IRC log for #sc2mapster on 20100830

00:01.23TwinerZanam: I figured out once how to apply graphical effects to models to change their look,b ut I can't remember how I did it, can you point me in the right direction?
00:01.36ndudzHey, I'm looking for map testers anyone interested?
00:02.49UltiDrgnIf start a thread in Art Assets, can one of the mods sticky it? Might as well keep all of the editted models in one place instead of spread out over 4232 pms and threads
00:02.52RedWraithndudz, add Wraith.852
00:03.55Zanamtwiner, that would be in the actor
00:04.16TwinerI figured as much, but I can't figure out whats the right element :/
00:04.18Zanamtwiner: you want to create a model actor with the effect, have it be created on that unit's creation.  aka unitbirth
00:04.59HR_anyone know how to remove the bridge effect from mar sara bridge... it wont even let me use the model
00:05.01*** join/#sc2mapster progammer_ (4a3ea6d2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
00:05.23Zanamlets say... you want a marine to have an explosion go off when he gets made.  you have the model actor for the explosion, in events, you say 'unitbirth - marine, create()'.  then it'll go off every time a marine is born
00:05.40Zanamgotta go check on my fish
00:05.45Twinerno, I mean like, a shader to make the model glow with bloom, that kind of stuff
00:06.17*** join/#sc2mapster TheLaughingMan (
00:07.03*** join/#sc2mapster AsaPhelps (
00:07.09mParfaitanyone here want to test a map??
00:07.15mParfaitit's like left 4 dead
00:10.27Resinate_u know how to make the rocket effect spawn
00:10.32Resinate_that merc units use
00:11.47UltiDrgn...If you ever try to animate an SM model, make sure the fingers are linked right
00:12.11*** join/#sc2mapster Seyon (~chatzilla@
00:13.57XenothralIs there a way to cover an entire map in rain without using tons of the rain doodad effect objects?
00:15.32HR_ooh i fixed it, on the model i set physics type never... i think the models may have a physics file .m3h
00:15.36SuterusuWhat would be a good tutorial/guide on starting out on how to go about designing a map/triggers for proper teams/player groups
00:15.36Resinate_need 1 more player us realms for kaotic arena
00:15.40Resinate_anyone wanna play?
00:15.56HR_now i can make a trigger based bridge that works... maybe
00:16.49AsaPhelpsmaybe make one and scale it by like 150x xeno
00:17.17XenothralI tried making one scaled to 500 but it scales the effect with it so the raindrops were gigantic
00:18.56goomba_i borked my ability and i dont know how >_>
00:19.56MozaredStill no triggergurus around?
00:20.03MozaredMy triggers are failing and I've no clue why
00:20.16AsaPhelpsgiant raindrops sound epic
00:20.17goomba_im good with triggers, i like to think :P
00:20.40Mozaredhang on, I'll see if I can get my problem in a screenshot for you
00:20.42Mozaredmight be easier to explain
00:20.43XenothralThey're more just really long raindrops but the splashes they made were about the size of my goliath. lol
00:21.18goomba_could just copy a bunch in text and pm me here
00:24.41Technomancerhey im tryin to get the m3 plugin to work on blender, but for some reason Ic ant find it. Can anyone help confirm the version we should use for it, and also which directory to put the plugin?
00:25.05MozaredI'mma try the text thing
00:25.11Mozaredirfanview is retarded with copying
00:25.19MozaredI can only copy trigger 2 OVER trigger 1, not underneath it, fuck yeah
00:26.44Twinerwhy wont this link occur
00:30.50SycoPrimeCan anyone tell me how to add the Flag "Flying" to a unit using (preferably) behaviors?
00:31.06HR_i can
00:31.48HR_i know two way... one is with a behavior modify unit, you can add plane array ground -1 air +1, i dont know if that will work for you
00:32.12HR_if it doesnt you can change the mover of the unit with an upgrade, but if you do it changes all units for that player
00:32.15SycoPrimeAs long as it cannot get hit by ground weapons while the behavior is on, and is shot by air weapons, it works.
00:32.40SycoPrimeI already have the mover changed. Apparently changing the mover doesn't set the flag -_- Thank you, blizzard.
00:32.58SycoPrimeI'll give that a try, HR. Thank you.
00:33.37HR_im looking for a pathing blocker that works for some units and not others... i have the option of using no fly zones, but are there any other ways to make pathing selective?
00:35.30Komodo1138 <--- working on some snowy mountain textures. what you guys think
00:36.17roojnice komodo
00:37.10Komodo1138i was thinking of using it for that terrain contest "in the Mountains" :P
00:37.31XenothralThat looks pretty sweet
00:37.35Otixasmacks Komodo1138
00:37.36roojyou should make frozen water if possible too
00:37.53Komodo1138probably could :P
00:38.03Komodo1138what Otixa :P
00:38.12OtixaArticle is up ;p
00:38.16rulssiis it my eyes or does it look..yellow
00:38.27Komodo1138ya its because of the lighting
00:38.36XenothralYeah it looks slightly yellow
00:38.44OtixaYellow snow
00:38.47OtixaEat it
00:38.49XenothralTons of it
00:38.49roojDONT EAT IT
00:38.58*** part/#sc2mapster TheLaughingMan (
00:39.02Komodo1138i just could not hold it so i peed all over the place
00:39.13SycoPrimeThat worked, thank you HR.
00:39.13XenothralAll over the world it seems
00:39.56Otixafu gaiz, imma go sleep
00:40.13Komodo1138Otixa[zZz] that article helped on this :P
00:40.28rulssiimma go fap
00:40.39*** join/#sc2mapster Eiviyn (586f9717@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
00:40.43EiviynThat's really wierd
00:41.01EiviynSearching for how the Corruptor - Corruption (20% more damage taken) ability actually increases damage taken on the target unit
00:41.16EiviynThere's like, nothing in behaviours that increases damage taken
00:41.25basic_stringanything tha tdecreases armor?
00:41.40EiviynBy a %
00:42.46EiviynAaaah it's under damage responce
00:42.51Otixa[zZz]smacks Eiviyn
00:42.55Otixa[zZz]goes back to bed
00:43.31XenothralEveryone is getting smacked.
00:43.44XenothralBy a sleeping person.
00:48.29UltiDrgnOnly took six years to fix my texturing settings on half of those
00:49.36*** join/#sc2mapster xttocs (
00:49.50UltiDrgnSo yeah, if you ever got a model from me, you're going to want to re-dl them from that thread
00:51.39WARLol looks like doom
00:53.19SycoPrimeIs there a way to find out in triggers how long an upgrade has left to go? Or how long it will take?
00:56.26UltiDrgnMParfait - Are the Arbiter/Corsair/Reaver textures final?
00:56.30SweetZombieJesusany way to make the water you add to maps smaller?
00:56.45XenothralI don't believe so.
00:56.46SweetZombieJesusinstead of the huge square that i cant seem to change in size
00:56.53SweetZombieJesusreally annoying =/
00:58.01WARUltiDrgn, What do you use to register the click/hits
00:58.17Resinate_ppl in kaotic arena lol
00:58.20Resinate_lets play
00:58.24Resinate_afkers lol
00:58.45Resinate_need 1 more for kaotic arena
00:59.07UltiDrgnClick/hits ?
00:59.18UltiDrgnYou mean attachment-wise?
01:00.26mParfaithey ulti
01:00.45mParfaitdo you think we could just release the models without any data editor support?
01:01.05UltiDrgnExcept for the reaver anyways
01:01.09UltiDrgnWas about to post em
01:01.31UltiDrgnI can throw the Arbiter/Corsair up asap if you want
01:01.39mParfaityeah sure
01:01.40mParfaitbut wait
01:01.44mParfaiti updated some stuff
01:01.48mParfaitlike for textures and buttons
01:01.54mParfaiti'll send it to you now
01:02.53mParfaitthe arbiter stuff is pretty much the latest
01:03.00mParfaitbut the reaver and corsair, i've editted a bit
01:03.01WARNo when you click the zerg unit
01:03.02WARand it fires
01:04.02*** join/#sc2mapster lapin_sc (
01:04.23mParfaitthey'll be in the useful assets thing
01:04.27UltiDrgnI saw
01:04.40mParfaiti can't upload during post.. need to do it after..
01:04.42UltiDrgn@WAR: Those are all handled via attachments
01:04.59UltiDrgnTarget is usually the point where a projectile will hit
01:05.11UltiDrgnWeapon (Left/Right/Or none) is where it fires from
01:05.18UltiDrgnBut all of that can be changed in the data editor
01:05.42mParfaityeah they're up
01:05.58mParfaitI guess people can just do they're own weapons
01:06.00mParfaitand what ever
01:06.19mParfaitmost people who are going to use the models will probably be able to do so themselves anyways
01:06.37UltiDrgnIll put em up in the thread
01:06.46UltiDrgnAlong with the readme... which is somewhere...
01:07.40mParfaiti need to change that readme
01:09.16UltiDrgnMake it generic
01:09.22UltiDrgnSo I can just Copy/Paste it in
01:10.09*** join/#sc2mapster fgenesis (
01:10.59WARWhy dont you use mouse  clicks Ultidrgn
01:12.18UltiDrgnThere's not an attachment for mouse clicks
01:12.23UltiDrgnAt least as far as I know
01:12.31UltiDrgnThere's Ref_Center
01:12.42UltiDrgnwhich would be your closest to it.... I think
01:13.47Zanamtwiner, you still around?  finished dinner, for model glow and stuff that's also in actor, under i believe a glow start and glow stop action.
01:14.13Zanamand resinate_ what rocket effect spawn do you mean?  
01:14.27mParfaitit's on the second page of the reaver thread
01:14.34Fromethiusdoes anyone know how to get damage numbers to show up over enemy units when you attack them?
01:14.48Fromethiuswhen my unit crits i want it to display the damage done overhead of the target unit
01:15.45Arthas-is listening to: Blue Öyster Cult - Don't fear the reaper
01:16.11CryosisI want to know this as well
01:16.13*** join/#sc2mapster JamesW (
01:16.20SweetZombieJesustext tag?
01:16.31Zanami don't know how to reference damage done, i know there's an event for taking damage though
01:16.38Cryosisstill tuning the DT Fro?
01:17.22roojdont fear the reapeeeeeeerrrrrrrrr
01:18.39WARWell, I wish I had someone else working on my map with me
01:18.57mParfaitseptember 12 2010 lol
01:18.59mParfaittypo lol
01:19.05mParfaitsuppose to be two weeks from now
01:19.15mParfaitsorry =P
01:19.19WARI wish fucking labor day was this weekend
01:19.41Fromethiuscryosis: yeah
01:19.59CryosisFromethius: when you gonna fix the sentry?
01:20.05Fromethiuswhat's wrong with it again?
01:21.08UltiDrgnReaver and Corsair out:
01:21.37mParfait2010 my bad...
01:21.38mParfaitin readme
01:21.55UltiDrgnIm not reuploading them
01:22.17mParfaitplease =D
01:22.23Zanamanyone know if there's a tutorial on those circles that can appear for certain things (i.e. cloak detection in campaign, radar detection for terran sentry tower)
01:22.45XenothralYay reavers
01:22.54UltiDrgnI added a disclaimer in the post
01:23.01mParfaityep kk
01:23.02mParfaitthat works too
01:23.23mParfaitwait seriously?
01:23.28mParfaitthat's the blizzard map contest date?
01:23.39mParfaitoh wow..
01:23.39UltiDrgnEnds Sept 11th
01:23.42mParfaitdidn't know that
01:23.50SuterusuWhat do people use to create dialog items that are clickable pictures/icons
01:23.58mParfaiti just wanted to give the guys here a two week headstart thing
01:24.13mParfaitanyways dinner
01:24.21mParfaitbtw, i'm trying to make a robot
01:24.27UltiDrgnForget the robot
01:24.31UltiDrgnneeds more selendis
01:26.24*** join/#sc2mapster devilesk (~devilesk@
01:26.51UltiDrgnWell I'm off to do a few custom matches before bed
01:26.55UltiDrgnL8tr all
01:35.08*** join/#sc2mapster Deadeye (4c7fd9e9@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
01:36.42wOlfLinGah. version 1 of my quest log is finally done :D
01:36.42DeadeyeI've got a question. I've duplicated a unit and none of its sounds work. I managed to track down most of them and get it working except the attack sounds, where are these? I don't see them in the actor..maybe I'm looking in the wrong place or something.
01:37.00AsaPhelpsmake sure it has the right attack actor
01:37.28*** join/#sc2mapster devilesk (~devilesk@
01:38.19ZarafuAsaPhelps, accept the file download on bnet
01:38.46AsaPhelpsyou're logging my keys
01:38.54RodOfNODDeadeye i think u need to duplicate the weapon and the weapon actor
01:39.09AsaPhelpsdude i just got an awesome idea
01:39.17AsaPhelpswhat if you made a map that was like the same as the login
01:39.24AsaPhelpsand saved people's password to some type of bank
01:39.45RodOfNODyes thats an "awesome" idea
01:39.52AsaPhelpsyes it is
01:39.56ZarafuAsa, we're starting
01:40.09RodOfNODwhat moron would do that idk :P
01:40.26AsaPhelpsso it would appear
01:40.42AsaPhelpswell progammer made that thing that looked like windows
01:40.48RodOfNODthat was nifty
01:42.24AsaPhelpstest successful
01:42.38AsaPhelpsso I need a good laser
01:42.50AsaPhelpsi thought battlecruiser lasers woujld work but they look kinda stupid
01:42.58AsaPhelpsI suppose I could just use a beam
01:43.03AsaPhelpsbut lasers look better
01:43.07*** join/#sc2mapster mikelat (
01:43.35XenothralThere's a way to make buildings out of doodads yeah?
01:43.44AsaPhelpsyou mean just give them the model?
01:43.56XenothralYeah pretty much
01:44.17AsaPhelpsyeah just change its actor's model
01:44.23AsaPhelpsor make a model and give it to it
01:44.33AsaPhelpsso get this
01:44.37XenothralAlright sweet
01:44.38AsaPhelpsi made a stone zealot
01:44.39AsaPhelpsand out of its eyes
01:44.44AsaPhelpsit shot stripper holograms
01:44.57AsaPhelpsi was quite amused
01:45.02XenothralI believe it
01:45.08XenothralI would be too
01:48.47AsaPhelpsomg this is funny
01:49.03AsaPhelpsi might fraps this because I'm apparently an 11 year old boy who is easily amused
01:49.04XenothralWhere do you change the model once you're in the data editor?
01:49.18AsaPhelpsfind its associated actor
01:49.48Xackeryyou aren't an 11 year old boy?
01:50.07XenothralAh found it thanks
01:55.15roojhey asaphelps wanna come spend the night at my place?
01:55.25AsaPhelpsxack xack
01:55.26*** join/#sc2mapster Gimpexe (cbce52c4@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
01:55.28AsaPhelpsthis looks so awesome
01:55.41Gimpexewhat does?
01:56.22AsaPhelpsyour mom's face
01:56.24AsaPhelpsoooooooh snap
01:56.25*** join/#sc2mapster Xenothral_ (
01:56.42AsaPhelpslet me make a video even though no one will even care, i find it amusing to myself
01:56.59XenothralOh yay my internet is alive once again
01:57.04TwinerZanam: was your method to resolve the collision, suprisingly simple?
01:57.07AsaPhelpsth  offline
01:57.11AsaPhelpsthis is
01:57.32roojxackery is busy working on my map, dont distract him!!!
01:57.55XackeryI still haven't even opened your map yet
01:58.10roojno paycheck for you this week!
01:58.15wOlfLinGGnight ppls!
01:58.20wOlfLinGI'm off to bed :D
01:58.32wOlfLinGto do something called SLEEP!
01:58.45XenothralWho sleeps anymore? xD
01:58.54AsaPhelpsxack should finish his map first
01:58.58AsaPhelpsthen work on my map
01:59.19XenothralI should work on my map, but then I found the irc channel.
01:59.39rooji'm too dumb to work on my map
01:59.47XenothralThat's sad.
02:00.56XenothralI cannot find the build time for things.
02:01.14*** join/#sc2mapster pirate (4c0ab596@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
02:01.55mike9055there are no cats in america and the streets are paved with cheese
02:02.18XenothralWell that's just not true, I have three cats.
02:02.28pirateanyone else gotten or know how to fix the "could not create actor" trigger error?
02:02.51XenothralHowever the streets are paved with cheese.
02:03.06Xackeryhmm, I wouldn't create an actor via triggers, pirate. :3
02:03.17Xenothralbrb testing map
02:03.26piratei try not too >.>
02:03.50Xackerywhy are you then?
02:04.11XenothralWell that didn't work at all >:o
02:04.12Xackeryit's okto send messages to actors
02:04.15piratecouldnt find a better way to make the exact effect
02:04.30Xackerybut birth/death i recommend letting the events handle
02:04.46piratewould making these actors into units and then creating dummy units be preferred?
02:04.51*** join/#sc2mapster MysT_DooM (
02:05.17Xackerydepends on your reasoning etc
02:05.27Xackerye.g. if I have an actor I want to attach to another unit
02:05.35Xackeryand handle it via triggers
02:05.58Xackeryi'd create a behavior, that I apply on the unit, and let the actor event be handled via the behavior application
02:07.15Xackerybut i'm not sure your whole situation.. I just know, actors are usually best left to be handled to their events field.. it's cleaner at times. XD
02:08.04XenothralHaha, so I built the barricade and it's just a pile of sandbags, and then it got killed and exploded into supply depot debris
02:08.20XenothralRadioactive barricades, they're for professionals.
02:08.23EiviynMy editor has crashed 4 times today...
02:08.35EiviynI've only used it for about 2 hours
02:08.35XenothralAny specific reason?
02:08.36*** join/#sc2mapster Dark`Work (
02:08.40EiviynWish I knew
02:08.45XenothralThat's odd.
02:08.59XenothralHave you tried restarting your system?
02:09.27EiviynI think my map is killing my pc
02:09.35EiviynHad to disable doodads in the editor, heh
02:09.38AsaPhelpslast night my editor was using 2.4 gb of memory
02:09.41*** join/#sc2mapster Seyon (~chatzilla@
02:10.21XenothralMy editor only uses 1 gb
02:10.30XenothralWell, it is right now anyway.
02:10.47EiviynAh well, nearly finished my map at least, just need to make a demo video and only polish left
02:11.00EiviynKinda curious if demo videos are allowed if you still want to submit your map to the blizzard contest
02:11.40AsaPhelpsi don't like that contest
02:11.46AsaPhelpseveryone is just holding back their maps
02:12.25WARZerg is possbily the worse race ever
02:12.29WARit doesnt have any nukage units
02:12.40EiviynPlus, how do you polish something that's never been released
02:12.56WARHydralisk get wiped out by tanks/colossi
02:12.58WARSo what else?
02:13.02WARUltras? too far to tech
02:13.09Eiviyn...then don't use hydralisks against tanks/colossi
02:13.14Vailgoomba_ are you here at all?
02:13.16WARslings get wiped out
02:13.23WARIf you go mutas, you get wiped out
02:13.27WARMy stalkers/marines
02:13.28EiviynWhat, why
02:13.39Fromethiuswar just get muta and baneling and magic box them
02:13.45EiviynYou avoid the marines with the mutas and pick off reinforcement tanks
02:13.53EiviynYou don't attack them directly
02:14.20WARI gave up on mapmaking due to the fact that it will never be played
02:14.24WARbecause of popularity system
02:14.32AsaPhelpsthats the spirit
02:14.36EiviynYou gave up on something because of something that you know will change?
02:14.38Zarafuhopefully that will be fixed with pathc 1.1
02:15.15EiviynThe only thing wrong with zerg right now is how easily harassed they are early game and reapers
02:15.42roojFF14 open beta august 31st
02:15.44Mozaredgoomb went AFK I think
02:15.57MozaredAlso, there doesn't happen to be anyone around with experience making cinematics?
02:16.10Zarafuit's fun building photon cannon's in enemy bases early on in the game
02:16.18*** join/#sc2mapster cloudwolf (
02:18.22Arthas-and Zarafu
02:18.41ZarafuFU for what?
02:18.46Arthas-read up
02:18.48XenothralWell my barricades work decently
02:18.51Arthas-take a guess you cannonrushing bitch :D
02:18.58Arthas-now im off stomping cannonrushers!
02:19.07Zarafuhahahaha, I cannon rushed you?
02:19.15Arthas-no clue ^^
02:19.17EiviynI was grinding the insane ai 2v2 achievements with a friend
02:19.21Trager|546|USWhat variable is Player supposed to be?
02:19.23EiviynWe were spam cannon rushing the ai
02:19.26XenothralI only cannon rush AI
02:19.27Arthas-lots of toss players do. well game loading afk
02:19.32EiviynWe'd played like, 50 games
02:19.42EiviynThen accidentally started queueing for ladder games
02:19.50EiviynAnd won like 5 before realising the AI had names
02:20.50Zarafuthis is weird...why aren't we able to define pre-set teams in the Player Properties?
02:21.03EiviynBecause the player properties tab is for single player
02:21.10EiviynIt has no effect on bnet
02:21.11Trager|546|USBecause that'd be too easy
02:21.20Trager|546|USOr what Eiviyn said
02:21.22Zarafumy game lobby is all messed up with the computer player ending up at the top and messed up teams
02:21.32Zarafuwell how do you set the teams then?
02:21.39Trager|546|USGame Variants
02:21.41EiviynMap -> Game Variants
02:21.44ZarafuI tried using that
02:21.49EiviynWell that's how it's done
02:21.52EiviynDo note though
02:21.55Zarafubut all of the stuff is greyed out for me
02:21.57EiviynThat if your ai player is player 5
02:22.01EiviynAnd you are player 1
02:22.12EiviynBnet will always skip the "missing players"
02:22.15EiviynSo you stay player 1
02:22.20EiviynBut the AI gets bumped to player 2
02:22.22Zarafumy ai player is player 14
02:22.24EiviynIt's incredibly retarded
02:22.27Trager|546|USI hate that feature
02:22.28EiviynYeah that will never work
02:22.32Trager|546|USif you can call it a feature
02:22.42Zarafuit won't work as player 14?
02:22.44XenothralWhen I tried stuff with the game variants it wouldn't let me choose my game variant.
02:22.47EiviynIf you have any triggers referencing player 14 then it will break
02:23.08EiviynThe only thing that stay attached to player 14 are ingame units, ingame triggers and any game variants settings
02:23.30EiviynIf you have a computer set to player 14 and play online, it'll bump the computer to player 2 and leave all your units/triggers still affecting player 14
02:23.52EiviynIt's so stupid
02:23.54Trager|546|USthey really need to fix that
02:23.55Zarafuhow do I fix that
02:23.57EiviynI had to redesign my whole map
02:24.01EiviynWell, is the AI important
02:24.13EiviynBecause you don't need a computer player to spawn units/issue orders
02:24.17Zarafushit, I gotta run right now so I can't continue
02:24.21Vaildamn goomba aint here and i worked out the make enemies attack each other ability
02:24.22Zarafubut I want to talk to you more about this later
02:24.57Trager|546|USSeriously, What variable is "Player" supposed to be in                         Player Group - For each player Player in Teams[X] do (Actions) ?
02:25.24EiviynAn integer
02:25.34Trager|546|USdo I just give it some random local variable and it'll go through all the players?
02:25.37Vailhey does any one know if you would get banned for for replublishing a blizzard map with custom dependencies?
02:25.53RaydenUniit gives you an int index i think
02:25.58RaydenUnii usually use the "pick" version
02:26.03EiviynMake a local variable, I like to call them "i"
02:26.06Trager|546|USthat hasn't been working
02:26.19EiviynAttach the variable to the "Player" red tag and you're set
02:26.27Trager|546|USDo I then have to stick it in a For loop as well?
02:26.38EiviynVail, I tried that, and the game breaks
02:26.51Vailhow so?
02:26.54EiviynI tried making a multiplayer version of Zero Hour mission (level 3, hold out mission)
02:27.02EiviynAnd the game just plain broke
02:27.16EiviynI couldn't even host a completely unedited version on bnet
02:27.25Vailwell i need to test my mod but i dont do melee maps well
02:27.31EiviynIt would not load
02:27.37EiviynIt'd get stuck at ~95%
02:27.41EiviynAnd just crash
02:27.59EiviynDidn't try any other blizzard maps but hey
02:28.19Trager|546|USEiviyn: Trager|546|US: Do I then have to stick it in a For loop as well?
02:28.19EiviynI could take the raw trigger data and that would be fine (well, bar all the missing attachments)
02:28.20XenothralI think melee maps might work but campaign might just have too much ridiculousness for multi.
02:28.25EiviynNo Trager
02:28.31Trager|546|USExcellent, thanks a lot
02:28.37EiviynSay I want a trigger that gives player 1-4 500 minerals
02:29.10EiviynPlayer Group - For each player [local variable - integer] in Teams[X] do (Actions) -> Modify player properties
02:29.54EiviynWhere players 1-4 were in some variable team
02:30.23EiviynThe "For each integer" function is something you should check out too since they're very similar in function, if you care at all
02:30.45RaydenUniall of prozaicmuse's tutorial links are broken
02:33.06*** join/#sc2mapster Xaax (45f890e1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
02:33.29EiviynWonder how many great maps are going to be released after sep 11th
02:33.40RaydenUnisep11 is the contest date?
02:33.46RaydenUniare you not allowed to release before then?
02:34.09EiviynMight not even be allowed to release during the contest either
02:34.16RaydenUnithat's dumb
02:35.12EiviynWell can't remember for sure but pretty sure the entry requirements said not to release during blizzcon either
02:41.05*** join/#sc2mapster PapaRoach (44668787@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
02:42.02Xenothral I like the look of this view, but what to do with all of that flat terrain? :S
02:42.02Atlosuggh I'm so bored
02:42.28*** join/#sc2mapster Saucy (4645865a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
02:42.59SaucyDoes anyone know where that WoW like abilities at the bottom center of screen UI sorta thing is? I remember seeing it on sc2 mapster before but now i cant find it.
02:43.15RaydenUniwhy can i not select my new unit or my new mover from the unit's mover and the actor's unit?
02:43.18RaydenUnithey just don't show up
02:44.16*** join/#sc2mapster devilesk (~devilesk@
02:44.36RaydenUnirestarted the editor and now it shows up
02:49.37*** join/#sc2mapster MysT_DooM (
02:53.26EiviynTook me some 3 hours to get an ability working that increases damage taken by a target by 15% for 15 seconds and creates a beam between the target and the caster for the duration
02:53.43EiviynHow do people manage to make dota style maps in reasonable timeframes...
02:55.20WARThe SOTS was made during beta
02:55.29WARanyone have the picture where it shows the new custom screen?
02:57.08WARit was on sc2mapster news awhile ago
02:57.35AhmazReally? How come they never showed it in the 1.1 situation report?
03:00.08*** join/#sc2mapster Xenothral_ (
03:00.23RaydenUnianyone here know missile movers?
03:01.05goomba_watch for epic gamez
03:02.00Arthas-I just love seeing 40 reapers steamrolling bases
03:02.14Arthas-ppl expect 3-4, not 10x that amount :D
03:02.14goomba_it makes me lol
03:02.32goomba_their base attack is op
03:02.35Arthas-skype session 11h30 minutes, 5 am
03:02.39Arthas-time to sleep, nn guys
03:02.44allenmelonreapers own structures
03:02.45EiviynYeah I never understood why people don't keep building harass units into the mid and late game
03:02.52goomba_its like look
03:02.54EiviynI mean 6 banshees just flattens a base in minutes
03:03.05goomba_ill get spine crawlers cause theyre solid vs reapers!
03:03.07goomba_oh wait
03:03.12goomba_6 grenades kill it
03:03.14goomba_in a couple seconds
03:03.30allenmelono the replay has you goomba_ in it
03:03.34RaydenUniroaches counter them pretty hard dont they?
03:03.36goomba_of course!
03:03.48goomba_roaches only counter them if upgraded
03:03.49goomba_on creep
03:03.57EiviynRoaches counter reapers like a slow fat lady counters hamburgers
03:03.59goomba_otherwise theyre outranged and faster
03:04.15allenmelonwho won?
03:04.18goomba_best bet is speedlings :\
03:04.20allenmelonits 49 apm to 84 apm
03:04.27EiviynSpeedlings vs reapers?
03:04.36goomba_"Best bet"
03:04.36EiviynNo way
03:04.39goomba_not "optimal bet"
03:05.04EiviynYou get, what, 4 lings to 1 reaper more or less
03:05.17goomba_reapers are ultra squishy and die to a surround very quickly
03:05.17EiviynPretty sure 10 reapers would decimate 40 lings
03:05.30goomba_i mean i play zerg as diamond xD
03:05.34EiviynEspecially if you did the obvious and stayed near a cliff
03:05.34allenmeloni think roaches can defend reapers
03:05.47goomba_defend yes kill no
03:05.48allenmeloneven thought it may be like a fat lady, fat lady has a lot of hp
03:05.55allenmelonplus fast regen
03:06.01AsaPhelpswhat if they burrowed
03:06.13EiviynExactly, but she can't catch the hamburgers because they have rocket packs
03:06.14allenmelonthat too, but that requires an upgrade
03:06.22goomba_burrow is tier 2 for 100/100 lol
03:06.26RaydenUnistill if they have 40 reapers, you could easily have burrow
03:06.26goomba_with research time
03:06.36EiviynThought burrow didn't need lair
03:06.40allenmelonisnt it more like a fat lady to a hyper kid?
03:06.42EiviynBeen ages since I played zerg
03:06.45AsaPhelpswhat if you got infestors with fungal
03:06.50AsaPhelpsthen broodlords
03:07.01EiviynAnd warp prisms
03:07.05EiviynWith bc support
03:07.05allenmeloninstead of a hamburger...?
03:07.12AsaPhelpswhat if you vortexed, then nuked
03:07.24AsaPhelpsdoes vortex work on friendly units?
03:07.31allenmeloni think so
03:07.34goomba_i think so too
03:07.37AsaPhelpsso what you should do
03:07.43AsaPhelpsthen make banelings and send them into the vorte
03:07.55goomba_never seen a mothership in any 1v1 ever
03:08.03goomba_of mine
03:08.10AsaPhelpsone time
03:08.18AsaPhelpsi neural parasited one
03:08.25AsaPhelpsi was happy
03:08.38allenmeloni thought there was gonna be more to the story
03:08.41goomba_and dont hate because i dont apm spam
03:08.41AsaPhelpsis neural timed?
03:08.53goomba_np was nerfed to 12 sec
03:09.51goomba_which is ballsack
03:10.12AsaPhelpsi used to make it my goal in sc1 to mind control scvs
03:10.16AsaPhelpsand build a new empire
03:10.28roojlol@ vortexed banelings
03:10.37goomba_i loooooove burrowed banelings
03:10.49AsaPhelpsthere was an amusing thread on tl with banelings raping
03:10.53goomba_i had a guy go super rax
03:11.00goomba_make about 75 worth of marines
03:11.03*** join/#sc2mapster Chainclaw (
03:11.05P_R_Deltoidraping like
03:11.07P_R_Deltoidart or erotica
03:11.09P_R_Deltoidof banelings
03:11.11P_R_Deltoidraping things
03:11.17goomba_10 banelings burrowed kill zem all
03:11.30AsaPhelpswell some of them was actually photoshopped asians in starcraft fmvs
03:11.34AsaPhelpsor I hope it was photoshopped
03:11.44Vailgoomba_ !
03:11.57Vaildid you get your ability working?
03:12.17AsaPhelpsthat face in the map is so funny
03:12.17goomba_meh i ended up helping mozared for a while
03:12.23goomba_but all that i got it to do was
03:12.32goomba_somehow give the target an order to run into the very corner of the map
03:12.40Vaili have it working
03:12.41goomba_no idea how that happened :P
03:12.42AsaPhelpslook at my link
03:12.45goomba_can i look at it?
03:12.46AsaPhelpsand be amused
03:12.59AsaPhelpsi command you
03:13.24Vailthere is only one problem it picks one enemy at a time to have all of the rest target
03:13.39Vaili need to check a few more things before i am willing to show it off
03:14.22goomba_can i at least see how you did it lol
03:14.27goomba_so i can fix mine accordingly
03:14.29AsaPhelpswhats your ability
03:14.37goomba_makes targets attack eachother
03:14.43*** join/#sc2mapster Gimpexe (cbce52c4@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
03:14.53*** join/#sc2mapster dukka_lappy (
03:15.13Gimpexehey, has everyone read this thread?
03:15.47Gimpexewe dont have many good maps on SEA, and it would be awesome to get some of your feedback
03:15.58AsaPhelpsi'd think sea would have the best map
03:16.02Vailok something i did broke it  damnit
03:16.03AsaPhelpsbut i guess they're too busy playing melee
03:16.38goomba_mine doesnt do anything at all vail atm lool
03:16.47goomba_im not sure how the effects are supposed to tie together, exactlyt
03:17.41GimpexeAsaPhelps, ive seen some insanely good aussie maps on war3, but not many on sc2 yet
03:18.20Vailjust a sec let me get it working again
03:18.24Gimpexealso, after watching custom live, and the previous custom maps competitions on the EU bnet.. i saw how many more custom maps they have
03:18.52Gimpexethey have so many more
03:19.27GimpexeMaul are you here?
03:19.31Gimpexeand active?
03:22.44ekcolnovkolMaul is wherever you want him to be
03:22.52ekcolnovkoland right now, i want him to be in space :D
03:23.37goomba_give me 5 min ill show you a good bling unburrow from one of my games xD
03:25.38RaydenUniboo, prozaic isn't here
03:25.52WARGood Deal
03:25.55WARYay or Nay
03:26.24RaydenUnihow big is the cheesy bread?
03:26.34RaydenUniit looks alright
03:26.35Gimpexeekcolnobkol haha
03:27.06roojyou better not be tipping
03:27.09Gimpexerobust sauce?
03:27.18CryosisFromethius: ?
03:27.19Gimpexeon a hand tossed pizza
03:27.26RaydenUniwell that will feed what, 3 guys?
03:27.33CryosisAhh there you are
03:27.37Cryosisyou need to nerf the infestor
03:27.39rooji eat a whole pizza by myself
03:27.40RaydenUnii like how there is a delivery charge
03:27.44RaydenUniand then they expect you to tip
03:27.45RaydenUnia large?
03:27.47goomba_i luv infestor
03:27.55WARThat is like 35$ of food
03:28.01*** join/#sc2mapster Bifuu|X (
03:28.01RaydenUnihow so?
03:28.03WARfor less than 20$, it was 16$ but delivery.
03:28.12RaydenUnithe pizza price is normal
03:28.21CryosisFromethius: Parasite level 1 can one shot a DT
03:28.23WARIt's large
03:28.28Fromethiusyeah i know.
03:28.30RaydenUni$10 for large isn't great
03:28.43goomba_more baneling doom
03:28.55Cryosisare you going to change it?
03:29.02Fromethiuswhat needs changing?
03:29.10Cryosisif I get burrow + parasite
03:29.12WARIt's 8 piece
03:29.17Cryosisit's impossible for a DT to get gold
03:29.19Cryosiswithout dying
03:29.27Fromethiusthat's pretty much intended
03:29.28RaydenUnia large on dominos is $10.99
03:29.38Fromethiusif he gets a single shield upgrade he won't die
03:29.46Gimpexethats expensive, here in aus, large is 7$
03:29.47Cryosisrequires gold
03:29.47Fromethiusit only costs 5 gold for the first shield upgrade
03:29.58RaydenUniwhat's the exchange rate of aus to us?
03:30.01Fromethiushe can get one hit off on a minion or titan and run
03:30.06Fromethiusshield upgrade done
03:30.10Cryosisparasite = instant death
03:30.20Chainclawanyone doing custom map stuff right now?
03:30.24ChainclawI'm looking to play something
03:30.26RaydenUnilike working on one?
03:30.28Cryosishe can't get a hit off unless the Titan isn't paying attention
03:30.37ChainclawI meant like playtesting or just running a party
03:30.39Cryosisparasite works even if they go back to cloak
03:30.40*** join/#sc2mapster currydevil (6027b4a0@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
03:30.43Fromethiusit's not instant death
03:30.47Cryosisyes it is
03:30.53Fromethiuslevel 1 is 100 damage
03:30.55Fromethiuslevel 2 is 125
03:30.58Fromethiuslevel 3 is 150
03:31.05Fromethiusthey start with 75 shields 75 hp
03:31.10CryosisI know.. but in my match
03:31.13Cryosisit was an instant kill
03:31.22Fromethiusyou sure he didn't get attacked first?
03:31.28WARMy Dominos Tracker indicated this
03:31.34CryosisNot absolutely, but I didn't see an attack anim from my unit
03:31.50Fromethiussend me the replay i guess
03:31.55Fromethiusmaybe you found a bug who knows
03:32.01Cryosisoh right let me look at the replay
03:32.55RaydenUniin prozaicmuse's advanced projectiles map he has a missile launch and a missile set effect
03:32.55GimpexeRaydenuni, 11usa = 112.40 aus
03:32.57RaydenUniand then a dmg effect
03:33.00roojso did we all decide on super epic monster project to work on yet
03:33.05RaydenUniwhat does set do?
03:33.16Chainclawif none of you are hosting / testing anything, anyone want to give my map a test?
03:33.24roojrujind 573
03:34.07CryosisFromethius: yep just checked the replay
03:34.13CryosisFromethius: one hit kill
03:34.18Fromethiussend it to me xD
03:34.30AsaPhelpsthats what I wasted my day making
03:34.34Gimpexeanyone interested in increasing their maps exposure, see here
03:34.44AsaPhelpsand for some reason are amused by
03:34.44Vailgoomba_ here
03:35.16Chainclawsomeone needs to make the Voltron map, Stone Zealot VS Terratron
03:35.25AsaPhelpsthat person is you
03:35.43ChainclawI want to get my current map I'm working on published first, but I can never round up playtesters
03:36.27CryosisFromethius: Accept!
03:36.37CryosisI sent file
03:36.43goomba_awesome vail
03:36.50roojrujind 573
03:36.52Fromethiusoh.. i don't think my irc works with that
03:37.04Cryosiswhat irc do you have?
03:37.09goomba_i have irc irc
03:37.17Chainclawrooj, I added you, haven't started hosting yet until it looks like we can get 4
03:37.25ChainclawI'm chainclaw.560
03:37.40roojwhere is xackery
03:37.41Fromethiusi'm using webchat
03:37.46Cryosisfair enough
03:37.47roojwe have some xenogears map to work on 8)
03:37.49Cryosiswhat's your e-mail
03:38.00Xackeryi'm mucking around with a ctf map =P
03:38.12RaydenUnii need someone who knows how effects and missiles work for a moment so i can pick their brain
03:38.13Cryosisare you fing kidding me?
03:38.20Fromethiusit's one of many
03:38.22Cryosisoh wait no that makes sense
03:38.23roojwhen are you gonna muck around with MY ctf map!!!
03:38.28goomba_which is the ability
03:39.08*** join/#sc2mapster Atlos (
03:39.54Vailyes sorry was up taking my medications
03:40.04Vailwhat do you need to know?
03:40.04goomba_whats the name of the ability lol
03:40.16CryosisFromethius: sent
03:40.29goomba_oh you used instant
03:40.55Vailyes but it should work just as well with a target
03:41.32Atloswtf should I do guys I'm so bored
03:41.38RaydenUniwhat is a set effect?
03:41.55Atloseither: polish my map (no motivation atm), just screw around creating abilities, watch TV, idk
03:42.04AtlosI think a set effect lets you do multiple effects
03:42.18Gimpexewhich realm r u on?
03:42.40Gimpexein that case, have you read this thread?
03:42.42goomba_is the buff necessary?
03:42.48Gimpexe  **
03:43.00AtlosI'll take a look
03:43.01TwinerIs there a way to show Unit Pathing in the editor?
03:43.07Vailas far as i know yes it is
03:43.27Atlosah cool Gimpexe
03:43.31RaydenUnieffect question: what is a set effect?
03:43.35Atlosright now I guess there's a gamebreaking bug in my map
03:43.45Atlosbut I'm too lazy to get all my friends into a game atm
03:43.49Atlosto find it
03:43.58Vailas set effect is what you use when you want multiple effects to fire off at the same time
03:44.02Atloseven though I don't see how it's possible
03:44.22Atlosyea since the dropdown only lets you select one
03:44.28RaydenUniVail, so it just turns one effect into many effects
03:44.30Atlosif yuo want multiple just link them in a set effect
03:44.42Vailrather it turns many effects into one
03:44.50RaydenUniah, so he's using a set here because he's applying slow at the same time
03:44.53RaydenUniso i don't need it if i'm not
03:45.06RaydenUnii knew it was something simple like that
03:45.29GimpexeAtlos, well once you finish your map, if you need someone to upload it to the SEA bnet, please post something in that thread
03:46.30GimpexeTwiner, not that i know of
03:47.00Gimpexethats handled dynamically by sc2
03:47.26Gimpexebut, i havnt explored the editor much
03:47.36Atlosok thanks a bunch Gimpexe
03:47.47AtlosI have tmorrow off I plan on working on it a bit to fix it
03:47.49Gimpexeatlos, np
03:48.16Gimpexeawesome =). that gives me something to look forward too aswell
03:50.44Atlosok this confuses me every time
03:50.48Atlosto properly duplicate a unit
03:50.55Atlosshould I just go ahead and duplicate everything?
03:51.02Atlossometimes when I pick and choose everything gets screwed up
03:51.09Atloslike it loses all its sounds, etc
03:51.11Cryosisyes that happens tome
03:51.16Cryosisdon't duplicate everything
03:52.03Atloslike do I need to duplicate abilities?
03:52.03basic_stringI finally learned that "Explain Link" is actually somewhat useful for figuring out wtf things are to add/chnage them
03:52.14Atloslike attack, move, etc
03:52.18Atlosim assuming no
03:52.33roojive begun to duplicate almost nothing
03:52.45roojthere is no point to duplicate half of those things
03:52.53basic_stringI'd guess if you don't need to alter the underlying behavior/whathaveyou, ther'es no need to dup
03:53.17Atloseh yea I'll just skip duplicating for now since I'm just screwing around
03:54.37TwinerFootprints are stupid
03:54.47TwinerI can't figure this out
04:02.53*** join/#sc2mapster ShadowTiger (4b198235@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
04:04.53TwinerWhy wont this thing go vertical :(
04:10.15*** join/#sc2mapster Tordecybombo (62745298@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
04:10.22Tordecybomboanyone got burrow autocasting to work?
04:10.40Tordecybombobecause even putting the validators that are impossible for the unit, the unit always casts it
04:13.15XenothralHas anyone ever had a map publishing fail?
04:13.28XenothralBecause mine's just failed to upload and I can't figure out why.
04:14.21ShadowTigerin the beta mine failed
04:14.28ShadowTigerone reason was because i had a custom race
04:14.45ShadowTigerand one reason was because i had some "improper" words but it told me so
04:14.57XenothralThe only thing it says about anything is in all caps
04:15.33ShadowTigerwhat kinds of things did you change?
04:15.59XenothralBasically just the game variants.
04:17.08ShadowTigerit must not like something you changed
04:17.24ShadowTigersomething that would impact how the final score screen looks
04:17.31ShadowTigerso some value that would get displayed there i guess
04:17.39XenothralCould it be because I'm using a neutral player?
04:17.56ShadowTigeryou cant use player 0, 13, or 13
04:18.06ShadowTigeras a human
04:18.07ShadowTigerthat is
04:18.17Tordecybombo[00:10] <Tordecybombo> anyone got burrow autocasting to work? [00:10] <Tordecybombo> because even putting the validators that are impossible for the unit, the unit always casts it
04:18.29XenothralI have it set as Computer control instead of neutral, hold on gonna try changing that back.
04:19.51XenothralApparently that wasn't it.
04:20.28XenothralCould it be because of how the attributes have the teams set up?
04:20.54XenothralBecause they're all set on either Team 1 [1] or Team 2 [1]
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04:22.53Fromethiuscryosis still there?
04:24.17Tordecybombo[00:10] <Tordecybombo> anyone got burrow autocasting to work? [00:10] <Tordecybombo> because even putting the validators that are impossible for the unit, the unit always casts it
04:25.49Xackeryi've had it work, torde.
04:26.49Atloswhy is an effect instant asking me to select a target?
04:26.53Tordecybomboi want the unit to burrow when an enemy is nearby
04:26.56Atloswell not asking but giving me an erro
04:27.14Xackerywhich unit are you burrowing?
04:28.09Xackeryguessing that's a campaign unit
04:28.41Tordecybomboi tried other units too like hydra but same problem
04:28.58Tordecybombothe validators arent doing anything
04:29.14Tordecybombowhat attribute am i missing
04:29.30Xackeryi'll be making it and just sending you a copy
04:29.44ShadowTigerit wont let me mix 2 different cliff types in one map
04:30.06Tordecybomboalso i want the unit to unburrow when there are no enemies nearby
04:30.08ShadowTigertheres so many bugs in this editor it drives me nuts
04:30.57Tordecybomboweird part about unburrow is it's the opposite
04:31.03ShadowTigerwait so do you want to do this "autocasting" with data editor only or is triggers okay?
04:31.14Tordecybomboi prefer data editing only
04:31.19Tordecybombobut if triggers are the only way then so be it
04:31.39Tordecybombounburrow never autocasts even when there are no validators
04:32.21ShadowTigeris it okay if autocast is always on?
04:32.46ShadowTigerI can tell you how do it by simulating autocast using regular abilties/behaviors
04:34.06ShadowTigerBasically you create a behavior that does a periodic effect, the effect is "issue order" type and tells the unit to burrow/unburrow... then you add validators to make sure that there are units around or not... or whatever restriction you want
04:34.08Tordecybombowell if autocast doesnt i guess I can use a search effect that constantly searches within some radius
04:34.51ShadowTigerI haven't actually tried using the issue order effect but hopefully it will work !!
04:35.12*** join/#sc2mapster TheLaughingMan (
04:36.17Xackerylooks like it's working
04:36.20Xackeryhere you go
04:36.37ShadowTigeromg he gots it?
04:37.13Xackeryif you test map and just watch
04:37.20Xackeryenemy murlocs are patrolling around
04:37.34Xackerythe lurkers will burrow when enemies get nearby
04:37.39Xackerythen unburrow when they leave area
04:37.47ShadowTigerdid you just use regular autocast?
04:37.58ShadowTigerTordecybombo are you paying attention?
04:38.09Tordecybomboim trying right now
04:38.19*** join/#sc2mapster Xenothral_ (
04:38.27Xackeryjust a sec
04:40.05Xackerylooks like my map isn't working, haha. thought it was.
04:40.27Xackerythere we go.
04:40.39ShadowTigerround 2... fight!
04:41.05Xackeryno, it worked
04:41.11XackeryI just had lurkers nearby the autocast radius
04:41.19Xackeryso they weren't unburrowing properly
04:41.31Xackery <-- redownload for a more obvious
04:41.37Tordecybombowhat changed?
04:41.54Xackeryi changed auto cast range to 3 instead of 5 (murlocs get closer), and also deleted the enemy lurkers
04:41.57Xackeryso only enemy marines on map
04:42.25Tordecybomboah so ive been using the wrong validator?
04:42.28Tordecybombolemme try it on my map
04:42.58XackeryI don't know what you did wrong, since I didn't write what you did
04:43.06Xackerybut looks like my way works, so maybe use it if it's what you need. XD
04:43.40Xackeryif you change validator range, they'll burrow at further ranges
04:43.46Xackery"Auto Cast Range"
04:44.03XackeryYou probably don't need the "Target Is Enemy" validator, but I like sanity checks even if they're repetitive.
04:47.04goomba_my mad scientist character is complete
04:47.11goomba_with 3 abilities
04:50.58XenothralCan he shoot orbital brain lasers?
04:53.26rooji am bored
04:53.50Cryosismake a map
04:54.02rooji suck at making maps
04:54.12Cryosiswhat maps have you made?
04:54.25roojmy first map was a sad joke melee map
04:54.30roojmy 2nd map looked cool
04:54.33roojanother melee map
04:54.39roojbut there was like no building room
04:54.46roojthe map i am working on now is a CTF map but
04:54.59rooji cant do it by myself
04:55.07roojbecause i'm dumb
05:00.30Tordecybombowell the auto burrowing works now but the lurkers dont attack
05:00.31*** join/#sc2mapster RazielZ (~Raziel@
05:00.55*** join/#sc2mapster ProzaicMuze (
05:01.13ProzaicMuzeI need a link to the editor authentication crack
05:01.14RaydenUnihey ProzaicMuze
05:01.15ProzaicMuzeaaaaaand go
05:01.24RaydenUnii had questions about some of your tutorial stuff earlier
05:01.29RaydenUnibut i don't remember them now, or i solved them
05:01.32ProzaicMuze(This latest patch has given me that bug where even though you authenticate, it says you still need to)
05:01.36ProzaicMuzesorry :(
05:01.48ProzaicMuzeI'm currently trying to answer some of those types of questions on the forum
05:02.01ProzaicMuzeI can't get into my editor to refute this zzPop's points
05:02.15ProzaicMuzeWhile he pointed out something cool for Abilities, he trashed my force tutorial
05:02.19ProzaicMuzeThe problem is, what he said is wrong lol
05:02.35RaydenUnithe tutorial page, all your links are 404
05:02.36ProzaicMuzeSo I have to find the specific fields to point out so I can enlighten him to the way of the force!
05:02.51ProzaicMuzeI thought I fixed them :S
05:02.52SixenIs bnet down?
05:03.20RaydenUnionly some of them
05:03.23RaydenUnilike the turrets one
05:03.35RaydenUniand the specialized weapons
05:03.40ProzaicMuzeOh, you mean the links between the tutorials
05:03.47ProzaicMuzeSince the archive links work fine
05:03.55RaydenUnithe links from your profile page work
05:04.01ProzaicMuzedouble gah
05:04.13ProzaicMuzeSee Sixen?!
05:04.17RaydenUnii'm doing the advanced projectile one now
05:04.20ProzaicMuzeLook how much trouble your attempts to be efficient have caused me :(
05:04.29RaydenUnicopying all of the units and weapons and missiles and effects and actors and movers is a huge pain
05:04.31ProzaicMuzeI have broken links still!
05:04.35ProzaicMuzeIt's like being impotent!
05:04.39ProzaicMuzeI am broked!
05:04.50RaydenUnii'm having trouble keeping track of them all
05:05.22RaydenUniquestion about advanced projectiles
05:05.28SixenNot my fault PM
05:05.29RaydenUniwhy do you use genericunitbase isntead lf...
05:05.36SixenVjeux was the one who insisted on changing
05:05.38RaydenUnigenericattackmissile for your actors?
05:05.40SixenI just gave up and said fine :p
05:05.54ProzaicMuzeBut you're the one online so I have to settle for harrasing you about it ;)
05:06.05ProzaicMuzeI already harass vjeux for a crappy PM system
05:06.14ProzaicMuzei mean if it's gonna have my name, it should at least be uber efficient like me :D
05:06.30ShadowTigerdoes anyone know how to do shared control the same way you could in SC1?
05:06.39ProzaicMuze@Rayden - is this in the test map?
05:07.15ProzaicMuzeIf I didn't mention itin the tutorial, I likely slapped them together quickly
05:07.31ProzaicMuzeIn which case I probably didn't take the time to make sure they were genericattackmissiles
05:08.01ProzaicMuzeThe should be genericattackmissiles for organizational purposes, but I got lazy :(
05:08.28RaydenUnione difference is how the tokens are set up
05:08.35RaydenUnisince the missile one has launch and impact effects
05:08.45RaydenUniwhich makes me use more effects than you did i think
05:09.23RaydenUnimaybe not
05:09.33RaydenUnioh you were doing the marauder slow effect as well, so you have a bunch of sets
05:09.44RazielZNeed to find a conditions tutorial
05:10.03RazielZThat or I need someone to tell me how to apply the changes I make in the script editor
05:10.19ProzaicMuzeMmk, fixed the wiki links
05:11.16ProzaicMuze@Rayden - I'd have to look, but I think all I did was make custom missile units and models, then plugged them into the missile attack actor for the marauder
05:11.33ProzaicMuzemodel actors*
05:11.39ProzaicMuzeUnforunately I can't look
05:11.45ProzaicMuzesince i'm not "authenticated"
05:11.50RaydenUniyou have a custom unit for each marauder, and each projectile unit
05:11.55RaydenUniunique weapons
05:12.02RaydenUnilaunch and set effects for each
05:12.12RaydenUnioh, actors for each missile
05:12.16RaydenUninot for the attacks
05:12.17RaydenUnioh nice
05:13.26*** join/#sc2mapster KcrevaM (
05:13.34RaydenUnioh i know why i needed more actors
05:13.39RaydenUnifor the tokens...
05:13.43RaydenUnisince it is based on launch and impact
05:14.32Zanamokay, so I have an ability, effect - target, the effect is a create unit effect.  in-game, the ability can be used, targeted, but does not create the unit
05:14.35*** join/#sc2mapster Lisk (43bcc157@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
05:14.39RaydenUniah you set up events for each effect
05:14.41RaydenUnithat works
05:15.23ProzaicMuzeperson who has the answers I need
05:15.31ProzaicMuzeWhere is the Editor Authentication crack thingy?
05:15.38ProzaicMuzeI've got teh bug :(
05:15.41Cryosisthe bug?
05:16.07ProzaicMuzeWhen the retail launched, many folks would authenticate their editor, but then it would keep telling you to authenticate over and over
05:16.10ProzaicMuzeI never had the problem
05:16.16ProzaicMuzeHowever, after the latest patch, I now do :(
05:16.29XackeryEveryone does i think Prozaic
05:16.33ProzaicMuzeI had no problem applying the actual patch, I just can't use my editor now :(
05:16.42ProzaicMuzeYou can't use the editor right now?
05:16.46SixenNot sure, PM
05:16.47XackeryNo, I can use it.
05:16.54SixenIt's a crack I don't have :p
05:16.54XenothralI can use the editor perfectly fine.
05:16.56XackeryBut it asks me to authenticate myself every time.
05:17.05ProzaicMuzeWhen did that start?
05:17.06Xackerywhen I first start it up
05:17.10Xackerylast patch ish.
05:17.17ProzaicMuzeWell that is just stupid
05:17.24ProzaicMuzeI have to authenticate every time for the editor now!?
05:17.26XackeryYou can just cancel and resume using it though.
05:17.30Liskhas anyone encountered building morphs costing negative vespene gas, when it should be 0?
05:17.31ProzaicMuzeI thought they said you wouldn't need to do that!
05:17.35ProzaicMuzeCanceling closes the progam
05:17.37XenothralI have to log in every time I launch as well, but never multiple times unless my internet hiccups.
05:17.41XackeryDoes it? Let me check.
05:17.47RaydenUnizomg i wish i could just open your map up alongside mine
05:18.05ProzaicMuze^^ would be nice.  Especially when I want to use stuff from my test maps in an actual map
05:18.23RaydenUnimy plan was to make tech demo/proof of concept test maps
05:18.27roojyou can copy/paste
05:18.27RaydenUniand then integrate it with my maps
05:18.30Xackerycan always save the map in components, and frankenstein that way
05:18.35*** join/#sc2mapster Gohla (
05:18.38RaydenUniyeah but you still have to completely unload one map and then load the other
05:18.51ProzaicMuzeWait, so XML edit my map!?
05:18.59roojim sure theres some easy way to open 2 editors at onec
05:19.06XackeryI xml edit pretty often for monotomous stuff
05:19.10roojyour computer might explode, but
05:19.10ProzaicMuzeI hate XML
05:19.11RaydenUniyou can't do it
05:19.14Xackerylike adding 280 items
05:19.23RaydenUnicould have 2 computers, but then you can't copy paste
05:19.37ProzaicMuzeUnless you used that WoW guy's setup
05:19.37XackeryI wonder if synergy would let you copy paste the components
05:19.53roojspeaking of WoW
05:20.02rooji get at least 3 fake WoW account emails every single day
05:20.08rooji got one just now
05:20.23ProzaicMuzeThey REALLY want your account
05:20.25ProzaicMuzeand more gah
05:20.28ProzaicMuzethis stupid editor hates me
05:20.31ProzaicMuzeevery patch it fights me!
05:21.05Xackeryi restarted my editor a couple times, and it's not asking me to authenticate myself. It usually does when I start it first time.
05:21.13Liskso nobody has encountered problems with the "Morph" ability costs? (negative vespene gas)
05:21.32XenothralI have not Lisk
05:23.01ProzaicMuzestupid. . .
05:23.11ProzaicMuzeI'll just have to check back later when someone with the link can solve my troubles
05:23.13ProzaicMuzeafk for a while
05:24.49RazielZHmm, I can't set what custom script to run in the custom script action?
05:26.22ShadowTigerraziel its just a text box, but in the second window
05:26.35Xackeryyeah, you write custom script in the action.
05:26.48RazielZWhat do you mean?
05:27.05RazielZI can write in that window
05:27.14RazielZIt was completely empty, thought it was disabled
05:27.16Xackeryyeah, you can manually write stuff in the window.
05:27.33RazielZSo I write the script there? Or just the name of the script?
05:27.44ShadowTigeryou write script
05:27.49RazielZis there a runScript function?
05:27.56RazielZTo run another script
05:28.19ShadowTigermake a custom 'function', change its type to "action" and make it custom script
05:29.40RazielZI was just asking ebcause then custom script seems useless (the one in new element) because I can't run it or use it
05:30.12RazielZwell it's not in new element, just new->
05:30.15RazielZBut you know what I mean
05:30.44RazielZAnd a quick question about triggers, do they get run over and over or do they jsut get run once?
05:30.55RazielZSo I know if I should use whiles for some stuff
05:30.58ShadowTigertriggers run in 2 ways
05:31.09ShadowTiger1) if the "event" of the trigger fires
05:31.18ShadowTiger2) if you call a trigger from another trigger
05:31.23RazielZOh so that's what the event is for!
05:31.30rrowlandAnyone know of a way to disable HP bars completely in a map?
05:31.31RazielZNow that opens up a lot of possibilities
05:31.51Xackeryrrowland: actors handle the hp bars
05:32.23RazielZbool isAlive; why does this give me a syntax error
05:32.27RazielZIt's in the customs script
05:32.31Xackeryas far as disabling them ALL. well uh. hrm. I wonder if you can send a message to set the status etc.
05:33.28Xackerylife bar, right?
05:34.06ShadowTigeris there a transitive property for alliances?
05:34.22ShadowTigerfor example, if P1 shares vision with p2, p2 shares vision with p3, can p3 see what p1 sees?
05:34.25LiskApparently, for the morph bug, it is reading the unit cost of the original to fix it you either have to check "Ignore Unit Cost" and manually type in the cost, or set the costs of the original unit to 0. Pretty sure this should not be necessary, but I can't think of anything else.
05:37.42Cryosisdon't think so ShadowTiger
05:37.55RazielZWell it worked after I declared the bool in the gui..
05:38.46RazielZExcept it doesn't do anything D:
05:39.51ShadowTigerim trying to figure out a way to divide resources evenly betwen players on a team
05:40.00Xackeryrrowland: Hackjob, commence! If any unit is created after the fact, you may need to run that message to the actor.
05:40.22Xackeryalternatively, you can like.. try to make an all encompassing Event inside an actor, but I didn't have much luck with that.
05:40.55RazielZI wonder if while works how I think it works
05:45.02RaydenUniProzaicMuze, i learn so much trudging through your tutorials
05:47.14RazielZWat tutoreels
05:48.04RaydenUnii'm doing the advanced projectile one now
05:48.08RazielZOh my programming errors.
05:48.12RazielZcan't belive I missed that one
05:48.13RazielZAd that one
05:48.23RaydenUnicustom missiles
05:52.10RazielZWhat's the simplest trigger to show some text?
05:52.15RazielZI need it for debugging <.<'
05:53.02currydevilIs there a way to center text on a dialog button?
05:54.50currydevilnvm, found it
05:56.10roojom nom noms
06:00.09RaydenUniRazielZ, go to triggers -> debug
06:02.47RazielZI found me problem
06:03.11RazielZI've got the debug screen open
06:03.16RazielZwhen testing
06:03.26RazielZif ((UnitGroupCount(lv_group2, c_unitCountAlive) == 0)) {
06:03.29RazielZThis be the problem
06:03.40KcrevaMmy name is orange on
06:03.43KcrevaMdoes this make me special?
06:03.54RazielZAnd I dno why it doesn't work, it's supposed to trigger when everybody in that group is dead
06:10.57Zanamanyone interested in helpin test a unit war style map, could use about 3.
06:15.41RazielZWhat server?
06:15.54Xackerywhen you publish a map public, if you make a revision and publish it private
06:16.03Xackerydoes it screw up the previous public version?
06:16.15*** join/#sc2mapster Huesy (
06:16.21roojmaybe it removes it from the list?
06:16.48Xackerydoesn't do that.. i just mainly want to know if when people join the map, if it's the last public revision XD
06:16.49XackeryI think it does
06:17.17*** join/#sc2mapster Ka[L]ekin (
06:17.26*** join/#sc2mapster Zarakk (
06:18.06RazielZWhy does the editor add lv_ to variables and when I tried to init one in a custom script it syntax errord, even when I tried adding lv_?
06:18.43roojok so
06:19.13rooji have been trying to come up with an idea for a new map
06:19.24roojbut nothing
06:19.28Cryosisthink harder
06:19.31Cryosisfind insperation
06:19.57RazielZHelp me with extremely simple triggers if you're bored
06:20.09rooji suck so i cant help you though
06:20.16rooji didnt even make the triggers for my map
06:20.18roojsomeone else did
06:22.17roojtell me how to make jumping robots
06:22.20roojand i'll make a jumping robot map
06:24.54Zanamrooj, up for another shape war test?
06:25.03roojso all i have to do to make jumping robots is laugh?
06:25.08roojthats easy i can do that
06:25.11roojOK zanam
06:25.19Zanamgive me a few, trying to find a couple more
06:25.23ZanamUS server, unit war style map
06:25.36roojtheres almost no one awake right now 8(
06:26.50*** join/#sc2mapster MaxMode (
06:29.31RaydenUniThrow Vector, isn't y up?
06:29.55RaydenUnioh no it's not
06:29.57RaydenUniit's forward
06:30.16*** join/#sc2mapster Zaratulius (594fa4e9@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
06:32.03*** join/#sc2mapster Zarakk (
06:32.26*** join/#sc2mapster Clord (
06:38.49Zanamalright rooj, i'll invite ya now.  Anyone else, testing a unit-war style map US server.  could use 2 more
06:43.13RaydenUniwhy is it such a pain in the ass to make a missile spawn at a flying unit?
06:43.22ShadowTigercan someone explain why allies of player 1 doesn't include player 1?
06:43.45Zanamcause player 1 hates himself inside.
06:44.13Zanamone more, testing a submission map, unit-war style with an artistic twist, US server
06:47.52roojwhere are the jumping robots
06:48.01Xackeryin my pants
06:48.08roojlet me in your pants!!!!!!!
06:48.20roojnever tell a gay dude that something is in your pants
06:50.20Zanamrooj, startin with just us.  
06:52.32*** join/#sc2mapster MrDeath (0c4727b4@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
06:52.34roojwhere ya go?
06:52.50MrDeathanyone down to beta test Super Baneling Tag? USA
06:53.24Zanami will if you help me test a map of mine ;)
06:54.27MrDeathzanam: add mrdeath 671
06:55.05RazielZTrigger Error in 'gt_UntitledTrigger001_Func': Execution took too long
06:55.07RazielZBut but but
06:55.16RazielZI'm using a while, it's supposed to take until the condition passes
06:55.54Zanammeans you had an infinite loop in there somewhere
06:56.19RazielZIt just says Oh hey that guy is taking long let's just stop him completely
06:56.32Ka[L]ekinBecause your condition was taking too long to pass
06:56.44RazielZSo what can I do?
06:56.58Ka[L]ekinDepends on what you are trying to do I guess.
06:57.12RazielZI'm trying to make some banelings explode after all the units in a group are dead
06:57.53Ka[L]ekinSounds simple enough, let's see.
06:58.33RazielZ this is what I got
06:58.56Ka[L]ekinWAR, I advise playing ones then.
06:59.11RazielZGo broodlords.
06:59.18Ka[L]ekinGo Ultra
06:59.29Ka[L]ekinUltras are good. :/
06:59.31MrDeathyou should let out some steam on a nice friendly custom map.. let's play some baneling tag
06:59.32Ka[L]ekinAnd decimate siege if use well
06:59.33ShadowTiger6 pool ftw!
06:59.42WAR6 pool?
06:59.55RazielZDRONE RUSH
07:00.26RazielZI forgot scv can repair eachother and someone drone rushed me and I didn't repair
07:00.28Ka[L]ekinRaziel, quick solution that comes to mind, possible less than ideal
07:00.32RazielZInstead I attacked tactically and still won
07:00.35RazielZBut that's good to know
07:00.38ShadowTigerlook at the patch notes for what strats are too strong... then use your time machine : D
07:00.39Ka[L]ekinCreate a trigger that checks for Unit Death events
07:00.49Ka[L]ekinHas a condition that makes sure the unit death is one of your own
07:00.50roojjust use mutas
07:00.55roojthats zergs best unit
07:00.58Ka[L]ekinor rather, the ones that you want
07:01.00roojthey are so fast
07:01.06roojyou just run around, never stopping
07:01.08RazielZHmm that could work I guess
07:01.08roojjust hit and running
07:01.09Ka[L]ekinthen in your actions
07:01.16RazielZBut why can't they just have proper loops :[
07:01.29Ka[L]ekinThey don't like triggers sticking around too long :P
07:01.31RazielZBecause this is still pretty much a loop
07:01.45ShadowTigerwhat are you doing raziel
07:02.00Ka[L]ekinRaz, you can make your current trigger work
07:02.02RazielZTesting stuff and learning triggers
07:02.06Ka[L]ekinsimply by putting a Wait timer at th end of your while loop
07:02.16roojviking suck, but i only play protoss
07:02.22ShadowTigerum... just do event - periodic event?
07:02.38RazielZUnit Dies event, I can only select any unit, I do that and then use conditions to check if it's what unit I want?
07:02.51RazielZPeriodic event?
07:02.56roojalso i was surprised they were nerfing siege tanks
07:02.58RazielZWhy the heck did they even put while there in the first place
07:03.01rooji thought they were kinda weak
07:03.12ShadowTigeryou should use event unit dies
07:03.17Ka[L]ekinRazielZ, as I said, you CAN use the while loop.
07:03.22Ka[L]ekinYou must just put a wait timer at the end
07:03.27ShadowTigersc2 is event based system... event based programming is useful to know for games
07:03.31Ka[L]ekinso the game can take a break after it checks each game frame
07:03.40RazielZAnd conditions I should use a comparison or uh
07:03.48ShadowTigerunit type comparison
07:03.51Ka[L]ekinComparison yep
07:03.54ShadowTigerunless its a particular unit
07:04.01RazielZNo, not rly
07:04.12RazielZI'll just check when the marauders die and then check if they're all dead
07:04.46Ka[L]ekinyou can have the same condition you use in your while loop
07:04.57*** join/#sc2mapster luizPestana (bb6a682a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
07:05.11Ka[L]ekinCheck the the unit dying is owned by the enemy group
07:05.54RazielZHow do I check that? I can't find any good compare ._.
07:06.27Ka[L]ekinYou would check it the same way you have chekced it in your while loop
07:06.34Ka[L]ekinUnitGroupCount(lv_groupEnemy, c_unitCountAlive) == 0
07:06.43RazielZYeah but I can't directly edit the script for conditions cause it doesn't save
07:07.53RazielZShouldn't there be a last unit killed or something
07:08.21RaydenUnianyone here know about creating your own movers for missiles?
07:08.57RaydenUnimine looks to be just like prozaic's example
07:08.59RaydenUnibut it doesn't work
07:09.07RaydenUniit never does dmg to the target
07:09.24luizPestanaHi guys, why this message appears when i publish a map? "document dependency header file is not available"... =(
07:10.35Clordwell well well
07:10.42Clordhave you set race in player settings?
07:10.47Clordif ti is not random for every slot
07:10.48Clordit will bug
07:10.52Clordduring publish
07:11.04luizPestanahum, let me see...
07:11.26Clordif you want force race... use game variants....
07:12.26RazielZHehey it worked
07:12.31RazielZThanks guize
07:13.25luizPestanawhoa, i restored from default and its works!
07:13.35*** join/#sc2mapster Ka[L]ekin (
07:13.44Ka[L]ekinEh, damn power. :/
07:13.50Ka[L]ekinYou get your stuff working RazielZ?
07:14.08RazielZIt checks the trigger a lot because of the unit death event
07:14.14RazielZThat doesn't affect performance does it?
07:14.30Ka[L]ekinA couple of checks every frame isn't a train smash, no
07:14.43Ka[L]ekinhow much is a lot? :p
07:14.44RazielZOk then
07:14.51RazielZWell uh
07:14.54RazielZEvery time a unit dies
07:15.10Ka[L]ekinWell I don't imagine hundreds of units are dying every frame? :P
07:15.20Ka[L]ekinThen should be fine. :)
07:15.30RazielZAnd it doesn't actually do anything with it since it has the if thatgroup is dead
07:15.40Ka[L]ekinYe, just checks the condition
07:15.51Clordyeah... simple early if check speeds up procees
07:15.57ClordI have ten achievements in my map ^^
07:15.57RazielZIs there any way to stop that trigger from running after the group is dead aka the trigger becomes useless?
07:15.58Clordand so far
07:16.02Clordno noticable slow downs
07:16.10Ka[L]ekinLet me see here
07:16.30Ka[L]ekinUse the action
07:16.33Clordyou could even probably make hundreds kill this and that achievements without noticable slow down
07:16.36Ka[L]ekinTurn Trigger On/Off
07:16.47*** part/#sc2mapster luizPestana (bb6a682a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
07:17.05Ka[L]ekinIf the trigger only runs once everything is dead then you can just put that at the end
07:18.10RazielZYeah, I put it in my custom script
07:18.19*** join/#sc2mapster luizPestana (~Adium@
07:18.22RazielZAfter it makes the banelings explode it turns off the trigger
07:18.48RazielZI could have used normal conditions isntead of a script but I'm too lazy to find the condition again
07:19.34RaydenUniwhat can cause a missile mover to not actually hit it's target?
07:21.24XenothralWell I'm out for the night
07:21.28XenothralGood night all
07:23.54RaydenUnino one knows what it's like...
07:23.57RaydenUnito make a bad map
07:24.18Clordhehe achievements at least can't be optimized so in 3v3 multiplayer map ^^ it would blow let one at time per match to get certain achievement ;)
07:24.33Clordonly would be to detect if already all got some achievement
07:24.35Clordand turn it off lol
07:25.06Ka[L]ekinI think a lot of people know what it's like to make a bad map, they just don't realise it. :P
07:27.53*** join/#sc2mapster rrowland (
07:28.29RaydenUnilooks at Ka[L]ekin funny
07:29.28*** part/#sc2mapster luizPestana (~Adium@
07:37.24*** join/#sc2mapster Dogmai (
07:37.35Dogmaiwhat does "Script failed to compile, register overflow mean
07:38.19Zarafumeans you have an infinite loop most likely
07:38.27Zarafuor you are overfilling an array
07:38.41Zarafulike if an array only has 3 indexes, you might be trying to add to more indexes than it can have
07:38.52Dogmaiah shit
07:39.05RazielZThat's why vectors are better! Too bad they don't exist.
07:39.47*** join/#sc2mapster rrowland (
07:41.09Dogmaii changed two variables from arrays to single variables
07:41.11Dogmainow i have to track it all down
07:42.11roojmaybe i should work on a FPS map
07:44.26Dogmaii found the problem
07:44.44Dogmaiits a giant piece of text
07:44.52Dogmaido text have limits on them?
07:46.49Dogmaimust be
07:47.03Dogmaiwhen combining multiple text
07:47.08*** join/#sc2mapster Rayden (
07:47.12Dogmaiwhen i deleted about 10 entries, it compiled
07:49.22Dogmaithanks Zarafu
07:50.49allenmelonanyone on us servers wanna play sotis?
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08:02.52RazielZwhat's the best order of dependencies to be able to use everything?
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08:10.11Zanamgood night and thanks to my testers.  next test will be with much more added.
08:16.43*** join/#sc2mapster rrowland (
08:21.32*** join/#sc2mapster Saeris (
08:22.34Saerishmmm, does anyone know how people have been getting thise stylized row backgrounds in leaderboards?
08:22.46Saerisi figure it's a dialog leaderboard thing
08:23.00Bablocan anyone help me with this question:
08:23.57ShadowTigeryou need to do a for each integer loop
08:24.11ShadowTigerthen do an if/then/else
08:24.15ShadowTigercheck if its the item you want
08:24.17ShadowTigerthen do an action
08:25.00*** join/#sc2mapster Megalon (
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08:25.44ShadowTigerSaeris I would assum they used dialogs instead of leaderboards
08:27.42*** join/#sc2mapster Tinman (bjodeh@
08:27.55BabloShadowTiger, yeah I realise the logic in it, but I dont know the action that can check a value from an inventory
08:28.19ShadowTigerdo you mean "condition" instead of "action"
08:28.35Saerisyea, i think i found out how to get the "background" people've been using
08:28.46Saerisjust gotta figure out how i'm gonna do a dialog leaderboard properly
08:28.47Bablono, the action..
08:29.01ShadowTigerI gave you 2 actions... "for each integer" "if then else"
08:29.52Babloits a condition...
08:29.58Bablothanks a ton, ShadowTiger
08:30.27ShadowTigeryears of experience ; )
08:30.41ShadowTigerand this F***** editor is pissing me off
08:30.54ShadowTigerso many bugs!
08:31.52*** join/#sc2mapster ShadowTigerr (4b198235@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
08:32.09ShadowTigerri keep pressing ctrl r instead of ctrl t
08:32.35*** join/#sc2mapster Resinate (
08:32.41Resinatehey guys
08:32.43Resinateanyone here?
08:33.21Resinatei need help testing a new feature in my map dealing with leader board
08:34.14TinmanSixen is sleeping!
08:35.35*** join/#sc2mapster rrowland (
08:37.34Zarafuwhat kind of sound files can we import into SC2 editor and have play in a map?
08:37.49Zarafuis it just wav or any compression file type usable?
08:37.49Resinateany that i know of
08:37.55Zarafump3 will work too?
08:37.58Resinatebut it makes the map bigger than shit lol
08:38.05Resinateyes mp3 works
08:38.07Zarafuwell depends on what you're adding
08:38.30Resinatei wish they had a mkv to avi
08:38.36Resinatefor mp3 lol
08:38.49Zarafuwhat do you mean?
08:39.05Resinate700 meg avi is only = to 50 megs mkv
08:39.30Resinatesaying the mp3 to ? lol
08:39.39Resinateflac isnt that good
08:40.19Resinateim curious to know
08:40.26Resinatehow do u make a tiny leader board
08:40.30ShadowTigerrthis is reallly annoying... all these bugs are runing my maps
08:40.30Resinatelike the one in nexus wars
08:41.26*** join/#sc2mapster Pierrot (5a201f9f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
08:41.33PierrotHello all !
08:42.09SixenUnfortunately, i'm not sleeping yet.
08:42.12Resinatecan someone help me my map lol
08:42.14SixenI really should be, need to wake up in 3hrs.
08:42.29Resinatetest my map*
08:42.33ShadowTigerrsixen save me
08:42.53SixenWhat's up?
08:42.58Resinateu think blizz would ban my map
08:43.04Resinateif i use boobie image LOL
08:43.04Fiskerhey Sixen
08:43.08Fiskeryou shouldn't sleep
08:43.08Sixenprobably resinate.
08:43.11PierrotSixen : You can test my map, maybe sleep will come after !!
08:43.11Resinatefor my loading
08:43.16ShadowTigerrI have encountered 3 editor bugs in the last hour
08:43.28Resinatewhat bugs?
08:43.28ShadowTigerrthat are crippling my map design efforts
08:43.35SixenGah :X
08:43.47Resinatewhat kind of map u making?
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08:43.53ShadowTigerrwhen i rename a base unit (aka marine) to something new, then reset the marine to the original values
08:44.06ShadowTigerrit makes the marine name permanently changed to the new renamed one
08:44.12Resinatethats not a bug
08:44.21ShadowTigerrhow is that not a bug?
08:44.21Resinateitll reset everything back
08:44.26Resinateincluding name
08:44.33SixenDuplicate the base unit, Shadow.
08:44.37ShadowTigerryeah it changed the default name for marine to my new custom value
08:44.49Resinatewhy would u revert it
08:45.04SixenYou're sure you're renaming the correct one, right/
08:45.05Resinateif only thing u did was rename it
08:45.08ShadowTigerrbug #2, my duplicated units had all their parent units set to the default unit with no stats
08:45.20ShadowTigerrso It was a pain to undo my edits
08:45.25Resinateuse onetwos video for dupe cannon
08:45.31Resinatefor that one
08:45.37ShadowTigerrnot just units... all my duplicated anyones
08:45.47Resinateu can dupe upgrades
08:45.49Resinateand they work lol
08:45.56Resinateonly happens in units
08:45.57Sixenthat's really weird
08:46.01ShadowTigerrno i meant all my duplicates got their parents reset
08:46.06ShadowTigerrand bug #3
08:46.33ShadowTigerrwhen i duplicated wraith and viking weapons, the weapon actors launch from the wrong place (I.e. ground underneath unit)
08:46.46Resinateuse that guide he made
08:46.49ShadowTigerrwell the viking weapon launched from the weapon, but only the left side
08:46.53Resinatethey tell how to fix all 3 bugs
08:47.00ResinateOH thats not a bug
08:47.04Resinatei know how to fix that
08:47.11Resinateunder weapon
08:47.16Resinateu need to add left and right side
08:47.18Tinmannimbles on Sixen's ear
08:47.19Resinatehold on
08:47.23ShadowTigerrbut its duplicated
08:47.26ShadowTigerrit should work identical
08:47.31Resinateyes i know
08:47.36Resinateim very good at making custom weapons
08:47.40ShadowTigerri am too
08:47.57Resinatehold on
08:47.58Resinateloading map
08:47.58TinmanSixen: I got the thread up:
08:48.09ShadowTigerrand its not like this is my first time doing this stuff.. i do it all the time... but today i encountered all these bugs
08:48.11BabloI haven't used duplicating after my first time using the editor, because of all those annoying problems
08:48.28TinmanMy connection blew up like 2 seconds before I hit post
08:48.39SixenI thought Nexus Wars was by lilman
08:48.40Tinmannasty storms, DAMN YOU TEMPLARS!
08:48.44Resinateok shadow
08:48.48Resinatelisten very carefully
08:48.51Resinateunder effects
08:48.57Resinategoto LAUNCH missle
08:49.15TinmanSixen: not according to this :S
08:49.16Zarafuhow do I use a sound file I've imported?
08:49.17Resinatei mean presisnt
08:49.23Zarafulike what is the "sound link" that I use?
08:49.23ShadowTigerrbtw this is not just for the missles
08:49.27ShadowTigerrits also the burst laser
08:49.29Resinategoto persistent effect
08:49.33Resinatei know
08:49.35ShadowTigerrso has nothing to do with left/right
08:49.39Resinatemy wraiths fires 4 missles
08:49.42ShadowTigerror persistent
08:49.44Resinate2 from left 2 from right
08:49.49ShadowTigerrthe burst laser doesnt use that
08:50.15Resinateu mean hurricane laser?
08:50.15SixenEither he changed his name come Live or that's not right :p
08:50.22ShadowTigerryeah hurricane laser
08:50.27Resinatemine fires from middle
08:50.32Resinateits like that in the game
08:50.34ShadowTigerrmine fires from nowhere
08:50.35Resinateeven as default
08:50.43TinmanI could just log into bnet and check
08:50.45ShadowTigerrwhen i duplicate it
08:50.55ShadowTigerrif i change back to the original weapon it works fine
08:50.55Resinatetheres a video
08:50.57Resinateon how to fix it
08:51.05Resinatelemme get u the link
08:51.17Resinateuse that
08:51.24Resinatehe uses frostbolt tho
08:51.27Resinatebut its the same
08:52.31TinmanSixen: on the EU server its by Lipschitz
08:52.40Resinatedoes that video help u?
08:53.03Resinateawesome name
08:53.07ShadowTigerrthat video is totally useless
08:53.22Resinatethe video tells about how to fixthe attack
08:53.27Resinatecoming from the ground
08:53.33TinmanI will change it to that, as that is correct really
08:53.36ShadowTigerrno it doesn't
08:53.37Resinatenot the excat same attack
08:54.03Resinateonetwo will beon here soon
08:54.06Resinateask him about it
08:54.12Resinatehe knows how to fix it
08:54.24Zarafuahh I was wondering where onetwo went off to
08:54.52TinmanThe tournament has had interest on other sites also, thats pretty cool, it will tow a few more people into the SC2Mapster scene
08:55.41Resinatehes testing something in game
08:55.57Zarafuhave you guys ever imported sounds and used them?
08:56.30Dogmaiis anyone in here korean?
08:56.38*** join/#sc2mapster Dedo (50b20439@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
08:56.42Ka[L]ekinHow terribly racist.
08:56.45DedoHi peppers
08:56.46Ka[L]ekinWe're all the same here.
08:56.46ShadowTigerrI did exactly what it shoes in the video even though I already had an actor
08:56.51ShadowTigerrand it didnt do anything
08:56.59Dogmairacist -_-
08:57.01Resinatepress F9 then press crtl I
08:57.04Resinateunder sounds
08:57.14Resinatemake a custom name
08:57.18Resinateand import it the sound to it
08:57.22Resinatethen goto races
08:57.25DogmaiWhich romanization of korean characters do you mainly use?
08:57.34Resinateunder music change it to the one u just made
08:57.40Ka[L]ekinHow does one go about making an artist do work with an acceptable level of quality without paying them?
08:57.50Resinategive them a girl
08:57.53ShadowTigerrthats impossible
08:58.00Dedo<--- needs some help
08:58.02Resinateanyone will do anything for a girl
08:58.03Ka[L]ekinThat would seem to decrease productivity
08:58.19Resinate90% of all ppl deny it lol
08:58.20ShadowTigerryou only give the girl afterwards dummy
08:58.28TinmanUgly girl? and lie about it?
08:58.40Resinateif she ugly
08:58.45Dedook i'll wait...
08:58.45Resinatetheres a gun under the bed
08:59.14Ka[L]ekinOn a scale of 1-10, how difficult would it be to create some new animations for the marine?
08:59.28Ka[L]ekinDamn. :/
08:59.34PierrotWho wants to test my map Chase the mineral ? (15 minutes)
08:59.37Resinateunless ur godly at 3ds
08:59.45Dedo<--- needs some help again
08:59.46Resinatechase the mineral
08:59.46Ka[L]ekinAnimation is that difficult?
08:59.53Ka[L]ekinDedo, what do you need?
08:59.54Resinateu kiding/
09:00.14DedoI have a problem with a unit I'm making, for some reason his highlight radius is huge
09:00.25Resinateunit stats
09:00.26Dedothe mouse could be 2 range away from the unit, and if I left click it selects him
09:00.51DedoNo idea how to change it
09:01.25Resinateits under unit stats
09:01.35Resinateanything with radius
09:01.38Resinateturn it down
09:01.58Ka[L]ekinI will investigate
09:02.00Dedowhere is unit stats?
09:02.05Ka[L]ekinYou do my antimations so long.
09:02.43Ka[L]ekinIf you look at your unit fields
09:02.53Ka[L]ekinWhat is it set to?
09:03.04Ka[L]ekin(enable View Raw Data)
09:03.21Ka[L]ekin(and table view)
09:03.47Ka[L]ekinand CUnit_MinimapRadius?
09:04.02Dedoalso 0.375
09:04.02Ka[L]ekinand CUnit_InnerRadius?
09:04.12Dedoalso same
09:04.20Dedoall 0.375
09:04.44ShadowTigerrI tried duplicating a wraith,  and i checked all the boxes
09:04.55ShadowTigerrthe actor is all screwed up
09:05.02ResinateDONY check theboxes
09:05.13Dedoso what radius should I reduce?
09:05.14Ka[L]ekinDedo, what unit have you duplicated
09:05.20Ka[L]ekinand have you been fiddling with it?
09:05.25Ka[L]ekinI mean
09:05.28Ka[L]ekinfiddling with its size
09:05.35Dedoonly actor scale
09:05.36Ka[L]ekinAll those radii seem to be accurate Dedo.
09:05.42Ka[L]ekinActor scale!
09:05.53Dedomade him bigger :p i need him bigger
09:06.01Dedoand his model is a zealot btw
09:06.10Ka[L]ekinWhere did you fiddle with the actor scale?
09:06.55RazielZAnyone knows the best ordering of dependencies so I get to paly with EVERYTHING? <.<
09:07.32ShadowTigerrwhat does "multi" have that campaign doesn't?
09:07.38Resinateuse campagin 1st
09:07.42Resinatethen use other 2 normal
09:07.48Resinate4th one is useless
09:08.09Ka[L]ekin2.5 refers to...
09:08.14Ka[L]ekinor X,Y?
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09:08.15ShadowTigerri uI havent had any problems just adding campaign to a multi map, but i usually just choose campaign when i create the map
09:08.24Ka[L]ekinThat is an odd scaling factor :P
09:08.37Resinatemake sure campgain is 1st
09:08.43Dedoit makes a zealot look less blocky
09:08.44Resinateotherwise map will bug when u load it 2nd time
09:08.53Dedoits XTZ
09:08.56Dedo2.5 is Y
09:09.01Dedo1.7 is X
09:09.04DedoZ is 2.0
09:09.14DedoXYZ not T lol
09:09.47Ka[L]ekinSo he looks....
09:10.10Ka[L]ekinObviously it is using the largest scaling factor to determine the selection circle
09:10.22Resinateguys how do ppl get new maps in top 20 in matter of days
09:10.26Resinatelike harvest moon map
09:10.40*** join/#sc2mapster Tordecybombo (62745298@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
09:10.42Resinateis there a game bot ppl use?
09:10.45Zarafuharvest moon map?  O_o
09:10.50Zarafuis that on NA or EU?
09:11.04Resinateim dead serious
09:11.11Resinatei swear ppl are usingbots to get maps top 20
09:11.18Ka[L]ekinResinate, unlikely.
09:11.19DedoKa[L]ekin: he looks just how I want him to look
09:11.29DedoI reduced the radius to 0.1 and nothing changed
09:11.33Ka[L]ekinDedo, that I do not dispute.
09:11.38Resinateive seen maps newly map and in 2hours it got top 30
09:11.42Ka[L]ekinI said do not fiddle with the radius. >_<
09:11.49Resinateno joke
09:12.02Dedowhy not :p?
09:12.07Ka[L]ekinI am trying to figure out in what way Y is scaling h im
09:12.08Resinatedo ppl just make games and quit them?
09:12.15Dedomy mouse is a command center away from the unit and it still highlights him
09:12.16Ka[L]ekinI assume it makes his chest appear rounder?
09:12.28Resinateu gave zealot boobs?
09:12.33Dedo1.7 = X 2.5 =Y 2.0 = Z
09:12.41Dedono he looks normal
09:12.50Dedoa normal zealot looks like spongebob
09:12.52Zarafuhey Resinate, do you know how to increase the priority of a sound so that it plays regardless of how much someone is lagging?
09:12.54DedoI made him shaped more humanoid
09:13.07Resinatei never had that issue
09:13.15Zarafuif you start lagging, then the game starts removing thigns
09:13.18Zarafulike some graphics
09:13.20Zarafuor sounds
09:13.26Resinateif u use a BG sound
09:13.27Ka[L]ekinYou are a comm center away and you can still select? mmmm
09:13.30Resinateit shouldnt remove at all
09:13.35Resinateif u flagged it for races
09:13.50Zarafuwhat does races have to do with anything?
09:13.53Resinateu can change the music for race u play
09:13.59Resinategoto races tab
09:14.08Zarafuwell I don't want to affect the music...just to play a sound clip
09:14.16Dedoits really odd
09:14.21DedoI should mention btw...
09:14.23Resinateno clue then lol
09:14.27Dedohe has 3 attachments
09:14.30Resinateonly thing i did was mod bg music
09:14.36Zarafuyeah I noticed
09:14.41Resinateppl say the music i picked
09:14.46Resinatebrings back nightmares of viking
09:15.45ShadowTigerrwhats wrong with playing a sound zerafu?
09:15.52ShadowTigerroh nm lol
09:16.03Ka[L]ekinDedo, you should mention that, yes. :P
09:16.06Ka[L]ekinWhat are these attachments?
09:16.35*** join/#sc2mapster Helral (
09:16.35Dedo3 copes of marsara tree, with no footprint, and a different model
09:16.40Dedobut they do not have any selection
09:17.00Ka[L]ekinIf you remove these 3 attachments, does his selection radius reduce?
09:17.14ShadowTigerrZerafu did you try unchecking "can be ignored" on the sound
09:17.33Ka[L]ekinIs that some sort of a map
09:17.42SC2WorkingKittenno I'm at work XD
09:18.04Ka[L]ekinMakes sense.
09:18.23Zarafuwhere is that optioon, ShadowTigerr?
09:18.33Ka[L]ekinI want new marine animations! :(
09:18.40Ka[L]ekinSomeone has to be able to do it.
09:18.46SC2WorkingKittenKa[L]ekin: System optimization is boring, so I'm spending some time here XD
09:19.04Ka[L]ekinIt does sound rather... bland.
09:19.11ShadowTigerris murloc marine not good enough for you?
09:19.22ZarafuShadow, where is the "Can be Ignored"?
09:19.28ShadowTigerZerafu it is in the sound menu of the data editor
09:19.28Ka[L]ekinShadowTigerr, I am looking for a set of animations for some different types of movement
09:19.32ShadowTigeryou should create a value for sound
09:19.36Zarafuyeah, looking but I don't see it
09:19.36ShadowTiger*your sound
09:19.36Ka[L]ekinRunning backwards
09:19.41ShadowTigersearch flags
09:19.42Ka[L]ekinStrafing sideways
09:19.45ShadowTigerand double click it
09:19.56Ka[L]ekinAnd being able to do all those while facing different directions
09:20.15ShadowTigertime to learn 3DS!
09:20.16Zarafuthat just brings up the object values window
09:21.01ZarafuShadow, double clicking Flags does the same thing as double clicking Sound+
09:21.06Ka[L]ekinI wonder...
09:21.10ZarafuSound Assets+
09:21.18Ka[L]ekinHow does WoW handle it's animation...
09:21.24HuesyKa[L]ekin: I played with using the turning animation to strafe and just the walk animation for going backwards. ( )
09:21.40HuesyYou can use that as a base if you want
09:21.47Ka[L]ekinTurning for strafing...
09:22.08Ka[L]ekinThe other problem I have, there is no firing while moving animations
09:22.13Ka[L]ekinanother crucial one
09:22.23HuesyThat'd have to be custom made
09:22.34Zarafudid you find it ShadowTiger?
09:22.44HuesyUse the previewer to determine the best ones to use
09:23.33HuesyThe turning animation is fine for strafing as long as you slow the movement speed right down to match the steps.
09:24.44ShadowTigerlooks like something that cant be changed... lol
09:24.53Zarafuwhat do you mean?
09:25.07Ka[L]ekinNow that I think about it
09:25.12ShadowTigerwell as you say, double clicking doesnt let you change the value
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09:25.19Ka[L]ekinthere was that Reverse Animation post
09:25.25Ka[L]ekinmight work for walking backwards
09:27.08ShadowTigertry copy pasting alert_protosscalldownlaunch
09:27.14ShadowTigerand changing it to match your sound
09:27.38ShadowTigerit should remove "can be ignored" flag and maybe that will help lolz
09:27.50Zarafuhmm ok I'll try that
09:28.25ShadowTigerim assuming they made it so that "nuclear launch detected" messages are harder to lag out
09:29.13*** join/#sc2mapster Wartex (
09:30.50PierrotAny EU players who got some minutes to play my map Chase the mineral (a Mineral life form survival simulation) ??
09:32.49Ka[L]ekinThat would make an interesting genre.
09:32.58Ka[L]ekinA Mineral Life Simulator.
09:33.03Pierrotwanna test ?
09:33.09Pierrotits quick
09:33.14Ka[L]ekinUnfortunately, I am at work. :)
09:33.32Pierrothere is the project link
09:33.37Pierrotit has been approved !
09:34.19Zarafuhey ShadowTiger
09:34.23Zarafuit didn't work :(
09:34.31ShadowTigerwhat didnt work
09:34.35SC2WorkingKittenKa[L]ekin: you as well XD
09:34.48ShadowTigerthe flag ? using it in-game?
09:34.57Ka[L]ekinSC2WorkingKitten, sadly. ;(
09:35.19Zarafuusing it in-game
09:35.20Zarafudidn't work
09:35.26Zarafustill the same that it gets lagged out
09:38.09*** join/#sc2mapster Jum-Jum (
09:38.14ShadowTigerwhat flags does it say (without opening the window)
09:38.48ShadowTigeroh zerafu did you try setting the resource priority to 159?
09:39.28ShadowTigeralso try setting it to 0 or 1 if 159 doesnt seem to help...i dunno if 1 or 159 is higher priority lol
09:41.36Zarafuit sucks that SC2 can't play midis :(
09:41.53ShadowTigeris there an easy way to preview a bunch of in-game sounds?
09:42.11Ka[L]ekinthe previewer? o.o
09:42.14Zarafujust create a sound trigger
09:42.19Zarafuand click on the Sound Link
09:42.34Zarafuit opens the full list and there is a small "Preview" button on the top right corner of the box
09:48.47roojwhat does it play instead of midis?
09:49.08Zarafuwell midis are not digital audio
09:49.20Zarafuthey are just instructions to synthesize sound
09:49.27roojthen just make a wav out of a midi
09:49.29ZarafuShadow, that priority thing didn't work :(
09:49.48Zarafuyeah, problem with that is the midi I wanted to use, even the MP3 is 2 megs when converted
09:49.54Zarafumeanwhile the midi is only like 30 kb lol
09:49.57*** part/#sc2mapster amro (
09:50.02rooji'm trying to use this FPS engine
09:52.29*** join/#sc2mapster Xackery (
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09:59.45RazielZCan't I make cliffs have straight corners as opposed to diagonal corners?
09:59.49RazielZThey're ebtter for building on
10:00.26allenmelonugh, hate it when ppl leave in sotis
10:00.31allenmelonit just triggers more ppl leaving
10:00.39allenmelonand then everyone leaves
10:00.51allenmelonjust played like 5 games, and only finished one
10:05.05KcrevaMwhat the fuck
10:05.10KcrevaMhas happened to marine arena
10:05.40KcrevaMwho raped it into oblivion and then released it as a "new" version.
10:09.42*** join/#sc2mapster Xaragoth (
10:11.18Xaragothcookies \o/
10:11.23Xaragothsomewhere ~~
10:11.29rooji have some
10:13.47Xaragothsee, I can smell 'em
10:14.03Xaragothsets Otixa on fire.
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10:19.29RazielZHmm either I'm stupid or making straight cliffs is well-hidden
10:19.41RazielZI like the diagonal edges visually but I need building space D:
10:21.56*** join/#sc2mapster Huesy (
10:22.20roojso um
10:22.32roojis there any reason that the nexus and probes i placed on my map
10:22.40roojarent there when i create a game
10:22.49RazielZOfcourse there is!
10:22.51*** join/#sc2mapster Huesy (
10:22.53RazielZA very logical one too!
10:22.59RazielZUnfortunately I don't know it
10:23.04Otixa[zZz]stabs Xaragoth
10:23.20RazielZHey Otixa how do I make cliff edges straight
10:26.42mike9055almost shrugs but instead begins to do the dougie
10:26.55mike9055dougies into traffic like a boss
10:27.05HeyRevolverrax use the uniform brush
10:27.08HeyRevolverthen smooth
10:28.09RazielZWhat uniform brush and what smooth? I can't see any in cliffs
10:28.26HeyRevolverits not in cliffs
10:28.40HeyRevolvercliff edhes are automatically straight yo
10:28.50*** join/#sc2mapster FrozenFirebat (
10:29.08RazielZSo I can't make them corners compeltely straight huh?
10:29.09RazielZEh well
10:29.24HeyRevolverwith unnatural
10:30.05RazielZUnnatural what?
10:30.16HeyRevolveri don't even
10:30.16RazielZManamde cliffs? yeah that's what I'm using and they've got diagonal corners
10:30.22RazielZi r nub
10:31.15HeyRevolverin cliffzs
10:31.28RazielZYeah I'm using those
10:31.37RazielZand I can't get them to have straight corners either
10:32.25HeyRevolveruse the diamond shape and make it really big and just click once
10:32.36HeyRevolveror square lol
10:33.01Otixastabs HeyRevolver
10:33.16HeyRevolverfalls asleep
10:33.24RazielZStill diagonal, you deserved that stab!
10:33.34HeyRevolverfor trying to help?
10:33.44HeyRevolveryeah thats the last time i help you
10:34.25OtixaWhat help? ;p
10:34.50HeyRevolverif i were you i would use the height thing
10:34.59HeyRevolveryou can make higher cooler cliffs
10:35.04mike9055RazielZ: just wait for erosion to kick in
10:37.06OtixaIt's 13:37 o'clock :D
10:37.57RazielZ[13:37] [RazielZ TIME reply]: Mon Aug 30 13:37
10:38.54mike9055i dont believe
10:39.56rooj[05:36] <Otixa> It's 13:37 o'clock :D
10:40.25OtixaOnly I get 1337 o'clock
10:40.31OtixaYou nubs are too nub :D
10:40.42mike9055the mayans are turning in their graves
10:55.35*** part/#sc2mapster Tinman (bjodeh@
10:56.43SC2WorkingKitten[12:37] <RazielZ> [13:37] [RazielZ TIME reply]: Mon Aug 30 13:37 <-- lies
10:56.43*** join/#sc2mapster Tinman (~bjodeh@
10:57.21Otixastabs Tinman
10:57.56SC2WorkingKittenlooks at all the stabbed persons.
10:58.09SC2WorkingKittenthinks Otixa was here.
10:59.24*** join/#sc2mapster General1337 (
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11:04.06Tinmanagrees to disagree
11:05.12RazielZis impartial on the issue at hand
11:09.06SC2WorkingKittenactives the stabdeflector just in case.
11:13.59Zarafudid onetwo not show up tonight?
11:14.08Arthas-~seen onetwo
11:14.18purlonetwo <ae070b69@gateway/web/freenode/ip.> was last seen on IRC in channel #sc2mapster, 1d 2h 3m 15s ago, saying: ':d'.
11:14.18Zarafuyou did?
11:14.23Arthas-he did not
11:14.30Arthas-~seen is your friend
11:14.30purli haven't seen 'is your friend', Arthas-
11:14.48Arthas-friend then university now, good morning mapster. and later
11:15.43Zarafuhey, are either of you guys good critics of cinematics?  Like if you see my cinematics, would you be able to provide some constructive feedback about it and maybe some ideas?
11:18.08SC2WorkingKittenwonders if Sixen is playing 2v2 match with his CEO atm.
11:20.07TheLaughingManĨ̸̵̛̟̹̝͚̩̹̠̖͍̪̦̲̤̞̺̓̊̓͋ͦͥ̅͢ ̑̎͂̂͒ͫ̔̀̉̅͋͊͏̷̨͎̱̰͍̺̲A̴̴̟̘͉̠̫̺̙̟͉̦̦̹̭̬͌ͫ͛̾ͩ̆͌̈́̇̄̍̋̓͑ͯ̂̚͞M̵̮̱̳̯̙͔̹̭̉̄͂͐͗ͥ̔ͯͬͪ̎ͨ͋̀͘ ̶̗͙̟͍̪̦̘̤͕̼̥͉̼͇̦̦̟̥̓̀̐ͮͫ͛͛̒̈́͒ͧͯͤͣͮ͆̈́̀́̕ͅI̒̈ͮ̉͛ͣͮ̏͑ͧ͗̍ͯ͢͏̸̻̼͈̰͕̣̦̠̜̣͓̪̙̻̗N̸̶͖̼̯̰͙̤̥̿̊ͧ̂ ́͆ͣͨͬ̊̇ͬ̏͗ͯ̍̏̊Ì
11:20.19SC2WorkingKittenand now in english.
11:20.46TheLaughingManB̢̛̛̩̭̦͖̆͊ͪ̾ͧ̎ͩ̃͒ͯ̍̚̚͝͡L̸̨̧̜̱̣̯̝̻̙ͨͮ̔̊͘E̸̻̼̰̥̊ͯͨ͐́͘͞Ẽ̸̛ͫ̇̿̃̐͘͏̤̟̹̮̳͈̟̦͚̜͓͍͈̤̪̰D̐͑̂͐ͬͨ͗ͭ̒̈ͩ̄҉҉̺͉̫̺̙̠̻̯̮̰͉͔I̷̋̿͑̏̋ͭͦ̆̓ͬ̾҉͏̵̨̮̘̦̫̹̬̲̘̺̙̭Ņ̡̳̟͙̝̺̘͐̎̇ͭGͪ̆̾ͯ̄̓̃̐̒̉̈̓҉̷̶̨̱̘͓̥͚̩̘̝̬̫̟̬̖͝ ̨̢͓̥͚̯̺͉͓͍̳͙̼͖ͫ̿̐̏̊̽ͧͣ́̎̅͐ͥ̓͆̈ͯͤ̕ͅ
11:21.20*** join/#sc2mapster Aussie123 (~Aussie123@
11:22.21Otixaright, I'm off
11:23.32TheLaughingManB̧̹͙̱͇̟͈̙̪͚̳̦͎͉̽͑̋ͥͭͭ̍̏̌ơ̡̯̗̹̺̠̰̬̣̮͇̰̹̻͚̝̹̝͆̏̓͜y̢̧̛̭̟͙̦ͨ̄̐ͭ̓ͨ̍ͫ̇̋̐ͬ̔̀ͧ̓͐͂̑͞h̅ͦ͌̒̄͐ͫͧ͒̂҉͓̦̲̦̬͍̫̥̝͉̦̝͡ͅō̧̆̓̈ͣ̀͝͏̵͎̩͙̫̞̮͙o̸̺̞͉̱̤̣̣̹̔̐̒͗̀͢͟ͅd̵͓̣͖͙̪̬̞̪͖̬̰͎̣̼͌̉͊̍̎̑̂ͯ̏̒̿̓̂ͮͅ ̵̧̢̦̭̳̗͉̫̯̹̝̞͍̖̲̹̬̾ͮ̈ͮ̇ͭ͛͐ͥ̇͗͂͡͝i̊͌̇̎̋̋̂ͨ͊̂
11:23.52hyarionSPAMrush :S
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11:41.24glupeHi, is it possible to load an other model/actor's animation to a different unit?
11:43.19*** join/#sc2mapster pinzu (d9d24974@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
11:49.40SC2WorkingKittenanyone got some ideas to extend this library with: ?
11:50.27Ka[L]ekinYou did the random dungeon generator, correct?
11:51.14Helral|workI'll just assume my normal nick XD
11:51.46Helral|workalthough most people in here know that I also use SC2...Kitten as nickname from time to time.
11:52.07Ka[L]ekinI do not.
11:52.14Helral|workas I said most XD
11:53.15Helral|workmost people being sods like, Rod, Phaos, depths, arthas (if not then he should pay more attention), sixen, vjeux, .... XD
11:54.13Helral|workso far I've used, SC2MapsterKitten, SC2NappingKitten XD
11:54.36Helral|workKa[L]ekin: you got questions about my generator or?
11:54.51Ka[L]ekinNo, I was just wondering. I had an interest for a while in random map generation.
11:54.59Ka[L]ekinOr at least, what it's capabilities were inside the editor.
11:55.03Helral|workhehehe XD
11:55.09Helral|workwell my map is working proof :P
11:55.50Helral|workthink I'll be disabling the wasd movement in it when I publish it, unless blizzy made it less laggy.
11:56.05Ka[L]ekinUnlikely they will be doing that.
11:56.12Ka[L]ekinI would be interested to see how my movement holds up online.
11:56.16Ka[L]ekinIt also uses WASD to a degree
11:56.27Helral|workmine just uses wasd for the unit facing XD
11:56.50Helral|workI got a movement behavior.
11:57.02Helral|workall that it does is move forward.
11:57.31pinzuumm you wanted suggestions?
11:57.45Ka[L]ekinWell, my uses for WASD differ depending on what you are controlling.
11:57.49Ka[L]ekinCharacter, Vehicle, Flyer
11:58.07Helral|workpinzu: for the inventory system yeah, could use some for additional features :P
11:58.20pinzumake item requirments like I remeber them from diablo 1
11:58.27pinzuagility strength intelligence
11:58.31pinzuand perhaps duration
11:58.37Helral|workann stat based ones XD
11:58.41Helral|workyou mean durability.
11:59.02pinzudepends on how many types of stats you have
11:59.16Helral|workI'd basicly need to figure out first a way to store the requirements on the items. XD
11:59.28pinzuperhaps intiger
11:59.50pinzutype = what it requires
11:59.51Helral|workpinzu: I don't use arrays. I use catalog.
12:00.01Helral|workso I need a way to set it in the data editor XD
12:00.07pinzuIm not so good with catalogs
12:00.18Helral|workwell if it's in the data editor I can find it XD
12:00.26pinzuhavn't understood how they work ;s
12:00.46Helral|workthey basicly read/write the stuff that is listed in the data editor.
12:01.10pinzuso if you pick up a item, it would for instance read: protosshoes
12:01.32pinzuand you cant add another substring
12:01.35Helral|workif you have a tooltip for the item, that gets parsed and shown on screen as well.
12:01.58Helral|workwhat I basicly show is what you'd also see in the default data editor.
12:01.58pinzuor... protosshoesagility55
12:02.21pinzuI suck at the data editor aswell ;)
12:02.35Helral|workwell if you select the item ingame
12:02.48Helral|workit shows a certain name
12:03.11Helral|workthat name is visible in my inventory system when you pick it up.
12:03.11pinzuand you get the item type by the name *i've followed so far
12:03.39pinzuis the item, a item in data editor?
12:03.39Helral|workthe item size is determined by the item class.
12:04.06pinzuitem class? (havn't looked into much data editoring)
12:04.22pinzuwhat classes are there*
12:04.25*** join/#sc2mapster FahqueL (4395cd10@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
12:04.42Helral|workpinzu: read what I posted in the first post:
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12:05.05Helral|workow wait it's listed at the asset.
12:05.15Helral|workmy bad, just follow the link to the asset.
12:05.32anteevywhat other file types can we import besides TGA?
12:05.46anteevyhmm, is that smaller?
12:06.01Helral|workdepends on what compile stuff is used.
12:06.03ProzaicMuzeTo all currently anyone
12:06.05Helral|workit can be quite small.
12:06.18ProzaicMuzeAnyone know of the editor authentication crack?
12:06.21anteevybecause 3MB loadings screen tgas aren't that sweet
12:06.25ProzaicMuzeThe latest patch broke my editor again
12:06.29ProzaicMuzeIt wants me to authenticate
12:06.39Helral|workyou don't have sc2?
12:06.41ProzaicMuzecampaign works fine
12:06.47*** part/#sc2mapster Phaos (
12:06.54ProzaicMuzeBut it's like before, where I couldn't get the editor to load
12:06.58ProzaicMuzeit just says "authenticate"
12:06.59ProzaicMuzethen I do
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12:07.12ProzaicMuzeand then it does this fast screen flash of loading stuff and then asks me to authenticate again
12:07.41Helral|workProzaicMuze: could you publish stuff with the editor earlier?
12:07.47ProzaicMuzeHaven't tried
12:07.53ProzaicMuzeI have no plans to publish anything yet
12:08.01Zarafuif I want to set it that my cinematic is skippable, do I have to have checks throughout my cinematic something like "Skip = true" or is there an easier way to do it and "break" the thread?
12:09.20ProzaicMuzeIf anyone knows of one
12:09.21Helral|workProzaicMuze: ok then you can try the following action: change the password of your account. I had a problem with publishing for which my password wasn't accepted inside the editor, but it was ingame. changing the password a couple of times (needed to find a working one) fixed it.
12:09.26ProzaicMuzequery me with details I guess
12:09.37ProzaicMuzelol not publishing
12:09.45ProzaicMuzeauthenticating in order to USE the editor
12:09.46Ka[L]ekinEditor is sooo slow when working with MOD libraries.
12:10.36Zarafuit's slow for me in general
12:10.41Zarafutakes so long for some menus to open
12:10.50Zarafubut I also run SC2 at the minimum settings :(
12:11.05Helral|workwell it might be the same cause ProzaicMuze.
12:11.24Helral|workthat sc2editor isn't validating your login data correctly, while sc2 itself is.
12:13.29ProzaicMuzeI give it a try later on tonight :)
12:15.38Helral|workmaybe someone has a fix for you that works though.
12:17.57ZanerkinOk, so im trying to make it so when a unit dies it gives all units within a radius of 5, 10 Energy. I have a trigger where on death it does a search effect on the triggering unit with a radius of 5 and the search applys a modify unit effect of +10 energy, but the units don't gain energy. What am i doing wrong?
12:20.01FahqueLdid u check the flags on the effect?
12:22.04ZanerkinYep, only thing i have on the search ins Required:Energy. which they have. and on the effect i got nothing.
12:23.36*** join/#sc2mapster MysT_DooM (
12:24.38Helral|workuhm you should just add a buff to the unit, and when it expires trigger the search effect.
12:24.57Helral|workmake the duration last forever, so it only happends when the unit dies.
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12:25.16Helral|worksince the unit is dead when you try to apply the search effect on it, nothing happens.
12:25.35Helral|workyou could also use create effect at location.
12:27.33ZanerkinThats what i have, Unit - Any Unit dies: Environment - Execute EnergyGive(Search) at (Position of (Triggering unit)) from (Triggering unit)
12:28.49Helral|workdid you set a range at the search
12:29.15Helral|workand the effect at the search bit as well?
12:29.54Helral|workit would look something like: Arc (360), Effect (your effect), Range (10 orso), some other stuff maybe.
12:30.04ZanerkinYeah got that
12:30.34ZanerkinMax count -1 aswell
12:31.04Helral|workchange the effect so it gives a permanent buff that isn't hidden, so you can see if the search works correct.
12:31.37Helral|workso create an apply behavior effect, and a buff behavior that is applied.
12:32.02Zanerkinalright, 1 sec :)
12:33.25Helral|workalso check the buff that you use to restore the energy, maybe you used the wrong value there.
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12:34.03Helral|workthat you e.g. increased their max energy instead of their current energy supply.
12:34.10Helral|workor vise-versa :P
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12:41.56FahqueLi have another approach to applying a behavior with an effect at unit death
12:42.06FahqueLif this doesnt work
12:45.59ZanerkinGah still wont work
12:46.16Zanerkinwhich is weird as I'm doing it that same way i did on a different map
12:46.44Zanerkinon unit death unit would do a aoe stun
12:46.49Zanerkinwhich worked
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12:48.12Helral|workdid the buff show or not?
12:48.33Zanerkinso i think the search is messed up
12:48.36Helral|workif the buff didn't show then I'd check the search effect or if you are calling the correct effect.
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12:53.16ZanerkinApparently it just didn't like the fact i hadn't set the search filters to exclude self
12:54.01ZanerkinThanks for the help :)
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13:16.17pinzuI need some ideas how to design wave scaling
13:16.26pinzuby wave i mean like a creep wave*
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13:23.54pinzuuhh, is there any tut out there showing how to display a bar in dialogs: e.g a hp bar, or tech status bar
13:27.48Ka[L]ekinTake a look at some of the ones under User Interface
13:28.06Ka[L]ekinI don't know if any of them apply to your case specifically but I'm sure they could give you a clue in what you want to do.
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13:52.51Resinate7 different leader boards
13:52.55Resinateall with the same error
13:53.18Resinateon unit dies keep getting array index error
13:53.39Helral|workindex out of bounds?
13:55.01Wartexdoes anyone know how to change the background scene of platform maps? you know the space backgrounds with planets etc
13:55.26SweetZombieJesusi think in space platform camera, its a skybox texture
13:55.29SweetZombieJesusdata editor
13:56.08Wartexyeah, i've changed that but nothing happens
13:56.19Wartexbackground models (fixed) and (not fixed)
13:56.27Wartexas well as Ambience
13:56.52SweetZombieJesusmaybe its using a different camera
13:57.18Wartexno I think it's under the texture sets
13:58.20Wartexbut as I said, nothing happens when I change them
13:58.26Wartexmaybe it needs a reboot
13:59.31Wartexyep, thats it :P
14:00.59SweetZombieJesusgreat :)
14:04.14*** join/#sc2mapster HelpTheNOOB (ad4e1d16@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
14:04.49HelpTheNOOBHow do you make a ChangelingMarine attack?
14:05.18Resinateseems that set LB kills to (text(kills[killing player])) is bugged
14:05.35FahqueLi am trying to make an air unit (scourge) who "melee attacks" ground units,  I was trying to do this with actor events and weaponstart. . >> set height   but not having good results.. anyone have any insights?
14:06.11Helral|workResinate: try owner of killing unit.
14:06.16Helral|workinstead of killing player.
14:09.36Nash|327FahqueL, make the unit launch a missile using the scourge model?
14:10.59SweetZombieJesushelp me figure out a way to make huge dialog move smoothly =/
14:10.59FahqueLand then add some events to hide and recreate the main actor every attack?
14:11.22Helral|workSweetZombieJesus how do you mean move smootly?
14:11.31Nash|327well I'm assuming you want it to be a suicide attack
14:11.33SweetZombieJesusfor some reason i cant move this dialog with a periodic event of 0.01 with 40 pixels each event
14:11.41SweetZombieJesusinstead the animation takes 2 seconds
14:11.49SweetZombieJesuswhich is 8000 pixels
14:11.54FahqueLi just want him to "swoop down" and attack  and go back up
14:11.55SweetZombieJesusand it stops at > 1720
14:12.01Nash|327you'd have to do a reverse missile launch :G
14:12.18SweetZombieJesusso im assuming its because the dialog is 1600x1000
14:12.33Nash|327maybe you can make a second missile launch that has origin target
14:12.40Nash|327and destination caster
14:12.54FahqueLyeah i see ur train of thought
14:13.12FahqueLim just seeing the huge overhead in data editing that comes with it :)
14:13.19SweetZombieJesusso i guess moving that dialog takes so much more time than the periodic event that it cant move it faster :s
14:13.51Nash|327I might do suicide sourges vs. ground
14:14.03FahqueLi had success with just using a set height msg on a weaponstart event in the actor
14:14.12FahqueLbut the set height seems (relative"
14:14.21FahqueLand every successive attack he goes farther down
14:14.30FahqueLso on 2nd attack he ends up underground lol
14:14.39FahqueLi might play with it more
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14:28.24Resinatei tried owner of killer
14:28.27Resinatenothing works
14:28.43Helral|workis your array large enough?
14:28.44Resinateno one see this bugs cuz the maps that use it is everyone killing 1 computer
14:28.56Resinateits large enough for each player + 1
14:29.03Resinate4 ppl = 5
14:29.19Resinatei did a text test
14:29.27Resinatethe varible is stable
14:29.41FahqueLok i got my desired attack animation working (at flyer level) but his first attack doesnt trigger the animation usually, only 2nd, 3rd, and so on
14:29.41helppoorbobim trying to set a condition for when a key is pressed, to target the unit in the triggering region.. but failing horribly at it.. any ideas..?
14:29.55FahqueLwhat event do i need to make sure he does the animation on the first attack?
14:30.38Resinatei wish crayon was here
14:33.14Resinatebesides marine arena
14:33.24Resinatewhat maps use killboards in FFA map with 4+ ppl
14:34.40Resinateill try a new way of doing this
14:36.50HelpTheNOOBHow do you make a ChangelingMarine attack?
14:37.13Helral|workhmmmm give it a weapon? (Combat - Weapons)
14:37.19HelpTheNOOBhe has 1
14:37.22Helral|workand the Attack ability.
14:37.27HelpTheNOOBhe has that too
14:37.58Helral|workhmmmm. well then he should be able to attack I think.
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14:41.51TinmanMy connection is so terrible after this crazy storm that was here, and now its like crazy hot outside, like so hot I start metling
14:44.27Helral|workwho what where?
14:45.24TinmanYOU CAN WIN MONEYZ!
14:46.31TinmanI had women for prizes also, but the committee of tournaments said that is illegal :(
14:46.45*** join/#sc2mapster Huesy (
14:47.49BabloAnyone have an idea why my submenu button does not appear in-game :F
14:47.54*** join/#sc2mapster dukka_lappy (~dukka_lap@
14:48.06Babloits suppose to open another command card... what could go wrong :P
14:48.29Tinmandoes it have a requirement?
14:48.40Ahmazanyone having problems with bnet website?
14:48.41Tinmanis it under another button?
14:49.00OtixaTinman, moolah plz
14:49.12TinmanAhmaz: What problem?
14:49.28AhmazNvm... its an outage on SEA
14:49.59TinmanIts so stupid that its region locked, even the forums... sigh
15:02.40*** topic/#sc2mapster by Sixen -> | "Dont ask to ask, just ask!" | Blizz Contest: | Patch 0-1.03 Undocumented Editor Notes: | Join #sc2replayed for SC2Replayed | Idle in #MWE for MilkyWayEditor!
15:07.27*** join/#sc2mapster Zarakk (
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15:17.14HuesyNew version of my third person movement lib is out:
15:17.22HuesyClick on "Overview" for a better description
15:20.54*** join/#sc2mapster Petoj (
15:23.08*** join/#sc2mapster Helral (
15:24.54Helralhmmmm silent here...
15:24.57Otixastabs Helral
15:24.59*** join/#sc2mapster RedWraith (
15:25.08OtixaNo homo >:[
15:25.10Helrallooks at the knife sticking out of his body.
15:25.23Helralforgot to activate the stab deflector.
15:25.54Otixatakes the knife out, twisting it while doing so
15:25.57OtixaMine >:[
15:26.05Helralwatches as the knife gets pulled out.
15:26.10Helralis luckily already dead.
15:26.54SweetZombieJesuswhy is a story unit showing up in the terrain editor but not in the data editor?
15:26.57SweetZombieJesusany story unit
15:27.19OtixaBecause your story sucks, obviously
15:27.32HelralSweetZombieJesus: check your data source
15:27.45SweetZombieJesusok it works now
15:27.50SweetZombieJesusstory had to be first on dependencies
15:28.01OtixaCool story bro
15:28.03SweetZombieJesuseven though it shows up in terrain editor
15:28.05SweetZombieJesusmakes no sense
15:30.42Helralwhen does it make sense?
15:31.02SweetZombieJesusin this editor? never
15:33.12OtixaI should just tell people that I'm bad at everything ¬_¬
15:33.22OtixaMaybe then I'll stop getting 84759834679347 requests per day
15:33.25Otixathis is bullshit
15:35.11TinmanBut you do suck at everything, even lying :p
15:35.12Tinmanand stabing
15:35.27SweetZombieJesusim getting black orbs (intsead of the placeholder white) for units now
15:35.54HelralSweetZombieJesus did you tint them black?
15:36.01SweetZombieJesusi didnt do anything
15:36.11SweetZombieJesusi closed document and opened cause they didnt show in terrain editor
15:36.48SweetZombieJesusand they both have a different actor
15:36.51SweetZombieJesusand i didnt touch the model
15:37.07*** join/#sc2mapster TeddyFace (
15:38.37SweetZombieJesusthey share the same model
15:38.39SweetZombieJesusand its a black orb now
15:39.48jorgenptSweetZombieJesus: Restart the editor? :-p
15:40.04SweetZombieJesuslike as if data editing isnt hard enough
15:40.10SweetZombieJesusyou have to account for these tons of bugs
15:41.38*** join/#sc2mapster nicoli_s (~nsinkule@
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15:42.26AhmazSweetZombieJesus: Black orbs solution is to restart IIRC
15:42.47SweetZombieJesusyea i did
15:42.49SweetZombieJesusand it works now
15:43.11SweetZombieJesusi kept doing close and open document
15:43.18SweetZombieJesusbut ofcourse that doesnt work
15:43.22AhmazGay bug.. not as bad as duplicated units overwriting original ones
15:43.59SweetZombieJesusatleast with this unit in place i can jump back into triggers :P
15:44.06SweetZombieJesusmy lovely, almost bug free, triggers!
15:45.18AhmazI dont understand triggers yet
15:45.26Ahmazonly messed with data editor
15:45.34SweetZombieJesusvice versa for me :P
15:47.02AhmazWhat cna you do with triggers?
15:47.30Helralcan you do your homework with triggers?
15:47.36SweetZombieJesusyes, yes you can
15:48.07Helralcan you make a RL-girl fall in love with you with triggers?
15:48.15SweetZombieJesushell yes
15:48.25Helralcan ya teach me how XD
15:48.40goomba_making entire abilities from scratch is complicated
15:48.45SweetZombieJesusnow thats impossible
15:48.58HelralSweetZombieJesus: then I don't believe that you can do that with triggers.
15:49.11Ahmazgoomba_: tell me about it..
15:49.26SweetZombieJesusoh well :P
15:49.37goomba_you have to connect like 9 things intricately
15:49.38*** join/#sc2mapster P_R_Deltoid (
15:49.42Helralgoomba_, Ahmaz: I'd say it depends on the ability :P
15:49.57goomba_well now im workin on
15:50.01goomba_an ability
15:50.06Ahmazeven onetwo's frost bolt took 2 youtube parts... crazy
15:50.29goomba_that makes the targets in a region attack eachother
15:50.30AhmazAnd all it did was "pew"
15:50.41goomba_and it has the projectile of the civilian molotovs
15:50.43HelralI can do an ability that takes less time, a heal that only works on the unit who uses the ability.
15:51.09AhmazThats not really a cusotm ability though :P
15:51.23HelralI can create it from scratch in a short time :P
15:51.42goomba_thats not complex at all lol
15:51.56HelralI never said it was :P
15:52.12AhmazStop boasting your ability-making skills and teach me D=
15:53.00HelralAhmaz: ow that: "[17:49] <Ahmaz> goomba_: tell me about it.." wasn't sarcrastic?
15:53.18AhmazIt was
15:53.21goomba_what, it is complicated
15:53.27AhmazYeah hel
15:53.29goomba_even if you are a master of it
15:53.59HelralI never did visiual effects stuff though. XD
15:54.00*** join/#sc2mapster fat_flying_pigs (84f1db9a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
15:54.18goomba_its like
15:54.22HelralI can create the effect and everything, just the visual stuff I'll leave behind XD
15:54.23goomba_every new thing i want to add to my ability
15:54.28goomba_i need 2 new effects
15:54.30goomba_an actor
15:54.31goomba_a model
15:54.33goomba_a unit
15:54.37goomba_then i have to tie all those together
15:55.07AhmazI wanna make a grenade ability...
15:55.14Helralspeaking of tying things together... I need to fix something in RL that broke :P
15:55.14AhmazBut I dont know how =\
15:55.25goomba_grenade aability would be better i think
15:55.33goomba_use the civilian - weapon
15:55.38goomba_make it an ability
15:55.45goomba_change the model to the grenade :P
15:56.05AhmazI only see molotov?
15:56.16goomba_right whatever the civilian weapon is
15:56.20*** part/#sc2mapster cogwheel (~cogwheel@WoWUIDev/WoWProgramming/morlando/cogwheel)
15:56.29AhmazWait, there's a grenade model?
15:56.39Liliannaits a pick up
15:56.47Liliannain the secret mission
15:56.57AhmazOH yeah
15:57.10fat_flying_pigsCan anyone point me to a GOOD dialog tutorial? I'm total lost on how to do them
15:57.15Liliannabut yes, Civilians in Mission 1 have a moltov grenade attack
15:57.45AhmazLilianna: not seeing any grenades in weapons editor
15:58.08goomba_use the civilian weapon with the grenade model
15:58.44LiliannaThere is a grenade ability on the secret mission
15:58.55Liliannait doesnt throw the grenade like the civilans though
15:59.17AhmazI cant find the civ weapon with grenade model
15:59.24*** join/#sc2mapster AgentPaper (
15:59.34goomba_lets try this again xD
15:59.37Liliannathats because it doesnt exist
15:59.41Otixasmacks Lilianna
15:59.42goomba_use the civilian weapon in coordination with the grenade model
15:59.45LiliannaIm looking at the civs now
16:00.11Otixaalso smacks goomba_
16:00.18AhmazDoh misread what Lilianna  said.. yeah I know they have molotov attack :P
16:00.19OtixaGo read my article, nubs >:[
16:01.25SweetZombieJesusi confused :<
16:01.31SweetZombieJesusstring var wont show up for entered chat string
16:01.39SweetZombieJesusand i cant convert text to string?
16:02.29goomba_so my ability goes through this every time:
16:03.42AhmazI'm not pro enough to change weapon stuff :(
16:03.45goomba_the ability uses the missile which does the 2nd search which applys the buff behavior which does the 1st search effect which issues an attack order
16:03.56AhmazI see a Toss Grenade Mover though...
16:04.08goomba_thats from tychus
16:04.13goomba_come to think of it
16:04.18goomba_you could just mooch his grenade ability
16:04.20*** join/#sc2mapster liq3 (
16:04.45AhmazI might do that.. since it'll be launched from a TSM's rifle anyway
16:05.03AhmazI'll just to edit its aoe and effects/whatnot
16:05.30*** join/#sc2mapster Ingela (
16:05.30AhmazMaking it come out of the TSM's rifle is another issue altogether >_<
16:06.04*** join/#sc2mapster Tordecybombo (813105f5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
16:06.42AhmazNuclear Launch Detected.
16:07.16MattavichHey all
16:07.25MattavichWould anyone like a quick game of Obelisk Hellfire?
16:07.48Mattavichor starlocks
16:07.51TordecybomboObelisk Hellfire is the boom?
16:07.57Mattavichindeed it is
16:08.27Tordecybombohi Mattavich
16:08.29Tordecybombohi Bablo
16:08.31Tordecybombohi Clord
16:08.37Tordecybombohi WAR
16:08.39Tordecybombohi rooj
16:08.42Tordecybombohi Saeris
16:08.43Mattavichadd me to friends list mattavich 377
16:08.54Mattavichfor a quick game
16:08.57Tordecybomboare you US
16:09.25Tordecybombodamn :/
16:09.27OtixaHe's THEM
16:09.32Tordecybombois US down
16:09.41Tordecybomboanyone from US!?
16:09.49MattavichOtixa want a game of obelisk hellfire?
16:10.33Otixamaybe later
16:10.42FahqueL@Ahmaz: to make it come out of the rifle u just need to change the launch attachment query+  to AMFILTERWEAPON,  (weapon might not be correct attach point name, just an assumption)
16:10.43Mattavichits been updated
16:10.58AhmazThanks FahqueL
16:11.03TordecybomboAhmaz is US down
16:11.12TordecybomboFahqueL is US down?
16:11.20AhmazI'm on SEA.. and yes, SEA bnet website is down
16:11.27Tordecybombowoah a SEA member here!?
16:11.28AhmazWell, not able to log in
16:11.29FahqueLim not logged on
16:11.40Tordecybombodo koreans use SEA?
16:11.47Tordecybomboor are they so special they have their own
16:11.50Tordecybombodamn :/
16:11.51AhmazSeparate region
16:11.54fat_flying_pigsCan anyone point me to a GOOD dialog tutorial? I'm total lost on how to do them
16:12.02*** join/#sc2mapster Fromethius (d03a751d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
16:12.05Tordecybomboanyone here from Korea region?
16:12.12Tordecybomboit's so mysterious over there
16:12.21AhmazTrue.. wonder if they have custom maps at all
16:12.22TordecybomboI want to know how the custom maps are like over there
16:12.25AhmazOr 100% ladder
16:12.35TordecybomboIt's the forbidden land
16:12.44Tordecybombothe ancient and legendary world over there
16:12.47Tordecybombowhat is there yonder
16:12.54Tordecybomboi am SOOO curious
16:12.56Tordecybomboi must know
16:13.29Tordecybombodoubt it's 100% ladder seeing as how i've seen some pretty awesome korean customs
16:14.01Mattavichhow do people get their maps high in popularity?
16:14.32SweetZombieJesusi would say make good maps but i'd be lying
16:14.35SweetZombieJesusfancy title
16:14.42Mattavichwell this starlocks map is pretty damn fun
16:14.47Mattavichand ive created a lobby
16:14.52Mattavichbut what can you do if no one joins?
16:14.52SweetZombieJesusguessing its warlocks?
16:15.04Mattavichdno, its called starclocks
16:15.20Tordecybomboapparently someone on the bnet forums revealed how popularity is actually calculated
16:15.33Tordecybomboit's changed from beta
16:15.34Mattavichwhat did it say?
16:15.48Tordecybombonot sure if it's true but a couple of people tried it and it seemed to work
16:16.36Mattavichwell ive created a lobby for starlocks. It is a very fun map but no one even know this lobby exists right?
16:16.46Mattavichhow is it supposed to get popular? how do others do it?
16:16.54Tordecybombobasically the # of games played goes up by 1 tick for every host that plays at least 5 minutes of the map in-game
16:17.03Helraldid you open it to the public?
16:17.12Mattavichopen to public
16:17.20Tordecybomboso essentially
16:17.33BabloI think its stupid that there is maps on Join Game list that arent even hosted by anyone at the moment :F
16:18.04Mattavichso you need tog et a group of say 8 ppl and play it 8 times with each player taking a turn to hose?
16:18.16Tordecybombonot sure about that
16:18.24Tordecybombothink you can do it with just one person
16:18.32Tordecybombothat's why single player maps go up so quickly too
16:18.54Mattavichbtw szj it is a remake of warlocks yes
16:18.56Mattavichit says ind esc
16:18.59Tordecybomboso a fun, simple, and replayable map that lasts exactly 5 minutes would gain the most popularity
16:19.00Mattavichi never played wc3 ya see
16:20.13Tordecybombothe problem is an 8 player map and say a 1 player map will go up the same amount of games
16:20.24Tordecybomboit depends on the host
16:20.29Tordecybomboand there's only one host every game made
16:20.32Mattavichi wish there was a chat feature in lobby so you could avertise and chat to other players
16:20.35Tordecybomboregardless of # of players
16:21.42Tordecybomboso if you want to abuse the system, you can have something like 12 unique users  boosting the popularity by creating a lobby, starting the game, wait 5 minutes, quit, repeat
16:22.07Mattavichshould just be turned back to the old bnet type system
16:22.07Tordecybomboyou'll get about 12*12 = +144 games per hour
16:22.19TordecybomboThe # of games per hour is actually recorded for every 12 hours
16:22.51Tordecybomboi mean the total
16:23.03Mattavichpointless though if there's 999999 lobbies for a new map and no one to fill them
16:23.14Mattavichi know it doesnt happen like that but you get the idea
16:23.14Tordecybomboso it actually means # of games per 12 hours
16:23.26Tordecybomboat least i think that's what it means
16:23.28Tordecybombomake sense
16:23.42Tordecybomboseeing as how some games on the bottom of the list stay the same for far more than an hour
16:25.43Tordecybombohi Otixa
16:25.47Tordecybombohi Otixa
16:25.49Tordecybombohi Otixa
16:26.22OtixaThe fuck do you want?
16:26.45Tordecybombojust saying hi
16:27.18MattavichAnyone from EU want a quick game of Obelisk hellfire or Starlocks?
16:27.48Fromethiusdoes anyone know how to change a player's name in-game? for example, which trigger would you use to change my name from Fromethius to Fromethius (Zealot)?
16:28.30Tordecybombodont think you can actually change the name in-game
16:28.32OtixaApparently dad wants to keep the general composition of his face
16:28.44OtixaBecause when I asked him if he does, he walked out
16:28.45Tordecybombobut you can use a string as a placeholder
16:30.47MattavichOtixa maybe he just thinks his son is a retard for saying such athing
16:30.47Tordecybomboi wish Sixen was here
16:30.54Tordecybomboso he can confirm US bnet is down
16:31.04Tordecybomboand if it's down it could potentially mean popularity reset
16:31.13Helraljust slap Sixen with a fish :P
16:31.16anteevyis there a way to get the unit that was warped in by a warp gate? such as "last warped in unit?" because "last created unit" doesn't work :/
16:31.17Helralhe'll respond then.
16:31.22Tordecybombobtw i cant login from this computer because this computer cannot handle sc2
16:31.24Sixenno you dont
16:31.44Helralhe even responds before you slap him with a fish :P
16:31.46Otixastabs Sixen
16:31.51Helralso Sixen, is US bnet down?
16:31.54Tordecybomboeverybody likes hurting Sixen apparently
16:31.55OtixaI still want the fucking subforum >:[
16:31.56SixenI'm assuming, yeah
16:31.59SixenIt was down yesterday
16:32.13Tordecybombobut no one likes to hurt vjeux, why is that?
16:32.21Helralvjeux is french.
16:32.21OtixaI do
16:32.28Helralthey're no fun
16:32.53goomba_1.1 ?
16:33.06Tordecybombolet's hope 1.1 doesn't break anything in custom maps
16:33.08goomba_btw all my ability needs now is a sound to play
16:33.22goomba_which is just more confusing >_>
16:35.27SixenIt shouldn't.
16:35.35SixenCool new stuff is comign though :)
16:35.51HelpTheNOOBAfter my changeling morphs into a marine, how do you make the marine attack?
16:36.02goomba_chanelings dont have an attack
16:36.04Tordecybombolike what cool new stuff
16:36.05SixenChangelings can't attack
16:36.11SixenSecrets, Todecy, secrets.
16:36.14HelpTheNOOBhow do u make to so they do attack
16:36.19Tordecybombothought it would just be balance changes :x
16:36.25Tordecybombofor melee
16:36.27goomba_tank nerf zealot nerf bunker nerf reaper nerf
16:36.36goomba_ultra nerf
16:36.37goomba_bc nerd
16:36.39Tordecybombogood ol  needded terran nerf
16:36.49SixenBalance changes, beginnign changes to the Custom Games List, and Editor Fixes/Additions
16:36.52SixenCool additions too, :)
16:37.00goomba_medivacs marines and marauders all the same
16:37.02Tordecybomboblizzard not fuck up
16:37.34Tordecybombothey're removing the ultra headbutt :(
16:37.42Tordecybombohope it stays the same in custom maps
16:37.43goomba_and nerfing dmg by 5
16:37.45Tordecybomboaor at least you can use it
16:37.47HelralSixen: why aren't you on the sc2mapster vent XD
16:38.33SixenI'm in the library atm
16:38.37Sixendon't think people want me talking :P
16:38.52Nash|327so US peeps
16:39.03Helralguess not. XD
16:39.04TordecybomboSO NASH
16:39.05Nash|327i has a map
16:39.07Tordecybombois us down
16:39.15Helralso you will be on vent when not in the library XD
16:39.16Tordecybombotoday is the first day of school
16:39.20Tordecybomboit's cool to be back to school!
16:39.42Tordecybomboi hate first days though
16:39.50Nash|327I hate every day!
16:40.01Tordecybombobecause it's always a pain to get used to the new professors :/
16:40.10Tordecybomboand getting textbooks
16:40.11Tordecybombooh man
16:40.21Tordecybombothere goes my bank
16:40.31Nash|327You buy the books?
16:40.39Tordecybombowhy does a 200 page book have to be $100
16:40.52Tordecybombothey're university editions, not available else where
16:41.01Tordecybombodamn cheap way to make money off of poor students like me
16:41.09Nash|327I don't buy the book, generally.
16:41.24Tordecybombome neither, I generally goto the class first, ask if the book is REALLY needed
16:41.43Tordecybombothen search online for some pdf text
16:42.00Tordecybomboif not, search amazon (which is generally ALOT cheaper than the school bookstore)
16:42.45Tordecybombobecause i made that mistake in freshman year
16:42.49th15dammit, PvT i really cant handle mass maras properly
16:43.01Tordecybombobought a $80 book, only used it twice the entire course, cant be sold
16:43.09th15oops wrong channel
16:43.12goomba_psi storm
16:43.18Tordecybombojust mass reapers
16:43.34Nash|327MASS GOOMBAS
16:44.02Nash|327+ blue shell
16:44.17Tordecybombofuck the blue shell
16:44.25Tordecybombodamn cheating piece of crap
16:44.39Tordecybomboreferring to mario kart
16:45.03Nash|327blue shell fetishism D:
16:45.40Nash|327So who wants to publish mah map :G
16:46.25Tordecybomboi wish i could by i cant login atm
16:46.35Tordecybomboand i wouldn't because i dont wanna be a jerk
16:46.43goomba_anyone wanna see my ability? xD
16:46.47Tordecybomboyes PLEAS
16:46.52Tordecybomboi love to see your abilities
16:46.53Tordecybombono homo
16:47.32goomba_its lacking an impact sound but its still cool
16:47.54Tordecybomboput an impact sound first!
16:48.13Tordecybombomarine impact
16:49.31goomba_its complicated and im about to leave xD
16:49.32*** join/#sc2mapster Tolkfan (
16:49.52goomba_vid is uploading
16:52.08TordecybomboTHE DARKPRINCE
16:53.51*** join/#sc2mapster wOlfLinG (516f48df@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
16:54.18wOlfLinGSo my quest log is finally in a release/ beta stage :)
16:54.39goomba_there ye go
16:55.18wOlfLinGShould go well with your hero selection SZJ :D
16:56.09goomba_watch my vid xD
16:56.36SweetZombieJesuswOlfLinG: is your questlog hot?
16:56.46SweetZombieJesusawesome graphics?!
16:57.27wOlfLinGit has an open/ close animation ^^
16:57.32wOlfLinGSo ya, it's hot :D
16:57.38SweetZombieJesusbut cool skins?
16:57.41goomba_what do you guyses think of the abilities lol
16:57.43wOlfLinGNot yet :/
16:57.44SweetZombieJesusor standard border..
16:57.51wOlfLinGStandard dialog
16:57.52SweetZombieJesusstandard border is ugly and fat
16:57.58SweetZombieJesusand i hate seeing it in all those maps
16:58.05wOlfLinGNot too sure how to change the skin ><
16:58.13SweetZombieJesusdialog image
16:58.19SweetZombieJesushide background of dialog
16:58.26SweetZombieJesusmake dialog item image with same size
16:58.29goomba_you can edit the ui in the DE
16:58.41SweetZombieJesusthis is a library
16:58.45SweetZombieJesusyou cant use de
16:58.49wOlfLinGah, right
16:59.05wOlfLinGYeah, i'll add that and multiplayer support in v2
16:59.10goomba_i dont really know anything about making libraries
16:59.17goomba_you need a large structure
16:59.21goomba_many shelves
16:59.23SweetZombieJesuswhat kind of quests does it support?
16:59.40SweetZombieJesuscause you got your usual kill 10 creeps
16:59.44SweetZombieJesuswhich you have to show ofc!
16:59.46SweetZombieJesusand update each kill
17:00.02SweetZombieJesusor multiple sub objectives
17:00.11wOlfLinGWell, v1 doesn't have 'auto quest complete'
17:00.13SweetZombieJesusgo to x place, then quest log will update
17:00.18SweetZombieJesusthen it says, go to y place
17:00.28MattavichSZJ would you like to see the new obelisk hellfire? :)
17:00.31Mattavichbuughost here with me
17:00.40SweetZombieJesusnot atm, fixing annoying bug
17:00.51Mattavichanyone else want to join this game?
17:01.06wOlfLinGSo you would go 'Create a quest', 'Set quest reward' and then 'If <condition> then <Finish quest>'
17:01.13SweetZombieJesusone thing
17:01.17SweetZombieJesusthat is super important IMO
17:01.27SweetZombieJesuscause i wanted to make this quest lib myself but i had too many ideas to i stopped
17:01.35SweetZombieJesusis that you can link a quest to a npc
17:01.40SweetZombieJesusif you right click that npc
17:01.44SweetZombieJesusa dialog comes up with text
17:01.47SweetZombieJesusand accept/decline buttons
17:02.01SweetZombieJesusimo thats a basic thing you need
17:02.04wOlfLinGyeah, this will eventually be that
17:02.06SweetZombieJesusor the mapmaker has to do that himself every time
17:02.20SweetZombieJesusnot eventually! thats 1.0 stuff :P
17:02.22wOlfLinGWell it's only version 1 right now >:(
17:02.30SweetZombieJesusWORK HARDER
17:02.39wOlfLinGWell, i'll add that now then! >:(
17:02.51SweetZombieJesusmake it pretty!
17:03.03SweetZombieJesusthis scorescreen that i made
17:03.04SweetZombieJesusis so hot
17:03.06SweetZombieJesusits sick
17:03.11SweetZombieJesusi mean really
17:03.16SweetZombieJesusbut its not a library (yet)
17:03.20SweetZombieJesusjust for my mini game map now
17:03.32wOlfLinGSo v2, coming out in roughly a week will have up to 14 player support, look nice and have linked NPCs and auto-quest-completion
17:04.04SweetZombieJesusit has to look SICK
17:04.11wOlfLinGIt will be sick :D
17:04.12TordecybomboI cant see it in-game
17:04.14Tordecybombopost pics pLEASE
17:04.21wOlfLinGSee what?
17:04.42wOlfLinG<- Confused :S
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17:09.07Tordecybombowhere are the damn god pics!?
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17:13.35HuesyEnjoy :)
17:17.01Fromethiusdoes anyone know how to disable resources being split when a player leaves the game?
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17:19.00Tordecybomboi'd love to know too
17:19.03Tordecybombobecause i cant figure it out
17:21.22AsaPhelpswhat are you trying to figure out?
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17:22.42Tordecybombodisable resources being split when player leaves
17:23.51Tordecybombodoing a periodic check isn't going to work because there'll always be a split window of time where an ally can spend the money
17:24.11Tordecybomboi'd rather not resort to periodic checks anyway
17:25.59Sixenwhen a player leaves, unally them or something
17:26.03Sixenso they don't split it
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17:27.46Tordecybombohow would one immiedately unally them before leaving?
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17:28.09anteevymhh.. is there a way to get a reference to a unit created via warp-in? (to store it in a unit variable)
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17:28.51BenderJhow do you create a unit via warp-in? (using triggers)
17:29.02anteevyorder a warp-gate to do it
17:29.35BenderJbut can it be done w/o structures?
17:29.36anteevy"issue order"
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17:29.54anteevydon't think so, I've created a warp gate for that
17:30.20anteevy(which is shitty, because then the icon appears and I could press W to select it)
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17:30.43BenderJkk, thx
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17:31.22anteevynp... i want to attach a text tag to each warped in unit, but it seems impossible without having a reference to it :(
17:32.00BenderJdo they always warp in at the same location?
17:33.43anteevyyes, and i have that point and tried to get the unit with "cloesest to point", but when the next unit warps in at that position and the old unit is still there, the unit gets warped in a bit farther away from the point and "get closeset unit to point" returns the old warped in unit again :/
17:34.12SweetZombieJesushow come when i try to create a model of a explosion type (critter explosion or Huge Dump Truck Explosion) instead of the explosion there is a tiny circle, possibly the first frame of the explosion animation ?
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17:34.30BenderJcan't you use a region anteevy?
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17:34.49anteevyhow that?
17:35.05crazyfingerswhat up mapster?
17:35.19BenderJwhen unit enters region, check if it's a type that can be warped in or something?
17:35.24BenderJthen add the tag
17:35.44anteevyah hmmmm
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17:35.59NuclearNukehello can anyone help me with data editor?
17:36.03TordecybomboSweetZombieJesus i had that problem too
17:36.07BenderJcan even use entire map for that (I think)
17:36.08anteevythat sounds possible, thanks ;)
17:36.13SweetZombieJesusany solution?
17:36.17anteevydidn't think about that :D
17:36.19Tordecybomboi forgot
17:36.51NuclearNukeanyone know how to make a flashlight ability where it toggles on off?(like ghost cloak)
17:36.56LiliannaSweetZombieJesus, Are you setting the event actor to on creation play the animation of the explosion?
17:37.07SweetZombieJesusuhm im just creating the model
17:37.14SweetZombieJesusbut it works for other models though
17:37.15AsaPhelpsoh lili i have a question that only you can probably answer
17:37.20SweetZombieJesuslike some warp animations
17:37.24LiliannaNot all models would have the same animations
17:37.32LiliannaIE the stand animation for warp in might work
17:37.43Liliannabut the explosion on an explosive animation is actually the death anim
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17:37.47Tordecybomboi just realized Clord's map is featured!
17:37.51Tordecybombooh man congrats!
17:38.01SweetZombieJesusi see
17:38.07SweetZombieJesuslemme try some stuff then
17:38.12AsaPhelpslili do you know of any good pew pew lasers, I tried battlecruiser's but it kinda is more of a yamato type laser
17:38.14Liliannayou have to look in the previewer to see what animation you want
17:38.27Liliannapew pew like?
17:38.36goomba_use the bcs normal attack lol
17:38.45AsaPhelpsi tried to
17:38.46TordecybomboSweetZombieJesus i just realized your map is featured! Congrats!
17:38.50Liliannatheres the wraith laser
17:38.54Liliannathats very star wars pew pew
17:38.55AsaPhelpsgood idea
17:38.56SweetZombieJesusi have a map?
17:39.22NuclearNukeanyone help me with flashlights?
17:39.43Lilianna1. Press B 2. ??? 3. Flashlight Profit?
17:39.44AsaPhelpsraynor has one
17:39.46AsaPhelpsdoes that help
17:39.48LiliannaOh wait, this isnt HL2
17:39.53SweetZombieJesusooh it works
17:39.56AsaPhelpsdoesn't he have a behavior named flashlight
17:40.01SweetZombieJesusjust create the model and stuff a play death animation afterwards
17:40.01NuclearNukei want ablitily to turn it off / on
17:40.03SweetZombieJesusty Lilianna :>
17:40.15LiliannaYour welcome
17:40.17AsaPhelpsi'm sure you could toggle the behavior
17:40.41NuclearNukeidk how to do that
17:40.41Liliannaits the same thing with Beam type weapons
17:40.41Tordecybombowhat what did you do
17:40.41Liliannasometimes the animation you want isnt the default
17:40.41Tordecybomboi need a reminder
17:40.41Tordecybombobecause i dont want to encounter this again
17:40.44AsaPhelpsits the same as toggling any effect like cloak
17:40.51Tordecybomboactor, create and animate that's it?
17:40.53NuclearNukeyeah i looked at that
17:41.02NuclearNukei duplicated that and put all my stuff in it
17:41.02LiliannaActor - Events+
17:41.02SweetZombieJesusim still working on it Tordecybombo :P
17:41.06TordecybomboAsaPhelps your map is featured! congrats
17:41.09LiliannaOn Creation, play the animation you want
17:41.17Liliannathat you find int he previewer, of whatever it is
17:41.19AsaPhelpswhat map
17:41.20SweetZombieJesusit does work but the actor doesnt get removed after its death animation
17:41.23AsaPhelpsi don't even
17:41.30NuclearNukebut when i look for the abltity to put in the unit the abiltiy doesnt show up
17:41.38LiliannaSweetZombieJesus, After Animation done, Destroy
17:41.51LiliannaDoesnt work?
17:41.54AsaPhelpstord what are you talking about?
17:42.17AsaPhelpsmake sense man
17:42.20Tordecybomboread cryosis as crysis
17:42.25SweetZombieJesuswhere is this after animation done?
17:42.33Liliannaits in Events+
17:42.41SweetZombieJesusdata editor
17:42.45SweetZombieJesusthisll take an hour
17:42.52Tordecybombono it wont!
17:42.55Tordecybombohave faith!
17:42.56LiliannaOh your not using the data editor? c.c
17:43.00Tordecybombothe data editor is your pet toy!
17:43.03SweetZombieJesusas little as possible ..
17:43.07Tordecybombothe data editor doesnt control you
17:43.09TordecybomboYOU control IT!
17:43.24Liliannabut its so useful!
17:43.31SweetZombieJesusyea if you can understand its confusing maze
17:43.42Liliannaits really not that bad
17:44.04AsaPhelpswow that destructible island this is amazing
17:44.16LiliannaIt is pretty cool :o
17:44.37AsaPhelpsyou know what else is pretty cool
17:44.38SweetZombieJesushow do i add that destroy?
17:44.42SweetZombieJesusim in the model events+
17:44.45SweetZombieJesusthen what
17:44.47SweetZombieJesustheres nothing there
17:44.54SweetZombieJesusor do i need to make an actor of it first?
17:44.55LiliannaRight click add
17:45.11Liliannasec lemme open it
17:45.20SweetZombieJesuscause this isnt the usual events window
17:45.25Liliannafirst you want to add, Actor Creation
17:45.26SweetZombieJesusthat actors have
17:45.37SweetZombieJesusits in model events+
17:45.40Xaragothhrm >.> i need to find out what the magic behind the bridges is
17:45.41SweetZombieJesusill make an actor firs
17:45.50AsaPhelpsjust make an actor and give him the model
17:45.55Liliannalemme look at model events
17:46.01Liliannait might work there
17:46.34LiliannaYah, thats not going to work there, an Actor would be better I think
17:46.49Bablohmm.. I made a unit from a scratch and it can't move.. I have the move ability on him and it has the move ability on the command card.. anyone know what might be the reason?
17:46.54SweetZombieJesusok i made an actor fo rit
17:46.59LiliannaJust an Actor of type Model
17:46.59AsaPhelpsdoes it have a mover
17:47.05AsaPhelpsis his movespeed > 0
17:47.08SweetZombieJesusbut i copied it from critter explosion
17:47.09AsaPhelpsdoes it have legs
17:47.15SweetZombieJesusso i guess it should already destroy after done
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17:47.20LiliannaIt should
17:47.27Babloit does have a mover, movespeed is 2
17:48.20SweetZombieJesusyay it works
17:48.23SweetZombieJesusfor realsies now
17:48.48LiliannaYah, those default Events+ ont he actor would be perfect
17:49.00Liliannait also creates a terrain deform
17:49.11LiliannaIf you dont want that you can remove it
17:49.14Liliannaor change which you want to use
17:49.27SweetZombieJesushm it is under events but it doesnt transform terrain though
17:49.49Tordecybomboh Lilianna
17:49.55Tordecybombohi SweetZombieJesus
17:49.58Tordecybombohi Bablo
17:50.03SweetZombieJesusdont be annoying
17:50.35Tordecybombojust trying to say hi
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17:55.52SaucyDoes anyone know where that demo of WoW style abilities shown at the bottom of screen?
17:57.27LiliannaPossibly in Assets?
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17:58.37SaucyHaha ik that.. :\ but i cant seem to find it because i have forgot the title..
18:00.36Tordecybombocant wait for civ 5
18:01.46LiliannaThis one?
18:01.48LiliannaOr a different one
18:01.57Tordecybomboi finally figured it out
18:01.59Tordecybombotook long enough
18:02.56OninjiNeed... coffee
18:03.11OninjiHellow :P
18:03.12Liliannatheres this one too.
18:03.18LiliannaHi :p
18:03.46Hayena*pokes at random*
18:03.57OninjiOuch, My tummy D= it hurts
18:04.36Tordecybombodoes that actionbar take hotkeys?
18:11.26Fromethiusanyone know how to disable resources being split when a player leaves or how to get damage numbers to play over the unit being attacked?
18:16.03OtixaFuck you >:[
18:19.58Clordtoo bad that can't specify from waht point want music to play
18:22.47ClordI found my sudden death music 11 Card to Play.mp3 =)
18:23.02Clordas I'm stuck with blizzard made stuff
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18:25.28Clordhi ekcolnovkol
18:25.58ekcolnovkolo .o
18:26.15ClordI plan to use blizzard music what is in starcraft 2 as battle music for card game map ^^ it is kinda optional on/off thing
18:26.47Clordmy lazy side is kicking again so..... damn this is pain
18:30.40ClordI figured out that it only force replaces it for sudden death
18:31.13OninjiCan we fetch Key ASCII Input in the editor?
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18:35.47TriceronAhoy mateys
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18:38.51FahqueLok guys how do I fix this.   I set my unit to play a certain animation for attack.  It works perfectly except the first attack when he arrives at target.  The attack animation does not override the movement animation.
18:39.07FahqueLevents look like this
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18:47.46FahqueLanyone have any idea?
18:52.09HuesyDoes the unit stop moving completely before the attack animation is triggered?
18:52.34FahqueLand i can sometimes see the very very very tail end of the attack animation as he stops
18:52.52FahqueLlike the animation is playing (timer wise) but the movement is playing overtop of it graphically
18:53.37HuesyIssue an order for the unit to stop and then trigger your attack animation.
18:54.55HuesyIf a unit has an order to move, it will always use the movement animation over anything else unless you use "Move unit instantly to" for your movement
19:03.12*** join/#sc2mapster Deadeye (4c7fd9e9@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
19:05.33DeadeyeAnyone have an idea why just the firing sounds of the unit I copied wont play? I fixed all the other ones.
19:06.53WARAnyone have the MLG Pro Raleigh Starcraft Videos?
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19:11.48Clordthere is that music in Starcraft II called "Card to Play" but.... I have no idea what it is called in editor
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19:14.15Liskis it possible to change a unit's mover? (just a unit, not every unit of that type, so set category field value wouldn't work)? (in other words i am trying to get a unit to "Pounce")
19:15.46WhiskeeClord, you might want to look at "SS_" sounds... it's used during a cinematic
19:16.13Whiskeefrom the sc2campaign dependency
19:16.45Clordlet's see
19:17.11Whiskeeit's played while rescuing the general
19:17.30Clordyeah... it is such awesome piece of music
19:17.35Clordbut I kinda forgot because situation was so epic
19:17.43ClordI paid attention more to what happened on screen
19:17.57Clordbravo blizzard, bravo ^^
19:24.07DeadeyeAnyone have an idea why just the firing sounds of the unit I copied wont play? I fixed all the other sounds..
19:24.52Hayenaforgot to add the attack actor?
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19:25.28Deadeyehe attacks..just doesn't make noise when he does
19:25.53HayenaThe Attack Actor mostly adds the sound and the gun fire to the unit
19:26.17Deadeyeso for example I'm using the ghost. Under actors, Ghost attack is there.
19:26.37XackeryGood morning
19:27.06roojgood morning big daddy
19:28.53Xackery I thought this was pretty awesome
19:29.23roojbookmarked lol
19:33.13OninjiCoffee is delicious
19:37.50Fromethiusany of you guys see this video yet? looks pretty obvious the guy is maphacking to me.. what do you all think?
19:38.24nicoli_sthere are def map hacks about
19:38.56FahqueL@deadeye: hayena is correct, the problem is your attack actor
19:39.01FahqueLive had same issues
19:39.48DeadeyeSo how do I go about fixing this
19:48.26XackeryFromethius:  Haha @ that video. Glad I don't play normal skirms
19:49.05depthsofchaosshit, i got busted :(
19:49.44Xackerybusted 4 what
19:50.02depthsofchaoswas supposed to be a joke :o
19:50.15XackeryIt wasn't funny. :/
19:50.17XackeryOh well.
19:50.26depthsofchaosnah you just got no humor :o
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19:51.20OninjiMy brain does not have ennough spare processing streams for Humor Function at the moment.
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19:53.12FahqueL@deadeye under actors do you have both a unit AND a "action" actor for ur unit?
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19:54.56Atloshmm I need an opinion
19:55.04Atlosdo you guys like tutorials on by default?
19:55.10Atlosi cant think of a good way to do it
19:55.12OninjiIs there already an asset for 3rd person movable camera? (Can rotate around focus point with keyinput  commands)
19:56.20helppoorbobhow do you make a basic loop?
19:56.46goomba_for each 0-9 do x
19:56.52goomba_does x 10 times
19:59.32Atlosuse a while loop
19:59.34AtlosI hate for loops
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19:59.49Wartexdon't be hatin' on the for loops
19:59.53GwanHi guys! Could somebody check my map what did I do wrong with the data editor?
19:59.55goomba_for loops for the win
20:00.03Atlosfor loops for the fail
20:00.15GwanIts not a big map, I just wanted to test an ability
20:00.17FahqueLthats an insanely vague question gwan
20:00.23OninjiMeh, loops are dangerous when scriptingt. It can goble out processing power uselessly pretty fast. <.<
20:00.37WartexGwan, you mean try out the map?
20:00.49GwanFahqueL: I was just about to explain it :D
20:00.54Wartexor whats the problem? :P
20:01.10PapaRoachhow does one change the look of the default progress bars ( not the ones in the leaderboard)
20:01.42GwanI am trying to make an onslaught type map, where you capture nodes, and link them up. The capture part is done with triggers
20:02.34Gwannow, I wanted to make the linkup part data. I based it on the medivacs heal, and the beam tutorial
20:03.09OtixaFromethius, I can confirm that there really is a maphack out for SC2
20:03.27OtixaBy Freedom
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20:03.45GwanThe Power nodes have an ability they autocast with search area, and put a buff on nearby nodes. I also wanted to give it a beam effect for better visualization. The buff stuff works, the beam not :P
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20:04.00Gwan  anyway here is the map
20:05.17OtixaGwan, wut's this?
20:05.47GwanIts my testmap for the powernodes linkup ability
20:06.03WartexGwan, I haven't looked at the map yet but have you used any event - events+ for the beam actor?
20:06.37Wartexmy medicbeam disappeared when I tried to tint it, so might be something like that
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20:07.01Pierrot_Hi zll
20:07.05SaucyHow do you add charges with triggers?
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20:07.21GwanIts currently set to -> create
20:07.28OtixaGwan, it does nothing!
20:07.36WartexGwan, you have a destroy one for the same event
20:07.44Wartexshouldn't it be for targetoof?
20:07.55Gwanthere is also one for target off
20:08.02Gwanfor destroy
20:08.16Wartexi'm looking at the beam actor, not the sound
20:08.25GwanOtixa: It gives out buffs for the other towers!
20:08.50OtixaDoesn't work for me ;p
20:08.58Gwanahh damnit. I set them both to target on :P
20:09.17pinzusomeone name a gread band
20:09.51pinzuand preferably a "unknown" one
20:10.21Gwanpinzu: anamanaguchi
20:11.27Deadeyewhere are attack animations stored
20:12.03helppoorbobif i set a key to go down and then remove the key on the next key down. and kep cycling that.. would i need a loop?
20:12.54goomba_watch dis
20:12.57goomba_giv thoughts
20:13.15Gwanehh still not working... Any other suggestions?
20:14.53WartexGwan hmm
20:15.06Wartextry checking the void rays beam actor for the impact and launch locations
20:15.11Gwangoomba_: not bad. I like the enraging virus
20:15.33Wartexlike the impact attachment query+ and those
20:15.49Wartexi don't know if your beam knows where to fire at so to speak
20:16.44Wartexhaven't worked anything with beams so i don't know whats wrong :P
20:17.19helppoorbobif i set a key to go down and then remove the key on the next key down. and keep cycling that.. would i need a loop?
20:18.25GwanMe neither. I'm good with C/C++ so Galaxy and Triggers work for me, but in terms of data editor I'm a big newbie :D
20:18.42XackeryGwan they're not too hard to learn
20:18.46Xackeryjust got to grasp some basic concepts
20:18.47Deadeyewhere are attack animations stored?
20:18.49SaucyDoes anyone know how I can add charges remaining with triggers?!
20:19.07XackeryYeah saucy. Though, I don't think my method is the ideal route.
20:19.26SaucyCould you explain Xackery?
20:19.26Raydenmornong peeps
20:19.32XackeryI do catalog sets
20:19.41Xackerymodifying the maximum charge amounts, and track charges via variables.
20:19.46GwanI got the aura buff thingy down. This should be that much harder :D
20:20.03SaucyKay.. that doesnt make sense to me..
20:20.04Xackerythough you could easily make it go off a custom value on the unit
20:20.20SaucyIs there not a trigger that just add's to it?
20:20.34XackeryActually, I think there is. But I didn't do that route.
20:20.42SaucyI looked cant find anywhere
20:20.51SaucyI can only find add charge use
20:21.08HayenaWhile Loops = Lame do Nothing
20:21.21Hayenayes, I need to scroll down before typing
20:21.27Xackerymine is a hack, it basically controls the number of charges by modifying the maximum number of charges. as silly as that sounds.
20:21.29SaucyAny help here? I have everything set up.. just need to add this little action
20:21.47SaucyI don't understand really..
20:22.05Xackeryyeah, i'm not sure how easy I can explain it, either
20:22.19SaucyHow are you modifying the maximum number of charges?
20:22.24Xackerycatalog set
20:23.53Xackeryit looks like that when I do my hack
20:24.18SaucyHow does blizzard do it?
20:24.30SaucyCan't you pick up charges off the ground in the campign...
20:24.33XackeryThey use a magazine I think, like a nuke for situations such as this.
20:24.37GwanSaucy: have you tried The Add Ammo to magazine action?
20:24.51SaucyYou can add a magazine as a charge..?
20:25.00SaucyI didnt think that would work.... cuz its not the same thing?
20:25.00XackeryNot sure at that Saucy. Try it.
20:25.04roojthey chose the worst words
20:25.10Saucyi'll give it a shot..
20:25.18XackeryMagazine is in reference to ammo
20:25.32Xackeryso I'm not sure if it'll correlate to charges or not
20:25.46GwanWell i think magazine means ammo clip (aka max charges), and ammo = charge
20:25.58XackeryBut I'm not sure ^ is correct
20:26.13GwanMe neither, but its worth a try :)
20:26.14XackeryI liked my route, it gives me full control XD
20:26.25Xackerybut it changes the difficulty to intermediate/advanced
20:27.32SaucyYea.. didnt work..
20:27.49depthsofchaosdoes anyone know how the bunker shooting animation works ?:o
20:27.59Xackeryactor event
20:28.15depthsofchaosbzz no it doesnt
20:28.16Xackerylikely one called "bunker attack"
20:28.41Xackeryi'll peek
20:29.18PapaRoachhow do you change a labels text color without chaging the style completely
20:29.22XackeryInside the Bunker actor, you have "WeaponStart.*.AttackStart, it begins AnimBracketStart Attack Attack
20:29.50Xackerythere is your answer depths
20:30.10depthsofchaosthe bunker has no turret
20:30.31SaucyI really need solution for adding charges...
20:31.08OninjiOk, I'm really horrible at this scripting. How do I set a camera view to X player in custom script?
20:31.17depthsofchaosso without a turret it couldnt shoot
20:31.25depthsofchaosin the direction
20:31.39Xackerydepths: the bunker uses the unit inside as it's weapon
20:31.50Xackeryand tells them to attack using that actor event above
20:32.00Xackerythat = bunker attack
20:32.02goomba_can one actor define a sound and a visual effect
20:32.10goomba_and if so what type would be best for that
20:32.28depthsofchaosthe units are not visible in the transport
20:32.36depthsofchaosso it still works
20:33.10depthsofchaosmeh thats crap cause i need to make the bunker shoot in the proper direction
20:33.39SaucyIs there a way I could work around it? Is it possible to make an ability that just adds charges?
20:33.47SaucyI duno.. i need to be able to add charges some how
20:34.17depthsofchaoscant you add charge with trigger?
20:34.57SaucyI've tried
20:35.06SaucyIf u know how then please tell.
20:35.06depthsofchaosdid you put in the correct id for the charge?
20:35.25SaucyYea, but all you can change is the charge used.
20:36.07SaucyJust in case i got it wrong.. the link id goes like this right Abil/Name of ability here
20:37.01depthsofchaosye well you can give a custom id to the charge
20:37.07GwanWerent there some kind of pickups in the secret mission that gave you charges for your grenades? Cant you use their stats to hack up some kind of add charges thing?
20:38.05depthsofchaossaucy try a negative number
20:38.12depthsofchaosfor the add charg
20:38.53depthsofchaostaking away negative = giving
20:38.54goomba_pm is here??
20:39.00goomba_must mooch informations
20:39.25Otixafu gaiz
20:39.29Raydenmaybe he is, maybe he isn't
20:39.38Raydenbut i folllowed one of his tutorials and my missiles don't work
20:39.42Raydennot sure why
20:40.08SaucyAbility Charge link?
20:40.14SaucyIs that the Abil/Name?
20:40.21Saucyor something else
20:41.00Raydenanyone else messed with missile movers much?
20:41.06Raydenhalf of them worked
20:41.15Raydenbut two of them, spiral and zigzag don't ever hit the target
20:41.23Raydenthe animation all looks fine, but there is no damage
20:41.56Saucythank you depthofchaos NEGATIVE WORKED thank you so much! I dont know why I didnt think to try that!
20:43.30*** join/#sc2mapster ndudz (180ed527@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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20:44.40*** part/#sc2mapster Sixen (
20:44.45allenmelondammit dammit dammit!
20:44.56allenmelonall the sc2mapster events are EU!!!
20:45.03goomba_i know right
20:45.13allenmelonomfg blizz! get us cross-region play immediately!
20:45.44allenmelonor hold some US events sc2mapster please
20:46.15roojmaybe sc2mapster is racist
20:46.30devileskeuros suck
20:47.28Gwandevilesk: 1 Euro = 1.2692 U.S. dollars :) We still win^^
20:47.34allenmelonrooj i think your onto something...
20:47.37*** join/#sc2mapster RaydenUni (
20:48.00goomba_usa sucks
20:48.06goomba_give me 10 years ill be in europe...
20:48.29OninjiYou'll have to buy another copy of SC2 in 10 years then!
20:48.42goomba_i had 3 at one point
20:48.44goomba_now only one
20:48.50allenmelonunless blizz releases cross-region play before 10 years
20:49.02goomba_they will
20:49.07goomba_i dont buy into the paranoia
20:49.16goomba_its silly that so much was left out, but i think itll all work its way in
20:49.47allenmelonso when the first expansion comes out
20:49.59allenmelonwill there be two different servers for with and without expan?
20:50.04OninjiI'm not sure they will, there's a reason they localized the servers. Heh, that's what broad audience means! :P
20:50.36OninjiAnd allen, I doubt it, They want B.Net 2.0 to bring ALL Blizz games at the same place.
20:50.58allenmelonhows that gonna work out?
20:51.09OninjiWell, for now WoW is already partly merged.
20:51.16allenmelonarent there gonna be new units in the expack
20:51.22OninjiYou can contact a WoW playing friend while playing SC2
20:51.44goomba_which is good for nerds
20:51.45OninjiMeh, some maps will probably have "Tags" like "Expansion X only"
20:51.48goomba_like all of us
20:51.55OninjiI don't play WoW
20:52.06goomba_i used to, know a lot of pppl from it
20:52.13goomba_so i chat with them when theyre playing wow
20:52.24OninjiHave quite a few friend on it, but personally, I hate wow. Xd
20:52.32rooji am annoyed by seeing my WoW friends online
20:52.34OninjiI hate Point-Click MMORPG in general.
20:52.47goomba_point click..?
20:52.49roojmy friend has been in the barrens for a week
20:52.52roojand i am just like wtf
20:52.58depthsofchaosdoes anyone know how to make attachment points visible in the previewer?:o
20:53.00RaydenUniit's good to see you are objective abotu wow
20:53.03allenmelonlol, "Hey come play sc2 with me" "NO! you come play WOW with me!"
20:53.10OninjiYou point, you click, attack. or repeteadly press X button to spam skill
20:53.13goomba_depths i doubt they have a feature like that
20:53.37goomba_wow is fun until you get into it
20:53.39goomba_then its repetitive
20:53.44goomba_and soul draining
20:53.51allenmelonwhat ive heard, is that its boring until you max level
20:53.52depthsofchaosunless youre a ginger
20:54.01OninjiNew generations MMO are looking good though
20:54.09roojsuch as?
20:54.17goomba_definitely the wow gameplay is based on max level
20:54.19depthsofchaosim gona get gw 2 :o
20:54.22OninjiVindictus, Dragon Nest, Etc Etc
20:54.26goomba_but its one of the few games when leveling is bareable
20:54.30roojnever heard of em
20:54.32pinzuim a weak person, im listening to caca
20:54.33goomba_i want gw2 :D
20:54.36goomba_no monthly fee
20:54.39goomba_open worlds...
20:54.40OninjiThey implement more interactive features making the game more enjoyable
20:54.42depthsofchaosand 20 level cap
20:54.46depthsofchaosno need to grind
20:54.48PapaRoachvindictus? a south american rugby team rpg?
20:54.50depthsofchaoslika fagot in a basement
20:54.59rooji hope that they have something neat in store for FF14
20:55.00goomba_there needs to be SOME grid
20:55.04roojcause right now all it is is leveling
20:55.05goomba_or else theres no sense of accomplishment
20:55.23OninjiVindictus is the next Nexon MMO, it's a Dungeon Craw "Hack'n'Slash" Action MMORPG
20:55.26depthsofchaosthere are dungeons
20:55.31goomba_i luv hack n slash
20:55.35OninjiPlayed beta, it looks pretty cool
20:55.36PapaRoachlike diablo?
20:55.36OninjiIt's fluid
20:55.37goomba_diablo, gauntlet
20:55.39allenmelonthe new blizz mmo
20:55.44allenmelonany news about it?
20:55.52Clordobligatory earth,fire,ice or water dungeon
20:55.57Clordoh and
20:55.58goomba_the new blizz mmo is just
20:55.59Clordair dungeon
20:55.59allenmelonall i know is that its not gonna be sc2 or any other old franchise
20:56.05OninjiThere's more feature than diabo but basicly... yes you could compare it to diablo.
20:56.06goomba_the winner of the custom map competition
20:56.07allenmelonand rumored to be mmofps
20:56.35allenmelonand also rumored something about free-to-play
20:56.48Oninjif2p are most profitable latelly
20:56.59OninjiIf you get a good market share, f2p pay out the most.
20:56.59roojthats weird
20:57.10Clordf2p also let's worst humans in
20:57.13Oninji'Cause some people can spend 5k plus in those XD
20:57.23GwanLotrO will be free to play this september I belive
20:57.36Clordand those who have lifetime accounts for LOTRO
20:57.38OninjiYes, there's people ready to pay 20$ for a virtual hat that does nothing but... being red
20:57.39Clordgets nice upgrade
20:57.40roojthey are making an everquest2 F2P server
20:57.45Zarafuf2p makes games seem like a cheap gimmick
20:58.03goomba_lotro is f2p soon lool
20:58.05Oninjinot all f2p are cheap
20:58.08Fromethiuswhat do you guys think is the best system for continuing a game when the one in a 1v10 leaves? should you have to type a command to be the one? should all your old units be destroyed if you do? should there be a dialog window? first come first serve? etc.
20:58.13allenmelonugh why do i like sotis so much
20:58.18Zarafuplus, all of these poorly made MMOs by the Asians have tainted the quality of games
20:58.41rooji am waiting for SOTIS to be more balanced before i get into it
20:58.42goomba_asian mmos are fucking awful
20:58.55OninjiF2P is sure and easy portal into the MMO wall and thus lot of poorly made MMO make it into it. But it's more and more an interesting market for High Budget MMOS
20:59.01allenmelonthen your saying nexon sucks lol
20:59.02*** join/#sc2mapster FireryRage (
20:59.11Gwanwell I started playing DDO since it became f2p its actually quite good. Wouldnt pay money for it but for free its worth it
20:59.19Clordwhat do you expect... korean MMO company is typically style.... they make beta for F2P MMO... then when they release game.. they move to next MMO project and do same
20:59.28Clordand after release you are lucky if you get shop upgrades
20:59.30*** join/#sc2mapster Adys (~Adys@unaffiliated/adys)
20:59.39pinzuif I have downloaded the wc3 patch
20:59.43pinzuin what folder do I put it in?
20:59.45Zarafuhow is that Conan MMORPG?
21:00.03ZarafuI used to hear so much stuff about it, and now nothing
21:00.04ClordConan MMORPG is priceless... can kick with horse others to their doom
21:00.08Clordwhen they think you idle
21:00.44rooji heard it sucked
21:00.59Clordit was unfinished but what was actually finished was well done
21:01.00XackeryMan, this is awesome. .
21:01.07XackeryNo particular reason.
21:01.09XackeryIt's just awesome.
21:01.20Clordthere is even Harem Palace Dungeon
21:01.35Clordin Conan
21:01.50Clordmost disgusting place in any MMO
21:01.57XackeryI liked the DDR-style combat system in Conan
21:02.03OninjiAnyway, I'm back to those tutorials.
21:02.12XackeryThey nerfed the ability to rev up a combo prior to hitting someone though. :/
21:02.14Oninjiis horrible on library based programming.
21:02.21Clordoh yes one of Conan strong points is actually combat system... it actually takes skill to attack...
21:02.41Clordif is melee guy
21:03.08AsaPhelpsconan had boobs
21:03.11AsaPhelpsthats all i remember
21:03.21ZarafuClord, what was disgusting about the Harem Palace Dungeon?
21:03.25Xackery vid of me playing age of conan in '08. I sucked at Pvp though. Haha. my Dark Templar. XD
21:03.28AsaPhelpsactually i had a necro and I would hide and send my pets after someone, it was amusing
21:03.32depthsofchaosgrr why cant i give the bunker a weapon that turns properly ?:o
21:03.34Clordif they would have made game as awesome first 20 levels.... for other levels too before release.... that game would be huge right now
21:03.47Clordimagine voice acting and insane GB size
21:03.51Clordand much more
21:04.02AsaPhelpsthey should release boobs expansions
21:04.13ClordHarem people... what a scum
21:04.31AsaPhelpsokay gotta focus on my map
21:04.43AsaPhelpsxack set the bar pretty high, i have to make mine bad so people realize how good his is
21:05.12Xackerymine has so many bugs
21:05.30OninjiFriggin sucky school computers, Editor crashed... afain
21:05.30Zarafuwhich map is your Xackery?
21:05.36XackeryRaynor Defense
21:05.45Xackery2nd or 3rd MORE button of custom games
21:05.47Zarafuahh never heard of it
21:05.52PapaRoachhow is that going btw xack?
21:05.58XackeryI released it
21:06.09XackeryMade hero select at game start, instead of in lobby
21:06.30Xackerycuz I couldn't get tooltips to work properly on lobby hero select
21:06.41PapaRoachis boss working?
21:07.13Xackeryyeah, ish
21:07.17XackeryI finished all 20 waves
21:07.27XackeryLast I checked map had 460ish games in last hour
21:07.42OninjiHey anyone know when B.Net Market is going up? I've checked it up and like... since the blizzcon... never heard of it again.
21:07.46XackeryPeople love Odin's jump ability
21:08.09Xackerythey said like 6 months I think Onin
21:08.11Xackeryafter release
21:08.13Xackery6 months to a year
21:08.23OninjiWas just wondering XD
21:08.32XackeryYeah, don't quote me but pretty sure I read that somewhere...
21:08.51OninjiSaw that on forums too, but never saw an official quote
21:09.05XackeryI'm mucking with a..
21:09.14Xackerydrive system that doesn't lag online
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21:09.25OninjiI just hope that they'll release the 25mb cap for premium maps
21:09.26Xackeryaka not using key monitoring
21:10.06OninjiI'm trying to fetch ASCII Key... to access all key combinations possible.... but heh no success yet
21:10.37Xackerydoes Prozaic have a map out?
21:10.59OninjiDunno, check his profile on forums?
21:11.56Xackerynot sure
21:12.46*** part/#sc2mapster FahqueL (4395cd10@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
21:13.12PapaRoachgod damn xack, 3rd page already? what are you jesus
21:13.28Xackeryit was kinda funny, since I released it
21:13.32Xackeryexpected it to never go anywhere
21:13.40Xackeryand had like, 2 games in last hour, and forgot about it
21:13.43Xackeryit's been about 2 days now
21:13.48Xackeryand it's climbing up pretty steadily
21:14.18Xackeryreplay value is kinda meh on it though, about all you have to want to try it again is to try another hero
21:14.22AsaPhelpshow do you make units preloaded with units
21:14.26AsaPhelpslike a medivac with marines
21:14.26OtixaXackery, what map?
21:14.35Xackerybut it's a 9 player game, so it's like.. ~4000 people played it. heh.
21:14.47XackeryRaynor Defense, it's released on US
21:15.03XackeryIt's kinda crappy.. about all that's cool about it is the custom skills
21:15.06OtixaAny good? ;p
21:15.11AsaPhelpsits like dota
21:15.12Otixaoh ;/
21:15.12XackeryOdin can jump!
21:15.22Xackeryit's not like DoTA
21:15.24Xackeryit's like.. Enfos
21:15.26AsaPhelpsit has heroes
21:15.34AsaPhelpsstuff to kill
21:15.38XackeryI based it on "Defend the Castle"
21:15.43Xackeryor "DEfend the King"
21:15.45Xackeryif you played those in WC3
21:15.49OtixaI liked Enfos
21:15.54AsaPhelpsso how do you preload a medivac etc
21:15.57AsaPhelpsdoes that require triggers
21:16.01XackeryI don't have a competitive mode like Enfos thugh, you all team up instead
21:16.10XackeryYeah, there's an easy action to do that Asa
21:16.17Xackerycalled "Preload"
21:16.46OninjiMmm more coffee
21:17.33OtixaOninji, enjoy your constipation
21:18.14allenmelonanyone wanna play sotis? us servers?
21:18.16OninjiIt reduce heart disease, and stuff pfeh and if you have ennough minerals in your diet you won't get constipated :P
21:18.27roojJUMPING ODINS
21:19.26Xackeryhaha rooj
21:19.31XackeryMaybe I should release how I did that huh
21:19.37OtixaActually, if you drink that much coffee, it increases chances of heart attack
21:19.39roojso i acn start on my new map finally
21:19.41OtixaI know that first hand ¬_¬
21:19.55XackeryI've seen jump systems before
21:19.56OninjiErf, only on short term overdose.
21:19.58Xackerybut none look as smooth as mine
21:20.07rooji will trade cookies
21:20.14roojfor jumping odins
21:20.24OtixaTho, I rotate coffee and redbull <_<
21:20.26OninjiHis cookies have trojan, it's a TRAP
21:20.35rooji dont use condoms
21:20.52Otixarooj, prolly has something to do with not getting laid :D
21:21.00rooji was typign that
21:21.25OninjiAnyway, g2g have a level design exam coming in like 5 mins
21:21.29roojwho needs to get laid when youve got the internet
21:21.34Xackerynice Oni
21:21.36Xackerygl hf
21:22.01ndudzIs anyone here good with actor events and such? I cant seem to get my high templar to attack more than once : / He hits the guy one time and then just stands there and does damage.
21:22.04rooji was trying to create a first person camera
21:22.04*** part/#sc2mapster Oninji (
21:22.22OtixaLevel design... exam
21:22.29OtixaHow does that work? ¬_¬
21:22.43PapaRoachdude xack...
21:22.51PapaRoachthis games way sicker since the last time i saw it
21:23.02PapaRoachlight change on nydus canals was dirty
21:23.09Xackeryit makes it more scary huh
21:23.11XackeryBOSS ROUND!
21:23.14Xackery"red lights of dewm"
21:23.25Xackery"nydus worms popping out of the ground everywhere, camera shaking"
21:23.33OtixaIdea for a simple prop model
21:24.19XackeryI need to make the voice guy say "FINAL ROUND" on lvl 20
21:24.23depthsofchaosblow up doll and dildo, go!
21:24.33XackeryI dunno Otix.
21:28.01Zarafuif I want to set it that my cinematic is skippable, do I have to have checks throughout my cinematic something like "Skip = true" or is there an easier way to do it and "break" the thread of the cinematic?
21:37.09XackeryPapaRoach: so enjoy my map? haha
21:38.13PapaRoachxackery: yeah, just beat it
21:38.17Xackerygood job
21:38.21XackeryI assume you had Tassadar?
21:38.25PapaRoachhell no
21:38.25Xackeryhis aura is OP vs. final boss
21:38.36XackeryI mean, Tassadar was playing until last lvl?
21:38.44PapaRoachi was zeratul as usual
21:38.45Xackeryyeah, his aura makes last round cake
21:38.57XackeryI got to nerf him
21:38.59PapaRoachi covered the left side while 3 people covered right....
21:39.07Xackeryhaha, yeah
21:39.12XackeryI never said I balanced things
21:39.16*** join/#sc2mapster rrowland (
21:39.28Xackeryeasy mode is CAKE though
21:39.30Xackerytry Medium.
21:39.34Xackeryyou'll be up for a challenge then.
21:40.03Xackerynot joking.
21:40.07Xackeryat round 1 of medium you gotta kite mobs
21:40.15Xackeryon hard..
21:40.23Xackeryi don't know if hard mode is beatable
21:40.33PapaRoachlol, whats the highest you beat it on
21:40.53XackeryTo beat hard mode you need to coordinate all heros
21:41.17Xackeryhydralisk needs to focus rising bile, karass focus his aoe's, kerrigan focus aoe's, tanks focus their jumps for stuns.. egon focus support..
21:41.32AsaPhelpshydra's aura doesn't work past level 1
21:41.34Xackeryand pray you can kill em before stuns fade, because they hit too hard
21:41.35AsaPhelpsfix it NOW
21:41.53AsaPhelpslevel 2+ doesn't get applied to anyone
21:41.57AsaPhelpsalso i killed a marauder
21:41.57PapaRoachwe had egon but he left lol
21:41.59Xackeryoh ya?
21:42.00AsaPhelpsand he used stimpack on me
21:42.04AsaPhelpsi don't even
21:42.08Xackeryhaha nice
21:42.19Xackerythere's lots of bugs
21:42.22AsaPhelpsand zerg units get creep speed on boss waves
21:42.26AsaPhelpsnot sure if intended
21:42.38Xackerywhat is creep speed
21:42.38PapaRoachthere was debug messages on final boss hah
21:42.44AsaPhelpsbonus movement for being on creep
21:42.48Xackeryoh, did you catch what it said papa?
21:42.56PapaRoachno i just saw 0s and 5s
21:42.58Xackerywas it spamming 0 and 5?
21:43.01XackeryI forgot to remove those
21:43.10AsaPhelpsmy bugs are way better
21:43.11*** join/#sc2mapster Rust|412|EU (~Rust.412@
21:43.14XackeryAs you see, I am very professional
21:43.28Xackeryi find it funny people love my map with the bugs
21:43.39rooji loaded a saved map and like
21:43.48depthsofchaosdoes anyone know how to define a rotating site operations center of rotation ?:o
21:43.50AsaPhelpssomeone made a harvest earth
21:43.53AsaPhelpsi am interested
21:43.58AsaPhelpsproziac knows
21:44.02roojeverythings gone o_O\
21:44.08Xackerytook out debug message :3
21:44.15Xackerythanks for that roach
21:44.24Xackerystimpack issue hrm
21:44.27Xackerysilly marauders
21:44.35Xackeryi bet they're autocasting it
21:44.56AsaPhelpsthey just want to help
21:45.18Xackeryfixed stimpack
21:45.22PapaRoachbut yeah, i like all the stuff you put in the game, makes it look really professional. like having the abilities thing flash to show you what to do, and the epic boss environment
21:45.30Xackeryoh reminds me
21:45.37AsaPhelpsokay now fix the aura
21:45.40Xackeryi need to make the flash on zealot's charge
21:46.01goomba_ok so
21:46.06AsaPhelpsyou should make a new hero and make it a hologram stripper
21:46.13goomba_what would be a cool
21:46.18goomba_sound effect from the game
21:46.21goomba_to play as a launch effect
21:46.25goomba_for a character throwing a vial?
21:46.28rooji cant open my map
21:46.30roojits borked
21:46.33AsaPhelpsokay now fix creep speed
21:46.36AsaPhelpsfor zerg units
21:46.38AsaPhelpsor leave it
21:46.52Xackeryi don't care about the speed on creep, lol
21:46.56Xackerythat's just an added challenge
21:47.00AsaPhelpsi mean for heroes
21:47.06AsaPhelpsmy hydra was hauling ass
21:47.19Xackeryi'll just flag their races as terran
21:47.27goomba_any idea?
21:48.15Xackeryhmm @ hydralisk bug
21:53.41PapaRoachwhat lal can you save in a saved game
21:54.13Xackeryjust as long as it doesn't go beyond 3k characters
21:54.25goomba_hmm my impact sound is broken
21:54.36PapaRoachill have to look up more about that later for now back to makig the game >.>
21:54.43Xackeryk AsaPhelps fixed hydralisk aura
21:54.57goomba_Sound - Damage Map - Sound(|Civilian_AttackImpact|Civilian_AttackImpact|Civilian_AttackImpact|Civilian_AttackImpact|Civilian_AttackImpact|Civilian_AttackImpact|Civilian_AttackImpact|Civilian_AttackImpact|Civilian_AttackImpact|)
21:54.57goomba_Sound - Damage SoundCivilian_AttackImpact
21:54.57goomba_Sound - Impact Map - Sound(Civilian_AttackImpact|Civilian_AttackImpact|Civilian_AttackImpact|Civilian_AttackImpact|Civilian_AttackImpact|Civilian_AttackImpact|Civilian_AttackImpact|Civilian_AttackImpact|Civilian_AttackImpact|Civilian_AttackImpact|)
21:54.57goomba_Sound - Impact SoundCivilianAttack
21:55.03goomba_but no sound rofl
21:55.07Xackerypublished. :3
21:55.12goomba_sorry about the flooding
21:55.23PapaRoachwhats the most castle looking texture set
21:55.33Xackeryone ofthe urbans i'd guess papa
21:55.49Zarafuwouldn't it be one of those protoss ruin type maps?
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21:59.16PapaRoachis there a way to paint different area of the map with more or less foliage
22:00.07goomba_anyone really good with data editor
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22:04.42Xackerygoomba what's the Q
22:04.51goomba_does my actor need a specific event to play a sound
22:05.10goomba_or just sound on the sound maps
22:05.26Helralan event to play the sound I suppose.
22:05.45Xackeryit needs an event that triggers the actor
22:05.53Xackerythe sound mapping will correlate according to your settings
22:06.01Helralalthough I'd suspect some sounds will be played automatically.
22:06.22PapaRoachhow do you rotate a doodad before you place it. and how do you change the doodad without placing it and deleting it
22:06.32ZarafuOk, so apparently Blizzard uses a "Allow Trigger To Be Skipped" to skip their cinematics....but how do they define the Esc key being used?  I've tried using this but it didn't work O_o
22:06.52Xackerye.g. "Sound - Damage Sound" tooltip says: Actor sound that is created for the damage sound. the only time this sound is provoked is when an event related to damage is called
22:07.04Xackerye.g. the "ActionDamage" event is called
22:08.35goomba_so what should my actor event be?
22:08.37goomba_which msg type
22:11.10Xackerylook at how other actors handle it
22:11.15goomba_looking xD
22:15.01goomba_i think i need a hosting operation
22:15.43AsaPhelpsi found more bugs
22:15.47AsaPhelpswell just one
22:15.55AsaPhelps~seen xackery
22:16.02purlxackery is currently on #sc2mapster (2h 50m 52s). Has said a total of 160 messages. Is idling for 4m 52s, last said: 'look at how other actors handle it'.
22:16.48goomba_i wish i could look at 2 actors side by side
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22:18.20*** part/#sc2mapster Petoj (
22:18.58Atloskewl didn't realize there's a allow trigger to be skipped action
22:19.16Atlosdid I do this right?        Trigger - Allow this trigger to be skipped by (Player group(Rohan)), requiring at least Rohan, and run No Trigger if skipped (Check Conditions, Don't Wait until it finishes)
22:19.24Atlosif I only want the Rohan player to be able to skip it
22:19.41AtlosI'm hoping that if somebody else presses ESC, it won't skip it for the rohan player
22:23.02AsaPhelpswhat determines where a missile will hit a unit?
22:23.39AsaPhelpslike bc laser shoots people all over the body
22:25.07RaydenUniif i'm duplicating the Nonrepair
22:25.11RaydenUnido i need to duplicate all of its actors?
22:25.23AsaPhelpsnano repair?
22:25.29RaydenUnifrom the science vessel
22:25.32RaydenUniit's an ability
22:25.47AsaPhelpsnot if just you want the effect
22:25.50RaydenUnii suppose i could just make a weapon that shoots people and repairs them
22:25.59AsaPhelpsa weapon
22:26.01AsaPhelpsthat shoots people
22:26.04AsaPhelpsand repairs them
22:26.14RaydenUniyeah, what's the difference?
22:26.18AsaPhelpsi gave an enemy void ray a heal ray once
22:26.24AsaPhelpshe followed me around and healed me
22:26.34AsaPhelpsthen i destroyed him
22:26.37Arthas-crappy weapon imo
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22:26.42RaydenUniyou bit the hands that heals
22:26.53RaydenUniwell, i would make this shoot friendlies
22:26.55Arthas-Ma shotgun heals the enemies!
22:27.18RaydenUnithis ability has 5 fricken actors
22:27.28RaydenUnibeam, beam impactsite, beamlaunchsite, model, sound
22:27.56RaydenUnii suppose i need all of those, if i want them to trigger the events
22:28.20AsaPhelpschange the model to a holo stripper
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22:33.23RaydenUnishe comes out, dances, and you get healed?
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22:35.34RaydenUnihmm, no model
22:35.57SweetZombieJesusto add a sound to an actor (say an explosion) do i use Events+ or Event Sound+ ?
22:37.01allenmelonsotis, which hero should i play?
22:37.54PapaRoachsigh i forget every day how to do this, were is the edit water button
22:37.55RaydenUniso i copied all of the actors over for this nanorepair ability
22:38.01RaydenUnibut no model shows up
22:38.07PapaRoachnvm editor was just lagging
22:38.25goomba_it likes to do that
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22:41.13rrowlandlol so
22:41.22iMisuHello peoplez!
22:41.31rrowlandLoad screen supports adding images, but they don't show up because they're not loaded yet?
22:45.28SweetZombieJesuscries over data editor
22:45.36SweetZombieJesusi just want to play a sound *sniff*
22:47.14XackeryOtixa: Make me a turtle shell
22:47.37goomba_me too jesus
22:47.58newbiewhat sound do you want to play where goomba?
22:48.18goomba_on impact of a missile
22:48.22Atlosdamn making a map user friendly has got to be the most boring/time consuming part of mapping
22:48.46newbieah sorry dont know that
22:49.00goomba_yeah its complicated xD
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22:50.33goomba_and copy paste is broken
22:50.37goomba_fu editor
22:52.54RaydenUniif you make a weapon damage negative, it heals right?
22:53.14goomba_i cant copypaste a specific field
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22:54.53AsaPhelpsi don't think thats how heals work
22:55.37SweetZombieJesusthere are extremely few explosion sounds
22:55.39RaydenUnihow do you make a weapon heal then?
22:55.52goomba_theres like 3 for each race
22:55.55goomba_plus like siege tank
22:55.56AsaPhelpsmake a heal effect
22:56.02AsaPhelpsgive the weapon that effect
22:56.32RaydenUnioh i see
22:56.41Atlosim pretty sure negative damage might heal
22:56.48RaydenUnii don't see heal as an effect type
22:56.50Atlossince when I made a negative cost
22:56.51rrowlandThat WoW terrain map in the news is pretty cool
22:56.57Atlosit gave me minerals when I shot
22:56.58RaydenUnithere is CreateHealer
22:57.00RaydenUniwhat does that do?
22:57.17AsaPhelpsyou can make an effect that modifies health
22:57.21Nash|327it does what Medic heal does
22:57.22AsaPhelpsi don't know
22:57.38Nash|327a continuous heal effect
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22:57.54Nash|327you can heal life, energy or shields
22:57.59Nash|327and drain the same
22:58.06roojis verisign getting hacked or something
22:58.15roojevery site ive used that used it loads very very slowly
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22:59.36Nash|327for continuous heal you want Create Healer, for one shot heal you want Modify Unit
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23:00.00Nash|327I'm gonna sleep now
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23:00.36RaydenUnihow often does continuous heal go?
23:00.42RaydenUniit has to tick
23:01.43RaydenUnii guess it changes the animation
23:01.59RaydenUniwhy isn't my animation working though?
23:02.12RaydenUnii get the impact animation
23:02.14RaydenUninot sure about the sounds
23:02.16RaydenUnibut no beam
23:02.42tordecybombowhat's crackin!
23:03.38RaydenUnii guess i can worry about the model later
23:03.41RaydenUnisucks though
23:05.36Xackeryrawr tord
23:09.56goomba_bwah i fucked my missile
23:10.05goomba_damn this editor!
23:11.05rooji completely agree
23:11.19roojfor some reason the map i was working on stopped loading the mod i was using
23:11.28roojwhich in turn completely erased everything :D
23:11.34goomba_it fucked my missile
23:11.37goomba_and i was messing around with actors
23:11.43goomba_not even the missile launch effect
23:12.05roojxackery, have you even LOOKED at my map yet?!
23:12.17roojjust open it for 5 seconds and look at it
23:12.20roojthen close it
23:12.38RaydenUnihow do i make an item give you an equip ability?
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23:12.44RaydenUnii only see equip behavior and equip weapon
23:13.48tordecybombodo you guys do the clean & jerk
23:14.33Atlosare you talking about the lifting exercise lol
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23:15.34RaydenUninone of you know how to make an item give you an ability?
23:17.30PapaRoachhm. i put down water. then i increase the height so i can see it. then when i press ok it reverts back to be not being able to see it .... wtf?    i have show water on
23:18.37Xackery my attempt at avoiding the key monitoring (for lag reasons)
23:19.05Xackeryok, fine rooj opening yer map
23:19.08rrowlandYou have to give the ability to the unit and give the ability a show/use validator
23:19.22rrowlandMake the validator check for a hidden behavior that the item applies when held
23:19.37pinzuXackery, you stoped working on that other map? :O
23:19.46Xackerywhich other map pinzu?
23:19.53pinzuthe thor map
23:19.59XackeryI released that
23:20.04Xackeryand I do fixes here and there for it
23:20.07PapaRoachi rebooted my editor and my water problem was fixed
23:20.31Xackerywhat am I looking at rooj
23:20.54roojmy boner
23:21.03roojwiggles it
23:21.28RaydenUnirebooting the editor seems to fix most
23:21.31*** part/#sc2mapster deathnight114_ (
23:21.32roojthat map is yours now xackery
23:21.36rooji quit
23:21.38rooji retire
23:21.47pinzudont worry, he will be back ^^
23:21.54pinzuone cant simply just retire
23:22.43rooji think it would be a fun map if it were finished
23:23.02Xackeryhheh heh
23:23.18roojYOU ARE THE ONE
23:23.31pinzuso press the download button.
23:23.44pinzuor atleast the advertisment
23:23.56Xackerya lot of maps are potentially fun, but they take time to make work
23:26.07pinzuin the matrix
23:26.16pinzuwhat was neo hacking
23:26.22pinzubefor they found him?
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23:32.20AsaPhelpsyour mom
23:32.35AsaPhelpsi don't remember him hacking anything
23:33.11pinzuhe was captured in the begining
23:33.14pinzuand I dont remeber why
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23:33.42pinzubleh, ill just have to see it again ;)
23:34.10roojthats the 2nd time the matrix has been mentioned today in the past hour
23:34.10QumanhawkQ: How can i create my own custom charge ability on any unit that makes the unit charges, deals damage to the target, and stuns the target?
23:34.12rrowlandactor events are such a fucking headache
23:34.45Qumanhawkit also has to be able to level up, which is whats causing me problems, because augment abilities (what charge is based off) cannot level up
23:34.57goomba_agree @ actor events
23:35.11pinzurooj, you started me up
23:35.21tordecybombowhat's crackin!?
23:35.38roojya know
23:35.42rooji never even saw matrix 2 and 3 lol
23:37.16pinzumeh, no big deal
23:37.24pinzuone should never see the sequals ;D
23:38.14pinzubut I guess that would be a rule of thumb, and not law ;]
23:39.56allenmelonbounty and his hide and seek games
23:41.11AsaPhelpsthe sequels weren't that bad
23:41.15AsaPhelpsbut the first one was really good
23:43.16Triceronalright I'm off
23:43.21Triceronremember to save your maps, guys
23:43.42pinzuremeber to save backups of your maps
23:43.51Atlosso I gave a unit max movespeed
23:43.54Atlosand max acceleration
23:43.57Atlosand it's a flying unit
23:44.10Atlosbut when I right click on a unit to move there
23:44.11pinzuand, it helps alot if you lable your map with a version name every time you save it!
23:44.12Atlosit freaks out
23:44.16Atlosany idea how to fix that?
23:44.35Atloslike it will overshoot it by 10 units, then overshoot it in the other direction by 10 units, back and forth
23:44.41Atlosand never actually stops on the unit
23:44.59XackeryI have autosave on, and also whenever I do a major revision, I save it under a new name.. done that 6 times now with my Raynor Defense
23:45.41roojsaving my map didnt save my map
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23:47.29rrowlandOh my god this is infuriating
23:47.36pinzuwell I have to, cus every time I add something new I always fuck shit up
23:47.47rrowlandI want an indicator to pop up when my missile launches, and I want it to go away when it impacts
23:47.53rrowlandWhy is that such a fucking task
23:49.47goomba_because the editor blows -_-
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23:53.54Deadeyeanyone know how to replicate raynor's piercing shot from the campaign?
23:56.37Deadeyeah, there. I was looking for one
23:56.45Deadeyethank you
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