IRC log for #sc2mapster on 20100408

00:02.02Hatijust found the way to enable attacks while moving
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00:05.30Iggyhopperhow hati
00:05.39Hatiin WeaponData.xml
00:05.54Hatithere is WeaponLegancy
00:06.02Iggyhopperso did it work though?
00:06.08Hatibut there is also CWeaponStrafe
00:06.09Iggyhopperyou just make tags into legacy?
00:06.28Hatilike in Interceptor attacks :P
00:06.32Hatijust saw it
00:06.42Hatithey don't stop-move
00:06.49Hatithey are flying & shooting at the same time
00:07.00Iggyhopperbut only while they are moving toward the target
00:07.11Hatithat's the arc
00:07.26Hatii guess
00:07.30Iggyhopperthats what ard is
00:07.32Hati<Arc value="19.6875"/>
00:08.12Hati<AllowedMovement value="Moving"/> should work too
00:08.16Hatias it is for voidrays
00:08.29Alevice_Work3voidrays stop aatcking when they move tho
00:08.40Iggyhopperno they can move
00:09.05Alevice_Work3really? i ought to check
00:09.09HatiAlevice - they attack if the attacked unit moves
00:09.12Alevice_Work3i know mothersip shoots while moving too
00:09.13Hatithey still attack
00:09.31Hatiand if they are slow moving voidrays still attack
00:09.36Hatibut you can't throttle the speed :P
00:09.57Hati<AllowedMovement value="Moving"/> has this too
00:10.09Hati<Options index="OnlyFireWhileInAttackOrder" value="0"/>
00:10.20Hatiand i guess if you would add this to voidrays
00:10.24Hatithey simply would go insane
00:11.10Hatibut iam trying to get a Uberlisk o.o
00:11.25Alevice_Work3How do we attach units anyway? Via turretData?
00:11.40Hatiturret data is something different
00:11.47Hatiit seems as this only stores if units are 2-parted
00:11.53Hatilike Immortals
00:12.05Hatiso they can move like spiders
00:12.13Hatibut still fire behind
00:12.15Alevice_Work3oh okay
00:12.27Alevice_Work3so hiow it is done anyway
00:12.48Hatimy guess is through modeldata.xml
00:12.51Alevice_Work3i doubt the spore crawlers are escorts
00:12.55Alevice_Work3hmmm, mayhaps
00:13.01Hatijust did the easy part :P
00:13.04Hatiadding weapons to it
00:13.12Hatiactually he attacks while moving
00:13.20Hatieven without marking
00:13.27Hatilike the vod from BlizzCon09
00:13.37Hatibut no models there
00:13.55Alevice_Work3as in targetting?
00:14.10Hatihe simply attacks any enemy
00:14.16Hatiin 7-range
00:14.34Alevice_Work3so it is like phoenix fire in wc3
00:15.10Hatiphoenix fire?
00:16.07Alevice_Work3Phoenix fire abiltiy in wc3 attacked anything in range
00:16.24Alevice_Work3even if the phoenix was moving or attacking another thing
00:16.25Hatihmm k
00:16.33Hatiphoenix was human unit - didn't played human :P
00:16.43Alevice_Work3hahah, modding niigga, modding
00:16.54Alevice_Work3i hardly ever played standard wc3 melee
00:16.54Hatididn't modded for wc3
00:16.57Zoxcbattleships ;D
00:17.07Hatiwas busy with playing :P
00:17.39Hatiplaying super mario bros with feet
00:17.43Hation snes
00:18.24Hatiyou put the controller (SNES) on the ground and play Super Mario World (sry) with your feet
00:18.27Hatiinstead of hand
00:19.33Alevice_Work3I got what you mean. Doesn't change my reaction
00:20.06Hatiguess i found
00:20.17Hati<CActorTurret id="ImmortalTurret">
00:20.23Iggyhoppercould be have two xml file wikis?
00:20.44Iggyhopperone for core and one for the data
00:20.45Alevice_Work3I mean, what for?
00:20.59Alevice_Work3if they describe the structure, there is little point in sperating them
00:20.59Iggyhopperi mean the xml files that extend off the core
00:21.06Alevice_Work3if it is for the data itself, then go ahead
00:21.29Iggyhopperlike id like to put all the tags, then all the possible values for the tags, right there in a condensed format
00:21.54IggyhopperI could make like, a test wiki page?
00:21.58Hatii handed it the way
00:22.13Hatiyou have ie. <<attributes values="">>
00:22.15Witchsong <-- If I do this, will I be able to determine that list[0] is type B?
00:22.20Hatiand insert valid values in ""
00:22.29Iggyhopperoh i see
00:22.35Hatiso <<attributes values="TargetUnit, TargetPoint, etc."
00:22.46Iggyhopperlet me try it in my edeted "Alignment" attribute
00:23.24Iggyhopper<attributes values in what?
00:23.31Iggyhopperi mean i know where but uh
00:23.36Iggyhoppernvm ill just preview stuff
00:24.14Hati<CEffectIssueOrder default="1"
00:24.56Hatimight not use ", "
00:25.03Hati"or" might be better
00:25.04Iggyhopper<<attributes values="Positive,Negative">>
00:25.11Iggyhopper<<attribute value="">>"Positive" or "Negative"<</attribute>>
00:25.16Iggyhopperactually switch those top bottom
00:25.23Iggyhopperso like that?
00:25.37Iggyhopperoh jeez
00:25.53Hatii know what you want to do :P but i dunno which one should be used for 'known' valid arguments
00:26.07Sholdakwitchsong: sure
00:26.08Iggyhopperso like
00:26.11Alevice_Work3g2g ltr
00:26.38Iggyhopper"Children" <InfoFlags> value
00:27.07Iggyhopper<<attribute value="">>"Positive" or "Negative"<</attribute>>
00:27.11Hatiyea editing it in the small thing is a mess - copy it into editor <3
00:27.30Iggyhopperok thar
00:27.42Iggyhoppersee Children with charge and cooldown?
00:28.13Iggyhopperoh ctrl+f Alignment
00:28.41Iggyhopperok see i could have value, then line break and like possible values
00:29.02Iggyhopperi guess that would do, what i have right now is okay
00:30.14Iggyhopper<Options index="LinkedCooldown" value="1"/>
00:30.30Iggyhopperthat in teh cores
00:31.04Hatiyea i guess that way you could fire multiple weapons at once
00:31.37Iggyhopperi think you can have a weaponArray or like AbilWeapon
00:31.50Iggyhopperthey already have something like AbilEffect
00:32.32Hationly thing i wonder is
00:32.52Iggyhopperwow wow wow
00:32.59HatiCWeaponLegacy should inherhit CWeapon
00:33.03Iggyhopper<Options index="OnlyFireWhileInAttackOrder" value="1"/>
00:33.43Hatiyea posted earlier
00:33.49Hatiat mothership
00:34.15Jerubquestion for you xml nuts
00:34.29Jerubany idea what the behaviour is for a colossos facing a thor?
00:34.45Jerubdoes the thor fire its canons, it's AA, or both? and is that defined in the xml?
00:34.57Hatimom i check
00:35.00HeliosDoubleSixThe thor uses ground if It's in range
00:35.05HeliosDoubleSixif It's further away it uses air
00:35.12Iggyhopperfor collosses
00:36.06Jerubis that just because the ground does more damage?
00:36.12HeliosDoubleSixI imagine so yes
00:36.18HeliosDoubleSixand the air outranges the ground
00:36.24Hatimy guess he uses air
00:36.35Hatias it is his 'first' weapon
00:36.40HeliosDoubleSixnope he uses ground
00:36.53HeliosDoubleSixhes a smart lil thor
00:37.06HeliosDoubleSixshoots those colossus knee caps out
00:37.28Jerubclearly it should use both
00:37.38Hatiagainst Colossus it wouldn't make a difference
00:37.40Jerubwants his thors to blast the shit out of those goddamn colossos.
00:37.49Hatiair does 40dmg
00:37.52Hatiground too
00:37.56HeliosDoubleSixuse the 250mm? canons them
00:38.06Hati10s duration
00:38.14Hatiyou die before you activate :P
00:38.27HeliosDoubleSixmaybe you should use thro then ;-p
00:38.28Hati2s preparation time
00:38.37Hatiwell or you use it on distance
00:38.50Hatirange: 7
00:39.10HatiColossus has 6(+1)
00:39.31Hatibut still 2 marauders are more effective against colossus
00:39.33Hatithan 1 thor
00:39.40JerubHati: uh, no, they're not.
00:39.45HeliosDoubleSixwhat's the range for thor air
00:39.47HeliosDoubleSixI thoguht it was pretty large
00:39.48Jerubcolossos will destroy the maraders before they're in range.
00:40.17Jerubeven 20 maraders will have heavy losses taking out a colossos cluster.
00:40.22HeliosDoubleSixyah air is 10
00:40.28Hatiwell ... flank him
00:40.28Jerub3 thors with infantry support will suffer only superficial casualties.
00:40.31HeliosDoubleSixThe Thors anti air has a range of 10
00:40.44HeliosDoubleSixthe ground to ground on it is 7
00:40.52HeliosDoubleSixtha 250mm canon is 10
00:40.59Hati250mm sucks :(
00:41.02Hatiit is single target
00:41.06HeliosDoubleSixlol maybe you just suck as using thor
00:41.06Hatiwas aoe :(
00:41.13Hatii don't play terran
00:41.13JerubHati: i use the 250mm when i want to be sure to take out a pylon
00:41.36Jerublike i'm in the middle of a base assault and i realise a single pylon will take out 5 gateways.
00:41.43HeliosDoubleSixthats always nice
00:41.53Jerub<3 incompetant architects.
00:41.58IggyhopperI'm going to work on TurretData
00:42.04Jerubi hate those bastards who line up a line of 6 pylons behind 4 gateways
00:42.04Iggyhopperbecause it's small
00:42.20Hatiit's not hard :P
00:42.26HeliosDoubleSixyah the Thors anti air is pretty impressive I think
00:42.33HeliosDoubleSixand It's general purpose use
00:42.54HeliosDoubleSixbut it needs support of course
00:42.58HeliosDoubleSixlike anything
00:43.05JerubHeliosDoubleSix: i always love it when i play someone who hasn't seen thors before.
00:43.14Hatigot one time a terran ...
00:43.20HeliosDoubleSix:-) yah especially when you dropship them with SCVs
00:43.24Hatihe had 2 fabrics ... pumping hellions
00:43.26Hatigoing mutas
00:43.29Jerubbecause either a) they focus on the thor and die to my MMM, or b) use the wrong rock/paper/scissor response to them
00:43.32Hatihe was building a thor and canceling at 90%
00:43.35Hatiback to hellions oO
00:43.48Iggyhopperhow many gateways should i have when going against Z
00:43.51Iggyhopperi had like 1
00:43.59Iggyhopperbut i wanted to tech to collossus
00:44.00Hati3Gate 1 Robo
00:44.06JerubIggyhopper: 1 means you're vulnerable to a zergling rush
00:44.19Iggyhopperthen he went zergling and muta and roach
00:44.20Hatiyou need immortals to countern roaches
00:44.31Iggyhopperi just couldnt keep up
00:44.32Hatiand this way he is forced to go mutas
00:44.36Iggyhopperi need more practice
00:44.37Hatior hydras
00:44.59Hatihydras aren't that good (alone) against zealots
00:45.01Iggyhopperthen i went air but he really went hard on mutas
00:45.14Hatiand protoss are 'weak' against mutas
00:45.22Iggyhopperi got like a could phenoixes and warp ras
00:45.27Iggyhopperhe tried to nydus me too
00:45.37Iggyhoppergot him so it didnt work out too well for him
00:45.39Hatiused it once ... to expand
00:45.41Hatinot more :P
00:46.05HeliosDoubleSixshit the Thor anti air does splash now too I forgot about that
00:46.12HeliosDoubleSix*hugs Thors ankle*
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00:46.37Hatibut i wonder why queen costs 2 supply ...
00:46.43Hatii mean ok ... it's strong only cost 150
00:46.46Hatippl would mass it
00:46.52Hatibut why not simply 1hatch = 1queen
00:47.27HeliosDoubleSixcus then youd have less to think about and worry
00:47.36HeliosDoubleSixand Blizzard likes making you worry and consider
00:47.46Hatiwell ok ...
00:48.00Hatiyou could have 2 close hatches and spawn for everyone a queen or let your queen travel
00:48.01Hatik ...
00:48.16Iggyhopperwhat if default=0?
00:48.21Iggyhopperfor xml what would happen?
00:48.24Hatiit's not default
00:48.49Iggyhopperweird so its 1 or why bother haveing the attr
00:48.57Hatiif <CEffectDamage default="1"> <Amount value="20"/> </CEffectDamage>
00:49.08Hatievery <CEffectDamage> without <Amount> would deal 20dmg
00:49.53Hatiso it just changes the default values if default="1"
00:50.08Hatilike global & local variables
00:51.18Hatiif you have default="1" id="something" you can parent="something"
00:51.34Hatiotherwise you can't
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01:00.16Hati<!-- This is temporary.  The Colossus art is not build for his current design and the
01:00.21Hatiah ok
01:00.25Hatigood to know :P
01:04.33Iggyhopperyou see the patch today?
01:04.43Iggyhoppermarud's got a upgrade for concussive
01:04.46Iggyhopperi knew it
01:04.51Iggyhopperi totally called it
01:06.41HatiTurretData.xml is really just for the turret part of units
01:06.44Hatito let it rotate etc.
01:06.50Hatijust deactivated for immortal
01:06.53Hatilooks sick :P
01:07.30Hatiin ModelData.xml
01:07.31Hati<AttachProps Id="Ref_Hardpoint">
01:07.42Hatithis applies "units"
01:08.46Hatior not
01:11.41Hatik and removing Turret="" from WeaponArray resulting in un-turnable units
01:12.53davidcramerim kind of interested, how many of you 1. are working/have made maps for sc2, and then 2. actually have a beta key (that answered yes to #1)
01:18.15*** join/#sc2mapster Computerpunk (~Computerp@
01:20.01davidcramerthat is kind of lame :)
01:20.06davidcramerits just a replay :(
01:20.32SixenIt could've been done via Galaxy.
01:20.33davidcramer but that one is funny :)
01:22.26JademusSregI mod, and have the beta.
01:22.49JademusSregI run mods using Zoxc's launcher, so the integrity of the game's mpqs isn't violated.
01:23.14Iggyhopperis yaw up and down?
01:23.21davidcramerI believe so
01:23.40davidcramerI REALLY hope the editor gets rid of the need for all the changes to be in basedata/etc
01:23.48davidcramerand we dont have to wait another month for that one :)
01:23.49Iggyhopperalso you can try RemoveWeaponArray
01:23.57Iggyhopperlike RemoveValidatorArray
01:24.12Iggyhopperturret data is going to look nice once i publish my edits
01:25.07WitchsongIf I want to implement an interface into the "primitive" data types, I need to make a class that extends UInt16 etc?
01:25.27WitchsongA struct cannot extend another struct?
01:29.35Hatiif you have a low GB HD something like 256GB ... you think you are messy ... but if you upgrade to 1TB, you realize you are messy oO
01:30.26Iggyhopperyaw has to be the rotation of the y axis
01:30.31Iggyhopperno the z
01:30.42Hatiup&down is maybe not 'defined'
01:31.07Iggyhopperbut why would mothership clearly not have something else if yaw is not just left and right
01:31.10Hatias even if Core.SC2data theres nothing like it
01:31.27Iggyhopperyaw rate
01:31.33Hatiyawrate is turn rate
01:31.47Hatispeed of yaw
01:31.55Hati360 = instant
01:31.59Hatiand so on
01:32.20Hatii think it is max 360
01:32.31Iggyhopperno i see 999.8437 for colossus
01:32.38Hatithat's turn rate
01:32.53Hatioh i see
01:32.54Hatimy bad
01:32.58Hatihellion has too
01:33.07Hatimaybe really the same as turnrate
01:34.21Hatimaybe there's something like pitch?
01:35.09RepoKnowledge base page update: by Iggyhopper
01:36.47RepoKnowledge base page update: by Iggyhopper
01:36.47Iggyhopperok dokey
01:36.57Iggyhoppercheck out the new awesomeness
01:37.44HatiImmortal Model is complete
01:37.47Hatiit is with turret
01:38.59Iggyhopperone more edit
01:40.01Hati<AttachProps ...> i'm sure it has to do with this things
01:40.24RepoKnowledge base page update: by Iggyhopper
01:40.40*** join/#sc2mapster Thunder_Child (
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01:40.46Iggyhopperim sure it has to do with weapon attachments or weapon sources
01:40.57Iggyhopperlike pheonixes shooting from the side
01:41.07HatiColossus too
01:41.11Iggyhopperalso there are throw types
01:41.14HatiRef_Hardpoint at immorta
01:41.42Iggyhopperlike my TurretData.xml edits?
01:45.14*** join/#sc2mapster Corosus (
01:49.47HatiAttachProps refers to Bones
01:50.01Iggyhopperi thought so
01:50.09Iggyhopperi do 3d animation so you name your bones
01:50.21Iggyhopperalso thats how you attach stuff to models in war3
01:50.52Hatiwas quite obviously
01:51.10Iggyhopperwhat is hardpoint anyway? do you know what that is?
01:51.17Iggyhopperwhat it points to?
01:51.48Iggyhopperyou could try like.
01:51.56Iggyhopperdoing something way out of the box
01:52.18Hatihardpoint are things to carry something
01:52.18Iggyhopperhold on
01:52.21Hatiheard it somewhere
01:52.58Hatibut i can't find it in the model ...
01:53.06Hatiused to blender -.- now again 3ds
01:53.34Hatihow to wireframe in 3ds?
01:53.53Iggyhoppermaya :\
01:54.00Iggyhopper<StartingUnitArray Count="6" Unit="SCV">
01:54.12IggyhopperYou know WTF this is?
01:54.40IggyhopperHow does Offset work?
01:54.44Iggyhopperi know offset
01:54.58Iggyhopper0,0 offset 1,1 is 1,1
01:55.02Hatii guess there are these StartingPlaces on maps
01:55.08Iggyhopperbut theres like 13
01:55.08Hatilike in SCEditor / World Editor
01:55.18Iggyhopperno, 16
01:55.21Hatiyea they can be
01:55.28Hatiright / left to the base
01:55.30Hatior bottom
01:55.36Hatitop i haven't seen so far
01:55.45Hatishould be 18 positions
01:55.49Iggyhopperwell have to graph them out
01:55.57Iggyhopperreal quick
01:56.00Iggyhopperill do it notepad
02:01.29Iggyhopperi see the patern
02:01.59Iggyhopperits just the borders
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02:03.09Iggyhopper<Offset value="0,-3"/>
02:03.32Hatiseems like there is pitch
02:03.41Hati<CActorTurret default="1">
02:03.41Iggyhopperwat xml
02:03.47Iggyhopperi see
02:03.48HatiCore Actor
02:04.05IggyhopperActor xml is friggen ginourmous
02:04.05Hatior let's say ... there should be pitch ^^
02:06.49IggyhopperWhat could hat be?
02:06.59Iggyhopperand CAbil
02:07.11Iggyhopperand then CAbilEffect
02:07.29IggyhopperYou get to define ability classes.
02:08.31*** join/#sc2mapster valkrial (
02:08.34Iggyhopperokay why can core simply define CAbil and then CAbilEffect and other, CAbil* and so on
02:08.49Iggyhopperso you can disable these via triggers by class
02:09.03Iggyhopper<DisableAbilClassArray value="CAbilEffect"
02:10.01*** part/#sc2mapster Sixen (
02:10.08Hatino clue
02:10.17*** part/#sc2mapster gregv21 (
02:10.25Iggyhopperme neither so im going to test it
02:10.45IggyhopperI'm going to define my own abiailtay
02:10.54Iggyhopperor simply change some words
02:16.29Iggyhopperno u!
02:17.43valkrialblizzards facebook contest is so cruel. :( looks like they'll only be posting keys for the beta during regular business hours. I _work_ during regular business hours.
02:18.03valkriali dont think my boss would like me sitting on fb all day
02:18.37Hatithey post keys on facebook?
02:18.46*** join/#sc2mapster lolwut (
02:19.18Iggyhopper<CAbilBehavior default="1" id="Salvage">
02:19.24IggyhopperNOT even DEFINED in core
02:19.50Iggyhopper<CAbilBehavior default="1"/>
02:19.53Iggyhopperok well it is
02:19.55IggyhopperBUT OMG
02:27.30*** join/#sc2mapster Terin (
02:29.23Hatii got one so nvm :P
02:29.26Hatibut that's sick ^^
02:30.14valkrialyrah kinda funny to see the fanboys go nuts
02:31.17Iggyhopperok so
02:31.30Iggyhopperi changed all <CAbilBuild to <CAbilMakeStuff
02:31.34Iggyhoppertesting SC2
02:34.00Hatii wonder how modelchange at marines work
02:34.14Hatiit only applies a BehaviorBuff
02:35.06davidcramerIf there's any map maker here that doesnt have a bnet account please PM me :)
02:35.12davidcramererr a sc2 beta account rather
02:38.51Iggyhoppertotally fucked it up
02:38.53*** join/#sc2mapster valkrial (
02:39.08ckknightdavidcramer: we have a spreadsheet of people.
02:39.13ckknightin the topic
02:39.41davidcramerckknight: that dont have accounts that are active? :D
02:39.45davidcramer(i saw the one that listed people that did)
02:39.53ckknightgo to the second sheet
02:39.58Iggyhopperoh fuck didnt make a backup of Base.SC2Data
02:40.03Iggyhopperoh wait i have a server
02:40.09Iggyhopperon my other PC
02:40.52Iggyhopperoh well thats cool
02:41.03Iggyhopperbut i have a server where i can access its whole file system
02:45.49Iggyhopperit is not starting my download arg
02:45.49Hatii think there's a way to fake uberlisk
02:46.00Hatiyou can set units on follow :x
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02:46.22Hatibut this would look crappy
02:47.47Iggyhopperits not serving i probably got to restart it
02:54.53Hatii think i come closer to the how to add something to a model
02:58.25Hatibasicly the Spawn Larva from Queen does nothing else
02:58.37Hatiit adds SuperLarvaEggs (the model is called so) to the Hatchery etc.
03:01.20Hati<CActorModel default="1" id="ModelAddition" parent="ModelAnimationStyleContinuous">
03:01.26HatiModelAddition ?
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03:12.20Iggyhopperin actor right?
03:12.38*** join/#sc2mapster Corbo (~thecorbo@
03:12.54IggyhopperR U READY FOR MORE?
03:13.04IggyhopperWELL IM NOT
03:13.06IggyhopperSO YEAH
03:14.01CorboBRING IT
03:14.12IggyhopperYOUR MOM IS A WHORE
03:14.27Corbowhch one?
03:14.35Iggyhopper3rd one
03:15.34CorboI only have 2 moms
03:15.37IggyhopperHow big is the liberty base.sc2data?
03:15.43Iggyhopperjust give me kb
03:16.08Iggyhopperi got one that is 708
03:16.17Iggyhopperso pretty much the same
03:16.32Iggyhopperi had two sitting on my server and didnt know which one was the unmodified one
03:16.41Corosusyeah thats defiantely my original
03:17.49Corbowho made the mapster logo?
03:17.56Hatilets see
03:18.01Iggyhopperhow to make myself administrator?
03:18.06Iggyhopperor move files as admin?
03:18.10Iggyhopperthats gey in win7
03:18.14Hatisdfj naejnodasfo
03:18.33Iggyhopperi cant move a simple file give me a break
03:18.56Iggyhopperi am the only user on this pc how can i not be admin
03:19.01Hatii added an Zergegg ontop a Uberlisk!
03:19.07IggyhopperNO WAYT PIC PIC PIC
03:19.08Hatinow just have to find the right Location
03:19.25IggyhopperHURRY UP AND BE GLORIUS
03:19.43Iggyhopperomg f u im jealous
03:19.56Hatiand they are right
03:19.59Hatiit is fucking easy
03:20.02Hatiif you know how to xD
03:20.09Iggyhoppermake a marine douch
03:20.38Corboyou assholes with ultra res
03:20.40CorboQQ moar
03:20.55Iggyhopperi just got a new computer
03:21.04Iggyhoppersuck it
03:21.29IggyhopperTrying to scale models at low-res = ugh
03:21.42IggyhopperScaling models at high-res = :o
03:21.58JademusSregIs that just an ultralisk with an egg on it?
03:22.07IggyhopperDoes the egg do anything?
03:22.11IggyhopperAlso you must post xml data
03:22.25Hatiit spawns a larva
03:22.51Hatibut generally just a placeholder
03:22.51Corosusthe huge zergling in contra looks awesome
03:22.54Hatifor the moment
03:22.57Iggyhopperit does
03:25.19*** join/#sc2mapster Vindicator (
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03:29.48Iggyhopperyou guys know why i cant overwrite a file?
03:29.50Iggyhopperin windows 7?
03:29.59Iggyhopperexpesially in program files
03:30.13HeliosDoubleSixcus you are the systems bitch
03:30.17HeliosDoubleSixand it owns you
03:30.34HeliosDoubleSixyou can get a contextuial menu addon that lets you give yourself permissions
03:30.35JademusSregBecause while Windows loves you, it doesn't want to change for you; it wants you to accept it for who it is.
03:30.47HeliosDoubleSixyah you are never really an admin in Windows
03:30.49HeliosDoubleSixjust an observer
03:30.54Corosusyeah ive gotten annoyed and tried to rename wmplayer.exe , wont let me even as admin
03:30.58Corosusextra protections
03:31.04HeliosDoubleSixyah theres a addon you can get
03:31.07HeliosDoubleSixI lost the url :/
03:31.24HeliosDoubleSixyah ill just google windows addon
03:31.35Iggyhopperhow do i give myself permissions normamlly?
03:31.45HeliosDoubleSixyou cant
03:31.49HeliosDoubleSixthere is no normal way
03:32.18Corosusyeah try to take ownership
03:32.20HeliosDoubleSixmakes you feel like you actually onw the computer your running it on now
03:32.23Corosusif it even doesnt let you do that
03:32.27Corosusyou cant..... easily
03:32.39HeliosDoubleSixyah and stay away from the WINXS? folder
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03:32.43HeliosDoubleSixit will just sadden andconfuse you
03:33.27HeliosDoubleSixyah It's Wndows portal to despair and sorrow
03:33.41Iggyhoppertghats fuckin stupid
03:33.46HeliosDoubleSixdesigned out of It's need to be antiquated and backward comptaible with crazy stupid conventions they ivneted way way back
03:34.01HeliosDoubleSixgo look at it if you dont believe, and be afraid
03:34.03HeliosDoubleSixbe very afraid
03:34.17Iggyhopperoh wait
03:34.41IggyhopperI had it open by another program.
03:34.44IggyhopperThat's why.
03:34.55HeliosDoubleSixIt's like a bottomless self referential pit of uncleanable junk
03:35.15IggyhopperI tried to rename it, it said it was in use by another program.
03:35.18IggyhopperSo, I fail/.
03:35.45IggyhopperI want to play some SC2 melee but Hati here, is preventing me from doing so.
03:36.21IggyhopperYou are in abil/effect/behavior data fight?
03:38.57IggyhopperWhat are you editing?
03:39.05IggyhopperCopy/paste current line of code
03:40.28Hatitrying to get it work from the beginning
03:41.12Iggyhoppercant find spawn spinecrallwer
03:41.21Iggyhopperwhats the xmldoc?
03:41.33Corbowho made the logo?
03:41.35Hatiit's my own
03:41.36CorboI can make sc2 font
03:41.49Hatiyup got the sc2 font too :D
03:41.49Corbobut I need to recreate exactly the mapster logo
03:42.43Hatiseems like ActorData is loaded before behaviordata
03:45.34Iggyhoppermake the ultralisk have a marine
03:45.35ppl_what up
03:46.00ppl_are there any sc2 playable rpgs
03:46.11Iggyhopperppl_ this:
03:46.36ppl_is it a full game? ;/
03:46.51Iggyhopperwe are ading units on top of each other
03:49.29*** join/#sc2mapster HeliosDoubleSix (
03:49.50Hatiguessing only the 'valid' host name has to been found now
03:50.12Iggyhopperhost name?
03:51.14Hatithe unit to attach
03:51.25Iggyhopperare you editing uh.. actor?
03:59.07*** part/#sc2mapster ppl_ (
03:59.16IggyhopperHati do stuff
04:00.50Corbocan someone link me to a sc2mapster logo
04:00.53Corboin high res
04:01.36TerinDoes anyone know how to turn the various t3 files into an editable form?
04:02.43Haticase-sensitive xml ...
04:04.22JademusSregI think it would be a great idea for someone to replace the ball texture with a breast. So when we fuck up some model data or something, at least we'll get to see some tits.
04:05.07JademusSregPardon my language, but I stand by the statement.
04:05.22Hatihmm it's not attacking :/
04:15.19Hatii'm going to sleep over this :x
04:17.19BifuuWoooooooo off work
04:17.36BifuuWorking on my day off = teh gayzors
04:17.36JademusSregI just saw the vetical commands buttons Corbo. Sex.
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04:54.23Iggyhopperi just made an upgrade add a nuke that follows my unit
04:54.40Iggyhoppernot really :P
04:56.30*** part/#sc2mapster valkrial (
05:00.03Corboaw crap
05:00.16Corbomaking video logo was harder than I though it'd be.
05:00.23Corboat least for 30 minutes :P
05:00.31Corbospecially when AE is being gay and lagging
05:00.38Corboand doesn't animate the brightness....
05:01.09HeliosDoubleSixwhat logo is this
05:01.17Iggyhoppera logo of boobs
05:01.27HeliosDoubleSixexcellent I always wondered why boobs didnt have logos
05:01.42Iggyhopperadvertising costgs
05:02.38CorboI making an animated mapster logo
05:02.46Corboso we can put in our vids as a trademark
05:02.56HeliosDoubleSixdoes it have lazors
05:03.00Corboconsequently it has boobs
05:03.02Corboand pew pew lazors
05:03.11HeliosDoubleSixwin win
05:03.48HeliosDoubleSixthat pretty much covers all demographics
05:10.10*** join/#sc2mapster Viewer (
05:14.41*** join/#sc2mapster NakDotNak (
05:19.16NakDotNakHow's it going guys
05:21.06JademusSregForward, and a little toward starboard.
05:22.37*** join/#sc2mapster Terin (
05:23.34davidcramercan anyone explain to me where a custom load screen is placed?
05:23.47davidcramerneed to add support to nibbits for them ><
05:24.25JademusSregHave you checked the archives?
05:25.04Corosuswell you can put it anywhere, but its path is specified in the mapinfo file
05:26.07davidcramerJademusSreg: didnt look yet
05:26.09davidcramerah really
05:26.12davidcramermapinfo being the binary file?
05:26.17davidcramerguess im gonna have to finally write my parser for that ><
05:26.19Corosuschar loaderImagePath[];
05:26.25davidcramerat least the groundwork is done for me on this one :D
05:26.36davidcramerare they null terminated strings?
05:26.39Corosusyou can make it fullscreen / widescreen with bit after it
05:26.45Corosusahhhhh no i dont think so
05:26.56davidcramerdo you know how they're defined?
05:27.24davidcramertheme and planet eh?
05:27.37Corosusyeah some other options i never touch :D
05:27.47davidcramerunknownWidth -- could that be playable area vs map dimensions?
05:27.48davidcramernicoli_s:  ping
05:27.56Corosusthere isnt buffer space for the path, i can just plug any size of char in
05:29.07davidcramerso it must be null terminated
05:29.14davidcrameror has a leading size col
05:30.14Corosusthinking about it now, im not sure sure, but it has to be a .dds file if thats usefull
05:30.53davidcramerso that means i have to be able to parse .dds?
05:30.59davidcramerisnt that a texture format
05:31.07Corosusheh yeah..... direct draw surface
05:32.34JademusSregPhotoshop opens dds. Use that?
05:32.42Corosusthis might help
05:32.54JademusSregYeah, those did help.
05:33.02JademusSregHah, I forgot about those.
05:33.11JademusSregThat's why I can open dds.
05:34.03Corosusim not sure if theres a nice lil api to open dds files for php/asp/pl whatever, but this source will defiantely help you make one! :P
05:34.39davidcramercool those will compile under linux im assuming?
05:34.57davidcramerok this wont be too bad
05:35.01davidcramerits not like i dont have 100 diff converters already
05:35.20Corosusahhh not sure ive never used these, just found the link
05:35.31Corosusjust lookin at now
05:36.45davidcrameranyone know what it decompresses to?
05:36.50davidcramer(im not gonna do this right now, probably this weekend)
05:44.21Corosusi think it outputs tga
05:45.31davidcramerk i can deal w/ that
05:57.31Iggyhopperok playing sc
05:57.33*** part/#sc2mapster Iggyhopper (
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07:29.13vjeuxgrr, the merge didn't go so well :(
07:32.26davidcramerbad line endings or what
07:34.42vjeuxI think that tortoisegit don't know how to merge
07:34.57vjeuxit deletes and adds everything
07:36.48krryis there a tortoise for git?! I have totally missed that.
07:37.55Grumvjeux: omg
07:37.56krryIs it good? (other than that it cannot merge properly :) )
07:38.32Grumvjeux: clearly i shouldnt make the repo public ;)
07:38.41vjeuxwell, I just forked it :p
07:38.45Grumyeah saw
07:38.49Grumpatching now
07:38.53davidcramervjeux: MapInfo, are strings null-terminated?
07:38.53vjeuxthanks :p
07:39.00vjeuxdavidcramer: have no idea
07:39.01davidcramerkrry: I use git-extensions on windows
07:39.14vjeuxkrry: well, haven't used it much
07:39.15davidcramervjeux: working on adding some more support to my parser :)
07:39.21vjeuxit seems to work at least :p
07:39.39davidcramerwhat are theme and planet?
07:39.40davidcramerdo you know?
07:39.45vjeuxhave no clue
07:40.00krryBecause git is nice and all, but I just don't want to bother with the CLI version
07:40.36krryI'll look em up, for now subversion is fine
07:40.48vjeuxwell, the problem with the CLI version on windows, is that we have to use DOS -_-
07:40.55davidcramervjeux: there's git bash
07:41.00davidcramerbut git extensions works w/ explorer integration
07:41.01davidcramerits usable
07:41.07davidcramerits not as nice as CLI say on Linux/Mac, but its definitely usable
07:41.12davidcrameri also use it for visual studio integration
07:43.10davidcramerwhat does "pUnk" mean?
07:43.13davidcramermust be a c++ thing
07:43.18davidcrameroh nvm
07:43.20davidcramerplayer unknown
07:44.14vjeuxhey Sixen
07:44.54Sixenwhat's up vjeux?
07:45.23Grumand the problem is you are storing the files as is (ea CRLF lineendings), i tihnk those are devil seed and should only appear when you check out the code on a retard system which actually uses crlf .. hence i just store LF (handled by git btw)
07:46.42vjeuxwe got more than 2k unique visitors yesterday!
07:47.25SixenMmmm, ~15k/month
07:48.00vjeuxper month means nothing when we are not even up for a month :p
07:48.47SixenSure we are?
07:48.48davidcramergrats :)
07:48.57davidcramerbut it sbeen more than a month I think like Sixen said
07:49.05SixenMmmm, a little more iirc.
07:49.12vjeuxyeah ... :p
07:49.15davidcramerk lets see if serialize works for MapInfo
08:01.49*** join/#sc2mapster Repo (
08:10.05vjeuxRepo wake up!
08:10.13*** join/#sc2mapster Repo (
08:10.31vjeuxNew announcement from vjeux:
08:11.16RepoNew announcement:
08:16.34vjeuxshouldn't playerCount be playerS? :p
08:17.18davidcramererrm ya that var is named wrong
08:17.22davidcramerlet me fix haha
08:17.36davidcramerhrm wtf loadingimagepath is a jpg?
08:17.39davidcrameryou dont have to use dds?
08:19.30Sholdakeditor coming soonish :)
08:21.27davidcramerSholdak: whered you see that
08:21.37Sholdaki made it :p
08:21.39davidcrameroh nvm
08:21.51ubituxvjeux: no, SC2
08:22.11vjeuxwhat ubitux ?
08:22.18ubitux<@vjeux> WoW!
08:22.21ubituxit's not.
08:22.22vjeuxlol :p
08:22.39ubituxit isn't*
08:24.13vjeuxSholdak: are you going to make it editable?
08:26.35Viewerit can be useful for unit placement
08:27.05Viewertry to add m3 visualisation
08:27.08Viewerof units
08:27.13Vieweron this terrain
08:27.14davidcramerah hah!
08:27.17davidcramervjeux: want my awesomeness?
08:27.27davidcrameror my random easy guesses
08:27.27davidcramer'UnknownWidth=800', 'UnknownHeight=600'
08:27.35davidcramerLoaderImageWidth and LoaderImageHeight
08:27.58vjeuxgo try to edit it!
08:28.04davidcramerwhich means uknown 6 7 and 8 are all loaderimage related
08:28.05vjeuxand see if that's correct :p
08:28.05davidcramernah im lazy
08:28.12davidcramerdont have link open anymore
08:28.16davidcramerim 99% certain its correct
08:28.27Sholdakvjeux: i'm going to let people generate heightmaps from images
08:28.32Sholdakand texture masks
08:28.32vjeuxwhy would they store there the image format?
08:28.36davidcramerdont ask me
08:28.42davidcramerbut im sure thats what it is
08:28.45davidcramer800x600 is a normal image resolution
08:28.48Sholdakso baisically you'd have to create a heightmap from another program
08:28.48davidcramerand this uses a custom image
08:28.55Sholdaksay a gradient in photoshop
08:28.55davidcramerloaderimageformat is 1
08:29.00Sholdakand then you just load it in via the editor
08:29.34vjeuxloaderimageformat: 1 = normal, 2 = wide
08:29.43Sholdakand yea, we'll likely use it for visualization of objects
08:30.09vjeuxso you're not going to support terrain editing directly from the game
08:30.20Sholdakwell for now
08:30.33Sholdaki think it would be interesting what people can create with other tools
08:30.45Sholdakintegrated with that
08:30.50Sholdakprobably something GE wont allow
08:30.53vjeuxand, blizz is going to make some kickass one, no way we could ever beat it
08:32.40vjeuxdavidcramer: going to release you mapinfo parser on github?
08:33.11davidcramereven tho that shit on github doesnt really work
08:33.14davidcramerits more like example code haha
08:39.11Corosuslol dont need to use dds, good to know
08:41.41davidcramervjeux: for laoder images
08:41.46davidcramerthis ones a jpg for example
08:44.03davidcramersome people use .dds files ><
08:44.11davidcramermeans i gotta go deal w/ that real quick
08:45.02davidcrameri assume the dds is high resolution?
08:45.04Grumwhat other format should they use?
08:45.12Grumno dds is a mipmapped format
08:45.36davidcramerGrum: jpg works
08:45.46Grumyou mean ingame?
08:45.52davidcramerthe loader image path
08:45.54davidcramerloading screen image
08:46.00davidcramersec ill find out in a sec
08:46.04davidcramerinstlaling nvidias tool
08:46.07Grumi will shoot someone if i see jpeg artifacts O.o
08:46.31davidcramerGrum: just the loading screen image so far
08:46.33davidcramerContra = jpg
08:46.50Grumstill! jpeg == artifacts ;(
08:46.59davidcramernothing wrong w/ jpeg
08:47.07davidcramerhigh quality image swith low filesize
08:47.21davidcramerwaits for cmake to install
08:47.52Grumcute terrain Sholdak
08:48.46vjeuxwell, 100% quality jpeg takes lot less space than png for that kind of images
08:49.39Grumi call lies :(
08:50.15davidcrameroh shit
08:50.21davidcramerturns out someone already gave me a dds conversion plugin for PIL
08:51.25vjeuxPython Image Library
08:53.03davidcramerya the BLP stuff has DDS in it
08:56.29Viewerjpeg has less filesize but i think that dds is native to game engine
08:56.47Viewerso it loads faster?
08:58.29vjeuxhowever the loading time of a jpeg image is really small
08:59.28SixenVjeux, anything else we need done?
08:59.36GrumCorosus: what are those money maps exactly?
08:59.42Grumyou just start with loadsofresources?
08:59.45SixenBeen busy with DFans lately, we just moved from vBulletin -> IPBoard, hence why i've been so dead here :P
08:59.51SixenBut i'm back nao.
08:59.57vjeuxbasically yes Grum
09:00.01vjeuxyou gather faster
09:00.09Grumresources deplete faster?
09:00.12vjeuxand have more minerals
09:00.20vjeuxno depletion
09:00.30vjeuxthe goal is to make MASS units :p
09:00.46Grumso the amount of units also goes up?
09:00.47vjeuxIPBoard is the root of all evils :p
09:00.54Corosusnah, the mineral counts per spot is 50000 instead of 1500
09:01.04Corosussame with gas
09:01.14vjeuxwell, it's the kind of maps you play to have fun
09:01.33vjeuxyou just make 500 zerglings and rush the enemy base that have 300 zealots
09:01.35SixenI think IPB > VB
09:01.38Corosusor if you have so many other players in the game you cant expand
09:01.41Corosuseither or :D
09:01.42Grumbtw vjeux i updated nearly all map related sections last night making them look more .. alike ..
09:01.53Grumalso t3HardTile has sortof been figured out
09:02.02vjeuxoh, what is this?
09:02.06Grumbut it needs experimenting to find out what it does ;)
09:02.07vjeuxi see there's a cached version
09:02.16davidcramerwell thats interesting
09:02.17vjeuxbut why the hell would they cache it
09:02.22davidcramera LOT of files are missing their declared loadingImage
09:02.32Grumdavidcramer: the image is optional
09:02.40davidcramerbut its defined
09:02.42Grummany of the blizz maps dont have them
09:02.43davidcramerand its usually a dds in Assets
09:02.59davidcramershould it be falling back on some sc2 base data?
09:03.04Grumit does that
09:03.11davidcramerso i need to support those
09:03.15davidcramercould you test something for me grum?
09:03.25davidcramerAssets\Textures\ -- load that up
09:03.28davidcramerand tell me if its large resolution
09:03.29Grumi cant :)
09:03.33davidcramercan anyone here?
09:03.36vjeuxif there isn't a custom image, then the normal loading screen goes on (the one where you see the minimap + players loading bars)
09:03.48vjeuxgive the map davidcramer
09:04.22davidcramerthats not a custom one
09:04.26vjeuxoh ok
09:04.26davidcramerits asking for that
09:04.27vjeuxlet me see
09:04.30davidcramerso im assuming thats in the core files
09:04.35davidcrameri dont have them off hand (its on my other pc)
09:05.09vjeux2048 * 1160 * 60
09:05.10Corosuslets see here
09:05.13vjeuxoops *24
09:06.02Corosusthey all seem to be that size, at least for the jpg versions i have
09:06.43vjeuxare those images available somehow in the normal game?
09:07.00davidcramervjeux: well the way it refs files
09:07.03davidcramerbut thats SEXY
09:07.12davidcramermeans i can generate full map images as long as i have those assets available locally
09:07.25davidcramervjeux: wone more favor please? :D
09:07.30davidcramercould you zip all loading-* images in there for me?
09:07.32davidcramerI'll <3 you long time
09:07.43vjeuxI was working on it :
09:08.03Corosusid say theyre hiding in an mpq, but theyre obviously not working
09:08.06davidcramerady's DDS plugin sadly didnt work (guess he got it off someone else)
09:08.08davidcramerso im gonna try nvidia for it
09:09.06davidcramerya nvidias stuff works good
09:09.16vjeuxwant them in dds or jpg?
09:09.27davidcramerdds is fine
09:09.30davidcramerill deal w/ conversion manually
09:09.36davidcramerim just gonna keep a local copy of sc2 assets on the server i guess
09:11.01Corosusmakes sense, unless custom one which is hopefully in the map file
09:12.32davidcramergonna try fixing the dds plugin real quick
09:12.42davidcramerCorosus: ya, which obviously supports at least dds and jpg
09:12.46davidcramerthanks vjeux
09:12.51davidcramerill let you know when i got this workin :D
09:21.05davidcramerhrm vjeux that file doesnt seem to have those?
09:21.07davidcramerthe .dds files right?
09:24.12RepoNew asset: Blizzard - Loading Screens. vjeux (Manager/Author). Approved by vjeux.
09:25.03davidcrameri meant the .dds files
09:25.14davidcrameroh wait these are loading screen images, do i really want these
09:25.16davidcramerya i do i guess
09:25.28vjeuxwell, the rar contains all the loading screens
09:25.34vjeuxin dds
09:25.35davidcramerwhat dir ar ethey in?
09:27.21davidcrameri think you got the wrong zip or something
09:28.33vjeuxsorry linked you the wrong one
09:29.49davidcramerim gonna just make a list of the default loading screens I suppose
09:29.52davidcramerand if its one of those, ignore it
09:32.07davidcramerhehe yay
09:33.47vjeuxlol my sc2 account is in platinium league
09:33.51vjeuxsharing ftw :p
09:35.46Sixenlol my sc2 account is in platinium league
09:35.49Sixenme being pro ftw :P
09:44.02*** join/#sc2mapster Witchsong (
09:45.06vjeuxhey Witchsong
10:04.51WitchsongI have a List<List<ISerializable>> containing lists of objects... ISerializable are implemented in all my classes, BUT I also have lists of primitive types (UInt16, Int16, Int32 etc.). When I write these lists, I write through all ISerializable objects and calls the Write function in the interface.
10:04.57WitchsongBut, that doesn't work for the primitive types.
10:05.07WitchsongAs those don't implement the interface.
10:05.10WitchsongHow to solve that?
10:09.42WitchsongI want to avoid if-checking for every single primitive type...
10:11.02Grumoh shit haha
10:11.07Grumi accidently fucked up the gitrepo :P
10:12.48*** join/#sc2mapster Witchsong (
10:13.24WitchsongOrdered my new PSU now. Hope replacing the old one is gonna stop the random restarts.
10:13.41WitchsongWhat's the normal lifetime of a PSU?
10:13.42Grumi accidently commited some vim swapfiles with it =) ... fixed ;)
10:13.55GrumWitchsong: you have random restarts?
10:14.04Grumusing windows? turn off the 'automatic restart on errors' :p
10:14.14WitchsongIt's not that.
10:14.28WitchsongIt just powers down for a few seconds, then it powers up again.
10:14.45WitchsongNo quick flash of blue-screen.
10:14.56Grumwhat powers down? your whole pc? O.o
10:15.12WitchsongAs if someone would have pulled the plug.
10:15.19WitchsongJust that it gets the power back after a few seconds.
10:15.24Grumare you sure the outlet you are plugged into is ok? O.o
10:15.25WitchsongAnd then it starts up.
10:15.40WitchsongShould be, my TV uses it too without any issues.
10:16.28WitchsongHowever, I think the PSU is like 5 years old now, and it might be failing.
10:16.41Grumvjeux: can you change the link in to please?
10:17.23Grumi noticed i accidently added some of my vim swapfiles ... :P
10:17.27Grumso fixed that ;)
10:17.29WitchsongBut, anyone got an answer to my C# issue I mentioned further up...
10:17.43vjeuxhaven't done any C# so ... can't help you i'm sorry
10:19.01Grumvjeux: i also documented the lava shit in
10:19.29Grumi kinda updated all documentation
10:21.42Grummade them all look mostly the same
10:21.42vjeuxyeah you are now using C structs
10:21.42Grumwell i sortof was before ... but they were kinda wonky
10:21.42Grumthese should work when pasted into 010 Editor
10:21.55GrumBLOCK blocks[ (FileSize()-64)/(64*32) ];  <-- that is still kinda lame though (in the t3TextureMasks)
10:22.46Grumbut i removed all unknowns, change them into a guess of some kind and all the header zero bytes to DWORD zero[x]; added the DWORD magic; // XXXX for each filetype
10:23.10Grumand renamed all the second UINTs to 'UINT version; // current: xxx'
10:23.20Grumwith a version i've seen in one of the files
10:23.24Grum(one of the newer files)
10:23.42Grumt3Terrain.xml needs a description though
10:23.58Gruma proper one :p
10:24.54vjeuxyou are documentation master :)
10:25.10vjeuxbut see, now Sholdak is going to add it inside mwe thanks to you :)
10:26.10vjeuxyour efforts are rewarded :)
10:26.42Grummeh i hate documentin
10:27.16Grumbtw have you ever played Shattered Galaxy?
10:28.28Grum it has a 'capture' element in the game and you play with a certain groupcomposition of units
10:29.34vjeuxlol @ the url :p
10:29.53vjeuxthey are going to get many visits :p
10:30.03Grumyou have to stand on certain locations called POCs for a certain amount of time to capture them
10:30.18Grumits a game element which might be repeatable in SC2 and its actually quite fun :)
10:30.42Grumhere; one of the 'POC's on the righthand side
10:31.14Grumyou just control a combination of 6-12 units which you can 'gear'
10:37.11vjeuxanyway got to go
10:37.13vjeuxcya later
10:38.27Sixengrum, you play SG?
10:38.27SixenI used to love that game..
10:38.40Sixenbeen so long since i've played it, but that game was so epic
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10:55.47krryWitchsong: read your question but I don't know enough .NET-fu to understand it :)
10:57.01WitchsongI'm just gonna make a struct for each primitive data type, which has a member of that type and implements the needed interface. Not very pretty, but at least it will work. :p
10:58.25krrysounds like an OK workaround
11:10.30Hatimanipulating models kinda works ...
11:10.37Hatibut make them able to do something o.O
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11:18.04GrumSixen: used to play it yeah
11:18.09Grumit was quite wtfbbqnice
11:18.37GrumSixen: would be so nice to 'remake' it in sc2 ;)
11:22.00Grumbtw i quite like how blizz handles the patches in sc2
11:22.08Grumcompared to WoW its way cleaner
11:26.42Hatijust replacement of data
11:28.46Grumwow rebuilds a patch mpq file every time
11:28.58Grumthen again if we'd have all iterative data since 1.0 your folder would be 4 times the size
11:49.46HatiActorData seems like the most commented file oO
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12:40.44PixelWarrioroo loading screens
12:45.53Hatican't get attached unit to attack
12:46.32PixelWarriorattached unit?
12:49.59Hatia unit attached to another
12:51.28PixelWarriorlike how bloodlings are attached to brood lord?
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12:59.16Hatibut i didn't looked into Broodlord
12:59.19Hatithat could do it :o
13:01.13Hatii looked into SpawningLarva
13:01.20Hatihow it applies Eggs to Hatchery+
13:01.30PixelWarriorlarva dont do shit
13:01.35Hatithey explode :O
13:03.06Hatik guess that's 'how' it can be done
13:03.36PixelWarriorive noticed that the projection of broodlings from the brood lord is kinda weird
13:03.45PixelWarriorim not sure if its supposed to be like that
13:03.56Grumwe need a unit that can throw other units!
13:03.59Grumor doodads :P
13:04.05PixelWarriorbut they kinda float out, then shoot really fast towards the target
13:04.05Hatiwell Grum
13:04.10Hatithat can be done easily
13:04.15Hatiby Ammo Type
13:04.22Hatiyou can also give Marines just 6Ammo
13:04.27Hatiso they can only attack 6 times
13:04.30Hatilike survival shooter
13:04.31Grumwe need a protos mega-gun that shoots stalkers ;)
13:04.47PixelWarriorammo type = stalkers
13:05.30PixelWarriormake zealots shoot HADOKENS
13:05.56Grummake ultralisks shoot ultralisks :(
13:06.01PixelWarriorcan we put custom animation into maps?
13:06.14Grumlike what?
13:06.16Hatiif you can do it
13:06.18Hatii guess you can
13:06.22Grumit depends
13:06.30Grumyou cannot dynamicly change the map or textures i think
13:06.31HatiHadoken you could make a row of ArchonMerge
13:06.38PixelWarriorlike a SHORYUKEN animation for zealots
13:06.46Hatior archonmerge with archonattack lightning
13:06.53Hatishould not be that hard
13:07.07Grumyou can probably make a dynamic doodad
13:07.15Grumyou can prolly scale/size/move it through code
13:07.19Grumwe should make frogger =)
13:07.29PixelWarriorwth man, the photon canons pretty much a hadoken
13:07.32Hati<ExternalAngle value="-149.9853"/>
13:07.41Hatiwonder if there's also a value for pitch
13:07.50Hatibecause this one just 'uses' same height
13:07.56Hatiwhich kinda sucks
13:08.09Grumjust curious
13:08.16PixelWarriorcan we change the tragectory?
13:08.19Grumairunits are floating because they have a static height?
13:08.30PixelWarriornot static
13:08.52PixelWarriorthey go up and down according to the terrain theyre flying over
13:08.57Hatiyea grum
13:08.59Grumi've seen them drop down into the 'nothingness' at the end of a map
13:09.08Grumso its a static relative height
13:09.09Hatithey have a static Z offset
13:09.13Grumthat i meant
13:09.31Grumtheir bounding box is just 'extended' to the bottom so it appears they fly
13:09.43Grumcan you lock units at a certain height? or can you change that dynamicly?
13:10.07Grumif so you can make boats
13:10.48Hatijust made a carrier with external interceptors :P
13:11.02PixelWarriorthey dont dock?
13:11.08Hati4 aren't
13:11.11art[]it'd be neat if they docked externally
13:11.15Grumhaha yeah
13:11.27PixelWarriorbroodlings dock externally
13:11.31Hatibut lo0oks kinda crappy :P
13:11.33Hatithrough range
13:12.00PixelWarriorbut external docking would be AWESOME of scrolling shooter games
13:12.26Grumso cute :D
13:12.53art[]the protoss mothership needs 100 interceptors that dock externally
13:13.02art[]that would be intimidating
13:13.03Grummake them fly formations
13:13.06Haticould be done i guess
13:13.11lolwut100 mini phoenixs
13:13.12HatiArmMagazine seems quite powerful
13:13.13Grumform a huge cock and then nuke something
13:13.13lolwutwould be pro
13:13.25Grumoh O.o ;D
13:14.22Hatiyou could also attach 2 Zerg eggs on Spinecrawler
13:14.32Hatithere you go for cock
13:14.38lolwuto wow
13:14.49PixelWarriorwhy spine crawler?
13:14.56PixelWarriorshould do it to the air one
13:14.57Grumand then scale when you get a lot of minerals
13:15.00Grumto dispayepeen!
13:15.19Grumpylon+2probes should look sortof the same if you stretch it properly ;)
13:15.23Hatibecause of this
13:15.45lolwutoh double wow
13:16.27Grumwe need avatars
13:16.33Grumwhich do that stuff witheachother :p
13:16.38Grumdepending on how the battles goes
13:18.33Hatiwell interceptors are still stupid oO
13:18.47Hatihaven't tried but i guess they are flying back into the Carrier
13:18.49Hatito get launched
13:18.53Hatieven if they are already outside
13:19.15Hatioh no they aren't
13:22.08Vieweris there any way to revive  dead heroes without loss of level and abilities?
13:23.49Hatiis there
13:23.49Vieweri tried to use CAbilRevive but it does not works
13:23.49Viewer<CAbilRevive id="ReviveHero">
13:23.49Viewer<Activity value="UI/Reviving"/>
13:23.49Viewer<Alert value="ReviveComplete"/>
13:23.49Viewer<Flags index="BestUnit" value="1"/>
13:23.49Viewer<NameOverride value="UI/Revive_S"/>
13:24.35Viewerand nothing
13:24.45Viewerno button appeared
13:27.51Vieweri think that reviving can work
13:28.38PixelWarriorwhic building did u attach that ability to?
13:28.56Viewergame deletes unit data after death?
13:29.32ViewerPixelWarrior: a new unit based on warpprism
13:30.44Viewerit can hire new heroes with train ability
13:30.55Viewerbut it can't revive them
13:40.06GrumViewer: what is not working the UI element of the reviving?
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14:40.49HatiAlot of tears in SC2 Beta forum from zerg players :o
14:42.15monoframeMore like goo-slime coming out of their eyes, zergs don't have tears
14:42.29vjeuxthey deserved it!
14:43.07Hatihmm EquipmentArray ...
14:43.39monoframeWill these balanses fit the StarCraft 2 Campaign at all?
14:43.58Hatibut i guess no
14:44.03monoframeAs in, they're being pushed Multiplayer-wise
14:44.06monoframenot Singleplayer
14:44.10HatiI guess there will be seperate Singleplayer units
14:54.14vjeuxdo you know that website?
14:55.23Hatiyes, i now know it :P
14:56.11vjeuxhow did he get the values?
14:56.33Hatimanual entry?
14:56.45Hatiit's "just" platinum leagues
14:56.51Hatiplatinum divisions*
14:57.24vjeuxmanually entered 3500 rows?
14:57.46HatiPpl are bored today
14:58.33monoframe"Well, lets re-code and re-compile original Starcraft now..."
14:58.55Hati´Pah, i don't got a Beta key - I do my own SC2 ?
14:59.07Hatistarting tomorrow
15:00.03Hatik CAbilArmMagazine don't be the right way to create Uberlisk
15:00.17Hatibut it can become handy for Sporecrawlers shooting banelings :>
15:02.38HatiActorData On Terms=, * might be a wildcard
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15:06.35Hatiso lets see
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15:09.11Hatiyup seems like a Wildcard
15:11.11Hatior the Ultralisk burrow animation just suck
15:12.31Hatiyea ultralisk animation just suck oO
15:12.44monoframeSo anyone up on how to define model's, unit's animation set-type using ActorData.xml s:
15:12.46Hatihe acts like falling into the ground
15:13.15monoframeHati, this is Beta, you know
15:13.27Hatistill it looks crappy :<
15:13.33monoframeTHEN MODEL EET
15:13.35Hatimore love for ultralisk
15:13.41monoframeDO EET
15:19.11monoframeYou know 5 Hive's Larvae-exit tubes? Those could be used for...ADDON MODS!
15:39.29Alevice_Workvjeux check your thread
15:43.53PixelWarriorultralisks shouldnt be able to burrow
15:44.09JademusSregI disagree.
15:44.14PixelWarrioror only on creep
15:44.23JademusSregWhat sense would that make?
15:44.28PixelWarriorits like a tauren rogue
15:44.31Alevice_WorkThey hsould burrow, but not get invisibility :P
15:44.42JademusSregHaha, then it would be pointless.
15:44.44PixelWarriorhow do u hide such a beast of a thing? LOL
15:44.49Alevice_Workregenration maybe?
15:44.54Alevice_Workala crypt fiend
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15:45.06JademusSregThat would be awesome. For Zerg players.
15:45.11Alevice_Workof course
15:45.16JademusSregEveryone else would be pissed.
15:45.16Alevice_Workultra regen!
15:45.36Alevice_Workwell, its a fucking late tier unit. and with void rays you could kill ultras that arent attacking
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15:46.06Alevice_Workultras are hardly versatile and that powerufl anyway
15:46.23Alevice_Workthey are slow, only deal melee damage in a small aoe and thats all
15:46.42Alevice_Workoh, they have a tough caparace
15:46.52Alevice_Workbut still focused fire fries them rapidly
15:46.55Ackis SC2 CE
15:48.14Alevice_Workstanard sc2 59.99?
15:48.46JademusSregGood. Use them as diversions.
15:50.35monoframe"visually unique version of the terran Thor unit"
15:51.14Ackismight pre-order SC2 CE to resell at a later date
15:53.05JademusSregHaha, mini Thor pet.
15:54.13Hatidunno i preordered for 25Pounds
15:54.49PixelWarriorthats alot of extra stuff
15:54.56PixelWarriori wouldnt mind paying extra for it
15:55.06Hatiwell ...
15:55.07Hati- A World of Warcraft(R) mini Thor in-game pet that can be applied to all World of Warcraft characters on a single account.
15:55.10Hatiif you don't play WOW
15:55.12Hatiit just sucks
15:55.35PixelWarrior176 page art book
15:55.37PixelWarriorthats decent
15:55.38JademusSregSC battlechest is worth about 20 bucks. SC2 is about 60.
15:55.41Hati- Exclusive downloadable content, including special portraits for your profile, decals to customize your units in-game, and a visually unique version of the terran Thor unit, ... i smell something serious strange
15:55.55monoframeWell, as mentioned, a special visual look unlock for Thor
15:56.03JademusSregSo the rest should be about $20 of value.
15:56.06HatiDLC to customize multiplayer units ... ?
15:56.14monoframeor not?
15:56.39Hatidecals to customize your units in-game,terran Thor unit, ... i smell something serious strange
15:56.46JademusSregI expect that is the scent of things to come.
15:56.55vjeux$$$ everywhere!
15:56.56PixelWarriorapril fools type strange?
15:57.11Hatiwell if so ... we might see pink bunny zerglings
15:57.28PixelWarrior10 dollars to have ur zerg look like dalmations
15:58.12PixelWarriorplayers might rage quit if blizzard start monatizing too hard
15:59.38JademusSregOnly if they really interfere with the game, or if the players weren't really into the game to begin with.
15:59.50JademusSregI really don't care what they sell.
16:00.04JademusSregIt doesn't effect me using Battlenet for free to play the game.
16:00.43JademusSregI forgot to add a "really" to my last sentence.
16:00.52Alevice_WorkExactly. If said bunny zerglings had a speed bonus for eating carrots, I would be pissed. But if it is only a cosmetic chnage only the guy whp paid for it can see it I dun care
16:01.09Alevice_Work*sight bonus
16:01.41AckisHati: you could sell the code on ebay for a decent price I think
16:01.44Hatiwell depends on where the change are allowed :P
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16:03.06AckisDawn of War 2 has special skins for your units if you register the game/buy through their shop
16:03.48Alevice_WorkAye. But they dont get extra gear
16:04.34Ackisnope, just visually different
16:04.51Alevice_Workso it is fair game, iMO
16:05.28Hatias long as you can't do crazy stuff i agree
16:08.19JademusSregI sreiously doubt they would sell services that would have any effect on balance.
16:08.51JademusSregI mean, they may fuck up ocassionally, but they aren't stupid.
16:09.21monoframeya right...Give WoWteam to develop Diablo 3
16:10.01Hati<Movers Link="SpineCrawlerTentacleExtendShort" IfRangeLTE="3"/>
16:10.01Hati<Movers Link="SpineCrawlerTentacleExtendLong" IfRangeLTE="7"/>
16:10.11HatiIfRangeLTE o.O
16:11.16Hatiwasn't it MinimumRange for Weapons?
16:11.32Hatiread it somewhere for siegetanks do apply MinimumRange in siegemode
16:13.06Alevice_Workmovers might do it for graphical behaviour rather than other things
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16:18.13Fiskernot that big a deal
16:18.27Fiskercustomizable decals have been in play for a long time btw
16:18.36Fiskeri recall that being mentioned in one of their first multiplayer previews
16:18.46FiskerYou can unlock achievements to get decals that will be applied to your units
16:19.01Fiskerinstead of standard protoss/zerg/terran emblems
16:19.24FiskerThat they do a model swap + give you some extra decals and portraits is no big deal here :P
16:19.32Fiskerlooking forward to the WoW pet though
16:19.36Fiskerthe Thor is awesome
16:22.06Alevice_Workcurrent emblem for terran is dominion's btw.
16:25.57JademusSregI wonder if we'll be seeing emblem and decal design contests in the near future.
16:27.20JademusSregWhich reminds me of a dream I had.
16:27.37ckknighta bicycle-throwing contest
16:27.47Fiskera give me the fucking ce ckknight
16:27.54ckknightand if I refuse?
16:28.00Fiskernot so much
16:28.03JademusSregI dreamt the white circle in my Jademite emblem was firing gamma-wavelength lasers.
16:28.09Fiskerbut i hope that Blizzard puts up the CE on their own store
16:28.22Fiskeri'm sick and tired of scalping retailers who cheat their customers
16:28.36JademusSregLater, there was an enormous conga line. The two are unrelated.
16:28.36vjeuxgrrr, parenting does not work at all on actordata :(
16:28.48Fiskerhave you tried reverse psychology vjeux?
16:29.15vjeuxthey should use ##id## instead of Ultralisk ...
16:29.20Alevice_Workyeah, paernting and actor data dont work save for stuff that is stored at core.mod
16:29.36Fiskeranyway ckknight
16:29.38Fiskerlisten to my rage
16:29.43Alevice_Workfucking blows as fuck
16:30.29FiskerWith the Wrath CE, many retailers sold the CE at double the MSRP
16:30.31*** part/#sc2mapster ubitux (
16:30.39FiskerAnd many retailers so obviously oversold their stock
16:30.41Fiskerand never told people
16:31.44Hativjeux makes no difference if you do UltraliskPortrait or ##id##Portrait
16:31.56Hatijust some effort
16:32.00Fiskerbtw ckknight
16:32.02Biflol CE's are a waste =P
16:32.04Fiskerdid you see this little tidbit?
16:32.16vjeuxwell, if using Ultralisk portrait it fucks up parenting
16:32.22Fisker"Additional information about StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty, including the release date, will be announced in the coming weeks."
16:32.32vjeuxyou can't make a new actor where parent="Ultralisk"
16:32.46BifWhere is that O.o
16:32.46Hatiyou can?
16:33.01vjeuxwell, you can but you will get half of the properties
16:33.05Hatijust do in the child <PortraitModel value =""/>
16:33.14BifuuOh hey im connected twice, who knew
16:33.19Hatioverwrite it o.o
16:33.28vjeuxwell I don't want to copy & paste the whole thing
16:33.44vjeuxjust want to make <CActor id="TDWave1" parent="Ultralisk" />
16:33.57vjeuxand it automagically is an Ultralisk
16:34.29HatiIt is?
16:34.35vjeuxno it's not
16:34.42Hatibut you have to default id="Ultralisk"
16:35.11Hatiyou have to default="1" what you want to parent as far as i see
16:35.55Hati<CActorUnit default="1" id="ZergBuilding" parent="GenericUnitStandard">
16:36.19vjeuxomg it works
16:36.29vjeuxwhat's wrong with parenting without default!?
16:36.42Hatiguessing default is just making it "global"
16:36.47vjeuxthat's lame
16:36.50Hatiif you see the whole xml-stuff as variables
16:37.52Alevice_Workfucking lame as shit
16:38.40Hatii'm still looking for all the Send=""-values ...
16:38.41JademusSregBVtw, Levi, did you find out if attributes work for non heroes?
16:38.46Hatithere's a ModelSwap
16:38.59Hatimight there's also ModelAdd
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16:40.50Hatithere seems to be a On Term="Level"
16:41.25vjeuxhmm, default="1" makes it global indeed
16:41.34vjeuxbut it doens't fix my parenting problem :(
16:42.13Hatiwhat's still wrong?
16:42.25vjeuxI want to do that
16:42.41vjeuxwhat I did was making default="1" to all parents
16:43.17Hatiso whats going wrong?
16:43.19vjeuxbut only the last one works
16:43.34Alevice_WorkJademusSreg, habvent tried. Likely they do, at least if you got veterancy behaviour
16:43.40vjeuxbecause everything else is being overriden
16:43.41Hati'fucked' up your XML data?
16:43.52JademusSregI mean without veterancy, also.
16:44.19Alevice_Worki ought to try
16:44.53Hatiwhat is overridden vjeux?
16:44.57Hatithey all look the same?
16:45.20vjeuxthat's strange
16:46.25vjeux<CActorUnit id="TDTowerA1" parent="PhotonCannon" /> <CActorUnit id="TDTowerB1" parent="SporeCrawler" />
16:46.33vjeuxwith just that, they do not show up
16:47.03Hatibut with <Model ?
16:47.16Hati<Model value="PhotonCannon"/>
16:47.32Hatithe reason is because they don't define it theirselves
16:47.34Alevice_Workdoesnt that kill the point of parenting? save for spell animas and the like?
16:47.36Hatithey use ##id## for it
16:47.46vjeux<CActorUnit id="TDTowerA1" parent="GenericUnitStandard"> <Parent value="PhotonCannon" /> </CActorUnit>
16:47.49vjeuxhowever this works
16:47.52Hatiyour id is TDTowerA1
16:47.58Hatiso hes looking for Model TDTowerA1
16:48.04vjeuxoh I see
16:48.09Hatibecause of ##id##
16:48.13vjeux<CModel id="TDTowerA1" parent="PhotonCannon" />
16:48.19Haticould do
16:48.21vjeuxgot that
16:49.47Hatii think <CActorUnit id="TDTowerA1 parent="PhotonCannon"/> will work too, if you have <CModel id="TDTowerA1" parent="PhotonCannon"/>
16:50.01Alevice_Workit doesnt
16:50.04Alevice_Worki have tried that before
16:50.09Alevice_Workno luck
16:50.27*** join/#sc2mapster Ingela (
16:50.55Repo10mapster-td: 03vjeux * r11 / (10 files in 3 directories): Various things
16:51.08vjeuxI've updated the mapster td
16:51.11vjeuxif you want to try
16:51.17vjeuxI don't understand what's going on there
16:52.45HatiActorData.xml seems kinda confusing :P
16:52.50HatiBlizzard commented alot there
16:53.10vjeuxthis is fucked up
16:53.15vjeuxthey put strings in there
16:53.39HatiSend seems powerful
16:53.43Hatiyou can Swapmodels with it
16:54.27monoframeBlizzard employee: "What do we do with ActorData", staff manager: "Leave it be, we're not supposed to change it.", Blizzard employee: "But I want some new animations...Ultralisk burrowing doesn't work." staff manager: "I said...LEAVE...IT...BE"
16:54.59vjeuxwell, even if that's powerful ... you have xml files, raw strings are not the way to do it!
16:56.07Alevice_Workwhat raw strings?
16:56.13vjeuxalso, why the hell is there ProtossBuild in there
16:56.29vjeuxan ability linked inside an actor sound -_-
16:56.46vjeux<On Terms="Abil.ProtossBuild.BuiltStart" Send="Create"/>
16:56.57Alevice_Workwell, it is meant to be played when the evevent stated in term occur
16:57.00vjeuxI mean ... in ProtossBuild there's no reference to that actor
16:57.02Hatiif you start it it createst something
16:57.12Hatithere don't have to be
16:57.16Hatithere's alot of this stuff
16:57.18Alevice_Workso whenever a unit catss Abil.ProtosBuild with any unit, that sound is played
16:57.22vjeuxwell, that's lame
16:57.31vjeuxit's hard to track down all the dependencied
16:57.31Alevice_Worki found it very useful actually
16:57.32HatiOn terms as far as i understand are like triggers
16:57.42Alevice_Workwell, you get used to it
16:57.46Hatiif it happens do smth
16:57.54Alevice_Workit makes snses immo
16:57.54monoframevjuex, it's hard with separate xml files...won't be so with Data Editor at hand
16:57.55Hatilike a Behavior being enabled
16:58.04Hatior a unit created
16:58.14Alevice_Workif you need special sounds to be played when a guy catss psi strom, you dont need to track down all untis catsing it
16:58.22Alevice_Workonly defint an actorsound that plays is
16:58.37Hati<On Terms="ActorCreation; ValidateUnit ZerglingUpgraded" Send="ModelSwap ZerglingUpgrade"/>
16:58.58vjeuxwell, I would like a reference in the ability
16:59.01vjeuxthat would be cleaner :p
16:59.11Alevice_Workin the abildata?
16:59.15Hatibut would it still be so customizable?
16:59.19Alevice_Workthat wouldnt sperate presentation from logic
16:59.52vjeuxhaving "code" inside xml is really strange
16:59.54RepoKnowledge base page update: by grum
16:59.54Hatibut preparing GE for ActorData seems to be a mess
17:00.15Alevice_Workit would be nice if we had actoreffect or smth more general purpose, but it makes sense
17:00.26Alevice_Workthere is not much code, only certain events defined
17:00.31vjeuxthey made a lot of clean xml files
17:00.45Alevice_Workactor data is robust as fuck
17:00.46Hatiand then they come up with ActorData.xml
17:00.48vjeuxand there in actordata.xml it's a real mess
17:01.08Hatiyou could write in Blizzard forums :P why it is so messy
17:01.17art[]lol, the sc2 special edition does come with a WoW pet
17:01.21art[]i called it
17:01.21Alevice_Workyeah, cerrtain structures are bizzarr, I garee. but the evenets and such code are intended to have more felixbility with model animations and shit
17:01.47Hatithey said - highly customizable - there you go
17:01.48Alevice_WorkI like that I dont need to define an unflexible spell animation in the model anymore
17:02.07Alevice_Workand that i dont have to have jass code to fancy up a spell
17:02.16Alevice_Workvisually i mean
17:02.21Hatibut still
17:02.26vjeuxI mean, they use XML everywhere, why in there there are strings to be parsed ? :p
17:02.32HatiBehavior.*.On does not to be fired on Load
17:02.42Hatibecause they can.
17:02.59Alevice_Workany proposals for it?
17:03.58Hatiuhm btw
17:03.59vjeux<Send> <Action id="AnimBracketStop" value="Burrow" /> <ConditionArray id="AbilMorph.*.Finish" /> <ConditionArray id="MorphTo" value="Baneling" /> ...
17:04.13Hatiare we supposed to add valid arguments for attributes in wiki?
17:04.24vjeuxwould be great
17:04.55Hatiwhere you found this?
17:04.58Alevice_Workdoesnt seem to be any fucking cleaner :P
17:05.04vjeuxwell, it's xml
17:05.06vjeuxnot clean
17:05.22vjeuxbut coherent with the rest of the files
17:05.33Hatior you just wrote it by yourself?
17:05.40Hatiah k ._.
17:05.46Alevice_WorkI can see what you mean. But overall it doesn't really imprve the way it murks that much. I dont see you complaying about target filders :P
17:06.10Alevice_Work*works not murks
17:06.22Hativalid arguments simply as text?
17:06.39vjeuxthe main issue I see is there isn't any link in the ability, models, ... files
17:06.48vjeuxthey just put random references there
17:06.57vjeuxI would like something like
17:07.25vjeux<Model id="Zergling"> <Actor id="Zergling" /> </Model>
17:07.46vjeuxthis way we know Zergling actor, and only Zergling actor is able to reference the Zergling model
17:08.01vjeuxand not actor referencing any model/ability they want
17:08.03Hatimight be hardcoded somewhere
17:08.07Hatilike ##id##
17:08.16vjeuxalso ##id##
17:08.17Alevice_Workcheck core.mod actordata
17:08.26Hati<On Terms="Upgrade.CentrificalHooks.Add" Send="SetWalkAnimMoveSpeed 3"/>
17:08.29vjeuxthey use $parent
17:08.33vjeuxwhy not $id ...
17:08.40Hatibut like said - you can access alot of things through it
17:08.50Alevice_Workit is <Actor id="Zergling"> <Model id="Zergling" /> </Actor>
17:09.25Alevice_Workwell, more like <actor default="1"><model value="##id##"</actor>
17:09.54Alevice_WorkI wish actually that units referneced to a given acotr explicitely, tho
17:10.05Hatiwtb manual from blizzard xD
17:10.09Alevice_Workeven core.mod unit data doesnt address actors anywaher
17:10.21Alevice_Workfucking typos
17:10.27vjeuxalso, I would like to do : <Unit id="mynewunit" parent="zergling" />
17:10.36vjeuxthe new unit is a zergling
17:10.54Alevice_Workit works already like that...
17:10.55*** join/#sc2mapster Technetium (
17:10.56vjeuxbut no ... you have to add a new model, a new actor, modify bunch of actors, ... to make it work
17:11.07Technetiumlong time vjuex
17:11.13Alevice_Workif you parent straight from an unit, iirc, you dont need actors whatsoever
17:11.17TechnetiumI got your linkedin lol
17:11.26Technetiumnic got me working on the terrain files
17:11.44vjeuxfor example the ultralisk need actors for the attack animation
17:11.50TechnetiumI've been hanging around blizzmods
17:11.56Alevice_Workoooh true, that :(
17:11.57Technetiumbut shit, back to work
17:11.59vjeuxand you can't just parent the actor, you have to copy & paste it
17:12.15Alevice_Workyeah. the big fucking issue is how actor inheritance works
17:12.20Alevice_WorkIT DOESNT!
17:12.21vjeuxTechnetium: yeah ... gave my gmail contacts once to linked in, and it spammed it :(
17:12.39vjeuxtheir parent system is fucked up
17:12.47vjeuxwas really well done in WoW interface
17:13.09vjeuxyou did parent="something" and it magically inherited everything
17:13.46*** join/#sc2mapster nicoli_s (~nsinkule@
17:13.47*** mode/#sc2mapster [+o nicoli_s] by ChanServ
17:13.55vjeuxTechnetium: Grum did a great job on the terrain format
17:14.08Technetiumall our structs match up perfectly
17:14.28Technetiumit's all a matter of piecing together the data now
17:14.37Technetiumok, I really have to go lol
17:16.02nicoli_soh nice, didnt know about the removed= whatever thing
17:16.09Alevice_Workinterestingly, model parenting works great
17:16.11nicoli_sthink we might be able to finally get around the damn patch thing
17:16.17nicoli_smodel parenting?
17:16.24Alevice_Workwell, i didbefore you all nerds, with heromod
17:16.28vjeux<Model parent="Some other Model" />
17:16.48vjeuxI'm trying to make completly new units for the TD
17:16.59vjeuxbut this is a real pain because of the actor thing! :(
17:17.08Fiskerwhat patch thing?
17:17.17Alevice_Workwell, just copy paste from the time being
17:17.23vjeuxwell, that sucks :p
17:17.26Alevice_Workat least unitl we find out about the quriks and shit
17:18.02vjeuxgoing to make a post on the forum, maybe someone knows more about it
17:18.54RepoKnowledge base page update: by xhatix
17:20.00Fiskerfinds nicoli_s
17:20.06nicoli_sfisker: why must you interject in random conversations for no reason?
17:20.21Fiskerwhy oh why!
17:20.42RepoKnowledge base page update: by xhatix
17:21.16Hatiis there a way to add something behind a attribute tag?
17:21.19Hatiin wiki?
17:21.37nicoli_sdunno, youd have to ask ckknight when he returns
17:21.55Hatilike index="Melee"
17:21.57Hatiat the top
17:22.15Hatibut below in the Children thingy
17:22.48Hati<Options> in weapondata doesn't look that nice now :x
17:24.06*** join/#sc2mapster ckknight (~ckknight@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/CurseStaff/CurseForge/ckknight)
17:24.06*** mode/#sc2mapster [+o ckknight] by ChanServ
17:25.07ckknightshould we have a new poll?
17:29.11vjeuxHati: did you manage to change the damage value?
17:30.31vjeux* bool **OnlyFireWhileInAttackOrder** - Blablabal
17:30.41vjeuxyou may use that Hati for the <Options>
17:33.21vjeuxckknight: possible to move the latest forums post on the right bar?
17:33.27vjeuxwould stimulate the forums
17:34.14ckknightyea, could be done, but it'd need to change due to smaller width
17:34.38ckknightso, yea
17:38.07Hativjeux: hmm?
17:38.20vjeuxhmm about what? :P
17:38.39Hati[19:29:11] <@vjeux> Hati: did you manage to change the damage value?
17:38.39Hati[19:30:31] <@vjeux> * bool **OnlyFireWhileInAttackOrder** - Blablabal
17:38.39Hati[19:30:41] <@vjeux> you may use that Hati for the <Options>
17:38.45Hatiwhich damagevalue?
17:38.52Hatiof attacks?
17:39.28vjeuxdamage attacks
17:39.41vjeuxthe number of hp removed by attacks :p
17:40.13Hati<Amount value="int"/>
17:40.33Hatiand in CEffectDamage
17:40.45Hati<CEffectDamage id="RoachU" parent="DU_WEAP_MISSILE">
17:41.04vjeuxoh I see
17:41.10Hatibut there's nothing like
17:41.18Hatitried all :P
17:41.32Hatior Amount index="0" value="16
17:41.38HatiAmount index="1" value="18
17:41.51Hatidamage ranges properly have to be generated by Chance
17:42.10Haticurrently (my guess)
17:43.29vjeuxok :p
17:43.35monoframeHati, that's the missile unit, you won't define Roach's damage
17:43.38monoframewith it
17:43.40vjeuxwell, random values sucks anyway :P
17:43.54Hatino mono
17:43.59Hatiyou define the damage with it
17:44.04Hatiit is a damage-effect
17:44.33monoframeSCREW YOU OBSERVERS!
17:44.43vjeuxanother weird thing from the xml xD
17:45.00Hati<CEffectDamage id="MarauderU" parent="DU_WEAP">
17:45.08Hatithe parent can be 'anything'
17:45.11monoframeyes found it
17:45.26vjeuxHati: can you write that down on the forum
17:45.31monoframefor my attachment mod
17:45.38vjeuxmaybe in the Various Findings topic
17:45.50monoframewell actually, observer-missile-attachment mod tbe
17:46.00Hatii edited yesterday a bit the EffectData.xml wiki
17:46.34vjeuxwrite something on the forums to link what you added :)
17:46.45vjeuxthere's no recent changes in the wiki ;x
17:49.34RepoKnowledge base page update: by xhatix
17:49.48Hatialso had a whole ability trackdown added
17:51.22nicoli_swow thats crazy how much data is needed for that one ability
17:51.44Hatiwell there is still no actor in it
17:51.48vjeuxxml is verbose!
17:51.51Hatilike explosions etc.
17:51.52vjeuxthat's not a new thing :p
17:52.20Hatior the thor animation which happens if you use the spell
17:54.03Hatiif you look into Spawning larva from queen
17:54.15Hatiit is mostly just bouncing between EffectDatas & BehaviorDatas
17:56.00Hatifound new wallpaper o.o
17:58.05monoframeHope the loading screens will be more than just these static look-on Planets and star constelations in the final game s:
17:58.26Fiskeri like it :(
17:58.34Hatianimated ones?
17:58.35nicoli_sgot the object data saving correctly :)
17:58.59nicoli_sthe whole time i couldnt figure out my problem, was forgetting to save the type property of points, so there were no start locations :P
17:59.09monoframeHati, you know how there were others loading screens, text-story featured ones in the original StarCraft?
18:00.04Hatihmm a bit
18:00.14monoframeThey're backgrounds were more than just "oh look another planet being evaporated by Protoss' deathray quadmachines"
18:00.27monoframeLike deserts, Command Bases
18:02.05monoframeAnyone know if we can use text strings in the "Loading" window layout?
18:05.11RepoKnowledge base page update: by grum
18:09.50RepoKnowledge base page update: by grum
18:10.25HatiOn Terms="Upgrade.zerglingattackspeed.Add" Target="::PortraitGameSelf" Send="SetTintColor '5,5,5 RGB1'"
18:10.29HatiRGB1 ?
18:16.48Hatihmm interesting
18:20.23Hatiif a unit has a behavior which Send 'Create Baneling' they are 1 Unit, with 2 models :o
18:20.26Hatiif you can now offset it
18:21.07Hatiehm vjeux:
18:21.19Hatii think i know how you can 'copy' a actor
18:21.31Alevice_WorkHati, explain
18:21.35Hatiinstead of using parent
18:21.44Hatiyou do 1 <On Terms
18:22.04Hati<On Terms="CreateActor" Send="ModelSwap -InsertUnitYouWant-"/>
18:22.17Alevice_Workdoes it do attack animations and stuff?
18:22.32Hatiit just swaps the model with the InsertUnitYouWant one
18:22.36Hatijust did it with Zergling
18:22.44Hatiif burrowing he swaps his model for a Baneling
18:22.49Hatiso its a zerg in baneling costume
18:22.55Hatiif he dies he explodes
18:22.59Hatiattack = baneling attack anim
18:23.25Hatiso it just takes the model
18:24.11Hatitrying with zealot
18:24.48Haticopy's attack animation etc.
18:24.58Hatibut you have to apply weapon by yourself
18:28.58nicoli_sahh so thats for swapping out models based on certain effects?
18:29.43monoframeMore like Conditions
18:30.06nicoli_syeah thats what i meant, do we have an enum of possible values to Terms?
18:30.20Hatiit is mostly like Links
18:30.43Hatiie Abil.AbilityID.Start Abil.AbilityID.Finish
18:31.03Hatiie Abil.AbilityID.Start Abil.AbilityID.Stop*
18:31.11HatiFinish is for morph
18:31.26Hatior Behavior.BehaviorID.On - if the Behavior is active
18:31.42nicoli_shave you seen examples like that? or just guessing
18:31.56Alevice_Workcheck the actordata.xml
18:32.04Alevice_Worktehre are toons of cases where it is used
18:32.08nicoli_svery cool
18:32.13Hatichanging some of the Send values
18:32.24Alevice_Workmind you, i still have trouble getting custom powersource behaviours to display correctly
18:32.52Alevice_Workthe powergrid radius display i mean
18:33.20Hatihow far you are with it?
18:33.45Hatiand by powersource you mean Psi-Matrix ?
18:34.11Alevice_Workit displays a non tinted grid, but it does it always not just on seletcion. it aint anumated either
18:34.24Alevice_Workyeah, the power field.
18:34.38Alevice_Workthey are called powersources in the behaviour data
18:35.59Fiskeri'm bored
18:36.12Alevice_Worki wanna get back home :(
18:37.13Hatido you have set a CActorPower ?
18:38.18Hati<VisualArray value="PowerVisual"/>
18:38.26Hati<CActorSplat id="PowerVisual">
18:38.40Hatilike adding a Model to something
18:38.52Alevice_Worklemme see if i have the uopdated version on dropbox
18:39.32Hati<CModel id="PowerVisual" parent="UI">
18:39.39Hatiseems like Host Subject is important for it
18:40.40Alevice_WorkSeems I dont have the updated version.
18:40.44Alevice_Workwhat I have is this
18:41.07Alevice_Work<CActorPower id="Power">
18:41.27Hatioh wait
18:43.00Hatinah haven't seen you modified
18:44.46Hatinah nothing
18:50.48nicoli_sfinally! new release of MWE is up
18:51.46nicoli_stheres a bunch of stuff
18:51.57nicoli_s has a basic changelog
18:52.00nicoli_sbut theres alot more than that
18:52.51Corosusfyi, is missing loading-avernus.jpg
18:53.01Alevice_Workcheck next page
18:53.19Corosusand my work is done!
18:53.34nicoli_sCorosus: your requests are all in the new MWRE
18:53.53nicoli_seasier object placement, properly indented generated xml, ability to change lang, and more
18:55.06Sholdakgoing to do an upload today?
18:55.19Alevice_Workchrashes if sc2 beta is not isntalled
18:55.33Alevice_Workyou oguht to do a check and tell the user that ratehr than just crash
18:55.36nicoli_salready done
18:55.49Sholdaktime to start integrating my changes then
18:56.10*** join/#sc2mapster NewbiZ_ (
18:56.17Sholdakdid you see btw?
18:56.27nicoli_s is the new one
18:56.32nicoli_soh yes, very badass
18:56.41Alevice_Workholy cvraaap
18:56.43Corosusoh nice its uploaded :D
18:56.46Alevice_Workthats sweet s
18:59.01HeliosDoubleSixthe textures on that terrain look messed?
18:59.25HeliosDoubleSixlike the bit depth and res are crushed a bit, otherwise = nerd boner
18:59.51Sholdakthe way i texture it isnt really correct
19:00.24HeliosDoubleSixcool progress
19:00.37nicoli_sisnt the texture as simple as just finding which of the texture masks have values at a certain pixel and then blending in all the textures based on how much color is in the mask?
19:00.54nicoli_si mean im sure its probably alot more complicated than that, just trying to get a handle on it
19:01.01Sholdakyes pretty much
19:01.12Sholdaki mean each texture is 1024x1024
19:01.19Sholdakand i baisically squish them into 64x64
19:01.40Sholdakand create one big texture for the entire thing
19:02.05*** join/#sc2mapster Bantas (~564b094c@gateway/web/freenode/x-wcvcnpjsdxkwzkbx)
19:02.19Sholdakthe real way to do it is real multitexturing, etc
19:02.40Corosusam i supposed to put the editor in the game dir? im not seeing a path to change in the settings xml and its crashin
19:02.44Sholdakbut i don't know pixel shaders enough to easily do that
19:03.05Sholdakesp since there's a variable number of possible textures, etc
19:03.06nicoli_scorosus: there is a setting for the gamepath
19:03.09HeliosDoubleSixdo you need pixel shaders what if you just have it procomposite it using some image library
19:03.11HeliosDoubleSixlike imagemagick
19:03.13HeliosDoubleSixor something
19:03.25Sholdakwell i precomposite it right now
19:03.27nicoli_sif you hover Corosus, it has a tooltip telling you example values
19:03.28HeliosDoubleSixoh I guess you want to I future manipulate the seperate layers
19:03.29Sholdakand no, you dont
19:04.12Sholdakthe way i do it right now though is too slow to make realtime changes
19:04.26davidcramernicoli_s: added a MapInfo parser last night and Nibbits now imports custom load screens :)
19:04.37nicoli_syah i read up and saw it
19:04.55nicoli_sim done with replays personally, after finding out that bullshit about build orders i gave up\
19:05.23davidcramerya i want to slightly clean up my replay stuff (add in winner, teams, maybe apm) but otherwise i dont care
19:05.42nicoli_syah none of those are too difficult once you get in event parsing
19:11.39*** join/#sc2mapster gregv21 (
19:13.10monoframeWhat is .svn-base?
19:13.22davidcramera file for svn
19:13.49monoframeAnd svn is?
19:14.27ckknight~lmgtfy svn
19:14.28purlACTION thinks you should look here:
19:15.34nicoli_ssvn is a source control system
19:16.08monoframeAnd what does it do in Base.SC2Data?
19:16.29Corosusmean to not be there my guess :P
19:16.44Corosusthose damn folders get everywhere
19:17.43ckknightnot a fan of svn myself
19:17.46ckknightI'm a git or hg fan
19:18.23nicoli_syes, ckknight loves earing mercury, he said it himself
19:18.26nicoli_sthats why hes so crazy\
19:18.43ckknightdid you know that the average salmon has as much mercury as a rectal thermometer?
19:18.48ckknightwould you eat a rectal thermometer?
19:18.49ckknightI know I would
19:18.57ckknightmmm... mercury, the most delicious of the transient metals
19:19.07nicoli_swhy wont you kiss me down there! you drink sweet tea!
19:19.31nicoli_sthank you ckknight, i would not have expected anyone else to know that hilarious sealab reference
19:21.26Sholdaknicoli_s: dont see your changed on svn
19:21.29Sholdaksure it committed fine?
19:22.14nicoli_soh yeah my bad, forgot it didnt like me committing lapin.exe
19:22.47nicoli_sok committed
19:22.49Repo10milkywayedit: 03sanktanglia * r57 Tools/SC2MapEditor/SC2MapEditor (12 files in 1 directory):  (Message trimmed by 2 lines)
19:22.50Zoxcwhat didn't like that?
19:22.51Repolots of new stuff
19:22.52Repoadded galaxy error checking with lapin.exe
19:22.54Repoadded setting for lang so other lang people can use it
19:22.55Reporeworked objects editing so it used property grid
19:22.59nicoli_ssvn wouldnt let me commit an exe
19:23.12Zoxcwhy not?
19:23.24nicoli_sprob because of the sc2apster repo hooks
19:31.10Hatinintendo 3ds ?
19:31.19Hatisomeone heard of it?
19:33.04nicoli_si have
19:33.12nicoli_sso Corosus, were you ever able to get the editor working?
19:33.30Corosusis slightly distracted at the moment, but will be back to that shorty :P
19:33.43nicoli_si just wanna make sure someone other than me can run it :P
19:33.48nicoli_sthe ultimate test of software :)
19:39.06Grumnicoli_s; already a map editor? :p
19:39.58nicoli_sGrum: we had a map editor a month ago :)
19:40.09Gruma terrain editor!
19:40.11Grumand texture
19:40.12Grumand doodad!
19:40.27nicoli_sit just started as a small personal project, and then all of a sudden sholdak appeared out of nowhere and transformed it into the awesome piece of work it is now
19:40.53Sholdakhmm, when i use the PlaceUnit thing, it seems to place 2 red dots
19:40.55Sholdakon the map
19:41.15nicoli_swhen you right click?
19:41.22Sholdakleft click
19:42.00nicoli_shmmm, im only seeing 1 dot, and 1 new object entry
19:42.13nicoli_sare the 2 dots like right next to each other?
19:42.38Corosusyay it loaded without crashing! 'unsuported xml tag: cost' though
19:42.41Sholdakno the 2nd dot is like 100 pixels above
19:42.45Sholdakand a little to the left
19:42.46Corosusgot the config right
19:42.48Ackislinked in another chan by DWSR:
19:42.50Sholdaki get only 1 object entry
19:42.52Sholdakbut 2 dots
19:43.07nicoli_sthats really weird sholdak, i dont get that at all
19:43.34nicoli_sdoes it happen on all maps?
19:44.29Sholdakhmm, not getting it anymore
19:44.31Sholdakafter restarting
19:44.35Sholdakmaybe i didnt have a unit selected
19:44.42Sholdakit uses the last selected unit right
19:45.41gregv21i cant get the GE to open a map
19:46.15gregv21it says it can't find the euUS.SC2Data file
19:46.43nicoli_sgregv21: newest version?
19:46.58nicoli_ssholdak: yeah the last one or just nothing if you havent selected one
19:47.22Sholdakhmm, ok
19:47.28Sholdakill see if i can reproduce it
19:47.40nicoli_sgregv21: you need to edit the settings beforey ou load a map
19:47.53nicoli_sto get the paths right, and you need to edit the language if you arent us
19:48.03Corosusyeah i had that issue, set basepath to your starcraft 2 ROOT folder, and path to base.sc2data itself
19:48.21nicoli_syeah ill be removing that with the next patch, no need for both of those settings
19:48.54nicoli_sbrb starbucks
19:51.08gregv21how do i do that
19:51.46Sholdakclick on settings after starting the program
19:51.52Sholdakand change those values on the right
20:07.26Fiskeri gotta pee Ackis
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20:22.57nicoli_sheya lapin
20:22.57Bifuui feel like i stopped being active in here =/
20:22.58Corosusnice job on the current release of mwe :D, objects file formatted flawlessly :D
20:23.04nicoli_sglad to hear it Corosus
20:23.21nicoli_slapin_sc: got our release of our editor with yer syntax checker in it
20:24.24vjeuxnicoli_s: did you release the new version of the editor?
20:24.47lapin_scnicoli_s cool ill take a look
20:25.03nicoli_syeah vjeux
20:25.09vjeuxit needs a news!
20:25.29nicoli_shmm, yeah it might be about time to start newsing it
20:26.08vjeuxcould you make a post on the forum explaining all the features + some screenies?
20:27.04Corosusonly issue ive noticed isnt a biggie, small gui glitch, when you maximize or enlarge the GUI that effects the Map image to lose scale with the units/doodads etc onscreen
20:27.38nicoli_soh shit, didnt notice that
20:27.42Corosusoh yeah, you should probably force it to keep scale
20:27.47Corosusas it stretched the actual image as well
20:28.32nicoli_syeah just saw that bug Corosus, will get it fixed for next release
20:28.49nicoli_sand vjeux: i think im gonna work on bug fixes and stuff a bit before we do a news post
20:29.35lapin_scnicoli_s it would be nice if there was a new option, so if you have no maps... or dont know wtf you are doing (like me) you can just get a new template to get a grasp of what the program can do
20:30.47nicoli_swell lapin_sc the issue with that is we cant create maps from scratch, you have to edit existing ones
20:31.15vjeux"Unsupported XML Tag: KillResource" when opening Contra
20:31.40nicoli_smmk, will add that one vjeux
20:31.42vjeuxand throws an error afterward
20:31.43*** join/#sc2mapster Iggyhopper (
20:31.47Iggyhopperold pc
20:31.54Iggyhopperwhat is andro?
20:32.05nicoli_sthat is a unitdata field right vjeux?
20:32.25vjeuxsome new galaxy precompiler
20:32.29Iggyhoppervjeux have you seen my turretdata.xml edit?
20:32.39Iggyhopperwhat does it do? generate a galaxy script?
20:32.54vjeuxtakes an enhanced galaxy script and generates a galaxy script of it
20:33.09Iggyhopperoh so how the heck would it do classes?
20:33.22Iggyhopperguess ill have to test it out, but have you, yet?
20:33.34vjeuxwell, you can simulate class with naming convention
20:33.44Bifuui dunno but it has switch statements, so i love it
20:33.47Iggyhopperi see
20:33.52Iggyhopperok ill test it out
20:33.56Iggyhopperk so vjeux
20:34.00Iggyhoppercheck out my awesome
20:34.13Iggyhopperthe syntax is a little Flex/regex
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20:34.58Iggyhoppero h wow just found an error, must edit
20:34.59vjeuxwe need color on the wiki
20:35.03vjeuxit's a bit unredable
20:35.17Iggyhopperk for like what, value tpyes and then, what else? what did you have in mind?
20:35.33nicoli_svjeux: KillResource is just like CostResource right?
20:35.36vjeux<YawIdleRate> should be in green!
20:35.49Iggyhopperit should?
20:35.56Iggyhopperwhats green?
20:35.59vjeuxit's the number of resource you gain when killing a monster
20:36.06vjeuxyeah, would help readability
20:36.10vjeux(but you can't change it :P)
20:36.11Iggyhopperand then attributes
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20:36.30vjeuxckknight: here?
20:38.28vjeuxhmm, hasn't the 3d view be commited?
20:38.40Corosusi guess not :P
20:38.58Grumwtb modelviewer :(
20:39.08Grumi want to look at the different cliff models somehow
20:39.16Grumand no importing into 3dsmax is not an option
20:39.44vjeuxisn't this working?
20:40.27nicoli_svjeux: we have the flash model viewer but its not fast enough, im still working on the .net version
20:40.44Grumisnt there anything that doesnt require the unpack of the whole bloody mpq?
20:40.44vjeuxnicoli_s: I'm talking about the terrain 3d
20:41.28nicoli_soh, thats not even committed yet\
20:41.37nicoli_sand its in XNA so we'll have a branch for it\
20:41.38RepoKnowledge base page update: by Iggyhopper
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20:42.01vjeuxGrum: need one too
20:43.23RepoKnowledge base page update: by Iggyhopper
20:43.39Iggyhopperthar we go fixed
20:43.42Iggyhoppera little syntax error
20:44.06Bifuuyay people finally editing and mproving the XMLs!
20:51.58vjeuxyeah :)
20:52.21Grumthat model viewer is made out of fail
20:52.27Iggyhopperit doesnt work yet
20:52.31Grumit demands the textue to be the same as the modelname
20:52.55Iggyhopperthe andromeda thing wont work for me
20:53.13Grum <-- brokenish
20:53.25Grumis it me or cant it be too hard ? ;p
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22:36.37*** topic/#sc2mapster is | Players spreadsheet: | Pure Win: | Blizzcon 2010: Oct 22nd & 23rd
22:36.42davidcrameryoutube fail :(
22:36.44RepoNew announcement:
22:36.47davidcramerdoesnt curse support videos?
22:37.36a228zipWhat's your youtube account vjeux ?
22:37.50a228zip =p
22:37.50vjeuxSixen: wtf is that news :(
22:38.19davidcramerquote fail
22:38.31nicoli_slol yeah thats def not how you do quotes :P
22:38.31davidcramerSixen: who are you btw? :)
22:38.41nicoli_ssixen is our cm for sc2mapster and diablofans
22:38.52nicoli_sand a noob to boot :P
22:39.02davidcramerDavid didn't join Curse was that right?
22:39.31ckknightdavidcramer: where are you posting a youtube video?
22:39.39SixenVjeux, Doran made me =|
22:39.48davidcramerckknight: hm?
22:39.50davidcramerim not vjeux was
22:40.02davidcramerbut Curse used to support vids, just wasnt sure if you guys dropped that, otherwise why not up there :D
22:41.52ckknightwe dropped that
22:41.55vjeuxwill be up there
22:41.55ckknightno one used it
22:41.58ckknightso no real point
22:42.03ckknightalso was a huge burden on our end
22:46.01vjeuxckknight: is the post this news in xxx hours working?
22:46.18ckknightI'm not sure, tbh
22:46.23ckknightit should, but it didn't on april 1st
22:48.28vjeuxhave 2 seconds to add <<floatright>> on the wiki?
22:50.52vjeuxthere is a rough preview
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22:53.06nicoli_slol yeah that map deff looks a little bugged :P
22:53.33davidcramerya looks odd
22:53.44vjeuxI really need curse to buy me  new computer, can't even fraps in low quality :x
22:54.41a228zipPylon isn't in center, yet the unit go into the center
22:54.51a228zipThey can target the towers from the center
22:54.58a228zipAnd that's why they went there
22:55.04a228zipGotta ask the author
22:55.08vjeuxwell, it's completly fucked up imo
22:55.26a228zipNot worth a video indeed
22:56.09a228zipWish that facebook beta key giveaway was also for europe =/
22:56.14vjeuxa video is worth a news!
22:56.55a228zipIt wasn't worth a video in the first place =p
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23:14.52*** topic/#sc2mapster is | Players spreadsheet: | Pure Win: | Blizzcon 2010: Oct 22nd & 23rd
23:14.55IggyhopperI need an arrow ability and weapon switch ability for each weapon.
23:17.31nicoli_ssholdak: have you fixed the issue with the unhandled Cost element in behaviordata? if not i was gonan do it rq
23:19.22IggyhopperFiguring out which Behavior to derive it from.
23:20.07IggyhopperTo make new buttons, I need button data and GameStrings right?
23:21.01nicoli_syay fixed the cost unhandled stuff
23:21.20*** join/#sc2mapster Dustin|Work (
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23:21.35Dustin|WorkHey there guys
23:21.50vjeuxI didn't see that!
23:21.59Iggyhopperbitches dont know bout my pylon
23:22.50Dustin|WorkDecided to hop onto the map making bandwagon to get a grasp of what's all going on here before they release the editor :)
23:23.04nicoli_swell glad to have you
23:23.14nicoli_sthis is the place to be for that for sure :)
23:23.25IggyhopperSo how would i add buttons via GameStrings?
23:23.32Iggyhopperif i mod from GameData directory?
23:23.43nicoli_sIggyhopper: you dont add buttons via gamestrings, just labels
23:23.50nicoli_sButtonData.xml has the buttons
23:23.52Iggyhopperok how do i do that?
23:24.02vjeuxjust copy & paste an existing button :p
23:24.06Iggyhopperthats it?
23:24.11vjeuxpretty much yeah
23:24.12Iggyhopperbut i try to click it and nothing happens
23:24.23vjeuxwell, it has to be bound to an ability
23:24.30Iggyhopperi thought i did that to
23:25.24Dustin|WorkDamn I keep trying to edit the objects file in the s2ma but it keeps getting overwritten
23:25.47nicoli_salso, what are you editing it with?
23:25.51Dustin|WorkIm using the sc2 mapster tut
23:26.09nicoli_sare you editing it in the Files folder?
23:26.12Dustin|WorkOpen the map file with the mpq editor, extract the file, edit, save, reimport
23:26.16Dustin|WorkI tried both
23:26.24Dustin|WorkUnless there's another directory it has to be in
23:26.39nicoli_snope, it should just import it in when you launch the bat
23:27.36Dustin|WorkCause Im trying to change the start unit
23:27.43Dustin|WorkBut it doesnt save my changes anywhere
23:27.46Dustin|WorkIll try it again
23:28.23Bifuulol looks like that other TD used my colorizer too xD yay for making something useful
23:28.30Iggyhopperwhere do i find the names of the weapons?
23:28.33Bifuui should really put in the suggested stuff....
23:28.43nicoli_sIggyhopper: think thats in the gamestrings too
23:29.10davidcramerBifuu: good job :)
23:29.43Iggyhopperomg here is gamestring.txt?
23:29.58Dustin|Workare you using the tutorial?
23:30.05nicoli_sone sec Iggyhopper
23:30.21vjeuxok ... the map is in fact less random when using the correct base 10000 folder :p
23:30.34nicoli_sLocalizedData\GameStrings.txt is the file
23:30.49nicoli_sis the mpq
23:31.04vjeuxit's too easy ... until the million adds zerglings comes in
23:31.23vjeuxhe basically merged my td with the micro defense
23:32.24Iggyhopperthx guys
23:32.29Iggyhopperok now to work
23:33.51Dustin|WorkIs the path for the imported files right
23:34.54nicoli_sim not sure why yer changes arent taking
23:35.13davidcramervjeux: you need more towers, slacker
23:35.34vjeuxwell, I was about to add more towers and more waves
23:35.39davidcrameruh huh ;)
23:35.42vjeuxbut was stuck with the actordata.xml shit
23:35.45davidcramerI know how you French people operate ;)
23:36.02vjeuxand won't do anything until I figure out how that works
23:36.18davidcramerI'm going to make zeegtd when the editor comes out :D
23:37.54vjeuxwhat time is it in the US?
23:38.11nicoli_sin PST its 6:39
23:38.29Dustin|Work6:39 in Central Standard
23:38.35vjeuxok, 1k6 uniques so far ... we may hit the 2k again!
23:38.35Dustin|WorkPST is 4:38
23:39.13Dustin|WorkYou guys come from WC3 mapping aswell?
23:39.38a228zipI do
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23:39.50vjeuxStarted programming with wc3 mapping (about 10 years ago :P)
23:39.51nicoli_swhoops, cst i meant
23:39.53a228zipHope the language will be better though.. JASS was terrible
23:40.01davidcramerDustin|Work: i pretend I do :D
23:40.05nicoli_sand yeah dustin, i was an admin at for years
23:40.08Dustin|WorkYa, Jass and I have a Love hate relationship :P
23:40.10Dustin|WorkOg nice
23:40.19Iggyhopperdo dds files i reference have to be sized right?
23:40.19Dustin|WorkI've been at Wc3Campaigns since like 2005
23:40.25Dustin|WorkWorked on the FPS Mod
23:40.27Iggyhopperi mean they can be square 1x1 or 128x128?
23:40.30nicoli_snice, me too!
23:40.35vjeuxIggyhopper: yes
23:40.37nicoli_si did a bunch of artwork for it
23:40.41Dustin|WorkTEC_Ghost is my nick over there
23:40.43nicoli_sthough it never got used
23:40.51Dustin|WorkI was in charge of terrain
23:40.56Iggyhopperi asked two q's which one is yes to?
23:40.59Dustin|WorkBefore I got into the coding hehe
23:41.09davidcramerDustin|Work: i made some bad maps that I pretend never existed, but I like to build cool websites for mappers haha
23:41.19Dustin|WorkI do both lol
23:41.23Dustin|WorkWeb Dev is my career
23:41.37Iggyhopperi want to ref a dds 128x128, will it be sized down to fit as a button?
23:41.43Dustin|WorkI made a badass Turn Based Grid Based map for WC3
23:41.53Dustin|WorkWas thinking of re-making it for sc2
23:42.02vjeuxmade a FAQ for war3 ... back in 2004
23:42.04nicoli_sawesome, a bunch of people in here are web devs too
23:42.05vjeuxwas loong time ago
23:42.05nicoli_slike me :)
23:42.27davidcramerDustin|Work: ya im pumped to take my ideas i had and try em for sc2
23:43.09Dustin|WorkMy first project is going to be a RTS/TPS
23:43.25Dustin|WorkWhere it's normal SC2 melee, but other players can take control of the RTS peopls units
23:43.36Dustin|Workand play them Third Person Shooter style
23:43.44davidcramerya thats a cool idea
23:43.46nicoli_svery cool idea
23:43.47davidcramerdidnt think about doing savage/ns in sc2
23:43.51Dustin|WorkI think it'd be fun as fuck
23:43.59Dustin|WorkYa like that :D
23:44.09davidcramerim gonna do a tower/hero defense, to be original :D
23:44.12nicoli_smakes me wanna play star wars battlefront
23:44.24davidcramersavage 2 is pretty good
23:44.50Dustin|WorkYa i love savage
23:45.05Hatihow does Tint work?
23:45.15HatiModel color + RGB ?
23:45.43vjeuxSetTintColor 0,0,255
23:45.46vjeuxlooks like it's rgb
23:45.56Hatiyea but does it just override
23:46.03vjeuxno idea
23:46.10Hatiwill try :P
23:47.18Hatiseems like just overrides
23:47.52Dustin|WorkThe mother fucker goes in the XML folder
23:48.15nicoli_svery cool hati
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23:48.19Hatior does this applies any other ideas?
23:48.47Hati50,50,50 were the values
23:48.56Hatiwhich is near black, but a bit above it
23:49.22vjeuxtry 255,0,0
23:51.07Hatiseems to
23:51.14Hatibut still some other effect is present
23:51.18Hatishadows etc.
23:51.47Hatiwith right tint you could fake Dark Archon :P
23:53.34SixenThat's sick Hati..
23:53.41Hatithat's easy
23:53.46Hati1 line
23:53.47SixenCould change the spells on it..
23:53.54SixenLike, give it the Corruptor ability
23:54.05Hatiyou could possibily tint also on various effects
23:54.12Hatimaking radioactive guys green
23:54.25a228zipCan you change the RGB for projectiles ?
23:54.33davidcramerdamnit you guys make me wanna pop open the map files
23:54.48Hati<3 ActorData
23:54.49a228zipI remember WC3 had an option so that the projectiles were to scale with the launcher
23:54.58Iggyhopperweith the source unit
23:55.01Dustin|WorkAll projectiles are treated as "units" right?
23:55.02Hatia228zip: possible
23:55.11Hatiwhile they are moving yea
23:55.17a228zipWhat does that mean ?
23:55.32Hatiyou can do AoE effects (toggle ones, etc.) that destroy missiles
23:55.33Dustin|WorkGonna help out so much with Attack Deteck Systems :P
23:55.40Hatilike a shield
23:55.46Dustin|WorkThats cool as fuck
23:56.00Dustin|WorkMeans you can re-produce the Mothership TimeRift ability
23:56.12vjeuxDustin|Work: you can do many things just with the xml data
23:56.26Dustin|WorkCan't wait to get my hands on the full editor
23:56.28vjeuxno need to code abilities with jass(or galaxy)
23:56.30a228zipI just hope there will things to control the turret in the galaxy
23:56.38a228zipbe things*
23:56.48Hatiwhat you mean?
23:56.56a228zipWell, like the turret on the siege tank
23:57.03Hatiyou can 'control'
23:57.03Dustin|WorkWell with being able to attach units to other units
23:57.11Dustin|WorkThat's pretty much a turret effect
23:57.22Dustin|Workwhat'd be cool
23:57.24a228zipYes, but that would require new models
23:57.35Dustin|WorkIs to attach a marine to an attackless Helion
23:57.44Dustin|WorkAnd have each unit owned by different people
23:57.58Dustin|WorkThatd be fun
23:57.58Hatithe helion flame thrower is build-in model
23:58.01Hatiit's in the model
23:58.06Hatinot attached
23:58.16Dustin|WorkIm just saying :P
23:58.23Dustin|WorkPut a marine on that bitch
23:58.31a228zipWell, since you can attack on the move
23:58.46Dustin|WorkHas anyone attached a unit to a unit yet
23:58.55a228zipI could create a dummy unit and make the guy with the turret attack it
23:59.13a228zipIs there something that allows a unit to be unselectable ?
23:59.28Alevice_Work2attributes :)
23:59.40a228zipIs in the unit data ?
23:59.43a228zipor an ability ?
23:59.45Alevice_Work2+ctrl f "unselectable"
23:59.47vjeux<FlagArray index="Uncommandable" value="1"/> <FlagArray index="Unselectable" value="1"/> <FlagArray index="Untargetable" value="1"/> <FlagArray index="Uncursorable" value="1"/> <FlagArray index="Unradarable" value="1"/>
23:59.52Alevice_Work2I think broodling escort is a good base
23:59.55Dustin|WorkDo we have a lost of all the Unit Data paramters?

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