IRC log for #sc2mapster on 20100705

00:00.00P_R_DeltoidI know.
00:00.07Alpha_vstyou can move dialogs pretty like with some math
00:00.09P_R_DeltoidYeah, then you have reso problems
00:00.18P_R_Deltoidpretty like, huh
00:00.28Alpha_vsta card game recently shown does that
00:00.33Alpha_vstits looks awesome
00:00.34P_R_DeltoidOhh yeah
00:00.38P_R_DeltoidI saw that video
00:00.57RodOfNODi cant belvie not everyone is running around going hurrah hurrah catalog to the  rescue
00:01.55`MindWorXYou didn't know about the catalog natives Rod?
00:02.05Helralhmmmm? why should they be doing that Rod?
00:02.51RodOfNODhell no
00:02.54RodOfNODcuz its god
00:02.58RodOfNODseriously its god
00:03.04P_R_DeltoidI don't even know what they are
00:03.12RodOfNODits what u wanted earlier P_R_Deltoid
00:03.19RodOfNODthe ability to change anything during run time
00:03.29`MindWorXIt's what i've hacked in to WC3 :P
00:03.30P_R_DeltoidCan't... IU do that anyways
00:03.31RodOfNODu want ur weapon to have double damage bam it has it without any upgrades etc
00:03.36`MindWorXToo bad my hacking project was so late :P
00:03.56RodOfNODits what i was looking for all this time and just didnt realize i had it
00:04.14RodOfNODnow if bliz would fix the banks life would be almost perfect
00:04.17SixenCatalog Natives?
00:04.25P_R_Deltoidwell, apparently CardCraft is protected
00:04.28RodOfNODthe ability to change anything yes
00:04.28P_R_Deltoidso I can't see how they did it
00:08.09*** join/#sc2mapster Fatal5101 (
00:09.12RodOfNODwow how did they protect the map lol
00:09.49P_R_DeltoidJust says it couldn't load triggers
00:09.57P_R_Deltoidbut on their forum, one of the devs is explaining it or something
00:10.05P_R_Deltoidit's actually really easy, apparently
00:11.01RodOfNODprobably just ripped the triggers file out checking
00:11.13`MindWorXLocalization bugs caused maps to not work for me
00:11.13*** join/#sc2mapster wt (
00:11.15P_R_Deltoidthe dev also says it isn't protected, which makes this doubly odd.
00:11.39RodOfNODyep thats thwa they did
00:11.49RodOfNODthey just ripped out the triggers
00:12.01*** join/#sc2mapster Shadowsong (
00:12.16P_R_Deltoidphase 2
00:12.31Jum-JumI wonder if you have to redownload the client again
00:12.32RedWraithIs not out yet.
00:12.33Jum-Jumfor phase 2
00:13.30RodOfNODgood news bad news P_R_Deltoid :>
00:13.33RodOfNODwhich u want first
00:13.40P_R_Deltoidoh man
00:13.43P_R_Deltoidsame time
00:13.48RodOfNODlol no pick
00:13.50RodOfNODbe more fun
00:13.52P_R_Deltoidsplice the words together, alternating as you go
00:14.00Helralwhispers the bad news first.
00:14.00P_R_DeltoidI will figure it out
00:14.01RodOfNODpick one
00:14.06P_R_Deltoidbad news
00:14.12Helralhahaha he listened ;p
00:14.12P_R_Deltoidbad news best news that is what my dad always to ld me
00:14.14RodOfNODok bad news is the triggers are all galaxy
00:14.18RodOfNODgood news i have the triggers
00:14.24P_R_Deltoidfrom the map?
00:14.29P_R_Deltoidcheck that
00:14.30P_R_Deltoidreal quick
00:14.30ProzaicMuzeSo Alpha, I got your teleport working
00:14.32RodOfNODthey did what wc3 did
00:14.38*** join/#sc2mapster casperb_ (51bf6a9e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
00:14.43ProzaicMuzeeverything teleports into the SW corner of the map
00:14.51RodOfNODjust ripped out the triggers gui but had to leave the j file or in this case the galaxy file
00:15.27RodOfNODso as long as u like reading shit galaxy code ur good to go :>
00:16.44`MindWorXI bet someone will make an obfuscator for the galaxy
00:16.56`MindWorXIf not, someone should
00:17.13`MindWorXIt might not be perfect, but it sure makes everything that much more annoying
00:17.19SixenThere is one
00:17.25RodOfNODP_R_Deltoid -- theres the code for cardcraft
00:17.38SixenGalaxyEditor's "locked" function obfuscates Galaxy
00:17.43RodOfNODhehe im sure that my old bud vex is on that
00:17.50SixenVexorian iirc?
00:18.02`MindWorXYour old "bud" ? :P He's noones bud, he's an angry old man
00:18.12`MindWorXAn angry young man :P
00:18.13RodOfNODthats why i said it that way but we go way back so
00:18.28onetwoanyone know a way to make the game go slower than "Slower" game mode
00:18.29RodOfNODlike 2003 way back
00:18.34onetwoi saw a thread a while ago but he never said how
00:18.35RodOfNODyes i do
00:18.39RodOfNODrun it on a 8088
00:18.49onetwobut i need to fraps at same time
00:19.24Helralonetwo: go check out the gameplay data stuff... I think it's there
00:19.29RodOfNODonetwo - i find this weird: 2 command card deals one is set all on one line other is split out
00:19.34onetwodidnt see it
00:19.36RodOfNODcare to guess why they are doing that>?
00:20.12SixenOh, at first rod, I was like wtf
00:20.12Helralow wait it was weaponspeed stuff that I read....
00:20.18onetwosorry im  a bit confused rod
00:20.20onetwoi dont use xml
00:20.21SixenProbably just because they have more values in the second one
00:20.47RodOfNODat least i dont think thats the reason
00:20.48`MindWorXLonger values in the second one
00:20.54Sixenthat too
00:20.57RodOfNODi took it and hand did it
00:21.00RodOfNODand it worked
00:21.05`MindWorXOfc it works
00:21.09RodOfNODso while that might be why they did it its not a good excuse
00:21.10SixenIt's just longer on one line
00:21.10`MindWorXIt's prolly split up for readability
00:21.22RodOfNODwell my excel doesnt read it as the same
00:21.25RodOfNODreally blows
00:21.38`MindWorXpats RodOfNOD
00:21.43SixenRod, there's a ton of constants.
00:21.47SixenIs that all you're looking for?
00:21.53SixenThey're in the GameData Galaxy files
00:22.03RodOfNODi am looking at making a xml generator reader
00:22.07`MindWorX... My router sucks
00:22.21`MindWorXAfter about 15min at 2MB/s download speed, it reboots
00:22.29RodOfNODie a way for you to make template units and then just fill down certain values
00:22.32`MindWorXI so need to get a new one
00:22.35onetwoi wonder if i put like
00:22.38onetwoin there
00:22.42onetwodoes it take reals
00:22.42SixenOh that'd be interesting
00:22.48`MindWorXThe constant is likely an integer
00:22.51RodOfNODi was just tryuing to look at what that value =s
00:22.52onetwoi need it for slowmos
00:22.57P_R_Deltoidyeah, alright, well, idea screwed again, failed to realize that the x,y of a unit is not the same as the x,y of the screen for dialogs
00:22.57onetwocause im recording videos
00:22.57`MindWorXWant to hear something funny about Speed and Blizzard?
00:23.10`MindWorXIn wc3, you had 5 speeds, Slowest, Slow, Normal, Fast and Fastest
00:23.20`MindWorXNormal, Fast and Fastest were all the same speed
00:23.23`MindWorXThey never fixed it
00:23.26SixenWere they really..?
00:23.30`MindWorXInternally, theres only speeds 0, 1 and 2
00:23.40`MindWorXI remember stumbling upon it while reversing the SetGameSpeed natives
00:23.48`MindWorXThen i did a test
00:23.58`MindWorXAnd true enough, the 3 higher speeds don't have any difference
00:24.57`MindWorXYea, it's odd isn't it? The game is so old, released with a feature to select high speed.. but it never worked
00:25.40`MindWorXThat's also when i learned that just changing values doesn't nessecarily make it work. Forcing it to use speeds above froze the game completely
00:25.41onetwoso how do you find out what c_gameSpeedSlower is?
00:25.56onetwoi dont know anything about this interal galaxy stuff
00:25.58onetwoi just use triggers
00:26.02`MindWorXAnd changing the "replay" speed, while not watching a replay only caused the game to lag more
00:26.17`MindWorXWith no apparent speed increase
00:26.32RodOfNODonetwo apparently -1 is ignored and 0 is slowest :P
00:26.53onetwoso there must be somewhere
00:26.57onetwothat its setting a percentage
00:26.57Helral <-- contains c_gamespeedslower with a value of 0
00:27.02onetwobased on c_gameSpeedSlower
00:27.31RodOfNOD-1 as i said appeared to be ignored :P
00:27.36RodOfNODim afraid 0 is all ur gonna get
00:27.57ProzaicMuzeMmk, so this is being silly
00:28.09ProzaicMuzeAnyone have any ideas why a teleport effect would send everything to the SW corner of the map when used?
00:28.26Helralyou haven't set the target correct?
00:28.35Helralthe target for the effect that is.
00:28.40`MindWorXDepending on how you might have resized the map, SW corner might be the coords 0, 0
00:28.48ProzaicMuzeI've cycled throguh every Target option Hel :(
00:28.50ProzaicMuzeyes TLM?
00:28.53HelralBottom Left = 0,0
00:28.55onetwoPretty sure it's 0.6, 0.8. 1.0, 1.2, 1.4 (i.e. at 'fastest' 1.4 seconds of gametime occur every 1 second of real time).  At least those are the values for the presets of 'Game Speed - Rates'.
00:28.57RodOfNODagreed 0,0
00:29.00casperbSW corner is always origin
00:29.01onetwothats a quote
00:29.03RodOfNODmeans the target isnt properly set
00:29.37RodOfNODwell try 0 see  if its slow enough onetwo
00:29.51ProzaicMuzeNone of the effects in the series target the Origin though
00:30.02ProzaicMuzeit's all Caster Unit, Source Unit, Target Unit and Target Point
00:30.12onetworemember that post
00:30.15onetwothe guy made the game go really slow
00:30.17onetwounless he was faking it
00:30.21onetwobut he never really said how
00:30.23Alpha_vsthey ProzaicMuze i got it working
00:30.28ProzaicMuze@TLM cool beans :D
00:30.30ProzaicMuzeThe teleport?
00:30.42ProzaicMuzeSince I was JUST working on that lol
00:30.46ProzaicMuzeDid you chance it from the setup?
00:31.25Alpha_vsti used the postion of the set effect to as teh target and i didnt use a persistent at all
00:31.40ProzaicMuzeFor either end?
00:31.51Alpha_vstfor the location of the teleport
00:31.51onetwowell, anyways the reason i need slower
00:31.53onetwois more my cinematic
00:31.55onetwoheres  a preview
00:32.00onetwoits going down soon
00:32.03onetwoso watch it now :D
00:32.32ProzaicMuzeSo yeh have Ability > Set [Search + ______]?
00:32.55onetwoi wanted it slower without jerkiness
00:32.58onetwoon the hits
00:33.03onetwothat was about as much as i could go
00:33.32ProzaicMuzeOh, TLM, is that with lighting changed or the same? Since it looks slightly different than before.
00:35.36Alpha_vsti use ability > Effect (set) the effect set does Effect Search > Search apply behavior and the behavior uses the effect of teleport and the target is from the effect set
00:36.00*** part/#sc2mapster slightlyrandom (
00:36.03ProzaicMuzelol, so you don't have a 2nd effect in the set?
00:36.34Alpha_vstit works so im not fucking with it :P
00:36.42ProzaicMuzelol well
00:36.55onetwoso Helral
00:36.56Vulfeit wouldn't otherwise have a target
00:36.57Vulfewould it
00:36.59onetwohow would i edit
00:37.02onetwothe game spee
00:37.03ProzaicMuzeIt's exactly the same as mine (now working finally)
00:37.05onetwowith an int
00:37.07onetwolike in galaxy
00:37.09ProzaicMuzeSave I have 2 persistents
00:37.14ProzaicMuzeOne at the search and one at the target
00:37.18onetwoah damn
00:37.19ProzaicMuzeThat way you can have cool effects if you want.
00:37.20*** part/#sc2mapster Barter (~Bart@
00:37.23`MindWorXOr CustomScript
00:37.25onetwocan i just do a custom line from a trigger?
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00:37.29RodOfNODonetwo i think the guy is pulling ur leg
00:37.31onetwooh cool
00:37.41`MindWorXRodOfNOD, I think so too
00:37.44RodOfNODi just tried his code
00:37.46RodOfNODit didnt work
00:37.52onetwomy video would really benefit from slowerererer
00:37.52`MindWorXIt seems that there's a few different speeds
00:38.03`MindWorXBut you'll have to hack it to get the speeds he's getting
00:38.04RodOfNODhowever it doesnt matter cuz he did SLOW It down somehow
00:38.13onetwoim thinking he just slowed the camera
00:38.15onetwoand animation times
00:38.16onetwoin actor
00:38.17onetwofor nuke
00:38.18onetwobut i dont know
00:38.22RodOfNODyes i agree
00:38.47`MindWorXThat's the internals of the set speedy native
00:39.11RodOfNODhow do u get that>?
00:39.19P_R_Deltoiddoes real to int round or just drop decimals
00:39.28`MindWorXI've done a shitload of reversing, so finding that was trivial
00:39.33onetwolol wtf do those numbrs mean
00:39.34RodOfNODi bet
00:39.39onetwothe last one is less
00:39.42RodOfNODanyway to hack that so he can take his video?
00:39.55`MindWorXIt should be easy i guess
00:39.59onetwoi mean its not too big of a deal... i got it pretty slow
00:40.17onetwobut that video you just saw... the slow parts were short on SLOWER at 30 FPS and then additionally slowed by stretching to 24 FPS
00:40.19`MindWorXBut it wouldn't be usable in a playable map, unless he'd be willing to also distribute a 3rd party launcher
00:40.25onetwobut i think its still relatively fast
00:40.27onetwocompared to like 300
00:40.36RodOfNODhe just wants it slow for his movie
00:40.43RodOfNODi dont think he cares about during real games
00:40.46onetwoyeah just so i can do what i linked
00:40.49onetwofrom youtube
00:40.51onetwoexcept slower
00:40.56onetwodont need playable
00:40.59onetwoon bnet
00:41.11`MindWorXLemme see, maybe i can make something quick with CheatEngine
00:41.14RodOfNODjust wants to bring sc2 to a crawl :>
00:41.36onetwobest for me is that i can just set something in my map
00:41.38onetwoand hit test document
00:41.39onetwoif not
00:41.43onetwodont worry about it too much guys
00:41.44onetwothanks though
00:41.47RodOfNODcan u then speed it up one two using the video editor and get it to look regular speed but have all the quality?
00:42.46onetwowell my plan is record everything in Slower at ~40 fps. but I could only handle 30 fps with high settings
00:42.48onetwobut yeah
00:42.53onetwoif i need regular speed
00:42.55onetwoi can just speed up
00:42.59onetwobut slowing down starts to get choppy
00:43.04onetwoif i dont have enough FPS initially
00:43.25onetwofinal delivery is 24 fps... but if i record game at 30 fps
00:43.29onetwoi can slow it by 0.8 in video editing
00:43.32onetwoand still be smooth
00:43.33onetwolike 300
00:43.40onetwootherwise itll get jerky
00:44.58*** join/#sc2mapster redmarine (504d8add@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
00:45.07Helralhey marine
00:45.22Helralyou were working on that dk map right?
00:45.24Alpha_vstI just did something so cool
00:45.31Alpha_vstthat will work perfect for my map
00:45.35Helralhow's it progressing?
00:45.47Alpha_vstthat will take teh headache out of this ui shit
00:45.55redmarineHelral, remade the entire tile thingy
00:46.05redmarineHelral, so I could avoid using units
00:46.10redmarineand just make virtual ones
00:46.16redmarinebasically it's all variables now
00:46.21redmarinethe location is variables
00:46.29redmarineand the visuals is actors
00:46.39RodOfNODgrr i gotta reboot brb
00:46.41redmarineSo it isn't as stressful to the computers
00:46.51*** join/#sc2mapster scvrory (~rory@
00:46.53redmarineneed to debug some stuff though with the drag selection
00:47.08redmarineKinda was a setback
00:47.33P_R_DeltoidAll my dreams hav ebeen crushed
00:47.49*** join/#sc2mapster Beider (
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00:49.19Vulfedrag selection?
00:49.20Vulfesounds cool
00:49.29redmarineIt's basically selecting
00:49.39redmarinemultiple units
00:49.39onetwonever before seen in the rts world
00:49.41onetwodrag selection
00:49.42redmarinein my case tiles
00:49.49Vulfeno way
00:49.53Vulfetell me more
00:50.01redmarineI had to make a custom one.
00:50.08redmarineIn order to get it to work in my map
00:50.42Vulfethat's obnoxious
00:51.33*** join/#sc2mapster RodOfNOD (
00:51.41Helralwb Rod
00:52.17`MindWorXUber speed works
00:52.21`MindWorXTime to test very slow speeds :P
00:52.47onetwoim excited
00:53.01`MindWorXUber slow works too :P
00:53.05`MindWorXFunny stuff :P
00:53.47`MindWorXAnd you'd get the result you want, very slow speed, while keeping a full framerate
00:55.04onetwocan i do it from within my map?
00:55.07onetwoplz say yes
00:55.41`MindWorXHmm, it's deffinitly possible
00:55.48`MindWorXLemme try a little trick, and see if it works as intended
00:55.53RodOfNODty Helral
00:56.03HelralMindWorX how did you change the speed for super slow?
00:56.15`MindWorXI modified the internal constants
00:56.31`MindWorXThat's the internal function for speed changing
00:56.38`MindWorXIt's more complex than that
00:56.39`MindWorXBut still
00:56.46`MindWorXI just changed the constants
00:56.53onetwotheres 10 bit
00:56.55onetwogetting tere..
00:56.57`MindWorXSo 2457 was changed to 0x100
00:57.02`MindWorXAka 256
00:57.08onetwomeant to pm prozaic
00:57.22RodOfNODfood time:>
00:57.55onetwothe great thing about recording uber slow
00:57.59onetwois i can always speed it up later if need be
00:58.02onetwobut have huge slowmo room
00:58.03`MindWorXAnyways, onetwo, if i make something to help you with this, just remember that you should never use it online, as in ever never
00:58.05onetwoif needed
00:58.10Helralso basicly you've overwritten the default function that sc2 uses?
00:58.12onetwoi wont ever
00:58.17onetwojust for this cinematic
00:58.18`MindWorXHelral, Yea
00:58.19onetwothen im done
00:58.27onetwoand our game is being overwritten in a few days
00:58.49`MindWorXAnd by never ever, i don't mean it's a problem, you'll prolly just get DC'ed, BUT there's a chance your account will get banned if you use it online
00:59.04`MindWorXSo it's for your own safety
00:59.39ProzaicMuzeWhat, Blizzard doesn't want us to make moments of bullettime in games?
00:59.50ProzaicMuzeAs opposed to simulated bullet time where only the animations and mover speeds are slowed?
01:05.54`MindWorXonetwo, Still around?
01:06.36HelralMindWorX: I'm wondering if you could pass that change on in a map so you can use it for cinematics stuff without problems. ;p
01:06.50`MindWorXHelral, That's what onetwo wants to do
01:06.57`MindWorXAnd yes, possible
01:07.17`MindWorXAlright, what i'm going to do is make a small application, you'll run that application. In that, you'll be able to change what the 5 different gamespeeds are
01:07.35`MindWorXI imagine you'll only really need 3, bullet time, normal time and speed time
01:07.42`MindWorXBut you'll be able to change all 5
01:07.50`MindWorXThen i'll tell you how to use it in your map script
01:07.52`MindWorXshould be easy
01:08.26`MindWorXI make it sound harder than it is :P Don't worry
01:08.41`MindWorXI should be able to reuse some of the memory code from my old WoW bot
01:09.21onetwooh boy
01:14.07Shadowsonganyone know how to do this?
01:14.40ProzaicMuzeyes, rrowland does
01:14.49ProzaicMuzebut I thnk he's afk atm
01:15.08ShadowsongHe won't share, hence why i asked the room.
01:15.23depthsofchaoshes using text tags that i never tryed
01:15.33depthsofchaosobviously they can use gifs
01:15.42Shadowsongtext tags aren't images
01:16.02Shadowsongtext tags are text. duh
01:16.05depthsofchaosobviously they can be :o
01:16.18Fatal5101omg its muze
01:16.20Fatal5101he is alive
01:16.37depthsofchaosbut if you dont care about the answer dont ask kthxbye
01:16.38ProzaicMuzeI'm actually dead
01:16.41ProzaicMuzemove along
01:16.43ProzaicMuzedon't mind me
01:17.13ProzaicMuzeShadow, rrowland has done a LOT of mpq editing to the base files
01:17.22ProzaicMuzeThus while you might "think" text tags are text, you can really maek them whatever you want
01:17.33ProzaicMuzeTest Tags could actually be animations.
01:17.41redmarine4Chan got an epic StarCraft thread going
01:18.04ProzaicMuzebut Fatal, I'm workin' out the kinks in yoru tower right now.  Got a check list of things to do today lol Xp
01:18.27onetworeally redmarine?
01:18.40redmarineThe site haz adult content
01:18.44redmarineNot sure if I can link
01:18.52redmarinethe ID is 247986145
01:18.59Fatal5101every website i try to goto just returns "This webpage is not available."
01:19.02redmarinejust enter a thread and replace the id with that one
01:19.05Fatal5101but my internet is working fine
01:19.15redmarinethat is... on B ofc.
01:19.17Fatal5101not even google loads!
01:19.44Shadowsongits sad how people figure out how to do something yet won't share
01:19.59onetworedmarine just link it
01:20.12ProzaicMuzeWell, in his case it makes sense because he's tryign to make premium content for that whole Blizzard deal
01:20.13redmarineDon't want to get banned xD
01:20.21onetwoill take the hit
01:20.23redmarineI made sure that it scrolled down
01:20.23onetwofor you
01:20.29onetwonice ads
01:20.34ProzaicMuzezomg banned
01:20.44ProzaicMuzeHow dare you link stuff that is less offensive than the topics in this channel
01:20.47redmarineEnjoy the StarCraft epic thread
01:21.02redmarineProzaicMuze, there might be 12 year olds here :D
01:21.12redmarineThey'll "What is this I don't even.."
01:21.19ProzaicMuzeThen they'll have already been chased out by OTHER stuff we've said
01:21.59redmarineThey're attracted by our awesomeness
01:21.59onetwoyeah some of the stuff we say is pretty R rated already
01:22.25onetwolook at some of the quotes ive gathered
01:22.47redmarinemy fav
01:23.15onetwolinks dont work
01:23.17ProzaicMuzelol, just take a look at my quote to get the general tone of our topics ;)
01:23.35ProzaicMuzeOr Alpha's lmao
01:24.21Fatal5101lol looks like ragnarok models in that video
01:24.58ShadowsongI guess no one whom is willing to share knows how to do this.
01:25.10Fatal5101ragnarok sprite!
01:25.11onetwoall i heard him say
01:25.13onetwois he used text tags
01:25.19onetwothey can display images
01:25.24onetwobackground image
01:25.25onetwoi think
01:25.29Shadowsongtext tags aren't images though
01:25.48Fatal5101they can be if you want thme to!
01:26.16ProzaicMuzeShadowsong, did you even read what I said?
01:26.35redmarineHowever, I haven't figured out how since the Editor hides all functions, variables etc. for me. Meaning that I have to guess when I need to call them.
01:28.42Helralhuh the editor hides stuff for you??? different language?
01:29.27redmarineWell, I'm using a EU version of the game
01:29.34Helralsame here.
01:29.47redmarineMaybe it fucked up when I tried to run a US version?
01:29.50redmarine win!
01:30.18Helralscratches head.
01:30.30Helralcan you show me a screeny of your trigger editor then?
01:30.41ProzaicMuzelmao, Fatal
01:30.42ProzaicMuzeI fixed it :)
01:31.18casperbEU editor doesn't hide anything.. o.o
01:31.23`MindWorXonetwo, Around?
01:31.44`MindWorXAlright, got the speed tool ready for you
01:32.16onetwowow awesome
01:32.18`MindWorXOnly thing, you can't have any custom speeds in triggers that use the event "Game - Map initialization"
01:32.18onetwosuper thanks
01:32.34`MindWorXBut i assume the speeds are changed after starting the map yes?
01:32.40`MindWorXDuring other events
01:32.45onetwoi just set it to slower on game init
01:32.48onetwobut i can delay it
01:32.51Helralredmarine: go to file --> dependencies
01:33.00`MindWorXJust a Time Elapsed 0.00 will be perfect
01:33.15redmarineHelral, am there.
01:33.17Helralcheck if the Liberty (Mod) and Liberty Multi (Mod) are loaded.
01:33.37redmarineHelral, how to do that?
01:33.43redmarineHelral, they're both there.
01:34.14redmarineI even reinstalled.
01:34.34Helraland if you hit ctrl+shift+l in the trigger editor, does it show the libraries: Built-In and Liberty?
01:35.46redmarineHelral, ofc.
01:35.49Shadowsongi guess rrowland is the only one who knows then. sadly, he is unwilling to share though.
01:36.06`MindWorXShare what?
01:36.18redmarineI'm not sure. When I first opened the editor and looked it first appeared for a coupld of milliseconds
01:36.21redmarinethen it went away
01:36.27Shadowsonghe's not even willing to tell you how it drew the graphics on the screen
01:36.40redmarineand it seems to be gone afterwards
01:36.52`MindWorXYou should set your map to wait for a keypress in the loadscreen
01:36.58Shadowsong`MindWorX: This
01:37.21ProzaicMuzeShadow, the sprites themselves he snagged from a free 2d site
01:38.05`MindWorXThere you go onetwo
01:38.12`MindWorXWhat you do is, launch the map
01:38.22`MindWorXWhen it's done loading, and waiting for a keypress, you go an start the program
01:38.26`MindWorXNow you can change the values all you want
01:38.35`MindWorXOnce you're done, you go back and hit a key to start the map
01:38.44`MindWorXPresto, you can have any speed you want
01:38.47`MindWorXExcept for negatives
01:38.57Helralredmarine: if you create a new map the problem persists?
01:39.06redmarineHelral, yes.
01:39.07onetwowhats uber slow
01:39.09onetwowhat number
01:39.14`MindWorX256 is pretty slow
01:39.14onetwoor is it set up
01:39.15ShadowsongProzaicMuze: i know that, I'm talking about how he drew the images onto the screen.
01:39.21`MindWorXIt'll show you the default numbers when you start the program
01:39.22onetwowow awesome mindworx
01:39.23redmarineHelral, I'm guessing it somehow wipes the list
01:39.24onetwothanks a ton
01:39.31`MindWorXNo problem, just let me know if it works
01:39.36`MindWorXIt works for me
01:39.47onetwoi can run it from desktop?
01:39.55`MindWorXDoesn't matter where it's located
01:41.48`MindWorXDoes it work onetwo?
01:41.50Helralredmarine: aaargh just noticed something which I missed. ;p
01:41.59redmarineHelral, hm?
01:42.00Helralredmarine: the items are there, but the texts are missing...
01:42.04Helraldidn't notice that ;p
01:42.07redmarineHelral, exactly
01:42.28Xaptiyou guys heard about the sc2 leak?
01:42.32Helralhmmmm that should be fixable.... lemme think how was it again....
01:42.36`MindWorXWhat leak?
01:42.47XaptiSC2 got leaked
01:42.55redmarineI've heard there are leaks. But it rarely happens
01:42.55Xapti1 guy's trying to uplaod it at 30KB/S
01:43.02Helralredmarine: which locale of the editor are you using?
01:43.11ShadowsongI wish someone knew how to do This        and was willing to share.
01:43.12redmarineHelral, enGB
01:43.22redmarineEnglish version
01:43.31Helralok then I think I know how to fix it.
01:43.32Xaptithere's like  25mb mpq file, another 20MB mpqe file I think, and a 7.3GB mpqe file
01:43.42HelralI'll open private chat with ya. so not to spam this channel.
01:43.57Xaptiyou think it's easy to open up mpque files to look at the infor inside, and import it into the map editor, or something else?
01:45.14onetwoim in the middle of editing something
01:45.14`MindWorXAlright :P
01:45.16onetwoill try in a sec
01:45.20`MindWorXNo worries
01:45.28`MindWorXJust curious wether it works as intended
01:47.03`MindWorXThere's a chance i made a small error
01:47.06`MindWorXI'll fix it asap :P
01:47.40*** join/#sc2mapster RodOfNOD (
01:47.52RodOfNODi love it when my computer reboots itself
01:49.34`MindWorXAlright, fixed
01:49.38`MindWorXPlease redownload onetwo:
01:49.44onetwohaha k
01:50.11`MindWorXIt accidently set all speeds except slower to 0
01:50.18`MindWorXWhich reminds me i need to test that :P
01:50.19RodOfNODso u got it working eh `MindWorX?
01:50.25`MindWorXIt's not perfect
01:50.26`MindWorXBut it works
01:50.31RodOfNODhehe nice
01:50.36`MindWorXIt changes what the 5 different speeds represent
01:50.53RodOfNODdo how come the default isnt one of the 5?
01:51.11`MindWorXSo you could change it so whenever you do SetGameSpeedValue(slower); it'll be 256 instead of 2457
01:51.26onetwoso run me through this again
01:51.27RodOfNODhehe real slow i imagine
01:51.27onetwoi run my map
01:51.28onetwowait for key
01:51.29onetwoalt tab
01:51.30`MindWorXIt's prolly an uptimizer thing
01:51.38onetworun your exe?
01:51.38`MindWorXstart the program
01:51.45`MindWorXchange the speeds you want
01:51.49`MindWorXreturn and start the map
01:51.57`MindWorXYou don't even have to leave the program running
01:52.06onetwowhat happens after i quit though
01:52.07RodOfNODcuz its just altering memorty?
01:52.08onetwois my game Fed?
01:52.14onetwoor jsut temporary
01:52.22`MindWorXIt's only tempoary
01:52.24`MindWorXYes rod
01:52.31RodOfNODim guessing he did it so it only effects it during that session
01:52.35onetwodo i need to do anything in my map
01:52.35RodOfNODman i type slow
01:52.39`MindWorXonetwo, Not at all
01:52.51onetwoill give you credit at the end
01:52.57`MindWorXJust use the regular "Game - Set the game speed to Slower"
01:53.02RodOfNODgood forever or till the next update from bliz?
01:53.05`MindWorXGive it a try, and let me know how it works out
01:53.05onetwoat map init still fine?
01:53.19`MindWorXAvoid Map Init
01:53.24`MindWorXUse Time Elapsed 0 seconds
01:53.35onetwogoing to test
01:53.38`MindWorXRodOfNOD, It'll break next patch :)
01:53.39RodOfNODin wc3 it mattered for certain elements
01:53.41RodOfNODis that true?
01:53.46RodOfNODfor sc2?
01:53.54RodOfNODmap init vs 0 secs
01:54.00`MindWorXWell, in this case, it's because Map Init happens while the map loads
01:54.15`MindWorXSo if he waits till it says "press a key", it'll have already called the SetGameSpeed native
01:54.21`MindWorXAnd the changes the app makes wont be used
01:54.26`MindWorXUntil next time he calls SetGameSpeed
01:54.43RodOfNODah ha i c how u did it then
01:54.48onetwouh so i set slower to be 256
01:54.51onetwowhat do i press
01:55.02`MindWorXOr nothing
01:55.09`MindWorXShould change on the run
01:55.11RodOfNODmind anyway to get a multiplayer map to use local files?
01:55.20`MindWorXWhat do you mean?
01:55.29RodOfNODwell say i want to have a dds
01:55.32`MindWorXonetwo, I could add an OK button if it would make you feel better :P
01:55.35RodOfNODthat resides in a folder in my sc2 folder
01:55.47RodOfNODcan i use that like i could in wc3?
01:55.51RodOfNODie allowlocalfiles
01:55.54`MindWorXYea i think so
01:55.59`MindWorXHaven't fiddled much with that yet
01:56.58onetwohaha wow this is awesome
01:57.01onetwoi made it 15
01:57.04onetwothe song is soo slow
01:57.05onetwosounds cool
01:57.33`MindWorXIt modifies the speed of the sounds too? :D
01:57.38P_R_Deltoidwhat is going on
01:57.42onetwoonly music
01:57.46P_R_Deltoidonetwo, what are you doing.
01:57.56Vulfehe's not doing anything
01:58.00onetwoi wanted SUPER slow motion for my cinematic
01:58.00P_R_Deltoidwho is doing something
01:58.02P_R_Deltoidand what is it
01:58.05onetwomindworx gave me it
01:58.07onetwoso mindworx
01:58.10P_R_Deltoidgood job mindworx.
01:58.11onetwotheres no way to just do a custom script in my map
01:58.13P_R_Deltoidproud of you
01:58.14onetwoi have to run this app
01:58.17onetwoyeah awesome job
01:58.17`MindWorXHehe :P
01:58.22P_R_Deltoidooo, apps
01:58.30P_R_Deltoidthe app has something to do with game speed? Can it pause the game?
01:58.36onetwoit makes it SOOO slow
01:58.37onetwoso awesome
01:58.38P_R_DeltoidOr make the game pausable.
01:58.42onetwosprites like water splashes dont look good
01:58.49onetwoanimations are so smooth
01:58.50onetwoand sexy
01:58.51onetwoat 1000 fps
01:59.16`MindWorXI'm glad it works :D
01:59.22onetwothis is great
01:59.26onetwoi better record this all before phase 2
01:59.28onetwogot 4 more heroes
01:59.32onetwoto make a cutscene for
01:59.40`MindWorXP_R_Deltoid, It changes the internal gamespeed constants
01:59.43*** join/#sc2mapster Triceron (60313557@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
01:59.43`MindWorXAt runtime
01:59.49Triceronhey homeys
01:59.55P_R_Deltoidso do people playing the game need the app as well
02:00.07P_R_Deltoidwhen you say at runtime, I assume you mean after the game has started or something
02:00.07`MindWorXYea, but you shouldn't use it for a game
02:00.14`MindWorXThis would be a "cinematic tool"
02:00.20P_R_Deltoidfor recording cinematics?
02:00.29`MindWorXHe uses it for bullettime scenes in his cinematic
02:00.33P_R_DeltoidWhy not just slow it down in post-process
02:01.04`MindWorXYou'd still be limited to 30fps of pictures
02:01.16`MindWorXThis way he can have scenes like if you record using a highspeed camera
02:01.29P_R_Deltoidcan't you record higher than 30fps
02:01.41`MindWorXYou know how recording a bullet shooting an apple with a regular camera and slowing it down wont look very good
02:01.46`MindWorXAs you don't have enough frames
02:01.46P_R_DeltoidYeah, I gotcha
02:02.00P_R_DeltoidI know what you mean, we tried that kinda thing in my highschool video editing class, never turned out good
02:02.09P_R_Deltoidbut can't you record at more than 30fps
02:02.10onetwoi wanted to record at 40 fps
02:02.16onetwoand slower game mode
02:02.18P_R_Deltoidfilesize was insane or something?
02:02.23onetwofor maximum ability to get 24 fps slowmo's
02:02.27onetwo24fps delivery
02:02.31onetwobut it wasnt good enough
02:02.35onetwosorry i already took down the small clip
02:02.36onetwoi showed
02:02.37P_R_Deltoidaw alright
02:02.40onetwowith this
02:02.44onetwoi can get what seems like 1000 fps
02:02.46P_R_Deltoidnaw, I gotcha, it's cool
02:02.46onetwoby using super slow game mode
02:02.53onetwoits gonna be a big file yes
02:02.56onetwobut im used to it for my tutorials haha
02:02.59P_R_DeltoidThat makes sense
02:03.10onetwoand i discovered sony vegas has velocity envelopes
02:03.12onetwolets me ramp FPS
02:03.13P_R_DeltoidYeah, I did some videogame recording, 30 minutes was like 30gig
02:03.13onetwoup and down
02:03.14P_R_Deltoidit was insane
02:03.19onetwoyeah with default cameras
02:03.22onetwo30 fps slowed down
02:03.23onetwojust gets jerky
02:03.34P_R_DeltoidWell then, good job
02:03.35P_R_Deltoideveryone involved
02:03.36onetwoin real life you need a $100,000 slow mo cam
02:03.37P_R_Deltoidincluding myself
02:03.41P_R_Deltoidpats himself on the back
02:04.36P_R_DeltoidCan anyone do Seens?
02:04.39P_R_Deltoid~seen Smokazzi
02:04.40purli haven't seen 'smokazzi', P_R_Deltoid
02:04.47P_R_Deltoidguess that is my answer.
02:05.30P_R_Deltoidquick question that I don
02:05.36P_R_Deltoidt really need explain: Can you give units custom variables
02:05.54P_R_Deltoidlike adding a variable to unit, that is contained inside that unit, just a number that could be referenced by triggers or something
02:06.02P_R_DeltoidLike OO stuff
02:06.13`MindWorXonetwo, You make sure to link or email me the cinematic, so i can see my tool in action :)
02:06.34onetwowhen its done
02:06.36onetwoyoull know about it
02:06.37onetwofor sure
02:06.50onetwoall units have custom variables
02:07.00onetwounit - set custom value
02:07.07onetwoif you didnt know about that
02:07.13P_R_DeltoidI didn't.
02:07.15casperb_array bounds unknown atm tho
02:07.15P_R_DeltoidThat helps quite a bit
02:07.21P_R_Deltoidis that.. DE or triggers?
02:07.29P_R_DeltoidPoop :(
02:07.44onetwoyou could hide the value
02:07.47onetwoin a unit's vespene cost
02:07.49casperb_data just do behaviour - attribute
02:07.51onetwoor terrazine cost
02:07.58onetworepair resource
02:08.01onetwoi mean
02:08.23P_R_DeltoidOh, I think that might work better, Casperb
02:08.27P_R_Deltoidalthough I got what you mean, onetwo
02:12.11RodOfNODi dont get what casperb means :P
02:12.23`MindWorXCasper is a name
02:12.29`MindWorXSo maybe he is Casper B.
02:12.31RodOfNODno i mean
02:12.37RodOfNODwhat he said about behavior -attribute
02:12.38P_R_DeltoidYeah that actually didn't do what I thought
02:12.47casperb_ye it's my name
02:12.52RodOfNODare u trying to store data by unit type or unit
02:12.57`MindWorXI don't read anything above last line, to make it more confusing for people
02:13.19P_R_DeltoidI want it to be different depending on unit type but changable per unit
02:13.25P_R_Deltoidlike energy shields or health
02:13.29P_R_Deltoidbut a different stat
02:13.39RodOfNODhow will the info be shown to the user?
02:13.51`MindWorXPsychic link :D
02:13.59RodOfNODah yes the good ole pl
02:14.07P_R_DeltoidI was thinking those text things
02:14.10P_R_Deltoidthat float above heads
02:14.12P_R_Deltoidand stuff
02:14.16P_R_Deltoidbut I forgot what those are called to.
02:14.21RodOfNODtext tags
02:14.25P_R_DeltoidI am really half-baked on most of this stuff, to be honest. \
02:14.36P_R_DeltoidI've already forgotten why I  wanted this
02:14.41P_R_Deltoidbut now I wanted it even more
02:14.41RodOfNODwhat are you trying to lol
02:14.51P_R_Deltoidwell, at the moment, I am thinking a point system
02:14.53P_R_Deltoidfor movement
02:15.01P_R_DeltoidIe when it's 0 they can't move, and it goes down as they move
02:15.10P_R_Deltoidlike a turn based thing
02:15.18P_R_Deltoidbut not isometric grid based
02:15.22P_R_Deltoidbut free roaming 3d
02:15.37RodOfNODk so player moves and somehow u see the count?
02:16.05P_R_Deltoidwhen a player moves a unit, I want that unit to get a -distance moved on the counter and display it above the units head
02:16.05RodOfNODcan items have multiplies like wc3? ie can i have 4 of the same item stacked in with a # over the top?
02:16.18ProzaicMuzeJcup, you around?
02:16.19P_R_Deltoidor on a bar, it doesn't matter, I want it to work in the backend before I care about how to display it
02:16.32RodOfNODk well that should be easy with custom value
02:16.39P_R_DeltoidRodOfNOD, yeah, they can. It's uhm
02:16.42P_R_Deltoidwhos tutorial was it
02:16.53P_R_Deltoidit was a biffuu one where he did items, and the health pack had charges
02:16.55RodOfNODwas it fake #s or real #s
02:17.04P_R_DeltoidI dunno if they show stacks though 1 sec
02:17.14RodOfNODwell charges is what i meant
02:17.23RodOfNODso u could use that
02:17.29P_R_Deltoidit has charges, not sure if it displays them on the item or whatnot, I have the example map right here
02:17.31P_R_Deltoidaw, naw
02:17.47P_R_DeltoidI don't think I need to, that is a pretty big workaround
02:17.59RodOfNODdo u have armor in ur game?
02:18.19P_R_DeltoidI don';t have much of a "game" to speak of
02:18.29P_R_Deltoidjust testing out small mechanics
02:18.30RodOfNODactually the attribute system should be fine that people use for heroes
02:18.33P_R_Deltoidor trying to test them out
02:18.39RodOfNODi understand
02:18.43RodOfNODi am doing the same thing
02:18.52RodOfNODtesting what is possible before i really start to code
02:19.03P_R_Deltoidusually my ideas crash and burn pretty quick
02:19.19P_R_Deltoidnot being able to change the size of arrays kills me
02:19.20P_R_Deltoidbut oh well
02:19.28P_R_Deltoidhopefully they add it in the release or something
02:19.36P_R_DeltoidDynamically, after the map is in runtime, adding slots to arrays
02:19.46P_R_Deltoidie if unit is created add 1 slot to array and place unit id in that slot
02:19.50P_R_Deltoidor whatever they refrence units by
02:20.00P_R_Deltoidthere are quite a few different uses
02:20.09RodOfNODi dont get why u cant predeclare a big size
02:20.19P_R_DeltoidWaste of space/might not be enough
02:20.23P_R_Deltoidbut it's a last resort, I suppose.
02:20.27P_R_DeltoidYou also can't get the size of the array
02:20.27RodOfNODtrust me
02:20.29RodOfNODits nothing
02:20.32P_R_Deltoidto determine how much you have in it
02:20.37RodOfNODu dont need to
02:20.40RodOfNODu keep a global for that
02:20.41P_R_DeltoidI don't mean space as in size of the map
02:20.46P_R_DeltoidI mean how much RAM it eats
02:20.47RodOfNODi know u mean ram
02:21.04RodOfNOD8000 array size of string is like 32k
02:21.14P_R_Deltoidoh well
02:21.20P_R_Deltoidguess that is an alternative
02:21.20Vulfean array of strings is an array of arras
02:21.23Vulfetrue story
02:21.27RodOfNODheres what u do
02:21.32P_R_Deltoidwell I don't need that
02:21.34RodOfNODas units are created  
02:21.46P_R_Deltoidis this fore the array thing or the units with stats thing
02:21.46RodOfNODu have an event that increments a global and assigns this to the custom value
02:22.04RodOfNODnow u can use this value to reference any arrrays u want for any amount of data u want
02:22.31P_R_DeltoidYeah, but I don't really need that right now
02:22.57P_R_DeltoidI want the simpliest way to track/edit/display 1 variable unique to each unit
02:23.08P_R_Deltoidthat is, in summary, the goal of what I am trying to do
02:23.14RodOfNODthats customvalue
02:23.30Helralwhat kind of variable and display how ;p
02:23.32RodOfNODas long as the value is integer or real its simple
02:23.37P_R_Deltoidnext task: make it expandable to more than 1 value
02:23.43RodOfNODif its string then u have to use an array  but still simple
02:23.49RodOfNODthat simple too
02:23.52P_R_DeltoidHelral, display is irrelevant, but it'll be a number
02:23.53RodOfNODcustom has unlmited reals
02:23.54P_R_Deltoidan int
02:24.07P_R_Deltoidwait, what
02:24.10P_R_Deltoidgotta relook at custom
02:24.11P_R_DeltoidI think
02:24.17Helralthen just use custom unit values
02:24.27Helralsince that is already an array on it's own.
02:24.44VulfeShoot it with your array gun
02:24.46P_R_Deltoidcustom... unit... values
02:24.57P_R_Deltoideditor is freezing up
02:25.05P_R_Deltoidoh it crashed
02:25.06P_R_Deltoidgood good
02:25.13`MindWorXExtremely high speeds work :P
02:25.15RodOfNODu cant beat that for simplicity
02:25.27RodOfNODso mind what happens if u do that in mp mode?
02:25.33`MindWorXLike 25x
02:25.35`MindWorXNo lag
02:25.49RodOfNODbut i mean u do it i dont in MP mode
02:25.53RodOfNODit desyncs right?
02:26.13`MindWorXIt wouldn't desync if everyone changed to the same speed
02:26.18`MindWorXTho using it online would be bad
02:26.21RodOfNODbut if not
02:26.32`MindWorXSince there's a chance Warden will rape you if you do
02:26.47P_R_Deltoidjust gonna get dced probably
02:26.50P_R_Deltoidlike in wc3
02:27.07Helralnn all
02:27.16RodOfNODnite bud
02:27.41Vulfewhat's that
02:27.44P_R_DeltoidI thought that custom value was a range
02:27.47P_R_Deltoidbut it's an array
02:27.50P_R_Deltoidand then a value
02:28.45P_R_Deltoidoh oh oh
02:28.57P_R_Deltoidproblem 2: units don't start with it, I have to set every unit manually.
02:29.08RodOfNODright i told u how
02:29.15P_R_Deltoidoh where
02:29.17RodOfNODhow are ur units generated
02:29.45RodOfNODby you?
02:29.52P_R_Deltoidbut it won't always be the same, it's done before the game really starts
02:29.54RodOfNODie trigger
02:29.57P_R_Deltoidlets say there is a dialog for team building
02:29.58*** join/#sc2mapster Corbo (~thecorbo@
02:30.00P_R_Deltoidyou build that team
02:30.01P_R_Deltoidand then it is place
02:30.07P_R_Deltoidbut all enemies are placed by hand
02:30.11RodOfNODu create by trigger yes?
02:30.14P_R_Deltoidie the situation is static, the team is not.
02:30.19`MindWorXA speed of 2147483647 is insane :D
02:30.25P_R_DeltoidThrough triggers
02:30.27RodOfNODmake a video of it mind
02:30.32RodOfNODok so all u do is
02:30.38`MindWorXIt wouldn't be much of a videio :P
02:30.44P_R_Deltoidbut other units are placed, fyi. Everything needs this counter
02:30.45RodOfNODhave a global variable that starts a 0
02:30.48`MindWorXA speed of 20k would be better
02:30.49RodOfNODand i +1
02:30.58RodOfNODand assign that value right after u create
02:31.18RodOfNODwell then simple if it works like wc3
02:31.20RodOfNODgive me asec
02:31.21`MindWorX2147483647 is a speed of 524287X
02:31.45`MindWorXWc3 replays could hardly go above 8x
02:34.15RodOfNOD this should work no matter how u make the unit P_R_Deltoid
02:34.44P_R_Deltoidany unit enters map applies to units just sitting inside?
02:34.53RodOfNODif it doesnt then sc2 is different than wc3...
02:34.55P_R_Deltoidwho never truly "enter"
02:34.58RodOfNODwhat do u mean sitting inside?
02:35.07RodOfNODwhen u craete unit u have to place it somewhere dont u?
02:35.20P_R_Deltoidthese units are placed in the editor
02:35.30RodOfNODah ha
02:35.36P_R_Deltoidso if the game starts, they never enter the region, but more so just sit there
02:35.38P_R_Deltoidin the region
02:35.39RodOfNODwell then i have another way to do it but yes
02:35.44RodOfNOD2 ways to do it
02:37.26RodOfNODway #1
02:37.56RodOfNODohhhhhh noooooo
02:37.58P_R_Deltoidwait wait back up
02:37.59*** join/#sc2mapster SiNiquity (
02:38.02RodOfNODblizzard u bastards
02:38.17RodOfNODthey dont have starting units with hp < 100% on a per unit basis wtf
02:38.29P_R_Deltoid1 sec
02:38.37P_R_Deltoidshouldn't it be
02:38.58P_R_Deltoidalthough this raises more problems because it sholuld depend on unit type as well
02:39.04RodOfNODthats what nextunit is
02:39.11P_R_Deltoidthe 0 is the index
02:39.13P_R_Deltoidthe 100 is the value
02:39.26RodOfNODnextunit is from 0 to as many units as u have
02:39.28P_R_Deltoidso arn't you trying to incriment the index and apply a straight value over and over
02:39.30RodOfNODthats why im incing it
02:39.34*** join/#sc2mapster axlyin (d0365538@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
02:39.53RodOfNODno i did what i wanted to do
02:40.04axlyini needed you last night ><
02:40.14P_R_DeltoidI know, the thing is, the Custom Value function has index, THEN value, yet you are setting the value to the incriment and the index to 0, over and over
02:40.21P_R_Deltoidso you'd be editing the same unit and adding 1 to it's value
02:40.32P_R_DeltoidSet Unit Custom Value
02:40.36RodOfNODdamn u blizzard why would u take that away from me
02:40.44RodOfNODyes thats the default
02:40.52P_R_Deltoidyou are doing this
02:40.58RodOfNODyes thats the action
02:41.10RodOfNODbut not those values
02:41.10P_R_DeltoidSet Unit Custom Value
02:41.35P_R_DeltoidThe first number is the index, right?
02:41.48RodOfNODnot the one we care about
02:41.52RodOfNODthink of it like this
02:42.03RodOfNODcustom 0 = group of data that u want for slot 0
02:42.09RodOfNODcustom 1 = another gorup of data
02:42.25RodOfNODso if u wanted to store say INT and STR you would use 0 for INT and 1 for STR
02:42.35RodOfNODbut the VALUE would be from 1-18 or whatever
02:43.12P_R_Deltoidoh hmm
02:43.51RodOfNODomg who has played with decals
02:44.27P_R_Deltoidso why do you need that inc
02:44.39RodOfNODfirst time we run it what will the value of nextunit be?
02:44.50P_R_Deltoidwell you didn't really start it at anything
02:44.55RodOfNODsure i did
02:44.57RodOfNODits at 0
02:45.12P_R_Deltoidbut, yes, it would be 1
02:45.15P_R_Deltoidfor each unit
02:45.30RodOfNODit would be 1 after u did first one
02:45.39P_R_Deltoidbut... now I am a bit confused, because you are assigning the custom value at index 0 to 1 2 3 4 5 etc.
02:45.53P_R_DeltoidWhen that value should be static, or only depend on unit type, ie 100 for drones, 150 for attacking units
02:46.00RodOfNODok lets make this simple
02:46.05RodOfNODu have 3 units
02:46.07RodOfNODabc ok?
02:46.16RodOfNODwe are going to assign a as value 0
02:46.18RodOfNODb = 1
02:46.20RodOfNODc = 2
02:46.28P_R_Deltoidbut why? I don't want them to have those values
02:46.36RodOfNODso when u do a get customvalue( 0) on unit b it will return what?
02:46.46RodOfNODvery good ok
02:46.48P_R_Deltoidbut I don't want it to...
02:46.52RodOfNODnow lets pretend for as sec
02:46.59RodOfNODi understand but im showing u more power
02:47.19RodOfNODu then create an array called specialnumber[ 8000]
02:47.40RodOfNODu then assign specialnumber[0] 100, 1 = 200, 2 = 500 ok?
02:48.15RodOfNODso now if something happens to a unit and an event runs and i get customvalue( triggeringunit, 0) and that unit is b what will it return?
02:48.39RodOfNODyes 1.0 a real
02:48.47RodOfNODnow i can then get the value i WANT ie the 200 by getting
02:49.01RodOfNODspecialnumber[ int( all that crap above)]
02:49.04RodOfNODand it will then give me 200
02:49.09P_R_Deltoidbut I can't control the order it takes units from Pick each unit in (Any units in (Entire map)
02:49.17RodOfNODthis way i can have tons of different arrays
02:49.19RodOfNODu dont have to
02:49.39P_R_DeltoidWell then lets say
02:49.41P_R_DeltoidI have 3 units
02:49.45P_R_Deltoida marine, a marine, and a probe
02:49.50P_R_Deltoidand the marines hsould have 100 as their value
02:49.53P_R_Deltoidthe probe should have 50
02:50.05RodOfNODis there any time a marine wouldnt have 100?
02:50.19P_R_DeltoidConstantly. It will be dipping all the time, but their initial value shuld be 100
02:50.24RodOfNODok cool so yes
02:50.44P_R_Deltoidnow it goes through them in a random order as they spawn or whatever the computer clock happens to do when selecting units using Pick each unit in (Any units in (Entire map)
02:50.45RodOfNODis there any more than one bit of data per unit than this 100 or 50?
02:50.53P_R_Deltoidthey get put into index 0 with custom value i+1
02:50.56P_R_Deltoidand then I say
02:51.03P_R_Deltoidspecialnumber 0 = 100 (marines)
02:51.03RodOfNODi understand ...
02:51.07P_R_Deltoid1 = 50 (probes)
02:51.29P_R_Deltoidhow do I KNOW that when I check the custom value against he special number, that what I am comparing is a marine or a probe
02:51.35RodOfNODgood ?
02:51.44RodOfNODin this case u dont need to use an array
02:51.46RodOfNODi would do this
02:51.54RodOfNODslot 0 of the custom put ur max ie 100 or 50
02:51.58RodOfNODslot 1 put the current
02:52.11RodOfNODthen u can always heal or whatever back to 100
02:52.14P_R_Deltoidbut I need a way to assign it and have it editable
02:52.23RodOfNODeditable in what way?
02:52.39P_R_Deltoidwhen I place a probe, I shouldn't hav eto add the probe manually to the code and initialize it at 50, all probes should just be 50
02:53.04P_R_Deltoidall marines should have 100. I want to be able to add or subtract units in the terrain without having to dig through the code and add them with their value
02:53.19RodOfNODu could easily use switch
02:53.36P_R_Deltoidlike how
02:53.50TehwildcardI assign individual var. names to all of my units.
02:53.54P_R_Deltoidswitch for the unit type, and assign the custom value based on what it is
02:54.17P_R_DeltoidTehwildcard, are yuou doing something similar?
02:54.32Tehwildcard? I haven't been reading
02:54.38TehwildcardJust being a smart ass
02:54.42RepoNew map: Storm to Pass. Trufire (Manager/Author). Experimental. Approved by sixen.
02:55.11RepoNew map: Ancient Shrine - 1v1, 2v2, FFA. Gemini19 (Manager/Author). Approved by sixen.
02:55.25P_R_Deltoidis there a conditional way to check unit type, not unit id
02:55.34P_R_Deltoidthere you go
02:55.37P_R_Deltoidunit type...
02:56.12P_R_Deltoidokay this could work
02:56.22P_R_Deltoidmessier than I'd hoped but it could work
02:56.23RodOfNODhas anyone played with unit decals?
02:57.27*** join/#sc2mapster RedWraith (
02:57.37RodOfNODman unit decals are so awesome
02:57.39RedWraith~seen tehwildcard
02:57.40purltehwildcard is currently on #sc2mapster (8h 40m 50s). Has said a total of 12 messages. Is idling for 3m 2s, last said: 'Just being a smart ass'.
02:57.52RedWraithgoddamn tehwildcard
02:57.56ProzaicMuzeI should make a melee map just so that I'm an author and I get a cool green border
02:57.57RedWraithJust being a smart ass
02:58.25RedWraithHow's map development going, homie?
02:58.35TehwildcardI need more ideas, sec
02:59.38*** join/#sc2mapster wt_ (
03:01.54ProzaicMuzepew pews fireworks into teh air!
03:02.08ProzaicMuzeHappy 4th!
03:02.09RedWraithI don't really care about the 4th of july.
03:02.24ProzaicMuzeTo all you non-american folks, your country sucks! No explosives for yoU!
03:02.24RedWraithNow, Constitution Day, that's a great day indeed!
03:02.45RedWraithName one holiday that's better than Constitution Day.
03:02.48RedWraithThat's right, you can't.
03:02.54ProzaicMuzeMy birthday
03:02.59ProzaicMuzeNew Year
03:03.05ProzaicMuzeValentine's Day
03:03.22slightlyrandomNext thursday
03:03.42ProzaicMuzeSounds like your holiday sucks Red >:P
03:04.47RodOfNODis constitution day the day where people get out their dnd board and try to roll double 0s so they can have a good constitution? :P
03:05.03slightlyrandomNo, thats next thursday
03:05.57RodOfNODso seriously has anyone played with unit decals?
03:06.15slightlyrandomNot at all
03:06.26slightlyrandomIs it as awesome as DND ?
03:06.41RodOfNODno but its close
03:07.03slightlyrandomClose didn't get us to the moon and back
03:08.56RodOfNODno but it got us close
03:09.36onetwodo you guys get monday off?
03:10.50ProzaicMuzeWhy exactly are decals so exciting Rod?
03:11.31RodOfNODu know how people like clans right?
03:11.53RodOfNODu could put the clan logo on the side of their guys
03:12.07ProzaicMuzeAnd it would only show up in UMS games
03:12.25RodOfNODwell we dont know for sure what blizz will do about that
03:12.33RodOfNODand i only care about ums games
03:12.37RodOfNODdid u mean single player?
03:12.39ProzaicMuzeGiven that decals were only unlocked by playing MP
03:12.49ProzaicMuzeI doubt they're gonna say "have fun with decals"
03:12.49RodOfNODim talking about UNIT decals
03:13.04RodOfNODnot player decals
03:13.08ProzaicMuzeYeah, the little icons next to buildings, on the shoulders etc
03:13.23ProzaicMuzeUnit decals were unlocked the same way portraits were
03:13.29RodOfNODso normally the game uses whatever decal u have is that correct?
03:13.45ProzaicMuzeWhatever you've chosen in yoru BNet profile
03:13.48RodOfNODthats why i was asking....
03:13.51Tricerona bit of a shame you can't make your own
03:13.59RodOfNODwell replace with new ones
03:14.01RodOfNODfor ur map
03:14.02ProzaicMuzeYou certainly can for single player and UMS
03:14.06ProzaicMuzejust not for MP
03:14.11Triceroncustom decals would be nice, but someone's prolly gonna ruin it by drawing a penis or a swastika
03:14.19RodOfNODwell when u say ums do u mean MP ums?
03:14.22ProzaicMuzeHowever, you could easily "replace" the decall with your own similar to texture mods
03:14.27ProzaicMuzeSo that only you see the decal change
03:14.37ProzaicMuzeI mean ANY Use Map Setting maps
03:14.44RodOfNODright well thats cool
03:14.48RodOfNODidc about melee
03:14.58RodOfNODmelee needs normal decals cuz thats part of melee
03:15.03RodOfNODeverything i make is mostly ums
03:15.13RodOfNODexcept i will be making some killer micro fastest maps :>
03:15.15RodOfNODand a bb
03:15.22RodOfNODif noone else does
03:15.45RodOfNODwell the 50$k question is will blizzard allow non blizzard maps to be ladder maps
03:16.15RodOfNODor at least be found in the map matching service if not ladder
03:16.22TriceronSo my demonhunter's mostly done now
03:16.33Triceronthinking of doing maybe one or two more war3 heros
03:17.03RodOfNODfigure out the uvwrap shit?
03:17.18Triceronit was Skin modifier, for rigging
03:17.19Triceronand no
03:17.30Triceronbut I sent it off to NiNtoxicated01, the guy who made the exporter
03:17.32RodOfNODwhat about the big bug
03:17.44RodOfNODthe big BUG whats it called
03:17.52RodOfNODflap flap
03:18.05RodOfNODdamn i cant remember dotn make me open my editopr
03:18.10Triceroncrypt lord?
03:18.15RodOfNODthats it
03:18.18RodOfNODhey u know what
03:18.20Triceronwas it crypt lord?
03:18.25Triceronthat guy's kinda cool
03:18.28RodOfNODi know
03:18.31RodOfNODand he could be
03:18.37Triceronmake some tea?
03:18.37RodOfNODhe could be zergafied
03:18.40RodOfNODreal easy
03:18.49Triceronoh man
03:18.53RodOfNODinfested crypt lord!
03:19.07Triceronactually i've already made something similar already haha
03:19.14TriceronI have to revamp it tho
03:19.17Triceronold model I made last year
03:19.49Triceronbut that gives me a GREAT idea
03:19.52RodOfNODi dont get how corrupter even came into being i mean bliz arleady ripped off so much shit how they gonna rip of the matrix
03:19.57TriceronI'm gonna use the Crypt Lord's animations :D
03:20.18Triceronas soon as I figure out what that problem is with Skin modifier -_-
03:20.43RodOfNODi think u could turn the infestor into a reaver :>
03:20.55TriceronReaver model already exists
03:21.01RodOfNODin theory
03:21.09TriceronHmm, I wonder if they would remake the original looking one tho
03:21.14TriceronI hate the SC2 version
03:21.17Triceronlooks like garbage
03:21.27RodOfNODu think we will get it all in a week or on the 27th?
03:21.30RodOfNODwhere is a pick?
03:21.30Tricerondoesnt look anything like the Ohmu they were based on
03:21.39Triceronin a week?
03:21.46RodOfNODyeah when they open beta
03:22.00RodOfNODwhat good is it testing if we dont get all the shit to test
03:22.04Triceron  from Nausicaa
03:22.06RodOfNODsomeone has to test singlplayer
03:22.10Triceronthat's what the Reaver was based on
03:22.16Triceronand 27th
03:22.21Triceronopen beta is multiplay only
03:22.29Triceronall the units are gonna come back in singlepplay
03:22.37RodOfNODu think:> i hope
03:22.41TriceronI know :P
03:22.46RodOfNODwell where is the pic of the sc2 reaver?
03:22.52Triceronit might not be all.  I think there's a few zergs missing
03:23.03RodOfNODi so want lurks back
03:23.25Triceronlooks like craaaaaap
03:23.44RodOfNODhmm it does
03:23.50RodOfNODim sure they will fix it
03:23.56RodOfNODhow do we even know thats legit?
03:24.19ScytheBlade1it fits with the earlier artwork
03:24.30Triceronit used to be part of protoss army
03:24.39Triceronthey removed it sometime in alpha
03:24.46Triceronalong with the Phase Cannons, the Soul hunter
03:24.51*** join/#sc2mapster Hjalte (
03:25.07TriceronSoulhunter was sucky
03:25.08RodOfNODwell my point being infestor looks alot like living reaver
03:25.11Tricerondunno what they were thinking
03:25.17Triceroninfester does
03:25.36RodOfNODmaybe ill do a little cnp
03:25.38RodOfNODwith mr infester
03:25.45RodOfNODsee if i can make me a reaver
03:26.34RodOfNODi wonder if that red tinge is an emitter :P
03:26.49RodOfNODi havent cnp in years might be fun
03:27.17P_R_Deltoiddo text tags automatically update if their text is set to a variable
03:27.30RodOfNODi would doubt
03:27.37RodOfNODbut let me look at the action
03:27.57P_R_Deltoidtere is a set text of text tag function
03:27.59P_R_Deltoidso it seems likely
03:29.25RodOfNODthats a one timer
03:29.27RodOfNODset it forget it
03:29.32P_R_Deltoidthat sucks
03:29.39RodOfNODeasy to update
03:29.44RodOfNODeither do it when u change the number
03:29.49RodOfNODor just use a perioidc
03:29.53RodOfNODif i could spell
03:30.16P_R_DeltoidI have a text tag for each unit, so I'd have to put each text tag into a text tag array and then somehow find a system to determine what unit is in what slot of the array
03:30.24RodOfNODshit i cant find a trigger to set decals on units...
03:30.43RodOfNODthats custom
03:30.44P_R_DeltoidToo bad you can't do "Text Tag Attached to Unit"
03:30.51RodOfNODput all the units in a bag
03:31.04RodOfNODthen as u pull them out u look at the custom
03:31.27RodOfNODand then change that tag to that value
03:31.38RodOfNODwhen do ur values change is another way to do it
03:31.45P_R_Deltoidwhen a character moves
03:31.46RodOfNODas u DEC the coutner just update it
03:32.00P_R_Deltoidbut there are like 10 text tags and counters
03:32.05RodOfNODif u use slot 2 it can contain an index into a text tag arrray
03:32.17P_R_Deltoidyeah, I was thinking that
03:32.24P_R_DeltoidArrays always mess me up
03:32.25RodOfNODno its good
03:32.30RodOfNODeasy peasy
03:33.13*** join/#sc2mapster Hjalte (
03:33.36RodOfNODman i dont get it there are fireworks going off is this a holiday or something ???? hehe
03:33.47`MindWorX4th of july? :P
03:34.04RodOfNODwhy not the 3rd why not the 5th!
03:34.29`MindWorXCause the 3rd is too far from my birthday, and the 5th is too close
03:34.29slightlyrandomBlind chance
03:34.55RodOfNODP_R_Deltoid i saw heroes having attributes on their units however they do that would also work for you
03:35.05RodOfNODur bday today?
03:35.11`MindWorXNah, 17th
03:35.24RodOfNODah well happy pre bday
03:35.50RodOfNODdammit how can i trigger the damn decals
03:37.14slightlyrandomP_R_Deltoid: What are you trying to do?
03:37.22RodOfNODdrive me crazy
03:37.25slightlyrandomStill working on that turn based thing?
03:37.35P_R_Deltoidassign an updatable text tag to each unit describing a point system used to move the unit.
03:37.40P_R_Deltoidat that
03:37.47P_R_DeltoidMostly just been having RodOfNOD do it for me
03:37.50P_R_Deltoidbecause I suck
03:37.55slightlyrandomWant a hand?
03:38.06slightlyrandomI can't figure out the data editor, but that sort of stuff is right up my alley
03:38.11P_R_DeltoidGotta learn some time, if I get stuck again, I am surely going to ask.
03:38.25P_R_DeltoidAnd I am about to embark on this array.custom value adventure
03:38.27RodOfNODwell its how we all learn P_R_Deltoid
03:38.51RodOfNODi get as much knowledge from helping as i do from just coding atm
03:38.56slightlyrandomI want someone to do my data editing for me
03:38.57RodOfNODcuz my lack of knowledge is huge
03:39.06slightlyrandomMy life is too short for learning that stuff
03:39.12P_R_DeltoidA Pick Each Unit From Unit Group is like a loop, right? If I put a Modify Variable as a counter at the top and then a switch after it, it will do the counter modify, then the switch, then the counter, then the switch, right?
03:39.16P_R_DeltoidUntil it has done every unit?
03:39.19slightlyrandomI intend to live forever, and I still feel that way
03:39.24RodOfNODyes except its picking from a bag
03:39.35P_R_DeltoidOnly has to do it once, I think
03:39.53RodOfNODwell not sure what ur really asking there
03:40.01RodOfNODwhats ur goal in general terms
03:40.04slightlyrandomCan't you just tell it to update the tag whenever it updates the value ?
03:40.33RodOfNODwow infestors have actual footprints like in wc3
03:40.34P_R_DeltoidI dunno, slightlyrandom, but I don't see a way
03:40.43P_R_Deltoidhere is what I am basing it off of:
03:40.50slightlyrandomNo, I mean right after your trigger that updates the value
03:40.51P_R_DeltoidI only see a Set, no Update.
03:40.53P_R_DeltoidWhich is a shame
03:41.06P_R_Deltoidyes, but I have to reference the tag above the unit whos value is being edited
03:41.16P_R_Deltoidso I have to put all the tags into a text tag array
03:41.24P_R_Deltoidand then check the position in that array wit a second custom value on the unit
03:41.24RodOfNODeasy peasy
03:41.26slightlyrandomThat part is easy
03:41.29P_R_Deltoidjust annoying
03:41.36P_R_DeltoidI always get confused
03:41.37slightlyrandomYou dont need a custom value
03:41.42P_R_Deltoidjesus christ
03:41.47slightlyrandomNot if you find it too confusing :)
03:41.49RodOfNODtell us how
03:42.01slightlyrandomWell, you could stick it in a unit group array
03:42.02RodOfNODi live to learn
03:42.23RodOfNODstick what?
03:42.31slightlyrandomIt's the same thing, though
03:42.39slightlyrandomYou need numeric values that corrospond
03:42.46RodOfNODi wasnt aware of any arrays but integer ones
03:42.53slightlyrandomNaw, you can do arrays of anything
03:42.55slightlyrandomAny variable
03:43.00RodOfNODno i mean the index
03:43.15slightlyrandomThe index is an integer
03:43.37slightlyrandomBut if TextTag1 corresponds to UnitGroup1, then all is fine in disneyland
03:43.37P_R_Deltoidokay, got it so the second custom value (index 1) is the same as the index in the text tag holder
03:43.39RodOfNODhe assigns a unique number to each unit then he has that number directly correlate to an index number in a text tag aray
03:44.01*** join/#sc2mapster greg (d03a751d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
03:44.08RodOfNODwell i only know that in wc3 unitgroup wasnt guarnateed in its order so
03:44.12RodOfNODidk how good that would be
03:44.17slightlyrandomYeah, it isnt
03:44.22slightlyrandomYou'd need multiple groups
03:44.25slightlyrandomThus, an array
03:44.39slightlyrandomWhich means it is largely the same thing, although possibly with less conversion
03:44.51RodOfNODi dont get what u mean by multiple groups
03:44.58slightlyrandomAn array of groups
03:45.14slightlyrandomNevermind, it's different flavours of the same thing
03:45.44greghi everyone. i am having a problem with duplicating entities. for example, when i duplicate fungal growth it no longer has a model when placed (no green goo over enemy units). i noticed this happening with many things.. such as the photon cannon no longer having a halo on its projectile.. i guess this is a bug with the editor? does anyone know of a work around for this?
03:45.44RodOfNODi havent looked but how do the guys making hero shit make the attributes show on the console?
03:46.06RodOfNODno its cuz of the way units are made
03:46.26slightlyrandomYou need to update some events
03:46.27RodOfNODhard for me to explain but basically u need to create new actors that use same stuff
03:46.29P_R_Deltoidthat was actually really easy
03:46.36RodOfNODtold u
03:46.38slightlyrandomLogic always is
03:46.40P_R_DeltoidCustom values are pretty cool
03:46.44slightlyrandomYou just have to think logically
03:46.44RodOfNODlol yes
03:46.46RodOfNODnow u get it
03:46.52RodOfNODthey kick ass
03:46.54P_R_DeltoidYeah, I usually have to write this stuff out
03:46.58P_R_Deltoidin lamens
03:47.02P_R_Deltoidjust to understand how it should be
03:47.06P_R_Deltoidbut I am too lazy to do that right now
03:47.12P_R_Deltoidin fact, I am naming my variables and everything quite bad
03:47.16gregi am not sure who is responding to me..
03:47.25RodOfNODi tried
03:47.26P_R_DeltoidOh, not me
03:47.39P_R_Deltoid<slightlyrandom> You need to update some events
03:47.39gregit's a problem with the actors?
03:47.40P_R_Deltoid<RodOfNOD> hard for me to explain but basically u need to create new actors that use same stuff
03:47.41slightlyrandomThe problem is that the actors are created in game with events
03:47.43P_R_DeltoidI think it was these two
03:47.52slightlyrandomand that stuff isn't duplicated, or done for you
03:47.59RodOfNODwell can u be specific
03:48.20gregpersonally i'm just trying to make a hero with the ability fungal growth that increases in damage every level
03:48.28gregi have that working but the model doesn't show up past level 1
03:48.36RodOfNODdid u go through the hero tutorials?
03:48.42RedWraithhey guys
03:48.46RedWraithspoiler alert
03:48.54slightlyrandomJesus dies ?
03:49.00RodOfNODits independance day?
03:49.12RodOfNODer what is that
03:49.18RedWraithOVERMIND ON AIUR
03:49.31RodOfNODsorry it escapes me
03:49.33slightlyrandomWasn't that kinda obvious?
03:49.39RodOfNODive read all the books and i still dont get or care :P
03:50.09RodOfNODRedWraith have u found a way to TRIGGER a decal onto a unit?
03:50.23RedWraithWhy would I care about that?
03:50.30RodOfNODidk just asking cuz i do
03:50.57RedWraithor you know, something interesting
03:51.02slightlyrandomgreg: What you need to do is find the actor that spawns the model for Fungal Growth, then have a look at the Events for that actor
03:51.04RedWraithwell, actually, I bet you could do it using catalogs.
03:51.21gregslightlyrandom: ok i will try that now brb
03:52.08RodOfNODyes i think u might redwraith
03:52.44slightlyrandomI wish there was someone who'd take my maps and make them more awesome
03:52.54P_R_Deltoidaww crap
03:52.56RodOfNODthere is a triger called setunitvariation that might also do that
03:52.59P_R_Deltoidtext tags persist in fog of war
03:53.03slightlyrandomThen I could continue to make half-done maps, that basically work but haven't gotten all the polishing done
03:53.13P_R_Deltoidseriouslty, wait, what the fuck is up with that, that is retarded
03:53.26RodOfNODare you attaching them to a  unit?
03:53.32P_R_Deltoidand the unit is now in the fog of war
03:53.34RodOfNODwell that blows
03:53.35P_R_Deltoidand not visisble
03:53.41P_R_DeltoidI hope this is a bug or something >:(
03:53.57slightlyrandomIt's not a flag on the Text Tag trigger?
03:54.03slightlyrandomOr, an option sort of thing
03:54.12*** join/#sc2mapster `MindWorX (~Nikolaj.M@
03:54.35gregslightlyrandom: i am looking at the list of actors for fungal growth and there is FungalGrowth, FungalGrowthAttack, FungalGrowthAttackMissile, FungalGrowthCursorSplat, and FungalGrowthImpact. I am not sure which one is responsible for the actual model
03:54.56RodOfNODP_R_Deltoid -         Text Tag - Set as to wether Text Tag enforces false
03:55.00RoarManHi guys!
03:55.07P_R_Deltoidyeah, that was... confusing
03:55.34slightlyrandomgreg: find the one that has the Art - Model set to FungalGrowth.m3 :)
03:55.38slightlyrandomOr something similar
03:56.11P_R_Deltoidthat does nothing, RodOfNOD
03:56.14P_R_Deltoidas far as I can tell
03:56.24P_R_Deltoidjust switched it to true for a uinit and nothing happened
03:56.30P_R_Deltoidstill keeps the text tag in fog of war
03:56.58slightlyrandomNext step, check whether unit is visible, then set tag accordingly :)
03:57.10P_R_DeltoidYeah, I was thinking that. Man that sucks
03:57.18P_R_DeltoidI might just wait until the game is released and see if it changes
03:57.24P_R_DeltoidI mean, it's attached the unit, why is it even shown
03:57.56slightlyrandomI'll bet you someone would be sitting where you're sitting now if it did it the other way around, swearing about the fact that it should obviously show the tag
03:58.14slightlyrandomSince he is using it for something that obviously needs to be shown all the time
03:58.47P_R_DeltoidI suppose
03:58.48P_R_DeltoidI mean
03:59.04P_R_Deltoidusually it's used to denote unit stats or names, so it seems to make more sense that it should only be seen when the unit is seen
03:59.34gregslightlyrandom: it's either FungalGrowth (Art - Model: FungalGrowth) or FungalGrowthImpact (Art - Mode; FungalGrowthImpact), both of ActorType Model. i am looking inside the events window for both. what now?
03:59.34P_R_DeltoidThere is also no event when a unit enters FOW, and I don't want to continually check, that seems a waste of cpu
03:59.51P_R_DeltoidShould just be a built in tag
03:59.57slightlyrandomFind the .m3 file, then take a look at what it looks like
03:59.57P_R_Deltoid"visible through fog of war true false"
03:59.59P_R_Deltoideasy peasy
04:00.15slightlyrandomI'll be the Impact one is an explosion while the FungalGrowth one is the lingering goo
04:00.23*** join/#sc2mapster zrbecker (
04:00.27slightlyrandomWell, see what makes the art show up
04:00.39slightlyrandomThats the events that cause Create to happen
04:00.43gregslightlyrandom: i am not sure where to find these .m3 files =/
04:00.56*** join/#sc2mapster Muffin_ (42b73639@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
04:01.00slightlyrandomJust doubleclick the value of the Art - Model field
04:01.06slightlyrandomthen click view
04:01.24*** part/#sc2mapster zrbecker (
04:01.35gregah ok
04:01.36gregfound it
04:01.41gregnext step?
04:01.47*** join/#sc2mapster zrbecker (
04:02.32RodOfNODP_R_Deltoid i cant get the tag to be attached :LP
04:02.44P_R_DeltoidWhat do you mean?
04:02.47slightlyrandomThat's what creates the art. You need to do the same for your spell, either by linking it to the same actor, or by duplicating the necessary fields
04:02.57gregok thanks i'll try that now
04:03.06RodOfNODhave u miooved the unit?
04:03.12P_R_DeltoidYes. It follows
04:03.19RodOfNODshow me ur create?
04:03.44P_R_Deltoidthat is the first switch
04:04.16P_R_Deltoidalso, the true/false thing is irrelevant, I ahve tried it both ways, it seems to effect nothing
04:04.29RodOfNODdoesnt work for me :P
04:04.30slightlyrandomAll Players
04:04.35P_R_DeltoidCopy yours out
04:04.42slightlyrandomCan't you do something along All Players With Unit Visible
04:05.18P_R_DeltoidNot that I can see
04:05.52slightlyrandomWell, alternatively you need to set it to initially hidden, then only flag it visible when unit enters field of vision
04:06.06P_R_DeltoidHow should I check for unit enters fov
04:06.18slightlyrandomTake a look through the events, is my guess
04:06.24RodOfNODhold on
04:06.30RodOfNODP_R_Deltoid do u want ur enemies to see this tag?
04:06.40P_R_DeltoidConsider this singleplayer at the moment
04:06.46P_R_Deltoidbut yes
04:06.48P_R_Deltoidthey should
04:06.49P_R_Deltoidwhen in fov
04:06.56P_R_Deltoideveryone should see every units value
04:07.29*** join/#sc2mapster Megalon (
04:09.25RodOfNODkwell that enforce means if i cant see u initially i wont see it but once i do see u it wont go away
04:09.53RodOfNODwhich as u said is lamo
04:10.14P_R_Deltoidmaybe it will get fixed or something
04:10.19P_R_Deltoidmight as well wait and see
04:10.30P_R_Deltoidbecause no special flags for that = dumb
04:11.55RedWraithhappy 4th, people
04:12.16slightlyrandomIt's the 5th now
04:12.47slightlyrandomHm, I need an email and isn't available
04:13.15RodOfNODfor now P_R_Deltoid you can  use this event:         Unit - Any Unit Enters a distance of 1.0 from Unit
04:13.28gregslightlyrandom: i cannot figure it out.. it is
04:14.06P_R_DeltoidThe viewing distance? I want units to have different values so that is pretty roundabout
04:14.10P_R_Deltoidand it wouldn't work
04:22.59*** join/#sc2mapster Alpha_vst (
04:23.11Alpha_vstOMG i almost had a heart attack 0.o
04:24.23slightlyrandomDamn, so close
04:24.44slightlyrandomgreg: What is it you're having trouble understanding? :)
04:24.54Alpha_vstmy computer froze so i forced quit and it wouldnt restart :(
04:25.08gregslightlyrandom: i just cannot find what i am supposed to re-reference back to the original model
04:25.30Alpha_vsti had a stuck cd in my drive so i couldnt do anything
04:25.40P_R_Deltoidthis is going quite well
04:25.47gregalso, to all of irc: what are some popular characters (tv/movie) made on mousepads?
04:26.18P_R_DeltoidI have a Triumph the Insult Dog mousepad
04:26.25gregtrying to get slightlyrandom his gmail account. lol
04:26.45slightlyrandomI already picked one
04:27.03P_R_Deltoidso I need a way for the player character to determin ehte cost of a move before making the move
04:27.10gregyeah but guessing security answers is so much fun
04:27.13P_R_Deltoidsince you can't detect the mouse position passively
04:27.20slightlyrandomThat'll take you a while
04:27.20P_R_DeltoidI need a complete work around
04:27.27gregi can try googling slightlyrandom
04:27.33gregmaybe he'll have a facebook with interests
04:27.34slightlyrandomNot much there
04:27.42slightlyrandomI invented the thing for Starcraft
04:27.56slightlyrandomMaking maps, more specifically
04:28.17slightlyrandomSome bastard had nicked the name random on here already, that has been my handle with various modifications for ages now
04:28.21RoarManHi slightlyrandom
04:28.33RoarManWait are you a LoL player?
04:28.33slightlyrandomOh, piss off RoarMan
04:28.39RoarManSUP BUDDY! <333
04:28.43RoarManHmm k nvm :p
04:28.56ProzaicMuzeGo die
04:28.58ProzaicMuzeAll of you
04:28.59ProzaicMuzebut first
04:29.04ProzaicMuzeGo enter da creature contest!
04:29.05slightlyrandomI think I considered it, but I don't generally do games that doesn't run on Linux
04:29.10slightlyrandomCan't be arsed to boot
04:29.17RoarManLoL was fun in beta, boring now.
04:29.20RoarManNot missing out :/
04:29.20ProzaicMuzeHAI ROARMAN!
04:32.06P_R_DeltoidI figured out that I need to round every thing
04:32.08P_R_Deltoidbecause reals are dumb
04:32.13P_R_Deltoidand I don't want decimals
04:32.18RoarManConvert to Integer?
04:32.33P_R_Deltoidthat is a lot of backtrack, poop
04:32.39RoarManThat's a shame.
04:32.44RoarManAlthough I think there's a formula for rounding.
04:32.47RoarManDon't remember where..
04:33.46P_R_Deltoidwill it drop the extra? I assume so
04:34.17slightlyrandomRounding is always down
04:34.23slightlyrandomUnless you tricks it by adding .5
04:35.19RoarManAlpha if you keep showing off I'm gonna strangle you D:<
04:35.20slightlyrandomHow's you make the thing go away? Thats awesome
04:35.29TriceronCan I call you Giffy Joe now?
04:35.37Alpha_vst with units selected
04:36.04ProzaicMuzeLikely he made an image that was transparent as the UI image
04:36.20P_R_Deltoidwhy did you have to make this in 3ds
04:36.20Alpha_vstno its custom work
04:36.31slightlyrandomDeffo some shadow, but that is quite fucking impressive
04:36.35*** join/#sc2mapster AgentPaper (
04:36.41Alpha_vstbut i figured out how to make it not show the black boader
04:36.49slightlyrandomYou also need someone to make you black and white buttons
04:36.49Alpha_vston the bottom
04:36.54Alpha_vsti do
04:36.56Triceronthat's a hgue blood splotch
04:37.01RoarManHi Triceron!
04:37.03Alpha_vstthats the medium one
04:37.13Triceronhey roar
04:37.17P_R_Deltoidjust convert all the current icons to greyscale!
04:37.19P_R_Deltoidthe perfect plan
04:37.37ProzaicMuzeTo be completely honest, Alpha, i don't like the paper images you're using for the Minimap and Command Bar
04:37.45ProzaicMuzeI love the transparent BG fro the selected units though
04:38.15ProzaicMuzePossibly add a low opacity black behind the number area though for tho blind folk
04:39.05Alpha_vsti agree :P
04:40.25Alpha_vsti want to get rid of the mini map buttons but cant :(
04:41.15ProzaicMuzeReplace the with your own buttons that are invisible?
04:41.24ProzaicMuzethose 3 in particular
04:41.26P_R_Deltoidso .9 is 0?
04:41.31P_R_Deltoidif I don't show any decimal places
04:41.35P_R_DeltoidIt will just show 0
04:41.50P_R_DeltoidI should probably just show decimals to the first place for debugging, in retrospect
04:42.24slightlyrandomIt rounds down
04:42.27Alpha_vstyeah but ProzaicMuze 2 things they dont always get overwritten and the fucking thing will always be green
04:42.32slightlyrandomAdd .5 before rounding to round properly
04:42.38P_R_Deltoidwhat I am doing is this
04:42.52P_R_Deltoidif it is below 1
04:42.56P_R_Deltoidie 0 or below displayed
04:43.01P_R_Deltoidthen cut off command
04:43.14P_R_Deltoidelse, say you don't have enough to move to there, but still allow them to command (to somewhere closer, likely)
04:43.18P_R_Deltoidit seems to work right now
04:43.24P_R_Deltoidbut I dunno if it's bulletproof
04:44.54*** join/#sc2mapster Dkrchris (46b085d7@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
04:45.02DkrchrisHey is SC2 back up?
04:45.12RoarManDkrchris no :/
04:45.13P_R_Deltoiddon't think so
04:45.30Dkrchrisah logged on and it says "client data" or something
04:45.33P_R_Deltoidaw i have to convert in and out of reals for this to work, I think
04:45.33Dkrchrisand no server msg
04:45.49Dkrchriswhen does beta2 come back?
04:45.50slightlyrandomThat'll round for you P_R_Deltoid :D
04:45.57P_R_Deltoidwhat will
04:46.01P_R_Deltoidthat is what I hope
04:46.02P_R_Deltoidi gotcha
04:46.16P_R_Deltoidthe problem I have now, is that you have to command it again for it to take away command
04:46.18slightlyrandomHe has no idea, does he?
04:46.23slightlyrandomgoes back to playing SC2
04:46.46slightlyrandomCommand it to stop, you mean?
04:47.18P_R_Deltoidyteah, I got a bunch of nested ifs checking the state of the variable on the unit that determines if it can move, and how far
04:47.34P_R_Deltoidso it can't move higher than it's own amount of units (deteremined by difference in poosition from order to unit)
04:48.17P_R_Deltoidso I move, lets say I have 10, and I move 9.7 distance, I end up with .3, and the unit still has a command card, but if you no decimals on, it says 0, and the player tries to move again and THEN it will take command away
04:48.45slightlyrandomTake it away as you set the value
04:48.58slightlyrandomIf Value < 1, Remove Command
04:49.52slightlyrandomWhy do you allow movement in .1 of a space, anyway?
04:49.59P_R_DeltoidI don't want to
04:50.01P_R_DeltoidI want it to be rounded
04:50.04P_R_Deltoidhence... rounding
04:50.17P_R_Deltoidgonna see if rounding solves anything before I try to wrap my brain around anything new
04:50.20slightlyrandomThen check the distance as the command is issued, and round it
04:50.54P_R_Deltoidokay, that created more issuew
04:51.10P_R_Deltoidnow it can scoot along for some reason if the movement is rounded to 0
04:51.21slightlyrandomI just did something similar, actually, if you issue a move order, instead of going to that stop, the unit goes in that direction to the edge of the playable map area
04:54.02*** join/#sc2mapster `MindWorX (~Nikolaj.M@
04:54.56P_R_Deltoidwanna check it out, bro? I can't figure out wher eI should check
04:55.21P_R_Deltoidit's 37 lines, nothing big
04:55.24P_R_Deltoidjust lots of ifs
04:55.40P_R_Deltoidcustom value is how much a unit should  be able to move in units
04:55.47P_R_Deltoidstarts at 10, but that is irrelevant, just for testing purposes
04:56.39slightlyrandomHeh, I'd really like to take a stab at making a movement system for you
04:56.45slightlyrandomBut not right now, too tired, need some sleep
04:57.38P_R_DeltoidNo problem
05:07.08RepoNew map: Paradise Corners. Tissu3 (Manager/Author). Experimental. Approved by sixen.
05:07.19RepoNew map: Slyline Jungle. kraemahz (Manager/Author). Approved by sixen.
05:07.24RepoNew map: Creepy Crawlers. slightlyrandom (Manager/Author). Approved by sixen.
05:07.34P_R_Deltoidwhoa whoa whoa sixen
05:07.35P_R_Deltoidslow down
05:07.36RodOfNODP_R_Deltoid when the player orders it to move why dont u move it an even number so if it orders 9.7 figure out what 10 is and move that instead
05:07.51P_R_Deltoidtried that, ended very weird
05:08.00P_R_Deltoidit was able to move around at 0 for some reason
05:08.04RodOfNODits because u didnt ignore the order
05:08.35RodOfNODwhen u reissue the new order u have to turn off paying attention to this or else make sure that u dont reissue order if its perfectly integer
05:09.03RodOfNODonce unit starts to move can u stop it before it arrives?
05:09.11P_R_DeltoidYou lose command
05:09.18P_R_DeltoidUntil it reaches
05:09.19RodOfNODok then that should work
05:09.29P_R_Deltoidthat is what I've got
05:09.36P_R_DeltoidI dunno when to round it, the results are always really weird
05:09.42P_R_DeltoidI also don't know.. how
05:09.47P_R_DeltoidI just converted to int and back to real
05:09.53P_R_Deltoidbut that might have been the cause of hte problem int he first place.
05:10.11RodOfNODok but u have a problemo
05:10.17P_R_Deltoidthat is?
05:10.55RodOfNODu ddint do what i said
05:11.04RodOfNODi said to reorder the unit so it takes a full step
05:11.07RodOfNODu dont do that
05:11.17P_R_DeltoidI made that code before you said that
05:11.19P_R_Deltoidthat is from earlier
05:11.23P_R_Deltoidwell, not that much earlier
05:11.31RodOfNODwell did u ignore the 2nd order?
05:11.43P_R_DeltoidI don't get what you mean
05:11.44P_R_Deltoida full step?
05:11.55RodOfNODok the players sends our hero 1.2
05:11.59RodOfNODu force it to go 1
05:12.13RodOfNODwhen u force it u are going to use the identical event to move it right?
05:12.18P_R_DeltoidI have no idea how to do that. That sounds like I'd have to do a bunch of differences and shit
05:12.19RodOfNODso the trigger will refire
05:12.27P_R_DeltoidBecause I just let the move play, I dunno how to edit move distances
05:12.42RodOfNODwell is this a square thing?
05:12.44RodOfNODa hex thing?
05:12.50RodOfNODhow does player see what he can  move
05:12.54P_R_DeltoidNo, it's free form
05:13.01P_R_Deltoidthat has yet to be determines
05:13.03RodOfNODwhy dont u have squares or hex
05:13.15P_R_DeltoidI am hopefully going to find a way to display how far from the unit the cursor is
05:13.18P_R_Deltoidso the player knows
05:13.41P_R_DeltoidBecause that isn't the system I am trying to go for. This is far more like Jagged Alliance or Men of War than Final Fantasy Tactics
05:13.46RodOfNODwell ive seen someone do somehting like this
05:13.50P_R_Deltoidit's free form, but each unit can only do so much before the end of the turn
05:14.02RodOfNODidk those games
05:14.06Alpha_vst <--- hwo the fuck do i get rid of that boarder shit?
05:14.28P_R_DeltoidI can only think that I need to get the angle of the order from the unit
05:14.31P_R_Deltoidand then round that
05:14.33P_R_Deltoidbut man that is ....
05:14.35P_R_Deltoidadvanced for me
05:14.49RodOfNODwhy dont u remove the entire ui and make ur own
05:15.05Alpha_vstits not the same
05:15.12P_R_Deltoidhow did you end up making those squares, Alpha_vst
05:15.24P_R_Deltoidain't cliffs, is it?
05:15.29Alpha_vstwhat squares?
05:15.34Alpha_vstoh its a custom model
05:15.36P_R_DeltoidThe randomly spawned ones
05:15.56Alpha_vstim talking about the minimap buttons
05:15.57RodOfNODi dont get what u mean by its not the same
05:16.08RodOfNODu could make ur own minimap
05:16.09P_R_DeltoidYeah, I gotcha
05:16.11P_R_Deltoidwas just curious
05:16.12RodOfNODand ur own command palette
05:16.21Alpha_vstno RodOfNOD
05:16.25P_R_Deltoidaround the buttons or the minimap or both?
05:16.25RodOfNODno u couldnt?
05:16.36P_R_Deltoideither way I have no idea
05:16.37Alpha_vstno i dont want to do that fake shit
05:16.38RodOfNODi know i could so
05:17.00Alpha_vsti would rather just edit the real ui but cant dot hat
05:17.05Alpha_vstso im hiding shit
05:17.07*** join/#sc2mapster Furyhunter (
05:17.07RodOfNODwell u obviously have to find the path for those but unless u can make the texture be clear not sure if u can get rid of it
05:17.19RodOfNODhow did u hide the center console?
05:17.21RodOfNODis that a trigger?
05:17.24`MindWorXCan i make a unit, like a marine, that actually shoots a lot of fast flying small projectiles?
05:17.27gregdoes anyone here know why my duplicated fungul growth (with more damage) no longer has the model effect or the rooting capabilities? been trying to fix this for hours =/
05:17.31Alpha_vstcustom model
05:17.36`MindWorXI was just wondering how well that would render at superslow speed
05:17.43`MindWorXI bet it would look awesome
05:17.59RodOfNODu made a custom model that is nothing basically for the center?
05:18.04`MindWorXAnyways, i'm off to bed
05:18.06`MindWorXCya kids
05:18.08RodOfNODnite nite
05:18.29RodOfNODwhat was the path?
05:18.29Alpha_vstits a empty model pretty much
05:18.47Alpha_vstthis isnt solving my issue
05:18.57P_R_DeltoidRodOfNOD, I think I might have the answer
05:19.10RodOfNODur issue is ur attitude :P
05:19.16P_R_DeltoidI guess
05:19.17Alpha_vstpath for all items are in the mpq also
05:19.21Alpha_vstso i shouldnt have to say
05:19.22P_R_DeltoidI get a mushy brain after a while of this
05:19.23RodOfNODnot u P_R_Deltoid :P
05:19.37RodOfNODu have good attitude
05:19.45Alpha_vstSO how do i get rid of the green boxes
05:19.46RodOfNODAlpha_vst just whines alot :P
05:20.00RodOfNODpart of us helping is us learning
05:20.04P_R_DeltoidI can now get the angle of the move order
05:20.10RodOfNODi asked a simple ? that would require u about 3 secs to answer
05:20.15Alpha_vsti figgure its the baorder icon or something
05:20.34RodOfNODyes pr i was gonna suggest u just continue the move or make it slightly shorter
05:20.45RodOfNODie POLAR move
05:21.11RodOfNODmy ? is P_R_Deltoid what happens if they move around something how do u measure this?
05:21.13P_R_Deltoidthis is good, I don't even need to do a "you do not have neough points" I am just going to spend all the points on the move if it's more than the unit currently has
05:21.18P_R_DeltoidRodOfNOD, hahaha
05:21.23P_R_Deltoidthe biggest flaw so far
05:21.25P_R_Deltoid(no idea)
05:21.33RodOfNODwell i do
05:21.34P_R_DeltoidI have no idea for a dummy unit that somehow determines distance quickly
05:21.48P_R_Deltoidor something
05:21.50P_R_DeltoidI have no idea
05:21.58RodOfNODu check the polar and see if u can move 1 suare towards the target
05:22.27RodOfNODif u can u order it and then wait till it arrives
05:22.27P_R_Deltoiddoing it one square at a time?
05:22.27RodOfNODif u cant then find the best path by going 90 degrees one way
05:22.27P_R_DeltoidI need an estimate before the unit moves though
05:22.27RodOfNODit wont seem thtat to the player
05:22.27P_R_Deltoidso the player will know
05:22.27RodOfNODbut its what  u have to do
05:22.32P_R_Deltoidbefore they make the move
05:22.42RodOfNODwell that would be a table i think
05:22.44P_R_Deltoidthat is why I asked if you could passively get position of mouse on the game world
05:22.59RodOfNODlet me think about that
05:23.01P_R_Deltoidso I could constantly check the distance or send a dummy unit from the main unit to the cursor that will get distance
05:23.04RodOfNODmust be a way to do that easily
05:23.04P_R_Deltoidyeah, tricky, eh?
05:23.12P_R_Deltoidcould be build in, I have no idea
05:23.59RodOfNODi have an idea
05:24.05RodOfNODif u used sqaures
05:24.21RodOfNODu could place a bunch of units showing the area they could move in after they stopped
05:24.30RodOfNODie red squares show where u can move
05:24.39RodOfNODand it has a number inside it
05:24.46RodOfNODbe best to do that for the player
05:24.59RodOfNODin fact u could just use text tags with a square model
05:25.06RodOfNODget what i mean?
05:25.27RodOfNODwould require quite a bit of work but it would be best UI for the player
05:25.52P_R_Deltoidyou ever play jagged alliance?
05:26.16P_R_Deltoidit's a semi bad example because it's grid based but it demonstrates the purpose of this entire exercise
05:27.57P_R_Deltoidwhat I was thinking, the most perfect solution I can think of, and it would look pretty cool, is to make a little glowing actor, like a wisp looking thing, but smaller
05:28.01P_R_Deltoidand when it moves fast it makes a line
05:28.06P_R_Deltoidand when a player presses a button
05:28.11P_R_Deltoidit will move from the selected unit to the cursor
05:28.23P_R_Deltoidand based on how long it takes and it's speed, the distance should be known
05:28.35P_R_Deltoidwith some calculations I could steal from someone much smarter than myself
05:28.48P_R_Deltoidso they could test a bunch of different moves, get a cool graphic, and have the distance accurately shown
05:29.13P_R_DeltoidI mean
05:29.17P_R_Deltoidit's pretty far fetched, I suppose
05:29.19RodOfNODquote from ghost: i see live people... i see dead people LOL omg that was too funy
05:29.20P_R_Deltoidbut it doesn't sound bad, does it
05:29.55P_R_Deltoidalso, I have no idea how to force a unit to move
05:29.56RodOfNODsure that might work
05:30.03RodOfNODissue order?
05:30.09RodOfNODmove bastard move
05:30.25P_R_Deltoidnaw, firstly, move isn't there for some reason, secondly, I can't tell it what angle to move at
05:30.31RodOfNODsure it is
05:30.38RodOfNODangle is polar of what u just did
05:30.48RodOfNODu have to change the issue order to a point
05:31.10RodOfNODil bb
05:31.12P_R_Deltoidwhen I type in move in the search, I only see Hold Pos
05:31.35*** join/#sc2mapster Demonette (6d54c9aa@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
05:31.59RodOfNODafter u pick the issue order LOOOK at the tree
05:32.17P_R_Deltoidawww cra[
05:32.20P_R_Deltoidthat again
05:32.22RodOfNODmiddle of the screen
05:32.23P_R_Deltoidstupid parenthesis
05:32.32RodOfNODi bb later
05:32.48onetwoincoming upload of what i just put together
05:32.54onetwousing mindworx's slowmo
05:33.06P_R_Deltoidnooo, Rod
05:33.11P_R_DeltoidIt just got hard too
05:33.29onetwo[22:33] <P_R_Deltoid> It just got hard too[22:33] <P_R_Deltoid> It just got hard too[22:33] <P_R_Deltoid> It just got hard too[22:33] <P_R_Deltoid> It just got hard too[22:33] <P_R_Deltoid> It just got hard too
05:33.32onetwothats what she said
05:34.08ProzaicMuzeoh no
05:34.12ProzaicMuzenot slowmo!
05:36.33P_R_Deltoiddamn, I need to round this thing
05:36.37P_R_Deltoidto a whole number
05:36.43P_R_Deltoidor else this entire activity is fruitless
05:39.04P_R_Deltoiddividing by 1 works well enough
05:39.40P_R_Deltoido not
05:39.51P_R_Deltoidshit is spazzing now haha
05:41.53RoarManHAI ONETWO!
05:42.45greganyone here know why my fungul growth copy doesn't have a model or root enemies properly?
05:42.57RoarManDid you duplicate it?
05:42.59RoarManOr copy.
05:43.20gregi have been working on this for four hours
05:43.22RoarManDid you dupe every effect?
05:43.35RoarManDid you dupe the actor?
05:43.53RoarManOh wait no you can't dupe the actor I think.
05:43.57gregnone of the actors for the ability are useful
05:44.08RoarManYou'll have to manually look up the actors and modify the events to your copy.
05:44.26gregyeah i know
05:44.31gregand i have been trying to do this for hours
05:44.33RoarManHmm that's odd then.
05:44.37gregtrying every single permutation
05:44.41P_R_Deltoidsomehow two lines of code that basically edit no variables are making things explode
05:44.45gregno, i'm sure you're right, but i'm dong it wrong
05:45.08RoarManTry posting on the forums greg.
05:45.12P_R_Deltoidit's looping like crazy
05:45.14RoarManI'm sure someone will take a look at it.
05:45.17RoarManDeltoid what.
05:45.29RoarManWhoops, I mean whut*.
05:45.34P_R_Deltoidthe event is "any unit is ordered to move" and in the trigger, I order the unit to move
05:45.38P_R_DeltoidSo it spazzes like mad
05:45.41P_R_Deltoidhow do I circumvent this...
05:45.50RoarManWhat do you mean by spazz?
05:46.00P_R_Deltoidit loops like mad and everything goes haywire.
05:46.10RoarManOh well if you order a moving unit to move.
05:46.11P_R_Deltoidit takes away far more movement points than it should because it loops
05:46.11RoarManIt'll move.
05:46.16RoarManLol yea.
05:46.18P_R_Deltoidindeed it will
05:46.21RoarManWhat you should do is.
05:46.25RoarManCreate a variable of some sort.
05:46.32P_R_Deltoidon and off kinda thing?
05:46.36RoarManYea basically.
05:46.43P_R_Deltoidshit keeps piling up
05:46.48RoarManAre you trying to make creep pathing?
05:46.58RoarManLike in tower defenses.
05:46.59P_R_DeltoidI am trying to round the value of a move order
05:47.02RoarManOr is it less static.
05:47.05P_R_Deltoidless static
05:47.06onetwohi roarman
05:47.06P_R_Deltoidfar less
05:47.10RoarManOh ok.
05:47.13P_R_Deltoidit's like this
05:47.15RoarManHi onetwo ^^
05:47.17P_R_Deltoidif a unit is ordered to move
05:47.42P_R_Deltoidit gets the differenc ebetween those two points, and it's a decimal, so I drop the decimal point and move it a rounded number in the same direction
05:47.49P_R_Deltoidso it ends up more rounded by the end
05:47.56RoarManHmm k.
05:48.02P_R_Deltoidbut I think an on and off booleon would work
05:48.04P_R_Deltoidlets try it
05:48.11RoarManIt should.
05:48.15onetwoslowmo clip
05:48.19onetwogoing down soon so watch now
05:48.31RodOfNODP_R_Deltoid i told u about this issue hehe
05:48.38RoarManOoh onetwo that's pretty epic.
05:48.51onetwothx to mindworx's slowmo code
05:48.54onetwoi can go super slow
05:48.57RoarManOh thats' sick!
05:49.02RodOfNODa boolean that indicates to ignore the next order will work for u
05:49.07RoarManHowcha do that D:
05:49.12RoarManGame speed changing?
05:49.14*** join/#sc2mapster Triceron (60313557@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
05:49.25P_R_DeltoidRodOfNOD, you did?
05:49.26TriceronAhoy mateys
05:49.30RoarManI was tihnking of using kind of that for in game spell cinemetaics :P
05:49.40onetwocant do it ingame on bnet
05:49.42onetwoonly for private use
05:49.48P_R_Deltoidnow I just need to figure out where to re-engage the bool
05:49.48onetwounless you just want slower
05:49.51onetwobut if you want it as slow as i had here
05:49.52onetwoin the iar
05:49.53P_R_Deltoidwithout screwing up something else
05:49.54onetwono luck
05:49.56RoarManOh :P
05:50.02onetwoquick clip
05:50.03onetwofor you
05:50.10RodOfNODthats pretty cool onetwo
05:50.11RoarManWell pausing everyone unit and forcing all players to watch the spell uber explode everything is cool too :D
05:50.18onetwoMindWorx made some sweet slowmo
05:50.20P_R_Deltoidcool lighting
05:50.23onetwothat i used in cinematic
05:50.29RoarManYea how's everyone getting such cool lighting
05:50.33RoarManIt's so neat :P
05:50.37onetwothen a lot of post-editing
05:50.43Triceronwow, very nice!
05:50.44TriceronI love it :D
05:50.49onetwothank mindworx
05:50.50onetwohes the best
05:50.52onetwoand hes afk
05:50.53onetwogod damnit
05:50.54Alpha_vsti found textures for a brutalisk WTF
05:50.59RodOfNODP_R_Deltoid u do a test at the beginning of the event if bool = true then bool = false else do what u normally do
05:51.13P_R_Deltoidyeah, but then I need to set it back when the trigger is complete
05:51.13Triceronmindworx's editing?
05:51.18P_R_Deltoidbut there are like 20 places where the trigger ends
05:51.20P_R_Deltoidor, can end
05:51.21Triceronits the ultralisk
05:51.23P_R_Deltoiddepending on things
05:51.25Triceronit's just named brutalisk
05:51.28P_R_Deltoidso I need to figure out where those places are
05:51.53onetwomindworx made an app
05:51.56onetwothat lets me slow my game
05:52.01onetwodown to like SUPER SUPER slow
05:52.02RodOfNODno i dont think so P_R_Deltoid it should be a huge if then
05:52.04onetwoso when i fraps it
05:52.09Alpha_vstim looking for the button border....
05:52.11onetwoit can get cool 300 style
05:52.15Alpha_vsti cant seem to find the right one
05:52.16Triceronis that look in game?
05:52.21Triceronor did you do video editing
05:52.34Triceronthe lighting is so altered
05:52.45TriceronI can't tell if you post processed it
05:52.54Triceronyou know what would look awesome in that vid?
05:52.57Tricerona demonhunter ;)
05:53.08onetwowell im trying to make a shiny video
05:53.09onetwofor my rpg
05:53.11P_R_Deltoidhe is scooting tot the edge of the map
05:53.15onetwobut ive already made the assassin part
05:53.15P_R_Deltoidfor some reason, the distance is ignored
05:53.21onetwowith DT
05:53.28P_R_DeltoidI want to set the Offset to the distance I want him to move, right?
05:53.29RodOfNODonetwo was he jumping off a cliff and landing on that rock>?
05:53.39onetwoi guess so Rod
05:53.42onetwoi wanted to do the whole jump
05:53.46onetwoi couldnt set unit height
05:53.47RodOfNODk well u can see he didnt land on the rock :P
05:53.52Triceronyeah hopefully NiN will figure out what my rigging issue is
05:53.57onetwohe landed on ground
05:54.05RodOfNODdid u make the unit a flyer?
05:54.07onetwobut i made his mover Fly
05:54.11onetwoand he went off the cliff nicely
05:54.16onetwobut i couldnt get him to come to the ground
05:54.18RodOfNODyes the leap is good the landing is bad
05:54.23RodOfNODwhy not?
05:54.29onetwoi can either make him flying or ground
05:54.34onetwoand Actor "Set Height"
05:54.34onetwodid nothing
05:54.39onetwofor either state
05:54.45RodOfNODit should work
05:54.49TriceronHE FIXED IT
05:54.51RodOfNODlet me try
05:54.56TriceronGonna try the fix now
05:55.01onetwoyeah i was fiddling for hour
05:55.05onetwotrying to make a smooth landing
05:55.08onetwoended up just fading
05:55.09onetwoto the ground
05:55.24TriceronI'm gonna upload this version for you guys to test
05:55.33Triceron-if- it works
05:56.15Triceronso excited
05:56.18Triceronomg omg omg
05:56.38Alpha_vstWOW FUCK YOU GAME
05:57.06P_R_Deltoidcan I force command a unit that is uncommandable with triggers?
05:57.09Alpha_vstthe command cards are not the same buttons as the minimap ones
05:57.17RodOfNODwell onetwo setting height worked for me so... that means u dont have ur unit set to a flyer correctly
05:57.20P_R_Deltoiddoes the command being sent from triggers overwrite that uncommandable state temporarily
05:57.33RodOfNODwhat command do u want to do?
05:58.11onetwohow did you set its height
05:58.41onetwooh a trigger
05:58.44RodOfNODhe was outta sight
05:58.47onetwoi used data editor
05:58.56RodOfNODwell i figured u did a cinie
05:58.57onetwocan you animate that
05:58.59onetwoover time?
05:59.04RodOfNODso over time u made him rise and fall
05:59.12RodOfNODjust run a loop with a small wait
05:59.19RodOfNODand slowly but surely change the ehight
05:59.26onetwodamn i guess ill go re-record
05:59.30onetwowhats default height for lfying unit?
05:59.32RodOfNODthats how all the good cines do it
05:59.37RodOfNODnot sure lol
05:59.44RodOfNODnot sure there is one
05:59.51P_R_Deltoidso... the  unit is moving twice of what it should
05:59.51RodOfNODsince each flyer is different height
05:59.54P_R_Deltoidbut other than that, it's working
05:59.58P_R_Deltoidshould I divide it by 2?
06:00.04RodOfNODor u might have a bug
06:00.12P_R_Deltoidalso, is there a built in rounding function
06:00.13P_R_Deltoidor something
06:00.14RodOfNODlike its ordering 2 x or something
06:00.19RodOfNODno but u can
06:00.26RodOfNODvalue + .5
06:00.44TriceronIT WORKS! IT WORKS!
06:00.53RodOfNODi told u it was a bug :>
06:00.54Triceronnow you guys must test
06:01.03RodOfNODi figure if u cant get it to work it must be a bug in the converter
06:01.36RodOfNODbtw i couldnt cnp that damn reaver/infestor :P
06:01.43P_R_Deltoidthis is too weird
06:01.55P_R_Deltoidit isn't going double, but I have no idea what it is doing
06:02.01RodOfNODhave a debug message saying where u are in each partr of the event P_R_Deltoid
06:02.10RodOfNODso u can see what actually gets executed
06:04.07Alpha_vstwoot terran civilian wireframe :P
06:04.27P_R_Deltoidyou arn't supposed to set offset, lesson learned
06:04.50P_R_Deltoidwow, I am retarded
06:04.59P_R_Deltoidit already has a distance, but I added the same distance again
06:05.00CorboI'm going to be live streaming tomorrow ;o
06:05.38CorboIf you have any Qs on graphics I might be able to help out LIVE!
06:05.40P_R_DeltoidActually, I think I did this wrong
06:05.56P_R_DeltoidI don't want a move that targets a position, do I?
06:06.01P_R_DeltoidI want a move that targets an angle
06:06.05P_R_Deltoidand goes for a distance
06:06.27RodOfNODAlpha_vst -
06:06.45RodOfNODbtn-minimap-toggleallies btn-minimap-toggleterrain
06:07.46RodOfNODslaps Alpha_vst around a bit with a large trout
06:09.54P_R_DeltoidRodOfNOD, moving to point using polar offset doesn't work
06:10.00P_R_DeltoidI can't round it
06:10.02RodOfNODwhy not
06:10.36RodOfNODlets say u can move 10 what does that really mean?
06:11.05P_R_Deltoid10... units of space.
06:11.30P_R_DeltoidThat offset has to round the number somehow or else this entire plan is screwed
06:12.06RodOfNODwell lets make this simpler
06:12.14RodOfNODlets say you move 2 units only?
06:12.31RodOfNODso if i go north directly i can move 2 squares right?
06:12.41RodOfNODsame with to the right and left and down
06:12.51RodOfNODbut what if i move at a 45 what is 2 squares
06:13.09RodOfNODdo u really want 2 diagional squares?
06:13.12P_R_Deltoidthe horizontal space of an x and y grid
06:13.14P_R_DeltoidI think
06:13.26P_R_DeltoidI was actually kind of wondering that, but it seems to translate
06:13.38P_R_Deltoidpretty well, at leat
06:13.48RodOfNODwell grab ur terran and have grid on
06:13.54RodOfNODand see that its not the same distance
06:14.34RodOfNODthe position at 45 is much longer
06:14.49RodOfNODis that what u want or do u want the 2 spaces in a circle?
06:15.11P_R_DeltoidI want it to be equal no matter what direction
06:15.33RodOfNODthat doesn answer my question
06:16.35P_R_DeltoidI don't get the question then
06:17.12RodOfNODmaking a pic
06:17.36greg if anyone knows a solution to this please let me know
06:18.46RodOfNOD P_R_Deltoid
06:18.56RodOfNODdo u want the one on the left or the right?
06:19.14P_R_DeltoidI see what you mean now
06:19.21RodOfNODwell that should be easy
06:19.26P_R_Deltoidshould be indeed
06:19.27RodOfNODlet me looksie
06:21.10*** join/#sc2mapster dukka (
06:22.11RodOfNODP_R_Deltoid i forget were we rounding or not?
06:22.31P_R_DeltoidWell... I am trying to do that right now
06:22.32P_R_Deltoidor was
06:22.42RodOfNOD4.5 ?
06:22.49P_R_Deltoidwhat do you mean?
06:22.52RodOfNOD5 ?
06:22.55RodOfNOD4.5 =
06:22.58RodOfNOD5 ?
06:26.13P_R_Deltoidcrap, the difference machine is retarded
06:34.28RodOfNOD P_R_Deltoid i think its what u want but u will ahve issues
06:34.48P_R_Deltoidwith what
06:34.49RodOfNODu need to walk from one square to another to avoid the issues
06:35.02RodOfNODwell its possible to move around in a circle and not end up in the same spot
06:35.12RodOfNODeven though i am rounding etc
06:35.17RodOfNODbut its close to working
06:35.45RodOfNODud have to use some trig i think to really make it work properly
06:36.11RodOfNODbut that code works based on what i said u should do
06:36.55RodOfNODi cant believe i fouind that stupid texture he wanted and then alpha left
06:38.21P_R_DeltoidIs that Point with Polar Offset? It doesn't look like mine
06:38.24P_R_Deltoidthat last part isn't on my
06:38.26P_R_Deltoid"to yadadad"
06:41.33P_R_DeltoidI did that
06:42.03P_R_Deltoidalso, have you tested this? Because if you offset it by the distance, it will just end up going twice as far
06:42.09P_R_Deltoidoffset doesn't need to be set.
06:42.22P_R_Deltoidohhh wait
06:42.23P_R_Deltoidoh wait
06:45.39RodOfNODwell it works is all i can tell u
06:45.47RodOfNODwhether it does what u want is another issue
06:45.59P_R_DeltoidI see my problem, I was targetting the point, not the unit itself, so the offset was useless
06:46.06P_R_Deltoidwell, it appears to work... I think
06:46.11P_R_Deltoidtime to turn on decimals and see whats up
06:49.01RodOfNODwell i am off to zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
06:49.04RodOfNODhope that helped
06:49.10P_R_Deltoidyou did
06:49.12RodOfNODnite nite
06:49.13P_R_Deltoidthanks a lot
07:01.25*** join/#sc2mapster Clord (
07:03.51P_R_Deltoidit works
07:03.54P_R_Deltoidalthough it has a massive bug
07:22.44*** join/#sc2mapster BoltHead (4733c97e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
07:23.09*** join/#sc2mapster BoltHead (4733c97e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
07:23.15BoltHeadHello Hello =)
07:25.07BoltHeadIs there a way to specify the fire type death when you kill a unit via triggers?
07:26.23*** join/#sc2mapster xinehp (18e02a05@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
07:26.39xinehpsup guys
07:26.55P_R_DeltoidI... have no idea
07:27.01P_R_Deltoidprobably, but I can't see it
07:29.09RepoNew map: Paradise Corners. Tissu3 (Manager/Author). Approved by sixen.
07:31.50xinehpThat your map?
07:32.19*** join/#sc2mapster axlyin (d0365548@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
07:32.39axlyininternet :3
07:33.55P_R_DeltoidRepo is a bot
07:34.04P_R_Deltoidhe does that automatically when Sixen approves something
07:34.19xinehpFucking robots, how do they work?
07:34.27P_R_Deltoidrobot magic
07:34.33xinehpMagnets, you say?
07:34.44Fiskerfucking rainbows
07:34.48Fiskerafter it rains
07:35.28SixenRepo is the fucking man.
07:36.03xinehpSixen can you change a map slug?
07:36.39SixenPossibly, gimme a link?
07:36.59P_R_DeltoidIs there any way to check if a unit cannot get to an area through triggers
07:36.59xinehpCan you rename my Badling Defense map slug to something like /badling-defense or badlings or some combination of bad, zergling, and defense, and / or narwhal?
07:37.11P_R_Deltoidlike if it is targetting an area it cannot run to because of blockage
07:39.09xinehpaweomse, thanks
07:39.32xinehpyou should play it, now :P
07:42.26xinehpDeltoid, have you tried making a trigger  with event Unit Issued Order, and then a wait for condition of Triggering unit being idle, then check if it is in the destination region
07:42.43P_R_Deltoiddo they go idle?
07:42.48P_R_DeltoidThat is a good idea
07:42.57xinehpthey should if they can't get there
07:43.09SixenAnyone want something newsed?
07:43.19TehwildcardTomorrow is my birthday
07:43.21Tehwildcardnot really
07:43.23Tehwildcardbut you can news it
07:43.34TehwildcardTell people to send me money too
07:43.53P_R_Deltoidconditions are And by default, correct
07:44.03P_R_Deltoidwoops nevermind
07:44.25TehwildcardYeah it has to check all conditions
07:44.28xinehpi think they are  || by default
07:44.30Tehwildcardyou can add an and though
07:44.38P_R_DeltoidI did that
07:44.41P_R_DeltoidJust in case
07:46.18xinehplmao, nvm
07:46.53xinehpi was making the trigger to see if i could, and there is a "Point is Passable" function
07:47.40P_R_DeltoidYeah, but I don't think that does what it says it does
07:47.42P_R_DeltoidI tried it earlier
07:48.00P_R_DeltoidI think it sees if only the point is possible to get to, like if it's on the same plane or something
07:48.03P_R_Deltoidmight as well try again I guess
07:48.41BoltHeadAny ideas as to how to kill a unit with a trigger and make it die with the Fire animation?
07:49.09TehwildcardCouldn't you just set the area you dont want them to click in a region
07:49.15Tehwildcardthen do if player clicks in region
07:49.47axlyinI think I may work on an interesting project when my hero map is done
07:49.49xinehpis there a way to do a private chat in irc? never use this
07:50.06axlyinI think I'mma make a fully functional, all 3 talent tree having WoW Rogue
07:50.08axlyinout of a zergling
07:50.12P_R_DeltoidOkay, you may need to understand what I am doing, I want it so that, when I click with the middle mouse button, a dummy unit, like a little floating light (currently a zergling) spawns and moves towards the main unit
07:50.31P_R_DeltoidI hope to create a little light beam between the location clicked and the unit
07:50.34P_R_Deltoidbut if it can't make it there
07:50.44P_R_DeltoidI want the unit to disappear and be able to throw up some flavor text saying it's unreachable
07:51.08xinehpbool gt_UntitledTrigger001_Func (bool testConds, bool runActions) {     // Actions     if (!runActions) {         return true;     }      while (!((UnitGroupHasUnit(UnitGroupIdle(1, false), EventUnit()) == true))) {         Wait(1.0, c_timeGame);     }     if ((RegionContainsPoint(RegionCircle(EventUnitTargetPoint(), 1.0), UnitGetPosition(EventUnit())) == true)) {     }     else {     }     return true;
07:51.26P_R_Deltoidwtf is that
07:51.28axlyinactually a Zealot would fit rogues better
07:51.58xinehpthat's your trigger :P
07:52.26*** join/#sc2mapster Muffin_ (46476138@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
07:52.39axlyinDo you know
07:52.40axlyinthe muffin man?
07:52.49Tehwildcardthe muffin man?
07:53.14Muffin_cancel a spawn, abortion?
07:53.16axlyinTHE MUFFIN MAN!
07:53.27Muffin_am i right?
07:53.54axlyinblizzard supports abortion
07:54.07Muffin_zerg abortions..
07:54.37Muffin_dont click that
07:55.18xinehprule #1 and 2 dude...
07:55.42*** join/#sc2mapster onetwo (ae070b69@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
07:55.43*** mode/#sc2mapster [+v onetwo] by ChanServ
07:56.26Muffin_starcraft 1 turets had people inside them?
07:57.33xinehpI need an idea for a map...
07:57.34Muffin_hmmg uess so..
07:57.44Muffin_make a vagina..
07:57.48Muffin_like in sc1
07:58.03Muffin_fertalize the eggs..
07:58.03TehwildcardThat game was amazing
07:58.07xinehpnewfag, you can't hotlink 4chan images...
07:58.09Muffin_it was :D
07:59.01Muffin_how do you get 2 zerglings from on larva.. WTF?!
08:00.17TehwildcardYou made me resort to a sandbox
08:02.08*** join/#sc2mapster Repo (
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08:11.38P_R_DeltoidHow do I make a unit look like the stand animation of the hallucination birth effect?
08:11.46P_R_DeltoidI set it's actor to that effect
08:11.50P_R_Deltoidbut it's just a blank unit
08:12.10*** join/#sc2mapster LordAbyss (48c97224@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
08:12.12TehwildcardI think it will just play the birth animation once
08:12.17TehwildcardDo you try to run it?
08:12.29P_R_DeltoidWell, I don't see it at the start, so you could be right
08:12.33P_R_Deltoidrun the animation or the map...?
08:12.56TehwildcardRun map and move unit around
08:13.08P_R_DeltoidI do, it's not there
08:13.26P_R_Deltoidproblem is the camera doesn't see it right at the start, so there is a chance it fires once and stops
08:13.33Tehwildcardprobably it
08:16.19P_R_Deltoiddunno how to stop it though
08:16.40BoltHeadanyone know how to cause a unit to die with a fire death animation  via triggers?
08:22.13P_R_Deltoidyou willing to use the data editor?
08:22.18P_R_Deltoidpretty sure that is the only way
08:22.30P_R_Deltoidmake an effect that causes the unit to die with fire animation death, and apply it via triggers
08:22.43P_R_DeltoidI saw it earlier, but I don't recall where it was in the data editor, I can't help you too much with that
08:23.00P_R_Deltoidbut maybe you should start looking there instead of struggling with triggers that probably don't have that functionality
08:27.27Sixenlol TWC
08:30.15ProzaicMuzeBah, I hate how some of these effect models only play 50% of the time. . . even in the previewer Xp
08:31.06*** join/#sc2mapster Pierro (5a20a2d6@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
08:31.32PierroHello !!
08:32.58P_R_Deltoidwtf changing owners increases used supply
08:33.03P_R_Deltoidthat is dumb
08:33.19Triceron booyah
08:33.36Triceronposed in proper stand animations
08:33.47ProzaicMuzetaht's boring
08:33.55ProzaicMuzeMake me some cool commando units!
08:34.02HelralP_R why would that be dumb?
08:34.12Triceronyou've not seen my commando?
08:34.15P_R_Deltoidbecause it's the same unit yet the supply keeps adding up
08:34.26P_R_DeltoidI keep changing the owner of thise archon and my spply never drops when it leaves my control
08:34.32P_R_Deltoidit just adds again when I get it back
08:34.32PierroIs it possible to make custom Folder in data editor like in the trigger editor ??
08:34.41Helralahhh then it's dumb that the supply doesn't drop.
08:34.46ProzaicMuzeNot that i know of Pierro
08:34.47P_R_DeltoidIndeed it is
08:34.48P_R_DeltoidOh well
08:34.51P_R_Deltoidthe idea didn't work anyways
08:34.58ProzaicMuze@Triceron I mean a commando for ME :D
08:35.00xinehpanyone mind playing this map & giving feedback?
08:35.06PierroThis could be a cool feature for your project Nicoli_s
08:35.17ProzaicMuzexinehp, what's the point/goal of the map?
08:35.24TehwildcardIs that a panda face on his shield
08:35.26Triceronhey what's wrng with my commando, it's a perfectly good commando
08:35.27xinehpsingle player defense
08:35.36P_R_Deltoidgonna get some data editor fiend to help me make this dude leave a trail tomorrow and this shit is gonna be rolling
08:35.53ProzaicMuzelol Triceron, yes. . . but it's not MY commando. . . makemeonenaowkthxbai! :D
08:36.03TriceronI don't even know what you're making
08:36.05ProzaicMuze@Xine, sure I can check it out in a min.  Keep in mind I'm a harsh critic lol
08:36.09*** join/#sc2mapster Furyhunter (
08:36.20ProzaicMuzedoesn't know what he's making either :( he just wants a cool model lol
08:36.48ProzaicMuzeBut I do like the zerg commando and the WC3 model shtuffs :)
08:36.49*** join/#sc2mapster probalon (48c11cc7@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
08:36.57Triceron:D thx
08:36.58Tehwildcardxinehp, if I lose I'm going to hate it
08:37.05probalonok, can anyone tell me how to change the prefix of an ability?
08:37.18TriceronI plan to make more.  And I think I can use more war3 anims to get things done faster
08:37.43xinehpYou will lose at least 1 time for each level before you know what units you need to counter.
08:37.59ProzaicMuze@probalon in the Editor - Prefix field
08:38.09ProzaicMuzeI never lose
08:38.11ProzaicMuzeI'm amazing
08:38.19ProzaicMuzeI just whip out teh Uberlisk and the game surrenders to me!
08:38.48probalonprozaic, there is no prefix field for the ability I'm editing
08:39.06probalonthe following tabs show: stats, ability, cost, effect
08:39.13probalonnone have it @_@
08:39.16ProzaicMuzeahh, you don't have table view on
08:39.18Pierroyou rnext tutorial should be how to create the giant terran robot
08:39.23xinehpI'd really like an opinion of the difficulty for players other than me. I made it so that it's just barely possible for me, who designed every aspect of the map. (I lose to it 85% of the time)
08:39.40ProzaicMuzeClick all 5 buttons to the left of the Search bar..  Ignore the 6th button to the left of th edivide.
08:39.49probalondang thanks prozaic
08:39.51ProzaicMuzeThen you shoudl be able to see all the fields in a neater fashion
08:39.51probalonwow noob
08:40.10ProzaicMuzelol, that fix yeh problem?
08:41.40Pierrowill you be my beta tester ?
08:41.42ProzaicMuzeAnd Pierro, if yeh want tha ttutorial, go request it in my poll lol
08:41.46ProzaicMuzeSure, I'd love to :)
08:42.02PierroI might have a playable version today
08:42.13Pierrobut there will only the building system
08:42.16ProzaicMuzelol sounds good
08:42.20Pierrono hostile
08:42.31ProzaicMuzethat's fine
08:43.06PierroIf I were better at trgger it should have been better
08:43.46ProzaicMuzelol, no worries.  I'm pitiful with triggers, so it's not like could yeh much ther anyways
08:43.52Tehwildcardxinehp, defeat didn't trigger first time
08:44.15xinehpOk guys, im making a melee map, what texture set should I use?
08:44.30xinehpTehwildcard, eh?
08:45.00ProzaicMuzexine, you should make a theme for the map in your mind, then picka texture set that matches it
08:45.01xinehp.... how do i computer? I don't even. What is this?
08:47.12ProzaicMuzexine, I'm not sure what the victory/defeat conditions are
08:47.16ProzaicMuzealso, the game starts way too fast.
08:47.20xinehpok... belshir it is
08:47.41xinehpvictory = killing everything. defeat = more badlings than deadlings.
08:48.20ProzaicMuzeAll I've seen are zerglings, how are the other two formed?
08:48.33xinehpyou have to kill 50 to get to level 2
08:48.39xinehpthen level 3 has roaches
08:49.33xinehpbadling = any zerg unit in the region behind the bridge, deadling = your current level kills
08:50.06ProzaicMuzemmk, that makes more sense
08:52.01xinehpYeah it all started in the Proof-of-Concept stage, I was making the unit counter and stuff, and just thought of easily remembered variable names, and they stuck with the map.
08:52.04*** join/#sc2mapster RedWraith (
08:55.55ProzaicMuzexine, was it intentional for there not to be a barracks?
08:56.42xinehp??? there are barracks
08:56.51xinehppress 2
08:57.10ProzaicMuzeahh, it's behind a doodad
08:58.13axlyinhey prozaic
08:58.16xinehpyeah all the structures are pregrouped.  gateway/rax is 2, factory/mech bay 3, starport/stargate 4, nexus/orbital 5
08:58.27axlyinhave you done beams with channeled abilities?
08:59.05axlyinyou should add it to your tuts
08:59.45axlyinBecause while your tuts gave me the ideas with what to mess with to get it to work, it didn't actually tell me what to do and it took me like 4 hours lol.
08:59.56ProzaicMuzelol well, how do you have yours setup?
09:00.04ProzaicMuzeSince depending on the ability, the tutorial already explains it
09:00.10ProzaicMuzeMost of the time it's just a change in the beam's animation duration
09:00.18axlyinmy ability was very particular
09:01.27axlyinit's an abilty, that uses an effect, that adds a negative buff to target, that periodically does damage and I was having a lot of issues as to what I should attach the actor to.
09:01.42axlyinit creates a persistent
09:01.45axlyinthat every .5 seconds
09:01.52axlyinit debuffs the target
09:01.56axlyinthat lasts .5 seconds
09:02.05axlyinthat does damage
09:02.40ProzaicMuzeSo it goes ability > Apply Buff > Damage > Apply Buff > Damage > Apply Buff > Damage etc?
09:02.50axlyinno it's
09:03.14axlyinAbility > Persistent > Apply Buff > Damage >Apply Buff > Damage
09:03.21axlyinand it wouldn't work on sourcechannelstart
09:03.59axlyinit took me so damn long to figure out to attach it to the persistent instead of the ability, and to change the targets of the persistent
09:04.09axlyinthe location, location offset, and location end
09:04.10ProzaicMuzeMmk, and why do you have it doing repeated buffs as opposed to one debuff that does damage every .5?
09:04.34axlyinit's channeled
09:04.36axlyinand I wanted the debuff
09:04.40axlyinon the target
09:04.45axlyinso they knew wtf it was
09:04.58axlyinbasically it's
09:05.03axlyina warlocks Drain Life from WoW
09:05.25ProzaicMuzeWell, then here's all you really needed:
09:05.34axlyinso the only way I knew to channel was to do persistent
09:05.35ProzaicMuzeAbility > Apply Behavior > Debuff > Damage evry period
09:05.50ProzaicMuzeThen the beam is linked to the behavior
09:05.56ProzaicMuzeand is destroyed when the behavior is destroyed
09:05.57axlyinwell the problem with apply behavior
09:06.06axlyinis I can't stop channeling it
09:06.19ProzaicMuzeThat way it channels the whole length of the buff AND if the buff is removed early, the destroy makes the beam disappear early too
09:06.37axlyinhow do you make it stop channeling?
09:06.42ProzaicMuzeOn the ability itself
09:06.50ProzaicMuzeyou have to make channelling interruptible
09:06.54axlyinI mean
09:06.57axlyinyou can interrupt a buff?
09:07.20ProzaicMuzeOh, so you want to be able to cast the spell and stop it at any time?
09:08.19axlyinwith a max time
09:08.30axlyinso if I were to put a buff with a timer on it
09:08.33ProzaicMuzeI believe you can put a validator on the buff that removes it when the caster starts walking
09:08.39axlyineven if i canceled it wouldn't stop
09:08.49axlyinwhat if you cancel and stand still
09:09.12ProzaicMuzeSo you want to have a button for canceling as well?
09:09.32axlyinit's all working 100%
09:09.35axlyinjust took forever x.x
09:09.36ProzaicMuzeThen add that to the validator
09:09.57ProzaicMuzeIt'd be a combined validator that removes the buff if you are walking OR you cancel the ability
09:09.57axlyinI just noticed a flag on behavior buff
09:10.01axlyinthat says channeling and channeled
09:10.20axlyinwhat happens if the ability has those checked
09:10.20axlyinand you have a timer
09:10.24axlyincan it be interrupted?
09:10.33ProzaicMuzeHrm, one sec, lemme look at those
09:11.24ProzaicMuze@xine - btw, the difficulty is ok-ish, but I definitely think there needs to be a timer before it starts so that new players can take in the environment.  Otherwise they're going to lose several times right away and likely not come back to your game.
09:12.02axlyini'm working on a hero arena and this particular unit is very much like a warlock in wow
09:12.08ProzaicMuzeI "think" that if you set the flag to "channeled"
09:12.21ProzaicMuzeThat means the caster channels the buff, whereas channeling means the buff channels the effect.
09:12.38ProzaicMuzeGranted I dunno how having a difference between the two is helpful
09:13.02axlyini have another question
09:13.07axlyinhow the hell do you add a cast bar
09:13.17ProzaicMuzeFor when a unit is casting a spell?
09:13.37axlyinwhen it's channeling
09:13.47axlyinlike when an infestor is using the parasite thingy
09:13.59ProzaicMuzeDepends, are you wanting it on the UI or on the unit itself?
09:14.17axlyinthe one that shows up in the ui in game
09:14.28axlyinlike where the xp bar is if you have xp
09:14.51ProzaicMuzegood question, give me a sec
09:14.54axlyinor like when you are building a building the progress bar
09:15.04ProzaicMuzeI dunno if that's the trigger one or the one I've done before, gotta test a map to see what happens lol
09:15.22axlyink lol
09:17.10ProzaicMuzeHrm, I'm not entirely sure
09:17.24ProzaicMuzeI'm iffish on heroes because I've had onetwo be my hero expert lmao
09:17.31axlyintesting 1, one sec
09:18.13ProzaicMuzeTry this
09:18.18axlyindamn didn't work
09:18.20ProzaicMuzego to the ability and go down to UI - Show Progress
09:18.38ProzaicMuzeCheck the box by Channel
09:21.19RepoNew announcement:
09:21.19axlyingot it!
09:21.20ProzaicMuzeWhen you cast the spell, does your character stand there? Or does it animate?
09:21.22axlyinhad to add a cast finish time
09:21.46ProzaicMuzeSo that gives yeh the channel progress bar?
09:21.56*** join/#sc2mapster LordAbyss2 (
09:22.08ProzaicMuzeWhat is you doin' up!
09:22.42axlyinwith the check box
09:22.42ProzaicMuzeWell yeah lol
09:22.42ProzaicMuzeI assumed that, I just didn't know yeh needed a cast finish time as well
09:22.47axlyinnow the problem is
09:22.51ProzaicMuzeI've only ever set it for prepare
09:22.55axlyinhow the hell do i put an icon on it lol
09:23.02*** part/#sc2mapster LordAbyss2 (
09:23.02ProzaicMuzeOn the bare?
09:23.10axlyinyeah it's just a big blue box
09:23.18ProzaicMuzeI think that's a trigger thing lol
09:23.30ProzaicMuzeAnd as such would leave me poorly qualified to answer :(
09:25.09axlyinwell at least i don't need it right now
09:26.09axlyinand now we both learned something :D
09:26.34axlyinand btw
09:26.37axlyinthanks for the tut :D
09:26.40ProzaicMuzenp :)
09:26.43axlyinboth of em
09:26.45axlyinquite nice
09:26.46ProzaicMuzeHave you already voted for the next tutorial?
09:26.57axlyinneg, where I do this?
09:26.59ProzaicMuzeSince here in a bit I'm gonna close the poll and start the next one up
09:27.13axlyinlink me
09:27.26ProzaicMuzeVote there and if you have any specific requests leave it in the thread
09:27.34ProzaicMuzeI might pick it for a voting option
09:28.23axlyinmost of those are covered pretty well minus tower def
09:28.26axlyinwhat I'd suggest
09:28.37axlyinis an in depth advanced spell coverage
09:28.46ProzaicMuzetoss it in the thread then :)
09:28.53ProzaicMuzeAll of the voting options were things people were asking me a lot for
09:29.07ProzaicMuzeSo despite coverage, people apparently STILL want a tutorial lol
09:29.48axlyinI mean like
09:29.57*** join/#sc2mapster Krakarn (
09:30.01axlyinother things people don't really cover
09:30.08axlyinhangars, abilities that spread
09:30.12axlyinCHANNELED abilities
09:30.23axlyinI didn't find a single channeled ability post anywhere
09:30.32xinehp anyone got any ideas about how to do this?
09:30.57*** join/#sc2mapster DarkPrince (
09:31.08axlyininstead of doing los blocker
09:31.18axlyinjust add behavior that reduces sight range
09:31.24axlyinit'd be more realistic
09:31.41axlyinand easy >.>
09:32.22axlyinI actually made an ability like that
09:32.22axlyincalled spore cloud
09:32.29axlyinexcept it also slows
09:32.49axlyinbasically it's
09:33.15axlyinAbility  effect target > Persistent
09:33.34PierroSmoking grenade
09:33.39axlyinAbility effect target > Persistent > Search > Apply buff
09:33.59Pierroyou could allso pu a Set effect
09:34.02Pierrowith a create
09:34.14Pierrowhich create a unit with blocking los
09:34.21Pierrothen give him timed life
09:34.36Pierroand when you kill persistant
09:34.45axlyinmy ability also defogs and detects :D
09:34.47Pierroyou kill teh spawned blocking unit
09:35.27axlyinif you reduce sight range by a bajillion
09:35.27axlyinyou don't need that
09:35.35PierroSo that would be Abi > create persistant > Seffect
09:35.50Pierro> dammage, smoke, etc
09:35.52SixenIf anyone knows of anything cool to stick in the news, let me know
09:36.10PierroMaybe my map will be one day
09:36.10axlyinobama is black
09:36.18SixenHES WHAT?
09:36.21SixenSince when?
09:36.31SixenI missed it.
09:36.45axlyinit's nice to actually see you talkign sixen lol
09:36.54axlyinok so, who's the trigger guru?
09:37.05Pierronot me
09:37.09Pierroim idea guru
09:37.15Pierrodata editor
09:37.18Pierroa little bit
09:37.33axlyinso far my list of people to ask about things i need are onetwo, prozaic, and bifuu
09:37.36Pierroim data editor idea weird guru
09:37.36axlyinbut that's all DE
09:37.52axlyinI'm making many strange abilities for heroes :D
09:37.52Pierrofor me
09:38.00axlyinmaking a hero battle multiplayer map
09:38.03ProzaicMuzeBeider, RedWraith and Helral are all good trigger folk
09:38.04PierroBeider is a guru
09:38.11Pierroredwraith aswell
09:38.26PierroBeider is serious business
09:38.33axlyini have a question
09:38.34Pierrogo watch his tutorial
09:38.37ProzaicMuzeAnd rrowland is good with the trigger, but certain things he won't share with you if they're part of his map.
09:38.38axlyinthat I just can't figure out
09:38.51axlyindoes my hangar units
09:38.54axlyinnot attack
09:39.01axlyinuntil I move from the place I was attacking at
09:39.01axlyinand why
09:39.05PierroPRozaic well his thing is actor site op
09:39.17axlyindo they not attack if their weapon has a duration
09:39.19axlyinother than .0
09:39.19ProzaicMuzerrowland is site ops?
09:39.33ProzaicMuzeOh, you were talkin' about me lol
09:39.33axlyincan anyone answer those?
09:39.39Pierrofor me rrowland is good too
09:39.40*** part/#sc2mapster Tehwildcard (
09:39.47ProzaicMuzeI'm an ability and site ops guy atm/
09:39.52ProzaicMuzeAnd hangar question. . .
09:40.05Pierroi am Anno Sims And dungeon keeper guru
09:40.06ProzaicMuzehow do you have the hanger units setup currently?
09:40.19PierroI can answer weird question
09:40.22axlyinsend to target, leash 3
09:40.33axlyinthey are external
09:40.33PierroI fixed Phaos missile problem yesterday
09:40.34axlyinauto build
09:40.45PierroI turend water into wine with DE
09:40.53axlyinon recall
09:41.14ProzaicMuzelol what was his problem Pierro?
09:41.21axlyinand their weapon is not straff
09:41.25Pierrohe set impact range 7
09:41.26ProzaicMuzewell, other than it not firing from where he wanted
09:41.30Pierroand its weapon had 7 range
09:41.38Pierroi m guru
09:41.45ProzaicMuzeOr he is nub :S
09:41.53Pierroi prefer being guru
09:42.04axlyinok so prozaic, get this
09:42.05ProzaicMuzeso axlyin, they only attack if you move?
09:42.20axlyinthey only operate correctly if perfectly still
09:42.22axlyinif I move then attack
09:42.26axlyinand they have to move
09:42.34axlyinthey basically spam the attack ability
09:42.45axlyinevery .0 sec
09:42.54axlyinand if the attack doesn't have a .0 sec duration
09:43.03axlyinthe attack never finishes launching
09:43.17ProzaicMuzelol have you compared your hangar unit to the interceptor?
09:43.21axlyinI mean I could set it to strafe but I don't really want to
09:43.32axlyintheir weapons are strafe
09:43.43ProzaicMuzedo you have the weapons setup to allow movement?
09:44.05ProzaicMuzeno deceleration, can initiate attack?
09:44.07axlyinthe problem is
09:44.18axlyinthat it sends the attack command every .0 seconds
09:44.19axlyinand yes
09:44.41ProzaicMuzeby attack do you mean weapon period?
09:44.45axlyinis there any way to get around this other than strafe?
09:44.54axlyinlike if I made the hangar unit clickable
09:45.03axlyinyou'd see the icon for the weapon
09:45.07axlyinflashing a billion times per second
09:45.25ProzaicMuzewhat's the weapon's period?
09:45.28axlyinno matter what the durations of it are
09:45.36axlyinit doesn't matter what the period is
09:45.39axlyinit still does it
09:45.53axlyini had to set it to 0 so that it'd at least fire
09:46.10ProzaicMuzelol, I'm gonna have to see the map so i can look at your fields :S
09:46.42axlyinlol I'm beginning to think the only thing I can do to fix it is set it to strafe
09:46.53*** join/#sc2mapster Daeden (
09:47.11axlyinhow can I send you my map without publicly posting it?
09:48.00axlyinor better question, is there a way to make it so your strafe weapon, doesn't actually make you move?
09:49.07axlyinlike if i put the units strafe radius to 0?
09:50.29ProzaicMuzeyou could try it
09:50.36ProzaicMuzeand you can give me a link through wiki upload in private
09:51.04axlyinit's 6 am
09:51.12axlyinand my fiance is sleeping and I should be too lol
09:51.37Pierrolook a other side of the situation
09:51.42Pierroyou could wake upat 6
09:51.45axlyinso ty for all the advice, i'll send you word if it works, if not i'll send you the link
09:52.01axlyinnight all
10:04.25SixenI've been MIA lately, I know :(
10:15.12ProzaicMuzebah, I love it when torrents wil say 2hrs left
10:15.15ProzaicMuzefor 24hrs. . .
10:18.51*** join/#sc2mapster Zaratulius (594fa4e9@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
10:22.49GrumSixen: fix the url in the last newpost plx
10:22.58Grum'here for free' links to
10:23.01Grumseems broken ;)
10:24.57*** join/#sc2mapster SCLMaul (
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10:30.17RepoNew map: Turn Based Combat Game. Hamstroman (Manager/Author). Approved by grum.
10:33.27RepoNew map: Baroonda1.0. Nightmarjoo (Manager/Author). Approved by grum.
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11:07.02ProzaicMuzeGo vote!
11:08.20*** join/#sc2mapster s4ikD (
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11:11.41ProzaicMuzelol is there any reason why setting a behavior to disable movement wouldn't stop a unit from moving?
11:22.41*** join/#sc2mapster Dustin| (
11:26.35Helralcause the enable/disable stuff in the behaviors don't work correctly?
11:28.17ProzaicMuzeBah, that sucks Xp
11:29.43ProzaicMuzeI guess I'll just have to add dummy damage to the end of the movement crap
11:29.53ProzaicMuzeand disable attack
11:38.15Pierrohi again
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12:24.53Ashamedhow does the if condition is true then do action work??
12:24.58Ashamedall it does it freeze my computer :(
12:26.21ProzaicMuzeIt searches for mappers named Ashamed and rapes their computer.
12:28.28*** join/#sc2mapster JamesObscura_ (
12:28.33Ashamedoh shiz
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12:46.23PierroProzaicMuze: I didnt think it would take so long
12:46.47PierroI only created the units needed
12:51.30ProzaicMuzeTime for me to test?
12:53.26*** join/#sc2mapster Daeden (
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12:58.25Pierroprozaicmuze : i need to link them now
13:02.28*** join/#sc2mapster liq3 (
13:06.02ProzaicMuzelink the unts?
13:11.15PierroProzaicMuze : well Set the rbuilding system
13:11.38PierroSet in motion the whole fabrication process
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13:33.22Pierrohow is called the tube shaped part of most of gun in english ?
13:33.27Pierrocanon aswell ?
13:34.07PierroGoogle says barrel
13:34.29hyarionand what does wikipedia saY?
13:35.05Pierrohmm Didn't check
13:35.13Pierrobut I think its barrel
13:45.06*** join/#sc2mapster Zoxc (
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13:57.04*** join/#sc2mapster Phaos (cba0745e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
13:57.30Phaosholy crap depthsofchaos' netstorm remake is looking AWESOME
13:57.54Jum-JumThe game from... zomg 96?
13:57.58Jum-Jumor was it 98...
13:58.05Jum-JumThe old RTs game anyway! Where you build bridges and stuff
13:58.06Phaosthats the one
13:58.08Jum-Jumawesome, link! gief! show! front page news
14:00.31Clordremakes are starting to become also big business
14:00.37Clord2d games getting remaked 3d
14:01.09*** join/#sc2mapster Muffin_ (42b73639@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
14:01.30Muffin_yes no?
14:01.52Phaoswhat other remakes clord ?
14:02.15Jum-Jumthat remake was the best thing ive seen in SC2 so far
14:02.36Jum-JumI wonder how much space custom sounds would take
14:02.47Phaospitty he doesn't have randomised islands yet, but so excite
14:02.49Jum-Jumim fairly sure that the sounds are like in .wav or something
14:02.56Phaossounds are space heavy :P
14:03.02Jum-Jumaww :(
14:03.07Jum-Jumthanks 10mb limit BLIZZARD :(
14:03.27Jum-JumI would be happy enough as long as it would have those sounds when you place towers and stuff
14:05.41casperb_release will have more assets tho, plenty of sound junk ^^
14:05.44PhaosFor the rain... for the thun-der... for the STOOOORRRRMMM
14:06.27*** join/#sc2mapster Andy66654 (~opera@
14:07.09Phaosphase two is out soon :D
14:07.14PierroSo Phaos
14:07.21Phaosno >.>
14:07.24Phaosno I havn't
14:07.24Pierroyour unit
14:07.43Pierromy map is wow
14:07.48Pierroin term of work
14:08.07PhaosI can't submit my creature like it is with 1 partially working weapon out of three -_-
14:08.15Phaosyeah but at least it will be fun work :D
14:08.25Pierrolot of copy pasting
14:08.40Pierroits like a plate of spaghetti
14:08.45Andy66654Phaos: phase 2 of SC2 Beta?
14:11.26ProzaicMuzetbh I had no idea what was going on in depths movie lmao
14:11.27ProzaicMuzebut it was cool
14:11.38ProzaicMuzeGO VOTE NAOW!!
14:11.55ProzaicMuzehas done his quarterly daily poll plug
14:12.07ProzaicMuzeBack to watchin' moovees
14:12.18PhaosProzaicMuze, oh great and powerful lord of attachments, as your humble apprentice plz 2 b lookn at my broke
14:12.33ProzaicMuzeOh, and Phaos, I here your missile problem was fixed by Pierro lol
14:12.47ProzaicMuzehear* even
14:12.57Phaosnot quite fixed
14:13.07Phaosit has issues
14:13.12PhaosI rebuilt it from scratch
14:13.19Phaosno dupign of other actors
14:13.23ProzaicMuzewhat's teh issue this time?
14:13.25PierroJesus, what went on my mind whe I created all those units
14:14.34PhaosI have it to the point where it will fire (from the origin >.>) as a missile and do damage. but it will not make the launch or impact actors or come from the attachment, as far as I can tell it's because it's not using the attack actor, but it is certainly linked. so I don't know wtf
14:15.00Phaosattack action actor that is
14:16.04Jum-JumProzaicMuze: It's pretty much an exact copy of the RTS game from 98.
14:16.30Phaosit totally makes sense that it's ignoring that actor, considering it's not obeying my attachment instructions, AND it's not playign the launch and impact actors which are most certainly token linked
14:16.34ProzaicMuzeSilly silly attachment nub
14:16.50ProzaicMuzeToss me the map again, I'll take another look
14:17.05Jum-Jumthat looks pretty chaotic if you dont know the game tho lol
14:17.06PhaosI'll have to upload again as it's new :P
14:17.19ProzaicMuzeu bettah!
14:17.56ProzaicMuzeholy crap that's a lot of turrets
14:19.22*** part/#sc2mapster Andy66654 (~opera@
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14:19.57Ashamedof course had to be a long day
14:20.10PhaosI find it weird how depths has to place a platform for the unit to sit on first.. must be a restriction of the pathing
14:22.26Phaoswhat program does onetwo use to record his tuts ?
14:25.16Phaosalso I think I'm pretty handy with attachments now. it's just I'm trying to understand something completely new atm.. missiles. I hate them so much
14:25.26Phaosthey make little to no sense
14:30.26Phaosalso. netstorm intro movie
14:30.30Phaoslol old cg
14:36.11ProzaicMuzeMan, twilight eclipse is so emo
14:37.42Phaoswhy would you watch any of the twighlight movies
14:37.45Phaosor read the books even
14:37.57ProzaicMuzeBecause I wanted to see the werewolves rape them vampires!
14:38.04ProzaicMuzeI downloaded the movie and skipped ahead to the fight lol
14:38.07ProzaicMuzebut even then it was emo!
14:38.34Phaosthat author is a joke, she has gone on record as saying the only vampire thing she has ever actually read/watch was the /start/ of the 'interview with a vampire' movie
14:38.56ProzaicMuzeIf she was a joke, she wouldn't be wealthy
14:39.16Phaosshes wealthy cos she writes exactly what teenage girls wanna hear :P
14:39.18ProzaicMuzeThe books are pretty good from a reader's stand point, it's the movies that are ebil
14:39.44ProzaicMuzeAs opposed to people who make a million explosions in a movie because us guys want to watch things go boom?
14:40.14Phaoswhich is why the diehard series did so well :P
14:40.43PierroMAc lane FTW
14:40.57ProzaicMuzeNow the bourne series
14:41.16Phaos"You'll never get me Mc Lane! *rocket launched*
14:43.08Phaoshave you figured out what my dumb ass problem is with my weapon Prozaic :P ?
14:43.28ProzaicMuzewell for starters you have the attack token set to missile
14:43.33ProzaicMuzeinstead of the launch token
14:43.51ProzaicMuze2nd, you dont' even have sounds picked out
14:43.54ProzaicMuzeso of course you hear nothing lol
14:44.31ProzaicMuzeAnd you've got extra actors for the launch and impact that should have the models in the attack actor instead lol
14:47.29PhaosI know bout the sounds.
14:47.36PhaosI just want it to look right , sounds are super easy
14:47.55*** join/#sc2mapster NiNtoxicated (
14:48.11Phaoswait. so the "attack" token needs to be the launch token O.o ?!
14:48.25PhaosI have so bug news for you
14:48.30NiNtoxicateddo you
14:48.47Phaoswith 3dsmax 11 64 bit windows 7 ultimate
14:48.48ProzaicMuzeYes, Phaos
14:48.56NiNtoxicatedwhats the problem?
14:49.23PhaosI am only able to access the .. animation variations (name?) in the utilities, but not import or export
14:49.27Phaosnot sure whats causing it
14:49.34PhaosI don't know max script enough :P
14:50.38NiNtoxicatedyou click run script
14:50.43NiNtoxicatedlocate the script
14:50.44NiNtoxicatedrun it
14:50.48NiNtoxicatedand it still doesn't work?
14:51.11Phaosonly the m3 animation sequencer shows up
14:51.32NiNtoxicatedI don't have access to 3ds max 2011
14:51.40NiNtoxicatedthey must've changed something
14:51.41Phaosif it makes a difference the only other script I'm currently running is your updated mdx importer/exporter
14:51.48NiNtoxicatedthat works?
14:51.55Phaosas far as I can tell
14:52.00Phaosbut it doesn't like importing m3
14:52.05NiNtoxicatedso that appears in the utility menu
14:53.18PhaosI'm thinking it may be a script conflict because there are a couple people I have noticed on the forum using 2011 and your m3 importer is working fine
14:53.19NiNtoxicatedhave you tried putting them in Scripts\Startup?
14:53.24Phaosyes I have
14:53.27Phaossame dealio
14:53.32*** join/#sc2mapster Gohla (~user@
14:53.34PhaosI have also tried removed the mdx importer
14:53.39Phaosbut that changes nothing
14:54.02*** join/#sc2mapster Sage_ (d4fbb79b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
14:54.03NiNtoxicatedodd that the mdx importer would work but not the m3 scripts
14:54.38Sage_Hello modders
14:54.55Sage_I have a problem duplicating units which I think must be fairly common
14:55.05NiNtoxicatedcan you try opening the script so you can see the code, and evaluate the script through the menu's
14:55.25NiNtoxicatedshould be in the Tools menu of the maxscript editor
14:56.49NiNtoxicatedhrm without access to 2011 it's hard to figure out the problem, all I can think is that the utilities may be run from a different area
14:56.57NiNtoxicatedor 2011 doesn't like something about them and refuses to launch them
14:57.03NiNtoxicatedyou'd think you'd get an error in that case, though
14:57.11Phaosthe script installion instructions are the same from 10 > 11
14:57.20Sage_To keep it simple, I duplicate a Probe unit with all its properties, then spawn the modified Probe and the base Probe beside each other. I have not even modified the name of the Probe. Now, the original Probe is functional, but the copy has lost some buttons, notably Build and Move (it has the ability to move but there is no button (right clicking works)).
14:57.35Phaosjust loading 11 then I'll evaluate and tell you if it complains
14:57.40ProzaicMuzelol Phaos, I has no idea what you've done
14:57.52ProzaicMuzeThis is such a crazy tangle of Attachments pointin' at each other lol
14:58.22ProzaicMuzePM me a list of all the parts you're using and their offsets
14:58.23PhaosI have got into the personal habit of having the host actor be the one to create the attachment
14:58.32ProzaicMuzeI'm gona try to make this puppy from scratch
14:59.00Phaoseverything is listed for ease of reading, MF - 28b-x
14:59.10ProzaicMuzeGot that part
14:59.22ProzaicMuzeI'm just talkin' about Host Supporter, Hosted Attachments etc
14:59.31ProzaicMuzeRandom things that sometimes don't even have a pair to go with lol
14:59.47Phaos(head infestor.m3) (weapon 6: spore crawler) (center corruption.m3)
15:00.51PhaosNiNtoxicated do you want me to print out what the listener is saying ?
15:00.59NiNtoxicatedPM so it doesn't spam
15:01.54ProzaicMuzePhaos, I'm a lazy bum
15:02.19ProzaicMuzequery me the offsets so I can close yoru map and make the parts as you send me the numbahs
15:02.40ProzaicMuzeOtherwise I gotta break out a pad and pencil and write all this stuff down :S
15:04.15PierroI set a train ability to my workshop
15:04.21Pierroin order to create item
15:04.40PierroI see the item spawn but less than a second after it disapear
15:06.27Pierrothank you
15:08.48Phaosrofl ok lemme finish up here with NiN and I'll get to the gettin
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16:03.17ProzaicMuzego vote
16:03.18ProzaicMuzeor else!
16:09.33Phaosalready have :D
16:10.44Ashamedone of them days ><
16:10.46*** join/#sc2mapster Gohla (~user@
16:15.39slightlyrandomBah, this lags too much
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16:54.20slightlyrandomDoes the lobby system work at all ?
16:55.25*** join/#sc2mapster AgentPaper (
16:55.42RodOfNODmorn all
16:55.59*** join/#sc2mapster RedWraith (
16:56.21RedWraith~seen tehwildcard
16:56.23purltehwildcard <> was last seen on IRC in channel #sc2mapster, 8h 12m 31s ago, saying: 'xinehp, defeat didn't trigger first time'.
16:56.39RedWraithwish fios in my area
16:56.40RedWraithso bad
16:57.25RedWraith~seen prozaicmuze
16:57.26purlprozaicmuze is currently on #sc2mapster (17h 25m 29s). Has said a total of 261 messages. Is idling for 25s, last said: 'ha'.
16:57.28*** join/#sc2mapster depthsofchaos (
16:57.36RedWraithwait, what
16:57.41RedWraithit didn't say where you're from~
16:57.51RedWraithI was hoping it'd say comcast so I could mock you.
16:59.01slightlyrandomNick: ProzaicMuze
16:59.31*** join/#sc2mapster TheRingBearer (62d8a194@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
17:01.17HP-X|Arthaseve models in sc2 = awesome
17:01.28HP-X|Arthasbut this is probably where blizzard comes in and say, DELETED
17:02.14ProzaicMuzeI love how it'll say I'm idle for 5mins when I spoke mere seconds before
17:02.21HP-X|Arthas!seen HP-X|Arthas
17:02.30HP-X|Arthas~seen HP-X|Arthas
17:02.31purlhp-x|arthas is currently on #sc2mapster. Has said a total of 5 messages. Is idling for 1s, last said: '~seen HP-X|Arthas '.
17:02.34ProzaicMuze~seen ProzaicMuze
17:02.35purlprozaicmuze is currently on #sc2mapster (17h 30m 38s). Has said a total of 265 messages. Is idling for 1s, last said: '~seen ProzaicMuze'.
17:02.41depthsofchaos~seen a pussy
17:02.42purli haven't seen 'a pussy', depthsofchaos
17:02.51ProzaicMuzePurl is a virgin
17:02.57HP-X|Arthasor a blind girl
17:03.02HP-X|Arthaspick your favorite
17:03.05slightlyrandomHe might just have done it with his eyes closed
17:03.13ProzaicMuze~seen Repo
17:03.14purlrepo is currently on #waruidev (8h 52m 37s) #sc2mapster (8h 52m 37s) #wowuidev (8h 52m 37s) #arl (8h 52m 37s) #wowace (8h 52m 37s) #curseforge (8h 52m 37s). Has said a total of 71 messages. Is idling for 8s, last said: '[RoM] New addon: ToggleRemoveSpelleffects. degener (Manager/Author). Experimental. Approved by Ackis.'.
17:03.14depthsofchaos~seen an_asshole
17:03.15purli haven't seen 'an_asshole', depthsofchaos
17:03.24HP-X|Arthas~seen purl
17:03.24purlpurl is currently on #casualti (2d 5h 31m 3s) #botpark (2d 5h 31m 3s) #linuxfund (2d 5h 31m 3s) #waruidev (2d 5h 31m 3s) #how (2d 5h 31m 3s) #sc2mapster (2d 5h 31m 3s) #edev (2d 5h 31m 3s) #fossfund (2d 5h 31m 3s) #hosernet (2d 5h 31m 3s) #norganna (2d 5h 31m 3s) #ud (2d 5h 31m 3s) ##ducleague (2d 5h 31m 3s) ##kierra (2d 5h 31m 3s) #dub (2d 5h ...
17:03.43ProzaicMuzecrazy bottage
17:03.50HP-X|Arthas~sex ProzaicMuze
17:04.10depthsofchaos~seen a doctor to cure my std
17:04.11purli haven't seen 'a doctor to cure my std', depthsofchaos
17:04.12HP-X|ArthasEverybot should have the sex & bj command, thats just how internet works!
17:04.55HP-X|Arthas~seen my junk in 8 years
17:04.56purlHP-X|Arthas: i haven't seen 'my junk in 8 years'
17:05.04Ackisbah! ProzaicMuze you pinged me with that seen repo :P
17:05.47depthsofchaos~seen a person as great as you
17:05.48purli haven't seen 'a person as great as you', depthsofchaos
17:05.55depthsofchaosi know
17:06.09ProzaicMuze~seen a person as pitiful as depthsofchaos
17:06.09purli haven't seen 'a person as pitiful as depthsofchaos', ProzaicMuze
17:06.15HP-X|ArthasSomething tells me that this new blue Lylirra will be just as useful as the other blues
17:06.22depthsofchaosall lies after the truth
17:06.39HP-X|Arthasis that european mod?
17:06.48HP-X|ArthasBrennvin -> Brännvin -> Booze
17:07.12TheRingBearerDoes anyone know of the syntax for "terms" ?
17:07.58ProzaicMuzedepends on what you're using them in
17:08.06TheRingBearerSending an Actor message
17:08.17ProzaicMuzeexplain what you're trying to do
17:08.17TheRingBearerI need to filter my actor selection somehow
17:08.58TheRingBearerI am modifying the scale of an actor. But because it is not the unit's main actor (it is attached) I need to get to it another way
17:09.14ProzaicMuzeModifying the scale with the actor itself or with triggers?
17:09.29ProzaicMuzein that case I dunno
17:09.33ProzaicMuzeI'm a data editro dood
17:09.39ProzaicMuzeGit ova heer!
17:09.53HP-X|ArthasFinish Him!
17:10.18TheRingBearerI'm using it int he trigger - Send Actor message ___ to all actors that intersect game region ___ with their contact radius that belong to class "Model" and match terms ""
17:10.53TheRingBearerAnd it works, but the net I cast is too wide and it catches some other actors as well
17:11.50Ashamedif i set it to like 0 = 0 lr 1 = 1 it will work
17:11.57Ashamedbut if i have a range from min > max it does not work
17:12.08TheRingBearerThe info for terms is less than helpful... "The Terms parameter is used to specify a condition that an actor in the region must meet in order to receive the message. The formaty for tyerms is a list of semi colon delimited actor terms."
17:12.51TheRingBearercomparing integer to boolean?
17:13.33Ashamedyeah its the within bounds coniditon
17:14.50greg can someone elaborate on the last paragraph of the first reply to this thread please?
17:17.34*** join/#sc2mapster MaxMode (
17:18.22*** join/#sc2mapster Vulfe (80243741@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
17:18.30Vulfethis ability is taking me like 15 effects
17:18.54ProzaicMuzewhat ability?
17:19.08VulfeI have a banshee that shoots salvos of rockets at nearby targets automatically
17:19.20Vulfethe ability preps a single salvo to shoot incendiary rockets
17:19.22Vulfewhich spread fire
17:19.41Vulfeit's not hard, it's just time consuming
17:20.29ProzaicMuzelol how many rockets are you firing?
17:20.35Vulfe3 at a time
17:20.39ProzaicMuzehow many salvos?
17:21.05Vulfeit's .75  seconds per cycle
17:21.08Vulfe.15 seconds per rocket
17:21.15Vulfeso there's a .3s delay
17:21.16TheRingBeareractor terms... hmmm
17:21.27ProzaicMuzeAbility > Search > Single Missile > Set > [Single Damage + Single Apply Buff]
17:21.43ProzaicMuzeBuff > Search Area > Previous Buff
17:21.45ProzaicMuzeBurn Damage
17:21.48ProzaicMuzethat is a lot
17:22.11Vulfethat's not how I'm doing it
17:22.16Vulfebecause it has to fit into the firing pattern
17:22.55ProzaicMuzeWell you'd add a Persistent to get the time offsets
17:22.55Vulfebecause I'm OCD
17:22.55VulfeI have one
17:22.55Vulfethanks bro
17:22.55VulfeI don't need help x.x
17:22.55ProzaicMuzeYes, you do
17:22.55ProzaicMuzeYou just don't know it yet
17:22.56VulfeI don't
17:22.57ProzaicMuzeLET ME HELP YOU NAOW!
17:23.17VulfeI'm using 2 behaviors
17:23.19Vulfe2 validators
17:23.31Vulfeto state when the rockets should be prepped for the persistent to know when to use the right kind
17:23.41Vulfeand one so it doesn't shoot 6 rockets
17:23.51VulfeI guess I need a third
17:23.52Vulfebut that's okay
17:23.56Vulfe5 seconds work
17:23.59ProzaicMuzelol sounds overcomplicated ;)
17:24.09Vulfenot really that bad
17:24.15VulfeI've got it figured out
17:24.28Vulfehalf of it is just extra sets to get like
17:24.31Vulfevalidation stuff right
17:25.49VulfeThe validation I want is Unit Compare Behavior Count right?
17:25.52ProzaicMuzeI expect videos when its done!
17:26.03VulfeI can send you the map
17:26.11ProzaicMuzeWell, it depends
17:26.14ProzaicMuzeWhy are you using the validator?
17:26.18ProzaicMuzeTo prevent buff stack?
17:26.21ProzaicMuzeor missile stack?
17:26.34Vulfeit's so that the searches know when they can and can't work
17:26.47ProzaicMuzeSo it only fires when there aren't people on fire?
17:26.58Vulfeso it only fires the flaming rockets when it's supposed to
17:26.59depthsofchaosis it possible to add cooldown to a units spell without knowing anything about the spell ?:o
17:27.00Vulfewhen it's prepped
17:27.09VulfeI'm using behaviors on the banshee to prep rockets
17:27.12ProzaicMuze@Depths, yes
17:27.18Vulfebasically just dummy buffs for validators
17:27.25ProzaicMuzeVulfe, I think that would be the correct validator then
17:27.47ProzaicMuze@Depths - go to Cost > Cooldown (Timer Use: NUMBER HERE)
17:28.09depthsofchaosthats not what i need
17:28.13depthsofchaosnot even nrealy
17:28.24depthsofchaosi need to add cooldown with trigger commands
17:28.30ProzaicMuzeOH, using triggers?
17:28.32ProzaicMuzethen no idea lol
17:28.38depthsofchaosbut the spell is unknown
17:28.45depthsofchaosso i dont know the cooldown id
17:31.13depthsofchaosmeh this is rly important :o
17:31.48TheRingBearerAnyone know about the Name Parameter for Actor Messages? The example it gives is something about ::Host which I've never seen before.
17:34.53RodOfNODanyone know what the attribute psionic is used for such as on a high templar?
17:35.22Ashamedwhy doesn't the in bounds condition work?
17:35.22TheRingBearerIt might have been something from an older beta
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17:35.34AshamedI made two comparissons and it worked fine
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17:35.50RodOfNODwhat do u mean Ashamed
17:35.57TheRingBearerBecause I know that the ghost at one point had some anti psionic aspect
17:36.08TheRingBearerI don't really understand that middle condition
17:36.09AshamedI had a condition set to in bounds 0 - 500 and it would not work
17:36.46RodOfNODpaste ur code please Ashamed on pastebin
17:36.56Ashamedi got it working
17:37.02Ashamedjust with differnt set of conditions
17:37.04Ashamedbut it was the same
17:37.09RodOfNODsee i just think about it and it works
17:37.19depthsofchaosgooodamn cooldownssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
17:37.23Ashamedlet me get the trigger
17:37.26depthsofchaosso badly designed
17:37.27Ashamedone sec my GE frozed
17:38.29*** join/#sc2mapster Bifuu (
17:38.29*** mode/#sc2mapster [+v Bifuu] by ChanServ
17:38.57Bifuuim home!
17:39.02AshamedYOU ARE NOT
17:39.07Bifuustill deciding if thats a good thing or not
17:39.26BifuuSouth Carolina is so much better than North Carolina
17:39.36*** join/#sc2mapster P_R_Deltoid (
17:39.52Ashamedrod see look
17:39.54TheRingBearergahhh actor messages
17:40.20Ashamednot it
17:41.17Ashameddoes that make any sense?
17:41.25AshamedI don't understand why the within bounds wouldn't work
17:41.59*** join/#sc2mapster TheLaughingMan (~TheLaughi@
17:42.12TheLaughingMan01Someone once said a million monkeys using a million keyboards could reproduce the complete works of William Shakespeare.Thanks to MySpace, we now know that to be entirely false.
17:42.13RepoNew map: Colony Drop. TedJustice (Manager/Author). Approved by Bifuu.
17:42.19RodOfNODAshamed use please :P
17:42.40RodOfNODthere is a bug
17:42.42AshamedIts only 1 code
17:42.44RodOfNODin that i already found
17:42.48Bifuuinc Repo spam
17:42.49RodOfNODit doesnt work
17:42.53RepoNew asset: Marine Transmissions. Wunterwaffen (Manager/Author). Approved by Bifuu.
17:42.55Ashamedit does not work
17:42.56RodOfNODx < y < z
17:42.58RepoNew asset: Sarah Kerrigan. Wunterwaffen (Manager/Author). Approved by Bifuu.
17:42.58RodOfNODdoedsnt work
17:42.59Ashamedthats what i am asying
17:43.00P_R_Deltoidgod damn you, bifuuuu
17:43.01RepoNew asset: Civilian. Wunterwaffen (Manager/Author). Approved by Bifuu.
17:43.02RodOfNODits a bug
17:43.05P_R_Deltoidgod damnnnn youuuu
17:43.06RepoNew asset: Arcturus Mengsk Transmissions. Wunterwaffen (Manager/Author). Approved by Bifuu.
17:43.06RodOfNODin the game
17:43.10RepoNew asset: General Duke. Wunterwaffen (Manager/Author). Approved by Bifuu.
17:43.14Ashamedthe within bounds?
17:43.14RepoNew asset: Command Center. Wunterwaffen (Manager/Author). Approved by Bifuu.
17:43.19RodOfNODits a bug
17:43.21RodOfNODdont use it
17:43.24RodOfNODtill they fix it
17:43.29Ashamedso the other trigger works for now
17:43.30P_R_DeltoidHey, RodOfNOD, I got it working
17:43.32P_R_Deltoidthe movement
17:43.41RodOfNODyes i read
17:43.46RodOfNODbut u need to do this
17:44.04AshamedRod i have taken out about 50 triggers now
17:44.08ProzaicMuzeWe've been map raped by Bifuu :(
17:44.11depthsofchaosstill need help on how to add x cooldown on ability thats cooldown id is unknown
17:44.18Bifuuhey i just got back
17:44.22Bifuuand there were 7 projects
17:44.29ProzaicMuzeDo them one at a time
17:44.32ProzaicMuzeevery hour?
17:44.34P_R_Deltoidspace it out, bro
17:44.44Bifuuim lazy
17:44.48ProzaicMuzeGranted, they're all Wunterwaffer lol
17:45.01ProzaicMuzethat dude
17:45.31Bifuuhey atleast your name wasnt in the line
17:45.40Bifuueach line from repo set off my alarm
17:46.02Helralyou've got an alarm setup when your name is used?
17:46.11RodOfNODgo into a condition P_R_Deltoid and type in PATH in the search i think you will see 3 rather interesting functions
17:46.28Bifuua message box pops up with the message and everything
17:46.33Bifuu<3 kvirc
17:46.43AshamedI figured out if you put ( trigger player ) in an interger it will set it for that players number. for arrays.  ( Made my life alot easier )
17:46.49Bifuui kept missing messages people send me so i had to do it
17:47.05HelralI'll just stick to mirc. ;p ppl can open a private chat with me if they want to be sure that I read it.
17:47.41TheLaughingManHacking is like sex. You get in, you get out, and hope that you didn’t leave something that can be traced back to you.
17:48.27P_R_DeltoidYeah, you know, I was wondering what "Pathing Cost Between Points" did
17:48.44P_R_Deltoidalthough Points Connected By Pathing is something I didn't see yesterday
17:49.07HelralP_R: calculates the cost for movement. ;p
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17:49.51P_R_Deltoidin what units
17:49.56P_R_Deltoidyou are being a smartass, eh
17:49.59P_R_Deltoidit's cool
17:50.04PierroI find a way to increase unit size when i hover it
17:50.19depthsofchaosanyone good with catalog field get?:o how would i retrieve a spells cooldown id?
17:50.19Pierrowith the cursor
17:51.43Ashamedif you put a condition.. Will it run the trigger when the condition is met, with no event?
17:51.57Ashamedor do you need the event to start the trigger?
17:52.06RodOfNODdepthsofchaos an easy way is to make a new map go to a unit that would have a spell and change the cooldown itself then u can use winmpq and look at the xml field that was changed
17:52.30P_R_Deltoidsweet, I can test if a point is pathable by the unit
17:52.38RodOfNODof course
17:52.51depthsofchaosthats the easy way ?:P
17:52.56Helraldepths: where is the cooldown listed?
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17:52.57depthsofchaosbut thx
17:52.59Pierrohmm I make my on CD with the modification + of the ability if it helps
17:53.05P_R_DeltoidHey Bifuu, you are good at data editing, right
17:53.08RodOfNODif u turn on view rawdata
17:53.11RodOfNODit should also work
17:53.18Pierroown cd
17:53.27depthsofchaosgona check where it listed
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17:53.37BifuuP_R_Deltoid: not so sure at this time as i havnt pulled it up in a while, there are others im sure that are vastly better than me now
17:54.11TheRingBearerBooyah.... found the right actor message.
17:54.20P_R_DeltoidI am so lazy
17:54.34P_R_DeltoidI need a data editor to do something for me
17:54.46ProzaicMuzedoesn't know anything about the data editor
17:55.05RodOfNODProzaicMuze well get it on bud
17:55.09Helralwhen you see it select it and hit ctrl+D, remove the C... stuff till the first underscore, and replace the other underscores by dots (.) and you should be able to use it.
17:55.09P_R_Deltoidyou're killing me
17:55.12greg can someone help me with the last paragraph in this post. i'm not sure exactly what it means and i've been messing around for an hour to no avail
17:55.28P_R_Deltoidokay, let me say this: Does anyone know how to make a unit that is a luittle glowing orb that leaves a trail as it moves
17:55.28ProzaicMuzehas never touched the Data Editor in his entire left. Not never ever!
17:55.30P_R_Deltoida long trail
17:55.36Helralthat is the term you get should be usable in the function.
17:55.37P_R_Deltoidcurrently it's just an archon running around
17:56.17ProzaicMuzeDeltoid, make a permanent buff on the unit
17:56.26ProzaicMuzeHave thebuff make persistents
17:56.34ProzaicMuzeHave an actor make models at the persistents
17:56.34P_R_Deltoidyeah, I have no idea how to do that
17:56.36ProzaicMuzeand give them long durations
17:56.49P_R_Deltoidalright, let me take a look... see if I can tell wtf is going on
17:57.00ProzaicMuzeDo you know anything at all abotu the data editor? Or do I need to walk yeh through it step by step?
17:57.19P_R_DeltoidI know an okay amount, of where to find things and stuff, but I am terrible at doing it myself
17:57.25P_R_DeltoidI forget to connect things and stuff and nothing works
17:57.33RodOfNODoh shit they dont have hover as a movement type anymore?
17:57.39P_R_DeltoidThey do
17:57.44depthsofchaosok seems like this godamn cooldown id is a long string
17:57.44P_R_DeltoidIt's a flag, I was looking at it yesterday
17:58.02P_R_DeltoidProzaicMuze, plz go over in detail plx :>
17:58.06depthsofchaosi mean all cooldown ids for a spell in the same string
17:58.31Helraldepths: if I'm correct the string is something like: Cost.Cooldown.TimeUse
17:58.58RodOfNODi dont see it P_R_Deltoid
17:58.59depthsofchaosyeah but i got a build ability
17:59.01Helraleditor prolly shows something like: CAbilEffect_Cost_Cooldown_TimeUse in raw data mode.
17:59.04depthsofchaosthat has 10 cooldowns
17:59.05P_R_Deltoid1 sec, rod
17:59.06Helralow a build ability...
17:59.12P_R_DeltoidIt's under colision I think
17:59.17Helralone moment then, those are special cases ;p
17:59.35RodOfNODwtf is d-8 charge?
17:59.44P_R_DeltoidNo idea
17:59.48P_R_Deltoidalso: I lost where I found hover
17:59.50P_R_Deltoidwhich sucks
17:59.52P_R_DeltoidYes, ProzaicMuze ?
18:00.00Helraldepths: you've set buildings to have cooldowns on construction moments?
18:00.03TheLaughingManThe glass is neither half-full nor half-empty: it's twice as big as it needs to be.
18:00.15ProzaicMuzeBehavior - Buff (Period Count: -1; Period: 0.5; Period Effect: Effect - Create Persistent)
18:00.34depthsofchaosand i want to change these cooldowns with triggers
18:00.49HelralInfoArray[BuildingInteger].Cooldown.TimeUse <--
18:00.58TheLaughingManProgramming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.
18:01.01Helralthe BuildingInteger is the position in the array.
18:01.03ProzaicMuzeActor with chose model (Actor Events: Effect.NAME.Start > Create (At Effect); ActorCreation > Animation Play)
18:01.15ProzaicMuzestart with that Deltoid, I'm gonna go afk for a lil' bit
18:01.19ProzaicMuzeabout 10-15mins
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18:01.27ProzaicMuzewhen I get back I'll help yeh out more if you're still havin' troubles :)
18:01.27depthsofchaosbut how do i know the position  if i dont know which spell and id I need?:/
18:01.28Helraltaking a basic protoss probe: number 2 is the Assimilator.
18:01.48depthsofchaosi mean i know the spell
18:01.58depthsofchaosi just dont know which array pos is associated with it
18:02.08HelralInfoArray[i].Unit <-- use that to match then.
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18:03.02depthsofchaosnow to figure out how to write it :p
18:03.04Helralor you can just store an array in which you have the same order as the InfoArray has.
18:03.17LordAbyss2anyone know the events for the bunker to play its attack animation when a weapon fires?
18:04.12P_R_Deltoidit's a shame I didn't ask ProzaicMuze wtf he meant, I am stuck on the first thing ahahah
18:04.15TheLaughingManGirls have unique powers; they get wet without water, bleed without injury and make boneless things hard
18:05.40Alpha_vstuh huh
18:07.40depthsofchaossome girls cant do any of that :o
18:08.22Phaosalso depths. your netstorm project is looking amazing, just wanted to say
18:08.34Pierrowow Its good to see your map taking shape.
18:08.47depthsofchaosthx ^^
18:08.53Helraldepths, lemme know if you need some more help with the catalogs.
18:09.11Phaoshow come you have to place a pad down before you can put a turret down ?
18:09.16PierroData Editor Free Pro Tip : How to effect Actor with an Hover cursor!!
18:09.24PierroDo you want to know it ?
18:09.35depthsofchaosthx helral, im quite sure i will cause iwe never used them
18:09.57depthsofchaosor maybe ill just choose the noob way and make the ids 1...x and fill up an array xD
18:10.05HelralI've only used them to retrieve data so far ;p but I know how to look through them ;p
18:10.36depthsofchaoswell i can give a cooldown with trigger i dont have to change it
18:10.45depthsofchaosi just need the id for that stupid function
18:10.48depthsofchaosrly anoying
18:10.59Helralid for that function?
18:11.00Ackis which one of you posted that? :P
18:11.20depthsofchaos" " supposed to be the id
18:13.16HelralI'm currently wondering what kind of id it would be since it would not make sense....
18:13.45depthsofchaosthe cooldown id, and yeah it makes no sense
18:13.53depthsofchaoscause the ability can be directly associated
18:13.57depthsofchaosbut still it doesnt work
18:15.01Helralbtw do you need a different cooldown per building build (like building the same building twice can cause different cooldowns)?
18:15.38depthsofchaoscause i have to check building position
18:15.42depthsofchaosand if its invalid
18:15.50depthsofchaosi give a 0.5 sec cooldown
18:15.53depthsofchaosto prevent spam
18:15.55PierroMay I suggest an idea
18:16.04PierroIs it possible to use data editor
18:16.10Pierroto update cd
18:16.17Pierrolook at the chrono boost ability
18:16.30Pierroif you can speed it
18:16.34Pierroyou can slow it
18:16.39Pierroor even stop it
18:16.41depthsofchaosi would need a separate entry for every spell
18:16.49depthsofchaosi got like 30
18:16.56Pierrowelcome to the club
18:17.09depthsofchaosand id have to pair them with switch case:p
18:17.57depthsofchaosbut what herlar said will work
18:19.00PierroIf you use a behavior to spawn
18:19.00HelralI know my name is difficult ;p
18:19.08Pierrothere is a refresh field
18:19.21Pierroso a behavior expires spawn your unit
18:19.36Pierroand make a system that sync the behvior
18:20.09depthsofchaosbut what im doing is a workaround the build abilities crappyness
18:20.35depthsofchaoscause he places the building and if its placed at invalid spot its removed
18:20.41PierroI understand
18:20.51PierroI created a completely new building system
18:20.55Pierroit s boring
18:21.11PierroIt is kinda working
18:21.37depthsofchaosbut you know this way they can spam the shit out of it
18:21.43depthsofchaosand cause lag
18:21.58PierroWhat do You want to do exactly ?
18:22.12depthsofchaosthats why i need a small cooldown on invalid placement big cooldown if it gets placed right
18:24.01Pierrocould You just set the spawning unit with a behavior
18:24.13Pierroand then set the behavior to be on when the building is active
18:25.37depthsofchaosyeah but that need 30 behaviours
18:25.49Pierroone just for the building
18:25.53Pierro1 for b
18:25.57Pierrothats all
18:26.09depthsofchaosi need separate cooldown for every building
18:26.14depthsofchaosthat can be built
18:27.03Pierrobut if you place a building A and  5 sec later an other one even if they have the same behavior they wont spawn unit at the same time
18:27.14Helraldepths: why not set a full cooldown, and for the placement stuff adjust the cooldown remaining time to 0.5 if incorrect placed.
18:27.27Helralor something.
18:28.03depthsofchaoswell id make 0 cooldown and add 0.5 and biger value
18:28.37depthsofchaosthat wouldnt need catalog modify
18:28.59Helralyeah what I suggest ain't catalog midification.
18:29.06depthsofchaospierro im not sure i understand :p
18:29.25Pierrolet say you want to spawn dragon
18:29.32Pierrowith a temple
18:29.54Pierrothen give them a beahvior that have a 15 second period
18:30.07Pierroeach 15 sec they ll spawn a dragon
18:30.14Pierronow if you put a temple
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18:30.24Pierrothen few sec later an other one
18:30.27TriceronAhoy mateys
18:30.41Pierrothey will have their own timer
18:31.11Pierrothey don't spawn dragon the same moments
18:32.32depthsofchaoswell still not sure how this helps me
18:33.04depthsofchaosmaybe im tired, dont bother me xD
18:33.07PierroI dont know exactly what you wanted to do... :)
18:33.35Pierroyour building spawn units even if you misplaced them ?
18:33.43Pierrothat is why you want a cd ?
18:34.30depthsofchaosi mean partly
18:34.39PierroI was close
18:34.46depthsofchaosi have an ability that has 10 buildings
18:35.01P_R_Deltoiddata editor!!!!!
18:35.01depthsofchaosand i need a cooldown for a building if its misplaced
18:35.04P_R_Deltoidshakes his fist
18:35.11depthsofchaosand biger cooldown if its not
18:35.25PierroWhy do you need a CD if it is mis placed ?
18:35.48depthsofchaoscause of the spaming fagots xD
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18:36.25depthsofchaosdoesnt matter even if i didnt wnted cooldown only in 1 case i would need triggers
18:36.34PierroSO when you hit shift + a building somewhere unbuildable
18:36.38Pierroit spawn unit
18:36.59depthsofchaosspawns the unit, i make the check and remove if its not allowed
18:37.35Pierro(Or Maybe  you could use Behavior)
18:37.49Pierrohow many building have you got
18:37.57Pierrothat are spawning units
18:38.18depthsofchaos4-5 well it depends
18:38.45Pierroso you have 5 different building that spawn units ? and how many units ?
18:38.57depthsofchaostotal? 50+
18:39.13PierroI see
18:39.25Pierrowhich are spawned by the forementioned building ?
18:39.52depthsofchaosno various buildings
18:40.07PhaosI have a unit with an anti air weapon, the range on said weapon is five, and while the unit can fire from there it insists on going as close to it as possible
18:40.23Pierroof the mover
18:40.28Pierroset it to 5
18:40.32Pierroin the missile effect
18:41.14PhaosI'm not using the missile mover I'm using a unit mover
18:41.25depthsofchaoswhats the unit scan range
18:41.30depthsofchaosi mean the weapons
18:42.05Phaosminimum 5
18:42.22depthsofchaosno clue then :o is it set to meele weapon?
18:43.47slightlyrandomThis thing needs a Dialog Creation GUI like I need a blowjob
18:49.32TheLaughingManWhen I have a kid, I'm going to go to the mall, put him into a double stroller, and run around looking frantic.
18:50.00Vulfeyou could do the same thing with no kids and a single stroller
18:50.24Vulfethat way, your child wouldn't be traumatized either
18:51.44slightlyrandomtraumatized? By being driven around slightly fast?
18:51.51slightlyrandomShit, kids these days are fucking useless
18:51.54Vulfeby being driven around frantically
18:52.06Vulfedaddy, what's wrong?
18:52.11Vulfewe can't find your brother!
18:52.27slightlyrandomJust tell the little bugger whats going on, get him in on the joke
18:52.37slightlyrandomThat way you even get some father-son bonding
18:52.37Vulfelittle kids don't understand jokes like that
18:52.49slightlyrandomThen you didn't bring em up properly
18:53.58TheRingBearergah... where are those cool loading screen files that were on the front page awhile back
18:54.15TheRingBearerYou guys need an archive news :)
18:54.25Vulfethis banshee is going to be so cool when it's done D:
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18:54.35VulfeI'll have to make my friend reskin it just for this purpose!
18:55.39TheRingBearerfound them....
18:56.02slightlyrandomand where would this be?
18:57.03TheRingBearerthe loading screens?
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19:06.20Vulfewhat's a good model to use for units on fire?
19:06.39Vulfefor the fire
19:06.44Vulfethat doesn't exist
19:06.51TheRingBearerError: Printer on Fire
19:08.26Vulfewhat actor type should I use for making a behavior have a model?
19:10.51VulfeI think your syntax is wrong
19:11.05TheLaughingManAoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a total mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe
19:11.27ProzaicMuzemine or that link?
19:13.54HelralTLM: true
19:14.12TheLaughingManHelral did you check out my link
19:14.26TheLaughingManCheck it out funny as hell in my opinion
19:15.36Helrallame ;p
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19:15.54TheLaughingManI was in a car dealership a while ago, when a large motor home was towed into the garage. The front of the vehicle was in dire need of repair and the whole thing generally looked like an extra in "Twister." I asked the manager what had happened. He told me that the driver had set the "cruise control" and then went in the back to make a sandwich.
19:15.54ProzaicMuzelmao "he's got the pope as a driver!"
19:16.00Helralit wasn't god...
19:16.02Helralit was meeeee ;p
19:16.51wOlfLinGlol, that is pretty good TLM :D
19:17.03Helralis off to watch a movie. ;p
19:17.03Ashamedrod you there?
19:17.11VulfeCan someone walk me through how to make an effect for a buff? (or point me to a tutorial)
19:17.57HelralVulfe: in short: Create an apply behavior effect, and apply the buff with it.
19:18.13VulfeI'm concerned about actors
19:18.16VulfeI've already done that
19:18.17Vulfe: (
19:18.25AshamedRod i must speak to you!
19:18.33VulfeI'm talking about graphics for a buff
19:18.40Vulfesorry about the miscom
19:18.48slightlyrandomVulfe find the model you want to create for it, then make an actor with that model, and apply it with an event
19:18.50Helralok I don't know anything about that.... ;p
19:19.00Vulfewhat actor type would I be using?
19:19.09ProzaicMuzePsh, you don't need my help ;)
19:19.19slightlyrandomModel Addition
19:19.24VulfeModel Addition?
19:19.34slightlyrandomLook at how Fungal Growth does it
19:19.39slightlyrandomThat can be your turotial
19:19.40Vulfethat would do it
19:19.43slightlyrandomtutorial *
19:19.44Vulfeforgot that existed
19:20.00slightlyrandomWhats the standard way to highlight a dialog selection ?
19:20.25ProzaicMuzeclick and drag? ;P
19:20.30AshamedFUCKEN ROD
19:20.44AshamedI will eat your brains!
19:20.47slightlyrandomTo show that this button has been pressed and is selected
19:20.55TheLaughingManTEACHER : George Washington not only chopped down his father's cherry tree, but also admitted it. Now, Louie, do you know why his father didn't punish him? LOUIS: Because George still had the axe in his hand.
19:21.17slightlyrandomWhere are you quoting jokes from TheLaughingMan ?
19:21.41slightlyrandomBecause I'd go there if I wanted to read jokes, is why
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19:25.40depthsofchaosdoes catalog get return a string?:o
19:25.46depthsofchaosget value
19:26.21depthsofchaosoh shit it does -.-
19:26.34depthsofchaoshow do i convert unit type to string..
19:26.54AshamedI just deleted 150 triggers from my map ( Figured out to activate them for all players instead of 1 a piece )
19:27.09AshamedI am so learning this shit
19:27.19wOlfLinGYou mean 'Pick each player'?
19:27.25Alpha_vsthe did a loop :P
19:27.26wOlfLinGEven i know that :D
19:27.27Alpha_vstim sure
19:27.34Ashamedyeah its a loop
19:27.38Ashamedbut i had it for each player before
19:27.40Alpha_vstloops are your friend
19:27.42wOlfLinGMeh, same thing ^^
19:27.52Ashamednot just loop too
19:27.57Alpha_vstmy whole game is ran off of 8 triggers so far
19:28.02Ashamedabout 40 triggers that i had to copy for each player
19:28.07Ashamedi made better
19:28.12Alpha_vstthats no good
19:28.19Ashamedwhats no good?
19:28.24Alpha_vst40 triggers :P
19:28.28Ashamedthats why i fixed it
19:28.31Ashamedi deleted the 40 triggers
19:28.36Ashamedand i had to copy them each
19:28.37Ashamedfor each player
19:28.46Alpha_vstyeah thats no good
19:28.48Ashamedis about how many triggers i just saved myself
19:29.11Ashamedi found out if you put ( Trigger player ) in the array var ( It will set it to the players number )
19:29.16Ashamedthats really what saved me
19:29.25Ashamedi figured that shiz out all by myself too :)
19:29.33Alpha_vst <--- my list for my game
19:29.46Alpha_vstyeah loops are amazing
19:29.51Alpha_vstgreat time saver
19:29.54Ashamedi am going home now
19:30.14slightlyrandomOnce I figure out how to convert two numbers to a region, I'll be cutting out half my triggers, too
19:30.26Ashamedsee you guys later
19:30.35P_R_Deltoidhow do I make a created effect be placed like a tail
19:30.35Vulfewhy are my missiles coming out of the ground now
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19:30.43P_R_Deltoidso that it spawns facing opposite of the unit
19:30.46slightlyrandomOrigin Vulfe
19:30.55Vulfeit's the default
19:31.00VulfeI didn't change anything
19:31.07slightlyrandomI guess thats the default, then
19:31.08slightlyrandomChange it
19:31.26Alpha_vstslightlyrandom use a [#][#] array
19:31.36slightlyrandomThats what I have
19:31.49casperbdon't need a two dimensional array
19:32.05casperbj * k ;)
19:32.09Vulfeit's still doing it
19:32.12Alpha_vstare you making a region?
19:32.14Vulfe: \
19:32.30slightlyrandomI have a bunch of these
19:32.39slightlyrandomOne for each of 30odd regions
19:32.53P_R_Deltoidrrowland, do you know a lot about the data editor? :>
19:32.54AzoreoHas anybody else here followed ProzaicMuse's (Beginner) Beam Tutorial?
19:33.09AzoreoI'm having an issue where the beam's created don't stop at the target hit, but push through them.
19:33.12Alpha_vstso every region u have a single event?
19:33.14slightlyrandomVulfe: Heh, well I am just guessing ;)
19:33.30AzoreoI recreated the unit step-by-step on his aaRhino map and it worked perfectly, but on my own map it's not working right.
19:33.31slightlyrandomI cant see a Unit Enters Any Region event I can play around with
19:33.40AzoreoThere exists one
19:33.57AzoreoEr, Region vs. Any Region?
19:34.02Alpha_vstslightlyrandom random yeah
19:34.21Alpha_vsti had a major issue
19:34.23Alpha_vstwith regions
19:34.31slightlyrandomI guess I could combine all those regions, into a single region in addition
19:34.35Alpha_vsti used a custom function condition
19:34.38VulfeI got my validators backwards
19:34.43Vulfeand one of my effects is messed up
19:34.44AzoreoYou could put all the regions in an array and check the array?
19:34.54slightlyrandomYou can combine regions
19:34.55slightlyrandomI could do that
19:35.01slightlyrandomAnd then check which region it is in
19:35.32Alpha_vstlet me see if i still have the test map slightlyrandom
19:35.39Alpha_vstand i will fix yoru problems
19:35.59Vulfeproblem solved
19:36.06*** join/#sc2mapster FrozenFirebat (
19:36.18wOlfLinGHow do i make all players 'Active players'?
19:36.39AzoreoActive Players = the players participating in the game, so anybody with units.
19:36.45AzoreoAs far as I understand it.  Includes NPC's.
19:37.03wOlfLinGDoesn't include neutrals or hostiles it seems
19:37.08Alpha_vstyou can remove players for active players also
19:37.13AzoreoUh, I think it does.
19:37.14Alpha_vstor add them
19:37.23wOlfLinGhow do i add them?
19:37.27AzoreoOn my map "neutral" (player 0) is included in Active Players.
19:37.30Alpha_vstadd player to group
19:37.38wOlfLinGah, k
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19:38.00slightlyrandomActive Players isn't all User Controlled Players ? :S
19:38.23wOlfLinGwell, my leaderboard doesn't have neutral on it
19:38.23slightlyrandomThat might be a problem
19:38.31slightlyrandomNeither does mine
19:38.57Alpha_vstslightlyrandom i dont have the map but i have my edited files i will put something together :P
19:39.52RodOfNODalpha did u see the file paths i posted for ur minimap shit?
19:39.54slightlyrandomYou can go download it
19:40.12wOlfLinGAnything wrong with this leaderboard?
19:40.41wOlfLinGDoesn't show all active players, even though i have an 'Add all players to 'Active Players' ' action
19:41.08RodOfNODis that what it really looks like wOlfLinG?
19:41.18wOlfLinGerm... yeah ^^
19:41.20RodOfNODwhere is ur loop?
19:41.42wOlfLinGIts in a pick each player
19:41.52RodOfNODwhich is where
19:41.53wOlfLinGIll post the entire trigger
19:42.13PhaosOmg omg omg omg My creature for the creature contest is complete all thats left is to film it
19:42.17RodOfNODwhy did u assign a varaible to the leaderboard and then u didnt use it?
19:42.58wOlfLinGHmmm... dunno. Think i just did it cause the tutorial i saw did it like that
19:42.59RodOfNODwouldnt u just have one dialog?
19:43.03*** join/#sc2mapster amp (4a3b7d41@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
19:43.23wOlfLinGtheres 2
19:43.30RodOfNOD2 for each player?
19:43.34wOlfLinGI can click the button and it shows up
19:44.04RodOfNODoh i see u have 2 for each player is their a reason for this?
19:44.05Alpha_vstRodOfNOD: nOPE
19:44.06wOlfLinGOnly problem is that it only shows my name and score
19:44.13RodOfNODwell right before u left i posted it
19:44.45RodOfNODdo u want each player to have their own distinct leader board
19:44.55wOlfLinGIt want it to be the same for each player
19:45.03RodOfNODk well
19:45.15RodOfNODu are creating 2 boards for each player so if there are say 6 plkayers u are making 12
19:45.20RodOfNODand each board has only one player on it
19:45.26RodOfNODcrate  the boards outside of the loop
19:45.34RodOfNODand USE the variables u made
19:45.36RodOfNODor it wont work
19:45.47wOlfLinGIm using them in other triggers
19:46.13RodOfNODu will need to use them here
19:46.40RodOfNODanyone used the dialog drop down pull down menus yet?
19:47.34Alpha_vsti got the files RodOfNOD but they have issues of not loading so its kinda blah
19:48.06RodOfNODif u can wipe out the rest by going over them with a new model texture u should be able to do those 3 also
19:49.03Alpha_vstits a texture and it doesnt load them correctly every time
19:49.09AzoreoAnybody might have any idea why my beam weapon beams are shooting THROUGH targets?
19:49.12Alpha_vstand you cant override the boarder
19:50.30RodOfNODdont say cant say you havent figured out how to yet
19:54.53HP-X|Arthasi like the internet!
19:55.30HP-X|Arthas[regarding ps3 cfw/otheros] can. you explain how i ham going to ruin it? all i want is the other os feature back onto my ps3! on the box of my ps3 it says it supports other os so in a way i paid for it! So imma have it back bitches!
19:56.27P_R_Deltoiddoes anyone have any ideas of how to get how far a unit has traveled from point a to b
19:56.31P_R_Deltoidaround cliffs and hsit
19:57.05RodOfNODdont think u can actually get that pr even if u monitored it over time
19:57.12RodOfNODthats why i keep telling u to do a grid system
19:57.20P_R_Deltoidgrid systems can eat my dick
19:57.23RodOfNODbut ull bang ur head till u figure it out
19:57.31P_R_DeltoidI will figure it out!
19:57.31RodOfNODthey dont even have to see the grid
19:57.42RodOfNODit just has to be how u treat it internally
19:57.59P_R_Deltoidhow do you suppose I go about doing that?
19:58.01RodOfNODso noone has played with pull down menues?
19:58.29RodOfNODwell u just make sure units move 1 suare at a time and alwyas move to the center of the square
19:58.49P_R_DeltoidI have no idea how I'd go about doing that
19:59.06RodOfNODwould be work but making good maps is work
19:59.13RodOfNODmaking crappy maps that people hate is easy
20:00.29HP-X|Arthasi lub crapmaps
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20:01.17P_R_DeltoidI think...
20:01.21P_R_DeltoidPathing Cost does exactly what I need
20:01.25depthsofchaosi love the convert game link to string function how it only works for units ,dieeee
20:02.07depthsofchaosat least name that function propelry so i dont waste by time relying on it -..
20:02.16Vulfeso something about my map uses all my RAM instantaneously
20:02.30depthsofchaosyou dont destroy your actor
20:02.37Vulfeno actors
20:02.38Vulfeyou lose
20:02.51*** join/#sc2mapster Ashamed (43adf1dc@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
20:02.51depthsofchaosso you know hwats hte problem :p
20:03.01Vulfethat doesn't make all my RAM get used
20:03.05Ashamedhwats het problem?
20:03.13Vulfethe funny thing is
20:03.18VulfeI thought I had finally fixed everything
20:03.31depthsofchaosashamed go back to work
20:03.45P_R_DeltoidRodOfNOD, the game has built in functionality! YAY!
20:03.50VulfeI just changed that
20:03.52VulfeWTF editor
20:03.57VulfeI have a persistent that makes itself
20:04.00Vulfead infinitum
20:04.04P_R_DeltoidPathing Cost Between Points works just like difference but it determines the pathing cost including obstacles too!
20:04.25Vulfethat will be useful when I'm making my strategy game
20:06.38Vulfeas in
20:06.55Vulfeprotip, don't have persistents that create themselves
20:06.57Vulfebad move
20:07.02Fatal5101when i se your name P_R_deltoid i think of hemorrhoids.
20:07.12P_R_Deltoidyou should think of shoulders
20:07.15P_R_Deltoidor puerto ricans
20:07.17P_R_Deltoidor both
20:07.21P_R_Deltoidallow me to demonstrate
20:08.31Ashamedi am home
20:08.39AshamedI can now talk all i want
20:08.44Ashamedand you want me to go back depth!
20:08.52AshamedI thought we were friends
20:09.29Ashamedrod you there?
20:09.36depthsofchaosi thought you werent a grammar nazi xD
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20:10.14Ashamedyea deltoid.. you a gramma Nazi!
20:10.38RodOfNODP_R_Deltoid well i did point out the pathing deals.. Ashamed yes?
20:10.57AshamedRod..I made my map goods. ( I even figured out my own trigger for the hereos )
20:11.12AshamedI will show you tonight!
20:11.21P_R_Deltoidkind of a vague function, but it works perfectly
20:11.22*** join/#sc2mapster Azoreo (
20:13.24AzoreoSo nobody's done Prozaic's beam tutorial?
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20:14.47Fatal5101dang someone got the eve models in the game
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20:21.37RodOfNODyea my pull down menus work now :>
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20:22.25Vulfepulldown menus?
20:24.02wOlfLinGGah! Still not working ><
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20:27.05TheUltimateMuffiNorth Korea is BEST Korea.
20:27.54RodOfNODnot in sc :P
20:28.46RodOfNODwOlfLinG - why are u doing this:        Dialog - Create a Modal dialog of size (500, 150) at (0, 0) relative to Top Left of screen inside the loop?
20:29.18Vulfelol wolfling
20:29.23Vulfeyour parentheses
20:29.25Vulfeare wrong
20:29.38Vulfenumber of players * (60 + 150) = fail
20:29.58Vulfe(number of players * 60 ) + 150
20:30.01Vulfeis probably what you wanted
20:30.20depthsofchaoshe doesnt want to hardcode it :P
20:30.38Vulfei bet it's making like
20:30.40Vulfehuge dialogs for him
20:30.42P_R_Deltoidso... starcraft is using 2gigs of memory
20:30.44P_R_Deltoidwtf is up with that
20:30.45P_R_DeltoidI think
20:31.08P_R_Deltoid400k = what? 40mb? That doesn't seem like 40% to me
20:31.14P_R_DeltoidI have 4 gigs, wtf.
20:31.29Vulfebackground processes?
20:31.33rrowland400k is 400k
20:31.37Vulfethat too
20:31.43P_R_Deltoid400k... whats
20:31.49slightlyrandom4000k ~= 4mb
20:31.54P_R_DeltoidI was thinking kb
20:31.55P_R_Deltoidnot b
20:31.59Vulfe1MB = 1024KB
20:32.07P_R_DeltoidYeah, alright, that was p dumb
20:32.20depthsofchaosadding cooldown to a skill is like the fucking hardest thing!
20:32.30Vulfeno it's not
20:32.32P_R_Deltoidit's not dropping when I close starcraft :<
20:32.37depthsofchaoswith triggers to an unknown ability
20:32.38VulfeI'm making an ability that requires like 20 effects
20:32.42Vulfecome back to me when you do that x.x
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20:32.50depthsofchaosi did one with 30+
20:33.00Vulfegod damn you
20:33.06slightlyrandomdepthsofchaos: Are you working with Event - Unit Casts Ability ?
20:33.07Vulfeshakes fist
20:33.11slightlyrandomAnd Triggering Ability
20:33.14wOlfLinGRodOfNod: Im doing that because each dialog is unique for each player (Well, i need the button to show a differant thing depending on whether a player has the dialog open or not)
20:33.20slightlyrandomWait, that doesn't work
20:33.23depthsofchaosunit creates unit with ability
20:33.47depthsofchaosi need ot read damn catalog values but its buged
20:33.49rrowlandyou can change aspects of that dialog
20:33.59rrowlandper player
20:34.04wOlfLinGi can?
20:34.10wOlfLinGHow do i do that? :)
20:34.13slightlyrandomYou can make a Leaderboard Array!
20:35.00depthsofchaosanyone good with catalogs look at this
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20:36.34depthsofchaosits supposed to return a build abilities cooldown id for a unit
20:38.38VulfeI need a validator that checks if there is a unit within a certain distance
20:38.41Vulfedoes that exist?
20:38.54depthsofchaosenumerate area
20:40.19Vulfehow does the Areas thing within enumerate area work
20:41.05depthsofchaoslook at some blizzard default
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20:41.19P_R_DeltoidAny Abillity Command includes stop, move, and attack, right?
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20:41.55P_R_DeltoidThis will pick up moves, attacks
20:42.02P_R_Deltoidnot just spells and shit
20:42.30P_R_Deltoidthis is throwing an error
20:42.32P_R_Deltoidignore the conditions
20:42.34slightlyrandomIt'll fire multiple times per ability
20:42.56P_R_Deltoideven a move ability?
20:43.47slightlyrandom't recall :S
20:43.51depthsofchaoswhy would it fire multiple times
20:43.58P_R_DeltoidCan you see why that would throw an error?
20:44.17P_R_Deltoidonly when I do an attack move, and it never does the debug message
20:44.21P_R_DeltoidI should set a default, 1 sec
20:44.45slightlyrandomI'm guessing the ground isn't a unit :)
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20:44.52P_R_Deltoidyeah, it ru ns multiple times, haha
20:45.00P_R_DeltoidOn abilities with more than 1 effect
20:45.05P_R_Deltoidlike my attack-then-stop ability
20:45.07P_R_Deltoidit runs twice
20:45.14wOlfLinGHmm... so i can't seem to add a player 'Active players'
20:45.18slightlyrandomIt also runs twice if the ability has multiple stages
20:45.22slightlyrandomor more than twice
20:45.22P_R_Deltoidwell, I am right clicking on an enemy
20:45.35P_R_DeltoidSo it should detect that it is an attack order on targeted unit for the order
20:45.36slightlyrandomwOlfLinG: Just make your own player group
20:45.40P_R_Deltoidso why is it throwing errors
20:46.12slightlyrandomWhen I was casting Frenzy on a unit, it returned the target of the ability as the ground
20:46.25slightlyrandomYou draw your own conclusions
20:46.30wOlfLinGSo i can't add a user to the active players, but a cpu does count as one :/
20:46.52P_R_Deltoidshouldn't it return the unit if I say Target Unit?
20:47.09slightlyrandomI'm using Active Players as All Players Controlled By User, but I don't know if this is correct :)
20:47.26slightlyrandomYeah P_R_Deltoid, unless it isn't targeting a unit
20:47.27slightlyrandomDebug it
20:47.48slightlyrandomTell it to show you what the target was
20:47.57P_R_Deltoidaw hmmm
20:48.01P_R_Deltoidhow should I go about doing that
20:48.06P_R_Deltoiddebug messages?
20:48.15slightlyrandomDebug Message, Target of Triggering Order
20:48.21slightlyrandomsomething along those lines
20:49.11slightlyrandomAnd I think the Switch wants more General Ability stuff
20:49.54P_R_DeltoidTriggering ability
20:49.55P_R_Deltoid1 sec
20:49.56P_R_Deltoidgonna try this
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20:51.14AzoreoFor future reference, setting the scale on ColossusBeam.m3 to 100 is a great way to simulate a nuclear blast.
20:51.17P_R_DeltoidOrders are not abilities or something, I can't figure this out
20:51.19AzoreoAnd blind yourself.
20:52.11depthsofchaosdid i mention how i hate catalogs?
20:52.20*** join/#sc2mapster Jamash (
20:52.40P_R_DeltoidI think how move and attack are built makes this impossible
20:53.17P_R_Deltoidit always defaults, no matter what.
20:53.20slightlyrandomWhat are you trying to do ?
20:53.33P_R_DeltoidDetect if a unit uses and order and deteremine what the order is through a switch
20:53.44P_R_Deltoidthen do some other stuff depending (attacks cost more points, moving costs less)
20:53.50slightlyrandomWhy not make an event for each order ?
20:53.59P_R_DeltoidI did that, but this seems like it would be cleaner
20:54.13slightlyrandomHuge triggers isn't "better"
20:54.18slightlyrandomIt is just more confusing :P
20:54.26egodboutwtb dustin online
20:54.34P_R_DeltoidIt wouldn't be huge, it'd branch out into a function with an input depending on the order
20:54.50slightlyrandomYeah, but why would you do that?
20:54.57P_R_Deltoidattacks would send a 1 to the function, and the function would take that 1 and know that it has to add 15 to the total of the function.
20:55.04P_R_DeltoidCleaner, easier to edit later on
20:55.14slightlyrandomGood luck
20:55.26P_R_DeltoidWell, now it seems impossible because apparently attack and move arn't considered abilitiues
20:55.31slightlyrandomSure they are
20:55.42Alpha_vstyes they are
20:55.55P_R_DeltoidThen explain why this simple switch doesn't work, and always defaults? I am switching on the triggering order, and it can't seem to detect it in eithe case.
20:55.57slightlyrandomYou just haven't figured out the syntax
20:56.11slightlyrandom(Neither have I)
20:56.26Alpha_vstpost code?
20:57.47VulfeI've got everything but the actor for the ability working
20:57.47Vulfe: (
20:58.23slightlyrandomWhat isn't working?
20:58.36VulfeI want a fire effect for my buff
20:58.44VulfeI can't even get a different one to work on it
20:58.49Phaosanyone know a good screen capture program?
20:58.49Vulfeeven though I copied fungal growth
20:58.57Vulfethat's what I'm doing
20:58.58Vulfe: \
20:59.01*** part/#sc2mapster egodbout (4a0fd523@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
20:59.18slightlyrandomAnd the behavior is on the unit where you want the Model to spawn ?
20:59.19VulfeDo I need to otherwise link it?
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20:59.31Vulfethat's the idea
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20:59.36wOlfLinGAnyone know why my kill count for my leaderboard is differant to my kill count on my unit?
20:59.37slightlyrandomThe little Icon shows up in game?
20:59.48Vulfethe behavior is applied correctly
20:59.51slightlyrandomYour Leaderboard is bugged
20:59.53Vulfeand functions as desired
21:00.23egodbout<---- making a hack and slash is a painnnn!
21:00.35VulfeYou're doing that one in the video
21:00.38Vulfekind of cool ;P
21:00.41slightlyrandomVulfe: You're messing the events up
21:00.43redmarineHelral, didn't work. :/ Probably doesn't matter anyhow since I can always just use another PC until the offiail version of the game is released.
21:00.56slightlyrandomThat, or the actor you're creating the event for doesnt have a model
21:00.58VulfeIt deleted the subnames
21:01.12wOlfLinGWorks now. I had a 'Unit takes fatal or non fatal damage' event, because thats what causes the respawn trigger :)
21:01.26slightlyrandomUnit Dies? :P
21:01.35wOlfLinGyeah, i changed to that
21:02.03wOlfLinGHowever, now it may not register hero kills :/
21:02.08slightlyrandomSo, TD, am I retarded for allowing people to play individual game modes? Duo and Solo play, that is
21:02.16slightlyrandomProbably doesnt
21:02.21slightlyrandomDo that individually
21:02.28slightlyrandomIE. when Hero dies, give a kill and update leaderboard
21:02.37slightlyrandomOn your Save Hero trigger, or whatever
21:03.21egodboutif anyone know about Dustin Top Down Fighter Wep Global Cooldown system, whisper me, cause dustin AFK :(
21:04.14TheUltimateMuffipeople so beta tomorrow.
21:04.16slightlyrandomHow about looking at his map ?
21:04.18TheUltimateMuffiis dars trueee???
21:04.31P_R_DeltoidMan, I don't want a million different triggers for every ability :<
21:04.33egodbouti pass the hole day in his map
21:04.41slightlyrandomHow about one per ability ?
21:04.45P_R_DeltoidCan abilities edit custom unit values
21:04.51P_R_Deltoidwell, yeah, that is what I meant >:(
21:05.08TheLaughingManHow about using better triggering skills
21:05.09P_R_Deltoidstill, it's going to be the exact same trigger over and over with 1 number added to the total over and over.
21:05.13slightlyrandomThe alternative is you need a Switch case per ability
21:05.14VulfeI got it
21:05.18Vulfehow do I make the animation repeat?
21:05.21Vulfe: \
21:05.22P_R_DeltoidMuch easier to handle
21:05.23slightlyrandomYou're not cutting down on code
21:05.23Alpha_vstP_R_Deltoid idono that trigger was confusing :P
21:05.32P_R_DeltoidAlpha_vst, confusing how
21:05.36slightlyrandomRepeat ?
21:05.43Vulfenever mind
21:05.47VulfeI can just slow down the animation speed
21:05.50Vulfeand problem solved
21:05.52Alpha_vstGeneral - If (( Attack (Target unit for (Triggering order)))) <-- whast target unit?
21:06.00P_R_Deltoidslightlyrandom, it would cut down on quite a bit. I'd have 1 function, and just add to that total depending on what comes in from the switch
21:06.03P_R_Deltoid1 switch 1 function
21:06.05P_R_Deltoida few variables
21:06.24P_R_DeltoidThe target unit of the order.
21:06.29P_R_DeltoidIe the immortal I am blasting
21:06.45P_R_Deltoidthe unit that is being targeted for the attack, I should say.
21:07.16Alpha_vsti think your calling it backwards
21:07.24Alpha_vstthe immortal cant do the command
21:07.44Alpha_vstmaybe im reading it wrong :P
21:07.50P_R_Deltoidwhat do you mean
21:07.56Alpha_vstwtf is that trigger?
21:07.59Alpha_vstor condtion
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21:08.15P_R_Deltoidwhat what?
21:08.27Alpha_vstwhat it --> General - If (( Attack (Target unit for (Triggering order))))
21:08.36Alpha_vstwhast the name of the condtion
21:08.46P_R_DeltoidOh, Order Targeting Unit
21:08.47wOlfLinGIve hidden the menu bar at the top left and now my F10 key doesn't show the menu. How do i make F10 show it?
21:09.03Tolkfanso, what happens when the SC2 betaserver becomes self-aware and starts murdering us once we log back into the beta? Or worse, starts multiple melee matches and beats us all in 1v1?
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21:11.22P_R_DeltoidIt only throws an error for the attack, but it never actually detects the Move either, it always defaults
21:11.45wOlfLinGMaybe i could just add a dialog asking 'Do you want to quit? Yes/ no' And if someone clicks yes they quit, no hides the dialog
21:11.47P_R_DeltoidThe error with the attack command has to do with "point" or something. I think slightlyrandom was right about it targeting the position and just testing the unit
21:12.04P_R_DeltoidwOlfLinG, that'd be easy, but what about the options and stuff
21:12.08P_R_Deltoidscreen size and everything
21:12.22P_R_Deltoidalso restart button
21:12.28P_R_DeltoidHow did you hide the menu, btw
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21:13.01P_R_Deltoidalso, slightlyrandom, another good thing about the switch system is if I have to edit the basic mechanics, I can edit it once in the function and be done with it
21:13.02TheUltimateMuffiTHis is me
21:13.07P_R_Deltoidotherwise I'd have to go back through every trigger and edit it
21:13.11P_R_Deltoidwhich would be a royal pain always
21:13.32P_R_DeltoidHow dyou do that
21:13.36Alpha_vstsor your a gay unicorn TheUltimateMuffi
21:13.40wOlfLinGJust UI- Hide Menu bar for All players
21:14.18Alpha_vsti did a unit order P_R_Deltoid
21:14.37Alpha_vstand compaired it to a order targeting unit
21:14.40slightlyrandom((Triggering unit) order((Player for (Triggering order)))) == ( Attack (Triggering unit)) <- Triggering Unit Attacks itself?
21:14.50Alpha_vstit was a example
21:15.01P_R_Deltoidwait, where would that even be?
21:16.00P_R_DeltoidNot... following you. I have no idea how you madei t look like that, or where that would even go in the siwtch.
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21:16.31P_R_DeltoidThe switch cases don't allow for comparisons, do they?
21:16.46rrowlanda switch is a comparison
21:16.47P_R_DeltoidBecause it's basically already a comparison to the switch value
21:16.48Alpha_vstits a switch
21:16.56P_R_Deltoiddid you... click the link?
21:17.15*** join/#sc2mapster Alpha_vst (
21:17.21Alpha_vsti didnt notcie the switch part :P
21:17.26P_R_Deltoidaw, okay
21:17.32P_R_Deltoidyeah, I want a switch to determine what the order is
21:17.55P_R_DeltoidI have an idea
21:18.34Alpha_vstthe issue is
21:18.46Alpha_vstu need to set the switch
21:19.09P_R_Deltoidwhat do you mean...?
21:19.13Alpha_vstso you need another loop setting what the switch is currently set to
21:19.29Alpha_vstwait nm
21:19.30VulfeIs there a way to make the animation on this fire model loop rather than just playing once
21:19.30P_R_DeltoidI don't follow
21:19.36Alpha_vstthats with a variable :P
21:19.36Vulfethis looks really awkward
21:22.30redmarineSo, what day do you guys bet the beta will start again?
21:23.16redmarineI'm betting two days
21:23.16P_R_DeltoidFuck, why won't this work ugh
21:23.16Alpha_vstthe 12th
21:23.21Helralhey marine.
21:23.37redmarineHelral, didn't work. :/ Probably doesn't matter anyhow since I can always just use another PC until the offiail version of the game is released.
21:23.54Alpha_vstim testing it now P_R_Deltoid 0.o
21:24.42Helraland marine found anything usefull in the code?
21:24.58redmarineHelral, haven't been mapping at all today
21:25.08redmarineJust got back
21:25.19Helralwell you looked it through yesterday didn't ya? ;p
21:25.25redmarineYEah some of it
21:25.29redmarineIt looks solid
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21:26.00redmarineDoes a custom condition stop if I return a value?
21:26.24P_R_Deltoidwhat what
21:26.35P_R_Deltoidwhat does
21:26.36Alpha_vstwant the code?
21:26.40Alpha_vstfor your switch
21:26.48P_R_Deltoidwhat was wrong with it?
21:27.21Helralredmarine: return = end of function/condition.
21:27.43P_R_Deltoidthought I was doing that
21:27.44P_R_Deltoid1 sec
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21:27.56P_R_Deltoidthe switch is different, 1 sec
21:27.57Alpha_vstno your not if its nto working
21:28.29RodOfNODgrr found a bug with records
21:28.34redmarineHelral, alright
21:28.37P_R_Deltoidyeah, the value for the switch was apparently set wrong
21:28.38P_R_Deltoidthanks, Alpha_vst
21:29.05redmarineHelral, thought perhaps the code would continue to run if something was left.
21:29.48P_R_Deltoidnow the tricky part
21:29.52P_R_Deltoidoffloading this shit
21:29.55Alpha_vstso it works now? :P
21:30.15P_R_DeltoidCan anyone tell me the difference between functions and actions?
21:30.24P_R_Deltoidactions can't return, right
21:30.31Alpha_vstthey can
21:30.35Helralredmarine: it will throw an error if it has unreachable codes.
21:30.40P_R_Deltoidthen what is the difference?
21:31.14Alpha_vstits all the same isnt it?
21:31.22P_R_Deltoidwell, why seperate them
21:31.30P_R_DeltoidI remember getting errors while trying to return values with an action
21:31.39RodOfNODlol blizzard has a bug with its records
21:31.51Alpha_vstare you not the dumbass?
21:31.57Helralwhat then Rod?
21:31.59RodOfNODnot this time
21:32.10RodOfNODdeclare 2 variables in 2 records same name
21:32.22RodOfNODwhichever is declared first will be the type that both will use
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21:32.57P_R_Deltoidwhoa, functions don't show up under actions?
21:33.00P_R_DeltoidWtf is going on!
21:33.02DemonetteGood night
21:33.11RodOfNODthey do IF u change the function to an actuon
21:33.12RodOfNODnite deathnight114
21:33.28P_R_Deltoidokay then what the fuck is the point of functions? For reals
21:33.31P_R_Deltoidthis makes no sense
21:33.53RodOfNODchange the function to an action in the function part
21:33.58*** join/#sc2mapster Vailreth (
21:34.11Helralfunctions return values, they can be used to set variables for example.
21:34.24P_R_DeltoidOh oh oh
21:34.31P_R_Deltoidwhy did they even bother seperating the two
21:34.38Helrallike creating 5 Dialogs with the same base setup. you don't need to copy paste the same code 5 times.
21:34.46depthsofchaosyay my function has 14 aparameters -.-
21:34.54depthsofchaosi love you blizz again
21:35.03redmarineIt's your own fault :D
21:35.05wOlfLinGWoot! Almost solid proof SC2 is going back up tomorrow :D
21:35.09RodOfNODP_R_Deltoid so as not to be unclear u make a function and then under OPTIONS u pick action
21:35.13RodOfNODits still a function
21:35.15depthsofchaosmy fault for not beating blizzard to create passable array?
21:35.30redmarineW0lflinG? How so?
21:35.32Vailrethdoes any one know how Bibendus got the marauder attack old animation to play when he used an attack?
21:35.35redmarineeh lol
21:35.43RodOfNODhis truthsayer told him
21:35.45wOlfLinGIf you open up SC2 it says that the client isn't recognised by bnet
21:35.48P_R_Deltoidthis is easily the most confusing thing
21:35.53P_R_DeltoidYou can make a function an action
21:35.55wOlfLinGTherefor, they have updated the servers already
21:35.57P_R_Deltoidwhat is the point of having them seperate
21:35.57Alpha_vstlol wOlfLinG
21:36.05redmarinewOlfLinG, been like that since the 2dn
21:36.06Alpha_vstthast been like that a few days
21:36.08RodOfNODthey are different actions
21:36.11wOlfLinGMeaning, Phase 2 isn't far away, probably tomorrow :D
21:36.11PierroHI again
21:36.21P_R_DeltoidOkay, I want to pass a value in as a parameter and get a value out as a return, will a regular action work for this?
21:36.21wOlfLinGDamn it ><
21:36.27redmarinewOlfLinG, don't expect it to pop out of nowhere
21:36.32RodOfNODone is a definition the other is a line in a trigger
21:36.33P_R_DeltoidOr do I have to use a function
21:36.33redmarineWe've been way too excited
21:36.43RodOfNODu use function P_R_Deltoid
21:36.44RedWraith~seen tehwildcard
21:36.46purltehwildcard <> was last seen on IRC in channel #sc2mapster, 12h 52m 54s ago, saying: 'xinehp, defeat didn't trigger first time'.
21:36.52RodOfNODbut u change the option to ACTION
21:36.56RodOfNODat the top of the choices
21:37.01Tolkfanis it possible to detect what screen resolution the user has?
21:37.16P_R_Deltoidalright, did that
21:37.19P_R_Deltoidhope you are right
21:37.22P_R_Deltoidthis is a lot of delicate work
21:37.27RodOfNODit will be on the list
21:37.38P_R_DeltoidI already did it, I just hope this has all the features I hope it does
21:37.39Pierroi found a way to change actor when I hover my cursor on it
21:37.42P_R_Deltoidand doesn't give errors
21:38.00Alpha_vstgood for you Pierro
21:38.15Pierronot very useful though
21:38.23Alpha_vstwhy not
21:38.29Pierroeye candy
21:38.39Pierromaybe I can set a test to shox
21:38.41Alpha_vstyou can make a whole game around that one thing
21:38.55Vulfeyou can make a whole game around anything
21:38.57Vulfebut you shouldn't
21:39.35Alpha_vstyeah but its possible
21:40.01VulfeI finished my Ur-Banshee
21:40.05Vulfeat least for now
21:40.20PierroEvent : PreselectionUpdate.*.Start //// Action : Set scale 1.5 Event PreselectionUpdate.*.Stop //// Action : SetScale 1.0
21:40.40TriceronUr-banshee? what's that
21:40.42PierroIncrease size when you hover the unit
21:40.48Vulfethe one banshee to rule them all
21:40.51Vulfethe uber-banshee
21:41.07Alpha_vst how does my ui look so far?
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21:41.24Vulfeit shoots 3 missiles at a time while moving to nearby targets and has an ability that makes them spread fire
21:41.26Vulfekind of neat
21:41.35slightlyrandomAlpha_vst: Like this ->
21:41.36Triceronnice :D
21:41.42Triceronshould make it speedier when cloaked too
21:41.51Vulfeit doesn't have cloak
21:41.54redmarineThe colours ruins it
21:41.55Vulfeit just  kills everything
21:42.10PierroUber Banshee should have flying mule to repair it
21:42.17Pierrowhen it is below 50%
21:42.41Vulfeit's really just a test of my ability to make units
21:42.42TriceronI've decided on my next unit
21:42.51RodOfNODhow do i give a custom value to a dialog item any ideas?
21:42.51Vulfeor abilities, effects, whatever
21:43.00TriceronI think I can cut up this DH's mesh and get it done fairly quick
21:43.04Triceronaiming for 2-3 days
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21:43.29Alpha_vstanyone? no? :(
21:44.06slightlyrandomIt's still pretty hard to read the Unit Selection part
21:44.08P_R_Deltoidjesus christ
21:44.11P_R_Deltoidthis is fucking retarded
21:44.25LiliannaAlpha_vst, Thats better then the last time I saw it. :)
21:44.25P_R_DeltoidFor some reason I can't take in an ability command and then use that parameter to command the unit to do something
21:44.31P_R_DeltoidIt won't show up on the parameter list
21:44.35P_R_Deltoideven though they are the same variable type
21:44.48Vailrethis there a fix for the editor crashing wenever you load the terrain module ?
21:44.48RodOfNODpastebin ur stuff P_R_Deltoid
21:45.00Vailrethi thought i saw one but i cant find it now
21:45.02Alpha_vstlol Vailreth?
21:45.24P_R_Deltoid here is what I need help with
21:45.40P_R_DeltoidI want to have line 17 make an order of what comes in as the parameter OrderCommand
21:45.43P_R_Deltoidthat is basically it
21:45.50Alpha_vstyeah slightlyrandom im working on it lol
21:45.51P_R_DeltoidBut it can't see the ability command parameter
21:48.28Alpha_vstyou have to swtich the
21:48.35Alpha_vstorder type
21:48.45P_R_DeltoidHow do you mean
21:49.56RodOfNODdid u look under parameters P_R_Deltoid?
21:50.28P_R_Deltoidfor what?
21:51.30Alpha_vstim not about to sit there and recreate the whole thing but
21:51.34Alpha_vstim pretty sure
21:51.36Vailrethi guess i am just out of luck till retaill..
21:51.47P_R_DeltoidAlpha_vst, I didn't follow what you said...
21:51.51P_R_Deltoidthe (?
21:51.54P_R_DeltoidThere are quite a few
21:52.08Alpha_vstchange the order
21:52.12RodOfNODi got it to work
21:52.18RodOfNODthat isnt it
21:52.21Alpha_vstits in the list or its the ( in the working
21:52.26RodOfNODis what u want u have to change the first part
21:52.34RodOfNODbut u have to pick PARAMETER
21:52.43RodOfNODat the top there will be a new choice
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21:53.03RodOfNODgot it P_R_Deltoid?
21:53.07heysparkyhowdy folks
21:53.10P_R_Deltoidwhat is  to default (Replace Existing Orders)
21:53.21RodOfNODdefault is MY name for my parameter
21:53.31RodOfNODi couldnt be bothered to change all my code
21:53.43RodOfNODits in the damn tree
21:53.47RodOfNODu never look in the tree
21:53.56Alpha_vstHEY heysparky
21:54.14Helralhey psarky
21:54.18Alpha_vstalso your paramater should be order
21:54.19P_R_DeltoidI am looking at the tree, I can't see anything that looks even remotely like that
21:54.30RodOfNODnot also
21:54.31P_R_DeltoidIs that Order Targeting Unit?
21:54.32RodOfNODthats what i said
21:54.36P_R_DeltoidOrder Targetting Point?
21:54.37P_R_Deltoid\Unit Order?
21:54.38RodOfNODthat is all he has to do
21:54.42RodOfNODpick parameter
21:54.43RodOfNODat the top
21:55.18RodOfNODu are under function pick parametr
21:55.30RodOfNODu should see ur order var
21:56.12P_R_DeltoidI think I am with you
21:56.15Alpha_vst <---- P_R_Deltoid
21:57.26P_R_Deltoidthought I tried that... but I think it works
21:57.28P_R_Deltoidoh well
21:58.53Alpha_vstdoes it work now?
21:59.06P_R_Deltoidwell, the code allows for it to be placed correctly
21:59.12P_R_Deltoidbut I have not gotten to a point where I can test in game
21:59.16P_R_Deltoidbut it seems like it will work
21:59.20Alpha_vstit should :P
21:59.30depthsofchaosthe unorganization blasted my face hehe but your vista looks like mine :o
22:00.22redmarineYou can't find the location of the mouse x,y if you release the mouse
22:00.43Alpha_vstand its only where its clicked...
22:00.53RodOfNODi really cant believe that blizzard cant add 2 damn reals together and get the same results everytime
22:00.55redmarineThis basically means making Dungeon Keeper is impossible
22:00.56RodOfNODwtf are they doing
22:00.58depthsofchaoswhat would you need it for
22:01.00RodOfNODi mean this isnt 1979
22:01.09redmarineWithout making it intensely resource hungry
22:01.24Alpha_vstim sure your doing it wrong
22:01.57Alpha_vstsend the mouse location to all players in the game would bring it to a hault
22:02.19redmarineI mean, they could at least also add release click
22:02.29redmarineOr some fucntion to detect the location of the mouse
22:02.35redmarineBecause I need it
22:02.38Alpha_vstdidnt you just read
22:02.40depthsofchaoswhat fooor
22:02.44redmarineYes I know
22:02.45Helralredmarine: the onmousebutton up doesn't give the new coordinates?
22:03.06Alpha_vstyou shouldnt even use the mouse buttons
22:03.12depthsofchaosclick detecton is just too messy overal imo
22:03.15depthsofchaosto use
22:03.25redmarineHelral, well, it only detects clicks when you left down
22:03.31depthsofchaosnot even keyboard is good
22:03.34redmarineSadly, there is no other way to make a dungeon keeper map
22:03.38depthsofchaosmaybe to add 1 popup window
22:03.40Alpha_vstwhy not
22:03.45Alpha_vstwhat are you trying to do?
22:03.58redmarineTrying to detect when I release a selection of walls
22:04.12redmarineI click a place on the map
22:04.15redmarinefinds the x,y of the mouse
22:04.17depthsofchaosgive a submit button?:o
22:04.24redmarinecalculates what wall I clicked on
22:04.30redmarineor rather variable
22:04.37redmarineand then Idrag somewhere
22:04.41redmarineand I release
22:04.50Alpha_vstso you do it with 2 clicks
22:04.53redmarinedo the same calculation and then mark the area between as diggable
22:04.57Alpha_vstnot hard
22:05.02redmarineI know
22:05.11redmarineI want to make a precise replication
22:05.24Alpha_vstletting you know now
22:05.30Alpha_vstthat it will cause major lag
22:05.33depthsofchaosresistance is futile! you can not!
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22:05.47redmarinewait, what will lag?
22:06.07depthsofchaoswhen i use my auto mouse presser
22:06.09Alpha_vstwhen a user clicks it will check every single click
22:06.10depthsofchaosand laugh
22:06.28redmarineAlpha_vst, I'll have to live with that.
22:06.36Alpha_vstto  much lag :P
22:06.39Alpha_vstbut ok
22:06.44redmarineAlpha_vst, in Dungeon keeper you don't click much
22:06.46depthsofchaosexpecting players to no be cocks, bad idea
22:06.51redmarinesince everything is automated
22:06.54redmarineand there are only 4 palyers
22:07.08Alpha_vsti would find a better way to do things
22:07.20Alpha_vstyou have a brain
22:07.21redmarineWithout using the mouse?
22:07.25Alpha_vstcome up with soemthing
22:07.34redmarineYou said you would have thought a different method
22:07.39redmarineWhat exactly would you do without using the click
22:07.48depthsofchaosgive the wall an ability to attack the other walls
22:07.57depthsofchaosyou create beam
22:08.15redmarineCan't do.
22:08.22redmarineWalls are diggable
22:08.26redmarineThey won't destroy each other.
22:08.29depthsofchaoselaboration required
22:08.41depthsofchaosyou want 2 points
22:08.51depthsofchaos2 points of walls
22:08.53Alpha_vstredmarine you can issue commands when a unit is selected
22:08.54slightlyrandomredmarine: Why not use the inbuilt selection tool ? :)
22:09.08redmarineslightlyrandom, camera is angular
22:09.13Alpha_vstwhat i was going for
22:09.21depthsofchaoscause he wants the area between 2 units
22:09.22Alpha_vstwell change it
22:09.24redmarineand I can't spawn 4096 units
22:09.32depthsofchaosi can
22:09.35redmarineI mean
22:09.37redmarineSure it runs
22:09.42redmarineBut hell, lower specs die
22:09.54redmarineThat's no way to treat users
22:09.58Alpha_vstdont show the whole map
22:10.08redmarineEven with fog
22:10.15redmarineThings lag
22:10.20depthsofchaosdata gets sent from fog to prevent hacking :p
22:10.25Alpha_vsti know
22:10.27depthsofchaosits so easy you dont even have to hack
22:10.31depthsofchaoshacking prevented
22:10.48redmarineI'll just use double click like you said
22:10.53heysparkySo, folks, why would these ( instances of my Action Definition result in both instances rallying to the second point? Action Defininition Guts:
22:10.56redmarineEven though kinda annoying but then again, it's a must
22:11.06depthsofchaosi dont see whats wrong with my idea
22:11.21depthsofchaosits not reasource heavy
22:11.29depthsofchaosas mouse clicks
22:11.56redmarinedepthsofchaos, well, I've tried different methods
22:12.06redmarineFound my solution the best from trial and error
22:12.49Helralheysparky: cause of the delay in the unload action. you change the point before the first group itself is underway so it will instead head for the 2nd point.
22:13.22Alpha_vstmakes sense
22:13.28Alpha_vstadd a .5 wait
22:14.19heysparkyredmarine, maybe I don't understand what you're trying to accomplish, but couldn't you 'salvage' a wall that's clicked on and then put it on the cursor like you're going to build it?
22:14.49redmarineheysparky, would still nee to click to get that point
22:15.10heysparkyit's placed like any other building
22:15.14heysparkywhat am I not getting?
22:15.34redmarineand then drag to another point in order to get the data necessary to fill it
22:15.56redmarineI'm actually select building
22:16.01redmarineClick on one built
22:16.03redmarineclick on another
22:16.14LiliannaHe's trying to dig a trench persay
22:16.16Liliannafrom wall to point
22:16.18redmarineand then you calculate and loop to fill between the two point
22:16.41redmarineso 2 clicks necesary.
22:16.41Alpha_vstredmarine first click on where you want to start the thing then click another point create a retangle region from those points
22:16.45Alpha_vstremove the walls
22:16.48LiliannaWhy not give the wall a Rally command or something? Can you track where a Rally flag is dropped?
22:16.56redmarineAlpha_vst, exactly what I am doing
22:17.09Alpha_vstyou can get the rally point
22:17.11redmarineAlpha_vst, what I wanted to do is click and release click to achive the same.
22:17.40redmarineThat would mean I would have to control a unit throughout the game
22:17.48Alpha_vstredmarine cant you
22:18.01redmarinethen I would need to use right click
22:18.06redmarinewhich is for another function
22:18.06LiliannaCan you have a trigger start an ability for you so its on your mouse, but not used yet?
22:18.42Alpha_vstredmarine you can issue a command to slected the higlithed unit when you release the mouse
22:19.08redmarineLilianna, I could but the same could be achived by the other method by just using click twice
22:19.18heysparkydo that, then
22:19.47redmarineAlpha_vst, the problem is that I can't just spam units all over the map
22:19.52*** part/#sc2mapster TheLaughingMan (~TheLaughi@
22:20.00redmarinethat would be necesary for your suggestion
22:20.11LiliannaWell from what I'm hearing mouse sensing isnt the best idea, so I was just asking thoughts for alternatives, you wont get 100% recreation, but the engine is designed to its needs, not everyone elses needs
22:20.13redmarineheysparky, I'll ofc, thing about that one
22:20.17Alpha_vsti thought you where removing units
22:20.35redmarineAlpha_vst, no I ain't
22:20.39redmarineAlpha_vst, I'm selecting them
22:20.45Alpha_vstto remove them?
22:20.49redmarineAlpha_vst, and then transforming them into floors
22:21.05redmarineAlpha_vst, when they're digged.
22:21.37LiliannaSo were imagining a bunch of rock tiles, that You click on one and move accross, to remove the roks so you have floor?
22:21.46Liliannaor changing from rock wall, to floor
22:21.47RodOfNODok i have confirmed there is definatly a problem with floating point numbers and its not even a unlikely one
22:21.55heysparkysounds like the walls need an ability that targets a point and you place the second point with a second click and nuke whatever is between origin point and target point
22:22.09P_R_Deltoidthis got very complicated very fast
22:22.16depthsofchaosrod you mean rounding of the editor?:p
22:22.19Liliannathats easy to do with all sorts of things. :D
22:22.21depthsofchaosits hilarious
22:22.24RodOfNODtake a number like 1.00 add .05 to it till you get to just over 6 and it becomes 6.16 instead of 6.15 but do this using only integers it works fine
22:22.49Liliannatheres always bugs with floating point numbers. :|
22:22.51Liliannaeven in C
22:22.51RodOfNODyes but it is much worse that i have ever seen from any area
22:22.58RodOfNODbut this is horrible
22:23.11RodOfNODso heres how i solved it
22:23.16RodOfNODinstead of using reals
22:23.19LiliannaUse integers and parse it
22:23.24RodOfNODi multiplied the # by 100 and then used integer
22:23.28depthsofchaosthese are mistic numbers blizzard must use to get blessed by the gods
22:23.30RodOfNODyea :>
22:23.41RodOfNODwhich is horrible but effective
22:23.49redmarineThat's how it works
22:24.08*** join/#sc2mapster Funkeh` (~funk@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Ace3/BigWigs/funkeh)
22:24.08Liliannawell I thought it was fun, I type in 1000 in a data field that says values <0 - 1000 > and it gives me 997.77929 whatever
22:24.09VulfeThis is for ProzaicMuze
22:24.13Vulfewho pretended to help me earlier
22:24.28Vulfeyou can all look at it too
22:24.31Vulfebut it's not that exciting
22:24.38RodOfNODi think thats a different problem Lilianna
22:24.43RodOfNODrelated but different
22:24.47Liliannamore then likely
22:24.52Liliannabut I was thinking Blizzard Magic Numbers
22:25.05VulfeThey should have capped it at 9000
22:25.08Vulfejust to annoy people
22:25.13HelralRedMarine: I don't see the mouse down/up catching problem.
22:25.43depthsofchaosmarine how will you make that guly waving hand?
22:25.48HelralI'll pastebin 2 triggers.
22:26.06RodOfNODanyone see a way to right justify numbers?
22:26.24depthsofchaosin the data editor?
22:26.24RodOfNODor anything for that matter
22:26.25Helral <-- very simpel mouse pos retrieval.
22:26.32RodOfNODno in text to the screen
22:26.34Helralmouse down != mouse up values.
22:26.52depthsofchaosoh i misunderstood :o
22:27.10depthsofchaoswell theres always the add space optiion :p
22:27.23casperb_In Text objects?
22:27.23redmarineHelral, so it counts releases as well?
22:27.32RodOfNODdoesnt work with chars that are not same spacing
22:27.33Helralmouse up ;p
22:27.35casperb_redmarine: mouse up and down are different events yes
22:27.54redmarinebut the function works for both events
22:27.55redmarineSo nice
22:27.59depthsofchaosi mean adding whitepsaces
22:28.23Helralyou didn't notice that the event had a toggle between mouse down and up?
22:28.29RodOfNODhow would that help?
22:28.30casperb_styles have indendation tho?
22:28.42RodOfNODstyles maybe
22:28.42redmarineHelral, sure I did
22:28.46RodOfNODwhere do i find that
22:28.50casperb_not sure how they are specified actually o.o
22:28.58casperb_but i'd bet it's defined in a xml based stylesheet
22:30.04slightlyrandomOh, but this will cause me a few headaches. Trying to reorganize players from their position in Active Players to a new position I decide. But my entire map is based off of Active Players right now
22:31.36casperb_position == index?
22:31.50slightlyrandomI want to allow players to choose whether they want to play solo or duo ingame, but only players 1+2, 3+4, 5+6 and 7+8 can play together. So if players 2 and 7 want to Duo, I need to move em to positions 7+8
22:32.01slightlyrandomYeah, index
22:32.03P_R_Deltoidstupid game calculates how the distance between the attacker and the reciever, even if the unit doesn't have to move
22:32.09P_R_Deltoidoh oh can I get a units range using triggers?
22:32.10casperb_Ignore that, use your own grouping
22:32.10P_R_DeltoidI wonder
22:32.46slightlyrandomI'll have to go through my entire code and replace Active Players with PlayerGroup :S
22:34.01depthsofchaosi love how you can only give positive height for units in behaviours -.-
22:34.07depthsofchaosno falling to death effect
22:34.29casperb_it's relative height tho
22:34.35casperb_0 == ground
22:34.46Alpha_vstyeah lol
22:34.49RodOfNODcant u override by holding down the shift key?
22:34.55casperb_so negative is below the terrain
22:35.02Alpha_vstsilly people
22:35.12casperb_override what where who?
22:35.14depthsofchaos0 is not the lowest level tho
22:35.17LiliannaBut I wanna make him fall in a hole!
22:35.27casperb_0 is level with terrain
22:35.35casperb_cog might vary
22:35.46Vulfeit's like flyheight
22:35.58depthsofchaosi want it to fall to the skybox :o
22:36.05Alpha_vstcant go below 0
22:36.06depthsofchaosi know i can use triggers but nah..
22:36.08Vulfemake the actor smaller
22:36.09casperb_modify the terrain
22:36.23casperb_nah just lower the hidden terrain
22:36.46casperb_scale the actor, what is this the 80s? :P
22:37.01RodOfNODhmm evidently they havent transferred # override from wc3  to sc2 bastardss
22:37.30depthsofchaosah maybe i can modify the actors height
22:38.14*** join/#sc2mapster johanw123123 (
22:38.19RodOfNODhow can i color text onto a dialog label that is based on a variable?
22:38.31Liliannaconvert to text?
22:38.36Vulfeusing the style tags and custom text, I'd assume
22:38.41Vulfecustom script, rather
22:38.50RodOfNODgonna have to see if i can concat 3 strings
22:38.57casperb_the color is variable?
22:39.03RodOfNODthe label is
22:39.04Vulfeit's not called concat in SC2
22:39.10HelralSet Dialog Item Color?
22:39.14RodOfNODdosnt work
22:39.16RodOfNODnever has
22:39.25Vulfeworks for some things
22:39.36casperb_string to text escapes?
22:39.59casperb_otherwise concat should work
22:40.50casperb_Vulfe: regardless, what else would you call the operation :p
22:41.06Vulfeconcat = combine in sc2
22:41.11Vulfestop being so old school
22:41.20casperb_concat == hard coded in my brain
22:41.43Vulfethere are a lot of really cool unused icons for protoss
22:42.14Vulfealso, there's a copy of the mothership recall icon
22:42.19Vulfethat's called "warmholetransit
22:43.00Vulfewarm hole..
22:43.34casperb_typo on your part or blizzard?
22:44.04Vulfethere are two icons that are identical
22:44.06Vulfeone has a typo
22:44.10Vulfeway to waste space, bliz
22:44.38Vulfenot kinky
22:44.50Vulfealthough that's kind of a difficult typo to make
22:44.55Vulfemore of a freudian slip
22:45.18RodOfNODdamn worked but what a pain in the arse
22:45.23RodOfNODconcat concat concat
22:46.06rrowlandcombine text multiple
22:46.11rrowlandor combine string multiple
22:46.54Vulfeswam seeds icon
22:47.04Vulfeall the typos have copies
22:47.17slightlyrandomcasperb_: The index returned by "Triggering Player" corresponds to that of the index of the group "Active Players", right? Good workaround that isn't a linked list? :S
22:47.30casperb_hum there's two of me o.o
22:47.54Vulfenow there's 3
22:48.37casperb_EventPlayer is not an array index per-se
22:48.44*** join/#sc2mapster casperc (80243741@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
22:48.46redmarineMeh... My problem was a calculation error -.-
22:48.52*** join/#sc2mapster greg (d03a751d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
22:48.57casperb_Player index != array index in other words
22:49.18redmarineOne single bug
22:49.19redmarinein my code
22:49.28redmarineDebugged it for 4 days
22:49.30caspercI'm watching you
22:49.38redmarineOnly 1 bug caused it to mailfuncton
22:49.44Helralthinks Vulfe is bored.
22:49.49caspercis correct
22:49.51RodOfNODok so i need someone to think this through with me please... if u want to TAG a particular unit in sc2 just use custom and have uniqu numbers that way when u select a unit u can look at some info about the unit right? like an index into an array.. but how do i do this with dialog items?  we dont have the return bug and i was going to try and use DataTableSetDialog but there isnt one for dialog item, ideas? basically i wa
22:50.01slightlyrandomSo me using Triggering Player to get Index number and using that to refer to array index values was never gonna work?
22:50.20caspercoh snap
22:50.36casperb_Player Group != an array
22:50.37redmarineslightlyrandom, it should?
22:50.42casperb_just to make it more complicated
22:51.00RodOfNODtriggeringplayer is just an integer
22:51.02casperb_The public index access i would assume accepts player indicies
22:51.03LiliannaPlayer Group is like the kiddy pool full of fat kids?
22:51.09RodOfNODfrom 0-15
22:51.23redmarineI've used triggeirng player before for arrays
22:51.29redmarineso I presume it works
22:51.30casperb_Your own arrays, yes
22:51.43*** join/#sc2mapster Corbo (~thecorbo@
22:51.49casperb_Alright you have a player group of size 4 with players 1, 8, 9 and 14
22:51.53redmarineJust don't pass them to custom functions. Heard it fails
22:52.01caspercWho wants to talk about..
22:52.12casperb_The star trek dude?
22:52.13LiliannaYay Data!
22:52.16RodOfNODi do :P
22:52.16slightlyrandomAh, so that's where it fails
22:52.18redmarinecasperc, why not just place them to 1,2,3,4,?
22:52.27casperb_stop confusing meeh!
22:52.29CorboHey guys, just to let you know, if you haven't found out already
22:52.33slightlyrandomThey might be fuckers that mess up the Lobby redmarine :)
22:52.40CorboMy live stream will be starting right now, I'llcover up stuff on graphics
22:52.44RodOfNODim gonna try and be there corbo
22:52.46caspercI'll get myself ready
22:52.46redmarineslightlyrandom, alriight :D
22:52.48slightlyrandomwait, does that even make sense
22:52.48caspercfor the Corbo overload
22:52.50casperchar har har
22:52.52slightlyrandomI have no idea
22:53.24caspercwhen are you starting
22:54.02HelralVulfe, Corbo has already started ;p
22:54.04redmarineDebugging is fun...
22:54.11redmarineWhen you SOLVE the problem
22:54.18casperb_slightlyrandom: public API should work as expected basically
22:54.21casperb_i just go off on tagents
22:54.24Corbojust starting up programs I'll be needing then I'll start
22:54.39RodOfNODhelral any thoughts on my dilema please?
22:54.50Helralhmmm dilemma?
22:54.56caspercHurry up Corbo
22:54.57RodOfNODbig post bout 3 pages back
22:55.06depthsofchaosCorbo, how do i ask a quastion?:o
22:55.12CorboThere's a chat
22:55.13caspercit's livestreaam
22:55.16Corbojust do it via the chat
22:55.17redmarineYou just asked one
22:55.20redmarineand he replied
22:55.21caspercthar be a chat
22:55.28Helralwas too much reading, and I didn't understand what you wanted to do with the tagging
22:55.29casperclol redmarine
22:55.30casperc2 true
22:55.51RodOfNODwell when a user clicks on a button on the dialog u can get an event to capture it right?
22:55.54caspercwhat does the mothership event horizon effect do?
22:56.03caspercyes, Rod
22:56.05caspercyou can
22:56.06RodOfNODwell i dont want 40 differerent switches for my events
22:56.08RodOfNODi just want one
22:56.16caspercwhat do you mean
22:56.28RodOfNODi have 3 popup menus
22:56.37casperb_yeah issue with that is, the dialog api is horrible
22:56.37RodOfNODi want to use one routine that does the same thing for all menus
22:56.38caspercme too
22:56.41RodOfNODwithout using a switch
22:56.44caspercwanna make out?
22:56.53caspercwhat's a switch
22:57.06RodOfNODa big ass IF THEN
22:57.07LiliannaWht defines differnt mechanics of the menus?
22:57.20RodOfNODare u asking me Lilianna?
22:57.23caspercyou could just use conditions and be inefficient
22:57.31HelralRod you don't want to use a switch to walk through the different menu buttons?
22:57.37caspercbut 40 if/thens isn't that bad
22:57.38RodOfNODwell i have created records to store the data in an array of records
22:57.43RodOfNODcorrect helral
22:57.46casperb_there is no thing such as a switch in galaxy :P
22:58.01RodOfNODswitches work in galaxy
22:58.01LiliannaTheres is a Switch, its just a collector of if statments. :x
22:58.09casperb_Just a GUI macro
22:58.12RodOfNODso anyways back to the issue
22:58.14RodOfNODfine fine
22:58.16slightlyrandomcasperb_: Are you pointing out theoretical or actual issues here?
22:58.18Liliannatrue enough
22:58.34casperb_slightlyrandom: I lost my train of thought way back
22:58.40RodOfNODso i want it to TAG the item so when u click on it the routine has a number associated with it that points to my array
22:58.50RodOfNODdialogitem that is
22:58.53casperb_slightlyrandom: try it, it it doesn't work i'll fix it :P
22:58.54slightlyrandomThis channel got way too active all of a sudden
22:59.06slightlyrandomWell, I know this won't work
22:59.15HelralI think you can use Dialog Item Current Value for it.
22:59.21LiliannaSo, You have Menu X, Click Button with Data Y, to Pull up Menu X with new Data Z from Item? or something
22:59.31Helralit is not used in displays for buttons afaik.
22:59.36slightlyrandomAnd I can't quite think of a workaround apart from making a list of which Triggering Player corrosponds to which player in my own Player Group
22:59.56RodOfNODahh yes
23:00.04RodOfNODmaybe value isnt what i thought it was
23:00.09RodOfNODoooh ty for that Helral
23:00.17Helralthere are 2 different things: Value and Text.
23:00.18RodOfNODi got caught up and forgot about value
23:00.23RodOfNODyes i know that now
23:00.25HelralValue = hidden. Text = visible.
23:00.28RodOfNODty ty
23:00.30RodOfNODthats what i wanted
23:00.32RodOfNODeasy peasy
23:00.36Alpha_vstlike pie
23:00.49Helralunless they finally implement the dialog item edit box.
23:01.00Helralcause that one will use value as visible ;p
23:02.41greghi everyone. does anyone know why my fungul growth (level 2) no longer roots enemies? been working on this for 6+ hours and i just cannot get it <-- data editor noob
23:02.48slightlyrandomSo, how are you nuts that are using your own Player Groups instead of Active Players dealing with referring to arrays using Triggering Player ?
23:03.56casperb_All player groups deal with player indicies tho, i'm pretty sure of that
23:04.29slightlyrandomI think I am confusing myself now
23:04.38casperb_o wait
23:04.47slightlyrandomSo, players have a innate number attached to em ?
23:04.49casperb_There's a function to get the player index at the array index
23:05.14slightlyrandomand all the Triggering Player and Picked Player functions refer to this innate number ?
23:05.43casperb_EventPlayer and PlayerGroupLoopCurrent refer to a player index yes
23:06.01slightlyrandomInstead of the return value of Picked Player of RandomGroupIJustMadeUp being it's position in that group
23:06.02Alpha_vstfixed my respawn bug woot
23:06.32slightlyrandomThat'll simplify matters
23:06.57slightlyrandomHm, and make my way of sorting players totally useless
23:07.07slightlyrandomBugger, back to the drawing board
23:07.22casperb_Well, All players would return adjacent players
23:07.26casperb_i mean in order
23:08.23slightlyrandomWell, I am depending quite heavily on PickedPlayer from ActivePlayers returning the players position on the board
23:08.27P_R_DeltoidI love how many problems are caused by certain actions taking longer than others
23:08.32P_R_Deltoidjust random looping shit
23:08.41P_R_Deltoidhad to add a wait .1 seconds command or else it would spazz
23:08.53casperb_yeah you'd kill the thread ;p
23:10.06*** join/#sc2mapster Warcrime (47e77d97@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
23:10.14casperb_slightlyrandom: anyways, you want to split players up based on what? lobby teams, starting position, etc?
23:10.24slightlyrandomThats what I did initially
23:10.30casperb_which one? :p
23:10.32WarcrimeOh man this editor is wack, compared to WC3; I was pro with WorldEdit
23:10.39slightlyrandomEverything was based off of the numbers returned by Triggering Player and Picked Player from Active Players
23:10.55casperb_Yeah but adjacent indicies doesn't have to mean anything
23:10.56slightlyrandomWhich I assume to be 1-8, given that those are the valid User Slots for my map
23:11.01Triceronit's a beta editor
23:12.01slightlyrandomThere's a perfectly simple fix
23:12.11slightlyrandomJust make a vote, and force everyone to play either solo or duo
23:12.25casperb_Not really seeing the issue
23:12.45slightlyrandomI am allowing people to pick whether they want to play alone or with another player
23:12.58slightlyrandomBut for them to play with someone else, they have to be in a start location next to that player
23:13.01Alpha_vstslightlyrandom time to redo yoru code
23:13.06Liliannathe issue was trying to play duo with people int he wrong positions
23:13.27slightlyrandomNow say players 1,2,5 and 8 pick Duo
23:13.33slightlyrandom1 and 2 is fine, they're golden
23:13.42slightlyrandom5 and 8 can't play duo, they arent next to each other
23:14.04Alpha_vstdont give them the option to then
23:14.08slightlyrandomSo now I have to switch players 5 and 7, and make that stick whenever I am referring to player 5 or 7 from then on
23:14.16*** join/#sc2mapster TheLaughingMan (~TheLaughi@
23:14.18Liliannarebuild the map where players are built with triggers filled in order, instead of fixed positions. :x
23:14.27WarcrimeYou think I should make a SC2 remake of
23:14.28Alpha_vstyou have to
23:14.32TheLaughingManCan you do range mineral mining?
23:15.04slightlyrandomThis means I can't use the Picked Player and Triggering Player functions ?
23:15.10*** join/#sc2mapster Mozared (525ffb7c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
23:15.16casperb_But you can use them
23:15.16MozaredEvening folks
23:15.23MozaredWhat's going on in here?
23:15.26Alpha_vstslightlyrandom REDO ALL OF YOUR CODE OR FORGET ABOUT IT
23:15.40slightlyrandomYeah, trying to determine how to do this though :)
23:15.44WarcrimeYA REDO YOUR CODE
23:15.45casperb_array index <-> player index
23:15.47casperb_conversion ftw
23:15.48WarcrimeDO EEEEEETTTT
23:15.55WarcrimeDO EEEEEEEEET
23:16.06Alpha_vstnot so hard
23:16.12casperb_hey what happend with my evil twin?
23:16.16LiliannaTheLaughingMan, I have been playing with mining stuff, haven't looked at range, but I'd assume is in the gather ability
23:16.24Alpha_vstand use a referance value
23:16.29slightlyrandomSo every time I use Picked Player or Triggering Player, I run the result through my conversion list, and use the result?
23:16.51MozaredEw, triggering stuff... *silently retreats back into his cave*
23:16.54casperb_no list
23:16.57casperb_just call the function
23:17.04WarcrimeShould I remake for SC2?
23:17.05gregcan someone help me fix my fungal growth? i duplicated the ability but the level 2 version no longer roots enemies.. the damage and effects still work but they can still move with the fungal growth on them..
23:17.07WarcrimeYAY or NAY?
23:17.16casperb_yeh sure if you want
23:17.19casperb_happy now? :p
23:17.19LiliannaIf you want
23:17.27WarcrimeWould you like to play it if I did?!
23:17.31WarcrimeYaY or NaY
23:17.37casperb_I'd try it
23:17.41LiliannaNot particularily, but I never wanted to play the first one anyways
23:18.18WarcrimeWELL FINE
23:18.19WarcrimeF U
23:18.32Alpha_vstslightlyrandom: you should only have to check teh players once at the start of the game
23:18.41Alpha_vstand then set a referance to the player number
23:19.26heysparkythat's weird greg
23:19.33heysparkywonder why part of it works and not the other
23:19.36gregtell me about it..
23:19.49gregthis has been my entire day so far
23:19.57greg8 hours of just comparing two versions of fungal growth
23:19.59Alpha_vstredo the thing
23:20.08Alpha_vststart clean
23:20.24gregmight as well
23:20.27Alpha_vstits probably in your events +
23:20.39gregi have no idea how that events+ thing works
23:20.42gregwhich is probably why
23:20.48LiliannaI had to do alot of compare to figure out why my minerals that I made weren't mineable. :x
23:20.53Alpha_vstits like a trigger greg
23:20.54P_R_Deltoidis there any way to hide thrown errors?
23:21.05P_R_Deltoidnot player debug messages, but blizzard ones
23:21.21slightlyrandomFix the bug
23:21.27casperb_slightlyrandom: just  call PlayerGroupPlayer to get the array index
23:21.29P_R_Deltoidit's intentional
23:21.32P_R_Deltoida s loppy workaround
23:21.50P_R_Deltoidthe unit is ordered to attack, but cannot because the attack move stops their movement to the target
23:21.55P_R_Deltoidso if they are out of range, it throws an error
23:22.33*** join/#sc2mapster MUFFIN_ (42b73639@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
23:22.37MUFFIN_did someone call me!
23:22.43MozaredI was getting hungry
23:22.57MozaredWell hey, you set yourself up for that
23:24.05Alpha_vstP_R_Deltoid: YOU NEED TO FIX IT
23:24.09Alpha_vstnot hide it
23:24.29P_R_DeltoidI can't think of a way to do it
23:24.30Alpha_vstevery error is preventable 0.o
23:24.37casperb_Err no
23:24.46P_R_Deltoidthis way works just fine as far as I can tell
23:24.50P_R_Deltoidbesides the error
23:25.10casperb_Alpha_vst: segfaults etc happend regardless at some point :p
23:25.19casperb_even if it's not your fault
23:26.27Alpha_vstive fixed every error i have gotten so it must be true :P
23:26.42gregso i did reset object to parent for a bunch of actors, abilities, effects, etc.
23:26.47P_R_Deltoidis ther e awy to check if a unit is in range of a nother unit
23:26.47gregbut one of them is staying green
23:26.49P_R_Deltoidrange of their weaponj
23:26.49gregwhy is this
23:28.09gregnevermind i just deleted it and then it came back..
23:28.29*** join/#sc2mapster `MindWorX (~Nikolaj.M@
23:28.38`MindWorXI found you!
23:28.49*** join/#sc2mapster poiuy_qwert (
23:29.04`MindWorXYou around?
23:29.14`MindWorXI see you
23:29.34`MindWorXYou were doing that random generated dungion map?
23:30.00LiliannaYay I get my new phone tomorrow!
23:30.10`MindWorXAny new features on the map?
23:30.28*** join/#sc2mapster MUFFIN__ (42b73639@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
23:30.29TheLaughingManLilianna, what phone?
23:30.32Helralworking on some ;p
23:30.42`MindWorXGotten static rooms working?
23:30.47LiliannaUpgrading my iPhone(original) to a 4. :o
23:30.52MUFFIN__i killed you door helral..
23:31.01Helraldesigning how to implement it ;p
23:31.12TheLaughingManBlah IPhone
23:31.21`MindWorXRemember to buy a bumpber for the iPhone Lilianna
23:31.22LiliannaI like it. :p
23:31.32`MindWorXUnless you don't want to be able to dial out
23:31.42`MindWorXYou don't know about the antenna problem?
23:31.59Alpha_vstremember to hold it correctly :P
23:32.05LiliannaI heard about that
23:32.12Liliannabut it was a software issue from what I heard
23:32.19`MindWorXIt's a hardware issu
23:32.22Alpha_vstits a desgin flaw
23:32.34Liliannathe whole thing was supposed to be an antenna
23:32.51`MindWorXYou can shortcircuit the BT and GSM antennas by holding the thumb on the lower right side
23:33.00LiliannaFrom what I was told, the software was reading the signal wrong and displaying better then what you should get
23:33.09`MindWorXYea, that's not the case
23:33.12`MindWorXYou should get better sources
23:33.40LiliannaHeh, no matter, my friend had one, and it was working great
23:34.02Liliannawho the hell holds their phone ont he bottom anyways?
23:34.28`MindWorXI do?
23:34.33`MindWorXSteve Jobs do
23:34.41Alpha_vsteveryones does?
23:34.41`MindWorXIt's a pretty normal way of holding it
23:35.21LiliannaI always held the middle. :x
23:35.43`MindWorXA "software issue" ? :P Right, that's just to try and save face xD
23:35.52Alpha_vstreporting too many bars while not being held.
23:36.06Fatal5101lol i watched a video where someone predicted they would just call it a software issue and release a patch to cover it up
23:36.08`MindWorXI wonder how the software would relate to that xD
23:36.38Alpha_vstthats a bunch of crap
23:36.52WarcrimeAndroid is way better
23:36.56Warcrimeif they didnt run out of it so much
23:36.59Alpha_vstthey are putting out a patch to decrease teh number of bars shown
23:37.06Alpha_vstim sure
23:37.09`MindWorXAndroid crashes often, and most Android phones have serious power problems
23:37.17Alpha_vstnot true
23:37.18Warcrime2nd Generation of Android is very comparitive than the apples 4th generation iphone
23:37.20Warcrimec'mon now.
23:37.44`MindWorXMy experience with Android is crashing market, lagging menus and poor poor battery lifetime
23:38.00Alpha_vstcrashing market?
23:38.00TheLaughingManWhat was that the first Android Phone you played with?
23:38.08`MindWorXWell, not lagging menu, but it's nowhere near as smooth as the iPhone menu
23:38.17TheLaughingManThey fixed everything
23:38.18`MindWorXHTC Desire is the one i've been trying
23:38.29Liliannahehe I like this picture,
23:38.38Alpha_vstjust amit it your would buy a rock if it was called irock
23:38.42gregOK so i completely wiped everything and started over. everything is set to default and all level 2 versions of fungal growth are removed. i duplicate fungal growth (the ability) along with its effects and behaviors. i rename everything from copy to level 2 and then i go to events for fungal growth and add events for the second level of it and launch the game. still, it does more damage like it should and has sound, models, and effec
23:38.56LiliannaAlpha_vst, Only if it had a USB cord
23:39.15TheLaughingManAlready out
23:39.16Alpha_vstsure but only in ver 2
23:39.23LiliannaI know
23:39.27LiliannaThink Geek already did it
23:39.32Liliannaor whoever
23:39.35Liliannathey got the supply from
23:39.47*** join/#sc2mapster ekcolnvkol (
23:39.50ekcolnvkolI'M ALIVE
23:39.54ekcolnvkolWHAT THE FUC
23:40.04TheLaughingManAnyone, the Evo and the Arya are very responsive
23:40.06ekcolnovkoldigs up through the ground
23:40.17*** join/#sc2mapster MaxMode (~Adium@2002:4406:763b:0:21f:5bff:fecf:375)
23:40.33ekcolnovkolhand bursts through the ground and grabs rrowland's ankle
23:40.34Alpha_vstincredible is incredible :P
23:40.42`MindWorXSpeaking of digging, time to take a look at minecraft again
23:40.51WarcrimeI can get my hands on the HTC Andriod Incredible
23:40.54Warcrimeif they had in stock
23:40.58Warcrimebut I order online for 150$
23:41.06Alpha_vstthey dont have any :(
23:41.12WarcrimeUpgrade plan is in effect.
23:41.17WarcrimeWell its 100$ off through verizon
23:41.18Alpha_vstso im waiting for the new phones this moth :P
23:41.19Warcrimeon line
23:41.38Warcrime100$+50$ upgrade = 150$
23:41.47Warcrime15% off because active military
23:41.54TheLaughingManEvo is only $200 and worth it
23:42.05Helralgoes to sleep
23:42.17Helral|asleepnn all
23:43.13Alpha_vstim going to get me a driod x
23:44.01*** join/#sc2mapster Ashamed (43adf1dc@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
23:44.07Ashamedi need sc2
23:44.11Ashamedi need to balance my map!
23:44.17Alpha_vstyou can balance
23:44.27Alpha_vstmake some ui
23:44.37Ashamedits hard to balance a mass game without anyone else
23:45.25AshamedWould it be easy to make an AI for a mass game?
23:45.39AshamedI would have to program each hero
23:45.41Ashamedit would be hard ><
23:45.58Alpha_vstAI is always good to have
23:46.05AshamedIt is pretty cool
23:46.11*** join/#sc2mapster slightlyrandom (
23:46.16Ashamedcuz then you can do vs computer
23:46.18Ashamedbut its a mass game
23:46.34AshamedIt kinda seems like a waste to do
23:50.23LiliannaEvery map should have AI, so you can play against them!
23:50.46AshamedNot mass games
23:50.56LiliannaI dunno what a mass game is
23:51.06LiliannaI think of throwing heavy balls when you say mass
23:51.25Ashamedits like evolves?
23:51.59Ashamedit just creates units and you need to controle them
23:52.19Ashamedand win by killing your oppoinents base
23:52.29Ashamedevery 2.5 second a new unit spawns
23:52.30Liliannakinda like zone control without the zones?
23:52.37Ashamedand it depends on how many kills and what you select
23:52.40P_R_DeltoidI think I official made my most confusing project
23:52.43P_R_Deltoida long time coming
23:52.46Ashamedzone control
23:53.04Liliannaan AI for a game like that wouldnt be too hard
23:54.38Alpha_vstpretty simple really
23:54.55Ashamedthis game has alot of hereos
23:55.01Ashamedthat all do spacific things
23:55.07Ashamedto make winning easier
23:55.21Ashamedlike tank/pull/upgrade/etc
23:55.29*** join/#sc2mapster rrowland (
23:55.30Ashamedabout 50 units like that
23:55.39AshamedGood luck making an AI :)
23:56.57LordAbyss2more like...grrrrr attachments

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