IRC log for #sc2mapster on 20100814

00:00.35SweetZombieJesusworst video ever
00:00.38SweetZombieJesusthis guy
00:00.42SweetZombieJesusis horrible to listen to
00:02.56slightlyrandomThere isn't a lot of choice, sadly
00:03.00SweetZombieJesusnice game concept though
00:03.06slightlyrandomMoonbase Command is one of the most underplayed games ever
00:03.21Bibendus|AFKvjeux I HATE YOU!
00:03.21Bibendusis no longer away : Gone for 1 hour 51 minutes 53 seconds
00:03.49slightlyrandomBut yeah, that's what I am trying to remake
00:08.47vjeuxBibendus: xD
00:08.54vjeuxdon't you want me to win :(
00:08.57Bibendusdon't make these posts
00:09.07Bibendusi m soo pissed :|
00:09.07ekcolnovkolpower overwhelming
00:09.25Bibendusmaybe i can subscribe my french grandmother
00:09.36Bibendusshe'll win a lot of money :|
00:09.45vjeuxgrrr i can't delete it
00:09.53Bibendusdid u notice
00:09.58Bibendusthat they want a NEW fresh map
00:10.00Bibendusnever published?
00:10.13ekcolnovkolthat's not the case
00:10.40ekcolnovkolyou can submit your map regardless
00:10.52Bibendusit says
00:10.53Bibendusnot published
00:10.54*** join/#sc2mapster Furyhunter (
00:10.55Bibendusin the rules
00:11.09vjeuxjust submit it
00:11.36ekcolnovkoli see no such thing
00:11.48ekcolnovkolyou are being lied to :I
00:12.23ekcolnovkoli dunno, karune told me it was cool
00:12.24Bibendusthen this thing is NOT repeated in the requirements
00:12.26Bibendusso... it's strange
00:12.29SweetZombieJesusthought it was called galaxy editor
00:12.42Bibendusgalaxy is the script code
00:12.46Bibendusthe language
00:12.52*** join/#sc2mapster Mattavich (522ee3dd@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
00:12.57Bibendusthe name of the exe is starcraft II world editor :D
00:12.57SweetZombieJesusgah im bored
00:13.02ekcolnovkolit's probably a typo
00:13.06ekcolnovkoldon't worry about it
00:13.08SweetZombieJesusor loophole!
00:13.10Bibenduswhat do you think
00:13.15Bibenduscan an already existing map be published?
00:13.16MattavichYou know you're addicted to SC2 editor when it's your birthday and you're spending it editing
00:13.26SweetZombieJesuswell if you take the rules literal then no
00:13.29SweetZombieJesuscause it must not be public
00:13.41SweetZombieJesushappy birthday Mattavich !
00:13.41ProzaicMuzeYES! Evil dictator is dead!!! >:D
00:13.44Bibendus(i) A Map should be a "Custom," UMS map, and not 1v1, 2v2 or 3v3 Map (aka, "Melee Maps"). Melee Maps will not be considered in the judging process;
00:13.44Bibendus(ii) The Map shall not exceed 10 megabytes in size;
00:13.45Bibendus(iii) Voice over tracks that are incorporated into a Map shall be in the English language, and shall not feature explicit or obscene language;
00:13.45Bibendus(iv) All music featured in the Map must either be the entrant’s original musical composition and performance, or music from a Blizzard product; and
00:13.45Bibendus(v) The terms and conditions of the StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty End User License Agreement shall be strictly enforced, subject to these Rules. In the event that Sponsor feels that a Movie was created in violation of the foregoing agreements and/or policies, such as through the use of a "Private Server," that Map will be disqualified from the Contest.
00:13.45MattavichSweetzombiejesus do you have a problem with my "while" actions haha :P
00:13.56SweetZombieJesusah so thats you then
00:14.04SweetZombieJesusyes i have a problem with all while loops
00:14.06SweetZombieJesusthey are entirely mean
00:14.10MattavichI use them a lot
00:14.19SweetZombieJesusthey should be last resort or when it makes 100% sense
00:14.22MattavichI dont think i've ever found the if statement haha
00:14.30SweetZombieJesushave you seen the new version of my lib?
00:14.32SweetZombieJesusthat shit is complex
00:14.36SweetZombieJesusi use 1 while
00:14.59MattavichNo not yet but I just finished writing the dialog messages for my heros
00:15.02Mattavichmy question is
00:15.06*** join/#sc2mapster FireryRage (
00:15.15SweetZombieJesuswell its unreadable
00:15.18SweetZombieJesusbut thats how short itis
00:15.27MattavichI have 7 computer son the map right now with me because ive not tested with humans. Should the heros be spawning for them?
00:15.52SweetZombieJesusuhm well its hard to say since you use v1.0
00:16.02SweetZombieJesusso i dont remember tbh
00:16.06SweetZombieJesusupgrade to v2
00:16.15MattavichBTW you might want me auto respawn code, it uses a timer window too and a message
00:16.16SweetZombieJesusits the same input
00:16.20SweetZombieJesusbut easier
00:16.43SweetZombieJesusnah that falls outside of the library
00:16.46SweetZombieJesusthats no longer hero selection
00:17.05MattavichSC2mapster forum are really bad sometimes. I tried looking for your thread several times today but couldnt find it.
00:17.18SweetZombieJesusits in library subforum
00:17.42SweetZombieJesuscheck the new video :P
00:17.52MattavichLOL you sohuld see my basic unit spawn code, it has probably 10 whiles in it
00:17.54SweetZombieJesusim all proud and stuff so dont diss it
00:18.02SweetZombieJesuswhy >_<
00:18.03Mattavichall in one long ass trigger
00:18.10SweetZombieJesuslook through my code
00:18.11Mattavichit's on a FOREVER loop
00:18.14SweetZombieJesusits commented
00:18.16SweetZombieJesustry to learn from it
00:18.28SweetZombieJesusmiracle your code works remotely tbh
00:18.35BibendusBy submitting the map you grant licensing rights to Blizzard Entertainment, and will not display, post, or share it until after the contest closes on September 11, 2010.
00:18.40MattavichWell it does a lot of stuff in a small amount of code
00:18.41Bibenduswhat the hell is that
00:18.57SweetZombieJesusit means if you submit the next dota (win or not) they own it
00:19.16MattavichIt picks 8 players, spawns specific amount of units at start locations, on the conditions of how many units
00:19.25wOlfLinGhmm... i seem to have a bug :/
00:19.35SweetZombieJesusye but trust me on this, you gotta avoid whiles
00:19.39wOlfLinGThe last column always turns into the mineral column and i have no idea why
00:19.42SweetZombieJesussooner or later they will bite you in the ass
00:19.50SweetZombieJesusand the trigger debugger in sc2 is trash
00:19.51MattavichI managed to make it do that at 1 unit at a time for all 8 players and switch to upgrades units at specific amounts of kills
00:20.21SweetZombieJesusjust pick each player then pick integer for the units
00:20.32SweetZombieJesuspick each are basically for loops made easier
00:20.35Bibendusno the prob is the other one
00:20.40Bibendusand will not display, post, or share it until after the contest closes on September 11, 2010.
00:20.46Bibendusif u can't publish
00:20.47SweetZombieJesusand for loops are just while loops that arent eternal
00:20.48Bibendushow can you test it
00:20.55Bibendusin multiplayer i mean
00:20.57SweetZombieJesuswell share publicly
00:21.03SweetZombieJesusyou can publish online private
00:21.08Bibendusi hope
00:21.16SweetZombieJesusno the option is actually there :P
00:21.23Bibendusyes you can
00:21.25Bibenduspublish private
00:21.27wOlfLinGAh, working now :)
00:21.30Bibendusare u talking to me? :D
00:21.40wOlfLinGForgot to update the current column at the end of the trigger xD
00:21.44Bibendusyou can publish privately
00:21.52Mattavichbrb testing stuff
00:21.55Bibendusand play with friends
00:22.02SweetZombieJesusso test with friends
00:22.23SweetZombieJesusblizz just wants to make sure they can announce the uber cool new map
00:22.37SweetZombieJesusso everyone thinks its their
00:23.44Bibendusfor 5k
00:23.48Bibendusi can do this
00:24.02Bibendusand for an employment
00:24.04Bibendus:V :V
00:24.35wOlfLinGAlright, finished, cleaned up and ready to upload :D
00:24.47TinmanIf you have any epic custom map replays send them to and I will try getting them commentated on my new channel on YouTube . But now I am heading to bed!
00:24.49Bibendusits a 1 month work
00:24.56Bibendus5k$ for 1 month of work
00:25.02Bibendus+ travel to blizzcon
00:25.26Mattavichawesome, code works perfectly
00:25.26Bibendusoh and the map is shown at blizzcon too
00:25.48wOlfLinGlol, nice
00:26.13SweetZombieJesusdid you remove the whiles? :P
00:26.34MattavichYeah I remember why it was there now - left over from code that didnt work before i used the unit dies event
00:27.00SweetZombieJesusthats why you comment :P
00:27.02MattavichI want to begin testing the map with some people. Do I need to set game variants and attributes?
00:27.08SweetZombieJesusso you dont have to randomly remember
00:27.24SweetZombieJesusnah only if you want to force specific settings
00:27.31SweetZombieJesuslike game speed or team size
00:27.38Mattavichlol yeah, well my first project since the days of age of empires 2 conquerors maps. I never even played warcraft either so total newbie
00:27.56MattavichI think game spee dis all i need its 8 player ffa
00:28.06SweetZombieJesusnow update your hero selection lib :P
00:28.19MattavichI'm actually quite happy with it right now but i will likely do it
00:28.31wOlfLinG1) Do librarys have to be localised, and 2) If so, how do i do it?
00:28.50Mattavichmy next challenge is creating a "razing" system for my map. When someone destroys a structure they can get bonuses depending on how many
00:28.57SweetZombieJesusif you are EU
00:28.59SweetZombieJesusand im EU
00:29.02SweetZombieJesusthen i can open it fine
00:29.11SweetZombieJesusany other region has to use a tool first to convert
00:29.19SweetZombieJesusbut you cant do it, they have to do it
00:29.22SweetZombieJesustheres like 20 regions
00:29.33wOlfLinGWhat tool would that be, and should i do it, or the end-user?
00:29.41SweetZombieJesusSC2 localizer
00:29.44SweetZombieJesusits in mapster files
00:30.29MattavichJust watched the video, i'll update soon
00:30.32SweetZombieJesusMattavich: you might be able to do that through data editor, set a bounty
00:30.40SweetZombieJesusofc that will give a bounty every kill
00:30.51wOlfLinGmeh, i'll just put 'unlocalised for clients other than enGB'
00:31.19SweetZombieJesusjust link em to localizer, people will complain in your topic otherwise :P
00:31.19MattavichI was thinking more of just variables, an array.
00:31.26Mattavichthe only problem is "structures"
00:31.27SweetZombieJesusyea thats how i would do it lol
00:31.28Mattavichrather than units
00:31.35SweetZombieJesusbut not all things are best solved in the trigger editor
00:31.38SweetZombieJesusbut data editor confuses me
00:31.41MattavichI hate the data editor, prefer to use triggers
00:31.52SweetZombieJesusi can use it... but so slowly
00:31.59SweetZombieJesusand only basic stuff
00:32.18SweetZombieJesuswhat part of sturctures is a problem?
00:32.21MattavichIt took me forever to make my heros use nukes
00:32.45MattavichWell, for a kill counter it uses the function "unit dies"
00:32.54Mattavichstractures doesn't get flagged as a unit does it
00:33.04SweetZombieJesusthats my nuke
00:33.04MattavichI don't think there is a structure dies function
00:33.07SweetZombieJesusat middle of video
00:33.12SweetZombieJesustrigger style!
00:34.00vjeuxSweetZombieJesus: is the miner a sc2 model?
00:34.08SweetZombieJesusfrom the campaign
00:34.22SweetZombieJesusthought it was pretty cool too :P
00:34.33Mattavichlooks liek team fortess model
00:34.33vjeuxit looks like straight imported from team fortress :p
00:34.41SweetZombieJesuslol without the drill yea
00:36.08SweetZombieJesuswell you can compare the unit that dies with structures
00:36.36SweetZombieJesusah hgere we go
00:37.32*** join/#sc2mapster Galois-evariste (
00:37.38SweetZombieJesusmeh what do i do...
00:37.40SweetZombieJesusbe bored
00:37.51SweetZombieJesusor launch cataclysm for the first time... im scared to be sucked in :(
00:38.12ProzaicMuzelmfao. . . they torture this goa'uld be removing items from a feast that is promised if he gives them information
00:38.22ProzaicMuzeThe Goa'Uld are so pathetic now Xp
00:39.11MattavichThanks SZJ i'll save that for later
00:39.28MattavichWill you have a quick look at my map in the next 10 mins? Tell me what you think
00:39.34slightlyrandomMattavich: Structures are units
00:39.41Mattavichi plan on releasing a 1.0 version and upgrading it the way i would like
00:39.47*** join/#sc2mapster FiveAlarm (
00:41.34Galois-evaristehey guys
00:41.42Galois-evaristehow do you remove fog of war
00:41.51Galois-evaristei'm using a trigger but it will only allow me to do it for a fixed amount of time
00:41.58Galois-evaristerather than repeating it every X seconds is there a simpler way?
00:42.27vjeuxenvironment - visibility
00:42.32vjeuxor something like that
00:42.54Mattavichfunction is in general
00:43.03Mattavichor find an event that better triggers it
00:43.41SweetZombieJesusi always see onetwo using some complicated way in his tutorials :P
00:43.46SweetZombieJesusi really want to point this out to him
00:44.51Mattavichyeah me too
00:44.56Mattavichgood for newbs tho still
00:45.07Mattavichcan you look at my map with me do you have time?
00:45.14Mattavichi wills how you the hero selection on my map
00:45.28SweetZombieJesusyea in 5 mins
00:45.38SweetZombieJesusgo publish it
00:45.55Mattavichthanks, i have it uploaded privately will that work?
00:46.25Mattavichnot quite ready for public yet
00:46.55Mattavichanyone else want to join? it's a similar style map to marine arena
00:47.12SweetZombieJesusjust privately
00:47.23Jannikhphow much does it requrie ?
00:47.29MattavichAdd em to your friends list
00:47.38Jannikhpnot that :)
00:47.46Jannikhpi have a shiti comp :(
00:47.59SweetZombieJesusforums are annoying
00:48.04MattavichMy map is made with some lighting it can be graphics heavy
00:48.05SweetZombieJesusit wont let me format my posts with returns
00:48.17Jannikhpaww :(
00:48.38SweetZombieJesuswhats your name and number Mattavich ?
00:48.59slightlyrandomJannikhp: If you play on low graphic settings, the lights wont show up
00:49.04slightlyrandomand, it won't lag your computer to piece
00:49.07Mattavichname is just mattavich, not sur eon ym number - 1 sec game variants stopping upload
00:49.13wOlfLinGSo, does a library need to be localised or not? Hati's localiser doesn't work on librarys and a search turned up nothing
00:49.35slightlyrandomwOlfLinG: Yes, it does, assuming you're using any kind of text
00:50.18wOlfLinGSweetZombie, thats hati's
00:50.22wOlfLinGAlready have it
00:50.40wOlfLinGNo option to search for .SC2Librarys
00:50.48Jannikhpwhat happens if you don't localises your map :p?
00:50.55wOlfLinGUnless i have to localize the map first, then export :/
00:51.03slightlyrandomText shows up as PARAM\GIBBERISH\NUMBERS
00:51.22wOlfLinGI'll try localizing the map, then exporting
00:51.29Jannikhpa new thing to learn yuupiie
00:51.39slightlyrandomIt's pretty darn simple
00:51.48slightlyrandomOpen program, open map, click button, done
00:52.00MattavichPublished privately - have you added me to friends list in sc2?
00:52.09slightlyrandomCant without your character code
00:52.11slightlyrandomOr rather, won't
00:52.20slightlyrandomNot going trough all 999 combinations AGAIN!
00:52.29SweetZombieJesusdont be a slacker
00:52.40Galois-evaristeyoyo another question
00:52.54Galois-evaristeyou can see your units' health bars
00:53.02SweetZombieJesushm i have to turn my shizzle into a real library
00:53.02Fromethiusi'm still working on it. i'm not sure what the problem is. i can move my infestor somewhere and then burrow him and it works fine. but then if i unburrow him and move him somewhere and then burrow again, it doesn't work
00:53.03Galois-evaristei want to disable this in the editor - any ideas?
00:53.06Constant___Mattavich, are u on EU?
00:53.12Mattavichwhere does it tell me
00:53.14SweetZombieJesusdata or trigger Galois-evariste ?
00:53.17Mattavichyes constant__
00:53.17slightlyrandomActor, UI, Health Bars
00:53.18Constant___hold over your portrait
00:53.20SweetZombieJesusboth ways can be done
00:53.22Galois-evaristewhichever one works
00:53.22Constant___cool ill join if possible
00:53.28Galois-evaristemakes no difference to me
00:53.29SweetZombieJesuslike slightlyrandom says
00:53.34SweetZombieJesusbut Status Bars
00:53.35Mattavichcode 377
00:53.39Constant___i have 377 too lol
00:53.47Galois-evaristei've tried Unit Status Bar -> Disable as a trigger
00:53.48SweetZombieJesusor set Unit State in trigger editor
00:53.49Galois-evaristebut that wasn't it
00:53.57SweetZombieJesus377 isnt your unique code
00:53.58Mattavichdoes that mean we form same area?
00:54.07SweetZombieJesusits your code in combination with your name
00:54.16Constant___if you are from sweden mattavich :p
00:54.20*** part/#sc2mapster Tinman (~bjodeh@
00:54.24Mattavichliverpool england
00:54.42*** part/#sc2mapster TinBot (~bjodeh@
00:54.48Galois-evaristeoutsatanding soldier outstanding
00:54.51Galois-evaristei've already taken care of it - thanks
00:55.17Fromethiusany ideas slightlyrandom?
00:55.47slightlyrandomDebug some stuff
00:56.16Fromethiusi don't know how
00:56.18MattavichAnyone who wants a quick look at my unfinished map add me as a friend mattavich 377
00:56.18Fromethiuswhich actions are those?
00:56.22slightlyrandomDebug message
00:56.28Fromethiusok i'll try that i guess
00:56.28slightlyrandomand output stuff like the point
00:56.43*** join/#sc2mapster Talila (~Lilianna@
00:56.44vjeuxomg now youtube is processing as you upload
00:56.45vjeuxthat's nice
00:56.58SweetZombieJesusnot for me this afternoon
00:57.06vjeuxin some hours you will be able to hear my frenchy voice :p
00:57.14Jannikhpanyone have a idea why my custom turret wich is build on the anti-air turret for the terrens all of a sudden need a wespenegyser to be placed ?
00:57.25slightlyrandomCuissant avec le eiffel tower
00:57.54slightlyrandomJannikhp: Looked at the footprint ?
00:58.03Jannikhpfootprint ?
00:58.36slightlyrandomUnit, Footprint
00:58.54Jannikhpokay just a sec
00:58.56wOlfLinGYay for vjeux's frenchy voice :D
01:00.36*** part/#sc2mapster kill_stuff (
01:01.34Galois-evaristeis turning off health status bars onlyuniversal for units?>
01:01.38Jannikhpslightlyrandom : what am i looking for since i can't seem to find anyplace where it says that it needs a wespene gyser to work -.-
01:01.40Galois-evaristeby that i mean, can i turn it off from a certain player's perspective
01:02.08antares-this is bizarre; has anyone noticed the event unit enters/leaves range of unit won't take a variable for the from unit field? it allows functions (e.g. unit from unitgroup conversions) and doesn't mention anything about requiring literals..
01:02.35mahashirohey guys
01:02.48mahashiroI want to put random tips in the loading screen
01:02.57mahashirobut for my map, isntead of melee
01:03.17mahashirodo you guys know how to do that?
01:03.18Galois-evaristeby variable antares do you mean like a unit from unit group?
01:03.24*** join/#sc2mapster etravex (4b8eef6c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
01:03.27Galois-evaristeor a unit variable?
01:03.43Galois-evaristewhat i normally do is make a group for a unit and just use that - its accepted everywhere from what i've noticed
01:03.47Fromethiusslightlyrandom: it appears to have been a problem with the timer. apparently it takes longer than .1 seconds to change the energy if the unit moves and then burrows/unburrows. any ideas for why that might be?
01:03.55antares-galois: the type for the field is unit, so yes, a unit variable
01:03.59etravexcan someone please tell me what real quick what I change under "lighting" to make it a little darker? by a couple of shades?
01:04.12Galois-evaristei recommend putting 'unit from unit group' in there
01:04.18Galois-evaristeand just having a group that contains a single unit
01:04.21antares-right, I think I'm going to do the same, I found it was just bizarre that it wouldn't take a unit variable, perhaps just a bug?
01:04.23Galois-evaristethat way if it dies you can just respawn it and re-add to the group
01:04.40Galois-evaristeimo it doesn't matter - as long as i can find a way to make it work
01:05.44mahashirofromethius: probably because when it burrows and unburrows, it switches units
01:05.49mahashiroif that's what you're talking about
01:05.53Fromethiusi'm not
01:06.18etravexdoes anyone know?
01:07.36*** join/#sc2mapster fgenesis (
01:08.30etravexplease anyone know what I need to change to drop the lighting down lower and make it darker on a specific tileset I'm using?
01:08.40antares-etravex: it really depends on what effect you're trying to achieve by "darker", turning down hue/saturation, or messing with color balance could do that
01:09.00etravexwell im trying to make it more scary looking
01:09.10*** join/#sc2mapster wOlfLinG (516f48df@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
01:09.31wOlfLinGSo, my library is now uploaded to SC2Mapster :D
01:09.42wOlfLinGAnyone want to check it out? If so, go here:
01:09.43Jannikhpanyone who is bored and wanna help me out by going though my map in the data editor and see what i have done wrong cause at the moment i am all out of ideas as to why my freaking tower needs a vespene gyser -.-
01:10.35SweetZombieJesuslol fun map
01:10.40SweetZombieJesusbut ridiculously unbalanced D:
01:11.17antares-etravex: for a start try turning the colors down in ambient color (leave blue higher than R/G, typically night has a bluish tint..); also turn the specular multiplier down a few notches
01:11.55Saerisugh, this is so frustrating
01:12.13Saerisi can't figure out why my aura won't work properly
01:13.07etravexone more question antares what tab in "lighting" do I locate ambient color?
01:13.24antares-the first one, global
01:13.34SweetZombieJesusMattavich: try the hero selection again, you'll notice lag if you type
01:13.37SweetZombieJesusthats while loop lag
01:13.37etravexok thanks
01:14.18SweetZombieJesusand for some reason my heroes were invisible at selection, but lets see what v2 says about that
01:14.33MattavichThere's a lot fo bugs floating about on the map that's for sure
01:14.39SweetZombieJesusyes indeed
01:14.51SweetZombieJesusbut keep it up
01:14.53SweetZombieJesusit was already fun
01:15.15SweetZombieJesusofcourse it was unbalanced fun :P
01:15.25Saerisanyone experienced with creating aura behaviors that can help me out? I'm trying to make an aura that spreads the aura to other nearby units (so it chains to every unit in range of each other)
01:15.31SweetZombieJesusseeing my hero taking on 200 of randoms units
01:16.06MattavichThe problem is, at around the hunter killer stage you have units with 30 attack
01:16.11Mattavichand your hero will flop
01:16.17jorgenptSweetZombieJesus: What were you talking about when you said "fun map"?
01:16.28Mattavichso in the beginning it may be hero vs hero, but is uppose that might not be good
01:16.42SweetZombieJesusSaeris: there is a Tauren Chieftain example map that includes an aura, you can use that as a base - try searching forums for it
01:17.15Saeriswell i've been able to create an aura successfuly
01:17.18Saerisbut the problem is
01:17.23SweetZombieJesusjorgenpt: we just tested Mattavich's map :P
01:17.36MattavichHehe, Obelisk Hellfire it's called
01:17.38jorgenptOh, okay. What kind of map is it?
01:17.42Saerisit's supposed to give the units within range of the source unit the aura aswell
01:17.45MattavichSimilar to Marine Arena
01:17.47Saerisand i can't get that to work
01:17.49SweetZombieJesuswould be the definition
01:17.54*** join/#sc2mapster Lasion (
01:18.32SweetZombieJesuswell Saeris maybe with a requirement, every unit has the aura but the requirement for it to be enable is the application of that aura
01:19.09vjeuxwOlfLinG: make a video about it :)
01:19.22MattavichLOL [02:09] <Jannikhp> anyone who is bored and wanna help me out by going though my map in the data editor and see what i have done wrong cause at the moment i am all out of ideas as to why my freaking tower needs a vespene gyser -.-
01:19.26Mattavichthat made me laugh
01:19.55MattavichHow did you gmake your tower need a vesp geyser?
01:19.56Saeris>.< that's not a good solution. i'm trying to get it to work now as a proof of concept. the idea is that every unit in the map will be able to recieve the aura from other units
01:20.00Jannikhpi dunno -.-
01:20.14Jannikhpits not even a unit who need's it
01:20.33LasionJannikhp, im a tad drunk atm, but I can look at it? ^^
01:20.41Jannikhphell i am drunk as well
01:20.47Jannikhpso go ahead =)
01:20.55Saerisbecause then for every unit i'd have to put every possible aura on them and then have source units enable/disable them
01:21.07Saerisnot to mention numerous other problems could arise
01:21.26Jannikhpi send a dcc to you :)
01:21.33Lasiontry again
01:21.36Lasionthe dcc is a bit funky
01:21.48Jannikhphmm might as well upload it then
01:21.50Jannikhpjust a sec
01:22.01SweetZombieJesusthen you need your aura to apply the same aura behavior to affected units
01:22.05wOlfLinGvjeux, i'll be putting together a vid with fraps in a sec
01:22.05Lasionthere! finally added it
01:22.11Lasionas accepted dcc request
01:22.19Lasionwas a bit slow on the uptake
01:22.19SweetZombieJesuswith a requirement that the target units do not already have the aura (to prevent looping)
01:22.22Lasiontry again
01:22.28SweetZombieJesusso they all get the identical aura
01:22.34Jannikhpdid you get it ? :)
01:22.45Lasionthis time i got it
01:22.55Lasionstatus: accepting send
01:22.59Saeristhat's taken care of easily, in that you can set the maximum count to 1 for the behavior
01:23.09Lasiongod.. my typing is horrible. have to correct my words over and over again
01:23.28Lasionconnection failed
01:23.44Jannikhpi will go upload it
01:23.46SweetZombieJesuswell then maybe it would work that way?
01:23.48SweetZombieJesustry it i guess
01:23.48Lasiondo that
01:23.49MattavichSweetzombie will you be online tomorrow day UK time? I need to show you the script I developed. I think it's actually really intelligent and it does a lot of stuff in a short amount of code.
01:24.01Saerisalready have it in there
01:24.05Saeristhat's not the problem
01:24.06SweetZombieJesusprob bugfixing my library
01:24.14SweetZombieJesusstart using it and find bugs
01:24.23SweetZombieJesusand come up with suggestions
01:24.24*** join/#sc2mapster progammer (4a3ea6d2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
01:24.32Saerisit's not searching for new units
01:24.39Saerishere, this is how it's set up
01:25.03SaerisAura Behavior > Effect Search > Apply Behavior > Aura Behavior
01:25.49MattavichThe problem with the camera moving to P1 after hero spawn
01:26.00SweetZombieJesusWell im no data editor expert
01:26.05MattavichI have the trigger set to move to "default game camera" after hero spawns
01:26.13MattavichI think that would be the start location of each player
01:26.23SweetZombieJesusso i dont think i can help further :P
01:26.35Saerisalright, thanks for trying
01:26.41Mattavichdefault game camera for picked player
01:26.47Mattavichthat should be their start location hmm
01:27.02SweetZombieJesusmatt default game camera is the location of the camera before hero selection
01:27.35Mattavichoh no sorry
01:27.37MattavichI changed the code
01:27.42Mattavichfrom your default camera
01:27.53MattavichI tried to make it so that it moves to the players default camera
01:28.15Mattavichwhen it ested, it moved ot my start location
01:28.28Mattavichyou or the other guy said it didnt for them,
01:28.35SweetZombieJesusit didnt for me
01:28.41SweetZombieJesusi was looking at something that wasnt my base
01:28.45SweetZombieJesusdidnt realize it then
01:28.56Mattavichdid it go to my base? bottom left?
01:28.59antares-mattavich: why not run a pan camera action.. focus it on the hero or w/e?
01:29.01SweetZombieJesuscould be
01:29.15Mattavichhow do i PM here?
01:29.19SweetZombieJesusdouble clcik
01:29.45SweetZombieJesusmatt,the new libchs saves player camera position
01:29.54SweetZombieJesusand restores it after selection is done
01:29.57*** join/#sc2mapster AgentPaper (
01:30.08RepoNew asset: Scoreboard Library. wOlfLisK (Manager/Author). Approved by Sixen.
01:30.23Mattavichinstead of the restore i had it go to default game camera
01:30.39Galois-evaristecould someone fill me in on what "Pathing Cost between Points" is?
01:30.39wOlfLinGThat's my scoreboard ^^
01:30.41SweetZombieJesusseriously upgrade :P
01:30.45SweetZombieJesusyou are doing too much work
01:30.47Galois-evaristemy intuition says that its the length of the pathing line from point A to B
01:30.49Galois-evaristeis that right?
01:30.57SweetZombieJesusyou are trying to fix bugs in my old lib that arent there anymore
01:32.13SweetZombieJesusi have to turn my lib into a real library too ...
01:32.48SweetZombieJesusbut does the localization tool still work then?
01:32.51*** join/#sc2mapster Galois-evariste (
01:33.52antares-galois: I think pathing cost is the time it would take the unit to travel between two points
01:33.57MattavichInstead of "while" you use "if then else"?
01:34.49SweetZombieJesuspick each integer alot
01:35.28SweetZombieJesusdoes the localization not work on libraries?
01:35.33MattavichStill elarning, a lot im unfamiliar with
01:35.42wOlfLinGdunno. i localised the map, then exported the lib
01:35.49SweetZombieJesuslocalized how?
01:35.50wOlfLinGShould do though
01:35.51SweetZombieJesusfor all regions?
01:35.55wOlfLinGWith hati's localiser
01:36.04wOlfLinGWhat region are you in?
01:36.07SweetZombieJesusyea but you can only localize for 1 region i thought
01:36.09SweetZombieJesusim eu
01:36.20wOlfLinGIf other than the UK, download my library and test it
01:36.34SweetZombieJesusyea i tried it
01:36.36SweetZombieJesusand i can see text
01:36.42*** join/#sc2mapster ckknight (~ckknight@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/CurseStaff/CurseForge/ckknight)
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01:36.42wOlfLinGok, so it should work
01:36.47SweetZombieJesusbut Uk might = EU
01:36.51*** join/#sc2mapster Polynomial (~burningma@
01:36.53wOlfLinGDon't think so
01:37.01SweetZombieJesusim UK too
01:37.05wOlfLinGTheres frFR etc
01:37.07SweetZombieJesussince im dutch
01:37.11SweetZombieJesusim using english version
01:37.12wOlfLinGSo that meant nothing xD
01:37.13SweetZombieJesusso must be UK
01:37.20OtixaPEW PEW PEW
01:37.20SweetZombieJesusok but
01:37.28SweetZombieJesuscant we just convert all strings to all regions?
01:37.33SweetZombieJesusenglish for frenchies too etc
01:37.40SweetZombieJesusso no more localizer neccesairy
01:37.41RaydenUnii swear
01:37.52RaydenUnitrying to modify a map and a mod at the same time is just asking for the editor to crash
01:37.54wOlfLinGAnyway, about to take a vid of my library using fraps free version. Don't ping me >:(
01:38.06RaydenUniwOlfLinG, wat?
01:38.14Otixawut lib?
01:38.21Otixasmacks wOlfLinG
01:38.25wOlfLinGCheck recent assets
01:38.29wOlfLinGAnd stoppit!
01:38.38OtixawOlfLinG, what lib? >:[
01:38.43OtixaTELL US
01:38.45wOlfLinGOk, i'm leaving the channel for 5 mins
01:38.45SweetZombieJesussup man
01:38.52RaydenUnithat sounds good
01:39.01SweetZombieJesusbullying works
01:39.06RaydenUnias long as he's connect to IRC you can ping him...
01:39.08RaydenUnibut that's mean
01:39.23OtixaSo ehh
01:39.24SweetZombieJesusnah he quit
01:39.26OtixaSup guys?
01:39.28SweetZombieJesushe aint on irc
01:39.30Constant___can someone help me? im making a TD and with a new wave I want to set the mobs HP to a variable, I have been looking for the right function to do this forever now, how do I do it?
01:39.40nitroballsay hello to my little friend:
01:39.45SweetZombieJesusSet Unit Property
01:39.46*** join/#sc2mapster progammer_ (4a3ea6d2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
01:39.46Mattavichset or modify variable
01:39.48OtixaUnit - Set Unit Property
01:39.52OtixaLife (Max)
01:40.49Otixanitroball, where's the normal map? >:[
01:40.57OtixaThis isn't WC3!
01:41.15OtixaLooks nice tho :D
01:41.29Otixapro unwrap too
01:41.29*** join/#sc2mapster corbo (~thecorbo@
01:41.32Constant___thx guys, how do I do it for all mobs I spawned? with this --- Create Units With Default Facing    Count: 5    Type: Zergling    Player: 15    Point: Center Of Region        Region: WestSpawnP1    Flags: No Options
01:41.55nitroballOtixa, I started the whole model yesterday from scratch
01:41.59OtixaTho, you could prolly do vertical symmetry on the body and buy some delicious texture space
01:42.11corbolemme look
01:42.59OtixaI'm mostly done with the flag btw :D
01:42.59OtixaJust need to do the alpha map, tweak the specular and do animations
01:43.03OtixaConstant___ >:/
01:43.04Otixa04:39] <Otixa> Unit - Set Unit Property
01:43.04Otixa[04:39] <Otixa> Life (Max)
01:43.38Constant___<Constant___> thx guys, how do I do it for all mobs I spawned? with this --- Create Units With Default Facing    Count: 5    Type: Zergling    Player: 15    Point: Center Of Region        Region: WestSpawnP1    Flags: No Options
01:43.49OtixaIt's 4:30AM ;p
01:44.10OtixaJust the action on the bottom
01:44.14OtixaFor last created unit
01:44.38OtixaTho, it may not work properly
01:44.43OtixaYou may need to do a for loop
01:44.52OtixaAnd spawn them one at a time, then set their health
01:45.16Constant___ok thx
01:46.21nitroballOtixa, here's the normal map, actually baked in the bump map:
01:46.42Constant___is there an action for making a for loop?
01:46.47OtixaThat's a fake normal map tho
01:46.50OtixaLazy nitroball
01:46.54Otixasmacks nitroball
01:47.02Constant___nvm ill use if/then
01:47.05OtixaConstant___, yeh, for loop :/
01:47.24Constant___oh ><
01:47.24nitroballit's not a SC2 normal map
01:47.46OtixaSC2 normal map? <_<
01:47.52Mattavichwoohoo, good news is i replaced the core of what will cause the slowdown
01:48.02Mattavichreplaced the whiles with if then else
01:48.06OtixaThe who in the what now?
01:48.22MattavichUnit produce slower but i think stille venly
01:48.33Mattavichlol ym map
01:48.35Mattavichobelisk hellfire
01:48.40nitroballI remeber seeing that the R and B values are switched or something
01:48.52SweetZombieJesusbtw i didnt see any hellfire
01:48.53Mattavichit had an error "too many threads" and began running slowly
01:48.56nitroballfor the SC2 normals
01:49.15Otixanitroball, prolly inverted G channel then
01:49.17MattavichWell because it was my first ever test with other players it was so unbalanced
01:49.23OtixaThat's pretty common across all engines
01:49.41Mattavichi'm influenced by a map called archers hellfire from age of empires 2 kings conquerors
01:49.58OtixaMattavich, show when done
01:50.01Mattavichthe hellfire is meant to be an explosion/nuke which bombs the hill where you get your bonus
01:50.18*** join/#sc2mapster RedWraith (
01:50.18*** join/#sc2mapster Piercing (43f0052a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
01:50.18MattavichI changed the hellfire to fire from heros instead
01:50.20Otixanitroball, basically, if you're bacing with Max or something
01:50.28OtixaThe green channel is almost always fucked
01:50.35RedWraithIs there any way to play that card game in the US?
01:50.41MattavichSZJ - It's basically a nuke you get periodically
01:50.42OtixaAnd in the baking engine there's usually a checkbox or something where you can flip it
01:50.49Mattavichit stops people getting too powerful form the hill buff
01:51.02Mattavichi think i gave too many too quickly
01:51.05PiercingI got a question, don't know if any of you could answer it.
01:51.07OtixaThe proper is "green - down", I think
01:51.11SweetZombieJesushm trying to convert my library to a real library now
01:51.14SweetZombieJesusbut its hard :<<<<
01:51.24nitroballyah, you can flip it in Modo
01:51.25RaydenUnii'm having a bug  with inventory
01:51.28MattavichShould iw ait for you to finish befor upgrading?
01:51.34SweetZombieJesuswill be the same
01:51.37PiercingAny of you know how to get an .mp3 file playable in sc2 editor?
01:51.40SweetZombieJesusas good as the same
01:51.45SweetZombieJesusi hope
01:51.46RaydenUniif i click one unit with a small inventory, or maybe inventory of type A and then one with type B it shows the inventory spots for A and B
01:51.47SweetZombieJesusi dont know
01:51.56SweetZombieJesusyou can wait
01:51.57OtixaPiercing, afaik, SC2 only uses OGG
01:52.00SweetZombieJesusprolly better
01:52.07PiercingSo, if i convert, it should work?
01:52.13MattavichBTW thanks for creating it. It wasn't hard to implement and really adds to the player experience of the map
01:52.19PiercingIf i get OGG, what would I do with that, just get it in the import menu?
01:52.22SweetZombieJesusyoure welcome
01:52.23MattavichI wouldn't have been able to do it alone
01:52.29MattavichI'll add you to credits
01:52.31SweetZombieJesusi cant make maps alone but i can do this ^^
01:52.35Mattavichwhereever they will be
01:52.39OtixaPiercing, no, you eat it ;p
01:52.45OtixaAnyway, I'm off to bed
01:52.48Otixabai gaiz o/
01:53.05MattavichWell i'm starting to realize that pulling triggers like modules form librarys is how the really good maps will be made
01:53.14MattavichI stole marine arenas victory conditions haha
01:53.33SweetZombieJesusin library form
01:53.41SweetZombieJesusit works perfectly EXPECT it wont show unit model
01:53.53SweetZombieJesusother than that it all works like it should
01:54.01SweetZombieJesusso the unit definetly excists or there would be no icons
01:54.09SweetZombieJesuswhen i choose a hero, i get it...
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01:54.16SweetZombieJesusbut just invisible during picking
01:54.26SweetZombieJesuskinda like you had
01:56.06MattavichI'm stumped as to why you couldnt see them unit
01:56.11Mattavichonly thing i can think of is models
01:56.18SweetZombieJesusi dunno
01:56.24Mattavichdependency issue
01:56.33SweetZombieJesusmaybe but shouldnt be
01:56.38SweetZombieJesusi have all maps
01:56.52Mattavichplacement issue maybe?
01:57.24SweetZombieJesusreally dont know
01:57.27SweetZombieJesuslets call it a fluke
01:57.56Mattavichmaybe my "whiles" followed you :P
01:58.05SweetZombieJesusthey have it in for me
01:58.13SweetZombieJesusthey know how i feel about them
01:58.15MattavichObelisk hellfire feels smoother now i got rid of the whiles
01:59.00MattavichI'm still using a forever loop to look through 20 conditions+ though
01:59.07MattavichWhich will grow to maybe 50
01:59.14Mattavichas i add more units with upgrades
01:59.21Mattavichno way of changing it
01:59.23RedWraithHey guys
01:59.30RedWraithI'm making a settlers of catan port
01:59.34RedWraithwhat unit
01:59.39RedWraithor, building rather,
01:59.45SweetZombieJesustheres always a way of changing it
01:59.47RedWraithbest represents the following resources:
01:59.50SweetZombieJesuslike a periodic event
02:00.06MattavichWell the periodic event is basically "spawn unit for 8 players
02:00.08RedWraithI've already got races figured out.
02:00.18SweetZombieJesusyes and dont do that in a while :P
02:00.23SweetZombieJesusfirs tof all
02:00.32SweetZombieJesuswith periodic event you can tell exactly when it happens
02:00.50SweetZombieJesusyou can even set the period to 0.05s
02:00.57SweetZombieJesusand its still much better than a while
02:01.04SweetZombieJesussince a while checks thousands of time per second
02:01.10SweetZombieJesustens of thousands
02:01.31MattavichI really need to showe you the script at some point. It's actually really simple and cuts down on A LOT of duplication
02:01.50MattavichI had the whiel with a "wait" action
02:01.56Mattavichit was checking 0.3
02:02.10SweetZombieJesusaha i know why i couldnt see my unit
02:02.11SweetZombieJesusso silly
02:02.15SweetZombieJesusfog of war was hiding it
02:02.26SweetZombieJesusand camera was in the middle of fog
02:02.27MattavichI had fog of war revealed for all players hmmm
02:02.32SweetZombieJesusyea not in your case
02:02.34SweetZombieJesusthats still a fluke
02:02.50Mattavichmaybe not, sometimes its hard tot ell maybe a bug in my code
02:03.12MattavichOMG YES
02:03.13Mattavichit is
02:03.30Mattavichhaha i changed the revealer to that area but didnt do it for all players
02:03.31*** join/#sc2mapster wOlfLinG (516f48df@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
02:03.39Mattavichi made the decision to reveal the midde of the map permantently
02:03.57wOlfLinGSo, turns out i cannot make videos at all :(
02:04.02Mattavichdidnt do for 3-8
02:04.06wOlfLinGCamputer locks up when i try ><
02:04.14wOlfLinGCan someone make one for me?
02:05.19ekcolnovkolHEY SIXEN
02:05.27ekcolnovkolforget the curse premium, i want a full years worth of pizza
02:05.50*** join/#sc2mapster AsaPhelps (
02:05.58MattavichSZJ I was about to say - What I really need is a way to completely disable specific "if-then-else" statements in my loop trigger
02:06.01Mattavichis that possible?
02:06.15MattavichBecause they become useless after some time and only eat up cycles
02:06.18SweetZombieJesusi can tomorrow wOlfLinG
02:06.50SweetZombieJesuswell stop using loop lol
02:07.00SweetZombieJesusand really
02:07.04SweetZombieJesusyou are concerned about cycles
02:07.06MattavichFor example, after every player progresses past your starting unit. I would like to disable the if statements and stop chekcing conditions for that particular one
02:07.07Constant___w0lfLing how?
02:07.14SweetZombieJesusyou are wasting MILLIONS of cycles with that permanent loop
02:07.18SweetZombieJesuslitterally millions
02:07.20SweetZombieJesusin seconds
02:07.29MattavichIt's the only real way
02:07.33SweetZombieJesusits not
02:07.34MattavichI can think of
02:07.35SweetZombieJesusit cant be
02:07.43SweetZombieJesusperiodic event
02:07.46MattavichThe other way is to create hundreds of lines of triggers
02:07.47SweetZombieJesusis the solution
02:08.01MattavichOh, yes I will make it periodic
02:08.09SweetZombieJesusperiodic event does the same thing as a permanent loop (you can even turn the trigger on or off unlike a loop)
02:08.12Mattavichbut still a lot fo wastage as the trigger gets very long
02:08.19SweetZombieJesusdont worry about that
02:08.23SweetZombieJesusthats only the lines you see
02:08.26MattavichThe trigger will be over 100 lines long and over 50 conditions
02:08.34SweetZombieJesusa while loop does near inifinite cycles
02:08.39SweetZombieJesusnot a problem
02:08.43SweetZombieJesusbut with 50 conditions
02:08.46*** join/#sc2mapster Mindful (
02:08.49Jannikhpthat's a long trigger o.o
02:08.52SweetZombieJesusyou should consider using a switch statement for readability
02:09.48*** join/#sc2mapster Terin (
02:09.58Constant___Otixa: guys why isnt this working --- Set Unit Property    Unit: Last Created Unit    Property: Life    Value: Arithmetic (Real)        Value 1: Unit Property            Unit: Last Created Unit         Property: Life            Current: Current        Operator: +        Value 2: 15.0
02:10.43SweetZombieJesususe modify unit property
02:10.44Mattavichmaybe vitality?
02:10.53SweetZombieJesusset will work too but is more work
02:11.23MattavichSZJ what's your email i'll send you exactly what my trigger does
02:11.26SweetZombieJesuswith Modify Unit (Life) you only have to do +15
02:11.32MattavichIt's simple, but long
02:11.33Constant___oh i didnt know that eisted
02:11.33SweetZombieJesusjust send over irc
02:12.12SweetZombieJesusok my bad
02:12.17SweetZombieJesusthat doesnt actually excist
02:12.27Constant___nope :P
02:12.29SweetZombieJesusconfused with player property
02:12.48SweetZombieJesusmake a screeny
02:12.51SweetZombieJesusi cant read it at all here
02:13.59Constant___now i tried to convert integer to int at the end, but that didnt make a difference
02:14.22Constant___i dont understand why it wants to use arithmetic Real instead of Int ><
02:15.53MattavichPeriodic event working much more efficiently ic an tell. will show you trigger now
02:15.57SweetZombieJesusLife values are in real
02:15.59SweetZombieJesusyou dont see it
02:16.06SweetZombieJesusbut they are 100.0000
02:16.19SweetZombieJesusso you can substract or add 0.2 for example
02:16.22SweetZombieJesusthats why you add real
02:16.43SweetZombieJesusanyways that action should work just fine
02:16.50SweetZombieJesusit takes current life and adds 15
02:16.54AsaPhelps~seen reactorex
02:16.55purlreactorex is currently on #sc2mapster. Has said a total of 70 messages. Is idling for 20h 17m 45s, last said: '~seen MotiveMe'.
02:16.57SweetZombieJesusyou sure you want current life?
02:17.13Constant___yeah want to edit their hp just when they spawn
02:17.25MattavichThe challenge is to create a specific unit for all 8 players. When a player reaches a specific amount of kills e.g. 100 then spawn a new unit type while still spawning the other unit type for other players. AND do this EVENLY.
02:17.25SweetZombieJesusok but dont they spawn with full hp?
02:17.35SweetZombieJesusgah this is hard
02:17.42SweetZombieJesushelping you 2 and doing my own map at the same time
02:17.45SweetZombieJesusalso sleepy
02:17.57Constant___I just realised not even                 Unit - Set (Last created unit) Life to 55.0
02:17.57SweetZombieJesusyea i cant read that
02:18.06MattavichThis is the trigger, it carries on very long with a list of all the units and conditions on which they spawn
02:18.10SweetZombieJesuswhats your last created unit?
02:18.11Mattavichthis is doen for 8 players
02:18.21SweetZombieJesustry looking there
02:18.39Repo10killing-platform: 03Atraeus * r62 unit_branch/killing-platform.SC2Map: Menu trigger fix
02:18.49Constant___mattavich are you doing the same thing for 8 players?
02:18.52MattavichWhat that does is tell the game NOT to spawn a unit for the player who it had just spawned a unit for
02:18.54SweetZombieJesusmatt make a screenshot
02:18.59SweetZombieJesuscause i cant read it in this formatting
02:19.13Mattavichconstant - the script does it for 8 players at the same time
02:19.19Mattavichwhere od i send it?
02:19.25Mattavichnvm ill host somewhere
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02:19.48SweetZombieJesusConstant___: i dont know, must be some other action interfering
02:19.51SweetZombieJesusgo bughunt it :P
02:21.02Constant___i dont even know what real is lol
02:21.33Mattavichnumber wiht decimal
02:21.45SweetZombieJesusinteger cant have decimal
02:21.53Constant___ah ok
02:22.17MattavichI pick a player form playergroup then check these conditions and spawn the "true" unit
02:22.18SweetZombieJesuswhat is Main playergroup ?
02:22.24Mattavichall 8 players
02:22.27SweetZombieJesusok instead
02:22.29*** join/#sc2mapster Galois-evariste (
02:22.32SweetZombieJesususe Active Players preset
02:22.45MattavichIt doesn't work for comps i think
02:22.46SweetZombieJesusso only players that are ingame will be picked
02:22.48SweetZombieJesusit does
02:22.50Mattavichthats why ia int used it
02:23.03SweetZombieJesusit does absolutely work for computer
02:23.05MattavichI have 3 neutrals too
02:23.11SweetZombieJesusno it doesnt pick for neutral
02:23.16SweetZombieJesusbut you can use All Players
02:23.19Mattavichthere is a bug and i have a crappy workaround which prevents units spawning
02:23.20SweetZombieJesusthen it picks for .. all players
02:23.32SweetZombieJesusyes but minimizing things like this is how you prevent bugs
02:23.46SweetZombieJesusif you want it for all players then set it to all players
02:23.51MattavichThe onyl workaround i could think of is to create units for a neutral off-map and kill them
02:23.59*** join/#sc2mapster Rodrigo (cf06e61b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
02:24.05SweetZombieJesuslemme look
02:24.29MattavichThe problem was, without the                         (Picked player) != (Owner of (Last created unit))
02:24.33SweetZombieJesusok your array Kill Counter
02:24.38SweetZombieJesusyou dont use index 0 ?
02:24.39Mattavichthe game would spawn player units 1 at a time
02:24.53Mattavich60 units for player 1- 60 units for player 2 etc
02:24.56Mattavichwith                         (Picked player) != (Owner of (Last created unit))
02:25.06Mattavichit will not spawn for the last player it spawned for
02:25.07RodrigoSo, published maps cannot join the Blizzard map contest?
02:25.19SweetZombieJesusdont think so
02:25.21SweetZombieJesusdunno exactly
02:25.31Mattavichthe problem wiht that is, if all 7 players have units and player 1 has none, it wont spawn
02:25.32Rodrigoand the contest will select the "Best" maps, but all the "best maps" cannot join the contest?
02:25.50SweetZombieJesusthey want people to make something cool in 3 weeks i guess
02:25.52MattavichSo i secretly sacrafice a neutral player 9 where no one can see haha
02:25.56SweetZombieJesusnot just submit old awesome work
02:26.40SweetZombieJesusyou dont use index 0 of array Kill Counter ?
02:26.43MattavichThe main thing the script needs is a way to turn old redundant if-then-else off
02:26.45Constant___Set Unit Property must be sooooo bugged
02:26.57Mattavichnot sure what you mean?
02:27.02SweetZombieJesusthe array
02:27.09SweetZombieJesusyou call it with Picked Player
02:27.15Rodrigowell, I made Debates in 1 week
02:27.24SweetZombieJesusnormally player 0 is neutral
02:27.32Rodrigoits possible to make a good map in 3 weeks. the problem is that it's impossible to DEBUG a map in 3 weeks
02:27.33SweetZombieJesusdo you want a neutral palyer to have a kill counter?
02:27.36MattavichI ahve neutral on the map
02:27.44RodrigoIm 4 weeks debugging debates and adding new features
02:28.00MattavichNo, I set it as a condition in the "unit dies" kill counter trigger
02:28.04Rodrigoits impossible to release a map not-published thats is not bugged
02:28.15Rodrigospecially a TD
02:28.20Rodrigoyou have to play a lot until you finally balance it
02:28.25Mattavichi place this in ym unit die for kill counter trigger
02:28.32Mattavichsorry, 1 sec
02:28.34SweetZombieJesusok well
02:28.36SweetZombieJesusits all iffy
02:28.46SweetZombieJesusthe things you do
02:28.49SweetZombieJesusscare me :<
02:29.00Mattavichlol why? I think this script is genius it saves so much work
02:29.09Galois-evaristehow do i increase the limit of a unit's sight radius beyond its cap?
02:29.12SweetZombieJesusyea but you cant change it
02:29.16SweetZombieJesusyou are stuck with this now
02:29.24SweetZombieJesusif you keep working based on this
02:29.24Mattavichdata editor - clickt he unit - sight radius in right side
02:29.30Galois-evaristenot that simple
02:29.40Galois-evaristethere is a point where it doesn't get any bigger
02:29.45Galois-evaristeso there is a cap when i do it thjat way
02:29.52SweetZombieJesuscreate a revealer that moves with the unit
02:30.01Galois-evaristenext best thing - i was hoping for a way around it but okay
02:30.05Rodrigoso, all my maps cannot join the contest?
02:30.21Galois-evaristethere's a contest?
02:30.24Rodrigonexus wars cannot join the contest? not any map on first page or second page or third page, or even page 300?
02:30.33SweetZombieJesusi guess
02:30.46Galois-evaristeeasy rodrigo
02:30.51Galois-evaristejust remove your map from blizzard's list
02:30.55Galois-evaristethen send it in
02:31.08Rodrigoblizzard will select the best maps on, but the best maps on cannot join the contest
02:31.08SweetZombieJesuscool if that worked :P
02:31.22Galois-evaristelol i don't believe that
02:31.26Galois-evaristeit can't be that simple
02:31.28Galois-evaristethat's dumb
02:31.30MattavichSZJ how would you do it rather than making multiple triggers for each player?
02:31.31Galois-evaristecan i get a link to this contest?
02:31.40Mattavichim trying to make it work through the pick eahc player function
02:31.41Galois-evaristei think blizzard is looking for candidates for that money for mapping thing
02:32.03SweetZombieJesuslike you have now but without the kill counter for neutral player, the work arounds
02:32.16SweetZombieJesusyou dont need all that
02:32.17Constant___SweetZombieJesus, guess what? I think I've been editing Life instead of Maximum Life, testing now lol
02:32.25RodrigoI doubt a popular map that will be deleted from the popular list just to join a contest
02:32.27MattavichWell the kill counter is just being read
02:32.28Galois-evaristethat is pretty dumb
02:32.32Mattavichwill that have an impact?
02:32.37SweetZombieJesusConstant___ i did ask if you were sure you ment Current life ... :P
02:32.42Galois-evaristei think they just want a map nobody's played so that they can justify making you pay to play it
02:32.46MattavichHow can i change it for just p1-8 then?
02:33.06Rodrigobut the best maps are published
02:33.08SweetZombieJesusnah being read isnt the point, its that it all becomes unclear what it does exactly in what situation
02:33.16Rodrigoyou can't say "THIS IS THE BEST CUSTOM MAP"
02:33.19Rodrigowhen its NOT
02:33.27Constant___>< thoght you ment currnet where it said current
02:33.29Rodrigowhen theres 50 best maps published
02:33.30SweetZombieJesusok tell me in simplest terms what should this trigger do
02:33.40SweetZombieJesusspawn 2 units for each player in game?
02:34.24SweetZombieJesusthat first if statement
02:34.29*** join/#sc2mapster Dashkal (~dashkal@WoWUIDev/Nexus/dashkal)
02:35.01Mattavichit spawns approx 60 units for 8 players - it does this evenly between them - it checks the killcounter and if over x amount of kills, spawn a different unit
02:35.54SweetZombieJesusok well
02:35.59SweetZombieJesusthe 8 players
02:36.06SweetZombieJesusare only real players?
02:36.08SweetZombieJesusor computers
02:36.28Mattavichno once live they will be either real people or none
02:36.45SweetZombieJesusok then put it to Active Players
02:36.50SweetZombieJesusnot Main playergroup
02:36.59Mindfulanyone experienced with galaxy?
02:37.09SweetZombieJesusthen remove (Picked player) != (Owner of (Last created unit))
02:37.19Mattavich1 sec
02:37.30Mattavichif i do that it will spawn 60 units for p1, then 60 for p2
02:37.39Mattavichthat condition makes sure it spawns 2 for p1 2 for p2
02:37.41Mattavichin a cycle
02:37.54Mattavichi haven't found anything better
02:38.05SweetZombieJesusthats just cause of some other bug
02:38.16SweetZombieJesusyou have to think logic
02:38.21Constant___SweetZombieJesus: woho, works :D
02:38.25MattavichIf i can get rid of it, that will cut down on a conditions
02:38.29SweetZombieJesusif logic fails then you are simply not comprehensing the code
02:38.34*** join/#sc2mapster antares- (
02:39.01volteI wonder if there is a way to unlink the whole
02:39.07Constant___can anyone suggest a leaderboard not the big fat one? can I change the style somehow?
02:39.07volte"rank" thing from kills
02:39.13SweetZombieJesusok so
02:39.22SweetZombieJesusthe big fat list of Order all units
02:39.27SweetZombieJesusinstead of that
02:39.30MattavichOh yeah that sucks
02:39.33SweetZombieJesusin your map initialization
02:39.45SweetZombieJesusyou put all of those regions in a region array
02:39.52SweetZombieJesusindex 0 of that array will be the region for player 1
02:39.56SweetZombieJesusindex1 = player 2
02:40.14MattavichAh ok, not very good with array but will do it if it can work
02:40.37SweetZombieJesusthen instead of this list of you put down Unit - Order all units in (Array[Picked Player - 1])
02:40.39Mindfulany galaxy users? i've just got one simple question; I don't really understand how I can pass strings to custom script (it saves them somewhere or something)
02:40.41MattavichI think i get it, just like i did with play to playergroup
02:40.55Mindfuler, text
02:41.02Mindfulpass text, rather
02:41.20MattavichOhhhhhhh now i understand what you meant about playergroup
02:41.22SweetZombieJesusMattavich if you want to learn that, try to understand the hero selection lib
02:41.26SweetZombieJesusv1 is not that complicated
02:41.27Mattavichand why you put picked player - 1
02:41.31SweetZombieJesusand i do that array thing ALL the time
02:42.07MattavichI see how i need ot update my killcounter now too
02:42.08SweetZombieJesusnow i want some me time
02:42.13SweetZombieJesusand work on my lib a bit >_<
02:42.23Mattavichi want some bedtime haha nearly 4am
02:42.27Mattavichthanks for the help
02:42.36SweetZombieJesusnext time i prefer to just fix up your map myself :P
02:42.40SweetZombieJesusand use comments
02:42.47SweetZombieJesusseriously everything you make, immediatly comment
02:42.58SweetZombieJesusfor yourself and other people
02:43.38SweetZombieJesusnow i have no idea where i was with my lib =/
02:43.50SweetZombieJesuso right
02:44.34*** join/#sc2mapster Corey (
02:46.20Constant___is it possible to change leaderboard style? or are there any other boxes u can use instead? I dont like the fat one
02:46.39MattavichI'm sure it is i've seen soem really nice leaderboards
02:46.50SweetZombieJesusdunno not worke dwiht em yet
02:46.50Mattavichim sure nexus wars uses a really compact one actuallly.....
02:46.57Constant___me too, thinking they might be mods tho i dno
02:47.01Mattavich*carries on removing while loops*
02:47.13Mindfulok, well i figured some of this out
02:47.18Constant___i haven't made a single while loop yet lol
02:47.19Mindfuldoes anyone know if there is a way to add fields to the text editor?
02:47.48MattavichI have about 8 while loops inside a forever loop with about 9 wait actions
02:47.55Mattavichim silly
02:48.18*** join/#sc2mapster Terin (
02:48.20got_Ammo_mindful: i was helping you the other day with galaxy scripting, right?
02:48.26SweetZombieJesuswish i knew Mindful
02:48.40SweetZombieJesusthats why youre a monster Mattavich
02:48.43SweetZombieJesustrying to be all mean to me
02:48.49SweetZombieJesusi know you made those whiles just to upset me
02:48.58Mindfulyeh Ammo
02:49.07Mindfulyou were awsome :P
02:49.14got_Ammowell I was working on my own stuff and did some testing you'll find relevent
02:49.23Mindfuli got the whole creating triggers thing working
02:49.45got_Ammoyeah that's what I was testing, creating a trigger/event on the fly
02:49.47Mindfulwhen you create a trigger the string it takes isn't the trigger name, it's the function that the trigger is
02:50.01Mindfulthe closest thing triggers have to a name is whatever handle you assign to them
02:50.42got_Ammowhat I tested is this: if you create a new trigger with TriggerCreate and bind it to an event, it's unique, even if you create two triggers with TriggerCreate that use the same function
02:50.57got_Ammowhat matters is the trigger variable that is returned that you pass to the event stuff
02:51.03got_Ammoor triggerdestroy, etc
02:51.15vailrethwhat do you need to do with the text editor Mindful?
02:51.28Mindfulwhen script prints text
02:51.32got_Ammoalso that trigger variable can be local and discarded immediately if you don't need access to the trigger again
02:51.35Mindfulit actually references it from somewhere in the text editor
02:51.54Mindfulthe only way i see to make that reference
02:52.00Mindfulis to add some text to script in GUI
02:52.11got_Ammooh are you talking about making new text objects?
02:52.12Mindfuland got_ammo - what if i created a trigger and didn't assign it a variable at all?
02:52.15Mindfulwould it he handle-less
02:52.17Mindfuland yes
02:52.25got_Ammoyou mean if you just passed it directly into eventblabla
02:52.25Mindfulthat's exactly what I'm talking about :P
02:52.39got_Ammoyeah you'd have no way to ever kill the trigger, but it'd be fine
02:52.54Mindfulthat's fine though, the trigger i'm creating now (TriggerCreate is addictive) kills itself :P
02:53.08Mindfulabout making new text objects though
02:53.11Mindfuldo you know how to do that?
02:53.29got_Ammounfortunately no, but if you figure it out i'm really interested
02:53.37Sixenekcolnovkol: lol
02:53.43Mindfulwell, the really annoying way is to make a GUI action that prints some text D:
02:53.45*** join/#sc2mapster Rodrigo (cf06e61b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
02:54.03got_Ammomy stupid way of doing it was creating text variables and then disabling the
02:54.13Mindfulyou know what
02:54.17Mindfulthat's the best i've heard so far
02:54.27got_Ammoit's pretty stupid though
02:54.34Mindfulyeah, but it's better than my empty gui action method
02:54.34got_Ammoi'm guessing there's a better way, maybe with xml
02:54.41Mindfuli bet you're right
02:55.05*** join/#sc2mapster Komodo1138 (464bbfba@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
02:57.06allenmelonis THE card game on US servers?
02:58.17AsaPhelpsanyone want to help me test my map? its terrible though
02:58.24*** join/#sc2mapster Galois-evariste (
02:58.32voltethat's suretoinspire help, AsaPhelps :P
02:58.43Galois-evaristei've made a revealer variable and since i couldn't delcare what it was going to be initially i've made a trigger to say what it is
02:58.54Galois-evaristethen i said to make the revealer variable equal to the last created one
02:59.00Galois-evaristewhich makes sense to me
02:59.13Galois-evaristewhen i tell the revealer to update its location, it doesn't do anything
02:59.22Galois-evaristei know that this action is being called for sure
02:59.31Galois-evaristeso i'm lead to thinik that the revealer variable was never assigned to the created one
02:59.36Galois-evaristewaht the fuuu
02:59.48Galois-evaristequestion mark
02:59.59got_Ammoare you assigning it via last created revealer immediately after its creation?
03:00.29Galois-evaristeits the very next line
03:00.36Galois-evaristeand i have no other revealers int he map so its not conflicting
03:00.39got_Ammoand it's a global variable?
03:00.42Galois-evaristeit is yes
03:00.57AsaPhelpsvolte want to give it a go, or are you not manly enough?
03:01.00*** join/#sc2mapster KiwiWarrior (
03:01.00got_Ammotry immediately using that variable to delete the revealer
03:01.06got_Ammothat'll let you know if there is a problem with that part of it
03:01.15volteI'm definitely not manly enough
03:01.23Galois-evaristei don't understand that
03:01.23AsaPhelpswhat about womanly enough?
03:01.39volteI'm working, how long will it take?
03:02.07Mindfulammo, this is definitely the best way I can find of doing it (the disabled variables)
03:02.10Galois-evaristethat's very clear and cut
03:02.11Mindfulit's pretty funny though
03:02.13KiwiWarriorhey how do you make spawns in data editor can you make spawns in data editor
03:02.30AsaPhelps5 minutes max probably
03:02.32Galois-evaristewhat are spawns?
03:02.37Galois-evaristei don't even
03:02.41AsaPhelpsI just want to make sure all my things are working so far
03:02.45volteAsaPhelps: ok lets do this
03:03.10*** part/#sc2mapster KiwiWarrior (
03:03.13MolsterrQuick question, How do I add a var to a text actor's text?
03:03.26Galois-evaristei don't uinderstand that molsterr
03:03.31Galois-evaristetext actor?
03:03.46Molsterryes a text actor
03:03.49got_AmmoGalois-evariste: my first suggestion is that you use the variable you just assigned to delete the revealer immediately, this will let you know if the variable is assigned properly
03:03.55Molsterrits the actor that displays text at an attachment point
03:03.58Galois-evaristenever heard of it but here's what i'd do if i were trying to display a text message
03:04.08Galois-evaristeammo ill read that in a sec
03:04.12Galois-evaristemolsterr here's what you do
03:04.17Galois-evaristewhen it asks you to input text
03:04.20Galois-evaristeyou go to functions
03:04.24Galois-evaristeand select "text with search replacement"
03:04.35Galois-evaristeas i said if i were making a text message that's what i'd do
03:04.45Molsterrwhen you send an actor message it wont let you select a function for the text sent to the actor
03:04.46Galois-evaristeso if you can't get text with search replacement then idkwtf
03:04.59Molsterryeah its super annoying
03:05.07volteAsaPhelps: I don't  have all day
03:05.07Molsterrall the normal ways dont work.
03:05.08voltelets go
03:05.33Galois-evaristeoh awit ammo i gotcha now
03:05.39Galois-evaristemake another trigger immediately after
03:05.42AsaPhelpsUpload failed
03:05.43Galois-evaristesaying "delete VARIABLE"
03:05.43got_Ammono in the same trigger
03:05.51Galois-evaristewhen i say trigger i mean an ction
03:05.55Galois-evaristevocab vocab vocab
03:05.55got_Ammook, then yes
03:06.33AsaPhelpsconnection interrupted
03:06.42Galois-evaristehere's a better one
03:06.46Galois-evaristevevo is crap
03:07.35Galois-evaristealright ammo i jsut did it
03:07.39Galois-evaristeand the revealer was destroyed
03:07.44Galois-evaristeso the assignment was done
03:07.52Galois-evaristeso then it was the region that's not changed
03:08.02Maul$5k prize
03:08.02Galois-evaristei told it to be the center of a unit group
03:08.28got_Ammoyou'll need to continuously update that
03:08.30got_Ammoor it wont' move
03:09.03got_Ammoat least I'm pretty sure unit groups don't update unless you add or remove things to them
03:09.14goomba_i love the people that rage about the 5k prize
03:09.16Galois-evaristei have been
03:09.25goomba_"blizzard will make millions!"
03:09.30goomba_so everyone wins ? lol whats the issue
03:09.34Galois-evaristemy update revealer action comes immediately after the movement orders during a while loop
03:09.44Galois-evaristei know the update is being called
03:09.50Galois-evaristeso that tells me that the center of unit group isn't moving
03:09.52Galois-evaristeeven though the unit is
03:10.01Galois-evaristei have a hunch hang on
03:10.07Maulwhy are people raging?
03:10.35Galois-evaristeinstead of saying "center of unit group"
03:10.41Galois-evaristei'll say "position of unit in unit group"
03:10.53Galois-evaristein my mind they're equivalent but for whatever reason the editor doesn't like it
03:11.03AsaPhelpsmy sc2 is in a bad mood today
03:11.14*** join/#sc2mapster lol (475374e3@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
03:11.51AsaPhelpsomg first ever?!
03:11.57Guest14287lol yea
03:12.03AsaPhelpswill that make me like the founding father of sheep tag?
03:12.11Guest14287yes. i'll put your name on the special thanks
03:12.21Komodo1138what map do you want to play ? :"P
03:12.32AsaPhelpsI don't even know what sheep tag involves
03:13.09Guest14287the only problem is that it requires 12 players, and BNET 2.0 is shit for new maps
03:13.16AsaPhelpsinvite me
03:13.17Guest14287so i have to come here to gind players
03:14.10Guest14287k ur invited
03:16.39*** join/#sc2mapster m4ng3 (d5416d06@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
03:16.39Guest14287i need help from the mapper community!!
03:17.02AsaPhelpswhat does sheep tag even involve?
03:17.37Guest14287a team of sheeps runs from another team of wolves
03:17.50Guest14287you build farms in a maze pattern to protect yourselfg
03:17.52wOlfLinGI'll be teh Wolf/ zergling thing!
03:18.02wOlfLinGI'm on EU xD
03:18.02Guest14287name and code?
03:18.14m4ng3anyone know a way to run more then just one instance of the editor?
03:19.26AsaPhelpsmultiple computers
03:19.39Guest14287AsaPhelps, do you have any friends online that can join?
03:19.48AsaPhelpsI don't have any friends
03:20.06Guest14287bummer :( i'll be your buddy
03:20.46*** join/#sc2mapster vailreth (
03:20.56Guest14287we need 5 more for full house of Sheep Tag on SC2, US only plz!! I need players!!
03:22.58*** join/#sc2mapster corbo (~thecorbo@
03:23.35Guest14287we need 5 more for full house of Sheep Tag on SC2, USA only plz!! I need players!!
03:23.37Guest14287we need 5 more for full house of Sheep Tag on SC2, USA only plz!! I need players!!
03:24.09*** join/#sc2mapster Galois-evariste (
03:25.07m4ng3anyone know a way to run more then just one instance of the editor?
03:26.35Guest14287we need 5 more for full house of Sheep Tag on SC2, USA only plz!! I need players!!
03:27.06Guest14287only 4 more guys, come one!
03:28.15SweetZombieJesuswish i could
03:29.46Guest14287we need 2 more for full house of Sheep Tag on SC2, USA only plz!! I need players!!
03:32.28*** join/#sc2mapster Galois-evariste (
03:33.51Maulif a unit in a unit group dies is it automatically removed?
03:33.58Maul(from the unit group)
03:34.51SweetZombieJesusi'd guess so but maybe not since alot of unit checks exclude dead units
03:34.57SweetZombieJesusyou can test easely though
03:35.47SweetZombieJesusjust make a periodic trigger with a text message that shows how many units of any type (allowed dead) are in your unit group
03:35.51SweetZombieJesusthen kill 1 unit
03:35.54SweetZombieJesussee if the number changes
03:36.11Maulgood idea
03:36.15Maulill give it a shot
03:36.38SweetZombieJesusbut my guess is that dead units do get removed, that would make most sense
03:37.23Galois-evaristethey do
03:37.29Galois-evaristedead units get removed from unit groups yes
03:37.49Galois-evaristeor rather
03:37.55Galois-evaristeyou cannot reference dead units in unit groups with an index
03:37.58Galois-evaristethat much i know for sure
03:38.42Maulok im about to test it displaying Any units from unit group displayed as an integer
03:41.03Maulanswer: yes, they do get removed when dead
03:41.04Mindfulidk if you knew this, but if you want super custom text you have to make a variable for it
03:41.13Mindfulyou can also use things like unit names directly
03:41.18Mindfulif you just look up the path in the text editor
03:41.49got_Ammodo you know if StringToText() works with the style code?
03:42.04Mindfuli don't know
03:42.09*** join/#sc2mapster Galois-evariste (
03:42.12Mindfulbut most of the unit name stuff is already text
03:42.22Mindfulhowever if stringtotext does work with style code i could see where you're going with this :P
03:50.29*** join/#sc2mapster Galois-evariste (
03:51.54AsaPhelpsanyone on us want to help me test my map really quick, only takes a few minutes
03:51.58*** join/#sc2mapster etravex (4b8eef6c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
03:53.08etravexDoes anyone know what I need to modify in the data editor to make sure that a hero unit that lays a spider mine, when that spider mine blows up, that each kill is attributed to the hero and not the spider mine?
03:53.31TechnomancerConfirm: AI Caster means it casts buffs or behaviours automatically on AI's command?
03:53.51AsaPhelpsetravex, notification under the effect
03:53.56AsaPhelpsI think
03:54.07etravexthe damage effect?
03:54.08AsaPhelpshmm that might just make it apply to the spider mine
03:54.16AsaPhelpsvultures might have a behavior for it
03:54.27etravexlet me check
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03:58.14etravexwell there is something called Vulture-scavenging systems mech death, i tried adding that to my hero unit but he still doesn't get the kills for the spider mine
03:59.29etravexI have no idea dangit
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03:59.51MindfulTriggerAddEventUnitRange(playerHeros[EventPlayer()], (UnitRefFromUnit(UnitFromId(33))), 5.0, true); this syntax errors, idk why :(
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04:00.12TheLaughingMan~seen Bifuu
04:00.13purlbifuu <> was last seen on IRC in channel #sc2mapster, 3d 4h 19m 42s ago, saying: 'thats how awesome my week was'.
04:02.38TheLaughingManI need Java Programmers
04:04.33*** join/#sc2mapster Galois-evariste (
04:04.59AsaPhelpsanyone on us want to help me test a map really quick
04:06.10Fromethiusi do
04:06.42AsaPhelpsokay give me a few min
04:06.44*** join/#sc2mapster onetwo (ae070b69@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
04:06.44*** mode/#sc2mapster [+v onetwo] by ChanServ
04:06.52onetwowoohoo theres a new movie contest
04:06.53Fromethiusaight np
04:06.54onetwoby blizz
04:06.55Galois-evaristefor some reason
04:07.00Galois-evaristethis revealer refuses to update its position
04:07.04Galois-evaristei don't understand why
04:07.05onetwoi promise not to use slowmo
04:07.09Galois-evaristei know for sure that each part of it makes sense
04:07.17Galois-evaristecharacter one's vision is a revealer
04:07.19Galois-evaristeand its region is moving
04:07.20onetwowoo ProzaicMuze
04:07.22onetwoback on the top
04:07.28Galois-evaristei know this for sure because i just spent the past hour testing
04:07.35Fromethiusonetwo you got a link?
04:08.33Galois-evaristeif i spam the creation of revealers at the unit's position
04:08.36Galois-evaristethen they create fine
04:08.42Galois-evaristebut if i tell the revealer to update its position
04:08.43Galois-evaristeit doesn't do it
04:08.47Galois-evaristei think the trigger is broken!
04:08.54Galois-evaristeor at least the action doesn't work
04:09.10Fromethius rofl
04:10.52Galois-evaristefyi everybody
04:11.01Galois-evaristethe "update revealer to match its region" action doesn't work
04:11.06Galois-evaristeits a load of SHEEYIT
04:11.26Fromethiusomg why would blizzard to that to us??!
04:11.51onetwopoor zergling
04:12.02onetwolol im gonna try and make a blizz movie the Wall-E way
04:12.04onetwono voice overs
04:12.09Fromethiuspoor zergling? POOR SIEGE TANK
04:12.15Fromethiushave you ever spilt coffee before?
04:12.18Fromethius'shit doesn't clean up
04:13.35*** join/#sc2mapster devilesk (
04:14.08*** join/#sc2mapster Galois-evariste (
04:14.38*** join/#sc2mapster Corbo (~thecorbo@
04:15.53AsaPhelpsanyone else having trouble making a custom game on us?
04:17.24Fromethiusit's a sign
04:17.31Fromethiusblizzard wants me to continue working on my map
04:17.36Fromethiusno time for testing!
04:17.44RedWraithFromethius, you're a liar.
04:17.45RedWraithAlso a thief.
04:17.52Fromethiusalright you got me
04:18.09*** join/#sc2mapster Galois-evariste (
04:18.13RedWraithI caught you stealing mah minerals! You know what I do to people who steal my minerals?
04:18.16RedWraithThey get the lasers!
04:18.19RedWraithPEW PEW PEW!
04:18.27Fromethiusoh no not the lasers!
04:18.31RedWraithPEW PEW PEW!
04:18.48RedWraithJust be glad you aren't air.
04:18.58RedWraithYou'd be getting rocketed like a space man.
04:19.56onetwoi take my statement back
04:19.59onetwoi probably will use slowmo
04:20.03onetwofor one scene
04:23.25RedWraithonetwo, you wish you were cool enough for slowmo
04:23.33RedWraithbut seriously, slowmo is annoying
04:23.35RedWraithIt always is.
04:23.41onetwoi 100% disagree
04:23.46onetwoand im going to make the movies i like :D
04:24.05Repo10killing-platform: 03Buxton1 * r63 unit_branch/killing-platform.SC2Map: breeder
04:24.08*** join/#sc2mapster Galois-evariste (
04:24.45Corboif I made two tutorials
04:24.49vailrethi was thinking of making a music video to Terran Up the Night
04:24.56CorboDo I make a topic for each? ;o
04:25.16onetwonot at the same time
04:25.20onetwoon sc2mapster yes
04:25.22onetwoon sc2 forums no
04:25.31Corboyou post on sc2 forums too?
04:25.34onetwosee its the truth
04:25.42CorboI'd be afraid to post in there.
04:25.57onetwohow do you think i got to where i am?
04:26.16onetwoi used to have no affiliation with sc2mapster, would only post on sc2
04:26.23onetwoand it got good review there
04:26.26onetwoso i recommend doing it
04:26.31onetwoalthough now, good posts fall away under the crap
04:26.40*** part/#sc2mapster TheLaughingMan (
04:27.48*** join/#sc2mapster Terin (
04:28.02*** part/#sc2mapster nitroball (
04:29.12onetwoi wonder if i could do SUPER high resolution scenes
04:29.19onetwoby setting the game to play at 0.5 frames per second
04:29.23onetwothen print screening
04:29.24onetwoeach frame
04:29.30onetwoand then editing it into motion later
04:29.44onetwowait i guess that means it would skip frames
04:30.10*** join/#sc2mapster Galois-evariste (
04:31.23Corbono you wouldn't.
04:31.29Corboand it should work
04:31.40Corbobut why not just let fraps record normally
04:31.40onetwowell when your game plays at 1 fps
04:31.50onetwobecause my computer with all its beastiness
04:31.50Corboand then just make your video a different fps
04:31.53onetwocant handle Ultra gfx
04:31.56onetwowith big battles
04:32.00onetwoAND fraps
04:32.10onetwowait what
04:32.19Corbomine can't handle fraps and low quality
04:32.24Corboso stop QQing
04:32.39onetwofor tutorials tahts fine though
04:33.33onetwoCorbo whats your suggestion
04:33.37onetwofraps at normal 24 fps?
04:33.41onetwoand then limit the game to 1 fps?
04:33.44onetwoor something?
04:33.49onetwowouldnt that make the game skip frames
04:33.55onetwolike if you play at60 fps it looks super smooth
04:34.00onetwobut at 1 fps it skips several frames
04:34.26onetwoit doesnt render each frame
04:34.30onetwoso itd be choppy regardless
04:34.41Corbowhat was iut that you were going to do?
04:34.58onetwoi was thinking i could make the game run at 1 fps or so
04:35.00Corboyou were going to set the game to 0.5
04:35.02onetwoso each frame would be 1 second long
04:35.09onetwobut in reality, it just displays 1 frame and skips 60
04:35.11Corbowell yeah
04:35.11onetwoand then displays 1
04:35.12onetwoand skips 60
04:35.29Corbohow does the "start recording movie" thing works?
04:35.34onetwoit works?
04:35.41Corbolol it doesn't work?
04:35.47onetwoi thought it was blizz only
04:35.49CorboI have no idea if it does work I was asking.
04:35.51onetwolet me see
04:35.57Corboif it workas
04:36.09Corbomaybe you can just let sc2 render the full length video for you?
04:36.10MattavichA trigger is bugging me i don't know how to action it for the best - I need it to be as efficient as possible as ive had problems with too many triggers at once
04:36.18MattavichI want an observer to spawn
04:36.21Mattavichon a timer
04:36.25Mattavichwhen it dies
04:36.31Mattavichi want it to fire the timer again
04:36.45Mattavichi have the code and it works in a forever - while loop
04:36.49Mattavichbut id rpefer a periodic event
04:37.09Mattavichthe problem is that the timer starts but then i wait 30 seconds and show the timer window
04:37.26Mattavichwhiel im waiting, the periodic timer is firing again and again kind of restarting the timer
04:37.54Corbowhy not just start the timer when the player doesn't control an observer?
04:37.59devileskcorbo nub
04:38.15MattavichThats what im doing but through a condition
04:38.21Mattavichcan you do that in an event?
04:38.23Corbolike a comparisson condition when player's observers == 0
04:38.46MattavichI have that already but
04:38.47Corbothen what?
04:38.52Corbowhat are the actions
04:39.05Mattavichthe event then waits for a timer countdown to the observer spawn
04:39.13Mattavichwhile that is happening the condition stillr igns true and fires again
04:39.24CorboI see
04:39.32Corbothen try using a variable instead
04:39.54Corboactually use a variable AND the normal observer condition
04:40.18Corboso it is like observer == 0 and variable X == 0 then set variable X == 1 and do timer crap
04:40.22MattavichI tried "variable timer = no timer"
04:40.29Corbowhen timer is over and opbserver is created
04:40.35Corboset variable back to 0
04:40.40Corbojust use integers
04:40.44Corbono fancy crap
04:40.49Corbofancy crap never works :P
04:41.05Corbojust use 0 and 1
04:41.12devileskpopularity system blows
04:41.14devileskno channels blows
04:41.17Corboit does
04:41.17devileskcan't even get testers
04:41.22devileskcan't fill up a game
04:41.26devileskcan't even get one persont o join
04:41.30Corboyou can always yell here
04:41.35CorboNEED TESTERS
04:41.39Corbopeople will come up
04:41.48devileskeven lobby and teams blow
04:42.19Corboonetwo do you use youtube tags in your posts
04:42.23Corboor just video link?
04:43.04Corboyoutube tags
04:43.06devilesksotis is bad
04:43.11devileskheroes of newerth > sotis
04:43.30onetwoMovie start recording is not authorized
04:43.38onetwoi dont use tags
04:43.40onetwoand devilesk sucks
04:44.10devileski just played it today
04:44.12devileskso bad
04:44.26devileskmaybe it's good for sc2
04:44.32devileskbut compared to HoN it's so bad
04:44.58onetwocant speak for Hon
04:45.02LiliannaI like LoL more personally >.>
04:45.03onetwobut i like sotis more than war3's dota
04:45.28*** join/#sc2mapster Bifuu|X (
04:45.37Bifuu|XHey guys
04:45.56*** join/#sc2mapster ElemenoSC (
04:46.03onetwowow bifuu
04:46.15onetwolong time no see
04:46.36Corbooh dear god
04:46.38Corboit's bifuu
04:46.43Bifuu|XYeah vacation and after vacation work stuff
04:46.47Corboalso what are the youtube tags again?
04:47.04ElemenoSCin the map forbidden planet what would blizzard be using to change to colour of rock doodads
04:47.24Bifuu|X<<youtube #########>>
04:47.44Bifuu|XI think, been a while
04:48.13MattavichLOL there's a "wait for last started timer" action - Who knew
04:48.17onetwoi thought you meant
04:48.20onetwoyoutube tags
04:48.23onetwoas in tags in your video
04:48.28onetwowhen you upload
04:48.30MattavichThat just about beats 20 while loops inside a forever loop
04:49.07Coolflipwell i have a question about loops
04:49.11CoolflipHow the christ do you make a basic one
04:49.33CoolflipI want to say, do loop <variable> times
04:49.47onetwogeneral - repeat actions
04:50.00Bifuu|XO <- loop
04:50.54Coolfliptyped loop in the search bar for obvious reasons
04:50.58Coolflipdidnt show this >.<
04:51.52Corbomy tags are completely arbitrary
04:52.03onetwogalaxy editor
04:52.10onetwowhen you search galaxy editor on youtube
04:52.13onetwonone of my tuts come up
04:52.16onetwobecause i was too lazy to add that
04:52.16MattavichWould anyone like to have a peek at my map for 1 min? onetwo, yours was the first tutorial i've watched and allowed me to grasp how to work the editor
04:52.17onetwoas a tag
04:52.17devileskDO YOU HAVE SC2?
04:52.22MattavichYou would be proud!
04:52.22devileskCORBO YOU HAVE SC2?
04:52.25CorboI do
04:52.27devileskUS VERSION?
04:52.33Corbo...why do you think I'm here? ;o
04:52.36Mattavichmattavich 377
04:52.38devileskGET ON
04:52.40devileskWHAT'S YOUR EMAIL
04:52.44devileskI ADD YOU
04:52.51Corbomcuchilla one
04:52.53*** join/#sc2mapster Bifuu|X (
04:52.55Corboor just do
04:53.15Corboposted tutorials I'll post them on sc2 forums after
04:53.26Corbogood thing
04:53.30CorboI can make 4 topics
04:53.36Corbo2 in english and 2 in spanish forums :P
04:54.10*** join/#sc2mapster Bifuu|X (
04:54.19Corbok now brb
04:54.25*** join/#sc2mapster Adys (~Adys@unaffiliated/adys)
04:54.49ElemenoSCoic its the texture set, is there anyway to change which colour set the rock doodads use in a texture set
04:55.29CoolflipIs it common that dependancies are buggedish?
04:55.52CoolflipLike when i restart my editor i have to clear the campaign dependencies and re-add them to be able to see the units
04:56.06MattavichI will go in-game now
04:56.53*** join/#sc2mapster Suhteevah (
04:57.54MattavichAdd me to your friends list mattavich 377
04:58.06MattavichSo I can invite you. This will only take a minute :)
05:00.25*** join/#sc2mapster Gimpexe (3a07e93b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
05:00.42*** join/#sc2mapster Lilianna (
05:00.46Gimpexehello =).
05:01.49Galois-evaristeis there a way to help mitigate fps issues on a map without removing things from it?
05:02.13Galois-evaristelike in some games you can tell the computer to only pay attention to things within a certain region
05:04.28deathnight114 lmfao, the most epic thread i've ever read
05:10.53Corbololat day11
05:10.53volteSC2 would already do that mostly for you
05:11.01voltenvm you're gone
05:11.01*** join/#sc2mapster Fromethius (d03a751d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
05:12.10*** join/#sc2mapster Galois-evariste (
05:12.51Gimpexehow do i use to find the info i want?
05:13.25Gimpexeim new to useing website/forums
05:13.49Coolflipcan anyone explain why this gives errors?
05:13.55Corbodear god
05:14.00got_Ammogimpexe: there is a search in the upper right corner
05:14.00Corbobest topic ever deanight
05:14.13Coolflipsup death
05:14.40Gimpexegot_ammo, yeh, does that search the forums?
05:14.52Gimpexeive used it but it doesnt help me find trigger help
05:14.55got_AmmoI think it only searches the forums when you are in the forum
05:15.01Coolflipwhat sort of trigger help?
05:15.08got_Ammoor rather there are two searches
05:15.27got_Ammoone says "Search..." which searches the website, the other says "Search Forum..." which does what its name implies
05:15.48CoolflipCaptain Obvious is obvious
05:16.00Gimpexegot_ammo, oh ok. yeh i c what u mean
05:16.06CoolflipDoes anyone know why my leaderboards are failing D;
05:16.12Gimpexethey both seem to lead to the same info, their just presented differently\
05:16.13CoolflipOverflow message
05:17.33Gimpexeare all the triggers documented somewhere? and is there a faq, of common things ppl try to implement to their maps, and the triggers that should be used
05:17.55Gimpexefeatures* ppl try to implement in their maps
05:18.09*** join/#sc2mapster Galois-evariste (
05:18.09Coolfliplet me look
05:18.19Gimpexealright, ill brb.
05:18.22deathnight114ohey coolslip
05:18.30*** join/#sc2mapster drspinaltap (4b479a09@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
05:18.35drspinaltaphey all
05:18.46deathnight114HOOOOOWWWWWDY HOOOOOO
05:18.47Coolflipbut its not done yet D;
05:18.49Coolflipsup death
05:18.53CoolflipYou should make my map work
05:18.54deathnight114as said by that person in southpark
05:18.59drspinaltapanybody have experience with custom animations?
05:19.16deathnight114I see no triggers there
05:19.25Coolflipits not done yet
05:19.31deathnight114What are you trying to do?
05:19.34CoolflipTell me why this fails
05:19.47deathnight114any unit dies
05:19.54AsaPhelpsanyone having trouble making games on US?
05:20.07deathnight114What is the triggering player?
05:20.27CoolflipThe person who killed the unit
05:20.30deathnight114you are trying to modify it right?
05:20.36deathnight114Yeah... but i dont see it being set to that
05:20.43CoolflipIm trying to set a variable to itself + 1 every time a unit dies
05:20.50CoolflipBy their hands
05:21.09CoolflipLeaderboard with kills basically
05:21.10deathnight114Can you send me the map i need to see it
05:21.24deathnight114You will make a trigger... and with your leader board
05:21.29deathnight114make a variable*
05:21.34Galois-evaristewhat is the error ir gives you specifically
05:21.36CoolflipI did
05:21.42Galois-evaristethat's my guess
05:21.45deathnight114So.... event
05:21.48Galois-evaristethe problem
05:21.50deathnight114add to the conditions
05:21.52Coolflip"kills" Is the variable
05:21.57Galois-evaristeis that the number that goes into the array index
05:21.57deathnight114to make sure that it's player 1
05:21.59Galois-evaristeis too high
05:22.05Galois-evaristefor whatever reason
05:22.17Galois-evaristeif you're player 1 and it happens then the kills array is of size less than one
05:22.18Galois-evaristenamely 0
05:22.20Galois-evaristefor whatever reason
05:22.26Galois-evaristeor at least the game thinks that its size is 0
05:22.27deathnight114LEMME TALK LOL
05:22.31Galois-evaristejust type
05:22.45CoolflipWell that makes sense
05:22.53CoolflipIm gona set the variable to equal one at start and see if it works
05:23.13deathnight114your gonna want to make a trigger for each player to modify the variables, and then make the conditions to player _
05:23.20deathnight114so it would be something like
05:23.25deathnight114If Player == 1
05:23.34deathnight114Then do actions
05:23.47deathnight114Why is it set kills and not modify kills?
05:23.52deathnight114to +1?
05:24.09CoolflipSet kills is setting a variable
05:24.11Coolflipkills is a variable
05:24.20deathnight114But shouldn't it modify the variable
05:24.21drspinaltapanybody have experience with custom animations?
05:24.27deathnight114Because then it will set it to 1 kill each time
05:24.35deathnight114if you modify it, then it will make it add one each time
05:25.14deathnight114Nope :(
05:25.15Galois-evaristemodify +1 and set to itself +1 are the same thing
05:25.21Galois-evaristeso it doesn't really matter either way
05:25.36Galois-evaristealthough sometimes when i think its the same thing it turns out to actually fucking work if i do it one way rather than another
05:26.06CoolflipWell neither worked
05:26.07CoolflipSo yeah
05:26.23deathnight114Thats because what i can tell is that it's each time any player kills a unit
05:26.27deathnight114Make a trigger
05:26.29deathnight114add a condition
05:26.38deathnight114and just copy that trigger over and over again
05:26.43deathnight114till it has all the players
05:26.51CoolflipSo make 4 triggers....
05:27.03CoolflipCheck if the killing player is = to the nubmer of the trigger
05:27.04deathnight114hold on lemme look in editor
05:27.08CoolflipAnd hope that works?
05:27.11deathnight114hold on
05:27.17deathnight114You will make a variable for each player too
05:27.23deathnight114and have them each modify there own variable
05:27.51*** join/#sc2mapster Corbo2 (~thecorbo@
05:27.55Corbo2why the hell
05:27.59deathnight114Why do none of my starcraft II Videos, EVER get any comment
05:27.59Corbo2and I on corbo2?
05:28.11deathnight114No idea
05:28.17Corbo2takes a while
05:28.32CoolflipI comment on them D;
05:28.33Corbo2are they just melee matches?
05:28.41deathnight114it's a cinematic in 1080p
05:29.00deathnight114but unlike most of my videos
05:29.01Coolflipoh yeah im going to want you to make me a teaser video if i ever complete my map
05:29.07CoolflipEver play Splash TD?
05:29.42deathnight114And nope
05:29.59deathnight114Incase you don't know my video files are like
05:30.08deathnight114So....... am i gonna upload it to my account?
05:30.12Gimpexethank you
05:30.16Gimpexethats exactly what i wanted
05:30.59deathnight114*insert incredibly long silence here*
05:31.19CoolflipHow do you get them on youtube
05:31.35deathnight114YT Acceps up to two gigabytes
05:31.42deathnight114But it would take forever to download a file that big
05:31.43AsaPhelpsI think over now
05:31.46CoolflipWhat did you want gimp?
05:31.56AsaPhelpsanyone on us want to test my map really quick?
05:31.58deathnight114I get 26 MB/s
05:32.09CoolflipUh ill hlep you
05:32.11deathnight114What kinda map is it?
05:33.03CoolflipTo bad you didnt get 114 as your number D;
05:33.09deathnight114I did once in beta
05:33.23deathnight114I was just like, sweet
05:33.28deathnight114Then they reset servers
05:33.36Coolflipthan you were like :(
05:33.38deathnight114I got 468
05:33.42AsaPhelpsits not a very good map
05:33.44deathnight114And i STILL got 468
05:33.47deathnight114NO idea why
05:33.54CoolflipJust invite us to a party
05:34.04AsaPhelpsi only made it for 2 players but you can watch D:
05:34.10deathnight114lemme login
05:35.11deathnight114I can't watch?
05:36.36Galois-evaristedoes anyone here know how to disable the mouse scroll zoom?
05:37.25devileskset the camera in data editor
05:40.58*** join/#sc2mapster dukka (
05:42.08*** join/#sc2mapster Galois-evariste (
05:42.22Repo10killing-platform: 03Atraeus * r64 unit_branch/killing-platform.SC2Map: Added classes selected dialog.
05:42.24RepoFixed medic heal ability position location.
05:46.44Galois-evaristedoes anyone here know how to alter doodads so that they collide properly?
05:46.50Galois-evaristei don't see doodads in the data editor
05:48.39Galois-evaristei'm thinking that i should just pathing blockers everywhere
05:50.16Xaptimy friend code was the same as it was before also
05:50.37Xaptiit's certainly proof that the code is a hash of the nickname
05:50.53Xaptiand if there's more than 1 nickname it probably adds a nubmer after the name andtakes the hash of that
05:53.16*** join/#sc2mapster ekcolnovkol (
05:54.08*** join/#sc2mapster Galois-evariste (
05:58.54*** join/#sc2mapster Polynomial (Polynomial@
06:00.29*** join/#sc2mapster Galois-evariste (
06:02.09CoolflipStill cant get my leaderboard to work :(
06:02.37AsaPhelpssay you're decline my invites :(
06:02.48CoolflipI went offline
06:03.32AsaPhelpsk want to come back or you working on your map now?
06:04.10AsaPhelpsanyone else want to test a map on US really quick?
06:04.26deathnight114come back online
06:04.31deathnight114It still says your online...
06:05.07AsaPhelpsstop alt tabbing!
06:07.46CoolflipBut i always alt tab D;
06:08.07CoolflipAnyone good with pathing?
06:08.10*** join/#sc2mapster Galois-evariste (
06:13.25CoolflipLike how one might make "beacon" points, where a unit gets to one, than gets sent to the next
06:14.09*** join/#sc2mapster Galois-evariste (
06:16.11AsaPhelpsomg death
06:16.15AsaPhelpsyou're going to crash me
06:16.31AsaPhelpsisn't that just move unit to another region
06:16.51*** join/#sc2mapster Acemore (~lol@
06:20.34mahashirohey guys
06:20.41mahashirodo any of you know how to change start positions?
06:20.43mahashiroin custom maps?
06:21.27AsaPhelpscool are you busy?
06:22.08Acemoremasashiro use a point and have the player camera instantly move there on map initialization
06:22.55devileskhow can you tell which game variant
06:22.57devileskis being used
06:23.47CoolflipThis trigger mahashiro
06:23.48*** join/#sc2mapster Hjalte (
06:23.50Coolflipnot that one
06:28.08*** join/#sc2mapster Galois-evariste (
06:28.52AsaPhelps~seen reactorex
06:28.54purlreactorex is currently on #sc2mapster. Has said a total of 70 messages. Is idling for 1d 29m 44s, last said: '~seen MotiveMe'.
06:29.03Mindfulgot_ammo, you present?
06:29.28MindfulTriggerAddEventUnitRegion(lv_trigger, UnitRefFromUnit(gv_playerHeros[lv_Player]), RegionFromId(44), true); syntax errors X_X
06:29.35Mindfuli can't for the life of me figure out why
06:31.06Reactorex~seen AsaPhelps
06:31.07purlasaphelps is currently on #sc2mapster (4h 25m 17s). Has said a total of 43 messages. Is idling for 2m 15s, last said: '~seen reactorex'.
06:31.08got_Ammowell at face value everything looks ok, my best guess is that one of those parameters doesn't exist in that scope or is typed in incorrectly
06:31.12Mindfulit was fine before i changed the UnitRef section, but that same UnitRef works in other script
06:31.33got_Ammomake sure that playerHeros is defined before this custom script
06:31.37got_Ammothat's my best guess
06:31.53got_Ammosecond best guess: player is capitalized, right?
06:32.29*** join/#sc2mapster Galois-evariste (
06:33.10Mindfulmm, it is in the variable name, but
06:33.27Mindfuli love you
06:33.46Mindfulit was the capped P
06:33.58Mindfuli didn't even notice haha
06:34.05Mindfulthanks tons
06:35.08AsaPhelpswhat flag allows buildings to be built on top of units
06:35.19AsaPhelpsi'm so smart when I talk to myself
06:35.42AsaPhelpsbut my unit doesn't have a footprint
06:35.45AsaPhelpsor a radius
06:35.51AsaPhelpsso why can't structures be built on top of him?
06:36.16AsaPhelpsanswer me mindful
06:37.04AsaPhelpsokay I fixed it
06:40.08*** join/#sc2mapster Terin (
06:41.55mahashirothanks coolflip
06:46.08TerinOh boy, not getting Shock 'n' Awe despite killing 138 units with cloaked banshees and not using cheats is very fun
06:46.44*** join/#sc2mapster Clord (
06:47.13AsaPhelpswere you on the right difficulty?
06:49.04TerinDefinitely wasn't on normal. So many immortals and stalkers.
06:49.58*** join/#sc2mapster Galois-evariste (
06:50.24*** join/#sc2mapster Ka[L]ekin (
06:51.43TerinYep, save file is marked as hard.
06:52.23*** join/#sc2mapster Locane (43a02e51@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
06:53.02LocaneFound this chatroom info via google cache
06:53.05Locanegoogle ftw
06:53.08*** join/#sc2mapster Galois-evariste (
06:53.15LocaneI'm working on an SC2 map and need spot help
06:53.43Locaneanyone here good with the galaxy editor?
06:54.41LocaneI'm trying to figure out how to set the build time on a unit
06:55.31mahashiroit's in the build ability
06:55.38mahashiroset duration
06:56.09Ka[L]ekinStupid Custom Map contest. :(
06:56.14Ka[L]ekinNot open in my country.
06:56.21mahashiromake one anyway!
06:56.26mahashirowe can play lol
06:56.55mahashiroso I redid my terrain
06:56.59Mindfulyou still need help?
06:57.03mahashiroand now I have to repaint the whole map
06:57.06mahashiroand do regions :(
06:57.11Mindfuli realize my response is enormously late
06:57.48CoolflipKalekin, just make the map than send it to someone
06:58.27Coolflipmy god, my editor just took 2 minutes to shut down hah
06:58.39Locanethank you mahashiro
06:58.48mahashirogot it
06:58.56mahashiro*got it? nice
07:01.23*** join/#sc2mapster Demonette (6d2967f6@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
07:01.31Coolflipis there any way to make a point created as a variable to be useable in the map -> Object groups tab
07:01.47CoolflipOr do i really need to make 25'ish start points to create my pathing
07:03.16mahashirouse the point tool?
07:03.20mahashirohit p
07:03.26mahashiroon terrain
07:05.18LocaneThe abilities I'm trying to add to the command center don't seem to be showing up in the game
07:05.27Locanethe data editor says they're there, but the game doesn't display them
07:06.23mahashiroadd a button
07:06.57LocaneDid that
07:07.34CoolflipWell i really am retarded
07:07.37CoolflipThank you good sir
07:10.15*** join/#sc2mapster picklefish (
07:11.31mahashirodo any of you know why all my units w/ the heroic flag
07:11.35mahashirogot reset to non heroic?
07:11.38mahashiro*armor type
07:11.48mahashiroI didn't touch it
07:11.56mahashirobut everything lost it
07:12.36Coolflipmahashiro, I added the last created unit to an object group, which has a patrol path, but how do i get them to start walking the path
07:12.58CoolflipThey just stay where they spawned
07:13.55*** join/#sc2mapster Hati (
07:13.55*** mode/#sc2mapster [+v Hati] by ChanServ
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07:18.23mahashirouse send attack wave
07:18.25mahashiroI think
07:18.29mahashiroI haven't used it before though
07:18.32LocaneAha! I got it
07:18.46LocaneThe button that I added to the command center had an ability sub menu that I had to specify and wasn't
07:19.07*** join/#sc2mapster Galois-evariste (
07:19.11mahashirorequirements there are extra though
07:19.17mahashiroyou still have to deal w/ regular requirements
07:19.48*** join/#sc2mapster picklefish (
07:19.57Coolflipits the fish
07:23.08*** join/#sc2mapster Galois-evariste (
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07:30.30*** join/#sc2mapster ElemenoSC (
07:35.09*** join/#sc2mapster Galois-evariste (
07:37.10*** join/#sc2mapster Adys (~Adys@unaffiliated/adys)
07:39.43*** join/#sc2mapster FireryRage (
07:43.37RepoNew map: It's a Trap!. shavemadox (Manager/Author). Approved by Sixen.
07:45.00*** join/#sc2mapster LordAbyss (
07:45.26*** join/#sc2mapster bwise7416 (4bdab549@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
07:46.04bwise7416hey can anyone give me a hand? lol
07:48.26SixenAsk away, :P
07:49.09*** join/#sc2mapster Galois-evariste (
07:49.19bwise7416i made a neutral shop, but everytime i try to buy something it says "cant spend another players resources" do u know of a fix?
07:50.16*** join/#sc2mapster Acemore (~lol@
07:51.25Galois-evaristemy first impression
07:51.33SixenThat's a good question
07:51.35Galois-evaristeis to give those resources to the player who is allowed to buy it
07:51.44Galois-evaristethen give the item to the guy who gave the resources to the player
07:51.46SixenMmm. Also sounds like you don't have a unit at the shop
07:51.51Sixenit thinks the neutral player is there
07:52.46bwise7416i put a unit next to it, so i dont think thats it
07:52.49jorgenptbwise7416: Maybe use the Interact ability (?) on the structure so the player takes it over.
07:53.17bwise7416well i have the interact ability in use with autocast
07:53.21jorgenptWith autocast. Did you see bifu's WC3 shop emulation guide and onetwo's item guide?
07:53.35jorgenptAnyway, I'm heading to bed. Good luck!
07:53.45Galois-evaristedoes anyone know how to change the weapon that a unit appears to be holding?
07:53.57Galois-evaristei've seen a map where a unit is carrying the ghost's sniper rifle
07:54.01Coolflipattatchments probably
07:54.12Galois-evaristei'll look that topic up
07:54.40CoolflipIm having some trouble getting a unit to move through triggers
07:55.11CoolflipThis doesnt seem to get anyone to move
07:55.55*** join/#sc2mapster Eiviyn (5868b77d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
07:56.02EiviynAre we allowed to post spoilers here yet?
07:56.24Sixenit's labeled as xel'naga
07:56.30Galois-evaristeisn't it though?
07:56.45Galois-evaristethe xel'naga were the ones who did hybrids - duran said at the end of brood war that he was working with them on hybrids
07:56.48EiviynCould just be an old label
07:56.50Galois-evaristeof course he didn't say it explicitly
07:57.03EiviynNah, xel'naga ARE hybrids, just not created the same way as the duran hybrids
07:57.13SixenXel'Naga is the race that created the Toss/Zerg
07:57.18SixenHybrids are a cross of those
07:57.19CoolflipHow are they hybrids of stuff, they created the other people
07:57.22EiviynXel'naga isn't really a race, it's more of a title for when two races with purity of form+essence combine
07:57.45RepoKnowledge base page update: by Feithless
07:57.49Galois-evaristethe xel'naga was the race that created the toss and zerg
07:57.50*** join/#sc2mapster Acemore2 (~lol@
07:57.53Galois-evaristeor at least the group
07:57.55Galois-evaristethat did it
07:57.59EiviynYes but that doesn't change anything
07:58.05Galois-evaristeyueah it does
07:58.17Galois-evaristeit means that xel naga isn't a title for when two races combine
07:58.18CoolflipAnyone know how the waves system works?
07:58.21EiviynThey created zerg/protoss so that one day they would combine and create new xel'naga, it's how they reproduce
07:58.22CoolflipIt crushes my tiny head
07:58.33Galois-evaristeso it is a race
07:58.49EiviynIn the way that it's formed of two non-specific races, yes
07:58.58Galois-evaristethe'yre not formed of two non-specific races
07:59.04Galois-evaristethey created two non-specific races
07:59.22Galois-evaristewhere's rodrigo
07:59.34EiviynThey reproduce by the 'Cycle'. The Cycle is a merging of 2 races - one with purity of essence, the other with purity of form. That means that every single Xel'naga is born of the merge. There are no births during the existence of one generation.
07:59.48EiviynFrom starcraft wiki
07:59.53Galois-evaristewhat the fuck
08:00.01Galois-evaristestarcraft 2 wiki maybe
08:00.07EiviynIt was retconned after sc1
08:00.41Coolflip4Someone should help me figure out how to get waves to work :)
08:01.49*** join/#sc2mapster Repo (
08:01.54Coolflip4Underlined bolded red words
08:02.07EiviynKinda hoped that the hybrids weren't xel'naga because that hybrid reaver thing looks godawful
08:02.37EiviynCan just imagine him drooling and giggling as he chases after you with limp, outstretched arms on that "escape from castanar" mission
08:03.09bwise7416yeah i cant figure out whats wrong, its a neutral building that shares control with autocast and i have the interact ability and everything set up but it says "cannot spend another players resources" on anythign that isnt free.
08:03.38EiviynThe building needs to be owned by player 0
08:03.46bwise7416it is
08:03.47EiviynIt just will not ever work otherwise
08:04.00EiviynThen something with your share control ability is wrong
08:04.21bwise7416well its sharign control and working with free things
08:04.46EiviynThere's only 4 entries you need to change for share control
08:04.47Coolflip3Does anyone know how to get the patrol points in Map -> Object Groups to start?
08:05.33EiviynNot to be demeaning, but you're 100% sure it's owned by player 0? Can't see what else the problem could be
08:05.46bwise7416yeah it is i swear lol
08:06.06bwise7416it tries to spend player 0s resources im guessing but idk why
08:06.24EiviynAre there any triggers/data entries relating to player 0?
08:06.32EiviynDid you give player 0 any values in player properties?
08:06.49bwise7416i set him to computer control
08:06.51bwise7416that might be the prob
08:06.54CoolflipHurr durr
08:06.55EiviynWorth trying
08:06.56bwise7416ill go test
08:09.10*** join/#sc2mapster Galois-evariste (
08:09.16bwise7416yeah that didnt change anything
08:09.29CoolflipSomeone has to know how to initiate the patrol list in map -> Object Group
08:09.35bwise7416i dont XD
08:10.01CoolflipThis is making my map very difficult to create
08:10.14*** join/#sc2mapster Repo (
08:10.35purlAn automated system for managing small snippets of information.. URL:
08:11.04purlIt is now 2010.08.14  8:11:04 GMT
08:11.22purlA bhuddist monk goes to a hot dog vendor and says "Make me one with everything!"
08:11.44purlWhat's a chicken coupe with 4 doors - a Chicken Sedan!
08:11.45Eiviynbwise7416, try resetting all player properties with the reset button. You don't need to save it.
08:12.03purlWhat's a chicken coupe with 4 doors - a Chicken Sedan!
08:12.11purlTIP (TIP Isn't Pico) is a Pico clone for *NIX. URL:
08:12.30purlapple is a "different" computer company :). They are currently known for the iMac, eMac, PowerMac, XServe, iPod, iBook, and Titanium Powerbook. Their computers use (motorola) PowerPC processors, of the G3 (750) and G4 (74XX) nature. the G4 processor has vector processing known as "altivec". Apple can be found at, or apple recently adopted the G5 (ibm) processor which kicks butt
08:13.04bwise7416just tried that, it didnt do anything either :/
08:13.10purlsomebody said dos was (Disk Operating System) This OS is what got it all started for PCs.  Denial of Service...
08:13.31purlsomebody said linux was an operating system that beats the socks off Windows and Mac!  Go Linux!
08:13.55purlsomebody said hax was cool! he gives me scooby snacks and botsex!
08:13.58Coolflipaww the defenitions are gone
08:14.03Coolflipor not
08:14.17*** join/#sc2mapster Acemore (~lol@
08:14.20purlteehee!, or
08:15.50*** join/#sc2mapster Acemore2 (~lol@
08:16.09Reactorexpurl has a really old description of apple. O.o
08:16.19bwise7416woot i fixed it
08:16.34CoolflipIts not working
08:16.45Coolflip~whois coolflip
08:16.49bwise7416i set the neutral player to neutral control, and got rid of the neutral players alliance thorugh the game variants menu. now my shop works :D
08:17.08*** join/#sc2mapster Galois-evariste (
08:17.11Coolflip~ping Coolflip
08:17.12purlpong Coolflip
08:17.22ReactorexTechnically, can't our games have 16 players?
08:17.31*** join/#sc2mapster Oldschool01 (62a4fa8f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
08:17.33ReactorexIf you remove hostile and neutral and turn them into players.
08:17.37Coolflipbut only like 12 playing
08:17.45Coolflipother 4 spectators
08:18.17ReactorexHmm? What limits that last four to spectator?
08:18.26ReactorexI'd imagine that game variants can bypass that.
08:18.38CoolflipI think i heard it in an interview
08:18.42Coolfliplike a year ago though
08:18.59Coolflip0,0 9,9    0,0  9,99,9  0,0   9,9  0,0 9,99,9  0,0   9,9  0,0 9,99,9      0,0 9,99,9  0,0   9,9  0,0 9,99,9     0,0  9,9
08:18.59Coolflip9,9  0,0     9,99,9  0,0   9,9  0,0 9,99,9  0,0   9,9  0,0 9,90,0  9,9  0,0   9,9  0,0   9,9  0,0 9,99,9  0,0  9,9  0,0 9,9
08:18.59Coolflip0,0 9,9    0,0  9,99,9       0,0 9,99,9  0,0   9,9  0,0 9,90,0  9,9  0,0   9,9  0,0   9,9  0,0 9,99,9     0,0  9,9
08:18.59Coolflip0,0    9,9  0,0 9,99,9  0,0   9,9  0,0 9,99,9  0,0   9,9  0,0 9,90,0  9,9  0,0   9,9  0,0   9,9  0,0 9,99,9  0,0     9,9
08:18.59Coolflip9,9     0,0  9,99,9  0,0   9,9  0,0 9,90,0 9,9     0,0  9,90,0  9,9  0,0   0,0 9,9     0,0  9,99,9  0,0     
08:19.08ReactorexGuess I need to test it out tomorrow.
08:19.23ReactorexI'll need a lot of people to help me test. XD
08:19.42CoolflipYes you will
08:19.45bwise7416aww it didnt work :(
08:19.48CoolflipYou suck
08:19.57Coolflip7,7    0,0   7,77,7  0,0   7,7  0,0 7,70,0 7,7  0,0 7,7  0,0  7,77,7     0,0  7,70,0 7,7    0,0  
08:19.57Coolflip7,7  0,0 7,7  0,0  7,77,7  0,0   7,7  0,0 7,77,7       0,0 7,77,7  0,0  7,7  0,0 7,77,7  0,0  7,7  0,0 7,7
08:19.58Coolflip7,7  0,0  7,7  0,0 7,77,7  0,0   7,7  0,0 7,77,7  0,0 7,7 0,0 7,7  0,0 7,77,7     0,0  7,77,7  0,0  7,7  0,0 7,7
08:19.58Coolflip7,7  0,0  7,7  0,0 7,77,7  0,0   7,7  0,0 7,77,7  0,0   7,7  0,0 7,77,7  0,0  7,7  0,0 7,77,7  0,0  7,7  0,0 7,7
08:19.58Coolflip7,7     0,0  7,70,0 7,7     0,0  7,77,7  0,0   7,7  0,0 7,77,7     0,0  7,70,0 7,7    0,0 
08:20.52CoolflipI could totally make a rainbow
08:21.22Reactorexyeah... don't. :P
08:21.22RepoKnowledge base page update: by Feithless
08:21.30ReactorexSpam ftl. XP
08:21.41bwise7416would it be possible to make an ability that causes triggers to  raise lava on the map?
08:22.01bwise7416good lol
08:22.08ReactorexShould be.
08:22.14ReactorexCan't remember if triggers can change water level :P
08:22.26bwise7416oh i know triggers can
08:22.29bwise7416im looking at a guide for it
08:22.36bwise7416i dont know how to connect abilities to triggers tho lol
08:23.09bwise7416ooo sweet
08:23.10bwise7416ty :D
08:23.42bwise7416its gonna be for a defence game and have a really long cool down but itll kill everything where the lava rises lol
08:23.45ReactorexTriggerAddEventUnitAbility( trigger t, unitref u, abilcmd a, int stage, bool includeSharedAbils );
08:24.00*** join/#sc2mapster Acemore (~lol@
08:24.28ReactorexOr just "unit uses ability" for GUI, IIRC.
08:25.17CoolflipHere goes nothing
08:25.21Coolflip13      --- ---
08:25.22Coolflip12     ---   ---
08:25.22Coolflip2    ---     ---
08:25.22Coolflip9   ---       ---
08:25.22Coolflip8  ---         ---
08:25.22Coolflip7 ---           ---
08:25.22Coolflip4---             ---
08:26.01Coolflip13      *** ***
08:26.01Coolflip12     ***   ***
08:26.01Coolflip2    ***     ***
08:26.01Coolflip9   ***       ***
08:26.01Coolflip8  ***         ***
08:26.02Coolflip7 ***           ***
08:26.02Coolflip4***             ***
08:26.36bwise7416how do u make units invulnerable
08:26.45CoolflipIn the units tab
08:26.52CoolflipFlags -> Invulnerable
08:26.57ReactorexIf you mean via triggers.
08:27.02CoolflipCheck it
08:27.04Corbo2ON IRC!
08:27.06bwise7416ah thanks
08:27.07Corbo2THAT'S NEW
08:27.12Corbo2TELL ME
08:27.12Coolflip13      *** ***
08:27.12Coolflip12     ***   ***
08:27.12Coolflip2    ***     ***
08:27.12Coolflip9   ***       ***
08:27.12Coolflip8  ***         ***
08:27.13Coolflip7 ***           ***
08:27.13Coolflip4***             ***
08:27.16CoolflipIts not new at all........
08:27.18Corbo2DONT DO IT
08:27.19CoolflipIts been here forever
08:27.41Coolflip0,0 9,9    0,0  9,99,9  0,0   9,9  0,0 9,99,9  0,0   9,9  0,0 9,99,9      0,0 9,99,9  0,0   9,9  0,0 9,99,9     0,0  9,9
08:27.41Coolflip9,9  0,0     9,99,9  0,0   9,9  0,0 9,99,9  0,0   9,9  0,0 9,90,0  9,9  0,0   9,9  0,0   9,9  0,0 9,99,9  0,0  9,9  0,0 9,9
08:27.41Coolflip0,0 9,9    0,0  9,99,9       0,0 9,99,9  0,0   9,9  0,0 9,90,0  9,9  0,0   9,9  0,0   9,9  0,0 9,99,9     0,0  9,9
08:27.41Coolflip0,0    9,9  0,0 9,99,9  0,0   9,9  0,0 9,99,9  0,0   9,9  0,0 9,90,0  9,9  0,0   9,9  0,0   9,9  0,0 9,99,9  0,0     9,9
08:27.42Coolflip9,9     0,0  9,99,9  0,0   9,9  0,0 9,90,0 9,9     0,0  9,90,0  9,9  0,0   0,0 9,9     0,0  9,99,9  0,0     
08:27.44ReactorexUnitSetState(unit inUnit, c_unitStateInvulnerable, true);
08:27.51ReactorexMakes inUnit invulnerable.
08:27.57ReactorexFalse to male vulnerable.
08:28.12Corbo2asshole >:o
08:28.19Corbo2QQ MOAR
08:28.38CoolflipI never knew rainbows were so offensive
08:29.12bwise7416to make a building not take up space and be stackable do i just get ride of the pathing footprint?
08:29.14Reactorex4C7o8r8b8o8'8s 11a10 n11o10o11b13c13a13k6e5. 6:153
08:29.28*** join/#sc2mapster Acemore2 (~lol@
08:29.31ReactorexHm. IRC doesn't support a full range of colors.
08:29.34ReactorexOh well. xD
08:30.12ReactorexBwise, you can make it ignore placement.
08:30.17ReactorexThat  should be faster.
08:30.24ReactorexBut as far as not take up space?
08:32.01bwise7416i have a neutral shop that auto casts share control, but i dont want the player to have to have a unit there because im going to use it to sell heroes from. I was wantign to put 4 structures directly ontop of it without actors so that the players can use the shop from anywhere.
08:33.11*** join/#sc2mapster Galois-evariste (
08:34.28ReactorexAre you preplacing the structures and the shop?
08:35.11*** join/#sc2mapster Galois-evariste (
08:35.31ReactorexHold control when placing the structures to allow them to stack while in the terrain editor module.
08:35.39ReactorexAt least it's control on my OS.
08:36.14bwise7416i dont think that worked lol
08:37.24ReactorexYou can try placing two buildings one grid square apart (not between, but apart from center) by using the modifier key to place them.
08:38.58bwise7416whats the modifier key?
08:39.12bwise7416(im really new to this) lol
08:43.35Galois-evaristeokay i give up
08:43.46Galois-evaristehow do you get a unit to appear holding a different weapon
08:43.57Galois-evaristeattach model and attach unit do not have weapons available
08:44.06Galois-evaristeexcuse me
08:44.10Galois-evaristeattach model and attach actor to unit
08:44.16Galois-evaristedo not have weapons available to choose from
08:51.26*** join/#sc2mapster Gohla (
08:55.23*** join/#sc2mapster Terin (
08:55.41bwise7416does anyone know how to change a unit to not appear on the minimap?
08:59.11*** join/#sc2mapster Galois-evariste (
09:14.49BabloRayden, hahaha :D
09:14.52Babloawesome, just awesome
09:18.23*** join/#sc2mapster Clord (
09:18.23*** join/#sc2mapster JamesObscura (
09:18.23Raydenthere was a wall
09:18.23Raydena god damned wall
11:07.50*** join/#sc2mapster purl (
11:07.50*** topic/#sc2mapster is "Dont ask to ask, just ask!" | #sc2mapster | Play Custom Games at #SC2MapsterMapNight | UI Contest: | Patch 0-1.02 Undocumented Editor Notes: | Join #sc2replayed for SC2Replayed | Idle in #MWE for MilkyWayEditor!
11:08.14PolynomialI tried Environment - Fog enable/disable
11:08.18Polynomialbut no luck :(
11:08.59*** join/#sc2mapster Tinman (~bjodeh@
11:10.22Galois-evaristelol ironic your name and mine
11:10.26Galois-evaristebut yes
11:10.43Galois-evaristeuse a revealer
11:11.29Polynomialaaah good idea :)
11:11.36Polynomialalso yeah that is irony :P
11:11.52Polynomialwell, coincidence at least
11:12.01*** join/#sc2mapster Seyon (~chatzilla@
11:16.04*** join/#sc2mapster Alcoholix (
11:17.01Alcoholixhowdy all
11:17.03Galois-evaristewhen i'm showing a dialog
11:17.19Galois-evaristedo i need to make it for each player so that what they do to the dialog isn't universally seen?
11:19.38*** join/#sc2mapster tehpanda (
11:19.49tehpandaok is there any reason why certain ingame sound files work for Play Sound, and others dont
11:19.51SweetZombieJesusyou can just show it for all players
11:20.03SweetZombieJesusor for chosen players
11:20.28Galois-evaristeif i show it to all players
11:20.35tehpandacivilian_death plays, nydusworm_what doesnt; marine_attackLaunch plays, dog_what doesn't; its so weird
11:20.38Galois-evaristewill what one players does to the dialog affect what all players see?
11:21.01SweetZombieJesusdepends what you do
11:21.08Galois-evaristethen i'll make them individually
11:21.09SweetZombieJesusdepends how you code it
11:21.14SweetZombieJesusyou dont need to
11:21.29SweetZombieJesusyou can just make 1 item
11:21.30Galois-evaristeso it doesn't depend on what i do?
11:21.36SweetZombieJesusthen check for exmaple if the button was pressed
11:21.41SweetZombieJesusand do something with triggering player
11:21.55SweetZombieJesusif on button press you want to hide it for only the pressing player
11:22.04SweetZombieJesusyou can just do Hide dialog for (triggering player)
11:22.14Galois-evaristei understand now
11:22.15SweetZombieJesusthe rest will still see it / be able to use it
11:23.05*** join/#sc2mapster Petoj (
11:26.08tehpandai guess its easier just to create custom objects for any sound marked as Voice, use the same sound link and set it to Other
11:27.24Galois-evaristealright another question:
11:27.36Galois-evaristeDoes anyone know a text style that uses large letters?
11:27.54Galois-evaristebecause even though i can edit them in the "editor" thing, it doesn't happeni nt he game
11:28.03Galois-evaristeoutstanding soldier
11:28.36Galois-evaristethat is beyond helpful
11:28.38Galois-evaristei'm favoriting that
11:30.28*** join/#sc2mapster madsquare (
11:32.03Polynomialis there a way to give a group of units a move order whilst making them stay in their current formation?
11:32.26PolynomialI have three banshees in a V formation, they're moving towards a sensor tower to destroy it
11:32.39Polynomialbut they bump into each other as they converge on it :/
11:32.47*** join/#sc2mapster MaxMode (
11:33.12Polynomialwhich makes my camera jiggle a bit, it's kinda hacky looking, which is never good
11:33.33ekcolnovkolhey sixen
11:34.05Galois-evaristemove with relative points
11:34.08Galois-evaristeforces units to stay in formation
11:34.42PolynomialI'll give that a go
11:34.55Polynomialso I take it I need to split it into two sections
11:35.08Polynomial1) move with relative points to a position near the tower
11:35.13Polynomial2) when there, destroy the tower
11:35.34*** join/#sc2mapster BeLugh (543e9d38@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
11:35.46Polynomialoooh and one other thing, this is a long shot
11:35.51Galois-evaristeif the units already look at it as an enemy then 2) doesn't need a trigger
11:36.05Polynomialhmm ok
11:36.12Polynomialis there any way to speed up a unit's movement temporaraly?
11:36.19Galois-evaristethere is a trigger
11:36.20PolynomialI want the banshees to fly super fast if possible
11:36.26Galois-evaristeto Set UNIT movement speed to XXX
11:36.34Galois-evaristewhere XXX is a real number
11:36.35Polynomialyou sir are a winrar.
11:36.49Galois-evaristei sir am a revolutionist
11:36.52PolynomialI'll try that out when I get back from the shops, brb.
11:37.53Polynomialyou sir are a finite field of winrar ;)
11:38.04Polynomialoh-ho-ho, math jokes.
11:38.38*** join/#sc2mapster A1win (
11:40.38Clordbravo... I can't improve my THE Card Game lobby because then it does not get it is same map in join game list
11:40.40ClordXD 2.0 shows new awesome side of himself
11:44.17BeLugh[13:40] <Clord> bravo... I can't improve my THE Card Game lobby because then it does not get it is same map in join game list<-- what do you mean?
11:46.10ekcolnovkolhe can't change game modes
11:47.03BeLughah y thats the same for me... but i think i can change soon as mine isnt in popularity lsit anyway lol
11:50.34*** join/#sc2mapster slay^^ (
11:53.07Galois-evaristedoes anyone know irninja?
12:00.48RepoNew announcement:
12:02.07ProzaicMuzeNOoo the Ori ships are raping our coalition fleet :(
12:02.08*** join/#sc2mapster Galois-evariste (
12:03.30RepoNew map: Super Baneling Tag. danzeg (Manager/Author). Approved by vjeux.
12:04.09*** join/#sc2mapster Galois-evariste (
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12:08.29*** join/#sc2mapster Chrono (
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12:26.05*** join/#sc2mapster Holden__ (5d0cd92e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
12:26.35Holden__yo can someone tell me if its possible to make a unit look at mouse location?
12:27.05SweetZombieJesusmaybe in some totally inefficient way
12:27.12SweetZombieJesusbut there is no real get mouse location action
12:27.50SweetZombieJesusif pressing keys causes lag
12:27.53SweetZombieJesusthen mouse info would be crazy
12:28.23*** join/#sc2mapster Dracoknight (5858e05a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
12:28.49Clordunless he does solo map
12:29.01SweetZombieJesusyea but that aint no fun
12:29.58*** join/#sc2mapster Tordecybombo (6271b69a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
12:30.21DracoknightYo whats up?
12:31.01*** join/#sc2mapster Vestras (
12:33.38Clordekcolnovkol..... lol.. I mean when I publish
12:33.44Clordif you change default game variant and publish
12:33.56Clordit makes new entry to join game list
12:34.23vjeuxrm * bash: /bin/rm: Argument list too long
12:34.24Clordso I gotta keep this broken looking lobby in use as long it is most popular category in my map
12:34.38Clordas it is highest in join game list
12:34.47Saerisvjeux, you missed something big in that new news post
12:35.00Saeristhe contest rules state you can't submit an existing map
12:35.10Saerisit has to be original and uncirculated
12:35.20Saerismeaning, not already on bnet
12:35.29vjeuxwell, i doubt that's a real rule
12:35.33Saerisyea, it is
12:35.48Saerisi'll go grab the rules if you want
12:36.01Ka[L]ekinStupid country restricted contest
12:36.09Dracoknightanyone know a way how you can change the map setting from "melee" type to "campagin" after it have been made?
12:37.13Saerissorry, i just figured that's quite important to include, because people will submit the maps they've already been working on and will get disqualified
12:37.57OtixaHai gaiz
12:38.02Dracoknightoh hai
12:38.08SweetZombieJesuswhy hai there
12:38.12OtixaSup here? ;D
12:38.13ClordBy submitting the map you grant licensing rights to Blizzard Entertainment, and will not display, post, or share it until after the contest closes on September 11, 2010.
12:38.20Saeristhat too
12:38.33Tordecybomboidra's rage is the best
12:38.34Clordso there went my chances
12:38.37Saerisso in that sense
12:38.39Tordecybombohe should stay the way he is
12:38.40ProzaicMuzeThat's because Idra is ghey
12:38.50ProzaicMuzeAnd one day, when he is run over by some random passerby, no one will care
12:38.56Dracoknightmeh Idra might be good, but he doesnt deserve it
12:38.59Saerisyou have to keep your development secret
12:39.01Saerisas well
12:39.05SweetZombieJesusshow me a cast of idra's rage
12:39.10SweetZombieJesusi need moare
12:39.12Clordthat contest is full of fail
12:39.13SweetZombieJesusi feed on it
12:39.18Dracoknightyou saw the Idra VS masq?
12:39.23SweetZombieJesusno but im gonna!!!
12:39.36Tordecybomboare there other pros that rage like idra
12:39.36Dracoknighti think Husky or HD starcraft have a few videos
12:39.39Tordecybombobecause i love these guys
12:39.46Tordecybomborage keeps the game alie
12:39.49Saerisi'm gonna submit something anyways, because i really want to go to blizzcon, and i really want to get one of my maps in the hands of blizzard devs
12:40.09Saerisgonna be a busy month
12:40.14ClordI would... but I think making map simillar what I have already published feels damn silly
12:40.15Tordecybombosept 11?
12:40.16Tordecybombooh man
12:40.23Tordecybomboi aint gonna be able to finish my masterpiece
12:40.29Tordecybombo(hasnt started yet)
12:40.42SweetZombieJesusdo you have an idea yet? :P
12:40.53Clordthey could just throw it away that it is too simillar to other one
12:41.00Saerisme? yea. and i've got 50 abilities written down already
12:41.03SweetZombieJesusoh i did see masq vs idra
12:41.06SweetZombieJesusits old =/
12:41.08SweetZombieJesusi need new rage
12:41.08Dracoknightit is
12:41.29SweetZombieJesusgimmeh new
12:41.30Saerisjust gotta get one mechanic working and i'm pretty much golden. rest shouldn't be hard
12:41.30Tordecybombodo they take custom maps that are already uploaded and popular? Just curious. I'm gonna upload that obviously.
12:41.36Dracoknightwhy not just search youtube for Idra games?
12:41.39Saerisno tordec
12:41.40Dracoknightfor "idra rage"
12:41.45SweetZombieJesustheres only rage if he loses
12:41.51Saerisit has to be original and unreleased to the public
12:42.01SweetZombieJesusmake an idra rage sc2 custom map
12:42.03SweetZombieJesuswin contest with ease
12:42.05Tordecybombook that's great
12:42.12Clordmap entered must be secret so that even your friends not are able to confirm it's existence
12:42.23SweetZombieJesusjust not public
12:42.24Tordecybomboidra rage map is brilliant
12:42.28SweetZombieJesusyou can public it private to test with friends
12:42.33Tordecybomboover 100 idra phrases!
12:42.43Tordecybomborandomly generated to suit your entertainment needs!
12:42.46SweetZombieJesusi know
12:42.50SweetZombieJesusa big huge ultralist
12:42.51Dracoknight"no wonder noone play zerg when they use gay tactics like yours!"
12:42.52SweetZombieJesusand you poke it
12:42.54Saerisone of the stipulations of the contest is you can't share it
12:42.55SweetZombieJesuseach time new rage
12:43.00Tordecybombo"apologize for playing that race!"
12:43.01SweetZombieJesusgoing up a bit every time in rage amount
12:43.02Saerisyou can't test it privately with friends either
12:43.06Saeriseven on private servers
12:43.15Tordecybomboare you serious
12:43.23Tordecybombodamn so much for a multiplayer custom
12:43.26SweetZombieJesussaeris private isnt sharing
12:43.37Ka[L]ekinI am sure private testing is fine.
12:43.42Saeris(v) The terms and conditions of the StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty End  User License Agreement shall be strictly enforced, subject to these  Rules. In the event that Sponsor feels that a Movie was created in  violation of the foregoing agreements and/or policies, such as through  the use of a "Private Server," that Map will be disqualified from the  Contest.  
12:43.54SweetZombieJesusprivate server
12:43.57SweetZombieJesuscompletely something else
12:43.59Tordecybomboso it pretty much has to be a single player map right?
12:44.06Ka[L]ekinPrivate server is server emulation
12:44.07Saerisnot specifically
12:44.10Tordecybombobecause it'll be tough to test a multiplayer one
12:44.10SweetZombieJesuslearn to read >_<
12:44.14SweetZombieJesusgah nm
12:44.19SweetZombieJesusi cba argueing
12:44.22Saerisi would stick to that mostly to avoid getting disqualified
12:44.25Saerisi mean
12:44.33Saerisyou may have it up on bnet published privately
12:44.45Saerisbut they may overlook that and see that you published it at all
12:44.52DracoknightProbert the probe :P
12:45.15Ka[L]ekinWell my country is even accepted as a contestant, so be happy you can enter a damn map at all.
12:45.16TordecybomboBilbo Baggins
12:45.37Ka[L]ekinTordecy, it can be multiplayer of course
12:45.44Tordecybomboyea i know
12:45.56Tordecybomboit's just a lot harder to submit it to the contest
12:46.02Tordecybomboand expect to win
12:46.05Saeriswhat with balancing and all
12:46.18Ka[L]ekinWith a MP map?
12:46.24Ka[L]ekinI don't see why.
12:46.25Saerissecret to that: develop a damn good AI to test against
12:46.40Tordecybombocant make any guarantees
12:47.02Saerisi'm looking at it this way
12:47.05Dracoknighti saw a youtube movie where they made a AI phoenix take out 200 mutalisks
12:47.33Tordecybomboi miss sixen
12:47.50Saeriscome up with something that's really just fun to play and addicting. if the devs can't stop playing it, there's a good chance you'll make it to the final round of judging
12:48.14Saerisavoid doing overly fancy or complicated ideas
12:48.32Tordecybomboyea i know, ive done a little game design before
12:48.36Tordecybombosimple things often are the best
12:48.37Saerisand keep it relatively simple, this isn't a contest to submit your epic final fantasy scale RPG
12:48.52Saerisnor would they wanna play through all of that =/
12:49.09Tordecybomboi'd never make an epic scale rpg anyway
12:49.13Tordecybombotoo much time
12:49.20Tordecybombofor something that could potentially not be fun
12:50.41Saerisand probably most important. look at the existing maps that are on the top of the popularity list. play them, try and find out why people play them so much. and learn what those maps did wrong, don't make the same mistakes
12:51.03Tordecybomboi think they're on top because they published early
12:51.07Tordecybombowell most of them anyway
12:51.21*** join/#sc2mapster Galois-evariste (
12:51.21Saerismeh, not nescessarily
12:51.40Tordecybombothe few that aren't published early have
12:51.45Saerismine was in the top 7 for the first week, but it fell off the list after a while
12:51.48Tordecybombothey're very simple games
12:52.02Tordecybomboand rehashed games that everone liked in wc3 or sc1
12:52.20Saerislol, and mine falls under that category
12:52.23Tordecybomboalthough something like Income Wars
12:52.31Tordecybombothe publisher is genius
12:52.39Tordecybombohe put an exploit to make the games last <1 min
12:52.48Saeristhough, people seem to hate the old golem was combo system, that's what brought me down
12:52.48Tordecybombopeople kept playing it in hopes no one uses the exploit
12:52.52Tordecybomboboom popularity
12:53.09Tordecybomboafter it reaches top spot, the publisher can simply fix the exploit
12:53.16Saeristhat's sadly a great idea
12:53.21Tordecybomboi know :/
12:53.52Galois-evaristei have a screen button in the form of a dialog item
12:54.01Galois-evaristewhat is the condition for "if the button is clicked"
12:54.07*** join/#sc2mapster lime (
12:54.07Galois-evaristeis it "if dialog item  is true"?
12:54.49Tordecybombofine by me, exploit the popularity system to hell, maybe blizzard will finally do something
12:55.09Saerisright after i fix the majority of the learning curve and some of the balancing issues, it fell so far down that i couldn't even play test it anymore
12:55.24Tordecybombowhat map did you make?
12:55.29Saerisgolem wars classic
12:55.39Tordecybomboooo i loved golem wars :4
12:55.51Tordecybombodidnt know any of the combos for this one though
12:55.58Saeristry mine some time, there's an automatic AI that makes it playable single player
12:56.10Saeristhe basic combos are listed in the help menu now
12:56.48Saerismy facebook community for it kept arguing that it lost popularity because there was no combo list. now there is one, and it fell further
12:57.02Saerisand they wonder why i didn't release one earlier
12:57.27Saerisanyways, i'm gonna go back to getting campaign achievements
12:57.32Galois-evaristewhat map are we talking smack about?
12:58.19Tordecybombothe popular maps
12:58.27Tordecybombounfortunately mine is up there :(
12:58.30Tordecybomboso im getting lots o fhate
12:59.39PetojHow am i supposed to try own map its impossible to get players...?
12:59.41Galois-evaristehate because your map is popular?
12:59.46Galois-evaristethat's fucking retarded
13:00.01Galois-evaristemy map was #2 in the charts for the first week of beta customs and after release
13:00.05Galois-evaristehaters can suck it
13:00.36PetojGalois-evariste: how did you make it popular, if no one can see my map...
13:00.48Galois-evaristethat sentence makes no sense to me
13:01.22Petojim just asking how the fuck are we meant to try our maps for bugs with players if we can't get any players to join...
13:01.23Tordecybombomy map was #1 by end of phase 1 and phase 2, it was pretty cool
13:01.38ekcolnovkoli am actually pissed off your map isn't up there
13:01.38Tordecybombobut now i want to work on something else
13:02.17Galois-evaristewhat is this a circle jerk ffs
13:02.22ekcolnovkolspine crawler defense makes me yuuuuuugh
13:02.23Galois-evaristedear god
13:02.28Petojbut is there any way to boost a maps popular state? how the fuck are we else meant to get the maps out there so ppl can play then?
13:02.50ekcolnovkoli played a game of it and HNNnngnGGGghhh
13:02.53Tordecybombolook at what income wars did
13:02.59Tordecybombothe guy was brilliant when trying to boost popularity
13:03.04Galois-evaristehow do i check if a dialog item button was pressed?
13:03.07Tordecybombowent from 500 games to 5000 in less than 24 hours
13:03.21ekcolnovkolwhat did he do?
13:03.31Tordecybombohe put an exploit that would make games last less than 1 min
13:03.39ekcolnovkolyou mean the nukes?
13:03.41Tordecybomboand people kept joining in hopes no one would use the exploit
13:03.49Tordecybombobut people still kept using it
13:03.51Tordecybomboand using it
13:03.56Tordecybomboand boom popularity
13:04.02ekcolnovkolit can't be as bad as
13:04.05ekcolnovkolRandom RPG Test
13:04.11Tordecybombowell that fell from grace
13:04.13ekcolnovkoli raged when i joined that game
13:04.16ekcolnovkolyeah it did
13:04.23Tordecybomboincome wars doesnt seem to be going down much
13:04.27ekcolnovkolproblem with income wars is that it has decent staying power
13:04.36ekcolnovkolit's like a faster nexus wars
13:04.36Tordecybomboand the exploit is still in there
13:04.48ekcolnovkolhe made a post saying he fixed it
13:04.56ekcolnovkoli think on bnet forums
13:05.05Tordecybombothe publisher isnt the creator
13:05.08Tordecybomboso he didnt updat eit
13:05.10ekcolnovkolwhatever, they're going to revamp the system anyway
13:05.25ekcolnovkollmao i have to update to 4 regions every time i publish q.q
13:05.47Tordecybombohow do you upload to different regions? or do you have dedicated uploaders from other egions?
13:05.55ekcolnovkoli have people contributing their accounts
13:06.06Petojmy map doesn't even show up in the "show only new" maps so yay its totally impossible!!!! must say wc3 had its flaws but sc2 has a bigger flaw....
13:06.11ekcolnovkolbut tordecy
13:06.14*** join/#sc2mapster Aussie123 (~Aussie123@
13:06.15ekcolnovkolyour map is pretty genius too <_<
13:06.16ekcolnovkolfast game
13:06.17ekcolnovkol4 players
13:06.30ekcolnovkolgreat formula for racking up points
13:06.46Tordecybombowouldn't say it's genius
13:06.48ekcolnovkolin the beginning it was like wtf nobody could beat
13:07.00Aussie123will blizzard ever remove the popularity system? :(
13:07.08ekcolnovkolmine had to last ~1 hour, and required 10 players q.q
13:07.29Aussie123didnt they do this popularity system FOR the map makers?
13:08.01ekcolnovkolthey put something that worked, but could be exploited
13:08.10Aussie123it doesn't work..
13:08.15Aussie123doesn't work at all
13:08.18ekcolnovkoloh it does, for the most part
13:08.23Aussie123for 10 maps
13:08.27ekcolnovkolmine is still up there
13:08.41ekcolnovkoli have the staying power of a clam >:)
13:08.53Petojekcolnovkol: yes if you you map was like one of the 10 first, sure it works!
13:09.16Aussie123u cant make any mini games cos they will never get played as much as the big maps
13:09.32ekcolnovkolwell, they didn't bother doing a map review or spotlight kind of thing
13:09.37ekcolnovkolsince fan sites would take care of it
13:09.41Aussie123and if ur on US there will be 50 big maps and all the little fun maps wont get anywhere
13:09.58PetojNot even the "show only new" so its totally pointless to try to get a map up....
13:10.05Tordecybombowhat map did you make?
13:10.14ekcolnovkolyeah, but they only have 10 slots up top, so it's hard to make it so that all several thousand maps could be shown
13:10.24Aussie123i made scv football, i legendary SC1 map
13:10.31Galois-evaristetaht must've been easy
13:10.38Aussie123but was legendary
13:10.43Galois-evaristei know
13:10.46Galois-evaristei did turret defense
13:10.54ekcolnovkollol u
13:11.05*** join/#sc2mapster Dogmai (
13:11.07Aussie123i mean i made a SC2 scv football, exactly the same as sc1 version
13:11.12ekcolnovkolyour map icon confused me, i wondered for the longest time what that map was about
13:11.19ekcolnovkoli was like... turrets
13:11.24Tordecybombodidnt a guy publish your turret defense?
13:11.25Galois-evaristesomebody never played brood war
13:11.29Galois-evaristefuck yeah he did
13:11.31Galois-evaristethat motherfucking asshole
13:11.36Tordecybomboargh i hate people like that
13:11.47Galois-evaristei'm not angry with him becuase he uplaoded it
13:11.54Galois-evaristei'm angry because he removed my name and put his own in its place
13:12.02ekcolnovkolyeah that can piss you off
13:12.04Aussie123why not put ur name inside the map :p with a text tag or something
13:12.09Tordecybomboyea he changed the name in-game too
13:12.09Galois-evaristein the beta i had already finished the map and people were playing it with the custom map switcher programs
13:12.14Tordecybombonow that's some pure intent of stealing
13:12.29Galois-evaristethen when the custom maps were made available in that patch 9 thing, some other guy uploaded it before i could
13:12.35Galois-evaristebut at least that guy kept my name on the map
13:13.05Galois-evaristeyou know this community didn't understand that map
13:13.06Aussie123did u make that bugged up turret defense that was on SEA?
13:13.10Galois-evaristethey were like wtf why isn't this like wc3
13:13.19Galois-evaristeidk what was on SEA
13:13.26Galois-evaristei localized every version of it though
13:13.30Aussie123it was a spiral turret defense
13:13.38Galois-evaristei didn't say i did spiral turre defense
13:13.39ekcolnovkoli actually never played turret defense
13:13.41Galois-evaristei did turret defense
13:13.43Galois-evaristeyou know the one
13:13.50ekcolnovkolwhat i don't understand is why spine cralwer defense is popular
13:13.56Galois-evaristepeople got in a bitch fight with me on the site over my map
13:13.57Petojany way does any one know how to setup a map to be 3vs3vs3vs3???? i made it with 4 Teams but if there where any "open" slots in the middle the players would be moved... so how am i supposed to setup 3vs3vs3vs3? if i look at "Custom teams" i can only have 2 players in the same team, why???
13:13.57ekcolnovkolalot of people must like spine crawlers <_<
13:14.10Tordecybombolots of people want to relive sunken defense i guess
13:14.14Tordecybombothat's the closest thing they got atm
13:14.15Galois-evaristeUS WC3 PLAYERS LIKE"
13:14.19Galois-evaristeand i was like "fuck you"
13:14.21ekcolnovkolis that what it is?
13:14.22ekcolnovkola remake?
13:14.26Tordecybombonot really
13:14.34ekcolnovkolit's like
13:14.34Galois-evaristelook at the top 20 maps on sc2
13:14.38ekcolnovkol2 towers :X
13:14.39Galois-evaristeat least half of them are remakes
13:14.51Aussie123i want to make all those fun mini game maps that were in WC3 but theres no point now :[
13:14.58Aussie123like Red light green light
13:15.01Tordecybombolike Uther Party?
13:15.03Galois-evaristethey had that in brood war
13:15.04Aussie123that was fun
13:15.15Tordecybomboin Brood War I remember playing Mario Party
13:15.17ekcolnovkolit's hard to say that your effort wasn't worth it just because you didn't make it to page 1
13:15.19Tordecybombobunch of minigames in one
13:15.19Galois-evaristedude i could totally make that though
13:15.24Aussie123no way uther party isnt a mini map that is huge
13:15.31Aussie123way to advanced for me :p
13:15.34ekcolnovkoluther party was lol
13:15.41Tordecybomboit's hammer time!
13:15.55Galois-evaristeyo homos
13:15.57ekcolnovkolwell at least
13:16.05ekcolnovkolit's not 1 map covering the entier lobby
13:16.06Galois-evaristehow do you check if a dialog item (button) was clicked?
13:16.07ekcolnovkolit's 10
13:16.15Aussie123ekcol in SEA there are only like 10 maps that get played
13:16.17ekcolnovkolso that's an improvement
13:16.21Aussie123the rest are all 5 games an hour
13:16.24ekcolnovkolreally? :S
13:16.31Tordecybombodo you want an event or to know if it was clicked before?
13:16.40Galois-evaristei want the condition
13:16.42ekcolnovkolwhat are the 5?
13:16.51Galois-evaristei assume its like "button has been clicked == true" or something but that wording isn't there
13:16.52PetojGalois-evariste: you use the event         Dialog - Any Dialog Item is used by Player Any Player with event type Clicked
13:17.03Galois-evaristemy god
13:17.04Aussie123once my SCV Football map had 6 games per hour! i was excited then a few hours later it was not even in the list lol
13:17.06Galois-evaristei wish i had seen that
13:17.11ekcolnovkolwhat are the 5? :U
13:17.14Galois-evaristelol nice aussie
13:17.17ekcolnovkoli wants to know
13:17.23Aussie123nexus wars
13:17.23Tordecybomboanyone on SEA or EU?
13:17.25Aussie123that card game
13:17.29Aussie123red circle td
13:17.33Tordecybombowhat're are the top games?
13:17.37Aussie123uhh ill check wat the rest are
13:17.38Tordecybomboover there
13:17.42*** join/#sc2mapster Adys_ (~Adys@unaffiliated/adys)
13:18.01Galois-evaristefuck m
13:18.08ekcolnovkoli'm a little annoyed at nexus wars for catering to lazy people :S
13:18.10Galois-evaristei was hoping that I could do all of my dialogs as local variables
13:18.12Galois-evaristeinstead of globals
13:18.25Galois-evaristedo i really need an entirely new trigger for handling what happens when a dialog item is clicked?
13:18.53Saerisi played nexus wars for the first time today
13:18.58Galois-evaristei was hoping to keep my list of triggers less than one full screen height
13:19.00Saeristo try and figure out why it was popular
13:19.04Tordecybomboi think there was an alternative way of making buttons
13:19.08ekcolnovkoli told you
13:19.10Aussie123ok i was a little wrong lol, only 20 maps with games more than 20 per hour.. 10-20 were within 20-50 games per hour.. the rest were 50 to 2000
13:19.12Saerisi rage quit because it made no sense and was awful to play
13:19.46Galois-evaristei highly recommend that you stop sipping the haterade
13:19.49ekcolnovkolit makes sense
13:19.51ekcolnovkolbut like i said
13:20.03ekcolnovkolit's like playing a game of really really slow pong
13:20.08ekcolnovkolwhich was very popular for its time
13:20.10Galois-evaristenexus wars was in the top 10 in the beta because it was one of the first available to play (like my turret defense) when the custom maps were released
13:20.21ekcolnovkolthat's not the only reason
13:20.23Galois-evaristethat was at least somewhat playable
13:20.29Galois-evaristeand so they played what they recognized
13:20.31*** join/#sc2mapster Mattavich (522ee3dd@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
13:20.32Galois-evaristewhen the game came out
13:20.38Tordecybombobesides first upload, it's popular because people like spectating what they build, instead of micromanaging the individual units themselves, which is why tower defense maps are also popular
13:20.39Saerisi think the best feature of nexus wars i saw was the way they did the scoreboard. it looked better than mine
13:20.46Saerisother than that, i didn't enjoy it at all
13:20.48Tordecybombolots of lazy players out there
13:20.56Tordecybombobut it caters to them
13:20.58ekcolnovkolhave you ever considered
13:21.06ekcolnovkolchanging your buildings
13:21.08ekcolnovkolinto dialogs
13:21.11Galois-evaristeif you were to look at the history of brood war's UMS tab, defense maps are like the most popular genre of map ever
13:21.12Tordecybomboyea i did
13:21.13ekcolnovkollike i keep thinking
13:21.16Tordecybombobut im too lazy
13:21.19ekcolnovkolif you removed the ui and did just that
13:21.25ekcolnovkolit would be so much cooler
13:21.28Tordecybomboi agree
13:21.36MattavichCan you take a look at this thread and tell me what you think? It;s really "bugging me" pardon the pun
13:21.37Tordecybombobut how would i deal with hotkeys?
13:21.53Tordecybomboi'd rathe rnot use the button press event since that's horrible in terms of performance
13:21.58ekcolnovkolhm, good point
13:22.10ekcolnovkoli use the mouse click event
13:22.15ekcolnovkoland it doesn't seem to lag my games
13:22.18Saeristhat's if you're holding it down
13:22.38Galois-evaristethree words:
13:22.39ekcolnovkolyo tordecy, you gonna submit something to that contest?
13:22.40Galois-evaristewait for trigger
13:22.57Tordecybombomaybe not, no original ideas flowing atm
13:23.06Saerisbecause wouldn't the lag be coming from constantly checking to see if the button is pressed down?
13:23.08Tordecybombogameplay should always come first instead of aesthetics
13:23.08ekcolnovkolthey might open up entries from published maps again
13:23.17Tordecybombohaving hotkeys makes the game play a lot faster
13:23.23ekcolnovkoldon't forget you need both for a complete game
13:23.35*** join/#sc2mapster Froznic (
13:23.52Saerisif i were to do hotkeys for a dialog
13:23.57ekcolnovkoland don't tell me tetris didn't need graphics, they put up those background pictures for a damn good reason lol
13:24.14Tordecybomboif i could think of an efficient way of doing hotkeys for dialog buttons
13:24.20Saerisi would have opening a dialog turn on a trigger that handles the hotkeys for that dialog, and shut it off when the dialog is closed
13:24.53ekcolnovkoltordecy, have you seen cardcraft's ui?
13:25.01Tordecybomboyes i have
13:25.02Saeristo keep the triggers from checking the hotkeys while other dialogs are open
13:25.04Aussie1231. Nexus Wars 1620 - 2. Corpse 1297 - 3. THE Card Game 1016 - 4. Red Circle TD 747 - 5. Storm Of The Imperial 586 - 6. A Standard Tower Defense 493 - 7. E.V.O.L.V.E.S 352 - 8. Cube Defense 305 - 9. Urban Special Forces 186 - 10. Zerg Defense 154
13:25.04Tordecybomboit's crazy
13:25.07ekcolnovkolthat thing was impressive
13:25.14Aussie123in SEA
13:25.28Tordecybombodamn those numbers are so low compared to US
13:25.31ekcolnovkolyay i'm 5
13:25.48Saeris10x that for many of those here
13:25.56ekcolnovkolmore than 10
13:26.00ekcolnovkolnexus is at like 20k now
13:26.05TordecybomboNexus Wars reached a peak of 21000 here
13:26.35ekcolnovkolwith 8 ppg, that's 160k players per hour
13:26.40Aussie123u need to be able to nuke anywhere in the map in nexus wars :p
13:26.55Tordecybombolike income wars?
13:27.35Tordecybombosomething about changelings moving very fast back and forth make me laugh
13:27.41Aussie123i have 7 downloads on CURSE wow im good
13:27.48Aussie123for my map :p
13:28.20Aussie123make that 8
13:28.28ekcolnovkoli like how sixen was like
13:28.37ekcolnovkol"mention sc2mapster for 1 year of curse premium!"
13:28.51Aussie123i put sc2 mapster model in my map
13:28.55Galois-evaristeekcolnovkol yeah its at most 160k an hour, but there are too many repeat players in a row per hour to make that number right
13:29.12Galois-evaristehow the fuck did you do that
13:29.17Galois-evaristei just tried to get that working on my thing and i failed hard
13:29.22Galois-evaristei thought i remembered how to do it too
13:29.27Aussie123did u import all the files
13:29.31Aussie123not just the model file
13:29.34Saeriswell, back to campaign for me, gonna try and get Hard Core now
13:29.41Galois-evaristei copied a unit
13:29.42Tordecybomboi should do that too
13:29.44Galois-evaristealong with actor
13:29.45Galois-evaristeand model
13:29.46Tordecybombomodel looks cute
13:29.52Galois-evaristeand assigned the model to the sc2mapster model
13:29.58Galois-evaristethen when i try to place it in the editor i get a ball
13:29.59Aussie123i just edited the probes model to the sc2mapster file
13:30.00Aussie123and it worked
13:30.05Galois-evaristemother F
13:30.06ekcolnovkolwhat model
13:30.14Galois-evaristei used the one skizot suggested in his post
13:30.18Galois-evaristethe garage doodad
13:30.21Galois-evaristethen the garage unit
13:30.22Tordecybomboanyone got a link to the model
13:30.31Aussie123i tried the garage one it didnt work
13:30.33Aussie123so i used a probe
13:30.39Galois-evaristei still have the tabopen
13:30.49Galois-evaristebecause i just gave up a few minutes ago trying to make that bullshit work
13:30.56Aussie123took 2 seconds :p
13:31.02ekcolnovkoli made one post
13:31.02Galois-evaristeit should take 2 seconds
13:31.10ekcolnovkoland grabbed 30k+ views for sc2mapster
13:31.11Galois-evaristelook at you you're famous
13:31.31Tordecybomboone post where?
13:31.36ekcolnovkolwas a long time ago
13:31.41ekcolnovkollike when i started my project
13:32.01Aussie123people actually rated my map o.O its rated 4.17 out of 5 too
13:32.23Aussie123that means more than 1 rated right?
13:33.33Clordat least three to get score liek that
13:33.34Aussie123does it count ur own ratings lol?
13:33.35*** join/#sc2mapster SirAd (
13:34.07*** join/#sc2mapster Galois-evariste (
13:35.02Phaosvjeux is so french right nowe
13:35.21Phaosalso the blizz compo, whos doing it ?
13:35.36ekcolnovkoli hope i'll be allowed to <_<
13:35.41Ka[L]ekinI would if I could submit a map but alas my backwards country is not allowed.
13:35.52*** join/#sc2mapster egodbout (4a0d9bbe@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
13:35.54Ka[L]ekinNot faaaair
13:36.11egodboutis dustin here with another nick name?
13:36.29Tordecybombodustin browder?
13:36.52Tordecybombooh phew i was about to laugh
13:37.34AcemoreRAD's up on EU if anyone would like to join :)
13:38.00Tordecybombois RAD on US?
13:38.17Acemorecoming today :)
13:38.20ClordI changed color of card vespene cost to green but now it just weirds me out
13:38.38vjeuxPhaos: yeah i'm french
13:39.27Clordguess who Crusader1245 is in youtube and get virtual cookie
13:40.53Clordsome actually enjoy to eat this crap
13:42.10*** join/#sc2mapster Galois-evariste (
13:51.47*** join/#sc2mapster Zoxc (
13:56.15*** join/#sc2mapster depthsofchaos (
13:59.27MindWorX`Oh Blizzard you old kidder you
13:59.48VestrasMindWorX`: ?
13:59.56MindWorX`"The Editor is a _powerful, robust, and complete development tool_, and it's everything you'll need to build your creation."
14:00.09*** join/#sc2mapster Galois-evariste (
14:00.25Ka[L]ekinAnd it is.
14:00.28*** join/#sc2mapster Lasion (
14:00.35MindWorX`Riiite :P
14:00.39MindWorX`You kid too i see :P
14:04.31*** join/#sc2mapster Galois-evariste (
14:08.55Ka[L]ekinIf a unit's deceleration rate is 0, how long does it take to come to a complete from maximum velocity?
14:09.27Ka[L]ekinDoes a value of 0 make the deceleration dependant on the acceleration?
14:10.09*** join/#sc2mapster Galois-evariste (
14:15.26A1winanyone know how to let a unit shoot at any direction without having to turn first? a normal unit like the reaper
14:15.47A1winor maybe I'll just make him turn faster...
14:16.06Ka[L]ekinThere is a way
14:16.14Ka[L]ekinLook at the Diamond Back from the campaign
14:16.19Ka[L]ekinthey shoot while moving in any direction
14:16.39Ka[L]ekinMight require a turret
14:17.16Galois-evaristethe event where a button is used by any player as being clicked
14:17.22Galois-evaristeis being called when this action happens:
14:17.30A1winyeah diamondback uses a turret
14:17.39Galois-evaristeexcuse me
14:17.43OtixaA1win, just increase the unit's turn speed :B
14:17.50A1winyeah I will ;p
14:17.58Galois-evaristethe editor thinks that when i tell a button to show, i'm clicking on it
14:18.03Ka[L]ekinAre you looking for it to move while attackiong as well?
14:18.04Galois-evaristeway around this?
14:18.19Ka[L]ekinGalois, haven't worked much with dialogs I am afraid. :(
14:18.59PhaosI'm very tempted to keep MF on the silent from now on so I can enter it into the blizzard mapping comp
14:19.07A1winnah I just wanted him to be able to shoot to the opposite direction faster
14:19.17A1winI increased the reaper's turn rate and now he doesn't want to move :3
14:19.44Galois-evaristephaos i've been thinking this too
14:19.47Ka[L]ekinWhat is MF?
14:19.53PhaosMidnight falling.
14:20.01A1winit was because I included the campaign mod to the map, screwed things up
14:20.05Galois-evaristei started working on a map before i heard about the contest
14:20.05Phaosyou have played the mission where there is day and night zombie raids ?
14:20.13Galois-evaristethen when i heard about it all of a sudden i dont want to get testers anymore
14:20.14Ka[L]ekinI have.
14:20.27Phaoslike that, only I had started work on it before the campagin was released xD
14:20.41ProzaicMuzeKeep it on silent?
14:20.45ProzaicMuzeYou gonna remove all sounds from it?
14:20.47Ka[L]ekinI'm sure Blizzard will take your word for that. :D
14:20.50Galois-evaristehe means
14:20.51A1winerr... now I removed the campaign dependency and the reaper still isn't moving >.< what the hell did I screw up :P
14:20.54Galois-evaristethat he can't let anyone know about the map
14:21.01Galois-evaristeor else he can't enter it in the 5k contest
14:21.04Galois-evaristei'm doing the samea ctually
14:21.13Galois-evaristei haven't even added my new map to the sc2mapster list
14:21.19PhaosKa[L]ekin all they need to do is see when I first posted my project on mapster to see it's before the release date
14:21.20Galois-evaristemuch less published it at all yet
14:22.07Phaosyeah exactly. go under the radar. fortunately the project in it's current state i far from what it originally was
14:22.15Phaosbecause of the three restarts
14:22.33Ka[L]ekinI will have to mail my map to Mr. Browder personally.
14:22.35Phaosso my post on mapster isn't revealing anything :P
14:22.47Ka[L]ekinThere seems to be some sort of bug in the application process that is excluding my country from the list of choices.
14:22.58Phaosyour country is ?
14:23.08Ka[L]ekinDeep Dark Africa.
14:23.12Ka[L]ekinOr, South Africa, as we cll it.
14:23.26A1winthe trigger gives the reaper a move order, but he isn't moving.. all I did was increase his turning rate and then change it back to normal ._o
14:23.49Phaossooth africa ?
14:23.51A1winI made the map during beta so some other data values got messed up too...
14:24.27SweetZombieJesuswell that was fun
14:24.52*** join/#sc2mapster Chrono (
14:24.52SweetZombieJesuslib worked perfectly, now about 6 hours of a complete code overhaul it works the exact same as i wanted
14:25.01A1winerr.. it appears that the reaper only has Stop ability listed now o_.
14:25.03SweetZombieJesusbut better readability!
14:25.07SweetZombieJesustotally worth me time
14:25.07Ka[L]ekinIt's quite alright. As a young black african white man I am quite used to being discriminated against.
14:25.43Ka[L]ekinAiwin, format your PC and reinstall.
14:25.46Ka[L]ekinShould fix the issue.
14:26.31Otixastabs Phaos
14:26.38OtixaThought I wouldn't see you there? >:[
14:26.58*** join/#sc2mapster antares- (
14:27.02Phaoswouldn't see me where ?
14:27.08Phaosoh here ?
14:27.13Phaosouch my spleen
14:27.24Otixaohai ;D
14:28.16Phaosworkin on me map
14:28.26Phaoswhich I am now tempted to put into the blizz compo
14:28.55PhaosI found an interesting problem
14:29.16Phaosif you map is multiplayer. how do you test it if your not allowed to show others ?
14:29.27OtixaHar har :D
14:29.34OtixaYeh, Vlizz are fucktarded
14:29.36Galois-evaristehey pahso
14:29.37OtixaNothing new there
14:29.40OtixaBlizz* ¬_¬
14:29.49Galois-evaristehey phaos
14:29.52Galois-evaristei think i have good news
14:29.57Galois-evaristeread this again but with more seriousness:
14:30.03Galois-evaristeBy submitting the map you grant licensing rights to Blizzard Entertainment, and will not display, post, or share it until after the contest closes on September 11, 2010.
14:30.13Galois-evaristewhat does it tell you?
14:30.28Phaosyou can test it after the compo closes ?'
14:30.35Galois-evaristethat too
14:30.37Phaosalso they may turn it into a offical map
14:30.41Galois-evaristenot what i had in mind though
14:30.51Phaos"licencing rights"
14:30.53Galois-evaristei didn't get that out of that sentence but okay
14:30.53OtixaIt wouldn't be your map after that
14:30.56Galois-evaristeany of that really
14:31.00Galois-evaristeugh phaos you're killing me
14:31.00Phaosyeah I know
14:31.04Galois-evaristeBy submitting the map you grant licensing rights to Blizzard Entertainment, and will not display, post, or share it until after the contest closes on September 11, 2010.
14:31.13Galois-evaristeI will reword
14:31.27Galois-evaristeWhen you submit the map, you will not display, post, or share it (again) until after the contest closes
14:31.34Phaosyeah I know what your saying. "blizzard will own it, gg fuck off"
14:31.44Galois-evaristei'm not saying any of that at all
14:31.48Galois-evaristepay attention
14:31.57Galois-evaristethey said
14:31.58Galois-evaristeyou WILL not
14:31.59PhaosBy submitting >.>
14:32.00Galois-evaristerather than you HAVE not
14:32.07Galois-evaristeso when you submit the entry
14:32.15Galois-evaristeyou WILL not use it until after the contest closes
14:32.18Phaosso prior to submitting. go nuts basicly
14:32.30Galois-evaristeyou understand what i was saying there?
14:32.36Galois-evaristeright on
14:32.39Phaosbut yes
14:32.40Galois-evaristeso we can test our maps
14:32.46Phaosaces :D
14:33.31PhaosI bet SotIS will be in the compo :P
14:33.44*** join/#sc2mapster Ingela (
14:34.34Phaoslook at the front page of sc2mapster
14:35.24Galois-evaristesotis to me is a little disorganized
14:35.30Galois-evaristei was a bit confused the first time i played it
14:35.39Galois-evaristebut then again at the time i had never even looked at LoL or DotA
14:35.51Galois-evaristeits a great map though don't get me wrong
14:35.55Galois-evaristea lot of effort went into it
14:36.03ProzaicMuzethey're gonna take all these custom maps that people forked over for the contest (and lost)
14:36.08ProzaicMuzeAnd then sell them as premium contest
14:36.11Galois-evaristeits just that I was lost there - nothing to explain, only a bunch of pictures
14:36.14ProzaicMuzeWorst contest ever
14:36.22Galois-evaristeyeah that's kind of obvious prozaic
14:36.33Galois-evaristebut then again they're basically going to buy the map from you and then give you royalties
14:36.40Galois-evaristeso its not that bad
14:36.47Galois-evaristeplus they give you 5k and fly you round trip to blizzcon
14:36.49Galois-evaristeso its not that bad
14:37.09ProzaicMuzeThere is nothign about royalties
14:37.20ProzaicMuzethe $5k is prize money.  They aren't buying anything from you
14:37.27Galois-evaristeyou don't remember the blizzard q&a at the blizzcon last year?
14:37.29ProzaicMuzeThey get the map for free, the money is just a token gesture to someone
14:37.37ProzaicMuzeI do
14:37.43Galois-evaristei don't know where you get your info from
14:37.44ProzaicMuzeIf your get premium content, you can get royalties
14:37.50Galois-evaristebut i remember their presentation about the custom maps
14:37.51ProzaicMuzeHowever, in this fashion you LOSE rights to the map
14:37.58Phaosyeah it is obvious prozaic. but the good thing is 1. I may win some money and a free holiday
14:37.58Phaos2. I know >I< made the map.
14:37.58Phaos3. pretty much all of the senior mapster community know >I< came up with teh idea.
14:37.59Phaosgood enough for me. stolen or not
14:37.59ProzaicMuzeMeaning you can't get royalties if you "give" them your map
14:37.59Galois-evaristewell of coruse you lose rights to the map
14:38.01Galois-evaristethey fucking pay you for it
14:38.10Galois-evaristethey buy the map from you
14:38.15Galois-evaristeso yes you lose rights to it
14:38.23Galois-evaristejust like blizzard loses rights to sc when you buy i... oh shit
14:38.41ProzaicMuzeThus you don't get royalties
14:38.50Galois-evaristeI remember in the q&a session
14:38.53ProzaicMuzeIn the normal setup for premium content
14:38.56Galois-evaristethat they said you'd get royalties for every download
14:38.59ProzaicMuzeYou can get royalties
14:39.02ProzaicMuzeBut in THIS setup you won't
14:39.06Galois-evaristehow do you know
14:39.16ProzaicMuzeBecause I am a business person and I understand how to read the fine print
14:39.22ProzaicMuzeIf you think you will get any sort of royalties from this
14:39.22Galois-evaristei'm a mathematician
14:39.25ProzaicMuzeYou're a fool
14:39.26Galois-evaristeand i understand how to read the fine print
14:39.27PhaosI mean it doesn't take a genius to know they are just going "give us free ideas that are good. k thx" but hey. thats recognition for me :P
14:39.34ProzaicMuzeAnd a better mathematician
14:39.35Galois-evaristeprozaic wtf man
14:39.41Galois-evaristeevery time we publish a map
14:39.43Galois-evaristeor even click the save button
14:39.45Galois-evaristeblizzard owns it
14:39.48Galois-evaristewe never do as it is
14:39.54Galois-evaristeso i don't know wtf your point is here
14:40.02Galois-evaristetalk about our rights to our maps
14:40.09Phaosif you read the guidelines it explicitly states that our maps are already theirs
14:40.20ProzaicMuzeNo, they are their's if we publish them through their system
14:40.34ProzaicMuzeAlso, those can't be upheld in the court of law
14:40.38ProzaicMuzeHowever, this contest CAN
14:40.39Phaosso your going to make a map and never publish it ?
14:40.50Galois-evaristeagain that's a dumb talking point for the reason phaos just said
14:40.51depthsofchaosthey also own your soul, if you have one
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14:40.58ProzaicMuzeNo, it's not
14:41.03ProzaicMuzeYou have 2 situatiosn here
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14:42.21ProzaicMuzeSituation 1) You publish a map to the server and through a vague EULA somehow lose rights.  The problem being that can't actually claim control of everything you make.  There are a LOT of forums that have discussed this.  It's not enforceable in the majority of situations
14:43.16ProzaicMuzeSituation 2 - The Contest) You are handing your map directly to blizzard in the hopes that they will buy your map.  As such you are thoughtfully handing over your rights to the map.  It is now enforceable and it is not "tacked on" with a EULA
14:43.23ProzaicMuzePersonally, i dont' really care either way
14:43.31ProzaicMuzeI don't make maps with the goal of publishing them
14:43.38ProzaicMuzeI make maps for myself and to play with friends.
14:44.10ProzaicMuzeHowever, you're ignorant if you think that this contest will ever land you royalties.  Sure you may get a cash prize, which is cool, but the royalties are not happening.
14:44.11Lasioncan anyone give me a quick point in the right direction on how I make my cannon take ~1 sec to build and doesn't require a forge? >_>
14:44.14ProzaicMuzeThey can only happen in situation 1
14:44.16Phaoswell it's true :P
14:44.25ProzaicMuzeThat's the point I'm trying to illustrate.
14:44.53ProzaicMuzeI'm not really trying to prevent you from participating.  I was just saying I think the contest is stupid and then refuting your idea that you get royalties.
14:45.01ProzaicMuzeThat's the full extent of my comments
14:45.33ProzaicMuzeEspecially since if you plan to participate, you can no longer share the map with ANYONE until after the contest
14:45.57ProzaicMuzeMakes it pretty hard to bugtest etc
14:45.58Galois-evaristewas alt tabbed watching the blizzcon custom map presentation
14:46.14Phaosoh I know that I am pretty much handing over an idea on a silver platter to them, in the hopes of a chance
14:46.26Galois-evaristeno you're not
14:46.28ProzaicMuzeI dont' care about the handign over portion lol
14:46.28Galois-evaristewhat the fuck people
14:46.43Galois-evaristewe've already agreed that once you publish your map its theirs
14:46.51Galois-evaristeso when you are reminded of this by their rules
14:46.53Galois-evaristewhen you submit the map
14:46.54Phaosbut on the chance of a win. 1. map gains fame. 2. I gain fame. 3. easier for me to enter the game dev industry. which is horribly elitest as it is
14:46.55Galois-evaristenothing changes
14:47.03Galois-evaristewhoa whoa whoa calm down
14:47.03ProzaicMuzeGalois, you really need to read up on what you're talkign about
14:47.06Galois-evaristesettle down and back up
14:47.13Galois-evaristelook at this again
14:47.15Galois-evaristeBy submitting the map you grant licensing rights to Blizzard Entertainment, and will not display, post, or share it until after the contest closes on September 11, 2010.
14:47.16ProzaicMuzeIt's not enforceable
14:47.17Galois-evaristefirst of all
14:47.46ProzaicMuzeAnd technically, I'd say you need to settle down.
14:47.50ProzaicMuzeYou're getting worked up the most here lol
14:47.56Galois-evaristeyou're being an idiot
14:48.01ProzaicMuzeNo, i'm being intelligent
14:48.01Galois-evaristejust because i say omfg and whoa whoa whoa
14:48.04Galois-evaristethat means i'm worked up
14:48.04ProzaicMuzeYou're being ignorant
14:48.08Galois-evaristeholy shit
14:48.11Galois-evaristenow you're just throwing out insults
14:48.15Galois-evaristewhat a fucking asshole
14:48.27ProzaicMuzeI have called you ignorant and foolish
14:48.33Galois-evaristeyou're being an asshole
14:48.45Galois-evaristeits like talking to a brick wall
14:48.48ProzaicMuzeYou're using vulgar language and assaulting my character
14:48.56Galois-evaristefuck you you stupid piece of shit
14:49.03ProzaicMuzeLet me put it bluntly.  I couldn't care less what you say about me
14:49.05Galois-evaristeoh yeah that was completely uncalled for
14:49.11ProzaicMuzeThis is the internet, and your temper tantrum is exactly that
14:49.15Galois-evaristeoh my god this dude is unbelievable
14:49.20Galois-evaristeholy shit
14:49.32ProzaicMuzeHowever it just looks even more childish given you think doing this on the internet makes you more popular or something along those lines
14:49.32Ka[L]ekinThe internet is THE BEST
14:49.41Galois-evaristewhere is my squelch command
14:49.42ProzaicMuzeI said I dont' like the contest and found the idea stupid
14:49.43Galois-evaristeseriously what the fuck
14:49.47ProzaicMuzeTHen YOU attacked me
14:49.59Galois-evaristeholy shit
14:50.01ProzaicMuzeI defended my idea and now you're upset and resorting to character assassination
14:50.06Galois-evaristethis guy is a fucking asshole man
14:50.16ProzaicMuzeThe irony of this, is that I'm one of the most respected people here
14:50.24Ka[L]ekinWho are you? :0
14:50.29ProzaicMuzeYou can't really call me an asshole if I spend the majority of my time helping people
14:50.31ProzaicMuzeI'm a moderate
14:50.37Galois-evaristewho the fuck are you?
14:50.39LasionNow that's statement you can't really back up, can you? ^^
14:50.46Galois-evaristewhat statement
14:51.08LasionModerator =// Respected
14:51.08Saerisi just read through all of this bullshit
14:51.17ProzaicMuzeI'm in charge of managing the tutorials thread and making sure new people can easily learn the editor
14:51.21Ka[L]ekinSaeris, you got a lot of time. :D
14:51.21Saerisgotta side with prozaic on this one
14:51.23Saerissettle the fuck down
14:51.27Galois-evaristewtf saeris
14:51.30Galois-evaristei haven't even made my argument
14:51.33ProzaicMuzeChances are 90% of the people in this channel have read one of my tutorials
14:51.34Lasion(=// was supposed to mean "does not equal" ) ^^
14:51.35Phaosactually he can back that up. his effort put into the mapping community is phenominal. the amount of tutorials he has pumped out explaining what others havn't in share volume is srs bussiness
14:51.36Galois-evaristehe just jumps in and says NO UR IGNORANT
14:51.46ProzaicMuzeI never said being a moderate makes me respected
14:51.56Saerisif you're gonna make it, just make it and don't sling insults. have an a mature conversation
14:52.05Phaoshe got moderator status because of the effort he has put into this community
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14:52.08Galois-evaristeshit is fucked up man
14:52.22A1winis there a way to disable the behavior from doodads to make them not "fade out" when they block your view to some units?
14:52.36ProzaicMuze@A1win - yes, the occlusion field.
14:52.38Phaosbeing moderator isn't the badge, the reason he got the status is.
14:52.47ProzaicMuzenp :)
14:52.53LasionWell from my point of view you can't really say "everyone respects me", it would have to be 'the others' who come to your defense, and in that way showing you're respected ^^
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14:53.11ProzaicMuzeIf it's true, I certainly can say it.
14:53.14LasionBut I was just nitpicking anyway
14:53.15Saeriskal: course i do, it's summer break and it's 8am on a saturday, lol
14:53.19A1winumm.. is that in unit settings or where?
14:53.29ProzaicMuzeI believe it's in the actor.
14:53.32PhaosI mean I'm against his opinion on the contest. but slinging insults is taking it way to far alright ?
14:53.52Phaosthats not what a debate/conversation/discussion is about
14:54.11ProzaicMuzeI lied, Occlusion is on the model
14:54.18Galois-evaristepahso wtf
14:54.21Galois-evaristephaos wtf
14:54.25ProzaicMuzeSo find the Doodad's model and look for the Occlusion field
14:54.30Galois-evaristewhat don't you understand
14:54.42ProzaicMuzeI think he understands perfectly
14:54.48ProzaicMuzeYou've just taken this way too personally
14:54.58ProzaicMuzeI disagree with you, thus that makes me an asshole in your book
14:55.03ProzaicMuzeSorry, a "fucking" asshole
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14:55.40ProzaicMuzeBTW, Phaos, is the MF map the one with the viking splice?
14:55.43Saerisi'm in the same boat as phaos
14:56.04Saerisi don't like the idea that blizz will have the rights to my map, but i'm making something for the contest just to get the recognition
14:56.09Phaosit looks alot different now ProzaicMuze, but yes the viking splice will be reborn on this map
14:56.20ProzaicMuzeMmk, just wanted to make sure I was thinkin' of the right map lol
14:56.27Phaosyeah :P
14:56.39Saeristhere aren't a lot of ways to get in to level design, much less are there any majors that directly lead to it. the only way to get in is to have community recognition
14:56.56Phaospretty much
14:57.18ProzaicMuzeAre you saying you're wanting to get into Blizzard's sights?  Or just rep for a mapping team in general?
14:57.20Phaosit's one of those jobs where it has a catch 22 of getting into the field in the first place
14:57.33Phaosyou need recognition to get the job, you need the job to get the recognition
14:58.31PhaosI'm saying I want to get in the sights of alot of folks. blizzards in particular would be a bonus, but if I can get my ability as a designer out there to all of blizzards players. some of those players are no doubt game journalists / designers themselves
14:58.36antares-a lot of contests where you submit your own work have clauses (note: I said a lot, not all), it's mostly there to protect blizzard so that you don't go- hey, I got my money now you can't use my map.. unless you pay me more money!
14:59.05Phaosit works the other way around tho antares
14:59.24Saerisright out of the job opening blizzard had for SC2 for associate level designer. to get in to that entry level job, you need to have already published a map in the industry or established yourself as a respected author in the community
14:59.31Phaosthe good thing is that blizzard tell you first. so that you can fully understand that you are selling your soul before entering
14:59.37Saeristhat was pretty much the only requirement
14:59.44Saeristhat and understanding their editors
15:00.51antares-it does work both ways, and if you don't trust blizzard as a company to be 'honorable' on this, then i suggest not submitting a map; however, they don't have that luxury
15:00.55Saerisanyways, i've got an achievement to go get, afk
15:01.29antares-they have to accept everyone's entry that matches the contest requirements, thus the clause to protect themselves
15:01.37PhaosI really don't mind if they are honorable or not. Its still a decent platform to be seen
15:02.27Phaosthats only me tho and I can fully respect people being guarded of their ideas
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15:03.19Saerisyea. winning this contest would not only directly expose your work to thousands of people, many of them journalists and developers themselves. you're also showing your best work to the blizzard devs and execs. you've got the perfect captive audience to display your abilities too
15:03.34Saerisnot to mention being able to put that achievement down on your resume
15:03.45Saeriswhich most game companies would honor as a pretty major achievement
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15:05.12Galois-evaristei'm pretty sure that the blizzard execs won't give a shit about whatever map wins a random contest that the marketing department came up with
15:05.25Saerisalso considering, that in any other case, if you were to try and get someone from a company to even try a map you've made, more often that not they'll never try it. it's like trying to give your demo cd to a rock star at a concert
15:06.26ProzaicMuzePretty sure the contest isn't random, and if they're paying $5k for the winning map, they better care about it.
15:06.30Saeriswell galois, if that's what you think of it, then by all means don't enter the contest. less competition for the rest of us
15:06.53Galois-evaristedon't enter the contest because i won't expect to have blizzard execs fawn over my map?
15:06.58Galois-evaristethat's a hell of a reason
15:07.28Saerisdo whatever you want, not like i can actually prevent you from doing anything
15:07.46Galois-evaristei'm drowning in the bullshit
15:07.50Saerisafk again
15:08.01*** part/#sc2mapster Phaos (
15:09.02AsaPhelpsblizzard's going to award 5k to themselves because they own the map
15:09.22MattavichI need a little help with a trigger that i just cant seem to understand - It's unitgroups
15:09.30MattavichI want to add a unit to a unitgroup
15:09.47Mattavichand then when that unit dies, it will detect and respawn another
15:10.07Mattavichso it sayd "add unit 1 to playergroup
15:10.29Mattavich1 sec ill show you
15:10.50MattavichIt is an observer unit
15:11.24MattavichWhy doesn't that seem to work?
15:11.50MattavichI would like to use an array for all 8 players doing this but I just can't seem to fathom it
15:13.22Galois-evaristehey prozaicmuze: i muted you like 10 minutes ago or whatever, but i just found the part of the blizzcon custom map session that i was talking about and in short you're full of shit:
15:13.30Galois-evariste - go to 3:15
15:13.34antares-mattavich: when units die they are removed from unit groups I believe, perhaps this happens before your event fires
15:15.57ProzaicMuzeDoes he expect me to bother replying given I know he's muted me?
15:16.03Ackiscan anyone log into SC2 right now?
15:17.01MattavichAntares I think unitgroup just confuse me
15:17.33MattavichThere can only be 1 obesrver on the map - when it die si want the trigger to wait 1 minute and then spawn another
15:17.40Mattavichand loop
15:17.59MattavichBut i'm getting "too many thread problems" so I thought i'd try to add it to a unitgroup and detect when it's dead
15:18.20Galois-evaristewait for trigger
15:18.29MattavichI tried but it didn't work
15:18.34antares-mattavich: you don't need a unitgroup for this, just use a unit variable
15:18.38Galois-evaristethen there are a lot more threads than just that one going on
15:18.53Galois-evaristei've never run into a threading problem and i've had a lot of shit happening
15:19.08Galois-evaristedoes the thread thing happen long into the map?
15:19.26Mattavichnot long
15:19.35Galois-evaristei dont know what that means
15:19.37MattavichAha yes i created a unitgroup variable and i need ot just use unit
15:19.59Galois-evaristei actually prefer to use a unit group
15:20.12Galois-evaristeits totally w/e though
15:21.06MattavichI don't understand them much, just going to test and see if this works correctly
15:21.28Galois-evaristeits just like a set
15:21.34Galois-evaristebut its not important
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15:22.13Galois-evaristewhat is your extension field?
15:22.44Galois-evaristeoh my god
15:22.46Galois-evaristemy vocab is gone
15:22.49Galois-evaristei meant your splitting field
15:24.43Galois-evaristepolynomial save me
15:24.44Galois-evaristei'm dying up here
15:26.05Mattavichwhat function do you use to add the unit to the variable
15:26.18antares-set variable
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15:26.21Mattavichunit to unitguop doesnt work sinc eit snot a unitgroup variable
15:28.21MattavichFiddlesticks, it didnt work
15:28.50Mattavichi think this is the problem
15:30.13P_R_Deltoidwhat are you doing
15:30.41MattavichEach player on my map gets an observer, when the observer dies it will respawn in 1 minute
15:30.57Galois-evaristelol fiddlesticks
15:31.00Galois-evaristethere's one i haven't heard in a while
15:31.07P_R_Deltoidwhy not do Unit Type?
15:31.08MattavichI'm trying to make it work without using a forever loop, while loop or anything like that
15:31.15Mattavichi want it to work with an "on event"
15:31.18P_R_DeltoidUnit of Unit Type Dies.
15:31.39P_R_DeltoidUnless there are other observer type units on the map
15:31.49P_R_Deltoidthen you do a small loop to see who's it is
15:31.51P_R_Deltoidand revive it
15:31.59P_R_Deltoidjust say
15:32.01P_R_Deltoidwait 60 seconds
15:32.06P_R_Deltoidrevive triggering unit
15:32.12P_R_Deltoidbut then you have a big ol wait
15:32.35MattavichI can't find the unit of unit type dies hmm
15:33.04AsaPhelpsanyone know how to make a validator to count the number of units in an area?
15:33.52P_R_Deltoid1 sec, Mattavich
15:33.59antares-mattavich: you use the unit dies event, then in the unit field select "unit from unit type"
15:34.06P_R_DeltoidWhat he said
15:34.13P_R_DeltoidAsaPhelps, I think it'd be fairly simple, i think
15:34.42P_R_Deltoidlet me open some shit up
15:34.47MattavichIn the functions list after clicking "any unit" I can't find unittype anywhere
15:34.48AsaPhelpsYes I would think so but I don't know how to specific a unit
15:34.54AsaPhelpsI tried doing enumerate area
15:34.56antares-also, p_r_deltoid's method is good, but you don't need a loop to get who's observer died even, simply create an observer for owner of unit (triggering unit)
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15:35.44AsaPhelpsbut I don't know what type of validator to use
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15:37.21RodOfNODi think thats funny
15:37.26RodOfNOD2 days ago this was the last thing i saw
15:37.36RodOfNOD[08:15am] greedape: i heard mr. vjeux is in need of a partner for the minigame contest.. eh eh?
15:37.39P_R_DeltoidHmm, AsaPhelps, there are quite a few
15:37.42P_R_DeltoidI would think
15:37.43RodOfNODand now u say vjeux lol
15:37.52P_R_Deltoidyou could just do a compare to int or something
15:37.55P_R_Deltoidbut I can't see one of those
15:38.04Mattavichgot this
15:38.09Mattavichfrom a custom function
15:38.19RodOfNODwhat are u trying to do AsaPhelps ?
15:39.27AsaPhelpstrying to make a validator to see if a unit is in an area
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15:40.10RodOfNODhmm P_R_Deltoid was saying u should trigger
15:40.17pkoldoes anyone know to fix when you open other's map the triggers have no names?
15:40.23P_R_DeltoidValidators should be able to do it
15:40.31P_R_Deltoidbut triggers would b e easier
15:40.38RodOfNODpkol:  ususally thats localizer
15:40.42antares-mattavich: sorry I just saw you mention you couldn't find unit type; have your event be "unit any unit dies" then have a condition to check unit type of triggering unit == observer
15:40.42P_R_DeltoidJust searching through the validator presets atm
15:40.45RodOfNODsearch for it on sc2mapster
15:40.47AsaPhelpscan triggers show a requirement on an ability?
15:41.01AsaPhelpson the button
15:41.26RodOfNODwhat do u mean by SHOW?
15:41.32pkolthanks RodOfNOD
15:42.49Mattavichsilly cat pressed caps
15:43.28AsaPhelpsi'm trying to make an ability supressed while a unit is on the map
15:43.41AsaPhelpsso like instead of requires barracks, I'd want it to say requires unit dead
15:43.51RodOfNODif i recall
15:43.51SweetZombieJesusis your map less laggy Mattavich ? ^^
15:43.57RodOfNODu can change the message on the requirement
15:44.02MattavichGetting there. It's alreayd a lot less laggy
15:44.08Mattavichhow do i pm here? lol
15:44.19ProzaicMuze./query [name]
15:44.36SweetZombieJesusyou can click a name in the side bar too
15:45.11AsaPhelpsPM, do you know how to make an ability disabled while a unit is alive?
15:45.26ProzaicMuzeCan you be more specific?
15:45.36RodOfNODyes its COUNT unit = 0
15:45.51RodOfNODon the requirement
15:46.00AsaPhelpsof the ability or the validator?
15:47.02Mattavichdamn phone
15:47.09ProzaicMuzeAre you watning the ability to not work while the unit it is on is alive?
15:47.21RodOfNODthats what he wants
15:47.24RodOfNODunit alive ability doedsnt work
15:47.35AsaPhelpsits like requires hive, but requires not to have hive
15:47.43ProzaicMuzeHow woudl it ever work then? Since if it's dead, it can't use abilities
15:47.55RodOfNODits requiring a different unit hehe
15:48.11AsaPhelpslol PM
15:48.18AsaPhelpsyeah its another unit
15:48.20ProzaicMuzeSee, that's what I was asking Xp
15:48.29AsaPhelpsits like if you couldn't nuke with civilians alive
15:48.36AsaPhelpsbecause you wouldn't want to nuke them
15:48.40AsaPhelpsso you'd have to kill them first
15:48.44AsaPhelpsto save them a horrible death
15:49.00ProzaicMuzeJust add a validator
15:49.04ProzaicMuzeEnumerate Area
15:49.10P_R_DeltoidI would rather be nuked
15:49.11P_R_DeltoidI think
15:49.12ProzaicMuzeAnd if it finds any units of a given type, it doesn't work
15:49.16P_R_Deltoidnuke death is lik
15:49.23P_R_Deltoidinstant vaporization
15:49.29P_R_Deltoidgetting shot is.. usually bleeding to death
15:49.55RodOfNODwhere does he add the vaildator?
15:50.06AsaPhelpshow do you specific a unit in the enumerate area
15:50.13P_R_DeltoidEven headshots are usually bleeding to death
15:50.24P_R_Deltoidit just bleeds out faster because it's from your brain
15:50.30AsaPhelpsactually I might have it
15:50.33P_R_Deltoida notoriously hungry organ
15:50.46RodOfNODnot as hungry as ur lower organ :P
15:50.51eggylooks in
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15:50.58pkollocalizer crashed when i try to localize :(
15:51.19RodOfNODwell IF they pulled the string file then the localizer might crash i guess
15:51.31RodOfNODin other words people can protect their maps by doing that
15:51.42P_R_Deltoidblood doesn't really "circulate" through your "lower organ"
15:52.14RodOfNODwhat u talking about
15:52.16RodOfNODits ALL blood
15:52.34AsaPhelpsso now I have a validator that may work, how would I implement it into a requirement for an ability?
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15:54.03Bifuumorning peoples
15:54.52P_R_Deltoiddisable validator on the ability itself, perhaps?
15:55.23P_R_DeltoidYeah I actually have no idea, apparently there is no such thing
15:55.25AsaPhelpsdon't think abilities have them do they?
15:55.34SweetZombieJesuswhy is working in a library so ridiculously slow?
15:55.36AsaPhelpsI tried to make a requirement
15:55.41AsaPhelpsactually this might be easy
15:55.42P_R_DeltoidThere is... "smart validators"
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15:59.33AsaPhelpsRod can you help me test this out, even though I'm 90% sure it won't work
15:59.38AsaPhelpsor anyone on US
16:00.08P_R_DeltoidI'm on the US!
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16:00.27AsaPhelpswhy you both can help if you want
16:00.32AsaPhelpsdeltoid you want to too?
16:00.37P_R_DeltoidSure, why not
16:00.56RodOfNODsays there is an outage
16:00.58AsaPhelpswhats your id
16:01.01RodOfNODi cant get on
16:01.05AsaPhelpstoo bad
16:01.08AsaPhelpsyou have to
16:01.10P_R_Deltoid1 sec
16:01.26RodOfNOD:P have to be just deltoid
16:01.38AsaPhelpsconnection interrupted unable to publish
16:01.49P_R_Deltoidthat crashed and burned
16:02.10AsaPhelpshmm I can log onto bnet
16:02.50SweetZombieJesusblizzard sucks
16:02.53SweetZombieJesusthey denied my name change
16:03.15SweetZombieJesus(no i didnt ask them to change it to SweetZombieJesus :P)
16:03.34SweetZombieJesusshould have done this name in the first place
16:03.35MattavichWoohoo, guy si got it working perfectly, thanks fellas
16:03.42SweetZombieJesusif i wanted a change then i'd just tell them i find my own name offensive
16:03.57*** join/#sc2mapster Saeris1 (
16:04.03MattavichIt works very well with that
16:04.09SweetZombieJesuswhat is counter complete anyway?
16:04.13Mattavichand now it's not on a loop so it won't cause thread problems
16:04.22SweetZombieJesusnow stop making loops ;)
16:04.24AsaPhelpsrod are you coming?
16:04.54AsaPhelpsdeltoid says you're declining
16:05.20Galois-evaristeI have a Dialog with multiple buttons
16:05.27Galois-evaristeWhen I create an event like so:
16:05.56MattavichNow I can get back to improving content and balance
16:05.58Galois-evaristeit thinks I'm also pressing all of the other buttons that are visible on the screen as well
16:06.05AsaPhelpsDeltoid you still there?
16:06.11SweetZombieJesusnoo dont balance, rory was fun
16:06.40SweetZombieJesusyou should just do Dialog - Any Dialog Button is pressed by any player
16:06.45SweetZombieJesusthen in conditions filter it out
16:06.58RodOfNODi dodnt even know what that realative shit does
16:08.04SweetZombieJesusssh neither do i but we pretend we do anyway
16:08.16AsaPhelpsrod, are you logging on to help?
16:08.34SweetZombieJesushow do i make an array parameter ......
16:08.47SweetZombieJesusi really dont want to make 15 parameters in 1 function
16:08.52SweetZombieJesusand parameters cant be variable
16:08.53SweetZombieJesushow mean
16:09.11AsaPhelpsless complaining more parameter making
16:09.18SweetZombieJesusim trying man!
16:11.02AsaPhelpsrod and deltoid have both gone missing :(
16:11.04SweetZombieJesusworking in library is so annoying
16:11.10SweetZombieJesusEVERYTHING has a 3 second delay
16:11.17SweetZombieJesusfeels like the editor is constantly crashing
16:11.21RodOfNODi cant get online bud
16:11.24RodOfNODsays its down
16:11.50AsaPhelpsdamn you bnet
16:12.08*** join/#sc2mapster Galois-evariste (
16:12.16Constant___anyone up for testing "The Final Conquest" on europe?
16:12.42AlcoholixI'm up for it
16:12.54SweetZombieJesuscould use a break from thsi infernal programming
16:12.56Constant___nick.# pls
16:13.14Constant___ok map author will ad u
16:13.21RodOfNODanyone want to tell me why pathing blockers dont appear to be working for ground
16:13.51AsaPhelpsso the contest ends september 11
16:13.57AsaPhelpsin b4 someoen submits a 9/11 map
16:14.09AsaPhelpsprotect the twin towers from the scourge
16:14.18Galois-evaristeis it possible to attach a camera to a unit so that if i move one, the other goes with it?
16:14.36Constant___alcoholix waiting for u
16:14.47Constant___there u are :p
16:14.48AsaPhelpsanyone on us want to help me test a map?
16:15.46RodOfNODomg this used to wrok
16:15.47*** join/#sc2mapster TeddyFace (
16:15.55RodOfNODi cannot get ANY ground pathing to work
16:18.00RodOfNODk finally got some ground pathing to work
16:20.33Bifuuso are they ever ganna fix this damn Dependancy issue
16:20.43RodOfNODwhats the problem,?
16:21.05BifuuTrying to work with the campaign Depend borks everything
16:21.25Bifuuand randomy disables itself
16:21.27RodOfNODwhats the problem?
16:21.32RodOfNODyes ive run into that
16:21.42RodOfNODdid u move the camp dep to the top of the list?
16:21.46Bifuuand fucks everything up in data
16:21.54Bifuunope, ill try that
16:22.05RodOfNODthat solves it for me 99% of the time
16:24.50Bifuulol now everytime i place a unit it places a ghost with it
16:24.59RodOfNODexit the ediotor
16:25.02RodOfNODand rerun it
16:25.05RodOfNODshould fix it
16:25.21Bifuui did
16:25.26bwise7416that happened to me, except with scvs XD
16:25.26*** join/#sc2mapster BeLugh (543e9d38@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
16:25.37RodOfNODthats weird
16:26.00RodOfNODi added camp i immediately move it to the top and i have no problems once i exit editor and rerun
16:26.12BeLughdoes anyone know mroe about the term for the blizz custom map contest that a map may not be shared before? like not the version you will send in or th ewhole map if it was in battlenet
16:26.15RodOfNODone time time i thought i had an issue but i never had a ghost appear
16:26.22Bifuuwell i had the ghost issue before i moved camp to the top
16:26.31RodOfNODnever seen that problem
16:26.40RodOfNODi would HIGHLY recommend btw
16:26.46RodOfNODthat u dont place units in a map
16:26.49RodOfNODbut place them via trigger
16:26.49BeLughvjeux, are you here?
16:27.09BeLughdo you know mroe about the term that a map may not be shared for th eblizz contest?
16:27.14*** join/#sc2mapster Labmonkey1 (
16:27.22BeLughits unprecise, ive send them already a mail but i think it will take some time
16:27.42BeLughwould be really bad if ccsc is out just because its already published
16:27.48Bifuuthat would be unpracticle for alot of maps
16:27.58BeLughyes but its written in the terms
16:28.20Bifuuoh iw as replying to RodOfNOD xD sorry
16:28.21BeLughlast term when filling the personal fields
16:28.21RodOfNODexplain bifuu?
16:28.48Hatiyum pizza
16:28.52Bifuuplacing everything via trigger would make alot of the campaign maps fill with triggers fast for example with all the preplaced units there
16:28.59BeLughso do you know something about that vjeux?
16:29.40RodOfNODi dont know of any campaign map that would have more than 200 units
16:29.48BifuuBeLugh: going on what you talk about, it does seem that way =/
16:30.04BeLughso that all published maps are out? oO
16:30.09RodOfNODhowever its up to u i just believe it is easier to maintain a map with blizzard updaes via trigger
16:30.19RodOfNODif blizzard breaks a unit it wont break my trigger placement
16:30.26RodOfNODi can easily fix those
16:30.36BeLughive asked them as well if its possible to take it off from bnet before
16:30.45BeLughif its possible to publish it then
16:31.07BeLughbut it would be bad as you would have to change the name afterwards
16:31.20BifuuGoing off that term if they were strict about it, published maps, maps on mapster, maps on forums, are all out
16:31.32BeLughso nothing left loool
16:31.41*** join/#sc2mapster Saeris (
16:31.45Bifuubasically they want new stuff
16:32.07BeLughall are new somehow lol
16:32.10Bifuumight be why they emphasized original alot
16:32.31Hatiwell or they want in-dev projects
16:32.35Hatiwhich still aint finished
16:32.43Bifuuthat too
16:32.47BeLughmany maps will be in-dev
16:32.58Saerishey bifuu, you made that tutorial on auras right?
16:32.58BeLughlike mine is still less than 15% finished
16:33.10Bifuuthe really shitty one? yeah thats me
16:33.14BeLughwith 600hours working time lol
16:33.20Saerisheh, alright
16:33.37Saerisi had a question about them for you, but iunno if you'd be able to answer it
16:33.53Bifuui can try, but do note im out of practice
16:33.58Saerisi've been trying to create a chaining aura
16:33.59Saerisin that
16:34.10Saerisa source unit has the aura behavior by default
16:34.30Saerisand when other units are in range, it spreads the aura behavior to each unit in range of each other
16:34.37Saerisget where I'm going with this?
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16:34.53Saeriswell here's the problem
16:35.02Saerisi can't get it to spread past the first unit
16:35.11Saerisunits within range of the source get the behavior
16:35.14Saerisbut don't spread it
16:35.28Saeriseven though the behavior periodically searches for new targets
16:35.43Saerisfor some reason it stops at the search effect
16:35.44Hatirecords are Unknown type in trigger debugger ?
16:35.49Saerisand i can't figure out why
16:36.04Saeristhink you might be able to help?
16:36.54Bifuutry making 2 of them, say AuraA and AuraB, both are the same, just different ID's, try making AuraA give AuraB and AuraB give AuraA, might help a little bit, so the chain is like A > B > A > B >ect, instead of A > A > A> A which may break it
16:37.24Saerisi'll give that a try, i had something like that before
16:37.24Bifuuif that makes sense
16:37.49Saerisit's really important i get this working >.< main mechanic in my new map
16:38.17Technomancerfor some reason the beam doesnt appear for my weapon D:
16:42.12BifuuRodOfNOD: seems like the whole Story at the top thing is working, thanks for the tip
16:43.33Bifuui see why too now
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16:45.39Saerisit still doesn't spread bifuu =(
16:45.47Saerissame problem
16:46.17Saerisi've gotten it to partially work before
16:46.21Saeriswith a different issue
16:46.36Saerisif i change the impact location to Target Unit, it spreads the aura
16:46.50Saerisit doesn't remove it when the unit leaves the source unit's radius
16:46.53RodOfNODu see what why Bifuu ?
16:47.05BifuuRodOfNOD: why the campaign needs to be at the top
16:47.23RodOfNODso it isnt overwritten?
16:47.31Bifuulol yeah
16:47.35Bifuui didnt thinka bout it
16:47.46RodOfNODthat wouldnt explain why units that are not in the melee however dont show properly
16:47.49Saerisand i've tried putting a remove behavior effect on the aura behavior when the duration expires
16:47.58Saeristhat didn't work either
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16:48.37BifuuSaeris: uhhhh try making it work with a validator, make the aura give a hidden buff also that confirms that the unit is in a source's aura, and make the aura spread only work if that behavior is in effect
16:49.32Saerisi'll give it a shot
16:51.01RodOfNODProzaicMuze:  u on my son?
16:52.07Saeriswhat kind of validator what i use?
16:52.22Bifuuuhhh sec ill look
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16:53.29Tordecybombois it possible to find a new average while only knowing the old average, the old # of elements, and the new number?
16:53.30Bifuuunit compare behavior count, use that to make sure the count of the buff is greater than 0
16:53.38Bifuuor something like that
16:54.06Bifuui actually have to go soon, work at 2 =/
16:54.44Saeriswell thanks for the help
16:55.04Bifuui hope you get it working for your map since its a big part
16:55.17TordecybomboSay Old average = (1+2+3)/3 = 2, the new element added is 10. Can you find the new average only knowing 2 as theold avg, 3 as the total # of elements, and 10 as the number to add?
16:55.24Saerisyea me too. i'd hate to have to resort to an alternative
16:55.42Saerissuch as having all 50 behaviors on all of the units initially disabled
16:55.47Saerisand have something enable them
16:56.14Bifuulol i was ganna suggest that xD but that would be last resort
16:56.26Saerisyea, very much so >.<
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16:56.48Bifuunow that im thinking about it and ill try to explain in 5 minutes i got left
16:57.03Bifuuthe method i last suggested prolly wont work
16:57.20Bifuumaybe a combination of that and my first suggestion may
16:57.30Saerisi'll try both
16:57.43Bifuubut instead of 2 auras you need atleast 3
16:58.17RodOfNODTordecybombo:  u would need more info to get that
16:58.33RodOfNODif u knew the number of elemenbts then u would be able to do that
16:58.41Tordecybomboyou do know the number of elements
16:58.46Bifuui have no idea how to explain whats happening in my head lol
16:58.51RodOfNODthen sure
16:59.01*** join/#sc2mapster Motive_ (
16:59.10nitroballfinished model, 470polys: now to animate it...
16:59.11*** join/#sc2mapster Demo (ae14d4d1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
16:59.19bwise7416this map editor is very frustrating to learn
16:59.19RodOfNODmultiply # elements * average + new element / # of elements + 1
16:59.25DemoSo my editor isn't allowing me to place any units :(
16:59.36RodOfNODi didnt do a good job with () but u get the idea i hope
16:59.36Demoand only some of the doodads can be placed...
16:59.57Bifuumaybe even 4, because you might need a special one for the source lol
17:00.12RodOfNODTordecybombo: yes?
17:00.13Saeriswell, not nescessarily
17:00.24Tordecybomboim asking this because im math inclined atm
17:00.26Saerisi just give the unit the behavior in the unit properties
17:00.34Saerisinstead of having the aura behavior apply the range check
17:00.41Tordecybomboand because i didnt want to keep a previous sum
17:00.42Saeristhat way it never goes away
17:00.45RodOfNODi used to be big on math but as u get older ur brain dies
17:00.56Tordecybomboto reduce the likelihood of interger overflow
17:00.58RodOfNODu mean u didnt want to keep all the elements?
17:01.07DemoAnyone have any ideas as to why I can't place units on my map :)?
17:01.10Tordecybombothat too of course
17:01.12Bifuubut i have to go get ready for work now, so ill see you guys later
17:01.21Bifuugl Saeris
17:01.24RodOfNODwell the only issue will be if the average u have is a  real or an int
17:01.38RodOfNODif u dont keep a real then u will lose valuable data
17:01.49RodOfNODif u do keep a real then u will run into floating point issues
17:01.51Tordecybomboof course, i'll always keep it real
17:01.55RodOfNODso ur fucked either way
17:02.24RodOfNODif u take the number .01 and add it too itself it will fail within the first addition
17:02.25RodOfNODits so sad
17:02.26Tordecybombohow exactly does blizz's real work
17:02.33Tordecybomboit's so horrible i heard
17:02.33RodOfNODis how it works
17:02.37RodOfNODit is
17:02.42RodOfNODso heres what i do
17:02.49Tordecybomboso what should i do
17:02.52RodOfNODi never work in reals i want acyracy
17:03.08RodOfNODso if have numbers that are 4 decimal point specific
17:03.17RodOfNODthen i multiply by 10000 first
17:03.24RodOfNODthen do all my calcs in integer
17:03.28RodOfNODthen convet bck
17:03.32RodOfNODgod i cant type today
17:03.44ProzaicMuzeWhat's up Rod?
17:03.48ProzaicMuzeWas eatin' food
17:03.49RodOfNODso if u have 1.2345 it becomes 12345
17:04.02Tordecybombodo the calculations from 12345, then divide by 10000?
17:04.09RodOfNODwtf is Water Hit fields in Model data
17:04.13Tordecybombothen convert back to real?
17:04.18Tordecybomboor rather
17:04.21ProzaicMuzeIs that directed at me, Rod?
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17:04.32Tordecybombobefore the dividing part right
17:04.45RodOfNODsay  u have 1.23 and 1.5678
17:04.50RodOfNODu multiply both by 10k
17:04.53RodOfNODdo ur addition
17:04.57RodOfNODdo ur divde
17:05.05RodOfNODdo ur divide by 2
17:05.09RodOfNODfor 2 elements
17:05.13RodOfNODthen divide by 0k
17:05.20RodOfNODfucking kb
17:05.26ProzaicMuzeI believe the Water fields are for how the model interacts with terrain water
17:06.05ProzaicMuzeWell, there is a lot about the model fields I'm unsure of, but I assume it's when the model travels through water.
17:06.21ProzaicMuzeFor missiles and the like, it probably has no use
17:06.32RodOfNODwell im trying to simulate naval shit
17:06.41RodOfNODso any field that has WATER makes me go OH SHIT
17:06.51ProzaicMuzeBut for ground units that might walk through water, these fields might cause the model to slow down its animation (max velocity)
17:06.57Tordecybombodoes the real become inaccurate after 4 decimals?
17:07.01RodOfNODatm i have to have 2 pathing blockers
17:07.09ProzaicMuzeI'd have to experiment though before I could say anything for certain :S
17:07.11RodOfNODhell its inaccurate after 2 Tordecybombo
17:07.17RodOfNODok that makes sense
17:07.26Tordecybombodamn that blows
17:07.37RodOfNODbut why would the model slow down instead of the actor
17:07.41RodOfNODyes i know Tordecybombo
17:07.44ProzaicMuzeI wish Blizzard had included more tooltips :(
17:07.50RodOfNODit is truely shit
17:07.55RodOfNODme too ProzaicMuze
17:08.08RodOfNODi mean how the hell can bliz make a game without water support
17:08.11Tordecybombowhy'd they decide to use their own instead of IEEE standard?
17:08.15vailrethmore and better tooltips ...
17:08.20ProzaicMuzeWell, you might want a units movement to appear more labored (slower) without losing any speed
17:08.22RodOfNODi have to literally place 100s of blockers
17:08.32RodOfNODooh so it slows the animation
17:08.37RodOfNODnot the actual speed
17:08.40ProzaicMuzeThat's my guess
17:08.47RodOfNODgood guess probably right
17:09.03RodOfNODof course do they hae true speed support for water? NO
17:09.09RodOfNODie can u make a unit slow down in water
17:09.16ProzaicMuzeThe only other possibility I would suggest is that they're related to reflections
17:09.22ProzaicMuzeBut that makes less sense lol
17:09.43RodOfNODhave u played mnuch with the movers
17:09.54RodOfNODim trying to find one that will work better with my water stuff
17:10.21ProzaicMuzeOh yeah, I have a tutorial on them
17:10.25ProzaicMuzeCustomized Projectiles
17:10.28ProzaicMuzeBut it's all about movers
17:10.33RodOfNODlink me baby
17:12.23RodOfNODFor the purposes of this tutorial, we'll only be covering Missile Movers and ignoring the other types. Those types are typically used for controlling how a unit moves and its pathing.  - but thats the thing i want lol
17:12.33vailrethyeah your movers tutorial is pretty good ... tobad i can never get the mover i am trying to make when i use it
17:12.41Constant___is it possible to somehow write console messages in sc2 maps like in java?? :P
17:14.23RodOfNODProzaicMuze:  whats the difference between a jumper and a scaler?
17:15.36*** join/#sc2mapster Adys (~Adys@unaffiliated/adys)
17:15.46ProzaicMuzeReaper uses Jumper
17:15.50ProzaicMuzeColossus uses Scaler
17:16.23*** join/#sc2mapster Adys (~Adys@unaffiliated/adys)
17:16.25ProzaicMuzeAnd if you watn a unit movers tut, request it in my poll lol
17:16.34goomba_any 3ds pros in here
17:17.02goomba_i see were consulting the muse
17:17.46ProzaicMuzeNo S today ;)
17:18.21goomba_o well
17:18.29RodOfNODwhats difference between worker and ground ProzaicMuze ?
17:18.45goomba_is the muze 3d-artfully inclined
17:19.57ProzaicMuzeI'm very rusty though
17:19.57RodOfNODdoes the worker mean the unit has no collsion?
17:20.08ProzaicMuzeI'd be of little use for SC2 related modelling ftm :(
17:20.10SweetZombieJesusi think worker means you get the worker icon on the left side of the screen if he is idle
17:20.11ProzaicMuzeAnd I'm not entirely sure
17:20.39ProzaicMuzeI haven't looked at them side by side lol
17:20.40ProzaicMuzeone sec
17:20.52goomba_hmm, ive got some polygons ive made in edit poly using create tool
17:21.03goomba_but they are solid black and don't render
17:21.10RodOfNODSweetZombieJesus:  talking about in the MOVER not in the UNIT flag
17:21.20SweetZombieJesusok then ignore me
17:21.26ProzaicMuzeOh wait, is this a mover or pathing?
17:22.41RoarManHi guys
17:23.00Fromethiusanyone know how to change the scale of something without reducing the scale of its warp in animation as well?
17:23.06ProzaicMuze@Rod - where are you seeing Worker vs Ground?
17:23.16RodOfNODsame place as jumper and climber
17:23.25Fromethiusi mean, i guess i could just scale down everything in the models section
17:23.31RoarManScale the model.
17:23.36Fromethiusyeah i was afraid of that
17:23.39RoarManSo that the warp model isn't effected
17:23.41ProzaicMuzeI have Builder
17:23.44RoarManKk :P
17:23.51RodOfNODon the mover
17:24.02ProzaicMuzePathing Mode, right?
17:24.12ProzaicMuzeAhh mmk
17:24.20RodOfNODso i just came up with what might be a brillant solution for me
17:24.34RodOfNODso same ? builder vs ground
17:24.35ProzaicMuzeI assume Builder is for construction
17:24.41RodOfNODyes but what does it do
17:24.47ProzaicMuzeBut I can't find where it is used in stock units
17:24.49Tordecybombodamn floating point errors!
17:24.56RodOfNODwhen the scv is building it means scv has no radius right?
17:25.01RodOfNODlol Tordecybombo  :P
17:25.20RodOfNODavoid reals for calcs when u can Tordecybombo  is all i can tell u
17:25.21Tordecybomboi remember how it messed up that ddr map
17:25.56*** join/#sc2mapster Alcoholix (
17:26.03Fromethiusprozaicmuze: i got the infestor bug fixed so you don't have to look at that test map anymore
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17:26.15paranoiks657hi everyone
17:26.34Alcoholixpew pew
17:26.55paranoiks657is there someone with EU account willing to do some beta testing on new maps?
17:27.23AlcoholixI'm from eu
17:27.33AlcoholixI'll test a map for you
17:27.36paranoiks657sign up here
17:27.47paranoiks657if you have a map which needs beta testing post it there
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17:28.07SweetZombieJesusthere is a topic for that
17:28.17*** join/#sc2mapster RedWraith (
17:28.31paranoiks657give it to me pls
17:28.42Constant___guys, how would i best setup a 9 player TD with each spawner being activated only if a player is in the game?
17:29.10paranoiks657Map init
17:29.13ProzaicMuze@From - good deal
17:29.18paranoiks657Pick each player in (active players)
17:29.23Alcoholixcan anyone tell me how I can use a custom .sc2layout file in my maps? I just can't get it to work :S
17:29.26paranoiks657and do what you want
17:29.33SweetZombieJesusi dunno i cant find it
17:29.34jorgenptWhat's an sc2layout?
17:29.35SweetZombieJesusits somewhere
17:29.46Constant___and what do i want to do paranoiks657?
17:30.18Alcoholixit's a file that describes how the ui looks
17:30.24jorgenptAlcoholix: Aha, cool
17:30.46jorgenptConstant___: Maybe just use Number of Active Players in your spawn trigger?
17:30.51AlcoholixI made one this morning for testing, but I cannot get it to work in a map
17:31.00RedWraithholy shitr
17:31.04RedWraiththe custom map contest
17:31.07RedWraithsweet jesus
17:31.13RedWraithfive thousand dollars
17:31.14jorgenptWhat about it, Red?
17:31.15RedWraithfor the top 3
17:31.33jorgenptCan't wait to see the maps
17:32.00RedWraithoh god
17:32.05RedWraithI...I have to do this.
17:32.24RedWraithbut first, I need a concept
17:32.26RedWraithsomething beyond
17:32.32RedWraiththe world has ever seen
17:33.03Constant___paranoiks657: thanks then :)
17:33.10paranoiks65710x for?
17:33.20paranoiks657the TD
17:33.23paranoiks657no problem man
17:33.34paranoiks657invite me to play it when it is erady
17:37.25SweetZombieJesusthis function makes me sad
17:37.29SweetZombieJesusit has 16 parameters
17:37.31SweetZombieJesusits huge :<
17:37.33ProzaicMuzeTeal'c vs Savage Alien Creature!
17:37.34SweetZombieJesusand its the best way
17:37.36ProzaicMuzeWho will win?
17:37.42SweetZombieJesustealç duh
17:37.53ProzaicMuzeWay to ruin the suspense. . .
17:38.01SweetZombieJesusalien creature wins
17:38.04SweetZombieJesusteal'c dies
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17:38.29RedWraithSweetZombieJesus, that's not going to happen.
17:38.29SweetZombieJesusshows are so predictable =/
17:38.34RedWraithTealc can never die.
17:38.54RedWraithThe only reason he fights savage alien creatures is to show how much of a badass he is.
17:39.02RedWraithSo I'm thinking
17:39.40RedWraithI'm going to make a hero "survival"/roguelike map that's loosely based on the underground second to last level of the campaign
17:40.50goomba_rawr i really need 3ds help
17:41.29jorgenptI'm getting an error that a file isn't found, for an include "TriggerLibs/TactCampAI"
17:41.48RedWraithIs there a kerrigan model anywhere in the game?
17:42.05RedWraithlike, pre-queen of blades
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17:42.23jorgenptLooks a lot like nova? :-p
17:42.34RedWraithbut nova is blooooonnnndee
17:42.45RedWraithor does her hair not show?
17:43.22jorgenptI don't know if she's wearing a helmet
17:43.27arturusfurywasn't someone in the forums making a ghost kerrigan model?
17:44.34goomba_i dont imagine it would be hard to do
17:44.39arturusfurywell sort of, theres a nova with red hair
17:44.40goomba_given the nova model
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17:46.32Suhteevahi like vjeux's shoutcast >:)
17:48.01devileskhis failcast?
17:48.33Constant___how do i resize regions?
17:49.19Suhteevahselect em and edit theyre size o.o
17:49.46Constant___and with the mouse?
17:50.30Constant___... ... ... ^^
17:50.33nitroballgoomba_ what do you need help with in 3ds?
17:51.02bwise7416how do i make a passive hero ability to make his attacks do splash damage around the target? behaviour modification? but whats the difference betweeen the scaled and unscaled damage
17:54.48Suhteevahconstant did u figure it out o.O
17:57.07Galois-evaristewhen i make a variable as a camera object, i can copy it
17:57.18Galois-evaristecan i do the same for a variable that i set as a region?
17:57.24Galois-evaristei mean
17:57.35Galois-evaristewhen i declare a camera, i can set it to be a copy of an existing one
17:57.40Galois-evaristeis it possible to do the same for regions?
18:03.16arturusfurysorry don't know galois
18:03.49jorgenptGalois-evariste: Hmm. I'd think regions were copied on assignment, but maybe they're pointers as well.
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18:04.21SweetZombieJesushow many currencies are there? 2 or 3? minerals, gas and ... ?
18:04.29Galois-evaristei'm pushing the limits!
18:04.36SweetZombieJesusyea im pro at startcraft
18:04.43Galois-evaristeaka the custom resource
18:04.49Galois-evaristeto be honest i think they mix and match the terms
18:04.50SweetZombieJesuswhat the hell is terrazine
18:04.56arturusfuryfrom the campaign
18:05.01Galois-evaristein the beta i was under the impression that terrazine is the gold minerals
18:05.14Galois-evaristebut in the editor i get the feeling that they mix and match the terms terrazine and custom resource
18:05.20Galois-evaristebecause you can measure terrazine income
18:05.22Galois-evaristefor whatever reason
18:05.34SweetZombieJesusi see
18:05.44Galois-evaristeit makes no sense to me
18:05.52SweetZombieJesusbut only minerals and gas is shown by default
18:05.55SweetZombieJesusand supply limit
18:06.29jorgenptGalois-evariste: You can always use Convert Rectangle to Region and then use Min X: X of Point: Pont: Bottom-Left Of Region Bounds: Other Region Here
18:06.32jorgenptGalois-evariste: Etc.
18:06.42jorgenptGalois-evariste: A bit of a roundabout way of doing it.
18:06.45Galois-evaristeyeah yeah i gotcha
18:07.28jorgenptBut I'd guess that Region was a struct and so you would copy on assignment. But I'm not sure just /how/ C-like GalaxyScript is
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18:08.30jorgenptCan you view GalaxyScript source of a SC2 trigger somehow?
18:08.44jorgenptAh, View Script.
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18:10.13RodOfNODthere are 4 currencies
18:10.28RodOfNODmin vesp terra and custom
18:10.55RodOfNODgold mins are just a faster returning mineral
18:11.30Galois-evaristei'm cool
18:11.56RodOfNODturning them on and off is RACE data type based
18:11.56jorgenptUnable to move directory (Core: unexpected fatal error): /Users/jorgenpt/Projects/SC2Maps/Prison_On_Coor.SC2Map.temp/
18:12.02devileskrage data
18:12.04RodOfNODry resaving
18:12.04jorgenptI get that when I try to save as SC2Components
18:12.13jorgenptThat's what I've done
18:12.22RodOfNODput it somewhere else
18:12.27jorgenptOh, hah. It makes it to a dir.
18:12.30jorgenptI got it. :-)
18:12.38RodOfNODit puts everything into a folder instead of a mpq
18:12.46jorgenptIs there any downside in working with SC2Components?
18:12.54jorgenptSeems to be better to work with git when you use components instead of mpq.
18:13.02RodOfNODi have had it not always wrok properly
18:15.47jorgenptCan I make default save save as SC2Components?
18:16.50Galois-evaristei've noticed that when you pick a point
18:16.54Galois-evaristeone of the functions is "Random Spawn Point"
18:17.03Galois-evaristeanyone here know what's up with this?
18:20.52BeLughanyone knows how to do powerups?
18:21.46jorgenptAny way to add a default item to a container usign the data editor?
18:22.01TechnomancerProzaic you on m8
18:22.02jorgenptBeLugh: I think you want to look at Items in the data editor, and Effects? (maybe)
18:22.31BeLughi think i got another idea already
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18:22.43ProzaicMuzeI am indeed
18:22.52BeLughi dont need to solve my prob with powerups
18:23.22Technomanceruber, first off, I wanna announce I successfully imported a retextured model into SC2editor! and im gonna be making a tutorial soon
18:24.23Technomancerbut im havin issues getting a beam to work, trying to do hellion flamethrower out of a firebat model. the target becomes inflamed but you dont see the stream, its invisible D:
18:25.12ProzaicMuzeCheck animation properties
18:25.16ProzaicMuzePossible have the wrong animation
18:25.22vailrethi wish i knew how to make these portaits talk darn it
18:26.16Technomancerwhere would that be? o.o
18:26.20Technomanceris that an actor?
18:26.24Technomanceror what?
18:26.50Raydeni want to map all day!
18:26.55Raydenbut instead i have to drive through LA
18:27.12ProzaicMuzeIt's in the events
18:27.20Fromethiusspeaking of not seeing streams. has anyone noticed that on the campaign units the beams only come out after the second attack? (like the firebat)
18:27.21ProzaicMuzeActor Creation > Animation Play
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18:28.08Technomancerwill check
18:28.49RepoNew map: zerg swarm . halogoddd (Manager/Author). Experimental. Approved by vjeux.
18:28.54RepoNew map: Chasm of Char. Raviusz (Manager/Author). Approved by vjeux.
18:29.52Technomancerhmmm I don't quite see a  actorcreation in the events. Do you mean I should create one?
18:30.57ProzaicMuzelol yes
18:31.03ProzaicMuzeHave you read my Beg. Beam Tutorial?
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18:33.06Fromethiushey prozaicmuze think you could help me out real quick? i still want to fix that old spire problem i was having. the problem is that the spire's ability only works on auto cast. when you select the heal ability and then click on a target structure, it spews out one projectile and heals it for like 20 hp and then stops
18:33.21Fromethiusthink can be fixed by making the heal in to a channeled effect but then the effect only plays once
18:33.44Fromethiusand unfortunately since it is not a beam i don't think you can have it continuously play during the channel?
18:33.47Fromethiusneed some ideasss
18:34.52ProzaicMuzeThat's not a problem, it's working as intended lol
18:35.19Fromethiusbut but but
18:35.23Fromethiusit only works properly on auto cast
18:35.25ProzaicMuzeSince you have a single effect looping with auto-cast
18:35.32TechnomancerProzaicMuze: do I choose an "Animation prope"? if so which? because  I see nothing for "hellion" or any units really in there
18:35.33ProzaicMuzeOr playing once with targetted cast
18:35.47ProzaicMuzeLook up Repair and Heal from the SCV/Medic
18:35.57ProzaicMuzeboth are auto-cast AND can heal a unit to full if target cast
18:35.57Fromethiusyeah i did
18:35.59Fromethiusthey use beams
18:36.05ProzaicMuzeRepair doesn't use a beam. . .
18:36.12ProzaicMuzeAnd the beam plays no part
18:36.19ProzaicMuzeIt's just a graphic tied to the ability
18:36.35ProzaicMuze@Techno - look at my Beam Tutorial
18:36.42ProzaicMuzeThe Beginner one
18:36.49ProzaicMuzeIt sounds like you don't have your events setup properly
18:36.49Technomancer*groans* oooookayyyyyyyy
18:36.57Technomancerwell all I did was duplicate it
18:37.05TechnomancerI duplicated everything
18:37.13ProzaicMuzeAssuming it's just a standard Damage Effect, then you should be able to apply the Lancer stuff to your beam
18:37.14Technomancerand then assigned the weapon to my new unit
18:37.18ProzaicMuzeThat's bad
18:37.25ProzaicMuzeDuplicating breaks most of the links
18:37.35ProzaicMuzeSo you still need to link the stuff to eachother
18:37.52Technomancerwell I was hoping to tint the beam  and I didnt wanna affect the hellion or firebat or whoevers beam I used
18:38.01Technomancerwhat SHOULDNT I duplicate then? just for reference?
18:38.16ProzaicMuzeHonestly? Never duplicate
18:38.20ProzaicMuzeUnits and Buildings
18:38.31ProzaicMuzeAnd even then, just duplicate the unit and its actor
18:38.39Technomancerok so how do I tint the weapon for one unit's use and not another's?
18:38.46Fromethiusis guilty of duplicating effects and weapons as well
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18:39.06Fromethiusand even.. *cringe* the occasional turret
18:39.13FromethiusI KNOW I'M A BAD PERSON
18:39.21TehwildcardWHERE ARE YOU
18:39.24SweetZombieJesussobs at the thought
18:39.37TechnomancerSO! tinting beams, how do I do it? I know units, but beams seems to fuck it up D:
18:39.46Fromethiusfind beam model
18:39.48Fromethiusset tint
18:40.08ProzaicMuzelol yeah
18:40.15ProzaicMuzeIn the Events + Field
18:40.35Fromethiusi did it for my sentry beam so i know it works
18:40.39Fromethiusit is BLOOD RED
18:41.02RedWraithI heard my name
18:41.04Fromethiusi can take a screenie if you want technomancer
18:41.13Fromethiusawwww lol
18:42.08OtixaYOU HAVE NO CAKE
18:43.13Galois-evaristehow do i disable the feature where players can use their mouse wheel to zoom in and out?
18:43.19Galois-evaristeit ruins my nice camera angles
18:44.25MattavichHey all
18:44.38MattavichIs there a way of creating an event for 10 seconds left of timer?
18:44.55MattavichSeems only "timer expires" and "time elapsed" are events
18:45.10MattavichThis is a "time remaining" action but i need an event
18:45.21Galois-evaristemake lemonade!
18:45.23Mattavichthere is a*
18:45.59Galois-evaristemake a periodic thing where you check the remaining time
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18:46.07Galois-evaristeif the remaining time is at most what you want when the periodic thing checks
18:46.13Galois-evaristethen run a trigger or whatever!
18:46.19Galois-evaristeproblem solved
18:46.22Galois-evaristelike a boss
18:46.38MattavichThat's what causes problems though, loops like that
18:46.41mahashirowhat are you guys doing?
18:46.42Galois-evaristesay wut
18:46.43Mattavichfor maps like mine
18:46.52Galois-evaristealright so you don't want a loop
18:46.52MattavichThat's the type of thing iw as doing
18:46.58Galois-evaristethen you need some way to know when to check it
18:47.04Galois-evaristesay when you press a button
18:47.09Galois-evaristeor after waiting a certain period of time
18:47.43mahashiroI have something like that
18:47.48mahashirosee if you can use this:
18:47.49MattavichAnnoys me that there isn't a simple "timer event - remaining time of timer"
18:48.26Fromethiusprozaicmuze: it seems that the medic heal abilities use signals.. uhm
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18:49.10jorgenptCan you have a trigger for when a unit is created by a trigger?
18:49.22mahashiroit's a periodic
18:50.02ProzaicMuzeFrom, look at the Sentry's weapon
18:50.11ProzaicMuzeThat might be a good way to do what you're wanting
18:50.41Fromethiusbut it's all beamsss
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18:51.16Fromethiusthe way it works for sentries and medivacs is that in the beam actor there is a targetchannelstart and targetchannelstop that creates/destroys the beam
18:51.33Fromethiusi'm using roach acid saliva as a projectile that goes from the spire to the healed target
18:51.35Fromethiusso i cannot do that
18:52.16ProzaicMuzeThey are graphics
18:52.34ProzaicMuzeThey don't do anything for yoru ability outside of make it look cool Xp
18:52.41Fromethiusyes i am completely aware
18:52.50ProzaicMuzeThus you CAN use those lol
18:53.02MattavichBeams increase coolness
18:53.07Fromethiusi tried and the roach saliva wouldn't display when used in a beam?
18:53.08Mattavichit's a hidden unit stat
18:53.10Fromethiusthey were just invisible
18:53.24Fromethiusand i asked you about it and you can only use beam models with beams
18:53.37Fromethiuslike the lolray beam, sentry beam, medivac heal beam, etc. and not roach acid saliva
18:54.14Reactorexjorgenpt: describe?
18:54.39jorgenptReactorex: Never mind, I found a better way.
18:54.50jorgenptI'm making a function that I call when I create a hero that gives the hero his default equipment.
18:55.52jorgenptHm, how do I run a function as an ACtion?
18:56.23Fromethiusso.. prozaicmuze.. any ideas? i'm not sure if you implied that i could use the roach acid saliva as a beam but when i tried it just showed up invisible
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18:58.17voltehey RaydenUni, do you have a laptop?
18:58.35ProzaicMuzeLook at what the Roach uses for its weapon
18:58.41ProzaicMuzeThen use the same setup, just change the damage to your healing
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19:00.17Fromethiusbut the roach only attacks once
19:00.28Fromethiusbleh nevermind i'll just leave it as a bug
19:00.34RaydenUnivolte, yes
19:00.34Fromethiusthere's probably no fix for it
19:01.37Technomancerthansk for the screen fromethius
19:01.46RodOfNODFromethius: and i asked you about it and you can only use beam models with beams - im guessing there is no STAND animation or something like that
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19:02.22Fromethiusnot sure what you mean rodofnod
19:02.32RodOfNODmodels have animations
19:02.42RodOfNODwhatever animation u need for that weapon isnt there so u dont see it
19:03.16RodOfNODif u go look at the 2 animations in the view previewer u can probably figure it out
19:03.25RodOfNODcuz it shows all the animations the model has
19:03.28Fromethiusthat's not a bad idea
19:04.08Fromethiusit's the Stand animation
19:04.14arturusfury... i hate when the simplest thing takes you 3 hours to figure out :(
19:04.21RodOfNODarturusfury:  :P
19:04.22arturusfurystupid toggle flag
19:04.37Fromethiusrodofnod: however, the roach acid saliva also has a stand animation, so i don't know why it was invisible
19:04.46RodOfNODu might be able to make ur own stand animation by hex editing the existing model and changing one of the existing animations to stand
19:04.58RodOfNODwell then try looking for another animation
19:05.14RodOfNODie what is in the beam that works that isnt in the others
19:05.58jorgenptI duplicated Zealot and the internal name is not changeable from Zealot2. Any way to fix that?
19:06.19arturusfurydont duplicate? :P
19:06.27RodOfNODi havent found one ONE u dont change it the first time jorgenpt
19:06.35RodOfNODnot ONE
19:06.43jorgenptRodOfNOD: What?
19:06.54jorgenptOh. I get what you said.
19:06.57Fromethiusjorgenpt: restart editor. change id
19:06.57RodOfNODu should be able to go to a zealot right now and duplicate and then change it
19:07.00jorgenptI guess I'll sed it. :-p
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19:07.14RodOfNODthat also might work Fromethius
19:07.20Fromethiusit does work
19:07.26Fromethiusi have to do it all. the. time
19:07.28Fromethiusquite annoying
19:07.33RodOfNODregardless the other way to do it is change the xml file
19:07.43jorgenptThat's lame. :-p
19:07.59jorgenptsed -i s/Zealot2/Brawler/g seems like a good enough approach, but requires reopening it anyway.
19:08.04RodOfNODat least its not crashing the editor anymnore
19:08.14RodOfNODwtf is sed?
19:08.15jorgenptFromethius: Btw, File -> Close, File -> <recent document> ;-)
19:08.25jorgenptRodOfNOD: Unix commandline tool to replace text and stuff.
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19:08.48RodOfNODso u can change the xml via doing that?
19:09.37jorgenptRodOfNOD: Sure, it's like notepad, find & replace, replace all. :-)
19:09.47RodOfNODu running unix?
19:09.49jorgenptRodOfNOD: But you probably need to close the editor to do it.
19:09.53jorgenptYes, Mac OS X.
19:10.05jorgenptA unix-derivative, anyway.
19:10.05RodOfNODk ive never done that and im on a mac so....
19:10.10RodOfNODhow do i do that
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19:10.29jorgenptHave you ever used Terminal?
19:10.47jorgenptThen it's gonna be a bit of stuff you need to learn first. ;-)
19:10.52RodOfNODhehe ok nm
19:11.02RodOfNODdo u have to have the file saved in sc2layout format?
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19:11.07jorgenptSC2Components, yeah.
19:11.15RodOfNODsorry yes components is what i meant
19:11.22jorgenptI use SC2Components so the version control system can make sense of it.
19:11.25RodOfNODso u save the file in components
19:11.37RodOfNODdo u have to do anything else?
19:11.57RodOfNODi mean can u just save and not have to repick that format?
19:13.01RodOfNODok so u save as components
19:13.07jorgenptWell, if you just do File, Save As, then pick SC2Components, it should save as SC2Components in the future if you just do Save.
19:13.07RodOfNODcan u test in that mode?
19:13.21RodOfNODk thats what i was having issues with
19:13.34RodOfNODif u go to the folder and attempt to change the xml file what happens?
19:13.46jorgenptI haven't really tried, I don't modify the XML directly much.
19:13.58jorgenptBut you have to close the map in the editor before you change the XML, I'd think.
19:14.05RodOfNODive been exporting and reimpoting all this time
19:14.31RodOfNODwith winmpq for pc and mpq shit for mac
19:14.56RodOfNODsure wish i could get this mover to work the way it should
19:15.13RodOfNODi want to prevent a unit from walking on creep
19:16.12Galois-evaristeis it possible to have so many triggers that some of them just stop working?
19:16.28RodOfNODwell in wc3
19:16.42Galois-evaristebecause for some reason this event isn't even firing anymore:
19:16.42RodOfNODif u tried to run to many events at the same time it would do just that cuz it would timeout
19:16.47RodOfNODor if ur trigger was too long
19:17.03Galois-evaristethis trigger here has 1 if statement
19:17.04RodOfNODk well that particular event in my opin is HUGELY eating cpu time
19:17.08Galois-evaristetwo conditions and 2 actions
19:17.24RodOfNODremove the conditions and put a debug statement
19:17.28RodOfNODto see if its being called
19:17.28Pulsaranyone know of sc2 Galaxy Editor Race selection UI tutorial ?
19:17.35Galois-evaristei did that
19:17.37RodOfNODi find that conditions in the trigger cause me to make lots more errors
19:17.40Galois-evaristewhich is why i said its not even being fired anymore
19:17.46RodOfNODthan if i just add an if then
19:17.56RodOfNODwell then test this
19:17.59Galois-evaristei'll just change the event
19:18.05RodOfNODwell no
19:18.12RodOfNODit could be the unit1 isnt returning correctly
19:18.27Galois-evaristeAny Unit isn't returning?
19:18.41Galois-evaristeor do you mean the character group
19:18.42RodOfNODso create a new event that is say keyboard command -a and it selects the unit 1 from char 1
19:18.57RodOfNODso u can then test if the correct unit is being put into the group
19:19.04jorgenptPulsar: Race selection UI?
19:19.05RodOfNODchat command
19:19.18RodOfNODwhat do u need pulsar
19:20.48Pulsarlike this map has
19:21.20RodOfNODk what about it
19:21.26RodOfNODits not changing the players race
19:21.33RodOfNODits just allowing u access to the other races
19:21.46Pulsarhow can i make that in the Editor
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19:22.06Galois-evaristewell it turns out
19:22.07RodOfNODwell what exactly do u want
19:22.12Galois-evaristethat the group is being read correctly
19:22.14Galois-evaristeso its not that
19:22.23RodOfNODand when u put a unit near it
19:22.24Galois-evaristeshould i just jump to the conclusion that i have too many triggers?
19:22.26RodOfNODthat event doesnt fire?
19:22.32Galois-evaristethe event doesn't fire
19:22.34RodOfNODwell to test that
19:22.40Pulsari just want to be able to choose the race ill be at the start of the map and it not be just random
19:22.40RodOfNODremove all triggers but the GROUP init
19:22.42RodOfNODand try that
19:22.49RodOfNODprove u can get it to fire Galois-evariste
19:22.49Galois-evaristei've tested it by showing a text message as the first action
19:23.04Galois-evaristei know it can fire
19:23.15Galois-evaristei haven't changed it in like an hour
19:23.19RodOfNODu turn off the trigger?
19:23.21Galois-evaristei've been busy adding other triggers
19:23.25Galois-evaristeof coruse its not off
19:23.35RodOfNODwell im thinking of anything that would cause it to not fire
19:23.48RodOfNODsingle player i cant believe u could cause this issue
19:24.02RodOfNODtry this
19:24.05Galois-evaristemy only thought is that i have too many triggers
19:24.06RodOfNODHARD wire the trigger
19:24.12Galois-evaristeif you like i can turn on my HD stream and you can read
19:24.24RodOfNODadd an event that is
19:24.29RodOfNODthe unit u want next to the unit u want
19:24.36RodOfNODby picking preplaced units
19:24.41Galois-evaristemy unit spawns
19:24.43RodOfNODjust add it to ur existing trigger
19:24.45Galois-evaristeso i'd have to do some weird shit
19:24.46RodOfNODi know
19:24.51RodOfNODbut i want to test that its the event
19:24.56RodOfNODnot ur units or something else
19:25.03RodOfNODprove the event can stil fire with other units
19:25.15RodOfNODgrr prove the TRIGGER can fire
19:26.07RodOfNODdid u mean u want it to always tbe terran for player #1 ?
19:26.08Galois-evaristehere's something weird
19:26.18Galois-evaristei did what you said and put two units close together
19:26.24Galois-evaristeand changed it to read those two only
19:26.31Galois-evaristeit tells me that my "get alliance" thing isn't working
19:26.41Galois-evaristebecause a number 16 is going where the maximum is 15
19:27.08Galois-evaristeim a bit confused as you are
19:27.10RodOfNODsorry not following
19:27.17RodOfNODdid the trigger fire
19:27.18Galois-evaristeon the bright side
19:27.21RodOfNODwhen u hard coded it
19:27.29Galois-evaristei do get acknowledgement that the event is firing
19:27.32Galois-evaristetwice in a row though
19:28.00RodOfNODu mean the trigger now fires 2 times?
19:28.24Galois-evaristeand it tells me that PlayerGetAlliance is out of bounds
19:28.24RodOfNODwell perhaps that means its firing 1 time
19:28.37RodOfNODwell thats something in ur trigger code
19:28.48RodOfNODie one of ur actions probably
19:28.51Galois-evaristei don't think i've touched it in the past hour
19:29.10*** join/#sc2mapster Zoxc- (
19:29.14RodOfNODwhat if triggering = same as unit 1?
19:29.18RodOfNODhi Zoxc
19:29.24Galois-evaristeoh wait i don't have a unit 1 from character one right now
19:29.28Galois-evaristein the opening moment
19:29.32Galois-evaristeexcuse me
19:29.37*** join/#sc2mapster Krakarn (
19:29.59Galois-evaristeso yeah
19:30.04Galois-evaristei just did it again after changing that
19:30.09Galois-evaristeno debug notification or error
19:30.14Galois-evaristeand the trigger fired twice again
19:30.30RodOfNODhow do u know the tirgger fired 2 times?
19:30.41Galois-evaristei have a text message as the first action in the trigger
19:30.49Galois-evaristei get it twice, so i think it fires twice
19:30.51RodOfNODbut u just said u got no debug notification
19:30.56Galois-evaristethat's right
19:31.09RodOfNODdefine debug notification
19:31.13Galois-evaristewhen i say debug or error i'm talking about the ref stuff in the bottom left
19:31.15RodOfNODcuz that = text message to me
19:31.27Galois-evaristepoint is, i know its firing twice
19:31.28RodOfNODwell thats why im confused
19:31.35Galois-evaristei know this is confusing for me as well
19:31.43RodOfNODk so now its firing
19:31.45RodOfNODbefore it wasnt?
19:31.45Galois-evaristei'm tending to think that its just beucase i have too many triggers and code
19:31.51*** join/#sc2mapster EternalWraith (c636cab6@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
19:32.01Galois-evaristewhen the center of my circle was a unit from a unit group
19:32.03Galois-evaristeit wa snot firing
19:32.05DemoSo for the contest we can publish it to just can't publish as public correct?
19:32.09Galois-evaristealthough the unit in the unit group was being read properly
19:32.15Galois-evaristethat i know for sure because i did the -a select thing
19:32.28Galois-evaristewhen i change it from unit from unit group to particular unit
19:32.33Galois-evaristethe trigger works fine
19:32.35Galois-evaristetwice in fact
19:32.51Galois-evaristethat's the situation
19:32.51RodOfNODwell if u dont mind post the map and PM me the link cuz at this point i dont think i can help without that
19:32.59Colawafflehey guys
19:33.02Galois-evaristehaha... idk if i want to post the map
19:33.06Galois-evaristeits almost a megabyte in size
19:33.12Galois-evaristeand i want to enter it to the map contest
19:33.23RodOfNODi wont give it to anyone
19:33.31Galois-evaristei know, but still
19:33.31RodOfNODive been modding for 10 years
19:33.36Galois-evaristeso have i
19:33.36RodOfNODup to u
19:33.42RodOfNODu mod wc3?
19:33.50Galois-evaristestarcraft before brood war
19:33.57RodOfNODso not wc3?
19:34.02Galois-evaristewc3 hasn't been out for 10 years
19:34.17Galois-evaristebullshit i remember waiting for that game in like 2003
19:34.28RodOfNODwell maybe 2003 idk im old
19:34.32Galois-evaristeit got delayed and pushed back so many fucking times
19:34.34Galois-evaristei gave up waiting for it
19:34.38jorgenptJuly 2002 is the release date.
19:34.47RodOfNODok then i got it nov of 2002
19:34.52RodOfNODso 8 years
19:35.06Galois-evaristethis isn't a dick measuring contest
19:35.06RodOfNODanyways at this point u want help thats how i can help
19:35.15jorgenptHow can I make my container have 'padding' after the last slot? (i.e. the window be bigger than the actual number of slots)
19:35.17RodOfNODotherwise i go t back to my risk mp :P
19:35.26jorgenptI can't figure out how to make a slot invisible.
19:35.31Colawafflei am trying to add an ability to an unit, but it is missing in the command card :( any idea why?
19:35.35Galois-evaristei can post the entire trigger for you but i'm not willing to just give my contest entry
19:35.47RodOfNODadd a fake unit that cant be dropped jorgenpt
19:35.47mahashirowhich ability?
19:35.50mahashiroit might be under another one
19:35.56mahashirolike hold or patrol are under move
19:35.59jorgenptRodOfNOD: What?
19:36.02RodOfNODthe trigger wont help
19:36.09SweetZombieJesuscant we change localization of a library? O_O_O_O
19:36.11Colawaffleon the list, i can only find the ones with the prefix, Selection
19:36.14SweetZombieJesusthats fucking crap
19:36.21RodOfNODi dont even care about the trigger i only care about the event that isnt and then is firing
19:36.32Colawaffleall the other ones are missing :(
19:36.58RodOfNODdid u add the ability to the unit ?
19:37.15RodOfNODthen u should be able to add it to the cc
19:37.16Colawaffleit is in abilities +
19:37.35Colawaffleit was fine , until i added the campaign dependency
19:38.05RodOfNODk did u make the camp dep be the TOP of the dep list?
19:38.19RodOfNODdo that save close editor
19:38.25RodOfNODshould solve ur issue
19:39.25vailrethhelp my ability will not cast on units other than the caster
19:39.26RodOfNODGalois-evariste:  is the contest a publically non protected map upload once ur done?
19:39.44RodOfNODsounds like ur into self gratification vailreth
19:40.00RodOfNODVailreth casts his ability, BAM self self self
19:40.02Colawafflegot it, thanks alot rod :D
19:40.06vailrethhar har
19:40.11Galois-evaristedoes it matter? i don't even
19:40.38RodOfNODwell im trying to figure out why ur so protective of ur map if its publically posted unprotected for the contest
19:40.48RodOfNODcuz i dont enter contests
19:41.14SweetZombieJesusany yankee that could help me for 2 mins?
19:41.30RodOfNODwhere live u SweetZombieJesus
19:41.31SweetZombieJesusperson from the US with enUS SC2 version
19:41.40RodOfNODwhat do u need?
19:41.44RodOfNODbesides a name change
19:41.53SweetZombieJesusmy name rocks
19:41.59SweetZombieJesusdownload that attached library
19:42.00RodOfNODu said u couldnt change it
19:42.03SweetZombieJesusand try to use it
19:42.10SweetZombieJesusyea my Alpha ingame name needs change :<<<
19:42.13SweetZombieJesusto this
19:42.17SweetZombieJesustry to use that lib
19:42.26SweetZombieJesussee if langauge is messed u
19:42.31SweetZombieJesuscause its the enGB locale
19:42.56RodOfNODive never used a library
19:42.59RodOfNODhow do i add it
19:43.03SweetZombieJesusin trig editor
19:43.09SweetZombieJesusData -> Library -> Import
19:43.22SweetZombieJesusthen in any random trigger, new action
19:43.39SweetZombieJesuson the left you should (if language not fucked up) see Circle Hero Selection
19:43.51*** join/#sc2mapster MaxMode (~Adium@
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19:46.14SweetZombieJesusany luck?
19:46.52RodOfNODi cant seem to properly dl the file
19:47.11RodOfNODwhen i dl it it puts a file in my folder but the file cant be libararly imported
19:47.35RodOfNODit added in some other shit
19:47.37RodOfNODto thge name
19:47.40vailrethany one have any ideas why an ability would only cast on the caster?
19:47.40SweetZombieJesus? oO
19:47.52RodOfNODk i added it
19:48.03RodOfNODi assume ur targeting more than the caster vailreth
19:48.31RodOfNODi see real words SweetZombieJesus
19:48.59SweetZombieJesusunder the label?
19:49.01SweetZombieJesusthe actions
19:49.09vailrethi am working on a power toggle ability for the CnC style map
19:49.11SweetZombieJesusok could you open the library window
19:49.16SweetZombieJesusView -> Show Libraries
19:49.20RodOfNODdid that
19:49.24RodOfNODi see real words
19:49.28SweetZombieJesusok great
19:49.36RodOfNODSave the unit and text in arrays and modify variable so we know what hero this was
19:49.37RodOfNODCan't add Hero parameter to array of type Unit so doing it this way instead
19:49.39SweetZombieJesusso enGB and enUS are the same
19:49.50RodOfNODexcept for the word color :>
19:49.58SweetZombieJesuscare :P
19:50.06SweetZombieJesusty for helping <3
19:50.09arturusfurynot that it matters much but the lib worked for me too
19:50.10RodOfNODso i can close this?
19:50.21SweetZombieJesusyou can close it... or play with it !!
19:50.28RodOfNODi hate heroes
19:50.38RodOfNODhave never made a map with them except for my never finished DOTA risk map
19:50.54SweetZombieJesuscan be trees too
19:50.58SweetZombieJesuspick your tree
19:51.01SweetZombieJesushow awesome
19:51.11RodOfNODill watch the video :P
19:52.35vailrethif i could just figure out WHY the ability only works on the structure casting it ...
19:53.01RodOfNODSweetZombieJesus:  nice UI and fun music
19:53.07*** join/#sc2mapster Galois-evariste (
19:53.09SweetZombieJesusyou.. like.. the music? :o
19:53.13SweetZombieJesusyoure the first other than me
19:53.44RodOfNODwell i think the word LIKE might be stretching it :>
19:53.53RodOfNODvery 90s console
19:54.56RodOfNODits insane i have to have 1000 pathing blockers
19:55.09RodOfNODnot even sure what that will do to the load time
19:55.12*** join/#sc2mapster Coolflip (
19:55.15SweetZombieJesushow else can blizzard get their amusement
19:55.19SweetZombieJesusthey are so rich, they can buy anything
19:55.22SweetZombieJesusbut they cant buy our pain
19:55.27SweetZombieJesusthey are watching right now
19:55.58RodOfNODi mean what mega manager decided to nix water support
19:56.01SweetZombieJesuswhat asset license do i want to use
19:56.04CoolflipDoes anyone know how to work the Map -> Object Groups patrol to initiate?
19:56.15RodOfNODsuper solid cant be used license
19:56.16SweetZombieJesusif its free to use and edit but i want credit if they use it :P
19:56.34RodOfNODmake ur own
19:56.45RodOfNODUSE BUT have my name in 20 point on your loading screen
19:56.52RodOfNODsimple :>
19:57.04CoolflipWhat is it, a map?
19:57.24SweetZombieJesusby using this library you are agreeing to put the picture of the author's face on the loading screen of your map
19:57.37RodOfNODthat would be good also
19:57.44RodOfNODexcept ur rather scarey to look at
19:57.50SweetZombieJesusyou dont even know me
19:57.53SweetZombieJesusi might be a hot chick
19:57.58RodOfNODso instead say you have to put salma hayeks picture on the loading screen
19:58.09CoolflipBut does anyone know how to initiate the patrol route of Map -> Object groups?
19:58.13SweetZombieJesusbut then i'd have to pay her royalties
19:58.14RodOfNODcome on what are the odds i would meet a real life hot chick in a game chat for the 2nd time ?
19:58.24SweetZombieJesusabout as big as the first time
19:58.29SweetZombieJesuswhich didnt happen
19:58.31RodOfNODlol well im 1 for 1
19:58.43RodOfNODalmost married her too
19:58.45SweetZombieJesusi find that hard to believe
19:58.58SweetZombieJesusthere are no females on the interchats
19:59.14RodOfNODi know i was terrified when i got off the plane
19:59.17RodOfNODim like what if its a guy
19:59.21RodOfNODbut it wasnt
19:59.46SweetZombieJesusso why didnt you marry interchats hot chick?
19:59.49ReactorexRod, you're such a geekgamer.
19:59.54RodOfNODlol ty
19:59.54SweetZombieJesusfrom what i heard so far, shes perfect
19:59.58RodOfNODvarious reasons
20:00.06RodOfNODmostly i was a moron
20:00.09TinmanRule #2 on the Internet is: All women on the Internet are men.
20:00.22SweetZombieJesusyea the moron thing
20:00.23RodOfNODi agree tinman and yet... in this case it wasnt true
20:00.25SweetZombieJesusi get that alot too
20:00.28RodOfNODi lived with her for almost 5 years
20:01.03TinmanSounds like a typical moron to me >_>
20:01.08SweetZombieJesuswhat happened?
20:01.42TinmanShe found a pro gamer dint she...
20:01.54TinmanI hate it when that happens
20:02.03Polynomialgirls don't go for pro gamers
20:02.05Polynomialgamer girls do
20:02.07Polynomialbut they're
20:02.37Polynomialfortunately I managed to tone it down enough to get a long term relationship going
20:02.49Polynomial3 years tomorrow ^.^
20:03.15TinmanThey are ok if you like Asians:
20:03.41Polynomialheh yeah right
20:03.52TinmanIf not your out of luck:
20:04.13Tinmanbut beggars can't be choosers...
20:04.15SweetZombieJesushawt asian chick
20:04.29ProzaicMuzeTHe 200th episode SG1 is probably the most epic thing ever
20:04.31RodOfNODoh that is so nasty Tinman
20:04.34ProzaicMuzeEspecially at the end
20:04.50SweetZombieJesuswhich is that?
20:04.54ProzaicMuzeShe has TWO stomachs!?
20:05.18RodOfNODi knew i shouldnt have clicked on that picture
20:05.25ProzaicMuzeIt's the one where Martin comes back and pitches the movie
20:05.37ProzaicMuzethen at the end they essentially cuss non-stop until the credits roll
20:05.38Polynomial <-
20:05.41Polynomialthat's more like it
20:05.43ProzaicMuzeSo 5mins of black circles and bleeping lol
20:06.09SweetZombieJesusis that the one with the fake stargate movie?
20:06.12TinmanSee, only Asians, I think they use IRL cheats.
20:06.28ProzaicMuzeWtf. . .
20:06.30SweetZombieJesusalso one of the better ones :D
20:06.47ProzaicMuzeWhy does this horrible adidas commercial show up every other break :(
20:06.56PolynomialTinman - down, right down, right, punch?
20:07.31Tinmanup up down down left right left right b a start
20:07.55ProzaicMuzeCtrl + Alt + Delete
20:09.12vailreththis is driving me crazy i HAVE a way to powerdown a structure and decrease food used BUT it only works on the structure casting the ability
20:09.37*** join/#sc2mapster Motive (
20:09.49PolynomialI found myself thinking that earlier actually
20:10.01PolynomialI was trying to build a proper revealer trigger, was giving me problems
20:10.10Polynomialand I thought "wish there was a quick way to do this"
20:10.14*** join/#sc2mapster Repo (
20:10.18Polynomialand instantly thought "operationcwal + blacksheepwall"
20:11.17ProzaicMuzelol, change triggers into cheat code combinations?
20:11.20TinmanOperation Can't Wait Any Longer
20:11.31*** join/#sc2mapster ckknight (~ckknight@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/CurseStaff/CurseForge/ckknight)
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20:11.38goomba_~seen mozared
20:11.40purlmozared <525ffb7c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.> was last seen on IRC in channel #sc2mapster, 4d 2h 36m 56s ago, saying: 'See you mapsternutters soon'.
20:11.58TinmanThats a cool feature
20:12.08Tinman~seen vjeux
20:12.09purlvjeux is currently on #sc2mapster (7h 58m 1s). Has said a total of 8 messages. Is idling for 3h 45m 16s, last said: 'yes'.
20:12.18TinmanThats not very interesting
20:12.23purlACTION rolls the eight ball and gets: Ask again later
20:12.35purldue are u a f*cken bot or something?
20:12.37TinmanIts fun if you catch someone say something cewl
20:12.40purlACTION takes two shots to the head and crumples to the ground, lifeless.
20:13.31purl!lart dpkg
20:13.41purlteehee!, or
20:13.48CoolflipPretty funny video there
20:13.59Coolflip~seen Coolflip
20:14.00purlcoolflip is currently on #sc2mapster (18m 48s). Has said a total of 9 messages. Is idling for 1s, last said: '~seen Coolflip'.
20:15.14vailreththis bug is driving me crazy ..
20:15.54TinmanThese days Terran rushes faster then Zerg :p
20:16.54TinmanDo the mad "Destiny Couldfist" build and rush out some BCs FTW!
20:17.34ProzaicMuzeEVERYTHING rushes faster than Zerg
20:17.37ProzaicMuzeZerg is now the slow race
20:21.11ProzaicMuzeit's you
20:21.29rrowlandthis codpiece gives me tender loins
20:21.38ProzaicMuzeThen stop wearing it?
20:22.23*** join/#sc2mapster Dashkal (~dashkal@WoWUIDev/Nexus/dashkal)
20:23.48rrowlandstop staring at me like im some piece of meat
20:24.27ProzaicMuzePerhaps you should stop wearing women's clothing then
20:24.38rrowlanddont have a cow man
20:25.09*** join/#sc2mapster Galois-evariste (
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20:25.33Polynomialgives birth to a cow and gives it to rrowland
20:25.44rrowlandgive me somethin to chew
20:26.43Coolflip~slap rrow
20:26.44purlACTION slaps rrow, keep your grubby fingers to yourself!
20:26.55rrowlanddont prod me, boy
20:27.12Coolflip~prod rrow
20:27.13purlACTION zaps rrow with a high voltage cattle prod
20:27.30rrowlandyou're the matador
20:27.36Coolflip~gimp rrow
20:27.52purlWhat's a chicken coupe with 4 doors - a Chicken Sedan!
20:27.58Constant___how to get statistics about the map u published?
20:28.13CoolflipDont think it keeps track
20:28.17Constant___i just read on this guys website: "people play 2000 games per hour with my map. " so how does he know?
20:28.18ProzaicMuzelol, so which unit are you constantly clickin' for the quotes?
20:28.46rrowlandwhat's up beef jerky
20:28.57Coolflip~seen god
20:28.59purlgod <> was last seen on IRC in channel #sc2mapster, 4d 20h 47m 3s ago, saying: 'An Behold, I smote him down with GREAT vengeance!'.
20:28.59rrowlandname's t-bone. chuck t-bone
20:29.18rrowlandyou will call me SIR! -loin
20:29.30rrowlandare you gonna give me udders?
20:29.40rrowlandmilked up and good to go
20:30.00rrowlandcall me leatherneck
20:30.16SweetZombieJesusdont prod me, boy
20:30.17rrowlandyou mess with the bull you get the horns
20:30.45rrowlandnice rack, aint it?
20:31.03SweetZombieJesusalways liked the once from wc3
20:31.09rrowlandmy favorite band? L80ETC.. and the jonas brothers, of course
20:31.12SweetZombieJesuswhere archimonde or w/e complains has has no DSL
20:31.40rrowlandwant a piece of me boy?
20:31.44rrowlandwant a piece of MEAT boy?
20:31.55rrowlandwell good, I've got plenty. shank, flank, ribeye, take your pick
20:32.00ProzaicMuzerrowland's lost it
20:32.20rrowlandits been a long time since ive had a good milking
20:32.42rrowlandhow do i get out of this bullshit outfit?
20:34.06rrowlandlol it just froze my computer
20:34.26rrowlandshank, flank, ribeye, brisketbrisketbrisketbrisketbrisketbrisketbrisketbrisketbrisketbrisketbrisketbrisketbrisketbrisket
20:34.56goomba_anyone good with 3ds here
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20:35.39fietstashey guys i got a question on triggers..
20:36.08fietstasi have 4 nexusses (owned by 4 different players) on my map, i want it so that if they all die all 4 players lose
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20:36.27fietstasso the objective is basicly to protect at least 1
20:36.30*** join/#sc2mapster Rook (43a42627@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
20:36.41RookHello :]
20:37.08fietstaswould it work if the trigger is just like: events - nexus 1 dies - nexus 2 dies - nexus 3 dies - nexus 4 dies - actions - players 1-4 lose?
20:38.27Hatiwell remove normal melee conditions
20:38.33rrowlandthat trigger would run when any of the 4 died
20:38.36Hatiand fire a trigger if all 4 are dead
20:39.04fietstaswhat would the events look like then?
20:39.08*** join/#sc2mapster Galois-evariste (
20:39.31fietstascause i want it to fire only when all 4 are dead, not when just one dies
20:39.43rrowlandYou should keep those events and add a condition where there are no nexus on the entire map
20:39.49TheRingBearerYou can fire it 4 times and check if there are none
20:40.24rrowlandBut clicking this unit repeatedly has seriously frozen my entire computer except for IRC
20:40.27rrowlandSo I'm going to reboot
20:40.30TheRingBearerEvent - Unit dies. Condition - Triggering unit is a Nexus  && $ of nexus owned by all players = 0 - Actions - Player 1-4 lose
20:42.25fietstasi can figure out the event and actions, but under what condition do i find that theringbearer?
20:43.11*** join/#sc2mapster Galois-evariste (
20:43.27fietstascause i only see some basic conditions like and/or/not/comparison
20:43.36fietstasnothing like "triggering unit is a nexus
20:43.47*** join/#sc2mapster Cornelius (6329e306@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
20:44.31Corneliushey through triggers i can make it so an overlord flies into my base and starts generating creep. problem is when i shoot at him he stops and flies away. is there anyway thro triggers or data editor to make him stay still and keep generating creep while i kill him?
20:44.32*** join/#sc2mapster Corbo (~thecorbo@
20:45.13antares-fietstas, you need to use a comparison, then you can check if "unit type of unit == nexus" or whatever
20:45.16Corbopretty bored
20:45.22CorboI can't melee cause I always lose
20:45.32fietstasokay thx
20:45.35goomba_i cant figure out why when i use create polygon
20:45.37Corbobored of my achievement hunt
20:45.41goomba_they show up as black
20:45.42goomba_and dont render
20:46.07Corbodo they not render or you just don't see them cause the background's black?
20:46.17goomba_they dont render, theyre pure invisible
20:46.22goomba_when i set to smooth+highlights or w/e
20:46.24goomba_theyre solid black
20:47.48TinmanIf anyone got some sweet custom map replays I would love it if you send them to me here:
20:48.19Corneliushow do i make it so my overlord doesnt run away when i shoot him?
20:48.47Corneliusfound it nvm im a genius
20:48.47TinmanGo to his data field and go to reaction, and set it to no reaction
20:48.54Corneliusjust did that lol
20:49.08*** join/#sc2mapster Galois-evariste (
20:49.17TinmanI only knew as I had the same issue eralier :p
20:49.32fietstasthanks alot guys :) this should work
20:49.42jorgenptHow do you add assets to a map?
20:50.46TinmanDo you mean Dependencies? If so got to file then Dependencies
20:50.53goomba_any idea corbo :\
20:51.36jorgenptNo, a new texture
20:51.50goomba_import the dds
20:51.56jorgenptYeah, but where?
20:52.01goomba_import manager :P
20:52.41arturusfuryclick modules and import
20:52.57Corbomaybe they're set to not render?
20:53.04RookHey there, I haven't made SC maps in quite a few years and am still stumbling around the new editor. Currently I'm trying to get a simple unit exchange going, ie. Triggering player bring X ammount of units into trigger area, it removes the number of triggering units needed, and replaces with a new unit. There's a couple ways I think I could get it to work but I was hoping someone could point me to the most effecient way of doing it,
20:53.08Corboselect them -> right click -> properties
20:53.14Corbofind "renderable" property
20:53.16Corbocheck it
20:53.21jorgenptOh thanks :)
20:53.36*** join/#sc2mapster rrowland (
20:53.36goomba_well theyre gone now but i like create poly tool thing
20:53.54goomba_easier than slicing planes
20:53.58Corbowhy the hell do you randomly create polys
20:54.08ProzaicMuzeDakara just got ownt!
20:54.16goomba_well i had 2 walls
20:54.17Corbojust use boxes or whatever
20:54.19Corboand work there
20:54.22goomba_i do :P
20:54.35goomba_but it makes things easier sometimes so far
20:54.56goomba_like one wall was to have a hole in it
20:54.57goomba_for a window
20:55.11ReactorexRook: Add units in region matching condition to unit group (local variable unitgroup g) and if number of units in g = your amount, then remove units in unit group g and create unit of type at region
20:55.17goomba_and i ended up just slicing a new box but
20:55.22ReactorexSomething to that effect. :P
20:55.38RookAwesome, thanks. I'll set about trying to figure that out :]
20:55.38goomba_i was trying to create poly using the vertices from the other 2 walls and the edges of the window
20:55.42RookRemaking Commando Wars
20:55.47Rookthe best SC1 custom map >:D
20:55.59ProzaicMuzeffs it is so hot!
20:56.08TinmanI was remaking my old map but it got blocked by Blizzard xD
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20:56.33RookThe name restrictions on publishing are goofy
20:56.41Rookparticularly that you have to go back to the map info for it to work
20:56.55RookI be that bug along as stopped many a budding map maper from continuing :p
20:56.58TinmanApparently they don't like the words: Condom, Sperm, Spermling and Cum...
20:57.04RookGo figure
20:57.38rrowlandtheyre obviously against contraception
20:57.49RookAm I correct in assuming you'd be able to add your own music to maps made?
20:58.05devileskso no one can take teh same map name
20:58.09devileskif you remove it from publishing
20:58.12devileskwhat if someone brutes it
20:58.12Corbouse booleans
20:58.15TinmanI think they should have given it a 18+ Rating and be gone with it, children do not care about age restriction neither do their parents...
20:58.17devileskand takes every map name possible
20:58.21Corboboolean operations
20:58.25devilesklike they keep publishing maps with every name
20:58.26devileskand removing them
20:58.28fietstasguys what is the condition for having no units left? as in an event where a unit dies and that unit is the last unit alive from a certain player (and does that include buildings?)
20:58.29rrowland5 maps maximum per account
20:58.31Corboto substract the window hole
20:58.35devileskrrowland the point is
20:58.36devileskif you remove a map
20:58.39devileskfrom your published
20:58.41devileskno one can use the name anymore
20:58.44rrowlandThen they just ban you
20:58.45goomba_i should learn how to use that :P
20:58.51Corboit's... not hard
20:58.53Corbomax box
20:58.57Corbomake box*
20:58.59goomba_i was just using slice plane to put in the coordinates of the vertices
20:58.59Corbomake second box
20:59.03Corbointercept them
20:59.06Corbogo to booleans
20:59.11Corboboolean subtraction
20:59.12goomba_which did what i wanted but yeah that seems more appropriate
20:59.14Corbopick operand b
20:59.26devileskmap limit sucks
20:59.31CorboI don't even know what the hell are you doing
20:59.32devileski understand max size limit but what if i want moer than 5
20:59.35devilesk1 mb maps
20:59.38Corbogo QQ somewhere else
20:59.41devileskstfu corbo
20:59.46CorboQQ MOAR
20:59.48CorboQQ SC SUX
20:59.49devileski will
20:59.50CorboQQ BLAH
20:59.53CorboQQ NEGATIVITY
20:59.57devileskwanna test
21:00.06Corbogive me a sec
21:00.11ProzaicMuzeMy contribution to this conversation is "Blizzard Sucks and Corbo is a kitchen wench"
21:00.13goomba_is wat im doing
21:00.43goomba_where is boolean anyway
21:01.20nitroballdamn rigging! so hard! anyone wanna rig and animate this model I made?
21:01.39nitroballk, thanks, bye
21:01.59CorboDid you just call me a woman?
21:02.06devileskrigging is bad
21:02.09devileskit's same as cheating
21:02.13devileskit IS cheating
21:02.21ProzaicMuzeI did, Corbo
21:02.26CorboThat model would be incredibly easy to rig
21:02.31CorboBUT GUESS WHAT
21:02.33ProzaicMuzeYou should be greatly offended and now nerdrage
21:02.38devileskget on
21:02.44CorboI WON'T DO IT FOR YOU
21:02.58devileskget on sc2
21:02.59ProzaicMuzeslaps some sense into Corbo
21:03.06devileskwho wants to test?
21:03.42goomba_test wat
21:04.06goomba_THE BALLS ARE INERT
21:04.25goomba_SHIT GOHAN
21:05.01ProzaicMuzeSee?  That's how you rage Corbo
21:05.06ProzaicMuzeTake notes
21:05.14ProzaicMuzeI expect some good rage in approx. 5mins
21:05.18ProzaicMuzeaaaaaand go
21:05.25goomba_i think the balls are in my other pants pocket
21:06.10RedWraithHey guys
21:06.18RedWraithhow do I access campaign missions in the editor?
21:06.34fietstaswhen you select open theres 3 things, local files,, campaign
21:06.40fietstasobvious after that
21:07.05Corbok back
21:07.12CorboI SAID WAIT A SEC
21:07.19CorboI'll be on in 10secs
21:07.25Corboor... whatever it takes to load up
21:07.38fietstasanyway guys i still need help, i've been checking this for like 10 min now..
21:07.47fietstashow do i make a trigger like "if the last unit dies"
21:08.16fietstasi was checking for unit dies then condition unit count.. but i can only find unit count of a unit type
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21:10.00SweetZombieJesusyou can cehck for amount of units in region (entire map)
21:10.09SweetZombieJesusif that = 0
21:10.11SweetZombieJesusafter unit dies
21:10.15SweetZombieJesusthat means it was the last unit
21:10.22rrowlandAnyone know offhand how to change a unit's color?
21:10.34SweetZombieJesusofc checking the entire map for units asks for some conditions
21:10.36rrowlandLike player 1 is red but say I want it to be blue instead
21:10.48SweetZombieJesuslike not including the players units
21:10.53waterfoulbut still owned by player 1?
21:11.04SweetZombieJesusSet Color
21:11.16SweetZombieJesussearch :P
21:11.19SweetZombieJesusits at unit though
21:11.23rrowlandunit? k
21:11.36rrowlandHey man I'm a veteran don't tell me to search
21:11.51SweetZombieJesuswhat kind of veteran
21:11.59rrowlanda veteran
21:12.03SweetZombieJesusof ...?
21:12.10rrowlandof sc2 mapping of course
21:12.25SweetZombieJesusthen why are you asking that :D
21:12.31SweetZombieJesusyoure no veteran
21:12.33SweetZombieJesusyou phony
21:12.40rrowlandCause I'd rather bother you than spend 2 minutes looking for it
21:12.50SweetZombieJesusim eating now
21:12.51SweetZombieJesustoo hungry
21:12.59waterfoulrrowland I believe you use a "Send Actor Message to Unit" event with the message being "Set Team Color" (Function)
21:13.09rrowlandNah there's a trigger for it
21:13.13rrowlandSet Color
21:13.19rrowlandAs I was informed 8)
21:13.31rrowlandI'm totally making the unit pink
21:13.32fietstasi got that now
21:13.35SweetZombieJesussend actor message is also a trigger though
21:13.36fietstasbut when i try to change value 2
21:13.40fietstasit doesn't allowed me to change it to 0
21:13.58rrowlandCan I get a hell yeah for trying to save a map and having the computer freeze
21:14.03SweetZombieJesusyoure not counting
21:14.03rrowlandSeriously what the fuck
21:14.09rrowlandThe editor is destroying my computer
21:14.23SweetZombieJesusfietstas: you are trying to compare units now
21:14.33SweetZombieJesusyou need to do Amount of Units
21:14.35SweetZombieJesusin region
21:14.39fietstasoh ok
21:16.55fietstassweetzombiejesus is that still unedr conditions? at what tab?
21:16.57Komodo1138really hates when you import a model it turns into a sphere
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21:19.18ProzaicMuzeIt's because your computer sucks rrowland
21:20.11ProzaicMuzeWhich reminds me, I might be hoppin' on HoN this evening
21:21.33*** join/#sc2mapster ThunderLord (a6cd0a45@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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21:21.53ThunderLordWhat's up
21:22.49ThunderLordiPad works with irc!!!
21:23.11RodOfNODOMG u are kidding me
21:23.37ThunderLordI is on an ipad now!!!!
21:23.48ThunderLordNow I want one
21:23.49RodOfNODi find that hard to believe
21:23.54RodOfNODtake the one u have
21:23.56RodOfNODand run
21:23.57RodOfNODreal fast
21:23.59ProzaicMuzeiPad is ghey
21:24.05ThunderLordI doubted it would work
21:24.09ThunderLordBut wow it is here
21:24.18RodOfNODProzaicMuze:  if i buy u one will u keep it?
21:24.19ProzaicMuzeMerely using it saps the testosterone from your body.
21:24.31ThunderLordI wonder if it works on phone
21:24.36RodOfNODwill u keep the precious?
21:24.39RodOfNODof coruse it does
21:24.43RodOfNODi have it on my ipod touch
21:24.49ProzaicMuzeIf by keep you mean sell it to swap for a tablet? Yes
21:24.57ThunderLordIt dozent do anything a iPhone or I touch can do
21:25.00RodOfNODa tablet pc?
21:25.12ProzaicMuzeAn Intuos Tablet
21:25.13RodOfNODit should do everything an itouch does
21:25.17ProzaicMuzeor Graphire even
21:25.44RodOfNODwhich is beter
21:25.49ThunderLordWow so I have not been using my touch with irc is whole time?
21:25.57ThunderLordCuz I didn't bother to try
21:26.18ThunderLordYeah I agree
21:26.19RodOfNODu can read books?
21:26.38ThunderLordI don't wan a have an ipad conversation
21:26.54ProzaicMuzeYes you do
21:27.00ProzaicMuzeYou want to have several
21:27.01ThunderLordIt may never end
21:27.04RodOfNODdoes this intuois have an actual lcd screen?
21:27.05waterfoullike prozac has been saying there are many other tablets you can buy that you can load windows, linux, or hackintosh on that are in the same price range and are more useful
21:27.10ThunderLordWait why iPad
21:27.19ProzaicMuze@Rod - the Intuos, no
21:27.21ThunderLordWait to
21:27.23fietstasstill can't find which condition checks how many units are alive for a certain player in the entire map..
21:27.27ProzaicMuzeIntuos tablets are for things liek photoshop
21:27.35RodOfNODwell i want lcd
21:27.39ProzaicMuzeThere ARE some that do
21:27.40RodOfNODso give me a better lcd tablet
21:27.40ProzaicMuzeone sec
21:27.45RodOfNODi have a tablet pc
21:27.52RodOfNODit weighs way to much
21:27.53waterfoulhas a gateway tablet-pc right now and its awsome for things ohter than photoshop
21:28.06waterfoulI am getting a better one soon
21:28.06RodOfNODtablet pcs are too heavy
21:28.09ThunderLordWait I has a ge ?
21:28.09waterfoulhates gateway
21:28.14ProzaicMuzeWhat's your price range?
21:28.15RodOfNODthe thing about the ipad is its light
21:28.19Manquichewhats the deal with duplicating a unit? i dont know what to duplicate from the checkbox list and what to leave default
21:29.00waterfoulyea but can you print from it? NO! can you load normal programs on it? NO! can you use it as a large iphone? almost
21:29.29Manquicheipad sucks. end of discussion. now someone help me :)
21:30.00waterfoulwhen you duplicate an item you can edit it but I believe it raises the size of the map file some
21:30.04ThunderLordNo more iPad talk
21:30.16ThunderLordI need tom remove a stun
21:30.18Corbojust buy a bamboo
21:30.22Corbowhy do you even need it lcd
21:30.25ThunderLordWith an ability
21:30.32ProzaicMuzeBamboo doesn't have the LCD
21:30.40ProzaicMuzeAnd the LCD is pretty handy depending on what you are doing
21:30.48ProzaicMuzeThe Cintiq you can start using right away
21:30.51Corbo"why do you even need it lcd"
21:30.58ProzaicMuzeThe Bamboo and Intuos require you to get used to the feel of it
21:31.06Corboto see what you're doing you'll be surprised
21:31.11Corbobut pencil and paper is really good
21:31.14ThunderLordBasicly like a "will of the forsaken" or wow pvp trinket
21:31.16RodOfNODok well ProzaicMuze  that looks totally awesome however its 4x the price
21:31.28ProzaicMuzeBecause it's 4x teh awesome
21:31.30Manquicheim trying to duplicate a marine, but only the actual 'unit'. i want the copy to use the same models, sounds etc as a normal marine
21:31.40ProzaicMuzeAnd the iPad is a publicity stunt lol
21:31.44RodOfNODok but u cant compare 2 things that have that kind of price difference
21:31.51ProzaicMuzeYou said you had a $5k price range lol
21:31.57RodOfNODthats different
21:32.10RodOfNODbesides thats for an artist
21:32.17RodOfNODi want something a user would want to use for book reading
21:32.24Corbothen ipad
21:32.26RodOfNODand casual net serfing
21:32.33ProzaicMuzerofl then yeah
21:32.54ProzaicMuzeThougth you were wanting somethingf fro design given the $5k price
21:32.59RodOfNODive been told u can control ur computer from an ipad
21:33.07Corboyou can
21:33.10Corboif you've got a mac
21:33.13RodOfNODno im glad u showed me that
21:33.15RodOfNODand a pc
21:33.21Corboprobably not.
21:33.25RodOfNODive seen it
21:33.29CorboBecause it has to do something with mac + itunes
21:33.38Corboyou could probably just do it with itunes then
21:33.43CorboThere's iphone apps for that
21:33.50Corbobut I've never seen pc mentioned
21:34.07Corbothre you go
21:34.11Corbothen why do you ask ;o
21:34.17RodOfNODi didnt
21:34.25RodOfNODi said ive been told
21:34.31RodOfNODbut i havent personally seen it working
21:34.34ThunderLordHow do I make an ability to remove a "stun" behavior while a unit is stunned and unable to use abilities?
21:35.18RodOfNODthat is a rather confusing ? the way you ask it ThunderLord
21:35.31ThunderLordWell umm
21:35.34RodOfNODdid u mean remove stun buff?
21:35.40Corbohe means like
21:35.41ThunderLordLemme try and rephrase
21:35.43Corboweapon shoots
21:35.48Corbobut then it shoots again
21:35.50Corboand shouldn't stun
21:35.54Corbosince it already did it
21:36.02RodOfNODthat would just mean non stacking
21:36.08jorgenptNo, I think he means that the unit should remove it's own stun through an ability.
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21:36.16jorgenptI.e. an ability that isn't disabled by stun and that clears the stun buff.
21:36.17ThunderLordSo I have a buff that stuns a unit by disableing abilities and movement and attacks
21:36.21RodOfNODsee its confusing
21:36.52RodOfNODu mean it stuns a unit and by stun u mean disable.....
21:37.14Corbohere's the answer
21:37.19Corboyou do it with the galaxy editor
21:37.29ThunderLordI need an ability that a unit can use that will remove that buff. The problem is that because the unit is stunned it cannot use said ability
21:37.36RodOfNODu never did make that tree for me
21:37.40goomba_my god
21:37.43goomba_if you have ever played
21:37.44Corbolike a potion?
21:37.48goomba_tf, or more specifically
21:37.50goomba_any video game ever
21:37.50Corbowhat tree?
21:37.53goomba_you need to watch this
21:37.58goomba_fucking hilareous
21:38.02RodOfNODok so u want the unit to SELF remove it is that correct?
21:38.31ThunderLordPretty much
21:38.45ThunderLordI'm thinking thru triggers somehow
21:39.11RodOfNODso how would the user initiate it if he cant click on an ability?
21:39.20Manquichelol goomba
21:39.26goomba_this video is amazing
21:39.27ThunderLordYeah exactly
21:39.31goomba_is it old? this ones only 440 views
21:39.43ThunderLordThe ability is disabled
21:39.55RodOfNODwell ThunderLord  if i recall u can disable ability classes
21:40.12RodOfNODso have ur stun not stun a certain class that hasnt been turned off
21:40.23RodOfNODand then the user can hit that ability
21:40.52ThunderLordExampol? I need it to work like an effect-instant
21:40.57rrowlandah annoying, just want this animation to loop indefinitely
21:41.20Corbothere's an ability enabling/disablign trigger
21:41.35Corboyou could check when it's stunned
21:41.39Corboand enable the ability
21:41.47RodOfNODgoomba_:  did u actually watch all 10 minutes of that?
21:41.52goomba_its so good
21:41.59ThunderLordRlly? That should work
21:42.04RodOfNODi do that all the time when i play sc
21:42.06goomba_the end is the best
21:42.13goomba_i think he was serious at first
21:42.18goomba_then was just bein funny
21:42.52RodOfNODi must be too old
21:42.57RodOfNODthat wasnt very funny
21:43.10goomba_the ending is great
21:43.15RodOfNODcorbo i dont think that would work
21:43.29RodOfNODi dont think stun disables the same kind of disable as a trigger
21:43.36RodOfNODbut u can of course try ThunderLord
21:44.44TinmanJust a random question, I though of something: Is it possible to set individual game speeds, like player one uses a time-warp ability that keeps his game at Faster, but slows everything else down to Slow?
21:45.15RodOfNODu could fake that but it would be a pain
21:45.25RodOfNODmake every units speed be slower than urs by a %
21:45.48TinmanWould be epic if you could set the game speed individually
21:46.23*** join/#sc2mapster Atlos (62e5a49c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
21:48.13fietstasin warcraft 3 you would just create an endurance aura like ability on a temporary unit where the aura lowers speed/attackspeed for all enemy units on the map
21:48.20fietstasbut that doesn't lower build speed..
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21:49.11TinmanThere might be a way to do all that with a heavy behavior though
21:49.35TinmanJust need to change everything that has to do with time
21:49.54Manquichetie every time-based aspect of the game to a single variable
21:50.01Manquichechange that variable for individual players :P
21:50.45TinmanIt would take more time to make then its worth I guess
21:50.58fietstaswhell it'd be unique and super cool, so always worth it
21:51.06fietstasunless it takes a week of working time, aka a month of rl
21:51.18Manquicheif you could do it with a small example and get it working, go for it
21:51.31Manquicheto affect everything though would take a lot of work
21:52.09TheRingBearerWell the Nexus chrono boost affects build speed
21:52.13TinmanIf I ever do it, I will release it so that no one else have to ever go through that struggle that could have been made easy
21:52.15TheRingBearerMaybe make a reverse one?
21:52.15*** join/#sc2mapster vxcriss (vxcriss@
21:52.19vxcrisshowdy folks
21:52.44Tinman<--- N0Ub
21:52.56fietstasactually yes, i saw a chrono boost vid where they altered it to be used on units, and it gave +50% movement/attackspeed aswell, so that would work
21:53.26*** join/#sc2mapster rrowland (
21:53.30rrowlandyou can do that tinman
21:53.32rrowlandby setting the time scale for all of one player's units
21:53.34rrowlandthey'll do everything faster/slower
21:54.02TinmanA reversed global chrono + a reversed global stim :p
21:54.51Manquicheyou'd have to be able to affect everything equally though
21:55.28fietstasnah tinman, go youtube there's a vid that shows that chrono boost is basicly already a stim aswell, but can't be used on any buildings/units with an attack
21:55.35Corbomodify stim
21:55.36TinmanUse % instead of a constant
21:55.37Manquicheattack speed, movement speed, projectile speed, life regen (if you want to be that detailed), build speed (for upgrades too), cooldown times on abilities, energy regen etc
21:55.39Corboto have a negative effect?
21:56.11rrowlandmanquiche those are all affected by time scale
21:56.16rrowlandSo all you need to change is time scale
21:56.39TinmanI should send Blizzard a e-mail stating that I want the possibility to individually change player game speed!
21:56.46Tinmanwould be faster
21:56.48rrowlandIt already exists
21:56.57Manquichecan timescale be changed for individuals during a game without any kind of desync or unplayable lag or anything like that?
21:57.11rrowlandLook in buff behavior modifications
21:57.33Manquicheim a total GE noob btw, just interested in the idea
21:57.40Manquicheid have no idea how to do it
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21:58.03TinmanI have not used any map editor since the original SC :p
21:58.31rrowlandUnder modification + in the buff
21:58.32Tinmanwell, some Unreal stuff, but that does not count!
21:58.39rrowlandUnder unit tab
21:58.42rrowland"Time Scale"
21:58.47Manquicheill have a look, ty
21:58.56rrowlanddefault is 1 obviously
21:59.05rrowland0.01 would be 1% speed, 2 would be double speed etc
21:59.10Manquicheall ive done so far is messed about with changing unit attacks
21:59.24Manquichemade a siege tank shoot exploding (aoe damage) zerglings
21:59.52Manquicheim having trouble with something really simple
21:59.59Manquicheduplicating units
22:00.34Manquicheif i duplicate just the unit, there are always models and sounds missing from it, and i dont know how to link the unit back up to the default models etc
22:00.59Manquicheand if i duplicate all thesounds and models etc, i end up with a huge mess of 'x-unit copy' all over the place
22:01.08Manquichemost of which i dont need, since i dont intend to change the models
22:01.45TinmanFound the time scale, would I apply that to everything then with a "pick all units owned by picked players" or something like that and add the buff on the picked units, or is that only units and not buildongs?
22:02.51TinmanI changed the medic into the fire-suppression bots, they fly around and heal people!
22:03.08vxcrisshey I'm looking at this FloatingTextMinerals effect actor, anyone have any idea how I change the display text from 100 to something else?
22:03.16rrowlandbasically tinman
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22:07.36Manquicheanyone know how to remove the windows shell frame when playing in windowed mode?
22:08.14vxcrissyou can't do that that's why it's windows mode :)
22:08.29Manquichethere must be a way
22:08.38Manquichehow else can there be a windowed fullscreen mode?
22:08.46Manquicheit has no frame, even though its technically a window
22:08.47vxcrissfullscreen is fullscreen
22:09.04Manquicheyeah, but windowed (fullscreen) is a window
22:09.10TinmanIts the same, but the shell is not visible as its pushed out of your screen
22:09.38vxcrissthe window is displayed by your operating system not by the game, if you really want to make the borders go away you'll have to go mess with the windows theme
22:09.42Manquicheso is there any way to set a resolution and have the shell pushed out of the screen?
22:09.58TheRingBearerIs there an aesy way to make regions -not- stand out so much? Like make them more transparent or something in the editor.
22:10.11vxcrissyou can change their color...
22:10.18arturusfuryYou can hide them
22:10.29TheRingBearerAll of them? Or can you select certain ones
22:10.47TheRingBearerI have an area that will have many regions overlayed
22:11.07vxcrissI like color-coding mine
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22:12.46Manquichethere must be a way to do this
22:12.54Manquicheive played other games that can have the border removed
22:13.08rrowlandwhat border
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22:13.17rrowlandI keep getting DCed so I missed what your question was
22:13.29Manquichethe windows border/frame around the game when playing in windowed mode
22:13.45rrowlandit's called windowed fullscreen
22:13.56Manquichei dont want fullscreen though
22:13.58Manquichelet me explain
22:14.06Manquichemy desktop res is 1280x1024
22:14.14rrowlandThat's the only way to do it. It takes up the whole screen but it's a window with no borders
22:14.18TinmanJust tried the time scale out and it works!
22:14.24Manquichei want to be able to play sc in a window thats 1280x720
22:14.34TinmanThanks rrowland
22:14.57*** join/#sc2mapster Currydevil (42bf1567@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
22:15.08Manquichebut when i do, the windows frames take up part of that space and the image is scaled down to 1272x716ish
22:15.42Currydevilhey guys, I got a question about creating custom weapons and items, anyone good with that stuff?
22:16.13Manquicheit can be done on hitman contracts using the game's config file
22:16.37Manquicheive done it with world of warcraft when i used to play, using a hotkeynet script
22:16.42Manquicheit must be possible on sc2
22:16.52Atlosanyone able to help?
22:17.10arturusfuryWhat'cha need curry?
22:17.57CurrydevilI am trying to add a custom weapon animation to a weapon item that i've created
22:18.14CurrydevilI can do both parts individually, but combining them seems to be the issue
22:18.34RedWraithIs it no longer possible to access maps you've downloaded from
22:18.38arturusfuryAnimation as in?
22:18.39RedWraithI can't find where they're stored.
22:18.55CurrydevilI made the item weapon and succesfully got to to grant a unit with an attack, and I have the new weapon animation (colossus beam) and i can attach that to an existing unit
22:19.06Currydeviloh i made a laser beam attack
22:19.27arturusfuryAhh, gothca 1 sec
22:20.34arturusfurySo if you set the unit to use the weapon (no item) the laser beam works?
22:20.55Currydevilyeah, i followed prozaicmuze's beam tutorial and made his lancer work perfectly
22:21.10Currydeviland I used one of onetwo's tutorials and made items grant weapons
22:21.23Currydevilbut i can't seem to add the two together so the item gives a laser beam attack
22:21.37arturusfuryHrmm, lemme try it with mine real quick
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22:26.17RodOfNODatlos are u wanting them to actually be loaded into that unit?
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22:26.32Atlosjust you bring X amount to the beacon
22:26.34RodOfNODdo u want them to enter a region?
22:26.34Atlosit removes X amount
22:26.37Atlosand gives you a unit
22:26.59AtlosI just used the region to tell between the different beacons
22:27.02RodOfNODk well many ways to do this how many combos do u have/
22:27.10AtlosI think 6
22:27.14Atlosunits that you can purchase
22:27.17Corbohow do you slow down a unit srsly?
22:27.21RodOfNODk do they have any duplications?
22:27.27RodOfNODset unit speed corbo
22:27.32Corboit did nothing
22:27.35RodOfNODits a propetie if i recall
22:27.38CorboI'm trying to slow them down
22:27.39RodOfNODworks for me
22:27.42Corboas they enter region
22:27.48Corboit might have to do
22:27.55Corbothat the unit's acceleration is 1000
22:27.58Atloswhat do you mean duplications?
22:27.58Corboand the speed is max
22:28.03Atlosor are you talkint to corbo :P
22:28.13Corbogonna make region bigge
22:28.26RodOfNODwell do u have situations where the same unit type is part of another group?
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22:28.44Atlosnope shouldnt be a problem
22:28.56RodOfNODdo u have 6 regions with 6 types of units made?
22:28.57TinmanCorbo use what I got told with a behavior buff, in the unit area you can set time scale
22:29.08CurrydevilAh Arturus I fixed part of it, heh. Now I need to get the laser beam showing again.
22:29.24Atlosyea I have 6 regions made out and I have the units that can be purchased all set up
22:29.25arturusfurylol, sorry I'm rebuilding it from scratch
22:29.55TinmanCorbo I tried it with my map, it picks every unit in the entire map and adds the SlowDown buff, and they did everything very very slowly...
22:29.57RodOfNODk so i would do a for loop
22:30.09RodOfNODfor i = 1 to 6 remove random unit of civilan type
22:30.30RodOfNODof ir for sure there is only 6 just remove by index
22:30.48Corbowait what?
22:30.50RodOfNODlet me make the action
22:30.51Atlosok I can try that
22:30.57Corboand use what behaviour?
22:31.05Currydevilit's ok, if you find something let me know ;) I have to wade back through everything i did for it
22:31.39TinmanCorbo make a new one, and make it a buff, go to the unit tab and find time scale, 1 = 100% speed 0.5 = 50%
22:33.47CorboI'll try that when I come back home ;o
22:34.11RodOfNODAtlos:         Unit Group - Pick each unit in ((Unit type from "civilian") units in (Entire map) owned by player Any Player matching Excluded: Missile, Dead, Hidden, with at most Any Amount) and do (Actions)
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22:34.32RodOfNODof course put the correct string name for the unit there
22:34.42Atloshmm I thought I tried that
22:34.47vxcrissanyone know anything about effect target markers?
22:34.50Zanamhaving an issue with a trigger event with abilities.  i have many 'dummy' abilities on a command card, wanting to create one trigger that goes off when the unit casts any one of these abilities, then loops through an array to figure out which ability was cast.  any easy way to do this?  I was hoping for a 'when any unit casts any ability' type of event but I can't seem to find one
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22:35.10Atloswhat happened was it only removed 1 civlian and then the trigger executed again
22:35.13RodOfNODit might not count the unit as being in the region untill after it has entered  idk for sure
22:35.29RodOfNODso u should also hand remove the triggering unit
22:35.30Atlosso when I went to buy something that cost 4 civilians and put 5 on the beacon, it gave me 2 units and left me with 3 civilians
22:35.41Atloslet me try something real quic
22:35.44RodOfNODwell i dont see how
22:37.58RodOfNODhold on
22:38.01Atlosdamn, it's still doing it
22:38.02RodOfNODi see ur other bug Atlos
22:38.07vxcrissZanam... have the trigger event set to "any" as ability, and then use a for loop and an if condition to loop through the abilities
22:38.09AtlosI tried nesting it inside a while loop
22:38.15RodOfNODin ur event u do this
22:38.15RodOfNODEnters Tank 4
22:38.17Atlosthe trigger executes multiple times before it's finished though
22:38.30Atlosthat's my current event
22:38.31RodOfNODbut in ur conditions u do this nits in Zealot 1
22:38.50Zanamvxcriss, it doesn't have any as an option.  the event asks for a specific ability command
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22:39.29Atlosoh yea I changed that I noticed in my post afterwards that I mixed the locations up
22:39.53vxcrisserhm try going to the functions and selecting "EventUnitAbility()"
22:39.57vxcrissnot sure if that will work
22:40.02vxcrissmight crash, dunno :)
22:40.22Zanamseems like it would :P
22:40.24Zanamtrying now
22:40.29vxcrissworth trying
22:41.11RodOfNODAtlos:  i have no idea why u are using this:         Unit - (Name from the Global data table) Enters (Entire map)
22:41.32RodOfNODUnit - ((String(Civilian (Male))) from the Global data table)
22:41.35RodOfNODu fucker
22:41.45CoolflipDoes anyone know why these units arent being ordered to move?
22:41.45RodOfNODnm yes that
22:41.50RodOfNODthought i miss pasted
22:41.53vxcrissanyone with experience working with actors and effects can help me out with a problem related to effect targets???
22:41.53Atlosisnt that the only way to do it?
22:42.05RodOfNODno i would do a ANY unit enters
22:42.13RodOfNODand then have a conditon that is unit of TYPE x
22:42.40Zanamvxcriss, doesn't crash, but it doesnt fire either.  i'm going to do it a different way, have the abilities spawn units, i know i can reference that easily
22:42.48vxcrissbasically I want the target of an autocast effect to go to some specific player instead of the target player... right now I'm using triggers, is it possible to do this from the data editor instead?
22:42.56RodOfNODu need to first test if a unit enters a region is it counted as one of the units already in the region Atlos
22:43.39Atlosive gotta go but ill save all this and try it in a bit
22:43.45RodOfNODCoolflip:  are u calling that event multiple times?
22:43.47vxcrissthat's wierd, I was thinking it should work
22:44.01Coolflipi dont think so
22:44.06RodOfNODthen what is this for
22:44.13CoolflipIt fires once every 50 seconds
22:44.19RodOfNODTimer - Wave Timer expires
22:44.30Coolfliptheres a repeating 50 second timer
22:44.39RodOfNODbut u are making 50 units a a turn ROUND 1
22:44.41RodOfNODthen 100
22:44.42RodOfNODthen 150
22:45.01CoolflipIt makes (Wave ammount) Units
22:45.08RodOfNODso how many is that the first time?
22:45.11CoolflipBy repeating (Wave ammount) So many itmes
22:45.19Coolflipwave ammount is default to 25
22:45.27RodOfNODk so whats the issue?
22:45.33CoolflipThe units arent getting the move order
22:45.37CoolflipThey spawn fine
22:45.52Clordlast created unit
22:45.55Clorddun dun dun
22:45.57Clordorder move
22:46.05Clordthen make another trigger to see if they start to idle
22:46.17CoolflipThat is my trigger clord D:
22:46.22TinmanAnyone noticed that Nova has a light saber?
22:46.22RodOfNODnit - Order all units in Unit Group 001 to ( Move targeting Point 001) (Replace Existing Orders)
22:46.26RodOfNODthat sould cover it
22:47.03RodOfNODdo u want to send each of the units in the group every second to the same spot Coolflip ?
22:47.11TinmanIf you go into the preview window and find Nova and set the animation to Spell she swings a light saber around!
22:47.15RodOfNODor just the one u made one time?
22:47.29CoolflipThats exactly what i have nod
22:47.40RodOfNODu cant have both
22:47.42RodOfNODwhich one
22:47.55RodOfNODu dont have that
22:48.00CoolflipI tried it too
22:48.02CoolflipIs all im saying
22:48.09arturusfuryCurry you still around?
22:48.10RodOfNODand im asking what ur goal is
22:48.15CoolflipTo get units to move
22:48.18CoolflipTo point 001
22:48.18RodOfNODjusst to send each unit one time?
22:48.28arturusfuryI got it working
22:48.29CoolflipThan ill figure out the rest from there
22:48.37CoolflipThey will go through a series of points
22:48.43Currydevilok, i got all of it working except the beam doesn't show up :(
22:48.45RodOfNODokhmm that should work
22:48.53arturusfuryCheck your Events on the Beam Actor
22:49.08CoolflipEvent works because it spawns the people
22:49.10Coolflipbut they just dont move
22:49.17arturusfuryYou should have two Events, AnimPlay and AnimDone
22:50.16CoolflipOk i made another trigger issuing an order for units in that group to move
22:50.21CoolflipJust didnt work when it was in the same trigger D:
22:50.23CoolflipBut it works fine now
22:50.48Currydevilok this is what i have, Actor Creation: Animplay beam1, properties: death, no flags, -1.0 for the next three and duration for the time type, then animdone, name beam1, destory
22:51.52arturusfuryYou want to change the Time Variant on the AnimPlay to like 1
22:52.24arturusfurySee if that works for you
22:52.42Manquichecan someone help me with duplicating units?
22:53.16RodOfNODhave u read any of the tutorials Manquiche ?
22:53.25Manquicheevery one i can find
22:53.30RodOfNODso what is ur issue
22:53.38CurrydevilHrm, still no beam
22:53.46Currydevilbut he's killing the mobs just fine xD
22:54.04Manquichewell, each tutorial either ends up with the unit missing 'parts' such as sounds, death animations etc, or each tutorial has me duplicating everything including sounds etc
22:54.18RodOfNODyes and?
22:54.35Manquicheall i want to do is duplicate the marine unit and have the copy use all the default sounds, actors, models of the default marine
22:54.46RodOfNODk well then select duplicate
22:54.46Manquichebut if i duplicate only the unit, all that stuff is missing
22:54.48arturusfuryWhat about your Weapon, you've got both your Effect's set to whatever your beam is named?
22:54.50RodOfNODpick actor also
22:54.53Currydevilwith the other items i created to give attack animations, i had to add a token to the damage type actor I was using, so I did that too for the laser and it didn't do anything
22:54.57RodOfNODand actor for weapon
22:55.01RodOfNODand u should be good to go
22:55.16Manquichei did that when i followed a tutorial earlier
22:55.21Currydevillet me check, though i'm about to head out so let's see..
22:55.25RodOfNODwell u didnt or it would have worked
22:55.32Manquicheyeah i did
22:55.35Manquicheand the unit appears fine
22:55.41arturusfuryYou've also got your Lancer Beam - Beam (Simple) actor setup too right?
22:55.41Manquicheand talks fine when given orders
22:55.57Manquichebut death sounds, gun sounds and death animations other than the normal are all missing
22:55.59arturusfuryand the Model
22:56.12RodOfNODdid u duplciate the WEAPON actor?
22:56.23RodOfNODgoes to test
22:57.02Manquicheheres the tut i followed
22:57.24Manquicheits the latest ive attempted out of about 6 ive found on sc2mapster
22:57.29Constant___this trigger is lagging the game everytime the trigger is happening, is there a better way to do the actions?
22:58.19RepoNew map: Zombie Survival Deadwood. Darvlok (Manager/Author), Victiln (Artist). Approved by vjeux.
22:58.24RepoNew asset: Circle Hero Selection. SweetZombieJesus (Manager/Author). Approved by vjeux.
22:58.28RepoNew map: Splash TD. Coolioflip (Manager/Author). Experimental. Approved by vjeux.
22:58.55Currydevilok, there's a field I am missing somewhere, but i'll have to check it later. thanks a bunch Arturus :)
22:59.06arturusfuryOk, if i'm on i'll do what I can later
22:59.19arturusfuryKind of interested on what it is now lol
22:59.36Currydevilanyways, see ya later
22:59.41arturusfurysee ya
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22:59.54dealygood evening
23:00.05RodOfNODk well i duplcaited the marine, and picked actor, weapon actor, weapn effect and weapon and it worked
23:00.20RodOfNODManquiche: ^
23:00.25dealyive got a questen about the galaxy editor, am i right here?
23:00.35vjeuxyes dealy
23:00.38vjeuxgo ahead :)
23:00.44RodOfNODdont ask to ask just ask :P
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23:01.08Manquicherod did you test the map and attack stuff, and let the unit die? because i get no attack sounds nor death sounds
23:01.19Manquichealso, when you say 'weapon actor', which checkbox do you mean?
23:01.21RodOfNODdid u do all 4?
23:01.31dealyim working on a map and dont want the players to build in i special area in the first x minuts. how can i manage this?
23:01.50RodOfNODmarine attack Manquiche
23:02.07Manquicheand what marine should i dupe? libertymulti or just liberty?
23:02.08RodOfNODi duplicated 2 actors, a weapon and an effect
23:02.19RodOfNODup to u
23:02.31RodOfNODid pick multi
23:02.44Manquichewhat is the difference? because the only one i know of is that duping a liberty unit lets you change the id
23:03.00RodOfNODits where it pulls its info from
23:03.04RodOfNODsafest way is to
23:03.27RodOfNODclick on the 2nd button over next to the datasource that says show all object sources
23:03.43Manquichedisable it you mean? so only multi shows?
23:03.43dealyi tried to put "pathing blockers" in this area (regions) and used a timer to delete the doodads after x minutes, but that doesnt work
23:03.54Repo10killing-platform: 03Atraeus * r65 unit_branch/killing-platform.SC2Map: Added new classes to menu and starting triggers
23:03.55RodOfNODso the very latest shows yes
23:03.59RodOfNODi gotta go so
23:04.05Manquicheok, thanks for the help
23:04.07Manquicheill try this
23:04.14RodOfNODreemember me in ur will
23:05.31arturusfurydealy: did you try something other than a doodad?  like a basic building?
23:06.07dealyu want me to place buildings in this area or how do u mean?
23:06.33arturusfuryhold on i'm gonna regroup and think on that one :P
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23:09.39arturusfuryhrmm, well the only trigger i can think of at the moment is one that checks for any building being constructed in a region and it would destroy it
23:09.52arturusfuryyou said a bunch of pathing blockers didn't work though?  that's odd
23:10.33dealyit works but they wont be deleted correctly
23:11.12dealyi used "delete doodads in region" (or sth like that; i use the german editor)
23:11.44dealythe timer works fine but to delete them is the problem
23:12.05Manquichealright this almost works but not quite
23:12.06arturusfurydo they just not delete?
23:12.36Manquichei did as rodofnod instructed and everything is fine except for 1 thing, my marine duplicate doesnt have the normal Marine_Death sound
23:12.40Constant___this trigger is lagging the game everytime the trigger is happening, is there a better way to do the actions?
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23:13.24Manquichehow do you add a sound to a unit?
23:14.15vailrethyou edit the actor
23:15.09Manquichedoes that count for behaviours and all that stuff too?
23:15.26dealyarturusfury: or is there a possibility to hide this area (its near the map borders) for the first x minutes? this should also help me
23:16.26arturusfurydealy: In the tirgger editor under Remove Doodads in Region it says "If the doodad being removed has a footprint, that footprint will still linger, even though the doodad's actor has been destroyed" so that's why that hasn't been working for you
23:17.18dealyah okay. this makes sense. i just work with the editor for about 1 day so im sorry for my inability
23:17.36dealydo u know how it could work?
23:18.49arturusfuryI'm thinking if you can create a dummy structure to take the place of the doodad for the neutral player and make it's model be something thats just invisible you could do a remove unit trigger
23:19.43P_R_Deltoidhe aint here
23:19.47P_R_DeltoidStupid autocomplete!
23:20.14dealyah okay, good idea. i`ll have to try this out. thank you very much for your time.
23:20.43Tinman<-- Likes Cheesy Strategies!
23:22.27Manquichevailreth can you point me in the direction of editing the actor to add sounds? i tried changing 'Combat - Death Actor Sound' to Marine_Death (unnamed) but it hasnt worked
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23:24.12vailrethlets see
23:25.37Manquichevailreth it seems that the Marine_death sound comes from the Marine_Death (unnamed) actor
23:26.01Manquichethe default marine has the Marine_death actor in the object explorer but my duplicate doesnt
23:26.46Manquicheshould I duplicate the Marine_death actor as well as the Marine Attack and Marine actors when duplicating the marine unit? or is there a way to set my duped actor to use the default Marine_death actor?
23:27.52vailrethit should be linked to the death actor so all you should need to do i believe is change the voice link for the death effects to Marine Death
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23:28.26Manquichethats what i tried
23:28.29Manquichedidnt work
23:28.42Manquichei think its because Marine_death actor is missing from my duplicate unit
23:28.50Manquicheits there for the normal unit
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23:29.16Manquichei dont know how to add it other than to duplicate it
23:29.50vailrethtell me what did you try to set the death effects voice link to?
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23:32.47Manquichevailreth i think ive got it
23:33.01vailrethgood how?
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23:33.24Manquicheyeah, it works
23:33.37Manquichei went to actors tab
23:33.42Manquichemarine_death (unnamed)
23:33.58Manquiche'event - event +'
23:34.12Manquicheduplicated the marine event and changed the unit to my dupe (marine2)
23:34.29Manquicheand the actor appeared in the duped units object explorer as well as the sound
23:34.37Manquichetested and it works, my marine screams when he dies now :0
23:34.46vailrethvery strange i must test
23:35.00Manquicheit does mean that the default Marine_death actor is modified
23:35.11Manquicheso i think i'll just dupe that actor along with Marine Attack and Marine
23:35.49DemoAnyone know of any guides to the Catalog trigger?
23:37.25Manquichety for the help vailreth
23:38.09vailrethi dont think i helped much but welcome
23:38.09*** join/#sc2mapster Locane (43a02e51@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
23:38.34Locanedoes anyone know where I can download some sample custom maps that I can open in the editor for reference?
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23:45.11waterfoulAnyone willing to help we with the data editor? I tried to create a chain lightning ability but it doesn't work fully. It will do the first attack correctly but none of the chained attacks.
23:47.04waterfoulthe firing is also very delayed....
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23:48.16P_R_Deltoidwaterfoul, you doin it freestyle or using a tutorial?
23:48.24P_R_Deltoidbecause if the former, you may wish to investigate the ladfder
23:48.28P_R_Deltoidjust to see
23:48.38P_R_Deltoidwhat they are doing and what you are doing, and compare notes, etc
23:48.44Locanedoes anyone know where I can download some sample custom maps that I can open in the editor for reference?
23:48.55P_R_DeltoidLocane, how did you find this irc?
23:48.57fietstasanyone EU can help me with testing my new map? 4 player (so need 3)
23:49.08LocaneI found it through google cache of a battlenet forum
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23:49.17P_R_DeltoidThis irc or Sc2mapster?
23:49.26Locanethis irc was specifically listed
23:49.48P_R_Deltoidthere is a site associated with it ;)
23:49.50*** join/#sc2mapster Cornelius (6329e306@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
23:49.58fietstasno EU's around to help test?
23:50.01Locaneoh man!
23:50.04Locaneeffing sweet
23:50.10Corneliushey simple question, would anyone know why for some reason my leaderboard is saying i have 0 minerals? when in fact i have 500?
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23:50.36wOlfLinGAlso, locane, check out the assets part if you are looking for things to help you make a map
23:50.36P_R_DeltoidCornelius, you set it wrong/it's not updating
23:50.39Corneliusi know the the variable "how many minerals i have" is being properly set. because i have a trigger to display that variable in text and its always correct
23:50.43P_R_Deltoidbut that is very very vague
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23:50.50P_R_Deltoidyou arn't updating it
23:50.51P_R_Deltoidor something
23:50.53wOlfLinGeg. Scoreboard *coughshamelessadvertisingcough*
23:50.56P_R_Deltoidyou using the built in leaderboard api?
23:50.59LocaneThanks, right now I'm just trying to figure out how to set victory conditions
23:51.09Corneliushow do i update it?
23:51.16P_R_Deltoidit might not work
23:51.16P_R_Deltoid1 sec
23:51.21wOlfLinGEnd game for player
23:51.21P_R_Deltoidgonna try to make what you are talking about real quick
23:51.24P_R_Deltoidif I can, I will help
23:51.30wOlfLinGIt lets you choose victory or defeat
23:51.50RodOfNODCornelius: :P
23:51.54P_R_Deltoidfirst that
23:52.09P_R_Deltoidaw 1 sec
23:53.02P_R_Deltoidwhy player 5?
23:53.13Corneliushes the guy i need to show
23:53.19P_R_Deltoidare you testing locally?
23:53.22Corneliusdoes it rly matter? just call it player 1 if u like
23:53.28Corneliusyea thats not the prob tho
23:53.56Corneliusbecause if it was the variable wouldnt be set properly would it?
23:54.11Corneliusi have a trigger that every second sets the variable "Minerals" to how many minerals player 5 has
23:54.16Corneliusor me atm cuz i was debugging
23:54.31RodOfNODtop 10 best 2 song back to back of all time:
23:54.34Corneliusand when i query for it in-game its always correct. yet the leaderboard shows 0
23:54.54RodOfNODshow the event that u update the leaderboard Cornelius
23:55.16wOlfLinGCornelius: Use my Scoreboard asset ^^
23:55.23*** join/#sc2mapster Hjalte (
23:55.24RodOfNODor do that :P
23:55.34*** join/#sc2mapster waterfoul (
23:55.39RodOfNODjust paste the whole event into
23:55.46Corneliusthat is the whole event
23:55.47RodOfNODtwhoele trigger
23:55.49wOlfLinGAll you need to do is 3 actions: Create Scoreboard, Create a name column and create a mineral column
23:56.00Unrea1Possible to change Rich Minerals into another model/actor? I tried and it wont work :|
23:56.01wOlfLinGReally easy to use
23:56.16RodOfNODdepends on how u did this unrea1
23:56.22wOlfLinGUnreal, it seems to use an external model
23:56.22waterfoulanyone willing to help me with my data issue (see above)?
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23:56.39Unrea1External Model?
23:56.40RodOfNODwhat issue waterfoul
23:56.41waterfoulhates bluescreens
23:56.55waterfoulI tried to create chain lightning and it doesn't work
23:57.01wOlfLinGChange 'Active Crystals' model to change normal minerals i think
23:57.40P_R_DeltoidHow did you do the range on the leaderboard item?
23:57.43waterfoulwhen you trigger the ability it waits a few moments and then shoots a beam at one unit/damages one unit
23:57.44Unrea1Sneaky Blizzard is Sneaky
23:57.56P_R_DeltoidCornelius, how did you do the range on the set leaderboard item
23:58.01Corneliuswhat do u mean
23:58.06Corneliusi pasted it all ^^
23:58.08P_R_Deltoidrange from 0 to 2500
23:58.10P_R_DeltoidI realize that
23:58.12RodOfNODi am not a good data editor yet waterfoul :P
23:58.13P_R_Deltoidbut it doesn't really help
23:58.18P_R_Deltoidbecause a lot of the plain text is vague
23:58.20waterfoulI want it to be instant and 3 units... I thought I did it right but it doesn't work
23:58.39P_R_DeltoidIt isn't a preset or a function, as far as I can see, so I am quite curious how you did that
23:58.50RodOfNOD - turn it up!
23:59.12RodOfNOD way better quality
23:59.35wOlfLinGAlso, what makes a worker go and harvest a differant mineral field?
23:59.46RodOfNODprogramming ?
23:59.52RodOfNODa need to seek out minerals?
23:59.56wOlfLinGBecause if i rally all my workers onto my edited mineral field, they don't move around :/

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