IRC log for #sc2mapster on 20110202

00:16.12casperbit will still follow a unit no?
00:16.18casperbjust move the unit
00:16.54casperbMight seem silly, but how do you spawn a single unit from CBehaviorSpawn? :o
00:17.01casperblimit to 1, it keeps auto-spawning forever
00:18.41Razernokcasperb: it does but the camera can't rotate around the unit though
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00:32.10Razernokif only someone could help me with this mouselook problem
00:34.22*** join/#sc2mapster Twiner (
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01:16.24Razernokwish i could get this damn mouselook working right
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02:36.19Tordyhi there!
02:38.36pirateanyone have any ideas how to make some awesome/realistic clouds?
02:38.55piratethe white clouds doodad isnt doing it for me :(
02:47.38*** join/#sc2mapster FireryRage (
02:47.43Tordyi like clouds
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03:43.39casperbquiet tonight o.o
03:43.50casperbdid you guys dieded? :O
03:44.04casperbemphasis on the eided just because its the internets!
03:53.02allenmelonwow... 50 ppl only?
03:53.18allenmelonthought there were ppl in the hundreds in here...
04:00.52progammersnowstorm killed us all
04:05.57JManVwe're getting hit right now
04:08.44casperbmore like 5 people max here :p
04:12.38RoarManIM HERE
04:15.26*** join/#sc2mapster QueenGambit (47c5bec1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
04:18.18casperbuv layout, yaay -_-
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04:30.35Dogmaidieded -_-
04:30.39Dogmaiwtf mate
04:30.51casperbbeen playing alot of leauge of legends -_-
04:31.02casperbTop words spoken are
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05:08.29casperbecho is so last year
05:08.34casperbprint"hello RoarMan");
05:11.57Razernokgrrr, this mouselook camera problem is sooo pissing me off
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05:26.58*** mode/#sc2mapster [+v onetwo] by ChanServ
05:27.13onetwoso, anyone here used catalogs in triggers?
05:29.09onetwoyou know how it goes CatalogFieldValueGet (int catalog, string entry, string fieldPath, int player);
05:29.14onetwowell catalog is Items for me
05:29.17onetwofieldPath is Level
05:29.21onetwobut heres my problem
05:29.21onetwoplayer is any
05:29.33onetwoi  need entry to be the raw name of the just picked up item
05:29.35onetwoaka triggering item
05:29.40onetwoso how do i get the raw name of a unit
05:30.05casperbhm can you do it another way?
05:30.14casperbcause this is going to be computationally expensive
05:30.20casperbcatalog reads are kinda slow
05:30.22onetwowell i need a trigger that prevents a hero from picking up an item that has a > levle than him
05:30.42onetwoand theres no way i can find to "get" the level of an item
05:30.44onetwoto compare against hero level
05:30.50onetwooutside of catalogs
05:31.05casperblevel is is set on the unit?
05:31.07casperbor item
05:31.14onetwodifferent than veterancy
05:31.27onetwoit was in a trigger in war3
05:31.50onetwo i found that which is great and all
05:31.57onetwoand the only thing about item level i could find
05:32.04onetwobut it already knew the raw name of item
05:32.09onetwoi dont in this case
05:32.45casperbBut you know the pickup unit right?
05:32.51casperbitem on ground unit
05:32.53casperbcause then it's not expensive
05:32.55onetwoyeah i know that
05:32.56onetwoi do
05:33.08casperbso find the item by quering the unit's item
05:33.24casperbby unit i mean pickup ground item thingy
05:33.33onetwothe issue is getting the item level
05:33.38onetwonot the unit
05:33.47casperbread that, and you have the id of the item
05:33.57casperbthen just read CItem_Level
05:34.29onetwojust "Level" actually
05:34.34onetwoaccording to that post i linked
05:34.53onetwosorry i dont get how i get "triggering inventory item"'s raw name?
05:35.16onetwoin triggers mind you
05:35.42casperbyeah, given that triggering inventory item is a unit
05:36.26onetwoand i want to get the item level of that unit
05:36.35onetwowhich means using catalog get field value
05:37.10casperbCatalogFieldValueGet (c_catalogUnit, UnitGetType(EventUnit()), "Item", -1);
05:37.35casperbups wrong event parameter
05:37.59casperbreplace EventUnit with EventUnitInventoryItem
05:38.14casperbused EventUnit by habit :p
05:38.42onetwoand its c_catalogItems
05:38.48onetwoand "Item" is actually "Level"
05:39.17casperbnope, two step process
05:39.22onetwooh shiii
05:39.30casperbnow that you have the id of the item
05:39.35casperbyou can query the item catalog for its level
05:39.35onetwoi see
05:39.37casperbin the same manner
05:39.53casperbc_gameCatalogUnit* btw
05:40.26casperbyeah as i was saying, you have the item id
05:40.53onetwoits fine im doing it in triggers so that misspell
05:40.56onetwois actually a preset
05:41.21casperbint lv_level = CatalogFieldValueGet (c_gameCatalogItem, lv_item, "Level", -1);
05:42.15casperbeasy peasy
05:42.19onetwoyep thx
05:42.22onetwoill check if it works
05:42.28onetwoLOL hero level is under Real
05:42.29onetwonot Integer
05:42.31onetwounit property
05:42.32onetwothats odd
05:43.42casperbsuppose it also holds progress then
05:43.50casperb0-1 range
05:43.52casperbso 1.5 is valid
05:45.36casperboh and a heads up, catalog -1 might not exist :p
05:46.22Razernokgrrr, this mouselook camera problem is sooo pissing me off
05:46.59onetwodoesnt matter its "Any Player' in GUI
05:49.03RazernokI'm out of ideas on how to fix this crap
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05:51.44RazernokI just love how helpful people are
05:51.53Razernokrolls his eyes.
05:52.18LiliannaI offer help in Data only, no idea how to do trigger camera stuff
05:52.34Liliannanot everyone knows everything
05:53.25Saeris1thanks again for the trailer onetwo, it really came out great
05:53.35Razernoknot like anyone cares to help though
05:53.42Saeris1i didn't end up using that font for the logo though, i found something better
05:53.46onetwoyeah casperb was super helpful
05:53.51onetwothanks casperb!
05:54.27LiliannaON FIRE!
05:55.06Saeris1i really enjoy how that logo turned out =)
05:55.26casperbRazernok: It's something i would have to investigate, and I'm busy :P
05:55.52casperbAlso it's solvable and has been solved, there's like a dozen FPS and TPS maps on the forums
05:56.00casperbis *
05:56.14casperbno wait, It's *
05:57.13Razernokmine isn't fps or tps
05:57.26Razernokits a mmorpg style
05:57.45Razernoklike WoW
05:58.00casperbOh no!
05:58.05Razernokproblem is unable to pan the camera like in mouselook
05:58.06casperbRELEASE THE HOUNDS!
05:58.37casperbyou can't move the camera target while relative mode is on?
05:59.03Razernokboth relative and rotation
05:59.16Razernoklike move the camera to another location
06:00.14casperbdo your own camera mouse look then
06:00.19casperbhave mouse tracking since 1.2
06:00.39Razernokholding right click is for mouselook
06:01.47Razernoklike in WoW
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06:02.31casperbthat's not even coherent -.-
06:02.54casperbif mouse relative isn't working for you, don't use it
06:03.13Razernokits the only possible way to do mouselook
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06:06.32Razernoki wonder if progammer can fix it and isn't busy.
06:06.39*** part/#sc2mapster Tordy (
06:07.08progammerhuh ?
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06:07.16Razernokproblem is unable to pan the camera like in mouselook
06:07.31QueenGambitrazer, u should make a forum post about it
06:07.32Razernokvery buggy mouselook crap
06:07.39progammermouse look ?
06:07.44Razernokwhy? never get help like that
06:07.46progammerfor FPS view ?
06:07.55Razernokppl just ignore my forum posts
06:08.03QueenGambitbecause u haven't made one =/
06:08.04Razernoknot fps or tps
06:08.13RazernokI'm doing one like WoW
06:08.24Razernokhold right mouse to mouselook
06:08.54RazernokI've posted on the forums and my stuff is just ignored
06:09.02QueenGambitI want to marry him:
06:09.07progammernot so many ppl is on the forum tbh
06:10.52Razernokwhen I'm holding down right mouse, either i can't move the camera or i can but when i walk its very glitchy
06:12.08Razernok... help at all
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06:27.38casperbonetwo: still working on that rpg? :o
06:28.11QueenGambiti don't think anyone knows =(
06:28.29onetwopowering through it lately
06:29.02RazernokI'm stuck on my project cause of this damn mouselook bullshit problem
06:29.46Razernokcan't work on it until this shit is fixed
06:30.06Razernokif only people were willing to actually help out.
06:30.49onetworazernok are you martul
06:31.40onetwo~seen Martul
06:31.42purlmartul <~chatzilla@unaffiliated/martul> was last seen on IRC in channel #sc2mapster, 246d 5h 25m 48s ago, saying: 'and still no one'.
06:31.49onetwosaying no one helps
06:31.53onetwoback in beta
06:32.02onetwoalso was on like you
06:32.04onetwojust a note
06:32.21Razernoknever heard that name before
06:32.35casperbrealname shadowsong? o.o
06:33.27RazernokI've tried everything I can think of to fix this problem on my own and nothing works. I need help.
06:34.06Razernokat least i had no problems when i built the chat system for Starcraft Universe
06:34.53casperbjust post your issue on the forums -.-
06:35.13Razernokno one ever reads my forum posts
06:35.26casperbMight have something to do with your attitude :p
06:36.13Razernokand to really help you need to hop ingame and see what its doing to know how to fix it
06:38.12Razernokguess I'll have to stop making my map until someone posts a fix for it
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06:47.35QueenGambiti don't c ur post Razernok?
06:48.12Razernokno reason to post something that won't get answered
06:48.29Hedusyou know onetwo, skybox tutorial also fixes the camera bug while UI is on, was that on purpose or just a side effect of messing with the UI layout?
06:48.42onetwoside affect
06:48.47onetwoi mean
06:48.48onetwoim brilliant
06:48.55Hedushaha, nice :P
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06:51.10onetwoneed an opinion
06:51.24onetwoin my RPG right now you cant pick up or buy or receive ANY item that is a higher level than your own
06:51.39onetwoyou have a weapon/armor container, and then 2 regular bags for holding other items
06:51.43onetwoand you cant pick it up at all
06:51.54onetwobut should you be able to pickup higher level items but just not equip them?
06:52.07onetwodamn fine
06:52.19casperbUnless you have hover tooltips
06:52.32casperbbasically atleast allow the player to examine the item and requirements
06:53.55onetwothey can
06:54.14onetwoi dont know how id check if theyre moving an item to a certain container
06:54.22onetwoi can check container indexes but not type
06:54.34onetwoi wonder, assuming my hero has 3 bags, the equipment and 2 'stuff' bags
06:54.42onetwoindex 0 must always mean the equipment
06:59.31onetwomeh screw it too hard
06:59.32onetwojust gonna block higher level items lol
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06:59.44onetwohi vjeux
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08:43.57casperbexport fails, sigh
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09:06.50QueenGambitthen Petty is like, " You got an enemy by your tail! Use the brake (press Left C)"
09:07.09QueenGambitthen Falco is like "f u fox i hate u"
09:07.12QueenGambitthen i shoot falco
09:07.15QueenGambitthen he dies
09:08.27QueenGambitwhoah awesome
09:08.40QueenGambiti want to space RP right now
09:09.09QueenGambitbtw, the song is a rock version of super nintendo super mario when mario is in the castle
09:09.31RyanWingood call ;)
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10:37.20XenoX101hey Xaragoth
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10:37.48XaragothMorning Xenox
10:38.18XenoX101how goes it
10:38.56Xaragothfound out I can make my own picture on my mastercard
10:39.08Xaragothit'll either be a modteam mastercard or a mapster mastercard :P
10:56.40XenoX101you working on any maps Xaragoth?
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10:59.05Xaragothruins right now, mostly
10:59.15Xaragothand secret project stuff
11:03.33Xaragothremember the stuff from malu?
11:03.34Xaragoththe tps?
11:04.52XenoX101ah ya
11:13.23XenoX101looks pretty cool
11:15.42Xaragothwe're all pretty much working on that right now, to throw it out on bnet
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11:19.02XenoX101does anyone know how to hide a submenu, or if its possible?
11:29.32casperbdefine submenu
11:30.07XenoX101command card submenu, nvm I actually dont need it
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13:41.35Te3-BloodyIroncasperb you wouldn't happen to be there now would you?
13:42.50Te3-BloodyIronnuts my bad
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14:15.31Te3-BloodyIronwould anyone be able to help me out with a behavior i'm trying to make with 2 effects? it's not quite working how i want it to
14:20.35Shawn|RawrI might be the only one here
14:23.08Te3-BloodyIronare you able to help me? :P
14:23.42Shawn|RawrIt's possible
14:24.04JManV|Workwhat's the question?
14:24.46Te3-BloodyIronbear with me, at work :P
14:25.11Shawn|RawrI'm a bear
14:25.20Te3-BloodyIrongood, we're both bears
14:26.37Te3-BloodyIronso i have the behavior using 2 effects, and the desired effect is that it forces the unit to keep going forward
14:26.38JManV|Worki'm a giraffe
14:27.06Te3-BloodyIronthe 2 effects used are issue order (move) and create persistent
14:27.24Te3-BloodyIroncasperb mentioned this should do the job, and i think it will, but the results are a little quirky
14:27.44Te3-BloodyIronwhen i move the unit it keeps sending itself back to where it spawned, instead of toward the direction it is facing
14:27.56Te3-BloodyIronand ive tried to figure out what i did wrong, and am out of idears
14:28.33JManV|Workcreate persistant + issue order should work
14:28.37JManV|Worki've used it before
14:28.45Te3-BloodyIroni dont think i have it configured properly
14:29.38JManV|Workthat's quite possible
14:29.42Te3-BloodyIroni suspect it's a targetting issue but i dont know which fields should be set to which
14:29.49JManV|Workthe create persistant should call the issue order
14:29.59JManV|Workthe create persistant sets the target
14:30.00Te3-BloodyIronyup im pretty sure i have that part set right
14:30.06Te3-BloodyIronthe calling of the issue order
14:31.24Te3-BloodyIronany idea?
14:32.05JManV|Workwhat does your persistant look like?
14:32.10JManV|Worklike, what fields have you changed?
14:32.29Te3-BloodyIronflags - persistent until destroyed
14:32.35Te3-BloodyIronperiod durations - 1.000
14:32.41Te3-BloodyIronperiod effects - issue order (move)
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14:34.34Te3-BloodyIronShawn|Rawr any idea?
14:36.29Shawn|RawrI've tried moving units with behavioers
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14:36.57JManV|Workstupid web client
14:37.19Te3-BloodyIronhey JManV
14:37.24Te3-BloodyIrondid you get what i said there?
14:37.31Te3-BloodyIronShawn|Rawr: and how did that go?
14:38.18JManV|Workdo you have a target offset in your persistant?
14:39.24Te3-BloodyIronuhh i dont know how to set that
14:39.36Te3-BloodyIronit has a location offset start and end
14:39.46Te3-BloodyIronbut i dont know which they should be set to, ive tried various options, but doesnt seem to help
14:41.03JManV|Worklocation offset hmmm?
14:41.38JManV|Workyeah, i think you need a target offset
14:41.48Te3-BloodyIronhow does i get such?
14:41.51JManV|Workare you trying to get him to move the direction he's facing, or up?
14:42.07JManV|Workthat ones a little harder
14:42.11Te3-BloodyIronlol yup
14:42.21JManV|Workim not sure that you'd use a target offset for that
14:42.34JManV|Workthe effect i did made him move up
14:42.59Te3-BloodyIronup? as in north?
14:43.16JManV|Worki had a target offset of (0, -1)
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14:43.37Te3-BloodyIroni dont see where you set coordinates
14:43.42JManV|Worki'm not quite sure how that would work in relation to the facing direction
14:43.58JManV|WorkTarget - Offset - Initial
14:44.12Te3-BloodyIroni dont see a target offset initial
14:44.28Te3-BloodyIronoh wait
14:44.31Te3-BloodyIronit was a hidden attribute
14:44.33Te3-BloodyIronwhat the crap is that
14:44.39Te3-BloodyIronadvanced fields?
14:44.42Te3-BloodyIroncome now
14:45.22Te3-BloodyIronwell i have more to play with now lol
14:45.44JManV|Workthat's something
14:46.03Te3-BloodyIronshakes fist at Blizzard
14:46.21JManV|Workyeah i recommend always leaving those advanced fields on
14:46.29Te3-BloodyIronlol i will now :X
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15:51.18Griffith`say i have a line in 3ds max, i can delete vertices by pressing delete, but how do i add in more vertices?
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16:04.14JManV|Workit must be six's brother :P
16:04.35JManV|Workwhere's eightin?
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16:34.39JManV|Worknot much
16:34.44JManV|Workworking on another dialog tutorial
16:34.56XenoX101cool, lot of those going around it seems
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16:35.16JManV|Worknot that i'm aware of
16:35.25Te3-BloodyIronJManV|Work i havnt had any luck trying to figure this out, do you have any ideas? (moving forward thing)
16:36.07JManV|Worki'm not sure how to make him move the direction he's facing, sorry... i'm not even sure where to start really :(
16:36.25Te3-BloodyIroni tried doing it through triggers and it ended up just looping itself
16:36.42JManV|Workit should be possible in triggers
16:36.55JManV|Workbecause you can set up the target point fairly easily
16:36.57XenoX101you can set point offset towards degree
16:37.04Te3-BloodyIroni might have to resort to triggers but i think it might be better to make it a behavior if i can figure it out
16:37.05JManV|Workpoint with polar offset
16:37.10Te3-BloodyIroni think it could be more efficient that way
16:37.19Te3-BloodyIronXenoX101: trigger or behavior?
16:37.24XenoX101trigger sadly
16:37.35JManV|Workperhaps, but in my experience with moving a unit via behaviors, it wasn't actually more efficient
16:37.37XenoX101you could do it with a persistent
16:37.40Te3-BloodyIronyeah i already tried with triggers, as i said the trigger loops itself due to issue - order, etc
16:37.48XenoX101persistents let you choose positions relative to a units facing
16:37.54Te3-BloodyIronXenoX101: i've been trying with a persistent, and so far it's almost working, but not quite
16:38.04Te3-BloodyIronXenoX101: is this an effect we're talking about?
16:38.18Te3-BloodyIronokay i think i have that setup already
16:38.22Te3-BloodyIroni have an issue order effect
16:38.36Te3-BloodyIronand then a create persistent issuing the move order
16:38.49Te3-BloodyIronmy first attempt it kept sending the unit back to the spawn point
16:39.17Te3-BloodyIronthe attempts after that just kept stopping the unit in it's track (i suspect telling it to move to the point it was at already)
16:39.20XenoX101mm the issue order's target will be the same as the persistent's
16:39.26XenoX101so if you put target offset
16:39.35XenoX101it will sync with the move order
16:39.43Te3-BloodyIronokay so for issue order, target - target should be set to?
16:39.54Te3-BloodyIronit's source point, i should set it to offset?
16:40.06Te3-BloodyIroni dont see an offset option... hmmm
16:40.21Te3-BloodyIronin issue order, how do i get it to sync with the persistent?
16:42.29XenoX101it should by itself
16:42.38XenoX101the persistent has offsets at the bottom
16:42.56Te3-BloodyIronyeah so for the issue order, target - target should be source point?
16:43.15XenoX101target - offset initial
16:43.19XenoX101no just leave it at target point
16:43.21Te3-BloodyIronnot in the persistent
16:43.24Te3-BloodyIronin the issue order
16:43.29XenoX101leave it at target point
16:43.32Te3-BloodyIronthere is no offset in issue order
16:43.35XenoX101cause it is synced
16:43.35Te3-BloodyIrontarget point
16:43.42Te3-BloodyIronk hold on
16:43.43XenoX101the effect carries the same target as the persistent
16:43.53XenoX101so if the persistent has a (0,-5) target
16:44.06XenoX101then the target point of the issue order will also be (0,-5)
16:44.21Te3-BloodyIronokay so what should i put for initial?
16:44.29Te3-BloodyIron0 , -1 , 0?
16:45.38Te3-BloodyIronokay some progress!
16:45.48Te3-BloodyIroni think it tells itself to turn around persistently
16:45.54Te3-BloodyIronim gonna try 0,1,0
16:47.40Te3-BloodyIronlol i just tried to test the map and it launched the intro to the game o.O
16:49.38Te3-BloodyIronokay it keeps sending itself back to the spawn point now :(
16:52.47XenoX101not sure, what do you mean spawn point
16:53.19Te3-BloodyIronwhere the unit spawns
16:53.29Te3-BloodyIronwhen i move the unit away from there it tells it to move back to that location
16:53.46XenoX101so how does it move away from the spawn point in the first place
16:53.54Te3-BloodyIroni tell it to
16:53.58XenoX101so the move works then
16:53.59Te3-BloodyIronselect, right click
16:54.07Te3-BloodyIronit does, but not as intended
16:54.16Te3-BloodyIronbecause i want it to keep moving forward, not turn around back to the spawn point
17:00.02Te3-BloodyIronhaha i have it turning in a circle now
17:00.07Te3-BloodyIronhad it just going north for a while
17:00.56XenoX101not sure
17:01.04Te3-BloodyIroni think i might be getting the hang of some of this
17:01.14XenoX101hm does anyone know how I can get some doodads or units to position themself exactly in line with eachother?
17:01.23XenoX101like I have a 'unit' that is made up of other units
17:01.32XenoX101so I want them all to be positioned next to eachother
17:01.36XenoX101well its a building
17:02.17*** join/#sc2mapster Helral (
17:02.39Te3-BloodyIronhmm i did that before, cant remember how
17:03.14Te3-BloodyIronI think if you hold down one of the keyboard modifiers (alt?) it should let you align doodads in a variety of ways, such as clamping to the grid, and following your mouse, etc
17:04.21XenoX101yeah sorry I meant
17:04.27XenoX101like with a trigger or something
17:04.34XenoX101or data
17:04.45Te3-BloodyIronsorry havn't touched doodads in triggers yet
17:04.54XenoX101mm np
17:05.03Te3-BloodyIronshucks, a chance to actually help for once :P
17:05.12*** join/#sc2mapster casperb (3e10f62b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
17:05.31Te3-BloodyIronhey casperb
17:05.39Te3-BloodyIronim closer to figuring it out ;D
17:05.49casperbgood :p
17:06.03Te3-BloodyIroni have it running around in a circle now
17:06.35casperbwhat's the offset set to?
17:07.13Te3-BloodyIronhold on, work again :P
17:14.10Te3-BloodyIronlet me try a few fiddles
17:14.59Te3-BloodyIronokay i think im out of ideas
17:15.33*** join/#sc2mapster Deaod (
17:16.12Te3-BloodyIronso i have target - offset - initial to 0,0,0
17:16.20Te3-BloodyIroni have effect - periodic offsets 5,5,0
17:16.25Te3-BloodyIronwhich im pretty sure is what is sending me in a spiral
17:16.51*** join/#sc2mapster Ingela (
17:17.00Te3-BloodyIronthe problem is the point it is running circles around i cant figure out how it determines it
17:18.11HelralTe3-BloodyIron: fall back is set to unit not to poin t
17:18.16Helralfacing fallback value
17:18.27Te3-BloodyIronwhich unit, source unit?
17:18.30*** join/#sc2mapster casperb_ (3e10f62b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
17:18.36Helralit should be set to point instead of unit
17:18.46Te3-BloodyIronit was set to source point
17:18.50casperb_anyways like i was saying, or not saying not sure if it showed
17:18.54casperb_only set it in y
17:19.09Te3-BloodyIroni tried setting it to y, and it kept going north
17:19.11Te3-BloodyIronbut ima try it again
17:19.21Helralhow you want it to move?
17:19.27casperb_facing angle
17:19.28Te3-BloodyIroni want it to always "move forward"
17:19.31Te3-BloodyIronbased on where it is facing
17:19.33casperb_which is negative y afaik
17:19.39Helralok so do set unit fallback value
17:19.45Helraland -5 on the Y
17:19.46Te3-BloodyIronsource unit?
17:20.47Te3-BloodyIronheh -5 he keeps turning around
17:20.49Te3-BloodyIronso im gonna try 5
17:21.01Helralhmmm *looks up his own code
17:21.45casperb_hm i know i use a negative y offset in my stuff o.o
17:22.27*** join/#sc2mapster XenoX101 (
17:22.33Te3-BloodyIronokay now with 5 it moves and then stops
17:22.53Te3-BloodyIronbut in the same direction that it did when it was "turning around" constantly
17:22.56Helralthat's my automove effect.
17:23.04Te3-BloodyIronthx, i'll look at it
17:23.40Helraland I have a buff on the unit which issues it constantly.
17:24.02*** join/#sc2mapster Jum-Jum (
17:24.11Helralwhich in my case is every 0.0010 seconds.
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17:28.07casperb_no need to have updates that often tho Helral? :p
17:28.56Helralmine is turned on and off.
17:29.04Helralso I want it to stop moving immediately.
17:29.20Helralalso I change just the facing to change the units direction.
17:29.42casperb_yeah did the same thing previously
17:29.48casperb_ended up just going for mouse
17:30.04Helraland that value still causes no lag for 4 players (currently max amount in my map. :P)
17:30.22casperb_but my logic was the game renders at 30 frames per second
17:30.38casperb_so waiting for a period less than one frame has no effect
17:31.15Helralwell actually I did notice a differense if I changed the moving distance and the period.
17:31.27HelralI noticed that the unit didn't stop when I wanted it to ;p
17:32.57Helralofc. I didn't completely finetune it ;p
17:35.27HelralTe3-BloodyIron: did you get it working yet?
17:35.41*** join/#sc2mapster pirate (45a59314@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
17:37.20casperb_attachment modifier isn't in 3ds
17:37.51*** part/#sc2mapster Sixen (~Kevin@conference/fudcon/x-qjanymwcbcyefulw)
17:38.21casperb_*looks at Skizot* :p
17:40.05HelralSkizot fled his pc?
17:40.20XaragothI think he is out, murdering Griffith
17:40.38Helralwell that's allowed isn't it?
17:42.59Te3-BloodyIronHelral: sc2 is now never finishing to load when testing the map
17:43.02Te3-BloodyIrontrying to figure out what i fucked up
17:43.14casperb_recursion prolly :p
17:43.22casperb_does it crash?
17:43.33Te3-BloodyIronno, just never finishes loading
17:43.44Te3-BloodyIronalso still at work, so my tests are here and ther e:P
17:47.19casperb_eh nevermind, lazy loading or something it appeared now -.-
17:48.00Te3-BloodyIronoh crap its still not loading t.t
17:48.58Te3-BloodyIronokay got it back to a testable state
17:49.06Te3-BloodyIronnow to figure out what i had to undo to "fix" that
17:51.50casperb_finally, art of part a of a unit in a "testable" state -_-
17:52.07Te3-BloodyIronlol what?
17:53.27casperb_Progress is sort of slow with my pipeline, silo -> c4d -> 3ds -> sc2
17:53.40*** join/#sc2mapster Funkeh` (
17:53.40*** join/#sc2mapster Funkeh` (~funk@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Ace3/BigWigs/funkeh)
17:54.00*** join/#sc2mapster MaxMode (
18:07.38*** join/#sc2mapster pirate (45a59314@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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18:14.11piratemy search filters for a damage effect arent working at all :(
18:14.31Te3-BloodyIronohh casperb_: i see
18:14.57Te3-BloodyIronim nowhere near dealing with importing models:P
18:15.19casperb_ugh and not it wont export -.-
18:15.36casperb_diddn't i just identify? :O
18:15.44*** join/#sc2mapster Computerpunk (~Computerp@
18:16.00Te3-BloodyIronhow detailed is the thing youre importing?
18:16.56casperb_3k ish
18:17.17casperb_verts that is
18:18.02Te3-BloodyIronim not sure how that compares to other items, sounds more complex than a marine though
18:20.03casperb_really low poly
18:21.29Te3-BloodyIronhow much is a marine?
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18:22.29casperb_2k ish
18:23.12*** join/#sc2mapster Sehkmet (~Sehkmet@
18:23.12SehkmetHey guys
18:23.21Te3-BloodyIronyou sound familiar?
18:24.55Sehkmeti think i not
18:26.41casperb_Te3-BloodyIron: you're the new guy so that's kinda a counter intuitive question :p
18:27.10Te3-BloodyIronwell i might have seen him elsewhere
18:27.30*** join/#sc2mapster MaxMode (
18:27.42Sehkmetwhat has happened to casperb?
18:27.46Sehkmetwhy casperb_
18:27.54Te3-BloodyIronit's the cool thing to do
18:27.54casperb_What? :p
18:27.56Te3-BloodyIrondidnt yuo know?
18:28.08Sehkmetyour name was "Casperb" , why you have a "_" ?
18:28.09casperb_uhm i've identified twice
18:28.17casperb_but nothing happends
18:28.28casperb_get the message that i've identified and whatnot
18:28.37casperb_w00t i started a meme! :p
18:29.59Sehkmetcasperb im going to spam you at a private chat
18:31.03casperb_I'm gonna start charging soon -_-
18:32.13wOlfLinGI just made an array of [3][5][3][3] :/. Thats a big array
18:33.01Shawn|Rawr_Someone give me a cool behavior i can attach to a weapon
18:33.39wOlfLinGShawn, try an invisable weapon :D
18:35.34Shawn|Rawr_I don't even know what that means. A weapons that makes you invisible would be odd.
18:36.47HelralwOlfLinG: that one only has 135 values.
18:36.54Helralthat ain't big.
18:37.14wOlfLinGStill reasonably big :D
18:37.25wOlfLinGAnd requires a bit of code to find it all out :/
18:37.29casperb_It's ugly as hell and you should be shot for writing code like that :p
18:37.59Helralmy largest one is only [5][2000][4]
18:38.09wOlfLinGWhats the 2000 for?
18:38.13Helralthe 2000 is a bit of overkill though.
18:38.20Helralthe amount of things I can store in it.
18:38.31Helralnumber of rooms/passages/doors/static rooms
18:38.38Helralmight expand it with items.
18:38.41casperb_... -_-
18:38.42Helraland monsters.
18:38.50Helralbut I only need it to be size 200 then.
18:38.53Helralmaybe 500
18:39.10casperb_why..? :S
18:39.19Helralwhy not? ;p
18:39.37casperb_why would you ever need it :o
18:39.49casperb_everything in sc is self enclosed more or less
18:41.03*** join/#sc2mapster Skizot (
18:41.27Helralhave to keep track of my randomly generated stuff .
18:43.12Te3-BloodyIron_oh god now i have it acting even wierder
18:43.34Te3-BloodyIron_i tried the settings Helral linked me to earlier in the png
18:43.51Te3-BloodyIron_but if i set period durations to 0, or delete he value sc2 never loads
18:44.04Helraldon't set period to 0 ;p
18:44.13Helralhmm one moment
18:44.20Helrallemme see what I linked ;p
18:44.23Te3-BloodyIron_but period duration is 0 in your ss!
18:44.51Helralow that one, yeah
18:44.58casperb_the persistent period should be 0 yeh
18:45.01HelralI never needed to change it.
18:45.04casperb_but periodic period?
18:45.08Helralthought you meant the behaviors one ;p
18:47.29*** join/#sc2mapster JManV|Work (d1fefd82@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
18:47.37JManV|Workok i got a question
18:48.03JManV|Workfirst: why in the hell, when you switch the unit for an actor, does it feel the need to change a billion fields as a result?
18:48.06*** join/#sc2mapster Twiner (
18:48.21JManV|Workand second: is there a way to make it freakin' *not* do that?
18:48.31casperb_JManV|Work: it's how tokens work
18:48.48JManV|Workthat's absolutely retarded
18:49.04JManV|Workis there a way to make it *not* do that?
18:49.06Te3-BloodyIron_sounds like something i'll encounter in the future o.O!
18:49.20Te3-BloodyIron_request it on the forums?
18:49.50JManV|Workhow could they not expect that possibility that someone would want to copy and actor and *only* change the unit it's attached to?
18:50.23JManV|Workin fact, i'd think that would actually happen *more* often than whatever they're trying to do
18:50.28*** join/#sc2mapster progammer (4a3ea6d2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
18:50.44progammerhappy new yeah folks :P
18:50.53JManV|Workso, no way to make it not happen?
18:51.03JManV|Workthat a lot of frickin fields it changes
18:54.00casperb_JManV|Work: it doesn't happend if you've actually changed the field
18:54.08casperb_only the base definition uses the macros
18:54.22casperb_thus if you override it, it will no longer do that
18:54.41JManV|Workbut the point is i don't want to set all those fields
18:54.43Te3-BloodyIron_any thoughts there Helral?
18:54.45JManV|Worki want to copy them
18:56.31*** join/#sc2mapster Razernok (
18:56.51JManV|Worki think i got what i need with minimal annoyance
19:01.40JManV|Workwhy is it taking 2 minutes to load a perfect blank 64x64 terrain?
19:02.00Te3-BloodyIron_because you fail to have an underscore at the end of your name
19:02.05JManV|Workever get those days where you're annoyed with just about everything the editor does?
19:02.07casperb_Lawls, my unit selection circle is appearing about 100 units away -_-
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19:02.53JManV|Work_JManV|Work isn't even registered, but I didn't want to feel left out
19:03.08casperb_Good! :D
19:04.42Shawn|Rawr_its catching on!
19:04.54Shawn|Rawr_how is pokemon?
19:04.58JManV|Work_i just made some items, and placed them on my map
19:05.03JManV|Work_my hero attacked and killed them
19:05.16JManV|Work_pretty good
19:05.18casperb_hehe remove items from scan filters
19:05.31JManV|Work_i'm taking a brief hiatis, working on some dialog tutorials
19:05.33Te3-BloodyIron_heh dance my puppets :)
19:05.46progammerwhat's with everyone has an underscore after their name now
19:05.50JManV|Work_the item shouldn't be destructible in the first place
19:05.55Te3-BloodyIron_it increases success rate of code
19:05.56casperb_don't you know progammer?
19:06.11JManV|Work_he's jealous
19:06.35Te3-BloodyIron_outlined in this study:
19:06.55progammer_video not yet played
19:06.57casperb_fail Te3-BloodyIron_ ...
19:07.00progammer_rickroll not yet rolled
19:07.01Te3-BloodyIron_slaps forhead
19:07.09casperb_That's like
19:07.14casperb_intent to rick roll
19:08.20JManV|Work_shawn: i've got capturing and switching working completely
19:08.31Te3-BloodyIron_Helral: still there?
19:09.04JManV|Work_i was able to fight probichu vs probichu. it was epic
19:09.22progammer_probe should not be named chu chu like that
19:09.26progammer_not intimidating
19:10.10casperb_pokemons are intimidating?
19:10.19JManV|Work_i was going for comical value over intimidation :P
19:10.35JManV|Work_it's a probe ffs :P
19:10.54progammer_name mah proble like charizard or smt
19:11.00progammer_dont chu chu it ..
19:11.06casperb_I'd mech it up
19:11.09casperb_call it the XR172
19:11.11casperb_or whatever
19:11.21JManV|Work_he gets electrical attacks
19:11.24casperb_who lives in a psionic bubble
19:11.30JManV|Work_cuz he's a pikachu clone
19:12.02JManV|Work_thunder makes him initimadating, no?
19:12.39Griffith`ugh is there a button that i have to press to make it so i can move
19:12.43Griffith`seems like i cant move anything
19:12.45Griffith`did i press a lock button
19:16.34Griffith`ohh f8
19:16.50JManV|Work_... somebody doesn't have an underscore
19:16.57JManV|Work_i'm not gonna name any names...
19:17.09Te3-BloodyIron_clearly it locked his movement
19:17.39JManV|Work_its the only logical thing
19:18.16Griffith_like f8 just cycles through them
19:18.18Griffith_how do you disable it
19:18.35Sehkmeti prefear "Probeling"
19:18.39Sehkmetinsted probechu
19:18.46Shawn|Rawr_Probichu is fine!
19:18.54SehkmetThe Hungry Hungry Probleing
19:18.59Te3-BloodyIron_uh oh, i suspect problems will happen to another person who isn't underscored
19:19.30SehkmetPRobeling Escape , The Hungry Hungry Probeling, Catch the probeling, Probeling tower defense
19:19.32Sehkmetthats my maps
19:19.55Shawn|Rawr_I won't play them, but good luck
19:19.56Sehkmetoh and Probeling heroe defense
19:20.16Sehkmetand almost finished "Run Probeling Run"
19:21.17JManV|Work_yeah, i've gotten a good response from probichu.  he's not changing
19:24.07JManV|Work_he's also a personal favorit
19:26.31JManV|Work_although, i might be willing to rename him "Probichu_"
19:26.43Griffith_i cant seem to turn off axis constraints in 3ds max
19:27.39Sehkmetwhy "Probichu_" ?
19:27.47Sehkmetstay at Probichu
19:27.56JManV|Work_you have noticed the gag?
19:28.00SehkmetProbichu_ for u_U?
19:28.12JManV|Work_everyone here but you has an underscore after their name
19:28.22Te3-BloodyIron_it increases our rate of sucess with code
19:28.26*** join/#sc2mapster Skiz_brokenet (
19:28.30JManV|Work_it's l33t
19:28.34Sehkmetyou'r crazy
19:28.43JManV|Work_you're just jealous
19:28.45JManV|Work_that's cool
19:28.45Sehkmetwhat about dekar?
19:28.47JManV|Work_we're used to it
19:28.59Dekar-what about me
19:29.06Sehkmethe decreases his rate of succes withc ode?
19:29.07Dekar-i have a minus
19:29.12Sehkmetusing - instead "_"
19:29.17Dekar-im special
19:29.21Sehkmeti see
19:29.22JManV|Work_just not having an underscore is enought
19:29.29JManV|Work_but using a minus is just tempting fate
19:29.31Sehkmeti wont change ==
19:30.08Te3-BloodyIron_if you have - at the end it results in a rolling of the dice for effect
19:30.13Sehkmethow much % you have made ?
19:30.20Te3-BloodyIron_the die is rolled every hour on the hour
19:30.27JManV|Work_% of what?
19:30.30Sehkmettalking about your map
19:30.44JManV|Work_probably closer to 25%
19:30.56Sehkmetand.. u 'r mapping 24/7?
19:31.08JManV|Work_although, i am probably about halfway through the main engine
19:31.19JManV|Work_after that, it will be a lot of data editing
19:31.28Sehkmetye  i see..
19:31.31Sehkmetadding 13091230123 pokemons?
19:31.38JManV|Work_goal is about 100
19:31.43Sehkmet250 o no balls
19:32.08Te3-BloodyIron_250 starting at 0
19:32.31Sehkmetthey were 251 or 253 at the first chapters, right ?
19:32.58*** join/#sc2mapster JManV|Work (d1fefd82@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
19:33.13JManV|Worki'm gonna kill this web client today
19:33.21JManV|Workdropped on me like 5 times today
19:33.30Sehkmeti said:
19:33.33Sehkmet250 o no balls
19:34.19JManV|Workit might depend on how many you can save at once
19:34.24Sehkmetlook, you can create something like "dito".. its so easy.. when its burrowed, its a zergling burrow splat.. and when it comes up, its any model with a small scale and maroon tint
19:34.39*** join/#sc2mapster Griffith` (
19:34.45JManV|Workalthough, i'm not adverse to saying it's just plain not possible to catch them all
19:35.18Sehkmetdito = lurker
19:35.23JManV|Workwell, you can catch/find them all, but you may not be able to physically store one of every type
19:35.29Sehkmetdito is a lurkerrrrrrr omgggg
19:35.35Sehkmetisnt it?
19:35.53JManV|Worki was thinking ditto = changeling
19:36.05Sehkmeti prefear dito as a lurker
19:36.15Sehkmetit burrows
19:36.23Sehkmetand he is able to attack while burrowed
19:36.23JManV|Workditto doesn't burrow
19:36.25Te3-BloodyIron_JManV|Work! your reduced coding chance!
19:36.25Sehkmetmeans.. dito
19:36.39Sehkmetyes! Ditto burrows
19:36.44JManV|Work_that was close!
19:37.22JManV|Work_it's your funeral...
19:37.46Sehkmet_my born?
19:37.51JManV|Work_haha... peer pressure
19:38.08Sehkmet_-now? its equal?
19:38.21JManV|Work_maybe if the minus was first
19:38.50JManV|Work_i can accept that
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19:39.23_Sehkmetits like.. im going to get luck while making the code
19:39.29_Sehkmetyou'll get it while trying it
19:42.33_Sehkmetthere is any way to make a bunker able to store 2 units from different players?
19:42.50_Sehkmetseems hard
19:42.51JManV|Work_somehow i doubt it
19:43.06JManV|Work_but i don't know
19:43.23JManV|Work_i do know from experience tho that the game is a little picky about unit owners
19:43.36_Sehkmetmm what does picky mean?
19:44.09Dekar-doesnt it work with full shared control?
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19:44.51JManV|Work__wtf with this web client?!?!
19:45.09_Sehkmetwhy u dont use mirC orany software like that
19:45.36_SehkmetjmanVwork, dekar asks if it doesnt work with full shared control
19:45.40_Sehkmetdo you think it may?
19:45.49JManV|Work__and i swear to god, that captcha had a delta in it
19:46.00JManV|Work__<-- because of the work part
19:46.28JManV|Work__no, i don't think it will, but it's worth a shot
19:46.37Sehkmet|Work_like my name?
19:46.51JManV|Work__i've pretty sure if you're playing the normal game and your partner quits, that you can't put your units in his bunkers
19:47.36Sehkmet|Work_can u join sc2 to test it?
19:48.03JManV|Work_certainly can't
19:48.13JManV|Work_<-- again because of the work part
19:48.30JManV|Work_make a computer ally
19:53.55_Sehkmetok i tried it
19:54.04_Sehkmeti askd my mate to quit
19:54.08_Sehkmetand i cant join his bunker
19:54.10JManV|Work_and it doesn't work?
19:54.15JManV|Work_yeah, i thought so
19:54.24_Sehkmetbrb 12 sec
19:54.27JManV|Work_i'm not sure it's going to be possible
20:00.16_Sehkmetmm ok
20:00.19_Sehkmeti have 60 bunkers
20:00.31_Sehkmeti should make 30 of em for player 1 and 30 of em to player 2?
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20:09.24casperb__Sehkmet is our rival? o.o
20:09.29Shawn|Rawr_Make them all player 15 and give player 1 and 2 a corruptor each
20:09.41Shawn|Rawr_Put them in the middle of the bunkers
20:09.47Shawn|Rawr_And see if the player cna escape
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20:10.47JManV|Work_you could possibly swap control as needed
20:11.09_Sehkmeti make 60 neutral bunkers
20:11.29_Sehkmetand if a unit from player2 joins a bunker, that bunker changes its owner to player 2 till the unit go out
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20:12.50JManV|Workthat's 7 times today
20:13.25JManV|Workbut yes, something like that
20:13.43JManV|Workexcept you can't wait until they enter the bunker, because they can't enter it if it's not theirs
20:14.08_Sehkmetand what happens if the unit is inside the bunker, and i change its owner?
20:14.22_Sehkmetthe unit gets trapped? xD
20:14.34JManV|Workwell, you wouldn't change owners if there were units inside of the bunker
20:14.42JManV|Workthey can't share bunkers like that
20:14.46JManV|Workthat just won't work
20:15.01_Sehkmeti was thinking about giving an ability to the unit to cast at certain bunker
20:15.08_Sehkmetthen i make a event, that if the unit casts the skill..
20:15.10JManV|Worki think if you did, it would change ownership of the units inside as well
20:18.19casperb_cargo units retain their ownership
20:18.45casperb_jumped on in the middle, alot of drops today :p
20:19.34_Sehkmetso.. the units 'll be still inside the bunker?
20:20.08JManV|Worki've been dropped 7 times today
20:20.29casperb_JManV|Work fix your nick :/
20:20.34casperb_it's all wrong :S
20:21.01JManV|Work_cuz it keeps d/cing me!
20:21.34casperb__Sehkmet: what do you want to do anyways
20:21.48JManV|Work_to share bunkers
20:22.00casperb_only one player may control a unit tho
20:22.13casperb_so unless the players have shared control it wont work
20:22.23JManV|Work_even with shared control it doesn't work
20:22.41JManV|Work_you can't jump into another players bunker
20:22.46casperb_you can
20:22.52casperb_just change the target filters
20:23.50JManV|Work_sehk: you catching this?
20:24.13_Sehkmeti was translating something
20:24.15_Sehkmetlet me read
20:24.48_Sehkmetthe target filters ?
20:24.49casperb_but units can only belong to one person, so only the owner can actually issue orders
20:24.57casperb_yeh in the transport ability
20:24.58_Sehkmetof the bunker or of the unit thats trying to join it?
20:25.06_Sehkmetlet me see
20:25.24wOlfLinGMost epic parody ever:
20:25.41casperb__Sehkmet: so here's what you have to do :p
20:26.00casperb_give the bunkers to a third party
20:26.04casperb_who both share control with
20:26.32casperb_neutral or ally slot, controlled by none
20:26.44_Sehkmeti changed target filters of the bunker ability to allys and player
20:26.46casperb_that's pretty much it
20:26.57casperb_neutral aswell
20:27.09casperb_to allow neutral bunker -> player units
20:28.12_Sehkmeti didnt got the last line
20:28.42casperb_shit happends
20:29.18casperb_anyways depends on gameplay mechanics and how you want it
20:29.21casperb_so nevermind
20:29.46Hatioh man stupid youtube buffer
20:29.46casperb_but it's sort of pointless to do tho imo
20:32.35casperb_did i drop again? :O
20:32.40casperb_nvm :p
20:33.01_Sehkmetok casper
20:33.12_Sehkmetnow my unit player1 can join a player2 bunker
20:33.59_Sehkmetnice, a neutral bunker too
20:34.22_Sehkmeti dont know how to give neutral control to all players
20:34.45casperb_make them an ally with shared control
20:34.56casperb_with a neutral
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20:35.47casperb_so neutral wasn't necessary after all :p
20:36.27Te3-BloodyIron_casperb_: can you help me later when i get home? probably like a couple hours or so
20:37.41casperb_I might be struck by a huge truck falling from a airplane into my room on the 4th floor
20:37.45casperb_These things happend
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20:38.35_Sehkmetye.. happened to me lastnight
20:38.43_Sehkmetit hurts :(
20:39.04_Sehkmetoh i see
20:40.09Te3-BloodyIron_happened??? shit, you better duck
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20:43.40_Sehkmetits..  its.. PERFECT
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20:44.08Helralroflol I just went for an achievement and I got the achiev. lost the match though ;p
20:45.38JManV|Work_sehk: i'm glad i was wrong
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20:58.29wOlfLinGOk, give me lotsa ideas for heroes!
20:58.33TordyCan you turn all the data in the map to a mod?
20:58.39wOlfLinGAlso, HAI TORDY :D
20:58.52wOlfLinGTordy, you could extract it
20:58.52Tordyso i got all this custom data in my map
20:59.00HelralwOlfLinG: a cat which has laser eyes :)
20:59.01Tordybut i also want to use that data for another map
20:59.08Tordyand it's a loooot of custom data
20:59.14Tordyso i'd rather find some way to turn it into a mod
20:59.21Tordyso that other map can just use the mod as a dependency
20:59.22wOlfLinGTordy, you could save as an SC2Components list
20:59.32wOlfLinGNot sure what it would do, but it could work
20:59.40wOlfLinGAlso, helral: No cat model :(
20:59.52JManV|Work_there's the predator
20:59.57wOlfLinGah :D
20:59.58JManV|Work_it's kind of like a kitty
21:00.05wOlfLinGmakes aHalral
21:00.12JManV|Work_a kitty of death
21:00.23wOlfLinGGonna call it Helral after Helral :D
21:02.32wOlfLinGTalking of which, I need ideas for a Sixen hero as well :D
21:02.51wOlfLinGAnd for that matter, anyone from SC2Mapster :/
21:03.39Tordyso what is this sc2components list again
21:04.04wOlfLinGno idea tbh
21:04.18wOlfLinGBut i think it can be used to save just data or terrain etc
21:04.37wOlfLinGhang on
21:04.40wOlfLinGGonna test it
21:05.30Tordydoes helral know
21:05.38Tordyi know helral is an expert on this!
21:06.04Helralsc2component list?
21:06.10wOlfLinGOk, I know what it is now
21:06.21wOlfLinGA .SC2Map is an MPQ
21:06.27wOlfLinGWhich means it contains data
21:07.03wOlfLinGSaving it as a .SC2Map file compresses the data into an MPQ. Saving as a .SC2Components file saves it as a folder
21:07.19wOlfLinGSo you can just open it without an MPQ editor
21:07.29wOlfLinGBut still open it in the editor
21:08.21wOlfLinGSo save it as .SC2Component, open the folder and go into Base.SC2Data -> Game Data
21:08.36wOlfLinGAnd copy that folder over to your other map
21:08.47wOlfLinGOr other component file
21:08.53wOlfLinGAnd then save as a map
21:08.58wOlfLinGAnd it should work
21:09.05wOlfLinGBut as I haven't done that before
21:09.09Tordywhat's wrong with this design:
21:09.13wOlfLinGI wouldn't know if you need anything else
21:09.48Tordysomething i made in sc1 a couple years ago
21:09.56Tordyfeel like porting to sc2
21:10.02HelralTordy: it's from sc1 ;p
21:10.08Tordyyea i know! :]
21:10.17Helralya asked what's wrong with the desing ;p
21:10.22Tordyhello helral
21:10.46Helralthat wasn't such a hard map I think.
21:11.20Tordyterrain is no biggie
21:11.39Tordyproblem is gameplay, do you think making the player able to change paths would be too complicated
21:11.41Tordyfor them
21:11.47Tordycuz you know
21:11.50Tordyal labout the benjmanins
21:12.05wOlfLinGTordy: It works
21:12.15wOlfLinGJust tested it myself
21:12.16JManV|Work_but weird al says its all about the pentiums...
21:12.28Tordydes it really
21:12.31Tordydid you try the map yet
21:12.34Tordyis everything like normal
21:12.40wOlfLinGData is in BaseData.SC2Data
21:12.46Tordybecause i tried transferring data sometimes and there's some stuff missing when i actually play the map
21:12.47wOlfLinGTriggers are just Triggers
21:13.01Tordytalkin about data, triggers no biggie
21:13.03wOlfLinGAnd terrain seems to be quite a few files
21:13.20wOlfLinGBut yeah, jusy copy over the GameData folder
21:13.34wOlfLinGAlthough it would overwrite everything anyway
21:14.16wOlfLinGBut yeah, it works fine :)
21:15.19Tordyyou saved it as a mod
21:15.21wOlfLinGI'm on a roll, with all this discovering stuff :O
21:15.22Tordydoes it work as a mod now
21:15.31wOlfLinGIt should work with a mod
21:15.33Tordydont even know how mods work
21:15.36wOlfLinGI did it with a map
21:15.44wOlfLinGhang on
21:15.49Tordynever tried mods
21:18.45wOlfLinGWorks with mods
21:21.06Shawn|Rawr_I'm doing mods. Hehe.. It's how we're putting SCU together
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21:27.23Tordywhat is this SCU
21:27.27Tordystarcraft universe!?
21:27.58JManV|Work_i'm doing pokemon with mods too
21:28.44JManV|Work_all the units and the engine are in a mod
21:29.31JManV|Work_and there's a set of map-based variables in the mod that have to be set in the map
21:29.40JManV|Work_like spawn/fight locations
21:31.39wOlfLinGI'm using mods... Left 2 Die and Auir chef...
21:35.21JManV|Work_i'm missing part of my shop sell... not sure what
21:40.48wOlfLinGHelral is crashing my map :(
21:41.28Shawn|Rawr_JMan, what is it doing?
21:42.03JManV|Work_telling me that i must target a unit with inventory
21:43.01wOlfLinGThen give it an inventory :D
21:43.12JManV|Work_its a forge
21:45.32JManV|Work_ok, i guess i'm missing the pawn ability
21:46.15Shawn|Rawr_that could be it
21:49.23Shawn|Rawr_I was going to look at my map, but it's on the other computer and its locked on bnet lol
21:49.54JManV|Work_no worries
21:50.02Shawn|Rawr_Definitely needs the pawn ability though
21:50.15JManV|Work_i was trying to avoid having to go through the entire hero tutorial, but i already have now
21:51.02Shawn|Rawr_I watch it for fun. In fact I started watching it now lol
21:51.45JManV|Work_ok, that works
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22:09.38JManV|Work_i finally beat outbreak on brutal yesterday
22:09.42JManV|Work_i hate that mission
22:10.45JManV|Work_its frickin' crazy hard
22:10.53JManV|Work_on brutal at least
22:14.17_Sehkmethey im back
22:16.31JManV|Work_i don't know anyone by that name
22:16.51JManV|Work_definitely not with a minus at the end
22:22.49_Sehkmeti love that guys
22:23.00_Sehkmetthe lazy and the work one
22:23.45Shawn|Rawr_Hmm.. so in this td thingy.. if i take away the footprint then the towers face their targets, but the enemies pathing gets screwed up..
22:24.07Shawn|Rawr_I need an alternative methos
22:37.08Razernokhey -_-
22:40.40C-Hadd a pathing blocker inplace of the footprint?
22:41.50C-Hoh wait maybe not
22:46.54C-Hwould have to do that when tower is created and remove it when tower is destroyed. should be an easier way though
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23:08.34JManVwhat's up?
23:09.45JManVi haven't actually worked on it today
23:09.51_Sehkmet:/ why?
23:09.54_Sehkmet'r u lazy today?
23:09.58JManVi just got out of work
23:10.39JManVits comng along nicely tho
23:11.21_Sehkmethad u made ditt?
23:11.39_Sehkmetu should use a lurker instead a changeling
23:12.04_Sehkmetso he burrows and attacks
23:12.19_Sehkmetand when he unburrow , u just see his head, like original ditto (?
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23:21.08JManVi think you're talking about diglet
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