IRC log for #sc2mapster on 20100501

00:00.00Sherardwhich it turn would random attack using that effect on each one that it targeted
00:00.04Stewoxfirst of all , Calldown , is what falls from sky , ex: Mule , so this projectile will fall , and I think you mean , to make a dummy one fall first , then splitting multiples around with triggers , hmm
00:00.46Sherardyou can use triggers to cast more than one effect
00:00.51Sherardat that time
00:01.00Stewoxoh cool
00:01.11Stewoxwell i don't even know how to connect data with triggers ,
00:01.24Stewoxdata is not dependant on triggers , right ?
00:01.28Stewoxbut triggers are
00:01.37Sherardgive me a sec
00:01.41Sherardto make one that does this for you
00:01.47Sherardthen ill tell you what to do
00:01.54Stewoxhey make sure i target ground
00:02.04Stewoxnot units specifically
00:02.12Stewoxso it can be freely used anywhere
00:02.14SherardI will say
00:02.16Stewoxally too
00:02.33SherardI actually created a ghost 3rd person shooter that constantly shot nukes down lol
00:02.48Sherardeverytime i pulled the trigger
00:03.05Sherardit was cool
00:03.28Stewoxok now , image that there are 10 nukes , and one falls , left side corned , one right , one center , one upper corner , randomly , that's the most basic explanation
00:03.46Stewoxrandomly inside pre-defined radius
00:04.38SherardDo you want the predefined radious to be about a certain point or would you like the predefined radious to be about the building casting?
00:04.49Stewoxbut that's not radius of damage, a place where those "nukes" will fall , i just say so much so im sure you understand 100% , and english is not my primary either
00:05.26*** join/#sc2mapster uBdead (~5ee53e4e@gateway/web/freenode/x-aylgegtwzqvmfzga)
00:05.33Stewoxif I tell you too much then im busting ideat
00:05.37SherardYour event is this
00:05.38Stewoxlet's get private channel
00:05.42uBdeadhey you guys can you help me with something
00:05.52Stewoxfire at will
00:05.57SherardUnit- Any unit uses ability
00:06.17uBdeadim creating this missile attack
00:06.23StewoxSherard whisper me im goin to tell u if you help me , we can make it together then
00:06.29uBdeadbut the death animation is way too early
00:06.32Stewoxbecause it's more complex than i thought
00:09.27uBdeadnobody here?
00:10.44TerexI`m here
00:10.53TerexMaking my Queen Wars
00:11.05uBdeadlol that sounds so homofobic
00:11.25uBdeadanyway can you check out my stream?
00:11.29uBdeadi have this weird thing
00:11.43*** join/#sc2mapster Truhan (~18ab6839@gateway/web/freenode/x-xkmxrjhddebynbbw)
00:11.46uBdeadstupid dead animation plays before the missile even hits the ground
00:12.05Terexslow internet...
00:12.15uBdeadme or you xD?
00:13.01*** join/#sc2mapster `228zip (~56439dae@gateway/web/freenode/x-gbbultvfqxloohvr)
00:13.45TerexNow watching
00:14.36TerexCan`t help. Too little skill for such things
00:15.19uBdeadok no problem
00:15.28uBdeadzip knows the answer to everything
00:15.52uBdeadso here comes the ultimate question
00:16.01`228zipI don't know anything about the data editor basically =p
00:16.08uBdeadoh ok xD
00:16.23`228zipask anyway
00:16.36uBdeadi have this rocket attack
00:16.56uBdeadbut the dead animation starts before the missile even hits the ground
00:17.22`228zipno idea
00:18.23uBdeadmnn ok
00:18.30`228zipyay I made the edtior crash!
00:18.32uBdeadman this is bugging me
00:19.06*** part/#sc2mapster Tehwildcard (
00:20.40`228zipis there no way to create an effect ?
00:20.47`228zipwithout creating a unit ?
00:20.51Technetiumof course there is
00:21.06*** join/#sc2mapster Dezorza (
00:21.38Technetiumcreate a new one, or copy an existing one, have an actor call it, then have a unit or weapon or etc call it
00:22.02TerexWhat is Legacy Weapon and what is Strafe?
00:22.05Vailrethbother i cant figure out how to get this upgrade working
00:22.13warturtlestrafe is what interceptors do :P
00:22.39uBdeadhey you guys, im going to bed
00:22.47uBdeadgood luck and sleep right
00:22.51uBdeadtighht* :D
00:23.02Dezorzadoes anyone know if theres a bug with the legacy map conversions?
00:23.56MotiveNo, Dezorza. From what I understand, you have to change the tileset because it imports them expecting the WC3 textures and stuff.
00:24.20`228zipNice Skizot =p
00:24.38`228zipI'm going to use actors to create an effect
00:24.47`228zipwhen the missile dies
00:27.02HeroicPrinnyDoes anyone know how to import custom background/texture like how blizzard did in their space shooter demo
00:27.07BarterA. In the newest patch latency network turns have  been reduced to125ms latency. We'd love to see an FPS-like custom map in  the beta as soon as publishing is available!
00:27.13warturtlemissile dies?
00:27.33warturtleif the missile does damage, just attach the "explode" effect to the damage
00:27.39MotiveBetter than even I expected.
00:28.33Dezorzayea that tileset change worked well, but the entire map has a red layer over it
00:28.43Motivemaybe fog?
00:28.51MotiveWc3 had cave fog doodads
00:29.07Dezorzayea might be, ill check
00:29.34warturtleFPS at 125 ms
00:29.39warturtlesomething tells me it still wont be smooth
00:29.53`228zipoh so min latency was 250ms
00:29.56Motive125ms is fine. :P
00:29.59`228zipThat's why I felt so slow
00:30.00SevenSeventrigger - modify creep
00:30.07SevenSeveneasy-ish way to add creed
00:30.09`228zip125ms is still too high
00:30.12Barteryou wont make a bad company 2 in sc2
00:30.23Barter125 is fine I think
00:30.29warturtlefor splash effects
00:30.37`228zipBarter: I can't even make doom in sc2 beacuse of that
00:30.45`228zipwell, multiplayer doom
00:30.58warturtleI remember seeing this reaper mod :P
00:31.02warturtleand thinking how bad it would feel online
00:31.26warturtlebut thats a really good change will make my map play pretty smooth
00:31.33`228zipIs there a unit that has an actor creating a model on its death ? I want to see how it's done
00:31.52`228zipWill still be too slow unfortunately =/
00:32.11warturtleWhy not just place a dummy unit
00:32.14warturtleor w.e. you want
00:32.23`228zipThat's too complicated
00:32.30`228zipCreating a new unit and all
00:32.33warturtleset a 0 damage effect
00:32.38warturtlelike siege tank
00:32.45warturtleit has a nice explosion look
00:33.30FuryhunterA. We do intend to release 3v3 and 4v4 matchmaking in the beta around the middle of May.
00:33.38Furyhunterwhich also means maybe map publishing then
00:34.31*** join/#sc2mapster Iggyhopper (
00:34.47Skizoteveryone else is doing it :(
00:37.51BarterA. Yes. Currently the beta is limited to objects ONLY  in the beta, which is a limited number of tilesets and no campaign  units or objects. There will be a much larger set of models and assets  for mappers to use at launch.
00:37.58*** join/#sc2mapster Docablo (~470ddb33@gateway/web/freenode/x-aisfuknokihxtnbb)
00:38.18FuryhunterA: No. The beta editor will not include campaign units prior to release.
00:40.05Motivesomeone ask them about my mac editor. :(
00:40.05`228zip"A. Clans are definitely something we plan to implement in the future. No specific date has been identified yet. They will likely correspond with the first expansion or a future patch. "
00:40.22`228zipwhat the hell are they thinking ?
00:40.25`228zipfirst expansion ?
00:41.14Furyhunterwell, tournaments didn't come until tft in wc3
00:41.42`228zipSC2 tournaments are already happening in the BETA
00:42.00warturtlethat's because we are hardcore :P
00:42.26Beiderfinally, took me 3-4 hours but finally finished my spawning system for creeps
00:42.46Beiderand just like my difficulty dialog it is easy to copy to new maps, all function based and easy to use
00:42.50Beiderstarting to love the trigger editor
00:42.51DeadPixelWhy did it take so long?
00:42.55*** join/#sc2mapster TamOcello (
00:43.53IngelaArthas-, Q. Do you plan to implement 3v3 and 4v4 match-ups at some point during the beta? If so, when?
00:43.53IngelaA. We do intend to release 3v3 and 4v4 matchmaking in the beta around the middle of May. We will likely limit the number of maps because we still want players to primarily focus on 1v1 games to continue to help test balance.
00:43.54Beiderit is customizable. You can add up to X units per wave, max X waves, apply X behaviors per unit per wave, apply X difficulty behaviors + add X extra behaviors
00:44.16Skizotgonna broadcast my sidescroller
00:44.18Beiderand all of it set up with simple addWave(), addUnitToWave(unit, type, etc..) functions
00:44.23DeadPixelah yeah that would take some time lol
00:44.28Arthas-Ingela nice
00:45.32`228zipsomeone wants to ask a question and doesn't a twitter account ?
00:45.43`228zipI can ask them for you =o
00:45.59MotiveAsk about the mac editor!
00:46.03Arthas-i have an acc
00:46.06MotiveIf you get an answer I'll love you forever.
00:46.09Arthas-dont know how to read the q&a though
00:46.20Ingelayou know how to read do you Arthas-
00:46.22Arthas-i was thinking the live one
00:46.25Ingelathat is the live one
00:46.33Ingelathey post all answers there
00:46.45Ingelaso just f5 it everyonce in a while
00:46.49Arthas-a question regarding IP would be nice
00:47.02Arthas-will we be able to put say a zelda themed map up for ppl to play on BNET
00:47.09`228zipMotive: What's broken about it ?
00:47.12Arthas-Or do they have ways they intend to use in order to block it
00:47.13Motiveit's not out
00:47.15`228zipArthas-: Explain ?
00:47.17MotiveI want to know when the Mac Editor will be out. :P
00:47.29`228zipDidn't they answered that already ? =p
00:47.34DocabloAnyone know how to make creep recede faster?
00:47.38Motivenot that I know of
00:47.50Arthas-how to explain
00:47.56MotiveYeah, they didn't.
00:48.56Ingela`228zip, ask if they whill fix "very fast" attackspeed to numbers
00:49.06Ingelaand "fast" and so on
00:49.09Arthas-Will maps heavily influenced and themed after other companies IP such as Zelda be allowed for distribution on the BNET map depot. If not, will we still be able to play these maps with friends over by storing map files locally?
00:49.12Ingela"very fast" doesn't really tell you a lot
00:49.27Arthas-I think that is as clear as I can make myself :\
00:49.40TamOcelloDoubtful that they'll let you sell, due to copyright, but I dont' see why you wouldn't be able to host it yourself.
00:49.50Arthas-TamOcello im not talking about selling
00:49.52*** join/#sc2mapster qwebirc16579 (~47cb60f8@gateway/web/freenode/x-ikjilevjjwcnluqy)
00:49.55`228zipArthas- reduce that by a hundred letters
00:49.59`228zipand I can post it
00:50.03Arthas-we will upload maps to bnet
00:50.05MotiveDid you ask my Mac question? :P
00:50.11Arthas-ah ffs
00:50.13TamOcelloah.  sorry 'bout that.
00:50.16Arthas-100 letters?
00:50.22`228zip"#BlizzChat  Mac Editor! When is it coming ?"
00:50.30Arthas-Will maps heavily influenced and themed after other companies IP such as Zelda be playable on
00:50.30`228zipArthas- 140 letters max
00:50.33Arthas-will that do?
00:50.46Arthas-and perhaps in correct english, something tells me that is very wrong :p
00:50.53Ingelajust say what you want Arthas-, a naruto themed hentai map
00:51.03`228ziptoo late =p
00:51.11Arthas-well, well see
00:51.15Arthas-TamOcello, most likely
00:51.23`228zipIf you want to see if your question has been posted
00:51.53Arthas-they are most likely going to have way more control with sc2 maps than wc3
00:52.02Arthas-to prevent stuff like porn in maps ;p
00:52.02`228zipAny more questions guys ?
00:52.08Arthas-228, nope
00:52.09HeroicPrinnywow i love when units break somewhat randomly
00:52.09Arthas-thanks :)
00:52.31Arthas-im guessing on a blizzard mapDB for maps to be played on bnet, ie no local files at all
00:52.40Elykquestions for who?  just joined
00:53.08Arthas-A. In the newest patch latency network turns have been reduced to125ms latency.
00:53.12Arthas-make that 85 and im happy
00:53.19Motive85 is just unrealistic. Lol
00:53.21Ingela"Will we be able to toggle attack speeds to numbers instead of "very fast" or "fast"? `228zip
00:53.28Arthas-no, not really?
00:53.30*** join/#sc2mapster redpand (
00:53.37Motivemost peopels pings are > 85ms
00:53.44Arthas-they are dsl whores
00:53.54Arthas-I want to filter that filth out when playing online :p
00:54.07Arthas-no offense Ingela but your internet is filth
00:54.17Ingeladon't diss my internet
00:54.23Ingelait also have feelings
00:54.27Arthas-ill diss your internet any day!
00:54.35Ingelathen i'll do so to, fuck you internet
00:54.37Ingelayou suck!
00:54.39MotivePING ( 56 data bytes
00:54.39Motive64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=49 time=104.351 ms
00:54.40Arthas-just like i keep disconnecting fuckers I hear playing wow in the background when calling support
00:54.43Arthas-hell yeah!
00:54.45MotiveI'm on cable and I can't get < 100ms to :P
00:54.49Motive125 is fine. :P
00:54.51ElykI want to know if there will be a way to vote on maps.... so we can filter on highest voted
00:54.51`228zipHow do I get my ping ?
00:55.00MotiveGranted I get like 10ms to google but still
00:55.03Ingelabut tbh it haven't been like this until recently  Arthas-
00:55.22Ingelabefore this shit happened like my router is fucked up, i had uptime with no lag for 4 months i think
00:55.34Ingelaso yeah it was just recently it fucked up
00:55.50redpandSay, does anyone know how to manipulate the camera in the editor?
00:55.54MotiveQ: Blizzard you ROCK!
00:55.54MotiveA: You rock! Thanks so much for taking the time to join in the chat today!!
00:55.56Motivenoooo it's over :(
00:56.19`228zipIt was so short =(
00:57.35Ingelathat's what she said
00:57.48redpandWait, nobody knows how to change the camera angle in the editor?
00:58.16Ingelatriggers - actions > add camera shit
00:58.29MotiveRandom site I use for my IM client
00:58.38redpandNo, I mean, when you're trying to work with Terrain.
00:59.00Arthas-13 ms to stockholm from umeƄ
00:59.23Arthas-18 from sweden to, whereever that server is located :p
00:59.33Ingelaredpand, view -> camera -> use free camera
00:59.39Arthas-and like 90 to ingelas net :(
00:59.54redpandOh... really? I have to do that every time...
00:59.56Arthas-well really
01:00.05Arthas-felia is prolly the best dsl actor on the market
01:00.14Arthas-and im working for one of their compeitiorors :p
01:00.18redpandThe Hammer editor really has spoiled me. xP
01:00.25redpandThanks though!
01:00.30Arthas-now, thats for dsl ofc
01:00.32*** join/#sc2mapster sztanpet (
01:00.41Ingelai can't get better here
01:00.44Ingelaso yea
01:00.47Arthas-for 100/100 / 1000/100 you dont want felia
01:00.52Arthas-i ensure you that! :p
01:00.54Ingelaforest WTS
01:01.11NoRooGoing to be starting another multiplayer test run in a few minutes on the US server
01:01.14SherardHey all
01:01.18NoRooif any one is interested
01:01.26SherardI am no
01:01.30Sherardif thats cool
01:01.39Ingelathe thing was not over
01:01.48Ingelayeah it's more
01:02.00NoRooSherard: you're in?
01:02.50Sherardyeah i am no
01:02.55Sherardlet me know the name
01:03.15DeadPixelAnyone else seeing skizot's side scroller stream?
01:03.20ElykI'm working on a trigger that is being a pain in my butt
01:04.04redpandHa! Knew there was a better way!
01:04.29redpandHolding down ctrl+right click gets you smoother camera control.
01:04.32*** join/#sc2mapster Beider (
01:04.43redpandSO much better!
01:04.48Elykanyone know of a way to count the number of refineries built by all players?
01:05.18Elykunit counting is really kickin me in the butt... I can't figure it out
01:05.25Stewoxbye guys
01:05.33Stewoxgoing to sleep :P cya
01:05.36TamOcellooh, Redpand, I need to check out the map again.  Forgot something in a corner.
01:06.44*** join/#sc2mapster supmeow (~42aad00b@gateway/web/freenode/x-kxybebjbuzddzapn)
01:06.47supmeowhi friends
01:07.58NoRooOkay going to start filling a game up, need 2 more people (US server)
01:07.59Arthas-A: We have plans to put some new user help files online and additional help text, but overall the editor will not get many more newbie-friendly options as making custom maps is a pretty technical endeavor and there is already a lot of great information appearing all over the web to help with more complex development.
01:08.07Arthas-right in the face of those claiming the opposite :p
01:08.16Motivewooo :D
01:08.19MotiveLess newbs to steal my maps.
01:08.39Arthas-I will steal them under my euronick Motive.motive! :p
01:08.42MotiveOH NO
01:08.48Motivemy nick isn't Motive.motive though
01:08.51Motiveso gg
01:08.59FuryhunterQ: Can you detail how the map publishing feature is going to work?
01:09.03FuryhunterTHAT WAS MINE! HAHAAAA
01:09.27Arthas-A. There are currently no plans for Galaxy script editing in the editor itself. However, through the Import Manager it should be pretty easy to add in your scripts as necessary. Are you having trouble doing it that way?
01:09.37FuryhunterA: Sure. Map publishing will allow the user to store a few maps or mods associated with their account. You can choose to publish a map privately which will not display the map in the custom game list when you open it up, but you ca invite your friends into a game on the map to help you test your map and ideas.
01:09.47FuryhunterOnce you decide the map is ready for the rest of the community to play you can publish it publicly and then the map will be available for the rest of the community to see and start playing games with.
01:09.51FuryhunterHELL YEAH!
01:09.55FuryhunterThis is absolutely PERFECT!
01:10.00Arthas-that is gay
01:10.09TamOcelloso we can throw it up for beta testing and not have to commit?
01:10.13Arthas-unless they mean
01:10.17MotiveI like it.
01:10.18Arthas-a few, then rest locally
01:10.33Arthas-if only #1 they can go fuck themselves, pun intended
01:10.42redpandbtw, Elyk. You might find what you need by adding the units you want to count, to a unit group. I'll admit, I'm not too sure how to go about counting them either.
01:10.50Bifuu"Store a few"
01:10.59Bifuuwell guys we can only make 3 maps
01:11.04Arthas-lets say they let us store 10 maps
01:11.09SherardDoes anyone know about creating custom huds?
01:11.14Arthas-what about the other 5?
01:11.30Elykredpand: thanks, its still hard to add the units to a unit group because I still need to figure out how to point the trigger at all refineries.
01:11.31MotiveThen they'll sell us access for more maps
01:11.34Motiveor we'll buy more accounts.
01:11.35NoRooNeed 2 more people for Multiplayer test on US server!
01:11.46Arthas-Motive that is what i expect
01:11.51Arthas-blizz gets total control over the maps
01:11.56Arthas-which is really a bad thing imo
01:11.58MotiveI wouldn't mind paying a small monthly fee for them to host additional maps.
01:12.14Arthas-i mean, I expect them to prevent the way we play maps online before retail :p
01:12.31Arthas-I wouldnt mind hosting the maps on my own server and not pay for that :\
01:12.47MotiveYeah but that's a security risk and an availability risk.
01:12.59Arthas-care to calrify that?
01:13.08NoRooAny one else available (US server) for a multiplayer test?
01:13.13Arthas-or are you referring to loading the maps like we do now
01:13.15MotiveSecurity risk if there's ever a bug that allows arbitrary code execution like the one discovered in WC3.
01:13.24MotiveAvailability risk because what happens when you can't afford a server anymore?
01:13.42Arthas-I live in sweden and will always be able to afford it
01:13.51Arthas-fact, non of their damn business?
01:13.55MotiveFine. Nuclear war breaks out and Sweden is destroyed.
01:13.59MotiveWhere's your map now?
01:14.07Arthas-i have off shore backups
01:14.11TamOcellosame place it'd be anywhere else on the planet.  gone.  :P
01:14.13MotiveBlizzard has better ones :P
01:14.20Arthas-Motive are you sure?
01:14.31Arthas-how sure?
01:14.40MotiveThink about your WoW characters.
01:14.47MotiveNobody's ever logged in and had a "data error" becaues Blizzard lost it.
01:15.14Arthas-its way cheaper for me to store my data in more and safer locations then it is for them
01:15.22Arthas-so I will call your bluff on this one
01:15.24MotiveNo because they already have the data infrastructure.
01:15.26Arthas-and raise you
01:15.29MotiveIt's called their WoW datacenters. :P
01:15.35redpandto anyone curious, to count units, use a variable like: Variable -> Unit Group -> function: Find Units.
01:16.15Arthas-i still call bs Motive
01:16.24Vailrethgah * cries *  its not fair..
01:16.28MotiveI think a multi-billion dollar company can store data better than I or you.
01:16.42MotiveEspecially if they have experience doing so.
01:16.44flea____how do i change my personal camera angle while in the editor?
01:16.58TamOcellocontrol right click and drag, flea. <3
01:17.00Arthas-store it better?
01:17.17*** join/#sc2mapster ShadowTiger (~4b198235@gateway/web/freenode/x-ndypotdcwopdorpb)
01:17.18NoRooStill need 2 more people to load test a map with us on the US server, very fun map
01:17.39MotiveRAID, multiple backups, with Gigabits of connectivity to distribute it.
01:17.42Vailrethi dont know what i am doing wrong but i cant get an upgrade to enable a disabled weapon
01:17.55*** join/#sc2mapster Corosus (
01:18.14Arthas-the fact still remains
01:18.24Arthas-they have a large amount of data to store
01:18.27flea____i love you tam0
01:18.31flea____babies with me
01:18.34TamOcellothank Redpand.  <3
01:18.35Arthas-while I really would need to store what, a few gigs?
01:18.41MotiveThey have more gigs. :P
01:18.44Arthas-ie, I can easily spread this safely around the glove
01:18.47MotiveStoring your own data is cool but they can do it better.
01:19.09Arthas-glove, hehe
01:20.10Arthas-and im sorry, we wont be able to agree on this one motive :p
01:20.17Motiveprolly not lopl
01:20.27Arthas-they closed the devchat down
01:20.28MotiveThough I do agree it'd be cool to store our own data.
01:20.43JcupHey has anyone messed with turret rotation through triggers or actor events? I cant get it x.x
01:20.50Arthas-i could easily afford placing servers around in sweden
01:20.56Arthas-this in bunkers
01:21.01Arthas-with ghighspeed internet
01:21.03TamOcelloJcup, nope.  I'm just a terrain guy.
01:21.05Arthas-and in other countries
01:21.21Arthas-for a small penny of what blizzard have to pay for the same thing, due to the silly amount of data they have :p
01:21.22Motiveyeah but most players are americans.
01:21.25Motiveso there.
01:21.42Arthas-i wonder if we were even talking about the same thing lool
01:21.47Motiveprolly not
01:22.05redpandjcup, what have you tried, specifically?
01:22.13NoRoohmm.. where is every one
01:22.16Arthas-if you were talking about maintaining and working w the wow datacenters, then I will not say shit :p that will require way more work
01:22.20NoRoonormally game fills up instantly
01:22.32NoRooany one else available to test a game? Need 2 more people
01:22.48MotiveIf you can figure a way for me to join on a mac I'll do it :P
01:23.06Arthas-motive, I just have to ask this, as you used availability as an argument for blizzard hosting all the maps and we being unable to dload maps to drive and play em from there
01:23.21Arthas-where you against removal of lan :p
01:23.28MotiveNo Lol
01:23.32MotiveI like LAN
01:23.34TamOcellothat was just dumb.
01:23.36MotiveI support LAN.
01:23.42TamOcelloLan play is pretty much required nowadays.
01:23.44Arthas-support was the word i was looking for
01:23.46MotiveRemoving it was just silly
01:23.48`228zipLet's not talk about LAN please.
01:23.49Motivebut I get why they did it
01:23.50MotiveDRM and all.
01:23.57`228zipWe all know how it's going to end.
01:24.05Arthas-well, im expecting pirate servers for lan by the time retail gets released :p
01:24.12TamOcellotheir so called "lan like" thing isn't gonna cut it.
01:24.17Arthas-looks at settlers & ubisoft
01:24.37Arthas-their so called lan like thing
01:24.40`228zip"Oh blizzard sucks they're not going to stop pirates that way!" "but it's because of the KESPA and blablabla" STOP
01:24.43Arthas-got fucking debunked in this devchat
01:24.47TamOcellooh OK.
01:24.52Arthas-Q: For several Australian players at a LAN, who have logged into a custom game, will the game be local once initiated?
01:24.54Arthas-A: You'll be connected through However, we're locating game servers more strategically to allow the best possible game experience from where you play. For Australia we are by default routing games through the Oceanic region which should provide a much lower latency experience.
01:24.56TamOcello<-- wasn't here for that.
01:25.06NoRooany one here even on the US server? :(
01:25.09Arthas-I mean
01:25.23MotiveSounds fine to me tbh lol
01:25.28Arthas-a min latency of my ping to their closest server
01:25.31MotiveIf the tickrate is 125ms it won't make a difference anyways
01:25.37Jcupredpand ive tried using the events in the turrets actor in an attempt to use an ability and it would hopefully rotate to 90 degrees but it didnt work
01:25.40`228zip125ms is way too low
01:25.40redpandLAN-like thing?
01:25.52`228ziphigh i mean
01:25.56Arthas-i agree
01:25.57SherardSo does anyone know anything about custom doing huds?
01:25.57Kylegaryour tickrate will rarely be 125ms
01:26.01`228zipnot good enough
01:26.01redpandoops sorry, read too late. ^^;
01:26.04Arthas-Im used to playing games with tops 25 ms
01:26.06Jcupredpand then I tried Actor related triggers but I dont know how to access the actor of the turret itself
01:26.31`228zipAs long as it'll be above 100ms, I'll consider it too high
01:26.31Jcupredpand since it is on the unit >.<
01:26.47Arthas-i have an upper limit on 70-85
01:26.47MotiveI'm used to WC3 so
01:26.48Elykanyone know if there is a way to set it so when you use an ability in a submenu it stays in that submenu?
01:26.49MotiveI'm fine with it. Lol
01:26.56Arthas-im used to CS :p
01:27.03Arthas-and actual lan games
01:27.05*** join/#sc2mapster Gatling (
01:27.11Arthas-when it comes to wc3 :p
01:27.23`228zipWell FPS are another thing, because you're not totally synchronized with the other players like you are in sc2
01:27.42Jcupredpand, so basically if I can find the scope or the exact actor name of the turret on the unit then I can edit it but that is looking rather challenging
01:27.53Arthas-228, thats exactly my problem in sc2, being totally synced
01:28.01Arthas-having to wait for dumbasses who dont turn torrenting off
01:28.17Arthas-or have relatives / friends in the same building using that stuff w/o the line to handle it :\
01:28.20`228zip"im dling porn lol"
01:28.33Arthas-my standard response, although i say uploading :p
01:28.52Arthas-sharing is caring
01:29.03`228zipWait what ?
01:29.31Arthas-also Ingela
01:29.33Arthas-well played
01:29.44Arthas-you successfully pulled me away from my documentary :p
01:29.54Arthas-just when I was about to leave motive stepped in!
01:31.13Arthas-looks like discovery actually isnt as doomed as i once thought
01:31.47Arthas-into the universe w stephen hawking is way more interesting and these chopper, fishing, fishing, fishing, ink, ink and car shows that has been one for seasons
01:32.42Arthas-now THAT is how you kill discussions in this channel
01:32.42`228zipUnitKill doesn't trigger actor events
01:32.50Arthas-except for 228, he's a trooper
01:32.55Arthas-a lone one
01:33.02`228zipOh yeah
01:33.05Vailrethhas any one made a custom upgrade and made it work and ifso is there a tutorial ?
01:33.16ShadowTigeryeah i have
01:33.31Vailrethcan you help me ?
01:33.40ShadowTigerdo you want Global upgrades or per-unit upgrades/
01:34.19Vailrethas in per unit type? i am trying to add a second weapon that an upgrade enables
01:34.26`228zipcan I trigger an actor event via triggers ?
01:34.31`228zipI mean script
01:35.10*** join/#sc2mapster Fatal510 (
01:35.14ScytheBlade1So I played a few roudns with some coworkers
01:35.17DeadPixelcheck out skizot's sidescroller
01:35.21ScytheBlade1I might have outright decimated them
01:35.23ScytheBlade1With void rays!
01:35.51ShadowTigeryou cannot change weapon with an upgrade vailreth
01:36.00ShadowTigeryou can only change the Effect of a weapon
01:36.49Arthas-ok im really really tired
01:36.52Arthas-but you cant?
01:37.20Vailrethsadly  there is no field to enable or disable the effects of the weapon im am using
01:37.31Arthas-i mean, you can apply a behavior from an effect
01:37.49Arthas-cant you then apply a behavior array that uses the <modification> ?
01:38.46ShadowTigeryou need to use triggers
01:39.04ShadowTigerI'm actually testing this right now
01:39.06Arthas-are you really sure of that :O
01:39.11Arthas-ill do some testing tomorrow
01:39.15Arthas-i dont trust any of you :D
01:39.23ShadowTigeri made a trigger to add a behavior that enables a weapon
01:39.33ShadowTigerby disabling a behavior that disables the weapon
01:39.50Arthas-why not just use <Behavior value="ItemAncientCharmSpeed"/> in the effect?
01:40.00Arthas-then the behavior itself uses weaponarray
01:40.06ShadowTigeryou cant apply effects with upgrades
01:40.45Arthas-ah, ok
01:41.03Arthas-followupquestion, how do you change the weapon effect then?
01:41.09Arthas-its stored in the upgradedata itself?
01:41.13ShadowTigeryou can change the weapon with an upgrade
01:41.23ShadowTigeralmost anything about the weapon
01:41.35ShadowTigerhowever you cant change behaviors except for the duration
01:41.47ShadowTigerI am not sure why some things can't be changed, maybe blizzard has to finish the GUI
01:42.09*** part/#sc2mapster Sherard (~47aa77a3@gateway/web/freenode/x-jnszrcrljxkrhzbj)
01:42.34Vailrethhow can i tell my custom upgrade is even going into effect ?
01:42.50ShadowTigerwell does it add a secondary weapon?
01:43.07Vailrethno it only  enables the secondary weapon .
01:43.16ShadowTigerwell then the icon would pop up
01:43.19ShadowTigerfor the weapon
01:43.21Vailrethwhere by default the weapon is disabled...
01:43.46Arthas-ah well, back to bed
01:45.15ShadowTigerk im testing right now
01:45.37FuryhunterHey guys
01:45.45FuryhunterCheck out CampaignProgress.xml in the SC2 Beta folder in Documents
01:45.56TamOcelloweird question, but does anyone know if there's a way to make a selection at 45 degrees to the map edge?  like a diamond instead of a square?
01:46.00Furyhunteralso LocalChallengeData
01:46.21TamOcelloor, to deselect anything?
01:46.28FuryhunterPerhaps the challenge mode will be possible locally as well
01:47.04*** join/#sc2mapster peterpants (
01:47.41*** join/#sc2mapster Razernok (
01:47.55ShadowTigerYeah okay when you disable a weapon the icon gets greyed out and it says disabled in red text above the damage
01:48.09ShadowTigerif thats not what you want you have to use triggers to remove the weapon
01:48.52ShadowTigeryou can deselect stuff by shift clicking/selecting it
01:48.58ShadowTigerif its already selected
01:49.45ShadowTigernm only clicking shift-selecting wont remove
01:50.41TamOcellooh.  oks.  <3
01:51.23ShadowTigeryou can also use the merge and split selection tools under the Edit tab up top
01:51.31ShadowTigerthat will let you store a selection in memory
01:51.42ShadowTigerso that all those units get selected together when you click on one
01:54.09NoRooMmmk, lets try this again, any one on the US server available to test a multiplayer map with me?
01:55.27NoRoonew build is ready to go
01:58.11peterpantsi'll try it out
02:02.13NoRoosure, just need 2 more
02:02.47picklefishyou figure that stuff last night out?
02:03.03NoRoothat failure we had? I think I did
02:03.09NoRoobut need to test to make sure
02:06.16peterpantswhere do i get your map or does it d/l when i use this program
02:06.18peterpantsi've never used it b4
02:06.31NoRooI'll be mailing them out once every one is in the lobby
02:07.22TamOcellohey guys, I've got a map that's laid out with players in opposite corners, and want to select the bottom left half alone.  Is there any way to?  I've tried shift-dragging to add to the selection, but when copied, that gets the currently blank upper right, making the selection worthless.
02:08.01*** join/#sc2mapster Lasion (
02:08.42TamOcelloer, also speaking strictly terrain
02:08.43NoRooNeed 2 more people (US server) to test a map!
02:08.55Bifuuhey look i have 1 subscriber
02:09.45NoRooAny one else want to get in?
02:10.30ShadowTigerHaving suscribers sucks
02:11.43*** join/#sc2mapster PointBlan (
02:11.48picklefishnoroo: no the UI stufff
02:12.11NoRoooh, I made a very poorly coded dialog that displays kills :P
02:12.18NoRoothe code is horrible but it works just fine
02:13.21peterpantscome play picklefish
02:13.47SevenSevenI found my vampirism fire maps
02:14.00picklefish? on phone
02:14.08*** join/#sc2mapster zifoon (~dcf4218f@gateway/web/freenode/x-isouroybzxfitjzb)
02:14.41*** join/#sc2mapster kdogg3403 (~444e81e4@gateway/web/freenode/x-ubmfspphzhtsdgif)
02:14.50NoRooneed 2 more people for map testing (US server)!
02:15.01Bifuuug back to trying to make a tech tree for the neutral player
02:15.27zifoonlol noroo add me this time
02:15.36NoRoosure, message NoRoo.fighting
02:15.55*** join/#sc2mapster Grogian (~42765c04@gateway/web/freenode/x-wkwbltsldkgjrmrh)
02:15.56NoRooneed 1 more person for multiplayer test! (US server)
02:16.31NoRooyes multiplayer
02:16.44TriGuNpatcher or is it real?
02:16.55NoRoowhat do you mean?
02:17.25zifoondon't i need to dl the map first?
02:17.41NoRoozifoon: I'm sending them out once we get every one in the game
02:18.12NoRoobetter to get every one in the game first to make sure the maps are set up correctly in the cache
02:18.12TriGuNinvite me
02:18.22NoRooTriGuN:  message NoRoo.fighting
02:18.46flea____amg. my editor just crashed
02:18.52flea____all my datas!
02:19.25flea____THIS IS SRS
02:19.44*** part/#sc2mapster TamOcello (
02:19.48TriGuNthis is serious* (sp?)
02:20.03peterpantsfile>set prefences> backup every 10 min
02:20.47TriGuNhola pantaloons
02:21.01flea____ill back you up every 10 minutes
02:21.01NoRoozifoon: check game chat
02:24.01*** join/#sc2mapster HyBReD-Laptop (~HyBReDL@
02:24.03*** join/#sc2mapster AgentPaper (~chatzilla@
02:26.13FuryhunterAnyone tried disasm'ing the editor to see if there are publishing functions?
02:27.18BemoliphEven if there were, I doubt there would be functioning services for the server used by normal players
02:27.23SevenSevenso guys
02:27.23BemoliphSo it would basically be worthless
02:27.36SevenSevenanyone figure out cliff level support yet?
02:27.49FuryhunterWell, you can check for your own published content right now Bemoliph
02:27.54SevenSevenor are they really keeping it from us for no reason?
02:27.56FuryhunterIt actually does send and receive data on the menu
02:28.44FuryhunterMousing over the popularity bar on joining a custom game will show how many games have been started on that map and settings in the past hour
02:29.16FuryhunterDoesn't seem like you can sort by anything else but popularity though
02:29.16BemoliphThis menu is in the game client or the editor?
02:29.19FuryhunterGame client
02:29.31BemoliphOh, probably why I didn't notice
02:29.33FuryhunterCreate Custom Game
02:29.37BemoliphHaven't been actually playing the game much =P
02:29.45Furyhunterand hit the combo box for "Popular", go to "My Published"
02:29.55FuryhunterIt spins the little waiting dial for a split second and stops
02:29.59Furyhunterand I believe some traffic goes through
02:31.47*** join/#sc2mapster Zoxc (
02:33.38*** join/#sc2mapster kharma (
02:33.51BemoliphCould be
02:34.21FuryhunterIf there happened to be a way to publish now, I wouldn't risk using it though :P
02:34.28FuryhunterI am sooooo excited though
02:34.38BemoliphI can't imagine they have it accessible, even if it's running
02:34.40FuryhunterThey said mid May for 3v3 and 4v4 which almost certainly means "content patch"
02:34.44BemoliphBut then again, I've seen them do way dumber things
02:38.43NoRooTriGuN: if you're going to rejoin you need to relog or something
02:41.13*** join/#sc2mapster Iggyhopper (
02:41.17Iggyhoppermoar news?
02:42.39Bifuui made a video tutorial
02:42.41Bifuudun dun duuuuuuun
02:42.44Bifuuonly news i got
02:43.53TriGuNi had to drive someone home
02:45.11Iggyhopperwell thatas gay
02:46.53zifoonquestion, if you put ppl as spectators and do the map switchroo will be spectators be able to play in 14 player map?
02:46.59Skizoti was broadcasting my sidescroller.
02:47.51*** join/#sc2mapster heysparky (~heysparky@
02:48.06heysparkyhowdy folks
02:48.25NoRooOkay sorry about that guys... something in the last build introduced that fatal bug
02:48.28NoRooworking on it now...
02:50.20TriGuNwhat happend to it?
02:50.42NoRoonot sure
02:50.49NoRoothat bug does not happen single player at all though
02:51.07NoRoonumeric overflow in a trigger that has like 3 lines in it, not sure what the problem is
02:51.12NoRoomaybe this function call is bad..
02:51.16ShadowTigerwhats the link bifuu?
02:52.03Iggyhopperoh scripts are can be imported
02:52.23Iggyhopperthats how you can get a huge place to just write new stuff
02:52.50TriGuNcall should be good
02:53.00TriGuNsince galaxy is basicly c
02:53.01*** join/#sc2mapster pirate (~6036040b@gateway/web/freenode/x-bkeqduijelooelkt)
02:53.06NoRoothe problem is in the function it's calling
02:53.09Furyhunter.SC2Bank format is in XML
02:53.11NoRoowhich is the core physics engine
02:53.14*** join/#sc2mapster Aegis_Runestone (
02:53.19Furyhuntervery simple
02:53.23TriGuNbut the galaxy code itself
02:53.26TriGuNis basicly c
02:53.32Furyhunterhowever the Action to store a value or recall it doesn't make much sense
02:53.46Furyhunterit goes Bank -> Section -> Key -> Value
02:53.56Furyhunternot Bank -> Key -> Section -> Value as it shows itself to be at first
02:54.34peterpantsanyone know how to play an animation backwards
02:56.28*** join/#sc2mapster Zachet (~6332e3c7@gateway/web/freenode/x-yldfncgksuwdqrrv)
02:56.33Aegis_Runestonehmmm.... quiet in here.
02:56.37Iggyhopperno u
02:58.33ZachetDamn -- A third party program for displaying custom UI would be handy ;) At least something to visually show difference in position on screen
03:00.44*** join/#sc2mapster odpe (
03:02.01*** part/#sc2mapster peterpants (
03:03.37flea____anyone know how i can edit the upgrade requirements of an ability?
03:03.37*** join/#sc2mapster liq3 (
03:03.48*** join/#sc2mapster Killmore (
03:04.10ZachetIts on the ability itself... I can tell you that much
03:04.12ZachetForgot where
03:04.40pirateso I made a dodge ability
03:04.44NoRoogeeze talk about non verbose error messages
03:04.54NoRooNumeric overflow on WHAT
03:05.04pirateby changing some stuff from Guardian Shield
03:05.31piratequestion is, how do I get the game to know when it works?
03:05.45pirateso i can make a nifty text tag that says "DODGED!!"
03:07.14heysparkywhat triggers can freeze an animation? Like, I want to make a spinecrawler have a 'pin' attack and freeze when it's extended.
03:08.06flea____bwahaha it's not on the ability itself. it's under requirements. how tedius...
03:09.00pirateof course
03:09.52piratesome abilities are abilities + behaviors + effects + button
03:09.54Zachetheysparky: For my marine, to make it walk without the walking animation I had to make it play animation to fidget just after the order to walk...
03:10.38ZachetOh, I read that wrong
03:10.41heysparkyZachet: that freezes... ah.
03:10.51ZachetYou can set a specfic time point of an animation
03:11.16heysparkyZachet: Yeah? I'll find it in the triggers if I look? Cool ty.
03:11.36SevenSevenWow, SC2 makes vampirism nearly impossible lol
03:11.49Zachet"Set animation time"
03:11.53piratewhat do you mean by vampirism?
03:11.59piratelike life steal abilities?
03:12.04ZachetIt might play from that point though...
03:12.18SevenSevenvampirism fire
03:12.22SevenSevengametype from WC3
03:12.34heysparkyZachet: I'll start there though - thanks.
03:12.40piratenever played
03:13.40Zachetheysparky: Random thought might be to make it start at a certain point than immediatly, '         Animation - Set the Default animation duration for (Actor for (Triggering unit)) to 1.0 seconds '
03:13.46Zachetbut change the duration to such as +989012738123
03:13.51Zachetso it is too slow to matter
03:13.53Zachetmight as well be froze
03:14.01JcupHas anyone tried rotating a turret through triggers or actor events Ive been trying for hours and hours x.x
03:14.38GrogianAnyone know how to force a button to be activated by a player, and let them choose a target (target spell)
03:14.58pirateyou cant change turrets to be units (instead of building) like in war3?
03:15.32ZachetGrogian, you can kind of emulate this... such as have an event of mouse-click and cast spell at that position.
03:15.40Zachetfrom unit.
03:15.48Zachetrather order unit to cast at position of click
03:16.24ZachetYou can also change the cursor (I believe) they are using
03:16.27Zachetso it looks just like it
03:16.42GrogianI'll have to
03:16.50Grogianidentify if the spells a taget/unit/or instant then
03:17.09JcupThe kind of turret im speaking of is the ones on tanks and stuff
03:17.42Jcupand I cant get it to rotate with out it attack an enemy for the life of me
03:18.14Grogianif you use "Missile Turret" turret setting
03:18.15GrogianIt'll spin
03:18.21heysparkyZachet: oh, good idea
03:18.24Jcuplol xD
03:18.31ZachetI don't know if it would work though lol
03:18.41JcupI know that its a little tab box that says spin in the turrret ha
03:18.52*** join/#sc2mapster Corosus (
03:18.57GrogianI haven't messed with turrets much
03:19.03Grogianmostly just moving unit triggers
03:19.12heysparkyZachet: worth a shot
03:19.12Grogianand now the data editor
03:19.15Grogianand trying to make a skill bar
03:19.28Jcupwith dialogs?
03:19.53JcupIve got one thats just looks but yeah ha
03:20.13GrogianI've got th buttons
03:20.15Grogianit doesn't look up
03:20.23GrogianI'm just getting the functionality right now
03:20.24Grogianor try
03:20.34GrogianAlthough I have essays to write
03:20.55JcupEssays know when u wanna work hard on sc2 and just say heeeeyyyy work on meee
03:21.00*** join/#sc2mapster Xorgat3 (~Xorgate@
03:21.07Vailreththere has be to some thing i am not linking correctly for this to not be working or its an editor bug
03:21.25ZachetYay my complete side-scroller engine is almost done, I can almost make the actual game
03:22.00Vailrethvery cool
03:22.07snapp1eawesome zachet
03:22.11GrogianAnyone know how to disable "Smart" for just one unit?
03:22.20ZachetI was also lazy, I have to add multiplayer support meh just time consuming
03:22.21*** join/#sc2mapster Xorgat3 (~Xorgate@
03:22.31heysparkyAwesome Zachet
03:22.50GrogianMeh, I haven't played multiplayer in like 3 days
03:23.24Skizotwhat up!
03:24.10Skizoti got it somewhat working..
03:24.17pirateIs there a way to convert custom hero attributes into variables?
03:24.21Skizotyou can play through pretty easy now
03:24.38zifoonwait can I post a beta key contest up in the forums?
03:24.43pirateto make certain abilities scale with things like strength?
03:24.59Skizoti only have 1 issue (a random point the in the map where the bullets decide we're not going Past HERE.)
03:25.01zifoonpirate, increase the spell dmg
03:25.07zifoonwith the attribute
03:25.13Skizotwanna see?
03:25.18zifoonu can do it base bonus or % bonus
03:25.20Skizoti can fire up the livestream real fast
03:25.32pirateis spell damage used in most damage abilities?
03:25.41Skizotmaybe you can help me figure out how to do what i am wanting.
03:25.46zifoonu can put it as option
03:25.58zifoonif the dmg is spell or melee or ranged or splash
03:26.27pirateseeing attributes as a variable would also let me do things like scale dexterity to crit and dodge chance though
03:26.51Coolflipi cant find the cost for a building -_-
03:26.58Coolflipi can find the repair cost though o.O
03:27.01heysparkyhey... can anyone make sense of this condition...
03:27.09heysparky1 <= a <= 1
03:27.16heysparkydoesn't that just make a == 1
03:27.19AgentPaperis it possible to place units into another unit's cargo before the game starts? Without triggers?
03:27.31Cronosare there any tuts about making custom weapons that chian to multiple targets?
03:27.35BifuuQQ i might have to use Triggers for my tech tree
03:27.38AgentPaperI thought I'd heard you could just drop units into cargo or something, but I can't figure out how
03:27.47AgentPaperin the editor
03:28.00Coolflipthat will output a 1 if A is between the first number and the second number
03:28.22Coolflipso if #1 is 1 and #2 is 3, and A=2, it would return 1
03:28.47shmenCoolflip: Check the ability to build. Like Probe (build), then in the Info+ field you can find the costs
03:28.49NoRooMmmmk... any one from earlier care to test this map with me again? I think I've fixed the problem...
03:29.43AgentPaperwhen're they going to let us host maps normally?
03:29.51AgentPaperwithout all the finagling around?
03:29.53NoRooAgentPaper: probably on release
03:30.06heysparkyCoolflip... is that some logic/code thing I haven't run across yet, or a GE thing?
03:30.06AgentPaperI seriously doubt that
03:30.59NoRooNeed 1 person to test a map with me please!
03:31.14NoRooUS server
03:31.24*** join/#sc2mapster Zoxc (
03:31.35Coolflipif you have the link to the program that allows me to do so
03:31.36Coolflipi will
03:31.42CronosI made a tower that chains multiple targets but it has a bug ... it hits the same target multiple times per shot and does not go to a new target
03:31.48Cronosanyone know how to fix that?
03:31.52NoRooCoolflip: manually update cache is what we've been doing
03:31.58NoRooCoolflip: I can explain how to do it easily
03:32.03Coolfliptheres the program that does it for you xD
03:32.14NoRooCoolflip: I'm told that it replaces the LT map
03:32.16Coolflipbut ok
03:32.18Coolflipi need your map
03:32.30NoRoomessage NoRoo.fighting and I'll get the map distributed
03:32.34NoRoologging on now
03:32.38Coolflipk me to
03:33.24*** part/#sc2mapster Vailreth (
03:37.48ShadowTigerdoes anybody know if you can move a timer window?
03:37.50*** join/#sc2mapster pile (~4711fd32@gateway/web/freenode/x-bphcrougeyecymur)
03:39.16redpandhey, does anyone know how to set a units attack priorities?
03:39.45*** join/#sc2mapster Transformer (
03:40.57ShadowTigeryeah redpand
03:41.21ShadowTigereach weapon has acquire target sorts
03:41.31*** join/#sc2mapster heysparky (~heysparky@
03:42.22TriGuNdoes anone have borderlands for the 360
03:42.32redpandCan I set that so that it targets one type of unit and kills all those units before it targets another?
03:42.45ShadowTigerbut you will have to make your own target sort
03:43.26redpandAhs, thanks!
03:43.52ShadowTigerwell i think you can... im not sure...
03:44.07JcupAnyone know how to rotate a turret on a tank using triggers or actor events? Im struggling bad >.<
03:44.11ShadowTigeroh redpand
03:44.15ShadowTigerjust use TSPriorityu
03:44.23ShadowTigerand set the unit priority for each enemy
03:44.27ShadowTigerits a built in feature
03:44.39Iggyhopperyour mom is a built in feature
03:44.43redpandOh, where do I find that>
03:44.51ShadowTigerunder the unit tab
03:44.54ShadowTigereach unit has a priority value
03:46.07supmeowxorgate is the shizz nits!
03:46.23Iggyhopperxorgate what?
03:46.39*** join/#sc2mapster Shadowclaimer (
03:48.14Bifuuwooooooooot got it working finally
03:48.23Bifuudoes a happy dance
03:49.58flea____we should band together a group of elitist map makers and sell ourselves as a call-in "learn to use the editor" techs.
03:50.10redpandsorry, so TSPriorityu, that's not Combat - Attack Target Priority, is it?
03:51.38ShadowTigerYou set the Combat - Attack Priority for each unit
03:51.58redpandOk, so then what was TSPriorityu?
03:52.09ShadowTigerthen on the weapon of each unit, you put Acquire Target Sorts = TSPriority
03:52.21ShadowTigerif you want that unit to choose higher priority targets
03:52.30redpandI see!
03:54.06Razernokis there a way to prevent the camera from going below the terrain?
03:55.07*** part/#sc2mapster HeliosDoubleSix (
03:56.22Razernokanyone know?
04:01.32pkoloh shit
04:01.33*** join/#sc2mapster Sherard (~47aa77a3@gateway/web/freenode/x-afwlynvsagfkquzn)
04:01.37SherardHey all
04:01.39pkolcataslym beta soon
04:01.50pkoli can't spell
04:02.17*** join/#sc2mapster Cr0n0s (
04:03.00Sherarddoes anyone build fps here?
04:03.24Sherardor even 3rd person shooters?
04:03.40JcupCan anyone help me get a turret on a tank to turn using triggers or actor events?
04:04.45heysparkyrazernok: I haven't messed with the camera, sorry - are you doing a shooter-y thing?
04:05.22Bifuuquestion: Do people really watch other people streaming them using the ditor?
04:05.51zifoonanswer: no
04:06.08Bifuudidnt think so
04:06.14Razernokhow can you change the camera's pitch with triggers?
04:07.01SevenSevenI'm gonna try my hand at cinematic making :(
04:07.06SevenSevengoodbye weekend
04:07.11heysparkygod speed 77
04:07.26heysparkyrazernok: what are you trying to do?
04:07.33heysparkyrazernok: ultimately
04:07.38ZachetI agree, good luck until they adjust cameras better -/
04:08.34RazernokI want to change the camera's pitch
04:08.47SevenSevenis it possible to remove the marine's weapon?
04:08.48Razernokwith triggers
04:08.58Razernokseven, yes
04:09.01SevenSeventhe actual gun I mean
04:09.10Razernokfrom the model?
04:09.15ZachetMake a new model.
04:09.17ZachetUpload it
04:09.25ZachetGive me a copy when you do
04:09.28SevenSevenWish I knew how to model
04:09.33SevenSevenI'll see if I can and let you know lol
04:09.55ZachetI imagine some modlers will upload some model libraries sometime
04:09.56Razernokuntil they give us model import/export tools for 3ds max, then nope as no way to edit the model
04:10.32SevenSevenI don't remember who, but someone created a custom supply depot
04:10.35ZachetThere's no way to save the file type from 3D max to the type they use heres?
04:10.47ZachetI'm sure its possible
04:10.49Zachetjust not easily
04:11.07heysparkyrazernok: I'm not sure which trigger... but there are lots of folks doing tech demos of camera work
04:11.12DaveKap_#sc2customs if you want to play/test some custom games online!
04:11.17DaveKap_c'mon guys the weekend is here!
04:11.24DaveKap_let's play some fun custom games online!
04:11.37ZachetHow about we... make these custom games
04:11.39DaveKap_apologizes if that blurb annoyed anyone
04:11.50DaveKap_Well I know some people here need to test too, so I figure that helps
04:11.56Zachetyeah not a bad idea
04:12.05ZachetDon't plan on public test anytime soon
04:12.08DaveKap_I don't mind helping test
04:13.11ZachetAt least until I provide a little bit of eye candy or real gameplay
04:13.21Zachetmainly been working on perfecting the side-scroller engine
04:13.25Zachetnot as easy as you'd think
04:13.31NoRooNeed 2 more people to test a multiplayer map with us
04:13.50NoRoolooks like we've fixed the bug from earlier, the engine just survived some 100 kills and 20 minutes of play
04:15.06*** join/#sc2mapster Cronos (
04:15.14NoRooWho wants in? 2 spots left, US server
04:15.38shmenIf I had a beta key.. D:
04:17.14Iggyhopperi can test my custom game
04:17.17Iggyhopperits all ready to go
04:17.28Iggyhopperwell not really but i mean its awesome
04:20.17*** join/#sc2mapster Kiaos (~61708d72@gateway/web/freenode/x-fwxowaudgpobtxwu)
04:20.46SevenSevenyou don't have a beta key?
04:21.03shmenno =s
04:21.06*** join/#sc2mapster Kiaos (~61708d72@gateway/web/freenode/x-ddutgtzmsqyoktnc)
04:21.23SevenSeventhat makes zero sense
04:21.37SevenSevenI thought you said you had the same error as I did
04:21.41SevenSevenfor cargo loading
04:21.59shmenme? oO
04:22.40SevenSevendunno anymore.
04:23.38*** join/#sc2mapster Cr0n0s (
04:24.10NoRooNeed 2 people to help test a map! (US server)
04:25.17*** join/#sc2mapster Kiaos_ (
04:25.46picklefishI'm assuming everyone has verified that that tool on mapster isn't stealing passwords etc
04:25.59picklefishthe multiplayer one
04:26.09NoRoowhat tool?
04:26.11Kiaos_Hey anyone know how to make custom
04:26.21Kiaos_with triggers
04:26.27Kiaos_I need to reveal the map
04:26.30Kiaos_for editing
04:26.41Kiaos_I have two monitors
04:26.42picklefishjust set up a trigger
04:26.46picklefishfor entire map
04:26.56Kiaos_So i wana run SC2 on one montor and the editor on the other
04:26.58picklefishand on unit trigger reveal all
04:27.03picklefishthat's easy
04:27.22picklefishgo to file -> pref -> test document -> window mode
04:27.57Kiaos_Now How do i set up the text chat trigger
04:28.10Kiaos_I wana be able to reveal all and unreveal
04:28.30picklefishyou still need help
04:28.33FrozenFirebatNoroo, Question... (And I asked it over chat) XD
04:28.50NoRooneed 2 more
04:28.53NoRooFrozenFirebat: hmm?
04:29.21NoRoopicklefish: are you available?
04:29.43shmenBufuu: Rofl
04:30.05*** part/#sc2mapster shmen (~dubonzi@
04:30.12*** join/#sc2mapster shmen (~dubonzi@
04:30.29NoRook, just need 1 more person for a test!
04:30.39picklefishbut you'd need to send me something
04:30.43picklefishnevr done multiplayer
04:30.48Bifuushmen: hell yeaaaaaaah
04:30.49heysparkyhow do you start units inside a transport?
04:31.00heysparkyrahter, how do you pre-load a transport?
04:31.03Bifuubig booty bitches big big booty bitches woooooooooooo
04:31.23NoRoopicklefish:  didn't you test with us yesterday?
04:31.33Kiaos_The real question is How would you make a way to switch players as a chest
04:31.34pkolyou can create units are cargo i think heysparky
04:31.50heysparkypkol: ty
04:32.01pkolas cargo*
04:32.19NoRoopicklefish:  no worries we'll get you set up
04:32.27Kiaos_Does anyone have a good Tutorial Video for making Cheats with triggers?
04:32.52NoRooKiaos_: make a trigger with the action of revealing the map
04:32.54pilewhy on does it not say my friends are online,  but i can join their party
04:33.20pileoh, i was still logged on wc3
04:33.21pkolheysparky, the specific action is "create cargo units"
04:34.38heysparkypkol: awesome thanks!
04:35.32*** join/#sc2mapster Cronos (
04:35.50Iggyhopperi haz a megabeast
04:36.13NoRoopicklefish:  Coolflip: (if you're still around) I'm going to go handle something for a few minutes, if you're still in in a little bit we'll get that 4th and see how well this map can survive a real stress test
04:37.17*** join/#sc2mapster Killmore (
04:37.45Coolfliplol ok
04:37.49Coolflipill be up for anything
04:38.04Coolflipfor now though, does anyone know how to make an ability cost minerals?
04:38.10zifoonhahah bifuu
04:38.18zifoonjust saw ur youtube video
04:38.33Bifuuone i just linked?
04:38.37BemoliphShould be able to just mark up minerals in the cost thing
04:38.45Coolfliplink it again
04:38.58zifoonno i saw it somewhere on battle net forums
04:39.05Coolflipwow im blind -_- thanks
04:39.39*** join/#sc2mapster ckknight (~ckknight@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/CurseStaff/CurseForge/ckknight)
04:39.39*** mode/#sc2mapster [+o ckknight] by ChanServ
04:40.00Bifuuoh cuz i linked one in here that was stupid so i assumed it was a haha
04:40.07Bifuubut did you like it? =D
04:40.28Coolflipima watch it now
04:40.40Coolflipoh lol
04:40.45Coolflipgota love ray
04:40.56zifoonI was explaining the like few days ago to sum1 here
04:40.58zifoondon't remember
04:41.13zifoononly if this video was up earlier
04:41.18Kiaos_for the trigger action which one should I use to Reveal all?
04:41.32Kiaos_So i can see the whole map without fog of war?
04:41.54Kiaos_Im looking under visibility right now
04:42.41Bifuui just stumbled upon how to do it today and ive had requests to do it so i just went ahead and posted it
04:42.59Kiaos_where is that posted so i can bookmark it?
04:43.08zifoonbifuu u made one mistake on the video
04:43.12zifoonone big mistake
04:43.20zifoonadd mineral on the item
04:43.22zifoonlike price
04:43.26zifoonit doesn't work with interact
04:43.38zifoonbecause u are using the other player's resources
04:43.39zifoonnot urs
04:43.50Bifuuand it does use yours
04:43.54Bifuuim doing it now
04:43.56zifoonit doesn't
04:44.06zifoontry it
04:44.18Bifuui have been for the past 4 hours
04:44.19ZachetI don't know... what do you guys think... should I have static item slots for say 1 health pot 1 fuel pot 1 ammo pot or should have it scroll through the last 5 picked up items that were not usde and discard the 5th one each time auto
04:44.22Kiaos_all your base are belong it us
04:44.23Bifuuill try again tho
04:44.47picklefishhey coolflip been working on my store
04:44.56picklefishit's getting easier and easier for someone to edit
04:45.06picklefishhopefully I can release the initial release tonight
04:45.12zifoonthe thing is, if you add price to the unit, it will try to use the "owner's" units
04:45.20Kiaos_hey this is cool I can make full blown cheats for messing with my maps
04:45.22zifoonbecause it is literally sharing one unit
04:45.40Kiaos_Now gona add resources
04:46.06Bifuustill uses my resources
04:46.07pkolis there a unit learns ability event?
04:46.09pkolor something
04:46.13zifoonupload map
04:46.26Kiaos_No im gona have it give me lots of resources
04:46.49*** join/#sc2mapster Kam (
04:47.00Zachetpkol: Do you mean trigger or literal trigger event
04:47.58pkolzachet, i just figured it out, thanks anyway :)
04:48.48pkolslightly related, there is no way for an ability do an upgrade is there?
04:49.41Kiaos_How many units can the game support without laging or crashing?
04:49.56ZachetI believe you can make an ability base its stats off a % of a variable as someone was talking about earlier... Im not certain if you can disable/enable abilities or command cards on the fly...
04:50.00Zachetyou can ' morph ' the unit however
04:50.04Kiaos_Like when bluilding units with buildings?
04:50.11Zachetto another unit exactly the same but with a different ability
04:50.19Zachetwith 100% no notice in game
04:50.30Zachetjsut random ideas
04:50.42pkolbasically, i've made an upgrade that makes my unit have a splash/cleave attack
04:50.57pkoland im using CAbilLearn to have a wc3 style hero system
04:51.17pkolso im trying to figure out a way to make them work together
04:51.28Kiaos_How do
04:51.33Genopathanyone know how can i disable the raise/lower sounds of the supply depot
04:51.35Kiaos_I make buildings instant?
04:51.51ZachetI know a way, but is not effecient and would take forever so I don't suggest it...
04:51.52Kiaos_like building units and building constuction time?
04:52.00pkoli think I'm just going to end up making a dummy ability that you learn, and then just give the upgrade by triggers
04:52.30Kiaos_Or I could clone the probe and the nexus and make them instant?
04:52.32pkolthere probally is a data only way
04:52.40pkolbut yeah
04:52.43pkolthis just seems simple
04:52.56pkoland it'll only happen 6 times in a playthrough max anyway
04:53.02Kiaos_Let me think about it for a bit and look through the actions
04:53.20zifoonbifuu u r using the same player for the shop and the unit
04:53.31zifoonthey are both player 1
04:54.02Kiaos_Cant I just make a spell that is passive that makes building time recuded?
04:54.09zifoonwait up
04:54.14Bifuuone is neutral
04:54.37pkolin the data editor
04:54.38SevenSevenHow do I connect a road to itself?
04:54.40SevenSevenis it impossible?
04:54.42pkolfind the Probe - Build
04:54.47pkolgo into the info feild
04:55.06pkolthen for building, double click
04:55.12pkolanother box should show up
04:55.23pkolscroll down to 'Time"
04:55.26pkolright down the bottom
04:55.29pkolthat's build time
04:56.34pkolset it to 0
04:56.38pkoland bam, instant build times
04:56.46pkollunch, brb
04:57.22Skizotlol woot.
04:58.22Bifuudo i win yet zifoon? =P
04:58.26Kiaos_I got lost
04:58.33Kiaos_Im in Probe Build
04:58.40Kiaos_I cant find time
04:58.48Kiaos_under triggers
04:58.49zifoonI have the same thing
04:58.52zifoondoesn't work on mine
04:59.22Kiaos_Cant you make mods? to import
04:59.37Kiaos_so Can't I make a cheat mod with triggers
04:59.44Kiaos_and import them into the map>?
04:59.55ZachetSounds possible
04:59.57Kiaos_So I dont have to do this every time?
05:00.03Kiaos_just load the mod?
05:00.08Kiaos_and bam cheats
05:00.12Zachetcopy paste works too if its just triggers
05:00.36Kiaos_Yea but working with diffrent maps is gona be constant
05:00.46Kiaos_Im not gona be on the same map to edit
05:00.54Zachetyeah, you can even make your GE auto-load that mod every new map you make
05:00.55BifuuAlmost to the point where i need triggers for my map QQ
05:01.10Kiaos_lol anyone know how to make mods?
05:02.59Kiaos_Ok I found out how to save all the libery files as a mod then i can make changes to them right and just import them?
05:03.27Kiaos_Just gota maintain the core files and not mess up important things
05:10.11heysparkyis there an easy-to-read list of units and how much space they take up as cargo?
05:10.20Kiaos_Can you speed up the game time really fast?
05:10.29Kiaos_with triggers?
05:10.56pirateif anyone's interested
05:12.18*** join/#sc2mapster TheLaughingMan (~TheLaughi@
05:13.11TheLaughingManDoes anyone know how to make a trigger that reveals one of your unit's inventory?
05:13.16picklefishcoolflip, how's your mapping coming along?
05:13.20Iggyhoppernew map
05:13.30*** join/#sc2mapster flea____ (
05:15.11zifoonna I got it, shop saring only works for neutral players
05:15.31picklefishzifoon how are you making shops?
05:15.41zifoonjust interact
05:15.51zifoondidn't I say that to u like 3 days ago?
05:16.10picklefishI don't remember names of people I don't have real connections with
05:16.18*** join/#sc2mapster Volsky (~44963e34@gateway/web/freenode/x-rurgndgnlkwslhcg)
05:16.30pkolno im kidding
05:16.31picklefishAre you making shops on buildings where all 12 slots are items?
05:16.43VolskyWhats the trigger called that allows you to create a UI button?
05:16.56zifoonye so shop sharing works if the player controller is on neutral
05:17.06zifoonanything else it doesn't work including non-control
05:17.06Razernokwoot, almost got mmorpg style camera and movement controls fully except camera is a little jerky with turning using mouse look
05:17.21zifoonI was trying to make wc3 shop sharing system
05:17.23zifoondoesn't work
05:17.31zifoonu know where players share shops
05:17.36Razernokzifoon, got a wc3 style shop
05:17.47zifoonye it works, but not between players
05:17.54zifoononly between neutral and player
05:17.55picklefishthank bifuu I need a hero tutorial so I can work on my shop creating items
05:17.59Kiaos_How do you increase the choro boost build time
05:18.02SevenSevendoes anyone know how to alter the cloaking time?
05:18.07Kiaos_insted of 50%
05:18.24Bifuupicklefish: i got one of those too lol,look in the description of that video
05:18.24Kiaos_go look up dark templar
05:18.27Kiaos_make it passive
05:18.28Razernokanyone wanna see the cool progress i made with mmorpg style camera and movement?
05:18.41picklefishbifuu, yeah I saw
05:19.05zifoonwc3 had shop share between players trying to figure that out
05:19.18zifoonit keeps wanting to take other player's resources
05:19.29Kiaos_Does anyone know how to alter chrono boost build time?
05:20.25TheLaughingManDoes anyone know how to display a unit's inventory through a trigger?
05:20.31picklefishbifuu have you seen my shop?
05:20.51redpandHey, does anyone know how to apply an explosion effect to an ability? Like using the baneling's Explode ability and having it use a nuclear explosion as the graphics?
05:21.43pkoldoes anyone know where i left my car?
05:21.54redpandin the garage?
05:22.32Skizotoh man...
05:22.43Skizotnew version of my rpg map coming up.
05:23.10Skizotwith a bit of hijackery. :(
05:23.45Kiaos_how do i trigger Building energy?
05:23.47Skizotyou can see it on my stream
05:23.59Furyhunterwhere's your car?
05:24.36SevenSevendoes anyone know how to alter the cloaking time?
05:25.13pkolwhat do you mean
05:25.16pkolcloaking time?
05:29.58FuryhunterWhat's the difference between SC2Component and SC2Map lol
05:30.05picklefishCoolflip: where did NoRoo go?
05:30.14NoRoojust got back
05:30.31NoRoooh right, lets get that 4th player
05:30.51NoRooneed 1 more person (US server) to test a map with us!
05:30.56FuryhunterWhat map?
05:30.59SevenSevenI mean like
05:31.06SevenSevenThe amount of time it takes a ghost to cloak
05:31.10SevenSevenso they fade away slowly
05:31.19NoRooFuryhunter: Think multiplayer deathmatch astoroids
05:31.42NoRoobut instead of astoroids there are missiles and explosions
05:33.15MotiveDoes anyone know off the top of their head if nested structs are possible? Ex:
05:33.16Motivestruct CommandAlias
05:33.16Motivestring command;
05:33.17MotiveCommandPrototype copiedPrototype;
05:33.28NoRooMotive:  I can't imagine why not
05:33.38Bifuui hate triggers already lol
05:33.52ZachetHow can you hate triggers?
05:34.04Bifuuthey are lame and dont do what i tell them to do
05:34.13ZachetThey always work for me
05:34.22NoRooMotive: I don't think we have a declaration pass, so you probablly have to declare everything in the right order
05:34.29Bifuuwhy i like the Data Editor better
05:34.36MotiveMy includes structure takes care of that
05:34.43MotiveI'm debating switching to something like a precompiled header though
05:34.44NoRooNeed 1 more for a multiplayer test! US server! :D
05:34.56Bifuuonly freaking thing i need triggers for is displaying the time
05:35.05Bifuuand i cant even get it to work lol
05:35.25NoRooCoolflip: (if you're still here) and picklefish: Message me on bnet NoRoo.fighting so we can get the lobby up
05:35.28*** join/#sc2mapster kryptic (~180954b0@gateway/web/freenode/x-gxkcuezedofszlgn)
05:35.36krypticsup anyone alive here?
05:35.46*** join/#sc2mapster pirate (~6036040b@gateway/web/freenode/x-snxmuzqxpyrojxby)
05:35.52kryptici'm kinda drunk
05:36.04picklefishnoroo I don't have the map or the program
05:36.14Kiaos_YaY I got everything chrono boosted forever
05:36.17kryptic:( sad for you i love it so far
05:36.26ZachetI use triggers for everything
05:36.27NoRoopicklefish: we're not using the program, and I'll be sending the map out as soon as the lobby is full
05:36.30Kiaos_well for a long time at lest
05:36.47Kiaos_and it costs 0 energy
05:36.54picklefishso how do we play each other?
05:37.20NoRoopicklefish:  this:
05:37.47NoRooWho else is in? need more people to test this map properly!
05:37.52krypticso anyone know if that crack that's around works so you can play at least 4 player multiplayer custom maps?
05:38.13Kiaos_Ill play it
05:38.14zifoonI wanna test if u can test 6v6 maps using spectators
05:38.16NoRookryptic: no crack, we're about to start a game up right now on the us server
05:38.19Kiaos_I have a beta
05:38.29Kiaos_yea I have beta
05:38.30ShadowTigerpeace out
05:38.32NoRooKiaos_: Message NoRoo.fighting on Bnet for invite
05:38.33Kiaos_the key
05:38.38krypticcool can i join
05:38.41TheLaughingMankryptic: look like 3 messages above yours
05:38.45Furyhuntercan't play >4 player maps right now
05:38.47NoRookryptic: Message NoRoo.fighting
05:39.02NoRooUS server
05:39.11Kiaos_Add Kiaos.zenthos
05:39.21*** part/#sc2mapster TheLaughingMan (~TheLaughi@
05:39.37FuryhunterI can't wait for map publishing :(
05:39.46NoRoome either
05:40.02Kiaos_me too
05:40.15Kiaos_Is there a easy way to play online
05:40.23Kiaos_with custom maps?
05:40.29Kiaos_isnt there a program
05:40.35Kiaos_that does it for you
05:40.46picklefishnoroo sorry
05:40.52picklefishI was in window mode and exited sc2
05:40.56picklefishand my whole screen froze
05:40.56NoRoopicklefish: not available any more?
05:41.00NoRoooh hehe
05:41.01picklefishno just being slow
05:41.08Iggyhopperbifuu you got good voice
05:41.10NoRoojust message me, Kiaos_  still waiting for you
05:41.12Iggyhopperyou should be commentater
05:41.22Kiaos_Never mind No I still dont feel like setting it up
05:41.24*** join/#sc2mapster bakedinsomnia (
05:41.26Iggyhopperhes not here
05:41.31bakedinsomniaquestion fellow mappers
05:41.45NoRoookay, need one more person then, US server for a multiplayer test! who's in?
05:42.13picklefishhey noroo
05:42.16picklefishmy friends list is full add me
05:42.35Bifuulol i guess that makes sense
05:42.36picklefishstupid list can't hold above like 100 or something
05:42.42Razernokanyone got good wsad movement that is quick and smooth?
05:42.45Bifuuto get a dialog to show you need to tell it to show with yet another action
05:44.00NoRooNeed 1 more tester still! :<
05:44.20bakedinsomniawhat are we testing
05:44.22bakedinsomniaand how do we test
05:44.42NoRoobakedinsomnia: I host a game and we play it and make sure it doesn't break
05:45.00bakedinsomniano xtra dls
05:45.15bakedinsomniawhat was that prog called, the one that converted lost temple
05:45.16bakedinsomniato costum
05:45.23NoRooWe're not using that
05:45.27NoRoodoing it manually
05:45.31bakedinsomniawait did they fix it
05:45.35Razernoknot sure why my camera is really jerky when moving with the wsad keys and using mouse look to turn :/
05:45.41bakedinsomniashit im down for test
05:45.53NoRoomessage NoRoo.fighting for an invite
05:45.59NoRoohurry up though want to get this started soon
05:46.21Razernokanyone wanna look and help me with this jerky camera issue?
05:46.55Skizotzifoon you don't wanna see my sidescroller?
05:47.15Razernoki guess not then :(
05:47.30zifoonsound is annoying
05:47.40zifoonalso im working on my map
05:47.46zifoonbut ill have a look for a sec
05:48.11Kiaos_NoRoo where do i download your map?
05:48.16*** join/#sc2mapster sztanphet (
05:48.17bakedinsomniawait how do i host a custom map manually on sc2
05:48.28Kiaos_and add me to frineds
05:48.28bakedinsomniamy maps dont show in my list
05:48.31NoRooKiaos_:  you don't, you join the lobby and then I give it to you
05:48.42krypticdoesn't the wait suck for publishing sheesh
05:48.51Kiaos_Well add me on friends
05:49.34bakedinsomniahow does this work?
05:49.48Bifuufound another reason to hate triggers!
05:50.04*** join/#sc2mapster Lebowskidude (
05:50.05Bifuuits like impossible to convert time of day to text =/
05:50.08bakedinsomniai hate them because i cant get mine
05:50.13bakedinsomniato work for my golems map
05:50.20bakedinsomniaone trigger
05:50.25bakedinsomniato solve my game
05:50.28*** join/#sc2mapster NoRoo (~4b24951c@gateway/web/freenode/x-fuhydmaamiopatqo)
05:50.30krypticanyone who has an intoxicant close by cheers!1
05:50.40NoRoookay if you want in the game message NoRoo.fighting
05:50.49Lebowskidudeso how do we host games on bnet?
05:50.57krypticyeah seriously we need 1 more for noroo to test plz help
05:50.59Kiaos_I dont know how to message you
05:51.04Kiaos_But i want in
05:51.09NoRoookay then some one else message me
05:51.11Kiaos_Tell me where to download the map
05:51.11heysparkyI'll pitch in
05:51.20NoRooheysparky: message NoRoo.fighting
05:51.24krypticus servers
05:51.27picklefishnoroo and everyone else who wants to share maps easily, get a dropbox account, it's amazing. and user my referal link :)
05:51.27picklefishIt puts a little icon in your taskbar, double click to open folder, place files in public folder, they sync online, copy public link and share :)
05:51.27picklefish2gb freeee
05:52.05Kiaos_oh you mean in starcraft kk lol
05:52.50kryptichey noRoo do we need 4 players to start or what?
05:53.15heysparkygetting dropbox
05:53.16NoRooit will run with less, but I want to make sure everything survives with 4 players
05:53.20Kiaos_I messaged you
05:53.31Razernoknot sure what to do to get this jerky camera problem to go away
05:53.35Kiaos_in SC2
05:53.44picklefishyou'll love it, if you want to share an image on a forum or something, drop in in your public folder -> Right click get public link and post it
05:53.46picklefishso easy
05:53.47Kiaos_NoRoo I messaged you ingame
05:54.56picklefishthanks for signing up using my referral link!
05:55.09RazernokI guess since no one is willing to help me out I'll go get a snack and figure out something to do.
05:55.18Kiaos_Anyone wana play some custom games?
05:55.23picklefishRazernok:  I believe everyone has jerky problem
05:55.23Kiaos_anyone have any good maps?'
05:55.52heysparkyRazernok, there are tech demos and maps published with fancy camera... they are probably your best bet for figuring out camera woes
05:56.00Razernokpicklefish, how sick. I'm being serious and you have to go be an idiot
05:56.09Furyhunterwhat parameters can I use to change the window size on test run?
05:56.17Razernoksparky, never seen any
05:56.48picklefishI'm serious go watch the 3rd person view cameras they're all jerky
05:56.52heysparkycheck the sc2mapster site homepage, look for tech demos featured and also go to forums... tons and tons and tons of people asking about and getting help on camera
05:57.05FuryhunterHow come when I enable mouse rotation on the camera it doesn't do anything?
05:57.11FuryhunterIs it because I locked player input on the camera?
05:57.38Razernoksparky, the only ones listed are just videos
05:57.47KiaosHad two Irc clients on\
05:57.49heysparkylook closer...
05:58.06heysparkyI've downloaded a couple myself
05:58.26pirateis anything currently in the editor affected by spell damage?
05:58.37heysparkynoroo you still need a 4th?
05:58.54KiaosCan you make a warcraft game with starcraft?
05:58.54NoRoowe're full already, but I'm always looking for testers
05:58.56NoRoocatch me next time
05:59.05KiaosCause it might be possible
05:59.17KiaosThat would be hard
06:00.12Motiveis it bad my own code gives me a headache?
06:00.27*** join/#sc2mapster pile (~4711fd32@gateway/web/freenode/x-crxcalxzysbljdod)
06:00.40*** join/#sc2mapster sztanpet (
06:01.18zifoonpirate define affected by spell damage
06:01.44zifoonlike spell armor, spell dmg bonus?
06:01.47zifoonyes and yes
06:01.52piratewell, since attributes can add to melee and ranged
06:01.55heysparkysay, what causes the 'unable to load' message when launching a map?
06:02.00zifoonthey can add spell dmg too
06:02.01pirateand melee and ranged are pretty well defined
06:02.03MotiveI have no idea, heysparky.
06:02.06Motivewhy are you getting it?
06:02.07zifoonspell dmg % as well
06:02.09MotiveI get it so much
06:02.20pirateim what i can actually do with spell damage
06:02.25pirate*im wondering what
06:02.35heysparkyMotive: If only I knew...
06:02.42zifoonu can make each attributes add x amount of spell dmg
06:02.43Motiveit just happens with certain maps?
06:02.48Motivealso are you on a mac?
06:02.55heysparkyMotive: nop
06:02.59Motivewtf. :|
06:02.59zifoonalso u can make each attribute to add x% to spell dmg
06:03.11Motiveif you figure it out let me know.
06:03.13heysparkyI have been doing wonky things to mapsize
06:03.15zifoonalso u can make a buff that blocks % amount of spell dmg or x amount of spell dmg
06:03.19heysparkybounds rather
06:03.23zifoonthese are all there in data editor
06:03.26MotiveI get it with maps made by other people
06:03.28Motivenever myself
06:03.32piratebut what attacks deal spell damage?
06:03.37Motiveor once with a map that had a dependency on a mod I made
06:03.43zifoonerrr... like snipe?
06:03.48zifoonpsionic storm?
06:03.51piratehow sure are you?
06:04.10pirateso if i have unit with +20 spellpower, if it casts psi storm, itll just deal 20 more damage?
06:04.43FrozenFirebatany way to get a Transport ability an Autocast? like make a nydus automatically release units that enter it? ... transport abilities lack the Autocast fields that come with Effect abilities
06:05.53zifoonbut u can also set liek 1% spell power it will do like 0.8 dmg more
06:06.05zifoonwhich is easier to balance
06:06.05Bifuuyay killed my game
06:06.16zifoonBifuu grats, u won!
06:07.34zifoonbtw pirate, under "effect" u got to define "kind" as spell
06:07.41zifoonif u want spell dmg
06:07.58*** part/#sc2mapster Cerebral_ (
06:10.47MotiveWould anyone else be interested in a Java MPQ editor if I find the spare time to write one in the future?
06:10.47piratethanks zifoon
06:10.49Bifuuso apparently its not cool to have dialog stuff in a "repeat forever" thing
06:11.11NoRoopicklefish: I think you were the only person to set it up correctly
06:11.31krypticfuck this
06:11.35*** join/#sc2mapster sztanphet (
06:11.37picklefishI'm just not retarded :/
06:11.44picklefish2e0bea8af7278e98da4a3e416d208cd17956bc36e1b53e37287a468ed1468daa.s2ma is what the map title should be
06:11.48krypticso wtf went wrong
06:11.52NoRooyeah, whoever thedude is and kryptic both set it up wrong
06:12.07*** join/#sc2mapster nicoli_s (~nsinkule@
06:12.08IggyhopperMotive a java mpq editor? that would be cool
06:12.20MotiveI'd need it at least because I can't run the windows ones on Mac
06:12.25IggyhopperC# already has a console mpq extractor, no editing yet.
06:12.25Motivebut I didn't know if anyone else would be interested
06:12.29krypticis that right?
06:12.58Kylegarit's not hard to open a mpq file in C#
06:13.23FuryhunterJava would be better for a multi-platform editor
06:13.26Motivewell I'm (very) new to Java so I think it'd be fun to do.
06:13.27FuryhunterWay, way better
06:13.35FuryhunterEspecially considering Mac natively supports it.
06:13.44KylegarMono yo
06:13.48MotiveI hate Java too but it'll run on anything soooo
06:13.54FuryhunterMono is not supported by any operating system distributor.
06:13.55MotiveMono is always behind .NET from what I understand
06:14.08Furyhunteralso any speed issues with Java are 1999
06:14.09Motiveand it can't really emulate the OS X interface I'm sure as well as Java can.
06:14.12Kylegarwell, since microsoft is activly developing .net, then yes
06:14.16kryptic*cry like emo/
06:14.24Kylegarfor what you want to do with mpq editing
06:14.24KiaosOSX sucks
06:14.28KylegarMono works great
06:14.35KiaosNo one should be running a mac
06:14.36MotiveOS X is fine
06:14.41FuryhunterDoesn't matter when you're a software developer Kiaos.
06:14.43Iggyhopperjava DDDDD:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:DDD:D:D:D:D:
06:14.47FuryhunterYou want your software to be as widely accessible as possible
06:14.49KylegarI'm writing a library that loads map files and puts it into a useful format in C#
06:14.50KiaosLinux is better
06:14.50FuryhunterMoral values or not.
06:14.51Motivethere's honestly not much difference between it and Windows when it comes down to it.
06:14.59Motiveit's all the same hardware and processor instructions
06:14.59Kylegaras a basis for my GalaxyEditAssist tool
06:15.02Motivejust different ways of going about it.
06:15.07FuryhunterMacOSX is mechanically more sound at the lower level than Windows
06:15.14FuryhunterI'd appreciate that part
06:15.15KylegarI develop primarally in a linux environment with mono
06:15.17KylegarMono works great
06:15.18FuryhunterBut I don't like the provided interface
06:15.32KiaosAlthough windows 7 is sext
06:15.35MotiveI hate Carbon and Objective C but it works well for them.
06:15.45Motiveerr Cocoa*
06:15.48MotiveCarbons out of date :P
06:16.21KiaosAfk watching finge
06:16.26Motivefringe <3
06:16.27bakedinsomniawould u say galaxy editor works better on xp or windows 7?
06:16.40KylegarI found the schemas for the sc2 map xml files
06:16.53MotiveI'd say Windows 7
06:16.58Motivebut that's only because Windows 7 is more improved in general
06:17.04KiaosPeter us pissed
06:17.15Iggyhopperthats because Windows XP and Windows 7 are the only thing good MS made
06:17.17Kylegarwoop woo
06:17.27KylegarMech Warrior 4 released for free
06:17.31Motivewindows XP was good in it's day.
06:17.32Iggyhopperwhen? todaY?
06:17.46pirateanyone figured out what the "taunt" ability is?
06:18.51Lebowskidudeanyone got any custom maps they want to play
06:19.43*** join/#sc2mapster Kam (
06:20.36*** join/#sc2mapster HBHades (~4cae781f@gateway/web/freenode/x-trslckthfutgkbfk)
06:20.45HBHadesello again
06:22.17Iggyhoppersuck my pns
06:22.21Iggyhopperyou sock cucker
06:22.34Iggyhopperactually suck my DNS loooool
06:22.40Iggyhoppernerd burn
06:22.43picklefishkylegar, are you a shacker?
06:23.09NoRoooh my god.
06:23.11kryptic*sigh* what a waste of time
06:23.19NoRooyeah I agree
06:23.25*** join/#sc2mapster crazafied (~ad153048@gateway/web/freenode/x-dslwrbjgaacugfwn)
06:23.25krypticfuck this i'm done i got better stuff to do
06:23.28NoRooI need 2 new testers please for this map
06:23.31picklefishI don't know why yall don't just use the program
06:23.35crazafiedill test pickle
06:23.49NoRoocrazafied: message NoRoo.fighting for invite
06:24.27NoRoopeople from earlier feel free to remessage
06:24.33NoRooplease know how to COPY AND PASTE
06:24.58NoRooif you don't know what a file extension is please don't ask for an invite
06:25.40picklefishjust tell them to name it exactly this
06:25.54picklefishif these people fuck this up I'm out
06:26.07*** join/#sc2mapster Xorgat3 (~Xorgate@
06:26.24bakedinsomnianoroo i loaded ur map
06:26.29bakedinsomniamy game crashed
06:26.34bakedinsomniainside your map
06:26.58BifuuTrigger question: Anyone know how to make a dialog that has its text set in real time? hopefully in a loop
06:27.21bakedinsomniasorry for the waste of your alls time
06:27.28crazafiedBifuu you mean a dialog text update?
06:27.34NoRoopickle you coming back in?
06:28.18picklefishoh sorry
06:28.27*** join/#sc2mapster kryptic (~180954b0@gateway/web/freenode/x-uivtnpjyoacsdfod)
06:28.55zifoonwhere is the attack sound at?
06:29.34NoRooneed 2 testers for multiplayer map! US server!
06:29.35picklefishnoroo I am completely ready with it overwritten
06:29.48picklefishjust hit go and it will open for me
06:30.06NoRoosounds good
06:30.08NoRoolets get 2 more in
06:30.22NoRoopeople from earlier that messaged me when the game filled up please come back and message me again! :)
06:31.11bakedinsomniaanyways i got a question for some one with trigger mastery under there built
06:31.28Motivejust ask the question and see if anyone knows
06:32.15zifoonunder their* belt*?
06:32.41NoRooneed 2 more testers! US server! who's available
06:32.46bakedinsomniaok, im wanting to setup 4 regions, but i wanna setup a trigger where a player has to have units in a certain patern for a certain action, im debating how im going to set this up, im thinking unit groups, but idk if i want to use a global or local
06:33.23picklefishexplain it more clearly
06:33.29picklefishthe pattern
06:33.36picklefishmeaning 4 regions side by side?
06:33.42bakedinsomniai was trying to say it with out giving it away
06:33.47picklefishyou have 2 marines 2 marauders
06:33.47bakedinsomniaim revamping golems
06:33.49bakedinsomniain my own style
06:33.58picklefishno I understood that
06:34.01bakedinsomniaso if i got 4 civs/coupons or w/e u want to call them
06:34.05bakedinsomniaand i place them
06:34.05picklefishbut what are you having trouble with?
06:34.06Iggyhopperhey can you guys help me test a map?
06:34.09bakedinsomniain 3 of the four
06:34.11Iggyhopperi mean i need person to make ivd
06:34.14bakedinsomniaset regions
06:34.14picklefishahh that's pretty easy
06:34.30MotiveEvent - A unit enters RegionA
06:34.32Motiverepeat for all regions
06:34.36picklefishthey're all going to be civs?
06:34.39Motivethen have a bunch  of If - then -actions
06:34.52NoRooStill need 2 testers message NoRoo.fighting on US server, or say something here
06:34.59MotiveIf 5 Civs in Region A and 3 in Region B and 1 in region C then - spawn 1 uber golem wtfbbq extreme edition
06:35.08picklefishok motives
06:35.58Iggyhopperu sok
06:36.03MotiveI have two socks.
06:36.08bakedinsomniabut this inlys my problem
06:36.12bakedinsomniais setting this trigger
06:36.18bakedinsomniato be for multiable players
06:36.27MotiveUse Triggering Player for the player.
06:36.28bakedinsomniaso im assuming i need a unit group,
06:36.33*** join/#sc2mapster redpand1 (
06:36.45bakedinsomniaill try it and see what i get
06:36.48Motiveyou don't need to formally declare unit groups (though you do use them)
06:36.50Motiveit'll look like
06:36.59MotiveNumbers of Units in Region Matching Condition Owned by Triggering Player
06:37.00Motiveor something like that
06:37.02IggyhopperI need to test my Zergger map in multiplayer.
06:37.02picklefishyou don't need to do any of that
06:37.09picklefishdo you hit a button to make your golem?
06:37.17picklefishjust have a variable for each region
06:37.17bakedinsomniathe idea
06:37.19bakedinsomniaof golems
06:37.25bakedinsomniais there are combos
06:37.32picklefishFixed size combos?
06:37.35bakedinsomniaso you either no the combo
06:37.48bakedinsomniawell in the original there are 4 regions
06:37.54bakedinsomniaso combos be like
06:37.57NoRooheysparky: still around?
06:37.59*** join/#sc2mapster Cr0n0s (
06:38.00picklefishif they aren't fixed size then you'll set off the earlier combos before you get to the later ones
06:38.46Motiveor you can define the more complicated ones first
06:38.52Motiveand get down to the most generic ones at the bottom
06:39.03Motivethat way the more complicated ones are spawned first if you have them.
06:39.05picklefishwell then you'd need abutton
06:39.13picklefishor some way to activate it
06:39.17Motivehm true.
06:39.18picklefishand not on enter region
06:39.29picklefishwhich is REALLY easy to do with the ui stuff
06:39.34picklefishto create a spawn golem button
06:39.41Motiveyeah iirc that was a big problem in the early golems maps
06:39.52Motivecause you had to move the civs all at once
06:40.04picklefishbasically what you want is 4 integer variables. 4 sets of 2 triggers Enter and Leave regions that increment the counter or decrement the counter, and then a final trigger that resets all of the variables to 0
06:40.07picklefishat least that's how I'd do it
06:40.21picklefishI'd do unit groups never mind lol
06:40.31Motivethat has the same potential problem though doesn't it?
06:40.34Motiveyou still need some kind of button
06:40.36NoRooneed ONE more person to test a multiplayer map!!
06:40.40picklefishoh they all have that problem
06:40.41NoRooWho wants in?
06:41.02picklefishI was just trying to think of the easiest way for someone who doesn't know triggers to do it
06:41.04*** join/#sc2mapster crazafied_ (~ad153048@gateway/web/freenode/x-txkjvnxybetdveyy)
06:41.18*** join/#sc2mapster Sixen (
06:41.18*** mode/#sc2mapster [+o Sixen] by ChanServ
06:41.25MotiveYeah. I'd come up with some ridiculously complicated Galaxy system.
06:41.48NoRooOne more person please! there were like 10 of you earlier!
06:42.07picklefishwith my method when you'd kill them all you'd just have to kill all the ones in the regions and I can see some possible race cases where you kill more or less than you should
06:42.17SixenHai Motive~
06:42.18RepoNew map: Sacred Grounds. FromTheSkyBeLo (Manager/Author). Approved by sixen.
06:42.29Motivespeaking of race conditions
06:42.36Motivehow does Galaxy handle multiple thread access?
06:42.48Motivedoes it just ignore the whole threading issue entirely and let you race condition yourself to death?
06:43.00Motiveother than mutexes on their variables so you can't end up with concurrent modification problems
06:44.49NoRooUS server, 1 more tester still needed for a multiplayer game! any one available?
06:45.21RazernokNoRoo, i would but I'm trying to fix my damn camera problem
06:45.36*** part/#sc2mapster redpand1 (
06:45.48NoRooRazernok:  I'll help you fix that when we're done here, I had the same problem
06:46.04NoRooone more person needed please!
06:47.11crazafied_Whoever i was talking to about dialogs msg me again i got it working
06:48.51NoRoopicklefish: we're about to start
06:49.05picklefishif you hit start it should auto maximize me
06:50.38bakedinsomniai dont think that is it
06:50.55bakedinsomniacould i do
06:51.07bakedinsomnia8 being the numebr of players on my map
06:51.10Iggyhopperu are not awesome
06:51.17Iggyhopperthis is truuuuf
06:51.29bakedinsomniai seen the comparisions wiht != and i dont undertand what that means in a comparision statement
06:51.36Iggyhoppernot eqaul
06:51.41Motive!= not equal
06:51.43Iggyhopper1 != 2 ? true
06:51.45Motive== equals
06:51.56Motivegod I hate myself sometimes
06:51.57Motivelibcrtx_command_aliases[EventPlayer()][libcrtx_command_num_alias[EventPlayer()]].func = libcrtx_command_array[i].func;
06:51.59bakedinsomniawell i know the others
06:52.00Motivewhy do I write code like this?
06:52.44IggyhopperMotive wtf
06:53.02Iggyhopperweird code is that galaxy?
06:53.17Iggyhopperis that a struct?
06:53.22MotiveI have a "command line"-like interpreter
06:53.23Motivein my program
06:53.29bakedinsomniai might as well do = to a value
06:53.29Motiveand some people don't like the way commands are done sooo
06:53.33Iggyhopperoh so it translateS?
06:53.37MotiveI'm making aliases for them, but they have to be on a per-player basis
06:53.46Motiveso it has to copy an already fairly complicated system and make it x16.
06:53.49Motiveand yes it uses structs.
06:53.59Motivestruct CommandPrototype { string command; trigger func; };
06:54.07Iggyhopperi see
06:54.12Iggyhopperlike chat commands?
06:54.21Motivelike "@spawn 24 marine @hostile"
06:54.29Motivethey're fairly complicated commands. Lol
06:54.33Iggyhopperi can tell
06:54.41Iggyhoppertoo bad sc2 dont support regex!
06:54.48MotiveStringWord() does the job for me
06:54.50Iggyhopperregex is soooo fun
06:54.56MotiveI think it's actually faster than regex for my case.
06:55.01IggyhopperWhat does StringWord do?
06:55.04Iggyhoppersplit with space?
06:55.06Motivereturns the nth word of a string
06:55.07*** join/#sc2mapster Ighox- (
06:55.15Motivesuch a sexy feature.
06:55.32Iggyhopperso either string or null or boolean?
06:55.37Motiveof course because of aliases I can't use it anymore on the complicated commands >=(
06:55.44Motivestring always
06:55.49Motiveit can be an empty string
06:55.50Iggyhopperso blank or word
06:56.03Iggyhopper"Empty" string
06:56.23*** join/#sc2mapster heysparky_ (~heysparky@
06:56.28Motiveon the bright side once I have all this command-line stuff worked out it'll be mostly done. Lol
06:56.45bakedinsomniai feel dumber, i just realize that value is referring to the mount of units i want in said region -.-
06:56.46Motivein the future I want to do sexy things like.
06:56.52Iggyhoppersexy things are... sexy
06:56.56Motive@spawn ${spawncount} ${unittype}
06:57.01Motiveand have people be able to use their own variables
06:57.20IggyhopperSo what is this map going to be? Just a awesome test map?
06:57.24Motivenah lol
06:57.26Motiveit's a roleplaying map
06:57.31Motivewhich lets you basically change anything you want ingame
06:57.33Iggyhopperoh i seeeee
06:57.45Motivecould be an awesome test map framework though
06:57.51IggyhopperDid Geno die? NOOOOO
06:58.20OrangePulpMotive: Export all that shit into a library?
06:58.26OrangePulplike the WASD movement guy did
06:58.28heysparky_hey, what's the deal with cinematics, why does everyone fear them?
06:58.30Motivealready in a library called libCortex
06:58.36Motivebut it's all Galaxy so you have ot use import mgr
06:58.39Iggyhopperpicklefish wat is that?
06:58.45OrangePulpsounds badass, though
06:58.46OrangePulpnice job
06:58.51Motiveit's still far from completion
06:59.26OrangePulpI want to make something cool with galaxy, but I find myself just playing ladder instead, lol
06:59.28MotiveI need to add support for aliases, return-style commands, teaching units abilities, removing unit's collision, pre-defined tints/colors/scales groups, spawnable floating text, etc.
06:59.30OrangePulpneed that merc marine portrait!
06:59.30Kylegarwell, this is almost too easy:
07:00.06picklefishthis is noroos game
07:00.20Iggyhopperi see
07:00.28Iggyhopperwant to playtest mine next? :C
07:00.54Iggyhopperu guys are using the map patcher?
07:01.11Motivesomeone needs to write a map patcher for Macs. I couldn't figure out what was going on behind the scenes on my OS. :(
07:01.25Iggyhopperits just a replacing of files
07:01.31Motiveyeah but I can't find the damn file.
07:01.45MotiveI found Documents/Blizzard/Starcraft II beta/Cache/Maps/ but it doesn't have the actual .s2ma files
07:01.49Iggyhopperunder local settings / sc2beta maps stuff
07:01.51Motiveit has a folder named like daw8ua89duaw89a.s2ma
07:01.58Motiveand then a folder in that called 000000
07:02.01Motiveand then in that hardTile.bin
07:02.03Iggyhopperwrong one
07:02.16MotiveI'm on Mac, we don't have an AppLocal folder or whatever
07:02.21Iggyhopperoh shi
07:02.35Motivetime to go hunting :>
07:02.54HyBReD1sup ladies
07:03.03MotivePsh no ladies here.
07:03.07MotiveJust men with female portraits.
07:04.44Motivespotlight is scouring my hard drive for 2e0bea8af7278e98da4a3e416d208cd17956bc36e1b53e37287a468ed1468daa.s2ma
07:04.47*** join/#sc2mapster AndyBear225 (~opera@
07:04.47*** part/#sc2mapster AndyBear225 (~opera@
07:04.49Motiveno luck so far
07:04.55Motivemakes me think Blizzard hid it real well for us :(
07:05.15HyBReD1what are you guys looking for
07:05.15Kylegarit's not the same name every time
07:05.22Kylegarthe mac cache it looks like
07:05.22MotiveIt's not?
07:05.31Kylegarit's a hash
07:05.46Motiveif I even knew where it was saving them
07:05.48Kylegarer, it's the same for each map version, but not for each platform
07:05.48Motivethat'd be a good start
07:05.52SevenSevenlol the xelnaga tower can't turn :|
07:06.13KylegarMotive got a user folder?
07:06.19MotiveOur home folder, yeah
07:06.23Motive~ for us
07:06.29Kylegarcheck that?
07:06.31Kylegari dont use mac
07:06.38MotiveI've scoured my home directory
07:06.44Motiveand our Documents folder
07:06.51Motivein fact, it can't find anything saved as .s2ma
07:07.00Motive(I know I've downloaded Lost Temple at least, too)
07:07.48heysparky_WOW - lookit all the stuff in the trigger library!
07:07.58NoRooThat was fun :)
07:08.08NoRooI'm glad to announce it looks like that fatal bug has been fixed
07:08.14heysparky_yay noroo!
07:08.20Skizotman tarraining is boring :(
07:09.07MotiveMac has a program to log all file operations during a period of time
07:09.13MotiveI'll have to run that with SC2 and see what happens when I download a map
07:09.51Motivewith any luck I'll find this POS and write a Mac file replacer thingy
07:10.38SixenYes, Iggyhopper?
07:11.02SixenMotive, if you do, post it up. Nice job with the custom map loader, ;)
07:11.50*** join/#sc2mapster Slam_ (~c31b0354@gateway/web/freenode/x-hhdssuqodldgwaus)
07:11.55Slam_hi there !
07:12.01*** join/#sc2mapster Netrosis (
07:12.04Motivemight've gotten it. looks like it downloads to a temp folder.
07:12.12MotiveI fucking love my Mac now. This tool owns.
07:12.40Motivefound it
07:12.52*** join/#sc2mapster Volsky (~44963e34@gateway/web/freenode/x-vhiitjbonvvjrsaw)
07:13.00VolskyHey guys can you help me out?
07:13.16Motivetime to write a launcher... :D
07:13.21picklefishI hadi t recorded and I deleted it lol
07:13.26NoRooAwww :<
07:13.34picklefishI thought it said Mar 1st
07:13.38picklefishbut it said May 1st
07:13.42NoRoowe need to get a video of that thing in action
07:13.55MotiveI'm gonna be up all night again. :]
07:15.15*** join/#sc2mapster pirate (~6036040b@gateway/web/freenode/x-cvopnvuphkvlnmal)
07:15.29piratehow come there are 4 different number sets for arrays?
07:15.30*** join/#sc2mapster Volsky_ (~44963e34@gateway/web/freenode/x-eikfyledkswiepjl)
07:15.34Volsky_sorry, dced :S
07:16.11Volsky_So anyone know what trigger i can use? for a static button?
07:16.16pkolcan make 4D arrays pirate
07:16.24Motivefuck 4D arrays
07:16.26Motivemake 64D arrays
07:17.01piratewhats 4D mean?
07:17.11pirateall i know of arrays is from WC3
07:17.25Motiveint[4] = 1d
07:17.28Motiveint[4][4] = 2d
07:17.33Barterarrays of arrays
07:17.47IggyhopperMAEK 16D
07:17.51Motiveall your arrays belong to my 64d array
07:18.03pirate4 4 4 4
07:18.05Motivell your a
07:18.07Motivefuck alg
07:18.08Iggyhopperall your arrays are belong to us
07:18.14piratewould be 4x4x4x4 = lots?
07:18.39Motiveall your arrays are belong to my 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF array
07:18.39*** join/#sc2mapster Kamakaze (
07:18.40Iggyhopperisnt that 244 or something?
07:18.52Motiveand as a result all your 64-bits of memory are mine
07:19.31Iggyhopperits 256
07:19.35RepoNew asset: Simplified AWSD Movement. Xorgat3 (Manager/Author). Approved by sixen.
07:19.45Iggyhopperits WSAD
07:19.50Iggyhopperor WASD
07:20.02MotiveWay to fail Xorgat3. It's WASD!
07:20.14MotiveClearly this means his implementation is trash.
07:20.36Iggyhopperway to assume gj
07:20.41Iggyhopper4x4x4x4  256
07:20.42piratebut blizzard caps everything at 255!?!?!?!
07:20.59Iggyhopperint i = 9001 OH SHI-
07:21.13Motivefuck I downloaded Lost Temple and there are four .s2ma's
07:21.13Sixen0-255 == 256
07:21.16IggyhopperI should take another vid of my gaem
07:21.17Motiveshould've logged that.
07:21.23SixenMotive, delete 'em.
07:21.27SixenIt'll have you re-DL it.
07:21.29Motiveyeah I did that
07:21.32Motiveit downloaded 4 of them.
07:21.33IggyhopperITS OVER 9000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
07:21.35MotiveI didnt expect 4
07:21.35SixenLawl Pirate.
07:21.43pirate... nah, its over 255
07:21.52piratehere i am, trying to make a new meme
07:21.59piratethanks sixen
07:22.09piratei hear you're awesome at everything
07:22.46MotiveAnyone want to save me some time and give me the hash of the Lost Temple .s2ma map?
07:22.47IggyhopperHow do I implement a simple timer?
07:22.53SixenHrm. Sec Motive.
07:22.56MotiveYou get e-points.
07:23.33Sixen0dee85dddb62a6807e8c5c6e5b6a5755b1a1ef75dc71b2b2c6e1e464f396f7 I believe.
07:23.36Bifuuhey Sixen is home!
07:23.40Sixeni iz homez
07:23.46Motiveawesome it's platform-dependent then.
07:23.52Motivecause I have 4 but none of them are that. lol
07:23.55Motivetime to log them.
07:24.11piratesixen and bifuu are the two frontrunners with GE?
07:24.14pirateor are there more?
07:24.38Bifuui wouldnt say im a frontrunner
07:24.44MotiveI'd say Skizot's doing pretty well. :
07:24.55HBHadesmojache looks promising
07:25.05Motiveso is that one guy who did the whole custom UI at hiveworkshop
07:25.18*** join/#sc2mapster Clord (
07:25.26piratewho did the two tech demo's on youtube?
07:25.27SixenPirate, there's a lot of people around here doing awesome work.
07:25.28picklefishWhat are Game Links?
07:25.31SixenHybred did those.
07:25.44Motive"Marine" is the gamelink for a Marine
07:25.51Motive"SiegeTankSieged" for a siege tank sieged, etc.
07:26.07picklefishInteresting, thanks
07:26.09BifuuSixen did you see my last tutorial? =D
07:26.27picklefishI'm trying to figure out how I can decide wether or not a unit is an item or a unit like a marine in an array
07:26.44MotiveI have an idea :P
07:26.57Motivesee if it returns a not null string maybe
07:27.01Motiveor empty string
07:27.02Grum<Motive> spotlight is scouring my hard drive for  <-- spotlight also sucks :(
07:27.07SixenLink, bif?
07:27.09picklefishcan I put that in "custom script"
07:27.11picklefishor something?
07:27.13SixenI've been gone all day, 2nd last day of classes~
07:27.13MotiveI've discovered that recently, too. :(
07:27.19Motiveit didn't find the .s2mas lol
07:27.34HBHadesgrum: did you learn that macs cant outdo a pc yet?
07:27.37Motiveit's nice for simple stuff though 'cause it doesn't lag at all
07:27.39picklefishMotive do I just put "UnitGetType()" in custom script?
07:27.42MotiveMacs are just as good as PCs
07:27.47Bifuui went all cool people and made it a video tutorial
07:27.49Motivethere's a GUI function for it
07:27.55picklefishoh ok
07:27.57MotiveUnit Get Type returns a gamelink
07:27.59MotiveI think
07:28.00KylegarBifuu it was a good tut
07:28.07Kylegarbut, you should write out that too
07:28.11HBHadesmotive: not true. try using them side by side in a workplace. You'll see what i mean
07:28.12Kylegarand put it in your hero guid
07:28.13KylegarI loved it
07:28.16KylegarI made my shop work
07:28.16Bifuuyeah i planned on it
07:28.16picklefishbut a games link doesn't tell me if it's an item or not does it?
07:28.23Kylegarpicklefish no
07:28.29Kylegarnor does the game tell you if you have picked up an item
07:28.33Bifuui still lawl at how i found it
07:28.35Kylegarwhich is #1 on my annoyance list
07:28.50Kylegarthere is no trigger for a unit picking up an item
07:28.53Motivethis is so fucked up. it literally downloaded 5 S2MA files
07:28.55Kylegarit's like arrrghgharhgahr
07:28.57Motivefor Lost Temple
07:29.35Motivewell I suppose I COULD just replace all 5 of them.
07:29.37Grum<Motive> this is so fucked up. it literally downloaded 5 S2MA files  <-- no it didnt
07:29.44Grumwell actually it could
07:29.45Motiveyes it did
07:29.50Grumthe map has multiple versions
07:29.52Motive5 of them, with different hashes, for one map
07:30.02Motiveand I just deleted my cache folder.
07:30.19MotiveI guess I'll replace all 5 of them then. :P
07:30.20Grumyou need all versions in order to play old replays on the map
07:30.29Motivelazy man's way out
07:30.38Grumjust find the version?
07:30.46SevenSevenzomg camera controls suck so much ass lol
07:30.52Motiveis that in the MPQ header?
07:30.56Motiveif so, I am not downloading a hex editor.
07:30.59GrumMotive" no
07:31.04Grumits in the mpq file somewhere
07:31.16Motivelets see if it shows up in that MPQ editor then...
07:32.15HBHadesanyone know what function i can use to see if a bunker has the upgrade 'Nano-steel frame'?
07:32.31GrumMotive: enUS.SC2Data/GameStrings.txt and look for: DocInfo/Name= to get the mapname
07:32.31HBHadesunit is affected by upgrade doesnt seem to work
07:32.56MotiveDocInfo/Name=Lost Temple
07:32.59Motiveyeah they're all lost temple
07:33.04Motivesearching for how to id the version now
07:33.17SixenOh bif, yeah, I saw the movie :P
07:33.32GrumMotive: hmmm i have no idea where the version is stored though :\
07:33.41Motivepasting that here for reference
07:33.44Motivegonna open another and see what's in it
07:33.45SixenBifuu, what'd you use to record?
07:33.59Sixeninteresting, motive.
07:34.09SixenIt has a different naming scheme?
07:34.14Motiveyup lol
07:34.26Motivewell Ladik's MPQ Editor cannot open MPQ file #2...
07:34.29Motivethat's interesting. xD
07:34.31Motiveonto #3!
07:34.37GrumMotive: then get the latest version of ladik
07:34.42MotiveI have the latest ver
07:34.52MotiveIdownloaded it like a night ago
07:34.58Motiveso unless he patched it very very recently.
07:35.18MotiveMPQ #3 will not open either.
07:35.24Grumand that is strange, btw are you sure you looked for s2ma
07:35.28Grumand not for s2m ?
07:35.35Motivemakes me think that #1 is the only "valid" map
07:35.37Grumbecause there are a lot of different files if you look for s2m* :p
07:35.48Motiveand the rest are like partial "diff" MPQs to be applied on top of it
07:35.53Motivebut I'll go through all 5
07:36.08GrumMotive: i'd like to see one of the broken files :)
07:36.13Motivesure thing
07:37.25Motivelemme know when you've got it
07:37.28MotiveI'm sending you #5
07:37.35picklefishWow bifuu, using the trail ro did you pay $300
07:37.46Motiveoh yeah there's no way this is a map
07:37.47Motiveit's 29 bytes
07:37.48Bifuupffffffffft who pays for software
07:37.49Motivefuck sending it
07:37.58Motive#1 is the only one that could possibly be correct
07:38.18GrumMotive: both not coming through
07:38.22Motive~/Library/Application Support/
07:38.25Motivewe has a winner!
07:38.30Motiveyeah I cancelled the send
07:38.32Motiveit's only 29 bytes
07:38.35Motiveno way that's a proper map file
07:38.41Motivereal maps are like 4-6 MB
07:38.44SevenSevendude, camera controls are so bugged it's ridiculous
07:38.47Grumcat it; i want to know the first 4 bytes :)
07:38.51Motivefine :)
07:38.59SevenSevendoes anyone know how to rotate to the left or right?
07:39.05SevenSevenIt keeps going whereever it wants to go :|
07:39.35picklefishWhat is a "purchase item"?
07:39.46GrumMotive: real maps arent bigger than 2mb
07:39.54MotiveStandard Data: Teams04.SC2Mod
07:39.57Motivethat's what cat says
07:40.03Motiveit's a text file.
07:40.15Motivegod that makes no sense.
07:40.16Motiveoh well :P
07:40.39Motivetime to deal with java's actionlisteners again
07:41.22Grumi also have 5 of 'these minimaps'
07:41.26Grumseems to be just meta information
07:41.49BifuuWho broked my lights!
07:42.05Motiveme, sorry
07:42.08MotiveI ate them.
07:42.15GrumLibertyMulti, Teams04, Teams02, Liberty, Core are the 5
07:42.26Clordpopularity bar in-game should be renamed E-Penis bar
07:42.53Clordbut it is nice to see some facts how much map is played
07:43.05Motivenot really
07:43.07GrumMotive: make a quick java app which fixes translation please
07:43.11MotiveI'm guaranteed to have 0% popularity.
07:43.19MotiveGrum: ?
07:43.26Bifuuill prolly be low on the pop meter too =/
07:43.32MotiveMy map has a small but dedicated following.
07:43.32Clordmake some multiplayer maps and publish them =)
07:43.33GrumMotive: just do it! ;D
07:43.33BifuuMy map aint pretty
07:43.34MotiveSo we're fucked.
07:43.37MotiveWhat do you mean? Lol
07:43.55Grummake a simple java tool which duplicates the existing locale to all other possible locales
07:44.06heysparky_77: rotate left and right in place?
07:44.09Motivemaybe with my MPQ editor eventually
07:44.13Grumand fix the meta-data around it
07:44.13MotiveI'm still learning the semantics.
07:44.27MotiveI basically taught myself everything this morning making the Launcher
07:44.30SevenSevenheysparky: I think so
07:44.50Grumand does java suck? ;D
07:44.52Clordlol that blizzard... with being slow brining publishing feature online.... I keep polishing my map and adding stuff
07:44.52heysparky_77: I only know how to move around the target... sorry
07:45.00Motiveit has a lot of extra code to do simple things
07:45.02Motivelike FileChooser
07:45.13Motiveit's nice for simple stuff.
07:45.19Motiveeasier than Cocoa for sure.
07:45.25Motivegoogled for like an hour and was still at square one
07:46.08MotiveI wouldn't use it for anything too complex. It looked like a native OS X app but there were a few minor things that were still off.
07:46.17picklefishyou there?
07:47.19MotiveEx: I have a page of code just to do the file filter for the browse dialog
07:47.30Motivethat's just stupid because all I have to do is specify that I want ".s2ma" or ".SC2Map"
07:47.51MotiveStill, it's not horrible.
07:47.54MotiveVery extendable for sure.
07:49.52MotiveActionListeners save me time though :)
07:50.28BifuuHeading out
07:50.29Bifuunight all
07:56.24*** join/#sc2mapster Maddog (
07:58.19piratehow do i get the editor to do things with custom attributes
07:58.32*** join/#sc2mapster Kam (
07:58.58piratethey must be integers...
08:00.06piratebut theyre a behavior...
08:00.37piratereturning the behavior count for a player is useless
08:01.06piratesince it has to do with tech trees
08:01.49*** join/#sc2mapster Repo (
08:03.51pirateI DID IT
08:04.04Motiveyou know what I hate about Java?
08:04.05piratebehavior stacks
08:04.09Motiveif(!myObject) doesn't work
08:04.10Motivejust for that
08:04.12MotiveFUCK YOU, JAVA
08:04.15Motivealmost done though. Lol
08:06.48Sixenit should ,motive, :o
08:07.39Motiveyou have to do if(myObject == null) in java
08:08.54piratenvm about behavior stacks
08:10.12*** join/#sc2mapster Repo (
08:13.31Coolflipwho isnt in beta yet
08:13.58Coolflipanyone even here? -_-
08:14.04OrangePulpanyone who can't afford a 5 dollar pre-order?
08:14.08*** join/#sc2mapster Sapph (
08:14.19picklefishhey coolflip
08:14.23picklefishwant to see the shop in video?
08:14.29Coolflipyes please
08:14.36Coolflipi just got 2 IaF keys to giveaway
08:14.43*** join/#sc2mapster rebb (~d955577f@gateway/web/freenode/x-tatutejykxwsmien)
08:14.43Coolflipsome people that hang here dont have beta yet
08:14.46picklefishI'm not releasing it yet because I don't have unit or item generation code but that's a very small piece
08:15.16*** join/#sc2mapster Kam (
08:15.17Coolflipso will it be pretty easy to code?
08:15.28Motivewell fuck me sideways
08:15.36MotiveJava doesn't support the "~/Library/..." as a local path
08:15.38*** join/#sc2mapster Stewox (~563a22a6@gateway/web/freenode/x-ggxfpiqnfakrxehn)
08:15.42Motiveso now I have to figure out how to get the Mac OS X user
08:16.14piratemac client of beta is fail
08:16.20Motivethis isn't a mac client bug
08:16.24picklefishit is more than easy to code
08:16.27Coolflipim there
08:16.27picklefishyou have to change like 2 lines
08:16.34picklefishwatch latest video
08:16.46picklefishIt's very easy to change coolflip
08:16.53SapphMotive there's probably some API call that will expand the wildcard for you if that's the issue
08:17.04picklefishonce I get unit creation/item creation in (tomorrow) I'm going to post it
08:17.05Motivenot using wildcards
08:17.11Motive~ is short for the home directory of the user in *nix
08:17.14Coolflipdont forget to go live
08:17.20Motiveso if I want for example /Users/bob/Library/
08:17.21SapphI know what ~ is
08:17.23MotiveI can do ~/Library/
08:17.31SapphI just called it a wildcard because I don't have a better word for it
08:17.55Coolflippicikle, go live
08:18.11pirateWTB more info about attributes
08:18.17SapphI really wish I was better at handling actors/models
08:18.22picklefishI am live but the last video is up there coolflip
08:18.27picklefishI don't need to go live
08:18.27Sapphbecause I want to make awesome abilities but I suck at attaching art to them
08:19.24picklefishdon't know why the qualtiy sucks so mcuh I set it to hd
08:19.41Coolflipcant expect to much out of a stream
08:19.58picklefishno, but other streamers get a lot better out of theirs
08:20.02picklefishI just don't know the corrrect settings
08:20.08Coolflipthats sick though
08:20.18Coolflipcant wait to put it in my map xD
08:20.21picklefishit should be released tomorrow afternoon
08:20.37picklefishout of curiousity, how many categories might you need?
08:21.00CoolflipI'm only going to need like 2, but im going to be having multiple shops probably
08:21.15Coolflipmaybe one shop, just copy's of it
08:21.16Motivesimple enough :)
08:21.27picklefishwell you don't need to make copies of this one
08:21.30heysparky_Sapph: how many times have we all wanted to be better at handling actors/models?
08:21.33picklefishjust create multiple regions
08:21.37Coolflipso, a tab for upgrades, purchasable units, hero abilities, etc
08:21.39picklefishand it will open up the same shop
08:21.45Sapphheysparky_, lolll
08:21.55picklefishWhat exactly are upgrades?
08:22.03Coolflipconcussive shells
08:22.09Coolflip"crack" lings
08:22.20Coolflipweapons upgrades
08:22.22picklefishgoing to have to think about how to implement all of these easily tomorrow
08:22.32picklefishgoing to bed now though, g'night
08:23.10Coolflipdoes anyone know if you can "purchase" a weapon, and have it change the type and speed of your attack?
08:25.48*** part/#sc2mapster XenTownsend (~Xen_Towns@
08:26.03OrangePulpif you look at...
08:26.11OrangePulpthere's a testmap on the frontpage somewhere
08:26.13OrangePulpthe first version
08:26.20OrangePulphe has a gui button he uses to change weapons
08:26.24*** join/#sc2mapster Durrean (
08:26.36OrangePulpprobably just tie the button in to resources and such, and bingo bango bongo
08:31.44Coolflipanyone here not in beta?
08:33.43HBHadesAnyone know how i can detect if a bunker has the upgrade "Nano-steel frame"?
08:33.53HBHadesive been trying for 4 hours
08:34.23HBHades"unit is affected by upgrade" wont work
08:35.23HBHadesit seems to just see if the unit is allowed to use that upgrade
08:35.40HBHadesive tried other things too...
08:35.48OrangePulpI think I saw some conditions, if you look at the actor
08:35.54OrangePulpand how it handles death and such
08:36.03OrangePulpI think there's a check for neo-steel frame
08:37.23Clordone of my online friends are not in beta even when he wants to XD
08:38.00OrangePulpthere's something called ValidateUnit
08:38.03OrangePulpunder actor events
08:38.11OrangePulpValidateUnit NeosteelFramePurchased
08:38.15Clordoh I checked my mail
08:38.16OrangePulpnot sure if that'll work, best I've got
08:38.19ClordI have key to give away XD
08:38.27Clordnot noticed over month
08:38.27OrangePulpthe latest friend wave is two keys
08:38.28Coolflipi know
08:38.29Coolflipme to
08:38.31Coolflip2 actually
08:38.50Clordoh april 26
08:38.50Coolflipi just sent mine to HD and Husky
08:38.54Clordthat is way less than month ago
08:39.43HBHadesOrangePulp: yah i saw that...unforunately i cant call ValidateUnit from a trigger
08:39.45Motiveworks :D
08:39.47Motivemaking it idiot proof now
08:39.53OrangePulpah, shitty
08:40.08OrangePulpthe thing I can't figure with bunkers, is what allows units to attack out of them
08:40.08*** join/#sc2mapster Kam (
08:40.16HBHadesif only the switched the bunker to a different unit like the supply depot does
08:40.24OrangePulpwanted to make an ultralisk into a sort of drive-by catbus
08:40.58HBHadesoddly enough the bunker has a 0 capacity for units
08:41.12*** join/#sc2mapster Zbyszek (
08:41.15OrangePulpthe ability is what gives it the capacity
08:41.16OrangePulpthat I could tell
08:41.48Stewoxhi coolflip
08:41.56OrangePulpall I had to do to load units into the ultra was give it the bunker load ability
08:42.28liq3lol i wonder if it's possible to make depots cloning machines.
08:42.36liq3ilke... 1 unit goes in, 2 come out. :D
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08:43.45Mojachei hate when the irc goes LD on me
08:43.51Stewoxanything new on abilmorpy coolfilp?
08:43.52MojacheI never notice
08:43.59Clordbeta keys are good online presents... free!
08:44.19HBHadesliq3 yah...that should be easy assuming you could figure out the load and unload
08:44.30HBHadesthen just get the unit type that entered
08:44.39HBHadesdupe em at same point
08:44.52heysparky_gnight folks
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08:45.24HBHadesbunkers are a nightmare...
08:45.30HBHadesno way to tel anything about them
08:45.37OrangePulpI really want units that let stuff fire out of them
08:45.44OrangePulpwithout just having to attatch a bunker
08:45.58OrangePulpbut I just can't figure out what it is that lets them do that
08:46.04OrangePulpmight have to go look at bunker xml or something
08:46.11Motivelost temple has been replacerized!
08:46.14Motivemy program works :]
08:46.19FrozenFirebatOrange, that's easy
08:46.24FrozenFirebatit's Attack Redirect
08:46.29OrangePulpI added that
08:46.31OrangePulpdidn't do anything
08:46.41FrozenFirebatXD... did you manage to get them to load in first?
08:46.48OrangePulpthey load with the bunker load ability
08:46.50OrangePulpthat works just fine
08:46.55OrangePulpit's actually the ability that handles the loading
08:47.00FrozenFirebatdid you put Attack Redirect on that command card AND the ability+?
08:47.00OrangePulpbut attack redirect doesn't seem to work
08:47.12FrozenFirebatcause it works for me XD
08:47.19OrangePulpoh, really?
08:47.27FrozenFirebatI made a Planetary fortress that holds 16 slots
08:47.32OrangePulpwell, I'm glad it works, then; not sure what it is that's not working
08:47.37OrangePulpmaybe because I'm using a non-structure?
08:47.39FrozenFirebatOhh one other thing... units get confused
08:47.48FrozenFirebatif the unit already has a weapon, it cannot issue attack redirect
08:47.53OrangePulpI see
08:47.58FrozenFirebatI also made a hellion that does that
08:47.58OrangePulpyeah, I have it on an ultralisk
08:48.05OrangePulpand it has claws, so
08:48.14OrangePulpwell, hey, thanks for solving part of my problem, anyways
08:48.22FrozenFirebatmade that a few days ago
08:48.29FrozenFirebathellion unit transport
08:48.54OrangePulpdoes the attack animation come out of the turret?
08:49.11OrangePulpit's a, uh... what the hell is it called, there's a unit like that in red alert 2
08:50.03FrozenFirebatwell I remade Diplomacy for SC2, and I stole a lot of concepts from Red Alert series
08:50.07FrozenFirebatI got Kirovs in there as well
08:50.25OrangePulpheh, nice
08:50.31OrangePulpwhat I really want, above all else
08:50.32FrozenFirebatCarriers that have slow turn rates, medium lateral acceleration, slow acceleration and slow max speed... Do AE attacks at melee range vs ground
08:50.33OrangePulpis turret control
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08:50.53OrangePulpthat, and being able to poll for the mouse position without requiring a click, but I could probably work around that
08:51.39FrozenFirebathmm... I was looking at some promising data for mouse position without click... I also created an XY bullet system without using triggers
08:52.02OrangePulpwithout using triggers? how so?
08:52.05FrozenFirebathaven't figured out how to add Z to it, then I could attach it to mouselook and make a triggerless targetting system
08:52.22OrangePulpsee, my goal, is the equivalent of a dual stick shooter
08:52.32MotiveI solved the mac problem of not being able to launch maps. solution: launch 'em on bnet. Lolol
08:52.38Motivetime to package this up and release.
08:52.41FrozenFirebat1) make an Effect ("effect damage" is what you want to happen when it is hit.)
08:52.41FrozenFirebat2) make an Effect ("search area" for collision)
08:52.41FrozenFirebat2a) Set Launch Location=Source unit and Impact Location to target unit
08:52.41FrozenFirebat2b) Set Areas+ to arc=360, radius=0.1, and Effect="effect damage"
08:52.41FrozenFirebat3) make an Effect ("Launch Missile" which is the projectile your are going to shoot with your weapon.)
08:52.42FrozenFirebat3a) Set Launch effect to "search area" effect.
08:52.42FrozenFirebat4) make an Ability ("Effect - Instant" which is the ability that will fire your weapon)
08:52.43FrozenFirebat4a) Make the ability have 0 arc, so it will always fire straight forward in front of your character.
08:52.43FrozenFirebat4b) Make the "Effect" field call the Launch Missile effect.
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08:52.50OrangePulpkinda like WASD shooter, but I want a turret that rotates and fires, without requiring facing and shit
08:52.55OrangePulpso you can move one direction
08:52.58OrangePulpand fire seamlessly in the other
08:53.28FrozenFirebatyou might be able to use what I just posted, but attach the weapon to a turret instead of the unit
08:53.46OrangePulpoh, you can do that? attatch directly to teh turret?
08:54.08FrozenFirebatyeah... I forget where, but I was doing that in some effect in another map I made
08:54.26OrangePulpI suppose, worst comes to worst, I could make a seperate unit of just the turret, and attatch it to the tank
08:54.27FrozenFirebatcheck that out
08:54.40FrozenFirebatI attached most of the weapons to a free-turning turret
08:55.09FrozenFirebatsince battlecruisers "Default Turret" only fires forward by default
08:55.41FrozenFirebatso some of the abilities requires the BC to look at the enemy, while others could fire from any direction
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08:56.40OrangePulpas long as I'm picking your brain
08:56.45OrangePulpis there a way to attack ground?
08:56.54OrangePulpas you can tell I actually haven't spent that much time with the editor, lol
08:57.10FrozenFirebatthose directions I posted
08:57.32OrangePulpimpact location requires a target unit, though?
08:58.00MotiveHmm, Sixen, can I not make an attachment on General Chat? o_O
08:58.20FrozenFirebatIf you set impact location to target point, it will fire it's projectile at target point
08:58.25OrangePulpah, ok
08:58.28FrozenFirebator if it's Unit / Point, then you can choose either
08:58.31OrangePulpthis sounds promising
08:58.38MotiveOh Sixen isn't here. Woooops.
08:58.43MotiveWait yes he is.
08:58.47FrozenFirebatI spent most of my time in the data editor as opposed to the trigger editor
08:59.16FrozenFirebatand the more I do things, the more I see this game was designed to be able to do most things that you can do in triggers in data, and the opposite is true
09:00.19RepoNew map: Le Creuset. StukKivan (Manager/Author). Approved by sixen.
09:00.34OrangePulpinteresting observation
09:00.39SixenShould be able to, Motive.
09:00.43MotiveWeird. o_O
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09:00.46MotiveLet's see...
09:01.18MotiveOh, I might have to make the post THEN attach.
09:01.20SixenIt looks like it
09:01.21MotiveOr something.
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09:01.34MotiveHere it goes then.
09:01.36SixenIt looks like it doesn't show up when creating a new thread. I'll let the dev know.
09:02.00Sixenah, OK. Post the thread, then click "Attach" after it's posted.
09:02.10MotiveWoot :)
09:02.22FrozenFirebatwhat you been working on sixen? since you got done giving vespene gas siege tank guns...
09:02.26SixenVERY nice, :).
09:02.29HBHadeslol getUnitTypeProperty will only return basic info on the unit such as health armor radius
09:02.45HBHadesbunkers really like to keep thir info hidden :(
09:03.01SixenFrozen, I don't have anything to show for yet, :(. Been trying to help people out on the forums and mapster mostly. And I have one day left of the semester.
09:03.07SixenOnce it's over, i'll have a ton more time.
09:03.11HBHadesi just want to know how many units it can that really that hard?
09:03.29SixenHBHades, I think someone was able to get 16?
09:03.43FrozenFirebatNah sixen
09:03.47FrozenFirebat16 is what it shows on the UI
09:03.50FrozenFirebatbut it can hold -1
09:03.58SixenOh, gotcha.
09:03.58MotiveAlso, the new tool works ewith the maps that didn't work with the Mac Launcher rather than the Swapper.
09:04.01OrangePulpcan't you just set the ability to whatever you want?
09:04.10ShadowTigersomeone figure out how to make bunker tabs
09:04.13MotiveApparently some maps just prefer
09:04.21SixenAwesome, Motive, :D.
09:04.31SixenDefinietly putting that and your mac swapper guide in the next news.
09:04.35FrozenFirebatI second that motion, shadow
09:04.42HBHadesproblem is theres no easy way to tell if a player has researched the cargo upgrade for bunkers...
09:04.47SixenWant to setup a project for it, Motive?
09:04.53HBHadesso im trying to think of a hacky way to do it
09:04.57ShadowTigerisnt it a requirement?
09:04.59MotiveI doubt it'll really need updating.
09:05.06MotiveI'll do it if you want though.
09:05.06FrozenFirebatHB, are you trying to make it a requirement of doing something else?
09:05.13SixenFor organizations sake? ;).
09:05.14MotiveUpload mah ugly Java hacked code.
09:05.15OrangePulpcargo upgrade? Oh, like they described for the single player, letting you put up to 6 marines in?
09:05.32MotiveI'll have to fix my EventDispatch bug in the first one just for professionalism then. :(
09:05.34SixenI'm thinking more along the lines of someone who happens to be browsing our website.
09:05.39HBHadesim trying to make a bunker spawn one unit per 5 secs
09:05.43MotiveMake it an asset, right?
09:05.45SixenThey may look at the projects, but not the forums, y'know?
09:05.53HBHadesif the upgrade is present then it spawns a diff unit
09:06.01SixenWe'll be updating all those categories/names in the near future. Already have a list, just need to implement it.
09:06.09ShadowTigerare you using a behavior to spawn the unit?
09:06.13SixenAssets will become Utilities and we'll organize some stuff better.
09:06.21Motivesounds cool
09:06.26ShadowTigertrigger then?
09:06.46FrozenFirebatMake it an ability HB, have it apply periodics every 5 seconds, periodic calls a create unit. set the validator to a requirement, make a requirement for having no upgrade, Duplicate that, and make the second one require the upgrade
09:06.51FrozenFirebatthen you don't need a trigger at all
09:07.07SixenMotive, mind if I make a thread on the Beta forums about your mac stuff?
09:07.13MotiveBy all means.
09:07.28ShadowTigerand condition - get upgrade count for player       doesnt float your boat?
09:07.52HBHadesshadow: problem is that more then one upgrade will be used in the future
09:07.54FrozenFirebatI != like doing actions by triggers
09:08.08ShadowTigeryeah you have yourself a massive if/else chain
09:08.10RepoNew asset: Mac Map Launcher. MotiveMe (Manager/Author). Approved by sixen.
09:08.18HBHadesfrozen ill try your method
09:08.20ShadowTigeryou can do it smart like in my map
09:08.34ShadowTigername all the spawn units (base name not in-game name) unitX
09:08.38ShadowTigerwhere x is an integer
09:08.52ShadowTigerthen you can spawn (text to unit: unit + X where x is your upgrade level)
09:09.18ShadowTigertext to unit is probably one of my favorite new trigger features
09:10.01ShadowTigersound good HBHades ?
09:10.22HBHadesyah im taking a look at your guys ideas...shouldnt be long
09:10.39HBHadesthey both sound much better then my prevous path
09:10.52OrangePulpugh, 2 in the morning
09:10.59OrangePulptime for sleep
09:11.05FrozenFirebatsleep is for the weak
09:11.06OrangePulpthanks for the insight, Frozen
09:11.07ShadowTigeri still got a few wakin hours left
09:11.11FrozenFirebatno worries orange
09:11.16SixenMotive, you know what would make sense?
09:11.21OrangePulpmaybe I'll actually make something now, lol
09:11.39SixenCombine both of your programs. The one that runs that terminal command and your custom map patcher.
09:11.47SixenSo people can run the game over or locally all with one tool.
09:11.48Motiveok :P
09:11.54MotiveShouldn't take long
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09:11.58Motivequick,d elete my latest asset!
09:11.59SixenShouldn't be too hard, yeah.
09:12.07SixenWell, you can just update the file, no?
09:12.10SixenOr I can delete it.
09:12.16MotiveWell the name of the asset is wrong
09:12.19MotiveI'll have to like, rename it somehow
09:12.21Motiveto incorporate both features.
09:12.30SixenIt's a Mac Map Launcher
09:12.31MotiveOh, I can edit the name.
09:12.34MotiveMeh. That works.
09:12.45SixenHey, it's your project. You tell me :P.
09:12.57MotiveI wouldn't dignify it by calling it a project. Lol
09:13.06SixenDon't be so modest :P
09:13.07MotiveIt's the product of googling how Java does GUI at 4am last morning.
09:13.18SixenI hate Java GUI personally.
09:13.31MotiveIt's growing on me but I hate the way I have to position elements on the JFrame.
09:13.35SixenIt made me realize how much  I took VB for granted~
09:13.45MotiveIt made me miss the VB days. :D
09:14.10SixenAligning everything properly is a pain, I agree. I usually stick with a null layout and do it all manually.
09:14.25MotiveManually in Java sucks too, imo.
09:14.32MotiveYou'll see how hacked together this is in a sec.
09:14.35ShadowTigeror use rand() to layout your UI. Saves you loads of time
09:14.37SixenIt does, but it's the lesser of the two evils.
09:14.45Sixenlol, shadow.
09:14.56ShadowTigerjust make sure you can click to cycle through overlapping windows
09:15.01Motiveit just SPEWS ugly.
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09:16.33SixenBox Layout, :P.
09:16.42ShadowTigerby the way... as anybody figured out how to color units in the data editor
09:16.46ShadowTigeri have been using triggers...
09:16.55MotiveI actually never told it what layout to use
09:17.01MotiveI just randomly said Box.createRigidArea()
09:17.06SixenOh, :O
09:17.07Motiveit looked "right" so I just left it that way.
09:17.24SixenShadow, you'd have to either use the Native functions or change the textures.
09:17.29SixenI didn't know you could do it with triggers.
09:18.16ShadowTigerYeah you just send the actor a message
09:18.25Sixen"Heya Actor. Change color, please?"
09:18.27Sixen"Sure thing, boss!"
09:18.33ShadowTigeryo actor, your skin is the wrong color. Get your ass to makeup!
09:18.52ShadowTigeryou are much more polite than i am
09:23.15ShadowTigerokay im going to test if removing the "visible" requirement from weapons lets you shoot invisible enemies without detection
09:24.24FrozenFirebatRandom question: Is it possible to have the game apply a unitproperty change to all the units of a unit type, always, for a SPECIFIC PLAYER? Without using upgrades?
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09:25.12ShadowTigerwhat kind of unit property?
09:25.19ShadowTigerlike max health & shields
09:25.27FrozenFirebator bonus dmg, whatever
09:25.52ShadowTigerwell if you want to change basic stats you can Pick all units of type for player
09:26.08ShadowTigerthen change their stats with unit property trigger, and change weapon with add/remove weapon
09:26.10FrozenFirebatAnd it has to be able to be conditional... because i'm having it only apply as long as player controls a certain other unit
09:26.24ShadowTigerand then change it back when you are done
09:26.38Motivek done
09:26.41Motivejust testing it now again
09:27.42ShadowTigerFrozen you can also just add a behavior to all your units
09:27.58ShadowTigerthe behavior editor lets you make a comprehensive stat adjustment
09:28.11ShadowTigerand you can either add/remove the behavior with triggers
09:28.11SixenAwesome, Motive :D
09:28.34ShadowTigeror you can make the behavior inherent to the unit and then make it have a requirement of having the activating unit
09:31.15ShadowTigerthis reminds me of all those hours i spent on the war3 forums answering map editor questions
09:31.49SixenWait, War3 Map Dev?
09:32.05SixenWhat account name did you use..?
09:32.10ShadowTigermoolacool i think
09:32.15ShadowTigeri was pre-DOTA Allstars
09:32.19SixenAh, :P.
09:32.33ShadowTigerBack when Elil was around
09:32.48SevenSevenI was there too!
09:32.49SixenI post in the Bnet tech support forums
09:33.07ShadowTigeryou still havent been able to get your war3 to work sixen?
09:33.15Sixenwut? :|
09:33.22ShadowTigertech support....
09:33.24SixenI help there.
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09:33.38ShadowTigerdid you try plugging in your computer?
09:34.13SevenSevenlol cinematics are a bitch to do :(
09:34.15SevenSeveni'm out
09:34.17SevenSeveng'night guys
09:34.58SixenNight 77
09:35.11MotiveUploading it now to Mapster
09:35.13Motivethe unified project.
09:35.36SixenGreat job, <3.
09:36.27GrumSixen: the link is no link:
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09:36.44MotiveDone. Source and binaries are up.
09:36.58SixenGrum, we can't post links on the Bnet forums :|
09:37.05SixenApproved, Motive. Nice jarb.
09:37.14SixenWhatcha mean, Grum? Link works fine. Copy/paste it.
09:37.27Coolflipim out, peace
09:37.35Grum <-- nomnom
09:37.56Coolflipis that ingame?
09:38.05Grumthat is wow ingame yeah in cataclysm
09:38.17ShadowTigerthis is weird
09:38.19Coolflipim probably gona get that
09:38.19Grumnot bad what they can do with some squeezes of the engine :p
09:38.22ShadowTigerwhen i try to login to
09:38.29ShadowTigerit takes me to the assign username screen
09:38.33ShadowTigerbut my username is taken...
09:38.44GrumShadowTiger: so pick another extension
09:39.24Coolflipthe first one that you put in will be ShadowTiger, the second one you put in will be whatever you want it to be, people wont see the 2nd one
09:39.28ShadowTigerBut i think I was the last person to use that extension
09:39.34ShadowTigerim using Shadowtiger.shadowtiger
09:39.44GrumShadowTiger: do we *REALLY* have to tell you this?
09:39.46Coolflipsomeone jacked your name
09:39.52Grumthere are other people playing the beta you know
09:40.01Grumthere are other people as non-inventive as you
09:40.03Coolflipim out peaceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
09:40.14Grumjust name yourself ShadowTiger.Rawr
09:40.39ShadowTigeri just feel like it got leftover from the wipe or something
09:40.54Grumnow the real question, why care
09:41.17ShadowTigerWell if it got leftover from the wipe that means something went wrong with the wipe... right?
09:41.30Grumor maybe they did it intentionally to double the numbers in the database
09:41.32Grumagain, why care
09:42.55ShadowTigerwhatever its over
09:43.25MotiveOh god sixen, the post you just replied to.
09:43.36MotiveI was literally thinking of doing something with that if I could figure out how to do MPQs in Java.
09:43.50SixenGo for the gold :D
09:43.56MotiveNot tonight. Haha.
09:44.04MotiveThankfully there's already a libmpq for java. It just has to be updated.
09:44.13Sixenmmmm truth
09:44.32SixenYou're EU, yeah?
09:44.46MotiveI'm EST US.
09:44.48MotiveIt's 5:44 AM here. xD
09:44.52SixenOh geez.
09:44.53MotiveI got carried away a lot.
09:45.00SixenI do the same. I'm on PST.
09:45.05MotiveSC2 Editor's been keeping me up this late every night.
09:45.08MotiveIt's pretty bad. And good.
09:45.14SixenMe too, and I have classes in the mornings :(
09:45.22MotiveSo do I.
09:45.25Grumclasses? its weekend
09:45.31MotiveI missed one, but it's the weekend now.
09:45.34SixenWell, not tomorrow grum. But normally.
09:46.38Grummmm i has mango! omnom
09:47.11MotiveI'd kill for a mango atm.
09:47.19SixenI want some Pizza.
09:47.27MotiveI want breakfast.
09:47.32Grumi'd email you a piece if we'd have the tech to do so :P
09:47.43SixenOr I can just come over.
09:47.47Grumyay new stargate universe
09:47.53Motivenew PizzaBuilder();
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09:47.56Grumyou could
09:48.02Grumlong swim though
09:48.12SixenI can fly.
09:48.16SixenMy arms are strong.
09:48.27Grumi hope also hairy .. erm feathery
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09:48.56Dracor_Hmm, I'm trying to set up a vote system.  I've stored everyones vote choices into 5 variables.  Whats the best way to return which one of the variables contains the highest integer?
09:48.56Grumamagawd i just stumbled on the origin of the word Fairy ... Flying Hairy!
09:49.38SixenDracor, make a temp variable and compare them all
09:49.48SixenI'd personally use an Array and just iterate through the array
09:50.23Grumyou actually need 2 variables if you dont have an array if you also want to know *which* of the variables contained the highest ;)
09:50.57Grumboehoe .. mango is gone :(
09:50.58Sixenfor(int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
09:50.58Sixenif (array[i] > tmpNum)
09:50.58SixentmpNum == array[i]
09:51.05Sixenthere it is in galaxy!
09:51.19Sixenyeah. =, not ==
09:51.26GrumhighestIdx = i!
09:51.41Sixeni is the count, not the value
09:52.19MotiveYou can't do it in Galaxy. gg.
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09:52.28Motiveno passing by reference for the array and no way to get the array's size.
09:52.32Fiskerhey Sixen
09:52.46Grumhe needs to know which index; so: int highest_idx = 0; for(int i = 1; i < array.length; i++) { if (array[highest_idx] > array[i]) highest_idx = i; }
09:53.04GohlaThere's no references/pointers in galaxy?
09:53.09MotiveThey were removed. :[
09:53.12Grum> should be <
09:53.30Grumanyhow quite trivial :)
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09:56.52MotiveI'm so psyched now.
09:57.01MotiveI had no idea those maps that didn't work would work on multiplayer.
09:57.08MotiveI can finally test people's maps. :D
09:57.51Sixenhai fisker
09:58.03NoRoohey guys o/
09:58.06Sixenhai Noroo
09:58.23NoRooanything exciting going on?
09:58.32SixenOh right, Grum. I was just checking for the highest val, not player. gotcha.
09:58.47SixenNoRoo, if you're on a Mac, Motive made a cool program to run custum maps :D
09:58.59MotiveHe's not
09:59.05Motivebut I can test games with you on multiplayer now!
09:59.13NoRooyeah I'm not on a mac
09:59.17NoRoobut I don't swap LT
09:59.20Grum<NoRoo> anything exciting going on? <-- i ate a mango!
09:59.21Motiveoh come on
09:59.24Motiveswap lost temple like a man.
09:59.29NoRooI swap novice twilight fortress
09:59.48Motivedon't make me figure out which map novice twilight fortress is just to swap it and play with you next time.
09:59.51MotiveI'll cry a little.
09:59.59NoRoonovice twighlight fortress is 2e/0b
10:00.02Motiveit's different on mac
10:00.09SixenMotive, does it have the option to restore LT?
10:00.11Grumtbh you should swap out a novicemap
10:00.12NoRoothat part is probably the same
10:00.20SixenThen what's the problem? :P
10:00.21GrumSixen: delete it and download it again ;))
10:00.28NoRoowhy would they use a different hash function for mac os and windows
10:00.29Motivehe swaps Novice Twilight Fortress
10:00.31Motivetwo different maps.
10:00.35SixenYou won't be playing a Custom Map and LT at the same time.
10:00.35MotiveI have no idea, NoRoo.
10:00.43GrumMotive: SWAP THEM ALLLLLLLLL
10:00.52MotiveLol that would be so much pain.
10:01.01MotiveI'd rather just delete all the maps and make newbs re-download them every time.
10:01.08MotiveAtm I actually have a restore system.
10:01.23MotiveAnd it's idiot-proof so if you close without restoring it'll restore automatically when you open it again.
10:01.31Grumif you replace a novice map no-one will care
10:01.39NoRooDoesn't the eula explicitly state any third party application that modifies any file, including cache files is strictly forbiden? as harmless as this is
10:01.53Grumwe dont modify a file
10:01.55Grumwe delete it
10:01.56Motivebut what are they going to do? sue me for writing a shitty java app that moves around files?
10:01.59liq3NoRoo: goodluck them figuring it out? :/
10:02.01MotiveI don't delete anything :P
10:02.03MotiveI only move it around
10:02.04Grumand then we happen to put a file with the same name in its stead
10:02.06MotiveIt's my file system, bitches.
10:02.21NoRooyeah, but I just do it manually :P
10:02.25liq3Also by that logic MPQeditor isn't allowed.
10:02.28BeiderDoes anyone know if it is possible to change a unit's attribute on the fly? As in change it from Light to Armored or Massive ?
10:02.29SixenWe've had a Map Editor for months, they didn't give us a problem.
10:02.40NoRooI didn't write the eula
10:02.43Grumliq3: readonlymode
10:02.48SixenI'm just sayin', NoRoo.
10:02.50BeiderI tried looking in the Behaviors and write a buff that would change it but it doesn't seem to work
10:03.08NoRooI'm not suggesting any one is going to get caught and have their key blocked
10:03.08GrumBeider: should be possible with the data editor
10:03.10liq3Grum: the AIs. :P
10:03.17NoRoothat seems highly unlikely
10:03.22MotiveIf my key gets blocked I'll buy one for $5
10:03.23NoRooall the same I'll just keep doing it manually
10:03.35liq3I have 2 spare keys atm. Friends keys ftw. :]
10:03.36BeiderGrum: I want to change it during the game
10:03.50liq3Beider: different units?
10:03.58BeiderYeah was hoping to avoid that
10:04.08Grumhmm seems 'Buff' indeed cannot change it
10:04.13NoRooany way motive, I recomend a JList on there to determine which map you want to replace
10:04.19NoRoono reason not to
10:04.21BeiderI got a spawning script for my tower def that applies buffs to units as they spawn to change stuff like HP/Armor/shield/abilites...
10:04.27Motivebut then I'd have to figure out which hashes correspond to which files
10:04.28Beiderbut I can't find a way to change the unit attribute
10:04.30Motiveand deal with more ugly GUI code
10:04.39NoRooMotive:  I just told you, 2e/0b
10:04.43Motiveit's different on macs
10:04.45MotiveI'd have to log them all.
10:04.53NoRoois it really?
10:04.53liq3Motive: delete the maps one by one
10:05.01liq3until it asks you dl twilight novice again.
10:05.05Grumor .. just look into the mpq
10:05.06NoRoowell just find that one then
10:05.11liq3grum: eh?
10:05.16MotiveIf I want to play with you I'll just do it manually. Lol
10:05.18NoRoosince every custom on bnet I've played has been on that map
10:05.24Grumliq3: the mapname .. its in the s2ma :P
10:05.29NoRooI've never hosted, or joined a game with any one that hosted on lost temple
10:05.30Motivethe windows tool does it w/ lost temple. :/
10:05.37Grumthe windowstool sucks
10:05.42Motivewell that I agree with
10:05.53Motiveif I publish my java app for windows will you just use that? lol
10:06.09Grumsomething written by you? nowai
10:06.10NoRoowell I won't but other people still could use it and join the game I hosted!
10:06.13NoRoothat's good too
10:06.20Motivemy java app sucks though, too.
10:06.22Motivenot denying it.
10:06.31NoRoowell swing is swing
10:06.40NoRoono such thing as a good swing ap
10:06.46MotiveI can give you the .jar and it should work out of the box. except for the test document feature.
10:07.10Motivewait no it won't
10:07.12Motivefuck me sideways
10:07.14Motivethe paths are all wrong
10:07.17Motive~/Library won't work on windows. lol
10:07.26Motivejust run the shitty windows version. :P
10:08.04MotiveI'd consider porting it to windows but I don't have a good test environment for it so I can't.
10:08.29NoRookinda defeated the point of using java XD
10:08.38NoRooif it only runs on one platform
10:08.44Motivethe point of using java was to make it easier for me.
10:08.57NoRoothe correct answer is "you get what you pay for" I think
10:09.01MotiveI was only trying to get it to work on my mac as fast as possible at the beginning.
10:09.36MotivePlus I had to do it incase any ass was like "HAHA MY PC CAN RUN MULTIPLAYER CUSTOM. FUCK MACS"
10:09.37NoRooI need to come up with a few more ship types for my game
10:09.54Motivewell my program can run on macs and not windows
10:09.56Motiveeat it, bitches.
10:10.02Motivetwo can play at that game.
10:10.06NoRooyes mission accomplished
10:10.59NoRooI'm just glad I patched up that terrible game breaking bug I had
10:11.18Sixen@motive: This may interest you -
10:11.27MotiveIt does. :)
10:11.36MotiveIt would interest me more if he gave a timeframe though, like a week or two.
10:11.41*** join/#sc2mapster webirc (~48ea048c@gateway/web/freenode/x-xrpnpbfmlomylyig)
10:11.49webircWhere do you change the hotkey for an ability?
10:12.20Sixenwebirc: You should be able to do it in the Ability Data
10:12.22Grumshould be ingame options for that now right?
10:12.46NoRooAny way I want to host my game again so get your thing to swap Novice twighlight fortress
10:12.53MotiveLol ok
10:13.06Motivewhat a program name
10:13.09NoRooI really need a video of it
10:13.38Motiveguess what my mac can do? :P
10:13.40NoRooand some text on the loading screen so I don't have to keep explaining the game & controls in the game lobby.
10:14.06webircSixen: It's in buttons, not ability data, found it seocnds after you said that.
10:14.14Motivebrb novice twilight
10:14.39SixenSorry, webirc.
10:14.45SixenThought it was in the ability frame, :(.
10:15.12webircYeah, I appreciate your trying to help, and I wouldn't have taken another look if you hadn't said that. (Commands + had the link to the button)
10:15.31Motivewhat did you say novice twilight fortress was? 2e 0b?
10:15.46NoRooHmm.. how about a banshee that has a spread shot laser
10:15.53NoRoothat might be cool, I'll add that in
10:16.04NoRoohmm..... should the lasers explode..
10:16.08NoRooyes I think so
10:17.39MotiveDocInfo/Name=Novice Twilight Fortress 2e0bea8af7...
10:17.56NoRoomotive sounds like the same hash key to me
10:18.05Motiveweird, that map seems to have the same one.
10:18.23MotiveKerrigan's fault.
10:19.34Motivemmk, I just edited my program to use novice twilight.
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10:19.37Motiveeasier than copying for me
10:20.24webircWhat's a good ability to base a grenade off of?
10:24.46ShadowTigerwouldnt infestor - fungal growth be good?
10:25.54webircI'm not familiar with it, does it have a launching animation?
10:26.26ShadowTigerit lobs an egg onto the enemy and does AOE move stun and damage
10:26.35Sixenalright, I gotta go to sleep guys. 3:30.
10:26.45webircSounds good ShadowTiger, thanks.
10:27.03ShadowTigerNoRoo what laser actor will you use for your banshee?
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10:27.19NoRooI made it a phoenix instead
10:27.39ShadowTigerusing pheonix attack?
10:27.59NoRooI might use that model but it's going to maybe get some sort of spread fire attack
10:28.18ShadowTigerwell anyways dont use the Point Defense Laser
10:29.00ShadowTigerit causes memory leaks : (
10:29.24webircCan you make a copy of an ability and associated actors etc. and rename it without having to rename each individual object?
10:32.23ShadowTigersomethings will have to be renamed
10:32.41ShadowTigerbut usually most of it is renamed for you if you copy linked objects
10:32.46ShadowTigerin one step
10:33.20ShadowTigerwell you have to change the name still
10:33.29ShadowTigerso i guess the answer is no
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10:55.03rebbis there anything special to do to get map texture-set switching to work without crashes ?
10:55.15ShadowTigerworks for me...
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11:04.27RepoNew announcement:
11:14.34*** join/#sc2mapster Romm_ (~5c8ecaf7@gateway/web/freenode/x-kqrcxyikvhxiafaa)
11:14.55Romm_Someone knows how to add a cooldown to an ability ?
11:15.10ShadowTigerits under cost
11:15.20ShadowTigernear the bottom
11:15.41Romm_Oh yeah I see, thanks ! ;D
11:15.47Romm_I test it :)
11:19.00Romm_What value should I modify ?
11:19.29Romm_Cause there are several, and I dunno what one to modify...
11:22.12Slam_try them all :p
11:22.27Romm_I found, it's okay :D
11:22.28Romm_Thanks !
11:22.29rebbbtw someone mentioned it would be possible to get your map "protected" if you upload it to blizzard in the future, does that mean they somehow encrypt  the file so it cannot be opened in the editor ?
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11:27.33ShadowTigerI would assume so rebbi
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11:51.47vjeuxrebb: the map openable by the editor have many things that are not required for the map to be playable
11:52.03vjeuxfor example all the triggers are stored in xml and not in galaxy
11:52.36vjeuxthey just need to strip those extra infos out of the map and voila
11:52.50vjeuxlike the way the map protectors do
11:53.07Romm_(Hi vjeux)
11:53.19Romm_So you mean that the map will only be ghosts on your computer ?
11:53.44Romm_All triggers, and those things will be in BlizBliz servers ?
11:58.21vjeuxyou will have all the map, but not the "hints" needed for the editor
11:59.20Romm_Ok ok
12:05.24*** join/#sc2mapster Anders^^_ (
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12:07.07Guest93989hi anyone knows how to detect when one unit enters sight of other unit?  or when player sees specific unit?
12:08.41Anders^^_anyone knows a good way to debug triggers, got one that doesn't work in all cases but i dont know why...
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12:11.42Xanare there any released maps that contain melee/campaign AI with custom build orders and such?
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12:12.01Anders^^_Does a neutral player count as active player?
12:12.17vjeuxit's pretty nice
12:12.44vjeuxAnders^^_: what do you mean by debugging triggers?
12:14.03*** join/#sc2mapster Gozzon (
12:17.20LasionYou know that old saying "Tequila tequila tequila floor"?
12:17.24LasionIt's true.
12:18.07RepoNew map: (4) Lava Rises. Grenflag (Manager/Author). Approved by vjeux.
12:19.08Grumvjeux: wtb localization system for the maps
12:19.59Grumand grrr not even a mention in that map after using my code :/
12:20.34vjeuxin lava rise?
12:21.01Grumand the description is also wrong .. it doesnt move the way he says it does
12:22.00Grumbut the map is niiiiicce
12:22.05vjeuxwhere did he found the code?
12:22.16Grumhe copy/pasted it from my proof of concept
12:23.06Grumits fine to do so .. but meh feel free to credit where its due
12:23.59Grumnice map though .. dang :D
12:25.07vjeuxok going to send him a pm :)
12:25.13Grumno dont
12:28.33Grumthat map is *really* nice ... damn
12:29.06vjeuxtoo late ! :p
12:29.50vjeuxstealing credits is a serious concern, we don't want map makers on mapster being "stolen" their work
12:29.55Skystriker from TL
12:30.06Grumvjeux: i can send the pm hehe
12:30.13liq3Erm, considering the map is "public domain"... >.>
12:30.51liq3Also it's "copy" not "stolen"
12:31.07SkystrikerEmotions run high on this issue
12:31.28SkystrikerSome people feel very strongly about copyright/analogues of such, while others feel very strongly about FOSS
12:31.45SkystrikerI'm pretty sure Blizzard is going to be heavily encouraging the former
12:31.49Grumits public but a mention would be nice
12:31.53Grumnothing more, nothing less
12:32.12Grum*even* if you just put it as a comment in the trigger code
12:32.47Grumits just called common curtesy imho ..
12:33.16Grumand yay new disk .. and bleh have to open up my whole bloody pc again to install it ;(
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12:34.52SkystrikerWell grum
12:35.03Skystrikercredit is considered pretty standard
12:35.10SkystrikerEven among FOSS
12:35.19SkystrikerSo yea, lame that he yanked and didn't tell
12:36.22RepoNew map: WGX Nagrand. WhiskeeGX (Manager/Author). Experimental. Approved by vjeux.
12:36.57rebbvjeux: ah i see, so this is pretty much already possible you mean ?
12:37.57Grumwell tbh, the map is of really high quality to i kinda dont want to make too much of a point of it, though i would have mentioned it to him some time :)
12:38.23LasionThis is going to throw some life into the good ol' IRC.
12:38.30LasionWho here on EU wants a beta invite?
12:38.33Grumyou are puking on webcam?
12:38.46Grumthe keys are not US or EU btw
12:38.49Grumthey work anywhere
12:38.52LasionOh rite
12:38.53Gozzoncan anyone help me with my problem: when i morph unit to another with ability new unit doesnt have attack animation, but if i place one on map it has attack animation
12:38.55Lasioneven better ^^
12:39.05LasionGot a spare code
12:39.05Grum(i know for sure as i got my key from cog|away :D)
12:39.21LasionWhere do you play?
12:40.08LasionSame :)
12:41.09Grumthough i havent actually played a lot hehe
12:41.11LasionDo you play ranked or just hang around for the fun? ^^
12:41.22Grumi kinda suck
12:41.34LasionI played with a friend of mine in 2v2 before they reset
12:41.38Grumno wc3/sc1 history so best i did was like ~15:4 in bronze in 1v1
12:41.48uBdeadany idea's on how to fix the explosion? i tried everything :(
12:41.49Grumand before 3:30 orso haha
12:42.02Lasionand we won the first 5 ranking matches, so we got placed in Platinum.. Let's just say we were out of our league :D Got absolutely ravaged after that.
12:42.25LasionYeah I played alot of SC and SCBW, but I never really hit the big WC3 hype.
12:42.44uBdeadi hated blizzard for "heros"
12:42.49uBdeadgod how boring is that
12:43.07LasionI was kinda scared when they announced "Starcraft: Ghost"
12:43.24Grumtbh what i hated most was the insane amount of cheese
12:43.38uBdeadi pleed guilty lol
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12:43.45uBdeadi only play cheese lol
12:44.01uBdeadaltough i call it "smart"
12:44.28Grumwell after so many games you get bored of the chain-cheezing
12:44.32Grumespecially when playing protoss
12:44.37uBdeadi play prot lol
12:44.37Grumyou get so bloody locked down in what you can do
12:44.46Grumoh yeah i can cheeze as well
12:44.48TerexHi. I`m using localised editor and instead of normal text in custom map i have param/lots of numbers
12:44.50Grumi just dislike it
12:44.56TerexHow to fix that?
12:45.09uBdeadfair enough
12:45.30uBdeadi dont rush though
12:45.39uBdeadnot my style
12:45.49LasionTerran is my middle name
12:46.00uBdeadi won a placement match with 150 queens lol
12:46.09GrumuBdead: i play way to passive
12:46.12Lasionwhat the heeeell? :D
12:46.28LasionThat made me laugh out :P
12:46.31uBdeadmy friend and i like going craaaazy style against noobs
12:46.36uBdeadits super funny
12:46.45TerexA slow, but deadly horde....
12:46.52LasionuBdead, where do you play?
12:46.58GozzonuBdead look at thor's anti air missile effects those explode once they hit, might give you something to start
12:47.04uBdeadno they are pretty fast, because you have 50034050345 tumors on the map
12:47.22uBdeadi did gozzon :( cant figure it out
12:47.24Lasionjust deny their building space with tumors? :P
12:47.35uBdeadyea but they build turrets
12:47.45uBdeadand detection > tumor
12:47.51TerexBtw, never could understand the point of getting more creep
12:48.05uBdeada better game was our Planetary Fortress mass attack
12:48.16Grumthat is not cheese
12:48.20uBdead8 planetary fortress flew into their base :D
12:48.32uBdeadnah thats just crazy lol
12:48.40Grumits fun
12:48.43Lasionthat's replay worthy ^^
12:48.45Kamakazethose cant fly
12:48.48kumoriexcept that they can't fly after you upgrade them
12:49.00uBdeadwell we upgraded them in their base obv
12:49.09uBdeadlet me see what replays i can find
12:49.10Grumwonder why they didnt die fast enough
12:49.18uBdeadbecause we play copper lol
12:49.33uBdeadand are platinum in 1vs1 random
12:49.47LasionDo you play active in platinum?
12:50.00uBdeadi stopped playing since the map editor was released
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12:50.10uBdeadfull time mapping :D
12:50.25GozzonuBdead tried copying thor aa actor and linking it to your effects?
12:50.35Gozzoni would guess its actor issue
12:50.43uBdeadwell im using the missile turret actor
12:50.57uBdeadi think it's an event issue somewhere
12:51.43uBdeadgoood murning
12:53.23LasionI found myself a bit overwhelmed by the GE so so far I'm sticking to trying other people's map ;P
12:53.59Gozzoncan anyone help me with my problem: when i morph unit to another with ability new unit doesnt have attack animation, but if i place one on map it has attack animation
12:56.39uBdeadi have no idea gozzon
12:57.35Xanare there any released maps that contain melee/campaign AI with custom build orders and such?
12:57.43Hatigot a IAF key
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13:03.00uBdeadsweet i fixed the missile thing
13:03.08Gozzonwhat was wrong?
13:03.22uBdeadi just created a new Actor(GenericAttack) and made the Missile Turret it's parent
13:03.29uBdeadchanged the launch and impact effect
13:03.31uBdeadand it worked :)
13:04.06uBdeadit even shoots from the Hellion's turret :D
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13:12.16MagnevvIs it possible to create structs in the GUI, or is that only when you're scripting?
13:15.34Hatiups sry
13:15.36Hatiwas it
13:15.56Hatior any of them :P
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13:28.29kumoriI have a hopefully easy question. I have a map with a marine and a point. I want the marine to attack the point. (Attack ground). But my marine is a bad marine and refuses to follow orders. What to do? =)
13:28.54TerexPunish him
13:29.07BemoliphChange the target to Point or Point/Unit
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13:29.25kumoriI've edited the effects of the weapon to include point on the impact location
13:29.31SherardGood morning everyone
13:29.45Lasionsmack him good
13:30.03BemoliphI've only ever done it with actual abilities, as opposed to standard attack, so I'm not sure what to do in that case
13:30.05LasionGoodmorning \o
13:30.34BemoliphBut it should work, theoretically
13:31.22kumoriOh, so say I can make an ability to this instead, thats fine with me. I tried to edit the attack ability, but I'm beginning to believe my marine is a bit slow :(
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13:33.46kumoriah, nevermind, I'll slap him around a bit more, and try harder with his abilities. :p
13:38.09BemoliphI wouldn't be surprised if it's possible, it's just I don't have any personal experience to speak from for that particular ability
13:40.27Anders^^_Anyone got a clue why my condition "Spawndelay[LocalPlayers] >= UnitWorth[PlayerUnits[LocalPlayers]]" doesnt work unless UnitWorth is 1?,  "UnitWorth[PU[LP]]"gives the correct value. In "Then" i got  "Variable - Set Spawndelay[(Picked player)] = 1" and in "Else" i got   Variable - Modify Spawndelay[(Picked player)]: + 1.
13:41.38Anders^^_both  (Picked player) are LocalPlayers. its not the error
13:44.59*** join/#sc2mapster dorkass (
13:45.10dorkassyo did anyone else get an invite a friend beta code recently?
13:51.02Anders^^_I figured it out, forgot localvariables aren't presistant :/
13:52.29dorkassthat's where they get you
14:01.23liq3dorkass: i got one a few days ago... like 2-3.
14:01.36dorkassyou got multiple invite a friends?
14:01.42liq3one email, got 2 keys.
14:01.49dorkasswow, that's cool
14:01.59liq3saving them incase I need em. :]
14:02.16dorkassoh right my email has two also
14:02.22dorkasssweet, i dunno how i didnt notice that
14:02.36dorkassall my friends have been absent lately because i'm moving, so ef them
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14:05.59LasionuBdead, did you find the replay with the flying command centers? ^^
14:06.27uBdeadno i think its on my other computer :(
14:06.40uBdeadill ask my friend
14:06.42uBdeadhold on
14:08.30uBdeadhe's busy lol
14:08.51Lasionwell I'm not going anywhere anytime soon :P
14:16.58liq3replay with flying command centers? wut?
14:20.04Gozzonanyone can tell me whats wrong when mutalisk attack begings from ground not from "tail"
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14:22.33Kamakazedid you change its weapon?
14:23.23Kamakazethe new weapon might expect a mount point that the mutalisk doesnt have so it falls back to something else
14:23.35Kamakazethough I think its stored in an actor somewhere not in the weapon
14:24.04Hatiis there a DDS importer/exporter for GIMP ?
14:24.18Hatior simply a plugin
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14:29.47Anders^^_How do you get the "(Picked player) + 1)"  of an action like this? "Leaderboard - Set (Last created leaderboard) item alignment at column 1 and row ((Picked player) + 1) to Left" Can't find a way to get 2 variables in there.
14:30.25BemoliphGo to Math > Arithmetic
14:30.31rebbis there a way to have a camera be locked into place, and only it's view-target following a unit ?
14:31.53rebbnm found it
14:33.59uBdeadyes there is Hati
14:34.23Hatiah ok
14:34.27Hatiyea forgot my question
14:34.35uBdeadi think you can find it at the hive workshop (or something) they have a tutorial about custom sc2 icons
14:35.11TriGuNhati:(10:23:45) Hati: is there a DDS importer/exporter for GIMP ?
14:35.11TriGuN(10:23:59) Hati: or simply a plugin
14:35.21Hatiyea already found
14:35.24TriGuNoh ok
14:38.46*** join/#sc2mapster Jozrael (
14:39.26Arthas-that resident evil maps is the most impressive feat so far imo :p
14:44.07*** join/#sc2mapster Seity (~4c5b0bad@gateway/web/freenode/x-lgshnoazmeabhvpr)
14:44.08uBdeadwell for it's kind yes
14:44.24uBdeadbut the physics engine was unbelievable good yes
14:46.52Corosusyeah cant wait for bobsled racing :D or something like that
14:46.53pkolthe physics map was so much better
14:47.17uBdeadCorsus -> zergling skiƃĀÆng :D?
14:47.22Corosusshit though resident overmind looks daaaamn nice
14:47.27Corosuslol :D
14:47.49uBdeadblizzard is so spoiled, their community makes better maps then them
14:49.11Hatibetter in what?
14:49.27Corosuswatches this again for the song
14:49.32Corosusthis vid for physics
14:49.47Hati"Dieses Video enthƤlt Content von Sony Music Entertainment. Es ist in deinem Land nicht mehr verfĆ¼gbar. "
14:49.47Corosusand another vid from same guy shows better sliding
14:50.00HatiSME says no.
14:50.06CorosusDAMN YOU SONY
14:50.18HatiYou are not allowed to see the video because we have (c) of music
14:50.19pkoldo roads lag the editor to fuck for anyone else?
14:50.31Hatii simply don't understand why they forbid whole videos
14:50.35Hatithey don't own the fucking pictures
14:50.41Corosusi figured theyd at least mute it
14:50.48Corosusheres the other
14:50.49pkolthey usually do don't they?
14:51.23Corosusdidnt know they blocked it depending on region
14:51.29Corosusworkin just fine here in canada
14:53.18Hatipkol: in official music videos they might do
14:53.29Hatibut having audio layered in own videos they just own the audio
14:53.33*** join/#sc2mapster Vailreth (
14:58.38*** join/#sc2mapster `228zip (~56439dae@gateway/web/freenode/x-egwolnwkpeatakvz)
14:58.45`228zipI keep type sc2ampster
14:58.48`228zipthis is annoying
14:59.07uBdeadi always say sc2mapper lol
14:59.10uBdeadfor some reason
15:00.26`228zip"A. There are currently no plans for Galaxy script editing in the editor itself. However, through the Import Manager it should be pretty easy to add in your scripts as necessary."
15:00.33`228zipARE YOU KIDDING ME ?
15:01.51pkolwow really
15:01.53CorosusMWE has a pupose! woo!
15:01.55pkolthats homo
15:02.09Corosuswakes up quicker
15:03.32`228zipWhat purpose ?
15:04.06Corosusa galaxy script editor, it already has error checking and syntax highlighting i think
15:04.14*** join/#sc2mapster Skystriker (
15:09.06Arthas-Corosus it always did :p
15:11.49`228zipThis answer on that chat
15:11.55`228zipReally is upsetting me
15:13.29SherardHas anyone done some 3rd person shooters?
15:13.48SherardI need some help pulling out the X, Y, and Z coordinates from a mous
15:13.54Sherardin the game
15:16.18*** join/#sc2mapster Hjalte (
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15:36.36SherardIs anyone availible to help me figure out something
15:41.37DustinQ. Getting custom script into maps is currently complex. Are there plans to implement Galaxy scripting directly into the editor?
15:41.37DustinA. There are currently no plans for Galaxy script editing in the editor itself. However, through the Import Manager it should be pretty easy to add in your scripts as necessary. Are you having trouble doing it that way?
15:42.46Xananyone got depth of field working?
15:43.14Gohla15Dustin: If they gave us a way to easily include galaxy files without editing the map script it would ;p
15:43.36SherardYou have to think its pretty nice though you can take exisiting code and modify it to meet your needs.  I did that with the Dialog boss bar so i could use it to also display mana
15:44.25SherardI am trying to figure out how to pull the X, Y, Z coordinates from the mouse without clicking
15:44.33Sherardany ideas?
15:46.14DustinThere's no natives that can grab mouse xyz
15:46.23SherardThere is a guy did it
15:46.28Sherardlet me find the vidoe
15:46.37SherardI contacted him
15:48.46DustinIs there even a way to grab hoverd over units like in WC3?
15:49.12SherardActually you know it is custom script which is fine I am not great with jass programming but I can do it
15:50.03DustinUnless its a Galaxy antive that I havent heard of yet
15:50.24Sherardno thats fine jass is blizzards programming language
15:50.36Sherardits simular to c and java
15:50.40Sherardbut not as powerful
15:51.54Xanjass isn't used for sc2
15:51.59DustinDude, I know what Jass is, I use to code  in vJass all the time
15:52.06DustinSC2 scripting is called Galaxy
15:53.25`228zipand Blizzard found it so ugly it decided to create a GUI that could use all of its possibilities in order to hide it.
15:54.03SherardThe language is the same from WC3 yeah it is the only difference is it was modified slightly
15:54.04DustinThe fact that they arnet allowing us to edit galaxy files in the editor kind of pisses me off
15:54.28DustinSherard, no it's completely revamped and based off C
15:54.33XanSherard: No, it's pretty different :P
15:54.41DustinJass was just straight up not very powerfull
15:54.46`228zipI did a thread on forums (eu) about that; doubt they will listen but hey you never know
15:54.47SherardYou can copy the files galaxy then modify those
15:54.59SherardI did that
15:55.06Sherardfor my boss bar
15:55.07`228zipSherard: and import the files all the time
15:55.10DustinvJass was a precompiler for JAss made by Vexorian that added in C like syntax, e.g. Libraries and Structs
15:55.10*** join/#sc2mapster Fukle (~7cb10e48@gateway/web/freenode/x-hhbjqycvqtxrainb)
15:56.00SherardI know what you mean the importanting them will suck
15:56.23SherardI ll be honest i am trying to find all the best things though to create a library for 3rd person shooters to help others make better maps
15:56.48SherardThis way you load 1 library and it does everything you need
15:57.31FukleAnyone here familiar with Dialogs?
15:57.35SherardI am
15:57.45SherardI have been working with them alot over the last 2 days
15:57.51FukleOkay sweet.
15:57.59Sherardgo to private chat with me
15:58.02Sherardand ill try to help out
15:58.39FukleNot sure how to go into private chat sorry. :)
15:59.05SherardI inniciated it for you
15:59.12Sherardjust click the new tab
15:59.59Xananyone got depth of field working?
16:00.21*** join/#sc2mapster Barter (~Bart@
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16:03.30DustinAnyone want to test my map online, I need to check to see if all the players movement triggers are working properly
16:04.43Stewoxhi guys
16:04.46Stewoxneed help
16:05.00Stewoxwhere is the locomotor in SC2?
16:05.13Stewoxthe engine that runs a unit
16:05.24Stewoxis this separate or built in the unit?
16:05.30uBdeada Mover?
16:05.44Stewoxno it's not
16:05.56Stewoxthat's just mover like "FLY" no special settings
16:06.00Stewoxinside the units
16:06.04Dustinnever heard of a locomotor
16:06.23Stewoxi see , movement , and art ,
16:06.48Stewoxmovement has some , and art has some
16:07.19Stewoxlike flying height . etc , but these are only basic settings , where's the advanced stuff ?
16:07.39uBdeadye its in mover lol
16:08.23Stewoxi select mover and there's nothing there
16:08.28*** join/#sc2mapster Shaki (
16:08.40Stewoxjust Height Map , Air .. etc , some attributes , Fly , and that's it
16:09.02Stewoxno advanced parameters anywhere
16:09.06Shakithe reaper//templar i made didnt work
16:09.17Shakii'll try again
16:11.09Stewoxhow do i scale up a whole unit model ?
16:11.12Stewoxso it's bigger
16:11.22uBdeadscale in the actor of the unit
16:11.24Stewoxwider or longer
16:11.41Stewoxok , so the Actor control the visuals/art ?
16:11.50uBdeadand much more
16:12.02uBdeadcheck out all the Actor types
16:12.07uBdeadthats all actors do
16:12.16*** join/#sc2mapster Valaraukador (~183fb24f@gateway/web/freenode/x-apcdpapudraoywwp)
16:12.38Stewoxthanks now i can see , simple param , Scale
16:12.52Stewoxbut is there to scale it on only one coordinate ?
16:12.55Stewoxlike x y or z
16:13.01uBdeadits a composite field
16:13.04uBdeaddouble click
16:13.10ValaraukadorAnyone know off the top of their head the directory for where the galaxyscript is supposed to be uploaded into the map?
16:13.11uBdeadand you can edit x,y adn z
16:13.17Stewoxjust noticed
16:13.58`228zipvalaraukador: MapScript.galaxy
16:14.07Valaraukadorok, thanks
16:16.23Stewoxabout the mover (movement,and art parms in unit ) or locomotor , where are the followin things :
16:17.02uBdeadare we talking about sc2 here?
16:17.29uBdeadok well best way too look would be trough the xml files
16:17.35Stewoxpreferred height is , but not all
16:17.51Stewoxwhich one?
16:17.55Stewoxwhere are they
16:18.07uBdeadbaseData in you sc2 folder
16:18.12Stewoxmpq files?
16:18.19Stewoxrar ?
16:18.22Stewoxzip ?
16:18.38Stewoxhow to open them
16:18.58Stewoxi kind of new to this blizzard stufff , didn't mod WC3
16:19.02uBdeadwith a MPQ editor
16:19.40Stewoxmpq editor ?
16:20.18ValaraukadorHow do you overwrite the Mapscript / import your own?  It won't allow me to replace it, saying it is "reserved"
16:20.23*** join/#sc2mapster Macvot (
16:21.30XanStewox: download winMPQ
16:22.14uBdeadvalaraukador: try ctrl+f11 in the trigger editor
16:26.56DustinThat doesnt overwrite
16:27.08DustinYou can code in it then Export then reimport the file
16:27.34uBdeadwell then save your map as SC2components
16:27.45uBdeadthat will save your map as a folder
16:27.54uBdeadthen place your galaxy script in side the folder
16:28.22uBdeadstill dont bother too much because its a hassle
16:28.30Valaraukadorthey should've kept it like they had it in WC3...
16:28.41uBdeadbest thing right now is to stick to editor only or galaxy script only
16:29.30*** join/#sc2mapster Cr0n0s (
16:39.12SherardDoes anyone know how to pull X, Y, Z coordinates from a mouse without clicking the mouse button
16:39.26SherardI know its not a prebuilt in option but there was a guy who figured it out
16:40.27*** join/#sc2mapster Ingela^ (
16:42.39*** join/#sc2mapster Bifuu (
16:42.48Bifuuhai err body
16:44.17`228zipupdated my project page =o
16:46.10`228zipTurboboost =O
16:46.27`228zipand next version should have some interest in multiplayer
16:46.32uBdeadyou need to add the "BOOM BABY" sound when you kill somebody lol
16:47.23*** join/#sc2mapster Cronos (
16:47.24`228zipuBdead: I might do that, not sure it'll be every time you kill someone though
16:47.27liq3`228zip: YOU MUST REMAKE OLD MARIA CART 64 MAPS.
16:47.29`228zipMaybe as a taunt
16:48.01uBdeadim so glad i finaly found out how to make things in the data editor from scratch
16:48.04liq3and use mario cart 64 'bullet' mechanics. Bullets can go downhill, but not uphill (in maria cart they bounce).
16:48.06`228zipbut I plan to use already in game sounds for "Killing Spree" and such
16:48.20uBdeadi need to write a tutorial before i forget lol
16:48.24liq3Damn wish you were allowed to steal HoNs sounds. :(
16:48.25`228zipliq3 that's what I do, but my bullets are no koopa shells
16:48.39uBdeadwhat are they going to do
16:48.42liq3it'd be copyright infridgement. :(
16:48.49liq3they might? i dunno.
16:48.49Ingela^did anyone make that space ship lost viking map they showed on blizzcon yet?
16:48.52`228zipHoN sounds are the same as UT sounds I think
16:48.56liq3HoN voiceovers are pretty epic.
16:49.03liq3They're similar but not the same.
16:49.09liq3They're original to say the least.
16:49.17uBdeadyou can use them
16:49.24`228zipno really
16:49.29`228zipI'll use in game sounds
16:49.31`228zipThey're good
16:49.31uBdeadthey have to ask you to take them out before they can sue you anyway
16:49.38`228zipand they don't need any space on my map
16:49.45uBdeadfair enough
16:49.55liq3like, consective kills goes, "Double Kill, H-H-H-H-H-Hat Trick, Quad Kill, ANNIHILATION!"
16:50.09liq3dunno killing spree ones tho. :(
16:50.18`228zip"Damn! premature detonation"
16:50.19liq3except B-B-B-B-Bloodbath!
16:50.30liq3Nothing quite as awesome as....
16:51.17*** join/#sc2mapster Labmonkey1 (
16:51.39Labmonkey1I got another sc2 key from a friend
16:51.54Labmonkey1im wondering whether to give it to another US friend to help with testing
16:52.02Labmonkey1or whether to make an EU acc
16:52.04Labmonkey1to promote my map there
16:52.06Labmonkey1any advice?
16:52.32liq3I could make myself an EU account... ohhhh.
16:52.58uBdeadenjoy the lag lol
16:53.35*** join/#sc2mapster Zachet (~6332e3c7@gateway/web/freenode/x-iwccfmudhxusffms)
16:53.49uBdeadi think it's dangerous how "cinematic mode" even disables the regular game menu
16:54.11uBdeadpranksters will just make maps that lock you into cinematic mode
16:54.41ZachetWhile that is true, I assume you can ' report ' maps which will than be reflected on the player that uploaded it
16:54.59*** join/#sc2mapster Chozei (
16:55.08uBdeadthat sounds great
16:55.47ZachetSo originally my weapon and weapon collision system was all trigger based because I am better with triggers
16:55.58ZachetI am trying to make a data weapon taht is collison based now
16:56.04Zachetbut some reason it wont fire
16:56.42ZachetIt's an ability with effects
16:56.50ZachetI have it it target point/unit
16:56.53Zachetbut on ordering the ability
16:56.59Bifuuim mad at blizzard not sending me friend keys =/ my cousin wants in
16:57.00Zachetit only shows up with ORDER NO TARGET
16:57.08ZachetORDER POINT or ORDER TARGET dosen't list it
16:57.14Zachetany ideas why?
16:57.27ZachetI was sent two
16:57.29Zachetgave one to a stranger
16:57.35Zachet3 total
16:57.35HatiBifuu: just got one tonight :P
16:57.48Bifuupoo on you
16:57.53Bifuui hope i get mine soon
16:58.02picklefishhi boys and girls
16:58.26ZachetHey pickle, make my 'data failure' ability work
16:58.50BifuuSooooooooooo Anyone have any tutorial requests? i can show how to do a day/night system without triggers o.o
16:58.51HatiIssue Order picklefish to Programm at Point ?
16:59.08ZachetCan you do data tutorials?
16:59.12picklefishIdunno what a data failure ability is
16:59.27BifuuZachet: yeah, thats all the tutorials i do is just in the data Editor
17:00.02Gozzonhow do i add cooldown to an ability?
17:00.04ZachetTrying to make a ability that I will order to shoot like a weapon, make it shoot 100% straight until it searches a very nearby target ( close colission ) =/
17:00.17Zachetbut it wont show up in the order except for order ability no target
17:00.19Zachetsome rason
17:00.38uBdeadyou need to create a Search effect zachet
17:00.48ZachetI have one... I just suck at data I guess
17:00.50Zachetlet me see
17:00.50picklefishyou just need to set a target in the effects
17:00.55uBdeadmake the launch effect for the weapon the search effect
17:01.53ZachetOkay I have 1 ability 1 button 3 effects 1 unit--
17:02.01ZachetEffects are Effect Damage Launch Missle and Search Area
17:02.36uBdeadok you will also need an GenericAttack actor
17:04.28uBdeadits a long story lol
17:04.40uBdeadill make a tutorial sometime this week
17:05.57uBdeadright now, i really need to get some food
17:11.33Shakii'm still trying to figure out making underground playable locations
17:11.43Shakilike an aboveground area and an underground one
17:12.07Shakithe cliff stuff isreally confusing
17:19.51RepoNew map: Supply Depot Tetris. ArcadeRenegade (Manager/Author). Approved by vjeux.
17:19.55RepoNew map: SUPER DUPER BUBBLE RACE. franck17 (Manager/Author). Approved by vjeux.
17:20.15Shakisupply depot tetris?
17:21.57`228zipMarmotte has a real tetris in the making
17:23.16`228zip~seen Motive
17:23.19purlmotive is currently on #sc2mapster. Has said a total of 586 messages. Is idling for 7h 3m 42s, last said: 'easier than copying for me'.
17:23.19Shakiwell ima try this tetris thing
17:23.24Shaki~seen sixen
17:23.25purlsixen is currently on #sc2mapster (10h 42m 7s) #wowuidev (10h 42m 7s). Has said a total of 148 messages. Is idling for 6h 56m 35s, last said: 'and you aren't #sc2mapster !'.
17:24.12`228zipMotive, you there ?
17:24.30`228zipsomeone did the tests on the return false in a trigger!
17:24.54ZachetData wise: does -1 mean none or infinite?
17:25.27crazafied_depends on what it is zachet
17:26.00crazafied_is infinite
17:26.06*** join/#sc2mapster dataangel (
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17:30.48*** join/#sc2mapster Gohla (
17:30.59Bifuu~seen seen
17:31.00purli haven't seen 'seen', Bifuu
17:32.15Gozzoni cant reduce arc with searches
17:34.48Shakihow do i make an underground location and an aboveground one
17:34.50Shakiboth playable.
17:35.16`228zipask HyBReD
17:35.24`228ziphe showed that in his tech demo
17:35.42`228zipHyBReD1, still up ?
17:35.48`228zip~seen HyBReD1
17:35.49purlhybred1 is currently on #sc2mapster. Has said a total of 4 messages. Is idling for 10h 30m 34s, last said: 'what are you guys looking for'.
17:36.01`228ziphe may wake up in a few
17:37.22Shakii mean like
17:37.26*** join/#sc2mapster Statcomm (~617423a7@gateway/web/freenode/x-mvanyqmudlktzrpa)
17:37.29Shakii can make a cliff over an underground, place
17:37.42Shakilike have a dude run around underground then walk onto the surface
17:37.45StatcommHello everyone
17:37.49`228zipI doubt it could work
17:37.57`228zipdo you need both at the same time Shaki ?
17:38.13Shakii saw in a video blizzard made
17:38.16Shakithey did it
17:38.21`228zipBlizzard video
17:38.31`228zipno one could walk above the cave
17:38.40`228zipBecause it wasn't really underground
17:39.11`228zipthe "incredible" "underground in a RTS" sounded so pathetic because of that
17:40.03`228zipYou could already do that in WC2 if you wanted to
17:40.09`228zipmake everything brown
17:40.14`228zipand call it an underground cave
17:42.18Shakii thought they went underground
17:42.28Shakibecause of the 3d element they added
17:42.47Shakitry holding control and right click, you can move the camera around if you know what i'm saying
17:42.51Shaki*in editor)
17:43.13Shakialt+right click
17:43.17Shakipulls you up and above
17:43.35Shakiit looks like you can move into a 2nd layer of playform
17:43.42Shakiif only.
17:43.51SherardWhat are you wanting to do
17:44.00Sherardsorry i missed it
17:44.30*** join/#sc2mapster XenTownsend (~Xen_Towns@
17:44.38Shakimake a layered map
17:44.40Shakiupper ground
17:44.42Shakiunder ground
17:45.04Sherardjust wait till the game comes out next moth
17:45.11`228zipnext month
17:45.11SherardThe reason why
17:45.23Sherardis you will get the feature it comes out still june 15th right?
17:45.23Shakiis because they havent released the tool uin beta
17:45.44`228zipSherard: Don't believe whatever your vendor told you
17:45.58`228zipHe doesn't know when the game comes out
17:46.00Sherardthats the realease date from blizzard still
17:46.01Shakithebeta is ending in summer
17:46.06Shakicoming out end of summer
17:46.06`228zipI know
17:46.14Sherardit will most likely be nov
17:46.25Sherardcause of christmas market
17:46.28`228zipJune 15th ? you're getting that right out of your hat
17:46.40Sherardno thats the date as of right now
17:46.55`228zipsource ?
17:47.16Shakibackup what you say
17:47.30`228zipis not reliable
17:47.32Sherardthats the day best by has it up
17:47.44`228zipDidn't I tell you not to listen to your vendor ?
17:47.51Sherardblizzard realeased that not long ago if it gets pushed back again
17:47.53Sherardit will be nov when it comes out
17:48.10*** join/#sc2mapster heysparky (~heysparky@
17:48.28`228zipIt's supposed to come out for Christmas 2009 right ?
17:48.32heysparkyhowdy folks
17:48.33Shaki"Release Date: 6/1/2010 Estimate Arrival Time"
17:48.34Sherardbut as of today that is the realease date still cause thats what blizzard has said
17:48.40Shakikeyword estimate.
17:48.51Sherardbut until they
17:48.56Sherardpush it back again thats the day
17:49.12Sherardwhich the likelyhood of that happening is very probible
17:49.15Shakiyea i heard somewhere they are promising
17:49.19Shakiif it gets pushed back
17:49.21Shakiits out by nov
17:49.28SherardIt will be
17:49.37Sherardthats the best time of year to put out new games
17:50.14heysparkyIIRC Blizzard ships when they're good and ready, not by market pressure
17:50.26Sherardcause sales are up that time of year
17:50.28heysparkywhen they release a game - THAT GAME - will be the one to have
17:50.32HyBReD1`228zip you dont know me
17:50.36uBdead|FOODTIEMblizzard IS the market lol
17:50.56SherardBlizzard is the best gamming company
17:51.01Vailrethi just went an preordered at a game stop..
17:51.05*** join/#sc2mapster Razernok (
17:51.08`228zipHyBReD1 : I was guessing you had been idling for 10 hours because you went sleeping =p
17:51.08Sherardthey put more time and effort into games than anyone
17:51.15heysparkyPreordered CE at Amazon :D
17:51.24picklefishI haven't pre-ordered yet
17:51.24Sherardthats also the reason you can still buy wc3 at bestbuy
17:51.32Vailrethcould not afford the ce..
17:51.38picklefishwaiting for my $20 credit for super mario galaxy 2
17:51.44`228zipHyBReD1: Someone wanted to know how to do underground things
17:52.18Shakiblizzard has never ONCE released a game on time
17:52.30HyBReD1i havent pushed my underground too far
17:52.39HyBReD1but you just need a big flat doodad to put over top a hole
17:52.39heysparkyWhat is 'on time' really?
17:52.39HyBReD1is all
17:52.42`228zipnative unitgroup UnitGroup (string type, int player, region r, unitfilter filter, int maxCount);
17:52.47`228zipwhat is type ?
17:52.53`228zipand where do I find it's values ?
17:55.58uBdead|FOODTIEMin the GUI
18:01.09Razernokanyone know how to keep the camera from moving up when near cliffs?
18:01.29HyBReD1my name is hybred1?
18:01.34Shaki|Eatingi knew that much, but where do you get one that ignores it
18:01.50HyBReDignores it?
18:01.58Shaki|Eatingignores the gap
18:02.01Shaki|Eatingso you can place it above
18:02.27HyBReDlook at my map
18:02.31HyBReDyou have to placel ike 4 of them
18:02.34HyBReDand ignore pathing
18:02.37HyBReDand increase the size
18:04.07Barteranyone know how to hide the default frame of a dialog?
18:04.27Razernokanyone know how to keep the camera from moving up when near cliffs?
18:05.09Barternm found it
18:06.14RazernokI guess not then :(
18:06.39BarterI have no idea razer
18:06.52RepoKnowledge base page update: by Bifuu
18:06.52Xananyone got depth of field for cameras working?
18:07.33*** join/#sc2mapster Shaki (
18:07.52Shakiwhy is everyone smarter than me
18:08.12uBdead|FOODTIEMask whatever god you believe in
18:08.33Shakihint: Religion ruins a speech.
18:09.02Xanbecause you have a life
18:09.03RepoKnowledge base page update: by Corosus
18:09.19Shakidid you say that to me?
18:09.22Shakilife? HAVE?
18:09.29Xanmy mistake
18:09.49Xanno idea then :P
18:10.13Shakiwell i'm pretty smart, i'm not stupid. yet everyone knows so much more than me about theese things
18:10.58Shakiis anyone working on attaching models to units? like items show up on you?
18:12.38Bifuuif we had models for something like that then sure
18:14.41heysparkyshaki, check out hybred's tech demo (I think it's Hybred)
18:14.51HyBReDlook at it
18:14.56HyBReDbunch of stuff is in there
18:15.10*** join/#sc2mapster Iggyhopper (
18:15.19Iggyhopperguys i know how to do custom functions
18:15.55Iggyhopperwell GUi and not like funkiy way
18:15.56Shakiill trust you hybred
18:16.01uBdead|FOODTIEMHybred wtf is that link
18:16.07Shakilol wtf is this
18:16.15*** join/#sc2mapster Lilianna (~4b0f85a1@gateway/web/freenode/x-xxdgkmewtphvkkss)
18:16.23uBdead|FOODTIEMeminem teaches GE?
18:16.23Shakii dont like eminem not afraid
18:16.29Shakithe other songs are fine but still
18:16.46uBdead|FOODTIEMfail :D
18:16.50HyBReDi had it copied
18:16.57HyBReDand linked someone something else cuz Shakinoob disconnected
18:17.04Gozzonanyone know how to make heroes learn abilities like in warcraft 3?
18:17.07uBdead|FOODTIEMHybred is such a wigger
18:17.33HyBReDE siiide
18:17.41LiliannaHmm, anyone know what SOpAttach actor to use per models attachment names?
18:19.26LiliannaNevermind I think I found one that would work, testing
18:19.42Bifuui liked the Em link =/
18:20.51*** join/#sc2mapster Sjurdur (~Sjurdur@
18:21.01`228zipcan someone explain me how filters work ?
18:21.26`228zipunitfilters namely
18:23.06BifuuHyBReD: In your tech videos, are the string of the item names made with triggers or in data?
18:24.38IggyhopperI saw in the Resident Overmind map that he used custom scripts to end the default function just to make a new one entirely with script and theres an esier way to define your own functions
18:24.41Bifuufigures =/ i hate having alot of triggers
18:24.56HyBReDthen dont ever expect to make a map worth making
18:25.18HyBReDtriggers are the backbone of a map
18:25.26BifuuMy first one wont have that many
18:25.41Bifuuand would be complete and very robust
18:25.43BarterIggyhopper: right click -> new -> new function?
18:25.51Iggyhopperlol Bifuu for my simple Zergger map i had to do a workaround for a lot of things
18:25.51HyBReDk Bifuu
18:25.59IggyhopperBarter yes
18:26.05Barteryeah its really handy :P
18:26.05`228zipis there a way to create a visual effect via triggers ?
18:26.11IggyhopperIt takes like 20 triggers
18:26.24Iggyhopperjust for that little frogger map
18:26.34HyBReDonce again
18:26.36BifuuMy only beef with triggers are the ones that loop endlessly, having alot of those messes with performance
18:26.37Furyhunter<Gozzon> anyone know how to make heroes learn abilities like in warcraft 3? <-- make a link to a separate page of the command card which teaches abilities based on available ability points
18:26.38HyBReDcheck my tech demo
18:26.56`228zipHyBReD where can I download it ? =X
18:26.57HyBReDevery effect you see is special effects
18:27.11HyBReDclick description
18:27.28`228zipdo you need to create a unit ?
18:28.11*** join/#sc2mapster DogCow (
18:28.31Gozzonomg ether spike thing looks so cool
18:28.31DogCowHello all.
18:28.56`228zipI'm not that good with actor messages so that's why =p
18:29.17HyBReDits not like theyre complicated
18:29.25heysparkyYeah, Hybred, those are some daggum fine attacks you made
18:29.27Lilianna:| How hard can it be to attach a Reaper to a missle
18:29.42DogCowI have a question related to the SCII beta but I haven't had any replies on the forum so I found this room. Maybe one of you can tell me if this is a bug or if I'm just stupid.
18:29.51`228zipHyBReD: Well I can't use GUI without fucking up my map
18:30.00heysparkyI can't even look at the Events+ dialog, it's corrupted on my machine :(
18:30.04`228zipbecause I replaced the MapScript.galaxy
18:30.18heysparkyWhat;s up DogCow?
18:30.34DogCowIf I'm playing a match and someone sends me a message, I can't figure out how to respond
18:30.42heysparkyPress Enter
18:30.47DogCowMy friend (also in beta) tells me there's a UI panel above the unit commands. I don't have that.
18:30.49heysparkythat opens the chat dialog
18:30.49IggyhopperPREEES ENTAR
18:30.56DogCowNo... that does Ally chat or All chat
18:30.58`228zipDogCow /r
18:31.11`228zipTo respond.
18:31.15DogCowthanks `228zip that sounds like the most likely option.
18:31.27`228zipHaven't played WoW it lookslike
18:31.29DogCowI was trying /tell [player] ... but it would just put that in chat.
18:31.45Iggyhopper-     /r d--d
18:31.45DogCowi have. but I was only trying the /tell command
18:32.15heysparkycheers DogCow
18:32.41GozzonFuryhunter i did but its not working for some reason, but i think im missing something
18:33.14FuryhunterThat's all I know
18:33.20FuryhunterI haven't really messed with the data editor much
18:34.11heysparkyanyone who's mucked with cinematics (fades) - how do you get the darnfangled fade to work? IN should fade from black to nothing, yes?
18:34.14`228zipdoes destroying an actor model makes it play its death animation Hybred1 ?
18:34.25*** join/#sc2mapster [TTG]Psy (
18:34.56`228zipiggyhopper: Who are you answering to ? =X
18:35.20Coolflipit doesnt
18:35.40Coolflipi wish it did
18:35.43heysparkysay, can you add to the trigger library?
18:35.45Coolflipit would make my map a whole lot easier
18:35.54HyBReDyes `228zip doesnt hybred
18:36.14HyBReDyes, it does
18:36.15HyBReDits strange
18:36.21HyBReDif the model youre using is
18:36.22Coolflipi have about 10 of them in my map
18:36.26`228zipI will try for myself then
18:36.26HyBReDGiant Dildo Death Animation
18:36.30HyBReDthen you have to kill it
18:36.32HyBReDfor the animation to play
18:36.38HyBReDif its just some random unit
18:36.40HyBReDthen no, it doesnt
18:36.52HyBReDdont FUCK me with Coolfip
18:37.06Gozzonanyone who knows about hero learning abilities?
18:37.17`228zipwhat does it work for ?
18:37.18Coolflipim trying to figure that also gozzon
18:37.23Coolflipit just gets rid of the model
18:37.32Coolflipthan in another event, you have to add another model
18:37.47Coolflipmost commonly used in morphing buildings into another
18:37.53Coolfliplike me xD
18:38.51`228zipwhere can I see the messages that work for actors ? is SetHeight one of them ?
18:40.43Iggyhopperhave you guys messed with game modes yet?
18:40.50IggyhopperMap->Game Modes
18:41.06Iggyhopperno Map->Game Variants...
18:42.07`228zipit's kinda hard to do anything with it since we can't see the lobby for custom maps
18:42.09heysparkyhey, can you reorient doodads to face whatever direction you wish?
18:42.19IggyhopperYeah so we'll have to do that later
18:42.32IggyhopperI'm making a custom action definition
18:45.12`228zipnative void     UnitCreateEffectPoint (unit inUnit, string inEffect, point inTarget);
18:45.17`228zipanyone tried that ?
18:45.50*** join/#sc2mapster Kaimetsu (
18:46.01Barterheysparky:  double click them after placing
18:46.08Barterdunno if you can while placing
18:49.33KaimetsuI need some help in stopping a trigger from triggering more than once. For example I have made a trigger that spawns two zealots when I enter a region, and then placed a "stop trigger" as last action, but when I test the map there will spawn zealots over and over.
18:49.59`228zipstop trigger != disable trigger
18:50.15`228zipso, no one tried UnitCreateEffectPoint ?
18:51.54HyBReDyou can do that ...
18:52.04IggyhopperI want to make a GUI definition for TriggerAddEventUnitRange(trigger, unit, triggerUnit, range, enterOrLeave)
18:52.16Coolflipdoes anyone know if there is a way to make an ability only be able to be used once?
18:52.17`228zipHyBReD ?
18:52.19Kaimetsunice i got it to work, thanks zip
18:52.23HyBReDits not effect
18:52.25HyBReDits an actor you create
18:52.31HyBReDactor model
18:52.38HyBReDthey did away with "effect"
18:52.52`228zipbut why the unit ?
18:52.59Iggyhopperunit is staple
18:53.05Iggyhopperunit has properties
18:53.15HyBReDyou dont need a unit
18:53.16Iggyhopperlife hp shields items
18:53.16HyBReDyou need a model
18:53.23`228zipUnitCreateEffectPoint HyBReD
18:53.24Iggyhopperyeah he said "wat bout unit"
18:53.32Coolflipwhat are you trying to do
18:53.35`228zipthat's what I'm talking about
18:53.39HyBReDone second
18:53.43`228zipI know
18:53.55`228zipthere's a point and a unit
18:53.55Coolflipif you are trying to change one unit into another, i can tell you how
18:53.58`228zipdoesn't mix
18:54.17`228zipCoolflip: I'm trying to create an effect, that's it!
18:54.31`228zipcan't do much simpler really
18:54.39Beiderwhat format do I have to save images in for it to work when I import them into the game?
18:54.42Coolflipeffects arent what effects were in wc3
18:54.56*** join/#sc2mapster Skystriker (
18:55.14Coolflipwhat were "effects" in wc3 are now models
18:55.23`228ziphybred: That's what I'm using >.>
18:55.24HyBReDive siad this 5 times now
18:55.28HyBReDthen youre bad
18:55.30HyBReDcuz thats how you do it
18:55.37`228zipBut I'm wondering what UnitEffect thingie is
18:55.38Coolflipso mean hybred
18:55.50HyBReDprobably an EFFECT?
18:55.52HyBReDlike spells
18:55.53HyBReDand shit
18:55.56Coolflipunit effect is like what makes a zerg building spawn creep around it
18:55.56`228zipat a point ?
18:55.57Gozzondamn whats wrong; My hero has ability which it should be able to learn, but hero has it at level 1 and cant level it up
18:55.59Coolflipor spawn larva
18:56.03HyBReDhave you heard of AoE?
18:56.06`228zipWhy a point =X
18:56.07Skizoti can't get this item to have an actor
18:56.16HyBReDRoots from the Infector?
18:56.32`228zipInfestor has roots ? you mean fungal growth
18:56.36`228zipBut yes I see what you mean
18:56.59Coolflipis there a way to easily add a "charge" to an ability
18:57.02Coolflipso it can only be used X times
18:57.10HyBReDtriggers :D
18:57.16Coolfliphow so
18:57.25HyBReDeverytime they cast set a global variable to -1?
18:57.28RepoKnowledge base page update: by Statcomm
18:57.28HyBReDwhen its 0 remove thea bility
18:57.31Coolflipi want self replicating creep tumors.....
18:57.38Coolflipeach tumor can spawn one more of itself
18:57.41Coolflipthat would be alot of variables
18:57.49HyBReDyou just need an array..
18:57.54Coolflipwell i fail at arrays
18:57.58HyBReDyea they're REALLY hard
18:58.08HyBReDwhen a new tumor is created set TumorCount +1
18:58.19RepoKnowledge base page update: by Statcomm
18:58.26HyBReDarray over
18:58.46Coolflipand how would this allow it to only spawn one? o.O
18:58.51HyBReDits probably better to use a 2d array at that point though
18:58.52*** join/#sc2mapster flea (
18:58.57HyBReDwhat do you mean
18:59.12Coolflipmy whole question is how to make an ability only be able to be used once
18:59.12RepoKnowledge base page update: by Statcomm
18:59.16Coolflipyou told me how to count tumors
19:00.07Coolflipmaybe i could do like "if (Creep tumor) is used, remove creep tumor from creep tumor?
19:00.10Coolflipconfusing, yes lol
19:00.11Skizothow do i add an actor to a new unit?
19:01.06Coolflipcant help you there lol
19:01.57`228zipSkizot: When creating a unit actor, there is a field at the top that lets you associate it with the unit
19:02.09`228zipI also think you have to change something in the events but I'm not sure =X
19:02.14`228zipEvents +
19:02.31HyBReDuse a local variable then
19:02.33HyBReDand wiat for condition
19:02.38HyBReDwait for unit to cast x ability
19:02.40HyBReDthen remove it
19:02.52*** join/#sc2mapster Cr0n0s (
19:03.07Coolflipyea thats what i figured
19:03.23Coolflipim just trying to think if its even worth it
19:03.29Coolflipit wouldnt cast it on its own anyways
19:03.41Skizoti'm nto seeing it 228
19:03.59*** join/#sc2mapster Jozrael (
19:04.47Durreandid anyone figured out yet how to do learning abilities?
19:05.59*** join/#sc2mapster Ignorance (
19:06.15IgnoranceHow do I get water to not look absolutely terrible?
19:06.34*** join/#sc2mapster Cronos (
19:07.45*** join/#sc2mapster qwebirc53169 (~47cb60f8@gateway/web/freenode/x-xtpcneamvvlbfcit)
19:07.48`228zipgot a problem with this line
19:08.00`228zipTrigger Error in 'RocketLauncher_Fire': Could not create actor: Name[Model] Content1[RLImpact] Content2[]
19:08.10`228zipthe RLImpact actor does exist
19:08.18`228zipWhat am I doing wrong ?
19:09.03ElykAnyone done anything with the AI triggers?  I'm trying to have the computer attack the player without issuing "attack region" commands
19:10.10crazafied_when you call                         Trigger - Turn (Current trigger) Off  within an event is that for All Players or just that player of event?
19:10.36`228zipwhy wouldn't it be for all players ?
19:10.55crazafied_I dunno thats what i was asking :P
19:12.22Durreanis there a way to start the editor 2 times? not just 2 maps in one
19:18.33Labmonkey1does anybody know how to scale a model
19:18.40Labmonkey1I've changed the SCALE value on an actor
19:18.42Labmonkey1but it doesn't work
19:18.54Xanshould work
19:19.14Labmonkey1it doesn't
19:19.23Xanof an actor? what do you want to scale?
19:19.33Xanunits and doodads scale just fine
19:20.15Labmonkey1I want to scale a unit
19:20.25*** join/#sc2mapster dataangel (
19:20.57Labmonkey1so I went to its actor
19:21.18Durreandid you made a custom unit with a copied actor? maybe its not properly linked
19:21.20Labmonkey1and changed the scale value, didn't work, changed the auto scale value, didn't work, searched for "Scale" and changed each thing, didn't work
19:21.36Labmonkey1how would I know if its properly linked?
19:21.45Xanyou can scale the unit without using actor
19:21.46Labmonkey1I changed the events to my custom unit, it shows up fine
19:21.59Xanthere is a scale unit trigger
19:22.10Xanor you mean in data?
19:22.13Labmonkey1in data
19:23.19Durreanmind sending me your map? i can try to figure out what your problem is
19:23.58Xananyone know how to use the depth of field? anyone tried it?
19:25.51Labmonkey1can you just tell me what SHOULD work
19:26.09Labmonkey1im messing with a lot of values but I don't know which ones actually should do the job
19:26.36Durreani can try
19:26.50*** join/#sc2mapster jackofcrowns (~446cc46f@gateway/web/freenode/x-gtjyuwmwrxtkijlb)
19:27.20jackofcrownshello ladies.   looking for a good map example of purchasing spells from a vendor.  anyone have a good example map?
19:28.31*** join/#sc2mapster Destro (~18b55dfc@gateway/web/freenode/x-ofqzuibxryuzxetc)
19:29.26DestroAre there any good sites for UI modification?  or anybody wanna shed some light on it?
19:30.12`228zipDestro: Dialogs probably are what you are looking for
19:30.53Destroany good tutorials on them?
19:30.55Durreanokay Labmonkey1: i copied the probe, then copied the probe actor. i changed the probe actors unitName (at top) to the copied probe unit. then i changed the scale to 2 of x, y, z and changed in the actor the Model, Model (Build) and Model (Placement)
19:30.58Durreanthat works for me
19:31.27Durreanthe scale of the actor
19:32.34DurreanDestro its really easy. create a dialog (and make it big enough) and create dialog items in it such like buttons, labels and images. tip: dont try to give a button an image but make a new dialog image item and set it to the same position
19:32.42Durreanyou can access the buttons through trigger events
19:33.55Durreanand if you search for icons for buttons, seach for "btn"
19:38.15Durreanhmm no answers
19:38.23Cronoswhat field in a weapon is the speed it fires?
19:39.03Cronosthanks ... they could have used a better field name imo
19:39.38uBdeadmake a suggestion on the forum ;)
19:41.01*** join/#sc2mapster Jamash (
19:41.49`228zipanyone tried unitfilters?
19:42.12Skizotoh what the hell...
19:42.29Skizothe's a hero but won't pick up items >(
19:42.59Durreandoes he has an inventory?
19:43.30Durreanahh my english is terrible tonight...
19:44.28RepoNew map: Impossible Scenarios. Danicela (Manager/Author). Approved by sixen.
19:44.50Bifuuhai Sixen
19:44.53Skizoti set up the inventory
19:45.06Durreanis there any sort of error message?
19:45.45Sixenhai2u bif
19:45.49*** mode/#sc2mapster [+v Bifuu] by Sixen
19:46.18Bifuui is making a new tutorial once i figure out how to make this ability
19:47.13Bifuuif it works like it will in my head, it should be pretty sweet
19:47.13`228zipWhere can I find what strings I need for UnitFilterStr ?
19:48.57Bifuuits fucking 87 degrees in my room
19:48.57RepoNew map: Lethal Lava Land. loljailbait (Manager/Author). Approved by sixen.
19:48.59Sixenthat's ridiculous
19:49.05`228zipFarenheit degrees ?
19:49.10Bifuuof course
19:49.15Bifuu87 Celsius id be dead
19:49.20`228zipThought so
19:49.34`228zipWhat's that in celsius ?
19:49.39Coolflipoh did you now?
19:49.41`228zip40ƂĀ°C ?
19:50.13`228zipClose lower or close higher ?
19:50.21Bifuunot close
19:50.22Bifuu87 degrees Fahrenheit = 30.5555556 degrees Celsius
19:50.29uBdeadpfff baby
19:50.34uBdeadthats a good temprature lol
19:50.43Bifuufuck that
19:51.01`228zipWhere can I find the list of natives ?
19:51.12`228zipmapster's doesn't seem to be up to date
19:51.18Destrosorry durrean i was trying the resident evil map
19:52.21Durreani'm trying to analyze the map of the chinese guy with the learning abilities..
19:52.32Destrowhere is that at?
19:53.42`228zipCome on, no one knows where the native list is ? =X
19:54.13uBdeadi told you lol
19:54.27`228zipi said mapster's doesn't seem to be up to date
19:54.32`228ziplacks some constants
19:54.42RepoKnowledge base page update: by sixen
19:54.55RepoKnowledge base page update: by sixen
19:55.05uBdead ?5/
19:55.08uBdead  ?
19:55.17Sixenthat's the complete native list
19:55.19`228zipdoesn't have any var does it ?
19:55.35`228zipit doesn't
19:55.47DestroDurrean where is that map you are talking about?
19:55.56ZachetOkay, so I was following what this fellow mentioned on the forums (last reply) to try and replace my own collision trigger system and learn more about 'data-ing' however it is not working as a castable ability... my assumption was that I need to fill something into the ' Ammo Unit ' field rather it be the caster or the projectile but can't make heads of the situa
19:56.07Durreanumm took it out of a forum, cant remember where
19:56.25Destroblah,  was it on mapster?
19:56.27RepoKnowledge base page update: by sixen
19:56.46Durreanno, but someone reffered to another forum
19:57.25Destrohmm, what is the save for it called/
19:57.28Destrothat would help
19:57.47Durreani renamed it...
19:57.51Durreanto "chinesemap"
19:57.59Durreanhat some 2363746553w45%&"$%& and so on
19:58.02*** join/#sc2mapster Cronos (
20:00.04Durreanbut somewhere there is a english post, but no english escroption. it seems detailed on the chinese forum, but i can't read it :D
20:00.39Destro that ring a bell?  or is that ANOTHER one?
20:00.55Durreanthats it
20:01.16Durreankay, wiritng the name and link down for credits :)
20:02.56*** join/#sc2mapster Cr0n0s (
20:03.54*** join/#sc2mapster Stimpack (
20:04.41uBdeadman i wish mojache was here
20:05.07uBdeadis his map availible for download?
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20:06.58Stimpackyeah finally found the room :P
20:07.06Stimpackhi evryone
20:07.41Stimpackjust want to thank evryone from sc2mapster your tutorials really helped a lot :)
20:08.07*** join/#sc2mapster Cr0n0s (
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20:10.46Stimpacki was laddering hardcore before the editor came out but since then it really sucked me in didnt play any games :) but its kind of complicated to a newcommer
20:12.32Stimpackjust playin around with evrything i can get my hands on tryin to understand whats goin on there
20:12.36Durreani agree with you its complicated...
20:13.15*** join/#sc2mapster Habladabla (~4dd36778@gateway/web/freenode/x-rorjmtmifrmikjfb)
20:13.35Stimpacki tried to do a jump with just the data editor because i found some intresting movers within you can modify gravity and such and failed horribly :P
20:13.50Stimpackjust could it get working with the trigger editor
20:14.00*** join/#sc2mapster Dustin| (
20:14.12Stimpackdo u think there is a way making jumps without triggers ?
20:14.57uBdeaddoes anybody know how do shoot missiles (projectiles) in random directions when you activate the ability
20:15.10uBdeadi could do it with triggers
20:15.27uBdeadbut should be possible with the Effects
20:16.33Stimpackim the wrong person to ask but it seems like there are so many possibilitys within the data editor
20:16.34uBdeadscrew it, ill use triggers lol
20:18.32*** join/#sc2mapster Shaki (
20:18.43Shakihey guys
20:18.54Stimpackhi there
20:18.58Shakiwhen i try to make a unit, say.. a hero for a map im making..
20:19.05Shakiwhy does it take away all the model files
20:19.09Shakiso that my hero doesnt shwo up
20:19.25Stimpackyou should check your actors
20:19.45*** join/#sc2mapster Durrean (
20:19.57DestroYea, when you make a guy you have to change from units to actros in the data editor
20:20.15Shakithanks kinda a noobie thing of me
20:20.21Shakii just noticed
20:20.27Shakiim a pretty damn good terrainer.
20:20.58*** join/#sc2mapster Genopath (~Alex@
20:21.44Shakinote to self
20:21.47Destroha, don't worry im in the same boat, and there are a ton of guys out there already lightyears ahead of me
20:21.51Stimpackim new to mapping but terraining seems like easier part of the whole thing :P
20:22.14Shakiim a regular mapper
20:22.15Shakijust not on starcraft
20:23.19Stimpackfor which games you did maps before ?
20:23.31Xanyeah the terraining tools are pretty simple
20:25.31*** join/#sc2mapster Ousnius (~4e2a3908@gateway/web/freenode/x-heuzlcdatcoxfall)
20:25.40Stimpackim just realising how complicated and hard to master such map editors are and im wondering how you guys learned this
20:25.59m0ghow to build a bridge anyone?
20:26.35*** join/#sc2mapster Ingela^ (
20:26.47Destrobridges aren't in yet
20:26.55Destrowhat i was told
20:27.05Stimpackthere is a guide about it
20:27.10*** join/#sc2mapster rebb (~d955577f@gateway/web/freenode/x-sjovfjzjcpergmyn)
20:27.12Stimpackon sc2mapster
20:27.14uBdeadStimpack, TRY, EVERYTHING
20:27.19uBdeadthats how i learned it
20:27.23m0gwell, that explains why i cant find them...
20:27.34Ousniushey do u know how to set the axis of a camera?^^
20:27.41Stimpackthat should be it but i didnt read the whole thing
20:27.47Stimpackdunno if it helps you
20:27.48Ousniusso that u don't look down
20:28.27Stimpackyeah its the same way im doin it atm but it takes a shit ton of time :P @ubdead
20:28.59Ousniusno idea? ;P
20:29.26m0gthx anyways, going to look into it
20:29.39uBdeadstimpack, i have a holiday :D
20:30.03picklefishhey, how do I call a function
20:30.06picklefishafter I've made it
20:30.07picklefishwith an action
20:30.15uBdeaddont make it a function
20:30.18uBdeadmake it an action
20:30.24Xanin its options, change function to action
20:30.26picklefishno it needs to be a function....
20:30.37uBdeadwhats does it do?
20:30.39rebbset variable = yourfunction ?
20:30.39picklefishit needs parameters
20:30.44Xanits still a function, but you can call it as an action
20:30.49uBdeadactions can have params
20:30.53picklefishthen how do I pass in params?
20:31.02Xansame as any other action
20:31.08uBdeadsame as for functions
20:31.28picklefishfunctions have a "parameters" tag, actions do not.
20:31.29OusniusXD action, functions, actions, functions OH MA GAWD!!
20:31.35MotiveGood mor-- oh wait.
20:32.00uBdeadlol what timezone are you in
20:32.03picklefishI'm pretty sure you don't know what the fuck you're talking about uBdead
20:32.11Motiveit's 4:30 pm here
20:32.15Ousniusdoes anybody know how to change the Y-axis of your camera? >.>
20:32.17Stimpack<- cet germany
20:32.20uBdeadim pretty sure im just trying to help you and you can suck it
20:32.22picklefishthere wouldn't be functions, if they weren't used
20:32.31Stimpack22:32 pm here :9
20:32.33MotiveI'm basically in sync with europeans as far as my sleeping goes. lol
20:32.38Xanpicklefish: just set it as an action, you can still add parameters
20:32.44Xanthere is a dropdown list to change it to action
20:32.48picklefishthanks Xan, I'll check it out
20:32.57Xanbut thats pretty much what uBdead said
20:33.10Ousniusdoes anybody know how to change the Y-axis of your camera? >.> (!!!)
20:33.11picklefishExcept that uBdead didn't explain it
20:33.24picklefishthanks again.
20:33.28Xanokay np
20:33.57XanOusnius, try height?
20:34.10Xanoh, Y axis
20:34.21Ousniusoh wait
20:34.24Xanyeah thats height
20:34.24Ousniusit's the
20:34.50crazafied_Is their anyway to return key pressed up/down to a variable
20:35.02Ousniuswhen you look down, or to the north
20:35.35XanOusnius: which direction do you want the camera to move? or do you want to pan/zoom?
20:35.49uBdeadlol check out what the GE thinks my probes look like:      (looks normal ingame)
20:35.54Ousniusmy camera pans on a tank
20:36.01OusniusI want it to look forward
20:36.08Ousniuslike an FPS
20:36.31*** join/#sc2mapster Cronos (
20:36.45*** join/#sc2mapster Vailreth (
20:36.49picklefishSorry uBdead :(
20:37.00picklefishI was a dick.
20:37.09Stimpackthats kind of funny had the same with my barracks @ubdead
20:37.13OusniusXan any idea?
20:37.18uBdeadlol np it can get frustrating sometimes
20:37.35RepoNew map: voidChess. rebb (Manager/Author). Approved by vjeux.
20:37.57vjeuxuBdead: looks great in pink :)
20:38.07XanOusnius: try pan camera, and set the target to an area in front of your camera, then it will move there
20:38.15uBdeadLOL sweet
20:38.18Xanor if you want to zoom, there is the zoom-action
20:38.51Ousniusdoes an offset work?
20:38.57Motivethe uberling kills people by falling on top of them.
20:39.11Xanyeah use a point with offset that is in front of the camera
20:39.12Ousniusso the camera itself is on the tank, but it looks forward
20:39.31Xanyou want the camera to move forward or just zoom?
20:40.15OusniusI want it to look vorward
20:40.33Ousniusthe cam is panned on the tank and it should look there where the tank looks lol^^
20:41.00Xanthen dont use pan
20:41.38Ousniusshould I give u a download link to look at it?
20:42.21Xantry "set camera object target" to <direction where tank is facing>
20:42.35Xanthat should make it look
20:42.49Ousniusokay I'll try w8 :P
20:43.06uBdeadrofl i was trying to make my unit shoot photon missles, and i accidently set the ammo to "Photon cannon"
20:43.11uBdeadso i shoots cannons :D
20:44.32Stimpackyeah same with me get often confused when im trin to do things quickly and dont rename them after copying and i have like 1000 copys of some shit
20:44.56vjeuxlol, it's a direct leak of nibbits :X
20:45.17Skizothey vjeux i forgot to ask you... are you the guy who made the game addon for wow?
20:45.28XanOusnius: or "make the camera look at" might work better, since then you can choose a duration (that it takes to make it turn the camera)
20:45.36Skizoti made your icons.
20:45.39SkizotWAY back when
20:45.40vjeuxloool :p
20:45.41uBdeadholy shit
20:45.46uBdeadwhat addon was that?
20:46.05Vailrethok does any one know of a tutorial for upgrades ? i cant seem to get mine to activate even after reasearching it
20:46.26Skizotbeen a while huh?
20:46.28*** join/#sc2mapster Luminy (~c10bd8d6@gateway/web/freenode/x-zhchnkeemqypxygi)
20:46.39vjeuxminigames (tic tac toe, power 4 and some others
20:46.46vjeuxquest minion
20:46.59vjeuxbasically blizzard copy & pasted it for their quest tracker :p
20:47.37vjeuxand been working on cosmos, an addon that gathered all the addons that were made during the beta of wow
20:47.53Stimpackyeah vjeux im just curious how do you know all that stuff about programming did you learn it as a student or is just evrything teached by urself over a million years ?
20:48.06vjeuxwe need this map on mapster
20:48.06uBdeadah thats nice man
20:48.20vjeuxself taught
20:48.28vjeuxbtw i was still in high school at the time
20:48.57Stimpacknice work buddy :)
20:48.58vjeuxwas 15 when I worked for cosmos
20:49.21vjeuxon cosmos
20:50.32vjeuxi'm now in computer science school (20)
20:51.28Stimpackthats nice just joined the modding community and im rly intrested in all that stuff but its just too hard to handle in shorts amounts of time :P
20:51.31uBdead(so am i lol)
20:51.43*** join/#sc2mapster pirate (~6036040b@gateway/web/freenode/x-qzrtcocndxlnaolb)
20:51.43Motiveeveryone in this channel is a nerd.
20:51.49Motiveanyone who uses IRC could easily qualify for a nerd.
20:51.53uBdeadthats the joke lol
20:51.59vjeuxwell, you have to take the time :p
20:52.07StimpackxD seems like im morphing into one right now :P
20:52.27vjeuxyou don't get good at something if you don't spend (way too much) time on it
20:52.52vjeuxgod bless me I didn't choose an useless passion :p
20:53.49*** join/#sc2mapster Bobby5589 (
20:54.04vjeux"We are currently unable to process replays that are newer than patch 8. No timeline for for a fix as of yet."
20:54.13vjeuxnibbits has been owned by blizzard :
20:54.38Motivegod bless programmers. we'll never be replaced.
20:54.54vjeuxwell, there are plenty of them coming from india :X
20:55.03uBdeadexcept when somebody finds out a AI thats smarter then a human that is
20:55.42Motivewell apparently what I've heard is that some people are just using XML to generate code, then outsourcing that to india and having an american do touchups.
20:55.44piratehow do you make learnable spells, like in War3?
20:55.44vjeuxuBdead: that's a dream from the 80's when they made their first steps on the AI side
20:55.45Motivewhich fucking sucks.
20:55.57vjeuxwe know it's way harder than that
20:56.03Stimpacksure but sometimes im tryn to do things with the editor and like the frame works but there are some mostly minor things that dont and it takes hours to fix of course i learned from that but it didnt serve me right like it could be fixed within 1 min but for me it takes sooo much longer because i didnt find what im lookin for or it seems like the wrong value at first
20:56.04rebbvjeux: did you get any localization errors in voidchess when authorizing it ?
20:56.18vjeuxrebb: didn't test it
20:56.38vjeuxI don't have the time to test all the maps we receive
20:56.41vjeuxthere's like 3 per hour
20:56.54uBdeadMotive: a compagny gave a demonstation on that at our school
20:57.10Motivehalf the fun of writing code is doing it by hand imo
20:57.16Motivedesigning it from the ground up.
20:57.19Stimpackso is there a way to understand the editor more fast ? like learning xml or jazz ?
20:57.24uBdeadi use frameworks alot lol
20:57.34vjeuxStimpack: play with it!
20:57.34uBdeadhate doing stuff other people do better
20:57.42Durreanquestion: a damage effect -> splash (area) dmg -> the bonus, it is a multiplier or just a amount of dmg?
20:57.44Stimpacki do all the time i got :P
20:58.07Motiveframeworks are fine but like
20:58.07vjeuxI want to start launching mapping contests
20:58.10Motivethe overall design of your code, etc.
20:58.40vjeuxlike: designing a clock
20:58.44uBdeadsounds good, but the leet mappers will always win them :P
20:58.49Ousniusa clock? lol
20:58.57Ousniusyou mean that time thingy? XD
20:59.07vjeuxyou have 10 millions way to show the hours
20:59.21uBdeadsounds pretty cool actually
20:59.21Ousniusso u mean UI design?^^
20:59.39vjeuxyou can show the numbers with units
20:59.43uBdeadi would do it with units moving around :D
20:59.44vjeuxand things like that
20:59.46MotiveOh I know how to win this competition.
20:59.50MotiveMake a clock.... out of uberlisks.
20:59.55MotiveAnd every hour, it kills a bunch of marines.
20:59.56uBdeadgo for it lol
20:59.59uBdeadrofl :D
21:00.10Ousniuszerglock XD
21:00.17vjeuxanyway got to go
21:00.23vjeuxi'll prepare this for the next week
21:00.40Motiveway to break the bye chain, uBdead.
21:00.43MotiveI'm ashamed of you.
21:00.54Stimpackyeah how could you :P
21:01.09picklefishFunction for getting a playesr current resources?
21:01.32Motiveit's under Player, and it's not labelled as Minerals/Gas
21:01.39Motiveyou have to choose which one you want
21:01.42MotiveMinerals/Gas/Terrazine, etc.
21:02.13Stimpackyeah check for player property i think
21:02.51uBdeadi should have done c-c-c-c-c-c-combo breaker
21:03.02Motivethat would've made you win the game.
21:03.05Motiveyou'd win IRC.
21:03.44uBdeadmnn i will submit my map, if anybody will test it for me :D
21:03.53*** join/#sc2mapster Mojache (~63f8d183@gateway/web/freenode/x-mhneueuokahgjtje)
21:03.57Motivewhats your map about?
21:04.03Seityis there a way to allow a unit to walk through doodads / ignore cliffs? my projectiles keep trying to move around
21:04.17uBdeadhard to explain motive
21:04.25uBdeadits action helion micro
21:04.31uBdeadwith waves of enemies
21:04.49MotiveI'd play multiplayer if we got enough people to do it
21:04.59Motivestill haven't tested my launcher w/ windows people
21:05.11*** join/#sc2mapster Magnevv (
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21:05.32picklefishI can be a tester if you need me to motive
21:05.38Traveler7oh fack im a traverle
21:05.42MotiveuBdead's map. :P
21:05.48Stimpackme too if you like
21:05.51MotiveI just plan on joining a bunch of people when they're playing multiplayer.
21:05.56uBdeadare we all on EU?
21:06.01MotiveI'm on US
21:06.04Stimpackdont have anything to do atm anyway
21:06.04Vailrethcan any one explain to me how to link an upgrade to its research so that researching it activates the upgrade?
21:06.15MotiveFUCK YEAH!
21:06.22Stimpack<- eu :/
21:06.25picklefishMotive, I meant you applicatio
21:06.49Motiveyou're on US and can replace Lost Temple?
21:07.00Motivewant to test it then? :P
21:07.10Motivewhat map should we play?
21:07.15uBdeadmy map :D
21:07.18Motiveok :P
21:07.29*** join/#sc2mapster Iggyhopper (~a@
21:07.48Iggyhopperi had to reinstall mIRC so i needed to get the server name
21:07.52SevenSevenWait I want to play!
21:08.17MotiveI'm theblackmage.motive on btw. Or vice versa. I forget.
21:08.26uBdeadcareful not respawns yet btw lol
21:08.52Motiveoh snap
21:08.54Iggyhopperwhat is hellion strike?
21:08.56Motivehardcore mode
21:08.57SevenSevenSeven.Seven :D
21:09.02Stimpackdo i have to download the starcraft 2 map patcher for that `?
21:09.17Stimpackfor playin with you guys coustum maps ?
21:09.32Motiveyou can, or you can replace it yourself
21:09.37Motiveas long as you can move Lost Temple somehow, it should work
21:10.00picklefishno back-up in your application?
21:10.12Motiveno need, my map doesn't delete files.
21:10.14Motiveit just moves them.
21:10.17Motivemy program*
21:10.30MotiveI dunno about the windows one though
21:10.35Motiveworst case you DL lost temple again. Lol
21:10.54SevenSevenadded you motive
21:11.32Motiveinvited you to a party
21:11.38Motivejust waiting on picklefish now then.
21:11.46picklefishI'm ready whenever?
21:11.48Motivelol Blizzard has a bug. :)
21:11.52picklefishoh but I don't have your app
21:11.53Motive(null) has joined the party.
21:11.56Motiveyou don't need my app
21:12.03uBdeadlol it is untested on 3 players :D
21:12.10uBdeadmight be A LOT of units lol :D
21:12.15uBdeadsounds fun :D
21:12.16[TTG]PsyBlizzard has lots of bugs
21:12.22[TTG]PsyIt's the way of the world
21:12.31Ousniusblizzard != gothic 3
21:12.40`228zipBlizzard has bugs.. in their brains.
21:12.42Motivejust whisper me on and I'll invite you to the party, picklefish
21:12.47MotiveOH SHIT BRAIN BUGS
21:13.01Motivelol that reminds me of that movie.
21:13.01Stimpackubdead your testing it on eu ?
21:13.04Motiveshit what was it...
21:13.14`228zipMotive: Stargate ?
21:13.20`228zipStargate has brainworms
21:13.24Motiveit was a series of movies
21:13.27Motivestarship troopers
21:13.31uBdeadyou want to give it a go stimpack?
21:13.35SevenSevenGod dammit
21:13.41SevenSevenpicklefish's name is so catchy
21:13.42`228zipStarship Troopers only has brain bugs in the 2nd one, which sucks
21:13.44Stimpackwrite me your identifyier so i can add you
21:14.00uBdeadi think lol
21:14.13MotiveWhy is there a sound thing next to my name?
21:14.17Motiveand it's going up and down
21:14.23[TTG]PsyUgh, mapmaking has ruined me.  I was gonna do some ladder, but still had a map up when I flipped to SC2.. found a bug... and now I can't play ladder or I'll just think about bugs
21:14.23Motivelike I'm talking on a mic but I'm not and sound is off. lol
21:14.24uBdeadyea i have it too
21:14.24SevenSevenits a bug I think
21:14.29`228zipIt's going up and down depending on the music
21:14.34Motiveoh that's stupid.
21:14.39picklefishMotive: 2e0bea8af7278e98da4a3e416d208cd17956bc36e1b53e37287a468ed1468daa.s2maadd me. picklefish.shack my friends list is full lolz
21:15.11*** join/#sc2mapster wkj (
21:15.24MotiveSeven, where'd you go? :P
21:15.26MotiveIt's showing you as null
21:15.30heysparkyHow do you get Ctrl-F9 to run the beta in a window for pity's sake?\
21:15.48uBdeadFile > Preferences > Test document > Window mode
21:16.03heysparkyty uBdead
21:16.35uBdeadyour welcome
21:16.42uBdeadlets play Stimpack :D?
21:16.48Stimpackof course :P
21:16.52uBdeadanybody else on EU want to give it a go?
21:16.53Stimpackshow me hell xD
21:16.57*** join/#sc2mapster Magnevv (
21:16.59uBdeadits COOP :D
21:17.21Stimpackso we need one more ?
21:17.32DurreanEU? maptest?
21:17.49Durreanbtw whats going on? :D
21:17.56Arthas-Ingela^ traitor!
21:18.00uBdeadpost ID
21:18.07Ingela^you always get me at stupid timings Arthas-
21:18.08Ingela^you're amazing
21:18.09picklefishmotive invite me
21:18.12SapphI need to learn more about the different kinds of actors
21:18.14Arthas-Ingela^ I know :D
21:18.15Ingela^i've been playing for like 4 hours now
21:18.18Motiveoh I have to invite
21:18.19Motivewoops lol
21:18.21Arthas-thats my unique skill ^^
21:18.27picklefishmotive, every time I talk to you it says "null is not online"
21:18.29Stimpackeahm where should i place the map ubdead ?
21:18.43uBdeadhave you used the patcher before?
21:18.58Durreani didnt used the patcher too
21:19.00Stimpacki just downloaded it
21:19.10uBdeadok so place the map anywhere
21:19.21Stimpackk it is placed anywhere :P
21:19.21uBdeadnext thing we do
21:19.29uBdeadwe go into a custom game lobby
21:19.32uBdead(ill invite you)
21:19.38Durreanthis thing?
21:19.51uBdeadand when you are in the lobby
21:19.53uBdeadyou alt-tab
21:19.57uBdeadand use the program
21:20.01Stimpackk np
21:20.05uBdeadthen we start the game, and its all cool
21:20.10uBdeadso whats your ID?
21:20.17Sapphso like the lurker spines model has 8 or 9 different animations ... Attack, Attack 1, Attack 2, etc ... and I'm trying to figure out how to play them all sequentially
21:20.18Stimpackalright seems easy :9
21:20.46Durreando oyu want me to play with you or not?
21:20.47Sapphif I just tell the actor play the animation "Attack" it seems like it chooses a random one out of that set and plays it
21:20.56uBdeadsure durrean!
21:21.06uBdeadpost me your ID so i can invite you
21:21.29picklefishI switched the one in the guide :/ not lost temple, I don't know which one lost temple is
21:21.38Motivepicklefish we're remaking. :P
21:21.42uBdeadare you on EU Durrean?
21:21.50Durreanim sure i am
21:21.50Motiveask seven for the lost temple one
21:21.57Motiveor use the windows tool
21:22.00picklefishkk what's path to lost temple?
21:22.09uBdeadis that your ID because it says "player not found"
21:22.09MotiveI don't know it. I'm on a mac
21:22.18SevenSevenpicklefish, did you add me?
21:22.19Durreanhmm give me yours
21:22.28Durreanwould be new to me if im in US
21:23.12Durreani added you
21:23.47picklefishok I got it
21:24.49*** join/#sc2mapster BarakatX2 (~459b1d58@gateway/web/freenode/x-qyhrcnjahmaqfsde)
21:25.46Shakiif only i could make my hero a unique one
21:25.51Shakiby editing his features.
21:26.30Durreanhmm stucks loading in the middle
21:26.48Stimpackfuck seems like i did a mistake @ ubdead
21:26.58uBdeadoh well lets try again then
21:27.00Durreanah it did load
21:27.05uBdeadoh cool
21:27.19wkjAnyone knows why my mouse cursor isnt showing, even when I have ran the trigger "UI - Show the mouse cursor for (All players).
21:27.33Stimpackyeah i didnt patch ur map i did patch my sc2 exe instead :/ im awful :P
21:27.58Stimpackso i select ur map in the program and should patch that am i right ?
21:28.33Stimpackinvite me again if you arent ingame already
21:29.02Vailrethgreat now its stating THAT again
21:30.03Sapphtrying to follow the void ray's chain of effects and behaviors is headache inducing
21:30.48picklefishhey ubdead the units don't attack and everything is in that broken /123131/adfsf/PARAM crap
21:31.46MotiveHellion's was pretty fun
21:31.49MotiveI blew myself up the first time
21:31.59SevenSeventhat was fun
21:32.05Motiveyou have a pretty bad localization issue though
21:32.10Motivenone of the abilities, text, etc has names
21:32.15Motivejust Text/String/232031 or something
21:33.10picklefishDoes General - If (Conditions...) AND all of the conditions?
21:33.20crazafied_yes my default
21:33.27Ousniuslol my cat sits IN the heater
21:33.53wkjyou must be really hungry
21:34.08MotiveI'm sorry but I LOVE YOUR NAME PICKLEFISH
21:34.15Motiveit makes me laugh every time I read it
21:34.35picklefishanyone want to see my shop?
21:35.21SapphI wish the editor didn't cause my fan to go into overdrive
21:36.34Bifuustupidest thing about the day night sistem in sc2, ou cant just say "12 hours in game is 6 minutes real time!"
21:36.48Bifuunoooooooooo its based off game loops
21:37.50BarakatX2can you have one actor be used by multiple unit types?
21:38.17Bifuuactor? no, model yes
21:38.53Shakii can do stuff on this
21:39.03Shakii'm making my map now btw
21:39.10Shakiand its pretty awesome
21:39.34*** join/#sc2mapster warturtle (
21:39.37*** join/#sc2mapster Corosus (
21:39.50uBdeadpicklefish: i forgot to turn off god mode LOL
21:40.02Durreanyeah but you can blow yourself up
21:40.08Durreanthats the best :D
21:40.11uBdeadyou thats a feature lol :D
21:40.17BarakatX2so if i make 20 item unit types then i have to make an actor for each one?
21:40.18Stimpackit didnt work for your missle so it wasnt soo godly xD
21:40.32BarakatX2or can i assign a model directly
21:40.46uBdeadyea weird that the missile still kills you on godmode
21:40.56picklefishlol whoops
21:40.58Stimpackits because you didnt flag it
21:41.05picklefishyeah missle must ignore the invunerable flag
21:41.13*** join/#sc2mapster Foxor (
21:41.19uBdeadyea well doesnt really matter
21:41.27uBdeadim going to change it to missile's only
21:41.34uBdeadno more flametrower
21:41.49picklefishis it possible to color text in tooltips?
21:41.55MotiveDon't see why not.
21:42.02Stimpackbut speacialy then more than one rocket
21:42.09uBdead4 types
21:42.13uBdeada direct fire
21:42.22picklefishHow do you color text? some sort of ^444 system?
21:42.22uBdeada long range
21:42.30uBdeadits tags based
21:42.33Durreanhmm for what is the search effect?
21:42.47uBdeadon my map?
21:42.52uBdeadits the AOE
21:43.07Durreancant you do that just in the damage effect with area?
21:43.11Shaki~seen sixen
21:43.13purlsixen is currently on #sc2mapster (15h 1m 55s) #wowuidev (15h 1m 55s). Has said a total of 155 messages. Is idling for 1h 47m 56s, last said: 'that's the complete native list'.
21:43.19uBdeadi could, but this is more flexible
21:43.20Stimpackyeah dunno how much work you want to put in but i think it would be cool to be able to damage other players and for kills of non players to get money to buy more rockets or something like it
21:43.25MotiveI'll give you a complete natives list ;0
21:43.25Durreanah ok
21:43.34Stimpackbut its just an oppinion
21:43.45Shakihow do i add hero leveling to my hero.
21:43.59uBdeadyes i like it stimpack :D
21:44.03Shakilike leveling up and level 1 2 and 3 sorta thing
21:44.24Durreanyou wont be happy with only hero leveling, leveling abilites are just pain :) but on the forum you will find a hero tutorial
21:44.39Stewoxhi guys
21:44.41uBdeadbrb toilet
21:44.43Stewoxtrigger editor does nto work in mod
21:45.02Stewoxhow to make it work?
21:45.08Stewoxit does not do anything
21:45.45Shakii will be happy with hero leveling
21:45.53Stewoxneed help
21:45.54Shakidont tell me what to be happy with
21:46.02Stewoxtrigger editor does not work for me in my mod
21:46.17Durreanyeh sorry
21:46.22Shakii just want to have the UI on the unit to display "Level 1"
21:46.27Shakii've seen it in other maps.
21:47.00Stewoxhello anybody?
21:47.00Ousniushow to send text with a trigger? >.<
21:47.49SevenSevenanyone know how to use imported sounds?
21:48.11SevenSevenI put in some music but it wont show up
21:48.28Ousniusgo to sound
21:48.47Ousnius(with rawdata)
21:48.51Shakiyou might have to make the sound in the data editor
21:49.10Ousniusthe nafter you stopped the blizz one start ur own
21:49.30Stewoxmy trigger editor does not work in my mod
21:49.40Stewoxit does not do anything
21:50.46Stewoxcan't make new tirggers , folders , nothing
21:51.21Durreanshouldnt you do a mod, then a new map for this mod? i think this is how it works but i didnt tried it yet
21:52.01Shakihey durrean
21:52.22Shakiabout that mod, how do i make one, i dont want to remake tons of units that i made again in my new maps..
21:52.26SevenSevenI'm looking at the data editor and stuff but I still don't see the soundtrack :(
21:52.44Shakiyou have to add a sound object
21:52.59Bifuuwonders if the neutral computer attacks the hostile computer
21:53.11Shakinaw neutral is neutral.
21:53.18Shakior is it!
21:53.21Shakishifts eyes.
21:53.29OusniusSevenSeven: go to trigger editor
21:53.45Ousniusthen make an new action (NOT on initialization)
21:54.07OusniusSound -> SoundtrackStop (in rawdata view mode)
21:54.21Ousniusthen stop the current soudnrtack there
21:54.34Ousniusafter that you have to start ur own
21:54.42Ousniusshould work
21:54.52Ousniusand your file should be .mp3 oder.wav
21:55.08uBdeadoder 8D
21:55.16*** join/#sc2mapster AgentPaper (~chatzilla@
21:55.19Stimpackger =
21:55.32SevenSevenThe problem is that the soundtrack I imported isn't showing up
21:55.53Ousniuswhich file extension?
21:55.58MagnevvDoes anybody know a way I can increase a units energy regeneration by a fraction? I can't find it in the behavior section, nor can I find a trigger that registers when the unit gains a behavior
21:57.19Ousniusthen go to data editor
21:57.27Ousniuschoose "Soundtrack"
21:57.31Ousniusto see all soundtracks ;P
21:57.44Ousniusadd a new one and choose your file?
21:57.58SevenSevendoesn't show up there either :|
21:59.28Bifuumwaahahaha i made Neutral not neutral
21:59.54Bifuusucks you can only set alliances in triggers tho
22:00.36SevenSevengod dammit
22:00.40SevenSevenwhere the feck is the soundtrack
22:03.28piraterawr, how do i attach a button to a learn type ability (for WC3 hero abiliz)?
22:03.47Stewoxso this means
22:03.57Stewoxin a mod u can't make triggers
22:04.02Stewoxthis sucks then
22:04.31Stewoxcause i can't make anything , i press new element , new trigger , new folder , it does not do anything
22:06.10BeiderDemo of my new custom UI element (The sidebar):
22:06.18Stimpackseems like it isnt working with the beta editor maybe with the full one then
22:06.32picklefishanyone have a list of text tags?
22:08.00picklefishthat's a perty sidemenu veider
22:09.59*** join/#sc2mapster Kanaru (
22:10.08Stimpacklovin it :P
22:10.12uBdeadim on livesteam lololololol
22:10.24uBdeadshow me please :D
22:10.26picklefishanyone know how to set font size in text tags?
22:10.46BeideruBdead: sure
22:10.48Beiderwait a sec
22:12.10*** join/#sc2mapster Iggyhopper (
22:12.35Iggyhopperhey do you guys know a game that released earlier? it was like a mod or a new game like worms except they looks like tiny fuzzballs?
22:12.41uBdeadholy shit thats unbelievable
22:13.07Stimpackyeah its great
22:13.12OusniusoO @ Beider nice^^
22:13.23uBdeadis that done using triggers only?
22:13.23Beiderbest of all, I will release the source for it and you can pretty much copy+paste it
22:13.30Vailrethhello i am trying to give a building a morph ability but i cant because the command card only lists selection abilities
22:13.47BarakatX2how do you make a custom dialog item?
22:13.50Stimpacknice could learn a lot from since im new to mapping
22:13.53BarakatX2do you use triggers
22:13.55Beiderbasically three arrays of [2][5] with dialog, button and image in them
22:14.07Kanaruhow can i cast a custom ability using a trigger?
22:14.14Beiderthen I just use a point with X,Y to refer to it, to hide/show
22:14.16Iggyhoppergot it
22:14.17Beiderpretty simple really
22:14.24Ignoranceugh, I hate how European maps don't work properly in US game. :(
22:14.33uBdeadwell done
22:14.37picklefishwell I think you just have to do something
22:14.43Kanaruit works fine and its on the command card and all, but it can only be cast normally, not with a trigger
22:14.53IgnoranceI really want to look into making UI adjustments.
22:14.57Durreanim going to bed, bye
22:15.00Ignorancesince that's my specialty and all :P
22:15.03Ignorancegood night, Durrean
22:15.07Kanarui dont know how to use it, and i dont know what i would put in for custom script if i have to do that
22:15.17Kanarubecause typing the ability name or even in quotes doesnt work
22:15.24Ousniusanyone wants to take a look @ my map?
22:15.27*** part/#sc2mapster Durrean (
22:15.49OusniusIgnorance you meant me?
22:16.01IgnoranceI'm a nice guy. :P
22:16.06Ousniusokay then w8 a sec I'll fix  sth. :D
22:16.48BarakatX2how do you set the sound a weapon makes?
22:16.56BarakatX2i keep forgetting :(
22:17.18SevenSevenis it just my computer
22:17.27SevenSevenor does the SC2 editor never close when you just close it?
22:17.37SevenSevenI have to go into task manager and manually kill the process
22:17.42BarakatX2sometimes for me too
22:17.48Ignorancehappens to me all the time
22:17.52SevenSevennot only that, but it seems like the maps I opened up before stay in the background
22:17.54Ignoranceyou have to close it from within its own menu
22:17.55SevenSevenbut I can't get to them
22:18.11Ignoranceor ctrl alt delete
22:18.16SevenSeventhat would be awesome to have two maps going at the same time lol
22:18.17Ignorancekinda sucks, but it's beta
22:18.25SevenSevenI don't get why it's beta
22:18.38SevenSevendidn't they stress that the devs used this to create the campaign?
22:18.45IgnoranceIt DOES have two maps going at the same time, you just can't access two at the same time. :P
22:18.47SevenSevenit can't be in beta, that makes no sense lol
22:18.55IgnoranceA fair point.
22:19.07IgnoranceI'm not sure how the devs deal with this, besides that it's clearly a downgraded version
22:19.26*** join/#sc2mapster General1337 (
22:19.31SevenSevenThe full version better have more than 4 cliff levels
22:19.34SevenSevenor I'm going to go apeshit
22:19.35IgnoranceIt could be that the downgrading caused a large number of the bugs, or they simply weren't relevant when creating campaigns.
22:19.41SevenSevenit's so ridiculously limiting
22:20.06IgnoranceThis version is clearly designed for making melee maps.
22:20.14IgnoranceHow do you get water to work properly in it anyway?
22:20.19SevenSevennever know with blizzard
22:20.25SevenSevenmaybe this is why the game took so damn long to come out
22:20.34*** join/#sc2mapster TriGuN1 (
22:20.37IgnoranceI doubt it.
22:20.42SevenSeventhere's a thought lol
22:20.55SevenSevenYou would doubt it haha
22:21.05SevenSevencoming from a guy named Ignorance :P
22:21.21Ousnius@ Ignorance gimme one more minute ;D
22:21.31IgnoranceThe name is ironic. :P I'm very knowledgable in teh logics.
22:21.38Ousniushave to fix some Player bugs and change descriptions
22:21.59IgnoranceThough, I don't even know what I'm working on yet.
22:22.27IgnoranceThere just isn't enough information out yet for me to make the kinds of things I want to, but I suspect it'll be easier soon. I'm just playing around until then.
22:22.28*** join/#sc2mapster Redscare (
22:23.02Habladablasupzor homie
22:23.08Kanarui honestly dont think they had the goal to make it a super-powerful editor when they started
22:23.10picklefishI think I'm going to release my bank with unit buying enabled
22:23.23Kanaruim guessing it wasnt planned to be much better than wc3's
22:24.03IgnoranceI'm pretty sure that all the strength is in the editor we have now, just none of the features that make it reasonable to use. :P
22:24.37IgnoranceIt's a lot more powerful than Warcraft 3. Most of the best stuff hasn't been touched by anyone outside of Blizzard yet AFAIK.
22:24.46IgnoranceHas anyone done anything with Starmaps yet?
22:24.59RedscareI'm still looking for like a starters manual >_>
22:25.02SevenSevenI don't even know what that is
22:25.10SevenSevenI'm actually afraid to play with it
22:25.39IgnoranceI don't think it'll function in the version we have.
22:25.43IgnoranceI guess I'll take a look into it
22:25.50SevenSevenwhat does it do anyway?
22:25.53SevenSevenI see starmap
22:26.00SevenSevenother crazy shit
22:26.03BarakatX2isnt it the background
22:26.07BarakatX2if you play that one map
22:26.15BarakatX2with the planets floating under the platforms
22:26.17Habladablayeah lol some planet conquer campaign incoming
22:26.29Habladablano there's whole tons of stuff regarding planets
22:26.36BarakatX2ah ok
22:26.38Habladablai doubt its visual
22:26.54SevenSevenif it is
22:26.54IgnoranceI was under the impression it's the map for the melee campaign.
22:26.56SevenSevenit's disappointing
22:27.08Habladablaaction - destroy planet :DD
22:27.17RepoNew map: TBS - Starcraft 2. Naydien (Manager/Author). Experimental. Approved by sixen.
22:27.19RepoNew map: TBS - Starcraft 2. Naydien (Manager/Author). Approved by sixen.
22:27.52Redscarehow did you guys get started working on this stuff?
22:28.06SevenSevensame way I did with WE
22:28.27SevenSevenplaced a bunch of units belonging to player 1 then placed a bunch of units belonging to player 2
22:28.31SevenSeventhen watched them kill eachother
22:28.33IgnoranceI got frustrated with a mod in HoN not kicking people out instantly, also another one which displayed a white screen sometimes.
22:28.38Ignoranceso I got into UI modding from HoN.
22:28.43IgnoranceI don't know shit about map editing.
22:29.02SevenSevenI had a bunch of HoN beta keys when it started
22:29.02Ignorance77, we think alike. ;)
22:29.05SevenSevenI sold all of them hahaha
22:29.06IgnoranceThat was my first map too.
22:29.22Redscarejust trying to find a way to effectively go to step one, got a project in mind and I'd like to try and get comfortable with the tool
22:29.26IgnoranceFirst zerglings, then banelings. :D
22:29.29SevenSevenI started to get more advanced by placing regions and auto-spawned units with triggers
22:29.36IgnoranceWatching banelings kill eachother is so fun.
22:29.39SevenSevenlol yeah
22:30.23Redscarelike is there a beginners guide on sc2mapster i didnt see?
22:30.29SixenYes :)
22:30.37IgnoranceI really like the Races options in the data editor.
22:30.39Redscarethank ya
22:31.01IgnoranceI just hope we can modify that screen where people dl the map to some extent.
22:31.14IgnoranceI want DotA 2 to have HoN-like selection screen. :P
22:31.19SixenDotA2 :P
22:31.40IgnoranceDoes Blizzard have any plans to allow for rejoin?
22:31.45Bifuuoh you mean the Lobby? not the Download screen
22:32.10Ignoranceloibby yes
22:32.33IgnoranceNow, where the hell are Starmaps stored?
22:33.14Arthas-a starmap is most likely a normal map
22:33.23IgnoranceI mean the data stuff
22:33.26IgnoranceI found it in triggers.
22:36.03Bifuuis sad no one commented on his video tutorial about his desktop background =(
22:36.28IgnoranceI don't make comments. >_>
22:36.32IgnoranceMark Twain.
22:36.47Bifuuqutoe to live by
22:37.23Ignorancewe have no planeticon models
22:40.59*** join/#sc2mapster `228zip (~56439dae@gateway/web/freenode/x-oovjbxoquqriotsi)
22:41.23`228zipmar sara outlaws got a video by huskystarcraft =O
22:41.32`228zip17000 views
22:42.20Bifuuo_O with a monocle
22:42.57`228zipBut what should it mean ?
22:45.11picklefishhey coolflip you're wanting a store that can buy items right? I'm planning on releaseing the unit buying portion of the store in like 30 minutes
22:46.41picklefishWow whoever mad that mar sara outlaws... that's impressive
22:47.18*** join/#sc2mapster sztanpet (
22:47.51DaveKap_o_Q is an emo person
22:48.17DaveKap_they drew eyeliner around their left eye and put a little slash on it
22:48.26DaveKap_cuz they're a dumb emo person :)
22:50.00`228zipDaveKap_: I'm sticking with the monocle
22:50.07`228zipIt sounds much cooler
22:51.14*** join/#sc2mapster ShadowTiger (~4b198235@gateway/web/freenode/x-nvqdzeaidhhabjzv)
22:52.52`228zipdoes that ttn guy has an account on mapster ?
22:53.01`228ziphe's also the one who did the physics map
22:54.19picklefishholy crap
22:54.25picklefishthat's an awesome fps
22:55.51picklefishholy shit that guy's map is amazing
22:55.59picklefishI wonder how he got everything so smooth
22:56.34`228zipshadowtiger: That may be sarcasm, but I think the editor would be better if it welcomed me.
22:56.48`228zipat least I would feel better about it
22:56.58ShadowTigerI'm serious they should get the announcers to say something on startup
22:57.07ShadowTigeror at least let you point to a .mp3 or .wav
22:57.28ShadowTigerand yeah that fps looks awesome
22:57.36*** join/#sc2mapster AgentPaper (~chatzilla@
22:58.47*** join/#sc2mapster Talenum (~6d4d0b71@gateway/web/freenode/x-rqanbbjlishicwzs)
22:59.06Talenumhi, is there a way to play a 8 player map over the
22:59.35Talenumwe tried it with hosting lost temple then using the patcher but the guys who where observer cant do anything
22:59.42MotiveNegatory. :(
23:00.23*** join/#sc2mapster Cholzzon (~53b7e959@gateway/web/freenode/x-eqqwisavrnovqaxj)
23:02.59`228zipsaying "it's hard because it's powerful and that's a good thing"
23:03.01`228zipI don't get it.
23:03.10MotiveThe editor?
23:03.23MotiveFrom what I hear a lot of people like it hard. :P
23:03.34BarakatX2i think the only reason it is hard right now is lack of documentation
23:03.34TriGuN_lol motive
23:03.36MotivePersonally I don't mind it being so difficult.
23:03.50TriGuN_they need a better ui
23:03.52MotiveI actually do like it.
23:03.52`228zipI wouldn't mind it either if there was some kind of documentation.
23:03.53BarakatX2i dono if blizz is going to release documentation
23:03.57MotiveBut that's because I don't use GUI.
23:04.04MotiveI absolutely would hate it if I had to use GUI.
23:04.15MotiveAlso some things would be nicer like the data editor making a copy of a new unit.
23:04.24MotiveBut that's about it.
23:04.31`228zipis the pinnacle of non-documentation.
23:04.43MotiveWell it has pseudo-documentation
23:04.49Motiveif you read the GUI wrapper functions
23:04.49ShadowTigerwell its nice that its complicated
23:04.52Motiveyou can figure it out.
23:04.59ShadowTigersince it buys me time to be teh first person with a playable map
23:04.59MotiveThat's what I did anyways.
23:05.09MotiveIt's easier when you look at it in the simpler format of "SetTint 255,255,255"
23:05.14Motivethey put so many unnecessary wrappers around it
23:05.35OusniusI think my map is funny hehe ;D
23:05.45`228zipWithout documentation it feels like "Hey look here's the editor we used to do the campaign now have fun with it and stfu"
23:05.45Iggyhopperwhat is .pas?
23:05.46DaveKap_uh oh
23:05.50Iggyhopperin file terms?
23:05.51DaveKap_I just read sc2mapster's interview
23:05.55DaveKap_I'm a little concerned
23:05.59MotiveWithout documentation it feels like a challenge. But I love challenges.
23:06.01`228zipDaveKap_ ?
23:06.06TriGuN_what sup with the console?
23:06.09OusniusTankTeam: killing monsters , 2 players, wASD movement & cam
23:06.13DaveKap_Are they not going to simply allow you to make a room with any map you have?
23:06.17TriGuN_anyone know what it does/ how to use?
23:06.19DaveKap_You have to go through some publishing process?
23:06.31IggyhopperYou guys make any golems?
23:06.48ShadowTigerbasically you get to publish your map either to the public or to one of your "groups"
23:06.50DaveKap_It looks like they're doing away with the old system which is what concerns me
23:06.54ShadowTigerits like youtube publishing
23:07.03DaveKap_I like to look at a giant list of random games
23:07.09DaveKap_I hope I can still do that
23:07.14IggyhopperHello am i on invis mode?
23:07.21DaveKap_And not depend on people to publish their maps
23:07.32TriGuN_iggy no.
23:07.35IggyhopperIs anyone working on a golem map?
23:07.37ShadowTigerpublishing maps and hosting games is different...
23:07.38DaveKap_They make it sound like you can only have a certain amount of maps to even publish
23:07.43MotiveI know one guy is
23:07.46DaveKap_I hope it is
23:07.47Motivebut he seemed like a newb.
23:07.51MotiveI doubt he'll make it to release.
23:07.58IggyhopperI could probably do it.
23:08.00MotiveOh it wasn't Trigun.
23:08.12`228zipMotive: Do you have a EU account ?
23:08.17MotiveSadly no.
23:08.20MotiveUS only.
23:08.34IggyhopperWhat is a .pas file in programming?
23:08.48MotivePascal source code
23:08.50MotiveI believe
23:08.53`228zipMotive: At least your blue guys participate in the forums =o
23:08.55DaveKap_hey Motive nice job on the mac tool
23:09.05MotiveI still have yet to hear from one Mac user using it
23:09.11Motivebut it's worth it, if only for my own use.
23:09.14DaveKap_yeah I don't use mac either
23:09.15ShadowTigerwhats the ETA on the linux tool?
23:09.22Motivefuck you linux fags
23:09.27DaveKap_Just sayin that's cool of ya, I'll be able to play with my mac playin buddies
23:09.31`228zipBlizzard has no linux support that I know of
23:09.31Motiveiirc wine didn't even work well enough to bother
23:09.48ShadowTigeryeah wine didnt run the game i'm making : (
23:09.49IggyhopperBlizzard will not even support SC2 on linux
23:09.52MotiveI tried running SC2 in Crossover on my mac but it failed horribly.
23:10.04MotiveSo I didn't bother making it platform independent.
23:10.08MotiveMaybe if someone like begs me.
23:10.10MotiveA lot.
23:10.11Motiveor pays me.
23:10.21`228zipMotive: what kind of map are going to do ?
23:10.28`228zipyou going*
23:10.33`228zipI forgot
23:10.34MotiveJust working on my roleplaying map w/ the awesome command line interpreter.
23:10.36`228zipthe RP map
23:11.02`228zip"It's not an RPG, it's an RPM!"
23:11.07Iggyhopperthis was made in pascal
23:11.13MotiveWe need to think of a new abbreviation for RP maps. Lol
23:11.25MotiveRP or RPM makes people think it's a typo of RPG
23:11.31`228zipIt's a game
23:11.33`228zipDon't bother
23:11.41ShadowTigerLets make a LARP map
23:11.48MotiveMaybe CM "Creative Map" or something
23:11.52`228zipLife of a probe ?
23:11.53Motiveor Story Telling map STM
23:11.58Motivesomething like that.
23:12.08ShadowTigeror just name it something like Dungeon Quest
23:12.10ShadowTigerand people will get it
23:12.21MotiveNah it's not DND.
23:12.23MotiveDND makes me cringe.
23:12.23IggyhopperIt's called a cinematic or a limited-play map or something
23:12.35IggyhopperSomething like Shifters?
23:12.37`228zipI need an actor tutorial
23:12.41`228zipSo badly
23:12.46ShadowTigerill make one
23:12.55ShadowTigerbut I need a good program to cap the editor
23:13.06MotiveSetTint, SetScale, SetOpacity, the ones I know of
23:13.09`228zipMS Paint
23:13.11ShadowTigerno i want to make a vid
23:13.26`228zipFraps ? =X
23:13.36ShadowTigerthe windows are not 3d so fraps wont record them
23:14.01MotiveMy mac can record anything.
23:14.03MotiveEat it, PCs.
23:14.28`228zipMotive: At least we have games to record!
23:14.33MotiveStarcraft 2
23:14.37Motivesoon Source games
23:14.41Motiveyeah, eat it PCs. :)
23:15.05MotiveIt's my mission to promote Mac as a gaming platform
23:15.08Motivehonestly there's not much of a difference.
23:15.15MotiveInstead of alt + tab you do Command + M
23:15.29ShadowTigerokay what particularly did you want help with actors?
23:15.38`228zipSo you need both of your hands to alt tab ?
23:15.47MotiveI can reach Command + M with one hand.
23:15.52MotiveThat's right. You can fap on your Mac, too.
23:16.02`228zipyour right hand then
23:16.09Motivealso command + M is for games only.
23:16.17MotiveYou can use Expose (one key only) for Safari and most apps.
23:16.23IggyhopperI can reach caps lock and enter with one hand
23:16.23`228zipSo it's not standardized ?
23:16.25ShadowTigerim making the tutorial right now what should i do?
23:16.26`228zipthat sucks
23:16.26MotiveOr command + tab for most other stuff.
23:16.31MotiveIt is, sort of
23:16.34MotiveCommand + M = Blizzard games.
23:16.40MotiveCommand + Tab is the equivilent of Alt + Tab
23:16.43MotiveExpose is sort of like Aero.
23:16.54IggyhopperI can reach caps lock and backspace with one hand.
23:17.05MotiveI can, almost.
23:17.12MotiveI'm like a centimeter short.
23:17.25`228zipThey're actually not that far away..
23:17.26MotiveHah, I can do it on my laptop's keyboard.
23:17.36IggyhopperI can reach ctrl and backspace
23:17.40IggyhopperAT THE SAME TIME
23:17.48`228zipMe too
23:17.48MotiveSo can I
23:17.50Motiveon my laptop. :)
23:17.58IggyhopperI meant the left ctrl
23:17.58`228zipBut with the right control only >.>
23:18.07Iggyhopperjust kidding umg
23:18.12Iggyhopperi do not have giant hands
23:18.27`228zipI was about to ask you from which planet you came from actually.
23:18.37MotiveNo I can get from Left Ctrl to Backspace on my laptop
23:18.39Motivejust barely.
23:18.42MotiveIt's very inconvenient.
23:18.54MotiveIt hurts my hand but I can do it. Lol
23:19.36IggyhopperYou guys know about Cortex RP?
23:19.44MotiveI'm making Cortex RP. :O
23:20.13IggyhopperYou are BlackMagE?
23:20.20MotiveMy Bnet name is TheBlackMage.motive
23:20.33Motivewhen I published my maps in WC3 I used TheBlackMage, so I reused it again for Cortex.
23:20.40MotiveI go by Motive now mostly though.
23:20.45IggyhopperI am Iggyhopper forever
23:21.00Iggyhopperit is such a unique name and nobody can use it
23:21.20IggyhopperHABA BABA?
23:21.20`228zipWhat's a Iggy ? =X
23:21.32Iggyhoppera iggy is this: *gets link*
23:21.37`228zipBut you hop over it.
23:22.14MotiveIggy, you now know of course that you have to make that N64 game in SC2
23:22.16*** join/#sc2mapster Shadowclaimer (
23:22.26`228zipwhat the hell.
23:22.33Motivehaha rumble pack
23:22.37Shadowclaimerthere's a syntax error in there
23:22.42ShadowclaimerI cna't find it
23:22.46MotiveI don't get people who do == true
23:22.50ShadowclaimerIts GUI Motive
23:22.55Motiveoh fuck GUI
23:23.03Shadowclaimermy GUI code somehow ended up with a syntax
23:23.10`228zipso you get a syntax error in GUI ?
23:23.14Motivemore reason to use Galaxy :)
23:23.15`228ziphow can that happen.
23:23.17ShadowclaimerI don't know
23:23.26Shadowclaimerall I did was change my variables to arrays and put "x" where it formerly said 0
23:23.36Shadowclaimerhere's the full trigger..
23:24.48Shadowclaimerscrew it
23:24.52ShadowclaimerI don't give a damn wehtehr its ugly or no
23:25.00ShadowclaimerI just need help fixing it, and would greatly appreciate it if someone could help me out
23:25.21`228zipI still can't see how you get syntax errors in GUI
23:25.29ShadowclaimerYea thats the thing
23:25.29`228zipbut X
23:25.30MotiveI'll give you some syntax errors. ;)
23:25.33`228zip!= x
23:25.34ShadowclaimerX is a local variable
23:25.44`228zipX != x
23:25.48OusniusI had a syntax error yesterday too
23:25.51Shadowclaimerall X's are X not x
23:25.56uBdeadmnn im dropping Helion Strike
23:25.59`228zipNot in the code
23:25.59OusniusI think the arrays were the problem
23:26.08Ousniusor an wrong integer
23:26.16uBdeaddoes anybody want it (too finish it/learn from it)?
23:26.17SevenSeven@ubdead why?
23:26.19SevenSevenit was really fun
23:26.31ShadowclaimerI think I figured it out
23:26.34Shadowclaimerhold on
23:26.38uBdeadwell i think it's not going to be super-great or something
23:26.59OusniusuBdead SC2 isn't even out ;D
23:27.00Motiveit made me laugh when I blew up myself
23:27.07Ousniuslearn mre and THEN make a big project
23:27.09SevenSevenwe all suicided
23:27.10`228zipiggy: This game is...
23:27.20Shadowclaimerfreaking moronic..
23:27.25Shadowclaimerhow theh ell do I get a syntax error in the gui for one
23:27.30Shadowclaimerthen how the hell do I fix said syntax error
23:27.36SevenSevenWhy is GUI so bad?
23:27.37uBdeadyea im gonne learn more on an other project i guess :D
23:27.47Shadowclaimerits not
23:27.48MotiveSo I'm curious. When programming/GUIing/mapping what music do you listen to?
23:27.53SevenSevenI mean that as in why does everyone say to use Galaxy instead of GUI> (german techno radio)
23:28.10ShadowclaimerI use Pandora
23:28.14MotiveI've had Lady GaGa on for the past week straight for reasons completely beyond me.
23:28.20SevenSevenpandora is the shit lol
23:28.32uBdeadgrooveshark ftw :D
23:28.36Shadowclaimerthis sucks mainly becasue I can't even test the damn map while this issue runs
23:28.47Motivewait iggy where did you even find CortexRP?
23:28.52BifuuWho needs pandora when you have over 20 gigs of music already
23:28.53SevenSeven@Shadow want to upload your map so we can take a look?
23:28.56heysparkyRE: Objectives - I was looking at Volsky's Xel'naga map and wonder if anyone knows why he set a global data table var related to the objective? that could be checked as a condition for other triggers? Something else?
23:29.02`228zipI don't listen to music
23:29.04Shadowclaimeryea hold on
23:29.07`228zipI enjoy the silence
23:29.13Shadowclaimerit won't even let me save it..
23:29.18SevenSeven`228zip: that sounds lonely :(
23:29.20`228zipWell not the silence, the sound of my ventilator actually
23:29.28`228zipSevenSeven: I like silence.
23:29.30Ousniusdo u know how to change the camera view sso that you can look forward and not at the ground? xD
23:29.31ckknightMotive: I like to listen to instrumental music
23:29.51heysparkylistening to a bird that needs to learn some new tunes...
23:29.55uBdead228zip CALL 1800-I-NEED-A-PARTNER
23:29.57MotiveNot gonna lie, I sometimes attempt to sing.
23:29.58MotiveIt ends badly.
23:30.21`228zipThe neighbors come over and break the door to tell you to shut up ?
23:30.26uBdeadif i try to sing, my room mate comes in
23:30.30BifuuI listen to stuff that gets me crunk oh yeah
23:30.30MotiveI start programming to the beat of the music.
23:30.34uBdeadand start singing backstreet boys
23:30.34MotiveIt's really fucking weird.
23:30.48Bifuuhey ckknight
23:30.51MotiveI usually code better that way for some reason though. Lol
23:30.55`228zipMotive: Like one letter per beat ? =p
23:31.00MotiveSort of. Yeah.
23:31.06Ousniusa little bit fast? xD
23:31.06SevenSevenanyone try to use imported sounds yet?
23:31.14uBdeadMojache did
23:31.18uBdeadand it worked
23:31.26BifuuMotive: i do that too lol
23:31.27Mojacheimport sound
23:31.28MotiveAlso whenever I notice something new in the song it usually corresponds to a new idea.
23:31.32Mojachecopy a data file
23:31.34Mojacherename data file
23:31.39Shadowclaimerok so I changed the X's in the error's line over to 1's
23:31.40Mojacheassign data file to sound you imported
23:31.41Shadowclaimerand it still crashes
23:31.44Shadowclaimersyntax error
23:31.45Mojachesound now appears in triggers
23:31.59Gohla15Mojache: you forgot to save after importing the sound, or else it wont show up :p
23:31.59uBdeadholy cow grooveshark is down :(
23:32.09Shadowclaimerso I disable it and it owrks
23:32.13Shadowclaimerso its definitely that trigger..
23:32.13Bifuudid the panda get it again?
23:32.28uBdeadno even the panda died apperantly
23:32.38`228zipWhat panda ?
23:32.43OusniusI want to hear music but my parents are sleeping 6 metres beneath me -.-
23:32.50Motiveearbuds dude
23:32.54*** join/#sc2mapster Kylegar (
23:32.54BifuuGrooveshark works for me
23:33.03MotiveI paid like $50 for some decent ones and I love them.
23:33.11MotiveAt first I was like no fucking way these are worth $50 but they impressed me.
23:33.12*** join/#sc2mapster Pychnight (
23:33.14Bifuumy head phones dont work
23:33.18uBdeadthis panda:
23:33.20IggyhopperDoes anyone know how to apply forces?
23:33.32Bifuuin the way that when i listen to music my parents can still hear it in the next room lol
23:33.32[TTG]PsyIs there any way to preview an animation?
23:33.36Pychnightcan some one help me with 1 item i'm having issues with?
23:33.40uBdeadyes iggy, try going to the gym for about 6 months
23:33.45Motiveget some noise isolating earbuds
23:33.46Ousniusearbuds when you have a 5.1 "teufel" (german speakers) system with an X-Fi Titanium? XD
23:33.58Motivewell in that case get the like $250 bose earbuds
23:34.00MotiveI bet those kick ass.
23:34.06picklefishInitial store release if anyone wants to see what it looks like, still got a bit of work to do.
23:34.27uBdeadthe doctor told me i go deaf because of earbuds lol
23:34.39Pychnight._.; anyway, i need some help on finding some way to produce a explosion on projectile impact
23:34.52Pychnighti tryed tons of things
23:34.53uBdeadim your man
23:35.03`228zipPsychnight: Look at the marauder projectile
23:35.04uBdeadtook me 3 days to figure it out
23:35.07uBdeadand its really easy
23:35.12`228zipUnit death thing
23:35.13SevenSevenwoot! I got custom mfking music!
23:35.23`228zipNotice that it doesn't trigger will UnitKill
23:35.29Pychnightwell, it's not a normal item
23:35.35Pychnightit's a useable grenade
23:35.40uBdeadim your man
23:35.48picklefishNice SevenSeven
23:36.12Shadowclaimerok so I narrowed it down..
23:36.15Shadowclaimerits a problem in one of these two bits
23:36.25AgentPaperhow do you affect terrain with triggers?
23:36.43AgentPaperfor example if I wanted to raise a certain region's cliff height or wle?
23:36.46Kylegarhai kids
23:36.48Shadowclaimerboth of them are errored
23:37.04AgentPapershadow, don't post them here like that
23:37.08AgentPaperuse a pastebin
23:37.17*** join/#sc2mapster Truhan (~18ab6839@gateway/web/freenode/x-bphcqxljwuwudkwc)
23:37.26`228zipsyntax error
23:37.32`228zipdoesn't compute
23:37.56crazafied_Did you use undo or redo shadow?
23:38.48[TTG]PsyThe Xs definitely need to be values
23:38.55[TTG]PsyI assume RightDown/LeftDown etc are structs?
23:39.21AgentPaperhow do you use an array with more than one index in galaxy code?
23:39.37AgentPaperIs it not just arrayname[x][y]?
23:39.37Kylegarif you are posting code, use pastebin
23:39.39[TTG]PsyYou mean like myArray[0, 2]
23:39.39Kylegaror something
23:39.43Kylegareasier to read
23:39.52[TTG]PsyIt should just be what Motive posted
23:39.53MotivemyArray[0,2] will not compile.
23:40.00Shadowclaimeractually it looks terrible on pastebin
23:40.10IggyhopperAnyone want to test a map with me?
23:40.15Motiveif you're on US sure
23:40.23crazafied_Highlight it all then copy to text then use pastebin shadow
23:40.23AgentPaperit's giving me a syntax error though
23:40.25MotiveOk :)
23:40.31IggyhopperOkay I need to get the map patcher though, lol.
23:40.31AgentPaperrelevant line is
23:40.40AgentPaperTriggerAddEventUnitRegion (gt_EnterHex, null, gv_hex[lv_current_x][lv_current_y], false);
23:40.57Shadowclaimerit just looks terrible copied to text
23:40.58uBdeadshadowclaimer: use the REAL pastebin:
23:41.09Motiveor just use pastebin
23:41.17Motiveor any number of pastebins
23:41.23IggyhopperSo lost temple then?
23:41.26Bifuuwonders how long til someone makes a Team Fortress map
23:41.37Shadowclaimersomething in there is blowing up
23:41.38MotiveI'll need the map though :p
23:41.41Iggyhopperyou need to dl the Zergger 0.9 map
23:41.41Shadowclaimerin both those triggers
23:41.52[TTG]PsyI'm assing LeftDown/RightDown are Arrays
23:41.53Iggyhopperor actually you need to dl the map i have right now
23:41.56ShadowTigerso any suggestions for tutorials i can make with data editor/triggers?
23:42.03AgentPapercan anyone see what's giving me a syntax error in this custom script? "TriggerAddEventUnitRegion (gt_EnterHex, null, gv_hex[lv_current_x][lv_current_y], false);"
23:42.04MotiveGot it
23:42.06Motiveor not
23:42.10Shadowclaimerboolean arrays
23:42.12Shadowclaimerup to 10
23:42.12Iggyhopperoh wait
23:42.18[TTG]PsyOk so
23:42.19Iggyhopperill dl it too i made changes to the one on my hd
23:42.21[TTG]PsyThe X doesn't make sense
23:42.23[TTG]PsyIt needs to be a number
23:42.26MotiveLol ok
23:42.26[TTG]PsyLike, 1
23:42.26ShadowclaimerThe X is a number
23:42.28MotiveZerger v0.9
23:42.29[TTG]PsyOr more likely PickedPlayer
23:42.33ShadowclaimerI didn't include the variable related bits
23:42.36[TTG]PsyOh, you have a variable, int, that's X?
23:42.40crazafied_x is playernumber im guessing
23:42.41ShadowclaimerX is a local variable, integer
23:42.42[TTG]PsyInclude everything
23:42.46uBdeadhey you guys
23:42.48uBdeadim going to bed
23:42.49Shadowclaimereverything is a lot of code lol
23:42.52uBdeadcya all later
23:42.53crazafied_what is x set to shadow?
23:43.04ShadowclaimerThe code is that it'll run through 10 times, each time stepping x up once
23:43.10Motive@Iggyhopper: My BNet name is TheBlackMage.motive, add me. I'll get on now.
23:43.12Shadowclaimerso first time through it'll be 1 (since the step up is first)
23:43.19[TTG]PsyOkidokie then
23:43.20[TTG]PsyMoving along
23:43.24[TTG]PsyIs there an if before that?
23:43.30[TTG]PsyI presume the code needs an if to have an else if
23:43.32[TTG]PsyI could be wrong though
23:43.39Shadowclaimerthere's the full bit
23:43.43Shadowclaimerwhole trigger
23:43.54MotiveAnd I'm on.
23:44.20AgentPaperk, I figured out where my problem was
23:44.52AgentPaperit just dropped the space instead of replacing it with a _
23:45.20AgentPaperanyways, anyone know how to change terrain height and such with triggers?
23:45.34`228zipI don't think you can change cliffs levels
23:45.44`228zipwe have seen height modification with actors
23:46.03AgentPaperah, so I have to make an actor that affects the height how I want
23:46.36*** join/#sc2mapster Rizz (~451b48ed@gateway/web/freenode/x-vchdbfvzwixlrxbr)
23:47.06Motivewell my game crashed
23:47.12RizzAnyone wanna play custom map via the map patcher?
23:47.14Motiveand I didn't have a zergling at the start for the second I was in there with you :(
23:47.24MotiveEXC_BAD_ACCESS (0x00000001)
23:47.27picklefishCoolflip: you there?
23:47.28Motivelooks like it's SC2's fault Lol
23:47.52Iggyhoppertry again?
23:47.53MotiveI was with you for ilke 5 seconds so it wasn't the map swapping
23:48.07Iggyhopperim signing in sc2 now
23:48.59Ousnius"-------- Select your tank and write "-control" without quotes to control it. Then drive with "WASD"-Keys! =) --------" good text ? xD
23:49.20picklefishAnyone looking for a store in their map?
23:49.35Ousniusnot for now, but later maybe
23:49.49Ousniusneed to get in GE first^^
23:50.39Ousniuscould somebody explain me what to do to play cMaps with friends?
23:50.44MotiveI crashed again, but I had a zergling this time. Lol
23:50.50Motivesame kernel protection failure.
23:50.51Iggyhopperlol i see
23:50.53Motivemakes me think it's blizzard's fault.
23:51.01Iggyhopperi didnt get the crash you did
23:51.03Iggyhopperare you on mac?
23:51.11Iggyhopperthats why
23:51.18MotiveI'm just hitting send error report
23:51.20Motivemake 'em fix it.
23:51.28IggyhopperFIX THIS HACK KTHX
23:51.34Motiveits not hte hack thats bugged though
23:51.41MotiveI've played with other people before and it worked fine
23:51.45`228zipFIX THIS HAX KTHX
23:51.50IggyhopperI mean....
23:51.52`228ziphax, not hack.
23:51.54IggyhopperI hosted, you crashed.
23:51.58IggyhopperYou hosted, you crashed.
23:52.08Ousniuswant to play my map anybody?
23:52.09Motiveyeah makes me think it's a Mac bug
23:52.11MotiveMap Name: Zergger
23:52.12IggyhopperI didn't get a zergling though.
23:52.15Motivethat won't raise any red flags...
23:52.16`228zipOusnius: Why not
23:52.27MotiveTHIS IS SO AWESOME
23:52.34MotiveLogon toon: TheBlackMage#motive(1337)
23:52.34MotivePlayers:    Toon        
23:52.34Motive1:          TheBlackMage#motive(1337)
23:52.34Motive16:         Iggyhopper#iggyhopper(1337)
23:52.35Iggyhopperyelling ouch
23:52.36Motivewe're 1337.
23:52.42Iggyhopperlol wat
23:52.47Motiveit says that in my crash report
23:52.50Iggyhopperoh ok
23:52.57`228zipWhat the hell.
23:52.57Motiveoh that might have something to do with it
23:53.01Motiveyou were player 16.
23:53.04[TTG]PsyHey, so, anyone know of a way to preview an animation?
23:53.07Iggyhopperwow wat
23:53.10Iggyhopperno way
23:53.13[TTG]PsyAlternately, anyone know what animation for banelings makes them roll?
23:53.17MotiveI was 1, you were 16.
23:53.17Iggyhopperno wonder it didnt make a zergling for me
23:53.24MotiveI'm gonna try it again alone and see if it crashes.
23:53.27Ousnius`228zip: okay can u explain me the "hosting process" with that hacking tool? pls?^^
23:53.32Iggyhopperit does work
23:53.44Iggyhopperhow the hell is player 2, player 16?!?!
23:53.48`228zipOusnius: Are you on the EU server ? I'll explain you in game
23:53.58[TTG]PsyIggyhopper:  Did you set player properties in your map
23:54.02[TTG]PsyTo handle more than one player?
23:54.04Ousniusyes I am
23:54.11Ousniusis my name
23:54.17`228zipmy ID is
23:54.18`228zipadd me
23:54.35Iggyhopperoh ummm what?
23:54.39IggyhopperPsy you are on to somwething
23:54.44Iggyhopperhave no clue
23:55.01[TTG]PsyOk, in the menu there's Map->Player Properties
23:55.15Motivetested, works fine with me alone.
23:55.19Motiveso it has to be because of the player 16 thing.
23:55.20Iggyhopper[TTG]Psy thanks so much
23:55.28IggyhopperI think Psy has a solution
23:55.30Razernokanyone know if there is a way to see if there is a unit present at a certain point???
23:55.32IggyhopperI will try it
23:55.39IggyhopperRight now there are only 0 and 1 player
23:55.53MotiveI died so many times. xD
23:56.02Iggyhopperok so i going to uh
23:56.09Iggyhopperhmm reupload to 9.01 lol
23:56.32MotiveI like my numbering system better
23:56.44`228zipOusnius: I'd need your map
23:58.29Razernokanyone know if there is a way to see if there is a unit present at a certain point???

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