IRC log for #sc2mapster on 20110311

00:04.12BountyJademssreg u there?
00:04.52*** join/#sc2mapster Gnarfoz (
00:04.53Bountywanna see the collision? :)
00:06.01Bountykk uploading now, ill send u invite
00:06.34Bountyall set ><
00:08.45JManVhmm. i kinda want to make a predator tag game
00:09.23JManVdunno if it would work overhead tho
00:09.45JManVofc it doesn't have to
00:10.01JManVthere's already a third-person map set up :P
00:10.54JManVanyways, point being a combat "tag" game, where the person who's it gets powers, and you become it by killing him
00:10.55Bountyworks perfectly except that it fires for both of us at the same time Jade
00:11.20JademusSregYou're using Apply Force, right?
00:11.28Bountymove unit instantly
00:11.35Bountywith those conditions i told u about
00:11.39Bountylooks pretty good doesnt it?
00:11.54JademusSregAlright. Well, it could use improvement. The direction doesn't seem authentic.
00:12.01JManVmove unit instantly is buggy, we found
00:12.12Bountyhow does Jade?
00:12.15Bountyif u hit me
00:12.19Bountyi will go in the proper direction
00:12.35Bountythe problem is
00:12.36Bountyyou will go... somewhere
00:13.41Bountydid u notice the speed affect?
00:13.47Bountythe faster i go when i hit u
00:13.50Bountythe further u fly
00:15.01JademusSregHas anyone tested how pathing cost works?
00:17.44Bountyu know what i could do
00:17.55Bountymake everyones hitbox size differant by like .001
00:18.22Bountyi juts need a way to make it so both triggers dont run
00:18.24Bountyis that possible?
00:18.32SkittlesYou know what I can do? 1 second, publishing.
00:19.34*** join/#sc2mapster sjkoe (
00:20.48*** join/#sc2mapster FireryRage (
00:21.49sjkoehow many nested if's can you have until it starts to bug out?
00:22.25JademusSregHow many do you need?
00:23.02sjkoe3, but im trying to reorganize so i dont need it
00:24.01Bountyso what was your idea Jademussreg?
00:24.36JademusSregFor what?
00:25.04Bountythe collision
00:25.07Bountyu said u had an idea
00:29.27JademusSregYes, I wanted to know how you were handling the collision. I think you'd need to handle physics to make it look good. Second to that, I'd suggest improving the calulation. It's pretty silly when I fly in the same direction as you on collision.
00:34.50*** join/#sc2mapster allenmelon (
00:39.12JManVcan i make my own units not show up or not be dimmer in fog of war?
00:40.04JademusSregHm. I wanna say that is possible.
00:40.07Bountydo u think it would be better to just get the angle between the two ships Jade?
00:41.09JademusSregYou need to know the angle and their face to determine the energy exchanged between them and in what direction.
00:42.11JademusSregSince skidding isn't possible on your map, face could be take as the direction of motion, but that is still a bit less than correct.
00:42.40JademusSregThat might actually come into play when you get multiple chain collisions.
00:43.15*** join/#sc2mapster Skizot (
00:43.40Bountyoh shit
00:43.42JademusSregBetter than getting unit face would be storing the units direction of motion.
00:43.52Bountyangle between points works perfectly lol
00:44.03Bountyall u gotta do is reverse it with -180 degrees
00:44.51DemonetteMmmhh does someone has an idea how to make units with sight arcs... like they can only see what in front of them...
00:45.36JademusSregI've considered that, Demonette.
00:46.00Saeris1so what're you guys workin on now?
00:46.02Bountyim so mad Jade
00:46.06Bountyall those conditions i made
00:46.06Saeris1not more WASD crap i hope
00:46.08Bountyare useless
00:46.14Bountyall i had to do was use anlge between points
00:46.44JademusSregYou could give it a sight range of zero and trigger revealers in a sequence along the line extending from the unit's face.
00:47.05Saeris1yea but i think there's another problem there
00:47.13Saeris1if the unit ahs no sight range then he can't target anything
00:47.16Saeris1cuz it's out of LoS
00:47.19JademusSregAnd update it periodically. And detect sight blockers.
00:47.27Bountyu wanna see it Jade? I think this is exactly waht u were talking about
00:47.49JademusSregGood point. May as well script attacking, too.
00:48.11Saeris1damn those stupid built in functions!
00:48.20JademusSregIn a moment, Bounty.
00:48.24Saeris1making things all difficult and shit
00:48.35JademusSregOr set abilities and attacks to not require sight.
00:48.42JademusSregSee if that will work.
00:48.57Bountydude im so f*cking happy right now
00:48.59Saeris1then you can shoot invisible targets, too
00:49.02Bountyi cant believe how well this works
00:49.07*** join/#sc2mapster FireryRage (
00:49.16JademusSregWakka wakka
00:49.25Bountyat the same time im really upset
00:49.32Bountyit took hours to get those conditions for the old collision
00:50.58grim001OK, what's the simplest-to-use free C++ compiler out there
00:51.11grim001I don't need no bells or whistles
00:51.33*** join/#sc2mapster MrOp (~MrOp@
00:52.07Demonettesounds... ugly if i want it for each single unit...mmmhh can i somehow create LOS blockers that follow a unit? XD like a privat LOS-wall in there back?
00:52.07JademusSregAnyway, I like tinkering with WASD.
00:52.36JademusSregDemonette, you can do that.
00:53.12JademusSregUnits with footprints, move them periodically at points offset by face from the unit position.
00:53.17DemonetteI think i can't... as LOS-blocking needs a footprint and units with footprints can't move
00:53.26JademusSregSure they can.
00:53.38Demonetteyeah... periodically recreation...
00:53.43Demonetteoh you mean triggers...
00:53.48Demonetteyeah trigger could work as well
00:53.48JademusSregOf course.
00:54.23Demonettei meant move in the sence of walking or flying around... not instance trigger teleporting =P
00:54.42JademusSregHeh, gotta think flexibly. =D
00:54.45Demonetteyeah... i could look at that
00:55.23Saeris1suddenly i'm seeing a map with a bunch of marines with a cone LOS, a grey mask fog of war, and lots of little boo-like zerglings that are stalking the marines but stop cold when they're caught in the marine's LoS
00:55.56Saeris1now i need to go make this
00:56.02JademusSregThat would be pretty cool. Not zerglings necessarily, but that is funny.
00:56.04Saeris1best survival horror ever
00:56.52Saeris1i think getting the zerglings to stop would be fairly simple too
00:57.14Saeris1just give the marine a behavior that searches in the same arc as his LoS that stuns anything caught in it
00:57.21grim001creating a LOS system that constantly repositions LOS blockers based on the facing direction of the players' units
00:57.30grim001would be neat for a survival horror game
00:57.36JademusSregVery cool.
00:57.58grim001you'd literally need other players to "watch your back"
00:59.52Saeris1well, i'm thinking that you'd need a team, maybe 4-5 players, have them move through a bounds type mansion, have them get stalked by all manner of zerglings, roaches, hydralisks, etc.... all the enemies are visibile through the grey fog of war, but get stunned when in direct LoS
01:00.02Saeris1that would make for a very difficult game
01:00.56Saeris1would anyone be interested in getting in on that?
01:01.22JademusSregI'd be interested in playing it.
01:04.22*** join/#sc2mapster MaxMode (
01:07.43Demonettegot such an idea for a long long time....
01:11.01Bountyis there anyway to get a flying unit to tilt based on the terrain like ground units do?
01:12.01JademusSregI dunno. I've never tried.
01:14.25Bountybc i made a half pipe
01:14.29Bountyand the ships dont tilt
01:14.32Bountywhen they go around it
01:15.20JademusSregI guess the first step is to find out what makes ground units tilt.
01:15.28Bountylooking at the vulture now
01:15.34Bountycant find anything in the actors
01:18.03Bountyyeah i set the units move to ground already
01:19.25JademusSregI wonder if tipability in the model data is of any consequence.
01:19.52Bountylooks like it
01:19.54Bountyvulture has it
01:20.05JademusSregI noticed it the other day.
01:20.37Bountyfuck Jade
01:20.46Bountyif you were a woman, i would do you right now
01:20.52Bountyit worked
01:21.16JManVi think it'd be more likely that you would be the woman, bounty :P
01:21.26JademusSregI'm not smart, I just have lots of serendipitous accidental observations!
01:21.36JManVcouldn't resist :P
01:21.40Bountyi know lol
01:30.55MotiveSup everyone
01:31.13JademusSregScripting. About to start dinner.
01:31.17Motiveforgot to mention about your script
01:31.29Motivealways a good idea to prefix everything, no matter how insignificant, with the library prefix
01:31.39Motivestruct libInput_Button
01:31.42Motiveor even
01:31.47JademusSregI'm familar with the practice.
01:31.51Motiveconst int c_libInput_MAXBUTTON
01:32.00MotiveI was in class at the time
01:32.21JademusSregBut I try, to an extent.
01:33.26JademusSregI just don't think it's worth making my name space ugly, sometimes.
01:33.39Motivegalaxy needs namespaces
01:34.09JademusSreggrim's preprocessor will hopefully give us simple, basic scope functionality.
01:34.33JademusSregBy prefixing, of course. =)
01:34.56JademusSregBut so long as I don't need to look at ugly prefixes all the damn time, I'm happy.
01:35.11MotiveGrim's working on a preprocessor now?
01:35.26JademusSregSomething very basic.
01:35.30Motivethank god
01:35.34Motivewe need something basic
01:35.43JademusSregI know! /agony
01:35.45MotiveI was seriously debating writing a library so I could just code in Galaxy like this
01:35.48Motivegoop_typedef("point2d", "
01:35.48Motivefixed point2d_get_x(point2d p)
01:35.49Motivereturn goop_accessor_fixed(p, "xPosition");
01:35.50Motiveobject_id point2d = goop_new("point2d");
01:35.51Motivefixed x = point2d_get_x(point2d);
01:36.25JademusSregI need to start grilling some chicken.
01:36.44JademusSregMaking chicken wraps tonight.
01:39.23sjkoesend me some
01:39.46JademusSregI'll fax it to you.
01:40.07*** join/#sc2mapster FireryRage (
02:02.51*** join/#sc2mapster s4ikD (
02:04.30BountySo... all i gotta do now is the terrain for my map then its rdy for release ><
02:04.57sjkoethat simple huh?
02:05.08Bountywell its a racing map
02:05.13Bountyand i got all the mechanics done
02:06.09*** join/#sc2mapster Sixen1 (
02:06.21BountyHay Sixen
02:06.40BountyBai Sixen
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02:13.32*** join/#sc2mapster harl (
02:25.16*** join/#sc2mapster Demo (4304c874@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
02:26.14DemoQuestion!: How do you make it so an actor that plays a models animation plays the correct variation. i.e. the protoss spirit death model chooses from 3 random animations, I only want it to choose one.
02:39.16DemoI am a sad panda :(
02:40.35DemoWho wants to play give demo a hug?
02:41.28DemoYou do!?
02:41.38Demohug deathtorn
02:41.47Demohugs deathtorn!
02:41.54deathtorn*hugs Demo*
02:42.15deathtornWe're having a moment.
02:42.15DemoJust a hug orgy nothing to see here.
02:42.44deathtornOnly hugs?
02:42.52DemoSrsly though, how do I remove the random animation and make it play the right one from start to finish
02:43.05deathtornForce it through triggers?
02:43.07MrOpcan i get some people help test my map please
02:43.14MrOpdemo and death can you help please
02:43.26DemoIs it that gay map with tubes
02:43.38MrOpjust come to our channel in sc2
02:43.52Demojust wanted to see your reaction
02:43.52MrOphopefully is less gay now
02:44.06MrOpit is*
02:44.08Demogimme a sec... really hating this problem with actor/model
02:44.13MrOpstill no monsters yet
02:44.22MrOpso basicly your not coing
02:44.22Demohow many people do you need
02:44.39Demohow many do you have with me if I go
02:44.50Demowhen you find a 4th
02:44.53Demospam my name
02:44.59deathtornwhat's the channel?
02:45.02Demoand I'll get on
02:45.15MrOpcan you come
02:45.39deathtornI'm on
02:45.42deathtornInvite meh
02:45.47MrOpok i need to publish
02:49.11deathnight114Different death
02:50.52DemoMrPoop can I test something quick?
03:05.33*** join/#sc2mapster Griffith`` (
03:12.53*** join/#sc2mapster Deaod (
03:16.16*** join/#sc2mapster Demo_ (4304c874@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
03:16.32Demo_The person registered with ma name kicked me offz
03:17.05*** join/#sc2mapster P_R_Deltoid (
03:17.33Demo_how does open private chat with freenodes?
03:17.43Demo_or the person I was talking to could you re-private me
03:18.58MrOpdid you guys think that there is enough clues
03:19.06MrOpto move around
03:19.18deathtornlook at sc2
03:30.13*** join/#sc2mapster Twiner (
03:51.15JManVhey shawn, thanks for that
03:51.18JManVit was awesome
03:52.00JManVgl wif yer gf
03:55.06*** join/#sc2mapster TeddyTeddy (
03:59.30*** join/#sc2mapster grim001 (
03:59.57grim001well I just noticed that I hate C++
04:00.04*** join/#sc2mapster Skizot (
04:00.26grim001and if I do it in some more reasonable language it will probably be nearly as slow as AutoIt
04:00.53Motivehey grim
04:01.00Motivesomeone told me you were working on a preprocessor
04:01.12grim001a very basic one
04:01.19Motivegood. I like basic :P
04:01.24Motivewhat will it have?
04:03.05grim001scopes, requirements, private, initializers, free local declaration, fix 0. type errors, debug mode, erase whitespace, erase comments, hotkeys for quickly saving/testing the map without needing to be looking at the editor
04:03.22Motivecool, sounds good :P
04:03.32Motiveshould add macros too even if they're evil
04:03.37Motivelike C-style
04:03.58grim001anything it does must not require the thing to comprehend the code
04:04.17grim001really basic macros could be possible but they'd be really lame
04:04.21Motiveyup, just blind stupid macros
04:04.25Motivestuff like
04:04.27Motive#define DEBUG
04:04.29Motive#ifdef DEBUG
04:04.44grim001it will already have a debug mode
04:04.50grim001do you have any other real use for it in mind?
04:05.03Motivethere are situations where if someone's going to write like
04:05.06Motivea generic linked list
04:05.09Motiveyou can do
04:05.18Motive#define type myStruct
04:05.18grim001no, doing generics with this method would be impossible
04:05.22Motiveinclude "linkedlist"
04:05.25Motive#define type myotherStruct
04:05.28Motiveinclude "linkedlist"
04:05.29Motiveor something like that
04:05.39Motiveoh well
04:05.56grim001well I mean...
04:06.23grim001maybe I could create an extra copy of an entire script while replacing a certain keyword with another keyword
04:06.35grim001there's your generic crap
04:06.48grim001requires LinkedList<Integer>
04:06.51Motiveor just move "include" to a preprocessor macro
04:06.53Motivebut either way
04:07.08Motivegood job, keep it simple, what you iterated is pretty much exactly what we need
04:07.47grim001textmacros are a possibility I guess, but lowest priority out of any feature
04:08.36grim001making this thing in AutoIt would have quite a number of advantages... versus the one disadvantage of slower compile time
04:08.57Motivemeh, I've done 30 minute compiles on VS C++
04:09.01Motivebring it on
04:09.03grim001personally I'm willing to wait 3 seconds for a script to compile if it means I can spend 3 weeks instead of 3 years making this thing
04:09.10grim001C++ sucks
04:09.24Motivec++ is for real pro men
04:09.35grim001and if the code is comprehensible then anyone can open the thing up and add what they like
04:11.36grim001well, your comments about it it being possible to edit code outside the editor are what started this whole thing
04:11.48MotiveLol, well, woot.
04:11.59grim001I created a nice setup for myself and even used AutoIt to make it easy to test the map from notepad++
04:12.04MotiveCool :)
04:12.10grim001then I realized I could just edit the files right before testing the map
04:12.22Motiveyeah I've been stuck on a notepad-equivilent since before there was GE
04:12.29Motivewas fun for a while being like one of a dozen people who knew galaxy
04:12.42grim001still seems like there are only a dozen people
04:13.01Motivemaybe. but we're more experienced and it seems like we have a lot more knowledgable people among us
04:13.27*** join/#sc2mapster poiuy_qwert (~poiuy_qwe@unaffiliated/poiuy-qwert/x-0506151)
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04:48.42JManVi successfully creating a building and used it in-game
04:49.35JManVhaven't worked out exits yet to
04:49.51JManVthat specific building didn't need an exit tho
04:51.26*** join/#sc2mapster LordAbyss (~Christoph@
04:55.08Skittlescustom map night tomorrow?
04:55.21*** join/#sc2mapster Sixen (
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04:55.31Skittlestsk tsk
04:55.39Skittleseven sent u a pm
04:55.51Skittleslike tisk tisk
05:01.38JManVquote from rodrigo: "There are already too many people on Starcraft who want to punch my face."
05:06.15*** join/#sc2mapster RyanWin (46f69c18@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
05:07.08JManVsup ryan
05:07.12RyanWinDoes anyone know where in the editor I would go to remove 2/3 of the zealots attack animations?
05:07.15RyanWinhey Jman
05:07.55Skittlespreviewer maybe
05:08.04RyanWinno not look at them
05:08.07RyanWinremove them
05:08.26Skittlesidk, I know you can make your own animations in the previewer though
05:08.33RyanWinim not trying to remove them from the game, im trying to remove them from the Zealot attack ability
05:08.37Skittlesor think you can.
05:08.44Skittlesoh idk
05:08.47RyanWinnah you have to make custom animations in 3ds max
05:08.53RyanWinor some other program
05:09.36*** join/#sc2mapster Ammorth (4b9c2647@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
05:09.37JademusSregI return.
05:09.43AmmorthAs do I
05:10.23AmmorthAnyone know anything about win32, c++ and GUIs?
05:10.24JademusSregHi Ammorth.
05:10.29AmmorthHey Sreg
05:10.55AmmorthI have a class project which requests the program to have a GUI, but I know nothing about it...
05:11.12JademusSregI assume you remember my alternate handle, right? =)
05:11.15Ammorththe teacher says I can use whatever libraries I want, the code just has to be in c++
05:11.30Ammorthhandle as in name?
05:12.15AmmorthI try to not forget names.. If only I could apply that to my integration techniques =/
05:12.56Ammorthanyways, I'm trying to create a GUI with win32 in c++
05:13.18AmmorthI just have a few questions, if anyone know somethign about it
05:14.20JademusSregNot my field. What I know of c++ would not be helpful; my understanding is elementary, having not done much more than run cmd line programs.
05:14.49Ammorthexactly where I am at...
05:15.33AmmorthI have made progress though, but I'm not sure if what I am doing is the right appoach =/
05:15.54AmmorthI can create file, edit, etc menus and have the user load files into my program
05:16.06*** join/#sc2mapster grim001 (
05:16.08Ammorthbut the "user area" is the part im not sure about
05:16.24Ammorthapparently I need to use paint commands to draw stuff to it
05:16.39Ammorthso I can draw primitives such as rectangles and text
05:16.46Ammorthbut how would I draw buttons?
05:16.54Ammorthso that the user can interact with it.
05:17.12Ammorththis is where I think I am going wrong, as I believe this isn't the correct approach.
05:17.41AmmorthI fell into something called windows forms, which looks more what I want, but I can't seem to find any guides/tutorials
05:18.30AmmorthI'm using windows visual studio 2010 professional btw
05:19.05Ammorthfree student copies are awesome btw =P
05:19.12JademusSregNo doubt.
05:19.38*** join/#sc2mapster Skizot (
05:19.40JademusSregDealers always give new customers the primo to get them hooked. =)
05:20.06Ammorthhaha, at over $1000 a pop, I'm not sure I'll be much of a user tbh
05:22.54Ammorththe problem is a lot of the GUI stuff with .net framework uses visual basic
05:23.17Ammorthbut seeing as how this is a c++ course, I doubt my prof would be happy with the sudden change in language
05:23.33JademusSregI was thinking about that.
05:23.57Ammorthwin32 is c++ native, but I basically have to code everything from scratch, it seems
05:24.24AmmorthI would love to have an api that is DrawButton(text, x, y, length, width, funcAction)
05:24.27Ammorthor something like that
05:26.24*** join/#sc2mapster DonKalypso (
05:26.44JademusSregSo you'll need to write something for drawing in the user area. Sounds fun/arduous.
05:27.07*** join/#sc2mapster Sumo- (
05:27.24Sumo-heyas, which flag takes off a units rank off the ui?
05:27.44JademusSregSounds like something you'd delete in the actor.
05:28.02Sumo-actor - ui right
05:28.05Sumo-but what?
05:28.29JademusSregI don't have the editor open at the moment.
05:28.38JademusSregWhen I open it up, I'll check. =)
05:29.05Sumo-i have a feeling its a flag on the unit instead..oddly
05:29.28Ammorthsreg, I think I am going to try experiment with forms, this drawing stuff like stupid
05:30.01Sixenohai ammorth
05:30.02Ammorthplus, being able to drag buttons, menu items, text boxes and all that stuff to a window, and have it generate everything for me is awesome
05:30.07Ammorthhey sixen!
05:31.07Ammorthsixen, know anything about windows32, .net framwork or windows forms?
05:31.07JademusSregIt's not like the professor said not to use forms.
05:31.12BountyHey Jade
05:31.12Sumo-i think the trick ois the make the unit a structure :/
05:31.18BountyI got turn acceleration turning =P
05:31.26Ammorthhe said I can use anything GUI, it just has to be in c++
05:31.40Ammorthhe linked to a GUI SDK called Qt (cute)
05:31.49Ammorthand said we could try that if we wanted
05:32.07Ammorthbut I don't want to learn a new developement platform and GUI at the same time
05:32.14Ammorthonly change one variable at a time please!
05:32.27sjkoesumo, hold on, let me look
05:32.31JademusSregHeh. Starcraft Ghost would have changed 2.
05:32.41*** join/#sc2mapster Skizot (
05:36.23Ammorthsigh, damn shortcuts =/
05:36.56AmmorthI wanted a spacer in my menu, so I'm looking for a place to set my menu item as a spacer in its properties...
05:37.07Ammorthturns out if I make the text "-" it becomes a spacer by default =/
05:37.35JademusSregIt yearns to assist you.
05:41.44*** join/#sc2mapster Sixen (
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05:44.45Ammorth"For more information, see Windows Forms Designer and Windows Forms Designer and Windows Forms Designer and Windows Forms Designer.."  (FYI, the each "Windows Forms Designer" is a link to a different page)
05:46.21*** join/#sc2mapster sjkoe (
05:46.36sjkoestupid roommates messing with the internet
05:46.43sjkoesumo-: I found it
05:46.58sjkoehe left
05:47.19JademusSregSuch luck.
05:47.56sjkoethe internet was fine.. and my roommates are screwing with it for some reason
05:48.10sjkoeI just wanna go out there and smack a ho
05:48.33AmmorthDo it
05:48.37Ammorthyoutube it
05:48.40Ammorthbecome a star
05:48.52Ammorthperform with Gaga during her next concert!
05:48.54JademusSregCaptialize on bad decisions. =D
05:49.11AmmorthShe can sing while you smack hoes
05:49.46JademusSregPeople will swoon with hoarse whispers of "so avant garde".
05:55.45*** join/#sc2mapster Vexal (81740a3b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
05:56.06Vexalis it possible to have a random periodic offset without specifying each possible offset in the list of periodic offsets
05:56.16Vexali'd like the effect to have an equal chance to be anywhere in a radius
05:56.16*** join/#sc2mapster Skizot (
05:59.21Vexalhow do i make an effect happen in a random location?
06:00.41JademusSregData only?
06:01.04Vexali want to make a spell that calls projectiles down from the sky in a random spot in a radius around the caster
06:01.09Vexaleverything's done except
06:01.22Vexalthe only way i can figure out how to do a random location is manually specify all possible points in the periodic offsets
06:01.28Vexalwhich there's no way i could possibly do.
06:01.46JademusSregI cannot imagine a data only solution.
06:01.51Vexalwhat the fuck
06:01.53Vexalthat's retarded
06:01.53LiliannaEffect Persistent, Periods, 1, Interval 0.1, Persistent Effect(The Start of your chain)
06:01.57LiliannaFlags, Random Offset
06:02.04LiliannaFill in a whole bunch of random offsets
06:02.08Vexali can't
06:02.13Liliannaand it will randomly choose one of those
06:02.13Vexalthat'll take all day
06:02.16Vexali know
06:02.20Vexalbut i don't want to what the fuck this is stupid
06:02.31Vexali hate this stupid piece of shit fucking thing
06:02.58Bountyu can drift in my racing map now
06:03.13JademusSregI'm ready to test.
06:03.15LiliannaIm sure theres another way to do it, but I dont have the editor open to look at it closer
06:03.24Bountyill upload it
06:03.57*** join/#sc2mapster sjkoe (
06:04.48Vexalis there any way i could use a script to generate the the points i put into the data editor
06:04.58Vexali don't see how i could possibly make a circular radius by hand
06:05.47LiliannaIm sure you could edit the XML
06:05.48Bountyalright Jademussreg
06:05.49Bountylogging on now
06:05.51Liliannato make copy paste easier
06:06.01Liliannaand finding points on a circle is just about using trig
06:06.08Vexali know how to find points on a circle
06:06.10JademusSregXML is the way to go.
06:06.16Vexalit has to be a filled in circle
06:06.26Vexali'd need to input probably 50-100 points
06:06.30Vexalto make it seem convincing.
06:06.31LiliannaHow big is this circle?
06:06.37Vexali don't want the user to notice any sort of pattern
06:06.42Vexalradius of 5
06:07.02LiliannaMe personally, I would break it down
06:07.14LiliannaSo Radius 5, break it up in 1,1 spots
06:07.26Liliannathen make another effect that chooses a random position in a 1 radius circle
06:07.33Liliannaso the 5 can reuse the 1 radius circle
06:07.42Liliannasince its all the same in that little area
06:08.09Vexalthat could work.
06:08.15Vexali'll see if i have the attention span to finish that.
06:08.50LiliannaYou could also make 3 levels and it would cut it down even more
06:09.17Liliannabut anyways
06:23.46furymonkeyI am using a corpose as a unit model, however when it dies it doesn't dissapear, where should I look to fix it?
06:24.01JademusSregTime for me to sleep.
06:24.30Vexalah you can hit "view raw data" then paste it in as text
06:24.37Vexali'm just going to write a lisp program to generate a circle.
06:32.02LordAbysswill make sixen respond to me
06:39.49Vexalthere's a limit to how many different offsets you can have
06:40.07*** join/#sc2mapster Skittles (ad39a794@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
06:49.23RyanWinwhat kind of offsets vexal
06:50.11Vexali gave up
06:50.27Vexaldecided to use a trigger to create the effect in a random spot
06:50.38Vexalinstead of add dozens of offsets to the periodic offsets
06:53.20*** join/#sc2mapster Deathtorn (63fc8a73@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
07:36.06*** join/#sc2mapster grim001 (
07:39.42grim001so I've got it enumerating through each line of each file before combining them now
07:40.51Skittlesdo you guys think I should add it to my d3 map like that? But make it so if units collide in the air they die?
07:41.06Skittlesatm, the tornado wont drag u into the middle, it just makes the tornado were u are standing
07:41.18grim001it takes 0.106 seconds for about 700 lines of code
07:48.10Deaodgrim, maybe theres a way to implement GOLD in AutoIt
07:49.16grim001if AutoIt can do this task reasonably fast it'd be ideal to not complicate things
07:54.12Deaodwell, if you want to do more complicated things later on, then having a parser could be of use
07:55.06grim001right now it takes it approximately 2.1 seconds to read 10,000 lines of code from about 300 files, modify each line, and join them together into a single output file
07:55.19Deaodnot too bad
07:55.46grim001I think the whole point of this idea was to not use a parser
07:56.09grim001just sticking to things that can be done fairly easily with commonsense code
07:57.06HatiSkittles: now you can do The Wonderful Wizard of Oz with zergling tornado :o
07:57.59SkittlesHmm, did oz have a tornado?
07:59.04Tobinyeah at the start
07:59.24Tobinthats how the main character gets sent to oz
08:00.12SkittlesBut did it have zerglings in it?
08:00.14SkittlesNo? They did it wrong.
08:01.00Tobinbut you asked if it had  tornado... not a zergnado
08:01.00Skittlesdidn't that movie end with her waking up and remembering it was just a bad trip caused by bad pot?
08:03.10TobinAnyways, How do I add that range indicator like the missile turret has when selecting placement?
08:09.17Skittlesbut im going to bed. Night yall.
08:11.07*** join/#sc2mapster deathnight114_ (
08:12.14HatiTobin: splats
08:17.42MrOpdoes anyone know how to check if you are over your trigger memory limit
08:17.49MrOpor check it in gernal
08:18.18Deaodand no, i dont.
08:18.19Hatiuhm overview displays script size
08:18.39MrOphow do i know what is the maz
08:19.01Hatireading :D
08:19.06Hati4MB is max iirc
08:19.15Hatior MiB dunno
08:19.16Deaodi assume by overview you mean CTRL+F11
08:19.43Deaodand that overview doesnt tell you anything
08:19.44*** join/#sc2mapster Skizot (
08:20.33Deaodunless youve memorized how many ops each line of code takes
08:20.49MrOphati it says
08:20.59MrOpi have 12.1 megs uncompressed
08:21.05MrOpand 1.73 compressed
08:21.14MrOpis the 4 megs compressed
08:21.29Hatinever hit the limit
08:21.50MrOpwell i am getting an error taht says script to large
08:22.37Deaodthen yeah, your script doesnt fit into 2MiB
08:22.44RyanWinthats not necessarily true
08:22.51RyanWinit could be from a trigger thats too long
08:22.57RyanWindo you have an extremely long trigger?
08:23.15MrOpidk in one version i have it doesnt work nothing loads
08:23.32MrOpidk even know what i changed and it stopped working
08:23.39RyanWin4MB is a lot of text
08:23.47RyanWinwhat the hell are  you making?
08:24.20DeathtornWindows 7
08:24.26Deathtornsc2 mode
08:33.39Bountyis that a joke Deathtorn?
08:35.45Bountyi cant get over how awesome this fuckign song is until the stupid god damn lyrics kick in
08:35.56Bountylike its riddiculas
08:36.10Bountyhow big the transition is
08:36.14Bountyfrom awesome to WTF?
08:37.25Bountylike whenever i want to listen to the song i have to retart it as soon as it hits 1:01 lol
08:41.40BountySo, my racing map is the shit
08:42.13Bountyexcept the name, i gotta think of a new one lol
08:44.10BountyThe Duke Nukem Forever of the SC2 custom map community
08:55.52Skittlesracing now?
08:56.10SkittlesWhat's with that link?
08:59.48Skittlesoh shit
08:59.58Skittles8.8 earthquake hit japan
09:06.31Vexallet me show you my spells
09:08.27Skittlesim on
09:08.51Vexali didn't mean now
09:09.35SkittlesI dont get it.
09:10.57Vexalyou linked that video
09:10.59Vexalnow i'm watching it.
09:11.26Skittleslol yeah
09:11.33Skittlesit's interesting
09:13.53grim001so I'm already to the point of implementing the topsort algorithm for requirements
09:14.06grim001in C++ that'd take about 3 more years
09:18.25Bountyanother earthquake eh?
09:18.47Bountywhat is that like the 37th big one in the last 2 years? crazy
09:19.49*** join/#sc2mapster deathnight114 (
09:22.13BountyAnyone know the maximum amount of threads you can have going before things get goofy
09:24.30grim001has anyone ever implemented a topological sort algorithm before?
09:24.51grim001it seems no one has bothered to implement one in AutoIt
09:26.41*** join/#sc2mapster Gnarfoz (smallbrain@WoWUIDev/WowAce/Gnarfoz)
09:26.51Skittlesgonna try that sleep thing again
09:44.31BountyThis shit in Japan is insane
09:44.59BountyTsunami looked like the one from the Day After Tomorrow
09:45.46*** join/#sc2mapster Clord (
09:46.15ClordI just realized what I should do with shinigami note map so others not know who kira is so easily
09:46.19ClordI give him dialog ^^
09:46.53Clordnow if it would be possible to make that unit not reveal name when mouse overed over it
09:46.59ClordI mean who owns it
09:47.45TobinYou cant do that with flags clord?
09:48.00ClordI have looked flags and so far I don't think such flag exist
09:53.47TobinMaybe no highlight?
09:54.51Tobinahh nvm sorry
09:54.55SixenI wonder if 1.3 will hit tomorrow...
09:55.37Clordaka friday what is now where
09:58.41SixenIt's 2am Friday here :P
09:59.02Hati11am :D
09:59.28Hatiiam in the future
09:59.55ClordI'm trying to modify that instead -note <instertnamehere>
09:59.57Clordit detects
10:00.01Clordvia edit box
10:00.04Clordwhat someone types :)
10:00.11Clordthat way others not know who is kira
10:00.13Clordwhen he kills
10:03.39Clordoh and.....
10:03.56Clordlistbox will be used for history of who is already killed.... yeah.. it is mostly for visual purposes XD
10:07.27EonShiKenowow, i wake up and find out japan's shit is hitting the wall
10:09.28Bountydid anyone else have this VHS as a kid? lol
10:14.03*** join/#sc2mapster Sevenix (
10:20.20ClordShikeno.. it is not as bad like 2004
10:20.22Clordor so they say
10:21.45*** join/#sc2mapster Skizot (
10:23.48ClordI wonder how I detect what someone has typed to edit box XD
10:24.49DeathtornDialog edit value
10:25.06*** join/#sc2mapster Shadow_Killer (
10:27.54*** join/#sc2mapster airtonix (~T_T@unaffiliated/airtonix)
10:29.08Clordused dialog item
10:29.15ClordI did that wrong
10:29.24Clordwhen I made it "used dialog item".. it started to work right
10:29.58Clordit compares it to all name strings in map :)
10:30.02Clordand voila
10:33.53*** join/#sc2mapster Ousnius (55d804c7@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
10:59.39Clordnow there is note dialog
11:02.20Clordjust type name
11:02.22Clordand press the button XD
11:19.19*** join/#sc2mapster airtonix (~T_T@unaffiliated/airtonix)
11:22.43TobinHow can i increase the cost of building each time its built (with data).
11:32.43*** join/#sc2mapster cintiq_ (
11:34.18Clordprobably not supported that way
11:34.22*** join/#sc2mapster Obatztrara (3ee2944a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
11:35.54*** join/#sc2mapster Cintiq (
11:36.47Clorddynamic costs however is cheap way to make balance ^^
11:36.56Clordas units what are spammed can become quite expensive
11:38.55Clordmy "note" dialog works :)
11:40.11ClordI probably need to add wandering police forces too
11:41.01Clordit can make nasty abilities like mind control rather useful :)
11:43.25Tobinwhat kind of map are you making clord?
11:46.30Clordshinigami note
11:47.18*** join/#sc2mapster TeddyTeddy (
11:47.25OusniusO.O and that's crysis ONE XD
11:49.36Clordkira's abilities
11:49.41Clordsprint... stackable running speed buff
11:49.52Clorddomination.... takes control of unit until it is destroyed
11:49.56Clordcan't release otherwise
11:50.38*** join/#sc2mapster MrOp (~MrOp@
11:51.03Clordoh and
11:51.05Clordcan see more far
11:51.19Clordother plays get... sprint
11:51.26Clordand some other ability what is useful to beat down kira
11:54.33ClordI found with search how to hide those silly names over units telling who controls them
11:57.14*** join/#sc2mapster airtonix (~T_T@unaffiliated/airtonix)
11:58.22Tobinsounds like abs exodus clord
11:59.13Clordit is based to death note anime.. idea part an bit
11:59.25Clordthere is student who gets hands to note that kills when name is written there
11:59.43Clordexpect this not even use same settings really that much
11:59.58MrOpclord are you any good with sound
12:00.05MrOpin reguards to triggers
12:00.43*** join/#sc2mapster Nesetalis (
12:00.48Obatztraranoobish question: how to make a unit follow with triggers :<
12:01.25Tobinissue order to unit - follow
12:01.56Tobinsec, ill give more detailed explanation.
12:02.01Clordsounds are easy in triggers
12:02.05Clordjust call sound effect
12:02.06Clordand it works
12:02.19MrOpif it was that simple my friend i would nto be asking lol
12:02.25ObatztraraI think there is no follow order tobin
12:02.35MrOpi have a set of complex things happening
12:02.49MrOpand the sound freaks out mainly on bnet
12:02.57MrOptest its works perfectly
12:03.17TobinIssue Order -> Order targeting unit
12:03.49Tobinyour right
12:04.01Tobinuse move
12:04.03Obatztraraas far as i remember it was just move
12:04.07MrOpclord so the issues is i have sound playing at points
12:04.38MrOpthey work perfect in test but do an epic fail when i publish to bnet
12:05.03MrOpeither they dont play or play once
12:05.11MrOpor freak out on me
12:06.04*** join/#sc2mapster Nesetalis (
12:06.52MrOphas anyone seen heral tonight/day (thing)
12:07.41Clordthey should just play fine XD
12:07.45Clordat least offcial sounds do
12:08.00MrOp(_ _)
12:08.07MrOpthey are all offical
12:13.40*** join/#sc2mapster Skizot (
12:14.25Clordhehe this is silly thing but
12:14.30Clordmaybe volume is not enough loud
12:14.31Clordfor purpose
12:14.37MrOp(_ _)
12:14.51MrOplike i said it works perfect in test
12:14.57MrOpfailzors in bnet
12:15.07MrOpand i set my Z to 25
12:15.14MrOpon each point
12:15.36TobinBounty told me something about sounds being played through triggers is bad
12:15.54MrOpwell how else are we suppose to play them
12:15.58Tobinhe said he creates actors to play them instead
12:16.01Tobini think*
12:16.06Tobin*its hazy
12:16.18MrOpwhat does that mean
12:16.37TobinMeans i cant remember for sure.
12:21.14ClordI don't lock camera to unit even if it is just one unit player controls first
12:21.17*** join/#sc2mapster Skizot (
12:21.25ClordI instead took advantage of making decoys sight range zero
12:26.22MrOpclord what you tlaking about
12:26.51*** join/#sc2mapster Skizot (
12:27.30Clorddoing my map
12:27.42Clordeach player got four decoy units
12:27.46Clordwhat move automatically
12:28.01Clordbut I changed that consept now that neutral hostile keeps control over them
12:28.55MrOpcan you help me test like like 5-10 mins
12:29.02MrOpnto even sure i need ot that long
12:29.49MrOpi am in our channle
12:30.22MrOpi dont see you XD
12:30.36Tobinsec had to restart game
12:30.40Tobingot wierd error
12:40.25*** join/#sc2mapster Skizot (
12:45.39*** join/#sc2mapster Xaragoth (
12:49.19Clordhehe... publisher system failed to read map file right
12:49.23Clordrestarting editor helped
12:57.42*** join/#sc2mapster Shadow_Killerr (
13:10.56*** join/#sc2mapster [1]Sevenix (
13:18.24Clordearth management game
13:18.24ClordFate of the World
13:20.51*** join/#sc2mapster slightlyrandom (~random@
13:26.51JManVi'd try a game like that
13:28.29*** join/#sc2mapster hyarion (
13:33.54*** join/#sc2mapster TheSkunk_ (18eb4c89@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
13:34.15TheSkunk_New PTR patch out..
13:34.31TheSkunk_Fun or not actually works consistently for me now
13:40.27Clordnew ptr patch out
13:41.28Clordnews say nothing about it
13:41.32Clordin three different realms
13:45.05*** join/#sc2mapster sjkoe (
13:49.01Clordso new ptr patch is not out and how it would be lol
13:57.11*** join/#sc2mapster Griffith` (
14:00.09*** join/#sc2mapster Helral|Work (
14:04.29MrOpi been waiting for you lol
14:05.13MrOpand now you are afk
14:05.24MrOpnot you
14:05.33Helral|Workyou ain't asking questions ;p
14:05.51MrOpi have to goto bed
14:05.59MrOpand i been waitng lol
14:06.05MrOpbut then i tested a map
14:06.15MrOpwhen are you on when you are not at work
14:06.30MrOpwhere do you live anyway
14:06.38Helral|WorkNL ;p
14:06.51MrOpwhere is that
14:07.03MrOpyea i gathered
14:07.18MrOpare you going to be on a normal USA time
14:07.25MrOpwell normal for me XD
14:07.32MrOpits 7am now
14:07.41MrOpwhat time is it where you are
14:08.05Clordactually that is over 7 minutes wrong
14:08.15Helral|Work[15:08] <Clord> actually that is over 7 minutes wrong <-- 8 actually
14:08.25ClordOVER 7 minutes wrong
14:08.37Clordnitpicking here lol
14:08.41*** join/#sc2mapster JManV|Work (~jvanderbe@
14:08.57Clordso map night aka mag evening today
14:09.37Clordmy map has been keeping slowly climbing in positions
14:09.51Clordit was quite while just barely first page.......
14:10.33Clordmaybe it is increasing competitive scene around map lol
14:14.44JManV|Workyup. map night in EU will be in a few hours i think
14:16.51JManV|Work4 if my math is correct
14:18.14Clordutc +2 here ^^
14:18.18Clordthat means pretty clearly
14:18.20Clordgmt +2
14:19.05ClordI mean
14:19.28Clordif ti is 7pm in gmt +1 area
14:19.34Clordthen it is 8pm here in finland as it is +2 here
14:19.41Clord20:00 basically
14:19.54Clord3 hours... 41 minutes
14:20.01Clordactually less if takes account seconds
14:25.22JManV|Workoh geez
14:25.25JManV|Worki was rounding
14:26.22JManV|Worki dunno about EU, but in the NA you gotta show up early cuz it fills up
14:27.26JManV|Worki actually think i need another NA host
14:27.41furymonkeywhat is map night?
14:29.13MrOpnight/morning all
14:29.36MrOpi night full of maps
14:29.52*** part/#sc2mapster MrOp (~MrOp@
14:33.26JManV|Workwe try out all kinds of custom maps
14:33.32JManV|Workanything not on the first page
14:33.51JManV|Workthere's a map night in EU and NA tonight
14:33.54JManV|Workboth are streamed
14:36.00JManV|Workif you just want to watch, they'll be streamed to sc2mapster when they start
14:36.25JManV|Workif you want to play, EU map night starts in 3:20
14:36.48JManV|WorkNA map night is like 10 hours from now
14:38.20sjkoeMan, this site is so pretty. Actually, it's not but I'm proud of it
14:38.55JManV|Workstill hiding shawn?
14:39.05JManV|Worki think someone talked to op
14:39.12JManV|Workcuz he's been laying off me, too
14:39.26JManV|Worki had to keep telling him to ask me questions in channel
14:39.35JManV|Work"i'm not the only one that can help you, dude"
14:40.05furymonkeysounds cool
14:40.16JManV|Workwhen what i was thinking was "just let me work on my f-ing map, man"
14:40.44JManV|Workhe seems to forget that we're all working on maps, too, and he can't suck up hours of our time at once
14:40.47Shawn|RawrI'm at about T - 8 hours
14:41.14Shawn|RawrThough she did apologize for being a bitch for the last week
14:41.40Shawn|RawrI'm paraphrasing
14:42.13Tobinhow many people showed up  to the last map night (us)?
14:44.11JManV|Worka lot
14:44.23JManV|Workthere were like 15+ people in channel at any given time
14:44.28furymonkeychemical factory explosion at japan
14:44.35furymonkeycaused by fire, that is one huge fire ball
14:44.38JManV|Worka lot of them were playing side games tho
14:45.47JManV|Workbut we stayed full and didn't have much trouble finding more ppl for games
14:49.48furymonkeyso many earthquakes is happening
14:49.54furymonkeyi wonder if i will finish my map before world ends
14:51.24furymonkeyearth is beta testing 2012
14:57.07Shawn|RawrHehe. html and css combine by the power of my fingertips!
14:57.34Shawn|Rawris having fun
14:58.55Shawn|RawrJust need some more graphics
14:59.02Shawn|RawrAnd I'll be set
15:00.43*** join/#sc2mapster Skizot (
15:02.28HatiShawn|Rawr: no
15:04.28*** join/#sc2mapster sjkoe (
15:07.47*** join/#sc2mapster aussie123 (~aaa@
15:08.10aussie123japans rockn harder than kiss
15:10.25Hatinot funny :/
15:11.15aussie123ok, japans rockn harder than yo mama
15:17.14*** join/#sc2mapster Zoxc (
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15:30.17*** join/#sc2mapster Twiner|home (
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16:25.59*** join/#sc2mapster Ingela (
16:26.09Clordresurrection spell for chat channel
16:26.13Clordor whatever
16:30.01Clordit missed ^^
16:31.19Hatirise and slaughter them all
16:31.56*** join/#sc2mapster cintiq_ (
16:32.14JManV|Workwise fwom your gwave!
16:37.01*** join/#sc2mapster Cintiq (
16:38.34*** join/#sc2mapster Sixen (~Kevin@
16:38.34*** mode/#sc2mapster [+o Sixen] by ChanServ
16:41.37Clordmind.. blown...
16:41.40Clordnew frontpage
16:41.42Clordand holy hell
16:41.48ClordI thought square enix does best ones ;)
16:49.21*** join/#sc2mapster Cheekything (
16:49.29*** join/#sc2mapster Buze (
16:54.11Hati35 hours of video are uploaded per hour to youtube :o
16:58.13*** join/#sc2mapster Skizot (
16:59.38Zoxcsees a standard logo and a silly age thing
17:04.17*** join/#sc2mapster Skizot (
17:08.35TobinHow do i make terrazine show up next to resources?
17:16.17Clordin data editor
17:16.19Clordgo under races
17:16.23Clordand give each race terrazine
17:16.26Clordas displayed resource
17:16.42Clordif you don't change default UI further via some notepad or something
17:16.49Clordyour food display is goner
17:17.04Tobinthats fine, my map doesnt use it
17:21.12TobinHow do i increase damage by a % with a buff?
17:29.37*** join/#sc2mapster Zoxc- (
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17:36.14*** mode/#sc2mapster [+o ckknight] by ChanServ
18:03.00TobinHow do i multiply unit damage through attributes?
18:03.21TobinII cant find the field for it.
18:24.35*** join/#sc2mapster MaxMode (
18:26.31JademusSregI awaken.
18:31.29HatiJademusSreg: morning
18:32.42JademusSregWhat's up?
18:35.58Clordyou do it via fraction increase
18:36.00Clordin buffs
18:36.10Clordlike put fraction of "1" and that is +100% damage
18:37.25*** join/#sc2mapster Sixen (
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18:44.19*** join/#sc2mapster Tobin (45497832@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
18:44.24BountyJapan = another reason to look at 2012 and go... "Hmmm, i wonder"
18:46.02TobinHow do i multiply unit damage through attribute?
18:46.13HatiBehaviour Combat - Damage Fraction
18:46.29Hatiso same way as with a simple Behaviour
18:46.55*** join/#sc2mapster wOlfLinG (
18:48.13ckknightBounty: no.
18:48.17Tobindamage deal fraction's tooltip says damage dealt based on the maximum # of hit points of unit being attacked...
18:48.27ckknightBounty: natural disasters have been occurring throughout the entire history of mankind.
18:48.42BountyYeah but its like every 3 months now
18:48.49ckknightbecause you get news about it
18:49.12ckknightif this were the early 1900s, we wouldn't know, care, or get any real news about it.
18:49.25BountyI dont remember anything like this in the 90's lol
18:49.36ckknightbecause the news stations have changed their styling.
18:49.43ckknightsince even the 90s.
18:50.05ckknightI think 9/11 was a big turning point
18:50.11ckknighteverything has been a catastrophe since then
18:50.32Bounty*shrug* i just thought it was wierd every 2 hours another major area gets leveled by an earthquake lol
18:50.41Bountyi guess that makes sense
18:51.02BountyThey saw the 9/11 ratings and thought hey, lets stick to that?
18:51.20ckknightlikely, but I'm not part of the news conglomorate, so I'm just speculating
18:51.31Bountyit would make sense
18:51.42TobinFreakin wrong tool tip had me screwing around for 30 minutes...
18:52.05BountyEveryone has alittle bit of a "George Carlin" mentalityin them
18:52.21BountyIn that they like watching catastrophe
18:56.00Bountylol wtf
18:56.07Bountyall of Skittles spells are triggers?
18:56.13Bountyfor his Diablo Hero Siege map
18:58.33*** join/#sc2mapster Nesetalis (
19:00.08JademusSregI concur with ck.
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19:00.58JademusSregAlso, Twisted Shadow Planet looks neat.
19:01.09ckknightJademusSreg: oh no, shark attack!
19:02.24JademusSregOh no, the hidden dangers of green technology! Stay tuned for news at 11.
19:03.01ckknightIs it wrong to have sex with a horse? Our investigators will take you through the process after this break.
19:03.25JademusSregHorsecockalypse 2012
19:03.45JademusSregBetter watch out, guys; the hippies warned us about this!
19:04.36ckknightWhat's it like to live life as an African-American? Our investigators will put on black-face and roam the ghettos to find out.
19:05.12JademusSregThat report will conclude the African Americans are extraordinarily violent toward people wearing black face.
19:05.36JademusSregShocking stuff.
19:13.11BountySomeone to make this in SC2
19:13.31Bountyjust have the entire map be that
19:14.21JademusSregI disagree. Copying other media like that is tapping a keg of rich despair.
19:14.45Bountyyour telling me if someone made that in sc2 u wouldnt think it was cool
19:14.54Bountynothing to do with be creative, just cool
19:15.58JademusSregI can judge the technical aspects of the things independently of the imaginative, creative aspects. But a well executed turd is still just a turd.
19:16.25Bountyhow would that be a turd though?
19:16.50Bountyhaving combat like that in sc2 would be amazinfg
19:17.35*** join/#sc2mapster Nesetalis (
19:18.02JademusSregIt's not apparent to me how "combat like that" handles. It might be slick and crunchy, but there's no way to know that without playing the game. =D
19:18.24Bountyyeah thats what im saying though
19:18.30Bountysomeone should make it just like that
19:18.32JademusSregIf you mean combat of a cinematic quality, that's just kinda weird to me.
19:18.57Bountyur wierd sometimes ;)
19:19.09JademusSregSome games walk the line and do it pretty well, games like God of War where you have epic boss sequences and shit.
19:19.19Bountycombat of a "cinematic quality" is wierd to u?
19:19.41Bountyexactly, thats cinematic quality
19:20.18Bountyive been thinking
19:20.18JademusSregI admit I just don't like the pretense of making a game like a movie, unless its satirical of the pretense.
19:20.32Bountyhow the hell am i going to keep track of what position everyone is in on my racing map?
19:20.47Bountyi mean ive thought of a few ways but they dont seem very good
19:20.58Bountythere is an action for that?
19:21.05JademusSregYeah, it returns a point.
19:21.41Bountyok but then how would i determined if hes in first or last OR if he didnt turn around and is riding the course backwards
19:22.16*** join/#sc2mapster wOlfLinG (
19:22.16JademusSregOh. I see. That sounds like a fun thing to program.
19:22.22Bountyi mean
19:22.26Bountymy method would work but
19:22.31Bountyits sloppy
19:23.29JademusSregThink about how you would do it on a straight track, first, without using regions along the track.
19:23.40Bountyi was going to use points
19:23.51Bountyand when u enter a range of that point
19:23.55Bountyit sets that as ur checkpoint
19:24.05Bountythen it sets the next checkpoint as ur destination
19:24.52JademusSregBut then the accuracy of place tracking correlates positively to the number of points.
19:25.35Bountythats what i meant when i said it would be sloppy
19:25.41Bountyi would have to use a bunch of triggers
19:25.51Bountyto determine who was the first, second third etc to hit each point
19:26.08Bountybtw, those points would also be ur respawn point
19:26.17JademusSregbbl, yard work
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20:18.55JManV|Workno EU stream?
20:20.51JManV|Workso hows the shooter engine coming, jademus?
20:23.15MotiveMap night tonight :D
20:24.48BountySo, designing a racing track around vehicles that go insane speeds is alot harder then i thought lol
20:25.00Bounty256x256 isnt big enough :)
20:25.52JManV|Workmap night in 4 1/2 hours
20:26.04JManV|Workmake them really small bounty?
20:26.08JManV|Workand zoom in?
20:26.17Bountyits not that
20:26.23Bountyi just mean coming up with ideas
20:26.27Bountybc it cant be flat
20:26.35Bountyso far the coolest thing i have is you ride on the walls lol
20:26.53Bountylike, half pipe things
20:27.29Bountyand appearance wise, it seems that what looks like shit in the editor terrain wise looks great when your flying through it
20:27.58Shawn|Rawrlol. have them crash into cos, of course
20:28.10Bountypsh, this isnt sc rally :)
20:28.13Motivewhat'll make it is a car physics simulator :P
20:28.17Bountythis is more of an F-Zero type racer
20:28.28Bountythis has physics
20:28.35Motivecan I do the PIT maneuver on the car in front of me?
20:28.41Bountycustom accelerate/decelerate system
20:29.00Bountywhen you turn, your car will turn sharper the longer u are turning
20:29.08Bountywhich allows u to drift if u let go of the throttle
20:29.12Motivebut what about the pit maneuver?!
20:29.21Bountywhats that
20:30.07Bountyoh u mean hit them from the rear side?
20:30.15Motivelook at this picture
20:30.16Bountythere is collision
20:30.43Motivethe rear-left tire loses traction from the pushing, so the car veers left and does a circle around the police car
20:31.07Bountywell my original collision system allowed that
20:31.13Bountylike if u hit someone from the back left
20:31.16Bountyit would spin them
20:31.23Bountybut it doesnt work
20:31.28Bountywhen the other car is actually moving lol
20:31.37Bountylike it move sthem but it wont spin them
20:31.59Bountywhat you get instead of vehicle collision and track walls that wtf pwn
20:32.00Motiveiirc the way to do it right is to give each wheel it's own force parameters
20:32.06Motiveand friction
20:32.13Bountythere are no wheels
20:32.22Bountyits an F-Zero type racer lol
20:32.35Bountyyour hauling ass
20:32.40Bountyon a floating vehicle
20:33.01Bountythe turning mechanics work pretty well according to Jademus
20:41.22*** join/#sc2mapster Cheekything1 (
20:45.59JademusSregBounty is doing really well at faking the physics. I'd still like him to do physics calculations, but it plays pretty well without.
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21:00.07JManV|Workhow's the shooter engine coming, jademus?
21:07.06Shawn|RawrAm I really expected to be able to find/make graphics for websites that i make?
21:07.19Shawn|RawrThat seems like a lot of work
21:09.13JManV|Workit depends
21:09.38Skittlessame time jmanv? 8 east
21:09.40WihlShawn|Rawr - -> open it in photoshop and write on it using times new roman -> Success
21:11.02Shawn|RawrThat's one problem taken care of
21:11.13Shawn|Rawrthey might still want MOAR
21:11.19Shawn|RawrBut i can make the simple stuff i think
21:27.32ThunderLordis it possible for me to simoltaniously run 2 copys of the editor and copy paste stuf between 2 maps?
21:28.03MotiveDon't think you can run two at once
21:28.06Motivebut you can copy and paste using the "Window" menu
21:29.11ThunderLordbut what if
21:29.13ThunderLordim so awesome
21:29.17ThunderLordthat i can built 2 maps
21:29.18ThunderLordat once
21:30.07ThunderLordso i need to run 2 editors
21:30.47Motivegood luck with that then
21:31.14Shawn|RawrJust switch using the window menu..
21:31.27ThunderLordthe computer cannot handle it!
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21:31.37Shawn|RawrBesides, the more projects you do at once, the less likely you'll finish any of them, especially if they're big ones
21:31.47ThunderLordyeah /=
21:32.08ThunderLordthats why i abandoned all my reasonable projects for this one that i will never get close to finishing!
21:32.29Shawn|Rawrif you're copying data, you should be using xml anyway
21:33.11ThunderLordwell, turns out i was just being stupid, i didnt need to copt data
21:33.23Shawn|RawrProblem solved, tehn
21:33.45ThunderLordi was making an inventory and i couldent figure out why it wouldent work so i tried to copy it from my other map, but then i rememberd i have a trigger that intercepts all smart commands
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21:43.00ThunderLordThis is a streach, but does anyone know of a way to check IN THE LOBBY if a player has played the game before? like when a player joins the lobby the other players can see how much experience that player has? and to take it a step further, i want to restrict the lobby categorys to not allow unexperienced players to play on the more difficult levels
21:44.45ThunderLordlike check banks
21:45.30Shawn|RawrNot a chance
21:45.50Shawn|RawrWe have very little control over the lobby
21:46.01Shawn|RawrIf it's not in game variants, you can't control it
21:46.38ThunderLordwth not!
21:46.48ThunderLordi want to keep out the Noobs!
21:52.15*** join/#sc2mapster Dryeyece (4252093b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
21:52.59Shawn|RawrBanning people from your game is also impossible
21:54.00Skittles8.9 earthquake hit japan last night. XD
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21:54.53Shawn|Rawrhow many casualties?
21:55.16Deaodfew compared to the magnitude of the earthquake
21:57.06Shawn|RawrThis means US gets to send billions of dollars to help them.
21:57.19Skittleslike 20 last I heard, but that way like 12 hours ago
21:57.26Skittlesand that was b4 the tsunami
21:57.46SkittlesYeah, exactly.
21:57.54SkittlesBut also, it was a 8.9 quake
21:57.57Skittlesthat's hella big
21:57.58Hunter_Killerstheir structures are designed to be earthquake resistant unlike most places
21:58.12Skittlesbut the tsunami is suppose to hit other stuff too
21:58.16Skittlesunprepared stuff
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22:10.33ThunderLord_anyone know how i can combat the deal where my map ASPLODES! when i run to many triggers at the same time?
22:10.59ThunderLord_i get red text sayin to many threads, and then none of my triggers work till i restart starcraft
22:20.05ThunderLord_also, how can i get the red text to just go away. let it just ignore trigger errors and not announce to the people playing the map "THUNDERLORD MADE A MISTAKE EDITING THIS TRIGGER!!!!"
22:20.36Shawn|RawrMap -> options
22:20.55ThunderLord_Got it!
22:21.02Shawn|RawrBesides, if you're sc2 is crashing, you're doing something horribly wrong
22:21.13ThunderLord_to many triggers
22:21.26ThunderLord_the crashing only happins every now and then
22:21.29ThunderLord_well not a crash
22:21.55Shawn|RawrToo many actions/triggers -> something horribly wrong
22:21.58ThunderLord_it just is like "TOO MANY TRIGGERS, SCREW YOU I QUIT!" then none of the triggers will trigger
22:22.11ThunderLord_its a big map )=
22:22.24ThunderLord_the kind of map i deliver
22:22.29ThunderLord_requires alotta triggers
22:22.34Shawn|RawrI've made a big map, but you go what you want. I quit
22:23.27MotiveToo many threads means you programmed it wrong
22:23.37Motivethreads != triggers
22:23.38ThunderLord_i didnt
22:23.41Motiveyes you did
22:23.46ThunderLord_its just
22:23.52ThunderLord_an advansed system
22:24.02Shawn|Rawryou cant even spell advanced
22:24.02Motiveit means you're blocking execution in some thread by either explicitly starting a new thread and waiting on it, or using a Wait event
22:24.04ThunderLord_no lag WASD
22:24.05Motiveand multiply that times 4096
22:24.19Motiveyour advanced system doesn't work. -.-
22:24.24ThunderLord_it does
22:24.28ThunderLord_until it just flips out
22:24.29Motiveno you just said it breaks
22:24.31Shawn|Rawrno lag wasd has been done with 2 triggers
22:24.43ThunderLord_not like mine
22:24.44ThunderLord_its not
22:24.50ThunderLord_wana me explane?
22:24.54Motivecomplicated != advanced
22:24.55Shawn|RawrRight, because yours is bloated and overcomplicated
22:25.15ThunderLord_its really cool actually
22:25.26MotiveSC2's "too many threads" means you have a fundamental problem in your code's programming
22:25.28Shawn|RawrIt's not the best system, but go ahead
22:25.49ThunderLord_have you seen the data based movement?
22:26.01ThunderLord_and have you seen the regular trigger movement?
22:26.02ThunderLord_okay good
22:26.06ThunderLord_the idea of it
22:26.08ThunderLord_is when you have the unit selected
22:26.15ThunderLord_you have the abilitys on hotkeys
22:26.21ThunderLord_just like the data system
22:26.30ThunderLord_but the problem that i have compinsated for is
22:26.36ThunderLord_8 direction movement
22:26.45ThunderLord_and stoping when the key is unpress
22:26.53Motive8 direction movement is easy when you use a movement vector rather than hardcoding it
22:26.57Motiveits been done to death
22:27.10ThunderLord_when you press down W, it runs the W ability
22:27.18ThunderLord_and that W ability is tied to a trigger
22:27.31ThunderLord_first it sets the W var to 1
22:27.32Motiveit runs the W ability after 125ms, which calls the trigger, yes
22:27.35Motiveso just like every other system
22:27.38Motiveit has a 125ms delay
22:27.42Motivebecause that's the game update delay
22:27.52ThunderLord_then checks ASD and see if those are set up
22:27.57Shawn|RawrIt's been shown that infinite while loop + booleans is the best way
22:28.21ThunderLord_the event "key pressed"
22:28.23ThunderLord_is super laggy
22:28.33Motiveno it'd 125ms laggy
22:28.38Motivejust like everything else
22:28.45ThunderLord_not an ability execution
22:28.58Motiveability execution is 125ms laggy, too, if ordered from the client, like you're saying it is
22:29.00ThunderLord_thats the whole point
22:29.06ThunderLord_that why people have gone to data
22:29.10Motivedata is 125ms laggy...
22:29.25Motivethe difference between data and trigger is this
22:29.26ThunderLord_no, the Key pressed is more laggy than data
22:29.28Motivedata you send "W"
22:29.31Motivetrigger you send
22:29.44Motiveand on a broadband connection in a developed country there won't be a difference
22:29.45ThunderLord_have you made a WASD?
22:30.09ThunderLord_and you know that the "Event Key pressed" is ultra lagy?
22:30.12Motivethe only difference is trigger Key events send extra data
22:30.15Motiveit's not "ultra laggy"
22:30.17Motiveeverything is 125ms laggy
22:30.33Motivefrom the time I press "A" to the time the event is fired will be 125ms.
22:30.53ThunderLord_no its not, For some reason, the trigger event for Key pressed takes awhile to respond, idk why blizz cannot fix
22:30.54JademusSregYup. Pretty sad.
22:31.02Motiveyes it is
22:31.11ThunderLord_but when you press a hotkey for an ability
22:31.17ThunderLord_that ability executs WAYYY faster
22:31.31MotiveWhen you press an ability's hotkey, or an ability, the message is sent to the other clients saying player X wants to press ability Y on unit Z
22:31.36Motiveand 125ms later that's part of the shared gamestate
22:31.37Motiveand it happens
22:31.39Motive125ms. again.
22:31.47JademusSregThe lack of support for modding undercuts the viability of the marketplace as a profitable feature.
22:31.55*** join/#sc2mapster grim001 (
22:32.06JademusSregHi grim.
22:32.09Motivegrim :D
22:32.56grim001anyone done topological sorting before?
22:32.56JademusSreg"lagless wasd" makes me laugh every time I see it.
22:33.17Motiveanyone who claims to have "lagless wasd" doesn't understand how SC2 works
22:33.29JademusSregI've not done topological sorting before, grim. Sorry.
22:33.31ThunderLord_not lagless
22:33.39ThunderLord_you have me all workied up motive lol
22:33.41ThunderLord_lemme show you
22:33.43ThunderLord_hang on
22:33.50ThunderLord_<---is making a demonstration
22:33.55JademusSregIn fact, I can't linger. I've got cabinetry to work on at the moment.
22:34.03MotiveLol. Have fun with that, Jademus. :P
22:34.15ThunderLord_Motive dotn go anywhere
22:34.18grim001As soon as I manage to implement a topsort algorithm, requirements will be done and working.
22:34.22ThunderLord_cuz this is actually really interesting
22:34.41JademusSregI enjoy carpentry. It has a meditative quality to it.
22:35.04JademusSregI'll be back whenever.
22:35.16ThunderLord_and my WASD is not "Lagless" of corse but it is MUCH faster than the conventional method, but i did look over it and i could probably clean up my tirggers
22:35.34Motiveit can't be
22:35.41Motiveevery method has the same delays, except for a few bad ones that have more delays
22:35.52Motiveit's been done to death. there's no way to make it "ultra more responsive" or anything
22:36.08ThunderLord_NU UHH!!!
22:36.11ThunderLord_hang on
22:39.17Shawn|RawrSo you're using an ability that fires trigger, ya?
22:39.27ThunderLord_in a way
22:39.35Motiveit's a yes/no question
22:39.42ThunderLord_basicly the ability starts the movement
22:39.49ThunderLord_Boom, press W, ability gives move
22:39.50Motiveso your trigger looks like
22:40.02ThunderLord_the actually trigger based part kicks in
22:40.04Shawn|RawrIs the Event "Unit Uses Ability"
22:40.05Motive"Any unit uses ability Move Forward"
22:40.13MotiveThat event, like "A player presses key" has a 125ms delay
22:40.23Motive(As long as it's ordered by the client, which it is)
22:40.24Shawn|RawrThat's not my point motive lol
22:40.29MotiveLol ok
22:40.44Shawn|RawrThe point is that when you hold down an ability hotkey, it starts to rapid fire
22:40.52Shawn|RawrHence too many threads, maybe?
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22:41.21ThunderLord_that may actually be it
22:41.27ThunderLord_when ever you press W
22:42.03ThunderLord_it checks for every combonation If A=1 S=0 D=0 move at 45 degress is A=0 S=0 and D=0 move 0 degress
22:42.11ThunderLord_witch i can clean that up with locals
22:42.13ThunderLord_but first
22:42.14ThunderLord_i will
22:42.19Shawn|RawrRight, I can't be sure if that is it, but I'm trying to help  you troubleshoot this
22:42.29Shawn|RawrAnd point out fundamental errors you may have made
22:43.59ThunderLord_are you guys US?
22:44.05Shawn|RawrI am
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22:45.42DryeyeceThe SC2 engine runs on a .0625 second loop does'nt it motive?
22:46.17Shawn|RawrI think so lol
22:46.27DryeyeceI am like 90pct sure it does
22:47.00Dryeyecebut thats just the trigger end of things, the information thats stored actually on blizzards server and not your local computer, and the data end of it is the stuff on your local computer and that gets ran from there as well does it not?
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22:52.43MotiveIt's 1/16th of a second, yes, iirc.
22:52.50Motivethough from my understanding it can change depending on the game speed
22:57.24Dryeyecenot that part
22:57.37Dryeyecethe game loop is the game loop
22:57.51Dryeyeceon the data side its basically chekcing validators every 16th of a second
22:59.13Dryeyecethe human eye cannot percieve faster than that is why, sort of like the frames of an animation which are usually 15 a second but that doesnt produce a real number with an end to its decimal place
23:01.29DryeyeceI am pretty sure the reason WASD movement or persistent keyed movement doesnt work in a game like this is because this game reconciles your units positions in 3d space on the server side and not locally
23:02.12MotiveThe reason WASD movement won't work is just the network architecture.
23:02.18Dryeyecegames like diablo reconcile the position locally then transmit that information to the server
23:02.19MotiveSC2 isn't like CSS.
23:02.25MotiveOr better example, WoW
23:02.44MotiveSC2, you tell the client to do something. it shares that with the other clients, then in 125ms or so it happens with everyone's computers at once.
23:03.12Dryeyecesame thing you move your unit locally and then its position is transmitted to the server that way the lag is between the server knowing where you are not your somputer knowing
23:03.14MotiveWoW, you move, it happens instantly, and sends a movement packet, the server shares it with other in-range players, but the other clients get latency compensation to predict where you are now (since their data is 100ms old)
23:03.42Dryeyeceyeah you say it more technically competent than i do but we are saying the same thing
23:08.57DryeyeceI dont think sc2 can change it either because of the impact it would have on melee games
23:09.24Motiveyeah it would be chaos
23:09.30Motivepeople are asking an RTS to be an FPS
23:09.33Motiveit was never feasable
23:09.34Dryeyecethe way it is now at any given time every unit on the map is really actually where it is and doing what it is doing
23:10.05Dryeyecewell it is in single player mode
23:10.26Dryeyecebut in a multiplayer setting on a platform like this no, its not happening
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23:12.22ThunderLord_Well motive, it is not as laggy as i remember, did they fix it recently?
23:12.29ThunderLord_its slightly noticeable tho
23:12.35ThunderLord_i made a map that demonstrates it
23:12.51Dryeyecehave you published it and played it via multiplayer instead of just launching the map?
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23:13.17ThunderLord_thats the only way its noticeable
23:13.23ThunderLord_ have yous een that one?
23:13.29Dryeyeceits gonna get worse the more players in the map
23:13.43Dryeyeceyeah I have tried it out too
23:14.04Dryeyecestill just as laggy as any
23:14.07ThunderLord_we are talking about the data one that i made, that allows 8 direction, and faster "er" stoping
23:14.17ThunderLord_the data fixes it doesnt it?
23:14.23ThunderLord_not fix of corse
23:14.28*** join/#sc2mapster RaydenUni (
23:14.33Dryeyecelook above motive and I explained why
23:14.46ThunderLord_i understand that
23:15.29ThunderLord_basicly you press a key game regesters then Okays the key press as opposed to you pressing a key, your computer regesters and then tells the game
23:15.32Dryeyeceits simply un-avoidable and theres no way around it because of the fundamental way in which SC2 determines the xyz location of a unit
23:15.41Dryeyeceno thats not the problem
23:15.53Dryeyecesee in sc2 you move a unit
23:16.09Dryeyecebut you dont move it locally on your pc you move it on the server side of things
23:16.31ThunderLord_thats what i said
23:16.34Dryeyecegames like WoW and Diablo and stuff you move your unit locally
23:16.45Dryeyecemeaning your computer knows where it is in 3d space before the server
23:16.57Dryeyecethen it sends that info to the server to be sent to everyone else
23:17.03ThunderLord_you press a ket and then the server okays it
23:17.04Dryeyeceso in those games
23:17.18ThunderLord_as opposed to it happining first on your computer
23:17.24Dryeyeceyour unit can be somewhere and everyone else doesnt see you there yet because they havent received that information
23:17.41Dryeyecebut sc2 is opposite
23:17.54ThunderLord_i understand that
23:18.13Dryeyeceso its literally impossible to create real time persistent movement
23:18.24ThunderLord_they have chenged it since the beta atleast tho
23:18.34ThunderLord_because i know that the key pressed trigger event
23:18.38ThunderLord_so lagin
23:18.39ThunderLord_So bad
23:18.55Dryeyecethey have done what they can to reduce the lag but they cant make it like wow or CoD and such
23:19.20ThunderLord_but the differance between using an ability and the trigger event
23:19.22Dryeyecethey would destroy the balance to any melee game that their actual game is centered around
23:19.30ThunderLord_thats what im addressing
23:19.44Dryeyeceeither one are going to be the same
23:20.13*** join/#sc2mapster JamesObscura__ (
23:20.14ThunderLord_but i KNOW there is (or was a few months ago) a differance
23:20.19Dryeyeceit may be a little more responsive to use the data editor to persistently order the unit to move to an offset location
23:20.57ThunderLord_somebody, remember all the crap witht he "key pressed" events?
23:21.01ThunderLord_its like super laggy
23:21.09ThunderLord_not like the regular old delay
23:21.20Shawn|RawrThunder, the new system we got recently made bounty go wtfholyshit
23:21.23Shawn|RawrSo it's good
23:21.50ThunderLord_there is a new system?
23:21.58ThunderLord_and what do you mean by bounty?
23:22.10Dryeyecethe modder his name is Bounty
23:22.11Shawn|RawrI told you. An infinite while loop with booleans
23:22.17ThunderLord_so they "fixed" the key pressed event
23:22.52ThunderLord_as much as they could
23:23.07*** join/#sc2mapster Rayden (
23:23.08ThunderLord_right? someone confirm that there was a differance
23:23.11ThunderLord_i am not crazy
23:23.28ThunderLord_Fact 2!!!!
23:23.32ThunderLord_FACT 2!!!
23:23.38Shawn|RawrStop that. It's pointless
23:23.58ThunderLord_whats pointless?
23:24.06ThunderLord_i see now that they are the same
23:24.15ThunderLord_but, has it always been that way?
23:24.21Shawn|RawrBounty and FockeWulfe have looked into this shit extensively. I am telling you that the way they are using is the best way
23:24.23*** join/#sc2mapster JamesObscura_ (
23:24.59ThunderLord_i know, ive spent alot of time, countless hours, working trying to avoid the "key pressed event" lag
23:25.12Shawn|Rawrfocke spent 7 months only working with this stuff
23:25.24Bountyi got my wasd lagless in about a week lol
23:25.34Bountymostly bc i figured out what Fockewulf did
23:25.39Bountyor atleast i think its what he did
23:25.42Bountybut it works :)
23:25.42ThunderLord_okay, i am not arguing about what is the best system now
23:25.43Shawn|RawrYa, coattails
23:25.52ThunderLord_i accept your reality
23:26.03ThunderLord_I need confirmation, that before, way back when
23:26.06Bountywhats this discussion about? lol
23:26.24ThunderLord_that the key pressed trigger event had more of a delay on it than it does now
23:26.30ThunderLord_maybe it was even a beta thing
23:26.32Bountyi kept getting the "Someone dropped your name in IRC" beep
23:26.44Bountynah its the same
23:26.45Skittlesno focke spent 7 months off and on doing his map
23:26.48Shawn|RawrWe're talking about wasd.. can't help but mention you
23:26.56Bountyits the same delay it was before
23:27.01Skittleswhich he really doesn't have much even finished from what I could tell
23:27.01Bountybecause my old wasd method... runs the same
23:27.02Shawn|RawrBounty = WASD
23:27.12*** join/#sc2mapster RaydenUnic (
23:27.22BountyFocke will never release anything
23:27.26Bountyhes like me, but worse
23:27.26Skittlesanyway brb
23:27.33*** join/#sc2mapster tordy (82f58c25@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
23:27.38ThunderLord_no i am possitive that the key pressed event WAS more laggy than before
23:27.40tordygot a plan?
23:27.54tordywere'd Stragus go
23:27.57ThunderLord_like in the beta maybe?
23:28.02ThunderLord_or before a patch?
23:28.07Bountydid you ever play Doodad Hunt?
23:28.19Bountyah ok nvm
23:28.22Bountybecause i was going to say
23:28.24Bountygo play it again
23:28.32Bountythe delay is the same as it was 7 months ago
23:28.33tordyanyone tried ptr editor
23:28.58Shawn|Rawreverytime i open the ptr editor, i manage to totally screw up my map lol.
23:29.00ThunderLord_thunderlord is not crazy
23:29.11Shawn|RawrNot a problem with the editor, but its still made me avoid it
23:29.16ThunderLord_he will find proof
23:29.18ThunderLord_hang on
23:29.58*** join/#sc2mapster TeddyTeddy (
23:31.27tordyi love it when i make a map w/ oly 1 dependency!
23:31.31tordyloads so quickly
23:31.52Shawn|RawrI've never been able to
23:31.55tordyprobably dont even need any dependencies
23:31.58tordybt im too lazy
23:33.07*** join/#sc2mapster allenmelon (
23:36.44ThunderLord_Q. (Bibendus) - Are you going to fix the keyboard/mouse control lag? 90% of custom games are ruined by this.     A. We will be improving keyboard and mouse control in a future patch, but we can't match the responsiveness of an FPS game with an authoritative server. Keyboard-based unit movement should be as responsive as issuing move orders with the mouse after these changes.
23:36.47ThunderLord_the blue guy
23:36.52ThunderLord_answerd the question
23:36.56ThunderLord_that was long ago
23:38.15grim001oh god
23:38.21ThunderLord_so im thinking, they improoved it?
23:38.51grim001First of all, the human eye can percieve well over 100 frames per second, statements to the contrary are outdated myths
23:39.11grim001but for all intents and purposes you must get somewhere in the 30-40 frames per second range before it looks very smooth to most people
23:39.24grim00116 frames per second is nowhere near good enough
23:39.55grim001however, if you use blended movement, the SC2 engine interpolates the position on a frame by frame basis anyway, so it is visually updating much more than 16 times per second
23:40.17grim001second, the scripting engine runs at 32 updates per second on normal game speed, and up to 44.8 updates per second on faster
23:40.31grim001however, you can't achieve that by using timers
23:41.29*** join/#sc2mapster onetwo (ae070b69@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
23:41.29*** mode/#sc2mapster [+v onetwo] by ChanServ
23:41.37onetwoi return... after an intense week of death haven work
23:41.47MrOpsup man
23:41.54MrOpyou some how made it harder lol
23:42.22MrOpoh and i lost llike 400 kills
23:42.26ThunderLord_onetwo! you have been around SC since the beginning, you will know what im talking about, do you remember that the trigger event for "Player presses key" had a big delayon it?
23:42.26MrOpi think
23:42.39onetwoyeah thunderlord
23:42.47onetwomrop: if you can confirm it i can always give you a free bank
23:42.51grim001ThunderLord_, a recent patch optimized keypress events to be much faster, that is the only reason why these "lagless WASD" systems are any better than older ones, there is no way to eliminate the inherent delay
23:42.51ThunderLord_did they change that to reduce the lag?
23:42.56onetwobut its probably unlikely that it would lose 400 randomly
23:43.08onetwoneg thunderlord
23:43.10onetwoits not better
23:43.31ThunderLord_i am sure that it is differant
23:43.35ThunderLord_isnt it?
23:43.46onetwogive it a try
23:43.49onetwoyoull see
23:43.54ThunderLord_i just did
23:43.56*** join/#sc2mapster LordAbyss (
23:44.00grim001first of all, the packet buffering delay was slashed from 250ms to 125ms... second, keypress events were probably handled in a way that did not make them as responsive as direct unit orders, and blizzard fixed that
23:44.24ThunderLord_wasent it that, using an ability had less delay than a key pressed event?
23:44.27tordysixen gets mad when you mention sen
23:44.48onetwoyeah thunderlord still like that
23:44.54Saeris1sup all
23:45.01ThunderLord_its differant
23:45.04ThunderLord_i just made a test
23:45.08tordywhich patch made them more responsive?
23:45.13ThunderLord_i think i am crazy
23:45.17grim001the one that mentioned it in the patch notes
23:45.29tordywhen was it
23:45.33JManVhard to imagine it being less responsive
23:45.51onetwogo ahead and respoind to key press or mouse click
23:45.52ThunderLord_i made a test, 2 marines 1 has stim with a hotkey and 1 had stim without hotkey but had a trigger that issued stimpack hotkey when you press T
23:45.55onetwopublish it
23:45.57onetwogo on bnet
23:45.57ThunderLord_i uploaded
23:45.58onetwoplay it
23:46.00onetwoand let me know
23:46.03ThunderLord_i did
23:46.05ThunderLord_you wana try it?
23:46.06tordyhow is it
23:46.11onetwoi played ryan's SCU and the mouse delay on cam movement
23:46.12onetwowas 1.5 sec
23:46.13ThunderLord_i chenged it to do movement also
23:46.16tordyyou srs
23:46.28tordyhow was the wasd movement
23:46.30ThunderLord_to make the marines move
23:46.35onetwowasd is less noticeable
23:46.36ThunderLord_it is ame
23:46.47tordyless than  a second at least?
23:46.47ThunderLord_same speed, as ability and key pressed
23:46.51Shawn|RawrThe mouselook is that bad huh?
23:47.12ThunderLord_so, i thought they changed it
23:47.15onetwomouselook is bad for sure
23:47.19onetwoif keys are better than great
23:47.26onetwowell mouselook isnt bad
23:47.27*** join/#sc2mapster Lilianna (
23:47.29ThunderLord_ILL TRY IT!
23:47.32onetwoits repsonding to mouse clicked
23:47.42onetwoeg turn on mouse relative mode when someone presses right mouse down
23:47.46Skittles@.@ onetwo is on
23:47.49onetwoto simulate a WOW style cam
23:47.52onetwoRyan was using it
23:47.58onetwoand i couldnt bear it
23:48.09Shawn|RawrThat is horrible
23:48.14tordywho's ryan
23:48.14Saeris1i can imagine that mouselook would be bad just because of the way SC2 is rendered
23:48.15ThunderLord_i have an amazing fix for that
23:48.18ThunderLord_right click
23:48.21onetwocreator of controversial starcraft universe video
23:48.23ThunderLord_it comes at a dier cost
23:48.42tordyrefresh my memory
23:48.45onetwoblizz lawyers
23:48.50onetwo200,000 views in one day
23:48.50tordyoh that guy
23:48.54ThunderLord_put in a trigger that intercepts smart move commands and make that set the mouse relative
23:48.56ThunderLord_thats what my game does
23:49.01ThunderLord_MUCH better
23:49.09onetwogive it a try :D
23:49.12ThunderLord_(still small delay, its not WoW)
23:49.40ThunderLord_but like i said it comes at a cost, you cannot right click move no more, and you must always have ur toon selected
23:49.51Motiveneed some players for phantom.
23:49.57MotiveI'm on sc2mapster channel
23:49.59Motiveor motive 866
23:50.43ThunderLord_i need to find that patch note, cuz i spend around 30 hrs working on a system for WASD that was like a trigger/data hybrid to avoid relying on the
23:50.52ThunderLord_key pressed event
23:51.14ThunderLord_and i need to know that, atleast at that time, it was not a waist
23:51.32Saeris1but yea as i was saying.... SC2 is optimized for top-down rendering, so when you put the camera parallel to the ground, it has to render way more than it was designed to handle, so it'll have tremendous lag
23:51.42Skittlesabout to start?
23:51.48JManVin an hour
23:51.51onetwowell saeris to beat that i used a mobile skybox and fog
23:51.53onetwowith farclip
23:51.54onetwobut youre right
23:51.54Skittlesoh right
23:52.02onetwotheres no mip mapping
23:52.07onetwofor distant textures
23:52.09Skittlesalright gonna eat then, ill metcha in 50 or so minutes i guess
23:52.11onetwoHL2 uses area portalling
23:52.13onetwoto not render behind walls
23:52.18Saeris1i know
23:52.25Saeris1i did TF2 develeopment for a while
23:53.26tordydoesnt every (good) fps engine do that
23:53.40Saeris1lol, i used to be all about seeing all the neat things you could do with SC2's engine, but now I'd rather just work with the limitations than try to hack around them
23:53.47tordydid anyone make a life of a peasant map yet
23:53.53onetwoi think so?
23:53.56onetwoharvest moon map?
23:53.57onetwoi dont know
23:54.02onetwoi may want to make one eventually
23:54.06onetwoaka my rpg will never be done
23:54.07tordylil more than harvest moon
23:54.17tordyyea it would take a while to make
23:54.19Shawn|Rawrneed help onetwo?
23:54.24tordygotta have lots of stuff
23:54.24ThunderLord_lol, im thinking about trashing my RPG
23:54.26Saeris1onetwo, i've got another great map idea i'd like to get help with =P
23:54.31onetwoi dont know, im at a stand still on rpg
23:54.34onetwoi dont know where to take it
23:54.39onetwoi want to do fantasy
23:54.42ThunderLord_now cuz of this learning that my WASD system is not that good
23:55.04ThunderLord_err, no longer better
23:55.13tordywill blizz delete maps for having music from other games in them
23:55.13JManVjademus made a good WASD that you can use
23:55.22tordycan i edit the music a bit to prevent it
23:55.31Motivetonight can you enter my map into the rotation for map night?
23:55.34MotivePhantomCraft, I'll be on :)
23:55.38tordywassup jman!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
23:55.49Saeris1oh yea, map night
23:55.50*** join/#sc2mapster LordAbyss (
23:55.58Saeris1fuck, i didn't get the update to TDC done yet
23:56.00Saeris1oh well
23:56.00onetwoive gotta pick up on RL work atm lol
23:56.01Saeris1next week
23:56.03onetwotoo much map making
23:56.12tordymap making is your job!
23:56.16onetwoalso ive sent some fbi agents to sixens house
23:56.19onetwoto figure out the titan logo
23:56.35Saeris1yea, about that sixen =P
23:56.38Motivesixen lives in the matrix
23:56.43SixenHoly shit, it's Motive.
23:56.44SixenHe's  alive.
23:56.48MotiveI returned.
23:56.50MotiveFrom death.
23:56.52Sixenreturn Motive;
23:56.55ThunderLord_i found the thing
23:56.59MotiveAnd with a computer that won't be stuck on Low settings.
23:57.02onetwotthe tsunami sprung motive from the ground
23:57.04onetwotoo soon?
23:57.09Sixenlol 12
23:57.16SixenThere was no Tsunami
23:57.20SixenGodzilla has resurfaced
23:57.29*** join/#sc2mapster Motive_ (
23:57.32Sixentoo soon?
23:57.37Motive_not too soon
23:57.39tordytoo late
23:58.05onetwoi had to laugh though looking at footage of japanese newsroom during quake, all standing looking around. In vancouver since were on a big faultline, they teach us to go under desk/doorway asap
23:58.08onetwomeanwhile japanese
23:58.09onetwojust stand there
23:58.29onetwoeverybody freezes maybe
23:58.32tordywhy cant we have 16 users, can we at least make player 0 a user
23:58.51JManValert: NA Map night in 1 hour!
23:59.10Shawn|Rawralert: NA Map night in 1 hour!
23:59.12tordyanyone interested in a competitive rubik's cube map
23:59.18JManVbe there or be european!
23:59.21Sixentordy, that'd be baller
23:59.41tordythat would but people would prob use solving programs to cheat
23:59.46Motive_One more at least for PhantomCraft if anyone's interesting
23:59.49Motive_Motive 866 NA

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