IRC log for #sc2mapster on 20100326

00:06.39BifuuHmm getting closer
00:10.51lapin_scmore bandwidth, meh. better latency, wins!
00:11.07ScytheBlade1I'd settle for both
00:12.24Bifuui cant even cap my bandwidth now =/ and i download alot
00:14.42SixenBeta 6 is up
00:16.33ScytheBlade1Burrowed regeneration rate decreased from 10 to 5.
00:16.34ScytheBlade1Upgraded burrowed regeneration bonus decreased from +20 to +10.
00:16.43ScytheBlade1CAN'T SAY I SAW THAT ONE COMING.
00:17.03Bifuulol at scv nerf
00:29.54Iggyhopperholy crap
00:30.17RepoNew announcement:
00:37.36Iggyhopper~lick dog
00:37.37purlACTION licks dog *SHLUUURRRRPPP*
00:37.45Iggyhopper~kick my dog
00:37.46purlACTION kicks my dog
00:37.56Iggyhopper~say boo
00:38.20Bifuu~do my chores
00:38.20purlACTION does my chores.
00:38.27Bifuuno mine
00:38.29Bifuudamn bot
00:38.54Iggyhopper~search Bifuu
00:39.11Iggyhopperok so
00:39.22Repo10milkywayedit: 03Sholdak * r30 Tools/SC2MapEditor/SC2MapEditor (5 files in 2 directories):  (Message trimmed by 1 line)
00:39.23Iggyhopper~hex 34
00:39.23purl34 is 33 34
00:39.23Repo-UnitData parsing mostly complete
00:39.25Repo(few marginal datatypes not implemented)
00:39.26Repo-UnitData now properly saved to map
00:39.27Repo-Removed old GameData tab
00:40.06Iggyhopper~rot13 I have a cat.
00:40.06purlV unir n png.
00:43.59Shirikanyone know how long the servers might be down?
00:44.13ScytheBlade1Depends if they are doing a ladder reset or not
00:44.17ScytheBlade1speaking of
00:44.42ScytheBlade1ckknight: when that reset happens, I want to set up more or less a schedule to play SC2 around with you
00:44.46ScytheBlade1as depressing as that sounds :/
00:44.53ScytheBlade1our schedules don't often match up
00:45.08Shirikwtf ScytheBlade1
00:45.17ShirikI'm good enough :(
00:45.27ScytheBlade1I'd do 2s with you if you really wanted
00:45.31ShirikI do :<
00:45.37ScytheBlade1Our timezones would match up better too
00:45.40ShirikI got better since last time we played :(
00:45.43ScytheBlade1Seeing as you are EST
00:45.47ScytheBlade1And I... am MST, working EST
00:45.59Shirik... <-- ?
00:46.20ScytheBlade1It sucks
00:46.26Remy_hey vjeux, I compiled your mapScript.galaxy and reinserted the generated code. It works!
00:46.55Remy_lexer now also support .3 fixed's and all kinds of escape characters in strings
00:47.12Remy_typechecker and lexical analyser are pretty far
00:47.57Remy_For compiling whole directories of .galaxy files with subdirectories
00:48.03BifuuGrr this parser is pissing me off >.<
00:48.50Remy_I am planning on letting the user specify an output directory, and then make a identical filetree as the input directory has there but with the output files instead
00:49.06Remy_What are you making a parser for?
00:49.42BifuuSo it extracts all the unique parents and their unique child nodes from the XML files
00:49.52Bifuuplus formatting them directly for wiki use
00:50.12Bifuui have it so it pulls out all the parents, its just finding the children thast getting me
00:50.28*** join/#sc2mapster profet (
00:50.43Sholdakare you doing it recursively?
00:51.20*** join/#sc2mapster NewbiZ (
00:51.54Bifuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh my mind is too shot for that word atm... lol
00:52.18Bifuukinda forogt temporarily what recursion meant
00:52.33Sholdakfunctions that call themselves
00:52.47Sholdakas in you should have a method that reads a node and prints it
00:52.57Sholdakand then calls itself on all its children
00:53.06Bifuuwell what it does
00:53.25Bifuuis once you load the XML file it pulls out all the parents and puts them in a list box
00:53.40Bifuuthen you click on a parent name and its supposed to list all the children
00:53.43Bifuufor that parent
00:53.47Bifuuaswell as format it
00:53.53Sholdakoh ok
00:54.04Sholdakyou dont care about 3rd-level children and stuff?
00:54.23Bifuui need everything
00:54.33Sholdakso then that's not really flexible enough
00:55.01Sholdakunless you want to keep making new list boxes
00:55.18Bifuui only need one for what im trying to do
00:55.33Sholdakbut uhh, to do what you described, just do
00:55.41art[]every node that has children in one list? and the children of that specific node in another?
00:55.43Bifuuim only trying t list children now for debug purposes
00:55.45Sholdakforeach (XmlNode n in ParentNode.ChildNodes)
00:56.07Bifuui have been trying that
00:56.11Bifuuwell something similar
00:56.27Sholdakwhats the problem?
00:56.40Iggyhopperhey you guys using c#  3.0 or .5?
00:56.49Sholdak3.5 i believe
00:56.52Bifuuits not pulling out any information for the children
00:57.23Bifuui managed to get it to show like the first child for each earlier
00:57.28IggyhopperYou need like an LinkedXmlNodeList
00:57.32Iggyhopperor something
00:57.33Bifuubut i deleted it since it wasnt what i needed
00:57.50Sixen3.5, yeha
00:57.54Sixenwell, requires .NET 3.2
00:58.03Iggyhoppersomething which can have a link to another XmlNodeList as a child
00:58.07BifuuXmlNodeList parentNodes = xDoc.GetElementsByTagName(parent);
00:58.18Bifuufor (int h = 0; h < parentNodes.Count; h++)
00:58.36Iggyhopperwell just to let you know you will need a dtd if you intend to get elemtns by id
00:58.42Bifuui wonder if its even pulling attributes
00:58.56Sholdaki think you mean
00:59.06Sholdakforeach (XmlAttribute a in childAttributes
00:59.17Sholdakand then print those out?
00:59.22BifuuWell i dont even care about attributes yet
00:59.41Iggyhopperits not even pulling any sort of children?
00:59.42Bifuui had that in there for shits and giggles
00:59.49Iggyhopperput some breakpoints
00:59.56Bifuunope, i have it so it shoots out messages boxes when it does
01:00.09Bifuuand for like a random parent it pulled out one child
01:00.12Iggyhopperlol but thats not debugging lol
01:00.14Bifuuand it was the most random child ever
01:00.19Bifuuwell i know
01:00.21Bifuubut still
01:00.23Iggyhopperset the project temporarily as a console app
01:00.29Bifuuits good to know
01:00.31Iggyhopperthen you can shoot messages out tht wat
01:01.07Iggyhopperway easier then message boxes
01:01.18Sholdakthe debugger in vs2008 is awesome
01:01.27Sholdakyou can point at any variable
01:01.33Iggyhopperoh yeah
01:01.39Sholdakand it tells you what it is, what it inherits from, all its members
01:01.52IggyhopperI'll have to help you guys later tonight if you guys still have trouble
01:01.58Sholdakand you can pretty much run arbitrary code in the watch box
01:02.28Iggyhoppermy bro is getting on
01:02.39Sholdakanyway try parentNodes[h].ChildNodes
01:02.43Sholdakin that for statement
01:03.00*** join/#sc2mapster Funkeh` (~funk@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Ace3/BigWigs/funkeh)
01:03.01Bifuuthast the code
01:03.04Bifuuif you want to see it
01:05.06Jerubhad another one of those games where an opponent dropped out and it was 2v1
01:05.22Jerubbut this time i was on the 2v side and we took total advantage of the '1'
01:05.40Jerubmy partner reapered one base while I assaulted the other.
01:05.58Iggyhopperwhy is that h?
01:06.03Iggyhopperit should just be i/j/k
01:06.13Jerubit was epic fun, no amount of micro would save him from that.
01:06.24Jerubalso, i had a really weird experience last night.
01:06.26Sholdakim not sure why you are checking if i has childnodes
01:06.31Sholdaki is already the child node
01:06.45Jerubi was TvP, i scouted his base and got attacked by a single zealot while i had 4 marines.
01:06.50Jerub(he had two gateways tho)
01:06.54Iggyhopperok by by
01:06.59Jerubso i sent my 4 marines to his base to harrass him.
01:07.23JerubI killed 3 zealots (all he had) and had 1 marine left, so i started him attacking base bits.
01:07.26Jeruband the guy quit.
01:07.48Jerubjust for a laugh i sent everything i had (2 marines, 1 marauder and all my scvs) to his base and it took 3 minutes to destory.
01:08.02Jerubi don't understand why he quit, i had a single marine in his base :/
01:10.44Bifuui think that was it
01:10.48Bifuui didnt think about it
01:11.53BifuuYeah it looks like it works now haha
01:11.59Bifuusuch a stupid error, thanks
01:14.07Bifuunow to find the children of children aswell haha and children of those children, ive only seen 3 levels of children
01:14.11art[]keep in mind you're grabbing all nodes by node name, not id.  taking all the children of a type of node probably isn't what you want
01:14.31Bifuunah thats what i want
01:14.46Bifuuhave to be able to document everything
01:15.04Bifuuso what better way other than having something that spits it all back at you
01:15.42BifuuBut now its flipping out over processing instructions =/
01:15.50JerubBifuu: if you want help parsing this xml data, i can throw some code together for you.
01:15.57Bifuuand i actually think i need to document those
01:17.06Bifuui have something thats almost halfway done now Jerub, even though im sure you could do it alot faster than i could and probably better, so i guess its up to you if you want
01:17.54Bifuui just need something that goes through an XML file and gives me every possibility
01:18.45Sholdaklike i said, you have to go through it recursively
01:19.24Bifuuin the end it will be
01:22.11Bifuui think xD
01:24.29BifuuOnce i get the children working like i wasnt ill upload it somewhere so you can see what ive been trying to get at and maybe you will see what i am going for
01:24.31Jerub* An error occurred while retrieving this character. Please try again in a few minutes.
01:24.34Jerubon the fourms
01:28.11ScytheBlade1Shirik: when do you want to play then?
01:28.34Shirikwhen the servers come up :(
01:28.46ScytheBlade1well I have to sleep soonish
01:29.11Shirikbut when will the servers be up :<
01:34.01Bifuuthats basically what im doing
01:34.08*** join/#sc2mapster HeliosDoubleSIx (
01:34.17JerubShirik: oh, are the sc2 servers down?
01:34.24Bifuujust the final product wont have the bottom text box
01:47.32*** join/#sc2mapster Corosus (
01:55.05Bifuui shoulda just stuck with doing these by hand lol
01:59.25*** join/#sc2mapster HeliosDoubleSIx (
02:05.21*** part/#sc2mapster HeliosDoubleSIx (
02:05.22*** join/#sc2mapster HeliosDoubleSIx (
02:05.53*** part/#sc2mapster HeliosDoubleSIx (
02:05.54*** join/#sc2mapster HeliosDoubleSIx (
02:09.04*** join/#sc2mapster HeliosDoubleSIx (
02:09.05SixenPfft Bif.
02:09.15SixenWho uses MediaFire? sc2mapster assets ftw.
02:09.41ScytheBlade1ckknight: oh btw. any chance you can help me with my curse IDs? I know I mentioned it once or twice
02:10.47BifuuWhy would i upload a broken program to assets
02:11.06Bifuueven im giving up on it and just taking what it can do and doing the rest by hand
02:11.31Bifuuelse it will take to til tuesday to get it working other than completeing the XML lol
02:11.38Bifuualready wasted today =/
02:12.17SixenJust to have a project page? :P
02:12.38Bifuumaybe if i fix it
02:12.53Bifuuits already ganna speed me up
02:13.06BifuuRemember i said that Actor data was 12k lines of xml right?
02:13.42Bifuuk watch this starting now imma document the parents and children
02:15.20Shirikthis is aweesome:
02:17.36*** part/#sc2mapster Nexuapex (~c6b2a702@gateway/web/freenode/x-kuoinpsivkasyoxm)
02:23.33RepoNew knowledge base page: by Bifuu
02:24.05SixenOh wow.
02:24.10SixenYou wrote a script that does that
02:24.41Bifuuit would have been faster if i could use keyboard shortcuts in my program xD
02:25.03Remy_i wrote an example library using the new and delete keywords from my compiler
02:25.36Remy_It's a dynamic integer list
02:25.49Remy_with insertAt, removeAt, add
02:25.53Remy_just an example
02:27.41Bifuueveryone links all these confusing codes and all i can help but wonder is what kind of map would need that
02:28.59Remy_keep wondering =D
02:29.36Remy_so how late is it there?
02:29.40Remy_3:30 here
02:30.58RepoNew knowledge base page: by Bifuu
02:31.18Bifuuso 22:30
02:32.38RepoNew knowledge base page: by Bifuu
02:33.30RepoNew knowledge base page: by Bifuu
02:34.06RepoNew knowledge base page: by Bifuu
02:34.44Sixenso is that your script?
02:34.48Sixenor you? :P
02:36.09RepoNew knowledge base page: by Bifuu
02:36.37BifuuAll my program does is puts it in this format
02:36.39Bifuu<<xmldoc CDSPReverb>>
02:36.39Bifuu<<attribute id="">>ID of <</attribute>>
02:36.39Bifuu<<attribute default="1">>states if this Parent is the Default parent. All Other parents will be derived from this parent. Attribute only needed if this node is the default<</attribute>>
02:36.40Bifuu<<child DecayTime>>
02:36.56*** join/#sc2mapster Bifuu (
02:37.04Sixenyou flooded :(
02:37.06Bifuuok demonstration in irc is bad
02:37.30Bifuudid anything even show up? or did it clear it all?
02:37.41ScytheBlade1You got a few lines.
02:37.42ScytheBlade1By the way.
02:37.44ScytheBlade1Don't do that.
02:37.51Bifuuhow manyw as a fewe
02:38.04ScytheBlade1Not enough for me to tell you how many so you can continue pasting!
02:38.13ScytheBlade1Really, just pastey it or what have you.
02:38.21SixenHow abou tmapster pastey? :P
02:38.29ScytheBlade1Same thing really.
02:38.31Bifuui wouldnt do it again i just wanna know how much damage i caused haha
02:38.33ScytheBlade1Okay not really, but same idea.
02:38.48Bifuulol on my screen is was pretty huge
02:38.52Bifuuill just find a smaller one
02:39.04ScytheBlade1Or just don't paste more than, say, 3 lines at a time
02:39.21Bifuueh ill use paste
02:40.01*** join/#sc2mapster Thunder_Child (~Thunder_C@WoWUIDev/PITA/TC)
02:40.53Bifuuit does allt hat for me
02:40.59Bifuui just copy and paste
02:41.05SixenOh pretty sweet.
02:41.08Bifuuill have to go back and fill in details of course
02:41.15SixenStill, that makes formatting hella easy.
02:41.20Bifuubut atleast all the nodes will be listed
02:41.50Bifuumaybe ill put it on mapster later
02:42.03Bifuuincase new parents are added
02:42.23Bifuuor if it ever is possible to make your own people might want to document their own for like a library
02:42.50Bifuuplus gives me something to unrust my programming skills with
02:42.59*** join/#sc2mapster valkrial (
02:43.09Jerubhas the reset occurred or something?
02:44.04Jerubi can't post to the fourms
02:44.51Jerubbecaues i haven't logged in since the reset
02:45.57RepoNew knowledge base page: by Bifuu
02:46.12BifuuOh they reset?
02:46.26Bifuudamn i might have to actually get on then later
02:46.45ScytheBlade1good to hear it reset
02:47.01SixenYeah, everything was reset, our chars are gone.
02:47.06SixenCannot post until you recreate one.
02:47.34ScytheBlade1afk rebooting to make a char and then sleep
02:47.35RepoNew knowledge base page: by Bifuu
02:48.01BifuuQuick take Sixen's name!
02:48.17*** join/#sc2mapster Thunder_Child (
02:48.17*** join/#sc2mapster Thunder_Child (~Thunder_C@WoWUIDev/PITA/TC)
02:48.40BifuuSixen you take Bifuu.bifuu, ill take Sixen.sixen, kk?
02:49.29Bifuulol mpq editor + patching = bad
02:50.24RepoNew knowledge base page: by Bifuu
02:50.57BifuuThe patch "base\Mods\Liberty.SC2Mod\Base.SC2Data\GameData\AbilData.xml" could not be applied. (Invalid source file size: expected 182202, actual 66.) If this problem persists, you may be able to solve it by uninstalling and then reinstalling the game. If you are unable to correct this problem, please contact Blizzard Technical Support. (BNUpdate::PTCApply)
02:50.59Bifuumo fucker
02:51.06nicoli_sthat sucks
02:51.14nicoli_sits cuz they are incremental patches
02:51.30SixenI have all the patches if you need any
02:53.14Bifuui fixt it
02:53.15nicoli_shey lapin: is there any way to setup the syntax checker so it doesnt need to have those files extracted?
02:53.22Bifuui just still had the TD patch on
02:53.50nicoli_strying to integrate it into the map editor
02:54.27Bifuuoh servers still down too? poo
02:54.43Sixennic, can you re-add the icon in your next commit?
02:55.00RepoNew knowledge base page: by Bifuu
02:55.10BifuuWell While we wait i shal mention
02:55.21BifuuSlumdog Millionaire = Best movie ever, kthxbye
02:55.45nicoli_ssixen: sure
02:56.09RepoNew knowledge base page: by Bifuu
02:56.58RepoNew knowledge base page: by Bifuu
02:57.45BifuuYou know maybe with everything laid out other people might add stuff to the Wiki because they dont have to do most of the grunt work lol
02:57.46SixenDid you see hub's e-mail, nic?
02:57.53nicoli_swhich one?
02:58.23RepoNew knowledge base page: by Bifuu
02:59.15SixenTruth, bif :D
03:00.56nicoli_sanyone in here done much galaxy coding yet?
03:01.26Sixenwhy, what's up?
03:02.27nicoli_sjust got some questions, working on my map
03:02.43Sixenmaybe I could help?
03:03.46nicoli_swell i kind of need advice from somene who has actually designed some working galaxy code
03:04.00JerubOk got it, you should pass your beta key to someone else.
03:04.05Jerubbest forum line i've seen today
03:04.35nicoli_sactually, i think i can work around my issue
03:06.44nicoli_swell its not a bad thing
03:06.53nicoli_smy issue was not knowing what uninitialized arrays have in them
03:07.08nicoli_sbut since my arrays are of fixed size, i can just init them with default values
03:07.44RepoNew knowledge base page: by Bifuu
03:08.16BifuuWell thats officially everything
03:08.30BifuuErrorData is empty everywhere so
03:08.57Bifuuonlything incomplete is Mover data and thast Corbos
03:09.07Bifuunode listing incomplete
03:11.34nicoli_swhat about achievements? and loot and item!
03:11.44nicoli_swhy havent you filled in all the ones with no available data? :P
03:12.04Bifuuthose are done
03:12.14Bifuudone done too
03:12.27Bifuugo look lol
03:12.33nicoli_sreally? like enough to create items and/or loot?
03:12.44Bifuuyeah maybe
03:15.43nicoli_soh shit
03:15.48nicoli_si gotta do this then :)
03:16.50Bifuui doubt they can be used in game but maybe
03:16.56Bifuui havnt tried
03:17.10nicoli_swell you can enable heros
03:17.36Bifuuwell thats editing something, to make an item you have to add so i dunno
03:18.54nicoli_swell we'll see :)
03:19.11BifuuSo my Girl sends me a text saying shes watching Confessions of a shopaholic and i just go "lol girly movie" and she asks "well what makes a movie a guy movie?" "Must contain atleast one pair of breasts"
03:19.33JerubBifuu: i thought it was senseless violence.
03:19.49Bifuuthat too, but boobs grab more of my attention
03:22.44Bifuustill no response =(
03:22.56SixenNic, we should just support all xml, k?
03:23.24Bifuuok now to figure out how to put this thing on assets
03:23.30nicoli_swell yeah sixen
03:23.49nicoli_sright now we have to wait on sholdak to finish his refactoring of the xml system before we can start implementing all the others
03:24.05Sixenso can we not commit anything?
03:24.10nicoli_sno you can
03:24.20nicoli_she has already started the edit, thats what the new unit editor is
03:24.23Sixenalso, you may want to change the title of the program
03:24.31nicoli_syeah good point
03:24.45SixenJust keep the title of it imo, don't give names
03:24.57SixenOr put SC2Mapster if anything
03:25.14Sixenalso, rename Launch Map to Test Map imo
03:25.34SixenI'd do it myself, but I thought it'd be silly to do a commit for these small changes
03:25.42nicoli_sit wouldnt
03:26.00nicoli_sid appreciate it if you could, kind of in the middle of something right this second
03:27.30nicoli_shey Bifuu: how do you think the item xml should work?
03:27.48nicoli_slike i noticed it lists the cost, item, and effect as siblings in the core file
03:27.51BifuuGo approve of my asset!
03:27.56nicoli_sdoes that mean that they arent nested?
03:28.11Bifuunope nothing is nested in there
03:28.26RepoNew asset: SC2 XML Parser. Bifuu (Manager/Author). Approved by sanktanglia.
03:28.30nicoli_sok done
03:28.39nicoli_shmm thats weird then
03:28.53nicoli_sthe item element doesnt look to have a link to its cost or effect
03:29.04Bifuuwell not much was given for it
03:29.20Bifuuand most of the linking is based off the id of the item
03:29.49nicoli_sso you think you would just share the id between the cost, item and effect?
03:30.11nicoli_smmk, will test that out
03:30.21Bifuuthast the default of it
03:30.35Bifuuit takes the id thats given and uses it in the link
03:31.07Bifuusame for that but Face is for the texture to use for the icon (i think)
03:31.10Jerubanyone know how good MULEs are? quantitatively?
03:31.21nicoli_syeah, face points to a buttondata entry
03:31.54SixenNic, should I put By SC2Mapster
03:31.56SixenOr leave it
03:32.00BifuuJerub: Enough to pay for upgrading to an orbital command in like 30 seconds
03:32.10nicoli_sput Sc2Mapster
03:32.18SixenJerub, useful for expoing or early gathering
03:32.30SixenAnd what about the version? :P
03:32.42nicoli_sincrement it twice
03:33.37SixenDunno how to do that in vs08
03:33.59JerubBifuu: do you mean, 1xMULE = 150mineral?
03:35.38Bifuuits around 260 for 1 mule in itss 90 second lifetime
03:36.22BifuuLook at that
03:36.32BifuuIt tells you all you want to know about the MULE
03:38.32nicoli_sBifuu: do you know what links to lootdata?
03:39.08Bifuunope =/
03:39.26nicoli_scuz it looks like you can spawn units via this and apply to a player
03:39.45Bifuuyeah looks that way to me too
03:40.10Repo10milkywayedit: 03sixen * r31 Tools/SC2MapEditor/SC2MapEditor (3 files in 1 directory): Icon updated & Menu renamed
03:40.22nicoli_shmm, unit doesnt appear to have a link to loot
03:40.48Bifuuit might, only half of unit has been documented apparently
03:41.00BifuuSholdak pointed that out to me
03:41.05Bifuulemme look
03:42.19BifuuWhy is this svn shit so complicated with mapster lol
03:42.48nicoli_sask ckknight
03:42.58nicoli_she says itd be like a few days of work to change it
03:43.30Sholdakhey nicoli_s, are you going to commit the model viewer soonish?
03:44.12nicoli_sBifuu: i wonder if that clootunit is what links the loot to a unit
03:44.35nicoli_ssholdak: well i committed the flash one
03:44.44nicoli_sand the wpf one im still working on
03:44.54BifuuThat could be Nic
03:45.14Sholdaknothing necessarily has to link units with items
03:45.18nicoli_sckknight: o my god
03:45.21Sholdakother than some kind of inventory ability
03:45.28Sholdakor flag
03:45.29nicoli_sthe real life feed lady is on the colbert report
03:45.35Shirikcries at outage
03:45.45Shirikthis is why the game should not rely on, you can't do any LAN play during this time
03:45.53Shirikwell you can't do any LAN play period, but that's not the point
03:46.03Shirikyou effectively disrupt LAN parties
03:46.13Bifuulol beta?
03:46.44Sholdakthey said LAN play won't be in release either
03:46.46BifuuBlizz said before a psuedo lan should be in where you only need to connect once
03:47.29ShirikSholdak, you are totally missing my point
03:47.37Shirikor confirming it
03:47.38ShirikI'm not sure which
03:47.50Sholdakas in it sucks
03:48.36ShirikBifuu: The point is if goes down, you're screwed
03:48.46Shirikthis isn't WoW where the servers HAVE to be up to be logical
03:49.06Jerubyeah, i agree, it sucks.
03:49.10Jerubplay the hacked version :P
03:49.20Shirikthat would go against all my ethics
03:49.58lapin_scin galaxy can you do char foo = 'f'; ?
03:50.21Bifuui give up with this svn lol
03:52.24*** join/#sc2mapster Nexuapex (~c6b2a702@gateway/web/freenode/x-obqclghppeqszajh)
03:52.25Bifuuthat works
04:03.40Repo10sc2-xml-parser: 03Bifuu * r2 / (15 files in 3 directories): Rofl?
04:03.45Bifuuthere we go
04:09.33BifuuBnet is up btw
04:17.11Bifuu iw ant to do this now
04:27.33valkriallol. that desktop is rad
04:28.37valkrialbut geez. photoshop 7?! time for an upgrade!
04:32.29Bifuuid use that desktop but its not big enough
04:32.42Bifuu Link to original if you want
04:34.40valkrialhehe. thanks. my desktop is too messy to keep that organized.
04:34.58ckknightnicoli_s: I wanna be a thousand pounds!
04:36.11valkrialI want a thousand pounds.
04:36.20valkrialwhich is kinda the same.
04:36.24valkrialbut not at all really
04:37.03valkrialbtw. what is with everyone in here trying to use svn? what are they using it for?
04:38.00BifuuOur assets we made
04:38.36Bifuuck: Did you see the XML page? =P
04:42.43SixenLmfao, Bif.
04:42.57lapin_scnice. cute kitty for 404
04:43.29lapin_scwere i used to work the build master kept sending me kitties like that everytime the built failed
04:43.38lapin_scso, every week. ;)
04:44.15nicoli_sckknight: it was horrible
04:47.13Sholdakok so i've been trying to figure out why my generated unit data isnt loading into sc2
04:47.30Sholdakso apparently it was cause of the <Fidget> tag
04:47.51Sholdakthere goes 40 min i'll never get back
04:49.12nicoli_si wish we had a real example of the loot or item data xmls
04:49.57Bifuuno luck on it i assume?
04:50.05nicoli_si cant test atm
04:50.10Sholdakwell now that i know what tag it is
04:50.12nicoli_sim remoting in and it cant do graphics
04:50.13Sholdakhopefully it'll work reset!
04:51.18Bifuunic: ah
04:52.23Bifuu"We won't take up KH3 until we've reached a certain target with FF Versus XIII,"
04:52.35nicoli_si know, thats so bullshit
04:53.21SixenYar, bnet reset.
04:53.40Jerubis it back up yet?
04:55.10BifuuI was tempted to take Sixen's name
04:55.12Bifuubut i didnt
04:56.23Bifuuif i did id set my forum signature to "Whose the Chat gem now bitch?!"
04:57.34valkrialhaha. i was just thinking about that too. I wonder how many people got their names stolen
04:58.20BifuuWho ever would actually steal names is just pitiful
04:58.55valkrialwell yeah its kinda pointless.
04:59.08valkrialbut also funny if you were davidkim.dakim
04:59.11valkrialor whatever his name is
04:59.57Sixendavidkim.davie I thought?
05:00.00Sixenor vice versa
05:00.23valkrialyeah i have no idea. youre probably right
05:00.32Duman(re: tech support post)
05:00.40Dumanpatcher was fubar for some cases, had to fix it... should be good now
05:00.49Sixenah OK
05:00.52Sixenforums are down though
05:00.59Dumannot down, you just couldn't post ;)
05:01.03Dumansince you didn't have a toon
05:01.06SixenNo, forums are down now
05:01.07Duman(since they were wiped)
05:01.09Bifuunah its down now
05:01.12Dumanoh shit
05:01.17Dumanlemme go see what's up
05:01.27Bifuui was about to go troll what ever tech post sixen was in too =(
05:01.38SixenAll of them
05:01.46Bifuuthast alot of trolling
05:01.52Dumanhmm, I think there's a web maint right now
05:02.12BifuuEl sitio se encuentra en mantenimiento y no está disponible. ¡Regresaremos pronto!!!!!!!
05:02.19SixenSo duman, blizzcon!
05:02.24SixenYou gonna be able to get a key this year?
05:02.26Sixener ticket* ;)
05:02.42SixenWe have to have lunch with hortus, o_o.
05:03.04Dumanam *I* going to be able to get a ticket?
05:03.09Dumansilly question
05:03.10BifuuSince i actually have a job im debating to try to buy a ticket
05:03.14SixenIt's jokes, :(.
05:03.52BifuuHow much are they usually? 100 or so?
05:04.12SixenI think they were 150 one year
05:04.27Bifuuhmm yeah i might try to get one
05:04.39BifuuTho plane and hotel will be the deciding factor i guess
05:04.58Bifuuand transportation when i get there.... and food...
05:05.05Bifuuand Disneyland...
05:05.14FrozenFirebatlucky for me, it's 30min drive there XD
05:05.19Sixen6 hours for me =/
05:05.23SixenOr an hour flight
05:05.26Bifuuabout a week for me
05:05.35Bifuuno clue on hours of flight
05:05.39FrozenFirebatSixen, Norcal, Vegas, or Mexico?
05:05.58FrozenFirebateven worse
05:06.04SixenYou're telling me.
05:06.05Dumanyou can drive out
05:06.07SixenI used to live in New Jersey.
05:06.10Dumanlike 6 or 7 hrs
05:06.29Dumanntil you hit riverside, at least
05:06.35SixenYeah, i'll probably leave the wednesday, assuming there's going to be a summit on thurs
05:06.48Sholdakdoes anyone have a program that can diff XML files
05:06.54Sholdakwhich are not arranged in the same order
05:06.54SixenI might
05:07.27*** join/#sc2mapster Iggyhopper (~chatzilla@
05:08.15FrozenFirebatSo did they have any info on when tickets go on sale?
05:08.31FrozenFirebatI woke up late last year and they were sold out by the afternoon
05:08.34SixenNot yet, FF. But i'm guessing June/July.
05:08.35Bifuuthey never do on the announcement
05:08.43Sixen@Sholdak: It's a shitty program, but... it works.
05:10.48Bifuulol on my facebook i posted that i was doing alot of work with the sc2 data files and one of my friends is like "I got the hacked game withe ai level 7 if you are interested" and im like "lol no thanks i got it legit" and he never said anything back to me
05:12.14Dumantickets were sold out in like 20 sec last year
05:12.18Dumanor less
05:12.21FrozenFirebatParticle Disruptors damage increased from 8 (+6 Armored) to 10 (+4 Armored).
05:12.23FrozenFirebatI so called that
05:12.23Iggyhopperhey guys
05:12.28Sixenhai2u iggy
05:12.30Iggyhopperyou still having problems with that problem
05:12.32SixenYeah Duman, I think it was 20 seconds.
05:12.46Iggyhopperwith that xml?*
05:12.52Bifuuuhhh not really
05:12.56Iggyhopperfixed it
05:13.06Bifuuyeah, ill prolly have more later when i improve it tho
05:13.11Bifuuto actually get everything
05:13.23Bifuugo look at the XML file list, it helped out a bit
05:14.48Bifuudamn Sixen has more facebook friends than me =/
05:19.13lapin_scBifuu dont worry you have more then me
05:19.21BifuuNew facebook just makes it easy to look up anyone
05:19.33Bifuuhaha let me guess? dont even havea  facebook?
05:19.56BifuuI have more friends than David Kim!
05:20.02Duman306 friends, sixen?
05:20.12DumanI have too many friend s:(
05:20.14lapin_scName them.
05:20.40Dumanlike I said, too many ;)
05:20.46Iggyhopperi need a google chrome irc, got any?
05:21.03lapin_scwhy would you want to chat fro chrome :(
05:21.12lapin_scyou mean a web-based irc?
05:21.13Iggyhopperi chat from firefox right now anyway
05:21.24lapin_scyes that is sad
05:21.31Iggyhopperso i should get a desktop client?
05:21.41lapin_scsure why not
05:21.45lapin_scget mIRC or soething
05:21.55Iggyhopperis it free? ad-supported? wat?
05:22.02lapin_scfree for 30 days
05:22.05lapin_scthen it annoys you
05:22.09Iggyhoppergey imma get crack
05:23.00valkrialif you dont need anything fancy pidgin is free.
05:23.05Bifuu thast free and people say its good
05:23.09valkriallike legit free. no ads
05:23.09Bifuuim tempted to try it
05:23.12valkrialits what im using
05:23.23valkrialbut its simple.
05:24.06Iggyhoppercan it search?
05:24.58Bifuuhaha i have more friends than Chris Metzen too! xD
05:25.08Bifuuyou know your bored when you look up people onf acebook
05:25.32valkrialyes it can
05:25.46valkrialfree open souce is the url
05:26.09Iggyhopperim just getting the crack of mirc lol
05:26.14Iggyhopperwat a silly program
05:26.30valkrialhehe. that works too
05:26.43Iggyhopperi dont really need anymore though, i only have 5gigs left!
05:28.43valkrialthats 4.5 gigs more than me
05:29.06valkriali actually ran out of space watching sc2 casts the other day
05:29.42valkrialgotta restart.
05:29.42Bifuui have like 150 left
05:29.46Bifuuand i dont delete anything
05:29.52*** part/#sc2mapster valkrial (
05:30.59BifuuSixen did you know you have more facebook friends than Chris Metzen?!
05:32.30Sholdakwoot it works
05:32.39Sholdakchanged the life of the starting workers to 10
05:32.44Sholdakand it reflected in game
05:33.30Sholdakhas anyone tried modifying resource cost?
05:33.41Sholdaki tried and it doesnt seem to work
05:34.05Bifuuto produce units?
05:34.20BifuuYou can built in the TD without paying anything so
05:34.29Sholdakill check that out
05:34.37Bifuuwell you pay with food
05:34.39*** join/#sc2mapster valkrial (
05:34.47Bifuubrb grabbing a coke
05:35.27Bifuuso far away!
05:36.04Iggyhopperlol how to connect to this one!
05:36.07Iggyhopperin mirc lol
05:36.29Iggyhopperits in abil data not unit data
05:36.55lapin_scIggyhopper in the status window
05:36.56Sholdakwhat does CostResourse do then?
05:37.11lapin_scIggyhopper answer the questions in the dialogs first
05:37.17lapin_scthen click ok
05:38.04BifuuDunno Sholdak
05:39.15Sholdakwell scvs can only harvest gas, and drones cant move
05:39.18Sholdakbut still, progress!
05:39.53Sholdakactually nothing can move on creep
05:40.05Sholdaktime to change some default values
05:40.35Iggyhoppergosh thats confusing
05:41.02Iggyhopperok well imma join in mirc now
05:41.29Sixen@Bif: I think I have Christ Metzen
05:42.02Bifuunope you dont
05:42.59Bifuuhes only got 60 friends
05:43.20valkrialso... on the off chance that the devs care... milky way does not work under wine :(
05:43.22valkrialwine SC2MapEditor.exe
05:43.22valkrialfixme:system:SetProcessDPIAware stub!
05:43.22valkrialfixme:iphlpapi:NotifyAddrChange (Handle 0xaeaea38, overlapped 0xaeaea1c): stub
05:43.22valkrialUnhandled Exception: System.TypeInitializationException: An exception was thrown by the type initializer for ScintillaNet.Scintilla ---> System.NotSupportedException: CodePage 1361 not supported
05:43.34valkrialalthough i can see if you have bigger things to worry about
05:44.13Bifuu5 bucks says Sixen is going to add him now
05:45.17Bifuui added you for the hell of it too
05:47.15*** join/#sc2mapster Iggyhopper (~a@
05:47.36IggyhopperOh gosh the UI is horrible compared to chatzilla
05:47.38lapin_sci wonder were iggy went
05:47.45lapin_sche never came back since he tried irc
05:47.50Bifuuiggy has been gone for a long time
05:47.56lapin_scmaybe he forgot to remove the invisible option
05:47.57Iggyhopperyou guys are funny
05:48.00lapin_scand we cant see him lol
05:48.09SixenDon't freak him out :P
05:48.12Bifuuwhy did mirc enable that by default?
05:48.55lapin_scyou mean +i?
05:49.03Iggyhopperlol i made sure i disabled that
05:49.11lapin_scIggyhopper we are kidding. ;)
05:49.16Iggyhopperi was like "wtf invisible" nuh uh
05:49.23lapin_scbut +i is good, it just makes it so you dont get listed in /who and get spammed
05:49.32lapin_scbut i mena o nthis network it is not a big problem
05:49.44Bifuui have no clue how to set modes lol
05:49.53Iggyhopperbut still the ui is omgash
05:49.59Iggyhopperno cool fonts
05:50.16lapin_scBifuu /mode bifuu +i or -i
05:50.38lapin_scIggyhopper mono fonts are the way to go :)
05:50.39Bifuuill worry about that when i need to care lol
05:51.11Iggyhopperslaps lapin_sc around a bit with a large trout
05:51.17Iggyhopperslaps Iggyhopper around a bit with a large trout
05:51.45Iggyhopperi should make a C# IRC client
05:51.48Iggyhopperthat would be kickas
05:52.22Bifuuhave at it lol
05:52.39Iggyhopperi will let me googl it first, see if anyone done it yet
05:52.59lapin_scjust millions of people :)
05:53.32lapin_scid say most programmers tried to write an irc bot or client at some point
05:55.34Iggyhopperawesome, arial!
05:56.19Bifuuive been in IRC for 78 hours now? O.o id hate to see some other peoples timers haha
05:56.52lapin_sc12 years?
06:00.03Iggyhoppercan you copy paste names in here fast?
06:00.58Iggyhopperlapin, your ping is 1 se
06:01.32lapin_scIggyhopper you can auto-complete names with tab
06:01.36lapin_sctype la[tab]
06:01.56BifuuOh shit i didnt even know that
06:02.16lapin_scif there are more then one match keep hitting
06:02.19Iggyhopperoh ok
06:02.31Iggyhopperlike autocomplete in some game consoles
06:03.34Bifuuman that guy i shot down on facebook still hasnt replied =/
06:05.49Bifuudamn iw ork for like 9 hours tomorrow =/
06:05.52Bifuulater man
06:06.11SixenNight Lapin
06:06.16SixenThat sucks, Bif= /
06:06.41Bifuuhey its just mo money
06:06.51Shirikyou abandoned me for so long that Blizzard erased our team
06:07.14Shirikthey actually decided we should be permanently removed from the record, so since they had no way of doing this right now, they decided to delete the entire database of all players
06:10.21Iggyhopperhey this thing should blink when theres messages
06:11.58ShirikIt can
06:12.15Iggyhopperokay i made it do tooltips on the bot-right
06:12.23Iggyhoppersay stuff
06:12.56Sixenlol shirik
06:13.13Repo10milkywayedit: 03Sholdak * r32 Tools/SC2MapEditor/SC2MapEditor (4 files in 1 directory): UnitData fixes. Now saves 100% valid UnitData.xml.
06:13.26Shirikwho wrote that SVN commit message
06:13.33Sixennice sholdak
06:13.47Shiriknot that I don't believe you
06:13.49Shirikbut I don't believe you
06:13.56Sholdakwell i mean i can load the map in sc2
06:14.07Sholdakand everything *seems* to behave correctly
06:14.22Iggyhopperi need to also get a twitter desktop client
06:14.32ShirikI work in the aerospace industry, we would never dare say something like that before it has been extremely thoroughly tested (and I mean literally weeks for even the smallest component) :P
06:14.56BifuuWell i dont think  MWE can cause death
06:15.05Shirikdoesn't make a different about 100%!
06:15.09Shirik100% is 100%
06:15.31Sholdakin software we say it's 100% once we can compile it
06:15.32Bifuubut it does regard the important of being 100% on using that 100%!
06:15.34Shirikmy point is nothing is ever perfect :P
06:15.57ShirikSholdak: heh, actually that brings back a bad memory :(
06:16.00Sholdaksee that way any future improvements are above perfect
06:16.12ShirikCoworker: There, I've finished and it works perfectly
06:16.20ShirikMe: So you mean it compiled?
06:16.25ShirikCoworker: No I haven't tried that yet.
06:16.48ShirikI went back to my cube without saying another word after that ><
06:17.39Sholdakyea that sounds familiar
06:17.40BifuuTruth: i have no idea how to compile to an exe in vs2008, i keep making those damned .net installers
06:17.54Sholdakit always compiles to exe
06:18.00Bifuunot for me O.o
06:18.04Shirikwhat language?
06:18.08Bifuuor i must be doing it wrong
06:18.15ShirikIt depends on what type of project you're making
06:18.22Sholdakthere's no way it would run unless its an exe
06:18.27Sholdakim assuming standard winforms/console
06:18.30Shirikif you go into the advanced settings and look for "subsystem" make sure it says application
06:18.32Shirikor console
06:18.32Bifuuit runs without an exe
06:18.33Iggyhopperi can do xml editor even in javascript
06:18.41Sholdakthe exe is inside the debug folder
06:18.50Sholdakor release folder
06:19.09SixenI can do XML editor in Java
06:19.34Shirikjust add in Visual Basic and Python into that mix and you'll have all 4 horrible languages in one
06:19.59SixenI can do visual basic
06:20.10Sholdakwow poor python, grouped together with visual basic :(
06:20.11Shirikthat's not something to brag about
06:20.19SixenI'm just saying
06:20.32ShirikSholdak: Deserves it :P
06:20.35BifuuApplication manifest, thats what i get
06:20.38ShirikPython is bloated and overrated
06:20.45Sholdakits the only language that forces you to format your code
06:20.50ShirikBifuu: the application manifest should be along with the exe
06:21.00Bifuui dont see an exe lol
06:21.17ShirikI can't really do much without seeing your project file unfortunately :(
06:21.21Bifuui see a setup, but i never configured an installer
06:21.34Bifuuwell its nothing to release yet lol
06:21.57Sholdakthere's definately an exe in there
06:22.07Sholdakjust go to your solution folder
06:22.13Sholdakand project/debug/
06:22.20Sholdakor x86/debug
06:22.21SixenSholdak, you've been doing a great job on MWE :D
06:22.24Sholdaksomething like that
06:22.32Sixenthe XML stuff is finished now?
06:22.37SixenWe can add the rest of the XML files?
06:22.41Sholdakuhh only unitdata
06:22.46Bifuuyea theres one in debug, but thats just debug tho lol
06:22.52Sholdakwell it's an exe
06:22.57Bifuu <---- thast my project tho, havnt touched it since then
06:23.01ShirikOpen up project properties and go to build
06:23.08Sholdakit'll be a long time till everything else is done
06:23.10Shirikthen check the output folder
06:23.11Sholdakit's a lot of type
06:23.12Shirikthis is C# right?
06:23.30SixenWhat do you mean?
06:23.43SixenIs the XML stuff finished though? Whatever nic said I had to wait for.
06:23.50Shirikwow, I have a new hatred for C#'s property sheets
06:23.58Shirikthis is really annoying to work with
06:24.11ShirikVisual C++'s presentation is much nicer
06:24.12Sholdakumm, there's still a lot of legacy code in there that i have to remove
06:24.18Sholdakwhat do you want to do?
06:24.29Bifuuohhh i figured it out
06:25.06Shirikwhat was it?
06:25.11SixenJust add the rest of the XML files
06:25.17SixenCameraData, BehaviorData, etc.
06:25.46BifuuThe dropdown box at the toolbar, was still set to debug xD and i kept thinking i had to publish the file and not just build normally
06:25.49Sholdakyea actually you can definately get started on that
06:25.52SixenI should say, read the rest of them :P
06:26.01SixenAlso, I was thinking... We should change the "XML" tab to something else.
06:26.11Sholdaklook at UnitData.cs and UnitFields.cs
06:26.12SixenBecausein that tab can be txt files and SC2Layout files.
06:26.21Sholdakuse those as models for other stuff
06:26.26ShirikBifuu: Not sure what you mean, but ok :P
06:26.43ShirikThe toolbar dropdown you refer to does nothing but build a easily-debuggable version or an optimized version
06:26.46Sholdakignore all the methods, those will be generalized to everything
06:26.51Shirikboth should make exes though
06:27.11Sholdakjust set up all the properties and data types
06:28.09Bifuuid offer my assistance with MWE but i think my fails so far with my own code prove i should stay away xD
06:39.32*** join/#sc2mapster vjeux (~52e9ed5b@gateway/web/freenode/x-gtoxdvbcrrmqujvt)
06:39.35Sixenhai vjeux
06:39.49vjeuxwtf with the guy that want a vent chat
06:40.06SixenHe wants me to make Team Pages because he wants his team to have a page on mapster
06:40.34Iggyhoppermade my default browser google chrome
06:40.37BifuuOh sixen you still never told me
06:40.39Iggyhoppermight buy a new pc soon
06:40.56SixenNever told you what? :P
06:41.12Bifuuwhat that dudes avatar was
06:41.19SixenSome chick with huge titties
06:41.33Bifuuhuge is bad
06:41.37Bifuubig is good
06:41.39SixenThey were good huge.
06:41.39Bifuuhuge is bad
06:41.48Bifuuso they were big
06:41.51SixenSure :P
06:42.22Bifuumy old forum avatar used to be Misa Campo frontpage
06:48.26vjeuxnicoli_s you are famous :p
06:49.03Bifuuand here i thought everyone was off fapping to Misa Campo Vj comes out with german news =P
06:51.00vjeuxtd featured + a custom video
06:51.08Sixenwe're all over
06:51.11Sixenand we're at 5k users I think
06:52.16Bifuuim totally watching this video in french
06:53.06vjeuxanyway going to school cay
06:57.19Bifuuand im ganna go try to get some sleep since i actually have to wake up before noon tomorrow
06:57.23Bifuulater people
06:57.49IggyhopperI'm getting a new computer.
07:22.59*** part/#sc2mapster valkrial (
07:55.33*** join/#sc2mapster Kaelten (~Kaelten@
08:02.10*** join/#sc2mapster Repo (
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08:42.45*** join/#sc2mapster Thunder_Child (
08:42.45*** join/#sc2mapster Thunder_Child (~Thunder_C@WoWUIDev/PITA/TC)
08:49.44Iggyhopperhow to add .xsd?
08:50.34Iggyhopperi want to add the .xsd (schema) files to the wiki
08:55.56SixenNever heard of that one before.
08:56.04Iggyhopperno way
08:56.07SixenSec, i'll setup the xsd page.
08:56.13SixenWhat's the name of a .xsd extension?
08:56.28Iggyhopperits so you can edit an xml file with guidance (if you program supports it)
08:56.41SixenOh? And there's xsd files in sc2?
08:56.48IggyhopperXML Schema, no i generated them lol
08:56.54SixenI'm very confused.
08:57.00SixenWhy add it to the wiki then? :P
08:57.07Iggyhoppermaybe people can download them
08:57.10Iggyhopperoh ad a asset
08:57.19SixenThat could work.
08:57.44Iggyhopperwhy are you up so late
08:57.50SixenI have no idea.
08:57.50Iggyhopperwell its 1:50 am of mr
08:57.53SixenI'm going to be dead tomorrow.
08:57.53Iggyhopperfor me
08:58.44Iggyhopperyou know what intellisense is right?
08:59.17Iggyhopperwell if you have a schema and xml file linked (or whatever). When you type <, it brings up, for ex: CAbil, CAbilAttack, etc.
08:59.29Iggyhopperway easier to code by hand
09:00.42Sixenthat's interesting
09:01.16Iggyhopperi have VS2008 generate a shema file based on the SC2 xml files
09:01.38Iggyhopperits a little bad in places but its something to work with and it's awesome
09:02.00Sixengo ahead and create a project
09:02.01Sixeni'll approve it
09:02.08Iggyhopperwat to name it?
09:02.18IggyhopperXML Schema Files?
09:02.26SixenSure :P
09:10.57Iggyhopperwats url?
09:11.00Iggyhopperlike bb
09:12.16IggyhopperEDITOR IN 15 DAYS... ALMOST
09:14.47Iggyhopperk bed time
09:40.42FrozenFirebateditor in 15 days? says who?
09:49.34*** join/#sc2mapster kerry (~c3543c0a@gateway/web/freenode/x-tqvulagkihhkwuli)
09:49.57Arthas-welcome kerry
09:50.04Arthas-Arthas - swedifying this channel some more
09:50.33kerrythis is awesome, I've never forgotten the good old wc3c days
09:50.52Arthas-this is one awesome deja vu ;p
09:50.53kerryis there anyone here I should recognize?
09:51.02kerryother than nicoli_s *hi!*
09:51.29Arthas-SOuNDSNC (although i didnt)
09:51.53kerrythat nick sounds very  familiar
09:51.58kerryas does HP-X
09:52.07Arthas-I am hpx
09:52.12kerryyeah, I thought so
09:52.15Arthas-you reckognize it from qnet :)
09:52.42RepoNew asset: XML Schemas. Iggyhopper (Manager/Author). Approved by sixen.
09:53.40Arthas-ah well, have to shower etc
09:53.50Arthas-need to leave for 8 hours of holy work later
09:53.56kerryand I should be working
09:55.06SixenI need to sleep. Waking up in 4 hours.
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09:55.22SixenHi witch.
09:55.24SixenNight witch.
09:55.34SixenPsst, I e-mailed nintoxicated, he's going to help us as well.
09:55.35Arthas-night sixen
09:55.38Arthas-hi witch
09:55.39SixenNight HP
09:58.59kerrySo tell me, how far has the community gotten when it comes to modding the game? I read the posts on the front page of your site and saw some kind of map editor and a whole bunch of xml files
10:34.54FrozenFirebatthere is an editor to make changes to the API, as well as another editor that was released on another site that has a graphical interface for adding objects
10:37.01kerryIs there any way to get into the game to test your maps without a beta account?
11:21.48*** join/#sc2mapster Remy (~5ed309d4@gateway/web/freenode/x-tgzkaxyntgxvxupx)
11:39.27FrozenFirebatkerry, the loader doesn't connect to However, you will need the client.
11:40.21kerryAllright, thanks for the info!
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11:59.48vjeuxfront page of
12:07.06vjeuxsame for starcraft 2 france
12:31.17*** join/#sc2mapster veselu (
12:34.21HP-Xfuck yeah
12:34.24HP-Xmath course over
12:43.59HP-Xand i can fetch my ps3 tomorrow \o
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13:28.05Repo10milkywayedit: 03Sholdak * r33 Tools/SC2MapEditor/SC2MapEditor (11 files in 1 directory): Code refactoring and cleanup
13:49.33Corosushmm new patch for official SC2
13:52.58Corosus'Pathing has been improved so units can now properly block ramps and choke points. '
13:57.43CorosusBurrowed regeneration rate decreased from 10 to 5.
13:57.49CorosusUpgraded burrowed regeneration bonus decreased from +20 to +10.
13:57.53CorosusWHY GOD WHY
13:57.56CorosusGIVE ZERG SOME LOVE
13:58.27ckknightroaches were OP
13:58.36Corosusyeah :(
13:58.41Corosusespecially before any patches
14:03.14HP-Xnew patch
14:03.30Corosusfront page of
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14:12.25HP-Xnice cheaper factory
14:12.48HP-Xon the other hand they increased the reactor time
14:12.59HP-Xwhats the buildtime for starport?
14:22.52FrozenFirebatFunny tho.
14:23.17FrozenFirebatBlizzard: "yeah, we're seeing terrans kinda sucking out there on an overall bases."
14:23.27FrozenFirebatPatch 6: Mandatory Anal probing for all terran players.
14:23.44Corosusyeah lol
14:23.50*** part/#sc2mapster Sixen (
14:23.51Corosusthey even up marine build time
14:25.00*** join/#sc2mapster art[] (
14:26.52HP-Xthe only useable tactic w terran imo is m&m
14:27.07HP-Xor if you battle a turtle use say BC
14:27.13HP-Xdidnt have that much luck with their other air
14:27.33HP-Xbanshees & vikings sure, but it takes the same time & resources for massing bc :p
14:28.04HP-Xterran in sc2 just aint as cool as they were in sc1, also i want wraith back :(
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14:39.15nicoli_shey Sholdak: does the unit saving work with yer latest commit?
14:41.45FrozenFirebatActually Banshee rushing is awesome vs Protoss, And pretty good vs Zerg too if you can get them before they get mutas
14:57.50*** join/#sc2mapster ckknight (~ckknight@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/CurseStaff/CurseForge/ckknight)
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15:01.57nicoli_shey lapin_sc, you around?
15:05.05ckknightRemy: learn C#
15:05.39ckknightor Remy____
15:06.46Remy____you don't like haskell?
15:06.56Remy____I like c#, but haskell too
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15:07.18ckknightwell, if you did it in C#, it could be seamlessly integrated into the MWE
15:07.27nicoli_sRemy____: does yer precompiler do syntax checking yet?
15:07.36Remy____does yes
15:07.56Remy____working on type checker
15:08.13nicoli_sdoes it need the galaxy files extracted out anywhere? trying to decide if i want to use yours or lapins inside MWE
15:08.57Remy____yes it does not handle mpq's
15:09.09Remy____requires pure galaxy files
15:09.27Remy____but give it a try
15:09.31Remy____see how you like the syntax checker
15:09.40Remy____and soon type checking as well
15:09.54nicoli_swell but i mean like how does it work, you just pass in the path to the galaxy file?
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15:15.25lapin_scnicoli_s yes im
15:15.51nicoli_si was curious if there was any plans to make it so your syntax checker doesnt need the files to be extracted out
15:16.17lapin_scthats in the plans
15:16.36lapin_scbut i think property type checking is more important first
15:16.48nicoli_syah i get ya
15:17.07nicoli_sim just trying to decide which checker to use in MWE, going to try and get it in this weekend
15:17.15nicoli_sas i keep running into so many errors working on my map :P
15:17.17lapin_scwhy not both? :P
15:17.30nicoli_swell thats def possible
15:17.46lapin_scnicoli_s if you ship MWE, it should be easy to package in the sc2 core files?
15:17.59lapin_sci dont do it because of copyright issues
15:18.01nicoli_slapin_sc: distributing blizz files would make them very mad :)
15:18.20lapin_scusing their files too sometimes. see freecraft hehe
15:18.23nicoli_sbut i can prob just setup an option to extract it out if people want
15:19.56lapin_scstupid sc is crashed and i cant close it
15:20.07lapin_scand its blocking my primary screen :(
15:21.49lapin_scRemy you know c/c++ lex/yacc ?
15:31.43Remy____no I don't know yacc
15:32.14lapin_scah. :<
15:32.29Remy____milkywaycompiler takes an input path to a galaxy file
15:32.38Remy____and an output path to where to write
15:32.51Remy____but in the future in will be able to take a directory
15:32.56Remy____input dir and output dir
15:33.05ckknightit'd be nice to be able to accept from stdin and output to stdout
15:33.06Remy____and compile all the files in the input dir
15:33.10Remy____okay that's easy
15:33.11lapin_scmeh. id leave that to the tool chains hehe
15:33.23Remy____but what about interfile dependancies then?
15:33.32lapin_scis a unix monk
15:33.47lapin_scRemy ah, that id actually follow includes
15:33.49lapin_sclike gcc
15:34.04lapin_scRemy like lapin you can provide a list of include directories using -I
15:36.35Remy____for typechecking a file I need to have all the included files as well
15:36.46Remy____can't just input 1 file in stdin
15:37.51nicoli_sitd be nice if we can supply stdin + a list of directories
15:38.08nicoli_sbut i guess that wouldnt really help with if you have multiple galaxy files in one map
15:38.16Remy____so the included files would be extracted from the mpq and inside a directory?
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15:38.56nicoli_syah that would be my plan Remy
15:39.35nicoli_sif people want to use your syntax checker in MWE, then at startup it would take out all the galaxy files in the base mpqs and put them in a folder
15:39.56nicoli_sand then when you go to save your map, it would extract out all the ones in the map into that folder, then just call the checker, passing in the directory
15:41.28*** join/#sc2mapster Ackis (~Ackis@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/ARL/Troll/Ackis)
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15:58.18BifuuWell i guess when i said i had to wake up before noon, 2 minutes before noon is technically before noon
15:58.59lapin_scRemy not just all input files, you must also include them in the right order.
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16:13.17nicoli_shey man
16:13.56Bifuuand ill brb
16:14.11vjeuxwe'll have a tutorial map with the ability to edit galaxy and xml with a launch_map that actually rocks and error checking :)
16:14.27nicoli_syou got the reg reading working?
16:15.07vjeuxasking the user to copy Base13xxx to Base10000 and put my own patch.sc2assets
16:15.08nicoli_sthen how will you handle the patch issue?
16:15.14nicoli_sahh cool
16:15.34vjeuxand i'm making check in-game to see if it has been done
16:15.45vjeuxif not, then I exit the game with an error message
16:16.08nicoli_sahh, using the xml reading function? very cool
16:16.30nicoli_si love that they put that in there
16:16.48lapin_scvjeux what are you trying to do with the reg?
16:16.56vjeuxlooks like it's possible to read it directly from string2text too
16:17.10nicoli_slapin_sc: so we can build our own versions folder
16:17.17nicoli_sso we dont have to worry about the gamedata map bug
16:17.19vjeuxfind the sc2 path, copy Base13xxx to Base10000 and add the custom patch there
16:17.34vjeuxbut i'm too noob at batch to do it :(
16:17.47lapin_scoh you want to to it in a batch file :/
16:18.03vjeuxlapin_sc: "return;" in a non void returning function should send an error
16:18.08vjeuxcalling a non existing function too
16:18.59lapin_sccalling a non-exiting function should give you a warning
16:19.28lapin_scvjeux here is some C++ to get path+version folder
16:19.31vjeuxdoes a warning return non 0?
16:19.40vjeuxwell, I don't want C++
16:19.59lapin_scvjeux compile it, package in the exe and call it from the abtch file ;)
16:20.06lapin_sci doubt you can do it in batch alone :|
16:20.15vjeuxcan be done with reg.exe
16:20.19lapin_scvjeux hmm
16:20.24lapin_scprobably not
16:20.26vjeuxbut i can't find how to assign to a variable
16:20.33Zoxccalling a non-exiting function should give you a error
16:21.08lapin_sci agree it should. the reason it doesn't right now is because when you just want to validate a single file, the function information is not available
16:21.28lapin_scid need to implement like two modes.. just-syntax check (standalone) and full blown
16:21.35Zoxcthat's why you have another file with native declarations which could be implictly included
16:21.37lapin_scwere in one version it would err, and in the other it would warn
16:22.04lapin_scZoxc its more then that; say if you want to run it as a web service, then all the includes cant work
16:22.27lapin_scin order to do it right, i need to implement those two modes imho.
16:23.06Zoxcand getting warnings on the "web service" is better than errors?
16:23.34lapin_scwell, right now an error will stop the parsing; a warning wont.
16:23.44Zoxcand using a web service for syntax checking is retarded
16:23.51lapin_sci guess i could make a global variable that when i warn i set to true and return that instead.
16:24.02lapin_scZoxc reatrded and fancy :D
16:24.26Zoxcnothing fancy about it, just retarded
16:24.45lapin_scvjeux would it be cool if there was an option that return non-zero if any warning has been given?
16:24.59vjeux-Werror :p
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16:26.51lapin_scZoxc well im hoping to add adds to the web version and become rich :P
16:26.56vjeuxlol :p
16:27.14nicoli_slapin_sc: is yer web version the one hosted at nibbits?
16:28.30lapin_scwell, i made a web version in C# and nobody wanted to host it. yesterday zeeg wrote a web-front end for lapin.exe
16:29.22nicoli_swell i would caution you against dealing with zeeg
16:29.46nicoli_shes already kind of made enemies with us by refusing to take down his old and broken copy of mapster TD
16:29.50lapin_scive heard. so far he just improved a service
16:29.59nicoli_spretty much saying "dmca me i dont give a shit"
16:30.15lapin_scnicoli_s hehe
16:30.30Sholdak<@nicoli_s> hey Sholdak: does the unit saving work with yer latest commit?
16:30.33lapin_scid be like O_O
16:30.36nicoli_syah just saw the logs
16:30.40nicoli_sgj man
16:30.59lapin_scnicoli_s hopefully he might change his mind down the road and everything will be cool and awesome :)
16:31.07nicoli_slapin_sc: doubtful
16:31.16nicoli_sive known zeeg for years, hes pretty stubborn
16:31.51nicoli_she actually got me my job here :P
16:31.59Zoxclol @ Brought to you by Nibbits | Powered by Lapin's Galaxy Syntax Validator
16:33.00lapin_scmad publicity :D
16:33.34vjeuxwell, at least the web interface is nicely done :)
16:34.01nicoli_sexcept it doesnt bother to hide errors that are a result of not including the other files :P
16:34.02lapin_scit still needs a fe wimprovements i think
16:34.12nicoli_sthe web interface i mean
16:34.23lapin_scits suppose to include the core files but i think something is bugged
16:34.36lapin_scya i mena the web interface too. and so does lapin.exe hhe
16:35.19lapin_scthe line numbered text area is AWESOME
16:35.38lapin_scwhen i found that javascript i was like omg <3
16:36.12Zoxcthat line numbering is broken btw
16:36.45Remyfine I'll just add some options
16:36.56Remyparse from stdin or parse from file, whatever
16:37.02lapin_scomg :(
16:37.19lapin_scZoxc what browser?
16:37.32ZoxcOpera 10.10
16:37.33vjeuxRemy: is your parser return 0 / 1 in case of syntax error?
16:37.45lapin_scah, i onyl tested in ie/ff/chrome
16:37.57Remyno it gives a line number where the syntax error is
16:38.06vjeuxI mean the return value of the program
16:38.22Remyno clue.
16:38.30vjeuxI would like to add both of your syntax checkers in the tutorial map
16:38.42Zoxcnot mine? :(
16:38.48Remyadd a syntax checker to a map?
16:38.48vjeuxZoxc: yours too!
16:39.11Zoxcwhich one? =P
16:39.11lapin_scRemy its a map skeleton to make your own maps
16:39.13lapin_sci think
16:39.51vjeuxI'm making a compilation of tools (launcher, mpq insertion, galaxy validation) and core map (sample galaxy, fresh xml, error checking)
16:40.04vjeuxto get started programming maps
16:40.20vjeuxbecause at the moment it's like hardcore as hell
16:40.26nicoli_scuz vjeux hates the editor :P
16:40.45vjeuxwell, I want to use my own text editor :p
16:41.06lapin_scid probably want that too
16:41.09vjeuxand the mwe is not advanced enough to work
16:41.19Zoxcuses his launcher and Notepad++ :)
16:42.01vjeuxZoxc: do you return 1 in case of syntax error?
16:42.50vjeuxok great
16:42.55vjeuxgoing to include it
16:43.41vjeuxis that your tool?
16:44.09nicoli_svjeux: its near advanced enough to work
16:44.31lapin_sci think the single best feature of lapin.exe is that it prints "keke, zergling rush, all your base are belong to us" when it errs
16:44.39Zoxcit's probably useless if lapin fixed his bugs =P
16:44.50lapin_sci fixeda  few, not all.
16:44.56Zoxclapin: that's just annoying
16:45.40vjeuxyeah, remove the gg and keke thing
16:45.42lapin_scthats what most people told me.
16:45.43vjeuxit's really lame
16:45.47lapin_scbut thye are ALL WRONG
16:46.13vjeuxmakes you look like you are 12
16:46.22lapin_schow wid you know :|
16:46.52nicoli_slol i think its funny :P
16:46.53lapin_scfine it shall be removed
16:47.04nicoli_speople should be able to put silly easter eggs in their coding
16:47.22Remyin case of succesful syntax checking I don't put anything in stdout
16:47.28Remybut if there's an error then that's in stdout
16:47.36Remyisn't that enough interface?
16:47.48vjeuxseems good for me
16:48.04vjeuxand the program returns 0 if exits with succes and something else if there's an error
16:52.26Bifuulapin_sc: i vote leave in the kekes lolol back to getting ready brb
16:53.18lapin_scafter years of playing sc, i learnt last month that keke meant lol. for the longuest time ever i was thinking it meant disapproval
16:55.30nicoli_si still dont even know what it means
16:56.20lapin_scit is lol apparently
16:56.32lapin_sclike. haha, jaja, keke
16:57.36vjeuxwhen you say 'lol" in alliance chat in wow
16:57.44vjeuxyou read it as "kek" in horde
16:57.58lapin_scand horde -> alliance is bur ?
16:59.26vjeuxdunno always played horde
16:59.52lapin_scsame here
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17:00.09vjeuxhey Remy
17:02.05Remyegh don't mind me sounding stupid
17:02.19Remywhen you say the program return 0 when success then you mean 0 on the stdout ?
17:02.43lapin_scRemy he means the return code sent to the operating system
17:02.52Remyright yeah ok
17:03.05lapin_scin C ints like int main() { return 0; }
17:03.23lapin_scs/ints/it is
17:04.23Remyyeah I don't even know how to specify the return value in haskell : /
17:04.59Remyok found it
17:06.19nicoli_sSholdak: gj on getting the tooltips/better icons for the placement
17:06.27Remyok works now
17:06.51Remyshall I upload the binary with the fixed return values?
17:07.45BifuuO hai im back for like 10 minutes then im gone fo a bit
17:08.46Remyhopping on a train
17:08.50Remycya in a couple hours ; )
17:13.27Sholdakso i'm trying to figure out this terrain height map format
17:14.07Sholdakit's full of 6 byte stucts
17:14.28Sholdakthe first is always 0/1/2/3, the 2nd is always 0
17:14.44Sholdakand then i think it's 2 uint16s
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17:15.42nicoli_shmm, the way i looked at it, one of the first 2 looked to be the height, with the 3rd being flags
17:15.55nicoli_sare you starting at offset 32 for the actual data?
17:16.08Sholdaki started with offset 30
17:16.24Sholdakand looked at the 2nd byte
17:16.32Sholdakerr 2nd uint
17:16.33Sholdakso same thing
17:16.34nicoli_si think it starts at 32
17:16.44nicoli_ssince the very last uint16 looks to be a flag as well
17:17.11Sholdakso i tried to render either of those
17:17.13Sholdak1 sec
17:17.36nicoli_sare you reading the uint16s as fixed?
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17:18.37Sholdakactually no
17:18.40Sholdaki can try that
17:18.55Sholdakis what i got as ints
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17:20.55nicoli_syah, they are probably fixed, which means divide by 2048.0
17:21.06nicoli_shey vjeux, have you tested the map since the latest patch?
17:21.26vjeuxjsut finished downloading back the game and installing the patch
17:21.42vjeuxlol Sholdak
17:21.43Zoxcthere is probably height and cliff-level there
17:22.19nicoli_snah cliff height is in a diff file
17:22.48Bifuuthat render looks interesting lol
17:22.53Bifuuwhat map is that?
17:23.07Sholdak2they baisically all look like that
17:23.24Sholdak2not exactly the same
17:23.29Bifuuit kinda looks like the one i cant remember the name of
17:24.15Bifuubut time for me to go to work so ill catch you guys sometime tonight
17:24.59nicoli_sSholdak2: in other files they also use uint16 as float, but you just have to divide by 2048 for it, theres diff scales to divide by for uint8 and uint32
17:27.58Sholdak2it's definately not float
17:28.18nicoli_svjeux: i think the map is bugged after the patch
17:29.00vjeuxwhat's bugged?
17:29.12nicoli_sthe enemies wont attack the pylon
17:29.21nicoli_sthey get there and just start to flee, then turn back around
17:32.31Iggyhopperwow cool redner lol
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17:40.32vjeuxI've got no problem nicoli_s
17:41.57nicoli_si think it must have been something the editor did, ill look into it
17:43.14Sholdak2so that's twilight fortress
17:43.18Sholdak2see any similarities? :p
17:43.42vjeuxSholdak2: is the render in wpf?
17:43.53Sholdak2no, it's in xna actually
17:44.16vjeuxis that possible to include nicoli_s model renderer inside?
17:44.17Sholdak2i didnt want to figure out how to render terrain
17:44.18nicoli_sSholdak2: is that using it as fixed?
17:44.31nicoli_swhich value? the first or second?
17:44.37nicoli_sand are you still starting at offset 30?
17:44.49Sholdak2first value
17:44.49nicoli_svjeux: thats the plan
17:44.58Sholdak2offset 30
17:45.01Sholdak2err 32
17:45.10nicoli_shmm damn, yeah mine looked like that too
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17:45.27Sholdak2maybe it interacts with cliffs in some way
17:45.54vjeuxit really looks like its quantified some way
17:45.54Sholdak2there's also SyncHeightMap
17:46.24nicoli_sbtw, lapin: yer syntax checker isnt detecting some error in my script
17:46.33lapin_scwhich ones
17:46.57lapin_scSholdak2 cool screenshot
17:47.21ckknightvery cool, Sholdak
17:47.50Zoxcthat'd take me a while to write in OpenGL ES 2.0 :D
17:47.51ckknighthow is the terrain map data laid out?
17:47.53nicoli_slapin, how do you want me to send it
17:48.19Sholdaki copy pasted most of the code for terrain rendering
17:48.29Sholdakjust plugged in the height map data
17:48.53vjeuxnicoli_s: :p
17:49.01Sholdakwe're trying to figure that out ckknight
17:49.30nicoli_si figured out the problem
17:49.39nicoli_sthe script isnt being saved right for some reason
17:49.43vjeuxckknight: is there a way to get download count?
17:50.02vjeuxon mapster projects
17:50.58*** join/#sc2mapster Sixen (~Sixen@
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17:51.26ckknightvjeux: hmm, not visible yet, but it is tracked
17:52.33nicoli_sso theres a bug right now with galaxy editing, working on fixing it now
17:57.12*** part/#sc2mapster Iggyhopper (~a@
18:00.39Sixennic, what can we rename the "XML" panel to make it more general?
18:01.00SixenBecause soon, the XML tab will include TXT files (GameStrings.txt) and .SC2Layout Files.
18:01.03Sixenhai2u vjeux ;)
18:01.55Repo10milkywayedit: 03sanktanglia * r34 Tools/SC2MapEditor/SC2MapEditor/Form1.Designer.cs: fixed .galaxy editing
18:02.59vjeuxbtw nicoli_s: we want many ways to start working on maps, so we can benefit multiple people
18:03.19vjeuxthis is why our 2 approachs are necessary :)
18:04.07RepoNew map: Tutorial - How to get started. vjeux (Manager/Author). Approved by sixen.
18:05.31SixenWhat'd I miss, vjeux?
18:06.05Sixenlapin_sc: You should upload your validator as a project on mapster`
18:07.11lapin_scSixen im not really interested in having a project page but if you want to create one feel free to do so
18:07.39SixenMmmm, alright. My main line of thinking was so we could DL it from there :p
18:08.09nicoli_suploaded a new version of MWE, should fix any issues with .galaxy editing
18:08.46Sixennic, there's a bug with closing the map btw. haven't gotten to look too much yet
18:08.54Sixenbut it doesn't "close" the map view
18:09.00Sixenand then you can't open another map
18:09.11nicoli_syeah thats a known bug, will fix it now
18:09.15vjeuxnicoli_s: when you click the save button without opening a map it throws an ugly error :p
18:09.53SixenYeah that too
18:10.03SixenI started to fix it, but didn't finish
18:10.12SixenNeed to add like..
18:10.29Sixenif (currentMap.exists()){}
18:10.46nicoli_slol, someone must not know how oop works
18:10.48SixenHrm, that wouldn't work.
18:10.53nicoli_si already fixed it sixen
18:11.09SixenThat too
18:13.59ShirikScytheBlade1, you would be proud
18:14.09vjeuxgrr, i'm not persuasive enough, I can't make the enemy units to move :(
18:14.25ShirikI taught someone how to play Starcraft II last night from nothingness, without any practice games, based on your advice
18:14.30Shirikand we won 2/5 games
18:14.38Shirikor was it 3/5
18:14.40ShirikI forget
18:14.42Shirikbut we won games
18:15.08Sholdakwe should probably flush the MPQ archive when we save btw
18:15.20Sholdaki think one of my maps is 16 megs at this point
18:15.41*** join/#sc2mapster Shane_ (
18:15.55nicoli_syah def
18:16.16vjeuxwant me to ask ladik to recompile the latest lib with that feature working?
18:16.42Sholdakthat would nice
18:16.54vjeuxin what form do you need it? dll?
18:17.47*** join/#sc2mapster got_Ammo (
18:17.51vjeuxhey got_Ammo
18:18.48Sixen(11:00:39 AM) Sixen: nic, what can we rename the "XML" panel to make it more general?
18:19.31nicoli_sum, i dont even know that that tab is even going to stick around honestly
18:21.00SixenIt's going to have to if we're editing GameStrings & SC2Layout :p
18:21.57Sholdakhmm, actually we're not using ladik's mpq lib
18:22.03Sholdakwe use some .net one
18:22.05nicoli_swell i was just going to add a seperatre tab for editing gamestrings
18:22.12nicoli_syah sholdak, its got some issues
18:22.24nicoli_sbut i didnt want to rewrite all the functions dealing with mpqs to use a new one
18:22.40nicoli_swhich is why to save the objects file, it has to export it to a file on disk, then import it
18:22.53nicoli_sif you try and import the objects file as a memorystream, it gets all fucked up
18:23.10Sholdakwe should just recreate the map file everytime you save
18:23.22Sholdakthat should fix the size problem
18:23.41nicoli_syah, that should be how we do it once we have stuff to handle all the diff files
18:24.29Sholdakregarding gamestrings btw, should i start loading unit names and such from there?
18:25.27nicoli_sprobably, we need to make a wrapper for it, for setting/adding them
18:26.16nicoli_sill go ahead and start on that now sholdak
18:26.25nicoli_sso we can go ahead and add a new tab for it as well
18:26.41SixenThat's why I was saying, we should rename XML to something more general
18:26.50nicoli_swe arent talking about that sixen
18:26.55nicoli_swe are talking about something different
18:27.05nicoli_sand like i said, that xml tab is just for sholdak to debug stuff atm
18:27.15SixenAh, I see.
18:27.21SixenI think it's kinda useful.
18:27.34SixenThat way anyone/everyone can see the raw XML itself.
18:33.29nicoli_ssholdak: got any suggestions/requests for how you want the gamestring api to work?
18:34.04nicoli_si figure just some basic methods for get/set based on the string path, and maybe some ones for getting/setting unit name/tooltip so you dont have to build the path
18:34.41SixenNic, also get/set the uh... keyboard shortcut
18:34.48SixenSo we can do customkeys
18:35.30nicoli_sid have to see examples of how thats done
18:35.48nicoli_sif you could get me a map/whatever that has it in it id appreciate it
18:35.57SixenVjeux said he used it in MapsterTD
18:36.13SixenAnd the author of WarKeys (CustomKeys for War3) is going to document it on mapster for us. He's a friend of mine.
18:36.50Sholdaknicoli_s: yea that would work
18:38.16nicoli_sawesome thx vjeux
18:39.00vjeuxfuck ... I just realized that basic maps do not have AI included
18:39.27*** join/#sc2mapster ckknight (~ckknight@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/CurseStaff/CurseForge/ckknight)
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18:40.02Sixenbrb, switching classes.
18:48.15*** join/#sc2mapster Sixen1 (
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18:56.20*** join/#sc2mapster Jim-Bim (
18:57.51nicoli_shey Sholdak: any idea what i need to do to make the mapinfo editing not look so weird? the grey and floating to the left is odd
18:59.33SixenIn the listview, right?
19:00.06Sholdakwell you can always just edit it inside the property grid
19:00.12Sholdaksame as we do for units
19:00.32Sholdakset up public properties for each item
19:03.40Sholdakbtw did you guys recieve any more beta keys?
19:04.01Sholdakfor that list
19:04.41SixenYou don't have a key?
19:04.51Sholdaknope :(
19:04.55vjeuxEU or US?
19:05.12vjeuxcould share my EU key if you want
19:05.25Sixendo you have a bnet account, sholdak?
19:05.34SixenIs it the email listed there?
19:05.37vjeuxhan, Sixen is dealing keys!
19:05.56Sholdakumm, no
19:07.18nicoli_ssixen: i gave my key to sholdak btw
19:07.28SixenOK then.
19:11.51vjeuxckknight: also, this is kinda weird to say "5 posts", usually it's being said "4 replies"
19:12.08ckknightinital forum thread counts as a post
19:12.34vjeuxyeah I understand that, but it is disturbing since you are the only one to count it
19:22.01nicoli_shmm, need to find a good way to deal with opening/closing maps
19:23.55Sixenwhy not just file.close();
19:24.52nicoli_swell the issue is that later on you need to import files to it
19:24.58nicoli_sand when you import files, you have to reopen it
19:25.06nicoli_sbut then you launch a map, it has to be closed
19:25.44Sixenso close it and reopen it when need be
19:25.52Sixenand for launching just check for the SC2 process
19:26.13Sixenif !process, file.close
19:26.42nicoli_swell yeah thats what im doing, closing and reopening as needed
19:26.53nicoli_sand launching doesnt really work that way
19:35.05*** join/#sc2mapster Guest92294 (~ac@
19:38.44*** join/#sc2mapster Witchsong (
19:39.55Sixenhai2u witchsong
19:42.36*** join/#sc2mapster Jack[RCDF (~JACK@
19:43.12nicoli_syah we know about it, using lapin_sc's code
19:46.17*** join/#sc2mapster Sixen1 (
19:46.22Sixen1Oh jesus
19:46.32Sixen1That's a good idea, too bad we didn't beat them to the punch
19:46.38*** mode/#sc2mapster [+o Sixen] by ChanServ
19:52.20Jack[RCDFZeeg says that his is better because you don't have to install crap
19:52.58Jack[RCDFDon't you/we have one?
19:53.03*** part/#sc2mapster Jack[RCDF (~JACK@
19:53.20*** join/#sc2mapster Jack[RCDF (~JACK@
19:54.03SixenYeah Jack, ours is an executable
19:54.07nicoli_sJack[RCDF: its easy for his to say that since he didnt do any of the work
19:54.08*** join/#sc2mapster Vaerli (
19:54.08SixenTheir is apparently online =/
19:54.19nicoli_sall he did was build a simple wrapper around lapin_sc's code
19:54.30SixenWho is zeeg btw? dcramer/
19:54.47nicoli_shes just scrambling to try and make nibbits a developer resource
19:55.16Jack[RCDFHe's hosting that contest too, for sc2 tutes
19:55.22Sixentutes? :O
19:55.30Sixenoh tuts
19:55.32*** join/#sc2mapster Kaelten (~Kaelten@
19:55.37Jack[RCDFAnd SEN is doing next to nothing
19:55.43Sixenyeah lawl.
19:55.46Zoxcyour what is a executable?
19:55.58SixenCorbo is working on a super detailed modding tutorial
19:56.06Sixenbasically a complete newbies guide to modding
19:56.10Sixenand we'll be hosting it on mapster
19:56.44Jack[RCDFNow that corbo left SEN, I seem to be the last person interested in sc2 modding, and I don't have a computer heh
19:57.12Jack[RCDFAlthough I'm buying bits for one.
19:57.22*** join/#sc2mapster Kaelten (~Kaelten@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/WoWIFA/CurseStaff/kaelten)
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19:57.30SixenHeinerman stopped sc2 modding, otherwise he'd be here too. already talked to him.
19:58.11Zoxcwhat do you mean stopped?
19:58.29SixenHe can't be bothered or something
19:58.49Jack[RCDFTBH I might leave SEN too, both admins are barely active and no one's doing much about sc2
20:15.14*** join/#sc2mapster purl (
20:15.14*** topic/#sc2mapster is | Players spreadsheet: | Pure Win: | Blizzcon 2010: Oct 22nd & 23rd
20:18.51ShakiLots of people on the forums recently
20:20.24Acolitewhere would i find a .s2ma file
20:20.42Shakion the forums
20:20.46Shakidownload SC2Mapster TD
20:20.54Acolitealright, thanks
20:21.10ShakiNo problem any time :)
20:21.19Remythe filepath specified in an include statement always starts at the root directory of the current mod directory?
20:21.26ShakiGo into settings
20:21.29Shakithe setting.txt
20:21.33SixenOh Aco... You're just looking for any .s2ma?
20:21.35Shakiand change the paths to your paths.
20:21.37*** part/#sc2mapster Acolite (~ac@
20:21.43Shakilike its usually in F:
20:22.06Shakii had to change mine to C:/Program files/Starcraft II Beta/versions
20:22.23Zoxcanyone tried to delete files in the maps to check how sc2 responds? =P
20:22.36Sixenwhich maps, zoxc?
20:22.39ShakiI sorta messed with em before lol
20:22.40SixenLadder maps?
20:22.55SixenBnet just updates the map with the correct info when you try to create a game
20:23.01Zoxcwe don't really have anything else
20:23.16*** join/#sc2mapster Acolite (~ac@
20:23.22SixenWell, custom maps :p
20:23.31Sixenaco, you're just looking for any s2ma?
20:23.32Zoxcbased on the melee ones
20:23.35SixenOr specicially that one?
20:23.42ShakiYou can download a mele one
20:23.46SixenTrue, zoxc. Until we get terraining down ;)
20:23.46ShakiThats where i got mine
20:23.51ShakiThen i tampered with it xD
20:23.58Zoxcso that's a no?
20:24.02SixenWhat is?
20:24.16Zoxcis just wondering if the melee maps have any editor-only files in them
20:24.21Acolitei was looking for the .sc2ma maps
20:24.27SixenOh. Just DL MapsterTD then :P. It's a hell of a lot oeasier than dfinding the ladder maps
20:24.28Shakii doubt it
20:24.36Acoliteill try that
20:24.38Acolitethanks sixen
20:24.39ShakiI told you that earlier
20:24.59ShakiNo one listens to me, always check with someone else.. I'm not to be trusted
20:25.10Acolitei trust you shaki
20:25.21SixenDon't ever link nibbits in here again.
20:25.35Shakiagrees with @Sixen.
20:26.10Zoxcat least it doesn't look bad
20:26.51ShakiI really didn't notice there were THIS many new people. lol, everywhere i look.
20:27.00Shakigo check the forums you'll know what i mean lol
20:28.24Acolitei can't find the dl link
20:28.34Acolitemy friend and I have been looking for a while
20:29.02ShakiWait what?
20:29.06*** join/#sc2mapster KevinDLee (
20:29.37ShakiHavent seen you before, are you new?
20:29.58KevinDLeeWow quite a few people here, yes and no.  I've spoken with Sixen in MSN and so forth
20:30.13ShakiThis is exactly what i mean xD
20:30.21Shakiso many new people! :)
20:30.50KevinDLeeIt's a nice thing to see this many people interested in map making yes
20:31.15ShakiYea, everyone here is just drooling like me over the milkyway editor they made
20:31.22Shakior am i alone with the drooling?
20:31.55Zoxcis just here to complain about the site
20:32.13Sixenacolite: He hasn't uploaded the map yet, I don't think.
20:32.14lapin_scis just here to complain
20:32.16KevinDLeeyeah, I have my team learning how to use it before we get our hands on the GE, Sixen believes that his tools will still be useful after the GE comes out so we are preparing to know how to use it to the best of it's ability
20:32.26lapin_scit can be about anything :)
20:32.27SixenHe's ran into some trouble finishing it up. Waiting on nic to fix something for him.
20:32.38SixenGood lapin, you've got the idea then :D
20:32.42ShakiYea i think they'll turn it into an addon to GE later.
20:32.57ShakiLike JassHelper was in WorldEdit for wc3
20:33.11ShakiTo help with more script and code driven thigns :P
20:33.22SixenWell, while nic and Sholdak work on the general functionality; XML and Galaxy editing, etc, etc. i'm going to poke aroudn the UI files so we can include custom UI
20:33.25Sixenwhich GE won't be supporting.
20:33.31Arthas-lapin_sc is just here to complain - You are doing it right! :D
20:33.53ShakiDid you notice the amount of people come?
20:33.55SixenHeh, HP, I totally found a post of you and I from 2008.
20:34.06SixenYeah Shaki. Back before I said anything there were only 12 of us :P
20:34.07Arthas-Sixen whaaat? =D
20:34.27ShakiEr what sixen?
20:34.34ShakiThat wasnt clear lol.
20:34.44Arthas-i suggest a forum post
20:36.43Arthas-old thread is old
20:36.49Arthas-im surprised to see that post lives
20:37.14Arthas-it was on d3 forums i was whiped, not sc2 :D
20:37.34Arthas-yeeeah, i kinda got into a war w bob
20:37.45Arthas-i found his stickied ass licking post in d3 boards unecessary
20:37.49ShakiWhat do you mean on your earlier post
20:37.52Shakiit confused me
20:37.58SixenWhat post, shaki?
20:38.10Shaki<@Sixen> Yeah Shaki. Back before I said anything there were only 12 of us :P
20:38.10SixenHP: Talking about bob_the_evil?
20:38.13Arthas-apparently, blizz didnt share my opinion and decided to wipe me
20:38.15Arthas-Sixen yes
20:38.17ShakiJe ne sais pas.
20:38.18SixenHey, bob's cool =/
20:38.37SixenIf the MVP system were still around, he'd have been the Diablo MVP.
20:38.43Arthas-yes he would
20:38.58Arthas-I most certainly would not ;p
20:38.59*** join/#sc2mapster Iggyhopper (
20:39.02Sixenhai iggy
20:39.07Arthas-wb iggy
20:39.13Arthas-so sixen
20:39.15Shakifeels ignored again.
20:39.15Arthas-welcome back
20:39.32Sixenyes, hp?
20:39.32Arthas-Sixen you need help w the ui files? a secondary input or so?
20:39.33Iggyhopperok uploading first xsd
20:39.41Arthas-or should I attack other files
20:39.46SixenWell, let's see..
20:40.03Arthas-hmm, i guess they might look much like the interface files in wow (which i have never touched)
20:40.21IggyhopperHey guess what? Galaxy editor comes in 15+ days.
20:40.24SixenYeah, they do. I haven't done much interface editing either, but whatever.
20:40.28Arthas-my finals are done for now, so is my work for other courses so now i have tons of free time
20:40.45Arthas-ive just played 3 sc2 games so far this week :p
20:40.52ShakiSo, yea
20:41.01Iggyhoppercan you highlight nerfs in red and bufs in green in wikis?
20:41.03Arthas-Iggyhopper source
20:41.04nicoli_sid say its probably more like 40+ days
20:41.05Iggyhopperfor patches?
20:41.06ShakiAnd that concludes my demonstration, any questions?
20:41.14Arthas-Shaki nope
20:41.33SixenWell HP:
20:41.36Arthas-nicoli_s way to jinx GE release :(
20:41.39SixenAnything that's red and interests you ;)
20:41.44SixenSo if you want to help me with UI, feel free.
20:41.49nicoli_sArthas-: well they said maybe by the end of april
20:41.54nicoli_sand knowing blizz, i doubt theyll hit it
20:41.55Arthas-Iggyhopper, /quit and /hey sat in a boat, /hey jumped out, who was left in the boat?
20:41.57ShakiI'm trying to get people to notice that they're ignoring me lol
20:42.09Iggyhopperany more work on the terrain viewer?
20:42.11nicoli_sshaki: no one is ignoring you, we are just talking about other stuff
20:42.17Iggyhopperthose renders looked like a nice start
20:42.17Arthas-nicoli_s i know that, but you are rubbing it in ma face :(
20:42.31Arthas-I hate the ugly truth ;)
20:42.39Arthas-Sixen aight
20:42.47ShakiWell it was all like "Ok shaki what?" then i tell em, and then i cant see my post on screen again
20:42.48SixenIggy, have you seen the new MWE?
20:42.48nicoli_sIggyhopper: Sholdak is still playing around with it
20:42.53Sholdakdunno where to go from there for now
20:43.00KevinDLeeI'm a writer, so I just stay out of the way in regards to all the programing techno babble
20:43.13Sholdakmaybe i'll think of something later
20:43.13Arthas-KevinDLee dont be like that :(
20:43.27Arthas-what project are you working on btw
20:43.32Iggyhopperso how is the structure laid out for the terrain file?
20:43.43Arthas-is the new MWE out?
20:43.44Iggyhopperin general
20:43.52Sholdaki'm just looking at the heightmap
20:43.55SixenCorbo was explaining it. Has to do with HeightMap and everythign is base off that.
20:44.01SixenAlright, gotta catch my bus. bbs.
20:44.03*** part/#sc2mapster Sixen (
20:44.06Arthas-updated 3h ago nice
20:44.08KevinDLeeour little secret Arthas, sorry but the core details won't be shared in the greater community.  The only person outside the team right now that knows of it is Sixen
20:44.14Iggyhopper~seen repo
20:44.16purlrepo is currently on #waruidev (33m 39s) #sc2mapster (33m 39s) #wowuidev (33m 39s) #arl (33m 39s) #wowace (33m 39s) #curseforge (33m 39s). Has said a total of 1 messages. Is idling for 23m 54s, last said: '[WoW] 10mementobuffs: 03persheal * r9 / (2 files in 1 directory): Added Blood Fury'.
20:44.16ShakiHe didnt even answer my question.
20:44.20Arthas-KevinDLee aight :)
20:44.23Sholdakit's a 6-byte struct with 2 or 3 flags, and the height
20:44.25nicoli_sArthas-: im working on a few things before i release a new version
20:44.25Sholdakwe think
20:44.36Arthas-nicoli_s alright
20:44.37Sholdakshould i upload that terrain testing thing to a branch on svn?
20:44.49Sholdakit requires xna so i dont want to put it in the main branch
20:44.55nicoli_snah id wait on it for now
20:45.18nicoli_sas once we figure out the format, i can probably set it up via WPF, so we wont have to use xna
20:45.19ShakiI'm bored, i can't really do much till 6pm
20:45.27Sholdakyea that's my thinking too
20:45.36nicoli_sshaki: this is not the place to announce that you are bored
20:45.37Sholdaki just used it cause it was faster
20:45.49ShakiI'll just leave
20:46.12KevinDLeeAs a tram we will share stuff with the community via the projects section of, but nothing that we deem shouldn't be released until the map is in a beta stage for the public to play around with.  
20:46.25nicoli_si just started messing around with the wpf 3d stuff yesterday and its super easy
20:47.33IggyhopperWPF 3d?!?!?!
20:47.59IggyhopperSixen approve
20:48.02Iggyhoppermy upload
20:48.11ckknightFisker needs to troll Shaki
20:48.18Arthas-ah, its the loader that makes datafiles in maps to be skipped
20:48.19nicoli_sill do it Iggyhopper
20:49.25*** join/#sc2mapster [F]Ail (
20:50.21nicoli_shey there
20:50.38Iggyhopperwho is [F]Ail
20:50.57Iggyhopper<c val="000000">colors</c>
20:51.20[F]AilWell, i'm a person.
20:51.40Arthas-wb shaki
20:52.19[F]AilStupid ip trackers
20:52.30[F]AilMy dns has failed me.
20:52.32Arthas-well at least your nick is appropriate
20:53.11IggyhopperSometimes a generated schema from a SC2 XML file is a little restrictive, so some of the larger files like AbilData and UnitData need to be edited by hand. For example, if an element has a "parent" attribute, then it will generate it as "required". That's not true.
20:54.20IggyhopperDo you know what I'm talking about?
20:54.29*** join/#sc2mapster Shaki (
20:54.32Arthas-who me?
20:54.39IggyhopperYeah sure, you.
20:54.46Sholdaksc2 treats attributes and <tag value=" "> nodes as the same thing
20:54.47IggyhopperWhoever wants to answer. Lol
20:54.52Arthas-i barely read what you typed :p
20:55.07IggyhopperYeah, I noticed that in the submenu definitions.
20:55.24Arthas-im setting editor up now, I need to play around some :D
20:55.25Sholdakgl defining that in a schema
20:55.36Iggyhopper<p> <c value="v"> == <p a="v"/>
20:56.00Shakiwouldn't it be </p>?
20:56.35Sholdakyou mean <p c="v">
20:57.10Iggyhopper<Unit><Life value="10"/></Unit> == <Unit Life="10"/>
20:58.01Iggyhopperwonder if you can have effects and events, because why else would they not just keep it to attributes and not child elements?
20:58.19Sholdakwell attributes can't have their own attributes
20:58.24Iggyhopper<LifeMax On="Event1" change="+4"
20:58.34Iggyhopperyou nevar knooooooow
20:59.26Iggyhopperokay doing unitdata schema
21:00.42ShakiDo you guys just want me to leave?
21:00.59IggyhopperOkay, so I'm just going to go right on ahead and generate all schema files. They will be uploaded as Alpha.
21:01.20IggyhopperNo editing, but people can still download them and use them pretty well.
21:01.41IggyhopperWhen I edit them, I will upload/replace new ones set to beta and release.
21:04.29nicoli_sshaki: we dont care if you stay here, but theres no need to be annoying
21:04.45nicoli_smeaning no complaining because people dont respond to you, and no needless random chat
21:05.06ShakiI want to know wether you want me to be here or not.
21:05.13ShakiNot if you care.
21:05.31IggyhopperHey Shaki, i am an hero.
21:05.38nicoli_sdude, we dont give a fuck whos in here
21:05.45nicoli_swe dont "want" anyone person to be here
21:05.49nicoli_sif you wanna be here, stay here
21:05.59Iggyhopperthe passion, the passion
21:06.28Arthas-ok really
21:06.29Arthas-that guy
21:06.35Iggyhopperuploading UnitData.xsd
21:06.39Iggyhopperas alpha
21:07.15KevinDLeeI think we finally settled on a team name.  Look for a thread named "Artisan : GE Team Formed" sometime tomorrow.  I'm hoping by then Sixen will have spoken to the rest of the people @ and that the idea for a teams section to the website will be added in the near future.
21:07.36*** join/#sc2mapster Xan (
21:07.44Arthas-KevinDLee on the mapster boards?
21:07.59KevinDLeeboth on the maspter and beta boards
21:08.06Arthas-will do then
21:08.15nicoli_sKevinDLee: if you have any features youd like to see added to the site, talk to ckknight, he can assist you assuming he has time
21:08.26ckknighthey KevinDLee
21:08.33ckknightAcolite pointed me to you earlier
21:08.38KevinDLeeI believe Sixen was going to speak to him but I can as well
21:10.05IggyhopperSo give me some history on your guys' site and what the heck is Curse?
21:10.16KevinDLeeThe idea is simple, create profiles for not only individuals but teams.  Nothing too complicated, just a place where teams can tell the community they exsist and who the members are.  Also was hoping a teams section to the forums could be added which would be a public place for anyone to try and talk to whichever sc2 map making team they'd like.  
21:10.43nicoli_sIggyhopper: curse basically started as a wow guild, which turned into a wow news/addons site, which turned into a mmo netwrok
21:11.15Arthas-hmm, i know theres been some talks about the editor not working and now its my time. I quickly swept through the boards and found nothing, upon loading a map it gives an error
21:11.27Arthas-i tried mapster td, lost temple blizz version and the hello world one from the forums
21:11.42Arthas-win7 x64. which .net was it that was required, 3.5?
21:11.45nicoli_sArthas-: its a wip, im going to be uploading a new version later tonight that should work better
21:11.47XtekAnd now we get drink in Las Vegas and harrass leaders in the dev community.
21:11.53Arthas-nicoli_s ok
21:12.17Iggyhopperwho runs curse?
21:12.19Arthas-KevinDLee more or less like moddb but sc2 exclusive?
21:12.27nicoli_sIggyhopper: our ceo
21:12.27Iggyhopperthe head hancho(s) so to speak.
21:12.29KevinDLeeAdding those features to your website means my team won't have to waste resources in tying to make a community page, I'm impressed with what you guys have created thus feel no need to try and compete for the same community of gamers.  
21:12.31Arthas-w features uhm
21:12.33Iggyhopperwho is that?
21:12.33Arthas-adapted for sc2
21:12.43XtekIggyhopper, Net
21:12.50nicoli_sIggyhopper: his name is hubert, not that really tells you much :P
21:12.55Arthas-KevinDLee you know, that is an awesome idea
21:12.58nicoli_snet is his handle
21:13.02XtekHe's french.
21:13.30Iggyhopperand who did sc2mapster?
21:13.34Iggyhopperi mean who runs that?
21:13.44Arthas-well, nobody really knows! :O
21:13.56Arthas-i checked
21:14.08Arthas-but i dont know who the core behind the site is
21:14.08nicoli_sckknight coded sc2mapster
21:14.10IggyhopperI just saw a bunch of links at the bottom of all these other sites, is that run by net too?
21:14.29nicoli_sIggyhopper:net is just our ceo, he doesnt really "run" anything other than business deals and things that ceos do
21:14.33XtekNet is just the CEO he doesn't really run the sites.
21:14.36XtekDamnit nicoli_s.
21:14.38nicoli_sour other sites are managed by various people
21:14.39Iggyhopperoh well yeah
21:14.52ckknightI run it
21:14.54nicoli_si managed the DB sites, we have community managers who manage the wikis and news sites, etc
21:14.59ckknightthat is, I coded sc2mapster
21:15.05Iggyhoppernet manages the managers of the sites, etc.?
21:15.07ckknightand I take feature suggestions from you guys
21:15.13ckknightSixen is the community manager
21:15.36Arthas-well, now its no mystery anymore :(
21:15.47KevinDLeehopefully he'll decide to join Artisan as well :P he'd be a valuable asset in our goals
21:15.49Iggyhopperughs with Xtek
21:15.59IggyhopperUHG is HUG
21:16.18*** join/#sc2mapster sztanphet (
21:17.49ckknightXtek: ugh?
21:17.56Arthas-i needs a beer ive deserved it
21:18.02Xtekckknight: Yes.
21:18.04ckknightwrt who actually "runs" sc2mapster, it's really a team effort.
21:18.11XtekI too, want a beer.
21:18.12Iggyhopperyeah i figured a team
21:18.17ckknightXtek: knock yourself out
21:18.18IggyhopperI can't, have a beer.
21:18.22IggyhopperFor I, am 18.
21:19.09nicoli_sbeers fucking gross
21:19.28IggyhopperI think liquor > beer.
21:19.35Arthas-Iggyhopper well
21:19.37XtekI concur.
21:19.39Arthas-the scotch comes after the beer
21:19.47Arthas-i need something that is cool
21:19.54Arthas-18 = legal drinking age
21:20.00Arthas-15 = penetration age
21:20.03Iggyhoppercigarettes are cool, its proven to make you 30% more cooler.
21:20.05Arthas-stop living in the past you heathen
21:20.11Arthas-fuck that
21:20.22Arthas-i started smoking when I was 19, smoked for 4 years and ive finally managed to stop
21:20.32Arthas-and really, dont ask why i started that late
21:20.39Arthas-that was just plain stupidity
21:20.50Iggyhopperpenetration age
21:20.58Arthas-although it is a fact that it lowers your condition by ~10%
21:21.04Arthas-fucking age
21:21.17XtekOm nom nom.
21:21.18nicoli_shey Iggyhopper: do you know which gamedata file determines if a building needs to be in the range of a pylon or not?
21:21.18Arthas-i dont know what its called in english :(
21:21.22Iggyhopper0 /
21:21.36*** join/#sc2mapster Witchsong (
21:22.12Iggyhoppermaybe hes invis
21:22.33WitchsongWho is invis?
21:25.08nicoli_sgoddamnit this shit is frustrating :(
21:25.19Iggyhopperwhat is?
21:25.25nicoli_strying to figure out why my creation of a versions folder isnot working right :S
21:25.48Iggyhopperooh, in program or the site?
21:25.54WitchsongDid you click the "New folder" button?
21:26.06Iggyhopperso, Directory.Create something like that
21:26.12Iggyhopperoh hey Withcsong your here
21:26.13nicoli_swell thats not the issue
21:26.48Iggyhoppertry/catch block? anything?
21:26.59nicoli_sit works fine, the issue is that once the game starts, some of the gamedata isnt loading in the right order, so i can only build the cannons near the pylon
21:27.30Iggyhopperyeah that happens, are you loading the most current version of sc2 or just the base version?
21:27.44Iggyhoppersometimes the patches overwrite data
21:28.04Iggyhopperreally, uhh. inconsistent.
21:28.51Iggyhoppernicoli_s do you have an approval queue?
21:28.56Iggyhopperi bet you do
21:30.35nicoli_sapproval queue?
21:31.19Iggyhopperuh, if i upload a file, it needs approval. So you must have some sort of list to manage approvals, or is it just on the page that has changed?
21:31.35nicoli_sapproving now
21:31.54Iggyhopperso how does it work?
21:31.57Arthas-blizzard did the wipe
21:32.02Iggyhopperno way
21:32.03Arthas-totally missed out on that
21:32.04nicoli_sthe approval queue Iggyhopper? i dunno
21:32.09Iggyhopperu dunno
21:32.11nicoli_sask ckknight
21:32.11Arthas-yeah, its asking me for character name
21:32.17nicoli_she coded it, not me
21:32.23Iggyhopperoh ok
21:32.25nicoli_si dont touch that nasty python crap :P
21:32.29KevinDLeeknight is in a wow dungeon atm
21:32.31Arthas-mmm pythong
21:32.33Iggyhopperill have to ask him later, omg python
21:32.38Iggyhopperlol thong
21:32.40nicoli_sim kidding thoug, i do like python
21:32.57Iggyhopperpython is low-level
21:32.58nicoli_si just dont flow as well using it as i do in c#
21:33.00Iggyhopperbut okay
21:33.25IggyhopperIt's just so much easier to code in C# then in C++ or anything else, really.
21:33.45KevinDLeeI still call it programing techno babble
21:33.50Iggyhopperyou don't have to remember the syntax or deal with compilers or anything, you focus on design and not typing.
21:34.00ckknightpython is higher level than C#
21:34.03Iggyhopper(as much)
21:34.06Iggyhopperwat no
21:34.25Arthas-im unable to create arthas.arthas :(
21:34.38Arthas-and arthas.hpx
21:34.46Arthas-it just whines about me using profanity :D
21:35.06IggyhopperI tried Realm in war3 once.
21:35.09Iggyhopperdidnt work
21:35.14KevinDLeejust like for some reason it consideres "mastered" profanity
21:35.17nicoli_sdamnit, i wish vjeux was here, hed know what im missing with this shit
21:35.41Iggyhopperthe sc2 mwe right?
21:36.19nicoli_swell i just need help with the gamedata
21:36.29Iggyhopperoh yeah thats right
21:36.42nicoli_sif i know which file controls if you need to build protoss units inside the pylon radius, i can figure out what im doing wrong
21:37.03Iggyhopperits not requirementdata
21:37.26Iggyhoppertry validator data
21:37.51nicoli_swell i know its one of the ones in the mapstertd
21:39.28Arthas-i would guess on unitdata
21:40.42Iggyhoppermaybe has something to do with behaviors?
21:41.12Arthas-pylon has <BehaviorArray Link="PowerSource" />
21:41.19Arthas-gw has <BehaviorArray Link="PowerUserQueue" />
21:41.24nicoli_sahhh thats probably it
21:41.36Arthas-i havent confirmed for other buildings but its prolly it
21:41.43Arthas-now back to what i was doing
21:42.46nicoli_sheres hoping this does it
21:42.57Iggyhopperyes it is in bhavedata
21:43.13Iggyhopperremove the powerlink i think
21:45.02nicoli_si figured out my problem
21:45.18nicoli_sthe editor wasnt setup to handle behaviordata, so it wouldnt load it, so it wouldnt generate a blank one for the patch
21:45.49nicoli_snow to test
21:46.01Sholdakwhat we should really do is add a way to add arbitrary files to the map
21:46.07Sholdaklike the import manager in WE
21:46.27nicoli_sfucking finally!
21:46.38nicoli_salso a good idea sholdak
21:46.44Sholdakshould be really easy too
21:48.53Repo10milkywayedit: 03sanktanglia * r35 Tools/SC2MapEditor/SC2MapEditor (6 files in 1 directory):
21:48.55Repomap will now flush on exit, now keeps track of map open/close state, added methods to load/reload that alter the state, finally fixed the patch generation to at least work with mapstertd
21:49.19nicoli_sstill gotta put out a new version of mapstertd for it to finally work 100% with the editor
21:50.29nicoli_scuz atm the mapstertd map doesnt have behaviordata in it, but it needs to have it inside the map for the editor to know to generate a blank one
21:50.51nicoli_sand without making the blank one, you cant place the pylons right
21:51.16Sholdaki see
21:51.18Iggyhopperyou can actually remove the grid-supported building too, you know?
21:51.20IggyhopperI did that
21:51.32Iggyhopperand its better then war3
21:52.03nicoli_sgoing to package up a new version of the td now
21:52.32Iggyhopperlike its a requirement or validator that the buildings must fall on certain points.
21:52.48Iggyhopperdunno how to explain it, but your smart to understand
21:54.41nicoli_sfinally, this works :) uploading the new version of mapstertd now
21:54.55Arthas-isnt the arbitrary files in the map a loader problem?
21:57.44nicoli_sArthas: the issue is that the patch that vjeux supplies has behaviordata.xml in it, so the map needs it to work
21:57.48nicoli_sbut its not in the mapitself
21:57.59nicoli_sbut thats the only way the editor can know what files need replacing
22:01.02nicoli_sok pushed out a new version of MWE
22:01.23nicoli_smind testing it out arthas, see if it still crashes for you?
22:01.35nicoli_splease make sure to fill in the settings.txt also, and run as admin
22:05.15nicoli_sor just anybody really
22:05.29nicoli_sthis shit always works great for me and then crashes as soon as someone else tries to run it :P
22:07.10nicoli_sim heading out now, so please just msg me if it works or not/the error it gives
22:07.14nicoli_slater everyone
22:08.02Acoliteill test it out
22:08.09Arthas-nope still get error
22:08.16Sholdakwhat error do you get?
22:08.25Arthas-System.FormatException: Input string was not in a correct format.
22:08.35Arthas-at several points
22:08.41Arthas-ystem.FormatException: Input string was not in a correct format.
22:08.41Arthas-at System.Number.StringToNumber(String str, NumberStyles options, NumberBuffer& number, NumberFormatInfo info, Boolean parseDecimal)
22:08.41Arthas-at System.Number.ParseSingle(String value, NumberStyles options, NumberFormatInfo numfmt)
22:08.43Arthas-for example
22:08.52Sholdakkeep going
22:09.02Arthas-im putting it on pastebin :p
22:09.18Sholdakjust give me the first line that doesnt start with System
22:09.47*** join/#sc2mapster Witchsong (
22:10.08Arthas-and that is as admin ima dload .net and try that although i want to believe w7 comes with that....
22:10.23Sholdakdo you have the map opened in winmpq by any chance?
22:10.26Sholdakor have starcraft running?
22:10.58Sholdaktried opening a different one?
22:11.15Arthas-tried helloworld map, mapstertd (previous version) and an official blizz map
22:11.16Arthas-same thing
22:11.22Arthas-or well, an error on each at east
22:11.39SholdakSystem.IO.IOException: Unable to open "D:\games\StarCraft II Beta\Files\Maps\map.s2ma"!?
22:11.50Arthas-for some reason
22:12.02Arthas-uac is completely disabled aswell
22:12.03Acoliteit looks like it works for me
22:12.07Acolitei have a map and dots n stuff
22:13.02Sholdakhmm, dunno
22:13.22Sholdakdo you have .net 3.5 installed?
22:13.32Arthas-thats what im trying to do now :D
22:13.42Sholdakok that might be it
22:14.11Arthas-now, if i only could get the installer to actually start....
22:18.01*** join/#sc2mapster got_Ammo (
22:20.38Arthas-for some reason .net wont install
22:20.58Arthas-i guess the solution is to reboot, let it patch and then install
22:21.01Arthas-i dont wanna :(
22:23.26Arthas-ah well
22:23.28Arthas-reboot! :p
22:30.07*** join/#sc2mapster Arthas- (
22:30.19Arthas-the installation started, just said use add windows features
22:30.26Arthas-where it seems like it is already added
22:30.40Sholdakso you had it installed?
22:30.49Arthas-yeah seems like it
22:30.56Arthas-i guess it comes with windows 7 after all
22:31.11Sholdakoh yea, you should have told me it was windows 7
22:31.16Sholdakumm not sure :/
22:31.23Arthas-win7 x64
22:31.26Arthas-a pro license
22:31.30Arthas-legit actually :p
22:31.36Acoliteare you guys talking about the MWE?
22:31.46Acolitehow do i add units
22:31.51Arthas-im trying to remove and re-add it now
22:31.51Acolitei clicked on add unit
22:31.54Acolitefilled in the
22:31.57Acolitegray box
22:32.07Acoliteits confusing
22:32.16Sholdakadding units isnt fully supported yet
22:32.34Acolitewhat is supported
22:32.34Sholdakerr or do you mean on the map?
22:32.40Acoliteon the map
22:32.49Sholdakyou fill in the unit id
22:33.02Sholdakin that text box next to the grey box
22:33.08Sholdakso "Zealot" for example
22:33.12Acoliteand i get that id from the unit list
22:33.15Arthas-Sholdak are you familiar w the different version of visual studio?
22:33.16Sholdakand then you the player #
22:33.28Acoliteunder player #
22:33.30Acolitei put 1
22:33.33Acolite2 3
22:33.49Sholdakand there should be a red dot on the map where you put it
22:34.17Arthas-is 2k8 sp1 the latest?
22:34.23Acoliteand what scale
22:34.24Arthas-except for beta then ofc
22:34.27Acolite1 is default?
22:34.32Sholdaki think so
22:34.36Acolitefor x y z
22:34.38Sholdakand 2008 should be fine
22:35.16Sholdakerr right click on the map
22:35.21Sholdakand add the unit from there
22:35.26Sholdakit should fill in the position for you
22:35.37Acoliteunits added
22:35.40Acolitebrb, gonna test
22:35.56Sholdakuse test map btw
22:36.07Acolitewhen i do that
22:36.10KevinDLeeAcolite is that you in vent? or is that a different guy? lol
22:36.13AcolitemapsterTD 1.1 comes up
22:36.16Acolitethats me in vent
22:36.30Sholdakfrom any map?
22:36.43KevinDLeeoh he is using different spellings of his name so I was just wondering
22:36.53*** join/#sc2mapster newbiz (
22:37.01Acolitebecause i used acolyte as my mIRC name or something
22:37.04Acoliteand it messed everything up
22:37.28Arthas-does torrentleech work for you guys?
22:37.38Acolitesholdak, one more question. When i choose test map, the directory for lazylaunch comes up
22:37.52Arthas-also, does anyone know if msdnaa personell reads requests during weekends? =p
22:38.09Sholdakyou need to setup basepath and launcherpath in settings
22:38.15Sholdaklauncherpath=G:\Games OLD\StarCraft II Beta\lazylaunch2.exe
22:38.15Sholdakbasepath=G:\Games OLD\StarCraft II Beta\
22:38.19Sholdaksomething like that
22:38.35SholdakArthas: no idea
22:38.53Sholdakwhat do you want from them? :p
22:39.03Arthas-visual studio 2k8 :p
22:39.11Sholdakyou can just download express
22:39.14Arthas-i dloaded it once from them but that ended up w a stall for 20h on 33%
22:39.21Sholdakit should work with out project, i think
22:39.22Arthas-and at install from image it whined on a file not being readable
22:39.35Arthas-I could :p
22:39.53Acolitemy added motherships aren't showing
22:40.05Arthas-is it possible to compile the entire project on win7 if i get express and binaries doesnt work?
22:40.14Sholdakshould be
22:40.45Sholdaki use windows 7
22:40.50Arthas-64 or 32?
22:41.08Sholdakit really doesnt matter
22:41.16Arthas-then someone just hates my computer :D
22:42.49Acolitedoes this look correct for the "launcherpath" settings in the settings.txt file: C:\Users\******\Desktop\Mapedit\MapsterTD 1.1
22:43.52Arthas-Sholdak, error on hello world map
22:43.58Arthas-ive tripplechecked the settings.txt aswell
22:44.08Arthas-on lost temple blizz edition
22:44.29Arthas-if you want me to try something just shout :)
22:45.09Sholdakwait thats a totally different error
22:45.14Sholdakthan the other one
22:45.46Arthas-i wonder....
22:45.50Arthas-whats the checksum for the rar?
22:46.03Sholdaki'm pretty sure it's just the map
22:46.19Arthas-do you know a map that *should* work
22:46.23Sholdakdo these maps have embedded unitdata.xml?
22:46.34*** join/#sc2mapster Hjalte (
22:46.34Arthas-I guess the program wont fill an empty mpq w stuff
22:46.42Arthas-lost temple shouldnt have, lemme check
22:46.46Sholdakor did you modify your unitdata.xml
22:46.53Sholdakin base mpq?
22:47.27Arthas-as far as LT goes it has terraindata.xml and waterdata.xml
22:47.33Sholdakthat's fine
22:47.35Arthas-nope, all files should be clean
22:47.47Arthas-ive only unpacked the td map into /files/maps/
22:47.48Sholdakhmm, did you patch sc2?
22:48.07Sholdakwhy would you have different data than anyone else
22:48.25Arthas-i shouldnt
22:48.27Sholdakuhh, its saying there's some tag thats supposed to have an integer
22:48.30Sholdakbut doesnt
22:48.32Sholdakin unitdata
22:49.33Arthas-regarding my wtf that is
22:49.50Sholdakanyway we should probably have some kind of error handling for that
22:49.53Arthas-neither of the two examples have unitdata in em
22:50.15Arthas-ill gladly try it out ones you upload it :p
22:51.25Arthas-i just noticed the big continue button to the left of quit
22:51.37Arthas-hitting that it actually loads up map info, scripts obhects and units
22:51.42Sholdakoh lol
22:51.51Arthas-i am not awake :\
22:51.52Sholdakit still shouldnt give you that though
22:53.14Arthas-i guess redrawing the window on maximize is coming later on
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23:04.00newbizis "Sixen" going to come tonight ? anyone
23:04.09KevinDLeemost likely
23:04.39newbizhave any idea of when ? :P
23:04.57newbizseems we're not on the same gmt ^^
23:05.07KevinDLeemaybe someone here cananswer any questions you may have
23:05.48newbizoh, in fact, he sent me a mail about SC2 replay parsing
23:06.08newbizjust wanted to speak with him, and convince him to participate ^^
23:07.25Acoliteregarding the MWE, when I click "test map" the directory where lazylaunch pops up
23:07.27Acolitewhat do I do then
23:07.38Acolitewhere lazy launch is pops up*
23:11.20*** join/#sc2mapster Remy (~d4b69c22@gateway/web/freenode/x-rjrsliaidcgydtnn)
23:11.29Sholdakit should automatically launch the map
23:11.50Sholdakbut i guess you can just manually find it
23:12.00Sholdaktest map saves it before launching atm
23:12.49Arthas-Sholdak units preview isnt supposed to work right?
23:13.10Sholdakwhat do you mean? the model?
23:13.22Arthas-when opening mapstertd for example
23:13.28Arthas-it lists all objects, all mapinfo
23:13.36ckknightwaves at the nice people
23:13.39Arthas-but under units all i get is pylon
23:13.42ckknightso many new names
23:13.42Arthas-hey ckk
23:13.59Sholdakthere's definately something very messed up with your unit data :o
23:14.08Sholdakit should have a full list of units there
23:14.17Arthas-of all the units in the unidata file?
23:14.28Iggyhopperhi guys
23:14.39Iggyhopperomg our game is looking soooo awesome
23:14.42Arthas-anyway for me to push a debug file out or so?
23:14.50Arthas-if that would help ya
23:15.58Sholdakhmm, not really
23:16.14Sholdakinstall vs and debug it :p
23:16.24Arthas-gief url :p
23:17.33Arthas-Visual C# 2008 Express Edition that one i assume
23:19.14Arthas-i need to make a night snack :D
23:21.16Arthas-ok i just have to share this, i found it funny :D
23:22.13*** join/#sc2mapster valkrial (
23:23.03Sholdakour abilityflags documentation isnt complete :(
23:24.03Arthas-I wonder..... after playing around w editor I need to try a dungeon-ish map ala zelda :p
23:27.01Acolitei still cant get units to appear
23:27.03Acolitelet alone doodads
23:30.47*** part/#sc2mapster newbiz (
23:30.55Sholdakis there anything under objects?
23:35.48Arthas-Sholdak that package just gave me the remote debugger for visual studio
23:36.19*** join/#sc2mapster Sixen (
23:36.19*** mode/#sc2mapster [+o Sixen] by ChanServ
23:37.57Sholdakthat's for client-server apps
23:38.10Sholdakanyway headed, brb in a while
23:38.15Sholdakgl getting it work
23:38.20Arthas-ty :p
23:39.45Sixen~seen newbiz
23:39.46purlnewbiz <> was last seen on IRC in channel #sc2mapster, 33m 38s ago, saying: 'just wanted to speak with him, and convince him to participate ^^'.
23:39.56*** join/#sc2mapster ShadowTiger (~63a08026@gateway/web/freenode/x-kjwvwkfkmdwjxftj)
23:40.39Arthas-wb Sixen
23:40.52Arthas-now its my time to leave :D
23:41.01Arthas-later guys
23:43.49valkrialis there a proper place to report bugs for milky way?
23:44.39valkrialan unhandled exception gets thrown if you try to "launch map" without a map open.
23:45.20SixenYeah valk, that's fixed in the next build
23:45.24SixenBut hmm
23:45.32valkrialcool deal
23:46.07SixenStick them in General Chat for now
23:46.13SixenIf it gets to be too much, i'll open up a new forum
23:46.37valkrialk. good to know
23:47.29ckknightwait, he turned off ticket tracking
23:47.34ckknightI'm turning that on.
23:47.48ckknightvalkrial: ^--
23:47.58valkrialeven better :)
23:48.31Fiskermy dissappoint level ckknight
23:48.33Fiskerover 9000 :(
23:48.43ckknightFisker: wrt?
23:48.53Iggyhopperok so im editing the editor, probably uploading a new ver of the file in a couple minutes
23:48.59Iggyhopperor EZ modder
23:49.18ckknightFisker: is this about nVidia?
23:51.10SixenNice, iggy
23:51.42*** join/#sc2mapster Bartons (
23:52.05nicoli_sarthas: if when opening up the mapstertd you only see the pylon, then your paths arent setup right
23:52.18nicoli_sit means it cant find the base data mpq to get the base gamedata from
23:52.40nicoli_sbut now im gone again, acookin

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