IRC log for #sc2mapster on 20100515

00:00.03Shadowclaimerwell they'd be easily countered by air units, instagibbed by say Siege Tanks in Siege mode as soon as they enter range
00:00.07Shadowclaimerbalance is fun
00:00.08`228zipWhat do you plan for the cobra ?
00:00.14ShadowclaimerI don't have it included currently
00:00.25`228zipDo you plan to have it included ?
00:00.28Shadowclaimernot currently
00:00.31Shadowclaimerkinda forgot about it honestly
00:00.56`228zipFiring on the move apparently was it's main feature
00:01.18*** join/#sc2mapster Reves (~44e63378@gateway/web/freenode/x-vwdigpashowdunbn)
00:01.18`228zipThat could be redundant with fast, long ranged vultures
00:01.21Shadowclaimeryou know I alwys thought Hellions got that ability lol
00:01.24*** join/#sc2mapster HyBReD (~HyBReD@
00:01.35Shadowclaimerthen I used them and was disappointed
00:01.53FrozenFirebathellions firing otm would be too OP
00:01.57FrozenFirebatit's easy to micro them
00:02.02Lazbroinstead they have a GIGANTIC cooldown
00:02.30FrozenFirebatit's the nature of the attack lazbro... the flame causes the game to track targets 24 times during each shot
00:02.36Shadowclaimerwell the way I see it, Hellions would be most effective against like groups of marines or infantry period
00:02.42LazbroI know, and it doesn't even lag o_o
00:02.43Shadowclaimerwhere as Vultures would be best at picking off marauders or roaches
00:02.57`228zipWhat about workers shadowclaimers ?
00:02.59FrozenFirebatLazbro, the effects of doing things internally with the data editor
00:03.02AsaI miss spider mines
00:03.03LazbroI have a hellion hero that shoots its flamer straight ahead, and the turret shoots fireballs that cause a HUGE EXPLOSION if the target is set on fire from the flamer.
00:03.13`228zipHellions are very good at harassing too
00:03.27`228zipIf there are no spine crawlers around, obviously
00:03.39Shadowclaimerthe Hellion has to stay focused on a target however to provide adequate damage, its the payment for the aoe
00:03.43Shadowclaimersure they can shoot once then run
00:03.45FrozenFirebateven with, drop 4 in to kill 10 workers XD
00:03.50`228zipOne thing I'd like to see
00:03.53Shadowclaimerbut they'll have to shoot multiple times compared to like.. a Vulture's slower heavier shots
00:03.56`228zipIs a ground based transport
00:04.24`228zipAvailable on factory
00:04.27Shadowclaimercould add 4 transport slots in the Thor xD
00:04.28Lazbrodon't hellions overlap with reapers? :(
00:04.28FrozenFirebatI made hellions in my diplomacy map into mobile bunkers
00:04.33FrozenFirebatif that counts 228 XD
00:04.37ShadowclaimerReapers can jump cliffs and murder buildings
00:04.49LazbroShadow: what if you put units into your thor and then load the thor into a dropship? :p
00:04.51Shadowclaimeractually that'd be badass towards amking the thor a superunit xD
00:04.54`228zipThey are also useless beyond 8 minutes in the game
00:05.00Shadowclaimerif I do step up the thor to a superunit, no transporting them lol
00:05.18Shadowclaimerbut throw 4 slots that allow you to "choose" 4 weapons by letting infantry fire out of it could be awesome
00:05.21Lazbroaaaand then put the dropship into a thor :p
00:05.25ShadowclaimerThere ya go
00:05.27Shadowclaimernow you're thinking like me
00:05.37FrozenFirebatAir units cannot go into a transport under normal conditions
00:05.39`228zipHow will they go through chokes and such ?
00:05.42`228zipTunnel system ?
00:05.44Lazbrois there anywhere I can see which weapon attachments a unit has?
00:05.47Shadowclaimerwhat about giving Reapers an EMP grenade?
00:05.52AsaWindow preview laz
00:05.56Shadowclaimerfor late game purposes
00:06.07`228zipYou can have a lot of reapers
00:06.16`228zipI know protoss tears taste good, but still
00:06.28FrozenFirebatShadow, you wouldn't be able to have the thor use the units inside as an attack redirect... a unit will only use it or their weapon, not both
00:06.50`228zipWhat about bunkers ?
00:06.55FrozenFirebatran into that problem when making a planetary fortress work as a giant bunker
00:07.01AsaIf you load a bunker into a medvac
00:07.04AsaThat'd be funny
00:07.20`228zipFlying bunker ? what the hell =O
00:07.30FrozenFirebatThat's cool too... Flying Gunship
00:07.42FrozenFirebatimagine 8 marines shooting out of it XD
00:07.53`228zipIn general I think we lack offensive transports in SC2
00:07.55ShadowclaimerI just realized a Marauder could be an effective counter for a vulture if the marauder got the first shot xD
00:07.57heysparkyheh, that's cool
00:08.01Shadowclaimer228 the Grizzly solves that in my list
00:08.12`228zipTransports only are here to.. transport
00:08.16Shadowclaimerits a Dropship with a minigun or so
00:08.17`228zipMedivacs can support
00:08.39Lazbrothanks Asa
00:08.43`228zipWell, wouldn't it be more interesting to have units firing out of the thing ?
00:08.49Shadowclaimerit'd be overpowered honestly
00:08.55LazbroFrozen: medevac dropship -> E11 Lockdown Device main weapon :p
00:09.07`228zipOr just have transports that provide more mobility and tougness to the troops they carry ?
00:09.23Lazbroand can drop them on the enemies for damage.
00:09.35Shadowclaimerwhat about having it deploy into a bunker
00:09.40Shadowclaimerlike the Warp Prism almost
00:09.42Shadowclaimerbut to the ground
00:09.50Shadowclaimeronly holds 4 units
00:09.58`228zipThat sounds like a reverted spine crawler for the terrans
00:10.00FrozenFirebatthe problem with mobile "bunker" units is that you have to assign them a weapon that does nothing for them to Auto-aquire and attack a target at range
00:10.10FrozenFirebatand they will always aquire at that range
00:10.14Shadowclaimernow that you mention it it does..
00:10.25Shadowclaimeroh well too much versatility imo
00:10.27FrozenFirebatso it has to be set at the range of the shortest ranged unit that can go inside
00:10.29ShadowclaimerI'm not Asian I can't handle all that
00:10.49Shadowclaimerso discussion topic: Vultures vs Hellions or Both
00:10.59FrozenFirebatI think you should pick one
00:11.03`228zipNeither, I like infantry x)
00:11.06AsaSpider mines
00:11.20Shadowclaimeryea I like my spider mines is the problem, although I guess I could give an incendiary mine or something to the Hellion to make up for them
00:11.23`228zipReapers actually had the spider mines at some point
00:11.32Shadowclaimeryea they had the E4 explosive or whatever
00:11.41`228zipNo, there is a spider mine icon
00:11.48`228zipAnd the path to that icon
00:11.52`228zipHas reaper in it
00:12.06ShadowclaimerD8 Charge*
00:12.17Shadowclaimerthats the old one
00:12.22Shadowclaimerbut they may have had spider mines in superbeta
00:12.29`228zipThat's called alpha =p
00:12.38Shadowclaimerwe'll go with that
00:12.59Shadowclaimerso we have 1 "vulture", 1 "Hellion", 1 "neither go die in a fire"
00:13.05`228zipI don't know, maybe putting spider mines and not needing a transport makes them too overpowered ?
00:13.24Shadowclaimerwhat about swapping Hellions to be an IFV type vehicle?
00:13.32`228zipIFV ?
00:13.40LyrradI vote Vulture, even tho I am not sure what is being discussed
00:13.47Shadowclaimerin Red Alert 2 there was this unit called an IFV and depending on the infantry you put in it it changed its weapon
00:14.08Galois-evaristeare any of you guys on Ventrilo or Mumble or something
00:14.14Galois-evaristebecause i want to talk to someone to reason this shit out
00:14.16ShadowclaimerLyrrad discussing if we merged the two tech trees
00:14.17Galois-evaristei'm having trouble with this
00:14.21Galois-evaristeeditor crap
00:14.24ShadowclaimerSc1 and 2 Terrans
00:14.34Galois-evaristeif this were all staredit stuff i'd be like "ez peasy" but its not so i'm lost
00:14.38`228zipWhat "crappy shit" are you talking about galois ?
00:14.45Galois-evaristei'm having the same problem
00:14.46LyrradDid anyone use Vultures in sc1?
00:14.59`228zipAgainst protoss and terrans
00:15.00LyrradIts been so long since I played
00:15.03`228zipThey were used a lot
00:15.04ShadowclaimerI didn't play SC1 competitively really, and when I did I was a defense whore and only used them for mines =/
00:15.16LyrradI always played Zerg, guess thats why I didn;t see them much
00:15.34Galois-evaristei want to add those 24 overlords
00:15.39Galois-evaristeto a unit group
00:15.41`228zipTriggering Unit ?
00:15.43`228zipwhy ?
00:15.51`228zipTry with Picked Unit
00:16.08Galois-evaristei thought that triggering unit is the unit referenced in the event
00:16.20ShadowclaimerSo Hellion Good vs Light (Marines, Zerglings, massed units)
00:16.26Galois-evariste^^ ye
00:16.33LyrradIn a loop you want picked
00:16.39ShadowclaimerVulture Good vs Armored (Roaches, Ultralisks, Marauders)
00:16.46ShadowclaimerHellion - Fast attack, line damage
00:16.52ShadowclaimerVulture, pot shot slow attack with no AOE
00:17.01FrozenFirebatGalois, the game only refers to a triggering unit as the one that caused the Event to occur... if a unit is not part of the event, then it will cause an error
00:17.41Galois-evaristehence my trouble
00:17.42*** join/#sc2mapster Bordoc (~ae13c309@gateway/web/freenode/x-uuflvdaqcgfugesr)
00:17.50Galois-evaristei want to add units that were not originally there to a unit group
00:18.01Galois-evaristeso that later on i can make an event to check if they are all dead
00:18.01LyrradShadow, you could always make it so that a Vulture upgrades into Hellion
00:18.08FrozenFirebatYou want to add them dynamically as they are put into the map?
00:18.11Galois-evaristethat is my current dillema
00:18.18Galois-evaristei want to add units
00:18.22Galois-evaristeand then check to see if they're all dead
00:18.24Galois-evaristesince i am not able
00:18.25Galois-evaristein this editor
00:18.39ShadowclaimerEh not sure I like that idea too much
00:18.41FrozenFirebatSo like checking to see if a wave is dead?
00:18.43Galois-evaristeto say "if player brings at most 0 units to LOCATION" like i could in the brood war editor
00:18.53Galois-evaristethis is exactly the reasoning that was done in the brood war editor
00:18.56Shadowclaimernow the other question, should I make Concussion Shells effect Vultures too then?
00:19.06*** join/#sc2mapster Legick (
00:19.06Galois-evaristeidk what you are talking out of, if not your ass, when you say "i dont like that idea too much"
00:19.20Galois-evaristelike such as
00:19.20ShadowclaimerGalois I'm not referring to you, was answering something replied to me about an earlier subject
00:19.25Galois-evaristenvm w/e
00:19.32Durreanbut it was funny :D
00:19.45Shadowclaimerno need to be rude about it
00:20.27FrozenFirebatwell, do you have a trigger that adds units to the game already?
00:20.36Shadowclaimerso is the other discussion of Firebat vs Hellion still a legit one or should I just go with both
00:20.44`228zipSo you want to detect if the units in your group are dead ? just check each time a unit from that player dies
00:20.54`228zipwether the group is empty
00:22.14FrozenFirebatGalois, for example, what originally do you want to cause this all to start happening? Does each so called "level" start from the beginning of the game?
00:22.25heysparkycrossing fingers
00:22.41heysparkymust target unit :D
00:22.44FrozenFirebatCause you would need 1 trigger to adjust the level, and 1 trigger for each level, to do it without it being too complicated...
00:23.26Shadowclaimerso if I use Spectres as a Ghost upgrade (like a replacement for Ghosts after research) what new ability should they gain
00:23.38*** join/#sc2mapster Reactorex (
00:23.56ReactorexHey, is there a way I can hide the large bar across the bottom without hiding my leaderboard?
00:24.01FrozenFirebatlike trigger: level 1, Actions: Repeat, 10 times > Create Unit > Add Unit to Unit Group (you'd need to make a unit group variable for that)
00:24.09LyrradShadow - Permacloak?
00:24.34ShadowclaimerPermacloak sounds really good actually..
00:24.42Shadowclaimerbut that leaves a hell of a lot of their energy reserves open for other abilities
00:25.11ShadowclaimerPrimarily Lockdown and Snipe, and I fear that could make them quite powerful
00:25.20Lyrradhmmm...make it so they cannot regen energy normally and must leech it from others
00:25.47FrozenFirebatthen another trigger that goes, Event: Unit Dies, Conditions: Number of units in unit group == 0, Action: Set Variable (Level variable) == Math > (Variable(Level Variable) + 1
00:25.48Shadowclaimertaht could also screw them against players who don't use energy-based units
00:25.55ShadowclaimerI think Permacloak may be what I go with
00:27.57`228zipShadowclaimer: Be careful not to turn them into ranged dark templars
00:28.10Shadowclaimeryea thats what I was afraid of
00:28.33`228zipIf they can 2-shot workers
00:28.43`228zipThey're going to be used as ranged dark templars
00:28.51Shadowclaimercan Ghosts two shot workers?
00:29.04Shadowclaimerwith snipe less?
00:29.24LyrradSnipe is probably 1 shot
00:29.27`228zipsnipe instakills workers I think, but you don't see it that much
00:29.30Shadowclaimerits 45 damage i think
00:29.40`228zipIt eats up energy you need for cloak
00:29.48Shadowclaimerthats what I figured htough
00:29.50Shadowclaimerthey get Lockdown through research
00:30.01Shadowclaimerso if I gave them permacloak then they'd have tons of energy for lockdown/snipe which could prove stupidly op
00:30.02`228zipharassing ghosts aren't used without nukes though
00:30.28Shadowclaimermight just toss them a larger reactor (maybe +25/50) and a little more health or something
00:30.32Shadowclaimerrather than giving them permacloak
00:31.15LyrradGhosts are commando like, maybe give them something like Demolition Charges
00:31.25Shadowclaimerah in Wings of Liberty Spectres get Hallucination
00:31.30LyrradUse the ability on a building and 15 seconds later Boom!
00:31.35ShadowclaimerIn Wings of Liberty, spectres are available as a technology upgrade.[7][8] They can use nukes, hallucination and lockdown.[9] Gabriel Tosh intends to use some to kill Arcturus Mengsk and destroy the Terran Dominion.[10]
00:32.01Shadowclaimerin singleplayer mind you
00:32.20LyrradI want to get access to all the rest of the stuff in the editor!
00:32.32*** join/#sc2mapster Vailreth (
00:32.35`228zipI want to get acces to pointers
00:33.23sudolgood night, have fun
00:33.37heysparkygnight su... dag
00:34.38Shadowclaimercould make Spectres do bonus damage to Psionic Units
00:34.40Shadowclaimerno unit currently does that
00:35.19heysparkywhere are the 'for each' trigger elements hiding?
00:35.30Lyrradgeneral, I think
00:35.38pom_pomheysparky use "pick"
00:35.47heysparkykeep forgetting that
00:36.22`228zipIt used to be "Pick every units in Unit Group", has it changed from wc3 ?
00:36.47FrozenFirebat"pick each" now
00:36.56heysparkyPick each unit in unit group
00:37.04FrozenFirebatit indexes them one at a time
00:37.22Skizothey check it out! apparently some people bought a couple of my buggies!
00:37.57XBMspecNice mirrored UVs =p
00:38.01heysparkywhere are they? can't see them for the camo...
00:38.19Shadowclaimerscrew it, giving Spectre's bonus health and hallucinate, if they get anything more they'll be overpowered lol
00:38.54LyrradGive specters MIRV instead of nukes :-)
00:39.10FrozenFirebatno no no... ICBMs
00:39.15FrozenFirebatthey can paint targets acrossed the map
00:40.02LyrradThey could have Planet Cracker!
00:40.09`228zipWhat about Tau pathfinders ?
00:40.10FrozenFirebattime bomb!
00:40.13Shadowclaimer228 no
00:40.18ShadowclaimerBecause then I'd have to add Hammerheads
00:40.28Shadowclaimerand then everyone would dance around the map like a bunch of jolly douchebags
00:40.35Shadowclaimerwhile a Khorne player cries himself to sleep
00:40.49*** join/#sc2mapster Rectifier (~ranctifie@
00:41.00`228zipActually the idea of a unit improving other units shooting efficiency
00:41.01ShadowclaimerEveryone pretend you're afk, Rectifier just joined
00:41.06ShadowclaimerCorrupters 228?
00:41.07`228zipthat's the corruptor
00:41.15Shadowclaimerbut its not autocast
00:41.17Shadowclaimerso its annoying to me
00:41.49DONTPAYATTENTIONThe limit on nicknames
00:42.04AsaMy editor crashed and I forgot to save, fuuu
00:42.16LyrradI had that happen
00:42.23DONTPAYATTENTIONAsa: You don't save every 30 seconds ?
00:42.32AsaI was watching tv
00:42.42ubdeadlol check out how awsome the data editor is:
00:42.44FrozenFirebatAsa, in preferences, you can set it up to auto-backup everything on intervals
00:42.45LyrradWell if he saved every 30 seconds it wouldn't have crashed
00:42.47Rectifierset an automatic save dude
00:43.14LyrradThe likelyhood of crashing is directly propotinal to how long its been since you saved
00:43.26`228zipI manually save very often, WC3 coding habit
00:43.34LyrradOnce you reach the 2 hour mark it becomes near certianty
00:43.54Rectifiercoding in C or matlab habit, save often!
00:43.57`228zipubdead: This is so easy to do with script
00:44.09ubdeadwell you can EAT SCRIPT AND CHOKE ON IT
00:44.29Rectifiershut the script up!
00:44.30`228zipI breathe script
00:44.55FrozenFirebatyour right 228, your breath smells like script
00:44.55`228zipNot my fault if you like spending 3 hours doing simple things like this
00:46.10`228zipMeh, I guess it's because WC3 didn't allow you to do most things without using script
00:46.15Rectifierwow i fail hard
00:46.28Rectifierim trying to get this sound to loop, and it doesn't :/
00:47.04`228zipAnd I'm not comfortable with the data editor either, or with GUI for that matters
00:47.15Durreantry a while loop with a wait timer
00:47.24`228zipIt does way too much stuff for me that I don't know about
00:47.26Rectifierwould i add that in actions?
00:47.28FrozenFirebatI'm comfortable with the data editor... just not the actors
00:47.49Rectifierfor the duration of the part i want to loop i would assume?
00:47.54LyrradUgh Actors...everytime I think I just about have them figured out, I don't
00:48.20`228zipbad luck FrozenFirebat, actors are where most of the data editor is
00:48.21XBMspecRectifier, so the music is triggered at the 124.1 time mark. Why would it loop after that, that game time never occurs again, right?
00:48.40*** join/#sc2mapster davidcramer (
00:49.03ubdeadpfff.. actors are the easy part
00:49.07Rectifierwell i want to wait exactly 124.1 seconds before it loops
00:50.09ShadowclaimerAnyone know, do Ghosts have a damage bonus vs Light or Organic?
00:50.18Durreanerf, 6 not 10
00:50.23heysparkyhuh, so, I know you guys just answers, but I'm totally blanking on how to grab a mess of untis and stuff them in a group
00:50.42Rectifierbitchin durrean
00:51.19Rectifieri dont even need a variable or condition anymore
00:51.31`228zipheysparky: It's simple really, you can set the unit group to something like every unit in that region
00:51.37`228zipAnd if it's not precise enough
00:51.49`228zipjust do a bit of ifs
00:51.59Durreani really really like the trigger editor. seems sooo easy for me. but the effects are killing me instead :/
00:53.03Rectifierim having fun just setting up the triggers, i feel like terraining will bore me to tears though
00:53.13ubdeadoffset for launching location is so fubar
00:53.45ubdeadterraining gives me a god complex
00:53.59ShadowclaimerI think I know how to compare the Thor and Goliath
00:54.01*** join/#sc2mapster SevenSeven (
00:54.06ShadowclaimerI'll give the Thor a bonus vs Massive Air
00:54.12ShadowclaimerGoliath will be best against Light
00:54.22*** join/#sc2mapster sherard (~47aa77a3@gateway/web/freenode/x-avqlyivtoxucaasz)
00:54.39sherardrrowland whats up man
00:54.44`228zipAnd valkyries do armored air then ?
00:54.46Durreanheysparky: if it asks for a unit group, use the function. "Units in Region Matching Condition" should be fine for the beginning
00:54.51ubdeadadd the launching sound from sc1 for the goliath
00:55.02ubdeadepci sound
00:55.05Shadowclaimerdefinitely will ubdead
00:55.13Shadowclaimermy ears cry when I don't hear that sound from my units shooting at air
00:55.25ubdeadi know how you feel
00:57.09sherardHas anyone seen anything cool added to 3rd person shooter maps?
00:57.26sherardI am looking for ideas to add to a library i am making
00:57.52Arthas-you code stuff or just borrow from maps :O
00:57.55Rectifiercurb stomps and hate crimes...oh wait thats gears of war
00:58.05Arthas-havent really seen something cool
00:58.10Arthas-but i cant think up something rad!
00:58.12sherardI give credit for anything i borrow and I ask first
00:58.21`228zipthe reaper madness guy managed to do headshots
00:58.28sherardyeah i know
00:58.28Rectifieri ask for help but do everythin myself!
00:58.29Arthas-so to begin with
00:58.33Arthas-hiding behind obstacles! :D
00:58.35sherardrrowland is here on chat
00:58.42sherardI have been conversing with him
00:58.56Rectifierthat might change if i decide to go past a proof of concept though...
00:58.56sherardhe has done the best work out of anyone on 3rd persons
00:59.00Arthas-that just struck me
00:59.05DurreanAvatar Soundtrack seems kinda nice for mapping terrain
00:59.12sherardHe actually created hit boxes
00:59.12`228ziprrowland, you still don't know how to fix your camera height problem ?
00:59.13Arthas-rrows system ignores if doodads are in the way or?
00:59.23Rectifierfeel like id have to ask for help since the dang rpg would have soo much NPC dialogue, spells, items, etc.
00:59.32`228zipBecause my friend says he has a solution =o
00:59.36sherardi think he is afk cause i wispered him
00:59.45rrowlandMy ears are ringing
00:59.48Rectifierbut for now, im just making the first dungeon
00:59.53sherardWhats up Rrowland
00:59.54rrowlandor burning
00:59.56Arthas-rrowland i have that problem from time to time too
00:59.57rrowlandWhat's up
01:00.01*** join/#sc2mapster Legick (
01:00.03Arthas-its a pain :p
01:00.10pom_pomRectifier: if you feel like a challenge figure out how to give units different attributes like Armored and Light at runtime via triggers ;)
01:00.23sherardHey rrowland quick question?
01:00.40sherardDo you have your map set up for multiplayer yet?
01:01.01rrowlandvariable-wise yeah
01:01.10sherardAre you up for a test?
01:01.14ubdeadpom_pom: create a behavoir that modifies the attributes -> apply the behavior with a trigger
01:01.16rrowlandI haven't taken the time to make starting points
01:01.19`228ziprrowland: I was asking if you still have that cam height problem =o
01:01.28rrowlandWhat camera height problem?
01:01.35`228zipWell, on your videos
01:01.42rrowlandYou mean when I cross cliffs?
01:01.45`228zipThe cam became shaky when it went over a cliff
01:01.48`228zipThat one
01:02.05`228zipI have the same problem with units
01:02.06rrowlandBasically I figured out there are invisible ramps
01:02.13`228zipA friend of mine said he had a solution
01:02.14ubdeadoh and if any admin is online
01:02.15rrowlandAt each cliff
01:02.22ubdeadthe website really needs a minimum width
01:02.43`228zipI can get the script on pastebin
01:02.58rrowlandI'll take a look at it
01:03.00pom_pomubdead: didn't see anything in behaviour that modifies attributes
01:03.14ubdeadlet me check
01:03.18rrowlandNot sure it's the same problem though
01:04.37Durreanare there only 3 playable cliff levels?
01:04.38`228zipint VectorGetTerrainNormal(fixed x, fixed y, fixed sampleRadius) {
01:04.46`228zipis what we are looking for I think
01:04.58ubdeadi guess you right pom_pom
01:05.13*** join/#sc2mapster ckknight (~ckknight@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/CurseStaff/CurseForge/ckknight)
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01:05.15ubdeadpretty much everything except for attributes
01:05.23pom_pomubdead only thing I see in behaviour is "detect filters" sigh :(
01:06.06sherardubdead hey question for you
01:06.13sherardwhat is the overall goal of that code
01:06.25ubdeaddepends on the code
01:06.29sherardcause I cant read French to read what it says first
01:06.41pom_pomthere's "attribute changes" but that's only other behaviours
01:06.49pom_pomso it's flawed!
01:07.00rrowlandVectorGetTerrainNormal gets the normal of the terrain
01:07.00ubdeadsherard im not sure what you are talking about
01:07.08rrowlandYou know about vectors etc?
01:07.12pom_pomwhenever i come up with something fun to do in the editor i'm limited by seemingly overlooked features
01:07.21sherardwait sorry that was 228zip that sent it lol
01:07.28`228ziprrowland: yes?
01:07.41sherardyeah vectors the basis of all physics
01:07.57rrowlandThe normal is the way that the plane is facing, how will that help my camera?
01:07.58`228zipI don't know what the function has to do with vectors
01:08.12`228zipFrom what I have seen
01:08.26Rectifieroh gawd, once you learn about vectors, they never stop being used.
01:08.39rrowlandThis function would be used for something like bouncing an object off the terrain
01:08.41Arthas-screw vectors
01:08.42Rectifierignorance is bliss!
01:08.42`228zipThere is a base height for your camera that is added to the terrain height
01:08.48Arthas-player_1, player_2, player_3
01:08.50Arthas-all ya need!
01:08.55rrowlandBut a normal has nothing to do with position
01:09.04sherardQuestion Rrowland your camera is getting jumpy correct when you move over a cliff with your reaver jump correct?
01:09.08`228zipBut the base height does
01:09.34`228zipIn order to get the base height, you used that particular function
01:09.41rrowlandThe normal is a unit vector that describes nothing except the direction the plane is facing
01:09.44`228zipAnd then you can set your height correctly
01:10.00`228zipI barely red the thing
01:10.08`228zipI'll go recheck it
01:10.10Rectifierjust use a matrice or something...
01:10.29Rectifierto describe the xyz planes
01:10.48rrowlandThere's no simple solution, I've tried them all
01:11.07sherardI would disagree you tried what you can think of
01:11.08`228ziprrowland: =(
01:11.28`228zipShould have red it, he told me it worked and I didn't check
01:11.36sherardRrowland have you tried to find the slop of the ramp?
01:11.39Rectifierfrom my limited programming experience, theres always a simpler, better, more elegant, etc. way to do something
01:11.40`228zipDidn't even realised what it did
01:12.19Bifuuis uploading a new video tutorial
01:12.34rrowlandThere is an invisible ramp spanning the lower cliff height to the higher cliff height
01:12.38ShadowclaimerSwapped out the Grizzly for a custom design called the Hermes, its a dropship that only holds 4 but can transform into a bunker
01:12.40rrowlandIt does NOT have a steady slope
01:12.42Shadowclaimer(a weaker bunker)
01:12.50`228zipIt doesn't ? oh crap
01:12.58sherardthat sux
01:13.05sherardlet me ask you this
01:13.06rrowlandAnd since it's calculated in World Height
01:13.14rrowlandThere's no way to tell it apart from a terrain deformation
01:13.36`228zipNo solution ?
01:13.42rrowlandSo if I lock it to 8,10 and 12 It will be smooth
01:13.48rrowlandBut I can't have ANY terrain deformation
01:13.52sherardis your camera a factor of the level the ground high is? and a factor of the actual unit hieght
01:14.02`228zipdid you try ActorSend with SetZ ? I hear it ignores terrain height
01:14.20rrowlandMy unit ignores terrain height, my unit doesn't jolt at all
01:14.23rrowlandIt's smooth as butter
01:14.30rrowlandThe problem is my camera doesn't ignore terrain height
01:14.53rrowlandIt has to set itself to unit height - terrain height
01:14.56AsaCan anyone think of a map offhand which has colliding rockets?
01:15.02rrowlandAnd since there's a ramp
01:15.10rrowlandThe terrain height goes lower as the unit crosses is
01:15.12ubdeadBifuu: cant wait :D
01:15.14`228zipHow do you make units ignore terrain height ?
01:15.20rrowlandThere's a flag
01:15.21ubdeadBifuu: whats it about :)?
01:15.27rrowlandc_ignoreTerrainHeight or something
01:16.18rrowlandThe page you sent me is a good resource though, I won't have to make all my own vector functions
01:16.22rrowlandCan just copy :P
01:16.40Shadowclaimerupdated list, contains unit descriptions forn ew units
01:17.25`228ziprrowland credit goes to anitarf for the original system, and rommsteinz for translation to galaxy; he says he's going to do a new one with more structs soon
01:17.38sherardI am just glad there are open source code like this for others
01:17.40`228zip"Oué j'ai vu avec Ayane je vais recoder le système pour qu'il utilise les structures. Ça sera bien plus kewl."
01:18.16rrowlandI wanted to make my own vector library
01:18.23rrowlandBut there's no bulk copy or pointers
01:18.28rrowlandSo it was a pain in the neck
01:18.38`228zipIt still is
01:18.44`228zipI don't understand why they removed these
01:19.07sherardI dont understand why they dont intend on giving them back when the game comes out
01:19.23ShadowclaimerHa the Antigravity spell still maintains an effect specifically for lurkers
01:19.28sherardI could understand that since this is beta
01:19.51sherardThat they dont intend to give everything
01:20.43XBMspecI think someone posted their vector library on the fourms?
01:22.28rrowlandWell I've been working on another project since I hit some walls with reaper madness
01:22.39*** join/#sc2mapster Ignorance (
01:22.48rrowlandI might go back to it and try to fix it up
01:23.01IgnoranceI just had a brilliant idea:
01:23.05IgnorancePhysics defense :O
01:23.16IgnoranceWhere the area your towers hits is based on differential equations.
01:23.16Shadowclaimeraww that's not as fun, was hoping you had a solution for taking over the world
01:23.27ShadowclaimerYay sounds as much fun as math bingo
01:23.41*** join/#sc2mapster Savvis (~Savvis@
01:23.50IgnoranceShadowclaimer, you have not seen my work so far, have you?
01:23.57ShadowclaimerI'm kidding Ignorance =p
01:23.57`228zipWay too much work to end up with something simple IMO
01:24.00ShadowclaimerI have seen your work
01:24.03IgnoranceGood, good. :P
01:24.11`228zipI haven't.
01:24.16Shadowclaimerwould you also have them apply different forces and such I assume
01:24.18IgnoranceBaneling Busters, bro.
01:24.25Shadowclaimerlike a gravity tower that pulses units and pushes them away every x seconds or such
01:24.29`228zipInconnu au bataillon.
01:24.30`228zipLink ?
01:24.34IgnoranceAlso a good idea.
01:24.35Shadowclaimerhowever if misplaced could backfire and push them closer
01:24.47Shadowclaimeror hillarious
01:24.58Shadowclaimerhillariously* launch them forward because the two conflicting forces squeeze that baneling till it rockets forward
01:25.03IgnoranceI'll have to create a more rigorous system, though. For sure.
01:25.07Shadowclaimerunless you used applying forces to "squeeze" damage
01:25.20Ignorancelol squeeze damage
01:25.34ShadowclaimerI can just see a fatass baneling stuck between two gravity towers
01:25.40Shadowclaimerand they either push it together so hard it rockets forward
01:25.44Shadowclaimeror they squeeze it to death
01:25.53Ignorancehas anyone release a function for turning normal units into TD levels? >_>
01:25.56Arthas-"Cohen gets such a kick out of imbedding television episodes with scientific citations that after his shows air, he sometimes trolls the internet to read fan comments about his contributions."
01:26.00IgnoranceI'll do it if no one has.
01:26.00Arthas-nice :p
01:26.06heysparkyI'm trying to make a spawn point drift, so every time I loop through the trigger i subtract 1.0 from the y position, but it doesn't seem to be affecting the spawn location.... thoughts?
01:26.10ubdeadcould somebody please highlight me
01:26.21Arthas-I put highlight on highlight
01:26.23Arthas-and ubdead
01:26.26ubdeadstupid sounds aint working :(
01:26.35ubdeadmaybe a restart will do :)
01:26.37IgnoranceWhy are you using a loop?
01:26.43IgnorancePut it in a trigger with periodic time
01:27.19heysparkyimplementation quibbles, trigger waits x duration and calls itself
01:27.23*** join/#sc2mapster ubdead (
01:27.29heysparkyspawning happens
01:27.36heysparkybut the spawn point doesn't drift
01:27.54ubdeadsay ubdead if you want a million dollars
01:28.06heysparkyubdead if you want a million dollars
01:28.18heysparkygoodnight, Gracie
01:28.23ubdeadand it still doesnt work :(
01:28.46IgnoranceIs it possible to make permanent modifications to a type of unit through the trigger editor?
01:28.53Ignorancei.e. make all the marines I spawn 50% smaller?
01:29.37`228zipYou can change them after their creation, or create a different type of unit, but there is no way to change a unit type during a game that I know of
01:29.47Ignoranceand before you say "use the data editor" die in a fire. I'd rather make one function and plug 50 units into it than modify 50 units by hand. :P
01:29.50`228zipmodify a unit type*
01:29.58IgnoranceCan I make a new type of unit, then?
01:30.08Ignorancethat's a clone with new attributes?
01:30.09*** join/#sc2mapster davidcramer (
01:30.16IgnoranceThough, I think I have another idea for how I could do this quickly.
01:30.17`228zipWhy couldn't you ?
01:30.54heysparkyignorance, about the spawning, do you know why a variable wouldnt' be taking a new value?
01:31.06IgnoranceWhat do you mean?
01:31.14Ignorancejust send me what you're doing :P
01:31.19Ignorancecopy paste it into a message to me
01:31.26pom_pomIgnorance: you can only mod placed units - i've been doing it with behaviours to make them how i want by repeat applying
01:31.44IgnoranceOkay, pom_pom
01:31.45IgnoranceThank you.
01:31.49IgnoranceThat was what I thought.
01:31.49pom_pomhowever there are a few things you cannot change: armor types, attributes, names, and some others that annoy me?
01:31.58IgnoranceI'll just make a behavior that changes all those things.
01:32.09Ignoranceor an upgrade, either way really
01:32.14Shadowclaimerdoes anyone want to hire a concepter/tech tree designer? apparently that's all I'm really good for..
01:32.20Shadowclaimermaybe story writer
01:32.33pom_pomif you ever figure out how to change names post here
01:33.15pom_pomand if you figure out how to change armor stuff post here
01:33.39pom_pomi'm really hoping these are just missing triggers that will be in the full editor version
01:34.32Arthas-now you know what to do for a cinematic :D
01:34.50ubdeadsweet was this today?
01:35.03Arthas-i think so
01:35.13ubdeadfrikkin amazing
01:35.22Arthas-look at those thrusters
01:35.40ubdeadwho cares about world hunger, im going to the moon with my 60 billion dollars baby
01:36.07sherardgood luck there
01:36.15ubdeadholy shit man, that fire HAS to be hot
01:36.16sherardI hear there is an oxygen shortage there
01:36.18Arthas-I mean, seriously!
01:36.26Arthas-sherard lies
01:36.33Arthas-all the rich ppl live on the moon!
01:36.34ubdeadplenty of oxigen
01:36.35sherardSure I do lol
01:36.37Arthas-in cozy cabins
01:37.02ubdeadso where are the people of atlantis going?
01:37.07ubdeadoh ISS
01:37.17sherardunder the sea like in the little mermaid
01:37.20ubdeadthey need to put some motherfucking lazers on that ISS
01:37.37ubdeadbut they decided for a treaty AGAINST SPACE WEAPONS
01:37.41ubdeadhow lame is that
01:38.00Arthas-wasnt the us to put some weapons up there?
01:38.06Arthas-dont remember where I read it though
01:38.42sherardDo you know how energy inefficient a laser is?
01:38.43ubdeadThe Outer Space Treaty represents the basic legal framework of international space law. Among its principles, it bars States Parties to the Treaty from placing nuclear weapons or any other weapons of mass destruction in orbit of Earth, installing them on the Moon or any other celestial body, or to otherwise station them in outer space
01:38.46sherardThat would be dumb
01:38.53sherardto put them on the moon
01:39.02sherardthe reason is it takes about 600 volts
01:39.06Arthas-i dont think he was that serious sherard
01:39.10sherardto photo excite gases lol
01:39.21ubdeaddude they ionize the air
01:39.25ubdeadthey dont care
01:39.31ubdeadLAZORRRRZZZZZ i tell you
01:39.40sherardI know arthas
01:39.50sherardI am giving him a hard time using actual facts
01:40.03sherardI actually built a control system for a laser
01:40.09sherardautomating it in college
01:40.32ubdeadlesson one, lazors need to be bright pink
01:40.53sherardmost lasers are outside of the human spectrum of seeing
01:40.55ubdeadoh man look at the time
01:40.56Arthas-nv, the weapon i was thinking off where russia demanded us to remove one nuke for each new awesome weapon goes in the atmosphere not space
01:41.05sherardthe one I worked with was ultravileot
01:41.13Arthas-if there is anything media today has taught me
01:41.19Arthas-its that green lasers are dangerous as hell!
01:41.21sherardand it lied parrellel of the visible spectrum
01:41.25Arthas-the read ones make bunnies!
01:41.36ubdeadwtf lol
01:41.37Arthas-green one crashes planes
01:41.44`228zipWhat about doctor who's blue laser ? that one is dangerous!
01:41.46Arthas-Hows that for a reality check
01:41.47sherardso you could see bluish purple objects but you would never see the laser
01:42.04sherardthis was also a industrial level 4 laser
01:42.08Arthas-I need to watch dr who
01:42.12Arthas-new series worth watching
01:42.16Arthas-or should I go for old ones
01:42.26sherardi heard its good
01:42.29sherardfrom a coworker
01:42.41Arthas-since we are all geeks in here
01:42.44Arthas-ok far from all
01:42.44sherardI personally am not a fan of british humor
01:42.45ubdeadso yea ill be seeing you all later tomorrow
01:42.51Arthas-but does anyone here sit on sliders complete series
01:43.03Arthas-nn ub
01:43.07sherarddo you want to see a real laser?
01:43.13Arthas-`228zip you have sliders?
01:43.26`228zipsliders ? what ?
01:43.27ubdeadcant look at lazors man
01:43.31`228zip<= french
01:43.32ubdeadburns out your eyes
01:43.43Arthas-scifi series
01:43.45Arthas-although nvm
01:43.47ubdeadso anyway gn
01:43.49Arthas-its got seeders again
01:43.53*** join/#sc2mapster RickA (
01:44.01`228zipI barely watch TV anymore
01:44.04Arthas-that one
01:44.04sherardif so there is a link for the control system for a laser i built
01:44.08Arthas-its a 95 series
01:44.22`228zipToo young to know it
01:44.22sherardit actually shows the laser being fired through a piece of paper
01:44.31sherardburing the paper slowly
01:44.36Arthas-well 228
01:44.43Arthas-then go for x-files, twin peaks and sliders!
01:44.51Arthas-star trek too :p
01:44.52sherardyou can skip the middle of it if you want cause its about the technical information
01:45.00`228zipMy parents used to watch xfiles =p
01:45.21Arthas-i remember hating s 8-9
01:45.29*** join/#sc2mapster deathnight114 (
01:45.31Arthas-re-watching them today, sure they aint as good as earlier seaons
01:45.38Arthas-but way better than most crap on television
01:46.32Shadowclaimermy early version of my cinematic for the cinematic contest
01:46.39Shadowclaimerlot has changed since then btw
01:47.08Arthas-please tell me you have some close up :D
01:47.19Arthas-where it quickly runs through the battlefield
01:47.20Shadowclaimernope lots of rotating cameras with explosions and burning zerg
01:47.28Shadowclaimerin the current version there is a closeup though
01:47.29heysparkymy computer seems... incomplete somehow when I close the editor.
01:47.45Arthas-Shadowclaimer ya I was thinking of current / future version :)
01:47.57Arthas-nice choice of music, fits really nice
01:48.00Shadowclaimeryea I'm working on a closeup, the video extends out another 3 minutes
01:48.10Shadowclaimerafter the nuke it slides out as the zerg attack another set of smaller bases
01:48.17Shadowclaimerand siege tanks attack and waves of marines, its awesome
01:48.34Shadowclaimerthen the end a bunch of vikings fly over, drop like 50000 siege tank shots (looks like carpet bombing) and a series of like 50 nukes finishes it
01:48.39Arthas-i actually think I need to make a video :p
01:48.45ShadowclaimerI just want the beta keys
01:48.50ShadowclaimerI have a friend and brother who wanna play with me but can't xD
01:49.15Arthas-im not after any, already have 1y premium
01:49.26Arthas-and if my friends are cheap enough not to pre-order tey aint getting any keys :p
01:50.05ShadowclaimerHaha if you were from my town you'd be jobless too ;D
01:50.23ShadowclaimerI fix computers occasionally for like $50 a week
01:51.04sherardis that yours or someone elses video?
01:51.17sherardtake a look at the comment i gave you on it
01:51.31Shadowclaimeryou're going to tell me to go die aren't oyu?
01:51.44sherardno not at all
01:51.49Durreandoes that looks ok for you? its for the contest (sorry for the size, 3,5 MB)
01:51.50ShadowclaimerThen its not a real youtube comment!
01:51.51sherardits nothing bad
01:52.02sherardwell if you say so
01:52.17ShadowclaimerYea the final name is like battle for somethin
01:52.18Arthas-terrain wise i approve
01:52.27Arthas-but i wanna see a cactus! :D
01:52.28Shadowclaimeror somebody's last stand
01:52.31Ignorancelol a car
01:52.37Arthas-one or two doodads :p
01:52.38Shadowclaimeryea terran has been changed a bit, trenches have been raised (they are way too low)
01:52.39pom_pomShadowclaimer: I got my key from facebook contest, then 2 friend invites, then 2 more from mine & my friend's preorder
01:53.00pom_pom... now all my friends that liked sc1 have keys
01:53.07Durreana cactus? lemme see...
01:53.15IgnoranceMy decision is thus: I'm going to make an upgrade that affects all of the units I want to make into levels. :P
01:53.43*** join/#sc2mapster ckknight (~ckknight@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/CurseStaff/CurseForge/ckknight)
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01:53.43sherardI say the Remember the Alamo
01:53.45Arthas-The worst thing about summer is the stupid birds
01:53.50sherardcause its a real event
01:54.09sherardwhich tells you what is going to happen which makes it more dramatic
01:54.25sherardI am from texas
01:54.32sherardSo I know all about the Alamo
01:54.39sherardits taught to us in Texas History
01:54.51pom_pomSkizot: mad skills ... good to see you got the colouring fixed from the last image i saw ;)
01:55.15sherardMusic choice fits well though shadow
01:56.00Shadowclaimerlol thank you
01:56.06sherardno problem man
01:56.09ShadowclaimerI love E.S. Posthumus
01:56.13Shadowclaimerits beautiful gregorian chant
01:56.13pom_pommmm purdy ... do those go with the map or do you have to attach some crazy files somewhere?
01:58.03Arthas-Skizot stop posting stills all the time :(
01:58.20Arthas-also, please add that super glow you had from the beginning as a cheat! :p
01:58.40Arthas-love the cars with the flames ;D
01:59.09ShadowclaimerI wish there were Twilight Archons, powerful combinations of High Templar and Dark Templar
01:59.11Shadowclaimerthat'd be epic
01:59.12Shadowclaimerthey could be purple
01:59.34sherardI agree
01:59.48sherardI miss thier mind control
02:00.00sherardsuch an awesome spell
02:00.04ShadowclaimerAdun himself basically was one, tehy call him the Twilight ConTwilight Deliverer
02:00.09ShadowclaimerTwilight Deliverer*
02:00.14ShadowclaimerI made a Dark Archon in the editor actually
02:00.17Ignorancegod, I just can't find any way to make a large number of units efficiently.
02:00.19Shadowclaimerwith al ltheir old abilities =D
02:00.26sherardand their aoe slow was good too
02:01.19Arthas-you know what unit I do not miss?
02:01.25Arthas-from sc1 ofc
02:01.32Arthas-take 1 guess each!
02:01.35Shadowclaimeroh shit they were called twilight Archon
02:01.42ShadowclaimerDammit Blizzard stole my idea i never posted
02:01.48heysparkysee ya folks
02:01.58pom_pomi never liked the scout
02:02.02Arthas-didnt they call it twilight archon pretty early on?
02:02.06heysparkythanks for your help, everyone :D
02:02.14Arthas-pom_pom I actually liked the scout somewhat
02:02.23pkolscouts here too expensive
02:02.23Shadowclaimerafter Sc1
02:02.27Arthas-can replace any air we have today (except the medivac!)
02:02.29*** part/#sc2mapster heysparky (~heysparky@
02:02.31Arthas-but seriously
02:02.33Arthas-the defiler
02:02.37pkolwas pro
02:02.38Arthas-what a pain in the ass :p
02:02.39Shadowclaimerwhen I was a kid I used to draw pictures of Purple Archons and I called them Twilight Archons
02:02.49Shadowclaimerand woudl always tell everyone they were a merge of Dark and High Templar
02:02.51pom_pomdefiler was the only way zerg could play lol
02:02.54Arthas-Shadowclaimer your parents are working for blizz in secret :D
02:02.55pom_pombest zerg unit ;)
02:02.57Arthas-pom_pom yeah
02:03.07ShadowclaimerWell Blizzard does tend to visit my site /quite/ often
02:03.11pom_pominfested terran was the most useless unit
02:03.14Shadowclaimerform what our records are showing
02:03.16Arthas-I think zerg in sc2 lost some of their charm from first though
02:03.23ShadowclaimerHydralisks back to TIer 1 would solve that
02:03.39Arthas-yes please
02:03.45pkolzerg are fine
02:03.52Arthas-its not like they would be as powerful as they are no then
02:04.00Shadowclaimeryea I say swap Roach to Tier 2
02:04.02Arthas-and the normal whine from me!
02:04.02Shadowclaimerand Hydra to Tier 1
02:04.04LyrradI don't find the Zerg as interesting sc2
02:04.13Arthas-get a combined aa / ag air for both toss and terran
02:04.13ShadowclaimerI hate Roaches, I never use them
02:04.20Arthas-that is not expensive as hell like bc / carrier
02:04.28Arthas-i love it when zerg mass roach
02:04.34Arthas-then my marauders eat them
02:05.08pom_pomArthas- I'd agree with that ... IMO toss is pretty polished (i think archons are still flawed and maybe a few tweaks here and there), terran need a tiny bit more work (some things like thor and mauraders just aren't right yet), and zerg needs a bunch more work
02:05.08Durreanahhhh now i'm goig to bed -.- even the water is with all its settings making me crazy...
02:05.19pom_pomi play random :D
02:05.27Arthas-indeed, toss is the most polished race
02:05.32Arthas-I really enjoy them
02:05.39pkolblizz have said archons are basically there when you have no more need for templars
02:05.42pkoland nothing else
02:05.48`228zipToss the most polished race ?
02:06.00Shadowclaimerthey are changing that
02:06.02`228zipI rarely see them going for something else than a robo
02:06.07`228zipWhich is boring
02:06.19`228ziprobotics facility
02:06.25pkoli hardly ever go fast robo anymore
02:06.25`228zipBO not including that
02:06.38Arthas-i rarely see zerg doing anything else but muta / mass lings / roaches
02:06.40ShadowclaimerArchons are currently massively underutilized so Blizzard said they would try to fix that
02:06.41Arthas-and terran mmm
02:06.45pkoli love the new pheonix
02:06.46Arthas-and this is the problem w sc2
02:06.51ShadowclaimerI use Hydras and Muta's honestly, then use Brood Lords and Corurptors
02:06.55Arthas-the variations of tactics ppl use are lacking
02:07.00pom_pompkol yes, but the 17s morph time makes it pointless ... they need to be changed slightly see
02:07.07Arthas-I fucking hate hydra / mutas :p
02:07.21ShadowclaimerI use a combination team usually, Infestors provide a stable "sacrificeable" army
02:07.29Shadowclaimerso if you're harassing me I can destroy units with no cost to myself basically
02:07.44Shadowclaimerwith 5 full energy infestors you can churn out a free army that if placed in an enemy base can wreak havoc
02:07.45pom_pomsince the nerf i haven't seen any roaches
02:07.51pom_pomi don't make them myself
02:07.55pom_pomdouble supply
02:07.56pkoli love flying like 4 pheonix's around the map and go overlord/queen/drone hunting
02:08.01Shadowclaimeryea I saw that and was so happy
02:08.08Arthas-since the patch where zerg got owned
02:08.20Arthas-ie they removed the make turrets useless
02:08.24Arthas-among other stuff
02:08.24pkoli have a feeling roach'll get buffed now
02:08.28Arthas-I have met 1-2 zergs
02:08.30Arthas-in 20 matches
02:08.31ShadowclaimerI still use Zerg crawlers a lot
02:08.42pom_pomyes corrupters should keep the building disabler ... have both spells wth not
02:08.46Arthas-mostly its TT, TP or PP
02:08.46ShadowclaimerI like using Spine Crawlers on choke points that are above
02:08.49Arthas-TP being the most used
02:09.01Arthas-except for Ingela he still use zerg
02:09.31Ingelai aaaaaam the one and only
02:09.33pkolwhat league you in arthas?
02:09.39Arthas-gold, copper, bronze
02:09.43Arthas-those 4
02:09.50Arthas-gold w xan
02:09.52Arthas-silver w ingela
02:09.56Arthas-solo crap really
02:09.57Ingelawe're not silver
02:10.01Ingelaat least gold
02:10.01Arthas-we are not?
02:10.03ShadowclaimerI'm Bronze wooo
02:10.07Ingelayea but i mean skillwise
02:10.07Arthas-oh ok
02:10.08ShadowclaimerBronze is best
02:10.21Ingelawe just fucked around in placement
02:10.23Ingelaor mostly me
02:10.25Shadowclaimermy favorite strategy that wrks only because no one expects it
02:10.27`228zipI was talking about 1v1 actually
02:10.30`228zipDon't do much 22
02:10.31pom_pomlol i did 5 placement matches and got platinum
02:10.33ShadowclaimerFull Nydus of Banelings, Nydus worm back of their base
02:10.39pom_pombut don't like 1v1 much so haven't played since
02:10.40Arthas-`228zip just played 6 matches there
02:10.48Arthas-and i hate it
02:10.56Arthas-at least in 2on2 you see some variation in units
02:10.56pom_pomi play 2v2 with my friend ... much "funner" and less serious
02:10.57pkolworms are hard to pull off
02:10.59Arthas-in 1on1....
02:11.02Shadowclaimeryea but if they don't notice them
02:11.03Arthas-even more static
02:11.03Shadowclaimerits a godsend
02:11.13Durreantip for you: don't delete cameras when they are used in triggers. from 3 camreas i deleted, i got 3 warnings and 1 crash...
02:11.15pkolit's hard not to hear that sound
02:11.20Shadowclaimeron the 1v1 space platform map I love htem particualrly
02:11.23pkoland any good player will scan their base
02:11.24Shadowclaimerin combination with overlords
02:11.26Arthas-when a terran nukes
02:11.32Arthas-can the player being nuke still hit space
02:11.41pom_pomyeah disappointed with worms ... over nerfed imo
02:11.47Shadowclaimer20 second setup time = lol
02:11.49pom_pomshould be 15s and a little cheaper
02:12.02ShadowclaimerI mostly use them to get my drones to other bases, and allow myself some mobility
02:12.07Durreangonna sleep, bye
02:12.08Shadowclaimerkeeps my units mostly hidden
02:12.14pkolyeah, if a zerg tires to worm my base, you can usually just kill them with your workers
02:12.53Arthas-for those who missed it
02:12.57Arthas-now im off :)
02:13.04Arthas-nn ppl
02:13.12pkolalthough, this one time i killed this guy's nydus network and worm at the same time
02:13.16pkolwith like 30 units in it
02:13.18pkoli lol'd hard
02:13.38Shadowclaimeroh shit
02:13.40Shadowclaimerthat'd suck
02:13.45Shadowclaimeri just use it with banelings
02:13.51Shadowclaimerlike if I get someone stuck in their base, and surrounded
02:14.03Shadowclaimerdrop a bunch of banelings (page or two) on em and its GG
02:15.00Bifuu new tutorial
02:15.06BifuuImporting custom models
02:15.48Shadowclaimerso I have a question..
02:16.03Shadowclaimeris it possibel to edit an M3 file with notepad or such
02:16.11Shadowclaimerlike I could with mdl files
02:16.18Shadowclaimerso I can just change texture directories and particle data?
02:16.27Shadowclaimeror is it all locked into the actual file and requiring me to open them in a model editor
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02:17.06RickAIs there a way to affect how much damage a unit does based on its energy?
02:17.37Legickwow i hate internet explorer, it screws me over even when i don't use it
02:18.04*** join/#sc2mapster Dest1ny8 (
02:18.09Legickit turns out somehow in internet explorer it got turned on for me to use a proxy server which disallowed me from updating my sc2
02:18.22*** join/#sc2mapster poiuy_qwert (
02:18.33crazyfingersanyone know how to reduce incoming damage by a %?
02:19.35RickAIts in behaviors, Damage Response
02:19.41crazyfingersah, thanks man
02:19.45crazyfingersi'll check it out
02:19.48*** join/#sc2mapster Vailreth (
02:20.10Vailrethhello people
02:22.11pkoldid anyone watch TLOvsWhitaRa hdh video?
02:22.23`228zipI did
02:22.28`228zipOver templars
02:22.35`228zipDidn't think it'd work
02:22.41MotiveI'm just curious if anyone else is planning on buying SC2 solely for custom games rather than melee.
02:22.55MotiveI quit melee entirely with WC3 and don't really have plans to go back. Lol
02:22.56ShadowclaimerSo Skiz, since you know how to model, how hard do you think it'd be to change the particle colors on an Archon?
02:23.06pkoli love tlo, hes so pro
02:23.13Motiveyay, I'm not alone then.
02:23.25Skizoti never play melee >_>
02:23.30`228zipDoes single player campaign count ?
02:23.37Skizoti play campaign.
02:23.38MotiveCampaign's ok, it has a fun storyline.
02:23.40Skizotand UMS
02:23.40MotiveI play campaign.
02:23.48MotiveCampaign and UMS are the fun parts of Blizzard games, IMO.
02:23.50natesdme, motive
02:23.53MotiveThough I was into melee on SC1.
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02:24.07natesdums fo life
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02:26.12Shadowclaimerwhat can I open m3 files with.. besides 3dsmax?
02:27.32Alpha_vstwoot my life modifier is killing the bad guys insatantly :D
02:29.39*** join/#sc2mapster Dest1ny (
02:32.53SevenSevenoh fuck yeah
02:32.56SevenSeven77 is back
02:33.03SevenSevenwith 10x better interweb connections
02:33.33SevenSeventhey fucked our internet up and gave us complimentary 15MB speeds :D
02:34.12Linerafor how long? a month?
02:34.41Shadowclaimerso my brother is on Facebook and in the corner he gets a suggestion
02:34.56Shadowclaimerit says "You may like Megan Fox, reason: Many who like Modern Warfare 2 like Megan Fox"
02:35.59`228zipAnother reason not to be on facebook
02:36.09ShadowclaimerI have to use it to keep in tocuh with old high school friends lol
02:36.15Shadowclaimera lot of my old buddies kidna went everywhere in the world
02:36.21Shadowclaimergot a couple on missionary trips, like half of them joined the military..
02:36.37`228zipWell, if you don't mind Big Brother =/
02:36.55*** join/#sc2mapster Dest1ny (
02:36.56ShadowclaimerHonestly I've hit the point where I don't give a damn
02:37.05Shadowclaimerif the FBI wants to read every chat log I have, and check my internet history evertime I open something
02:37.07Shadowclaimerlet them
02:37.20Shadowclaimeras long as they don't post the contents to teh local newspaper
02:37.22ShadowclaimerI'm fine lol
02:38.14*** join/#sc2mapster poiuy_qwert (
02:38.45`228zipThe FBI doesn't care
02:38.51`228zipIt's purely commercial =/
02:40.38MotiveThe FBI has better things to do than stalk people on Facebook.
02:40.39MotiveI hope.
02:41.22*** join/#sc2mapster Vortexx (
02:42.14ShadowclaimerI'm sure if they did our jails woudl be overrun with potheads by now honestly
02:42.33Shadowclaimerthe sheer amount of friends of mine that have public profiles that are covered in pics of them and them talking abotu it is hillarious
02:43.15Legickthe police sometimes stalk facebook
02:43.29MotiveThe police have better things to do, too, usually.
02:43.41MotiveIt's really only in fringe cases that Facebook ever results in a crime being prosecuted.
02:43.44Shadowclaimer"Well Mr. Johnson we have 500 counts of admissions of drug usage, over 100 pictures of you holding or handing out marijuana, and quite a few messages of you offering to sell marijuana"
02:43.55Legickwell i know of a case where there have been multiple threats on a person's life and they have assessed the threats through facebook
02:44.06Motiveyeah but that's serious because it's life-threatening.
02:44.12ShadowclaimerDo people just not know that the block function exists?
02:44.20MotiveIt's kind of hidden tbh.
02:44.24MotiveAt least it used to be.
02:44.27Shadowclaimereh it kinda is
02:44.29Shadowclaimerbut I use it like a madman
02:44.33*** join/#sc2mapster Valarauakdor (~183fb24f@gateway/web/freenode/x-rxrzfwlcdhpppezf)
02:44.35ShadowclaimerI got a lot of people angry at me on facebook
02:44.37*** part/#sc2mapster Rectifier (~ranctifie@
02:44.38Alpha_vsthmmm wtf my math is bad
02:44.44Shadowclaimerthere's an inside family joke about me being gay and my cousin started a group for it
02:44.52Shadowclaimerso I tend to get messages from actual gay people eithe angry or offering me help..
02:44.54Shadowclaimerits hillarious
02:44.59Valarauakdoris it possible to turn off in-game music, but not in-game sounds via triggers?
02:45.14ShadowclaimerI always tag them first name "Not really gay" last name
02:45.41Arthas-i too use facebook
02:45.46Arthas-and i do not like bb
02:45.54Arthas-but i mainly use fb for lurking :p
02:45.59Motiveeveryone and their dog uses facebook
02:46.32MotiveIt's ok, Facebook has support for thumbless interaction!
02:46.39LyrradI refuse to use facebook because...well I don't really have a reason
02:46.48Legickmy grandmother uses facebook more than I
02:46.50Arthas-I woke up and had one
02:47.05Arthas-literally, dont remember the night before
02:47.13Arthas-and i didnt see any option to remove it :D
02:47.21Arthas-you cant really remove it, can you? =p
02:47.37Legickyou can basically kill it by leaving groups and staying inactive
02:47.37CrazafiedHave'nt u seen south park?
02:47.38ShadowclaimerI use a fake version of my brothers I made to get hillarious messages by him on the news
02:47.38MotiveI didn't have one until late '08. One of my friends made me register. Lol
02:47.40Legickbut that's the only way i know
02:47.55Shadowclaimerour local news often has shoutouts on facebook where you can post your opinion on something
02:47.59Shadowclaimerso I always do very flamboyant ones under his name
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02:48.10Shadowclaimerbecause he's usually up getting ready for work during the morning news
02:48.38Shadowclaimerso it'll say his name and his towno n there andh e just kinda shrugs it offa nd has accepted there must be another person with the same name as him in this town
02:49.12MotiveFacebook Connect pisses me off beyond belief.
02:49.30ShadowclaimerI use a Mozilla Plugin for Facebook, makes it 100x easier for me
02:49.30MotiveI think Facebook can be fun but I don't want every site to have access to my RL information. It's not convenient, it's just annoying.
02:49.35Shadowclaimeryea agreed
02:49.43Legicki'm pissed off with this whole "facebook and sync" thing
02:49.47MotiveThat, too.
02:49.49Legickwith real ID
02:49.54Legickit's going to be really annoying
02:49.58Arthas-well, waddaya know
02:49.59MotiveReal ID I don't mind so much. I don't think it has a place in a game though.
02:50.03Arthas-there actually is a delete option:
02:50.18Arthas-but from menu only deactivate is visible
02:50.28LiliannaYou don't have to use Real ID if you don't want to
02:50.37Legickit is useful though
02:50.39Legickno doubt
02:50.45LiliannaFor sure
02:50.49ShadowclaimerMy Champions ONline is linked up to mine <.< it posts feeds no things I do ingame
02:50.50ValarauakdorThen why are you angry?
02:50.53MotiveI have a very small set of friends who know my real name. And real ID doesn't offer them anything anyways other than access to see the name they already know.
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02:50.55Shadowclaimerjust for hte hope that it might interest a friendo f mine in the game
02:51.00Arthas-Motive what kind of irl info are we talking about here
02:51.02Linerahmmm, trying to figure something out. If this is a channel for SC2 Mappster why are we talking about facebook crap for?
02:51.03ValarauakdorIf you don't like, don't use it.  If you do like it, then use it.
02:51.11ShadowclaimerLinera we never talk about anything on subject
02:51.13MotiveI'd rather them not know anything other than my screenname.
02:51.15Shadowclaimerits IRC
02:51.18MotiveSo that's 0 facebook interaction at all. :P
02:51.25MotiveThat way I know exactly what information people know.
02:51.30Motiveie. what I tell them
02:51.36Legickthis conversation probably, at some point, started from something somewhat relevent
02:51.41MotiveLol :P
02:51.42LyrradWe are supposed to talk about SC2 map making here?
02:51.46Arthas-Legick not likely
02:51.55MotiveI made an SC2 map
02:51.59Motiveit involved a siege tank named facebook
02:52.02Motiveand a marine named Motive.
02:52.06Arthas-Lyrrad and that prohibits us from talking about other stuff?
02:52.06MotiveThey were unallied.
02:52.10LyrradBut if we talk about SC@ map stuff everyone will steal my ideas
02:52.17Arthas-wake up, and welcome to irc :p
02:52.20MotiveLol, that's why I love my idea. :P
02:52.24MotiveNobody's bored enough to do it.
02:52.26ShadowclaimerAt least we aren't talking about penises anymore
02:52.31Arthas-Shadowclaimer well
02:52.33Arthas-for now
02:52.35ShadowclaimerOk maybe a little..
02:52.38MotiveWell see
02:52.38LyrradThats about to change I expect
02:52.42Motivetalking about penises is pointless.
02:52.49Arthas-id rather pick boobs
02:52.53MotiveYou can brag about length all you want but the average vagina is only 6 inches deep.
02:52.58MotiveBeyond that it's just not being used.
02:53.10ShadowclaimerAnd thus Shadowclaimer walks into the sunset, having finished what he was born tod o
02:53.12Shadowclaimerderail an IRC
02:53.18Arthas-Motive really
02:53.25Arthas-this calls for....
02:53.26MotiveI got that from ChaCha, I assume it's true.
02:53.47Legickwhenever i hear that walking into the sunset line i always think about the AvP movie where that human chick and pred are just like skipping off into the distance
02:53.55Arthas-that one :p
02:53.58Shadowclaimeraww I hate that sequel..
02:54.01MotiveHaha :P
02:54.03Arthas-isnt there like a video clip available
02:54.06Arthas-anyhow :D
02:54.17MotiveBut yeah, think about it. You can be 12 inches long and everyone'll be like "Oh shit!" but you can never actually get it all in.
02:54.24LyrradI don't think I dare go look at that
02:54.26Legickcan with anal
02:54.29MotiveSo in essence you'll always be half a virgin.
02:54.31Arthas-i tag em if its nsfw
02:54.31Legickbut that's another story
02:54.44pkoloh wow
02:54.46MotiveHis link is safe. :P
02:54.48Arthas-Motive I approve they way you reason
02:54.51Legickyeah it's safe
02:54.52MotiveWhy thank you.
02:55.24Shadowclaimeraww his pic is not a diagram...
02:55.26ShadowclaimerI'm disappointed
02:55.31Lyrradwell that was disappointing
02:55.31Shadowclaimercould've even made it a Venn Diagram for bonus points
02:55.54Arthas-you are not the one who went hysterical when we started discussin pre & post-kerrigan tentacles and fucking her right? :på
02:56.00Motiveno o_o
02:56.03Motivethat's just fucking wrong.
02:56.21Legicki hope there's someone remaking pleasure kerrigan
02:56.26Motiveugh LOL
02:56.30Shadowclaimerin their own minds maybe
02:56.32Alpha_vstthis is taking longer than i thought :(
02:56.34Motiveas soon as you involve tentacles, it's just wrong. ><
02:56.36Legickcould get very interesting in the sc2 editor
02:56.39Shadowclaimerthats what she said Alpha =D
02:56.42Arthas-So, whats the current price for a customized real doll?
02:56.44Arthas-Just wondering
02:56.56Arthas-wil be post, ofcourse
02:57.02Legickdepends on the quality you want probably
02:57.02Arthas-Yeah, flap those wings baby!
02:57.03Shadowclaimerwell now my caffeine is out
02:57.13Arthas-or whatever they are :p
02:57.19Arthas-Shadowclaimer that means back to work?
02:57.26ShadowclaimerWork? Pfft
02:57.29*** join/#sc2mapster Verr82 (
02:57.33Shadowclaimerback implies I ever started
02:57.48Arthas-you never really stop now do you
02:58.00ShadowclaimerI have a 12 pack of MD Typhoon behind me
02:58.08Arthas-work, short break, work, lunch, work, short break, work, sleep , restart
02:58.09Shadowclaimerand my emotions have shut down from loneliness and rejection
02:58.11Shadowclaimerso WOO
02:58.13ShadowclaimerTime to get some shit done
02:58.19Legicki just ate half a carton of ice cream
02:58.23Legickthat will wake you up
02:58.28Arthas-Legick :D
02:58.32Alpha_vstscrew you :P
02:58.35ShadowclaimerIce Cream comes in Cartons?
02:58.44Legickwell, box, i dunno
02:58.53Legicki still can't think of the proper word
02:58.57ShadowclaimerI always associate cartons with cigarettes
02:59.02Shadowclaimerso in my mind you just ate half a carton of cigarettes
02:59.13Legicki think i did that on a dare once
02:59.14ShadowclaimerThat's the textbook definition of a box
02:59.35Arthas-in other news, why did i stop smoking
02:59.42Arthas-then my 3 years of smoking were for nothing :(
02:59.50Legickbecause it's icky and horrible
02:59.59Arthas-~8ball Should I take up smoking again?
03:00.00purlI'm not sure.
03:00.02Shadowclaimerbecause it makes your penis shrivel and die
03:00.14Arthas-~8ball Really, straight answer now! Should I take up smoking again?
03:00.15purlAre you smoking crack?
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03:00.25Arthas-didnt see that one coming
03:00.32Arthas-nor do I see how it matters
03:00.34Motivecrack xD
03:00.37Arthas-stupid bot
03:01.02*** join/#sc2mapster JamesObscura (
03:01.08Arthas-hell no :P
03:01.37Legickwhen your blackened, charred, holed lungs are chilling with you in the hospital, i'll be chillin in a nursing home with alzheimers
03:01.39Legickso haha!
03:01.41Motiveit is icky :P
03:01.42Legicklucky so and so
03:01.47Motivethat doesn't mean it's not fun though.
03:02.17Shadowclaimerwith hot nurses Legick*
03:02.19Shadowclaimerleft out the hot nurses
03:02.20Arthas-i actually never intended to live that long
03:02.22Motiveoh shit.
03:02.27Arthas-still dont
03:02.30ShadowclaimerI figure the zombie apocalypse will happen before then
03:02.38Arthas-60+ worthless!
03:02.39Shadowclaimerso I've spent my entire life's fortune and all my time building an underground bunker
03:02.43Motiveif a zombie apocalypse happens I am so fucked.
03:02.45Arthas-no offense to 60+ers in this chan
03:02.46Shadowclaimerand trying to obtain a nuclear bomb
03:02.51MotiveI thought my car was awesomesauce and could like plow through them all
03:02.53Shadowclaimerthere's literally a facebook groupdedicated to helping me get a nuclear bomb
03:02.58Motivebut then I got a flat tire today and watched it deflate in under a minute.
03:03.01Motiveso that wouldn't work . :(
03:03.08Legicki want to think i would be a survivor in a zombie apocalypse, but when i deeply analyze it, i'll just die like everybody else
03:03.17ShadowclaimerYea you definitely wil Legick
03:03.23Shadowclaimerespecially with alzheimers
03:03.28Shadowclaimeryou'll like trap a doorway then walk right back through it
03:03.37Legickpssh never trap a doorway
03:03.39Arthas-Legick hehe
03:03.47Arthas-im in favor of nuclear holocaust :p
03:03.48Legickthat will restrict your movement more than the zombies
03:03.50Arthas-gogo fallout!
03:04.06Shadowclaimerseeing as a trap is only useful against a single zombie or maybe 2 or 3 depending on the trap (not counting explosives
03:04.15Shadowclaimersee the problem I see is that Zombies will literally pile up until they can get to you anywhere
03:04.16MotiveExplosives are bad, attract more.
03:04.19Legickspeaking of nuclear holocaust
03:04.21Legicklove this song
03:04.23LyrradJust need a trap that resets itself
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03:04.32Shadowclaimeran automatic bear trap?
03:04.39Shadowclaimerlike a giant one
03:04.39MotiveSee I have a great anti-zombie plan.
03:04.46Arthas-did any of you watch Dead Snow?
03:04.50Arthas-Norwegian zombie movie
03:04.51MotiveAttic + food until the majority of humanity is dead,
03:04.54Shadowclaimeractually me and my brothers literally dsicussed purchasinga n abandoned nuclear missile silo
03:04.58Motivethen venture out with functional car, etc.
03:04.59Arthas-if not, and if you like zombie movies. watch it
03:05.01Shadowclaimeryou can get one for like $150k
03:05.08LyrradI saw a little bit of it, but when I am watching TV I hate reading subtitles
03:05.12Shadowclaimerthey are entirely underground, have blast doors, and it doesnt cost much to fix it up
03:05.15MotivefiuhfuisfIHDFILUAHDUAILHAWILUd AIO H+
03:05.21Motiveoh god that was awful
03:05.32Legickoh my god are you ok?
03:05.39Motiveno it ate me.
03:05.40ShadowclaimerIt didn't get your leg did it?
03:05.49ShadowclaimerDid I ever tell you guys I love you?
03:05.55Shadowclaimerin the most creepy perverted pedophilic way possible
03:05.57MotiveI told you guys that one night.
03:06.03crazyfingersAny way of adjusting bahavior values through triggers or upgrades? Like i have a reduce damage behavior now but i can't figure out how to modify it to be stronger, outside of simply replacing it with another stronger behavior
03:06.05MotiveI just logged on and I was reading the chat and I was like, hmm, I'm bored...
03:06.08Motivethen I went
03:06.10MotiveI LOVE YOU ALL!
03:06.11Motiveand shut up.
03:06.20ShadowclaimerI remmeber that
03:06.23Arthas-( Shadowclaimer ): in the most creepy perverted pedophilic way possible - im 14 and i love you back
03:06.25Shadowclaimerthen I started at my monitor wondering if you really meant it
03:06.35Vailrethdamn i cant get my medivac to load my  units...
03:06.37ShadowclaimerI'm 20 so the FBI is on their way to my house
03:06.38Shadowclaimerwas nice knowing you
03:06.43Arthas-Shadowclaimer nah
03:06.47Arthas-15 is legal in sweden
03:06.48ShadowclaimerI don't htink you understand
03:06.51Arthas-14 is borderline legal!
03:06.54Legicki'm not legal for you bro
03:06.55ShadowclaimerI have 3 terabytes of pirated software
03:07.02ShadowclaimerI don't give a fuck about hte pedophilia
03:07.05Shadowclaimerthey can't get my swag dammit
03:07.06Arthas-on a non encrypted drive?
03:07.15Arthas-serves you right for not encrypting your loot!
03:07.15MotiveWho actually encrypts their disks?
03:07.16ShadowclaimerEncryption is only a roadbump
03:07.18MotiveCome on. :P
03:07.25Shadowclaimerwhat kinda pirate puts their treasure in locked chests
03:07.27ShadowclaimerI fucking roll in mine
03:07.29Shadowclaimerin public
03:07.31Shadowclaimerso they all can see it
03:07.38MotiveI don't even encrypt the virtual memory on this Mac as a security feature.
03:07.44Arthas-so you are one of those who always had c: shared on direct connect
03:07.45ShadowclaimerMacs have memory?
03:07.52Arthas-giving me tons of diablo 2, half life and win xp license keys?
03:07.55MotiveMacs have two buttons on their mice.
03:07.58MotiveIt's fuckin' revolutionary.
03:07.58Arthas-I loved those people :)
03:08.10Arthas-even more awesome when steam was released
03:08.15ShadowclaimerI laughed
03:08.27ShadowclaimerI was like "Oh wow so what can they play now? Oh that's right nothing, just a chat platform"
03:08.31MotiveI'm loving the new Steam and Portal on Mac.
03:08.36ShadowclaimerMy cousin almost paid me $20 to walk in starbucks and yell Macs suck
03:08.38ShadowclaimerI was too afraid of dying
03:08.42Legicki hate the new steam
03:08.43*** join/#sc2mapster Gatling (
03:08.47MotiveThey've still got a few kinks but it's completely playable and once in-game you wouldn't notice the difference between Mac and PC.
03:08.53ShadowclaimerI figure
03:08.55MotiveI even get my Growl notifications at the top.
03:09.02Legicki think yesterday i figured out how to check what games i own
03:09.03ShadowclaimerI'm just fantatically antimac
03:09.41Legicki respect macs and apple simply for the reason that they stand up against microsoft, who i hate
03:09.44LyrradI had bad Mac experiences in high school
03:09.50Arthas-mac + portal equals ffffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
03:09.52MotiveI don't hate Macs or PC. :P
03:09.55ShadowclaimerAs soon as Sony gets their own OS out I'm so getting it
03:09.56Arthas-i hate macs
03:10.00Shadowclaimerthen I'll fantatically hate Microsoft too
03:10.03MotiveThey both have their strengths and weaknesses.
03:10.05LyrradExcept Apple is as bad as Microsoft these days
03:10.09Arthas-and i laugh everytime i walk past them in town and see their empty store
03:10.16MotiveNo, Apple stores are never empty.
03:10.21Arthas-here they are
03:10.23MotiveThey always have those fucking faggots using their computers and never buying them.
03:10.24ShadowclaimerI just hate Macs becasue Hipsters will defend them to the death
03:10.26Arthas-although hyarion has one
03:10.28Arthas-most ppl dont!
03:10.34MotiveI've only been to an apple store twice.
03:10.36Alpha_vstmacs rock screw you
03:10.41Shadowclaimerthey'll buy one no matter how expensive they'll be, just to say they're cool
03:10.44Arthas-btw guys
03:10.45MotiveOnce, to buy my MacBook, and the 2nd to get support on the hardware.
03:10.46Shadowclaimerthen all the real nerds will be waiting outside with guns
03:10.47Legicki think once on vacation i saw an apple stand
03:10.48Arthas-alpha has mac on highlight
03:10.54Legickthe guy was selling mangos too, i think
03:10.58Arthas-so from now on, lets call macs craps
03:11.05MotiveI love my Mac. :(
03:11.06Alpha_vstno i dont
03:11.12Arthas-then you are lurking!
03:11.17Alpha_vstyou can do that kinda thing?
03:11.22Shadowclaimerwell all he can do is talk on IRC on it
03:11.29MotivePsh :P
03:11.30Arthas-Alpha_vst yeah :p
03:11.30Shadowclaimerlurking is the full extent of his abilities
03:11.34MotiveI make maps on my Mac, without the editor.
03:11.35MotiveSo there. :P
03:11.42Arthas-I make maps on my 200
03:11.43Alpha_vstim a irc noob :P
03:11.48ShadowclaimerI make Maps using my PSP
03:11.49Arthas-with just a text editor and no gui!
03:11.56Arthas-thats just a hassle
03:11.58Arthas-but you win :p
03:12.00ShadowclaimerBut fun!
03:12.03Arthas-I MAKE EM ON GAMEBOY
03:12.05ShadowclaimerI have a beautifully hacked piece of hardware
03:12.07ShadowclaimerNOT POSSIBLE
03:12.11ShadowclaimerNintendo cockblocks all homebrew
03:12.16ShadowclaimerSony at least pretends they hate homebrew
03:12.19Shadowclaimerthen magically steps aside
03:12.24RickAIs there a way to add a behavior to a unit anytime it gets attacked without triggers?
03:12.27Arthas-like when they removed otheros
03:12.30Arthas-fun story
03:12.31Shadowclaimerwas about to say that
03:12.36Legickds homebrew is fairly decent
03:12.38MotiveI think Macs are gonna get more popular and more marketshare the next couple of years though.
03:12.41Shadowclaimerit is Legick I like it
03:12.44Arthas-ive come to the conlusion
03:12.46Arthas-consoles sucks cock
03:12.48MotiveThey've been behind in terms of games but that's starting to change now.
03:12.55Arthas-the companies wont let me sell complete used games anymore
03:12.58Motive10.6.4 focuses on OpenGL from what I understand
03:12.59LyrradPeople have been saying htat about macs for like 20 years
03:13.03Arthas-that being true for entire industry more or less
03:13.06Motiveand now Blizzard and Valve have been working with Apple to improve it even more.
03:13.18Arthas-blizzard have?
03:13.21MotiveOfc they have. :P
03:13.27Arthas-in what way :p
03:13.28Galois-evaristehow do i check to see if a player commands at most 0 men?
03:13.28*** join/#sc2mapster WhiteBomber (
03:13.29Legickit's not to improve them, it's to expand their own market base
03:13.35MotiveGraphics drivers
03:13.36Legickthey might have accidently helped apple though
03:13.38MotiveThey want them improved
03:13.41MotiveSame stuff w/ Valve.
03:13.47Arthas-blizzard do gfx drivers for apple?
03:13.50MotiveSo two great companies working with Apple.
03:13.51MotiveNo but they report bugs
03:13.57RickAGalois, how do you want to check that
03:13.57Motiveand help find performance bottlenecks
03:14.02Motiveand whine and bitch to Apple to fix them.
03:14.04Galois-evaristepreferably in an event
03:14.05RickAPeriodically? Every time a unit dies?
03:14.08Galois-evaristebut i'm okay with a condition
03:14.22Galois-evaristein staredit i'd say "If Player X commands at most 0 Men"
03:14.30Arthas-Skizot lemme get you link
03:14.31Galois-evaristehowever i don't ahve that vocab in galaxyedit
03:14.32RickAHow many units will you be dealing with?
03:14.39MotiveIt's good for Macs and PCs though. IMO, the less we focus on operating system the better.
03:14.42Galois-evaristeY units
03:14.54RickAIs Y alot?
03:14.56ShadowclaimerOnce again, when Sony's OS comes out
03:15.02MotiveIt's all x86(_64) processor instructions, so what's the difference?
03:15.02ShadowclaimerI'll say screw you all
03:15.02Arthas-that one even
03:15.07MotiveJust the APIs.
03:15.23WhiteBomberIf it's something that's going to be done often, I suggest after 0.05 seconds, while, and wait 0.05 seconds, then your triggers.
03:15.27Galois-evaristeit was so obvious and simple with staredit
03:15.31Galois-evaristei don't understand why its not in this editor
03:15.35MotiveStarEdit blew.
03:15.38MotiveAnd not even in the good way.
03:15.46Galois-evaristestaredit didn't let you do some things yes
03:15.50Galois-evaristebut it was very easy to work with
03:15.53Arthas-dont make me laugh :p
03:15.54RickAI'd say
03:15.55MotiveStarEdit didn't let you do anything practically.
03:15.57Legicksome, more like everything
03:16.08RickACompare all the units on the map owned by a player to empty unit group
03:16.14MotiveI was reading the wiki about StarEdit and "hyper triggers". It made me cry.
03:16.26WhiteBomberStarEdit < Galaxy Editor, even relatively.
03:16.28RickAIf its empty, then they're all dead.
03:16.30Galois-evaristei hate being around people who feel like they're above the older things
03:16.42Arthas-I hate people who cant realize the truth
03:16.43MotiveIt's not that it's just old though.
03:16.51Legickif you want you can go and make maps on staredit
03:16.53MotiveI remember making maps in SC1 (very basic ones albeit)
03:16.56Legickwe don't mind
03:16.58Motiveand just wishing there were a few more features, etc.
03:17.01Skizota better link
03:17.25Vailrethi never touched the starcraft one editor after a few innitial mistakes
03:17.30Arthas-i counter with
03:17.33MotiveI will say this though, I wouldn't be a computer science major if it weren't for Blizzard. :P
03:17.52Legickafter looking at galaxy, i decided to try staredit once, i couldn't even figure out how to make a trigger on it lol
03:17.59Vailrethi wouldnt be a game design student  with out them
03:18.13RickAIs there a way to add a behavior to a unit anytime it gets attacked without triggers?
03:18.42`228zipWhy are people so obsessed with not using triggers ? =/
03:18.46Vailrethmaybe if that have another behavior on them with a damage effect
03:18.47`228zipI can't even help them!
03:18.50MotiveMelee maps. :P
03:18.51Legickit's more efficient
03:18.53RickABecause I know how to use triggers
03:18.57MotiveI love triggers though.
03:19.00RickAAnd if I wanted to use triggers I wouldn't be asking.
03:19.20LyrradNot sure about adding a behavior when attacked, but in Buff type behaviors there is a field for Damagae response
03:19.21`228zipWell in this case Motive, it won't fit the melee criteria
03:19.24Arthas-well, wont melee settings automatically use blizzard values instead of the ones in the dataeditor?
03:19.30MotiveWell melee-style play. I dunno. :P
03:19.30Skizotand i rebut with
03:19.30Legickalso if i understand correctly there is a limit on how many triggers you can have
03:19.32MotiveIt's cleaner for one.
03:19.35MotiveLess stuff to export.
03:19.44Arthas-This video contains content from EMI. It is no longer available in your country.
03:19.44RickAI doubt it, Legick
03:19.46Arthas-ty skizot!
03:19.55Legickwas looking at a thread detailing the problems with galaxy
03:19.57Arthas-now they are coming to get me!
03:19.59Legickthat was listed at one
03:20.37Legicki'm going to go brush my teeth
03:20.50MotiveThere's a limit of 2 MB of memory for all Galaxy stuff.
03:21.05MotiveI'd feel safer if they gave us at least 10 MB.
03:21.11MotiveI mean god, most systems have 4 GB of RAM now.
03:21.16Motive10 MB isn't much. :P
03:21.20Arthas-you mean blizzard would think ahead
03:21.20Legickit still seems to me to be just an arbitrary limit
03:21.29Legickwhich is what i thought they were trying to avoid with galaxy
03:21.33Vailrethtwo behaviors and an effect should be enough to add a behavior evert time a unit takes damage
03:21.36MotiveIt's not an arbitrary limit iirc.
03:21.44MotiveIt has something to do with the way they address Galaxy stuff
03:21.56`228zipDoesn't change the fact that it's stupid
03:22.00Motive2^21 bytes for some ungodly reason instead of 32.
03:22.01Shadowclaimermy editor keeps imploding
03:22.06MotiveI agree zip. :P
03:22.11Shadowclaimerwhen I go to drag a tree out, I get large black areas in my map and then it lags out
03:22.13Arthas-btw, does your editor crash when you leave it on over night?
03:22.21Motiveeditor is for nubs.
03:22.23Arthas-ive had mine crash during idle 3 times
03:22.25MotiveReal men use butterflies.
03:22.33Legicknever had a crash ever
03:22.33MotiveOr hex editors.
03:22.35Arthas-real men have slaves to do work for them
03:22.52Arthas-I mean employees
03:22.53ShadowclaimerReal men keep chinese children in their basement that memorize binary instead of using harddrives
03:23.00Arthas-Shadowclaimer lol
03:23.05MotiveI don't think that's very efficient, Shadowclaimer.
03:23.10MotiveIt'd be more efficient to make them BUILD hard drives.
03:23.13ShadowclaimerI have one in the corner that I think is kinda messed up, he uses hexadecimal..
03:23.24Shadowclaimerhe's like the stepchild of the bunch I guess
03:23.24Arthas-Shadowclaimer did you try hitting him in the head?
03:23.26Legickyeah and when you have to feed them you couldn't really access any of your files
03:23.28Shadowclaimeryea it made it worse
03:23.30Shadowclaimerhe keeps going up
03:23.31Galois-evaristehow can i make a trigger always apply, rather than just one time?
03:23.34MotiveAnd your hard drives aren't very fault tolerant then.
03:23.35Shadowclaimeroctadecimal and decadecimal
03:23.36Galois-evaristein staredit i'd say "Preserve Trigger"
03:23.37MotiveJust imagine if there's a food outage.
03:23.41Galois-evaristewhat's the translation here?
03:23.47`228zipI wouldn't use the editor if it wasn't for the "test map" button and syntax verificator
03:23.53`228zipI hear Andromeda does both though
03:23.58Legickimagine if you had to feed your computer :(
03:24.04Legickif you run out of computer food it wouldn't work
03:24.04`228zipYou do
03:24.06Alpha_vstu do
03:24.09Legickother than power
03:24.10MotiveTest map button I use MapCraft for.
03:24.12Galois-evaristeHow do I get a trigger to preserve itself in GalaxyEdit?
03:24.13Arthas-atm i use editor due to all the values that were unknown previously
03:24.15MotiveSyntax verifier I hardly need anymore.
03:24.19Legickor it would get all pissy and rebel
03:24.23Shadowclaimerit might be more effective for me to raise htem playing Starcraft 2 and have them enter world tournaments forme
03:24.32Arthas-and i havent seen any update on the wiki for values after its release :p
03:24.33`228zipMotive MapCraft ? your mac sc2 launcher I bet ?
03:24.43Motiveworks on windows though now, too!
03:24.48MotiveThough I'd use the editor if I had it. Lol
03:24.52MotiveExcept for editing Andromeda.
03:24.57Arthas-when will I see win 98 SE support
03:25.01Alpha_vstomg my system is working
03:25.01Arthas-Im still waiting!
03:25.08RickAGalios - Triggers don't need to be preserved anymore.
03:25.10Motivefuck your windows 98.
03:25.14Alpha_vsti have a difficulty system :D WOOT
03:25.21MotiveI'll break your window and watch it fall at 9.8 m/s/s.
03:25.25`228zipArthas- still has a windows 98 ?
03:25.29Motivek, awful joke over
03:25.29Arthas-that made me laugh
03:25.33Arthas-`228zip yeah
03:25.36Arthas-for older games
03:25.40Arthas-a 200 mhz w sb16 isa <3
03:25.41`228zipOh, I see
03:25.55`228zipDo you have Dungeon Keeper ? =o
03:26.01Arthas-not here
03:26.03Arthas-but yes
03:26.10Arthas-i have more or less all old games :p
03:26.11RickAThere's nothing like a hash table in the editor is there?
03:26.13Legicksequel not so much
03:26.16Arthas-with preserved cracktros!
03:26.16Vailrethi love that game
03:26.17Legickbut the first one hell yeah
03:26.23`228zipSequel is more balanced actually
03:26.30`228zipIt feels more mature
03:26.40`228zipPolished I guess
03:26.45Arthas-isnt Dungeon keeper considered abandonware yet?
03:26.49`228zipIt is
03:26.57`228zipDon't think the 2nd one is
03:27.01*** join/#sc2mapster XBMspec_ (
03:27.03Legick2nd probably isn't
03:27.20Vailrethspeaking of old games any one like UT2004
03:27.20`228zipVista doesn't like DK2 though =(
03:27.23Arthas-who remembers that?
03:27.32Legickoh yeah ut2004
03:27.36Skizotthe incredible machine was awesome!
03:27.41Arthas-ah ffs
03:27.47Arthas-they removed downloads for TIM!?
03:27.54`228zipActually, DK2 might be redoable in SC2!
03:27.54RickAAre any of you even here to help with the editor?
03:27.59`228zipOr any dungeon keeper!
03:28.02Skizotthis is the spam chat
03:28.04Legickthat's a good idea
03:28.05MotiveI don't use the editor.
03:28.09MotiveEditor is for women.
03:28.14`228zipRickA: What editor ?
03:28.14Arthas-RickA type your question
03:28.16Arthas-wait for reply
03:28.23`228zipThere is an editor ?
03:28.29Arthas-`228zip yeah
03:28.29MotiveBut seriously, I try to help people with triggering issues. That's all I do. :P
03:28.34Arthas-it was released for ps3 :p
03:28.35Skizotthere is no editor, only zuul.
03:28.43Arthas-so doesnt run on win7
03:28.46`228zipI have a PS3
03:28.46Legickif you ask a question people will help
03:28.53Vailrethok motive i have a triggering issue ...
03:29.00MotiveLol k
03:29.00`228zipIt's a shame they put the editor on that console when you can't play the game on the PS3
03:29.12Arthas-dungeon keeper 1 dload
03:29.16Vailrethi cant get my medivac to load units froma unit group
03:29.25Arthas-although abandonia had way better speeds
03:29.33`228zipHow would you simulate Dungeon Keeper digging mechanics ?
03:29.34Arthas-but they dont have DK
03:29.39Arthas-id say
03:29.42Arthas-look at harvest
03:29.43Legicki was just thinking of how you would do that
03:29.47MotiveJust iterate over the unit group and issue an order, right?
03:29.49Skizotterrain deformation
03:29.52Arthas-make a dirt block model
03:29.54RickAThere's nothing like a hash table in the editor is there?
03:29.58Arthas-and make unit harvest it
03:30.03`228zipData Table, Ricka
03:30.05Vailrethyeah a block  that is harvaestable
03:30.15MotiveOr I do remember seeing some cargo manipulation in the natives.
03:30.18`228zipA block could be good, but I'd need shitloads of them
03:30.27RickAWhat/where are data tables?
03:30.34Arthas-`228zip thats true
03:30.51Arthas-I wonder how much load pfilling a 128x128 result in
03:30.54Arthas-but still really
03:31.01Arthas-a decent computer should handle it today
03:31.14`228zipThe problem would be simulating the way the game works in general
03:31.18Legickit's better not to risk it
03:31.22Legickthere's probably a better way
03:31.22`228zipBecause you don't act directly unlike SC2
03:31.27Arthas-FUCK YEAH!
03:31.35RickA228, what/where are data tables?
03:31.44`228zipIn the trigger editor ?
03:31.50Arthas-object manager
03:32.02MotiveSo yeah, get your unit group together, create an order using native order OrderTargetingUnit(abilcmd p1, unit p2) targetting the Medevac, and issue it.
03:32.04`228zipIn the object manager ? seriously ?
03:32.11Arthas-what :D
03:32.17Arthas-what are we talking about
03:32.20Arthas-i saw something about units
03:32.21`228zipData tables
03:32.34MotiveWe were discussing how to make units have babies.
03:32.43MotiveSee, the way I was seeing it, we'd hook into the Unit Enters Region event for the playable map area.
03:32.53Arthas-protoss orders them throuh tv shop
03:32.53MotiveWe'd then assign the units a custom value 0 or 1 in index 0 for it's gender.
03:32.58RickAI see nothing in Object manager
03:33.06RickAnothing called object manager
03:33.11`228zipDK2 Quote: "Your perseverance has unlocked you a secret gaming tip
03:33.13Vailrethi think i have tryed your suggesting  and it doesnt work...
03:33.17`228zipGO TO BED!"
03:33.20MotiveThen, we'd iterate over all objects every say, 5 seconds, get their nearby objects and see if there are nearby members of the opposite sex.
03:33.32MotiveIf so, we'd create a similar unit to be their child.
03:33.33Arthas-go to bed? now that im tired and the chat is awesome?
03:33.34pkolbool hasYChromosone?
03:33.37Arthas-its just 5:30 am
03:33.40MotiveWe'd also scale it to say 0.5f x/y/z.
03:33.53`228zipEverything's normal, it's only 5:30AM
03:33.53Arthas-that grows with time
03:34.03RickAWhere in the menu could i find object manager
03:34.05MotiveWe can use custom value index 1 to simulate age.
03:34.09Legickpssh 11:30 here
03:34.09MotiveEvery update cycle increases age by 1.
03:34.10Arthas-and then, we can make them grow x^2, y^2, z
03:34.13Arthas-so they become fat
03:34.15MotiveThen we have death chances.
03:34.17Arthas-ie, realistic
03:34.22MotiveThey increase exponentially as age increases.
03:34.30Arthas-and when they become fat, surgery becoems more difficult
03:34.36MotiveLet's make it a map!
03:34.37LyrradThe Sims SC2 style
03:34.38Arthas-heart attack risks will increase
03:34.44Arthas-Motive im game! :p
03:34.47MotiveAlso for the sake of awesome, it will still be a melee map.
03:34.53MotiveSO you have to kill your opponents while dealing with this.
03:35.01RickAWhere in the menu could i find object manager
03:35.03Arthas-and if you dont take care of the babies
03:35.07Legicki would love to help you RickA, but it's beyond my knowledge
03:35.13Arthas-social care services (aka xel naga) will come and take care of it
03:35.19Motive"Your SCVs develop AIDS and can no longer gather minerals and must stay inside structures or die."
03:35.21MotiveOh shit.
03:35.32Arthas-until you find the cure for aids
03:35.39MotiveThat costs a lot of gas/minerals.
03:35.40Arthas-which according to south park is ALL YOUR MONEY
03:35.49pkol"yes, im about to crush you with my last maraude pu.. of fuck they all just had heart attacks :("
03:35.52Arthas-so yeah, that scv is literally fucked
03:36.12MotiveAlso, all of your minerals and gas are actually represented by useless paper currency.
03:36.15Arthas-by7 the creepy robot living inside the command center
03:36.18LyrradYou could raid the enemy bases for women
03:36.22MotiveTherefore, your economy can go through a recession and have your gas/minerals reset to 0.
03:36.23RickAWhere in the menu could i find object manager
03:36.31MotiveA depression keeps them at 0 for a period of time.
03:36.34Arthas-or send the scv in to give aids to the enemys women
03:36.35MotiveDepressions are fairly unlikely though.
03:36.39MotiveYes, or disease warfare.
03:36.45Arthas-somehow I find it that this map would be removed by blizzard
03:36.51Arthas-for being politically incorrect
03:37.00Arthas-yet another reason we need pirate servers! :p
03:37.05pkolinbreeding creates gimped units
03:37.06MotiveI did private servers for WoW. :P
03:37.10MotiveThose things fucking sucked.
03:37.15pkolthat are tinted orange
03:37.20Arthas-worked great for sc, wc3 etc
03:37.22VailrethRickA:  what information are you looking for?
03:37.23Arthas-especially since vista
03:37.32Arthas-when hamachi didnt wanna work for some reason :p
03:37.58MotiveAlso when a battlecruiser is destroyed
03:38.04Motivea thousand civilians are spawned under it
03:38.06Motiveand die instantly.
03:38.12Arthas-i like that touch
03:38.15MotiveAnd you get to pay for all of their life insurance policies in minerals.
03:38.32Arthas-How to win: Don't build battle cruisers
03:38.34MotiveAlso negative minerals are allowed.
03:38.43Arthas-especially not the BC with high insured ppl
03:38.44*** join/#sc2mapster ckknight (~ckknight@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/CurseStaff/CurseForge/ckknight)
03:38.44*** mode/#sc2mapster [+o ckknight] by ChanServ
03:38.50Arthas-then you can take loans?
03:38.51MotiveIn the event you go negative, you can "borrow" money from allied players.
03:38.58Arthas-with interest
03:39.01MotiveYou can even borrow money from enemies.
03:39.11Arthas-and with interest, we have less money than actually exists in circulation
03:39.19Arthas-we should try applying this to realy world economy!
03:39.22Arthas-oh... wait
03:39.26Arthas-we just lost
03:39.37Legicki just lost the game
03:39.42Arthas-Legick same
03:39.47*** join/#sc2mapster NeoDeathXp (~18931805@gateway/web/freenode/x-wqaxyopbtzgoejrc)
03:39.58MotiveAlso you will occasionally have new Presidents who pass stupid legislation, costing you random amounts of copious minerals.
03:40.04NeoDeathXphey guys
03:40.05Vailrethwell i beat my old score by a week
03:40.11Arthas-for all those of you in here who dont know what the game is
03:40.14Arthas-click link
03:40.21MotiveFuck you, Arthas-.
03:40.22Arthas-and congratulations, you are now playing the game!
03:40.28MotiveI haven't lost that game since like
03:40.30Motivehigh school.
03:40.34MotiveI was ddoing
03:40.34MotiveSO WELL
03:40.45Arthas-so was i
03:40.49Arthas-till i woke up and read my sms
03:40.53Shadowclaimerthat imagei s so wrong
03:40.55Arthas-or everytime i go to work
03:41.00Arthas-my code is in the shape of L
03:41.04ShadowclaimerThe goal if the game is for the Prime Minister of Britain to say "I lose the game" on national television
03:41.07Shadowclaimerthen the game ends
03:41.15ShadowclaimerI lost*
03:41.18Arthas-the game never really ends :p
03:41.32Vailreth11 days ...
03:41.35Arthas-so Motive
03:41.40Shadowclaimerso is the In editor item system that great?
03:41.42MotiveI fucking hate 4chan.
03:41.45MotiveIt can rot in hell.
03:41.47MotiveNo, worse.
03:41.49Shadowclaimeror woudl I be better off having a series of arrays and doing my own
03:41.50MotiveIt deserves it's own hell.
03:41.53Shadowclaimerespeically given my items have no stats
03:42.16*** part/#sc2mapster Legick (
03:42.16Arthas-4chan is its own hell :p
03:42.25MotiveBut seriously, 4chan bugs me. :P
03:42.47MotiveIt's just
03:42.49Motiveso trashy.
03:42.54MotiveNot to mention the site itself is butt ugly.
03:43.00MotiveI just don't see the appeal.
03:43.04Arthas-dont talk shit about simple design
03:43.10Arthas-id give my life to go back to geocities time
03:43.11MotiveI love simple design. 4chan is just ugly.
03:43.13Arthas-w animated gifs
03:43.15Arthas-scrolling text
03:43.16Motiveoh god
03:43.32Arthas-geocities being shut down was sad
03:43.33MotiveI'll take Flash over animated gifs anyday.
03:43.37RickAIs there some way to save a unit to a data table?
03:43.38MotiveEspecially poorly animated gifs.
03:43.39Arthas-no one did a good job at saving it
03:43.53Arthas-especially those neat flash ads
03:43.55VailrethFlash is your Friend
03:43.55RickALet me rephase that
03:44.09MotiveCONGRATULATIONS, YOU'VE WON!11oneoneeleventeen
03:44.15Motiveholy fuck I win every time! ;D
03:44.21Arthas-well, those were gifs :p
03:44.26MotiveFuck them, too
03:44.32Shadowclaimerhow the hell can you let a character hit a tree.
03:44.38MotiveI don't mind ads. I don't even block them.
03:44.42MotiveBut jesus I hate invasive ads.
03:44.44Arthas-I mind em, I block em
03:44.48Arthas-both through adblocks and hosts file
03:44.52MotiveWell I've run sites before and they cost money so
03:44.57MotiveI do them the decency of not blocking them.
03:45.05MotiveAnd occasionally I'm surprised and do find a relevent ad.
03:45.41MotiveBut otherwise if it's well designed it doesn't really warrant blocking.
03:45.43MotiveLike Facebook ads are fine. They're off to the side and at least try to be relative.
03:45.51Arthas-what kind of sites
03:46.00Arthas-love both the game
03:46.02Arthas-and the design
03:46.04Arthas-its flawless
03:46.16Arthas-although bg-pics are missing
03:46.31pkolah html frames
03:46.37Arthas-frames, my old ally
03:46.42MotiveFuckin' frames.
03:46.45MotiveLong live SSI.
03:46.49Arthas-ah ssi
03:46.59Arthas-long time no see
03:47.01*** part/#sc2mapster WhiteBomber (
03:47.09Arthas-- - - - -[ Part ]- -[ Legick ( left #sc2mapster ]-
03:47.13Arthas-am i the only one seeing a pattern
03:47.36pkolwhat happened to wikipedia
03:47.44Arthas-they fucked it up
03:47.46MotiveI think my best innovation on the internet was a "random topic generator".
03:47.47Arthas-redid design :<
03:47.51Arthas-just as google fucked up
03:47.54MotiveIt would take all the posts from a forum and re-arrange them in one giant super-topic.
03:48.00Arthas-but i dont mind, I use AV!
03:48.01MotiveAnd you could read through it and it sometimes made sense.
03:48.05MotiveAnd every new post only made it stronger.
03:48.09Arthas-no yahoo though, too much ms
03:48.12pkolwhy is everyone changing theirs UIs
03:48.21pkoli opened up steam a week ago and was like "wtf"
03:48.30Arthas-thei uis?
03:48.32MotiveThe new Steam UI isn't THAT bad.
03:48.37pkolno it isnt
03:48.37Arthas-it is
03:48.39Arthas-its horrible
03:48.41pkolbut i didnt even install it
03:48.52pkoli just opened
03:48.55pkoland it was all weird
03:48.55MotiveI mean they did a decent job on Mac, too. They at least obeyed the basic UI laws of Mac, so that impressed me.
03:49.18MotiveYeah I can't use anything but streetlight config for the buttons but streetlights are the only good config anyways :P
03:49.33RickAIs there any unqiue attribute to each unit that can be accessed by triggers?
03:49.55Arthas-"Firefox has stopped working"
03:50.02Arthas-I broke the internet, sorry guys
03:50.05pkolnot sure what you mean RickA
03:50.09MotiveLol Firefox.
03:50.15MotiveGod that shit is bloated.
03:50.16pkolfucking hell arthas, again!?
03:50.19Arthas-RickA if i understand you correctly, no
03:50.24MotiveI've come to love Safari just because it's so minimalistic.
03:50.35Arthas-but please explain :p
03:50.40Arthas-so you dont get it wrong
03:50.55Arthas-oh wait
03:50.57RickAWell, in WC3 each unit could be uniquely identified
03:51.03RickASo you just throw them in a hash table
03:51.10RickAas well as a unit group
03:51.13MotiveRickA: try looking at the primitive type unitref?
03:51.18RickAand you can cycle through the unit group
03:51.21MotiveOtherwise you can just assign each unit a custom value that represents their "guid"
03:51.30Motiveand assign them in a data table or whatnot
03:51.44MotiveYou can easily work your way around a lack of H2I.
03:52.00RickAWhat's unitref do?
03:52.04MotiveNo clue.
03:52.09MotiveBut I think it's related to that somehow.
03:53.53*** join/#sc2mapster Barter (~Bart@
03:54.51RickACan I access a unitref through triggers or is it script only?
03:55.26MotiveI have no idea. I only have a list of natives to look at. No editor.
03:55.38MotiveI can tell you the corresponding natives though and you can search with View Raw Data enabled.
03:56.10RickASadly I have no idea what you just said, so it probably won' thelp. THanks though.
03:56.14Motivenative unit UnitRefToUnit(), native unitref UnitRefFromUnit(), native unitref UnitRefFromVariable()
03:56.19Motivejust open the trigger editor
03:56.24Motiveview -> View Raw Data
03:56.27Motivectrl + f
03:56.33Motivecheck all the boxes about searching the standard library and whatnot
03:56.37Motivetype in the native method's name
03:56.41Motiveand you'll find it in GUI if it's there
04:00.20Alpha_vstSaving new movie :D
04:00.25*** join/#sc2mapster poiuy_qwert (
04:00.47Alpha_vstits pretty sad though :(
04:00.58Alpha_vsti need to fix my camera glitches
04:01.35Alpha_vstget to see me get owned on easy mode woot
04:02.39Arthas-arthas always run java applets without questioning the source
04:02.56Alpha_vstcause they are all safe for sure
04:03.03Arthas-Then channel was empty :'(
04:03.13Arthas-But I have op!
04:03.16Arthas-I rawk
04:03.49Alpha_vstlol im saving my new movie its fun :D
04:03.56Arthas-which movie
04:04.14Alpha_vst2nd preview of my map lol
04:04.43Alpha_vsti get owned twice woot woot
04:06.13Arthas-srsly though
04:06.25Arthas-am i the only one who miss old pages that has disappeared w time
04:06.27Arthas-like tears in rain
04:07.10Arthas-MY EYES
04:10.23Arthas-note to self, midis sound better on old equipment
04:11.04Alpha_vstmidis soudn awesome on anything
04:11.16Arthas-not really
04:12.02Alpha_vsti need to add a camera reset button i think
04:12.21Alpha_vstor idono maybe i shoudl rethink my who system
04:13.23Arthas-facebook have 25 results for geocities
04:13.35Arthas-and only one of these groups have members
04:13.40Arthas-9 members that is
04:13.41MotiveBusiness Insider previously posted evidence that the Facebook CEO used login data from his social network to hack into fellow students' email accounts; that evidence also included instant message transcripts. Its current story follows below.
04:13.59MotiveI applaud Zuckerman.
04:14.05MotiveThis is a step forward for privacy, imho.
04:14.18Arthas-old news is old
04:14.29Alpha_vstwait so they dont encrypt your passwords?
04:14.29Motivehey I was stuck in a cave
04:14.31Motivethis is new to me.
04:14.35MotiveThey do now, Alpha.
04:14.41MotiveBut when it was run out of his dorm, not so much.
04:14.42Alpha_vstlol nice
04:15.00Alpha_vsti woulda done the same thing :P
04:15.11MotiveYeah I did that with private servers when another rival server stole my datas.
04:15.21Motive"lalala, admin password... spawn some onyxias at the starting zones...."
04:16.41MotiveSpeaking of Onyxia, I think it's funny nobody has a working AI for her even now in 2010.
04:17.31*** join/#sc2mapster Ignorance (
04:17.31MotiveBut it really does underscore an important point.
04:17.44MotiveEven if you're running for example, phpBB, it's very simple to add a few lines of code to grab your password before it's ever encrypted.
04:18.12MotiveYou should never really just assume your info is secure and safe just because someone says it is, or it should be.
04:18.50CrazafiedWait so that guy who just asked me for my social security number wasnt really the inventor of google?
04:19.04MotiveNo he was.
04:19.09CrazafiedThat what i thought
04:19.12MotiveHe's also Mexican though.
04:19.18MotiveSo he's probably trying to get into the US.
04:19.20Alpha_vstlol oh i know that :P
04:19.21MotiveSo you're still fucked.
04:19.35MotiveBut you're fucked by someone awesome so it's ok!
04:19.42MotiveMaybe he'll pay your taxes.
04:19.57Alpha_vstthis movie is taking forever to save :(
04:20.08Alpha_vstthen like 3 hours on slowtube
04:20.13Alpha_vstfor it to render
04:20.44Arthas-lots of awesome ppl in here
04:20.51MotiveThat's why I just buy my own hosting. I mean if I exploded in growth for some reason I'd be screwed but it saves the time and effort of failtube.
04:21.07Alpha_vsti have my own hosting lol
04:21.27MotiveI buy overpriced hosting, Mac-style.
04:21.32MotiveIt's reliable though so I think it's worth it.
04:21.33Alpha_vstnot me
04:21.45Arthas-i host myself! :p
04:21.50MotiveI used to host myself.
04:21.54Alpha_vsti would do that
04:21.59Alpha_vstbut i cant right now
04:22.12MotiveI used to have a whole VPN of servers to host myself.
04:22.17MotiveBut suffice to say I couldn't afford that. :P
04:22.22Arthas-problem is
04:22.30Arthas-computers apparently eats electricity
04:22.32MotiveIt was so sexy though. I had a database server, web server, an application server.
04:22.40Arthas-they dont use it, they fucking eat it
04:22.44MotiveAnd the DNS was like /orgasm when I could link my computer to the VPN.
04:22.54Alpha_vsthaha ftw.
04:23.12Arthas-anyone of you sitting on a decent line and wanna have a power eating monster at home? :p
04:23.20MotiveNaming servers is fun, too. :D
04:23.34Arthas-i name mine after diablo universe :p
04:23.39MotiveI usually name them after RL friends or TV show characters.
04:23.42Arthas-named my crippled laptop to Wirt
04:23.53Arthas-cant play sc2 in anything else but low low low low low low
04:24.00Arthas-w decent resolution though
04:24.18Motivejack, amanda, and claire made up the amazing cluster that was my WoW realm.
04:24.20Motivejack for jack bauer
04:24.23Motive'cause he's fucking amazing.
04:24.41Arthas-and the other two? =p
04:24.51Motiveamanda was co-admin and claire was just an awesome name.
04:25.09MotiveI actually stole claire from my web host
04:25.16Arthas-from now on ill name em after sinister computers from fiction
04:25.24MotiveGLADOS :D
04:25.33Arthas-uhm what else
04:25.36Arthas-Matrix ? =p
04:25.40Arthas-thats not right
04:25.49MotiveI have "Still Alive" on my iPod to randomly torture people in my car.
04:25.57MotiveIf they complain about the music or I almost kill anyone, it gets played.
04:26.09Arthas-what other music do you listen to
04:26.15Motivewell it depends
04:26.17Arthas-ok now its getting late
04:26.18Arthas-damn late
04:26.24Arthas-im getting into serious discussions instead :(
04:26.27Motivethis week I can't get lady gaga out of my head for some unknown reason.
04:26.33Motiveit's pretty bad.
04:26.34Arthas-not understandable
04:26.35Arthas-move on
04:26.54Motivea month ago was linkin park,  before that was a song United State of Pop, I don't really remember others well :/
04:26.57Vortexxif a unit has an inventory ability, I can't put it in another unit's inventory.  Is there any way to change that?
04:27.10Arthas-rainbowing musci then :D
04:27.19Arthas-Vortexx what do ya mean
04:27.29Vortexxi want to make an item that is a bag
04:27.48Vortexxand have my unit pick it up and get more space
04:27.50MotiveI think I'm going to start calling my car GLaDOS.
04:27.56MotiveI mean, it has an onboard navigation system and it can talk.
04:28.00Motiveclose enough.
04:28.05*** join/#sc2mapster poiuy_qwert (
04:28.10Arthas-and it can be destroyed, in fire!
04:28.15Arthas-Vortexx havent really looked at bags
04:28.16pkolwtb GLaDOS gps voice
04:28.18pkoltaht would be pro
04:28.24MotiveI agree.
04:28.38MotiveMy friend supposedly has a George W. Bush GPS voice.
04:28.40MotiveI wish I had it. :(
04:28.41Arthas-possible to attach abilities to units with triggers?
04:28.44Arthas-during gametime
04:28.51Arthas-anyone knows?
04:28.54MotiveI don't think so Arthas :(
04:28.57MotiveI requested the feature
04:29.02Motivebut I looked for days
04:29.05Motivecouldn't find anything like that
04:29.09Motivescoured the natives
04:29.35Vortexxtried making the item give the unit the success
04:29.37Skizotso hey
04:29.42Arthas-wb skizot
04:30.28Skizotyup yup
04:31.35Arthas-looking a little in the xml
04:31.57Arthas-it seems like the buff behaviors have the ability to enable and disable abilities
04:32.06Arthas-so in your case id look at that
04:32.23Arthas-dont have the time to do so myself atm, but i will do so when i wake up again
04:32.42MotiveIf you do miraculously find a way to add abilities to units, scream and post about it on the forums
04:32.44Alpha_vstmy movie is 75% saved woot
04:32.45Motiveor PM me it a million times.
04:32.47MotiveI'll love you
04:33.10Vortexxi played with that a little but couldn't get it to work
04:34.36Arthas-<AbilClassDisableArray index="CAbilAttack" value="1"/>
04:34.56Alpha_vstwhy cant you just hide an ability and disable it?
04:35.09Alpha_vstand show it when you need it
04:35.19Arthas-that is supposedly what that does
04:35.39Motivethat wouldn't work for my situation anyways. :(
04:35.40Arthas-other solutions I would look at is the possibility to add requirements to a few extra inventories
04:35.52Arthas-so when item is picked up, its unlocked
04:36.02Arthas-what happens to the items inside etc, no clue :D
04:36.16MotiveReminds me of one of the more awesome bugs in WC3
04:36.32MotiveSiege engine with the kaboom ability with a siege engine with the kaboom ability inside it, with a siege engine with the kaboom ability inside it... repeat times infinity
04:36.35Motivemake it hostile
04:36.37Motiveit takes out an entire army
04:38.14Alpha_vst85% woot
04:38.32Alpha_vsti think i saved this as a 1080 movie 0.o
04:38.43Jcuplol it looks better that way
04:38.51Alpha_vstbut takes longer
04:38.52JcupI made mine a 1080p :D
04:38.58Jcupyeah but its worf it
04:39.09Alpha_vst720 is enough :P
04:39.54Jcupyeah prolly lol
04:43.12Alpha_vstthis movie is horrible i really should of jsut played till i got a good game
04:43.16Alpha_vstbut i didnt :P
04:46.22*** join/#sc2mapster Lextalionis (~43ba4b1a@gateway/web/freenode/x-hnkgyszsxatidhva)
04:46.45rrowlandMy god
04:46.56rrowlandThe inventory system is screwed up beyond belief
04:47.50rrowlandBut I have achieved the impossible: A custom inventory UI and system
04:48.28Vortexxand the peons rejoice
04:48.59rrowlandI got a huge headache making that
04:49.11rrowlandNow I want to leave it alone and never touch it again
04:49.37Ignorancerrowland, I love you...but not very much because I want to read your code but have yet to see any of it release. :O
04:49.56Skizotshow it off rrowland?
04:50.00rrowlandI released my traceline
04:50.21Skizoti still wanna talk to whoever made the pendulum map.
04:50.29IgnoranceYou mean me?
04:50.31rrowlandI'll make a video of the custom UI I guess
04:50.32IgnoranceI made that map.
04:50.48rrowlandI only have 2 items in right now, it would probably be more interesting if I added more
04:50.48IgnoranceI also made the best WASD system in the game. :P
04:50.51Skizotso then you made the diablo2 ui...
04:51.10rrowlandHey my WASD system is pretty baller
04:51.11Skizotit's on YOUR youtube name.
04:51.23Ignorancerrowland, have you played baneling busters.
04:51.24LextalionisThe math in that traceline hurts my head, but a bunch of stuff in that tutorial was super useful.
04:51.29IgnoranceThat's my friend.
04:51.32IgnoranceI made it for him.
04:51.43IgnoranceHe's making a maze map.
04:51.49IgnoranceWe both made HoN mods.
04:52.01IgnoranceHeroes of Newerth?
04:52.03rrowlandNo I haven't really played any custom maps by other people
04:52.07rrowlandMaybe 1 or 2 short ones
04:52.18Skizotwell i want that ui.
04:52.25Skizoti wanna see how it works.
04:52.29Ignorancerrowland, it has a really great WASD system if you want to try it :P
04:52.44rrowlandMine uses bit operations 8)
04:52.52Alpha_vstuploading now
04:52.55Ignorancebit operations?
04:52.57Alpha_vstslowtube is faster today
04:52.58NeoDeathXp00:00:00.00 Trigger Error in 'gt_CrystariumLightningCommando_Func': e_arrayIndexUnderflow
04:53.08IgnoranceI mean what are those?
04:53.18IgnoranceAnyway, skizot, you wanted the pendulum map, right?
04:53.20rrowlandI store all possible states in a 4-bit variable
04:53.26rrowland4 bits is half of an integer
04:53.28Skizoti want this map.
04:53.39IgnoranceI don't have that, sorry.
04:53.50Motive@NeoDeathXp: accessing an array with a negative index
04:53.55Skizottdubx = you?
04:54.03Ignorancerrowland, I don't even know how that would be useful.
04:54.07IgnoranceThat's tehwildcard.
04:54.18Skizothas your pendulum.
04:54.24IgnoranceI MADE IT FOR HIM
04:54.28rrowlandIt cleans up the code, takes less processing and takes less memory
04:54.31IgnoranceHe's making a maze map.
04:54.55Skizotwell how did i get ahold of this "tehwildcard"
04:55.02IgnoranceHe's on here sometime.s
04:55.09Skizotnever heard of him :/
04:55.33IgnoranceSpeaking of which, I need to talk to him. He apparently knows things about the UI I need to know. >_>
04:55.46rrowland My WASD system is posted there
04:55.55Ignorancerrowland, I'd love to see any work done with bit operations.
04:56.01SkizotIgnorance same here.
04:56.14Skizoti want to dissect the SHIT out the that map.
04:56.22rrowlandJust posted a link ignorance
04:56.32IgnoranceI see.
04:56.37IgnoranceOH GOD MY EYES
04:56.39*** join/#sc2mapster Jamash (
04:56.56IgnoranceIs that really necessary/beneficial?
04:57.03IgnoranceDoes it use up so much memory to use integers?
04:57.11rrowlandWell it's a single integer
04:57.18rrowlandSince to my knowledge galaxy doesn't use shorts
04:57.37Ignorancemine just uses bools...
04:57.38rrowlandBut yeah it's extremely easy to read with the comments
04:57.45rrowlandAnd look how short it is
04:57.48IgnoranceIt uses reals to compute velocity.
04:58.10rrowlandOh, yeah reaper madness uses physics to move as well
04:58.18rrowlandI thought you meant the input
04:58.27Ignoranceeh, input imo doesn't seem like a big deal
04:58.42rrowlandMy unit has a distance vector
04:58.50Alpha_vstwoot so i can share that video tomorrow lol
04:58.55rrowlandWhen you press a movement key it applies a force to that vector
04:59.17IgnoranceMine's pretty much like that. The way I store vectors is ugly, though. Just as reals. :/
04:59.19rrowlandWhich is affected by gravity, friction and air resistance
04:59.26Ignoranceeh, mine's 2d.
04:59.38IgnoranceIt makes for AMAZING smoothness of movement, though.
04:59.51rrowlandAcceleration/deceleration make it smooth
04:59.57Ignorancefriction + air resistance + impulse based movement = dream
05:00.26IgnoranceHow do you store your vectors, though?
05:00.42IgnoranceYes, Skizot?
05:00.45Skizoti must talk to him.
05:00.48Skizotlike now.
05:00.52IgnoranceYeah, I can't just get him in here.
05:00.57Skizot 1080p version.
05:00.58IgnoranceI'll go check if he's in the HoN channel brb.
05:01.05rrowlandstruct vector { fixed x, fixed y, fixed z } basically
05:02.01*** join/#sc2mapster Ignorance (
05:02.04Arthas-diablo ui AWESOME
05:02.21Skizoti just want to know a few things he does.
05:02.34Ignorancerrowland, this is a really good system.
05:02.36*** join/#sc2mapster sztanphet (
05:02.40Arthas-is that a single map file
05:02.47Arthas-or does it make use of editing files outside the map?
05:02.50IgnoranceSkizot, shut up. He wont be around for a while, I don't think. I haven't seen him in a few days.
05:02.51Alpha_vstwow my video already is processed for normal like
05:03.01rrowlandWhat system?
05:03.11IgnoranceThe one you use for strafing. :)
05:03.32Ignorancethe angles at the end :P
05:03.44IgnoranceAnd Skizot, I don't know when he'll be here or how to get ahold of him.
05:03.50IgnoranceIf you need to contact him, good luck. :P
05:04.33Arthas-what map are you talking about
05:05.06NeoDeathXpah. Underflow: An error condition that occurs when an item is called from an empty stack.
05:05.37IgnoranceSkizot, if you need a copy of the stuff he used to make that, I bet it's in his HoN mod with that interface.
05:05.41NeoDeathXpits probably because my function does not have all my pittures stored in it yet
05:05.50Ignoranceafaik he's the one who made that
05:05.56Alpha_vsthopefully lol
05:05.56rrowlandThe WASD one?
05:06.01rrowlandSorry I went AFK
05:06.06IgnoranceI mead the strafing.
05:06.09IgnoranceIt's a good plan.
05:06.13Skizoti want to see the CODE not the art. and just FYI it's very fucking rude to say "shut up"
05:06.17IgnoranceAnd it makes sense that you use bits.
05:06.38rrowlandI know, bit operations just look so sexy
05:06.49Ignorancein my case, it's not really necessary, since it keeps x and y separate, which is hellish for determining air resistance. :P
05:07.15rrowlandAnd so much cleaner than if (left is true and right is true) then go north east etc for each possibility
05:07.27IgnoranceI feel ya there.
05:07.55IgnoranceI might use this if I revamp my current system into polar coordinates, which, tbh I should have used from the start.
05:08.53Arthas-Skizot are you talking about the diablo ui or something else
05:09.08IgnoranceIs it possible to make an array of a particular kind of struct, or is it just that you put the arrays within it?
05:09.23Skizotthe ui.
05:09.30Ignorancebecause I'd like to keep my vectors nice and neat if I can. It's kind of a pain the way I do things now.
05:09.31Arthas-yeah I wanna see that too :p
05:09.39Skizoti want to know how he make the red shrink WITHOUT stretching the image
05:09.54Arthas-you know if ui files inside maps now affect the ui?
05:10.04Arthas-or do you still have to fiddle w patch / core
05:10.05*** join/#sc2mapster FireryRage (
05:10.29rrowlandYeah you can make arrays of structs
05:10.35Ignorancemmm awesome
05:10.42Skizoti'm PRETTY sure they would overwrite.
05:10.51Skizotas long as they are pathed right
05:10.54IgnoranceHow did you deal with cliff jumping? Do you just set all your units to flying then adjust the height?
05:11.08Skizotset the mover to cliffjumper
05:11.11Skizotsave trouble.
05:11.36Arthas-Sixen nicoli_s
05:11.46IgnoranceIs there a way to make height independent of terrain?
05:11.50Arthas-was it any of you or vjeux who messed with ui?
05:11.53Ignoranceor do I have to factor in the cliff level of the unit?
05:12.01Skizotmessed with ui how?
05:12.03rrowlandI actually did it both ways
05:12.07Arthas-toyed with it
05:12.13rrowlandAt first I had a "unit height" variable
05:12.15Skizoti actually plan to.
05:12.18IgnoranceFactoring in the cliff level seems like it would have issues with cliffs.
05:12.23Skizotthe .sclayout files?
05:12.26Arthas-one of the planned features for MWE is to implement ui customization
05:12.30rrowlandAnd I would subtract the worldheight from that and set the remainder to my unit height
05:12.33Arthas-Skizot i assume thats the ones
05:12.41Skizotthere's an ARMY of them.
05:12.44rrowlandSo that I stayed at a consistent height regardless of terrain
05:12.51Ignorancenever knew about that
05:12.52Arthas-but when you start looking at them
05:12.56Arthas-they start making sense :p
05:12.58rrowlandworldheight is the height of the terrain at your unit's position
05:13.04IgnoranceUsing cliffheight = pain xP
05:13.08Arthas-been long since i even looked now though
05:13.29Skizotand also why you crash when you call certain screen.. the .sclayouts don't exist in beta
05:13.37Arthas-id say he just took custom image and someonw translate the unit healthbar for selected unit to the balls
05:13.50IgnoranceHow do you get worldheight?
05:13.52Arthas-exactly how
05:13.55Arthas-well thats another question
05:14.05Skizotthat's what i want to see.
05:14.07rrowlandWorldHeight(c_heightMapGround, point)
05:14.08devileskhow would i add a critical strike buff to a unit's attack
05:14.16devilesklike a % chance to do increased damage
05:14.21IgnoranceI'll make a function out of it.
05:14.28IgnoranceSee, I want to add jumping off cliffs to baneling busters.
05:14.32rrowlandIf it's a flying unit you use c_heightMapAir
05:14.51IgnoranceAre there any other ways of doing it?
05:14.56IgnoranceYou mentioned you did it two ways.
05:14.59Arthas-infopaneunit.sc2layout is relevant :p
05:15.03rrowlandThe other way which I use now
05:15.07*** join/#sc2mapster LaptopFury (
05:15.10rrowlandIs just turning on the ignore terrain flag
05:15.21rrowlandAnd if the unit is about to fall below the terrain
05:15.22Ignoranceokay, using that ;)
05:15.26rrowlandSet it to the terrain height
05:15.27SkizotArthas-.. it's a custom ui.
05:15.34Skizothe has the supply stuff etc hidden
05:15.37SevenSeven@rrowland: in a trigger?
05:15.40Ignoranceactually, I might do it via calculation
05:15.45Ignorancesince my map isn't flight-based
05:15.46Arthas-i knows :O
05:15.55SevenSevenHow do you detect that
05:16.01rrowlandDetect what?
05:16.06rrowlandIf it's going to fall?
05:16.08SevenSevenFalling below the terrain
05:16.19rrowlandWell you get the world height and compare it to unit height
05:16.21Arthas-im not familiar w ui edit, nor in sc2 nor in wow
05:16.24Arthas-but in theory
05:16.28SevenSevenI don't know if we're talking about the same thing lol
05:16.32IgnoranceSevenSeven, what map are you making anyway?
05:16.39Arthas-wouldnt changing the gameui.sc2layout be the way to go?
05:16.41SevenSevenno idea anymore
05:16.44rrowlandSince the unit is ignoring the terrain its unit height is relative to the absolute bottom of the map
05:16.46SevenSeveni've got no time
05:16.51rrowlandMeaning to be standing on the ground it would be at 8.0
05:16.58Arthas-among other things ofc
05:17.09SevenSevenI really wish there was a way to do the reaper cliffjump thing
05:17.09Arthas-oh wait
05:17.12SevenSevenwithout the cliff
05:17.17SevenSevenlike a targetable ability
05:17.33rrowlandSo if unit height drops below 8.0 (assuming 8.0 is your ground height) it's below the terrain
05:17.46SevenSevenoh got it
05:19.10Arthas-ah well, bed now
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05:27.43LextalionisWow. Someone on the official forums wishes upon a star that someone *ANYONE* would make a 3rd person person camera tutorial.
05:28.17rrowlandIt's not like everyone and their mom has made one or anything
05:28.30LextalionisIt's like there are people on the internet who live in thrid world countries where they can post forum messages, but can't do Google searches.
05:28.37IgnoranceThere really aren't a lot of map developers.
05:28.43IgnoranceI mean, there's what, 200 maps out?
05:28.47*** join/#sc2mapster probalon (~48c11cc7@gateway/web/freenode/x-tjfsqgrtbsoqontf)
05:28.56probalonhey guys
05:29.04IgnoranceFuck that probalon guy
05:29.07IgnoranceHe's such a dick
05:29.14LextalionisI should be glad this person found the editor executable.
05:29.16probalonyo momma
05:29.48probalonwhat are you all doin anyway
05:29.52SkizotNO U MOMMA.........ship
05:30.05IgnoranceAttempting to outdo rrowland someday maybe nope :(
05:30.06LextalionisMaking fun of people on the official forums.
05:30.48LextalionisFailing to find a non-brute-force method of sorting units in a region by distance. Gripping stuff.
05:30.58rrowlandI'm gonna add a bunch of items to this map
05:31.01rrowlandThen show it off
05:31.03rrowlandIn rrowland style
05:31.14rrowlandPants are going to be soiled
05:31.15Ignorancerrowland and I are going in different directions, though.
05:31.26IgnoranceI'm going to make so much physics it makes the editor sick. :O
05:31.32Skizotmy items > anyone else's items.
05:31.52rrowlandWell my items aren't that unique
05:31.58IgnoranceMy WASD > anyone else's
05:32.04Skizothave you seen my items?
05:32.11rrowlandI've seen the models
05:32.24Skizoti mean they ARE on the front page.
05:32.33probalonoh u did the m16 and such
05:32.54probalonass rifle thingy
05:33.05Skizotthat's the ghost's rifle
05:33.21IgnoranceCool items bro.
05:33.22Skizotall of those are parts of units
05:33.38Motiveskizot does this mean I can give my marine zealot blades and have him be all
05:33.42Motive"I'M OUT OF AMMO. CHARGE!"
05:34.13Motiveor have my zealots kill a marine and be like
05:34.29Motiveoh man this is so cool
05:34.45Skizotzealots with machine guns.
05:34.51IgnoranceI think it'd be cool if a unit shot its weapon and didn't regain it.
05:35.18IgnoranceLike a catapult
05:35.23Ignorancethat you load with units
05:35.36LextalionisPerhaps making zealots even more like predators and giving them razor disks.
05:35.40MotiveI want to see units reloading their guns and not firing during that time.
05:35.54mahashirohey do any of you guys know how to block pathing for specific units?
05:35.57IgnoranceMotive, I could see the animations for that being terrible.
05:36.00MotiveThat'd kill marines awesomeness for melee but it'd still be awesome.
05:36.02MotiveYeah. Lol
05:36.12mahashirolike I want overseers to move over cliffs, but not overlords
05:36.16MotiveI'm working on a roleplaying map though so this stuff is like
05:36.17LextalionisThat should be doable messing with fidgets and animation calls, Motive.
05:36.18Motiveholy grail
05:37.25MotiveI need the editor to do some of this more advanced stuff but now I'm really excited to do it :P
05:37.39LextalionisLast time I messed with actor events though, I managed to get the targets of my rifle fire to display muzzle flash on their faces while the marine stood there and made machine gun sounds.
05:38.47MotiveLol nice.
05:38.56pkolman pheonixs own mutalisks now
05:39.12pkollove it
05:39.40IgnoranceI wonder
05:39.43Ignorancehow I can get units
05:39.46Ignoranceto bypass cliffs
05:39.49Ignorancebut only when going down them
05:40.10Lineraanyone know how to make a hidden button that can still be used?
05:40.24Lineradialog button***
05:40.34IgnoranceHide the button.
05:40.42Ignoranceyou mean that
05:40.47Ignoranceyeah, no clue buddy
05:41.08Linerai want to hide the graphics of the button but still be able to click on it
05:41.21probalonignorance you could use regions to enable mover types maybe
05:41.37probalonmake a region at the bottom of cliff setting mover to ground
05:41.38Ignoranceprobalon, my map is much too compliceted for that
05:41.57probalonwell, it's one way to go about it lol
05:42.03MotiveWhat exactly does c_unitStateIgnoreTerrainZ do?
05:42.05Ignorancebesides, changing my mover to cliff jumper wont actually let me jump cliffs on its own will it?
05:42.10MotiveI've had it on a few units and they don't walk off cliffs or anything.
05:42.10LextalionisSet the icon to one of the empty space textures?
05:42.27IgnoranceThanks, motive.
05:42.32LextalionisThough you'd still get rollover and tooltips
05:42.35probalonI been just setting it to colossus this whole time
05:42.41MotiveOh, no, Ignorance, that's not a solution. :/
05:42.44MotiveI'm wondering the same thing.
05:42.54MotiveThat was my attempt to get it to work and it didn't. Lol
05:43.07LineraI guess no one knows then :(
05:43.46LextalionisDid you try it with no tooltip and a blank icon texture?
05:43.47probalonanyone know where I can find a guide to link actors to abilities?
05:44.30Linerawhat icon???
05:44.41Linerabuttons don't have icons
05:44.48LextalionisWhere do you want this button? On the command card?
05:45.11LextalionisMy answer assumed a command card button. Sorry.
05:45.41LextalionisIf it's not command card, it's likely UI and I haven't touched that yet.
05:45.41Lineradialog button
05:47.49MotiveWell it
05:47.52*** join/#sc2mapster crazyfingers (
05:47.56MotiveWell it's 2 am and I apparently can't type
05:48.02Motiveso night guys :P
05:49.06probalonanyone know if I can treat a weapon as an ability, and have it only act upon a button press?
05:51.01crazyfingersyou could probably make an ability that requires the specific weapon
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05:51.39Alpha_vst my new video lol :D
05:51.46LextalionisOr triggers (or validators if you're fancy) that swap out command card choices based on weapon equipped.
05:51.48Alpha_vstits bad :P
05:54.55apeWhat are the best custom maps for two players?
05:55.19Alpha_vstmy map :P
05:55.36Alpha_vstno link :P
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05:56.09mahashiroI think we have a similar problem Ignorance
05:56.27Alpha_vstno one likes my new video? :P
05:56.33probalonalpha watched it
05:56.35LextalionisThe project I'm working on needs command card swap outs based on inventory for "weapon" abilities that are pure abilities. I might not need to define weapons at all.
05:56.35probalonpretty cool
05:56.56mahashiroI'm thinking we have to use regions
05:57.02probalonnice to know someone else was thinking about spamming cameras
05:57.16mahashirolike a unit can't enter or leave unless a condition holds
05:57.31probalonbut you need to have reversible triggers so you don't die lol
05:57.36mahashiroI think it'll work, but my map has triangles
05:57.45mahashiroas borders
05:57.49mahashiroin some spots
05:57.57Alpha_vstyeah my camera is a wip :D
05:58.14probalonit looks promising though
05:58.20Skizoti can't see shit Alpha_vst
05:58.21LextalionisAre you keeping the pan for your cameras, Alpha? Resident Overmind does pimp cut transitions.
05:58.29Alpha_vstcant see what
05:58.38Skizotit's DARK
05:59.06LextalionisI agree, it's pretty low contrast.
05:59.11Alpha_vstno im not keeping the pans
05:59.12probalonit's fine imo
05:59.51Alpha_vsti dont know what would cause it to be dark
05:59.57LextalionisI'm assuming there will be lava later to Oh No Run from.
06:00.49Alpha_vstdid you miss the part where the lava rises and falls 0.o and those things leave lava and what not :P
06:01.17Alpha_vsti will see about the contrast next time though :P
06:01.18LineraI guess its not possible to make invisible dialog buttons :(
06:01.26Alpha_vstsure it is
06:01.36Alpha_vstdont show them
06:01.38mahashirois there a way to merge regions?
06:01.49LextalionisI guess I did... Maybe I watched the wrong video. This one was prolly youtube's fault. Small characters moving over a blue grey background.
06:02.04Lineraif you use show/hide then the button can't be clicked on
06:02.11LextalionisDo you want to merge regions real-time?
06:02.17Alpha_vstthanks for the input though  :D
06:02.27mahashiroI just want to make it easy to write triggers
06:02.41mahashiroI have a triangle border
06:02.46mahashirothat I don't want units to drop on
06:02.58mahashiroand there's no triangle border tool
06:03.06mahashiroso I want to merge the square ones
06:04.35Linerait sucks that you can't make invisible clickable dialog buttons :(
06:04.51rrowlandYou can't?
06:05.01Skizotyou can
06:05.23rrowlandI think all you need to do is pass it a bad image
06:05.27rrowlandAnd set it to a bad image
06:05.32rrowlandAnd it'll default to invisible
06:05.54Lineraonly way to hide the graphics for a button is to hide the button but that makes it unclickable
06:06.17rrowlandOr you can set its image to either a 100% transparent image
06:06.22rrowlandOr give it a bad link
06:06.28rrowlandSo it defaults to transparent
06:06.41rrowlandI know because I've done it :P
06:06.44Linerathe button isn't an image
06:07.02mahashirook I found you can add shapes to the regions
06:07.09LextalionisMahashiro, it *says* in the regions window that regions can have multiple shapes, but I'll be damned if I can figure out how to add shapes...
06:07.19mahashiroyou right click the region
06:07.24mahashiroand add a shape in the menu box
06:07.39mahashirobut you can't do multiple overlays
06:07.45mahashiroon the actual terrain
06:08.36mahashiroit's hard to get the shape correct
06:08.50LextalionisOkay, I see this, but what do you mean by "overlay"?
06:09.20mahashirolike when you add a region
06:09.23mahashiroyou can see where it is
06:09.25mahashiroon the map
06:09.35mahashiroI think I figured out a workaround
06:09.39mahashiroyou add them separately
06:09.45mahashiroand copy the shapes
06:09.50mahashirointo 1 main region
06:09.57mahashirothen you can delete the others
06:10.12mahashiroit'd be much nicer
06:10.17Lineradamn blizzard for not making it so we can make invisible buttons
06:10.17mahashiroif we could draw our own regions
06:10.31LextalionisSeems odd that regions are so clunky.
06:11.11LextalionisBut the editor is a WIP. Couldn't you draw regions in WC3?
06:11.24mahashirook this is working for me
06:11.36mahashiroI'll brb 5-10 min
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06:18.55LextalionisOkay, WTF. There's no trigger for getting the closest unit form a group, but it's a conditional?!
06:19.32*** join/#sc2mapster Jcup (~ad3a00ce@gateway/web/freenode/x-rfhhiarzwlsqrcyi)
06:20.01JcupHey guys check out my updated video (still processing so bad quality but good enuf :D)
06:20.35deathnight114First FL Tutorial
06:24.39NeoDeathXpwow this underflow thing is driving me nuts
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06:29.39mahashirook I got it
06:29.49NeoDeathXpmy eyes are going to fall out
06:30.52NeoDeathXpi went from array overflows to arry underflows =(
06:32.46*** join/#sc2mapster sztanpet (
06:33.42mahashirohow so?
06:34.02rrowlandlol Linera left
06:34.15rrowlandHe/she didn't get it, you can definitely make invisible buttons
06:34.35Clordof course you can
06:35.18pkolis there a way through data to give capturing a xelnaga tower a cast time?
06:35.29pkollike, you need the unit to stand there for 5 seconds to cap it
06:36.16NeoDeathXpi have no idea why i am getting an underflow error
06:36.33NeoDeathXp00:00:00.00 Trigger Error in 'gt_CrystariumLightningCommando_Func': e_arrayIndexUnderflow
06:37.17Clordthis game whines of triggers even if they work sometimes
06:37.28Clordlike when it feels that bounty trigger is getting flooded
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06:37.58pkolno ideas? :(
06:38.02NeoDeathXpi think it does not like the function that i made
06:38.10mahashiroso underflows happen when you run out of input
06:38.36PixelWarriorpkol: my map needs a similar function, but i havent had much time to work on it yet. will tell u if i find something
06:38.40NeoDeathXpUnderflow can be a few things
06:38.50NeoDeathXplike something is NULL
06:39.30NeoDeathXpAn error condition that occurs when an item is called from an empty stack.
06:40.04NeoDeathXpi think its my function
06:40.09rrowlandGonna record my UI now 8)
06:40.52Clordhopefully blizzard disables those messages in published versions etc
06:41.05Clordotherwise yeah... 99% maps with errors
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06:41.20NeoDeathXphopefully they give some detail into the error lol
06:41.32PixelWarriormore like hopeully we fix these bugs before we publish them lol
06:41.39NeoDeathXplike your blah blah array is overflowing
06:41.56NeoDeathXpor like your function is returning NULL
06:42.12Clordwhat is funny that those stuff makes no difference for gameplay that much
06:42.19Clordother than brings error message to annoy players
06:42.23PixelWarrioror just letting us print values would be good
06:43.00NeoDeathXpugh its not my function i set it to a defult value and nothing happened
06:43.23PixelWarriorget someone else to read ur code
06:43.27PixelWarriori find that helps alot
06:45.18pkoldeathknight114, what's your firefox/chatzilla theme? :p
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06:49.34PixelWarrioroooo final fantasy!
06:49.38NeoDeathXpcan someone take a look at this crazy underflow error
06:49.43PixelWarrior22 mbs!
06:50.05NeoDeathXplol its going to be like 100 when im done
06:50.18PixelWarriorwhats taking up so much space?
06:50.23BifuuAttention everyone for i have found a chart that solves all issues
06:50.27Bifuuthat is all
06:50.29NeoDeathXpimages, music
06:51.06NeoDeathXpi am doing a complete custom UI
06:51.29NeoDeathXpi am making a screen in Photoshop atm for the menu
06:51.43PixelWarrioru have custom models?
06:51.54NeoDeathXpnot yet
06:52.06rrowlandCustom inventory? ;)
06:52.18rrowlandIf you start on a custom inventory be prepared for headaches
06:52.21NeoDeathXpi need to get the core stuff working first
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06:52.35NeoDeathXpi got my inventory figured out
06:52.53NeoDeathXpits not going to use bags
06:53.05NeoDeathXpits going to be digital like FF13
06:53.21rrowlandNever played ff13
06:53.29rrowlandI don't have any consoles because I'm not a console weenie
06:53.37rrowlandI'm pretty diehard for the PC games
06:53.45PixelWarriordigital inventory?
06:53.48PixelWarriorwhat does that mean?
06:53.54PixelWarriori havent played 13 either
06:54.11rrowlandShoulda made ff13 for the pc
06:54.15NeoDeathXpit will just be names related to behaviors
06:54.20rrowlandSo I could pirate it and play it for free
06:54.24PixelWarriorshoulda made them all for the pc
06:54.28PixelWarrioroh right
06:54.40rrowlandBut yeah in general
06:54.43rrowlandThey should work on PC
06:54.44PixelWarriorlike its just a name "coldagarara"
06:54.49rrowlandff8 had the right idea
06:55.07PixelWarrioris 8 the one with squall and rinoa?
06:55.10NeoDeathXpugh did anyone look at the crazy underflow error
06:55.26rrowland9 was my favorite, 8 my second favorite
06:55.29rrowland7 overrated
06:55.35PixelWarriorerr my map editor just failed to open it
06:55.48NeoDeathXp <- Crazy underflow error
06:55.53rrowlandAre you debugging it neo?
06:56.01rrowlandLike, tracing it to which array is throwing the error
06:56.30NeoDeathXpwait how do i do that
06:57.06NeoDeathXpthe debug windows is useless
06:57.23NeoDeathXpit just tells me there is an error
06:57.34rrowlandYou've never debugged anything before?
06:57.43rrowlandGo to the function where the error is being thrown
06:57.44NeoDeathXp..i have
06:58.03NeoDeathXpthe trigger?
06:58.11rrowlandDisable basically everything except the first step
06:58.14rrowlandSee if you get the error
06:58.19rrowlandIf not, uncomment the next line
06:58.24rrowlandUntil you get the error
06:58.34rrowlandThat's an example, I don't know how your trigger looks
07:00.53NeoDeathXphumm it may be             Crystarium - Button Image
07:01.22NeoDeathXpi disabled all but one button and it gave me that error
07:01.34NeoDeathXpthe underflow wone
07:02.10rrowlandSo figure out which index you're checking is invalid
07:02.53rrowlandWow 22 mb
07:03.00rrowlandYou got custom music in here?
07:05.02Clordif custom maps has map report feature
07:05.12Clordwhen published then lol
07:06.19NeoDeathXpwhat kills me is i had this working , then i touched it
07:07.35ClordI have this final fantasy vii world map, map under works still
07:08.08ClordWutai and Shinra both control three towns and there is randomly generated villages in map
07:08.13PixelWarrioru ff guys should totally work together
07:08.32rrowlandI'm going to attempt to run the map
07:08.33NeoDeathXphumm i dont think my function is providing all the picturesd
07:08.45rrowlandIf I DC it's because my computer exloded
07:09.01NeoDeathXpits a big map
07:09.29rrowlandWhich folder is crystarium_blabla error trigger in
07:11.00NeoDeathXpive only done 31 of the 150 buttons for this talent tree
07:11.19NeoDeathXpand i have 7 more chars to go each with 6 trees
07:11.59Bifuunight all
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07:12.27NeoDeathXpi think i found the problem
07:15.04rrowlandDamn that action is a mess
07:16.55NeoDeathXpnot really
07:17.02NeoDeathXpthere is just 150 buttons
07:17.26rrowlandYou could make a function that does most of that messy work
07:17.32rrowlandAnd plug in the variables that change
07:17.39NeoDeathXpthats what im doing
07:18.12NeoDeathXpi have to make the button grid
07:18.22NeoDeathXpand the function sets the picture
07:18.46rrowlandBut you have like 500 lines of code in this beastly action
07:19.13NeoDeathXpywah each button is unique
07:19.28rrowlandInstead of 6 lines per button, you could write those 6 lines into a function and use 1 line to call that function for each button, passing the variables
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07:19.36NeoDeathXpand has a different TP cost and different behavior
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07:19.45rrowlandYeah, you can specify all that
07:19.47rrowlandWith a function
07:19.58NeoDeathXpi fixed it BTW
07:20.07NeoDeathXplays out all the buttons
07:20.13HeroicPrinnyhey, could anyone tell me why my baneling-based weapon will kill ground units but not air units
07:20.17HeroicPrinnyit works based off of patroling
07:20.37HeroicPrinnyit goes toward the air units and explodes, but for some reason does no damage
07:20.44rrowlandBanelings don't hit air
07:20.51LyrradCheck the damage effect to make sure it effects air
07:20.55pkolwhat makes the Zerg Building Dies 9 behavior only trigger the effect on death
07:20.59pkolcan't figure it ouy
07:21.03HeroicPrinnydamage effect?
07:21.05HeroicPrinnywhat is that under
07:21.41NeoDeathXpi dunno rrowlan i thought this out i cant see how i can make this grid with a function
07:22.02HeroicPrinnybanelings don't naturally hit air, but isn't there some box to check so they will?
07:22.10NeoDeathXpworking button grid
07:22.22LyrradIf you select the weapon, you will be able to see the list of effect ib the lower left window
07:22.47LyrradOne of them is probably X (Damage)
07:22.48rrowlandYou can do exactly the same thing you're doing now, except put those 6 lines per button into a function and call it every time you make a button and pass it the unique button properties
07:22.58rrowlandInstead of copying them all for every button
07:24.00HeroicPrinnyWhen you say "weapon" do you mean "baneling - volatile burst (actual weapon)"
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07:24.29rrowlandIf that's what you're using then it won't hit air because volatile burst doesn't hit air
07:24.31HeroicPrinnywhen i click on that, nothing appears in the lower left, so I'm not sure if your data editor display windows are differently checked
07:24.59NeoDeathXpwell Z counts the buttons and X,Y they are the position on the grid
07:25.06HeroicPrinnyi have the baneling as a flying unit, it locks onto them with patrol and explodes
07:25.15NeoDeathXpso they have to be in the trigger
07:25.15HeroicPrinnyit should be simple to make it damage air as well
07:25.38rrowlandYou can pass x y and z
07:26.26NeoDeathXplemmie think how it would work
07:26.40Lyrradpretty simple
07:27.51NeoDeathXpid have to re-do it lol
07:28.04HeroicPrinnylyrrad, would you mind explaining what you said in a little more detail?
07:28.18NeoDeathXpthat sucks but im only on the first one
07:28.33NeoDeathXpand ive only done 31/150 for this class
07:28.43NeoDeathXpso im not too far in
07:28.59NeoDeathXpmaybe i will leave this alove and just build from here
07:29.04LyrradYou need to find the Damage effect for the weapon
07:29.28HeroicPrinnysuch as "Baneling - Suicide (Set)"
07:29.50Lyrradyou are using a Baneling with the ability to fly?
07:30.20HeroicPrinnymy baneling has the flying flag
07:30.23LyrradDid you change the base Baneling?
07:30.24HeroicPrinnyi followed this tutorial
07:30.40Lyrradok, in that case go to the Effects Tab
07:30.56LyrradIn the Search Box type in "Bane"
07:31.24LyrradFind Baneling - Suicide (Damage)
07:31.46Skizotthoughts as a RPG ui?
07:31.49LyrradOn the right hand side find Search Filters +
07:32.00Lyrraddouble click it to open up a new window
07:32.05HeroicPrinnyfind baneling... not seeing that one
07:32.26LyrradYou don't see Baneling - Suicide (Damage)
07:32.31rrowlandlooks nice skizot
07:32.41HeroicPrinnyoh i see that one
07:32.46HeroicPrinnyoh i'm retarded
07:32.53HeroicPrinnyi thought the "Find" was part of the damage
07:32.56HeroicPrinnyerr name
07:33.01rrowlandThe middle looks distorted
07:33.05rrowlandSquished together
07:33.16RepoNew map: Pass Defense (Multiplayer mode). WontonST (Manager/Author), MonkeysInSpace (Author), swordmas (Artist). Approved by grum.
07:33.18GrumMorning :)
07:33.21HeroicPrinnyi see now
07:33.21rrowlandLike you changed the aspect ratio
07:33.23HeroicPrinnyit requires ground
07:33.30HeroicPrinnyyeah i changed this is the volatile explosion
07:33.37HeroicPrinnybut looks like it needs to change here too
07:33.39pkol"unable to open map" ? :(
07:33.43Skizotthe metal parts?
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07:33.53Skizoteah kinda did :/
07:34.03HeroicPrinnyso, is that all lyrrad?
07:34.04rrowlandYou coulda left it and just cut some of the middle out
07:34.07LyrradYes, just turn off the Ground reuired
07:34.08rrowlandTo make it shorter
07:34.23pkolwhy can't i load my map in sc? :(
07:34.31LyrradYou may also want to do the same thing to Baneling - Suicide (Building Damage)
07:34.46Lyrradif you want it to be able to go after Flying buildings
07:35.10Lyrradand the 2 Friendly as well
07:35.27HeroicPrinnyah, thanks so much
07:35.29HeroicPrinnythis worked
07:35.40HeroicPrinnyseems like there's always one extra thing in the data editor i didn't quite find
07:35.54LyrradIt gets easier
07:36.02HeroicPrinnywhich view do you use?
07:36.20HeroicPrinnyas in the "display object"
07:36.32HeroicPrinnyerr "display object list as tree"
07:37.46HeroicPrinnyis there an easy way to find out which effects are tied to which attacks, etc.
07:37.47HeroicPrinnyor is just like
07:37.48Lyrradyou know, I had never looked at those 3 buttons
07:37.50HeroicPrinnysearch around
07:38.04HeroicPrinnyi know there is the "explain link" if you right click
07:38.50LyrradI don't use that
07:38.53HeroicPrinnyor i suppose i just need a better understanding of which things are usually together
07:38.55rrowland Check my custom inventory system and UI
07:38.56HeroicPrinnylike effects
07:39.04HeroicPrinnyseem to be quite important
07:39.08pkolanyone know why when i try and test my map it says "unable to load map"
07:39.31LyrradPkol - I read it has something to do with having too many players assigned in the map
07:39.56Lyrradwell, not too many players, but a bug when all the players slots are assigned
07:39.59Grumyou have the map open in a mpq editor, you have 16 players in your map (see newspost on that)
07:41.13LyrradHeroic - Yes, Effect will be important, though pretty much everything in the Data Editor is important, you can do a hell of a lot with it
07:41.34HeroicPrinnyrrowland, watched the video
07:41.36HeroicPrinnylooks nice
07:41.45pkolthanks lyrrad
07:41.53HeroicPrinnyI liked the "sell, equip, cancel" etc. menus
07:41.57pkoli had triggers for players 1-14
07:42.05pkoldisabled them and it worked
07:42.13HeroicPrinnywhich game are the abilities/items from?
07:42.18HeroicPrinnylooks like guild wars or something
07:42.18rrowlandYeah, didn't plan on it at first
07:42.34rrowlandHad to implement it because you can't drag items on a dialog
07:42.50rrowlandturned out pretty nice though
07:42.52rrowlandI like it too
07:43.02HeroicPrinnyyeah it was clean looking
07:43.52Skizothow about that?
07:44.15PixelWarriorwtf is that watermark lol
07:44.25rrowlandLooks a lot better because it doesn't look scrunched up
07:44.35Skizotit says DONT STEAL MAH SHIT NUB
07:44.41PixelWarriorwats the pink orb for?
07:44.47rrowlandBut if you want the metal on the outside you can always cut out a piece of the middle
07:47.26rrowlandI just posted in the WIP forum and it posted it in the show room forum..
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07:53.02Lyrradoh that was fun
07:54.07Lyrradgiggles maniacally in the corner
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07:54.45LyrradZerglings that go nuclear when they die
07:59.08Skizotchanged the liquid some, and makde the bg for the buttons grey instead of black
07:59.30Skizotnot happy with the liquid...
07:59.36Skizotbut i will figure something out.
08:00.02rrowlandLooks good
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08:02.35Paras1teHi :O
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08:03.52Paras1teWhat have you lately done guys ;)?
08:04.11Paras1teOfc in GE ;p
08:06.51pkolwow, water lags my editor
08:07.40LyrradI made a zergling that goes Nuclear when it dies
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08:15.05Clordgoes nuclear zergling... that not sound very bad ^^
08:15.15Clordbeing smart ass ;)
08:16.10LyrradI'm going to recommend that Blizzard makes it standard behavior in melee games
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08:17.06ZaratuliusHello everyone
08:17.19Clordnuclear explosion would be way more dangerous
08:17.27Clordthat was the joke part of being smart ass
08:18.23Clordwho you gonna call? nukebusters!
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08:22.36Clordhehe... in C&C4 community and about all other non-blizzard rts communities... "custom map" means typical map what is made by user
08:24.32LyrradThe only other RTS I could ever really get into was Total Annilation, and that was only while I was waiting for SC
08:24.42pkolthey're all pretty bad
08:24.53pkoland nobody has created a decent editor besides blizzard
08:24.55pkolor released
08:25.57Clordyeah most developers just work with anti user friendly editor
08:26.00Clordwhat slows even them down
08:26.15Clordno wonder they need money motivation to work with such horrible tools
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08:27.12Clordlet's take example "world builder" in EALA RTS games... scripts are directly made for certain purpose
08:27.21Sixenpkol, there's always MilkyWayEdit, ;).
08:27.23Clordso what you can do is rather limited
08:27.34SixenAh, you meant in general? Not just sc2? :
08:27.52pkolin general
08:27.54pkolother rts games
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08:28.06pierrohello all
08:28.10pkolhow is MWE going anyway?
08:28.33ClordI have three more maps to release later.... blizzard hurry up!.....
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08:28.38FrozenFirebatRawr... just woke up... how is everybody doing?
08:28.39heroicprinnywhat the heck is a bully flag
08:28.46FrozenFirebatohh and shameless plug:
08:28.48SixenThere's a forum setup for it, ;P
08:28.58Clordlol it is AI logic... it uses bullies to try take out your economy ;)
08:29.13heroicprinnyyeah i was just looking in the AI triggers
08:29.17heroicprinnyhaven't really looked at them yet
08:29.23LyrradWell thats a bummer, it seems that there is a maximum number of nuclear explosions that can happen at a time
08:29.39Clordit is kinda like harassing logic... to try slow you down while they do their main attack force
08:29.48heroicprinnytrying to figure out how to make it so enemy units in essense become "lifeless" and by default dont' feel inclined to attack you
08:30.25Clordnow this is somewhat based to assuming but it is logical bullies are just that... AI harassing forces
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08:30.41ClordAI also loves to go defend structures when on
08:30.51Clordwith those forces who are not attacking
08:30.57heroicprinnydo you know of a way to turn off the base AI that makes "hostile" units want to attack
08:31.36heroicprinnyor perhaps it would be easier to just make the enemy units into allies
08:31.56Clordthere is also other handy stuff for campaign like or co-op maps
08:32.13Clordevery placed structure has rebuilt count for AI
08:32.37Clordso they don't are like WCIII bases where when AI loses structure is never rebuilt
08:33.04PixelWarriorclord: they like to build it in the exact same spot lol
08:33.29Clordthat's why it is so handy
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08:33.56heroicprinnyyeah i remember that about war3
08:34.44Clordthen again it makes sense that AI base can be weakened with many attacks like that
08:34.53Clordor at least certain weak points
08:34.57Clordso they are not rebuilt
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08:42.24Clordthese.. units become idle and get closest target of whatever are really helpful for even risk type AI
08:45.06Clordnow we only need viking unit inspired transformers map
08:45.19Clordturn to plane and get far far away once too damaged
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08:47.31pkoloh wow
08:49.15Clordegg robots attack!
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08:50.40pkolalright so what's the deal with this players bug?
08:50.51pkolwhich/how many players can i use?
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08:52.29Lyrradnot sure how many you can use, but it is a bug and I fully expect Blizzard will fix it
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08:58.28Clordblizzard probably allow 14 players even in map
08:58.35Clordthey made that UI fit to more slots
08:58.41Clordwith that scroll bar
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09:03.28Clordnow my "fortress fight" needs mostly Protoss race
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09:08.34SkizotTriceron nice ones!
09:08.43Skizotsee the latest buggies?
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09:13.13Clordinstead castle fight author I make races clear roles... Terran is defense oriented.... Zerg is attack oriented and Protoss is for utility
09:13.52pkolis there no Unit Attached to Point function?
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09:18.29Skizothello vjeux
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09:45.44pkolanyone got an idea how to make a computer set up a multi-point rally point?
09:45.53pkolwhen you hold shift
09:46.00pkoland set your rallys
09:52.01FrozenFirebatyou'd have to do it by triggers and enter / leave point
09:52.49FrozenFirebatOrder unit Z to X command to point Y. next trigger... Unit Z enters point Y, order Unit Z to Command Q to point A
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10:05.08pkolapparently not, if you just issue order - set rally, and set it to add to existing orders
10:05.11pkolworks perfecrly
10:05.55pkolim trying to use data as much as i can on my map
10:05.56pkoldunno why
10:10.02Clordin that kerrigan's ultimate wars arena.. spawned units are set to go structure's rally point... ^^
10:10.21Clordrally points are extremely useful for maps where there is tons units
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10:11.00RepoNew map: Hydra Evolution Zones. ShadowDancer93 (Manager/Author). Approved by sixen.
10:11.01pkolheh, damm
10:11.10pkolif i knew that i could have saved half an hour figuring it myself
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10:11.21pkoloh well
10:13.17Clordin that map I also made rallypoinst to work bit differently
10:13.21Clordwhen you set one rallypoint
10:13.22Clordit sets all
10:13.48Azuzone defense or whatever its called
10:14.15LonZealotProblem: I emulated the wc3 hero ability learning system now i got 2 abilities one is stimpack and the other is calldown but when i click to learn calldown my hero learns stimpack and when i click to learn stimpack my hero also learns stimpack. any ideas what could be causing this?
10:14.46pkolcould be a few things
10:14.58pkolyour button in the command card is pointing to the wrong ability
10:15.11pkolyour learn ability is pointed to the same ability
10:15.48Clordsometimes you can make mistakes even if you know how to handle something
10:16.08pkolhey, portal is free on stream
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10:18.00pkolim making a kind of aos
10:18.03pkolwithout heros
10:18.15pkoland kinda like the battlefield games as well
10:18.23OrangePulpwhat do you control instead? the mobs that spawn?
10:18.29pkolyou get units
10:18.32pkolbut they arent heros
10:18.35pkoland you can respawn
10:18.37pkoland repick
10:19.00pkoland one player plays "commander" and directs the computer
10:19.05pkoland can do other cool shit
10:19.18LonZealotoh yeah, i think now i know what the problem is. i cant choose different ability commands for my hero learn ability
10:19.21LonZealothow to fix that
10:19.57pkolas in
10:20.02pkolin your hero learn ability?
10:20.39ClordI would think making hero to learn stuff is rather simple but takes time
10:20.54pkolin your herolearn ability
10:21.05pkoltheres the Info+ structure
10:21.24LonZealotyes i set learn1 to stimpack and learn2 to calldown
10:21.30LonZealotbut i still cant select anything
10:21.46pkoldid you set buttons and such for them in there?
10:22.28LonZealotno only sound and what ability you learn the button was set in the command card
10:22.43pkolwhats the name of your learn ability?
10:22.47LonZealothero learn
10:22.59LonZealotoh i come back to you later gotta eat
10:23.04pkolchange it to AShero learn
10:23.26pkoli think
10:23.30pkolthere's some bug
10:23.36pkolwhere it needs the AS to work
10:23.41pkolunless they fixed that
10:23.45pkolthen nfi
10:24.13pkoland you should set the button in the learn ability as well
10:30.50pierrohey i'd like to to a charge ability. My unit run the the target location in a straight line. Then knocking back unit. How should i do it?
10:31.56LonZealoti need to change the ability name to ASHero Learn? pkol?
10:32.03pkoltry that
10:32.05pkolsee if it works
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10:40.26pkoldid that work LonZealot?
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10:59.07LonZealotyes setting the button fixed the problem pkol, thanks
11:01.10hyarionArthas-: you must be retardet if you can't use a mac ^^
11:20.00Azu-awaypizza <3~
11:22.06Durreananyone an idea how the portraits are working?
11:22.35Durreanwoul like to create a dialog and place a portrait inside, but i don't know if its possible
11:22.54pierrohow can i set a knowck back effect on a missile impact ?
11:22.58Durreanyou know, these 3D rendered portraits of every unit in the ui
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11:53.45Paras1teOnce on sc2mapster was shown inventory system. I remember that in the center 3d model of char were displayed. Anyone know how to display models in dialogs? Ofc if it's possible...
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11:54.57ubdeadestemeemed co-mappers
12:03.56RepoNew asset: Galaxy Notepad++ Autocompletion. Slarti (Manager/Author). Approved by grum.
12:09.34ubdeadoh sweet im downloading that
12:10.44ubdeadcant find the download link, guess it's not done yet
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12:16.01Hatiubdead: yup not yet out
12:18.02ubdeadQ_Q well Notepad++ keeps corrupting my language index for some reason anyway lol
12:18.19ubdeadsome 64bit/w7 thing i guess
12:18.53Hatiuh o.O
12:18.56Hatinew ToS for ?
12:19.17Arthas-wait what
12:19.23HatiBattle.Net Terms of Use Change
12:19.23HatiThe Terms of Use for Battle.Net and related services will change on 15/6/2010. Please follow the link below and read the new Terms of Use.
12:19.28Hation account
12:19.40ubdeadwho actually gives a shit about ToU
12:19.49Arthas-i dont but still
12:22.26Hatiubdead: well - you should atleast a bit ...
12:22.44Arthas-hati why
12:23.35ClordToS change might have something to do with facebook and map publishing features
12:23.50Arthas-perhaps they adapted the facebook way
12:24.01Arthas-"WE OWN YOU"
12:24.14Arthas-ubdead yeah
12:24.18Arthas-intergrating BNET with facebook
12:24.23Arthas-Instead of getting our mother fucking caht
12:24.31ubdeadif this is true, im noting buying that game
12:24.45Arthas-ubdead you dont need to
12:24.45ubdeadfacebook needs to die a horrible slow death
12:24.45Hatiyou don't have to link to facebook
12:24.49Hatithey just offer it as feature
12:24.50Arthas-its just an extra
12:24.51Legicki imagine it is neccissary
12:24.52Legickto do
12:24.53Clordpeople already got past that debate... now most not mind
12:24.58Legickerr not neccissary
12:25.15ubdeadgod freaking social network NONSENSE
12:25.23ubdeadworst invention ever
12:25.27Arthas-ubdead come on!
12:25.34Arthas-its quite useful sometimes
12:25.37Arthas-klet me give you an example
12:25.41ubdead"going to buy some cheese" WHO, GIVES, A , SHIET
12:25.50ubdeadmakes me rage so bad
12:25.51Arthas-right now, a friend in piteå ate a sausage!
12:26.10ubdeadyour right that is important
12:26.17Arthas-critical in fact
12:26.18ubdeadyou could just call him once in a while
12:26.24XBMspecHey, does anyone have a moment to help me come up with a solid solution on how to go about this trigger
12:26.25Arthas-oh and this
12:26.29Clordyeah he calls.. in facebook
12:26.37Arthas-<friend> Likes!
12:26.43Arthas-Yeah, well /me likes too
12:26.56Hatiwell social networks - aren't bad ... the ppl are just overdoing it
12:27.04Arthas-- preparing your minds for the new holocaust
12:27.14Clordfacebook handles stuff rather well
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12:27.52hyarionArthas-: go get your phone!
12:28.11Arthas-i have my phone
12:28.19Arthas-you must just stop calling me when im asleep
12:28.22Arthas-and fuck no
12:28.24hyarionyou just don't want to answer it or what? :P
12:28.25Arthas-you call me back in 60 mins
12:28.29Arthas-ima watch stargate universe first
12:28.36Arthas-hyarion fell asleep 9 am
12:28.38ubdeadgeek alert
12:28.41hyarionhahaha lol
12:28.43Arthas-so it was more a matter of i dont remember
12:28.50Azustargate is awesome :o
12:28.55hyarioni called you 1402
12:28.56Arthas-did I mention hyarion is a hot chick?
12:29.00hyarionthought that would be ok
12:29.04Arthas-if I did, hit me hard
12:29.11Clordstargate universe finally started to come closer quality of stargate
12:29.12ubdeadBenjamin, sounds like a hawt chicks name
12:29.29Arthas-Azu does not agree i think
12:29.56Azunow what makes you think that?
12:30.11Arthas-the hell do ou have telia
12:30.15Arthas-now i cant track you down :<
12:30.24Arthas-so ima say
12:30.30Arthas-you are asian female
12:30.35hyarionArthas-: so what's the plan?
12:30.38Azui am?
12:30.45Arthas-hyarion hold
12:31.00Arthas-we are beering + bbqing
12:31.09ubdeadsounds like a plan :D
12:31.14Azuköttbörgare > rest
12:31.20Arthas-we already ate burgers
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12:31.34Azui ate pizza 20mins ago
12:31.41Arthas-hungover pizza?
12:31.48hyarionfuuuuu i only have one beer left
12:31.50Azuvessa me bessa?
12:31.56ubdeadi havent eat anything today
12:31.56Arthas-hyarion hmmmmm
12:31.58hyarionguess i gonna need to buy 3.5 instead
12:32.07Arthas-bolaget closed?
12:32.22Arthas-i has 4*4 heineken
12:32.26Arthas-+ a few litres of vodka
12:32.35Arthas-rapala has vodka
12:32.35ubdeadHeineken NICE
12:32.40hyarionfolle + vodka = WIN
12:32.47Azucola + cola = win
12:32.48Arthas-if you mix those
12:32.51Arthas-i will fucking shoot you
12:33.01ubdeadfunny thing is, how much is Heineken in you country?
12:33.06Arthas-and put a pick of me fucking your new hole on the internet
12:33.18Arthas-i dont really know
12:33.30Arthas-not one party without seeing it
12:33.37Arthas-unless everyone agrees for one brand
12:33.50Arthas-Azu yes, coke is nice
12:33.58hyarionmmmm kilkenny, that's real beer
12:33.58ubdeadthe drug or the drink lol
12:34.00Azucoke + coke is even better
12:34.01Azutrust me
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12:34.32ubdeaddrugs are bad mmmmkay
12:34.37ubdeadbrb breakfast
12:34.41Azunot drugs
12:34.43Clordyes mr Garrison or whatever
12:35.02Arthas-coke = coca cola
12:35.04Clordwhatever that character was called
12:35.07Azui only do jordnötsringar
12:35.20Arthas-uhm thats not mr garrison
12:35.22Arthas-I LOVED YOU MAN
12:35.24Arthas-I LOVED YOU
12:35.39Azusorry, not into yaoi
12:35.40hyariondoesn't have any pants on
12:35.49Clordyeah can't really remember that other character's name
12:35.55Arthas-Mr Mackey
12:36.02Arthas-its easy mmkaaaaay? =D
12:36.04Clordoh yes... it is said too rarely
12:36.43Azuand lols
12:36.45Arthas-hyarion do you know if TC is open?
12:36.47Clordwhen I study words I hear word more ofthen than that character's name lol
12:36.50Azulastnight when i went to bed
12:36.51Arthas-or the roof
12:36.53Azui found like
12:36.58Azu5kr there
12:37.09hyarionArthas-: no idea
12:37.21Arthas-azu sure
12:37.30Arthas-always nice to find money
12:37.38Arthas-like, this time i went to hyarion
12:37.46Azufound 250kr in school once
12:37.47Arthas-and went through his gfs drawers for loot
12:37.51Arthas-and I found 1500 sek
12:38.52Arthas-did you have a chance to look at the UI?
12:39.09hyarioni think i farted a 1kr last week... went to shower and after a while a 1kr fell down, have no idea where it came from :S
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12:40.00Arthas-that is disturbing indeed
12:40.17Clordreminds of those moral jokes in some final fantasy games.. at least in FFVII
12:40.22Clordsteal kid's 10 gil or not?
12:40.39hyarionArthas-: btw, bbq?
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12:41.14Azusend me some will you?
12:41.16hyarionwill be bbq:ing here around now or in an hour
12:41.33hyarionAzu: sure, /msg your address
12:41.40Arthas-Clord I always stole it
12:41.46Arthas-then they releases ff13!
12:41.49Arthas-12 even
12:42.00Arthas-and went waaaaaaay too far in redesiging the battle system
12:42.01Azuliesway 43 in liesvalley
12:42.22hyarionAzu: THATS NOT A REAL ADDRESS!!!
12:42.27Azusure it is
12:42.31hyarionoh, sorry
12:42.32Azui live in liesland
12:42.41Clordhehe... final fanasy XII... ^^
12:42.59Clordit is fun to play with PC
12:44.01Arthas-so azu based on this new intel
12:44.18Arthas-you are hot asian chick, single, 25y old living in malmköping
12:44.30Azusure >_>
12:45.43hyarionmalmköping is also known as liesvalley
12:45.57Azui did not know that
12:46.30hyarionArthas-: have you looked outside?
12:46.40hyarionit's 25deg
12:46.51hyarionit's fucking summer
12:47.01Arthas-there was fucking lightning and stuff
12:47.04Arthas-now that was awesome
12:47.09hyarionwe should have a snowball summer fight!
12:47.13Azu</3 summer
12:47.35hyarionthink there still is some snow around somewhere
12:47.53Arthas-btw hyarion
12:47.55hyarion50/50 snow gravel
12:47.56Arthas-spec is coming
12:48.05Arthas-or perhaps
12:48.21hyarionsooo hungry
12:48.57hyarionArthas-: you shold invite some under age gals, then he will come for sure
12:49.18Arthas-and some boys for you
12:49.33Arthas-you do realize i will never ever let you forget that
12:50.00hyarionwell i'm a hot chick after all ;)
12:50.04Arthas-i mean
12:50.06Arthas-there is drunk
12:50.10Arthas-and the is drunk
12:50.20hyarioncant agree with you more
12:50.45Arthas-clord just died
12:50.56Arthas-im attending his funeral
12:51.10Azugive my regards
12:52.54Arthas-afk now
12:57.19*** join/#sc2mapster Zoxc (
12:58.28ClordI think people should be able to vote stuff in maps so I made my maps votable ^^
12:58.35Clordvarious gameplay settings
12:58.38Clordonce map starts
12:58.40Arthas-rrowland there?
12:59.43PoC_okay, so I'm working on a game where you control one guy, and so far I've figured out how to during initilization, create a marine at the proper spot, select him, and have the camera follow him
12:59.52PoC_how do I have the camer move along with him as well?
13:01.41Azuhyarion throw something at Arthas- ok?
13:01.49Arthas-for what
13:02.01Azudo i really need a reason?
13:03.13ubdeadPoC there is a follow unit trigger
13:03.35PoC_camera - make the camera look at and follow (last created unit) for player 1
13:03.44PoC_but it doesn't move the camera, just watches him run around my maze
13:04.22Clordpersonaly I used trigger what runs with periotic timer and pan camera
13:04.46ubdeaddont use look at
13:04.51Azuubdead why do you hate me? :<
13:05.10ubdeaduse Follow Unit Group With Camera
13:05.26ubdeadAzu how did you know :O?
13:05.40Azuis it cause i stole konata from you? :<
13:05.54ubdeadKonata is working for me to spy on you
13:06.17ubdeadgod i love Lucky Star, i need to watch it some more lol
13:06.18Arthas-all this french is coming back to me
13:06.36PoC_follow unit group?  thanks
13:06.48ubdeadkeep at it ;)
13:07.41ubdeadFrench is such a beautiful language
13:07.44PoC_thank you so much ubdead
13:07.59ubdeadyou are most welcome PoC
13:08.32Clord>_> this is bit overdoing these maps as most struggle to do even these maps
13:08.42ClordI mean what we do here
13:09.20ClordI believe typical released map flood is made in five minutes and published
13:09.23Azuubdead </3
13:09.31Azuyou broke my heart
13:09.56Arthas-ubdead i take it you are frenchie
13:09.58Clordquality... there is unit and it attacks stuff... /publish
13:10.05ubdeadlol nope
13:10.26Arthas-ive never heard a non-french approve of the language
13:10.33Arthas-well, except for my teacher :p
13:11.55ubdeadthat's because most people are too proud to admit a different language then their own is better
13:12.04Azui hate swedish
13:12.11Arthas-i dont see swedish as something good
13:12.16Arthas-I hate the advanced grammar
13:12.22Azujapanese <3
13:12.28Arthas-or rather they way it works
13:12.33Arthas-im ok w most languages
13:12.37Arthas-but I hate uhm
13:12.45Arthas-whats the language muslimer etc talk
13:12.53Azuarabiska typ? :P
13:12.58Azuiranska :P
13:12.59Arthas-They always sounds ANGRY when talking to eachother
13:13.11ubdeadrofl arthas
13:13.31Arthas-what now :p
13:13.32PoC_german's always sound angry talking with one another
13:13.40PoC_I wouldn't mind learning french
13:13.41Arthas-not as bad as the muslims
13:13.44ubdeadmuslims speak all kinds of languages, that like saying "what languages do christians speak"
13:13.56Arthas-same shit
13:14.04ubdeadohh you fucking racist lol
13:14.04PoC_but I would prefer manderin japanese, at least curses so I can quote firefly ;)
13:14.16Arthas-i wouldnt call myself a racist no
13:14.29Arthas-but id say sweden lost its control
13:14.37ubdeadyeah your racist
13:14.38Arthas-since france is thinking of prohibiting burka
13:14.40Arthas-for hiding faces
13:14.48Arthas-one of the leaders for our party said
13:14.58Arthas-well, lets make this country fristad
13:15.02Arthas-wtf is that in english
13:15.13Arthas-ubdead fine, why?
13:15.53ubdeadtreating people differently because they dont share the same race/background makes you a racist
13:16.13Arthas-and I did that where?
13:16.34ubdeadwell you are implying that "sweden has lost control"
13:16.39ubdeadto what?
13:16.47Arthas-over the immigration and integration
13:16.57Azualines are takingover our schools
13:17.04Azuteachers are killing everyone
13:17.05Arthas-we more or less have no integration anymore
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13:17.34Arthas-and im against immigration w/o it
13:17.54Arthas-you dont take someone into your country, give them a home and say, you are on your fucking own mate!
13:18.04Arthas-doesnt really... work
13:18.24Arthas-and if that makes me racist, fine :p
13:18.33Arthas-then ill be a racist for you :)
13:18.42ubdeadlol sweet
13:18.47AzuArthas- every swe person is alittlebit racist
13:18.58Arthas-she wanted to make sweden a refugee
13:19.03Arthas-arthas ofc
13:19.07Gohlawhy would that be racist, immigrants are not always from a different race? :p
13:19.08ubdeadlets just call it "proud of their county ;)"
13:19.12Arthas-but we have certain degrees :D
13:19.25Arthas-ubdead im not proud of this country
13:19.30Azuwho is? :P
13:19.31Arthas-and i ntend to move as fast as I can
13:19.33ubdeadGohla: thats why i said /background
13:19.36Arthas-EU sucks cock
13:19.38Arthas-US sucks cock
13:19.40PoC_but arthus, taking someone into yoru country, giving them a home and saying your on your fucking own mate is how america was started
13:20.03ubdeadAmerca wasn't a county back then lol
13:20.05Arthas-see where that took ya
13:20.10Arthas-what I mean
13:20.14Arthas-it doesnt work
13:20.58Arthas-i need to kill firefox :<
13:21.22Azuill help you
13:21.32PoC_I need to break through this learning curve and get triggers figured out a little bit more
13:21.34Azumuch xp from firefox
13:21.42Arthas-i miss netscape
13:21.51PoC_and if you haven't seen that video you should watch it, it's everyone's a little bit racist from avenue Q
13:22.04Arthas-video is lagging
13:22.04Azui miss the time when you got internet explorer on a cd
13:22.12PoC_netscape is something I've not heard in a long time
13:22.17Azuwas like 7 at that time
13:22.18Azubut still
13:22.33Azuoh wait
13:22.35PoC_I remember the days of prodigy ;)
13:22.36Azuim 25
13:22.44Arthas-you were not 7
13:23.00Arthas-i was prolly around 7
13:23.02PoC_I'm 28, you couldn't have been 7 :D
13:23.49Azuacording to Arthas- im 25yr old asian chick
13:23.51ubdeadblow my mind arthas
13:24.00Arthas-just checking your highlight :D
13:24.04Arthas-im so kind
13:24.10Arthas-did the sound work?
13:24.27ubdeadno :(!!!
13:24.30rrowlanduh allergies
13:24.48Arthas-do you have any map file one could look at for the UI
13:24.58Arthas-would be much appreciated
13:25.17rrowlandit's 6am and I'm waking up trying to hold all the snot in my nose
13:25.26ubdeadrrowland, buy a big plasic bubble
13:25.31Arthas-one should not be awake 6 am
13:25.38Azueveryone should
13:25.41Azuits more fun that way
13:25.55ubdeadlol i got up at 14.30
13:26.26rrowlandI usually wake up at like 1p,
13:26.33Arthas-thats more like it
13:26.51ubdeadi want to marry this video and have babies with it:
13:27.05PoC_It's 8:30ish here, been awake since wife went to work at 7:30 and my baby's waking up
13:27.06Azushes mine!
13:27.27Azuyou can have kagamin
13:27.30Arthas-rrowland that ui of your
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13:27.55Arthas-did you redo the inventory ui or make an inventory of your own
13:28.01ubdeadill think ill do Misao
13:28.11ubdeadi love pointy teeth
13:28.17Azumisao owns aswell :p
13:28.17ubdeadit's so sexy
13:28.57rrowlandWell the items still go into the inventory, but I basically had to turn it into a new system
13:29.03Azu classic
13:29.19rrowlandCause like, the way items work is stuuuuuuuupid
13:29.46rrowlandIf you have 20 bags and you put an item into the 5th bag in the 7th slot, guess what index it's at?
13:29.50rrowlandThat's right, 0
13:30.08rrowlandIf you have 800 bags and you put one item into the 745th bag in the 16th slot, still index 0
13:30.16ubdeadtry having a different actor for EVERY ITEM
13:30.23ubdeadbecause the tooltip is on the ACTOR
13:30.26ubdeadnot on the unit, oh no
13:30.31ubdeadblizzard was like
13:30.42rrowlandI do have a different actor for every item
13:30.43ubdeadthat way they cant re-use them!
13:30.55Arthas-im mostly interested in how the face on the buttons where added
13:30.59rrowlandI still have to copy all the same garbage in the data editor
13:31.08rrowlandFor every item
13:31.10ubdeadcopy the XML
13:31.12ubdeadway faster
13:31.15Arthas-but i take it you more or less created new inventory with triggers
13:31.24Arthas-and had the old inventory in the hidden
13:31.27rrowlandAll the moving etc
13:31.32rrowlandMoving of slots
13:31.34rrowlandAnd purchasing
13:31.36rrowlandAnd dropping
13:31.42XBMspecoh god, Mario paint lives on.
13:31.42rrowlandWas all a pain in the ass
13:31.43rrowlandAnd headache
13:31.50Arthas-I now see where your line "was a headache" come from :D
13:31.58rrowlandNot to mention displaying items that were equipped
13:32.18rrowlandSince your index 0 item
13:32.22rrowlandCould be armor
13:32.25rrowlandcould be a weapon
13:32.28rrowlandCould be anything
13:32.31ubdeadgive it a class
13:32.35ubdeadfor the slot
13:32.40rrowlandYeah I did
13:32.44ubdeadthat way it can only have one position
13:32.44Azuindex <3
13:32.44rrowlandThat doesn't mean anything though
13:32.48rrowlandYou can't search by it
13:32.54rrowlandIt doesn't work that way
13:32.57rrowlandYou think it should
13:32.58rrowlandIt should
13:33.00rrowlandIt doesn't
13:33.06ubdeadwell thats how im doing it lol
13:33.13ubdeadso i dunno what you are doing
13:33.17Arthas-common problem - stuff not working as intended
13:33.28rrowlandYou tell me how to pull something by which SLOT it's in please
13:33.50rrowlandLike, if you only have 1 item and it's in slot 3
13:34.05rrowlandThe only way to pull it specifically in a trigger is to pull it by its index, which is slot 0
13:34.10rrowlandThe same as if it were in any other slot
13:34.19ubdeadoh trigger
13:34.23ubdeadi dont know triggers
13:34.28ubdeadtriggers are silly
13:34.35ubdeadi use behavior
13:34.51PoC_you could technically add a new race couldn't you?  just a lot of grunt work, testing, and balancing huh
13:34.53ubdeadmuch more robust/fater
13:35.00Arthas-ah rrowland
13:35.01ubdeadyou can PoC
13:35.10Arthas-I now see why bags is a hassle when index starts at 0
13:35.34PoC_It'd be cool to see some space orcs :P
13:35.34Arthas-time for sgu really, been postponing to long
13:35.50PoC_sgu as in universe?
13:36.04PoC_postponed series, or latest episode?
13:36.16Arthas-latest episode
13:36.19Arthas-from when i woke up
13:36.21PoC_I love that show
13:36.29Arthas-you should watch flashforward too
13:36.30PoC_but I've not seen any of the other SG shows
13:36.41PoC_I'll check it out, gotta love hulu
13:37.01Arthas-gotta love torrent
13:37.09Arthas-since someone is failing to air series over here
13:37.09PoC_that too
13:37.57PoC_I'd rather have the pay to download service though, can't think of what it's called off top of head, but a little faster than torrent, and private
13:38.24Arthas-usenet? =p
13:38.25PoC_I got two letters warning me to secure my netowrk for movie torrents, ugh
13:38.29PoC_yeah, thats it :P
13:38.37Arthas-faster than torrent?
13:38.43PoC_I've heard
13:38.53ubdeadalso know as binaries
13:38.57PoC_but that I suppose depends on seeders
13:39.09ubdeadusenet is 40mb/s instantly lol
13:39.23Arthas-i usually have the episode in 4 mins (tops) for hd version so im fine
13:39.41PoC_anyone know if red dead redemption is hittitng PC?
13:39.43ubdead700mb in 4 mins?
13:39.50Arthas-1.2 gb
13:39.57ubdeadin 4 mins
13:40.20Arthas-lemme do calc on that
13:40.25PoC_damn, I never get that good of speeds with torrents
13:40.30PoC_then again, probably my network setup
13:40.41ubdead5mb/s ?
13:40.54Arthas-if i max my line i take it in 96 seconds
13:40.58ubdeadthat's plausible, but not proberably
13:41.02Arthas-but i rarely reach 95-100 mbit
13:41.10Arthas-more like 70-80
13:41.18ubdeadi need to move to sweden lol
13:41.24PoC_is it bad my daughter weaking up makes me want xanax?
13:41.37Arthas-what is xanax
13:41.48PoC_anti-anxiety med
13:41.56ubdeadyea thats pretty bad
13:42.15Arthas-wouldnt call it good
13:42.24ubdeada daughther, look where you got yourself into lol
13:42.40Arthas-dont crush his self esteem more than he already did himself
13:42.40PoC_okay, lemme rephrase.  her waking up teething
13:42.53Arthas-thats bad too
13:42.56Arthas-the fangs are coming
13:43.11ubdeadjust surround her with love
13:43.15ubdeadand the crying will stop
13:43.24PoC_oh shes an angel
13:43.45PoC_she cries very seldom
13:44.03ubdeadthey quit bitching lol
13:44.03PoC_sleeps all night on her own (10 months) in her own room
13:46.59PoC_I don't recall bitching, just saying I want a xanax, but then again I take them almost as prescribed so when I don't have one there's small withdrawals
13:47.53Durreancan anyone tell me how i make a dialob label item its text size bigger?
13:48.42ubdeadPoC just messing around
13:50.01PoC_I know :P
14:17.40Galois-evaristei'm ordering units to move
14:17.50Galois-evaristebut it doesn't bother to ask me where to move them to... this makes no sense to me
14:17.58Galois-evaristeIssue Order To Unit Group
14:18.15BemoliphIt did ask you
14:18.34Galois-evaristei disagree
14:18.34BemoliphYou told the units to move to the Unit Group "Last Create Units"
14:18.50Galois-evaristeI don't understand
14:18.55Galois-evaristeI do not order units to move to regions
14:18.59Galois-evaristei order them to move to unit groups?
14:19.01Galois-evaristethat makes no sense ot me
14:19.08BemoliphIn this particular situation, yes
14:19.14BemoliphImagine it like you right clicked on a unit in game
14:19.20Galois-evaristethis is very counterintuitive for me right now
14:19.21rrowland"Order Targeting Unit Group" means "Give an order, targeting a unit group"
14:19.23rrowlandThere are others
14:19.29BemoliphI'm not sure if "Last Created Units" fits in there, though
14:19.37Galois-evaristei'll look again at the list of things to choose from
14:19.43BemoliphBut you can set it to target a point
14:19.53Galois-evaristeIssue Order To Unit Group
14:19.54BemoliphIf you click the blue (, you can change the type
14:19.57Galois-evaristethats the next closest thing
14:20.06PoC_I need to change it from making my unit at point 2 to making a transport at point 1, carrying him and dropping him off at poitn 2, moving to point 3 and dying
14:20.08Galois-evaristenone of these avaiable options prompt me to answer the question of "where do you want to go"
14:20.11BemoliphAnd there should be something like Issue Order Targeting Point
14:20.15BemoliphAs well as Region and such
14:20.31*** join/#sc2mapster Adys (~Adys@unaffiliated/adys)
14:21.44Galois-evaristeIssue Order To Unit Group
14:21.46Galois-evaristethis looks promising to me
14:21.47Galois-evaristedo you agree?
14:22.00BemoliphYeah, that should work
14:22.04Galois-evaristecool beans
14:22.17BemoliphThere is even a version that lets you preserve the unit group's formation, if necessary
14:22.21BemoliphInstead of clumping up
14:22.40BemoliphOrder Targeting Relative Points
14:22.56Galois-evaristegood call
14:22.57Galois-evaristetusen takk
14:29.50Galois-evaristealright new one
14:29.55*** join/#sc2mapster XenTownsend (~Xen_Towns@
14:30.17Galois-evaristemy idea to check whether or not a given player has exactly X minerals
14:30.39Galois-evaristeis there an easier way?
14:30.48Galois-evaristewhere x = 1
14:31.02Galois-evaristeX=1 i mean
14:32.41ubdeadoh yea, replace texture totaly broke my map lol
14:32.47ubdeadgood thing i saved
14:36.01Durrean:/ why isnt Make Unit look at Unit not working?
14:36.15DurreanEven Actor look at actor isnt working
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14:42.01Clordlol and count resource cost of unit not work ^^
14:42.07Clordnot at least reliable way
14:44.24Durreanhmm even unit look at unit isnt working :/
14:44.30Galois-evaristeis there a trick to testing maps faster?
14:44.47Durreanyeah, leave the game open and just minimize it
14:45.04ubdeadbuy a faster pc lol
14:45.04PoC_yeah, it loads the map a little bit faster that way
14:45.25Durreanif you use 256x256 it takes quite a while to load
14:45.36ubdeadabout 3 seconds for me lol
14:45.45PoC_more ram to be particular I think
14:45.51Galois-evaristeDoes the player group Active Players include any non-user players?
14:46.06ubdeadit also includes computer players
14:46.14Galois-evaristeso I should make a Player Group variable to refer to specifically the users?
14:46.39ubdeaddepends on the situation but i think for you the answer is yes
14:49.06Durreanto put only active user into a player group:
14:49.17Galois-evaristei mean Status of player Picked Player
14:49.40Galois-evaristeyou're fast
14:49.56ClordI found out that it is not ideal to lock camera of all players if want spectators and referees to be able to see action
14:50.14Clordso I made if check if player is user
14:50.16Clordfor camera locking
14:50.23Galois-evaristewould it not be better though to check each player in the game rather than players 2 thru 9? just asking
14:50.36Galois-evaristeoh wait
14:50.40Galois-evaristei gotta check to see if the player is a User
14:50.54Durreanits in my map, human players are only from 2 to 9
14:51.09Galois-evaristei'm sorry i thought you were talking about my map thing
14:51.15Galois-evaristeforget what i said
14:51.15Clordjust make sure spectator slots not get locked camera
14:51.22Clordso check if player is user and not spectator
14:51.44Durreanyou can throw around spectators? cool..
14:52.05Galois-evaristei don't see the property to compare
14:52.10Clordyeah those pick all players pick also spectators and referees
14:52.11Galois-evaristefor checking what kind of player someone is
14:52.28Clordyou use if and then condition
14:52.35Galois-evaristewell obviously
14:52.35Clordto check who is controller of slot
14:52.44Clordjust type to searc: controller
14:52.45Galois-evaristecontroller of slot is the vocab i was looking for
14:52.46Clordand voila
14:53.12Galois-evaristethat looks reasonable to me
14:53.19Galois-evaristei mean
14:53.23Galois-evaristeplayer Picked player
14:53.42Galois-evaristei'm good
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14:54.32Clordthey don't like trigger spam that much
14:54.58Galois-evaristei dont see the use of using a pastebin when i can just do it in here though
14:55.15rrowlandBecause it's spammy and you were asked not to
14:55.19Galois-evaristemy computer isn't good enough to instantly open links and whatnot
14:55.22Galois-evaristei wasn't asked not to
14:55.23rrowlandPlus there's a limit to how much you can spam before it boots you
14:55.30Galois-evaristethen ill stay under the limit
14:55.33rrowlandOr cuts you off
14:55.33Clordit is probably as not everyone have such high resolution if they use something else than computer to look this chat
14:56.46RepoNew announcement:
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14:58.39Clordhopefully publishing feature has some filtering lol
14:58.44Clordthey probably have some
14:58.53Clordautomatic checks
14:59.01*** join/#sc2mapster Magnevv (
15:00.01Clordso we don't find in join game menu some maps where there is one marine in middle and that is entire map
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15:02.43Galois-evaristeArrays start at index 0 in this editor right?
15:02.54Galois-evaristeso an array of size 1 has its only index as 0
15:03.12Clordwell personally I don't use zero
15:03.15ClordI begin from one
15:03.26Galois-evaristethats what i want to do as well
15:03.34Galois-evaristei just want to be clear so that when i make an array i dont have a bound exception
15:03.36Clordso you set array to one... and max array is one
15:03.51Magnevvif you set array size to 1 it will create two slots, [0] and [1]
15:03.57Galois-evariste^^ GOOD TO KNOW
15:04.04Clordplayer 7 aka green would be array 7
15:04.05Galois-evaristeso array size 1 will actually make it have 2 entries
15:04.17ubdeadCLord that is evil
15:04.19Galois-evaristeand then array size N will make it have N+1 entries
15:04.29Galois-evaristeplayer 7 is white wtf are you talking about clord
15:04.35Galois-evaristethis is starcraft fag
15:04.42Clordshut up faq
15:04.52Galois-evaristeim a cyclops
15:04.54ubdeadcan we get rid of Galois
15:05.00ubdeadhe's frikkin annoying
15:05.10Galois-evaristeyeah me and my fuckin questions
15:05.15Galois-evaristewho the hell do i think i am
15:05.19Clordplayer 7 is green
15:05.24Galois-evaristeplayer 7 is white
15:05.34ubdeadno you and your fucking manners thats what
15:05.41BemoliphPlayer 9 is Violet and that's all that matters
15:05.47BemoliphViolet Hydralisk > *
15:06.09BemoliphThey should have used Violet as Purple =(
15:06.11Clordthat's it... no help for galois
15:06.28ubdeadserves him right
15:06.45Clordworst thing is stubborn asker
15:06.48Azuwhat did he do?
15:06.54AzuTELL ME?!
15:07.02Clordplayer 7 is green and his eyes see it white
15:07.13Galois-evaristeplayer 7 is WHITE
15:07.23ubdeadyou can set the freaking player color yourself
15:07.36Galois-evaristethis is tradition here people
15:07.45BemoliphWell, White technically turned Green on Snow Maps
15:07.51Galois-evaristeyou could always change player color, but we always make player 7 be white
15:07.57Azui dont remember seeing white units in sc1 imo :o
15:08.09Galois-evaristethen you have a crappy memory
15:08.17Clordit is officially green but you can change it.. d'oh
15:08.21Clordofficial is what matters
15:08.22Azuubdead hi's mean to me :<
15:08.25Galois-evaristetradition is what matters
15:08.32ubdeadyea im muting him anyway
15:08.54Clordslaps Galois-evariste around a bit with a large trout
15:09.04ubdeadsame lol
15:09.22Azuthis is fun
15:09.27Clordmust be good magic mushrooms that his reading comphression sucks
15:09.40Galois-evaristehow do i set the default values of an array
15:09.48Galois-evaristewhen it asks for input into the variable section
15:09.51ubdeadnah he's just some random asshole on the internet
15:09.56Galois-evaristedo i write{index0,index1,inex...,...} ?
15:10.02RugvipGalois-evariste, you can't
15:10.12Galois-evaristeso i need to set it at melee initialization?
15:10.14Azuubdead ><
15:10.21Rugvippretty much
15:10.26TheLaughingManDoes anyone know how to drag and drop with the dialog
15:10.44Galois-evaristeand an Array with size 25 will go from Array[0] to Array[26] right?
15:10.46Clordthat is probably not possible at least user friendly way
15:11.09Rugvipnah, it'll go from [0] to [25]
15:11.16Galois-evaristethen someone lied to me earlier
15:11.27Rugvipi suggest you hunt him down irl
15:11.31Galois-evaristei better
15:11.39vjeux0 -> 24
15:11.47Rugvipno, 25 :<
15:12.06vjeuxso there are 26 slots in it ...
15:12.24vjeuxwtf blizz :x
15:12.28Galois-evaristethats what i was say8ing
15:12.31Galois-evaristeits too intuitive
15:12.34Rugvipi guess it's to avoid confusion
15:12.35Galois-evaristenot really
15:12.39Galois-evaristei like it better when its intuitive
15:12.47ClordI have this weird death note game idea... >_>
15:12.55Galois-evaristeyou're not the first one
15:13.05Galois-evaristethere are like 1 million anime maps in brood war
15:13.06Clordusername you write to chat shall die
15:13.23Azufirstone to type all names win? :P
15:13.28Clorduntil next match
15:13.43Clordnah I need some real idea for it
15:13.44Azu"everyone" wins the game?
15:13.51Galois-evaristeis what i'm doing right
15:13.57Galois-evaristei could make a for loop go through the indecies
15:14.06Clordidea is to have randomly selected Kira and somehow make people pretend not being to
15:14.14Clordand something
15:14.15AzuGalois-evariste use or .org
15:14.17Galois-evaristebut each index isn't necessarily going to be assigned to the same value
15:14.28Rugvipif you want to set them all to the same value
15:14.32Galois-evaristeno i don't
15:14.34Rugvipthen you can just set the default value to 0 :D
15:14.36ClordI think this would work better in solo map
15:14.38Galois-evaristeif i wanted to do that i'd do a loop of course
15:14.43Galois-evaristebut am i actually going to write all of this shit out?
15:14.46Galois-evaristeit seems inefficient
15:15.00Galois-evaristei wish i could set the default value of each index in the array in the variable window
15:15.20Clordother idea was that shinigami aka hydralisk picks one player or something ^^
15:15.21Rugvipseems to be the only way for now
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15:15.39Azuthat could work :P
15:15.47vjeuxcould someone make a post on teamliquid ( ) to talk about the unit tester map ( ? :)
15:16.09vjeuxthey have a lame 3 days trial period
15:16.26Clordunit tester... not really have use for custom maps
15:17.15vjeuxthis could be really useful for theory crafters
15:17.28vjeuxyou can make easily battle any kind of composition you wnat
15:18.59Galois-evaristeteamliquid has a lame 3 day trial period now?
15:19.05Galois-evaristeholy crap when did this get put in place
15:19.19vjeuxhave no idea
15:19.24vjeuxi just registred
15:19.31Galois-evaristeyou want me to copy/paste the article then or something?
15:19.48vjeuxwell, make a thread talking about unit tester
15:19.58vjeuxsaying that could help people theory crafting
15:20.17*** join/#sc2mapster NeoDeathXp (~18931805@gateway/web/freenode/x-givhyvazsxkdrzxh)
15:20.18vjeuxdon't do advertising for sc2mapster :)
15:20.23vjeuxjust copy the link
15:20.32Galois-evaristei tried to look at the article but i can't see the page because of this stupid curse ad that won't go away
15:20.42Galois-evaristeis this unit tester thing a map where you can spawn units and control them?
15:20.53Galois-evaristebecause if so, there is already a popular map on TL called SC2Lab for that
15:21.09vjeuxoh didn't know
15:21.10Galois-evaristeand they've been making theorycrafting threads with their experiences on sc2lab for a while now
15:21.12vjeuxdo you have a link ?
15:21.16Galois-evaristegive me a second
15:22.29Galois-evaristethis was the thread where i first heard about sc2lab
15:22.41Galois-evaristei remember another where the guy mentioning it linked and made a video
15:23.14vjeuxwell, this one has a sexy ui
15:23.59Azusexy ui > rest
15:24.06Galois-evaristeits all about the looks
15:25.47Galois-evaristeon a side note, i find it very unnerving that there are so many wc3 people in this community.  i feel like i'm the only person here who has ever even touched scmdraft2
15:26.18NeoDeathXphey guys
15:28.02Azuongoing ;<
15:30.38NeoDeathXpi made that crazy button function works great thanks for the input
15:30.51Durreannope, i touched the scmdraft too galois
15:31.25Galois-evaristewas it a good touch or a bad touch?
15:31.37Galois-evaristeI want my new function have a parameter/argument
15:31.45Galois-evaristeI want it to require an integer in order to be performed
15:31.57Galois-evaristeI create the Parameter and make it an integer.  Is there anything else to do after that?
15:32.21Galois-evaristeit has a default value, which worries me because its supposed to be equal to whatever i make it be equal to when i run the function
15:33.29Clordsomehow I don't want to hear details
15:34.28Galois-evaristeis the map initialization event always in use?
15:34.35depthsofchaosgalois you pass the parameter when you call the function
15:34.56Galois-evaristein brood war i had a condition/event called "Always", so that the game would constantly check for the other conditions/events to occur
15:35.00depthsofchaosits not in use if you delete it :p
15:35.05*** part/#sc2mapster NeoDeathXp (~18931805@gateway/web/freenode/x-givhyvazsxkdrzxh)
15:35.12Galois-evaristedepth -- my parameter has a default value though
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15:35.25Clordnow you are trying to teach him logical thinking
15:35.46Galois-evaristeif there is anyone who should be kicked from the channel right now its the asshole who's trying to prevent me from getting help
15:35.56depthsofchaosdefault value means if you dont pass it anything it wil be used
15:35.56Galois-evaristeor making fun of me for asking questions
15:37.26Galois-evaristenew problem
15:37.32Galois-evaristemy function is not in the Action list
15:37.46Galois-evaristehow do i call it
15:38.07BemoliphFunction != Action
15:38.19Galois-evaristei want
15:38.25Galois-evaristeif X then callfunction
15:38.35Galois-evaristemy intuition says function must = action in order for that to happen
15:38.43Galois-evaristebecause then is the action category
15:38.53Galois-evaristerather, only actions can go in the then part
15:38.58depthsofchaosyou have to make the function an action type
15:39.00rrowlandAn action is a type of function
15:39.09rrowlandBut you have to set it as action to be able to call it as an action
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15:39.25BemoliphYeah, they are considered in different ways by the editor
15:41.03Galois-evaristeif i make a trigger
15:41.09Galois-evaristewith event map initialization
15:41.21Galois-evaristeand actions that strictly depend on the value of a variable
15:41.25Galois-evaristeand i create cases for each value
15:41.34Galois-evaristewill the actions execute when the variable changes
15:41.41Galois-evaristequestion mark
15:42.10BemoliphMap Initialization is when the map first loads
15:42.17Galois-evaristesince "variable == X" is not an event
15:42.19Galois-evaristehow can i make this work
15:42.35Galois-evaristein brood war I would say "if switch X is Set" and "Always" then it would be golden
15:42.46rrowlandevery 0.0 seconds, condition is variable = x
15:42.49depthsofchaosyou make a function that changes the value and calls your other function?
15:42.53Galois-evaristei'm looking for the translation of "Always" basically
15:42.57rrowlandWhat is setting the variable?
15:43.06rrowlandYou can just add an if statement afterward
15:43.08TheLaughingManDoes anyone know how to customize the look & feel of an item
15:43.15rrowlandLike kills = kills + 1
15:43.17rrowlandAnd then
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15:43.23rrowlandif kills = 50 { do function }
15:43.25Galois-evaristeif player commands at most units, level++
15:43.42Galois-evaristesorry i was writing in brood war terms there
15:43.45Galois-evaristethat was a joke
15:43.52Galois-evaristein case you never touched staredit
15:44.11Galois-evaristeanyway, i want to make it so that when a variable changes something happens
15:44.12rrowlandWhat do you mean the look and feel?
15:44.29rrowlandGalois, how many places are you incrementing the variable? Just one?
15:44.35Galois-evaristejust one
15:44.49rrowlandright after you increment it, make an if statement
15:44.53depthsofchaosi wonder how you can use a function thats type is event
15:45.03rrowlandif variable = the number you want it to be, then run function
15:45.11rrowlandYou don't even have to register a trigger for it
15:46.13Galois-evaristei don't need an event
15:46.13Galois-evaristei just write in the actions section
15:46.13Galois-evaristeif variable = X where X is the number i want
15:46.13Galois-evaristeit will automatically run the then portion?
15:46.23rrowlandMake a new function of type action, put in all the stuff you want to happen when the user gets x kills
15:46.35rrowlandThat's step 1
15:46.59AzuNeoDeathXp hows the crystarium going? :P
15:47.19Azunice :D
15:47.21rrowlandStep 2 is go into the trigger where you increment your kill count, and on the next line directly after the increment, add an if statement that says "if kill count >= 50 then run the custom action"
15:47.29rrowlandAnd replace 50 with whatever you want it to be
15:47.40NeoDeathXpi have like another 2 weeks before i get all the buttons done though lol
15:47.59rrowlandYou ever get a function for the buttons going neo?
15:48.19NeoDeathXpi have automated and streamlines this as good as its ganna get
15:48.28NeoDeathXpi did thank you for the idea
15:48.45NeoDeathXpturned 6 lines into 1
15:48.46rrowlandHopefully it'll save you some time lol
15:48.52rrowlandAnd also not lock you out of your map
15:49.02rrowlandBecause I heard at a certain point too many triggers breaks your map
15:49.12rrowlandLike 2 megs of triggers or something
15:49.50rrowlandEhh I'd say it's a good incentive to practice good coding techniques lol
15:49.51NeoDeathXpyeah i am going to streamline some other things too
15:50.10rrowlandIf you have 70,000 buttons with 6 lines per button
15:50.14rrowlandIt should lock you out of your map
15:50.16NeoDeathXpi have to get rid of the heroes inventory and set my custom one
15:50.45Azuare there any other "good" rpg maps for sc2 yet?
15:51.26Azuim bored cause of epic manga has nomore chapters atm
15:51.37rrowlandmake a map :P
15:51.47Galois-evaristerpg maps take forever anda  day
15:51.51Galois-evaristeto create
15:51.54Azui dont know how to
15:51.57NeoDeathXpyeah each hero will have 630 ish Crystarium buttons and there will be 15 heroes
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15:52.06Azu15 heros? :O
15:52.18Paras1tekilled by GE
15:52.32Azucasts life on Paras1te
15:52.42NeoDeathXpyeah i am easter egging a few heroes that you can earn with epic game acheivments
15:52.44rrowlandYou know the team who made ff13 probably consisted of over 100 people
15:52.51rrowlandAnd you are 1 person
15:53.04Azuyou should "add" more people to your project :P
15:53.06NeoDeathXpi realize its going to take me months
15:53.13rrowlandAnd it took them years
15:53.23NeoDeathXpi have a person doing the modeling
15:53.29NeoDeathXpand UI
15:53.36Azu"copying" an idea is faster then doing it from scratch
15:53.44NeoDeathXpits true
15:53.49Durreanbut the work is still not done
15:53.52rrowlandBut they had like 10 people making buttons
15:53.56rrowlandYou need to do them all :P
15:54.03Durreanuse the WOW ones ^^
15:54.08Durreanits over 6000!
15:54.18Azupaint fixes all problems
15:54.37rrowlandForget about icons, just make the buttons labeled
15:54.41NeoDeathXpspells, the summons, the World terrana and doodads all have not even been touched
15:54.49Azuicons looks cooler
15:54.56NeoDeathXpthey will be icons
15:54.58Clordcustom maps are not expected to be FFXIII quality lol
15:55.26Galois-evaristeis it possible to reference the amount of minerals a player has
15:55.33NeoDeathXpthere are 18 diffrent icons for all the types of crystarium buttons and 3 types of each of those
15:55.38Galois-evaristewithout manually assigning a variable to it every time i want to check it?
15:55.42TheLaughingManrrowland, did you use my icons in your custom inventory?
15:55.43NeoDeathXpi have those done already
15:55.55Azutalking about ffxiii makes me wanna finish it..
15:56.04Azustill have last chapter to finish ;<
15:56.16NeoDeathXplol i stopped at chapter 11
15:56.17rrowlandIf you made wowwikki then yes
15:56.26rrowlandOtherwise no
15:56.43NeoDeathXpgot too hard and i just wanted to run around and kill stuff
15:56.50Azuyeah :<
15:56.52TheLaughingManWell my icons are better
15:56.52Azuevery fight
15:56.53NeoDeathXpso im making this game
15:56.57Azuturns into an epic boss fight ;<
15:57.00rrowlandWhere are they?
15:57.25NeoDeathXpi am dreading the AI i am going to have to do
15:58.00TheLaughingManThere in the assests
16:00.15TheLaughingManIn my map I made it so your defaulted as Terran, but my dialog buttons look like protoss and when you hover over them they look like zerg
16:00.19Azuand you can steal other peoples work!
16:00.33rrowlandWhat am I searching for in assets?
16:01.07rrowlandAnd how are they better? lol
16:01.15rrowlandAre they tga? :o
16:01.22rrowlandMine are PNG, too lazy to convert them
16:01.27rrowlandSo they don't show up in my assets
16:01.45rrowlandTransparency too?
16:02.00mahashirohey neo
16:02.07mahashiroyou can make achievements in custom games?
16:02.14TheLaughingManPlus the black parts of pixels is converted to alpha so it has green, blue, orange tints depending on the race
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16:02.21TheLaughingManand the borders are removed
16:02.23FigmentMorning ladies
16:02.23Azu"in game" achivements?
16:02.33mahashirooh ok
16:02.35rrowlandCool, I'll give them a try a bit later
16:02.41mahashiroI thought it'd be like the bnet ones
16:02.44rrowlandGot some inventory blues headaches going on atm
16:02.48TheLaughingManI even organized them somewhat
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16:03.02ShadowclaimerAlright let me try this again..
16:03.08ShadowclaimerMornign ladies =D
16:03.12Shadowclaimerand Lord Rrowland
16:03.32rrowlandThere are no ladies in an irc chat for sc2 mapmaking
16:03.42Shadowclaimerbut it doesn't mean I can't degrade the males of the room =D
16:03.47Shadowclaimeror.. compliment themm o.O
16:03.54Shadowclaimercompliment seems more likely..
16:04.15*** join/#sc2mapster AV|AWAY (
16:04.38NeoDeathXphey alpha
16:04.46Alpha_vstmy new video :P
16:04.53Alpha_vstits kinda lame though lol
16:04.53Azusaw it earlier
16:04.57Azulooks nice tbh :p
16:05.15TheLaughingManrrowland, all your inventory system needs is draggablity and then it would be perfect
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16:06.12Alpha_vstfix my camera and make a new video lol
16:07.56Azufixes camera
16:07.58Azuthere you go
16:08.44Alpha_vstlol did you see the errors with my cam?
16:09.03Azuyeah >
16:11.28mahashirohey do you guys know how to get rid of the border when you click on sensor tower?
16:11.43mahashiroat least for the opposing teams
16:11.49IgnoranceI do not.
16:11.59ShadowclaimerI do
16:12.02mahashiroyou figure out the one way hopping ignorance?
16:12.04ShadowclaimerI believe its an actor
16:12.08mahashirooh nice
16:12.13ubdeadmahshiro, go to the range actor for the tower, and remove the event
16:12.29mahashirosensor tower placement?
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16:13.00ubdeadSensor Tower Radar
16:13.15mahashiroand I just delete it?
16:13.15Galois-evaristefill in the blank
16:13.20mahashiroI wouldn't mind if it only worked
16:13.26mahashirofor the team that has it
16:13.30Galois-evaristeactually forget that
16:13.32mahashirobut I don't want the other team to see
16:13.32ubdeadthat would cause no circles to show up for anybody
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16:13.34*** mode/#sc2mapster [+v Bifuu] by ChanServ
16:13.36Galois-evaristeIf Any Unit enters Region X
16:13.38Galois-evaristeI need to change
16:13.40Galois-evaristeit so that it says
16:13.45Galois-evaristeAny Unit belonging to player Y
16:13.47Galois-evaristehow do i do it
16:13.51mahashirowell I guess that's ok
16:13.58ubdeadyou could try to set the filter
16:14.07Galois-evaristeAgent of Player for Unit?
16:14.19BemoliphLook at Siege Mode dots for team-only
16:14.23ubdeadopen up the Filter field and check "Enemy"
16:15.02mahashirowhere is the filter field?
16:15.06ubdeadoh disregard that
16:15.09mahashirooh nvm
16:15.13ubdeadyou need to make the Inhirit
16:15.24ubdeadInherited Properties -> Visability
16:15.52ubdeadturn on Team Color while you are at it ;)
16:16.00mahashiroI can't modify it 0_0
16:16.12mahashirothe radar still right?
16:16.26ubdeadworks fine here
16:16.30mahashirooh ok now it works
16:16.32mahashiroidk what happened
16:16.43ubdeaddata editor was playing tricks on you
16:16.45mahashirowhat does warp group do?
16:17.47Durreancan anyone tell how i deactivate the normal ingame music in a map?
16:18.08ubdeadmahashiro:  no idea
16:18.18Shu_uffleMan, this patch really messed things up
16:18.19Galois-evaristei have imported a custom .wav sound
16:18.22Galois-evaristeit is not in my data menu
16:18.27Galois-evaristeso i cannot select it in the Play Sound action
16:18.35Galois-evaristeis my question
16:18.49mahashiroty ubdead
16:18.51mahashiroit works :)
16:19.17ubdeadgreat :)!
16:19.22ShadowclaimerSo to all of you who have dealt with me up to thsi point, I've done so many projects I can barely remember them.. World War 2, Zealot Survival, Hellion Blitz, Hostile Takeover, Infested Terran Campaign (Untitled), Starcraft 2.5..
16:19.29ShadowclaimerBut I think its time for me to settle down
16:19.45Shadowclaimerbut I can't decide on one ><
16:20.02ubdeadwell, it's easy
16:20.04Galois-evaristeI think that Teamliquid will appreciate Starcraft 2.5 the most
16:20.15Galois-evaristethats my recommendation
16:20.18ubdead(right that doesnt exist lol)
16:20.26ShadowclaimerRandom numbers aren't really random though =(
16:20.31Shadowclaimerthey are a formula based on the time
16:20.58depthsofchaosmy random numbers rae based on the reflections on dustin browders head
16:20.59ubdeadthats not true, you could do a random number based on the big bang radiation
16:21.17mahashiroor quantum
16:21.22mahashiroget that websites numbers
16:21.33Shadowclaimerubdead that's cheating
16:21.38Galois-evaristewhen i talk about Last Created Unit
16:21.46Galois-evaristedoes that mean all units that were created in the last Create Unit action
16:21.53Galois-evaristeor does it mean one of the units made in the last Create Unit action?
16:21.59Alpha_vstit means the last unit you created in the trigger
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16:22.05Alpha_vstread the description
16:22.08Galois-evaristei did
16:22.09depthsofchaostheres a last created units value as unit group
16:22.15Galois-evaristestop assuming that i'm a fucking dumbass
16:22.25Galois-evaristeyou people are so obnoxious its intoxicating
16:22.34ubdeadwhat it really means is "the last instance"
16:22.45mahashirothink it's all
16:23.02Galois-evaristewhen you say the last instance, do you mean to say the last individual unit made or the last group of units made
16:23.06Alpha_vstand no it means the very last created unit
16:23.07Galois-evaristethis is the semantic thing that i didn't understand int he description
16:23.11Galois-evaristeokay good
16:23.17IgnoranceIs there currently no way to modify your grammar for functions?
16:23.19mahashiroI may have a bug >.>
16:23.29depthsofchaoswhy is there a last created units field function then ?:o
16:23.37ShadowclaimerI think I've decided on the project to pursue..
16:23.54ubdeaddoes a drumroll
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16:24.47ShadowclaimerHostile Takeover
16:25.08Galois-evaristeCan I interpret Unit Attached to Region as meaning All Units in a Region?
16:25.30Alpha_vstyou have to atatch a unit to a region for it to be atatched
16:25.32Galois-evaristeThen I give up on figuring out how to add units in a region to a unit group
16:25.44Alpha_vstunit enters region add to unit group
16:25.45Galois-evaristeor otherwise the units made immediately earlier in a Create Units action to a unit group
16:25.46depthsofchaostheres a function for this
16:25.48Alpha_vstthey leave remove
16:26.05depthsofchaosadd unit group to unit group
16:26.13Galois-evaristethat's redundant
16:26.18depthsofchaosand select units matching x in certain region
16:26.23Alpha_vstnot really
16:27.03Alpha_vstand more than one way to do something
16:27.33Galois-evaristeyou like? i like
16:28.27Galois-evaristenow lets talk about imported sounds
16:28.38Galois-evaristehow do i get an imported sound into my data editor so that i can play it with an action
16:28.47Alpha_vstthat wont work
16:28.58Galois-evaristethen how do i get imported sounds to play in the action
16:28.59Paras1teCreate Sound using data editor ;p
16:28.59Alpha_vstoh wait
16:29.05Xanwhy dont you just loop through all units in a region then add them to a unit group?
16:29.08Galois-evaristeparas1te oh my god
16:29.28Alpha_vstgalois you have to create and link your sound to use it
16:30.42Galois-evaristeso ive created a sound in the sound data menu
16:30.51Galois-evaristehowever i was never given the option of selecting which sound it is linked to
16:30.56Galois-evaristeand its not in any of the property things
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16:31.05Galois-evaristeit only allows me to associate this new sound to one of the default things
16:31.11Galois-evaristemy imported sound is nowhere to be seen
16:31.25Paras1teSound Assets +
16:31.33Alpha_vstdid yeah what he said
16:32.06Galois-evaristeI don't see Sound Assets anywhere in the editor
16:32.17*** join/#sc2mapster Statcomm (~61742241@gateway/web/freenode/x-ppsqsrxravkebfxp)
16:32.29rrowlandDo you do any looking / thinking of your own before asking in IRC?
16:32.37StatcommCower mortals and despair, Attribache has come to this world!
16:32.41Galois-evaristefuck off
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16:32.46Xanwhen you create a sound, look for sound assets Galois-evariste
16:32.46*** mode/#sc2mapster [+o ckknight] by ChanServ
16:32.59Xanthen you pick the sound from there
16:33.11Galois-evaristei see what you're talking about
16:33.18Galois-evaristei don't have any of those attributes in the right window
16:33.20Galois-evaristewhen i select my new one
16:33.24Galois-evaristeshould i edit an existing one then?
16:33.29Xanits a property
16:33.31Galois-evaristeor is that not necessary
16:33.39Galois-evaristeattribute, property... semantics
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16:34.08Xanshould be there, close to the bottom
16:34.15rrowlandWe should rename this channel, "Galois' Q&A"
16:34.23Ignorancelol rrowland
16:34.46Xantry looking for it on existing sounds, if you can't find it on the one you created
16:34.56Ignoranceso I didn't realize that ignore terrain meant ignore terrain levels and not cliffs
16:35.04Ignoranceand I accidentally invented tunneling :P
16:35.24rrowlandYeah you can go under ground
16:35.51Xannice font
16:36.05Paras1teStarCraftish :O
16:36.16IgnoranceWhat do I have to do to ignore cliffs anyway?
16:36.19Shadowclaimerlooks vaguely familiar..
16:36.26rrowlandBut there's no way to make a second layer of terrain under the ground, as far as I know, or to get the camera down there
16:36.27Galois-evaristeso I've figured out how to get the sound to be at least mentioned, however the actual sound that plays is not the sound i've set it to
16:36.37Paras1teOMG PWNED
16:36.47Ignoranceyeah, can't make the camera invisible.
16:36.49Alpha_vstignoreance set the plane arry to flying
16:37.06rrowlandWhat do you mean by "ignore cliffs"?
16:37.09IgnoranceCan I do that via triggers?
16:37.09rrowlandJust walk up them?
16:37.16IgnoranceI want my banelings to jump off cliffs.
16:37.25Ignorancelike...walk off, same level as before
16:37.29IgnoranceGravity will make them fall
16:37.40Alpha_vstum why not give them cliff jumping
16:37.45IgnoranceI want to give them the power to jump from platform to platform.
16:37.56rrowlandWell you could set their plane to flying, but that will give them steady slopes up and down so there won't be any physics involved
16:38.08Ignorancerrowland, that sounds great.
16:39.05IgnoranceBut how would I go about that via the trigger editor? Is such a thing possible?
16:39.13rrowlanddata editor
16:39.34IgnoranceIt has to be conditional, though.
16:39.45IgnoranceI want them jumping off cliffs, not up them.
16:39.52IgnoranceMaybe I can program in some cliffs. :/
16:40.01rrowlandMake a trigger
16:40.19rrowlandIf clifflevel at destination > clifflevel at unit
16:40.28rrowlandThen don't move
16:40.29IgnoranceKeep them from moving?
16:40.34IgnoranceYeah. That was my idea.
16:40.46IgnoranceI'm thinking height, actually.
16:40.54rrowlandThat's how I have it set up in reaper madness
16:41.02IgnoranceI'd love it banelings couldn't scale hills greater than 45 degrees.
16:41.06rrowlandif unit height > worldheight at the cliff
16:41.08rrowlandHe can move
16:41.10rrowlandIf not, he can't
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16:41.53IgnoranceI'm just worried it wont take effect until he's already at the cliff, in which case, this'll be a can of worms.
16:42.11IgnoranceTime to remake my physics system. ;)
16:42.12rrowlandDepends how far your move distance is
16:42.55IgnoranceMine is super short right now, but I have it set to be adjustable. I assume I just look ahead.
16:43.45IgnoranceI'm probably going to remake my movement system either way, so it'll be easy to understand and export. I'm sure a lot of people will want hopping over cliffs.
16:44.15NeoDeathXpi got the error!
16:44.53NeoDeathXpCode jump out of bounds try reducing the side of very large functions or triggers
16:45.48NeoDeathXpthe trigger cannot handle 150 buttons
16:45.55NeoDeathXpi have to split it up
16:46.37rrowlandYou want 150 buttons? You can't handle 150 buttons
16:47.04Alpha_vst150 buttons is to much :D
16:47.20Alpha_vstwhy the fuck is my camera not updating wtf
16:47.22NeoDeathXp150 buttons is just right
16:48.03NeoDeathXpi calculated the number of buttons in my Crystarium between all the heroes and its over 9000!
16:48.29NeoDeathXpalot of them will be recycled though
16:48.36mahashirowow over 9000
16:48.50Xanwhy would you need 9000 buttons
16:49.03NeoDeathXpit's aprox 9450~ buttons
16:49.13AzuOVER 9000?!
16:49.42Alpha_vstwhy is my camera not chaging :(
16:50.06Vailreththere  has to be an easy way to order a medivac to pick up units  via triggers
16:51.00VailrethAlpha are you using set camera to look at and follow a unit?
16:51.07Azulols, since i have nothing to do
16:51.20Azui decided that im gonna start recording while testing random custom maps :P
16:52.23Xano nice
16:52.25Xantest mine
16:52.37NeoDeathXpso 15 heroes 3 main trees (130~ upgrades) 3 off(80~ upgrades) that a total of 630~ Crystarium upgrades for each hero and a total of 9450 Crystarium upgrades.
16:52.50AzuXan link :p
16:52.53Alpha_vstyeah vailtreth
16:53.02Vailreththats way
16:53.11Alpha_vstbut its the one im trying to set to
16:53.14Vailrethit locks the camera to the one its applied too
16:53.17Galois-evaristeIf I make a trigger whose event and conditions will always be true, will it execute every X seconds or will it act like a hyper trigger in Brood War?
16:53.29Shadowclaimerso quick question, if I want a trigger that happens on chat string (say -info 1) but I want it to call what the number after -info was.. how would I go about doing that..
16:53.40Alpha_vsti set the camera then lock it
16:53.42Vailrethso you have to use set camrea to look at and follow no unit  then apply your new camrea
16:53.54Alpha_vst\ok try that
16:53.56Galois-evaristeshadow -- you look for the character index of the chat where the thing is
16:54.17Shadowclaimerah thank you
16:54.23Galois-evariste"-info 1" has the number 1 from position 6 to 7
16:54.25Galois-evaristeso yeah
16:54.31rrowlandGalois you're on the wrong side of the Q&A
16:54.35rrowlandQuickly, back to asking
16:54.37Galois-evaristesuck my dick
16:54.42Galois-evaristeIf I make a trigger whose event and conditions will always be true, will it execute every X seconds or will it act like a hyper trigger in Brood War?
16:54.43XanGalois-evariste: triggers only run on events
16:54.49Galois-evaristeif the event is always true though
16:54.53Xanevents dont return anything
16:55.07Galois-evaristeyou know what i mean
16:55.15Galois-evaristeif there is always a unit in a region
16:55.31Xanif an event is "unit enters region", then it will run every time a unit enters a region, only when it enters (not while its inside)
16:55.32Galois-evaristewill it execute the actions periodically or however fast the computer will let it
16:55.48Galois-evaristegah fucking vocabulary differences
16:55.50Alpha_vstthat didnt work :*(
16:56.03Vailrethok what are you trying to do?
16:56.03Galois-evaristeI'm used to "If Player X ----brings---- unit Any Unit to Location"
16:56.08rrowlandIt's so much quieter in here with galois on ignore :)
16:56.28Galois-evaristeyes because chatrooms are supposed to be quiet
16:56.38Galois-evaristeor are better when they're quiet anyway
16:56.39Vailrethive been playing with the camera controlls lately Zoom is my favorite though  along with rotate
16:57.15Alpha_vstafter my intro i want to set a new cam but its jsut not working
16:57.24Xananyways, so it will only run once, not like a "hypertrigger", events didnt really exist in the starcraft 1 editor
16:58.22Vailrethso you are using make camrea look at and follow unit  and are you using any kind of lock camera action?
16:59.20Shadowclaimergahhhhh fucking headache, trying to do arrays within arrays again ><
16:59.41Alpha_vsti just apply a camera
16:59.45Alpha_vstfor my intro
17:01.48NeoDeathXpi ried arrays within arrays, gave up and made a function
17:01.48Vailrethim sorry i dont know enough to help i guess.
17:01.58ShadowclaimerI'm just trying to figure out how to make this work..
17:02.09NeoDeathXpwhat are you trying to do?
17:02.22ShadowclaimerStore a unit's weapon type, name, owner, and a reference slot in a variable
17:02.31Shadowclaimerthen call back thati nformation on demand by finding the unit
17:02.37Shadowclaimeraka dying
17:02.51ShadowclaimerI'm overcomplicating it
17:02.59Xancanty you give units custom values?
17:03.04ShadowclaimerThe problem is
17:03.06Shadowclaimerthis would all be cake
17:03.13Shadowclaimerif Blizzard fucking would include a function to call a unit's weapon name
17:03.30Shadowclaimerbut instead I have to have it set a variable for each unit that's a value of their weapon type
17:03.34Shadowclaimersince their weapons are generated ingame
17:03.50rrowlandYou can add ints and reals into the unit's custom values
17:04.09ShadowclaimerI have no idea waht you're saying
17:04.15Shadowclaimerwait wait wait
17:04.22ShadowclaimerI'm retarded
17:04.23Shadowclaimerthank you
17:04.32Xancreate an array with all the weapons, then give each unit a custom value
17:04.44*** join/#sc2mapster Skystriker (
17:04.53ubdeadi lolled
17:04.55Shadowclaimerrrowland I love you
17:04.57Shadowclaimerhave my children
17:05.07rrowlandMake a list of enumerated constants that describe a type of information
17:05.18rrowlandlike c_CustomValue_WeaponType = 0
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17:05.20Shadowclaimeryea its a string array full of what each weapon's name is
17:05.27Shadowclaimerso weapon 1 is Gauss Rifle
17:05.32rrowlandThen make a list of enumerated constants that describe weapon types
17:05.33Shadowclaimerthen I'll just slap the custom value as 1 on the unit
17:05.39Shadowclaimerand when it pulls the unit it'll list their type and custom value..
17:05.41Shadowclaimerthank you
17:05.41rrowlandlike c_WeaponType_GaussRifle = 0
17:05.48rrowlandThen you can set the custom unit value
17:05.56Shadowclaimerwait custom values have indexes too? lol
17:06.16RepoNew map: The 300 Marauders [Cinematic contest entry]. depthsofchaos (Manager/Author). Approved by xhatix.
17:06.18rrowlandUnitSetCustomValue(c_CustomValue_WeaponType, c_CustomValue)
17:06.23rrowlandhit enter
17:06.29rrowlandUnitSetCustomValue(c_CustomValue_WeaponType, c_CustomValue_GaussRifle)
17:06.37rrowlandSo you're setting his weapon type to gauss rifle
17:06.54Xanor just use an array for the weapons..
17:07.07ShadowclaimerI'm using an array for them
17:07.15ShadowclaimerI haev a startup trigger that loads strings for each relevant index
17:07.27RepoKnowledge base page update: by onisagi
17:07.36Shadowclaimerso when you set a unit's weapon it automatically changes their custom value to the associated weapon value
17:07.40rrowlandIf you have an array of 10 weapons
17:07.42RepoKnowledge base page update: by onisagi
17:07.48rrowlandYou need to know which weapon each index refers to
17:07.53Shadowclaimergiveh tem a gauss rifle, they get a custom value of 1, then when I reference it it'll pull the units custom value through a string array
17:08.07rrowlandIt's just good coding practice to assign constants with that index that describes the weapon
17:08.13rrowlandInstead of hardcoding arbitrary numbers
17:08.23AzuXan firebats <3<3<3
17:08.55ubdeadrrowland i want you to be my employee when i get my own compagny lol
17:09.05XanAzu where are you posting video?
17:09.15Azuits gonna take forever to upload
17:09.19Azubut probably on youtube
17:09.20rrowlandlol why
17:09.29Xanalright nice
17:11.15Azuand meh
17:11.31Azurecording with ultra settings gave me ~20-30fps instead of 60 :<
17:12.56Xancant you set it in fraps?
17:13.11Ignorancerrowland is awesome. I bet he's an engineer. :P
17:13.19depthsofchaosazu, heres my entry xD
17:13.24TheLaughingManAnyone want to see something cool
17:13.31depthsofchaostell me when you upload it :o
17:14.14depthsofchaostoo bad i got a crap pc and cant record properly even on medium :p
17:14.26*** join/#sc2mapster `228zip (~4dc3f87a@gateway/web/freenode/x-anslrtbrzglqzrfj)
17:14.38rrowlandI do TLM
17:14.59*** join/#sc2mapster deathnight114 (
17:15.03`228ziprrowland, just watched your last video on your inventory system
17:15.04Azudepthsofchaos haha awesome :p
17:15.14`228zipHow the hell did you do it ?!
17:15.15depthsofchaosthx :)
17:15.47Azucan a youtube clip be 10:58? >_>?
17:15.50`228zipCan I have a look at the code rrowland ?
17:16.01`228zipMax for a youtube clip is 11min
17:16.06`228zipnot a ms more
17:16.22TheLaughingManThat is a fully functional button
17:16.31TheLaughingManand it's red!
17:16.36rrowlandlol depths
17:16.42IgnoranceThat's a pretty cool story, TheLaughingMan.
17:17.05ShadowclaimerIM NOT MENTALLY RETARDED!
17:17.07rrowlandAmazing red button?
17:17.18`228zipI don't get it
17:17.19Azulols Xan 15min to render ><
17:17.21TheLaughingManI can make it other colors
17:17.30Azu20 ;_;
17:17.36TheLaughingManI can make it Magenta
17:17.38Xanyou use vegas?
17:17.39TheLaughingManor Neon
17:17.45Azudone have anything else
17:17.48Azuor hm..
17:17.49TheLaughingManOr I could even make it look different
17:17.49rrowlandYou mean in triggers?
17:17.51`228zipNeon is a colour ?
17:17.55Shadowclaimer*dances around happily*
17:17.59Xantakes about an hour on my comp to render HD quality
17:18.00Azumight have adobe presomething
17:18.10Xanvegas is better I thinki
17:18.51Xanwhich render settings do you use?
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17:24.25TheLaughingManI could make it look like the equipment buttons
17:24.52AsaSomeone give me a good sci fi movie to watch to get in the mood for sc2 map making
17:25.34Azustarship troopers?
17:25.50TheLaughingManStar Wars
17:26.22TheLaughingManNo, not Aliens
17:26.25rrowlandthe fly
17:26.31Xanaliens > alien
17:26.43rrowlandmars attacks
17:26.43TheLaughingManAlien > Aliens
17:26.46Asastarship troopers seems appropriate
17:26.55Asamars attacks is also a good choice
17:26.55rrowlandtwilight zone
17:27.13TheLaughingManThe only one out of all of them shown in science class
17:27.14Xanlost in space
17:27.42rrowlandthe one where that ugly actor goes into space with a monkey
17:28.11AzuXan adobes program lagged so hard
17:28.18Azuwhile using it normaly >_>
17:28.19Xanye vegas is better
17:29.23IgnoranceOh, rrowland, do you know how to bypass the time minimum in the trigger editor?
17:29.35Durrean.. what would make a zergling for a sound when its hit? in textform
17:29.38Ignoranceor is it the lowest possible time anyway?
17:29.56rrowlandWhat do you mean
17:30.01rrowlandThe 23 loops per second?
17:30.12IgnoranceThe limit on periodic time.
17:30.17rrowlanddo you need your calculations to be steady?
17:30.22Durreanwith a while and wait
17:30.26Durreanyou can bypass it
17:30.30rrowlandYou can change it to 1/46
17:30.40rrowland46 loops a second
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17:31.06rrowlandMake a trigger on map initialization
17:31.10rrowlandThat does something
17:31.13rrowlandthen waits 0.0 seconds
17:31.15rrowlandthen calls itself
17:31.27Azu32min to render ~11min is ok i guess
17:31.38IgnoranceI always thought that would create an error. :P
17:31.43Xanazu in 720p?
17:31.50Xannot bad
17:31.52rrowlandIt will if you don't add the wait statement
17:32.00rrowlandIf you go over 128 recursive functions it will break
17:32.02Azui5 with 2.67ghz (y)
17:32.09rrowlandBut since you have the wait in there it'll only run 46 times
17:32.13Azuor something like that
17:32.22rrowlandPer second
17:33.01Azubut lol
17:33.23Azui had to cut out the time i spent building acadamy (spelling) to stay under 11min :P
17:33.41rrowlandThat actually might not be reliable
17:33.54rrowlandSince it will wait for your process to finish before going to the next iteration
17:34.41IgnoranceWe'll see.
17:35.25Azubut seriously
17:35.29Azuthose firebats <3
17:35.42depthsofchaosazu render my movie too in ultra plz :PP
17:35.53Azuhaha sure ^^
17:35.55Azuafter this one ^^
17:37.19RevesAnyone know any good guides for getting beam actors to work?
17:37.54pierroAnyone has a good Custom ui tut ??
17:38.39Reveslooks like were out of luck pierro
17:39.00pierro:) what do you want to do with beam ??
17:39.08Azui dont get my computer
17:39.18Azuit only uses 80% cpu to render
17:39.21Azuinstead of like
17:39.26Azu95 or something like that :s
17:39.49RevesIm trying to emulate a Supreme Commande construction beam
17:40.45pierrohave you tried abil.Yourbuilabil.start Create ?
17:41.13Revesno I was using animation play
17:41.24Revesdoes it need a create?
17:41.46pierrowell maybe you could create a build ability which is channeled
17:41.57*** join/#sc2mapster Demonette (~6d559eae@gateway/web/freenode/x-cslnawklkemlvycp)
17:41.58pierroand when it start
17:42.08pierroyou create an actor for it
17:42.22DemonetteHi guys
17:42.26pierroand abil.YourAbil.start >create
17:42.34pierroand then
17:42.41pierromaybe should work
17:43.04DemonetteOh fun with acteurs... they can be realy annoying
17:43.05Revesill try that thanks
17:43.15pierroi m stuck on my Apply force effect
17:43.23deathnight114Can anyone give me feedback on this intro?
17:43.31pierroi'd like to do a shock grenade
17:43.34deathnight114it's music btw, not a map
17:43.41pierrowhich apply force on impact
17:44.59AzuXan i hope you are gonna use firebats in all your maps >:3
17:45.07ShadowclaimerI'm about ready to just build a team for this map..
17:45.12Shadowclaimerdoing thsi on my own will be the death of me
17:45.32pierroAzu did you made a firebat ?
17:45.37ShadowclaimerI turned on some music and its settled me a bit, but I'm still about to pull my hair out..
17:45.38AzuXan did
17:45.50Azuand its <3
17:45.50Xandid it behave ok?
17:46.00ShadowclaimerI'm breaking my own thought patterns and then losing where I was or skipping parts..
17:46.04Azuit ownd zerglings
17:46.07Azuso yes :P
17:46.22Xantried to make it equally awesome as in sc1
17:46.28Azuit was :D
17:46.30IgnoranceHey rrowland, is it possible to return a vector with a function?
17:46.37DemonettePoor lings =(
17:46.38Ignoranceor any struct, for that matter
17:46.53Shadowclaimerso do you guys wanna know the project I'm tearing my hair out over?
17:46.57rrowlandNo pointers, no bulk copy
17:47.03Azuand nice that you included the marine range upgrade
17:47.17Azubut no vultures ;/
17:47.24Xanwanted tech be identical to the original map
17:47.29Azuyeah :p
17:47.46ShadowclaimerHey Azu
17:47.49Shadowclaimerthat's my 2.5 notes
17:47.51Shadowclaimeryou may like them
17:48.02ShadowclaimerI got bored yesterday and planned an entire hybrid tech tree between Sc1 and 2
17:48.05Shadowclaimerfor no reason
17:48.07Shadowclaimeror use
17:48.11XanShadowclaimer: that ww2 map?
17:48.16Shadowclaimerno gave up on it
17:48.19Shadowclaimerper usual
17:48.27Azunice :D
17:48.51ShadowclaimerI don't know, everytime I try to start work on it, I run into a problem that is not something easily solved, so after this happens 4 or 5 times i realize the amount of "going around" things I"ll have to do completely defeats the purpose
17:48.57ShadowclaimerI'm kinda mostly waiting on alrger map sizes
17:49.05*** join/#sc2mapster motive (~4a5fb1e6@gateway/web/freenode/x-pblanwbsololuajg)
17:49.06XanI doubt there will be larger map sizes
17:49.08IgnoranceAnd I take it you can't make an array of structs, but instead have to make a struct of arrays?
17:49.12Shadowclaimerits possible using custom 3rd party tools
17:49.16Shadowclaimerthey are working on it
17:49.19motiveI'm at my car dealer :(
17:49.23Azu18min left rendering
17:49.24Xanbut would they be playable online?
17:49.26motiveso I logged onto complimentary irc :O
17:49.31ShadowclaimerWarcraft 3's were
17:49.44ShadowclaimerWE Unlimited allowed monstrous map sizes that were still playable online
17:49.45motive@Ignorance: I've made arrays of structs before
17:49.49motiveworks fine :D
17:49.50Xanwhats wrong with 256x256 on a ww2 map though?
17:49.53Ignorancemotive, how?
17:49.59motivewell I used galaxy
17:50.01Xan(if its only europe I mean)
17:50.03rrowlandYou can make an array of structs that contains an array of structs that contains an array of structs
17:50.06ShadowclaimerI can't fit the middle/east coast of America and Canada
17:50.07motiveit was as simple as StructName[128] myStructs;
17:50.20motiveI dunno if GUI will let you.
17:50.26Shadowclaimerand America being a large player in WW2, and it being an alternate history diplomacy style, gotta have them with their own land
17:50.26Galois-evaristei want to make my map brighter
17:50.27Xanjust remove canada and USA :P
17:50.29Galois-evaristehow do i do that
17:50.33motivedont you fucking remove the USA
17:50.34Shadowclaimerno fun in that
17:50.35motivewe rock
17:50.43ShadowclaimerI'm American I'm including my own damn country lol
17:50.48rrowlandYeah some of us rock
17:50.49Ignorancerrowland, so there's artificial limitations on the actual editor interface and I have to write them in galaxy?
17:50.50Xanmake USA forces controllable by UK
17:50.55Galois-evaristeHow do I change the light color in my map>?
17:50.58motivemore like the opposite, Xan
17:50.59Shadowclaimerwe didn't spend the last 70 years bragging about saving the world for nothing
17:51.12rrowlandYeah the editor has shitty support for structs
17:51.13motivethis car dealership has the most amazing hot chocolate
17:51.17motiveit's so so so so so so so so delicious
17:51.18Shadowclaimermotive I want some
17:51.20Shadowclaimermail me some
17:51.20motivemakes this entire wait worthwhile
17:51.25Ignorance@_@ but galaxy is so ugly
17:51.33motiveit'll be bad by then!
17:51.34Galois-evaristeHow do I add light to my map?
17:51.37Galois-evaristeI want everything to be brighter
17:51.39Shadowclaimerbut at least I might get to enjoy it slightly..
17:51.41motivego to your local acura dealer :P
17:52.00ShadowclaimerAlright so here's the gist of Hostile Takeover, this was one of my earlier planned maps I gave up on
17:52.27TheLaughingMan This is a test version
17:52.29XanGalois-evariste: ctrl shift f10
17:52.29ShadowclaimerBasically you have 12 players, 6 Corporations and 6 Mercenary Companies, the Corporations research adn design units (by giving various weapons/abiltiies to chassis) and then sell them to Mercenaries, the Mercenaries fight eachother to earn moeny
17:52.41DemonetteIt isn't able to do some energy-wireframes or?
17:53.10ShadowclaimerCorporations research various weapons/chassis kinda randomyl by assigning research teams to projects and the more research teams the more cost but the faster/better possible outcomes
17:53.35ShadowclaimerYou hire a Chassis (Example: a weaponless marine) and moev him under the crane, using the crane you can give him say a flamethrower, and reinforced armor
17:53.37motiveSounds interesting.
17:53.58Shadowclaimerand then you make your bit (maybe you'll sell just him, or maybe multiple) and then move them to a Selling Pad
17:54.15DemonetteNo one knows...?
17:54.29Xanenergy wireframes?
17:54.30ShadowclaimerMercenaries can view what the unit is and their information by either typing info (x-x the pad number) or through a custom UI (more likely)
17:55.06TheLaughingManlike it?
17:55.25Ignoranceokay, so, I'm still kinda pissed at Blizzard that I can't use galaxy to change things in the editor.
17:55.33rrowlandYeah, looks good
17:55.43motivelike what Ignorance?
17:55.45IgnoranceIt's okay, it compiles I'll just sit on this and not fix things appropriately
17:55.50TheLaughingManIt's a test sample
17:55.57Ignoranceyeah, I get that.
17:55.59TheLaughingManNeed to do some more to figure it out
17:56.07Demonette@Xan Yes and wireframe that show the amount of energy  that an unit has
17:56.14Ignorancelike, I don't know how to just add things via straight galaxy
17:56.18rrowlandYou mean the button layouts?
17:56.19DemonetteLike shield
17:56.20Ignoranceother than functions
17:56.31Galois-evaristethanks for the ctrl+shift+f10 tip
17:56.33Demonetteit only depends on the energy
17:56.37IgnoranceI want to add say an array of structs
17:56.46Ignoranceand have them be accessible via the trigger editor
17:56.52*** join/#sc2mapster heysparky (~heysparky@
17:56.53motiveoh you want to do that
17:56.56heysparkyhowdy folks
17:56.57motiveyeah you can't do that. :(
17:57.03motivebut galaxy is still easy to use
17:57.23motivelook at my cortex library, it's fairly well organized for nothing but text files and standard Galaxy code.
17:57.28motiveI have to port it to Andromeda though soon.
17:57.41Ignorancemotive, where is this?
17:57.48depthsofchaosif i edit the galaxy then recompile it gets erased its just lame :o
17:58.14Ignorancedepthsofchaos, I feel your pain. I still don't know how to make variables via custom script.
17:58.26Vailrethyes my first  cinimatic in sc2 looks ok
17:58.28DemonetteSo i can`t =/
17:58.42motiveyou can see why I need to port to Andromeda soon :P
17:58.58heysparkylet's see it Vail!
17:58.58depthsofchaosi know its possible to make events via script
17:58.59motivebut it works nicely and it's decently organized for something I threw together one night
17:59.19IgnoranceIt's just...variables are the only thing that can't be made from scripts.
17:59.24motiveyes they can :P
17:59.30depthsofchaosoh, :/
17:59.32motivejust throw them into the global scope
17:59.33Ignorance...and still work inside the trigger editor
17:59.43motiveuse custom script
17:59.59motivecreate a variable int omgwtfbbq; in script in global scope
17:59.59Ignorancebut how do I keep the changes?
18:00.07motivethen just refer to it in the trigger editor as "omgwtfbbq" in custom script
18:00.17motiveyou put the stuff into separate files like I did with cortex
18:00.22motivethen edit MapScript.galaxy to include those files
18:00.28motivethat way when it resets you only lose the include line
18:00.31depthsofchaosignorance theres an action called script
18:00.32IgnoranceSo, I have to make a function to generate it and return it?'
18:00.42motiveyou could but you don't have to
18:00.56IgnoranceThe other ways sound even more inconveniencing...
18:01.06motivenot really :P
18:01.15motiveI do it on the mac w/o the editor at all and it's not bad.
18:01.26RepoKnowledge base page update: by onisagi
18:01.29motiveyou just have to get used to it, sadly.
18:02.04rrowlandAdding an include won't break the relations between trigger file and galaxy file right?
18:02.08IgnoranceI'm just annoyed that Blizzard thinks this process is easy and not problematic at all. That you have to go outside the editor or do some crazy import thing to code anything directly.
18:02.41motive@rrowland: the include itself will be reset.
18:02.46motivebut your code will be safe inside it's own files.
18:02.54motiveso you just have to re-type the 'include blah.galaxy' every time
18:03.00TheLaughingManIgnorance, why does every assume that this version of the Editor is the final one
18:03.03rrowlandYeah that's lame
18:03.05motiveit's inconvenient but it's better than the other methods that involve sloppy stuff.
18:03.21motivelike galaxy in triggers by adding a closing bracket
18:03.24motivethat's just messy imo
18:03.28rrowlandI'm just making "structs" that are basically variables inside folders lol
18:03.32rrowlandIt's sloppy but w/e
18:03.40heysparkyIgnorance, does Blizz think this is easy?
18:03.43IgnoranceTheLaughingMan, that's not what I'm doing at all. Blizzard was quoted on that.
18:04.05IgnoranceIt was in one of their twitter chats or whatever.
18:04.11TheLaughingManIgnorance, There also quoted on saying that his version of the editor is meant to make "basic trigger maps"
18:04.20heysparkywell, there may be context we're unaware of
18:04.39heysparkybut, yeah, doesn't sound like it's easy
18:04.45ubdeadohyeaa i got mcDonalds food ^_^
18:04.49ubdeadbeat that
18:04.57motiveacura's hot chocolate
18:04.58motiveI win
18:04.59heysparkyI got... um... fresh coffee?
18:05.06motiveI still win, they have coffee too
18:05.08rrowlandI'm not eating refried horse shit
18:05.15rrowlandI think that beats eating mcdonalds
18:05.25TheLaughingManThe editor is no where near completion, there are words linked to triggers  that don't even have the feature that word is refering to yet
18:05.25ubdeadlulz not rly
18:05.44heysparkyTLM, that doesn't mean that feature will happen
18:05.45IgnoranceQ. Getting custom script into maps is currently complex. Are there plans to implement Galaxy scripting directly into the editor?
18:05.45IgnoranceA. There are currently no plans for Galaxy script editing in the editor itself. However, through the Import Manager it should be pretty easy to add in your scripts as necessary. Are you having trouble doing it that way?
18:05.55rrowlandExcept for their filet o fish
18:05.59rrowlandI will give them that
18:06.03rrowlandThe filet o fish is tasty
18:06.04Galois-evaristeokay new problem
18:06.08heysparkyand  the fries
18:06.13Galois-evaristeI want to check if the unit in a region is a Zergling
18:06.20Galois-evaristewhen I do "enters region matching certain conditions"
18:06.24Galois-evaristeand it asks me for the unit type
18:06.30Galois-evaristei am not able to answer with a simple "Zergling"
18:06.30TheLaughingManheysparky, Well the word experience is linked to the Set Unit Property
18:06.37Galois-evaristehow do i get this done?
18:06.41motivea unit type is only a string
18:06.49Galois-evaristeso when it asks for unit type
18:06.52motiveUnitTypeFromString("zergling") is the zergling type
18:06.53Galois-evaristejust write Zergling?
18:06.56motiveor "zergling" if you're pro
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18:07.07heysparkyTLM, it may never be implemented, though, is my point
18:07.16Galois-evaristewhat if i change the name of the zergling to something else
18:07.19heysparkyI'm just saying not to have false hope
18:07.20Galois-evaristewill the type remain Zergling?
18:07.30motiveIt's not the name of the unit that matters it's the ID
18:07.37motivelike it's something like blah/unit/zergling
18:07.37Galois-evaristeand the ID is Zergling in this case?
18:07.40motivein the editor
18:07.43Galois-evaristei understand
18:07.44motiveso the id is "zergling"
18:07.55Galois-evaristeis case important?
18:07.57Galois-evaristeZ vs z
18:08.09Galois-evaristeso do i call it zergling
18:08.11Galois-evaristeor Zergling
18:08.12Galois-evaristein the string
18:08.15motivebut if you want to ignore case you can do UnitGetTypeFromString("case not sensitive here")
18:08.16Azustarts explorer again¨
18:08.22motiveI'm not sure about the exact case of the name
18:09.34rrowlandI'm guessing you guys are talking to galois because it looks to me like you're talking to nobody
18:09.47rrowlandAnd seem to be answering easy questions
18:09.48heysparkymotive was
18:10.00motivewell I'm answering easy questions 'cause I'm in a car dealership
18:10.02heysparkydon't be tacky rrowland
18:10.08motiveI can't exactly whip out the API and start doing hax :(
18:10.15heysparkyGalois refrained from expletives and name calling
18:10.16ubdeadi know how you feel rrowland lol
18:10.18*** join/#sc2mapster Nurre (~d9d1c453@gateway/web/freenode/x-zzkmftolqusjsqny)
18:10.19Galois-evaristei think i should ignore rrowland in return
18:10.31rrowlandI wouldn't know sparky
18:10.35rrowlandI have him ignored
18:10.43*** join/#sc2mapster Lyrrad (
18:11.01NurreIs it possibleto kill everything in a region?
18:11.26motiveYes, Nurre.
18:11.40NurreWith a trigger :P
18:11.42motiveGet all the units into a unitgroup, then iterate over then and use Unit - Kill ( Picked Unit() )
18:11.55Galois-evaristethere i figured out how to add rrowland to my ignore list all on my own
18:11.56ubdeadthe galaxy editor can solve world hunger if you make your trigger large enough
18:12.05motiveworld hunger was like last week
18:12.10motivethen they removed pointers and everyone died again
18:12.16rrowlandfor each unit in entire world run feed()
18:12.46ubdeadman chocolate milkshakes are tasty
18:12.49ubdeadnever had one before
18:12.55motiveyour chocolate milkshake brings all the undead to the yard?
18:13.06rrowlandAll three flavors are delicious
18:13.09ubdeadgreat, now that song is stuck in my head
18:13.11rrowlandIt is always a hard decision to make
18:13.12LyrradThe data editor would be the correct way to end world hunger
18:13.15ubdeadbetter youtube it
18:13.24ubdeadi agree lyrrad lol
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18:13.37LyrradJust create a "Well fed" buff and apply it to all units
18:13.45motiveNonsense. Create a "Welfare" buff.
18:13.57motiveUnits under the effects of Welfare receive free food but can't do anything else but eat.
18:14.09ubdeadi would just create a "GOD" unit with some kickass abilities
18:14.12rrowlandJust apply the "Socialism" behavior
18:14.17motiveLol oh god
18:14.24heysparky./senses a stray into politics... ducks out
18:14.36ubdeadi agree
18:14.40rrowlandPolitics is fun to talk about!
18:14.42motivewe're abandoning this topic
18:14.43motiveABANDON TOPIC
18:14.44rrowlandGreat arguments
18:14.46motiveit's too sensitive!
18:14.53motivewe can't handle that kind of drama without moderators!
18:14.58ubdeadi know right
18:15.08rrowlandSocialism is amazing. Your thoughts?
18:15.17ubdeadoh god
18:15.29LyrradYes, avoid politics, talk about something less contraversial, like religion
18:15.37ubdeadno gay marriage
18:15.50rrowlandPraise Allah. Your thoughts?
18:15.51Azusend and ill gogo
18:16.05depthsofchaosoh yay you were serious, cool?:) sec
18:16.22NurreEhm, how do I ad the units inside my region? (to the unitgroup) :S
18:16.24IgnoranceYou know what I like talking about, guys?
18:16.32IgnoranceStarcraft 2 and its map editor.
18:16.34motiveUnit Group - Pick Every Unit in Region
18:16.37motiveI think that's it
18:16.42rrowlandThat's a stupid topic ignorance
18:16.49ubdeadthats so ignorant
18:16.59rrowlandHow naive of you
18:17.06rrowlandTo think we'd talk about that here
18:17.07motiveI'm giving you WC3 names 'cause I don't know the SC2 ones :(
18:17.11motivefuckin' mac editor
18:17.18motivegive me my editor or give me death :(
18:17.23heysparkyurgh... I read how do I add the units inside my RELIGION... thanks dorks ;P
18:17.36motivewell see you do this
18:17.42LyrradLol, I read that the first time too
18:17.54motiveUnit group - pick every unit in (Playable Map Area) matching condition (Has Behavior Buddhist)
18:17.55motiveor something
18:18.02IgnoranceHow do I access shit from a record? :O
18:18.09rrowlandHow about
18:18.19ubdeadthats a pretty concept for a map to be honest motive
18:18.23DemonetteCan we somewhere post suggestions to blizzard how to improve there galaxy?
18:18.25IgnoranceI mean in the trigger editor :P
18:18.30heysparky"The poets have been mysteriously silent on the subject of cheese." --G.K. Chesterton
18:18.30motiveoh I have no idea
18:18.32rrowlandWhen Unit is Born - For years = 0, years < 18 { run brainwash() }
18:18.43motivephew, I'm 18
18:18.46motiveI don't brainwash
18:18.48IgnoranceWhat's the point of records if there's no way to access them? xD
18:19.06motivewell the whole name "records" just screams gay
18:19.14motivewhereas "struct" screams strong, manly concept
18:19.15ubdeadreminds me of SQL
18:19.16IgnoranceI suppose it does.
18:19.19motivebut that's my opinion
18:19.30ubdeadstruc -> C    record -> SQL
18:19.32Ignorancesame point, seems ridiculous I can't even access them :P
18:19.36heysparkyNot sure where, Demonette, maybe the beta forums under map development?
18:19.39rrowlandstruct -> makes sense
18:19.46rrowlandrecord -> what is the
18:20.06*** join/#sc2mapster SevenSeven (
18:20.08ubdeadi made a totally cool queen
18:20.15motivemake me an ubercruiser
18:20.19heysparkyoooh, what's she do?
18:20.26Lyrraddrag queen?
18:20.37motiveit needs shields, at least 32 weapons, lasers, missiles, and it's only weakness is slow turn speed/movement speed.
18:20.41rrowlandYeah it's a giant roach with lipstick and stockings
18:21.15motiveoh my god this computer is windows XP
18:21.17DemonetteSounds like kerrigan?
18:21.18motiveI can debug mapcraft!
18:21.43pierroHow can i force annemy units to flee ?
18:22.03ubdeaduse teargas
18:22.20heysparkyubdead WANT
18:22.21motiveyet another great idea for an ability
18:22.26motivetear gas, forces enemy units to flee
18:22.27NurreLol, they prob renamed it.
18:22.39NurreSearched everywere but cant find it
18:22.41ubdeadim a genious
18:22.51heysparkyis that the infested marine behavior?
18:22.58*** join/#sc2mapster devilesk (
18:22.58heysparkybut with eggs
18:23.24ubdeadmade from scratch
18:23.27Demonettei haven't seen her...
18:24.16Galois-evaristei can't find the damage property in my Data editor for a given weapon
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18:24.59heysparkyhmmm... do the weapons carry the damage, or the effects/behaiors?
18:25.16LyrradGalois - Select the weapon and then in the lower left corner of the editor find an effect called "X (Damage)"
18:25.20Galois-evaristei want to edit the amount of damage a missle turret does
18:25.23Galois-evaristeand a ghost
18:25.24Galois-evaristeand ...
18:26.06heysparkyubdead will throttle me, but, maybe easier to do with a trigger?
18:26.17motivegonna log. car should be ready soon.
18:26.33heysparkydepending on the scope of the changes you wanna make
18:26.38LyrradThe damage effect for the missile turret is "Missile Turret - Longbolt Missile (Damage)"
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18:27.27Lyrradand the damage effect for ghosts is "Ghost - C-10 Canister Rifle (Damage)"
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18:30.32AsaIs 500 range enough to cover an entire map?
18:30.39AzuXan ill upload it when i go to bed :p
18:31.28*** join/#sc2mapster poiuy_qwert (
18:31.37rrowlandIf your map is 200x200 then the longest distance is sqrt(200^2 + 200^2)
18:32.08rrowlandSo yes 500 is more than enough to cover any map size
18:33.09devileskmath ftw
18:33.10Shu_uffle363 should be enough for any map size
18:33.14Shu_uffleif that's the case!
18:33.24Crazafiedsqrt( MEANS SQUIRTLE RIGHT?
18:33.26AzoreoHas anybody encountered conflicts between multiple Load/Unload abilities on a single unit?
18:35.17LyrradNot sure anyone has tried multiple load/unload abilities on a single unit
18:35.51CrazafiedAazoreo how many are you talking about
18:36.15LyrradIs there a reason why you need more then one?
18:36.18CrazafiedBecause the only conflict i can think about is it hitting the 20 data cap but that should'nt matter if your unloading them
18:36.19AzoreoTwo.  I added the Medicavs Load/Unload All commands (one ability).  I added another I created (Unload, only).
18:36.30CrazafiedOhh load/unload
18:36.49AzoreoLyrrad - I was trying to create a "hidden" button under another, which would pop an ability to dump units inside a unit.
18:37.05AzoreoI ended up doing it another way, but I was still curious.
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18:49.38GrumCrazafied: its 200 times squareroot 2, so ~283
18:50.27Galois-evaristeokay guys
18:50.29Galois-evaristei got some problems here
18:50.41Galois-evaristei need your help
18:51.29rrowlandThat would be the first time I've ever seen a diameter referred to as range
18:52.10AzoreoSo, I'm having issues getting multiple effects to launch from an ability, or even from another ability.
18:52.18AzoreoCould anybody give me some pointers, or help me?
18:53.10depthsofchaosi think you need an effect with set type that can contain more effects :o
18:53.19depthsofchaosbut there was a tutorial on this on youtube
18:53.21Alpha_vstif i wanted to use a behavior buff to double a units life with out knowsing its life how would i do so :D
18:53.31AsaAnyone know what property seeker missiles have that cause their duration?
18:54.27AzoreoWell, "Set" does say "Effects" in its field.
18:54.29AzoreoSo lemme try that.
18:54.52AsaDid you make a behavior azo?
18:55.35AzoreoBetter question is what *haven't* I done trying to get this to work...
18:55.48AzoreoThe "Set" effect DID cause two effects - so that's a step forward, just...the wrong unit blew up...
18:56.28Alpha_vstSWEET I GOT IT
18:56.32Alpha_vstthanks for nothing :P
18:56.55Alpha_vst1 ability down
18:58.29heysparkya wall of flame
18:58.36heysparkythat marches across the map
18:58.43heysparkymade the damage carrier in data
18:58.54heysparkycontrolling the creation and movement of the wall in triggers
18:59.16heysparkyI'm making a zerg campaign scenario, you can burrow and dodge the damage
18:59.29heysparkythat was a sidebar chat :D
19:00.50*** join/#sc2mapster Max_Damage (
19:00.54ubdeadsparky, you got the wall of flames working?
19:01.41RepoKnowledge base page update: by onisagi
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19:04.41RepoKnowledge base page update: by onisagi
19:07.49heysparkyin triggers /hides
19:08.09heysparkydamage carrier is that firey thing
19:09.29heysparkya region is 3d yeah?
19:09.40heysparkywith 2d representation
19:09.44Vailrethwhat is a good hotkey to use for recording with fraps while playing sc2?
19:09.48Azoreoyou mean has height?
19:10.04AzoreoI have no idea! :)
19:10.24heysparkyI think so... otherwise you'd have to set a height as well for, like, flying units
19:10.28AzoreoI might be able to test it really quickly
19:10.29heysparkyand you don't
19:10.45heysparkysomething to remember to look for later
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19:12.24AzoreoSparky - I just did a little test and it seems they're 3d
19:12.36AzoreoI had a void ray fly over a region and it caused the expected effect (building change).
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19:13.40heysparkycool, thanks!
19:13.57heysparkyI'm trying to avoid getting distracted checking that stuff if I don't absolutely need it
19:15.32*** join/#sc2mapster Shadowclaimer (
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19:20.21AzoreoWith what?
19:20.27Galois-evaristemy units are not beinga added to the unit group!
19:20.28*** part/#sc2mapster Barter (~Bart@
19:20.53Galois-evaristethis takes place immediately after creating them with the Create Units action
19:20.57Galois-evaristenext line
19:21.11Galois-evaristeI don't understand why they are not being added to the unit group
19:21.17heysparkyI thought unit selection was when the player selected things
19:21.22Galois-evaristei thought so too
19:21.29Galois-evaristebut someone told me that i should select units to add them to the group
19:21.35Galois-evaristeand i found that action
19:21.52heysparkywell, they may have meant select in the abstract
19:22.05heysparkywords are hard
19:22.27AzoreoThere's a trigger for units leaving a transport
19:22.29AzoreoYou could try using that
19:22.36Galois-evaristei'm creating them from nothing
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19:22.42Galois-evaristei don't understand how leaving a transport would help
19:22.51heysparkymisunderstanding of your purpose
19:22.59Galois-evaristei essentially want to add spawned units to a unit group
19:23.03Galois-evaristethat already is declared
19:23.09AzoreoLemme see if I can do it...
19:23.11Galois-evaristeCreate Units
19:23.12AzoreoSo, spawn units, add to unit group.
19:23.22Galois-evaristethat is what i want to do
19:23.47Galois-evaristeoriginally my plan was "Select (Last created units)" but that didn't do it so i switched to this after being told that i needed to "select the units"
19:24.59Galois-evaristehere's my new idea
19:25.02Galois-evaristeinstead of selecting and then adding
19:25.11Galois-evaristei hope that this will combine the two:
19:25.26Galois-evaristeit sounds promising - i'll test it out
19:26.20Galois-evaristeokay it works
19:26.30Galois-evaristethat did it -- for some reason, the Select Units action doesn't do what it says it does
19:26.35Galois-evaristeor least I misused it in some way
19:26.35AzoreoBeta? :9
19:26.50Galois-evaristeI hate it when people blame everything that doesn't work on the fact its beta
19:26.53Galois-evaristeits so web 2.0
19:28.02AzoreoThere's enough screwy stuff in the editor that I think "Beta?" is warranted...
19:28.08AzoreoBut, grats on figuring it out.
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19:34.16PoCturn based mod overly complicated?
19:35.30Durreanhmm is there anywhere a sc2 mapster logo?
19:35.55Durreana big picture of ot would be nice
19:36.40PoCthere's a logo that can be used in-game on the site somewhere
19:38.35Durreanyeah somewhere..
19:38.50Durreangreat.. editor crashed again on deleting a camera used in a trigger..
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19:42.45AzoreoSo, I'm trying to create a unit which "mutates" other units.
19:43.07AzoreoI've gotten to the point that, when I press an ability button, it unloads units, and spawns another unit.
19:43.19AzoreoWhat I want to do is kill/eliminate the unloaded units.
19:43.26AzoreoThe way I have it set up though, I can't find a way to target them.
19:43.35AzoreoEither the originating unit, or the spawned unit - blows up, horrifically.
19:44.08Alpha_vstkeep it
19:44.13AzoreoIt's cute, but not what I want.
19:44.20Alpha_vsti have no idea :D
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19:49.47XanAzu you uploaded it? :)
19:49.58Azu720p is 400mb
19:50.15Azuill upload it when i go to bed ^^*
19:50.17AsaHow do I make a tower shoot dummy units?
19:50.30Xanwhat is your channel?
19:50.54Azunp :p
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19:52.44AzuXan watch depthsofchaos cutscene contest video aswell :P
19:53.12Azuits awesome :p
19:54.42AzoreoAny love for my targeting/killing unloaded units?
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19:57.00*** join/#sc2mapster Jcup (~ad3a00ce@gateway/web/freenode/x-hxvwfbcjlutbodnw)
19:58.08JcupHey guys check out the newest video of Red Revenge :D
19:59.50vjeuxthe 300 video is really awesome :)
19:59.58Azuyeah :D
20:00.06*** join/#sc2mapster Ardnived (~ae076e07@gateway/web/freenode/x-jizxmybccovfhqaw)
20:00.40ArdnivedHmmm... :(  How do you edit fog in GE?
20:00.56JcupIn the data editor
20:01.08JcupU can toy with the grey mask black mask
20:01.10Jcupall that
20:01.10AzuJcup nice map :D
20:01.11ShadowclaimerI think I may have finally found a project I can do!
20:01.17Jcupthank you Azu :3
20:01.20AzuShadowclaimer :O
20:01.30AzoreoCan somebody point me at how to create a unit group?
20:01.32vjeuxJcup: good music choice :) muse is fitting really well
20:01.35ShadowclaimerA Zombies multiplayer map where your goal is to survive, but if you die you become a zombie and can pick classes etc.
20:01.42Shadowclaimerand your goal is to survive against your former friends for as long as possible
20:01.42ArdnivedI mean for the fog that is at the bottom of canyons
20:01.57AzuShadowclaimer that could work
20:02.11Shadowclaimerthen out of game progression for simple upgrades
20:02.12Alpha_vstthats kinda sexy
20:02.15Azuvjeux indeed, normaly i dont like muse, but it fits in this video pretty good :D
20:02.21ArdnivedJcup: I mean for the fog that is at the bottom of canyons
20:02.23JcupVjeux much better than the last one huh?
20:02.39vjeuxis that some kind of metal gear solid map?
20:02.49Jcupits a stealth kinda setup yeah
20:02.58Jcupsneak around assissinating people
20:03.06JcupThe little story is in the loading screen
20:03.17vjeuxis the map dl'able yet?
20:03.24Jcupnot quite :D lol
20:03.29JcupI want UI before that
20:03.34Azureport when it is
20:03.35ArdnivedAnyone know where I can edit the fog that is at the bottom of canyons? Not Fog of War or Black Mask.
20:03.37Azui wanna test it :p
20:03.42JcupSo people dont just brain fart :3
20:03.45vjeuxyou'll get a news when it is :)
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20:03.51Azunice :D
20:03.57Jcuphaha alright i will tell fursure im excited :D
20:04.25AzoreoIs it possible to set a "triggering player uses X ability" trigger?
20:04.38vjeuxseriously blizzard just rocked with this editor. all the maps produced are all so differents
20:04.53Azutobad they fail with custom games hosting
20:05.00Azuwasd maps laggs like hell
20:05.18Azuyeah :/
20:05.22ArdnivedSigh :À
20:05.27davidcramerso no rts fps :(
20:05.28Azubut noroos map was still fun :D
20:05.49vjeuxwell, i'm pretty sure we will find workarounds
20:05.55davidcramerk time for some more wv2
20:05.57Azulets hope so :p
20:06.02davidcrameridk about workarounds to delay
20:06.04Alpha_vstbut work around suck
20:06.04davidcramerthat doesnt seem doable
20:06.07vjeuxatm everyone is using hardcore unoptimized loops
20:06.29vjeuxbut i'm pretty sure with a bit of interpolation it'll work fine
20:06.34ArdnivedBlizzard said that they do want to see some multiplayer FPS and so are working to help reduce lag and delay for those sort of maps
20:06.49Azuclient hosted would reduce lag
20:06.52Azuif the host is good
20:06.56ArdnivedI think in one of the Q/A
20:07.33Shadowclaimeryea they did
20:07.48Shadowclaimernow would you rather play a zombies game with 3rd person controls or top down controls, or normal rts orders?
20:07.57Azunormal rts
20:08.01Azuless delay :P
20:08.18Shadowclaimerthats what I was thinking =p
20:08.18LyrradWhile I think its cool that you can make a fps in the editor, I am not sure I have much interest in playing them
20:08.32Azusame tbh
20:08.51Xanwhat about
20:08.59Xanif you update all models/textures to look like a real fps
20:09.00RepoNew asset: BifDebug. Bifuu (Manager/Author). Approved by sixen.
20:09.18ShadowclaimerI need zombie ideas..
20:09.24Azuspeedy zombie? :P
20:09.34Azunormal (y)
20:09.55LyrradZombies that explode with a plague cloud when they die
20:10.01Azuarnt those enough as a start
20:10.04ShadowclaimerShamblers you can't play as, but there are dozens of npc ones all over the map
20:10.08Shadowclaimeryea probably
20:10.10Azuyou could add
20:10.13Azua "tank" zombie
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20:10.14BifuuDamn it Sixen i cant even appriove my own shit before you get to it?! QQ
20:10.17Shadowclaimerthe Regenerator
20:10.18Lyrradanyone caught inside the cloud will slowly lose health until cured or death
20:10.28Azudidnt see thatone ><
20:10.35ShadowclaimerThe ABomination too lol
20:10.39Shadowclaimerthe Abomination has zealot charge =D
20:10.53Azuthats gonna be dangerous
20:10.54Shadowclaimerprobably the way it'll work is over time you earn "Mutation" points
20:11.01Shadowclaimerand you can spend them to mutate from a normal zombie into a special
20:11.10Shadowclaimeror get upgrades for zombies
20:11.17ArdnivedDoes anyone know where you can edit fog in GE? Specifically the fog in the bottom of canyons.
20:11.32Azu"marines" also need spells/upgrades
20:11.38ShadowclaimerMarines will have classes
20:11.39Sixen<3 Bif
20:11.43Shadowclaimerand have to scavenge the map
20:11.50SixenHrm though..
20:11.56SixenYou're supposed to be able to bypass it.
20:12.08Shadowclaimerthey'll have "hunger" and as they play their hunger will go down, and when they have zero of it (it'll be energy) they'll start taking hp damage
20:12.21Shadowclaimerthey scavenge for food to restorei t
20:12.25AzuShadowclaimer add another bombie with low hp and fast movespeed
20:12.48Azueven lower then the "normal" one that is
20:12.49ShadowclaimerI can foresee fast suicide zombies being op though =p
20:13.04Azuthats why you need aoe attacks etc
20:13.13Azubaracades etc
20:13.28LyrradParatropper Zombies
20:13.47ShadowclaimerThere will be huge masses of shamblers that spawn
20:13.50Shadowclaimerand Shamblers never really "die"
20:13.54Shadowclaimerthey just resurrect after a bit
20:13.59Shadowclaimerso you only buy yourself time
20:13.59Azuevil :p
20:14.13Azucorpse explotion
20:14.27HatiBifuu: does "-TogUI" reminds pre-set values?
20:14.35Shadowclaimerlike the Zombies Marines will also have upgrades they can get in exchange for "Arms" points
20:14.39Azuexplotions should "splash" their corpses
20:15.35Shadowclaimergoing to build a test map and have you guys hop on and tes it
20:15.42Azuyey :p
20:16.21Azuchanglings = assassin zombies!
20:16.37Shadowclaimercontemplated it lol
20:16.48Shadowclaimerthey look like survivors lol
20:16.58Azunice :D
20:17.09Azuthen you need normal survivers aswell :p
20:18.33Azubut im hurt that they removed lurkers </3
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20:20.13LyrradYou could recreate lurkers
20:20.34Azubut no official model ;<
20:20.47Hatithey are burrowed 90% of the time anyway
20:20.53Hatinoone cares about their model :P
20:20.56Azui do :<
20:20.58LyrradThats what I saw thinking
20:20.58Jcup:D added annotations :3
20:21.12Lyrradmaybe use the burrowed roach model
20:21.56Lyrradand who knows what models will be included when they release
20:22.04ShadowTigeri know
20:22.14Azusc2 delelopers do
20:22.28Hatilurker will be in
20:22.45ShadowTigerim pretty sure they will have all the original units, but a few like the valkerie might be missing
20:22.49LyrradThere you have it, Lurkers are included in the final release
20:24.02Panzer_Is it possible to make a ui button that builds a photon cannon where ever you want? I already made it so an scv can build a cannon anywhere without moving but I wanna make it so the ui button instantly goes to build photon cannon.
20:24.11AsaHow would I make a tower shoot dummy units?
20:24.34ShadowTigerthat should be do-able
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20:24.59ShadowTigercheck out mittsies psi defence Panzer_
20:25.35ShadowTigerand Asa, what exactly do you mean by shotting dummy units?
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20:28.21Panzer_I just checked his map, you still control a worker to move around the map and warp in towers
20:29.04Panzer_I wanna make it so you don't have to move a worker around and you can just place a building where ever just by pressing a UI button (u
20:30.32vjeuxgoing to sleep, meanwhile you can enter the cutscene contest! :)
20:30.40ubdeadgood night vjeux :)
20:33.08*** join/#sc2mapster digitalz (
20:35.45digitalzDiscounts!! Our Special Limited Time Offers Up To May,22!!!New BranD!! Notebooks,Plasma and LCD TV's.Buy your electronic needs at our unique prices. Laptop Sony VAIO® VGN-FW590FFD-575,57$!!!Apple MacBook® Air MC234LL/A-695,27$!!!
20:37.25AsaUnique prices
20:37.26Jcuplater guys :O
20:38.09rrowlandAnyone know where I could get a new notebook or plasma/lcd tv for cheap?
20:39.01Lyrradwhat is a unique price?
20:39.22Lyrraddo they charge you in moon rocks or something?
20:39.37AsaSomeone spammed the icefilms search engine with a pr0n url, thats rather clever advertising
20:39.46rrowlandThey charge double what everyone else charges
20:39.48rrowlandSo it's unique
20:39.58AsaThey charge using minerals and vespine gas
20:40.11LyrradI thought everyone charge double
20:40.36rrowlandIf everyone charged double then it wouldn't be double it would be the normal price
20:40.43AsaAre broodlings clickable before they land?
20:40.51LyrradAsa - No
20:42.09LyrradNo, it would just mean that no one was charging the normal price
20:42.43rrowlandWhat would "the normal price" be if everyone was charging "double the normal price"?
20:42.56Demonettei want a charged price =)
20:43.05rrowlandHow can you charge double of something that isn't defined
20:44.07Lyrradwell...if everyone was charging double the normal price, then the normal price would be half of what people are charging
20:44.29AsaMy mind hurts
20:44.32rrowlandBut how would you know that if everybody was charging double the price? Where do you derive your "normal price"?
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20:45.03Lyrradan arbitrary number pulled out of my ass?
20:45.46AzuShadowclaimer hows it going? :P
20:45.50rrowlandSo I can just go online, search for a PS3, see that the average price is $300 and state "Wow EVERYONE is charging double the normal price of $150 which I just made up"
20:45.51pierrohow can i set the Galaxy editor in EnGB
20:46.01rrowlandThat makes sense to me
20:46.16Lyrradrrow - Absolutely, isn't it great!
20:46.49SevenSevenI agree with rrow on the double price  lol
20:47.00pierrois there a way to change the language of the galaxy editor ?
20:47.24LyrradFile -> Configuration -> General
20:47.45pierrook thx
20:47.50Lyrradof course the only option I have there is that stupid US English
20:47.59DemonetteI can change the language =(
20:48.21rrowlandJust learn english and it's no problem :)
20:48.25Lyrradwhoops, sorry its not configuration, its preferces
20:48.40Lyrradme know english good
20:48.49pierroi cant only my language
20:48.50rrowlandcough cough
20:48.58rrowlandme know english WELL*
20:49.00pierroi cant change, there is only one language
20:49.08DemonetteHmmm... i can understand it and sometimes write it =)
20:49.29Demonetteyeah.. it's beta
20:49.32LyrradI think you may be out of luck then pierro
20:49.51pierrocan't i dl the engb exe ?
20:49.59Lyrradperhaps on the forums you might be able to get help
20:50.13SevenSevenanyone know how to do the time bomb ability?
20:50.14pierroin the dialog triggers
20:50.38pierrothere are 8 strings that are unnamed
20:50.54Panzer_how do you active building placement through just triggers? I wanna make a ui button let me build a photon cannon anywhere I want
20:52.15Panzer_the best I could do was make an scv that could build anywhere without moving
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20:58.30Panzer_can anyone help me?
20:59.06ShadowTigerso that map didnt help?
20:59.42Panzer_it still had a worker that you move around the map to build stuff
20:59.59DemonetteHmmm... can't you create one on the position of your mouse on a click?
21:00.04ShadowTigerwrong one maybe
21:00.16Demonettea photocanon
21:00.21Demonettevia trigger?
21:00.37AzuShadowclaimer lols infested zealot lols
21:00.39Panzer_dunno maybe, I'm not that good at using the editor
21:01.10Demonettedo you also need a preview of your canon?
21:01.20ShadowTigersorry I meant the sunken D map
21:01.27ShadowTigerthat has a build without using the menu
21:01.30Panzer_ok I'll check it out
21:01.57Azusomeone do photoncannon defense!
21:02.00Azuwe need stacking
21:02.11Demonetteokay then i haven't anything to do =)
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21:05.15Durreanis someone very good with english and want to take a look over my cinematic text?
21:07.31Panzer_sunken d just has drones, still doesn't help
21:10.58IgnoranceIs WorldHeight in the same units as X and Y?
21:11.15Panzer_I guess I could have a ui button that just selects a unit that can build anywhere, but I rather have it just one click to select which building you want
21:11.22rrowlandThe input? Yes
21:11.28rrowlandThe output is Z obviously
21:12.50*** join/#sc2mapster Linera (
21:13.29Lineraanyone know how to make a invisible button that you can still use?
21:13.37rrowlandAlready told you how
21:14.11IgnoranceNo, no. I mean, does Z have the same unitlength as X and Y?
21:14.13Linerano you didn't
21:14.19rrowlandYes I did, twice
21:14.22Ignorancei.e. a displacement in Z being the same as X and Y
21:14.28rrowlandI think so ignorance
21:14.34Linerano you didn't
21:14.43rrowlandYes I did
21:14.46ShadowTigerI made an invisible button that you can still use in my map
21:14.48Bifuu|GoingOUTSItotally didnt fit
21:15.02ShadowTigeroh wait...
21:15.02Ignorancethough, I don't know if there are any actual implications if it isn't. AFAIK gravity still works properly in a coordinate system where Z does not match X and Y, so long as its consistent.
21:15.07ShadowclaimerAzu got sidetracked, playing some LAN games, will be back working on it shortly, was working on terrain a bit ago, almost done iwth it
21:15.18Azuhehe :p
21:16.18IgnoranceI was wondering how to do that.
21:16.58Linerarrowland, already tried that. it makes a white box
21:17.04rrowlandNo it doesn't
21:17.10Linerayes it does
21:17.23rrowlandOkay well have fun with your white box of fail then
21:17.30rrowlandI'm not going to sit and argue with you over user error
21:17.53Ignorancerrowland, this is why I don't deal with anything other people do
21:18.00Ignorancebecause inevitably, some idiot will ask me
21:18.10Ignoranceexceptions: things that require a substantial math background
21:18.34ShadowTigerYou can make dialog items transparent...
21:18.37IgnoranceThere are questions that will be asked over and over again for no reason.
21:19.03IgnoranceFind a map with invisible buttons. Copy what he did. Succeed. :|
21:19.04rrowlandThe reason is stupidity but yeah I get what you mean
21:19.13rrowlandOr use logic
21:19.31rrowlandMaybe create a 1x1 .tga with a 100% transparent pixel
21:19.36rrowlandAnd apply that image to the button
21:19.46Lineratransparent is over x time, doesn't last forever
21:19.51IgnoranceDoes anyone else have nvidia display drivers that keep failing while the editor is up?
21:19.56IgnoranceThis is deeply concerning.
21:20.07ShadowTigerFAQ: Question 1, how do i...?         answer -> all in good time, my apprentice... when you are ready, the answer will appear before you. You will know when your destiny is upon you. Until then, train, and meditiate about your future. Look deeply into your soul and discover the power inside you.
21:20.22Lineraignorance, never seen a map with invisible buttons
21:20.22rrowlandMine don't fail but after a certain amount of time they get glitchy
21:20.25Azu ubdead
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21:20.54IgnoranceIt keeps doing this driver has failed -> BLACK SCREEN FOR 1 SECOND -> driver has recovered
21:20.57Ignorancekind of ridiculous
21:21.09rrowlandupdate drivers?
21:21.12Azu <- awesome
21:21.14Azuwatch it
21:21.14ShadowTigerfor a while my mouse driver was crashing every minute until I updated the drivers
21:21.19Ignorancelet's see if they've released a new version
21:21.22ShadowTigerjust started happening randomly
21:21.31ShadowTigeronly in sc2
21:21.31AzoreoHaving problems with a trigger, and not sure why
21:21.53AzoreoUnit Uses Ability - when the ability triggers, the action isn't happening.
21:22.10ShadowTigerno conditions?
21:22.16AzoreoI kinda feel it has to do with the "Stage:" part of the Event section of the trigger.
21:22.18Lyrraddo you have the correct unit set?
21:22.19ShadowTigerdid you put a text message to make sure its getting there
21:22.24Ignoranceyeah, new one hasn't been released
21:22.33Ignorancestill latest version
21:22.35AzoreoI haven't put in a text message, but that's a great idea.
21:22.38AzoreoShadow - no conditions.
21:22.52IgnoranceI'm going to go clean out my computer. I bet it's starting to get dusty in there.
21:22.59ShadowTigeryeah first rule of programming... print a text message
21:23.04AzoreoI had the trigger working with *another* ability (Load/Unload), but when I changed it to a diff ability it stopped working.
21:23.12AzoreoYeah, so I can pinpoint my problems.
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21:24.51AsaHow do you link command cards, like how build is
21:25.05AzoreoWith subcards?
21:25.12AzoreoYou mean you click into a submenu and get more cards?
21:26.23AzoreoAsa - if that's what you're looking for, go into the first command card and select the "Submenu" command type, then the card you want.
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21:31.01AsaYeah its what I was looking for Azo
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21:33.19Durreangreat, i recorded for a cinematic contest and its a cut scene contest :/
21:34.05Lyrradis there a difference?
21:34.16Durreanno, but in the credits stands cinematic
21:34.43Gohlatoo bad, now you are disqualified :p
21:34.55Durreani not even published it ;)
21:35.12LyrradDoesn't matter, you told us, thats enough to disqualify you
21:35.13Durreanbut i'm scared, i just needed a day for it and we have 7 days hmm
21:36.08LyrradThe contest is set up so that people who don't have a lot of time, or suck can still do it
21:36.40Durreanthis means i have to much time and don't suck? :/ i wanna suck ^^ xD
21:37.02rrowlandMake it bigger and better
21:37.06rrowlandOr multiple entries?
21:37.09Durreanbut i really like the trigger editor for cinematics
21:37.20Durreanhmm don't think you can enter with multiple entries
21:38.31LyrradNo, it could be that you suck, but have too much time
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21:39.33LyrradThere is no point entering, cause mine is gonna be so kick ass its gonna get 1st, 2nd and 3rd
21:40.19rrowlandI'm just going to record me playing one of my maps and slap a couple black bars on the top/bottom and take home the prize
21:40.34Gohladoesn't everyone who enters get a beta key?
21:40.39Gohlaso you could just create some shit and get a beta key? :p
21:41.19depthsofchaosits piss easy to get keys no point
21:41.56LyrradI am not sure what the point of the beta key is... since I imagine anyone in the contest already has one
21:42.04depthsofchaosbtw does ayone know how to make a map symettrical?
21:42.17Gohlayou can sell them to your unknowing friends ;p
21:43.11depthsofchaosi wanted to give keys free to my friends but they didnt need it :/
21:43.39LyrradWhat does Cursed Premium get you?
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21:44.33LyrradOther then no longer being a "Regular Shmoe"
21:44.38GohlaMostly improvements to the curse client, to download wow addons
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21:47.51AzoreoGalaxy Editor is a picky bastard :(
21:48.07Lyrradwhats wrong?
21:48.10DemonetteHopefully =)
21:48.20AzoreoI fixed my problem, so nothing :)
21:48.33AzoreoAn ability "Mutate" spawns a unit.  But it also removes units from the game.
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21:48.41AzoreoSo I had created a trigger with "Remove triggering unit".
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21:49.04AzoreoWell, wasn't working - because the "triggering" unit of "Mutate" (ability) is the created unit, in this case, I guess.
21:49.15AzoreoI changed it to "Remove _Picked Unit_" and it worked.
21:49.39Ignoranceoh wow, my computer had a lot of dust in it
21:49.45Ignorancecpu fan had a blanket covering it
21:50.05Azoreonot good.
21:50.31XBMspecHey, someone have a moment to simplify how I can use variables?
21:50.36AzoreoI always wondered if it'd be possible to create a fan capture that would automatically push dust into a collector.
21:50.48LyrradMutate creates a unit?
21:50.59AzoreoLyrrad - the Mutate ability I created, yes it does.
21:51.03IgnoranceYou know, at that point, I'd just keep my computer as enclosed as possible and water cool everything.
21:51.08Ignoranceliquid cool*
21:51.25AzoreoI have a Zerg Queen which eats (loads up) units.  It can disgorge them, or "Mutate" them (destroys units, spawns another).
21:51.37AzoreoI'm going to try to make it so that certain combinations of units are consumed to produce other units.
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21:52.34LyrradI see
21:53.05Lyrradall while in the queens stomach(cargo)?
21:53.34depthsofchaosthats cool, are you using triggers?
21:54.15Azoreo@Lyrrad - yes
21:54.26Azoreo@Depths - yeah, combination of abilities/effects/triggers
21:55.40LyrradSounds interesting
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21:55.56AzoreoWhen I get it to where I want it, I'll post it on SC2
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21:56.31LyrradI am really looking forwards to blizz getting the publishing system out
21:56.57LyrradWith Galaxy Edit, I think we are going to see some impressive maps
21:57.50AzoreoYeah, from the FPS maps to the gunship maps?  Looks crazy - but my biggest fear is lag.
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21:58.05rrowlandLag is going to royally screw FPS maps
21:59.05XBMspecAt least is at 125 ms instead of 250 now.
21:59.05depthsofchaos+ and fps would look rly ugly :o
21:59.09*** join/#sc2mapster FrozenFirebat (
22:00.45rrowlandDoesn't feel like 125ms minimum
22:00.54rrowlandFeels like 125ms PLUS your original latency
22:01.02Craza|BBLit is
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22:01.14rrowlandThen that's not a minimum
22:01.17rrowlandThey call it a minimum
22:02.19Craza|BBLfrom what i understand it will correct peoples lag down to 125 ms
22:02.32Craza|BBLim probaly totattly wrong
22:03.01rrowlandYou can't un-lag people
22:03.15Shadowclaimeris there a way to make a unit acquire globally?
22:03.15Craza|BBLNo but you can make the game change based on it
22:03.17rrowlandIf their latency is 200ms you're not gonna be able to magically make it 125ms =/
22:03.19Shadowclaimerlike with infinite acquire range
22:03.44depthsofchaosi hope they will allow custom servers :o
22:03.56Craza|BBLjoin a game on bnet with a lagger you will see what i mean your game will lag also
22:04.07LyrradI've been working on a map I call Zerg Safari
22:04.13Azoreo@RRowland - I don't think that's how it works :(
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22:04.25AzoreoI always imagined that someone at 20ms would be dropped to 125ms, while someone at 150ms would start at 150ms.
22:04.38rrowlandYeah that's what I would imagine it means
22:04.40AzoreoSo it intentionally lags people with fast connections, so that people on slow connections aren't boned.
22:04.43AzoreoAh okay
22:04.51AzoreoSo for example - I live in Brazil, and I don't experience lag.
22:04.53rrowlandBut what I'm saying is when I open up my UMS maps on BNet
22:05.00AzoreoGotta say, I like it :)
22:05.03rrowlandIt feels like a lot higher than 125ms
22:05.06AsaBlizzard just wants to give US players a chance against Koreans
22:05.21rrowlandAsa, we can't even play against asians
22:05.29heysparkyazoreo - your queen sounds rad!
22:05.29AsaThats what they want you to think
22:05.38AzoreoThanks Sparky :0
22:05.39Craza|BBLgotta take into account the map rrowland you make have loops and triggers running
22:06.00ShadowclaimerAnyone: is there a way for me to make a unit have 3,000,000 acquire range? I can't see the field for it in this game =(
22:06.11Craza|BBLIf you have a trigger or what not that takes 50ms to execute on a 125 ms base speed you are running it at 175 ms
22:06.16Asa3 million sounds excessive
22:06.30ShadowclaimerI just want them to autoacquire anything in the map basically
22:06.38SevenSevenis there any way to flip a unit onto it's side?
22:06.39Shadowclaimerbut whatever is closest (whcih autoacquiring does by default)
22:06.41AsaYou mean for like autoattack?
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22:06.48LyrradAsa - Thats cause you are thinking small, go big or go home
22:07.04AsaI'm going to make a 3,000,000 x 3,000,000 RPG
22:07.11ShadowTigerim not sure but isnt "minimum scan range" the same as acquire range?
22:07.17ShadowTigerand i believe the max is 500 anyways
22:07.18SevenSevennobody knows?
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22:07.31ShadowTigerwhat did you ask seven?
22:07.52SevenSevenis there any way to flip a unit onto it's side?
22:08.04Lyrrad77 -
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22:09.34ShadowTigeri would assume that there is no way to rotate a unit along its z-axis
22:09.36SevenSeven@Lyrrad: thanks, it's confusing though lol
22:09.54LyrradYeah, I know
22:09.59ShadowTigeror i guess there is?
22:10.48LyrradI ended up with a marine at a 45 degree lean to the left and a 45 degree lean forward that ran backwards
22:11.04LyrradDon't ask me how, I don;t think I could recreate it
22:11.06ShadowTigerthat sounds ackward
22:11.07depthsofchaosbreak dance simulator?
22:11.52Shadowclaimeralright so minimum scan range does work
22:11.56Shadowclaimerbut at 500 its not far enough
22:11.59Shadowclaimerso trigger time I guess
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22:12.33LyrradThat seem to be a static rotation however, there must be a way to do dynamic rotations since it is done for missiles and travelling up hills
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22:17.50heysparkyso when your units pop out of a nydus worm... what end of hte worm is that?
22:18.03rrowlandThe anus
22:18.56heysparkyyeah? the 'entrance' looks more anus-y to me
22:19.05rrowlandThat thing has teeth man
22:19.07heysparkybut what do I know about xenobiology
22:19.12SevenSevenI think the entrance is made to look like an anus
22:19.19Lyrradmaybe they are both the anus
22:19.46AzoreoSomebody needs to make an anim with the Millenium Falcon flying into a Nydus Worm.
22:20.07SevenSevenI downloaded 3DSMax
22:20.15SevenSevenand I have no idea how to use it lol
22:20.16LyrradThe Nydus worm came from politicians, it can talk crap out of both ends
22:20.24ShadowTigeryeah that program is so complicated...
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22:20.33rrowlandba-dum-dum (drum drop)
22:20.58LyrradShhhh...Asa is back stop saying bad thing about him
22:22.01rrowlandToday is a relaxation day for me even though I've been working for like 8 hours straight
22:22.26rrowlandI finished my inv system/ui earlier today, now I just get to kick back and add a whole bunch of fun custom items
22:23.15rrowlandDid anybody here every play archer war maps in wc3?
22:23.36LyrradWhat were they like?
22:23.52rrowlandYou have an archer, and to attack other players you shoot an arrow as a missile
22:23.57LyrradI played mostly custom maps in wc3, never really got into the melee stuff
22:24.17rrowlandSo they can dodge it etc
22:24.28LyrradNope, never played that one
22:24.55rrowlandWell you will be even more amazed by how fun my map is then :)
22:25.16LyrradI think my favorite wc3 maps was probably FMVH
22:25.23rrowlandWhat's that
22:25.39LyrradFM - Vampire Hunters
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22:26.28Lyrrad2 sides, vampires and the hunters, the hunters need to kill 15 vampires, and the vampires had to destroy the hunter town
22:27.05Lyrradduring the day the vampires would run between villages killing civilians to collect souls which they could use to summon units at night
22:27.33rrowlanddont think I played that one
22:27.37RepoNew asset: Tileset - Stone. Alcoholix (Manager/Author). Approved by grum.
22:27.53Lyrradthe hunters would try to keep the vampires from killing civilians
22:28.59LyrradI learnt a valuable lesson in that map
22:29.22LyrradNever beat the crap out of the map creater with your favorite hero
22:29.43rrowlandYeah better remember that buddy
22:29.47rrowlandLose to me
22:29.55rrowlandOr I nerf you
22:29.58AzoreoCreating that'd be a cool tutorial.
22:30.09Lyrradjust use a hero you don;t like to do it :-)
22:32.31AzuShadowclaimer stalker zombies should be invisable(visable when close to "target")/lowmovespeed imo :p
22:32.57ShadowTigeri used to play FMVH
22:33.47LyrradI used to play way to much of it, found some really nasty and creative ways to torture people
22:34.01Lyrradwhich seemed to all get nerfed as I found them
22:34.09ShadowTigeri liked playing as the Abomination or the Warlock or whatever
22:34.12ShadowTigerthat had divine armor
22:34.24Shadowclaimereh they need a really fast chasing zombie
22:34.30ShadowclaimerI think I may even let them climb cliffs as well
22:34.32LyrradMy farorite was the Hunter wisp
22:35.02LyrradAt one point it had a sleep and a stun, I could keep 2, sometimes 3 vampires pinned down while I killed them
22:35.32ShadowTigerhmm I forget which good hero I used, maybe the knight
22:35.55LyrradI didn't really have a favorite vampire hero
22:35.57*** part/#sc2mapster heysparky (~heysparky@
22:36.36ShadowTigerI cant wait to play v-tech pball again
22:36.41LyrradI once used the demonlord hero to run into the hunter base, but landmines and then put them down beside the castle
22:36.53Lyrrad*buy landmines
22:37.01ShadowTigerthats funny
22:37.25Lyrradwhat was even funnier
22:38.00Lyrradwhen you could get the invisible sentry wards, set them up on all 4 sides of the abomb hero nd watch him be unable to move
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22:39.33ValaraukadorHow do you make a unit "play dead" indefinitely?
22:39.56depthsofchaosplay dead ?
22:40.02depthsofchaosyou mean not do anything?
22:40.11LyrradI'm not sure I know how to make a unit play dead temperarily
22:40.14Valaraukadordisplay corpse animation
22:40.25Valaraukadoror have it on it's side and not-moving
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22:40.58depthsofchaosplay the units death animation then hide it?
22:41.11depthsofchaosbut most units blow up
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22:41.26ValaraukadorI want it to persist after death unfortunately
22:41.34Valaraukadordo zerglings blow up?
22:41.45Lyrradsort of
22:41.45ValaraukadorI really don't pay too much attention to death
22:41.58Lyrradthey spew guys and blood all over the place
22:42.06depthsofchaosi dont know a unit that stays in 1 piece :p
22:42.22Valaraukadoroh, thats not good.  Can I just rotate it 90 degrees so that it lays on it side and pause all animations?
22:42.32LyrradYou could create a unit using the dead model for the unit and put that down after it dies
22:42.57*** join/#sc2mapster Legick (
22:42.57Lyrradbut that will be a bloody pool of zergling parts
22:43.01Valaraukadorit's supposed to get hit by a car, not obliterated
22:43.39Lyrradmaybe the car is going really really fast
22:43.49Valaraukadorit there anyway to make the model just lay on it's side rather than stand upright?
22:43.51Lyrradand has spikes on the front
22:44.51Lyrradlets you do static rotations, so you would need to create a second unit to replace the standing up one
22:44.59depthsofchaoscant you just scale in the negative to turn it upside down ?:p
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22:45.39Lyrradscale it negatively...
22:45.44Rugvipjust set the up vector to -1,0,0 or 1,0,0 and the unit will lay to the right or left
22:46.14Rugvipand I guess you would be able to add a site operation on an event, somehow ^_>
22:46.40Valaraukadorok, i'll try that out
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22:48.13Vailrethany one know how to get a portait to talk? i can send the transmission but the portraits do not talk they just idle
22:48.42LyrradLazy Portraits
22:48.49Skizottell it to animate
22:48.55depthsofchaosare your portraits turned 3d?
22:49.01heysparkyPortrait Union #45822 on strike again?
22:49.34Vailreththey are animated the marine just looks around as if dazed and confused by the lack of zerg to kill
22:49.38Valaraukadorthat worked like a charm!  But can I pause him animations aswell?
22:51.04Vailrethdepthsofchaos:  there is an option in the options menu under video to make portraits 2 or 3d
22:51.15Vailrethwiat miss read
22:51.27Vailrethsorry they are 3d
22:51.50LyrradValar - not sure, try applying a stasis buff to it
22:51.55Vailrethman i must be tired to be missreading that badly
22:52.30heysparkyI have an array, BarrierRegions[5], I can set the initial spot in the variable declaration... where (and how) do I add regions to the list?
22:52.49Alpha_vstset variable
22:53.38heysparkyoh, wow
22:53.41heysparkysteps you through it
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22:54.38Vailrethwell i setteld my make the transports load  situation by avoiding it alltogether
22:55.53*** join/#sc2mapster PoC_ (~PoC@
22:57.06heysparkywelcome aboard the failtrain Vail :D
22:57.15heysparkyit's cozy
23:00.36RepoNew map: RP - Template. l1lshadow (Manager/Author). Experimental. Approved by xhatix.
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23:03.09Shadowclaimera preliminary version is done
23:03.39heysparkynice, is that your announcement, Shadowclaimer?
23:03.47Alpha_vstof what
23:03.52Shadowclaimerbasically, got a multiplayer version of my zombies map done
23:03.58Shadowclaimerits very very simple without a lot of the features
23:04.09Shadowclaimerbut it has mobs of zombies wandering the city, and the infection/turn code works
23:05.29ShadowclaimerHunger is implemented but no way to feed yourself yet xD
23:06.13Alpha_vsti got location to work
23:06.50Vailrethwow 13 hours to post mu youtube video
23:07.29AsaHow do you make an ability have a subcard menu, I forgot... :(
23:07.37Vailrethwell 13 hours to upload it anyway
23:07.39depthsofchaosdoes anyone recall that tutoial where the guy made a roach have a certain chance of casting fungal growth?:o
23:07.40Alpha_vstmines up wtch it lol
23:08.10Shadowclaimeralright now got a way for food to be restored XD
23:08.37Vailrethid would love too but it would slow down my upload
23:09.30Legickyes i do
23:09.33Legicklemme get that for ya
23:10.07Legickroach fungal growth tutorial
23:10.16Vailrethi was hoping for an upgrade that could increase supply produced,,,
23:10.19depthsofchaoswow many thanks
23:10.27Alpha_vstso my worms so a radius on the mini map :D
23:10.35heysparkythankyou legick, I was trying to find that for DoC
23:10.56Legickthat tutorial forum happens to be in my bookmarks
23:13.42Skizotoh man.
23:13.52Skizoti THINK i have determined how he did that diablo ui.
23:13.57SixenDoesn't seem like there's much there, Legick.
23:14.01SixenSkizot, why don't you ask him? :X
23:14.13Skizothe's not here
23:14.22SixenHe usually is. Could always send him a PM on Mapste.
23:14.32ryd_what are some good maps to play multiplayer?
23:14.42ryd_i have no lucky finding any finished / good ones
23:14.50Skizotwell i took a look at his HoN mod.
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23:15.05Skizotand he has ONE HUNDRED images for his health orb...
23:15.30Skizotand considering he said it was % based...
23:15.40SixenThat's kinda silly..
23:16.03Legickwuch of what where?
23:16.14SixenOn the TDG Forums.
23:16.18Legickno not really
23:16.27Legicki don't think a new tutorial has been added in a long time
23:16.39Legickwheni was just starting out it was really useful because they had a crap ton of guides at the time
23:16.48Skizoti'm bored!
23:17.04Legickgiving me money time!
23:17.12Skizotit's time for a "best rquest gets it modelled contest!
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23:17.34Legickexcuse me for being immature but i'm going to throw down, as the first suggestion, a dick
23:17.55Legickit will certainly add a pleasant surprise for anyone daring enough to play your map
23:18.11Skizotit's not for my maps.
23:18.17Skizotit's for whoever wins.
23:18.18Legickor, you could replace that model with all the trees
23:18.38rrowlandA giant forge spewing molten lava out of the edges of a giant cauldron, with a large anvil whereupon rests an unfinished blunt sword with a cherry red tip
23:18.54Skizotthat's the last winner
23:19.23rrowlandPretty sure mine would be super awesome
23:19.33Skizotand animations aren't possible.
23:19.39depthsofchaossponge bob
23:19.59heysparkya kerrigan sillhouette
23:20.14deathnight114Can anyone give some feedback for this song?
23:20.17deathnight114And i'd like a name?
23:22.06Alpha_vstSkizot make a cave coming from the ground like a fucking pit :D
23:22.19rrowlanda pit for fucking
23:22.24Alpha_vstcause pits rock
23:22.25Hati93% compression rate o.O
23:22.44deathnight114what do you mean 93% Compression rate?
23:22.45Hati5gb file in 400mb
23:23.13Legickdeath it's pretty cool, i dunno about other people but i'm using earbuds and some of the higher pitched sounds are kinda grating on my ears
23:23.28deathnight114some of them do do that
23:23.31deathnight114i'm working on fixing that
23:23.35deathnight114but it's only in one spot
23:23.39deathnight114that it does that
23:23.41Skizota pit??
23:24.03Skizotyou guys suck at ideas
23:24.11Alpha_vstI NEED A FUCKING PIT :P
23:24.26Legicki think my idea is still the best
23:24.43deathnight114I zipped it
23:24.46deathnight114and it's only 7.20mb
23:24.46Legicknow that i think about it, it would be awesome for a pleasure kerrigan remake
23:24.55deathnight114not a 93% Compression rate
23:24.58*** join/#sc2mapster `228rar (~4dc3f87a@gateway/web/freenode/x-okbrxomumxvtehgq)
23:25.06`228rarHello =o
23:25.13Skizotsup 228
23:25.36`228rarBack from the Louvre, was free tonight =o
23:25.38Legickdeath do you do more songs like this?
23:25.44`228rarWhat's this dn ?
23:25.47deathnight114This is my first GOOD one
23:25.49Arthas-deathnight114 kind of music?
23:25.51deathnight114I have done tons
23:25.59deathnight114and techno
23:25.59Arthas-i wants chip music :<
23:26.06deathnight114I can do orchestral too
23:26.11deathnight114only for remakes
23:26.21deathnight114i'm nhot good at composing orchestrated
23:26.45Legickdon't be too hard on yourself, only people like 400 years ago could do it anyway
23:27.13Skizotwho did the ac130 map.
23:27.28Legickwhich one?
23:27.34deathnight114Anyone got any name ideas for that song?
23:27.41Legickthere's two ac130 maps around
23:27.45LineraWhy does a unit spot just before a point but not actually move to said point?
23:27.47`228rarGoing to listen to it first =p
23:28.24heysparkycool tune deathnight
23:28.36LineraI used                                 Unit - Order Classes[A][B] to ( Move targeting Return Point[B]) (Replace Existing Orders)
23:28.40heysparkythe highs did shrill a little bit, I agree with Legick
23:28.43`228rarI already heard that somewhere..
23:28.44heysparkybut nice groove
23:28.53Linerabut the unit only stops before the point, not on the point
23:29.01`228rarIt probably sounds like something I heard
23:29.06`228rarThe beginning at least
23:29.11deathnight114I didn't base this off of anything
23:29.18deathnight114There might be a song similar
23:29.19Legickalso at about exactly 2 mins in theres like
23:29.21Legicksome kind of
23:29.33Linerai guess no one cares to help then
23:29.49`228rarLinera: I have no idea why this would happen =o
23:29.58Skizot228 these people suck at ideas :(
23:30.01Vailrethi just had an idea but i would need the help of a modeler and the ability to animate that model in game
23:30.18deathnight114why did it do that in the mp3....
23:30.23deathnight114That usually doesn't happen
23:30.24Vailrethimagine The Doctor in Sc2
23:30.25`228rarSkizot: Originality is for the Weak!
23:30.25deathnight114hold on
23:30.40Skizotwell i am bored and want to model ....
23:30.50Skizotand i am willing to model something
23:30.51deathnight114thank you @ Legick
23:31.06Skizotyour idea was awesome.
23:31.23`228rarIt still is.
23:31.29Skizotthese people want, a penis, a pit and a kerrigan siloette.
23:31.47depthsofchaosyou didnt even mention sponge bob, how rude
23:31.53heysparkyand a cauldron
23:32.12Rugvipcombine those 3
23:32.14ShadowTigermake original kerrigan thats my vot
23:32.24`228rarFemale ghost
23:32.26Legickyou make fun of my request all you you want, but i'm eating steak right now
23:32.32Legickso i think i win
23:32.52Skizotmy wife is currently talking one of her girlfriends into coming over tonight.
23:33.00Skizotvagina x 2 > steak.
23:33.10`228rarIt'll be Nova or Kerrigan depending on the hair color
23:33.17Skizoti just need something to make time go faster.
23:33.24Legicksteal + 2 vagin > 2 vagins
23:33.26Alpha_vstFuck im gettign good at this data editor
23:33.30ShadowTigerim almost done with a big update for my TD, SC2 > all else
23:33.34Alpha_vsti do things and they work
23:34.04heysparkyalpha, I have a request then
23:34.16Alpha_vstlol not that good :P
23:34.24ShadowTigeryou can request me...
23:34.45`228rarWhere do I find the flag that allows unit to ignore terrain height ?
23:34.46Skizot228 you need a stack of tires for your map?
23:35.00ShadowTigerthere is such a flag for units
23:35.11ShadowTigeri have no idea what it does
23:35.27`228rarSkizot: I have to test your mapster logo, the previous one had huge alpha and resolution problems
23:35.34AsaIs there a way to require more than one worker to construct a structure?
23:35.45`228rarI got a screenshot somewhere
23:35.59ShadowTigeryou can do it with triggers asa
23:36.03Skizotand the alpha is fine.
23:36.03Alpha_vsti have that logo in my map
23:36.08ShadowTigerjust freeze construction until there are x workers on it
23:36.08Alpha_vstits good
23:36.09Legickno way that i know of through the data editor asa
23:36.09AsaWhat about with just the data editor Shadow?
23:36.09depthsofchaosi couldnt even import it :/
23:36.45`228rarand the alpha definitely wasn't that badly done on this one
23:36.52Skizoti didn't make that one.
23:37.08`228rarI know
23:37.11`228rarUpcios did
23:37.17`228rarHe also made a Sc2Mapster one
23:37.26deathnight114does anybody have any ideas for names for that song?
23:37.29`228rartaking the logo you converted yesterday
23:37.48Legickname it: Gaussian Blur
23:37.52Legickbecause why not
23:37.56`228rarI hear I suck at ideas, deathnight
23:38.23depthsofchaosname it illusion
23:38.24*** join/#sc2mapster PoC__ (~PoC@
23:38.33Legickillusion is probably taken
23:38.43depthsofchaos99% is taken :p
23:38.46Skizotso where's the one i made?
23:38.56`228rarPoC__ ? what does that mean ? Pen of Chaos ?
23:39.01`228rarSkizot: On my hard drive ofc !
23:39.12Legickhow about: A Gaussian Blur of an Illusion
23:39.40depthsofchaosblurry illusions of gaussian
23:40.14Legickor what you could do
23:40.23Legickis take any name and just put an X on the end
23:40.54*** join/#sc2mapster Shadowclaimer (
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23:42.18`228rarSkizot: I think the one Upcios did was in dds, that might be the problem again
23:42.55Skizota fucking hem.
23:42.57ShadowclaimerAlright so a test version of Zombies is done, anyone wanna play?
23:42.59Skizotlooks awesome to me.
23:43.02*** part/#sc2mapster Demonette (~6d559eae@gateway/web/freenode/x-cslnawklkemlvycp)
23:43.13Legicki does want play
23:43.18`228rarI tested it too Skizot
23:43.21`228rarLooks real good
23:43.24Shadowclaimeradd me, Shadowclaime.shadowclaimr
23:43.30Legickaight lemme get on
23:43.37Skizotthat's the tga
23:43.49`228rarExcept for the glow that's cut a little =p
23:44.05AsaHow do you attach an actor to a unit in the data editor, I forgot :(
23:44.21Shadowclaimerneed 2 more test playesr for Zombies
23:45.10depthsofchaosis it US region?
23:45.20depthsofchaostoo bad :o
23:46.44LegickUS YEAH WOOT
23:47.12heysparkyhow do you iterate through an array applying actions at each
23:47.12Skizotthe original art was cut too :(
23:47.22heysparkyideally I could use events to detect units entering the regions
23:47.27Skizotso what's wrong with my tga?
23:47.37ubdeadiventory is so RANDOM
23:47.44*** join/#sc2mapster Spoofed (~62462979@gateway/web/freenode/x-plyzbyqkxqytyxus)
23:47.51ubdeadon some item containers it adds them as you buy them
23:47.53heysparkyhowdy Spoofed
23:47.55SpoofedCan anyone help me?
23:47.58ubdeadand sometimes it drops them on the floor
23:48.04SpoofedI really need to know more about regions
23:48.11Spoofedin relation to triggers
23:48.20heysparkylol me too Spoof!
23:48.27`228rarSkizot: I didn't say there was any problem with yours, only that I had problems with the previous one
23:48.39SpoofedI really need to figure this out for my game
23:48.51Spoofedelse its really just gonna suck trying to code out the alternative
23:48.57heysparkyput it out there spoof, straight question and hopefully a straight answer
23:49.10Skizotwhat pervious one?
23:49.13SpoofedThe add rectangle to region trigger requires 4 points
23:49.14Skizoti only made one.
23:49.23Spoofedso does this mean that I can plug in any 4 points
23:49.31Spoofedor do they have to form a rectangle?
23:49.38`228rarSkizot: THe one I got from Upcios!
23:49.42Skizotoh lol
23:49.47Skizotyou need it fixed?
23:49.47deathnight114I wansn't paying attention when you guys asked me what to name it
23:49.49deathnight114so can i get the suggesstions again?
23:49.56ShadowclaimerLegick you here?
23:50.01heysparkyI have no idea Spoof
23:50.02`228rarSkizot If you don't mind, I'll give you the link
23:50.10SpoofedDam this really sucks
23:50.10Skizotdeathnight114 - i vote for BarbiesHorseAdventure.mp3
23:50.14heysparkybut that seems like somethig you can test
23:50.15Shadowclaimerpm me your name
23:50.19ShadowclaimerI gotta do a tweak and provide you a link to the map
23:50.25`228rarNice diablo UI btw, Skizot
23:50.26*** join/#sc2mapster FCB|Gat|Double (
23:50.30heysparkyby making two triggers, one that does it one way and one that does it another
23:50.38heysparkyin a really simple test map
23:51.02deathnight114For anyone who hasn't heard it yet
23:51.04deathnight114It's here :P
23:51.14ubdeadbtw Skizot, it seems you are the UI expert, do you happen to know how to hide the "cargo contents" in the unit
23:51.20`228rarFor the PNG version
23:51.28ubdeadi mean the individual units
23:51.45Skizotgod that is ugly
23:51.55`228rarwhat's ugly ? the logo ?
23:52.12ubdeadthats harsh Skizot lol
23:52.13`228rarIf you want to get rid of the .net
23:52.19`228rarGo ahead
23:52.38*** join/#sc2mapster davidcramer (
23:52.52deathnight114anyone have name suggesstions at all?
23:52.53ubdeadis starting to think Skizot has him on ignore
23:54.43Skizotthere ya go 228
23:55.04`228rarSo how is your map progressing ?
23:55.06Skizotubdead sorry was tabbed out.
23:55.11`228rarAre you still on that sidescroller ?
23:55.25ubdeadany pointers on how to get started editing the UI?
23:55.30heysparkyI think it was 'Gaussian Blur' deathnight
23:55.35ubdeadi have no idea where to look
23:55.38Skizotwell i make custom uis.
23:55.47ScytheBlade1click, and keep clicking. start with terrain.
23:55.47ryd_what are some good maps to play multiplayer?
23:55.50ShadowclaimerNeed two more vic.. testers for my Zombies map
23:55.51ryd_i have no lucky finding any finished / good ones
23:56.09Skizotif you want to edit the ACTUAL ui... you have t edit the .sclayout files.
23:56.24ubdeadi see
23:56.27RepoNew map: Ayre. Acegikmo (Manager/Author). Approved by sanktanglia.
23:56.30`228rarDialogs usually do the trick
23:56.31RepoNew map: battletanks testing bullets heigh. begingrado (Manager/Author). Experimental. Approved by sanktanglia.
23:56.35RepoNew map: Impossible Survival. Dalemil (Manager/Author). Experimental. Approved by sanktanglia.
23:56.40RepoNew map: battletanks testing bullets heigh. begingrado (Manager/Author). Approved by sanktanglia.
23:56.52`228rarWho is this sanktanglia ?
23:56.57Skizotand my map is still mia 228
23:56.57`228rarNever heard of him =o
23:57.07Skizoti am having issue with the bullets.
23:57.11Skizotthey come from space.
23:57.12ubdeadi wonder if i can just set flag to not show the units in cargo
23:57.17ShadowclaimerAnybody? Nobody wants to play a zombies game =(
23:57.29Skizotand my ui clicking thing is wired.
23:57.29Legicki'll be there too
23:57.34Legickyou know how exciting that will make it
23:57.51Skizotwith the new jump / platform code it looks weird when you jump 20 feet.
23:58.04*** join/#sc2mapster Azu (
23:58.14ShadowclaimerLooking for one more Victim for Zombies
23:58.21*** join/#sc2mapster Ingela (
23:58.22ShadowclaimerAzu, why thank you for volunteering
23:58.54`228rarI'm on EU servers
23:59.04AsaI'll go shadow
23:59.12ShadowclaimerAlright pm me your name
23:59.16Shadowclaimerand I'll toss you a link to the map

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