IRC log for #sc2mapster on 20100507

00:05.09BarakatX2so can you create doodads using triggers? or have a unit that creates doodads through the data editor or something?
00:05.22BarakatX2i guess i could make units that use the doodad model and just do that
00:05.27BarakatX2yeh that makes sense
00:05.43BarakatX2please ignore my self-convo lol
00:12.35Repo10genericherolearn: 03xhatix * r4 GenericHeroLearn.SC2Mod:
00:12.37Repoadded token for the learning ability in the DefaultHeroBasic (still note there is some kind of id-pattern for learning abilities) that now changes instantly the Submenu to use this learning-ability
00:12.42*** part/#sc2mapster Legick (
00:12.46*** join/#sc2mapster TheDudeAbides (
00:13.46*** join/#sc2mapster Kylegar (
00:15.32*** join/#sc2mapster Legick (
00:15.43*** join/#sc2mapster Jeremie (
00:16.34*** join/#sc2mapster Vailreth (
00:31.21*** join/#sc2mapster RecycledGoat (~46bd353b@gateway/web/freenode/x-ewjdiktaqhcxjsdr)
00:31.24RecycledGoathello everyone.
00:31.32RecycledGoatis there a list of tutorials to help get started with the galaxy editor?
00:32.06*** join/#sc2mapster dataangel (
00:34.20Hatithere are some how-tos
00:36.36Hatiyea or go through the forums
00:37.18Hatibut there the difficulity might go from beginner to experienced from thread to thread
00:38.30FrozenFirebatEditing the TechTree Help file for a map... is that done in triggers or data?
00:40.31Bemoliph-I know at least some of that stuff is in the Data Editor
00:40.42Bemoliph-Like Weak Against and Strong Against is per unit
00:41.08Bemoliph-Not sure about the tech tree tab, though
00:42.03HatiFrozenFirebat: you are refering to adding things like done in wc3 in the help panel?
00:42.06Haticontrols etc. ?
00:42.28Hatior simply want to change the tech-tree ?
00:43.06Skizot_did the patch do anything to the editor?
00:43.13Hatiauto locale
00:43.15Skizot_add remove etc?
00:43.23Skizot_well i know that part :P
00:43.43Skizot_but did they ninja in any new functions?
00:43.54Skizot_you know, like shit we NEED.
00:44.47Hatiseveral bugs are still there so i guess no
00:45.02*** join/#sc2mapster `228zip (~564b092a@gateway/web/freenode/x-ukkrucdvoiqeofyv)
00:46.24Skizot_blizzard sucks
00:46.55heysparkyyeah this editor blows
00:47.27Skizot_well the stuff we NEED isn't available.
00:47.35Skizot_that's why my rpg thing is backburnered
00:48.58HP-X|Arthasdid you expect them to make an update where they fix stuff?
00:49.01HP-X|Arthasallow me to laugh
00:49.25HP-X|Arthasthe crap we want now will be there in their first expansion set.... half of it, then the next half for the last one :)
00:49.51HP-X|Arthasand you know im right!
00:50.50BarakatX2well hopefully all the stuff we want will be do-able by people outside blizz
00:51.09HP-X|Arthasdoubt it
00:51.20Legicki think blizzard will put more effort into this, seeing that their game will do exponentially better pending on how the editor is
00:51.37VailrethThis sucks my KeyBoarD Broke
00:51.46HP-X|ArthasVailreth: buy a new one!
00:52.04VailrethI will
00:52.07BarakatX2i think people will be able to fix bugs in the editor
00:55.48art[]oh god phoenixes are so hot now
00:56.39VailrethThankfully I have a tablet
00:58.44`228zipBarakatX2 : You think too much, if the community fixes stuff
00:58.56`228zipThat doesn't mean Blizzard is going to update everyone's game
00:59.01`228zipwith the fix
00:59.01DustinFootprints are structure placement stuff right
00:59.54HP-X|Arthasand worksafe
01:00.23`228zipdon't care much about 4chan stuff
01:00.25VailrethBut it takes so long to write out every Thing.
01:00.59Stoneneedleworksafe content?
01:01.03Stoneneedleon MY /b/!?!
01:01.07StoneneedleTHIS WON'T DO
01:01.11HP-X|ArthasStoneneedle:  yeah
01:01.27`228zipwhat ?
01:01.31HP-X|Arthassome of it works :p
01:01.45HP-X|Arthasunfortunately, these lateryears most of the content are penuses :p
01:01.45`228zipwhat ?²
01:03.04HP-X|Arthasno more nsfw for today :D
01:03.10HP-X|Arthaswe've had enough w the patch and everything
01:04.05Hatipah importing wacom bambo from UK is way more expensive than just buying it here :(
01:07.11RevesAnyone else have an issue with the editor not detecting data ID's?
01:07.26VailrethI have a wacom Bamboo.
01:07.47SilverSeraphimwhat do you do if the sound effect plays too early for your missile?
01:08.07Revesadd a delay
01:08.15SilverSeraphimany idea how to do that?
01:08.35Reves1 sec let me look real quick
01:10.40NoRooAlright I'm back
01:11.09NoRooany one here available for a multiplayer test? Need to record a video with 4 players in the game :D (US server)
01:13.47VailrethSorry computer troubles
01:15.33NoRooNeed 3 people for the test :P
01:16.23*** join/#sc2mapster deathnight114 (
01:17.07*** join/#sc2mapster qwebirc39296 (~cf51b2ab@gateway/web/freenode/x-rceriyejftfdflbe)
01:17.24limezorhow would i go about making a trigger that spawns a random unit?
01:17.40NoRooneed 2 more people
01:17.42limezoror a random anything, for that matter
01:17.49NoRooSevenSeven: I've completely rebuilt the UI
01:18.19NoRooI'm going to record it finally
01:18.36SevenSevenwant to send me the map first?
01:19.00limezorAHHHHHHHHH I FOUND IT ^_^
01:19.10SevenSeventhe map
01:19.16SevenSevenSo I can patch
01:19.24Bifuulimezor: use a random Real and some If/Then/elses
01:19.24NoRoo2 more people needed! US server!  who want's in?
01:19.32*** join/#sc2mapster TheDudeAbides (
01:19.43NoRooSevenSeven: hold on for a sec
01:20.49SevenSevenI'll be on halo recon :D
01:21.08NoRoodon't disappear as soon as I get 2 more we're going to start
01:22.17SilverSeraphimwhat controls a missile's path?
01:22.57BemoliphNoRoo:  I'll help again
01:23.01Reves@SilverSeraphim yeah it seems like the most you can do is a fade in but that wont help you really
01:23.15SilverSeraphimReves: i got it a little better now
01:23.16NoRooBemoliph: sweet thanks, just need one more person to start the test!
01:23.20SilverSeraphimit's cause i'm using the viking missile
01:23.27SilverSeraphimand it drops for a split second before taking off
01:23.46SilverSeraphimso it's displaying at the right time now, but the drop is a little too jarring
01:23.51limezorokay so i got a random real number
01:23.57limezorhow do i assign a number to a unit?
01:24.04limezorlets say, if i roll a 3 i get a marauder?
01:24.06SilverSeraphimReves: thanks for looking tho =D
01:24.21BemoliphA switch may work, in the case of triggers
01:24.51Revesyeah no prob. BTW You can change the Model Animtaion speed.
01:25.02*** join/#sc2mapster Verr82 (
01:25.35SilverSeraphimReves: i think i know what to do
01:25.46Revescoo coo
01:25.48SilverSeraphimi'm gonna try changing the mover associated with the lauch missle effect actor
01:25.56NoRooBemoliph: SevenSeven Message me on Bnet so we can get the lobby filled up
01:26.00SilverSeraphimgonna try the missile turret mover rather than viking
01:26.03SilverSeraphimhere goes xD
01:26.11NoRoostill need 1 more person (US) To do a multiplayer test! who's in?
01:26.36DustinI'm availible
01:26.50NoRooDustin: message me on bnet :)
01:26.53NoRoookay lets do this!
01:27.01NoRoohopefully the UI holds together XD
01:27.12NoRooI think my sorting algorithm is correct
01:27.32*** join/#sc2mapster xttocs (
01:27.33*** join/#sc2mapster Gatling (
01:27.54limezoranyone wanna help me with my random unit creator
01:28.10DustinJust set an array with all the unit types
01:28.19Dustinthen get random numbers and spawn that unit type
01:28.31limezorhow do i set an array lol
01:28.57limezori think i can figure it out on my own, i just need some direction
01:31.14DustinMake your variable
01:31.32DustinThen under where you set the type of variable, you want to do unit type, there's a check box called array
01:31.49DustinClick that and then set the array to the size you want, ie how many unit types you want
01:32.03limezorhow do i assign units to the array?
01:32.50DustinSet Variable ArrayName[ Array Index ] = UnitType
01:33.29SilverSeraphimthis is weird, my missiles' attachement point is goofy. if im' shoot to the left, they look too low. but if i'm shooting to the right, they look too high
01:33.33SilverSeraphimhow is that possible
01:33.40limezorwait...where do you go to set that stuff?
01:33.48DustinMake a trigge
01:34.25limezorI SEE
01:34.28limezorit all makes sense now
01:34.30limezorthanks man
01:36.45SilverSeraphimanyone know where to set a missile's launch attachment point?
01:39.09*** join/#sc2mapster IphStich (~iph_626_s@
01:39.51BifuuOh theres another change
01:40.02BifuuYou cant Edit the Liberty or Core Units
01:41.30Bifuuthe sky
01:41.39limezorwhen you create an array, what do the other numbers stand for? there are 4 fields you can enter the size of your array at. do i only need to use the first one for basic stuff?
01:41.46IphStichhahahaha... youre real funny
01:43.23VailrethTo set a Launch point you change The Launch location value I Belive
01:44.03SilverSeraphimVailreth: hmm where can i find that?
01:45.00Vailrethin the misse Launche effect
01:46.28SilverSeraphimreading this
01:46.50SilverSeraphimit looks like the Launch Attachment Query might decide where the missile comes from
01:47.00SilverSeraphimoddly i was messing with that before and it didn't seem to make any difference
01:49.15*** join/#sc2mapster ckknight (~ckknight@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/CurseStaff/CurseForge/ckknight)
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01:50.23*** join/#sc2mapster Gnarfoz (smallbrain@WoWUIDev/WowAce/Gnarfoz)
01:51.24IphStichanybody know how to make custom tech trees?
01:51.30IphStichfor the help menu
01:53.38*** join/#sc2mapster Koronis (~4283a6c6@gateway/web/freenode/x-dnufdvdkhjpdzulv)
01:54.19VailrethSorry I missunderstood What you meant I think.
01:54.45IphStichIn game, when you click on 'help' at the top of the screen, the help menu opens
01:54.57SilverSeraphimits ok
01:55.00SilverSeraphimi figured it out =D
01:55.24IphStichin the help menu it has descriptions of the various units, tips, tutorials, and tech trees for all 3 races
01:55.26SilverSeraphimi used an attachment method (center) so it will always attach to the center of the unit
01:55.46BemoliphAny time, NoRoo
01:55.49SilverSeraphimi was using the attachment method for the marauder before which takes turns firing from either arm
01:55.51NoRooI am pleased with the new UI :)
01:55.51VailrethI have to write every thing Because my Keyboard Broke.
01:55.56NoRooneeds some polish
01:55.59NoRoobut it worked flawlessly
01:56.02BemoliphIs the color just a color or an image?
01:56.11*** join/#sc2mapster TheDudeAbides (
01:56.15NoRoodifferent image for each player color
01:56.24BemoliphAdd some swirlyness to each one, then
01:56.29BemoliphThat should fix the brightness I complained about
01:56.43BemoliphAnd make it look neat
01:57.03SevenSevennoroo your triggers are too complicated for me
01:58.04Skizot_my sidescroller just needs GAMEPLAY now.
01:58.08IphStichso anyone know how to make custom tech trees for the help menu?
01:58.11Skizot_cinematics etc
01:58.18KoronisHey Bifuu! I just got done watching your pawn shop tutorial and I found something that you might want to add in the description or something... While being into DATA [Abilities] if you go into Shop buy you'll see something named "TrainComplete" in Data - Alert  ... now if you go into DATA Alerts and duplicate the "traincomplet" .. you can modify the message it will say when you buy the item (ie: "Item purchased!!").
01:58.38DustinWow thats alot of shit for just displaying one box
01:58.55KoronisTelling you this because you said "thats something we'll fix later!" so in case you hadn't caught it yet ;P
01:59.03VailrethThis sucks I cant even mod because of this.
01:59.45DustinLol NoRoo
01:59.53BifuuKoronis: yeah i fixed it in my own maps, i just leave open ends for people to try to do it on their own (See it worked for you =P)
02:00.00DustinYou're doing the same thing as me for the bars
02:00.17DustinPlayerInteger + 4 or +8
02:00.22Bifuui leave alot of open ended things in my tutorials for a reason =P
02:01.12Koronisahhh so I guess you've already figured how to put a tooltip on item highlight :P?
02:01.36DustinI need to read an Item Tutorial here real soon
02:01.48NoRooBemoliph: yeah I can fine tune the artwork later
02:01.52KoronisCheck Bifuu's one.. it's amazing really
02:02.13NoRooDustin: honestly that's one of the sloppy parts :<
02:02.17NoRookinda hackish
02:02.41DustinYa that's what I managed to get working haphasardly hehe
02:02.52DustinThat's how we use to have to to do 2D arrays in JASS
02:03.04DustinIt was bullshit
02:03.21BifuuAh mah gawd, Youtube spamming mah e-mail
02:03.35Bifuui need to turn off subscription alerts >.<
02:04.25*** join/#sc2mapster ThreeTooMany (~184daff6@gateway/web/freenode/x-xiberprjwfihquap)
02:05.00ThreeTooManyI was having a problem making a hero in galaxy editor and was wondering if I could get some help
02:05.16DustinAlso Noroo
02:05.20KoronisYou can try :P
02:05.23ThreeTooManyAs soon as my hero levels up to level 2, he can't move anymore
02:05.30DustinYou know you can do a For Each integer instead of those while loops right?
02:05.41KoronisOh this as been adressed in the tutorial's comment below
02:05.50DustinThat way you dont have to mess with adding the the integer yourself
02:06.14Koronissomething around you have to go into the other levels (where you were putting the EXP points amount) and change the movement value from 0.1 to 1
02:06.42ThreeTooManyoh okay, thanks a lot!
02:07.15*** join/#sc2mapster Statcomm_ (~61742241@gateway/web/freenode/x-nkzajmdghldtshiz)
02:09.46NoRooyeah but I just do the while loops, it's closer to constructs I'm used to seeing
02:16.15deathnight114Who's able to beat that map?
02:17.04Statcomm_Oh yeah, the touhou thing. Reminds me of another impossible 2d shooter, Raystorm on the ps1
02:17.53Statcomm_Btw, just to be clear, the music heard comes from in the game right? As in, you can input your own soundtracks in your custom map?
02:18.05BemoliphI believe you can
02:18.06Skizot_raystorm hd is coming to xbox live arcade
02:18.09NoRooUploading a video of the game in just a moment so every one that hasn't played it yet can get a look at it
02:18.20deathnight114can you comment?
02:18.21BifuuTouhou isnt thaaaaaaaaat bad
02:18.23*** join/#sc2mapster pile (~4711fd32@gateway/web/freenode/x-kfjxmwybvbbtevfl)
02:18.26Statcomm_Oh excellent, will defo use that then
02:18.26BemoliphThere are a bunch of trigger controls for music ("Soundtracks")
02:18.27deathnight114I'd like some comments on that vid
02:18.34Statcomm_Skizot, amen to Raystorm
02:19.05BemoliphThe Touhou map is alright, once you understand the controls
02:19.11Statcomm_Well forst starter deathnight1114, it really screws with the eyes as far as I'm concerned
02:19.22BemoliphIt took a while to actually know how everything worked, or at least it did for me
02:19.31Statcomm_Which is part of the challenge yes, but it's still mindboggle
02:19.33deathnight114it took me ahilw
02:19.36BemoliphEspecially how shift works
02:19.47deathnight114those anime pics
02:19.50BemoliphIt might just be a language barrier, but it's not particularly apparent in the normal gameplay
02:19.53deathnight114are also in thegame
02:20.05Statcomm_Jesus, this editor is far more powerful than I thought
02:20.08BemoliphYeah, they are part of the actual game its based on
02:20.16BemoliphKinda distracting, but at least it's true to the original games
02:20.22Statcomm_Can't wait for the release to start making my own maps
02:20.33BemoliphWhy are you waiting?
02:20.50Statcomm_There are some models I really need from the campaign, as well as wanting to see what more they can offer
02:20.59Statcomm_I'll start learning the basics for now of mapmaking
02:21.15Statcomm_After all this time, I still know squat about making maps :P
02:21.33deathnight114The only thing i can get
02:21.45deathnight114is a shitty third person W Movement
02:22.23Statcomm_My understanding is you can spend alot of time designing mechanics, and then once you're happy, just save the codes or whatever, then copy paste for the rest of your map making times
02:22.43BemoliphYes, if you make the same kinds of maps
02:23.06BemoliphThough I'm sure there are things you can import to almost any type
02:23.15BemoliphThat are also useful
02:23.16Statcomm_This is excellent, learn once how to make the types of mechanics you want then keep copy pasting/improving
02:23.44*** join/#sc2mapster payne (~18c93393@gateway/web/freenode/x-axwallthwbseersp)
02:23.46Statcomm_Damn so many map making ideas, so little time
02:24.05deathnight114i'll help
02:24.15Statcomm_I would, but I don't know how to help test
02:24.20paynei absolutely need 2 more, though
02:24.32paynestat, youre on us server?
02:24.36Statcomm_I think so, yes
02:24.55Statcomm_Most likely, my account is us in address so should be that
02:25.07*** join/#sc2mapster Sixen (
02:25.07*** mode/#sc2mapster [+o Sixen] by ChanServ
02:25.07paynemissing one more.
02:25.15paynei need ur hlep to test a map
02:25.16payneure in? :D
02:25.29*** join/#sc2mapster Iggyhopper (
02:25.32Iggyhopperguy sugys
02:25.48IggyhopperIs there some way I can make the turret of a unit face an angle?
02:26.02payneoh well, fuck it -.-
02:30.40*** join/#sc2mapster Jamash (
02:33.04SixenHai2u Stat
02:33.16DustinHave we figured out wtf records are
02:33.24DustinCause they look like structs
02:33.39deathnight114Will a few ppl comment on this vid plz?
02:35.39KoronisYou should probably put the author's name in the comment deathnight114
02:36.31deathnight114I don't know it
02:36.37deathnight114Dunno his name
02:37.18*** join/#sc2mapster qwebirc11211 (~cf51b2ab@gateway/web/freenode/x-hnsbhnwpsxgqtvzz)
02:37.31FrozenFirebatI saw a vid of that map the other day
02:37.34FrozenFirebatpretty epic
02:37.41limezorSo I'm guessing "player has resource" has no support for custom resources then...\
02:37.49deathnight114I'm noob at those games
02:37.52deathnight114took me so many tries
02:37.56SixenWHy not, limezor?
02:38.06limezorI gues Blizz just forgot about it
02:38.13FrozenFirebatI used to play 1942 in the arcade...
02:38.14SixenIs Terrazine there?
02:38.43limezorits really restricted :(
02:38.50FrozenFirebatyou can always use a workaround... Set Variable to Resource... and use the Variable
02:38.58limezoryeah thats true
02:39.03SixenOr could use Galaxy ;)
02:39.13limezorill have to differentiate between all player's terrazine though
02:39.25SixenUse an array
02:39.33limezoroh right
02:39.35limezorthis is true
02:39.37SixenOr just use "triggering player"
02:39.38KoronisLimezor have you found a way so it doesnt refund the item's purchase price ?
02:39.52IphStichwhat is terrazine?
02:39.52Koronisthe full price**
02:39.56FrozenFirebatPIck all players in all players... Variable(pickedplayer)
02:39.56limezorKoronis I have no iea what you are talking about
02:40.04FrozenFirebatI abuse the hell outta that Action
02:40.12limezorTerrazine is a custom resource that Blizzard premade
02:40.25KoronisForget it I'm sorry
02:40.26IphStichah k
02:40.26limezoryou can make other custom resources too but this one was just easiest to use
02:40.43limezorsince its already named and automatically makes an icon beside vespene gas and minerals
02:40.47limezor(at the top right)
02:41.17*** join/#sc2mapster Alpha_vst (
02:41.18limezoryeah ive never got how to use the pick all players
02:41.29limezorand how to use unit groups and player groups
02:41.30Alpha_vstpick all players duh
02:42.19Alpha_vsti use it a lot in my map makes for easy player selections instead of doing something 10x i do it once :D
02:43.24limezoruglh blizz made this so hard
02:43.37limezorfor my Random Unit Arena [City] map
02:44.02limezoractually i finally made the random unit part work
02:44.13limezorits just a bitch to create heroes
02:44.24limezori mean...what do i do?
02:44.29IggyhopperLOL I JUST BEHEADED A TANK
02:44.34Alpha_vstfollow bifuu tutorial
02:44.35limezorjust duplicate some units and give them more life/damage?
02:44.35IggyhopperMUST GET VIDEO
02:44.47Iggyhopperbut first eationg
02:44.49limezori know HOW to make heroes im just too lazy to do it lol
02:44.51Statcomm_Btw, concerning external soundtracks and the looping, you know how some soundtracks have a special beginning in video games, but then they just loop over coherently after? If I wanted to add a soundtrack, would I need to manually create that loop (so like a 9:00 minute file) and then use it, or would there be a way to make it loop coherenely in the editor?
02:45.08limezorwould you guys play a Random Unit Arena that doesnt have heroes?
02:46.04FrozenFirebathas anybody made a plug&play Hero engine yet?
02:46.05Alpha_vstu need action and excitement man
02:46.44Bifuubbl apparently im going to see iron man 2
02:46.52FrozenFirebatVery nice bifuu
02:47.01*** join/#sc2mapster SCMapper (
02:47.09Bifuurandom invites to movies from chicks ftw
02:47.22FrozenFirebatExtra nice if they are more than plutonic
02:47.48Statcomm_Think you mean platonic?
02:47.53TehwildcardThats nice of your mom
02:47.58FrozenFirebathahaha... Yeah stat...
02:48.07FrozenFirebatappearently u and a are too close together XD
02:48.32Statcomm_Hah, alright, plutonic would've made them.,,radioactive. Not that I'm sure, is plutonium radioactive?
02:48.39Statcomm_Gotta check that, sec.
02:48.52*** join/#sc2mapster Ellium (
02:48.53Bifuuit is
02:48.54Statcomm_Yep, it's radioactive.
02:48.55FrozenFirebatI'm pretty sure it is... but hey... at least you can use them as a night light
02:49.26Statcomm_Well I suppose if you irradiate yourself, you can turn yourself into night light too..
02:49.42FrozenFirebatAnyways... nobody knew the answer to my question? Is there a Plug&Play hero engine already?
02:49.46Statcomm_So anyway, no idea on external soundtrack looping?
02:49.52*** join/#sc2mapster xttocs (
02:50.03Alpha_vstanyone know how to make a bridge work (making them walk over it not following terrain)
02:50.17Statcomm_FrozenFirebat, I think...and I say again, I *think* that the asset area of the map has those engines?
02:50.30Statcomm_I'm not sure if they are plug and play, but worth a look.
02:50.47FrozenFirebatahh... I'm wondering what to do with my time now... After making two WASD movement engines that are plug&play
02:51.48*** join/#sc2mapster Cide (
02:51.48Alpha_vstmake a awesome custom spell database
02:51.53*** join/#sc2mapster deathnight114 (
02:51.56Cidehey, where are the ladder maps stored?
02:52.14Statcomm_Alright, guess I'm gonna have to track down the author of that Touhou map to ask.
02:52.29Alpha_vstask what?
02:52.32FrozenFirebatHmm... that might be a good idea Alpha
02:52.34DustinUser>AppData>sc2beta>cache folder
02:52.36xttocsslaps nicoli_s
02:52.45Statcomm_Concerning the soundtracks Alpha_vst
02:52.50Skizot_karate kicks xttocs
02:52.50Statcomm_I was wondering about the looping.
02:52.51FrozenFirebatI've already made / altered 40 spells
02:52.55Cidehmm so they're only temporarily downloaded?
02:52.59Cidethey're not persistently stored
02:53.02xttocsslaps Skizot_
02:53.17Skizot_no u
02:54.02xttocsWhatcha doing for sc2mapster's wiki?
02:54.09Statcomm_Sina: 天朝自制星际2弹幕图 lol ok that's the author apparently, so I guess I can't quite contact him :P
02:54.16DustinCide yes, they are downloaded each time you load up the lobby
02:54.27Cidealright, thanks for your help
02:54.47xttocsYeah you
02:54.47Skizot_i just moderate
02:55.03IphStichwhere are the custom resources?
02:55.12IphStichlike, are they in data or what?
02:56.18*** join/#sc2mapster peterpants (
02:57.10VailrethStatcomm_:  I think i Know What you are asking for.
02:57.33peterpantsanyone know how to to turn a tanks turret only via triggers
02:57.35Statcomm_Vailreth, really?
02:58.10Vailrethnot sure But I might.
02:58.39Statcomm_Vailreth, it's like say...Paper Mario rpg, any soundtrack has a special start, but then the track is set in a way that it can loop coherently over and over without it like fading and repeating right?
02:58.52*** part/#sc2mapster Legick (
02:59.48VailrethIam Testing now
02:59.50Statcomm_Vailreth, you see that issue for example in the wacky race map made with the editor, at some point the soundtrack just fades...and I assume it loops back again after the fade, but it's really awkward. I was wondering how to avoid that without maybe manually extending the track to like 9:00 minutes or so.
03:00.46limezoralright well
03:00.49limezori gotta go play hockey
03:00.50limezorseee ya
03:00.59FrozenFirebatso I just found out that patches retroactively affect maps made in earlier versions... my thors now need to upgrade to use their 250 cannons =(
03:01.24Statcomm_Might be important to mention that as undocumented change
03:01.56Vailrethok ...
03:02.08Vailrethi think i know how that may work...
03:02.22Vailrethfound an old keyboard for the night
03:03.05Vailrethyou are using a soundtrack yes?
03:03.32IphStichwell, ive gotta go shopping, bye
03:03.35Vailrethso you are using a master sound and a slave sound?
03:04.00Statcomm_A who and a what? I mean I just have a basic soundtrack ripped from another video game.
03:04.15Vailrethoh sorry ..
03:04.25Vailrethin the soundracks tab...
03:04.41TehwildcardStat nothing really in the editor to do that
03:04.55Vailrethyou can create a soundtrack in the data editor it has a master sound and a slave sound fields
03:05.08TehwildcardWould have to use a program like audacity and just make your own
03:06.08*** join/#sc2mapster Legick (
03:06.11TehwildcardJust have 2 sound files one with the start
03:06.13Statcomm_I see. Alright. That siad, I was actually wondering about the difference between master sound and slave sound
03:06.16Tehwildcardthen one with the loop to the end
03:07.03Statcomm_Oh I see, I'd cut it where the special start stops and where the looping part starts minus the fading
03:08.41Vailrethah sorry i thought you had two sound files ..
03:08.56Statcomm_Oh well, but then I'd have two sound files
03:08.59Vailrethone you wanted to start and one you wanted to loop.
03:09.09Statcomm_Yeah I could manually create that
03:09.50Vailrethbut  i dont think you would have to make a 9 minute loop just a slave sound
03:10.24Statcomm_Yeah, if the slave sound is set to loop by itself, I could just cut it where the loop would naturally start, and it would do the rest by itself.
03:10.55Statcomm_As long as the game doesn't delay the looping.
03:11.34Vailrethi think it can be set not to  brb i will test
03:14.45*** join/#sc2mapster deathnight114 (
03:21.17*** join/#sc2mapster Shixax (~chatzilla@
03:21.59CrazafiedIs the mac sc2 editor out?
03:23.18TehwildcardDon't think so
03:23.35Statcomm_Gtg, later folks!
03:25.40Skizot_gonna show off my sidescroller.
03:26.08Shard_wow, how'd you get that colored bars effect in stcraraft?
03:28.44NeoDeathXplol so cool
03:29.04NeoDeathXpwhat software are you using to capture your desktop?
03:29.30IS|Xenslooks really awesome skizot
03:30.44*** join/#sc2mapster Legick (
03:31.06*** join/#sc2mapster Shard__ (
03:33.45Shard__so who else is waiting for publishing to release their large chunk of maps?
03:34.06*** join/#sc2mapster Jerub (~gideon@unaffiliated/jerub)
03:34.11Jerubdid new sc2 beta emails go out today?
03:34.57Jerubi just got 2 beta keys in an email that looks like the one i got a while back
03:35.03Jerubyou know, except for 2 keys instead of 1 in it.
03:35.21ShardFenixplay with yourself lol
03:35.33ShardFenixwas it from the opt in?
03:36.21Jerubno, i've been in the beta a long time
03:36.32*** join/#sc2mapster Barter (~Bart@
03:37.50*** join/#sc2mapster Razernok (
03:39.45*** join/#sc2mapster Tehwildcard_ (
03:40.13CrazafiedIs their a Unit changes cordinates trigger? lol
03:41.06*** part/#sc2mapster Legick (
03:41.31ShardFenixi dont think you would want one
03:42.07ShardFenixit would be run like a billion times per second
03:42.58xttocsI should calculate the unit of time in SC2
03:43.40xttocsand figure out what galaxy opcodes get run each 'frame' of the game
03:43.46ShardFenixSC2 most likely uses calculus
03:43.49ShardFenixso it doesnt have a unit time
03:43.50*** join/#sc2mapster PixelWarrior (
03:43.54*** join/#sc2mapster Dark_Oppressor (
03:44.04NeoDeathXpi refined process!
03:44.16CrazafiedYeah thats what i was thinking just define it on a periodic loop is my best bed shard?
03:44.16xttocsShardFenix, I'm not following you on that one.
03:44.21NeoDeathXpits literally drag and drop
03:44.22xttocsIt's going to have some unit of time.
03:44.36ShardFenixit doesnt have to
03:44.45xttocsYeah it does
03:44.59ShardFenixif the game's instructions were based on some unit of time, anyone with a different frame rate would cause a game desynch
03:45.20xttocsI'm not talking about real life seconds
03:45.27ShardFenixit's most likely using calculus with some built-in "do these every X seconds"
03:45.42PixelWarrioranyone know how to call an effect using trigger actions?
03:45.52xttocsI'm talking about some internal unit of time. i.e., based on an allocated amount of opcodes that get executed each timestep
03:45.58xttocsor based on some other update
03:46.03ShardFenixi see
03:46.07*** join/#sc2mapster Iggyhopper (
03:46.21xttocsThe game is composed of discrete events
03:46.27xttocswith specific 'times'
03:46.33ShardFenixPixelWarrior: Environment -> Create Effect At ...
03:46.50xttocsThat's why you can save replays
03:46.57xttocsyou just save all the events and the respective times
03:46.57Furyhunterdelta timing?
03:47.10ShardFenixreplays are just lists of commands with timestamps
03:47.18xttocsI don't know the terminology
03:47.37xttocserr no
03:47.40xttocsnot delta timing
03:48.04xttocsShardFenix: Precisely. But the timestamps are not real world time.
03:48.15Alpha_vsttexturing terrain is time consuming
03:48.36*** join/#sc2mapster ShardFenix_ (
03:48.49ShardFenixinternet zzz
03:48.57PixelWarrioralpha: its art =D
03:48.58xttocs[11:48 PM] <xttocs> ShardFenix: Precisely. But the timestamps are not real world time.
03:49.47PixelWarriorQuantum said: "Just have the trigger call the create persistent effect from the unit."
03:50.16*** join/#sc2mapster Corosus (
03:50.25Alpha_vstim done with my 3rd pass on my low level ground lol
03:53.19*** join/#sc2mapster fatal_azn (
03:54.02*** join/#sc2mapster Technetium (~a@
03:56.01*** part/#sc2mapster Sixen (
04:00.55Stoneneedleis there any limit to the amount of broodlings a brood lord can field?
04:02.54Alpha_vstthe color of my mini changed
04:03.04BemoliphOnly effectively, as far as I know
04:03.19BemoliphSince the Broodlings will time out and have a soft cap that way
04:03.48Alpha_vstmy mini map keeps changing colors lol
04:03.52xttocsYou guys wanna do me a favor
04:04.23Alpha_vstwhat favor?
04:04.28Jerubwhere's the spreadsheet that was in the topic gone?
04:04.40xttocsCompile a list of desired changed and improvements for the SC2 editor.
04:04.51xttocsFor example... script editing.
04:05.23*** join/#sc2mapster Griffith` (
04:06.02Stoneneedleyes bem that seems to be my experience from testing them
04:06.13Stoneneedlegot up to 4 broodlings, no real limit except time
04:07.53Dark_OppressorIs there no simple way to say "if any probe owned by this player enters this region..." ?
04:12.01*** join/#sc2mapster Corbo (~be574649@gateway/web/freenode/x-jehczxmlhssyhgpt)
04:12.09CorboSo MIRC is failing on me
04:12.17Alpha_vstowner of unit is = to player
04:12.29Alpha_vstevent unit enters region
04:12.30Tehwildcard_Or just in region matching condition
04:13.40Dark_OppressorHm, ok thanks
04:14.12Dark_Oppressorthis is a bit more complicated than the SC1 editor
04:14.15Alpha_vsttehwild card wouldnt that require a every so often trigger?
04:14.26Alpha_vstor event
04:14.31Tehwildcard_No if they enter the region they would have to be in it :P
04:15.07Alpha_vstbut you cant tell if they are in a region if you didn't set teh trigger off :D
04:15.18Tehwildcard_Right, it would still have to have your event
04:15.35Alpha_vstthen your just being redundant :D
04:15.49Tehwildcard_It would make it easy to turn off
04:15.55Tehwildcard_wouldn't have to add another condition
04:16.19Alpha_vstwhy would you need to turn it off?
04:16.47Tehwildcard_? I don't know what he's making it for
04:17.10Alpha_vstyour way is crazy :D
04:17.47Stoneneedlehey it says that brood lords have a ranged attack of 20 but the broodlings' attack is only 4 (+3)
04:18.01Tehwildcard_Broodlords are ranged?
04:18.05Alpha_vstwould you look at me strangely if i asked you for a bag of chips twice?
04:18.08Stoneneedleit doesn't seem to work that way when I run them...
04:18.13Stoneneedleno on sc2 armory
04:18.16Stoneneedlemaybe the stats are outdated
04:18.19Tehwildcard_No, I would assume you wanted two bags of chips
04:19.16Tehwildcard_The way I had it, it would keep checking the condition until he left the region
04:19.37Tehwildcard_Incase for some reason you wanted to change ownership in the region
04:19.45Tehwildcard_was just covering all basis :P
04:20.18Stoneneedleno they're not outdated, that really is the way they work
04:20.37Stoneneedlejust that you don't see any "seed," the broodlings hover a little while and then fly down
04:21.34Alpha_vsthey anyone know if i can set things of fire?
04:21.49Alpha_vsti really want flaming trees
04:21.51Tehwildcard_With a doodad or like a dead?
04:21.55allenmelonsc2mapster is down?
04:22.18Tehwildcard_There is a geyser that has a flame, I haven't found anything else
04:22.24Tehwildcard_It takes the terrain color though
04:22.38Alpha_vstbut i want my trees to be on fire
04:22.59Alpha_vstlike flames
04:23.33Alpha_vstthey have to be on fire if they end up in lava it only makes sense
04:23.43DustinAre there any physics gurus who want to partake in a badass map idea I had
04:23.43Alpha_vstwell i guess they should be removed but thats boring
04:24.13PixelWarriorare we recreating special relativity in galaxy?
04:24.29PixelWarriorthen im in!
04:24.34*** join/#sc2mapster payne (~18c93393@gateway/web/freenode/x-zozqyljwlqgryvco)
04:24.46payneI need 3 guys
04:24.48payneto test a map
04:24.53payne(Random Micro Arena)
04:24.56payneUS server
04:24.56Stoneneedlewhat kind of map payne?
04:25.03Stoneneedlethen can't :/
04:25.12Bemoliph<Alpha_vst> hey anyone know if i can set things of fire?
04:25.12Bemoliph<Alpha_vst> i really want flaming trees
04:25.14payneCorbo from SEN ?
04:25.16Corbowtf payne
04:25.18Stoneneedlecuz I'm in ching chong china and I use a euro battle net account
04:25.19paynelol corbo!
04:25.23BemoliphI noticed Trees and such will get "corrupted" by creep
04:25.34Alpha_vstwhats corrupted
04:25.35Corbowelcome to a real mapping site? ;o
04:25.35BemoliphI don't know if you can access it through Galaxy, but the technology is there for sure
04:25.39paynerofl no
04:25.41paynesc2mapster sucks
04:25.46BemoliphI mean they will shrivel up and stuff
04:25.47payneI just come here because there are actually people
04:25.49BemoliphTurn purple
04:25.54payneall sc2mapster has is activity
04:25.56paynethats it.
04:26.01BemoliphCan go use an overlord to see what I mean
04:26.08Alpha_vsthey on that note bemo you know how to change the color of creep on the mini map?
04:26.10payneSEN > Sc2mapster
04:26.19Corboand that makes it suck because...?
04:26.23paynecorbo, what you did when you left was really gay D=
04:26.26BemoliphNot off the top of my head, sorry
04:26.33paynejust look at the site..
04:26.37paynethe skin makes my eyes bleed
04:26.39CorboNo it wasn't payne ;o
04:26.41paynenon-organized DLDB
04:26.47Alpha_vsthmmm i should test thing tree thing
04:26.48payneforum sucks
04:26.57paynetext-format when you write stuff anywhere sucks
04:27.05payneI can't even amkethe smiley "^^" without fucking the whole thing
04:27.10CorboSEN has a nice db
04:27.11paynesrsly, the site sucks.
04:27.13CorboSEN has nice forums
04:27.15Corbobut oh wait
04:27.19Corbothey don't have content
04:27.25payneits starting to get in
04:27.31paynewhy had you to leave, anyways?
04:27.35CorboI didn't do anything gay when I left
04:27.46payneyou only gave hundreds of severity to everyone
04:27.49payneand banned everyone from using DLDB
04:27.52payneor somethingl ike that
04:27.53CorboI believe I had said why I left ??
04:27.59paynewell i dun remember
04:28.04payneyou knew you had your own smiley now? :p
04:28.05Corbowell too bad
04:28.07payne:corbo: is a lil turtle ^^
04:28.14CorboI know I do
04:28.19CorboI made it myself
04:28.33paynei had asked for it many months before it appeared
04:28.53CorboI bet you do nothing even when being active ;o
04:28.53Tehwildcard_payne, I'll help you test
04:29.02payneCorbo, ppl dislike you on SEN only because of what you did when you left
04:29.04payneit was rather immature
04:29.05paynebut htats it
04:29.14paynetehwildcard, good :)
04:29.18payneI need 2 more ppl to help test
04:29.24CorboPeople don't dislike me?
04:29.29paynei dun think so
04:29.39paynethough im not aware of hate-related things
04:29.42payneI just love everyone ^^
04:29.42CorboWhy did you say they did then?
04:29.54paynethey are frustrated at how immature you were when you left
04:30.03Corbooh please
04:30.09paynethough I think it woke up the admins to make thme do more moderation
04:30.12Corbolike if I wasn't THAT immmature when I was there :P
04:30.14paynein a sense, you contributed to sen, once again :P
04:30.27Corboof coruse I did.
04:30.34payneI am immature... but ive never done that much of a thing
04:30.34FrozenFirebatAnybody else have an issue with exporting a library, only to have it screwed up when you import it into another map?
04:30.35CorboThat was the point of mass severity
04:30.49payneI need 2 people to help test my map
04:30.50Corbothat and I had to have one final lulz
04:30.51Tehwildcard_Frozen, I haven't
04:30.53paynecorbo, ull help?
04:31.01Corbooh fine
04:31.05payneone more
04:31.07*** join/#sc2mapster NoRoo_ (~99126232@gateway/web/freenode/x-pdlwuhusskafadsb)
04:31.13NoRoo_Hey guys
04:31.27Corbolet me
04:31.30Corboturn on that one other comp
04:31.32NoRoo_at class right now, I fucked up the video and uploaded 4:3 aspect
04:31.32paynehelp me test a map
04:31.36NoRoo_I'll be fixxing it later
04:31.45NoRoo_however, check it out
04:32.28paynewhat is ur account?
04:32.31payneand corbo?
04:32.33payneim :
04:32.34Alpha_vstthey do die but not the dead ones :D
04:32.37payneadd me both
04:33.05BemoliphOh, NoRoo_
04:33.17BemoliphSee if you can get the missiles to be the color of the player, rather than always yellow
04:33.29NoRoo_Bemoliph: they are
04:33.37BemoliphReally? o.O
04:33.45NoRoo_Bemoliph: the missiles the viking is using, the yellow part isn't team color
04:33.46*** join/#sc2mapster Corbo2 (~thecorbo@
04:33.48BemoliphAt least the viking missiles always seemed to be one color
04:33.51paynecan you help me test?
04:33.52NoRoo_those missiles just have yellow on them
04:33.57paynewildcard, get on
04:34.00Corbo2what do I do?
04:34.02Alpha_vstactually i take that back
04:34.06paynewuts ur account, corbo?
04:34.11payneadd me
04:34.12Bemoliphpayne:  Sorry, not right now
04:34.12Alpha_vstthese trees are not getting death
04:34.18Corbo2I probably have to make one again?
04:34.25Corbo2oh no screw you
04:34.26Corbo2you add me
04:34.30Tehwildcard_I'm on payne, I added you
04:34.33Corbo2stupid bnet 2.0 doesn't like me
04:34.33BemoliphNoRoo_:  Would be neat to get the Viking Missiles to be different colors on those parts, then, if possible
04:34.48NoRoo_Bemoliph: that would require using a different model
04:34.49Corbo2mine wil be
04:35.00Corbo2but I'm patching up
04:35.02BemoliphOh well, was just an idea
04:35.29Alpha_vstbemoliph you know what trees die from creep?
04:35.40BemoliphI know for sure the ones on Lost Temple do
04:35.55Corbo2hey look
04:35.59Corbo2Corbo quit
04:36.00BemoliphEspecially in the bottom right corner
04:36.09Alpha_vstwhat tileset is that
04:36.13paynesoon finished, corbo?
04:36.16BemoliphI'm not entirely sure, sorry
04:36.18Corbo2hold on
04:36.21Corbo2still patching
04:36.31Corbo2about to start writing stuff
04:36.32Alpha_vstwhat tileset is lost temple anyone?
04:37.08*** join/#sc2mapster Helios_ (~57c2c738@gateway/web/freenode/x-mrmctwmpqxwrvwnh)
04:37.28Corbo2IM JUST PATCHING
04:37.33paynewe must be 4
04:37.34Helios_is it possible to track mouse loc (other than when you press) so to track it constantly or at lwast every 0.5 seconds or something
04:37.37paynewe're only 3
04:38.00Tehwildcard_Nope helios
04:38.06Helios_why not
04:38.12Tehwildcard_A lot of people want it though :P
04:38.13Helios_it has mouse tracking for FPS mode
04:38.19Helios_so surely it can be done
04:38.22Helios_via some magic!
04:38.28Tehwildcard_That is just the camera
04:38.31Tehwildcard_angles and crap
04:38.36Tehwildcard_not the actual mouse
04:38.47Helios_so can you rotate camera with mouse and then retrieve the angle the camera is now facing?
04:39.15paynecorbo, soon done? :ò
04:39.16Corbo2you can rotate camera with mouse
04:39.24Corbo2I've done it before and without the editor ;o
04:39.26Helios_right byt can you then get the cameras facing angle
04:39.53Helios_i presume yes
04:40.19Tehwildcard_yup I'm pretty sure thats how the shooters are working
04:40.39payne... D:
04:40.45payneshouldnt take that  long to update the patch
04:40.57Helios_i wonder what would happen if you grabbed the ammount the camera moved then reset camera position
04:41.09Alpha_vstnothing happens to these fucking trees
04:41.10Helios_if youcould then make a virtual cursor or move an object around via mouse
04:41.22Helios_without the camera jerking about briefly
04:41.33*** join/#sc2mapster Corbo (~thecorbo@
04:41.33Helios_my bet is it cant :-/
04:42.13payneits long man!
04:42.14Helios_I thought at first lack of mouse tracking was to prevent network use, but if you can rotate 3D camera and get angle then it makes no sense a t all
04:42.29CorboI told you to add me
04:42.54paynei did
04:43.20heysparkyhey, is there a site with good screenshots of existing MP maps?
04:43.56Corboit's Corbo.xcorbo
04:43.58NoRoo_heysparky: did you see the video I linked?
04:44.10heysparkyno Noroo
04:44.25Tehwildcard_NoRoo, that looks sick
04:44.27NoRoo_video of a multiplayer game
04:44.59heysparkyah, I see, heh, that does look fun
04:46.12payne <-- PATCHER, <-- MAP
04:46.16payne@ corbo and wildcard
04:46.27heysparkyI'm looking for skirmish maps tho
04:46.30*** join/#sc2mapster Arthas-stuffs (
04:48.15payne  <-- PATCHER,  <-- MAP
04:49.44NoRoo_Any way I need a name for my map still...
04:49.44Alpha_vstthat does look fun makes my map look lame :(
04:50.38Alpha_vsti need to get my game to a early beta point and post a mini movie :P
04:54.58Dark_OppressorNow I'm playing with a melee map, can we get actual AI working in them?
04:57.07Dark_OppressorNot even the Very Easy thing?
04:57.09Alpha_vsti have no idea
04:57.21Alpha_vstlol you can turn on easy mode
04:58.13Alpha_vstdont touch the triggers and make start locations give them to the players and set slots for computer
04:58.43Dark_OppressorI tried that first, no luck
04:58.58Dark_Oppressorthe default melee init stuff just ends the game immediately
04:59.08Dark_OppressorHas anyone done this?
05:05.30*** join/#sc2mapster ShadowTiger (~4b198235@gateway/web/freenode/x-qbghowtbslmucaqk)
05:06.14Alpha_vstyou did it wrong
05:06.21Alpha_vstclose slots that are not used
05:06.24Dark_OppressorI did?
05:06.29Dark_OppressorI... made a map with "New Map"
05:06.33Dark_OppressorThe editor made it
05:06.39Dark_Oppressorthey start out closed
05:06.47Dark_Oppressorsave player 15
05:06.53Dark_Oppressoranyway I'm trying again
05:07.04*** join/#sc2mapster ryd_ (~62701005@gateway/web/freenode/x-xfawwvlttueblolm)
05:07.04Dark_Oppressorin case I somehow mucked it up without touching anything
05:07.11Dark_Oppressorwhich is entirely possible ;-)
05:07.17Alpha_vstlol yeah it really is
05:07.21Alpha_vststupid editor
05:07.28Dark_OppressorIt's sexy though
05:07.34Alpha_vstand fyi i have not done it my self :D
05:07.43Alpha_vsti only assume
05:07.43Dark_OppressorWell, maybe I can figure it out
05:07.48Dark_OppressorWe shall see
05:07.59Dark_OppressorI got so far as the map loaded and everything worked, except the comps would only mine
05:08.11Dark_Oppressorand I got a bunch of "invalid mainState" errors
05:08.30Dark_OppressorMy UMS test map works great , however
05:08.34Dark_Oppressorbut it uses no AI
05:08.53Alpha_vstlol mine works great also :P
05:09.50Dark_OppressorExcellent! :-D
05:09.54Alpha_vstcheck your map / status
05:10.04Alpha_vstmake sure it dont say custom
05:10.12Dark_OppressorDid that
05:10.16Dark_OppressorThat took a while to figure out
05:10.20Dark_OppressorI screwed it up at one point
05:10.23Dark_OppressorSo I started over
05:10.57Dark_OppressorWhat's with the lag?
05:11.03Dark_OppressorLike, click and drag lag, etc.
05:13.30Alpha_vstyour graphic settings
05:14.48Alpha_vstdoes anyone else hate the new youtube player?
05:16.33*** join/#sc2mapster dataangel (
05:16.34Dark_OppressorNo, I mean in the editor
05:16.44Dark_OppressorIn-game is smooth as silk
05:16.51Dark_OppressorAnd I don't hate it
05:17.00Dark_OppressorAlthough I don't get why they keep changing things around
05:17.02BemoliphI don't care about the player
05:17.10BemoliphI hate the fail comments that are not properly structured
05:17.36Alpha_vstyeah your editor has to update every time you move something and if you have high graphics it can lag
05:17.48BemoliphIt was nice to be able to hit "Show All Comments" and have them listed with oldest at the top, but more importantly, with nested replies
05:17.50Dark_OppressorBut just draggin the mouse to make a box?
05:17.58BemoliphNow it's newest at the top and no nesting =\
05:18.20Alpha_vstmy editor doesnt lag i use low settings for it
05:18.39Dark_OppressorAre there graphics settings for the editor somewhere?
05:18.42Alpha_vstand raise things when i need it
05:18.43BemoliphThe editor has a default frame limit of 25 FPS, I believe
05:18.54BemoliphI'm not sure if that will affect that, but could be worth looking into
05:19.03BemoliphYeah, File > Preferences
05:19.17Dark_OppressorOh wtf cool
05:19.29BemoliphI think it has "Match Game Settings" checked at default
05:19.31Dark_OppressorBut its much slower than 25 fps
05:20.14Dark_OppressorYes I see that now
05:20.15Alpha_vstyeah i press v and it switches my view into game mode and the settings change :D
05:20.26BemoliphThere is also File > Configure Controls for hotkeys, which is also searchable via Ctrl F
05:20.40Dark_OppressorThis editor rules
05:20.46BemoliphLots of things are actually searchable, which is nice
05:20.50Dark_OppressorYa that made no difference
05:20.51BemoliphEven if there isn't a button for it
05:20.53Dark_OppressorIt's not the settings
05:21.03Dark_OppressorMy computer can run the actual game at ultra everything
05:21.29BemoliphI think I see the effect you mean
05:22.08Alpha_vstmy computer cant run at ultra :(
05:22.09BemoliphEven on lowest everything, it seems to drop when it tries to redraw the box after you move your mouse
05:22.17BemoliphDrop FPS, that is
05:22.22SevenSeven@bemoliph: ?
05:22.23Dark_OppressorLike, hardcore
05:22.28SevenSevenmine runs at 500  lol
05:22.50SevenSevenI think the editor maxes out at 500 FPS
05:22.58Alpha_vstyou run at 500 fps?
05:23.05Dark_OppressorIs there an FPS counter somewhere?
05:23.08SevenSeventhat's what the counter says
05:23.19Dark_OppressorI can't seem to find it
05:23.22Dark_OppressorDocs will be nice
05:23.25BemoliphTop right
05:23.26SevenSevenblank area I've got 580
05:23.28BemoliphOf the Terrain view
05:23.44Dark_OppressorI don
05:23.47Dark_Oppressordon't see it*
05:23.54Alpha_vsti run at 30 fps on low setting :(
05:23.56Dark_OppressorNothing anywhere :-(
05:24.03SevenSevenView > Show UI > Show rendering I think
05:24.07Alpha_vstbut im running on a mac mini under windows 7 lol
05:24.08Dark_Oppressorthere we go
05:24.22Dark_OppressorForgot about the View menu
05:24.43Dark_Oppressordrops to 6 fps when dragging the mouse around and making a selection box
05:25.18SevenSevenyeah the selection box really kills it
05:25.18Dark_OppressorIt is annoying
05:25.23BemoliphKinda funny that the frame limiter is on, but it still counts ("counts"?) a much larger FPS number
05:25.47Alpha_vstit maxes out?
05:26.06BemoliphFile > Preferences > General
05:26.31Dark_OppressorSo only the terrain and preview things have limits
05:26.35Dark_OppressorAnd the rest just goes for it
05:26.39SevenSevenI've got it set at 100
05:27.01BemoliphMine is set to 75, since that's my refresh rate
05:27.05Dark_OppressorMine goes at about 400-450 in the unit window
05:27.05BemoliphNo point in wasting anything after that
05:27.14Dark_OppressorBut the number looks cooler
05:27.51BemoliphAnyways, yeah, it's definitely the green circle/square
05:28.06SevenSevenuh oh
05:28.27Dark_OppressorDrawing a region does not have the same issue for me
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05:31.34Alpha_vstbut drawing regions sucks adding to them is the crap
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05:32.03AgentPaperhm, how do you create roads with triggers?
05:32.13Alpha_vstyou cant
05:32.25Alpha_vsti would assume
05:32.59Dark_Oppressorhey cool
05:33.05Dark_Oppressorthere are rich vespene geyser stoo?
05:33.06AgentPapergack, how do you create roads in the terrain editor even?
05:33.16AgentPaperI saw it before but I can't remember now =P
05:33.19Dark_OppressorTerrain mode
05:33.22Dark_OppressorRoad button
05:34.04AgentPaperand we can't do stuff with the terrain editor through triggers yet
05:34.14Dark_OppressorWill we be able to?
05:34.29Dark_Oppressorwow cool
05:34.34Dark_OppressorThis game is going to be awesome
05:34.40AgentPaperyou could in WC3
05:34.46Dark_OppressorOh, lol
05:34.54Dark_OppressorI actually did mess with that... a tiny bit
05:34.55Dark_OppressorNot much
05:34.57AgentPaperI can't imagine that they wouldn't do it here too, at least as much as you could there
05:35.01BemoliphWell, you can technically do some now with spawning Terrain Deformation actors
05:35.04Dark_OppressorSurely they will, then
05:35.09AgentPaperprobably a lot more
05:35.09BemoliphThe problem is you can't mess with Cliff Level that I know of
05:35.16BemoliphAnd that is very important
05:35.21Alpha_vstyeah it is
05:35.34AgentPaperterrain deformation actors are incredibly clunky though
05:35.41Alpha_vstthey are :(
05:35.51Alpha_vsti use one in my map
05:36.05BemoliphI'll bet someone is crazy enough to make them work how they want, though =P
05:36.13AgentPaperI'm guessing that they didn't really need anything else to make the normal game, so they put off making it in the editor for a bit
05:36.38Alpha_vstwe have a very early version of the editor
05:36.44AgentPaperIf I could get one that would just raise a specific plot of land a certain amount permanently, I'd be golden
05:36.57Alpha_vstyou cant do that?
05:36.59*** join/#sc2mapster Clord (
05:37.01AgentPaperI'd also love rotated rectangle regions
05:37.09Alpha_vstmy are permanent
05:37.10AgentPaperI probably can, but I haven't gotten to messing with them enough
05:37.38AgentPaperhm, actually, what I really need is a line that detects units crossing it
05:37.39Alpha_vstthe whole terrain deformation doesnt reset the height of the terrain is what fucks me
05:37.45AgentPaperI wonder if you can do that with points...
05:38.02Alpha_vstyou can get the middle of 2 points
05:38.03Clordmany stuff can easily be done with 0.01 periotic timer but moving many regions constantly with it is real performance hit
05:38.43Alpha_vsta 0.01 timer is a big performance hit no matter what
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05:39.19Alpha_vsti had one running with a cam update and in 5 min 50 fps where gone
05:39.39Clordweird... my camera updating not cause such memory leak
05:40.15Alpha_vstyeah i think its the angle of my cam in the game i have
05:40.28Dark_Oppressorholy crap I just noticed the copy/paste
05:40.39Alpha_vstYOU CAN TOTATE
05:40.43Alpha_vstAND FLIP
05:41.11AgentPaperyou can give points models
05:41.13Clordthen again according to blizzard nothing should leak permamently in maps
05:41.16BemoliphDark_Oppressor:  You can actually copy and paste terrain
05:41.19Alpha_vstyeah you can
05:41.23BemoliphDoesn't move Doodads, though
05:41.28ShadowTigeri can make it leak
05:41.29Dark_OppressorWhoa no way
05:41.47Alpha_vstAND FLIP IT
05:41.58Alpha_vstAND ROTATE
05:42.15Dark_OppressorI like how I can make each mineral field have a million minerals
05:42.17Dark_OppressorMWA HAHA
05:42.27ShardFenixo lawdy
05:42.41Dark_Oppressor50 1 mil minerals in a stack
05:42.43Dark_OppressorRICH ONES
05:43.14AgentPaperdamn, can't run a trigger from a unit crossing a line
05:43.24AgentPaperthat would have made my map so much simpler
05:43.36Alpha_vstyou cant?
05:43.46heysparkywhy won't a region work AP?
05:44.07AgentPaperbecause you can make a region shaped like a hex
05:44.30Alpha_vsti wish i could rotate regions
05:44.31AgentPapercircle works passably, but leave a lot of holes to patch
05:44.39BemoliphRandom might not work out, though, in practice
05:44.55BemoliphBut you could try it
05:45.02Alpha_vstyou can get the distance between 2 points
05:45.31Alpha_vstyou would need a few triggers or something
05:45.35AgentPaperBemoliph: That would require about 9000 points, all detecting units coming within 1 of them
05:45.51AgentPapernot really practical
05:46.06BemoliphYou did say crossing a line =P
05:46.13BemoliphSo you just put one at each end
05:46.28BemoliphBut like I said, probably won't work out given the random element
05:46.32Alpha_vstwhy dont you find the distance between 2 points and check if a unit is that far in fron of the facing angle of a point
05:46.36AgentPaperhow would that work?
05:46.39AgentPaperone on each end?
05:46.42ShardFenixyou can make a really cluttered trigger for determining whether or not a unit is in a rotated rectangle
05:47.05AgentPaperhm, now that's an idea
05:47.17ShadowTigerisnt there a make region from points function
05:47.30ShardFenixyeah but it only makes rectangles
05:47.32ShardFenixand you cant angle them
05:47.38AgentPaperhave each hex corner check all units within a certain amount of them, and if they're at a certain angle from it, it knows it's on a line
05:47.48ShardFenixyou'd need to use some trig and make your own function to do a rotated region
05:48.01AgentPaperwait, better
05:48.07ClordI edited my camera view directly from "defaultcamera"
05:48.08Alpha_vstit makes circles
05:48.14AgentPaperhave it check the unit to see if it's changed which hex it's in, not when it crosses
05:48.32AgentPaperso even for a fast unit, unless it can cross hexes faster than it checks, it'll get seen right
05:50.35*** join/#sc2mapster Ardnived (~ae076e07@gateway/web/freenode/x-xoqlinybgmonyyyp)
05:50.46NoRoouploading that video again to get the aspect ratio correct
05:51.08ArdnivedHey, how do you make doodads "walkable"? You know like bridges
05:51.10NoRooWMM really should overright the aspect ratio when you publish
05:51.17*** join/#sc2mapster Dest1ny (~d2314200@gateway/web/freenode/x-zbqolqypygskirsr)
05:52.00Grumckknight: we should get some features on the website! allow storage of the map in its components and have a buildprocess put together the mpq, this could allow for 'wow locale' editor to be used and we could get sortof sane diffs from a versioning system!
05:52.38Dark_OppressorI got melee comps working
05:52.58Dark_OppressorNow I have a fastest map with 1v7 to play with
05:53.34heysparkyI have a space platform map that is glitching
05:53.41heysparky..bah daggum carriage return
05:53.58Alpha_vsthow so?
05:54.16heysparkyglitchign in the editor - the transparent bottom-most level is textured anyone know  of a fix? reloading didn't work
05:55.00heysparkyrendres properly in game
05:55.00*** join/#sc2mapster Corbo2 (~thecorbo@
05:55.07Corbo2what renders?
05:55.17heysparkythe transparent bottom-most level
05:56.41heysparkybooo, this looks grosss, I can't design this way...
05:56.57Grumare you sure you are using the proper tileset? :)
05:57.07Dark_OppressorMan, I can't make the game spawn my nexus where the start location is
05:57.16Dark_OppressorIt keeps it away from minerals and stuff automagically :-(
05:57.33GrumDark_Oppressor: obviously :D
05:57.43Dark_OppressorWell, that is no good!
05:57.48Dark_OppressorWhat kind of fastest map is this!
05:57.50Alpha_vstheysparky you mean the side of a cliff hs the groudn texture?
05:57.53Grumthe minerals have a 'do not put buildings near me' footprint
05:57.55Grumso you have to change them
05:58.01Dark_OppressorI DO have a stack of 50 rich minerals with 1 million each
05:58.03Grumheysparky: what tileset are you using?
05:58.23Alpha_vstmy map has the same issue
05:58.34Alpha_vsti even know of a glitch to make it show in game
05:59.19Corbo2hexd is such a good game
05:59.26Dark_OppressorGrum: do you mean the "ignore placement requirements" ?
05:59.57GrumDark_Oppressor: no, you have to change the 'do not place buildings' footprint of the mineral node or manually change the pathing layer (not sure if that works though)
06:00.57Grummm Dark_Oppressor, are you sure you are leaving enough space around for the nexus?
06:01.07Dark_OppressorNo, I'm not
06:01.09Dark_OppressorThat's the point
06:01.19Dark_OppressorOh, or do you mean just enough space for it to physically fit?
06:01.21Dark_OppressorI am doing that
06:01.23Grumi mean, can the nexus fit even?
06:01.43Dark_OppressorI might test that to see if I am lying though
06:01.44Alpha_vstthere is a tutorial guide for a fastest map
06:01.48Dark_OppressorFor real?
06:01.51Dark_OppressorOf course there is
06:02.17Alpha_vsttells you how to do it correctly like
06:02.26AgentPaperfor something that happens very often, like every .2 seconds, is it more efficient to have a periodic event or have it run off a repeating timer?
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06:03.12AgentPaperthought so
06:03.14Alpha_vstI MADE LAVA SLUGS!!!!!!!!!!!!
06:03.33Alpha_vstmy map its about lava
06:03.49Alpha_vstand running from it and it has creates that try to kill you
06:04.01Corbo2who can send me a .ogv file
06:04.04Corbo2tiny one
06:04.07Alpha_vstits titled Oh no lava! RUN!!!
06:04.08Corbo2for testing purposes
06:04.42Corbo2>.< I'll just dop it myself I guess
06:04.42Alpha_vstnever heard of it
06:04.58ClordI wonder how to get that warp gate icon feature for other units... quite handy for mass selection in some maps
06:05.14Clordthat bottom right thing what mass selects them XD
06:05.49Alpha_vstright now my map has 2 1/2 units one chases and hurts like a bitch one is fast and blows up leaving lava and one jsut roams aroudn leaving a trail of lava
06:06.08Alpha_vstlava is re textured creep :P
06:06.31RepoNew map: Deathless Viking. Twinmold20 (Manager/Author). Experimental. Approved by sixen.
06:07.29RepoNew map: Zergenoid. ashgad (Manager/Author). Approved by sixen.
06:07.33RepoNew asset: Simple Leap Function. SCMapper (Manager/Author). Approved by sixen.
06:07.50Alpha_vstanyways i should make a mini movie and see what people think soon lol
06:08.16Clordso basically nobody has again any idea
06:08.36NoRooClord: huh?
06:08.49NoRooClord:  are you asking how to make a button on the screen that you can click to select all your units?
06:09.20Alpha_vstgoodnight all
06:10.12Alpha_vstim glad i have months to work out this map cause right now i need to find a way to make players want to move way from the top area's more
06:10.20NoRooClord: since I'm not sure, I'll at least point you in the right direction,   check trigger actions for  Dialoge - Display Screen Button
06:10.40Dark_OppressorI found footprints in the data editor, and there is a value for the minerals etc. currently set to "Unpathable terrain"
06:10.43ShadowTigerand search "selection"
06:10.54Dark_OppressorI want that to be "none" or "ground" or something, but when I change it, it changes back :-(
06:17.27ShadowTigerDark oppressor
06:17.40ShadowTigernm you got it?
06:17.47Dark_OppressorYep, just this second
06:18.00Dark_OppressorI made the footprints for minerals, gas, and extractors 1x1
06:18.01ShadowTigerdid you use placement apply?
06:18.34Dark_OppressorWhat' placement apply?
06:18.51ShadowTigerits one of the layers
06:19.02ShadowTigerit lets you add/remove the build near resources requirment
06:19.17ShadowTigerso you can make a CC right next to a patch of minerals
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06:19.30Grumif you remove 'apply' units can suddenly walk through the resources
06:19.35Dark_OppressorCan I use it to make the game spawn one from a start location?
06:20.22Grumeuh? just have one starting location, that will do it :D
06:20.29Dark_OppressorIt's a melee map..
06:20.51Dark_OppressorWell, technically it uses the melee map triggers and is custom
06:20.54Dark_Oppressorbut only for right now, since I can
06:21.00Dark_Oppressorcan't test it with regular melee stuff ingame
06:21.08Dark_OppressorBut It's GOING to be a regular melee map
06:21.14Dark_OppressorSo I am trying to make it work for that
06:21.21*** join/#sc2mapster Khono (
06:21.56Dark_OppressorI don't see that layer, either
06:22.08KhonoPreorder + Betakey = win!
06:22.17Dark_OppressorThat's what I just did
06:22.31Dark_OppressorI found out about it and immediately went and got it
06:22.46Dark_OppressorApparently I was like 2 weeks behind the times or something :-/
06:22.56Khonosame here
06:23.14GrumCorbo2: stop random hiliting without a question will you :D
06:23.18KhonoSoon as I saw the site say release, 1 hour later, I preordered.
06:23.49*** join/#sc2mapster HeliosDoubleSix (
06:24.36Dark_OppressorOk dudes, I'm off for now
06:24.39Corbo2I was hjust checkign if you were here >.<
06:24.47GrumCorbo2: why?
06:24.55Corbo2Was it you the one that told me videos as textures?
06:25.01Corbo2to look into that?
06:25.06Grumyeah! stop slacking ;D
06:25.41Corbo2I COULD make it use .ogvs as textures
06:25.42KhonoVideos as textures... so you're saying the textures will be animated like the video?
06:25.44KhonoSounds cool.
06:25.54Corbo2but they don't animate
06:26.07Grumogvs .. is that the ogg vorbis video format orso?
06:26.22Grumi'm not sure which format is supported
06:26.24Corbo2that's the one inside sc2
06:26.32Grumi do however know there are animated textures
06:26.43Corbo2ya but where?
06:26.48GrumCorbo2: could be you need a doodad/model which has support to 'animate' the texture orso
06:27.22Corbo2maybe the m3 exporter doesn't let me animate textures?
06:27.28*** join/#sc2mapster General1337 (
06:28.05Corbo2Does anyone know a doodad that has an animated texture?
06:28.11Skizoti can't get a model to export.
06:28.17Skizotthe monitors
06:28.18Corbo2why not?
06:28.20Skizotthe ticker
06:28.24Corbo2which monitors?
06:28.27Corbo2*opens editor*
06:28.27Skizotit gives me a stupid error
06:28.33GrumCorbo2: SpacePlatformBillBoard
06:28.40Skizotthey are on the space platform set
06:28.45Corbo2I'll look into that
06:29.00Grumbut thye have no models
06:29.04Grumso lets see how this is used
06:29.13Grumthey have spheres as model
06:29.18Corbo2so how do you know
06:29.29Grumno idea i know we have animating billboards :D
06:29.38ArdnivedHey, how do you make doodads "walkable"? You know like bridges
06:30.31Grumwe also have textures named:
06:30.44Grumand stuff like Assets\Doodads\BillboardTallPhysicsDeath
06:31.38Grum"SpacePlatformBillboard" isnt' animated
06:32.42Corbo2I've discovered that textures don't necesarilly have to be .dds
06:33.00Corbo2I'm actually using jpg in this model
06:33.06Grumdds, tga, jpg, png should be supported iirc
06:33.16BifuuKick ass movie
06:33.18Grumdds obviously the 'fastest'
06:33.25Corbo2nuh uh
06:33.31Corbo2jpg obviously rox
06:33.40Corbo2.ogv is supported
06:33.47Cronosjpg works ?
06:33.51Corbo2I just can't get it to animate :P
06:33.53Corbo2jpg works
06:33.57Corbo2let me try bmp too :P
06:34.06Skizotanimate the uvws
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06:34.27Cronosbah i looked all day for a good psd to dds converter
06:34.47Cronosfound a ok one seems a bit low quality in game
06:35.29BifuuFine no one be all like "What movie!?"
06:35.52Grumwhat movie? :(
06:36.06KhonoWhat movie!?!?!?!111
06:36.14BifuuIron man 2!
06:36.20KhonoMeh, t'was okay.
06:36.29KhonoMaybe better when not cam'd.
06:36.45Bifuupffffffft this guy wants his map approved
06:36.47Bifuu"Made this while watching OneTwoSC's tutorial on youtube."
06:36.48KhonoStarcraft 2, infinitely more enjoyable.
06:36.50BifuuI SEE HOW IT IS
06:37.07Corbo2bmp works too
06:37.10RepoNew map: Zerg Invasion (Desert). kpaekn (Manager/Author). Experimental. Approved by Bifuu.
06:37.11KhonoStarcraft 2
06:37.30BifuuWEll Iron man 2 in the theater = Awesome bass
06:38.00KhonoEhhh, I get enough bass through the walls from my noisy neighbours.
06:38.32Corbo2if somebody gives me a .gif
06:38.34Corbo2I'll try it
06:38.49Bifuuoh i got one
06:38.50Bifuuhang on
06:39.08GrumBifuu: there is no map with that project
06:39.11KhonoWhat!?  How the hell is the username Khono already in use at SC2Mapster !?
06:39.13Grumso kinda hard to approve or not =D
06:39.24BifuuGrum: that what experiemental is for =P
06:39.27GrumKhono: its the whole curse network ;D
06:39.35Khonooh, curse, ic thx
06:39.51BifuuShadowTiger: my gif is better
06:39.58ShadowTigerno way
06:40.23ShadowTigeri made mine ; (
06:40.33*** join/#sc2mapster kumorig (
06:41.58KhonoBite FTW.
06:42.34KhonoBut I must say, the man boobs are strangely hypnotizing.
06:42.39Khonoboy boobs*
06:43.25KhonoSo Corbo2, any bouncing boy boobs yet?
06:44.16Bifuulook at his face, thast even better
06:44.43KhonoHis face is scary.
06:45.06KhonoHe's either constipated, handicapped, or Carlton Junior.
06:45.15Bifuuor all of the above
06:45.42KhonoBetter speed.
06:46.28Corbo2can't do gifs
06:46.37AgentPaperok, so you can pick all units within X distance and do stuff, can you also do similar with points?
06:46.47AgentPaperFor example, pick all points within X of unit?
06:47.06ShadowTigerwhy are you picking points?
06:47.22AgentPaperso that I can find the unit's angle from them and see if it moved from one hex to another
06:47.31BifuuSo i set my Editor to Recognize maps that contain 1000000 Cells to be classified as OMG!
06:47.38Tehwildcard_I dont think you can pick points
06:47.40Bifuunow i just need to figure out how to make maps that big
06:47.49ShadowTigeryou realise that if you pick all points within 5.0 of a unit... you could end up with over 100 points
06:47.57AgentPaperguess I'll need to make dummy units or something
06:49.32AgentPaperalso, it seems hash tables are no longer in the game?
06:49.38AgentPaper(yet, that is)
06:49.53BifuuKhono: hell yeah, who wouldnt want to make a map 1000x1000
06:50.14KhonoI certainly would!  Lagathon FTW!
06:50.48Tehwildcard_Name the game: "Who can stand the lag the longest (working title)"
06:51.32Grumi'm still really dissapointed non of you made pokemon or farmville in sc2 ;(
06:52.16KhonoAhh, good old Blizzard.  The help menu contains only the "About Starcraft II Editor..."
06:52.48Bifuupffft who needs actual help
06:52.58Grumdocumentation is something the users of your software will write
06:53.05KhonoI bent my wookie :(
06:53.10KhonoMy cat's breath smells like cat food.
06:53.23KhonoMiss Hoover, my worm crawled into my mouth so I ate it, can I have another?
06:53.29KhonoWhat's a Diarhama?
06:53.37Khononeeds help.
06:53.46SixenWith what? :P
06:54.04KhonoEverything Ralph would need help with.
06:54.14SixenThe red ninja turtle?
06:54.27SixenNo, that's Raphael.
06:54.28Grumjust see a doctor ;D
06:54.28NoRooThe anticipation of youtube video processing is killing me.
06:55.03KhonoGod... even pop-up help over icons is often lacking.
06:55.23Khonooh wait, it just doesn't always work O.o
06:55.23SixenYou know, I was looking at past editors...
06:55.32SixenThey included help files for War1 and War2.
06:55.41Sixenand sc1 I think.
06:55.43ShadowTigerthere was a war1 editor?
06:55.51SixenYes, :)
06:55.55BifuuNoRoo: whats processing?
06:55.56ShadowTigerholy crap I had no idea
06:56.02SixenIt was just a Unit Editor though
06:56.05SixenWAR EDIT
06:56.16ShadowTigeri was to young to find it i guess
06:56.31KhonoWell, if I had to choose between an kick ass editor and a decent editor with infinite help, I'd go with kick ass.
06:56.33SixenYeah, there was a StarEdit Help file.
06:56.34Grumsofar i still believe blizzard doesnt actually use this tool to edit the data, they just do it through xml
06:57.01BifuuSixen: well they did say theyw ere ganna add one
06:57.09SixenYeah, just basic stuff.
06:57.16NoRooBifuu: video of my map
06:57.28BifuuNoRoo: oooo
06:57.42Iggyhopperomfg i cannot get the turret to turn
06:57.44Tyshethwtb "DON'T MOVE THE ZERGLING" map
06:57.53NoRooI'll link it up when it's done
06:58.00NoRooit's looking pretty good
06:58.02BifuuNoRoo: i thought maybe you were waiting for HD's vids to look better too xD
06:58.15NoRooWhich vids?
06:58.25Sixen~seen futah
06:58.27purlfutah <> was last seen on IRC in channel #sc2mapster, 10d 3h 52m 48s ago, saying: 'i can save/restore from bank just fine, i think one of your parameters is messed up'.
06:58.30Bifuubig url is big
06:58.49Bifuupropper url
06:58.50IggyhopperI try to set turret rotation or facing it doesnt f'ing work HOW IS MY MAP GOING TO WORK NOW OOOOOOOOOOOOMG
07:00.01BifuuIggyhopper: with magic
07:00.35IggyhopperBiffu help me
07:01.01Iggyhopperturret no control
07:01.12SixenStill nothing, Iggy? :/
07:01.18Bifuuand you want it to do what
07:01.32Iggyhoppernope i even added like custom chat events to do it in game and trigger debug
07:01.36IggyhopperI can get the turret
07:01.52Iggyhopperget actore from actor via name "SiegeTankTurret"
07:02.03Iggyhopperbut i cannot set the facing or nothing
07:02.23Bifuuyeah im not the person you should be asking xD
07:02.53Iggyhopperi can detach a turret from a tank though
07:02.58BifuuHow are you trying to make it face?
07:03.05Iggyhoppersending command "Destroy" to tank turret leaves it hanging
07:03.14Iggyhopperill copy paste
07:03.18Iggyhopperwhat i have right now
07:03.35*** join/#sc2mapster Slam_ (~c31b0354@gateway/web/freenode/x-rmxdfxdwnwnytubp)
07:03.56GrumBifuu: its low quality, and where are part2-4?
07:04.06Iggyhopperword 2 would be SiegeTankTurret if i selected a tank
07:04.23BifuuGrum: Exactly
07:04.49Iggyhopperthen send [stuff]
07:04.56Grumexactly? :(
07:04.58Iggyhoppersend SetFacing 50
07:05.02Grumwhere are they! *PANIC*
07:05.24BifuuGrum: [02:58] <+Bifuu> NoRoo: i thought maybe you were waiting for HD's vids to look better >>too<< xD
07:05.29IggyhopperBifuu or Grum how can you successfully add turrets to units?
07:05.37Iggyhoppermaybe i have like hack it and readd the turret
07:05.50BifuuIggyhopper: tbh i have no idea with Triggers
07:06.00Grumyou add turrets with the weapon, not sure though :/
07:07.51Iggyhopperoh ok
07:07.57Iggyhopperwell anyway on to another idea
07:08.04Iggyhopperwhere is that physics map?
07:08.09Iggyhopperwith the baneling?
07:08.15Iggyhopperi want to dee ell
07:08.39Corbo2oh yay
07:08.43Corbo2best dogs ever
07:10.38Bifuuwonders if he can make a building a hero
07:11.00Corbo2hero building?
07:11.15Bifuumainly for Abilities
07:11.18Corbo2what must the building have done to be a hero?
07:11.47KhonoIt crushed the wicked witch of the west.
07:11.57BifuuBuilding withaCAbilLearn plox
07:12.27GrumBifuu: .. number2!
07:12.32Grumbut UBAR low quality :D
07:13.37BifuuGrum: Yea im subscribed to HD, but i wait cuz his videos when they are done processing at full 1080p
07:13.41Bifuuor i
07:13.44Bifuuone of them letters
07:14.05Iggyhopperu suk
07:14.11IggyhopperLATS OF BALW
07:14.31IggyhopperWhere's the baneling physics map?
07:14.59*** join/#sc2mapster Hjalte (
07:15.14Bifuudontt hink it was released
07:15.46Iggyhopperwat a fag
07:15.50Corbo2my dog deserves to be news'd
07:15.52Corbo2you all know it.
07:16.08Corbo2news the dog asap
07:16.10BifuuWE pluses dont have news powa
07:16.23Corbo2get sixen to do it
07:17.01Iggyhopperoh i tried to do a ice map like war3
07:17.03RepoNew map: D E A D C R A F T. MetalheadMikecosio (Manager/Author). Approved by Bifuu.
07:17.04Corbo2news the dog
07:17.04SixenOh. Yeah bif, still trying to figure out what you guys should do, :P.
07:17.09Iggyhoppertotally different then sc2 right now
07:17.12SixenIf you want news, it couldn't hurt.
07:17.21Grumlol that project alias is lulz
07:17.35Fiskeryou live in a trash can
07:17.41Sixenyou live in my trash can
07:17.47RepoNew map: Zerg Beacon. Zaphrous (Manager/Author). Experimental. Approved by Bifuu.
07:17.50Corbo2you know you wanna news it
07:17.54SixenRofl Corbo
07:17.57Iggyhopperyou are a trach can
07:17.57FiskerAny changes to the map editor yet?
07:18.01Sixenthanks, greg :P
07:18.05Sixenwhich, fisker?
07:18.06SixenMWE or GE?
07:18.15SixenNothing major
07:18.22*** join/#sc2mapster Arrowmaster (arrow@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/ResponsibleForEverythingAndNothing/Arrowmaster)
07:18.24BifuuSixen: I dont need news ability, id prolly never post anything if i could
07:18.30Fiskermaybe they fixed localization? ,3
07:18.34Sixenwell yes
07:18.34Bifuui wouldnt know what qualifies xD
07:18.40Sixensupposedly they did, fisker
07:18.46Corbo2k so
07:18.47Grumthe editor exe was updated but nothing in patchnotes/datafiles
07:18.51Corbo2no videos as textures
07:19.00Corbo2I'll just take that away from my tutorial
07:19.45GrumCorbo2: it requires a model
07:19.47Grumbut no idea how it does it
07:20.15Arrowmasterso just got a beta key finally, whats the deal with this character name and identifier stuff?
07:20.34SixenAlright arrow..
07:20.57Fiskerstill broken with older maps though
07:20.58SixenSo I am Sixen.sixen and someone else (faggot) was Sixen.usa
07:21.08*** join/#sc2mapster Corbo (~thecorbo@
07:21.18Fiskeri find that offensive
07:21.31BifuuSixen: Actually i i can make Immanoob.Sixen
07:21.39SixenOther way around.
07:21.40Bifuuthe 2nd part isnt Unique at all
07:21.45Iggyhopperimma just look for warcraft 3 physics m aps
07:21.50SixenThe second part is the unique part, bif :P
07:22.00SixenFirst part is what's shown in-game and what is "common"
07:22.06BifuuLook at names of posters
07:22.06SixenIt's like first and last name.
07:22.28SixenThe fuck?
07:22.32Corbois there a mirc log?
07:22.40SixenI wonder if they changed it last reset
07:22.48SixenBecause originally, it was like i'm saying.
07:22.50Bifuujust blew Sixen's mind
07:22.51ArrowmasterArrowmaster.arrowmaster seems like it would be kinda long
07:22.59SixenArrow.master? :P
07:23.10Arrowmasteri could use
07:23.11BifuuSixen: maybe after the first reset, cuz you could do that before the 2nd aswell
07:23.17Arrowmastersince i do own that domain
07:23.22SixenTruth, arro.
07:23.48PixelWarriorshameless self promotion arrow
07:23.58PixelWarriorbut theres nothing on that domain LOL
07:23.59Arrowmasterdomain is a blank page
07:24.23Arrowmastersets up goatse redirect
07:24.30BifuuPixelWarrior: no this is shameless
07:24.43Bifuuproperly executed
07:25.41NoRooman this video is taking forever to process :\
07:25.49PixelWarrioroh yea! day and night
07:25.59NoRooshouldn't take more than like 1 min per 10 meg
07:26.02PixelWarriorhmmm i could use this
07:26.03NoRoothat is even pretty slow
07:26.18Corboi sense OoT rpgs coming up
07:26.33Corboocarina of time
07:26.45PixelWarriordo we have a link model?
07:26.53BifuuMore like Majoras Mask
07:26.54CorboI can make one ;o
07:27.01Corbohold on
07:27.03Arrowmasterson of a bitch
07:27.06ArrowmasterArrow.master is taken
07:27.08PixelWarriormake one, and im with u lol
07:27.14Arrowmasteri hope they wipe the accounts before release
07:27.21PixelWarrioryeah they will
07:27.47PixelWarriorarrow but ure ingame name is gona be just Arrow
07:27.52PixelWarriorppl cant see the .master
07:28.00Iggyhopperis there a way for a unit to attack ground?
07:28.07NoRoosixen have you seen my map yet?
07:28.14Iggyhopperlike mortar teams in war3?
07:28.25PixelWarrioriggy: yeah
07:28.36LiliannaDoesnt the Siege tank have attack ground?
07:29.00SixenWhich, NoRoo?
07:29.02Arrowmasterthis is getting annoying, alt-tab doesnt work well so im going to setup a xinit script to run the game on another vty
07:29.18SixenCorbo, if you can make that, i'm totally making Zelda: Windwaker.
07:29.26NoRoothe top view multiplayer physics shooter thing
07:29.30SixenP1 == Link, P2 == Tingle.
07:29.44NoRooI don't think you have, but finally putting a video up :)
07:31.11NoRooby the way does any one know how to get rid of the friends tab when we play on bnet?
07:31.16NoRooor move it...
07:31.29NoRooI think it's actually part of bnet so we might not even have control over it
07:32.24BifuuYou guys do that, im remaking Links Awakening!
07:32.46KhonoA Link to the Past FTW
07:33.12IggyhopperPixelWarrior how?
07:34.38BifuuIggyhopper: i dunno if it will work
07:34.43BifuuBut check Target Filters
07:39.02TyshethI'm no good with beams. I can't get them to work for me. :(
07:39.14heysparkywhoa... my terrain texture set data is all blank...
07:39.17zazenHey guys, I just finished a playable version of my single player RPG!
07:39.25zazenwould love to hear the opinion of fellow map makers :)
07:39.50*** join/#sc2mapster Stoneneedle (~stoneneed@
07:39.59StoneneedleI'm designing the d20 stats for Ultralisk now
07:40.05StoneneedleHEAVY ASSAULT BEAST (CL 14)
07:40.37heysparkyhow to get my terrain texture set data back?! I need it?
07:40.42Tehwildcard_The terrain looks awesome, zazen
07:40.43heysparky? = !!!
07:41.08AgentPaperhow do you use If Then Else (multiple)?
07:41.17AgentPaperand Arithmetic (multiple) and such?
07:41.22TyshethAgentPaper: custom script so it's less confusing :o
07:41.28AgentPaperthey look like they're just completely broken
07:42.54heysparkyzazen, checking it out... first question (where did the planet title image come from?)
07:43.00AgentPaperyou can't even add conditions to a If Then Else (multiple)
07:43.08zazenbel shir
07:43.12zazenloading screen
07:43.14zazenif that what you mean
07:43.22heysparkyyeah, where are those?
07:43.45NoRoofinally it's done
07:44.13zazenall I know is that it's a default loading screen aka I just had to choose it from the list
07:44.15zazenof loading screens
07:44.31zazenI used a "loading" search filter for images and chose the Bel Shir one, that's it, I think.
07:44.42NoRoosixen: if you're still around check this out & tell me what you think:
07:44.52SixenWill check it in a few minutes.
07:45.33heysparkyzazen, I don't have audio, so I don't know exactly what's up. I like that the different character's portraits appear at different corners
07:45.49*** join/#sc2mapster Iggyhopper (~a@
07:45.57zazenyeah that's a nice touch
07:46.01heysparkybut it doesn't seem entirely consistent (or I'm wrong and they don't have specific corners)
07:46.10zazenit's intentional
07:46.15zazento not be consistent, dunno why
07:46.25zazenI like the way it looks.
07:46.33heysparkythat's the opposite of consistent
07:47.14AgentPaperseriously does anyone know what's up with all the (multiple) actions?
07:47.17Tyshethheysparky> Assets/Textures/loading-[...].dds
07:47.21AgentPaperare they all just broken?
07:47.57Corbothis will be harder than I thought...
07:48.11heysparkyhmmm... just died
07:48.19heysparkymaybe audio would help
07:48.49heysparkyloss should give restart option yes?
07:49.05zazenit's kinda tough
07:49.05heysparkyui looks nice
07:49.09zazenyeah it should give restart
07:49.14KylegarI hate busy days
07:49.19heysparkytrigger for that is straightforward
07:49.20zazenJuggermaw encounter is completly doable
07:49.21KylegarI get no documenting done :(
07:49.46heysparkyhas anyone else lost terrain texture data in the editor?
07:50.01heysparkyterrain looks nice, camera feels far
07:50.39heysparkyI go to the terrain texture set data and I can see the list on the left, but when I select anything it's all blank on the right
07:51.10Skizotmine works fine.
07:51.23CorboI'll have to model it myself
07:51.25heysparkybottom-most texture on space platform is not transparent either
07:51.34heysparkyjust happened after I was messing with ramps
07:51.35Corbodo you want young link
07:51.38Corboor adult?
07:51.38heysparkyI blame ramps
07:51.54NoRooI really like this new UI though it does need some visual tweaking still
07:52.41Skizotwhat version of max you using?
07:52.59Skizotcan you send me one of your .max files?
07:53.21CorboI can make a new one
07:53.27Corbobut all those tests I haven't saved
07:53.31Skizoti just need one that works
07:53.32Corboor let me check
07:53.39Skizotso i can see what the issue is.
07:53.46zazenyeah I've heard complaints about camera being too far
07:53.48CorboDid you follow the instructions?
07:53.50zazenI kinda like it, but I might change it
07:53.52Skizotmake a new one with a cylinder.
07:53.55Corbolike only one editable mesh
07:53.56Skizotto the letter
07:53.59Kylegarhave you guys gotten model importing working?
07:53.59Corboonly one material
07:54.06Corbowhich should be multi/subobject
07:54.13Arrowmastertotally have no idea what im doing now, probably going to lose every game i play
07:54.14Kylegarcause once you do, I'm gonna port over some of the models that were in a hl2 mod I worked on
07:54.51CorboYou mean like this?
07:55.03Kylegaryea, something like that
07:55.30Kylegargonna be importing those models :)
07:55.56KhonoHmmm "Minerals, Terrazine, and Vespene".  Interesting.
07:56.06KylegarTerrazine is for camp
07:56.12Kylegarand there is a 'Custom Resource' field
07:56.16Skizotwell i need to make tunnel pieces.
07:56.17KhonoSmoke it while at camp?  Cool.
07:56.31Kylegarhonestly, I think they should have a Resource object
07:56.39Skizotfor level 1.5 of my sidescroller.
07:56.44Kylegarand have a unit type of ResourceField, and let us make as many freaking resources as we want
07:56.54heysparkyis there a way to re-install the editor?
07:57.06KhonoAgreed, Kylegar.
07:57.09BemoliphReinstall the game and repatch, maybe
07:57.22KhonoJust need to specify where the info about it is displayed on screen.
07:57.58KhonoGuess we'll just have to create custom coding for that stuff.
07:58.25Kylegarbut possible
07:59.58KhonoPerhaps a leaderboard showing current amounts of resources and resource costs in tooltip for items in a build menu.  When a button is pressed, amount of resources is checked...
08:00.12KhonoNot too bad, but still lots of extra coding.
08:00.27KylegarPatch 11 was so stupid :(
08:01.09KylegarI keep reading the changes and facepalming
08:01.52NoRoowhat is stupid about it?
08:02.11KylegarThey buffed terran tech the wrong way
08:02.18*** join/#sc2mapster Repo (
08:02.28Kylegaryea, T could use the BC faster, but that doesn't stop it from being useless
08:02.39Kylegarit just means you waste your resources faster
08:02.56NoRooyou're upset that a unit got a small buff?
08:03.07Kylegarno, i'm upset that it didn't recieve the right buff
08:03.19NoRoowhat did you expect
08:03.28Kylegara bit more damage or splash
08:03.30Tysheth>To prevent the accidental research of Ventral Sacs when trying to train an Overlord with no Larva available, the hotkey has been changed from V to E.
08:03.33NoRoo20 seconds off the build time is pretty signific- whaT?
08:03.44Kylegaror survivability
08:03.51TyshethI accidentally researched ventral sacs that way at least twice
08:04.06TyshethI realized the research had started and went... ah, screw it, I oughta scout soon anyway
08:04.12Tyshethno wonder I'm bronze
08:04.20Kylegarhowever, the phoenix change is pretty awesome
08:04.26Kylegaryou can do some legit micro with that
08:04.34Corbothis one works
08:04.58KhonoThat ventral sacs change probably hurts zerg players more than it helps.
08:05.01Corboare you still here?
08:05.03NoRooI think this patch is like 95% movement in the correct direction
08:05.14NoRoothe change so splash damage is a huge improvement
08:05.20KylegarI think the splash changes are bad honestly
08:05.24NoRooarchons aren't worthless anymore
08:05.27Kylegarwith archons
08:05.32Kylegarway to beat me
08:05.42KylegarIt makes siege tanks really wonkey
08:05.51Kylegarand buffs and nerfs them at the same time
08:05.57NoRooit makes their splash radius make more sense
08:06.01Kylegarnot really
08:06.02NoRooit's almost all buff
08:06.02BifuuWhy are all myf riends bad at the game
08:06.09Bifuuthis is why i dont play ladder
08:06.16Kylegarfast units can close the distance
08:06.21Kylegarand wreck your troops
08:06.23NoRoobifuu: well how good are you?
08:06.40Corbodl herE:
08:06.41Kylegarnoone builds thors anyway, so whatever on that change
08:06.42Bifuuim not great myself but im not as bad as my friends O.o
08:06.52Corbois that guy even on anymore?¡
08:06.57NoRooI haven't been laddering since the editor came out
08:06.58BifuuNever used Chrono boost
08:07.08Bifuu"I never even touched WArpgates yet what are they?"
08:07.23NoRoobut before the last reset I was around 1850+ platinum
08:07.39Bifuulast time i did singles iw as like bronze? lol
08:07.43Iggyhopperi no how to create linked list in sc2 nananan
08:08.00Kylegarnow sort it and binary search it
08:08.17NoRooSixen: come back and watch my video! EVERY ONE PAY ATTENTION TO ME I'M DOING SOMETHING
08:08.39Corbowell he's still here...
08:08.46RepoNew map: Khaldarys Sector (alpha version) by zazen. zazenbr (Manager/Author). Experimental. Approved by Bifuu.
08:08.56*** join/#sc2mapster Silverfish (
08:08.56CorboDid you get my links, skizot?
08:09.35Corbocommon I wanna go to bed D:
08:09.36Sixenwatching now, noroo.
08:09.43BifuuNoRoo: link
08:09.44NoRoohehe thanks :)
08:09.56NoRoolink is
08:10.06zazenthanks for approving my map
08:10.23*** join/#sc2mapster Repo (
08:10.54Skizotyeah opening it now.
08:11.28Skizotthe texture is just a regular texture
08:11.33*** join/#sc2mapster Tausken (
08:11.36BifuuNot ganna lie NoRoo, looks pretty fun
08:11.56NoRooyeah we had a blast on the test run
08:11.58Iggyhopperhey physics guys
08:11.58SixenNoRoo, this is awesome :)
08:12.04Corboya it is
08:12.04SixenCorbo, you still there?
08:12.07SixenLink to your dog model pl0x.
08:12.11CorboI'm gone
08:12.13Iggyhopperum wats basic calc for accel vel and friction?
08:12.24Corboyou're not seriously gonna news it?
08:12.25NoRooIggyhopper: ...?
08:12.28Iggyhoppervelocity = accel + velocity * friction
08:12.35SixenCustom Models, why not? :P
08:12.39NoRooIggyhopper: sure
08:12.41SixenNobody has used custom models to my knowledge
08:13.02NoRooIggyhopper: where  1  would be no friction
08:13.02CorboCause there's this one other guy that actually did a real model
08:13.05Skizotdammit sixen.
08:13.07Corboinstead of a squared dog ;o
08:13.10Sixenwut skizot
08:13.19NoRooIggyhopper:  and you set it to some value between 1 and 0
08:13.27Skizoti was gonna make a better model.
08:13.32BifuuGoing to bed, night guys
08:13.45SixenGo ahead then Skizot, we can make it one news about models.
08:13.59Corboadditionally you can also do this
08:13.59ShadowTigerthat was pretty cool noroo
08:14.04NoRooShadowTiger: thx
08:14.07Corbobai bifuu
08:14.10Sixenlol corbo
08:14.18KhonoQuestion: If one neural parasites a dropship full of stuff, what happens if one empties the dropship?  That stuff belong to you forever like in SC?
08:14.25IggyhopperNoRoo its between 0.9 and 1
08:14.25ShadowTigeryou cant empty teh dropship
08:14.30CorboOh wait!
08:14.30ShadowTigerthey disable the ability
08:14.34CorboI do have a real model!
08:14.35Iggyhopperwell normally
08:14.38Corbohold on!
08:14.39NoRooIggyhopper: that seems resonable
08:14.41Iggyhopper0 friction is ice lol
08:14.42Sixengogo corbo
08:14.55NoRooIggyhopper:  no  1 is ice (no friction
08:15.00Iggyhopperoh yeah
08:15.03Iggyhopperlol mix up
08:15.08NoRooIggyhopper:  if you set your friction to 0 then nothing will move
08:15.12Iggyhopper0 is FRIGGEN VELCRO
08:15.42RepoNew map: NosukVision 1.82. sera141 (Manager/Author). Approved by sixen.
08:15.51Corbothe sand hovers!
08:15.52Sixenawesome corbo
08:16.28Tyshethbut if there's no friction, how is one propelled forward? D:
08:16.38Iggyhopperhow would i get the terrain normal?
08:16.43Iggyhopperi think thats what it is
08:16.43NoRooTysheth: thrust
08:16.48Iggyhoppera normal
08:17.08NoRooTysheth: your car won't drive any where, but your rocket will still fly in a simplified model
08:17.34Corbogot any problems with the exporter?
08:17.37Tyshethso if I attach the rocket to the car...
08:17.40Corboor can I go to bed now? :D
08:17.53NoRooTysheth: you've got a good shot of getting your self killed imo :)
08:18.04NoRoothen you would have a....*
08:18.25Corboin the news
08:18.31Corboit's Touhou
08:18.33Skizotthe material IS NOT a multimesh.
08:18.34Corbonot Toutou
08:18.47SkizotYET it exported fine...
08:18.50Corboit's multi/subobject
08:18.57Corbohe said it...
08:19.26Corbo" must be of the 'Multimaterial' typ"
08:19.36AgentPaperhow would I make a unit morph with triggers? IE: The command center turning into a orbital command or planetary fortress
08:19.41Tyshethin other words, NoRoo, no friction + car + rocket = DEATH MACHINE
08:20.05Skizotbut yours ISN'T.
08:20.10Skizotthat's what's fucked up.
08:20.14NoRooTysheth: Yes exactly, someone will almost certainly die in that combination
08:20.20CorboI used multi
08:21.16CorboOnly one material can be applied to a mesh and it must be of the 'Multimaterial' type. Each material ID represents a potential submesh of the model. Apply multiple textures to a model through each material of the multimaterial. You'll have to set the material ID you use for this in the export options also (default is 1).
08:21.31Skizotthat is NOT a multi
08:21.34Skizotthat's a default
08:21.55Corboyou sure that's my scene?
08:21.57Skizoti had to change the texture to one i had
08:22.03CorboCause I didn't even use a .dds
08:22.15Skizoti just said i had the change the texture
08:22.28AgentPaperwhat's the movement speed of a unit measured in?
08:22.33AgentPaperis it distance traveled per second?
08:23.06Tyshethgood question
08:23.10Tyshethand this can be tested quickly
08:23.29AgentPaperkinda looks like it, stalker has a move of about 3
08:24.16SixenAlright, I gotta go to sleep guys.
08:24.18SixenWaking up in 4 hours
08:24.31ShadowTigersucks 4 you
08:24.35AgentPapertwo flying anvils strapped together at the bottom?
08:24.39ShadowTigerim waking up in 11 hrs
08:24.49NoRoonight sixen o/
08:24.53Corbonighty sixen
08:24.59*** part/#sc2mapster Sixen (
08:25.03Skizothow very weird.
08:25.25CorboWell, what's the problem when you use multi/sub ?
08:25.36Skizotit bitches about some name.
08:25.45Corbowhat name?
08:25.51Corboscreenshot of the error?
08:25.54TyshethAgentPaper: preliminary analysis says yes; I will now test for sure
08:26.03Skizotalso... i get a vray error...
08:26.12AgentPapertesting out my new hex border detection system
08:26.14Skizotopening yours
08:26.19Skizoti never installed it lol.
08:26.25Corboprobably cause you don't have it.
08:26.33CorboI use it as my main renderer
08:26.38Corbofor my architectural stuff
08:26.40Skizotand scale.. jesus
08:26.52Corboyou want my test map?
08:27.01CorboI made scv's scale to like...
08:27.09Corbono kidding
08:27.17Skizotwhy not scale them in max
08:27.27CorboI'm too lazy to figure out the proper sc2 -> max scale
08:27.35Corboso I can use normal units
08:27.55Skizotscale it in max to the scale you set it in the ditor... DUH
08:28.00Skizotright click on the scale icon
08:28.05Skizotand you can enter it yourself
08:28.13Corbobut that'd make me redo both my test map and my model
08:28.33Skizotyou can reimport and it goes POOF
08:28.33CorboI just need to open a marine or something
08:28.35Corboand meassure it
08:28.36Skizotinstant overwrite.
08:29.05Corbothat thing of "only one mesh"
08:29.08Corbois really annoying.
08:29.23Skizotvery lol
08:29.29CorboCause no one really models just one single mesh
08:29.42Corboand by no one I mean NO ONE
08:29.43Skizoti DO... just not like they do.
08:29.50*** part/#sc2mapster Cide (
08:29.51Corbono you don't ;o
08:29.55Skizotyeah i do.
08:30.04Skizottubes = GODSEND.
08:30.14Skizottube + cut tool = ANYTHING
08:30.15CorboHow do you even model for example, you have a cube and then you want a cilinder coming out of it?
08:30.41Skizoti can do it from a box.
08:30.52Skizot3 high
08:31.02Skizotscale top smaller
08:31.13Skizotbevel edge on the top box twice
08:31.13Corbothen chamfer it like hell?
08:31.24Corbobut that's inexact
08:31.24Skizotit CAN be done.
08:31.29Skizothow so?
08:31.34Corbooh I'm not saying it can't.
08:31.39CorboI'm just saying it's so inexact
08:31.46Skizotnot really.
08:31.50Skizoti use the text inputs
08:31.51Corboand it's better and more precise to just connect both a cilinder
08:31.52Corboand a cube
08:31.56Skizotusing the MOUSE is inexact
08:32.12Corbono arguement there
08:32.19Corbobut still...
08:32.39Skizotif i need to model as one piece i can.
08:32.40Corboimagine doing clothing
08:32.57Skizotstill easy
08:33.03Skizotextrude an edge.
08:33.23Corbobut they create a lot of superfluous polys
08:33.33Skizoti was BORN lowpoly son.
08:33.45Skizotand normal maps.
08:34.01TyshethI'm too tired for this
08:34.04Corbooh I was so born high poly anyway
08:34.05Skizotwhy the FUCK would you model buttons on a tshirt for a RTS
08:34.19Skizotever heard of project revolution?
08:34.22Skizotfor warcraft 3?
08:34.31Corboin my arch models
08:34.37CorboI usually hit 500mb + max files
08:34.44Skizotwell yeah
08:34.49Corboand yeah I'0ve heard it.
08:34.51CorboI think?
08:34.56Corbowasn't that the sc conversion?
08:34.58Skizotsc to wc3 mod.
08:35.04Skizotthat was me and friends.
08:35.19Skizoti know low poly... lol
08:35.37Skizoti might actually have our goliath make a cameo...
08:35.41Skizotthat could be neat.
08:35.44Clordoh yes project revolution... project was too slow to come enough soon before SCII
08:35.53*** join/#sc2mapster Paras1te (
08:35.55Skizotwe KILLED the wc3 engine.
08:36.01Skizotthere wasn't anything we could do.
08:36.28Skizotno seriously... we know the EXACT number of units it takes to make wc3 STOP SENDING UNITS COMMANDS
08:36.32CorboI can't wait when nintoxicated adds animations support
08:36.51Corboboth in models and in textures ;o
08:37.07CorboI've never animated anything but cameras anyway :P
08:37.12zazenanyone experiencing param/value/ bugs in my map?
08:37.13Corboshouldn't be hard, though, right?
08:37.26Clordprojects like project revolution is reason why I don't nowadays much care of mod support for new games
08:37.30zazensome guy complained about it but i've been unable to reproduce it
08:37.34Corboit's just like placing bones and autokey/rotating them
08:37.35TyshethSkizot: change a WC3 unit's name to the name of whoever owns it?
08:39.42CorboI should get going
08:39.47CorboI'll model link tomorrow
08:39.58ClordI found way to make AI use ghost nuke smartly... it is basically duplicated ability just for AI controlled units and it is channeled so unit is stuck doing it completely
08:40.22Clordthat way they don't stupidly cancel it once ordered
08:41.36heysparkycan someone explain simply why when copying something in the data editor the difference between duping and linking?
08:41.38CorboI'm done
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08:41.56heysparkyI have ideas... but if someone can explain it elegantly, I'd like to hear it
08:42.12Iggyhopperhow to set x and y of point?
08:42.19Iggyhoppercant find
08:42.50ClordI found out that duplicating unit with actors same time saves from frustation to try make units work right
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08:46.23kumorigbrrr, is it just me or is reaaaally slow today?
08:46.47ShadowTigeri think its just you...
08:48.29kumorigOh well, maybe a routing problem then. I get connection timed out all the time. :(
08:50.52AgentPaperhaving some trouble with conditions having to do with angles
08:51.08heysparkyClord: why not the other bits?
08:51.20heysparkyClord: rather, why only actors?
08:51.41AgentPaperright now I'm trying to have a condition of "210 <= Angle between points <= 330"
08:51.48*** join/#sc2mapster Motive (
08:51.50Clordyou can check box unit and actors to duplicate everything needed
08:51.54AgentPaperit seems to always come back false
08:52.00AgentPaperno matter what the angle SHOULD be
08:52.24Clordsounds effects etc no need to be duplicated as far I know XD
08:52.35Clordthey are linked to duplicated actor automatically
08:52.45heysparkySo... is it that you duplicate anything that will be unique?
08:53.00AgentPaperduplicate anything you plan to change
08:53.19Clordunless I record own sounds I don't need duplicate sounds for new actor
08:53.27Clordit just uses what actor would normally use then
08:53.36AgentPaperanything not duplicated will use the same as the original
08:54.08Clordunit + actor duplication = profit =)
08:55.07Clordthen if it is lazy side.. only rename unit lol
08:55.41MotiveLooks like macs got a GL shader update in patch 12
08:55.47Motivesaw it fly by while patching
08:56.20Clordtypical noob mistake or whatever want to call it.... would be that duplicates everything what can be check box in menu
08:56.32ClordI did that with my first duplication attempt
08:57.11NoRooAgentPaper:  Have your trigger print the value of  Angle between points before the test
08:57.23NoRooagent paper it's probably not being used correctly
08:57.33AgentPapereh, guess I may as well
08:57.42AgentPaperit's a trigger that runs every .2 seconds though ;)
08:57.52ShadowTigeris there any way to change unit scale without triggers?
08:57.56NoRoojust have it print  0 or 1 then
08:58.02ShadowTigeri looked through buffs and effects but found nothing
08:58.08NoRooand watch when it changes
08:58.26NoRooI've had to do that many times with my physics engine
08:58.38NoRooI have a lot of trig in my code, and honestly I was a little rusty at first with it
08:58.39AgentPaperugh I can never remember where the display text command is...
08:59.10NoRoo"text message"
08:59.31AgentPaperright under UI
08:59.39NoRooconvert real to text
08:59.41AgentPaperstupid UI section
08:59.58NoRooand the real you will pass to convert to real is the value of  Angle between points
08:59.58OrangePulpthey just fucked with the wrong mexican:
09:00.17Clordif you want to scale unit... edit actor scale
09:00.22Clordthen you can make Godzilla!
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09:00.57Clordor super tiny units
09:01.04Clordmini thor
09:01.19Xanis there any way to "freeze" units in place? Kinda pause them (that will resume their orders after you unfreeze)?
09:01.40AgentPaperok that's just retarded
09:01.50AgentPaperthe game uses angles as -180 to 180
09:01.56AgentPaperinstead of 0 to 360
09:02.12ClordI made map simillar to castle fight during WCIII.... gotta make way better one to SCII
09:02.12BemoliphI've seen it use 360
09:02.12NoRooagent that's easy to convert
09:02.31BemoliphAt least for unit placement in Terrain
09:02.34AgentPaperwell it always uses 0 to 360, but apparently it converts it
09:02.37NoRooagent    ((MyAngle+360) modulo 360)
09:02.46Clordnuke makes nice strike ability
09:03.00AgentPaperexcept for when you're using angles in conditions
09:03.14NoRooAgentPaper: what does it matter where you do that?
09:03.50NoRoo210 <= (((Angle between points)+360)modulo 360) <= 330
09:03.54NoRoodo that
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09:05.15Xanalso is there a way to pause unit training?
09:05.47MotiveTry pausing the unit the building is being trained in.
09:09.11MotiveUnit - Pause
09:09.41Xanthere is no unit - pause action
09:09.48Motiveyes there is
09:09.52Motivemaybe not by that name
09:09.57kumorigalso search for progress in the triggers. I don't have the editor in front of me but a vague memory....
09:10.02Motivebut there is a native UnitPause(unit u)
09:10.18Motiveor maybe it was a property
09:10.21MotiveI dont remember
09:10.22Motivebut it's there.
09:10.28Xanill look
09:11.12TauskenI just started messing with the units in the data editor but I just made a slightly edited Baneling and can't seem to find this new baneling in the unit list to place on the map?
09:11.51AgentPaperstill giving me trouble
09:11.55Tauskennvm I feel stupid it was like 2 down
09:12.07AgentPaperI've got all 3 angles showing now and they're all within the bounds
09:12.40AgentPaperthey should all come back true and make the trigger do nothing
09:13.10NoRoopastebin the trigger
09:13.21Stoneneedlehey Xan :)
09:13.24SkizotWHO WANTS TO SAY WOW?
09:13.25NoRooit's gotta be bugged up somewhere
09:14.09Skizotcome on...
09:14.15SkizotSOMEONE has to want to be AMAZED
09:14.57BemoliphShouldn't you be trying to amaze the people that don't already want to be impressed? =P
09:15.37Tauskenvery cool
09:17.32Skizotit's gonna make a cameo in my side scroller.
09:17.49Skizothey motive!
09:18.11Skizoti have a couple others i can do...
09:18.43*** part/#sc2mapster heysparky (~heysparky@
09:19.15Skizoti have a vulture valk and sci vessel.
09:19.22MotiveI need to log out. Switching my Mac to high-performance mode.
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09:21.39AgentPapergoddamnit this is annoying
09:21.50AgentPaperthe angles are withing the bounds
09:21.55ShadowTigeris anyone good with attachements?
09:21.58AgentPaperthe game is telling me that the angles are within the bounds
09:22.03ShadowTigeri want to try and make one of these
09:22.10Skizotjust calm down and look at the
09:22.13AgentPaperand the condition that checks whether the angles are within the bounds comes back false
09:22.15AgentPaperevery time
09:22.15NoRooSkizot: we are getting a wraith model once the game is released from blizzard btw
09:22.22NoRooSkizot: all the same, that looks nice
09:22.37AgentPaperthat a custom wraith?
09:22.47AgentPaperkinda pointless
09:23.28AgentPaperdamnit I know there has to be some kind of stupid mistake that I'm making somewhere
09:23.55AgentPaperI'm using "picked unit" instead of "triggering unit" though, and I can't think of anything else
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09:24.22AgentPaperoh, and the condition I'm using
09:24.39Skizotwhy is it pointless?
09:24.45MotiveLolol. SC2 is so much more responsive with High Performance setting.
09:24.51MotiveDunno why Mac users are complaining. o_o
09:24.58Skizotyay we get the blizzard tonka toy bullshit when the full version is released
09:25.00AgentPaperbecause we're going to have an official wraith model on release?
09:25.14AgentPaperwhat now?
09:25.34Skizotblizzard fucked up the terran race.... need i say it any clearer?
09:25.42Motiverelease is 3 months away
09:25.44Motivehe has a wraith model
09:25.47Motivelet the butthurt commence.
09:25.50AgentPaperthey look pretty damn good to me
09:26.04Skizotthose are the portraits for the corresponding units.
09:26.11AgentPaperI've seen them
09:26.19Skizotleads me to believe the models are going to look as gay.
09:26.28ShadowTigerthats funny
09:26.34AgentPaperwell for one, that's a retarded connection to make
09:26.39AgentPaperand for second, they look fine
09:26.48Motivethey look like crap
09:26.50Skizoti'm just saying..
09:26.51ShadowTigeri dont remember what the goliath portrait looked like when i played
09:26.52Motivethough that could be the resolution.
09:26.55Skizotthey are going to suck.
09:26.58Grumanyone know what the 'SCost' etc in the xml means?
09:27.01ShadowTigerit didnt really stick out to me
09:27.27MotiveGoliath portrait in SC1 looked badass
09:27.30AgentPaperskiz, you really don't want anyone to value your opinion, do you?
09:27.36ShadowTigerim talking about the sc2 campaign
09:28.12ShadowTigerYou only use goliaths on one mission so maybe thats why
09:28.14AgentPaperI mean, saying that those portraits look bad I can see
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09:28.27AgentPaperthey don't seem that bad to me, a bit silly, but differing opinions and all
09:28.49NoRooJust putting that out there
09:28.52Skizoti'm saying they screwed up on ALOT of the models.
09:29.26AgentPaperbut to say that models we haven't even seen are going to suck just because they have crappy portraits is just dumb
09:29.27Skizotterrans were supposed to be rugged human allaince, not the race of tonka toys.
09:29.33AgentPaperthey screwed up models?
09:29.36Skizoti HAVE seen them.
09:29.47MotiveJesus christ, how can you argue over this?
09:29.49Skizotthey were IN the blizzcon '07 build.
09:29.53Xanhow is it possible to screw up a wraith?
09:30.03Grumwtb some information about: SCost SMarker  SAbilMergeInfo etc :D anyone? :D
09:30.07Skizothow was it possible to screw up the seige tank?
09:30.15AgentPaperblizz 07 was before the big art overhaul
09:30.18Skizotthey did it, tried to fix it and it's still not right.
09:30.19AgentPaperso it's not relevant
09:30.29MotiveThe siege tank looks like a spider thingy now when sieged
09:30.31AgentPapersiege tank looks good to me
09:30.39MotiveI like the siege tank model, just not when it's sieged.
09:30.41Skizotwell i'm telling you the "extra" units are going to be as bad as the rest.
09:30.49AgentPapersieged looks fine to me too
09:30.49ShadowTigeryaeh i dont like it when sieged either
09:30.50Skizotthat's what i'm talking about motive.
09:31.57AgentPaperif they're of similar quality to everything we've seen so far, then I'm not worried about them
09:32.03GrumHati|NotHere: oh you should be here! zomgwtf
09:32.09Skizotthat right there is a model a friend made
09:32.19AgentPapernow THAT looks retarded
09:32.23Skizot10x better than what they have.
09:32.32Skizotoh you are so fucking full of yourself.
09:32.36AgentPaperit's like a special tank with a dislodged turret
09:32.50MotiveIt's a good model, it just doesn't fit with the SC2 "feel" of units.
09:32.53Grum <-- cute :P
09:32.53Skizotit's PIXEL PERFECT of sc1
09:32.57AgentPaperand by special I mean "special"
09:33.03MotiveI'd say it's a great one for like, Project Revolution though
09:33.15MotiveOh wait
09:33.16Motivethat is PR
09:33.17AgentPaperthat looks fine, but too many polygons and too high res textures
09:33.25AgentPaperso not really feasible
09:33.33MotiveIt was feasible on the WC3 engine.
09:33.35Skizotit's 350 polies
09:33.37MotiveOfc it's feasable on the SC2 engine.
09:33.39MotivePR was made for WC3.
09:33.40Skizotand a 256x256
09:33.41MotiveGood job. :P
09:34.08Skizotyou do alot of code don't you agent?
09:34.17AgentPapercode yes
09:34.20AgentPapergraphics design no
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09:34.44AgentPaperbut the marine isn't in SC2 so that's not really relevant anyways
09:34.46Skizotthat explains EVERYTHING.
09:35.03MotiveIt looked nice on WC3
09:35.13MotiveI would love to see a mod like that for SC2.
09:35.16MotiveJust for old time's sake.
09:35.19Skizotguess what
09:35.36Motivemaking it? :P
09:35.50ShadowTigeryeah I dont know why they changed the look so much from SC1 on some units
09:35.51Motivethat'd be a great way to use PR's work.
09:36.00ShadowTigerI think the new firebats look kinda lame
09:36.06AgentPaperdefinitely not seeing the appeal of it
09:36.17MotiveIt's just SC1 in 3D
09:36.17AgentPaperI mean sure it looks nice close up
09:36.18Motiveit's nice.
09:36.25MotiveThat's not even close up.
09:36.27Skizotagent, code back to code... let people who APPRECIATE good art do our thing.
09:36.34AgentPaperbut when you get a bunch they look boring
09:36.45MotiveIt's not supposed to look revolutionary
09:36.48Motiveit's supposed to look like SC1.
09:36.50MotiveYou're missing the point.
09:36.51AgentPaperif you're the ones doing it, then I fear for the future
09:36.58Skizotthe point was the MATCH sc1's graphics.
09:37.03ShadowTigerthen why is it called project revolution?
09:37.04AgentPaperit's supposed to look like a game with out-dated art?
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09:37.11AgentPaperhow is that a good goal?
09:37.15ShadowTigeri think we have high expectations because of their choice in name
09:37.17ShadowTiger: P
09:37.17MotiveProject Revolution because it's supposed to take SC1 and make it in WC3.
09:37.24MotiveWC3 didn't have the capabilities for full UI redesign.
09:37.31MotiveHence the broken up wireframe.
09:37.38MotiveBut they did do wireframes, which Blizzard didn't even do in SC2.
09:37.43Skizotthe wireframe was ACTUALLY a leaderboard lol.
09:37.52Grumwireframe? :(
09:37.58MotiveI miss the wireframes.
09:38.09ShadowTigerthe stupid thing is yuo can see the wireframes in the editor
09:38.17ShadowTigerall they needed to do was screencap em and stick em in
09:38.17Grumwhat is it Motive? :D
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09:38.26ShadowTigerthough I guess we can do that too
09:38.30AgentPaperreally though, what's wrong with the SC2 models?
09:38.46Motive@Grum: see the wireframe on the SCV?
09:38.53Motivethis is apparently from some shitty beta/early mod
09:39.06Grumah and then parts start to decay?
09:39.11Motivelike some go red
09:39.13Motiveor yellow
09:39.15Grumquite pointless :P
09:39.19Motiveit was a nice feature
09:39.25Motivelike the ranks on Units
09:39.33Grumunits have ranks atm
09:39.40Motivewireframes would be epic too
09:39.52Grumwhy? its just more mandatory graphics ;(
09:39.55Skizotanyways, i'm wondering what i should have the wraith do lol...
09:40.05Motivethey're nice though
09:40.07Motivethey add to the SC atmosphere
09:40.16ShadowTigerdo a barrel roll!
09:40.24Skizoti know it's gonna be the ship in the flying side scroller part.
09:40.32allenmelonterran seems underpowered most of the time
09:40.34ShadowTigermake it do a back flip
09:40.42ShadowTigerlike in star fox
09:40.44allenmelonsince the patches keep boosting the terrans mostly
09:41.16AgentPapertoss it in the trash and use the better model that everyone doesn't have to download
09:41.29Skizothow you go fuck yourself already.
09:41.37Motivemodels aren't that big.
09:41.42Motiveand most people have broadband.
09:41.47ShadowTigeryeah they are only 2-3 gb each
09:41.55Motivemore like a MB at most
09:42.05ShadowTigerits fun to joke : D
09:42.16ShadowTigerwhat? doesnt everyone have 100mb/s internet?
09:42.22Skizot408k texture and 16k model
09:42.26AgentPaperneither do you
09:42.30AgentPaperdespite what your ISP claims
09:42.37Motivewireframe was awesome.
09:42.40Motiveeven for zerg.
09:42.52AgentPaperthat's not a wireframe
09:42.53ShadowTigerlol thats practically how big sc1 resolution was
09:42.57AgentPaperand SC2 does have something like that
09:42.59Motiveclose enough
09:43.00Motiveand no
09:43.02Motiveit doesn't.
09:43.07AgentPaperactually, pretty much the exact same thing
09:43.09Grumwell there are wireframe textures in the assets
09:43.13AgentPaperin the same spot
09:43.13MotiveIt has a picture-like thing
09:43.17Motivethat turns yellow
09:43.19Motiveand then red
09:43.21Motivebut all at once
09:43.23Motivenot parts individually
09:43.30Motiveit looks terrible imo
09:43.32Grumbut they dont actually show wireframes, they are just 'lines' around the object which fade
09:43.38AgentPaperalso more informative
09:43.39ShadowTigerwell it was random which parts change color
09:43.44Motivenot really.
09:43.45AgentPaperand less resource intensive
09:43.55MotiveSC1 could do wireframes
09:43.59MotiveI think we have the resources to do it in SC2.
09:44.00MotiveGive me a break.
09:44.12AgentPapernot saying it would make a big difference
09:44.24AgentPaperbut it's kinda pointless
09:44.31ShadowTigerWell if we make it ourselves we can make it detect which part of the body got damaged and change the color
09:44.32AgentPaperhow often do you even have one unit selected?
09:44.33Motiveit's pointless, yes
09:44.36Motivebut it was a nice feature.
09:44.41Motiveand it adds to the atmosphere of the game.
09:44.51AgentPapera pointless feature that nobody ever even saw more than once
09:44.54Motivewe don't even have to detect which part got damaged. SC1 didn't.
09:44.56ShadowTigerit would be cool for lots of fps maps
09:45.00Motiveeveryone loved wireframes
09:45.03Motiveexcept you apparently.
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09:45.20ShadowTigerbecause you could make the targeting system in Fallout with it
09:45.22Motivelet me explain, AgentPaper.
09:45.27MotiveIt's like going to Joe's Crab Shack.
09:45.30AgentPapereveryone consisting of you, I gather
09:45.32Grum <-- they have wireframes in sc2 ;) though not the same as in sc1
09:45.34MotiveYou can either go there and have the full atmosphere
09:45.38ShadowTigerthough i guess you could do that with the hero inventory system too
09:45.40Motivepeople dancing, the restaraunt is decorated, etc.
09:45.46Motiveyou can have a generic white room
09:45.51MotiveSame food
09:45.55Motivebut Atmosphere DOES matter.
09:46.04AgentPaperwell in your specific case
09:46.06AgentPaperI'd take the room
09:46.11MotiveThen you're just a dumbass.
09:46.12AgentPaperbut only because of the dancers
09:46.19AgentPaperthat sounds distracting and annoyin
09:46.32MotiveThey run out every 15 minutes or so and dance/sing a song
09:46.36Motiveit's not distracting, it's fun
09:46.40AgentPaperif it weren't for the dancers, I'd go for the decorated
09:46.54AgentPaperit sounds retarded
09:46.58AgentPaperbut it's not really relevant
09:47.04MotiveI suggest you go eat a meal at Joe's Crab Shack then.
09:47.04AgentPaperI know what your point was, and I agree
09:47.13MotiveThank you.
09:47.17MotiveThe point is, yes, it's pointless
09:47.24Motivebut it adds to the atmosphere of the game.
09:47.30AgentPaperif you're talking about the kind of place I think you are, I've been to them and it's annoying and retarded
09:47.39MotiveAnd atmosphere really makes the difference between fun, great game and fun, great game that will last years and years.
09:47.51MotiveLike I still play SC1.
09:47.53AgentPaperwhat makes that difference
09:47.55MotiveDespite it's poor graphics.
09:47.56AgentPaperis custom maps
09:48.10MotiveIt has great gameplay, customization, and it's graphics still mesh together well
09:48.15Motivewith tons of little goodies that you don't get bored of.
09:48.27AgentPaperwait, customization?
09:48.38AgentPaperyou pick one of 3 races >.>
09:48.39MotivePeople make SC mods, not to mention custom maps.
09:48.43AgentPaperunless I'm missing your meaning
09:48.58AgentPaperthat's not really related to your point, though
09:49.09Grumtbh sofar as i can see, sc2 is superior to sc1 in every single way ;D
09:49.31MotiveThe point is SC1, although it is an old game, it's graphics still mesh well and it's presented in a way that is still fun to play and enjoyable 10 years later.
09:49.40AgentPaperactually, that's literally true, because SC2 is advanced enough that you could create SC1 wholesale in it
09:49.46AgentPaperUI quirks and all
09:49.49Grumsomeone will hehe
09:50.02MotiveI just miss SC1 hydralisks.
09:50.13MotiveAcid shooting owns spine shooting.
09:50.19MotiveSpine shooting just feels like it's missing something.
09:50.24AgentPaperoh, for how they look
09:50.26MotiveBut I was a huge SC1 fan back in the day so maybe that's just me.
09:50.46MotiveLOL :D
09:50.50MotiveNice. :)
09:51.12vjeuxwant me to see the shadow or ... ?
09:51.13AgentPaperAgain with the crappy wraith
09:51.26MotiveIt's not crappy, it's an easter egg.
09:51.39AgentPaperUMS looks interesting tho
09:51.45Skizotfuck you agent.
09:51.51MotiveIt doesn't fit in with SC2 models but it's not supposed to. It's supposed to fit in with SC1 models, which it does.
09:51.54Skizottalk shit when you have something better
09:51.55MotiveOther than that, it's well made.
09:52.05AgentPaperbut there aren't any SC1 models
09:52.14MotiveSo he imported one from PR.
09:52.16Skizoti have a WHOLE FUCKING FOLDER FULL.
09:52.35MotiveI need to go afk a few. :P
09:52.41MotiveBe back in 20.
09:52.44AgentPaperso, I can't tell between a good and a bad model unless I've made them for years?
09:53.13Motivethey're good models, shhh
09:53.55AgentPaperbecause if that's true, then I'm not worried, because then that means that I can make a flying box and nobody else will be able to tell it's crappy except you guys
09:54.09AgentPapersounds like a business plan
09:54.30Skizotthe POINT was that it is a CUSTOM model.
09:54.34*** join/#sc2mapster DaveKap_ (
09:54.45Skizotand you HAVE to talk shit saying "BLIZZARDS WILL BE BETTER LOL DELETE IT"
09:54.46AgentPapera custom model of a model that's going to exist in the near future
09:54.53Skizotfuck you.
09:54.56Arrowmasterwow the AI is really terrible, i figured i might as well make a custom game vs the ai to get a basic feel of the game, i had a thor and a battlecrusier but destroyed the protoss ai with just 6 reapers
09:55.02Skizotgo code some shitty map noone will play
09:55.13kumorigso, there is a way to convert to m3?
09:55.22Skizotyes kumorig
09:55.22AgentPaperyah, AI is pretty retarded so far
09:55.44AgentPaperIt seems too easy even for "very easy" difficulty
09:56.05AgentPaperI'm not convinced that it would actually ever kill you even if you did literally nothing
09:56.37kumorigSkizot: The m3-import-plugin?
09:56.38Arrowmasteryeah after destroying the ai base with just 6 reapers i put 3 siege tanks around the nexus just far enough they couldnt hit it and just plucked off probes as they came out
09:57.03kumorigskizot: nevermind, found it,
09:57.05AgentPaperanyways I'm gunna head to sleep before I kill myself trying to find this bug
09:57.29AgentPaperor eat a IRC user's head off
09:57.46Arrowmasterand i tried to exit the game but i think it crashed after stoping everything, ive got no UI just the background image
09:57.54AgentPaperor start thinking that Skizot has a point
09:58.22Skizotfuck you.
09:58.43ShadowTigeri made a shrink ray!
09:58.45*** join/#sc2mapster Shadowclaimer (
09:58.53Shadowclaimer*screams and runs around in circles*
09:58.55Skizothaha rock on!
09:58.57Shadowclaimerarrays within arrays within arraysss
09:59.04ShadowclaimerMorning gentlemen
09:59.44ShadowclaimerI'm hitting a milestone in my programming history
09:59.45Grumhad anyone got some information on the 'S' entries in the xml files? like:
09:59.53Shadowclaimerfor the first time ever I'm making a 3 Dimensional Array (X,Y,Z)
10:00.01Grumor 'SCost', 'SDeathResponse' etc
10:01.14vjeuxGrum: there are really few of them if i recall
10:01.18*** join/#sc2mapster kumorig (
10:01.25Grumvjeux: yeah but they dont quite make sense
10:01.30Grumthere are 3 SCost ones for example
10:01.35Grumand i dont know how to handle them
10:01.52Grumare they ... a sort of 'superglobal' .. or should i ignore them? or ..
10:02.17vjeuxthey are not being recorded in replays
10:02.26vjeuxif that can help you :p
10:03.12Grumnot really ;)
10:04.00Skizotvjeux can i ask your thoughts on the wraith?
10:04.20vjeuxsure but I didn't understand what it was exactly
10:04.29vjeuxdid you make it on 3ds and imported into the game?
10:05.09vjeuxI thought it was some random model in the game
10:05.16Skizotand got a faggoty rant from AgentPaper because "blizzard will be releasing one in a few months"
10:05.19vjeuxso you win, you just make it look like a real model :p
10:05.34*** join/#sc2mapster `228zip (~4dc3f81e@gateway/web/freenode/x-phupuadirkauyhme)
10:05.52Skizot"and of course, blizzards will be tons better than mine"
10:06.01`228zipWhy is there an "Admin action" panel on mapster's front page ? =X
10:06.12Skizotwe lost our +'s
10:06.18RepoNew asset: Custom UI : Color Gradient Function. Dest1nyCP (Manager/Author). Approved by vjeux.
10:06.22GrumSkizot: stop leaving irc then ;)
10:06.31Skizotinterwebs crashed
10:06.31`228zip~seen Grum
10:06.35purlgrum is currently on #sc2mapster #wowhead #wowuidev #wowace #curseforge. Has said a total of 1753 messages. Is idling for 13s, last said: 'Skizot: stop leaving irc then ;)'.
10:06.55vjeuxi'm going to see with the guy who owns the channel to perma + you
10:06.56`228zipIt's supposed to say how long you've been connected =(
10:07.06*** mode/#sc2mapster [+v Skizot] by vjeux
10:07.06Skizot12• 11Thanks for the +v 12•
10:07.26Grum'Sign on: 2010/04/15'
10:07.32`228zipvjeux, I'm seeing a "Admin actions" thing on mapter's front page
10:07.35*** mode/#sc2mapster [+v Hati|NotHere] by vjeux
10:07.36Grumslaps Skizot for the lame script
10:07.46Skizot`228zip you see the model i posted?
10:07.50*** join/#sc2mapster kumorig (
10:07.59`228zipObviously I can't do anything with it without getting a 403 but I doubt this is normal
10:08.02`228zipSkizot: Nope =o
10:08.20`228zipWraith it looks like
10:08.24Grumwhat original unit was that?
10:08.28Grumah wraith .. mmm
10:08.31Arrowmaster`228zip: bug, you shouldnt be seeing it
10:08.33Skizotoh, in sc1
10:08.35Grumi dont know what one, was it useful? :D
10:08.46Skizotit's BASICALLY the wrait of sc2
10:08.47`228zipYou've done a good job of making it recognizable on first sight
10:08.58Skizotlol it's from my old mod.
10:09.03Skizotproject revolution.
10:09.07Xancan it attack?
10:09.22vjeuxdoes it have sexy flames going out his back?
10:09.35Skizotprobably not?
10:09.40Skizotdoes the banshee?
10:09.53`228zipWhy would the banshee have flames ?
10:09.59`228zipthe vikings have
10:10.06Skizoti don't remember lol.
10:10.16Xandoes it have lazers?
10:10.23Skizotif the vikings didn't transform..
10:10.31Skizoti'd replace them with valkyries.
10:10.39Skizotyes it has lasers.
10:10.44`228zip"Transform and roll out!"
10:10.49Skizotit is a banshee with a new paint job.
10:10.59Xanbanshees dont have lasers
10:11.19`228zipBattlecruisers have lasers
10:11.20Skizotwell it's just a prop atm.
10:11.27Skizotbut it IS a banshee.
10:11.39Skizotand i could have swore banshees shot lasers at ground targets.
10:11.44`228zipCouldn't the wraith attack air too ?
10:11.53*** join/#sc2mapster kumorig (
10:12.03Xanbanshees shoots rockets at ground
10:12.10`228zipand nothing at air
10:12.48Skizoteasily fixed in DE
10:12.51Skizotbut whatever..
10:13.21Skizotnow they rocket air.
10:13.24`228zipCan you make it so that the lasers originate from the wraith's weapons ?
10:13.28Skizotand i added the bc ground laser
10:13.46Skizotnot currently.
10:14.04Skizotthe exporter doesn't allow attachment points yet.
10:14.09Skizotwhen it does i can.
10:14.19Xancan you use offset?
10:14.53Skizotwith triggers.
10:15.00Skizotbut i don't plan to do that lol.
10:15.44Skizotit's JUST A MODEL right now.
10:15.53Skizotit's background fodder for my sidescroller.
10:16.03Skizotand will be the ship you fly for level 3.
10:18.06*** join/#sc2mapster Teedo (~dcfd8e67@gateway/web/freenode/x-hecjptuqyaunbiph)
10:20.44Grumhumz how on earth does the xml work ... apparently you can parent something that isnt even 'of your kind'
10:20.52*** join/#sc2mapster kumorig (
10:21.02Skizotthat's what it will look like ingame.
10:22.16*** join/#sc2mapster Teedo (
10:25.50Grumah! Hati, just the person who might have the answers! ;)
10:26.05Grum<CActorModel id="PointBlockPathing">
10:26.19Grum<CActorEditorPoint id="PointBlockPathingEditor" parent="PointBlockPathing">
10:26.28Grumright ignore the double one, why is that allowed? O.o
10:26.50Grumwhy doesnt the parent of the CActorEditorPoint have to be .. well .. a CActorEditorPoint? :P
10:27.39Hatiguessing PointBlockPathing has some attributes available for EditorPoint
10:27.45GrumHati: and do you understand the 'S' variables like 'SCost' etc?
10:27.49vjeuxor maybe that's a bug
10:27.53Grumbecause sofar they dont quite make sense
10:28.03Grumyes but what does it mean?
10:28.11Hatiits a structure
10:28.14vjeuxare you sure there isn't a CActorEDitorPoint with id="PointBlockPathing" ?
10:28.15Hatithat manages the Cost+
10:28.19Grumvjeux: yes
10:28.38GrumHati: so whenever there is a 'SCost' for .. dunno a Unit *ALL* units have it?
10:29.23Hatiit's somewhere deep in code - that ie Abilities have Cost+ (Arrays/Structures)
10:29.29Hatiand those are handled by SCost
10:29.33Hatimy guess
10:29.35Grumok AbilData has 'SCost' (Charce/Cooldown) does that mean that all 'AbilData' entries have a cost?
10:29.41Grumcharge even
10:30.45Grumthey also have: SMarker, SAbilArmMagazine, SAbilMergeInfo, SAbilResearchInfo, SAbilSpecializeInfo, SAbilTrainInfo, SAbilBuildInfo
10:30.48Grumso wtf are those ? :D
10:30.58Grumany how does the xml actually fill those values?
10:31.02Grumit doesnt appear like it does
10:31.39Hatiall special structures
10:31.49HatiResearchInfo is the stuff in researching ability
10:31.57Hatiwhere you have 20 (?) slots available for researchs
10:32.02Hatithe InfoArrays
10:32.14Hatilike CAbilLearn has
10:32.26*** join/#sc2mapster Motive (
10:33.19Hatithey simply are used to "layout" the arrays i guess
10:34.18Grumits confusing much
10:34.45Grumqueue? :D
10:35.09Motivehmm... $174.99 to get 4 more GB of RAM for my macbook pro
10:35.33Hatihmm ... ?
10:35.42MotiveI think I'm gonna have to shell that out
10:35.47*** join/#sc2mapster Durrean (
10:35.49Motivesince my virtual machine uses so much damn ram
10:35.58ShadowTigerlol ram is so expensive these days
10:36.07Motivelol I remember when RAM was much more expensive :P
10:36.21Durreanheyho, got my 8 GB Ram for 100€
10:36.23MotiveI remember paying $50 to upgrade to 512 MB of RAM.
10:36.42ShadowTigeri was lucky when i got 4 GB for 65
10:37.40HatiGrum: just another structure :x
10:38.05Hatijust know that markers can be used for counting them to avoid double targeting
10:38.19ShadowTigeror to require it!
10:39.16GrumHati: the xml is fucking confusing ;(
10:39.44Hatiwell you can't add your own structures atm or types anyway :x
10:39.59Hatior it is located somewhere else
10:40.22Motiveblah. my parallels desktop trial expired. :(
10:40.45GrumHati: its kinda frustrating ;(
10:40.51DurreanMotive: HydraVision?
10:40.52ShadowTigertime to invest in a cd-key generator
10:41.02Motivehydravision what?
10:41.22Durreando you use ATI?
10:41.23ShadowTigerhydravision is this cool new map where you play as a hydralisk
10:42.03Durreankay, because hydravision is from ati to simulate desktops over 1 pc
10:42.27MotiveI'm on a Mac anyways.
10:42.27Durreancomes with the normal drivers
10:42.58Durreanah these overly expensive apple things that you can't modify and have to pay 30€ for a USB adapter?
10:43.26MotiveI have 3 USB ports. Never needed more on it.
10:43.48DurreanOo apple uses standards?
10:44.07Motiveand I just found a key after googling for 5 seconds
10:44.11Motivewoot, free 69$ software
10:44.17*** join/#sc2mapster Mojache (~63f8d183@gateway/web/freenode/x-eazkgkchlrbtxjci)
10:44.40Motiveone benefit of macs: nobody bothers having good activation software
10:44.46Motiveit's just assumed we have money to pay. haha
10:45.12Grumso true
10:45.41Mojachehas anyone played the impossible scenario
10:45.47Mojachethat shit is time consuming
10:45.51MotiveI want to, online. :(
10:45.58MotiveImpossible Scenario's only fun with like a dozen other people imo
10:46.01Motiveor at least 4 in beta lol
10:46.24Mojacheimpossible scenario would be less fun with more people
10:46.34Xanfun with 2-3 people
10:46.35Mojachebecause if one person fucked up
10:46.36Mojacheyou lose
10:46.45Mojacheor it
10:46.47MotiveI enjoyed it anyways. Lol
10:46.51Durreanhmm did you replays got fucked up too by the custom map launcher? i cant open replays anymore :(
10:46.53Mojacheit's mind numing frustraiting
10:47.08MotivePatch 10 replays don't work on Patch 11 iirc.
10:47.17Durreandidnt patched yet
10:47.55Mojachehellions are so awesome now with the patch
10:48.15Clordthis editor has some weird rare bugs
10:48.33*** join/#sc2mapster Savvis (~Savvis@
10:48.35ClordI choosed pylon from list and freeze XD
10:48.36MotiveSkizot, make me a sexy OriginalSC mod with all those sexy models please. <3
10:48.43Skizoti plan to!
10:49.00*** join/#sc2mapster NoRoo (~4b24951c@gateway/web/freenode/x-uojbnfxwiwsysjkg)
10:49.43MotiveI only remember being bothered about one thing in SC1.
10:50.00MotiveWraiths had the jet engine on their back and when you cloaked them that became hidden yet they still flew.
10:50.14MotiveBlew my mind.
10:50.34Skizotarea based otical camoflague
10:50.54NoRoohey guys, back o/
10:51.08Skizotactually.. ALMOST clearly.
10:51.13Skizotslightly sparkly
10:51.46Motivealso how do wraiths land?
10:51.55Grumin a ball of fire
10:51.58MotiveIn space there's no problem but I'm sure there was evnetually a need to land them.
10:52.03Skizotdocking bays in battlecruisers
10:52.07Skizotthink tie fighter
10:52.13MotiveSkizot's got this all figured out.
10:53.16Shadowclaimerso my racing game is working perfectly now, and my first powerup item works correctly =D
10:53.19Shadowclaimerits a baneling cannon test item
10:53.36Shadowclaimerhowever, I need to find a good collision event
10:54.13Skizotmo, did i show you the changes to the side scroller?
10:54.37Skizotother than ya know.. MORE GUNS.. it's ready for a story!
10:55.19ShadowclaimerCould I get a scripter to write me a custom Event that just checks if any unit enters the range of another unit (like right next to them)
10:55.28MotiveUse regions.
10:55.30ShadowclaimerAny unit and any unit period, like absolutely any unit
10:55.31Skizotthat's EASY
10:55.33NoRooShadowclaimer: what sort of physics are you using for your racing engine?
10:55.54MotiveCreate a circular region w/ a specific size, toss it on top of the unit, use the regular Unit Enters Region event
10:56.11ShadowclaimerHaven't gotten to gravity yet, but for now its simple racing physics (acceleration, offtrack de-acceleration, continuous driving after you stop holding W)
10:56.54Shadowclaimerhow can I "nudge" a unit depending on the unit entering said region?
10:56.57*** join/#sc2mapster Megalon (
10:56.59NoRooShadowclaimer: are you going to have a serious traction model? more mario kart?
10:57.22MotiveShadowclaimer, use force vectors on all of the wheels and I will love you.
10:57.38NoRooShadowclaimer: once I get bored of my current project I'm planning on implementing a really accurate car racing model
10:57.38MotiveI want to see flips, spins, and bootleg turns.
10:57.52NoRooand yes, 4 point traction in the one I'll do
10:57.59MotiveFuck 4-point traction.
10:58.01Motiven-point traction
10:58.02*** join/#sc2mapster Shadowclaimer_ (
10:58.08MotiveMake custom cars that have 5 wheels or random crap :P
10:58.18NoRoowell once you have one point
10:58.21NoRooyou have N points
10:58.27NoRooso that shouldn't be a problem
10:58.55Shadowclaimer_great discon'd in the middle of that discussion
10:59.02MotiveLol :(
10:59.10Shadowclaimer_<Shadowclaimer>how can I "nudge" a unit depending on the unit entering said region?
10:59.11Shadowclaimer_<Shadowclaimer>so like take teh unit who enters the region's movement speed and facing angle and "push" the other unit based on that
10:59.13Shadowclaimer_was last thing I saw
11:01.02*** join/#sc2mapster Computerpunk (~Computerp@
11:02.24Shadowclaimerwell big bug with the Region system
11:02.26Shadowclaimerthey are an array
11:02.34Shadowclaimerhow do I designate the Event to trigger on any region in an array?
11:02.50MotiveYou don't. You specify every index of the array manually.
11:02.51NoRooShadowclaimer:  itterate through every index of the array
11:03.13ShadowclaimerBlizzard needs to add support for this shit..
11:03.16Shadowclaimerwould save me 10 lines of work
11:03.16NoRooShadowclaimer:  while(i<array size) {myarray[i] = (something); i++}
11:03.24NoRoosupport for loop constructs?
11:03.28ShadowclaimerI don't use GalaxyCode
11:03.39NoRooyou're using triggers?
11:03.45Shadowclaimerof course
11:03.48DiNo29there's a while loop in gui
11:03.49NoRootriggers have loop constructs
11:03.56NoRooaction  while()
11:04.03NoRoocondition i< arraySize
11:04.07ShadowclaimerIn events though?
11:04.20NoRooevents are not for processing
11:04.31NoRoothe events section of a trigger is where you subscribe to action events
11:04.49NoRooso subscribe to any unit entering any region
11:04.50ShadowclaimerYes but for things like "Unit enters [REGION]" why shouldn't I be able to set that REGION as an array?
11:04.57NoRooand then test if the region was in your array in the actions
11:05.00Shadowclaimerand it just takes any region from that array
11:05.03ShadowclaimerI see what you're saying
11:05.07Skizoti use something a bit different.
11:06.16Skizottemp unit = bullet.
11:06.34MotiveI still think you should remove the square root on the left and just square the Collision Radius.
11:06.45MotiveMultiplication is lots faster than square root.
11:07.05MotiveCould help on low-end PCs
11:07.33Skizoti have bigger fish to fry
11:07.41Skizotlike why if you fire before walking...
11:07.45Skizotyou can't walk
11:08.02Skizothave you seen the new firing mechanism though?
11:08.10MotiveI saw the fan-firing pictures.
11:08.11Skizotit's sexy as fuck.
11:08.11MotiveNot the code.
11:08.25Skizotonly problem is that you can't shoot straight up.
11:08.36SavvisWhat does Display Attack Count mean?
11:09.07Mojacheis that a custom unit Skizot?
11:09.33MotiveOh noes. My Mac's bluetooth got eaten.
11:09.37Skizotthe bullet?
11:09.43Mojachethe picture of the plane tyou linked
11:10.01Skizotit's a banshee... with ATA rockets and ATS lasers
11:10.33MotiveLasers! Pew pew.
11:10.40SkizotBIG pew pew
11:10.47Skizotthey are the battle cruisers XD
11:14.17*** join/#sc2mapster vjeux_ (~52e9ed5b@gateway/web/freenode/x-svsgujphikqgobut)
11:14.17*** mode/#sc2mapster [+o vjeux_] by ChanServ
11:15.19vjeuxhow to flood the channel just by disconnecting :x
11:16.00MotiveI wish Parallels could allocate more than 256 MB of Video RAM :(
11:22.52*** join/#sc2mapster zammE- (z@
11:23.12Skizotwho wants to see the wraiths in action?
11:23.33MotiveI have a 3.06 GHz Dual Core AMD sitting in an otherwise functional Windows box on my left. Sadly it's graphics are completely fucked to hell.
11:23.45MotiveStill I wish I could use it somehow as like a server, or at least make use of it's processing power somehow.
11:23.55Skizotrender farm
11:24.05MotiveI literally can't even hook it up to a monitor.
11:24.18GrumSkizot: me! but the stupid thing is still loading :D
11:24.51MotiveI want the benefits of cloud computing, in my house! >=(
11:25.07GrumSkizot: its failing! yay ;(
11:25.35Skizotis the stream broken?
11:26.07Motiveit's all black to me
11:26.14Motiveit makes me sad.
11:26.21FrozenFirebatLF2M to help with balance on my diplomacy map
11:26.34FrozenFirebatmake that 1 more
11:27.31Skizotwhat the fuck
11:27.38Skizotit should be working
11:27.49Skizotthe stream thingy is going.
11:27.51Motivewell now it says offline.
11:27.55Skizotand shows what i'm doing.
11:28.13ShadowTigernight everyone
11:28.31Skizothow about now?
11:29.01SavvisFirebat, did you say you used a forumla to balance your TD map?
11:29.50MotiveHaha nice
11:30.09Motiveif they had working jets I'd like scream in delight
11:31.25Skizotcan't do that... YET
11:32.33MotiveAww. Looks like I broke this PC.
11:32.39Hatidid they removed rotation in previewer ?
11:32.47MotiveIt's been sitting around with the case open for like 6 months now.
11:32.48Hatior is it just me
11:32.52MotiveCan't even get it to boot anymore.
11:33.30Hatihmm ok works ... again
11:34.04Motivehaha nvm it works again.
11:34.09MotiveI had to remove the graphics card.
11:34.12MotiveApparently it got even worse.
11:34.25vjeuxnice Skizot !
11:34.41Skizotpro wrait micro lol
11:35.11Skizothave you seen my sidescroller vjeux?
11:35.11vjeuxwant to see it again! :)
11:35.29Skizoti'll show you it after the wraith rerun ;)
11:36.41zammE-Hey folks
11:36.57`228zipThat ultralisk overhaul 'd better be big
11:37.16`228zipBecause I don't really see the use of having an ultralisk right now
11:37.28vjeuxreally nice
11:37.31vjeuxlove the death explosion
11:37.32Skizotokay side scroller time.
11:37.37Skizotyou'll love this one :)
11:37.42`228zipI want to see that =p
11:37.59zammE-Does anyone know if there's a way to INcrease map bounds of a map in progress? The Bounds options in Map Properties can only decrease from the maps default size.
11:38.12Skizotstream is up 228
11:38.28`228zipzamme- have you checked both boxes ?
11:38.47zammE-`228zip yup, both Map and Camera
11:38.56SkizotMotive if you wanna watch :)
11:39.11`228zipzammE- what's your map's size ?
11:39.15Motivek I'm on
11:39.16PixelWarriorwhere to see sidescroller?
11:39.16`228zipBecause it definitely works on my end
11:39.49Motivehaha jumping works. nice
11:40.15zammE-Wow thats embarrassing.. Looks like it's capped already at 256!
11:40.29zammE-Somehow I imagined it was smaller.. well then mystery solved =)
11:41.05NoRoo`228zip: you're on EU right?
11:41.41NoRoomade a video of the game, check it out since you couldn't join us on US for testing
11:41.55NoRooany one else that hasn't seen it, check it out too
11:42.03NoRoovjeux I don't think you have
11:42.09Hatilurker missile is in :D
11:43.09vjeuxSkizot: this is excellent!
11:43.25vjeuxNoRoo: i did :)
11:43.29`228zipNoRoo: I don't remember that game but this looks definitely interesting
11:43.29vjeuxit's really nicely done
11:43.33vjeuxis the map already available?
11:43.45NoRooSkizot: do you have a video for the side scroller?
11:43.45vjeuxgoing to be newsed today
11:43.59NoRoowho me? :o
11:44.23NoRooI haven't uploaded a copy of it since I've been making new builds at a rate of like 3 times per day
11:44.31NoRoothough that one there is stable enough
11:44.35Skizotnot yet.
11:44.43Skizotdon't have it far enough along for me :(
11:45.16Skizoti wanna do the intro cinematic first.
11:45.20Skizotthen i'll make a video.
11:45.34Skizotbut i have to decide what the intro cine is gonna BE lol
11:48.22NoRooI still need a name for my map
11:48.23Skizoti'm gonna hunt down a copy of fraps.. maybe make a gameplay video.
11:48.25`228zipNoRoo: I'm doing something rather similar, except that I use hellions where you used battlecruisers and the likes
11:48.26NoRooI'm terrible at naming things
11:48.40`228zipand you can target a point you are not facing =o
11:49.02`228zipThat bumping mechanic you have, NoRoo, could be excellent for teamplay
11:49.17vjeuxNoroo Battle
11:49.27NoRooyeah, though the formula used isn't modeling physics 100% accurate
11:49.40`228zipWho cares, it's good enough x)
11:49.43NoRooenergy is conserved but not momentum, which is a much more bloated formula for off center hits
11:49.45Skizotno roo.. did you name the units?
11:49.55NoRooSkizot: named after their models
11:50.07Skizotif you WANT...
11:50.08PixelWarriornoroo: lol dw about momentum?
11:50.09NoRoovjeux: NoRoo Battlegasm 2015
11:50.19Skizoti could send ya the wraith
11:50.44`228zipSo that's supposed to be the hydra den evolving into a lurker den, Hati ?
11:51.06NoRooSkizot:  is it ready to go? I would have to come up with an attack concept for it
11:51.07Hatilurker den is not in yet :(
11:51.19Skizotwell it isn't "animated"
11:51.19Hatiyou could make your own lurker anyway
11:51.38Hatias the attack effect of underground is in
11:51.42Hatiand simple use a roach for it
11:51.49Skizotbut it works ingame.
11:51.51NoRooSkizot: the engine isn't perfectly coded, but it was designed to support many ship and weapon types so adding new ones is trivial other than balancing the stats
11:52.09Skizoti have a valkyrie model as well.
11:52.19Skizotwhich would be easy
11:52.23Skizotcluster rockets
11:52.24`228zipI saw the project revolution, first videos I saw
11:52.36`228zipI thought they put the SC1 sprites into wc3
11:52.36NoRooSkizot: as soon as I have ideas for them, if the models are solid adding them in would be cake
11:52.53Skizotthey have a lack of momentum look to em :(
11:52.57Skizoti can't add particles
11:53.15Skizotor animation sequences
11:53.28Skizotto only show the fire when moving
11:53.36`228zipNoRoo: Will we see other things than terran ships ?
11:53.46`228zipVoid ray would probably be interesting
11:54.19NoRoo`228zip: not sure why they're all terran so far, I can use anything though
11:54.31NoRoo`228zip: I could make a streetsign a unit if I wanted
11:54.50`228zipI know, I just wanted if there was a reason why you chose terrans ships over xenos =p
11:55.15`228zipCorruptors would be awesome, I think their tentacles are independant from their animations
11:55.49Skizotthey are.
11:55.53Skizotthey are ribbons.
11:56.02Skizotlike the zealots hair and DTs cape
11:56.05`228ziplike zealots' hair
11:56.09`228zipDT cape too ?
11:56.17`228zipWhat about the high templar's ?
11:56.49Skizotthey abused the ribbons this go.
11:56.53Skizotnot so much in war3.
11:57.00Skizotbut they WERE there
11:57.26`228zipAre WC3 projectiles such as the water elemental projectile considered ribbons ?
11:57.42`228zipthose were the best looking ones
11:57.47Skizotit was a billboarded sprite with ribbons.
11:58.33Skizotthey really only used ribbons on projectiles.
11:58.33`228zipso, why did Project Revolution stop already ?
11:58.37NoRoo`228zip: you know what now that I think about it, it's the weapons that have kept me more toward terran
11:58.42Skizotthe engine couldn't handle it.
11:58.49`228zipTurrets ?
11:58.53NoRoo`228zip:  I haven't had the best luck making protoss weapons look cool in my engine, need more practice
11:58.56Skizotthe turrets were EASY
11:59.09Skizotlet's see...
11:59.12`228zipI mean, on terran siege tanks and the such
11:59.18Skizotpylons were IMPOSSIBLE.
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11:59.29`228zipI didn't expect that
11:59.37Skizotcarriers weren't feasible if you had more that 3.
11:59.58Skizotthe game would STOP and start wueue units.
12:00.09`228zipYou could definitely do pylons through JASS, but I have no idea about modding them into the game
12:00.16Skizotso one unit would move then the next.
12:00.32Skizotthe problem with pylons is that we ran out of pathing types.
12:01.58Skizotwe literally killed the engine 4 different ways.
12:02.04`228zipCouldn't you just detect if there was a pylon close to the building ?
12:02.20Skizotwe had a test protoss run and we all rushed mass carriers... everything was fine until we went to battle.
12:02.30Skizotnot easily.
12:02.57Skizot8 players.. we bluescreens 3 hard locked 2 and the rest had to ctrl + alt +del to get out.
12:04.30Skizotwe HAVE the art for the races..
12:04.36Skizotcould probably be a bit better...
12:04.51Skizotbut when we hit the "terran only" limit we stopped working on em.
12:05.10`228zipWhat was the problem with zerg ?
12:05.55Skizoti forget...
12:06.05Skizotsomething with code.
12:06.06*** join/#sc2mapster TheLaughingMan (~TheLaughi@
12:06.09`228zipcreep is already in
12:06.14Skizotyeah i know.
12:06.22*** part/#sc2mapster TheLaughingMan (~TheLaughi@
12:06.28`228ziplarva.. aren't there units that create other units automatically ?
12:06.32`228zipthe tinker's spell
12:06.32Skizotwe had a fair chunk of zerg done.
12:06.59`228ziplurker maybe ?
12:07.05Skizotlurker was easy
12:07.24Skizothis attack was part of his main model.
12:07.35Skizotwith an invisible projectile.
12:07.35`228zipThere is nothing to attack in a straight line though, only through abilities
12:07.43Skizotthat only went the distance of his spikes.
12:08.08Skizothe was partially tuetted while burrowed
12:08.21Skizotgod my spelling sucks.
12:09.32`228zipwhat could have been the problem then ?
12:09.34NoRooI  could call it BattleGasm Heros and try to claim the BGH acronym
12:09.40NoRooactually maybe that's not a good idea
12:09.49`228zipwhat's BGH ?
12:10.00Skizoti dunno... i remember it was pretty game breaking though.
12:10.04Skizotbig game huntards
12:10.21*** join/#sc2mapster sjaak (
12:10.59RepoNew map: StarCraft 2 Trading Card Game. Paras1tePL (Manager/Author). Experimental. Approved by xhatix.
12:11.15`228zipI was thinking about that yesterday! gotta check it out
12:11.51`228zipnot much to see =(
12:12.26*** join/#sc2mapster Muchak (~4e17f29d@gateway/web/freenode/x-mcuaxxfuhzzbjxus)
12:13.19Muchakhello everyone ^^
12:17.32Mojachei love games that go like that
12:17.45Mojacheopponant lost litteraly because the map ran out of resources
12:17.48Mojacheso awesome
12:21.50*** join/#sc2mapster Corosus (
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12:22.59MuchakWhere can I find a tutorial on how to make a copy from an existing unit (making a duplicate) so when I change abilites on the copy, the original is unnafected?
12:23.26NoRooMuchak:  any time you change an original object in the data editor a copy is made for your modifications
12:23.42NoRooMuchak: you cannot change the original data from the data editor
12:23.58Muchakhmm, but I want 4 different kinds of marines...
12:24.21NoRooMuchak:  so for example if you open up marine, and give the marine 60 hp, you now have a new copy of the default marine but with 60 hp, it's a seperate unit type now
12:24.34NoRooMuchak: right click the marine unit and select copy and paste?
12:25.01Muchakwhat if I want a marine with 60 hp AND a different one with 80 AND a different one with 70?
12:26.00Skizotrename the unit
12:26.43Muchakit's as simple as renaming it in the data editor?
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12:27.00Stoneneedleyou need to add an actor
12:27.03Stoneneedleand reference the unit
12:28.13Muchakhmmm, how do I do that?
12:28.29Stoneneedlein the data editor, there are a bunch of data types
12:28.33Stoneneedlechoose the actor data type
12:28.43Stoneneedleduplicate the actor (the model you want to use; for marines duplicate the marine)
12:28.52Stoneneedledoesn't matter what the actor's name is really, the most important thing is the unit name
12:28.58Stoneneedlemake units by copying them
12:29.07Stoneneedlehere, bifuu's got a great tutorial on it
12:29.52MuchakI can copy the actor and the unit, I don't know how to link em
12:29.54Muchakoh cool, thanks
12:30.03Stoneneedlesays in that tutorial
12:30.15Stoneneedlebasically in the actor you change the unitName field
12:30.21StoneneedleNo problem :)
12:30.35StoneneedleI'm a newbie with the editor; just started playing with it a few days ago.
12:32.02Motivewoot woot ka-boot
12:36.34MotiveI found this awesome breakfast place nearby and it's so damn delicious
12:36.50Motiveand they will make breakfast at yes, 6 pm if you ask
12:36.55Motiveit could not be a better arrangement
12:38.27Stoneneedlewhere do you live Motive?
12:38.31MotiveNew Jersey
12:38.59Stoneneedlewell then
12:39.15StoneneedleI guess breakfast is as good as it gets there then :D
12:39.19Motivenah :P
12:39.21MotiveJersey's nice.
12:39.21Skizoteast coast!
12:39.35MotiveEspecially where I live.
12:39.46MotiveRich people have nicer things, nicer community, etc.
12:39.59Xancan you specify a duration for how long a text message will appear?
12:40.11*** join/#sc2mapster Fisker (
12:40.23NoRoo"Bullshit action game"
12:41.06*** join/#sc2mapster Saladom (~asdf1234@
12:41.13Skizotit''s in the "B.A.G."
12:41.31NoRooyeah seriously that is an awesome acronym
12:41.37Motiveyeah well
12:41.41Motiveyou haven't lived until you've had a burgasm.
12:41.42Motiveso there.
12:41.54NoRoo"battlegasm 2015" is still sounding the best so far
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12:42.07Motivea burgasm is like an orgasm but because of a really really good burger
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12:44.15*** join/#sc2mapster Fisker (
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12:46.55Mojacheoh man
12:46.57Mojachesweet idea for a map
12:47.03Mojachesim city but with the zerg
12:47.21Motivelol wtf
12:47.23Motivehow would that work?
12:47.25GrumMotive: i wonder what a burkaism is then
12:47.33Motive"Your zerg are unhappy. Consider building more spawning pools."
12:47.33Muchak"your zerglings need public transportation!"
12:47.44Mojacheseriously it would be so awesome
12:47.46MotiveLOL do it
12:47.48MotiveI'd play that map
12:47.55Grummake farmville and pokemon too!
12:48.01Mojachei think ill wait till the game goes comes out
12:48.04Mojacheso we have more units
12:48.05Motiveit's bad enough SC2 is integrated with Facebook
12:48.06Mojachealso pokemon
12:48.09Mojachewould be amaizing
12:48.11Motivedon't make us have farmville on SC2, too
12:48.14MotiveI'd KILL you
12:48.17MotiveI would KILL you.
12:48.22Mojachewar3 had some sweet pokemon maps
12:48.24Mojachethere was this one
12:48.25*** join/#sc2mapster fatalazn (
12:48.30Mojachewhere you had 2 hours to catch and train them
12:48.33Mojachethen there was a TOURNAMENT
12:48.43Mojachefucking best map ever
12:48.50Mojacheeven thought the tournament crashed 90% of the time
12:49.16Motive2 hours of waste
12:49.53vjeuxspiderman in css3
12:50.20Motivethat's epic. :D
12:50.33Grumis that svg?
12:51.01Motiveoh look at source
12:51.08Motiveit looks like it's a bunch of pictures
12:51.24Grummm it doesnt actually move for me
12:51.26Grumshould it?
12:51.32Grumit just transits from static to static
12:51.49Motiveit creates the effect of movement going on inside the iPad's screen
12:52.01vjeuxGrum: have you got chrome/safari?
12:52.48vjeuxthat's a proof of concept but clearly no one's going to do animation in css
12:53.01vjeuxit takes like 5min to do it with flash, 1week with css :p
12:53.46MotiveI want to see Hulu go to html5 :(
12:53.59Mojachei love how even though its made without flash
12:54.04Mojacheits still made using adobe products
12:54.09Motivehaha, that too
12:54.56FRoZeNanyone worked a lot with the data editor? especially models/actors
12:54.58Mojacheif flash truely dies in the next 10 years, ill be one surprised man
12:55.03*** join/#sc2mapster Remy3 (~5ed309d4@gateway/web/freenode/x-tfrghqxtdwvxqyhu)
12:55.35Grumoh sigh .. fucking spotlight decided to start indexing again ...
12:55.42*** join/#sc2mapster Dracor_ (~3ceaeb14@gateway/web/freenode/x-rkazszudnebedvrd)
12:56.00MotiveI haven't had any issues with spotlight
12:56.12FRoZeNmojache 10 years is a long time in the computer world
12:56.26Mojachewe couldnt kill ie6 in 10 years
12:56.37MotiveSometimes I think my Mac is just magical.
12:56.42MotiveNo spotlight problems, no slow Flash, it defies logic.
12:56.46GrumMotive: its known to be a giant piece of io/memory/cpu eating piece of shit
12:56.55Motivebut I have no problems with it. It's weird. LOL
12:56.55Grumatm it holds 1 complete cpu busy
12:56.56*** join/#sc2mapster Fisker (
12:57.07Grumand generates shitloads of io that i cant do anything else
12:57.34vjeuxgo on windows xp, there's no spotlight :p
12:57.40Motiveeww XP
12:57.44Motivedecade old OS
12:57.47Grumnot my choice, macbook is company issued
12:57.51MotiveI'll use 7 without complaint though. :P
12:57.53Grumxp sucks until you strip it down
12:57.56Grumwin7 is fine
12:58.11vjeuxi can't manage to install win7 on my macbook pro (old generation)
12:58.15vjeuxthere's a driver issue
12:58.19vjeuxso i'm stuck with xp :x
12:58.22Motiveweird. o_O
12:58.56NoRooMojache: how's your map coming along?
12:59.04Grumits not weird. its broken
12:59.04NoRoohaven't seen it since you were testing level 2
12:59.16Mojachebeen busy with work and when I do have time I typically have just been implementing gun code
12:59.21Mojachesince theres like 52 weapons
12:59.34vjeuxthe only solution to fix it on the forums is: burn the dvd with a slowest rate
13:00.01vjeuxi've basically burned 10 dvd with all the possible combinations of options
13:00.06vjeuxand none of them worked :(
13:00.09vjeuxso i'm stuck on xp :p
13:00.11Motivetake it to the apple store
13:00.14Motivebitch at them until they make it work
13:00.16Motivethat's what I'd do. :P
13:00.18DiNo29lucky you vjeux ^^
13:00.55vjeuxwell, I can't afford to give them my computer for a week :(
13:01.01Motivethey don't need it for a week
13:01.06Motivethey can do it onsite within a few hours
13:01.09Grumvjeux: just get a proper dvd burner :D
13:01.15Motivejust schedule a genius bar appointment. that's what I did for my liquid damage.
13:01.18vjeuxtried 3 different dvd burners :p
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13:01.26vjeuxhey Motive i'm in france
13:01.31vjeuxthere's like 2 apple store in paris
13:01.32Grumand you are obviously reading from the device that you burned with?
13:01.35Motiveoh then you're fucked.
13:01.42Grumvjeux: oh .. win7 doesnt work in france
13:01.58vjeuxyeah that's fucked up, he manages to start the installation on the dvd
13:02.02vjeuxbut can't find the driver
13:02.19Savviswhat speed values are considered slow, medium, fast, etc
13:02.23Savvisfor a unit
13:02.28vjeuxi thought of a solution: install vista
13:02.31vjeuxthen upgrade to 7
13:02.36Grumvjeux: what kind of hardware do you have?
13:02.41vjeuxbut well, don't want to waste another day on it
13:02.51vjeuxmacbook pro (the first one)
13:02.52Grumor is the 'location of the driver' just broken? :D
13:03.02Grumvjeux: not so strange that it doesnt have drivers
13:04.14MojacheSimZerg or ZergCity
13:04.18vjeuxand, the usb thing, i haven't been able to tell my mac to boot from a usb key
13:04.22vjeuxeven with refit :(
13:04.34Mojachei like it
13:05.44FRoZeNohh tycoon :P
13:05.56Mojachenah i need it to be sim city
13:06.02Mojacheso I can use the old super nintendo music
13:06.05Mojacheto make it even mroe silly
13:06.07FRoZeNSid meyers Zerg
13:06.14Mojacheand im gonna make a Hyrdalisk be that one dude
13:06.16Mojachewho gives you advice
13:06.19vjeuxSim City - Zerg Edition
13:06.25Mojacheso youll hit a button and portrait will come up
13:06.28Mojacheand he will be all like
13:06.36FRoZeNZergilization ftw
13:06.50Mojachegreat tips
13:06.54Mojachethanks mr hydralisk
13:06.59vjeuxNot enough mana
13:08.02MotiveCrime is rising. You may wish to invest in additional ultralisks.
13:08.12Mojachefuck that
13:08.19Mojacheultralisk is gonna be the monorail
13:08.55MotiveYour armed forces are requesting additional Uberlisk warriors.
13:09.01MotiveSo much epic potential.
13:09.38Mojacheso gonna have fucking roads
13:09.55MotiveOH OH
13:09.59MotivePave the roads with dead terrans.
13:10.07FRoZeNanyone tried making any type of turnbased strategy map yet?
13:20.38Mojachewhats a way to "build" things with triggers
13:20.40Mojachenot like
13:20.44Mojachespawn hatchery at the house
13:20.49Mojachemake it so when I set a trigger
13:20.58Mojacheit puts a hatchery on your mouse like when your normally build on in game
13:21.06Mojachelike where its to be "built"
13:21.21PixelWarrioritll still need to be an ability
13:21.27FRoZeNhow do you change the tint of a unit?
13:24.05Mojachei know how to do it
13:24.12Mojacheill make it so you never build hatcherys
13:24.21Mojacheand the reason you need overlord is to "extend" the creep
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13:29.40PixelWarriorPhoenix Can now attack while moving.
13:29.41PixelWarriorAWWWWW SHIIIIIIT
13:32.01SavvisOn the data editor, what is the difference between speed and acceleration for a unit?
13:32.55PixelWarriorspeed is maximum velocity
13:33.06PixelWarrioracceleration is how fast it reaches max velocity
13:33.29Savvisso what speed value is considered fast, slow, medium?
13:33.51Xan3 if fast I think
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13:34.27Xan1 is way slow
13:34.44PixelWarriorvjeux: how are they gona keep a standard version?
13:34.57SavvisXan, thanks
13:35.10vjeuxthere's no one playing the game anyway :p
13:36.09vjeux240meg of sourcecode
13:36.10vjeuxthat's huge
13:36.34PixelWarriorthink about the lines of code ull need to dig through before u get anywhere
13:36.53PixelWarriorand the learning curve lol
13:37.03vjeuxwell, it depends what you are looking for
13:37.31vjeuxbeing huge does not necessarily mean complicated
13:37.44vjeuxif everything is well modularized there's no problem
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13:38.05PixelWarriorhave u had a chance to look at it?
13:38.28vjeuxjust downloaded it
13:38.40`228zipRyzom is rebirth YET AGAIN ?!!
13:39.24`228zipOh, they just released the source code
13:39.30Mojacheman I can't for the life of me figure out how to make an overlord not require a Lair to spawn creep
13:39.36MojacheI removed the "requirement" field
13:39.38Mojachebut no go.
13:40.40`228zipTalking about overlords
13:40.48`228zipDo you think ultralisk drops could be effective ?
13:40.57`228zipThey could 2-shot a few worker
13:41.07Mojachein a normal game?
13:41.08Xan1 shot
13:41.17Xanthey increased damage in patch
13:41.28Mojacheultralisks are to much of a pain to get out, upgraded to only have half the units in the game be hard counters to it
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13:41.43Mojacheif they make ultrisks able to fly then I might make one sometime
13:41.50Mojacheor jump super high
13:41.55Mojacheor I just win the game
13:42.01Dracor_hmm, maximum XP can only go up to 500k?
13:42.02Xanor have a nice ability
13:42.02Mojacheyou built an ultralisk
13:42.04Mojacheyouuuu winnnn
13:42.06Mojachethen maybe
13:42.07Dracor_before going negative
13:42.09Mojacheill build one
13:42.56`228zipYeah, getting ultralisk tech just for a bit of harass that late in the game..
13:43.07Xanif they are better against large units maybe
13:43.19Xanand wont be totally destroyed by e.g mauraders
13:43.23Xanimmune to slow etc
13:43.27`228zipI don't really see what their place is
13:43.39`228zipThey are immune to concussive shells, it doesn't work on massive units
13:43.49Xanoh good
13:43.56`228zipMarauders just do incredible amounts of damage and can outrun ultralisks thanks to stimpacks
13:43.57Xanshould make them run faster though
13:44.18`228zipBut yes, what are they useful for ?
13:44.27`228zipThey're only good against blobs of small units
13:44.43`228zipAnd the banelings are already good enough in this domain.. on t1.5
13:45.10Xandamage increase from 30 to 50 is pretty much though
13:45.24Savvissomeone should make a attribute table so we know what does what
13:45.35PixelWarriornot if the ultra dies to 16 hydras before it even reaches them
13:45.49`228zipXan: Except when you also have to pay for T3
13:45.56`228zipT3 + ultralisk cavern
13:46.16`228zipto get something that only works against buildings and light infantry
13:46.18PixelWarriorand T3 only gets u ultras and broodlords
13:46.25`228zipand gets outright destroyed by the rest
13:46.50Xanthey should definatly make them better against other than light infantry
13:46.59`228zipI wouldn't consider taking ultralisks against terrans as long as ultralisks are armored
13:47.06Xanin sc1 they were pretty good
13:47.35PixelWarriorultralisks should be able to step on light infantry
13:47.41PixelWarriorlike tanks in RA2
13:48.00PixelWarriorthen they would be slightly better
13:48.03Xanthey need a sort of charge ability
13:48.11PixelWarrioror an EAT ability
13:48.14Xanso they wont be kited too easily
13:48.17`228zipTo get into contact, like zealot charge ? why not xan
13:48.28`228zipThat would solve the forcefield problem
13:48.29PixelWarriorUltralisks can now eat siegetanks for breakfast
13:48.30Xanor ability(not autocasted)
13:48.59`228zipSiege tanks can be disabled by infestors
13:49.09`228zipAnd they are devastating against terran infantry
13:49.21`228zipany infantry actually
13:51.07`228zipHow would you make the ultra useful..
13:51.41`228ziplet's forget about ZvT though, because of marauders
13:51.49*** join/#sc2mapster Xtek (~cmoran@WoWUIDev/CurseStaff/CookieMonster/Xtek)
13:52.02`228zipHello Xtek
13:54.24Hatiblizz cheated :(
13:54.32Hatiin their 'The Lost Viking'
13:54.41Mojachedoes anyone know where all the "tool tip" information is for editing?
13:54.50Mojachelike if I want to change the text on an ability or unit
13:54.55Mojacheis it listed somewhere special?
13:55.13kumorigdata editor buttons?
13:55.45Mojacheperfect thank you
13:56.16kumorigyes. Mom mom, I was useful today.
13:56.38PixelWarriorhow do i assign a reference name to a dialog button
13:58.57*** join/#sc2mapster Zoxc (
14:01.39Dracor_are there any good tutorials for using the data editor? mainly actors/models
14:01.50Dracor_I can calculate everything for my attacks/abilities, but have no clue how to make them look nice
14:03.23*** join/#sc2mapster Adys (~Adys@unaffiliated/adys)
14:04.25*** join/#sc2mapster depthsofchaos (
14:07.06Hati someelse has this archon bug?
14:07.15Hatior did i accidently pushed a button o.O
14:08.43Grumdamn that looks cool :D
14:10.01*** join/#sc2mapster kumorig_ (
14:10.24Saladomit's a square archon.
14:10.33Grumsquarchon coming to eat u!
14:10.34*** join/#sc2mapster sztanpet (
14:11.42Hatiwell but i must have pushed somethin
14:11.44Hatiits only in editor
14:11.50Savvishow do you remove pylon requirements on buildings?
14:11.58HatiPowerUse Behavior
14:12.26*** join/#sc2mapster Clord (
14:12.55Savvisdo I remove the power source?
14:13.38HatiBehaviors +{Power User (Queue)}
14:13.40Hatiremove this
14:14.09depthsofchaosdo you guys think a move command every 0.025 second can be handled online for every player?
14:14.25Grumyou dont ahve that resolution on any timers
14:14.32Grumnormal ticks are 1/16s
14:14.34ClordI have pretty good quess what happens with power requirement to moving unit
14:14.45Motivewouldn't a tick now be every 125ms?
14:14.47depthsofchaosnot on the timer but on delay
14:15.23Grumafaik all timers have the minimal resolution of 0.0625s
14:15.28Hatiwhy would you need a move command every 0.025 ..
14:15.44Clordpower requirement can make nicely different defense only units... if they go for even moment outside all power grids they would shut down
14:15.50Hatiyou can increase the offset to the rally point and thus will decrease your frequency
14:15.55depthsofchaoswell this is a move while the key is pressed and theres a delay between
14:16.01Clordcan make nice robots war map
14:16.04GrumClord: you used to have 'moving turrets' in the powergrid area of protoss
14:16.05MotiveLol Clord. That's actually a good idea for a map.
14:16.10MotiveNice. xD
14:16.36Clordpeople would build pylons for their forces and there would come enemy pylons for their forces and it is destroy enemy pylons and units
14:16.38depthsofchaosyeah but i want to move a car basically
14:16.48depthsofchaosand it  will look stupid with hihg offset
14:16.57Hatistop on release
14:16.59ClordI'm currently doing castle fight like map but it is 3v3v3v3
14:17.05depthsofchaosits too fast
14:17.30depthsofchaosand the movement is not smooth
14:17.35depthsofchaosfor exmaple when turning
14:18.02Motivethen use a better movement method :P
14:18.04Motiveit's possible.
14:18.16Motiveif you're relying on low-period loops you're using a bad approach to begin with.
14:18.34Motiveshould be a last resort.
14:18.44depthsofchaosits basically a recoursive trigger
14:18.49depthsofchaoswith delay
14:19.14MotiveI'm not even sure the Galaxy stack can support an infinitely recursive trigger
14:19.30depthsofchaosit can :o
14:19.37depthsofchaosat least it worked for like 10 minutes :p
14:20.04ClordI think blizzard is again genius their way of doing things... their way to add water to maps is genius
14:20.06Zoxcit can't, no stack can, also triggers can't be recursive
14:20.19Motiverecursive triggers do work
14:20.21MotiveI tested it
14:20.45Motiveand the stack t heoretically at least, could support it
14:20.48Zoxcrecursive functions are possible, triggers, not so much
14:20.49Motiveit'd just have to be resized a lot.
14:20.57Motiveoh well yeah.
14:21.03Grumsure you can have recursive triggers o.O
14:21.22Motivestd::stack<void*> myStack;
14:21.24Motivesimple as that lol
14:21.55Motiveit'd just use an ever-increasing amount of memory
14:22.01Motivewhich is kind of stupid
14:22.27MotiveIn any case, I have an idea for your movement system, depthsofchaos.
14:22.55MotiveDo whatever math you have to do to figure out what direction the unit should move in, get an angle with that, find a point a few seconds ahead of the unit in that direction, and issue a normal move order.
14:23.02MotiveThen re-issue that order every 0.1 seconds
14:23.17depthsofchaosim doing a game of tron bikes
14:23.23RepoNew map: Venace Crater. Wafflestarcraft (Manager/Author). Approved by Skizot.
14:23.31depthsofchaosand trying to place wall behind the vehicle
14:23.38depthsofchaosand the wall is just a simple cube
14:23.47depthsofchaosand looks bad when it turns
14:24.17depthsofchaossec :p
14:25.11Motiveyou'd have to spawn the blocks more frequently to make a nice even path
14:25.16Motivebut that's just not feasable.
14:25.22Sholdakyou can use terrain deformation for that
14:25.24Sholdakmight work
14:25.35Motiveuse terrain deformation + spawn a pathing blocker
14:25.41Motivepathing blocker can be jagged and ugly, but it's invisible anyways
14:25.46Motiveterrain deformation will come out pretty but have no pathing.
14:25.50Skizotnice tron cycle though :)
14:25.55Sholdakit also wont have color
14:26.07Sholdakmight need some kind of splat
14:26.13Sholdakto cover behind it
14:26.14Motiveuse a dummy unit to spawn colorful objects behind it or something
14:26.16Motivegive it no pathing, etc.
14:26.18depthsofchaoshmm will the terrain look edgy?
14:26.22depthsofchaosnot rounded?
14:26.26Motiveno it's terrain
14:26.35MotiveI mean you could probably make it that way but /shrug
14:26.35Sholdakdepends on the footprint
14:26.47Grumdepthsofchaos: hahahah 'tron!' :P
14:26.49Sholdakthe terrain deformation effect has a footprint
14:27.00Grumand a 'strength' of the effect
14:27.04Grumand a speed
14:27.14Grum(or a time overwhich the effect occurs)
14:27.26SholdakOR you can use roads
14:27.38Sholdakexepect we cant generate new types of roads
14:27.42depthsofchaosroads? can those be dynamic?
14:27.43Sholdakprob require special models
14:27.47Sholdakroads are curves
14:27.51Sholdak(splines, w/e)
14:28.04Grumnah roads arent dynamic
14:28.14Sholdakwhat if you give like a unit a road model
14:28.17Sholdakor something like that :p
14:28.40depthsofchaosit will still look edgy in the corners i think
14:29.12Sholdakhow are you generating those walls right now?
14:29.30depthsofchaosunits facing the hellion
14:29.40kumorig_I like the current blocks, looks very much like tron =) but judging from the picture, isn't it possible to just work on the angles of the blocks in the corners?
14:29.42depthsofchaoscollision works
14:29.45Sholdakmm i mean, you can just use smaller units
14:29.56Sholdakand implement your own anti-aliasing for the line
14:30.01Sholdakthat might be complicated though
14:30.18depthsofchaosyeah thats what i was planing i already have an idea
14:30.46depthsofchaosbut the delay is 0.05 right now
14:30.54depthsofchaosand im not sure if it will work online
14:31.18Sholdakyou should only issue new order when the user changes direction
14:31.37Sholdakjust choose a point relatively far foward
14:31.42depthsofchaosbut you have to be constantly placing the blocks since they have static size
14:31.53Grumwhy? you can scale models
14:32.06depthsofchaosafter placing them down?
14:32.06Sholdakmm, that's true ^
14:32.16Grumwhy not scale them before you place em down?
14:32.21MotiveI wouldn't set the point too far ahead of the unit
14:32.26depthsofchaoscause i dont know when the user will turn
14:32.36Motiveor you could end up with bugs where the pathing wants to change the unit's path.
14:32.45Motiveex: if the point "ahead" is behind another person's line
14:32.56Grumi am quite sure i saw Mojache scale a model after it spawned
14:32.59Sholdakyou can check for that though
14:33.07Sholdakthere's a is pathable trigger
14:33.08Mojacheunit scale
14:33.10Sholdaksomething like that
14:33.12Mojachejust search scale
14:33.16Mojachein triggers
14:33.21MotiveUnitScale(unit, x, y, z)
14:33.25Sholdakproblem with scaling is you still have to scale it up as it moves
14:33.29Sholdakwhich will still cause latency
14:33.33depthsofchaoscool thanks that will work for long lines
14:33.34Sholdakmaybe not as much as making new units
14:33.50Grumis that a wrathful wife Skizot?:P
14:34.20Sholdakis that from PR?
14:35.13Skizotbut the screenshot is sc2
14:38.13Skizotany rpg mapper interested in some item models?
14:39.28*** join/#sc2mapster Sixen (
14:39.28*** mode/#sc2mapster [+o Sixen] by ChanServ
14:39.37Skizothey sixen.
14:40.15Skizotwanna see something neat?
14:40.19Sixensure =]
14:40.21Sixenhai2u hati
14:40.55SixenThat's awesome, skizot. Is that what I think it is?
14:41.11Grumits not a flying spagetti monster
14:41.18Grumsomeone make it!
14:41.23depthsofchaosguys should i use move instantly or move ability?:o
14:41.38Skizotdepends on how much more code you feel like writing.
14:41.54depthsofchaosi just want it to be lag free
14:42.01depthsofchaosand playable online
14:42.04Skizoti prefer move myself.
14:43.07depthsofchaosi wonder why is there no move under x seconds comand :o
14:45.07Motivepoor old windows pc
14:45.34MotiveI'm gonna reformat it with freebsd and use it for fun random shit
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14:59.09Xananyone knows what the hydralisk range upgrade is called?
15:03.18*** join/#sc2mapster Ingela (
15:06.23SaladomI know there are no upgrade about the range of a hydralisk.
15:07.02Saladombut the movement.
15:07.55*** join/#sc2mapster GardenOfAiuyr (~nhesson@
15:12.28*** join/#sc2mapster Griffith` (
15:13.02SkizotOH HAY
15:13.42*** join/#sc2mapster TheDudeAbides (
15:14.02Motivezoom in plox
15:14.19Motivemousewheel in, whatever it's called in SC2/WC3
15:15.17Skizotlike that?
15:15.39MotiveModels will prolly look nicer with other PR models.
15:15.47Xanbit low-res
15:16.21Skizoti know it is.
15:16.28Skizotit's just gonne be background art.
15:16.30SavvisGoliath online
15:17.58*** join/#sc2mapster ibns (
15:19.16ibnsHow do I remove tech requirements?
15:19.28*** join/#sc2mapster Xtek (~Xtek@WoWUIDev/CurseStaff/CookieMonster/Xtek)
15:19.52PixelWarriorwhat does "Skip remaining actions" mean / do?
15:19.58*** join/#sc2mapster Xtek (~Xtek@WoWUIDev/CurseStaff/CookieMonster/Xtek)
15:20.19Xanskips all remaining actions in the trigger that is after that action (stops the trigger from executing any more actions)
15:20.51PixelWarriormm ok thx
15:22.31ibnsI want my zealots to be able to charge without research
15:22.44*** join/#sc2mapster TheDudeAbides (
15:23.11Xanremove the requirement
15:23.30ibnscan't find it :(
15:25.51Xanabilities > zealot - charge > command buttons >requirements > (none)
15:28.26ibnsthanks. why is it hidden there^^
15:29.22jb55oh my god
15:29.33jb55off topic but awesome
15:30.18jb55you can seamlessly fly down to the planet, procedural universe, mmo, wow
15:30.20jb55just wow
15:31.36Skizotthe goliath doesn't work in the editor
15:33.33PixelWarriorjb55: theyve labeled every god damned pin point star in the sky
15:33.47Xanthat does look pretty cool
15:33.50Xanbut no real gameplay
15:34.05PixelWarriorid play it just to fly through shit lol
15:34.41Skystrikerlmao PixelWarrior
15:36.05PixelWarriorthats some awesome ship, he flies through an asteroid belt and doesnt hit a thing
15:36.42Skizotspacial dampeners.. duh
15:37.19Xanonly 8 people working on that game
15:37.26jb55one programmer
15:37.34jb55dude is my hero though
15:37.43PixelWarriorcan i hire him?
15:37.54Xanhes got a job :P
15:39.46PixelWarrioroh yeah!
15:40.08jb55apparently he's thinking about licensing the engine to game studios
15:40.21jb55which would be big win for gamers
15:40.34jb55might even be able to play it :)
15:42.58Grumnew pic > oldpic! go Skizot
15:43.11Skizotthere's TWO pics
15:43.41Xanhmm, I added a research ability, and it seems I can research it infinite amount of times - any way to make it only researchable once?
15:43.55Skizotset the limit on it to 1?
15:43.57Shadowclaimeryea its odd
15:44.07Shadowclaimeropen Requirements in the data editor (its a tab)
15:44.16Shadowclaimerdammit hard to remmeber exactly
15:44.19Shadowclaimerits in this tutorial..
15:44.41Xanhow do I set the limit? :/
15:44.59Shadowclaimerits like Part 3c or such
15:45.04Shadowclaimerhe explains how to limit an upgrade
15:45.54GrumSkizot: you didnt already get em animating did you ? :D
15:46.04*** join/#sc2mapster Crazafied (~ad153048@gateway/web/freenode/x-ozmqxivtxriqhooo)
15:47.16Skizotthe exporter lacks animation.
15:47.22Skizotso he just looks pretty
15:47.41Skizotthink "awesome doodad with guns"
15:49.18*** join/#sc2mapster Alpha_vst (
15:50.44Xancant find it Shadowclaimer :/
15:51.11ShadowclaimerData Type Requirements?
15:51.29*** join/#sc2mapster Rommsteinz (~3e402799@gateway/web/freenode/x-patjaxnvaqnzfnnd)
15:51.35Shadowclaimerwait I may be wrong..
15:51.39ShadowclaimerI havea n hour of sleep in me
15:53.10RommsteinzHey everyone, I have a question : I don't want to use Blizzard's cliff system, so I use height, but I dont want units to have the vision of top when they are below, and they can have to vision of below when they are top, do you know how to ? :(
15:55.04Alpha_vstyou can use slight blockers
15:55.09Alpha_vstyour better off using cliffs
15:56.01*** join/#sc2mapster Rommsteinz_ (~3e402799@gateway/web/freenode/x-oswdhwqnugdketvj)
15:56.03*** join/#sc2mapster TheDudeAbides (
15:58.01Alpha_vstwoot i made a unit that crashes the game
16:02.07depthsofchaosi thought that was the marauder, whenever i face it my game tends to close
16:02.30Fiskerjust by existing or because it does something Alpha_vst ?
16:02.53Alpha_vstbecause its there :P
16:03.11*** join/#sc2mapster liq3 (
16:04.19Crazafiedim not sure why this will work for all players other then hostile units?
16:06.02depthsofchaosi think select is only for units yu can control
16:06.42CrazafiedSo it would be highlight then?
16:07.02depthsofchaosor target if these such
16:07.07Crazafiedgotcha gotcha
16:07.57RepoKnowledge base page update: by Sc2Dude
16:08.00Alpha_vstyeah you can make a unit target stuff
16:08.21Alpha_vsti just made me a unit slower than the mama ship
16:09.12Crazafiedkinda curious why         Unit Selection - Any Unit is Selected by player Any Player works on hostile units then?
16:09.42Grumthe 'hostile' is also a player
16:09.49Grumiirc its default player 0 or 15 orso :)
16:10.06CrazafiedYeah so the above pasted unit selection should work for player 15 "hostile"
16:10.18Crazafiedbut it does'nt
16:10.46Grumcould be that behavior is not what is usually wanted? and they made it do the 'expected thing' ? :)
16:11.15CrazafiedMaybe :*( makes me sad
16:11.53*** join/#sc2mapster Ignorance (
16:11.57IgnoranceHey guys
16:12.12Clordit is more like unit formation than behavior
16:12.15vjeuxhey Ignorance
16:12.19IgnoranceI wish Rrowland would release his physics engine. That thing is badass. :O
16:12.32IgnoranceI want to get in some physics for my baneling map.
16:12.41Grumis that the rolling baneling map?
16:12.53IgnoranceNope, gonna be about killing other banelings.
16:13.16IgnoranceBasically, first to X kills wins, WASD movement, beacons that give temp upgrades.
16:13.16*** join/#sc2mapster Netrosis (
16:13.30IgnoranceI'm done with most of it, besides movement + physics + one upgrade
16:13.38ClordI probably but S key to turn unit 180 insta
16:13.40Xangoddamn data editor... I can't even change the name of a building without crashing starcraft?
16:13.47Ignorancebut making the upgrade requires I know substantially more about the data editor than I currently do. :O
16:14.23Clordit is like in thoes console shooters because controls are just plain bad for turning
16:15.02Sixenkay brb
16:15.03*** part/#sc2mapster Sixen (
16:17.08ShadowclaimerHA got infantry squads working
16:17.37RepoKnowledge base page update: by Sc2Dude
16:17.56Xanhow do I change the name of an existing unit without causing sc2 to crash?
16:18.33Alpha_vstLAVA SLUG IS KILLED YOUR GAME 3 TIMES error reports are fun
16:19.21RepoKnowledge base page update: by Sc2Dude
16:22.14TheDudeAbidesstfu repo
16:22.45TheDudeAbidesbtw if anyone is good at either the data editor or the triggers editor, could use some help on the wiki
16:23.13Alpha_vstnot that good sorry :P
16:23.27TheDudeAbidesyou good at copy-paste?
16:23.35TheDudeAbidesgood way to memorize the triggers
16:23.54*** join/#sc2mapster `228zip (~4dc3f81e@gateway/web/freenode/x-jertjsmuznblerxx)
16:24.30TheDudeAbidesthings like that
16:24.36TheDudeAbidesmaking indexes pages right now
16:24.42TheDudeAbideswhat do you think?
16:25.59Alpha_vstyou put everything in galaxy ewww :p
16:26.10Bif|ZzzMorning Bitches
16:26.25TheDudeAbidesgalaxy/ will replace api-docs/ once its usable
16:27.06*** join/#sc2mapster Jcup (~ad3a143c@gateway/web/freenode/x-umfaoxnirihwnxtk)
16:27.08Skizotyou get linked too.
16:27.28Skizotand with that i bid you adieu
16:27.50Alpha_vst2d models ftw
16:28.22*** join/#sc2mapster Zachet (~9c381257@gateway/web/freenode/x-fvpubcjlvsosumuv)
16:28.51Bifuui get linked too? im confused? lol
16:28.51ZachetYo yo gggs
16:28.59BifuuBut those units look way out of pplace lol
16:29.21ZachetSo I have event messages create an actor at the birth of another building, the problem is that the building is flying, so when the actor is created it is flying as well.
16:29.26ZachetI don't want the created actor to fly.
16:29.28ZachetAny ideas?
16:29.31Skizotthose are 3d models FYI.
16:30.02Crazafied5 polygon count 3d models :P
16:30.21BifuuWhy when they will be there in Launch? =P
16:30.35Skizotoh jesus christ not you too.
16:30.42Skizotbecause i can.
16:30.46CrazafiedDid they say they are gonna import models from sc1 or wc3?
16:30.58Skizotyou CANNOT import sc1 models.
16:31.00Bifuuworks for me
16:31.03Skizotas they were spirtes
16:31.04Alpha_vstall sc1 models are in the game
16:31.16Skizotthey remodelled them for sc2
16:31.20ZachetYou can import all of SC1 models, Skizot.
16:31.21ZachetDon't lie.
16:31.26RepoNew map: Avoid The Bombs!. kaji2 (Manager/Author). Approved by Bifuu.
16:31.26ZachetThere just was... none...
16:31.49*** join/#sc2mapster Barter (~Bart@
16:32.10apeThey imported them all, but still they imported none of them.
16:32.25Xanthey didnt remake all of the models afaik
16:32.28Xanonly some of them
16:32.47XanI've yet to see the original queen or the science vessel
16:32.52Skizotstill don't mean the models don't LOOK goofy as shit
16:32.53Alpha_vstthey said all of them would be avaible to use
16:33.05Xanall of the models that are included in the campaign
16:33.09Xanthey didnt say all of the original units
16:33.09LiliannaImporting your SC1 models, you get textured flat planes. >.>
16:33.44LiliannaWell every Terran unit should be there
16:33.56LiliannaYou can already see Spider mines in the editor
16:34.02Alpha_vsthow do i modify the size of creep generated without crashed sc2
16:34.23Alpha_vstyeah a lot of stuff you can see in the editor
16:35.02LiliannaIs there a radius attribute on a creep generating data object Ability possibly?
16:35.20Alpha_vstthey use footprints but i cant figure it out
16:35.28Alpha_vstany change i make crashes the game
16:35.41ZachetSo am I to assume that when you have an actor be created when a unit is birthed it attaches it to that unit rather than creating an individual unit/actor at the location?
16:36.13LiliannaA Unit is like the guts of something, the Actor is like the shell, is how I think it
16:36.31Alpha_vsti ge tthe 2 confused
16:36.32Liliannathough Actors can do lots of things
16:36.49Alpha_vstyeah they can they are good at acting :D
16:37.17depthsofchaoscan someone tell me why do some turns look really smooth and the others so edgy ?:o
16:37.36ZachetI have a flying building, another actor that creates itself when the flying building is birthed, that actor flies with the building rather than be placed under it. I tried creating a unit for that actor but it just still creates the actor
16:37.38depthsofchaosim using a helion to place the cubes
16:37.52BifuuGod damn Youtube
16:37.56HatiBifuu: this
16:38.24Hatiyoutube died
16:38.28*** join/#sc2mapster XenTownsend (~Xen_Towns@
16:38.29Liliannadepthsofchaos, Left turn math rotation problem?
16:39.06depthsofchaosits exactly the same as right just negative angle
16:39.22BifuuSorry, something went wrong.
16:39.22BifuuA team of highly trained monkeys has been dispatched to deal with this situation.
16:39.22BifuuAlso, please include the following information in your error report:
16:39.37depthsofchaosi was thinking it might have to do something with the unit acceleration
16:39.41depthsofchaosor duno
16:39.44*** join/#sc2mapster Jcup (~ad3a143c@gateway/web/freenode/x-rixztwqdnxixgeqc)
16:39.47LiliannaIt looks like it might need a bit of an offset
16:39.52HatiServer Error
16:39.52HatiThe server encountered a temporary error and could not complete your request.
16:39.52HatiPlease try again in 30 seconds.
16:39.53Liliannato rotate it a bit more, but not sure
16:40.07depthsofchaosyeah but when to determine it needs correction :o
16:40.28*** join/#sc2mapster xttocs (
16:40.47Alpha_vsttrail and error?
16:41.01depthsofchaosbeen through that only errors came :p
16:41.07xttocsslaps nicoli_s
16:41.11LiliannaPlay with speed and accelleration first?
16:41.23LiliannaIs there an accel thing in data?
16:41.40depthsofchaosbut the max value is capped
16:41.54depthsofchaosso theres no skiping acceleration phase
16:42.07LiliannaAh, hmm
16:42.12xttocsnicoli_s, wake up
16:42.45Alpha_vsti got the game not to crash but now i have 0 creep
16:43.05LiliannaYou broke it!
16:45.47Alpha_vsti get a speck of creep but then its not growing :(
16:47.24Alpha_vston the topic of creep how do you change its mini map color?
16:48.52Xanis there any tutorial up how to create a firebat?
16:49.24ZachetYou can wait two months for a real one
16:49.35ZachetOtherwise take a marauder and give it the helion weapon?
16:50.51Vailrethits better to duplicate the marauders weapon and edit its effects
16:51.19ZachetIs it possible to make a unit create a unit on birth?
16:52.16liq3Zachet: clever way to crash a game! O.o
16:52.16ZachetI can make an actor but it decides it wants to stay the same art - height as the original unit
16:52.39liq3Have a unit that creates 2 of itself on birth! Unit cloning explosion!
16:52.40Fiskertheir plans for map publishing is silly
16:53.00ZachetHmm actually it appears neat, depends if they do it right
16:53.53Fiskeryou have to be friends with people to beta test something
16:54.29LiliannaWhat plans for map publishing?
16:54.34LiliannaYou mean, not being out yet?
16:54.51ZachetWhat? Are you on crack Fisker?
16:55.00Fiskerbtw liq3
16:55.02Fisker <-
16:55.09Fiskerno Zachet
16:55.26FiskerBlizzard is
16:55.30ZachetYou mean test a map? You don't have to be friends, you can just publish the map and test it
16:55.37ZachetIt's a better idea
16:55.39Zachetto make a map private
16:55.41Zachetso you can test with friends
16:55.56liq3Fisker: Meh. Nothing is blowing up.
16:56.08FiskerWell if i want a range of people, who aren't my friends, to test a map i have the choice of either friends only, or the whole world
16:56.44ZachetI assume it is just like making a private map
16:56.46liq3I'm sure you can invite people to it. :/
16:56.47Zachetwhere you can specifically invite people
16:57.08FiskerSeems like a pretty important detail to leave
16:57.09*** join/#sc2mapster Rugvip (~c10bd8d6@gateway/web/freenode/x-yxcnymveoqujhxmb)
16:57.19Fiskeralso i might not want to have to have friends or myself use the map to invite others
16:57.24ZachetO.o I think you're just mis-interipting it
16:57.48LiliannaI wouldn't go putting something down by words alone
16:57.56Liliannawait til you actualy see it, then make a judgement
16:58.06ZachetBlizzard says all the time that people take everything say way too literal and to an exact point.
16:58.13ZachetWhen they have their FAQ
16:58.16Zachetthey're just playinga roudn
16:58.18Zachetin a big room
16:58.19Zachetanswer questions
16:58.24Zachetthey're not taking time and making an official statement
16:58.41FiskerYou do know that when a guy like Dustin Browder makes an interview he's actually got lawyers and shit sitting next to him telling him what he can, and can't say, right?
16:58.58LiliannaHave you been in one of these interviews?
16:59.15FiskerBut when Blizzard says something they know very well what they're saying
16:59.42LiliannaThats really not true
16:59.48FiskerSo i'm going to take the literal interpretation rather than one that might be implied
16:59.48Liliannathey say wrong things all the time
16:59.58Liliannaand they say things that change in a few months
17:00.00Liliannaallt he time
17:00.37FiskerI wont reserve opinion on something that may not come to fruition
17:00.51Liliannatheres no lawyers standing around at Blizzcon when they answer questions from the audience
17:00.59ZachetI think Fisker is just used to EA Games and not blizzard :P
17:01.02Alpha_vstwhats the issue anyways not enough options when you publish a map?
17:01.08FiskerIf Dustin Browder says that you either have publically or friends only testing then that's how it is
17:01.19ZachetHe didn't word it like that
17:01.23ZachetFisker, give me an exact quote here.
17:01.26Zachet5 seconds
17:01.52FiskerSo we’re obviously working on map publishing so that you can publish your map on and share it with all your friends. We’re adding two levels of publishing plant. We have sort of a beta test publishing which will share with just you and your friends so that you can test your map and see if it’s any good enough before you publish it live for whole world to see.
17:02.19Alpha_vstyou can have a public map or a private map what more do you want?
17:02.31FiskerOh and like that's worded you won't even be able to test it if you have a live version already in play
17:02.38*** join/#sc2mapster TheDudeAbides (
17:02.42FiskerBecause the beta version will take precedence over the live version
17:02.50Zachet' you and all your friends ' -- Friends can easily mean a group of your friends not buddies.\
17:03.02Vailrethbesides i dont think he ment people in your friends list only  and instad he likely ment  people you can invite
17:03.06ZachetThere's nothing mentioning that ONLY your FRIENDS can play with you.
17:03.18Alpha_vstfriends is anyone you invite to your game 0.o
17:03.20FiskerI didn't say that was the case
17:03.34Alpha_vstlike how custom games work now i would assume
17:03.47Alpha_vstits either public or private
17:03.52FiskerWell i'm not going to make assumptions
17:03.56FiskerSo there
17:03.56ZachetBlizzard is one to listen to their fans, even if they do that they will adjust in the future
17:04.00LiliannaYou are making assumptions
17:04.02Liliannathat its bad
17:04.04Fiskeri'm not
17:04.38XanHow do I change the name of an existing unit without crashing sc? Right now I changed the name of the ghost acedemy, and when I make the SCV build it the game freezes (when I click on the icon) When I change back to the original name it doesnt freeze
17:04.40Alpha_vstyou are assuming it is going to be one way or another so you are :D
17:04.50FiskerIt says it's going to be that way
17:04.50Vailrethi have to get used to this new curved keyboard
17:04.53Fiskeryou're assuming it isn't
17:04.56ZachetFisker -5 Blizzard +5
17:05.09Zachet*huggles* fisker */huggles*
17:05.14ZachetIt's okay man, we still love you
17:05.24Alpha_vstim not worried
17:05.26FiskerI'm still right so no your snide remarks will have no affect on me
17:05.38FiskerWhen you get an argument go ping me
17:05.46Alpha_vsti worry about map protection
17:05.48ZachetNo, there's just no point of having a debate if the other party will not include facts or take in the opinion of the other side.
17:05.56Xanhelp :(
17:06.00FiskerThere's no opinion
17:06.16Fiskeri get it Zachet
17:06.23ZachetYes, I have a large penis.
17:06.30FiskerNeither you included facts or took into account the opinion of the other side
17:06.32FiskerSo you meant yourself
17:06.33Fiskerwell ok
17:06.37Fiskeryou're right about that
17:06.46Alpha_vstsigh I WANT SMALL AREA CREEP!!!!!!!!!
17:06.51Alpha_vstSTUPID FUCKING GAME
17:06.52ZachetThis is what I heard, ' I am rubber, you are glue, whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you. '
17:07.12Fiskerglue doesn't bounce anyway
17:07.18RepoNew map: StarCraft II TD. Illidanzz (Manager/Author), iiraidenii (Author). Experimental. Approved by xhatix.
17:07.24LiliannaA simple quote doesnt provide any proveable facts, because, you just cant see it. You cannot prove to yourself whats there, or how it works, or disect it
17:07.44Zachet... this is what I am talking about Fisker, you are taking the statement I said and reading it wrong. The words are sticking not the glue, I am the glue.
17:07.50Vailrethman i hope they release mod publishing soon...
17:08.10ZachetGive me a minute, I am having fun but I am at work :(
17:08.15FiskerThe words say that there will be 2 levels of publishing: Beta (You and your friends) and Live
17:08.29FiskerThere is no assumptions being made on my part
17:08.37FiskerI'm taking the literal interpretation of the quote
17:08.45Fiskeryou're making assumptions in saying otherwise
17:09.44Alpha_vstand whats the problem with 2 levels?
17:09.44LiliannaYou assumed the 2 level of publishing will be a hindrance
17:10.18Fiskerno Lilianna i stated my opinion given the information
17:10.46LiliannaThe only point I'm trying to make is, Cool it and wait til you see it.
17:11.01ZachetHe's just purposly looking for a fight, there's no point, let him cry until july 27th.
17:11.26FiskerLilianna i'm the one taking it cool
17:11.43FiskerYou started with telling me i was lying, and then said it wasn't how it was, and then lastly stating i was making assumptions
17:11.48Alpha_vstI give up im going to do it with triggers lol
17:11.50FiskerI'm talking about their current plans feel silly to me
17:11.52Fisker1. That's not lying
17:12.08ZachetRofl I love you Fisker, if only you were not on the dark side.
17:12.08Fisker2. That's how their plans are, whether or not they will change is irrelevant for my opinion to be valid
17:12.12LiliannaAlpha_vst, Sounds like a plan
17:12.12Fisker3. I wasn't making assumptions
17:12.36ZachetYou have 4chan on your hands, go wash it off.
17:12.50FiskerZachet you mean reasonably making arguments for your views instead of throwing out baseless accusations of peoples sanity, ability to read and otherwise?
17:14.07Fiskerbetter make your closing statement count
17:15.08ZachetIn that case you're going to have to give me a minute, I am presenting my SSL VPN 64-bit linux bash script to my boss so ima hafta go back up and read all of this first.
17:15.49ZachetYou're better with words so I can not possibly win your argument, I can have fun with you though.
17:26.26ZachetFisker, are you ready for my last statement?
17:26.40*** join/#sc2mapster davidcramer (
17:27.07Alpha_vstim not
17:28.28LiliannaIRC didnt break yet, nope
17:29.09ZachetEveryone just died :(
17:29.18ZachetI am going to go to lunch
17:29.25ZachetAlpha_vst compile a last statement for me.
17:29.53Alpha_vstok you said you like boys and eat bananas is a sexual way
17:29.58ZachetFind a blizzard post saying that everyone takes everything they say too literal, I seen it before, also include big words, and more references.
17:29.58RepoNew map: Survival. KorvinGump (Manager/Author). Approved by Bifuu.
17:31.02ZachetMake sure you include the definition of the word friend and point out that they said friend and not starcraft 2 friend or friend list or etc...
17:31.10ZachetPlease leave out sexual bananas unless it includes Fisker
17:31.37Alpha_vstlol no thanks
17:31.44Xanwhere do I change a units weapon damage?
17:31.46*** join/#sc2mapster General13372 (
17:31.52Alpha_vstunder its weapon
17:32.27*** join/#sc2mapster Asa (
17:34.55PixelWarriorPEW PEW
17:37.15*** join/#sc2mapster Corbo (~thecorbo@
17:37.30Corbovjeux are you here?
17:38.11Corbowho's here?
17:38.16*** join/#sc2mapster NeoDeathXp (~4a5dffb1@gateway/web/freenode/x-vietgsomdjvdebwb)
17:38.19Alpha_vstno one
17:38.20*** join/#sc2mapster Shadowclaimer_ (
17:38.21Alpha_vstwe died
17:38.37NeoDeathXphey guys
17:39.11PixelWarriormass suicide?
17:39.16PixelWarriorwatsup corbo
17:40.14*** join/#sc2mapster depthsofchaos_ (
17:42.01LiliannaYou didnt drink the koolaid?
17:43.45Alpha_vstthat trigger is funny :D
17:45.06BifuuEveryone talks bad about the kool aid =/
17:45.23`228zipStill, for those of us on the other side of the atlantic
17:45.29`228zipWhat the hell is Kool Aid ?
17:45.44PixelWarriorsome kind of american drink?
17:45.45Corbowhy isn't there a decent link picture laying around
17:45.51Corbothey're all really tiny
17:45.55PixelWarriori dont know myself, only seen it on youtube
17:45.55Corboor not close up front shots
17:46.36`228zipDo I really need picture ? I just want to know what it is =o
17:46.41BifuuKool-aid... when made correctly as i do... is like Liquid Sex
17:46.51`228zipSo it's homebrew ?
17:46.59RepoNew map: CardCraft SC. BeLugh (Manager/Author). Experimental. Approved by vjeux.
17:47.00Bifuunah it comes in packages
17:47.07Bifuugatta mix it with sugar and water
17:48.29Corboliquid sex?
17:48.31Alpha_vstall the good flavors are hard to find :(
17:48.37Alpha_vstLIQUID SEX!!!!!!!!
17:48.43LiliannaKool Aid is like Tang, but not as good
17:48.50Alpha_vsttang is gross
17:48.52LiliannaPowdered drinks!
17:48.54LiliannaI like Tang
17:48.57CorboI don't lke tang
17:49.11Corboin el salvador we have "freski top"
17:49.17Corbowe don't get kool aid :(
17:49.24xttocsIs it currently possible to work on a map in a repository and have versioning for individual files in the mpq?
17:49.36xttocsi.e... expand a map into a directory
17:49.38xttocsand have the editor load it
17:49.55xttocsWould that be useful?
17:49.57Alpha_vstbut im probably wrong
17:50.04Alpha_vsti made that up
17:50.05BifuuTang is for monkeys
17:50.11BifuuMonkeys in space
17:50.14*** join/#sc2mapster peterpants (
17:50.20Alpha_vstlilanna is a monkey in space
17:51.02peterpantsdoes anyone know how to rotate a turret via triggers
17:52.39Alpha_vstyou have to flag it as turnable
17:53.20Xananyone know of a tutorial to create a firebat?
17:54.06BifuuXan: id just wait for Release to get a real firebat
17:54.12peterpantswhere do you flag it as turnable and then how would you go about turning it
17:54.38Alpha_vstsomeone has made a firebat im sure
17:55.31PixelWarriorjust chill with the firebats
17:55.39PixelWarriorwen the game comes out, itll be ready to use
17:56.46Alpha_vstjust switch the weapon on a marauder to a biker guy
17:57.05davidcramer -- anyone tried that
17:58.51Asaso they just logged in with their tft account?
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17:59.15LiliannaDon't go picking on mah space!
17:59.19Alpha_vstlol im sure they never noticed the fact that they where invited to beta
17:59.24peterpantshow do you rotate a vehicle's turret via triggers
17:59.57Alpha_vstmake attachment point face a direction?
18:00.22Alpha_vstLilianna myspace sucks its all about facebook now
18:00.34Alpha_vsteven blizzard is doing it
18:00.38davidcramerAsa: no they added tft to a account
18:00.44LiliannaXan: You could look at a Marauder, and a Helion, and try and figure out how to replace the Marauders  missle art with fire beams
18:00.53Bifuu(Alpha didnt get the joke)
18:00.56Liliannathough that wont do the splash damage, you'd have to play more with helion stuff
18:01.07Xansounds complicated
18:01.21LiliannaIt probably is
18:01.28Zachetaww fisker never came back
18:01.35LiliannaI was lookinga t Medivac heal and was trying to figure out how the art worked
18:01.40ZachetThat's right, you better not come back *flex*
18:01.49DiNo29isn't medivac heal a beam ?
18:02.04LiliannaIts Beam Art
18:02.04Alpha_vsti gave up trying to do my healing aura :(
18:02.12Liliannathat replaces the invisible Heal missle
18:02.18Liliannathat fires repeatedly
18:02.49AsaI can help you make a heaing aura Alph
18:03.04LiliannaWithout triggers is what he was trying to do
18:03.15AsaI make a immolation aura
18:03.21Asawithout triggers
18:03.25Hatiwho did it
18:03.46RepoNew map: Exodus. Eldrazor (Manager/Author). Experimental. Approved by xhatix.
18:03.50BifuuLOL if you make a map 32x32, you dont even have enough room to place a building
18:04.02Xanthe hellion weapon isnt even in the weapons list
18:04.04AsaAlpha want me to help you make a heal aura?
18:04.08Alpha_vstcan you make the medivac heal an aura and send it to me :D
18:04.15AsaI can help you make it
18:04.15LiliannaXan, lemme open it up real quick
18:04.24HatiBifuu: because it is 16x16 instead
18:04.46AsaIf you learn to make it then you'll be a great man someday
18:04.48Xanoh, its called Infernal Flame Thrower, not Hellion - Infe ...
18:05.05Alpha_vsti would rather not get into that headace right now i have better things to do lol
18:05.23LiliannaWas jsut about to say that Xan
18:05.33Alpha_vsteverything i try to do with the data editor i give up on cause it never works
18:05.44Alpha_vstor crashes sc2
18:05.45AsaIts a bit overwhelming at first
18:06.01AsaIf you want to see something complex look at the toutou code
18:06.19peterpantsi'd rather look at code than the data editor
18:06.27DiNo29healing aura : search area + apply buff, buff = vital regen
18:06.28LiliannaI wonder why he named it toutou
18:06.32Liliannathe game is Touhou
18:06.45Xanhow would I make the flamethrwoers fire from both arms at the same time?
18:06.58AsaOn what unit Xan?
18:07.02DiNo29is your flamethrower a beam ?
18:07.41depthsofchaos_is degree considered type real by the editor?:o
18:07.47Xanon marauder
18:07.49Xanuses hellion flame
18:08.05Alpha_vstyeah a degree is a real
18:08.16DiNo29Make 2 invisible missile, one coming out of one hand, one of the other, and associate a beam to each
18:08.25depthsofchaos_im so haing trouble with conversions :=/
18:08.30Xanhow would I attach it to the hands?
18:08.40depthsofchaos_whats wrong with that
18:08.43peterpantshow do you maek a missle come out of one hand vs the other
18:08.54DiNo29wait, looking
18:08.59DiNo29I did that already
18:09.18Hatidepthsofchaos_: nothing in group ?
18:09.22Xanand what does "Backswing" do?
18:09.33*** join/#sc2mapster AgentPaper (
18:09.37depthsofchaos_its a compiler generated group so it has players
18:09.38Hatidelaying other attacks from the unit
18:09.53depthsofchaos_plus this is a syntax error
18:09.57Hatiie 2 attacks, both have a seperate cooldown, but #2 will only fire if backswing of #1 ended
18:10.10Hatiif backswing from #1 is 0 - they can be fired at the same time
18:10.50Hatitry to correct parenthesis
18:10.58Hati360/( term )
18:11.19Hatior (360/x)*c
18:11.38DiNo29try Launch Attachment Query : Left/Right in the actor for you attack, Xan
18:11.53depthsofchaos_same error :/
18:11.59depthsofchaos_put parenthesis everywhere
18:12.11peterpantsAttachment Set Rotation doesnt let you input a rotation value
18:12.17DiNo29or maybe better : Launch Attachment Query : Filter WeaponRight, WeaponLeft
18:12.22Hatican you print the whole line depth?
18:12.33Xanhmm, and how would I make two attacks from the same unit at the same time (from two hands)?
18:13.18*** join/#sc2mapster Altharaz (
18:13.34*** join/#sc2mapster Ignorance (
18:13.36Hatitheres one parathensis missing
18:13.39Hatiin front of 360
18:13.55peterpantshow do you set the launch attachment via triggers
18:13.57Hatibefore * you have (*4*)
18:14.18depthsofchaos_its after the word degree
18:14.26Haticount them
18:14.29*** join/#sc2mapster Computerpunk (~Computerp@
18:14.32Hatiyou have 4 closing ones after autoxxxxxx_g
18:14.38Hatiand 4 openinges before
18:14.42depthsofchaos_oh ye ok sec
18:16.20peterpantshow do you set the launch attachment site via triggers? why does attachment set rotation now allow you to input a rotation value? how do you rotate a vehicle's turret if not by that way?
18:16.21Xanalso, how do I make the hellion weapon do splash damage?
18:16.36depthsofchaos_same error :o
18:16.43depthsofchaos_parenthesis is definetly right
18:18.57ZachetIs it not possible to create an actor model to appear below the units art height?
18:19.39depthsofchaos_maybe division has a different sign in the editor?:o
18:19.42BifuuI really should have done another tutorial today meh
18:19.52Bifuutoday is a lazy day cuz Work is ganna be hell
18:20.00Hatinah division is /
18:20.25Hatiwhat is counter ?
18:20.37Altharazhi there, i got a problem: i maked a new drone, and it acts exactly like the first drone, but it doesn't follow any constraint on the buildtime... it builds anything instantly...
18:20.38Hatii think it should be lv_counter, lp_counter or smth like that
18:20.42Bifuunooo Division is multiplication by a number less than 1 and greater than 0!
18:20.51depthsofchaos_oh lawl youre right :o
18:20.54depthsofchaos_its lv
18:21.04depthsofchaos_thx xD
18:21.09peterpantshow do you choose where a missle is going ot fire via launch missle effect
18:22.39Xanis there any way to decrease the length of the hellion flamethrower effect?
18:23.13Zachetmeh I don't think its possible to do what I want without a trigger unless I make a new model
18:23.59Vailrethi dont think you change where a missle fires from in the launch effect
18:24.17ZachetAnd no one knows a way to alter Texture via data or triggers right?
18:24.18ZachetSuch as placement
18:24.32Zachetterrain texture
18:24.52ZachetDamn you blizzard.
18:25.02*** join/#sc2mapster pile (~4711fd32@gateway/web/freenode/x-xrkqwgvfhheyzamv)
18:28.02peterpantsok well how about rotating a vehicles turret
18:28.03AsaAnyone know what the model of the nuke missile is called?
18:28.52*** join/#sc2mapster Gatling (
18:34.06peterpantsasa i believe the nuke missle is just a drop down missle and not an actual missle, but i could be wrong
18:34.18peterpantslike the whole nuke animation is just one model i thought
18:34.31*** join/#sc2mapster Apes (~Green_Mag@
18:35.15ApesIs there any way to request features for Galaxy? I would like to see enums and structures included.
18:35.26peterpantsrecords are structures
18:35.54Alpha_vstmy triggers are being retarted
18:36.09ApesI'll have to read up on records then
18:36.23`228zipalpha_vst: ?
18:37.07peterpantsApes: make new variable - record, then put all the variables you want in it, then go to make a new variable and select --record as the type then you can choose your new record type
18:37.23peterpantserr wrong, just make a new record - for the first part
18:37.32peterpantsit's it's own thing seperate from new varialbe
18:39.25ApesDoes anyone here use Galaxy directly or do most people use the GUI?
18:39.58NeoDeathXpwith the trigger editor you can do everything you could write in raw code
18:40.04peterpantsi would like to use galaxy but i dont see an easy way to do it so i use gui
18:40.18`228zippeterpants: Importation =(
18:40.34peterpantsi tried importation once but i couldnt unimport it, it wouldn't delete
18:40.52NeoDeathXpit's a pain in the ass and not worth it
18:40.56peterpantsand also the script debugger sucks, it never tells you anything other than it had an error or maybe it will say implicit cast or something
18:41.05`228zipAre there good sounds that are already in the game for braking ? and a speed boost on a vehicle ?
18:41.11ApesSomeone made a custom debugger
18:41.15ApesI haven't tried it yet though
18:41.20`228zipExcept it's not up to date
18:42.33`228zipSo, no one knows for my sounds ?
18:43.13peterpantsmaybe some protoss sound for a boost but i cant think of any off the top of my head
18:43.38ApesUsing the zergling screech for boost would be amusing
18:44.17`228zipIt's actually not as inappropriate as you would expect
18:44.28`228zipIt may be some special fuel getting injected*
18:44.29SilverSeraphimno it's perfect
18:44.50peterpantsmaybe if you could slow it down
18:44.54peterpantsor like increas the duration
18:44.56peterpantsraise the pitch
18:44.57*** join/#sc2mapster TheDudeAbides (
18:45.15Bifuubbl all
18:46.14`228zipThat's a good sound for the boost
18:47.28`228zipGuardianShieldLaunch is also quite good
18:48.01peterpantswhat the heck is defensive matrix
18:48.11`228zipA SC1 spell
18:48.16`228zipthat was on the equivalent of the raven
18:48.22`228zipI think it was basically a shield
18:48.33peterpantsoh ya the sc1 version ya
18:48.43Durreanhmm are the roads fucking up the editor performance?
18:48.50`228zipthe chronoboost >.>
18:48.54`228zipWhy didn't I think about it ?
18:49.14peterpantsoh ya chrono boost is cool
18:51.22Durreanhmm a road over a 256x256 map is really gettint the editor slow
18:52.39IS|Xensplacing roads is lagging you?
18:54.32RepoNew map: Space Survival. CrowbarKZ (Manager/Author). Experimental. Approved by vjeux.
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18:57.18KoronisWhats up guys
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19:00.34*** join/#sc2mapster heysparky (~heysparky@
19:00.59heysparkyhowdy folks
19:01.42heysparkyanyone know how to reinstall the beta? I'm nervy about nuking it and re-downloading, in case something Goes Terribly Wrong and I can't/
19:02.38Vailrethdo you still have your downloaded installer?
19:03.26Vailrethwhy would you need to reinstall any way?
19:04.02heysparkybecause my editor data is corrupt, I can't get to fields on terrain texture sets and other things I don't know about might be broken
19:04.19heysparkyterrain looks really weird in the editor (though not in game) and I'd like a clean slate
19:04.21Asado you have an official copy hey?
19:04.40Asacan't you just uninstall and reinstall from your bnet account?
19:04.53heysparkyno! I thought I could
19:05.00heysparkythere's none of that there
19:05.07heysparkyI'll look again tho, it was late...
19:05.36Vailrethyou may have to uninstal the beta and rerun the installer and patch again....which would suck...
19:05.48heysparkythere is no uninstall that I saw
19:05.54heysparkywhich is why I'm leery
19:06.51heysparkythere's surprisingly little info about this on the internets
19:07.11heysparkyoh... I'm an idiot
19:07.21heysparkySC2 is to the LEFT of SC1
19:07.57heysparkyit was late?
19:11.22Hatihey GoA
19:11.46*** join/#sc2mapster Beider (
19:12.06BeiderNew Video Tutorial: Basic Triggers: (That is part 1, of 4 parts)
19:12.13Alpha_vstheysparky my terrain cliffs are fucked up in editor also i figure its normal 0.o
19:12.29BeiderNew Video Tutorial: Custom Weapons: (Part 1 of 3 parts)
19:12.40BeiderMake sure to watch them in HD
19:13.06Vailrethwhat sort of terrain issues are you having i havnent had any //
19:13.30Alpha_vstmy cliffs show terrain
19:13.40Durreanthats normal
19:13.42Vailrethfor a while it was not displaying gas
19:14.01Alpha_vstyeah i found a bug to make it show in game also :D
19:14.24Vailrethwhat do you mean show terrain? i do not understand
19:14.39heysparkyAlpha - see if you can get to your terrain data?
19:14.44Koronistyvm for this beider
19:15.15Alpha_vstterrain data where?
19:15.38heysparkyin the data editor, go to the Terrain Texture Sets in the pulldown
19:15.51heysparkyselect any of the items on hte left pane
19:15.57heysparkythere should be data on the right pane
19:16.18heysparkyin my editor (on all maps) the right pane is blank
19:16.41heysparkyand the space platform bottom-most level is the default terrain texture
19:16.52heysparkyif I want to edit the data, I can't
19:17.06heysparkyand I can't see what I'm building to great effect either
19:17.22heysparkyand hope it fixes
19:17.41Vailrethare you sure you have show advanced falues active?
19:18.07heysparkymost other data shows up
19:18.13heysparkynot sure what settings I've got toggled
19:18.23heysparkyand I'm not sure if other stuff is corrupt
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19:18.41Vailrethtoggle on the show advanced values and see if that helps
19:23.05KoronisHmm so I followed Bifuu's hero levels tutorial but I can't pinpoint whats making it cap level at lvl12 instead of 10
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19:23.26Koronisanybody else having the same issue ?
19:24.03Vailrethi had that issue  the levels start at two,,, so level 8 in editor is 10 in game
19:24.35heysparkyVal... that got the data to show up (derp), but I still want the terrain to look right... hard to see what I'm doing with melty cliffs and shitty looking ramps and more
19:24.41Alpha_vstlol heysparky do you have advanced values enabled?
19:25.02Alpha_vstops im really late for that
19:25.15KoronisOh alright Vail thanks man
19:25.16heysparkylike I said, it was late
19:25.20Vailrethhmm i dont know what to do about how the terrain looks mike looks fine ...
19:25.38Alpha_vstyou can press v and toggle game view
19:25.46Alpha_vstit helps but it limits things
19:26.40Alpha_vsti think i have my bug worked out woot :D
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19:26.43heysparkyoh... you have GOT to be kidding me
19:26.52heysparkyTHAT'S what the problem was
19:27.14heysparkyand because I had at some point toggled the data view I thought the whole thing was broken
19:27.18heysparkyfuck me running
19:27.28heysparkyTHANKYOU VAIL
19:27.50Durreanhow can i order units to go into a bunker?
19:27.59heysparkyEr... Alpha, thank you Alpha
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19:28.18Alpha_vstthe cliff graphics is a bug really
19:28.52heysparkywhat does having v toggled on limit?
19:29.46Vailrethas far as i can tell its toggles on and off the game and camera bounds
19:29.58Vailrethin the editor minimap
19:30.20heysparkyhmmm... my camera is free
19:31.03Alpha_vstyou cant hide things like water and such
19:31.09Alpha_vstand i dont think u can use grid
19:31.30`228zipwhat's the max value of a fixed ?
19:32.15Alpha_vstfixed what?
19:33.10`228zipa real, if you prefer it that way
19:34.06IgnoranceIs there still no way to open two maps at once?
19:34.37IgnoranceIt seems kind of ridiculous it leaves the other maps open with no way to access them without saving. >:[
19:34.53Hatithey are just somewhere stored
19:35.02Hatias you can edit them this way with MPQ editor
19:37.01*** join/#sc2mapster Reves (~44e63378@gateway/web/freenode/x-etcediqpxbtqzzfa)
19:37.27Sholdakyou can access the other open maps via winodw
19:37.34Alpha_vstyeah lol
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19:44.52RevesIf anyone is at a loss for what music to listen to while editing I highly suggest -> Transformers 1 sound track
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19:49.25Vailrethi need to make a new ability for Phoenixes
19:49.32Alpha_vstwoot i found better math for my lava ( i suck at math) :D
19:49.53Alpha_vstgive them overload :D
19:50.19Alpha_vstor what ever that old ability was
19:50.54Vailrethi was thinking bringing back stasis web or what ever it was called
19:51.08Alpha_vstthat spell rocked
19:52.02Vailrethfor right now i made graviton bean do damage
19:52.13Alpha_vstlol IT SHOULD!!!!!!!!!
19:52.22Vailrethand gave it to high templars
19:52.55Alpha_vstif it wasnt channeled that could be fun lol but im afk
19:53.05Vailrethis going to be a hero ability and i need to tweak how a templar model casts it
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20:26.41Vailrethsweet i have a stasis field ability sorta
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20:30.10Legickif i were to say add a chance on attack to cast something, would it be more efficient map wise for me to do it through triggers or through the data editor?
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20:31.47Reveswell If you can built it into the skill it will aways be better map wise...less trigger to trip over each other, but if thats possible or not it the real question.
20:32.30LiliannaI would say Data is always more efficient as well
20:32.34RevesI know you can do a 50/50 with triggers, but with behaves and effects? not sure
20:32.48Legicki actually found a tutorial on a way to do it with both
20:33.13Revesfkin saved
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20:33.27RevesLegick +1 win
20:34.04Shakigratz on mod guys.
20:35.00HatiReves: yes you can do it
20:35.07Hatiyou can do a Set and random through it
20:35.10Hatifor Effects
20:35.23Shakihati gratz
20:35.36Shakii saw the post on the news
20:36.37Legickoh hey look at that, you are part of the staff now, grats
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20:38.22Shakii thought they werent gonna have mods for a long time..
20:39.14LiliannaYou cant have an IRC channel with a mod
20:39.33Vailrethi an really going to have to have some people help balance this mod...
20:39.52Shakiwhy are they voice and not halfop?
20:40.09LiliannaYou can turn of participation in the channel if you dont have voice
20:40.38Liliannaand half-op isnt enabled on all IRC servers, I have no idea about freenode though
20:40.43Shakilol wow
20:41.17Shakithought they didnt want any mods
20:41.21Shakibut i guess i heard wrong
20:41.28RepoKnowledge base page update: by Sc2Dude
20:41.30apeWhy do you even need anything else than operators and regular users?
20:41.48Shakithey can be overloaded with pplz
20:41.56RepoKnowledge base page update: by Sc2Dude
20:41.57LiliannaJust point out these people can help you if you need?
20:41.59Shakidisperse the load basically
20:42.14Liliannaor they are helping the site in general
20:43.57Shakithey also moderate, banning muting. Getting rid of nasties ;)
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20:52.40Vailrethnow for the zerg what to do for the zerg....
20:54.01*** join/#sc2mapster devilesk (
20:54.13redmarineIs there a way to modify the flag properties of a unit via triggers?
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21:06.39heysparkyLegick - great link!
21:10.22IgnoranceSc2Dude really does a lot of page updates...
21:10.56Shakitoo much time on his hands
21:11.01*** join/#sc2mapster Xan (~55e254f4@gateway/web/freenode/x-benhjfvlgmpcnkto)
21:11.17redmarineWell, someone has to write those articles
21:12.24Vailrethi wonder if i made stasis field to powerful or long lasting
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21:13.53HatiVailreth: just make a poll ask the players - if they tell "no" take the half of them and add them to "yes"
21:14.11Vailrethhah  yes
21:14.32Vailrethbut first i need people to try it  other than me
21:16.28Vailrethif any one is willing to give my mod a test i can host it some where,
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21:25.08XanIs there any way to make a unit fire from both hands (e.g hellion flame attack from both hands of a marauder)?
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21:26.14Vailrethi was hoping you wouldnt ask heh but i did it my self once
21:26.35XanI would appriciate any input :)
21:27.45Vailrethok you will need a new actor for the attack... i duplicated hellion attack for this.
21:28.26Vailrethin the actors Launch Attachment Query Methods Field you will select AMPatternMarauder
21:29.21Vailreththen just customize the actors events  and you should have it so that the fire comes out of either launcher
21:29.55Xanhmm, from unit data type, after clicking on marauder, I duplicate the marauder actor?
21:30.10Xanor I go into the weapon?
21:30.22Vailreththe weapon '
21:30.47XanI can't see any actors for it
21:31.01Vailrethtry heading to the actors tab
21:31.25Vailrethuse hellion in the search box
21:31.48Xanah Attack, Attack Beam, or Attack Damage Site?
21:32.24Vailrethi duplicated attack and attack beam
21:33.47Xanwhere do I customize so that they come from two launchers?
21:33.58Xan( I added PatternMarauder)
21:34.47Vailrethok you just need that one then in the events field you will change the links to your new effects
21:35.28Xanthere is only Hellion.Start and HellionCP.Start
21:36.02Vailrethwhat are the ids of you custom effects?
21:36.22Xanwell I use the regular hellion attack for the marauder
21:36.41Vailrethah ok so you are just shifting the weapon over?
21:36.54Xanyeah basically
21:37.03Xanbut want them to come from both hands
21:37.16Vailreththen you likely wont need the duplicates... if you made them
21:37.42Vailrethwill the hellion have the same weapon or a diffrent one?
21:37.47Xan(sorry I'm not very experienced with the data editor :) )
21:37.49IgnoranceHey, to do realistic physics (banelings flying off of hills) do I need to change anything in data, or is it done purely by displacement?
21:37.50Xanhellion won't exist
21:38.28Vailrethok the in the original actors just change the attachments like you did for the duplicates
21:38.28Shaki|Mappingit's like twitter
21:38.54IgnoranceAlso, has anyone found some way to bypass the bullshit 0.0625 second minimum or whatever it is for timed events :P
21:38.57Shaki|Mappingtime to start a brand new map!
21:39.11Shaki|Mappingi call it
21:39.18Shaki|MappingSmell TD!
21:39.21IgnoranceBaneling Busters! Naw, that's my map. ;)
21:39.26Shaki|Mappingit's gonna be awesome
21:39.33IgnoranceName sounds lame.
21:39.34Xanalright, to PatternMarauder (only the launch attachment query?)
21:40.09Ignorancesince you obviously can't take advantage of smells without smell-o-vision.
21:40.15Vailrethpretty much for that actor thats the only change  now you will need to change the marauder actor that you are using for the firebat too
21:40.33Shaki|Mappingit's gonna be comedy
21:40.38Shaki|Mappingthe fart tower.
21:40.46Ignorance12 year olds
21:40.48Shaki|MappingAnd the pie tower
21:41.05IgnoranceNo one's going to play it unless you have like...the best models in existence.
21:41.07Shaki|MappingWhoever told you i was 12 is wrong.
21:41.11Xanthe Maurader actor, or the weapon?
21:41.17Shaki|Mappingdude im like joking?
21:41.19Vailreththe actor
21:41.25Shaki|Mappingi havent even made the terrain yet
21:41.31IgnoranceI've seen people be serious about such things. >_>
21:41.31Shaki|Mappingi'm just brainstorming
21:41.39IgnoranceMake a map where everyone dies.
21:41.53TheDudeAbidesthats called FFA
21:42.03IgnoranceNo, I mean you can't kill people. You just die.
21:42.13TheDudeAbideseven the winner in FFAs dies a little inside
21:42.14Shaki|Mappinglike "DONT CLIKC LOLOLOLO"?
21:42.18IgnoranceMake it a survival map in a hospital. Your goal is to avoid sick people.
21:42.24Xanalright, what do I change in the actor?
21:42.30TheDudeAbidesbetter yet
21:42.50TheDudeAbidesmake it a hospital survival, where you have to fight other sick people for doctor attention, but fighting makes you weaker and you die
21:43.04Ignoranceoh god that's awesome
21:43.14Shaki|Mappingcan i not make like cliff level 1?
21:43.29IgnoranceCliff levels are super limited right now.
21:43.37Vailrethin the events section of this actor you will change the MarauderLM to the Hellion persistant id..
21:44.00IgnoranceBut seriously, no one knows to how bypass the minimum time>?
21:44.09IgnoranceI'm thinking it'll put a huge damper on my physics engine. :[
21:44.35Xanthere are 6 MarauderLM.Start - which do I change?
21:44.38Xan(I really appriciate the help btw, would take me 10 hours to do on my own :) )
21:45.12Vailrethi belive you change All of them.
21:45.26Shaki|Mappingwell ignorance
21:45.31Shaki|Mappingcan you not just use a trigger
21:45.41Shaki|Mappingthat doesnt have a time but an evented time
21:45.50Shaki|Mappingso its instant?
21:45.51Vailrethi had to make new events that mimiclked then because i added a hellion copy to the marauder
21:46.56Xanwhy are there 6?
21:47.29Vailrethbecause it is checking which hand its firing out of
21:47.36Shaki|Mappingi just noticed
21:47.44Shaki|Mappingno one's done a mazing td yetr
21:47.46heysparkywhat part of neural parasite makes the target unable to be attacked by more parasites? What field (or subfield)?
21:47.50Shaki|Mappingill do the first one
21:47.51Xanalright, changed em, do I need to do anything else?
21:48.31Vailrethi dont think so but its been a week and a half since i did this my self  it should work  but i cant promise you wont have to tweak some
21:48.50Xando both hands fire at the same time?
21:49.17Vailrethsadly no, i still havent  figured out how to enable that animation yet
21:49.37Vailrethit will fire from one hand then the other like the grenades do
21:51.15heysparkyaha! Markers!
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21:51.21Xanah,, have you managed to make the fire beam shorter?
21:52.12Vailrethi didnt make the beam shorter exatcly but if this works it should like a burst of flame because it dies out quick.
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21:54.19Xanhm thats weird, somehow I managed to get it to attack targets but not do damage unless it's very close to the units (it does the animations from like 2-range, but the fire doesn't come until he is closer)
21:54.26heysparkyhmmm... not markers
21:54.30Xannot sure how to fix that
21:55.53Vailrethnot sure either have not run into that issue my self
21:56.01Xanit also does the animation when it's idle
21:57.18AgentPapergoddamnit this editor hates me
21:57.26Xando you want to take a look at the map? can upload it
21:57.35AgentPapernow I've got a condition of (Int mod 2 == 2)
21:57.40AgentPaperand it always comes back negative
21:57.49AgentPaperwhether the number is odd or even
21:58.04AgentPapereven brings back 0
21:58.16AgentPaperI'm just going to stop talking now
21:58.24Vailrethyes i would like to look. as well i can host my mod if you would like to take a look
21:59.07Xansure, that would be nice (I'll upload the map, sec)
21:59.54ApesDoes anyone here know how the pathing for includes in Galaxy works?
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22:01.36CaylicDoes anyone know if it's possible to make a trigger event that starts on a unit recieving a behavior buff?
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22:02.33heysparkysome of the buffs have Is Being Whatever-ed
22:02.39heysparkyI'm hoping you can detect that with triggers
22:03.01heysparkydon't recall what data type the Is Being X is
22:03.50CaylicI'll check it out. Much appreciated =)
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22:07.49PhelpsIs there any way to change the missile of nuke to something else?
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22:09.40Alpha_vstIm recoding all my triggers cause Im awesome like that LOL
22:11.05heysparkyWhat the most elegant way to trigger a whole mess of units to attack a specific whole mess of other units (where each attacker is paired with a target)
22:11.44Alpha_vstpick each unit in a group
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22:12.38Shaki|Mappingif only data editor were easier.
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22:13.03Alpha_vsthow do i use records QQ
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22:13.59Alpha_vsti cant find how to target them with set variable
22:17.40ApesWhere is the MPQ for a custom map stored?
22:18.01heysparkythe pairing is the part that I'm stuck on Alpha... each attacker has a specific target
22:18.24Alpha_vstused the picked unit as the number for the other unti group
22:18.41Alpha_vstor something like that
22:18.47Alpha_vstit makes sense in my head
22:19.12heysparkyIt makes sense in my head to, 0 attacks 0, 1 attacks 1, but I'm not sure how... to.. hmmm wait a sec
22:19.41Alpha_vsteach unit in a unit group has a number use that number with picked player to target the other group
22:19.53heysparkycan you assign the number?
22:20.16Alpha_vsta unit group is an array they get added in order
22:20.35heysparkyyes, but I want to specify that order
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22:21.12Alpha_vstdo a for each unit in unit group
22:21.28heysparkythese are pre-placed
22:21.36heysparkyas are their targets
22:22.29Alpha_vstmight be better off doing it one by one
22:22.52HatiPhelps: Yes, in Actors data
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22:27.03Alpha_vstwoot figured out records now i can organize shit better
22:27.41ArmentiaI'm not seeing any terrain deforming/changing functions in the trigger editor. Am I missing anything?
22:27.55Alpha_vstnot in the game unless you use actors
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22:28.19Alpha_vstthe editor isnt complete
22:28.27ArmentiaSadly =[
22:28.35ArmentiaFirst time I've gotten time to actually it down and play with it
22:28.38Alpha_vstthey pushed it out so we could start using it
22:28.43ArmentiaFinals week is finally over
22:28.56Rommsteinz_How to use these functions plz ?
22:29.08Rommsteinz_May I import math.galaxy with this code in it ?
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22:31.48Hatithey are in by default
22:31.58Hatiexcept pi maybe
22:32.10Hatibut it should be in too
22:32.16Rommsteinz_I can's use it by default
22:32.20Rommsteinz_I get a syntax error
22:32.30Hatinot sin
22:33.00Rommsteinz_So ? :  |
22:35.17Alpha_vstpie isnt in the game?
22:35.25Alpha_vsti wants some pie
22:36.55Rommsteinz_I need RadToDeg
22:36.56PhelpsHow do I make it so when a specific unit enters a region stuff happens, event - unit enters region, condition - unit = ?. Like if a marine enters a region it dies.
22:37.46*** part/#sc2mapster heysparky (~heysparky@
22:38.05Alpha_vsttriggering unit
22:38.13Alpha_vstor unit type
22:40.33PhelpsI figured it out thanks
22:40.39PhelpsCouldn't find unit type
22:41.53Alpha_vstyeah things always seem hidden when you are looking for it
22:42.44*** join/#sc2mapster davidcramer (
22:42.49xttocsAnd when you find something it's always in the last place you looked.
22:43.12*** join/#sc2mapster JademusSreg (
22:44.00JademusSregmIRC is an ugly beast.
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22:45.40Alpha_vstdefinition why
22:46.11Alpha_vstanyone got info on definitions? or like a guide
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22:51.41RevesAnyone know how to have a power up DELETE it self after it is used?
22:55.46BemoliphThey usually do, in my experience
22:55.48*** part/#sc2mapster HeliosDoubleSix (
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22:59.04Alpha_vstYeah JademusSreg custom trigger difinitions
23:00.48*** join/#sc2mapster davidcramer (
23:01.52JademusSregDo you mean Trigger Actions, Events, Functions? I mean, pretty much all triggers are custom triggers.
23:06.36PhelpsAnyone want to try out some multiplayer tetris?
23:07.06Alpha_vstno i mean as in new event,action, condition definitions... You have no idea what im talking about im sure
23:07.25Alpha_vstIm recoding my triggers to be more funtional
23:07.31Alpha_vstor trying to :D
23:13.58davidcrameryou all are wowers right?
23:14.02davidcrameranyone want :P
23:14.09davidcramerexpires end of june ;)
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23:15.57RepoNew map: StarFoxCraft. margeman2k3 (Manager/Author). Experimental. Approved by sixen.
23:16.16Alpha_vstwow sucks
23:16.29Phelpsvanilla wow was good
23:16.46davidcramereveryone on mapster makes non-map maps
23:16.47davidcrameryou guys are nuts
23:17.00Alpha_vstwhat u mean
23:17.31davidcramer^^ starfoxcraft
23:17.35davidcramereveryones making "oddball" maps
23:17.36SixenYeah, QQ.
23:17.39SixenThat was my idea.
23:17.42SixenI wanted to make StarFox.
23:17.44Phelpswhat would you consider a normal map
23:17.46Alpha_vsthow is that odd?
23:17.47Phelpslike a melee one?
23:17.56SixenYeah Phelps, I think so.
23:18.01Vailrethi want to make a FF RTS
23:18.03Alpha_vstdo you want unoriginal sc1 maps?
23:18.05davidcrameractual maps
23:18.08davidcramernot 3rd person
23:18.11davidcramernot side scroller
23:18.16davidcramersomething you could make in sc/wc3
23:18.27Alpha_vstgo play wc3 or sc
23:18.31Hatiwhy should we use GE for it ... if we could do it with WE
23:18.35Vailrethbut why when we have so much power,,,
23:18.38davidcramerHati: its a new engine, its way more powerful
23:18.39Alpha_vstim working on a "normal" map i guess
23:18.49Phelpsthats like using a super computer to play chess instead of finding a cure for cancer
23:18.53davidcramerno, its not
23:19.00Hatiyea but you are saying we should do stuff we could have been done with old one ...
23:19.02davidcrameryou're making old school side scrollers/etc because you can, not because the editor is more suited for them :p
23:19.03Hatiwhich makes no sense
23:19.08davidcramerHati: you can do it better in sc2 :)
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23:19.24Hatiyea so what?
23:19.37Phelpspeople don't have to have units auto attack nukes but doesn't hurt to do it anyway
23:19.45Alpha_vstwe are exploring the possibilities
23:19.49davidcramerHati: I just dont get why everyones making the same maps
23:20.00Vailrethpushing the evelope
23:20.01Alpha_vstwe are not
23:20.20HatiBecause the editor is out ~2weeks, and ppl are learning
23:20.24Alpha_vsti mean there was a big fps/tps thing for a while
23:20.32Phelpsrpgs take a while to develop
23:20.52Alpha_vstwe have limited use of the editor also
23:21.04Alpha_vstgo play toutou and say it isnt amazing
23:21.05davidcramernot that limited :)
23:21.09Alpha_vstor what ever that map is
23:21.28JademusSregQuite an intense demo.
23:21.32Vailrethwiat there is a TouHou map?
23:21.54JademusSregThere is a video on the mapster mainpage.
23:22.41davidcrameri just want some sexified survival/tower defenses/ original games using similar gameplay mechanics ;)
23:22.48Phelpsthere's a ton of tds
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23:23.22Alpha_vstim making a survival game :P
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23:23.43Alpha_vstits pretty sexy like at least i think so
23:23.53SkizotI need a name for my sidescroller :/
23:24.07Skizotand an idea for a story..
23:24.11Skizotand voice actors...
23:24.15Skizotand a sammich.
23:24.18JademusSregWhat features does it include, Alpha?
23:24.23PhelpsCall it
23:24.46davidcramertbh I'm hoping for remakes of a lot of the good sc maps
23:24.47davidcramerbut better
23:24.55davidcrameri dont really look forward to playing side scrollers/etc often in an rts game
23:24.56PhelpsSo I'm trying to create a Meteor type spell, anyone have any suggestions for a starting point?
23:24.57Skizoti plan on doing a mario map though.
23:25.04Skizotthis one is more contra / metal slug
23:25.31FrozenFirebatMetal Slug = Awesome
23:25.34Alpha_vsti have 3 monsters 1 blows the fuck up and leaves lava "acid" and a crater another is a fucking slug and another is just a fucking beast more coming
23:25.54JademusSregI'm not looking forward to all the DragonBall Z map remakes.
23:25.54davidcramerlots of fucking your map huh
23:26.21Alpha_vstim toning the game down on normal 1 player mode i was able to last 2 min max 0.o
23:26.52FrozenFirebatJademusSreg, but with this editor, the potential for eye candy abilities is high
23:26.58Alpha_vstquestion this is correct right?         Variable - Set LavaCore.lavaMoveDistanceLow2Med = (LavaCore.lavaHeightMed - LavaCore.lavaHeightLow)
23:27.30FrozenFirebatSeen the tech video with the DBZish ability where he teleports to the unit, launches them in the air, follows them up, and then slams them down? Well add a crator to that affect and you got DBZ
23:27.35Alpha_vstthat will actually set the variable? right lol
23:27.54JademusSregI seems like it should.
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23:28.28FrozenFirebatAlpha... you trying to make a point in between the two? Wouldn't it be 2x Low - Medium?
23:28.48FrozenFirebatotherwise you'd end up with a ExtraLow variable by Med - Low
23:29.03FrozenFirebatif they are at any rate close to the same height
23:29.12Alpha_vstim bad at math and im converting someone elses math :P
23:29.27JademusSregWhat is it you're trying to do?
23:29.34FrozenFirebatWell give it faux values and see what adds up... if Medium = 5, and Low = 3, then MEDLOW = 2
23:29.45FrozenFirebatbut if Medium = 5 and Low = 1, MEDLOW = 4
23:29.57FrozenFirebatbut if you do 2xLow - Medium:
23:30.15FrozenFirebatand give it an ABS value
23:30.21FrozenFirebatit will always be between and positive
23:30.39*** join/#sc2mapster SevenSeven (
23:31.06Alpha_vstcant give absolute to record variables :(
23:31.14Alpha_vstit throws errors
23:31.26FrozenFirebathmm... try this then... XD
23:31.29FrozenFirebatMED+Low / 2
23:31.52Alpha_vstim converting the math for the current hieght of water 0.o
23:31.54FrozenFirebatwon't scale, but will be the average between the two
23:33.27FrozenFirebatWith that, you just want the distance it's altered by, not a 3rd setting?
23:33.31FrozenFirebatthen that would be right.
23:33.46Alpha_vstokay :D
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23:34.04FrozenFirebatI read your other variable as MIDLOW as in a point in between the other two
23:34.26Alpha_vstyeah my naming and be confusing :D
23:34.30Alpha_vstcan be
23:37.04Reves*shoots self*
23:37.17PhelpsHaving fun Reves?
23:37.25RevesI was
23:37.35Reveseverything was going great
23:37.41Revesthen POWER UPS!
23:38.01RevesI can't get them to blow up after I use them
23:38.20Revesso instead I can sit there spaming the power up over and over and over
23:38.26JcupHave u seen the rocket example on the forums?
23:38.40PhelpsWhat type of map is it Reves?
23:39.00RevesCustomHeroLineWarsUniverse (Hero Defence)
23:39.04JcupUse a validator and a set effect with Suicide connected ill link it and maybe it will help you with the destroying of power ups
23:39.08RepoNew map: Vendetta. ChewableProzac (Manager/Author). Approved by xhatix.
23:39.43RevesThat does give me an idea! Thanks a lot.
23:40.04JcupReves look here it explains it better :D
23:48.12JamesObscuraSo I'm trying to issue a move order to a unit... but when I do the issue order action there's no move.
23:48.23JamesObscuraHold position but no move?
23:48.36Arthas-stuffsyou need to click the (
23:48.48Arthas-stuffsand change to issue order without point or something like that
23:49.02JamesObscuraOh wow... Thanks I never would have noticed that.
23:49.11Arthas-stuffstook me 15-20 mins! :D
23:49.17Arthas-stuffssneaky blizz
23:50.21PhelpsIs that from Toy Story 3?
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23:55.09Skizotanyone able to run on ULTRA everything?
23:55.23Skizoti need a BLUE marine like the right side on.
23:55.44Skizotonly facing like 15 egrees to the his right
23:56.18BreadHow would one do that Skiz
23:58.10Arthas-stuffsSkizot lol
23:58.15Arthas-stuffsgogogo ultra :D
23:59.37Arthas-stuffsw black background or?

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