IRC log for #sc2mapster on 20100909

00:00.17Blacksoldiertechno check actor
00:00.21Bluerobin427wait ... what? Could you repeat that Blacksoldier? I don't get what you're saying
00:00.25SuraklinSC2Duplicating crap always leads to problems I hate solving.
00:00.29Technomanceroh actor?
00:00.31IcebaneYeah lol
00:00.31Bluerobin427sorry i sound like a bad customer service rep
00:00.32SuraklinSC2I just create everything from scratch now.
00:00.32Blacksoldierok just simple
00:00.46Blacksoldieraction is to say an integer in chat
00:00.57Blacksoldierand the integer is costs of unittype
00:01.06IcebaneI don't know how many times I thought "aaah, I can duplicate this ability, I know how to do it anyway" but then it fucks up ;P
00:01.11Blacksoldierin one special case its saying 0
00:01.19Blacksoldierinstead of the correct one
00:01.24Bluerobin427what's different about that case?
00:01.31TechnomancerIcebane is it the entire actor subgroup or just the one with the thumbnail of the unit?
00:01.33MozaredThe game
00:01.36Blacksoldierits a special unit type
00:01.44Bluerobin427which type?
00:01.50*** join/#sc2mapster ReckeD (
00:01.51Blacksoldiera copy of a pylon
00:01.54Bluerobin427are all the units custom/vanilla?
00:01.57Blacksoldiercalled pylon2
00:02.11Bluerobin427could you send the map so I could look at it?
00:02.19Bluerobin427either host/upload or email would work
00:02.20Blacksoldierae you eu?
00:02.36Bluerobin427nah, but if you just send/upload the file I can look at it regardless
00:02.47Blacksoldierwhere? ;-)
00:02.57Bluerobin427michigan specifically
00:03.02Blacksoldierah ok its puiublished
00:03.12IcebaneTechnomancer: I think you just asked the wrong person ;P
00:03.12Blacksoldiername: orcs & elves rebuild alpha
00:03.53Blacksoldier(maybe i understood ya wrong)
00:04.12Blacksoldierwhen i upload it in eu u can download it in na?
00:04.16Technomancerah but you answered my Q before
00:05.37Bluerobin427well if you uploaded the map file to something like rapidshare or somesuch
00:05.49Bluerobin427I can't get it in-game though
00:06.24Blacksoldiernow i understand ;-)
00:07.30*** join/#sc2mapster tordecybombo (62745298@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
00:07.31Bluerobin427yeah... not specifically vouching for rapidshare, it's just what came to mind
00:07.36Bluerobin427I have a dropbox account I typically use
00:08.23tordecybomboQuick how do I remove a buff when a unit attacks without putting a remove buff effect on weapon.
00:08.32Blacksoldierquerried the link
00:08.57Triceronoh god, it's so hard telling you two apart
00:09.02Triceronyour names are so similar
00:09.10Triceronand end in the same amount of letter/numbers
00:10.48*** join/#sc2mapster RaydenUni (
00:11.12Rodrigois reading a visual design book for his computer class, but the book is really boring.
00:14.41Triceronschool is boring
00:14.53TriceronI'm so glad I'm done with all that
00:15.14Blacksoldierwho do you mean triceron?
00:15.47RodrigoI will probably study my whole life. I can't stop studying. It's boring to stop studying.
00:16.03tordecybomboQuick how do I remove a buff when a unit attacks without putting a remove buff effect on weapon.
00:16.08nicoli_sTriceron:congrats on the custom zerg model, very nice
00:16.24Rodrigojesus, theres new admins now
00:16.29Rodrigowho is nicoli_s
00:16.34nicoli_slol im not new
00:16.39nicoli_si was in this channel when it was like 4 people
00:16.42Triceronnicoli's been here forevers!
00:16.46Rodrigofirst time I see you speaking :P
00:16.51nicoli_si was modding sc2 when you had to do it with a hex editor :)
00:16.51Triceronwar3 guy too weren't you?
00:16.58RedWraithHey Rodrigo, I made an ending sequence I think you'll enjoy.
00:17.02Triceronyeah, I recognized your name
00:17.05nicoli_sbut ive been on vacation a bunch
00:17.13RodrigoRedWraith, nice, but im studying now :P
00:17.21nicoli_sand working on sc2replayed, so no time for sc2mapster :(
00:17.41Rodrigoits the first time I see you here, nicoli_s
00:18.02BlacksoldierI've crated a autocast ability - but i dont want the player to see it... and i want it to be used as soon the upgrade for it is dont
00:18.04RedWraithnicoli_s, modding pre-galaxy editor was a collosal waste of time
00:18.07Blacksoldierso - what can i do?
00:18.19RaydenUnii need to set tooltip info for my weapons in like 7 places
00:18.27nicoli_sRedWraith:but it was challenging, which made it fun
00:18.37Rodrigonicoli_s, have you heard about Debates? hahhahaah
00:18.47RedWraithDebates is fun map.
00:18.51nicoli_sbesides, the early documentation of galaxy stuff, actually brought people here to learn, which kickstarted this community
00:18.52RedWraithWay more fun than platform defense.
00:18.57RedWraithPlatform defense suxxors.
00:19.18RodrigoI also think Debates is more fun than Platform Defense
00:19.27Rodrigoso I made Platform Defense to learn how to make Debates
00:19.38RedWraithnicoli_s, perhaps. It brought me here to play a terrible td.
00:19.43nicoli_shaha, vjeux's?
00:19.54Rodrigobut, as a matter of fact, Platform Defense is the most played map on US (besides Nexus Wars), and Debates is gone.
00:19.54RedWraithIt had five levels and two towers.
00:20.11RedWraithRodrigo, you should make a two player version of debates.
00:20.15RedWraiththat only lasts five minutes
00:20.19RedWraithThen it will be popular!
00:20.34Rodrigoone argue, the other defend, and they judge themselves
00:20.55RedWraith"Do you think your opponent argued well? You don't lose any points for saying 'Yes.'
00:20.59Triceronwhat is this debates everyone is talking about
00:21.09RodrigoRedWraith, you lose your average
00:21.17Rodrigooh god
00:21.31RodrigoDebates is this custom map:
00:21.41RedWraithIf you put the map back up, please artifically raise my score to 1337.
00:21.52RedWraithThat way, everyone will think I'm a hacker.
00:22.43Rodrigotheres no triggers that can raise scores on Debates
00:22.53Rodrigoand I can't break my own crypt
00:23.17RedWraithRodrigo, the map is down right now.
00:23.19RedWraithADD ONE!
00:23.29RedWraithmake it like
00:23.35RedWraithdoritos redwraith 45
00:24.02RedWraithThis message brought to you by Pringles.
00:27.03XackeryYou can't make structs in galaxy editor, right?
00:27.12SuraklinSC2Yes, you can.
00:27.21SuraklinSC2They're called "records".
00:27.24SuraklinSC2Same crap.
00:27.40XackeryThanks, i'll check it out.
00:27.47Triceronhow is debates played?
00:27.53Triceronit looks interesting but I don't understand it
00:28.07Rodrigoyou have to debate
00:28.20Rodrigothe game will generate a thought
00:28.24Rodrigoone player will be selected to defend this thought (if the player wants)
00:28.30Triceronis that you rodrigo?
00:28.36Rodrigoone player will be selected to argue against the thought (if the player wants)
00:28.47Triceronyou're spastastic
00:28.49Rodrigothe other players will judge the players (if they want)
00:28.54Xackeryperfect, thanks SuraklinSC2
00:29.06Rodrigowatch the first video
00:29.15Rodrigothe first video explains how to play
00:29.32*** join/#sc2mapster Kalekin (
00:29.36rrowlandWish I could send out my map to some beta testers
00:29.37rrowlandThis sucks   Watch the first video: starcraft debates
00:30.27SweetZombieJebusanyone with a really awesome minigame idea on their mind? this is your chance to see it realized! :)
00:30.37SweetZombieJebusjust done making Dodge the Nuke
00:30.43SweetZombieJebuskinda self explanatory
00:30.44Xackeryhowdy SZJ
00:30.58XackeryI ninj'ad your hero select and hacked it up
00:31.08SweetZombieJebusthat sounds good :P
00:31.10XackeryGood job on the comments
00:31.12TriceronI thought dodge the nuke was made back in beta
00:31.21SweetZombieJebusthis is my own dodge the nuke
00:31.29SweetZombieJebusi dunno the name is just obvious
00:31.47RodrigoSweetZombieJebus, the players have to do some show in a place and wins the player with the most creative play. The play involves dancing and using spells and battles....
00:31.51SweetZombieJebusthink ill change the name anyway
00:32.30SweetZombieJebuslol Rodrigo, a dance minigame is on the list but im not putting in a theatre :P
00:32.47SuraklinSC2I got one.
00:32.54SuraklinSC2"Pass the baneling".
00:33.02SweetZombieJebusbaneling, good, i like
00:33.03SweetZombieJebusgo on
00:33.11SuraklinSC2Make a timer, random length, people have to chase others around and "give" them the baneling.
00:33.22SuraklinSC2When the timer expires, the baneling explodes, that player is out.
00:33.26SuraklinSC2Continue until 1 lef.
00:33.42SuraklinSC2NEEDS amusing sounds tho.
00:33.44SweetZombieJebuson the list!
00:33.46RodrigoSweetZombieJebus, what about a minigame where the players have a tower and each enemy unit has a word floating over their heads. So, to kill the enemy, the player has to type that word to make the tower shot the enemy.
00:33.47SweetZombieJebusbut not with a baneling
00:33.52SweetZombieJebuscause i have something similair already
00:33.53SuraklinSC2Ok, nuke then.
00:33.56SuraklinSC2Since you like nukes.
00:33.57SweetZombieJebuspass the nuke
00:34.13Blacksoldiersweet: ghosts in the darkness - just sight in a small vector in fromt - some trees blocking visibility and that it... player with most kills wins
00:34.34XackerySuraklinSC2: can't pass records via functions I take it ? :/
00:34.34SuraklinSC2Who's bored and wants to futz around on my map?  ^^
00:34.38IcebaneNow I'm off to bed, nn! :)
00:34.39SweetZombieJebusi have a simon says kinda thing Rodrigo, i dont want another type game for now :P
00:34.49RodrigoSweetZombieJebus, also you should add a math minigame, where the players must count the units.
00:34.50SuraklinSC2Xackery, a record is just a struct definition.
00:35.00SuraklinSC2You need to make a variable that's defined to your record.
00:35.04SweetZombieJebusnice idea Blacksoldier
00:35.08SuraklinSC2Then you can pass that variable around.
00:35.26XackeryI don't see the parameter
00:35.32RodrigoSweetZombieJebus, what about the game asks a question about starcraft, and the players must walk to the "true" room or the "false" room. The players in the wrong room die and another question is generated
00:35.35SweetZombieJebuslol Rodrigo  i had a math minigame but i killed it cause people dont play games for math :D
00:35.43SuraklinSC2In my game, I have an array of my structs.
00:35.51SuraklinSC2And I pass the array around.
00:36.04tordecybomboQuick how do I remove a buff when a unit attacks without putting a remove buff effect on weapon.
00:36.11SweetZombieJebusyour ideas arent arcade enough Rodrigo :P
00:36.15XackeryWhat type of parameter do you use to pass the array around?
00:36.21SweetZombieJebusthink more explosions, epic randomness etc
00:36.23SuraklinSC2One sec.
00:36.27SuraklinSC2Lemme load the editor up.  ^^
00:36.31Rodrigothats because I like more social games
00:36.37SweetZombieJebusthis is action!
00:36.52XackeryI figured the param would accept a record-type var, but I don't see the option.
00:37.52SuraklinSC2Type:  - Record
00:37.58SuraklinSC2Record:  Your struct.
00:38.05XackeryWhat are you putting in the function
00:38.09Xackeryas a parameter to let you pass the record?
00:38.23tordecybomboQuick how do I remove a buff when a unit attacks? Without putting a remove buff effect on weapon because this is based on the negative buff.
00:38.32XackeryI have a local declared variable, and I want to pass it to a function via a parameter.
00:38.40Xackeryvar is a record.
00:38.46SuraklinSC2Oh, right.
00:38.49SuraklinSC2I pass in an int.
00:38.56SuraklinSC2Which is a pointer to the record in my array.  ><
00:39.06Xackeryso you're using globals
00:39.20SuraklinSC2The array is a global.
00:39.22XackeryYou're not really passing the data, instead just telling them where it's stored
00:39.31SuraklinSC2My pet peeve right there.
00:39.33SuraklinSC2No pointers.
00:39.37XackeryIn other words, you can't pass records.
00:39.46XackeryOnly references to a record
00:39.48SuraklinSC2By first glance, no.
00:39.51SuraklinSC2Right.  ;)
00:40.01XackeryOk, that's all I needed to know. :)
00:40.03XackeryThanks for checking though
00:40.09Blacksoldiersweetzombiejebus: a labyrinth - first through wins... using WASD buttons
00:40.22SweetZombieJebusnah i had that but it costs too much resources
00:40.31SuraklinSC2The editor really needs pointers.
00:40.35SuraklinSC2Or at least "pass by reference".
00:41.00XackeryYeah, I would be happy if it copied the data at least to a new scope. But pointers would be even more sexy.
00:41.10XackeryHave you tried to do pointers in custom script?
00:41.27SuraklinSC2Because the editor generates such a mess...
00:41.28XackeryIt may be there, just locked away
00:41.32Blacksoldierdots and boxes --->
00:41.32SuraklinSC2I can't stand looking at it.
00:42.41tordecybomboholy jesus a popularity reset?
00:42.50tordecybomboQuick how do I remove a buff when a unit attacks? Without putting a remove buff effect on weapon because this is based on the negative buff.
00:42.52SuraklinSC2If I start a game on my map with the join fuction from the list...
00:42.59SuraklinSC2Others "should" be able to join it?  ^^
00:43.39SuraklinSC2I hate the custom game joining interface.
00:43.41SuraklinSC2I really do.
00:43.51Rodrigois starting to find his college book interesting
00:44.20SuraklinSC2If anyone's free on the US server atm, join "Capture the Baneling".  ^^
00:44.27SuraklinSC2I wanna see if you get into the one I started.
00:45.46*** join/#sc2mapster Vulfe (45864a45@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
00:46.16Triceronwhatever happened to Alpha
00:46.24VulfeI ate him
00:46.28Triceronand his paper zombie map
00:46.37Vulfei ate that too
00:46.56Triceronhe pooped in the map
00:47.04VulfeI AM ETERNAL
00:47.16VulfeTime to finish that physics thing
00:47.20Vulfeand maybe write a tutorial
00:47.23Vulfebecause I'm fucking awesome
00:49.43Xackerymaybe got a record to pass to a function, heh.
00:50.33Arthas-2immortal warpin, nice feature :p
00:50.38Blacksoldiersweezombiejebus - saw my last suggestion? ^^
00:50.51Arthas-2lets see how fast they path this
00:51.07Technomanceranyone know how to preserve or reassign the moving sphere quality in the Sentry when I import/export it from 3DS?
00:51.28tordecybomboQuick how do I remove a buff when a unit attacks? Without putting a remove buff effect on weapon because this is based on the negative buff.
00:51.34Blacksoldier[02:41] <Blacksoldier> dots and boxes --->
00:52.16Blacksoldierin germany called "Käsekästchen" (cheese squares"
00:52.47SweetZombieJebusis that called here
00:52.59SweetZombieJebusdunno seems hard with 8 people
00:53.04SweetZombieJebusand boring in between turns
00:53.12Blacksoldierdevite to a little tournament
00:53.19Blacksoldier1v1 - 1v1 - 1v1 - 1v1
00:53.28SweetZombieJebusnah that will mess up the map
00:53.29Blacksoldierand then half finals
00:53.31Blacksoldierand finaö
00:53.38SweetZombieJebussounds like a standalone map then :P
00:53.44Blacksoldierotherwise just fastes wins
00:53.58SweetZombieJebustry another idea :P
00:54.09SweetZombieJebusi liked the flashlight one though, will try next week
00:54.10Blacksoldierwith 8 people? twister?
00:54.18RodrigoMy interface design book says that the secret of a good interface is not to look what you still have to add, but what you still can remove. :P
00:54.24*** join/#sc2mapster soulcarver (
00:54.35*** join/#sc2mapster Sixen (
00:54.35*** mode/#sc2mapster [+o Sixen] by ChanServ
00:54.39SweetZombieJebusso true
00:54.47SweetZombieJebusi like my ui
00:54.51SweetZombieJebushome made and pretty minimal
00:54.51Rodrigohi doctor Sixen
00:54.51VulfeRodrigo: Mies van der Rohe on this shit
00:55.01Rodrigolol Vulfe
00:55.14Rodrigoim just reading the book right now for my comp class :P
00:55.25Blacksoldiermaybe trontract ?
00:55.26VulfeWho wants to make RAPcraft
00:55.38SweetZombieJebusalready on the list
00:55.55Blacksoldieron eu there is a standalone map troncraft already
00:55.57Blacksoldieri like it
00:56.00Rodrigo--> definition of complicated: when you have more functions than buttons
00:56.01tordecybombodid anyone make a musicalcraft yet
00:56.02Blacksoldierbut alone its senseless
00:56.12tordecybomboone where units are musical instruments
00:56.29Arthas-2soooo, yeah. nite everybody!
00:56.40VulfeI'm working on a projectile system that lets me change virtually everything about the projectiles during runtime
00:56.41SweetZombieJebusok so that was game #11
00:56.42Vulfeit's such a pain
00:56.49SweetZombieJebuskinda a shame im removing my first game
00:56.52BlacksoldierKi towering with protoss - first making the KI to giveup wins oO
00:56.55SweetZombieJebusstrange that no one likes to do math
00:57.04XackeryThere you go SuraklinSC2: heh
00:57.07Rodrigosomeone played "Platform Defense US" on EU????
00:57.07VulfeI like maths
00:57.28Xackerypassed a record via a parameter
00:57.29SweetZombieJebusdunno what you meanw ith that Blacksoldier
00:57.35Rodrigoplatform defense was published today on EU with the name "Platform Defense US" by vjeux
00:57.47Blacksoldierjust tower a AI enemy
00:57.48Rodrigohas someone played it?
00:57.56Blacksoldiersorry KI = german for AI ;-)
00:58.00SweetZombieJebuswe dont play sc2, we only edit it
00:58.17SweetZombieJebusfor me thats kinda true
00:58.17Rodrigoits so like me
00:58.25RodrigoMeele games: 0  Custom maps game: 2000
00:58.33SweetZombieJebusmelee? lawl
00:58.50RodrigoI have 0 melee games played and almost 2000 custom maps played
00:59.00SweetZombieJebusim on like 0 / 50 :P
00:59.07*** join/#sc2mapster bobthenoob (ad4e1d16@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
00:59.14SweetZombieJebusand 2000 editor hours oO
00:59.16Blacksoldierrodrigo i saw a vid from ya - seems u like nexus wars
00:59.29RodrigoI hate nexus wars
00:59.31SweetZombieJebusits his fav
00:59.35SweetZombieJebuswhy do you think he has 2000 games
00:59.46SweetZombieJebusand consequently explains why nexus wars is on top
00:59.46Blacksoldierall of em nexus wars i think
00:59.51RodrigoI've never talked to lilman. He does not use this chat?
01:00.34RedWraithpre pre pre
01:00.51Technomanceranyone know how to preserve or reassign the moving sphere quality in the Sentry when I import/export it from 3DS?
01:00.52Blacksoldierpre pare
01:01.03Rodrigohas lilman ever used this chat?
01:02.33Rodrigohas lilman ever made a sc2mapster account?
01:03.21VulfeAre unit custom values 0 by default?
01:03.27Vulfeor are they null
01:03.27Rodrigosomeone wanted to pay me to add an ads on my map, but I can't do that, blizz does not allow.
01:03.50Vulfeanswer my questionnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
01:04.25RodrigoI think unit default values are "no unit" = null
01:05.04Blacksoldierok i g2g
01:05.21Rodrigodont play with it. I got a division by 0 once in my map. It took me time to realize.
01:05.47VulfeI have to play with it
01:05.50Triceronwhat kind of map is nexus wars?
01:05.53TriceronI've never played it
01:05.55Vulfeand it works fine by now
01:05.58VulfeTriceron: Bad
01:06.08Triceronmap description plox
01:06.14Rodrigonexus wars is the kind of map that makes your map stay in 2nd place
01:06.21Vulfeyou build structures which auto-produce units
01:06.27Vulfeand they attack-move to the enemy base
01:06.30Vulfethat's the game
01:06.35Vulfein its entirety
01:06.47Rodrigoyou just have to build on nexus wars. You cant even make strategy with your buildings
01:06.48Tricerondamn, i can see why it's popular
01:06.52Rodrigoyou just have to randomly build
01:06.56Rodrigoand pray to win
01:07.15Rodrigoits a faithfull map
01:07.20ekcolnovkol|afkanyone know why nexus wars is missing from the map list?
01:07.25Rodrigoit should be called "Build and Pray"
01:07.27Vulfegod loves us
01:07.31Vulfethat's why ekco
01:07.33ekcolnovkol|afkit's just missing
01:07.34Triceronit's like a TD with less thinking
01:07.36ekcolnovkol|afksame with sotis
01:07.52Rodrigoekcolnovkol|afk ARE YOU SERIOUS??? O.o
01:08.12RodrigoSo my map is in the first place now?? O.o
01:08.22Rodrigolet me check that
01:08.54Xackeryyay, plugged in C++ code, did some minor changes, and got it working haha
01:09.09Triceron:O sotis is off the map?!
01:09.26ekcolnovkol|afkno it's there
01:09.27ekcolnovkol|afknvm me
01:09.30ekcolnovkol|afkthey reset it like
01:09.32ekcolnovkol|afk20 minutes ago
01:09.39ekcolnovkol|afkso all the maps that take 4-5 minutes to finish are at the top
01:09.45RodrigoWHERE THE FUCK IS MY MAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
01:10.03ekcolnovkol|afkyour map is so imba
01:10.13RodrigoPlatform Defense?
01:10.16ekcolnovkol|afkinterceptors destroy every game
01:10.21Rodrigono way
01:10.24ekcolnovkol|afkyeah way
01:10.34Rodrigoekcolnovkol|afk you just have to build turrets. 4 turrets kill all intereceptors
01:10.35ekcolnovkol|afki played it 5 times, we always lose at interceptors/marines
01:10.53RodrigoI always pass the intereceptors
01:10.54ekcolnovkol|afkyour map is popular because it finishes early as well
01:11.04ekcolnovkol|afkjust saying
01:11.12Rodrigo2 groups of 4 players have finished the map already
01:11.37RodrigoI die most of the time on the thors and battlecruisers
01:11.46Rodrigosometimes at immortals
01:11.54Rodrigobut interceptors I always beat
01:12.01*** join/#sc2mapster fgenesis (
01:12.36RodrigoWHY MY MAP, NEXUS WARS, AND SOTIS ARE NOT IN THE LIST?!!!?!?!!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!!?
01:13.07ekcolnovkol|afkthey reset like 20 mins ago -.-"
01:13.11ekcolnovkol|afkchill out lol
01:13.33*** join/#sc2mapster JamesW05 (
01:13.34Rodrigoand sotis too
01:13.38Rodrigoand nexus wars too
01:13.42RodrigoI SAW
01:13.45Rodrigothey where with 400 games played
01:13.51Rodrigonow they are TOTALLY OUT OF THE LIST
01:13.58RodrigoTHEY ARE FUCKING DAMN BANNED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
01:14.11RodrigoIm opening a thread about it
01:15.19HeyRevolverbanned for haxing
01:15.29Triceronalright I'm out
01:15.32HeyRevolverhaxin up the charts
01:16.44ekcolnovkol|afkrodrigo, stop bawwwing
01:17.03Rodrigoekco, your map was deleted too
01:17.09*** join/#sc2mapster goomba_ (
01:17.10ekcolnovkol|afkit wasn't deleted lol
01:17.11ekcolnovkol|afkchill out
01:17.19RodrigoSixen, they did that to give a chance to other maps
01:17.25Rodrigothey deleted temporarily
01:17.31ekcolnovkol|afkit was reset a moment ago, some maps just take time to pick up speed
01:17.45Rodrigoekco, I SAW
01:17.50RodrigoI was looking the list
01:17.58Rodrigothat maps were with about 400 games
01:18.05Rodrigothen, they suddenly disappeared
01:18.26ekcolnovkol|afkok then, so they're testing their popularity system, give the other maps a chance lol
01:18.44Sixeni am interest
01:18.47ekcolnovkol|afkhaven't you always been ranting about giving unpopular maps a chance
01:18.48*** join/#sc2mapster SweetZombieJesus (5591760a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
01:18.54ekcolnovkol|afkwell, here it is, lol
01:19.02HeyRevolverlol now we know what rodrigo really cares about
01:19.06RodrigoThats how they give chances?? RESETING ONLY THE POPULAR MAPS?
01:19.09HeyRevolverbeing on the list
01:19.49RodrigoI didnt like blizzard reseted only the popular maps. This is descrimination
01:19.56HeyRevolveryeah thats lame
01:20.24HeyRevolverit doesnt really give any other maps any more of a chance does it?
01:20.30Rodrigojust because my map is black!
01:20.44Technomancereh Sixen, still there?
01:20.48RodrigoI have to make that joke
01:20.49Rodrigothats a good one
01:20.58Rodrigo"Debates wasn't featured because it's all black"
01:21.09Technomancerdo u know anything about im/exporting m3?
01:21.29RodrigoSixen, blizzard reseted only the popular maps. This is a fact
01:21.29SixenNah, i'm not the guy for that :(. Corbo or RodOfNOD know that stuff.
01:21.41SixenThere's a bunch of guides on the Art forums on mapster though, techno.
01:21.43Technomancerfair enough... ugh
01:21.48Technomancerwell this is a very specific problem
01:21.54SixenI'd PM Corbo, he can definitely help
01:22.01Technomancerimported then exported the Sentry model. everything is fine... EXCEPT the energy ball it holds
01:22.12Technomancerit doesnt do the thing where it cyclically flows into itself
01:22.16Technomancerits static
01:22.19Technomancerbut its ok
01:22.20Technomanceri'll wait for em
01:24.24*** join/#sc2mapster MysT_DooM (
01:25.37*** join/#sc2mapster WAR (43b99d58@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
01:25.43WARSo wheres nexus wars?
01:25.50RodrigoI posted the news:
01:26.06RodrigoWAR, blizzard reseted only the popular maps, so Nexus Wars is in the bottom of the list
01:26.59WARis it a fix?
01:27.00*** join/#sc2mapster Huesy (
01:27.07Rodrigothis is prejudice
01:27.18Rodrigothey cannot select maps that will be reset
01:27.24TinmanI think it should be reset every other month or so :p
01:27.54ekcolnovkol|afkno rodrigo, but apparently they can select to feature a specific map
01:28.18ekcolnovkol|afkwhy are you arguing ethics on map popularity?
01:28.22Rodrigothey can select to feature a map, but they cannot pick maps that they personally wants to reset.
01:28.33ekcolnovkol|afkit's their system, they can do whatever they want
01:28.36*** join/#sc2mapster progammer (4a3ea6d2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
01:28.38ekcolnovkol|afkK VOTE
01:28.40ekcolnovkol|afkWHO WINS DEBATE
01:29.03Rodrigoso now I have to watch out because blizzard can reset my map at any moment? This is too bureocratic
01:29.07Bluerobin427doesn't mean I'm happy about it, but it's true
01:29.09ekcolnovkol|afkthat's cheating rodrigo
01:29.15ekcolnovkol|afkyou only get 2 speech bubbles
01:29.20TinmanI am sure if they want to reset one or two maps they can do that, they can even remove them completely so I don't see why not.
01:29.24Rodrigolol :P
01:29.44RodrigoTinman, they can, but this is only making a dictatorship
01:30.00ekcolnovkol|afkit is
01:30.05Bluerobin427yeah, that's the thing
01:30.05TinmanIt is more like a hierarchy
01:30.16Bluerobin427when was it ever pretending to be anything else
01:30.17*** join/#sc2mapster Terin (
01:30.23RodrigoI'm glad you agreee with me ekcolnovkol|afk, for the first time in the life :P
01:30.31ekcolnovkol|afkbut you wouldn't be complaining about this if Debates suddenly rushed to the top
01:30.50RodrigoDebates cannot go to the top because it's black.
01:30.55Rodrigoit's all black
01:30.56ekcolnovkol|afker... ok...
01:31.05HeyRevolverchinese donuts are the shit
01:31.26HeyRevolveror should I say... the bees knees
01:31.39HeyRevolverthats what the kids are sayin nowadays right?
01:33.47Tinmanstarts his evil scheme
01:36.32TinmanHey Sixen you sleeping or what?
01:37.37TinmanI bet he is sleeping, he is always sleeping even if he says he don't...
01:38.29*** join/#sc2mapster devilesk (~devilesk@
01:38.37Rodrigoplatform defense is going up faster than any other map.
01:38.58Rodrigoargh, this is so wrong
01:39.09Rodrigonow they are selecting maps they want to reset popularity
01:39.23Rodrigo"hey, look at this map! I dont like it! reset its popularity!"
01:39.58TinmanThats why I am starting my evil scheme!
01:40.11TinmanCCT <- Thats what I call it
01:40.51TinmanCombined Collaboration Team, I its all about me kidnapping people!
01:42.46*** join/#sc2mapster lobster (18ed276b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
01:42.54*** join/#sc2mapster Manquiche (
01:43.03Manquichefm fuckin l
01:45.33lobsterdoes anyone want a action rpg engine? it uses a modified version of the wasd movement library
01:46.14lobsterit was support for weapon slashing, weapon spin attacks, hookshot, and bombs
01:46.20lobster*it has
01:46.34lobsteralong with chat dialogs
01:46.40lobsterhowever, its a bit unorganized
01:47.05lobsterit also comes with terrain
01:47.55lobsterYoull need to add some animations for the hookshot though :(
01:47.59Rodrigohey, how do I check (if triggering unit == uncommandable)????????????
01:48.09RodrigoI cant find it
01:49.03Rodrigohow can I check if a unit is commandable or not??
01:49.15lobsterrodrigo, unit type flag
01:50.05lobsterunitt type classification check
01:52.00lobsterIm giving it away because Im starting a new project
01:52.30lobsterIs there any place I can post abandoned projects? or can I just submit it as a map?
01:54.54*** join/#sc2mapster Fromethius (d03a751d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
01:55.05Fromethiusis there an actor term for determing if an animation is playing or not?
01:55.14Fromethiusi know of AnimPlaying but i want the opposite of that
01:55.39lobsterAnimplaying = false?
01:56.11Fromethiusactor terms don't really work like that..
01:58.31rrowlandFromethius what are you trying to do
01:58.45Fromethiusget the lurker den build animation to play properly
01:58.51Fromethiusbut i basically gave up on that
01:59.01Fromethiusso i've resorted to doing AnimPlay Morph 5 seconds
01:59.07Fromethiusand AnimPlay Morph End 5 seconds
01:59.17Fromethiusso i am trying to get the morph end to start playing 5 seconds in
01:59.35Fromethiusnot sure how to do that
01:59.54Manquichehi all
02:00.01Manquicheim slightlmy drunk
02:00.07Manquichebeare with em
02:00.13Trunkhow to move an item from the bag to the equipment menu?
02:00.18Trunkvia triggers of course
02:00.30Manquichejust trigger than shitdawwwwwwwg
02:00.50Trunkalready tried that ;D
02:00.56*** join/#sc2mapster Huesy (
02:01.10Manquichei feel like shit
02:01.24Manquicheevery fuckin tim
02:01.29Manquichei go out drinkin
02:01.34Manquichei wake up sayin never again
02:01.43Manquicheand i always dp it again
02:01.51Trunkare you a frenchmen?
02:01.52Manquicheim a stupid fuckin fuckin fuck
02:02.08Manquichescottish man
02:02.26ManquicheHAGGIS N SHIT
02:02.32Trunkokay cause if you were a french
02:02.42Trunkyou would feel like shit cause you are shit
02:02.43Manquicheif i was french id already have suicided myself
02:03.21Manquichei feel like a couple of midgets nare practisin karate in my kidneys
02:03.22Trunkyeah same for me
02:03.58Manquichetheres a karate clsass in my stomach and everyone is invited
02:04.21Manquichefml im gonna vo m my titts offf when i wake uyp
02:04.34Manquichefuckin stupid twat
02:04.42ekcolnovkol|sleekarate kicks Manquiche in the Spinal Cecum
02:04.45Manquichehow long is it gonna take
02:04.56Manquichetil ir realise alcohol is a bad bad fuckin thing
02:05.08Manquichei almost died once
02:05.12Trunkit isnt  >.<
02:05.16Manquichefun times
02:05.21Manquicheit really fuckin is
02:05.54ManquicheEKCOLNOVKOL i <4 tyou fr sotis
02:06.19Manquicheand i alsom hate you for it
02:06.31Manquicheit turns me into a trahstalkin douche bags
02:06.32Fromethiusanyone know how blend time equates to seconds?
02:07.22*** join/#sc2mapster antares-- (
02:11.14Manquichethere must be some kinda way outa her
02:11.21Manquichessaid the joker to the thiuef
02:11.26Manquichetheres toomuch confusion
02:11.31Manquichei cnt get ne relief
02:11.50Resinate5 hour nap complete
02:11.54Resinatenow to finish my map
02:12.14Manquichehjddjhdbbdbhfuckings u]
02:12.55Manquicheif there ever was s fagggpt jhe wpoild ne cal;led [ete
02:13.08Manquicheotouch typin+ falcohol
02:13.10Manquiche= fail
02:13.45*** join/#sc2mapster Walterer (58417e62@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
02:14.16*** join/#sc2mapster Demo (ae14d4d1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
02:14.25Trunkhi walterer
02:14.38DemoIs there a way to edit water? color and stuff like that?
02:14.50Trunkfucking french?!
02:15.01Manquichego to the water editor and chnaget the color
02:15.19Waltererje ne parle pas anglais...
02:15.28DemoNevermind the data editor be where it's at.
02:15.31Manquicheje ne pas parle francais
02:15.35Manquicheje suit une faggot
02:15.55Manquicheje suis une faggot grand
02:16.03Manquicheyou area large faggot
02:16.22SuraklinSC2You just said you were, Manquiche.
02:16.38Manquichetu est une faggot grand
02:16.42Manquichebetter >
02:16.45SuraklinSC2There ya go.
02:16.46Manquicheim rather drunk
02:16.53Manquicheand its been years since high schoool french
02:17.00SuraklinSC2Now everyone can be a "faggot grand" together.
02:17.01Trunkdamn french
02:17.14Trunkshall blitzkrieg them again >.<
02:17.39Manquichemy stomach feels like it is home to both nagasaki and hiroshima
02:17.56Manquichethe alcohol versions
02:17.57SuraklinSC2Go get rid of it then.
02:18.04SuraklinSC2It sounds like a useless stomach.
02:18.10Manquichegood god im gna regert thjis in te mornin
02:18.29Manquichei see myself kneelin in front ofa bucket/the toilet
02:18.34Manquicheyay for e
02:19.03Manquicheim gna go take a shite
02:19.08Manquicheand then try to fall aslee
02:19.18Manquicheeven tho my brain is dooin cartwheel s
02:19.36WaltererJe hais tous ceux qui ne sont pas français français, sont les meilleurs et nous ne sommes pas juifs porcs
02:20.21Resinatedoes anyone know how to disable the DEFEAT text lol
02:20.56WaltererPour la patrie nous allons à la mort, maintenant se lever et de l'état-tempête se détachent
02:21.16*** join/#sc2mapster devilesk (~devilesk@
02:21.19*** join/#sc2mapster Cronos (
02:21.25Rodrigonow there are 2 burning tides featured :P
02:22.25lobsterresinate, remove the init trigger
02:23.57Resinateim changing the code
02:24.00Resinateso its not needed now
02:24.15Resinateman this char select was prob the most adv thing ive made
02:28.42Resinatethat view looked cool
02:36.30*** join/#sc2mapster Vulfe (45864a45@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
02:42.11Twinerthey must be re-tooling the map popularity system
02:45.31Rodrigoplatform defense was updated on EU with the name "Platform Defense US." I need someone on EU to see if the map is all right on EU
02:45.46Rodrigo"Platform Defense US" by vjeux
02:47.20Resinatemy fking auto select is soo dam busted
02:47.30Resinatepicked int doesnt even work
02:52.08VulfeThanks, GE
02:52.13Vulfe\for deleting half of my triggers
02:52.16Vulfefor no reason
02:55.25*** join/#sc2mapster Adys (~Adys@unaffiliated/adys)
02:59.32Resinatei have a  bug
02:59.39Resinatewhere the scores are backwards lol
03:02.26*** join/#sc2mapster Gimpexe (cbce2564@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
03:02.41ReckeDHow do you modify a units command card using abilities/effects/behaviors?
03:03.08Resinateu dont
03:03.11*** join/#sc2mapster ckknight (~ckknight@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/CurseStaff/CurseForge/ckknight)
03:03.11*** mode/#sc2mapster [+o ckknight] by ChanServ
03:03.11Resinateu use UNIT lol
03:03.46ReckeDwell i want to use abilities/effects/behaviors, is it possible?
03:04.04VulfeModify a command card how
03:04.17ReckeDmodify button order
03:04.21Resinatechoose the unit lol
03:04.24Resinateand ull see it
03:04.30Resinatealso make sure u have UI on
03:04.43ReckeDresinate, im trying to make a workaround for upgrades
03:04.49Vulfehe's trying to do it runtime
03:04.50ReckeDso unit uses ability
03:05.07Vulfewell, unless you want to make a complex system of requirements
03:05.10Vulfeyou can't
03:05.11ReckeDand it modifies the command card, giving access to a different ability
03:05.17ReckeDsame as upgrades, but different
03:05.38Vulfewhat precisely
03:05.41Vulfedo you need to do
03:05.45SycoPrimeIs applying -1 behaviors via an effect bad?
03:05.53HuesyGreatest website ever:
03:05.58ReckeDchange the order of the buttons in a units command card
03:06.09ReckeDis there an effect or behavior which can do this?
03:06.30jorgenptI have a Create Unit Effect, how can I tell it to create the unit at a specific point relative to the caster?
03:06.43ReckeDuse create persistant
03:06.45jorgenptI'm using Target - Location - Value: Caster Unit, but I want it to be behind the caster unit.
03:06.45SycoPrimeReckeD: that question has been asked over and over again. You can't.
03:06.47ReckeDand then set an offset
03:06.55ReckeDokay cheers Syco
03:07.39ReckeDmorph system is ugly imho =(
03:07.56jorgenptReckeD: What is the coordinates in Create Persistent's Target - Offset - Initial relative to?
03:08.04Resinatedo u wanna see the map
03:08.06Resinateits ready now
03:08.14Resinateafter 3 hours of fixing bugs with char select LOL
03:08.15jorgenptReckeD: Like how do I say 0.5 units in the direction opposite of the unit's facing.
03:08.44*** join/#sc2mapster Chainclaw (
03:09.11jorgenptOk, thanks. :-)
03:09.12ReckeDthis tutorial covers using persistants to create an effect at the offset from a point
03:09.13*** join/#sc2mapster pirate (cef8808d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
03:09.28ReckeDits not exactly what your trying to do, but its similar
03:10.15jorgenpt" For whatever reason, a line extending in the negative Y axis is how something extending out from the front of the caster is made - just because that's how it is. "
03:11.08pirateso i've got an issue where a unit is told via a trigger to use an ability, and the unit only does it about half the time (debugger shows that trigger is in fact firing each time)
03:11.56Resinatemy map actully worked in Bent
03:12.18ReckeDdoes the ability have a cooldown?
03:12.32ReckeDcost of any kind?
03:12.40pirateits a modified version of snipe, that costs no energy
03:12.54ReckeDand has no cooldown
03:13.06ReckeDim out of ideas already =P
03:13.18pirateyup, its really bothering me
03:14.29Resinatemy idea is so big
03:14.37Resinateit took me 80 hours of work to finish it
03:14.46ReckeDhow did you come up with 80?
03:15.01ReckeDis there an option in the editor that tracks time mapping ? =p
03:15.04Resinatewell ive been spending on avg of 10-12 hours a day working on it
03:15.08Resinateand its been 5 days alrdy
03:15.14Resinateand i have 2 more days to finish it
03:15.18ReckeDdont worry resinate i feel your pain
03:15.24Resinatepain LOL
03:15.26ReckeDim so close to releasing my map its not funny
03:15.30Resinatei fking love this map
03:15.32ReckeDand the closer i get, the more hours i spend
03:15.35ReckeDand the more bugs i find
03:15.43ReckeDwhich means i spend more hours, and find more bugs
03:15.48Resinateits not bugs lOL
03:15.58Resinatecuz i make my code almost bug free 1st time around
03:16.07Resinateits just theres 100s of little things to be added
03:16.18rrowlandEasy way to make an ability not chase something if it's out of range
03:16.24Resinateu wanna see this map?
03:16.33ReckeDim SEA bud
03:16.42ReckeDbut ill show you mine if you show me yours
03:16.44Resinateis anyone where even usa?
03:16.50Resinatedude imnot gay
03:17.00rrowlandYeah sure bud
03:17.07ReckeDoh im sorry, i totally got the wrong impression
03:17.11Resinatei play that game with girls
03:17.25Resinatetoo bad girls always wins
03:17.29Resinatethey have more to show lol
03:18.31ReckeDIs it possible to modify the button flags (hidden) via data?
03:18.35Otixayour face is a gay teapot
03:20.15Resinateim a little tea pot short and spout
03:20.22Resinatehere is my nossle and here is my handle
03:20.40SuraklinSC2Don't check the "Approach" flag on the ability?  Maybe?  ^^
03:20.42Resinateu just got tea potted
03:20.57rrowlandthat's probably it
03:21.00rrowlandthank you sura
03:21.08Jum-JumWhats the difference between Gigabyte GeForce GTX 460 768MB OC and Gigabyte GeForce GTX 460 768MB?
03:21.13Jum-JumThe only thing I see is OC
03:21.16Jum-Jumtheres no difference in price either
03:21.24rrowlandOne is overclocked
03:21.28rrowlandhence OC
03:21.29SuraklinSC2OC = overclocked.
03:21.39rrowlandSame hardware, diff configuration
03:21.42SuraklinSC2Get that, IF you've got good cooling.  ;)
03:21.43rrowlandOC will run hotter and less stable
03:21.56Jum-Jumdidnt know they did that
03:22.00Jum-Jumand no my cooling isnt great
03:22.03Jum-Jumgoing for the safe one! :P
03:22.12ReckeDsmart man
03:22.46ReckeDOkay, what about creating a morph that doesnt require the training que to be empty?
03:22.50ReckeDand.... go!
03:24.05mike9055when it says OC on the package isnt that just a marketing term
03:24.10mike9055i dont think it's actually overclocked
03:24.27ReckeDnah mike im pretty confident they do overclock them
03:24.36Jum-Jumits overclocked
03:24.37Jum-JumI checked
03:24.45Jum-Jumbut the one which is overclocked has double fans
03:24.49ReckeDasrrowland said, same hardware, dif config
03:25.04Jum-Jumscrew it, im going for the OC one >:)
03:25.21mike9055rrowland why are you so smart
03:25.24ReckeDjum, just make sure your case is well ventilated and you should be fine
03:25.32mike9055huhhhhhhhHHHH! huuuuhhhhhHHHHHHHHH!
03:25.59Jum-Jummy comp is actually quite cool now, and I really hate overheating problems
03:26.07rrowlandcause i was born with a genetic defect
03:26.11rrowlandmy penis is actually inside my brain
03:26.12Jum-Jumbut my gpu is brokenz!
03:26.17rrowlandso when i get horny i get smarter
03:26.20Jum-Jumand old
03:26.21*** join/#sc2mapster KineMorto (
03:26.23mike9055that's a good premise
03:26.27mike9055brb writing a book about that
03:26.34KineMortoIs it even possible to create your own data types
03:26.35Technomancerwouldnt the pressure just cause migraines?
03:26.44KineMortolike if I wanted to create a new type of ability
03:26.55Technomancerum what kinda ability?
03:27.01Technomancerit'd be like a behaviour wouldnt it?
03:27.12Technomancertriggers/behaviours can do anything
03:27.15Technomancerbetween em
03:27.17KineMortoA modification of the arm magazine ability
03:27.49KineMortoyes I could use triggers or other data types
03:28.02KineMortobut at the expense of extended processing power
03:28.16*** join/#sc2mapster corbo (~thecorbo@
03:28.18KineMortosome of you are cool with lag fests im not
03:29.05ReckeDtriggers/data cant edit the god damn minerals icon in the top right of the screen
03:29.09ReckeDfucking annoying
03:29.58KineMortojust upload your own picture
03:30.06KineMortoimport it with the same name.
03:30.16ReckeDwhats the name kinemorto?
03:30.29ReckeDwait dont answer that i have a list here somewhere
03:30.35KineMortoopen up the mpq
03:30.45ReckeDis that all you have to do, export an icon and save it with the same name, then import it?
03:30.52KineMortohas to be dds
03:30.57KineMortoso you need the photoshop plugin
03:31.06RedWraithSixen, you there?
03:31.18RedWraithYou should play my map, Sentry Scramble. ;)
03:31.40ReckeDzzz cheers kine
03:31.42rrowlandYeah play it all you can
03:31.43Resinatei need someone to help me with my map test
03:31.56rrowlandCause once the blizz contest is over you'll never play it again with all the good maps out
03:32.06jorgenptHow should you do an ability that can be upgraded? Use Requirements on the command card and have the first one show only if not the cool upgrade has been gotten, and the other the other way around?
03:32.32RedWraithrrowland, you want to play it? :p
03:32.47*** join/#sc2mapster Rodrigo__ (464f4549@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
03:33.14RedWraithwhat's up? :)
03:33.17ReckeDany way to make a morph ability work even if the unit has units in its build que?
03:33.40Rodrigo__fine. I just updated Platform Defense. Fixed the bug when the unit leave platform
03:34.29Rodrigo__I think my starcraft is overheating my laptop
03:35.57Rodrigo__its the third time my laptop freezes while I'm playing starcraft
03:36.09Rodrigo__due to overheating
03:36.46*** join/#sc2mapster SuraklinSC2 (
03:36.53VulfeDo you know how to call a function in a trigger that has no return value?
03:37.37Rodrigo__I think its the action call trigger
03:37.43Rodrigo__if its not, there should be one called call function
03:38.33Resinateglitch is that
03:38.38Resinatemy map works for 1 player
03:38.44Resinatebut breaks if theres 2+
03:40.19ReckeDdont worry bu
03:40.20Resinatewell testers today suck
03:40.25ReckeDits not game-breaking
03:40.34Resinatei cant do anything
03:40.39Resinateuntil i get an active tester
03:40.41Resinatewho doesnt afk
03:40.58Resinatefucking sucks being inso much pain
03:41.04Resinatein real life
03:41.57VulfeRodrigo: Run Trigger doesn't work; call function doesn't exist
03:42.16Rodrigo__there is one
03:42.19Rodrigo__I remember I saw
03:42.22Rodrigo__I just dont remember where
03:42.34Rodrigo__I believe its something call
03:42.48Rodrigo__now I think I remember
03:42.53Rodrigo__call function is not an action
03:43.02Rodrigo__it might be one of the buttons
03:43.09Rodrigo__look for a button for functions
03:43.34*** join/#sc2mapster oldschool (62a4fa8f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
03:43.45Rodrigo__the map I just tested now: I dont think the player need to see his own name
03:43.52Resinatecan anyone help me test a map
03:44.12VulfeDo you think setting a dummy variable to the function call will work
03:44.15Resinatei cant fix that
03:44.20Resinatecuz if i hide it
03:44.25Resinateit hides it for everyone
03:44.27VulfeLike, will it execute the actions and then just return true and go yay?
03:44.32Rodrigo__I AM ALMOST SURE THAT.........................................
03:44.35oldschoolhey guys, in Galaxy's model viewer, How do i see the attachment points of a model?
03:44.45Resinatei tryed testing it lol
03:44.56SuraklinSC2zomg, play meh map.  ><
03:45.13RedWraithlol Rodrigo
03:45.15RedWraithThat'd be great.
03:45.19RedWraithGet other people to do it for oyu.
03:45.24Resinaterod im goku LOL
03:45.25Resinatein bnet
03:45.27SuraklinSC2Looks like some people did play it.
03:45.32Resinatebtw when u played it
03:45.34SuraklinSC2I needs feeedbackkkk.  ><
03:45.35Resinatewere u able to make a char
03:45.37Resinateand it worked?
03:45.42SuraklinSC2"Capture the Baneling" , gogogo. ^^
03:45.44oldschoolcan someone help me with my question?
03:46.00Rodrigo__Resinate, the player dont need to see his own name. that's annoying
03:46.17Rodrigo__and change color. Same team: blue. enemies: red
03:46.33Rodrigo__or same team white
03:46.48Resinateur too slow to explain things
03:46.48Rodrigo__or light green
03:47.02oldschoolah nm i think i got it
03:47.05Resinatei just said why
03:47.19Resinatethe tags are fine
03:47.27Resinatered is for team
03:47.32Resinateand blue is for blue team
03:47.36Rodrigo__there a pink light blinking in my laptop. Im worried
03:47.38Resinateu cant see other teams tags
03:47.54Resinatefor showing ur own tag
03:47.57Resinateu cant hide it
03:48.05Resinatecuz if u hide for u, itll hide for everyone
03:48.17Resinateeven if i convert player to player group
03:48.19SuraklinSC2Tags are show all or not shown.
03:48.23SuraklinSC2No middle ground.  ><
03:48.37Resinatei got them to show only for ur team
03:48.54Resinateall players on red team can see red tags but no blue
03:48.55SuraklinSC2I tried crap, and it still showed both.  So, I blame you.
03:48.58Resinateand visa versa
03:49.04Rodrigo__hey. ================= I believe now there's no match history when you play your own maps. It means, you cant boost your own maps anymore. Can someone check this? ==============
03:49.20Resinateu have to wait 5 mins
03:50.52Rodrigo__I waited 10
03:50.57Rodrigo__my game is not in my match history
03:52.02*** join/#sc2mapster ekcolnovkol|sush (
03:52.14ekcolnovkol|sushlmao, they nuked the crap out of sotis with that last update
03:52.31Rodrigo__lol ekco
03:52.41Rodrigo__ecko, I think now you cannot boost your own map
03:52.48ekcolnovkol|sushi'm not worried
03:52.53Resinatebnet fails
03:52.54ReckeDany way to allow morph even with units in the unit que?
03:52.55Rodrigo__see if your own maps are in your match history
03:53.02Resinateit cant run all my triggers
03:53.06Resinateit just skips them
03:53.13Rodrigo__you will be worried the day you make a new map
04:00.45Vulfethat's a long triggah
04:00.50Vulfeand it can only get longer x.x
04:01.33*** join/#sc2mapster Zanam (603c0a44@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
04:02.11ZanamHey guys, is there a quick and easy way to disable the idle worker button on the left
04:02.27Zanamother than unflagging the workers as workers
04:04.26jorgenptMaybe you can hide it from something in the UI section of triggers?
04:04.44Zanamsadly it doesnt have its own UI panel
04:05.19Zanamor at least if it does, its not in the list in the enable/disable ui trigger action
04:07.16Zanamah well, can just redo the flags
04:07.29Zanamsubmission map is near ready for testing...
04:09.56ReckeDhave you looking through the game UI data?
04:10.32jorgenptCan burrowed units attack unburrowed units?
04:10.55Zanamdidn't see anything that jumped out at me for idle workers.  it's no biggie, forgot there was a search function in the trigger editor.  already changed the flag, i was just using 'worker' to mark special types of units
04:12.15IskatuMeskheh... "Tiling frequency" for textures in terrain sets... does absolutely nothing
04:13.12ReckeDyes Jorg, just look at the lurker
04:13.34currydevilSure they can Jorg, you just have to add a weapon to their burrowed unit
04:14.01IskatuMesk+ higher rez textures seem to break
04:14.09IskatuMesknot looking good for TPS'
04:19.41LordAbyssi can't get a c compiler to work with textpad :(
04:21.38ReckeDWhat does Minimum Scan Range refer to in the weapons tab?
04:21.40currydevilseems impossible to change the color of a dialog label from white. :(
04:21.42currydeviloh well
04:22.03ReckeDcurrydevil, do it in the text manager
04:22.37currydevilok, seems kinda extra when the trigger itself has a color value built in and it doesn't affect the item xD
04:22.44currydevilbuilt into the action
04:23.08currydevilbut i;m trying to color it based on the player color chosen in the lobby
04:23.18currydevildoes the text manager offer that versatility?
04:23.24currydevilor is it a constant color?
04:26.49ReckeDi know its doable
04:26.52ReckeDbut i dont know how
04:27.25currydevildoesn't seem to offer dynamic coloring like a trigger :(
04:31.17ReckeDsuprised your trigger action isnt working
04:31.25ReckeDid double check it before you give up =P
04:32.06Rodrigo__Reseting only the popular maps sent SotiS to the last page lol
04:32.15Rodrigo__Nexus Wars is on the top again :P
04:32.26Rodrigo__my map is currently on page 2, going up
04:33.19Rodrigo__the rest is gone :P
04:33.32Rodrigo__even the featured maps is gone
04:33.48Rodrigo__debates is gone too
04:35.06Rodrigo__good that debates is gone, now I can send it to the contest without people complaining :P
04:36.15corbothis essay was totally not fun
04:36.21corboanyway hai guys
04:36.54KineMortoI posted in your thread saying to boost nexus wars
04:36.58KineMortoglad people listened
04:37.00KineMortoits so awesome
04:40.45IskatuMeskwhy does sc2's terrain texture stuff suck so much
04:40.46*** join/#sc2mapster RedWraith (
04:41.30IskatuMeskI'd hate to have to manually model each and every single level but with how ugly the textures are looking I might have to :P
04:41.44KineMortowhat are you making?
04:41.50Rodrigo__lol KineMorto
04:41.58KineMortosingle player?
04:42.05KineMortoI respect that then
04:42.09Rodrigo__is studying Calculus III
04:42.33KineMortoyou know how I know youre gay rodrigo? You are studying calculus instead of playing Nexus Wars.
04:42.36IskatuMeskI can't import higher rez textures or they turn ito a mess, and the tiling frequency option does nothing
04:43.04*** join/#sc2mapster MaxMode (
04:43.07Rodrigo__KineMorto, if gay means smart, then im gay
04:43.21KineMortoIt doesnt. It means gay.
04:43.37Rodrigo__and what gay means
04:43.40Rodrigo__because the dictionary says it means happy
04:44.39KineMortoIt means homosezual
04:45.01KineMortoim just kidding I just think its funny how people dont like innovation
04:46.06Rodrigo__is laughing hard because one map maker forgot his boost trigger on and now his map was suddenly popular and everyone is being defeated after 5 minutes
04:46.44Rodrigo__guyz, if you want to boost your maps, remember to turn it off when you finish boosting it
04:47.55jorgenptHmm. What part of the editor decides what goes into Preload.xml?
04:48.04KineMortoyou know I was wondering that too
04:48.18*** join/#sc2mapster Terin (
04:48.45jorgenptI'm wondering if its mostly what units you've put into the map using the terrain editor.
04:48.52jorgenpt(and doodads etc)
04:49.04TehwildcardSixen, take party invite
04:49.19jorgenptAnd uh, behaviors applied in triggers (!)
04:49.28jorgenptBut not units referred to in triggers.
04:50.39Twinernuclear defense
04:52.52Rodrigo__hey guyz, i've studied for 5 min. I'm tired. If you want to play a match of platform defense with me, tell me.
04:53.29*** join/#sc2mapster Dogmai (
04:53.38Dogmaimorning all
04:54.22jorgenptIs there any effect I can look at that spawns something relative to the unit depending on it's current facing?
04:54.27jorgenpt(Like spawns a unit behind it or something)
04:55.04Dogmaiyou can do it via triggers
04:55.29jorgenptI want to do it in the data editor. :-)
04:55.36*** join/#sc2mapster Kalekin (
04:56.40Zanamcorbo?  is he around?
04:58.24Zanambah, two days till submission and I cant find my testers! :D
04:59.35jorgenptI don't think I'll finish
04:59.42jorgenptToo much moving, not enough time to polish.
04:59.51jorgenptWhich kinda blows.
05:00.53ZanamI've spent the last few days doing polish, i've got a lot of 'wow' stuff... custom announcer, putting in a handmade techno background music, lots of sfx, new arenas... not much left to do but bug test
05:01.12jorgenptWhat's the source of the custom announcer?
05:01.16*** join/#sc2mapster RazielZ (~Raziel@
05:01.41Zanama microsoft text-to-speech voice that i passed through some filters, it's pretty much a male adjutant
05:01.44jorgenpthehe, ok
05:02.18Zanami didnt like the editor's announcer, he's too cheesy, plus i wanted to voice-over my tutorial and other things
05:02.44jorgenptYou voice-over them with TTS? :-p
05:03.58Dogmaiekcolnovkol ...
05:04.01Zanamyeah, it sounds really good, had to pay for a good voice module, the ones that come prebuilt suck
05:04.29Zanamwant to hear it for yourself and help me test? :P
05:05.21*** join/#sc2mapster Xenrathe (47443c58@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
05:05.33XenratheWhat's the max number of shapes a single region can have?
05:05.40Xenratheor alternatively, what's the max number of shapes your map can have?
05:05.49*** join/#sc2mapster LordAbyss (~LordAbyss@
05:05.51Zanamno idea
05:06.18Xenratheno more than 50 shapes to a region
05:08.05corboout of luck there
05:08.11corboyou'll have to model the entire thing
05:08.22corboand EVEN THAT WAY
05:08.22corbothey'd still suck
05:08.42Zanammind helpin me test that map I had you run a couple weeks back?  two days till submission, i've gotten a lot accomplished
05:08.44*** join/#sc2mapster dukka (
05:08.46corboBecause you'd have to use a ridiculously small texture for a ridiculously big map
05:08.53corboI'm sorry Zanam
05:08.58corboI can't right now
05:09.33corboI could help you tomorrow night but not today
05:10.10KineMortomy dota variant is going to be so awsome :)
05:10.23KineMortoits not a clone its a whole new take on it :D
05:10.28*** join/#sc2mapster Triceron (60313557@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
05:10.28Resinatelol zanam
05:10.40TriceronI hate spiders...
05:10.40Resinatetook u 2 weeks to make a map for contest XD
05:10.45corbohow dare you use dota and awesome in a same sentence
05:10.49Resinatemine took 5 days XD
05:10.55KineMortoIts called Dota, Halo, Call of Duty Wars
05:10.56Zanamcorbo, i have a couple more lined up tommorow, i'll check around to see if you're on
05:10.56Triceronhey I like dota!
05:10.56jorgenptZanam: I'm currently poking at my own map. ;-)
05:10.59corboquality vs quantity
05:10.59KineMortotheres these two nexuses
05:11.11Zanamok jorgenpt, thought i'd ask ;)
05:11.28Triceronnexuses?  or nexii?
05:11.32Tricerondun dun dun
05:11.38jorgenptOr just nexi!
05:11.45jorgenptOr nexuZ3Z.
05:11.49KineMortoNW 4 LYFE
05:11.52Dogmaiis there a hotkey for ignore placing requirements?
05:12.23corbo+ place
05:12.29jorgenptControl on my Mac, Dogmai
05:12.29corbowait, in editor or ingame?
05:12.39corbomight be control then :P
05:12.50jorgenpt(Editor is my reference)
05:12.57jorgenptHow could ignore placing requirements ingame?
05:13.14jorgenpts/How could/Why would you be able to/
05:13.39jorgenptUgh. Data editor. No way I'm going to make these abilities all work in 2-3 days. :-p
05:14.08Dogmaishift on pc :) thanks mate
05:14.12Dogmaihaha, I feel your pain
05:14.19Dogmailemme guess, AoS jorgenpt?
05:14.32*** join/#sc2mapster FahqueL (4395cd10@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
05:14.37KineMortoAssholes on SC2Mapster
05:15.19DogmaiWhat type of map are you making for the comp?
05:15.36jorgenptTBA. ;-)
05:15.43Dogmaiyea yea :P
05:15.49Dogmaisif anyone can copy you in 2 days
05:15.55jorgenptIt's not AoS or TD or hero arena. ^_^
05:16.12jorgenptI know, I just want the product to be more usable before I tell anyone but testers etc about it. :)
05:16.13Dogmaiyou do realise you have to have it in before the 11th
05:16.16Dogmainot on the 11th
05:16.22Dogmaias its 12.01 am
05:16.31jorgenptOh damn, really?
05:16.40jorgenptI kinda assumed it was 11.59pm
05:16.45Dogmaithat little bit of info just cost you 50% of your winnings
05:17.03Triceronjust saw a replay of a sc2 hax
05:17.04jorgenptI'm not gonna win, because I'm not gonna finish.
05:17.07Triceronwarping in immortals O_o
05:17.16Dogmaineither am I, but I am throwing in what i have
05:17.22Dogmaiand say, shit, if i did this in 4 weeks
05:17.31Dogmaiimagine what it would be like in another 4 weeks when blizzcon is on
05:17.32KineMortoDamn it I love when a plan comes together
05:17.34*** join/#sc2mapster TeddyFace (Teddy@
05:17.39KineMortoyou make some intricate set of triggers
05:17.43KineMortoand everything works
05:17.44KineMortofirst try
05:17.50KineMortoI just hifived a shark
05:18.04jorgenptDogmai: If I have a bit more than just the core mechanics working, and some testing to balance it even the slightest, I'll submit it
05:18.32KineMortoI wanna hifive Maduck
05:19.08jorgenptLike my map /works/, it's just lacking interesting content (interesting abilities & upgrades) and polish/tweaking/balancing.
05:19.22Dogmai:) Thats the way. I finished my engine last night, but there is no way to fill it with content in time.
05:20.46KineMortoIs there a way to attach a point to a point at a polar offset?
05:21.16jorgenptKineMorto: "Attach"? Do you mean calculate one?
05:21.20Resinatedoes anyone know why my mouse auto double clicks things in sc2 editr
05:21.38KineMortoNo I mean make it where it doesnt have to be calculated
05:21.48KineMortoidk what I mean
05:21.57KineMortothis pokemon site is way to awesome
05:22.27*** join/#sc2mapster IskatuMesk (ae015692@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
05:24.16IskatuMeskI now have like +15 models to sequence for sc2
05:24.23IskatuMeskand every single one of them will suffer from that smoothing group issue T.T
05:26.09IskatuMeskon the bright side I managed to reclaim +2 fps from sc2 with the driver hotfixes
05:26.48jorgenptCan you use multiple tilesets on one map?
05:26.51KineMortoyou guys ever taken a ride on the
05:26.55Resinatecan someone pm me if ur able to help
05:26.58Resinatetoo many ppl in here
05:27.01KineMortoit will penetrate your soul
05:27.02Resinatecant sort out whos who
05:27.30KineMortoare those units back there?
05:27.51IskatuMeskmany zerg
05:27.54Resinatehow did u make 2 different types of boss bars like that
05:28.09IskatuMeskthe Terran AI ignores everything telling him to keep his BC and Odin in his bace, runs out to suicide those guys, then dies immediately after
05:28.18IskatuMeskno idea, I'm using a library a guy posted on sc2mapster
05:28.22KineMortoiskatumesk I think hes going to need some more health
05:28.30KineMortoim pretty sure theres more than 150 of them
05:29.34corboyes you can
05:31.16corboI like it how
05:31.18corbothat cameraq
05:31.22corbohas depth of field
05:31.33IskatuMeskyes, I enabled it
05:31.52IskatuMeskas well as altered the FOV
05:32.08IskatuMeskTPS needs higher FOV than default
05:32.34IskatuMeskfield of view
05:33.35corbothat's just weird man
05:35.50IskatuMesk... Huh. Escape does not appear to be working
05:35.56IskatuMeskcan't get out of placement mode
05:37.16*** join/#sc2mapster Hati (
05:37.16*** mode/#sc2mapster [+v Hati] by ChanServ
05:37.23IskatuMeskok space bar works
05:37.42Rodrigo__people love to criticize me on the blizz forums. I just opened a random thread, and that's it, someone mentioning my name!
05:37.54*** join/#sc2mapster got_Ammo (
05:38.07LordAbyssim happy :)
05:38.31*** join/#sc2mapster Kalekin (
05:38.47LordAbyssi found a decenet c compiler :)
05:40.28OtixaWhat, you found Visual Studio or gcc?
05:40.55LordAbyssi couldn't get gcc to work with textpad
05:41.03currydevildo the jigglydrill!
05:41.04LordAbyssso i found something called
05:41.14LordAbysspelles c ide
05:41.23LordAbyssworks pretty much like textpad would
05:41.33Otixadrools a bit and stares blankly
05:41.41LordAbyssvisual studio was to confusing for me to try and figure out before my homework was due
05:42.03Otixagoes into a coma
05:42.57OtixaPlease apply the nearest blunt object to your face :|
05:43.24LordAbysswho me?
05:43.42corbopeople use something other than dev c++?
05:43.52Otixa... ¬_¬
05:44.02Otixatabs out to avoid brain damage
05:44.04corbothat almost says butt rape
05:44.06*** join/#sc2mapster MysT_DooM (
05:44.07LordAbyssi just need to program in freaken C
05:44.10LordAbyssand i found something that works
05:44.15LordAbyssdon't make me stab you otixa
05:44.48LordAbysswhat would you recommend
05:46.59LordAbyssim waiting for your c compiler recommendations :P
05:47.46OtixaVisual Studio
05:48.16LordAbyssi did visual c++ express or something like that
05:48.26LordAbyssi would try and load a file and it wouldn't let me compile and run
05:50.34RazielZI can help with that.
05:50.45LordAbyssshhh, i found a program that i like
05:50.47LordAbyssand is easy
05:50.54LordAbyssand works just like textpad did for me in java
05:51.25RazielZWhat do ya need to make?
05:51.45LordAbyssits for my introductory class to electrical and computer engineering
05:51.49LordAbyssjust basic c programs
05:52.22LordAbyssnothing complex
05:53.07LordAbysswhat is that?
05:53.23Resinatei give up
05:53.24LordAbyssreally a whole different language?
05:53.27Resinatethis map
05:53.28RazielZprogrammable micro controllers I guess
05:53.30Resinatecant run on bnet
05:53.35OtixaIt says it on the page ¬_¬
05:53.38Resinatethey need to fix the dam editer
05:53.41OtixaArduino is an open-source electronics prototyping platform based on flexible, easy-to-use hardware and software. It's intended for artists, designers, hobbyists, and anyone interested in creating interactive objects or environments.
05:53.43Resinateso it matches bnet
05:53.48LordAbysswhy would i want that
05:53.59LordAbyssi just want to program simple C programs that just spit out text
05:54.02RazielZSince an Arduino board doesn't have a screen, we blink an LED instead.
05:54.03LordAbysswhen started
05:54.07RazielZEven my KEYBOARD has a screen
05:54.19OtixaRazielZ, you can hook up screens to it
05:54.27RazielZI know
05:54.34RazielZBut it's probably not that easy
05:54.40LordAbyssim not asking you guys for any help other then editor crap :P
05:54.40OtixaIt is
05:54.46LordAbyssyou guys make it waaay to confusing
05:54.51RazielZNever did microcontroller programming... mainly beause shit's not available in romania
05:55.02OtixaI got a dot matrix display to work with it
05:55.06RazielZGod dammit just open dev c++ write four lines of cout<< and win
05:55.21OtixaRazielZ, they import them into Bulgaria
05:55.30RazielZMaybe there's a distributor here too
05:55.35RazielZNever really looked actually
05:55.36OtixaMost likely
05:55.43OtixaIt's pretty awesome
05:55.55OtixaBasically a glorified ATMega chip with some custom firmware
05:56.06LordAbyssis what i found
05:56.09LordAbyssand i like it :P
05:56.48Otixashows LordAbyss a screwdriver
05:56.49RazielZC is legacy
05:56.57LordAbysslike i said
05:57.01LordAbyssi HAVE to use C
05:57.03LordAbyssfor my class
05:57.09RazielZYour class sucks ass
05:57.16RazielZOutputting text and variables in c is horrible
05:57.22LordAbyssits an intro class to electrical and computer engineering
05:57.29RazielZC+++s cout is way better and easier
05:57.34LordAbyssi liked java
05:57.43OtixaIf it's electrical engineering - how are you gonna output the text? ;p
05:57.52currydevilI'm failing at making a custom dialog leaderboard :(  
05:57.52RazielZHe liked java!
05:57.54RazielZGod help us all!
05:58.15OtixaSo I heared you like virtual machines
05:58.23OtixaSo we put a virtual machine in your virtual machine
05:58.31OtixaSo you can have AWFULLY SLOW AND SHITTY CODE
05:58.49LordAbysscan you program in the editor
05:58.54LordAbysslike not using the standard gui?
05:58.58LordAbyssor is it pointless atm
05:59.02currydevilIf i am making a dialog for a leaderboard, which dialog item do I use to display kill counters and such? it seems I cannot update the value of a dialog label after it's been created
05:59.23LordAbysslike lots of advanced map makers in wc3 used jass
05:59.27LordAbyssinstead of the gui
05:59.34RazielZyou can program in freaking notepad, name it .cpp and compile it
05:59.44LordAbyssthats what i wanted to know
05:59.47Otixalol'd at the "advanced map makers" part
05:59.49LordAbysstake a chill pill
05:59.50RazielZbut you need a compiler
05:59.57OtixaFor SC2 it's Galaxy code
06:00.05OtixaAnd it sucks balls
06:00.16LordAbyssso currently gui > galaxy code?
06:00.36OtixaI'm not even counting the GUI as something you can use to create shit
06:00.44OtixaMore like a fucking about simulator
06:00.50RazielZI only use the gui cause I can't get documentation for galaxy
06:01.07RazielZwhen I need more complex stuff I crete some of the commands in the gui then take them and put them together in custom scripts
06:01.43LordAbyssonly time i ever used custom scripts was in memory leaks in wc3, but sc2 fixed that unless i am mistaken
06:02.36LordAbyssi am picturing fire coming out of raziels ears because of my questions
06:03.13RazielZI don't get how a simple map can ahve memory leaks when it doesn't evne use dynamic memory variables and... anything
06:03.33LordAbyssdid you every make maps in wc3, create lots of special effects and not destroy them?
06:03.38LordAbyssmemory leak!
06:03.47RazielZYeah then it makes sense
06:03.55RazielZAnd no I never used any editor other than this one
06:03.58LordAbysslike even an explosion
06:04.03LordAbyssso think
06:04.08LordAbyssif you have a game go on for 10 hours
06:04.15LordAbyssa nuke every 5 seconds
06:04.26LordAbyssin wc3 the visual would go away
06:04.31LordAbyssbut it would still take memory
06:04.38LordAbyssit would start to lag after a couple hours
06:04.41LordAbyssbut in sc2 it won't
06:04.45LordAbyssdue to the way they fixed it
06:04.46Rodrigo__ekcolnovkol|sush I can't find your map. Did you deleted it?
06:04.52currydevilSo anyone have any insight on making a custom leaderboard via dialogs?
06:05.06LordAbyssi haven't messed with leaderboards and dialogs much
06:05.11Rodrigo__ekcolnovkol|sush Oh sorry, I found it
06:05.55currydevilI can make the dialog. What I am having issues with is which dialog item allows me to update it during a game and/or properly set it's color upon map start without using text manager
06:06.33currydevilcurrently using dialog labels... seemed the right thing to use but I cannot seem to get the label to update like a kill counter
06:06.51LordAbysseh i don't know, anyways raz, go stick your head ina bucket of ice water, cool off. im gonna go pwn some nubs
06:06.54LordAbyssand then sleep
06:09.08RazielZI am cooled
06:09.17RazielZWho gave you the idea that I was not calm?
06:09.50LordAbyssi did
06:14.16Otixastabs Triceron
06:14.20OtixaTriceron >:|
06:16.46IskatuMeskisn't there a setting that turns a unit how far to turn to a point before it begins to accelerate?
06:17.24*** join/#sc2mapster KineMorto (
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06:34.29onetwonow time to record my diablo tutorial
06:34.36LordAbysswhat do people do when they see 16 ultras
06:34.47onetwoyou guys are gonna laugh when you see how I detect mouse movement
06:35.00LordAbyssyou already told me
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06:35.03LordAbysslots of units
06:35.23onetwoinvisible ones
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06:40.23corbodiablo tutorial?
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06:47.38*** join/#sc2mapster Resinate (
06:47.47Resinateguys i need some serious help with a trigger
06:48.32Resinatewhy does this works for 1 player
06:48.35Resinateand not all
06:55.07OtixaBecause you lack a loop that sets Player to a different number ;p
06:56.31Resinateit doesnt need one
06:56.45Resinatecuz thats the event
06:57.26antares--your variable Player should be Triggering Player probably
06:57.38Resinatealrdy added
06:57.39antares--unless you are doing it differently than I think, it's hard to tell without seeing the whole trigger
06:57.52Resinatehere's the full code
06:59.08Resinatedo u see the error?
06:59.13Resinatethe line broken is this
06:59.22*** join/#sc2mapster Ducky (53f1057d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
06:59.23ResinateUnit - Create 1 Player Unit[Player] for player Player at (Random point in Team 1) facing 135.0 degrees (No Options)
07:01.36antares--player unit is a UnitType variable?
07:01.38Resinatetoo much code to read?
07:01.39SuraklinSC2Unit[Player] isn't a unit?
07:01.46LordAbysswhy do people pause then leave?
07:01.46Resinateyes it is
07:01.47LordAbyssi don't get it
07:01.52ResinateUNIT is the triggered unit
07:01.56Resinatefor [player]
07:02.14Resinateheres the varible for it
07:02.48Resinateif it didnt have a unit
07:02.48SuraklinSC2So, it's not defined.
07:02.57Resinateit wouldnt work on 1 player
07:03.08Resinatewhen i tested this in game
07:03.15Resinatethe numbers are all off by 1
07:03.26Resinatecuz player 1 cant pick a unit
07:03.29Resinatebut player 2 can
07:03.59SuraklinSC2You do know, [16] = array.
07:04.04SuraklinSC2Which is 0-15
07:04.31Resinatealso my auto start works
07:04.45SuraklinSC2Well, if it's erroring on that line, what's the error?
07:04.53Resinatelemme go get it
07:04.55SuraklinSC2And, did you actually define "Player Unit[x]" to be units?
07:05.06antares--that's what I'm looking at
07:05.21antares--you can't create units using the "Unit" class
07:05.23SuraklinSC2Because "No Game Link" isn't a unit, it's no value, and you can't create nothing.
07:05.26antares--you need to use the UnitType class
07:05.27Resinatefuck this code
07:05.32Resinatebefore i had 2 ertrors
07:05.36Resinatenow i have 3
07:05.45SuraklinSC2That's right on too.
07:05.50Resinate00:00:02.75 Trigger Error in 'gt_CharSelect_Func': Event response function 'EventUnit' has no matching event
07:05.50Resinate00:00:02.75 Trigger Error in 'gt_CharSelect_Func': Could not get 'unit type' from parameter in 'sUnitCreate' (value: 0)
07:05.50Resinate00:00:02.75 Trigger Error in 'gt_CharSelect_Func': Could not get 'group' from parameter in 'CameraFollowUnitGroup' (value: 0)
07:05.54SuraklinSC2You've got gamelinks to units.
07:05.59SuraklinSC2Create unit wants a UnitType
07:06.01SuraklinSC2Not a unit.
07:06.09antares--Resinate, your second error is exactly what we are just saying now :)
07:06.18antares--you need to change Player Unit to UnitType instead of Unit
07:06.21Resinatewhat u guys are saying
07:06.26Resinateis a bug that effects everyone
07:06.33antares--it won't fix your question about why it only affects player 1
07:06.41antares--i'm still looking at that, one moment
07:06.48Resinatewell what does this code fix?
07:06.52Resinatethat ur saying?
07:06.55SuraklinSC2The second error.
07:07.00antares--00:00:02.75 Trigger Error in 'gt_CharSelect_Func': Could not get 'unit type' from parameter in 'sUnitCreate' (value: 0)
07:07.02Resinatethe 2nd one i can fix in 2 mins
07:07.05SuraklinSC2The function can't CREATE anything from a unit.
07:07.10SuraklinSC2It needs a unit TYPE to create.
07:07.16Resinatewhy does it work
07:07.21Resinateif im only person in map
07:07.50onetwoif anyone wants an early grab on my diablo tutorial map
07:08.31Resinatehelp me out pls
07:08.35Resinatesince i used ut tut on this
07:08.47Resinatewhen i added in char select
07:08.51onetwoim really busy putting this together :/
07:08.52Resinateplayer 1 cant make a char
07:09.09Resinateu never made a tut on char select
07:09.13Resinatefor more than 2 ppl
07:09.24Resinateall u did in ur tut was dupe all lines 2 times
07:09.34onetwoi suck
07:09.57onetwochar select UI tutorial is coming soon
07:10.11SuraklinSC2That's messeh.  :/
07:10.19Resinatemy code
07:10.41Resinatei dont think anyone can fully read it lol
07:10.43Resinateits soo adv
07:11.00Resinateno joke
07:11.07Resinatei have about 1000 lines of triggers
07:11.08SuraklinSC2No, it's messy.  ^^
07:11.14Resinatehow is my god messy
07:11.26antares--haha, ya.. your variable names are bizarre :P
07:11.31Resinatei dont want paste all those lines 10 times
07:11.56SuraklinSC2I put all the character data in an array of records.
07:11.56Resinatethat code i pasted lol
07:12.00Resinateis the cleanest u can get
07:12.02SuraklinSC2I put all the player data in an array of records.
07:12.11SuraklinSC2My menu select is a for each integer loop.
07:12.15SuraklinSC2That's small, and very compact.
07:12.26Resinateca u send me a map with this?
07:12.42Resinateso i can look at it and read it
07:12.46Resinateu can filebeam it
07:12.52Resinatejust zip it before u upload
07:12.53SuraklinSC2You mean stealz it.
07:12.56onetwofilebeam it
07:13.10onetwonobody can steal maps if your map is not done
07:13.14onetwobecause no one can make it like you :D
07:13.17onetwoif its done
07:13.20onetwothen :/
07:13.28SuraklinSC2I've got it set up dynamic.
07:13.31Resinatei alrdy have the code made
07:13.39Resinateand u claim ill steal the fixed version of it
07:13.43Duckyhello, can someone help me with my bridge problem?
07:13.45SuraklinSC2So, if I add another unit to my pickable classes, it automatically adds it to the menus and stuff.
07:13.58Resinateso i take that code of urs
07:13.59TehwildcardI stole 12's map
07:14.01Resinateis closed source?
07:14.06SuraklinSC2Atm, yes.
07:14.11Resinatefor the contest?
07:14.20SuraklinSC2Cuz I'm not done with it.  ^^
07:14.34Resinateso ur running into the same trouble as me
07:14.36SuraklinSC2I'm a picky programmer, and it's not clean enough for my liking.
07:14.43Resinateplus i dont want someones custom stuff
07:14.50TehwildcardIsn't there already a hero select lib?
07:15.02TehwildcardCircle hero select
07:15.03SuraklinSC2"Capture the Baneling".
07:15.08SuraklinSC2It's up for beta testing on US realms.
07:15.25Resinateis that ur map?
07:15.30Resinatelol thanks
07:15.32Resinateill go get it
07:15.46Resinateu know anyone can rip a map from bnet
07:15.48Resinatethey dl
07:16.02Resinateunless u lock every single version u upload
07:16.06SuraklinSC2But it's not pretteh.
07:16.11Resinateanyways i dont some lib crap
07:16.20Resinatebad enough using WASD
07:16.32SuraklinSC2WASD is silleh.
07:16.43Resinateso ur against FPS maps?
07:16.49SuraklinSC2Most implementations of it make me sick.
07:16.52SuraklinSC2On the movement system.
07:16.57SuraklinSC2I'm not against them.
07:17.06TehwildcardYou know it's bnet fucking it up, right?
07:17.06SuraklinSC2I havn't seen a totally smooth implementation of it yet.
07:17.18Resinatei know why lol
07:17.23Resinateits blizzards fault lol
07:17.28SuraklinSC2most likely.
07:17.34Tehwildcardnot most likely
07:17.35Tehwildcardit is
07:17.35SuraklinSC2Their key event thing sucks.  ^^
07:17.38Resinatebut u would have to know the difference between server sided and client sided
07:18.03SuraklinSC2I love how they optimize most crap.
07:18.18Resinatethe systen they use sends the whole trigger to bent
07:18.24SuraklinSC2But when it comes to watching key events, they just said "fuck it", and as soon as you register one, it starts sending ALL keypresses.
07:18.44Resinatethey need to make key press client
07:18.53Resinateand send pos of the unit to servers
07:19.02Resinatethats how wow works
07:19.22TehwildcardIt wouldn't work
07:19.35Tehwildcardsc is setup to not allow de-syncing
07:19.39Resinateworks for editor
07:19.51TehwildcardWoW everyone is out of sync
07:20.00ResinateWAsD lib on local is lagfree
07:20.04SuraklinSC2That's why SC2 "waits" for players all the damn time.
07:20.14Tehwildcard[03:19] <Tehwildcard> sc is setup to not allow de-syncing
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07:20.25TehwildcardYou aren't on when you're playing local
07:20.26SuraklinSC2I was just reiterating what you said!  :P
07:21.10onetwosomeone said mouse detect triggers dont lag though
07:21.11*** join/#sc2mapster crazyfingers (ae41342b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
07:21.15Resinatei did
07:21.17onetwoso my diablo tutorial will have some relevancy
07:21.18Resinateand i was wrong
07:21.49Resinatei think sc2 was released way too early
07:21.59Resinateu can tell how they rushed it
07:22.11Resinateeven tho it took 5 years to make it
07:22.15SuraklinSC2I've noticed the actor events being stupid too.
07:22.16crazyfingersEh,starcraft 2 was rushed ever since the success of WOW
07:22.19SuraklinSC2Like some actors...
07:22.28SuraklinSC2Have the exact same event in them like 4 or 5 times.
07:22.37Resinatewhat do u mean
07:22.45Resinatein my map or in general
07:22.50SuraklinSC2-> Destroy
07:22.59SuraklinSC2You see that same event in a blizz actor like 4 times.
07:23.13Tehwildcard*wonders why you think it would be reasonable to have a custom platform "done" on day 1"
07:23.14crazyfingershave you modified any units to use that actor?
07:23.33Resinatei wish there was a way to re-order variables in the trigger editor
07:23.35SuraklinSC2I looked at a bunch of different blizz ones to see how they were doing certain things.
07:23.44crazyfingersprobably an autopopulate function that doesn't check for duplicates on create
07:23.55crazyfingersjust an artifact of the fact that the editor was rushe da bit
07:24.07SuraklinSC2Or, devs trying to debug stuff and just tossing in more crap as they go and never cleaning up.  ;)
07:24.10Resinateheres the player unit varibale
07:24.10SuraklinSC2That'd be my guess.
07:24.21SuraklinSC2You need to change Unit[16]
07:24.21Resinatewhats wrong that varibale?
07:24.25SuraklinSC2To UnitType[16]
07:24.44SuraklinSC2Because "creat 1 unit..." function wants a UnitType.
07:24.44Resinateit is unit type
07:24.50Resinatebut its not showing up as it
07:24.59Resinateits type clearly says unit type
07:25.07SuraklinSC2One sec.
07:25.32KineMortohow do you validate if an order was targetting a point or a unit?
07:25.33SuraklinSC2I'll paste a couple lines from my stuff.
07:25.42SuraklinSC2KineMorto: I got that in mine too, lemme load it.
07:25.49Resinateall i want is this one line to work for selection
07:25.52Resinatefor all players
07:25.54Resinateand not just 1
07:26.10KineMortoim making a squad library right now
07:26.14KineMortoits kinda neat
07:26.17SuraklinSC2Ok, in my unit selector:
07:26.44Resinatehow u make that
07:27.01KineMortosolved: target type for order
07:27.26KineMortoit wasnt under the order listview item
07:27.29SuraklinSC2Yea Kine.
07:27.32SuraklinSC2I was looking for it.  ^^
07:27.44KineMortoim confused
07:27.53Resinatehow u get the .unitype on that line
07:27.59SuraklinSC2It's from my record.
07:28.06SuraklinSC2A record is the same as a C structure basically.
07:28.11KineMortoim watching lynne koplitz and shes distracting me
07:28.13Resinateso custom lines
07:28.17SuraklinSC2CTB Unit Information is an array.
07:28.22SuraklinSC2Of records.
07:28.23Resinatei saw that
07:28.40KineMortoIts the closest thing we have to objects.
07:28.41SuraklinSC2A record can store multiple data types in it at the same time.
07:28.41Resinatei wanna know sura
07:28.41Resinateis that system u have
07:28.46Resinateactully stuff in the editor
07:28.50Resinateor all custom code?
07:28.53Resinatewhere u type it
07:29.02SuraklinSC2For the selection?
07:29.12SuraklinSC2It's all in the trigger editor.
07:29.23SuraklinSC2Or, I "wrote" it in the editor.
07:29.24Resinatecuz i have the same thing as u
07:29.27SuraklinSC2And not in notepad.
07:29.30Resinateyea i know
07:29.34Resinateu went to the custom tab
07:29.35Resinateand typed it
07:29.53SuraklinSC2No, no custom scripts.
07:29.57SuraklinSC2All editor stuff.
07:30.22Resinatetheres no such way to make it UNittype[16]
07:30.29SuraklinSC2No, you were right there.
07:30.37SuraklinSC2You're getting the "unit type" error when you run it.
07:30.46SuraklinSC2Which means it's not defined.
07:30.51Resinateif i gave u my map
07:30.56Resinatewould u fix it?
07:30.59SuraklinSC2It's still set as "No Game Link" when you run it.
07:31.03Resinateso u can see how all the triggers work
07:31.13Resinatethe varibale changes
07:31.17Resinatebased on whats clicked
07:31.25Resinateits not a fixed unit
07:31.28Resinatecuz i have 3 chars
07:31.51Resinatekinda sucks being so adv doesnt it
07:31.58Resinateno one will understand what ur trying to say
07:32.07SuraklinSC2Well, something's not being set.
07:32.13Resinatehere look at the map
07:32.15Resinateand u tell me
07:32.39SuraklinSC2Try printing out stuff to the screen.  ^^
07:32.40Resinatei wasnt lying
07:32.47Resinatei really have 1000 lines of triggers
07:32.48SuraklinSC2Like which player it's trying to set the unit for.
07:33.20SuraklinSC2And, is the event going off.
07:33.21Resinateim 100% viusal learner
07:33.28Resinatei cant tell u how to solve 1 + 1
07:33.31Resinatei have to show u
07:33.32SuraklinSC2Oh, there we go.
07:33.35SuraklinSC2I bet the event is being fired.
07:33.46SuraklinSC2By somethign else than char image 1 2 or 3.
07:33.52SuraklinSC2And it's not setting the unit.
07:33.56Resinatelemme send u the map
07:34.04Resinatecuz yes i name my trigger wierd
07:34.09SuraklinSC2See that switch statement?
07:34.23SuraklinSC2Variable - Set Player Unit[Player] = Tauren Space Marine
07:34.26SuraklinSC2Under default.
07:34.29SuraklinSC2And try it again.
07:34.51SuraklinSC2Which means.
07:34.52Resinatethat would make all buttons
07:34.55Resinatemake that unit
07:34.56SuraklinSC2If it doesn't match the top 3.
07:35.02SuraklinSC2It'll default to the space marine.
07:35.10SuraklinSC2Or, you can make it some other unit.
07:35.25Resinatefeel free to use w.e u want
07:35.49Resinateinstead of wasting 2 hours to explain it
07:35.53Resinatei rather waste 5 mins
07:35.59Resinatehaving u look at what i made
07:36.08Resinateinstead of playing guess and check
07:37.23*** join/#sc2mapster Hjalte (
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07:38.33Resinatebtw sura
07:38.39Resinatei even broke the switches
07:38.44Resinateand took out the varible
07:38.48Resinateand still has the error
07:38.50*** join/#sc2mapster Clord (
07:39.05Resinatei did this
07:39.15KineMortoI think we need to teach the community how to debug better
07:39.49Resinatei wish the dam editor had a system like spell check
07:39.52KineMortoCreate a player?
07:39.54Zanamanyone want to help me test a contest map
07:40.13HeyRevolverdoesnt that void it from the contest?
07:40.23KineMortoOh I see its an array that you have named poorly
07:40.25Resinatehave a look urself
07:40.36KineMortoname them shit that doesnt sound like help text
07:40.40KineMortoso you can keep them straight
07:40.48KineMortojust sayin
07:40.58Resinatei need to name them to what they are
07:41.02Resinateso i dont get them mixxed up
07:41.10Resinatei have like 40 different variables
07:41.25Resinatehow u make that
07:41.43KineMortolol I copied it from the trigger I am working on
07:42.08Resinatefucking tooth exploded
07:42.16Resinatead this pain is throwing me off so bad
07:42.22KineMortoeat some opium
07:42.25Resinateive been in severe pain for 2 days now
07:42.33Resinatewith no insurance
07:42.41Resinatethe doctors says to go off and die
07:43.02KineMortodo you not have any drug connections?
07:43.05KineMortoget some heroin or something
07:43.06Resinateuh no
07:43.26KineMortofreebase some black tar
07:43.33KineMortoyou wont even know you have teeth
07:44.00KineMorto(I jest)
07:44.01SuraklinSC2Guess what.  ^^
07:44.11SuraklinSC2I put
07:44.22SuraklinSC2Under default.
07:44.25SuraklinSC2And I spawned as a dog.
07:44.32Resinatei dont want that
07:44.41SuraklinSC2Which means your switch isn't triggering.
07:44.41Resinatethats not how my map works
07:45.00SuraklinSC2Char Select Items[] isn't matching.
07:45.03Resinateu play us realms?
07:45.18Resinateand pm Goku 934
07:45.25SuraklinSC2Where do you set up the select items?
07:45.37Resinateunder setup
07:46.16Resinatei see
07:46.18Resinatewhat i did
07:46.38Resinatenope nm
07:46.39Resinatego head
07:46.41Resinatehave a look
07:46.54Resinatehaving no list
07:46.57Resinatedoesnt work either
07:48.30RodrigoSixen, will you feature the news that Blizzard reseted only the popular maps?
07:49.13Rodrigopeople are complaining about that because now they cannot play sotis
07:49.20Rodrigosince sotis is now on page 7
07:50.07Rodrigoplatform defense also lost its second place. its now on second page.
07:50.14Resinatethe bug is loacted here
07:50.21Resinatebut i dont know which one to use
07:50.22Rodrigonexus wars, of course, is on top again
07:50.44Rodrigoit went to the top really fast. I saw, everytime I refreshed, the map went up one....
07:51.30Clordhehe... my maps is more popular than before XD
07:51.36Clordin past before it got featured
07:51.46ClordI was about same numbers as SotiS
07:51.54Clordnow I have three times more typically
07:51.56*** join/#sc2mapster Megalon (
07:52.37KineMortowhat is your map?
07:53.01KineMortoand imo sotis is meh
07:53.22ClordSotiS problem is that there is nowadays actual programmed games to do stuff better
07:53.30Resinatesomeone just took contorl of my map
07:53.32KineMortoSeems like they have focused more on features than balanced gameplay
07:53.49Clordfeatures are more important than balance... assuming balance is somewhat acceptable
07:53.54KineMortoLike they have heroes that are ranged
07:54.02KineMortobut not shooting missiles
07:54.07KineMortoso you cant tell who they are targetting
07:54.24Clordit kinda fits to sci-fi settings
07:54.32Clordtry to dodge pistol fire
07:54.44KineMortoI dont care about realism
07:54.53KineMortothere are fucking 2 races of aliens in the game
07:55.10KineMortoI think we can accept a certain level of fantasy
07:55.12KineMortoat that point
07:55.17KineMortofor better gameplay
07:55.18Clordlol I didn't mean it from realism viewpoint really that much... more like.... SCII has insta hit weaponry so it fits to map too
07:56.07Clordbut yeah target line and some preparation time for weapon so you can fall back before it shoots would rock
07:56.11onetwodo you think its true that small maps have higher popularity
07:56.15onetwothan larger player maps
07:56.51onetwoin beta it was really bad; large player and long maps died almost the same day compared to 4 player short maps
07:56.56onetwonowadays i thought it was fixed
07:56.57Clordlol small and larger... in what sense?
07:57.01onetwobut rodrigos chart and such
07:57.06onetwoand peoples testing
07:57.16onetwocould mean that sotis is not number 1 because its a long and large player map
07:57.19onetwoplayer count
07:57.34onetwoi also will never understand why nexus wars is on for so long lol
07:57.36onetwoive played it once
07:57.42onetwoas ive said before
07:57.52Clordwell personally... THE Card Game became popular early.... and people who try it mostly like it's gameplay what keeps them remembering that map and getting it like addiction
07:57.52crazyfingerssotis is not #1 because anyone competent enough to play it is already playing LOL or HON
07:58.17Clordyeah as I mentioned... there is good games already programmed to do same thing better
07:58.18KineMorto1 more for spine lurker defense
07:58.21KineMortosomeone get in here!
07:58.31onetwoand i havent played a TD in a while
07:58.32crazyfingersUS server?
07:58.36onetwothe new ones seemed better
07:58.39onetwobut some of the ones in beta
07:58.42onetwowere atrocious haha
07:58.45onetwolike straight out of sc1 bad
07:58.51Clordmany companies do nowadays games inspired by custom maps....
07:58.53onetwowe were too pampered in war3 TD's
07:59.02onetwoyeah blizzard spawned a whole set of games
07:59.07onetwofrom their brilliant map makers
07:59.17Clordand to be honest
07:59.20KineMortoPeople are just not bright enough to make towers out of doodads
07:59.22Clordthose TD games from companies
07:59.25Clordare usually way better
07:59.29Clordthan custom maps for same thing
07:59.46onetwoive yet to play any TD that was as good as war3 ones though
07:59.47onetwolike skibis
07:59.53onetwoTD game
07:59.54onetwoi mean
07:59.56crazyfingersGolden age of TD's was in warcraft 3 in my book
08:00.12onetwoDuke wintermaul and the spawns like family guy maul
08:00.13onetwotoo good
08:00.27onetwoit was too easy to make towers and such
08:00.27Maulstop saying my name
08:00.28onetwoin war3
08:00.30Maulshakes fist
08:00.35onetwonow its like duplicate, fix
08:00.39onetwofigure out what didnt get duplicated
08:00.41onetwocopy paste
08:00.44onetwocheck if unit works
08:00.49onetwo20 mins later
08:00.50onetwo1 tower done
08:01.00crazyfingersone of the biggest problems with making mods for SC II, is it just doesnt' have the nice generic fantasy look of WCIII
08:01.04Clordbut yeah.... those 3d games made around idea of TD nowadays give more than just "build your towers and then upgrade them"
08:01.10onetwoBUT, i cant complain with how much sc2 editor lets me do
08:01.17crazyfingershow do you make a TD in space? just not as fun as shooting arrows at orcs from towers
08:02.01ClordYouTD is good TD but that author didn't use proper way to backup his s tuff
08:02.05Clordso gg
08:02.14onetwoone TD i really hope we get
08:02.16onetwois team tower wars
08:02.21onetwolike line tower wars except 3v3
08:02.30Maulthe best, most amazing td anyone has ever seen
08:02.34Maulis going to win the contest this weekend
08:02.45RodrigoClord, my map "Platform Defense US" by vjeux was published on EU. Can you see if you can find it? :P
08:02.45crazyfingerswell there are 3 winners ;)
08:02.46ClordYouTD is most bloated TD in WCIII XD
08:03.36onetwoi love having an editor this powerful though
08:03.42onetwowithout all the dumb stuff like doing matrix graphics programming
08:03.47Clordmy map has own site so it does not need to tell where it originates from...
08:03.49Clordanywayas I check
08:03.53onetwocoding in C++, a language that needs to move on
08:03.54onetwoand so on
08:04.08ClordSCII is half game/half game making tool
08:04.24crazyfingersthe potential with the SCII engine is pretty amazing
08:04.38crazyfingersif they add some more graphic elements, tighten up the data editor
08:04.38onetwoonce bnet lag with WASD and mouse
08:04.41onetwogets smoother
08:04.47onetwothe custom map scene will be awesome
08:04.47crazyfingersaye that too
08:04.52onetwoi mean the reason i havent touched WASD for any real map
08:04.55onetwois simply bnet
08:05.03crazyfingersmaybe some nice trigger based movement options to easy people into making first person shooters
08:05.15crazyfingersanyone try that first person shooter TD from the make something unreal contest?
08:05.31crazyfingersneeded balance and fun factor but the concept was pretty cool
08:05.40Clordplatform defense by burningpain
08:05.42*** join/#sc2mapster Fisker (
08:06.00KineMortocrazy fingers
08:06.04onetwothats another thing i hope we get
08:06.08onetwois a simple upload to EU locale
08:06.08KineMortoyou mean the one that looks all futuristic?
08:06.10onetwoand auto localize our map
08:06.11crazyfingerssup kine?
08:06.18crazyfingersaye that's the one
08:06.24KineMortoits kinda fun
08:06.28Clordin EU all kind of clients can play my map and I didn't localize it
08:06.31KineMortothen you realise its broken and not finished
08:06.31crazyfingersyeah, interesting concept
08:06.39crazyfingershehe, yep :D
08:06.45Resinatei take it sura left?
08:06.49crazyfingerslike most good game ideas that are original
08:07.01SuraklinSC2Two things popped out.
08:07.04Resinateim remaking
08:07.06SuraklinSC2That "Spawn" variable at the top.
08:07.07Resinatethe whole dialog
08:07.10SuraklinSC2Causes an error.
08:07.18Resinatedeleet it
08:07.21Resinatei think its useless
08:07.28onetwodid they fix localization since beta?
08:07.33onetwomeaning we dont have to localize maps
08:07.34SuraklinSC22nd thing:
08:07.36onetwobetween locales anymore?
08:07.45onetwonope to what
08:07.46Resinateu still have to do that
08:07.46SuraklinSC2You're using invalid parameters for the Char Select Items
08:07.48ClordtHE Card Game AI mimic more closely good player style... it upgrades ghosts with damage etc
08:07.54SuraklinSC2You're going 1-3.
08:07.57Resinatethose are being deleted
08:07.59onetwoRodrigo did you have to localize your map
08:08.02onetwofor EU?
08:08.03SuraklinSC2It should be 0-2.
08:08.08onetwoto prevent blank text
08:08.08Resinateima gonna make the whole thing
08:08.13Resinateso its not being made 16 times
08:08.18Resinateone two
08:08.28ClordI still need to localize my map if I send it to SEA or USA
08:08.29Rodrigo+onetwo what??
08:08.30Resinateu can have 1 dialog for 16 players right
08:08.35Clordbut in same region
08:08.39Clordit is compatible automatically
08:08.46Clordaka in entire EU
08:08.52Resinatefor what im doing tho
08:08.52SuraklinSC2It's just a matter of show/hiding it for each of them.
08:08.58onetwoRodrigo in the beta if someone on EU played a US map or w/e, their text for everything is Param/Value or blank
08:09.03onetwoand we had to use a localize tool
08:09.04SuraklinSC2And when you get a button pressed.
08:09.05Resinateill be back in 1 hour
08:09.09jorgenptLordAbyss: Just to be nitpicky, compilers aren't IDEs. :-p
08:09.09SuraklinSC2You gotta check which player pressed it.
08:09.11onetwodid you have to do that?
08:09.22RodrigoI didnt do anything
08:09.27RodrigoI just published on EU
08:09.27onetwocheck your map
08:09.36onetwoit might be all blank names ingame
08:09.38onetwocause diff region
08:09.39RodrigoI cant check. It was published with vjeux account
08:09.40onetwohave someone on EU check
08:09.51Resinatehow do u make breaks
08:09.58Resinatethe ------------------ lines
08:10.00Rodrigosomeone has to check on EU
08:10.06Resinatewhen u seperated ur varibles
08:10.10Clordplatform defense by burningpain
08:10.10jorgenptLordAbyss: gcc/g++ is a compiler, Visual Studio has their own compiler (and is an IDE), Dev C++ is an IDE (and uses GCC for Windows as the compiler). :-)
08:10.21ClordRodrigo... your map does not come to list
08:10.23Clordwhen searched
08:10.25Rodrigothis is someone that might have copied an old version
08:10.26Clordeven with just "platform"
08:10.35Rodrigo"Platform Defense US" by vjeux
08:10.41Clordit does not appear
08:10.43Rodrigotry typing "Platform Defense US"
08:10.49Rodrigotry changing the filter
08:10.55Rodrigodamn. but It was published
08:10.57Clordno results found
08:11.08RodrigoI think its because vjeux has to host at least the first time
08:11.16Rodrigoto display the map on the list
08:11.30onetwowhat really needs to happen is one centralized list for all regions
08:11.34onetwoso thers no discrimination
08:11.39onetwoand lack of maps in SEA
08:11.52onetwocause now Rodrigo has to update and send his map to vjeux every time
08:11.53RodrigoI think on LA Blizzard chooses the maps from US
08:11.59onetwowhats LA?
08:12.05onetwolower america?
08:12.05Rodrigolatim america
08:12.10Rodrigothey look the maps
08:12.11onetwoweird thats a region
08:12.13onetwowhats brazil in?
08:12.23Rodrigo"hey, this one they might like, throw in their server"
08:12.25Resinatedoes this have to start at 0
08:12.29Resinateor can i start it at 1
08:12.38Rodrigobrazil is using the LA
08:12.39crazyfingersSo once this contest is over, does that mean we can publish the next day? Or do we have to wait for winners to be announced?
08:12.46Clordeven after reset of popularity list... I have not needed to manually host even my map
08:12.49Clordto make it appear again
08:12.50ClordI dunno
08:13.03Clordhow it desires it
08:13.21Clordmaybe most popular maps gets auto added to list after reset or something
08:13.36RodrigoClord, its because your map is popular. It's like my map Platform Defense, its already on second page even though Blizzard reseted only the popular maps
08:13.51Rodrigoits because theres people playing it
08:13.57Rodrigopopularity is conted on the score screen
08:14.03Rodrigoduring a reset, theres many hosts created
08:14.15Rodrigoso, they are leaving and popularity being added
08:14.18onetwopeople search for it clord
08:14.21Clordlol even I guessed same thing =)
08:14.22onetwoyou cant predict the public
08:14.22Rodrigoif they reset and theres a game going on
08:14.25onetwotheyre an insane mass of fools
08:14.27onetwothat do anything
08:14.29Rodrigowhen they quit the game it will give +1
08:14.46Rodrigotheres like 300 games going on for popular maps
08:14.54Rodrigoso, I reset will still let these maps with 300 games
08:15.05Clordyou mean there is actually people who use search tool properly?
08:15.07Clordto find my map?
08:15.18Rodrigothey are just playing it
08:15.21Rodrigoduring the reset
08:15.25Clordyeah yeah I know
08:15.32Clordbut additionally it must be those search box guys
08:15.35Clordthey panic
08:15.37Resinateit works now
08:15.38Rodrigono one searchs a map
08:16.01onetwoi like the blizz forum editor answers thing
08:16.03Resinatethat whole bug
08:16.04Clordwhat reminds me.. why there is no search box in join game list?
08:16.04SuraklinSC2wtf did yo do? ^^
08:16.05onetwoonce they start answering more complex questions
08:16.07onetwoitll be sweet
08:16.08Resinatewas from the 16 dialogs being made
08:16.17Resinateunder startup
08:16.22Rodrigodamn, I need vjeux to host the game the first time to be displayed on the list
08:16.23Resinatethe 16 arrays
08:16.36Resinatei took it out made it into 1
08:16.39Resinateand BAM no errors
08:16.44SuraklinSC2Good.  ^^
08:16.51SuraklinSC2Ohhhhhh. wait.
08:16.54SuraklinSC2I get it now.  ^^
08:17.08ClordTHE Card Game is something people will search if it dissappears from list... it has been so burned to people's head
08:17.13Clordit is damn virus
08:17.13Resinatei hope someone didnt leech my map
08:17.19SuraklinSC2You were making 16 dialogs... so the buttons you set in the variable were for the LAST one made and not the current player.  ^^
08:17.20Resinateand try to submit it lol
08:17.40SuraklinSC2I was looking at it too narrowly.
08:17.44SuraklinSC2Bad me.
08:17.58Resinateidc what u use from my map
08:18.06SuraklinSC2I just deleted it.
08:18.16Resinatethe error came back
08:18.37Resinatethats why
08:18.41Resinatefk sakes
08:19.10Resinatei keep mixing up my images
08:19.14Resinatewith the selections
08:19.20SuraklinSC2Remember 0-2.
08:19.24SuraklinSC2An array starts at 0
08:19.28Resinatei flagged mine 1-3
08:19.31SuraklinSC2And goes to the 1- the max.
08:19.49Resinatemy 1-3 works
08:20.02Resinateu dont need 0
08:20.08SuraklinSC2I think I'll subject myself to random 4v4.
08:20.32Resinatecan u help me test this on bnet real fast
08:20.34Resinatewith 2 ppl
08:21.06Resinateitll take 2 mins
08:21.11Clordin this popularity system... everyone contributes... even if some not never care to check out site or even read who is author after playing 100 times same map
08:21.25Resinatejust wanna see if the system works for 2 ppl
08:22.10onetwoi really need lobby names though
08:22.11onetwoor some form of it
08:22.15onetwoim going to have a big issue with my rpg
08:22.19onetwowhen people are playing with level 20+
08:22.22onetwoand some people are starting
08:22.27onetwoand have no way to differentiate
08:22.30onetwoother than a host kicking people
08:22.55Clordyou could use that "sidekick" system what some MMORPG games has used ^^
08:22.58Resinatedont use kicking
08:23.02Resinateone map had it
08:23.06Resinateand newbs would kick everyone
08:23.09Resinateevery game
08:23.24Resinateit pissed me off so bad
08:23.53Clordthis "sidekick" system basically means...... there is guy level 100.... so others in same game gets heavily buffed to not be so crap and survive where that "pro" goes ^^
08:24.04onetwosounds game breaking for me
08:24.06onetwono thx
08:24.15Clordwell it fits more to games like city of heroes
08:24.19Clordwhere it is not so item based
08:24.29Clordcity of heroes basically has something like that
08:24.30Resinatethats nice
08:24.37ResinateWASD is responding very fast tonight
08:24.53Clordcongrats.. you are playing when others sleep
08:24.54Resinatebtw when they play the maps
08:25.01Resinatewill they play them locally?
08:25.04Resinateor bnet
08:25.07Resinatefor the contest
08:25.10Resinateto judge
08:25.17Clordprobably locally
08:25.20onetwoseems hard to judge
08:25.23Clordor some secret test server
08:25.28ResinateWASD will smoke any game
08:25.33Clordor makes them private tested
08:25.37Resinatecuz wasd works 100% on local lol
08:25.52onetwoim guessing no bnet type maps will win; more of the "sc2mapster home page map demoed that looks super cool but is nowhere to be found and the author is now missing" type of maps
08:25.55crazyfingersArg, wish i could show you guys my mod, the wasd controls are pretty slick
08:26.01crazyfingersbut i gotta wait for competition :P
08:26.02Resinatecuz tomorrow
08:26.06Resinateima work on comps
08:26.15ClordXe'Naga Abyss Card Arena will rock your socks............ it is card game with new terrain and 10 cards in hand!
08:26.23Resinateif a player isnt playing
08:26.25Resinateitll make a comp
08:26.28Resinatein its place
08:26.51Clordyeah yeah :)
08:26.57Resinatewho wants to come test my map on bnet?
08:27.00Resinatei need 1 tester pls
08:27.31onetwoill come
08:27.37onetwoi decided to upload my diablo tut over night
08:27.39onetwosince its 400 megs
08:27.42onetwowhats your codew
08:28.07*** join/#sc2mapster Mordero (
08:28.14ResinateGoku 934
08:28.20Resinateim alrdy on ur list
08:28.28Resinatehold on tho
08:28.36Resinateim having big issues with text tags
08:28.44Clordyeah 1080P footage can take while
08:29.04onetwooh yeah
08:29.08onetwoi keep forgetting youre goku
08:29.15onetwoi do 720p
08:29.24Morderoheya onetwo
08:29.51Resinatewhat do u know about text tags?
08:30.02Resinateok i have 5 ppl on my team
08:30.09Resinatei can get the tags to show for whole team
08:30.12Resinateand not other
08:30.25Resinatebut when i make the text hidden for the player
08:30.33Resinateit makes it hidden for everyone
08:30.37onetwofor what are these tags showing
08:30.40Resinateeven tho i flagged it for that one player
08:30.45Resinateof players
08:30.53onetwoscrew it for now
08:30.55onetwolets play
08:30.57Resinateright now pressing N works
08:31.02onetwologging in
08:31.05onetwotalk to me ingame now resinate
08:31.38Clordit looks like RUSE game got released finally
08:34.11*** join/#sc2mapster rrowland (
08:34.48ClordRUSE is somewhat like card game
08:34.51Clordat least it was back in beta
08:35.59KineMortoyea ruse can eat a dick
08:36.02KineMortothat game is meh
08:36.24KineMortoseems like an elaborate plug for the microsoft surface
08:37.04Clordpersonally I don't give damn about DRM unless it is "you don't play unless you are all to time online" XD
08:37.15Clordoh and
08:37.18ClordRUSE dropped that DRM
08:38.25Clordanyways CardCraft SC authot after his community has "dead" two weeks... desired to make post in own forum telling about his choices.... either give map to another guy as he can't continue doing it next 6 months at least or make it open source
08:39.23Clordso everyone can do cardcraft clones lol
08:39.41HeyRevolveryall ever heard of that show called hoarders?
08:39.59Clordmeh but I will google search
08:40.05HeyRevolveri'm watching it on netflix, its about people who hoard stuff lol
08:40.08HeyRevolverits fucking INSANE
08:40.19HeyRevolveri just watched an entire episode with my jaw on the floor
08:40.45HeyRevolverrofl thats the one
08:40.54Clordso basically collectors are hoarders too
08:41.02Clordjust joking ^^
08:41.08Clordyou can't tell the joke when you see one?
08:41.09HeyRevolverdo you have netflix?
08:41.20ClordI'm in finland so no
08:41.32Rodrigothere's a guy QQ'ing sc2mapster on blizz forums
08:41.42ZarafFarazwhat is QQ?
08:41.46Clordbut there is already those torrent sites so what stops me really?
08:41.57Clordbut yeah
08:41.58HeyRevolverQ = eye with tear
08:42.07Rodrigoreeper: "the popularity works just fine its the players who keep playing the bad games and the makers who keep join / quitting their games that dont work to keep them on top.. this is what happens when sites like sc2mapster has competitions to see who can get their map the highest in the popularity list..."
08:42.30Clordmanual bumbing has not worked since release of the game
08:42.33RodrigoSixen, did u see that?
08:43.06RodrigoClord, it works, but you have to stay more than 5 min inside the game
08:43.21*** join/#sc2mapster rrowland (
08:43.21Clordyeah yeah... to be more exact
08:43.21Clordit is not effective anymore
08:43.24Clordunless you have server farm
08:43.24Rodrigoso, in 10 hours bumping you can only get 100 popularity, which is not enough for big maps
08:43.29Clordand tons of copies
08:43.29*** join/#sc2mapster mike9055 (
08:43.31Rodrigoyeah, its not effective
08:43.52RodrigoSixen. I just read that on blizz forums from REEPER: "the popularity works just fine its the players who keep playing the bad games and the makers who keep join / quitting their games that dont work to keep them on top.. this is what happens when sites like sc2mapster has competitions to see who can get their map the highest in the popularity list..."
08:44.36Rodrigowhat a ass*****
08:44.47Clordactually in my map case.... so many knows it that there is tons players keeping it high without asking
08:44.51Rodrigohe is blaming sc2mapster. idiot
08:45.07Clordmore like "that idiot"
08:45.10Rodrigoblaming sc2mapster for all the crappy maps
08:45.31Clordit is map lovers who bumb them nowadays.... :)
08:45.53Rodrigo:P place of newbie mappers
08:46.03Clordthose with some skill to make front page map
08:46.06Clordare not there constantly
08:46.53Rodrigomost of people who play 1st page maps have some problem. I was playing my map, one guy killed all the allies. Then, he realized that its was a co-op game. The other guy asked what is gas for in a melee type of game.
08:47.03Rodrigoand that happened more than once
08:47.29Clordor people who fail to find vespene cost from card
08:47.48Resinatesee onetwo
08:47.48ZarafFarazthat new Golem's game at the top of popularity on US right now is interesting....but the creator made a serious mistake with too many dialogs for everything
08:47.52Resinatei told u my map is spic XD
08:47.54ZarafFarazdialogs tend to be slow to use
08:48.02Clordor people who "discard" all their cards as new player and then wonder why it does not work
08:48.02Rodrigois like people on debates asking where is the units
08:48.05ZarafFarazand it's so annoying
08:48.05Clordyeah those people are real
08:48.34Resinatewheres the data for the camera
08:48.36onetwo will help you with camera Resinate
08:48.36Resinatewhich feild
08:48.46onetwotheres several
08:48.48onetwoand i always forget em
08:48.53*** join/#sc2mapster vjeux (52e9ed5b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
08:48.53*** mode/#sc2mapster [+o vjeux] by ChanServ
08:49.00Clordthen wwhat people really love in my card map is this.. hotkeys..... map is mouse click free! ^^
08:49.04Clord100& click free
08:49.07Clordor not
08:49.08Resinatemy camera
08:49.11Resinatedoesnt use a timer
08:49.12Clordyou still need to select units
08:49.32Rodrigolol clord. Well, debates is lag free. You can play in the worse computer with ultra settings.
08:49.49Clordlol card game is same... even super crappy computer can play it easily
08:50.01Clordnuke might become bit problem thought XD
08:50.07Rodrigomy fps on Debates with Fraps opened is 350
08:50.14Rodrigoon ultra settings
08:50.35ClordI could make terrain change but it would probably shock people
08:51.05onetwohey as an unrelated note: Does anyone else find that the majority of blog posts on aside from patch 1.1 details to be useless?
08:51.06ZarafFaraz350? O_o
08:51.14ZarafFarazhow do you run the game over max frame rate?
08:51.17onetwoam i that advanced of a gamer or does micro and macro and APM posts
08:51.22Rodrigo+onetwo, yes
08:51.23onetworeally that important
08:51.46RodrigoI hate the fact that the just release 1% of the changes in the patch
08:51.51ResinateROFL onetwo
08:51.56Resinatethat made my made soo bad
08:52.09Rodrigowhy they dont release all the changes?
08:52.10KineMortomade no sense there
08:52.13Rodrigothey release just 1%
08:52.26Rodrigotheres like 100 editor bug fixes that they dont tell us
08:52.30RodrigoI would like to know :(
08:52.38KineMortothey are on vacation dude
08:52.47KineMortothey were probably putting in 20 hour days before launch
08:52.50KineMortogive them a break lol
08:53.24KineMortoI mean I dont know for sure, but when people complain it make me angry :(
08:53.43Rodrigoyou are complaining
08:53.49Rodrigoso, you are making yourself angry?
08:53.56SuraklinSC2Anyone bored and want to flail around madly on my map?  ^^
08:53.56KineMortoI am not complaining
08:54.06Rodrigoif you say that it makes you angry, you are complaining
08:54.47Rodrigoare you now angry with yourself? lol
08:55.22Clordone of real reasons why blizzard works with editor bugs etc still is that they have still two more campaigns to finish
08:55.28Clordthey are stuck using same damn tool
08:55.36*** join/#sc2mapster Etherimp (
08:55.42ClordI can imagine when first campaign was under making.. they crashed sometimes
08:55.57Clordmappers probably was ready to throw their keyboards
08:56.39Rodrigois cutting his nail, but he lost his thumb nail on the keyboard and he can't find
08:57.03Clord3rd person talking is HEALTHY
08:57.07onetwoid hate to be the guy who had to make the editor
08:57.08onetwowhat a huge pain
08:57.13onetwomaking code into an interface GUI
08:57.24ZarafFarazor making the data editor lol
08:57.27onetwothat translates into game stuff
08:57.32Clordwell... they 100% surely didn't make editor from scratch
08:57.40Rodrigo+onetwo, you are right.
08:57.42Clordit has too simillar stuff with WCIII one
08:57.59Clordin fact.. that new engine might have been built over WCIII code
08:58.13Rodrigosometimes its easier to make the editor from scratch
08:58.29RodrigoI hate the models panel. I can't imagine myself programming that
08:58.30ZarafFarazbuilding over top of stuff can have unforseen consequences
08:58.52ZarafFarazthey may have just recycled the interface since they are familiar with it
08:58.59ZarafFarazbut still have made the editor from scratch
08:58.59onetwoanyways, diablo movement tutorial is uploading
08:59.02onetwoitll be up tomorrow
08:59.04onetwonight guys
08:59.15Rodrigothey should have a map editor on Diablo 3. Seriously, Why not?
08:59.28Resinatewhats the default stats of the
08:59.33Resinatetarget smooth+
08:59.39Resinateit wont reset
08:59.50Resinateill mpq edit it
08:59.56onetwohaha kl
09:00.34RodrigoThe diablo 3 map editor could have a really good system. Like, the experience a player gets has a limit based on the time the player is playing the map.
09:01.03Rodrigoso, players could join custom maps to get more experience, but they could never get MORE than the official game
09:01.18Resinatei would make a max lvl of 999 map
09:01.31Rodrigono, it should be based on time
09:01.41Rodrigolike, in the first 5 min, no player can get more than 200 xp
09:01.44HeyRevolverWait wait WAIT
09:01.49HeyRevolverDiablo 3 map editor?
09:01.52HeyRevolverwhat what whaaaaaaat?
09:01.59Rodrigoits just an idea. That would be awesome
09:02.09HeyRevolverfuck you.
09:02.13HeyRevolverfuck you.
09:02.23Rodrigowhat the problem?
09:02.25HeyRevolverJUST KIDDING MAN
09:02.35HeyRevolverlol sorry
09:02.37Resinateu see my ballz
09:02.40Resinateu see em
09:02.43Resinatenow suck em
09:02.44HeyRevolverI was acting like I was uber excited which I was
09:02.46KalekinPity there is no Diablo 3 editor
09:02.55HeyRevolverI got nothing but love brotha
09:02.58Rodrigothey could TOTALLY make one
09:03.11HeyRevolverIf they i
09:03.14KalekinI am sure they have one. Need something to make the game.
09:03.19Rodrigoand you could get real xp on the custom acts with your character
09:03.22HeyRevolverI would buy a one beroom apartment and live the rest of my life in diablo 3
09:03.25KalekinThey just don't seem interested in releasing one. :(
09:03.49Rodrigoto release one, it has to have more details
09:04.03HeyRevolverit would be sooooo complicated though
09:04.10Rodrigobecause a player could just make it in a way that he can leave his hero and just weak monsters come one by one the whole day and he gets free xp
09:04.12KineMorto^^^ thats just wrong
09:04.29Rodrigoso, they have to prevent that, and they can
09:04.38Resinatewhy doesnt this work LOL
09:04.42Rodrigodoing functions like the player cannot be stopped in the same place
09:04.50Rodrigoand theres a limit of xp in each area
09:04.53Resinatewhen a player chooses his char
09:04.56Rodrigoand theres a limit of xp per time
09:04.59Resinatethe whole map is revealsed LOL
09:05.13Resinatewell player 2 chooses a char
09:05.13Rodrigoso, they cannot make monsters that reward 9999999999 xp and has 1 hp
09:05.20Resinateit reveals the map for player 1 and player 2
09:05.31Rodrigothey can, but the players would have to be playing for 9999 hours
09:05.55KineMortod3 is awesome
09:05.59KineMortoI played it at blizzcon
09:06.39Rodrigothey NEED a d2 Act Editor
09:07.02KineMortoWho knows
09:07.11KineMortoIt probably wouldnt be on open battlenet though
09:07.19KineMortoto easy to cheat
09:07.22KineMortoto get act bosses
09:07.23KineMortoand level
09:07.42Rodrigoso, ckknight would make a website, we will use the D3 Act Editor to have fun, and we would call it the hell editor.
09:08.06Rodrigobecause it would be hard like hell
09:08.27Resinatesomeone pm me
09:08.29RodrigoKineMorto, its not too easy to cheat when you do a good job
09:08.32Resinatewhen u guys are done talking about d3
09:08.42Resinatei need help with text tags
09:09.14RodrigoKineMorto, they can make that there's a limit of XP rewarded per time. Like, no player can get xp before 2 min of game, max xp you can get before 5 min is 200, max xp you can get before 10 minutes is 300, and so on.....
09:09.32KineMortothen whats the point?
09:09.35KineMortoYou are just on rails
09:09.48Rodrigothe point? it will be a new ACT
09:10.02Rodrigoif the map maker is good, you wont notice the xp limit per time
09:10.38Rodrigobecause he will add exactly the right amount of monsters and cities to make your xp always below the max you can get.
09:11.02Rodrigofor the crappy maps, you will just kill units without being rewarded
09:11.14Rodrigoits all connected to the time you are playing the map
09:11.35Rodrigoand the player has to keep moving, theres also a xp limit per region
09:11.45KineMortowell shit in one hand
09:11.46Rodrigoso that, its impossible to cheat and make a map just to boost your xp
09:11.49KineMortoand make custom acts in the other
09:11.52KineMortosee which fills up first
09:12.04*** join/#sc2mapster ZarafFaraz (
09:12.25KineMortoHOly crap
09:12.31KineMortoI just found the best word ever
09:12.32Rodrigowell its totally possible to release a D2 ACT EDITOR in a way that does not allow you to make maps just to boost xp during the night.
09:13.41Rodrigobut of coure, they will need a google-activision-blizzard to release the D3 ACT Editor with 1 gb act limit.
09:15.07KineMortoit means one who eats babies
09:15.12KineMortoI didnt know there was a word for that
09:15.37KineMortoI think im going to go put on my blue baracudas shirt and jump into my bed filled with pillows
09:18.23OtixaGive us proper fucking tools >:|
09:20.51Resinatekine ur a girl?
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09:46.40Icebaneomg I would love taccos
09:46.44Icebaneyou still awake Suraklin? xD
09:46.50IcebaneOr have you slept?
09:46.52SuraklinSC2I'm sleeping.
09:46.56IcebaneOh right!
09:46.58SuraklinSC2Right this instant.
09:47.07IcebaneU from US? ;P
09:47.16SuraklinSC2US is such a silly place. ^^
09:47.47IcebaneSo why are you still awake? :D
09:48.14*** join/#sc2mapster Huesy (
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10:04.24SuraklinSC2Blah, I say.
10:11.04*** join/#sc2mapster rrowland (
10:13.48HuesyIs the data editor supposed to have hover tooltips?
10:14.37*** join/#sc2mapster mattavich-377 (522ee3dd@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
10:15.03mattavich-377I have a problem with a trigger that is pissing me off can anyone help?
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10:20.33Motivesomeone stole my map, again
10:23.15RaydenUnistole it?
10:23.29*** join/#sc2mapster Demonette (6d29ec20@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
10:23.31Motivetake the exact same terrain
10:23.39Motivedo god knows what
10:23.41Motivepublish as something else
10:24.18RaydenUnithat sucks
10:24.29RaydenUni<Huesy> Is the data editor supposed to have hover tooltips? <-- it has them
10:24.34MotiveGonna try going through the official channels and sending a DMCA notice to
10:24.47Motiveafaik it worked before
10:24.51Demonettecan someone help me with the acteur of the scourge? i mad a mode to extract some camaign units to a medium that doesn't load as long as the campagin mod... but somehow the scourge model is missing ingame while it shows up right in the editor
10:26.56Demonetteportrait is also missing...but the lurker den works as it should
10:29.14Demonetteis there and issue that imports of mods doeesn't work right on maps that depend on those mods?
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10:33.59Demonetteso no one ever run in such a problem?
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10:43.32SuraklinSC2dances a little dance.
10:43.48HuesyRaydenUni: Guess not on Mac :( No wonder it's taking so long figuring out what each thing does
10:44.01*** join/#sc2mapster Arthas- (
10:44.12SuraklinSC2And, I think things that use dependencies just "bug out" now and then.   ><
10:44.15RaydenUninot all of them ar actually marked
10:44.40SuraklinSC2Has anyone played with unit order queues?  ^^
10:47.14*** join/#sc2mapster rrowland (
10:47.42SuraklinSC2Is there no way to parse/modify the order queue on a unit...
10:48.53SuraklinSC2I guess I could intercept EVERY order and store the "queue" myself.
10:49.00SuraklinSC2That would be a pain tho.
10:49.19Otixapunches SuraklinSC2
10:49.29OtixaHave some complementary pain :>
10:49.37SuraklinSC2suddenly becomes jell-o.
10:49.42Otixalicks Demonette on the cheek
10:49.47*** join/#sc2mapster Dotted363 (
10:50.15SuraklinSC2I have this trigger that checks when you issue an order to your little unit...
10:50.24SuraklinSC2It checks if the order has a target or destination...
10:50.37SuraklinSC2And then if it does, it checks to see if using my teleporter system would get you there faster.  ^^
10:50.51*** join/#sc2mapster Xaragoth (
10:50.56OtixaIt won't!
10:50.57SuraklinSC2The problem is, it inserts a "move to teleporter" before the command by replacing the orders.
10:51.03OtixaBecause it won't be the same unit!
10:51.10OtixaJust a perfect copy
10:51.14OtixaThink about it
10:51.16SuraklinSC2So, if you're shift-command queuing, it'll break the queue as soon as it decides to traverse a teleporter for you.
10:51.34OtixaNo, Xaragoth
10:51.49SuraklinSC2Everything works fine.
10:51.52SuraklinSC2Except for that little issue.
10:51.54Xaragothwhat did I miss otixa?
10:51.55SuraklinSC2And it's annoying me.
10:52.06OtixaXaragoth, notrly
10:52.06Xaragothsomeone doing stupid stuff with 3ds max again and you need to rant? :D
10:52.29OtixaSuraklinSC2, I saw a post somewhere on disabling queue
10:52.38SuraklinSC2I want it enabled!
10:52.43OtixaXaragoth, nope. Underpants was being a fucktard in my article thread
10:52.44SuraklinSC2I want to be able to parse through it.
10:52.48SuraklinSC2That's what I want.  ^^
10:52.52OtixaBut I took care of that
10:52.58DemonetteHi Otixa by the way...
10:53.08SuraklinSC2Ni hao!
10:53.08OtixaDemonette, hi sweety
10:53.18SuraklinSC2Or, lemme guess.
10:53.35SuraklinSC2Or.. hmm.
10:53.44Otixasmacks SuraklinSC2
10:53.54SuraklinSC2Guten tag?
10:54.08SuraklinSC2I'm just grasping at straws now.
10:54.20DemonetteGuten Tag wenn dann
10:54.35OtixaXaragoth, anything new with the level?
10:54.40XaragothMOONSPEAK FFS
10:54.42DemonetteI'm not sweet oO i'm spicy
10:54.53Otixapats Demonette
10:54.56Xaragoththough I can understand the crappy language I was born with
10:55.03Xaragothnothing new otixa
10:55.08OtixaMOONSPEAK FFS?
10:55.10Xaragoththough the map-contest entry won't make it
10:55.28OtixaBecause you suck at UVs? :P
10:55.30XaragothI gotta clean up the whole place & start deconstruction of different stuff
10:55.35Xaragothso no time for editor :[
10:55.42DemonetteYou was born with a language? oO
10:55.49DemonetteWTF.... i wasn't
10:56.20Xaragothand thats why I can cuddle banelings and you get blown to pieces!
10:56.27OtixaI was born with the language of technology ;P
10:56.30SuraklinSC2Yay Banelings!
10:56.38SuraklinSC2More people need to test my map.  ><
10:56.46SuraklinSC2Stupid friends got lazy with it.  :/
10:56.54SuraklinSC2Sadly, it's on the US servers.
10:56.58OtixaWhat friends? ¬_¬
10:57.02OtixaThis is the internet
10:57.05OtixaThere are no friends
10:57.09OtixaOnly enemies
10:57.14SuraklinSC2Oh, there are friends.
10:57.17Otixaswings his scythe
10:57.19SuraklinSC2They're pink.
10:57.20SuraklinSC2And furry.
10:57.23SuraklinSC2And smile back.
10:57.35SuraklinSC2And have sharp, pointy teeth.
10:57.40SuraklinSC2And googly eyes.
10:57.44DemonetteOtixa runs amok?
10:58.18DemonetteUhm... does someone has fire?
10:58.23SuraklinSC2I wish people would THINK about what they're trying to do before they do it and come up with some semblance of flow in their "code".  ^^
10:58.31XaragothCan do.
10:58.34Xaragothsets Otixa on fire.
10:58.47OtixaXaragoth burns them, and I mutilate the running piles of melting flesh
10:58.51Otixais immune
10:59.05SuraklinSC2That's an illegal move on the internet.
10:59.09SuraklinSC2There is no "immune".
10:59.15Otixastabs Xaragoth
10:59.27Xaragothignores the stabby-stabby and goes for his internet cable.
10:59.30mattavich-377For some reason, shadow son my buildings have disappeared. Any idea why?
10:59.50Otixasummons high demons to protect the cable
10:59.55SuraklinSC2mattavich-377: no idea!  ;)
11:00.03DemonetteLol... Otixa can you light this candle within 30 mins? XD
11:00.04Xaragothmattavich: its all the fault of your map
11:00.16SuraklinSC2Perhaps try regenerating the light map?
11:00.19OtixaDemonette, wut?
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11:00.49DemonetteYey i need fire for this.. oO thats why i asked
11:01.03Otixathrows Xaragoth at Demonette
11:01.20mattavich-377I've tried that
11:01.26mattavich-377generate lighting
11:01.30mattavich-377doesnt seem tow ork
11:01.34Xaragothhits the wall headfirst and is stuck.
11:01.38Demonettefound fire already =P doesn't need him anymore
11:01.39mattavich-377not ure how the shadows work to be honest
11:01.53SuraklinSC2This just in the editor?
11:02.01SuraklinSC2Because under "view" there is a "show shadows" checkbox.
11:02.08OtixaFrom the shadows I come ¬_¬
11:02.20*** join/#sc2mapster General1337 (
11:02.21SuraklinSC2Press "S"
11:02.29SuraklinSC2I bet that's it.
11:02.33SuraklinSC2You hit S by accident.
11:02.45Demonettefuck  oO
11:02.46mattavich-377Haha! aweszome
11:02.47mattavich-377got it
11:02.50mattavich-377show shadows
11:02.50OtixaXaragoth, let's go play
11:02.52mattavich-377thanks :)
11:03.03Demonettei light my desk oO
11:03.10Xaragothfacepalms hard.
11:03.25Otixafacebricks Xaragoth
11:03.43OtixaPlay now >:|
11:03.53XaragothFire and Shadows are not meant for unskilled employees of hell. Please refrain from doing stupid things, its enough if we do it :>
11:03.58XaragothBut what?
11:04.01OtixaI need to start packing my shit later
11:04.03XaragothThere is nothgin D:
11:04.28Duckyhello =D
11:04.29OtixaThere's always something
11:04.41Demonetteyou mean nothing
11:04.49Duckysomeone knows how to modify charges on IIIIIIIITTTTTTTEEEEEEEEEEEEEEMMMMMMMMMSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS?????????????????
11:04.51Demonetteeverything exists out of nothing
11:05.16Demonetteso there is also nothing you can packing
11:05.25XaragothOtixa, move your lazy fat ass into bnet already
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11:08.06mattavich-377Just messing about with the lighting, it is quite detailed
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11:39.30ReckeDLooking for more playtesters for my map on SEA, anyone interested PM me
11:40.30ZarafFarazwhat map?
11:41.12ReckeDsecret map =P
11:41.33ReckeDzaraff, are you US?
11:41.37ZarafFarazwhat kind of map is it?
11:41.43ReckeDlane wars style?
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11:43.00ZarafFarazyeah I'm US
11:43.00ReckeDzaraf, what region are you?
11:43.03ReckeDare k
11:43.30ReckeDonce i get this released on US take a look and let me know about the smashTV thing =P
11:43.52ZarafFarazwhat do you want to know about it?
11:44.25HeyRevolverdoes this sentence make sense
11:44.39HeyRevolverAlso for Tuesday's lab, I can attend either session given I can continue with the course.
11:45.20HeyRevolverthat was after asking if it was ok to start attending a class 3 weeks late
11:45.49HeyRevolverdamn youuuuuuuuuu
11:51.59Arthas-Needs weekly repost
11:52.32Arthas-nice, long time since i saw sixe, nic and the frenchie here at the same time!
11:52.43Arthas-Now, if we can only re-animate them so they start chatting again!
11:53.06Arthas-also, hey revolver
11:53.25Helral|Workhmmm want to try those charged up things they have at the hospital for re-animation?
11:53.50Arthas-they dont work on corpses
11:53.59Arthas-We need a wizard with ressurect lvl 3
11:54.17HeyRevolverso is that really cris walken or is it his head digitally put on some other dude, or is it a combo... I think its the latter
11:54.20Arthas-deathknight is not an option
11:54.26Arthas-its really walken
11:54.35HeyRevolverin some parts it looks digital
11:54.44Arthas-he was a dancer prior to his movie career
11:54.53HeyRevolveryeah I was hoping that was the case
11:54.55HeyRevolverhe is so the fucking man
11:55.17Arthas-then we have his readings of random stuff
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11:55.24Arthas-like little red riding hood or pokerface ^^
11:56.01HeyRevolveri wish he woulda done that other gaga song
11:56.03Arthas-Walken could easily make the phone book amusing
11:56.06HeyRevolverdont remember the name of it
11:56.23Arthas-I only know of poker face, and I learned of it through south park (yeah, I dodged it for that long)
11:56.30Arthas-in fact, I dodged gaga for that long :p
11:59.26Arthas-full song \o
11:59.41Arthas-ah well, time to get back to school work. cya later
12:00.07HeyRevolverhavent seen this one yet
12:00.20HeyRevolveronly first 2
12:00.47Arthas-not as good as first
12:01.05Arthas-in fact, far from it. :p
12:01.13HeyRevolverexcept for bearblasting and humpcatting
12:02.00HeyRevolveran when the bear picks up the huge muscular dude and flies up with a rocket pack and its like "UNACCEPTABLE"
12:02.20HeyRevolverbut other  than those two parts lol
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12:11.56HeyRevolverbleep blarp
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12:18.47MiloticalHey there, looking for some testers for an area game on eu, map is pretty advanced       takes about 5mins to test
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12:29.11VulfeYo dawgs
12:29.12Vulfemy homies
12:30.31Vulfebe that way
12:31.48Vulfemy map is awesome by the way
12:31.55VulfeI did a test yesterday of my physics engine
12:34.51*** join/#sc2mapster Resinate (
12:35.03Resinatehas anyone worked with glowing or shiny effects on a unit?
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12:44.34Vulfea little bit
12:44.47VulfeYou can attach the light omni doodad models to them
12:44.49Vulfeworks pretty well
12:44.55Vulfefor just being glowy, at least
12:49.10HuesyFor a persistent effect set to "Persist Until Destroyed", how do I limit it so that if the ability is used again, 2 persistent effects won't be active?
12:49.35Resinatehow do u make it
12:49.39Resinateand what doodad
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12:56.01Milotical@Resinate what he meant is Assets/Doodads/LightOmni etc. :)
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12:57.18Miloticaljust attach those lights to the origin of the mdoel
12:58.24ResinateOH lol
12:58.41Resinatei wanted the effect the dude used on battle craft
12:58.46Resinatefor the elite units
12:58.59Resinatethat type of glowing
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13:02.36Technomanceranyone awake?
13:04.43Technomancertryin to create a new weapon exactly like the old one, but I just wanna tint the beam
13:04.54Technomancerhow would I go about that?
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13:19.10HatiTechnomancer: tinting is done in actors
13:19.24Resinatenot tiniting lol
13:19.28Technomancernah thats not the problem, nvm I found a tutorial
13:19.41Resinatei mean a full blown shiny
13:19.45Resinatemind just died
13:19.57Resinateyep lol
13:20.03Resinateforgot what i was gonna say completely
13:20.31VulfeHi everyone
13:20.58*** join/#sc2mapster DiNo29 (
13:21.50DiNo29Need help with ... footprints I guess
13:22.42DiNo29I want a building which can be build on a space smaller than 1x1, or at least 1x1, but block units in a larger area ... Movement - Radius seems to be ignored for collision for buildings, footprint is used instead
13:23.30DiNo29I thought setting a different Footprint and Footprint - Placement for the unit would works, but I can't build it anymore when I do that
13:27.00VulfeAnyone who wants to play my map with me tonight is welcome
13:28.18*** join/#sc2mapster Ka[L]ekin (
13:28.29Resinateur not gonna rape me are u
13:28.36DiNo29hmm, I managed to remove footprint and make it have a normal radius, now is there any way to ignore the radius when I place the building (placing it in a place where it wouldn't fit) ?
13:29.41Resinate35 lines
13:29.43Resinatefor dialogs
13:29.46Resinatefor my intro
13:30.06Resinate3 dailogs
13:30.08Resinate6 items
13:30.19Ka[L]ekinif a unit cannot move through a Unit Order, can it still be moved using the Move Instantly action?
13:30.32Technomancerin the actors type I cant seem to view the tokens on the right-hand side,
13:30.39Resinatehas anyone messed around with LOS
13:30.42Technomancerlike above where the fields would be
13:30.46VulfeKaL: Yes
13:31.02DiNo29Resinate I worked around it ^^'
13:31.07Ka[L]ekinMakes things more difficult. :/
13:31.16Vulfegive them a behavior
13:31.18Vulfeand use if/then
13:31.22Vulfeit's not that difficult x.x
13:31.41Vulfe lol
13:31.54Ka[L]ekinBut that requires hard coding into a trigger to check for specific behaviours
13:31.58mattavich-377In the data editor how cna I for example, change the hue/colour overlay of the nuke explosion?
13:32.10Ka[L]ekinMore upkeep for the code and less flexability
13:32.19VulfeKaLekin: Not really less flexibility at all
13:32.28Ka[L]ekinWell, more upkeep at least
13:32.33VulfeYou could always do unit custom values
13:32.36HeyRevolverhay mas flexabilidad
13:32.37Vulfeif behaviors bother you
13:32.47Technomancerin the actors type I cant seem to view the tokens on the right-hand side above the fields section, how can I view that?
13:33.13DiNo29check show raw data
13:33.41Technomancerbut then the names are dif, its not like that in the tutorial
13:34.07DiNo29hmm dunno then
13:34.07Resinatehow do u add block LOS on a footprint
13:34.25Technomanceralso, it is not letting me modify that token :S
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13:36.23Ka[L]ekinCan you set/get the custom value through behaviours?
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13:36.47Technomancerthis jagoff got it to show tokens without doing raw data, and when I do raw data, it shows em with dif names and unmodifiable..
13:37.53Ka[L]ekinBecause moving units through orders is a pain in the neck
13:38.11Technomancerwas that referring to me?
13:38.18Ka[L]ekinNo no.
13:38.36TechnomancerI dont suppose u got an answer for mine tho? :P
13:38.56Technomancerfollowing the tutorial to the letter and cant get tokens to appear (w/o raw data) and modifiable
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13:39.01Ka[L]ekini haven't done too much work with the data editor
13:39.08Ka[L]ekinTriggers are more my focus a the moment
13:39.12Ka[L]ekinAfraid I would be little help :(
13:39.19Technomancerah fuck, thanks anyway
13:39.35VulfeKaLekin: you can check for the presence of behaviors and the value of custom values, but they're not related unless you make them related through triggers
13:40.11Ka[L]ekinMove Instant would be ideal
13:40.19Ka[L]ekinThen I have full control over the motion
13:40.30VulfeI'm using Move Instant in my map with custom values for X velocity and Y velocity
13:40.31Ka[L]ekinBut I would like things like taunt or whatever to just work out the box
13:40.40Vulfethen any transformations are done using a Push function I made
13:40.44Ka[L]ekinWhich would require orders
13:40.53Ka[L]ekinBut orders just....
13:40.57Ka[L]ekinDon't work properly
13:41.03Ka[L]ekinDoes weird things
13:41.15Ka[L]ekinLike instantly changing velocity when changing direction sharply
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13:42.53BlacksoldierThe master of Noobyness is back ;-)
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13:44.55Resinatedo u know how to make LOS blockers?
13:45.08DiNo29oh cool
13:45.12DiNo29managed to make my footprint
13:45.23*** join/#sc2mapster Armentia (42f45007@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
13:45.31Vulfenot the screeny I wanted
13:45.35Vulfebut it's okay I guess
13:45.42Blacksoldieri dont know what LOS is resinate
13:45.52VulfeLine of Sight
13:46.00Blacksoldierah ok
13:46.02VulfeResinate: There's a doodad for that
13:46.04Resinatetheyhave doodad that are LOS
13:46.04Blacksoldierjust use the doodads
13:46.07Resinatei cant
13:46.10Resinateits for doors
13:46.19Resinatei need to apply it to the door when its up
13:46.25Resinatethe unit changes
13:46.29ArmentiaSo you're the zerg, and there's a small terran encampment of mostly marines, but you're very limited in numbers. What kind of special abilities would you want to be able to use against them?
13:46.33Blacksoldiertrigger it
13:46.39DiNo29Use footprints
13:46.42Resinatei did
13:46.49Resinatetheres no option to block LOS
13:46.58DiNo29Layer : Placement Apply, Define Set : Block Vision
13:47.06Resinatewhere is that
13:47.10Resinatemy editor doesnt have that
13:47.16ArmentiaI bet it does
13:47.20Resinatewhere is it?
13:47.23DiNo29When you open Shape + for the footprint
13:47.24Resinatefootprints right?
13:47.25HuesyAnyone know why this is happening with a missile and how to fix it?
13:47.37DiNo29There's a layer dropdown menu under the square where you can draw
13:47.47DiNo29you have to select the Placement Apply layer
13:47.50DiNo29then click define set
13:47.58DiNo29and there's a block vision box
13:48.00Blacksoldierarmetia: curruptor (these large thing burrowed under the earth and can make infested marines)
13:48.08Resinatealli see
13:48.11Resinateis the editor
13:48.20Resinatesome boxes
13:48.23Resinatefor tiles
13:48.34Resinateno options
13:48.42Resinateoh and the size
13:48.53ArmentiaBlacksoldier: I'm really looking for ideas for new abilities to make.
13:48.56Resinatelayer = pathing
13:49.01Resinatetype is standard
13:49.02Blacksoldierchain lightning
13:49.15Resinateso now what?
13:49.24DiNo29"Layer = Pathing" << click pathing and change to placement apply
13:49.32Blacksoldieraoe stun
13:49.46*** join/#sc2mapster Fisker (
13:49.47Resinateare u just quessing?
13:49.54DiNo29I'm doing it right now
13:49.54Blacksoldieror invisible banelings
13:49.55Resinateor phsyically looking
13:49.58Resinatefor me
13:50.06Resinateare u under units
13:50.09Clordinvisible banelings
13:50.10Resinateor footprint
13:50.11DiNo29I'll make a screen :p
13:50.12Clordsounds rather effective
13:50.47Armentiaresinate it's not under units
13:50.52Armentiayou know how there's different layers
13:50.55Resinatetheres 4 hidden buttons
13:50.58Resinatethat u cant see
13:51.04Resinatenext to layer
13:51.13Resinatethats why i couldnt find this
13:51.18DiNo29hidden ? :o
13:51.24DiNo29window wasn't big enough ?
13:51.45Resinatenow i cant see it again
13:51.50Resinateim using fullscreen 1080p
13:52.13Resinatetoo late LOL
13:52.14Resinatei got it
13:52.19Resinatei didntknow there was hidden buttons
13:52.50Miloticallol in the german version
13:52.53Miloticalyou can see the buttons
13:53.22*** join/#sc2mapster Ducky (53f1057d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
13:53.23DiNo29I still have a problem though
13:53.33DiNo29Sicne I made my own footprint for my building
13:53.37DiNo29collision works great
13:53.37Resinateu cant make custom footprints
13:53.41DiNo29but the building is invisible
13:53.41Resinatethey work in game
13:53.59DiNo29they work in game .... but ?
13:54.06Resinatenow my units can walk thru the door
13:54.20Ducky=O a footprint discussion!
13:54.32DiNo29wait, what do you mean you can't make your own footprint ? :(
13:54.43Resinateif u make a custom footprint
13:54.49Resinatesay 10x20
13:54.56Resinatein the editor u cant see it
13:54.58Resinateonly in the game
13:55.03Resinatei just did what u said
13:55.14Resinatenow my units can walk thru the doors
13:55.19DiNo29well you have to put collisions too
13:55.26Resinatehow do i do that LOL
13:55.28DiNo29in the pathing layer
13:55.37DiNo29there's a "unpathable terrain" bouton
13:55.39Resinatei vote for screenshot
13:55.45DiNo29then you can draw on the middle square where it's unpathable
13:55.58Resinateits not cvustom lol
13:56.09Resinateim modding a footprint
13:56.12DiNo29oh yeah but when you modifiy a foorprint it's reset :/
13:56.20DiNo29you have to do everything each time you modify it
13:56.24DuckyDino, maybie you also know how to allow units to build stuff on bridges?
13:57.00DiNo29give a custom footprint to the bridge that allow buildings maybe
13:57.36Duckyi tried
13:57.50Duckyi even unchecked "no build" flag
13:58.48Resinateic ant apply block LOS
13:58.53Resinatewithout the pathing breaking
13:59.07DiNo29and did you draw ground pathing everywhere in the footprint ducky ?
13:59.10DiNo29resinate strange ^^'
13:59.23Resinatei need screens
13:59.53Duckyi only drew it in presistent footpr.
14:00.23Resinatewhats black and purple
14:00.27Resinateon the editor
14:01.09*** join/#sc2mapster deathnight114 (
14:01.09Resinatestand for
14:02.46DiNo29black and purple ? :o
14:03.05Resinateit doesnt work
14:03.12Resinateso i reverted it
14:03.16Resinateif i check block LOS
14:03.22Resinateunits can go thru the door
14:03.29*** join/#sc2mapster Manquiche (
14:03.34Resinatei rather have them shoot thru it
14:03.40Resinatethan walk thru it
14:03.54Resinatesince ur all pro at footprints
14:03.54Manquichehey all
14:03.58Resinatewhy dontu make a video
14:04.24Resinatenow go in game
14:04.29Resinateand walk near the depot
14:04.34Resinateull walk thru it
14:05.02DiNo29no I don't :o
14:05.27DiNo29You checked the correct icon in value, bottom of the left screen ?
14:05.39Resinateu wanna do this to my map?
14:05.39Resinatefor me?
14:05.54Resinatesince im retarded
14:05.57Resinatehold on
14:06.25Resinatesend me a pm
14:06.29Resinatein here
14:07.09DiNo29oh wait
14:07.27Resinatewait what
14:07.35DiNo29Maybe I tried the wrong footprint :p
14:07.42Resinatethe 2 units i needed done
14:08.19Resinategoto units
14:08.25Resinateunder data source
14:08.29Resinatechoose the map
14:08.58Resinatecustom - gate hoz
14:09.03Resinateand custom gate - ver
14:09.09Resinatedo not mod lowered ones
14:12.24DiNo29k downloading
14:12.37Resinatetook u this long?
14:12.54DiNo29yeah I was testing the footprint to see if it does block los and yeah it works ^^
14:13.07Miloticalguys is there a way to display the game menu (f10) by clicking on a dialog item?
14:13.32DiNo29Dunno but on that topic, is there a way to open the inventory by clicking a dialog item ? :p
14:14.37DiNo29resinate what footprint do you want, I mean what size ?
14:15.27Resinatei dunno
14:15.33Resinateone that matches the door
14:15.37*** join/#sc2mapster Manquiche (
14:15.37Resinateand blocks LOS
14:15.48Resinatejust fix the dood
14:15.51Resinateand reupload the map
14:16.03Resinateu know what 2 units right?
14:16.03IcebaneIt's a good day..
14:16.15Miloticalit is icebane
14:16.23IcebaneTO DIE! :D
14:16.27SuraklinSC2Did you set someone on fire?
14:16.39Icebanesets SuraklinSC2 on fire.
14:16.42IcebaneYepp! :D
14:16.51SuraklinSC2That won't work.
14:16.54SuraklinSC2I was already on fire.
14:17.12IcebaneI use over-fire.
14:17.14IcebaneSo yes it works.
14:17.28SuraklinSC2Wth is "over-fire"?
14:17.44IcebaneFire that sets fire on fire.
14:17.44SuraklinSC2You make no sense, sir.
14:17.54IcebaneDIDNT YOU KNOW? *facepalm*
14:18.20Resinateif u google splash pro 1.1
14:18.25Resinateevery link they say has a virus onit
14:19.15Icebane <3
14:19.30SuraklinSC2Watch out!
14:19.32SuraklinSC2Don't click!
14:19.46Resinatetoo late
14:20.01Resinatei bet if i posted a red tube video link
14:20.04Resinatesomeone will watch it
14:20.10SuraklinSC2He's got the internet hivs now.
14:20.27IcebaneInternet fag-disease! :O
14:20.48DiNo29rofl icebane link xD best video ever made lol
14:20.49IcebaneResinate: yeah I think I would, just to see if you were a sick fuck or not :>
14:21.07Resinatenothing wrong with 2 girls and 1 cup LOL
14:21.11*** part/#sc2mapster Phaos (
14:21.19IcebaneDiNo29: YEAH and the best is that ITS A CHAT-BOT! xD
14:21.38IcebaneHeres another one!
14:22.07Resinateso what did u think of the video?
14:22.36IcebaneI never saw 2girls1cup, I heard the rumours and saw a screenshot once...
14:22.43Resinateits not that LOL
14:22.49Resinateit is 2 girls tho
14:22.51Icebane"What ha s been seen.."
14:23.01DiNo29oops, resinate, just tried and there's a bug, gonna send again :d
14:23.12DiNo29It works but I didn't made the collide large enough, you can go trough on the sides ^^'
14:23.32Resinatewhy did u give me a half assed map LOL
14:25.03Resinatewhy did u make the doors 2x2
14:25.04Blacksoldiericebane this bot is lol - i troied just to ask "are you gay" - until he finally said yes ^^
14:25.09Resinatewhen they were 2x4
14:26.00DiNo292x4 ? oO
14:26.04IcebaneBlacksoldier:  seriously thats the best chatbot ever, I started with "Your momma is so fat it takes three soulstones to summon her" and he went: "Yes that is true you must know her well then you maggot." xD
14:26.27Resinatei justed it
14:26.33Resinatethe units ran thru the door again
14:26.37Resinateare u testing this in game?
14:26.41Resinatebefore u send me
14:27.25Blacksoldierwhat are you thinking about Angela Merkel? I'M thinking of: how much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood.
14:27.38Blacksoldierhes strange+
14:27.48DiNo29nah, I test after
14:27.52DiNo29and it's still not good :s
14:28.16DiNo29where's the spawn ?
14:28.39Resinateto the left of the red teams starting
14:28.45Resinateright on other side of the door
14:30.45DiNo29btw when I try your map
14:30.51Helral|Workbtw did you guys read this bit of news? "Xbox blocks W.Va. gamer over town's name"
14:30.58DiNo29I get Param/Value/353TT5J instead of all your text
14:31.14*** join/#sc2mapster Terin (
14:31.16Helral|WorkParam/Value/.... = not localized.
14:31.18BlacksoldierMy name is Cleverbot and I'm as straight as a ruler!
14:31.23Resinatei giess this map isnt made for this LOS system
14:31.25DiNo29you still have to localize maps ? Oo
14:31.33Resinateare u US?
14:31.34Resinateor EU
14:31.45Resinatewhy the fk is everyone EU?
14:31.51Resinateare these forums even usa?
14:32.09IcebaneEU rocks!
14:32.16Helral|Workroflol no the sc2mapster forums are for all countries.
14:32.31Resinateseems like 90% of the forum is EU
14:32.40Resinatewhats soo good abotu EU?
14:32.46Helral|Workwell we have the Euro XD
14:32.47IcebaneI said: "Me JANE you TARZAN!" Bot Said: "No, me jane, you tarzan."
14:32.58Blacksoldieru know - my parens has born me here and im still here
14:33.05Blacksoldierso - why thay shouldnt be here?
14:33.16Blacksoldierwithout eu usa wouldnt excists
14:33.37Icebane Need I say more?
14:33.58Helral|Worktumbs up Icebane
14:34.24Helral|WorkI'd have to bookmark that one, for the next time I get that question.
14:34.34Blacksoldieru mean everyone in usa wears black ones?
14:35.00IcebaneOh yeah, who the fuck wants a chick with black underwear?
14:35.22Blacksoldierwhite>black>blizzard employee
14:35.23Resinatepage not found
14:35.58Xaragothslaps vjeux around a bit with a large trout
14:36.12Helral|Workthinks Vjeux is starting to smell like fish.
14:36.26IcebaneThis ones pretty awesome too! xD
14:36.38Icebanelikes fish.
14:37.29Resinateiw anna go EU
14:37.36IcebaneHahah! xD
14:37.51Resinatei know whats wrong
14:37.55Resinateu cant have a door
14:38.00Resinatewith a modded foorprint
14:38.06Resinatethe FP doesnt load
14:38.11DiNo29Resinate it works now :)
14:38.20Resinatewith LOS?
14:38.24IcebaneCome to sweden! We'll give you free allowence, blonde chicks and healthcare at almost no charge!
14:38.28DiNo29I set the footprint 2x4 with los and units doesnt go trhough anymore ^^
14:38.29Resinatecan u walk thru thru the door
14:38.36Resinatesend it
14:38.57IcebaneBtw guys, whats the deal with blonde chicks?
14:39.00IcebaneI don't get it
14:39.05Resinatered-send it
14:39.16Resinateblonde chicks are ez to get laid
14:39.30Resinateu know whats even funnier
14:39.34IcebaneDidn't know there was a difference.
14:39.38Resinatego up to a red head and call her a bitch
14:39.54*** join/#sc2mapster Orbiter (51bf91da@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
14:40.02OrbiterIs it possible to define the damage of an effect in the data editor based on a global variable from the trigger editor?
14:40.29IcebaneWhat happens Reisgnate? xD
14:40.31Resinatedont delete it
14:40.35Resinatethe file xfer is bugged
14:41.17Resinatethe doors dont work
14:41.21Resinatei can walk thru them
14:41.42IcebaneResinate: what happens if you call a redhead a bitch? ^^
14:42.03Resinatezip the map
14:42.05Resinateand filebeam it
14:42.10Resinateu gave me the old map
14:42.17Resinatewhere the units walk around the edge
14:43.09DiNo29Wait, just noticed a problem anyway
14:43.16Resinatewhats that
14:43.17DiNo29Even with LOS blocker your unit shoot trhough the door >_<
14:43.26Resinatehe didnt shoot
14:43.30Resinatetil i got near the edge
14:43.43Resinatethere was a hole
14:43.45Resinatein the door
14:44.45Helral|WorkIcebane: she barks most likely XD
14:45.02IcebaneHaha xD
14:45.16Icebanehmm I'm off to finish the campaign
14:45.19Icebaneor at least try to xD
14:47.57Resinatei can finally watch dbz on motion plus
14:48.01*** join/#sc2mapster SweetZombieJesus (5591760a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
14:48.56ResinateOMG LOL
14:49.01Resinategohan lookcs awesome at 120 hz
14:49.24DiNo29Can't walk trough anymore but the unit still shoot trough it you run the closest to the door >_<
14:49.41Resinatedont bother uploading it
14:49.48Resinateif u can shoot thru the door still
14:50.07*** join/#sc2mapster Mograth (
14:50.12Resinatei alrdy had walking thru the door working but no LOS
14:50.42DiNo29it only shoot it the unit is touching the door though now
14:51.11Resinatethat made no sense
14:51.12DiNo29the unit has to get all the way to the door and run into it before it start shooting through
14:51.17DiNo29can't shoot trough from a distance
14:51.29Resinatethe units have short range
14:51.35Resinateill trysomething else
14:51.53Resinatecacnel the upload
14:54.28*** join/#sc2mapster Terin (
14:56.16Clordcurse has persistent spamming problem
14:58.46nicoli_sbanned them clord, thx for the report
14:59.13Clordyeah saw it happen constantly
14:59.16Clordit literally spammed my email box
15:01.12Resinatewhats the link for 2min sc2 game
15:01.19Resinatecuz its gone on utube now
15:07.29*** join/#sc2mapster alexaz (4e3deb78@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
15:07.42alexazhey guys, what does Height At Point return?
15:07.46alexazsurely it aint integer
15:07.48*** join/#sc2mapster Arthas- (
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15:08.24Helral|Workreal most likely.
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15:09.52Resinateblock LOS
15:09.56Resinateis a bugged flag
15:10.09Helral|Workit is?
15:10.21*** join/#sc2mapster BenderJ (4e16e4eb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
15:10.30Resinatewhen u use full map reveal
15:10.50Helral|Workuhm block LoS only has effect without full map reveal
15:10.58Helral|Worksince it prevents removal of Fog of War.
15:11.10DiNo29didn't now you revealed your map :p
15:11.30Resinatedont need the map
15:11.41DiNo29in case you remove reveal ^^
15:11.53DiNo29doors would work
15:12.07DiNo29you can use 9999 sight radius instead :p
15:12.21Helral|Workyou can still shoot through door if units are at both sides of the door.
15:12.52Helral|Workyou want to create a validator that prevents the unit from attacking units at the other side of the door. if you want it to block attacks.
15:13.09Helral|WorkI've even shot through walls in the sc2 campaign :P
15:13.58Helral|Workanyways I'm off going to head home XD
15:13.59Helral|Workcya later
15:14.59DiNo29<Helral|Work> you can still shoot through door if units are at both sides of the door. << he mean't other unit for the same player, so wouldn't apply to you I think ^^
15:16.35*** join/#sc2mapster Petoj (
15:17.12Resinateits funny
15:17.23Resinatesight radius doesnt work that good
15:18.03Resinate100 doesnt work
15:18.27DiNo29100 radius ?
15:18.49Resinatehow did u edit thr footholds
15:18.52Resinatewas it the shape
15:18.56Resinateor the other one?
15:18.59DiNo29a rectangle
15:19.09Resinatetheres 2 fields
15:19.19Resinatelayers and shape
15:19.24Resinatewhich one edits
15:19.25DiNo29modiying one edit the other automaticcaly
15:19.29DiNo29shape I think
15:19.31DiNo29but I think it's the same
15:20.12*** join/#sc2mapster nimiety (
15:20.26Blacksoldierstillk the footprint problem?
15:20.46DiNo29but  resinate, the footprints are fine in this version :
15:22.04Resinateno holes in the door?
15:22.30DiNo29no ^^
15:22.47DiNo29didn't find any anyway
15:22.53*** join/#sc2mapster Huesy (
15:24.46Resinateu didnt mod anything else right
15:25.14DiNo29I think I put a horizontal door in the south spawn area to test if I could go through, don't forget to remove it :p
15:25.37Resinatedoesnt matter
15:25.41Resinatestill failed
15:25.46Resinatetheres a hole on the right side of the door
15:25.50DiNo29which door ?
15:25.54Resinatewhat i didnt know
15:26.00Resinateu can shoot over the walls LOL
15:26.08alexazguys, is this even possible to check unit path's cliff levels?
15:26.12DiNo29I tried walking averywhere in the door as raynor and I couldn't ...
15:26.15alexazlike every 1 unit
15:26.20Resinateu can shoot
15:26.22Resinatethru it
15:26.27Resinateon thr right side
15:26.32Resinateu cant walk thru it
15:29.14DiNo29meh strange
15:29.48*** join/#sc2mapster ckknight (~ckknight@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/CurseStaff/CurseForge/ckknight)
15:29.48*** mode/#sc2mapster [+o ckknight] by ChanServ
15:32.52alexazguys is there any way to make unit unable to walk trough high terrain ?
15:33.03alexaznot cliff's, but the terrain
15:34.27*** join/#sc2mapster Armentia (42f45007@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
15:34.39ArmentiaSo what's a modal dialog vs a non-modal dialog?
15:34.53Resinatetheire the same
15:35.04ArmentiaWhy is it there than?
15:37.28SweetZombieJesusOtixa i removed math all for you!
15:38.50Resinatewhat do u know about LOS
15:39.47Resinatedo u know a way to disable multi llevel range?
15:39.56Resinateso a unit cant shoot from level 3 to lvl 1
15:39.57*** join/#sc2mapster Gohla (
15:40.04SweetZombieJesusi know triggers
15:40.06SweetZombieJesusthats about it
15:40.08Resinateu just dont wanna help me after yesterday do u
15:40.20SweetZombieJesusnah i really dont know
15:40.32Resinatei fixed all my triggers
15:40.37Resinatebut theres one thats wierd
15:40.40Resinateits map revealer
15:40.49Resinateif it triggers for player 2
15:40.56Resinateitll also trigger for player 1 and all other players
15:41.04Resinateeven tho i made it only for that player
15:41.13DiNo29one of my item selection radius is huge even though it's set to 0.5 in the data editor :(
15:42.05DiNo29<Resinate> so a unit cant shoot from level 3 to lvl 1 << but CliffLevelEqual requirement on the weapon or something :p
15:43.01BenderJis there any way I can remove the stalker model from the blink ability? (so I can use it on another unit, w/o seeing the stalker appear)
15:43.18Blacksoldierresinate - are the players in team? so they may have shared vision?
15:44.27Jibekn@Armentia, the difference between modial and non modial is the ability to interact with objects behind the dialog
15:44.33Blacksoldierbenderj - i think u will have to do something wth the actors or it's fixed in the animation
15:45.07*** join/#sc2mapster RedWraith (
15:45.31BenderJgot it, ty
15:51.15*** join/#sc2mapster anteevy (
15:51.33DiNo29how did you do ?
15:51.46BenderJjust changed the start model
15:51.51BenderJlooks a bit weird tho
15:51.56DiNo29k ^^
15:52.25DiNo29Gah T_T
15:52.34DiNo29I have 4 Items in the data editor
15:52.37Blacksoldierhow to add an ability by an upgrade?
15:52.44DiNo29And when I do a unit type comparison in the trigger editor
15:52.51DiNo29There's only 3 in Value :s
15:53.10DiNo29oh nevermind
15:53.30DiNo29There's no condition to check what item type was used ? :/
15:53.50DiNo29Is does checking the unit type work ?
15:55.49Blacksoldierdino: cleverbot says "I don't have to do any work before I leave." to your question
15:56.12DiNo29lol ^^
15:56.50Blacksoldier"I don't have to do any work before I leave."
15:57.01Blacksoldier"Don't use abbreviations; they make you sound stupid."
15:57.07Blacksoldiernot copy and paste worked
15:57.29Blacksoldier"Smile for the camera."
15:57.41*** join/#sc2mapster MaxMode (
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15:58.01BenderJdoes anyone know of a standard death animation that I can use for buildings (one that doesn't have a building in the animation itself)
15:58.26*** join/#sc2mapster cLef (
15:59.01cLefanyone wanna test a few things on my map (it's alpha almost done) 2v2 tower wars
16:00.43cLefmsg me if i'm testing i'll let u know (if i'm on)
16:00.53Blacksoldierhay - the television is cool... now here is a series one guy killed a person cuz she helped people to get thinner... because his wife lost weight
16:01.32DiNo29well, it works
16:01.48Blacksoldierslef - are you EU?
16:02.04DiNo29You can use Unit Type of (triggering inventory item) to check which item it is
16:02.19DogmaiDiNo29, yes
16:02.32DiNo29yeah I just checked ^^
16:02.39Dogmaisorry didnt see your question sooner
16:02.44Dogmaiitem is basically unit
16:03.02Dogmaiuse all the unit commands to manipulate it
16:04.54Dogmaiwhat do you want to do
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16:05.08cLefbah bsod
16:05.16cLefif u msg'd me do again
16:06.23zenasprimehey guys, quick question, what are the x,y coords for moving a timer window.  I want to move a timer window to the left side of the screen but the coords i'm entering arn't making much sense in where they are positioning the window (if on the screen at all)
16:06.48DiNo29Any way to make pathfinding not ignore units ?
16:07.05DiNo29(If I order my unit to move somewhere and there's an unit blocking the way, he'll keep running into it instead of going another way)
16:08.07Otixasmacks SweetZombieJesus
16:08.26OtixaSZJ, did you make simon says not suck?
16:09.17DogmaiX <--> Y /\-\/
16:09.55zenasprimenot sure im following ya dogmai
16:12.38zenasprimeokay yeah i know that  X is horizontal and y is vertical, but where's the 0,0 point located and is the map the entire positive quadrant or do i work off some center point?
16:13.48zenasprimeand whats the scale?  x= 50 pushed the window up into the left corner... x=2 made the window not visible on the screen
16:14.21cLefdino they don't automatically attack the unit?
16:14.28cLefif they can't get through
16:14.36Dogmaiit depends where its positioned
16:14.43Dogmaitry -minus
16:15.06Dogmaidialogs are locked either to topleft, topmid, topright, midleft, mid, mid right, botleft, botmid, botright
16:15.21Dogmaithe scale is all over the place
16:15.47zenasprimehmmm, can i use one of those to place a Timer window?  if so what function would i use
16:16.38*** join/#sc2mapster Terin (
16:17.47Dogmaiyou would have to make your won
16:17.54Resinatein weapons
16:17.54Dogmaiif you search sc2mapster
16:18.00Resinatewhats is stats - level
16:18.03Dogmaithere is a guy who wrote a timer to dialog function
16:18.10Dogmaiyou can download it as a library
16:18.19Resinatethere is 4 line trigger
16:18.22Resinatefor that system
16:18.24zenasprimeThat would be a good idea but a task for a future build, lol
16:19.08Resinateuse this for a timer
16:19.41Resinatemake a varibale TIME <int>
16:19.50Resinateset the default value to the time u wanna use
16:20.13Resinatethen u can use set var to recharge the timer
16:20.23Dogmaithat doesnt have pretty 00:00:00
16:21.27Otixavjeux, I notice a distinct lack of news today >:|
16:21.52IcebaneHey does anyone know how by triggers initate the order of a targetting ability "Blink" for example, so that the player can select where he/she wants to Blink and just press Mousebutton1?
16:22.30Dogmaino, but you can do it the other way around
16:22.48Dogmaiif they click, and a boolean ability active = true then issue unit to do it
16:22.58Resinateuc an add the hhmmss
16:23.06Resinateits convert to time
16:23.09Resinateunder dialog
16:24.21zenasprimewow it certainly does seem like the scale is non linear... or I just need glasses....  Seems like 600+/- x 50+/- will set a window in the left corner...  Thanks for the help guys.  :)
16:24.28IcebaneDogmai: do you know if you can change the cursor by triggers?
16:24.31Blacksoldieror just use ability
16:24.37Blacksoldiershouldnt this be what he wants
16:24.38cLefanyone wanna test a few things on my map?  it's almost finished.  (has a few small glitches known but those are bieng worked on) it's a 2v2 tower wars type thing
16:25.13Blacksoldierim out
16:25.16cLefwhen finished i'll upload it though
16:25.19cLefso u can play in in eu
16:25.33Blacksoldiercant wait ;-)
16:25.35cLefit's like wmw meets a tower defense :-p
16:25.46cLefbut you can make defenders too
16:25.56IcebaneDoes anyone here know if you can change the cursor with triggers?
16:25.57Dogmaitrust me, i have been trying to figure out both those things for aweeks
16:25.58Dogmaino dice
16:27.12Blacksoldierto prevent lag cant u use activate/deactivte rigger?
16:27.29Blacksoldieri think this might be a possibility for him
16:27.39mattavich-377Guys - Any idea why computer AI players on my multiplayer map do not seem to work with triggers. (lots of unpredictable errors/actions occouring) however when they are all human players the triggers work perfectly?
16:27.49alexazguys, i need something that starts removing unit's health as higher he gets on the terrain
16:28.03alexazi guess i could do it by checking shit every second
16:28.08alexazbut every player has 200 units
16:28.08mattavich-377Could it be somehting to do with using the active players or all players playergroups?
16:28.15alexazthats like 2000 checks a second
16:28.43Blacksoldierlots of regions
16:28.48Blacksoldierwhen enter - set life
16:29.00Blacksoldierbut will be same i think
16:29.07Resinateim making random tips on my map
16:29.20alexazi guess that will be the same as 2000 regions
16:29.20Resinateso ppl can read and learn the ma
16:29.42cLefregions that do set damage by health percentage?
16:30.49Blacksoldieroverlapping regions... enter region - nit in region - set regeneration rate to (negative amount) else to 0
16:30.57cLefhonestly other than doing a lava type effect where you scale percentage for being in an area i'd expect tons of lag
16:30.58Blacksoldierand less checks
16:31.01cLeflike black was listing
16:31.03Manquichehi all
16:31.14Blacksoldierand wait ... seconds set regeneration rate to 0
16:31.39Blacksoldierless regions less lag
16:31.56Blacksoldierbut i dont know a data editor solution or someihng
16:32.17Blacksoldiermaybe when has move command  get negative regeneration rate
16:32.24Blacksoldierwith condition distance to point
16:32.44Blacksoldiersomething like that
16:33.04Blacksoldierdepends on terrain
16:33.35Blacksoldieromg when other ppl asking such thing i have loads of idea but no idea to set them to reality xD
16:33.45Icebanemattavich-377:  maybe the orders recieved from the AI and from the triggers overrides eachother?
16:34.11mattavich-377Wellone of the triggers does this: every 150 kills add behavior X to main building
16:34.18mattavich-377the behavior will add 1+ amrour
16:34.27mattavich-377but for some reaosnw ith computer players it gets added to every unit
16:34.53mattavich-377I display some text on screen that says "your xxxx has been upgraded" - but with computer players it cant find the color
16:34.55mattavich-377it is so random
16:35.14mattavich-377it never used to happen as far as i can tell
16:37.36Icebanemattavich-377:  lol that really sounds weird
16:38.40Icebanebtw, anyone have an idea when next patch is coming?
16:38.57Resinatewhen i get laid
16:39.00Resinatewhich is NEVER
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16:42.50cLefi'm afraid the patch will break some good maps :(
16:43.31Resinateima laugh if it breaks all maps but mine
16:44.37Jibeknwhats the patch changing?
16:44.54Jibeknplease say its fixinf setcatalogfieldvalue :P
16:47.25IcebanecLef: you think so?
16:47.45BenderJdoes anyone know what could cause this?
16:48.01BenderJleft is basic building, right is building editor plac
16:48.08BenderJright is upgraded building editor placed*
16:48.11BenderJmiddle is when morphing
16:48.15BenderJand after morph
16:48.53Resinatehow do u make a mini map
16:48.58Resinatethat shows where u are?
16:49.45cLefwell i just think they are making alot of editor changes
16:49.54cLefand those could fuck with triggers and stuff
16:50.03IcebaneLOL, tremendous bug you got right there BenderJ!
16:50.11cLefkinda like adding a dependency to a exising map
16:50.50IcebaneBenderJ: how far up does it go?
16:50.53Resinatethat looks like a dick and balls
16:50.57cLefrofl bender i could so make a perverted comment
16:51.03Resinatetoo late lOL
16:51.21BenderJhaven't set scale to a big amount or anything
16:51.22Resinateu know girls would dig a dick that color
16:51.46BenderJcan anyine actually help me instead of making those comments? :p
16:51.46Icebaneto mee it looks like the Z axis got fucked
16:52.07cLefcheck any triggers or anything that effects the scaling
16:52.14BenderJalready did :(
16:52.37Blacksoldiersince i had to schang my actors for a morphing spell i think u just typed is a wrong amount into the new messages i think
16:52.44Blacksoldierschang? change
16:53.04BenderJit's like it's some sort of model that sneaks in, because when I set the actor of the first building to destroy the moment the morph starts, it still appears
16:53.44Blacksoldierwhich model u set in therefor
16:53.46Blacksoldierwhich actor?
16:54.00Blacksoldierwhen moph startd?
16:54.28Blacksoldieru say - when morph starts kill actor of model
16:54.42Blacksoldierand create a new actor when morph starts
16:55.03IcebaneDoes anyone know whether you can change the ui template to a customized without disabling ui with triggers? :)
16:55.14BenderJno, I create the actor of the second building when morph finishes (just to test, so I should normally not get a model)
16:55.28Blacksoldierah ok
16:55.34Blacksoldierso there is nothing in the meanwhile?
16:55.40BenderJnothing in between
16:55.46Blacksoldiertry let the first model die when morph is finished
16:55.54Blacksoldierso there is something in the meantime
16:55.57BenderJalready tried that
16:56.00BenderJdoesn't work either
16:56.01Blacksoldiernd the model is just replaced then
16:56.15Blacksoldierwhich flapgs u set in the morph ability?
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16:57.00BenderJdidn't change it
16:57.06BenderJbut I might have noticed the problem...
16:57.13BenderJgotta check a few things
16:58.05Blacksoldieri deleted all flags for mine without the bar showing how far the morph is
16:58.20BenderJhmmm... my perdition turret has the same problem...
16:58.24BenderJwhen placed in the editor it's fine
16:58.32BenderJwhen map is loaded, it's totally fucked up
16:59.17DiNo29Wow :|
16:59.19Manquichewhos good with behaviours and effects?
16:59.31BenderJwhat's the problem, manquiche?
16:59.39DiNo29I had an Unit Actor with no unit assigned
16:59.46DiNo29... so it showed on EVERY unit in the game O_O
16:59.54DiNo29the actor had no model too
17:00.04Manquichebenderj, i want to make a unit with a buff that reflects a percentage of the damage it recieves
17:00.13Manquichebut ive barely touched behaviours and effects before
17:00.16DiNo29so I was like why the f************ does every unit suddently has a big white sphere at its feet, haaaaaa
17:00.18BenderJnot good enough for that :p
17:00.25Manquichewell can you tell me
17:00.29Manquicheis it possible
17:00.35Manquicheto have a behaviour trigger a damage effect?
17:00.59Blacksoldiersino: the show store had huge discounts
17:01.07Blacksoldiershow= shoe
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17:09.35SyniqA police officer apprehended a man despite squirting pepper spray in his own face, having his jaw dislocated and being shot with a Taser - all on Friday 13th.
17:14.19*** join/#sc2mapster Vindicator (
17:15.05Vindicatoro m g - I just got off the phone with Blizzard and listen to this BS.  Any -team- submitting a map for the custom map contest in ineligible.  An individual must be the creator. W T F.
17:16.02VindicatorALSO - supposedly the same thing is planned at this point for the map marketplace.  Obviously this is subject to change ( and it better) but right now they are saying that only individuals will be able to create and sell maps on the map marketplace once that's implemented.  What kind of BS is that!?!?!!!
17:18.17nicoli_sthats so bullshit
17:18.32Manquicheprobably some legal copyright protection shit to cover their own asses
17:18.45Manquichethey cant have a team of mappers fighting over who owns the map
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17:19.45Vindicatorfreaking a dozen ppl build a house, but none of them own the house, it's sold to a single owner.  Why can't a dozen ppl make a map and simply give ownership to one person. (silly comparison, but same general idea)
17:20.44Xaragothjust submit it as your stuff
17:20.47Xaragothand share profit
17:20.53Xaragothif you get any
17:20.56Manquichevindicator thats a facile analogy lol
17:21.33Manquicheif 1 person develops a map, all the created content is thiers
17:21.43Manquicheif a team does, how do you split up who 'owns' what?
17:21.47Vindicatori was planning to Xaragoth - but let's just say i win, and they ask "did u make this yourself" - i'd literally have to lie to truly win, and i'm not planning on doing that
17:21.58BenderJyay! got if fixed
17:21.59Manquicheit is BS
17:22.09BenderJwhat determines the circle around the unit when it is selected?
17:22.22Blacksoldiermanquiste - whats about the house? one owns the all the other one the roof and the third got the foundation?
17:22.31Blacksoldierall = wall
17:22.41Manquichedoesnt work xD
17:22.52BlacksoldierITS MY ROOF - GET AWAY FROM MY ROOF
17:22.54Vindicatorwell in my team we've already decided how to split up the winnings/earnings - so that's not the issue - Blizzard's rules r the issue.
17:22.59BlacksoldierOITS ONLY SAVING ME FOR RAIN
17:23.03BlacksoldierGET IN THE RAIN! NOW
17:23.31Vindicatoranyway - didn't come on here to vent - just wanted to inform anyone else who might care to know
17:23.39Manquichei agree it sucks vindicator
17:26.56BenderJwhat determines the circle around the unit when it is selected? (sorry for asking again, but I wanna know :p)
17:27.39Manquichewhat do you mean?
17:27.39Blacksoldierwhen i have 3 upgrades - all with the same effek
17:27.44Manquichehow it looks? what size it is?
17:27.51Blacksoldieri could just do 3 buttons to schange the name
17:27.51BenderJthe size
17:27.56Blacksoldierisnt it?
17:28.01Manquicheselection radius i believe
17:28.05BenderJkk, ty
17:28.45BenderJwhere can I change the selection radius?
17:29.14Blacksoldiersomeone know that?
17:29.41Manquichehang on benderj
17:29.44Manquicheill try to find it
17:29.49HuesyThere any way to get a period based buff to cause damage to the unit with the buff's target?
17:30.23Manquicheits in the model for the unit
17:30.29BenderJoh, thx
17:31.05Manquichehuesy could you rephrase that?
17:31.20Blacksoldierhuesy - change regeneration rate to negative... maybe not periode based but it does its work
17:31.24Manquichemy heads all over the place cos i was out last night lol
17:31.30Manquichehard to understand xD
17:31.36Blacksoldiermanquiche i think he wants kinda dot
17:31.43HuesyUnit gets buff
17:32.03HuesyThat buff causes damage to the unit's target
17:32.30Blacksoldierso u want damage ofer time beeing added to his weapon
17:32.31HuesyIt's already got the dot effect :P
17:32.34HuesyJust on the wrong unit
17:32.37Blacksoldieras long the buf lasts
17:32.55Manquichewouldnt you use a damage effect
17:33.04HuesyI am
17:33.12Blacksoldierdont know
17:33.16HuesyAbility -> Apply Buff -> Buff -> Damage Effect
17:33.20Manquicheand its doing damage to the unit with the buff instead of the unit being targeted
17:33.34Manquichewhen you say targetted
17:33.41Manquichedo you mean
17:33.58Manquicheor is it an actual targeted ability?
17:34.10HuesyIt's a targeted ability
17:34.30Manquichelet me try to get my head around this
17:34.42Manquicheyou have a targeted ability
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17:34.50Manquichethat is supposed to do damage over time?
17:35.16HuesyIf you think of auto shot from WoW, that's pretty much it.
17:35.27HuesyAllows movement while the ability is still active
17:35.47HelralHuesy: that sounds like autocast.
17:36.08Helralsee Ability: Auto cast (think it is listed there.)
17:36.13HuesyThe SC2 mechanics for autocast aren't desireable
17:36.18cordsontried creating a new weapon, the weapon deals damage but there is no visual beam element
17:36.29cordsonI told it to copy from disruptor beam for instance
17:36.31Manquichecordson, beams are tricky
17:36.41Manquichelot of linking effects and shit
17:36.59Manquichetheres a good tutorial on sc2mapster that covers beams
17:37.06BenderJnext question :p: when I select a group of units, I have to click the morph ability button once for each of them, is there any way I can make it so I only need to click it once?
17:37.11cordsonoops wtf cordson was part of the botcheck lol
17:37.15cordsonnot my name XD brb
17:37.33*** join/#sc2mapster Technomancer (81ae6122@gateway/web/freenode/session)
17:37.37Technomancerthere we go
17:37.59TechnomancerI used a tutorial for creating new units/weapons
17:38.26Technomancerthis one
17:38.32Technomancerand yeah, beam is invisible
17:39.18Manquicheif the beam is invisible, there is a broken link somewhere between your effects
17:39.37Manquicheand models
17:40.14Technomancerwhen I created a new actor for my new weapon, it assigned itself to the old disruptor beam too (I told it to copy from) but I wanna remove it from the original sentry beam.. no option for removal, only reset and I cant do that
17:41.05HelralHuesy: why is auyocast not disereable?
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17:43.36HuesyFrom what I've found, when the ability is auto cast, the unit is automatically turned to face the target
17:44.33Resinatealot of tips to be made
17:44.35TechnomancerManquiche: when I created a new actor for my new weapon, it assigned itself to the old disruptor beam too (I told it to copy from) but I wanna remove it from the original sentry beam.. no option for removal, only reset and I cant do that
17:44.39Resinateand finally finished
17:44.39Technomancerany ideas?
17:45.34Manquichesorry man i cant think straight right now
17:46.03Manquicheim tryin to read your question
17:46.09Manquicheand my eyes are just not workin properly
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17:46.55Technomancerlol hell of a party eh?
17:47.25Manquicheyeah pretty much
17:49.31Technomancerany mods on?  lol how bout Otixa?
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17:50.18BenderJoh lol, think I figured it out
17:53.31mattavich-377Guys can you please look at my thread
17:53.46mattavich-377I have to submit my map tomorrow for competition and this bug is just so strange
17:53.51mattavich-377needs fixing im stumped
17:58.04TinmanIs it possible (anything is possible, I just need to know how :p ) to rotate a unit model 90 degrees on the X axis, so that if you see it from a top down view you would see the left side of it instead of the top?
17:58.23TechnomancerManquiche lemme know when you're sobered up, please ^_^
17:58.59Blacksoldiermattavich - maybe u should link the triggers saving the array and the variable too
17:59.09Manquichetechnomancer will do lol
18:11.20*** join/#sc2mapster Vestras (
18:11.33Resinatehey guys
18:11.34*** part/#sc2mapster Vestras (
18:11.38Resinatei made a camera opbject on map
18:11.40RedWraithhey Resinate
18:11.41Resinatehow do i use it LOL
18:11.47RedWraiththat's easy mang
18:11.54RedWraithTriggers -> Action -> Camera
18:11.57Resinatewhats the trigger lol
18:12.04RedWraithapply camera
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18:30.09OtixaTechnomancer, wut? ¬_¬
18:30.59*** join/#sc2mapster Denis_ (
18:31.18NatutIz Sweepingzero there?
18:33.32Technomancernah lemme get back to you Otixa
18:33.39Technomancermight be close to solvin it myself
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18:36.44OtixaSolving wut? >;/
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18:41.28RedWraithIs there any way to give people points for using abilities?
18:41.34HuesyHelral: Solved it, here's the effect I was going for (ignore the animations or lack thereof):
18:41.43onetwo diablo cam/movement tutorial out
18:41.46Blacksoldieris there a way to hide ui in editor?
18:41.51Blacksoldierfor a screenshot
18:42.18DiNo29Is there a way to restore some unsaved stuffs after editor crash ?:p
18:42.33Otixaonetwo, epic timing ;p
18:42.36*** join/#sc2mapster Sevenix (
18:42.37OtixaI was JUST watching that
18:42.49onetwowatch it to the end
18:42.53onetwofor the hilarious
18:42.56onetwomass drones
18:43.17OtixaWhy not use cubes instead? :/
18:43.58OtixaIt'll reduce the overhead by OVER 9000
18:44.02OtixaOr better yet
18:44.07Otixaa single plane
18:44.08onetwothats up to you i say
18:44.28onetwohonestly though, the drones didnt lag me at all
18:44.28Otixa2 tris per grid square
18:44.28onetwowith 0 opacity
18:44.30onetwobut i wanted to get the tutorial out faster
18:44.35onetwothan experiement with diff objects
18:44.38OtixaTry playing it on Xaragoth's PC :P
18:44.44onetwothe thing is that the concept is there
18:44.48onetwoyou can do w/e you want with it
18:44.50OtixaI bet it'll take like 20min to load
18:44.51DiNo29what are the drones for ?
18:44.53OtixaAnd then crash
18:44.59onetwoDino: We cant detect mouse position
18:45.09onetwoso when you hold down the mouse
18:45.14DiNo29haha ^^
18:45.17onetwothe only way to know its position is to have 100000 drones on the map
18:45.21onetwoand detect when you highlight over them
18:45.29onetwo(or any unit other than drone thats small/flat)
18:45.44Otixaonetwo, will it work with non-flat terrain tho? ;p
18:46.44TinmanXaragoth's computer is driven by rats, thats why its slow at times, he should have used hamsters.
18:46.54onetwodepends, Otixa I'm thinking the ideal thing to do would be use a cube
18:46.57onetwoand then lower its height
18:47.02onetwoso its just a little above the ground
18:47.08onetwoso it wont interfere with units
18:47.15Otixaflat plane!
18:47.22onetwoi tried using supply depot lowered is too big fyi
18:47.27Otixa2faces VS 12 faces
18:47.28onetwoi was seeing if i could use bigger objects to improve performance
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18:47.36onetwoOtixa: I think when opacity is 0
18:47.38onetwothey dont render
18:47.40onetwoi THINK
18:47.45onetwobecause i was getting 60 fps
18:47.51onetwowithout the drones
18:47.54OtixaYou prolly still get overhead tho
18:47.58onetwohmm yeah
18:48.00onetwoand load time
18:48.04onetwoto make 64x64 drones
18:48.18onetwoanyway, practically you can take it further
18:48.20onetwoif you need it
18:48.23DiNo29Can't you just put units with a selection circle but no acotr ?
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18:48.30OtixaNaw, I've no use for it :P
18:48.33DiNo29well no model
18:48.33onetwothey wont trigger highlight event
18:48.52TinmanNo way to detect where the mouse is? I did play a map where they make a glowing orb follow the mouse, so there must be a way :s
18:48.52OtixaBut I could spit out a 1x1 flat plane for anyone wo'd wanna use it
18:48.55Resinatelol onetwo
18:49.01Resinatei did some massive changes on my map
18:49.14Resinateits almost ready for the contest
18:49.18RedWraithHey guys
18:49.21onetwogl finding it
18:49.25RedWraithI want to make a special thanks in the Help section
18:49.29RedWraithHow do I go about this?
18:49.33Huesyonetwo: Why not just use the cube shape?
18:49.52HuesyThen scale it down so it's flat
18:49.54OtixaHuesy, because it's 12 faces instead of 2 ¬_¬
18:49.59DiNo29I have a If inside a loop : will a "Then - Break" break the if or the loop ?
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18:50.17Otixakicks UltiDrgn
18:50.25HuesyHow many does the drone have?
18:50.36RedWraithTo be fair, my cubes
18:50.37OtixaLike... 800-ish, I guess
18:50.39RedWraithare probes
18:50.41HuesyAnd I understand it's just an example :)
18:50.41onetwoi dont know but i was just showing how to do it
18:50.44onetwodoesnt matter what model i used
18:50.47onetwoyou can change that :D
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18:51.08HuesyGreat workaround btw
18:51.20OtixaYeh, pretty clever
18:51.39OtixaNeed to find the proper way to do it tho ;p
18:52.00HuesyYeah :P
18:52.26HuesyI hear the birds....time to sleep.
18:52.28onetwopretty stupid i had to do that though
18:52.43Huesynight night
18:52.44Hatioh no its onetwo three
18:53.55TinmanIs there a way to rotate a unit model 90 degrees on the X axis so you can see the side of it?
18:54.37*** join/#sc2mapster s3rius (5c48c99a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
18:54.39*** join/#sc2mapster rrowland (
18:54.51onetwohi Hati
18:54.52onetwolong time no see
18:54.56LordAbyssi don't care how many ground units you have
18:55.01LordAbyss30 siege tanks will wreck them
18:55.29DiNo29Immortals ftw :p
18:55.36rrowland5 infestors
18:55.43s3rius1 dark templar
18:55.49zenasprimeHi folks, got another quick question, how do we adjust or modify the default meele options?  I want to include all the meele options but I want to remove the requirement for a player to have structure units.
18:55.54LordAbyssthis toss guy had like 6 coll, 20 zealots, 20 stalkers
18:55.56LordAbyssi wrecked him
18:55.58rrowlandburrowed -> infested terran next to tank clusters
18:55.59Resinatepsi shield dont work
18:58.30onetwozenasprime: not simple i dont think
18:58.39onetwosince the melee conditions are just set by some default actions
18:58.41onetwoin the trigger editor
18:58.47onetwoyoud have to do some custom crap i think
18:58.57zenasprimebah i was afraid of that
18:59.03Resinateanyone here know any good defense spells?
18:59.03*** part/#sc2mapster Heph (~chatzilla@
18:59.48zenasprimecould i fudge it by throwing up some minor structure off screen maybe?
18:59.57zenasprimefor each player?
19:00.15DiNo29wtf xD
19:00.23DiNo29I get a trigger error in french, with the game in english xD
19:01.10DiNo29so whats index overflow ? Something to do with Array variables ?
19:01.15C-Hzenasprime: thats how it was done in the old days
19:01.26C-Hsome off screen buildins
19:01.40zenasprimeare there any side effects to such a solution?
19:02.02C-Hend game by no more structures
19:02.25C-Hwould be borked
19:02.37rrowlandindex overflow means you're calling array[5] or higher in a 5-element array
19:02.48zenasprimei have custom win conditions already added
19:03.32zenasprimeI just wanted the easy way for enabling or disabling the the defaults
19:04.06Blacksoldierjust give everyone a hidden building
19:04.14Blacksoldierwhich is not accesable
19:04.19Blacksoldierand invis over all
19:04.25*** join/#sc2mapster marine63 (621891af@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
19:04.30zenasprimei think thats what im going to do, and just playtest to make sure it works as intended
19:04.36RedWraithThere is an easy way
19:04.38marine63hi ^_^
19:04.50DiNo29rrowland actually I was calling array[0]
19:04.52*** join/#sc2mapster Jum-Jum (
19:04.54DiNo29it starts at 1 ?
19:04.55zenasprime@red *listening*
19:04.59RedWraithIt's a trigger
19:06.49*** join/#sc2mapster anteevy (
19:06.50zenasprimenot following ya *knocks on head made of wood*
19:07.28*** join/#sc2mapster Aetos (
19:07.37rrowlandIndexes start at 0
19:07.40RedWraithThere's a trigger
19:07.41RedWraithby that name
19:07.43RedWraithuse it
19:07.43*** join/#sc2mapster MotiveMe (
19:07.44RedWraithyou should
19:07.57rrowlandIt's not possible to have an array overflow if you call array[0]
19:08.35RedWraithrrowland, lies! What if my array has zero indeces? eh? eh? ;)
19:08.41zenasprimewell that would make it easy for player 1 to win, solving all my problems i guess
19:08.48rrowlandthen it's not an array... or a variable at all
19:08.58zenasprimeokay hidden buildings it is
19:09.33rrowlandI'm not even sure if it lets you make an array with 0 indeces
19:09.39rrowlandThat would be pretty funny though if it did
19:09.58DiNo29no I mean
19:10.03DiNo29My array was size 10
19:10.30DiNo29but when trying to call the first ... variable, I used ArrayName[0]
19:10.35DiNo29changed it to 1 and it works now
19:10.36RedWraithYou can do it
19:10.39RedWraithfor any player number
19:10.44RedWraithclick the 1
19:10.46*** join/#sc2mapster Natut (
19:10.48RedWraithchange it to 2
19:10.54RedWraithput it in a loop
19:10.56rrowlandthat doesn't make any sense dino
19:11.00RedWraithchange it to picked integer
19:11.08DiNo29oh wait I see ^^
19:11.26DiNo29I have a "if arrayname[i] > arrayname[i-1]"
19:11.51rrowlandthatll do it
19:15.01*** join/#sc2mapster ekcolnovkol|sush (
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19:23.24onetwodid you see my diablo tut
19:23.27onetwowall of drones :D
19:23.56onetwoerr i mean Triceron !
19:23.57Triceron:O linky!
19:25.34Triceronmillion drones
19:25.45*** join/#sc2mapster TeddyFace (Teddy@
19:25.50Triceronis that really the only way right now?
19:26.03TinmanThe only known way ;)
19:26.16onetwotrust me
19:26.20onetwoi sat there thinking for a long time
19:26.31onetwoand this almost didnt work until i discovered set opacity
19:26.35TriceronI like the charge mapped to RMB
19:26.55Tricerondo you still need to select units to attack them?
19:27.00Triceronor just mouse over?
19:27.05onetwohold mouse down on them
19:27.10onetwobut you have to reclick
19:27.11onetwolike diablo
19:27.16onetwoif youre moving around
19:27.20onetwoand you want to attack
19:27.20Triceronnot per attack tho
19:27.24onetworight not per attack
19:27.30onetwowell DL the map and try it haha
19:27.31Triceronhmmm, interesting
19:27.33onetwoif you want to know for sure
19:27.45Tricerondoes charge work without targetting
19:28.01Triceronlike as a 'dash'
19:28.04Otixasmacks Triceron
19:28.09onetwona but you could change it to target ground
19:28.16onetwoif you wanted
19:28.18onetwoi believe
19:28.31Triceronthat's pretty cool tho!
19:28.38TriceronDiablo style mouse control :D
19:28.45OtixaTriceron, did you fix it? D:
19:29.06TriceronI'm not 'fixing' anything
19:29.24Triceronthe subgroup test didn't work with the bake
19:29.54TriceronI'll be doing more tests today with subgroups and a regular bake
19:30.00Triceronbut I think one issue
19:30.09Triceronis the fact that my normal maps don't really have much info in em
19:30.18TriceronI may use another unit to test
19:30.51Jum-Jumnow all we need is the alt button to see dropped items onetwo lol
19:30.54OtixaTry decreasing the ray distance
19:31.01marine63How do you emote?
19:31.16Triceronit's not the ray distance
19:31.36Triceronthe normal map LOOKS like the high res
19:32.21*** join/#sc2mapster Rodrigo (8e239fb1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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19:32.37marine63If I change the lightening will I be able to remove shadows?
19:35.27*** join/#sc2mapster MotiveMe (
19:35.31Triceronholy crap that's a lot of drones!
19:36.36*** join/#sc2mapster Motive (
19:36.37*** join/#sc2mapster Manquiche (
19:37.04Manquichehey ho
19:38.03*** join/#sc2mapster LordAbyss (
19:38.23Rodrigo|collegeI'm at school :P
19:38.30Natutits 9 pm here
19:38.34Natutim at home
19:38.40Rodrigo|collegeits 1 pm here
19:39.01Natutbtw isnt college = university ?
19:39.20Rodrigo|collegesort of
19:39.32Natutcuz wedont call university school xD
19:39.39Rodrigo|collegecollege is just small than university
19:39.49Rodrigo|collegeuniversity is a school
19:40.02Natuta school is where you get taught
19:40.07onetwoJum Jum
19:40.08Natutin university u teach yourself
19:40.11Rodrigo|collegeyou get taught at university
19:40.22onetwoi dont even know how you could do that
19:40.34onetwowell you could create a dialog button above each item on the screen
19:40.38onetwowhen you hold alt
19:40.45onetwoor text tag?
19:40.48onetwobut you cant click text tags
19:40.49Natutyeah we get taught but we habe the freedom to choose
19:40.52Manquichelol trying to come up with d2 loot system?
19:40.56Natutin school we dont have it
19:40.56Rodrigo|collegethats why universities have teachers
19:41.17Rodrigo|collegeI should add this debate thought on debates. "Universities are schools"
19:41.24Rodrigo|collegeyeah, I will
19:41.32*** join/#sc2mapster Jum-Jum (
19:41.35NatutU need more debates ideas?
19:41.46NatutI can give you some :D
19:41.48*** join/#sc2mapster DarkRevenant (~Dark.Reve@
19:42.00Natutpls release debates in EU
19:42.04Natuti wanna play it too :(
19:42.09onetwolets debate whether you should rodrigo
19:42.10Rodrigo|collegesure :). Add them on
19:42.10Rodrigo|collegeI will add this one there right now
19:42.21Natuti dont have youtube account
19:42.26Natutso no
19:42.27Rodrigo|collegeIm at college. I will add the thoughts there to not forget
19:42.38Rodrigo|collegeNatut, you can also send to
19:42.40DarkRevenantSince I'm at college, my reviews are much more slowed down
19:42.49NatutGive me an alternative
19:42.50DarkRevenantsince I couldn't bring my desktop, I can't play SC2
19:42.54Natutto youtube
19:42.58Triceronhere's a good debate topic
19:43.02Triceron'Nexus wars is fun'
19:43.06DarkRevenantbut I did get a chance to play a bunch of debates games
19:43.16Natutcant i just give you the ideas her ein query?
19:43.20DarkRevenantdebates is 2nd on the list to be reviewd
19:43.26DarkRevenantthought you might want to know
19:43.26Rodrigo|collegethats actually a good one
19:43.31Rodrigo|collegeI will add on youtube right noow
19:43.41Rodrigo|collegebefore I forget
19:43.48Natutplease add "Incest may be beneficial"
19:43.49Rodrigo|collegeso at home I add into the game
19:44.01Rodrigo|collegeNatut, the game has this one, I believe
19:44.06Rodrigo|collegeDebates has 400 thoughts
19:44.16DarkRevenant"Debating is fun."
19:44.23Rodrigo|collegeI think there's this one
19:44.37Natutthen what about "mate selection is a process to prevent costs"
19:44.44*** join/#sc2mapster Jum-Jum^ (
19:44.49Natutyeah, im from the biology team xD
19:44.53marine63maker of platform defense
19:45.02Rodrigo|collegedont get it. Mate selection?
19:45.04marine63fuuuuuuuuuuuuu its too hard >:O
19:45.12Natutwell you select a mate.. a partner
19:45.18Natutthe question today is
19:45.19Rodrigo|collegemarine63, 8 people beat platform defense just this week
19:45.20onetwoim on my 5th year at college, and i structured my classes so my last year is only 3 per term
19:45.21Triceronyoure getting too technical
19:45.23Natutdo you select to get benefits
19:45.25onetwoso i have a super easy last year
19:45.26Natutor to avoid costs
19:45.26marine63oh only 8
19:45.26Triceronyou gotta oversimplify
19:45.29DarkRevenantdon't you want to know the score debats got?
19:45.30marine63good for them
19:45.44marine63i said hard not impossible
19:45.45Manquicheonetwo what are you doing at college?
19:45.50onetwocomp sci
19:45.55marine63manquiche <3
19:45.58Natutwhy not add Debates on EU? :(
19:45.59Manquichecool :P
19:46.05Triceronwhere at?
19:46.07marine63gasp onetwo
19:46.11Triceronah nice
19:46.13Manquichemarine63 whats up bro
19:46.13marine63epic diablo video ^_^
19:46.16onetwohaha thanks
19:46.21marine63nm homeslice
19:46.21DarkRevenantokay seriously can anyone see me?
19:46.23Rodrigo|collegeok Natut, I added on
19:46.28onetwowe can
19:46.28DarkRevenantI am not sure if my connecting is even working right
19:46.40DarkRevenantcampus wifi is very patchy
19:46.44Manquichesee now i have a dilema
19:46.52onetwogo: What is in the japanese food, takoyaki
19:46.57onetwo10 points tothe winner
19:46.59onetwoonetwo points
19:47.00Manquichei dont know whetehr to stick with the default movement system or to try your d2 clone :P
19:47.02DarkRevenantbtw levelup  bound is going to get a bronze
19:47.04Rodrigo|collegemy campus wifi blocks I can't access from here
19:47.12DarkRevenantit almost made it into the copper bracket, too...
19:47.12mattavich-377Guys can you have a look at this for me? Such a strange problem
19:47.16onetwodamn CH won
19:47.21marine63manquiche im stuck with my map again >><
19:47.26Jum-Jum^everyone fall down to their knees and cry. my terrain was lost in a hdd crash. :'(
19:47.31NatutRodigro, will you publish Debates on EU too ?
19:47.31DarkRevenantwould the campus wifi
19:47.34DarkRevenantblock something like bnet
19:47.41onetwowow noway jum jum
19:47.54onetwoi backup my maps on my 2nd HD
19:47.57onetwoevery few weeks
19:47.59onetwothats my backup
19:48.00Rodrigo|collegeNatut, yes, one day, but don't expect Social Games to be popular, specially because I can't boost on EU.
19:48.04Jum-Jum^my other maps are fine
19:48.05Jum-Jum^but not that one
19:48.07DarkRevenanti have a 60GB hard drive on this shitty laptop
19:48.13Manquichethat sucks jum
19:48.14DarkRevenantand a 1430GB external
19:48.18NatutRodigro, when is "one day" ?
19:48.25TriceronI hate editor crash/corruption
19:48.26Jum-JumI guess gameplay wise it wasn't great but uh... atleast I sortak now how to make a better city map now lol
19:48.35Jum-Jumsorta know*
19:48.36Rodrigo|collegeNatut, a few weeks after the map contest
19:48.38*** join/#sc2mapster Demonsul (
19:48.54Natuti thought u cant add maps already published to the map contest?
19:48.54DarkRevenantyo rodrigo
19:49.03Manquicheive got so much shit to be learning in the editor but im so damn tired today i cant be bothered
19:49.05DarkRevenantdebates is currently the best map I (will have) reviewed
19:49.24Jum-JumI cant learn things when I am too tired, I just zombie click with my mouse
19:49.25Rodrigo|collegeNatut, that's what they are saying, but no one has a sure answer about it
19:49.33Manquicheme 2
19:49.52Natutdidnt you read the official blizz answer in mapster forums?
19:49.52Manquichei was out drinking last night so all day ive been totally unable to focus my eyes properly
19:49.54Triceronpretty sure they don't want you to publish it till after the contest
19:49.56Jum-Jumoh yeah
19:49.59DarkRevenantonce i'm done tearing up level up bound, i'll review debates
19:50.07Rodrigo|collegeI was planning to add this thought. Though of the week: "You can't submit to the map contest a published map" by Sixen
19:50.09Jum-Jumthe day after you've been out drinking... I cant play or be creative in front of the editor. my mind is just blank
19:50.23Manquichei was trying to do stuff earlier
19:50.29Manquichejust couldnt think
19:50.37Manquichewas trying to change weapon damage in the actor tab n shit
19:50.46DarkRevenantIt kinda sucks
19:50.52Triceronblizz posts on Mapster?
19:50.54Rodrigo|collegeNatut, the official blizz answer is unclear. "Technically" can give victory to nexus wars.
19:50.54RedWraithDid I ever tell you
19:50.55DarkRevenantIf I entered a map and won the contest
19:50.56RedWraithabout the thing
19:50.58RedWraithwith the contest?
19:51.04DarkRevenantI would lose half my prize
19:51.10DiNo29Anyway to try a map in multiplayer without publishing ?
19:51.16Triceronthat you're gonna win?
19:51.18DarkRevenantthe hotel and airfare would take me only about 100 miles from where I am
19:51.20Rodrigo|collegeits just impossible
19:51.25RedWraithI live in Irvine
19:51.28Manquichedino29, mapcraft?
19:51.30NatutAnother thought for debates: Humans are animals
19:51.31Rodrigo|collegeI've tested 4 maps already, and all of them published privately
19:51.36RedWraithI could take a bus. :P
19:51.40DarkRevenantARE animals
19:51.44DarkRevenantits a scientific fact
19:51.45Rodrigo|collegeso, basically, all people on the contest are "cheating"
19:51.45Jum-JumIts not a debate its a fact! :P
19:51.47Natutbut alot of people think
19:51.51Natuthumans are superior
19:51.55DarkRevenantwe are thus
19:51.57DarkRevenantsuperior animals
19:52.00rrowlandI haven't uploaded my map at all
19:52.02DarkRevenantto the inferior animals that are not human
19:52.04Jum-Jumon our planet perhaps
19:52.06rrowlandSo no, not everybody is cheating
19:52.07RedWraithrrowland, your map is terrible.
19:52.08Triceronbut animals nonetheless!
19:52.08Natutthe problem is
19:52.15rrowlandMy map rocks the socks bro
19:52.16Natuthow do you decide that animals are inferior to humans?
19:52.23rrowlandhumans are animals
19:52.24Natutmaybe they are so intelligent we cant even understand em xD
19:52.28DarkRevenanthumans are inferior to humans
19:52.28Manquichethey dont have guns or baseball caps
19:52.29TriceronI'm gonna submit my map and win
19:52.30Manquichewe do
19:52.34Jum-Jumlol Natut
19:52.41RedWraithinferiors are human to inferiors
19:52.42DarkRevenantwe don't have tails
19:52.43Jum-Jumthis makes me think of people who are savants
19:52.46DarkRevenantmonkeys, cats, etc. do
19:52.52Rodrigo|collegeNatut, I will add this thought. "Humans are animals"
19:53.03rrowlandare human to inferior are
19:53.05DarkRevenantalso rodrigo
19:53.09DarkRevenantyou'll like my review
19:53.19DarkRevenanti have documented how hackable your encryption is
19:53.19NatutThe question also is: Is an animal that destroys its environment "superior" to an animal that lives with its environment and keeps it intact ?
19:53.25DarkRevenanta friend of mine cracked it in a couple hours
19:53.30Manquichei need an injection of coffee and adrenaline right in my left eye
19:53.33Triceronfor sake of debate
19:53.35DarkRevenantmy screenshot will be in the review
19:53.39Triceronis there anyone who things humans are not animals?
19:53.52DarkRevenantplus, since your system is set up so that the high scores propagate
19:53.54Natutwell i know alot of people
19:54.05Natutthat say we are not animals cause we can think
19:54.09DarkRevenanteveryone will have the 696 - BOBSLAYER69
19:54.13DarkRevenantas the high scorer
19:54.16Triceronwell those people are vegetables
19:54.18Rodrigo|collegeIf you cannot submit to the contest a map published on private, you already took out 95% of the maps submitted. I've tested great maps for the contest.
19:54.19Jum-JumI wonder if I should submit my 7v7 map lol
19:54.25Manquichemarine63 what was the problem you were having with your map?
19:54.42marine63Is there a way to remove shadows from units
19:54.52marine63I reduced the size of Nexus
19:55.03Rodrigo|collegehas lilman never used this chat?
19:55.11marine63but it shows a black nexus shape around it
19:55.12Triceronprivate publishing isn't exactly the same
19:55.20Tricerondid they say you can't private publish?
19:55.20Manquichethats weird
19:55.22DarkRevenantchange settings to medium
19:55.22NatutOk the next thought: "The starcraft 2 editor is difficult" :D
19:55.27onetwohumans are superior
19:55.32DarkRevenantotherwise you have to downscale the nexus shadow map
19:55.41Rodrigo|collegeTriceron, publishing is publishing. You can download maps published and spread it illegally.
19:55.53onetwomarine63: shadow for buildings is their splat actor
19:56.01DarkRevenantRodrigo, are you aware that your encryption is very simple to break?
19:56.09marine63what about units like dark templar?
19:56.15onetwodont know about those
19:56.15DiNo29Do new map still need localisation ?
19:56.22onetwoi think so
19:56.24marine63seriously wtf is a splat >.<
19:56.26Manquichei wish i could extract all the galaxy editor knowldge onetwo has in his brain and inject it directly into my grey matter
19:56.28Rodrigo|collegeDarkRevenant, you mean the online ranking on Debates? I doubt
19:56.31NatutNow a serious "thought": Money is more important than happiness
19:56.33onetwotaht sounds sexual
19:56.39Manquicheit would be
19:56.46Natutor rather "Money is happiness"
19:56.53Triceronoh I agree there
19:56.58DarkRevenantYou doubt what?
19:57.00Triceronit's chock full of happiness
19:57.06Triceronin my pants!
19:57.08rrowland"allow this trigger to be skipped - run (alternative trigger) - wait until it finishes" doesn't really wait until it finishes
19:57.08Rodrigo|collegeNatut, I have this thought
19:57.16Triceron*that's where I keep my money*
19:57.31Natut"Humans are monogamous"
19:58.32Triceronare mormons human?
19:58.34*** join/#sc2mapster Hjalte (
19:58.43Jum-Jummorons yes
19:58.54Manquichewell im far too tired to actually do anythin productive with the rest of my night, so i think im gonna go join a game of sotis, tilt my head at the screen and start drooling slightly, from now til i fall asleep
19:59.13Manquichecyas tomorrow when hopefully my brain can keep up with my eyes
19:59.54NatutOr another question "Europe is superior to America"
20:00.03Natuttoo bad no cross realm play exists
20:00.05Jum-Jumwhats with the quiz?
20:00.17NatutDebates ideas
20:00.58NatutOr "The islam is the worst religion"... Rodigro if you add THIS prepare for bombings on your house :D
20:01.19DiNo2912:01 AM is 00:01 in 24H display ?
20:01.26DiNo29or 12:01 ?
20:01.50RedWraithRodrigo is an AI, Natut.
20:01.52SyniqAnyone fancy a 3v3 on a map I built the other day? (ping Manquiche :p)
20:01.55DiNo29midnight then ?
20:01.57marine63Blizzard is so mean :l
20:02.01RedWraithHe's not even at college right now. He's at the University of Phoenix.
20:02.08RedWraithonline in person
20:02.13ekcolnovkol|sushwhat is the universit of phoenix?
20:02.17NatutIm at the University of Bonn :D
20:02.18ekcolnovkol|sushis that a for-profit college?
20:02.26ekcolnovkol|sushbecause if it is, fail
20:02.28RedWraithonline for-profit school
20:02.32ekcolnovkol|sushwow fail
20:02.52RedWraithEveryone who thinks there's restrictions on publishing before the end of the contest.
20:03.05RedWraithThe line you refer to does not exist.
20:03.10RedWraithYou were all lied to!
20:03.37Natuteafter submit an original, unreleased, UMS custom ma
20:03.44Natutand whats the "unreleased" part
20:03.51RedWraithgimme quote
20:04.04NatutHow to Enter: To enter, a qualified entrant will complete the entry checklist and thereafter submit an original, unreleased, UMS custom map
20:04.05RedWraithfrom da contest rules
20:04.06Natuton your page
20:04.07*** join/#sc2mapster HR_ (4cd01caa@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
20:04.07SixenBy submitting this map I am granting licensing rights to Blizzard  Entertainment, and will not display, post, or share it until after the  contest closes on September 11, 2010.*
20:04.11SixenClick "I agree"
20:04.23Sixenalso, sorry I didn't play yesterday
20:04.24RedWraithwait what
20:04.26RedWraithwhere is that?
20:04.26SixenI was in a pissy mood
20:04.38SixenJust click I agree, it's the last checkbox at the bottom
20:04.51onetwolol Sixen
20:04.52NatutRedWraith your browser doesnt support searching for stuff ?
20:04.57onetwoi figured out diablo movement in a really hacky way
20:05.00RedWraith...I did search for it
20:05.00onetwoand how come pissy?
20:05.02RedWraithIt's not there.
20:05.19*** join/#sc2mapster liq3 (
20:05.24Natutmy queote is
20:05.31Natutteh text above the (i)
20:05.37Natutand (iii)
20:05.39Triceronits right there
20:05.48RedWraithso it's after
20:05.49RedWraithI agree?
20:06.02TriceronHow to Enter: To enter, a qualified entrant will complete the entry checklist and thereafter submit an original, unreleased, UMS custom map created with the StarCraft II World Editor
20:06.05Natutnot mine
20:06.09RedWraithwhy would they do that
20:06.17Natutcuz they want to advertise the map
20:06.19Natutand make $$$
20:06.31Natutu cant make $$$ with someone that was available all the way
20:06.45Natutits like taking a movie from a dvd and trying to make new cash from it
20:06.51RedWraithWhere does it say unpublished?
20:06.52Natutwont work cuz everyone has it already
20:07.00Tricerondoes that ruin your plans Red?
20:07.02Natutfirst line
20:07.27RedWraithno, where is it?
20:07.39NatutFirst line of rule number FOUR
20:07.41RedWraithI see.
20:07.43RedWraithfound it
20:08.13RedWraithHow the hell do you define unreleased? O_o
20:08.14HR_that a wierd rule, how would you playtest it to see if it worked and balance it etc
20:08.22Tricerona map that hasn't been released
20:08.30RedWraithTriceron, think about that for a second.
20:08.33RedWraithIt doesn't make sense.
20:08.37Natutpublish = releae
20:08.40Triceronhow does it not make sense
20:08.42RedWraithFor instance, the version I'm submitting has never been released.
20:08.44HR_i dont think i had a chance at wining anyway, my map is not even in the right game genre
20:08.55Natutits talking about the MAP
20:08.57Natutnot version
20:09.07RedWraithbut that doesn't make any sense
20:09.09RedWraithokay, so
20:09.10Triceronit specifically says map, not version of
20:09.10RedWraithlet's say
20:09.17HR_i could just make a new track and submit that :)
20:09.17RedWraithI released a map that this one was based on
20:09.18RedWraithwaaay back
20:09.27RedWraithnow, let's say
20:09.32RedWraithsomeone else released a map
20:09.35Natutwith a different title, different, terrain different gameplay
20:09.38RedWraiththis one was based on at some point
20:09.41Natutthen yes
20:09.51Natutif you make an AoS u basically copy from something
20:09.53Natutbut its "new"
20:09.55RedWraiththe latter is true for every fucking map that can be made, by the glory of Untitled :P
20:10.39RedWraithand by Blizzard's own standards of release
20:10.45RedWraitha closed beta publish != release
20:10.57RedWraithsince it's not open to the general publish
20:11.07TriceronI don't think private publish counts
20:11.09Natutbut if someone of the group of people that got it there
20:11.12Triceronbecause you're not releasing it
20:11.15Natutpublished it into the open
20:11.18Triceronto the public
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20:11.33TriceronI don't think that counts
20:11.39xttocseggy: YOu around?
20:11.41DiNo29Is there an up to date localisation tutorial ?
20:11.45RedWraithNatut, if it were released publicly after beta, that would be a release. Otherwise, it's still to a closed group and therefore not released. It says released, not published.
20:11.55Triceronthey don't make legal rules for something that specific, Natut
20:11.56xttocseggy: If you are, answer quick. This involves free money for you.
20:12.13egg_yyes ?
20:12.57TriceronI think what Redwraith is saying is what Blizzard means
20:13.04Triceronelse they would specifically say 'published'
20:13.09RedWraithMoreover, if a map is my original idea, and I develop it from super early beta version to current version which is very different, it could be argued that it's not even the same map, especially since publishing continuiting didn't occur.
20:13.13HR_my map was on page 1 last night!
20:13.22Tricerongrats HR_!
20:13.31Triceronwhat map?
20:13.39HR_page 2 now... i think people get tired of the same long track
20:13.45HR_SC Rally, battle racing
20:13.58RedWraithHRPuffinstuf, I love your map.
20:14.05*** join/#sc2mapster devilesk (~devilesk@
20:14.10RedWraithYou should've submitted it to the contest.
20:14.29HR_eh maybe, i doubt i would win anyway
20:14.37HR_someone will submit dota 2.0
20:14.43RedWraithrrowland thinks he's going to win
20:14.46RedWraithhe be dreaming
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20:15.01HR_never win anything...
20:15.11DiNo29Hr_, it's 3 winners, dota 2.0 can only win once :p
20:15.19RedWraithI'm gonna win with Sentry Scramble. ;D
20:15.32DiNo29I'm gonna win with Pacman
20:15.50Natutnexus wars in EU currently has 4 different people as authors, everyone releaseing a "different" version
20:16.02Natutlooks like it will continue as in the wc3 bnet
20:16.07Jum-Jumjust because its named 2.0 doesn't mean its actually two times better than dota in wc3 ^^
20:16.08Natut1000 clones with just a letter changed
20:16.10Natutor sth
20:16.17onetwoi liked wintermaul clones... family guy maul etc!
20:16.30DiNo29Jum-Jum : Liar !
20:16.31RedWraithonetwo, I wish there were wintermaul clones
20:16.33RedWraithin Sc2
20:16.38HR_i havent seen any clones of wc3 maps that are better... like not even a good LTW or HLW
20:16.50Xaragothnot even a good footy clone
20:16.53DiNo29Takes times ^^
20:16.54Jum-Jumprobably because making maps isn't super easy
20:16.55Xaragothand that map was played a lot
20:17.02RedWraithHRpuffinstuf, Fatal510 was working on one that was actualluy really fun.
20:17.03HR_i kill at HLW
20:17.04ekcolnovkol|sushi weep
20:17.20DiNo29When is someone going to release a Warcraft 3 HD Models And Textures Complete Pack library btw ? ;)
20:17.21Jum-Jumsure they can get a lot better, but that also means you need to spend an hour to create one unit when it took like 3 minutes in wc3
20:17.26Jum-JumI hate the data editor
20:17.34onetwowar3 was too easy
20:17.36onetwoto make good maps
20:17.46DiNo29Too easy to make good maps
20:17.46Jum-Jumlol that doesnt make any sense
20:17.49Natutwar3 was LIMITED
20:17.49DiNo29doesn't sound that bad :p
20:17.57Natutsc2 is UNLIMITED but HARDER because of that
20:18.00Natutthe more limits u remove
20:18.02onetwonow if you make a spell you better make a  cast sound, impact sound, actor for missile, actor for impact and launch, animation playing on your hero for casting
20:18.04Natutthe harder an editoris
20:18.05onetwojust for one spell
20:18.08onetwomost of that was automated in war3
20:18.12DiNo29SC2 is limitless ... assuming you spend an infinite amount of time in the data editor :)
20:18.14HR_wc3 came with more spells and premade heroes
20:18.17onetwobut like i said before, sc2 is amazing
20:18.18onetwowith the editor
20:18.25Natutyou know what
20:18.28Jum-Jumits amazing, and time consuming
20:18.32Natuti bought sc2 for the maps
20:18.34Natutnot for the game
20:18.37XaragothSC2 is totally limited, which comes from its RTS nature >>
20:18.43goomba_how is everyone doing today
20:18.47HR_tho they did make that test hero.... i havent looked at it since then
20:19.10Jum-Jumam I the only one who doesnt like the WASD or mouse controls in SC2?
20:19.10onetwotest shop = engineering bay
20:19.13Jum-Jumits just way too laggy
20:19.16SycoPrimeIf I create a set of effects, does effect #2 wait for effect #1 to finish before firing?
20:19.43HR_you can make a persistent with a delay for the second effect
20:23.03HR_jum-jum, a lot of people complain but when i play my map its completly playable
20:23.26HR_some of it has to do with graphics level i think, if i turn up my graphics it gets worse
20:27.09marine63manquiche  got another question for u
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20:32.27Rodrigo|collegethey did hack Debates. this is extremly impressive. I couldnt hack myself.
20:33.17rrowlandanything client-side is hackable
20:33.19rrowlandthere's no way around it
20:34.47*** join/#sc2mapster Tofu (
20:35.16goomba_rodrigo you seem upset
20:35.34HeyRevolvercuzmapping is life
20:35.43Tofutru that
20:36.20HR_you guys talkin about havin the save data?
20:36.27HR_kackin* the save data
20:36.29Tofuanyone with any experience with persistant effects that can tell me why my targeteffect -> createpersistant (reveals area) is totally not working?
20:36.56HeyRevolverTofu, what are you trying to do create a scan effect like the command center does?
20:37.12Tofuyou know. thats a good idea. Ill go take a look
20:37.20HR_did you put in a time for it to last?
20:37.26HR_maybe it needs a delay
20:37.54Rodrigo|collegeI cant believe they hacked Debates
20:37.59HeyRevolverwho did
20:38.06HeyRevolverwhat do you mean they hax0red it?
20:38.10rrowlandhow can you not believe that
20:38.20rrowlandthat's pretty believable
20:38.22HeyRevolveryou should be flattered
20:38.26HeyRevolverpeople care about your map enough to hack it
20:38.28rrowlandyou're a fool if you thought banks were safe by any means
20:38.33HR_how good is the protection on the locked maps?
20:38.49HeyRevolveryou QQ more than Bounty now Rodrigo =P
20:38.53*** join/#sc2mapster slightlyrandom (
20:39.02Rodrigo|collegeall my variables and triggers are called: lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll
20:39.11Rodrigo|collegetheres 25 keys to protect the ranking
20:39.17Rodrigo|collegeall messed up
20:39.27Rodrigo|collegeall with weird symbols
20:39.28HeyRevolverhow is that hacked?
20:39.38HR_before you save data to the back you wanna obfuscate it really good
20:39.38Rodrigo|collegeno, they read the code and hacked
20:39.43Rodrigo|collegethey changed the ranking scores manually
20:39.51HR_so that they would need to look at your map to see how its used
20:40.05Rodrigo|collegethey had to
20:40.09HR_and probably the method you use to obfuscate can make it harder to figure it out
20:40.12Rodrigo|collegeits really well obsfuscated
20:40.20Rodrigo|collegetheres 25 hiddens keys
20:40.24Rodrigo|college7 types of crypt
20:40.27Rodrigo|collegefor each score
20:40.30Rodrigo|collegeand they did hack
20:40.49Rodrigo|collegeI'm using 2kb just to store the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place
20:41.12Rodrigo|collegeI thought it was almost impossible to hack
20:41.13rrowlandthat's not that hard to reverse engineer
20:41.14Rodrigo|collegeand besides
20:41.24Rodrigo|collegeWHO would spend many hours hacking a map that is not popular?
20:41.37HeyRevolverit would only be impossible to hack if blizzard would actually store the bank data serverside
20:41.39rrowlandyou like creating maps, some people like decrypting stuff
20:41.41HeyRevolverits not like they dont have the fuckin room
20:41.45Rodrigo|collegethey sad they did in only 3 hours, lies... it takes a waaaayyy more time than that
20:41.51HR_im level 52 on YouTF
20:42.22Rodrigo|collegebut they had to study my code
20:42.25HeyRevolverthis is why banks are a bad idea
20:42.31HeyRevolverclient side banks anyway
20:42.35HR_still better than save codes
20:42.35Rodrigo|collegeIF AT LEAST BLIZZARD COULD HIDE LOCKED MAPS!!!!!!!!!!
20:42.41HeyRevolverHR youre righ
20:42.47HR_server side banks would be awesome
20:43.08TinmanBlizzard should do some SHA-512 encryption on the maps instead :p
20:43.14rrowlandrodrigo you knew the breaks when you made a bank system
20:43.28rrowlandthis shouldnt surprise you at all
20:43.33HR_its almost impossible since the client needs the map to play with
20:43.48Rodrigo|collegerroland, yes, I know it was hackable. I just didn't know someone would spend time hacking a non-popular map knowing that I can reset all scores in seconds.
20:43.57HR_they could technically copy out of memory while playing
20:44.01rrowlandif that's the case then why do you care
20:44.23Rodrigo|collegeI care because they can just hack again
20:44.23Rodrigo|collegeand I can't just keep cleaning scores
20:44.23Rodrigo|collegeall the time
20:44.26HeyRevolverso what if one or two people have hjacked scores?
20:44.32HeyRevolveras long as themajority are playing legit
20:44.36Rodrigo|collegepeople stop playing. I've NEVER reseted scores on Debates
20:44.36HR_ban their names?
20:45.08Rodrigo|collegecant compare texts, but each player on debates has a 22-digits Debates-ID. I can ban these Ids, but they hacked that and they are using other players ids
20:45.24rrowlandsounds like you got owned
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20:45.48TinmanI think banks should be encrypted, even with just a simple MD5 people would have a very hard time figuring it out
20:46.00HeyRevolveri thought they were encrypted
20:46.12Rodrigo|collegemy bank is encrypted. Maps that should be encrypted
20:46.26TechnomancerOk basically ive tried following and I can't get my beam to show
20:47.01Technomanceressentially, its supposed to be exactly like a Sentry's only tinted red (I know how to tint) but since im reinventing hte fucking wheel here, im sure there's a part in the sequence that isnt connected
20:47.41Rodrigo|collegeDEBATES HAS DAMN 25 DIFFERENT CRYPTS AND THE GAME DAMN CHECKS ALL THE CRYPTS TO SEE IF THEY ALL MATCHES! Whoever hack it, that was a completly waste of time.
20:48.02Rodrigo|collegethe map isn't popular. What a waste....
20:48.04HeyRevolverrage rodrigo, rage
20:48.18Xaragothwhat a damn waste of time with debates
20:48.21Xaragothat least hack usefull stuff
20:48.23Xaragothlike ...
20:48.25Xaragothnexus wars
20:48.35HeyRevolveror.. not a map for a video game
20:48.42Rodrigo|collegethey said they hacked debates because debates is the only map with something to hack on
20:48.52Xaragothyeah, well
20:49.01Xaragothif they don't have anything else to do
20:49.06HeyRevolveryeah i was gonna say
20:49.06HR_rodrigo u passed me up again i think i was beating you for a little while
20:49.11Xaragothbetter than taking drugs
20:49.16HeyRevolverits either a 13 yearold or a 30 yearold at home with mom
20:49.33TinmanI should make a map called, HackMii or something, then they can hack that map all they want and leave all the others alone
20:49.45Rodrigo|collegeLOL Tinman
20:50.31TinmanI would also laugh very hard if it gets popular...
20:50.58TinmanThen jump off a bridge while I give up on humanity once again.
20:51.24Jum-JumYou mean you have faith in humanity sometimes? :|
20:51.54TinmanNo, I have given up many times, so I am at faith -8 now
20:52.01Tinmanthat would bring me to faith -9
20:52.12TofuI didnt realise you had to be emo to map. Ill quit now then.
20:52.31Technomancergiving up is a 1 or 0 kinda thing, u cant give up more than u already gave up
20:52.38Technomanceranyway.. OTIXA!!!
20:52.45rrowlandi give up 0.43
20:52.50TinmanYou can always go in dept
20:52.59Rodrigo|collegevery good. the hacker is a sc2mapster moderator....
20:53.24HeyRevolvergood to see he is supporting the community
20:53.42TinmanIf you have a credit card with 1 dollar on it, you can still spend 10 dollars with it, then you would be in negative 9 ^^
20:53.59Jum-JumIt doesn't take an emo to realize that people are idiots Tofu.
20:54.03TinmanFaith works the same way
20:54.07HeyRevolverRodrigo who was it?
20:54.18Tinmanand emo is short for emotional = PMS
20:54.38Rodrigo|collegeI'd rather not tell, lol
20:54.53HeyRevolverI'm not laughing at you btw, just the situation, I feel bad for you =(
20:55.01rrowlandnot me
20:55.03rrowlandim laughing at you
20:55.05HeyRevolverbut you gotta see the humor in this
20:55.07Rodrigo|collegethanks rrowland
20:55.20rrowlandjust because of
20:56.35*** join/#sc2mapster LordAbyss (~LordAbyss@
20:58.02Blacksoldieris there an easy possibility to do something like high costs as in warcraft?
20:59.43Blacksoldieri else would have to do some shit by creating up and downgrades for players when they build buildings
21:01.17Blacksoldiersomeone here?
21:01.53TinmanIs that a trick question?
21:01.58Blacksoldiersycoprime - u seem experienced with the editor for me... do you know a possibility maybe?
21:02.02Blacksoldierno its not
21:02.24TinmanWhats the answer to "hellooo?" then?
21:03.03TinmanSo the answer is the same, just two "o" less, hmmm
21:03.08*** part/#sc2mapster Rodrigo|college (8e239fb1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
21:03.18TinmanDoes not compute
21:03.47Blacksoldiernow i got an answer for my snd question too, cuz ur here
21:03.54Blacksoldiernow i just need an answer for the first
21:03.54DiNo29Do Leaderboards work correctly ?
21:04.28TinmanI never really played Warcraft
21:04.58Blacksoldierok i gonna explain what i need
21:05.12Blacksoldierdepending on how much supply u got
21:05.23Blacksoldieramount from ressource mining will decrease
21:05.47Blacksoldierbut the amount a ressource storage or field will decrease by normal value of mining
21:05.52Technomancerthese tutorials keep giving me the repeated problem of beam being invisible, ;_; need help but dont think anyones on who works with it
21:06.01Blacksoldiernormally a scvcan carry 8 minerals
21:06.10TinmanYeah I get you
21:06.12Blacksoldierwith some costs u will just earn 5 minerals from it
21:06.33Blacksoldierbut themineral field stays decreasing by 8 each time a scv comes
21:07.11HeyRevolveris it possible to export single trigger folders? I want to submit a bunch of assets but dont want to sumbit my whole map, just individual trigger folders form it
21:07.33Blacksoldierdont know :-/
21:07.49LordAbyss:( my little c program is going crazy :(
21:07.52LordAbyssand its homework
21:08.06TinmanI guess you could do a trigger maybe, to modify the player property or something, so every time a SCV brings 8 minerals you make it subtract 3 minerals
21:08.46TechnomancerQUESTION: Is it possible to remove stuff in the lower-left box in the data module without resetting? I duplicated a weapon leaving everything unchecked but an actor and an effect, only one of each, but it has the originals AND the copies, I dont want the originals, how do I unassign em?
21:08.48HR_at least when you program in C u have a decent debugger
21:09.01HR_at least i hope u do lordabyss
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21:09.09LordAbyssit works fine
21:09.15LordAbyssit compiles
21:09.26LordAbyssbut i don't see what the stupid problem is
21:09.45HR_sucks writing scripts in Jass or flash where theres no good debugging
21:09.56LordAbysslike 2 lines of my loop like doulbe loop themselves
21:10.00LordAbyssand i have no nested shit
21:10.00HR_you can step through it and watch the variables
21:10.31HeyRevolverTechnomancer you cant delete from that box
21:10.35HR_what compiler do u use
21:10.40LordAbyssi mean, this easy of a program, it shouldn't have a problem like this
21:10.45LordAbysspelles c
21:10.46Technomancerok so how do I unassign?
21:11.06HeyRevolverlol just go to the copies and delete them
21:11.08HR_ooh i never heard of it, i use microsoft visual C
21:11.20LordAbyssi was a little confused by visual c
21:11.22HeyRevolverunassigning would take a long time and is like 30 different fields
21:11.23LordAbyssand didn't have time to learn it
21:11.26Technomancerno no no you misunderstand, I want to keep the copies, and unassign the originals..
21:11.28Technomancerwell the thing is
21:11.34HeyRevolverok well the thing is you cant
21:11.53TechnomancerI wanna have a new weapon that has all the same sounds/graphics, but all I want different is the damage and the tinting (I know how to tint) but I want it to not affect the original
21:12.04HeyRevolverok so create a new weapon and base it on that one
21:12.06HR_ya... you at least gotta figure out how to make a project, either command line or win32 depending on type of program.... if it start with a main() function use command line
21:12.09Technomancerwhen I try the beams tutorial, the beam is invisible...
21:12.11Blacksoldieru have to check why it stands there - what links both togeter
21:12.20Blacksoldierrightclick it and look why its links
21:12.24Blacksoldierdelete the link
21:12.26Blacksoldierand its not there
21:12.30HR_does pelles C let you set a break point and then step through line by line
21:12.37LordAbyssi think so
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21:12.54HR_thats how i fix stuff like that
21:12.54Blacksoldiertinman i think i have to do a trigger ony option
21:13.11Blacksoldieri enable and disable triggers depending on the supply a unit has
21:13.23HR_in visual C u can do that then hover on a variable name it will show the value
21:13.23Blacksoldieronce enables a trigger will work as u said
21:13.58Blacksoldiersince each player has just one worker which gets minerals each 10 seconds on maximum this wont cause lag i think
21:14.01TinmanNot sure if its possible, I am just blabbering suggestions out
21:14.05HR_mine will let me type in a new value for a variable, i can edit code then continue debugging, even set the next line to run to a different line
21:14.13Blacksoldierit should work
21:14.26HR_microsoft visual studio 10 is a 30 day free trial
21:14.33Blacksoldierthought about giving the worker a bahaviourupgrade decreasing the carry amount
21:14.47Blacksoldierbut... hard to script
21:14.53Blacksoldierand additionally more trigger work
21:14.55HR_use it to write a program that sets your clock back to today and start visual c then sets it back
21:15.01Blacksoldierur suggestion is best i think
21:15.04Blacksoldiergot same too
21:15.11Blacksoldierwhen i was googling
21:15.20HR_my suggestion ;)
21:15.29Blacksoldierthen i swapped back to chat and saw  typed same
21:15.35LordAbysslike its not a complex problem
21:15.40LordAbyssits probably some stupid error
21:15.44LordAbyssbut i have no ide awhat it is
21:15.53RedWraithpew pew pew
21:16.54HR_pastebin it?
21:17.24onetwopew pew
21:17.27onetwodid that game end
21:18.07LordAbysslines 23 and 24 seem to double repeat itself
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21:18.17LordAbyssif the second if executes
21:18.19TinmanMy map plan is way to long... its supposed to have 10 stages, each stage with 5 levels and each level takes about 5 minutes... thats more then 4 hours + what ever time you spend shopping and stuff :s
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21:20.17HR_im not sure if this is it, but scanf wont always change the value of the variable you give it,  usually you should either check the return value of scanf, or initalize that variable
21:21.44LordAbyssim confused by what you are suggesting
21:22.07SuraklinSC2char input = '0';
21:22.22SuraklinSC2And, just a style thing.
21:22.23SuraklinSC2if(check == 1)
21:22.27SuraklinSC2should just be "else"
21:22.40LordAbyssi know i was debugging, for a while i had another error
21:22.42LordAbyssso lol
21:23.06LordAbyssand the first run through is fine
21:23.13LordAbyssits when the input is not a/b/c/d
21:23.25LordAbyssit does like a double print of lines 23 and 24
21:23.31HR_maybe it is the initialization then, idk
21:24.09HR_oh i know
21:24.11SuraklinSC2fires up a shell.
21:24.18LordAbysso and a double print of the second if/else statement
21:24.24LordAbyssthe enter a correct char
21:24.26HR_maybe you need to clear the input buffer before scanf
21:24.34HR_like if you have keypresses waiting
21:25.17LordAbysshow would i do that?
21:25.33SuraklinSC2Well, I get the double thing too, let's see.
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21:26.21HR_its something like hile(theres a char waiting) getchar; ... idk been too long since i did commandline program
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21:28.17LordAbyssi am thinking of going to visit the TA's during office hours
21:28.20LordAbyssmaybe they can help
21:28.38Clord~seen belugh
21:28.49purlbelugh <543ea6e7@gateway/web/freenode/ip.> was last seen on IRC in channel #sc2mapster, 22d 1h 17m ago, saying: '*when it isnt already on it'.
21:29.08HR_while(kbhit()) getch();  is how you would clear it
21:29.12SuraklinSC2I know.
21:29.18SuraklinSC2Scanf spools your input.
21:29.25SuraklinSC2It's taking the char you entered.
21:29.30SuraklinSC2AND the return key you pressed after.
21:30.29HR_and the reason i say to initialize input is if you asked for a number with "%i" and they type a letter it returns 0 and leaves input unchanged
21:30.29LordAbyssand so the fix would be?
21:30.49HR_while(kbhit()) getch();  right before you ask for a letter
21:31.11LordAbyssmy compiler says it is missing prototype for kbhit and getch
21:31.33DiNo29I made a leaderboard and one of the field is too high, text is hidden by the row header, how come :l
21:31.44HR_while(_kbhit()) _getch();  
21:31.46HR_try that
21:32.09LordAbysssame thing
21:32.23Clordwhen in doubth, do more achievements!
21:32.26Clordand call it update ^^
21:32.30HR_#include <conio.h>
21:33.00LordAbysssame problem :(
21:33.04UltiDrgnWhat is C code doing in my Sc2mapster channel
21:33.07LordAbyssdouble print
21:33.10HR_sorry man...
21:33.16LordAbyssok gonna go to the tas
21:33.39onetwoanyone know where to find campaign units in mpq
21:33.49onetwoi cnat find it
21:34.16UltiDrgnYou're looking at the wrong mpq
21:34.43DiNo29It's the column actually
21:34.43onetwopoint me to the right one
21:35.29DiNo29All the text in my leaderboard column 2 is too high and cut (I put zeros in all the rows and I have a bunch of u (demi zero) instead >_<)
21:35.44DiNo29any idea ?
21:35.59onetwodiff folder
21:36.15DiNo29oh hey onetwo, I got this following your video tutorial :p
21:39.10SuraklinSC2LordAbyss: Tossing: while (getchar() != '\n') continue;    after the scanf will get rid of the return key.  ^^
21:40.44BlacksoldierHEY GUYS - i have to tell u what i feel:
21:41.44*** join/#sc2mapster Seyon (~chatzilla@
21:43.17*** join/#sc2mapster Phaos (
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21:43.53Phaoswell instead of putting it off any longer just so I can get screenshots I'll release the Terran ItemKit now and just name everything thats in it.
21:44.14Phaosbecause making an object for all 81 items is hell
21:45.51*** join/#sc2mapster Triceron (60313557@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
21:46.10onetwolol wow
21:47.02*** join/#sc2mapster ihatebanelings (ad4e1d16@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
21:47.41ihatebanelingsis there a way to make a AI patrol other than making 100 triggers?
21:47.52onetwowe dont like that kind of talk round this part
21:48.19onetwotheres ai patrolling stuff in map->Object groups
21:48.20onetwoin terrain editor
21:48.27*** part/#sc2mapster Petoj (
21:50.04ihatebanelingsoo i never clicked on that button before XD
21:50.11Arthas-To conclude - I found it more difficult to do a crappy search function in Access than I did before editor was out >_<
21:50.28Arthas-one last try for me, anyone here decent with access? =p
21:50.38Arthas-Especially Filter & Where conditions
21:50.48onetwoi hate sql
21:50.57SuraklinSC2scolds Arthas- for using access.
21:50.58onetwofor the brief run in i had with it
21:51.02onetwoit doesnt seem very well made
21:51.07onetwooverly complex
21:51.08Arthas-SuraklinSC2 I wouldnt if it were up to me :p
21:51.10onetwoon the development end
21:51.15Arthas-the sql aint a problem
21:51.21Arthas-the forms in the crappuy access software is
21:51.28onetwoi guess im just pampered by sc2 editor
21:51.36Arthas-and the help chapter is lacking + google aint helpful :p
21:51.40Arthas-nor was altavista :D
21:51.44Arthas-or bing
21:51.57onetwoaltavista sucks, i know this because i googled it
21:52.17Arthas-actually, ive managed to find stuff i didnt on google through av
21:52.20Arthas-thus i use it! :D
21:56.04Syniqyawns too
21:56.15*** join/#sc2mapster LordAbyss (
21:56.22HR_ahhh... i guess its back to the editor
21:56.35HR_addin some spawn immunity and text tags and key tips
21:56.56SyniqAh, onetwo: Your tutorials on triggers are invaluable. :)
21:57.12HR_should i just make it 2 laps?
21:57.28Phaoswhats the mercenary battlecruiser called ? Revenge of 'x'
21:57.30SuraklinSC2Did you notify people if they miss a checkpoint? ^^
21:57.44HR_once they hit the next checkpoint
21:57.49SuraklinSC2Oh god.  ^^
21:57.49HR_only in text
21:57.51SuraklinSC2Noooooo!  ^^
21:58.05SuraklinSC2And, the mean cpu's that gang up on you.
21:58.08SuraklinSC2I didn't like that.  ><
21:58.08HR_should be immediat?
21:58.18HR_play with 14 humans
21:58.20SuraklinSC2It should be "right after".
21:58.27SuraklinSC2Like, not too far.
21:58.36SuraklinSC2Cuz backtracking all the way back for a missed one would suck.
21:58.40HR_that means i gotta figure out which track point is every checkpoint...
21:58.52SuraklinSC2Just put a region around the checkpoints.
21:59.03SuraklinSC2And if they leave the region without hitting the checkpoint, warn them.
21:59.16HR_unless they never enter it lol
21:59.33SuraklinSC2Make it as wide as the whole possible path.
21:59.38SuraklinSC2So they HAVE to hit it. 6^
21:59.57SuraklinSC2And then just check the "when unit leaves region x" event.
22:00.33HR_i already have a value for how far along the track they are, i could just check that against checkpoint value
22:00.42SuraklinSC2Well, there ya go.
22:01.04SuraklinSC2Oh, another thing that made my brain mushy.
22:01.10SuraklinSC2Going under a bridge messes with the camera.  ^^
22:01.21SyniqAnyone wanna play on a 3v3 melee map I made?
22:01.44*** join/#sc2mapster ZarafFaraz (
22:01.47SuraklinSC2Syniq: perhaps after dinner, in about an hour.  ^^
22:01.53SuraklinSC2If it's US that is.
22:02.53ZarafFarazsup guys
22:04.50SuraklinSC2And ceasar salad.
22:04.56SuraklinSC2With bacon.
22:05.14ihatebanelingshmm is there a easyer way to add the units to the group?
22:05.25onetwowhat did i do
22:05.29ZarafFarazeasier than what?
22:05.36ZarafFarazjust add the units to the group as you create them
22:05.49ihatebanelingsthey are allrdy created XD
22:05.51ZarafFarazor if they are pre-placed on the map, use the unit groups sec lemme check what it's called
22:06.30ZarafFarazin your terrain editor window
22:06.44ZarafFarazgo to: Map -> Object Groups
22:07.11ZarafFarazcreate a new object group under the units tab, and just name it and add in your units to the group
22:07.32ZarafFarazthis object group will appear under your "Value" tab in the triggers
22:07.47Xaragothlolz war
22:07.50Xaragothhe is also 15 or so
22:07.57jorgenptObject Groups in the editor are not editable in the triggers, btw.
22:08.02jorgenptThey are read-only.
22:08.10SyniqSuraklinSC2: Alas, EU. :(
22:08.13Xaragothihatebanelings. FU! Don't you dare insulting my cute little cuddlebugs of destruction
22:08.21ZarafFarazyou can just create a copy of the Object Group into a Unit Group
22:08.23SuraklinSC2Banelings rule!
22:08.28SuraklinSC2My map has banelings!
22:08.29ZarafFarazand then edit that unit group
22:08.45SuraklinSC2My map's all about capturing them banelings.
22:08.55SuraklinSC2And then making them explode.
22:08.56SuraklinSC2And stuff.
22:09.15Xaragothbanelings are meant to explode!
22:09.19Xaragothits their whole purpose
22:09.26Xaragothalso to look cute while rolling towards their target
22:09.26SuraklinSC2It's CTF...
22:09.28SuraklinSC2Err, rather.
22:09.29SuraklinSC2CTB.  ^^
22:09.50ZarafFarazWAR, I don't get what that site you linked is about
22:09.56ZarafFarazwhere is the weapon the guy has?
22:10.01*** join/#sc2mapster IskatuMesk (ae015692@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
22:10.01ZarafFarazhe has no pics or anything
22:10.10IskatuMeskI got pics wanna c?
22:10.15XaragothZarafFaraz: its what happens when you don't watch your children on the internetz
22:10.31Xaragothbut I like the job idea
22:10.43Xaragoththough in this day and age, its shithard to not get arrested I guess
22:10.58Xaragothif you're not working for your government that is
22:11.40*** join/#sc2mapster pirate (cef8808d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
22:11.46Clordnext step of baneling upgrade.... ejectable shacks... ^^
22:11.52Clordeject and throw
22:11.53SyniqAny Yurpians around at the moment?
22:12.00ZarafFarazihatebanelings, did you get it figured out?
22:12.07XaragothBuilt a Baneling catacpult
22:12.11Clordthen grow new one
22:12.19Xaragothuse those virus thingys
22:12.25Xaragoththe cannons
22:12.30Xaragothand let 'em fire banelings
22:12.38Xaragothlike its a building card in your base
22:12.41Xaragothand when you play a baneling
22:12.45Xaragothyou can shoot down air with it!
22:12.53Xaragothit'd be hillarious and a fun card
22:13.14Clordthere is already anti air card.... and epic anti air card (purple color) would be bit overkill XD
22:13.27Xaragothvoidrays are OP
22:13.38Xaragothwe need flying baneling attacks
22:13.53Clordwith great HP upgrade timing.. anti air thing can already last almost 20 seconds
22:17.21*** join/#sc2mapster Greedape (
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22:19.30Triceronis DXT3 the preferred compression for .DDS format?
22:19.31*** join/#sc2mapster progammer (4a3ea6d2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
22:19.33Triceronfor SC2
22:19.45Xaragothlook at oitxas thread
22:19.48Xaragothits there somewhere
22:19.53piratehow many people submitted maps for teh contest?
22:20.17goomba_i think
22:20.29DiNo29Didn't submit yet :p
22:20.30Tricerondxt5 ruins alphas tho
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22:22.02jorgenptTriceron: I used dxt3 because that was what an asset I exported was in.
22:22.13Triceronokay thanks
22:22.18Triceronjust wanted to confirm some
22:22.18jorgenptTriceron: No, sorry, dxt5
22:22.26Triceronwhat was it
22:22.26jorgenptTriceron: BC3 format, DXT5. :-)
22:22.38jorgenptI was thinking dxt3 because nvcompress uses -bc3 for DXT5.
22:22.46jorgenptNVIDIA Texture Tools 2.0 - Copyright NVIDIA Corporation 2007
22:23.01Triceronwhat was the asset for
22:23.05Tricerontexture? loading screen?
22:23.06jorgenptThat's what I used (with alpha channel and everything, converted from a PNG, worked fine)
22:23.17jorgenptI've used it for a dialog item image and for buttons.
22:23.17Triceronalpha retained grayscale?
22:23.21Triceroncuz for some reason
22:23.27Triceronmy alphas are being butchered
22:23.29Triceronin dxt5
22:23.34piratewhat kind of image formats work for buttons for importing images into the editor?
22:23.54jorgenptpirate: I've only used DDS. (Converted from PNG using NVIDIA's texture tools)
22:24.01Triceronlike a full range of gray for alpha, 8 bit channel.  Not black and white alpha.
22:24.11jorgenptTriceron: Oh, yes. I believe so. Let me check my images.
22:24.20Triceroncuz mine come with noise
22:24.30TriceronI can't tell what's going on and why my settings are doing that.
22:24.48Triceronone thing I notice out of PS dds export, I can't change settings on quality
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22:25.04jorgenptYeah, I'm using alpha that isn't just on/off.
22:25.15Triceronno noise in it?
22:25.31jorgenptThere might be - They're pretty small images, but nothing I've noticed.
22:25.50jorgenptI'm on Mac, so I can't use the PS DDS export. I used save as -> PNG, then nvcompress from NVIDIA.
22:25.59pirateNVIDIAs texture tools? where to get?
22:26.05jorgenptpirate: jfgi ;-)
22:27.30Clordlol pirate... ^^
22:28.03s3riuslmgtfy is probably the best site if you want someone to find something
22:28.16jorgenptI like it :-p
22:28.32Triceronoh I never knew they had standalone tools
22:28.43piratethanks clord & jorgen
22:29.05Blacksoldierhow to send a simple text message to just one player?
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22:29.37Blacksoldierdont know if i gtthe right trigger cuz it may be transtalted weird again
22:30.12Blacksoldieris the necessary trigger to be bound at UI - category?
22:30.59Clordbut yeah... I didn't feel to pay just to convert images to DDS format
22:31.08Clordbecause blizzard wants to use that format
22:31.13Clordand makes engine ignore other formats
22:31.13*** join/#sc2mapster soulcarver (
22:31.17VulfeGIMP 2
22:31.19Vulfethen you win
22:31.37Clordactually gimp 2 was fail
22:32.04Blacksoldierhmm some of u 2 guys kow the answer to my question maybe? think its simple
22:32.35Blacksoldierclors | vulfe ?
22:32.37Clorddid need to use "ImageConverter Plus" to convert all sized images.. not just style 100x100 or 133x133
22:33.01Clordgimp 2 refused to cooperate as it wants that image is exactly same sized to both directions
22:33.10SyniqBloody auto-save is a PITA when you have optimisation switched on. :/
22:33.31*** join/#sc2mapster soulcarver (
22:33.46SycoPrimeI have a question regarding turret acors. Is there anyone online who is versed in it?
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22:34.40SycoPrimeBlacksoldier: In english, the trigger is "text message". It sends a message in the chat area, you can pick which player.
22:34.51*** join/#sc2mapster Tinman (bjodeh@
22:34.57mattavich-377anyone here had an medical trianing or is a doctor or somehting? haha
22:35.18Blacksoldierin german there stands send text message "from" player in chat area
22:35.19*** join/#sc2mapster Tofu (
22:35.31Tinmanmattavich-377: I have First Aid Level 3 from the army ;)
22:35.53mattavich-377ok, maybe you will know somehting about this then
22:36.11mattavich-377I had a small spot on the edge of my nipple, it was deep under the skin
22:36.20mattavich-3772-3 days ago i used a pin to prick it
22:36.23mattavich-377it was fine
22:36.33mattavich-377but now there is a large patch of redness aorund my nipple
22:36.35mattavich-377it is sore
22:36.40mattavich-377and a red line all the way to my armpit
22:36.50mattavich-377the redness is hot to touch
22:37.11mattavich-377feels like a piece fo strong attached to my nipple and my armpit and when i move it is "tugging" and hurting
22:37.13mattavich-377any ideas?
22:37.19mattavich-377you sohuld know about infections right? lol
22:37.30mattavich-377There is no yellow or puss, just redness
22:37.30TinmanDid you sterilize the pin?
22:37.36mattavich-377i thought i did
22:37.36soulcarvermaybe you should give your mom a call
22:37.44mattavich-377i heated it and put some handwahs over it
22:38.06mattavich-377piece of string*
22:38.20Blacksoldieru guys dont have medical doctors to do these things?
22:38.29TinmanIt does sound allot like a infection, there are central connections from your chest that goes arround to your bac
22:39.33*** join/#sc2mapster Qumanhawk (cc66d616@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
22:40.01TinmanThe path it takes is different from person to person, but it usually goes around under your arm, if you have been unlucky and gotten a infection along that it could spread through it
22:40.10soulcarverthat sounds kinda like the t-9 virus
22:40.24Syniqgrumbles about no-one ever wanting to test his map. :(
22:40.33mattavich-377I'm also takign oxandralone, aka Anavar a mild anabolic steroid will that antagonise it?
22:40.40soulcarvergo to for some testers
22:40.50soulcarvertry thier ventrillo
22:40.50TinmanAnd that spot could have contained a infection, when you pricked it
22:41.15QumanhawkQ: Im trying to add abilities to a unit through triggers, so i have to add every single ability to the unit, the problem is how does the command card work when i show and enable the ability on the unit? will the button appear?
22:41.18Sevenixhm, why cant I just paint nofly zones like regular pathing?
22:41.21DiNo29Is there a data field to scale a model's animation speed ?
22:41.53SevenixQumanhawk, think you must add the commandcard in the editor
22:42.08TinmanWe don't get trained with anything steroids, its mostly field stuff, like missing limbs and such :p
22:42.09Sevenixyou can add abilities to the command card, even if the unit doesnt have the ability
22:43.48DiNo29yep, "Animation Speed" in model properties
22:43.57*** join/#sc2mapster Arthas-2 (
22:44.25TinmanAnd I am not even a medic, I just took all the courses they had available, I am actually specialized in electronic warfare and communications :p
22:45.38LordAbyssSuraklinSC2 is my new friend :)
22:45.46QumanhawkBut that leads me to a problem sevenix, because i have about 20 spells, and i want the spells to show up on the command card in the order that were chosen by the player
22:46.19DiNo29can't find a speed field for sounds though ...
22:46.30mattavich-377well i'm waiting for a callback from nHS direct
22:46.34mattavich-377reading lots of stuff on the net
22:46.42mattavich-377apparently the symptoms are of a strep infection
22:46.48mattavich-377the red line is an infection of the blood
22:46.59mattavich-377and antibiotics are usually administered through IV -_-
22:48.13TinmanInfections of all kinds are a bitch
22:49.33TinmanLast winter we had 10 people that had frostbites, and thats not usually a problem by itself, but when all of them got infections on top of that, thats when shit started hitting the fan.
22:50.04*** join/#sc2mapster Eiviyn (586f9717@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
22:50.05HeyRevolveranal frostbite? man thats the worste
22:50.30EiviynWoo, got a data bank working, that was a lot less scary than I anticipated
22:50.33TinmanFeet and hands...
22:51.30EiviynThere's no way to convert text into a string, right? I mean, there's no way I can get the game to turn a player name into a string?
22:51.47SyniqHeyRevolver: I don't want to know what getting that involves... :p
22:51.58HeyRevolverme neither
22:52.07*** join/#sc2mapster devilesk (~devilesk@
22:52.45TinmanSitting nude on a block of ice in -40 Celsius would probably give you a frostbite in the ass
22:53.16SyniqSomeone play my map with me dammit! D:
22:53.35SyniqSyniq / 101 Add meh! D:
22:53.43DiNo29You map stings !
22:54.03TinmanWe don't play maps! We make them >_>
22:54.15TinmanWell, I pretend that I make them!
22:54.17DiNo29yeah, go to #sc2playster
22:54.42*** join/#sc2mapster SweetZombieJesus (5591760a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
22:54.50Tofuhow long does testing your map with you take?
22:55.05Tinmanor hit Alt+F4 that brings you to the game play official chat room
22:55.08SyniqWell, it's a 3v3 melee map, so it depends on how much you suck. :p
22:55.16Tofunot my cake then
23:01.16mattavich-377Nurse says I *should* be ok until morning then i have to take myself to a walk-in centre
23:02.19*** join/#sc2mapster Arthas- (
23:02.19Vulfewhat happen?
23:02.27*** join/#sc2mapster General13372 (
23:02.49mattavich-377My nipple has a red infection and I have "tracker lines" running to my armpit
23:02.59mattavich-377which is apparently a sign of the infection moving through my body
23:03.10mattavich-377aka blood poisoning!
23:03.37EiviynYou don't have blood poisoning, just an overactive imagination.
23:03.44Arthas-splits are sooo nice :p
23:03.47mattavich-377How can I stop someone who hosts my game form adding AI players?
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23:04.14mattavich-377Eiviyn I wish thatw as the case. People die from stuf like this
23:04.17Eiviynmattavich - game variants, lock "open" under controller
23:04.19HR_what would be a nice graphic effect for spawn immunity... i thought about cloak, wouldnt that make you totally ivisible to opponents tho
23:04.24*** join/#sc2mapster Tehwildcard (
23:04.43HR_like when u respawn your immune for so long
23:04.49EiviynBubble around the unit?
23:05.02HR_can you even use cloak on units other than ghost? i couldnt find where it does the graphics for it
23:05.04Eiviynalso what's wrong with just cloaking
23:05.17EiviynAdd "permanently cloaked" behaviour to the unit
23:05.27EiviynRemove the behaviour when you want it to be removed
23:05.40HR_hmm ill have to try it
23:05.57*** join/#sc2mapster Demo (ae14d4d1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
23:06.02Demohow do you mirror a map?
23:06.13EiviynI'm trying to encrypt my data bank files. Why can I not use a player's name in string formant...
23:06.22DiNo29the graphics on cloak works on any unit HR_, it's well made ^^
23:06.35DiNo29You can apply cloak in the model previewer
23:07.30EiviynThey ought to work on any unit, otherwise the mothership's special abilities would be a bit dull
23:07.38IskatuMesksup eiviyn
23:07.45IskatuMeskhey guys I have a fairly complicated question
23:07.50IskatuMesklet's say I have a very big unit
23:07.54IskatuMeskbut he's very long, not so wide
23:08.07EiviynIs this a penis joke
23:08.17IskatuMeskis it possible to spawn a set of invisible units along hardpoints that act as his collision to create more of a box-like collision mesh?
23:08.31EiviynAttach unit to unit
23:08.41IskatuMeskso you can make it so that he treats THEIR collision as HIS
23:08.42HeyRevolveror just put the unit down and double click him and dont load th emodel
23:08.52mattavich-377Does anyone know the answer to this?
23:08.59mattavich-377It is killing me
23:09.02EiviynCollision such as movement?
23:09.07EiviynI don't think you can do that
23:09.15IskatuMeskok then
23:09.23EiviynWell, you could, but not by data as far as I know
23:10.06IskatuMeskThe guy i'm talking about will be very big. I don't want the collision sphere pushing guys away from a distance at his sides for no real reason. This was a major issue in wc3
23:10.26EiviynI was looking at the data for that arcade game
23:10.39EiviynAnd the units there detect collision by having effects attached to unit hardpoints
23:10.52EiviynNow these effects just kill you
23:11.01EiviynBut you could make them push other units away I imagine
23:11.10IskatuMeskthis is probably going into a subject most people have not attempted before
23:11.26IskatuMeskbecause most people don't look at games and think "how much can I break this with my retarded shit?" like I do
23:11.36EiviynHeh, I have
23:11.48EiviynI wanted to make a battlecruiser with seperate, indepentant and killable hardpoints
23:12.08IskatuMeskI want a dragon that's twice as big as the screen and steps on people.
23:12.10EiviynBut no, never collision
23:12.24*** join/#sc2mapster Corny (
23:13.06HeyRevolverwtb that dragon
23:13.06mattavich-377Well guys, if you never hear from me again then i'm dead
23:13.08EiviynUnder effects
23:13.09Cornyim having a problem making a 2v2 map. i cant seem to get it to default to 2v2 when i launce the game. can someone tell me what im doing wrong?
23:13.12EiviynType ss_
23:13.16EiviynGo to protoss
23:13.20mattavich-377Obelisk hellfire will be my legacy
23:13.21EiviynSearch area
23:13.22mattavich-377nn fellas
23:13.29EiviynThose are the collision detection effects
23:13.38IskatuMeskthis will make my head hurt won't it
23:13.46EiviynClick search area +
23:13.55EiviynClick effect
23:13.56IskatuMeskI know trying to get high rez terrain to work made my head hurt, especially after it failed horribly
23:14.01EiviynAnd change it to
23:14.14EiviynI don't know any pushing effects off the top of my head
23:14.36EiviynJust try hybrid c - psionic shockwave set
23:14.40EiviynIt will look retarded
23:14.43SyniqY'know, I really wish this stupid game wouldn't keep placing me with complete morons. :/
23:14.46EiviynBut it'll let you know if it works
23:14.52IskatuMeskI'll have to get him into the game before I can test it
23:14.53EiviynWhen you create your unit
23:14.57IskatuMeskI have to sequence him
23:15.04EiviynAttach your collision effect to your unit at obvious points
23:15.16EiviynNow hopefully
23:15.17EiviynIf a unit goes near it
23:15.18HR_cool, cloak seems to be working for spawn immunity... does cloak automatically give invulnerability?  its seems to be working
23:15.34EiviynIt'll push it away (and create a huge purple sphere but just ignore that for now!)
23:15.47EiviynCloak doesn't make units invulnerable, no
23:15.57EiviynUnless no units have aoe or detectors
23:16.02EiviynIn which case it does by proxy
23:16.08IskatuMeskpurple is one of my favorite colors
23:16.11RedWraithHey guys
23:16.12RedWraithI can use
23:16.15RedWraithThe Lost Vikings
23:16.18IskatuMeskbut pink is the first
23:16.19RedWraithfor the contest
23:16.34EiviynI really have to try what I suggested for you there iskatu
23:16.40EiviynThat'd be pretty cool if it works
23:16.42IskatuMeskit sounds like it could work
23:16.47DiNo29and don't forget to release your map before submiting
23:16.49DiNo29*evil laugh*
23:17.00IskatuMeskor at least give way to a functional method
23:17.09IskatuMeskthis has to be possible, hardpoints are the key
23:17.39IskatuMeskthe only thing I am uncertain about is if the main unit will be able to use the attached units/effects to "know" where its collision is
23:17.49IskatuMesksince it willbe controlled by AI
23:17.59IskatuMeskand hopefully not try to go into places it can't get
23:18.15IskatuMeskIdeally I'd just give him IK and let him walk up cliffs since he's so big buuut I can't do that
23:19.18LordAbyssi need a good doodad with a warpgate type feel
23:19.19EiviynThe method I proposed would have no effect on terrain
23:19.21LordAbyssanyone got any?
23:19.47LordAbyssactually stargate
23:19.54LordAbyssor like a teleportation feel
23:19.54IskatuMeskwell, first thing's first, gotta get him ingame
23:22.04EiviynHah it works perfectly
23:22.12EiviynThe units get pushed away
23:22.16EiviynJust edit how far they get pushed
23:22.28IskatuMeskthis sounds pretty amazing
23:22.28EiviynI had to apply the effect to a behaviour though
23:22.37EiviynAnd attach the behaviour to a unit to get it to work
23:22.37IskatuMeskI wish I knew more about data editing
23:23.14EiviynYou'd need to go uberlisk on your dinosaur but as long as the new units are invisible it should be fine
23:23.23EiviynYou'd have issues with pathing though
23:23.34IskatuMeskthe pathing is what I'm trying to think of how to alter
23:23.52IskatuMeskto prevent him from going inside things, and to keep units from getting pushed away by a giant collision sphere at his sides
23:24.04EiviynWell easy way out is just give him scripted pathing
23:24.07IskatuMeskso the idea is to create a string of invisible collision somethings along him
23:24.21IskatuMeskscripted pathing?
23:24.33EiviynThe alterative is to just give him a collision radius so huge that he never approaches cliffs close enough to show
23:24.47EiviynAlternatively still you could just make him fly...
23:25.04IskatuMeskCan you make that collision only for his relationship with cliffs?
23:25.43EiviynMovement - collide
23:25.46EiviynPick an unused one
23:26.13EiviynAlternatively just set his seperation radius to 0
23:26.16IskatuMeskand I can attach collision effects to his feet so when he walks he steps on buildings and they go squish
23:26.18EiviynAnd he won't collide with units
23:26.23EiviynOnly terrain
23:26.30EiviynI think... I'd need to check that
23:26.43EiviynYou could, but that'd be way over my head
23:26.56EiviynI mean
23:27.03EiviynIf you just want it so that units that are under him die, that's easy
23:27.12EiviynIf you want them to die as he puts his foot down, then whoa
23:27.22IskatuMeskwell, only when he's moving. So if zealots run up to him to attack when he's standing there they don't just... have a hernia
23:28.04IskatuMeskotherwise he'll just have standard collision around his feet I suppose
23:28.10IskatuMeskand some way of preventing air units from going inside him
23:28.17IskatuMeskmaybe a non-air pathable region
23:28.36EiviynIf I were making some huge ai controlled monster that didn't have scripted events so could be completely random
23:28.38IskatuMeskthis will be amazing
23:28.45*** join/#sc2mapster Zanam (603c0a44@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
23:28.54RedWraithwhere can I get
23:28.55Zanam:)  finally think i'm done with the contest map
23:29.00RedWraiththe original Starcraft 1 music?
23:29.14IskatuMeskbw cd
23:29.19IskatuMeskuse winmpq to view the big file
23:29.20EiviynI'd just keep it simple and make his pathing huge + suicide anything within a circle around him
23:29.28EiviynI mean
23:29.33EiviynYou could take the suicide a step further
23:29.44EiviynAnd make it so that anything at his sides has to be closer than at his front/back
23:29.46RedWraithTskatuMesk, thank you.
23:29.59EiviynYou'd do that with search arcs and ranges
23:30.21IskatuMeskI imagine there's quite a few ways I could go about this if I knew what I was doing
23:30.30IskatuMeskwhich I don't, so that will make this hilarious instead
23:30.41IskatuMesknow give me brood war and I'll give you a monster to remember
23:30.43EiviynThe data editor is great
23:30.49EiviynAnnoys me when I see all the complaints about it
23:30.55IskatuMeskit's disorganized
23:30.58Eiviynwc3 data editor was so limited
23:30.59IskatuMeskpowerful but disorganized
23:31.04EiviynIt's only disorganised if you're not used to it
23:31.13EiviynLike, put it this way
23:31.15EiviynSay, take WoW
23:31.19IskatuMeskif I was a ui programmer I'd probably off myself
23:31.25IskatuMeskand make something like datedit
23:31.27EiviynYou have that priest spell, pw:fortitude
23:31.28IskatuMeskhave you modded BW?
23:31.37LordAbysshow do i make it so that i see the sky, is it camera far clip?
23:31.42*** join/#sc2mapster Ahmaz (
23:31.51EiviynSet far clip to something huge, 400+
23:32.38IskatuMeskI hated wc3's editor because of its disorganization
23:32.52IskatuMesksimple basic things they could have done, like arrange the values more intelligently, that would have sped up production time ten fold
23:33.14IskatuMesksc2's editor is the same way, unit description and name on opposite ends of the list
23:33.27IskatuMeskalso tiling frequency in texture sets.. does nothing :(
23:33.54IskatuMeskbut despite my complaints sc2's engine is very favorable for me
23:34.12LordAbyssso i was able to see it
23:34.16LordAbyssbut its cut off
23:34.17Blacksoldiersomeone of you guys know how to set costs of a unit type by trigger?
23:34.24Blacksoldierc_unitCostMinerals always returns 0
23:34.34IskatuMeskEiviyn -> This is what I did in BW
23:34.53IskatuMeskthat to me in BW is about a two hour job, start to finish, all graphics and sounds included
23:35.11EiviynIskatuMesk, try this. Make a new map. Pick a unit, Zealot perhaps. Give it "SS_CarrierCollisionCheck" behaviour. Now go into Effects. Find SS_CarrierCollisionCheck and click Search Area+. Change the effect to Hybrid C - Psionic Shockwave (Apply Force)
23:35.17IskatuMeskit took me a long time to try to bugfix it before I gave up, because starcraft has a significant bug with unit movement
23:35.18*** join/#sc2mapster DarkPrince (
23:35.25EiviynNow put some enemy units around the map, and the zealot will push them away
23:35.33EiviynThat'd be a good place to start with all this
23:36.04IskatuMeskand yes I plan to remake that guy in sc2
23:36.20IskatuMeskbut much more shiny
23:36.24LordAbysswhat is the actor event for the stargate to train units?
23:36.37LordAbyssso it plays it animation
23:37.42IskatuMeskbtw that unit has no triggers involved
23:38.05IskatuMeskcan't use triggers in a mod :)
23:38.15IskatuMesknot what you'd use in bw anyway
23:38.18Triceroncan you have both team color and team color emmissive on a unit?
23:38.31IskatuMeskcarrier has that doesn't it?
23:38.34Triceroncuz I'm trying here, and it's not letting me
23:38.43IskatuMeskor is it all emissive?
23:39.22Triceronwell I'm porting my demonhunter with TC
23:39.30Triceronhis wrist bands are regular TC
23:39.34IskatuMeskcan you use two different textures?
23:39.44Triceronand I was gonna use an emmissive map that TC's his blade
23:39.47IskatuMeskor materials
23:39.49Triceronso he has 'hero glow'
23:39.55IskatuMeskhave one for either part
23:40.07Triceronhmm, I hadn't thought of that
23:40.08HR_is there no way to set a units scale with a behavior or effect
23:40.11Triceronthat may work
23:40.35TriceronI'll give that a whirl.  Exporter supports multiple materials right?
23:40.46IskatuMeskmy juggernaut uses like 5-6 materials
23:42.23HR_actually it looks like you can if u edit the units actor to change the scale when it gest a buff
23:42.54IskatuMeskHR_ Has to work somehow, I upped the scale fore the siege tank tank and siege mode and he shrinks back to default size when he morphs
23:42.58IskatuMeskthen goes back to being big
23:43.06IskatuMeskno idea how that happens... but it does
23:45.12HR_cause its two different units
23:45.21HR_uses morph unit probably
23:45.22IskatuMeskwell, both are the same scale (like 1.5 or something)
23:45.36IskatuMeskit's only during his transformation that he shrinks
23:45.38IskatuMeskit's very odd
23:48.01Triceronokay weird
23:48.12Triceronsetting both blend modes to Emissive works
23:48.22Triceronusing 2 shaders makes my model semi transparent
23:48.54Triceronbut I got it working, woo
23:49.00Blacksoldierdoes someone know an answer to my question in the meantime? or noone?
23:49.34IskatuMeskif I knew triggers I'd give you an answer :\
23:49.58IskatuMeskall I know is how to make big pointy things that glow
23:50.26Blacksoldierwouldnt help me now
23:51.36*** join/#sc2mapster P_R_Deltoid (
23:52.00IskatuMeskEiviyn did you check out that video? :D
23:52.39HR_thats wierd, i added to hellion events, behavior.shrinkray.on, set scale .5, behavior shrinkray off, set scale 1.0
23:52.58HR_when it gets the behavior it does nothing and when it loses it it grows to double size
23:53.29HR_ok, i know why
23:53.40EiviynBecause it's on by default?
23:53.43HR_my unit is naturally at .5, and it is overiding that
23:53.50EiviynAnd seen it before Mesk
23:54.03Miloticalit's not multiplying with the original?
23:54.04Miloticalthat sucks -.-
23:54.17IskatuMeskI figured that was in your neighborhood with random chaos
23:54.32IskatuMeskmost people come from wc3, I come from BW
23:54.48IskatuMeskso this whole business with behaviors and such is a lot for me to take in, especially with my learning disabilities
23:54.56IskatuMeskI couldn't even get footstep sounds to work
23:54.59LordAbyssif i wanted to make the screen flash white
23:55.03LordAbysswhat trigger would i use
23:55.08LordAbyssfade in or out?
23:55.34Blacksoldierwc3 had behaviours?
23:55.38IskatuMeskI remember wc3 being a bit confusing with those
23:55.40Blacksoldiercant remember
23:55.56IskatuMeskbut wc3 was extremely dependent on JASS to get any real functionality out of units
23:56.23IskatuMeskand some other not so fun stuff
23:56.54IskatuMeskalso modded SoaSE, homeworld 2, supcom
23:56.58IskatuMeskall 3 of those are terrible btw
23:57.03IskatuMesksteer clear
23:57.17Blacksoldierall i know about wc3 editor: it was muc easier... make requirement for upgrade in wc3: link requirement to "requirement field" - to do in sc2: create button create requirement, code requirement, add requiremen to unit upgrade will be done in
23:57.20IskatuMeskhomeworld 2 especially
23:57.55IskatuMeska lot of stuff can definitely be streamlined in sc2's editor but that probably won't ever happen unless someone makes a GUI XML parser
23:58.20IskatuMeskI think though that you can actually mod the editor, isn't the layout in XML as well?
23:58.23IskatuMeskthat's what I was told, anyways
23:58.32Blacksoldieri thnk galaxy editor gained many many functions through this much differenced view
23:58.44Blacksoldierbut it lost casual mappaker
23:58.47IskatuMeskit gained function through a better engine
23:59.01IskatuMeskbut Blizzard's never been good at designing ui
23:59.07IskatuMesksee: 2.0
23:59.14Blacksoldierso - i needed to work 4 hours with wc3 editor to get in
23:59.29Blacksoldierim working some days with galaxy editor now and still cant do all
23:59.37IskatuMeskbut then again, I'm used to horribly painful time consuming things by now

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