IRC log for #sc2mapster on 20110412

00:01.05AlphA_VsTsomething like that
00:01.34AlphA_VsTthrow in some risk style control area type shit
00:01.37AlphA_VsTand your on the right track
00:03.16*** join/#sc2mapster poiuy_qwert (~poiuy_qwe@unaffiliated/poiuy-qwert/x-0506151)
00:03.48Stewoxjademusserg did you check it ?
00:04.52Ashamed2 more hours
00:04.54Stewoxjademussreg * (your name is so confusing , i always think of zerg = serg)
00:05.00Stewoxwhat ...
00:05.40Stewox2hrs what
00:13.39JademusSregSee above.
00:15.58*** join/#sc2mapster Saeris (
00:16.03JademusSreg[17:58:57] <JademusSreg> Stew. Some feedback on your readme file: Spelling errors should be corrected, editorializations reduced or removed entirely, would benefit from a bit better organization. Factually, all the information is golden, quite useful.
00:16.03JademusSreg[17:59:13] <JademusSreg> However, it reads like a schizophrenic is shouting everything at me.
00:19.32*** join/#sc2mapster QueenGambit (43ab2844@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
00:19.53QueenGambiti just started playing minecraft
00:20.11QueenGambitIt is pretty fun, i don't know why i didn't like it before
00:21.35JademusSregI'd like to play it sometime.
00:26.59montaggFrom what I hear, it's ver addicting, especially to people who like making maps (i.e. everyone I this channel).
00:27.16montaggHence, why I've avoided it so far. =c)
00:29.46AlphA_VsTits not free :P
00:29.55*** join/#sc2mapster SentryIII (44973315@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
00:30.30*** join/#sc2mapster Skizot (
00:30.49*** join/#sc2mapster LordAbyss (~Christoph@
00:31.07*** join/#sc2mapster poiuy_qwert (~poiuy_qwe@unaffiliated/poiuy-qwert/x-0506151)
00:31.49Ashamed1 1/2 hours left
00:33.30JademusSregI'm writing 100 different death messages. I'm in the 80s, and it has become challenging.
00:34.07montaggNot being free when I can play an equally addicting but free game (LoL) is reason #2.
00:35.36AlphA_VsTlol death messages for what?
00:35.47JademusSregFor my map.
00:39.23*** join/#sc2mapster Maknyuzz (4c68b5c3@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
00:41.45*** join/#sc2mapster Sixen (
00:41.45*** mode/#sc2mapster [+o Sixen] by ChanServ
00:42.02Ashamedi am sorry i just looked up minecraft
00:42.06Ashamedand it looks like it fucking sucks
00:42.28Ashamedi am not down for the shitty graphics games
00:44.04QueenGambitYah i enjoy map terraining and minecraft what i'll ever need
00:44.17QueenGambitgah! i must finish my map
00:45.50JademusSreg100 death messages.
00:45.50StewoxJademussreg ,  i was quite sleepy when writing that
00:45.58Stewoxi'll not be next time
00:46.16Stewoxthe readme is a bit unorganized
00:46.27Stewoxsince i learned and relaized my self while writting it
00:46.43Stewoxsome stuff got obsolete , some stuff i already removed
00:46.44SentryIII100 death messages?
00:46.51SentryIIIThat seems... excessive...
00:47.06JademusSregExcessive is my middle name.
00:47.27JademusSregAnyway, I like my maps to be fun.
00:47.39Ashamedjade did you add rockets to your map?
00:47.44Ashamedor just death messages ?
00:47.54SentryIIIDoes it include something along the lines of "_____ eats _____'s pineapple"?
00:47.55JademusSregIf you're going to blow up, you should at least have something to laugh about during the interim between your demise and the next round.
00:48.17JademusSregAsh, I will not add rockets.
00:48.29JademusSregI will, at some point, add a mode based on Sixen's ideas.
00:48.51JademusSregHe told me that the Tron movie featured discs that could be thrown.
00:49.05JademusSregPlayers would start with one and pick up others on the game board.
00:49.20JademusSregA weapon of limited supply intrigues me.
00:49.40Ashamedjade you have enver seen tron?
00:49.51JademusSregBesides that, I have other neat features planned. I'll see what I can do with those.
00:50.04JademusSregI saw the original when I was very young.
00:50.09Ashamedit has the disk
00:50.13Ashamedin the original
00:50.28Stewoxthanks for feedback jademus
00:50.36JademusSregNo problem Stew.
00:50.49Ashamedjade i am making a map like yours but mine haz weapons :)
00:50.51JademusSregThat sort of modding was done during beta, so I don't even need to test it.
00:50.55Stewoxyou can also comment on it on the asset page , ... bump up for other people to notice
00:50.58Ashamedbut mine is more on the lines of snake
00:51.10*** join/#sc2mapster poiuy_qwert (~poiuy_qwe@unaffiliated/poiuy-qwert/x-0506151)
00:51.10JademusSregThat's cool Ash.
00:51.17Stewoxi know ... that was all beta stuff
00:51.22Ashamedit is cool
00:51.22Stewoxbut ... better late then never
00:51.25Ashamedits like the coolest
00:51.39JademusSregI don't much care for snake myself, but I appreciate any map that is well implemented and has decent gameplay.
00:51.39Stewoxi didn't do such modding in beta , i had noidea then
00:51.48Ashamedoh its not snake
00:51.50Ashamedits battle snake
00:51.53Stewoxi was only realizing the system cause im not a wc3 guy :P
00:52.09Ashamedi am going to create more then one mode
00:52.24Ashamedone of the modes i want to create is going to be an rpg mode.. which actually requires you to lvl your snake up
00:52.27Ashamedbut that will be later
00:52.35Ashamedand it would be 3rd person
00:52.42Ashamednot above view
00:52.55Ashamedi just got the borders working :) i can create any type of border i want
00:53.43montaggAshamed: What kind of border? How does that work?
00:53.52JademusSregI'll provide a link.
00:53.56Ashamedoh just ones created out of doodad walls
00:54.04JademusSregOh, haha.
00:54.04Ashamedbut i made it so i can create them
00:54.05montaggOhh, cool.
00:54.10Ashamednot like a set map
00:54.15Ashamedits so i can make more then one map layout
00:54.25Ashamedthe only one i have right now is classic
00:54.30JademusSregI thought you meant dialog borders.
00:54.31Ashamedwhich puts a border around the entire map
00:54.37Ashamedbut i will have like teleports and stuff too
00:54.57Ashamedlike pac-man teleports
00:54.57Ashamedwhere there is an opening in a wall
00:55.05Ashamedand it takes you to the other side of the map
00:55.08JademusSregI made this for my own use, but it might be useful to people who make custom dialogs and layouts:
00:55.26Ashamedi am not at home
00:55.29Ashamedno photoshop
00:56.08Ashamedoh man they are transfering her
00:56.10Ashamedthe next 3 days ><
00:56.16Ashamedi like this movie
00:56.30Ashamedthe last* 3 days
00:56.53JademusSregSaw it at the gym.
00:57.00Ashamedyou watch the entire thing?
00:57.04JademusSregI'm on the fence about it.
00:57.12Ashamedi like these types of movies
00:57.19Ashamedbecause it at least keeps my interrest up
00:57.47Ashamedi think this is russel crowes best type of character too
00:57.49JademusSregThere are qualities I liked about it, but I felt the idiot ball was passed around a few times.
00:58.14Ashamedi have yet to wathc the entire thing
00:58.17Ashamedso i dunno
00:58.35JademusSregIn any case, the acting was a decent calibre, there weren't any scenes were I was raging at bad acting or anything.
00:58.45Ashamedoh shiz he just almost hit someone
00:58.51JademusSregJust tsking when characters behaved stupid a few times.
00:59.02Ashamedlike when he kills them meth heads
00:59.12*** join/#sc2mapster Hjalte (
00:59.33Ashamedi dont feel that was a smart move.. i was like wtf he is just killing these meth heads
00:59.55Ashamedbut i guess if you need to kill someone... Meth Heads are the people to kiill
01:00.25Stewoxačright guys
01:00.31Stewoxoff to sleep
01:10.59JademusSregThe meth heads I met during my more, shall we say, color past were just the sort to shoot first, ask second, make friends with you third.
01:11.27*** join/#sc2mapster poiuy_qwert (~poiuy_qwe@unaffiliated/poiuy-qwert/x-0506151)
01:13.31Maknyuzzanyone know why I couldn't get the image to work for UI override? @@UI/ConsoleModelInfopanel_Terr = blue image
01:13.54AshamedOMG 45 minutes
01:14.15Ashamedjade you use to be in the hardcore drug world ?
01:14.30Maknyuzzthe next 3 days is pretty good
01:14.38Ashamedyeah i like it :)
01:14.43Maknyuzzboth girls are hot
01:14.44Ashamedi just like the suspense
01:14.58Maknyuzzbanks and the nicole
01:15.04Ashamedlike i see myself actually trying to guess whats going to happen
01:15.07Ashamedinstead of already knowing
01:15.10Ashamedlike most movies
01:15.12Maknyuzzbtw anyone know why I couldn't get the image to work for UI override? @@UI/ConsoleModelInfopanel_Terr = blue image
01:15.46Ashamednope :(
01:16.59JademusSregMak, try either getting it to reference a different object or disabling the frame via trigger, if applicable.
01:17.36Maknyuzzim trying to do border texture for one of the UI Frame
01:17.54JademusSregYeah, I did that today, too.
01:18.04Maknyuzzit couldnt read m3 files
01:18.09Ashamedhmm i am wondering if i should get hp wireless all in one printer
01:18.11Maknyuzzonly dds works seems like
01:18.11Ashamedfor 80 dollars
01:18.19JademusSregSeems that way.
01:18.41Skizotit will read tga or dds. nothing more nothing less.
01:18.48Maknyuzznot sure ashamed
01:18.55Maknyuzzi print at work only lolz
01:19.01JademusSregAsh, if its a good investment, whereby it saves you money or assits you in making money, I say yes.
01:19.01Maknyuzzcan u convert m3 to dds?
01:19.14Ashamedi can print at work too
01:19.23Ashamedbut still having a printer at home would be convienent
01:19.32JademusSregm3 is a model format, dds is a texture format
01:19.54Maknyuzzi dunno why they use .m3 for console texture tho
01:20.00JademusSregSince m3 uses dds textures, just use the textures its using.
01:20.12JademusSregHai Sixen
01:21.05JademusSregI wrote a hundred death messages; it is gratuitous.
01:21.43LiliannaNot enough
01:21.54Liliannayou shoulda wrote a Markov generator!
01:22.02Liliannaso you can generato infinite death messages!
01:22.05JademusSregYou are all welcome to submit your own for my use. =D
01:22.48JademusSregFormat playerName+" has died in a descriptive fashion"+"."
01:23.40JademusSregI could probably detect which player's barrier is responsible for killing another player, but do not care to at the moment. Maybe sometime in the future.
01:23.58Ashamedwow haz you guys checked out intels new i7 sandy bridge?
01:24.02Ashamedits actually a decent price
01:24.05Ashamedand its really fucking fast
01:24.14Ashamedits 3.4 - 3.8 boost speeds ><
01:24.18Ashamedand its only 95 watts
01:24.30Ashamedand instead of being 600+ dollars
01:24.32Ashamedits only 300
01:24.44AlphA_VsTEVERYONE BUY ONE NOW!!!!!!!!!!
01:24.51Ashamedit kinda amazes me
01:25.00Ashamedi knew they were creating the new bridge
01:25.04Ashamedand i knew it was going to be cheaper
01:25.12Ashamedbut part of me didn't think they were going to drop prices
01:25.36Ashamedi bet they could still drop it more
01:25.45Ashamedand compete with AMD's prices
01:25.47Ashamedbut they wont
01:25.53AlphA_VsTof course not
01:29.30*** join/#sc2mapster FireryRage (~FireryRag@
01:31.07*** join/#sc2mapster poiuy_qwert (~poiuy_qwe@unaffiliated/poiuy-qwert/x-0506151)
01:35.14*** join/#sc2mapster TM_ (43f8abcc@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
01:35.19Ashamedmy new schedule is dragging on.. 30 more minites :(
01:35.40*** join/#sc2mapster Mexa (504ed88b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
01:35.50Mexaheyo all
01:37.34MexaI am back, after sleeping... 15 hours or something
01:38.05MexaNever felt better
01:38.22*** join/#sc2mapster Ashamed (20616e3e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
01:39.11Mexas there any way to find out if a user have ignored you?
01:39.21Ashamedi ignore you
01:39.27Mexano you don't
01:40.18MexaI was meaning more with the /ignore thingy
01:40.29Mexa~seen deathnight114
01:40.36purldeathnight114 is currently on #sc2mapster (20h 17m 24s), last said: 'lol'.
01:44.00Ashamedoh shiz chicka trying to jump out of a car
01:46.17AlphA_VsTCRASH :(
01:46.29AlphA_VsTi couldnt save my new model either QQ
01:51.57Ashamedso i was diagnosed with celiac disease and i must say it fucking sucks
01:52.05Ashamedbut it all makes sense now ><
01:53.47Mexaceliac disease?
01:55.16JademusSregCan;t process wheat gluten, iirc
01:56.05JademusSregWheat products will severely damage his intestinal lining.
01:56.50JademusSregThere are, of course, "gluten-free" products of dubious claim.
01:57.16*** join/#sc2mapster Ashamed (20616e3e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
02:00.00Mexa what language is this? Java
02:02.38*** join/#sc2mapster Chamenas (
02:05.22*** join/#sc2mapster Mexa (504ed88b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
02:05.27Mexafuu net..
02:07.02*** join/#sc2mapster Dynast (~Dynast@
02:11.01JademusSregHow annoying. I'm encountering sound problems.
02:12.16JademusSregMy map isn't playing sounds as it should.
02:18.19JademusSregFound the problem.
02:18.32JademusSregSilly, I forgot volume was a percent, not a factor.
02:21.07Bountyi finally decided what i wanna make ><
02:21.21Bountythanks to DarkRevs Mafia ><
02:21.25Bountyinspired me
02:21.50JademusSregGo ooon.
02:22.03BountyIt takes place in a town in the woods
02:22.06Bountynot sure how many players
02:22.11Bountybut one player is a werewolf
02:22.21Bountyand at night he is able to hunt down players
02:22.28Bountynot very original yet
02:22.30Bountybut stick with me
02:22.43JademusSregThe game in real life is very amusing.
02:22.45Bountythe players have the option to kill the werewolf at night with guns
02:22.53Bountythey can either try to kill him with normal guns
02:22.59Bountyor venture into the woods to look for silver bullets
02:23.02Bountythis is the mafia part
02:23.04Bountyduring the day
02:23.05JademusSregI was once lynched because I was eating a jelly donut.
02:23.17Bountyall players gather in the town square to vote for who they think the werewolf is
02:23.28Bountyheres the kicker
02:23.31*** join/#sc2mapster poiuy_qwert (~poiuy_qwe@unaffiliated/poiuy-qwert/x-0506151)
02:23.41Bountysometimes at night the werewolf will revert back into his human form
02:23.44JademusSregFunny thing is that this is very similar to that map we played last map night.
02:23.48Bountyeach player is given a specific look/model
02:24.00Bountyu can identify the werwolf on looks
02:24.02JademusSregThat map + mafia.
02:24.03Bountyif u catch his face
02:24.17Bountysound like a good idea?
02:24.35JademusSregIt's a decent idea.
02:24.44JademusSregNow follow through and make it awesome.
02:25.01Bountyany holes in see in the concept?
02:25.12Bountyholes you see*
02:25.53JademusSregWhat if someone doesn't show up at the town hall?
02:26.33Bountyeveroyne has to
02:26.36Bountylike mafia
02:26.43Bountythats what u do during the day
02:26.46Bountydiscuss what you saw
02:26.54Bountybut the thing i think that makes it unique
02:27.01Bountyis the fact its not about lucky guesses
02:27.09Bountyyou can actually catch a glimpse of the werewolfs human face
02:27.13Bountyand identify him based on that
02:27.25JademusSregSo where does the real investigating come into play?
02:27.46Bountykeeping an eye on housing arrangements
02:27.54Bountylike when night falls
02:27.59JademusSregIt think investigating would be a more interesting mechanic than "catching a glimpse".
02:28.02Bountyjust look at who is doing what ><
02:28.17Bountythe werewolf can shapeshift at any point
02:28.20JademusSregLike people doing detective style gameplay.
02:28.36*** join/#sc2mapster VJain (
02:28.45JademusSregJust my thoughts though. =)
02:28.57Bountywell i mean if you have any ideas dude
02:28.59Bountyim all ears
02:29.31JademusSregHow would you conduct an investigation?
02:29.36JademusSregWhat would you look for?
02:29.40MexaBounty, despite all the kickers, it reminds me of the warcraft 3 map night of the wherewolf.
02:29.50JademusSregWhat sorts of evidence is ambiguous enough to facilitate argument?
02:30.07Bountywhat i think might help abit
02:30.09Bountyis if all chat
02:30.13Bountywas done via chat bubbles
02:30.18Bountyso say you and i go into the woods
02:30.24Bountyto look for materials for the silver bullets
02:30.28Bountyif nobody comes with us
02:30.31Bountyits just you and me :)
02:30.50Bountynobody would know u died until they found ur body or if u didnt show up at town hall
02:31.32MexaYou could have subtle messages if someone died otherwise, like, a red dawn:P
02:31.54Bountyu dont think it would be more fun to discover a players body?
02:31.56Bountyor be like
02:31.58JademusSregI don't dig the mandatory scripted town hall thing for the type of game you suggest.
02:32.02BountyJade didnt show up for town hall!
02:32.26BountyWhy not Jade?
02:32.58JademusSregGiving people the option to not show up gives them the opportunity to appear guilty.
02:32.59Bountymaybe make town hall an option?
02:33.14Bountyi wasnt going to make it optional
02:33.18Bountyit was going to be mandatory
02:33.23Bountyso ur saying make it optional?
02:33.41Bountybetter yet
02:33.46JademusSregYes, in the sense that it isn't scripted, just encouraged.
02:33.49Bountymake it so u can hunt for silver bullets at day and night
02:33.56Bountyso it doesnt look TO obvious
02:33.58Bountyif u skip town hall
02:34.22*** join/#sc2mapster Cintiq (
02:34.41MexaI could imagine using only chat bubbles like that would be messy
02:34.55MexaJust for the fact that you can't read the history of it
02:34.55Bountywould use text tags
02:35.08Bountywell i mean
02:35.22Bountymaking it so everyone can read chat would make it to easy
02:35.41Bountylike if im the werwolf and im in the woods with u
02:35.42Mexayou could add some sort of filter system
02:35.45Bountyandi transform
02:35.51Bountyu could just be like oh its bounty guys
02:35.58Bountycan you filter by region?
02:36.03Bountyor distance
02:36.08MexaIf you make a such system:P
02:36.14JademusSregAdding a filter means handling all the responsibilities of a chat log.
02:36.39JademusSregWhich sounds like a boring task with little return.
02:36.52*** join/#sc2mapster MaxMode (
02:37.04JademusSregNot having a log allows it to play, dare I see, more realistically, and makes the game more cerebral.
02:37.15Bountythats whatim saying
02:37.17JademusSregLike, wow guys, we need to remember shit for once.
02:37.33Mexabut what if people is talking all at once to you?
02:37.49Bountywell then
02:37.51JademusSregTexttags look like ass, of course.
02:37.53Bountyjust like real life
02:37.55Bountybe like
02:37.56Bountyslow down guys!
02:37.59Bountyone at a time
02:39.03Mexawell okay that sounds like a lesser problem then
02:40.07JademusSregHowever, if the full extent of evidence involved is "see the dude killin dudes", then it will play like SC1's The Thuing.
02:40.50Bountyso i should make it so u can leave evidence?
02:40.55JademusSregI suggest a sort of quest line that results in revealing identity in some capacity, so that the werewolf must subtley but actively work against the investigation.
02:41.19JademusSregDestroying evidence, planting evidence, and so forth.
02:41.30JademusSregHiding evidence that cannot be destroyed.
02:42.04JademusSregI mean, if you don't do it, I'll get around to my ideas eventually. I had them in wc3, but had not the time to make the map.
02:42.21Bountythat would require you launch a map
02:42.28Bountywhich... i would like to see actually =P
02:42.45JademusSregYou're silly.
02:43.30*** join/#sc2mapster poiuy_qwert (~poiuy_qwe@unaffiliated/poiuy-qwert/x-0506151)
02:44.47Bounty8 players sound good?
02:44.50Bountyor is that to little
02:45.10JademusSregNo reason not to allow a lot of players in a social game.
02:45.23JademusSregSo I'd say allow 14 users or so.
02:46.02JademusSregYou'll want to reserve a slot for a neutral player, at least, and one slot must remain closed.
02:46.03MexaThe neutral slots can't be used right?
02:46.20JademusSregThey can.
02:46.31JademusSregBut one slot must always be closed.
02:46.37JademusSregCan't have 16 open slots to a map.
02:46.43Mexahow's so?
02:46.53JademusSregDunno. Just can't.
02:47.13MexaIt's not about setting up the teams wrong then?
02:47.39JademusSregTeams aren't even important so far as I'm concerned.
02:47.56JademusSregIn a team based multiplayer, I'm going to autobalance anyway.
02:48.12JademusSregBut I can see why others  would need them to work properly. =D
02:48.57Mexamm ok
02:49.14MexaI'm going off some to finish watching star wars ep 1
02:52.52*** join/#sc2mapster FireryRage (~FireryRag@
02:59.25AlphA_VsTmaking decent models takes to much time :(
02:59.39*** join/#sc2mapster cintiq_ (~cintiq@
03:03.30*** join/#sc2mapster poiuy_qwert (~poiuy_qwe@unaffiliated/poiuy-qwert/x-0506151)
03:05.27JademusSregBut it'll be worth it.
03:05.35*** join/#sc2mapster LordAbyss (~Christoph@
03:08.02AlphA_VsTyeah :P
03:10.13*** join/#sc2mapster DonKalypso_ (
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03:23.40*** join/#sc2mapster poiuy_qwert (~poiuy_qwe@unaffiliated/poiuy-qwert/x-0506151)
03:30.56*** join/#sc2mapster QueenGambit (43ab2844@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
03:33.21Skizotanyone doing a racing map?
03:33.43JademusSregBounty has speedcraft.
03:33.49JademusSregThat's all I know about.
03:34.13Skizoti kinda wanna see thouse put to use.
03:34.23JademusSregNot the meth-distribution RTS I had been hoping. D=
03:34.45JademusSregThose are goddamn fine, Skiz.
03:35.07Skizotanimated and everything.
03:35.44JademusSregWish I could use em, but I have nothing yet worthy.
03:40.07AlphA_VsTi remember those
03:41.05AlphA_VsTi could randomly put them in my map :P
03:41.50QueenGambitwhere in data editor to remove creep requirement for zerg buildings?
03:43.37*** join/#sc2mapster Ashamed (43adf1dc@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
03:43.39JademusSregJust give it a different footprint.
03:43.40*** join/#sc2mapster poiuy_qwert (~poiuy_qwe@unaffiliated/poiuy-qwert/x-0506151)
03:45.03MexaSkizot, you made those?
03:45.43Skizotyes an no.
03:45.57Mexaexplain yourself:P
03:46.02Skizotthey are turbosquid specials that i made work in sc2.
03:46.17Skizotfull texture and model edits though.
03:46.24Skizotas HOLY SHIT 40k models are not meeded.
03:46.33Skizoti fully animated them
03:46.36MexaThey are rips, is that what you mean?
03:46.57MexaSo what is the 'no' part?
03:47.09Skizoti didn't make the initial shell.
03:47.27MexaTurbosquid is another person I assume now then?
03:47.34Skizotbut i pretty much remodelled the damned thing to geth the polycount down so i could stick the ghost in it.
03:47.43Skizotgoogle turbosquid.
03:47.54Skizotpurl google turbosquid
03:48.08Skizot~purl google
03:48.09purli heard google is
03:48.13Skizot~purl google turbosquid
03:48.24Skizoti hate you bot.
03:48.26MexaI see
03:48.40MexaBut aren't those consting money?
03:48.47Skizotthey have free stuff.
03:49.00MexaAnd the license is covered?
03:49.04Skizotjust usally a shitty model.
03:49.08Skizotfree to use.
03:49.26MexaI might use them :)
03:49.40Skizotbut it's not just a pop in and go from turbosquid.
03:49.54MexaI figured
03:50.39MexaSkizot, I have a race project going on, which have stood still now for about 4 months
03:50.53MexaI might take some time to continue later
03:51.07JademusSregI need test subjects.
03:51.24MexaJademus, as in players?
03:51.27JademusSregI'm testing the notifications and victory conditions on my map.
03:51.44MexaOn eu as usual, sorry :|
03:52.31MexaSkizot, did you already upload them, or should I do something in particular to catch you:P?
03:54.36JademusSregOnce I confirm this stuff is working, that leaves adding additional features, like turbo boost.
03:54.42AlphA_VsTi stole that muhahaha
03:55.26JademusSregAny NA players I may convince to assist?
03:56.04MexaAlpha, did you manage to fix the selection issue?
03:57.35MexaSkizot, looks interesting :)
03:58.20MexaWhat about the others?
03:59.36Mexathe other buggies you showed
03:59.43MexaAre the fully functional?
03:59.44Skizotthey are in there..
03:59.54Skizotjust have to look at the imported models.
04:00.14MexaYeah, and there's only one imported buggy
04:00.27Skizothahah wrong buggy map.
04:00.31Skizoti'm a dumbass.
04:00.46MexaLiked this one too though
04:01.16Skizotit's not for use.
04:01.21AlphA_VsTmexa nope im about 1/2 with a work aroudn though
04:01.23Mexaok :p
04:01.35MexaAlpha, oh?
04:01.49Skizotit's for a mod
04:01.52AlphA_VsTa unit has to have a hieght offset for it to show which is odd
04:01.53MexaSkizot, too bad :>
04:02.09Skizotuploading the right map now.
04:02.14AlphA_VsT i like my new traffic light...
04:02.41AlphA_VsTits simple but nice
04:03.18AlphA_VsTlol one pannel down 0.o
04:03.30*** join/#sc2mapster poiuy_qwert (~poiuy_qwe@unaffiliated/poiuy-qwert/x-0506151)
04:03.37MexaSkizot, what other project is that buggy for?
04:04.43Skizotan s of yet unamed project.
04:05.40AlphA_VsTim probably going to try and animate the light for red yellow and green eak
04:05.53MexaSkizot, it reminded me of this:
04:06.12Skizothasha that's it.
04:06.41MexaIt's that project?
04:07.47Skizotsee the first screen shot in the blog post?
04:07.47Skizoti made all that markety stuff
04:07.59Skizoteverything but the road and ground is mine
04:08.17MexaThat's great
04:09.15MexaIt's in those situations, I wonder why people decide to use sc2 for it
04:09.23MexaAlso yours Alpha
04:09.31MexaWhy not a custom engine?
04:10.23MexaI guess I could ask anyone that... why sc2:P?
04:10.42AlphA_VsTlots of more work :P
04:10.55AlphA_VsTlarge userbase
04:11.00MexaYes, but also mroe profitable :=
04:11.22SkizotI'm lead animator / engine management person.
04:12.03MexaBut yeah, the large userbase is somethign to take in considerations too I guess
04:12.07AlphA_VsTim just having fun
04:12.26MexaAnd I see that it would appear more casual to work at a mod
04:12.42MexaRather than having it take up your entire day
04:12.53Mexa(tho it might do anyway)
04:13.29AlphA_VsTat the rate im going 0.o
04:13.48AlphA_VsTi have one pannel mostly done out of i have no idea how many 0.o
04:13.57AlphA_VsTand thats just the models :(
04:14.14MexaA pannel?
04:14.35AlphA_VsTyeah of the grid
04:14.59AlphA_VsTeach grid is 9 pannels
04:15.40Mexayeah, I find it almost unbelieable you still continue with that:P? It's a oneperson large project isn't it?
04:16.16AlphA_VsTi made it large
04:16.23AlphA_VsTi over do it
04:16.34MexaIt's nice, it has it's own style
04:20.05MexaJust look at myself, I halted mine for 4 months
04:20.54AlphA_VsTlol well i sorta did also but only cause i didnt have sc2 :P
04:22.29MexaI see, the beta right?
04:22.31*** join/#sc2mapster poiuy_qwert (~poiuy_qwe@unaffiliated/poiuy-qwert/x-0506151)
04:23.07MexaBut I quit mine because I tend to do whatever I am donig over and over again
04:23.12*** join/#sc2mapster Stimpy77_ (
04:23.17MexaLike I am never getting satisfied :/
04:23.36Mexathink this is the 5th time at least I will redo my input system, and car system
04:23.59Maknyuzzhi guys
04:24.04Mexahi there
04:24.22AlphA_VsTi have to redo somethings but i wont redo the whole map lol
04:24.28Maknyuzzany idea how to move dialog x to the back of the layer?
04:24.41Maknyuzzone of my dialog is interrupting the text
04:24.49Maknyuzzwant to send it back as background
04:26.13MexaI think there is a way to set it's render priority
04:26.38Skizotwho wants to buy me portal 2 for some artwork? :D
04:26.39MexaOther than that, they are given the render priority in the order they are created
04:27.00MexaSkizot lol :>
04:27.11Skizoti'm serious.
04:27.24MexaI sadly don't have the money for that
04:27.25Maknyuzzwe can set up fund
04:27.41Maknyuzzlike 40 people putting $1 each
04:27.53Maknyuzzamazon has $20 off i think
04:28.03MexaSkizot, oh you mean you're going to make artwork?
04:28.06Skizotif anyone is making a turretD map i have a TON of turret models.
04:28.38MexaI could link you to all video clips I know regarding portal 2, if that's any help
04:29.02Skizoti mean i will make YOU some art if you buy ME portal. lol
04:30.32MexaStill don't have the cash, dundun
04:30.44Maknyuzzy mexa
04:30.56MexaYou can't set a dialog render priority, but you can set it's items
04:31.05MexaI'm not sure if that's helping
04:31.06Maknyuzzyea doesnt work
04:31.14Maknyuzzstill overlapping the text
04:31.16*** join/#sc2mapster Computerpunk (~Computerp@
04:31.25MexaWhat specific text are we talking about?
04:31.32Maknyuzzthe info panel
04:31.46MexaI forgot, which panel is that
04:31.58Maknyuzzinfo panel is the one where u can see your unit
04:32.14Mexathe one saying kills and rank and all that?
04:32.47AlphA_VsTwhy do you have a dialog over that?
04:32.57Maknyuzzi can do border on layout override
04:33.02Maknyuzzbut too lazy lolz
04:33.08Maknyuzzso i try dialog first
04:33.19Maknyuzzi wanna have custom ui console
04:33.58AlphA_VsTok well
04:34.05MexaYah, the best way to do that is to get to the override
04:34.23Mexa.. I suppose.
04:34.30AlphA_VsTyes and you can also make a new model
04:34.39QueenGambithi again
04:34.44Mexahi there
04:35.08QueenGambitquestion, you know how the heal button has a cool animation to it? is there a way to put that animation on any button?
04:35.20JademusSregAutocast, you mean?
04:35.30QueenGambitlike a passive thing
04:35.47JademusSregDoesn't make sense.
04:35.48QueenGambitits on the repair button on scv
04:35.55JademusSregPassive buttons don't do anything.
04:36.04QueenGambitokay ignore my word passive
04:36.06JademusSregBut autocast is used for active abilities.
04:36.16JademusSregIt's as easy as toggling a flag.
04:36.44QueenGambitmy question is can i take that autocast animation found on heal and repair and put it on any button?
04:36.57AlphA_VsThe just said :P
04:37.02JademusSregBy making it autocast, you can.
04:37.40MexaJademus, any ideas on the camera of your project yet?
04:37.55MexaTo make it less dizzy I mean
04:37.56JademusSregYeah, camera has been done for a while.
04:38.09JademusSregIt's very different now.
04:38.20JademusSregI'll send you a copy in a bit.
04:39.10JademusSregI'm trying to figure out how I can make the cycles able to ram.
04:39.29Mexain each other?
04:39.38JademusSregI'm not sure if the arc is being responsive,
04:40.10JademusSregYes, so the one whose front makes contact will destroy the other.
04:40.50MexaDon't you mean the the opposite?
04:41.10JademusSregYou ram into an enemy to destroy it.
04:41.19JademusSregMakes sense if you don't think about it too much.
04:41.21MexaIf I crash with my front in someone else, I will be destroyed I mean
04:41.29JademusSregWell, yes, obviously.
04:42.01JademusSregBut I'd like to give players that option to ram, because it would be fun.
04:42.07Mexaraytrace :D?
04:42.26JademusSregDon't be cruel. =)
04:42.40MexaI know, I would do that as a last resort:P
04:43.14MexaHow do you crash now?
04:43.20AlphA_VsTmake an effect that searches on the side of the unit?
04:43.22MexaI mean codewise.
04:43.39MexaYou can do that?
04:44.06MexaSo that was what Jademus said
04:44.12MexaDidn't figure that work
04:44.13AlphA_VsToh haha
04:44.52JademusSregIt's just not clear to me exactly what the orientation for the arc is.
04:45.03AlphA_VsTmake a test
04:45.17AlphA_VsTa simple test on a diffrent map
04:45.54JademusSregNaw. Too busy. =)
04:46.10AlphA_VsTwell than its not important 0.o
04:46.39AlphA_VsTshould I give all my streets names?
04:47.00MexaOnly if you think people will notice
04:47.46AlphA_VsTwell i could make a custom ui thing
04:48.49AlphA_VsTim thinking about also making a custom ai for missing allies
04:49.22MexaSounds nice
04:49.24AlphA_VsTand droping the view down to more street level
04:49.34JademusSregI need a test subject.
04:49.42MexaYou could have different camera options
04:49.56MexaJade, i you send me the map I can, but only that way:p
04:50.00JademusSregI need to see if ramming works as it should by ramming into other vehicles.
04:50.13Mexaoh that
04:50.20JademusSregSo far it seems to work properly.
04:52.02AlphA_VsTwell see I don't want to jump the camera around to much you know
04:52.48Mexacollio... Looks like I will be watching Sc2 matches on Dreamhack livestream today.
04:53.11MexaAlpha, well, make it a player decision
04:53.15AlphA_VsTbut i some how want to make a camera that is useable for skills while being awesome
04:53.17MexaWouldn't that work
04:54.03AlphA_VsTi dont want it to be a issue i would rather it just happen
04:54.27AlphA_VsTthough i can change the camera when they use a skill
04:55.03AlphA_VsTwhich would make the most sense
04:55.22AlphA_VsTand then switch it back to the player camera
04:57.33JademusSregYup. MY lack of understanding of the arc is thwarting me.
05:00.24AlphA_VsTcreate a test map 0.o
05:02.14JademusSregIt works how I expect, I see.
05:03.12JademusSregI wonder if I can use negative arc to make search effects that cover the back rather than the front.
05:03.50AlphA_VsTisnt there a start and end to arcs 0.o
05:08.12JademusSregI'll set it aside for later. I could easily make an effect that kills both, but what fun is that?
05:08.57AlphA_VsTno fun
05:10.36JademusSregI have other features planned.
05:11.20JademusSregIn addition to a brief turbo boost, I'd also like to include quick shifts to the left and right.
05:11.58JademusSregI'd use Site(Rocker) actors to make them tilt in the corresponding direction.
05:13.21JademusSregAmbiguous response.
05:13.46JademusSregI haven't quite worked out the how of the movement in the side tilts.
05:14.09JademusSregIt will occur to me eventually.
05:15.24JademusSregI shall go to sleep. Nothing left to do this evening.
05:15.55Mexa... the nuclear accident in Fukishima is now reported to be a 7, the same scale of the one in Tjernobyl D:
05:16.09MexaBai Jademus
05:17.33AlphA_VsTwtf really
05:17.56AlphA_VsTis radiation over califorina yet :(
05:22.39AlphA_VsT guess what...
05:22.49AlphA_VsTlol so lame :D
05:25.28AlphA_VsTstop the zombies from destorying the city :D
05:25.40AlphA_VsTEVERYTHING IS DESTORYABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
05:26.12AlphA_VsTnom nom nom nom everything from zombies :D
05:26.49AlphA_VsTnothing is getting a death animation though fuck that
05:28.04AlphA_VsTwho had the power ups that where just drops? lol
05:28.11AlphA_VsTbest idea ever
05:28.34AlphA_VsTi need to be like a creative director or some shit fuck
05:35.32AlphA_VsTanyone alive?
05:42.35Skizoti did.
05:44.18grim001looks like one of the few interesting f2p games.
05:44.39AlphA_VsTpeople are alive
05:48.56*** join/#sc2mapster Maged (
05:50.52AlphA_VsTor not
05:59.05*** join/#sc2mapster FireryRage (~FireryRag@
06:15.16Mexagrim, I like how it says independent when it has Sega printed over ot.
06:15.26AlphA_VsTlol yeah
06:15.38MexaThen again, the term independent has became more loose today.
06:15.53AlphA_VsTits actually sorta fun sorta like diabloish
06:16.02AlphA_VsTor phanstay star
06:16.15*** join/#sc2mapster nolliepoper (6165e03b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
06:17.08Mexa"The game economy runs on a combination of Crowns (in-game currency) and Crystal Energy (CE). Crowns and CE can be traded in-game through a trading interface to effectively allow players to purchase crowns from other player using real money (in the form of CE) or allow players to exchange the crowns they've earned with CE to continue playing"
06:17.20MexaThat's not pure free to play :|
06:17.48grim001what game IS pure free to play?
06:17.48MexaIf I got it right 'using real money'
06:17.59grim001how would they pay the programmers?
06:18.01MexaStuff that don't have premium content
06:18.05AlphA_VsTbut also
06:18.14grim001there is no premium content
06:18.17AlphA_VsTyou can use in game money to get the pay money
06:18.24grim001it's not money
06:18.24AlphA_VsTso its fair
06:18.28grim001if you read a little bit on the wiki
06:18.32Mexagrim001, it says real money
06:18.39MexaMaybe I misinterpret
06:18.39grim001the energy system limits how much you can play per day, essentially
06:18.55grim001Mexa, do you honestly think there's going to be a f2p game that never involves real money at any point?
06:19.03AlphA_VsTi hate those systems
06:19.16grim001this game allows you to do anything without paying a dime, it'll just take longer
06:19.27grim001since the amount of time you can play is somewhat restricted unless you pay real cash
06:19.34Mexagrim001, depends, if the game relies on microtransaction which still gives a fair gameplay vs those who don't pay, then yes
06:19.45MexaI have no problem with those games
06:19.53grim001that's what this game seems to be based on
06:20.00MexaAlright then
06:20.26Mexaif it's a matter of "either time or money, and still fair" then this seems fine
06:20.40grim001the gameplay seems like a combination of zelda and monster hunter
06:20.52grim001basic gameplay is very zelda-esque... like Four Swords but multiplayer
06:20.56MexaBut if I can't find Crystal Energy myself, then it's bogus
06:21.06grim001the progression is based on heavily on finding components and crafting
06:21.59MexaBye Alpha_vst
06:22.03grim001well, you can purchase the crystal stuff for ingame currency apparently
06:22.08grim001it's probably rather expensive though
06:23.21Mexagrim001, regarding the "paying the programmers". You could ask the same question to software tools like blender
06:24.13grim001yeah, you expect a large team of people to spend full time hours for 4 years developing an open source game?
06:24.36MexaAs with this case, no
06:25.00MexaIsn't Battlefield Heroes f2p for instance?
06:25.20Mexaor was there extra content=
06:25.38MexaSo grim, no I don't expect that
06:25.56MexaLeague of Legends would be another example, wouldn't it?
06:28.24Mexagrim, is the game being open source or not relevant?
06:28.36MexaJust asking.
06:34.21nolliepoperhi friends
06:39.08Mexagrim001, how's the galaxy parser project going?
06:39.24grim001quite well
06:39.37grim001I have a lot of the overall structure of the code set up
06:39.52MexaStill using GOLD also?
06:39.58grim001global variables, values and function calls are nearly working correctly
06:40.02grim001yes, using GOLD
06:40.20grim001the framework I've setup allows everything to be extended extremely easily
06:40.25MexaSounds good
06:40.26grim001as I add features or change the grammar in the future
06:41.50MexaSo, a public release within a soon future?
06:45.00grim001it's not near being useful yet
06:45.08grim001but most of the structure is in place
06:48.06grim001i figured out the pay structure of this game
06:48.19grim001if you do no crafting, you'll be limited to just over 10 dungeon maps per day
06:48.32nolliepoperhow to put my actions into array
06:48.34grim001you can roughly double that for about 9.45 per month
06:48.54grim001nollie, you mean you want something that will act like an array of actions that you can execute?
06:49.08nolliepopercustom actions and conditions
06:49.10nolliepoperthose methods
06:49.14grim001the pay structure seems pretty reasonable to me
06:49.15nolliepoperinto an array
06:49.31nolliepoperwere I can still traffic variables too
06:49.31Mexagrim, I guess it's fine
06:49.48nolliepoperthe trigger array hack won't traffic any variables
06:50.02nolliepoperand it is only for conditions
06:50.02Mexanollie, traffic?
06:50.08nolliepoperI need an array of actions
06:50.15grim001you need to set those variables to globals temporarily
06:50.25grim001that is the only way you will get "parameters"
06:50.26nolliepopernvm thats gay
06:50.27Mexaor use a datatable.
06:50.29nolliepoperwaste of space
06:50.55MexaDatatable would be the other option. It is slower, but it would work.
06:51.04grim001yes you could also pass them using the global datable
06:51.21grim001the "local" datatable is actually local to the thread.
06:51.38grim001if you are running a trigger to start a new thread, you can't access the other local datatable.
06:51.39nolliepoperhow to put custom actions into an array?
06:51.46nolliepoperstop saying datatable and explain
06:51.50grim001you have to use triggers, nollie
06:52.13grim001im not even sure if GUI supports it.
06:52.27MexaGUI supports the data table I think
06:52.35nolliepoperWhich datatable?
06:53.00MexaThe one and only datatable which is accessable for any map.
06:53.25MexaYou can store data in it, giving a string as identifier.
06:53.32nolliepoperyou said local or global
06:53.35*** join/#sc2mapster Dekar (
06:53.35nolliepopertwo different onces
06:54.02Mexayes, the local datatable would be local for the current executing trigger
06:54.29MexaI'm not really good at explaining that :\
06:54.39nolliepoperno need
06:54.54Maknyuzzanyone know how to hide the unit group in info panel?
06:54.57nolliepoperI need an array of actions
06:55.18nolliepoperwithout a bunch of useless globals
06:55.27MexaThen you're screwed.
06:56.53MexaEither having global variables to temporarily store what you need, or to add them in the datatable, or not at all :/
06:57.11*** part/#sc2mapster Stimpy77_ (
07:03.56*** join/#sc2mapster Helral|Afk (
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07:31.20Helral|AfkSixen: someone threw some paint on me on sc2mapster ;p
07:31.28Helral|Afkmy nick isn't green anymore ;p
07:32.50*** join/#sc2mapster Helral|Work (
07:34.12*** join/#sc2mapster Dekar- (
07:34.53*** join/#sc2mapster lefix (
07:42.20Helral|WorkIt's quiet in here...
07:42.26Helral|Afkyes it is.
07:44.39*** join/#sc2mapster Saeris (
07:56.22Helral|AfkI don t see any...
07:56.31Maknyuzztalking to ur self
07:56.36Helral|Workno I'm not.
07:56.40Maknyuzzlike blak swan
07:56.42Helral|AfkI m talking to you ;p
07:56.52Maknyuzz[00:42] <Helral|Work> It's quiet in here... [00:42] <Helral|Afk> yes it is.
07:57.13Helral|WorkI didn't say that 9 hours ago.
07:57.24Helral|WorkI wasn't even at work 9 hours ago ;p
07:57.30Helral|Work[09:56] <Maknyuzz> [00:42] <Helral|Work> It's quiet in here... [00:42] <Helral|Afk> yes it is.
07:57.40Maknyuzzur in EU
07:57.57Maknyuzztomorrow champions league
07:58.05Helral|Workdunt care ;p
08:00.42Maknyuzzhmm EU dont like football
08:00.56Helral|WorkI don't care bout football ;p
08:01.20MexaDreamhack today
08:01.28Mexasc2 pro matches = yay
08:01.39MexaOff to class
08:11.49*** join/#sc2mapster lefix| (
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08:45.46*** join/#sc2mapster Sevenix (
09:01.48*** join/#sc2mapster Skizot (
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09:32.44*** join/#sc2mapster lefix (
10:04.35Helral|Workwhoops, I just broke the 2 hour silence that was going on ;p
10:09.32*** join/#sc2mapster Rodrigo (464f4549@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
10:23.02Dekaroh nooo
10:23.04Dekarhow dare you?
10:34.58*** join/#sc2mapster cintiq_ (~cintiq@
10:40.45Helral|Workmeows innocently
10:40.53Helral|WorkI didn't do nothing ;p
10:45.32Dekarbad kitten!
10:54.03*** join/#sc2mapster Mexa (504ed88b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
10:54.13MexaHeyo all.
10:54.32MexaMotive, you there?
10:56.22Helral|Afkhmmm just read some funny 5day old news.
10:56.37Helral|Afk75-year old granny cuts off the Internet for an entire country
10:56.43MexaOh yeah, that one
11:01.31MexaSkizot, the buggy cars, do you have them available:P?
11:02.59Helral|Workyou wanna use them for crashtests?
11:06.03*** join/#sc2mapster Mexa (504ed88b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
11:06.08Mexakill your self.
11:06.22MexaInternet rage
11:06.56MexaDid Skizot or Motive ever reply to me?
11:07.13Helral|Workis it?
11:07.30Mexathrows kittens at Helral.
11:07.50Helral|Afktrains kittens to be marines
11:08.04Helral|Workorder the kitten marines to attack Mexa
11:08.09Helral|Workmeows innocently
11:08.32MexaMeow here, meow there
11:08.40Helral|Workmeow everywhere :)
11:08.40MexaDerp here, derp there
11:08.45Helral|Afkmeow meow
11:09.22Helral|Afkmeow meoow mew?
11:09.22Helral|Workmeow meeoowww meow.
11:09.36MexaOh you are so good at multitasking there.
11:09.41Helral|Workhmmm I wonder which one talked first for you Mexa?
11:09.57MexaWhich one? Which cat?
11:10.07Helral|Workyup, the me@work or me@afk ;p
11:10.21MexaLol I don't even remember
11:10.51Helral|AfkI meant of those 2 up there at :09
11:11.20Helral|Afkwonder if any of those are NSFW
11:11.40Mexathe what?
11:12.02Helral|Workthe links. if some of those links would count as NSFW ;p
11:12.41Mexawhat, you mean because it says naked, it shouldn't be secure?
11:12.56Helral|Workyou know what NSFW is? ;p
11:13.04Mexanot secure for work?
11:13.12Helral|Workclose enough ;p
11:13.23MexaSophos is a security site
11:13.31MexaAnd SFW
11:13.47MexaThey mainly post breaches of stupid stuff on facebook
11:14.16MexaLike the wide amount of "like survey scams and that shit.
11:15.15MexaOr well, alot of their posts have been about facebook...
11:16.48Helral|Work"Carburgler leaves baby alone" A 28-year old father found monday night that his car was boken into, several phones and a wallet were stolen, but his child which he had left in the car unattended for a few minutes was still there.
11:17.13Helral|Workwhat would you think of that news message? ;p
11:17.57Mexahum, lol
11:19.04MexaHe left the child in the car at a monday night?
11:19.22MexaWhat on earth were they doing that late
11:19.41MexaI don't know :>
11:20.22Helral|Workhe parked it shortly on the street infront he prolly forgot something when he went somewhere.
11:21.50Mexahmm.. the new Britney Spears song contains dubstep
11:22.12Deaodfunny, saw that like 5 days ago.
11:24.23MexaDeaod, have your galaxy parser evolved since last time I asked, or are you actively cooperating with grim?
11:24.47MexaSo it's halted?
11:25.04Deaodi do plan on continuing to work on it
11:26.04Deaodso grim is working on his compiler
11:26.09Deaodand i am working on mine
11:26.18Mexayup ok
11:26.22Helral|Workand I'm working on no compiler :)
11:26.31Deaodyoure a cat.
11:26.42Helral|Workwhat makes you think that?
11:26.45MexaI saw that coming.
11:26.50Deaodoh, nothing.
11:26.54Stewoxsouth koreans say starkrapt
11:27.14Stewoxthat's how it sounds like :D
11:27.37Helral|WorkI'm listening, but I can't hear you.....
11:27.41Helral|Workweird isnt it ;p
11:28.05Helral|Workain't gonna look at that at work ;p
11:28.19Stewoxlol, what's about with work
11:28.24Stewoxit's not like it's NSFW
11:28.36Helral|Workneh but they do need to think I'm productive.
11:28.57Helral|Workand not if they check my browsing history see that I spend almost my entire day visiting unrelated websites ;p
11:29.06Stewoxhonestly , this NSFW is mostly american trend, nobody cares in europe :p
11:29.13Helral|Workluckily, they ain't tracking IRC :)
11:29.30Helral|Workor encrypted lines ;p
11:30.24Helral|Workelse they'd notice that I'd have a constant connection open to both home and IRC ;p
11:31.10Dekarand irc from home
11:33.30Helral|Workthey can't notice that anyhow ;p
11:33.44Mexafuu... I hate those sites which buys the name you have on your own site + one extra character... silly mimics :/
11:34.04MexaThey copied mine
11:34.21MexaOr well, bought
11:34.37Mexanot really a copy, but it's there in case people write the wrong thing
11:35.20MexaHelral, what's the point of you having two irc connections open?
11:35.24MexaAt once?
11:36.27Helral|Afkwell I can read up on everything at home if I didn't have time for it at work ;p
11:39.50Mexa"Professional gamers in South Korea have gained television contracts, sponsorships, and tournament prizes, allowing one of the most famous players, Lim Yo-Hwan,[91] to gain a fan club of over half a million people.[10] One player, Lee Yun-Yeol, reported earnings in 2005 of US$200,000 ($224,966 in 2011)."
11:40.07MexaIt's seems to be a nice life to be a starcraft pro gamer <.<
11:40.54MexaAnd alot of money too
11:41.39Deaodwell, you have to be good too.
11:41.47Deaodits not like all that money comes from nothing.
11:41.53MexaI know, lol
11:41.58MexaI did say pro gamer :)
11:42.53Deaodalso, if you compare 200k$ to the millions of dollars a soccer pro gets, its negligible
11:43.30*** join/#sc2mapster Shadow_Killer (
11:43.34grim001being a starcraft pro gamer is not a good job
11:43.43grim001it's like living in a slave camp 24/7
11:43.54MexaI wouldn't compare esports with regular sports.
11:44.00grim001you do nothing but wake up, play sc2, eat, play sc2, eat, play sc2, sleep, repeat
11:44.06grim001for years on end
11:44.15grim001and 99.9% of them dont win any major tournaments
11:44.22grim001so they just waste a few years then move on.
11:44.23MexaAs long as you think that is fun
11:44.33grim001no one thinks it is fun after a certain point.
11:44.38grim001to think that they do is naive.
11:44.47Deaodits work.
11:44.55grim001its as much fun as "playing WoW all day" aka gold farming
11:44.58MexaI think that is much more different in South Korea, really
11:45.02Deaodif you get fun out of it, its cool.
11:48.48Mexagrim001, I don't see how having a codemonkey job would be any different
11:49.07MexaIt's as much slavery in that perspective
11:50.59*** join/#sc2mapster superdoug (~superdug@
11:51.17superdoughow do u convert an sc1 custom map with all the triggers to sc2?
11:51.43Deaodyou cant as far as i know.
11:52.17Helral|Workthink there is an import legacy map function in the sc2editor, but dunno how well it works ;p most likely will break stuff.
11:52.34MexaThe legacy map thingy will only convert the terrain
11:52.37Deaodi think that only imports terrain.
11:52.40superdougi have the .scx tried convert legacy map it only transfer the terrain
11:52.46superdougno units at all
11:52.54Deaodyes, thats the best youll get
11:53.13MexaUnits are sometimes copied over, but they are in that case often of the wrong type.
11:53.24MexaAs from what I have seen.
11:53.36Helral|Workat least you don't have to redo the terrain then ;p
11:53.42superdougif i open the map in the sc1 editor can i paste the triggers to sc2 editor?
11:53.57Mexasuperdoug, they aren't the same
11:54.11MexaI think you better remake the triggers from scratch
11:54.40MexaAnd it's probably for the best anyway.
11:55.30superdougnot remake since i didnt make it
11:56.04superdougi played it a lot in sc1 but prefer it in sc2
11:56.28superdougnot a lot of sc1 custom maps are being remade
11:56.50superdougby the original author
11:57.04Deaodmost of the original authors are long gone
11:57.16Deaodso thats not a big surprise
11:59.25Dekaryeah, because sc2 is not flooded by copies of wc3 maps
12:00.49Deaodyou cant exactly copy over WC3 maps.
12:00.59Deaodmost of the art resources just arent there
12:01.19Dekarcastle fight
12:01.21*** join/#sc2mapster Hati (
12:01.27Dekarhero line wars
12:01.32Dekareven elves vs trolls
12:01.37*** mode/#sc2mapster [+v Hati] by ChanServ
12:01.45Deaodaos is from SC1
12:01.48Dekari know
12:01.52superdougfor the sc1 map it opens in the sc1 editor with all the units in place
12:01.57Helral|Workthe three kingdoms ;p
12:02.34Deaodand while the principles are the same, the maps are not.
12:03.07Dekargreat, you replaced an archer with a marine
12:03.40Dekarrun kitty, run
12:03.49Dekaruther party
12:04.26Deaodhow many of those are made by the author of the original map?
12:04.28Dekarwell, tds were in sc too
12:04.34Dekari think about none?
12:04.47Dekarthey are not using the same name ofc
12:04.49Helral|Workwell you had Sunken Defence
12:04.51superdougthe sc1 customs are a zombie map and 3 vs 5 hard comps
12:05.18Helral|Workone of the few TD's in sc1 ;p
12:05.25Helral|Workmost were UD's ;p
12:05.25Dekari remember
12:05.28Dekarah y
12:05.32Dekarbut there were also
12:05.36Dekarmissile tower defenses
12:05.51Helral|Worksunken defense even had an air level so you'd need spores ;p
12:05.55Helral|Workwell some versions
12:05.57Dekarthere was no unit defense in wc3 i remember
12:06.17Helral|Workthat's Hero defense ;p
12:06.18Dekarno, thats a hero defense
12:06.21superdougin the sc1 editor it shows triggers as mostly spawning units
12:06.30Deaodheros are units as well :)
12:06.32Dekarin unit defense you maze with units
12:06.42Dekarinstead of buildings
12:06.50Deaodmazing with units.
12:06.51Helral|Workunit defense = build maze with units. hero defense = 1 unit which gains power overtime.
12:07.36Helral|Workcircle defense (SC1) X defense (SC1) ;p those were UD's ;p
12:07.47Helral|Workmatrix defense ;p
12:08.07Deaodi also remember lurker def
12:08.12Deaodand HGMA
12:08.23Dekar$$$BIG GAME HUNTER$$$
12:08.25Deaodlurker def was even remade for WC3
12:08.59superdougdo u guys still have the sc1 editor?
12:09.16Deaodi think i have SC1 installed, so yeah.
12:09.20Helral|Workstack defense ;p
12:09.22Deaodnot like i ever use it.
12:09.42Dekaryou know what a original map was?
12:09.51Dekarthe ones where you have to abuse starcraft glitches
12:10.05Helral|Workyup like stack defense :)
12:10.22Helral|Workalso there were some maps specifically made due to glitches.
12:10.33Helral|Worksome bounds, like the flying drone glitch
12:11.25Helral|Workalso funny was getting all those zerglings stacked ontop of eachother right before a terran base blockade.
12:11.26Deaodit be interesting to see how many WC3 maps abused irregularities or bugs in WC3
12:11.39Helral|Workand then suddenly all unburrowing so they'd get past it.
12:12.32Helral|Workas well as the instagib lurker setup. 4 stacked lurkers ;p
12:12.48Dekar"abusing blizzard irregularities": many custom maps after blizz patched wc3 and made 0 stun duration mean infinity stun duration
12:13.01Helral|Workowyeah that was annoying.
12:13.07Helral|Workseveral enfo maps were hit by that.
12:13.14Dekargood old stormbolt
12:13.16Dekardummy skill
12:13.42Helral|Workthey had adjusted an stun ability to lose it's stun, but to interrupt channel abilities.
12:13.46Deaodpermanent health/mana increase
12:13.51Helral|Workand suddenly it became a perma stun.
12:14.49Dekarhurricane aura buffs not replacing each other :)
12:14.58Deaodthat too
12:15.07Deaodreturn bug
12:15.13Deaodalthough that one was fixed
12:15.24Deaodi still hate Blizzard for it.
12:15.51Deaodthen the orb stacking order
12:16.26Helral|Workwhen I first started editing maps with SC1 my english wasn't all that good, and I read "Invincible" as Invisible ;p
12:16.41Helral|Workso I thought that checkbox would make units invisible ;p
12:17.14Deaod - the best documentation of Orbs in WC3 i know of.
12:17.35Deaodso yeah, you really need multiple pages to document something so simple.
12:17.55Deaodand some combinations still havent even been tried.
12:18.38Deaodfor example, crits can leave a bugg
12:19.20Deaodim not exactly sure, but i think once you set a crits multiplier to -1 it stuns.
12:19.53Deaodso yeah, i just hope SC2 isnt as riddled with bugs
12:20.07*** join/#sc2mapster Xaragoth (
12:20.57Helral|WorkDeaod: hmmmm well hiding the supply panel leaves a green background ;p
12:21.10Helral|WorkI haven't poked into the abilities yet ;p
12:22.42Helral|Workanyone need some help with UI problems? ;p
12:25.52superdougyea me
12:30.03MexaDeaod, wasn't GetHandleId enough for that:p? I have never really understood the benefit of other usage of that return bug.
12:30.56Mexaapart from code to int and int to code I guess.
12:31.56*** join/#sc2mapster Stimpy77_ (
12:38.04RodrigoNEW PATCH!
12:40.02Rodrigo1.3.2 is live since 10 seconds ago
12:40.21RodrigoFixed an issue where the Leagues & Ladders Friends page would stop displaying information if a player had more than 100 ranked friends.
12:40.26RodrigoFixed a crash that would sometimes occur when players received an alert in-game while 3D portraits were turned on.
12:40.34RodrigoFixed a crash that could occur on Editor startup if players had improperly configured variables.
12:40.38RodrigoFixed an issue where the Editor would display incorrect cliff height on ramps facing directly N, S, E or W; this issue prevented proper unit vision in game.
12:40.41RodrigoFixed an issue where the pathing visualizer in the Terrain Editor would sometimes display incorrect pathing.
12:40.43Rodrigojust that
12:41.45Rodrigonothing that fixes my bugs
12:43.06Rodrigoi gotta go sleep. 6 am
12:45.01Deaodyes, mexa, GetHandleId was sufficient replacement
12:45.33Deaodbut they could have fixed the exploit without ruining the return bug
12:45.57MexaBut if the still were a sufficient fix
12:46.06MexaI got your point though
12:46.20Mexaurgh typos
12:46.32Stimpy77_wish they'd fix the single game variants with Xv0 multiplayer search-and-join bug
12:47.00MexaThey better not patch EU now... Dreamhack starcraft2 tournament is starting in 15minutes
12:47.25Deaodprobably over night
12:47.37Deaod3am to 8am or something
12:47.46Stimpy77_ << completely ignored
12:49.17Helral|WorkStimpy77_: just set the alliances with triggers ingame.
12:49.24Mexa so it begins
12:49.38Mexaargh, what a shit sound quality
12:50.13Stimpy77_heiral I do that but it's a shitty workaround
12:51.15Mexaokay they fixed the sound..
12:51.48Mexaokay they didnt
12:51.51MexaOr maybe
12:52.18Helral|Workmaybe it just depends on the amount of viewers ;p
12:52.51MexaNvm, it fixe itself
13:01.24MexaYeah well, for you who cares of starcraft esports, that link is for you.
13:24.48*** join/#sc2mapster Obatztrara (839f0007@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
13:36.38*** join/#sc2mapster Nash|327 (
13:40.18MexaHey Nash|327, are you watching the sc2 dreamhack livestream?
13:40.26MexaOr does it not interest you :)?
13:41.13*** join/#sc2mapster Maged (
13:42.36*** join/#sc2mapster Skiz_brok (skizot@
13:42.51*** join/#sc2mapster XenoX101 (
13:46.23Deaod18k viewers
13:48.15*** join/#sc2mapster Stewox (563a22a6@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
13:48.20Stewoxwow starjeweld AI is crap
13:48.25Stewoxunrealistic and cheating
13:48.28Stewoxthat's lame
13:48.41MexaYou got that right
13:48.52MexaIt took me a while to beat the insane AI <.<
13:48.54*** join/#sc2mapster slightlyrandom (~random@
13:49.08MexaSince it pumps out marines frequently
13:49.12Mexacheap, and hard
13:49.19Mexawith additions of other units
13:51.39Nash|327why would I want to watch other people play a game?
13:52.08Dekarhi SentryIII :o
13:52.57MexaNash, I take that as a no
13:53.18MexaAnd probably that you are not enjoying professional matches with good commentators either.
13:53.25Dekarhow did you beat the ai?
13:53.39Dekari heard storming/statis and tank spam works
13:53.47Mexa8 tanks behind your photon cannons
13:53.53Mexathen support by ghosts
13:53.57MexaAnd you will win, eventually
13:54.44Mexastorming when their marine count builds up, and then 2 ultralisks seem to work too, but I haven't tried that. And it's also very much relying on energy
13:54.58Stewoxit's not realistic at all , it doesn't take resets and lows on the fact
13:55.04Stewoxi mean , it's not about skill
13:55.07Stewoxit's about luck
13:55.15Stewoxand it's stupid for an AI to ignore that
13:55.38MexaStewox, we know
13:55.49Stewoxi can be as skilled as fast and if there IS NO possibilites on board then i just cant make energy
13:56.16MexaGive it a 40 tries and you will be very glad when you finally manage
13:56.57Nash|327I don't care to watch sports or people playing video games, I just don't give a shit what happens.
13:57.20Nash|327I am not playing so it becomes irrelevant :/
13:57.28MexaI don't play either
13:57.30MexaI still enjoy it
13:57.44MexaI get that some people don't care though, I was just asking:>
13:58.10Nash|327I don't get why some people DO care.
13:58.28Nash|327BUt I don't get many things about people.
13:59.48Nash|327Though, I can understand watching other people play as observational learning.
14:00.00MexaYou worry about something else, and I will worry about why I care:P
14:00.16Nash|327I don't worry.
14:00.26Nash|327It's not very productive.
14:00.35MexaNash, should I draw a comparison to regular sports instead?
14:01.01Nash|327What for? I don't see the point of watching sports either.
14:01.12Mexawhatever then
14:02.36Nash|327Yeah, I don't expect to understand how people think.
14:03.04Nash|327I'll just stick to KITTUNS
14:03.38Mexathrows a kitten at Nash and Helral.
14:03.52Helral|Worktrains a firebat kitten.
14:04.01Helral|Worksends forth the firebat kitten to torch Mexa.
14:04.05Helral|Workmeows innocently
14:04.31MexaYou send forth kittens like that old cat lady in simpsons :v?
14:04.53MexaI bet ya
14:04.53Helral|WorkI prolly missed that episode....
14:05.02MexaShe's in several ones
14:05.04Helral|Workor episodes ;p
14:05.16*** join/#sc2mapster Kueken (
14:05.50Nash|327GO FORTH MY MINIONS
14:05.52Dekarhere is a video of helral:
14:06.16Dekarsending his kitten squad
14:07.36MexaFunny that you managed to find simpsons on youtube
14:07.44MexaFox usually take them down
14:09.22Nash|327it's a few seconds
14:09.37Nash|327that probably counts as fair use
14:11.12Stewoxi feel like , these blizzard "achievements" are really dumb if you look for the scoring
14:11.17Stewoxeverything gives you 10
14:12.02Stewoxbasically makes them irrevalant
14:12.08Stewoxand the scoring too
14:13.43SentryIII"achievements" have always been dumb
14:14.14Stewox... yeah
14:14.19*** join/#sc2mapster burne- (d9186e73@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
14:14.25burne-hey anyone here?
14:14.28Stewoxthis is just the new era of unlocks/hints
14:14.38burne-I need some help with brainstorming again
14:14.42Stewoxpopularized by this mainstream word , it's another console thing
14:14.53StewoxAchivements is such a gay word
14:15.18burne-I got a question for you
14:15.21burne-look the video first
14:15.28StewoxACHIEEEVEMENTZ wow , when i say it , i hear xbox noobs in my ears
14:15.40burne-I was wondering should I do the police by drop pods or try to add cars or something that they would come from
14:15.41MexaSo Trophies ring better in your ear?
14:15.59MexaPerhaps you should consider mocking on Steam too while you're at it:P?
14:16.18burne-Achievements sound just fine
14:16.28Nash|327achievements, stupid metagaming for obsessive scrubs
14:16.30Stewoxnothing special , achivement's integration/design and EVERYTHING is way inferor to what older games had hints and unlocks , you actually GOT something (new feature) now , you get these worthless scores and icons
14:16.42MexaAchievements give that little extra for people to be hooked to deal with optional challenges
14:16.48SentryIIIAchievements sounds okay, it just doesn't really do anything
14:16.49MexaIf you don't like it, then ignore them
14:16.55Stewoxwell yeah ofcourse
14:17.07burne-but answer my question!
14:17.18Helral|Workthere are some people (myself included) who like going for achieves sometimes. ;p
14:17.27MexaMe too actually
14:17.32burne-I guess I would prefer if police would come from cars or something, but its just harder to do :(
14:17.37Stewoxbut i thought blizzard would make them better ... not really what i expected , why the hell everything gives you 10 , this is completely stupid
14:17.41SentryIIIThe problem with achievements is really the players themselves
14:17.48MexaNot everything gives 20 though
14:17.51Helral|WorkI don't care actually about the score they give ;p
14:17.57Helral|Workbtw some give 20 or 15 ;p
14:17.59SentryIIIPeople think achievements need to be in the game in order for it to be good
14:18.00Stewoxreward for medium ai gives you the same score as for insane , well this is insane
14:18.08MexaWhere else do achievements give something more than just "a reward"?
14:18.10Stewoxyeah .. sentry agreed
14:18.15Helral|WorkStewox: actually it doesn't ;p
14:18.19burne-IGNORE ME
14:18.25MexaMost of the times you don't get score from Achievements
14:18.35Helral|Workcause insane gives also the brutal and medium awards ;p
14:18.43SentryIIIAnd some people, particularly 360 gamers play certain games solely for the achievements, not because they like the game
14:19.00Helral|Workwhat question burne? it was out of screen when I looked ;p
14:19.06Stewoxah , only "complete all achivements in this ..." gives you 20 , like this as a smack on the face , bnet designer is shit
14:19.09MexaSentry, I usually go game first: achievements later
14:19.13burne-[17:15] <burne-> [17:15] <burne-> I got a question for you [17:15] <burne-> look the video first [17:15] <Stewox> ACHIEEEVEMENTZ wow , when i say it , i hear xbox noobs in my ears [17:15] <burne-> I was wondering should I do the police by drop pods or try to add cars or something that they would come from
14:19.28burne-so basically:<burne-> I was wondering should I do the police by drop pods or try to add cars or something that they would come from
14:19.46burne-I think drop pods are more like for special forces
14:19.49MexaStewox, mention any other game which gives you achievement points at all, and just not achievements=
14:19.51SentryIIII personally wouldn't mind achievements if all they were were a fun little challenge to gain them
14:19.54burne-but might be hard to do
14:20.00Nash|327game first, achievements never
14:20.12Helral|Workwhy not make them run in on foot ;p
14:20.25burne-cause map limitations it might be hard
14:20.28Mexaburne, what are yyou talking about?
14:20.38burne-look at the video
14:20.43Stewoxsentry i agree 100% , it's just for fun for me , nothing big , but why the hell aren't they implemented better , more people would actually like them
14:20.44SentryIIIBut when people end up spending money solely for getting achievements, it really ruins the whole point of gaming and makes bad games look better than they actually are
14:20.46burne-but maybe walking would be the best sollution after all
14:20.50burne-so good idea! :D
14:21.05Nash|327a car with transport slots
14:21.10Nash|327unload units
14:21.11burne-but since you can drive cars it would be best if police could drive cars too
14:21.26Helral|Workwell then use a car ;p
14:22.07StewoxHow damn hard is to make an achievment ,  ... i think blizzard hired the wrong people for bnet
14:22.09SentryIIIHey, lets make COD9001 with the exact same gameplay and game engine, and throw in new achievements for them to earn, and charge $60. 10 million copies sold the first day its out
14:22.10Helral|Workblows up car.
14:22.12burne-I guess ill have to experiment then
14:22.16burne-with cars
14:22.17Helral|Workyay I killed burne-'s cops ;p
14:22.49burne-with several players and several police cars it just becomes a bit tricky
14:22.52burne-the map aint that big
14:23.03SentryIIIMaybe that was an exageration, but damn I hate achievement whores...
14:23.08SentryIIIand furries
14:23.13SentryIIIbut mainly achievement whores
14:23.16Helral|Workmeows innocently
14:23.25MexaStewox, are you going to complain everyday about starcraft 2? I am suddently curious why you bought the game in the first place.
14:23.39Stewoxthese achievements are just a spin marketing word for unlocks/hints
14:23.47Helral|WorkMexa: so he could complain about it ;p
14:23.50Stewoxmuch like WiFi is for WLAN
14:24.04StewoxWifi is a FANCY FANCY marketing word
14:24.16burne-I think its ok to whine about sc2 since its hardly what I expected
14:24.28burne-i mean bnet and the editor is far from what i expected
14:24.36burne-both are like a downgrade for me
14:24.45burne-even tough trigger editor is better
14:24.58burne-but still missing lots of stuff I could ramble about it all day long
14:24.59SentryIIII expected the sc2 editor to make me a sandwich
14:25.03StewoxThe Achievements have:  - nothing in reward ,  annoying fancy icons and worthelss stuff
14:25.05Mexawireless technology and wireless local area network is not the same thing, really...
14:25.08Nash| is worse
14:25.16Nash|327editor is way way better
14:25.24*** join/#sc2mapster JManV (63594a96@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
14:25.28MexaWas that irony?
14:25.32MexaThe editor is a pain
14:25.40Nash|327than SC1 editor?
14:25.42Nash|327as if
14:25.44Stewoxmexa you hit the wrong spot
14:25.44Helral|Workwhich part of the editor ;p
14:25.50burne-I actually would prefer wc3 editor > sc2 editor
14:25.55SentryIIINo one has completely mastered the editor yet
14:26.03DekarSentryIII please make me a tank commanders 2 :>
14:26.05MexaNash, I was assuming 2.0
14:26.12Mexaand the sc2 editor
14:26.15StewoxWifi = WLAN = Wireless LAN = IEEE 802.11
14:26.24SentryIIIDekar, first I'd have to make a tank commanders 1
14:26.28Nash|327SC1 editor was awfully limited.
14:26.37Dekarthat was th15
14:26.43MexaStewox, rather Wifi -> WLAN
14:26.46Dekaryou were the
14:26.47MexaBut whatever
14:26.49Dekarhow was it called
14:26.56Dekarthe survival maps
14:27.03Nash|327But in SC1 you could save multiplayer games and load them later
14:27.07Nash|327and play LAN
14:27.13SentryIIIsurvival maps... guy?
14:27.22MexaThe lan topic is getting old seriously
14:27.26Nash|327and play on other regions
14:27.37Dekarwell what maps did you create then? help my mind
14:28.09SentryIIIDekar, is it in this video?
14:28.14Dekarmarine corps
14:28.17Nash|327This new Battlenet has what, Facebook integration?
14:28.47Stewoxmexa you started it
14:28.51MexaI did=
14:28.54MexaI didn't
14:29.02MexaYou began it by talking about the insane AI :P
14:29.19MexaThough I agreed about that
14:29.29Dekarits marine corps
14:29.30MexaMeh, I'll stop by now then
14:29.32Dekarisnt it?
14:29.34Stewoxi presented a random Example mexa
14:29.38*** join/#sc2mapster wOlfLinG (
14:29.47Dekarand the first one was the survival map
14:29.50MexaFacebook is also optional
14:29.57MexaSo why do you even care <.<?
14:30.04SentryIIIFacebook is required to be cool.
14:30.07Nash|327I really want random people in SC2 to post "you suck at toss noob" on my Facebook, so it's awesome
14:30.14SentryIIIYou DO WANNA BE COOL, DON'T YOU?!
14:30.16Stewoxi was in SC2 beta and therefore i knew what was going on with the bnet .... oh you guys surely don't want to know that
14:30.18MexaFacebook is full of shit
14:30.35MexaNot mentioning scam surverys and spam
14:30.52SentryIIIYes, but don't you wanna be somebody?
14:30.58Nash|327who the fuck does surveys
14:31.09SentryIIIYou're just a nobody if you don't facebook.
14:31.18MexaPeople who click those "Horrible prank gone wrong" and those stuff
14:31.21Stewoxit's just so funny how people give up their information
14:31.27MexaPeople who tend to be... uhm Idk
14:31.34Nash|327If you don't exist on Facebook, you don't exist.
14:31.51Nash|327Facebook ergo sum.
14:31.55MexaNash, you already exist on eniro for instance
14:31.56Stewoxhey guys , i had noting against blizzard facebook and realID
14:32.24Stewoxthat's because i never type real names on internet :P
14:32.34Stewoxand that was sarcasm
14:32.40MexaYour name will be on the internet sooner or later
14:32.42Stewoxi am against it ofcourse
14:32.49Helral|Workmy name is on the internet.
14:32.49Dekarwill Deep Blue be a playable map?
14:32.50MexaWhat's the point of preventing the unpreventable?
14:33.04Helral|Workbut I'm not the only one with this (RL) name ;p
14:33.07SentryIIIOf course.
14:33.17Nash|327I am the only one with my name.
14:33.22SentryIIII just make videos as I go along.
14:33.32SentryIIINo one has ever done what I'm doing as far as I know.
14:33.43Stewoxi just didn't type real name , easy , and i have facebook , i just don't type real name , i have EVERYTHING fake on the internet
14:34.03Stewoxevery forum registration , everything's fake , usually leave them empty
14:34.07Dekarbut you made battleship commander!
14:34.10Helral|Workmy name is shown on chess sites, some goverment sites here, some other informational sites. ;p
14:34.14Dekarone of them
14:34.15Stewoxi fill out only country and that's it (sometimes)
14:34.52SentryIIII made the very first one, before the expansion came out, so all the weapons never used phoenix fire
14:35.08Mexafacebook should take you down, it's against their ToA to use fake info ;P
14:35.11Dekarnever liked that mass phoenix fire crap
14:35.14SentryIIIAt the time though, I never knew how to fix memory leaks
14:36.06Stewoxem, blizzard asked me for a fotocopy of my "Personal ID Card" - to reset secret question/answer for my account because somebody reset my password;  i changed password and email for security , but i never gived them my ID card info
14:36.38MexaAre you sure that was Blizzard asking?
14:37.04MexaI get tons of Blizzard scams in my email everyday
14:37.17Mexahotmail is so bogus
14:37.53StewoxWe do however regret to inform you that changing the secret question and answer for an account is not a service we offer. However, if you have forgotten the secret question and answer that was chosen at account creation, we are able to reveal this to you. Please provide the following details:  - A scan or digital image of nationally recognised photo ID, such as passport or drivers license (please do not include public transport car
14:38.06SentryIIII get emails about my WoW account all the time.
14:38.13SentryIIIEven though I don't have one...
14:38.22MexaSentry, me too :>
14:38.34Stewoxwhat are you guys talking about, this is real email
14:38.48MexaWe're talking about phishing
14:38.51Dekarmy account got hacked and thehacker bought wow gametime and made 20 mana tomb runs with my lvl 85 rogue :[
14:39.05Dekarthen got banned i think
14:39.08Dekarbecause he hacked?
14:39.21SentryIIILesson learned...
14:39.25SentryIIIDon't play WoW.
14:39.26Stewoxthis wasn't phishing i was talking about , it was the real thing
14:39.30Stewoxdid you read
14:39.33StewoxWe do however regret to inform you that changing the secret question and answer for an account is not a service we offer. However, if you have forgotten the secret question and answer that was chosen at account creation, we are able to reveal this to you. Please provide the following details:  - A scan or digital image of nationally recognised photo ID, such as passport or drivers license (please do not include public transport car
14:40.54MexaThat still could be phishing
14:40.55Kuekenno we didn't
14:40.59Dekardo you code deep blue in raw galaxy? :/
14:41.04Kuekencould you send it again? ;)
14:42.22Nash|327SC1 Battlenet was better.
14:44.58MexaAlrighty then
14:46.15Nash|327A BLIZZARD DID IT
14:46.35Stewoxthey won't change it
14:46.46Stewoxthey woul just reveal it for me if i forgotten
14:46.52Stewoxbut i knew it ,
14:47.11Stewoxand OBVIOSULY somebody else knew it too (if it was not a hack)
14:47.21Stewoxbecause ... in the one day , nothing happend to my account
14:47.28MexaThat email isn't valid
14:47.44MexaThe from email is known to be fake.
14:48.52MexaA simple google and you should know that <.<
14:48.55Stewoxif i wasn't talking with them then how they removed my trial accounts
14:49.00Stewoxsee the first sentence
14:49.04*** join/#sc2mapster Hati (
14:49.14Stewoxmexa ... don't be a smartass
14:49.18MexaI can't explain that
14:49.21Stewoxi know wtf am im doing
14:49.24MexaOnly that that email is fake
14:49.34Stewoxi woun't be saying if i wouldn't be 100% sure
14:49.40Stewoxit's not fake
14:49.48MexaIt's not fake.
14:49.49Stewoxread the first sentence
14:49.59MexaI know
14:50.21StewoxWe have We are happy to inform you that we have removed the expired trial accounts from your as requested.
14:50.27MexaYou're right about that though, I should rephrase
14:50.36Stewoxand they did
14:50.38Stewoxso ..
14:50.42MexaBetter watch out for emails like that, because it is in the 90% of the times being a scam.
14:50.58MexaThat's what I should have said, my apologies.
14:50.59Stewoxwell , i don't get a lot of spam on my ISP email
14:51.06Stewoxyes :)
14:51.18Stewoxi get you're concerns but don't jump to conclusions
14:51.29Stewoxand i know i need to be careful , thank you
14:51.35MexaYeah I tend to jump on conclusions very often <.<
14:52.11Stewoxwhat you found ,was the nicknamed email
14:52.23Stewoxi will now check to see in my box
14:53.07MexaI should go back to the precious dreamhack livestream
14:53.37*** join/#sc2mapster Dynast (~Dynast@
14:54.38Dekarever send a email yourself with php?
14:55.04Dekartheres a lot of stuff you can change
14:55.56Dekaralthough i have to say
14:55.56Stewoxwhat =
14:56.04Dekari get a lot of mails too from "blizz"
14:56.08Dekarand they appear to be legit
14:56.18Dekarbut i have no active wow account
14:56.24Dekarso they must be fake
14:56.36SentryIIIthey're supposed to appear legit...
14:56.45Mexa"Due to suspicious activity, your account has been locked. You tried to login your account too many times (403). We are concerned about whether your account has been stolen. In order to guarantee the legitimacy of your account, we need you follow these steps:"
14:56.50MexaOh hell yeah
14:57.10SentryIIImy viagra emails look legit
14:57.32Nash|327SMTP just sends the "originator" of the mail in clear text with no authentification
14:57.37*** join/#sc2mapster TheLastAvenger (
14:57.41Mexasentry, I love all those things. As soon as you get on their mainling list, you will never get rid of them.
14:57.43Nash|327You can set it to any address you like :G
14:58.37SentryIIIclicking on the link that removes you from the list doesn't actually remove you from the list
14:59.00Nash|327It just confirmes the e-mail is valid and in use.
14:59.00MexaIt probably adds you to even more lists sentry
14:59.05Dekari got a mail
14:59.07Nash|327So they can spam you even more.
14:59.09DekarToo Many Attempts Warning No.65    regarding wow
14:59.30MexaDekar, I have my "Too Many Attempts Warning No.87‏"
14:59.58Stewoxreally funny how much do they even get from spam
15:00.00Stewoxi mean
15:00.03Dekarthe thing is
15:00.11Stewoxpeople just ignore it
15:00.17Stewoxand there's probably a small percentage who actually fall for it
15:00.24Dekari think i view the mail in plaintext and gmail doesnt show the actual link destinations
15:00.37Dekarif they want me to click some link
15:00.47SentryIIIwell, it indirectly does. Clicking on the link serves to confirm the existance of your email.
15:01.08Stewoxthey might be just checking
15:01.13MexaThey played the Husky SCV love song on the dreamhack stream
15:01.15Dekari only see legit bnet links
15:01.15Nash|327I have a mail in my junk folder that my account has been upgraded with a free copy of WoW
15:01.18MexaThats hilarious
15:01.21Dekarwhich are not clickable
15:01.21Nash|327looks legit
15:01.49*** join/#sc2mapster Twiner|home (
15:02.12Deaodwhy is Huskys SCV song playing at dreamhack
15:02.32Mexacommerical break I assume
15:02.34SentryIIIMy hotmail account has 9850 new emails...
15:02.49MexaI know xD
15:03.05*** join/#sc2mapster Skiz_brok (
15:03.10Nash|327hotmail D_D
15:03.13MexaPeople is getting shocked:P
15:03.25Nash|327It's 1995 all over again
15:03.40Deaodnext up: Banelings
15:03.52SentryIIIAnd ICQ
15:03.58Nash|327Oh, yes, ICQ.
15:04.21SentryIIII still have my 8 digit ICQ number I think
15:04.24DeaodICQ :) still using it...
15:04.34Stewoxtotally , i get zero spam on my ISP email , and maybe 10 emails per month on gmail
15:05.09Mexagmail works for me too
15:05.11Stewoxcurrently my Junk inbox is 12
15:05.16Mexahotmail is plain junky
15:05.23Stewoxvery rarely i get spam into my main inbox
15:05.30Mexa:3 I like google
15:05.38MexaI also use chrome
15:05.40MexaOh harrr
15:06.10SentryIIII have 126 in my hotmail junk mail folder
15:06.23Nash|327NOW GET OFF MY LAWN!
15:06.38Mexawasn't that a porn site before o.O?
15:06.41SentryIIIholy shit I have rape videos in my junk mail
15:07.05Nash|327Ooh, rape videos! Click!
15:10.29Mexa22k on livestream now o.O
15:11.05Nash|327That's a lot of bored people...
15:11.12Mexaoh you
15:12.58Nash|327I wish I could stop feeling dizzy :/
15:13.05Nash|327I have stuff to do
15:13.10MexaMaybe you're tired=
15:13.14MexaGet a walk
15:13.21MexaSome fresh air helps alot:)
15:13.26*** mode/#sc2mapster [+v Hati] by ChanServ
15:13.31Nash|327Does that come in cans?
15:13.40SentryIIICoke Zero?
15:13.51Mexazero huh
15:13.58SentryIIIwtf is everyone on a diet?
15:14.25Nash|327Coke Zero is a useless product.
15:14.38Nash|327Fucking bullshit marketing garbage.
15:15.24Mexazero is not really that different from light, isn't it?
15:15.43Nash|327It exists only because of gender specific marketing. There already was a Coke with sweetener, but it was too "female" for guys.
15:16.02Mexa.. Aspartame is good for you.
15:16.04Nash|327So they made Coke Zero with different design and macho bullshit ads.
15:16.51Nash|327I never buy Coke Zero, I hope the product fucking dies D;
15:17.10SentryIIII think sjow is fucked
15:17.56Mexaif those bunkers get up he might hold it.
15:18.00Nash|327I can just buy Coca-Cola Light with the shiny bottle, I don't think that somehow will magically change my gender.
15:18.18Nash|327People are morons.
15:18.52MexaNash, I wouldn't drink light either:p
15:19.24MexaYep, Sjow got toasted
15:19.27Nash|327Because you don't like sweeteners?
15:19.37MexaNo, because I dont like aspartame.
15:20.01Nash|327Fair enough.
15:20.22Nash|327But you wouldn't want Coke Zero either then.
15:20.32MexaTrue, I don't
15:20.44MexaI think both are pretty useless products
15:20.52Nash|327I don't.
15:20.55MexaBut zero, yeah, it's worse
15:21.16Nash|327Soda makes up probably half my calorie intake.
15:21.32Nash|327And I do fuck all but sit at a computer most days.
15:21.38SentryIIIim not familiar with crossfire
15:21.56MexaSentry, it's pretty new.
15:22.03SentryIIII don't ladder much
15:22.13SentryIIII'm still stuck in Platinum :o
15:22.34MexaNot sure who put it there, whether it was a GSL map or a Blizzard map from the beginning.
15:22.40Nash|327I barely eat anything, but I drink a lot of Coke, so just switching to Light cuts down so much of my energy intake...
15:22.55MexaNash, go for a walk:P
15:23.01MexaWb Helral.
15:23.02Nash|327Walks are fucking boring.
15:23.16MexaOkay, go and sit on that chair outside then
15:23.19SentryIIIWell then, go outside and run some errands...
15:23.25Nash|327Outside is boring.
15:23.27Helralthe go for a stroll ;p
15:24.04SentryIIIGo and hang out with your buddies or something
15:24.14Helraldon't ask him impossible things ;p
15:24.20Nash|327I will, in 1½ hours.
15:24.21Helralow wait did I type that....
15:24.35Nash|327But going outside alone is fucking dull.
15:24.46Nash|327Oh look, a tree, how fascinating!
15:24.58Nash|327And a parking lot!
15:25.07MexaIs that how you stroll?
15:25.15MexaWatching trees and parking lots?
15:25.18Nash|327I don't stroll.
15:25.39MexaJust go for a walk, clear your mind abit
15:25.40Helralmy walks: hmmm she has a nice ass..... damn what an ugly face, although the breasts look good.....
15:25.49Nash|327I walk when I need to go somewhere.
15:25.59Nash|327Helral: sounds boring
15:26.01Helralmeows innocently
15:26.26Helralwonders .........
15:26.35SentryIIII actually tried proxy banshee play once...
15:26.38SentryIIIfailed miserably
15:26.45Nash|327If I need to get to a place, I listen to music at max volume, ignore everything around me and walk fast.
15:27.01Nash|327If I don't need to get somewhere then why would I be walking :/
15:27.15HelralIf I need to get somewhere I usually sleep while walking. ;p
15:27.44Helralonly some basic functions would be active, breathing, walking, monitoring traffic.
15:27.52MexaSentry, that's how you should do it :>
15:28.19SentryIIIYeah, but my mechanics suck
15:28.31MexaNash as anyway, open the window to get some slight fresh air
15:28.36Helralat 2v2 I sometimes do a fast expo to the closes external expo near the enemies base ;p
15:28.43SentryIIIMy base got scouted and saw it pretty much empty
15:28.43Nash|327Just gets cold.
15:29.00MexaNash, fine you pessimist <.<
15:29.07MexaGet a shirt on
15:29.13Nash|327I'm not a pessimist.
15:29.22Stewoxmeh storm approaching ... pcoff
15:29.27MexaYou're rejecting everything I am suggesting:P
15:29.38Nash|327Because your suggestions are flawed.
15:29.52MexaOpen the window? -No it's too cold
15:30.00Nash|327I have rejected such options already due to their consequences.
15:30.02MexaIt's not a flaw
15:30.13Nash|327That you restate them do not make them more valid.
15:30.24SentryIIINash, you could turn emo. It burns more calories to cry a lot and cut yourself than to be happy.
15:30.26MexaFine, I should give up by now.
15:30.39Nash|327Yes, you should.
15:31.29Nash|327Unless you think you can come up with something really obscure I have not already considered and rejected.
15:31.44MexaAll out of ideas
15:32.15MexaAlso, livestream watching so I can't think of something right now:)
15:32.16SentryIIIWell, what would you like to do that involves any form of activity?
15:32.25Nash|327SentryIII: I couldn't be emo, I barely have emotions.
15:32.43*** join/#sc2mapster Thial|2 (~kvirc@
15:32.54Nash|327And cutting wouldn't be very healthy.
15:33.24SentryIIIgeez that banshee is awesome
15:33.34MexaHaha yeah.
15:33.56SentryIIIoh yeah huk is desperate
15:35.14SentryIIIholy shit
15:36.03*** join/#sc2mapster Demonette (b206f3bf@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
15:38.40Mexagg banshee
15:38.49Dekarrip hero banshee ;(
15:39.13SentryIIIits okay, there's no cougarship
15:40.03SentryIIIoh man
15:40.08Mexayay, extra match!
15:40.51Mexa27k watchers on stream now
15:40.58MexaAnd counting
15:41.06MephsLIQUID SUK
15:41.26SentryIIIlouder applause for sjow :D
15:42.05SentryIIIwait, the maps are modified to only allow cross position?
15:42.05MexaNow sure how I vouche for:>
15:42.13MexaSentry, yeah I think
15:42.51Mexaor, modded to be placed so that both doesn't get on top or bottom.
15:43.08MexaIt allows a more macrostyle of game, and less cheese
15:43.16MexaI suppose.
15:44.06SentryIIIyeah, but it also means very safe fast expands everytime...
15:44.18*** join/#sc2mapster LordAbyss (~Christoph@
15:44.47MexaI think it is derived from what people used to do in starcraft 1
15:44.54MexaTournaments in such
15:45.30SentryIIII like macrogames too, but shouldn't they be on their guard from start to finish?
15:45.57MexaThey should. fast expanding even though they are far away from each other is always a risk
15:46.13MexaBut I get your point, if both players macro up
15:46.30*** join/#sc2mapster Skizot (
15:46.50Mexawow, I totally missed that fast medivac drop..
15:47.12SentryIIII watched it X'D
15:47.30MexaAnd here comes the banshee :>
15:48.14SentryIIIoh snapz no gas
15:49.09Mexaheh, Huk is getting more careful now:P
15:50.00Dekarthat banshee binds so many ressources
15:50.01Mexamm.. Blink stalkers, that would have solved it
15:50.07Dekarwith observer and 4 stalker guarding it
15:50.24Dekareven without it killing anything
15:51.15*** join/#sc2mapster Zoxc (
15:54.48SentryIIIhuk is gone
15:55.09Mexaand there's the gg.
15:58.03JademusSregI awaken.
15:58.22MexaCool, there's a new Humble Indie Bundle up
15:58.32SentryIIIyeah I saw that
15:58.37SentryIIIheard of none of those games
15:58.37*** join/#sc2mapster AlphA_VsT (
15:58.50*** join/#sc2mapster ducky (53f1057d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
15:59.02MexaI have it, it's great
15:59.14MexaAlso, how often is it that you hear of all the indie games:P
15:59.27SentryIIIQuite often actually
15:59.44SentryIIII have Jets'n'Guns
16:00.08Mexa I'd recommend Trine, Sentry
16:00.11MexaAlso Trine2 also looks fantastic.
16:00.14MexaToo many alsos
16:00.25SentryIIICave Story
16:00.31MexaAlright alright
16:00.45SentryIIIKilling Floor
16:00.56MexaGish, world of goo, super meat boy
16:01.05Mexahello there
16:01.07duckyguys, i need data help
16:01.19MexaWb Jademus
16:01.23JademusSregI'm looking forward to Trine 2.
16:01.29MexaYeah, me too
16:01.31JademusSregLooks sexy as hell.
16:01.47SentryIIIAnd of course Minecraft
16:01.48MexaToo bad they had to delay it to the end of this summer
16:01.54duckyi want to attach fired missile to target unit, is it possible?
16:02.13MexaI don't know, who's the data expert in here?
16:02.26SentryIIIA fired missile?
16:02.43duckyunit fires missile at another unit
16:03.01duckyi want that missile to become attached to target unit when it reaches him
16:03.08Mexawoot, lol, nice sc2 cover.
16:03.13SentryIIISo once the missile gets to the unit that's being attacked, you want it to just attach to the unit instead of exploding and disappearing?
16:03.36duckyyes, attach, do some stuff and then after 5 sec dissapear
16:04.18Nash|327well when a missile hits an effect is applied to target
16:04.23Nash|327usually a damage effect
16:04.47SentryIIIIs there another effect that last 5 seconds?
16:05.02Nash|327you'd just have to make an effect that applies some behavior
16:05.16ducky@ sentry maybe, not yet sure?
16:05.17Nash|327and have that behavior do stuff for 5 seconds
16:05.19JademusSregMake the impact effect apply a Buff behavior that "does some stuff", actor (like a Simple) for the behavior.
16:05.46JademusSregYeah, Nash knows what's going on. =D
16:05.58duckyyes, but i need a visual indicator ..
16:06.08duckyactually i'll just tell what i want to achieve >.<
16:06.41SentryIIIOkay, these people probably know more than me.
16:06.46SentryIIIMy main focus is triggers.
16:06.52JademusSregA Simple class actor with events to create on Behavior.thebehavioryeah.On, and destroys on Behavior.thebehavioryeah.Off.
16:06.52duckyunit forms a "Spear" near his hand, than launches spear into enemy. Spear impales enemy and after 5 seconds explodes
16:06.56Nash|327So's mine :P
16:07.29JademusSregI do terrain, scripting, and data.
16:07.46SentryIIIJademusSreg, I was thinking of something along those lines too.
16:07.47duckyspear can be removed by abilities while it haven't detonated, so i need unit have said spear in his chest so that player can see whats happening
16:08.17JademusSregducky, see above.
16:08.23duckyI understand behaviours, i can't understand how to do graphical part with actors
16:08.30SentryIIIWell then, I definitely don't know how to deal with that now.
16:08.33JademusSregThen you're boned?
16:08.40SentryIIIYAY JINRO
16:09.32ducky"boned" ? what do you mean by that?
16:09.35SentryIIIducky, without the graphical parts, does the intended behaviors work?
16:09.43*** join/#sc2mapster Computerpunk (~Computerp@
16:09.49JademusSregAnyway, make an actor of Simple class, give it actor events like I described.
16:09.50Nash|327Fucked, screwed, up shit's creek without a paddle
16:10.42Mexanew ones are up
16:11.29*** join/#sc2mapster curt`off (
16:11.32duckyi figured that i can "add model" when impact behaviour is applied, but i think that model will always be added in specific place(and specific angle), which may not always correspond to what happened
16:12.43JademusSregIf you want to attach it to a specific anchor on an actor, you'll need to learn SiteOps actors, too.
16:12.50SentryIIIPersonally, I would get the behaviors working first. Get the damage effects and behaviors up, get that ability you were talking about able to remove that effect within 5 seconds, then worry about the graphics once its working
16:13.07JademusSregI concur with Sentry.
16:13.20JademusSregPrototype first, pretty second.
16:13.53duckyguys, i've had done alot of simple things already, it's actors that i lack experience with
16:14.03Nash|327and then when you get tired of trying to figure out graphics you can RAGE and just add a simple existing effect
16:14.04duckyalready have the ability, missile and behavs
16:14.06*** join/#sc2mapster grim001 (
16:14.16SentryIIISo... its all working then...
16:14.20duckyno, i demand perfection! >:]
16:14.31MexaJinro vs White-Ra, gonna be interesting.
16:14.39SentryIIIw00t Jinro vs White-ra on now
16:14.50duckyit works, but it looks ugly >.<
16:15.15SentryIIIWatching sc2 match... talk later....
16:15.38JademusSregHi grim.
16:15.45ducky:O can you give a link?
16:16.00JademusSregYes, I'd like to watch this match, too.
16:16.06JademusSregJust need to close utorrent,.
16:16.58SentryIIIExpecting a lot of cheese from White-ra
16:17.15*** join/#sc2mapster slightlyrandom (~random@
16:17.25Nash|327What kind of cheese?
16:17.33Nash|327I'm partial to feta.
16:17.34JademusSregVictory > "Honor"
16:17.59duckyyeah, the end justifies the means :D
16:18.18Nash|327People are not pragmatists.
16:18.27Nash|327They are scrubby scrubs of scrubness.
16:18.59Obatztrara30k viewers now...
16:19.05*** join/#sc2mapster sana (
16:19.12sanaHello hello
16:20.21JademusSreg"Honor" and other such guises of morality has political value.
16:22.26Dekarfucking humble bundles
16:22.34Dekari dont have enough time to play hundrets of hours indie games
16:22.41JademusSregI do!
16:23.24MexaFor those who wont get trine otherwise, that humblebundle is a great way to get it
16:23.47Dekara friend gave trine to me some time ago
16:23.52Dekarwhen steam sold like a tenpack of it
16:24.25Dekarlooks like the game websites are failing due to high load
16:24.43Dekarwhat is splot?
16:25.01MexaI don't know
16:25.28sanaAnyone in the mood to help me out with some data editor hijinks?
16:26.46Mexawow, white-ra got this game
16:26.58SentryIIIbut a drop in
16:27.26SentryIIIwhite-ra kept on top of those drops
16:27.49MexaJademus, another game Frozenbyte developed
16:27.50SentryIIINever heard of splot
16:27.53MexaWhat it is, I don't know
16:28.07MexaIt's also in the frozenbyte humble bundle
16:28.14MexaIf you preorder, whatever that means
16:28.20JademusSregThere is neat indie RTS/Tower Offense game I read about recently.
16:28.32MexaYeah okay, it's one of their new game
16:28.34SentryIIIerr wait... its all frozenbyte games in the bundle?
16:28.40sanaI'm trying to enable auto-casting for the creation of workers in the CC/nexus/hatch. The "Train" ability does not have auto-cast flags, so instead I tried to replace the Train SCV button with an "Auto-Train SCV" ability that applies an "Issue Order" effect which orders the CC to begin training an SCV.
16:28.43JademusSregWarzone Earth
16:28.45MexaSentry, looks like it
16:28.54JademusSreg*Anomaly: Warzone Earth
16:29.05JademusSregLooks slick as hell.
16:29.10MexaThe humble frozenbyte bundle, so it says ;p
16:29.25sanaSadly either nothing happens at all, or the CC starts periodically auto-casting the effect on itself (like it should), but nothing happens from that. No SCV training.
16:29.32sanaIs my approach wrong?
16:30.28JademusSregWithout the normal build button, how do you expect it to order?
16:30.40Dekari guess "use triggers" is not what you want to hear?
16:30.48sanaI left the ability itself in the CC, just removing the button. Does that disable the ability's functionality?
16:31.16sanaThe normal "train SCV" ability, that is.
16:31.20JademusSregRemember when there was a hack that allowed protoss players to warp train Immortals from Gateways?
16:31.31Dekarand cool upgrades
16:31.37SentryIIIwait a minute...
16:31.46JademusSregBlizzard patched it by preventing orders to abilities that don't have buttons.
16:31.52MexaThey are Sentry .__
16:31.59Dekaryeah right
16:32.05Dekarinstead of removing the old stuff
16:32.05sanaWhat should I do, what should I do...
16:32.22MexaThey removed it too, didn't they?
16:32.33JademusSregYou should debug, test it the autocast is malfunctioning by giving it a different ability to autocast.
16:32.48Dekarbut they could have left it in for us mappers
16:33.33JademusSregIt can still be done via triggers, of course, no problem.
16:33.33SentryIIIa reaper?
16:33.55Mexafor scouting
16:33.56sanaI figured using triggers is a bit like, uh, cheating
16:34.15sanaand maybe more performance-intensive
16:34.15SentryIIIholy shit this is the first reaper I've seen in a game since before that patch
16:34.21*** join/#sc2mapster deathnight114 (
16:34.28SentryIIIoh shit dts
16:35.39JademusSregSana, yes, a bit more intensive since it creates a new thread.
16:36.07Dekarhaha fail
16:37.00Dekarsana you shouldnt care about trigger performance unless its a very fast periodic trigger, has a very common event or does a really complex task
16:37.22SentryIIII'm cheering for Jinro
16:37.58MexaYou can still have compassion for both sides;p
16:38.10Dekarpros use DT a lot, huh?
16:38.11SentryIIII like white-ra too :|
16:38.42MexaThey are a good choice without scans
16:38.42JademusSregI remember during beta you could use a warp prism to create a dark shrine somewhere obscure, then depower and have it still function for tech.
16:39.26JademusSregGreat way to surprise the enemy.
16:39.46*** join/#sc2mapster RipperRoo (
16:40.04Mexafff, I want their apm skills :/
16:40.39SentryIIII have 140 apm, but my mechanics suck
16:40.47SentryIIIThey're actions, but not really good actions
16:41.26Nash|327omg moar apmz
16:42.07AlphA_VsTi have an average of 30 :D
16:42.12AlphA_VsTim so leet
16:42.22Nash|327I don't know my APM
16:42.31Mexa for those who care but not yet know.
16:42.34Nash|327and don't care
16:42.37AlphA_VsTyou dont weatch your own replays?
16:42.40Nash|327I just play
16:42.52AlphA_VsTwhen you lose watch your replay
16:42.56AlphA_VsTit helps :P
16:43.13Nash|327Why would you want to watch yourself play?
16:43.19Nash|327That's bizarre.
16:43.30SentryIIISo you can learn from your mistakes?
16:44.03Nash|327I beat the campaign.
16:44.06Nash|327Good enough.
16:44.08*** join/#sc2mapster Bounty (442d304d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
16:44.24BountyHai guys
16:44.38SentryIIIwow white-ra wasn't on top of those drops this game
16:45.00MexaHey Bounty
16:45.05JademusSregWoo, clusterfuck.
16:45.13MexaBounty, care about sc2 pro matches?
16:45.20Bountycant stand em
16:45.26Mexa:> okay
16:45.34MexaThen I wont link:)
16:45.35SentryIIIhe's fucked
16:46.15MexaDoesn't look well for jinrp
16:46.20SentryIIIwow wtf
16:46.33MexaThat was unexpected
16:46.35SentryIIII thought white-ra was fucked
16:46.36JademusSregThat was damn close until the last minute or so.
16:46.56BountySo Jademus
16:47.00BountyI thought of a new mechanic
16:47.28SentryIIISuch good sportmanship
16:47.31Bountyfootprints :)
16:47.39Obatztraralol nice accent
16:47.41JademusSregGood idea.
16:47.55JademusSregThe game should already support leaving behind footprints.
16:48.03MexaNo, I didn't get what white-ra said <.<
16:48.05Bountyit does?
16:48.25SentryIIIhe said to him if he got the gold expo up, he would have lost
16:48.27JademusSregPretty sure, I'd need to check the data to be certain, but I thought I saw something about it.
16:48.57Bountywell i just need to find some sort of model
16:49.02Bountythat looks like a werewolf footprint
16:49.17JademusSregYeah, finding footprint art assets will be more challenging.
16:49.34Bountyi thought it would add more to what u were saying
16:49.38Bountyabout real investigating
16:50.05Obatztraraomg you shouldnt ask the older n3rds about their family...
16:50.21Obatztrarapoor guy
16:50.37MexaI'm sure he is used to it
16:50.43SentryIIIhis english is actually quite decent
16:50.59JademusSregDead parent? I wasn't paying attention.
16:51.20SentryIIIdamn right sweden is the internet
16:51.22MexaAlso, since he is from eastern europe where they don't have as good or much english education
16:51.34JademusSregMC vs Idra next?
16:52.01MexaIdra didn't rage just yet
16:52.03JademusSregI have a morbid curiosity in Idra.
16:52.28JademusSregThe sort of fascination one finds in a traffic accident.
16:52.37Bountywell jade
16:52.39Bountyfound it
16:52.41Deaodhe plays really well
16:52.43Mexawonders what song will be played this commercial break.
16:52.44Bountythere is a hand/foot model
16:52.48Bountyunder shapes
16:52.51Deaodthats all i need to know.
16:52.54MexaBanelings thank you very much.
16:53.05Deaodi wonder about the same thing, mexa
16:53.06SentryIIIRebecca Black - Friday
16:53.16Deaodyeah, banelings
16:53.22JademusSregScale, darken tint, reduce opacity, and you have a winner. =D
16:53.24MexaFriday with other lyrics
16:53.31MexaThat would be something...
16:53.35Deaodbut perhaps not due to copyright
16:53.52MexaThey managed to get the previous song up
16:53.59MexaWhich was a direct cover
16:54.05MexaKnew it:P
16:54.17Obatztrarayeah. >_>
16:54.28JademusSregThis song is goddamn painful.
16:54.44MexaThe livestream dreamhack chat went nuts
16:54.51Deaodi can imagine
16:54.53SentryIIITHere's a chat?
16:54.59JademusSregThe blue link.
16:55.34MexaThat's the official one
16:55.57JademusSregThis hurts me more than a Fountains of Wayne track.
16:55.58SentryIIIIt looks like this chat...
16:56.12Mexait's a freenode, pretty much
16:56.56Deaodits IRC
16:57.08Deaodso just hop on quakenet
16:57.14Deaodand join #dreamhacktv
16:57.40MexaIf you go there by dreamhack you are assigned a random nick
16:57.47JademusSregHusky looks like Michael C. Hall stuck in a dehydrator used on fruit.
16:57.48MexaThus explainign why the link looks like it looks.
16:58.23JademusSregNot to say that's bad; I'm sure he is delicious just like dehydrated fruit.
16:58.24Bountyim thinking about ditching the whole town hall and forrest idea
16:58.26Bountyand just making it a town
16:58.33Bountyand if u think someone is it u can just hsoot him lol
16:58.50SentryIIIbathroom break before the next game :o
16:58.59MexaYou'll be back in time
16:59.03JademusSregMaybe, bounty. What do you mean by town?
16:59.10JademusSregLike a hamlet, or a city?
16:59.17Bountylike the whole thing takes place in a small town in the woods
16:59.22Bountybut the town is the only playable area
16:59.35JademusSregAlright. That should work. I figured that was already the case.
16:59.44JademusSregSee, that's not cool.
16:59.47Bountynah i was going to make it so u can venture into the forrest
16:59.56JademusSregWhy wouldn't someone hide in the forest?
17:00.09Bountybut it doesnt seem worth it and it would be much better to  just have it in the town
17:00.18AlphA_VsT :D guess what lol
17:00.27Bountywell unless u brought EVERYONE with u, u would be more likely to get killed
17:00.38Bountybc u would be alone
17:01.08Bountybut what im thinking is just have a voting system during the day
17:01.17Bountyif hes voted guilty, everyone is given weapons
17:01.20Bountyso if u get voted guilty
17:01.24Bountyu can REALLY defend urself =P
17:01.30Bountynot with words
17:01.32Bountybut bullets
17:01.55MexaAlpha, are those going to have neat paperlike textures later?
17:01.57JademusSregTo quote Star Wars: "I have a bad feeling about this."
17:02.02Bountylol y?
17:02.13AlphA_VsTyeah they will mexa lol
17:02.27MexaAlpha, why don't you put up your mod on moddb?
17:02.30JademusSregThe arbitrary quality of suddenly having weapons.
17:02.35JademusSregPoof, tada@
17:02.40MexaBecause it is pretty much a total conversionm
17:02.47Bountyyeah, to kill the person who was voted guilty Jademus
17:02.58Bountywho wouldnt rather kill that person themselves rather then watch it be done
17:03.43Bountyand im going for a more Action/Horror/Mystery type
17:03.51*** join/#sc2mapster JManV|Work (63594a96@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
17:03.51AlphA_VsTi might open some parts of my mod but im not sure yet
17:04.05JademusSregWho wouldn't care the weapon around all the time because there is a goddamn werewolf eatin your dudes?
17:04.08MexaConcept art and pictures is always nice :)
17:04.11JademusSreg*wouldn't carry
17:04.34Bountywell i dont want people to be able to just randomly kill ppl
17:04.39Bountywould be a problem with trolls
17:04.42MexaDreamhack is in Stockholm :D
17:04.53SentryIIII thought Dreamhack was in Jonkoping?
17:05.14MexaIt origins are there I think
17:05.18SentryIIINo fixed location
17:05.19MexaBut now when they got huge
17:05.23MexaThey are everywhere
17:05.25JademusSregBounty, that's poor design.
17:05.27Mexain Sweden
17:05.45BountyIf im preventing the game experience from being ruined by players
17:06.00JademusSregIn addition to making gameplay work, the game concepts and setting should be internally consistent.
17:06.46MexaDidn't knew people called Idra for the Gracken
17:06.55JademusSregMafia works if you assume everyone in in town is stupid and a pansy.
17:07.12MexaI need to get rid of my usage of lol
17:08.24MexaIdra in favor of the audience.
17:08.39SentryIIIowo Idra looks lame in that pose
17:08.50JademusSregWakka wakka
17:12.39sanaDoes anyone know off the bat if Gateway and Warpgate training times are equal
17:12.44sanacounting warpgate cooldown
17:12.53*** join/#sc2mapster Twiner|home (
17:13.03JademusSregNaw, iirc, warpgate is faster.
17:13.33JademusSregBut it's easy to check.
17:13.35MexaGreedy Idra is greedy
17:14.07JademusSregDatadatadatadata datadatadatadata Datman
17:14.08AlphA_VsThes going for  the fucking overloards lol
17:14.33SentryIIIyou cant take out queens with that many phoenix... can you?
17:15.01AlphA_VsTi win games liek that
17:15.21JademusSregIdra looks boned.
17:16.16SentryIIIwell he finally got a void ray
17:17.16SentryIIIhe's sending 1 unit at a time?
17:17.27JademusSregBuying time for the hatchery.
17:17.34JademusSregIt worked.
17:17.41SentryIIIwtf stream
17:18.20SentryIIIstream froze on me for a couple secs
17:18.43AlphA_VsTget a better connection
17:18.45Mexasc2 sound still broken :p
17:19.05SentryIIIwtf stream again
17:19.05AlphA_VsThydras are so op 0.o
17:19.12AlphA_VsTi hate them
17:19.26MexaSentry, try refreshing
17:19.31JademusSreg<3 hydralisks
17:20.13AlphA_VsTthat was a good move
17:20.18SentryIIIholy shit
17:20.25MexaWow, MC lost everything by not attacking in the beginning
17:20.29SentryIIIOMFG STREAM
17:20.51SentryIIII missed the end of that
17:20.57JademusSreg"moving like power rangers"
17:22.53Mexaprobably in 40minutes
17:22.54Mexaor more
17:23.10JManV|Workoh, nvm
17:23.29JManV|Worki though a commercial interrupted the end of a game for sentry.  didn't read back
17:24.01JManV|Workcuz that can be annoying
17:24.03JademusSregPretty good match. I think Idra will beat White Ra in that match up.
17:24.44Dekar<3 broodlords
17:24.55AlphA_VsTfuck broodlords
17:25.06MexaThey be nice
17:25.17JademusSregI mean if Idra and White Ra are matched up.
17:25.39MexaAye, will be tough¨
17:26.23Dekaryup, hydras still suck
17:26.36JademusSregIncredible play.
17:26.40MexaThat was so unexpected
17:26.41AlphA_VsTidra sucks :P
17:27.26SentryIIIIdra got too cocky
17:27.34AlphA_VsTfuck yeah
17:27.39AlphA_VsTwith dem broodlords
17:27.42JademusSregI couldn't say he sucks; he could probably defeat any one of us in a match.
17:27.51Dekarit appeared he didnt micro at all in that clash
17:27.59AlphA_VsTthats gay
17:28.05JademusSreg"Nydus my backdoor."
17:28.09Mexais that a probe pet?
17:28.10AlphA_VsTfrom a guy
17:28.25JademusSregWell, he might be gay. So yeah, makes sense.
17:28.40AlphA_VsTyoru so wise
17:29.00SentryIIISo... his gaydar is active :>
17:29.14JademusSregLook at that pretty face,
17:29.21JademusSregIdra might be totally down with itr.
17:29.24SentryIIII'd rather look at this chat.
17:29.46MexaYay, sound is back
17:29.54JademusSregHell yeah.
17:30.42JademusSregThey're tlaking like an episode of Seinfeld.
17:30.44MexaYo dawg, I heard you like come backs
17:30.48JademusSregCut that shit out.
17:31.23AlphA_VsTlol cum haha
17:31.45JademusSreg"Yo dawg, I heard you like comebacks, so we put a comeback in your comeback, so you can comeback while you're coming back."
17:31.48SentryIIIIS this his rageface?
17:31.49JademusSregThere ya go, all fixed.
17:32.31SentryIIIomfg 6pool
17:32.38AlphA_VsTis he cheeseing
17:32.56JademusSregThat map is big though.
17:32.56Mexaor just rushing the hell out of it
17:32.59SentryIIIa bit?
17:32.59SentryIIIthis is fucking all in
17:33.05JademusSregThat cheese might be fucked.
17:33.27AlphA_VsTit might be
17:33.32MexaWhat the commentators said
17:33.35AlphA_VsTforge down
17:33.39AlphA_VsThe fails
17:34.10AlphA_VsTno forge
17:35.11AlphA_VsTdid he gg?
17:35.11JademusSregSee his rage face? The disdain.
17:35.28AlphA_VsTi missed that end :(
17:35.33MexaHe did gg though:p
17:35.37SentryIIII didnt see it
17:35.40SentryIIIToo busy laughing my ass off
17:37.11MexaMC kind of reminds me of  Fusajiro Yamauchi. They are well known, famous. But hardly care to learn any english.
17:37.12AlphA_VsToh so funny
17:37.53MexaYamuchi being the creator of Nintendo, for those who don't know :P
17:38.09Dekarjapan is their core market anyway
17:38.20MexaCommercial break, wonder what mysterious song will come next
17:38.35AlphA_VsTtry korea
17:38.46Dekarof nintendo?
17:38.51*** join/#sc2mapster Dynast (~Dynast@
17:40.10Mexa20minutes to next game?
17:40.39MexaThey are before the schedule, figure by that match:P?
17:40.51MexaSweet, bittrippy music
17:40.52MexaI like
17:41.01MexaI dont like
17:41.12Dekaroh god i want husky music back
17:41.26SentryIIIWell Idra pretty much threw the match
17:41.33MexaThe song is nice, but seriously, they just had to add swedish in that song <.<
17:41.34AlphA_VsTyeah he did
17:41.37AlphA_VsTwhat a noob
17:41.51Dekarhis eco was shit
17:42.53Mexafuu music :/
17:43.03MexaMy core swedish heart died alittle.
17:43.15AlphA_VsTpress the no soudn button
17:43.25MexaI know I can
17:43.28MexaBut still
17:43.29SentryIIIVi sitter i ventrilo och spelar dota
17:43.36SentryIIII know swedish :3
17:43.39MexaPlease, no basshunter
17:43.47JademusSregGod no.
17:43.58Deaodbasshunter ...
17:43.58MexaThere was a time when Basshunter was in. But not anymore
17:44.01MexaNo doubt
17:44.13MexaIn fact, I don't think I ever liked him
17:44.14Deaodwas he EVER in?
17:44.20JademusSregI don't remember a time where I didn't deride him.
17:44.30SentryIIII only memorized that song because I used it in my wc3 map reviews video
17:44.32JademusSregThe tool who gots booed out of a performance.
17:44.32MexaMore in then
17:44.47SentryIIICaramel dansen?
17:45.21SentryIIINever memorized the lyrics to that song.
17:45.40MexaIn swedish, or the misheard japanese?
17:45.45MexaOr the english version?
17:46.03SentryIIII don't think I've ever heard the misheard japanese version or english
17:46.05MexaLolyeah, I don't know it entirely either
17:46.24MexaNo the point was rather, that thr swedish version is the japanese misheard
17:46.24JademusSregI didn't expect I would be watching these matches today.
17:46.27MexaMy bad
17:46.38JademusSregPretty neat though.
17:46.40MexaBut here you are now Jade:P
17:46.41SentryIIIIt is?
17:46.58JademusSregAfterward, I'll enjoy some SGU.
17:47.10JademusSregAdd turbo boost to my map.
17:47.26SentryIIIAre you referring to the faster, high-pitched version?
17:47.34MexaSentry either one
17:47.38Mexa"Caramelldansen is known in Japan as "Uma uma dance" (ウマウマダンス), because of the song chorus misheard lyrics (soramimi) of "u-u-ua-ua", ウッーウッーウマウマ (u- u- umauma, "uma" is suggested to mean "yummy", "nice" (うまい umai?, slurred: うめぇ umē-) or "horse" (馬 uma?) in Japanese). The title sometimes adds (゚∀゚) to the end. Also part of the misheard lyrics "Dansa med oss, klappa era händer" (
17:47.44SentryIIII like the original better
17:47.52JademusSregI still need some NA testers.
17:48.18Mexa"in the Kansai dialect) so the song has a different interpretation in Japanese than the original Swedish lyrics."
17:48.22SentryIIII never knew this
17:48.38SentryIIII always knew it was a swedish song
17:48.39JademusSregI want to find any bugs before map night if I can.  =D
17:48.45Dekarcan i make a neutral building with a button everyone can press?
17:48.52MexaIt is indeed
17:49.03JademusSregDekar, yes, with shared control.
17:49.08MexaBut it got famous internationally mostly due to japan
17:49.09JademusSregBut it applies to the player.
17:49.29Dekarwell, that should work good enough for me
17:50.20MexaSentry, now when I read that again, I meant ofcourse: The japanese version is the swedish one misheard
17:50.24MexaMy bad, again
17:50.35*** join/#sc2mapster nodgene (568d2093@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
17:51.37*** join/#sc2mapster nolliepoper (6165e03b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
17:52.12nolliepoperanyone know about changing dialog appearance?
17:52.21nolliepoperDo I  just change the background image?
17:52.33*** join/#sc2mapster Dustin|Lappy (
17:52.49Helralnolliepoper: what you wanna change about it ;p
17:53.05Helralyou can hide the background of a dialog, and place an image instead.
17:53.10nolliepoperWell, I am trying to polish I gues.
17:53.20nodgeneoh hello everyone!  Anyone know how to make a ghost count as a barracks, so the melee option doesn't think the player is tied?  And also, how can I make it so that sed ghost, with a barracks train ability, can train units as he walks around?
17:53.33nolliepoperI was wondering how they get those sorta seethrough colored dialogs
17:53.39Helralnodgene: check the prevent defeat box at the ghost unit.
17:53.42nolliepoperIt looks better than the standard dialog frame.
17:53.59nodgenehelral: thanks, will have a look now
17:54.01Helralnodgene: unit - stats (flags list)
17:54.10MexaI think you can add transparancy nollie.
17:54.26Helralyou can set transparency for the dialog.
17:55.01HelralSet Dialog Transparency <-- it's even called that.
17:55.14nodgenehelral: excellent, done that, thanks.  Any idea on how to allow the barracks train ability to be used on the move?  
17:55.22JademusSregGlad to see I didn't miss anything.
17:55.38SentryIII"Hardcore Wipes"?
17:55.45Mexayup, still 5 minutes
17:55.51nolliepoperI was hoping to do something like this dialog current player score:
17:56.06nolliepoperBut not so clear
17:56.18Dekarshared control is not good enough :[
17:56.41MexaYeah this song is actually pretty nice
17:56.59Mexait ended too soon
17:57.21MexaThat was loud.
17:57.33Helralnolliepoper: think that's an image behind the dialog.
17:57.39Helralwell inside the dialog.
17:57.52JademusSregSet Dialog Background
17:58.00Dustin|LappyYour tutorial is so confusing for UI shit
17:58.07SentryIIITLO's ACCENT
17:58.10nolliepoperlol Dustin.
17:58.16HelralDustin|Lappy: ask away and I'll improve it.
17:58.23nolliepoperI thought that at first but don't over complicate things
17:58.38nolliepoperanchors are easy, you have 1 for the screen and 1 for the item
17:58.45nolliepoperor panel
17:59.00nolliepoperthe 2 anchors connect.
17:59.23Dekarjinros voice lags
17:59.25Helralnolliepoper: create dialog, hide dialog background, create dialog item image, set dialog item image transparency :P
17:59.30JademusSregTLO always did such fun things in games.
17:59.34Dustin|LappyI havent even touched UI stuff before, so I have no idea about these templates, if Im adding code to a new file or adjusting a different one, I guess adding a NEWBS WHO SUCK SHOULD READ THIS section would be good going over how SC2 handles the files and basic layout stuff
17:59.46JademusSregNydus base swap. =D
17:59.50nolliepoperThe problem is I don't know any good looking dialog images
17:59.57Mexayeah, I saw that one
17:59.58HelralDustin|Lappy one moment then ;p
18:00.10JademusSregNol, make your own. Have ya got photoshop?
18:00.12nolliepoperI saw a bunch of ui ones already, but I don't know if I can adjust their size
18:00.15SentryIIIWait, who did that nydus base swap against white-ra in the beta?
18:00.18nolliepoperI have photoshop
18:00.26MexaEverytime someone is using the Nydus, I get filled with joy. Nyduses are so underused
18:00.36SentryIIII just remember that video with husky commentating it
18:00.39nolliepoperif I made my own dialog backgrounds it would look like trash
18:00.40JademusSregYou can make your own using 32-bit photoshop with the nvidia plug in thing.
18:00.40SentryIIIor was it HD
18:00.52JademusSregLet me find a link.
18:00.53Dustin|Lappy<3 you Helral :)
18:00.54MexaNydus with mass queens :D
18:01.16HelralDustin|Lappy: 1. How to use custom layout files in your map 2. What does the override file look like 3. How to adjust the correct frame 4. How to move a frame 5. How to hide a frame
18:01.24Helralthat's the current ToC for my tutorial.
18:01.50JademusSregThere is a guide to the correct dds specs on mapster.
18:02.07Dekarsometimes i think helral is too clever for a cat
18:02.08Dustin|LappyI'd do 1. What the fuck is a layout file and general setup
18:02.24SentryIIIfucking coke zero
18:02.30SentryIIIstop being suck
18:02.41Dustin|LappyCause I dont know if I need to open a different layout file and edit it or make this override file or what
18:02.56MexaGo Sjow, don't eliminate Sweden from the tournament!!
18:02.58SentryIIII don't know those first 2 maps
18:03.05SentryIIIGO TERRAN
18:03.06MexaI missed, what were they
18:03.19SentryIIITermisomthing and cersomething
18:03.28MexaOh, they are GSL maps I think
18:03.37MexaI think I recon them when I see them:P
18:03.44SentryIIIHoly shit white-ra has awesome pose
18:03.44HelralDustin|Lappy: ahhh ok I'll add a chapter: "What are layout files and how can they help" in which that will be handled.
18:04.11MexaWhite-Ra reminds me of the new bond actor
18:04.14Mexain that pose
18:04.20MexaDaniel Craig?
18:04.24nolliepoperso we can't put a leaderboard in the bottom right?
18:04.31SentryIIIHe does!
18:04.36SentryIIICANT UNSEE
18:04.41nolliepoperbecause you can only move them to a point on screen (x, y)
18:04.43JademusSregYes, Helral, a guide to the format would be wonderful.
18:05.14JademusSregNol, I prefer to make my own leader/score boards using dialogs.
18:05.22*** join/#sc2mapster SixTwo (
18:05.25JademusSregGives you more control.
18:05.46nolliepoperThat is what I have to resort too anyways.
18:06.11nolliepoperIs there an easy way to make it look better than the default dialogs
18:06.32Dekar+1 toss is op
18:06.35JademusSregI used custom background textures.
18:06.40SentryIIIToss is op
18:06.42MexaHe didn't put himself to busy
18:06.52SentryIIIThey keep splitting my marauders with force fields
18:07.59nolliepoperstop using marauders
18:09.20AlphA_VsTfuck i didnt know they startedback up QQ
18:09.36SentryIIIYou missed awesome agression by white-ra
18:09.47JManV|Workmarauders deserve to be split up.  they're not exactly up themselves
18:09.52MexaI want to vouche on Sjow, but I think I'll go for white-ra instead
18:10.01MexaHe has played well today
18:10.21JManV|Workwhite-ra is awesome
18:10.32MexaJManV, are you also watching?
18:10.42SentryIIIWell, at least Idra is out
18:10.49MexaGotcha :>
18:10.55JManV|Workdoesn't make white-ra not awesome tho :P
18:11.01*** join/#sc2mapster Ashamed_ (20616e3f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
18:11.04*** join/#sc2mapster Stewox (563a22a6@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
18:11.12Ashamed_good afternoon
18:11.25MexaHey there
18:11.27StewoxDreamhack tournament is epic
18:11.31Stewoxso funny
18:11.32Dekarwhy did he pick the exe between them?
18:11.36Dekarand not a remote one?
18:11.48JademusSregAfter Dreamhack, can I get any test subjects for my map?
18:12.06SentryIIIWTF STREAM
18:12.08MexaNo Jade, you must watch the North America Star League after this :P
18:12.27Ashamed_i can test in 8 hours jade
18:12.37JManV|Workomg, this app is actually being laggier than GE
18:12.49JademusSregAlright. This evening will be good for me.
18:13.14MexaOn Tuesday, 12 April at 18:00 PST, the North American Star League will kick off with some of the greatest StarCraft II players in the world vying for top honors in this grueling competition.
18:13.28JademusSregSounds good.
18:13.36JademusSregHow many entrants?
18:13.39SentryIIIBut... but... they're in Sweden...
18:13.52MexaMoon vs. Grubby, ViBe vs. TLO, Artosis vs. Sheth, Fenix vs. KiWiKaKi, Rainbow vs. MorroW is some examples
18:14.08MexaTLO, Kiwikaki, Morrow, yay
18:14.20JademusSregSounds worth watching.
18:14.59MexaIt's this entire week D:
18:15.27SentryIIIBut..... but.... but... they're in Sweden!
18:15.36Stewoxit's great
18:15.38MexaBut not tomorrow :)
18:15.53Stewoxi like it more than those gomtv americanos :P
18:16.14Stewoxno offense , it's just personal taste
18:16.33MexaStill the usual known people isn't it?
18:16.34Stewoxbut those guys always spam those ads and sponsors so much .... repeating same stuff 10 times
18:16.59MexaDidn't see the deathball Sjow have D:
18:17.39SentryIIIGOD DAMNIT
18:17.58MexaTry lower the quality one bit
18:18.08MexaBut you must not miss!!
18:18.46Mexagg now
18:18.50MexaMust be
18:18.54AlphA_VsTwhite ra is <3
18:19.02MexaThat was tense
18:19.04SentryIIII MISSED IT
18:19.14SentryIIIGOD DAMNIT
18:19.23Ashamed_i think profesional gaming is funny
18:19.26MexaYou sure missed it :|
18:19.32SentryIIIOh now it comes back
18:19.39SentryIIII was hearing the sound fine
18:19.42SentryIIIBut no video
18:19.52AlphA_VsTyour internet sucks
18:19.55JademusSregI'm so surprised by Ra's breaking of the line.
18:20.00JademusSregSo beautiful.
18:20.30JManV|Workhe's awesome
18:20.51SentryIIIIt's 12:20pm, so it's probably high-traffic in my area
18:20.54JManV|Workhe's like 30, too
18:21.09AlphA_VsTi forget what this map is 0.o
18:21.18MexaA gsl map
18:21.27SentryIIIBut the video froze at exactly the wrong time :|
18:22.07SentryIII40k viewers
18:22.31MexaPeople have gotten home from friends/schools/work
18:23.02Ashamed_i just got to work
18:23.11Ashamed_and i am watching it :P
18:23.54JManV|Workyeah, i'm watching it too now :P
18:23.58JManV|Workwell, listening mostly
18:24.28Ashamed_white ra from the ukraine right?
18:24.41Ashamed_my Wifes family adopts kids from there all the time
18:24.49Ashamed_so i guess thats who i will go for ><
18:25.02Ashamed_she had 3 ukraining sibblings lol
18:25.03MexaAre you not included in your wifes family?
18:25.08Mexaoh wait
18:25.12Ashamed_no her dad
18:25.13Ashamed_and mom
18:25.16Ashamed_my in laws
18:25.19MexaYeah, I got that now
18:25.30Mexahaha, my bad
18:25.42Ashamed_she has*
18:25.43Ashamed_not had
18:26.08MexaWe getya :)
18:28.26JademusSregWakka wakka
18:28.44AlphA_VsTwhat are some city type things
18:28.47Ashamed_man he cant afford to lose banshees like that
18:28.47AlphA_VsTi should make?
18:28.55*** join/#sc2mapster deathnight114 (
18:29.25JManV|Workthat's a lot of lost banshees
18:29.40SentryIIIYES BCS
18:29.48JademusSregBenches, ash trays, potted plants, side walk trees.
18:30.02MexaThey are way faster now too
18:30.25AlphA_VsTthey get owned by stalkers though :P
18:30.27*** join/#sc2mapster Skizot (
18:30.36Ashamed_i always goes bc
18:30.41JManV|Workespecially if upgrades gall
18:31.20JManV|Workand vikings are crap against stalkers too
18:31.30MexaEven when grounded?
18:31.35JManV|Workoh yeah, totally
18:31.49JManV|Workyou ever really watched grounded vikings fight stalkers?
18:31.57JManV|Workstalkers own
18:32.04MexaOnly when a protoss army is in retreat
18:32.06JManV|Workyou need like 3 times as many vikings
18:32.21JManV|Workmaybe 3 is an exaggeration, maybe 2
18:32.23JManV|Workbut still
18:32.59JManV|Workthere it is
18:33.01Mexaclose one
18:33.47JManV|Worki'm not sure i like all those zealots
18:34.12Ashamed_i dont think sjou i sgoing to win
18:34.15JManV|Workguess it doesn't matter
18:34.45JManV|Workdid he just say DPS, high, and stalker in the same sentence?
18:35.02JManV|Workmaybe if there's 40 of them :P
18:35.17SentryIIIWasn't there?
18:35.18Mexagood sports, that man,
18:35.20JManV|Workhero templars
18:35.40AlphA_VsTbattle losers
18:35.59JManV|Workhe is good english speak
18:36.11JademusSregObviously it is that
18:36.20JManV|Worki shouldn't make fun tho
18:37.01SentryIII"He cares"
18:37.25MexaHell yeah, finals
18:37.38MexaMC or White-Ra?
18:37.44Ashamed_whens the next match?
18:37.54Mexathink 13 minutes
18:37.57AlphA_VsTwhite ra fuck you
18:38.09SentryIIIwhite ra fuck yeah
18:38.14JManV|Workwhite-ra will have trouble against MC
18:38.23MexaThe final will go live 21.00 CET I think
18:38.29MexaWhich is 12 minutes now
18:38.37SentryIIIoh good
18:38.41SentryIIII still have to sleep before I go to work
18:38.46MexaNow lets hear the next awkvard song
18:39.14MexaSentry, you're going to miss the north american star league :v
18:39.39MexaWell though, it will go on much longer
18:39.42Ashamed_dont go to sleep
18:39.43Ashamed_stay up
18:39.47MexaThis entire week and probably more
18:40.02SentryIIIgotta work
18:40.08SentryIIIgotta pay bills
18:40.09Ashamed_i didnt say dont go to work
18:40.10SentryIIIgotta eat
18:40.16Ashamed_i said dont go to sleep
18:40.23MexaThe nasl is qualifier matches so far I think
18:40.25SentryIIII need sleep before work
18:40.51Mexaomg what is this
18:41.14SentryIIIthe................ hell?
18:41.32JManV|Worki can't breathe
18:41.50Ashamed_you dont need sleep
18:41.51MexaThis cracks me
18:42.02Ashamed_i didnt get to bed until 5 am the night before
18:42.06Ashamed_cuz my baby wouldn't go to bed
18:42.38Ashamed_be he did good last night
18:42.58Ashamed_from like 11:00PM > 6:00 AM
18:43.00JManV|Workfun to watch tho
18:43.06JManV|Workthey're pretty easy on the eyes
18:43.41Ashamed_its like japanse / american
18:43.51AlphA_VsTits awesome
18:44.02Mexa*17 minutes to final
18:44.30Ashamed_nu oh nu ohhh
18:44.32AlphA_VsTso i lost my old brushes for my creating textures :(
18:44.47AlphA_VsTi have to make some new ones
18:44.59AlphA_VsTand figure out a new awesome way to make it look awesome
18:45.46Ashamed_is that another dota rip?/
18:45.58Ashamed_oh it looked like it
18:46.05Ashamed_oh close enough ><
18:46.10JademusSregNot all MOBA are DotA
18:46.10Mexaepix music
18:46.12SentryIIINot really
18:46.18SentryIIIDota is AOS
18:46.43Ashamed_whens that shit come out?
18:46.43JademusSregMOBA is the most generic term for the genre available.
18:46.58JademusSregMulitplayer Online Battle Arena
18:47.01XaragothMOBA is something that HoN guy came up with
18:47.10Xaragothand I don't think it fits yet
18:47.24Xaragothat least not for LoL, because Arena usually doesn't involve creeps
18:47.29Xaragothfor bloodline, it'd be accurate
18:47.34Stewoxi think dreamhack is fucking awesome
18:47.40Stewoxthis is so fucking great
18:47.45JademusSregGood point.
18:47.56MexaStewox, hell yeah :P
18:48.07JademusSregBut calling those games AoS or Dotas does not please.
18:48.15Stewoxjust watch!
18:48.26Xaragothdota would make a lot of people very angry
18:48.31MexaCan't wait for Dreamhack Summer
18:48.34Stewoxno stupid mouthtalking so much about same stuff
18:48.44StewoxGOMTV is okay but this is better !
18:49.50Mexa43k streamers right now
18:50.26Stewoxthis looks and feels way more professional , great music , great quality stream! , no mouthspamming about ADS/sponsors (great and non-flashy videos instead)
18:50.39Stewoxno freaking headset problems
18:50.48Stewoxtasteless !
18:51.20MexaKewls, playing Europe now huh
18:51.31Mexa<3 those synths
18:51.32JManV|Workthe final countdown!
18:51.45Stewoxthis is great !
18:51.48Dustin|LappyWhat game is this streaming?
18:51.53JManV|Workthe only memorable song Europe ever made
18:51.54MexaStarcraft 2
18:52.32MexaThis brings me back
18:52.42Dustin|LappyI wish I was a pro gamer lol
18:52.45Dustin|LappyMust be fucking nice
18:52.54JManV|Workpays not that great
18:53.03JManV|Workyou have to do it because you love it
18:53.10MexaThey are probably doing it for all the passion
18:53.29Dustin|LappyThe top guys are raking in the cash
18:53.32JManV|Workeven then, sometimes it totally just feels like work
18:53.35SentryIIII just realized....
18:53.41SentryIIIFinal Countdown...
18:53.44Dustin|LappyAnd could you not love the fact that you're playing video games for a living
18:53.48SentryIIICowntdown until the finals
18:54.02JManV|Workraking in the cash = thousands of dollars?
18:54.13JManV|Workmaybe even tens of thousands
18:54.18SentryIIIMore like hundreds of thousands
18:54.22Dekarbut gom has user questions:
18:54.44JademusSregIt is a substantial investment of time, effort, and money for those who aspire to play as a profession.
18:55.27Stewoxcan't wait
18:55.31AlphA_VsTyour mom is epic
18:55.42Stewoxdon't spoil it
18:55.45Mexa810 000 SEK in total prize purse.
18:55.47JademusSregIt is work, but probably far more intellectually stimulating that many occupations.
18:55.48MexaYou know guys
18:55.51StewoxGOMTV .... is nothing against Dreamhack
18:55.51MexaThat's alot of money
18:55.57SentryIIIWhat's that in US dollars?
18:56.08JManV|Work$15   :P
18:56.20JademusSregWakka wakka
18:56.23MexaLet me check
18:56.34SentryIIIWhat happen to music?
18:57.01Mexauh yeah ^
18:57.07SentryIIITHat's more than the GSL.
18:57.24SentryIIIThen again, the GSL happens more often
18:57.28JManV|Workor rounded to $130k?
18:57.38AlphA_VsT128904.944539 USD
18:58.00JManV|Workyeah, but a number like that changes by the minutes
18:58.04Mexain euro: about 89000 euro.
18:58.20MexaLot of money indeed
18:58.31AlphA_VsTgoodamount yes
18:59.10AlphA_VsTgirly man haha
18:59.39AlphA_VsTmc is such a nerdy guy
18:59.41MexaSo, the final is PvP huh
18:59.50AlphA_VsThow lame :P
18:59.55AlphA_VsTpvp sucks
18:59.59MexaNOU Stream, don't you lag on me
19:00.09JManV|Workif it were patch 1.4.11, they'd start with 4 warpgates :P
19:00.13SentryIIIooooo so it was lagging for you too :|
19:00.36AlphA_VsTits not lagging at all
19:00.40AlphA_VsTget better conenction
19:00.47AlphA_VsTim watchign it in 720p fine
19:00.54MexaConnection is fine,
19:00.57MexaWatching 720p too
19:01.05MexaIt had some chunks of lag
19:01.09MexaSeems to have stopped now
19:01.14Dekarthe picture hangs sometimes
19:01.33AlphA_VsTnope fine
19:01.38MexaI'm not sure if "best" is the same as 720p =))
19:01.47SentryIIII had a huge freeze during the first Sjow vs White-ra game at the end
19:01.58SentryIIIbut that's pretty much it
19:02.05AlphA_VsTthe views got reset to 26 wtf
19:02.21Mexastill showing 42k for me
19:02.21AlphA_VsTnow its back :P
19:02.30AlphA_VsTodd though
19:02.46*** join/#sc2mapster SentryIII_ (44973315@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
19:02.59*** join/#sc2mapster Demonette_ (b206f3bf@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
19:03.01SentryIII_Awesome I dropped from chat
19:03.02MexaSentry got issues huh
19:03.12SentryIII_Hey me, gtfo
19:03.31JademusSregGhost it.
19:03.40SentryIII_didnt drop from hive chat though
19:03.43Dustin|LappyGo go non asian guy
19:04.00JademusSregTHW, wakka wakka
19:04.25Dustin|LappyTOSS VS TOSS?! Boringgg
19:04.48MexaWould have preferred another race matchup in the finals indeed
19:04.52SentryIII_It's White-ra vs korea
19:05.00JManV|Workwhat? TvT? :P
19:05.07JManV|Workor maybe ZvZ?
19:05.10*** join/#sc2mapster Hjalte (
19:05.20JManV|Workthe mirrors are all pretty boring
19:05.51JademusSreg20 years from now, StarCraft 3 will be played at the Olympic Games.
19:05.52*** join/#sc2mapster Ashamed_ (20616e3f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
19:06.12MexaIt wouldn't surprise me when to think of it
19:06.23MexaUnless it will die out before that
19:06.40Ashamed_white-ra is going down
19:06.45Mexamaybe esports olympic games?
19:07.33MexaNo windows, I don't want your updates right now D:
19:07.59Demonette_Why those my caster walk in contakt with the target of an auto-cast
19:09.55HelralDemonette_: did you set the auto-cast range correctly?
19:10.14Demonette_i set it to 9
19:10.24Demonette_and the ability has a range of 8
19:10.28SentryIIIoh wow
19:10.35Mexathe pylons!
19:10.36Demonette_but the caster always want to kiss the target
19:11.09Nash|327World of Warcraft
19:11.17JManV|Workthats a win
19:11.51MexaGreat played D:
19:11.52Dustin|LappyTAKE THAT ASIAN!
19:11.58Helralbecause the caster fell in love with the target?
19:11.59SentryIIII never seen anything like that before
19:11.59AlphA_VsTwhite ra :D
19:12.07Nash|327everyone still watching other people play a video game?
19:12.07AlphA_VsTthats amazing
19:12.09JManV|Workhero pylons
19:12.18MexaWe are Nash :D
19:12.20AlphA_VsTnash you dont even know
19:12.24StewoxWHITE-RA wins 1set  !!
19:12.27AlphA_VsTthis game was designed to be watched
19:12.35AlphA_VsTso fuck you
19:12.39Nash|327I thought it was designed to be played.
19:12.55Nash|327Thus being a game.
19:12.57MexaLet say both
19:12.59SentryIIINash, let us know when you figure out why people show up to a stadium to watch a game being played.
19:13.22MexaGO CRAI... RA!
19:13.27Nash|327Because they live vicariously through others due to lack of life of their own?
19:13.31Nash|327That's my theory.
19:13.38JManV|Work1v1 SC2 is much more fun to watch than play, imo
19:13.43SentryIIII guess so.
19:13.49MexaSports are ancient roman and greek history
19:13.51Dustin|LappyLearnin tactics fool
19:13.59MexaJust look at the colusseum
19:14.20AlphA_VsTfuck yeah
19:14.25Nash|327Entertain the masses so they won't rebel?
19:14.39MexaEntertain them so that they become entertained?
19:14.44SentryIIIYeah, what a bunch of losers watching warriors fighting to death in the colluseum.
19:14.51Nash|327BREAD AND CIRCUSES
19:15.06MexaAlright more focus on finals!
19:16.21Dustin|LappyHe said Fucked :O
19:16.41SentryIIIoh shit
19:16.56Mexa:D indeed
19:17.51Dustin|LappyIs it Best of 5?
19:18.03MexaThink it's best of 3 still
19:18.08MexaBut I'm not sure
19:18.25JademusSregBest of 5, I think.
19:18.25SentryIIIEpic matchup deserves best of 5
19:18.50MexaGrand Final (BO5)
19:18.52MexaBest of 5 :)
19:19.41AlphA_VsTyeah its bo5
19:19.51MexaSTREAM FROZE
19:20.03MexaNow I hear sound
19:20.06MexaOkay now it's back
19:20.59MexaI was wrong about the prices :/ It's not all that much for just this tournament
19:21.07MexaThe total prize pot is what I said
19:21.20MexaBut for this tourney it's only 10k euro
19:21.23Ashamed_ahhhh clap
19:21.45JManV|Workuh oh
19:21.54SentryIIIHOLY SHIT
19:21.57Dekarlol what happened?
19:22.05Ashamed_oh shiz
19:22.10Ashamed_white-ra took it home
19:22.29MexaD: Might even win 3-0
19:22.39Dustin|LappyThat'd be siiick
19:22.54Mexahi nash :)
19:23.06SentryIIIWhat he say the next map was?
19:23.20Nash|327you people are boring D:
19:23.21MexaDidn't catch that
19:23.27Nash|327I'm going to go look at kittuns
19:23.33Dustin|LappyOne fucking tournament is more then 4x I make in a year
19:23.34SentryIIIDon't know what the map is
19:23.49throwsSentry, Terminus I think?
19:23.54throwsI used nick
19:23.54Ashamed_BEAST FROM THE EAST!
19:23.55JademusSregThey need to increment the score.
19:24.13Ashamed_beat them koreans ass
19:24.20JademusSregThere we go.
19:24.22Helralwhat you watching?
19:24.57Stewoxepic epic
19:25.01Stewoxim watching all the time
19:25.19Stewoxi like it more than gomtv
19:25.29MexaSwedish quality!
19:25.38MexaAlso, we have good crane water
19:25.40SentryIIIAnd I can watch it for free!
19:25.40Stewoxcommentators are great
19:25.57Helrallaggy server?
19:26.08MexaNot very often
19:26.20MexaBut alot of viewers
19:26.23SentryIIII just hope it doesn't lag at the best part
19:26.34AlphA_VsTstill not lagging for me
19:26.50MexaWhatever lag I had is very minor
19:27.00MexaBetter not happend something furious now.
19:27.20Stewoxcommentators  are not panicking and not talking offtopic , it's serious , funny and to the point , no headphone problems ... et
19:27.31Mexagood point
19:27.37MexaNever think about that very often
19:28.04Mexa3-0ing now?
19:28.09*** join/#sc2mapster MaxMode (
19:28.19SentryIIIi dont know
19:28.24SentryIIIwhite-ra is contained right now
19:28.52MexaI looked at the wrong person
19:29.24Dustin|LappyThe asian guy got it
19:29.27MexaGets more exciting this way now
19:30.00MexaHaha, but I am laughing
19:30.16Ashamed_man break time
19:30.16SentryIIIfuck yeah lets get tectical
19:30.21Ashamed_gonna miss the match ><
19:30.38Ashamed_yeah :(
19:30.45JademusSregI wanna see some Collosi dropped on a mineral line.
19:31.05MexaLol, that's something I never saw before
19:31.10SentryIIIYeah, I've never seen a colossus drop on a mineral line
19:31.43AlphA_VsTthey dotn fit
19:31.45AlphA_VsTso you cant
19:31.54SentryIIIYeah they do
19:32.00SentryIII8 spaces
19:32.06SentryIIIUnless they changed it
19:32.07MexaIf thors can, they should :v
19:32.26AlphA_VsTive never actually checked though so :P
19:33.09*** join/#sc2mapster LordAbyss (
19:33.12AlphA_VsTi wanna see a sentry to expand  :P
19:33.38SentryIIII wanna see more pro carrier play
19:33.46AlphA_VsTpro carrier...
19:33.49MexaI wanna see more cougar carriers play.
19:35.27*** part/#sc2mapster LordAbyss (
19:36.26MexaWhite-RA :/
19:36.42AlphA_VsTim going to cry
19:36.46SentryIIIkoreans are really agressive
19:36.51JManV|Worknot cool
19:37.00Dustin|LappyIm sick of this asian kid!
19:37.32Helralprolly sponsored by coca cola as well ;p
19:37.41JademusSregDuring beta, Koreans used spine crawlers and queens to push.
19:37.46Deaodhows whitera doing?
19:37.53JademusSregWhich is why spine crawlers got nerfed.
19:38.22AlphA_VsTwhat a noob
19:38.32SentryIIIoh shit
19:38.35SentryIIIOH SHIT
19:38.44Dustin|LappySERIOUSLY CHEESED?!
19:38.54Dustin|LappyLeave it to an asian to cheese!
19:38.56JademusSregRa is boned.
19:39.09AlphA_VsTthats fucking lame
19:39.22JademusSregNaw. Clever.
19:40.09AlphA_VsTwhat a fucking noob
19:40.10Dustin|LappyThat's so lame
19:40.15AlphA_VsTthats so not cool
19:40.16*** join/#sc2mapster burne- (d9186e73@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
19:40.18burne-can anyone help me test my driving game?
19:40.21burne-HERAL COMe
19:40.28SentryIIIoh man
19:40.30SentryIIIthat was good
19:40.42MexaI must admit I got abit disappointed there though,'
19:40.56Dustin|LappyHe doesnt fucking speak english?
19:40.56AlphA_VsTthat was fucking lame
19:40.57HelralI'm afraid I'll crash ;p
19:41.09JManV|Workit was a calculated risk.  it makes sense.
19:41.20MexaWonder what the dreamhack channel is saying now
19:41.30AlphA_VsTthats why you always scoutn your base in pvp
19:41.42AlphA_VsTWHITE RA HOW DUMB OF YOU!!!!!!!
19:42.24SentryIIIyou don't really cheese in an ace match
19:42.34SentryIIII think that's why he didn't expect it
19:42.46Dustin|LappyThat's just bad taste
19:42.48burne-can anyone help me test my driving game? on EU
19:42.51JademusSregVictory. If it works, use it.
19:42.52burne-now pls
19:42.54Mexathe dreamhack chat is all on drugs now
19:43.02JManV|Workbad taste = $100k?
19:43.04Mexaburne, I can come in a moment
19:43.08JManV|Worki'll take bad taste
19:43.26Mexaburne-> I can come now for a moment
19:43.32Dustin|Lappy100k swedish corona, what's the conversion rate?
19:43.35Ashamed_mc won :(
19:43.51SentryIIISC2 is also a mind game
19:43.53Ashamed_how the hell
19:43.54Dustin|LappyI wanted the Sweedish guy to win!
19:43.59Ashamed_how did mc win
19:44.06MexaAbout 16k$
19:44.06AlphA_VsThe cheesed
19:44.15Ashamed_............... wtf
19:44.20Helraland now they're going to poison him cause they didn't know he was allergic to alcohol. ;p
19:44.20burne-well whisper me when you ready
19:44.25burne-add burne
19:44.41Mexaburne, tell me a channel otherwise
19:44.45Ashamed_i dont get how white-ra lost
19:44.47Ashamed_what a noob
19:44.52Ashamed_i was gone 15 minutes
19:44.53Dustin|LappyHe was kicking ass the first 2 games
19:44.57Ashamed_10 minutes
19:45.08SentryIIIhe didn't see the cheese
19:45.22JManV|Workhe should not have lost
19:45.28AlphA_VsTi agree
19:45.30Ashamed_yeah he lost the 3 matches
19:45.33Ashamed_in like 10 minutes
19:45.50Ashamed_that kinda looks rigged to me ><
19:45.59burne-i repeat
19:46.17Mexaomw burne
19:46.19Dustin|LappyWE know what channel we're in
19:46.23*** join/#sc2mapster Dynast (~Dynast@
19:46.23JademusSregWakka wakka
19:46.31StewoxCHEESE !!!!
19:46.36SentryIIIthat was still a good series
19:46.44StewoxI was so hoping for WHITE RA
19:46.50SentryIIIme too
19:46.52Ashamed_i dont understand!
19:46.54StewoxKorea still kiciknig
19:47.04SentryIIIhe got outwitted
19:47.07Ashamed_..... its like korea was just husseling him
19:47.41Mexawhen is 6pm PST?
19:47.47MexaHas it already been?
19:48.00SentryIIIThat would be 7pm MST for me
19:48.08AlphA_VsTlol is 1 pm
19:48.11SentryIIIso around 5 hours and 13 minutes
19:48.14Dekar"latency kills the game", they should blizz tell that
19:48.45MexaI am missing the first day of the nasl qualifiers then
19:48.53JManV|Workwow.  that was a juicy apple.
19:48.57*** join/#sc2mapster Fisker (
19:49.07SentryIII5 hours 13 minutes to go before 7pm MST to clarify
19:49.21Helralburne-: I thought you said it was cat-proof ;p
19:49.30Mexaoh damn... I miss all the division 1 matches
19:49.31burne-you manage to suprise me
19:49.34MexaThats sad
19:49.39burne-i mean sc2mapster on sc2 :(
19:49.46JademusSregWhat happened?
19:49.48*** join/#sc2mapster Ingela (
19:49.54MexaIm on the way burne
19:49.56JademusSregHelral crashed?
19:50.01HelralI crashed the hellion in his driving game again ;p
19:50.28burne-nobody else has been able to get stuck in 3rd curve 2xin a row :D
19:50.30SentryIIIAlright then... I got no work done on my videos or my sc2 map today.
19:50.30burne-you are special
19:50.40SentryIIINow I sleep so I can go to work >.>
19:50.58HelralI'm sorry to report, but burne's map didn't pass my crashtest ;p
19:51.10Mexait crashed :>?
19:51.21Helralneh I crashed the car ;p
19:51.25Helralit was a driving test ;p
19:51.33Helralcat + car = crash :)
19:51.47AlphA_VsTthere was a patch?
19:55.37JManV|Workwhat patch?
20:00.37MexaNo patch on EU just yet
20:00.51MexaProbably tonight when the majority is asleep
20:01.21sanaOh shit
20:01.24AlphA_VsT1.3.2 lol
20:01.37Stewoxpatch is always on wednesdays for EU
20:01.59Mexa gotta be interesting I hope
20:02.46JManV|Workbug fixes?
20:03.04AlphA_VsTminor fixes
20:03.08MexaYou're welcome Windows Update. You may now do whatever you want...
20:03.22AlphA_VsTfuck windows
20:04.01*** join/#sc2mapster Ashamed (20616e3f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
20:05.17Nash|327all the maps in the list look so fucking boring :/
20:06.07MexaCustom maps?
20:06.17MexaMieralZ is pretty fun
20:06.30Nash|327Like they're made by illiterates with no skills.
20:06.39Nash|327Or someone who just ported a WC3 map.
20:06.53Ashamedyou know what was even worse
20:06.58Ashameddurring beta and the begin of release of sc2
20:07.01Ashamedwhen there were sc1 ports
20:07.03Ashamedi was like OMG
20:07.27Dustin|LappyIm porting one of my old SC1 maps over :D
20:07.35Dustin|LappyWell Remake, same concept, new implimentation
20:07.58MexaYay, new portal 2 video
20:08.32AlphA_VsTwhich map Dustin|Lappy?
20:08.45Nash|327It's like everyone rushed to port a popular WC3 map so their map would be popular.
20:08.58AlphA_VsTof course
20:09.09Nash|327OH I CAN MAKE THAT ONE
20:09.16MexaPeople don't like changes, for the most times
20:09.25MexaThat's the "issue"
20:09.30AlphA_VsTwhen the true mappers start getting shit out
20:09.44Ashamedyeah dustin thats ok
20:09.53Ashamedbut i am talking about the maps where you had to go to beacons and shit
20:09.58Ashamedto buy units
20:10.08Nash|327The others just made their own map with some shit thrown together at random and didn't even bother to set a map description.
20:10.14Ashamedand used triggerst that were possable to use in sc
20:10.19Nash|327And can't spell.
20:10.42sanaI rushed to port a popular SC1 map and won 5000$
20:10.48Nash|327It took me one month to make my map.
20:11.04AlphA_VsTive been working on mine since beta :(
20:11.08AlphA_VsTbut i go overboard
20:11.12Nash|327It had actual design goals, descriptions, etc
20:11.14AlphA_VsTby about 100% percent
20:11.52Nash|327Maybe not the best map in the world, but it's a working thought through map.
20:12.07AlphA_VsTand since i have about double the space for my map
20:12.15sanaWhat list, btw?
20:12.26Nash|327custom maps, obviously
20:12.40Nash|327Is there another?
20:12.41sanaDunno. Cataclysm is rather good.
20:12.56sanaOr whatever the map with the customizable vehicles was called
20:13.11sanaslaps IcE^ around a bit with a large trout
20:13.23sanawoops, thats what happens when you push random buttons
20:13.44Nash|327One of the maps on page one is called PsychoMC´s - The Last Stand
20:14.02Nash|327Uh, you put your nick in the title, and misused accent as apostrophe.
20:14.06Nash|327GTFO MAH INTERNETS
20:14.31sanaI made a map which got some negative press before it was even released, and when I released it noone cared. ;'<
20:14.43sanaSo it's somewhere in the pits of "25 minutes played" popularity
20:15.02Nash|327mine is at 4 hours atm
20:15.16Nash|327page 14 or whatever
20:15.28sanaDoes it reset much?
20:15.30sanaThat list?
20:16.03*** join/#sc2mapster Twiner|home (
20:16.11AlphA_VsTi hope my map is a big hit QQ
20:16.28Nash|327Oh look, a map called LOLOLOLOL TD
20:16.32Nash|327A price, to be sure.
20:16.42sanaI assume a long map with detailed gameplay options is going to be more popular than a minigame?
20:16.55sanaSince therell be more time spent on it
20:17.01Dustin|LappyMy Turn Defense Map is the one Im remaking
20:17.05sanahence more popularity increase per map played
20:17.48sanaIs there anyone reliable to send a map to, for publishing in the US?
20:17.54Nash|327Eh, if map takes too long people will quit.
20:18.06Dustin|LappySana, depends on if the map is cool :P
20:18.09Dustin|LappyI only got so much space
20:18.30Nash|327Like how YouTube videos should be less than 3 min if you want to be popular.
20:18.33sanaConsidering the rage around it, I guess people don't think its cool :P
20:18.43Nash|327Because people have short fucking attention spans.
20:19.01sanaIt's small, though.
20:19.08Nash|327Let's play it?
20:19.12sanaYou're Euro?
20:19.19sanaCan do
20:19.28Nash|327sc2mapster channel kthx
20:19.37Dustin|LappyWhat's the map about sana
20:19.44sanaIts best with 4 players tho
20:19.53*** join/#sc2mapster Twiner|home (
20:19.56Nash|327get more if you can
20:20.25Dustin|LappyI always sucks at that map lol
20:20.41sanait doesnt really play like the sc1 map at all, tho
20:20.48sanajust based on the concept of cowboys and zergling cattle
20:21.12sanaAny other Euros for a quick game?
20:21.25Dustin|LappyYou need to get a cowboy hat model and attach it to all the units heads :P
20:21.28Dustin|Lappythatd be sick
20:21.37sanaYeah, seriously!
20:25.47Ashamed5 1/2 more hours :(
20:28.00AlphA_VsTi almsot got the new look
20:29.00AlphA_VsT yay or blah?
20:29.04AlphA_VsTso far
20:29.18AlphA_VsTignore the white lines
20:31.06Dustin|LappyWhat are you making?
20:31.21MexaNeeds more paper textures
20:31.34AlphA_VsTmore how?
20:31.44MexaI didn't see them
20:31.55Dustin|LappyHey! what is it supposed to be
20:32.04AlphA_VsTa traffic light
20:32.04Mexalooks neat
20:32.52MexaBut mind me, I have no knowledge in modelling whatsoever
20:33.18AlphA_VsTnother do i
20:33.29AlphA_VsTlearn as you
20:34.45AlphA_VsTDustin|Lappy: its for my map its a world made out of paper 0.o
20:35.08*** join/#sc2mapster Twiner|home (
20:35.13Dustin|LappyOh, you still havent finished that yet? I remember seeing screens of that back in like beta :P
20:35.34sanaThat looks kewl
20:35.49sanaBut you cant judge it much without seeing the general terrain it's going to be in
20:35.53sanahow it blends with everything else
20:36.00*** join/#sc2mapster Buze (
20:36.45AlphA_VsTyeah Dustin|Lappyi jsut started it back up and im expanding it a lot
20:37.06AlphA_VsTyeah sana im slowly moving along lol
20:37.20AlphA_VsTim redefining the overall look
20:38.28sanaI'm looking forward to it
20:39.09AlphA_VsTme also
20:39.38AlphA_VsTi just added so much work
20:39.53AlphA_VsTmy game is playable really
20:40.01AlphA_VsTi just need to make it fun lol
20:40.40AlphA_VsTbeing a city i have so much i could do in the ways of events
20:40.47AlphA_VsTand missions
20:42.29StewoxGOMTV and NASL Sucks = Reason . Crap free service
20:42.39Stewoxlow quality ... meh
20:43.23Stewoxi don't care about sponsor ads nor VODs , i just don't want to watch low quality crap
20:43.36Stewoxwrong chat
20:43.42*** join/#sc2mapster FockeWulf (43e9fbbe@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
20:44.40FockeWulfHowdy all, does anyone know where I find the flag or w/e it is that determines wheither or not when you drag a window around a group of units and structures that it will select the units and not the structures?
20:44.42Nash|327Will you call it.. Papercraft..?
20:45.07burne-fuckiing editoooor
20:45.14burne-hopefully i saved at some point -_-
20:45.57Nash|327No, you did not.
20:46.22Nash|327Murphy's law of map editing.
20:46.46burne-didnt lose anything important
20:47.04burne-meaning dont have to do exta work
20:49.26Nash|327The car that drives itself?
20:49.45burne-no but if you cant drive it you should quit sc2 :(
20:50.07burne-or then you should be ashamed atleast
20:50.12Nash|327I can't drive a bike.
20:50.31burne-im talking about my map you know?
20:51.05Nash|327I thought we were talking about donkeys.
20:51.11Nash|327With mustard smelling teeth.
20:52.01AlphA_VsT now with singals not 100% done though
20:52.16Nash|327more papercraft D:
20:52.34AlphA_VsTit is suppose to be like paper craft
20:52.52Nash|327But is it called Papercraft?
20:53.03*** join/#sc2mapster Karawasa (4b49db78@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
20:53.05AlphA_VsTthe mod might as well be
20:53.11AlphA_VsTbut the map no
20:53.58AlphA_VsTdoes the texture look good though?
20:54.03Nash|327It's the perfect name!
20:54.27Nash|327Well it doesn't look so papery when it's on a slim beam
20:54.42AlphA_VsTslim beam?
20:55.02Nash|327like the bar the lights hang from?
20:55.40AlphA_VsTcant be huge really 0.o
20:55.47Nash|327I get that.
20:56.01Nash|327Just that it doesn't look like paper like your ground texture did.
20:56.17Nash|327It looks like "I couldn't bother making an actual texture"
20:57.03*** join/#sc2mapster LordAbyss (~Christoph@
20:57.14Nash|327perhaps do it like the ground texture which was grid paper
20:57.20Stewoxhow arre these movies called in SC2
20:57.26Nash|327add a bunch of vertical lines
20:57.29Stewoxcut scenes is not a accurate word
20:57.31AlphA_VsTit is grid paper
20:57.33Stewoxstory mode
20:57.43AlphA_VsTi actually overlayed the groudn etxture on top of it
20:57.49Nash|327ah, I see them now
20:57.55Nash|327there are lines there
20:57.55AlphA_VsTso im quite confused
20:57.59Nash|327damn those are faint
20:58.20Stewoxquickly anyone ... can't continume my work :p
20:58.20Nash|327I only seem them if I get close to the screen and stare
20:58.58JademusSregThe campaign cutscenes are done usingset piece units.
20:59.02AlphA_VsTmaybe i will raise the visibitly of them lol
20:59.26Stewoxjademus, how are they called
20:59.26Nash|327the horizontal lines are clearly visible, the vertical ones not so much :/
20:59.31AlphA_VsTthey are in game movies
20:59.37StewoxMovies , Videos , Cutscenes
20:59.40Stewoxsomething's smissing
20:59.46Stewoxit's more of a gaming term
20:59.51AlphA_VsTthey are not prerendered
20:59.54StewoxCutscene is not accurate
21:00.09AlphA_VsTwhat are you getting at Stewox?
21:00.20JademusSregThe non-prerendered story sequences are done in the Story mode map between mission maps.
21:00.30Stewoxi know so they aren't movies because they aren't prerendered , they aren't cutscenes because they aren't (those are for live-in-play)
21:00.45Nash|327I think you mean cinematics?
21:01.16Stewoxfell out of my mind ,,, couldn't recall
21:01.37Nash|327Clearly your mind needs duct tape
21:02.51StewoxCutscenes mean the same but those are more of a short-mid-game pauses ... technically yes but in-game cinematic is the right one
21:03.05Ashamedjust applied to like 10 jobs :)
21:03.06Stewoxjust readin on wiki (wish i did that sooner)
21:03.12Ashamedhopfully i get something better
21:03.46Stewoxthose that are actually "movies" , loaded from files prerendered are called FMVs
21:03.52Ashamedits better then being a contractor :(
21:04.01Ashamedi litterally know people that are fucking idiots
21:04.04Ashamedbut they get payed more then me
21:04.09Ashamedbecause i am a contractor
21:04.17Ashamedlike people that do my old job
21:04.25Ashamedthat i have been promoted passed
21:04.28Nash|327you know people that are literally fucking idiots?
21:04.28Ashamedthey still get payed more then me
21:04.41Ashamedand they still get payed more >< since ibm hired them
21:04.45Ashamedopposed to my contractor
21:04.49Ashamedits fucked up
21:05.02Nash|327who are these idiots they fuck?
21:05.33AshamedI am deskside support for 4 IT Helpdesk... and i know some people that get payed more then me on the helpdesk
21:05.37Ashamedand i support THEM!
21:06.00Nash|327The horror.
21:07.47Nash|327OR you'll be fucked, literally :P
21:08.21JademusSregI'm attempting to imagine a winking frowny face. It has a boggling incongruity.
21:08.39Nash|327The mind. IT BOGGLES IT!
21:09.23JademusSregis boggled.
21:09.53*** join/#sc2mapster MaxMode (
21:10.47JademusSregWakka wakka
21:11.07Nash|32710 years from now, looking up literally in the dictionary will say it means the same as definitely.
21:12.32Nash|327And there will be no word to indicate you meant something in a non-idiomatic way!
21:13.58Nash|32710 years later, humanity is doomed because people took things the wrong way and blew each other up.
21:17.33AlphA_VsTits ok
21:17.54Nash|327No. It is not OK.
21:18.36AlphA_VsTwasnt me :(
21:19.05Nash|327"wasnt" YOU?
21:19.15Nash|327Oh, it most definitely was you!
21:19.19AlphA_VsTno no it wasnt
21:19.20Nash|327You and all your ilk!
21:20.37AlphA_VsTplease dont hate on the lack of ones ability to type you might end up crying in a corner
21:20.58Ashamednash this is the internets, if you want proper english go read a book.
21:21.50AshamedGrammer is in the beholder.. it only upsets people that let it upset them :) Most people can read a sentence and understand it without proper grammer.
21:22.03Ashamedand if you can understand what someone is trying to say.. then why bitch
21:22.19Nash|327You mean using the Internet precludes people from spelling properly? It's not all that hard.
21:22.35AlphA_VsTfucking gramar nazi
21:22.37AshamedNo when on the internet It does not matter
21:22.44Nash|327HEIL ME
21:23.00sanawe heil! heil! right in the führer's face
21:23.29Nash|327At least use the right words?
21:23.44Nash|327Will do.
21:23.50Ashamedgood :)
21:23.52Ashamed1 out of a billion
21:24.48Nash|327I didn't reach my level of English without making an effort to be correct.
21:25.26Ashamedand if you would like to be in that level of english write / read a book
21:25.33Ashamedbut you are in the wrong place if you expect to see it here
21:25.36Nash|327I did write a book.
21:25.40Nash|327Well, 3 actually.
21:26.59Ashamedwell then continue to become proficient n book writing and leave the internets B!!!!!!!!!! because you wont ever fix it
21:27.01Ashamedi can assure you
21:27.24Nash|327Ah, but at least I can make fun of people who are wrong!
21:27.41Ashamedfor what reasons?
21:27.49Nash|327Because it amuses me.
21:28.24Ashamedmost people that are wrong are only wrong because they feel it easier to type that way
21:28.39Ashamedso pointing out they are wrong will change nothing
21:28.43Ashamedbecause they already know
21:28.48Ashamednor will it upset them
21:29.02Nash|327Still, you find some gems like "literally fucking idiots".
21:29.17Nash|327It is not required to upset people.
21:29.25Ashamedthen what is the point ?
21:29.31Ashamedif you know it wont change them
21:29.33Nash|327To amuse myself.
21:29.37Ashamedand you are not doing it to upset them
21:29.50Ashamedwhat amuses you about the situtation?
21:30.16Nash|327No, that would base my aumsement on other people's emotional state, and I don't want my emotional state to rely on other people's.
21:31.20Nash|327Anyway, it's humor; if you don't get it it's not worth trying to explain.
21:31.41Ashamedwhat i am saying is you are the only one that thinks its humor
21:31.47Nash|327Fair enough.
21:32.02Ashamedother people just find it annoying that you pointed out a grammer issue.. when they clearly already understood the sentence
21:32.08Ashamedbecause if they didn't they would ask
21:32.19Nash|327So they are annoyed? But not upset?
21:32.29Ashamedyeah i wouldn't say it upsets anyone
21:32.51Nash|327Isn't being annoyed a subtype of being upset?
21:33.20Ashamedi would concider it a subtype
21:33.25Ashamedbut its not the same
21:33.42Nash|327So people are upset but are not upset.
21:33.48Nash|327That doesn't compute.
21:33.55Ashamedno people are annoyed but not upset
21:34.32Nash|327If annoyed is a subtype of upset, then people who are annoyed are upset.
21:35.25Ashamedi would say upset = you are already mad
21:35.29Ashamedannoyed is the verge of getting maqd
21:35.34AshamedA state of being unhappy, disappointed, or worried: "domestic upsets".
21:35.39Ashamedthats def of upset
21:35.52PsypherLockeare you guys seriously arguing about grammar?
21:35.52Ashamed1. Irritate (someone); make (someone) a little angry: "your cheerfulness annoyed me"; "rock music loud enough to annoy".
21:35.55PsypherLockeback to map making!
21:36.03Ashamedno nash is :)
21:36.14Nash|327You said you would consider it a subtype.
21:36.18Ashamedand i am arguing about the people that argue about grammer
21:36.37Ashamedbecause like you locke i find it stupid
21:36.47PsypherLockeHave you guys checked out the humble bundle yet?
21:36.53PsypherLockeI just got 3 games for a buck
21:36.58PsypherLockegood games to boot
21:37.18Nash|327If so, set theory states that if e belongs to A, and A is a subset of B, then e belongs to B.
21:37.45PsypherLockecheck that out, Trine is awesome, haven't played the others before
21:38.11Ashamedfor 1 dollar :)
21:38.51PsypherLockeWell the wife rages when i spent more
21:38.56PsypherLockeso i bought for a dollar
21:38.56nodgeneladies and gentlement, I have given a ghost the ability to train barracks units.  Crazy as it is I need to make it a bit crazier and allow the ghost to train on the move, as right now he can't move and train.  
21:39.06FockeWulf[13:44] <FockeWulf> Howdy all, does anyone know where I find the flag or w/e it is that determines wheither or not when you drag a window around a group of units and structures that it will select the units and not the structures?
21:39.11Ashamedyeah me too lock lol
21:39.12PsypherLockeI gave $50 to Child's Play at christmas, so I don't feel bad
21:39.50PsypherLockenod, you can make an instant ability
21:39.59PsypherLockeshould just pop the effect right there at the model
21:39.59AlphA_VsTi payed 1 penny
21:40.19AlphA_VsTthats liek free right
21:40.24PsypherLockejust about
21:40.29nodgeneInstant?  Can't be immediate training.  Has to have a timer as usual
21:40.36Nash|327Isn't there a flag for abilities to be usable while moving?
21:40.47*** join/#sc2mapster deathnight114 (
21:40.50nodgeneI was wondering if that was the case, nash
21:41.01PsypherLockeI believe so, I think there are also options for building where you can have it not lock the character
21:41.32nodgenemakes sense psypher
21:41.41PsypherLockeSorry FockeWulf, no idea
21:41.49Nash|327flags -> allow movement
21:42.11nodgenewill have a looksy now
21:42.13PsypherLockeI thought for sure I saw something in the data like that
21:42.15Nash|327I knew I had seen it somewhere.
21:42.21Ashamedalpha 1 cent ><
21:42.23Ashamedman i wish i did that
21:42.25Ashamedi put 1 dollar
21:42.29Nash|327I had to use that before.
21:42.33PsypherLocke99 cents more!
21:42.52PsypherLockesteam sales are the bane of my checking account
21:42.56Ashamedhow do you get the games after the purchase?
21:42.59AlphA_VsTlol im to cheap to actually pay 1 penny
21:43.02AlphA_VsTwell lazy
21:43.08PsypherLockethey send you an email with instructions
21:43.17PsypherLockeand you can get the steam key then just activate in steam
21:43.20PsypherLockeand download through there
21:43.28AlphA_VsTon they are on steam also
21:43.31AlphA_VsTfuck yeah
21:43.54PsypherLockethey just finished downloading so i'm going to try some shadowgrounds
21:43.56Ashamedvery nice
21:45.13nodgenehere, where is the ability flag list for abilities like barracks train, or am I doing it wrong?
21:45.28nodgenesomething to do with validators perhaps?
21:45.42*** join/#sc2mapster JManV (450e9a13@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
21:46.04Nash|327Stats->Flags for the abilities I have
21:46.12Nash|327but none of them train stuff
21:46.27Nash|327Perhaps it's different with train abilities?
21:47.01nodgeneaye, but where exactly do I tick the flag for allowing the ghost's barracks train ability to be used whilst moving?
21:47.18nodgeneAlthough you seem as unsure as me, hah.
21:49.54Nash|327I haven't used Train abilities.
21:50.16Nash|327But I don't see it on my Revive ability either.
21:51.22JademusSregWhat's the issue?
21:52.50JademusSregYou have an issue where you can't train units while the barracks is moving?
21:53.37MexaHaha this Valve ARG is getting ineteresting
21:53.54Mexa"Amnesia: The Dark Descent Update Released Product Update - Valve 12:40 Amnesia: The Dark Descent gets a free expansion!  Now with 20% more horror and 10% less cake. Enjoy this brand new flavor of canned horror - manufactured with license by Aperture Science. (might contain traces of potatoes)"
21:54.08Mexathe new thing.. potatoes
21:54.11MexaIt's a game
21:54.15Mexaprinted by valve
21:54.40MexaThey send clues in various of games, and people go and solve it
21:54.43JademusSregSounds delicious.
21:54.51MexaThere was one last year too
21:54.57sana[22:01:21] <sana>
21:55.35sana2h ago, and you ignored it!
21:55.39nodgeneJademussreg: my ghost can't train units on the move
21:55.46*** join/#sc2mapster Bounty (442d304d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
21:56.03Mexamy bad sana, didn't catch it back then
21:57.16Mexabut yeah
21:57.45MexaIt's funny that Valve do something for the community in this way
21:58.05MexaNot that they don't otherwise, but I like mysteries:P
21:59.39Ashamedi will just be dling portal probly
22:01.06Mexahaha yeah, it's a great trick to get people to buy games too :>
22:01.10MexaSeeya Jademus
22:01.40nodgene:O why is it such a bizarre request for a man to magically train soldiers as if he were a barracks, but also do this whilst going for a jog?!
22:02.22Ashamedi bet you can do it
22:02.36Nash|327DO IT WITH TRIGGERS!
22:02.46nodgeneAwh that's just not cool nash
22:02.50Ashamedi bet it would be easy with triggers
22:02.54Ashamedlike really easy
22:03.19Ashamedlike litterally so easy that you don't know what to do
22:04.06Nash|327Well, a trigger, an ability that adds a dummy behavior with a countdown bar and a trigger that executes when countdown ends to create unit at location of trainer
22:04.12nodgenemight it be something indirect to do with  a build sequence, like the build in progress or queue abilities?
22:04.43Nash|327you'd get the timed life etc countdown bar as progress indicator
22:04.59sanaYou dont need a trigger for that
22:05.13sanaMake an Effect ability with a casting time
22:05.37sanaWait actually.
22:05.39sanaI dunno.
22:06.56MexaLol, that vid sana, awesome:P
22:07.09nodgenewell, what defines the train barracks abilities' requirement for the caster being stationary?  Or is this related to other abilities needed for training, like build in progress or queue?
22:08.51Nash|327can I upload a map privately to test without replacing the current version?
22:09.08Nash|327Or does it always overwrite when you upload a new version?
22:09.30nodgeneyou can rename and make a second copy to upload privately?
22:09.59Nash|327rename the map, ah
22:10.11Nash|327Well, if I must...
22:10.17nodgeneiterative saving and testing
22:10.52HelralI'd expect that the public one doesn't get overwritten if you upload a private one right after... although not sure.....
22:12.51Nash|327I need some linear regression D:
22:25.58AlphA_VsTyeah break time
22:26.12*** join/#sc2mapster ThunderLord (60e2f012@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
22:26.18AlphA_VsT temple for the streets is set up lol
22:26.38ThunderLordwhat is the current verdict on the best way to set up WASD  movement?
22:27.24AlphA_VsTi need to create a new grid paper texture though 0.o
22:27.48*** join/#sc2mapster Maknyuzz (836b004a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
22:28.13AlphA_VsTThunderLord: im not sure there is one
22:28.18Maknyuzzanyone know if you can move around the chat UI in game?
22:28.23Maknyuzzon the right side
22:28.41ThunderLordi know its alway goin to have some delay alpha
22:28.45ThunderLordas of now
22:28.50ThunderLordwhat is the prooven best way?
22:29.02Maknyuzzyes to me?
22:29.04AlphA_VsTi have no idea
22:29.12AlphA_VsTyes Maknyuzz
22:29.23Maknyuzzhow? which panel should I override?
22:29.49AlphA_VsTidono read the recent tutorials
22:29.51AlphA_VsTi have no idea
22:29.57*** join/#sc2mapster Leaderboard (51f6c306@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
22:29.58BountyI think bnet is dead lol
22:30.09Bountycustom games
22:30.19LeaderboardHello, i'm trying to make a unit move to 4 differents random point, how can i make it ?
22:30.24Bountybc it takes a pretty damn long time to get any game started that isnt on page 1
22:30.28Bountyand even on page 1
22:30.32Bountythey dont fill up fast at all
22:30.42Leaderboardi tried "random points between points" but don't work for 4 points
22:30.43Leaderboardany help ?
22:30.56Bountykinda sad really
22:31.07AlphA_VsTLeaderboard: that would be a ragion
22:31.26Leaderboardrandom point in region ?? that would be anywhere
22:31.34Leaderboardi need this unit to check each expand
22:31.35Maknyuzzu said yes but then i dunno?
22:32.02AlphA_VsTLeaderboard what shape is the 4 points in?
22:32.10Leaderboardi don't know
22:32.39AlphA_VsTwhy do you need 4 points?
22:33.06Maknyuzzits 3PM
22:33.11Leaderboardhow do i combine regions ?
22:33.15Maknyuzzwhat do u expect?
22:33.27AlphA_VsTthey have a trigger for it Leaderboard
22:33.31Maknyuzzand star battle is boycotted
22:33.37Nash|327It's 0:33
22:34.04Maknyuzzyea midnight weekday everyone is asleep
22:34.29Maknyuzzmost peop
22:34.32Nash|327I am asleep.
22:34.36AlphA_VsTwhy is starbattle boycotted?
22:34.38Nash|327This is a dream.
22:34.42Maknyuzzby blizzard
22:34.44Maknyuzzi dunno why
22:34.53Maknyuzzsotis marine arena star battle etc etc
22:34.57Maknyuzzare boycotted by blizz
22:35.09AlphA_VsThow are they boycotted
22:35.12Nash|327What does that even mean?
22:35.18Maknyuzzremove em from top list
22:35.35Maknyuzzwait AlphA u dont have SC2?
22:35.40AlphA_VsTi do
22:35.44Maknyuzzhow come u dont know this?
22:35.54Maknyuzzit has been going on for a while
22:35.57AlphA_VsTthe popular list was reset that is all
22:36.01AlphA_VsTfor what ever reason
22:36.05Maknyuzznot only reset
22:36.07Nash|327Does owning the game magically impart this knowledge?
22:36.17AlphA_VsTit must
22:36.24Maknyuzzbut blizz boycot the top maps
22:36.39Maknyuzzyes Nash
22:36.41AlphA_VsTMaknyuzz you dont seem to understand it fully
22:36.55Maknyuzzunderstand what?
22:37.02AlphA_VsTwhat happend
22:37.03Nash|327Maybe my copy was broken then.
22:37.13Maknyuzzdo you?
22:37.14Nash|327It didn't impart any knowledge magically.
22:37.24Maknyuzzexplain to me what happen...
22:37.29AlphA_VsTblizzard did not "boycott" any map
22:37.46Maknyuzzthey did imo
22:37.53AlphA_VsTno they didnt
22:38.00Maknyuzzyea girlcot works too lolz
22:38.03AlphA_VsTthe list go reset for what ever reason
22:38.08Maknyuzztoday its back
22:38.24Maknyuzzbut since friday they hide star battle sotis marine arena etc etc
22:38.27AlphA_VsTthe only reason they would pull something is for copyrights
22:38.48Maknyuzzwhat r u talking about?
22:39.04AlphA_VsTwhat ever happen after the list got reset is not a doing of blizzard
22:39.09AlphA_VsTbut the people who play the games
22:39.17Maknyuzzstar battle against copyright?
22:39.21Maknyuzzsotis too?
22:39.26Maknyuzzmarine arena too?
22:39.32AlphA_VsTthey just where not being played
22:39.38AlphA_VsTis that so fucking hard to understand
22:39.48Maknyuzzit's fucking boycotted
22:39.53Maknyuzzis that so fucking hard to understand?
22:39.57AlphA_VsTyour a fucking moron
22:40.08Nash|327Ooh, flame war.
22:40.19Nash|327In before "your mother..."
22:40.22Maknyuzzi didnt start it
22:40.26Maknyuzzi didnt say anything
22:40.26AlphA_VsTim done hes on ignore
22:40.34Nash|327Too soon!
22:40.44AlphA_VsTseriously though thats what happend
22:40.47Maknyuzzalpha licks blizzard's ass for breakfast
22:40.56Maknyuzzso sotis is not being played?
22:41.06Maknyuzzstar battle not being played?
22:41.13Kuekenin EU it has about 5k hours
22:41.17Nash|327He ignored you, you can stop now.
22:41.22Maknyuzztoday yes
22:43.06Maknyuzzdid u log on on the weekend?
22:43.11Maknyuzzstar battle was removed
22:43.14Maknyuzzfrom page 1
22:43.23Kuekensure, my map had 3k hours and sotis hat 10 minutes ;)
22:43.24AlphA_VsTHe actually got me upset at his stupidity 0.o
22:43.25Maknyuzzthey put it on page 10 or smthng
22:43.29Kuekennow its the other way around
22:43.32Maknyuzzthats what i mean
22:43.40KuekenI know ;)
22:43.42Maknyuzzi dunno what alpha is talking about
22:43.51Maknyuzzalpha said sotis is 10 mins because its not being played
22:43.52Kuekenjust wanted to say it seems to be back to normal
22:44.01Maknyuzztoday yes
22:44.04Maknyuzzbut not past 4 days
22:44.51Maknyuzzso i dunno who the moron is
22:45.25Maknyuzzbtw Kueken
22:45.41Maknyuzzdo u know if u can move the chat box UI?
22:45.55Kuekenask helral, hes the ui expert
22:46.14Maknyuzzhe's fast asleep
22:46.29Kuekenwell, I have not the slightest idea
22:46.34*** join/#sc2mapster SirDemon (
22:47.14Maknyuzzis there an outrage in EU as well when blizz boycotted Sotis StarBattle etc etc?
22:48.56Maknyuzzzedu was mod
22:48.57PsypherLockeit's a good thing, give new maps a chance and people have bookmarks if they like something
22:49.23Maknyuzzi didnt say its a bad thing
22:49.34Maknyuzzi just dont understand AlphA_VsT statement
22:49.45Maknyuzzhe said SotiS got 10 minutes because its not being played
22:50.08MaknyuzzStar Battle got 4 hours because nobody plays the game
22:50.20Maknyuzzand called me moron for saying blizzard boycott the popular maps
22:50.33Maknyuzzim confused now
22:51.16MexaBeing pinned somewhere bottom of the popularity list does not mean blizzard removed them
22:51.21Mexalike you said at first <.<
22:51.40Maknyuzzok maybe bad working
22:51.51Maknyuzzoh well
22:52.02Maknyuzzi said remove from page 1
22:52.10MexaNever mind now
22:52.11Maknyuzzforget it
22:52.58Deaodso MC won Dreamhack?
22:53.00Mexawow, that new portal song has gain me stucked now for a while
22:53.04AlphA_VsTim sure blizzard is testing the system or something went wrong but yeah
22:53.15MexaCheesy ending if you ask me though
22:53.30MaknyuzzMVP not participating in dreamhack?
22:53.38Deaodi assume whitera was with him in the finals?
22:53.38MexaWhite-Ra totally deserved to win
22:54.02Maknyuzzyea MC won again
22:54.12Mexait was 2-2, then MC went and proxy pyloned + 2 warp gated in white-ra's main
22:54.14MexaInstant rush
22:54.27Deaodi wouldve wanted whitera to win
22:54.33Maknyuzzi cannot wait till jaedong flash etc etc move to SC2
22:54.33Deaodcouldnt watch, sadly
22:54.41MexaAnd white-ra didn't scout  his base enough:/
22:54.56Deaodalso, portal preload is available
22:55.09Deaodportal 2
22:55.11MexaOnly to find out the opposite base were empty, then he throws up a forge on his own base, but too late
22:55.26MexaDeaod, are you following the valvearg something?
22:55.39LeaderboardHow do i combine regions please ?
22:55.43PsypherLockewhich portal 2 song?
22:55.48MexaBut do you know what I talking about:P?
22:55.55Mexathis one
22:55.59Deaodi dont know the details
22:56.07Deaoddidnt you link to it earlier?
22:56.18PsypherLockeahh i have audiosurf
22:56.25MexaI did, but I didn't see you here back then
22:56.27PsypherLockei should check that out
22:56.29Deaodive done some reading since then, but havent the faintest idea what the fuck all that effort is for.
22:56.46MexaExcitement among fans, I don't know :>
22:56.51MexaThey had one last year too
22:56.59LeaderboardHow do i combine regions please ?
22:57.02Leaderboardany help ?
22:57.19Deaodi dont know, explore the UI
22:57.32MexaI think it's cool that Valve even spend the effort to doing a tricky mystery for the major nerdsolving part of the community:P
22:57.46Deaodi know it can be done using code
22:58.32*** join/#sc2mapster Chamenas1 (
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22:58.49Deaodi dont even know what the hell Valve could be hinting at
22:59.06Maknyuzzselect the region
22:59.17Maknyuzzwith shift click
22:59.17Leaderboardyes ?
22:59.21Maknyuzzthen hit edit
22:59.27Maknyuzzfile edit view
22:59.29Maknyuzzhit edit
22:59.34Maknyuzzthere is merge sleection
22:59.36PsypherLockedude, that song is awesome
22:59.37Maknyuzzhotkey 0numpad
22:59.55Maknyuzzit will be combined
23:00.46Leaderboardthxs a lot
23:01.08MexaDeaod, they seem to be hinting alot about potatoes and portal, that's all I got out of it
23:01.14MexaSo far
23:01.25Deaodhow very interesting
23:01.35Mexa'what does it mean?'
23:01.42Maknyuzzapril 21st
23:01.46Deaodalso, the song you linked to is not from portal 2
23:01.49Deaodits old
23:01.50Maknyuzzwe might see less peop on bnet
23:01.53Deaodvery old
23:01.55Maknyuzzapril 18
23:01.57MexaI din't say it was from portal 2
23:02.06MexaI said it was, yay new portal song
23:02.15MexaBut yeah was wrong
23:02.32MexaThey added it in autosurf, overriding still alive if you try to play that one.
23:02.48MexaAlso related to the valvearg potatosack
23:04.04MexaSame with a bunch of newly released updates for several games
23:04.10Mexaif you look at the steam news page
23:04.59SaerisSixen, news update: Blizzcon ticket sales dates are up, May 21st and 25th, $175
23:05.22Mexa5258 - Fixed: Crash at offset 0xfb57. such things? It sounds to me that they want you to go and look at that offset?
23:05.39Saeristhe rest of you panic and check your bank accounts and lament not having enough money to go
23:05.41Saerisi sure am >.<
23:06.32Mexa"Updates to Toki Tori have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The major changes include:   SOS"
23:07.11MexaAaAaAA!!! - A Reckless Disregard for Gravity Update Released Product Update | Please help us. Please help us. Please help us. Please help us. Please help us. Please help us. You would hate me if I insulted your skill by making it too easy. I certainly would Hate you.
23:08.07MexaWonderful End of the World Update Released Product Update -  IT'S NOT FINE. WHATEVER YOU DO, DO NOT USE ANY SUGAR. Don't worry. Changes are here.
23:11.13*** join/#sc2mapster LordAbyss (~Christoph@
23:11.14PsypherLockei must have missed something
23:12.29MexaPsypher, if you feel like it, you can read about it here:
23:14.30Nash|327what would be suitable handicap with 2 players?
23:14.51Nash|327I've tried soloing at 25% and it's sooo easy :G
23:15.57Mexa60% perhaps?
23:16.34MexaHard to tell
23:17.34Mexaregarding many players you don't neccessarily have to have the max amount of players to represent 100%
23:17.37PsypherLockeinteresting mexa. I'm terrible with codes and stuff
23:17.47MexaIt should be able to go above 100% too.
23:17.53Nash|327I was thinking more 200% for 6
23:17.58MexaHaha, me too Psypher.
23:18.03Nash|327I tested and it works
23:18.08Nash|327double HP
23:18.13Mexago for it then
23:18.38Nash|327or something :G
23:18.52SixenI know Saeris
23:19.13Mexasounds nice. The handicac will be something to tweak I guess, as it is a factor of balance.
23:19.31MexaSo it may not be right from the beginning I mean.
23:20.41AlphA_VsT so hows it look so far?
23:21.30MexaAlpha, I want to see how it looks ingame :)
23:21.49Ashamedoh shiz
23:22.00Ashamedthat looks much better then yesterday
23:22.33MexaHey Skizot, you there?
23:23.32AlphA_VsTthanks Ashamed :D
23:23.37AlphA_VsTyeah in time mexa
23:23.46MexaNO I WANT TO SEE NAO
23:23.48AlphA_VsTits on scale with the game though so
23:23.56JademusSregSo who can I wrangle into testing my map? I need to confirm my notifications are working.
23:24.05MexaJoking, it looks great Alpha
23:24.46MexaJade, still not for singleplayer testing is it?
23:25.03JademusSregOh, it is. Let me do that for ya.
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23:26.16PsypherLockenice, finally got my mineral gathering AOE buff to work on my hero
23:28.17JademusSregPatching, haha.
23:28.40Ashamed2 1/2 hours left
23:31.20MexaWhat happends after that?
23:33.03Ashamedi get to go home
23:33.08Ashamedand actually have a aright evening
23:34.47PsypherLockeI wish i had internet at work :(
23:34.51PsypherLockemy company sucks
23:34.58PsypherLockenot allowed to use stuff like irc and all that
23:36.39Ashamedi am the it guy
23:36.45Ashamedi created our block script
23:37.03Ashamedbut irc is not on it
23:37.11PsypherLockei tried doing some work around and snort went off and i get a nasty phone call
23:37.26Ashamedlike with proxies?
23:37.54Ashamedi got some good proxies
23:38.12Ashamedjust create a server and share your media
23:38.23Ashamedthey wont have your site blocked.. unless they block everything
23:38.25Ashamedbut what you use
23:38.40PsypherLockeyeah, a colleague did something like that
23:38.48PsypherLockeand they pinged him for using too much bandwidth
23:38.54PsypherLockehe was streaming stuff from home or something
23:38.56Ashamedthat would make sense
23:39.02Ashamedstreaming from my server is like 200kb a second
23:39.21Ashamedwhat company is this?
23:39.30PsypherLockewe'll call it initech
23:39.33Ashamedi work for one of the leading IT companies in the world lol
23:39.40Ashamedand they still dont do anything like that
23:39.44Ashamednot in this department at least
23:39.47AshamedI work for IBM
23:39.55PsypherLockecool cool
23:40.00Ashamedthey tell us it cost too much money
23:40.15Ashamedand if we want to block users from the internets that we would have to figure it out with our own resources
23:40.18Ashamedthus my script
23:40.43PsypherLockeyou could replace our sysadmins with some well written perl scripts
23:42.36PsypherLockeman, data editing so powerful
23:42.45PsypherLockeyou can do just about anything is screw around with it enough
23:42.58PsypherLockeerr if you screw around with it enough
23:43.15Ashamedyeah for sure
23:43.18Ashamedscripts are like half my job lol
23:43.24Ashamedi am like.... hmm i will script it
23:43.50PsypherLockei know a sysadmin for a super computer cluster who scripted just about everything
23:44.05PsypherLockehe sits at home and plays WoW and only goes into the office when something weird happens
23:44.12PsypherLockeso maybe 10 hours a week
23:45.39Nash|327Mexa and other EU peeps
23:45.48Nash|327Want to help me test my map?
23:45.57MexaI was thinking to go to bed :)
23:46.11Nash|327waaaay too early
23:46.17MexaI have a scripting class tomorrow, and I don't want to miss it
23:46.36Ashamedw00t scripts
23:46.38MexaMuch funnier than Matlab...
23:47.04MexaSyllian or something
23:47.04Nash|327Why are you up at 1:45 then?
23:47.17MexaBecause I herpaderp alot.
23:47.25MexaRather, I have bad habits
23:47.34Nash|327Well derp some more
23:48.09MexaI will, in my dreams
23:50.06Mexa|SleepAnd for you who want to watch north american star league livestreams later, I suggest
23:50.52Nash|327as if
23:50.57Nash|327might as well test
23:51.03Nash|327you never get to sleep anyway
23:51.39JademusSregNash is right.
23:51.41AlphA_VsTtrine is fun
23:51.41Mexa|SleepI am going off to watch Star Wars ep 2, and sleep meanwhile.
23:51.48Mexa|SleepTrine is great
23:51.58Nash|327Episode 2 :G
23:52.07JademusSregYou pretend to sleep to throw off the scent. But we know you're there.
23:52.09Nash|327Oh well at least it's better than 1 and 3.
23:52.33Nash|327'nuff said
23:52.40Mexa|SleepI already saw 4-6 so I might aswell see 1-3 in order too.
23:52.46Mexa|Sleepnuff said, nuff scents
23:52.54PsypherLockeany idea why an ability would dissapear from a command card while the behavior it applies is active?
23:52.55Nash|327Star Wars is meh anyway.
23:53.03PsypherLockethen come back when the behavior goes away?
23:53.03Mexa|SleepGotta see them once
23:53.07Mexa|SleepAs I haven't
23:53.28Nash|327the behavior disables abilities?
23:53.33Mexa|SleepI should herpa on my way now
23:54.10PsypherLockeit shouldn't
23:54.15PsypherLockelet me double check
23:54.28Nash|327or some sort of validator?
23:54.46Nash|327though I don't think that'd remove the ability from command card
23:55.08JademusSregThe behavior must be disabling it.
23:55.10PsypherLockethe behavior category is permanent
23:55.14PsypherLockenot sure that would do anything
23:55.14JademusSregAs Nash suggested.
23:56.03PsypherLockebuff flags are countdown and remove exhausted damage
23:56.07PsypherLockewhich is the default
23:56.09JademusSregNot flags.
23:56.19JademusSregCheck the Modifications field.
23:56.22Nash|327ability classes disabled and whatnot
23:56.31Nash|327Don't recall exact wording.
23:56.46PsypherLockeyeah, that's the default
23:56.59PsypherLockenothing disabled or enabled
23:57.11JademusSregWhat's the requirement on the ability?
23:57.19PsypherLockenone right now
23:57.21JademusSregIn fact, what is the class of ability?
23:57.47JademusSregNaw, the ability.
23:57.59PsypherLockethe ability type is behavior
23:58.35JademusSregOh, haha.
23:58.41JademusSregThose are toggleable.
23:58.55JademusSregMakes sense.
23:59.02Nash|327hard coded?
23:59.18JademusSregLook at the examples.
23:59.21PsypherLockethis ability kicks off a behavior that searches an area for SCV's then applies a buff to those SCV's
23:59.44PsypherLockeI have toggle unchecked on the ability if that helps

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