27.12Xanhawkers name is mickey mouse?
20:27.37Nash-327Mickey Mouse means fake
20:27.44Nash-327It's an expression.
20:29.42XanI'm bored :/
20:29.43Xanwhat to do
20:30.41Mexa|Zugit does?
20:30.44Mexa|ZugI see
20:30.54Nash-327well, fake, bullshit, lame, etc
20:31.08hawkeri have returned
20:31.12hawkerwas not afk :(
20:31.17hawkerwas hard at work on nash's map
20:32.18ZarakkWas just gonna check
20:32.23ZarakkYou still got problems with the murlocs?
20:32.47Mexa|ZugMr. Smith, isn't that better?
20:32.49Nash-327I guess it's not technically AFK.
20:33.04Nash-327You are by the keyboard.
20:33.17Nash-327But for IRC purposes you were AFK ;G
20:34.00hawkeryes, the situation is the same
20:34.10hawkeranyway nash
20:34.13hawkerhow does this look
20:34.39ZarakkI was gonna suggest, hawker. Send me the map and the murloc files, I'll import them and then send it back to ya
20:35.12hawkerhow do you want me to send them?
20:35.47Nash-327omg that is fucking awesome
20:36.48Xanwhat is that for?
20:36.51Nash-327good thing I didn't try to do the terrain myself D_D
20:37.40hawkernash's map xan
20:37.46hawkerhero assault or defense or survival
20:37.49hawkeri forget
20:37.54hawkerbad team member
20:37.54Nash-327hero survival
20:38.13Nash-327Did you test the hero map any?
20:38.44hawkerhave i tested anything?
20:39.03Nash-327Well feel free to do so.
20:39.05hawkerzarakk, is it ok if i give you 2 more? :) peeeeaaaase
20:39.21hawkeri jsut need the animals
20:39.41hawkerkk thanks
20:39.45hawkerthanks a ton
20:40.08Clordhehe... there is those paranoid project types rarely in internet...
20:40.20Clordbasically team members has no idea what they are helping to build
20:41.25Nash-327Because they don't care or because the project manager doesn't give out that info?
20:42.02Nash-327Seems the more you know about the gameplay the better you can do your job.
20:42.11Nash-327Why keep it a secret D_D
20:42.32hawkerisn't that like AOS2 or whatever it is called
20:42.46hawkerwhere there are a bunch of clueless people working on it
20:44.21hawkerwell i'm glad it looks good nash
20:44.35Nash-327I think so.
20:45.09Nash-327But I'm not a terrainer, if you want better criticism you should ask a terrain wiz.
20:45.32hawkershould show to dresnia
20:46.22hawkeror i can just post 'em in the terraining forum if that is acceptable to you
20:46.23hawkeri tend to get good feedback there
20:46.31Nash-327Go ahead.
20:46.43hawkeri'll wait till i have more done though
20:47.07Xanwhat is the terrain supposed to be?
20:47.31Nash-327urban cityscape thingy
20:47.34Xando you defend that area?
20:47.37Xanmore like a hub
20:47.47Nash-327you... survive
20:48.00Xanso where do the enemies appear from?
20:48.22Nash-327that's up to the arena designer, i.e. hawker
20:48.54Xanthat's why I'm asking :)
20:49.09XanSeems to be only one way into the area
20:49.34Xanif you're supposed to defend it
20:49.55Nash-327You've played the map D_D
20:50.02Nash-327You're not supposed to defend anything
20:50.21Xanwell, you were supposed to defend from incoming enemies right?
20:50.23Xandefend yourself, that is
20:50.43Xanthen I'd suggest more than one entry point
20:51.07Nash-327I'm not even sure that bit is supposed to be accessible
20:51.09Xanand more room to walk around so you don't get cornered
20:51.40Xanyour map has different "arenas" right?
20:51.45Xanwith different themes
20:52.20*** join/#sc2mapster Zarakk_ (
20:52.31hawkerthan bit isn't accessible
20:52.42Nash-327Why so many Swedes up in here D:
20:53.01Nash-327Why can't you be greek like Mexa?
20:53.21XanI'm actually hungerian
20:54.15hawkeryou're a life saver zarakk
20:54.30ZarakkWho's Swedish?
20:54.38Nash-327Swedish people.
20:54.45ZarakkThat's a lie and you know it
20:54.51ZarakkI'm Swedish, I should know
20:55.43Nash-327I'm a robot.
20:55.49Xanwe know nash
20:55.59Nash-327INPUT KITTUNS
20:56.52AshamedI am now a level 1 engineer :)
20:56.59AshamedI am getting the fuck out of hell!
20:57.12Nash-327Level 1?
20:57.15Nash-327Grind more!
20:57.26Ashamediw ll :)
20:57.30Ashamedbut i gotta start at the bottom :(
20:57.41Ashamedi am so fucking happy right now
20:57.45Ashamedit comes with full paid benifits
20:57.58Xannew job?
20:57.59AshamedNew job i just got :)
20:58.05Ashamedits doulbe my current salery too
20:58.07Xaninstead of ibm?
20:58.21Nash-327GTFO IRC
20:58.22Ashamedno more corporate america!
20:58.30Xanwe must cerebrate
20:58.35Ashamedi am staying at IBM for another 3 days lol
20:58.36hawkergj ashamed
20:58.39Ashamedand then i am taking vacation
20:58.42Ashamedand then never showing up again
20:59.26Nash-327Awaken my child, and embrace the glory that is your birthright. Know that I am the Overmind; the eternal will of the Swarm, and that you have been created to serve me.
21:01.14hawker"And so I said infestor? I barely KNOW her!"
21:01.37hawkeryardy yar yar yar yar
21:06.22Clordzergs look kinda same.... it is like certain animals in Earth XD
21:07.09Nash-327That's racist!
21:07.12Xanlike certain humans
21:07.29Nash-327All biological lifeforms look the same.
21:07.38Nash-327All heaps of useless flesh.
21:07.53Xandamn robot
21:08.19Nash-327Only exception are KITTUNS!
21:09.41hawkerbeen up 7 hours and haven't eaten a thing
21:09.49Ashamedi just wanna go
21:09.51Ashamedfucken scream
21:09.55Nash-327only 7 hours
21:10.07Nash-32724 hours and I may start feeling hunger
21:10.20hawkeri'm not really that hungry
21:10.29hawkerit just dawned on me
21:10.30Xandoesn't seem healthy, nash
21:10.37hawkerit's not lul
21:10.59Nash-327I eat when the time seems suitable.
21:11.05Nash-327I don't actually get hungry.
21:11.17Nash-327I eat at 17:00 or so.
21:11.32Xanthats what anorectics do
21:12.41Xanor don't do
21:13.10Nash-327Biological functions suck.
21:13.27Nash-327I ignore them, sometimes too well.
21:13.50Nash-327I don't get hungry but I know I must eat at least once a day.
21:13.59Nash-327So around 17:00.
21:14.05XanI do what my instincts tell me to
21:14.27Nash-327Instincts, don't have those.
21:14.31Nash-327I have logic.
21:14.48XanIsn't it logical to eat more often?
21:14.50hawkerthat behaviour doens't appear logical -________-
21:15.04Xanto avoid bad health
21:15.05Nash-327It's logical from a health perspective.
21:15.18Nash-327But I hate cooking and dislike eating.
21:15.29Nash-327So it's not logical to eat often.
21:15.34Xanthen it's just lack of discipline
21:15.41Xanor laziness
21:15.46hawkerthat's not really logic, just preference :D
21:15.50Mexa|ZugWell, you also have a crazy abnormal sleeping rhythm, so that might explain your food habits.
21:16.00hawkeris it as bad as mine?
21:16.09Xanwouldn't it be nice if we never had to sleep?
21:16.20Nash-327Or eat.
21:16.25Nash-327Or take a shit.
21:16.28hawkeri like food
21:16.42Nash-327Down with biological functions.
21:16.47Mexa|ZugBecause your brain tells you
21:16.55Nash-327Sex drive, that's so useless.
21:17.11Xannot useless
21:17.13Xanotherwise no one would reproduce
21:17.20hawkerwell i enjoy the taste of food, which is neurological sensation
21:17.32hawkerbut so are other sensations once enjoys/experiences
21:17.36Nash-327I am not going to reproduce either way.
21:17.55Nash-327I don't want sex drive, it's just a meaningless distraction.
21:18.06Xandistraction from what?
21:18.16Nash-327From something I actually give a shit about doing.
21:18.20hawkeri'm just guessing
21:18.58hawkeri hope i didn't give zara too much work
21:19.11Nash-327zug zug
21:19.12Mexa|Zugthe who what now?
21:19.12Xanwell, most people find it pleasurable nash
21:19.26hawkerwork work
21:19.28hawkerwhat me doing?
21:19.38Nash-327I suppose so.
21:20.07Nash-327I find it pointless and a tad gross.
21:20.29Xandepends who you have sex with
21:20.32Nash-327And way too much fucking effort.
21:20.45Xanwhat about working out, nash?
21:20.49Xantoo much effort?
21:21.03Nash-327And nothing fucking happens.
21:21.20Xanit improves your health
21:21.26Xanand strength and endurance
21:21.28Nash-327Not noticably.
21:21.52Xanand self esteem
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21:21.56Xanand looks
21:22.03Xanand mental wellbeeing
21:22.05Nash-327If I don't see any results why would I bother?
21:22.14Xanwell, results don't come right away
21:22.18Xantakes time
21:22.20Nash-327I have no problem with self-esteem or mental well-being.
21:22.27Nash-327And I don't need looks.
21:22.35Nash-327And not really strength either.
21:22.43Xaneveryone needs good health
21:22.49Xanyou will feel better all around
21:23.01Nash-327All exercise does is make me tired and sweaty.
21:23.19Xanand then you feel good about it
21:23.25Nash-327No, you don't.
21:23.32Nash-327You feel tired, and sweaty.
21:23.46Mexa|ZugQuite frankly, I feel tired by not exercising
21:23.48Xanactually you should feel less tired
21:23.56Mexa|ZugAnd that in combination with my discipline is shit
21:24.33Nash-327Everything just hurts.
21:24.37Mexa|ZugBut hey, we're humans, on the internet, we are different, we don't give a shit
21:24.49Nash-327And you don't actually see any results.
21:24.49XanIf I don't excersise in a week I start feeling like shit
21:25.01Nash-327If I spend an hour programming I can see results.
21:25.11Nash-327Something is accomplished.
21:25.19Nash-327Exercise, nothing happens.
21:25.27Xanit happens, but slowly
21:25.28Mexa|ZugNash, what about doing it for keeping your health condition in an average shape?
21:25.34Xanwork out for a year and you will get results
21:25.35Nash-327Fucking unmotivating.
21:25.50Nash-327I'm not going to bother with anything that takes a year to get results.
21:26.09Xanyou will feel better already after a week though
21:26.21Mexa|ZugNash, how's your discipline btw?
21:26.25Mexa|ZugI know mine suck, so ._.
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21:26.43Nash-327Depends on how motivated I am.
21:26.55Nash-327I just don't give a shit about most things.
21:27.06Mexa|Zugmeh, that just sounds like an endless circuit.
21:27.07Nash-327But I can accomplish a lot when I do care.
21:27.54Nash-327I wrote a 540 page book in 4 months.
21:28.17Xanyou an writer?
21:28.50Nash-327I haven't written anything in a while though.
21:29.01Nash-327Just not feeling it.
21:29.17Nash-327But I have 2 books to write. :G
21:29.37Nash-327Possibly more.
21:29.46Xanabout what?
21:30.01Nash-327weird comedy fantasy stuff
21:30.27Nash-327Well, weird characters.
21:30.43Xanthey sell?
21:31.12Nash-327I haven't tried selling them.
21:31.18Xanwhy not?
21:31.25Nash-327I hate marketing shit.
21:31.27Xanwhy do you write them?
21:31.34Nash-327I felt like it.
21:32.03Xanyou should try selling them
21:32.13Xanor just show it to a publisher
21:32.27Xanmaybe people care to read them
21:32.34Nash-327Too much trying to push stuff.
21:32.51Nash-327Marketing garbage.
21:32.52Xanlet the publisher handle that
21:33.06Nash-327Still need to "sell it" to publishers.
21:33.26Nash-327Fuck it, I'll just get a website up when I have money.
21:33.30Xanjust show it, if they dont like it, just don't care
21:33.33Nash-327People can download and read.
21:35.02Nash-327Can't be bothered getting an agent or whatever.
21:35.13hawkeri didnt quit
21:35.15Xanyou might be missing out
21:35.16Zarakkattaching the map now, hawker
21:35.26hawkerthanks so much
21:35.28hawkercomplete lifesaver
21:35.29Zarakkthe editor is surprisingly slow when you're raiding at the same time :p or whatever
21:35.41hawkerlol :D
21:36.04Nash-327Get a website up, put books there, link to self-publish sites where people can buy a copy.
21:36.09hawkeryou should write swedish vampire detective fiction
21:36.11hawkerthat would sell wll
21:36.23Nash-327Not if I write it.
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21:37.34ZarakkOch Edvin gick utanför huset, hans hud glittrade som en lysande natthimmel en solig juni dag
21:37.39Zarakk*dahm dahm daaah*
21:39.00Mexa|ZugA light nightsky on a sunny day in june?
21:39.44Nash-327That's what I write. I couldn't really write stuff about normal people.
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21:40.08Nash-327I don't understand normal people well enough to portray them accurately.
21:40.18Nash-327So I'll just write odd people.
21:40.42Xanno relationship drama?
21:41.04Mexa|ZugMeh I'm going to bed. My through hurts and I am febrish.
21:41.16Ashamedi cant believe i dont have to work at hell anymore
21:41.17Nash-327Relationship drama ftl.
21:41.30Ashamedbut gusy that means i dunno how much time i will be able to spend with you durring my work days
21:41.33Mexa|Zugah yes
21:41.49Nash-327I don't have relationships of the type that causes drama.
21:41.53Mexa|ZugAnyways, bb
21:41.58hawkeryay zarak
21:44.24Nash-327If anyone wants to read that stuff I have 2 books done in the series :G
21:45.19Nash-3273rd is only 10% done or so :/
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21:46.39Xancan I take it and sell it for myself?
21:49.09Nash-327Always amuses me.
21:49.16Nash-327"problems I don't have" department
21:49.40AshamedLife Conqueror
21:50.10Xanwtf it changed face?
21:50.21Xanto a frenchman?
21:50.59Nash-327you're noob at rage comics I see
21:51.08hawkerso n00b
21:51.43hawkerthat is quite amusing
21:51.46hawkeri was amused
21:52.00Xanwhat is
21:52.01hawkeri derived amusement from that comic
21:52.35XanI dont get the joke
21:52.56Nash-327I don't know if there's a joke, really.
21:53.05hawkernot so much a joke
21:53.10hawkerhow do you check map size
21:53.11Nash-327Just a problem I don't have.
21:53.19Xanbut why did he change face?
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21:54.30hawkeralright, time for this n00b to make some murlocs
21:55.00hawker1. Create New Unit
21:55.05hawker2. Change model to murloc
21:55.18hawkerthat's about it?
21:56.03Nash-327you need a unit, an actor, a weapon, presumably
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21:57.05Nash-327And actor is non-trivial ;G
21:57.40Nash-327then you need an actor for weapon attacks, if ranged
21:57.41Xanthats some weird shit nash
21:57.55Nash-327possibly multiple actors
21:58.01Nash-327and ammo unit for missiles
21:58.13Nash-327effects for launch missile, damage
21:58.16hawkerhe's melee atm
21:58.34Nash-327Well then you just need a weapon with a damage effect.
21:58.50Nash-327And unit actor that plays attack animation when you attack
21:59.16hawkerso, first step is to duplicate a unit?
21:59.23hawkerthen swap model
21:59.49Nash-327question is which unit
22:00.03hawkeri was going to duplicate zealot
22:00.08Nash-327you'd want a minimal of extra crap
22:00.13Nash-327zealot has charge, etc
22:00.18Nash-327in the actor
22:00.21hawkerprisoner zealot
22:00.34hawkerit has it too
22:01.10Nash-327Broodling probably has some behaviors and stuff
22:01.46hawkerdoes it matter if the unit has an attack or not/
22:01.54hawkerythanks for the help btw
22:02.40Nash-327well a unit without attack may not have an attack entry in actor
22:02.46Nash-327Medic doesn't for example
22:03.00hawkertrying to think of a simple melee unit
22:03.12hawkerswarmling might not have the behaviour
22:05.15hawkerwhat would you recommend>
22:05.49hawkerLOL map is 30 mb
22:05.56hawkerneed to remove models :D
22:06.41Nash-327Virophage feederling seems to have minimal bullshit
22:06.54hawkerdoes it not have an attack though?
22:07.08hawkerdoes it have an attack
22:07.19Nash-327no, but its actor has an attack entry
22:07.31Nash-327so you can add attack ability and weapon
22:07.55hawkerjust check off actors, correct?
22:08.33Nash-327DUPLICATE MAGIC
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22:10.32Nash-327just watch out for stuff like Walk animation speed settings in actor
22:10.45Nash-327your murloc model may require different settings
22:10.54hawkerwhat should i switch wireframe too?
22:12.17Nash-327UI- Status Bar Flags are unchecked too
22:12.28Nash-327you probably want to check them
22:13.01hawkerunder wireframes, i can only find the baby murloc, and costume murloc
22:18.07Nash-327IMPORT MOAR
22:20.28Nash-327Internet Troll Tribes
22:21.46hawkernm, was failing hard
22:22.02hawkerdoing murloc tribes
22:22.06hawkerwhich actually is ok
22:22.18hawkerbecause like 90% of the blizzard fanbase knows what murlocs are
22:22.22hawkerand will go
22:22.26hawkerDERP MUROX
22:22.45Nash-327and they don't know what trolls are?
22:23.23hawkerwell they will, but trolls will not illicit the same response
22:23.58Nash-327who wants to play as annoying murlocs though?
22:24.22hawkerit will be like
22:24.25hawkerAWWW CUUTE MURLOX
22:24.31Nash-327They're the perpetual nuisance of Warcraft D:
22:24.42hawkeri couldn't get a troll model
22:24.46Nash-327Like an annoying fly
22:24.49hawkerso i'm making the best of it
22:24.53hawkeri <3 murlox
22:25.03Nash-327And they even sound annoying.
22:27.02Nash-327 there are trolls there D:
22:27.54hawkerno trolls
22:27.59hawkeronly dire trolls
22:28.34hawkerand bird/fish trolls
22:28.34Nash-327important distinction?
22:29.01hawkerhave bird feet/wings
22:29.05hawkerlook more closely
22:29.27hawkercat head
22:29.41Ashamed1 hour lef tof hell
22:29.45Ashamed3 more days
22:31.07Nash-327Dire trolls seem like trolls to me
22:33.21Nash-327I can understand you don't like troll furries though.
22:34.39hawkeri can't change the feederling name
22:34.56Nash-327Damn troll furries.
22:35.05Nash-327I've killed them so many times :G
22:35.27Nash-327Weren't you going to duplicate it?
22:36.01hawkeri did
22:36.19hawkerbut the virophage prefix remains
22:36.31Nash-327it's an editor prefix
22:36.38Nash-327it's not part of the name
22:36.38hawkeri can only change it from "Virophage Feederling Copy" to Virophage Murloc
22:36.59Nash-327might want to change it anyway
22:37.59mind_sparkso i'm trying to make an item shop, but the shop wont transfer ownership to me, so i wind up getting: you cannot spend another players recource message
22:38.07mind_sparkhow can i get the ownership when in range?
22:38.24mind_spark(btw, got the interact ability with share control checked)
22:39.00Nash-327there's probably an effect for that
22:39.17Nash-327change owner
22:40.02Nash-327I use triggers for it
22:40.18Nash-327so I'm not sure what the effect would be called
22:41.06Nash-327modify unit if nothing else
22:41.11mind_sparkaint there a way of spending your own recources or transferring ownership with data editing? (kinda dont like messing with triggers)
22:41.16mind_sparkk i'll try that
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22:43.07mind_sparkbah, cant see any way of doing that with modify unit
22:46.36Nash-327look at neural parasite?
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22:48.43mind_sparkthing is that its supposed to work, cuz i check all the same stuff as the tutorials
22:50.02Nash-327probably not set up the cost correctly
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22:50.31Nash-327it's trying to spend shop player's resources and not yours
22:51.08Nash-327Is there a Player entry somewhere in Cost section? :G
22:51.44mind_sparki'll check
22:52.55mind_sparkcant see any player stuff there no
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22:56.51Vailrethpills pills pills im filled with pills, take another pill when i see my medical bill, poppem like MnMs then i get refills to i rattle when i walk...
23:00.07Nash-327Well then all I can suggest is that you reread the tutorial in detail, double-check you've followed it, the reply to the tutorial if you still can't get it working.
23:00.24Nash-327And possibly pet and/or bag some kittuns.
23:01.26mind_sparkk, i have gone thru it several times over :P
23:01.28mind_sparkdoing it atm
23:02.32hawkerpet the ittun then
23:03.18Nash-327suddenly, you discover trivial error
23:03.30Nash-327then facepalm
23:03.39hawkerrook at ra rittle rurloc
23:05.03CurrydevilFor Mrglglglglll!
23:07.36hawkerthe feederling made it crash
23:07.42hawkereven though i did the same thing
23:07.52hawkergot err0r messages errwhere
23:17.19Nash-327oh well
23:18.30Nash-327can delete the actor references to Charge
23:18.34Nash-327the ability
23:18.55Nash-327remove the icon, etc
23:20.29Nash-327sleep time for me
23:20.43Nash-327a time when you sleep
23:20.45hawkeri'll have more of that map done
23:20.55Nash-327and kittunbags?
23:20.56hawkeryour map
23:21.12Nash-327a reason to get up in the morning!
23:24.51Currydevilaha that's a fun ability
23:29.37mind_sparkgot it, it was a trigger setting the neutral to ally/neutral
23:29.51mind_sparkso have to set any alliance thingy for the shops, thats it
23:33.50CazLol i love weird Al's star wars song
23:34.02Currydevilwhich one?  jedi?
23:34.03Cazsaga begins
23:34.48Cazi like the song originally done to the music alos
23:35.38Cazamerican pie or something...
23:36.31Currydevilyeah listening to it now
23:40.45Cazwoot woot
23:41.16Currydeviloh yeah pretty fly for a jedi was the other one
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23:50.50Vailrethhmm yay about ready to start testing my grind ability ... every one wish me luck
23:51.51mind_sparkgood luck
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